dee ta ee 内, eee a ee a 八 > hse, mm Per Pm,’ 一 mm 一 一 - 人 < f \ eee ere Se f ~ -—. Are ge, A Ny FY eT tee ~~ a pm > > <> ~ ele IE SSS tI Deo tN ERD Lee 一 mm 牛人 -一 一- 一- 一 - 一 MEDICAL VOCABULARY? ENGLISH AND CHINESE. BY BENJ. HOBSON M.B. LOND. OF THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. SHANGHAE MISSION PRESS: 1858, The Osseous system. The Articulations. The Muscles. The Circulating system. The Nervous system. Sense of sight. Sense of hearing. Sense of taste. Sense of smell. Sense of touch. The Organs of digestion. The Digestive function. The Thoracic viscera. On the circulation of the blood Urinary apparatus. The secretions. The general functions Names of external parts. Terms used in medicine. Terms used in surgery. Surgical instruments. Surgical operations. Terms used in midwifery. Infantile diseases. Names of medicines. Properties of medicines. Operations in pharmacy. Weights and measures. Elements of natural science. 99 wa ee 2 Sear 4 be) 区 1 | | i : i ; | 上 ali z ia k e y ge Ly ee VOCABULARY OF TERMS USED IN ANATOMY, MEDICINE, MATERIA MEDICA, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, &c. OF oe Se FS ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 4: fie ah fe A Tue Ossrous System. A> ao rad — The skeleton. The shape or form of bones. The shaft or body. The superior extremity. The inferior extremity. The anterior and posterior surface. Long and short bones. Round and flat bones. Thick and thin bones. Their smooth or rough surface. Their structure hard or pliable. Their form straight or crooked, 交 这 全 体 之 骨 a it < JE SAA i SL th Capillaries or very minute vessels. tit ¥ re ff ‘es The arterial system. iit ik 大 小 ee Aorta or great artery, Pa A PE Pulmonary artery. we ih i. Ka > The arch of the aorta, at ‘lal Dik = Ait The chief branches of the aorta. The left and right carotids. Their (principal) branches, Tracheal artery. Lingual artery. Facial artery. Occipital artery. Temporal artery. Maxillary artery. Anterior & posterior cerebral arteries. Opthalmic artery. Subclavian artery right and left. Brachial artery. Radial and ulnar! Palmar arch. Arteries of the fingers. Thoracic aorta. Abdominal aorta. Intercostal branches. Gastric or artery of the stomach. Hepatic or artery of the liver, Artery of the spleen. Superior and inferior mesenteric. Renal or kidney arteries, The iliac arteries, The iliac or pelvic branches. Femoral or artery of the thigh, Popliteal or artery of the knee, Anterior tibial artery. Posterior tibial artery, el i BE He Se SS 7c OR SH Wi 3 Sp Se ne DG EF Die € el Ee HK BA 4% MK Te GFW EF LA ik FP OR Hibs ise Tn BE WR EF HR Re Fe AG IR LF aK EF A A} OR et FP XD DR EF Ze Ft F 4h Ay Xp We SF fia PR) A ia IR la Bl VA TS 88 Bk et yer BR 8 A AE HO BF DR EE Fe DR EF Ay GH BE DK ye OK AVI Fe HK WKF AN Wi Fe A IR FE Ae JiR S$ He BY RS AY SE wir DR EF AN NE DR Deep and superficial branches of foot. A- vie Oe Wk 2 Muscular branches. Anastamosing branches. JD BS RE 4 EK AP Dk €& AB GH A} 3z THE VENOUS SYSTEM. Superior vena cava or great vein. Inferior vena cava or great vein. Pulmonary veins. Veins of the head and neck. Veins of the arm. Veins of the leg. Veins of the abdominal viscera. Valves of the veins. Coats of the blood-vessels. The lymphatics or absorbents. The thoracic duct. 9 TL A Ab 12 I ne & A iin ae Juki A FEL I. The lymphatics of the head and neck. BB | 吸 We ie Do. of the upper and lower extremities. > A De Wig es fee The lymphatics of the viscera. The lymphatics of the mesentery. The mesenteric glands. The lymphatic glands of the neck. The glands of the groin. The glands of the axilla. Ay ik Wk vee Ba Wk We Be Ba RAS hi SY hi Jie SL A SE <2 Nk Y Lx it Tur Nervous System. AS Be ike eel er i Bu 用 Cerebrum or large brain, The general form of the brain. a ~ 5 本、 ee eS a < werd TX Wis <2 AS lis < HE The investing membranes. Dura mater or outer membrane. Arachnoid or double investing ditto. Pia mater or inner investing ditto. The summit and base of the brain. The size of the brain. The weight of the brain, The consistence of the brain. The external convolutions. The anterior and posterior fissure. The two hemispheres. Anterior middle and posterior lobes. Horizontal and vertical section. White and grey matter. 9 hs ha = Je HS << Ah Hel et Hes Hic AeA Ia << PY He Hos 78 Hin JES fis fe Ek ! 较 或 大 或 小 nS AE HO HES Fa BS ak 腾 Ah a Ye Be RE th < Pe 2A Whe 9 HW 42 he HS Je HH fia I A He Fe = he Sil EL Al A BL RS Et JK Great commissure or connecting fibres. fil] IY 中 AW 3H Yl we The lateral ventricles. A Je i CH fh Anterior middle and posterior cornua. K We 前 中 人 后 Fi 形 The small ventricles. The cerebellum or little brain. Two lateral lobes. Internal pinnated leaf appearance. Medulla oblongata or head of spinal cord. K 脑 <4 » fie 2 The spinal cord or marrow. A Ab ie AS ES AN ABS Ae A Ay NS ha Bi a a ie El ws BA 符 il Hd The investing membranes of the cord. AF a id PY 处 ig a Anterior and posterior fissure. Appearance of a cross section. Grey and white matter. Anterior and posterior columns, Anterior column or seat of motion. AF ie BS WI £2 KE hea Bll FF a Ar HL AP HIR 1 G 4y Ha Wi 2 a EE Bi FE Sai By Oy FA Posterior column or seat of sensation. 4K 杜 a Ft se Vj 用 B PRD Pa Rae TOR ROE Sey EE SST AOE TTR == Sa vier aay tte VIAN ae a aa — oe ee SSS Cp LA PE IO PF RO in FE Ae 10 Cranial nerves, nine pairs, 左 ra Fes 32 PC JP Ju Ear lst pair or olfactory nerve. 第 wd ay A 3} 孔 司 we 2nd pair or optic nerve. 第 wees ey 入 ARR 司 网 8rd pair or motor nerve of the eyelid. 第 ais i] Paeu ol 1 {if a 胞 f obli 4th aide padi nerve of oblique 第 [ 叫 | si i iA ARR 内 ed eae oie, oe ee IL AN SO i 6th pair or motor nerve to the eye. 3 六 > St 八 AR i 内 7th pair or motor nerve of head and face. ay 十 本 | A BA IH] B 司 SH 动 The second branch or auditory nerve. 第 45 a 又 一 5-2 人 耳 司 ia Sth pair or pneumogastric nerve, 第 JN eT A AW Arh 三 可 9th pair or lingual nerve. 第 Ju 对 ao 动 a Spinal nerves—31 pairs. 左 He IO, 0 fj = -+ 十 一 对 Their anterior and posterior roots. el hi 前 LB 根 Anterior or motor root. Bi 根 Sih 动 功 用 Posterior or sensitory root. 后 He ‘il be 功 用 The two roots unite & make one nerve. fj Ht FF a] 人 饥 一 — Ff Eight pairs distributed to the arm. /\ 对 分 八 全 ig Twelve pairs to chest and abdomen. zs até eh 分 {ffi 胸 腹 Five pairs to front part of thigh and leg. Tt. af A 小 腹 及 RR Az By Six pairs to back part of thigh and leg oN 对 分 tii WE XE te The many knotted orsympathetic nerve. ey He r=} if fh The brain is the instrument of the soul. HS = nee PE a A NY) The source of sensation. ies 知 多 局 4, Pd 原 The ruler of the entire body. 党 By iy i=] Ae x. 二 The hands and feet are its servants. 