C2E .R823a INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 25786 McGILL UNIVERSITY ALCORAN MAHO Misty, Tranflated out of Arabique into French, BY THE Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and Refident for the King of France, at ALEXANDRIA. And newly Englifhed, for the fatisfaction of | | all chat defire to look into the Turkz{h vanities. eotey boht LONDON Printed, 4nxo Dom. 164 9. : | Se eee ; os - i ‘ eh UT awn. — VA Lash Mart f200 9S$S7 a : Sa _ ‘ THE TRANSLATOR TO THE CHRISTIAN Be Aco DL). kdb: EIQ Here being fe many Seéts and ; ay Herefies banded together a- eS gainft the Truth, finding that of Mahomet wanting to } the Mufter, I thought good to bring icto their Colouts, that fo viewing thine enemies in their full body, thou mayft the better prepare to én- counter. and [1 hope overcome them. ft may happily flartle che ee, co finde him fo to (peak Englifh.,.as if he hadimadefome Conqueft on the Nation , but thou wilt foon: reje& that fear , if chou confider that this his Alcoran ; (the Ground-work “of the Turkefh A. 2 Religion) me j To the Chriflian Reader. a Religion ). hath been already tranflated. in- roaisan all Languages in Chriftendome, — ( at leaft, the moft generall, asthe Latin, Teas lian, French, exc.) yet never gained any Pro- — felyce, where the Sword, its: moft forcible, and ftrongeft argument hath not prevailed : And indeed the greateft Doétors of their Re- ligion have never alledged any thing for the truth thereof; but the fuccefs of their wars, and greatnels of their Empire , then which nothing is more fallacious: for that which both.in former , and thefe latter Ages hath been. common to. the bad with the~ good, cannot be a certain evidence of che ju- flice of a Canfe, or the truthof Religion, Thou fhalt finde it of fo rude, andime >” congruous a compolure, fo farced with con- tradictions, blafphemies., ob{cene {peeches, and ridiculous fables, that fome modeft, and more rationall Mahometans have thus exct- fed it that their Prophet wrote an hundied: - _and twenty thoufand fayings, whereof three thoufand only are: good, the refidue (as the’ impofsibility of the Moones falling into: his fleeve, the Converfionand Salvation of the — a — a a — e's ——sSs ~~ sp & a er ee ee Ne ee To the Chriftian Reader. 2 the Devils, and the like) are falfe and ri- diculous. Yet isthe whole efteemed fo fa- cred, that upon the Cover thereof is infcri- bed--Let none touch’ it but he who # clean. Nor are the vulgar permitted to read it, but live and die in an implicite faith of what theit Priefts deliver ; which indeed ( as faith the learned Grotius) is a manifeft argument of Grerine de its iniquity: For that metchandife may i juftly be fufpected , which will not be fold, unlefs unfeen : and though all mente. not alike petfpicacious in the knowledg, and difcerning of things , fome by arrogancy, and vain conceit of themfelves,others by: affe: &ion ; Some by cuftome, being:drawn into error: yetfhould we believe that. the way to eternall life cannot be underftood by them, who without any refpect of profit or preferment, feck it, fubmitting themfelves, withall they have , toGod, imploring his afsiftance , we fhould fin againft his infinite goodnefs. Therefore (Chriftian Reader ) though fome, confcious of their own in- ftability in Religion, and of theirs (too like A 3 Turks = wis the Chriftian Raeder. To Turks in this) whofe profperity and opi- — s nions they follow, were’ unwilling: this, fhould fe the Prefs, yetam I confident , if. thou hafibeen fo truea votary to orthodox Religion, asto keep thy felfe untainted of — their folies, this fhallnor hurt thee: And as forthefe.of that Batch , having once a- bandonel the Sun of the Gofpel, I believe they wil wander as farre into: utter dark- nefs, by following ftrange lights, as by this Ignis Fatus. of the Alcoran...Such as it is, 1 prefent io thee , having taken the. pains onlyto tanflate it out of French, not doubt-. — ing, though it hath been a poyfon, that hath infected a very.great , bur moft nnfound patt of theuniverfe, it may prove an Anti- dote, toconfirm in thee the health of Chri- ftianity.. TF FRE FRENCH EPISTLE TO THE READER He Book is a long conferenc: of God, R the Angels, and Mahome , which Oey e . Be that falfe Prophet very grofly. sm- yy vented ; fometimes he sntroduceth God, who fpeaketh to hin , and teacheth him bis Law,then an Angel, anonthe Pro- phets, and frequently maketh God to fpec-in the plurall,in a ftile that 1 not ordinary. He diclaimeth againft [uch as wor{hip Idols, particularly asainft the Inhabitants of the City of Mecca, and agiinf? the * Goreis. who were enemies to his defige. Ele * The coreis . ° 2 S were 2 pow- intituled this. book the Alcoran , as one uould fay, ecfuit family the Collection of Precepts : He likewife tirmed it g Paani El Forcan, that is , that diftinguifheth god from ‘im evil: He dievided it into many (hapters, to which he gave what infoription he thought good he moft commonly intituleth them with words tht are in their firft line, without regard to the mater they 4 treat ” eG 4. "To the Reader. treat of , and fpeaketh little of their Infcription ; 4 He divided into many:fignes, or Verfes, that cons tain bés -erdinances.and, fables. without obfer-vatt- on either of the confequente’, or connexton of the difcourfe, which is the caufe that thou fhalt finde in — this Book, # multitude of incongruous pieces , and dicvers repetitions of the fame things. It hath been | expounded by many Mabometan Dottors ,. their exe pofition being as ridiculous as the Text . They af- firm the originall of the Alcoran.to be wretten up- ona Table, kept mm Heaven, that the Angel Ga briel brought this Copie to Mahomet , who could neither write nor reade , and fitle him Prophet , or Apofile, in honor. Thou fhale finde -at beginning of fome (Chapters letters of the Arabique Alphabet, which fome men will not expound , They fear to ut- ter things. that may difpleafe their falfe Prophet : Moft of their Doétors affirm thofe Letters tobe the — firft letters of the Names of God. Thou fhalt finde — the expofition in this cverfion. Thou wilt wonder that Juch abjurdittes have snfected: the beft part. of the world, and wilt avonch, that the knowledg of | what ts contained m this Book ; will render that — Law contemptible. we BEMeekss ee aoe es aes A Summary of the Religion of The Turks. rang, He Turks believe one fole God, in one & fole Perfon, Creator of heaven and \ earth, the rewarder of the good,and Y) punither of the wicked; whol hath cre- % ated Paradife for the recompenfe of of the righteous, and Hell for the laf punifhment of crimes. They believe that Mahomet wasa very great Prophet, whom God fent into the world to teach men the way of falvation, and call themfelves <rufulmans, that is to fay, recommen- ded to God, or faved. They believe the Decalogue of Mofes, and are ob- liged to obferve it, they celebrate Friday as the Chriftians Sunday. , that day they affemble in Temples at noon, to pray. They are obliged to pray five timesa day, v7. in the morning, at noon, at the evening, when the Sun fetteth, and an hour within night. They faft the moneth, or moon, which they call Ramazan ; during this aortet » they neither drink nor . eat all the day, “until the Sun be fet, but inthe night drink and eat, according to their appetites, flefh and fifth, except the flefh of {wine, and wine, that is at all times forbidden them; after this faft they have the feaft. of great Bairgn; as the Chriftians Eafter after Lent: Lent. They are great founders of Temples, and Hofpitals,and are obliged to give to the poor the firft day of the year, the tithe of what they have gained during the preceding year. Be They believe, that after being well wafht, faying — fome prayer appropriate to that Ceremony, they — have alfo the foul purified from all filchinefs and fin, which is the caufe that they wafh and bathe often, efpecially before they pray. They have no Sacrament, but Circumcifion; they caufe their children to be circumcifed at the ageof } * feven or eight years ; and when they can pronounce thefe words, La ilha illa altha Mehemet rafoul allha, that is, There is but one God, Mahomet 1s his Pro- phet and Apoftle; this is their profeffion of faith, nevertheleis there is no mention of Circumcifion in allthe Alcoran, they {ay they obferve it in imitation of Abraham, whofe Law is recommended to them by Mahomet: they believe that the Alcoran was — brought to him at feverall times by the Angel Ga- briel, in. the City of Mecca, and that of wedina, be- caufe the Jews and Chriftians had altered the holy Scriptures, and the Law of God. They are permitted to have four wives, married at the fame time,and as many Concubines as they are able to maintain, Si They can put away their wives when they think firs _ “ paying chem what they promifed chem in contract | of marriage, and mary again actheir pleafure; but the women are bound to tarry until they are aflured chat. | they are not with childe before they marry again,&e their husbands are obliged to keep, and takehe care © re of4 own oe ee «FD ere ee of the children.. The children which they haveb their flaves are indifferently eftemed with thofe of their wives, and are all held as legitimate. They have Temples, Colleges, and Hofpitalls well revenued ; they have covents of Religious, that live exemplarily, obey.their Superiours without contra- diétion, and dance after the found of Flutes and other inftruments whenthey muke their prayers. They have moreover another fort of Religious Va- gabonds through the world, clothed like fools of that Country; they often gonaked; and cut their skin in many places, are heldto be holy perfons; and live by alms, which are never refuted them, both the one and the other fort of Religious are called Dervis, they are known by their habit, and can retire and marry when they pleafe. They deny Jefus Chrift to be God, orthe Son of God ; neither believe they in the holy Trinity : they fay that Jefus Chrift was a great Prophet, born of the Virgin Mary, a Virgin both before and after her delivery ;that he was conceived by divine in{pirati- on, or by a divine breach, withouta father, as Adam was created without a mother ;that hewas not cr uci- fied,that God took him into heaven,and that he fhal} come again on earth atthe end of the world to con- firm the Law of cAtahomet, they likewife affirm that the Jews thinking to crucifie Jefus Chrift, crucified amanamong them that refembled him. They pray to God for the Dead, they invoke ther Saints, of whom they have a large Legend, never- theicfs they believe not Purgatory,and many among them imagine that the foul and body remain toge- ther A great que= son anong Mabometans, Se aarnna any annem aan a aD ther in thegrave unil che day of Judgment. They have <Meccaand Medina, that are two Cities of Arabia, in great vercration, becaufe «Mahomet was” born at cM@ecca, and buried at Medina: chey make - thicher great pilgrimiges, and believe that Land to be Holy : They bearlikewife fingular refpeé to the” City of Ferufalem , for that it hath been the Birth- place, and habitatior of many Prophets. 4 They ufeno Clociss at the hourof their prayers” their Priefts afcend tue higheft part of a Tower, that — isin acorner of the femple, and witha loud voyce call the people to priyer,finging prayers, compofed — for that purpofe. ‘ E the Confuls, Govermys , Protédters, and Defenders of the Privikdges, Freedoms, aud Liberties of the City of Marfeillis ;. 46 certific, and atteft to allto whom it fhall appertain, that Mr. An- drew duRyer, Lord of Malezait, Gentleman in-ordi- nary of the Kings Chamber, and hiretofore Con[ul to his Majefty in Bgypt, hath executed the charze for the fain C hits like aman of hontfty and vonour , no complaint having been made at any time, or his admimiftr ation, or deportmens. during the time of his abrde there,and that he exersifed that offs 5 Neither was any complaint ever made of the (aid mr. du Ryer diving the time he fo- journed at Conftantinople for the forvice of his Males; but all the Captains and Officers of Merchant Veffets, and of others that negotiated inthe [me parts,received of him all favour, as in matters that cincerned them, as in affairs thas did relate to theifervice of bis Majefty, and the advantage of his Subjects traffique: in teftimeny of which, We Rive drawn and figned thefe prefents, and have put and affixed so them, the Seal, and accuftomed Arms. of this City. At Marfeillisthe 12. day of Feb. 1633. De Bourgongne, Coaful.. I, Savornin, Conful. — Meinardet, Conful. By thefaid Confuls Bot... To Mr. Du Ry zr, Lord of Malezair, Gentleman in Ordinary of the: Kings Chamber at Gonftantinople. . es Be = Sir, Your moft affeétionate Servants, the Confuls, Governors of the City of Marfeillés. Monthouliau, Francis Nappollon, Du Pont. From Mar fells this 24. a of Augujl. 1632. An A Tranflation of the Command of the grand Seignior,concerning Mt.Malegair. 2Liuftrieus: and Excellent. Com- s«) manders, refuge of the greatoTi- se) umphant, Eminent, Glorious, and rS* Honorable Lords; endued with the fpeciall graces, of God, Bafhaws, or. \Vice- Roys , Beyes, or Governors, that-are upon the roads of our moft Auguft Port to. the the Realm of France, God perpetuate your glory, juft Judges of the Mujulmans ; Minerals of Vertue and Knowledg, that are upon.the road of our moft Auguit Port to.the Realm of France, God increale your vertues, Hono: rable and trufty Governors,Captains of Fron- tires and. Caftles, Captains. and Patrons of Galleys and Veflels, Cuftomers that are upon the road of our moft Auguft Port to the Realm of France, God augment. your Ho- nours and glory.) hen this molt Auguft command fhall come to you, know, that the Lord. of Ryer, a. Gentleman of | France , is fent from.us into France for many jmpor- ley [OT PP Pe Ly if th, 6 Pow? important affairs; when he fhall farrive, going | and comming. to: the’ places’ of yout com= 7 mand, by. fea, or by landin our Ports,ourCi- 7 ties under our Caftles, and in any other place whatfoever, I command you to receive with all affection, and good reception, and'fuffer no difpleafure to be done to him; direGthy; or indireétly. You fhall caufe to be given to him what{oever fall be neceflary for him in ay- ing, and fhall facilitate with your whole power his paffage, with his two fervants. his coffers, and’ baggage ; and when he fhall have |” performed’ in’ France what hath'been ‘com® J, manded ‘him, and fhall ‘retutn to our molt 4¢ Auguft Port, you fhalldo in like manner and fhhall be careful ‘not’to’ violate this ot High command,or capitulations; Thus know him, }’; and having feen thefé ‘my moft Augtift’com: |, mand, you fhaf leave it in his hands, and fhal give ful and intire’ credit to ‘this my mofil luftrious marke. - ~, esc | Given at‘ Conftaitinople: the Loft day of the moneth ‘of Die) Hever; io4t. ‘Sealéd above with the Mark,or the Seat of the grand etgmi or, Amurat Sultaht ;’ ‘and’ Signed’ at’ Bafe- “Hullein. The PECL EERE EEE gad as A TABLE, Chapter. Folio. iT He Chapter of the Préface, containing [even Verfes, written _ BR. at Mecca, : I la. The Chapter of the Cow, Containing Two hundred four{core j. Avid (even V or {es written at Mecca,’ ere, 3+ The Chapter of the Linéage of Joachim, containing Two * Wandred V erfes, Written at Medina. fe) 3 es The Chapter of women, Containing One hundred and Seventy Ver{es, Written at Medina. big ea Re, a © AF §. The Chapter of the Table; containing One hundred and tween ty Verfes, written at Medina, eth $3. (6. The Chapter of Gratifications, containing One hundred fixty and fifteen Verfes, written at Nedina, 78 The Chapter of Prifons, containing One hundred and fix t VeFfes, writtenat Mecca, Ree ee 8, Fhe Chapter of the Spay, Containing Seventy and five ) Ve les, writter at Medina. ; 206 \9.: Fhe Chaprer df Conver fon, containing One hundred twenty | And [even Verfes, wrstten at Medina, sac) (ae yo The Chapter of Jonas, containing One hundered and nine It Vek (es, written at Mecca, Se Ce RE EB ire: Fhe Chapter of Add, containing One bandred tmenty si g, thee Verfes, writter ut Mecca. » agit 34 Dh as Fhe Chapeer of JORph; containing One hundred and thir- {| teh Verfes, written at Mecca. See nai Dan B49: igi: The Chapter of Thunder , edataimne Fourty and three Y Fetrfes, Written at Mecca, aah he a OSE tage Fhe A baprey off ADPANGHT Containing Fs fy V er[esy Written Mecca, 155 i 2 15. Zhe A TAEEES “ Chapter. a — Fo 15. The (hapter of icici Seventy and [eves Fe Writtex at Mecca. 16. The Chapter of the Bee, containing One loindrad inti as erles, Written at Mecca. 163, » The Chapter of the Voyage by, nights containing One hundred pase ee Verfes, written at. Mecca: 170 fF ’; 18. The Chapter of the Cave, containing One hundred and’ a Ver{es, written Be Mecca. : g 19 The Chapter of Mary,. containing. Four{core.and geen “Ver/es, written at Mecca. 185 29, The L btpt er. ef Beatitude, aad of Hell; containing. Ont cS tats and thirty Ver/es, Written, at Mecca. - gt . The Chapter of the Prophets, containing One hundred and. | "eh ve Verfes, written at Mecca. wees 197 | 22, The Chapter.of Pilgrimage, CEE Ay eventy and fi even Verfes, Written at Mecca. 9203 23. The ( hapter of. True- believers, containing One hpicndied and. eighteen Verfes, written at Mecca, 1 209) 24. The Chapter o Lae containing Seventy and four Verfes,§ , written at Medi “24 25. ‘The Chapter f i Alcoran, containing Seventy und even} “V erfes, Written at Niecea. 220 26. The Chapter of Pacts, containing One hundred. EWenty at “even Verfet, Written ar Mecca,” ag 27. The Chavter of the Pifmire, containing Fousfiere ‘and, thirteen Ve eres, Written at Mecca. ~_ 33F 28.' The C, hapter of Hiftory, containing Pourfcore vd eight Vorle 5, Written at Mecca. 2 3 29° The Chapter of. he § Spiders comeing Sixty and nine V fea “Written ne Mecca. 30. The Chapter. of the Grecians,. containing Sixty Poe Written at Mecca,, 3¥.. The Chapter of 1. ocman, Containing T hirty and four Ferfet * written at Mecca. 259 32. The Chapter of Wor fbip, containing Ong hundred and. shirt MD Ve Forfes Written at ‘Mecca, oa 4 3}: cf A TABLE, Pecan a enn , Chapter. Folio. 3307 be Chapter 0 of Bands, and Frroups of Souldiers, cont dining J, © 2F onr{core and [even Ve er[es, written at Medinaw. 0) 257 034s Lhe Chapter of Saba, containing Fifty and four Ver/es, 4, 0 ¢ Written at Mecca. 263 1 psn Dhe Chapter of the. Creator, containing Fourty. and five ; i V erfes, Written at Mecca. 267 _ 36.5 T he Chapter intituled, Or man; containing Fourfcare and ! eight Verfes, Written at Mecca. 271 ff \ 37: The Chapter of Orders, containing Four/core Verfes, writ- ten at Mecca. 275 ‘ 38. The C hapter of Truth, decor 58 F eared and eight Pe 7 erfes, written at Necca, : 280 i 39. The Chapterof Troups, containing RY eventy rane five Ferfes, written at Mecca. 284 i 4°. The Chapter of the True believers ,. containing Eighty ‘i and five Verfes, written at Mecca. 289 "gt. The Chapter of Ex pofition,cont aining Pfs ry and fon Kerfes, iy pa Prstten at Mecca. 295 it 42. The Chapter of Counfel; containing Fifty-and three K erfesy *" written at Mecca. 209 " 43. The C hapter. of Ornament , containing Righty wid nine lo) Kerfes, written at Mecca. { 303 "44. The Chapter of Smoke, containing Fifty and tive e Ver( es written at Necca. 307 45. The C hapter of Genwflexionjer Kuee bowing, —— Fifty and nine Verjes, Written at Mecca, 46. The (bapeer of: Hecaf, containing. Thirty and five Pp leis i Meritten at Mecca. p12 i Ag T he Chapter of the Combats COL AIRIA Fem foone und ight Verfes. Written at Mecea, 1 9316 fa ~f he, Chapter. of Congue es: ibribaininng BS Spent. and nige x Verfes, Written at Mecca. 319 1\ 49, The Chapter, of Inclofares:, containing Eighteen Ki (Kf es? } swritten at Medina 322 yt! 50.) The Chapter of the. Thing fudged, ares Nooo af ague sees written at Mecca. Min minige4 ies a2 Sl. Lhe ae pt Rs alga 5 TN a eee: to OR com a ay A TABLE. Chapter. iy sis Tbe Chapt of the Things disperfed, sontaining Sixty) Verfes, written at Mecca. 326 Af 52. The Chapter of the Menntnin, containing Thirty und nity Verfesy written at Mecca. 328 53> The Chapter of the Star, containing Sixty Verfes, mri at Meeca. 54. The Chapter of the Mon, containing Fifty and five Pel Written at Mecca. 535. The Chapter ef the Aderciful, containing Eighteen Verh, written at Medina. 34 $6. The (hapter of }ndgment containing? Fourfoore and Ee + Verfes, written at Medina. 57. The Chapter of Iton, containing Twenty aad nine Perks Written at Medina. 338 58. The (Chapter of the Dispate, Combaining Twenty Ae ie Verfes, Written at Medina. 59. TheChapter of Exile, containing Twenty ard four Perfo written at Medina. 60. The Chapter of Tryal, containing Bizhrem Ver[es, written at Mecca. 346 61. The Chapter of Array, containing Foarteen Ver[es, writer at Mecca. 348, 62. The Chapter of rhe wAffembly, wegen’ ‘Eleven Pee written at Medina. 63. The Chapter of the Wicked , eee Twelve Vi “ha written at Medina, 64. The ( bapeer of Deceipt, containing Eighteen Verfes, W ten at Mecca. 351 I 65. TheChupterof’ stctaaiactamaeess Eighteen Verfer, ef ten.at Mecca, | 66;.-The Chapter of Prokibition, vontaining Twelve Yen, Written at Medina. 354 67. ind Chapter of Ewspire, containing T bitty Verfes, writte at Mecca, v4 i 56 68. Tbe (haprer of the Pry’ bape FRY ana woof, ) written at Mecca, : 358 69. 7 Th ‘il A TABLE. Chapter. © Folio. 65. The Chapter of Verification,comtaining Fifty and two Verfes, Writtex at Mecca. 350 90. The Chapter of the Afcent , containing Fourty and four Verfes, Written at Mecca. “361 9t The Chapter of Noah, containing Twenty and eight Ver/es, written at Mecca. 363 72. TheChapter of Divels, containing Twenty and eight V eres, written at Mecca, 3¢ 73- The Chapter of the Fearful, containing Tweaty Ver, es, writtes at Mecea. 366 74. The Chapter of the Wrapped, containing Fifty and leven Ver[es, Written at Mecca. 367 7§. The Chapter of the Refwrrettion, containing Fourty Verfes, Written at Mecca. 368 76: The (baprer of Man, containing Thirty. Verfes; written at Mecca. 369 97, The Chapter of rhem that are fent, containing Fifty Verfes, written at Mecca, 371 78. The (wuprer of News, containing Fourty Verfes, written at Mecca. : 372 79. The Chapter of them thattake away, containing Fourty and ” fix Verfes, Written at Mecca, 374 80. The Chapter of the Blinde , containing Fourty and twe Verfes, written at Mecca, 375 81. The Chapter of Roundnefs , containing Twenty and nine Verfes, written at Mecca, 376 82. The Chapter of the opening of Heaven, containing Seventeen Verfes, Written at Mecca, 377 83. Lhe (hapter of them that weigh with falfe weight’, contain ing Thirty and fix Verfes, written at Meccas - ibid. $4. The Chapter of the Cleft containing Twenty and five Verfes; written at Mecca, 378 35, The Chapter: of the Signe Celeftial , containing Twenty Verfes, written wt Mecca. 379 36. The Chapter of Star, or of the North Star, eomtaimng Seveutten Verfes, written at Mecca. 380: a3 87, The Chapter. 87. The Chapter of the’ High and Mighty, teen Ver[es, written at Mecca. 98. The Chapter of the Coverings containing — and fix Ver{es, written at Mecca. ibid, 89. The Chapter of the Morning , containing Thirty V “eres, Written at Mecca. 382 90. The ( hapter of the City, cont aiming Twenty, Verfesswritten at Mecca. 383. gis The Chapter of the Sun, containing Fifteen Vi ‘er[es, weaned at Mecca. 384 gz. The ( hapter of Night, containing a memy: Verfes, written at Mecca. ibid. 93. The Chapter of the Suu rifing ,,, containing..Ten.Verfes s Written at Mecca, 385 94. The Chapter of Foy, containing Eight Verfes, written at Mecca. ibid. 95+ The Chapter of the Fig, containing Eight-V erfessrorittenat Mecca. aS Sens: 96. The Chapter of Blood congealed, - containing Seventeen Verfes, Written at Mecca. ibid. 97. The (hupter of Glory or Power; containing Five. Ver(esy written at Mecca. 387 98. Lhe Chapter of Inftratlion, containing Bight Verfes, written -wtMedina. ~ --\ bid. 99. The Chapter of the Earthquake, containing Zipht ree Lwritten at Medina. 38 100.. The Chapter of Horfes, containing Eleven Ke erfesy pan at Mecca and Medina, 389 10%; The! Chapter of A (flittions, contains E learn. Kerless written at Mecca, eae 102, The © hapter of Abundance. ‘comtuining Haale Fosse written at Mecca, 390 103. The Chapterof the Evenings”. at \ bid, 104, The Chapter of Piscean concening ee Vexlesy rite sten.at Mecca? Vow ae dy 105 The E ‘ 105. The Chapter of Elephants, Folio, containing Five Ver[es, writ. ten at Mecca, 391 106. The (hapter of Coteis, containing Four Verfes, written at Mecca. ibid, 107. The Chapter of the Lay, containing Seven Verfes, Write ten at Mecca. ibid, 19%. The Chapter of Affiuence, containing Three Verfes, Writ- ten at Mecca. - 392 109. The Chapter of Infidels, containing Six Verfes, written: at Mecca, ibid. 110. The Chapter of Proteétion, containing four Verfes, written at Mecca, ibid. 111. The Chapter of the Cord of Palm, containing Eleven Kerfes, Written at Mecca, 393 112. The Chapter of Salvation, containing Four Verfes, writs ten at Mecca. ibid, 113. The Chapter of Separation, containing FPve Verfes, writ- ten at Mecca. ibid, 114. The Chapter of the People, containing Six Verfes, Writs ten at Meécca, 394 The Life and Death of Mahomet. 395 A needful Caveat er Admanition to the Reader, ALCORAN MAHOMET. CHAP. TI. The Chapter of the Preface, containing fevenVerfes, written at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious and merciful ; Praifed be God, gracious and merciful ; King ofthe Day of ‘Judgment. It is thee whom weadore ; it is from thee we require help, Guide us in the tight way, in the way of them that thou haft gratified ; againft whom Ye pg o> j 2 Y hy OF he ae Y e z Ui, thou haftnot been difpleafed, and we fhall not be mif led, B CHAP. CHAP. Tl. The Chapter of the Cow, containing Two hundred fourfcore and feven Verfes, Wwrittenat Mecca. See Erpen- YN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Lam the mofk — pia wife God. There is no Error in this Book; it guideth into “the right way; thofe that are righteous, who believe what they ~ fee not, who make their Prayers with affection, and difpence in Alms, a part of the Goods that we have giventhem. Such as believe the things that dre inipiredinto thee, in thofe that have been Preached before thee, and at the end of the world are not ignorant. they are guided by their Lord, and thalibe bleffed. Mifery is upon unbelievers, Whether thou reprove them, ordo not reprove them, they will norbe converted, God hath fhut up their heart, their ears and eyes, and they fhall fatter great tor- See the ments. Many men fay,we believe in God, and the Day of Judg= — preped ment, and @o not believe ; they think to deceive God, and them ~ on oO . * ~ 5 . 4 Gealdin. that believe in God ; certainly they deceive themfelves,and know — itnot. God will augment the infrmity which they have in their. heart, and they hall undergo the rigors of an infinite pain, by — reafon of their lying. When it was faidito them, Pollute not the | earth, they faid, We are true obfervers of the Law of God ; | notwith{tanding, they were they that polluted the earth, but | they knew it not. When it was faidtothem, Believe ye asthe | world believeth? They faid, Shall we believe as fools believe ? © they themfelves are fools, and know it not. Whenrhey met ~ See Gelal- with fuch as believe in God, they faid, We believe as you do’ | ms And when they returned towards the devils, their companions, | they faid, Webelieve asyou, and mock at thofe men: Certain. ly God mocketh them. andcontinueth them in their Errors, to | theirconfufion. They that have purchafed Error, for the right way, have gained nothing in theircommerce, andare not well | dire€ted; they are like to fuch askindled fire, and when it” hath enlightened what isabout them, God hath deprived’ them © of light, and left them in darknefs, deaf, dumb, blinde, and they. | fhall Chap.2. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. SE SR thall never be converted; or as.a cloud of Heaven; full of dark- nefs, thunder, and lightning, they ftop their cars with their fin- gers, by reafon of the noife, and for fear of death ; but God feeth the unbelievers, he caufed-lightning to approach, that ravifhed from them their fight ; they have followed what appear- ed to them , and are detained in darknefs: But if God had pleafed, he had deprived them, both of hearing, and fight’; for he is omnipotent. O People ! worfhip your Lord, who created you and allthat were before you ; it may be, That you will fear him that hath extended the Earth , that raifed the Heaven, and caufed Rain to defcend ; that canfed the preduction of Fruitsto enrich you. Say not, that God hath a companion equal to him, becaufe you know thecontrary. Ifyou doubt that I have fent my fervant, come, and bring fome Chapters like to the Alcoran, and call to witnefs the Idols that yonadore ; if yonare good men, if youhave not doneit. or cannot perform it; Fear the fire of Hell prepared for Infidels, and Idolaters; and declare to true believers; who do good works, That they hall enjoy the immenfe pleafures of Paradife, wherein flow many Rivers ; they fhallthere finde all forts of fair and favory Fruits, which God hath prepared for them ; they thall confider, if they be liketo fuch as they had before in the world: They fhail there have wives, fair, and delicate, and fhall dwellin eternal felicity. God isnot afhamed to compare a little * Puny to an extream Great, nefs: Now, fo itis, that crue believers know, that it proceedeth from their Lord. Fhe wicked demand, what God doth mean by that comparifon ? He by this means mif-leadeth, and directeth many men ; but mif-leadeth none, but the difobedient. Such as pervert his Teftament, and his Promifes ; fuchasretrench his Commandments, and defilethe Earth, aredamned. Why will you be impious, feeing that God hath given you life after death ? He will caufe you to dye, he will raife you again, and you hall all return before him to be judged. He it is, that.created whatever is upon Earth, and afcending to Heaven, hath ordained feven Heavens, knowing all things. Rememberco inftrn& men, that thy Lord faid to his Angels, I would: create a Vicar upon Earth ; and when they anfwered, Wilt a there place him that fhall de- 2 file 5 ned * The Puny is a ftinkiag Worm, frequently growing, im Beds in hot Countries. See Kztab el tenoir: ee Ee The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.2.§ fileit, and fhed blood, while we exalt thy Glory, and fandtifie thee ? I know faidhe, what youknownot. He taught Adam the names of allthings, who difcovered them to the Angels, to whom God faid, Declare to me the names of all things that I have created, if you know them; they replyed, Praife is due to thy Divine Majefty , we know nothing but what thou haft taught us, thou alone art knowing and wife. He faid to Adam, Declare to them the names of all things that J have created. After he had taught them, God faid, Did I not tell you, that I knew what is not, neither in Earth, nor Heaven ; and that I underftand what- ever you make manifeft, and whatever you keep moft fecret ? Remember thou, that we fiid to the Angels, Humble your felves before Adam; they all humbled thenlfelves, except the Devil : He was already proud, and inthe numberof thé wicked. We faid untoe4dam, Dwellthon and thy wife in Paradife, and eat there what thou likeft, but approach not that Tree, leaft thou be in the number of the unjuft. The Devil made them to fin, and depart from the Grace in which they were ; then we faidto them, Defcend you enemies one to another, you fhallhave a dwelling upon Earth, and goods wherewith to live for atime. Adam begged pardon for his fault of his Lord, he pardoned him, becanfe he is gracious and merciful, and faid, Defcend, and go all of you out of Paradife; there thall hereafter come to you, "a guide from me... Such as thall follow him, hall be delivered from fear and affli@ion (at the day of Judgment ;) fuch as fhall be impious, and conceal my Commandments,{hall burn eternally The Alco- inthe fire of Hell. O children of Ifrael, remember the Grace yan in the | have done you, I will fatisfie my Promifes, perform yours, fear old and me, and believe in what I have fent from Heaven, confirming ‘ott aig what was before taught you; be not the firt impious, and for- fake sot my Law at any rate; fear me, and cover not the Truth witha lye, neither willingly conceal it’: Make your prayers at the time appointed, pay Tithes, and worthip your Lord with them chat adore him. Wil! you command people that have no care of their fouls, todo good? Will you meditate upon Seri« pture, without obferving it? Entreat for faccor with patience, and with prayers they abound not, but in them that are obedient, : that ee ae (hap. 2. The Alcotranof Ma H OME T, 5 that believe they fhall one day behold their Lord, and fhall re- turn before him to be judged. O children of //rae/, call to minde my favors. I have preferred you toallthe world ; fear the day, wherein one Soul ‘fhall not be chaftifed for another ; when prayer fhall not be heard, neither ranfom, fuccors nor protection be found for the wicked. Remember, that we de- livered you from the hands of Pharaoh, who afflicted you through the violence of torments, who murthered your children, abufed your wives; and that your Lord encreafed your miferies, becaufe of the enormity of your crimes. Remember,. that we divided the Seas to fave you, and that we drowned Pharaohs men in your view ; neverthelefs, you worfhipped the Calf, when we detained AZo/es with us fourty nights, inwhich you were ¢x- treamly too blame ; after this, we pardoned you, it may be that you will give me thanks. We gave unto A4o/es the Book, that diftingnifheth good from evil; perhaps you will be converted. - Remember, that AZofes faid to his people, You were too blame Gelaldin for having adored the Calf; repent, and beconverted to your faith, the ss ‘ innecent Creator : Slay one another, that will be athing acceptable to 9... the God ; he will pardon your crime, he is gracious and merciful, wicked, You faid, O CMofes, we will not believe thee , for that we fee not God; then. yon were {mitten with thunder, you faw your mifery with your own. cyés : neverthelefs, We We have raifed you after your death 5 perhaps you will give me thanks, pardoned We covered you with the (hadow of clouds , we caufed Manna yo": fee and Quails to fallupon you, and faid, Eat the good things we Gelaldit havegivenyou. They did usno harm, when. they murmured ; they afflicted themfelves. We faid, Enter into that City, and Gelsiadin eat therein what fhall content you; enter in.at the gate, With faith, it is humility, and fay, Remove our fins from us, 1 will pardon your Jerufalem. offences, and encreafe the Graces of thofe that are righteous : 9°¢ Nias then the wicked altered their words that were taught them; but rues I fent my indignation from Heaven upon them, according to theirdemerits, When AZofes demanded drink for his people, we faid, Smite the Rock with thy Rod, incontinently there {prung forth twelve Fountains, and every man knew his place, where to drink: Eat, and drink the good things of God, and B 3 defile The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap. 2, defile nor the Farth any more. You faid into c7o/es, we are hot fatisfied with one fért of meat; entreat thy Lord that he sive us what the Eatth prodaceth, Beets, Cucumbers, Garlick, Lentils, and Onioris; he faid; Defire you to change good for evill ? Goe downe into Agypt , you wilf there finde what you fequite. They were beaten with difgrace, and poverty, amd res turned into the Wrath of God? for that they difebeved his Cotnmandements, and unjuftly flew his Prophets, for which they were greatly toblame. Alf thofe that fhall believe Chriftians, Jewes or Samaritans , fiich 4 thall believe in Godat the day Of | Judgemerit, and doe good workes, fhall be recompenfed by es Gial. theif Lord, and be free ftom feare , and affliction, at the day of ; the Reflirtection. When we received your promife,to beleeve in the Old -Teftament, we raifed 4 mouritdifie over you; to over- fhadow you , arid faid, Comprehend with affection , what wee teach you, and remehiber ; perliaps you willfeare the fire of Hell, and difobedience ; nevertheleffe, youhave gone aftray, without the mercy of your Lord you fhall be in the number of the damned, You know what befell thofe that obferved not the Sabboth; we faid into them, Be ye abhorred , and defpifed as Apes; We left this punifhment, as an advertiferient to their temporaries and | See Kind pofteritie, and particularly, to be for af exampleto the true be- dino, feevers. Remember thou, that A7Zo/es faid unto the people, God commandeth you to facrificea Cow. ‘They anfwered, doeft thou mocke us ? He replied,God defend me from being in the number of the ignorant ; they faid, Callupon thy Lord, that he inftruét us what. Cow that onght tobe; he faid, it muftbea Cow of a middie age, neither young, hor old, and-doe what is command: edyou; They faid, pray unto thy Lord, chat he thew us of what colour irought to be. It mutt, fatd he, be of a bright, yellow colour, that it may delight the eyes of the beholdets. They faid, Invoke thy Lord, that he inftructus , what it’ought to refemble, and we fhall (if it pleafehim) be obedient to his Commmandes nents ; He faid, God anfwetech you, thatit maf bea Cow, that never bare the yoke, to tillthe earth, either water the fields, round, and that hath never laboured; neither hath {por upon her body. They faid, thowhaft now fpoken truths they then facrificed © her, mo ei . Chap.2. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 7 . ee: ee her , and it wanted not much, but they had not done it; When you have flaine any one, you are then fullof wrath, and become proud; God bringeth to light whatever you conceale ; We faid, {mite that dead body witha piece of that Cow : fo God raifethagaine the dead *, and manifefteth to you his Miracles ;. jt * THe may be you willcomprehend them, yet your hearts are hardned, Turksbe- more obdurate then Rocks ;.,for Rivers flow from Rocks, when pais they cleave and appeare, or when they fall, and overturne by,the te acain, permiffion of his divine Majefty. God is not ignorant.of your being actions. Doyou defire the Jewes thould beleeve you, becaufe {mite many among them write the word of God, and.alter ic at,plea- withne ; fure , after they have comprized it ?. When they meet with ee Cait true beleevers, they fay, we beleeve in. God, and-being aflem- See Bulacis bled , they fay among themfelyes , have you entertained thofe true beleevers, forrhat God hath inftruéted you, that they may finde no excufe againft you, at the\day of Judgement, before his ¢ 5 stale divine Majeftie ? Undertand you.not-that. they would excufe ‘line ks chemfelves upon what you have faidroighem ¢ Know they not — that. God .knoweth, whatever they conceale , and what they bring to light ? Therebe fome that know neither co reade nor write, that.underftand.nothing.of, Scripture , but what they have learned from the lies of their Dodtars., yet they thinke, to be knowing men. .Miferie is upon chem that conceale the Scrip- ture intheir hands , that alter it, and fay, that what they reade proccedeth from God to. profit, any. thing thereby. ,Muerieis upon them., becanfe.of whgetheir hands have written ;miferic isupon. them, and upon, what they have gained, in blafpheming againft God, They,have faid, we. fhall.continue in Fire but.a ceftaine number of dayes: Say unto them,.have you capitulated with God? He will not. a@ againft his promifess Will you fpeak of God what youknow.not ? Stichas have gained ought , and were entangled in the finne of their gaine , fhall for ever re- maine inthe famesof Hell ; and.chey that have: faith in God, and doe good workes , hall eternally enjoy, the. delights of Pa- radife. Remember thou., that we taught the Commandements “of the Law, and how we faidto.the children of Hrael, worlhip oneonly God, doe,good unto your father and mother, to your 5 allies, The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap. oo allies, orphans, and the poore: fpeake mildely unto the peo- ple, make your prayers at the time appointed , and pay your Tithes s nevertheleffe they were difobedient, except fome very few among them, When we received the Commandements of God, and that we faid, fhed not your bloud, neither forfake your houfes , you approved it, your felves are witnetles; Nes vertheleffe you flew many , and conftrained a great number to defert their habitation , you affifted each other in injuftice, and impicty. If flaves have recourfe to you , you fhall redeeme them, their deliverance is appointed you : Doe you beleeve one part of theScripture to abjure the other ? The reward of any of youthat fhalldo thisthing, is ignominie in this world, and to be precipitated into the moft grievous torments of Hell at the day of Judgement. God isnot ignorant of your ations: Such as purchafe the life of the world, to qnit Paradife, fhall not be cafed in their miferies , and be utterly deprived of faccours. Certainly , we gave the Law to Mofes , and after him fent ma~ ny Prophets ; We infpited knowledge into Jefus the fonne of Mary, and {trengthned him by the Holy Ghoft, but you arofe againft the Prophets , that came contrary to your affections, you belyed- one part, and flew another. The unbeleevers faid, our heart is hardened ; It is God that hath curfed them, by reafon of their impietie ; and few of: them wilt beleeve the Comman- “dements of his divine Majeftic. When God‘ hath fent them any Booke, confirming the Scriptures, which they before ap- proved ( viz. the Old Teftament, and the Gofpel ) they de- manded fuccours when they met withthe wicked,and being fuc-. coured, they either underftoodit not , or would not receive it. The curfe of God is: upon Infidels, efpecially upon them that” have fold their foules, and through envie difobeyed his Com- mandements: He beftoweth his grace on whom he pleafeth, they are rerurned in the difpleafure of his Divine Majeftie, who hath prepared for them grievous torments , becaufe of the enormitie of their crimes. Whenit was faid to them, Beleeve in the Commandments of God : they faid, Do we not believe in What hath been commanded us Nevertheleffe,they have no faith inthe: truth which God hath fent , confirming the Prophecies, ‘and ' ay . The Alcoran of MAHOMET. : ‘ “ and the precepts that they before approved ; Say unto them, had owheretofore flaine the Prophets, if you had beileved in his Law ? Aofes certainly had caufed you to fee Miracles; but yee adored the Calfe after his departure , wherefore you were great- ly too blame. We received your promife,to obferve the Comman- dements of the Law, and raifed a * Mountaine over you; Un-+* The derftand with affection what we teach you, and hearken to what Turks be- is commanded you; they anfwered, we have heard, and difo- leeve that beyed, and inclined their heart to the adoration of the Calfe, God rail hecaufe of their impietie. Say to them, doth your faith com- Melee mand you to doe it, if you believe in God, and life eternall? taine over Thinke upon death, if you be righteous; They regard. not their the Mftae- patt errours, but God knoweth the unjutt Thon fhale finde them me tao with diligence , and defire to live a long time ; The wicked hope verfhad= to live athoufand yeares; but they fhall be exempt from the punifhment to live long ; God beholdeth all their aétions. “Say to them, who is an enemie to Gabriel? He by the permiffi- on of God hath infpired into *thee the Alcoran, that’ con- * Male. fimeth the ancient Scriptures , and guidech the good in the way of, their Salvation, and declareth to them the joyes of Pa- radife. Hethatis anenemic to God, the Angels, his Prophet, to Gabrael and Michael, thall be rigoroufly chaltifed , God is an enemie to Infidels. We have fént thee precepts, cleare, arid intelligible , none will abjure them butethe wicked Some of them have acted againft their owne promifes , and the greatefé part is incredulous ; Many of them that have knowledge in the written Law, have forfaken.ic , evenwhen God fent them any Prophet to confirme the Scriptures,that they had before received, and approved: They caft the booke of God. behinde: their backs, as if they knew itnot, and adhered: to what. the Devils taught in the raigne of Solomon, (yet Solomon finned: not, butthe Devils only, that inftrnéted the people-in Magick ) and what was 4, and taught by the two Angels, Avot and AZarot in Babylon. Before ygarot they taught the people, they faid, We are not fedition, neither Magici- be you improus, Fhe people learned of them,what concerneth the 495. feparation of the man and the woman and what breedeth ha- tred betwixtthem. They did not harme-to any by their Magick; bet The Jews and Chri+ ftians who have the written Law: See Gelaldin. Sas The Alcoranof MawomMeET. (hapa but, through the permiffion of God, the people learned of them | what might hurt,and not be profitable to them ; they. inftragted! in Magick them that fold their part in Paradife,at the lofs of thei fouls, although they knew theirerror, thatthey had before bes leevedin God, and feared his divine Majeftie. Repentance if: {pired by Godis exceeding profitable, ifthey underftood to know it, 'O youthat feare God, fay not, honour us ; fay, regard us, and hearken to what iscommanded you. To Infidels are prepared dolorous torments; the Jews -and Chriftians defired not that God fhould fend you-good, but God very liberrall, gratifieth with his mercy whom he pleafeth : he-wiil not alter his Com- mandments, neither forget them ; he will moreover teach others more profitable, or ofthe like nature; know you not that God is omnipotent ? underltand younot'that to Ged appertains the Kingdom of heaven, and of earth; who except God will be your protector ? Will youqueftion your Prophet, as 44o/es was here- tofore queftioned ? He that thall change faith into impiety, thall forfake the good way. Many that have knowledge in the Scrip- ture, endeavoured to miflead you through impiety andenvie, ” notwithflanding they are not ignorant of the Truth ; forgive them,and beware of them,untill God hath (otherwife) difpofed, he is Omnipotent, Make your prayers at the time appointed,and pay your Tithes,you f{hali-finde before God the good that yon do for your jouls;he beholdeth all your aGtions, They have faid; that none but the Jews andChriftians thal enter intoParadifejit is their falfe invention ; fay unto them, ifyou be good men, bring your Reafons on the contrary, he ‘that refigneth ‘himfelfto’ God, and ; his divine ‘Majeftie, ‘there is a juft man, fhall berecompented by needeth not-be any feare for him, he thall not betormented in thefirevof bell. The J ews fay,the Chriftians are void of reafon:and the Chriftians affirm the Jews tobe without reafon;neverthelefs they ftudy the Scripture, {6 fpeake the ignorant’; God will de- termine ‘their. differenceat ‘the day ofthe RefarreGion. Who is more unjult,rhen he thac hindred, that'God ‘be remembred in Temples,-and that ftudieth none i ght but their deftruGion ? fuck men cannot enter therein; ‘but withfearand terrour ; they fhafl have-oniearth fhame bpon the forchead; and,in the ocher world, fhall = oe ee ste oOo Sl ES — (Chap... The Alcoran of MAH OMET. fhall fa@er exceeding great torments. The Eaft and VVett are Gods, whitherfoever men turn themfelves, the face of God doth there meete them, his Divinity extendeth through the whole earth. They faid, beleeve you that God hatha Son/ Praifed be God on the contrary; whatever is either in earth or heaven, appertaineth to his Divine Majeftie, andall things obey him; he hath created heaven and earth,and when he willeth any thing, he faith,Be thou,and it is. fhe unbeleevers faid,if God {peak not tous, or if thou performeft no miracles, we will not beleeve thee; thet predeceflorshave faid as much, and their words have been like unto their. hearts; we have caufed miracles to appear, to the righteous, and have fent thee to preach and, inftruct the people ; inquire not why thofe that thal defcend into hell will not believe thee; the Jews and Chriftians will not be fatistied of thee, untill thou follow their opinion; fay unto them, there is no better guide in the world then God: takeheede left thou follow their appetites, after that thou halt comprehended the knowledge _ which we infpired into thee; who, except God, will be thy de- fendor ? They whom we have taught the Scripture, that itudy and read it with truth, beleeve the contents of it; and they that do not beleeve, are damned, O children of Ifrael, call to minde the favour that I did you ; I preferred you before all the world, feare the day wherein one foul fhall not be able to affait another, when a ranfome fhall not be accepted, neither excufe ; and when the wicked. fhall not be proteéted. Remember thou, that. Adrg- bam vequefted of the Lord an accomplifhment of his VVord ; he faid to him,’I will eftablith thee among the people, to teach them the myfteries of my Law: and he faid, what fhall become of my Linage ? He anfwered, Paradife fhall not be open to the unjult. VVe have eftablithed the Temple of AZecea for a fure refuge of the people, in repentance ; he made his Oratorie at eAbrahams* place; and we have commanded e4braham and * Abiahams 11 Tfmael to keep clean my houfe for them that fhall repair thither place is an im proceffion, with humiliry and adoration. VVhen ¢e4brabam wee: receivedthis command, he faid, Lord fortifie this City, and enrich Tenple its people with all good things, and all the inhabitants thereof, of Mecea, that fhal believe in thy divine Majeftic, andthe day of judgement. God The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hapay God faid, I will for 2 time enrich the Infidels alfo, and precipi- tate them into the fire of hel!l,where they fhall remain to all eter — nity. VVhen Abraham and I/mael raifed the foundations ofthe Temple of ALecca, Abrabam faid,Lord accept our vows; thou nn | derftandeft all, and knowelt al! things : Lord give us the graceto | be obedient to chy Commandments, and let a people iffue from | our loyns that may obferve thy Law: Shew usthe way we ought” to follow, and have mercy upon us; thou art gracious and mercie | ful: Lord fend to this thy people a Prophet of theirnation,to preach to them thy Commandments,to inftrué them in Scriprure and knowledg,and to purifie them,thou art omnipotent and wife. © No man fhall abandon the Law of Abraham, but tohis own) damage, I have chofen him in this world, and he isin the other, in the number of the juft. Remember thou, that his Lord faid tohim, Be thou obedient to thy Lord, and cruft thou in him; he faid, I refign my felf to God, Lord of the Univerfe He com- manded faced and his children, to follow the Law of God. My | children, God hath taught you his Law, truft you in him, -be obedient to him, even unto death. Were you prefent when facobwas near unto death ? and when he faid to his fons, Whom will ye adore after me? They anfwered, We will worthip thy God, the God of our Fathers Abraham, Ifmael, and I/zac, one fole God; we refign our felves to his pleafure. The good that thofe men gained, remained cothem, and the evil that yon fhall commit, fhall beagainft you; enquire not after what they did. They have faid, Beye either Jew, or Chriftian, you fhall follow the right way. Say unto them, contrariwife, The law of Abra- ham is moft juft, he was not of thé number of them that be- lieved in many Gods. Say ye, We believe in God, in what he infpired into Abraham, Ifmael, Ifaac, jacob, and the Tribes, in what wae taught AZo/es, Fe/us, and all the Prophers, ‘we rely up- onGod. If they believe as you do, they thal] not érre ; if they abandon your fatch, they willhave a controverfie with you; but God thall prote& you; he-underftandeth whatever they fay, 4 and what they do; he hath purified his Law, and what better purification is there, chen that of his Divine Majefty > Say aato them Will you difpute with us concerning God, whois yout, and _ Chap.2. The Alcoran of Ma HoMET. 13 | oA A icbasinaiaiS chinadhaea ial OC RE » and our Lord ?. We will anfwer with our actions, and you fhall |. anfwer with yours; allour confidence is inhis Divine pleafure. i, Will you fay, that e4braham, Ifaac, Pacob, andthe Tribes, were Jews or Chriftians ? Are you more knowing then God ? Who ts » more unjuft, then he that concealeth the miracles that he hath : feen to proceed from God ? Heisnot ignorant of all your a¢ti- ons, The good that thofe men have done, remain to them ; and * the evil that they fhall commit, fhall be againft you: enquire not , after what they did. Some ignorant among the people will fay, ' Their Prophet doth not appoint them to turn the face to that fide, to which they turned heretofore, when they made their * Orifons. Say untothem, The Eaft and wef? belong unto God; » BE dire&teth in the right way whom he pleafeth, Aswe have con- ~ duéted you into the right way ; we have likewife commanded - youtodo that which 1s juft; that you be witneffes again{t the people attheday of judgment, and the Prophet witnefs againit See Gelal. ,, you. LThave not ordained, that you turn your face as heretofore, “’” ' when you made your Orifons, to the end, they may be known * that follow the Prophet, from them that return to their impiety. It willbe irkfome to the people to turn tothatfide, except to fuch as God hath guided into the right way. God will not make ' vain your belief; he is gracious and merciful to hispeople. Tice " that thou-lifteft wp thy face to Heaven, turn which way fhall 7 pleafe thee ; but tufn thou towards Afecca, wherefoever thou iq att: They, to whom heretofore the knowledg of Scripture Thefe are “was given,knew that the Truth proceeded from their Lord ; what the Jews. they do isnot concealed from God, when thon fhalt meet them ; eee oS . and that they will not turn themfelves, as thou, in making their ¢.tjow the " prayers; do not thou likewife turn, as they, they carn not all the -wricten fame way, follow not their appetites, having comprehended the Law. knowledg that hath been infpired into thee, leaft thou fall in- ! gothe number of the unjuft. Many, to whom we have given the knowledg of the written Law, underftand ic perfectly, as alfo do their children; neverthelefs, they conceal the Truth, and are not ignorant that it proceedeth from thy Lord: Be not thon of the number of them that doubt. Turn thy felf always to- wards AZecca. Do good wherefoever thou art, God will be with The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (Chap.a with thee ; he isomnipotent. From what place foever thou goeft forth, turn thy face towards Zecca: This is reafonable, and or dained by thy Lord. Whatfoever you do, is not hid from God; wherefoever you are, turn towards AZecca, that none may finde wherewith to reprove your actions, but the unjuft ; fearnot them, but fear me: Iwill accomplifh my Grace upon you, and you fhall be guided through the right way. . We have fent unto you a Prophet of your Nation, that fhall teach yon my Com. mandments,and purifie you. He fhall inftmmét you in the Seriprure, inknowledg, and in what you underftand not. Remember me, Iwill remember you ; praife me, and be nor in the number of x Sothe the wicked. Oye thatare* True believers! implore fuccor with Turks ftile patience and prayers, Certainly, God is with fuch as are patient?) themfelves Say not, that thofe that are flain for, the defence of their Law, are dead, contrariwife they are-alive, but yon know it-not.. 1 willtry you, and affli you, through the lofs of your goods, and difeafe of your perfons : Paradife fhallbe for them that fhallbe patient, andfhallfay intheir affliction, V Ve are given up unto God, and thall return before him to be judged ; his Grace fhall * safvand be upon them, and they fhallnoterre. * Safa and Aeroa are Meroa are tokens of hispower: He that fhall go on Pilgrimage to AZecca, mountains {hall not do amifs co vifit thofe two places; he that obeyeth, (hall meer Mecca do well, God rewardeth them that do good works, and knows eth, all.things, 1 will lay my curfe upon’ fuch.as conceal my Commandments, they fhallbe accurfed above whacever is in this world ; except them that fhall be converted, that fhalldo good works, and bring to light what they concealed, I will give them my Grace; lam graciousand merciful. The wicked:that died in their impiety, fhallbe eternally accurfed of God, of Angels, atid of all: the VVerld, they fhall never be eafed in their coments, and fhall be, withoutend, deprived of protection... Y our-God, isone fole God ; there isnone other God, but God gracious and merciful, The Creation of the Heavens, and the Earth, the difference of the day and the night, the Shtp: that failech’on che Sea for the advantage ef commerce, the Rain:chat fallech from Heaven, to give life cothe arth afteritsdeath, che diverfity of VVinds, andthe Clouds thatmove' between Heaven and Earth)” are Chap. 2; The Alcoranof MAHOMET. are fignes of 'the unity of God, to thofe that can underftandiit. There be, thac'adore Idols, and lovethem ; the True-believers love but onefole God. VVhen thou fhalt fee the wicked, know, they fhall one day fee the punifhment of other crimes. All i ftrength and vertue proceedeth from God, moft fevere in his chaftifements:=2¥Vhen ‘that a part of them that had embraced the erue Law, “feBarated: themfelves front the company of True believers, and tharany mifchief befel them, they could not re- unite thernfelves : Then they faid, an their affiGtion, If we an- other time meet our companions , we will feparate our felves ry from them, as they have feparated themfelves from’us Thus See Kitab fhall God'give them to'underftand theirerror, with exceeding “ ‘enor. forrow , and they fhall be eternally confined in the fire of Hell. Oye people ! ‘cat what is good and favory in the Earth, and fol- low not the fteps of the Divel ; he is your open enemy, he will command you that which is evil, and filthy ; and to’ fpeak of God what youknow not. VVhen it was faid to the Infidels, obey the Commandments of God, they faid, VVe will follow the {teps of our Fathers ; we will obferve, whatthey obferved : farely their Fathers were unwife, and mif-led ; they are like to him that cryeth, and underftandeth nothing of what is fpoken, but the voyce ; they are deaf, dumb, blinde, and withont judg- ment. © ye, that believe in God, eat the good things that he hath given you, and give him thanks, if ic be him that you wor- fhip. He forbiddeth you to eat Catrion,Blood, Swines flefh, and whatever is not killed, in pronouncing the name of his Divine Majelty, except it be in extreamneceffity ; and in thiscafe, it fhall not be reputed difobedience, nor fin ; God is benigne, and merciful: what they eat, that conceal the VVord of God, for any profit or advantage, fhall be nothing but matter of fire in their bowels. God. thall not fpeak to them at the day of judg- ment, but with fury; he will not purifie them, and they fhall fuffer rigorous torments. They that have purchafed error for the right way, and punifhment for pardon, fhall burn inthe fire of Hell; for that God hath fent the mroft true Book that con- taineth his Commandments ; they that impugne what is con- tained in that Book, are in anexceeding great error, far fromthe truth, The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.2. truth, It isnot juftificarion to turn the face, making your pray- ers cowards the Eaft or Weft ; hethallbe juftified, chat {hall be- fievein God, the day of judgment, the Angels, the Scriptures,” and the Prophets; and that in charity fhall impart fome part of his goods to his parents, to orphans, to the poor; to pilgrims,and to flaves, ‘Such as believe in God, and have his fear before theit eyes, perfevere in their prayers, pay Tithes; they fatisfie their promifes, and are patient in their adverfities, Ove that believe! the 7 alio is commanded youin murther, the free for the free, the (lave for the {lave,.the woman forthe woman. But if any one pardon theblood of his brother, he fhall profecute the male- factor, according to what he thall fee moft advantagious, through damages and interefts: It is a facilicy which God hath given you, through his mercy. He that fhall do injury to the male- factor, having received fatisfaction of him, thal faffer grievous _ torments; at the day of judgment you fhall finde life in the The Talio Taljo, Oyou that are wile! it may be youwill fear God: He s@fe, commandeth yon to make your Teftament, when you approach equa to A . r the offence unto death; give legacies of your fubftance to your Father, and Mother, your neer Kinred, and beftow Alms on the poor. If any man alter your Teftament, the fin fhall be upon him, and upon all chem that fhall alter it : God underftandeth, and know- ethall things. If any one feareth that there is an error in the Teftament, chat oppofeth Reafon, he {hall do wellto reconcile the parties with afte@iion, God is graciousand bountiful. Ovye that believe! Fafting is commanded you,as it was them that were before you ; you fhail fear God, and Faft, particularly, a cet rain number of days; but if any one among you is fick, or iff travel, at the timeof Fafting, he fhall count the days that he fafted not, and fhallfulflchem at another time. Such as are not * rurazan OF ftrengthto Paft, fhall facisfie for Fafting, through Alms; he is welt that fhall obey, fhall dowell: If you Fait, you thall do well OER sn. Baltthe moneth of * Ramazan, in whichthe A/coran defcended tinuerh tom Heaven, to guide men into the right way ; it containeth z>days; Precepts of Divine Right, and diftinguifheth good from evih: gee _ all thofe chat live to this month, ought to Faft. He that isfick, oF) vee ‘*Y ina voyage, fhall accomplith the days that he falted not another time, oe ee ptvecete Chap.2. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. time, at his conveniencie : God willeth that his Law fhontld be light unto you, and nota burthen ; his willis, that you obs ferve the dayes of fafting , and that you return him thanks, for that he hath guided you inthe right way, perhaps you will give him thanks ; Twill be near unto my fervants, when they fhall enquire of chee concerning the myfteries of my Law ;“I will hear their Supplications when they invoke me, that they may perfevere in obedience to my Commandments ; perad- venture they will follow the right way. It is lawfull for you to know your wives the night of falting , they are neceflarie to you, as yourcloathes, and youare to them as neceflarie as their garments: God knoweth, that otherwife you fhould have betrayed your foules ; he ts bountifull co you, and hath pardoned you, know them, and performe what God hath ap. pointed you. Bate and drinke , untill you may diftinguith a white thread from a black by the light of the morning , then beginco faft untill night ; Know not your wives when you are inthe Temple: Such are the limits preferibed of God, tranf- greffe them not: So God manifefteth his Commandment to the people, perhaps they will have the feare of his divine Ma- jeftie before their eyes. Difpend not your goods unprofitable, , ahd with vanitie, and corrupt not the Judges with gifts, and prefents, to eate malicioufly the fubftance of another. they will queftion you concerning the new Moone; fay yee, . That it isthe figne of the time appointed for pilgrimages ; It , isnot reafonabie that you fhould enter the houfe of another a . back way, he chat feares God, doth well to enter through the gate: Feare God, and you thall be happie ; Fight for his Law againft them that affault you, and doe wrong to no man, he foveth not them that are unjuft ; flie Iafidels wherefoever you , finde them, and expell them out of the place , from which they fhall have driven you ; Sedition is worfe then murther ; fightnot againftthem at AZecca, untill they-affaule you; if they therefight you, killthem, fich isthe punifhment of In- fidels: if they feca period to their infidelitte, God willbe to them graciousand mercifull: Fight againft them to avoid fe- dition ; Faith proccedeth from God: If they defift front their C impictée, See Gelaldin. Seethe ex plicaticn of Chafai. Bedaci faith, pafie where Adam and Abraham pafied. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap, 2. impietie, you fhall exercife no hoftilitie againft them , bat only againft the wicked : If they fight.you in the moneth of Mharam , you fhall fight them alfo in thar fame moneth, and obferve a reciprocation in honours. Offend them that fhall offend you in that moneth, in the fame manner that they fhall have offended you. Feare God. and know that he ts with them that fear him, difpend for his glosie, and throw not your felves into your owne defiruction ; doe good, he loveth thofe that doe good, accomplifh the Pilgrimage appointed , if you be not hindred by your enemies, or have not convenienci¢ ” to performeit; Shave not your heads, untill you arrive at the place appointed for Sacrifices; if any of you be difeafed , or fick in the head, he fhall,chere give fatisfaction by falting, almes, and facrifices, when you fhall be in a place of fafety, and fecure from your enemies. Such as fhall be hindred to ac- complith Pilgrimage, and fuch ashave not meanes to fatishe for the facrifices ordained , fhall faft chree dayes , during the time of Pilgrimage, and feven dayes at their returne , which is in.allten dayes, if they benot inhabitants at Afecca, with their wives and Families, Fear God, and know,that he is fevere in his punifhments ; Pilgrimage ought to be performed in a certaine moneth,, they that fhall defire to performe it, at the time prefcribed , fhall not know their, wives, they fhall be humble,and fhall have no quarrel inthat yoyage;God knowcth all your good actions ; he fhall augment your faculties, he is a greatrewarder. Oh youthatare wile, feareme, you finne not in demanding good fromyour Lord., and making mer- chandize in that voyage. When you fhall depart from the Mountaine of Avefat, remember God in that of AZoxchar, te- member how he hath guided you, and how you were before out of the way ; pafle through the place, through which that people were wont to paffe, and implore pardon of God , he is graciousand mercifull. Having tinifhed your Orifons, re member God with affe@tion, as your Fathers remembred yous © There be among the people, that fay, Lord give us good in thisworld , andhave no part inthe ocher. Others there be, that fay, Lord beftow on usthe good of this world, Paradife in TT Chap.2. The Alcoran of ManoMeET. 19 ers ens ns ies tastes ae ITAL inthe other, and deliver us from che fire of Hell; They thall all finde the good and the evill char they have done , God is exact to keep account ; He that fhalladvance his voyage two daves, fhall not finne, neither he that fhall retard ie, if he feare God , Feare God, and know, that you (hall all one day ap- peare before his Divine Majeftie to be judged. There be men whofe {pecch will be pleafing to thee in this world, they will call God to witneffe what is in their hearts , neverthelefle they are very pernicious , when removed from thee, and tra- velling upon the earth, they there commit filchineffe, and ru- ine both Village and fruics. God loveth not diforderss When it was faid to them, fear God, pride, with “n,pofleffed them, but Heli fhall be their habitation. Some there be among the people, that fell their owne perfons, ont of a great defire to pleafe God, furely he is gracious. to them that -ferve him. Oh yee that velievein God! be obedient to kis Command- | ments, and purfue not the fteps of the Devill, he is your open enemie ; if youfinne againft God , having once learned his Commandments , know. that he is omnipotent to chaftife you, and prudent in all his workes, .Willthe wicked expect that God thould appeare to them in the obfcuritie of aCloud? & Or elfe the Angels with Command to extirpate them , they r fhall be affembled before his Divine Majeftie to be judged. i Demand of the Children of Ifracl, how many Miracles were , dmade, appeare to them ? He that alcereth the grace he fhall J have received of God, fhall be feverely punifhed. The wick. 5 ed efteeme Bae life of the world , and fcorne thofe that be- ‘ Jieve in God, but fuch as believe God, fhall be above them de the day of Judgement ; he enricheth | with: innumerable he good things whom he pleafcth.; The world was-allof-one Res See Kitab ef i" ligion, before impietie tooke place, :,. God fent his Prophets ‘a toinftruct the people , to thew them their errour; and de- * clare to them the joyes of Paradife; he fent with them, the booke.of cnih,to. judge the differences among:men , nO * The Jews man contradicted che-Contents of itybut* fuch as had know- and Ch iti. ledge of the Scripture.,..and this caufed the. envie that is rifen 295. among them; God guidedthem that oblerved his Command- See Gclat 2 ments, be Alcoran of MaHomMET. Chap. 4 ments, and fiach, as with his permiffion , obeyed his will, 7 he direéteth inthe right way whom it pleafeth him. Doe yee | believeto enter Paradife , unleffe that happen to you, that befell your Predeceflors? They were touched with miferies; and difeafes, and trembled, untill chat very infant that- che © Prophet faid to the crue believers that were with him; Whea fhall divine fuccour come? notwithftanding Divine fuccout wasnotfarre off: They thall queftion thee concerning what they ought toexpend; Sayunto them, you fhall affift with your goods, your father and mother , your allies ; Orphans, the poore, and pilgrims. God will underftand all the good youfhall do ; Fighting is enjoyned you, although it be againit your wills it may chance that you will fhunne that which is profitable royou, and likewife love what is pernicious to you, God knoweth what you know not. They fhall aske of thee, if they fhall fight in themoneth of A¢baram ; fay unto them, great battels (hall happen in this moneth, that thal! fhut up to- the people the way of theLaw of God ; andimpieties , that fhallhinder the multitude to goe to Afecca. To drive the people from (Mecca is an exceeding great finne : Sedition is worfe then murther ; The wicked fhall not ceafe to fight you, untill they have, if they can accomplifh it, miflead you from your Religion. His good worksamong you, that fhall quit his Law, and die an Infidell, fhall'be vaine in this world, and him- felfe be confined in the fire of Hells Such as believe fn God, that feparate themfelves from the impious, that aban- don their houles forthe fervice of his Divine Majeftie , and that fight for the Faith, hope for his mercie, he is gra cious and mercifill. They will enquire of thee concerning wine, and'games of hazard; fay unto them, that itis inthem a very great fin, and yet of utility to men; but the evill that they caufe, is much greater then the profit they reape. They will demand what they ought co expend in good works ; fay unto them, what fhall remain to you, your own affairs being done. So God teacheth you his Commandments, peradven- ture you will call to minde the things of earth and of heaven. They will enquire concerning Orphans; fay unto them. if their ; fubftance (hap2. ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. fabfrance be intermingled with your own, do them no wrong, they are your brethren in God, he knoweth them that do good, and thofe that do evill : ifit had pleafed him, he had de- tained much more from you, for he is Omnipotent and juft. Marry not women that believe in many gods, untill they be- fieve in one fole God ; a Slave that is a true believer, is of more value then a free Infidel, notwichftanding fhe ts beautifull. In- fidels fhall be fammoned to hell fire, and God calleth men to Paradife, and to his mercy, through his meer good pleafure, and declareth co them his Commandments, perhaps they will remember them. ‘They will enquire of thee concerning the monethly terms of women ; anfwer, that they are unclean ; fe- parace your felves from your wives when they are menfirous, and come not nigh them untill they be purified ; when they fhall be clean, approach them, according to what God hath commanded : he loveth chem chat repent oftheir errors, that are clean and purihed ; your wives are your tillage, go to your tillage at your pleafure, and do good for your fouls;you fhall one day finde it, fear God and preach his Commandments to the true believers. Your Religion doth not permit you to {weare by God in vaine, and oftentimes to juftitie your felves; God underftandech and knoweth all things, he wili not regard what you fhail fpeake at randome, that fhall not be hurtiull to any, buc he will fee what tt fhall be in your heart. He willbe gracious and mercifull co fuch as fhall fwear, not to couch their wives the fpace of foure moneths, if they returne to them; he is racious and merciful; but if they defire to repudiate them, he underftandeth, and knoweth all things. Women divorced, fhall tarry: untillcheir Termes be paft foure times, betore they marry againe, it isnot permitted them to conceale what God hath created in their wombe, if they belicve.in his divine Maje- fty, and the Day of udgement; if they flie from their husbands, they fhall be brought againe to them, which isa thing reafon- able. They ought to honour them, and their husbands likewife ought to honour them, but the husbands have a degree of -ad- vantage above them, God is Omnipotent, and moft wile in what he ordaineth. Divorce the firlt and fecond tume, ought C3 to 20 The Alcorah of MAHOMET. (1 hap.2,. to be performed with mildnefs, courtefie, and good deeds; ee | is not lawfullfor youto take any thing from your wives, of what you have given them, ifyou both feare a difabilitie of | not fatisfying the Commandments of God; but if you both feare ro tranfgrefsthe bounds prefcribed by God, you thall doe | wellto accord together, fuch are the commandments of his divine Majefty, tranfgreffe them not, farch as tranfgreffe them are exceedingly too blame. He that fhall have repudiated his wife thrice, fhall not refume her; untill the hath been marryed to another that hath divorced her : then they may returne to each other, and marry againe without Sinne, if they thinke themfelves able to continue within the limits preferibed by God, which he manifefteth to the wife and prudent.When you fhall repudiate your wives, appoint them the time they mutt tarry, before they againe marry, take them with civilitieand modeltie, and in the like manner difmiffe them, give them pre- fents according to your abilities, and take them not, to abufe nor torment them; they that doe this, offend their owne Souts. Mocke not at the Commandments of God: Remember his favours, and how he hath taught you Scripture, knowledge, and the myfteries of hisaw ; Feare God, and know that he underftandeth all your actions. When you repudiate your wives, appoint them the time they ought to tarry, before they . marry againe, and hinder themnot to marry according to the Commandments of God. Thefe things are preached to them among you that believe in God, and.in the Day of Judgemene, it ‘is requifite fo to make ufe of them. God knoweth what youknow not. The woman fhall give fuck to their children two years entire; if they defire to accomplith the time appoint. ed to fuckle them,the father thal nourith and cloathe the wife; and his children, according to his faculties ; expend not, but ac- cording to the meafure of your goods: the father and mother fhall noc nec fficate themfelves for their children : the heire thal! perform what is above ordained, (he fhall entertain his See Gélaldin. father and mother according to his abilities ; ) if the parents defire to weane their children before two years be expired, they may do it without offending God, ifthey both agree to oe (hap.2, The Alcoranof Ma OME T. it. Ifyou caufeyour children to be nurfed by other women then your own wives, God will not be offended, in giving them their fallary,according to reafon and honetty : fear God; and know that he feeth what everyou do. VViddows fhall tarry four moneths and ten nights after the death of their husbands, before they marry again ; this time being accomplifh- ed, they {hall do what fhall feem good to them, according to reafon and honefty,God knowethall your actions. ¥ ou will not offend God in {peaking a word in fecrec to women that you re- fearch in marriage, although you conceale in your minde your defign toefpoufe them, he underftandeth what ever you think of them ; know them not fecretly, untill you have pronounced the words appointed by the Law ; and enter not the bonds of marriage, untill the cime fet down in wricing be accomplithed, God knoweth whatever is in your hearts : take heed unto your felves, he is gentle and gracious to them that fear him, It is no fin to repudiate your wives, before you have touched them; you fhall give chem fome prefents, and do good unto them, ac- cording to the proportion of your wealth, or poverty 5 and ci- villy intreat them, as is the cuftome of honeft men.If you repu- diate them before you have touched them, and have beftowed on them any prefents of garments, movables, and other things, they fhallhave the moity, if they releafe it not to you, or if the husband, remitting with his own hand the tie of marriage, doth not feave co them the whole, of courtefie : it is requifice to gratifie chem, and to forget nothing of the benefits between you, God beholdeth all your actions : ftand upon your gaurd, when you make your prayers, elpecially, that at noone, and be obedient unto God. If you fearyourenenties, and cannot place your felves on your knees, neither perform the Ce- remonies that are appointed you ; omit motto fay your prayers on foot, or on horieback, and being freed from fear, remem- ber God, and how he hath taught you, what you know not. Such as die, fhall be good to their wives by their Teltament ; they fhall-beftow on them wherewith to live during the-time they mult tarry before they marry’again; drive them not from your houfes : If they willingly depart, the fin of what C4 they +5 Ler The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.2.7 they fhall doin their own perfons, fhall not-beupon you, God © is omnipotent, and juft; you thall likewife do good to your wives that you have divorced, according to your power, it isa thing reafonable among fuch as fear God : Thus God teacheth you his Commandments, perhaps you will learn them. Sce you not them that departed their houfes for the fear they had of death ? they are thonfands in number ; God hath faid ro them, die : after this, he raifed them again: God is the Benefactor of the people, but the greateft parc return himno thanks for his favours. Fight for his Law, and know, that he underftandeth and knoweth all things. Who is he that will afford him a good turn? He willaugment him with multiplicity of increafe ; he giveth good, and taketh it away from whom it pleafeth him ; you fhall all return before himto be judged. Knoweft thou not, that a company of the children of Iirael, after the death of Mofes , faid co their Prophet, tend us a King, we with him will fight for the Law of God > He anfwereth them, have you difo- beyed the Commandments of God ? If they enjoyn youto fight, you will not do it: They faid,we have no greater defire, then to fight for the glory of his divine Majeftie ; we for this Caufe have abandoned our houfes, and chofe of our parents ; neverthelefs, when they were commanded to fight, they all, exe cept fome few of them, retired; but God knowerh them that fin againft him. Their Prophet faid cothem,God*hath fenr Sant to beyour King; they anfwered, why thal! he be our King? we rather deferve the royalty then he, ‘he is not rich enongh; he replied, God hath chofen him to command you; | he hath encreafed his knowledg, and itature, he giveth royalty’ to whomhe lilteth, heis liberall and prudent in all his a@ions, Their Prophet faid co them, the-fign of his reign (hall be, chat the Aik thall appear to you from God,to confirm your hearts; wherein thall be contained the remainder of what the people of Mofesand Aaron left,and it {hall be borne by Angels; chis’ fhall be to you the fign of hisreign, if you believe in God, When Sané went forth with his troops to fight his enemtes, he faid, God thall trie you by a river ; he that thall drink of that river, ihall not be mine, unlefS he drink with his hand;they all, (hap. 2- The Alcoran of MAHOMET. nc ee ee all, except fome few of them drank at their pleafure ; andha- ying paft that river withthe true believers, they faid, we have not this dav ftrength fufficient to refill Goliah and his troops; bur fuch as believed in God, and feared his divine Majefty, faid, how often, through the permiffion of God, hatha fmall troop _ defeated agreat armier He ts with chem that are patient : when they faw Golizh with his troops appear ; they faid, Lord, give us patience, confirm our fteps, and give us victory over the Infidels. They, through the permiffion of God, vanquifhed their enemies ; David flew Goliah, and God gave hiin the Roy- alty, and knowledge of future things, Had not God raifed the eople one againft the other, the whole earth had been full of diforders; fuch are the "miracles of God,asI declare to.thee with truth ; thou art indeed one of 'the Prophets of his divine Ma- jefty. We have conferredour graces on the Prophets, on fome more then on others ; many have. fpoken to their Lord, and fome have been more elevated then others. We gave know- ledge to Jefusthe Son of Mary, and fortified him through the holy Spirit. Had tt pleafed God, the Prophets that came here- tofore,had not been flain, after they had taught his Command- ments. Men were of different opinions ; fome believed in God. others were impious; had it pleafed God, they had not been flain-but he doth what pleafeth him.O ye that are true be- lievers! difpenfe in alms fome part of your wealth that we have iven you, before the day arrive, wherein you fhall finde no ranfom,alms,protection,nor prayers that can ficcour you. Cer- tainly Infidels are greatly tooblame.God! Thereis but one only God living,and eternall; think not that he dumbreth or fleep- eth ; what ever isin heaven or in earth is his; who fhall inter- cede for thee with his divine Maieftic unlefs by his permiftion ¢ He knoweth all the actions of men, and whatever they have done; they know nothing, but what it hath pleafed him to teach them. The largenefs of his Throne containeth heaven and earth and the confervation ofboth is not troublefome to him, he is Omnipotent & glorious, The Law ought notto be abjured, it manifelteth the difference of faith and impiety : He that be- fieveth not in Z.zgor, or the devill, and hath faith in God, lay- “) Sec Gelaldiir, eth That is Ne- byot. See Gelaldin. ee ‘ The Alco eth hold on the ftrongeft knot,that cannot be diffolved, broken,” or cut afunder. God underftandeth and knoweth all things; he aideth and affifteth them that believe in his unitie; he will ranof MAHOMET. Chap.2) caufe them to come out of darknefs, and will guide chem into i light : the wicked fhall have Tagor,and the devill for their prow} teétor ; he thall caufethemto forfake the light, and thalllead § jy them into darkaefs: fach men fhall remain eternally in the fire § ( of hell. Confider you not his action, to whom God had F 4, given the royalty ? When he difputed concerning God with F yj Abraham ; -Abraham {aid to him; My Lord is he that giveth | 4 life, and death; He faid, I, even I, give life and death to my } p, fubjeét, when I fee good: Abraham an{wered, God canfeth the} g Sun torife in the Eaft, make thou it to arife inthe VVelt 5% }, then the Infidell was confuced, God isnot aguide tounjot ® ; perfons. Haft thou confidered the ation of him that camein- F , to a Village defolate and ruined, and faid, How is ic that J , God can be able to give life unto this Village after its death, § , and reeeftablith it after fo great aruine? Then God caufed him § | ro die, after the fpace of amhundred years raifed him again, § , ‘and faid to him , How long halt thou continued here? he ane § {wered ; I have fojourned here a day and a halfe ; On the con- Ff | trary, thou haft been here an hundred years; confider thy meat and drinke, that they are noc altered through length of time ; and behold. thine Affe is death, fee his.bones, :that are white ; thou fhalt become an example co all the world, and to pofteritie; feethe bones of thine Affe; I will recollect and reveft them with flefh: Seeing this miracle, he faid, 1 affirme that God is omnipotent ; Remember thou, that Abraham faid, Lord fhew me how thou sreviveft the dead; God faid, Doeft thou not believe my omnipotencie? He anfwered, yea Lord , but heare my prayer for the repofe of my heart; God faid ; Take foure birds,cut them altogether in pieces,'and,carty the pieces upon thofe mountains; this done, call them,they thall {peedily return totheesGod knoweth all things, & ismoit pru- dentin all his works. Theaétion of themthar.difpend their goods for his glory,is like unto a grain-of Corne that produceth feven eares, and every care an hundred graines : God «multiplieth the — (hap.2. The Alcoran of Ma HOomeET. 27 ’ the wealth of whom it pleafeth him, he is liberal! and omnifci- ‘ent: Such as difpend their fabftance for his glory, without re- pining, and reproach, fhall be recompenfed by his Divine Ma- | jeftie, and be delivered from feare and affiiction atthe day of ) Judgement. Good wordsand pardon are preferred to almes, followed with repentance: God is moft rich and merciful. Ohye that believe in God ! render not your almes unprofitable ' through repining and reproach , as doethofe, that give almes with oftentation and hypocrifie ; they believe,neither in God, ™ nor the day of Judgement, their good works are like to a | Rocke, whereon was little earth, there fell great raine that carried it away , and left nothing thereon: their Jabour fhall be in vaine, and they reap nomerit , forGod loveth neither M the hypocrites nor the impious. The aétion of fuchas do good, {go pleate God orto fave their foules, isliketo a grain fown | upon an high place, whereon fell great and {mall raine. that a! caufed its fruit to multiplie : God beholdeth all your actions. Mi Ts there any one among you that defiréth to have a garden si enriched with palmes , and grapes, wherein flow many foun- i gains, and rivolets , and that is tilled with all manner of fruits, \ that old age fhould overtake him with young and in- tt firme children , and that an het winde come , and burne up his garden? God fo teacheth you his myfteries ; peradven- i ture you will beare themin minde. Oh yee that believe ! di- i fpend in pious works, and give almes of the wealth you have © acquired, and of the fruits of theearth that God hath given it you ; defire not wealth ill gotten,or wherewith to give almes ; i fuch are not received but to your fhame ; And know,that God |i ig moft rich, and worthie of praife. The Devill will canfe you i tofeare povertie , and will command youfilthinefs , and God G promifeth to you his grace and mercie ; he is munificenc, and i omnifcient , he giveth knowledge to whom it pleafech him, h andtowhom knowledge is given , onhimis beftowed an ex- i ceeding great Treafure, which none but the wife do value ; wv God beholdeth your almes, and vows, and the wicked fhall be deprived of protection at the day of Judgement. If you «i fuffer your almesto appeare, it fhallnot be amiffe ; tf you con- i ceale The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (hap.ty cealethem , you fhall do well, that will cover many of your fins; God knoweth all your actions. Yeu are not obliged to lead men into the right way, God gnideth whom he lifteth, the good and the almes that you performe , fhall be for your fou'es; give not almes but for the love of God, you thall bere: warded for the good works that you fhall do, and no injm {tice fhall be done againft you; Be benefactors to the poore, that are not accommodated for the fervice of God, and that cannot labour. The ignorant believe them to be rich, by rea fon of their probitie and goodnefs,, you fhall know them by their Phyfiognomie, and in that they demand nothing with importunitie ; God will know the good you fhall do towards them; They that give almes, by day or by night , fecrecly of publiquely,fhall be rewarded of God_; there needeth be no feare for them, they fha!l be exempt from affiiction at the day of Judement ; Ufurers thall rife again, like to men pofleffed with Devils, becaufe they have faid, that trathque is like unto ufurie ; God permitteth trathique, and prohiviteth ufuries he to whom the word of God commeth, and who hath abandons edufurie , what is paft, isto himiclfe, God will pardon his fault ; but he chat fhall return to exercife ufurie , having once abandoned it, fhall be punifhed ia che fire of Hell; God abe horreth ufurie, he loveth them chat are almes-givers,and hateth Infidels; Such as believe in God, that do good works, and that make their prayersat the time appointed, and pay their tithes, thall be rewarded by his Divine Majefty, they fhall be delivered from feare and affiction at the day of Judgment, O ye that believe in God! have the feare of him before your eyes,and forfake Ufurie, if you will obey his Commandments; if you do not this, God and his Prophet will make warre up- on you ;if you be converted, your principall remaines. unto you; Do injuftice to no man, it fhall not be done unto you. If your debtors be unable to pay you, and are in want , you fhall do well to ftay their conveniency ; if you give them almes, you fhall do well ; feare the day when you (hall recurne before God, and that every one fhall be payed, without in- jultice, of what he fhall have gained. Oye that believe in God! fl I pdureeene (hap.2. . The Alcoran of Ma HoMET. , God, whenyou fhallcharge your felves with any debt, caufe an aét to be drawne ; the Notarie fhall write the Contra be- { Ni tween you,conformable to Jufticeand fhalf not refufe co write it,asGod hath infim@ed him, but the debtor that! entirely } fatise what he thall owe, and fhall have the feare of his Lord , beforehis eyes; Ifhe that is adebtor is a foole, or ficke, and is unable of himfelfe to difcharge it, his guardian, or he that fhall overfce his affaires, thall give fatisfaction forhim. Call with you two witneffes, if you cannot finde two men, one, , with two women (hall fuffice, whofe teftimonie you fhallac- cept; ifthe one be wanting to her duty,the other fhall caufe her to remember; thefe witneffes fhall not refufe their teftimony, notwithftanding they be calledin a greater number. Make no , difficultie to write your teftimonie, whether it concerne little or much, and limic che time wherein payment ‘ought to be j, made ; fuch writings are juft before God, give more efficacie to , teftimonie, and are requifite to avoide your complaints -one of another; If your merchandize be prefent, you fhall cakeit . between you at the fame time , then fhall.you not finne in not \ drawing a writing, or contract. Call witneffes when you fell , or buy ; neither the witnefles, nor the Notary fhall receive any ; dammage ; If you fhall do that which isforbidden, you fhall . do very ill: Fear God,he will teach yowhis Commandments,he , knoweth all chings. If youarein a journey, and cannot fin de a Norarie, youthall giveearneft ; Hone trufteth inthe other, | he char thall be trufted in , thall fatisfie his promife, and fear . God his Lord; no man hall conceale his teftimonie, he that » fhall conceale, thall finne in his heart; God knoweth all your . aGtions. Whatfoever isin Heaven, orin Earth, ‘belonging un- to God, whether you conceale, or reveale what is in your mindes. he fhall require an account of you, he pardoneth, and chaftiferh whom it pleafethhim , heis omnipotent. The Pro- phet believed inal! that God fent to him , as. likewife all the true believers: Such as believe in God, the Angels, and Scrip- tures , and generally all che Prophets, without exception, fay, We have heard and obeyed; Pardon us oh Lord! Thou art our refuge ; God requireth of no man more then he is able to performe; See Kitab of tenoir. The Alcoran of Mano M ET. Chap performe ;. the good that aman fhall do iq thall be for hi and the evill that he doch fhall be likewife againit him, L excufeus, if we have forgotten thee or finned ; Lord.cha us not with any heavie burthen , as thou didft charge them chat were before us; charge us not with that which we are not able to fupport, blot out our finnes , and give us thy mercies Thou art our Lord, give us victorie again{t the Infidels, =| CHAP. ITT, '” a The Chapter of the Lineage of Joachim, containing two hunarth verfes, writtenat Medina, 4 N the name of God, graciousand merciful! ; Iam the mot wife God. God! There is but one only God, living, ‘and! eternall ; He hath fent.to thee the book that containeth truth, and confirmeth the Scriptures; that were fent before it. He fent the Old Teftament , and the Gofpel, that were heretoforé) guides to thepeople; Hehath fent the dlcoran, that diftim| guifheth good fromewvill; they chat believe not inthe Law of] God, fhall be feverely chaftifed. He isomnipotent and re] vengefull; Nothing ishid from him in Heaven, or in Earthy It ishethat formed youin the wombes of your mothers, as it pleafed him , there ismo God, but the omnipotent and wi, God. He it is that fent to thee the Booke, whofe precepts-ar neceflary , they are the originall,and foundation of the Law, like in puritie one tothe other, and without contradi@tion Such as in their heart incline to depart from the truth, do-often follow their inclination, defirous of fedition , and-to unders ftand the explication of the Alcoran; but none underftand ity explication, but God.and fuch as are profound in learning;they fay, we believe in God, all things proceed from his divine wi dome , nevertheleffe none remember; but the wife. Lord caule not our hearts to erre, after thou haft guided-us into the right way, giveus thy mercy, thou art moft bountifull cowardsehy creatitces. Lord thou are he that thal: affemble the world at the 3 . -Chap. 3. The Alcoranof MaHo™MET. 31 Bie ee ee ithe day of Judgement, at which day nothing fhall be found tdoubtfull, when thou wile not goe againft thy promifes , and when wealth and children fhall not ferve to the wicked, but to i: kindle the fire of Hell. The Infidell lineage of Pharoah, and % thofe that preceded him , blafphemed and abjured the Law of God, but he farprized them in their finne ; he ts grievous in hischaftifements. Say to the Infidels, they fhall be vanquifh- ~ed, and fhallbe gathered together into the fire of Hell, that is prepared for them. You have an example in the two Troops that fought for the glorie of God, they beheld with their eyes, m Infidels become true believers, like unto themfelves ; God ftrengthneth with his aide. whom it pleafech himthis fhall be for example to fuch as fhall cleerly fee. The love and defire 7, of women, of children, of riches, abundance of gold, and of , filver, of horfes, cattell, and of tillage, are pleafing to men; y fuch are the riches of the life of this world, but che moft aflu- y, red refuge is in God: Say untothem; Iwill declare unto you i things much better for them,that {hal have the fear of God be- i, fore their eyes:they fhal dwel eternally in Paradife, where flow Many rivers, with women beautifull, and feane, and all manner , of content. God beholdeth them that adore him, and that fay, :, Lord we believe in thy Law, pardon our finnes , and deliver us from the torments of fire. The patient, the perfevering, true , believers, the obedient, the good men, fuch as beg. pardon of , Godin the morning; the Angels, the Learned, that love Ju- |, ftice,teftifie that there is but one only God. The Law of falva- , tion, isa Law pleafing to his divine Majeftie ; no man contra- + The Jews . di@eth this truth, among* fuch as know the written Law, but and Chri- , through envie. He that (hall not obey the Commandments of ftians. God , fhall finde his divine Majeftie very exact to call him to “8 C#aldi. anaccompt. Ifthe impious difpute withthee; fay to them, The Jews Tam wholy refigned tothe will of God , with all fuch as have and Chriiti- followed me. Aske of fuch as know the written Law,and them 2". that know itnot, ifthey refigne themfelves to God ; if they The Arabs do , they-will follow the right way ; if they goe aftray, thon ans. haft none ether obligation, but to preach to them;God behold- g.. pinch oy eth them that adorehim, Declare grievous torments to thofe SPAT TANS that See Gelaldin. | The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chapte that-conceale his Commandments, that kill che Prophets, nd injure them that inftrua the people in Juftice ; the good works | that they do, fhall be unprofitable to them on earth, and they fhail be in the other world deprived-of prote@ion. Seeft thom not a partie of them that know the written Law , how they were called to a Le@ture of the Book of God, to the end they might judge with equitie the differences that are among them @ but many are returned to theirfinne : they contemned) the Scripture, ia that they faid, che fire fhall not touch us, bat foracertaine number of dayes; They are deceived in their} blafphmies, what will become of them, when we thall affem- ble them at the day of Judgement, when nothing fhall be! doubrfall, and every one fhall be recompentfed, as he fhall have merited? No injuftice fhall be done unto them, Say, Lord thou pofleAeft the Kingdoms of the world, thou givelt Royal tie to whem thou feeft g00d ; from thy hand, oh Lord , pro- céedeth all good, thou art Omnipotent , thou caufeft day to enter the Hight, and night the day; thou cauieft life to come lit of death, and death out of life; thou enrichelt without meafure whom thou feelt good. The believers fhal not obey the unbelievers,to the exclufton of rruc believers ; he that doth this thing, obferveth not the Law of God ; but ifyou feare yout) enemies ,; God willeth that you feare him alfo , heis the aflur- ed refuge of the righteous ; fay to them, whether you conceale what isin your heart , or whether you manifeft it, God know eth all things; he knoweth all that is either in Heaven of Earth, he is Omnipotent ; Think on the day wherein every one fhall finde the good and the evill that he hath done, then fhall you defire to be cleanfed from your finnes, and thatthe number of your good works exceed that of your evill: God | willeth that you feare him, he is graciousto them that wot fhip him. Say tothem, If you love God, follow me, God fhall give you life, and pardon your fines, he is gracious and mercifull. Saytothem, obey God and his Prophet ; If they returne in their finae, God will very feverely panith them, he loveth not Infidels. God ele&ted e4dam, and Noah , the line | age Of Abraham, and the lineage of Joachim, the one soaps? eth Chap.3. The Alcoranof ManomeET. eth from the other, God knoweth and underftandeth all things. Remember thou, how the wife of foachim faid, Lord I vow unto thee the fruit that is in my wombe, free, and exempt from all affaires, to ferve thee in thy Temple : Ac- cept him from me, who offer him to thee with affection : thou underftandeft and knoweft all things : When fhe was deliver- ed, the faid, Lord lam delivered of a Daughter, thou know- eft thou haft given hertome ; Ihave named her AZary , T will preferve through thine affiftance , her and her pofterity from the malice of the Devill; accepther Lord, witha pleafing ac- ceptation, and caufe her-to. produce good fruits. Zachary had the care of the education of this daughter , and whenfoever ‘he went into his Oratorie , he there founda thoufand forts of different fruits of divers feafons, He faid one day, oh AZary! whencedo thefe good things proceed? the anfwered, they proceed from Ged, whoenricheth without meafure whom he pleafeth. Then Zachary prayed to the Lord, and faid, Lord give me a progenie that may be pleafing to thee, and that may obferve thy Commandments; Lord hear my prayers. The Angels called him, and faid to him; I declare to thee from ' God, that thou fhalt have a fonne, called ohn , he thall affirme the Meffias to be the word of God , that he fhallbe a great perfon, chafte, a Prophet, and one of the juft Lord, anfwer- ed Zachary , how fhallI have afonne, I amold, and my wife is barren? The Angel faid to him, fo God. doth as pleafeth him : Lord, faid Zachary, give mefome figne of the concep- tion of my wife. The figne that I will give thee,anfwered the Angel, fhallbe, that thou fhalt not fpeakin-three dayes, but by fignes ; Remember thon. thy Lord often, -prayfe him even- ing and morning. Remember ‘thou, how the Angels faid, Oh 4ary , God hath chofen and-purified thee above all wo- men of the world; oh A¢ary, obey thy Lord, prayfe him, and worfhip him with them that worfhip him. I relate to thee how the matter paft - thou wert not with the Minifters of the Tem= ple, when they-caft in their pens tordraw lots » and «to fee which of them fhould have'the care of the education of AZary, neither when they entred upon this difficuley, Remember D thom 33 See Kjtabel tenior. See Gelaldin. ee The Alcoran of MaHOMET. Chap.3, thou how'the Angels faid, oh AZzry, God declareth unto thee a word, from which shall proceed the MefMfias, named Je fus, the fonne of Aary, full‘of honour in this world. arid that (halle in the other,’ of the number of Interceflors with his divine. Majeftie ; he hall fpeak in the cradle , -a5 a'man betwixt thirty and fifty years, and fhallbe inthe number of the jul; She faid,Lord, how fhall Thave a childe;without the conch ofa | inan? he anfwered, fe God‘doth as pleafeth him; when he ere: ateth any thing , he faith, be thou, and iris. I will teach him the Scriptures,the Myfteries of the Law,the Old Teftament,and the Gofpel,and ‘he fhall be aProphet‘fent' to the children of Ira. él. Jefus faid to the'children of ifrael,Peome to you with evis dent figns of my miffion from your Logd,Twill make unto you of the flime of the earth, the figure ofa Bird,I wil blow upon it, incontinently it fhal be a Bird,and by the permiffion of God, fhal flies I wil heal them that are borne blinde,and the leprous, I wil raife again the dead,T wil teach you what you thal eat and what you ought not to cates this {hall ferve you for inftruétion, if you-believe in God; I-am come to confirm the old Teftas ment, and what hath been taught youheretofore. Certainly it is lawfull for you'to eat things that have been ‘heretofore for bidden. Iam come to you with figns of my miffion, that teftte fiethat I am truly fent from your Lord; fear God, and obey me; God is my Lord, and your Lord, worlhiphim, this ts the right way. VVhen Jefus knew their impiety , he faid, who fhall fuftaine the Law of God in my abfence? The Apoftles anfwered him, we will faftain the Law of God,we believ in his unity ; be chou a witnefs before God,that we refign our felves wholly co the pleafure of his divine Majeftie. Lord we believe in what thou haft commanded, and we have followed the Pro- phet, thy Apoftle, write usin the number of them that profels thy: Law. The Jews confpired againft Jefus, and God caufed their confpiracie co turn againft them, he knoweth the defigns . of Confpirators. Remember thou, how the Lord faid, O Jefus, Twillcanfe thee to die. Iwill elevate thee tomy felf, and 1e move.thee farre from Infidels, and preferre thofe that have obeyed thee, to Infidels, atthe day of Judgement: ee ay Chap... The Alcoranof MAHOMET. ere LE TR eet SAR day fhall affemble you all before: me ; Iwill judge the dif- ferences betweenyou, and will punifhthe imptous, in this world, and inthe other; none among them hall be of power to protectthem , I will reward them that fhall have believed in my Law, and have done good works; God loveth nor the unjuft. . Irelare to theethefe myfteries, and teach thee the 4/- corans Jefus is with God, asis Adam, God created him of the _ Earth; he faid, bethou, andhe was: this truch proceedeth from thy Lord, be not thou of the number of them thac doubr; If any one difpute with thee concerning thy Do@rine, fay to them, Come, call together your children and ours, your . wives and ours , let.us ailemble andaddreffe our-prayers to God; Iwilllay the curie of his divine Majgftie upon lyars. This difcourfe is moft true, there isno God , bur God alone, the omnipotent, and wife. If they depart from hisCommand- ments, he fhall well: obferve the unbelievers; fay to them , be ye witneffes that we believe in God, Oh ye that underftand Scripture , difputenot the Law. of e4braham , to wit, if he obferved the Old Teftament , or the Gofpel, they were taught afterhim, perhaps you will acknowledge your errour, Oh 4) yee that have difputed what yon knew not ! e4braham was no Jew, nor Chriftian, he profeffed the unity of God, he was a true believer, and notof the numberof Infidels. The peo- le, and particularly thofethat followed him, of his time, as alfo the Prophet 2Zahomer , and all true believers have known the truthof his Law. Part of them, to whom heretofore was given the knowledge of Scripture defired., feduced you fromthe right way, but they themfelves erred, and they knew ienot. Oh ye that know the Scripture ! do not malicioufly conceale the Commandments of God , cover not the Truth with a lye, neither willingly hide it, Many of them that know the written Law, faid,from the break of day, believe in what D 2 hath 3) » * Oh ye that know Scripture ! come with words alike true be- * The Jews tween youand us; Doel worfhip other then God? Ido not and Chrifti- aflociate him with ahy one, and acknowledge none other 2"5- . Lord but him ; but if they turnafide from the way of faith; | God knoweth them that fhall pollute the Earth; Say to them, See Kitab el tenaiis The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.37 hath been taught them, that believe. in the Law of God: Ne. verthelef, at evening, they were themfelves of the number of Infidels, peradventure they will be converted. Believe not, but fuch as follow your own Law ; Sayto them, The true guide, is the guide of God. The knowledg that was given to you, was not given to any other, but to you: If the Infidels thall difpute againft you, before your Lord, at the day of judgment ; faytothem, Grace proceedeth from the hand of God; He is bountiful, and omnifcient ; he pardoneth whom he pleafeth, and is alcogether merciful. 