手 是 Pe Ae 2 使 The senses are its inlets or doors. Th. EB Ixy sites a PY 后 saat and nerves are all con- FSS Hie ii = = 种 相 sii i 应 No place is destitute of nerves. ik 氟 th {itt ya xX 到 Their reflex action. 18 We 4£ 来 FH 党 Si 动 11 r influence i asing in The Bias 7 aca is unceasing in ik Hs 之 所 功 用 Ke 息 Undue action produces convulsion. Ag Wi we 用 Fi Hi) Loss of nervous power is paralysis. AS J Fe BH Tue Sense OF SIGHT. AR = he 用 The eye. The eyeball. The eyebrows. Upper and lower eyelids. Orbicular or closing muscle of the eye. The elevator of the eyelid. The eyelashes. Tarsal cartilages. The tarsal follicles. Internal and external eamthus. Caruncula. Lachrymal apparatus. Lachrymal gland. Puncta or lachrymal openings. Lachrymal ducts. Lachrymal sac. Nasal canal. Conjunctiva of the eye and eyelid. The cornea. The sclerotic coat. The choroid or vascular membrane, The retina or nervous membrane. The optic nerve or cord. The iris. AR A 眼球 AR Ja 上限 上 下 胞 kb Tig eB A Ligh RBA 眼睫毛 fee kt P a's pia Fi 3 ee Py Xp wh Py Hk 生涯 之 器 PR AY, Ay ae PE Ab FL REP A BRE Fe fg JE BY AB A BY 54 FA AR Et ip tit #4 FB wh Ais 3 HK Wk A AB Hie | | | | | OE ee ROT Pe aor Ee ET TE ee RE pe ey = — ene IY 本 四 Hi He 12 i 3H 42 PAA Le The ciliary processes. Rix fie be ol ae Ve. 下 The pupil. im 人 i. + yy) | ih The crystalline lens. His ER Le +E Bz fs Its capsule or coat. Hs ZN 4K i 4. i Anterior chamber. BL Wr i whol Be. i Posterior chamber. fe WF Aqueous humour. a 人 后 We aK Vitreous humour. K ie] 水 | Hyaloid or transparent membrane. 大 siz, 内 54 HA 4K | : The muscles of the eyeball. BS if Eye 内 | 4 A cushion of fat in the orbit. AR ae 内 肥 4 Sie Blood-vessels and nerves of the eye. ft 中 i Pe Hs Sy i The wonderful function of the eye. AiR Ee 功 用 Hite tA Wy The eye is the most important sense. Ap Fx by Pe zy Both eyes act simultaneously, aa ARR 功 用 五 Ke No difference in structure or function. Ra AR ne 用 fi 别 They are protected in front by the eye- lashes and lids. AR He ie = FE Bi 保 te Around and behind by the orbits. AR or. ee He AR Efe 周 图 | Their movements are rapid and inap- preciable. 3 AR ay an if 人 =| 不 ia The eye is round like a ball. AR [A] Ay ER The eye and light are mutually adapted. BR Edd 光 相 合 nit) 有 A Can perceive distant and near objects, AR HE tas it =i Ra Can see minute as well as large objects. IR BE 小 大 +e FA Can distinguish form and colour. AR HE A» Bil jE ff, It informs the mind of the outer world. f& HE >} ry Ath 事 了 26G( late itself to strong and 7 a ccmmnce HME MOM 8a Bp ep The iris or curtain protects the retina. fk i, fie £5. He HS Iii He The pupil dilates or contracts according | i to the light. lt A MUAH A ee 13 The colour of the iris varies in men. 人 Ale fits 色 不 lal Light travels in straight lines. 光 i Ht Xs 曲 Passing through convex glasses, it is . FEY te epi to a focus. % ‘ HE AQ Hi 出 | Gi We 聚 Through concave glasses, the opposite. We 373 173 a [H] era He 并 The cornea is transparent and convex rl | 和 大 时 like a watch-glass. 明 名 Fy 明 et 如 WN The I f-t) fect] e shire a of-the eye are perfectly AR Mi 4% 再 K Hit 清 The am lens is clear and con- rt: ak 明 re 而 My Rays of light must enter the pupil to : ein visible. 光 Shy 人 | lif Kae RE St Passing the cornea and humours, they ' ee gta nes action. | 区 A FL KX x Ais 水 而 收 Ke The image or object i ainted on the =. eo. ts nA Wt # 7 Z HO We i ih Hd HK 如 a The optic nerve transmits its impres- we Et ies , an the bentis, | ae i fe Wy 3 we 至 pg HH St The image is always inverted in the eye. Py $2 , Bp HR jx 倒 The farther the object, the smaller its 南昌 0 合 image, Un St Wy @ 还 系 / 项 AI Ab qT the object, the 1 t nearer the uc argon top an ee fir The image in each eye is blended ‘into 了 一 A se ih ER = Rm? A i ts Eyes out of axis have double vision. = 7} 省 A iy — 形 人 The black pigment absorbs all the light. a “aH 4K pe 光 ff 不 4 iB The bl: ] il, the el I 16 iin the pupil, the clearer the iBa 人 从 BA jy ii fix 明 了 | » lively it res, the b 下 16 TS Se ie the better lip K y babe ake Hi) Mis fig AY Vision is affected by theslightest injury.jiH) 人 i rr at 和 Al] 不 明 A little opacity of th 1e: ders . 一 pki e cornea renders 明 角 By JB 歧 ES Bu mid x BA To +h convexity causes near- 0 和 y causes near 明 角 =] Ik My X i 能 B sit Want of convexity, far-sightedness. 明 gf Fy 2p. Xe fig t= VT Convex, glasses can rectify flat eyes. 出 | Gai BE 14 AR $i Be as Concave glasses, prominent ones. Sight neither strong nor weak suits vision best. The eye and ear mutually assist each other. The eye guides the hand and foot. 14 iy 8 RE Ya BA Hh Bs eK KHIR FG i He EF Ze aH Be 5) 4 FA ih AA In the embryo the eye is first formed. ia 中 oe Hy 初 有 His But who can declare how? tL A Bb te BE fie Tue Sense OF HEARING. b= = ue 用 The ear. The pinna or lobe of the ear. The cartilage of the ear. The auditory canal. The wax of the ear. The middle ear or tympanum. The membrane of the tympanum, The eustachian tube. The small bones of the ear. The small muscles of the ear. The internal ear or ‘vestibule, The semicircular canals. Cochlea or spiral passages. The organ is safely encased in bone. The delicate membrane of the inner ear. The limpid fluid of the inner ear, The auditory or hearing nerve. Fa] The external ear collects the sound. 耳 耳 处 输 EF fin RI EF Ah FL Ell EE Xp Be FR = + Bae i Ts ip aS Pi Jf PERO EH ait Zag Be OE +6 Se} at 亚 er Ey oh SSR SS Sa eset Ba HEH BB 2cRR 3 a & 5 Nas a fe ik S The air of the middle ear transmits it. 中 4 ai ‘ 传 ie 音 The small bones also do the same. AA Be VY br OR FS ee 人 15 The ner renames of the inner ear 内 oF Fis $i 如 网 $e rats 音 Tl TVe transmits tl to tl : 16 ah a mits the same to the cA ye fh fil i vA Wes 而 能 Efi The ear can distinguish the intensit 4) :s ir Nisa istinguish the intensity 耳 官 能 Fl 大 小 i 音 Can distinguish its distance. 耳 ‘Ee 能 Eiki tae is ig =] Can pm gS the most delicate Ef = 能 分 别 八 音 It instantly transmits them. 耳 im {4 jg AY SH Man’s sense of heari . fi \ mat than that of anitals, NEP BRD 3 BR Obstructi f the outer ear interfe with beariai outer ear interferes Ah 中 ze 出 jee Xe qi 而 Be Disease of tl iddl ? ] x == eornatindbeny middle ear occasions 中 oy 有 病 fii iz x oe Disease of tl ire | f ina ene nerve, entire loss o 内 er i 氟 Hi a Bij xX 能 Eat ae produced by vibration of the ER 5 控 动 而 全 fez Tl ore rapid the vibration, th 16 pase beeen ration, the mare ay 控 动 AY 速 Fit An By The more slow, the more grave. 氟 AG 动 43 i lee ius EK Solids transmits sounds the best. Wy a4 Bl {iii ee 侍 at Fluids and gases more slowly. IK Ea 氟 {iit ig DE he Tue Sense or Taste. 口 本 之 ys Wwe The tip of the tongue. Ww ae se The surface of the tongue. re ed jal Papillz of the tongue. 十 fe R fi The freenum or cord of the tongue. Wy JE: Thi 1 Several muscles unite to form the tongue. 内 会 nit hy, 百 Its root is attached to bone. ne 根 Ea ‘A AH 3H The muscles by their action move the tongue. 内 ff MA itt 动 wa he bias The motion is so quick as to be unper- i A ha 7 ts ae ail X A § 4 L(t i po ay ceived. | ‘ Salivary glands keep the mouth moist. Vy KY 生 水 ies H a | i A dry tongue loses the power of taste. rey Evy, Bl 不 eu 味 t The nerves of the tongue are humerous. ns] Ha iis A 其 FX 多 | i The tongue distinguishes every taste. Wr A} 别 4S te | [iach substance has its own taste. 4S Wy a 有 本 Hh Tastes are pungent and insipid. He 有 es IR IPR | ts Sweet, acrid, bitter, and salt. 味 有 甘 WE a -- Ea | If taste is lost there is no appetite. 口 i i 味 All 不 i 食 LR Et ie ek . ore js j Children dislike strong flavours. 小 Fe 1 The aged take delight in them. oo a. Fy Taste and smell are closely connected. KE Bil . “ | , a. Wy INSE ; ry ¥4 ¥ Tue SENSE oF SMELL. 5Fh = 天 A = The nose is in the middle of the face. 5¥}. Kk; 面 中 | TF; The bridge of the nose. a. Zl = | a ; The tip of the nose. Be. if 5 The cartilages. 4 = The external openings. i 处 了 Separated by bone into two halves. 5}. ie ey 分 3 A => The anterior and posterior nostrils. LI I $l t& FL The lining membrane. Ea. 内 Fe ee ae : Ue 47 Nerves ramify upon it. ies x IG V4 i 内 g | The olfactory branches are many. fa KS 其 52 多 a 村 这 Ea Ap - 讨 到 上 The nose distinguishes odours. L= ss HE 别 | a=) pt Their vehicle is the air. 54 AK aR Each odoriferous body has its own smell. Wy 香 a; a 有 I Bh BR ik Dryness of secretion occasions loss of 4 pot ea smell. ss EP, aK : 17 The larger the surface, the keener the 3 ey 窗 大 天 fin an es sense. This sense in animals is superior to man. Ea 闻 = An wR 人 Odours are weak and strong. 内 有 y 次 Pleasant and disgusting. Infants have scarcely any smell. os ia ici The aged have a keen sense of smell. + A Fes Fragrant odours refresh the spirits. 内 x #i Disgusting ones destroy the appetite. A=) Be “a att = A é ba ba x BBN 办 => mi 过 sane ep Tue Sense or Tovucu. 手 知 学 The fingers are the chief sense of touch. 手 44 Can take the place of sight. 手 知 This faculty improves on exercise. 手 a it fe The blind can read by their fingers. 下 者 yy 手 aa py 学 By allay form &c. of bodies is 省 SIF Wy ri 形 质 pia 者 The human hand is a wonderful in- 手 含 最 震 2 strument. The fing d lied with 16 is s are best supplied wit 4K ie He eR SH 最 多 This sense is imperfect in infancy and ma 幼 人 手 spy ih y oe old age. THe ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 1 化 K 食 a ay oe & =) 3 BD Pt Hae 到 有 E —_—— The alimentary canal. fk 食 经 024 x 路 A lining membrane connects the whole. 骨 内 ia Ed J 78 3H The mouth. The pharynx or gullet, 有 CEsophagus. 食 The abdominal viscera. Hey f Bay Hie C 和 一 一 18 Stomach, 骨 Small intestines. 小 Bi Large intestines. 大 BB Liver. HF Pancreas or sweet-bread. tif 内 Spleen. je Each organ from mouth downwards. 口 至 AL PA 4S ab Ar YA The boundaries of the mouth. 口 < ae Before are the lips and teeth. The roof is the palate, The sides the cheeks. 口 过 左 Ai 篇 AR The tongue its floor. 百 Fa J jizz Behind is the curtain or soft palate. 口 人 后 ie fet EH WE 内 Its inferior border the uvula. i The tonsils. ie ie tp FE 右 玫 1) Parotid glands. 耳 Submaxillary glands. A Te Sublingual glands. ny EG Seven openings of the pharynx. WE HL Communicates above with the nostrils. Pe Hi Be. eit On either side with the eustachian tube 左 右 Ai With the mouth in front. i 38 With the trachea below. 下 3H vay ie Inferiorly with the cesophagus. ~ Z 5H 食 ie? Its cross and longitudinal muscles. er BY i. Foy Ta $l (Esophagus is behind the trachea, rE 企 Se ee 后 Is in front of the vertebra. 食 eS 在 至 | BA ey Hy Passes through the diaphragm to the oe ad stomach. ER REA A 8 The stomach is beneath and on the left side. Bei RCE Its cardrac orifice. Its form as a curved bag. Its left part the largest. Inferior mouth or pylorus. Omentum on its inferior border. The three coats of the stomach. The middle or muscular coat. The inner or villous coat The outer or peritoneal coat, The boundaries of the stomach. The diaphragm above. The spleen on the left. The liver on the right, The transverse colon below. The panereas behind. And wall of the abdomen in front. The intestinal canal. The duodenum or curved part. It touches the gall-bladder in front. 19 胃 上 口 名 竟 和 站 i Je AT ith au Se Hi Ze bin Fe 3 A ia 胃 POSwR Fa AC We ET HR HA =) Hf) et By iL Rh BE Py Jes ie Hl FA es Ap Jes Gil FL AB el HR A x HR iia FAY ZE =| i Be WRG A Ze Te fh HTH Hh aie 骨 t% J: BS ee ZE Bai 小 肠 大 肠 之 路 AN We 5A th YW Je EL pay Receives the biliary and pancreatic ducts, th at AE He 管 Git Bi 2 Small intestines are long and convoluted. AW IB ite in nh ri Ha They open into the large intestines. 小 HE 下 口 A 大 HB The mesentery connects them with the spine. In its folds are many blood-vessels and lacteals. AN K Wa Heb WRG OR 脾 间 多 血管 吸 液 管 oe transverse, and descending Fe BB 分 - 中 下 到 A The cecum is in the right iliac fossa. K iB BA 在 AL ig iG 下 Its worm-like appendage. Ascending colon has the right kidne behing it, In front is the abdominal wall. Edd) BA An ts) BB T be it Ft Bs JL tee eee 20 oa eC eB Ee eae. PaAReEe Curved portion or sigmoid flexure. 下 Ay] =z ps = Al 曲 The rectum or straight intestine. Hh 不 rs 下 名 目 HB | Behind is the sacrum. TEL HB 在 EB DAN yp 前 Before the bladder, | lB B 在 ie HE 人 抬 Intestines have 3 coats like the stomach./}) K HB 皮 有 = 层 The liver-is the largest of the viscera. HF AE isk He 中 ate AY ae Is suspended by four ligaments. AF 有 四 Hi 请 Be +E Superior surface smooth and convex. bo 界 处 ist] BI 出 | 而 请 Divided into right and left lobes. HF 4> AA The right considerably larger. iG Be: K ste} 左 BE Inner surface irregularly concave. HF 内 rit] 出 | [H] 不 平 Inferior border is thin and sharp. HF 下 界 Iii yi in Ht | Colour of the liver is deep red. HF 色 yw Its substance is dense and heavy. AF 质 BS 重 “urpa TERRES Internal lobules are most numerous. HF 小 BE 至 多 The biliary vessels enter these lobules 小 BE 中 多 柴 fi 管 | The biliary or hepatic duct. HF rae WS 1+ 3 ' The gall bladder. Ne Fe The cystic duct. 2 WE oe re The liver and pancreatic ducts join. 肝 We F Ea. it 内 ' 相 附 And Ce the intestines by 附 而 那 人 小 We The spleen is soft and spongy. 脾 v2 oA HR Of a purple colour. pial 色 ae Be Its 5 round and smooth. 脾 榜 no vet It varies in size. | pi 大 小 $A piss 21 Vessels enter by a: transverse fissure iia bias WE i. ey 所 HH 人 The Fa resembles the salivary Fit By BB Ay) A: ik IY, Is We and in front of Fi} 内 在 By 后 a 骨 前 It resembles a tongue in shape. tit 内 形 ty) W Its pointed extremity touches the spleen. fil 内 bo Bi jiu Its head is in contact with the duodenum. Alf 内 BB HE 小 BB 曲 不 Tue DIGESTIVE 上 UNCTION. 