1f thouin- trufteft thy wealth to the hands of many of themthat know the written Law, they will faithfully reltoreit tothee: There be alfo many of them that will notereftore it, if thou take not heed ; becaufe they have faid,» They have no belief inthe Arabians, they blafpheme againft God, and know their bla phemies.. He that fhall fatiste what he. hath promifed,: and thall fear God, fhall be beloved of God; she loveth fach as have fear of him before their eyes; fuch as pervert his Com- mandments for any profit, fhall have no part in Paradife; he will not prote& them, neither regard, or pardon them at the day of judgment; and they hall be rigoroufly punithed, There be of them, that alter the Scripture in reading it; and will make believe that what they read, isin the Scripture; ale though it be not ; they-blafpheme, and know it well. God gave. not to man the Scripture, knowledg, and prophecies, to fay.tothe people, Worfhip me infteed of God ; -but indeed, tofay, Obferve exa@ly what you havelearned in Scripture, and what you reade. God doth not command you to adore Angels, nor Prophets: Will he command you impiety, having inftructed you in his Law? Remember that he received the promife of the Prophets,to preach his Commandments without fear, and that he hath taught you Scripture, and knowledg; and that after this, came a Prophet, that confirmed the Doctrine that was taught you, that you might believe his words. Have you not approved it ? Have you not received what was promifed unto you? We have received it; be there- fore witnefles againft your felves, and again{t them that have followed | an sc Se SER t (hap. The Alcoran of Ma thom ET. 37 I) followed you, and I will be a witnefs againft you, and againft tt them. Such asgo aftray from the right way, fhall be wicked ; i Defire they to obferve any other Law, then that of God? | Whatever is in Heaven,or Earth, obeyeth him; either willing- it) ly, or by force : And you fhall all one day appear before him, I to bejudged: Say tothem, We beleeve inGod, in what he i hath infpired into us, in what he infpired into e4braham, b Z/muel, Laac, Jacob, andthe Tribes, in what was ordained by dn Adofes,by Je/us,and generally all the Prophets from God ; and im we are wholly refigned to his pleafure. The Sacrifices of them iy that defire to follow other Law, then the Law of Salvation, T fhallnot be accepted ; they fhallbein the other world, in the iy number of the damned. God guided not thofe that followed ini impiety, after they had profefled his Law ; and having feen, hy and teftified that the Prophet is true, by fignes, clear and evi- m dent, that appeared to them. God guideth not the unjuft, ty they fhall be for ever curfed of his Divine Majefty, of Angels, 5 and of allthe world; they fhall finde no relaxation of their , torments, and atthe day of judgment be deprived of pro- i; te@ion; except fuch as fhall be converted,and do good works, j; God fhallbe to them gracious and merciful. Such as fhall be See Kitab ef g. imptous cowards Jelus, having believed the Books of AZofes, tenoir. ,, and fhall augment their impiety again A¢uhomet, {hall never g be converted, they fhall erre eternally. Alf the treafures of the Earth fhall not be able to fave the wicked chat die in their , impiety, great punifhments are prepared for them, and none ' of them fhall be able to proteé& them. You thall not-be juftified, until you have difpenfed in pious works, part of the goods you pofiefs. God will take notice of the alms you be- i ftow. All meats were permitted the children of JZ/rae/, ex- 4 cept what J/rzel forbad co himfelf,before the old Teftament ; Say to them, Come, and bring the old Teftament, and con- fider ir, it willappear ifyou fpeak the Truth. Thefe that fhall afterwards blafpheme againft God, {hall be exceedingly too blame. Say, God hath fpoken Truth, follow ye the Law of Abraham, that is pleafing to him: He profeffed the unity of _ his Divine Majefty ; he was not of them that believed in many D 3 Gods. ft ETE SOT EEDio3 ri The Alcoran of MAHOMET, Chap 4, Gods. The Temple of Vecca is the fit that God eftablifhy ed on Earth, to be therein adored; he bleffed it; and men thal See Kitab el there finde the inftrudtions of the tight Way , with clear and xo, evident fignes of his omnipoteney ; to wit.* Abrahams plat lace (ayahe He that fhall enter inté this Temple, fhall be in a placeof Turks) isa fafety ahd privileds God hathcommanded thac Pilgtimages Stone keptin be made thither, by fuch ds {Hall be able. He that is impior, the Oratory muft know that God hath nor to do withhim. O ye that have eee knowledg of the written Law, do not willingly conceal the dnaun Commandinents of God; he knoweth all your actions ; Say afeended, 0 ther; O ye that have the knowledg of Scriptures , divert when he rai- not from the way of Salvation them that believe in the Lal aac of God ; you defire to alter, and pervert it, but God is not fae Tench ignorant of what you do. O ye that believe, if you obey of that City: many of them that have the knowledg of the written Law, the marks of they will mif-lead you into the number of the wicked. How his feetare ea you be of the impious, fince yout are taught the Com- saa this Mandments of God, and that his Prophet, and his ApofMeis day. among you? He that refignecth himfelf to God, is in the right way. Ovyethat fear God, die in the profeffion of his Unity, imbrace his Law, and remember the favor he hath fhewed you; you were all enemies of each orher ; he hath united your hearts, and throwgh his {pecial Grace yon continued united to cach other as good brethren: you were upon the brink of pit of fire, from whichhe withdrew you. Thus God thanis fefteth to you his mercies , perhaps you will follow the right way. Some there be among you, that exhort the people to do good ; they command to do that which is honeft, and ab. fain from what is unreafonable ; thefe men hall be happy Be not like them that have abandoned the Truth, and followed lies; notwirftanding the Truth was known to them, they fhall faffer great torment in the day wherein the vifage of the good {hall be white, and chat of the wicked hall be black. It fhall be faid to them that have black vifagés ; Have you followed impiety, after you made profeffion of the Faith? Tafte this day the tormeit due to your fin. Such as fhall have White vifages, thall be ih the favorof God ; ih which they fhall ee a ee a — Oe ee a Neen En a Te Aaa eae aeemmeenaea timer Nh (hap... The Alcotanof Maw OMET. 39 WW fhalleternally continue. See there the Myfteries of the Law lof God, which inftru@eth thee with Truth. God willeth tt that no injultice be done to his people ; whatever is in Heaven, itor in Earth, appertaineth co him, he difpofeth all chings. bt There hath appeared no Nation on the Earth that hath follow- ited a better way then you; forbid ye to do that which is not t) reafonable, and believe in one onely God ; If thofethat here- The Jews titofore had knowledg of the written Law, had believed in «il God, they had done very well ; there be among then that be- ;ifieve what is veritable, but the greateft part are impious. diy They fhall not hurt you, but with their tongue, and fhall finde Zino prote@tion againft you; if they fight you, they fhall curn si their backs ; they were beaten with fhame and ignominy,where ov they made aftand , except, when they embraced the Law of lyn God, and obferved the precepts that were taught the faith- Hi ful: When they returned in the wrath of God, they were wt beaten with poverty ; becaufe they believed not the word of ti his Divine Majefty, but flew his Prophets without reafon, and ti difobeyed his Commandments. They that heretofore had it Knowledg of the written Law, are not aflalike: there be yi among them that perfevered in obedience, and in the night yi meditate on the miracles of God, worfhip him, and believe int in his Divine Majefty, and the day of jadgment;preach honefty, k( prohibice to do things difhoneft, and apply themfelves to ig good works ; certainly, they are good men. Hide not the tj good works which you perform , God knoweth fuch as have pt hisfear before their eyes. Riches and children fhall be un- ji profitable to Infidels with God, they fhall eternally dwell in my the fire of Hell: The Alms that they givein this world, are oi like to.awind exceedingly hot, or extreamly cold, that fell } wponcthe tillage of them that did injury co their own fouls, and , Wholly deftroyed it. God did no injufticeto them, they were jj mufchtevous to themfelves through their fins. Oye that be- 4 ilievein'God, efteem no man to be elected of God, that is i) not of yourReligion: The wicked endevored to bring you into their diforders , malice appeared in their mouth, and y that which their heart cherifheth, is yet greater : ‘We have / D4 taught 5 The Alcoran of MAH OME 7. (hap. taught you the Commandments of God ; if you obferyé them, you fhall prote& your felves from the malice of In fidels, O ye | you love them, and they love not you ; you believe generally inthe Scripcures , and they believe not what youbelieve: Whenthey met you, they faid, We believe in God; and when they were gone from you, they bit for anger their fingersends; Say to them, Die with yourcholler, God knowetk what isin your hearts. If good happen to you, they are difpleafed; and when evil befalleth you, they rejoyce: If you have patience, and fear God, their malice fhall not hurt penon Sei. you; Godknoweth alltheir aGions. Remember the morn meth. ing, when fome of thy people deferted the True-believers im Benok Ari- the field of battle ; and when two of thy Companions. for i fooke the fight, God was their protector: All True-believers Bedy isa ought totruftinhim. He protected you at Beder, where you place be- werea few men illarmed, perhaps you willfear him, and give tween Mecca him chanks for that favor. Say tothe True-believers, Sufficeth and Medina, . + Berea : - where Mahv, it not, that God fuccoreth you with three thoufand of hisAn- met gained a gels: Truly, if you have patience, and tear God, he will come battle. to fuccor youat need , and your Lord will affift yoa with five thoufand of his Angels fent from Heaven; he will not fend you this affiltance but co declare to you his protection, and to confirm your hearts. Victory. proceedeth from his Divine Majelty : He is omnipotent, and prudent in all his works ; he will extirpate in this world one part of the wicked, or willfo fharply reprehend them, that they hall become defperate. Thou halt nothing todo, whether he fhall pardon, or chaftife them, becaufe they are wicked: Whatever is in the Earth, and in Heaven, is his, he pardoneth ashe feeth good; he is graci- ous and mercifulto the righteous. Oye that believe ! be not ufurers, and fear God ; peradventure you will obey his Com- mandments; Fear the fire of Hell prepared for Infidels. O- bey God, and the Prophets, his Apoities, your fins fhall be for given you; beg pardon fpeedily of your Lord. | The extent of Paradife containeth Heaven and Barth ; ic is prepared for the good. God loveth them that give Alms in joy, and in affi@tion ; chat fubdue their paffion,and forgive fuch as offend them : ss (Chap. 3. The Alcoran of Ma HOM ET. them : he loveth them that do good, and chat after the com- miffion of any fin, remember hisdivine Majefty, and implore his pardon. Who but God forgivech fins ? Such as perfilt not intheirerrors, and acknowledg their fins, fhall be recompen- fed with the mercy of Cod, and enjoy his favor in Paradife. There were heretofore Laws and Means to conduc men into the right way; bat confider what hath been the end.of In- Fdels. The “/coran was fent' to inftruc the world, to gnide men in the right way, and to preach to the good, .Difhearten not, neither affict your felves infighting ; you fhall be vittori- ons, if you believe in God ; if youhave been wounded, the like hurts have befaln the impious> God fo diverfifieth days among men, to the end he may know them that are truly zeal~- ous in his Law ; and that among you,witnefles be taken againft the malice of Infidels. God loveth not the unjuft, he forgiveth fins to thofe’that believe, and extirpate Infidels. Do you-be- lieve to eriter Paradife, andthat God knoweth not them that fought gallantly ? He knoweth them that were patient inad- verfity, and perfevered in obedience to his Commandments. You expected death before you met it; you faw it with your eyes, and were victorious. 4 ertainly A¢abomet is the Prophet, and Apoftle of God 5 there were many Prophets before him ; when they died, or were flain,: youreturned upon your fteps toimpiety : They that return upon their fteps, do no harm to God ; he will reward onely fuch as acknowledg his favors ; and men cannot die without his permiffion, and that ina time prefcribed and predeftinate. 1 will give the good things of this world to whom it pleafeth me, and willabundantly re- compence them that praife me. How many Prophets, and men with them, that were not dejected through their affictions that befel them. in fighting forthe !aw of God? They were not weakned, neither humbled to the Infidels. God affecteth them that are pacient in their adverfities, and fuchas perfevere in his Law. They faid in their affictions, Lord pardon our fins, confirm our {teps, and protectus againft the Infidels. God giveth them the Riches of the Earth, and the Treafures of Heaven; he loveth chem that do good, O yethat saa in vod, At the battle of Beder. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chapa, i heise hac ce God, if you obey the wicked,they will caufe you to returneny onyourfteps, you fhall returne to the number of the dame ned; truly God tsyourLord, heis the beft prote@tor ; Iwill put fear into the hearts of Infidels, becaufe they have without reafon adored many Gods, and the fire of Hell fhall be thei habitation. God hath made the truth of his promifes to appear to you,when by his permiffion you flew the Infidels, untill you were weary of fighting; neverthelefs you contradi&ed what the Prophet ordained , youdifobeyed him, after he had caufed you to fee what you defired with afe@tion. There be among you that covet the goods of this world, and others that love the good things of heaven; God hath withdrawne you from the Infidels, to trie you, he hath pardoned your finnes, he is bountifull to them that obferve his Commandments, When you retreated from the Combat, and yeilded without reafon, the Prophet recalled you, and gave youto know your errour, with a thoufand paines ; affli@ not your felves with the loffe of the fpoyle that efcaped you at the day of viGory, neither with the mifchief that befell you when you were vanquithed, God knoweth all your ations. After your labour , he fent you great repofe, part of you flept in all fafety,and the refidne fuffered themfelves to be carried away at their pleafures, they had thoughts of God contrary to the truth. Think on the igno- rant , that fay, Have we feen any of the fuccour that God hath promifed? Saytothem, all things proceed from God, They concealeintheir fouls what they publifh not , and fay, had we beenfree of our own wills, we had not been flain; fay to them , although yowhadiftayed in your honfes, and.in yourbeds , death would have taken.away them that were ar- rived.at the houre.of their deftinie ; God approveth whatis imyourhearts, and knoweth what you have in your foules: Certainly-the Devil feduced them that fed, when the two Ar. mies were inbattell, and that, becaufe of fomefinne they:had ecommitted.; nevertheleffe God pardoned them, he is gracl ons and mereifull'to his.people. Oh yeethat believe ! be not like the Infidels, chat faid , fpeaking of their-brethren, that wereflain in the Armie ; that had ithey continued. in their houfes, =— >) ee a oe | eS eas ee Te —~ \ (hap... The Alcoran of Ma HO MET. Al at. houfes . they had not dyed ; God putteth this forrow in their ty heart , becavfe of their impietie; he giveth life and death,and "i! beholdeth all your aGtions; if you be flain for his Law, or die “it in his favour, it fhallbe more advantagious to you then all le! the treafures of the world; and if you dye, or be flain, fight- 0% ing for the Faith , you fhall appeare before his divine Majeftie nt!’ to be rewarded ; Through the grace of God thon haft rendred Wt them docile ; although thon be fevere to them, they will 1a nor depart from thee, pardon them, pray for them. Take <.. Gelldin. ‘im their advife in occafions offered, and being refolved todo any i atl thing, truftthou in God ; he loveth rhemthat trutt in him, he uh proteéteth you; none thall obtaine vitory over you ; if he ,k abandon you, who fhall prote& you? All che faithfull.ought th to refign themfelves to the will of his divine Majeftie. It is not a Jawful for the Prophet co-deceive ; he that fhall be a deceiver, mm Qhallappeare at the day of Judgement with his deceipt, to be fey judged ; then fhall mén be payed with what they have gained, a no injuftice fhall be done to rhem that hall have loved God, nd and Hell fhall be the habitation of chem , that through deceit kt fhall returne in the difpleafure of his divine Majeftie ; They if fhall not be all equally entreated , God thall appoint them ty their ranke and place, he beholdeth all their aétions, he affu- ig redly rewarded the true believers, when he fentthem a Pro. phet of theirown Nationto preach to them his Command- Gi ments, and inftruct them in the A/coran; they before his com- ij img were in a manife(t errour: When any mifchief befell iy you, it alfobefellthe Infidels ; you have demanded, when yi doth this mifchief come? it proceedethfrom your felves, cer- m tainly Godis Omnipotent. What befell you when the two Campsencountred , hapned through the permiffion of God, iy t0 diftinguith the true believers, that difpenfe their goods with j affection for the glory of his divine Majeftie, from them that ; abandoned the fight ; when it was faidto them, Come, fight » fortheFaith , and anfwered, had we thought of fighting, we ; had not followed you ; then were they nearer to impietie,then y to the Faith;neverthele(s,they had not all of themehat in their , ‘heart, that wasin their mouth, God knoweth what they keep d fecret ; The Alcorsa of MaHOMET. Chapa fecret: There be of them that faidtotheirbrethren ; Stam and go not to the Combat ; your Companions had not.bec! flain, had they obeyed us; fay tothem, Deliver your felvss from death, if youcan avoid it, continuing in your honfisy Believe not that thofe that were flain for the Faith are dead: on) the contrary, they are alive with God; they rejoyce, for that fuch as ran to hinder them to fight, did not meet them ; fat not for them, they fhall rejoyce eternally in the favour of God) he will abundantly reward them that fight for his Law. Thole that obeyed God and the Prophet,after being overcome, that did good works, and feared his divine Majefty, fhall receizé 08 rewards, When it wastold them, the people have cor pired againft you, take heed to your felves ; this difcourfe it creafed their faith ; and they faid, it fafficeth that God is our protector, they were filled with the grace of God, no more evill befell chem;,and they obferved the Commandments of kis divine Majefty, He is gracious to them that obey him. The de- vill willcanfe in you a fear of the Infidels, fear them not + butif yoube good men, fear me. Affi not your felves to fee the wicked runtoimpiety, they hurt not God, he will not give them reft in the other world, where they hall be feverely chae ftifed. I increafe the wealth of Infidels to augment their pal, they fhallin the end feele grievious torments. God will not leave the faithfull in the {tate that you are in; he willone diy feparate the good from the evill; he doth not teach you whatis to come ; he, for that effe& chufeth among the Prophets whem he feeth good. Believe therfore in God,and his Prophets; if you believe in God, fear to offend him, you fhall be rewarded. Believe that fuch-as are too {paring,and avaritious of the weath that God hath given them, do well ; onthe contrary; they do. very ill, what they {pare without reafon, fhall itrangle chem at the day of Judgement. The inheritance of heaven and earth is Gods, he knoweth all things. Certainly God head the fpeech of them that faid, God is poor, and we ate rich ; he hath faid, I will write what they have fpoken, and keep an@ act account of the murther ‘they have unjuftly commitced* on the perfons of the Prophets ;.I will fay to them atthe day of Judgement, « 1 Cha 3. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Judgement, tafte ofthe torments of hell fire, which you have tk deferved. God doth not lead into darknefs them that worfhip — th him. There be that fay, God hath commanded us not to be- bw fiey the Prophets, untill their facrifice be confumed by fire : ul fay10 them, there came to you Prophets heretofore with mi- rtiracles that you demanded, you had not flain them; had you 1ibeen righteous; if they bely thee, know, they belyed the Pro- {(yphets that were before thee , that came with miracles, the Ty: Pfaker, and the book of lights Every man fhall tafte of death, sand your reward fhall be payed: at the day of Judgement ; «she that fhall depart from the fire of hellssand enter into Para- 2) Gife,fhall be happy. The wealthof this world is but matter of (x; pride,that you may be tried in your riches and perfons:Hearken ., notto the Jewsand Chriftians, that have known the written ny Law before you, neither to them that believe in many gods, ,, they offend God through their blafphemies; if you have pati- 4 encejand fear God,you fhal make'a very good refolution.God ») hataccepted the {peech of them that know his written Law, 4; when they promifed him to preach to the people his Com- jy Mandments, and not conceale them; neverthelefs they have iy contemned them, and changed them for profit of little value, and have gained nothing but mifery ; think not that fich as re- joyce of the evill they have:done; and affe&tto be commended for what they have not done, have efcaped the punifhment of ,, their crimes, they fhall certainly fuffer great torments. The 4, kingdom of heaven and of the earth is Gods,he is omnipotent; the creation of heaven and earth, the difference of day & night areevident figns of his Omnipotencie, to fuch as have judge- ~ meat. Such as have, remember God, ftanding, fitting; or lying _ down,and confidered the creation ef heaven & earth have faid, , Locd,thow haft not created thefe things in vain ; bleffed be thy * Name,deliver us fromthe torments of hell fire,thou wilt render milerable him that thou fhalt thither precipitate, & the wicked fhall be deprived of protection at the day of Judgement. Lord, wehave heard them that fay, believe in your Lord, we believe in thy. unity, pardon our faults, blot out our fins, and give us gtice.to die in the number of the juft ; beftow onus what thon haft . 45 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.d. haft promifed by the Prophets,and fuffer us not to be mifera at the day of Judgement; thou doft not contradi&t what thou § doft promife. The Lord heard them, and faid to them, I will not fuffer your works to be loft, as well of men as of women,1 will blot out the fins of them that went out of AZecca, to fepm rate themfelvs froni the wicked; wil cover the offences.of them that forfook their houfes, that affembled to fight forche Faith and were flain; Iwill open to them the gate of Paradife,wherelt flowmany rivers,to recompence their good works. There is with God great reward.»envie not the Infidels, whom thou fhale fer poffefs a little wealth inthe earth, hell ts prepared co be their habitation ; and fiich as: fear God fhall dwell eternally in.gat dens, wherein+ur many rivers,with all manner of content. Go isa great rewarder of the ja{t. Among them that know the written Law, there be, that believe in God, in what wasas fore time taught you, andin what was preached co them, fure- ly they obey God, and forfakenot his Law: They hall receive a great reward from God, he-is exa&t in his account. O yee that aretrue believers, be patient in your adverfities, perfevereitg do well, fight for the Faith,fear God, and you fhall be happy, CHAP, IV. The Chapter of Women, containing one hundred and fevemy Verfes, written at Medina. Ritab el te. sh the name of God, gracious and mercifull. O ye people, pe fear your Lord that created you of one fole perfon, ant * The anci. created his wife of his. rib, of whom iffued many men and ent Arcbianswomen, Fear God, by whom-you.fwear, and fay, the belly *of ee ale your wives, God exa&ly obferveth your aétions. Give unto God,and the OfPhans what appertaineth rothem, and render not evil, for belly of their. g00d ; devoure not their-fubftance, itis avery great fin. Ifyou wives, be- fear to do injurie to Orphans, fear alfoico.do wrongto wor yey ees men ;:matry thofe chatpleafe you, two, three, or four ;ifyall ferility, @Pprehend you thall not be-ablero entertain them equally, marty ‘Chap. 4. The Alcoran of ManoM ET. 47 ; marry but one, ortheflaves that: you. thal have acquired; this iis molt neceflary, to’ the end you offend nor God. Give ro women their dowry with agood will; ifthey give to you any a thing that is pleafing to you, receive itwith affection, and:civi- “ tity. Beftow nov on fools the wealthithat God hath given you i for fubfiftance ; affift Orphans, give tothem the: garmenits:that ‘i fhall be neceflary for-themy-and: entertain: chenmhoneftly 5 in- teu them untill they have attained ro-years of difcretion; and ‘ave capable of marriage; if you believe they demean themfelves ulwifely , reftore to them their faculties, and devourthemnot et unjuftly before they be of age. -Hethat thall be rich, fhall’ ab- niftain from their goods, and he that is poor, fhalltake with hor nefty, according to the pains he fhall undergo for them: when i you make to them reftitucion of their goods, take witnefs of m your ation, God loveth good ‘accounts.’ The children :fhall i have agood part of what their father,and mother,and parents “i lereafter their deceafe, of little or of much, there appertaineth ‘i tothem a portion prefixed & limitted: When they divideitheir it gO6ds, the’ kindred fhall have care of the poor and Orphans; i) do good to’ them, and honeftly entertain them. Suchasfear to leave after them a weak progeny of little children, ought to ~ fearto wrong Orphans, they muft fear God, and courteonfly entertain them. Thofe that tnjuftly devour their fubftance, {wallow fire into their bowels, and fhall burne'in a grearfire. j, God recommendeth to you your children, the fon fhall have as ' much as two daughters ; if there be more then two daughters, they fhall have two thirds of the fucceffion of the dead ; if yy) there be but one, fhe fhall have the moity, andher kindred a See pedacis. ,, ixth part‘of what fhall be left by che dead: if there be no » children, and the kindred be heires, the mother of the dead \, fhall have athird ; if there be brethren, the mother fhall-have a , fixth, after fatisfaGtion of the legacies‘ contained: in. the Tefta- , ment, and of debts. You underftand nor to whom it is moft re- j quifite todo good;to your children, or to your fatherand mo- » ther, give them their portion ordained of God, The moity of j what their wives (hall leave belongeth to-you, ifthey have no , children ; ifthey have, you fhall have the fourth part of what they = = Se! The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapa they fhallleave, after payment of the legacies ad debts; they fhall have the fourth of your fucceffion,if you have no childrens’ if you have, they fhall have the eighth portion. If a manor woman be the heires of each other, and have neither father nor mother, nor children, and. have a brother or filter, each of them thal! have:a fixth part of the fucceffion ; if they. be more, they fhall fhare the third, after payment of legacies and debi, without fraud, following what God. hath ordained, he knov eth all your actions, and is prudent in what he ordaineth, ith fo ordained by his divine Majeftie. He that fhall obey him,and his Prophet, fhall enter into Paradife, where many rivers flow, and fhaall dwell in eternall felicity ; he that fhall difobey Got and his Prophet, fhallbe caft headlong into the fire of hell where he fhall.fiffer ignominious torments. If your wive commit adultery, take four witneffes of their fault , that bed your Religion ; if they bear witnefs, keep them prifonersin your houfes untill death, or untill God fhall otherwife ord&in, punith’'whoremongers, concubines, and adulterers ; ifthey t¢ pent of their fanlt,do them no harm, God ts gracious and men cifull co them that repent.. Converfion dependeth on God, he is mercifull tothem that commit fin ignorantly, and fpeedily repent, he is Omnifcient, and moft wife. Pardon is not for them that do, wickedly to the very hour of their death, we have prepared great torments for them that fhall die impious, O ye that believe in God ! i is not Jawfull for you to inherit what is your wives by force, take not violently away what you have given them, unlefs they be furprized in manifelt adultery; feethem with civility, if youhavean avertion from them, it may chance that you hate, a thing,-wherein- God: hath, placed much good; but if you defire co repudiate your wives, toitakt others, and that youhave given them any thing, take not any thing that appertaineth to them. V Vill,you take cheir wealth witha lie, and a manifeft fin? How hall you take it, fince you have approached-each other, and that. you have promifed to ufe them civilly ?. Marry not the wives of your fathers ; whatis paft was inceft, abomination, and a wicked way, Y our-Mothers axe forbidden you, your Daughters, Sifters, Aunts, Neices, your Nurfes, ay a aa LS ae or aT —~_ \ Chap.4. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Nurfes, and your fofter-fifters, the mothers of your wives, the daughters that your wives have had by other husbands, of whom you fhall have a particular care : The daughters of wo- men that you fhall have known, are alfo forbidden you; if you have not known them, it willbe no fin: the wives of your bi fons are likewife prohibited, and two filters ; for what is patt, ii God is graciousand merciful: Married wives are likewife for- th biddenyou, except the women flaves, that you fhall haveac- a, quired. God hath fo commanded you, except what is above lit forbidden, it is lawful for you to marry at your pleafure. If ts! _you defire women for money,and neither commit concubinage, “nor adultery, give them their falary for ‘which you thall agree, fo you thall not offend God, he is omnifcient, and moft wife. i He that thall not be able to efpoufe women of free-condition, it! fhall marry fach women or maids, that are flaves, as fhall pleafe mt him. God knoweth the faith of the one, and other. Marry i your wives with the permiffion of their parents, and give them y their dowry with honelty : If women of free-condition, that M have committed neither concubinage, nor adultery, fecretly , nor publikely, flie into fecond nuptials , and come to commit adultery , they fhall be doubly punifhed, more then the i daughtersof Love. The marriage of flaves is for them that See Gelaldin, i} fearwhoredom: If you abftain from marrying them, you i fhall not do amifs. God is gracious and merciful ; he is wil- # ing to teachyouhis Law, and direct youin the way of them Mi that preceded-you; he is gracious and merciful to his peoples i Such as follow the appetite of the wicked, decline extreamly é from the Truth. God willeth that his Law be Light unto you ; p for that man wascreated weak, © you that believe in God; i devour not your fubftance among you with ufury; but if you traffique, be peaceable in your affairs ; flay not one another, ¢ God is merciful to them that obey him: He that difobeyerh, » through malice and injuftice, fhallburn in the fire of Hell ; it i isan eafie thing to.God to punifh them, If you depart from j mortalfins, L will cover your faults, and caufe you to enter i into Paradife : covet not through envy, what God hath given to your neighbor; men and women hall have the wealth they i have gained ; beg Grace of God, he knoweth all things. E Give cc = a —— sk a — a — a 7 ~The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap. 4a) Give to your affociates what appertaineth to them. We have” ordained a portion, prefixt to the one and the other, inthe fucceffion of your Father, Mother,and Kindred, God feeth all, The men (hall have authority over the women ; they fhall have them in their keeping ; they thalf have in their power the wealth that God hill give them ; and fhall have care of what fhall beconvenient to be expended forthem. Difereet and obedient wives tbferve, inthe abfence of their husbands, the Commandments of God, make remonftrances to them that hall be difobedient, and remove them from your Bed, chaftife them. If they obey you, feck not occafion toabule them unjuftly. Godismoft high, and moft mighty. . If you fear there may happen fome difference between a man and hiss wife, fend to themfome of their Kindred, to put an. end to theirquarrel, and reconcile them. God will give his peace to them,he is omnifdent. Worfhip God, and fay not that he hath a companionequalto him.; dogood to your Father, and Mother, your Kindred, Orphans, the Poor, your Neigh bors, Pilgrims, your Friends, and your Slaves. God lovett not the prond. Wevhave prepared rigorous torments for them that are avaricious, that recommend avarice to the people, that conceal che Graces that God hath beltowed on them, and that areimpious. Such'as difpend their wealti with hypoerifie, believe neither in'God, nor the day of judge ment; and thofe that fhall have the Devil for their compank on, will bein exceeding bad company ; he thal! not approach them, if they believein God, andthe day of judgment, and givein Alms fome part of the riches God hath given thei God’knoweth them, and doth no injuftice to any one, of tlt weight of afmall Ast. If the righteous do good of the quar tity of a Pifmire, God {hall multiply ic, and give them agrett reward. In what condition will Infidels be at the day of judgment ; for that we have witneffes of all Nations agaitll theirimpiety ; andthat we willcall thee for 4 witnefs agaif them of their deportments? That day, the Infidels thathave difobeyed the Propact, fhall defire to be confumed, like tothe Earth; and not tohave concealed or altered, through theif difcourfe, the Commandments of God. O yonthat belie make Ki Chap.4. The Alcoran of M anHoM eT. "make not your prayers, being drunk, antil you know what you fpeak ; neither likewife being polluted, unlefS in paffing onthe way, until you be cleanfed ; if youbeinajourncy, or fick, or go to difcharge your belly, or have known your Wives, and finde no water to wafhyou, you fhill lay hand upon the ' fand, and wipe your face and hands. God is gracious and mer- ciful to his Creatures. Seeft thou not how thofe that know the " written Law, purchafe Error? how they defire to mif lead it vouthrough their riches, and divert you from the right way ? i! God knoweth your enemies, it is enough that he is your i defender and proteétor. Such as Puduize, alter the word of '' God, and fay to the Prophet , wee aave heard, and dif- ' obeyedthee, they heard without hearing ; they fay, pre- t ferye us, have care of us ; neverthelefe do they pervert the word of God, in reading it , and alter his Com- mandments , they fhould doe better to fay, Lord wee i! fave heard , and obeyed ; hearken onely to us , and re- gard us: But God hath curfed them, and few of them will believe in his Divine Majefty. O you that have ‘ knowledg of the Scriptures! believe in the A/coras, that confirmeth the old and new Teftament, before that I deface e your vifages, and caufe them to turn beainde your backs. I, « will curfe Infidels, asT have curfed themof the'Sabbath ; the ‘oi Commandment of God is incontinently ¢xecuted ; he pardon- 6 ethnot them that affociate him with companions equal to him, ' except this , he forgiveth fins to whom it pleafeth him: He i that faith God hath companions, blafphemeth, and mortally ! finneth, Confider not fuch as affirmthemfelves tobe good i men; contrariwife, God maketh thofe good men that pleafe (him; no injuftice fhall befallthemat the day of judgment. ; Confider how they blafpheme , itis fuffident that God mani- | feftly beholdeth their fin. Seeft thou not them that have , knowledg of the written Law, that believe in Haber and y Tagot,\dols ; that fay to the Infidels, Behold the way of y them that believe in;God? Certainly, God hath curfed them; 1 he, whomhe-curfech, fhall finde none to protect him. Shall they alone have patt in the Kingdomof Heaven, without giving Alms? They will envy their Neighbor, for the favors Bd God 5! He fpeaketh to the Jews and Chrifti-« $s The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap. 4. | God hathconferred onhim. Certainly, we gave to the poftes™ rity of Abraham, the knowledg of the Scriptures, and pros phecies ; we beftowed on them great abundance of wealth, There were of them that believed in the Scripture, and others that contemned it ; but they fhall be punifhed in the fire of Hell. I willcaufethem to burn, and change their burned skin into anew skin, that they may fuffer thé more. God is omni potent, and prudent in what he ordainech. I will canfe thofe that have believed in God, and have performed good works, to enter into Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers, where they fhall dwell eternally with moft beautiful women. I will give them to enter the fhade of Paradife: God recommend? eth to you, Fidelity among your felves, to render faithfully what hath been intrufted to you; and whenyon thall judg differences that fhall happen among the people, judg with equity. It isa good work that he commandeth yon; he be- holdeth, and knoweth all things: O ye that believe! obey God, and the Prophets, and fuch as command over you} tf you be in controverfie concerning any point, refer it to God; and his Prophet, to underftand the Expofition ; if you believe inGod, and the day of judgment , youfhall do well: this will be the beft interpretation that yorcanattainto. Seelt thou not, that they who think to believe in what hath been itt fpiredintothee, and what hath been infpired into thy prede- ceffors, incline to difpute before Tagot ? Neverthelefs, they have commanded not to believe im that Idol ; the Devil labor eth to feduce, and withdraw them from the Truth. When it was faid to them, Gbey the Commandment of God, andhis Prophet, they departed from thee: What will they do, whet there fhall happen to them any punifhment of their paft fins? They will return to thee, and {wear by the name of God, That F they defire Peace, and to do good Works; but God knoweth what is in their hearts, and hath abandonedthem. Ceale not to preach tothem, and to declare to them the VVordof God ; the Prophets, and Apoftles were not fent, but to preach andtobeheard throngh the permiffion of his Divine good nefs. If, when they have hurt theirfouls, they come co thee, and demand pardon of God, thou thalt beg pardon for Sp ey = Fae (hap.4. The Alcoran of MaHoMET. | they thall finde God gracious and mercifal: They will not bes i) lieve in his divine Majefty, until they have difpuced the differ= ‘We: @nce with thee, that is among them ;' and when they thall no ide) more doubt of what thou fhalt have done, they will without ey contradiction obey thee. VVe have ordained them to kill each other, and to forfake their-houfes ; they have not done ir, except very few of them: and although they did ir, they did 4 it not, to obey what fhould have been to them a great benefit, and exceeding merit; we had given them a very great re- . ward, and guided them tothe right way. He that fhall obey God, and his Prophet, fhall be with them whom God hath endued with his Grace: He that knoweth it, refigneth himfelf to his divine Majefty. Oyou that are True-believers ! be up- | on your guard, affembled to fight ftoutly for the Law of God. There be among you that be cowardly, when any difcomfiture , hath befaln you; they have faid, God proteéted me, that I was not with them: And when God gave you victory , they «ii Spake as if there had been no underftanding between them and you. VVould to‘God I had been with them, I thould , have acquired exceeding great merit. Fight forthe glory of ., God, againft them that prefer the life of this world, to that ; of Heaven: I will give an exceeding great reward to fuch as , fhallfight, that fhallbe vi€torious, and to them that fhall be , flain, fighting for the Faith. VVherefore fight you not forthe , Law of God? for the liberty of women and children, weak , and afflicted, that cry, Lord deliverus out of this place ; the , people thereof are unjuft, giveus a protector, give us an affured , tefuge. They that believe in God fight for his Law, and In- ', fidels fight for the Divel. Fight againft chem that ferve the , Devil, his policies are weak. Confider thofeto whom it was faid, Ceafe to imbrew your hands in the blood of Infidels, per- ' fevere in your prayers , and pay tithes. VVhen they were , commanded to fight, part of them were afraid of the mule , ticude, asof God, yea, more afraid of the multitude then of God, and faid, Lord thowhaft not enjoynedusto fight, unless ' thou haft differed us toa near end, Say tothem, The wealth of the earth is but a fmall ching, there be great riches in the 3 other 2 This place is Mecch. See Kitab el texoir. This is the battell of Bedey 3 the enemies of Mahomet made two bartells. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. other world, for him that flallhaye the fear of God before © his eyes. Novinjuftice thall te done to you ; wherefoever you” are,death will meet you,notvithftanding you may be in ftrong Gitadels. If good happen tithe Infidels, they fay it proceed. eth from God.) if evilbefl them, they fay, that ‘cometh fromthee. Say to.them,Aliproceedeth from God, what then isthe will of thofe’men/2 hey cannot comprehend thisdit f courfe: ‘Thegood that hapyenech to yon, cometh from God, and theevil that befalleth jou, is of your felves, VVe have fent thee to the people, tv teach them the myfteries of my Law’; it isfafficient that I anwitnefs,;) He that obeyeth the Prophet, the Apoltle of Gd, dbeyeth God; if they be dit obedient, thou art not fentiobetheirtutor. They fay, They will obey thee, and when <hey.are gone fromthee, many of them ponder in their heartaher thingsthen they have fpoken, but God thall write their ioughts, and abandonthem. Re Gene thy felf to God, andoe content that he isthy protecton VVillthey not meditare onthe Alcoran? NVereit fent from any but from God, there vould be therein many contradict ons, VVhen they had anyaffurance of victory, or fearedte beovercome, they publifhel it, alchongh they had referredal to the Prophet, to the moftknowing among them, and to them that obeyed the Prophet,vho knew what oughtto be publith- ed,and what tobe kept fecet. If thegrace of God had not bin withyou , and his mercy, you had followed the Devill. Fight for the Law of God;employ but thy perfon, and be not trom bled, if the trne believers be without armes, the miferie of the wicked:fhal neverend, Gol fhallaugment their calamitie, and entcreafe the punifhment of their crimes; he that doth wel, {hil finde well,and who doth exd,hal finde evil,God regardethall When you are falutedsretum the falure with honor & affection God putteth all in accomp.God ! there is but one only God, he fhall aflemble youallatihe day of Judgment, of that chett isno doubt. Who is moretrue in his words then God ? What have you to do with thot wicked ones, divided into two Troops? God ruined and deftroyed them , becanfe of their fins; willyoudire@ intotle right way him, whom God a made Chap.4, M (hap.4. The Alcoran of Ma woM eT, ae madeto erre? He, whom he thallcaufe.toerre., fiall mot,See Kitab ef finde the right way. They defie that you may be Infidels , as 07’ they are, obey them not, unlefle they fhallreturn. to the Law of God ; if they forfake it, kill.chem where you finde them, contraét no friend(hip with them , except with fuch as fhall come to enter league with you, with forrow for what is paft ; tofight againft Infidels with you. . Had it pleafed God, he had given them advantage over yor, and they had beaten you, if they depart from you, and follow your Religion, God per- mittethnotyouto do them injurie. You fhall finde fome that thall incline to believe you, and, theic companions, they willturn all to confufion, and fallinto it themfelves ; if they feparate themfelves from you, ifthey defire not peace of you, and defift not todo you mifchief, take and killthem, where you finde them, we have giver you abfolute power over them. One true believer ought not to flay another true believer, un- leffe it be through ignorance ; He that fhall flay a true believer through ignorance, {hail redeeme from flavery a true believer, or thal! pay damages and interefts to the kindred and Heirs ofthe dead, ifthey through curtefie difcharge him not of them: If he be of your enemies,and a true believer, he fhall ranfome from captivitie a true believe: ; Ifhe be of your confederates, he fhall pay damages and intereftsto the kindred, and heires of the dead, and redeeme from captivitie a true believer ; If he fhall be deftitute of meansto performe this, he fhall faft two moneths together for a. penance appointed of God; fei’ ~God knoweth all things, and is prudent in what he command- ante eth. Hethapfhall killa true believer, of deltberate purpofe, ttt fhall be chaftifed in the fire of Hell, the wrath of God, and eguit his curfe fhall be npon him eternally. Oh ye! who are true be- igh dievers , when you fight agairft Infidels for the Law of God, eo caufe your felves to.be known, and fay-not to them that falute of th yousthon art not.a trie believer 5 If you defire the good things Goi! OF the world, God pofleffeth: riches innumerable, you were 4 i before like to them, bur God hath given.you grace, and feech fed all your actions. The faithfll that*continué in their houles GH without fickneffe , are not equallin merits tofinch as cmploy sia their See Gelaldin. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.4, their perfons and faculties for the Law of God ; he preferreth by many degrees,them that fight for his Law,and employ theit wealth and perfons for his fervice ; to thofe that remaine idle in their houfes, he istheir protector , and hath prepared for them afure refuge in Paradife: he gratifieth by many degrees of favour, them that fight forhis Law, above thofe that live at eafe in their houfes , he is gracious and mercifull. The An- gel faid to the Infidels that they put to death, where were you with your Religion ?. they anfwered , we were weak and impotent in the Citie of Afecca ; they faid, was not the Earth large enough for you to depart from the wicked ? Hell fhall be their habitation,except the women and children that were weak and impotent; peradventure God will pardon them; he is gracious and mercifull; he that thall depart from the wicked, to follow his Law; hall finde many places favoura- ble tohim, affuredly he will recompenfe him that fhall quit his houfe , that fhall be flain for hisglory , and to follow his § Prophet , he is gracious and mercifull, When you thai be in a journey , you thal} not offend God to abridge your prayers, that the Infidels may not furprize yous they are your declared Enemies ; when thou fhalt be neat them, and fhalt appoint the true believers to make theif prayers, keep about thee a partic of them fora guard, while “the refidue make their prayers; having finifhed their Orifons, they fhall do as the firft; take armes, and keep a guard , dir ring the time their companions fhall make their prayers: the Infidels defire that you quit your armes to furprize you; you fhall not do amiffe to quit them, if raine trouble you, or you be fick’, bute continue alwayes upon your guard, God hath § prepared for Infidels ignominions torments : Having finifhed your prayers, Remember God, ftanding, fitting or lying J down, and pray when you hall be in a place of fafety; prayet is commanded the faithful! in a prefixed and appointed time. Be not negligent to purfiiethe Infidels, if you fufter, they fhall fufter like you ; but you hope for that which they muft not hope for: God knoweth all their ations , he is moft prudent in allhis works, We have fent to thee the moft true Book, to the (hap. 4. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. a the end, thou mayft judgethe differences that are among the peo- ple,asthy Lord hath inftruéted thee. Contend not with Traitors, and aske pardon of God,he is gracious & merciful. Difpute nor with thofe that betray their foules,God loveth not treacherous finners,they conceale themfelvs from the world, he is with them when they hide in their hearts {uch things as are diipleafing to him,he knoweth all their aétions : O yee ! you difpute forthem in this world, who fhall difpute for them againft God at the day of Judgement ? who fhall that day be their protector ? He that (hall implore pardon of God, having offended him, fhall finde him gracious and merciful;who doth evill,(hall finde evil, God is Omnifcience, and moft wife, He that committeth @ gy ypp (,; . USA Sais = élaldin faith yeniall, or a mortall fin, and would excute himfelf, committeth 4 oreat and evidently amortall fin. Many of them had endeavoured to {e- little fin, duce thee, had{t thou not been dire@ted by the grace and mercy ofGod. But they feduce only their own fouls, and fhall do thee noharme ; God hath fent to thee the Book that contai- neth his Commandments ; he hath taught thee what thou didft not underftand, and his grace is eminently upon thee: there is no goodin the multiplicity of their fecrets or difcourfe, except infuchas command alms, honefty, and peace among the pco- ple, with defire to pleafe God, they fhall receive from his di- vine Majeftie a great reward. He that fhall contradi@ the Prophet, having had knowledge of the right way, and fhall follow other pathes then that of the true believers, fhall re- lapfe into his impiety,1 will caufe him to burn in the fire of hell, where is the habitation of the wicked. God pardoneth not * The anci- them that fay, he hath companions, except this, he pardons ent Arabians all things as he feeth good : he that affirmeth that God hatha ‘ut off the companion, greatly erreth, and is eftranged from the truth. Seat they invoke other then God, they invoke Idols, the devill, ob- pee ftinate, and curfed of God; when he faid to him, Thou wilt not Baterdheaist giveme power over them that worthip thee, but I will feduce their country them from the right way,I will prolong their wicked life,to re- for explation: tard their converfion, I will caufe them to cut off the * ears of ae bns. eins ce Gelaldin. beafts, they fhall difobey thy commandments, and they fhall see Kizabel envie thy creatures. He that demandeth fuccours of the devil, eensir. ts Com Chap.4. is in manifeft perdition, be will promife to men long life, and retard their repentance,but he promifech them buta vain glory; helfisthe dwelling place of {uch men, out of which they thal finde no iffue ; Such as fhall believe in God, and do good works, fhall dwell eternally in Paradife, where flow many fi. vers. God is moft true in what he promifeth,who is more then God in his words? Your lies, and the lies of them that know the written Law,do him no harm; he that fhall do ill,thali be pu nifhed,and fhall finde no proteétor;he that thal do wel,and fhal believe in the Law of God, fhall enter into Paradife, and thall have no injuftice done tohim; what better law is there, then to réefign thy felf to God, and to bean honeft man? Follow the Law of eAbraham ; God chofe e4braham, to love him; whatfoever is in heaven and in earth, belongeth co his divine Majefty, he knoweth all things. They will queftion thee con- cerning women ; fay to them, God teacheth yowin that, what you were taught in the Scripture touching Orphans, and wo. men. ; give to them what is appointed by the Law, and defirg not to efpoufe them, only to poflefs their wealth s God teachs eth you likewife to give to Orphans what appertaineth to them, and not to injure them ; he will underftand your good actions.If a woman fear to be ill entreated by her husband, and that he will divorce her, they fhall do well, mutually toc. cord, for peace.is exceeding good. If you be too obftinate, and cannot agree together; if you do good to your wives if divorcing them, and fear to wrong them, Ged will take notice of yourattions. If you believe you cannot keep equalitie,and juftice among your wives, although you apply your felves © it; Incline not alrogether to your own appetites, and Jeave not your wife,as a thing left in toleration.1f you live ina good accord, and fear to injure them, God will bé merciful to you. If they feparate themfelves conformably to the precepts of the Law, God will enrich them with his protection, he is bountifull and wife , and whatever is im Heaven , and Earth obeyeth tim. Wehave recommended to you the fear of God, as we have heretofore, to them that had know- ledge of the writtenLaw. If you be impious, know, that whatever A nn (hap.4. The AlcoranofMau ome v. what ever ts in Heaven and Earth is Gods ; he hath no : of his creatures, and muft be exalted, it fufficeth thee , he is thy protector. If he will, he can canfe yon to perifh, and pne other creaturesin your place, forhe is Omnipotent. He that loveth the good things of the Earth, fhall finde in God all the wealth of this world, and of the other, he underftandeth "and feeth all things. Oh youthat believe | be truein your te- ftimonies, notwithftanding it be againft your felves, again{t -, your Father and mother, and again{t your kindred, and con- fider the rich no more then the peore, God isthe protector of the one, and the other; follow not your appetites, to favour the rich more then the poore , pervert noc the Truth, be not {crupulous to teftifie what you know, God knoweth all your actions. Oh yethat believe in God ! and his Pro- phet, and the Book that wasfent before him; know, he that t blafphemeth againft his divine Majeftic, ‘agatinft jhis Angels , Om the Scripture, the Prophets , and life eternall, greatly erreth, A and departecth from the Truth. God pardeneth not them that have embraced his Law, and then have forfaken it, having believed in his divine Majeftic , and are returned again to their impiety ; declare.to fuch men, they fhall feel heavie torments. Such as.obey Infidels, to be great in this world, extreamly delude themfelves ; greatnefs proceedeth from God; It is written tn the Book that was fent toyou , that the Infidels fhall meck you, when-they fhall hear the word of God, and you fhall obey his Commandments ; Tarry not in their com- pany, ifthey change. not their difcourfe , orherwife -you will | be like to them, God will affembleinto the fre of Hell all Tn- fidels, and wicked perfons. Some of them that obferve your actions, faid, chey were of your partie, when any felicitie hap- ned to you; and whenthe Infidels had advantage over you , they faid, they were withthem, and that they fought againft you; Godat the day of Judgement fhall judge the difference that is between you , and will not give advantage to Infidels, over themthat obferve his Law. The wicked think to deccive tt God, but Goddecciyeththem , they are negligent to make i their prayers , they are hypocsites before the world, and +re- Al member The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (hap.ay ——————— The Jews. member not his divine Majeftie, except very few of them, un” certain. whether they fhould follow the faithfull , or the Inf-” dels ; he whom God fhall caufe to goe aftray, fhall not finde the right way. Oh ye that believe! obey not Infidels, to the exclufion of true believers ; will you give God manifeft occa. fion to chaftife you for your finnes ? The wicked fhall be in the loweft place of Hell, and hall finde no relief, except fuch as fhall repent , that fhalldo good works, refigne themfelves to God, and obey his Commandments, they fhall be with the true believers, and receive from God a very great reward, He will not fend you miferie , if you give him thanks for his favours, and obey him ; he accepteth the-acknowledgement of his benefits, and knoweth all things. He willeth not that what evilliscommitted , be publifhed; he that publifhech the evill he doth, is very. much too blame; if you manifeft the good you doe, or if youconceale it, and abftain from doing evil, he will be mercifullto you, he is omnipotent. Such as blaf pheme againft God and his Prophets, his Apoftles; fuch as would make a diftinétion between the Commandments of his divine Majeftie, and the precepts of his Prophets , fuch as af firme they believe in fome of the Prophets, aad believe not in all, andtake amiddle way between faith and impietie , ate indeed impious, we have prepared for them ignominious tor- ments ;_ but they who believe in God, and generally in all his Prophets,and Apoftles, fhall be recompenfed of God , gra cious and mercifull. They that know the written Law, will re- quire thee to caufe to defcend from Heaven a Book, and writ- ten Tables ; They demanded of AZo/es greater things,and faid; Canfe us to behold God with our eyes,- then thunder furprized them by reafon of theirimpietie : They adored the Calfe, af ter having had the knowledge of our Commandments ;never- thelefs, we pardoned them, and gave to CMofes an abfolute dominion over them. We raifed the Mountain over them, fol- lowing our promifes, and faid to them 3; Enter the gate of the Temple with adoration and humility, and no longer tran grefs the obfervation of the day of Rett; We for this matter received from them a {trong promife, but they {warved from what ‘ , = ‘ 2 ~ " Chap. 4. ‘The Alcoranof MaHomer. “1 Na, the otf 5 04 what they had promifed, and we curfedthem, becaufe of their impietie, by reafon of the murther they committed without reafon, on the perfons of the Prophets, and of the words they "| uttered , viz. Our heart is hardned ; Contrariwife , God “'@ imprinted infidelitie in their hearts , they thall never believe l® in his Law, except very few of them, becaufe of their malice, ‘i and the blafphemies they vomited againft AZary : they faid, mh We have flain the Meffiah, Jefus, the fonne of AZury, the ith Prophet and Apoftleof God: Certanly they flew him not, oil neither crucified him, they crucified one among them that re- ork fembled him; {uch as doubt it are in-a manifeft error, and ‘ta {peak not butthrough opinion, Certainly they flew him not; ti onthe contrary , God took himupto himfelf, he is Omni- Kel potent and prudent in all his a€tions : Such as have the know- neg ledge of Scripture, ought to believe in Jefus before his death, ' he fhall be a witneffe againft them of their ations at the day i of Judgment ; We have prohibited them that Judaize , by ‘ reafon of their fin, things that were permitted them; We | have prepared for them great torment , becaufe they miflead ‘| the world from the right way , becaufe they take Ufe that is forbidden them, and unjuftly eat the fabftance of their neigh- i¢,! bour. Such of themas are profound in Learning, and allthe 3) faichfull,believe in the Scriptures, both ancient, and modern ; nal’ Twill give great rewards to them that fhall make their prayers {,; at the time appointed, that thal! pay Tiches, and believe in the wil) day of Judgment.We have fent thee our infpirations,as we fent dw themto Noah, andthe Prophets after him ; as we heretofore ai fentthemto Abrabam,1/mael,l/aac,Facob,the Tribes, to Jefus, 6 fob, fonas, Aaron , and to Solomun,and gave the Pfalter to yi: David. Wehavetold thee who were the Prophets that pre- , ceded thee; but wehave not fpoken to thee, concerning the meritsof allof them. AZo/es {pake to God , as his Prophet, and Apoftle;all declared his mercy, and preached the torments of Hell; tothe end men might have nocaufe of excufe ; God is Omnipotent and prudent in all his aétions: He fhall be witneffe that the Alcoran was fent to thee with his Command- iy ments, the Angels likewife thall teftifie it ; but it ought to se ice. The Chrifti. ans. The Alcoran of MAH OMET. (hap.4. fice thee, that God is witnels. The Infidels thac hindred the people to follow the Law of God, were exceedingly ertone- ous; God will nor pardon them, he will lead them into the path of Hell, where they thall remaine eternally, it is a thing eafie to his divine Maieftie. Oh people! A Prophet iscometo you, who preacheth to youthe Truth from the Lord , believe him, you fhall do well; if you believe him not , know, that whatever is in Earth, and in Heaven is Gods , and’ that God knoweth whatfoever youdo. Oh ye that underftand the writ. ten Law ! Obey the Commandments of God, and fpeak not of his divine Majeltie but with eruth; the Meffiah, Jesus, the Sonne of Afary, isa Prophet, and an Apoftle of God, his Word, and his Spirit, which he fent to AZary ; believe theres forein God, and in his Prophets, and fay not there be three ‘ Gods, put anend to that difcourfe , you fhall do well; For there is but one God, prayfed be God, he hath no fonne; what. ever is in Heaven, and in Earth obeyeth him, it is fuffictent that he is witnefle. The Meffiah efteemeth it no difhonour to ¥¢ the fervant of God, neither the Angel, nor the Cherubins; He that holdeth it a difhonour to be at his fervice,is too proud; he thall affemble all the world at the day of Judgment, and every one fhall receive the recompence that he thal! have merited, he fhall augment his favours upon them that thall have believed in his divine Majeftie, and have done good works ; he thallchaftife them that fhall have held it a difho- nout to be his fervants , and have been proud upon the Earth, they (hall finde no fafe refuge but in his mercy. Oh people! Godhath fent you a Protector , a moft ttrong argument, and amoftcleare light ; they that fhalltruftin God, thall enjoj his grace, and he (hall guide them into the right way. They will enquire of thee concerning fucceffions ; fay to them, God reacheth you touching fucceffions, asfolloweth; Ifa man de- ceafe without iffue, and hatha fifter, the fhall have the mol ty of what he hall! leave , and fhall inherit it, if fhe hive 0 children : If chey be two fitters, they fhall have two thirds of what the deceafed left ; if they be many brothers, and many fifters, the Sonne fhall have as muchas two daughters ; God teacheth Pe Mecca, neitherto them that afume* Collers, neither hinder > Chap. 5. The Afcomn of MAHOMET. 3; | teacheth you his Commandments, depart not from the right way, he is Omnifcient. CHAP. V. The Chapter of the Table, containing an hundred and twenty Verfes, Written at Medina. N the name of God, gracious and merciful. Oye that be- lieve in God ! Satisfie what you have promifed ; it is per- mitted you to eat of the beafts that be in the world, except of what fhallbe hereafter declared. Hunting is forbidden you, , during the time that you thall go on Pilgrimage to Afecca. God ordaineth what he will. O ye that believe ! fay not, That it is permitted to do what God hath prohibited, per- form what is commanded you, during the month of Pilgri- mage; give no impediment to fuch as carry prefents to a ; a * The old Pilgrims to repair thither, to demand the Grace of God, and dyabians in hismercies. It is lawful for youto hunt, when you fhall have devotion,put a finifhed your pilgrimage ; beware leaft fome perfons catife the leaves » eat Animals ftrangled,. choakt, knockt down, precipitated, the herbs of * that are flain ftriking each other, and firch asbeatts (hall have St. fobn. i flain; if you finde them not alive, to let out their blood, in See Metab el ; i i M d rancne ;,;, youto fin-and hinder your going to Afecca ; to oblige yon to ** branches . ; re; of Trees up- punifh them, repofe your confidence in the jufticé and fear of on thet : God, and not 1n the fin and malice of yourneighbor, Fear necks, like | God who isfevere inhis chaftifements. Tt is forbidden you to collers,as the rt a ry . bs ° Je in eat Carrion, Blood, Swimesfleth, and whatfoever is not kill. Pea’nts ix ; ‘ SS any places ed in pronouncing the name of God : you are prohibited to ae Sm 4 pronouncing thename of God. You thallnot eat of beafts “72%: ) facrificed to Idols : Confule not with Southfayers or Lots, it is a great fin. The day fhall come when they that have abandoned your Law, fhall be defperate ; fear not them, and fear me- See Gelaldin. The day will come, when I fhall accomplith your Law, and my Grace hall be abundantly upon you: The Law of Salva- tion, is the Law that I defire togive you, If any one be in neceffity, The Jews and Chri- ftians. The Alcoranof MAH OMET. Chaps, neceffity, and eateth of what s prohibited, without a will to fin, God fhall be to him graciols and mercifull. They will de: mand of thee, what is permittel them to eat ? Say to them it is lawfull to cat all forts of bedts thatare not unclean, and whatever hath been taught you rom God, touching beafts that have been wounded by Lions or Dogs, eat the beaft you hall take , and remember God in bhoding them ; fear God, he is exa&t to take account. This dayit is lawfull that you eat what is notunclean, and the meats +f them that know che written Law, their meats are lawfull for you, and yours for them. You are permitted to efpoufe maideis & women of free condition, that are of your Religion,and naidens and women of free com dition , that know the writtenLaw, giving them their dowsy with civility;commit neither Concubinage,nor Adultery witl them, neither fecretly or publiuely ; the good works of him that fhall renounce your Law, hall be unprofitable,he fhall be at the day of Judgment inthe aumber of the Damned. Oye that believe in God, when you would make your prayers, wath your faces, your hands to he elbow, and pafs your hand over your head, and over yourfeet to the ancles. If yoube polluted, purifie your felves ; ilfick, orina journey, or about to difcharge your belly, or hae known women, and finden water to wath you, lay hand «nthe fand, pafs it over yout vifage, and wipe therewith yo hands. God enjoyneth you nothing irkfome, but willeth yoube clean, and defireth tose complifh his grace upon you ; yeradventure you will give hii thanks. Oyee that believein God! call tominde his grace, and promife he made to you, vhen you faid, We heard, and obeyed, fear him, he knoweth dl that is in your hearts. Oye that believe in God! obey hisCommandments, and be trueim your Teftimonies, take heed tlat no man move you to offend God, indiverting yon from wat is jut; render juftice toall his fear invireth you to. it ;. lave it before your eyes , ht knoweth all your a@tions ;_ hat promifed his grace, and great recompenfes to the True beliwers, that fhall do good works inthis world, and hath prepacd Hell to punith infidels. O ye that belicve in God! remember his favor towards you, when Chap.5. The Alcorat of MAHOMET. ie) eee ceirestrinieeonen aE rae ee when fome perfons would lave extended their hands upon... Ene- tok you, and how he deliverel you from: their malice ; Feare mie to ates a, him, all crue believers oughtto refigne chemfelves to his will. pomet. nk God received the promife of the Children of Jfrael to obferve ‘jw his Commandments , he eftalifhed among them twelve Cap- i) tains, and faid tothem, Ivillbe with you when you fhall iat; make your prayers, pay you Tithes, believe in the Prophets, em defendthem, and hall lendto me any almes; I will cover en, your fines , and caufe you etter Paradife, wherein flow many nd Livers ; and he among youttat thall be an Infidel] , thall be ree entirely erroneous from the aght path. When they fwarved {uy from what they had promifed, we gave them out curfe , and » hardned their heart ; they hare altered the words of the Serip- sqfj ture, and abjured what they :ad approved. Thou hale not ‘fil Know them that hall be Trayors, except very few of them ; {, ( forgive and depart from them God loveth them that do good. yay, We likewife received the pnmife of thofe who call them= A \y felves Chriftians, but they save forgotten what they pro- fy mifed ; they have alrered whut was taught them, and we have healt among them enmitie ani hatred, even untill the day of {fi Judgement. That day God hall caufe themto know what- ; : ee me : * Mahomet. re NY things of the Scripture, which you eonceale, and he like- : HD) * in. Certainly he that faith, that :the Meffiah, the Sonne of Vary, is God, isimpious: Say to him, whocan hinder God toexterminate the Meffiah, and his . Mother, with whatfoever is it the Earth, when it thall feeme g00d.tohim?God is King of Feaven and earth, he created with them whatfeemed good to hin, he is Omnipetent. The Fews and Chriftians have faid, wear the Children of God; his wel- "beloved ; Sayto them, hall i0t God chaftife you for your " finnes? Certainly ye are men ; He that created you, pardon- B eth, The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap, 5. eth, and punifhed as it pleafeth him , he isthe King of all that isin Heaven or Earth, and of whatever is between them, he is the refuge of the righteous. Ohye that have kcowledge in the written Law! The Prophet, the Apoftle of God & come to inftru&t you in atime that there is none other Pro: phet buthe onthe Earth; Will you fay that no man preached to you the torments of Hell? Certainly the word of God is this day preached to you, the torment of Hell, andthe Omni potencie of his Divine Majeftie. Remember thou what Aofe faidto his people, Oh people , call to minde the grace dj God towards you, he hath chofen from among you Prophet and Kings, hath conferred on you what he hath given @ none inthe world: Enter into the holy Land, as God hat commanded, turne not your backs to your enemies, left you be in the number of Reprobates: They anfwered, oh AZofes! there are Gyants and Tyrantsin the Holy Land, we will not enter into it, untill they be gone out of it, if they forfake if we willenter into it. Thentwo men of them that were di * the grace of God, faid to them, enter atthe gate, and fight againft them , you fhall be vitorious, truftin God, ifyoube lieve in his Law: They faid, oh AZofos! we will not enter fo long as thofe Tyrants dwell therein , goe and fight againi them with thy Lord; we will here attend. Then faid AZo Lord, I difpofe but of mine owne,and my brothers perfon ; fe parate us from this wicked people ; the Lord faid to him, the entranceinto the Holy Land is prohibited to this people, the) fhall wander forty years upon the Earth, in confufion amd amazement, afflict not thy felfe with the deportments of the wicked; teach them the Hiftorie of the Sonnes of Adam, how they offered facrifices,how the facrifice of the one was accepted, that of the other was not : he through envie menaced his bre ther, to murther him ; his brother faid to him, God receiveth the facrifices , and holocaufts of fichas have his feare befor their eyes: affuredly if thou extendeft chine hand to flay mé Iwill not ftretch forth mine to hurt thee ; I fear the Lord of the Univerfe ; Ifthou chargeft thy felfe with the murther of my perfon, with thy paft finnes, thou fhalt goe to hell, et H ( Chap.5. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. mani Se ee ree no we a Ei a TR UR oa Ki,j the unjuft fhall be punifhed : The murther of his brother feemed eafieand advantageous for him, he flew him, and is in the num- ber of the Damned. God fent a Raven that made a pit inthe {i Earth,and fhewed him the manner to bury the bodyof his bro- n “ther: Then faid he,would to God I had been weak and impo- m tent,that Iwere like to this Raven? I mutt bury the body of | d my brother,and he was penitent for his offence ; by reafon of the this murther,we ordained to the children of Ifrael,that he who t* fhall flay a perfon innocent, fhall be punifhed,as ifhe had flain iyi the whole world, and he chat thall give him his life, fhall be re- oi compenfed,as ifhe had given life to the whole world. My Pro- ph shets came to the Children of Ifrael, taught them my Com- \® mandments,and caufed them to fee Miracles, neverthelefle ma- bal ny of them were difobedient : the punifhment of them that op- 4 pofe the will of God, that of his Prophet,and that endeavour to Se pollute the earth, isto be flain, hanged, to have the right foor, Wil and the left hand,or right hand,and the left foot cut off, and to iit be extirpated from the earth ; they fhall have in this world tl Guame on the forehead, and fhall feele in the other, great tor- "N' ments, except fuch as fhall be converted before their death, iW and fhall know , that God is gracious and mercifull. Oh ive that believe! fear.God, fight for his Law, you perhaps a fhallbe happy. Allthe Treafures of the world fhall not be hil able to redeeme Infidels at the day of Judgment , they tl fhall endure exceeding great torments, they fhall defire to t0lt soe out of the fire of Hell, but fhall dwell there eternally. bo! Cut off che hands of thofe men and women that fteale , they ofitt contract upon themfelves the wrath of the world, and the pu- vet!’ nifhment that God hath prepared for the wicked : He that ‘dis Qoall curne, and do good werks, fhall be pardoned, God is wit gracious and mercifullto the penitent. Knowelt thou not that itt the Kingdome of Heaven, and of Earth is Gods > that he cha- i ftifeth and pardoneth whom it pleafeth him ? and that he is iat! Omnipotent? Oh Prophet ! affli€t not thy felfe, to behold pl them running to impictic; that fay with the mouth, we be- 4: lieve, and have no faith ia their hearts; neither for them that gt Judaize , and hearken to the lies of their Doétors, to relate MI F 2 them ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chaps. themto others; they pervert rhe language of the Old Teftae™ ment, andfay; If you be inftruéted in thofe precepts, you ought to obferve them , if they inftrué you not in them, take heed to your felves. Such as make ufe of the name of God, to move the people to fedition, are without faith, God will not purifie their hearts ,. they (hall have in this world fhame upon the forehead, and feel in the other extream torments, They liften to blafphemies, and eat what is prohibited ; If they repaire to thee , and fubmir themfelves to thy judgement, judge their controvetfie with equity , converfe not with them ; if chou depart from their company , they fhall not hurt thee , if thou givelt judgement between them , Judge with equitie, God foveth the Jult: How fhall they fube mitto thy judgement, feeing they have the Old Teftament, which containeth the Commandments of God? They will not execute thy Judgment, neithér believe in the Old Teftay ment, wherein isthe guide of the right ways anda light to the Prophets, to judge the diffcrences arifing among trie~ber lievers, among Jews; their Dodtors, and their Priefts, who ftudy the Scripture, and are witneffes that it Containeth the truth, fear notthe world, but dread me; fell not , neither exchange my Commandments for any price. Such as judge not conformably to the Law of God, are Infidels; We have or dained the ’a/io, man-for man, an’ eye for ancye, a nole fora nofe, aneare for aneare, a tooth foratooth, a wound fora wound; he that fhall obferve it, thall do well, anid fuck as fhallnot judge conformably to the Law of God are unjult We fent after many Prophets , Jefus the Sonne of May, who confirmed the ancient Scriptures, to him we gave te Gofpel, full of light, to conduct the people to the right way witha confirmation. of the Old Teftament, a guide and inftrt- ion for therighteous. They that follow the Gofpel, ought F to judge as it is commanded in the Gofpel; fuch as judge not conformably to what God hath taught them, are difobe- dient to his divine Majefty. To thee have we fent the Book that containeth the truth, and confirmeth the ancient Sctip tures, determine the differences that fhall arife among the people, ( (haps. The Alcoran of Ma HOM.ET. wr ‘people, asT have infpired thee, and follow not the appetite ti, of men that will abjure the truth which I have taught thee. We have inftrued allof you in aLaw, and affured meanes to lead you into the way of Salvation; you fhould alf have been of one and the fame Religion, had it fo pleafed God ; (ih the hoth done this to prove you ; Doe good, and know, that om you all fhall be aifembled before him, and he fhall refolve , the doubts that areamong you. If thou judgeft the differences ‘en thatareamong them, judge conformably to what hath been ot) infpired into thee , and follow not their appetites; be care- oth full they feduce thee not, and move thee to doubt. many Jd, things that God hath taught thee ; if they difobey his Com- ; .mandments , know, he will feverely punifh them, be- caufe of the enormity of theircrimes. The greateft part of the yw; world areimpious; Do they affect the Judgment of the Ig- 41 norant? What better Judge for the good, is there then ih God? Oh ye that believe! obey not the Jews, nor the ye Chriftians, they mutually obey each other in their impietie, .;.; he that thall obey them, thall be like untothem, God guid- aij eth not the unjuft. Thou feeft fuch as are unftable in their Faith, flocktothem, and fay , they feara change of times, “ay but God fhall give advantage and victory to his Prophet, and they fhall repent to have concealed in their mindes the Mi- racles of his divine Majeftie. What will they alleadge for ex- cule’, who {wore by the name of God,exaétly to obferve their Religion, and to be with you? Their good works thall be » unprofitable , and they in the number of the Damned. Oh ye that believe ! if you abandon your faith, God will put othersin your place, chat hall love him, and he them, and thisto your great ignominie, and the advantage of converted Infidels, that hall fight without fear,for his Law: Thus God beftoweth his grace , as he feeth good , he is Jiberall, and Om- nifcient. You ought certainly to obey God, and his Prophet, his Apoftle ; they who believe in God , that make their prayers atthe time appointed , pay tithes, and are in the pro- teftion of God and his Prophet, fhall be beloved of his di- vine Majeftie, and be vi€torious. Oh ye true believers ! obcy aft F 3 fot See Gelaldiu. roe Ee Chaps. not fuch as {coffe at your Religion, who have knowledge of the written Law; obey not Infidels , and if you are good men, fear God; obey not themthat deride your prayers, it is the action of thofe that are unwife. Oh ye that underitand the written Law! will you not abhorre me, if 1 belie not in God, in what he hath infpired into me, and intochem that preceded me? ‘The greatelt part of you.are wicked. Sayto them, did I inftrn@ youcodo evill, whenIpreached to you the effect of Gods mercy? Thefewhom he curfeth , againl whom he is incenfed , whom he hath metamorphifed into Apes, and Swine, and who haye adored Idols, {all be con. fined in the fire of Hell,they are in.a very evill way.When th come tothee, they willfay, they believe in the Law of Gog) they willenter thine honfe with impiety.,.and goe forth in the likemanner, but God knoweth what they conceale in theitlt heart : Thou fhalt fee many of them: embrace Paganifme, fol- low alye,, eat what is forbidden , and this to-difpleafe their Doétors , and Priefts, who have forbidden them to fpeaklies, and eat meats that areunclean. The Jews faid, the hand of God is thut , contrariwife, itis cheir hand that isithut, they fhall be accurfed by reafon of their difcourfe: certainly the hands of God are open, and he doth good to whom ht pleafeth : Many amongit them,through impictic,and difobed ence, alter whatis inthe Scripture; ibut we have caftamong them hatred, and horrar, evento the day of Judgment, God hath extingnifhed the fire which they had kindled,to.makewat again{t the righteous ; they endeavour to pollute theearth,but God detelteth fuch as caufe diforder; he remitteth their finnes that know the Scripture, believe in hisLaw, and flie impiety they fhall enter Paradife, thatis fullof delights. They have read the Old Teltament , the Gofpel, and all Scriptures, they enjoyed abundance of all good things; nevertheleffe many have difobeyed the Commandmentsof God. Oh Prophet! preach what God hath taught thee; whether thou doft preach it, or doelt not, he will defend thee from the malice of mem, he abhorreth Infidels. Oh ye that know the written Law! if youobferve not the Old Teftament, the Gofpel, and Sorip- wuies : Chap.5.. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. <a jy e tos Rela. SAREE SS ea Se tures which God hath fent you, you fhall be without merit. . Many of them through impiety and ignorance , pervert what , iscontained in the Scripture ; affli€tnot thy felfe with the aéti- ‘I ons of the impious. The Jews, Samaritans, Chriftians , ail that fhall have believed in God, the Refurreétion of the dead, and have done good works, fhall be exempt from affliction, " thereis nothing for them to feare at the day of Judgment. See Kitab el a NEE received of the Children of Ifraela promife, to believe im 74": ,, out Prophets, and Apottles ; Yet have they flandred many, Ihe, andflain fuch as would not follow their appetites : they be- lieved there was no punifhment for their crimes, and became fc, deafe, and blinde; After this, God pardoned them, never- theleffe, they returned in theirfinne, and are again become deaf, and blinde ; God beholdeth all their deportments. Certainly,they who affirme the Meffiah, the Son of AZary, to be God,are impious ; the Meffiah commanded the Children of Hrael to worfhip God, his and their Lord; the entrance into Paradife is forbidden to him that fhall fay, God hath acom- panion equall to him , Hell hall be his habitation , and the unjuit Prall finde none to proteét them at the day of judg- ment. Suchas affirm there are three Gods, are impious: there i is butone God ; if they defift not from fuch difconrfe, they idl Ghall burn in the fire of Hells if they turn, and implore pardon ht of God, he will be to them gracious and merciful. The mitt! Age ffiahjthe Son of AZary, isa Prophet, and Apoftie of God, om! ike to the Prophets that came before him ; his Motheris heel holy, and both of them dideat and drink. Confider how I thet! mmanifeft_ my unite to Infidels; how they blafpheme, and de- fiti® part from the Truth; fay to them, Will you werfhip inftead of Tk God, what can neither benefir, nor hurt you ? God underftand- pas eth and knoweth all things. O ye that have knowledg of the dk! © written Law! fpeak of your Religion withreverence, and sti follow not the appetites of fach as go aitray, and walk inan dott ~«=—s evil way. . The Infidels were a curfed by the congue of David, ie’ © and of CMeffiah, the Son of AZary, becaufe of their difobedi- 3s) ence; they abftain not from things that are not approved ; wi they do them, and through obftinacy will continue them. F 4 Thou eth) ent ime, ale i ak hand Wt, | cert who The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chaps, Thou fhale fee many of the Inhabitants of AZecca adhereto them, by reafon of the fin they conceal in their hearts. God: affuredly will be incenfed againft them, and they hall be con- fined eternally in the torments of Heli. If they had believed in God, in his Prophet, and the Scriptures, they had not obey- ed Infidels, but many of them are impious, Thou fhale finde the Jews, and Inhabitants of AZecca, who believe in many Gods, to be very great enemies to the faithful, and the Chre {tians to have a great inclination, and amity towards the True- | believers ; forthat they have Prieft:, and Religious, chat are humble, who have eyes full of tears, when they hear mention of the Doctrine which God hath infpired into thee, becaule of their knowledg of the Truth, and fay, Lord, We believe in thy Law, write us iri the number of them that profefs thy Unity, who hindrethus to believe in God, and the Truth wherein we have beeninftrncted? We defire with paffion, O-Lord, to: be in the number of the juft. God fhall hearken to: their prayer, and pardon them ; he fhall opento them the gateof Paradife, wherein is the reward of the righteous, and the Ine fidels fhal inhabic the abyf of Hell. Ohye whoare True believers ! inhibit not the eating of what God hath. permits ed, offend not God, heabhorreth them that offend him, eat of the meats that are lawfull for you, and have his fear be. fore your eyes, he will not chaftife you for what you have {poken at randome, contrary to your faith, without defign of offending him, but he fhall punifhyou for your oaths, if -you-obferve them not ;, the fatisfaftion of an oath not accom plithed , isto give foodtoten poore of yout Religion, and tocloath them , orto enfranchife a flavethat is a True-be liever ; he that is deftitute of means to perform this, thall faft three dayes immediately fucceeding, fuch is the fatisfadtion of a not-accomplithed oath ; keep exactly your faith, fo doth God teach you his Commandments, you will, peradventure, give him thanks, Ohye that believe in God ! Wine, Games of hazard , Idols, Lots, and divinations are abominations, and filthie practifes of the Devill, depart from him, perhaps you wall be righteous. The Devill defireth to fow among you dif fention,. 3 gh (hap. 5: The Alcoranof Ma HOMET. . 3 Jie. aa Se See — fention, and horrour, through wine, and games of hazard, to choak your remembrance of God, and of praying to h'm; abandon wine,and games of hazard, be obedient to God, and the Prophet; his Apoftle , and take heed to your felves:;, If you difobey God, know, that the Prophet is obliged only to preach publiquely the word of his divine Majelty ; the True- believers, and the rightcous have not provoked God in drink. ing wine, and playing at games of hazard, before they were rohibited, they will abftaine for the future, and performe ood works,God loveth thé that do good. Oh ye that believe ! God proveth you by one thing,to wit,by hunting,whether you take the game with yourhands, or courfing on horfe-back, to difcerne them among you that fear him, and believe in his Law whofeever fhall offend him, ‘fhall be feverely punifhed. Oh ye that believe /. kill not your game, during the time of your pilgrimage to Mecca ; wholoever fhall kill of deliberate purpofe, fhall be judged, as if he had flain his Neighbours bealt, he fhall be judged by one among you , and be con- demned to offer aprefent at the Temple of AZecca, or to give food tothe poor, or tofaft, or performe fomewhat of like nature,for the expiation of his errour; if he have repentance in his minde,God will pardon what is pat ; if he return in his fin, God will be avenged on him , he is omnipotent, and aveng- full. It is permitted that you fth, and eat of fith during your Pilgrimages but hunting by land is abfolurely forbidden in this voyage; fear God, you fhall all one day be affembled be- fore him to be judged,he hath appointed the moneth of Pilgri- mage, he hath eftablifhed the Temple of AZecca for the de- yotion of the people , and hath forbidden to give impedi- + +). anc; ment to fuch as bring thither oblations , and thofe that af- gras fume * Collers, to the end, you may learne to underftand put upon : that he knoweth all things both in Heaven, and. Earth, and theit necks thatheisOmnipotent. Knowye, that he is grievous in his ba leaves of chaftifements , and gracious and mercifull : The Prophet ts voi whel obliged but to preach his Commandments, he knoweth all they aiised that you conceale in your hearts, and whatever you make ma- at Adceca. nifett: Evill muft not be equall to good , notwithftanding it” be CROs The Alcoran of Ma nH OMET. Chap.s, | be pleafing royou Oh ye that are wife! have the fear of God before your eyes, peradventure you thal be happy. Oh ye believers ! defire not the knowledge of all things, you will affi&t y our felves ; be fot ehrions to know at what time the eAlcoran was fent from Heaven, God pardoneth your former cutiofity; your Predeceffours were alike eurious, amd tn the number of unbelievers. God hath commanded nothing * “Thefe are touching * the fhe Camell, whofe car is flit, neither that theCeremo- nie; of the andent A72- which is ac liberty in the field, neither concerning the Ewe that hath brought forth feven Lambs, neither the Camel, bias, which OF whom have sffaed ten Camels, but the wicked invent Maomet re- blafphemies againtt his divine Majeftie, and are unwife ; When it was faid tothem come, and obferve what God hath taught his Prophet , they replyed, it fufficed them to follow what their fathers had obferved » notwithftanding their fathers were ignorant and erroneous, Oh ye believers | be carefull of your felves, fachas be in errour thall norhure you.; ifyoa nowceth, SeeKitab el tentr, follow the right way, all of you fhall one day be aflembled before God, who thall difcover al your works, and reward you according to your merits. Oh ye believers! make your Teftament, when yonr death approacheth, and take two wit nefles of your own Religion, that are honefk men ; Ifyouare ina journey , and fickneffe furprize you, you fhall take two Witneffes, fuch as youThalf meet with 9 to ferve your tefta: ment, and having prayed, fhall deliver to them your will. If you doubt their integrity, caufe them fweare to be faithfull intheirteftimonies, and not give themfelves to be corrupted by your kindred. Conceale not your teftimony, left you. be in the number of finners. If you diftover thot two wichefles: to haveerred in their teftimonie, fabftiture two other intheir place, although they partake in your fuceeffion, and-take oath of them to be more vericable in their difpofitions, then the two others, otherwife they will offend God » and be noms bred with the unjuft. Tr is’better to'fpeak Truth, then to be in fear, left your falfhood be detectéd ; fear God, and heark- ento his Commandments, he guideth not them thar difobey him, He thal! one day affemble his Prophets and Apoftles, and a aa (hap.5; The AlcoranofMan ome 7. 7s eee and fayuntothem, what.did you anfwer , being queftioned concenning my unity ? they fhall reply, Lord,we are ignorant, thou alone knoweft all things. He thall.fay'to Jefus, Oh Je- ;,, fs, Sonne of AZary, remember thou my grace towards thee, ;, andthy mother , I firengthned thee with the Holy ‘Ghoft; |, Thon{pakeft in thy Cradle, asaman of forty or fifty yeares, yy tee did Linkteuét in Scripture and. knowledge, the Old Te- . ftament , and the Gofpel; Thou didi forme of earth the ; figure of a Bird , didft breath upon it, and it did fie, thou didft cure the borne-blinde , and the leprous, didft revive " the dead , I delivered thee from the Jewes, when thou didft , Preach to them my Commandments , and wroughtelt mira- ' cles , which the wicked affirmed porbe magick, and. inchant- ‘ ment. Remember , how thon didft command thy Apoftles ' to believe in me, and-obey my Prophet, and how chey faid, » WC believe in one fole God, be thou witneffe that we en- at tirely refign our felves to the will of God: Remember* thou, * O a. “f} that the Apoltles faid, Oh JetasySonne.of ALary, .canthy Lord homer, ' fend.us from, Heaven a Table covered with meats to fatishe ‘us? Jefus anfwered themsFear-God,if you believeiinhis Law; “Y they faid, we shave an appetite, andidefire >to eat of the NW! food of Heaven , fortherepofe of ourhearts, and tosknow 1" if thon fpeakelt the truch, of avhich we fhall be witne(fes. Kt! Then faid'he; Oh God:my Lord, canfe to defcend upon us from tt Heaven a Table covered with meat, this day thail ‘be cele- brated by usand them:that fhallfucceed , this fhall ‘be a fign i of thy omnipotency ; enrich-uswith thy grace, thou poffefleR m™ all treafure. God faidito him, I will canfe to defcend from ik Heaven thefood which thowdefirett , and whofoever fhall be impious, thall be punithed with corments, that no man yee it hathfuffered. He thall fay-atithe day of Judgment, oh Je- 0 fis, Sonne of AZsry! didft thou enjoyne the people to wor- a} fhip thee, and thy mother, astwo Gods ? Jefus-thall anfwer, # prayfedbechy name; I willtake heed. .of fpeaking what is ® not,thou knoweftif I have faid it, thou art omnifcienc, thou @ knowelt what isinmy foul,and Phave no knowledge of what isin thee;1 delivered nothing but what thou didftcommand me to Gelaldin juftifieck: this Chap- ter of Ani- mals. See Gelaldin, see Gelaldin. The Alcona of MAHOMET. Chap.6.. to fpeak: to wit, Worfhip God your Lord, and mine, T am © witneffe from the time that I was in the world, untill thou didft caufe me to dye; thou didft obferve the deportments of the people, thou feeft all; if thou chaftifelt men, they are thy Creatures; if thou doft pardon them , thon art omnipo- tentand wife. Then fhall God fay, this day half good works be profitable tothe righteous, they fhall enter intoPa radife, wherein flow many rivers, there fhall they dwell eter nally , with my grace, in exceeding great felicitie ; the King- dome of Heaven , of Earth is Gods, he is Omnipotent, CHAP. VI. The Chapter of Gratifications , contaising an hundred fixtie and fifteen verfes, Written at Medina. aes name of God, gracious and mercifull : Prayfe~be to God the Creator of Heaven , of Earth, of darkneflg and of light; fuchas believe notin their Lord are in erroth He it isthat created you of the dult of the Barth, and ap. pointed a prefixed time for your death, and refurreétion; neyertheleffe you doubt, he is God in Heaven and in Barth, he underftandeth the fecrets of your hearts, and whatfoevet you make manifeft ; he knoweth the good and evill that you commit , thac his Commandments have been tanghe the In- habitants.of AZecca, and that they have abjured them ; they oppofed the revealed Truth, but thall be ehaftifed for theit contempt. They confider not how-much people we have de ftroyed , in paft ages; we gave them places to dwell in, more {trong and fpacious then thofe which you inhabic, fent them about of raine, canfed fountaines to fow in the places of their habitation ; after this did we extirpate them, by realon of their fines , and eftablithed in their place a new “people. We have fent to thee the Scripture, written in Vellam, the unbelievers have handled ic with their hands, yet fay, it isevi- dent forcerie and inchantment » that they will not: believe therein, £ Q} Chap. 6. ‘The Alcoran N A cond A T aa x therein, unlefs they fee an Angel defcend to confirs im! we have fent an Angél,they had perifhed by his ttt we had fent him under the Figure of a man, li 4 cloathed as they are. They derided the Prophets,znd Ap tii thy Predeceffors; derifion is fallen upon fich as contemned them, lil; Say to them, go through the world, and confider the end of rit them that abjure the Law of God ; fay to them, to whom ap- Wel’ pertaineth whatfoever is in heaven ahd earth ? itisGods. He thei will imploy his mercy to fave you ; doubrlefs he will affemble et, all of you atthe day of Judgement. Neverthelefs Infidels be- lieve notin his Unity; they confider not, that whatfoever mo- veth by night, and by day, and whatfeever is in the world, be- longeth to his Divine Majefly, who underftandeth and know- eth all things. Say to them, require you other protection then id fy that of God the Omnipotent, Creator of heaven and earth, who nourifheth all things, is nourifhed by none ? Say to them, I havé received a command to embrace the Law of Salva- y@(_cion,. Be not ye in number of unbelievers ; I fear to difobey my in’ Lord,atid fear the tormetits prepared for the wicked at the day ve Of Judgement; he that fhall deliver himjelfthall enjoy the grace wt of God,which is fupream felicity : 1f God wil punith you, none tt fhal deliver you from his punifhment; ifhis Willis to do good a to you,he is Omnipotent, always victorious, and hath all power over his Créatures;he is moft wife and Omnifcient.Say to them, What better ceftimony is there in the world then that of God? itt Say to them, He fhall teftifiebetween you and me, to whom am he hath infpired the A/coran to‘ inftru& you: VVill any a- fy mong you that fhall learn it, fay there isany other God, but fue ‘God; I will not fay fo; there is but one God, and I am inno- iy cent from the fin you commit, in affociating him with a compa- x) mionequaltohim ; many ofthem that underftand the written r Law, have knowledge of the truth of the A/coraz ; their chil- ye dren alfo know it, but fuch as forfake their own fouls, will not r believein God. VVho more unjuft, then he that blafphemeth i againft God and his Commandments? Certainly the wicked fhail be miferable ; I will affemble all of them, and fay, where are the gods which you did affociate with God? They ste ave O Mahomet. See Gelaldin, ce ee ae 4 , The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.6. Se have none other excufe, but to fay, by God, Lord, we were of | the number of Idolaters, Confider how they will fie, and dif avow their blafphemies: fome there be among them that hearken to thee, we have hardened their hearts, they will nor learn the A/coran, becaufe their ears are ftopped. When they fall hear related all the miracles of the world, and fhall fee them with their eyes, they will not believe untill they have difputed againft thee. The wicked fay the A/coran is butalie, and Fable of Antiquity; they forbid the people to believe it, and contemne it; certainly they deftroy their fouls, and know it not ; thou fhale fee when they thall be detained in the fire of hell, they will fay, would to GodI might return into the world, I would obey the Commandments of his divine Ma jeftie, and be in the number of true believers. They knew the truth, but concealed it ; fhould they returne into the world, they would return to their impiety, they are liars. They affirm, there isnone other life then that of the world, neither any res furrection ; when they thall be before God, they thall acknow- ledge their errors, he fhall caufe them to feel the chaftifements due to their blafphemies, Such as believe not in the refurrection, are wretched men, they fhall be affliéted for their fins atthe hour when ever death hall furprize them ; they fhall bear on their back the burthen of theircrimes, and avouch the life of this world to be but deceit and vanity, and the life of the o therto be fullof felicity for the righteous; neverthelefs the wicked are not converted. I know thou wilt be incenfed a gainft fuch as fhall fay, they defire to obey thee, and fhall re- nounce thy Doétrin; they that contemn the Commandments of God are impious, they have belied the Prophets thy Prede- ceflors; the Prophets endured their lies, and were patient, un- till we deftroyed them; God declineth not what he hath pro- mifed. Thou knoweft what the Prophets foretold: ifmen x bandon thee, canft thou covet to continue on earth (to ine ftru& them) and to be in heaven at the fame time, tocaule prodigies appear (teftimonies of thy miffion.) Had it fo plea- fed God, he had brought them all into the right way, nor had they been in the number of the ignorant, Certainly he heareth : the (hap. 6. ‘The Alcoranof Ma uomer. the pra yers of the righteous, that hearken to his word ; he will give refurrection to the dead, and affemble them to receive recompence according to their merits. They have faid, we believe not in the Prophet, if he fhew not to us fome miracle it from hisLord: fay unto them, God hath fhewed you many » miracles, but moft of yon do not underftand them; the beafts by that walk upon the Earth, and the birds that flie in the Aire,are in the number of his creatures: V Ve have not omitted to write any thing that is written in the Book kept in heaven ; all men ; fhallone day appear before. God, fuch as fhall not have believed in, In his Law, fhall be deaf and dumb, and inhabic darknefs: | God mifleadeth whom it pleafeth him, and guideth in the right acy, Way Whom he feeth good. Say unto them, have you felt the pu- y nifhment of God? Have you had knowledge of the day of ni Judgement ? VVill you invoke any but God, if you be good . men? If you implore him, he will deliver you from the evils that you fear ; and ifit pleafe him, yon fhall abandon the Idols, eny Which with unbelievers you adore. We fent our Prophets to them that were before you, when they contemned them, we 5; fent afflictions to procure their converlion, which had not been , done without the miferies that we brought npon them. Ne- , verthelefs their heart is hardned, the devill caufed them to finde :, difobedience more advantageous, and they forgat what was 4 taught them. When we opened the gate of happinefs, they ex- , ceedingly rejoyced, and were ingratefull y but, when they: thought leaft of it, they were chaftifed, becaine defperate, and were extirpated for the great glory of God; Lord of the Univerfs, fay unto them, if God rendred you deaf, blinde, and ignorant, what other god then God hall reftore your fight, hearing, and knowledg ? Confider how I manifelt my Unity ; neverthelefs they will notbelieve ic: fay unto them, have you had a fenfe of the fcourge of God fecretly and publikely ? Hath God condemned any but the wicked ?