食 物 fe) 化 功 用 Food is designed to nourish the body. 食 Wy 所 | Fas 育 导体 HS It supplies the waste of the blood. 食 Wy Fil it ££ = Hunger informs us when we should eat fie Ell Ei Fi, 食 以 Ah a Thirst when we should drink. VBS Bl 4 deh BK 以 祖 = Aliments are divided into nine classes. 食 Hy 分 Tu A Farinaceous aliments. at ay AK x. 类 站 Mucilaginous aliments. is JK iit 之 A Saccharine aliments. = + 果 Hii tt — A Acidulous aliments, 四 ys FA mn A Fatty and oily aliments. tt. vit ia = 4 3] Caseous or milk aliments. ay HK & A, 之 A Gelatinous aliments. +; fey aim ff is Esp iB Albuminous aliments. 八 +e Fy ra aA Fibrinous aliments. Ju fz Esp By 类 总 The successive st s of di- wh 4: e hh eps or process of di (2 化 iy 用 次 第 The hand tak d ts the food \ 6e = " = ae presents the foo 手 取 食 Py 2 至 口 The j te and the lips me AP HL a e an € lips receive 牙 ey 于 Jee $e 食 Py The teeth masticate it. F 商 HH. ney. 食 Wy Powerful muscles assist this operation. < Kk 大 内 By Be Wey Saliva i d and mixes wi linn i secreted ad mines With the 大 核 生 水 匀 拌 食用 DOT 十, - ~ 一 二 一 一 mm ee PEE SRE. ws are os rey there earls a os oa 入 LO > eee Fe = OSes By i hte La , r+. f “ 让 — az Te < + SSPE SS MME oy a SST, 22 The pressure of the tongue forces it =~ 35h . 3 into the gullet. " i Oni Ay ey Ais 物 A We This contracting, passes it over the py. 局 R Pade The epiglottis closely covers its en- 44 BR 流 ae 氟 es 口 = 41% trance, The uh aie ip transmits it to the 食 管 接 Wy 溢 入 四 The Dh the stomach is there Py 及 胃 而 2 化 Three processes assist in digestion. 由 fe) 化 一 功 用 7} By aia apg movements of the _—. 8 动 Fy ‘a 4 yh 化 Second, the secretion of gastric juice. ron 上 生 vat YR 洽 化 食 Wy Fe iat einend clas 5 gees vessels. ada : | 水 TK 吸 A tik WR =a The rest is digested into chyme. fee AE = 中 化 +E HEE The ee agen and it enters the Ky BH 并 eg 人 小 i nie et ae And after this undergoes many changes.—J fe B EE I 全 Br ty It separates into a fine and coarser part. ith pat 分 别 精 液 EF 浮 The finer portion is white like milk. te ig fa = An A A number of minute vessels absorb it. ate 微 管 tan Wz 精 液 These vessels are called lacteals. I 链 名 日 he YR ep They pass through the mesenteric Nid 小 名 经 TB Hea KY, glands. ’ They join and form the thoracic duct. se 3 Be Fi We Ue iA <# ft ascends in front of the spine. +A 液 es a 45 ee Fi 前 I r] ; ] } ; a The refuse is passed through the ileo- cecal valve. isi 学 KE [ad PA A K Be S| = 2 And by the large intestine expelled. ei 泽 出 大 B fi 出 和 WE Tue 了 THORACIC VISCERA. 胸 各 mM ih ib 位 The chest is surrounded by b d oF 1e aie surrounded by bone an jig 内 ip 内 rt Is narrow abeve and broad below. Hg) roa 内 AS 4 下 TS Its base is the diaphragm. AS 内 Fs 胸 as JE Its upper part is bounded by the first rib. aja: #4 Fy Fs 胸 + yes Before by the sternum. 胸 肯 , 在 hi Behind by the spine, 4TH TER Its sides by the ribs. 44 423 图 ate zx G A septum divides it into two cavities. 肺 腊 A 分 yo On the right side is the right lung. Wy iil 右 “Px 右 Ahi On the left, the heart and@left lung. WA jit Fc Fe 左 Ahi 及 mM The pericardium or heart purse. | A Fi jit Its reflected ion is attached ] 2 S eee is attached to the m 肪 Hea i fel 3H Hea} Ty The heart is a hollow muscle, mM zi 内 Gel 有 孔 La se base is m8 7 x? JE 企 站 om ts apex is ¢ ards to the lef > ai aownwards and to the left Ww at 向 TK i Fe The great vessels enter at its base. lal it s Hy AN We JE A middle septum divides the heart in- Ai ; i a 本 es the heart in NA ie 内 yi, 中 分 Fe 右 These united make one entire heart. 3 yo ae He 合 Fy — i) The right and left sidedo not commu- 在 右 wy 3 * 相 通 nicate, | Previous to birth they do communicate. 见 未 呼吸 左 #i 心 相 通 The heart has four chambers. x 有 四 vz, Th tl ic] e ae ee es, the lower 平 4 ix ii aA BR 下 yi TI icl he eirculati 、 ae Xe) x receive the circulating bs i 接 ay si 行 Z. ti The ventricles propel it th h th a . body. CdR AS Be Se) es) Sooo wa BAR ee FASE tes eee emote ome: Saga Ot Sa ES 3-6 a sete Se or Teh Pepe ae ae ee eS oa er ere ene ae a er err : : : 入 Pipes tks apeet De : Wik cusses RR A Sel a Oe a SY oe eae iF SN EE IB FEAR ES _— ee 本 FT a Se SEE Le Ne os aw ee 24 天 下 四 h 2 ’ The ae is larger than the 大 下 i 大 温 右 下 it The left is tl t heart, the right yr eine | nm Nd Fe Wi As BS a UB ih The left les receives the pulmon- a aaa, A LB i ih © 2a BF The left ventricle the aorta. Fe 下 siz, i 秽 DK ve TI cht auricle opens into the vene ene GL ie oF ric | ul ‘ The ee ie: into the pulmona 23 下 FA Hi 心肺 ia AK te The auricles are thin, ventricles are ™ Bo + 苯 下 Hi 厚 thick. The auriculo-ventricular opening, 上 下 Wy ra fl B The left has the mitral valve to close it. 左 B Ra ‘= ij Bie BF The right the tricuspid valve. 右 后 一 FA Ki ite | ] "ee sels 1 The a Cond Soe vessels 13 ra We ts oO 个 月 pa 开 合 The semilunar valves of the aorta. aa Bk 管 口 全 月 站 一 Tl ilunar valves of the pulmona- jv Y 一 二 XD ji ADK FO = A The a has it own nourishing ves- NA 本 gu Als iit ‘ The lungs fill the sides of the chest inhi ag {ffi il ea) 4 Conical above, broad below. ; Bit 形 aS Fa 上 git The entire base rests on the diaphragm. if 下 ye wid 托 i 内 Their outer surface is round & smooth. if) Rh het 图 ey They are light and spungy. 肺 (ZI Hie eA Of a reddish and grey colour mixed. iii Vis XT. Hite Ky IK ff The pleura or investing membrane. Ah 胞 ita Is reflected back and lines the ribs. Ai igs ji ay He 附 xy 骨 wi it double: itself, the ai d plood-vessels enter. A BE ST SET AA Th then divided into i = ee ed into innumera Hn 4s + HK a 分 愈 多 The right lung has three lobes, the left oF i ae. : 肺 Be 右 ose ie 一 = SAE ae) 25 The internal lobules are minute and Ai peal pp TE > 可 微 而 多 beyond number. Each lobule has air and blood-vessels. 小 75 此 有 Sy 管 ir ae The terminus of the air tubes are the fs FE tes 小 胞 名 握 胞 air cells. On these air cells ramify the minute Et 胞 nd eb 分 {ffi blood-vessels. The 和 tubes unite, and make se 微 i A 人 By Ik a 2 Each lung sends out one large air tube. ie i Ah 4S Hf K Se 管 These unite and form the trachea. hy 大 ani 管 合 Ly Fa Ry 4 氟 +e The cartilaginous rings of the trachea. #4 Ft iS 莓 胸骨 ih vi 图 球 工 he Re its opening and shut- 会 BR 8 APA See 氮 ee PA i The larynx or voice organ. A 氟 = DA = ie 所 出 Th inent part is called tl = OE yf ‘EEE a eR Four cartilages form the voice organ. 四 We 1= 保 He 出 Fez 处 Within are the vocal cords. Hi eg 处 内 有 小 内 ane bea se bands are placed hori- 内 ae 前 谷 Bij BAN : Between them is a 这 er Py ae 中 i 成 三 93: 形 让 Larynx is larger in men than in women 出 Be pain ¥ K K 小 SR the air being for- uf a 全 经 此 B 出 Et 站 The vocal cords are put into vibration. Be HH 因 By ain 18 By} If tense and shortened, the tone is high. 内 ap Bx as) Fill ie hy If the opposite, the tone is deep. 内 a eh fe Bil Ee 低 en ON NE Hie A 6 Jd BBR Are EPE and relaxed in deep low iia = fi 舒 长 出 瑶 低 eofrtbpub 8 BE Hy OG Hh FH BS HB ee FT By BOR BM EH | as usa Se Mt OU BE OR i D Sas Sw; Soe avid ses ST Ee RE: RRS AS eet aaa ae oa Sie MPSS SA 4 3 e s - > ee et ee ee eee = ~ = 一 26 If imperfect the speech is indistinct. RA 全 不 He an an TF 76 Animals have sound without speech. pt Bat 有 iia Xx ae [=i on Man only possesses this wonderful fa- KS = ae 之 ee Me 至 a 妙 culty. N Am On THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. ti St 4J 功 用 Food digested is converted into blood. 食 Wy 渔 化 Fa tm 1 g ‘ishes tl rhol vt —_ = ee blood nourishes the whole i x 行 AS 8 Ay rete bee eee es are formed fro the 各 津液 器 isi 和 lood ar 1 particl lled In gi end round particles calle i 中 有 圆 物 名 m i These corpuscles are very minute and mt Hie Wi 小 而 多 numerous. in Z TI 1 f the blood is caused by ) rh 血色 在 办 Three-fourths of the blood is water. ft 中 水 局 四 分 ra Hy: The blood globules form one-seventh. i iy 后 有 了 分 ze ai The rest is flesh fibres, albumen, oil, &e. ep Ps hy 内 wh Ar aa it] = by Flesh fibres is called fibrine. Bs wh a A va JE 3H Blood at rest separates into two parts. i HH 分 an 不 ie aie 种 o is 9 aS § fibri 4 < 人 [7 The sas Se is globules and fibrine var Fe fy tits 内 van 相 afi The uncoagulated part is called serum. 不 pans 4a 2 Fs fa 水 Blood is of a searlet or purple colour. {ff 有 Bis cy a fi, - The arteries convey the red blood. Si es i Sea 行 Dy ff ta Ag Veins the purple or black blood. 如 jj 如 fea v3 7 行 i ; The capillaries are a net work of vessels. = ae T= tn aH ™ Ay Fe Inte 7 between the ar and 4 ¥ 和 AG > | The bond undergoes many changes in Dy ir yi tit aA eS Bx Ng Red blood is changed into black blood. Wr i 改 es fii, ye The veins return it to the heart & lungs, 将 i 人 nA] 管 fat XD fifi 27 The heart is the central organ of the . . nae ND FR ME i Be circulation, By ps ter Raves the blood is forced NA 舒 ae Am im A Au WR es The aortip branches distribute it. al Bk “ x 分 fi fifi 全 I The atid resides in the muscles of the si 行 力 在 wm AY The heart contracts and dilates uncea- .y yrs singly. AY 内 ay A xX A The heart’s propulsion constitutes the jw. se pulse. NQ) 438 i. 作 ji The sven quick or low, strong or HR ie Bh Ba NA 相 IRE Corresponding to theactionof the heart. AK 力 大 小 Hil WA AY ie The oe of the heart contains red mM 但 有 i it The right side black blood only. AM (8-4 YX Its orifices & valves aid the cireulation. XY PY 三 By} i SiH 行 The ——. is quickest in the ar- if. 在 HK ef vai 行 至 速 Slower in the veins and capillaries. A i wh es yi] Fl 3s The Lipo ~ ge veins aid its upward aig et PY By if Ais re ys The animal heat is in the blood. 人 Ep 本 eb 任 Bp fi Respiration is its chief source. ih 呼 WZ > 图 3 Red or arterial blood contains oxygen. By it 中 有 Aes oA, Good blood abounds in red globules. Dy (ir. nia 多 者 ir. ke ~ Tt renders the body vigorous and strong. 4> Ho rte 7] Fy Bae ay ff Poor blood is the cause of debility. By tr ve 者 Jj Mp Venous blood contains carbonic acid. 柴 ti 中 有 Ire i Is impure and unfit for use. 了 此 im 有 毒 Xe 全 用 Tt Eee aoe heart and lungs to be ye i nar NN 肺 改 AEE i: The carbon is exchanged for oxygen. ih 出 We os] 接 Fie Sat Respiration is the function of the lungs. 呼 出 We A Ah Ay a 理 Its rate corresponds with the heart. 呼 Wk 过 sae Ed xD 相 Ke ~. eters PIO ap Ce - RPS EL DOOD OS iy 一 ie | ie of Iie | 4 iJ 4 Hi : ie | i) 上 3 bee ies r ie 征地 es Ki S. tk 4 人 —— ° 和 - - 二 There are four heats to one expiration 呼 — i nN Bk 四 次 and inspiration. These are involuntary and independent jk Ba if 吸 JE 人 白 Co functions. Life depends upon their proper action. A 肺 功 用 生 tii {iy RS Toe Urinary APPARATUS. He 54 HE iy Pot a The kidneys. 内 F Their inner and outer border. The ureter. AB 495 HS oS OSPR YF ah Ee a, ee ar Goats <5 nj a ee ee REDE AREER BE AS EE RTS ae RE FES ee tee pM ee eh ALTE Se Se -全 Re Re er BS : Chet an Pi pet OP, CR CE RM re Se ee tg A = =o ae py es See a = 二 位 Hit 中 i i Pent ik ah $ ‘ PSs ime, 2, 23 SS Cates tS. Brain, inflammation of, » softening of, » Abscess of, 34 "is Be Ae 4E ere po Hoe OE We », Inflammation of the membranes. gy ie 内 处 He TR » Dropsy of, Bronchitis, acute and chronic. Bronchocele. Cachexy or bad habit of body. Cancer, internal, | » of the stomach. Catarrh or common cold. Chicken-pox—varicella. Cholera. Colic. Congestion of the brain and lungs. Po of the liver and spleen. Constipation. Consumption, pulmonary, Cough. »» Without expectoration. » With expectoration. » Spitting of blood, Cow-pox. Dandriff. Debility, general, Delirium tremens. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Digestive organs, diseases of, jes HEL AK Yak KE HK He ME AGB TE Ey iit Wi 内 ik Jee Ja 6 SEL 伤风 IK Ta 4e BL nk Jie FE FR Hs Be in. Fea Sh (in. 48a SE AF Fe tH Hib hihi SP Fie Hf WK ite TR GR $k fit Aa Tes He kt 5S BR RHE pe Fy hie Ba Hh py Be RS 消化 之 器 病 证 Diseases divided into acute & chronic. WH 4p 新 4a Pattee Ww SRX Diseases, Active and passive, ae ore Organic or structural, - Functional, mA Idiopathic, WH DP his sk RE AAS ie << Wt ise DE A FA Bis HAS AS EW 3 Symptomatic, 别 HD pus rd Wi | » Contagious, Ti ge Whi zs Hereditary, Be HF pus ar Wi iE 3 ‘i Congenital, 5 oe 出 世 x Wi 和 Endemic, 地 士 所 生 Pas vis} : os Epidemic, 传 Ye 时 行 ha Wi - Pestilential, res PE HH < Diagnosis of, BS 者 ne we I File : ‘ Prognosis of, 分 别 ent FA 可 ia 4) : i Treatment of, 用 法 Fix i ; Dysentery. AL 4 Fi) Dyspepsia. tg 洽 化 | Dyspnea or quick breathing. bia te | 1 Epileptic convulsions. Hj TE 丛 名 ay =e. HA § Exhaustion. 着 力 ££ at | Face, paralysis of, 口 BR rib ZL. , Fainting or syncope. fhe rail | ; Fatuity—dementia. 3 AL a BR f Fever. 5 Wi » Ephemeral, Hr 时 发 eh » Continued, 发 et 不 IE » Complicated, 发 52: 大 内 部 让, 工 了 全 的 和 发 mal 导 his Ba » Putrid, 发 et ii 有 ip » Lellow, 7 发 Hb ve] alk » With petechiss, — eh ik GS Pe ~ we ers - Saitek lee « « ~. cin, iy Pee Regt SES I SEA OR Se ORS ate ee SL a 36 Fever, Remittent, 38 He AF ifm 时 Fr » Antermittent, Je et 往 来 又 名 ye 2 猴 一 日 一 作 » Tertiani 小 于 日 aig 作 ,Quartan, JE i eae 日 作 Flatulence. 肚 腹 内 有 风 A Gastralgia—pain of the stomach. 骨 ThA 不 12) 化 4 Gastritis—inflammation of the stomach. 骨 Te Giddiness—vertigo. Gout. Gravel. Hemorrhage or internal bleeding. m From the nose. m From the gums, ‘s From the lungs. | 肺 i IR “ From the siowathe Fy tL rt: 出 % From the bowels. 大 小 B i. We, - From the urinary organs. 内 ee iss WE i io From the womb. i et if 出 AA Sat! SS Tt in RSE Hemorrhotds or piles. 