- He fent nor the Prophetsand Apoftles, but to proclaim the felicity of Paradife, and preach the torments of hell: He that fhall believe, and do good works, flaal be exempt ftom fear at the day of Judgment, and unbelievers thal be punifhed,becaufe of their difobedience. O Mahomet, Say.; eo) —— The poor. See Gelaldin. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. | Chap.6,. Say unto them, I told you not that! had in my power all the treafures of God, neither that [had knowledge of the future, and paft ; nor doaffirm, that Iam an Angel, Tonly act what hath been infpired into me ; isthe blinde like to him that feeth clearly ? Confider what I fay. I preach not the day of Judge. ment but to fuchas apprehend it, they fhall finde none other then God to protect them; peradventure they will feat his divine Majefty. Moleft not them that pray unto God evening and morning, and that defire to fee his face, thou fhale notbe accomptable for their ations, neither fhall they give accompt of what thou doft; if thou difturbeft them, thou thale bein the number of the unjuft. VVehaye proved men by one am other ; they have faid among them with derifion, behold chof among us, to whom God hath given his graces: doth God not know them that acknowledg his benefits? Salute with affe@ion true believers, when they come to vifite thee ; God loveth ci vility, clemency, and humanity, and will pardon him among you, that fhall offend him through ignorance, that thal! repens ofhis error, and do good works, he is benigne and merciful Thus doI recount the graces of God, and difcover the way of finners; Say unto them, I am forbidden to worfhip whatyou adore, left I fhould go aftray from the right way. I have re ceived from God a light, which yee have contemned ; Godis Judge of allthings, judgeth with truth, and is moft juft in his Judgements. I cannot forthwith give youa fight of the tor ments ofhell, neither of the chaftifement of God, which you with fo much inftance require ; this dependeth on his divine Majefty ; had I this power, our difference would be foonat 4 period. God knoweth the unjuft, in his power are the keyesof the future, none knoweth but he ; he knoweth whatfoeyerisin the earth, and the fea, the number of the leaves that fall from’ the trees, and of the atomes that are in the darknefs of the earth, There is nothing dry or greenin the earth, that isnot written in the Book of Light. He it. is that caufech you to die inthe night, and knoweth the good and evill that you have committed by day ; he thall caufe you to rife again at she day nominated ; youall {hall appear before him, he {hall give you. know- | hip.6. The Alcoran of Manomer. ,; Rilowledge of your fins, and fhall chaftife you after your de~ i Merits ; he is alwayes vittorious and omnipotent. He fhall "ij Sd to obferve your actions ; and when you {hall arrive at the _«, Our Of death, he fhall difpatch his meffengers, who fhal! not " gaileto €xeciite his commands; the people {hall repair to him, i as to their Lord, he is extreamly exa&t to keep account. Say ‘* unté'them, he fhall deliver you from the darknefs of the fea, ee of the earth ; when you fhall in fecret, or publikely invoke Ht him; if he deliver me, I will return him thanks for his grace: 4 Say unto them, God can deliver you from darknels, and all Mt) other affliGtions ; yet fay yon, he hath a companion affociate On With him ; Say unto them, we can fend punifhments froin a- Mth bove, and from below ; lie is able ro difunite, and caufe you to % caft a thoufand miferies, which you fhall bring upon each other. ai! Confider how Ifew them the effe@s of my Omnipotencie ; oe! they Will petadvetitire comprehend my fayings : Thofe of th aii Nations have rejected them, notwithftanding they are moi erue : fay afto them, Iam not your Tutor ; every thing hath “its time, you fhall hereafter underftand the truth. Depart from ‘Withem that fpeak of out Law with contempt, uittill he fpeak @- vil therwife ; the devill would induce thee to forget my Com- tut mandmients, ‘and cafe thee to fir down with the tinjult: the ;G crue believers (hall not regard their difcourfe, neither ceafe to admonifh them, peradvencure they willbe converted. Depart ¢ chou from fuch as fport and mock at their Religion, the wealth fit OF this world rendreth them haughty ; declare, they thall be fe- is verely panifhied ; none'is able to proteét or hear them but God, iu nO vanfom is able to deliverthem; they fhall finde the good io aridsevill that they have committed, fhall drink a liquor ex- y treamly cold, and endure grievous torments, becanfe of their {ji imptety ; fay unto thei, fhall we worfhip inftead of God, | what'can neither benefit nor hurt us ? Shall we return on our gi {reps to onr fins, having been guided by his divine Majefty, like yy unto him whom the devill hath feduced.? He left him difmaid, jad aftonithed in the midft of his voyage, having forfaken his 4 conypanions, that fhewed him the right way. God guideth men , to the way of falvation. I will wholly refign my {elf tothe G pleafgre The Alcoranof MAHOMET. pleafure ofhis divine Majefty : Make your prayers at the time! *The Arabi- ans fay, Azer is Abrahams furname, and that his father was called Terec Axe “you, or I? Such as believe appointed, and pay tithes, you all fhall appear before Godat the day of Judgment, to give account of your a@tions. Heitis that created heaven and earth, Remember thou the day where. in he faid, Be thou, and every thing was: he hall reign, andat that day command an Angel to found the Trumpet, to call to univerfall Judgment, the living and the dead. He knoweth the future, prefent, and paft ; is moft wife, den from him. Remember thou that eZ, guide me to be of them that are erronious: when he beheld the Sun rifing, he likevile asked, if that were his God; and when he faw it fet, he faid oF his people, I am innocent of the fin which you commit, inado. ring many gods, I wholly: commend my {elf to his Will, who created heaven and earth, and profefs his Unity : His people would difpute againft him ; he faidto them, will you difpute againft me concerning the Unity of God, who hath inftrnGel me in the right way ? I fear not your Idols, my God doth what pleafeth him, and knoweth all things, will you not confiderit? How fhall I fear your Idols, fince you are not afraid to affirm, that God hath companions equall to him, which you have no reafon to adore ? If youunderltand the truth, who is more tflle, in God, and hall not coverthe truth with a lie, fhall be delivered from the torinents of hell, § and conduted into the way of falvation. We inftru@ed Abra | ham with reafons to difpute againft his people ; I give know- ledge to whom I fee good, and exalt whom] pleafe. Thy Lord, O Abraham, feeth and knoweth a]] things; we gave to Abraham, Tfaac,and jacob his fons ; we before inftruéted Noah and his lineage in the right way ; we Caught it David, Salomom, Fob, : Chap.6. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 83 4. fob;fofeph, Mefes, Maron,Z achary,St.fohn,fefus the Son of Ma- ie ry,Eliah,l/mael,}ofouah, jonas, & Lot; we gratified them above the refidue of the world ; we ele&ted their Fathers, Brothers, “”” and Progenie , and guided them inthe right way : Thus God ay guideth whom he feeth good: Men before adored Idols, and believed there were many gods, neverthelefs he blotted out their pafterrors, when they were converted, “If they flander i them that have knowledge of the Scriptures, and of Prophe- of fies, will give power over their perfons to men that fhall mif- Zh ' lead them with the Infidels : Thofe whom God guideth, believe "i inthe Unity of his divine Majefty. Say unto them, I require no eC Was K at reward for having preachedto you the Alveran, he teacheth toall the world the Commandments of God. The Jews have DH not honoured him as was their duty; they underftood not ¢ Mh his graces, when they faid, he hath inftruéted the people in no- id thing that is profitable. Say unto them, who gave the Tables rn unto A4o/es? who inftruéted him in the Scripture, which they (K have “written: in Vellam, to guide and illuminate the people ? “i They have publifhed what pleafed them, and have concealed it much; they fhall learn in the A/coran what they know not,and Nil, what their fathers underftood not : Say to them, God after Hs chat left them obftinate, and amazed in their errors. VVe have joe fent from heaven that Book full of bleffednefs, it confir- iit. meththe Scriptures that were fent before it, to the end thou do! maiftinftrué the people of CAecea, them that inhabit about ot that City, and the reft of the world. Such as thall believe in the din day of Judgment, believe in what is written in this Book, and wi fhall pray to God to deliver them from the corments of hell - mt WVho is more unjuft, then he that blafphemeth againft God? that faith, God hath infpired into him what he uttereth, not- withftanding he hath received no infpiration from his Divine Majeftie. V Vho more unjuft,then he that faith, he will caufe to difcend from heayen, things like to thofe which God infpired #, into his Prophets? VVhen chou fhalt fee the wicked atthe wg Point of death, and the Angels ftretching forth their hands to | take their fouls: fay unto them; This day the torments of jj hell fhall be the punifhment of the blafphemies that yee have G 2 vomited The Alcoranof MAHOMET: Chip.6,) vomited. againft. God, and your.difobedience to his. Come | mandments. God fhall fay tothem, you are come before us without riches, and children, naked as you were created; and have caft. behind. your, backs, the infttuétions which- we, gaye you; Ifeenot-with youthe Idols you.adored; yoware feparae ted from each other,aad-have forfaken, them, that yon eftemed on,earth, fhoukfhaye been your prorectors; God feparateth, the good \from.the, wicked, asthe corn.fyom the ear, andethe ftone fromthe Date :, He caufeth-the living.to, {pring from the dead, andthe dead from.the living : beholdithe works of Gods why. will you depart from his Law,?. He divideth, the morning from. darknefg, hath, eltablithed, night for the repofe of mem and the, Sunand Moone,to,compute ages, years, moneths, and feafons,; fuchare the effects of Gods. power,heis Omnipotent, and knowethallthings,. He itis. chat created. the Stars.to-sive you light, and guide,y ou.in the, ob{curity of the earth and ea he gratifieth with his grace, fachyas learn his Commandments, § Heat is that created you of one fole perfon, that gave you tht earth.to,inhabis, and pxeferveth you in the world, he hath com ferred his. grace, on fuch,as.have obeyed. his Commandments, hath made raine to.defcend fromheaven, and canfed the, eauth toproduce divers forts of herbs, green things, and corms he hath caufed the Date to {pring forth, and.the Palme tree,with ardens enriched with,Grapes, Olives, Pomgranets, and many i alike, and.different. Confider. how. fruits encreafe.and multiply; this ferveth for inftru@ion of Gods Unity, to them that, have his fear before their eyes : the Infidels have adored the devill, with God, who created them, and faid, that God hath, fons and daughters, fuch.is their ignorance ; praifed’ be God, he.created heaven, and earth ; how fhall he have a fon, who hath:no wives? He created and knoweth all things, heis your God,and your Lord, there is none otherGod but he;wor- {hip. him, he conferveth al} things, he is feen.of no man, and be- holdeth;all things, he is benigne, and nothing is concealed from him. O people, there is come to youa light from yout Lord.to conduct you, he that feeth clearly fhall receive ade vantage.; and he that shall be’blinde, thall continue his —_ (hap.6. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Tam your Tutor, neither obferve I what you do ; Thus do Ldeclare the myfteries of my Law , the wicked fhall in the end confeffe that thou haft taught my Commandments to fach as inclined to learne them. Adtwhat thy Lord hath in- fpired into thee , there is no God but he; feparate thy. felfe from the fociety of unbelievers ; Had it pleafed God, they had not difobeyed his Commandments , thou art not their Tutor, injure not them that worfhip Idols, they injure God through malice andignorance , every man efteemeth what he hath done, and pleafeth himfelfe in his opinion. Certainly they (hall all be aflembled at the day of Judgment , and be chaftifed after their demerits. They have fworne by the name of God to fight for the faith, if fome miracle appeare to. in- ftru&them ; miracles proceed from God, ‘they know not the time wherein he will make them to appear ; although they fhould feemiracles, they willnotbe converted. I will over- turne their hearts, blinde their fight, and they thall never be converted, I will leave them in their errors, and difobedience, with contempt and confufion, If we fhould fend to them Angels, fhould the dead comeand fpeak to them, and fhould we bring about them all the witnefles of the world, they fhall not believe,if it fo pleafe God, moft of them are ignorant ; we have allotted an enemy to each Prophet; as the Devill is an enemy tomen, he tempteth them with the ornament of his difcourfes, to render them proud. If it had pleafed.chy Lord, they had wanted that power; departthou from unbelievers, and their blafphemies, and incline not co their will ;they thall finde no advantage in their impiety. Doe you defire another Judgethen God, who hath fent to you the Book that diftin- guifheth good from evill? Such as know the Scripture are not ignorant that this Book was fent from God ,, and con- taineththe Truth; Be not thou in the number of them that doube, the word of God exaétly cometh to paffe , no man can hinder its effets , God underftandech and knoweth all things, If thou incline torhe will of moft men, they will feduce thee, they belicye bue their own opinions, and are iyars. Thy Lord knoweth themthat erre, and fuch as follow G 3 the See Gelaldin, The Alcoran of MAHOMET, Chap.6. the right way. Eat what fhall be flain in pronouncing the” name of God; they taught you what was forbidden, cate not, unleffe conftrained through neceflity :. Many erre from the right way , and purfue their own appetites, and igno, rance, God beholdeth them that offend him; flie publique and fecret finne, finners thall be feverely chaftifed; eat not of what isnot let-blond. in pronouncing the nameof God, left you difobey his Commandments, The Devils will tempt them that ferve them, , they will perfwade unbelievers to dif pute againft you; if youincline tothem, you thall be Infidels as they: are, F raifed again many of them that were dead through their finnes, Lconverted them » and gave them a light to illuminate them, in the darkneffe , wherein Infidels thalf dwellfor ever , becaufe they delight in their difobedience s Thus will I place in every City, leaders, that fall feduce. the wicked, and themfelves, but thal! not underftand it : When they beheld any fign ( of the truth of the Prophet ) appeare; they faid, they will not believe in him, unleffe he were accom: panied with the vertues, and merits of other Prophets ; God maketh choyce of themon whom he conferreth. the grace of prophecie , he fhall chaftife fuch as difcourfe in that manner, with ignominie in this world, and they (hall. feel inthe other great torments, by reafon of their impietie. God rejoyceth the hearts of them that heinclineth to lead into the way of Salvation , and punifheth them that digreffe from the right path ; his wrath fell upon the Infidels fo foon as he afcended into Heaven, The way thon followeft is the right way ; we have recompenfed fuch as have underftanding to profit, they fhall be happy , God hall be their proteéor , becaufe of their good works. Rememberthou the day wherein we thall affemble the people , and when it thall be faid to the Devils, Oh ye bands of Devils! wherefore are you rifen againft men? The chiefe of thofe men that fhall have obeyed them; fhall ane fwer, Lord, fuffer us to be revenged on each other, and let each command in his turne; Oh Lord , teach us the prefixed time that thou haft appointed to our miferics - The Angels thall anfwer, Hell thall be your habitation, you fhallithere re- maine (Chap.6. The Alcoran of Ma Ho MET. : maine eternally , and fo long as it thall pleafe God: Your Lord is moft wife, and omnifcient ; the wicked fhall obey the wicked, becaufe of their finnes. Oh ye Bands of men and Devils / have you not feen my Prophets, and Apoftles of your owne Nation, who have given you to fee Miracles? who have preached my Commandments , and the day of Judgment ? They hall anfwer, they have feen the Prophets; and Apoftles, but that the life of the world rendred them proud, and fhall confeffe themfelves to have been wicked. God fhall not deftroy Afecca for the injuftice therein committed , untill he hath fent an Apoftle tothe Inhabitants, to teach them his Commandments; every one thall be punifhed according to his works , thy Lord knoweth whatfoever is done in the world. He hath no need of his people, he is altogether met- cifull, hecan deftroy you if it pleafe him , and eftablifh in your place another people, ashe hath eftablifhed you in the place of your predeceflors. If you be not converted , you fhall not efcape the torments of Hell; Say unto them, do as youunderftand him, I will comport my felfe, as I fhall apprehendhim ; youfhall in the end underftand who fhall have the good part inthe other world. None fhall give fuc- cour to Idolaters, they offer to their Idols of the fruits that God hath created, and fay, (following their thoughts ) behold our God! Such facrifices afeend not to God, their Idolatrie hath induced many of them to facrifice their own’ Children to their falfe Gods, they have deftroyed them, and were en- fnared in their Religion ; which they had not dont, had it fo pleafed God ; Separate thy felfe from them and their blaf- phemies, they have faid, that the fruits of the earth, and the benefits of God were uncleane, and would not cat of them. God giveth food butto thofe whom he is pleafed to gratifie. They have prohibited to ride on fome beatts that God gave them, and flew them for food, without pronouncing the name of his divine Majeftie , which is a great finne , but they fhall be punifhed according to their démerits. They have-faid it is lawfullfor mento eat what is in the bellies of beafts, and thac ic is unlawfull for theic wives, and whem they had flain G 4 them, The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.6, they did eat forcom any; but God fhall chaftife them patie difeourte he is al wife, and Omnifcient. Such as flay their Children are wretched men, fooles and ignorant, they have forbidden to eat the good things that God hath gi. venthem, to blafpheme,and are gone aftray from the right way. ItisGod who created the gardens full of fruits, and hearbs of divers colours. with Olives, Pomegranets, and other fruits alike, and different : Eat of the fruits of the Earth: Pay the dues appointed when you reap, and difpente not your fubftance lightly ; God abhorreth prodigals : Of clean beafts, fome there be that have borne the burden » and others that are young, and have not borne it ; Eat what God hath given you, and follow not the foot-fteps of the Devill, he is.your oper enemie. .Say unto them, behold See Kitab of Cight paire. of beafts , viz. two paire of Weathers, two of tenoir. Ewes, two of Camels, and two Ppaire of Cowes » Of which is it permitted, or forbidden you to eat ? Is it lawfull for you to-eat the males, or females? Whichare thofe that Gof hath forbidden you? Who .ts more wicked then he that blafs phemeth, to feduce from the right way the people that are ignorant ? God guideth not the unjuft ; Say unto them, In aff that God hath infpired into me,] finde not that itis prohibited to cat of thofe beafts, except they die of fome difeafe , and if they beflain without pronouncing the name of God. The flefh of Swine is forbidden you 3 ifyoueat of it, you incutre the wrath of God; If any one be in neceffity , and eateth withoutdlefigne to provoke God , hethall finde God graci- ous and mercifull. We forbad the Jews to eat of beatts whofe feet were cloven, and of the fat of beafts , except of fuch.as is interlarded in the flefh,the entrails and the bones, We enjoyned this prohibition by réafon of their finne, and we are veritablein our words, and exa@ in our promifes : If they flander thee, Say unto them , the mercy of God is great, and the wicked thall not avoid the punifhment of their crimes, The Infidelshave faid , had it pleated God, we had not been unbelievers, neither our fathers affo , and nothing had been prohibited, Their predeceffors fpake as they, untill they fele the of a Chap. 6. TheAlcoranof MaHOoMET. $$$ ——$_———$————————— rrr the punifhment of their fins. Say unto them, Are you aflured that God is content with your proceeding 2 Tell us, whence arifeth this affurance ? You, inthis, follow but your opinion, you are but lyers, Gods providence is great; he had guided allof you in the right way, had it fo plealed him. Caufe them come before us, qvho faid, It is unlawful to eat of clean Beafts ; were they prefent. when God made the Prohi- bition? If they fay they were prefent, fay not asthey, Nei- ther follow the appetites of blaiphemous Infidels, who believe notin the end of the word, and worlhip many Gods. Say unto them, Come, I will inftrué& you what is by God forbid- den to be eaten ; there is but one fole God, fay not, he hath companions equal to him; do good to your Father and Mo- ther, and flay not your children, in fear of dying with famine, God fhall beftow on you and them alfo, what fhall be necef- fary ; commit not whoredom, either privately or publikely 5 kili no man, if juftice do not command it : God requireth you to obferve what is above (ordained) perhapsyou will confider it, Takenot the goods of Orphans, but to fuccor them, un- til they be of age, of difcretion,meafure,and weight,with good weight, and juft meafure. I enjoyn no man any thing,but what isin his power to perform. udg with equity, although it be againft you parents and allies ; fatisfic what is above (ordain- ed) God commandeth it, peradventure you will confider it ; it isthe right way, which you ought to purfue + go not alide, God commandeth it, perhaps you will fearhis divine Majefty. Wetaught Afofes our Commandments ; itis a peculiar grace to iuftruét the righteous, and guide the people in the right way; it may be you will believe in the Refurreétion. O ye Inhabitants of AZecca!We have fent to you the eA/coran,fullof benedi@ion, perform what is ordained, fie impiety, your fins fhallbe forgivenyou ; fay not, That God hath fent his Law to the two Nations that preceded you ; and that it is hid from you. Willyou fay, That had God taught you the Scripture, you had been more obedient then they ?, Certainly he hath taught you his Commandments, itis afpecialgrace to guide you into the right way : Who is more unjuft, then he that blaf- phemeth The Jéws and Chrifti« ans, eas So: b aR SEER AB ELSPETH SE ne , MM ES oe The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (hap6.4 | phemeth againft his divine Majefty, and departeth from his Commandments? Suchmen fhall be rigoroufly chaftifed in the fire of Hell. Will they expeé& thatthe Angels came to vifit them ? That God fhould punith, and declare to themhis miracles? Will they look forthe day of judgment, wherein repentance and converfion fhail be unprofitable? Such asbe lieve in one part of the Law, and reject the other, . have no foundation in their belief. Ged fhall make them to know their errors, and fhall punifh them after the enormity of cheir crimes: He that fhall do a good work, fhall have a reward tenfold. Whofoever aéteth any wickednefs, fhall be punifhed in like maner; neither fhall he receive injuftice. Say unto them, God hath guided me’in the way of his Law ; fuch as pro- fefs the Law of .4brabam, profefs the unity of God ; Abraham was not in the number of unbelievers ; my prayers, my vows, my life , my death fhall be confecrated to God; he hathno companion , Iwhollycommend my felf to his divine pleafure, Say unto them, Do I defire to worfhip other God, then ti Lord of the Univerfe? The good that a man doth, is for him felf and the evil that he commicteth is againfthim; youall fhall one day appear in the prefence of God, he thall refolve your difputes. He it isthat prolongeth your pofterity, ander alteth fome above others,to prove you; yourLord is exactto chaftife the wicked, and gracious and merciful to the righte- ous, cs SS RRR pac 9 SE SR A ac coarse reemartpe ere emer oe “ (hap.z. The AlcoranofM an ome T. 91 hth hal ‘e CHAP. VII. r The Chapter of Prifons, containing an hundred and fix Verfes, written at Mecca, n tO! ya Reader, Mahomet entituled thes Chapter, the Chapter of in| Aaraf, which w a place between Paradife and Hell, Where E men fuffer no punifoment, See Mokari, Bedaoi, and Kitab el ny N the name of God, gracious and merciful: Iam God, the et moft wife, the mofttrue. This Book was fent co thee, to pli seach to the True-believers ; doubt not the Contents of it. tO Say untothem, Believe in what was fent to you from your "Lord, and worfhip none other God but him ; few there be i among you thatconfider it. How many Cities have we de- “ftroyed ? How often have we infli€ted our punifhment on i" their Inhabitants by day, and by night, when they repofed ? | Neverthelefs, they faid nothing, but that they were greatly tht afi@ed. We will examine the people to whom we have fent our Prophets, and require account of what they have learned, and of whattheyhavedone. VVe will examine our Prophets, and demand an account of fuch as have followed,and obeyedthem. I will caufe them to remember what they have __ done worthy of reward. We forfook not our Prophets when they preached to them the Truth; their actions fhall: be = weighed in the ballance of equity; the ballance of the blefled fhall’be ponderous with good works ; and they whofe ballance _fhallbe light of good works, fhall be damned, for having-con- ( temned our Commandments, VVe gave you your habication- onthe Earth, and there beftowed on you what was neceflary for your nourifhment; but few of you are grateful to me, VVe created and formed you, and. commanded the Angels to rN all 92 The Alcoran of Ma HOMET. Chap7. . worlhip Adam, which they performed, except the devil, to” whom we faid, what hindred thee to worthip e4dam, when we commanded thee ? He anfwered, ] am better then he, thou haft created me of fire, and haft created man of the mire of the earth ; then faid we to him, depart out of Paradife, it is not the habitation ofthe proud, thou fhalt be in the number of them that fhall be laden with ignominy; the devill anfwered, let me alone untill the day of the Refurreétion of the dead ; where. forehaft thou tempted me? I willfeduce men from the right way, I will hinder them on the right hand, and on the left, and onall fides, to believe in thy Law, and the greateft part of them thall be ungratefull : we faid to him, be gone out of Paradife, thou {halt be abhorred of all the world, and deprived of my mercy ; I will fillhell with fuch as fhall follow. thee. O Adam! dwell with thy wife in Patadife, and there eat of whatfoever fhall pleafe thee, but approach not that Tree, left thou with thy wife be.in the number of thé unjuft. The devill tempted them, and difpoyled their bodies of their veftments of graces he faid to them,-God hath forbidden you to eatof the fruigof that Tree, that you may notbe Angels, or eternall » he fwore that he fpake the truth, and filled them with ignominy, becanfe of their pride. They knew their nakednefs, having eaten of that fiit, and.to cover themfelves, took leaves of Paradife ; their Lord called:them, and taid, Did J not forbid you'to approach that Tree® I toid:bothof you, thatthe devill was your epen enemy ; they faid, Lord, we have offended thee, and injured our fouls, if thou doth not compaffionate us, we thal be inthe number of the damned: he faid, Depart out of Paradifey ye enemies of each other, you fhall inhabit the earthy’ untill che time/appointeds: you! shall there live and-die; and go from the earth to the day of Judgmenn., Q yechildren: of Adam! we beftowed: on you veltmene of graces,fignes of our Omni potency; paradventure-you will bearic in minde.O ye children, of Adam\ beware-lef the devill feduce you,: ashe did yout Fatherand Mother, when he caufed their departure out of Pa- radile; he difpoyled them oftheir garments, and .made:them know thei deformity she: {hall appcar to you,- with fuch a8, follow aa + he (hap.7. The Alcoranof Mawower. follow them,andyou thalf fee him, when you leaft think there. on; he protedcteth the Infidels : when they commit any faule, they fay, we follow the Law-of our Fathers; God hath fo i commanded us, Say unto them, Doth God command you to , offend him 2? Will youfpeak of God what you know not? he « hath appointed you to do Jultice, to worhhip him,and embrace von hisLaw. Many fhallrife again; as you have feen them; fome , fhallbeinthe right way, others thal! be damned, becauf'they ., have obeyed the devill, and believed they were inthe right way. OchildrenofiAdam; cloath your felves decently, when _ youthalirepaireto-the Temples; eat and drink what: pi@a- . feth you; be not-predigall; God abhorrecth them that: {pend ; their-wealth- unprofitably: Say unto: them; who made tke _ prohibition of decent cloathing, when men go to the Temple . toworthip God ?. Who hath forbidden tocat of the goods ' thar-God hath given you? This is lawfull for true believers: God fhall fo expound his Gommandments at the day of Judgement. Say unto them,.God hath forbidden you whores . dome, private and publike, difobedience, injuftice; defite to-a= dore any-other god but him, and to {peak of his divine Majefty what you know not; every one hath his predeftination, and none can advance-or retard ite O ye children of dam; did: not the Prophets teach you my Commandments? Stichas fhall fear me, and do good works, {hall be delivered from affiGtion atthe day of Judgment ; and they that difobey my Com- mandments, that arife againft the Faith, fhall dwell! eternally inhellfiree Whois more unjuft, then he that blafphemeth a- gainft God and his Commandments? Such fhall be punifhed: conformably to the Scripture. Whenthe Angels of death thall caufe-them to die, they’ fhall fay, where-be the Idols that you adored in {tead of God ? they thall anfwer, that thofe falfe gods have forfaken them,and fhall acknowledge their Idolatry; but God fhall fay to them; enter into hell with the men and devils that are condemned ; they thal! execrate the Sets that preceded them; and being aflembled , they fhall fay, Lord, judge them, they feduced us, augment their miferies in hell. God thall fay, we willadd to their, and yourpains, but rou pa The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (Chapy you underftand it not. They fhall fay among themfelves, we 7 are not the caufe that you wereunbelievers, you were not fuch to pleafe us, fuffer. with us the torments that you have merited, | I will not open the gate of heaven to fuch as difobey my Commandments, untill a Camell pafs through the eye of a needle, fo will I chaftife finners, hell fhall be their bed, fire (hall be their covering ; and fuch as fhall have done good works, ac cording to their power, fhall dwell eternally in Paradife, will remove deceit far from their heart, rivers thall flowin their fields with delights ; and they fhall fay, prayfed be God, who hath brought us hither,otherwife we had been in the num- ber of the erronious: Certainly the Prophets, Gods Meffengets, taught us the truth, in faying, the obfervance of the Command. ments of his divine Majefty {hould render us heires of Paradife, Such as fhal be faved, fhal tell the damned,that they have found * The atabo- the grace foretold them of God, and we will demand of them, metan Do- ifthey have noc met withthe punifhment that his divine Ma Gorsbelieve, jefty did denounce againft them; they thall fay aloud, Yeq. that fuch a8 and that the curfe of God is upon the unjuft, that mifled men fhailhave fom his Law, and they (hall be eternally in the number of the aoe epee miferable. * Between the bleffed and the damned, there isa fe. vill, and paration, and aplace called Aaraf, or Prifons, wherein ate whofe bal- many perfons, who know the blefled and the damned by thei eae ara countenances, they call to the bleffed and falute them, yer they neither oa? GO BOtinto Paradife, notwithftanding their great defire to a the fealeog ter. WVhen they turntheireyes towards the damned ; Lord, good works, (fay they) involve us not in the number of the unjuft. Suchas ie Daath are in that place,call ro the damned, they know them by theit Gdie ghacé vifages, and fay, to what ferved your riches? and that ye arole * called 4araf, againttthe Faith, and Commandments of God? Behold the with them faithfull (whom ye contemned)-you {wore they fhould be de- that have — prived of merey ; God hath fpoken to them, and hath faid, =e he enter into Paradife, and fear not, you fhall for ever be exempt oils and this ££0M affliction ; the damned fhall cry unto the blefled, Give place is be- us of the water which you drink , and the meats that youeat; tween hell they fhall aniwer, The drink and bread of Paradife is prohibi- an Pr- ted to Infidels, who fported with their faith, chat were pro cy) Chap.7. The Alcoran of MauwomMeET. 05 i of the wealth of the earth, and that fcoffed at the Command- ments of God; he hath forgotten them, becaufe they forgot the coming of the day of Judgment, and blafphemed againft his precepts. Weare come to the inhabitants of AZecca to in- ftruct them in the A/coran ; we teach it unto men, to give them knowledge of the right way, and to acquire the mercy of God, if they believe in that Book : Shall they expect to believe un- till they know its explication? Its explication fhall appear at the day of Judgment ; that day, fuch as fhall have lived with- ont faith, fhall fay, Certainly the Prophets delivered the Truth; fhall we partake of their prayers, will they intercede for us,un- till we return to the world to do better then we have done, and to obey Gods Commandments? But they fhall be.dam- _ned,becaufe of their blafphemies. God is your Lord, he created the heaven, and the earth in fix dayes, and fitteth on his Throne; he caufeth the night incontinently to fucceed the day ; the Sun, the Moone, and the Stars, move at hiscommand, and all the world obeyeth him; praifed be God, Lord of the Univerfe : Pray to God privately and publikely, he abhorrerh the unjatt ; pollute not the earth, after the ordure is removed; pray to -Godto avoid his chaftifements, and obtain his mercy, which is for the righteous. It is God that fendeth the windes to diffi- _ pate the rain, when they carry the clonds.; we drive them _ charged with water, into places drie, dead, and ruined, and _canfe the rain to fall there, that they may produce herbs _ and fruits ; fo will we caufe the dead to arife again; perhaps men will remember the good land bringeth forth good fruits, through the permiffion of its Lord, and the bad fand produceth only darnell. I teach my Commandments to fuch asare not ingratefull: Certainly we fent Noah to inftrn@ men; he faid, Oye people, worthip one God alone; if you adore other then him, you fhall be punifhed at the day of Judgments their Rulers anfwered, O Noch! thou art in a great error ; He re- plyed, lerrnot, Jama meffenger fent from God to preach his Will; ¥ give you moft wholfome advife, God hath taught me what you know not. Is it {trange to you, that he hath fent you his Commandiment by the tongue of a man like your cet eclare > The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap. | declare to-youthe torments of Hell? Fear God, he will par. don your finties ; But they belyed Noah, we faved himiq: the Arke, with his retinue, and drowned thofe that cotirem ned our Law, they werealtogether blinde. We fent Hast his brother eZad, and to his retinue, he faid, Oh ye people! worthip one God alone, whom will ye adore, or whom feare, but God? The Teachers anfwered , thou art in anew tream ignorance ; we believe thee to be in the number of lyars ; he replyed, Iam not a lyar, I am a meffenger {ent from God, topreach his Commandments, I give good and falutary advice, wonder not that God teacheth you his pte. cepts by the tongue of a man, like yon, who déclareth @ youhispleafire. Remember thathe left you on Earth after Noah , that he encreafed-you in'number, force, and power; Call to minde his grace, you fhallbe happy. They anfwered, are we come to this, to worfhip one God alone , aitd to relia. quifh what our fathers adored? Shew us the truth, wheredt thou doft preach, if thou art trne ; he faid, the wrath and dignation of God thall fallupon you; will you difpute with us of the names, that you and your fathers impoféd on yoil Idols? God did not enjoyne to worthip them , neither hae you reafon to do it ; expect your purifhment, I will expedctit with perfeverance. Thendidwe deliver hit from their me lice , and all the true believers that were with him, and dé itroyed thofe Infidels, by reafon of their impiety. We fent Satheto Temod,and his people; he faid to chei,Oh ye people! worfhip but one God , he thall fhew'you a miracle in this * The Turks * Camel, fuffer it to feed onthe Earth, and do to it no harme, believe thar ‘eft you be chaftifed: Remember, how God left you on the Salhe; Earthafter Aad, he gave youto dwell in the vallies, in the through plaines, and mountaines; Remember God, and pollute not es Peme- toe Earth any more. Their Captains who were proud, de- aeacepholed manded of the poore,, ifthey believed that Salbe was indeed arock into the Meflenger of God ? they anfwered , We believe in his aCamel. words, and in his doGeine; Then faid thote proud men, we abjare what ye believe, we condemne him, and they flew the Camel of Sathein derifion, difobeyed the les Goi, =r eres o = Se = ao Ss Ss =. = ~~, .. ., 2S Ss eee ee oo oe —s os Chap.7. The Alcoranof Manomer. 97 God, and faid, Oh Salhe!.Let us now fee the punithment that thou didft preach, if thou art of the Prophets; at the fame time.an Earthquake, with thunder furprized them, and they remained dead as carkaffes in their honfes. Sa/he for- fooke them, and faid, Oh ye people! I declared to you the willof God with fidelity, but ye deteft themthat affe& you, and give you good counfels.Remember thou how Lor fpake to the people, faying,will you daily defile your felves with whore- dome? and with a filthineffe that was never yet feen in the ‘world by any your Predeceffours ? Will you love men better then women ? willyou lovefin rather then piety ? They faid, Let usexpell Lor and his family from our Citie, forthat they | wil not contaminate themfelves with us,but God delivered him jout of theirhands, and thofe of his houfe , except his wife, who continued with them that were punifhed: We caufed a \raine to fallupon them, that deftroyed all of them. Confi, der the end of the wicked :. Wefent Chaib to theCountry lof Adadian , hefaid, Oh ye people , werfhip.ene God alone, weigh with good weights, meafure with good meafure , and ‘retaine nothing from your Neighbour: Poffefle not the high ‘wayes , to give terrour to the people, neither divert Tirne- believers from the Law of God: Remember , that you.were but a fmall handfull of men, and he caufed you to multiply ; confider the end of the wicked ; If any among you embrace the faith , and others contemne it , have patience, untill God judge your differences, there is no better Judge then he ; Their Teachers faid ; Oh (haib, we will banith thee from Madian , thee and thofe that are of thy faith, if thou art. of our Religion ; he anfwered , fhould I not abhorre your Reli- gion, Ithould blafpheme againft God, who hath delivered me, Iwill follow it, ifit pleafe God, he knoweth all things, I recommend my felfe wholly to the will of his divine Ma- jefty ; Lord judge our controverfie, thon art the beft Judge of the world. Then faid their Teachers to the people, if you follow Chaib,you are damned ; not long after an Earth- quake, and Thunder furprized them, and. inthe morning they were found dead in their honfes ; fuch as belyed Chaib, found no H fafery The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.7. | fafety in their habitations, they were wretched, he abandoned | them , and faid, Oh ye people! Ihave preached to you the willof God with fidelity ; I will no longer afflict my felfe with the malice ofthe wicked. We infli&ted fickneffe and pos verty on them that difobeyed the Prophets , whom we fent to the Inhabitants of AZadian ; peradventure they will be, con- verted. We proved them through difeafes and health, and gratified them in many occurrences, yct they faid , our fathers were afflicted with fickneffe and povertie, we fhall be as they, but we chaftifed them for their finne , when they leaft codk deredit. Had the Inhabitants of AZecca had our fear before their eyes, and obeyed our Commandments, we had opened to them the bleffing of Heaven and Earth ; we will punith them, becaufe they are impious: Some there be, that fhall be affli@ed in the night , when they fleep ; and-others, that {hall be tormented by day, when they fport ; and. recreate thet felves ; they believed God tobe adeceiver and are damned, God guideth into the right way True-believets, and mals them Hire of the Earth, aftertheir parents; had he fo pled ed, he might have deftroyed all the world, he might hat hardned the hearts of the people , and no man had harknel * To Mecca, tohis word. Irecount what things befell that * City, malj Prophets have been fent to its Inhabitants , and wrought mi ny miracles, yet would they not relinquith their former int pietie ; thus have we hardned the hearts of Infidels; they vit fated their promifes, and we found moft of them to be wid and difobedient. We fent AZofesto Pharaoh, and his pee ple, he to them fhewed miracles , which through theiemalie “they contemned , but confider the end of thofe wicked men; Mofes {aid unto Pharaoh,lam a meflenger fent from God, the God of the Univerfe;when I {peak of God,] deliver the Truth; Tam come, through his command, to tell chee, thou mutt dik miffe with me the Children of Ifrael, and no longer detaitt them in thy dominions... Pharaoh faid, if thou comelt frot God, andart truein thy fayings, let us fee fome miracles} then he caft upon the ground his ftaffe , which was-chang into a Serpent, fhewed his hand, that appeared asia JW Chap.7. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 99 white to the eyes of the Spe&ators. The Doftors of Pharaoh Gelaldin faid, this man is a Magician, he would have us to abandon faith Mofes our Country , what is your opinion ? detaine him prifoner, his hand was and his brother, and fend into your Cities, to afflemble Ma. browne. gicians. The Magicians of Pharaoh appearing before him, they faid , what fhall be our reward, if we thall be vi@orious ? He replyed tothem, you thall be well rewarded, and thall be of them that approach my perfon. They faid, oh Adofes ! wilt thou firlt caft down thy -ftaffe on the ground, orfhall we | ours? Afofes bad them caft down. theirs, which they did , en- | chanting the eyes of the {petators,and terrifying them with an ; extraordinary enchantment ;God infpired AZo/es to calt down ; his Rod,which devoured the ftaves of the other; and the Truth ,. appeared above falfhood,and above the vanity of their ations, ; they were vanquifhed,to their confufion, forfook their magick, } and proftrating themfelves on the earth, uttered thefe words ; We believe in the Lord of the Univerfe, the Lord of Mofes, and of Aaren; Pharaoh {aid to them. , Ye believe in the God 1 OF AZofes without my permiffion ;. this is a deceit, invented ;. byyou, to drive the people out of my Dominions; but you , fhallfoone know the punifhment that I will lay upon. you, A will cut off your feet and hands, and command you to.be , crucified. They anfwered » We recommend our felves wholly ~ tothe will of God, whatfoever is thy revenge on us, thou , fhalt not hinder us to believe in the miracles that we fee, nei- _ ther to obey the Commandments of his divine Majefty ; _ Lord give us patience, and to dye in the number of True-be- _ fievers. Then faid Pharaoh's Doors, difmiffe Adofes, and _ his people, that they may goe whither they fee good, to pollute the Earch, thar they may leave thee in quiet with _ thy Gods; He faid, 1 will canfe their Children to be flain, _ their wives tobe abufed , and Iwill infia@ upon them a thou- fand torments. A4o/es {aid to his people ; Implore fuccors of God with patience, and prayers, the whole Earth is Gods, he giveth it to inherit , towhom he feeth good: the other world is for the righteous. They faid, Oh Adofes 1 We, be- fore thy coming, defired the death of our enemies ; he re- H 2 - plyed, The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap. upon the Earth, he fhall behold your a@ions. We afflited Pharaoh and his Subje@s with famine, perhaps unbelievers willconfider it. When any happineffe befell them , they faid, they well defervedit, and when they fell into mifery, they affirmed Afofes and his people tobe the caufe of it; ItisGod that punifhed them , but of this moft of them were ighorant, They faid unto AZo/es , ceafe to fhew us thy miracles toin- chant us, wewillnotobey thee: We fent upon them aDe luge , Grafs-hoppers, Lice, Frogs, and Bloud, one after am other ; neévertheleffe they were proud, andin che numbeté the wicked, When our wrath felluponthem , they faid, Mofes \ cali wpon thy Lord , that he give us what to thee kk promifed, remove his difpleafure from us, we will belier thee, and will difmifle with thee, the Children of Ifrael: When we delivered them from affli@ion, they fharpned thet “congues, murmured, and violated their promifes ; weave oni {elves upon them , and drowned them in the Sea, for they contemned our miracles, and we gave the Welt ai Batt to the Children of Ifrael, who were humble before’) we gave them our dleffing , our word was accompli(hed upm them, becaufe of their perfeverance, and we deftroyed th: Aginies of Pharaoh. The Children of Ifrael having paft the Sa, meewithwnen that adored Idols, and faid, oh Malis! qnakeunto us Gods, like to the Gods of this people; he a fwered, ye are ignorant ; thefe men are wretched, whattht do isbut ignorance and vanity ; thal I defire that youworlhi other Gods, then God that preferred you to all the wo We have delivered you from Pharaoh's people, who t youto endure preat torments, they murthered your children, abufed your'wives , and you fuffered heavie affii@tions fort! punifhment of your finnes. We detained C¥o/es on th Mountain thirey nights, and ten other nights, which 1s inal forty nights ; when he wett up, he faid to his brother Ato, be chou my Lieutenant, Command this people in mine abfent ahd folidw morthe path of the wicked. When AZo/fesat the time appointed errived at the top of the Mountain , _ ; Viel a plyed, God will not deftroy your enemies, to leave you alone ame a ; (hap7. ‘The Alcoran of Ma HomeET. his Lord fpake to him , he faid, Lord permit me to fee thee, he faid , thou fhalt not fee me ; behold this Mountain, if it continue firme in this place, thou fhalt be able to fee me ; when the Lordappeared upon the Mountain with his light , it was reduced to afhes, and CMo/es amazed, felf on the ground, asdead. When he arofe again, he {aid; bleffed be the name of God, I defireto obey him, and believe that no man living is abletobeholdhim. He {aid to Mofes , Ihave choe fen, and preferred thee to all the world, I have made thee a Prophet, thouhalt calked withme, receive the grace which , Ihave beftowed on thee, and be not ingratefull. We gave to him the Tables, whereon was written what was neceilary . for the falvation of men, and we faidto him, receive with affection , what I give thee, and command thy people to ob- ferve thecontents of thofe Tables. I will precipitate into Hell fuch as tranfgreffe my Commandments ; I will deprive the proud of my graces, they- will not believe in my Law, al- » though they fee all the miracles in the world ; if they fee the | right way, they will not follow it ; they feethe way of error, , and purfueit ; becaufe they have abjured my Commandments, and rejected my grace, the good works of them that difobey me, and that believe not in the Refurre@tion , are unprofi- , table, they fhall be chaftifed after their demerits, The peo- | ple of AZo/es, after his departure, adored the Calfe, a bellow- _ ing God ; fawthey not, that it fpake not to them > neither , could conduc them into the right way ? Neverthelefle they adored it, for which they were greatly too blame. When this (alfe felltothe ground, and they found their errour , they faid, if God have not pitie on us, we thall be miferable. When /Zo/es returned , he faid to them , whom did yee obey _ aftermy departure? You were too hafly to worthip that Idol ; he in difpleafure caft againft the ground the Tables that God had given him, took his brother by the head, and dragging himtohim, faid, Sonne of my mother, how halt thou governed this people ? I wanted power, replyed he, and could not divert them from their evill; It wanted fittle but they had flain me, dome no harme ; rejoyce not my enemies H3 with om * This is Mahomet See Kitab el te0i70 The Turks ~_ believe that Mahomet could neither write nor ready The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap7 9 with my mifery, and account me not with thofe thatadored — Idols: Aofes faid, Lord pardon me, and my brother, give us thy mercy ; thou art the merciful of the merciful. The wrath of God, and the infamy of the world, fhall fall upon them that worlhiped the Calf,and blafphemed againft God ; he will be pitiful to fach as fhall repent, and believe in his divine Majefty. The difpleafare of A7Zofes being allayed, he again took the Tables, whereon was written the way of falv tion, for fuch as have the fear of their Lord before their eyes; he caufed to be feparated from his people, ata time appointed, threefcore and ten perfons, who were furprized with ancarth-quake, and with thunder; and faid, Lord, thou couldit have deftroyed them, before they adored the Calf; wilt thou deftroy us all, becaufe of the fin of the ignorant that are amongft us ? Thou haft defired to prove this people; thon guideft, and caufeft to erre whom thou pleafeft; thouart our Protector, pardon our fins ; for thou art altogether mett- ful; give usthy grace in this world, and guide us to the daya@ jadgment, neer to thy divine Majelty : He faid, Twill panifi as 1 fee good, my mercy embraceth the whole world ; it& for fuch ashave my fear before their eyes, that pay Tithes obey my Commandments, follow the right way, believe inthe Prophet, * who can neither write nor read, and what is writtel inthe old Teftament, and the Gofpel ; he fhall command them chifigs honeft; he hall prohibit things uncivil ; he fhall teach them what meats areclean, and forbid them to eat whatis unclean; he fhall deliver them from Ceremonies, weighty and troublefome, and from the chains that ftri€tly binde them: Such as fhallbelieve in him, that fhall honor him, that fhallde fend hitn from his enemies, and follow the light chat we fhal fend him, fhallbehappy. Say unto the people, I am indeeda meflenger fent from God, to whom appertaineth the King- dom of the Heavens, and of Earth; there is but one God # lone, he giveth life and death, as feemeth good tohim. Be lievein God, and in his Prophet, who can neither read not write. Such asfhall believe in God, in his word, and follow the: Prophet, fhall not erre ; they thall follow avery good way: (hap.7. The Alcoran of Ma HOMET. way. There are fome of the children of Z/-ae/ that knew the truth, and judg with equity. We divided them into twelve Tribes, when AZo/es required drink for his people, we in- {pired him to ftrike the rock with his rod, whence flowed twelve fountains, and every one knew the place where he fhould drink ; we covered them with the fhaddow of clouds ; . we caufed Afanna and Quails to defcend upon them, and commanded them to eat of the good things which we gave them. They did not hurt us ( when they murmured ) but afflicted themfelves. It was faid tothem, Dwellin this City, This is the and eat therein what fhall pleafeyou; enter at the gate with Holy Land. adoration, and -beg pardon of your fins. Iwill pardon you, See Gela/din. and will augment the graces of the righteous; neverthelefs, the wicked that were among them, altered the words that were fpokento them, and perverted them ; and wefentupon.them our indignation from Heaven, becaufe of their. impiety. Ask of them concerning a village that wasupon the thore,of the ' Sea, whofe inhabitants obferved not the Sabbath, .and fithed | onthe day of reft; they fawin that day, Serpents appear up- , onthe water, and other days they faw none. _ Thus are tryed them, becaufe of their difebedience : A party of them faid, Fifth not O people, it is loft labor ; God thall deftrey and _ chaftife them with grievons torments, then their Doétors faid, _ They fhallimplore pardon of the Lord, perhaps they will fear to offend him another time. WVVhen they rejected what we ' taught chem ; we faved fuch among them as abftained from evil-doing, and grievoufly afflicted the wicked, becaufe of their | difobedience ; when they gloried in their fin, we faid to them, ~ Be ye contemned, and abhorred,as Apes;thy Lord hall fend to them at the day of Judgment, perfons to torment them; he ds exact in punifhing the wicked, and merciful co the righteous. We fent upon them good and evil, to prove them, peradyen- ture they will beconverted. Their pofterity left 2 progeny, heirs of their doGtrine ;_ neverthelefs, they returned to their | fins, and fay,the Lord thall pardon them ; they beg pardon Of $cc Geiaidin, him, and return daily to their fin: Shall:not account be re- quired from them, of what.is ordained inthe Scripture? To H 4 wit, aN oi $3: oe 3 The Alcoran of MAH OME Ts Chapa. wit, not to fpeak of God, but with truth: They haveread] the Truth, but have not comprehended it. Paradife is onely for the righteous ; I will not deprive them of recompenle, | who make their prayers at the time appointed, and obfere what is contained in the Scriptures. Remember thou, howwe raifed a mountain over them,to fhelter them, and how they be fieved it would fall upon their heads; we faid to them, Lean with affection what we teach you, and remember; perhap you will fear difobedience. Thy Lord caufed to come outof Adams reins, all his:pofterity ; “and asked them, faying, Am notl your Lord ? they anfwered, yes, thou art our Lord, "we know it well : They cannot therefore fay at the day of Judg: ment, That they knew not his unity ; they fhall fay for exeule, Our fathers adored many gods before us, we are their pofteri: ty ; wilt thou deftroy us, becaufe of their iniquity > Thus do T difcover my myfteriesto men ; tt may be they will be com verted. Relate tothem the hiftory of him that faw our mire cles ; he was difpoiled of his underftanding, the Devil follow edit, and he was inthe number of the wretched. Had web pleafed, we had-exalted him through the knowledg of ot wonders , among the ‘Doétors ; but he ‘crouched to tk ground, and followed his own appetite, like to achafed dogyi thou chafe him with choller,he putteth forth his conguesif thol leave him atreft, he will {till put forth his tongues like othe Infidels,that contemn our inftru€tions ; if chou recount co them “our miracles, ordo not recount, perhaps they will be convett- ed, perhaps they will not be converted; and thall be like fich as have abjured our Commandments, and injured their own fouls. - He whom God guideth, is well guided ; and he whom God mif-leadeth, isin the number of the miferable. Weave created Héllto punith Devils and men; ~they have hearts, afd comprehend not the truth; they have eyes, and fee it not; ¢ars have they, and hear it not; they are like to beafts, and worle then beafts ; they are altogether ignorant. The mol beautiful names of the world appertain to God : Befeech him-by the beauty of his name, and depart from them that de- patt fromthe truth, through the names that they impofe on theit Taeeg. (hap.7. The Alcoranof Mauom ET. their Idols; they thall be chaftifed after their demerits. Some there be that follow thetruth, and. judg withequity, I will by degrees punifh them that fhall reject our Commandments, when they fhall think thereon. I will defer their punifhment fome time, ‘becaufe my wrath is violent ; Remember they.nor, that they faid, AZahomet is poffeft.of the Devil? On the con- trary, he declareth the joyes of Paradife, and preacheth the torments of Hell. - Confider they not the Kingdom of Hea- ven and of Earth, which God hath created of nothing? The fear of death fhall arrive before they. have. acknowledged their fins ; in whatwill they believe, if they have not faith in the Alcoran? Ke whom God -ihall mif-lead, {hall finde none to guide him ; he (hall leave Infidelsconfounded in their difobe- dience. They fhall enquire of thee concerning the hour and day of Judgment. Say,unto them, No man knoweth it bueGod.; but the greateft part of the world believeit not. I have.not powerto do either good orevil of my felf, if God do not permit it; if Iknewthe future, Ifhould provide, wealth to preferve me from poverty : Iam fent onely to declare the joyes of Paradife,-and preach the torments.of Hell to them that believe in God; he it.isthatcreated you of oneifole per- fon, and created his: fpoufe of his rib, to. dwell with hers VVhen fhe doubted of being with childe, fheceafed not to travel as fhe was wont ; but when her conception rendre¢ her heavy, they both befought God, their Lord, and faid, Lord give an happy progeny, to the end we may be inthe number of them that return thee thanks for thy favors. VVhen God gavethem a fon, a righteous man, they affociated him in what he had given them; and all of themexalted the glory of: his divine Majefty, above the Idols of the Infidels, that adored things which could create nothing, that are things created, and can do neither good norharm. If you call Idolaters to the right way, they will not followyon ; if ye invoke Idols, mifery fhall be upon you; willyou bemute, to profefsthe unity of God? will you worthip the Creatures, inftead of the Creator 2 Go, adore your Idols, and may they heat your prayers, if you believe them tobe Gods: Have they feet to Sear walk, LEN tos The Alcoranof MaHOMET. (hap.8, watk, hands'to touch, eyes'to fee, and eares to heat ? Sayunto — them, ifye mvoke your Idols, atid confpire againft me, you fhall finde noneto protect you, God ts my protector, hehath cauted the Alcorun to defcend from Heaven, he is the defendor of the righteous, what ye adore, can neither benefit nor hurt | you; If thou invokeft Idols , they flaall not ‘hear thee , they (hall look upon thee, and thall not fee thee; do what is hw full to be done, command things honeft , and depart fromtte ignorant ; if the Devill would feducethee, traft.in God, fe heareth and knowethall chines ; fuch as fear him, remember his shercies and chaltifements when they are tempted ofthe Devil Although Infidels know the Truth, the Devill ceafeth not to continue thein in their Go,they alwayes follow their impiety; If thou goelt'te chem to tnftraé them, they fay, thou ‘fingelt an oldfong, fayantothem , Ido what my Lord infpired to tome, what I'teach you, isthe light of faith, the rightiway, and ‘the grace of ‘God for them that believe in his divine Ma jeftie s for fuch as hear the Alcoran, and ftudy it, perhaps God will give you hismercy. Remember thon God in thy foul, worlhip in’publique and private, pray unto him ‘even ing, and morning, and be not inthe number of the ignorant The Angels that are near to thy Lord, negleé& norto worlhip him , they prayfe and adore ‘him with humility. CHAP. VIIT gee ie The Chapter of the pojle, containing feventy and five vee, cencernin: written at Meditia. divifion of the fpoyle, 1 the taine of God, gracious and mercifull. They willde which they “Amand of thee, to whom appertaineth the fpoyle 2 Say-am- Joni of ze~'t© thei, ‘the fpoyleappertainech’to'God , and his Prophet; der, Mabo- Fear’ God , ‘live with mutual amity, sandobey his:divine Ma- wet divided Jelty, and his Proptiec-, if you'believe’in his: Law, Suelits itamong “féar when théy hear mention of God, who augment their them. (it cA ; z - {b ae Gelaldin. faith, when-they have-heard-relation ‘of hisumiracles., “ 63435 3 $53 sl a ST ee ene Seer eT pe ee ee eee Cee ene eee (hap.8. The AlcoranofM au ome t. 107 truft in him, who perfevere in their prayers, and difpend in pious works fome part of their wealth , believe in the uni. ty of his divine Majefty ; they have the degrce of their habi- tation in Paradife, fhall receive from their Lord pardon of theirfinnes , and exceeding great treafare. When thy Lord caufed thee to goc out of thine houfe to goeagainft the Infi- dels, aparty of the true believers had a great averfion to ' fighting, they difputed with thee the neceflity of Combats, having feen and known that their enemies led themto acer~ 'rainedeath ; Callto minde, thatGod promifed you, thata \ party of the Army of the Enemies fhould obey you, Defire “you other thing then the glory and honour of vitory ? God ‘ confirmeth the Truth by his words,and deftroyeth the wicked, "he ratifieth the Truth , and deftroyeth falfhood , although it be contrary to the will of theimpious. Remember,that your 'Lord heard you, when you of him implored fuccors, and that heaffifted you with a thoufand of his Angels fent from ‘Heaven; God fent you this aide, only to let you know his ' grace, andteconfirm yourhearts ; vi€tory proceedeth from 'God , heis omnipotent, and moft prudent: Remember that i God covered you with a fecure fleep , and caufed water to de- i{cend from Heaven, to wath, purifie, and deliver you from the malice of the Devill. Plant in yourheart generofity, and patience , and goe on with affurance. God hath faid‘to his Angels, Iwillbe with you, confirm the fteps of the True- believers ;- I will caft feare into the heart of the wicked , firike them on the head , fmite them on the fingers, and feet, becaufe they have contradi&ted my will, and that of the Prophet. God feverely chaftifeth fuch as difobey his Commandments, and oppofe the will of his Prophet ; the unbelievershave here. jtofore tafted.of his punifhments in this world,and fhall in the jend feele the paives of the fire of Hell. Oh ye who believe ,in God! turne not the back to the wicked , as vanquifhed, , when they approach to fight you, he that fhallturne the back, hall returne in the wrath of God, and be throwne headlon into the fire of Hell. You flew not the Infidels at the fight of See Gelaldin, Beder , God himfelfe flew them, *Thon didft not caft ftones * OF ae, * met, againgt vo 2-5 35 9 33 tee 8 The Alcoranof ManHoMET. (Chapt againft them, God did caft them to advantage the True-bes § | bie lievers; he underftandeth whatfoever they fay, and knoweth | it all their a@ions: certainly, he will augment the affiiGion of ig" the wicked. When ye required vitory, it was given you; if you relinquifh your impiety, you fhall dowell; if youréeturn 9 | to fight againft the Prophet, knew, that he will protethim 9 / againftyou; your men of war fhall advantage you in nothing, § notwithftanding they be numerous; for that Godis withthe § | True-believers. Ovye that believe, obey God and his Prophet, depart not from him, fince ye have heard the Commandment J ! of his divine Majefty ,. be not as. thofe’ that fay, We have § ! heard, and were deafand dumb. Theignominy and miley § mT that God layeth onbeafts, is to be deaf and dumb, and to Se. want the ufe of reafon : Had God feen any good incline te ’ : tion in the Infidels, he had not left them in their deafnefs; Bee i bit although they had heard clearly, they fhould have always ee! | departed from his Law, and have been obftinate. Ovye that believe in God! obey God and the Prophet , demand i eternallin your prayers, and know that God will feparate § the Gall from the Liver; he will feparate the Infidell from § the True-believer; and you all fhall appear before him, tobe recompenfed and chaftifed for your works ; fear the punifh: ment that {hall be infli€ted , efpecially on the feditious , and ingratefull , God is fevere in his chaftifements ; Remember that in the territory of CVecca ye werebut an handfillgf weak men, and with fear of being taken , and deftroyed by the unbelievers; God faved , proteéted , and enriched yol with all manner of good things, peradventure ye will give him thanks, Oh ye that believe ! betray not: God, nor the Pre phet, neither fach as confide in you, and have entrufted theit wealth in your hands, otherwife your riches, and children {hall again{t thee, to punith and flay thee, or drive thee from AZe- ca; but God hath rendred their confpitacy ineffectual; he aur ———_. rR os. as ci>-€ = (hap.8. The Alcoranof MAHOME r. tno aes On he knoweth all the defigns of com{pirators. “When his mira- cles were related to them, and his Commandments tausht them, they faid, we haye heard them, we had faid the like things, had we foinclined; it isbut a fong, and a fable of ; oldmen: Remember thou, how they faid, my God, if what | Mahomet deciareth be true ; caufe a fhower of flint-ftones to } falluponus, and rigoronfly chaftife us ; He thall not chaftife } them , when thou art with them, neither when they beg par- don of him; Who ishe that is ableto hinder God to punith , them ? They are not in his grace, when they hinder True-be- lievers to enter the Temple of Aecca;he protetteth only fich as have his fear before his eyes , but moft of them underftand , ignot. Their prayers are very light , they goe hand in hand . inthe Temple, but fhall one day fee! the punifhment of God, becaufe of their impiety. The unbelievers that expend their wealth, toturne the people from the Law of God, thall have forrow for their expence, they fhall be infamous, and precipi- tated inco the fire of Hell. God fhall feparate the good from the wicked , he fhall caft the wicked head- long into Hell fire, and they fhall be in the number of the damned : ifthey repent, he will remit what is paft, and if they return to fight againft _ the Prophet, they fhall be entreated asthe firlt : kill them, to avoyd fedition, that there may be no law inthe world, but ' the Law of God ; If they forfake their impiety , God thall _ behold their ations, ifthey depart from the faith, know,thac God alone is your Lord, and protector. The fifth part of the | fpoyle that youthall gaine from your enemies, appertain- eth to God, the Prophet, ‘his parents, orphans, the poore, and to Pilgrims that are in want ; obferve what is above or- dained, if ye believe in God , in what we have infpired into our* Servant, and in the'day, wherein the diftinGtion of the | “some. ‘ aay The day of good and the bad was known at the encounter of the* two the battell of Camps: God is omnipotent, ye were in an high place, the poder. neareftto Afedina , your enemies were afarre off, by the val- See Gelaldin, ley , andthe enemies Cavalry below you; ‘had ye promifed to give battell, ye had tranfgreffed your promife, by reafon of the great number of Infidels; but what God will, is oes Hy Se) 25357) 2) es 3 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.8. dily executed, he fhall deftroy fuch as are wicked , haying feen that bacrell, an evident figne of the true miffion of the Prophet, and (hall give life to True. believers ; he underftand. ethand knoweth all things, he caufed youto fee in a dream your enemies ina fmall number, had he made them to appear numerous, ye had feared to fight , buthe delivered you from fear , he knoweth what is in the hearts of men: When he caufed you co appear in their view, he made you feem few in number, to accomplith his will, all chings depend on God Oh ye that believe ! make an Hale, when youare in view of your enemies Troops, and pray to God with affection , per haps you fhill be happy, obey God, and the Prophet, his Apo- 5 fle ; if diforder and terror furprife you, you fhall loofe your reputation ; perfevere, God is with them that continue todo} well. Benoclike them that went out of their honfeswitt diflembled joy. and hypocrifie, and turn the people from the right way , God knoweth all their actions ; The Deri caufed them to finde pleafure in their doings , faying to them, none fhall chisday obtain victory over you, I will be wit you ; and when they beheld the two Camps in battalia, ht returned onhis fteps, fled, and faid, I am innocent of th *The Turks evill that you commit , 1 * fee what you fee not , I fear th believe, that omnipotent God , he is fevere in his punifhments. The the Devill wicked, and fuch as were weak in their faith, {peaking of ae Oe ee the True believers, faid, Thefe men glory in their Law : Itwas vicboeer, rePlyed to them, he that relyeth on God, fhall finde him to * be more powerfull then his enemies , and that he is moft prt dentin whatfoever he doth. Thou faweft the Angels that flew the Infidels, they did beat chem behinde and betore,and faid to them , talte the torments of the fire which you hive merited, God is not unjuft to his Creatures. The people of Pharach were Infidels, and thofe that preceded them,¢0l- temned the miracles and Commandments of God, but he rigoroufly chaftifed them , he is omnipotent, and moft fevert in his punifhments, he fhall deftroy them that alter the grace he hath given to the people, untill they have altered the gract he hath conferred on themfelves. Pharaohs people ws io ¢ iy Chap. 8. ‘The Alcoranof Manomer. fidels, their Predeceffors difobeyed the Commandments of thy Lord ; but we deftroyed them becaufe of their finne , we See Kisab el _ drowned them for that they were unjuft ; The wicked are like ‘noir. _ to bealts, they fhall never believein God. Such as promifed | not to affilt the unbelievers, and violated their promife , had _— — Fe. res OK Oe ee er rr’ not the feare of God before their eyes ; if thou meet them in a journey , feparate thy felfe from them, their punifhment purfueth them, peradventure they will confider it. If-you ' fear that any one will betray you , and be wanting to their ‘ word, receive no promife from him, neither promife him . any thing, God abhorreth Traytors : Believe not that Infi- ' Gels efcape the punifhment of God, returne with your whole ftrength to fight againft them; the halters of your horfesthall terrifie the enemies of God , and of you, and of other per- » fons who ye know not, but God knoweth them all. Your ' expence for his fervice, fhallbe payed you, and no injuftice fhall be done to you ; If thine enemies incline to peace , thou ' fhalt do illto incline, as they, truftin God, he underftandeth what they fay, and knoweth whatfoever they do; if they de- fire to be betray thee , God hall prote@ thee ; and all True- | believers endeavour to unite their hearts ; but although thou ' fhouldft expend all che riches of the world, thon fhalt not be i ableto unite them , God fhallone day unite them, he is om- SS ae i nipotent,and prudent in all his works. Oh Prophet! the pro- tection of God fufficeth thee, and the righteous that follow thee. Exhort the True-believers to fight againft Infidels ; If ye be ewenty affembled with refolution and perfeverance, ye fhall vanquifh two hundred Infidels ; if ye be an hundred, ye fhall overthrow a thoufand, the unbelievers are ignorant ; ut God will lighten your. burden, he knoweth your weak- neffe ; if ye be an hundred true believers, ye fhall defeat two hundred Infidels ; if ye bea thonfand, you fhall fubdue two thoufand by the permiffion of God, he aideth fach as expe his fuccors with perfeverance. The Prophet cannot be a pri- foner , he thall eftablith himfelf on earth with advantage , over unbelievers ; Ye defire the wealth of the earth, and God will give yon the treafures of Heaven , he is omnipotent = wife. —— _ ieamnt mee: BEES? 2 The Alcoranof MAHOMET, (hap.8. aah wife. If Godhad not taught you his Commandments, ye fhould have faffered great torments; ¢at of clean beafts that he hath permitted you to eat, and fear God, he is gracious and mercifull to them that have his fear before their eyes. Oh Prophet | fay to them that fhall be grifoners in thy hands, God knoweth what is in your hearts, he fhall reward youfor | what ye fhall have loft, and fhall pardon your finnes ; if you be converted, he is gracious and mercifull. If they betray t ¥ "" thee, they betrayed God before thee , feparate them from J - Ey the True-believers, God knoweth all things,and is moftpm | ae ae dent in what he-ordaineth. Such as have believed in God, | a ashave departed from the wicked , as have employed theit f wealth, and perfons to fight for the Law of God , fuch a at have protected the Prophet, and defended him, are all pro ene teGtors, and friends to each other ; you fhail have no cont Bet, deration of the alliance of che True-believers , chat defer pets! not the company of Infidels, untill they be feparated from them. Ifthey require of you fuccors touching Religion, yo § are obliged to protect them, except againit fuch as have com & federacie with you, God feeth all your aGions. The Infidel § | [piss - proteé each other , if you obey them:, great difordess thal § ate eee enfue, and many feditions inthe earth, Such as have believil piety See, in God, as have deferted the wicked , as have fought for the Law of God, ashave eftablifhed che Prophet , and defended a him againft his enemies, are indeed faithfull and Trne-belie ; vers , they (hall receive from God pardon of their finnes, exceeding great treafures. Such as having believed in G have departed from the wicked , and have fought with you are yours , they fhall be the Heirs of their patents, G fo appointed it, he knoweth all things. CHAP IS Chap.9. The Alcoran of ManomMer. 113 CHAP. .IX. The Chapter of Converfion , containing an hundred twenty and Seven Ver{es, written at Medina. Reader, this Chapter beginneth not as the reft, with thefe words, Inthe name of God, gracious and mercifull ; becaufe thee are Words of peace and falvation , and for that in this Chap- ter, Mahomet commandeth to break, Truce With his enemies, and toaffauit them. Many Mahometan Dottors have entituled | this the Chapter of punifoment,or paine, See the Expofition of Gelaldin, and that of Bedaoi, und eltenoir. Letter Patent from God, and his Prophet, to the unbe- lievers, with whom ye have made truce. Travell in fafe- ty the fpace of foure moneths, know, ye fhall not render God impotent, and that he will lay fhame upon your fore- ‘head. Advice for the people, at the day of great Pilgri- | mage, from God, and his Prophet : God approveth not the : action of them that adore Idols, his Prophet is innocent from ‘that finne; If ye repent, ye fhalldo well , ifye'abandon the Law of God, know, ye fhall not efcape the punifhment of | your crime ; preach to the unbelievers , chat they fhall fatter | grievous torments, except thofe with whom ye have made Truce, who fall not from what they have promifed , and that | protect none againft you. Obferve exaGly untill the prefixed , time, what you have promifed them, God loveth them that fear him: Whenthe moneth of Heram fhall be paft, kill them where you fhall meet them, take them flaves , detaine them prifoners, and obferve where they paffe to lay ambufh for them ; ifthey be converted , if they pray at the time ap- pointed, and pay tithes, leave them in quiet, God is merci- full cothem that repent. If the Infidels demand quarter of you,give them quarter ,to the end they may learn the word of Ged ; teach them his Commandments, for they arc goat I ow (Zon The Alcoran of Max OM ET. ~ Chap. How fhould they have Truce with God and hs Prophet? If they believe neither in the one ; nor the othe , except them § with whom youentred Truce in the Temple of (Mecca? If they obferve their promifeto you, obferve wiatye promifed to them, God loveth fuch as have his feare before their eyes: How (hall they have truce with you @ f they have ad. vantage over you, they will refpeét neither ycur alliance nor confederacy; They will fpeak well of you, atd contemne you in their heart, the greacelt part. of them ar: impious , thy have preferred the riches of this world ro the Commandinents of God, and have hindered the people to folow his Law ya if they knew trot what they did; they beare to refpect to the True-believers, wherein they are exeeedingl too blame, TE they turne , and make their prayers at the tine appointed, if they pay Tithes,they {hall be your brethren ir God. - I teach” the myfteriesof faith to fuchashave underfanding to com prehend them , ifthey break their promife, «nd difturb chem of your Religion, kill cheir Captains, as perfons without faith, they will perhaps put an endto their impiety. Slay fuch efpe cially that renounce their faith , who havc endeavoured t0 drive the Prophet from AZecoa, and have begun to flay you, will youfear them ? willyebe terrified byshem? It is te fonable that ye fear God ; if ye believe in hi Law, fight them, God fhail chaftife them by your hands, he (hall renderthem difhonourable , and protect you againit then , he fhall forti- fie the hearts of True believers, and expe! melancholy, he pardoneth whom he feeth good , knowethull things, and is moft prudent in what he ordaineth, Thinkyeto be forfaken of God, anid that he difcerneth not them thit have fought gil- lantly forhisLaw , from fuch as have adored Idols, aud difo- beyed his Prophet? The Trne-beltevers bandon not their Religion anocher time to profeffe it: God kmoweth dh your actions, Infidels muft not enter into tle Temple of Me- ca, knowing that they are Infidels, the good works which they fhall do in this world {hall be unprofinble, and they thall dwell eternally in the fire of Hell. They tlat believe in God, and the day of Judgment,that make their prayers at the time appointee, -_ Chap.9. Tle Alcoran of MaHOMET. appointed , payTithes, and worfhip one God alone, thall vi- ficthe Temples of his divine Majefty, and fuch as fear the crea- tures more thenthe Creator erre from the right way ; We have ordained that fichas fhall bear frefh water to Pilgrims, and them that fhallvifit che Temple of AZecea, fhall be in the number of then that believe in God, and the day of Judg- ment. Such as ight for the faith are not all equall in graces, and merits beftre God, he guideth not the najuft. Such as have believed inGod, as have departed from the wicked, and employed their wealth and perfons to fight for his Law, fhall have a particula degree, and a particular place near to his divine Majeftie, they fhall be the more happy. God through his goodneffe diclareth to them, that they fhall enter into delicious garders, where they fhall remain eternally, there is with God a very great reward. Ohyethat believe! obey not your fathers , nor your brothers, that love rather to follow impiety, then tle faith. Suchas fhall obey them, thal! offend exceedingly ; ifyour father , your children, your brothers, your wives, you parents, your friends, the wealth that you have gained, thi fear of loofing your riches, and apprehenfion of poverty, havg more of power over you then God and. his Prophet, and hnder yeu te fight for the faith, the Command- ment of God flall be executed againft you, he gnideth nor the wicked , an! hath protected you in many occafions, ».Re- memberihe day of battell of Hanin, when ye rejoyeed: in the multitude of your men, it did not advantage you, fear made you finde the place too narrow for fight, and ye turned the back as vanmifhed: Remember that God, at that time, put his Prophet, and the True-believers: ind place of fafety, and fent invifibl Troops to chaftife the Infidels, he pardoneth finges asfeemetl good to-him, he is gracious and merciful. Oh ye that believe in God ! Unbelievers are unclean, permit not that they-enier into the Temple of Afecca afcer this year, if ye have appresenfion of want., God fhallenrich you. with his grace, if irpkafe him, he is omnifcienrand moft prudent. Fisht againft thm that believenotin God mor the day of Judgment , tha forbid novto.act whar God. hath prohibired, 1 a AR, iis ieee ——$—— rm e——eEeEeEeEeeeeee _ The Alcoran of M AHOMET. | Chap. and his Prophet hath forbidden, and that judge not according to the Law of truth, wherein they were inftructed, who here. tofore received the written Law: they chufe rather'to pay” Tribute, then to be converted , therefore are they con- | temptible. The Pews have faid, that the Son of God is moft powerfull ; the Chriftians, that the A4e/fiah is the Sen of God, their words are like co the words of the Infidels that preceded them, but God fhall lay upon them his curfe. Confider how they blafpheme ; they adore their Doctors, and Priefts, and the Meffiah alfo, the Son of Afary; who commanded them to wor(hip one God alone, there is but one fole God : praifedbe God, thereig nothing equall to him; they would extingulth the light of God with their mouth, buthe fhall not fuffer them; he fhall caufe it appear, notwithftanding it be vexatious tothe Infidels, He hath fent his Prophet to conduc men into the right way, to preach the Law of Truth, and to make it eminent” above all other Laws of the world, againft the will of Idol ters. O ye that truly believe | many of the Doéors and Pries eate unprofitably the fubftance of the people, and divert them from the Law of God:declare to fuch as treafure up,and expend nothing in pious works, they fhall faffer great torments at the day when the fire of hel! fhall be kindled upon them, it fhall” burn their forehead, fides, and back; it fhall be faid to them, | behold the wealth which ye have treafured up for your foul taft the fruits of your treaftires which ye have amaffed. When God created the heaven and the earth, he ordained the year of twelve moneths, amongft which four are priviledged. Offend not God, efpecially in thofe moneths ; fight at all times againtt unbelievers, asthey will fight againft you, and know that is with them that have his fear before their eyes. Sloath and forgetfulnefs abound in impiety; God mifleadeth througl negligence the unbelievers, that prefer one moneth to another, in imitation of what is commanded : they permit to dowhit God hath forbidden, and delight in the malice of their ations buc God is not the guide of the ‘wicked. O ye that believe! | wherefore have ye inclined to the earth? Why did ye prefer the wealth of this world to that of Paradife; when you Wee (hap.9. The Alcoran of Ma HOME T. eeec ee ee a oe commanded to go forth of your honfes to fight for the Law of God ? The riches of chis world are contemptible, if you con- fider thofe of heaven ; if you leave not your houses to fight with the Prophet, God thal! feverely punifh you, and put other per- fons in your places; you fhall not protect the Prophet, God alone is his proteétor ; he protected him whenhe went out of Mecca; he, with his Companion, they being both ina cave, he faid to his Companion, affliét not thy felf, God is with us; He hath defended, and fuccoured us by invifible troops ;*he hath debafed the word of unbelievers, and exalted that of true believers ; he is Omnipotent and wife. Fight according to your power for the Law of God, you thall do well if you have knowledge to underftand it ; if you require the wealth of this world, honour, and reputation, they are not far from you, they follow you at hand, but the punifhment of crimes and mi- fery are as yet far remote-of Infidels; they fweare by the Name of God, thar they were unable to go out of AZecca withthe . Prophet, in which they deftroy their fouls, for God knoweth . themro be lyars: excufe them not, that thon knoweft not them _ that {poke truth, and thofe that were lyars. True believers will not excufe themfelves from fighting, or employing their wealth and perfons for the Law of God; he knoweth fuch as fear him. They that believe not in God, neither the day of Judgment, refufe to go with thee, they doubt the myfteries of Faith, but fhall continue in their doubt, to their confufion; had they inclined to go out againft the enemy, they had arms to perform it; God con- temned their going our, rendred them negligent, and caufed therm to remain with the fick, rhe women, and children; had they gone forth with you, they had brought with them more of diforder then affection to the f€rvice of his divine Majeftie ; they hate you, neverthelefs you hearken to them: God know- eth them that are too blame, they hated thee heretofore, accu- fed chee of all their mifchief, untill, through the permiffion of God, the truth appeared againft their will: many of them faid, excufe us, and fcandalize us not, and they fell themfelves into fcandall and impiety:but hell is the habitation of thofe wicked 13 perfons; 3 SS) cee Se Oe ee 7 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapg q | rfons; if good happen to you, they are difcontented; if | Pill befall eos they ay, Renton heed co themfelves, and forfaw it, and depart from you with joy ;fay unto them, no. thing befell us, bur what God had ordained, he is Our Lord; aff See Geluldin, true believers are refigned tothe will of his divine Majettie; fay unto them, will ye expect, that one of the two graces ( ¢i. ther victory, or martyrdom) befallus? we will expe wih you, untill God hath chaftifed you by our hands; expect, ie will expe& with you: fay unto them, expend through force aftection for the glory of God; your works thal not be accepted of him, becaufe you are Infidels, your alms fhal! be unprofita- ble, for that you believe not in God, nor inhis Prophet ; ye praife not God, but with negligence, and with regret for whit you {pend for his fervice.Be not then amazed at the quantity of their treafures, neither the number of their children ; God fhalf make ufe of them to punifh them in this world, and thallde ftroy them with their wickednefs. They {wear by the nameof God, that they are yours, and are not, and fear to be difcoye. red ; if they meet with any Den, Cave, or Houfe, whereintp hide them, they fpeedily repaire thither. There be of them shit fay, it is ignominious to give alms ; if they give alms, it is wih choler ; ifthey gave them for the love of God and his Prophet, they would fay, God is. our benefactor; he will givets through his grace, and to the Prophet, whatfoever thall bene: ceflary, ourhope isin him. Alms are appointed for thepoot, for them that recommend themfelves to God, to redeem Slaves, for fich as are in debt, and neceffirous, God knoweth all things, and is moft prudent in what he ordaineth. There be among them, who deprave the Prophet, and fay, he fhall am derftand what we fay ; fay unto them, fhould it be to yous great advantage to hear well? The Prophet believeth in God, and teacheth trne believers the Truth; the mercy of God is tor them that believe in his divine Majefty ; Such as detrat From the Propher, fhall feel grievous torments ; they {wear by the Name of God, that they defire to content God, and his Prophet ; it is reafonable that they content them, iftheybe good men; know they nor, that fuch as tranfgrefs the " of Got, (hap.9. ‘The Alcoranof Ma nomeT. 119 God, and that of his Prophet, fhall be eternally damned ? The wicked fear left God fhould difcover to the righteous the ma- lice that they conceal in their fouls, and that they contemne them ;: Say unto them, ye fhall be contemned, for God bring- _ ethto light what you feare. Ifyou queftion them concerning what they fay, they will anfwer for excufe, that they had no e- , villintent, and that they but jeaft ; fay unto them, will you jeaft _ with God, with his Commandments, and his Prophets ?- There , is none excufe for you, ye are truly impious ; if God pardon ' any one of you, he fhall tigoroufly punith fach as perfift to: of- _ fend him. The wicked teach among them impiety to their po- | Mterity, they depart from the truth ; they go hand in hand, and agree to difobey God ; they forget God, and God forgetteth | them; hehath prepared hell for them, where they fhall remain , eternally ; he hath curfed them, and they thall feel the torment _ of infinite pains. The wicked that were before you, fhall unders . go them like you, they were more powerfull then you, they " pofleffed ftore of wealth, and had many children, they poffef- ' fed part of their fubftance, and ye poffefsyours, asdid your ( prea ; ye were plunged in impiety, as they were plun- ' ged; but the good works that they have done in this world, ‘ thall be to them unprofitable, and at the day of Judgment, : they fhall be inthe number of the miferable. Have they not ' known the Hiftory of their Predeceffors, the Hiftory of the | people of Noah, of Aad, of Temod,of Abraham, and the cities that were fubverted? The Prophets preached to them the | Commadments of God, who did to them no injuftice ; they | drew affli€tion on themfelves, through the enormity of their - crimes. The true believers mutually obey each other; they command to do what things are honeft, prohibit to a& what _ isnot approved ; they make their prayers at the time appoint- ed, diftribute tithes, obey God and his Prophet ; God fhall _ remit to them their fins, he is Omnipotent, and hath promifed to them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, and an habitation fall of content in Eden; he hath promifed’ them his grace, which isthe perfection of felicity. O Prophet ! fight againit the Infidels, fortifie thy felf againft them, hell thall be their habi- I 4 tation 5 | 2 a — _ prefent, paft, and future? There-be of them, whoderide the os 3 ee The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.g.) tation; they thall fwear by the Name of God, that they haye | not traduced thee; neverthelefs theythave detracted and utte- ‘ red words full of impiety : they have denied tohave been em riched through the grace of God; and of his Propher ; if they turn, they fhalldo well ; ifthey abandon the Faith, God hall punith them in this world, and in the other, with grievous tor ments, and on earth they hall finde no protector ; there be of them, who have inclined to capitulate. with God, andhave faid, if God doth good tous, we will believe in him; whemhe did good rothem, they:were'niggards, and avaritious; they have erred, and difobeyed his Commandments, but-he ci- ftifed them, becaufe of their impicty ; he hath imprinted it in their hearts untill the day of Judgment; forthavthey havedi- obeyed him, becaife chey violated their promifes, and bywea- {on of their lies; know they not that God underftandeth what they conceale in their hearts? and that he knoweth. what is tru¢ believers, that give alms according to their power; God fhall deride them, and they fhallfeel the rigour of evernall pains ; implore pardon for them, or implore it not, when thou thalt beg fixty and tentimes pardon forthem, God fhallnot pardon them, becaufe they are ingratefull cowards him, and his, Prophet, God doth not guide them that difobey him; they rejoyced to be left behinde the Prophet, when he went cofight for the Service of God, they had an averfion to fight, andem ploy their perfons and goods for the Service of his divine Mi jeftie ; they faid, we will not go out of our honfes with this heat; fay tothem, hell ismuch more hot, could you compre hend ; they fhall Jaugh a little in this world, and thall weep much inthe other, for a punifhment of their fins. Ifrhow meet them, and they demand permiffion to go out with thee,to fight for the Faith ; fay to them, you thal! nor go out, neither fhall ye ever fight againft the enemy with me; ye were florhfull and cowards the firt time, remain with the unbelievers ; pray nut for. them after their death, and ftay-not at their Tombs, be caufe they believed neither in God, nor his Prophet, and died in their wickednefs. Be thon not aftonithed, neither. at the - abundance (hap-9, The Alcoranof Manomer. abundance of their wealth, nor the number of their children, God will make ufe of them, to chaftife them in this world, and will deftroy themin their impiety. © When ‘command was fent to them to believe in God, and fight with his Prophet, the moft powerfull among them defired thee ro exenfe them, and faid, leave us with themithat continue in their houfes,; and defire to remain with the fick, the women; and little children: God hardened their hearts, and they fhallnever learn the truth? THe Prophet and. crue believersthat were withthem, and fought; and employed their perfons,and goods for the Service of God; fhall be blefled ; he hath prepared:for them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, with perfeftion of felicity: Some of the Arabians came to excufe themfelves of going to’ the war,’ and firch as renounced God and the Prophet, remained in their houfes, but they fhall refcent grievous torments, becaufe’ of their wickednefs ; the fick, the impotent, and thofe that want means to be prefent.at the war, offend not God in abiding in their houfes, provided they be faithfull to his divine Majeitie, and his Prophet. The righteous are not obliged: to do but what is in their power, God fhall betothem gracious and mer- cifull. Such as repaired to thee to fight, and whom chow didft Benou, Mo- difmifs for want of occafion,did nor offend God;they retarhed crea. to their houfes with tears in theireyes, with difcontent, to have wanted means to.employ inthe Service of his divine Ma- jefty ; the war is appointed to: fuch as intreat thee to’exempt them that are rich, and have wealth to fubfift,they require leave to remain with their wives and children, God hath hardned their hearts, and they know it not; they fhall cometo exenfe themfelves, when thou fhalt meet them ; Say unto them, ‘excufe not your felves, I do not believe you, God hath given us to. un- derftand your news, heand his Prophet likewife hath rendred your good works vaine and unprofitable’; ye fhall one day ap- pear before him that knoweth what is paft, prefent, and fre ture, he fhall caufe you to remember whatfoever' you have done, and fhall punith you according to yourdemerits. They fhall conjure-you by the name: cf God, when you approach them, to depart from them; depart from them, they are te 8) of uncleanefs, hell thall be their habitation, where ther thallbe tormented for theircrimes. They fhall befeech yor to love them ; if you lovethem, know,that God abhorreth them that difobey him >». The e4rabians; who obferve not the precepys which God hath fent.co his Prophet ; are ye more impious and ingratefull ? God knoweth all things, and is moft prudeng, There be perfons among the Arabians, who-account ¢ loft mo. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (hapo, } r 3 3 ney that they expend forthe Service of God, ‘and protrat their departure, to retard yours, and make you to atend; the wheel ef mifery is upon them, God underltandeth what ever they fay, and knoweth all their actions ; there be among them who believe in God, and the day of Judgment ; they efteem that their expence for the Serviceof God draweth them nigh to his divine Majeftic, and they invite the Prophet to pray for them, God hall give them his mercy, he is gracious ad merce full to them that obey him. They that firlt arrived at Medina the firft of them that went out of Adecca; to depart from th: wicked; fich as were at the battell of Beder,and ftch a: imitatet them in well.doing, fhall injoy the graceof God, hehath pre. pared for them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, with fie preme felicitic. There be Arabians about you, and in ALeding, they affect impietie ; you know them not, but iknow them all, I will chaftife them twice on earth, (co wit, throughignominy and-death)) and they fhall feel inthe other world exceeding great torments. Others there be, that confefs -heir fins, and who do good and evill works; peradvenure God will pardon them, he is altogether gracious ind met cifull; take of their fubftance for. almes, thou thie rendét them, righteous, and hale purifie them , pray for them, thy prayexs thal! procure them the mercy of God, he undet- ftandeth and knoweth all things... Know they not, that God accepteth.the, converfion of his Creatures , that their almes are pleafing tohim, and that he is gracious and merd- full? Say unto them, do what: thal] pleafe you ; God, his Prophet, and the ‘True-believers thal! fee what yordo, yout fhall one day appearbefore him, who knoweth th prefent, pait, and future ; hethall make you to know whatloever ye have 4 igZ Fe ae ee ee ee ne (hap.9, The AlcotanofM au ome T. 123 en eS a Eee have dont, and fhall chaftife you after your demerits. There be othersthat attend the pleafure of God, either his grace, or his wrath his punifhment, or hismercy , God underftandeth what isin their foules , and is moft wife. They that efteemed, that the T:mple built by unbelievers, to feduce the righteous, to diftingiith the wicked from the good , and to obferve fuch as had before fought againft God, and aguinft his Prophet, is the Tempe of his divine Majeftie, fweare that they defire to do well, ind that their intention is moft honeft , but they are lyars,and God {hal be witneffe of their falfhood;make not thy Prayers inthat Femple,make thy prayers in the Temple found- ed onthe car of God, thatis reafonable ; there be perfons in that Tenple who defire to be purified , God loveth fuch as have aclein foul; Who ishe that buildeth beft,he that found- eth his buiding upon the fear of God, erhe who layeth the " foundation of his building upon the brink of a ditch of * fand , whth falleth, and ruineth it fedf> They who efteem the Temp! built by unbelievers, to feduce the people, to be * the Templ: of God , fhall be with chat Temple, and with the ! Infidels thit built ic, burnt in the fre of Hell; God guideth "not the ujoft-, their building thall ferve only to torment ‘ them, Gol knoweth their delign, and is moft wife; he pur- " chafeth of True-believers their fouls and goods , and giveth * them Paralife ; if they be flain , or if they flay when they t fhall fight‘or the faith , they fhall have what he hath pro- ! mifed co them in the Old Teftament, the Gofpel, and in the ‘| Alcoran : Who better fatisfieth what he hath promifed, then ! God? Delare to them, that they have made a good purchafe, 6 they have gained the height..of felicity. Such as are firme in s their faith who pray, honour, and worfhip God, who ob- t ferve his Commandments, and all True- believers, thal! enjoy | the delighs of Paradife, with all manner of content. The | Prophet, and True- believers ought not.to ask pardon: of ; God for Infidels , notwithftanding they be their parents, ha- , ving had kiowledge that they are damned , becanfe of their \jnfidelity, cAbrabam prayed not forhis father, untill he had : promiled hmtoadore one God alone; . when he wa he ; ather The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chapy, : | father to beanenemie to God, he declared himfelfe an éne. © my.to his finne , he ceafed praying for him, although he Me exceeding charitable, and patient in his affirftions. God mifleadeth not them that he hath put into theright way, hag giveth them to underftand what they ought to-do, he knoweth them that deferve to be feduced,and fuch as merit to be pride through the right way. The Kingdome of Heaven and Ea is Gods, he giveth life and death to whom he feeth goody ® Who except God fhall prote@ you? he hath given his grate to the Prophet , and to fuch as followed him in his afili@ion qe teal although it wanted but a little, that the hearts of manor | en them inclined not to the party of the unbelievers, but he pat donedthem; he hath been gracious and merciful to ‘thite perfons who deferted the Prophet, and were forry for theif pe ay error, they knew there was no fure refuge, but in God, « ag ’ xiab bin Ma- he pardoned them, whenthey were converted , he is gtath ai lik, belal bin ougand mercifull to fuch asrepent. Obvye that believe ! feat dent — God, be righteous ; the Inhabitants of AZedina and th vayhe b1n Ka- hia eArabians, that dwell about that City, ought not to cot tradic the will of the Prophet of God, neither diflike whi he approveth, becaufe they have endured neither thirft, not = Saath paine, nor anguith for the fervice of his divine Majefty ; they pig | ete have not been trampled under foot by their enemies, they: Pietelarh fhallirritate the Infidels, and thall receive no difpleafure ; of Hy Ee the contrary , they fhallacquite merit , and perform a good work. Goddothnot deprive them of recompenfe that do well,he thall write down their expence for his fervice,and the number of the Idolsthat they fhall deftroy, for reward of their good works. Itis not neceMary that all the faithfall goe t the warre,, it is fufficient, that of every lineage, and of evety Nation there goe a party ,-while the reft thall learm the Lawes and myfteries of faith, to inftru& their Companions, when they fhall return from their voyage , perhaps they. will fear the chaftifement of God. Oh’ ye that believe in God! fight againft them. that would caufe youto be defiled im im- ; piety, be valiant, and know thac God is wich them chat have! ; hisfear before their eyes, When God caufed todefeend from: e Heaven. | (hap.1o. The Alcoranof Manomer. Heaven, any Chapter of the 4/coran , fome of them fads through difdain, that will encreafe the faith of this people. Certainly it augmenteth the faith of True-believers , it re~ joyceth them, and enflameth the wrath of his divine Maje- * {ty upon Infidels, who perfift in their pollutions, and dye in | their wickednefs. They know not that Godtryeth the good, \ once, or twice ayear, they will not be converted , it is Joft | time to preachto them. When God fent from Heaven any Chapter of the A/coran , they beheld each others, and faid, i doth any one fee us? They. returned in their impiety , and t God turned their heart from the right way, for thac they 't would not learn the Truth. God hath fent you a Prophet of i) your own Nation, who, with paffion, defireth to deliver w you from your obftinacy , and isextreamly affected to inftrug (| youin the way of Salvation, God is milde , and pitifull to- ‘(wards True-believers. If they abandon the faith, fay unto | them, God is my protector , there is but one fole God, Ire- d commend my felfe to the will of his divine Majefty, he isthe »\ Lord of the Majeftique Throne. ti 4f thy iF CHAP. 2k. i The Chapter of Jonas, containing an hundred and nite ver[es y ‘| written at Mecca. i gE the name of God, gracious and mercifull; I am God i Uthe mercifull. The precepts contained in this Book pro- red from the Omnipotent : Doth rhe people wonder that we veinfpired a manto preach tothe wicked the torments of {, and to declare to True believers, that they thall finde ‘what their Lord to them hath promifed? The wicked yo that it isbut forcery and enchantment. Certainly God is your Lord , who created Heaven and Earth in fix dayes, and fitceth on his Throne, difpofing all things ; no man intercedeth for his Neighbor without his permiffion, heis your God and your Lord,worfhip him alone,will ye not confider it ? vor . {ha hits RE te re = ME ee sk eA ————— The Alcoran of MAHOMET, Chap.to. fhall be one day affembled before him;he promifed with truth, chat he will caufe men to dye,and raife them again, torecom- | nee fuch as have believed in his Law, and done goad works: | The unbelievers fhall drink a boyling drinke , and fhall en dure ereat torments,becaufe of their impiety. He st is that gave light to the Sunne, and brightnefs co the Moone, that created the fignes to know the number of years, the account of moneths, and of whatfoever he hath created, thefe dhings reach with truth, the miracles of his divine Majefty,,. co foch as have knowledge to underftand them ; the difference of day and of night, and what God hath created in Heaven and in Earth, are marks of his sanity to them that have his fear before their eyes. They who believe there is no sefurrection, fach as place their content 1n the wealth of this world, the that truft in their riches , and that are ignorant of the com mandments of God, fhall be precipitated into the fire of Hel, becaufe of their finnes and the True-believers thall be co duéted by his divine Majefty into delicious gardens , -whertt flow many rivers , they fhall there finde whatfoever the ysllall defire, and (hall fay at the beginning of their prayers, prayled be God ; afterwards they fiall fay, Salvation be to God ; ant at the end of their prayers, prayfe be to God, Lord of the Univerfe. Although God doth fometimes fuddenly chaftie F men , he alwayes attendeth the time of their Deftiny. » Iuil jeave them that fhal! not believe in the Refurreétion , inher errors, to their confufion ; When man is afflicted, he invoketh us ftanding, fitting, lying, and in all poftures, and whem We have delivered him from his affiiction, he perfiftech in hiswith ednefs. it feemeth good to the wicked co do in this manneiwe deftroyed their Predeceflors when they believed not in the Prophers, neither obeyed the precepts chat we fent them, a have eftablifhed you on the Earth in their place after them, 0 fee your deportments. When thou ceacheft our commandmells ro them that believe notin the Refurrection 5 they fay , that the precepts of the ed/coran: ate altogether coritrary t0 what J thou preacheft, and that-thou hat altered them ; Say 0 them, Thave no will to alter them of my felfe, Ido but what is. Chap.10, The Alcoranof Mano™MeET. 127 is infpired into me of God , I fear to be punithed at the day of Judgment , fhonld I difobey his divine Majefty ; Say unto them, Had it pleafed God, I had neither read , nor taught you his Commandments, I fojourned a long time with you, before Itanght you, will younot learn’them ? Who is more unjuft thea-he that blafphemeth ? God doth not aid the In- | fidels that worlhip what can neither benefit nor hurt them,and ‘ fay, their Idols fhall intercede for them ; will you inftru@ God in any thing that he knoweth not , of what is in Heaven j orin Earth? Praifedbe God, he hathno companion. Men « were allof one Religion before Infidelity teok place , and | ifGod had not faid that he would deferre the punifhment of j the wicked untill the day of Judgment, he had already de- | ftroyed them inthis world, becaufe of their impiety ; They x fay , we will not believe in the Prophet , if God “make | not fome miracles to appear in him; Say unto them, God ; knoweth what fhall be; expect, I will expe@ with you : when im WE gave them to tafte of content after their aMliGion, they haé yj fabtilty upon our Commandments: Say unto them, God is .) more fubtile then you, his Meffengers fhall write your fubtil- Gi tesshe it is that made men to travell upon the earth and fea 5 It , she that fendeth them a favourable winde to rejoyce them in i, their thips ; when tempeft farprifeth them, they believe that the waves will overwhelm them, then they invoke God, with de- _ fire to embrace his Law, and fay, if God doth deliver us from \ this danger , we will believe in his Unity, and returne him f thanks for thismercy ; and being delivered from perill, perfift 0 their wickednefs, O people! you draw mifchief on your . felves, you require nothing but the wealth of this world, “ you all {ball appear before usto be judged according to your "works; the life of the world is like to the rain » Which we , caufe to defcend from Heaven, it canfeth with mixture all forts of herbage to fpring forth, for the nourifhment of men, and beafts. When the Earth is adorned with flowers, and - enriched with its fruits, the Inhabitants oftentimes believe they have the power to caufe their production ; then fend we » our chaftifements day and night upon the Earth, and render it as be Alcoran of MAH O MET. (hap. as mown, and as if the lay before it had brought no fruit, Thus do I difcover myfteies to fuch as have knowledge to comprehend them. They leg their falvation of God; he fave " and putteth in the way >f falvation whom it pleafeth him, He (hall not cover the wage of them: that have done good | works, they fhall appar without fhame, and dwell in Paradife, where they fhill remain eternally ; and fuch ag fhall have done evill fhalloe punifhed after their demerits,they {hall be covered with fhane, and none fhall be able to protet | them, they fhall be as ifa great part of the obfcurity of the nisht had covered their ountenance, they fhall be condemned ro the fire of hell, wherethey fhall dwellecernally. Thinkon the day, wherein we wil aflemble all the world, and willfay tothe Infidels, hell thal be your habitation ; where be the Idols you adored ?_ we save feparated you from each other, Their Idols thall fay tothem, you have not worthipped i, God is witnefs ; was tere any thing between us and yoy that rendred us ignorantof yout adorations ? That day {hil every one fee what he hth done, and know that God is Tati it felf; their Idols fhall te feparated far from them, and the fhall underftand their bafphemies. Say unto them, whoelr richeth you with the weilth ofheaven and earth ? Who cauleth lifeto come out of deah, and death out of life 2. Who difpo- feth all things in the world ? They fhall an{wer,it is God : Say unto them, why have jou not therefore his fear before yout eyes? God is indeed yur Lord; what is there after the Truth bur falthood ? How wil you depart from his Law ? his Worl fhall be accomplifhed igainft Infidels. Say unto them, Bare your Idols the’power tc caufe men to die, and to make tem rifeagain ? God caufeu them todie, and_to rife again; how (hall they be able to bh{pheme after thefe reafons? Say mmte them, Are yout Idols dle to conduét you into the right way? God guideth the peopt into the way of Salvation; who ought rather co be followed, he thac guideth the people into the right way, orhe thac nifleadeth them? What reafon have Jt to follow the evill way? The g reateft part of them foilow but their own opinion, buttheir opinion is not conformable to the Truth, | hap.r0. The Alcoran of Manom eT. ‘Truth ;God knowethall their actions, there'is' no falthood th the e Z/coran, it contirmeth the ancient Scriptures, and perfpi- cuonfly explaineth them ; there is no doubr, but it proceedeth fromthe Lord of the Univers. They fay AZahomer hath inyen- ted this Book; fay unto them, comeand bring any thing that refembleth it in Dodtrine and Eloquence, and call the Idols which ye adore, we hall fee if yow ar? fincere;on the contrary, they have-blafphemed, and have talked of what they under. ftood not, when they heard the expofition of the A/coran - Thus did their Predeceflours; but coafider’ what is the end of the unjuft; There be among them, who will believe in this “ Book, and others that willnot believe; Thy Lord knoweth them that defile the earth ; if they flander thee, {ay uhto them, T will anfwer with my ations, and ye fhall anfwer with yours, ye are innocent of what I a@, and I am innocent of what yeedo. Therebe perfons among them that have incli- nation to heare thee, but are thou able to caufe the deafe to heare? Should they not be deafe they would fearne no- thing; Others there be, who. look towards thee, but art thou able to guide the blinde = fhould they fee clearly, they would | not follow the right way; God dothno injuftice to men, they \ do injury to themfelvs through the enormity of their offences. ) Twill caufe them to rife again at the day of Judgment,as if they j had remained but one hour of a dayin the grave; they thall know each other, and the wicked who have not believed in } the Refurrection, fhallbe damned: 1] will thew thee many of ; them whom I will chaftife ; 1 will aufe thee to die before they be chaftifed, and they all fhallappeat'before meto be judged; God is witnefs-of their a@tions,he thal punith them ac- cording to their demerits ; every Nationof the world hath had a Prophet fent from God, who hath judged with reafon, and without injuftice, the differences thatwere among them touch- | ing Religion: They have faid, at what time fhall the wrath of God appear? Say unto them, J, of ny felf, can neither pro: , cure good norevill,if God doth not permit it ; every one hath _ his dettiny, when the time of their deftiny artiveth, they can . neither retard, or advance it one hour, Have yee confidered : K the 10, The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap, che puniflameat: which God heretofore feat, by day, and by night againftthe wicked? Whenye felnit, ye believed it, an fellinto,it headlong. It fhall be faid to che wicked at the day of Judgment, taft cternallcorments; thal: younos be-pnnithed according to your demerits? They will aske of thee, if the pains denounced, againk the wicked, and if che Refurredion ‘he matters of truth ? Say. untothem, yes, my Lord ismoliaiag in his words, and allthe treafases. of the world thall nother ble ro redeem one fowl. They fhall repent of cheir (ims, when they thall feel che punifhment of their offences, but thallbe condemned without injultice;, whatfoever is in heaven and in earth appertaineth ro. God, he is exa& in hispromife, yet the greatelt pact of the world do not know hun, Heat sswhp caufeth to die, and given life, and fhallaflemble-meniat th day of Judgment. O people ! God hath fent you inftrugiom and remedies for-your infirmities; he hath fent a guide to.cen du@ true believers into the way ofhis mercy ; it fhall bew them of more-advantage, then the treafures that they accum late: Have ye confidered the good things which he hath creat for you? Ye haye appointed one part to beeaten, and iit prohibited toate of another: Hath God. permitted yout blafpheme again{t him? The opinion of {uch as blafpheme again God:fhall be-but mifery at the day of Judgment;God ts fullst goodnefs for the people, bur molt of them. are ingratefull, It whatfoever place thou. art, whetherthouteach what is conti nedin the Alcorav,or whether thou labour,I am alwaysprefen nothing is concealed from thy Lord, of whatfoever is in heat and earth; be it great or little, allis written inthe intelligible Book,that explaineth all things. There needeth no fear foriith as recommend themfelves to Ged, they thall be exemptitom the pains ofhell. The true believers who have his fear befor their eyes, (hall fuffer no torments in the orher world; it § declased to them on earth, that they thall have all.contem the word of God admits of no alteration ; they fhall enjoy perfection of felicity in Paradife. AMié not thy felb for the words of the impious, verte procedeth from God, he ftandeth, and.knoweth alichings; whatfoever is, in-heavea and in a | Chap.io. The Alcoran of Matomet. 131 _ in-earth appertaineth to him - They who worfhip Idols, fob low bur their opinion, and ate lyars; God hath ereated che ' might for repofe, and the day for labour; fuch as hear tis ' Word, finde therein marks of his omnipotencie. They have , faid, do ye believe that God hatha Son? Praifed be God, ‘he "is moft rich, and hath no need of any perfon, he poffeffeth " whatfoever is in heaven, and earth; youhave fo reafon in | what'ye alledge ; will you fpeak of God what ye know not ? ® God doth not aide in this world ‘them that blafpheme againft * him, he thall caufe them to feel after their death great tor- S ments, becanfe of theirimpietie : Inftruét them in the Hiftory ‘| of Doub, how he fpake'to his people, and faid, O people / if my ! abode with you, and the preaching of the Commandments of Ki God be irkfom to you, know, that all my fupport tsin God ; affemble your Doctors, with yourIdols, ard conceal not what ft ye do; go whither you'will, ye thall finde none to protect you ; i if ye contemne my inftru@ions, I require not of you a reward “for my pains ; I defire to receive of none other then God the “Omnipotent, and recommend my felf to-the will of his divine iMMajefty. They flandered Noah, then did we fave him in’ the diArke, and them that were with him; we prolonged their iipofteritie on eatth, and drowned the wicked; confidet lithe end of fich as heard the word of God, and-contem- itnedit. We fent to them other Prophets after Noah, they made them to fee miracles, and gave them moft fahitary in- w ftruGtions ; but they didnot believe in what they had no will sibeforetobelieve. Thas I harden the heart of the wicked. We wafter thetn,fent AZofés to Pharaoh, and his fubje@s, with our umitackes, they arofe againft our Commandments, when the trath was preached to them, and faid, it was but Magick and ; enchantment. AZo/es faid tothem, will you fay that the Truth y is Sorcery 2? God doth not affilt Magicians and Sorcerers; they \ faid, Axt thou, with thy brother, come to divert us from the . Religion of our Fathers, and to be efteemed on earth? We will | believe m thy words. Then’ Pharoah commanded to fammon . the mot skilfall of his Magicians ; they being afembled, AZo/es {aid to them, eaft down what ye have'a will to calt down K 2 on SS eS ee ERY Z pret athe ! dd tum . OnE ES SE I ene on the ground ; having caft down their cords and ftaves ,Mofes The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.o, | " faid to them,know ye none other thing but Magick?God fhall © render it vain, and unprofitable; he abhorreth fuch as defile the earth he confirmeth the Truth through his Word although itbg : againit che-will of the wicked. Few men believed in Mofes, be. caufe of their fear to difpleafe Pharoah, and his Minifters, Pg. roah was powerfull on earth, and in the number of the wicked. AZofes faid,O people { if ye believe. in God, tefign your felves to his will; they anfwered, All our confidence isin God; Lord, do not thou abandon us to the malice of the unjuft. deliver us through thy mercy from the hands of Infidel, We infpired AZofes and his brother to dwell fome time it &¢ypt with their people, and to make Oratories in their honfes therein’to make their,prayers, and preach to true believers Lord, faid AZo/es, thou haft enriched Pharoah and his peoplein this world ; they. go aftray from the way of thy Law ;.con found their riches, and harden your hearts, they will not be lieve untill. they fee thy judgements, and feel the effet of th wrath ; he faid, I have heard the prayers of you-both ; be faith full in your Embaffic, and follow nor the way of che ignoratt Wegave paflage through the fea to the children of J/raed; Phir roah purfued them with hatred and envy, untill his people were drowned. Then faid Pharaoh,I believe there is none otherGod, but the God of the children of Z/rae/, and I wholly recommend my felf to his Will. Thou doft now believe in God,O Phaahl and wert before difobedient to his Commandements, fil- ling the earth with thy enormities, I have delivered chee from this perill, that thou maift be an example to pofterity; fot many among the people are ignorant of my: omnipotency. We gave the Children of Ifrael to dwell in places full of de lights ,. and enriched them with the good things of the Barth; they knew the differences that arofe among them touching Re ligion, thy Lord hall judge them at the day of Judgment If thou doubteft what we ‘have taught thee, repair to them that have read the Scripture before thee ; what thy Lord hath taught thee is moft true; be not thou of them that doubs neither of fuch asderogate from.the Commandments of Got ‘ thor Chap.10. The Alcoran of Mano MET. thou fhalt be in the number of. the wretched. Thofe whom God will chaftife, fhall not believe in his divine Majefty, fhould they behold all the miracles of the world, untill they fee the torments of Hell. The faith isexceeding profitable to the Cities that have received it; whenthe Inhabitants of the City of foxas embraceed it, we delivered themfrom out pu- nifhment, we delivered them from ignominy , and enriched them, untill the time appointed ; if it pleafed thy Lord, all the . world fhould believe in him ; wilt thou abhorre the people untill they believe in God?No man can embrace the faith with- ~ out his permiffion,he fendeth his indignation againft them that , difobey his Commandments : Say unto them, Confider all that , isin Heayen and Magtfy: miracles and preaching are of noufe to fuch as will now bblieve; fhall they expect what their Prede- . ceflors expected ? Say unto them, expect, Iwill expe& with ‘ you. I will deliver my Prophets, and. the True-believers, ' from the torments of Hell, it is reafonablé that I deliver , them that obey my Commandments. Oh people ! who caufeth you to doubt of the Law whichI teach you? I will not worfhip the Idols that you adore, I worfhip one God " alone,who fhall caufe you all to dye ;1 willembrace his Law, pksts conmgagyth to profefs his Unity, 1 am not of them that Y fay, heh | neither benefit nor hurt thee, if thou do it, thou fhalt be in the ! number of the unjnft. If God will affli@ thee, none can de- a companion equalltohim. Adore not what can liver thee from affidtion , if God willdo good to thee, none can deprive thee of his grace , he hath given it to whom i feemeth good to himfelfe, he is gracious and’ mercifull. Oh people ! God teacheth you the truth ; whofoever thall follow ). the right way, fhall fave his fonle , and whofoever thall goe aftray, thall deftroy it. Iam notyonr Tutor, I do bur what ) isinfpiredintome ; I have patience in my perfeverance , I will expect the Judgment of God’, there isno better Judge “ thenhe, K 3 CHAP. XI. 133 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (bapai. i Fg a) CHAP. XI. The Chapter of Hod, containing an hundred twenty and thy” Verfes, writtemat Neecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. I am the me Laer God. The fignes contained in this Book are mol true , they proceed from the moft wife, who knoweth al things. Worthip yee but one God alone, I preach to you from him the torments of Hell, and declare the joyes of Pa- radife, that ye may implore pardon of ‘hisdivine Majelty, and beconverted ; he fhallgive youan happychife in the world, untill the time appointed, and thall reward every one accord: ing to his works. - 1 fear, left you thould be chaftifed at the dayof Judgment 5 if you forfake the right way, you all {hal be affembled before God to: be judged. The heart of the impious inclined to’ hatred of the Prophet, and they woul have concealed themfelves for fome time from God ; the are covered with their garments, that they may not be knows, but Godiknoweth what is. in their foules ,-he underftandeth whatfoever they conceale , and’ whatfoever they make mani feft. All the Creatures of the world live of hi*pvace, he knoweth the place of their repair , and the place where they mutt dye, all is written iman intelligible book, ‘thavexplain- ethall things. -Heitis that created Heaven and Barth in fix dayes, his Throne was before upon the waters. (the Al- coran .) exhorteth you to wel-doing. ‘Hf thon fait to the wicked, that they {hall rife again after their death , they will fay, it ts but witchoraft and forcery ; if'we ‘retard fome time to chaftife them, ithey fay, there is no punifhment for theit crimes; but they thall notavoid it jin the day when it {hall appear, and they thall feel the rigour of the paines which they contemne. Ifwe conferre riches, and health on the impious, and deprive them of them, they difpair in their impiety ; ifwe give them good after their evill , they fay , mifery hath for- faken theax, they rejoyce, and become arrogant, Such as a humble 42 3 =. 3 Si = SE Ss = h Uhl Chap.1. The Alcoran of Mawomer. humble and patient in their affli@ions , and do good works, fhall obtain pardon of their finnes, and a very great reward. Perhaps thou wile forget tcoteach fomething of what I have infpired into thee, and be afflicted, becaufe they fay, that what thou fpeakeft fhall bring thee to profic. Certainly, thou art fent only to reprove them of their fin, thy Lordis omnipo- tent, and thall chaftife chem after their demerits. Affuredly, ten Chapters of your invention, like to the A/oran in inftru- étion and Eloquence, and call to your atd the Idols that ye ' adore s ifyou be righteous, if they hear not your prayers, neither afford you fuccours, know then, that the Adcoran defcended from Heaven, through Gods permiffion, and that there is butone fole God, will ye not truftin him? I will ". beftow the riches and honours of the Earth; on many petfons that affe@& them, andinthe end they fhallbe confined in the fire of Hell, andthe good works that they fhall do in this world, thallbe unprofitable in the other. They who obferye what God hath ordained ; ftudy the A/coran, and believe that "it proceedeth from his divine Majefty, to teach the right way, and to obtain his mercy, asbeforeit , wasthe book of AZe- fes. Such asthall believe in the Alcoran, thal be happy ,doubr- leffe the fire of Hell is prepared for the Infidels who-will not believe therein, but the greateft part of the world is’ inere- dulous : who is more impious then they that blafpheme againft God? Such men fhall not fee his face; the Angels fhall fay, “ay the day of Judgment, behold them that have been impious, a curfe isuponthem, andupon the unjuft that have miflead the people from the right way , they were indeed Infidels. Such men thal not efcape the punifhment of their crimes on Earth, they fhall findenone that is able to proreét them but God, he fhall augment their paines, becaufe they would not abandon their wickednefs, neither receive thelight of faith. Such are miferable men, their Idols thall not afford them furc- cors, they doubrlefs: fhall be eternally damned; and fuch as fhall believe in God, do good works, and be converted, K 4 fall aN » they will fay, thou halt * forged'the ¢4/coram, and that itis * Contrové , of thy invention; Say unto them, come and bring with you /#r¢. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. : Chap.11, (hall dwell for ever in Paradife. The wicked are as deaf, and blinde, and the True-believers are like thofe who have good fight and perfect hearing ; thall they be in paralellto each other 2 will ye never confider it ?. We fent 2oah to reproye men for their finnes , he faid to them , worthip but one God alone, otherwife I fear ye fhall. be chaftifed at the day of Judgment; The Doéors of the Infidels anfwered him, we fee thee tobe aman, like us, and that fuch as follow theeae poore people, blinde, and without counfell ; we perceivenot that thou haft any grace , that ought co preterre thee to ts; contrariwife, we believe thee tobe alyar ; he faid , oh peo- ple! knowye not that God hath caught me what I preach toyou, thathe hath given me the grace of Prophecie, and deprived you of it? fhall I exhort yon to acknowledge his grace, feeing ye abhetrehim? Oh peoole! I require no te compenfe of youfor my paines, God will reward me largely. I defire not to banifh True-believers from my company, thy fhall one day appear before their Lord, but perceive thi yeeareignorant. Ohpeople ! who fhall hinder God to ph nith me, if I abufe True-believers ? Will ye not confider it? I fay not that I poffeffe the treafires of God, I know not whit fhallbe ; I fay not that Iam an Angel, I'fay-not to them whom youcontemne, that God fhall-enrich them, God knoweth what is.in their fouls ;fhould I ntaintain fuch difcourfe,1 fhould have great blame. They faid, oh Noah! we have a longtime difputed together ; ifthou arc fincere, let us fee che paints which thou preacheft to us ; God, faid he, when it fhall pleat him, fhall caufeyou to fee them, you fhall not efcape them) my inftructions {hall be to you unprofitable ; if God will prove you, he is your Lord, and you fhallone day be affem- bled before him to be judged. Will the unbelievers fay , that thou haft forged the Alcoran,and that it is of thine invention? Say unto them, if I haveinvented: it, finne will be upon me, and I am innocent of your blafphemies. God infpired into Noah, that none fhould believe inhis words, but fuch ashad already believed in him : He faid unto him, build an Arke con- formable to the infpiration that we have fent thee, but {peak 20 Bes (hap.it, The AlcoranofMa HOME. 137 no more tome of the unjuft, they fhall be drowned ; the pat fengers derided htm and his Arke ; he faidto them, ye {coffe at me; I willdangh at you, and we fhall fee them that fhall be& underftand ;he whom,;God fhall chaftife, fhall be covered with fhame, and perpetually tormented. When: our will was to deftroy that people , and the light of the morning appeared, and the water boyled in Noah's pot, wecommanded himto charge his Arke with two beafts of every kinde and Species ; all creatures were deftroyed , except thofe, of which we be- fore made-mention , as well fuchas believed, as them that did net believe; and that but afew :. Noah faid unto them, afcend the Arke inthename of God,’ who fhall caufe it to fwimme, and toanchor; theLord is gracious and mercifull towards us. When the Arke began to flote , like toa Mountain, Noah called to one of his fonnes who ftayed on the Earth, and faid ? * Gelaldin my * fonne, come up into the Arke with us, and remaine not i; thar fe with the Infidels ; he anfwered , I will afcend an high moun- was called tain, that fhall {ave me from the waters; Noah faid to him, Kina. none isable this day to deliver thee fromthe punifhment of God , ifit be not through his mercy ; The waters being rifen, he was inthe number of them that were drowned : God com: manded the Earth to drinke its water, and the Heavens to poure down no more raine ; the water diminifhed upon the Farth, after the people were drowned, and the Arke refted upon the Mountain called Gioudy ; thus were the unjuft extir- pated ; Noah prayed to his Lord, and faid, Lord, my fon that remainedin the waters was of my lineage, thou didft pro- mife me to fave my family, thou doft exatly perform thy pro- mife, thou art true in thy words, and moft juft in thine 24i- ons: Oh Noah ! anfwered God, that fonne is not of thy li neage, he hath offended me, and difobeyed my Command- ments, do not enquire of me concerning that which thou oughteft not to know , otherwife thou thale be in the number ef theignorant: Lord, faid Noah, Lwilltake heed, through thine affiftance, to enquire of thee what I ought not to know, if thou haft not pitie on me, I thall be inthe namber of the miferable. God faid, oh Noah | defeend from the Arke with Salvation, aN The Alcoran of Ma:H OME T. Chapa, Salvation, and bleffing upon thee, and upon a part of them that are with thee; I will enrich the other part with the wealth of this world, to: punifh them moft feverely at’ the day of Judgment. I teach what thall be, what neither: thou , nor thy people have not yet known’; be patient in ‘thine afflid. ons, Patadife is for them that have my fear before their eyes, We fent Hod to the people of Aad, his brother ; he faid mn tothem, oh people! adorebut one-God alone, otherwile ye fhall be in the number. of Infidels , Trequire: of you'no recompenfe forthe paines I take in preaching to'you , he that created me, fhall reward me ; will ye never be wife? implote pardon of God, beconverted, and obey his divine will, he {hall fend you raine from Heaven , and fhall encreafe yout ftrength, and riches, be not in the number of the wicked; they anfwered, oh Hod | thou (heweft us no reafons'to prove thy fayings, thy words fhall not make us to quit our Gods, we give no credit rothy difcourfe, and tell thee , that fome ont of our Gods thall feverely chaftife thee ; He faid , take Got and your felves co witneffe that £ am innocent of the finne thit yor commit, in adoting Idols; if you confpire againft mk, none fhall be able to prote& you at the day of Judgment,] recommend my felfe tothe will of God, mine and yourLon, he conferveth all thecreaturesef the Earth, and loveththem that follow che right way. I have difcharged my dary and commiffion, [have taught you what God commanded me, if you goe altray, he fhall eftablifh another people in yout place, you do him no harme through your impiety, he exadly obferveth whatfoever is done inthe world. When we de {troyed that people, we by out efpeciall grace delivered: Hod from theirmalice , and all the True-believers that were wilt him, we delivered them from great affi@ion. The peepk of ead contemned the Commandments of God, and dild- beyed his Prophets, they followed the will of the obftinate, were curfed in this world , and thall be accurfed at the day of Judgment, becaufe they difobeyed his divine -Majelty, with defigne roextirpate the people of Hod, his brother. We fettt alte to Temod, his brother, and his people ; he faid'to ee 0 se 25 (hapa, The Alcoran of Ma wom er. 139 oh people }. worfhip.one God alone, he itis who hath created youof theduft of the Earth , and filled it with many forts of frvits, that you might inhabitit; beg pardon of him, and be converted, he hearkneth to histreatures 5 and heareth their prayers : they anfwered', oh Sa/be | it was hoped thou would{t have been our'Captain', before the prohibition was made , to adore the Gods of our fathers ,"we exceedingly doubt of what thou preacheft ;."Oh people ! faid Satbe,know ye northat ‘God taught me what toyou I preach, and that he hath given me his grace ? who fhall protect me if] difobey , him? You can but angmenc my pain, thould I believe you. . O people! this Camell; which» God for you hath created, ' thal be to you a miracle, and inftrnGion, fuffer it to feed, and _ dow no harm, left you be fuddenty chaftifed. They through ate Turks _ contempt, wounded the Camel. Then faid he unto them, ye > ae fhail live in your honfes forthe {pace of three dayes before ye ged a rock ’ be deftroyed; what is forctoldco you, is no Fi€tion’ when we intoaCa- —* deftroyed them,we, through out efpecial grace faved Sadbe,and mell. the true believers that were with him; thunder furprized thofe Infidels, and in the morning they were found in their houfes ' dead; extended ascarkates: Thus did Temod and this people * contemne the Commandments of God, to their difadvantage! " Our Meffengers that came'to Abrahams houfe, declared to ' him the birth of 7/aac, Pacob, and theirpofterity ; they mutual- ly faluted, when they entred into his houfe, he caufed rolted ! flefty co be brought co them to eate, and perceiving that they did not eate, contemned them in himfelfand was terrified with their comming ; ‘they ‘faid ‘unto him, fear not, we are fentte’ Lot, to extirpate'the inhabirants of his City; Abrahams wife being prefent, began to laugh,when they foretold the birth of ‘ Ifaac,facob, and their pokterity; the faid,ah God! thalld bear afon, I, who.am old,and have an husbatid extremly aged ? this wottld be amiravle; they anfwered, are ye aftonifhed at thé power of God? Oye of the family of Abraham | ‘God hath | given yeu his bleffing, praife and glory are due‘to him in ‘all places. When Abraham was freed from hisfear,and they having announced the birthiof hischildren, he difputed with’ them a : =e : long oN Sey ee See Kitab el tenoi’’s and Gelaldin ~The Alcoran of MaHOMET. hid Chapt. jong time, touching the inhabicants of the City of Lor; e es i ofa milde difpofition, and frequently repeated the praifes of — God. The Meffengers faid unto him, O Abraham \ putan end to thy queftions, the hour is come, wherein God hath com. manded to deftroy them, they fhall undergo inevitable tor. ments. When they arrived in Lots houfe, he was grieved, in that he wasnot ableto fecure them from the infolencte ofthe people ; he faid, behold here a day extremly difficult to pal; The inhabitans of the City having knowledge of their arrivall, sepaired to Lors houfe to continue their filthinefs : Lor faidin- tothem, O people! I have twodaughters, whom I will give sou, fear God, trouble me not, abufe not my guefts; is there none among you to fhew you your error? They anfwered, thou well knoweft that we have nothing to do with thy daugh- ters, thou knoweft what we require ; he faid, were I of fuftc- ent power, I would dwell in a fortified place to avoid the af faults of your malice : Then faid the Meflengers of God unm him, O Lor | we are Angels fent from God, thofe villains thal not approach thee, go this night out of the City with thy fam ly, none fhall look back but thy wife, fhe thal! feel the punifle ment prepared for the wicked, they fhall be punifhed earlyi the morning ; be gone fpeedily, the day approacheth ; when we deftroyed them, we turned the City upfide down, and canfedit £0 raine upon them ftones,marked with fire,to confound them Such chaftifement is not far from the Infidels/ that are in Aer ca.) We fent (haib into the Countryof AZadian;he {aid,O peo ple ! worfhip one God alone ; weigh wich good weights, and meafure with good meafure ; detain nothing from your neigh: bour, and defile not the earth, if ye believe in God, otherwilt I fear you may be punifhedat the day of Judgment ; the fittle that fhall remain, fhall bring you more of conrent, chen all chat yee can purloin, in, weighing with falfe weights, and meafuring withfalle meafure., l.amnot fentto be your Tutor, but only to declare the word of God : they faid, O Chaib, doth thy Law enjoyn usto abandon the gods of our Fathers, arid hinder ust0 make of our goods what {hall feem good tous? thon art not of an hamour good enough to be our Direétor.) He faid, O - people! Chap.11. ~The Alcoran of MAHOMET. people ! fee ye not that God hath taught me what preach ? He hath given me wealth for fubfiftance : I contradict you in nething but what is forbidden you, I will do nothing but what is reafonable, and conform the moft I fhall be able to Juftice ; “ my whole fupport is in God, I recommend my felf to the will of his divine Majeftie, before which I muft ope day appear, O people! take heed leaft ye become criminall, if ye forfake the company of the righteons, and left that befall you, that hapned to them who would not believe Noah, Hod,Salhe,and Lor; the punifhment of God is not far from you ; beg pardon of him, and be converted, he is mereifull and amiable. They faid, O Chuib | we underftand not all that thou fayeft ; we fee thee a- mong{t us without force and power ; wert thou not accompa- nied, we would ftone thee ; thou fhalt have no dominion over us. He faid, O people ! efteem ye my company, and fear ye it more then God ? Have ye turned the back towards him ? He knoweth all your actions, live after your own manner, I will Jive after mine,you fhall hereafter know yourerror ; he whom » God will chaftife, fhall remainin perpetual! mifery, you fhall foone underftand who fhall be the lyar, you orl; expec the uw iffue, 1 will expec with you : when we commanded to deftroy them,we(through our efpeciall grace) preferved (haib,and the true believers that were with him; thunder furprized thofé wicked ones,and they in the morning remained dead, extended as carkafes intheir houfes. Thus were the Inhabitants of AZaz- dian chattifed like the people of Temad. We fent AZo/es to Pharoah and his Do€tors, with Miracles, with Arguments and Reafons moft clear and intelligible ; but thofe Doctors follow- ed his will, and obeyed his commandments, notwith{tanding they were contrary to reafon ; they fhall follow him at the day of Judgment, as they followed him upon earth ; thac day fhall they be accurfed, and hall finde none that fhall be able to pro- tectchem ; the punifhment of Mecca fhall be like to that I re- late to thee; there be ofits Inhabitants who fubfift, and that do not fubfiit, and are no more; we have done them no in- juftice, they have drawn mifchief on themfelyes, and their Idols have been of no ufe.co them, but to augment their apn when LON 141 Fy i 59 The Alcoranof Mat OMET. (hapa. when God hath commanded to detroy them : Thushath God farprized the inhabitants of Zeca, he hath chaftifed them, becaufe they were unjuft ; this thal ferve for Sora to them that fear the day of Judgment ; all men (hall there be gathered together, all the world fhall fee i:; 1 will retard it untill the time appointed, that day fhall noman {peak without myper miffion ; there be that fhallbe'miftrable, and othets who thaff be happy;the miferable {hall dwell inthe fire ofhell, they thall cry and complain fo tong as the earth-and the heavens {hall en- dure, and fo long as it fhall pleafeGod, who doth as feemeth good to himfelf. The happy fhall enjoy Paradife, where they fhafl abide eternally, fo long as cath and ‘heaven thafl endure, and fo long as it fhall pleafe God, Doubt not what the unbe. lievers worfhip, they adore but te Idols which their Fathers worfhipped; affliredly Iwill chaftie them as their Fathers wett chaftifed. AZo/es preached the dd Teftament, yer did th wicked contradi& his Precepts; hid not God faid that he will hot punifh them,until the day of Judgment,he had already de ftroyed them, becaufe they are iran exceeding great erry thy Lord fhall reward every one atcording to his works, ft knoweth all their actions. Obfe-ve exactly what hath beet commanded you, withthem that sre converted; tranfgref not the Law of God, he beholdeth wintfoever you do. Inclinenot to the affections of rhe unjuft, left the fire of hell furprife you, and yonbe deprived of proteGiot. Pray to God evening and morning, ahd apart of the night; prayers blot our fins; itis the doétrine of Preachers ; be patent, and perfevere, Godwill not deprive the righteous of theirreward : He prohibited yort Predece(fors and their pofterity to defile the earth ; nevertheles there were few among them tha: abftained ; the unjuft aed whatever pleafed them, and were guilty before’'God + He {hill not deftroy Adzecca, ifthe Inhabrants thereof obey his Com- mandments; and if it pleafed hin, the whole world fhould be of one Religion; they to whom fe giveth his grate, tranigtels hot his Will, his Word fhall be atcomplifhed, and hell fhallbe filled with devills, and the wickrd ofall Nations. They have recounted to thee, and thon undstftandeft wharfoever things are 5 Kh F i i tp (hap.2. The Alconn of MAHOMET. are neceffary for them, and what the Prephets have heretofore taught; thine heart hath bern ftrengthened, they containe the truth, and they fhall be fora leffon to true believers. Say unto Infidels, do on your part-as yee thalfunderftand, we will do on our part as\we underftaid, and’attend'the iffne, we-will at- tend it with you; whatfoev:r is in heaven, and in earth apper- tainsto God, all men fhallbe affembled before him, worlhip him, refign your felves to hs Will, he knoweth whatfoever-the people doth. CHAP. XIT. The Chapter of Jofeph, containing an hundred and thirteen Verfes, written at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious and merciful. I am the mer- cifullGod, Thefefigns are the figns of the Book which di- «| finguifheth good'from evil. We have canfed to defcend from tk th i ly heaven the Alcoraz, written in the edrabique tongue, perad- venture ye will learn it. ¥ deliver unto thee in the Alcoran, one of the beft things that I have infpired into thee, Thou wert 4 before the comming thereef, in the number of the ignorant, , Remember thou, that foferh {aid to his father, My father, T t 2% I faw in a dream eleven Stas, the Sun, and the Moone, I faw them adoring me. My fos, faid his father, difcover not thy dream to thy brothers, they will confpire againft thee, the de- vill isan open:enemy to nen, thou fhale be eletted of the , Lord in this world, he fhul teach thee the explication of Dreams, he fhall accomplih his grace upon thee, and upon , the lineage of facod, as he ad accomplifh it upon thy fathers, Abraham, and Ifuac ;the Lord knoweth all things, and is moft wife. The Hiftory of Fo/epi thall ferve for example to pofte+ rity; remember thon, how his brothers faid, our father loveth _ our brother Fofeph more then all us together, he is in an excee- ding great error, Jet us kill lofepb, and calt him into fome fe- cret place remote from us, his abfencewilt render the face of our NN 143 pe =as The Alcoranof MaHOMET. Chap.ar, out father more gentle towards us; after his death we will be converted. One of them faid, you fhal! not do well to kill him, } bur caft himinto the well, fome paffengers willtakehim, and 7 carry him into an unknown Country : They fatd to their fie ther ; father, wherefore doft thou not fend 7o/eph into the fields with us? we willbe very.carefull, he thall {port and te- create himfelf; I fear, faid he, thac ye will neglect to preferve him ; doft chou fear (faid they) that a wolfe fhould devoure him in our prefence, and that we want ftrength to defend him? In the morning they led him with them, and caft him into a Well. We infpired himto prophefie to them what fhould be. fall them for the mifchief they a&ted, but they wanted know. iedge to comprehend it ; they in the evening returned to theit fathers houfe, with eyes full of diffembled teares, and faid unto him, father, we fported, and ran who fhould run the belt, Jo feph-remained with our baggage, a wolfe came that devourel aa ' him ; thou wilt not believe us although we {peak the truth, i then they fhewed him his fhirt, which they had fprinkled wit blood ; it is youthat hath done it, faid he, you hall anfwetk before God, he is my proteétor, and was patient, without * the Levare Menting. There paft that day *a Caravan near co that Well tias well; a Who defiring to draw vvater to drink, let down a buckets, it Caravan,a yvhich Fofeph took hold to get out; they gave him cloathes, ths number of Jed himaway fecretly, and fold him at a good rate foready Bees Li | peas oe money ; they vvould not kill him, in vvhich they wvere honelt veh men. He that bought him in Lpypr, commanded his wile to E have care of him, that he might one day be ufefull for theit fers vice, and be to them inftead of afon. Thus did we eftablih Fofephin the Country of Egypt, and taught him che expofition Bee of dreams, thy Lord is Omnipotent, but few men know hits when 7o/eph came to the age of manhood, wve gave him know, Jedge and prudence; thus do we reward the righteous. His Maiters wife became amorous of his beauty, fhe one day fit him into her chamber, and folicited him wvith love ; Godde- fend me (faid he) to betray my Mafter, and be unchalte (he vvas in the suimber of the righteous ) and fled to the door; his Miftxifs ran after him, and to flay him, tore hisfhirt chro the Mii etd, Base cs Chap.12. The Alcoran of M AHOMET. the back : fhe met her husband behind the door, to whom fhe faid, vvhat other thing doth he merit, vvho vvould difhonour thine houfe,then to be imprifoned,and feverely chaftifed?Lord, faid 7ofeph,the follicited me, that infane which is in the cradle, and of thy parentage fhall be vvitnefs: Then the infant in the cradle faid, if fofephs thirt be torne before, the hath fpoken truth, and ofeph is a lyar ; if the fhirt be rent behind, fofeph hath delivered the truth, and fhe a lye: then her hut _ band beheld 70/ephs thirt torne behind, and knew that it vyas ' extream malice, and {aid to fofeph, take heed to thy felf, and beware this a&t be not divulged : do thon, speaking to his wife, . implore pardon for thy fault, thou art truly guilty. The women of the City, faid among themfelves, that the rich mans wife * was amorous of his Slave, and that the had follicited his love, x. © Ss es it and had erred from the right way, vvhich the underftanding, " made them an exceeding fair feaft, and caufed 7o eph to enter ‘the Parlour vvhere they fate; vwvhile they carved their meat, they were fo furprifed, and entangled with o/ephs beauty, ‘that they in ftead of carving their meat, cut their fingers. O 0 God ! faid they, this isnot a man, but an Angel; then faid fhe unto them, behold him whom I loved with fo much paffion : “fhe another time importuned him, to fatisfie her defire, and " perceiving that he would not condefcend to her will, menaced him with the prifon, and to make him miferable : O God ! faid ' Jofeph, Vhad rather bea prifoner, then do what the defireth, | deliver me from her malice, defend me from inclining to her lubricity, and from being in the number of the wicked: his ' Lord heard his prayer, he underftandeth and knowcth all | things. This woman {eeing Pa/ephs refolution, judged it requifite to imprifon him for fome time; he was put prifoner with two - men, one of which told him that he had dreamed that he preft Brapes to make wine ;the other {aid,that he deamed that he car- _ ried bread upon his head, which the birds did eate;they deman- ded of himthe interpretation of theirdreams,becaufe he feemed to them to bea good man;he faid ro them, before ye break fuft, I will interpret your dreams. I vvil firkt tell you what God hath taught me,and how I quit,and abandon the law span and embrace Jj RT Ce The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.t2, eae er ae embrace the Law of our fathers, Abraham, Ifaac, and Yacob,yye | ought not to vvorfhip many gods; fuch as believe in the unity of God, are endued vwvith his grace, but few men give hin’ thanks. O Prifoners! vvho hath more power, Idols, oronefole God, who is omnipotent ? The gods which ve adore are bur Idols, vvhom ye and your fathers call by fuch a name, asfeem: eth good to you.ye hive no reafon to worfhip them; God dorh | norenjoyn you this,he commandeth you to vvorthip himalore. this is the right vvay, but the greateft part of the vvorld ofthis are ignorant. O prifoners! the one of you fhall give vvine to drink to his Master, the other fhall be hanged, the birds thall feed on his head, the interpretation that ye ha¥e required thal be accomplifhed. He befought him that fhould be faved, tore member him when he fhould be near tohis Mafter;but the del caufed him to lofe the remembrance of 7ofepb, vvho remain prifoner the fpace of nine years: At that time the Kingi Ec ypt fawin a dream feven fat kine,vhich feven Jeane kinete voured ; and feven green earcs of corne, vvith feven drie ear of which he required the interpretation of his Dodtors sii anfwered, that the dream vwvas very obfcure, and thapiij knew not the interpretation; the’ prifoner that had beenitit liberty, faid, that he vvould forthwith give the interpretaitl of the dream, remembred fo/eph, and calling him untohit faid, O righteous man! explain untous wvhat is the fignifitt tion of feven fat kine, devoured by feven Jeanc,and seven greet eares of corne, and as many dry, peradventure I {hall return to the King and his people, and they fhall underftand the it terpretation of thisdream. 7ofeph {aid to him, yee fhalllow the earth feyen years following, wvhich (hall abound imiits, preferve your Harveft in the eares,and rake only vvhatiullbe neceflary for life; after this, there fhall came feven yeats Di ren, and unfruitfull, in vvhich the people fhall faffer much, Tht King of Egypt having learned the interpretation of this dieit commanded to call 7ofeph ; the Meflenger faid unto him, 0 fofeph! return to thy Mafter, and require of him the meaiili of the vvemen who did cut theif fingers,he hath knowledge) their malice, hath caufed them toaffemble, and deinantte y t ft} (hap.i2. The Alcoran of Ma womMeET. 147 ven his particular grace, he is gracious and mercifull to vvhom ' feemeth good to him. The King having talked wvith 7a/eph, entred him into the number ef his domefticks, and made him ‘\faperintendent of his * revenews,becanfe he knew him to be a * All the re- ®man of {pirit, faithfull, and thrifty, We, by our efpeciall grace, venews of ieftablithed Fofeph in the Country of Egypt, where he did what the Crows. feemed good tohim. I deprive not the righteous of their: re- Wtward on earth, the recompence of the other world is yet gréa- Kiter for them that believe in my Law, and have my fear before nitheir yes. The brethren of 7ofeph returned to buy corne ; he difaid to them, vvhen ye fhall come again, bring vvith you your yong brother by the father, youfhall finde 1 vvillmake you good meafure, and lodge vvell my gueits; ifyou bring him timot, there fhall be no corne foryou, approach not this king- xdom without him : They anfwered, Lord, his father loveth him inexceedingly, neverthelefs we fhall endeavour to perform what thou enjoyneft us; he commanded his fervants to put their i, money for corne in the bottoms of his brethrens facks, per- . haps, faid he, they-will return, or acknowledge this favour , vvhen they fhall come into their Country. When they arrt- , ved-at their father, they faid,iather, there isno more corne for yy vs, if our young brother go not wvithus, if he go thither vve {hal have good meafure,and we will be careful of him. You wall , be careful, faid he, as you vvere heretofore of your brother t, Pofeph; God vvill detend him better then you, he is the merci- sul of the merciful. When they poured forch their corne,; they |, found their money at the bottoms of their facks, and faid; out 4 father,what thal we defire more, our mony is reftored tous, and w We have bread for our family, permitthat our brother go with _ ,,us, we fhall have better meafure, that is afmall thing to the q Li 2 King aN 148 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.r2. A eee King of Egypt ; 1 will not fend him with you, unlefs ye all {weare before God to bring him back again, ifthere be no great impediment. They fwore to fulfill bis will; then faid he, Itake God to be witnefsofyour oath: Omy fons. } enter not all together into the city, but go in at feverall gates,to the end the people may not be jealous of you; God commandeth what to him feemeth good, I rely on him, all true believers ought to refign themfelves to his divine will ; chey entered the a City as their father enjoyned them, to content him; beingat- Bi rived before Pofeph, he took his little brother by the hand, and t “al faid to him, trouble not thy felf for what fhall become of thy brethren; having filled their facks, he caufed a Cup adorned with precious ftones tobe putinto the fack of his litle bro. ther; caufed it to be given out, that they of the (vravan bad ftolne the Kings Cup; and fent men after them to fearch ;thole ftrangers protefted they faw it not,and that they came not into eal \u Egypt to fteal, that they were fureties for each other, and tht pe iS he who had ftolne it, deferved punifhment. The Cup was foul + in the fack of his young brother; he caufed himto beg: prehended, and accufed themaall of theft ; Lord, {aid they, fis, father is old, he will be extreamly afflicted for his abfence, tilt one of usin his place, thou fhalt in the end finde us co be hi neft men : God forbid, faid he, that I(hould detain other them him who was found guilcy of theft, that would be injultice finding themfelves out of hope to free their brother, they fae ved themfelves in a fecret place remote from the City; whet the eldeft faid to his brethren, you know the oath we tooket our departure, and how heretofore we intreated Fo/eph, Iwill not go out of E gypt without my fathers permiffion,Godis molt juft, he fhall difpofe of me and my brother as fhall pleafe him, returnto your father, and fay unto him,thy fon was taken 0 theft,we faw him,and endeavored to our power to deliver him, they of the Caravan thal be witnefles. Facod {aid at their retlls they were the caufe of that accident,that did not difpleafe you and he took patience, faying ; God’ perhaps will favour my fons toreturn in health; he knoweth in what condition! am, he is moft prudent in what he ordaineth. He retited from ' { among ia PRS Rik Chap.12. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. among his fons extreamly afflicted, and bewayléed che lof of his fon Po/eph; had his eyes continually covered with tears, and he bore in hisheart great forrow. His fons faid unto him, Doft thou yet remember fo/eph, to adde to thy grief, and haften thine eid? Iam (faid he) extreamly defolate, I leave all to the willof Ged ; he hath raught me what ye know not. My fons return into Egypt, and enquire tidings of your two brethren; difpair not of the Spirit of God, none difpair of Gods Spirit, but the wicked. When they came unto fofeph, they faid unto him, The famine that isin out Country,hath ex- treamly afflicted us, it hath often conftrained us to come to buy Corn ; thou, of thy favor, haft made us good meafiire ; thou haft caufed our money tobe reftored for alms, God will reward thee, he recompénceth fitch as are Alnis-givers. He faid unto them , Yé remember what ye didtinto your broe ther Pofeph : They féplyed, Certainly thot art not Fofeph. d Tam Pofeph, faidhe, and behold my brother Bewjamin. God hath given us his gracé ; he rewardeth him that hath his fear V beforehis eyes, and is patient inhisafiitions; hedepriveth ' not the righteous of recompente. God, faid they, hath pour- : ed his favors npon us in faving thee, whom we have exceeding ly offended. Be not (faid he) afhamed, God this day pardon | eth you that fin, he is gracious and merciful; return to your Father, and bear to him this fhirt, caft it upon his fate, he (hall recover fight, and return hither with him, arid with your whole family. The Cavavan was then half way upon réturn, when Zacob faid to them that attended him, I finell the odor of my fon Pofeph; you detide me, bur what I speak i mioft true: They told him, that he was ftilfin his old error ; fome days following, one of his fons arrived withtidings of Fo/eph, and caft the fhirt that he had given him, upon hit; and iscoh* tifently he recovered his fight, atid faid, Did not always tell vou, that I knew what ye knéw hot; they fad, Our Father pardon us, and ask thé forgivenefs of God for iis; whorhave exceedingly offended him: He anfwered, I will beg pardon of God for you; he is gracious and merciful. When they ar- tived before Fofeph, he took his Father by the hand, faying, L 3 Enter oN 149 148 waa Eee - : 7 5 ea The Alcorinof MAHOMET. Chap.i2r King of Eyype ; 1 will not fend him with you, unlefs ye all {weare betore God to bring him back again, ifthere be no great impediment. They fwore to fulfill his will; then faid he, Itake God to be witnefsofyour oath: Omy fons ! enter not all together into the city, but go in at feverall gates,to the end the people may not be jealous of you; God commandeth what to him feemeth good, I rely on him, all true believers ought to refign themfelves to his divine will; they entced the City as their father enjoyned them, to content him; beingar rived before Fofeph, he took his little brother by the hand, and faid co him, trouble not thy felf for what fhall become of thy brethren; having filled their facks, he caufed a Cup adorned with precious ftones tobe putintothe fack of his liccle bro. ther; caufed it to be given out, that they of the (zravas had fiolne the Kings Cup; and fent men after them to fearch ;thole ftrangers protefted they faw it not,and that they came not into Egypt to fteal, that they were fureties for each other, and that he who had ftolne it, deferved punifhment. The Cup was found in the fack of his young brother; he caufed him-to bep. prehended, and accufed themall of theft ; Lord, faid they, his, father is old, he will be extreamly affliéted for his abfence, take one of usin his place, thou halt in the end finde us to be ho | neft men : God forbid, faid he, that Ifhould detain other then him who was found guilty of theft, chat would be injuftice; finding themfelves out of hope to free their brother, they ved themfelves in a fecret place remote from the City; where the eldeft faid to his brethren, you know the oath we tookat out departure, and how heretofore we intreated Jofeph, Iwill not go out of Egypt without my fathers permiffion,Godismo juft, he fhall difpofe of me and my brother as fhall pleafe him, returnto your father, and fay unto him,thy fon was taken i theft,we faw him,and endeavored to our power to deliver him, they of the Caravan thal be wienefles. Zacob (aid at their retuims they were the caufe of that accident,that did not difpleafe yous and he took patienee, faying, God perhaps will favour my fonstoreturnin health; he knoweth in what condition! am, he is moft prudent in what he ordaineth, He retired from among fe Sas) bays yar Weerece Chap.12. The Alcotan of MAHOMET. 149 among his fons extreamly afflicted, and bewayled the fofs of his fon fo/eph ; had his eyes continually covered with tears, and he bore in his heart great forrow. His fons faid unto him, Doft thou yet remember 7o/eph, to adde to thy grief, and haften thine eid? Tam (faid he) extreamly defolate, I leave all to the willof Ged ; he hath taught me what ye know not. My fons return into Egypt, aid enquire tidings of your two brethren; difpairnot of the Spirit of God, none difpair of Gods Spirit, but the wicked. When they came unto 7o/eph, they faid unto him, The famine that isin out Country,hath ex- treamly afflictedus, it hath often conftrained us to come to buy Corn ; thou, of thy favor, haft made us good meafiire ; thou haft caufed our money tobe reftored for alms, God will reward thee, he recompenceth fuich as are Alis- givers. He faid unto them , Yé remember what ye didiinto your brot ther Jofeph : They téplyed, Certainly thot art not Fofeph. Tam Pofeph, faidhe, and behold my brother Bexjamin. God hath given us his gracé; he rewardeth him that hath his féar beforehiseyes, andis patient inhisafilitions; hedepriveth not the righteous of recompente. God, faid they, hath pour- ai ed his favors npon us in faving thee, whom we have exceeding iy offended. Be not (faid he) athamed, God this day pardon+ i eth you that fin, he is gracious and merciful; réturn toyour # Father, and bear to him this fhirt, caft it upon his fate, he (hail recover fight, and return hither with him, anid with your 5 whole family. The Caravan wasthen half way upon return, when Facob faid to them that attended him, I fineil the odor 4 of my fon Fofeph; you detide me, but what I speak ® moft » true: They toldhim, that he was ftilfit his old error ; fome , days following, one of his fons artived with tidings of Po/ceph, and caft the fhirt that hé had given hint, upon hit; and iacoh* tinently he recovered his fight, afd faid, Did T not always tell vou, that I knew what ye knew hot; they fd, Our Father pardon us, aad ask thé forgivetiels of God for us, whorhave exceedingly offendedhim: He anfwered, I willbeg pardon of God for you; he is gracious and merciful. When they ar- rived before Pofeph, he took his Father by the hand, faying, 9 Enter The Alcortnof MAHOMET. (hap.iz, Enter without fearinto Egypr, caufed him to fit down, and his brethren fell proftrate before him. My Father, fatd he, be. hold there the interpretation of mine old dream, God hath rendred it true, he hath favored me, in delivering me from prifon, and conducting youhither; he hath put an endto the jealoufie which the devil: had procured between me and iny brethren. The Lord is liberal to whom feemeth good to him; he knoweth what is neceflary for his people, and ts moft pm dent in whache ordaineth. Lord, thou haft given me wealth, and knowledg to interpret dreams. Creator of Heaven and Earth, thou art my protector, give me the grace to die inthy Law, and place me in the number of the righteous. Thisy He fpeaketh Hiftory of Pofeph, isan ancient Hiftory which! relate to thee. to Mahomet. Thou wert not with his brethren when they confpired againit him; neyerthelefs, the greateft part of the people are incre- dulous. Demand no reward of them for having preached the Alcoran, it inftruéteth onely the wife. How many fignesbe there in Heaven and Earth, of the unity of God? yer th people believe not therein, and moft of them adore Idols; affaredly God fhall punifii them at an unexpeCted hour, and inatime which they know not. Say unto them, Beholdthe | right way, I callto the way of Salvation and Light, fuch asfok low me. I returnthanks to God, for that 1am not inthe num ber of unbelievers. We fent aforetime none but men 0 inftru@ the people; will not men confider what hath been the end of the wicked that were before them ? Paradife is for them that are righteous ; will ye not be converted ? They cauled the Prophets to Idofe all hopes of their Converfion, and be lieved them tobe lyars; but we protected them, and deliver ed from their malice fuch as feemed good tous. Nothing hall exempt the wicked from the punifhment of their pains; they fhallferve for,example to men of fpirit. The <A/coran con taineth no blafphemies, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, and teacheth True- believers the way of Salvation, CHAP. pave (hap.13. The Altoran of MAHOMET. 151 CHAP... XIII The Chapter of Thunder , containing fourty three Verfes, writ- ten at Mecca. iB thename of God, gracious and merciful; I am the moft wife and merciful God. Thefe precepts are the precepts of the Book: fent tothee from thy Lord; itis a thing moft true, but few men incline co believe it. It is fent from God, who raifed Heaven without a prop, and witha column, that appear- eth, and ficteth onhis throne, difpofing all things. He caufeth the Sun and'Moonto move, until the day appointed; he dif- pofeth all things at his will, and manifefteth to men the fignes of his omnipotency. Peradventure you will believe in the Refurre@ion of the fleth. He it és that hath extended the Earth, raifed the Mouncains, caufed the Rivers to flow, who created of all forts of Fruits, the Male and Female, and covereth the day with the ob{curity of the night. Thefe things are fignes of his unity to fuch as confiderthem. Hehathcreated many fields of divers forts, and Gardens filled with Grapes, and many differ- ent Fruits; he created Date-trees, thick as Groves, and For- efts, and others that are fcatcered through the fields; fome are moyftened with waters, and others have a more’pleafing tafte. Thefe things are fignes of his unity to fuch as confider them: Thou art amazed at the lies of Infidels, be aftonifhed at their difcourfes ; when they deny the Refurredtion, and fay, What, thall God yet once again create usof the duft of the Earth? when we fhall be Earth, thallwe be anew people? They are impious, they fhall have Oaks upon their necks, and fhall remain eternally in the firé of Hell; they precip:cate themfelves into eternal pains, and contemn the mercy of God, fo did their predeceffors ; but God is gracious to fuch as. con- vert. Chaftife feverely the obftinate Infidels. They have faid, We will not believe in the Prophet, unlefswe fee fome miracle to appear. Say unto them, I am not fent but to preach the word of God, He hath fent perfons to every Nation, to teach ‘a 14 tiiera See Gelaldix and Bedaoi. ae The Alcoran of Man o™M E 7. Chap. them the right way ; nothing ts hid from him in the world; he knoweth what women bearin their womb; he knoweth the time and period of every thing, the prefnt, paft, and future; he is great and omnipotent. He underftandeth what you keep fecret, and what ye make manifeft ; he knoweth where they be who covet themfelves with the obfeurity of night, and them that travel in the clearnefs of day; every one hath his guardian by his commandment, who obferveth what he doth, apd de- ae priveth none of grace, that hath not ofended his diyine Ma- i jefty, and none can hinder him to purifh whom it feemeth ae oe goodto him. He it is, who giveth you to {ee the lightning Which terrifieth men, and nourifheth hisCreatures by the rain which he caufeth to fall ; he created theclouds charged with moyfture, caufeth thunder to make 1 noife, darteth the Tbunder-bolt, and ftriketh whom it ple:feth him ; the Angels tremble in his prefence, yet do the wicked difpute his omat i} potency. He it is who ought to be inplored; the prayers th of them who implore another God art ineffectual, they are like to fuch asare yery thirfty, and ftretch forth the hand to; wards a Fountain, to which they cannot reach ;. the prayers of the wicked are impiety; Wiharfocyer ia in Heaven, andin +e the Earth, the fhadow of the morning, the ob{curity of te evening humble themfelves before God, through force ot affe@tion. Sayuntothem, Who is the-Lord of Heaven and Earth, but God? who, except God fkallprote& you ? yout Idols can neither benefit, nor hurt you: Is the blinde like nto him chat feeth cleerly ?. isdarkne{s. likeunto light? fhall they adore the Creatures inftead of the Creator 2. God hath created all things, and is omnipotent ; he caufeth rain to defcend from Heayen, and Rivers covered with Foim, to flow inthe Val feys. The Gold, the Silver, and Meitals which ye melt to adorn and enrich your felves, are like unto froth; Thus doth God teach what is profitable, and wha unprofitable; froth faddenly vanitheth, and is of no utilityto men: So falfhood vanifheth before truth, Thus doth Gol fpeak througha pate ble, to them that obey him,and giveth ticm Paradife, Allthe riches.of the Earth, and as much again, cannot ranfom the Ia- Sy <pabdige (hap.1z.. The AYcoran of M4 HOM ET. fidels, they hall br eternally cormented in the fire of Hell. Who knoweth, tha:che truth contained in this Book, was net fent to thee from God? He that doubreth js blinde ; men of Spiritdo not doubt They who fatishe what they promife to God, ,who tranf{grfs not his Commandments, who. have his fear before their eyes, who apprehend the day of judgment, who are patient in:heir afflictions for love of his divine Ma- jefty, who make their prayers at the time appointed, who give alms privatelyand publikely , and blot out thein offences with good works, hall be blefled. They fhall enter into.the Garden of &dex wth their father, their wives, and families ; the Angels (hall vift them, (hall falyrethem, and fay, Behold the recampence of your perfeverance, behold eternal grace. Such as fhall fwarte from their promife, and difobey. the Commandments of God, and pollute the Earth, {hall be ac- curfed of God, ant feverely chaftifed ; he giveth, and depri- ved of wealth, as femeth good to him. The unbelievers re- joyce in the riches & the carth; but thoferiches areof little value, if they con(der them of the other world. They fay, Tf Mahomet doth not make fome miracle to appear from God, we will not telieve him. Say natothem; God guideth, and mifleadeth whom it pleafeth him ; he confirmeththe hearts of them that have faith in his Law; the Remembrance of God confirmeth the hearts of True believers; Sueh as fhali do good works, fhillbe happy. We haye fent thee, aswedid fend other Prophets. to them that preceded thee... Teach the people what we jaye infpired into thee : Whea.they fhall difobey thee, fay tito them, God is my Lord, there.is but one God alone, I am yholly refigned to his divine wall, my refage is inhis goodnefs, If the e4/corau fhould make Mountains ¢o go, fhould it cave the Earth to open, and-the dead to arife, all would proceed from God. True.believers ought not to difpair of any thug, God flhall guide all the world into, the right way when itfhall pleafe him; and-unbelievess fhall not efcape the puniflment of their crimes. Thou fhale dwell with them until he word of God be fulfilled: He fwarveth not from what hepromifeth ; they derided che Prophets that came 153 The Alcoran of Manome rt. (hap.ty. came before thee, I prolonged the time of their purifhment , and inthe end rigoroufly chaitifed them ; and with what af- fictions ? Doth not God behold the aétions of every man? They have faid,God hath companions,to whom they have given names after their fancy ; will you inftrué@ God in any thing? The wicked take delight in their wickednefs, and are gone a” {tray from the right way. He whom God fhall miflead, (hall 4 finde none to guide him, he fhall be affliéted in this world, and yet more in the other.None fhall be able to fave him but God; Paradife is promifed to them that have his fear before their eyes; they fhalfenjoy eternally all maner of content, fachis the end of the righteous ; and Hell is prepared for Infidels, They, to whom we have given the knowledg of Scriptures, rejoyce ia the doctrine which we have fent thee ; there be that abjure one part ; fay unto them, I recommend unto you only the worfhip of one fole God, who is the affured refuge of the righteous, We have fent the Alcoran in the Arubique tongue, tothe end the e-4rabians may comprehend it: Mf thou dof follow the will of unbelievers, having had the knowledg of the unity of God, who thall be able ro fave or proteé thee ? We fent Prophets before thee,commanded them to marry,and they had children. Prophets cannot perform miracles without the permiffion of God, and the end of every thing is writtenin his Book ; he blotteth ont,and feaveth permanent what feemeth good tohim, he cannot alter. I perceive that fome of the wicked havea defign to murther thee ; thon art obliged only to preach to them, I will keep an accompt of their finsto punifh them. See they not chat their Countries and poffefiions diminith daily chrongh thy conquefts > God coiimandeth what pleafeth him, no man can efcape his judgments, he is moft exaa uvhis account’: theit predecetlors ufed fubtilties as they, but God is more fabtile then they ; be well knoweth the good and evil which every one doth: they (hall one day underftand who matt have Paradife, They fay cthonare no Prophet, fay unto them, It is fufficient that God is witnefs of the truth between you and me; who is he thar knoweth what is written in the Sook of his divine Majefty 2 ; ; CHAP. (hapi4. The Rlcoran of MAHOMET. 155 CHAP..XI1V. The Chapter of Abraham, containing fifty verfes, Written at Mecca. N:the name of God; gracious and mercfull; I am the LichGod. That Booke ! We have fent it to thee to bring the people out of darknefs, to guide them co the light, , abd the way. of thy Lord, alwayes victorious and glorious ; Whatfoever isin Heaven, and in Earth, is Gods; mifery is upon unbelievers, they (hall undergoe at theend of the world exceeding great torments. They who preferre the wealth of this world to that of Heaven, who goeaftray from the way of the Law, and would pervert it; areina great error, farre “ from truth; The Prophets fpake the language of them to whom they were fent to inftruét them, God guideth and mif- deadeth whomto him feemeth good, heis omnipotent and prudent, We fent A¢o/es with prodigies,to bring the children of Ifrael out of darknefs, and to conduct them to light, he taught them the Commandments of the Law, to ferve for inftruction to fuch as fhall perfevere todo well, and thall not be ingratefull for the favours they have received. AZofes fpake tohis people, and faid, remember the grace of God to- ls wards you , he delivered you fromthe men of Pharach , who mt §— caufed you to fuffer great affi@tions, who murthered your ® Children , abufed your wives, and layed upon you great evills ¢ fent from God, becanfe of your finnes..) The Lord hath faid , ifye be not ingratefull, I willaugment my graces pon you; ifyebe impious, you fhall be affli@ed. Adofes i) ~—- faid to his people; if you and all men be impious, know, that God will be alwayes glorious, and hath no need of you. ) Know ye not what befell (before you) the people of Noah, p Aad, Temod, and their pofterity, that none had knowledge of but God, becanfe of their great number? He fent them his Commandments by his Prophets, they bit their fingers for anger, and faid unto them , we renounce, and condemne your Doétrine : of Manomer. (Chapid. Doétrine: The Prophets faid asto them, is there any doube in the beliefe of the unity of God ; Creator of Heaven, and Earth? he calleth you to remit your fins, and deferreth your purithment untill che day appointed + They atifwered, ye ate men like unto us, will you hinder usto adore the Gods of our fathers? Produce arguments of {trength fufficient to prove what | you preach; the Prophet replyed, We are men as you are, but God givetli his grace to whom feemeth good to him ; we are come to you through his permiffion, the trhé- believers onght to ttuft in him ; wherefore fhould we not be tefigted tothe willofGod, who hath guided ns into the right way ? wewill continue in wel-doing,the righteous truft mn his divirie Majelty, Then faid the Infidels unto chem, we will banith you from our Country, if you be not of ont Religion ; but God infpired into them , thar the Infidels fhould perith, and that rhey thould in- Habit the Land after them; that he would proted fach as (hould hive his fear before theireyes, and fear the paines chat are prepared for the wicked. The Prophets were proteted of God, andthe obftinate wicked were deftroyed : they {hall be precipitated into Hell, and drink of water full of corap. tior’, uritie atid blowd ,. death thallappear otrall fides befor their eyes, before they have fwallowed that dritk; they fall not dye in that mifetie , they fhall fuffer yee great éf piiries. The good works which the wicked have dont, aré-hke to daft carryed away by aft itipetuous wittle, they fhallbe unprofitable to them, and they fhall be extit pated; becatfe they depart froti the trtith: See they not that God hath created Heaven atid Earth? chat He can deftroy them , and create in'their place ariew people, if it feente good tohim? This is nor difficult to God, all things are known tohim. The more imporetic of thei thar have followed the Wicked , thall fay at the day of Judgment, we obeyed you, will you chis day deliver us from the putiifiment of God? They hall anfwer, had'God gnided usinto the rigtt way, We had conducted you thither, wé aré- alike milerable with you, weety and lamenc it-our miferié, bat finde neither réfiize Hor protettion. The Devill thal! fay unro then, what'Godhath promife Chan.14. The Atcoran of M au OMET. promifed to youis infallible, I foretold it to you, I caufed:yon to tranfgrefle his Commandments through my tentations, I had none other power over you, but to tempt you, you did me noharme whenyee hearknedto me, you drew mifchiet on yourfelves, Lam not your Tutor, neither age you: mine; T was impious, when heretofore | fuffered y outo adore me ; Hell is prepared:for you, andor allunbelievers, there fhali they endure great torments, andthe righteous hall enter into Pa- radife, wherein fow many rivers, where they {hall dwell eter- nally, with all manner of bleffednefs and content; Seeft thou not how God fpeaketh by a parable? A good word: is like to a good tree that hath taken root in the Barth, and hath raifed its branches to Heaven, and produceth its fruit in due time, through the permiffion of his divine Majefty ; he teach- eththe people his parables, perhaps they will be mindfull: An evill word is like to abad tree, thathath beemtorne: from the Earth, there is.nothing to fuftaine it, and it is without root, or fruit: God fortifieth the True beltevers through his word inthis world, and in the other, andcaufeth: the unjult coerre, he doth what to: him feemeth: good: Seeft thou not them that have changedhis grace into impiety, and have made fuch as have followed: them to dwell in the honfe of) perditi- on? They thall abide eternally in the fire of Hell. They fay, that God hatha companion equallto him, anderre from the way of his Law ; Say unto them, ye fhall have wealth in this world, but Hell is your Rendezvous. Say to the True be- lievers, who make their prayers at the time appointed , and give almesin private, or in publique, that the day fhall come wherein they fall neither buy nor. fell, and where every one fhall be recompenfed for his works. Say unto them, God hath created the Earth, andthe Heavens, he maketh the ratne to defcend from Heaven, which caufeth to fpring forth all forts of fruits to enrich you, he created the fhip, that through his permiffion failech on the Sea, he created the rivers, the Sun andthe Moone, which move continually , he created the day and the night, and beftoweth on you whatfoever yee defire, his favours towards youcan neither be numbred, nor nee € ? 197 The Alcotsef Ma HomM ET. (hap.r4. ed, neverthelefs the Inhabitants of AZecea are alwayes impi- ousand wicked ; Abraham faid, Lord protect this City , and make it to be the refuge of the world ; Keep meand my Chil- dren fromthe worfhip of Idols, they have feduceda part of the people ; he that fhall follow me, and profeffe thy unity, fhallbe mine ; if any one difobeyme, thou art gracious and mercifull: Lord, one part of my Lineage inhabiteth Acces, ina place unfruitfull , give them the grace to perfevere in thy fervice, incline the hearts of mento afteé& them, enrich them with the fruits of the Earth, peradventure they will thanke thee ; thou knoweft whatfoever is in the world,I know it not; nothing that is in Heaven , or in Earth is hid from thee; prayfed be God, who hath given me J/mael and Z/aacin mine old age, he heareth prayers when it pleafeth him ; Lord, give me and my pofterity the grace to perfevere in well doing, hear my prayers, pardon me, and pardon my father, and all rue believers at the day of Judgment. | Think not that od isignorant of the ations of Infidels, he deferreth the , punifhment of their crimes untill the day that all men thaff have their eyes opened : that day fhall they behold their fins before theireyes, and their hearts {hall be full of defolation; If thou preachelt to the people the day of Judgment, ‘hath God (will the wicked fay ) preferved us to this prefent time, to do what thon doft appoint us? Say unto them, have yé nor fworne heretofore , that there is no. refurre@ion >? Ye have dwelt with the unjuft, ye have feen how they have been cha ftifed, and how we have fpoken to you in parables. Certain ly they confpire, but God knoweth their confpiracy, theirpo- licie is to cempt the Prophet, to fee if he will make the Motte tains tomoyve.. Think not that God will violate what he hath promifed co the Prophets, he is omnipotent, and avenge- full. Confider the day wherein the Earth and Heavens {hall change their face, and’all people thall rife again; that day {hall one fole God omnipotent, command men co come olt of their Monuments ; Thou fhale chat day fee the wicked bound in their chaines, theirgarments hall be full of pitch, and gnitran, their faces fhallbe covered with fire, that i ° fha Chap.15. The AlcoranofMa Homer. 159 fhall he recompente and chaftife every one according to his works . he isexactto keep account; This Book was fent to inftrné& the people, and teach them that there is but one God; the wife will remember. \ CHAP. xv, } “ +4 rane thas ; OP | 71p4 Feel g The Chapter of Hegir , containing Seventy and feven Verfes, Written at Mecca, 7 N the name of God, gracious and merciful, I ain the mer- | ek | A cifull God. The fignes are the fignes of the Alcoran, which Valley near diftinguitheth good from evill. How may the Infidels hope See Kitab el what the True-believers hope for? depart from them, let’ tenvir, », themeat the fubftance of the poore, let them become rich, ri and content themfelves in their hopes, they fhall fee one day j1,. What their end fhall be ; We have deftroyed no City untill the \}, time deftined to its ruine was expired, there is no nation that eanadvance or retard its deftiny. The wicked have faid, oh man ! who believeft that the A/coran wasfent to thee, we will affirme that thou art a Sorcerer , untill che Angels do aflure us that thou arttrue: The Angelsthall not defcend ro the earth, unlefs ro chaftife them, and they fhall not be able to i retard the time of their punifhment; we certainly have fent the , Aécoran upon earth,and will preferve it without alteration; we heretofore fent Prophets one after another,the wicked feorned and contemned them; thus 1 imprint impiety in the hearts of the wicked, they fhall not believe in the Prophet, and thall in. "curr the punifhment of their predeceffors: thould we open the _ entrance ofheayen, and fhould they behold the Angels go in, and go out at the thadow of the gate, they would yet fay, i theif eyes were inchanted, and that they were bewitched : we ® created figns in heaven, and adorned them with Stars,to con- cent the minds of them that confider them ; we fhelrered them 2 ‘from the affaults of the devill, but the Burterflie followeth / every thing that fhineth, and believeth it to bea Star; we ex- tended ! 160 The Alcortfiof MAHOMET. Chap.ts. tended the earth, and raifed the mountains with proportion ; we have made it to produce all forts of frutts to fattain and en- rich you; we have referved in our power the keyes of the treafures thereof, to diftributeto them by meafure what fhall be neceflary, we caufed a freth winde to arife, and fent rainto water them ; it is not you that caufed the fruits thereof to fpring forth ; it is we who give life and death, and difpofe of all things in the world. We know who they were that did precede you, and who they fhall be that fhall fucceed you; I will affemble all at the end of the world to be judged ; wecre. ated man of the flime ofthe earth, and before him the devil, of fire, without fmoak. Remember thou, that God faid to his Angels, I will create man of the flime of the earth, I will breathe upon him, to give him life ; proftrate your felves be- fore him; the Angels adored him, except the devill ; God faid unto him, wherefore doft thou not adore.man? He replied,| will not adore him, thou haft created me of fire,and him of the mire of the earth : He faid, get thee out of Paradife, thou fhalt be banifhed,and accurfed untill the day of Judgment.Lord,faid the devil,lay not chy curfe upon me until the day of Judgmenk he faid, thou fhalt be accuried untill the day nominated; Lot, {aid the devill, I will tempt allthe creatures, becaufe thouhal tempted me; I will caufe them to difobey thy Commandments, except fuch as thall truftin thee,and recommend themielvesto thy divine Will. God faid, this isthe right way, thou haftno power over the righteous who follow my Law, but only ovet the Infidels, for whom hell is prepared. Hell hath feven gates, and every gate hath its particular work; the righteous (hall dwell in gardens, adorned with fair fountains, we will free them from all rancour ; they fhall repofe upon beds likebre- thren, with refpect, and affection, and fhall be in eternall fe- licity : Declare to them that worfhip me, that I am graciols and mercifull, and my chaftifements are fevere and rigotols. Preach unto them the Hiftory of the Guelts of e-¢brabam, they faluced hina when they entred his honfe ; Abraham was tetti- fied at cheir comming : they faid co him, fear not us, we are the $5 Meffengers‘of God ; we declare to thee that thou {halt haves 08, ’ Chap.i5. The' Alcoran of MAHOMET. fon, who fhall bea great perfonage : Do you tell me (faidhe) that I fhall’have a fon in mine old'age ? why fpeak yee in that tafiner?’ We'rell thee the truthj‘defpatre not of the grace of Géd.none but the wicked defpaire’: O Meflengers of God | (faid Abraham )what do ye require? We are fent to. deftroy the Infidels, and to preferve the whole family of Lor, except his wife, fhe thal! remain-with them that flaall be pnnifheds When thefe Meffengers came'to Lérs houfe; he told them; he knew them not; they’faid to him, we are: cometo thee; to cleare this people of their doubt of Gods Omnipotencie ; what we {peak unto thee is moft true; canfe thy family this night to go out of the City, and follow their fteps, that noneamong you took behind him,and go whither you hall be commanded;the wicked fhall in the morning be'deftroyed. The Inhabitants of the Cicy came to Lots houfe to fee thofe ftrangers; Lot faid unto them, I befeeeh you defile net your felves with. my Guefts, fear God, and difhonour not your felyesy behold my daughters, take them; They faid; we donot hinder thee to lodg thy guefts,and remained confounded in their drankennefs. In the morning thunder furprifed them;we overthrew the City upfide down, and caufed ic to rain ftones with fre, that utterly deftroyed it, This fhalferve forexample to.paflcngers that fhal feé thofe rnines, and for a-marke ofthe Omnipotency of God, ro them that fhall believe in his divine Majefty. They that inha- bited the wood neerto Medina wereimpious, but weavenged us on them, they ferved for example topolterity, .as did the péople of the’City of Lot. They that dwell inthe Valley. of Hegir; have: defamed the Prophersi; we gave them to fee our Miracles, and taught them our Commandments; they eontem: nedthem, but they repofed: ity the'morning»in' their houfes built upon the mountains, and in their fortreffes; when thunder furprifed them, their treafures did not fave them, and they were all deftroyed. We created the heavens and the earth tobe figns of che Truth,and of our Unity: Phe hour of Judgmentap- Thar is rhe proacheth ; abfenr thy felf fromthy people wich mildnefs, chy Pret Lord who creatéd.all chings, knoweth. alls Ve taught thee 1 alcoran, feven figns, andthe moft precious Aécoran. Tariy not to con: - fide containing feven verfess r le creat ana ee Lt% 162 The AltOran of M AHOM ET, Chap.r6. 4 (der the divers forts of riches whieh, the wicked poffels; aia | not thy-felf, ifthey perfift in their impiety 3) Say-unto thems] ‘preach none-other: thing but. the ward of God, andthe pains — of hell. VVe will chaltife: the wwicked., as we chaftifedithem that divided the A/coran, Who. approved one part, and rejeded theother. Iam thy Lord, I wall require of them an account oftheir'actions, preach vvhat hath been, commanded) thee, and depart from Infidels, vve wilh preferve thee. fronnehem: tha fall feorn thee; as likewifefrom fach asadore Fdels ; 1 know that thou wilt be grieved at their. difeourfe, but praife and a dore the Lord untill death. : ‘CHAP. XVI. The Chapter of the Bee, containing an hundred and eight Verfes, written at Mecca!’ See Gelaldin. FNthe Nameof God, gracious and mercifull, The chaftife ‘Mi ment of God is:nor farremiote ; defire ic not before itsitimg praifed be Godyhehathno companion , he canfeth theép els.to. defeend:, and fendeth his infpirations to whombit pleafeth:him; «preach: his. power, and. the pains of Hell to’ unbeleevers.; there:is riox God but he, feare him he createdthe earth and the heavens; he is more powerfullthe your Idols, and created» mam~of the mire of the earth, never thelefs he is obftinate in his pride ; he created cleane bealtsfor your ufe, you draw:( fromehem:) great-emoloment; andad- vantage, to cloth and: nouri(h your felves, ye fee theirbemty when’ they feeds.and when-they lead them-to: pafture, they beare the burthen,and whatfoever ye will fend: ince: Cities what yecannot carry without them, bue with exceeding grett travell; God's gractous. and: mercifulh cowards you; he ere ted horfes, and mules, atid affesito beare you ; he created’many glorious things, of which you have:not knowledge; “He reac eth them the right way,. who obferve his Commandments; — hadit pleafedbim, he had'guided all into che way offs Law. He ith (hap.16. The Alcotanof MAHOMET. He fendeth you water from Heaven to take away thirft, and caufeth plans to bring’ forth, “and trees that nourifh your flocks; he maketh the Olive trees to produce, the Date trees; Vines, anid all forts of fruits. Thefe things arée arguments of his Unity , to fch as ¢onlider them; he created the: night, the day, the Sunne, the Moonie and the Starrs, that move at his plea- fare, thefe thitigs are figns of his Omnipotency tothemethat are Wife; He created whatfoever is on Earth of diverfe co- Jonrs,kinde, and {pecies; he created the fea,which affordeth you fith, pearles, and other precious ftones to adore you; thou feeft how the fhips faile upon the waters, and divide the waves for the advantage of commerce, peradventure you will give God thanks for his favours. He yatfed the mountaines to make firm the Earth, and to hinder it to move, he created. the rivers, and eftablifhed wayes to guide you ; he made the Srars to conduct you by night upon the fea, and the mountains to dite& you in your way by day: who but he could have created what he Kath made? will you never confidef it ? Tt is not’in ) your power to keep accotint ofhis mercies, he is altogether \ gracious and merciful, and knoweth the fecret of your fouls: the Idolsthat yee adore can create nothing, but até things dead, without motion, and know not in what time the world fhall rife again ; your God is one folé God ; fuch as believe not the end of thé worid,fuch as deny his Unity, atid boalt of their falfe beliefe, are abhorred of his divine Majefty; when they are interrogated concerning what God hath infpired into AZabo- met ; they anfwered, that he preacheth Fables of anciquity,but they fhall bear their burthen at the day of Judgments: who have fédiiced them from the right way, and have not known it. They that werd before them were deccivers, God over- threw their habitations, the ruins fell uponthem, and he cha- ftifed them, when they Iéaft thought of ft ; he fhall make them afhamed at the day of Judgment, and fhalldemand of them; where be the Idols for which they ‘difputed againft true be- lievers> Such as have Knowledge of Gods Commandments, affure that fhame fhall bé upon the foréheadsof Tntidels; and that the Afigels fhalf caufe them to die, becanfe of the enor- M 2 mity 164 ~The Alcormh of Mau o™ E T. Chap.r6, mity oftheir fins ; They will fay-at the hour of death; that they, believelin God; and are penitent for their faults, God know... — eth what they have done; he fhall command them to énterins to fiell, where is the abode. of the proud: He fhall command — thein who: have-his fear before their eyes to enter thehoufe — of Eternity, and the.gardens of Eden, wherem flow many ti- vers, there -fhall they.dwell eternally with che height of their - defire: Shall the wicked continue in their fin, untill the Angels caufeithem ‘to die, -or until the day of Judgment? Thus did their predeceflors, God-was not unjult. cowards them, they drew mifehief on themfelves through their miquity ; they were chaftifed,, and felt, che! punifhment, which they, had defpifedy they have faid, had it fo;pleafed God, our fathers and we ‘had, adored him-alone;-fo {pake their predeceftors.. The Prophets arenot obliged, but,to preach.and inftruétthe people. We fent-a Prophet to.every Nation, toinfirudtic, and cocommand _ the worthip of one fole God, and to quit the adoration of, The Jews and Chrifti- ans, Tagot, androf Idols; God guided fome into the right way,and others were feduced; contider what is the end of the wicked; if thou indeayoureft-to put them into the right path, thou fhale lofe thy time, God guideth not them that delire toerr, they fall be deprived of protection at the day of Judgment; they have fworn by their faith, that God willnot make the dead to rifeagain, but:he fhall caufe them to rife again, to chaftife them according to his promifes ; but the greateft part of men donot know it, did chey know it, they would acknowledg their et- rors,. and. the impious would acknowledg their, blafphemies. When we willed any thing, we faid, be thou, and it wass They that depart from the wicked for the love of cheir Lord; and fhall convert themfelves, fhall be rewarded in this worlds and yet more in the other, had they knowledge to underitand it. Such.as patiently endure the injuries of unbelievers, an truftin cheir Lord, thall be recompenfed: when they leaftshink of it... We heretofore fent but mén co preach our Law; ask of them that have knowledg-of che written Law, if it benottme? We have fene to them the 4/coran, to the end. thou mailt in- firu& men in our Commandments, peradventure they will confides. Chap.6. The Alcéran of Ma HOM ET: confider it. The earth fhall produce nothing to. them, that ) fthallconfpire againft che Prophet, they thall be chaftifed: when m they leaft chink of ic; God fhall afi chem in their commerce, they fhall not efcape his punifhment, and their fubftance thal! diminith by little and little before their. eyes ; God is grace. ous.and mercifull to them only that honour him: See they, not «i the fhadow of that which God hath created, fometimes ac wh the right hand, fometimes. at the left, to adore his divine Ma- jetty, they certainly are contemptible; whatfoeveris:on the ij carth,and in the heavens, beaft, and Angels, worfhip God with humilicy, fear their Lord, and obey hisCommandments. God hath commanded them to worhip and ro fear.one God alone, |, towhom obedience is due eternally ; whom will ye fear but God ? who but God thall protect you? when evill befalleth you, youhaye recourfe to his divine goodnefs; being delivered, fome of you give him thanks, and yer belieye not.in his Law - You feek only the riches of the earth, but you fhall fee what fhall be your end ; they fay. that.their wealth proceedeth from their Idols : by God! an.account of their blafphemies fhall be requirediofthem ; they affirm that God hath daughters ;. affu- fo they deceive themfelves, and are not well-fatished, when it is faid co them, that a. daughter is born to.them ; they fy fuch as declare to them the punifhment of their fins, God.thall leave them in ignominy, and they fhallbe contemned asthe earth which they trample under their feet; becawfe they believe not in, the day of Judgment, mifery thall perpetually purfie them ;. God fhall command for ever, and be eternally power- ' ful and yittorious,. Should God chaftife men, when they of- it! fend, he fhould leave no living creature upon the earth, he de- i ferreth their puni(hment untill the time appointed, they can i neither, advance.nor retard.it.; they affirm God co have that 6 _ which themfelves are not fatishied to have ; they lyc, when they i@ fay thatparadife,is for,them,doubrlef they are erroneous, and fh = Qball. berprecipitated into, the fire.of hell. By God! we haye i) . dent heretofore Prophets to. the people, the devill feduced i! 6=omen, and wasemafter of che wicked inthis world, but in the v6 . other. they, hall sefcent greattorments,; .Wee.-have fent i M 3 thee 165 : The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.r6- thee ‘the eficoran, to clear to men the doubts’ tonch- ing Religion, and to guide true believers into the right way. God fendeth raine from heaven to refreth the earth, this ig an evident figne of his omnipotency, to them that hear his word ; yee have yet a token of his omnipotency in the beafts that give you milke , to nourifh you, and another ” marke in the fruits of the earth, in the fruits of Date trees, and the Vines, from which you extra wine, and receive pro» fit. ‘Thefé things are fignes of his omnipotency , to fach ‘as comprehend them. The Lord infpired the Bee to dwellinthe fields, tolodgein trees; in Hives, and to eat of all forts of fruits, irtproducech honey of divers colours, that {erveth for'a remedy to the difeafes of men; thefe things are fignes of Gods omnipotency to them that confider them, God hath created you , and fhallcanfe youto dye; There be per- fons among you that fhall be full of ignominy in thei fife, tothe end they may underftand that God is omaiporent, con- ferreth benefits onfome more then on others: Slaves have 10 part inthe faculties of chetr Malters , neither are they alloc atewith them, (neverthele(s they affociate to God anotht God equall to him, and blafpheme againit his grace.) Got hath created you men, and women, and hath given you Chit dren, and Children to your Children, he hath enriched you with the riches of the earth; Wéallyon after this grace be- lieve in your Idols ; which are things inanimate, vaine, and unproficable> Will ye be ingracefull for the benefits of God? Will yee worfhip what can neither benefit nor hurt you? Be- lieve not that there is another God companion’and affociate with God; He knoweth what ye know not, he reacheth you a Parable: Aflave that is poor cannot give almes, and he who is rich giveth almes fecretly and publiquely, as he feeth good ; are they both alike? Oughe they to be putin pr ralell? Praife beto God : Certainly, the greateft part of men know not his graces, heteacheth you a parable ; Behold! two “men; the one was borne deaf, and dumb, and given in charge to his Guardian’, ‘he knoweth hot how to imploy him, he capable neither of doing , nor fpeaking well , is he like to him that Chap.16. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. . that fpeaketh, that underftandeth, teacheth men Juftice , and followeth the right way ? Whatfoever is in Heaven, or on Earth appertaineth to God, when he commandeth any thing, it is performed in the twinkling of an eye, yea fooner, he is omnipotent: Heit is that canfeth youto come out of the wombeof your mother, that giveth you hearing, fight ; and fenfe , perhaps ye will returne him thanks; See ye not the birds that flye in the Aire; who fuftaineth them but God? Ie is an evident figne of his omnipotency for the True believers, he hath given you houfesto inhabir, and the skins and:furres of beafts to cover you, he hath given you their haire , and wooll,to furnifh your honfes,and. enrich you ; he created trees and clouds to overfhadow you, made the Mountaines and Caves to cover you from rain, created garments to defend you from the heat of the Sun, and the rigour of cold, he hath-ac- complifhed his grace upon you, peradventure you will refigne m your felves to the will of his divine Majefty , and profeife his : Unity. If theunbelievers depart from the way of the Law, jill thouvart obliged only to: preach to them intelligibly ; they w know the grace of God, and contemne it, forthat the grea- | teft part of them are impious;preach unto them the day, where i inJ will raife again all the Nations of the world, and the Pro- y phets and Apoftles who have preached to them my Com- ; mandments, there fhall be no excufe for Infidels, neither thall n they finde protection, or relaxation of their miferies +: When they fhall behold their Idols, they thall confe{s that they were miflead , they thallunderftand the unity of thy Lord, and that their Idols are nor able to intercede for them. God ‘hath , added to the punifhment of Infidels ; hath fent them evil! up- onevill, becaufe they hinder the world to follow his Law: all the Nations of the world, with the Prophet who preached , Preach unto them the day, wherein I will caufe to tife again ™ tothem, to be witnefs of their actions ; I will be witnefs y) againftthem of thy Nation; Ihave fent thee the Booke that 4 Uofoldeth the myfteries of my Law , to guide the people into ,, the right way, andto-déclare the joyes of Paradife'to fuch ag » Profels my unity, God commandeth you to do only that M 4 which 167 "The Alcoran off MawomeEt. Chapr6: which is t@afonable, he commandeth you to give almes; and to do good to your parents, he forbiddeth whoredom, difo. bediénce, and injuftice, enjoyneth yon to do good ; perhaps ou will confider it.. Perfoim what ye have promifed co God, break not promifed faith, ye call God to be witnefs of your promifes, he knoweth all your aétions. Do not like the woman who {pun athred, foulded it, and afterwards entang: \ed and fpoyled st; believé not that there is deceit and efror in your Law; If theunbelievers be mote in numbers then you, God pérmitteth it; to prove you ; he fhall clear to you at the day of Judgment the doubts that be among you; had it fo pleafed him, you all had obferved one and the fame Law ; he guideth, mifleadeth whom it pleafeth him, and will exadlly require of you an.accompt of your actions... Believe not that there is ee in your Law; take heed. of ftumbling ; ha- ving once confirmed your fteps.,, ye fall: be féverely ‘cha: ftifed, if ye feduce the people from the tight way ; de not vio: late what ye have promifed to God , for afy price, his grat is of more advantage to you then thewealth of the earth, hal § ye knowledge to underftand it; your wealth is perifhable, and the riches of heaven are eterhall;he fhall recompenife chem thi perfevere in wel-doing, and whofvever fhall do good worl, fhall be bieffed in this world; andin the other. When thon fhaleread the coran, implore God'to deliver thee frome malice of the Devill, abominable to all the Creatures, he hath no power over them that truft-in his divine Majeltie,his power extendeth over fuch as goe aftray,who obey hot him,andadore many Gods, When we alter any precepts(God wellknow- eth what he ordaineth ) they fay chow art a dyar, bue the greateft part of themare ignorant ; Say unto them, that-allu redly the Holy Ghoft hath tanght it from thy Lord, to cor firme believers in their faith, and to guide into the right way them that profeffe his unity, and to anounce to them the joyes of Paradife. I know, that they will fay that a man hath raughe him the A/coran. He whom they iprefume to have taught him, is a Perfian by Nation, and {peaketh che Language of the Perfians, and the A/coran ts in the edrabique cones fu (rapid. The Alcoran of Ma HOM ET. 169 | full of inftru@ion and eloquence. They who will not believe \ in God, fhall fnffer great torments ; fuch as renounce his Come ® — mandments, blafpheme againft his divine Majefty ; thofe that X-geje@ his Law , after having profeffed it ; fhallfeel the effec ‘of hiswrath, and be punifhed for preferring the wealth of “the earth tothe riches of Heaven ; God guideth for unbe- st Yievers. They in whofe hearts he hath imprinted difobedi- hence, thofe whom he hath deprived of hearing, and fight, are ht jgnorant, they doubrieffe fhallbe at the end of the world in "0 thenumber of the damned ; he is mercifullto them that con. ju vert , and repent to have miflead the people from the right i way, and perfevere inobedience to his Commandments. Be vi! thou mindfull of the day, wherein man fhall difpute apainft ti ~—himfelfe, and every one fhall be rewarded according to his bs = works without injuftice. God teacheth youa Parable;Behold a wy’ ~~ free and priviledged City,on the which God poureth his graces mt’ §=— on all fides with abundance, and is ingratefull for his bene- vg fits ; but he fent upon it milery, famine, and fear, becaufe of wi ts ingratitude. God hath fent to the Inhabitanes thereof 4 wi, Prophet of their Nation, they ‘have flandered himjand ete «© were chaftifed , becaufe of their finne. Eate of what God wi! hath given you, and give him thanks for his grace ; if it behe Ye whom ye worfhip, he forbiddeth you toeat of Carbion, of pet = Blond, and Swines-ficth, and wharfoever is not {laine in pro- 0 ©« MOUNCcing the name-of ‘God ; he:will be gracious and merciful ich to them who fhall eat throughneceffity, without defigneto ‘q¢ «= Offend him. Lye not, infaying , Behold that which is per- mitted'to beedten | blafpheme notagainit God; fuch asblat- pheme againft him, {hall not profper.in this world, and in the other fhall fuffer grievous torments. We did heretofore pro- hibit the Jews to eat of what we have recounted to thee, we i didto them no injiftice , they drew ‘mifchief on themifelves throngh their finne; thy Lord is gracious and mercifull to them that ignorantly offend him, who converr, and'de good works. © Abraham was obedient to God, and profeffied his tinity, he adored not Idols , and gave thanks to God for ‘his mercies; God ele&ted, and guided him into the right way,he gave “The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapaz, q gave him wealth in this world, and placed him in the other, in the number of the bleffed. We have infpired thee to follow the Law of e4braham, he profeffed the unity of God, ant adored not Idols, he eftablifhed the Sabbath among the Jews, of which they difpute ; God thal! judge their difference at the day of Judgment. Cal the people to the Law of God with pru- dence, and preachings, and difpute againft them with good ar- guments, God knoweth them that depart from the right way; if they evilly intreat. you, intreat them as they fhall intreat you; ifye bepatient , patienceis advantagious to them that take it willingly , have patience for the love of God, and af fic not -your {elves with the deportments and malice of the wicked, God is with the righteous, who have his fear before their eyes. CHAP. XVII. The (Chapter of the Voyage by Night , coutaining an hundres and eleven Verfes, written at Mecca. Reader, Zhe Turks believe that this night of the Voyage Mahomet afcended into Heaven with the eAngel Gabriel; he was mounted on a white Burac, Which ts a beaft partly Mule, partly Affe, and partly Horfe. Hefaw all the Prophets that pre: ceded him, allthe wonders of Paradife, and [aw God, who fate on his Throne. See Kitab el cenoir, Tesfiir anf Giauhoit, ad the expofition of Gelaldin. The Bedaoi intituleth thus Chapter the Chapter of the Children of Ifrael. N the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. Praife be to him, that caufed his fervant to goe in one night from the Temple of Afecca, to the Temple of Peru/alem ; we have bleffed that Temple, and whatfoever is aboutir, in token of our omnipetency. Wegaveto Azofes the Old Teftament, t0 inftru@ the Children of Irael, and to deterre them from the worlhip (eae Peep Chap.i7., The Alcoranof MAHOMET. 171 worthip of any other God, but of me; to forbid them to adore the lineage of Noah, or the lineage of them that we preferved in his Ark. Woah is my creature, and my fervant, acknowledging my benefits; we prohibited in Scripture the To quit their children of J/rael, to defile twice the Earth, left they kindled faith, and re- roo great afire ; when that befel.you, we ftirred up. our fer- turn to it vants againft you, and they entred by force into the midft bap of yourhoufes’; this was as foon executed aspromifed, In ete s the end, we gave you advantage over your enemics; we ie gave you. wealth, and children ‘to fuccor you, ‘and ye it were more numerous then the Infidels; the good and the evil ui’ that you fhall do, hall be for your fouls. We ftirred up the it! wicked againft you, becaufe of your fins, to affict you through the murther, and bondage of your perfons ; and they deitroy- ed the Temple of ferufalem, as they had, ruined it. the.firtt time. Your Lord fhall pardon you, if you convert, we have eftablifhed Hell for a perpetual prifon of Infidels.. The 4/- coras guideth the righteous: into the right way , it declareth ww to them.agreat reward , preacheth to the wicked the torments of Hell ;>and exhorteth men-to-wel- doing, although they are inclining to evil, and prompt tofin,.. We created, the day and the night, they aretwo fignes of our omnipotency,-.. we.caufed the night to pafs away, and the day to appearfor labor; and to the end ye might know the number of. ages, of moneths, and of yeers: we explained our myfteries without obfcurity, and have enjoyned every one to bear the burden of his iniqui- ties at the day of judgment ; that day will we make menco "fee the accompt of their fins, they fhall be recompenfed and i” chaftifed according to the good and the evil that they thall have committed, and none fhall bear the burden of his neigh- bor ; we fent to the people Prophets and Apoltles to preach to them our Commandments,, before they were chaftifed, be- fore the deftruction of a City: we advertifed the principal inhabitants thereof ; when they difobeyed us , we chaftifed them according to our word, and deltroyed.them. How many Cities have we ruined fince. Noahs flood? The fins of the people are known to their Lord ; he giyeththe riches ot this aii beisiig : - 172 The Alcoran of MAH OME T. Chap.v7. this world to them that defire them, to caufe them to fall head-long into Hell, where they fhall repent of their inigui- ties, and be deprived of mercy. He who fhall labor to ac. 7 quite the riches of Heaven, fhall be protected of thy Lord in — this world, and enriched withthe Treafures of Heaven inthe ~ other. Confider, how we prefer our Creatures one to an. other ; the reward of Heaven is much greater then that of the Earth. Believe not that there be two Gods, otherwile . you fhall repent of it, and be deprived of proce@tion atthe bid day of judgment. ‘Thy Lord hath erdainedto worthiphim oan alone, and to honor your father and mother,’ efpecially in their old age, and fay nothing to them that may afflict them, neither vexthem; fpeak to them with refpedty do notcon temn them, pray to God to compaffionate them,-as they have pittied you, when they brought you up in your infancy, God knoweth whatfoever isin yourfouls; he willbe ‘mercifal to you, if ye obey him. Give toyour parents what appertaineth tothem, do good to the poor, and to pilgrims, be not pro- digal, the prodigal are brethren of the Devil, ingrateful for the favors of their Lord. Contemn not the poor, sf ye defire to obtain the mercy of God, fpeak to them with mildnefs, and endevor to content them; do not entirely fhut your hands neither alcogether extend them ; if yedo otherwife, ye thallof fend. Thy Lord giveth, and taketh away his gtaces,as feemeth goodtohim; he knoweth his people, and underftandethall their ations. Slay not your children for fear of snecefftty, 1 will give whatfoever thall’beneceffary for them ; the murthet . of children is an exceeding great fin, flie whoredom, itis2 thing unclean, kil ne man without reafon s we have com- manded to ‘purfie him that fhall have flain his neighbor, bit Jet not ‘the heir fin maticioufly, profecuting the innocent fot the gnilty. “ The‘innocent is in Gods prote@ion : take not the goods of Orphans, and be careful-of them, untilthey be in yeers of diferetion ; fatishie your promifes, an accompt fhall be required of ‘you ; ‘meafire with good meafare, and ‘weigh with juft weights, Bufe your félves not with that whidl _ You ought inottoknow, There fhall be required-of you an accompt Sie ceeded “aaa fe “ Chap.i7- The Alcoran of MAHOMET. te accompt of thefins ye have committed, in fecing, hearing, and bi thinking. Be not proud, ye fhallnever be fo long asthe Earth, bat neither fo high asthe Mountains ; fich fists are exceeding ‘great \ beforethy Lord: It is one part of what he hath infpired into thee, to preach to his people: ~ Say not, there be two Gods: ‘ttt, left thon be, confined to the fire of Hell! “Your Lord’ hath ‘titi ele&ted you, with all thofe men and women that obey his Com: 4,0? mandments, for his fons akd daughters, as the Angelss “yet uw fay noc that God’ hath children.” We made mention in the intl Adcoran of whatfoever isnéceffary tobe preached tothe peo- tht ple ; fay unto them, If there’be a God with God, as ye affirm, aift invoke him that hath his Throne in Heiyen's” praifed’ be'God, in he hath no Companion; he'is moft high and gteat! ‘The fever » Heavens praife him, and alf thatis on Eatth ptorifie him, buc yj ye comprehend tt mot, he is gracious and mercffuf, We will a feparate thee from the wicked ; we willhardén their'heatts, gj and [top theirears: When thou faalt tead the’ Alcoran, and »fay, There is but one God; they will turn the back, and déridé i\thee, I know what they defire to hear; they’ wonld have the \people to hearken’ to the words of the unjult; who fay, That jthou art a Sorcerer, anda Magician; confider to whom they ycompare thee ; they certainly are in ertor, and ate not ablé ro” (finde the right way. What !"'we ate (fay they ) Bones and’ md flefh, thall ‘we rife again, and become ‘new Creatures? who jewfhall caufe us to rife again ? Say unto them, Although yebe yitone, iron, bones, and fleth, he who firft creared you, {hall .qitaife you again. They fhall fhake the head at thee, and ask of ‘jg thee, In what time ‘they fhall rife again? fay unto then, Per- ay adventure it fhall be fuddenly. © When ‘ye thall be ealfed ‘out 4, Of the graves’ by the Commandment 6f God, ye will believe MY that ye have remained but very little time in the world ; then mF fhall the Infidels confefs, that ‘the Devil hath deceived them, m and that heis their open enemy. ©’ Your Lord knowerh you all, _, He will'pardon, ‘or chaftife-you, 4s feemeth good to'hiin : VVe , Have not fent-thee ‘tobe their guardian ; thy Lord knoweth im whatfoever is in’'Heaven and'in Earth, Certainly, ‘we ‘gave graces to fome:Prophets,. which we gave not to others; and ‘ we = 173 174 See Gelaldin. MO ens. "The Aicoran of MAH OME a (Bipag » we gave the Plalter to David;Say unto the infidels, invoke the: Tdols which you adore, and fec if they are of power todeliveh youfrom affliction. They that implore God, delire to benighie to him ; who are they that (hal neereft approach his divine Ma jdtic they who- hope inhis mercy, or fuch as fear his panith. ment ? Certainly his punifhment ough molt to be feared. We will deftroy all the Cities of the world before the day of Judg- ment, and chaftife the wicked with rigorous torments ; this is written upon the Tables kept in heaven; nothing hath hindred’ us to manifelt the miracles which the inhabitants of Mecca defire to fee, but the contempt fhewed by their predeceflots. Temod {aw the miracles of the Camell, and contemned it; 1 will no more fhew miracles, but to make the people to appre hend the torments of hell. Remember, thou, that we have faid to thee, that thy Lord knoweth all that the world doth; that which we gaye thee to fee (in the voy- age by night) is to prove fe people as the. curfed tite, which is fpoken ofinthe e4/coran ; there be perfons that wil believe it, others that will not believe; buc { will trie them? augment their confufion ; Remember thou, that we colt manded the Angels to humble themfelves before Adam ant tha they did humble themilelves, except the devil; who fi, (hall I adore him. whom.thou haft created of the earth? who's he whom thou halt preferredto me? Certainly, if thou tit untill the day of Judgment, | will deftroy his race, except that fmall number that {hall be under chy protection, Thy Lotd faid unto him, get thee hence, hell thail be thy punifhment, and the puhifhment of them that {hall follow thee ; decent fpeeches them whom thon fhalt be able.to deceive, feduee whom thou canft feduce with the wealth of the. earth, ca them to exercife Ufury, and commit thefin of whoredom ; tell chem, there is neither Refurrection nor Judgment; what. foever thou fhale promife them fhall, be bye. vanity, a falfhood; thou fhaft have no, power oyer,them that fhall wor fhip me, I will protect them againft thee.J¢ ts your Lord,who canfeth the fhip to travell upon the waters, for the advantage of traffique ; when the tempelt chargeth you, your Idols te » Cbhap.rx. The Alcoran f¢ Man due. 15 h fake you, healone is able! to: protedt you, neveithelefswhen it behath caufed-pou.to arriverat the Rort; youdeny his Unity,. vii and follow.your impieoy!; beliéve yethat hevbithanochet time Wy make:the fea calm to you?and that he will fend youwa'favorable i) wande, if yon domot acknowledge him your proteétor? Be- lieve ye to wetuem agaist toi the:fea? He fiall fend you ati isti~- petuouswinde, that fhatl overwhelm you; wich your ineplecie, and ye fhalk inde, nehene protect you dgainft him. : We have conferred jon'menmany favours, Wwe have condaéted the mon rs¢ the, earch, and fea, engiched with alb forts of riches} arid:grati- ,. fied chem: above alk éneatnres of the earth 3° Pteach:to them the day, wherein-£ will affemble: before meiall che Nations ‘of tle ,; ‘World, withthe Prophet! chat that! have preacheded chem. M Ble to.whom fhalbbe given: the Book of: the Accompt. Of ‘his lt works m_his right hand, fhabhread ‘his accOmpt entitély,, no n, injuttice thall be done to him, and he fhaltbe happy. He that fall be blinde ia-this world, thal becfo in. che other,-and fall nop fee, the right, way. ‘They: wouldidiverd thee from perfor- ming. what we have ‘infpired into. thee; to Lindace: thee!to , blafpheme: againft. me. Jf thow do it, thou fhalcbé of their iN <friends; were-it not-fon the ftrenpth thatwe have given thee, A®, they. would. make thee to incline. torheir impiety; hadft thou " done.it, we had. given, thee to: tafte ofigteataffiGions: in: this ll world,and in theothes; thon hadit found noxte to! protedtthee yl" againtt us ;, igwantedines. much; bie they haduaftiig heed thee Sat Medina; to. canfe; thee te goouvotit 3! had theydviven thee ih’ thence, they--hademiot: continued there long:afterchee. We - uti) heretofore fent.our Prophets to inftiru@ the people in our Law, te’ thou fhale finde therein nothing.to changeyomake thy ptayers uw when the SunJhg|T fee; anche beginning, and:auche end ofthe ie’ night, and at the dawning of day,che Angelsthalibe witneffes of of thine orifons; (pend ‘one partof the night in ‘prayer, chis jj {hall-be.an augmentation of merit, thy Lord fhalbeftablith thee iin the place! of, his. glory::, Say, Lordyineo hat foever place iw J go,,.makeme to.enters-and go forth with truth; giveme thy ot) Protection; Say that’truth is come, and chat vanity is vanithed; See Gelaldin, i this Book thail heal the people of theirerror, ir Mail bring ot) them et | thi! te a _— —a od The Alcoran of Mia n-0™: ET. Chapa. theminto’ the way of mercy,' and encreafe'the mifery ofunbe. lievets: We ‘have exhorted <men to abandon their impiety, othey*havenot done it, and defpaired when they were touched with afflitiion ; Say unto them, ‘each of' us’ doth after his will, and-God knoweth him that) followeth the°right way’; they fhall demand of theé concerning the Soul’: Say unto them, the foul is. an effect.of God,:he hath given!you very little know. ledge ;/afuredly, had it fo pleafed him; he‘could have deprived you ofthe knowledge: he hath given you," you {Kall findeno- thing that is able to protect you but his mercy :' Sayunto them, if the devils, and men ‘were all aflembled againit ‘me, they fhould not be |able to compofeia Book like the Altoran, V Ye have.tanghtin the A/coran whatloever isneceffary: forthe {alvation of: mens srieverthélefs'the greatelt part of the people depatt from the Truth, and fay, we will not believe thee, um lefs chou caufe fountains cofpring out of the earth,and makeif - this place a garden, beantified with Date trees,and Vines, wit rivers flowing in the midft, orunlefs we fee defcend from he vena part of the pains which thou preacheft swe wil not belite thee, unlefs;\God and the-Angels come to thy affiftance, ttt lef thy, houfe beof:fice'gold, and that we feethe Booka Trach fent from heaven;.we will nor believe in-thy Parchment, unlefs we fee. defcendfronvfieaven -a Book ' which we may ht able to-reade: Say: untothem; praifed:be my Lord jamTany thing but a man fentfromchim what hindveth rien cobelieve, fince there/hath been fent co them a Pilot to conductthem into the way ‘of falvation’? They fay; that thom ‘art/a’ ian, af notian,Angel¢ Say-unto them, fhould che Angels have inhib ted the earch, Godywould have fentan Angelo infteuct them it faficethsthat-heis; che witnefs of mineiations between Vol, and me; he knowethand fecth all things he whioin God guilt eth, is well guided; and fch: as God thall caufe to ert, (hall finde’nohe to ‘prit them imito theriaht: way 3 he wilbatemble all of them an.theadaybeé Judgmenr, they-thall be infatots, deaf, muyse, and bhiade, ahd condemmed toorhe Mies Of hell, becauie they, are wicked, and have faid through derifion; that they are’ bones; andifichh, and that they fhall rife again asneW Creatures 5 | NS |, Chap.i7. The Alcoranof MaHomeET. 177 im creatures; fee they not that God hath created heaven, and in earth ? that hecan create yet more, and hath eftablifhed a de. ftinyindubitable,and infallible? The unbelievers are exceedingly ius too blame:Say unto them, (hould you poffefgall the treafures of . the world, yet would yee fear to make expence for the fervice me of God; manis too avaricious ; we gave to AZo/es nine marks ii) OF our Omnipotencie, known to the children of Ifrael; Pha- His hand,his lie vroab told him that he was a Magician; affuredly, ‘faid AZofes, ftaffe,the de- ii thefe figns and miracles that thou feeft, proceed from God, Sal graf 8 Ss oppers.lice, . Lord of heavenandearth ; I believe, O Pharoah! that thou frogs, blood ee forfakeft the Truth: Then would Pharoah have driven him Out fear, and fa. ., of Egypt, but we drowned all thofe that were with him, and mine. ‘ commanded the children of J/rae/to inhabit the land ; we wif} S¢¢ Bedzoi. ry, aflemble them at the end of the world, to reward them after see their works: We have indeed fent thee the e4/coran from _heayen, to proclaim the joys of Paradife, and to preach the si® corments of hell; we have fent it, to the end thou maift teach {fon tt to the people; we have fent it clear, and intelligible, that it ‘may be underftood , according to occurrences, Say unto "y,, them, believe, or believe itnot; when thofe that have know- it dge in the written Law heard it read, they proftrated them- tt Fel ves onthe ground with humility, and faid, praifed be God, yt what he promifeth,is infallible, & incontinently is his command het executed ; they wept, proftrating the face towards the earth, lott and the reading of the e4/coram augmented their devotion; gk Say unto them, implore God, call God mercifull, all his Ac- nit tributes are moft glorious, Make it not appear to the world i! how often thou fhalt pray, neither how often thou thalt read OY the Alcoran, and fear not to pray to God, and to read (the © Alcoran) follow in this the middle path, and fay, praifed be i” God, he hath no Son, hehath no companion, neither prote- iis’ Kor to preferve him from contempt, his greatnefs is perfect le" and compleat, fit’ N CHAP. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap, CHAP. XVIII, The Chapter of the Cave, containing an hundred and ten Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mereifal, Praifebeto I God, who hath fent the A/coraz to his fervant. There is no contradi@tion in this Book ; it teacheth the right way; it preacheth to the wicked, thar they thall fuffer great torments, and proclaimeth to the righteous, that they fhall enjoy anetet. nal felicity ; it preacheth the torments of Hell, principallyto fuch as affirm, That God hatha Son; they are tgnorant, like to their predeceffors ; they are arrogant in their difcourfeand utter nothing but blafphemies : Wilt thou deftroy thy felf in i following their footfteps ? If they believe not in the Alcor, 4 they thall one day have forrow, and fhall repent it. We adorned the Earth,with whatfoever isupon it, forthe advan age of men. One part thereof is happy and plentiful ; amv the 6ther unfruitful, and defart. Do ye not believe that the fleepers that entred the Cave, and the Paper wherein thet names were written, be our miracles? When rhofe men entred ears fo the'Cave, they faid, Lord, give us thy mercy, and guide usinto ee theright way: Then did-we caufe them to fleep forthe fpace of fome yeers, and awaked them , having continued fome time in that Cave, to make it appear which of thetwoRe ligions was the moft jnft. I will relate to thee their Hiltory with truth ; they were young men, who had che fear of thee Lord before their eyes ; we ftrengthned them, and encred(ed their faith » when they were with the Infidels, they faid, Out God is Lord of Heaven and Earth, we will never worthip bit one God, otherwife we fhall feparate our felves from the truth: This people have adored Idols without reafon; whots more unjuft then he, who blafphemeth againft God? When they deferted the Infidels, they worfhipped one God alone. Enter into the Cave, God fhall make his mercy towards you to appear, and fhall guide you through a path, fmooth and pleafant. ) (hap.i8. The Alcoran of Manom et. 479 pleafant. When the Sun arofe, he caft his rayes on the right fide of their Cave, and on the left, at his going down ; they in the mean time were inthe moft fpacious place of this Cave. Thisis oneof Gods miracles ; he whom he guideth, is well ) guided ; and whom he mifleadeth, thall finde none to give him fuccor, orto guidehim. Believe ye that they fhould be awake ? Affuredly they flepr and turned themfelves, fometimes to one fide, fometimes to another: Confider how their Dog ‘Tk extended his feet before that old habitation of ftone;if any one itt had entred towards them,he would have canfed them to fite, & wt! - had affrighted them. In the end we awaked them, and they mu- tually enquired of each other in what place they were, & how long they had there continued ; one of them replyed, That they had been there a day ortwo; then they all faid, God knoweth the time that we have abode here, fend one of us to the City with money to buy bread and meat ; fet him not be fearful, neither make himfelf known toany; if we be known, they will murther, or conftrain us to follow their Religion, in fet —which we fhall be eternally miferable. Thus did we ftir up the (gi people againft them, to theend they might know that thy jit Lord is trae; when he faid, He will canfe the dead to arife ra again,the Refurre@tion is indubitable; neverthelefs unbelievers iy difpute among them, concerning the Hiftory of the Stcepers, wg and fay, That they built a fecret place to retire themfelyes, ka God knoweth the Truth. The True- believers believe that they made no building ; the Infidels fay they were five, and that their dog was the fixth, they fpeak by opinion ;_ but the True- believers affirm them to be feven, and their dog to be the bi eighth. Say untothem, My Lord knoweth how many they i were ; few perfons, except God, know theirnumber : Doubr no more the Hiftory of the Sleepers, the matter is averred and known; difpute no more withthe Jews, and fay not, I will do this to morrow, without faying, Ifit pleafe God. Call God to minde, after thou haftforgot him, and fay, The Lord thal! guideme, and ceach me the Hiftory of the Sleepers, WhO go Goigidin remained im the Cave three hundred yeers ; there be who af- : firm they continued there nine hundred yeers. Say unto them, N 2 God sgt fags “The Alcoran of Mau oOmMET. a Chap.18, God knoweth the time of their abode there, he knoweth whatfoever is in Heaven,and Earth,he underftandeth and feet all things, he alone difpofeth every thing, and hath no compas nion ; Preach what thy Lord hath infpired into thee, his word admitteth of no alteration, there is no fafer refuge then in him; dwell! with thofe that invoke him morning and evening, and defire to fee his face ; depart not from their company, if thou defireft to have content of life in this world; obey not thofe whofe heart we have hardned, and are unmindfull of us; follow not theirimpiety, whatfoever they do , isbutof. fence and finne. Say unto them, thetruth proceedeth from your Lord; who fhall defire [it ] (hall be True- believers, and who fhall not defire[_it ] thall be an Infidell, we have prepared Hell to chaftife the impious, and prifons wherein to detaine them. They hall implore ficcors again{t the melting pit, into which they fhall be plunged, as into waters, it fhall rof their faces, and fhall be their drink ; I wiJl.not fruftrate of t¢ ward them that fhall have done well , they thall enjoy ae delights of the gardens of Ede, wherein flow many river they fhall have bracelets of fine Gold, they fhall be cloathed with green, with Scarlet, with fhining colours , and fhall ft 7 on thrones,with an eternall felicity. Declare to them this pare ble ; there were two men ,I gave to the one of them gardens, wherein was ftore of fruirs,he in contempt told his companion, that he was more wealthy and powerfullchen he, and entred into his gardens, being an Infidell, and an Idolater, and faid 1 do not think thefe {hall ever have anend, they hall endurea long time without withering : His companion: faid to him; If thou doft not acknowledge this to proceed from God, and if thou be ingratefull towards him that created thee of dul, and made thee aman, thoufhalt foone finde thy gardens ru- ined; this cometh from God my Lord, who hath no comp2- nion ; all ftrength, and truth proceedeth from his divine Me jelty ; If Ihave leffe of fubftance then thou » God can give me fruits more faire then thofe of thy gardens, or fend thun- der that fhall deftroy them, he fhall fll them with water of raine, that fhall encompaffe them, and hinder thee to approach [ them pal Bee. | Sena RRS FET 5 RRR TEE i Chap.18. The Alcoran of M AHOMET. 181 [them] Inthe morning this Infidell found his gardens de- ftroyed tothe very roots, he was extreamly perplexed, by _ reafon ofthe expence he had made to plant them eayenly ; and ‘hy he faid,would to God I had not adored Idols:.He fhall finde ig! none that is able to proteét him at the day Judgment , but ah God, all prote&tion and grace iffueth from his divine bounty, mn and the end of the righteous fhallbehappy. Speak unto them li, this parable, the life of the world is like unto raine fallen from ont Heaven, that refrefhed and revived the hearbs of the Earth, ),)) | andin the morning were drie as chafte, carryed away by the dey Winde ; Godis omnipotent: Riches and children are the or- icy += RaMents Of this life , but good works are eternall , they are see acceptable to God, and giveus hope of his grace. Be thou ,, mindful of the day when the mountains fhall walke, and thou fhalt fee the Earth to be plain ; that day we affemble the good nto de i and the wicked, and will not faile of my word to any perfon ; i that day fhall the Infidels befeech the Lord to fave them, he ‘nie fD2!L fay unto them , youcame unto us naked, as when we at 5 . firftcreated you , and ye believed on Earth, that there was MM no refurre&tion ; Then fhall he give to every one the Book, if ; wherein (hall be written the accompt of their finnes; Thou i’ hale fee the wicked trembling with fear, faying, behold here whe out deftruétion | What is there in this Book ? It containeth tein g their veniall and mortallfinnes, and deteCteth their offences, ist they fhall finde the number of their crimes before their eyes : = Thy Lord is unjuft ro none ; Remember thou that we com- it! manded the Angels to proftrate themfelvesbefore Adam, and ‘fil! — that they humbled theméelves, except the Devill, who was in wit thenumber of Angels, he difobeyed his Lord ; neverthelefs ot’ ©=— Adam and his pofterity have obeyed him, although he is their dt «= open enemy , and particularly of the Infidels. Confider the yemot that God created Heaven and Earth, that he made iy’ = you, and hath no need to be aided of you? Be thou minde- ji?‘ fullofthe day, when it thall be faid to Idolaters , call pon Gi’ your Idols that ye have worfhiped, for remiffion of your ge = firnes_; they fhall implore them, but nome fhall hear their wit’ Prayers, we have ruined them ; the wicked fhall behold the i : 3 fire, v prea P tae fui = ae - foaiwd The Alcoran 0 firé , ito which they fhall fall , and;finde none to faye them. Wetanght men in the .4/coran, many patables, yet do the wicked abound in queftion, and difpute too much ; What hindreth men to believe, fince there is come to them a guide, tocondu& them into che right way? Ifthey beg not pardon of God, what hapned to their predeceffors, and at Beder, fall befall them, they fhall be vifibly punifled; I fend Pros phets only to anounce the joyes of Paradife, andto preach the torments of Hell; the unbelievers difpute vainly, to obfeure the truth, they deride my -Commandments, and the fire of Hell ; who is more unjuft then he who knoweth the Com- mandments of his Lord, and difobeyeth him, and forgetteth his paft finnes? We have hardned their hearts, they fhall not underftand the Scripture; we have {topped their eares , they fhallhear nothing ; if thou-calleft chem to the right way, they fhall not follow thee, thy Lord is gracious and mercifull; fhould he chaftife them after their demerits, he fhould forth. with deftroy chem , he carrieth untill the time that he hath promifed to punifh them, and they {hall finde none of power to protect them. Wee have deftroyed Cities, when their inhi birants have offended, and weprefixed the day of their rnine, Remember thou that A4o/es faidto his fervant , 1 will travel inceflancly, untill 1 fee a place where two feas meet , although Itravéllan Age. Whenhe came to that place, he and his{er- vant forgot theirfifh, he had taken his way through the Sea: Having continued their voyage fome time , AZo/es was.an hin- gry, and demanded fomewhat to eat of his fervant, who faidro him, Saweft thou what hapned at the Rock? I have forgotten our fifh,the Devill made me ro forget it,he miradl- loufly toek his way through the Sea; that Rock is the place which we feek: they both returned on their fteps, difcourling together, uncill they came tothat Rock,where they found one of our fervants,on whom we had conferred our graces, and infpired knowledge ; AZofes faid unto him, permit me to fol- low thee, that thou mayft teach. me knowledge, and inftrud me; He replyed, thou wilt not be able to abide patiently with me; how wilt thou patiently endure to hear a thing which PM AW OMET. Chap.r8. wl i he bi a pO tet (hap.8. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. | which fone in the world everknew? A4ofes faid, thou fhalt finde me exceeding patient, and I will not difobey thee ; He anfwered, ifchou follow me, enquire nothing of me, and hear only what I (hall fay to thee. They went rogether,and they be- ing ina boat, he brake a planck; Mofes faidto him, thou haft broken this veflell, to drown us, itisa ftrange thing ; He an- {wered,Did not I tell thee,that thou wilt not be able patiently to abide with me ? Ao/es replied,excufe me,and afflict me not, Thad forgotten what thon didft enjoyn me ; They went onto- gether until they met with achild,whom he flew; Ado/es faid to him, thou haft flain aninnocent, that hath not flain any one ; thon haft done a thing without reafon, and that ought not. to be approved: He anfwered, did Inot fay, thon wilt not be able patiently to abide with me? (Mofes faid to him, excufe me this time alfo, if I demand ought elfe of thee, abandon me. They continued their way unto a Village,where the inhabitants refufed them bread ; at that time they found a wall ruined, which he raifed again ; C7Zo/es faid to him, thou fhouldit have been payed for repairing this wall, if thou wouldeft: He an- {wered, now behold the place of our feparation, neverthelefs I will explain to thee what thou wert impatient to learn. That boat belongeth to two poor men, who labour on the fea to gain their fubfiftance, 1 would have pierced it, to preferve it to thofe poor men, becaufe there was an Infidell Prince, who by force feized on the good veffels for his fervice. That infant which I flew was an Idolater, the fon of a true believer, a righteous man ; we feared he might caufe his father to fin, and feduce him into his error, and infidelity; the Lord throngh his goodnefs would have him to be deftroyed, to deliver his father from his malice. The wall appertaineth to two infant Orphans of this City,there isunder it atreafure that belongeth to them, their father was a righteous man, Ged throngh his goodnefs willeth that the tfafure be preferved for them, untill they at- tain to years of difcretion ; he likewife willed me to do what I have done = behold the expofition of what thou wert impati- ent co leatn. If any one enquire of thee concerning ¢e4/exan- der the great, relate to them his Hiftery : we gave him on earth N 4 what 183 The Aleofanof MAHOMET. Chap. what he defired, he went'as far as the Welt, where he found a fountain guarded by a man, who faidto him, O Alexander! chaftife men through the murther of their perfons, bondage, and ranfome ; he anfwered, I will put to death unbelievers in this world, and the Lord fhall punifh them inhell, andthe righteous fhall enjoy the glory of Paradife; I will tellthe wicked, that God hath given us what we have defired. After this, he continued his way untill he came toa place, where the Sun rifeth; he found that it rifeth in a countrey,where they have nothing to fhelter them from its heat,the thing is fo: we taught Alexander how to fhelcer himfelf ; he followed his way, until he arrived between two mountains, inhabited of a Nation that {pake a Language, which he could hardly underftand ; they faidto him, O Alexander ! Fagog,and Magog defile the earth, canft thou put between themand us an obftacle, to hinder thatthey may not come to us? God, faid Alexander, hath not given me means to do it; but affift me with your power, Iwill put between them and you a ftrong feparation ; give me iron that can cut ftones, that I may build betwixt the two mountains, and that1 may fortifie the way that deviderh them blow when the iron firiketh the ftones, to kindle fire,and poure on molten brafs to joyn the ftones and iron together; if they come,they cannot pierce through the mountains, neither findea way to come to you, thisis a favour which God conferreth on you, his promifesare infallible ; when the hour arriveth, heis true in what he promifeth; we will permit them co mixeeath with other; we will affemble allof them when the Trampet fhall found; then we will open Hell to the wicked, and tosich, as would neither fee, norhear the Alcoran ; Do they imagine them that worfhip me to be their gods? we have prepared hell to punifhthem. Say unto them, thall I relate unto thee what fhall befall the damned, their works fhafl be unprofitable ia this world, although they think to do wéll ; good worksare unprofitable to them that contemn the Commandments of their Lord, and believe not in the refurreétion, they thall not want ballance at they day of Judgment; hell fhalf be their habitation, becaufe they deride our Commandments, and out Apoftles, ~ U Chap.19.. ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 185 | 4 | Apofties, and Prophets : The righteous fhall enjoy eternally the delight of Paradife without difcontinuation. If the fea were inke,to write the wondrous works of my Lord, it will fooner have anend, then his miracles: Say unto the Infidels, Iam a man like you, God hath taught me that there isbut one God; he that believeth in the Refurreétion, ftudieth to do good works worthip but one God, who is without a companion. ee as CHAP.-XIX. The Chapter of Mary, containing four{core and eighteen Fer[es, Written at Mecca. nk JN the Name of God, gracious and merciful : God is the re- ads warder, conductor, (of the righteous ) liberall, wife, true : ops Zachary, the fervant of thy Lord remembred his grace, when eit he in fecret prayed to his Lord, and faid, Lord, my bones are thet become feeble, and mine head is white with old age; Lord, I ‘eh was never rejected in my prayers, hear my petition, give mea reat) fon to facceed me, that may be mine heir, heir of the lineage of dest Pacob,and be pleating to thee.O Zachary \I declare unto thee, nt) that thou fhalt havea fon, named John, no man hath yet been ony called by that name ; he faid, Lord, how fhall [have a fon, wig my wife is barren, andI amtoo old? It wasanfwered him, ae the ching (hall be as I have faid unto thee, it is eafie to thy rte? Lord, who created thee ; he faid, Lord give me fome figne of ei tthe conception of my wife; he faid to him, thon fhalt not nie fpeak for three nights. Then went he out of his Oratory, an) and made fignes to the people, to make their prayers evening ai and morning. Oh John! learn the Scripture with affeRtion 5 co kcrab of 4 vo fA € pt We from his infancie gave him knowledge , clemeficy, chatt- jpyo;,. nis Ya Piety, aftection towards his father and mother , and mot tll violence and difobedience. We bleffed the day of his naffvi- ah 2 the day that he fhall dye, and the day that he fhall rife a- gain. Remember thon what is written of Adary, fhe retired - i % : . a towards the Eaft, into a place farre remote from her kindred, Ny i and The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hapag. and took a vaile tocover her , we fent her otir Spiricin forme of aman; fhe was afraid, and faid, God will preferve me from thee , if thou have his fear before thine eyes; he faid, oh Mary \ Lam the Meffenger of God thy Lord, who fhall give thee a fonne, active, and prudent : She anfwered, how fhall] have a fonne without the touch of man? I defirenorto be ua. chafte ; he faid, The thing (hall be as I have told chee, itis fy cile to thy Lord ; thy fonne thall be a token of the omnipo. fies | tency of God , and of his fpeciall grace towards fuch as {hall i believe in his divine Majefty ; She became with child, and re- be ‘bee tired fome time, into a place remote from people , where fhe fuftained the doloursof Child-birth, at the foot of a Date: tree, and faid, why am I nor dead ? wherefore am I not in the number of perfons forgotten? The Angel faid to her, affli& not thy felfe; God hath placed a brook under thee, fhake the foot of this Palme, and the Dates fhall fall , gather Reh them up, eatand drink, and wath thine eyes, fay unto them ig i i that thou fhale meet, that thou fafteft, and halt made a vow | 5 Sea not to {peak to any one, untill chy faft be accomplithed. Her parents met her while the bare her Infant , and faid unto her, oh AZary | behold a ftrange thing ; oh filter of Aaron! thy father did not command thee to do evill, neither was thy mother unchafte ; She made fignes to her infant to anfwer them ; they (aid, how thall the infant in the Cradle fpeak? Then her infant fpake, and faid, Tam the fervant of God, he hath taught me the Scripture,hath made me a Prophet, bleffed me inal! places, and commanded meto pray unto him; ‘he hath recommended to me purity through che whole courleof my life, and to honor my father and mother ; he hath fot made me either violent or malicious, prayfed (hall be theday of my birth, the day that I fhall dye, andthe day of my'refar- rection. Thus fpake Jefus, the fonne of Mary, with truth, of whichye doubt: God approveth not the difcourfe of ‘then that fay he hath afonne ; praifed be God, when he wifléth ily thing, he faith, be thou, anditis ; heis mine and your Lord , worthip him, this is the right Way ; ign 3 there be perfons , who in this regard have been of different opinion, but mifery is upon A the ide AAW 41: / a. (hap.19. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. the incrednions, they fhall be miferable at the day of Judg- ment. The Infidels are manifeftly erroneous from the right way; Ifthou preach to themthe torments of Hell and their ignorance, they will not hear thee. Weare Lords of what- foever is on Earth, and difpofe of every thing at our pleafure, they thall be one day affembled before us to be judged. Re- member thou what is written of Abraham, he was a righteous man, anda Prophet, he faid to his father, adore not what neither feeth, nor underftandeth any thing, and that cannot be profitable ;1 know what ye know not,follow me,and I will condué you into the right way ; worfhip not the Devill, he is difobediemt unto God ; otherwife 1 fear that God may cha- ftife you, and you may be in the number of the damned. He anfwered, oh Abraham \ doft thou abborre my Gods? unleffe thou change thy difcourfe, 1 will ftone thee, depart from me for a long time; he faid, May God infpire you, I will pray for-you, he is exceeding good , and will hear my prayers; Whom will ye adore, when I fhall be gone from you ? Worfhip God my Lord,and your prayers fhall be heard; he departed from them, and worfhipped one God : We gave himtwo fonnes , Z/zae and Pacob, both Prophets, we confer- red our grace upon him, with an eloquent and true tongue, Remember thou what is written of Afofes, he wasa righte~ ous man, our Prophet and Meffenger ; we called hun on the right fide of the Mount Siwai, drew him near unto us, and taught him ourfecrets ; We through fpeciall grace gave him a brother, named Aaron. Remember thou what is written of J/mael, he exa&tly obferved what he promifed, was-a Pro- phet, andan Apoftle of the Lord, preached purity, and re- commended to men to make their prayers often, and was pleafing to his Lord. Remember thou what is written of Enoch, he was a juft man,and a Prophet , and we tooke him up to anexceeding high place. God gave his grace to thefe men, among the Prophets of the lineage of Adam, among them whom we eaufed to embarke with Noah, ameng thole of the lineage of Abraham , and I/rael, and among thofe that we affembled and guided into the right way. When the MAtracies The ofanof MAHOMET. Chap.ig. miracles of the mercifull wererelated to them, they fell pro. ftrate, and adored him with tares in their eyes; their pofte. rity forfook their footlteps , aandoned the Law, and fol flowed their own appetites ; yut they fhall be precipitated into Hell, except fuch as fhal be converted, and do good works, they fhall enter into Jaradife , and no injuftice hall bedoneto them, they (hall erter into the garden of Eden; what the mercifull [God] doth promile, is infallible ; they fhall heare nothing fpoken ia Paradife chat fhall difpleafe them,they fhall hear the falutaiion of Angels,and morning and evening fhall have what they defire ; fuchis Paradife, which God giveth to his creatures that have his fear before theje *Gelaldin eyes. 1* defcend not from Hraven, but by the permiffion of faith that thy Lord, he is mafter of our ations in Heaven and Earth, and Mabomet — of whatfoever is between thm, he hath not forgot thee, ae And worfhip him, and perfevere in thy adoration , knowedt thon Gabriel for / @0Y perfon that is named, lik him? Man faith, what, thalll having been dye and rife again ? He confideeth not that God hath created folong 4b- him of nothing;! will one day «femble the Infidels,and Devil pie: from J will caufe them to appear the gate of Hell upon thei Pe knees, and will caft upon ther all manner of mifery, becauf they have encreafed their imptty towards their Lord. I know fuch as deferve to burne in Hel , they fhall be thrown thither headlong, this is a moft juft fertence pronounced by the Lord, I will fave the righteous , and forbid Infidels to fall ontheir knees before Idols: when the unbelievers , and many of the faithfull heard my Commandnents preached,they faid among themfelves , that they were ina better way then their neigh- bour; how many have we ditroyed before them, in paft Ages, more rich then they , ard hypocrites like unto themt Say unto them, God prolongeh the life of the erroneous, that they may know their errors , aid learn the knowledge of the paines prepared for them, thy thall underftand who {hall be the moft miferable; and vho thal! have been moft weak in their faich, and leaft affe@ioiace to the fervice of his divine Majefty ; God fhall encreafe tleiy faith, who thall follow the right way ; and fuch as be oledient to him, thall enjoy his grace. “2: (hap.19. The Alcoraof MAHOMET. grace. Haft thou confidere: the ation of the wicked? They demand, if they fhall have rches andchildren after their Re- furreétion? Would you knov what fhall be ? would you capi- ulate with the merciful? I vill not doit; T will write all thae they fay, and will adde toneir miferies;. I will give to them in this world, what they equire, and they fhall rife again naked (without treafure, ad children.) They adored Idols, to have their prote@tion. Certainly theyerred inthat adora- tion; they fhall renounce hem, and be their enensies at the day of judgment. Seelt thounot, how we have fent the Devils againft unbelievers, to fedue them ? Be not impatient to fee . them punifhed, they fhallb: judged at the day appointed. Be _ thou mindful of the day, when I fhall affemble all the righte: ous in the prefence of God, and precipitate all the wicked in- , to Hell; their prayers fhalliot be heard, except fuch as have ; accomplithed their promifesmade to the merciful. They have , faid, Do ye believe thar Gol hatha Son ? Youutter aftrange . thing; ‘ic wanteth not much, but chat Heaven and Earth open , themfelves, and that the Mountains fall, with their utter de~ . ftruétion. Theycall God, God the Son; Godhath not todo ; with'aSon; whatfoever is n Heaven and Earth, adore him; . he knoweth the accompt ad number of all things of the world : Men hall appear b:fore him at the day of judgment, and the True-believers that {hall do good works, fhall be be- loved of his divine Majefty. We have fent thee the Alcoran, written in thine own Languge, that thou mayft proclaim the delights of Paradife, to then that fear me, and preach the tor- ments of Hell to fuch as d{pute with obftinancy againft the Faith. How many of the wicked have .we deftroyed in paft ages ® Haft thouheard fpex of them? Haft thou heard men» tion of their memory 2 CHAP, 189 See Gelaldin, CHAP. XX. The Chapter of Beatitude, and of Hell, containing an hundred ant thirty Ver{es, written at Mecca. Reader, the Mahometans have entituled this Chapter Tthé, Which # two letters of the Arabique Alphaber , to wit, Tt and He ; where in this place, Tt fignifieth Thouba, that is to fay, Beatitude; and é Waoihé, that rs tofay, Hell. See the glofs, and interpretation of Gelaldin, and Bedaoi; they have intituled this Chapter of Beatitude, and of Hell, le the name of God gracious and merciful. We have not given thee the A/ceran to torment thee, but to inftud therein the righteous. It was fent thee by him that created the Heavens and the Earth; the merciful fitceth on his Throne; whatfoever is in Heaven and Earth, whatfoever is between them, and beneath the Earth, appertaineth tohim. Heknow eth thy thoughts, he underftandeth what thou keepeft fect and what thou makeft manifeft. God ! there is but oné Gol, all the glorious names of the world are due unto him. “Kaoir eft thou the Hiftory of Afo/es ?. VVhen he beheld the fire, ie faid co his family; Stay yehere, I fee a great fire, I will bring to you a fpark, and you fhall finde in it the right way. WYben he approached, it was faid unto him, O AZofes.) fam thy Lord, put off thy fhooes, thou art in the holy Valley of Tos, Thavt elected thee among my people, hear my’ word, and receive mine infpirations ; I am God, there is none other Godbut}, worfhip me alonc,and make thy prayers as it is ordained ; The hour unknéwn to the world approacheth, wherein I willtt compence and chaftife every one after his works: Take heed feft the wicked feduce thee from the right way; ifthou follow their appetite, thou fhalrbe deftfoyed ; Is it not what thol haft fworn to me? he anfwered, Lord, I will apply my felf unte thee, and will lean upon my {taff; I will beat the oe | (hap.20. The AlcoranofMa HOMET. of the Trees to make them fall upon my flocks ; Ihave yet an= other maner tonourifh my fheep with this ftaff; I will make ufe of it to defend, and preferve them from mifchief ; God faid unto him, O AZo/es | caft that ftaffe to the ground, behold a Serpent, it creepeth, take it, and be not afraid, I will caufe it to return to its former condition ; draw back thine hand, and put it under thy arm it fhal become white and fhining without harm, and pain, icfhall be a molt certain fign of my Unity, I will give theeto {ce the miracles of my Omnipotencie; go to Pharoah, he is in an exceeding great error, and feduced from the right way : AZofes faid, Lord, rejoyce my heart, and facili- tate my commiffion, unleofe the knot of my tongue, that they may underftand my fpeech , give me Aaron to affilt me in this bufinels, that I may praife thee, and highly exalt thy glory,thon only art our protector, God faid, thy prayer isheard,we were favorable to thee another time, when we infpired thy mother | to put thee into a coffer, and expofe thee to the river of Nile’ the water drove thee to the fhore, whence Pharoah took thee; « Tcaufed thee to be beloved of him,to have care of my people; | when thy fifter fought tidings of what was become of thee, the faid, who will guide us where he is ? who will conduét ns tohim that keepeth him? we fent thee back to thy mother, to ftop her tears, and put an end to her affliction. Thou fleweft a man, we have delivered thee from the hands of thine enemiés, and have approved thy perfeverance; thou haft continued fome time with the inhabitants of Wadian; after this we fent thee to preach our Commandments ; I have made choife of thee,go with thy brother to Pharoah, and lie not in {peaking of me, he is gone aftray fromthe right way; fpeak to him both of of you,ywith mildnefs, peradventure he will hearken to you, and will fear the fire of hell ; they anfwered, Lord, we fear that he may torment, and rife up againft us ; he faid, fear nothing, I will be with you, hear what he will fay, confider his aétions ; addrefs your felves to him, and fay, we are the Meffengers of the Omnipotent God ; difmifs withus thechildren of Z/rael, and no more torment them, we,are come hither by the Com- mandment of God, thy Lord, Salvation is for fuch as follow ' the 191 192 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hapao, the right. way ; damnation for them that blafpheme againk his Law, and depart from his Commandments ; Pharoah faid unto them, who is your God? A4ofes faid,my God is he that created the world, and guideth men into the right way. Phoroah faid, what law did your predeceffors obferve ? what is become of them? AZofes anfwered,God knoweth in what condition they are;nothing is concealed from God,he extended the earth and eftablifhed the wayes; he caufeth rain to defcend from heayen, and maketh to.fgring forth the plants, herbs, and fruits which ye eate, and that nourifh your flocks. Thefe things are figns of his Omnipoteny to them that underftand them. We created you of earth, and to earth will we make you toreturn, and will caufe you to come out of it once again; we fhewed miracles to Pharoab,but he was incredulous, concemned them, and faid,0 Mofes \ Art thou come to drive us out of our Dominions with thy Magick 2? I will fhew thee [Magick ] like to thine ; letus meet at a place, and day prefixed between thee and me,to come together ; AZo/es faid unto him, let us make choifeo the day of your feaft; if it feem good to you, the people may aflemble at the Sunrifing: After this difcourfe, Pharoah withdrew, recolleéted all his fubtilties, and at the day and homt prefixed, came with his people to the place appointed, whete Adofes was, who faid unto them, mifery is upon you, bat phem not againft God, he will punith you, and deftroy them that blafpheme againfthim ; The people of Phoroah differed in opinion what they fhould do, kept their defign fecret, and faid to Pharoah, thefe two men are Magicians, they woul chafe youfrom your Countrey, through rheir Magick, andle- duce your fubjects from your Religion ; recolle& yout fibti\- ties and power, and chufe perfons capable co difpute again them, thisday fhall be happy co him chat hall be viétorious. They faid to Adgefes, wilt thou firkt caft thy ftaffe on the ground, or fhall we ours ? Their cordsand ftaves arofe agai AMofes through their Magick, and crawled : AMofes {pake low, between his teeth ; we faid unto him, fear nothing, thou fhale be victorious, caft thy ftaffe in thy right hand on the ground, it fhall devoure what they have done, it is but witchcraft and magick; hae ET HW te (hap.20. The Alcoranof MAHOMET, 193 magick, that produceth neither Profit nor Content. Then fell the Magicians of Pharooh proftrate onthe ground, and faid, We believe inthe God of Aaron and ALofes ; Pharoah faid unto them, believe ye in him without my permiffion ? Mofesis your mafter,1 wil cut off your right feet,and your left hands; or your left feet, and youir tight hands, and caufe you to be hanged on Palme trees, that ye may know who is the more fevere in his chaftifements, I, or the God of Afofes ; They faid,the miraclesthat thou haft feen,have they not touched thee? He that created us, doth things which are notin thy powét to performe ; thy power extendeth only in this world, we be- lieve in God our Lord, who will pardon our fins ; thou art the caufe that he abhorreth us with our magick, he is more pow- erfull then thou, and eternal; Hellis prepared for Tabdels, they fhall finde repofe neither in their life nor death, and the righteous that fhall do good works, fhall eternally enjoy the pleafures of the gardens of Eden, wherein flow many de- licious rivers, fuch is the reward of them that are purged from their fins. We faid unto AZsfes, go out by night with my peopie, and make them a drie path through the Sea, fear not that thine enemies may overtake thee, neither be afraid of being drowned, Pharoah thall follow them with his troops; ! will overwhelm inthe fea, and will miflead him with his peo- ple, he fhall not follow the right way. O: children of J/rae/t we delivered you from your enemies, and conducted you towards the mountains of Sizai: we caufed Manna and Quailes to defcend upon you, and faid, cate ye of the good things. that we have given you, and be not ungrateful, otherwife my wrath fhall fall upon you; he upon vvhom mine indignation fhail fall, fhall be thrown headlong into the fire of hell; } vvill be mer- ciful.to fuch asfhall convert, do good works, and follow the right way. O AZofes ! who preffed thee to abfent thy felf from thy people ? He anfwered, behold he that followeth my fteps, Tamcomeup to receive thy Commandments. We after thy departure eftranged thy people from thee, and Samery feduced them from the righc way;.he returned upon his fieps to his peo- ple, in great difpleafure, and faid, Oye people ! did not God Oo promife of MAHOMET. Chap.20. promife to you all manner of content? he protracted theef fe of his promifes, becaufe of your fins, will you that his wrath fall upon you ? wherefore have ye tranfgrefled what ye promifed to me? They faid, we have not tranfgreffed out promifes of our own accord ; we took the moft weighty orna- ments of the people, and caft them into the fire, Samery him= felf did caft themin; he made the body of a bellowing Calfe, and faid, with his followers, behold there your God, the God of AZofes whom he hath forgotten; Saw they not that this Calffpake not to them, and that it had not power to do good or evill? ¢Zaron had faid unto them, before the comming of Mofes; O ye people { you have been feduced by this Calfe; the mercifull is your God, and your Lord, follow and obey me : They faid, fhall' we abide here untill 270/es return ? Mo/es’ at his return faidunto e4aroz, whatehindred thee to follow me, when thou faweft them to turn afide from the Law of God? wherefore haft thon difobeyed me? O fon of my mother! (faid Aaron) drag me not by the beard, and haire, I feared to difpleafe thee, 1f I forfook the children of Z/rae/, and difobey thy Commandments ; Afofes faid unto Samery, what we thy defign? he anfwered, I faw what this people feeth not,! took an handfull of the earth of che footfteps of the Meflenger of God,and made the Figure of a Calfe,the faireft that I could; (Mofes faid unto him, go, get thee from amongus, thou fhalt fly the prefence ofmen all the dayes of thy life ; thou fhalt fay unto them, come not nigh me, touch me not, the time of thy punifhment ts appointed; thou fhalt not efcape it, behold thy falfe god, beliold the Calfe which thon haft adored, I will caule it to burn, and will caft the afhes therereofinto the fea ; your God is one God, and there is none other God, but the God that Knoweth all things: Thusdo I relate rarhee things palt 5 we have fent thee the A/coran, fuch as fhall abjure it, fhall bear their burthen at the day of Judgment, and be eternally tor- mented ; I will one day require an account of their burden, and will affemble them with all their fubtilties ; when the Trumpet fhallfound, they fhall demand of each other, how long they have continued in the world? they thall fay, they Chap..0: The Alcoran of MAHOMET. they have remained there but ten, dayes and ten nights, 1 know all that they will fay; the moft prudent among them fhall fay, that they have been but one day. They. fhall en- uire of thee concerning the Mountains; Say unto them, Ged fhall teare themup, and fevell them with the Earth, thou fhalt fee them levelled and beaten down: then fhall ; men without retardment follow him that fhall fummon them to univerfall Judgment , they fhall humble themfelves before God , thou fhale chat day hear low and humble voyces, that day fhall prayers be ineffe@tuall, except of them that fhallbe pleafing to God, whom he will permit to fpeak.. He know- eth whatfoever men do inthis world, and what mutt, befall them in the other, and they know it not, they fhall humble themfelves,and hang down the head before the living and eter. nall Lord ; all Infidels thall be damned, and the righteons of True-believers that have done good works, fhall not fear inju- fice. We have fent the A/coranin the Arabique tongue, it teachs eth men.our Commandments, peradventure they will. fear impiety ; it-teacheth them what they ought to know; Exale the glory of God, King of the world, he is trach it felfe ; prefle not thy felfe to read the Adcorau, untill thou haft well underftood it. Say, Lord encreafe my knowledge ; We heretofore prohibited Adam to eat of the forbidden fruic, he wasunmindfull of our Commandment, J foundin him no perfeverance. Remember thou that we.commanded the An- els to humble themfelves before him, they humbled them- felves, except the Devill, who refufed to do it. Remember that we faid, Adam, the Devill is thine enemy,.and the enemy of thy wife, he will, endeavour to. make. you muferable, to caufe you both to goe, onc of ;Paradife , where thou fuffereft neither hunger nof thirft, norcold, nor heats The Devill tempted them, and faid, oh Adam I will conduct thee to the tree of eternity, a creature that fhall never perifh , they did botheat of the froit of that tree , then knew they their flchinefle, and took the leaves of treesto cover their naked. nefle; Adam difobeyed his Lord, and became miferable, ne- vertheleffe he heard, and pardoned-him, and fhewed him the O 2 right 195 right way; he faid , defcend from Paradife, ye enemies of each other, I willhereafter fend you a guide, he that thalj followhim, fhall not erre, and fhail be bleffed ; He that thal goe aftray, and will not believe in me, fhall be miferable in the world, and blinde at the day of Judgment ; that day hall he fay, Lord, wherefore haft thou made me blinde ?- had good fight when was in the world: I did this day forget thee, as thou didft forget my Commandments ; thus do I intreat In fidels. Thetorments of the other world are more grievous then thofe of the Earth, and of longer continuance ; do not unbelievers tremble, when they confider how many men npon Earth we have deftroyed in paft Ages? Their mifery thall fetve for example to them that are wife; Had not thy Lord fad, that he will deferre the punifhment of the wicked untill the time appointed , he had already deftroyed them. Be path tient, and endure their difeourfe, praife thy Lord before tk Sunne arife, before it ferceth, an houre before night, anda the end of day thou fhalt doa thing acceptable to hime The fife of the world is feet to terapt you, but the richesof thy Lord are better, and-eternall. Command the people to make their prayers at the time appointed , and be not impatient to wards them ; I require no riches of thee, I will enrich thee,and in the end Paradife fhall be for the righteous. The unbekeves have faid , if AZzbomer theweth not fome miracle from God, and knoweth not the expofition of the books of ont prede- ceffors, we will not believe inhim ; VVe before his coming deftroyed many wicked perfons, who faid, Lord , hadft thou fent usa Prophet, we had obferved thy Commandments, be fore we became infamous, and laden with ignorninie; Say nnto them, every one: expecteth his end, expect ye , and yee thal! one day:know themthat follow the right way, and have hot erred, CHAD. Chap.21. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. CHAP, XXI. The (hapter of the Prophets, containing an hundred andtwelve Verfes, written at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. The day ap- | eae , wherein the people fhall render an accompt of their ations, butthey confider itnot, and depart from the Commandments of God ; if they hear them, they laugh, they underftand them not , and keep fecret their evill intentions. Isnot Adahomet aman like to you? VVill yee fay that he is a Magician ? you fee the contrary ; God heareth whatfoever is fpoken , both in Heaven and Earth , and knoweth all things. They fay,certainly A¢chomet hath dreamed what he fpeaketh, he hath invented it, and is a Poet , we will not be- lieve him, unlefs he thew fome miracle, as did the Prophets that were before him. VVe have layed watfte many Cities, becaufe their inhabitants were incredulous 3 we fent before thee but men who were infpired of us; Enquire of them, to whom heretofore was given the knowledge of the written Law, if ye know itnot ; they were men that did eat and drink, and were mortall ; we effected what we promifed ‘to them, we preferved them with fuch as believed, and deftroyed the incredulous ; VVe have fent you a Book to inftru@ you, will ye underftand it > How many infidell Cities have we made de- folate? How many new people have we eftablifhed in their place? When they felt our punifhment, they fled ; fly nor, and returne to what hath delighted you, returne inte your houfes, peradyenture-ye will-yet-covet the riches of the Earth; They faid, mifery is upon us, we are too blame ; Thus did they talke, uncill they were deftroyed. We have not created Heaven and Earth, and whatfoever is between them, to fport with; had it been our will-that they fhould have fcoffed on Earth , they fhould (coffe likewife in Heaven. On the con- trary, LT oppofethe truth to falfehood, to confound it, and in effect it.doth confound it, Mifery fhall beupon you, be- O 3 caufe The Alcoranof MatmomeT. (Chapar: caufe of your blafphemies ; whatfoever is in Heaven and Earth, is Gods ; the Angels.ate not afhamed to worhip him, they prayfe him day and night, and exalt his glory without biafphemic. The Infidels worfhip Gods: made of Earth; Have they power to create any thing? W ere there in Heaven, and on Farth another God ,they would not accord 5 praifed be God, Lord of the: Univerfe; what the Infidels velate, is un- fruc. He asketln no counfell when he will do any thing, asdo men 5 wilkthey worlhip any other God but him ? Say unto them, prodiice yonr arguments, behold what we have to-fpeak unto you; behold our reafons, and thofe of our predecet fors ; Certainly, the greateft part of them are ignorant of the truth, andigoe aftray. We infpired into all the Prophets which wefent, that there was but one God that ought to be worthipped. They faid; believe yee that the Angels are the fonnes of God? Prayfed be God ; on the contrary, they are his cteatwres, he loveth them, they fpeak not but. after hint, and obey what he commandeth them, he knoweth al) their actions paft, and future, they pray for no man bit through’his permiffion,and fear to difpleafe him. Who among them: will fay 1am God, inftead of God? he thall be cat headlong into the fire of Hell; thus do I intreat unbelievers: Know they not that the Heavensand the Earth were fhut up? We opened’ them, and gave lifero every thing , throngh the raine whichwe made to defcend ; willthey not belteve mmy unity? We created the Mountains to hinder the Earth to move, we made therein wayes large and fpacious for our Crea- tures, we covered it withthe Heaven, and have exemptedit from falling, nevertheleffe they defpife our Commandments, Iris the Lord who created day and night , the Moon and the Sunne, all things praife and exalt him in Heaven; we ere ated no. perfonto dwell for ever on Earth ; afl men fhall tafte of death, I will prove you with good and evill, and ye {hall appear before me to give accompt of your actions: The In fidels feoffeat you, when they fee you, and fay, behold them that derideour Gods.! They obey not the Commandments of God; hecreated man of duft, and thall thew you the . : e fects (hap.r1. The Alcoran.of Ms mom & T. fects of his omanipotency , be not impaticnt to fee the punith- ment of the wicked, whofay, when (hall-be the -way of Judg- ment? did they know.it, they wonld remove-the fire from theinbacks and vifages ; that day fhallfurprize them , it thal aftonifh them when they think leaft of ic, they cannot retard it, and {hall be deprived of protection, (Certainly:they fcor- ned the Prophets that-were fent before thee, but shey were punifhedafter. their demerits. Say unto them, who but «the merciful [.God] preferveth you.day and-night ? neverthe- lefsye reje& his Commandments; Havethey any other-God butume, that is ablecofave them? Their.Gods cannot defend themfelves : I will not protect them, yet willd enrichthem, as I enrichedtheir fathers, and will prolong their life, to:punith themon Earth; Know they not. that their eftates diminith on all fides through thy Conquelts ? Isit fo,thanthey arevicto- rious ? Say unto them, I preach to.youwhat God hath vinfpi- — red into.me, but the deaf'hear not when they are exhorted ; When they are a little.touched with the .chaftifements of God, they fay, oh mifery | VVearetoo blame, and areun- juft ; I will weigh their works at the day of Judgment, :that I may do;injuftice to noperfon, of the weight of a -grain of muftard-feed , and will moft exa&tly accompt, ..V Vegave-te Mofesand eAMuron the Book that diftinguifheth good from evill, andcommanded them topreach our-Commandments to them. that .had.our fear before their. eyes. That:Beok is blefled, and was fent from us; neverthelefs unbelievers»re- jeGtand condemneit. WVe heretofore inftruéted e4brabam in the right way , and knew thathe was arighceous man.:Re- member thou that he faid to his father, and hispeople , what Idols do. yeadore ? They faid, we finde that our Pathers.ado- red them; he faid unto them, your fathers. and:you were ex- ceedingly erroneous: they faid, doft thou {peak the truch, or-doft thowjeaft ? He faid, Certainly your Lord is the Lord of Heavenand Earth , Lfwear to you thathecreated them; Having convinced thofe Idolaters he faid, By God , I will make warreupon your Idols, he broke them with.an hatchet in their abfence, exceprthe greatelt Idoll, on which he aes O 4 is The Ateefanof MAHOMET. Chapat. hishatchet, and faid, peradventure they will accufe him to have broken the other : Seeing attheir returne their Idols broken,they faid, who hath in this manner handled our Gods? He isimpious; we heard itis a young man, named Abraham, who derideth them ,. bring him before the eyes of the people, perhaps they fhall finde witneffes of his a@ion, They faid unto him, oh Abraham | it is thou that halt fo abuled our Gods, he faid on the contrary, it is that great Idol ; The enquired of each other if thofe Idols {pake , and if they had motion; afterwards they returned to themfelves » and faid to the people, ye are too blame to adore thofe Idols: he threw them headlong againft the ground, and they faid, oh Abra. ham \ thou well kneweft that they fpake not at all; hean- fwered , why therefore do ye worthip what can neither bene. fit, nor hurt you? You.defile your felves in adoring them inftead of God, do yee not know him? Then they faid, burne e4braham , and letus defend our Gods, if ye are righ teous men; but we commanded the fire to lofe its heat, to preferve Abraham; They would have tormented him, and we deftroyed them, we. faved him , as we preferved- Lor, we conducted him into the Land of bleffing , gave him J/aag and 7acob, and the Children of their Children » Tighteous men, and True-believers, to inftru@ the people in the way of Salvation ; we infpired themto do good works, to pray at the time appointed , to pay Tithes, and to worthip us; We gave to.Lor prudence and. knowledge , and delivered him from the Inhabitants of the City, who were the: moft vicious upon Earth, we weregracioustohim, becaufe he was righ- teous. Remember Noah, and that he heretofore invoked US; we heard his prayer, and delivered him from great danger, and all that were with him in the Arke;we delivered him from the hand of the wicked, whom we drowned. Remember Dae vid, anid Salomow, who rendred Juftice in the field, whereinto the flocks of the village entred by night without Shepheards ; we are witnefle of their Judgments, we inftruéted Salo. mon in Jultice, we gave him prudence and knowledg; the Mountains adored us with David , and with him the. Chap.21. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 201 the Birds praifed us; we were with them: when they praifed us. We taught you the maner of fowing [ feed } to preferve you from neceffity ; peradventure ye will be thankfultome, Wecommanded the windsto obey Salomon, and knowall that he did. The Devils obeyed him, they dived into the Sea, to fifh for Gems for him, and travelled alfoin other matters ; and wehindred them to att mifchief again(t / men. Remember ob, who prayed to his Lord, and faid, lam in exceeding great affii@ion ; thou art the merciful of the merciful: VVeheard him, and delivered him from his afficti- on; gave tohim our grace, and to his family, and to them that were with him, who had patience, and trufted in me. Remember J/mael, Enoch, * Delcafel, and Zachary , they * Delcafel is perfevered in wel doing ; we gave them our grace, becaufe £/. they were righteous. Remember Ponas, who forfook his peo- See the Book ple in difpleafure ; he believed I could do nothing againft ohn ay . him; but.hecryed inthedark, and faid, There is no God be- fides thee, praifed be thy name ; I am too blame for having offended thee: We heard him, and delivered him from his difafter. Thus do I protect True-believers, when they invoke me. Remember Zachary, who made his prayer, and faid, Lord, I know there is no better Heir in the world then thy felf; yet let menot dy without iffue : We heard his requeft, gave him a fon, named Joh», and rendred his wife fruitful. All thefe Prophets went on with alacrity to do well, and invoked us with humility, with defire to obtain our grace, and with fear of the torments of Hell... Remember. A4ary, whofe womb I bleffed ; we infpired into her our Spirit, and gave her a Son, a miracle in the world. Your Law is.oneonely Law, and I am one onely God, worfhip me, and be not impious ; ye all thall appear before me tobe judged. I will prore& the True- believers that fhall have done good works, and will write what they fhall do for their reward. Milery is upon the Cities that we have ruined; their inhabitants fhallnot return into the world, until the paffage be opened to Pagog and Magog, and they come running from the eminent places of the earth ; then fhall the day of Judgment approach ; the promifed 202 The At : zh of MAHOMET. (Chap.ar. promifed Truth thallnotbefaroff, it (hall trouble thefight of the wicked : Who fhall fay, O mifery! We are miferable, we did fot forefee this difafter ; we have been exceedingly too blame for having offended God. It thall be faid unto them, Ye worthipped inftead of God, the firebrantds-of ‘Hell , into which ye fhall becaft headlong: Had your Idols beenGods, asye believed, they fhould not have entred Hell |; they, and thofe thathave adored them, fhall be eternally damned; they fhall groan, complain, and fhall not beheard: Such asthallbe in Paradife, fhall be far remote from them ; they fhall-nor hear their howlings, and thall enjoyeternally what they-thall defire; theciyes of the damned ‘fhuall not affliéthems the Angels{halimeet them when they:come ourof their graves, and fhall fay, Behold now the day chat was foretold yonin the world ; a day, wherein we will pen the'Heavens, and the Book of the accompvof alimen, aswe promifed coyout predeceffors, We exaétly perform what we promife ; we Have ‘writtenin ‘the Old Teftament, and afterwards *in “the Alcoran, That the righteous fhall inherit the Earth : This Book fhail teach the way of Paradife tothem ‘that thall wor fhipme : Wehad not fent thee, but in favor of men ; fay unto them, God hath always infpired into me, that your Gedisone God, willye not obey him? If they goaftray, I have taught youhow they muft be intreated. Say untothem, I knownot whether the punifhment denounced to you thall be fpeedy, or tardy. ‘God knoweth what is known, and unknown inthe world ; I know’ not whether he will try you, or deferhis punifhment until the time appointed - Heis a moft jut Judg, and moft merciful ; ‘heis not fuchasyefpeak him. (hap.22, The Aleoran of MAHOMET. CHAP. XXII. The Chapter of Pilgrimage , containing feverty and [even Verles, written atMecca. pis the name of God, gracious and merciful. Oye people / fear God. The Earthquake that thalt happen at the day of Judgment fhall be wonderful ; ye hall thar day fee mothers forget their children,and every one fhall bear his own burden ; ye fhall fee men drunk, not with wine, but amazed and 4- ftonifhed at the great judgments of God. ‘There be, who difpute of the Deity with ignorance, and'follow the willof the Devil, voluntary, and obftinate: Tt is written, he thall fe- duce them that obey him, and fhall condu@ them into Hell. O yepeople | if ye doube of the Refurreétion, confider how we created you of the duft of the Earth ; with a litrle water fprinkled upon the duft, with congealed blood, and’ a little fiefh intirely, and not intirely formed. I formin the wombs of women, what feemeth good to me, at the time appointed. I caufe you to come forth children, then T give You life, and make you to arriveto the age of virility; fome die young, and others live to extremity of age, tothe end they may learn to live ‘well. Confider the Earth, dry, dead, and barren ; when we fhall caufe rain to fall, it thall change the face, thal pro- duce and noutith its fruits of all forts, fair, and pleafing: Be~ caufe God is truth it felf, he raifeth again the dead, and is Omnipotent. There is no doubt but the day of Judgment approacheth , and that God willcaufe the dead co rife again. There be men that difpute of God without knowledg, without realon, without authority, and go aftray from the way of his Law ; they thall be full of ignominy and thame in this world, and fhall feel inthe other, the pains of Hell, God doth no injuftice tohis people. There be who adore him with feruple ; if good befal them, they perfevere to adore him ; if evil’ they return to their impiety, and lofe the riches of Earth, and the riches of Heaven: Thele two lofies are exceeding great ; they See Kitab el tenvire The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.22. they invoke Idols inftead of God ; they invoke what can neither benefit, nor hurt them + Such, prayers are by-ways, far remote from the Commandments of God; they worthip that which doth rather mifchief, nor advantagethem. Cer. tainly, God (hall make the True-believers,that do good works, to enter into Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers ; he doth what feemeth goodto him. He that is angry, that God giveth fuccor, and protection to Adahomet in this world, and. inthe other, let him tye a cord toa beam of his houfe, and hang him felf ; he fhall fee if his choller willbeallayed. God hath fent the Alcoran, as heretofore he fent the other Scriptures; it containeth his Commandments , clear and intelligible; it guideth into the right way whom it pleafeth him: Heat the day of Judgment (hall judg the differences that are between the faithful, and Infidels; between the Samaritans, the Chi. ftians, and Idolaters ; he isomnifcient, Seeft thou nottht all that is in Heaven, and on Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Mountains, Trees, and Beafts, adore him? Man worthip him with zeal,but many likewife merit to be la None hall efteem him, whom God fhall defpife ; hedothas feemeth good tohim. Thefe two contrary parties, the Be. ijevers and the Infidels, have difputed of the Deity 5 bute Infidels hall be encompafled with flames of Hell, they hall have fhirts of fire, boyling water fhall flow in upoa theit heads; the fire fhallburn what is in their bellies, and thall roaft their skin, they fhall be beaten with clubs of iron; when they think to go out of this fire, they fhall enter further into it, and be eternally tormented. God thall caufe the True- believers, that have done good works, to go into Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers ; they fhall be adorned with brace- lets of Gold, and Pearls ; they thal be clothed with Silk, and enjoy eternal felicity, becaule they have profeffed his Unity; and the Infidels hall faffer great torments, for that they have hindred the people to imbrace the Faith, and vifit the Temple of Mecca, which God hath eftablifhed to be therein adore of all the world: He that hall be foliciced to vifit it, a0 fhallenter it, with defign to return to his impiety, {hall feverely (hap.22. The AlcoranofM aH OMET. feverely punifhed. Remember, that we fhewedto Abraham the place ro build the Temple of Adecca; that we commanded him to adore me alone, and topurge my Temple from Idols, for the fatisfaction of them that {hould there make proccflions. Men hall come thither to vilic thee from all parts,on foot, and on horfe-back ; they thall receive profit, they fhalkthere make their prayers at the times appointed, and the days nominated ; they {hall thank the Lord for his benefics towards them, \ and the riches which he hath given them; and fhall make likewife proceffions at the old Temple. He that fhall reverence it,thall do exceeding well, and fhall be recompenced of his Lord. Jr is lawful for you to eat of all clean Beafts; except of fuch as have been heretofore prohibited : Depart from the pollution of Idols; beware of bearing falfe witnefs, and be obedient to God. He that faith, God hath a Companion, is like to him that fell head-long from Heaven, whom the Birds de- voured, and the wind caft into a remote place, full of miferies. He that fhall reyerence thefignes of the power of God, will not doubt of his Law, and fhall be rewarded for his good works-at the time appointed, if he vifit the old Temple of Mecca. Wehave given to.abl Nations of the world alaw.to ' offer thei Sacrifices, and toreturm thanks to theis Lord, for having given them advantage above all fortsof Beafts. Your God is one God, obey his Commandments, proclaim a great reward-to.them that are obedient to him, to them that tremble with fear, when they hear mention of his mame ; that are pati- entin their adverficy, that pray at the cime appointed, and difpence iralms fome part of the wealth thae we have given them. We havecreated the female. Cameél for.afign of our unity, fhe fhall be profitable to you in this world. Remember to. pronounce the name of God, when ye fhall faczifice her, ftanding on her feet ; when the fhall fall dead cn the ground, eat of her fichh, if it like you, and give to eat to fuch as fhall require it. We have made her fubje@ cogou; perad- venture ye will bethankful to me for this grace. God pro- moteth before him, neither the fleth of this Bealt, nor the blogd, but onely the good works that ye perform, Ke hath thils eee 205 The Pil- grims Sacri= fice a Cam- melac Mecca 206 Sze Gelaldin. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hapa. thus fubjected it, That ye may exaltit,and give him thanks for having guided you into the right way. Proclaim to the righ. teous, That God will remove far from them the malice of the wicked ; he abhorreth Traycors, and theingrateful: Declare to fuch as fight againft Infidels, to repair the injury they haye done them ; that.God is fufficiently powerful to protet them. When they were driven from their houfes withou reafon ; they faid, God is our Lord ; Had not God ftirred up the people againft cach other, the Covents of the Religious, the Churches of the Chriftians, the Synagogues of the Jews, and the Temples of the Believers, had been ruined, (through the multitude of the wicked, and their malice. ) Thettame of God is exalted in the Temples of believers, and therein ish Law defended and proteéted. God is moft ftrong ; he hathal power over his people. Thofe whom God hath eftablithe on Earth, with victory overtheir enemies, make their prayes in the maner ordained ; pay Tithes, and enjoy todo whats honeft and civil; forbid todo what is prohibited of vd, who knoweth the end of all things. If thé Infidels tradag thee, their predeceflors traduced Noah, Aad, Chaib, Abram, and Lor, they alfo flandered AZofes: God for a time deferted their punifhment, but intheend moft feverely ehaftifed them How many Cities have we deftroyed,becaufe of their impiety? We have overthrown, and made them defart, chrough the death of their inhabitants. Shall thofe of Aecea walk for ever upon Earth, with an hard heart, without refledting upon what hath herecofore befaln the Infidels > Their eyes are not blinde, but their hearts are blinde, and hardned: Theywill te- quire thee to caufe the wicked tobe fpeedily chaftiled; Got will not go againit what hehath promifed: One day before thy Lord, is as a thoufand yeers before men. Howorfren hath the punifhments of impious Cities been deferred, that in the end were deftroyed ?> The whole world fhall one day be ailemb ted before me, tobe recompenced after theif merits Say unto them, O people 17 preach unto you publikely the torments of Hell ; fach-as thal} believe, and do good works, fhall receive pardon of their fins, and 4 precious treafare; they £33 NY (hap.22. The Alcoranof Mauomer. . they that fhall endevor to make voyd the faith, thall be damn- t ed. We fent our Prophet to reade only our Commandments « tothepeople; the unbelievers reade many things that are not ) inthe Alcoran ; but God hath made vain whatthe Devil had there inferted, and confirmed the precepts of his Law: What | the Devil there inferted, ferveth for edition to themthat are «, weak in their faith, and have an hard heart, The Infidels arein i; an exceeding great error, and are far fromthe Truth. Such as have the knowledg of Scripture, know that the A/coran is r truth it felf, which proceedeth from thy Lord : They believe init, and humble their heart in reading ir, God guideth into r,the right way {uch as believe in the truth : The Infidels thall bé ,,in doubt, until they be furprized of the day of Judgment. What day fhall they be rigoronfly chaftifed , that day thalf God ommand, and judg the good and the bad ; the righteous that ,, nall have believed, and done good works, thall enter into de- ,,icious Gardens ; and the Infidels that fhall have difobeyed is Commandments, thal] faffer exceeding great torments, bandon the fociety of unbelievers, and wereflain, or died of 'icknefs, fhall be rewarded of his divine Majefty.. God. is the “sreateft benefactor in the world ; he fhall give them toenter “where they fhall defire ; he is omnifcient, and moft merciful, "The believers that hall take revenge of the injury that the ‘unbelievers have done them, thall be protected of God: He is gracious and merciful towards his people ; he maketh day to enter into night, and night into day ; he heareth the prayers ‘of True-believers, and feeth whatfoever they do ; and will protect them, becaufehe is cruth ic felf. Idols are but vanity ; ‘and God is moft high, and omnipotent. Doft thou not con- fider that God fendeth the rain from Heaven, and thac the Earth becometh green > He is benign to his people , and knoweth all [ things ;7} whatfoever is in Heaven and Barth, is his ; he hath no need of his people, and onghe to be exalted. Seeft thou not that God hath fabjedted to you all the beafts that are upon the earth? Secit thou not that the {hip runneth npon the fea, through his command, to tran{pore 207 hey that departed from Adecca; and went to Medina, toSee Gelaldin, ‘The Alcoran of MaHOMET. Chap..2* tranfport you and your fubftance ? Seeft thou not, thathe hindreth heaven to fall upon the earth? certainly he is benign, and merciful-He it is that hath given you life and death , he fhall make you todie, and-fhall raife you again, neverthelels man is ingrateful for his favors. We have given a lawtoall the Nations of the world, to guide them into the right way ; if they obferveit, they will not difpute againft thee. Invoke thy Lord, thouart in the right way ; if they difpure againft thee; Say unto them, God knoweth all your aétions, he {hall judge your differences.at the day of Judgment: knowelt thou not that God knoweth whatfoever is in heaven or in earth? Allis written, and this is molt eafie to his divine Majefty. Idolaen adore without reafon, Idols that underftand not whether thy be gods or no, that fhall be without protection: at the days Judgment ; when they preach to men my Commandments, they know by their countenance thofe that are impious, and it grateful for my graces; they would with wrath fall upon then that inftruétthem. Say unto them, Ideclare unto you chig more grievous: God hath prepared the fire of hell to callie Infidels. O people ! Aparable is related to you, hear it All the Idols that ye adore cannot create a flie; when they fhil be affembled to doit, ifthe flies corrupt any thing thatisir fered to them, they havenotthe power to drive themawa, becaufe of their impotencie, andthe weaknefs of them thats. dore them : They praife not God in that manner asis jultand reafonable,he is moft ftrong,and moft powerfulshe hath cholen meffengers to bear and execute his Commandments. = Angels and men; he heareth. whatfoever they fay, lseholdeti whatfoever they do, he knoweth whatfoever they fave done, and.all things obey him. O ye that believe / honor and wor {hip your Lord, and do good, perhaps ye. fhall bebleffed: Fight forthe eftablifhmenc of his Law with affe@tion, he hath chofen youto follow it; he hach not given you a baw heavy, and troublefom, Je; is. the Law of edbrahim your fatheh he hath flited you the Refigned-to God, before the comiti of tht Alccran: Yhe Prophet thall teltitie againft yowar the di of Judgment, and ye thall ceftifie againit che people; i Propatt Chap.23. The Alcoranof M aHomeT. Prophet hath preached to them the right way ; perfevere in your prayers, pay tithes, and truft in God, he is your Lord,and your Protector. CHAP. XXIII. The Chapter of True Believers, containing an hundred and eigh- teenVerfes, written at Mecca. the Name of God, gracious and mercifull, Certainly the i believers fhall be bleffed, that make ‘their prayers with tfimility ; they abftain from reviling, they pay tithes, they commit not whoredom, they touch not other women then their own, and their flaves ; fuch as covet other, tranfgrefs the bounds of reafon; they that faithfully preferve what hath been entrufted to them; they that effect what they have promi- fed, and that make their prayers at the. time appointed, fhall be heirs of Paradife, where they fhall dwell eternally. We for- med man of the duft of the earth, with mire, blood congealed, with a little flefh and bones, which we ‘invefted. with skin; we-another time created him, when we breathed in- to him-the foul in the body, and bleffed him, as‘one of our faireft ornaments. O men ! ye all fhall die, and hall rife again See Geladin. at the day of Judgment ; wecreated above you feven heavens, and have care of the confervation of all people that are be- neath ; we fend water from heaven to fatistie: your neceffities ; we make it tofall upon the earth, and have powerto caufé to pafs away and deprive you [ of it. | Wehave created, and made gardens-to: bring forth Date-trees, Grapes, and many other fruits, by which ye live ; we created trees'in the moun- 209 tain of Sina, that produce oyl,and* tinétore; ye receive great * Or dying advantage by: beatts, they fultain you with milk, and afford colours, you many other profits, ye mount them; and fhips alfo to car- ri¢-you whither ye defireto go. We. fent Noah, who fpake to the people, and faid, worfhip one God alone, what other god will ye implore but him? Willye not fear to. worfhip ais P ther ? anof MAHOMET. Chapay. ther? The chief among: the people that were Idolaters, iid to their adherents, This man is 4 man like your felyes, he would appear, and be efteemed more then yous if God would be adored alone, as he (faith, he would caufe an Angel to defcend, that fhould bring his Commandments ; we haye not heard fpoken to our predeceffors, what he faith; he is a man poffeffed of the devill, tarry, and ye fhall fee what will be- come of him : Then Woah faid, Lord, procec me againk them, and defend me from their blafphemies ; we commanded him to build an Ark, when our Commandment was given to de- {troy the wicked, and when the water of his caldron boyled, we commanded him to enter into the Ark, with two deafts of every kinde, and fpecies; all men we deftroyed, ‘except them of whom we have before fpoken, (we faid unto him) fpeak not to me for Infidels, they (hall be drowned, when thou fhale have taken.order for every thing that mult enter into the Ark with thee. . Say, praife be to God, who hath delivered us fromthe malice of the wicked, Lord, give us to defcend in ablefled place, thou art the beft Pilotin the world. It was a fign of my omnipotency to prove the people of Noah + we created afte them another people, to whom we fent an Apoftle, to infttit themto worfhip one God ; and he faid, what God willie adore other thea God)? will ye not fear his wrath? Theit Doctors that were impious,who denied the Refarrection of the fieth, and on whom we had conferred the wealth of theeatth, faid, he isa. man,he eateth and drinketh like you,if ye obey not a man like to your felves,thall ye be deftroyed?doth hepromile yato return into the world, after having been: bonesand doft ?O abufe!O abufe ! ye are abufed in what he promileth, he is a man like others, he isa lyar, we will not believe him: That Apoftle faid, Lord, preferve me from their blalphemits, they {hall repent faddenly of their impiety; chen rhunder far- prifed them, anddeftroyed them, as they deferved; we made the landdry and barren withone fruit, and created other pet fons in their place. Man cannot die before his hour, and none can retard it; we fent our Apoftles, and our Prophets to in- fteudt the people, but they were flain one after another, every 2 Yoda Nation rry ed ee Chap.23. The Alcoran of Ma HOME T. Nation traduced the Prophet that we fent tothem, and we made them ferve for examples to pofterity, and deftroyed the wicked: We fent CVo/er and his brother e4aron to Pharoah, and his Doétors, with our miracles, and with mroft intelligible reafons; they arofé againft the Faith, they tormented che children of I/rwel, and faid, fhall we believe im a man like to our felves. of themthat obey us? They flandred both of them, and were inthe number of the damned. We gave'to AZo/er the Book of the Law, peradventure it will guide the childretr of T/rael inco the right way ; wecreaved Pe/vs: and’ Afary his mo> ther, they arefigns of our Unity ; we eftablifhed them in an eminent place, where they ftayednere a fountain: O Apoftles and Prephets! cat of the fruits of the earth, and do good, I know whatfoever ye do; your Lawis one Law, and Talone am our Lord; take heed to your felves, follow not the law of the Infidels, every one liketh wharhe doth, depart from che wicked, and leave theminttheir errors, anaccompt fhall be re- quired'of them of the:riches, and of the children. that we have’ given them, but they know it not. Such'as fear the punifhment of their Lord, that obey hisCommardinents, profefs his Unity, give alms of the fubftance that he hathigiven them, and fear in their heart, that they are not acceptable torthemt, fhall appear inthis prefence ;: fuch. asfhall obey him, fhall enjoy his grace’; he'requireth not of any man'what he is unable to perform: We have abookthardeclarerhitl . cruchy no injuftice thall’be done to him thar thalbdowhat heisable’; certainly che Infidels are in ignoranceof the Alcoram, they at what is quite contrary, to that which is commanded truebelievers ; but we have pu- nifhed the chief among them in their profperity. Be nor this day refolite, yee fhall not be protected of us. Our Com- mandments are taught you, neverthelefs ye are returned upon yourfteps, and are rifer againft the Faith, and in difcourfing by night, withdrew your felves from the righteous. Confider they notthe words [of the Alcoran 2] Doth it contain any thing that hath not been ordained to’ their predeceffors? Know they not the Prophet that God hath fent to them ? VVherefore will they not acknowledg him? VVill they fay P32 that nof MAHOMET. Chapiaz. that he is poffeffed of the devill? On the contrary, he teacheth them the truth,neverthelefs the greateft part of them deteft him; if their will had place, heaven and earth, and whatfoever is be. twixt them fhould be confounded ; we have inftruéted them in the Law which they ought to obferve,but they have renounced it; Doft thou require of them any recompence for thy inftra- tions? Thy Lord fhall reward thee, there is none that is of power to recompence thee better then He. Call chem to the right way; fuch as (hall not believe the Refurre@tion, fhalf err. Ifwe pardon and deliver them from affliion, chey will {till continue in their errors, to their confufion ; we heretofore chaftifed them, neverthelefs they humble not themfelyes, nei- ther implored their Lord ; and when we opened upon them the gate of our Judgments, they. became defperate. God hath given you fight, hearing, and fenfe, but few among you return hun thanks ; he it isthat hath created you of carth, ye thall one day be affembled before him to be judged ; he it is that giveth life and death, and maketh the difference of day and night, ~willyou not honor him, neither confider ? On the contrary, they have faid, as did their predeceffors, wherefore fhallwe die? our bones fhall beduft, and thall we tife again? This was heretofore promifed to our fathers, and tous, certainly it is bucan old fong ; Say unto them, to whom appertaineth the earth, and whatfoever is in the earth, j co know [ itsCreator and King 7] “They will fay, it is Gods; Say unto them, know ye not then, that he that created youcan raife you again? VVho is Lord of the feven heavens? who poflefleth the throne of heaven ? They will fay, it is God ; fay unto them, will ye not, fear then to worthip any other God but him ? Say unto them, who is King ofall things ? who fu- {taineth them, and is fuftained of none ? They wall fay, thatit is God ; Say unto them, why then do ye deceive your felves ? we have taught them the cruch, but they have rejeéted it, and faid, that God had a fon ; were there another God with God, the one wonld undo. what che other hath done, and they would rife the one againft the other. Praifed -be Ged, what they affirm is not true, God knoweth that is palt,, the: . prefent, | * (hap.23. ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. prefent, and the future, he hath no companion; Say, Lord, give me to fee the effe@ of all that thou haft promifed to them, and put me not among the unjuft, deliver us from evill, and do good to us, I know their impiety; Lord deliver me from the temptations of the devill, deliver me from their malice ; when any one among them dieth, he faith, Lord, permit me to return into the world,I will do better then I have done; there isno return, it is to fpeak in vain, there is an obftacle behinde them, that detaineth them untillthe day ot Judgment; when the Trumpet hall found, nothing hall retard them, they fhall not glory, nor difcourfe with each other; the ballance of the bleffed fhall be heavy with good works, and the ballance of the curfed thall be light of good works. Have not my Com- mandments been preached unto you, wherefore did ye con- cemn them ? They fhall fay, Lord, our mifery prevailed over us, we were miflead, Lord deliver us from this mifery, the con- trary was promifed to us, truly we are exceedingly too blame. It fhall be faid unto them, depart into the fire,and never {peak tocome out. Many of them that worfhip me, fay, Lord, we believe in thee, ‘pardon ourfins, thou art merciful. Yehave: derided them, O ye wicked! and have defpifed my Com- mandments, but I will reward them for their perfeverance,and they fhallbe bleffed. It fhall be faidto thofe that rife again, how many yearshave ye remained in the earth? they thall anfwer, we have been there a day, or fome dayes; ask of the Angelsappointed to keep the accompt, ye have been there but a little time, did ye know-it,do-you believe that 1 havecreated, and affembled you before me in vain? Praife and exalt God, King of Truth, there is no God buthe, he is king of heaven ; he is void of reafon that invoketh another god with Him, he fhall give accompt of his a¢tions, and the Infidels fhall be mi- ferable : Say, Lord, pardon the fins of the righteous, thou art the great merciful. B-3 CHAP. *Ts a manor boy kept un- lawfully: See Geuidin, This is 4b- dzlis bin Se- foith. Icon of MAHOMET. (hp.24: CHAP, XXIV. The Chapter of Light , containing feventy and foure Verfes, Written at Medina. N the Name of God, gracious and mercifull, Wehwe fene this Chapter containing our Commandments clearind in- telligible, peradventure ye will learn them. The * Cata- mite and the Concubine fhall be whipt with an lundred ftripes; take heed Jeft clemency caufe you to forget he pre- cepts of the Law of God , believe in his divine Majefy, and the day of Judgment; Some of the True-believers hall be witnefles of their punifhment ; The Catamite lying with a Concubine, or an Infidell, the Concubine lying with: Cat mite or Infidell, thefe things are forbidden the Trne-be- lievers. He that fhallaccufe an honeft woman of alultery, fhall be whipt with twenty four ftripes, unlefs he pove his accufation by four witneffes, and fhall never be. cretited i teftimony. They that do fuch things, are without the obedi- ence of God, except thofe that repent, and fatisfie wiat they owe, God fhallbe to them graciousand mercifull. They chat fhall accufe their wives of adultery , and have no wenefles, fhall fwear four times that they fpeak the truth, and hall che fifth time call for the curfe of Godto be upon them, if they be lyars. The wife fhall be exempt from punifhmen, if fhe {wear foure times that her husband isa lyar, and if he fifth time fhe pray chat the wrath and indignation of Godmay be upon her, if what her husband hath faid be true ; In this manner doth God gratifie you, that ye may underftnd the truth, he is moft gracious and moft wife, That Troup che made defection from the True-believers withalye,.and fale tefti- mony, did youno harme; onthe contrary , they didadvan- tage you; every one thall bearthe burden of his fines, the moft malicious among them fhall be thrown headimg into the torments of Hell; It wasanhappinefs that ye hard the fenfe of the Believers from their own mouth, when tly faid, that ’ ae (Chap.24. The Alcoran of M AHOMET. 215 that thofe men lyed impudently ; if they had not prefented thofefoure witneffes, they had found none other, they are One of aa lyars, without the grace and mercy of God, they fhould shia have ilready felt great torments in this world, and in the o- of adultery ther, becaufe of that impofture - When they fpake of what with safoitan, they were ignorant , ye deemed it to be nothing ; but it is an by Mahomers exceeding great fin before God , if when ye heard it, yee Snemes. faid, hat to {peak of thofe things did not concerne you , ye knew it to be an impofture, God forbiddeth you to relapfe, if ve bdieve in his Law , he thus declareth to you his pleafure, he is pmni(cient and moft prudent ; Such as defire to caft ob- loquie among the True. believers, hall be rigoroufly chaftifed in ths world, and in the other, God knoweth that of which ye are ignorant: Had not God been favourable to you, he had chaftifed youin burning fury, he is gracious and mets cifull Oh ye that are True-believers! follow not the foot- ftepsof the Devill, he will enjoyne you vice and fin; had not God gratified you with his mercy, not any among you fhould have been purged fromthat impofture, but God puri- fiethwhom he feeth good, he heareth all, and knoweth all yourintentions. The moft rich , and powerfull among you havenot fworne to dono good to their parents, the poore, or tc them that fight for the Law of God , neverthelefs they doitnot tothem, and flie them ; defire they not that God fhould pardon them ? He is neither gentle nor pitiful! but to- wards True-believers. They that accufe of immodefty , wo- menchafte , innocent, and faichfull, hall be accurfed in this word, and hall faffer great torments at the day , when their tongues, their hands, and their feet fhall teftifie againft them ; at the fame time thall God pay to them what fhall be due unto then without injuftice , and they fhall know that God ts truth it felfe, The wicked women fhall {peak as the wicked men, andthe wicked men as the wicked women: The good [wo- met] fhall fpeak as the good {_ men ‘] and the good [men ] as tic good women ; the good are innocent of the impofture of the wicked, they fhallenjoy the grace of God , and the treiures of Paradife, Obye that are True-belicvers ! enter P4 not mest Aledran of MAHOMET. Chap.24. The not into anothers houfe without permiffion , if ye falute them that dwell there, ye fhalldo well; peradventure ye wil} be mindfull ; if ye finde none of the houfe, enter not with- out permiffion ; if they fpeak toyou toreturn, ye fhall re- turn , it is better (then to ftay at the doore) God beholdeth allthat ye do, ye fhall not offendGod to enterinto houfes inhabited , if ye have affaires there, God knoweth all your intentions. Speak unto the True-believers, that they containe their fight, that chey be chafte, that they do good, and that God knoweth all their a@tions. Speak unto the true- believe. ing women, that they containe their fight, and that they be chafte , that they fuffer nothing of their beauty tobe feen, but what ought to be feen, that they cover their bofome, andtheir vifage, that they permit them not to be feen, but by theirhul- di bands , their Children, the Children of their husbands , their brothers, their nephews, their fitters, their women, and i their daughters, maid-fervants, and flaves by their. dome- i . ftiques, that are not capable of marriage, by children that re- iG i i gard not the beauty of women , and that they move not theif u° feet, to fhew they are well fhod. Implore pardon of God, peradventure ye thall be happy ; many maidens of your own Religion, the daughters of the righteous, or your flaves, if they bepoore, God fhall enrich them with his grace , he is moft ; liberalland omnifeient. Such as have not means to many, i fhall live chaftly, untill God hath given them means : Such as : " have defire tomarry their flaves, fall have power to pafle a Contract of marriage , if they know them to be wife, and fhall give them part of the wealth that God hath beftowed on them, defpife not your wives that are chafte,to commit whore- dome ; ifye defire good in this world , if yee contemne them, God thall be cothem propitious and mercifull ;. We have fent to youthefeprecepts, clear and intelligible, like to hem that were taught your Predeceffors, to be preached to the righte- ous ; God riluminateth the Heaven and the Earth » as the Lamp that isin the Lanthorne of Chryftall, fed with oyle of the bleffed Olive ; It Semeth to bea Star full of light, which gocth neither to the Welt, nor the Eaft, and yeildeth bagi ; ne 216 y i. \ AE ae ee Chap.24. The AlcoranofM AH OMET. 2 nefs upon brightnefs ; God guideth by his light whom it plea- feth him, he teacheth his people parables , and is omnifcient, he permitreth you to prayfe him in your houfes, there to be mindful! of his name, and to exalt him evening and morning. Oh ye men! your affaires ought not to hinder your remem- brance ofthis divine Majefty, to make your prayers at the time appointed neither to pay Tithes. Fear the day when the hearts of men fhall be perplexed, and their fight troubled, when God Thall reward and chaftife every one after his works , and fhalf augment his grace upon the good ; he enricheth with his innu- merable benefits whom to him feemeth good. The good works of the wicked are like to:mifts in a {pacions plain, they feeme to be water, when afar off,and being approached, nothing isto be there found ; They thal! finde before God the Book, wherein is written whatfoever they have done, he fhall punifh them accor- ding ro their demerits , he is exact to keep accompt. Their ations are moreover like to the darkne(s that is in the bottom of the fea, that iscovered with'wave upon wave, obfcurity and darknefs upon one another, he that is in this darknefs can- not fee his hand ; he that fhall not be illuminated by God, fhall not fee ajot : Seeft thou not , that wharfoever ts in Hea- ven and Earth exalteth the glory of God? The Birds extend their wings beforehim to praife hin, he heareth the prayers of allhiscreatures, and underftandeth the prayfes that they givehim, he knoweth all that they do, he is King of Heaven and Earth, the refuge of allthe world: Seeft thou not how he affembleth the clouds? how he placeth them one upon an- other? Confidereft thou not. how the rain faileth through their pores? and that God caufeth frefh water to defcend from the mountains? He hath given it to whom feemeth good ro him, he canfeth the brightnefs of lightning to approach men, which blindeth their fight , and overwhelmeth the day with night ; Thefe things are fignes of his omnipotency,to them that confidesthem : He created ofa little water, all forts of living Creatures ; fome creep upon the Earth, others walk tpon two feet, and others upon four; he created what pleafed him, he is omnipotent. Certainly, he hath fent a Law clear and intelli- gible, 117 218 The Alcoran of Man omET. (haprg. gible, to conduét into the right way whom it fhall feem good tohim. The Infidels fay, We believe in God,and his Prophet ; neverthelefs a party among them abandon his Law, and be. lieve not in his divine Majefty: When they are called before God, and before the Prophet, to judg their differences, many among them refufe to come ; if they come, it ts with con- ~ tempt. Theyare greatly affli€ted at heart, do they fear that God and his Prophet will do them injuftice ? On the contrary, they themfelves are unjult. When the True-believers are called before God, and the Prophet, to be judged; they fay, We have heard and obeyed, they are not ignorant. Thofe that fhall obey God, and his Prophet, fhall be bleffed. Many {wear to fight gallantly for the Faith, when they fhall be com- manded to march againftthe enemy ; fay unto them, Sweat not, your obedience to the Prophet fhall be preferred to yout oaths, God knoweth whatfoever ye do ; fay unto them, Obey God, and his Prophet ; if they be difobedienr, they fhall beat their burden, and ye fhall bear your own ; if ye obey,ye thal follow theright way. The Prophet is obliged onely to preadh intelligibly ; God promifeth to the True-believers, that {hall do good works , that they fhall live long upon earth, ashe promifed to them that were before them, that they might eftablith the Law that he gave them ; he fhall change their feat into aflurance ;_ he fhall deliver them from terror, aes | may adore him alone,without Companion. He that ts wicked, will depart from the obedience which he oweth to God: Make your prayers at the time appointed, pay Tithes,and obey the Prophet , God fhall give you hismercy. Believenot that the Infidels are more powerful on Earth then we ; they {hall be precipitated into the fire of Hell. O ye that are True-be- lievers ! your flaves:and your fervants of free-condition {hall require leave of you, to.enter where'ye fhall be thrice, vi Before the prayer at break of day, after noon, and after fupper ; they thal not offend in entring without leave, where ye {hall be at another time; they enter there to ferve you. In this maner doth God teach eth : you his Commandments, he know- th the humor of his Creatures, and is moft prudent in all that aR (hap.r4. Tr Alcoran of MAHOMET. that he ordaineth. It is ordained to your children, when they fhall be atage of difcretion, to demand of you permiffi- onto do what they fhall defire , as did your predeceffors: Thus doth God teach you his Commandments.;. he is gracious and merciful. The old and decrepit women, {hall not offend God, to quit their vails, and difcover their faces ; provided it be without vanity, and defign to thew. theirornaments: If they abftain, they fhall do well, God heareth whatfoever ye 219 fay, and knoweth all that isinyourhearts. The blinde, the See Kitab ef lame, the fick, and yonalfo, fhall.not fin, to eatin the houfe of tenoir. yourchildren; at the houfe of your father and mother, bro- thers, fifters, uncles, aunts, friends; .andin thehhoufe of your fervants ; ye {hall not offend God, if ye eat together, or apart. VVhen ye fhall enter into any houfe, falute each other from God, with bleffing and affection, Thus doth God, teach you his Commandments, peradyenture you will learn them. V Vhen thofe that believed in God, and his Prophet, repaired to the Prophet, they retired not without his. permiffion. .. Such as required leave (to depart) believe inGod,, and his Prophet ; if they require leave of thee for any bufinefs, licence whem fhall feem good to thee, and pray to God forthem; he is See Kjzab of gracious and merciful, Call not the Prophet,. asye-cadlione tanoir. another among you: God knoweth fuch as fhamefully depart out of the Temple, and the Trench. Suchasdifobey his Com- mandments, ought to take heed, left fome mifchief befal them, and that they fufler not great torments ; Whatfoever is in the Heavens, or on Barth, is Gods ; he knowethif ye are zealous Sce Gelaldin, in your faith, or-behypocrites; he knoweth the day wherein all che world fhall be affembied before him [to be judged. } In thet day fliall men fee what they have done ;_ he knoweth all t ings, CHAP. The A < , ae | : anof MAHOMET. ~ ap.2s CHAP. XXV. The Chapter of the Alcoran, containing [eventy and feven Verfer, Written at Mecca. ik the name of God, gracious and merciful: Praifed be he that fent thee d/coran to his fervant to inftru@ the world ; he is King of the Heavens and Earth; he hath no Son, nor Companion in his reign ; he created and ordained every thing, The Infidels worfhip Gods that can create nothing, and are things @eated ; they can neither do them good nor evil, they can give neither life nor death,neither ciate them to rife again. They fay that the-e4/coran is but afable of thine invention, invented with the affiftance of fome other perfon ; but they lye and blafpheme. They fay that it is but an old Song, anda fable of the Ancients that thou writeft, and that thou ftudiel morning and evening. Say unto them, It was fent by hin that knoweth all things in Heaven and Earth, altogether or@ ciousand merciful. They faid, Who is this Prophet? He eat eth bread and meat, and walketh through the ftreets; we will'not believe him, unlefs an Angel defcend from Heavento preach to us with him; unlefs that Angel enrichhim, and that he have a Garden full of good and favory fruits ; heis bura wizard, or one poffeffed of the Devil. Confider to what they compare thee ; certainly they are in error, and cannot finde the right way. Praifeé and blefshim that is able co beRtowon thee a greater good, when it fhall féem good to thee, to wit, Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers, and houfes of pleafure. They have denyed the certainty of Univerfal Judgment, and we have prepared the fire of Hell to punifh them ; wraththall carry them away with terrible cryes: when they fhall behold the place of the affembly of Judgment ;_ when chey (hall there appear, they fhall be defperate, and hall cry, O mifery! Cry not Omifery, cry O miferies | (in the Plural) Askof them which is better, and more advantageous, that, or Paradile, whichis prepared for the recompence of the ri ghteous, where they | Chap.25. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 221 they fhall dwell eternally with all manner of felicity 3 This is it that God hath promifed, and that which was impetrated of his Divine Majefty, (for them thar have his fear before " their eyes ) I will one day affemble Idolaters,with their Idols ; God fhall fay unto them, you are they who have feduced my creatures from the right way; They fhall fay, proifed be thy “Y name ; we ought to have worfhipped none but thy divine “\ Majefty , but the wealth that thou gavelt to our Magiftrates, ™ and their fife, which chou didft prolong , caufed’ them to for- tf get thy Commandments; they were pernicious men, in that b! they abjured thy Law, they cannot thisday be exempt from '® che punifhment of our crimes, neither proteé us againft thy im wrath, The Idolaters (hall be rigoroufly punifhed ; The Pro- i phets that we fent before thee, did eat bread and meat , and x: walked through the ftreets ; we prove them one after ano- wither: Perfevere, God beholdeth them that are patient. wiht Thofe that believe not in the Refurre@tion , have faid, hThe Angels arenot defcended from Heaven , we have not inyfeen God; they. are become proud , and are fallen into Han exceeding great error, but the wicked thall one day re) be without comfort ; when they fee the Angels, they fhall cry, te help, help! We will fet before their eyes all ‘the fins that a; they have ‘committed ; the good works which they hall , think to have done, fhall be like to duft, which the winde » cattyeth away ; and the bleffed thall enjoy a moft certaine good , they fhallhear of nothing but what contenteth them. When the Heaven and the aire fhall divide themfelves , and the Angels fhall defcend ; then fhall che truth appear, and the mercifull fhall raign ; that day fhall be tedious ro Infidels,they fhall bite their fingers; and fay, would to God Thad followed # the Prophet and his Apoitle ! Oh mifery ! would to God I had not contratted amity with fuch an Infidell, Hie feduced me from the right way , he hindred me to believe in the 4/coran which God fent; certainly the Devil! hath tempted men ; f Then fhall the Prophet fay, Lord, fuch as have ‘followed me, have obeyed what is written in the « 4/coran , and the Infidels have rejected it. We have appointed an enemy among the wicked, The Alcoran of M aH OM EF. Chap.r5. ins si aap ee wicked, to every Prophet. of them that were before thee, bue it fafficeth thee that. God guideth and. protedteth thee. The Infidels have demanded, if the A/coran was fent allat once’; Thave fo done to confirme the truth in thy heart, I have ft it piece by piece , they fhall not fhew thee any thing like unto it; Ihave inftructed thee inthe truth, clear and intelligible ; the incredulous fhall be confined in the fire of Hell, and be mott miferable. Certainly , We gave to: Adofes the bookof ¥ the Law,, we fene with him his brother Aaron to. aff him, and faid unto. them, Goe both of you, preach unto: Infidels, we will deftroy them, unlefs. they be converted. VVhen the | people of Neahdefpifed our Commandment, we drowned) | them, and made them. ferve for example to pofterity , and prepared great torments for the impious. Remember Aa, ” Temod, and thofe thar dwelt nigh unto the well, a longtime after them; we fpake to them in parables, and deftreyed them, Oh ye wicked | cenfider the mifery of the City , upon: whit fellthat mifchievons rain, that deftroyed, them, becanfe tr Inhabitants believed not in the RefurreGion.. When. thedie fidels faw.thee appear, theyrderided thee, and faid, This Pro phet would. faduce us , and. make us to, abandon our God; We had patience, and, deferred our punifhmenc : ‘they thal know. at the day of Judgment. them that ‘have been’ feducedy Haft chou confideredithe actioniof£ him’ that fpake off/hisGod! after his fantafie 2 Wert thow: his, Tucor, to hinder him te fpeak’. Doft chou believe that. the greateft part of thewicked hear, and.underftand whar:thoufpeakeftitothem? They are like. beafts , and. worfe; Seeft. thon how’ thy! Lond thed- deth.the Rofe ? were ithis will, itfhould he permanent, the Sunne hath canfed.it:to-melt,and arcraéteth it’ gently to: bitn felfe. He it is chat oreated.the night for repofe; anditheday for labour, He it is that fendeth, the winds by his-fpectall grace,he maketh raine to defcend from, Heaven, to: refreth the? Earth,to give iclifs, to warerthe beafts, and for thecontent ment.of men; we have divided.it among them, that they may be mindful! of our grace,neverthelefs,the greareft part of them areungraceful.. Had we fo pleafed,wehad fen to every Gity # preacher, PidyE PoE Psa aera 223 | Chap.25. The Alcoran of -Manuo™MeET. \ preacher;to preach unto the Inhabitants the torments of hell, : obey not Infidels, preach co them frequently what is written in the Adcoran. It is God thac hath fweetned the water of Euphrates, thatjoyned the two feas, that made them falt, and \ spur berween them a feparation, to hinder them to mix? ‘He » created man and:woman of a little water, to increafe and mul- \ tiply cogether ; thy Lord can do wharfoever him pleafeth, yet dothe Infidels adore what canneitherbenefit nor hurt them, of and affift the devill their mafter totemprthe world; We fent m) thee only to preach the torments of hell, and to proclaim the | joyes of Paradife:Say untothem,I require not of youa reward for my preaching, he that hall be acceptable to God, will! ly Follow-the way of his Law : Praife and exalt thy Lord, trultin my him, he knoweth all the fins of men ; he created the heavens, jy and the earch in fixdayes, and ficceth on his Throne ; learn this ye Of him that knoweth ir, When it was faidto the Infidels, mp; WOrthipthe merciful LGod; ] they faid, what merciful ? thall aie WE Worthip what ye appoint us? and they added to their im- siypiety. Blefledbe he that created the figns of heaven, chat cre- jyated the Sun, and the Moone, full of brightnefs and i (and hath made the dayesto facceed each other, to returmhim _,, thanks forhis graces. The fervants of the merciful, thacwalk .,, with humility, chat falute the ignorant when they fpeak to | them;Such as pray to, and worthip God day and night; fitch as * fay,Lord, deliver us from the torments of hell: thofe thar fear " God, that-arenot. prodigall, nor covetons, that follow the " middie way, betwixt ptodigality and avaricé, ‘thofe that wor- ® fhip one God, that killino man bur with reafon, and following !’ the Commandments of God, and that are not laxurions, (hall t enjoyeternally the grace of God ; fuch as do the contrary (hall ” be chaftifed, their pufifhment thall be atigmented at thé day of ! Judgment, and they thall be damned for ever, excepe him i chat thall-be’ converted, and fhall have’ done good’ works, ® God: thall give him pardon. of his fins,-he is gracious and merciful, They; who do good works and: Yepent, i” who make no falfe ‘oath, who are humbfe, and’are not pe (wilfully) deafand dinibe when ‘theyheate the Alcordn a i an iy nie pe eg EE, Mofes flew an Egyptian. The nof MAHOMET. (hap26, and fay, Lord, give us and our pofterity children; that may be the light of our eyes, and be obedient to thee ; workinusa fear to difobey thy Commandments; fich perfons fhall enjoy eternally the delights of Paradife, for reward of their perfeye. rance; they fhall chere finde falucations, and benedi¢tions, with immenfe graces. Say unto the wicked, God will notenlighten vou, neither hearken to yous prayers, becaufe yee have trae duced his Prophet; the time of the punifhment of your crimes fhall fuddenly arrive. — Aicora TC CHAP. XXVI, The (Chapter of Poets , containing an hundred and twenty fever Verfes, written at Mecca. iB the Name of God, gracious and merciful: God is mot } pure, he underftandeth all things, he ismoft wife. Thee figns are the figns of the book that diftinguifhech truth ftom falfhood ; wilt thou deftroy thy felf,becaufe men are impiow) If Iwill, I cancanfe my judgments to difcend upon theme fhall humble them, they difpife my Commandments; they fcoffe, but fhall be.rigoroufly punifhed ; See they, nothow many fruits we have made to {pring out of the earth? It isa! token of our omnipotencie, neverthelefs the greateft part of them believe not that thy Lord is the omnipotent, and the met- ciful. Inftruét chem how thy Lord {aid unto ~Vofes, thou fhalt be my meffenger to the Infidels, and the peopleof Pharoaly that they may have. my fear before their-eyes.. Mofes faid, Lord, I fear they may traduce me, and that my congie can not be loofed; fend with me my brother Aaron, they know the fault I have committed, and will put me to death, The Lord {aid to. him, they, fhall. not pur.cheerodeath, go both whither Icommand. .you,-I will be with, you, and wil hear what they fay ; fay to Pharoah, that yeare the Meflen- gers of che Lord of the world, and let him difmifs with you the children of Z/rael; Pharoah faid unto Mofes, have I not feen thee within this houfe a little childe2 Didlt thou not dwell withus many years? Didi thou..nos-kill a ae ou — Chap.26. The Alcoran of MaHoMET. 225 thou art impious. AZofes faid, I did what I did, I was in the number of the feduced, 1 fled when I feared you; fince that time God hath given me knowledg, and placed me in the number of his Prophets and Apoftles, he hath fent me ‘ anfwered, itis the Lord of heaven, and earth, and of what. foever isbetween them. Pharoah faid to them that were aboug him, Hear ye not what he faith ? AZo/es continued his [{peech} and faid, my Lord isyour God, the God of your fathers, and of your predeceffors.§ Pharoah faid, this Prophet that.is fent to youisafool ; AZo/es faid, I am indeed the Meffenger of the Lord of the Weft and Eaft, if ye had underftanding to know him: Pharoah faid, ifthou worfhip any other God but me, I will caufe thee to be put unto the bottom of a pit; AZo/es faid to him, wilt thou do it, feeing I amcome to thee with reafons fo ftrong, and arguments fo infallible ? Pharoah {aid unto him, bring thy reafonsif thouarttrue: Then he catt his {tafe on the ground, and it was changed intoa Serpent, he jt drew hishand ont of his bofom, it appeared white, and fhining to the eyes of the fpeGators, Then faid Pharoah to them that were about him, certainly, behold here a skilful Magician, he would drive you from your Countrey through his magick, what fay ye? They anfwered, he, with his brether muft be tere rified, and men muftbe fent into all thy Cities, to affemblethe moft knowing Magicians of all thy Dominions ; when they came together at the day appointed, it was demanded of them, if they were called to follow. the magick of Afofes, and | of Aaron ? They faid, what fhall be our reward if we be vi@o- rious ? Pharoah {aid unto them, yes, ye fhall be rewarded, and be among them that approach my perfon. Mofes faid unto ) them, will you calt your ftaves on the ground, or fhall 1 firkt g caft mine ? They calt their cords and their faves firlt, faying, with the affiftance of Pharoab we fhall be vitorious ; then Mofes calt his rod onthe ground, which devoured their cords and {taves ; when they beheld this: miracle,they fell proftrate, and fh The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.26. and faid, we believe in the Lord ofthe world, God of Mofes and Aaron; Pharoah Said to them, if ye believe in Aofes without my permiffion, ye fhall fee what fhall befall you; heis your Mafter, he underftandeth magick better then you; I will caufe your right feet and left hands, or your right hands and left feet to becut off, and canfe you allto be hanged; they faid, this fhall do us none harm, we fhall return before God our Lord, we hope that he will remit ourfins, becaufe we thall be the firt converts. We faid unto A4ofes, go with the children of Z/rae/, my fervants, and fear not the people of Pharooh that fhall follow thee : Pharoah fent his Com. miffioners through his Dominions to affemble the people, and faid, (fpeaking of the children of J/rae/) thofe men are few in number, they have difpleafed me, but 1 will well awake them. We moved Pharoah and his people to depart out of Egypt, to purfue the children of //rae/; we caufed them to quit their gardens, fountains, and houfes of pleafure, and made the children of //rae/ heirs of their treafure ; they farprized chem at the rifing of the Sun ; when the children of //rael beheld them, they faid, we are overtaken : Mofes anfwered, no, my Lord is with’me, he thall guide me; then we infpired Ad to firike the fea with his rod, incontinently it divided it felfon both fides, like two mountains ; we faved him, and albthat were’ with him, and drowned the men of Pharoah; which fhall ferve for'an example to the incredulous and obftinate, thy Lord is omnipotent and merciful. Relate to unbelievers the Hiftory of Abrabam, when he faid to his father and his people, whom do yeadore? they anfwered, we adore our Idols; he faid unto them, do they hear you when ye invoke them? do they good unto you when ye worfhip them, of mifchiefwhen ye negleé& them ? they anfwered, we finde that our fathers worfhipped them as we do; Abraham faid unto them, you and your fathers worfhip vain things, y¢ adore only Idols, mine enemies ; I will not worfhip them, I will worfhip the Lord of the world, who created, guideth, and nourifheth me, who giveth me health when I amfick, who maketh me to live, and will caufe me to die, and from whom hope. Lee. Tn Te Chap.r6. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 227 | hope for pardon of my fins at the day of Judgment : Lord ik give me the knowledg of thy will, grant that my tongue and words may be credited as true, by pofterity ; put me into the ym, number of the heirs of Paradife ; pardon my father, who hath ty beeninthe number of the erroneous,and make me not afhamed atthe day of the Refurreétion; at the day, when riches and ay Children fhall beunprofitable, except to fuch as thall have an heart eftranged from impiety; God thal! make the righteous to approach to Paradife, and the wicked to fee hell - they fhall fay, can the Idols that ye adore fave you? can they fave y themfelves ? They thall be, with you, their adherents, and the devils, thrown headlong into the fire of hell: The Idolaters fhall defpute in hell, with them whom they have worthipped, and fhall fay, by God, we were abufed when we adored you, », the wicked feduced us, we have none this day to intercede for rus, neither friend to protect us ; could we return into the world, we would believe in the Law of God ; this difcourfe , fhall be for example to the wicked that believe not that thy jy) Lord is the Omnipotent and mercifull. The people of 4 Woabs time flandered the Apoftles and Prophets that were ', fent tothem ; Noah their brother faid unto them, fear God, I am his Meffenger, fent to preach unto you: fear God, and obey him, I require no recompenfe for my inftruétions, God 1. the fole Lord of the world fhall reward my labours, fear and "— obey him; They faid, (hall we believe in thee,and thy followers, who are infamous ? He faid, I know not what they do, my Lord keepeth accompt of their ations; if ye knew the right * way, ye would not worthip Idols ; I drive not true believers "from. my fociety, I am fent only to. preach the torments of hell, They faid, O Nosh !. if thon quit: not this difcourfe m thon fhalt be ftoned ; Noah faid, Lord, this people is impi- ® ous; judge our difference, deliver me from “their malice, * and alletue believers thar are with me; We preferved him, sf and thofe that were with him in the Ark, and dritroyed them that remained on the earth: This is an evidence of our Omnipotencie, yet the greateft part of Infidels believe s* not that God is omnipotent. and merciful. The people 2 of ies Bs The Atcoran of Ma HOME T- Chap.26. of Aads time traduced the Apoftles and Prophets that were fent unto them; Hod his brother faid unto them, fear God, I am his Meflenger, fent co. preach unto you with fidelity. ‘Fear God and obey him,. I require of you no recompenfe of my preaching, the Lord of the Univyerfe fhall abundantly. reward me; Will ye build Towers, and {ofty Palaces, as if ye fhould dwell eternally in the world? Willye be cruell, without compaffion on your felves? Fear - God and obey him; fear him who giveth you his grace, be- i ftoweth on you wealth, children, gardens, and fountains; I fear that ve (hall faffer grievous pains at the day of Judg- ment: They faid unto him, art thou. come to be preached unto, or to preach to us? Thou relateft to us old mens Fables; They flandered him, and we deftroyed them: this Ba isa token of our Omnipotencie, neverthelefs the greatett Be a | part of Infidels*believe not thy Lord to be Omnipotent and en merciful. The people of Temed belyed the Prophets that i ; were fent unto them; his brother Satbe faid unto’ them, fear God, I am a Meffenger fent from God to preach i you, fear God and obey him; | require.of you no recompeile for my preaching, the Lord of the Univerfe fhall recempenle my labours, ; will ye forfake eternall riches, to cleave to the wealth of this world, to put your truft in your gardens, your fountains, your tillages, your dates, and fruits ? fhall-yebe efteemed prudent ifye build houfes of pleafure in the moun- tains? fear God, obey his Commandments, and obey not the wicked, that defilethe earth, and do no good. They faid unto him, thon art a Magician, and an Inchanter, thou art but a man like unto us, fhew us fome miracle, if thou be indeed a Prophet fent from God; he faid, behold therea Camel, he hath a place to-drink at a day appointed, ye likewifehave it to dtink as he, do him no harm, otherwife fhall ye be punithe The Twks atthe day of Judgment. They did hurt this Camel through oh a contempt, but had caufeto repent it, and were feverely pu- enpgetin. nifhed. This is an example for pofterity ; neverthelels the coarockby greatelt part of Infidels believe not that thy Lord is altoge: Salhe. ther gracious and merciful, The Citizens of Lot eras the : Se Chap.26. ‘The Alcoran of Ma Homer. 229 EN ICID ve metre penn re Renee cme ee the Prophets that were fent unto them; Let their brother S = faid, fear God, I ama faithfull Meffenger fent from him, te preach to you, fear God, and obey him, I require of ‘i you no reward for my pains, God will reward me ;. will tye cleave tothe werld, to reje@ thar glory that he hath crea- i ted for you? ye forfake good to imbrace “evil, They faid, i © Lot! if thon change not this difcourfe, we will banith te thee from our City ; he faid, perhaps I am one of thofe whom ye abhorr; Lord deliver me,with my family, from their it hands, We fayed him with all his family, except his wife, ji Who remained with the inhabitants of the City, we caufed % to fall upon them a raine that deftroyed them, This is an example for pofterity, neverthelefs the greateft part of In- fidels believe not that thy Lord is Omnipotent and merciful, They that inhabit the * Forreft, flandred the Prophets that * A Forreft @ ‘Were fent unto them ; Chai faid to them, fear God, 1 am. a near to Ma. is faithful meffenger fent from him, to preach unto youthe tor- cp valilin i ments of hell; fear God. and obey him, I require no. re- : | ward of you for my preachings the Lord of the Uniyerfe fhall | recompence me: Meafure with good meature, and weigh with wt good weights, detain nothing from, your neighbour, defile x) Mot. the earth, fear him that created you, and all thofe chat a -wete before you: They faid unto him, thou art a Sorcerer; thou ) art but aman like us, we. believe thee to be. a-lyar; if thou art indeed fent from God, caufe a part of heaven-to fall j, Upon us; he anfwered, God knoweth that of which yee are yy ignorant; they traduced him, bue were chaftifed, being cove- ! red with a cloud that rained upon them a fheweroffire; and , they were burned, as ifit had been. the day .of Judgment : this ,, 18a token of my power, but the greateft part of Infidels be- Ai¢venot that thy Lord is Omnipotent and merciful. Cer- @ tainly the e4/coran was fent by the Lord of the world, the faithfall Spirit infpired it into thine heart, that thow mayft preach to the people the pains of hell in the Arabique jj tongue ; the Scriptures heretofore made mention [of it ;"} if , the Infidels of Adecea are ignorant of it, the Do@ors of the « children of J/rael have Knowledg to underftand ir, although Q 3 that Sco Ebter'?y ‘and Kitab el denoir. The Alcoranof MA HOME T. (hap.26: that we have not fent it in the language of the Perfians, yet ceafe not to inftrué them in that which they know not; we have imprinted a lye in the hearts of the wicked, they thall not believe what is written in the Alcoran, untill they fee the punifhment prepared for Infidels at the day of Judgment; that day {hall come at unawares, of which they are ignorant, They fay, let us tarry, and not believe as yet, im what is contained in that book ; are they impatient untill they fee their punifhment? Halt thou feen how they have fome years deferred it, and how, intheend, that which we promifed be- fell them ? their riches were to them unprofitable. Wehave not deftroyed Cities without having forewarned them of their deftrn€tion, we are unjuft to none.. The devils did not bring the :Alcoran it was to them of none advantage,they could not compofe it, they are remote [from the Angels] and cannot heaftheir fpeech ; fay not there is another God with God; if chou fay it, thou fhale be chaftifed ; preach the torments of hell to them that thall follow thee; be humble and civilli true believers 5 ifthey difobey thee, fay unto them, I am. immd: centviof what ye do, and am refigned to the Will of Gos, omnipotent and-merciful : He beholdéth thee when thou dott pray, and worhip -him ; he heareth and knoweth all chings. Shall tell ye to whom the devils addrefs themfelves ? they ap- ly ‘themfelves to lyars, they’ cell to them what they have heard fpoken, butthey al! lye. The erronious imitate the Poets; they are confated in their difcourfe, and fay, they have done what they have not, except thofe that believe in God, that do good works, who often think of his divine Majefty, and that have been protected againtt the injuftice of Infidels ,the unjuftfhall know, that they thall one day rife again. CHAP, c -— ; ae 4 - — (hap.x7- The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 231 CHAP. XXVII. The Chapter of the Pifmire, containing fourefcore and thirteen Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. God is: moft { Hata underftandeth all. Thefe myfteries are the myfte- ries of the e4/coran , which diftinguifheth the truch froma lye, it conducteth men into the right way, and: proclaimeth ft! the joyes of Paradife to fuch as believe. in the Law of | God, who make their prayers at the time appointed , pay - Tithes, and have knowledg of their end. They. that believe it~ not in the day of Judgment , like well of what they do, and areinconfufion , they fhall in the end be in the number of the damned. The e4/coran was conveyed to thee from the moft prudent, that knoweth all things. Remember thou that 7£o- Ses faid to his family, I fee a fire, [goetoit, I will bring you tydings , Iwill bring you a fparke, peradventure you thall be warmed; When he drew néar to the fire; he heard a-voyce that faidto him, oh AZo/es! that which is in: this fire 5 and whatfoever is about it, is bleffed ; praife is -due to God, Lord of the Univerfe ; Tam God omnipotent, and eternal] ; Caft thy ftaffe on the ground: When AZo/es beheld his ftafte Wi + tomove, as ithad beenalive, he went back very forrowfull, ii’ andreturnedno more; Fear not that ftaffe, my meffenger yi and my Prophets have no fear in my prefence, he that thall be converted, (hall finde me gracious and mercifull. Put thine ) hand into thy pocket,it thall come forth white,without harme, af it fhall be One of the nine marks of my omnipotency. Phas roah, and his Minifters were altogether erroneous ; when they faw my Miracles, they faid that they were but forcery ; they - defpifed them, and encreafed their impiety ; Confider what is the end of the wicked, and how they have been deftroyed 2 We gave knowledg to David and to Solomon; they faid, God, who hath gratified us above many of his fervants that have believed in his omnipotency ; Solomon was Davids heire, Q.4 and RE eee The stéoran of MAHOMET. Chapaz, and faid to the people , we underftand the Language of birds, we know whatfoever can be known, it isan exceedin great grace. Solomons Army being one day affembled before him, compofed of men, Devils, and birds, he lead them to the valley of Pifmires ; a Pifmire, cheir Queen, eryed ont, oh Pifmires / enter into your houfes, leaft Solomon and his tfoups trample you under foot, without knowledge of it, Solamon hearing thefe words , remained fome time without {peaking , and.in the end began to. laugh, faying, Lord affik me, that I may give thee thanks for the benefits, and graces which.thou didft conferre upon my father; If Ido well, thou wilt accept it, place me through thy mercy in the number of * ABird fo them that exalt thy glory ; He called for the * #hoope, and galled. faid wherefore fee I not the Whoope ? is fhe in the number of the abfent ? I will punifh and put her to death, if fhe have nota Jawfulkexcufe; not long after, fhe humbled her felle a before Salamon, who asked her whence the came ? fhe anfwer ed, Icome from feeing what thou feeft nor, I come from the f Kingdome of Saba, whence i bring certain tidings ; I hay found a woman, their Queen, who hath whatfoever is mecth f.- fary fora King ; fhe hath a great and magnificent Throne] have found that fhe with her Subjects adore the Sunne, the De vill,canfed them to delight in this their action, he hath fe duced them from the right way, and they {hall be im error untill they worhip one God, who fendeth rain from Hea- ven, and maketh the Earth to produce plants and fruits, who knoweth whatfoever isin the hearts of men, and what they utter; God! There is but one God, Lord of the Univerle. Solomon {aid , 1 hall foone fee if thou fpeak truth, of wht- ther thou be in the number of the lyars; goe, beat to het this letter , and obferve what fhe and her people fhall an- be fwer ; Ather arrivall, che Queen faid to her Miniftersy Oh ye that are raifed.todignity in my dominions! a Letter is g ven me from Solomon, of thistenour, Inthe nameof God gracious and mercifull, rife not up againft me, and obey me Give me counfell, what T ought to-do, I will do noching with ont yout advice , and what you-fee not with youreyes: They anfwered, (hap.2.7. The AlcoranofM aH OMET. 233 anfwered, Our welfare and mifery depend on thee, command whatfoever fhall feemgood to thee, and we wil! obey thee os She faid, VVhen Kings enter a City, they introduce many , diforders; they abafe, and humble the chief of the Inhabitants, and the moft eminent; if Solomon and his people come hither, they will ufe [us] in thelikemaner. I think it requifite to fend tohim an Ambaflador with {ome prefents, perhaps he willtakea refolution toreturn. VVhen the Ambaffador ar- iN rived in Solomons prefence, he faid unto him, Do ye bring me ii| prefents? God hath beftowed on me more niches then on you, Mt prefents rejoyce you, becawle ye love them: Retarn to them ‘it that fent you, lwillgo vifit them: with forces fo great, that “s — they fhall not be able to refift ; 1 will drive chem out of their dominions, and they fhall be miferable, if they obey me not : ih Then he faid to his people, Sirs, who will bring to me the dis Royal Seat of that woman, before the and her fubjeets kai obey me ? One of the Devils faid unto him, I, T will ‘fos bring ic before thou arife from thy place : Tam rong Golaldin faith s;\t enough to bear ir, I will carry it carefully. One of them he knew the «st that attended Solomon, who knew the Scriptores, faid, I will name of ‘lw bring it to thee inthe twinkling of an eye : When Solomoy S0d- wt! beheld this Throne before him, he faid, Behold here 4 1.) favor of God, totry if Iwould acknowledg his benefits. He yl) that returneth thanks to God for his graces, performeth his yy «= duty ;_ he reje@teth him chat is ingrateful. I willtry if the yw followeth the right way, or whether the bein the number of y, the feduced. They changed fomething in her Royal feat, to This Queen fy try if the would know it, when fhe arrived itt Solomons Pre- was called te fence, At her arrival, they fhewed it her, and asked if it re- Balkis. fembled her own ; the replyed, It refembleth it, asif it were Se¢ Gelaldin, the fame: She had Knowledg of the right way; bne that i which the people, and the adored, infteed of God; had feduced y themfrom the obedience of his divine Majefty. They fpake ns to her to enter into a gallery ; when the beheld the pavement, the believed ic tobe water ; and in lifting up her cobe,fearing to wet it, difcovered her leg.. Sodomon told her, that the pave. ment was of pollithed glafs, and exhorted her to embrace the f Law The Afcoran of MAHOMET. (Chapa7. Law of God. Then fhe faid, Lord, I am too blame, in having offended thee; I am obedient with Solomon, to the Com- mand ments of the God of the Univerfe. We fent Salheto Temod, and his people, to exhort them to worfhip one God : He faid unto them, O people! flie to the merty of God ; if ye implore pardon of him, ye fhall be pardoned. They faid, Wouldft thou draw us into thine error ? and into the error of them that are with thee ? He faid,God fhall chaftife you, ye are feditious. They were nine perfons in the City. that defiled the earth, and did no good; they faid among them, Let us this night kill the Prophet, and his adherents: VVe will fay to them that feek him, That we faw him not, neither them that flew him; and will {wear that we fpeak truth-: They were cunning, but we were more fubtile then they, and they knew it not. Confider what wasthe iffue of their ftratagems ; we deftroyed them with-their followers ; and their honfes are be come defart, becaufe of their impiety. . This thall ferve for ex ample to them that have knowledg of our Omnipotency: We ferved the Prophet, and all the Trne-believersthat were withhim: . Remember thou the Hiftory ef Lor, who faid@ his Citizens, V Villye alway defile your felves in uncleannef,in each others view ? will ye love men more then women ? fe areignorant. They replyed, Let us drive Lor and his family out of our City ; they defile not themfelves like us, VVe pre- ferved him, with all his family, except his wife ; the remained among them that were chaftifed. VVe gaufed ir to rainupon them, arain that gave them to know the feverity of out cha- Rtifements. Say unto them, Praifed be God, chat deftroyeth the wicked, and falvation to all thofe who he hath chofen; are they not more happy, ‘then fuch as believe there arematy Gods ? VVho created the Heavens and the Earth? VVho caufed rain to fall from Heaven? VVho hath made many de- licious gardens to bring forth > You have not the power to caufe the plants to {pring forth, without the affiftance of God. Certainly unbelievers do erre from the right way. VVhohath eftablifhed the Earth, and made the rivers to flow 2 VVho hath made heavy the Mountains? VVho but God hath put fepara- tion AL (hap.2z7. The Alcoran of Ma HomeT. 235 tion that is between the Seas? The greateft part’of the world know itnot. Who rendrech men miferable ? who delivers eth them from affi@ion when they invoke him ? who hath caufed youto multiply ; and leave your poftericy on Earth, but God? Neverthelefs few men give him thanks... Who gui- deth in. the darknefs of the Earth and Sea? who but God fendeth the windes, the forerunners of raine > he is moft high, and moft powerfull , but the wicked wil! not confider the ef. fects of his omnipotency. . Who formeth men? who maketh them to live, dye, and rife again? who enricheth them with the wealth of Heaven, and of Earth, but God ? Say unto them, produce your reafons, bring your arguments , if what ye alleadg betrue; Say unto them, none but God knoweth what is in‘ Heaven and Earth, no man knoweth the fature, prefent and paft ; do men know the day of the Refurre@ion 2 Contrariwife they doubt, and areblinde. The wicked have faid, what? we fhall be duft, as are our fathers , and fhall come forth out of our graves ! This washeretofore promi- fedto our fathers, and to us, this*is but a fable of old men: Tell them, that they confider not what was heretofore the end of the wicked ; afi not thy felfe, for that they confpire again&t thee, and that they demand at what time they thal! fee the punifhent that is foretold them : Say unto them , it is not farre from you, ye throw your felves headlong into it, but God ‘is pitifull towards his people, nevertheléfs the grea- teft part give him no thanks for his grace, thy Lord knoweth what isin their heart, and whatfoever they {peak ; there ‘is nothing in Heaven or Earth, chat is not written in a moft in- telligible Book; the A/coran explaineth to the Children of Mfracl the greateft part of their difficulties » It will guide them into the right way , and deliver from Hell them that fhallbelieve thee , thy Lord fhall judge them at the day of Judgment, he is omnipotent and wife; Truft thou in God, thou art in the way of truth ; the dead and deaf thall not hear thee, and unbelievers’ thal! depart from thee penfive and aftonifhed , thou oughteft not to guide the blinde , neither to make the deaf to hear, except fuch as (hall beticve in the Alcoran * Mecca, See-Gelaldin- The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.27, Alcoran, and be obedient, when the time of the punifhment that is denounced againft them fhallbecome; we will caule a Beaft to come from under the Earth , that fhall fpeak unto them, and fhall fay, The people believe not in the Law of God , they know not his wondrous works. Be thou mindfull of the day , whenI will aflemble a multitude of all Nations that have difobeyed my Commandments, to give accompt of their actions: 1 will fay unto them, ye have traduced my Pro- phets, ye know not what ye faid, what have ye done ? Then {hall they be punifhed for their finnes, and be inexcufable,they fhall not fpeak a word. Do not Infidels fee that we have created the night for reft, and the day for travell?* this is fign of my omnipotency; Be thou mindfull of the day wherein the Angell hall found the Trumpet, and whatfoever is in Heaven and Earth, thal! tremble with fear, except fach -as (hall be in the favour of God ; that day fhale thou fee the Mountains fufpended, to move like thé Clouds, this thall be a work of God, who created all things, and knoweth chet end; He that fhallhave done good works, fhall be rewardét he fhall be without fear; and they that had done evill,thall t main in the fire of Hell ; Ic fhall be faid unto them, are ye not chaltifed according to your demerits? Say unto the people;! command you to worfhip the Lord of this priviledged * G- ty, allthings appertain cohim; I command you ro believe inthe unity of his divine Majefty, and to ftudy the Alcoran ; who fo doth good, fhall finde good. Say unto them that fhall be feduced, I am fent only to preach the torments of Hell; Say to True-believers, prayfed be God that hath given you to fee his Miracles, and hath given you knowledg of the tight way ; thy Lord isnotignorant of what they do. (hap.28. The Alcoran of MauomMet. 237 RR eee ai a a CHAP. XXVIII. The (Chapter, of Hiftory , containing fourefcore and eight Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. Godis moft te ; he underftandeth all things, and is moft wile. Thefe mylteries are the myfteries of the Book that diftinguifheth the truth fromatie. T relate to thee the hiftory of Afofes, and of Pharoah with truth ; for the contentment of True-belie- vers. Pharoah was powerfull on Earth, he entreated his Subjeéts as feemed good co him, he tormented one party, and murthered their Children , he abufed their wives, and was of them that defiled the Earth ; 1 gave my grace to them that were affi@ed on Earth, Imade them fuccetfors of. Pharoahs _ Kingdome , I eftablithed them in his dominions ; I made | Pharoah , Haman, and their Army to fee what they moft ' feared ; we faid to the mother of Mofes, give fuck to thy ' Childe ; if thou feareft that they will mifchief him > caft him upon Wile, fear not, neither afi thy felf, I will reftore him to thee between thine armes, and place him in the num- ber of Prophets. The domeftiques of Pharoah found him upon the water, and faved him, to be one day their enemy, andto torment them, becaufe Pharoah , Haman , and their people were Infidels. Pharoahs wif thee not to faffer this Infant to be flain, mine eves rejoyce to feehim, he fhall one day be profitable for ont fervice >.a$ refrain to let them know that fhe was his mother ; we caufed her to have patience , and the had faith in our promifes 3 She fpake tohisfifter to follow him ftep by ftep , the followed afar off, without intimation that the was his fifter, orthat the regarded him We had before prohibited Adofes to fuck the milk of any other nurfe » then that of his mother ; his fitter faid 8 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.28. {aid to Pharoahs fervant , will ye that I provide youa nurfe, and people that fhall carefully nourifh him ? ‘We caufed him to be reftored to his mother,to nurfe him ; the ceafed from her fadnefs, when fhe knew, and faw that God was fincere in what he had promifed, but the sreateft part of the people know it not. When AZofes was aged, about thirty three years,we gave him knowledg and wifdom ; thus dol reward the righte- | ous; ~ Wofes entring one day into the City, met two met that fought; the one was of the Children of Ifrael , and the other was an Egyptian, and of his enemies, whom he als faulted, and flew ; after this he faid, the Devill cempted me, he is the open enemy of men 5 Lord, I have offended thee, pardon.me ; he pardoned, him, he .is gracious and merciful; Lord, fince thou haft been fo gracious.co me, 1 will never give aid or fuccour to Infidels; He continued in the City with fear, and kept himfelf upon his guard ; onthe mortoli he again met bim,, whom the day before he had defended, who fought likewife with another Egyptian ,..and requued his affitance ; (Mofesfaid unto him , thou art feditious si replyed, oh A4Zofes wilt thou flay me, asthou didft flay: fi yelterday 2. Wilt thou be amurtherer of all men, or ajith man2.. Not long after aman came {_ in haft] to him frommaie utmoft part of the City,, who faid unto him , oh J4a/es 1 the Officers of Pharoah have confpired againit thee, they defire to put theeto.death ; fave thy felfe, and follow my counfell; He departed from the City with: fear), keeping himfelfe up- on his guard, befeeching his Lord to deliver him from the hands of Infidels; he wentrowards Adadian, and faid, Lord faffer-me not to follow-anvevill way.5; He met a great number of perfons that made their flocks, to drink , he’ with. them found two maids that cond not.water. their Cattell, he faid unto them, whatdo ye two,achere?,, We have not rengt to. draw water to give our beafts: to, drink. , We tatty for the Shepheard , our tatheris cop old to draw. fit.J. He drew water. out.of the well'to.wate: their. Cattell, and. withdrew toa, fhade . becaufe of the heat-of the Sunne, faying’s Lord Tamdeprived.of all the graceswhich heretofore chou of contet SE ES NE ssa cere Chap.28. The Alcoranof ManHoMmerT. °* 239 confer on me, I am now poor and neceffitous. One of thofe maidens cameto feek him, and ‘bathfully faid unto him, my father‘calleth thee, to recompenfe thee for the pains thou haft taken in watering our cattell; When he was inthe old mans prefence, he related what hadbefaln him. The old man faid, fear nothing, I will deliver thee from the hands of the wicked; one of his daughters faid to her fifter, sive to this man toeate, and reward his pains, he affifted us with af, fection ; their father faid unto him, I will marry thee to one of my two daughters, on condition, that thou wilt have a care of my flocks the fpace.of cight years ; ten years if it pleafe thee, faid AZo/es ; 1 willnot forfake thee, thou fhatt finde me an honeft man, I will ferve thee the two termes, either eight or ten years, as fhall feem good to thee, God is witne{s of what I fay. After the terme expired, AMofes forfook the houle of _ his father in law ; withdrawing with his wife, he beheld afar Off a great fire on the fide of the mountain, and faid to his wife, tarry here, Ufee the fire of the Omnipotent, I will {peedily re- turn, Lwillbring you a fpark; peradventure you fhall be war. med: when he drew near to this fire, they cried unto him from the right fide of the valley, from an eminent place, and from a buth, O Afofes! 1 am God, Lord of the Univerfe, caft thy ftaffe on the ground ; when he beheld his ftaffe to move; as it had been alive, he fled for fear, and returned no more : O AZo fes | draw near, and fear not, thowart ina phice of fafety, pot thine hand into thy pocket, it thall come out white and fhining, without harm ; draw back thine arm into thy fleeve, it thall return to its former condition ; thy ftaffe and thine hand thall be two figns of my Omnipotency to Phareah and his Minifters, who difobey my Commandments; Mofes faid, Lord, I have flain an FE Eypttan, Yam afraid they will take away my life, command ¢470n, who is eloquent, to go with me, to aid me, and to confirm what I thal! fay, I fear they will traduce me; 1 will give thee thy brother for thine affiftant, Iwilf give to you both ftrengthto defend your {elves from theit malice ; go, do what is commanded you, ye “fhall be victorious, and all thofe that thal! follow you: when A4ofescame to Pharoah, he made him 240 - ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.28. eB i ne a er him to fee my miracles,and preached my Commandmentsto his Minifters ;they faid, this is but magick and witchcraft, we haye not heard thefe things to have becn fpoken to our predecef- fors. AZofes faid, the Lord knoweth him that teacheth the right way, and him that ought to have part in Paradife, Infidels fhall be moft miferable. Pharoah {aid to his Minitters, do ye know any other God but me? O Haman \ Net me offer facri- fices, and build a Temple, fhall I deceive my felf with the God ‘of Mofes? 1 believe him to be in the number of lyars. He became proud on earth, with his Minifters, and they believed that they fhould ever be aflembled before me to be judged ; we furprized him with his people, and canfed him to perth in the Sea ; confider what is the end of unbelievers ; we abandon. edthem, and they are in the number of the condemned to the fire of hell. They fhall finde none to protect them at the day of Judgment ; we curfed them on catch, and at the dayof the Refurrection they hall be abominable to all the world, We taught Ado/es our Commandments, after the deftrudion of many Infidels before his coming. We gave him the Book, } to be a light to the people, to condud them into che fight way, and acquire our grace, peradventure they will remem: ber. Thon wert not with. Wo/es when we {pake to him; we created another age after him, thou didft not at that time dwell with the Inhabitants of A4adian, neither didft thon | teach them our Commandments ; it is we that have inftracted thee in the Hiftory of paft ages;thou wert not on the mountain when we fpake to.1Zo/es;we fent thee through our fpecial grace, to preach to, men the torments of hell; they havenotyet hada preacher like unto thee, perhaps they will confider it, when they felt any punifhment for their fins, they faid, Lord, hadlt thou fent us an Apoftle to inftrudt us, we fhould have obeyed thy Commandments, and have believed in thy Law: and when on our part they, were inftruéted in the Truth, they faid, doth Mahomet work miracles like AZofes >? -do they not traduct what A4o/es did, when they fay, that 2Z0/es and AZabomet at, two apparent Sorcerers? and when they faid that they believed neither. Prophet, nor. Scripture ? Say unto them, a 00 d. SUP PTETS ICIS TIRES Chap.28, The Alcoranof MaHowmeET. 241 book from God , that better ceacheth the right way then the Old Teftament , and more favingly thenthe Alcoran, 1 will followit, if ye fpeak thetruth: If theybenot heard when they fhall require this book, know, that they follow only their own appetites, and their impiety ; who is more erro- ncous then he that followeth but his own paffion, and is not guided of God ? he guideth not. Infidels; Certainly we have fent them the eA/coran , peradventure they will believe init ;they, to whom we heretofore fent this book believe in the contents thereof; when they hear it read, they fay, we believe in thofe words, it isthe very truth that proceedeth from God ; we believe in the unity of his divine Majelty, they fhallbe doubly rewarded, becaufe they have perfevered in well-doing; they have overcome ev:ll through their good deeds, and have expended in good works part of the wealth that we gave them. When they heard the faith evill {poken of, ; they withdrew themfelves,took leave of the company,and faid, ye thall anfwer for your, and we for our a@ions. Regard not the ignorant, thou fhalt not convert all them char thou fhale defire to convert ; God converteth, and guideth into the right way whom he pleafeth , and knoweth fuch as ferve him. They faid , if I follow with thee the right way, T muft forfake my Country. Shall not 1 eftablith them in q place of fafety,where they thal finde all forts of fruits to enrich them 2 but che greateft part of the people know it not. How many Ci- ties have we deftroyed,that took pleafure in their evill life? No man inhabited them any more, except very few, and we became heirs.of their riches. God thall not deftroy Afecca, untill he have fent an Apoftle to inftru@ the Inhabicants thereof in the right way: God deftroyeth not a City, if the Inhabirants be not unjult, and difobey not his Commandiments cane wealth of this world which ye poffeffe, pleafeth you, but the riches of Heaven are much better, and eternal! ; will ye not underftand it ? Have we not kept promife with them to whom we promifed Paradife? aad withthem.to whom we promifed the riches ot this world, and inthe end were inthe number of the damned? Be thou mindfull of the day when R thy The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.28 thy Lord fhall call them , and fay unto them, where are yout Idols, whichye believed to be my Companions ? the chief of them hall fay , Lord, behold thofe that were feduced like us. we are innocent of their Idolatry , they adored not us; they fhall fpeak that day to the Idolaters to invoke theif Idols , but they fhall not hear them, they fhalf be vifibly cha- - fifed on Earth: © Be thou mindful of the day when thy Lord fhall call them, and fay unto them, wherefore have ye not believed my Apoftlesand my Prophets? they fhall be con- founded, and remain dumb. He that fhall be converted, and do good works, fhall be happy. Thy Lord createth what pleafeth him, and maketh choyce of what feemeth to him good. Praifedbe God, he hath no companion, he knoweth what is inthe hearts of men, andwhat they make manifet; he is God, there isno God but he, prayfe is due to him in the beginning , and inthe end, he commandeth over all things, and all people fhall one day be affembled before him to be judged ;-Say unto them , Had God given a continual! night even untillthe day of Judgment, what other God is chee that is able to give you light ? will ye not hear me ? Aid God given you a continuall day untill the day of Judgment, what other God could have given the night to refrefh yout will ye not confider his benefits and his grace? he hath cre- ated the night for repofe, and the day for labour y peradven- ture-ye will give him thanks. Be thou mindfull of the day, __ when thy Lord fhall calf the Infidels , and fhall fay unto them, where arethe Idols that ye worfhipped ? We will calla wit- nefs of every Nation, and will fay to the Idolaters, Bring your arguments that may prove the plurality of Gods; Ye thall this day know your blafphemies, and that there is but one God. (aren wasof the people of AZv/es , he was proud, be- canfe of his riches ; we gave him fo great treafures, what many men were burthened when they conveyed away the Keyes. Remember how his people faid unto him, Rejoyce not above meafure in thy great wealth, God abhorreth them that re joyce without reafon; Beg fof him Paradife; with thy: riches forget not todo good in this world, give almes of i anee Q SvECS CEE Cia he eeteereErs ie a (hap.28. Alcoranof Ma HOMET. 2.43 {tance which God hath given thee, be not difobedient to him on Earth, he abhorreth thofe that difobey him ; thefe riches were given thee, becaufe thou didft inftru@ the people in the Old Teftament ; knoweft thou not that God (deftroyed in times paft many rich and opulent perfons? Who is more ftrong, more powerfull, more rich then God? He will not enquire of the wicked the number of their finnes, he knoweth all, and the accompt. Carex one day went forth in publique, with all his retinue; They that affe@ted the wealth of this world, faid , Would to God we had as much wealth as (4 ron; he is happy | but the more knowing among them faid, yeare unhappy , the grace of God is more advantageous to them that believe in his Law, and do good works, then all the treafures of Caron ; none fhall receive his grace but {uch as fhall obey him, and perfevere, in obedience to his Command- ments. We deprived Caron of all his treafures, and none was able to protect him againft us; then they thar’ had coveted his riches, faid, oh miracle ! God giveth to, and depriveth of wealth whom to him feemeth good ; Had not God given us his grace, we had been neceffitous ; certainly the wicked thall be miferable ; I will beftow Paradife on them that hate vanity and diforder on the Earth, and thall have my fear before their eyes ; whofoever thall do good, hall finde good ; who doth evill, thal! be chaltifed after his demerits. He that hath taught thee the Adcoran-, thall caufe thee to return to the * place that thou defireft: Tell the Inhabitants of thar place, * Mecca, thas God knoweth them that teach the right way, and. fuch as See Gelaidin, gocaitray. Thou didft not expe@ the Alcoran, it is a {peci- ali grace of thy Lord; affift notthe Infidels , and take heed left they feduce thee, after having learnt what hath been tanght thee; Preach to the people the unity of God, Be not in the number of them that believe many Deities, adore God alone, there is no God but he ; all things fhall have end , ex- cept his face, he commandeth over every thing, and all men fall one day appear before himto be judged. _" R 2 CHAP, BS St rie = The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapag. CHAP. XX1%. The Chapter of the Spider, containing fixty mne Verfes, Write ten at Mecca. Nthe name of God , gracious and merciful: I am God moft wife. Menhave believed that it is fuffictent to fay, webelievein God, and that they benor proved : Certainly God proved their predeceffors , atid knew fich as were zea- fous in his Law, and them that were Infidels. Do they who have done evill, think to efcape the punifhment of their crimes, and not to be judged? Such as hope to fee God, (hall behold him at the time appointed by his divine Majelty; he underftandeth and knoweth all things. He chat fighteth forthe faith, fighteth for his foul ; certainly God hath to need of men, their fines fhalfbe pardoned who fhall beliere in his divine Majefty, and thall do good works. We enjoyned the children of Ifraclto honour their facher and mother, and todo good to them; if they prefs thee to worfhip muy Gods, thou fhalt be damned, if thou give ear to them; obey them not in this matter, ye fhall be aflembled before me, I willferbefore you allthat ye have done, I will reward you according to your works , and place {ich as fliall have ob- ferved my Law in the number of the bicffed. : There be men who affirm, that theybelieve in God, and are impatient when evill befalleth them from God to prove them: If God give victory to the True-believers , they fay, that they are om theirfide, but doth not God know what is in their heart? He knoweth chem that believe in his Law , and thofe that atc impious, The Infidels faid tothe’ True-believers , do like us, follow our way, we will bear your finnes; They will not bear them, they arelyars, they fhall bear their own burdens ; fkallnot an accomptof their finnes be required ofthem atthe day of Judgmengs We ent Noah to inftrué men , he lived upon the Earth nifie hundred and fifty years. The Flood fur prized, and deftroyed the people of his time , becaufe they welt al i iy i it I eee ered | (hap.r9. “She Alcoran of Ma HOMET. were unjuft, and we faved Noah, and thofe chat were with him ia the Ark ; this ought to ferve for example.to all the world. Remember Abraham, who faid to his people, Adore one God , and fear him, ye fhall do well, if ye have knowledge tocomprehendit; ye worthip but Idols, and are but lyars, thofe whom ye worfhip cannot benefit you ; implore fuc- cor ef God, worfhip him, and give him thanks for his graces, ye fhall one day appear before him, if ye traduce me; thofe that were before you traduced the Prophets, Gods Meflengers: Meffengers are obliged only to difcharge their meflage ; areye ignorant chat God caufeth men to dye, and fall raife them again ? it is a thing eafie to God : Walk through the Earth , and confider how God hath extirpated your predeceffors, and created after them another people, certainly he is omipotent. Heypunifherh and pardoneth as he feeth good, youall thallone day be affembled before him tobe judged ; you fhall not render him impotent , either an Earth, or in the Heavens, ye thall finde none of power to protec, or defend you againft his divine (Majefty ; fuch as obey not hisCommandments, who believe not the reforredti- on, and difpair-ofhis mercy , (hall fuffer great torments ; The peopleanfwered, kill Abraham, and burn him ; but God deli- vered him from the fire that they had kindled ,which fhall ferve for example to True-believers, Hefaidunto them,ye adore on- ly Idols, becaufe of your loveto.the wealth of the world 3 ye fhall defpife and curfe each other at the day of Judgment, Hell fhall be your habitation, and ye fhall be deprived of protedti- on, Lot believed in his words, and faid, I willretire to the place which my Lord fhallappoint me ; he alone is omnipo- tent, and molt wife, We pave to e4brahamtwo fons, D/aae and Fucob; wecaufed Prophets to beborn of his race, and taught his progeny the Scripture ; we rewarded himin this world, and he fhall be at the day of judgment in the number of the bleffed.. Remember Lor, who faid to his people, Ye defile your-felyes with filthinefs, unknown to any before you; ye incline te the love of men, ye tob upon the high ways, and defile one another. - This people anfwered, “Let us {ee the 3 Judgments 245 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. (hapag: judgments of God,if what thou fpeakeft be true. Then he faid, Lord prote@ me: againft unbelievers.. When our Meffengets came towatds Abraham, to declare to him that he fhould have children ; they faid unto him, VVe will ruine Lots City, and deftroy all the inhabitants thereof, becaufe theyare impious. Abraham antwered, Lot dwelleth in that’ City ¥ they faid, We know all that iswithin it, and we will preferve him, with ail his family, except his wife, the fhall bein the number of them that fhall be punifhed. WVhen our Meffengets arrived at Lots houfe, he wastroubled, in that he had not ftrength fufficient to defend them from the malice of the people; they faid unto him, Fear nothing, neither afflict thy felf” We will preferve thee, and all thy family, except thy wife; fhe fhall abide among them that (hall be deftroyed ; we will caufe the indignation of God to fall upon this City, becaufe of their impiety ; it fhall ferve for example to pofterity. Wee fent Chaib to his brethren; the inhabitants of Adadian ; he faid unto them, VVorfhip one God, fearthe day of Judgment, and defile not the Earth. . They impudently traduced him but were furprized by an Earthquake, and remained dead im their houfes, as carkales. VVe deftroyed Aad, and Temm, their ruine is yetapparent in the places of théir habitations; the Deviltempted and feduced them from the right way, not- withftanding they knew their error. We deftroyed Carm, Pharaoh, and Haman ; Mofes preached to them my Com- mandments ; they contemned them, and became proud inthe Earth, but efcaped not the punifhment of their crimes. We chaftifed fome by an impetuous«wind , and other were fur- prized by thunder ; we deprived them of their «riches, and they were drowned. God was not unjuft cowards them, they drew mifchief on themfelves through their impiety. They that worlhip Idols are like to the Spider; the buildeth her hanfe of her cob-web, that cannot defend from heat or cold. They would not adore Idols, did they underftand what they do; God feeth what they. worfhip, he is omnipotent and wife. I teach the people thefe parables, and none but the wife underftand them. Truly God created Heaven and Earth, it (hap.r9. TB Alcoran of Ma HOMET. itis afign of his Omnipotency to: True-believers... Inftrust them in the Book that is infpired into thee; make thy prayers at the time appointed, prayers divert. men from'fin; to be mindful of God ts the beft work thou canft perform, he know- eth all che actions of men. Difpute with mildnefs againit them that have knowledg of the written Law, except again{t the wicked thatare among them. Say unto them, We believe in what hath been taaght you, and in what hath been taught us: Your God, and our God is one God ; we are tefignedto his divine will. _We have fent thee the A/coran, aswe fent to them the Old Teftament.: Such as underftand the Old Tefta- ment, believe in the Truth of the Alcoran, Thou haft-nor written it with thine own hand; hadft thou written it, thou hadft caufed them to doubt, who defire to make it void : Cer- tainly it containeth, and teacheth intelligibly the Command- ments of the Law ;_ none but Infidels reje@ it. They have faid, We will not believe in this Book, unlefs God work init fome miracle. Say untothem, Miracles. proceed from God, I am fent only to preach the torments of Hell. Is it not fafficient, that we have fent thee the 4/coran toinftru@& them ? It con- taineth the effects of my mercy and precepts,neceflary for their falvation. Say unto them, it fufficeth that God is witnefs of mine actions, betwixt you and me ; he knoweth whatfoever is in Heaven, and in Earth » They that believe in Idols,and have not faithin God, are damned. They urge thee to make them feethe punifhment of theircrimes; if the time were come, they fhould foon feel it; they fhall refcent it, when they leaft think of it, but they know it not; they thall prefs thee to make them fee it. Say untothem, Hellis prepared for Infidels, When they thall be plunged in torments over their heads, and under their feet, it thall be faid unto them, Tafte the punifh- ment which ye have deferved. Oye people that believe ! The Earth isfufficiently large and {pacious for you, to feparate your felves from the wicked ; worfhip me alone, all Creatures fhall die, and be affembled before me to bejudged. The True- believers that fhall have done good works, fhall inhabit Para. difc, wherein flow many rivers ; wherein isthe reward of the R 4 righteous, The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.3o righteous, of them that perfevere to do good, and are pati. ent in their affiGion ; and truftimtheir Lord. How many beafts be there thar have nct wherewith to live ? God nourifhe eth them, and you alfo ; he underftandeth and knoweth all things. If thou ask of the Infidels, who created Heaven and Barth, the Sun, and che Moon? they will fay, IvisGod. Where fore then do they deny his Unity ? God enricheth and im- poverifherh whom pleafeth him, he is omnifcient. If thou de mand of them, who caufeth the rain to fall from Peaven, to give life tothe Earth, after the death thereof ? they will fay, ItisGod, Say unto them, Praifed be God,that ye avonehic ; neverthelefs, the greateft part of men underftand it not. The life of this world is but iport and vanity, life isin Paradife, had they knowledg to comprehend. When they enter into a fhip, and fee the vempeft, they call upom God, and proreft to profefs his Law : And whenhehath preferved them on the Land, they: are imgratefch for his grace, and return co their Idolatry, they fhall too lave underitand theirerror. Know they mot that we have eftablithed in Azecca all fafery and fig dom ? and:that mem are taken away by violence to be’ flan, and made flaves? believe they in things unprofitable ? fhull they be mgrateful for che graces of God ? who is more im- pions chen he that blafphemeth againft God, and impugneth the known Truch? 1s there no place in Hell for the wicked ? Iwill guide into the right way thes that fhall fight for the Faith; God is with then that do good. CHAP. XXX. The ay of the Grecians, containing fixty Verfes, Written at Mecca, i ie the name of God; graciousand merciful. I am the mot B wifeGod. The Grecians were vanquifhedupon the frontier ef vhe Per/ims, but fhal-be vittorions beforethe endiof feven yeers. God difpofeth allthings from the beginning to the en Whenthey thallbe victorious, the True-believers fhall rejoyet in (hap.30. Me Alcoran of MAHOME : eae 249 in the victory that God thall givethem; he proteéteth whoin tohim feemeth good; he is emnpotent and merciful. He hath promifed them vitory, and departeth not from his pro- mifes; of which the greateft pare of men areignorant ; they afteét the life of this world, and confider not their end: Wii! they not confider that God hath created the heavensand the earth, and all that is in them? and hath appointed to every thing a limited and prefixed tim:? Certainly the greatest part of the people believe not in the Refurre@ion : Will they not confider the end of their predeceflors, who were more powerfulland wealthy then they? Ged hath fent to allan Apoftle to teach themhis Law, he hath done to them no injuftice, they have drawn mifchixf on themftyes through their iniquity ; the end. ofthe wieled hall be like to their works, they defpife the Commandnents of God, and deride them, but God fhall canfe them to lie, and rife again, and all thall be aflembled before him at the day of Judgement ;that day (hallthey be defperate, their Idols thal! not intercede for them, they fhall forfake them, and they thall be feparated from the true-believers. Such as believe in God. and do good works, (hall enjoy the delights of Paradife,andithe wicked thal be chaftifed according totheirdemeits, Praife God,pray unto him evening and morning. praife is dueto him in heaven and earth ; pray unto him before the Sin fer. andat the hour of noon ; he maketh the deadto come cut of the living, and the living out of the dead ; he caufeth the barren earth to revive, and grow green after its death; in ike manner will he caufe you to arife again,and come out of your fepulchres: itis a fign of his Omnipotency,ro have created you of earth,to have given you flefh and bones,andto have created the woman (of the rib of the man } to dwell with him; he hath commanded you to love mutually, and to exercife charity among you, thefe things are figns of his Omnipotency to them that confider his graces. The creation of heaven and earth; th: diverfity oftongues, the differences of your vifages, and of yeur-colour, the might crea- ted for repofe, andthe day. for travell, che lightning that terri- fieth the people, and which throngh-rain caufeth the carth’a- A gain i Oil ntl lae The Alcoran of Ma H OME T. (hap.30. gain to flourifh, are figns of his Omnipotency : It isa token of his Omnipotency to {uftain the heaven, and the earth ; ye fhall come out of your fepulchres when he fhall call you, whatfoever is in heaven and earth obey him ; he caufech men to die, and to rife again, he alone is God in heaven and earth he is Omnipo- tent, and knoweth all things. He fpeaketh to youin a parable, drawn from your felves, your flaves ; are they your Compant- nions ?. do they equally partake with you in the goods which God hath given you? How then will ye fay that God hath a companion equal to him ? Thus do T unfold his my fteries to perfons that have knowledg to comprehend them ; certainly the wicked have followed their appetites with ignorance ; who fhall guide him whom God fhall canfe to err ? he thall finde no protector ; embrace the law of Salvation, God hath eftablithed it, that men may obferve it; it admitceth no altera. tion,but the greateft part of the world are ignorant of it : Fear God, make your prayers at the time appointed ; be not liketo them that fay,God hath a companion; neither like to them thit are at prefent inthe number of Heretiques, and were befor as ye are ; every Sect is pleafed in-its opinions, when any evil befalleth chem that call upon God, and are converted ; never thelefs fome of them returnto their Idolatry ; after the receptie on of his grace, they are ingrateful, they fhall awhile betole- rated,and in the end they fhall, roo late,underftand theirerrore Have we taught them reafons and arguments, that prove that I have a companion? The people rejoyced when we enlarged to them our graces; and became defperate, when evill befel them ; feethey not that I give, and cake away wealth, asto me feemeth geod ? This is -atoken of my Unity to fuchas obey my Commandments. Give to your neighbour what appet- taineth to him,and particularly to the poor, and true believers, if ye defire to fee the face of God ; fuch as {hall do it, fhall be blefied. The money which ye put to Usury encrealech in the hands of men, God thall nor {uffer it to profper; the alms whic hye give fhall make you to fee the face of his divine Ma jefty, and {hail be doubly reftored to you. God hath created you, he enricheth you, and caufeth you to die and rife agait, cafl (hap.30. eAlcoran of Ma HOMET. can your Idols do as much? Praifed be God, he hath no com: panion ; diforder appeared in the earth, and in the fea, becaufe of theiniquities of men ; peradventure they will be converted, when they fhall feel the punifhment of their crimes: Say unto them, go throughout the earth, and confider the end of your predeceffors, the greateft part of them were Idolaters; embrace the true Law before the day cometh, when none (hall be heard ; that day fhall the wicked be feparated from the good, the in. pious fhall give an accompt of their impiety, and fuch as thall have lived well, thal! enjoy the joyes of Paradife, the grace of God fhall be their recompenfe, God abhorreth Infidele, It is afign ofhis Omnipotency, to fend the winds to bring you rain, and make you to tafte the fruits of his grace ; the fhip runneth upon the water through his permiffion, for the adyan- tage of your commerce ; will ye not be thankful to him for his benefits ? We fent to every Nation Prophets and Apoftles before thee, they came with moft intelligible precepts, and 4 with many miracles ; we chaftifed thofe that flandred them,and ' protected the faithful. God fendeth the winds that elevate the clouds, and extendeth them in the air in many pieces-at his pleafure ; he canfeth the rain to fall where he liftech, and re- ; Joyceth whomte him feemeth good of them that expect it with impatience ; confider the effedts of his bounty ; he caufech the dry and barren earth to flourith again, and reftoreth the dead to life, he is Omnipotent. We fent the winds to aflemble , the clouds that covered men with their thaddow, neverthelefs they are returned to their impiety ; the dead hall not under. ftand thee, neither likewife the dumbe, thou art not obliged to lead the blinde, none thal! hearken to thee but fitch as thal] believe in my Law, and be obedient : Say unto them, God created you impotent, he hath given you ftrength, and after, having reduced you to the weaknefe of oldage, doth what to | him feemeth good; he knoweth mens fecrets, and doth what ; Pleafeth him ; the wicked fhal| fwear-at the day of Judg- ment, that they have remained but an hour in their fepuléhred; _ they lye in like manner, when they deny the Refurreétion ; the true believers, that know the truth, thall fay unto them, ye have 251 ri _ The Alcoran of MaHOMET. Chap.3. haveremained there che time appointed in the Book of God, to wit, untillthe day of Refurredtion ; behold the day of Re farreétion | ye Knew not at what time it fhould arrive-sthis day excufes (hall be unprofitable to Infidels, they fhalt-be deprived of protection. We have taught in the Alcoramall that is prof table for the falvation of men; if thou reacheft them hy Com- mandments, unbelievers will fay, thou bringeft nothing but diforder ; thus God hardneth the hearts of the ignorant. Be patient, and perfevere; what God promifeth is infallible; be- ware left unbelievers fhake thy perfeverance. ee CHAP. XXXII. The Chapter of Locman, containing thirty four Verfes, writtes at Mecca. The ruts YFNthe Naime of God, gracious & merciful: am the moft wik fay,that Loe & God. Thefeiprecepts are the precepts of the book filled with manwas a do@rin,it guideth into the way of falvation; the righteous wi great Dodtor pwateirhieir prayers atthe time appointed, that pay tithes, atl in Davids time. believe in the day of Judgment, they are guided by thet Lord, and fhallbe bleffed. There be who deride this Book, they ignorantly depart from the Law of God, and have delp fedit, -but fhall‘one day’be feverely punifhed - When they ate taught the Commandments of God, they turn the back with difdain, they will not hear, and have ears ftopped ; Say unto them, you fhallin the end fuffer infinit ‘pains: Such as believe in the Law’of God, and do'good works, {hall eternally enjoy the delights of Paradife; what'God promileth, isinfal- lible, he is Omnipotent, and alcogether wife, he created ‘the heaven, and faftaineth it witHoue a pillar, appeating to yout eyes ; he lifted up the mountains upon the earth, to faften at hinder it'to move; he’ hath thereon difperfed many beafts, an fent rain fromheaven, which caufeth plants to fpring forth, and herbs of divers forts. Behold phere} what God hatherer ted! fhew me what your Idols have created ; affurcdly Mdolt ters are taanifetly feduced‘from the right way. We infpire knowledg into Locman, and fpake unto him to give "I chanks; * (hap.31. coranof MAHOMET. 253 thanks s he that returneth thanks to God for his graces, doth good for his foul ; God rejeéteth the ingratefull, and praife is due to him in all places.- Remember thou that Locmsax faid un- to his fon, O my fon ! believe not thou that God hath a com- panion,it isan exceeding great fin : we have commanded man to honour his father and mother ; his mother beareth him with grief upon grief, and weaneth him at the age of two years’; be thou not ingratefill for Gods benefits ; honor father and mos ther, thon fhalt be one day before God to be judged. If thy parents prefs thee to believe that God hath companions, obey them not, follow the way of them that obey him, all men fhall be-one day affembled before him, tobe rewarded accordin to their works. O my fon ! if thou doft evill, of the weight o a grain of Muftardfeed, or of the weight ofa rock, or of the greatnefs of heaven and earth, God will know it, and pntit in accompt, he isexa& and Omnifcient, O my fon! maketh ) Prayersat the time appointed, do what ishonett and civill, fly " what is not approved, and be patient, in thy adverfities ; re- » gard not the world, difordered through pride; conyerfe not ™ with the proud, God detefteth the haughty; obferve chy fteps, " walk with modefty, fpeak gently, they be perfons that bray ® like Affes when they fpeak ; feeft thou not that God hath crea- * ged for men all that isin heaven and earth, and conferreth on » them his graces in general, and particular. . There be ignorant - [perfons chat difpute of the Diety without reafon; when itis faid unto them, dowhat God hath appointed, they anfwer, we willdo what we faw done by ont fathers. They confider not that the devill calleth them and their fathers to the pains of hell. He that obeyeth God, and doth good works, faftneth him to the ftrongeft knot, and will have a care ofhim at the hour of his end. The impiety of the wicked ought not to afi - thee, they fhall be one day affembled in our prefence, to be ’ chaftifed ; I will fhew them all thar they have done, I know | what isin the hearts of men, I will Prolong awhile their pu- } nifhment upon earth, and precipitate them in the other world, } into the fre ofhell. Haft thou not demanded of them who ercated heaven and earth? they faid, iris God; fay unto oc. if there= The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.31, therefore praifed be God ; neverthelefs the greatelt part of them are ignorant. Whatfoever is in heaven and earth is Gods, he hath no want of the world, praife is due unto himin all that he doth ; if all the trees of the world were pens, and the fea inke, they could not comprehend the effe& of his Om- nipotency, he is Omnipotent,and knoweth all things. Hecre- ated,and fhall make youto rife again with one word,heunder- ftandeth & feethall things. Confider they not that God canfeth the night to enter into the day,and the day into the night;that he created the Sun and the Moon,that move in the heaven,un- til the day appointed, he knoweth whatfoever ye do, becaule he is truly God ; they that invoke other then him, invoke things vain and unprofitable ;God alone is moft high, and molt mighty: Sceeft thou not’ how the fhip runneth upon the wa- ter,for a token of his Omnipotency,to fuch as acknowledg his graces ? When the wars arofe againft the Infidels, many called upon God, with refolution to follow his Law; when he faved them on the land, fome perfevered to do well, and others i turned to their impiety ; none but deceivers and ingratdil [perfons] defpife his Commandments. O people ! fear Goi, and the day when the father fhall not be able to faccour his childe, neither the child ferve his father , Gods promifes are infallible; -be not proud of your riches, neither that God tolerateth and fuffereth you, he knoweth the time when ye fhall be chaftifed, the hour that the rain fhall fall upon’ the eatth ; he knoweth what is in the wombs of women, whether it be male or female; none but God knoweth what thou wilt do to morrow; none but he knoweth the place where thou fhalt die; he knoweth all, he knoweth all. Chap.32. ir AlcoranofMaHOMET. 255 CHAP. XXXII. The Chapter of Worthip, containing an hundred and thirty Ver (es, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull, I am:the moft [vie God, Doubtlefs this Book was fent by the Lord of the Univerfe; willthe wicked fay that chou haft invented it? On the contrary, it isthe truth it felf, which proceedeth from thy Lord, to preach to them that heretofore had none to inftruét them ;. peradventure they will follow the sight way. God created heaven and earth, and all that isbetween them, in fix dayes, and fitteth on his Throne; who fhall prote& you? who fhall hear your prayers but he? will you never con- " fider it ? He difpofeth all things in heaven and earth, all men i fall one day be affembled before him to be judged ;a thou- t fand years are but one day before his divine Majeltie » he i. knoweth what is pat, prefent, and future; he is Omnipotent y and merciful, he hath created every thing for his people, he it formed man of the dirt, and duftof the earth, he infpired the it. foul into his body ; he giveth you hearing, fight, and fenfe, but ¢ few men return him thanks for his graces ; they fay, whar, fhall we die, and return tobe a new people ? Certainly they believe not in the Refurrection. Say unto them, the Angel of death hall caufe you to die, and ye thall return before God to be judged. Thou fhalt then fee how the Infidel will hang down the head before their Lord, and fay, Lord, we now fee the certainty ofthe Refurre@tion ; we this day know the truth of thy words, permit us co return into.the world, we will be righteous, we now underftand what is profitable and heceflary for us; We could have given a guide to every perfonmy word is moft true, I will fillhel! with the wicked, and Paradife with the righteous; thus thal! men be rewarded and chaltifed ac cording to their works. Tafte (O ye wicked !) the pains that ye have deferved, inrefufing to believe in. this day which ye have found; we leave you in the miferies due to your incredu- lity ; tafte the eternall torments that ye have merited throngh your The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hepa. your impiety. Such as believe in the myfteries of my Law are humble, they worfhip me alone, and praife me when they here mention of me; they are not proud, rebell not againt my Commandments : they arife from their bed to make theit rayers with fear and hope, and imploy in ptous works fome part of the wealth that we have given them. No man hath either feen.or knoweth what God referveth to recompente the righteous for their perfeverance. The believers and unbe- lievers fhall not be alike entreated ; the believers that have done good works, fhall enjoy Paradife, as the reward of theit fabours,and the unbelievers thal be precipitated into the fire of hell, che more they fhall labour to get out,the further thal they enter into it ; it fhall be faid ro them, tafte the pains of eternal flames, which ye would not believe. I will make the wicked to tafte ofthe torments of the world, and the pains of hell,if they be not converted: Who is more unjuft, chen he tht knoweth the Commandments of his Lord, and difobeyet them? we will be avenged on his impiety: we gave aii true Book to AZofes,to inftru& the children of Z/rael ; wepit into the right way thofe among them that perfevered inet faith, and obeyed our Commandments. Thy Lord thal judge the difficulties of the Infidels at the day of Judgment ; feethey not how much people we deftroyed in times paft, that repoled [confidence] in theit houfes ? it is a token of our Omnipotency, will they never underftand it ? See they not how! theuftforch water in defart and barren lands? that I caufe herbsto {pring forth for the nourifhment of men and beafts 2. will they never confiderit? They demand, when will the day of Judgment come? Say untothem, that day fhall not bring contentment to Infidels, and they thal! be without protection. Depatt thou far from them ; prefevere, and attend; they wait an occi- fion to mifchief thee, but thou thale fee them chaltifed. CHAP. CHAP. XX XIII. The Chapter of Bands, and T roups of Souldiers , containing 7 four/core and {even Verfes, Written at Medina. ' N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Oh Prophet ! i fear God, and obey not unbelievers , Ged knoweth all jj, things, and is moft prudent in what he ordaineth ; obferve / what thy Lord hath taught thee, he knoweth the a@ions of 4 men;recommend thy felfe to God, it ought to fuffice thee,that » heproteéteth thee. He hath not given two hearts unto men, he hath not enjoyned us to call your wives your mothers ; thofe which you calf your Children, are not all your Chil. x; dren, ye fpeak it only with the mouth, but God alwayes y §peaketh the crutch , and gnideth men into the way of falvati- 4, on. Call your neighbour by the name of his father, this a@ti- ae ONfhall be acceptable to God, provided »that ye have no , evil defigne in the heart ; if ye know not his name , call him », your brother in God, or Sir, God is gracious and merciful, \, The Prophet is obeyed of them that believein God , and ho- . nour his wives, astheir mothers. Kinfmen are heirs of each , other, it is fo appointed by his divine Majefty to the Believers | that went out of AZecca to follow the Prophet: It is or- dained in Scripture todo good to your parents. Remember thou that we received the promile of the Prophets of thee, of Noah, of chbraham, of Afofes, and of Jefus the Soune of dary, ( to worthip but one God ) we received a {trong pro- mife :_ An accompt (hall be required of their a@tions, and the wicked fhall feel the rigour of infinite paines. Oh ye that believe in God! remember his favour towardsyou; when ye were charged by troups of enemies, he. fent againft them an impetuous winde, and troups invifible to your eyes, to fight them , he feeth all that ye do; thofe invifible troups came from the Eafk, and from the Weft, from above, and below, when your fight wastronbled , and your hearts failed you, be- caule of the great number of your enemies; ye had already S conceived oy The: Alcoran of MaHOMET- Chap.33. conceived a very bad opinion of the Law of God; then were the Trne-believers tryed , they trembled with fear; The wicked, and fuch as were weak in their faith, faid, that what- foever God and his Prophet had promifed them , was but abufe and vanity ; Remember thon how a party of them faid ro the Inhabitants of the Territory of (Medina, there is no fafety for you with Adabomer , return into your hotles. ; Remember thou how many among them required dif miffion, and faid,-that, their houfes were forfaken : Their houfes were not forfaken, but they had a defifne to flye; had they returned to their houfes, they had on all fides perfwa- ded them to follow impiety , they fhould not there have made long abode , becanfe they before had promifed God not to fly ; he would have required an accompt of cheir promifes: Say unto them, flight fhall be to you unprofitable, if ye fie death, for that ye ought no longer to continue in the world; Say unto them, who is able to prote& you againft Gol, when he fhall refolve to deftroy you? take none other prott @or but him; he knoweth them that were diffwaded to git tothe battell to fpare their wealth and perfons. They caftan eye upon thee , when they are furprized with fear , they tutn their eyes into the head , asa man that dyeth, and when they are delivered from fear , they traduce thee, becaule of their extreme avarice. Such men believe not in God, he ren- dreth all their. works unfrnitfull, ic is a thing eafie to his dis vine Majefty, The Troups of the Infidels believed they were invincible, and when they faw the troups of the True-be- lievers, they defired to flye. The Infidels defired to draw the - - eArabians to their party , and have intelligence to know in what condition youare ; had they been of your party, few of them had been flain; the adhering to the Prophet of God ferveth to you asa Cittadell, it ferveth asa Bulwark to them that apprehend the day.of Judgment, and think often on his divine Majelty. When the’ believers faid- ; behold! what God and his Prophet promifed us , they are fincere in theif promifes; the fight of their enemies encreafed theit faith, am zeale rowards God and his Prophet. There be perfons ye the VETTES RE Chap.33. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. the True-believers who have performed what they promifed to God; many of them are dead in obedience to the Com- mandments of his divine Majefty, others attend the fame thing, and fwarve not from what they have promifed ; God fhall recompenfe them for their zeale, and chaltife the Infidels, or pardon them if it fo pleafe him, heis gracious and mer- cifull. God thall deftroy the unbelievers with their wrath againit the believers;he protecteth True-believers in combats, he is {trong and omnipotent. The Jews defcended from their Fortrefs,to give aid to the Infidels,but God caft fear into their hearts ; a party of them were flain, and the reft taken flaves ; they by their death made you heires of their lands, their houfes ; their riches, and fortrefles which you were not able to conquer; God is omnipotent. Oh Prophet ! if thy wives be too ambitious of the wealth of the earth, and of garments too fumptuous ; Call them, Say unto them, that thou wile deal well wich them, and wilt repudiate them with mildneffe and civility. Ifthey loveGod and his Prophet, if they ave vertuous, his divine Majefty will give them an exceeding great reward: Ohye wives of the Prophet ! fach of you as frail be unchafte, fhalkbe punifhed doubly, more then other women, this isathing eafie to God ; fuch among you as fhall obey God and his Prophet, and fhall do good works, fhall be re- warded more then other women, an exceeding great reward is prepared for you. Oh ye wives of the Prophet ! ye are.not like other women of the world ; feac God, and believe not in the difcourfe of fuch as have defign to feduce you, {peak with civility, abide in your houfes ; goe not forth to make your beauty appear, and to make a fhew, asdid the ignorant of old ; pray to God with affection, give almes, obey God and his Prophet, God will deliver you from his wrath ; and will purifie you ; be mindfull of the Law that is taught you in your houfes, he is mercifull to them that honour him, he know- eth all the a@ions of the Prophet , he hath promifed his mercy; and an exceeding great reward to thofe ( men and women ) that fhall obey his Commandments. Thofe men and women that believe in his unity, that refign themfelves 32 to —— ~ Heis not 160 TreAlcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.33. to his divine pleafure . that are patient and humbl fpeak the truth, that faft, give snes and are chafte ; eabih men and women that obferve his Law, ought not to controll his ations, neither thofe of his Prophet, nor fay, thar th could do better then they, if they would endeavour Cit. ] a that difobeyeth God and his Prophet, erreth from the i ht way; Remember. what thou didft fay to him whom God favoured , to receive him into his Law , and who i didft gratifie with liberty, that faidft, divorce not che fe Mabomer and fear God ; thou concealeft in thy mind a defi ‘ hich pee ig God thall difcover, thowfeareft the people, bur ine rs ae tyto fear God alone. When Zeid did repudiate hie tl replete dae married theeto her, tothe end there might remain no him torepu- €ffor among the True-believers ; when they fhall tepudi diate her, to their wives, they fhall obferve in repudiating chem vhat God ey es, hath ordained. The Prophet finneth not indole vitae Gol ieee: hath permitted ; the Law of God was in this manner ob- ferved by cur predeceffors, and the command of his divi Majefty is executed without delay. Suchas preach ine va of God, his Apottles and Prophets , fear re but his divi Majefty, it fufficech them that they arein his stotcdign pe the father of homet isnot your father, he is the Apoftle of God nd 4 Zeid, to laft of all the Prophets, God knoweth all things h re tall efpoulethe motcome another Prophet after him. Ohye Ss cnes EW Gama ‘t him. Oh yee that believein fe get-away. + think frequently on his divine Majefty prayle him See Tef fir anf SLi evening , he fhall give yon his merey ; the An- Joatir. ge Prep iit Pg oo , that he may deliver from darknels; ; to True-believers; the Angels fhall falute them on his behalfe at the day of Jud ment he hath d forthem-an exceeding great rew Bh Pr oka hae EXC g great reward. Oh Prophet! we have fent thee to be witnefs of the deportments of the eople, and as 4 light to condu& them into the right way oct . True-believers that they fhall Cake a De all foie rele ES re = ae of thy Lord an excee- not their malice.and cruft in God chek nick ere ath protecteth thee. O ye that believe? Fs be : ies pugs ieve / it is = or you to-abufe your wives; if you repudiate them before ye ye have known them, deal well withthem, and difnif them with mildnefs and civility. O Prophet | we permit thee to " know the women to whom thou haft given dowry,the women- “ flaves which God hath given thee, the daughters of thine Uneles, and of thine Aunts, that have abandoned with thee the company of the wicked ; and the trae- believing wife that fhail-be given thee, if thou wilt marry her, and that fhe be not the wife ofa true-believer. We know what-we have com- manded true-believers, touching their wives and their flaves; we have inftructed thee therein, to the end thou offend not God, he is gracious and merciful to fuch as obey -him. Thou ‘s fhale retain whom of thy wives thou thalt-defireco retain, in amd (hallrepudiate fuch as thou fhalt defire to repudiate, and thale lye with them that thall pleafe thee; itis better that thou i + Tepudiate them without oftendingGod then to fee them male- fe| Contented, and fad ; they fhall be.contented with the good , thatthoufhaltdoto them, in divorcing them; God knoweth what isin your hearts, he is Omnifcient, and moft merciful, It is not Jawful for thee to know other women then thine own, Wbamerhad ) itisnot lawful for thee to exchange them, although the beauty Bits ves , Of others pleafe thee,except thy flaves; God regardeth all, .O See Gelaidin. |, ye that believe! enter not into the houfes of the Prophet without permiffion, except at the hourof repaft, and that by chance, and without defign ; if ye are inyited, enter with free- dom; when ye thall have taken your repaft, depart out of the houfe, and tarry not to difcourte one with another, this mo- lefteth the Prophet,he is afhamed to bid yoube gone,but God is not afhamed co tell you the truth. The wives.of the Prophet fhall have the face covered when ye (hall {peak unto them, thisbetter refented of purity bothin themand in you. You ought not to importune the Prophet of God, neither to know his wives; this would be a moft enormous fin; if ye conceal any defign, ordifcover it, know that God knoweth all, They fhall not offend God in fuffering themfelves to be feen of their fa- thers, their children, their brethren, their nephews, their maid- | ea fervants, and their the-flaves, they hall fear God, he feeth all; Proshe = * God and the angels * pray for He Prophet.O ye that belicvel See ‘Gelaldin, : 2 3 Pray The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.33. ——<— pray for the Proplier , and’ obey him: He that fhall dif- leafe God and “his Prophet, fhall be accurfed in this world and hall feel rigorous pains in the other; fuch as do injurie without reafon, to thofe (men and women) that believe in God: commit an exceeding great fin. O Prophet ! {peak to thy’ wives, andothyidaughters, and: the wives of true-believers, that they cover themfelves with’ vailes, they {hall be more ho- nored; and fhatkreceive no difpleature, God ‘is gracious and merciful, If the wicked, the whormongers,and thofe of Medi- ya, that are weak in their faith, quit not their impiety , 1 will give’ thee’ ‘abfolute power over them ; few among them will refpe@ thee, but take thou them; and flay them, wherefoever rhoufhale meet themjGod fo commanded thofe that were be- fore thee ; thou ¢halt finde no alteration in the Law of God, . The people will enquire of thee, when fhall be the day of ea gt Judgment ? Sayunto them, that God alone knoweth it, and Bt) Ta Bh that thou knowelt not if it (hall be very fpeedily;but chat God i hath prepared for Infidels an exceeding great fire;wherein they (hall burn eternally, they thallfinde no protection, they thal hed be cat headlong into the fire, and {hall fay): would to God tt Be had obeyed his divine Majeltic, and the Prophet his Apoflly H they thallfay, Lord, we obeyed our Mafters and Supefiors, they feduced us from: the right way ; Lord, chaftife them doubly,’and give them: thy curfe, O ye that believe d.be not tike chem that difpleafed Afo/er, he was innocent of the crimes that they laid upon him, he was infpired of God; fear God, and {peak with civility, your works {hall be acceptable tohim, and he fhall pardon your fins ; He that thall obey God, and his Apoftle; hall be happy; fidelity’ and obedienceare pleafing to Hi in heaven and‘in earth; and upor the smountains. Such 2s depart far [from him’ ].as did e4dam, do injury:to themfelves, andare ignorant, ‘he thall“chaftife thofe (men and women) that fhall be difobedient: and impious ; *he will give his grace co thofe (men-and women’) that fhall believe in his Law, hets eracious and merciful to them that obey him. ‘GHA? (hap.44. TheAlcoran of Mato ET. CHAP. XXXIV. The Chapter of * Saba; containing fifty four Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious,and\merciful. Praifed be God, RP atieversin heaven, and in the earth appertaineth: to him; praife is due nnco him, he is moft wife and Omnifcient: he knoweth whatfoever entreth into the earth, and cometh ont of it, whatfoever afcendeth to heaven, and defcendeth, he. is gracious and merciful to his.creatures. . The wicked demand if they fhall feethe day of Judgment ; Say unto them, yes, and that thy Lord knoweth the time; he knoweth what is .paft, prefent, and future, and all chat is in heaven and in the earth, even to the weight of an Atome;what is yet lefs,and what ts yet greater then an Atome, is written in a book that difcovereth every thing ; he (hall reward che truesbelievers that have done good works ; -he-thall. give them. his mercy; and enrich them with precious treafures : {uch as have endeavoured to fupprefs his Law, fhall feel the effects. of his indignation. They that un- derftand the Scripture, know that God hath taught thee che very truth,to guide the people into the right way, into the path of honour and vertue;but the wicked faid among them, will ye believe.a'man, who affirmeth, that after your death ye fhall rife again, and be new creatures ? he lyeth impudently, he is. pof- fefled of thedevill. Certainly they that believe not in the Re- furrection,are in an exceeding great error, and hall fatter moft grievousipains ; fee they not what.is above, and what is below them? Confiderthey net the heaven and the earth ? If I will, Tcan render it barren, and caufe a piece of the heaven to. fall upon them for afign of my Omnipocency. We gave our grace to David, and {pake to the mountains, birds, and mettals with him, to praife me;,.we commanded him to makescuirafles, sy On we * Saba is a Province of Liemen. See Gelaldin and iron was foftin his hand,as wax, O lineage of Davial be not ingrateful, 1 feewhatfoever ye do... We made the winds fabject to Solomon, he commanded them evehing and morning, S$ 4 from 264 *Depein pied, * An Indian Date. See Gelaldin, The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapa. fromthe Eaft to the Welt; we gave hima fountain, and 4 brook of diffolved brafs ; the devils, through our permiffion, wrought it to hisminde, and we punifhed in the fire of hell fuch as refufed to obey him. They buile for him lofty palaces, and * {pacious houfes ; they formed bafons for water, chanels, and pools : we faid unto him, O lineage of David! benot in- grateful for my graces, for that few perfons do acknowledg {them, 7} When he dyed, through our Commandment, nothing difcovered his death to the devils, but the wormes that had eaten the end of his ftaffe whereon he leaned ; when the devils faw him fall, they perceived, that had they known the future, and what was hid from them, they fhould not have laboured fo fong a time in his fervice. The Inhabitants of Saba have a mark of my Omnipotency in their Countrey, viz. two gardens, the one on the North fide,and the other towards the South, (it was faid unto them )-eat of the good things that your Lord hath given you, and recurn him thanks ; their Coun- try is delicious, God hath been merciful towards them, never- thelefS they are ingrateful and impious; we fent the river of Arem that overflowed their gardens; we changed them into two gardens of thornes of (ypris, and a little * Tamarindes thus did we punith them, becaufe of their impiety. We efta- blifhed a way with many cities,for facility of commerce among them, and the City which we bleffed, and fpake unto the peo- pleto follow that way night and day with fafety and without fear: They faid, God deftroyeth us through the length of this way ; they returned to their impiety, and we difperfed them upon the earth, to ferve for example to pofterity, and inftru- tion to fuch as perfevere in my Law, and acknowledg my graces. The devill caufedthemto believe his opinion, they followed him, ‘except fome of the rrue- believers that were a- mong them; he had no power over them, but to know them that believed in the Refurreétion, and fiuch as doubt. Thy Lord obferveth and regardeth all, Say unto them, invoke your Idols, they have not power of the bignefs of an Atome, neither in heaven, nor earth, God hath no companion, they thall finde none to proteét them at the day of Judgment, pe na Chap.34, ‘The Alcoranof MaHomer. fhall intercede for them without the permiffion of his divine Majeftie ; ifthey receiveany relaxation in their fear, they en- quire of each other what God fpake, and anfwer, that he fpake the truth ; that he is moft high, and moft mighty; Say unto them, who enricheth you withthe good things of heaven and earthathey will fay that ic is God. Say unto them, who of you, or of us followeth the right way ? Or who of you, or of usis fe- duced ? Enquire not after our fins, we are not curious to knew what ye do. God fhall affemble us at the day of Judgment, and (hall judge our differences with equity, he is an exceeding great Judge; fay untothem, let us fee the Idols that ye have worthipped ; certainly there is but one God, omnipotent and wife. We have not fent thee but to declare to men the joyes of Paradife, and to preach to them the pains of hell , but the reateft part knoweth it not; they aske in what time they fall fee the punifhment that is preached co them ;. and if chou fpcakeft the truth ; fay untothem, when the time thereof is come,ye fhal{ not be able to retard, or advance an hour: they have faid, that they will not believe in the A/coram, but thou fhalt fee them one day affembled in the prefence of thy Lord, thon fhalt fee that they fhall aceufe one another ; the poor fhall fay unto the rich, you have hindred usto obey the Command- ments of God; they fhall anfwer, have we feduced you from the way that was taught you? Onthe contrary, you were wicked and malicious: they fhall fay, on the contrary, you employed night and day your Artifices to render us ingrateful for the graces of God, and to induce usto believe that he hath companions equall tohim; they fhall repent-of their fins, when they thall fee their punifhment ; we will lay chains upon their necks, and they fhall be chaftifed after their demerits, The chief Inhabitants of the Cities, faid to the Prophets that we fent to them to preach the torments of hell, that they believe not their words. We have (faid they) more riches, and more children then thofe that believe in their difcourfe, we fhall not be damned,asthey affirm ; Say unto them, my Lordigiveth and taketh away tiches as feemeth good to him, bur the greatelt past of the people know it not; your wealth and your oe 1a The Aicoran of MAHOMET. (hapg. fhall not give you accefsto God ; fuch as fhall perform good works, fhall be rewarded, and fhall live eternally inthe de- lights of Paradife ; they chat fhall endeavour to fupprefs-our Law, fhall be caft headlong into the fire of hell ; Sayunto them, my Lord giveth, and taketh away wealth as to. him feemeth good; he maketh vain the alms which ye thall give, if ye obferve not his Law ; he isthe rich of the rich: Bethon mindful of the day, when I fhall affemble the Idolaters, and fhallfay to the Angels, behold them who have adored you: they fhall fay, praifed be God, thou alone art our mafter and proteftor; they adored not us, they worfhipped the devil ; the greateft part of them believed in his word, this day they are not able to benefit, or hurt one another ; they willfay tothe unjuft, cafte the torments ofhell fire, which ye would not be- lieve. They faid.when thon didft preach unto them our Com- mandments,. this man’ would hinder us to worlhip the gods of our fathers, he is a blafphemer. They have faid,that the A/cora is but Sorcery and Magick, and reade not the books that we have fent untothem. Their predeceffors did like them ; they traduced our Apoftles, and hindred them to preach the tenth part of what we had infpired into them ; they traduced them, but how were they chaltifed ? Say unto them, 1 preach toyou to pray to. God. twe by two, or alone, or in company; ye thall know one day, that your friend AZahomet is not,poflefled of the deyill, and chat he preacheth to you the pains of hell; I re- quire no reward of you for mine exhortations, God hall re- ward me, he feeth all. Say unto them, God teacheth hisPro- phets the truth, and what is to come; the cruth appeared, and falthood was difcovered, and the lyars were deprived of his mercy ; if J wilfully goaltray, or if 1 a& what God hath en- joyned me, this fhail be for my foul, God heareth, and is pre; fent at allthings. Thon fhalc fee the Infidels filled with fear, and affrighted. when they fhall. come out of their fe- pulchres, they fhall not efeape the punifhment of their inere- dulity; they fhall then fay, that they, believe in the Alcor, but I willfhew to them’ from far the Jaw which they have deipifed in the world ; they fhall be precipitated with their ig- norarice, (hap35. ‘The Alcoran of MaHOoMeET. norance,’ into a place remote from mercy and pardon : they fhall be feparated from the true-believers, becaufe they have doubted the Commandments of the Law of God. * | CHAP. XXXV. The Chapter of the Creator, containing fourty and five Verfes, written at Mecca. This Chapter is intituled the Chapter of Angels; in the Book. Teffir anf Joahir, which treateth of the Expofition of the Ai- coran in Turkifh. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Praifebe to God, Creator of Heayen and Earth, who vereated the Angels, the Meflengers of his Commandments ; they have wings,two, three, and four ; he maketh of his Creature what feemeth goodtohim, he is omnipotent ; none can compre- Rend the grace that he hath given to_his people, it is incom- prehenfible, he is omipotent and moft wife.. Oh peopled re- member the grace of God, is there a Creator beide him? he enricheth you. with the riches of Heayen and: Earth, there isno God befide him. . How can the wicked blafpheme againgt his divine Majefty? If.they traduce thee , certainly they traducea the Prophets that were.fent before thee, they. thall be onc day affembled before God.to be judged. Oh ye peo- ple !.what God hath, promifed is infallible ; glory not inthe wealth of the Earth , beware left the. Devillfeduce you,.and render youproud , becaufe that God doth awhile defer the punifhment of your crimes, The. Devill is your enemy, be ye his enemies, he leadeth them that follow him inco the fre of Hell, where they, (hall fufter the rigors of infinite paines 5 their fins fhall be remicted that believe inGod , and do good works; Oftentimes, he that delightethin what auiest ? a ieveth 267 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapas, lieveth he doth well; God mifleadeth and gutdeth. Whom it pleafeth him; be not unwilling to pa from the wicked, God knoweth all their actions. He fendeth the winds thar drive the clouds unto barren and drie places, to refreth the Earth, and caufe it to revive after its death; im like manner willhe raifeagain the dead. He that affecteth greatnels, fhall finde in God all manner of greatnef ; good fpeeches aleend evento his divine Majefty , and our good works are accepta- ble tohim. Such ascon{pire again the Prophet , fhall en- dure great torments, and their confpiracy become yain and unprofitable. God hath created you of duft and mire, he cre- ated you men and women; the woman neither conceiverh, nor bringeth forth, but through bis permiffion; mo man can either prolong or fhorten his life , but following what is written in the book [kept in Heaven ] thefe things are eafie to God. Thofetwo Seas are not like to Exphrates, whol water is fweet, and pleafancto drink ; che water of the Sea is cold, and falt, neverthelefsyeeat of the fith of the one, and the other; Ye fith out of the Sea, gemmes ,to adorne you; you fee the Ship to run upon the waters, and cleave the waves, for the advantage of your commerce , peradventure you will return thanks to God for hisgraces. He caufeth the night to enter into the day, and the day intothe night ; he created the Sun and the’Moon , that runin the Heaven till phe da appointed. That God who created thefe things, is your Lord, the Empire of the worldishis ; the Idols that ye worfhip haveno more powerthen the skin of an «4/msand ; if ye in- voke them, they fhallnot hear you, they fhall deny you atthe day of Judgment, and are not of power to let you know ¢i- ther the joyes of Paradife, or the torments of Hell. Oh yee people) yeare poor and neceffitous, ye have need of Gods affiftance, and-God ‘hath no want of you; praife is duc to himin every place ; he-will deftroy you, if it feeme good to him, and create another new people in your place; none fhall bear the burden of another , be it never fo light of heavie,no,not when they are neer of kin. Preach thon the tor- ments of Hell to fuchasfeartheir Lord, without feeing uy, an (hap.35. The AlcoranofMa nome rt. 269 and make their prayers at the time appointed. He that taketh heed of offending him, laboureth for himfelf: all the world fhallbe one day affembled before himto be judged; The blinde are not like to fuch as fee clear; darknefs is nor like to light , the fhade and coolnefs are not like to the heat of the Sums the living arenot like the dead; God caufeth himfelf to be underftood of whom he pleafeth , thou canft hot make the Commandments of God tobe underftood by them that are in their Sepulchers; we have fent only to Preach the paines of Hell, and the joyes of Paradife, there is no place in the world where they have not been preached ; If the lefidels traduce thee, their predeceffors likewife tra. duced them whom we fent heretofore, to preach to them the myfteries of faith, and the Scriptures; they were furprized in their fins, were rigoroufly chaftifed. Seeft thou not how thy Lord caufed rain to fall from Heaven, to make the Earth produce many fruits of fundry forts, and to nourith in the Mountains the Goats, the Stags, and Hinds ? to nourith the Crowes and Ravens, the men, and beaft of divers kinds and forme ? God. gratifieth his creatures that atknowledge his benefits , he is omnipotent and. mercifull, They: who de- voutly read the book of God, who make their prayers at the time appointed , and beftow in pious works, feeretly or pub- liquely, part of the wealth that we have given them, have hope of a recompenfe that hal! never perith; God -thall recom- penfe and augment his graces upon them, he is mercifalf to~ wards the good , and accepteth the acknowledgment ‘of his graces. The book that we have fent thee containeth the truth, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, God knoweth and feeth all things. Wehave given the underftanding of the A/coran to fuch as we have chofen among our creatures; there be fome who have il! difcharged what we taught them; fome have performed what was enjoyned them, and others have taught it with affection and diligence through Gods permiffi- on. This isa great grace , they fhall enter into the garden of Eden, where they thall remain eternally ; they thal! be adorned with collars of gold, enriched with precious fiones, they The Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hapas. they fhal be cloathed with fine filk,and fhal fay,praifed be God, who hath delivered us from affliGion, he is moft mercifull, and accepteth the thanks of his creatures ; fuch as through his fpe- ciall grace fhall enjoy the honfe of eternity, fhall be free from all pain, and the Infidels fhall be caft headlong into the fire of Hell. They thall not dye in thofe torments , ‘andtheirtor- ture thall never be afflwaged ; thus fhall the wicked be cha- ftifed, they fhall in vain implore fuccor of God, and fay, Lord deliver us from thefe paines, we will do better then we haye done heretofore; I willno more prolong your life on Earth, Ihave fent you my Prophets and Apoftles, They preached unto you my Commandments, you would not hear them,tafte now the paines of Hell, which ye have merited, the wicked fhall his day be deprived of prote@ion. Certainly God know- eth whatfoever is in Heaven and Earth, he knoweth all that is inthe hearts of men. Heit is that hath made you to mul. tiply on Earth, impiety fhall rife againft the impious, it (hall render them abominable before God, and put them into the number of the damned; Say unto them, have ye well conf dered the Idols that ye have worfhiped? Tellme, what hav they created on Earth? Were they Gods companions inthe Greation of the Heavens? Hath God fent to thema Book, and reafons, to authorize cheir impiety ? Certainly the wicked inftruG& one another only in pride and arroganey:; God fuftaineth the Heavens and the Earth, he alone is able to falta them,he is gracious and merciful. The wicked fworeto fight for the encreafe of the faith, if there fhould come to them a Preach- er to inftru® them ; and when hecame , they augmented ‘theit wickednefs, became proud in the Earth, and confpired againtt the Trne-believers ; their confpiracie fell upon themfelves, and they can expect none other things then what ‘was ordained againft their predeceffors, the Law of God admitteth none alteration. Confider they not what wasthe endof their Pre- deceflors ? who were more wealthy and powerfull then they ? Nothing isimpoffible to God; he knowerh all things andis omnipotent, Should God punith the people when they offend him, he fhould leave no living creature on the Earth,he deferreth er (hap.36. The Alcoranof MAHOMET. 271 deferreth the chaftifement of the. wicked untill the time ap- pointed ; when their time fhall-be come, he will punith them according to their demerits, hefeeth all. } CHAP. XXXVI. The (hapter intituled, O Man , containing fourelcore and eight Verfes, Written at Mecca, Reader,ehe Mahometans have entituled thas Chapter with tio letters of the eArabique Alphabet, 1,8. The Bedaot faith, that 1 fignifiethia, that is to fay o Particula Vocativa » and $, is ax abreviation, that fignifieth infan, [ie ‘] Man, and that the An- gel Speaking to Mahomet, began this Chapter in this noanner ; i, O man\ I [wear by the Alcoran, &c, See Teflir, Kitab el . tenoir. Nthename of God, gracious and mercifull, Oh man ! I tf by the A/coran, full of Do@tine, that thou art a Pro- phet, fent to teach the people the right way. This Book was fent by the Omnipotent and mercifull, that thou mayft in- ftru&men in that which was not taught their predeceffors ; Certainly, what was faid istrue, viz. That the greatelt part of them is incredulous ; We will puta chain upon their neck, and binde their hands to the very chin ; they fhall lift up the head tocomplaine, but we will Place before and behind them a great obftacle, we will cover their fight with darknef, and they hall nor fee a jor. Mifety is upon them ; whether thou doft reprove , ornot reprovethem, they thal! not be con. verted. If thou preacheft to them that believe in the Aico- ran, and to fuch as believe in What they have feen , proclaim to them a generall pardon of their finnes, anda very great re- ward. Imake the dead to arife again, and write exaétly in a book the good and the evill that men commit. Relate to them the Parable of thofe of the City ; whither thy Lord ee is i Sa t72 ~ "The Alcoran of Ma HOM ET. | (hap.36, re peewee ac heatipeiteiiamamel cai EDAD ee ee his Prophets; we fent unto them two Prophets, they flan- dered both of them; we fuccored them by a third; they all three faid to the Inhabitants of this City, we are fent from God to preach to you his Commandments. They anfwered, ye are but men like us, God hath not fent us ‘4 figne to make you known, ye are lyats. Theyfaid, certainly God knoweth that he fent us to you; weare obliged only to preach to-you his Commandments; They anfwered , would ye make us Inf. dels like your felves? If ye. end not this difcourfe , we will {tone you, and make you to fuffer heavie torments, They faid, be your evill with you , who hath heretofore fo iff inftra- &ed you? Certainly youare wicked ; Then é* niiaiicame ron- ning from the utmoft part of the City, who faid unto them, oh people !.obey the Apoftles of God, obey them that re- quire no reward from you for the paines which they take in teaching you,,and who are in the right way. Wherefore fhallnotI worthip him that created me, and before whom yeall fhall be affembled to be judged 2? Will ye worfhip ano- ther befide him? If it be his willto chaftife me, your ddols cannot faye me, I fhould be extremely erroneous, thould! believe inyour Gods; hear and underftand what I fay unto you. { Neverthelefs they flew him ] and faid unto him, ge, enter into Paradife ; He faid, in dying, would to God this people knew the:graces that his divine Majefty hath conferred on me, he placed me in the number of the bleffed ; After his death we did not fend Angelsfrom Heaven to chaltife the wicked ;1 will fend them but once to deftroy them ; they fhall one day be dumb, forfhame that they have not followed che True-believers, and of bemng mocked by them that I fent to preach unro chem my. Commandments ; Will they not con- fider how much people we have deftroyed intimes paft, who are not returned, and thatfhall be one day affembled before me to be judged ¢ The Earth, .drie, dead, and barren, as aligne of my omnipotency forthe wicked ; we made st revive, #n became green again, and co bring forth fruits, with which they were fatiate ; we there created Gardens, Date-trees, 48 Vines, we caufed Fountains to flow ; they eat of the feos Z which ; , berewarded, and chattifed after hisworks: Such as fhall-goe: f T Chap.36. The Alcoranof Manomer, which are not the works of their hands; will they not ae knowledg the works of their Lord:? Praife isduetohim that created the male and che female of all plants that the Barth produceth, who created man and woman , and. many other things, of which they haveno knowledg. Tt isa fign of my omnipotency,to feparate the day fromthe night, and to make the Sunne to run to his appointed place. We have appointed to the Moon her fignes , fhe goeth and cometh alwayes through her old way ; the Surv neither haftneth, nor retard= eth his courfe at any time, neither doth joyn himfelf by night to the Moon; the night cometh not untill the end of the day. Andall, towit, the Moon, the Suni, andthe Stars exalt my glory in the Heaven: It is a mark of mine omni- potency, to have born their fathers upon the waters:in the Ark, and to-have givet them veffels like the Ark to bear them; had it pleafed me , I'had‘caufed them tobe drowned, without fuccor and falvation ; I faved them through my ‘{peci- all grace, untillthe time appointed. The wicked: defpife the fignes of Gods omnipotency, and feoffed, when ‘they were re= quired: to: fear the wrath of his divine Majefty, prefent’, and tocome, and that theif iniquities (hall be forgiver: them: When it was faid unto them , givealmes of the wealth that God hath given you, they anfwered; thall I give'himto eat; to whom God (hall give bread when it fliall pleafe hint? They are ina-very greaterror, They will enquire of you when the day of Judgment fhallbe; and ifyebelieveit , cell chenrcthae they muft expe@ but’one fole voyce, that hall furprife’ them, they-thail quarrell, they fhall not be ablecomaketheir Teftae ment , neither return co fee their parents; in’ the end che thall goe out‘of their Sepulchtes, and prefent themfelves be- fore God, when the Trampet:thalt found’; Then’ thal! they fay, weare moft miferable, to have departed from our graves, behold what'God:hath promifed us!- The Prophets fpake co" usthe Truth, viz, That theworld ought ro‘expe but one” voyce; Thisday thalball men beaflembled before their Lord) no injuftice thall be done to:any perfon', and°every’ one’ (hall into The Alcoran of MauHo MET. Chap.36. i a ane into Paradife , fhall be in exceeding great repofe , with all manner of contentment , they and their wives fhall be fafe from allevils, lying on delicious beds , they fhall have all fortsof fruits , and whatfoever they hall defire , they thall be faluted on the behalf of the Lord, gracious and mercifull, God fhall fay to the wicked at the day of Judgment, De- part yee this day from the company of the good; did Tnot forbid you to worlhip the Devill, your open enemy , but to worthip me alone , and that it was the right way ¢ Did I noe tell you that the Devill feduced a multitude of the people ? Ye would not believe it, behold Hell, that is prepared foryou, through your incredulity. I will (hut their month, their hand fhall {peak , and their feet fhall be witnefles of their crimes; If we will, wecan make che Jafidels blinde, they {hall finde no way , they thallnot be able to goe or come, and fhall be faccored of none ; had it been our pleafure we could have transformed them in. their houfes, and they had nor been able to goe forth; Iwill caft their head againft the round, and will render them infamous, whofe life I fhall prolong , afi they hall not know theirerrors. We have not made chem to underftand the myfteries of the «4/coran , but that wis not neceffary ;, itis but topreach to the living, who compte: hend what is {poken to them, it is moft true, that the wicked thall be punifhed: See they not that we alone have created all the bealts of the Earth, over which they command? We have made them fubjeG& to. them; Some ferve them to ride on, and others for their nourifhment , will they be ingrate- full? Neverthelefs they have worlhipped Idols, they adored what could not deliver them. fromthe paines of Hell. Af- flict not thy. felf at their difcourfe , Iknow whatfoever they fay , andail that they keep fecret in their fouls; Doth not man confider- that we created him of duft ? And. that he istoo arrogant ? God hath taught us how he formed his Creatures, neverthelefs the wicked have faid, who ishe that can give life to bones that are rotten? Say unto them, he itisthat created you at firft, and that knoweth what he created ; he maketh fire to come. out of the green pee whic % (hap.37. The Alcoran of MAHOMET, which ye burn , and created the Heaven and the Earth; can- not he create other creatures like unto you ? yes, without doubt, he createth what pleafeth him, he knoweth all things ; when he willeth any thing, he faith, be thou, and ir is ; praifed be he, to whom all things appertain,and before whom youall fhall return [to be judged. CHAP. XXXVII. The Chapter of Orders, containing fourefcore Verfes, Written at Mecca. rs thename of God, gracious and merciful. I fwear by the orders of Angels that worthip God, and attend his commands, by themthat hinder men to obey the Devill’, and by them that read and meditate on the eAlcoran, that your God is one fole God, Lord of the Heaven » and the Earth’, and’of all that is between them, heis Lord of the Wett, and of the Eaft. We adorned the Heaven and the Earth with Planets, and have kept them fafe from the ma- lice of the Devils ; they cannot hear what: is fpoken in the Firmament , they are fhamefully driven away on ail fides, and thall be eternally tormented ; if they hear any thing fpoken; they hear it greedily, and follow [it] fpeedily, but the fhining Planet purfueth them,[ and deteéteth their malice. The wicked have demanded if we created any thing more illuftrious then they ; Certainly we created them all of the duft of the Earth: Thou art amazed at their blafphemies,they deride thy amazement, and fhall never be converted. When they fhal fee Miracles, they (hall {coffe, and fay, that it is but evident ma- gickto believe that they thal dye.and after,being earth,bones, and duft, they fhall rife again with their fathers and predecef- fors : Say unto them, that they fhall rife again, and that they are feduced from the right way ; that the world fhill’be but once deftroyed , and they fhall fee what will befalfthem at the day of Judgment: They thall hat day fay, they are wret- ched, and the Angel fhall fay unto them, behold the day of Judgment, behold the day that the godly thallbe feparated ts from See Kitab el tenvt?. ~The Alcoran of Ma nomeT. Chap.37. trom the wicked ; behold the day which ye would not beleeve; It fhall be faid to the Angels, gather them together, affemble their wives, and their Idols, put them into the way of hell, and ftay them, to give accompt of their deporrments, and why their Idols do not fuccour them, Certainly they fhall defire to be inthe number of them that have obeyed Gods Command- ments: they thal! quarrell among them, and fhall fay, irisyou that have feduced us from theright way, through your oaths ; ye {wore that ye fellowed the Law of God, and obferved his Commandments : they hall anfwer on the contrary, we have no power over you, you your felves were in manifelt error, the word of God fhall be accomplifhed againft us, and we (hall for company fuffer che torments of hell ; if we feduced you, we were likewife feduced, and we fhall this day be your companionsin punifhment. That day fhallthe wicked bein this maner afflicted : they become infolent on earth, whenit is told them there is but one God, and fay, (hall weebandon our. gods for a foolith and lying Poet? on the contrary, he teach eth you the truth, as did the Prophets that were before him; ye fhall be chaftifed, and intreated. according to your deme- tits. Such as fhall obey Gods Commandments, fhall havea place of fafety wherein to reft, with all forts of fruits, in yieao ardens, fitting orderly on delicious beds,with glafles ull of a drink, pleafing to the tafte, which (half noe make them drunk. Their wives white as frefheggs, {hall not calt an eye upon any but upon them; they fhall talk together, and one a- mong them fhall fay, I had on earth a com anion, who asked me if I believed in the Refarre@tion.; and if after being redu- ced toearth, bones, and duft, we thall rife again? come with me, let us go fee what he doth ; he thalf {ee him-in thebottom of hell, and fhall fay untohim, by God, it wanted litcle but that thou hadft feduced me, without. the grace ofGod 1 had been damned, as thou art, we are not in thenumber of the. dead, we {hall not faffer any pain; onthe contrary, we ate in exceeding great happinefs: thus are the righteous rewarded; who are the more happy ? they who are in our felicitie, OF fuch as are neer to Zacow, the tree of hell? This tree cometh out (Chap.37. The Alcoran of Ma Homer. out of the botom of hell,it rifech high, and the branches them- felves refemble the heads of devils; the damned thall eate of the fruit thereof, they fhall drink boyling water, and hell thalf betheplace of their habitation; their fathers were Infidels, they followed their footfteps, and the way of them that were {educed before them; we fent unto them Preachers,whom they refufed to hear, but confider whatis the end of the righteous, and that of the wicked. We faved Noah, and gave grace to fach as obeyed him, we delivered him with his family from a great danger, and perpetuated his progeny ; he thal be praifed of all chem that thall come after him, becanfe we gave him our blefting ; thus do I recompenfe the righteous, he was in the number of them that obeyed my Commandments; we faved him, and them that followed him, and drowned the Infidels. Remember Abraham, God gave him an heart free from im- pictie and malice ; he faid to his father and his people, where- fore worlhip ye falfe gods in ftead.of the true God ? think ye to efcape the punifhment of your crimes?. Then he hada vifion in heaven, and faid, I am fick-of your Idolatry, they departed from him with purpofe to be converted, and empty the Tem- ples of Idols of their treafures ; he {aid to the Idols, wherefore cat ye not the facrifices that are before yow? wherefore fpeak yenot? and gave them a great blow with his right hand: che people came together with wrath, becaufe he had ftricken their gods ;, he faid unto them, will ye worfhip the works of your hands ? know ye not that it is God.that created you ? then they faid among them, letus build a great pile, and put fire to it,and caft Abraham into the fire ; they confpired againft him, but we rendred them afhamed and confounded, Abraham faid unto them, I go towards my Lord, he’fhall guide me into the way oF falvation ; Lord give mea fon that.may be in che number of the righteous; we declared to him that he thould havea fon, exceeding wife, when he arrived to years of difcretion;-he faid unto him, my fon, I dreamed this night chat J molt facti- fice thee, what wilt thon that Ido? he replied, my father, do what is commanded you, ye thall finde me full of patience ; when his father laid him on the ground, and put the knife nigh sa 3 3 unto The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapa. unto his throat ; we faid unto him, O Abraham ! itis enough, thou haft fatisfied thy dream; thusdo I entreat the righteous, thiis were we wont to prove them. We redeemed his fon with a fair Ram ; he fhall be praifed of pofterity, and thofe that fhall come after him, fhall blefs hismemory. Thus do I reward the righteous, he was in the number of them that obe my Commandments. We declared to him chat he fhould have a fon, called J/zac, from whom {fhould iffue many belie. vers, andunbelievers. Certainly we gave our graceto AZo/es and e4aron ; we delivered them with their followers from an evident peril, we protected them, and they were in the number of the vitorious ; we gave them the book full of light, and conducted them into the right way ; they hall be praifed in ages tocome, and pofterity fhall blefs their memory. Thus do I. recompente the righteous, they were in the number of them that obeyed my Commandments : Eljas is in the number of my Prophets and Apoftles ; he faid unto the people, wherefore fear ye not God? wherefore worlhip ye the Idol Balan, and forfake the Creator of the world? God isyout Lord, and the Lord of your predeceflors ; they traduced-him, and were condemned to the fire of hell, except fuch among them as obeyed my Commandments. We left his memory happy co pofterity; thus I reward the righteous;he was in the number of them that obeyed my Commandments. Zot was in the num- ber of my Prophets and Apoftles: Remember thou,how we de- livered him and his family from evident perill, except his wife, who remained among them that were chaftifed; having faved him, we deftroyed the wicked; they faw in the morning the foorfteps of the ruine that befell chem the night before; will yenot underftand this miracle ? ?onas was in the number of the Prophets. Remember thou, that-he fled in athip, and was the caufe of evill to the Saylors, he was fwallowed of a Whale; had he not repented of his fault, he thould have continued in the belly of that fith until the day of Judgment ; we caft him on the fhore extreamly feeble, we covered him with leaves of Filbert, and fent him to preach to more then an hundred thoufand perfons, that we reconverted, whofe deceafe we - : ferre ferred until the time appointed. The Infidels have demanded if thy Lord hath daughters,as they have fons? did we create the Angels male and female in their prefence ? They lye, when they fay, thac God hatha fon; hath he defired to have daugh- ters rather then fons ? how canyou thus blafpheme? Con- fider yenot that he is God alone, without children ? have ye any reafon or authority to fpeak inthis maner?. bring your arguments, produce your reafon, if ye aretrue. The Infidels have faid, that the Amgels were of the lineage of God, but the Angels well know that the Infidels fhall be damned, be- caufe of their blafphemies. Praifed be God, he hath neither fon nor daughter, other then the righteous that worfhip him, and obey hisCommandments. You, with your Idols cannot efcape the punifhment of your fins, ye fhall be condemned to thefire of hell. There is none among the Angels that know- eth not his place, and his order in Paradife, to praifeand wor- fhip his divine Majeftie. If the Infidels fay, we obferve: the Religion of our predeceflors, we arein the right way; Say unto them, that if they believe not in the Alcoran, they thail in fine know their incredulity. Wehave promifed prote@ion to believers, and Prophets, they thall be proteéted and vi@to- rious ; depart for atime from the wicked, confider how God punifheth them, they fhall feel the punifhment oftheir impie- tie; will they caft themfelves headlong into the torments of hell? affuredly they will be aftonifhed when they hall feel them ; depart from their company, and confider that they fhall not be able to efcape the pnnifhment of their crimes: Praife thy Lord, the Lord of power and greatnefs, above the wicked ; falvation be to the Prophets, and eternall praife co the God of the Univerfe. T4 CHAP. Coranof MAHOMET. (hap38. eT ee CHAP. XXXVIII, The Chapter of Truth, containing feur{core and eight Verfes, written at. Mecca. Reader, Mahomet intituled vhis Chapter With the Letter named inthe Arabique Alphabet, Sfad, which fignifieth inthis place, Sidk, that zs to fay, Truth, See the Glols of Geladin, Kitab el tenoir. They have intituled it the Chapter of Truth. N the name of God, pions and merciful, I fwearby the c4iceran, that this Book teacheth the way of Salvation ; neverthelefs, the Infidels refift the Faith, and are among them: felvesof a different opinion. How many have we deltroyed im times paft, thar. were like unto them? They cryed, and te: quired Auccors, but'they were no longer to be faccored, The Infidels wonder, that a man like themfelves fhould be fengt inftru&them ; they fay, That he isa Magician, and alyar @ preach one fole God. Itisaftrange thing | Their Dotors forfook their Affemblies, they went to preach throught City; and faid , Perfift to adore your Gods ; we abjure the belief-of the unity of God, the laft Se& did or preach it; it is af evident lic: VVas <Aéchomet chofen among us to receive alone the e4/corua defcended from Heaven? Certainly they doube the Alcorwa, they fhall know thetruth, when they fhall be in the fire of Hell. Have they intheir power the Treafures of the merey of thy Lord, omnipotent and bountiful? Poffefsthey the Kingdom of the Heavens an Earth, and whatfoever is betwixt them > If itbefo, let them afcend into Heaven with their forces; affuredly, they fhall be fhamefully beaten in alfplaces. The wicked heretofore de- famed Noah, Aad,Pharoah, the maker of Charmes,and Tema, the Inhabitants of the City of Lor; thofe that dwelt inthe Foreft, and their companions, traduced the Prophets, and were punifhed after their demerits ; neverthelef, the Infidels : contider (hap.38. “The Alcoran of M AHOMET. 81 confider not that they fhall be chaftifed, when the trumpet Maal found at the day of Judgment, and that they thall no more return on earth to be converted. They fay in {corn,Lord give us to fee the Book of the Accompr of our fins, before the day of Judgment. Perfevere, and be patient,be not trou- bled at their difcourfe; and call te minde our fervant David, ftout and zealous in my Law ; the Mountains and the Birds praifed me with him:; they affembled im his prefence, and obeyed him; we gave foree to his reign, and endued him with knowledg. and eloquence. Haft thou learnt Davids quarrel, when they hindred him to enter into the Temple? and how he feared his enemies ? Whenithey entred towards him, they faidunto him, Be not afraid, we have a difpure among: ts, judg our difference with equity, andteach us the right: way. This man is my brother, he hath fourfcore and nineteen theep; Thad bur one, which he hath ravithed from me, ‘becaufe he was ftronger then I. David faid, He hath done thee wrong, art thou troubled for one Ew ? Thegreateft part 6f'men arofe againit their neighbor, except fuch: as believe in the Law of God, and obferve his Commandments, which ate few in. number. Then Duvid knew that we had tryed him, he im- plored pardon of hisfin, he humbled himfelf, worthiped us, and was converted, We gave him pardon of his faule, we drew him near unto us, and lodged him ina place of content, I faid unto-him, O David ! we have eftablifhed thee on Barth,to de- termine the differences that fhall arife among the people , follow not thine own appetite, it will feduce thee fromthe way of Salvation ; fach as thall erre from my Law, thall faffer grievous pains at the day of Judgment. WWVe have not in vain created the Heaven, and the arth, as the wicked affirm 3 mifery thall befal them, they hall be caft headlong, and burnt inthe fire of Hell. Shall Lalike entreat the believers, and uns believers? therighteous and the wicked ? This Book! We have fentit to thee, and bleffed it, tothe end the people may meditate the myfteries thereof; and the wife reap advantage for their falvation. We gave Solomon to our fervant David, he was extreantly zealous in our fervice. Remember = horfes, The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap 38. horfes, ready and vigorous, were prefented to him about even- ing ; that he forgot to make-his prayer at the hour of Vefpers; and faid, VVhat?. Have I preferred the loveof the wealth of the Earth, to the remembrance of God, even until the Sun- fer? He canfed them tobe led back again, andfacrificed fome See Teffir of them (for expiation of his fault.) He caufel their legs and anf Joabir in neck to be cut off. Wetryed Solomon, we cauked a {uppofiti- Turki, gious perfon to fit on his Throne, and afterwards reftored him 7 to his dominions. He faid, Lord, give me thy nercy; give me fo happy areign, that the like hath not beenfeen; thonart liberal towards thy creatures. WVe made fubje& tohimthe winds, which blowed at hiscommand, where t pleafed him. VVemade the Devils fubje& to him; fome built his Palaces, others dived into the Seas,to bring him Pearls, znd-others were bound and chained to attend his commands; he retained and difmiffed whom he lifted, with rendring an tccompt. We drew him neer unto us, and lodged himina plae of content. Remember our fervant 70h, that he prayed to his Lord, and faid, That the Devil had heaped mifery and affliction upon him, It was faid unto him, Strike the Earchwith thy foot; thou fhalt fee water {pring forth to wath thee, and co drinks VVe reftored to him his children, and his riche, through out fpecial grace, tobe anexampleto pofterity. It was faidunto him, when his wife would have made himto musmur, Take rods in thine hand, {trike thy wife, and fwarvenot from what thou haft promifed. VVe found him patient, and zealous in obedience to ovr Commandments, Remember our fervant Abraham, Ifaac, Jacob, afteQionate and zealous in our Laws we faved, and chofe them, among the righteous. Such as have my fear before their eyes, fhall enjoy thedelightsof the Garden of Eden ; where they thall tepofe upon mott glorious beds; they fhall there have all forts of fruits, and delicious drink ; and cheir wives fha!l not ook on any but on them. Behold, what is promiféd to them at tie day of Judg- ment, and thefe pleafures fhall never end. The wicked and Infidels thall be precipitated into the fire of Hell, they fhall drink boyling water in abundance, and waterextreamly COs v +4. 0.4530 Ch The Alcoran of Ma HOM ET. ~ bap.38. fall of aj maner of noyfom fmells ; they thall be precipicared into the flames, and fhall fay to them that have obeyed them upon Earth, May yebe perpetually tormented, you have fe- duced and mifled us: On-the.contrary, may your felvesbe tormented, youhave been the caufe of our milery, and thal be damned withus Then fhal! they fay, Lord encreafe the punifh- ment of himthit isthe caufe of our mifery : Shall wenot be able to fee then whom we believed on Earth tobe Infidels > and whom we derided ? cannot our eyes fee? Thus fhall the damned quarrel Say (tothe people) Iam fent only to preach unco you the Unity of God, the Omnipotent Creator of Hea- ven and Earth, and of all that is between them, Behold, the beft Sermon thit Ican make unto you; neverthelefs you de- fpife it. I know not what happened in Heaven when the An- gelsquarrelled. God hath infpired it into me, and I am fent but to inftruct you, and to preach publikely the pains of Hell, Remember thor that God faid to his Angels, I will create man of the. mire of the Earth; when I have formed him, I will breathe againft him, and infpire my,Spirit into his body ; .pro- ftrate your felves before him with humility. The Angels there proftrated themelves, except the Devil ; he was proud, and already in the number of the wicked, Thy Lord-faid unto him, Wherefore doft thou sot humble thy felf before the work of my hands ? Thcu art in the number of the proud ; he replied, I am better thenman, thow haft made me of fire,and halt creat- ed him of the dift of the Earth. Then thy Lord faid unto him, Get thee hence,thou fhalt be chaftifed on all fides,and my curfe be upon thee uniil the day of Judgment. He anfwered, Lord, defer my puniflment until the day of the Refurre@tion ; he faid, Twill deferit until the day appointed. He replied,through thy permiffion | will tempt all the world, except fich as ‘hall be zealous in tly Law, and thal! obey thy Commandments. He faid, I rell thee true I reli thee crue, I will fil Hell with thee; and thofe that flail follow thee.Say unto the people,| require of you no recompenfe for my inftru@ions, 1 am not importu- nate. Certainly this Book is fent only to inftruét men, you thall one day know tke truth of what it containeth, CHAP. The Alcoran of MA OM ET. Chap.z9. CHAP. XXXIX. Lhe Chapter of Tromps, containing Seventy five Verfes, Written at Mecca. t N the name of God, gracious and merciful. ‘This book was Vien by God, the Omnipotent and wife. We fent it to thee, the contents thereof are moft true : worfhip one God alone, and obey his Commandments ; faith proceedeth from him a- fone: Such as worfhip any other but him, wogrfhip Idols. They have faid, we would not invoke our Idols, had they not power to draw us near to God: Certainly God thall jndg | ase one day the difference that is between the believers, and un. rf believers; he guideth not him that is a lyar and impious. If he would have a fon, he would make choife of one ofhis creatures, that fhould be pleafing co him ; praifed be God,there is but one God, alwayes victorious, he created the heavensatid the earth with proportion ; le maketh the night to ented mio the day, and the day into the night ; he created-the Sumand the Moon, which perform their courfe in heaven, until theday appointed, he is omnipotent and merciful: He hath ereated all of you of one foleman, of whom hecreated his wife's’ he hath given you clean beafts; male and female ; he formed you in the wombs of your mothers, form upon form: he brought *Theob. youout of three * ob(curities, he alone is yourGod, and your fcarity of Lord, the kingdom of che world appercaineth tohimy ohere is ood no God but he.’ How’ can the Infidel depare fromhistervice? aad ae If ye will not worthip him, he hath norhing to dowah you, he the skin thar Gcfireth not that his creatuzes thould be impious; his Will ts, infold you that they praife him; chisishis pleafure, and none fhall beat in thewomb. the burthen of his teighbour, ye all (hall be aflembled before See Gelaldin. him, he will fhew ye what you have done, he kioweth whats in the hearts of men: When man is couched with any aiitt- on,he invoketh God, and turneth ; and whemhe. is inprofpe rity, he forgettech his vows: he hath faid that God hatha companion equall to him, and erreth fromthe way of his y ay: a aN ornare (hap.39. The Alcoranof Mattom er. 285 Say unto him, thou fhalt be awhile tollerated, in the end thou fhalt be caft headlong into the fire of hell;and he that thal pray to God day and night, ere, proftrate, or on the knee, with fear of the torments of hell, fhall enjoy the mercy of his divine Majefty. Are fuch as labour tobe compared to them that are idle? They that have judgement will underftand this dif- courfe.say unto them,oh ye people that believe in your Lord ! have his fear before your eyes ; Such asthall do good works in this world, thall enjoy abundantly the riches of the earth, God will innumerably reward themthat perfevere in obedience to his Commandments. Say unto them, 1 am commanded to wor- thip one God, to. profef his Unity, andto be obedient to him. Say unto them, I apprehend the day of Judgment, if I difobey God my Lord. Say unto them, Twill worthip but one God, worthip ye others, whom ye will. Such as thall defpife the Law of God, thal lof their fouls,and families,at the day-of Judgment. Thefe are two great loffes, and molecertain they be involved in eternall fire. Thus God Preacheth to true-believers; Omy creatures! {peak unto them that have my fear before their eyes, that they adore not Idols, and that if they turn to their Lord, they fhall enjoy the delights of Paradife. Proclaim to them that hear my “Word, and obey my Cothmandments, that they are in the right way, and well advifed; canft thoi deliver from’ the fire of hell ‘him. that (haf! be condemned? Certainly fuch.as obey God, thall enjoy the pleatures of Para- dif, wherein flow many rivers, and there (hall they dwell eter. nally. This is the promife of God, he fwerveth not from that which he promifeth. Seeft thou not that God fendeth tain fromheaven, andmaketh the rivers to run upon the earth, he caufeth ‘plants to {pring forth, and herbs of divers colours; thou feelt them become yellow, and then altogether drie ; this is a fign of his Omnipotencie. Hath net he to whom God hath given the light of faith, received a great gtace from his di. vine Majeltie?Mifery is upon them that have an heart hard- ned, and forget his Law, they are manifeltly feduced ; he hath ent an excellentbook for the inftrudtion of men, his precepts axe alike in purity, and withont contradi@tion : They vas ear A fear God, tremble when:hey hear mention of this book, and finde their reft inthe wod of his divine Majeftie. This book is the guide of the righteais,Ged by it guideth whom pleafeth him... He: whom.God. flall feduce, fhall finde none to guide him, he fall be precipiteed into the fire ofhell.at the day of Judgment; it, fhall befaid chat.day.co the wicked, tafte the corments that ye have mirited ; their predeceffors defamed the Prophets, and were pmifhed when they leaft thought of it, God: rendred them ignaninious in this world; and they {hall feel in the other, torneats much more grievous, and they know it not... We hav taught: in chis book whatisneceflary for the falvation of the p:ople, peradventure they will learn it; it is in the Arabique toigue, without falfhood and, contradi- &ion, perhaps the peope will fly: from impiety ; God teach: ethyouaparable : Twomen are affociates in their craffique, the one is. wicked, the other an,honeft man, are they alike? Praife is due to.one fole Sod ; the greatelt part of the Infidel underftand it not.. Tha fhalt die, allmen fhall die, ‘and ye fhall be affembled at theday of Judgment, when ye fhallat pute together; Who ismore unjuft, then he that blafphemett againft. God, and agaidt the known truth 2? Shall not the wicked be damned? Suh, as fhal believe the Prophet, and fly impiety,(hal obtain fron God what they defires fuch is the 1e- compenfe of the: rightons,-God flail, pardon their fins, ,and reward them for theirgood works: doth! not he protect his fervant ? They will cerifie thee with the Idols which they adore; but he whom God hall miflead, fhall:findenone able to guide him, and none fhall beable;to feducehim whom he fhall guide, isnot he cheomniporent and revenging?: Hf thou ask of the Infidels, wh» created heaven and earth? theyll fay itis God ; Say,untcithem, have ye therefore confidered the Idols which ye ador:, can they exempt you fromthe wrath of God, when. it-thall be his pleature ro chaftife you? Shall they. be. able,.to -hincer-his; grace i wheniit (hall ibe -his will» co pardon.you#;Say, anco. chem, my, refuge is God, I am refigned to fiis Vell, the wile craft in;his divine Ma jefty, Say unto them, oh people !.doasyou underftand him £8: F:$ 5 The Alcoranof Man OM ET, (hapso. | an an ——— (hap.39. The AlcoranofM a Ho™ ET, 287 Iwilldo as I underftand him; ye thall. know in the end, thar whofoever fhall be condemned,. thallbe afhamed, and be pre- cipitated into eternall torments, We have fent unto chee the moft true Book, to inftru& the people; He that thall follow the right way, fhall. meet with nothing but good; and he that fhall go aftray, fhall meet with nothing bur evill ; thowart noc the guardian of the wicked; God caneth men to die whenthe hour of their death isarrived ; he deferreth the death of many during their fleep, and remitteththat of others to the time ap- pointed, this is a fign of his omnipotencie,to.fuchas confider it. Willye worthip any but. God ?. Say unto them, how fhall your Idols be able to intercede for you,fincethey want power?know you not this ? Say unto them, we-ougat to invoke one God a» lone, King of the heaven.and earth; you all thall one day af- fembled before him to be judged. The Infidels tremble with fear, when they hear mention of one fole God, and rejoyce, when they hear {peak of their Idols ;Say unto them,God isCre- _ ator of the heavens and the earth,he knoweth the paft, prefenp, and future ; (Lords) thou thalt one day judge the differences... of thy creatures: Should the Infidels poffefs all the riches oF the earth, and yetasmuch more, they would. not be able to efcape the fire of hell at the day of Jidgment ; they fhallbe punifhed more grievoufly then they imagine,their fins fhall be fet before them, and they flial! feel the rigors.of the torments which they defpife : man calleth upon as whew he is in affi@i- on, and when we give him our grace, he faith, he meriteth it: onthe contrary, this isto prove him, but moft of thera are ig- horant of it ; their predeceffors {pake as they ; the good that they have done, hath. profited them nothing ; and the mifery that they haye merited,is faln upon them, they fhall notefcape the punifhment of their crimes. Knowthey not. that ‘God gi- veth and taketh away wealth from whom pleafeth him 2 This is afign of his omnipotency for the righteous, Say unto them, oh people ! they who have offended God, ought not to difpaire of his grace, he is gracious.and merciful ; be ye con- verted, and recommend your {elves to his will before y¢ be condemned, otherwife ye fhall remain without protections; follow SN pooner ee 288 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.39. follow the isftru@ion that God hath fent to you, before ye be chaftifed, ihe punifhment of your crimes thall furprife you, ye know notthe time ; the wicked fhall be affliéted, for that they have not obeyed Gods Commandments, they thall know their damnaton,and the-fin that they have committed, in {cor- ning the true-believers : They fhalf fay, had God guidedme into the righ: way, [had had his fear before mine eyes: When they fhall fechell, they fhall fay could I return into the world, Lwould be nthe number of the righteous ; on the contrary, my Commandments were tanght you, but yebecame proud, and difpifedthem. Thou fhalt fee that day how the vifages of Infidels (hallbe blackned : Is there not’a place imhell prepared for the prowl? God loveth, and putteth into a place offelici. tie them thitfearhim, they thall not be touched, either with difpleafure or affliction; God hath created’ all things, and difpofeth al at hispleafure ; he hath in his power the keyes of heaven andtarth, fuchas difobey him are damned. Say unto them, oh ignorant [men] will ye enjoyn me to worthip ato- ther-god, tefides God? It hath been preached to you, and your predeeffors, that all your good works {hall ‘be unprofi- table, if ye adore many gods, and that you thal! bein the number of the damned: there is but one God, worfhiphim, and be mirdful ofhis graces. The. Infidels have mot praifed Godashe ought to be praifed, they have no knowledg of kis power; hefhall make'the earth to tremble; and gather toge- ther the havens by the ftrengeh of his right hand at the day of Judgment praifed -be God, he hath no companion, When the Trumpet thal! found the firlt time, he fhalkcaufe to die, whomr he vill have to die in the heavens and earch’; the fecond time all the: world fhall rife again, and attend his Command: ments;the tarch fhall'be full of the light of the Lord’thereof,te thal bring his book,wherein (hai be written what the-Prophets and Marty'shave canghe, he fhalljudge the world withrequitys and hall rot doinjuftice co any; every one fhall be rewarde and chaitifed for his works;he Knowerh:all thatthey have done, lie thal! ferd the Infidels into the fire of hell, inrtroopss they fhall be arrived at the gate, it fhall open before chem eyes it SS le a Chap.40. The Alcoranof M aHOMET. res it (hall be faid unto them, behold Hell, which ye faye merited ; were there not Prophets and Apoftles. to tech you the Commandments of God, and to preach unto yiu on Earth the coming of this rigorous day ? They fhall fay, es, but the word of God thall be accomplithed againft the wicked Te fhall be faiduinco them, goe, enter into Hell, yethall abide there eternally , itische habitation of the proul. Such as fhall have the fear of God before their eyes, fhill be con- ducted in troups to the gate of Paradife , the gat thall open before thetr eyes ; it fhall be faid unto then > behold What ye have gained, the peace of God is with yor, ye have not been ignorant, enter into Paradife, ye fhail dveli therein eternally. They fhail (ay, praifed be God , for tlat we be- lieved in his Law ; and becaufe we are heirs of hs grace, we will goe into-Paradife, inte what place thall feere good to us, God giveth his bleffing to the righteous. Thi thale fee the Angels about che throne of thy Lord, who fhallpraife and exalt his glory; they fhall fay, God hath judget his crea- tures with equity, praifeis due to the Lord of the Univerfe, Ree Sf Bs ony a ity ee ee ee CHAP. XL, The Chapter of the True-believer, containin g eighty ive Ver[es, Written at Mecca. Reader, Gelaldin entituleth this C hapter, Of the Pitfull. ip the name of God, gracious and mercifull. God is pru- -Adentand wife, This Book is fent by the omnipornt , who knowethall things, who pardoneth (innes, and accipteth the convertion of his Creatures, he is fevere in his chafifements, and indulgent to hispeople, there isno God but he, and_ all the world fhall. one day be affembled before his divne Maje- fty [ to be judged] No man difputeth againft theprecepts of the A/coran, but the wicked ; be not thon difcortented if they live on earth with fome felicity ; the people »f Neahs V time pial : — The Alcoran of Ma HOME T. Chap.go, eee, as a time conremned his inftrudions, their pofterity did like them, and évery Nation hath coifpired the death of them whom God fent ro inftru@ them ; they difputed to obfcure the truth through their lyes, butthe were punifhed ; and after what manner? Sois the word of God accomplifhed againft the wicked , they all fhallbe amned. The Angels thatareabout | the throne of God, and nofe that bear him, prayfe and ex- alt his divine Majefty, the believe in his unity, and beg par. don of hith for the True- bilievers; Lord, thy mercy extend. éth through the whole wo id, nothing is hid from thee, either «a Heaven or Earth , parcon their fins that convert, and em- . brace thy holy Law; deliver them from the fireof Hell, open ab to them the gate of thepardens of Eden, which thou halt Bae prepared for them, their fthers, wives, and children, and them Ba of their lineage that fhalldo good works,thou art omnipotent and-wife. Depart fromin, he that fhall depart [ fromit] eR ii fuatl relent the effe@s o! Gods mercy at the day of Judg. Ati ment, and fhall enjoy erenall felicity ; The Infidels fhallbe | ie hated of God, his hatrel ts infinitely more dangerous thn |! i yours ; willye be Infidel after being called to the obfervation ie F of the Law of Salvation? They faid, Lord, wilt thou cauleus : to dye twice ? and (hallve twice rife again? But they {hall fay at theday of Judgnent, Lord, we confefs we have of- fended thee, we acknovledg our finne, in, having fenounce the belief of thine unitr; Shall we never goe ont of Hell, : to obferve thy Law, aid follow the way of Salvation? No, 4 ye thallfuffer ‘in the ‘fir of Hell, becaufe that ye have be- lieved them that adored Idols, and becaufe ye have faid, that God’hath companions :quall'to him. All things obey one fole'God omnipotent, te itis that made you to fee is Mi- tiles, andfendeth you he riches of Heaven and Earth ; none confider it, barfitchasae converted. Pray to God, and ob- ferve'his Law, ‘alrhoughir be against the willof the wicked; te elevarethhis creature to what desree he fifteth , he h cteatedhis throne, anc fent his mfpiracions to whom he fect good , to‘preach the “dy of Judgment ; ‘that day fhall the ‘pedple comeout of thir Monuments, ‘and none (hall beable : t0 a A a Chap.40. “The Alcoran of MaHOME = 91 to hide himfelfe from his divine Majefty. fho (hall command. that day ? It fhall be God alone, victorious ; that day thall he recompenfe every one after his works, without injuftice , he is exact to make accompt. If thou preach to the wicked the da of Judgment, their heart will lift trem up, and they fhall be full of afflidtion , their prayers hall not be heard, and none fhall intercede for them : God knoweththem that have eyes of treachery , and feeth all that is in the hearts of men » he judgeth of every thing with truth; the Idels which they wor- fhip are without power, God alone underftandeth all things, and is omnipotent.Confider they not what was the end of their predeceflors? who were more powerfull, and more wealthy then they? God furprized them in their finnes, there: was none of power to faye them, for that they difpifed the Pro- phets of his divine Majefty, they contemned his Law,and were impious, but he feverely chaftifed them, he is omnipotent, and molt fevere. We fent Mofes with miracles , with rea- fons clear and intelligible to Pharoah, to Haman, and.(aron ; they faid that Adofes was a Sorcerer, and a lyar; and when he preached to them the truth on our hehalf, they faid, kill him, with all thofe that believe him,and make their wives infamous : but their confpiracie was but impiety : Pharoah faid, hinder me not to kill AZ0/es, let him invoke his God to fave him ; I fear that he may alter your Law, and introduce fome difor- derintheLand ; AZo/es faid, God, nine and your Lord, fhalf defend me from the malice of the proud, that believe not theday of Judgment : Then a man of the domeftiques of Pharoah , that fecretly profeffed the true Law » faid, will ye flay a man that declareth that God is his Lord? and that hath made you to fee miracles? if he bea lyar, his lye thall be againft him, but ifhe {peak the truth, fomething of what he hath preached fhall befall you,God guidech neither the wicked nor lyats. Ohpeople! you this daycommand on Earth -with Pr who fhall defend us from the wrath of God; if it all upon us ? Pharoah faid, I {peak nothing to you , but what I have told you heretofore, andI will guide-youall into the right way ; He of his Domettiques, that fecretly aaa V2 the The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chdp.go. the true Law, faid, oh people 11 fear left ye be chaftifed, as have been your predeceflors, as were the people of Noah, Aad,T emod, aad thofe that were afterthem ; God will not do injuftice to men, T fear for you the day of Judgment, a day when ye fhal rife again with terror, to render accompt of your a@ions,he whom God (hal feduce thal find none to guide him, Certainly Fafeph came heretofore with inftruGions, clear and intelligible: neverthelefs ye doubted , even untill his death and (aid, that after him God (hall not fend a Prophet like nite tohim thus doth God.feduce the wicked, that doubt of his Law ; he hateth fuch as difpute without reafon , they are ab. horred of them that believe in his divine Majefty; Thus God Bp ii ardneth the heart of the proud, and, tyrarits. Pharoah {aid ey * Hamanwas to * Haman, build me an high Palace, peradventure 1 half Be i Pharoabs —_ arrive at the Heavens, and as high as the God of Adofes, 1 mee i kj Bocail believe himto bealyar. Thus Pharoah delighted in his wicked We P| Sec Gelaldin. actions , he erred from the right way, and his confpiracy was aa 1 | ; but his deftruétion. He of his family that was a True believer, faid, oh people ! follow me, Iwill guide you into ‘the night of Heaven are eternall; he that doch evill fhall finde evill; who doth good, manor woman, believing in God, fhall en- ter into Paradife., where he hall be enriched innumerably, with all manner of riches. Wherefore invite you me to pre- cipitate my felf into the fire of Hell, fince I exhort youtoyout : Salvation? Yeinvite me.to be wicked , and to believe that Ch Bae God hath companions, and I know itis not fo ; I callyou to ae the omnipotent: and: mercifull [.God, ] doubtlefs 1 will not worfhip your Idols,they cannot hear you,cither in this world, or in the other ; we all fhall be one day affembled before God, who will condemn Infidels co the Gre of Hell; confidet vers hereafter what to youl have preached; Tam refigned tothe ate willof God, he beholdeth all the a¢tions of his creatures, he fhall chaftife them for the evill chat they fhall commit, and for their wicked defignes. He fent his puniflment ppom the lineage of Pharoah, they deferved to be precipitated into the fire of Hell, they fhall burn evening and morning. It 7 : ae ‘i E way, the riches of the Earth pals away lightly, and thesiches a ee pvegee Chap.40. The Alcoranof Mauom ET. 293 befaid to them at the day of Judgment , oh people of Pha- roah! goe;-enter into the fire of Hell. The Infidels thall quarrell in Hell, the poor thal! fay unto the rich; We fol- lowed you, are ye able thisday to deliver us from eternal! flames ? they thallanfwer,.we allare damned with you, God isamoft juft Judge. The damned fhall fay to the Minifters of Hell, Pray to your Lord, that he may aflwage thefe cor- ments for one day ; they fhall anfwer, had ye not on Earth the Prophets and Apoftles of God to inftru@ you ? They thall fay, yes ; pray thercfore to God your felves ; the wicked love nothing butimpiety ; I will proteé on Earth my Prophets, and them that obferve my Law, and particularly at the day of Judgment; that day the wicked fhall have no excufe that thall advantage them, my curfe fhall fallupon them , and they all fhallbe damned. We taught AZ0/es the way of Salvation, and made the Children of Ifrael heirs of his inftructions, to in- ftrnét them that fhall underftand them. Perfevere and be patient,the promife of God is infallible ; implore’ pardon! of thy finnes, and exalt the praife of thy Lord evening and. mor- ning. They that difpure againft the Commandments of God are without reafon , and have nought in their foules but pride and ignorance: Implore fuccor of God, he underftandeth and feeth all things , the Creation of the Heavens, and of the Earth, is greater chen the Creation of men,but the greateft part of men know it not; che-blinde is not like to him that feeth clearly; he that doth good, is not liketo him that doth evill, neither is obfcurity fuch as the light , but few men confider it. Doubtlefsthe day of Judgment thall come, neverthe- lefS the greateft part of men will not believe it: Your Lord hath faid, callupon me, I will hear you; Such as thall refit my Law, fhall goe into Hell, and be eternally feduced. God hath created thenight for repofe, and the day for travell, he is bountifull cowards his creatures , but-the greateft part of the people.are ingratefull; God is your Lord , Creator of allthings, there isno.God buthe. How canthe wicked blaf. pheme ? Sodo they blafpheme that. are ingratefull for the graces of God; he hath eftablifhed -you on Earth, he hath Vv covered aN y The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.go. covered you with the Heavens, he hath formed you, enriched yous he is your God, your Lord, bleffed be God, Lord of the Uuniverfe, heir is that giveth and depriveth you of life, there is no God but he, be obedient to him, and obferve his Law; Praifed be God, Lord of the Univerfe, who hath created you of mire. Say unto the Infidels. 1am forbidden to wore fhip the Idolsthat ye adore ; God hath taught me his unity; Thave received command to worfhip none but the Lord of the Univerfe; he created you of duft, mire, and congealed blood, hecaufeth you to be born little Infants, he maketh you to arrive to the age of difcretion, to virilitie, and old. age; many dye before that age, and all ateain to the time of their deftiny , peradventure ye (hall underftand his unity ; he it isthat maketh you'to liveandtodye, and when he willeth any thing, he faith, bethou, anditis. See ye not, that they thar difpuce againtt his Commandiments,depart from his Law? Such as reje@& our Commandiments, and what we enjoyed our Prophets to preach to men, (hall finde theiretrors , wher rhey fhall fee chaines on their necks, and fetters on their fet; they (hall be dragged and burned in Hell ; then fhall it befad anto them, where ate thofe Idols that yee adored upon Barth? they fhall anfwer, they are departed from us, cet tainly they are without power ; thus God feduceth Infidels, cotheirconfuGon. Jt fhall be faid unto them , thele paines befall you, for that ye were proud and mfolent without 16a fons enter within the gates of Hell , which is che habitatron of the proud, ye fhall dwell there eternally. Be patient.and perfevere , the word of God isinfallible ; I will make thee tofee apart of what I have promifed to men, I will canfe thee todye, and thou fhalt behold them all affembled to be judged.- Certainly we fent Prophets before thee, we have fpoken to thee of one part of our Apoftles, and the reft are concealed from thee ; neither Prophet nor Apoltles oi preach any thing withour Gods permiffion ; hrechattifeck the wicked when he pleafeth , he fhall judge the differences that are between them and the Prophets, and fhall deftroy * wiibelievers, God hathcreared the beatts for your ule 550m ye PvE Ee Chap.4.. The Alcoranof MaAHomer, | 295 ye eat, and othersferve you to ride on, [ from them] ye reap profit, they bear the burden, as likewife do the thips for the advantage of your commerce ; God manifeftech toyou his graces: And what graces! Willye defpifethem? Do not unbelievers confider the end of them that were before them, who were more powerful and rich then they ? Their Treafures did not fave them, they derided the Prophets and Apoftles that preached tothem ; andin the end felt the pains that they had defpifed. When they hall fear the torments of Hell, they fhall fay, We believe in one God alone, and renounce Idols. This profeffion of Faith fhall be unprofitable to them in Hell; they fhall incur the rigor of the Law of God, that was obferved againft their predeceffors, and all unbelievers fhall be damned. CHAP, XLI. i The Chapter of Expofition, containing fifty and four Verfes, | Written at Mecca. Reader, Gelaldin entituleth this Chapter, Of eAdoration N thename of God, gracious and merciful. The A/coran was fent by thegracious and merciful God. It explaineth divine Myfteries inthe Arabique tongue, to them that have knowledg to underftand them ; it proclaimeth to the good, the delights of Paradife, and preacheth to the wicked the torments of Hell; neverthelefs, the greateft partof the world depart from the Faith, and hear not thy words: They fay, We have obdurate hearts, we Cannot comprehend what thou preachelt, ourears are ftopped, we are too remote to hear what thou fayeft, Obferve thy Law, we will live after our own. Say unte them, Tam.a man like you, your God is one fole. God, be obedient tohim, and beg pardon of him for your Gas: Mifery is upon unbelievers, that pay not Tithes, and believe notin the day of Judgment. The believers that thall do good works. V 4 fhall aoe 7 vier ceeaeitiesqmemeeeitelenaetinhetat AA An _ 296 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chapiar. ee EE EN — ofr: thallenjoy aninfinite reward. Say unto them, How, will ye Mundey and be wicked towards him that created the Earth in two.days? he how can you fay that he hath a Companion equal tohim ? He mee OUMGIT. «ote Lord of the Univerfe ; he raifed the Mountains, bleffed the Earth, and gave to every Region the particulars thereof in’ four days, for them that fhall have need: After this he afcended into Heaven, that was like unto fmoke, and faid unto 7 Heaven and Earth, Ye fhall obey me, either through force or affeétion : They anfwered, Lord, we will be obedient to thy Thurfday Commandments. He created feven Heavens in two days, and oe Briday. difpofed every Heaven after his own will; he adorned them See Gelaldin. With Stars, and preferveth them from the maliee of the Devil. This is an effeét of his Omnipotency ; he is omnipotent, and knoweth allthings. If the unbelievers depart from the Faith, fay unto them, I have threatened you, as heretofore thunder did the people of Aad and Temod, when the Prophets taught ’ them the Law of the ancient True believers, to wit, To wot fhip but one God ; They faid, Were it Gods pleafure to altet our Law, he would have fent us Angels to preach untomy we will not believe in thy miffion. Thepeople of ad waxed prond onthe Earth without reafon, and faid, Who ismote powerful-then we ? will they not confider, that he that created them, is more powerful and wealthy then they? Neverthelef they defpifed our Commandments: We ‘ent againft them a cold and impetuous wind, in an unhappy time, that made them to fuffer on Earth fhame and ignominy, be- eaufeof their crimes: He fhall canfe them to feel the pains of Hellyrhat are much greater then thofe of the Earth, and they thall be eternally deprived of prote@ion. We inftméted the men of Temod in the right way ; they preferred blindnefs to light-, and impiety to Salvation ; they were farprized by thunder,:and fuffered great affli@ions, becaufe of their fins, We faved none of them, but the believers, whohad our feat before theireyes: . Be thou mindful: of the day ‘that the ene mies of God fhall be affembled in Hell ; they (hall defend their caufe before the Judg, until teftimony be brought againlt chem; their ears, their eyes, and their skin thal be witnels 0 Chap.41, The Alcoranof Manom et. Also aL eh ee cs ee of theiriniquities: They thall fay, VVherefore do ye witnefs againft us ? They: thall anfwer, He that made us to fpeak, giveth fpeech to every thing ; heit isthat created you, and ye are this day affembled before him to be judged. Ye did nor well conceal your felves, when ye offended him ; your ears, your eyes; your skin are witnefles againft you;. ye believed that God: fhould not fee your fins, this was your opinion: Certainly he fhall chaftife you, and yowall fhall bein the num- ber of the damned.. Perfevere, and be thou patient, the fire of Hell fhall be their habitation ; they thall not beable to pleafe God inthe flames. VVe have given them the Devils for their Companions, who caufed them to delight infin, The word of God thall be accomplifhed againft them, as it was ac- complifhed againft their predeceffors ; as-well men as Devils, that are condemned. The.unbelievers have faid, Hear not that Alcoran, itisfull of error; peradventure ye thall be feduced. I will canfe them to fuffer grievous pains, and will chaftife them after their demerits ; fuch isthe reward of Gods enemies. They fhall remain eternally in the fire of Hell, becanfe they. defpife his Commandments. The wicked hall fay. at the day of. Judgment , Lord, let us feethe Devils, andthe men that feduced us ; we willtrample them under our feet, and precis pitate them tothe bottom of Hell. . Such as fhall have pro- fefled the Law.of God, asthall have obeyed his Command. ments , fhall be vifited by the Angels, and thall that day be free from fear and affli@ion, They fhall fay unto them,..Re- Joyce yein Paradife, that is prepared foryou; ye fhafl there finde all the contentments that ye fhall defire ; they have been Prepared for youby the gracious and merciful. There is no- thing better then to pray to God, then to do good works, and to profefs hisunity. .Good and evil are.notalike : Expel evil withthy good works. Thereis an exceeding great antipathy between Faith and Impiety : Faith is given to {uch as perfevere todowell, and to;them that are endued with the-grace of God. The Devilwilitempt thee, but implore affiftance from Ged; he heareth and knoweth all things, The night and the day, the Sun and the Moon, arefignes of his .Omnipotency : Adore The Alcoran of Man OME T. (Chap.gn. ‘Adore neither the:Stin, nor the Moon, worthip God that created'them. If the Infidels refift the Faith, the Angels thar arein Paradife defift not, notwithftanding, to-exalrthe glory of his divine Majefty, day and night, without intermuffion. It isa fign of his Omnipotency , to fee che barren and dry Barth to‘change the face,and become green; when it is watered with rain. He that maketh the plantstorevive, ishe thatmakerh every thing to live and die, he isOmnipotent. Such asdepart from our Commandments, cannot hide themfelves fromus; Shall he that fhall be precipitated into Hell, be better lodged themhe that fhall be faved at the day of Judgment? Dowhae fhall pleafe you, your Lord beholdeth all your ations, Twill chaftile them that traduce the A/coran, it is a precious Book, it is approved by the ancient and modern Scriptures, itisfent from the glorious and merciful. None other thing fhallbe fpoken to thee, then what hath been fpoken to the Prophets that preceded thee; thy Lord is merciful and juft. Had we fentthe Alcoranin the Perfian tongue, toa Prophet, an Aw bian by Nation, the wicked would have faid, That rhe divine Myfteries are nor well explained.Say unto them, It isthe guide of Believers, and aremedy to their ignorance. Infidels have deaf ears, they are blinde, and hear not, asthofe thatare called too far off : Certainly, we gave the Book andtheLaw to Afofes, Unbelieversdoubt, but if thy Lordihadnot faidy That he would defer their puni(hment until che day of Judge ment’, he had already chaftifed themvin'this world, because they doubr of the truth. VVhofoever thall do good; thal finde good ; and the evil that a man commicteth, fhall be againfthim. Thy Lord doth no injuftice to his Creatures ¢ None bur he knoweth the day of judgment’; no fiuignot flower fpringeth out of the Earth, and woman neither cons ceiveth. nor bringeth-forth, but by his permiffion. Be thou mindful of the-day that thy Lord fhall'call Idolaters, and‘de- mand of them, where be theirIdols?’ They fhall*fay, Lord, we acknowledg thy Unity ; noneof us'will hereafter adore thofe falfe gods. They that worfhipped one God, departed from Idolaters ; they know that the punifiment of theixfit 4s (hap.42. The Alcoran of MAHOMET, is tnfallible, Man never ceafeth to require riches, and is troubled when evill befalleth him ; if we vive him good after his affliction, he fairh; that he forewit, and hath no thoughre of thecoming of the day of Judgment ; if he be:converted, thy Lord openéth to ‘hii’ the gare of Paradife. I will make the wicked:to know their wickednefs, and will moftfeverely punifh them , when we'beftow weaich on man, he followeth his Idolatry and his fin, and when he is touched in afiiction,he aboundeth in prayer : Say unto them, know ye not chat che Alcoran proceedeth from God ? neverthelefs ye have renouti- ced it, who is méte impious then he that impugneth the known truth ? T will catife them to fee my miracles, evento the nts moft parts of heaven and earth, and in their own perfots, to the end they may know the trath of the e#/eoran. Sufficeth it not them that thy Lord feeth all things ? neverthelefs, they atein doubt ofthe Refurre@ion, and of being affembled be- fore him to be jndged, certainly God is onmifcient: ‘ CHAP. XLII. The Chapter of Counfelt, containing fifty and three Ve erfes, Writ~ ten at Mecca. qx the Name of God, gracious and mer¢ifal. God is pra- dent, wife, majeftique s he underftandeth all things, andis omnipotent ; God hath fent thee the fame in{pirations that he fent to them that did precede thee; he is omnipotent and wif, whatfoever isin heaverrand in éarth appertaineth to him; he is omnipotent, and knoweth all things ; the heavens Open at his command, the Angels exalt his glory, and implore his pardon for them that are on earth 3 heis merciful, he beholdeth them that invoke Idols, and knoweth them all, but thou art fot their Tutor, Wehave infpired into thee the e4/voran inthe Arabiqueé tongue, to preach to the Inhabitants of Atecca, and fuchas dwelkabout that City ; we have fent thee to preach unto them the day of Judgment ; theré is: no doubt thar one part 299 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chapa. part of men fhall be faved, and the other fhall be damned ; had it pleafed God, he had created them of one and the fame Religion, he giveth his grace to whom he lifteth, and Infidels fhall be deprived of fuccour, becaufe they have required the protection of Idols; but. God is the true protector of the warld : he reviveth the dead, and is omnipotent, he thal] one day judge all the difficulties, and refolve all your doubts in your Religion, he ismy Lord, I recommend my felfto his divine Will; he created your wife of your felves, he created all beafts male and female, and caufed you to multiply; there isnot any thing like anto him, he keepeth the keyes of the treafures of heaven and earth, and taketh away, and giveth wealth as pleafeth him. The Law that I gave to Noah, Abra- bam, Mofes, and Fe/ws, is that which I commanded thee to ob- ferve, viz. to believe in one God. The Infidels are angry when thou preacheft to them the unity of God, he ceacheth it whom he pleafech, and guideth into the right way them.that obey him ; the wicked approve fome points of his Law, and rejed the reft, although they have knowledg of his Unity, and tht throughthe envy thatis rifen among them ; if thy Lord hal not heretofore faid that he would defer their punifhment until the day of Judgment, he had already deftroyed them, many of thofe, who after them fhall have knowledg of the Scriptures fhall doubt of his Law ; but follow thouthe wayehatis ap- pointed thee, and follow not their appetites ; Say unto them, I believe in the Book that God hath fent, Ihave received commandment to preach unto you, that God is your, and our Lord; ye fhall anfwer for your actions, and we thallaniwer for ours ; it isnot neceflary to difpute againft us,God will one day affemble us in his prefence to judge our differences, he is our refuge ; fuch as difpute againft che faith, after knowledg of the truth, are without reafon ; their arguments fhall be vain with God, they thall be the obje@ of his wrath, and fhall fuffer exceeding great pains. God hath fent the 4/coras with truth and ballance; he will not inftru@ thee when the, day.of Judgment fhall be: Such ashave ne faith in him, ask whenit . thallcome, and they that believe him, fear the coming chareal ani Se — fe (hap.42.. The Alcoranof Matouer. and know itto be infallible ; fuch as doubt, are erroneous from the right way. God is merciful to his people, and enricheth whom he pleafeth, he is &rong and omnipotent, he increafeth the graces of him that defireth the riches of heaven’; he giveth the wealth of the earth to them thar affe@ it: and depriveth them of the riches of heaven = Are thére wicked ones amohg men that teach them a falfe Religion prohibited of God? God hath not revéaled it to chem; had he not deferred their punifh- ment until the day of Judgment, he had already deitroyed them; they fhallin the end feel grievous torments, ye fhall fee them fear their own deportments, ye thall feethem chattifed after their demerits; and the believers that do good works, fhall enjoy! the delights of Paradife, whee they fhall ‘finde whatfoever they fhall defire; this: is the great grace'of Gods this is that which he hath proclaimed to the faithful that be- lieved, and have done good works ; Say untorhem, I require none other recompentfe for the pains that I take in preaching i; toyou, then.to leye my kindred ; he that fhall do any good work,fhall be rewarded, Gods merciful, and good works are Pleafing to him. Will they fay that thon haft blafphemed a- » gaint God? Ifix pleafe God, he thall hinder thee to hear this difcourfe, or will imprint patience in thine heart she abolitheth lies, and confirmeth the truth through his words ; he knoweth Whatfoever is in che hearts of men; he accepteth the converfion of his creatures, he pardoneth their fins, and-knoweth all their actions ; he heareth the prayers of the faithful, that do good works, and augmenteth his grace upon them ; but Infidels faall undergo the rigours of eternal pains. Had God equally en- tiched allhiscreatures, they had been in confaGion upon earth ; he enricheth whom he pleafeth ; he feeth and knoweth all; he fendech rain when men defpaire of his grace, he is the pro- teCtor of believers, and praife is due to him eternally : the crea- tion of the heavens, and ofthe earth, and of all that moveth between them, is.a fign of thine omnipotency : Ifevill befall you, believe chat ye have deferved it, neverthelefs he pardo- neth you many. things; ye cannot efcape his punifhment on earth, and none is able to: protea you againft bim. The _ that OS The Alcoranof MAHOMET. — Chap.g2. that runneth upon the water, big asa mountain, is.a token of his omnipotency, to them that perfevere in his Law, and ace knowledg his graces. He fhall reprove the wicked for their fins, and fhall pardon many: They that difpute againit his Commandments, cannot efcape their punifhment ; the riches that ye poffefs are the riches of the earth; the siches that God beftoweth on them that truft in him, are eternal: Theythat depart from mortall fins, that repent to have commited them, that beg of Godto be heard, and perfevere in their fupplica- tions ; they that take councel, and confult among them what they ought to do,that employ in good works part of thewealth that God hath given them, that implore his help in thete affit- &ions ; fachas do good, and fiuch ascommit evil, fhall be re- compenfed, and punifhed according to ‘their works. God ab- horrech Infidels; ye haye no power over them that implore his affiftance in their afli@ion,and repent ; your power extendeth over them that do injuftice tothe people,and difobey on earth the Commandments of his divine Majefty, they {hall fuffer great torments. Suchasperfevere in well-doing, and pardo their neighbour, do what God hath Commanded. He whom God fhall miflead, thall finde none to guide him. Thou halt fee that the Infidels fhall ask if they may return into the world, when they fhall behold the fire of hell ; thou fhalt fee them fie with extream fear of eternalignominy ; they fhall lookawry upon hell , and the believers hall ee chat the wicked,chat have loft their fouls, that have mifled their family,and all che impious, fhall be ‘eternally damned, none thall beable to fave them ; and he that God fhall miflead, thall not finde the sight way: Say unto them, beg pardon of God before the day come, that ye thall finde no way to return into the world, nor excule for your fins, . If they difobey thee, we have not fent thet? be their Tucor; thou art.fent only to preach unco them. When we give to man-any profperity he rejoyceth, and when affil- @ion befallethhim, -he is ingrateful -for the grace of his Lord, King of the heavens. andearth. God-giveth children, fonsam daughtersto whom he pleafeth, he knoweth: all things, and is Omnipotent she fpeaketh not to man but sby infpiration, paral; (hap.43. The Alcoran of MAHomMeT. parable,without being feen ; he fendeth his Prophets and Apo- ftles, into whom he infpireth what pleafeth him, he knoweth all things, andis omnipotent ; Thus have we fent thee our fpirit to teach thee our Commandments; thou knowelt not before what was written in the A/coran, neitherthe myfteries of faith, wehavefent it to thee tobea light to the world ; 1 will guide into the way of Salvation whom I pleafe, I will guide him into the way of the Lord , to whom belongeth all that is in Heaven ‘and Earth, and who difpofeth of all things. CHAP. XLIII. The Chapter of Ornament , containing eighty and nine Verfes, written at Mecca. Exteri intituled This Chapter, the Chapter of Gold. ip the name of ‘God, gracious and mercifull ! God is pru- dent and wife. I {wear by the Book that teacheth to: do well, that we have fent it inthe Arabique tongue, peradven- ture ye fhall underftand the tAlcoran ; it is written in our original! Book, majeftiquéland myfterious. Shall I conceal from you the Book of Safvation, if ye be wicked ? How ma- ny Prophets and Apoftles have we fent in paft Ages ,.whom unbelievers have difpifed? We deftroyed the moft powerfull among them, and all have incurred the pain of their prede- ceflors. Ifthou ask of them who created Heaven and Earth, they will fay, that itis the omnipotent who knoweth all things. Whohath extendeth the Earth under you? Who eftablithed the Wayes to guideyou? Itis God, ‘he canfeth the rain to defcendfrom Heaven in your neceffity ; he maketh the dead, drie, and barren fields to revive; in like manner thal! the dead come out of their Sepulchers, Heit isthat cre- ated whatfoever is in the world, of divers kinds and fpecies, and created the Ships, and beaft, to carry you. - mentee the Pry fay he yeESPe py ) See ts Sr RE BX y SS 389 see tae 3 The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.4r. isc nee the grace of your Lord ; fay, praifed be he thac created for us thefe things; we! had not the power to create them, They all fhall reeurn before the Lord tobe judged. The Infidels have divided God into many parts, Certainly he that faith a that there are many Gods, is impious ; hath he appointed you ro fay; that the Angels which he hath created are his daugh- ters. iceing thathe giveth you fonnes?, When it is declared to fome Iniidels that a daughter is born to him, he is not fa- tisfied, (he defireth to have a fon) willthey fay that God adorneth himfelf, and taketh ornaments to beautifie him like their Idols? Itisa manifeft error they fay, that the An- gels that worfhip God, are the daughters of his divine Ma- jefty ; Iwill write what they fay , and will require of them an accompt of their difcourfe at the day of Judgment. They a have faid, had it pleafed God, we had not adored the Angels; ijl They know not what they fay, and ignorantly: blafpheme ; do ee ae they obferve any Sertpeure that hath been tanghe them here- ee tofore 2 Onthe contrary, they fay that their fathers lived in like manner, and that they follow their fteps; they have frid ae as much to all the: Prophetsthat were fentunto them When Hi em thou fpakeft to them to obferve what iscontainedin the Al . coran , and to abandon the Idols which their fathers Wot fhipped , they anfwered, that, they believed neither im thet, norinthy miffion; but we avenged our felves upon them ; Confider what is the end of blafphemers ; Remember thou, that eo Fbraham {aid to. his father, and his people, I am in- nocent of the finne that you commit, in adoring idols, I wor- fhip him alone.that created me, he thall gu de me into the way of Salvation, and hath left his words. to, pofterity 5 per haps the infidels fhall be converted, 1 deferred heretotore ; * lid bin ; fa ck Maguirke » the’ punifhment of Idolaters., uncill they had learned the Wades and dvoua truth and that a Prophet came to inftru@ them; When he bin Mefroud, preached unto them the truth , they faid, that it is but witch oA iar craft, and that they would give no faith to it. Had the Al confidence, 274" been fent toa man,.* Mafter and Lord of two Cities, See Kitab ef OF Villages, they: had efteemed and approved it. Would they tenvir. difpofe of the graces of God? He hath divided the riches f the Chap.43. The Alcoranof Manomer, — 305 the world among men; Some there be that are more emi. nent, and {corn each other, but the mercy of God is more advantageous then the riches of the Earth, which they accu. mulate : Although all the people be not of the fame Religion, ee Wweceafe not to beftow on the wicked houfes adorned with feelings, enchafed with filver, ftaires, doares, and beds of (iI. ver and gold; Thefe things are the riches of the Earth , and Paradife is for them that are righteous, I will canfe to fall headlong with the Devils , fuch as thall reje@ the Law of the merciful] ; the Devils thall be their companions, they fhall fe- duce them from the way of Salvation , and they fhall not know it. When we fhall come to judge the Univerfe, they thall fay, would to God we-had been as remote from you, as the Weft isfromthe Eaft. Oh what company for you ! This day your repentance and your hopes fhall be vain; ye , Were Infidels for company, ye thall be companions in the fire ;, Of Hell. Wilethou make the blinde to fee, and the deaf to | hear? Wile thou guide them that wilfully erre? If they dye * before being punithed on Earth, I will be avenged on them ', inthe other world. Shall J thew thee during thy life, the pus ’ nifhment that we have prepared for them > We can doit, bue " do thou only what hath been commanded thee, thou arc in the _ Way of falvation , inftru@ men therein 3; aN accompt of thy miffion fhall be required of thee. I will require an accompe of their miffion that we fent heretofore to inf rid the peo- ple, we will demand of them, if we appointed them to wor- thip any other God but us. We fent Mofes to Pharoahand his Minifters, he caufed them to fee our Miracles,and preached tothem our Commandments; he told them that he was the Me(fenger_of the God of the Univerfe » heverthelefs they -{eoffed, I fhewed them no greater Miracle then that of AZo/es his fifter, and we chaitifed them, becaufe of their incredulity. | They faidunto Afofes, oh Magician ! pray unto thy Lord, that he deliver us from thefe evils , and we will be converted ; when they were delivered, they violated their promifes; and Pharoah taid tohis people, am notI King of egypt, doth noc the River Ni/ws flow under my obedience? Know ye xX Rot a The Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.43. OT not that Iam more powerfull then that poore wretch AZo/es, * pharoah that knowes not what he fayes ?