疗 次 Headache. BA I Heart diseases. xn rail WW »» Sudden pain of, ND HK Ii ,, 了 Palpitation of, 心跳 » inflammation of, YD pe » Enlargement of, nD Ae AG 大 » Rupture of, M Is 烈 , Diseases of the valves, NM FF FY WH , Inflammation of the membranes,) 胞 KR »» Dropsy of, 心 胞 有 水 37 » Diseases of similunar valves. » Auscultory signs of. Hiccup. Hydrophobia—canine madness. Inflammation of the viscera. ss of the brain, of the lungs. is of the tongue. of the salivary glands. bs of the throat. of the stomach. 99 a of the intestines. a of the liver. we of the kidneys. tS of the bladder. 了 of the uterus. He 3 = NE a] 22 OF ik Wp ” SEK BE A Bat IKE PE ORR HE FR NA Hes HE Hii K " of the investing membranes.4y Biv < Ag He TR Influenza. Inoculation. Insanity, kinds of, = Dementia. 34 Mental aberration. Jaundice. Kidney, diseases of, ; Functional disorder. ¥ Structural diseases, = Atrophy of, *r Calculous diseases of, Laryngitis or inflammation of larynx. He 4 1 a FR FE A iy Js ii AE Be Hi Ai) eo a we Set SS ete eG Bate SS SPER EK SRS EO Se SB Se ES Te Sa EL 的 Croup of children, Leprosy. », Functional disorder of, Abscess of, Enlargement and induration of, 39 me Wo Liver, diseases of, | HF 肝 肝 HF 2? Lock-jaw—tetanus. A ; Lungs, diseases of, 肺 Wi » Structural disease of, 肺 本 He » Functional disease of, 肺 功 用 Malaria. kg ae rt A Marsh fever. = WA a 地 生 Wi Measles, IPR Tie. Mesenteric glands, diseased. BB Hae Ha rr RG, 生 Wi Mortification, internal. 内 Hib 多 内 iE. Neuralgia or nerve pain. Ass 氟 ii Ti fa of the face. tsi] KS i Ti ee of the heart. WN Figs 各 WA “ of the stomach. Fa HS fi WF Obstruction of the bowels. 大 {8 rh 路 不 通 CEsophagtts,diseases of, 食 Py ee my , 本 Stricture of, Ovarian dropsy. Pancreas, diseases of. PA Set he * ii Paralysis. im of motion. ss sensation. of both united. = of one side. 9 of half the body. Lr At Gat SS es Be SS he > ARSswSs Rahm ewes Pericarditis, acute and chronic, Peritonitis, acute and chronic. Pleurisy, acute and chronic. Pneumonia. Prostate glands, diseases of, Psoriasis, various kinds of, Pustules of the skin. Quinsy—cynanche tonsillaris. Red rash. Rheumatism acute and chronie, Ringworm, Scabies or itch. Scaly diseases of the skin, Sciatica. Scrofulous enlargements, Scurvy. Secretions, diseases of, Sick or bilious headache. Skin diseases. Small-pox—variola, - Modified and confluent. Sore throat, ulcerated, Spinal cord, inflammation of, ¥ Dropsy of, re Irritation of, ” Softening of, Spleen, diseases of, ‘5 Congestion of, = Inflammation of, 99 Enlargement of, NO Hd Hr 4G R AL Ji Hel HR Br FBR Jih A HR Hr 4B R Wi AS BE IDs Hs is Ws sD Vics SR 70 Be Ui Sy hie AP PAY JR ee ee CE HR ay Ha Tedious labor: KA Obstructed labor. 匈 出 < 路 ite 阻 Plural births. tF ie Beh Retention of placenta: ! AR Tike Hr 出 Accidental hemorrhage. - BE Bi 个 有 if. | Unavoidable hemorrhage. 33 Bi Xe 4 \ 行 不 有 a ite Hemorrhage after delivery, FE R i Wi Puerperal diseases. | rg 46 Wit 7 条 Convulsions, he es +h 1s a Lacerations. 子 rt 险 34 2 aa Inversion of the uterus. 于 ot fh as 3 Puerperal fever. ie Het et Fal | Ys 9 Inflam: of the uterine organs.—}- 宫 大 Lactation. 生 ea os 理 Milk abscess. ak FA 生 Nee , INFANTILE DISEASES. 小 兄 初 Ae Pi File Respiration imperfect, a #7 a xX BE Asphyxia. 全 & 是 ae H se Retraction of the tongue. Abnormal formation of the head. Elongation of the head. Protuberance of scalp. Swollen features. Distorted face. Retention of urine. Retention of meconium. Swelling of the breasts. Discharge from the eyes. Eyes gummed up. Bleeding from the navel. Navel chafed and ulcerated, Irritation of the skin from dirt, Sores of the corners of the mouth. Sores of the ears. Tongue tied. Convulsions. Cold and cough. Diarrhea. Psoriasis of the scalp, Teething, diseases of, Measles. Small-pox. Chicken-pox. Ty Ka ZS OR #0) AE BA OO IE 4 +E 5A fe HK [BI BAe a ey Tey Jt FA. DH Lh fe Ay i fit FA pe A Sb FL HER AR He aR | AR HS iG Ze Ss Bie. tin. JP 0 He Ty vig A BE DB +e ye EF hig BR A TG Hi FB Je] alk 45; JEL GR RR HE Js Tk BA Be HE jee LE TA HR Woh 5 Je. jail TK Fa 59 NAMES OF MEDICINES 38 4p A Acid, Acetic, », Citric, » Muriatic, 3 Nitric, » Nitric diluted. »» Sulphuric, Sulphuric diluted, Tartaric, Alcohol. Almonds, bitter and sweet, Aloes, Alum. », Dried alum, Amber. Ammonia. Aniseed. Artemisia. Armenian bole. Arrow root. Arsenic, red and white, Assafetida, Asses’ glue. Barley. »» Prepared barley. Belladonna. Borax. Bezoar. Dee Pz Ws fa tacit Fl Get 7K Ai] 533 7K YR Ae Hea 7K 磺 强 水 YR Fes Gia IR Pe “4 4) YT ie ee Ay Ee fit 2 = Wi Fee He 枯 FB BE FH 阿 摩 呢 阿 八角 SEE Dy 44 Hs 4i5 St tanta Calomel. Camphor. Cassia root. Cantharides. Capsicum. Caraway. Cardamom. Castor oil. Catechu. Caustic—lunar caustic, Chalk. Chamomile. Charcoal. China root. Chives. Cinchona, red and yellow. Cinnamon. Cinnabar. Cloves. Congee. Copper, preparations of, » Sulphate of copper, Pa Acetate of copper. Cotton. | Creasote. Croton-oil. Cubebs. Cuttle fish bone. F | : Distilled water. Decoction of barley. 60 don BE OK BN FE HE HD 樟脑 Ai 桂 斑竹 PR HS K iat F Ae ik Et Di vil 儿 茶 各 息 的 , 石粉 Bt Aj tk PK LR rel: | Se WES BE AL AE BE tk BD 丁香 a Die Sin] <2 HHI Bs 325 Sil) HH | RATE a Hy Nak 巴豆 油 本 Caan ap at : FE ok KS Hi IK i oo 61 Decoction of Cinchona. > We 哪 a 水 » Ergot. EF Wh 3 a 7K a Galls. : ee Ay 于 AL 水 - Logwood. | fi AN at 水 ‘a Linseed. Ww Dit > a A 水 2 Pomegranate. Ay viet A 7K " Poppy. Ay Se Be ge AA 7K WA Sarsaparilla. | 十 Re 5 z= 水 Stareh, BE Tt a. TK Dovers powder. NC pu YS 7B yr BL Ergot. ) 耳 pA eS Extract of Aloes. | Wg ae : » Belladonna, -. wih Bhat 是 By 8 » — Caléoynth | Gy ee ea eS Gentian. - 区 三 Ta 3H = ~ Opium. 7B ir eB ‘i Rhubarb. K a B ~ Thorn apple. : ) nis 仙 Ak 2) Galls. se he Re: | Gamboge. | Hae 黄 , Garlic. K nae Gentian. : 其 3H 4 Ginger. : : 生 Es - Dried ginger. FAL By 苹 Ginseng. 人 ZB in Foreign ginseng. | ’ 洋 人 ZB Grapes. ek Se 4] 他 a | Grey powder. XH 4 IK 色 BL Ell 水 eh HL Gum. 水 iB | Hartshorn, Fil BE #4 Fr Hellebore. Honey. Indigo. Infusion of Aniseed. x) 3 Iodine. Ipecac. Catechu. Chamomile. Coffee. Cloves. Ginger. Ginseng. Gentian, Mint. Orange-peel. | Quassia. Rhubarb. Tea. Iron, preparations of, 9% 了》 JIsinglass。 Jalap. Lard. Iron dust or filings. Iron rust. Red oxide of ‘iron. Sulphate of iron. Lead, preparations of, 39 93 99 Litharge. Sot + Ob os Se et > 4S A > Acetate or sugar of lead. Carbonate or white lead, ae 3H Be Ss Ss WS SE SSE BPPPPTPTRTE ALERAAAARRERH = * Lead, red lead or minium. Lime. Linseed. - Liquorice root. _ Logwood. _ Long pepper. Magnesia. Mercurial preparations. a Grey oxide of mercury, - Red oxide of mercury. Mixture of camphor. ‘so Chalk. Morphia.,、 Musk. Mustard. Myrrh. Nutmeg. Nux vomica. Oiis. Oil of amber. <5 | Aniseed, » Beans, » Cloves, », Cinnamon, » Croton, » Linseed, », Peppermint, 5», Nut—ground-nut, » Olive, 5» Turpentine, | 63 RL Ft 44 IK 胡麻 子 ibe Ak A a Hg Ak 62 a rol > S& BF Sm Oh KS Se Be EV at (NY SK fol ee At A Seo pt = oH (oe S| 汪 | BE Br Ee se = y Es dh fa iit 花生 油 $A EE Wao oo = 天 i 64 Pills of aloes. Aloes and iron. Aloes and myrrh. », Aloes and rhubarbs »» Calomel and opium: », Colocynth. », Croton-oil. | », Gentian and rhubarb. », ron and myrrh. >», Mercury or blue pill, 5, Opium. »» Opium and lead. », Rhubarb. Powder of compound eatechu. + Chalk and cinnamon. me Aromatic powder. - Olibanum. =F Hy ES Opium. AR a pi i Orpiment. 雄 黄 oboe iy BES BE 5 7G Hu HE SH it Rh 获 BL AE Ayes », Rhubarb and ginger. car » Rhubarb and iron. °< K TH 青 ures A Plaster of cantharides. EXE un Aj (2 », Isinglass, adhesive plaster. Fh 参 合 a Alp », Lead, adhesive plaster. A 化 (if 合 口 Alf = He », resin. A ax Alpi = 9 Pepper, black and white,:: Mw A HX Pomegranate, AY sie ine Potash. baie bt Az AE Ay WP AE Fe 物 糖 He 本 Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger. » Ipecac and opium: ©» sw fs ASE ye BBE. 25 AE BE DS BB WC i A eo oo a Powder of rhubarb and ginger. Quassia, or white wood. Quinine, or ke-na. Rain water. Raisins. Resin, Rhubarb. Sago. Salt-petre—nitrate of potash. Soda. »» Sulphate of soda—salts. Starch. Stramonium or thorn apple. Suet. Sugar. Sulphur. Solution of Alum, ‘oy Arsenic and potash. 9 Copper. + Sugar of lead. 二 Lime. ss Caustic. 5, Sulphate of zine. Tinctures. Tincture of Ammonia. oa Camphor. 四 Camphor and opium. RS Cantharides. a Capsicum. Catechu. 65 Fe BG FE 1 A MMS We OS ol 4% AE IB Be il 4d 极 香 阿 摩 呢 阿 酒 标 脑 酒 7s Fis Thy J Ke Te PRR St Fe WS 66 Tincture of Cinnamon. KE id 酒 Ergot. 耳 队 34 rT = 3 _—— — —— 4 = POSES SR Bene a Tal t ord re erat STs te 本 5 RSet. 28 me a oe a -一 一 一 -一 人 RCR < ee os 1 可 | ‘3 Gentian. BL ep E bs 到 Ginger. HE ay ie if ! ra Iodine. 1 阿 wi] 调 Le 项 Steel or iron. oa ipa ed Myrrh. 152 3% WS he 99 Opium, 4B } 14 » . Opium with cloves &c. 了 Ie PE. AE 漂 机 Orange-peel. es jt ¥P4 2 Rhubarb. 大 其 条 Ointment of Blister fly. Af A =) 了 Catechu and alum. i Re Fy pas = 下 Chalk. Ay Wp = ss Iodine. TF 阿 in =n | is Galls and opium. ee Ay ze AB, Kr ra) ae Sugar of lead. gy it 以 ven a Mercury or blue ointment. 水 on i Eel 72 9 Mercury, diluted. 水 aan 次 = - Red oxide of mercury. IK ayy ST Le ” Nitrate of mercury—citrine. IK cB ta 72) EA Nitrate of silver or caustic, 各 A 的 725 > Sulphate of copper, HE as r=) és Resin. AL 香 72) 时 Sulphur. Fit ta = ms Tartar—emetic. WT YT Ft ae 的 ra ‘ss White wax. Fy AR ra) 本 Yellow wax. 请 HS =) Verdigris. | Fi] Heyb Vinegar. pas Zinc, sulphate of, or vomiting powder. 精 ‘ry Ubi PL PROPERTIES OF MEDICINES. Aperient, Alterative. Antispasmodic. Antidote, Antilithic. Anthelmintie. Astringent, Carminative. Cathartic. Counter-irritants. Demulcent. Diuretic. Diaphoretic. Disinfectant. Emmenagogue. Emetic. Emollient. Escharotic. Errhine. Laxative. N arcotic. Refrigerant. Rubefaciant. Sialogogue. Sedative. Stimulant. CHT ; 食物 毒 解 讲 中 阔 粉 a WE GK 去 风 5] Fa AP HY JB Py ae 利 小 便 发 证 解锁 人 毒气 BA Ae Nf pe HB 2h Be ay Fe Py We ne 微利 JE Wi OR a I 4: yak PK FED 4h Ai Hb EN Fk Stomachic, Tonic. Distilling. Filtering. 局 FE Clarifying. ue 请 Expressing. we JER Decocting or boiling. 7X A Fusing or melting. $4 GR Infusing. /中 él Pulverising. BT AC Sifting. ii ail Mixing. Aa 合 Macerating in water. 水 = Macerating in spirit. 4 = Evaporating or drying. WeicuTs AND MEASURES. Large and small scales. Money or grain scales. Chinese weights. 16 leang, a catty. 8 leang, a half catty. 10 tseen, a leang. 10 fun or candareens, a tseen. 5 candareens, a half tseen. 10 le, a candareen. ' English and Chinese weights, KS # SS < oe oH = ’ — >a, or ae r) 一 “SST! el Sd “ bp ot > Ey > Ee Be Sh | DE PKI | e+ t+ >+SRo BE ti Bie S> S> Ee 4 t = One pound equal to twelve leang. oe @R, —— : SM. a Half a pound © ,,_ six leang. oa hid ‘Ps 2s tee 于 Ten drachms », one leang. Hu sin Axe 中 77 hi oe At One ounce » eight tseen. Hi aaah 2 于 中 INE ao 等 Ht Half-ounce 5, four tseen. Hi = FA 于 中 四 ie < Hr One drachm ,», one tseen. Hu. a Ee 中 meee ES ae Ht Half-drachm ,, five fun. 了 2 ie re ae Bx 等 重 Ten grains » one funanda half. + pea 中 一 Ay *E. 等 Hr 2 Ht. Five grains » seven leandahalf. Hh Fix 中 + fia 有 全 人 Three grains ,, four le anda half. ii = seme fit ot Th. fa 不 是 Two grains ,, about three le. Hi. FA 中 ria = Hr Imperial pint ,, sixteen leang. Hx cote mi 水 Fy os rH sat Fr Ten fluid ounces,, eight leang. Hu Ee 水 2 = 中 IN hia He Fivefluidounces,, four leang. Hi Th. IK of 本 中 四 hh HE ELEMENTS oF NATURAL SCIENCE. 博 Wy ra 理 On the property of bodies. 物 A Wy 性 meen be changed, but not des- Wy 2 eh KF E Ar Matter has cohesive attraction. py 有 会 prs PE It has also the property of repulsion. ty APR 有 There is a ne affinity in bodies. Wy fz) Metals attract and unite with metal. 企 质 同 He Water, or aqueous bodies, attract water. J A oe ae A o> E Air, or aeriform bodies, attract air. cy 12 The power of attraction 1s great or small. 4s 5| Df WO Bh >. dé OSL a > Ok The sun attracts the earth. ap Da Ju “et =| H The earth attracts the moon. Hh Ele The moon attracts the tides. 月 as St Ss The earth attracts every thing to itself, fei cecee tice hoe = £m wu x He Sy ee 人 Ss = ms x *y 二 ES ey as = 2 ae eS Mg eo | fae a unt hs 4 My oe i tk |e | on Be - a ; i yy hs vane Vi er 8 oh ats Pie } tthe aa | thie bi 3 二 -二 过- — pe ~.- +: eel soe GE SRILA eT at tent FS ee a rede 3 oer : = steer hh concep hig, Fie ve. « > Fr. a . © - peor . terse egress S PS -3 eon # - - Se aig heen ga ee ni a a a ret a RE ore, ie St eh a f 70 Eee oe 一 Bodies gravitate to the earth not from it. py 轩 Hh 不 能 Ete dit Bodies are at test or in motion. Wy 3) 省 FT 性 vapid motion cannot instantly cease. 动 i 不 HE Bil IE Nor oe 了 rest, be put into mo- rife 者 x 能 en 动 Inertia and momentum are antagonistic. ree 动 a Tj Ha =I 相 对 Rapid moti ickly checked is dan- <3, 二 - pies hs quickly checked is dan 动 Hie BR IL 则 伤 A horse st ing suddenly, tl ide = “falls forward. A RE A AD ah O ing suddenly, the rider falls pe ai Collision injures according to the rat - Yh By ale 0” HD Te I) BD BS BS The Atmosphere. in Ele 周 图 | Pig Set Its height is about 150 Chinese Ie. 地 St 8 i Ft a A + 里 The higher it is from 甘 arth, th 、 lighter it becomes. SO PARE ALL TET AA Ss The atmosphere is sed of oxy = ’ e IE Hl composed of oxygen ire Sa TR 氟 合 ie Ph 氟 多 life, it is called vital He Wy ai i sof 称 HE: 氨 The two gases are blended in fixed - . =r Pianist RIE Aas B= IR 氟 rae 利 有 iE pe Oxygen is so called f it ish- ““ngquiliie, = ss ee Nitrogen simply dilutes the oxygen. 次 Sat TR As 氟 ae 用 In1000 partsof air there is one re a mar 分 JR 2g 一 分 Carbon is emitted in expiration. It is also the result of combustion. i A te Inspiring only earbon would be fatal. Ay We jis Vegetation (on the contrary lives upon it Dy tt In the air there is also aqueous vapour. ‘E $a 3 Ttismostabundantin hot damp weather. So oH hh At night it is condensed & forms dew, I HF 3 地 = 飞 EE SE DotA A Sw he WE Sit EM EE SE a ae: a 到 Ga WY a FSD ne | 地 气 有 压 重 之 力 The atmospheric pressure。 Supports mercury to the height of 28 inches, ia & A IK GB A A Fit And water to the height of 32 feet. aL ray i 内 水 Ht fa R The air presses equally in all directions. Hu Sai JER Fj 局 图 | 全 li Man is therefore unconscious of its weight. The air in rapid motion is wind, TE TA tk AR BE Hb 9 Bb all Z Its strength corresponds to its motion. Jal IK 小 TK I i) 5H ra The heat of the sun causes the air to aseend, Bh St SS He WY bE Ht Fresh air itnmhediately supplies its place. [Ss Ae 有 5 Fifi yas ER Near the equator north and south are Ut De SEL A 1b Hy PS JL the trades: The Air-pump. The round glass cylinder. ws Th SL Bis Es SRE Ti ay LF BS Hig (B] B The pump empties the air in the cylinder. $4 Fe 机 出 BL 内 之 at Any living thing within, then dies, A butterfly is unable to fly. A lighted candle is extinguished. A bell gives out no sound, Gunpowder will not ignite. A coin and a feather fall together. The Barometer. The mercury is placed in a tube; If any air enters it is useless. The mercury rises in; fine weather. Its fall indicates bad weather. Its changes depend on atmospheric pressure. A sudden fall indicates a storm. To mariners and farmers it is most valuable, me a eP 3 Sh 5h HE AA Bal A ak Ft FU ni Ze TK BR ME Bul a Rg Dh Meee 4 Sale SR ER FI 水 GE RAE RT iit Fe Bt Kw HE Fe - = < - > - 4 a : a es 7 = = IE EE jake ac Sag So att Ree? 三 二 3 » a ages 35, Tea < 一 Se eg te agen gh noe Si scien oth Rte aE tg St let 72 The Thermometer. Fe BT a ah ‘ies i Both ends of a glass tube are closed. HY Fay ne 口 两 1 BA The mercury is in the bulb. JES 7A OB iv ak oh It ok nhl according to 水 银 Bia ae #h ye As it expands it rises, and vice versa, ye Ri] 升 TE By 降 A table indicates the degrees. 32 is the freezing point. 60 to 70 neither hot nor cold. 96 blood or great heat. 110 fever heat. 212 the boiling point. Hydrogen or light gas. Air-balloon, Hydrogen is much lighter than air, Carburetted hydrogen or coal gas. The safety lamp prevents explosion, Heat and light are imponderable. There are six kinds of heat. Natural or solar heat. Fire or artificial heat. Electric or galvanic heat. Animal heat. Heat from chemical changes. Heat from friction. ay Fey ee FF DR inake BE AP KRY +rKRUKR Atk+ KH A. ti AS Be UF AK IHG —- A+ Oh iy ee — APO 轻 氟 轻 氟 球 轻 毛 比 地 氟 轻 数 从 We HR HR SR BN EE ioe SR OE EE FE A Fee HR ee Sd SE Ae He FA ROD WN H Ke HE 5 Rt Al Ef he Bll AS eh 4 ae He = hy HA HE He All bodies have their own natural heat. 各 Wy EB 有 本 eh, They also receive and radiate heat. Heat is radiated equally in all directions, oH / Wp 8 a eaten ew Hi] J There are good and bad radiators of heat. by 2 fi ty Wl A big 易 73 eee receive it easily radiate it se Hh tht 易 者 HH Op 易 All metals are good conductors of heat. Jf. 企 传 al: ny & Ss Wood, stone, glass, are bad conductors. A Ay Hy Fis fi eH HE Bright and smooth surfaces reflect heat thy ZS mY hey H He A | His a: tg ietiae “S24 surfaces readily Wy i Bs fi | th 易 Bodies are either solid, fluid, or aeriform Wy 5 E =] we ok (2) =] (2) The natural heat of each is different. 一 (2) 本 A | Solids by increase of heat may be Ei (2 WAS a wm So IK (2) changed into fluids. ifr WR ay fey JY Fluids also into gases. IK ¥ 本 AS ee 局 三 | AH eh Every thing is expanded by heat. ny) TF ; b Hil 各 大 oh 0) SE ARC The vapor of boiling water is steam. 人 7 The property of steam is expansive. AK Y Ya PE rie 面 Ae Ke % preety expansive power 18 = Ei VA ab ab Hi w | Th i ae iB Heat adds to its power. ;去 加 火 ee jt 更 大 7 Steam power is extensively employed. 7, VI a 用 i: 大 v= ‘ 一 一 It is the moving power of the steamer. ve 力 SH 行 Rik ue cal 间 ~~ 1. A > And the steam engine or locomotive. veal Jj Si 人 了 AK | ial 车 Solar light. | H 光 It travels with immense velocity. at 47 = 速 A Wy 可 比 White or colourless light is the union of seven tints. In a direct or straight course. 3t 1A Set It is deflected by water or glass. 党 3% BX BY F; i 请 下 水 it Sy Like heat it may be reflected. 这 BE HE HR The moon is reflected light. A {2 4 Hy. iB Hs A prism decomposes solar light. 日 eo 323 = git Ga 七 ‘fi 日 AN a r\ 光 七 色 Heat always accompanies solar light. 日 eh 说 Bal li is found in the red coloured ray. 日 FH 神 i Colour of objects is reflected light. 4} Wy ff { Pd a Si SE Ob > = i! ~ ~ ~ - mem op of oF is ss =a = SA Ge ee 2 tes > te | ) | ae 34 4 1 epee) 4 | 9 ie py en I ale 14 i 和 i a)! : Ani TOG 4s tae 1 Oe ten, aK ae ath pale ' i i a 并 | -一 “= WA = AO, a = SR i> Sse 74 Black is the absorption of all the tints. Wy 全 HE 日 te 只 White is the entire reflection of them. Wy 不 a= 日 光 all a eu Wan The rainbow. ° 2 ey The rain in sun shine acts like a prism. 日 xa Ye ay Ry 成 ie = The telescope. K 小 = 里 aa) The microscope. “7 AW FE A 微 镜 The camera. | KK Er sis A concave lens. et A convex lens. 出 | sae Ba The former causes light to diverge. [Hy $i. 33 党 分 51 F 展 The latter brings it to a focus. 出 | $a 335 3 成 多 Ait Electricity? fh, Set Electrical machine. fh, 4 Be The loadstone. An The magnet. dni Magnetic wire. 二 The compass. | Ay The indicator or needle. 4H Electricity of the earth. si 2 Electricity of the clouds. K ae 5 i Electric state undisturbed. fs, ca By ie Electric oe se ip fi ay A Fu Bij aL By The aspen are negative and 5 Se 县 Al B Eons 性 When sa they strongly attract [ia BB iit 人 必 xs B| 48 合 Concussi f electric clouds is thun- 1 ge Hi of electric clouds is thun 雷 st 在 ae 中 fie WB 5 = Lightning is the electric flash. PA th Ey a] 所 it Fg aK 光 Thunder is ] less, lightning dan- | bene 1armiess, lightning dan x A FE dh 县、 a Ft 过 火 I 1 st 1s h th + 下 一 & =F — ein y eB i =~ & ee ae see ret Sk dele ee as 3 ES ee hi SG SRE SBE EE aE SME SE SP SS SE ae wT awn F ==. Say ob SS Se ee =o = "Pr 一 > ESS oy et = See oa <> 352 2 oy r 天 一 a “Sin Pea tee AE BL ee Sipe > =. oti AES ary 人 at {ja ee ee ee ee eee oe 23 ac we 和 了 a 一 $5 ee ee ons es = ros eS ren! 二 中 LILO a OO LL SOO fr rl pf pet POP Lofft Pm, LOLS oh er Feed Vemma Ome Meare a a Maa PtP a ma me Pec Pest Pre yl +) eng ee ee Or i aye ty LORA ALORA PRA SOR ALONA S a r e- a, ee i aS a a x > am 7 7 ee aye me se ell ee a ae: ee Js = A (~~ LN I NN IN sb eS ah oe ~~ * ae i Bea 二 2 Sapam sie - os) _ Tks a q