¢ Give him * Bracelets of react of Gold. ; wewill fee if the Angels, and thofe that follow his suilded Iron DOGrine, will ceftifie che truth of his words. He terrified tobe given, his Subjects, they obeyed him, for they were Infidels, but we with Colles, were avenged onthem when they provoked'us; we drowned sy er ay, them, and made them ferve for example to pofterity, like a « . thofe that preceded them in impiety. The people would not through the hearkento the Sonne of JZary, when he fpake by parable ; City. —__ they faid, our Godsare more profitable to us then his lyes, See Gelaldin. and queftions. On the contrary, they were refractory ; “he ae iia? js our fervant, we conferred on him-our grace; and made him abtenir. ee co the other Prophets of the Children of Ifrael+ Had it pleafed me, I had created Angels on Earth in your place ; the comming of Jefus, the Son of Adary fhall be a fign of the certainty of the day of Judgment, doubt not concerning that day. He faid unto.men,follow me, it is the right way, beware left the Devill feduce you, he is your open enemy. I comet teach you the Commandments.of Ged, to refolve the doubis, and judge the differences that are among you ; Fear God, and obey him, he ts your Lord and mine, worthip him, i is the right way; The people doubted his Do@trine , but mifery fhall be upon the wicked, they fhall fuffer great torments at the day of Judgment ; will they expect that day for their con- verfion ? it fhall furprize them, and they know it not; that day thall they be enemies one of another, God fhall fay to the righteous, fear not, yefhall not this day refent any af- fliGtion ; The believers that have obeyed my Comandments, fhall enter into Paradife, you and your wives fhal{ there re- joyce, ye fhall drink in cups of fine gold. ye fhall there finde whatfoever ye fhail defire, and all that can content the minde, and delight the eyes, and-ye fhall dwell erernally in fapreme felicity ; behold the Paradile that ye have gained by your 09 life | itis enriched with abundance: of fruses, which ye Shall eat with contentment ; and the wicked fhall remain erernally inthe fire of Hell, they fhall not be eafed in their miferies, and fhall be dumb with difpair; we dono injuftice to a they. rere pag Chap.44. The Alcoran of M4 tt om B-— 307 i they draw mifchief on themfelves , through their difobedi- ence; They thall demand of the Keeper of the fire, will thy Lord nevér deliver us ftom thefe paines ? He fhall anfwer them, ye fhall abide there eternally ; We have taught men the truth, but the greaceft part of them would not believe it. The wicked have confpired againft thee, and we confpired againft them; think they that I know not their fecrets, and whatfoever they utter ? The Angels our Meflengers keep ac- compt ; Say unto them, if God have a Son, who hall we firlt adore? Praifed be God, King of the Heavens and of the Earth ; the matter is not as the Infidels deliver it - Leave them implunged in their impiety , let them laugh and rejoyce , un- till the day of their punifhment arrive : One God alone ought to be worfhiped in Heaven and Earth » he is moft wife and omnifcient, Praifed be heto whom appertaineth the King- dome of the Heavens and Earth, and whatfoever is between them. He knoweth the hour and the day, that all the world fhall be affembled before him to be judged. The Idols that the Infidels adore, {hall not be able to intercede for them ; the good intercede for them that have knowledg of the truth; If thou ask of men , who created them? they will fay, it is God ; How can they then depart from his Command. ments ? Lord, this people is incredulous ; Depart thou far from their company , they hall in the end, too late, acknowledg their errors. CHAP. XLITTI, The Chapter of Smoke, containing fifty nine Verfes > Ypritten at Mecca. G thename of God, gracious and merciful, God ispri- dent and wife. I fwear by the book that diftineuifheth good from evill, chav'we fent it the night of bleffing, toteach the people the torments of Hell; This book explaineth our Commandments, and-allthacwe heretofore commanded the X 2 Prophets; a The Micoran of MAHOMET. Chapa. Prophets; thisisa fpeciall grace of thy Lord, he heareth and knoweth all things , he is Lord of Heaven and Earth, and of all that is between them, believe in his omnipotency. There isno God but he, he giveth life and death to whom he lifteth, he is your Lord, the Lord of your fathers and predeceffors; the wicked deride this difcourfe, but the day of Judgment at- tends them; that day the Heaven fhall refemble fmoak, that (hall cover the world; that day (hall the people fay, behold here grievous torments ; Lord deliver us from this mifery, we willbelievein thy Law: Their convertion thal! be in vain, be- cauife when the Prophet preached to them, they {corned his words, and faid, that he wasa foolifh Teacher ; and when they were comforted on Earth, they returned co their impiety: Remember thou the day when they were vanquifhed , and taken by force, and that we were revenged on their impiety; We heretofore tryed the people of Pharoah; my beloved Prophet preached to them my Commandments, and faid, Come follow me, oh ye fervants of God! Tam a faith Meffenger of his divine Majefty ; refift not his Law ; 1 will teach you his Commandments, he fhall defend me from your malice, he fhall preferve me from being ftoned; but if ye will.not believe me, depart far from me, He prayed to his Lord, when he knew, that that people was unbelieving, and impious. God faid unto him, goe forth by night out of the City with my fervants ; ifthe men of Pharoah purfue thee, enter into the Sea, through a path large and {pa- cious, thine enemies that fhall follow thee fhall be drowned. How many Gardens, Fountains, and places of pleafure,wheré- in they took delight, did they forfake? They fell into the power of another with all their treafures, and none lamented them, either in Heaven or Earth, they expected not that pu nifhment. We delivered the Children of Ifrael from Phe roabs tyranny,he was powerfull, and a great finner. We elected them through our certain knowledg among all the world, and tryed them through our Miracles, and Commandments. The wicked fay, we fhall dye and not rife again ; ifthe Refit reCtion be true, caufe our fathers to revive, to evidence tht t ud, Bebepey reer Chap.44. The Alcoran of M AHOMET, truth of thy words; Are they more powerfull then their pre- deceflors, whom we defttoyed , becaufe of their impiety ? We have not created in yainthe Heaven and the Earth, and whatfoever is between them; we creared them for certain fignes of our unity, the greateft part of the world underftand itnot ; the day of Judgmentis the time appointed for their punifhment, that day none fhall be able to fave his neighbour, Or parent, or friend; nor fhall any be faved, but thofe to whom God fhiall give his mercy , he is omnipotent and merci- full. The fruit of the Tree of Hell, called Zacon, fhall ferve for food to the wicked, it thall boyle in their bellies like pitch, or water. They fhall cry, take the wicked, drag them into the fire of Hell, poure upon their heads all manner of torments, Ie fhall be faid unto them, tafte the paines of Hell; ye believed [ your felves] to be the omnipotent and precious on Earth, behold the punifhment, of: which ye doubted! The righteous fhall be in delicious places , in Gardens adorned with Fountains; they thall be clothed with purple, they thall behold each other face to face. ; wewillaflemble them with women, pure and clean, who fhall have moft veautifull eyes, they fhall have fruits, favorie and delicious, of all feafons ; they fhall never dye, and fhall be delivered from the torments of Hell, through the fpeciall grace of thy Lord, behold fupreme felicity ! Certainly, Wwe have fént the A/coran in thy tongue, peradvencure the Arabians will learn it ; they covet thy ru- ine, but perfevere thou, and expect the time of the punifhment of their crimes. eee ote Serre ennai epi hat ——— SS 3r90. _ ThevetCoran of MAHOMET. (hapa5e ited a aa Taos CHAP. XLY. The Chapter of Genuflexion, or Kuce-bowing , containing fifty nine Verfes, written at Mecca. ie the Name of God, gracious and merciful. God ismoft prudent and wife. This Book is fent by the Oninipotent and wife. The Heavens‘and the Barth are moft certain fignes of Scag his Unity, to fuch as believein his Law ; your Creation, and pete the Creation of all'Creatures, are marks of his greatnels to them that have his fear before their eyes; the difference of the night, and the day ; the rain that he fendeth from Heaven, to caufe fruits to fpring out of the Barth, and to revive it aftér its death, and the diverficy of winds, are fignes of his Omni- tency to thenrthat have knowledg to comprehendit. Ite | ha eh te to thee the wonders of God with truth ; in whac will Inf. ee | 3 delsbetieve, if they believe not in the word of his divine Me ea jefly > Mifery is upon them that heat the Commandmenitrot Ha i} God, and become proud,as if.they had not heard them. Preach unto fach men, that they fhall faffer the rigors of infinite pati i | They deride che Faith when they are fpoken to = Certamly, 4 be they thall be punifhed in the fire of Hell, their riches thalfnot vet be able to favethem, neither the Idols which they adore; they fhalbbeeternally damned. This Book guideth men into the way of falvation; they that fhall not believe in the Law of God, fhall feel the effeéts of his fury. He created the Seas that bear the Ships for the advantage of your commerce, iis peradventure ye will acknowledg this grace: He hath created a for yon, all that is in Heaven and on Barth; itis afign of -his: goodnefs to fuch asconfider it. Speak unto them that believe in the Law of Salvation, that they pardon thofe that have not the fear of God before their eyes. God thallchaftife them after their demerits. VVhofoever thall do good, (hall finde good ; and ye (hall be affembled before his divine Majelty, to be judged. Certainly we inftruéted the children of Tfraclio the Scripture, and our Commandments; we taught them : pre knowledg, , Chap.45- The Alcoranof Ma Homer. 311 knowledg, and gave them the grace of Prophefie; we enriched themwithall forts of riches,& preferred them to all the world, We taught them our Law, none defputed againft our Com: } mandments, but fuch as had knowledg, and:that through the | envie that arofe among them; but thy Lord hall judge their differences at the day of Judgment. We have fent thee our / Law, obferve it, and follow not.the appetites of the ignorant, » they fhall not be ableto deliver thee from eternal! pains. The : Infidels obey each other, and the true-believers obey God. This bookis the light of the world, it guidethinto the way of falyation, and the mercy of God, themthat believe im his di+ vine Majefty. Do the wicked imagine they thall be entreated like the godly in their life anddeath,and that they thall not be judged ? God hath created heaven and earth for a mark of his power, he fhall judge every one according to their works, ,, and fhall do injuftice to none: Confider how they worthip what cometh: into. their fancy,God hath feduced them fom his certain knowledg, he-hath rendred them deaf, hath hardned iy their heart, and blinded them ; who hall guide, if God feduce them ? Dorhey not confider it? They fay, ourRefurre@ion fhall be like the life of this world, fome die, others are born; length of years canfe us to die, they know not what they fay; and {peak but by opinion. When they are preached unto, they have no other difcourfe to utters but make our fathers to revive, if what ye fay be true. Say unto them; God canfeth youto live and die, and thal! aflemble you at the day of Judg= ment ; there is no.doubt in: this, but the greateft part of the people know.it not. God isthe King of the heavens and earth, and of the day of Judgment;that day thal he affemble the Infi- delssthou fhalt fee all Seéts; and all Religions affembled before him upontheir knees,every Seé hall fee their fins written ina particular book, and fhall be all-chaftifed after their demerits. Ic fhall be faid unto them, behold the book that fpeakerh againft , you, wehave exactly written what you have done; God fhall * — give his.mercy to. the. righteous, that is, fupream felicity. . It # thal be faid to the wicked, have not the Commandments of God been preached to you? Yebecame proud and were in- x credulous ; f ,% ‘ieeay The peed he SAcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.46 credulous ; when it was told you that the promifes of God, and the day of Judgment were indubitable:; ye faid that it was but an opinion, and that ye-believe it nor ;. in the end ye fhall acknowledg your offence, and fhall foffer the pains that ye de- fpifed ; God fhall fay unto them at theday of Judgment, f have this day forgotten you, as yeforgot the coming of this day, the fire of hell {hall be your habitation, none fhall deliver you, becaufe ye derided my Law, and waxed proud with the riches ofthe earth. They fhall never get out of thisfire, nei- ther be able to repent. Praife be to God, Lord of the heavens and earth: glory ts due to him inall places, he is omnipotent and wife, CHAP. XLVI. The Chapter of Hecaf , containing thirty five Ver[es, Written at Mecca. Hecatis a Valley in the Country of Liemen, upon the fronties of Arabia. See Gelaldin, and the Book intituled, Kitab él Tenoir. Nethe name of God, gracious and merciful : Godis mok- prudent and wife. This Book was fent by the Omnipotent and wife. Wecreated the heavens and the earth, andall that is between them, for a fign.of our Omnipotency and Unity.and appointed to every thing a prefixed and limited time. If the Infidels depart from that which hath been preached to them, Say unto them, have ye confidered the Idols -thatyeadore? {lew me what they have created on earth, are they Gods com- panions in the creation of the heavens 2 bring me a Book fent from heaven before the Alcoran, that-containeth like it, what remained of the de@rine of our Predeceffors,we fhall fee ifye betrue: who is morefeduced then he that wor(hippeth : things that-can neither hearhis prayers, nor prorect him at the day of Judgment ? That day thall. the InGdels be cnc eae Ja al ety Chap.46. The AlcoranofMaHomMeET each other, and the Idols fhall not acknowledg them that have worfhipped them. When, they heard the A/coran read, they affirmed it to contain the truth; and when they were com- manded to obferve it, they faid, thar it isbut magick. Will they fay. that thou haft invented it ? Say unto them,if I have invented it, ye cannor deliver me from the punifhment of God, he knoweth:all chat is in this book, it is fufficient that he is witnefs between you and me, he is gracious and merciful - Say unto them, Iam not the firft Prophet, nor the firft Apoftle that God hath fent, I know not what God fhall determine of you and me, I do but what he hath infpired into me,. and am fent to preach the torments of hell; have ye confidered in what condition ye fhall be, if the e4/ceran be fent from God ? Ye have renounced it, but one ofthechildren of J/raed is wit- nefs that it is- fent from-God, -and hath believed in his divine Majeftie. neverthelefs ye are become proud: God guideth not the proud. The Infidels fay to the believers, «if the Alcoran were any good thing, you fhould not exceed us in obferving it, it guideth not into the way of falvation, itis but an old Fable; The book of AZofes that came before it teacheth the right way, and the Will of God : Say unto them, the A/coran confirmeth the Scriptures fent heretofore to them that preceded us, it is in the Arabique tongue ; he preacheth the pains of hell ro unbe- lievers, and declareth the joyes of Paradife to the righteous. Such as fhall believe that God: is their Lord, and thall obey him, ought to fear nothing, they thall fuffer none affi@ion at the day of Judgment, they fhallenjoy Paradife for the reward oftheir g00d works. We have recommended to man, to ho- nor father and mother, and todo good to them; his mother beareth him with pain, the bringeth forth with dolour, the = giveth him fuck,and weaneth him at the end of thirty. moneths; fhe hath care (of him] until he be ina condition to govern himfelf, and hath attained to age of difcretion. Then he faith, - Lord, infpire me to be grateful for the grace that thou halt given to my father and mother ; if I do well thou wilt accept it, take care of my polterity, I cruft in thee, and defire to obey» thy Commandments : Their prayer thall be heard, their fins . fhall nes 313 awe 314 LO he Thedetoran of MA HOM ET. Chap.46. thal! be pardoned, and they hall enjoy the joyes of Paradife, prepared for che righteous. He that.fhall {peak to his father and mother incivility; and fhall fay unto them in derifion, will ye bring me yet once more into the world after my death? will ye revive. me. from my grave ? many are dead heretofore, that arenotreturned : he fhall be punifhediof God, his fatherand mother hall require help of his. divine Majefty, andihall fay unto him, my fon, mifery is with thee, believe in God, andin the Refurreétion, the Word of Godis: infallible; ifhe reply that it is an old Fable, he fhall feel the punifhment of God, the word of his divine Majeftie fhall be accomplifhed againft him, as it hath been accomplifhed againft them tha didprecede him in impiety, as well devilsas men, they fhall be damned; they {hall be in fundry degrees of pains, he fhall chaftife them after their demerits, and no injuftice. fhall be done tothem. It fhall be faid to the wicked that would depart out. of hell fire, ye ex- pelled your felicity, when ye livedin the world; your punifh- ment was deferred until this prefent, ye fhall this day be pm nifhed in this fire,becaufe of your pride.and crimes. Remembiet thon the brother of ad, who preached the torments of hellin the valley of Hecaf, his words was heard inhistime, and are come to.pofterity, v=. worthip but one God alone; ifyoude otherwife, I apprehend: for youthe day of Judgment ¢they anfwered him, art thou.come to hinder us to adore our gods? let us feethe torments that thou preacheft tous, ifthou art true : he faid, God knoweth.in what time he will chaltife you; [preach to you what hath been appointed me to preach, but 1 fee that ye are obftinate. When they beheld a black cloud appear, which approached the place of their habitation, they faid; behold.acloud that fhall give us.rain; on the contrary, tt is the punifhment that ye have demanded, it is. full of am 1m- petuous winde that fhall deftroy you through the Command- ment of God; inthe morning their houfes were found empty of inhabitants : Thus God chaftifechhe wicked ; ye dwell im the places which they inhabited; they had hearts, eyes, amd ears, but their hearts, eyes, and ears were to them unprofitable; theevill which they.defpifed befell chem, when they negletted a to Chap.46. The Alcoranof Mauome Y. ; NS AE GORI ORR aa IS X to obfervethe Commandments of God. We have deftroyed whatfoever is round abéyt AZerea, and have made the effeds i of our omnipotency to appear; peradventure the inhabitants thereof will be converted. . The Idols that they worfhipped, and thofe to whom they facrificed, did not fave them; onthe contrary,they forfook them, becaufe of their blafphemies. Re- al member thon,that we-fent co thee devils, that defired to hear a | LeGture of the e4lcoran; when they heard thee, they faid, Heark,he begins ; and when thou madeft an end,they returned with exceeding great fear, and faid to their companions, we have heard a Lecture of a Book fent from heaven. after the book of AZo/fes, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, teacheth hi the trath, and gnidech the people inro the way:of falvacion. O het people /hearhim that calleth you tothe Law of God, and to ul the obfervance of his Commandments ; betieve him, God fhaill i pardon your fins, and deliver you from thepairis of hell : fiach up as thall not hearken to’ him, thall not efcape the punifhment ye Of their crimes, and (hall be deprived of protection at the day me Of Judgment ; fuchmen are feduced from the way of falvation. vi) Confider they not that God, who created heaven and earth, p@ did not labour in creating them ? thar heis able to give life .) and death; and is omnipotent? Be thou mindful of thé day ~ that che Infidels thal! defire'to get out of the fire of hell; it fhall be faid unto them, are not the pains that were preached to you W true? they fhalk fay, yes Lordsit thall be faid co them,taite then the torments which ye have merited through your impiety. i Perfevere thou, asthe Prophets thy predeceffors perfevered. } Be not: impatient,'till thou fee the: punifhment-of of Infidels . they fhall fee it when they fhall rife again,and {hall believe chat they have been but an: hour in their fepulchres: Thisisthat y: Which God hath commanded to pieach, he thal! deftroy thofe only that difobey his Commandments. bas a ee ae CHAP. a Mecch. The Adebran of MAHOMET. (Chap.47. CHAP. XLVII. The Chapter of the Combat , containing fourefcore and eight Verfes, Written at Mecca. Is the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Good works are vain and unprofitable to the wicked, and to them that hinder their neighbour to follow the Law of God; hepar- doneth their finnes, who believe in what AZahomet hath preached ; itisthe very truch that proceedeth from his'divine Majefty, but the Infidels have followed vanity , and the be. lievers have embraced the truth fent from their Lord; Thus God fpeaketh to the people in parables, When ye fhall meet the Infidels in time of warre, cut their necks, purfue them untill ye take themyprifoners, then binde them; after this, ye fhall either give them liberty, or put them co ranfome , untill their party fhall lay down armes. If God pleafed, he could give you victory without fighting, but his willis to prove you he guidech into Paradife, them that are flain forthe defence of his Law, and giveth them his grace. Ohye that believeim God.! If ye protect the Law of God, God will proteé you, he will confirm yourfteps, and deftroy the Infidels, becaule they have contemned his Commandments, & their good works fhall be to them unprofitable;confider they not whathathbeen the end of the impious that were before them , and that God hath deftroyed them ? He (hal deftroy rhem in like manner, be- caufe he proteéteth the Believers, and Infidels are deprived of his proteétion; he maketh the righteous to-enter into Paradife, into Gardens, wherein flow many rivers, The punifhment of the wicked is fometimes deferred in this world, they live like beafts, but the fire of Hell is prepared for their punifhment. How many Cities, ftronger, and more opulent then that which they caufed cheé to abandon, have we deltroyed ? They foun no protection. Are fuch as embrace the Law of God like to themthat follow their own appetites? God hath pto- mifed Paradife to them that have his fear before their x - here by Chap.47. The Alcoranof Mauow ET. there be in Paradife rivers of water, that receiveth no altera- tion; there be rivers of milk that never corrupteth , rivers of wine, favory and delicious to the tafte ; rivers of honey, pure and clean ; fruits of all forts, and the grace of God for them that hall obey his Commandments ; the wieked thal! re- main eternally in the fire of Hell, where they thall drink a boyling liquor,that thaltburn their entrails, There be per- fons among the Infidels , that hear what thou doft’ preach; when they are gone from thee, their Doors demand of them what thou haft faid concerning the day of Judgment? God hath hardned the hearts of {ach men , and they thal! never follow but their own paffions. God enereafeth thé graces of them that obey his Commandments » and fortifieth them ‘in their perfeverance Shall the Infidels tarry untill the day of Judgment furprizeth them? The fignes of that day hath al- ready appeared, that day fhall repentance be in vain ; there isno God but God, implore from him pardon of thy finne; and for thefe men and women , that believe in his Law » he knoweth what they do.day and-night; If the Chapter of the place where Juftice is rendred, had not been fent, and had nor made mention ef Combats, thou hadft not: feen ‘them that doubt of the Law , look upon thee with eyes troubled , be- caufe of their fears of dying. Teach them obedience ; and {peak to them with civility. Had they believed, and obeyed, fall canfe them to dye 2 they fhall beat them before and be- hind, becaufe they have incurred the wrath of God , and ‘de- {pifed his Commandments 3 their good works fhall be unpro- profitable ; 317 318 The-wicoran of MAHOMET. .Chapi47, fitable ; think they that God will never make manifelt their malice? If thouwilet, I will make it appear, thoufhale know them by their countenance, thou fhalt difcover them by their voyce, and fpeech, Say unto them , God knoweth all your actions ; he hall prove you, to difcover the believers, and the unbelievers,, The wicked, who hinder the people to follow the way of Salvation, that contradi& the Prophet, after they have had knowledg of the Law of God, hurt not his divine Majelty, their actions are vain and unprofitable. Ohye that believe! obey God, and his Prophet, and render not your good works ineffectual through difobedience} he pardoneth not the wicked , whe feduce the people from the way of Sal- vation, and dyein their impiety ;: Be mot faint-hearted and flothfull , ye fhall be vi€torious, God is with you. He will not deprive you of reward; the life of this world is but foo- lifh a and delufion; if ye believe in God, and have his fear before your eyes, he will xecompenfe youfor-your good works , he requireth not an accompt of your riches ; if hed require[it ] of you,it is to hinder youto be avaricious, andto banith ufury from among them that believe in his Law + Oh people | ye are commanded to make fome expence for the fove of God; He that fhallbe aniggard , and avaricious in this occurrence , hall be avaricious, and a niggard tohimlelf GOdis rich, and yeare poor ; if ye defpife his Law; he will create in your place other perfons, that thal! not do like you, CHAP. a 1 Chap.48.. The Alcoranof MaHomerT 319 rn ty CHAP XLEVIII. The Chapter of Conquef? , containing twenty nine Verfes » written at Mecca. Thises the Chapter, O f the taking of the City of Mecca, N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. We have given thee a manifeft vi€tory. God pardoneth the finne that thou didft commit, when thon wert too prompt, and when thou wert too tardy, [ to fight for his Law; ] he thall'accom- plith his grace upon thee, he fhall guide thee into the riphe way , and thall powerfully prote@ thee; he hath delivered the hearts of the believers from fear, to augment their faith ; he difpofech the forces of the Heavens and Earth, he knoweth all, and ismoft prudent. He fhall make them that (hall obey his Commandments, to dwell in Gardens, wherein flow ma- ny rivers, and fhall remit to them their offences , this: is “fie preme felicity ; The Infidels, the wicked; the difobedient, and unjuft, that have evil! thoughts of God, thall- be aceurfed of his divine Majefty, mifery thal alwayes purfue.chem, and his wrath be eternally upon them; he hath prepared*for chem the if pains of Hell. God difpofeth the powers’ of the ‘Hea- ji vens and Earth 5 he is omnipotent and wife. We have fent thee to be witnefs of the deportments of thofe of thy Nation , to proclaim to them the joyes of Paradife, and to preach to them the pains of hell, ro the end they may believe in God , and in his Prophet, that they may praife him, honour bim, and exale his glory evening and morning: Such as fhalf obey thee, obey God; the hand of God is ft onger then the hand of men ; he that fhal! fin, thall offend againit hisown foul; and he that performed what he hath promifed to God, (hall have an exceeding great reward. UV Such of the e4rabiins as have no inclination re follow thee, fay, thou imployeft our wealth and perfons to go with thee, implore therefore pardon of God fer us ; but they fpeak _ Ww I li with the mouth,what they have in the heart ; Say unto them, who but Godis able todo ought foryou? ifit be his will to bring good or evillupon you, he is omnipotent, and knoweth all that you do. Ye believed that the Prophet and True- believers fhould be flain when they fought for the Law of God; ye believed that they fhould never return to their hones. This opinion rejoyced your heart, but you were de- ceived, and were your felves deftroyed with them that believed not in God,nor his Prophets; Ged hath prepared the fire of hell for Infidels ; the kingdom of the heavens and earth apper- taineth to him, he punifheth and chaftifech whom he lifteth, he is gracious and merciful. When ye thall go tothe fpoil, fuch as refufed before tofollow you to the fight,wil fay,permit us to go with you ; they would pervert the Word of God. Say unto them, ye fhall not follow us in this occafion, God hath not heretofore ordainedit; they will reply, certainly ye are envi- ae A ous againft us ; onthe contrary, they underftand not the Law Maar 3 of God, except very few among them. Say tothe Arabia, that refufed to follow thee, ye fthall be called to fight Heke againft miferable men, yee fhall fight them, _nevet- Wet thelefS they fhall ftill be obedient to God; if yee HE obey and fight for the Faith, he will largely reward you; iB if ; if ye defert his fervice, as heretofore ye have done, he fhall fe- ut verely chaftife you. The blinde, the lame, and the fick,are not obliged to gotothe war. He that fhall obey God and his Prophet, fhall dwell eternally in gardens, wherein flow many rivers ; and he that fhall difobey Gods Commandments, fhall be punithed for his difobedience. God accepted theit action eet that repaired to thee under the tree,he knew what they had in ee their hearts, their confirmed he fteps, and gave them victory, he is omnipotent and wife. God had promifed you great fpoil, he gave it you, and delivered you from the hands of the people ; this fhall ferve for a fign of hisomnipotency to the true- believers, he will condu@ you into the right way ; none but you could have atchieved that conquelt, he well knew that that was fornone other, he is omnipotent : if the wicked fight you, they fhall fly, they fhail turn the back, and finde none to prove coranof MAHOMET. (Chap.4d. Chap.58. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. proteét them. Obferve the Law of God again{t chem, do as was heretofore commanded you; the Lawof God admits no alteration ; God hath delivered you from their hands, and de. livered them into yours in the midft of Afecca, having given you victory overthem ; he beholdeth all their aétions, they have defpifed the Commandments of his divine Majefty, and hindred youheretofore to. go to the Temple of (Mecca; they are at prefent prifoners; without the affiftance of the true- believers that were within che city with you,ye had not known them, yehad trampled them uader foot without diftin@ion, and had offended God without knowledg of your fin. God beftoweth his mercy on whom he pleafeth ; had ye been fepa- rated from the unbelievers, we had feverely punithed them: When they were faccoured of the ignorant, and had fome ad- vantage , God put his Prophet, and all the believers in a place of fafety, they had recourfe to the word of force and vertue , wherein they did better then the Infidels, God knoweth all. Affugedly the dredm of the Prophet of God was true, when he dreamed thatye were in the Temple of AZeccawithout fear,your hair thaven, and beards crimed ; fear nothing, God knoweth what you know not; in lieu of this dream, he hath given youa great victory ; he it is that hath fenr you his Propher, to teach you his Law, more falutary then allother Laws of the world. It is fufficient, that. God is witnefs that ALahomet is his Prophet, and Apoftle ; it fufficeth that the true- believers, who are with him, beare teftimony. God encreafeth his mercy towards thofe Infidels that convert;thou (halt fee them wothip God, humble themflves before his divine Majefty, and im- Plore his grace ; thou thale know therm by theirafped, they thall haye in their countenance thé marks of their zeal’; it is fo written in the old Teftament and the Gofpel ; they are like a plant that produceth its leaves, that grows ftrong by little and little, and becometh big; afterwards it taketh {trength upon its roots, becometha great tree, and the wood thereof ferveth to make war againft Infidels. God hath promifed his mercy, and an exceeding great reward to the Infidels chat fhall be converted, that fhall believe ih his Law,and do good works. Y CHAP. Aicoran of MAHOMET. Chap.49. CHAP. XLIX, The Chapter of Inclofures, containing eighteen Ve erfes, Written at Medina. Exteri entituleth this Chapter, The Chapter of Walls. ji the name of God, gracious-and merciful. Oyethat be- lieve! perfer not what ye have done, to what God and his Prophet hath performed, and fear God, he heareth whatfo- ever ye fay, and feeth all chat you do.O ye that believe | when ye fhall {peak to the Prophet, fpeak not louder then he; cry not, as when ye talk among your felves, leaftye render your good works vain and unprofitable, and know it not; God hath tried the vertue of them that {peak low in the prefence of. the Prophet, he fhall pardom their fins, and givethem ‘an & ceeding great reward. They that call thee behinde the Indlo- fures, know not what they do ; had they attended untilthon hadft. been towards them, they had done very well, Godis gracious andmerciful. O ye that believe! ifany Infidelde- fireth to preach to you, diftinguith the truth froma lye; ifye give credit to the ignorant, ye fhall repent you. Know that the Apoftle of Godis.among you ; ye.fhall offend God, if ye obey unbelievers in many things ; God willeth thar ye embrace his Law, it fhall rejoyce your hearts, and make ye to abhor difobedience and impiety : fuch as abhor it, are ftedfaft im theit faith, through his fpeciall grace, he knoweth them, and is molt wife. If two Nations,or two Provinces, of fuch as believe in God areiat odds, reconcile them; ifthe one do injury to the o- ther, fight againft him that is nnjuft, until he repairewhat God hath ordained ; if he make reparation, reconcile them with equity ; be juft, God loveth them that do juftice to his people: all thofe that believe in his Law, are brethren ; | make peace among your brethren, and fear God, he fhall give you hismercy. Oye that believe! {corm nor your neighbour, peradventure ‘that he fhall one day be of better value then your (hap.49. The-Alcoran of M Awo'm B ~— 3 you, Ovyewomen ! fcorn not others, perhaps they thall one day be more worth then you. “Utter no reproaches, and give no name to your neighbour that may difpleafehim ; call him by his name, otherwife ye will difobey God: fich as repent not, are exceedingly tooblame. Oye thatbelieve in God | take heed of evil thoughts, thefe are oftentimes in the number of fins; do no difpleafure to your neighbour, and {peak to each other nothing that may difpleafe : who among you would eat the flefh of his dead brother ? ye fhall abhor it; fear there- fore God, who is gracious and mercifnl to fich as have his fear before their eyes. O people! wecreated you male andsfe- male ;, we have caufed to iffue out of your loyns: people and Nations ; ye know each other, but your greateft honour is, to fear God, he knoweth you, and underftandeth all your fecrets. Some among the Arabians have faid, we believe; Say unto them, fay not we believe, but fay, we are obedient, otherwife faith fhall not enter into your hearts; if ye obey God. and his Frophet, ye hall be recompenced for your good. works, God is gracious and merciful to them that obey. his: Command. ments. Such as are beloved of God, believe imhis Unity, and inhis Prophet, they doubt not ofhis Law, and imploy their perfonsand wealth for the propagation of the faith. Say un- to them, know ye nat that your Law, proceedeth from God? he knoweth whatfoever is in the heayens and earth, he know- ethall. They think todotheea pleafurein faving them, Say unto them, believe not that ye pleafure me, for it is God that guideth you into the way of falvation ; ye ought fo to believe its» God knowethvall chat is in the heavens and earth, and be- holdeth whatfoever ye do, . Y2 | <CHAP, 23 324 He coranof MAHOMET. Chap.5o. CHAP. L. The Chapter of the Thing fudged, containing fourty five Verfes, Written at Mecca. Mahomet bath intituled this Chapter With the letter Kaf of the Arabique Alphabet,which fignifieth in this place,Kdael'mer, shat is to fay, the thing judged; See Gelaldin, aud Bedaoi, who have intituled this the (hapter of }udgment, or the thing judged. ‘Many Mahometans fay likewi[e, that Kaf 1 a mountain that environeth the World, and that Mahomet fwore by that moun- tain. N the name of God, gracious and merciful. I {wear by_the Alcoran, worthy of praife, that the inhabitants of Aecca wonder that 2’man‘of their Nation teacheth them the tor- ments of hell; chey fay, that he fpeaketh ftrange things. Whur, fay they, fhall we die? ‘hall we be earth, and return into the world? Behold a very ftrong return! We know affuredly what the earth will do withus, we have a book, whereinall is written; they impugne the known truth, and areina great confufion: | See they notheaven above them, how we have built it ? how we have adorned it? and how there iso defect? ‘We have extended the earth, raifed the mountains, and canfed all forts of fruits to {pring forth, fora fign of our omnipoten- cie. We have fent the bleffed rain from heaven, made gat- dens to produce grain, pleafing tq the Reapers, and Date trees, exceeding each other in height, to enrich our creatures. We have given life to the dead, drie, and barren earth ; fothall the dead come out of their fepulchres. The people of Woabs time, thofe that inhabited neer the Well, TZ emod, Pharoah, ~ the fellow-citizens of Lor; they that dwele in the Forrelt, in and people of ‘Kixg Teba, did heretofore traduce. our Pro- Kids ofr; Phets, and felt the punifhment denounced againft Infidels. mech. Was it acrouble to us to create men at. firft-? neverthelefs they . $cc, Bedaoi. are indoubt ifthey thallrifeagain. We created man without | is oot difticulty, } Chap.50. The Alcoran of ManomeET, 7 difficulty, we know the motions of his foul, and penetrate into his heart, asthe blond into the veins. of his body.. Oman ! think upon the day chatthou thalt fee thy good and evil Angel near thee, at the right hand, and omethy feft, they have obfer- ved and written all that thou haft dome reprefent-co. thy elf death before thine eyes, it isinevitable :?> Think on the Angel that fhal! found the Trumpet atthe day of the Refurre@ion ; that day fhall the wicked behold what was promifed them, and all men fhall come before\Ged to be judged. | Dheir guac- dian Angels hall conduct them, and be the witneffes of their deportments : It (hall he faid to the Infidels, behold the day of which ye would have no thoughts; we have now opened your eyes, ye fhall fee this day more hard then iron ; their guardian Angels fhall fay unto them, behold here before your eyes all that ye have done ; caft into hell thofe obftinate Infi- dels that have hindred their neighbour to de good, that have offended in doubting of Gods Law, and have affirmed there was another god with God; caft them into the moft grievous torments. Then. fhall the devil fay to them, Lord,Jdid:not feduce them, they feduced themfelves ; God fhall fay, difpute not before me, what-was heretofore promifed you-is infalli- ble, my Word admitteth no alteration, and di will do. im- juftice tonone. God. (hall ask at che day of Judgment, if hell be full? it thall anfwer, is there any-more ? Paradife is prepared for the righteous,who fhall have the fear of God-be- fore their eyes, it is ptomifed to them that. (hall be converted, that (hall obey the Commandinents of his divine Majeftie, and perfevere. in their obedience. It thall befaid co them, enter ySinto Paradife, exempt fromall evil; behold the cternal-day, yc thall have all chat.ye hall defire,and‘more... How'rich and powerfull Cities have we in times paftideltroyed ? cheit inha- bitants fought in theff Countries places of retreat, and efeaped hot the punifhment of their crimes ; this ought to: fervefor ex- ample to them that comprehend. it, to them that hear it; and to fuch that faw ic. Certainly we created in fimdayes, without diffticulry; the heaven'and earth,.and:all that is betweenchem. ‘Porfevere ;: be not impatieht forothe words:of unbelievers, ¥ 3 exalt 35) | ae 7 coranof MAHOMET. Chap.51. Gelaldin and Falkredin in. title this the Chapter of things that difperfe. exalt the elory-of thy Lord before the Sun go down,and before it rife; pray to thy Lord at the entrance of the night, the laft of all-thall be worthip.. Hearken when the Angel fhall call thee to generall Judgment ; that day fhall all che world hear the Trumpet; the people fhall come out of their.fepulchres, and earth (hall open‘ before the eyes of men. I give life and death, and all the world hall be affembled before meto be judged. This affemble is eafie for me to accomplith ; I know what the wicked fay, thoufhalt nor caufe them by force to em- brace my Law ; teach it thofe that fear the torments prepared for Infidels. CHAP.’ LI. The Chapter of Things difperfed, containing fixtyVerfes, writ- ten.at Mecca. N the Name of God, gracious and merciful. 1 fwearby the: winds that difperfe the duft, by the clouds charged with rain, by the fhip that runneth upon the waters, and by them that divide the wealth of the earth ; that what hath been promifed to youistrue, and that the day-of Judgment isinfal: lible. I fwear by.heaven, and the ftars thereof, thatye are inan exceeding great error; God expelleth lyars far from him, he curfeth them chat blafpheme,and fuch as believe not in the Re- furrection : They ask, when fhall be the day of Judgment? That day {hall they be punifhed in the fre-ofhell. Ir {hall be faid unto them, tafte the rorments that ye have with impatience de- manded.. They. who had the fear of God before their eyes, fall bein gardens, adorned with fountains, they thall‘enjoy the pleafures ‘prepared for them by. God) becaufe they. are righteous ;’ they fleep very little by night, implore pardon of Godat the dawning of the day, and give alms to the poor that begjand the poor thatare bafhful. -God manifefteth on the earth, and in your perfons the figns of his omnipotency ; con- fider ye not that ‘what is promifed.to you is written in heaven? God . Chap.5*. The Alcoranof MaHomeE tT Godis Lord of heaven and earth, he is truth ic felf, will ye nor confefs him ? did the Angels conveigh to thee the books of 4- braham >? When they entred into his houfe, they faluted him; he likewife faluted them, made figns to hisfervants to bring a fat calfe roafted, which he prefented to them; he faid unto them, wherefore do ye not eat? and was afraid in his minde, of their coming : They faid, fear not, we are the Meffengers of God; they declared to him that he fhould have a fon, that fhould be a great perfonage. Then his wife drew near, crying witha loud voyce, and fmicing her face, faid,one that is barren beareth no childe; they faid,che thing fhall come to pafsas we have fpoken, thy Lord ordaineth what pleafeth him, and knoweth all. Abraham faid unto them, O ye Meffengers of God! what is your defign? they replied, we are fent from God to deftroy the Cities inhabited by the wicked, and caft upon them {tones of fire, whereon are infcribed the names of them that they fhall {trike : we will caufe all the righteous to de- part:from among them; if we findethere but onc family of righteous,we will there Jeave an example to pofterity for them that fear the torments ofhell. AZo/es is a fign of our omnipo- tency 3 we fent him to Pharoah with reafons clear and intelli- gible, he defpifed my Commandments, and faid, that AZo/es wasa Magician, and poffeffed of the devil, bur we furprifed him,and drowned his people, to his great difpleafure ; Aad is an example of ouromnipotency : we fent an impetuous winde againft thofe wicked people that deftroyed them. Zemod is an example of our omnipotency, with his Nation ; they waxed proud, and refifted the Commandments of their Lord’; when it was faid to them, that che punifhment of the wicked was de- ferred to another time, but thuader furprifed them, they faw it, ~ they had not the power to ftand on their feet, and were de- prived of protection, The people of Noabs time are an ex- ample of our omnipotency, we deftroyed them, becaufe they were impious : we built heaven with ftrength and vertue; Fam he that giveth power and ftrength ; we extended the earth,and created of every thing, male and female; perhaps ye will con- fiderit, Say anto them, turn ye to God ; Tam fent from him to he coran of MAHOMET. Chap.52. to preach to you the pains of hell: ‘believe'not chat God hath another God with him; the wicked faid heretofore, that the Prophets and Apoftles whom he fent, were Magicians,and of. feffed of the devil: have they recommended co their potterity to do the like ¢ Certainly they are in a great error. Separate thy felffar from their company, and be not troubled at what they fay ; preach the 4/coran, wtis profitable coche righteous ; Tdid not create the devils and men but to worfhip me, Say mato them, I require nothing of unbelievers for inftru@ting them ; T require not that chey nowrifh me,God enricheth whom he pleafeth, he is omnipotent ; the wicked fhalf be chaftifed as heretofore have been their predeceffors, in their malice, their time fhall come, and mifery thalt befall them at the day of Judgment. CHAP, LIT. The, (bapter of the AtLountain, containing thirty nine Verfes, writtenat Megca, N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Efwear by the } Mountain, upon, which God fpake to AZo/es, by what is contained in the book writcen in parchment, by the firft Tem- pleof Adecea, by the arches of the heavens, and by the fea full of water, that God is enefole God, and the punifhment pro- mifed to unbelievers is infallible, they thall nor. be able to ef cape it inthe day when the heaven fhal tremble and the moun- tains thall walk ; that day-fhall be unhappy to the incredulous, they fhall be Precipitated inthe fire of hell; it thall be (aid to them, behold the flames that ye defpifed ; is this Magick? See ye ik not’ enter, have patience, of y¢will defpaire; ye thal be chaltifed after your demetits, They that thall have the fear of God before their eyes, thal be in delicious gardens, which Ciod hath prepared for them, and halt be delivered. from the paias of hell; It thall be faid unro them, drink 4nd cate at your pleafuse, for recompenfe of your good works; bed PAVED | Chap.52.. The Alcoranof Mauom se T- 329 : works ; they fhalf repofe upon beds well ordered pe iia an: : will marty them’ to wives thae fhall have fair eyes, they i fhalt be attended of their family, amd-be largely rewarded for their good works; every good action flhallbeto them a de- ereeof happinefs 5 We wilt give them fuch frnits and: Vines as they fhalfdefire ; they fhall prefent to each other the cup to drink, they fhall not fpeak an evill word, and fhall not fin ; they fhall have pages about them for thei fervice, ly = heantifall as pollithed pearls, they thall difeourle among ig them, concerning what they did before on Earth, and fy, We were in the world, we and our families, with a great ap- prehenfien of the pains of hell, but God hath gratified us, he hath delivered us from eternall. flames. They fhal fay morever, we worthipped in the world but one God, moft juft, and moft mercifull, Remember thon to preach. the Alcarax ;, thou ast not ingratefull for the grace of God, thou art not poffefled of the Devill ; willthey fay that thou art a Poet, a Rimere that nothing muft be expeéted from thee but fables of paft Ages? Say unto them, ye expeéthe game of my deliuncion,. but I with you, expeét the time of your Eruine. } Do their faperi- ors command them to fpeak in this manner ? Wilk they be obftinate in theirerrors? Will they fay, that 24sbomer hath f invented the e4/coran ® Cextainly they ave inexedulous , let ia them bring any difcourfe like to thisbook, in Dectsine apd d Eloquence, if what they affirm be true. Were they ereated t of any thing ? have they exeated any thing’? have they created themfelyes ? have they created the Heavens andche arch ? Certainly they are incredulous: Have they tm their power the treafures of thy Lord ? arethey Gyants® Mave they a.ladder, ii that may raife them to hear what is fpokem in Heaven? Let r them produce fome reafor of their opinions; Believe ye. that { Godhath daughters, and that ye have fonnes.?. Will ye re= quire of him a Salary for obeying his. Law ? Ishe your debtor? The wicked are lyars ; do they know what fhall be? do they write it ? Defire they co confpire againft chee The wicked often. confpire againft the righteous, that worthip but. one God : Prailed be God; he hath-no. companion ; Lf the infidels fhould ay iad & . 330 TheAlcoranof MAHOMET. (hap.s3. fhould fee a piece of the Heaven to fall, they would fay, it is acloud driven by the windes ; leave them in their obftinacy, untill they come to the day of their death, chat day thal! their confpiracy be vain, and they deprived of protection: They likewife fhall be punifhed before their death, but the grea- teft part know itnot. Have patience , and expect the Judg- ment of God, thou fhalefoon fee it ; 1 will protect thee, and thou fhale not want help; Praife thy Lord, exalt his glory when thon (hale rife, praife him in the night, and before the Stars difappear. Neen eee ee UE UUTnEnnETEnnnDSSEyEIES a SIESnEEDSnSINESInSStE nanan aang CHAP. LIil The Chapter of the Starre, containing fixty Verfes , Written at Mecca. TS the name of God, gracious and mercifull, I fwear by the Star that difappeareth, thatyour friend A4ahomet er- reth not, he fpeaketh nothing of hisown , he fpeaketh but what hath been infpired into him by the omnipotent,and moft bountifull God. ‘The Angell approached him in the highelt place of Heaven, within the length of two bowes, and fome- what nearer; God hath infpired inco him, what he hath in- fpired into his fervant, who altered nothing of what hath been infpired into‘him. He hath fpoken what he hath feen, ape ond and in what form the Angel was. Difpute not again{t him, there isan concerning what he faw ; “he another time faw the Angel in Appletree ar heaven, nearto the Tree that is at che right fide of Gods the right fide throne; and alchough that tree was covered with chat which “ee ree covered him, his fight was not dazed, and he is not im ¢t- Cat wees for. Certainly he hath feen the great wonders of his Lord : can afcend Have ye confidered «4/at, Ax, and Menat, thofe three Idols ? higher then - Wil! ye {wear that God hath daughters, and that ye have its branches, fonnes? Ye will make a falfe oath, and fhall be in a manifelt gprs error; ThofeIdols have nothing but the names which yout Scr Selaldin, fathers and you have given them, God hath noc commande al "| > Chap.53. The Alcoranof Mauomer, 331 youto worfhip them, yefollow only your paffions, remote from thetruth, God teacheth-you the way of Salvation by the mouth of his Prophet ; doth man obtain from Idols what he required of them? God is Godin the beginning, and the end; Howmany Angels be there in Heaven, whole prayers are unprofitable, if God doth not accept them? They that believe not in the day of Judgment, fay, that Angels are mai- dens, they underftand not what they fay ; they {peak through "S| opinion, and chat opnion isnot conformed to truth. Depart, thou farre from them that reject our Law, and defire only the - goods of the Earth, and are ignorant of all other things. Thy Lord knoweth them that go aftray from. the right way, and fuch as follow the path of Salvation; all. that is in the Heavens, and Earth, is Gods, he fhall chaftife the wicked, and reward the juft. He pardoneth their veniall fines ,- who flie See Gelaldin finnes mortall, he is exceeding mercifull. He knoweth that he Greatand — | hath created you of Earth, and that he formed you in your fmall fins, mothers womb. Extoll not your felves, he knoweth fach as m have his fear before their eyes. Haft hou feen him that aban= ki doned the faith? a little wealth was. given him, and nothing: =e more; doth he know what muft befall him? hath he know- ledg of what isto come? will he not learn what is written in the books of AZo/es, and Abraham ? to wit, that none fhall bear the burden of another ;_ man thall have but what he thall have gained ; he fhall inthe end fee his. labour be. rewarded after his works , and all thall appear.in the prefence of thy Lord. He itis that canfeth co. laugh and mourn , to live and todye ; he created the male and female of every thing, he giveth and taketh away mans foul, when he lifteth ; he is moit rich, and hath no want of any perfon. He is the Lord of the Planet, which men adored. He deftroyed e4ad, and Temod; i drowned the people of Noah, who were moft erroncousand: » —-unjult, overthrew the City of Lor, and covered it with bur- ning ftone._ In whom will they believe, if they believe not in thy Lord? This Prophet is fent to preach to you. the pains of hell, as did the other Prophets that were. before you; The day of Judgment approacheth, and none re asd now 334 | : TheAlcoran of MAHOMET. Chapsa, knoweth when it will come ; wonder ye at thi: difcourfe? Ye fcofte, and lament not when ye are fpoken co, bat ye thall be farprizedin your fin, if ye humble not your {elves ‘before God, neither worfhip him. CHAP. LIV. The Chapter of the Moon, containing fifty five Verles, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and metcifall. The day of Judgment approacheth, the Moon was divided into two parts, meverthelefs Infidels believe not miracles when they fee them ; they fay that this is Magick, they lie, and follow but their paffion, but alliswritten. The hiftory of paft Ages, full of falutory counfels, was preached to them; neverthe- lefs Preachers were to them unprofitable ; Depirt thou fit from them, when they fhall be called to the univerfall Judg- ment , which they will not believe; that day thal their eyes be troubled with fear; they thall:come out of th: Earth, di- {perfed, like frighted grafs-hoppers , they fhall flock to him that fhall fummon them to Judgment, and fhall fay , behold here a day, unhappy for the wicked. The people heretofore belyed Noah, and faid, that he was poffeffed ‘of the Devill, Noahexhorted them , and invoked his Lord's in -he end, he faid, that his ftrength was gone, and that he wis overcome through the malice of men, then was hé powerful'y fuccored ; we opened the gates of the Heavens, and canfedan extraot- inary tain to fall,» we caufed Fountains to iffue forth from under the: Earth; the water of Heaven and Earth were g4- thered together ; and overwhelmed the Infidels , becaufe of their fins We faved Wash in the Ark, well tinned, and chaulked , it floated upon the waters through our permiflion, to ferve for a toketiof ont omnipotency ; will any of cheln- believers. of this: time confider this?’ will they tonfider the punithment of ‘theit crimes; and thé pains of Heil We ie made popeger madethe Acoran eafietobe underftood, will there be an that ftudy it? The wicked that traduced «4d were chaftifed but with whit chaftifement ? We fent again{t them an impe- tuous wind, na day to them unfortunate, that caufed men to fall like pales rooted up, confider what was their punifh- ment; We have rendred the A/coraz intelligible, will there be any one tiat will ftudie it? Temod and his people tra- duced the Prophets, and contemned their exhortations; they faid, there isa man among us, who would feduce us from the right, way, fye follow him, he will lead you into Hell ; was he alone eleded among us to receive the infpirations of God? No, heisan{mpofter ; butin the end, they knew them that were wickedand lyars.. We fent the Camell to prove the In- fidels ; their Prophet obferved what they did, and was patient, the water was divided for them, and for the Camell, and each at his day feund to drink, neverthelefs they called their com- panions, andflew the Camell of Sa/he, but in what manner were they chiftifed ? I darted thunder againft them, which made themdrie as chaffe; We have made the A/coran eafie to be underfbod, will there be any to ftudy it? Lors Citi- zens traducec him, and defpifed his inftructions; VVe fent againft them in hot winde,with burning ftones,that deftroyed them, and ve in the morning faved Lor, with his family, through our peciall grace ; thus do I recompenfe them that acknowledg ny benefits. Zorhad preached to them the pains of hell, we arprized them, when they difputed againit his exhortations, they faw his guefts enter into the City, in the figure of met; we blinded their fight, and faid, Tate oh*ye wicked! the punifhment of your crimes; In the morning they were chatifed with a perpetuall chaftifement,becanfe they defpifed the words of Zot. WVehave made the e4/coran in- telligible, will there be any that willftudy it? Certainly the men of Phanah were preached unto ; they would not obey my Law, anddefpifed my miracles, but we furprized them in their finnes,; Are the Infidels that are among you of more value then thofe that preceded them? Finde ye any Salva- tion for then in the Scripture ? Will they fay they fhall : : obtain. . aw Corer al ote tm 334 The Aidoran of MAHOMET. (hap.s5s. obtain victory over the believers? Onthe contrary, they are vanquithed, and turn the back. Certainly the hour of their punifhment fhall fpecdily come, their time approacheth, and their pain in Hell fhall be greater thenthat of the Earth, they are wholy feduced from the way of Salvation , and fhall be dragged, and caft headlong into eternall fames.. We have created all things by our fole power; we fpake but one word, and inthe twinckling of an eye the thing was ; we heretofore deftroyed a great number of Infidels like unto them, will there be any that confidereth ic? All the good, and the evill that they have done is exa&tly written. The righteous thall dwell in pleafant gardens, they fhall drinkin eternall rivers, they fhall not {peak a lye in their affemblies , and fhall dwell eternally near to the moft majeftique and omnipotent God. CHAP. LV. The. (Chapter of the Mercifull, containing eighteen Verfes, Written at. Medina. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. The mercifull hath taught the 4/coran ; he hath created man, and given himthe ufe of reafon; he created the Sun and the Moon to count feafons, the Stars and Trees adore him; he hath eleva- ted the Heavens, eftablifhed Juftice; and commanded to weigh with good weights ; he hath created the Earth for the habitation of men, with all forts of fruits, grain, and leaves ; hecreated the winds and tempefts : Oh men and Devils | what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord > He created man of Earth, like a pot, and the Devils of the flame of fire; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord? Heis the Lord of both the VVetts, and both the Eafts, what -Lord do you blafpheme, but your own Lord ? He makeththe freth wa- terto mingle with the falt, and the one cafily mingleth with the other; what Lord do ye blafpheme, bur your own Lord? he bringeth Pearls, and Corrall out of the Séa; that an 0 pe ie ee — —_—__- => aeemmeaiaiels Velie pe eee (hap.55, The AlcoranofM aH oM EY. do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? he hath created the Ships that float upon the Sea, big asMountains ; what Lord doye blafpheme, but your own Lord? All things thall have end, andthe majeftique and glorious face of thy Lord thall be permanent ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? VVhatfoever is in Heaven andin Earth, imploreth his grace, he is ever himfelf; what Lord do. ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? Oh ye men and Devils ! I will require an ac- compt of your actions ; what Lord will ye blafpheme, but yourown Lord? Ohyemenand Devils! pafs the exeremt- ties of Heavenand Earth, goc beyond them if ye can, ye have not the power; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but. your.own Lord ? If he fend againft you flames without fmoak, and {moak without fire , ye cannot defend your felves ; what Lord do you blafpheme, but your own Lord ? When the heaven open- eth, it refembletha rofe, or a crimfon-coloured skin ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? The time will come,when an accompt fhall be required from men and Devils of their finnes ; what Lord do yeblafpheme, but your Lord ? The wicked fhall be known by their countenance, an accompt fhall be required of their readinefs and negligence ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord? Behold: hell! which the wicked would not believe; they thall turn round about, and round about, in boyling water, of which they thal] drink ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord? Such as have had the fear of God before theireyes, fhall enter into gardens, where the trees are covered with branches and leaves, adorned with Rivers and Fountains, with abundance of all forts of fruits; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord 7. They fhall repofe upon fair beds,lined with Crim- fon; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? They thall gather the fruits of this garden, to their contentment 5 what Lord do ye blafpheme, bur your own Lord ? They thall there have wives, who fhall not cafta look, but upon them, and whom no perion, man, or Angel thall touch before them ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your Lord? They fhail refem- ble Corralland Rubies ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your a own a ieschal 336 ThAlcoranof MAHOMET. Chapi56. own Lord ? Good deeds are recompenfed with good deeds ; what Lord ‘do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord? There be yet other Gardens, wherein are herbs exceeding green, Ri- vers, Dates, Pomegranets, and all forts of fruits; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? There be in thefe Gar- dens women , who have eyes exceeding black, and bodies ex- ceeding white , they are covered with pavillions, and none, ei- ther men, or Angels fhall touch them before their husbands ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord? They fhall repofe upon green Carpets, near rivolets, bordered with flow- ers ; what Lord do ye blafpheme, but your own Lord ? Praifed be the name of God thy Lord, honor and glory are due to him eternally. a nn rr CHAP. LV sa The Chapter of fudgment, containing foure/core and nineteen Verfes, written at Medina. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. The day of Judgment willcome, nonecan deny it. That day thall many be afflicted and humbled, and many thall be elated, and rejoyced ; the Earth fhall tremble, the Mountain open, and be difperfed like duft carryed away by the winde; ye'fhall be * Thele are prefent at that day, ina threefold manner ; * Some fhall have the Bleffed. fn their right hand the book, wherein (hall be written all their * Thefeare attions. * Orhers (hallhave itin their left hand, and * fuch the Damned. 45 preceded them in wel doing , thall be the neareft to his-di- Sie Pro- vine Majefty, and the highelt in Paradife ; there fhall bea -cpaate great number of the firft Ages, and few of the latter; they fhall repofe upon beds, adorned with gold, and precious ftones, they fhall look upon each other ; young boyes thall goe about them with veflels, Cups , and Goblets, full of de- licious drink , that fhal!l not offend the head, neither intoxt- catethem ; they fhall have allthe fruits that they can covets and fuch vyands as they fhall defire ; they fhall have i - wit eT Chap.56. The Alcoranof Mato ET, 337 R86 ARANETA aS chee eee eee Eee with black eyes,and who fhall be white as polithed pearls, for recompenfe of their good works ; they fhall not hear an evil word fpoken, they¢hall not fin, and fhall hear perpetually the voyce of them that blefs them’; They that fhall hold their book in their right hand, fhall be nearto an Apple-tree, freth and without thorne, and near the Tree of * Mufe,under a pleafant * Mule isa fhadow, by flowing water, with {tore of fruits, of all feafons ; fruit com- they fhall ufe [them’] with freedome,lying on delicious beds, ™° in We have created the daughters of Paradife Virgins, and affes 74)? ctionate to their husbands, for the content of them that thalf have in their right hands., the book of the accompt of their actions, and of many of thofe that were in the firft Ages, and of many ‘of fuch as fhailbe in ‘the latter: Thofe that fhall have their book of accompt in the-lefthand, thall be tormented with an exceeding hot winde, ‘they ‘thal drink boyling water, they fhall bein ablack; hot, and fale fmoak, for that they were luxurious in the world, for that they were negligent to obferve the Commandments of ‘God, and con= tinued in the enormity of their fins. The Infidels fay,»what4 after death we fhall be earth, and duft, and thall we rife again with our fathers aud predeceffors ? Say unto them, you, your Préedeceffors , and pofterity, fhall all be affembled before God tobe judged; Then, ohwicked Impofters ! thall ye eat of the fruit of the Tree* Zucon; ye fhall fill your belly , ye * zacyn is fhall drink boyling water, and be daily altered; behold your the tree of condition at theday of Judgment. Wecreatedallof you; Hel. if ye believe it not; confides the wealth ye poffeffe; did you See Gelaidin your felves create it? We haveappointed that ye fhall dye; “ wecan if we pleafe, put other creatures like unto you in your place, and metamorphize you into another forme ,: which ye know not ; we cauled the foul to enter into the body.; if ye confider not this, think upon your-tillage; do-ye-make the earth to bring forth fruits? or do I caufe them to {pring forth? If J wall, Ecan renderyour fields drie asfttaw, without grain, neverthelefS are ye proud ; Ye fay, what I:thall our grain that we have fown be loft ? No, we will preferve it; Confider the water that ye drinks, have ye made it to fall from the Z clonds ? a : : a SR SORTS ‘ : rE) PheAlcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.s7- clouds ?. or did we canfe.itto defeend ¢ if wepleafe, we can render it fo fale, that ye fall not be ableto.drink it, if ye ac knowledg not this grace, confider. the fire that ye kindle; did. ye create the wood that burneth ? We createdit, to. put you in mind of. the fire of hell, and forthe profit of the peo, ple. Exalethenameof God moftmighty. 1 {wear by him that maketh the Stats to fall, ( thisis a greatoath, if ye une derftandit,)) that the e4/caran isa, book worthy of. praile,. all: therein is. written in. good.order, no perfon, thall handle it, thatis-not.ckeahand purified; itis fent from God, Lord of the Univerfe ; if ye renounce what is written in, this book, ye Gall be inthe number of Infidels, and {hall know the truth, when the foul hall, forfake. your. body; 1 know this better then. you, buryedo nor conliderit ; ifye believe not to rife again, caufe your foul to returninto your. bedy, when it fall be upon yonrdips ; when a righteous man dyeth, he fall finde reft,, and all manner of. contentmene in, the. delights of Paradife, ihe be of them-that hold the book of the acCompt of their works in. the right-hand, and hall be free trometer nail paines :. fhe be,in the number of, Infidels, and. feduced,. he thalk-be, precipitated.nco. helk;, thisis.a molt. ceccain.ceuth, Exalt the. name of thy-Lord omnipotent, , ae GHAP. LV Li ‘The. Chapter of Iron, containing twenty-nine Ver[es, Written at: Medina. i the nameof Godygracious and mercifull, Adl that isin: fiche heavens and earth, exalceth cheglory of God, heis om, nipotent and wife; the Kingdomsof the heayens and-earthis his, he. giveth life and death to whonvhe pleafeth, he. is with: out’ beginning, and:without end, he kaoweth, all: thatunen: make manifelt, ahdwhatfoever theykeep fecret, he kaowerh, albthings. -Heitis that/created the earch, andthe, -heavensin. fx'dayes,’andfitceth on:his:throne., he. knoweth. whaslonst ge ehtret! i ii te Chap.57. The Alcoran of MAv0™M ET. 339 a entreth into the earth, and all that cometh out, He knoweth whatfoever defcendeth from heaven, and wharfoever Afcen. deth , he is with yonin whatfoever place ye are; and feech all your actions ; the Kingdom of the heavens arid ¢arth i8 his, atid aff things obey him ; He maketh the night to enter the day, and knoweth what i$ in the Heart of mén. ° Believe ig God, and his Prophet, expend ih pidus works fone part of the weaith chat he hath given you, he {half give you mote. Do good abundangly to them that bélieve in his Law ¢ where- fore will ye not believe in God, and his Apoftlé , who teacheth you the Commandments of your Lord? Ye have promifed him to embrace his Law ; he hath inipired his Com- matidments into his fervant , to bring you out of darknefé, atid guide youinto light, he is gracious and mercifull. Who hindreth'youto make any expenice for his glory ? The inheri- tance of the heavens anid earth ishis: Such as for his fervice have expended any thing before thé taking of Afecca, are not equallin merit to chem that fought to conquer that City ; they are far above them that fought HOt; and fhall be prote- ted of his divine Majefty ; he promifeth Paradife to the righ- teous, and knoweth all your a@tions. Who is he that thall lend to him any alms? He (hall enereate his fubftance, and give a great reward: Be thou mindfull of the day, when thou fhalt fee thofé men and worhtn that have obeyed my Com- mandments, with a light, that (hall goe before them; it fhall be faid to them , this day it is declared to You, that you fhallen- ter into, and dwell eternally in Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers, and where ye fhall finde fupreme felicity. Be thou mindful! of the day that the wicked (hall fay co the True-be- lievers, Behold us, caft your eye to our fide, that we May par- take a little of your light. They fhall fay unto chem, return upon your fteps to demand light. There is a place, betwixt them, that hath a fecret gate, full of grace, and repofe for the ee as and without environed with milery for the wicked ; they fhall call upon the righteous , and fay , were hot we of your Religion ? they fhall reply , yes, but ye be- trayed your fouls, through difobédience ; ye doubted of the Z 2 Law 340 Oise of MaHoMeET.. Chap.57. Law.of God, your blafphemies,rendred you infolent, untill the hour of your death ; the Devill made you proud, and mo- ved. you to rife againft the Commandments of. his divine Majelty ; this day chere is neither ranfome, nor favor for you; the fire of hell is the habiration of the wicked. - Oh what an habitation! Such as believe in God think it no trouble to humble theirhearts at the remembrance of the e/coran, and the truth that it containeth ; they are not like them that heretofore had the knowledg of the written Law, they have beena long time without Prophets, thetr hearts_are hardned, and the greateft part of them haye beenimptous. Know,that God reftoreth life to the earth after: the death thereof ; we have taught you the myfteries of faith, peradventure ye will comprehend them ; God fhall multiply the benefits that. the righteous fhall lend to him, and {half return them a great re- ward ; Such as believe in God, and his Propher , are righte- Gis; Martyrs. thall be recompenfed of God, they. fhall be covered with light, and the wicked that difobey his Com. mandments fhall bé damned eternally ; the life of this world is but vanity, fport, and delufion, it is but pride; the abun- dance of. wealth, and children, is like to the, rain, the wicked wonder at the plants chatic produceth; in the end they, wi- ther, become yellow, and then are altogether drie ; The im- - pious. fhall fuffer great. torments, and the good fhall enjoy the.-mercy of God ; the life of this world is but matter of pride , implore pardon of God ; Paradife, large as heayen and earth; is prepared for them that. fhall be- lieve inhis divine Majeftie, and his Prophet, this is an immenfe grace;which he conferreth on whom he pleaferh, All the evil that ye fiffer on earth, in your goods and perfons, is written in a book, before it befall you ; it. is an éafie thing to God ; to, the end that ye affliG not. your felves extraordinarily in your, difpleafures, and that ye rejoyce not over-muchin your con- tentments ; God loveth not the prond, he hathnot to do with the covetous, who recommend avarice to the people, and who, neglect their duty. Praife is due to him, praifeisdue to him in all places; Certainly we fent our Meffengers with out, - Commandments, oe SS OS RO a ee a a ee bide Si ESSE (hap.58. de Alcoran of MAHOMET. 341 Commandments, we fent with them their Scriptures, and Bal. lance, that people might weigh with good weights. We gave iron to men,it caufeth great evils, and great good in the world, God knoweth them that fight with zeal for hisLaw and his Prophet, without feeing him, he is {trong and omnipotent. We fent Noah and «4braham to inftruct the people ; we. inftru- ted their progeny in the Scripture ;, fome followed the right way, and many difobeyed our Commandments; We {ent af- ter themour Prophets and Apoftles ; we fent 7e/m the fon-of Mary;we taught him the Gofpel;we put civility ,clemencie,and chafticy into the hearts of.them that followed him; we did not command.them to keep virginity,they kept it oftheirown ac- cord, becaufe of their defire they had to pleafe God; they have not obferved their Law as they ought, many have been difo- bedient, but we have rewarded thofe among them that be- lieved. Oye that believein 7e/ss! fear God, and believe in his’ Prophet, ye fhall have double the reward of Gods mercy, he thall pardon your fins, he is gracious and merciful: I teach you thefe things, to the end that fuch as. have heretofore recei- ved the written Law, may know,that they have no power over the grace of God,he giveth it to whom he liftech, certainly it is immenfe, CHAP. LVILI. & The Chapter of the Difpute,~ containing twenty two Ver[es., Written at Medina. ib the name of God,gracious and merciful. God hath heard the fpeech of her that difputed with thee, concerning the ation of her husband ; the exhibited to himher complaints, he heareth all your difcourfes, he heareth and feeth all.. No perfon among you fhall fwear never to touch his wife no more then: his mother ; your wives are not your mothers ; your mo- thers. are thofe that conceived and brought you forth; they that {peak in that maner, fpeak uncivilly, but God is gracious, Sey and ZAcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.58. and merciful. He that (hall have {worn to touch no more his wife, and (hall defire (afterwards) to know her, fhall give lie bety toa flave,for fatisfa@tion of his oath, before he touch her; this is commanded you, God knowethall your actions: if he have not the power to free aflave, he fhall faft two moneths together, before touching her; if he cannot faft, he fhall give tofifty poor : thus ought ye to do, ifye believe in God and his Prophet, God fo appointed it, and hath prepared great tor- ments for them that tranferefs his Commandments. They that thall difobey him and the Prophet, fhall be covered with fhame and ignominy, as were their predeceffors im impie- ty ; God hath fenthis Commandments‘on earth, thofe who fhall rejeé chem thaft be feverely tormented at the day that he fhall revive them, he fhall declare co them all that they have done, he hath kept accompt, and they’ have forgotren [it, he feeth afl. Seeft thou not thar alf that isin the heaven and eatth is Gods? If ye bethree fecretly met together, be isthe fourth; if ye be five, he is the fixch ; if ye be more or Iefs, he isal- wayes with you wherefoever you are. He fhall relate to men at the day of Judgment all that chey have done, he knoweth all things. Seeft thou not the actions of them.to whom private meetings were prohibited? they return to their fin, and do what was forbidden them; they affemble fecretly with malice toconfpire againft thee, and to difobey thee; and when they come towards thee, they fay, that thou haft{poken things that God hath not infpired theeto utter, they know in their fouls that God will chaftife them for their difcourfe, and that they all fhall go into hell, where their Rendezyousis: Ohye that believe | make no private meetings to offend God, to con- {pire againft his Prophet, and to difobcy him ; affemble ye to perform a@s of vertue, and to fervé God, have his fear before your eyes, ye hall one day appeare before his divine Majeltie to be udged. Private affemblies proceed from the devil, for the aff'iction of the righteous: he bringeth no evilupon them, but through Gods permiffion; and all believersought tote fign chemfelves to his divine Will. Oye rhat believe | when - ye fhall be affembled with your Prophet, andiare entreated 10 . _ inlarge ee ee ee SE arate aS SS ea Chap.58. The Aleoran of MAHOMET. inlarge your felves, inlarge ye your felves, God thal! inlarge to youhis grace. When ye are bid to rife, rife, God thall raife up all the crue-believers that are among you, and place the learned fome degrees above others, he knoweth your actions. O ye that believe / when ye (hall be difpofed to deliver any fe- cret to the Prophet, {peak to him with truth, good fhall befall you, and[he’] thall purifie you: ifye fear to impart to him your fecret, God will not give you his grace. Make your prayers at the time appointed, diftribure tithes, obey God aud his Prophet, God krioweth what ye do: Seeft thou'nor them that have abandoned his Law? the wrath of his divine Majefty is fainupon them, they are of different opinion in theit lye, and Know not that they lye, but he hath prepared for them a great punifhment, becaufe of their blafphemies; they have con- cealed their faith, and are feduced ;° Certainly he Hath prepa- red for them grievous pains, their wealth and their children fhall not be able ro deliver thém from his indignation, they fhall bé precipitated into the fire of hell, where they thal! abide eternally. Be thot mindfell of the day, whenhe' willcanfe them to revive; they fhall fwear, as they fweat before thee, that they believed in his Law ; they affitt they do-good; and are lyars, the devil hath prepoffeffed them, and hath made them forget the word of God; finch as follow him aredamaed. They that cranfgrefs che wil of God,and that of his Prophet,are overcome of the devil: God hath fatd in the Seriptures,thou thalt not obtain victory over me, ticither over my Prophet, he is omnipotent, and alway vi@torious ; thou fhale finde none of them that believe in his Law, and the day of Judgment, that doth not exattly obferve the Commandments of his divine’Ma- jefty, and thofe of his Prophet, although their fathers, their children, theirbrethren, and companions oppofe them. God hath imprinted faith in thetr hearts, he hath ftrengehened them through his Spirit, and fhallcaufe them to enter into gardens, wherein flow many rivers, where they fhall abide eternally = he fhall be fatisfied with their obedience, and they fhall be con- tent with his grace. Such as fhallobey his Commandments fhall- be happy. c happy 24 CHAP. 345 a 344 ean TL Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.so, See Kitab el tenor, CHAP, .LIX. The Chapter, of Exile, containing twenty four Verfes,oritten at Medina. : pee name of God, gracious and merciful: Whatfoever is inthe heavens and earth, exalteth the glory of God, he is omnipotent and wife; he it isthat hath exiled the wicked from among them that have knowledg of the written Law ; when he the firft time exiled them, ye believed not that they thould de- part from their houfes; ye believed that their cittadels would defend them from his punifhment,. but he furprized them, and did .cafrerrour into ‘their hearts, and. they deftroyed their dwelling, places .with their own hands, co affift the truc-belie- yers.O ye that are wife! confider their end.If God had not ap- pointed them to quit their Countrey,) he had chaftifed them in fome.other maner ; they in the end fhall fuffer the pains.of hell fire, becaufe they have difobeyed his Commandments, and his Prophet; he that thall difobey him,thall be feverely chaftifed : ye cut not Palm trees, and leave none ftanding, but through Gods permiffion ; he covereth. with fhame and infamy them that difobey him. He commandeth you to give to the Prophet apart of the fpoy! that ye fhall gain from your enemiesas well of Horfes and Camels, as of other {poils;he endueth him with power and authority over whom he pleafeth, he is omnipotent. He enjoyneth, you to give co the Prophet.a part of what ye fhall conquer over them of the City of AZecca; he commandeth what pleafeth him.Give a thare to God,to the Prophet,his Pax tents,Orphans,the poor,and pilgrims, that no diforder may a- rife among you that are rich ; perform what the Prophet fhall command you,abftain from what he thal prohibit you,and fear God, heis feverein his chaftifements: dd good to the poor, that have forfaken their faculties and houfes, and feparated themfelves from the wicked, for the fervice of God, and to de- fend his Law and his Prophet. They chat before them forfook their houfes for the fervice of God, affec thofe that have ea fowe eee lowed them, they bear them no malice for the wealth they poffefs, although they themfelves are neceflitous, They that are not avaritious, fhallbe happy ;_ fich as thal! fuceeed them, fhall pray for them, and fay, Lord, pardon our fins, and our brethren,that were our predeceffors in the obfervance of thy Commandments ; infufe no malice into ‘our hearts againft them that follow thy Law, thou art gracious and merciful : Seeft thou not.that the wicked fay to their brethren, wicked as themfelves, had ye not fo foon left A7edina, wehad gone out with you, and had never obeyed him whom ye have obeyed ; had ye fought, we had defended you; God feeth that they are impious ; had they delayed to go forth, they fhould not have gone forth with them ; had they fought, they would not have {uccoured them, they had turned the back, and had found no protection ; they fear men more then God, becaule they are ig- norant. [The Jews] fhall not fight againft you together, un- JefS in their fortreffes, and behind walls ; the war among them is cruel, but think not that. they may affemble and unitethem- . felves, their hearts are divided becaufe they are ignorant, they are like their predeceflors, who were chaftifed and flain, and fhall fuffer great torments at the day of Judgment; they are like to him whom thedevil hath fedueed, and faid to him, lam innocent of thine impiety, I fear God, Lord of the Univerfe; the end of both is to be caft headlong: into the fire of hell, where they fhall abide eternally ; fuchis the reward of the wicked. Oyethat believe! fearGod, and confider what ye fhal do at the day of Judgment; fear God, he knoweth whatfo- ever ye do;benot like to thofe that forget his Commandments, he forgetteth them, and they continue in the number of the damned, they thall be moft miferable ; and fuch as fhall go in- to Paradife hall be bleffed. If we fhould make the-e4/coran to defcend upon a mountain, it will open it felf, with the fear it will have of the Word of God. Thus do I fpeak in parables tothe people, peradventuré they will be converted. There is but one only God, who knoweth what is prefent. foture, and paft, he is gracious and merciful; there is but one God,King of all things: He is holy, the deliverer, true, the punifher,ftrong, powerful, . —~ A a ae es ema ee lcoran of MAHOMET. (hap. 60 powerful, glorious. Praifed be God, he hath no companion, he is God the Creator, who hath formed whatfoever ts in the world, all glorious attributes are due to him ; whatfoever is in heaven and earth, exalt his glory, he is omnipotent and wife. CHAP, LX. The Chapter of Trial, containing eighteen Verfes, Written at Mecca. Some Mahometan Dottors have intituled this the Chapter of Vocation, becan/eit entreateth of Women that forfook their huf- bands, to follow the Law of Mahomet, Who appointed to try their hearts, intention, and to know their Vocation. Nhe name of God, gracious and meaciful: Oye chatbe- lieve ! obey not mine, nor your enemies; ye thew kindnels to them'when ye meegsthem ; neverthelefs they rejed the truth that hath been fent unto them, and chafe away the Pro- phet and you alfo, and thar, becanfe ye believe in God your ord; Seek not their friendfhip ; when ye fight againft them for my Law, I know what ye ought to fear, and ye know it not; he that fhall do what is here above prohibited, follow- _ eth an evil way; ifthey have advantage over you, they will be your enemies, they will ftretch forch their hands and rongnes againit you, they will revile you, and defire that ye may te- nounce your faith; ifye do it, ye thall have no content in . your wives or'children at the day of Judgment, ye thallbe fe- parated from them, and God fhall behold all your ations : ye have afairexample in Abraham, and them that were with him, when they faid to the people, we are innocent of the fin thac ye commit, in’ worfhipping any other God but God; brabam {aid to his father. I will not implore pardon of God for thee, I amnot able co deliver thee from his a if "thou RE en re a — Chap.60. The Alcoranof Mauourr 7 a a nee ears castes gn a thou art an Idolater ; Lord,all our confidence is in thee, our ree “fuge isin thy mercy ; proteé not unbelievers againft us, pardon our fins, thou art merciful and wife; ye have in them a fair ex- ample for them that fear God, and apprehend the day of Judgment. God hath not to do with them that obey Infi- dels, neither hath he nged of any perfon, and praife is due to him in all places ; peradventure he will eftablith for the fa. ture great amity between you and them that ye hate, he is om- nipotent, gracious, and mercifil ; he doth prohibite you the converlation of them that fight novasaintt you for his faith: and that expel you not from your houfes, he doth net forbid you to do them juftice, be loveth che ats He forbiddeth you to converfe with them that fight againit your faith, thar drive you from your houfes, and aide to expell you ; he prohibiceth youto obey them, and to contrad amity with them; fuch as obey them, thal] be exceedingly too blame, O ye that beleeve inGod ! when the wives of your enemies (hall throw chem- felves into your party, trie their confcience ; if ye know then to be faithful, and co believe in the Law of God, reftore thera notto the incredubons Infidels, it is not lawfull forthem te know them, neither for the women to teach them ; give chem fubfiftance, ye fhall not fin in efponfing them: marry them not after the laws of unbelievers ; demand of them what dowry they require ; they thall demand of you what ye are willing to beftow on them ; continue in accord, God fo commandeth, he thall be,your Judg at the day of Judgment, he knoweth all your actions, andis moft wife. If your wives revolt to the Party of unbelievers, and ye fuffer’ any damage, ye fhall re- Paire that damage to him that fufereth, out of the booty that ye hall conquer; fear God, and believe in the Law of his di- vine Majefty. © Prophet ! when women thal! deGrero ems brace thy Religion, with firm purpofe to believe in one only God, not to fteal, neither to commit adultery, neither to mur- ther their children, to lye, blafpheme, or be difobeiiient, re €cive them, implore pardon of God for them;he is gracious and merciful. O ye that believe ’ obey not them againft whom Godisangry, they defpaixe of their falvation, as - wicke 348 Theticoran of MaHomer. (hap.61. wicked difpaired ; that died heretofore in their im- piety. CHAP. LXI. The Chapter of Array , containing fourteen Verfes , Writtex at Mecca. : N the nameof God, gracious and merciful. Praife God ail that is in heaven and earth, he is omnipotent and wife. Oye that believe! fay not that ye do that which ye do not, God abhorreth chem that fay they do what they donot, and Joveth them that fight in rank and file for his Law, like toa {trong wall. Remember thou that AZo/es faid to his people, ye fhall do meno harm, yefhall know inthe end that | amthe Meffenger of God; but God feduced them from the right way, when they departed from obedience'to his Commandments, he guideth not the wicked. Remember thou that 7e/m, the fon of Mary, faid to the children of J/rae/, I am the Meflenger of God, he hath fent me toconfirm the old Teftament, andto declare to you that there fhall come a Prophet after me, whole name. (hall be CA¢Zzhomet. When he came with miracles,rea fons moft intelligible, and arguments infallible, they faid that he was a Magician ; who is more impious then he that blaf- phemeth againft God? The Infidels woufd extinguifh with their mouth the light of faith, but God fhall make it manifett again{t their will; he hath fent his Prophet to guide the peo- ple into the way of falvation, to teach them the cruth of his Law,'and make it more evident then all other Laws of the world, againft the wittof-Infidels. O yethat believe! Will yethat I reach you one thing, that fhall deliver you from the pains of heli? Believe in God, and in his Prophet; imploy your wealth and perfons in fighting for his Law; ye {hall do ex- ceeding well, if ye have knowledg counderftand it, God fhall pardon your offences, he thal! caufe you to enter into gardens, wherein flow many rivers ;.he fhallcaufe you to go into the beautiful nti i ld bea Pebvasd _— | > sR Re, aaa (hap.62.. The Alcoranof Mauome rt. pie beautifull Palaces of Eden, where is fupreme felicity; he thalt confér upon you yet another,grace, which ye defire:, 22.2 {yj- Cory over your enemies, Oh ye that. believe ! maintain the Law of God ; Jefus, the Son. of Mary, {aid to-his Apoftles, who willmaintain the Law of God-with me? he thall-be fnp- ported, and. protected, of God. . The Apoftles aniwered,. we will maintain it ;. One part of the Children-of Hrael: believed in Jeftis, and another rejeéted. -his Law ; ‘we gave fuccor to them that believed againft their enemies,and they were vidto- rious. CHAP. LXII. The Chapter of the Affembly, containing eleven Verfes, Written at Medina. » Bi name of God, gracious and merciful; Praife God all that is heaven and earth, praife the King , holy; maje- ftique, and omnipotent, who hath fent his Prophet, an’ Aras tian by Nation , to preach his Commandments to the \Arabi- ans, to-purifie them , to teach them the Sckiptiires, andimyfte: Ries of faith, they were before feduced fromi.the right sway).! They that fhall come after them, fhall-not fee.a Prophet equal to him, thisisa fpeciall grace.of God; the-omnipotengiandu wife ; he conferreth ir on whomhe lifteth , and, his gracesiare’’ immenfe. They that preach the,old Teftament,and iperform nor)! what it enjoynéth, are like co:an, As charged: with: books Such are they that. difobey the Commandments of God; he guideth nor the impious. Ohye Jews |: believe not yourfelyes to be the beloved of God, expectdeath, ye thall underftand yourerror ; they believe not. that they fhallibe-chaltifed:for their fins, bur God beholdeth all the unjufts, jySay tinco them, «: y¢fhalffinde one day the death that ye flie ;. ye befenc. back © before God,who knoweth what is prefent,paft, and ro come ; he hall fet before you all that ye have done, to be judged- Oh ye that believe / when ye are called to. the sg hie riday, TheAlcoran of MAB OMET. Chap.63. Friday, to maké your prayers, pray, and ‘quit your trade; thisthalh be. agood a, if ye wnderttad it 5 when you thalf have finifhed your prayers, feparate your felves, goe whither you pleafe , arid beg of God his grace, call frequently t6 minde his divine Majefty, and ye fhall be happy. When the Infidels faw any thing of proficy or any divertifement, they forfook thee, and went our from the Sérimon ;:Say wate them, how great riches and delights are there with God? he ig the Rich of the rich: CHAP, LXIII. The (Chapter of the Wicked , containing twelve Verfes, writ- tenar Medina. — * ib the name of God , Ptacious and merciful. When the wicked fiiall come vo: vile thee; they willfay, chat they dre witheffes , chat thou art a Prophet ent from God ; He well knoweth that thou art his Prophet, he feech chat they diffent ble ,. and fell their faith toenjoy wealth in'the world, whetein they'corimit evill; they fay with the motith, we believe in the Law of God, atid'are’ impious in their foiils, impiety is in- ptinted in theit: hearts, arid they will not learn che myfteries of faiths, The beauty of their bodies thall not difpleafe thee, when thou fhale-fee them ; they ere@ themfelves when they {peaksiand refemble apiece of wood fet ip againft a wall; they fear all rumors that flie abroad , atid afé yout ehemies, Beware of them; doubtlefs Godwill defttoy them ; how can they blafpheme apaint his Law ?: When it was faid to them, Come to the Prophet, he fhallbee pardon of God for your fins, they fhookthe head; and withdrew with pride ; siféry isupon thems: whether thou iniplore pardon for them, or doitnorimploreic, God will’ not pardon them, he abhor- reth the wicked” They fay ; do tio good ro them that follow that Prophtt’ of Ged; nheifi they abandon him; the creafares:of heaven and eatch ate Gods, but chéy com- prehend » Chap.64. The Alcoran of Mano Mr. prehenditnot; They fay, if we return to the City. of Ahedj. ma, wewill drive thence fhame and infamie, and will these cftablith greatnefs and honor; on she contrasy, greatness power, and victory proceed’ frou God , his Propher , and them that believe in his Law, but Infidels underfand ir NOt. Obye that believein God! your riches, and, your children Sught not to fedace you frombts fervice;: fuch as. thal! forfake tt,fhall be inthe numberof the damped ; give alms of the wealththat he hath given you, before the hour of your, death arrive; Then (hallthe wicked fay, Lord, i thon hadi nor fo foon caufed metodie, I had embraeed thy Law; God re. tardethinotthe day of any-one, when the hour. is come; be tnoweth allithat-ye.do. CHAP. LXTY, The Chapter of Deceipt., contaming eighteen Venfes., Writtep at Mecca, : Nithe name of God, gracious and’ mescifull. Pnaife God whatfoeveris-in heaven and-earth, he is King. of all things, praife is duetohim, he isomnipotent:; Heit is char hath cre~ atedyou; Some obferveihis Commandments, and others. ace unbelievers, Ke beholdethall your) agtions, He.created. the heavens. anditheearth, heiformedyon, and ye thalkbe oneiday affembled. before ‘him to-be. judged:; -he-knoweth all-that is in heaven and-¢arth, he undesftandech your fecrets, and what ye publifh, he is not ignorant of whapisin.the-heasts of men. Have yenot heard-whit did heretofore. befall the wicked > They were punifhed, they dyed in their mifery , and ‘in the end fhall {offer grievons ‘torments , becaufe God hath fent them Prophets to inftrut them, and they faid, what ! fhall a man like our felves teach us the right way ? They defpifed. them, and forfook the Law of God ; he hath not todo with them, neither hath he need of the world, praife is due to him inall places; do the wicked believe that they nt 392 See Kitab el benotr . re Alcotan of MaHoMET. (hap.64. not rife again ?Contrariwife, God fhallimakethem: tore vive , and fhall declare'to them all chat they have dene; this thing is eafie to his divine Majefty: ;) Believe :in 2God), : his Prophet, and the light chat he: hath fent you, he knoweth.all your actions. Remember thou the day., when he fhall fam- thon allto Judgment; ‘this fhall'be the day of Deceipt ; they fhall be known that have deceived themfelves, andi thofe that have deluded their neighbours. That day their fins fhallibe par- doned, 'that'fha! have believed in his unity, & have done good works, they fhall dwell eternally in Gardens, wherein flow many Rivers ; the Infidels that defpife his Commafdments fhall be precipitated into hell, where they thall burneternally. No evill befalleth you, but through Gods: permiffion ; he giveth patience to him that believeth in his divine Majefty, and knoweth all, Obey God and his Prophet; ifye obey himnot, know, that the Prophet of God is obliged only to preach the truth of faith; there is bur one God, all True-believers refign themfelves to his divine will, Ob yee that believe / rehave children, and wives, that are your enemies, beware oftheir malice, if ye pardon them ; if ye depart from them, God thall be to you gracious and merciful. Wealth, and chil- dren do oftenhinder you to obey God; but know,’ that he rewardeth abundantly the righteous; fear him with all your power, hearken.to his Commandments, obey him, give alms, he that is not avaricious thall be bleffed ; if yelend any thing to God, “he fhall caufe ic to multtply, he fhallpardon yout fins, he accepteth the acknowledgment of his benefits , and is moftmercifull. He knoweth what isprefent, paft, and fucure, is omnipotent and wife. CHAP. Chap.65. The Alcoran of MauHomer. 353 | SNRs a CHAP. LXV. The Chapter of Divorce, containing eighteen Verfes, written at Mecca. ie the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Oh Prophet ! When ye repudiate your wives, repudiate them, following the ordinances and Lawes, and reckon the time that they ought to tarrie before they marry again ; Fear God your Lord, caufe them not to depart their houfes, neither expell them before the time appointed, if they benot taken in adultery ; Such are the Ordinances of God, he that thal! tranfgrefs them, fhall do injurie to himfelf , - peradventure God will enjoyn fomething concerning them,of which ye are ignorant.When the time that they ought to tarrie thal! be finifhed; retain, or difmiffe them with civility ; ye thall cake perfons of your Religion, honeft men, that thal be witnefles of your actions, depofe with truth what ye have feen ; itis fo appointed to them that believe in God,and the day of Judgment. God thal! deliver from affii- ction him that thal have his fear before his eyes,and thal enrich him,when he leaft thinks of it 3 He that thall croft in him, fhall not be deceived, he doth what he pleafeth, and hath appointed a prefixed time to everything. If the women hope:no more to have their moncths, and doubt that they are mifreckoned, they hall tarrie three moneths, before they marry again, if they be nor Nurfes ; if they be with child, ye thall abftain till their delivery; whofoever feareth God, rejoyceth.in the ob- fervance of his Commandments, What is above;is ordained of God ; he thall pardon their fins, that have:his fear before their eyes, and give them an exceeding great reward. . Caufe them that ye repudiate, tosdwell. in your houfs, or near to you, abufe them nor; It they be with childe allow them what fhal be neceflary for them,untill they thall be delivered 3 it they defire to nurfe their. children, ye {hall give chem an honeft falaric, and entreat them with civilicy and curcelie ; if ye like not this, ye thall caufe them to be nurfed by another, whofe pains ye Aa fhall Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.66. thallreward. Ifye be not wealthy,you fhall allow according toyour power; God doth not enjoyn any oneto expend more then his abilicy permitteth; he fhall give you good after evill; how many have been the Cities that have heretofore dif- obeyed the Commandments of God, and of his Prophets ? We have kept an exact accompt of their fins, their Inhabitants have been chaftifed, and fhallbe inthe end, inthe number of the damned ; God hath prepared for them grievous torments. Oh yethat are wife ! fear God, he hath fent you the Alcoran; he hath fent youa Prophet, to teach you the myfteries of his Law, to lead you out of darknefs, and to guide into light them that (hall believe in him, and do good works : he fhall open to them the Gate‘of Paradife, wherein flow many Ri- vers, where they hall dwell eternally, with all manner of content. God! Heit is, that created the feven heavens, and as much of earth, and ordaineth among them what pleaf- eth him, to the end yemay know that he ts omnipotent, and knoweth all things. a CHAP. LXVI. The Chapter of Prohibition, containing twelve Verles, Written at Medina. ih the Name of God, gracious and mercifull, Ob Prophet! prohibit not for the contentment of thy wives, to do that which God hath permitted thee,he is gracious and merciful;he hath appointed to do what is permitted by your Law,he is your Lord,is omnifcient and moft wife. When the Prophet went to vifit one of his wives, God revealed cohim, what the defired to fay tohim, he approved one part, and rejected the other whenhe told his wife what was in her will tofpeak to him, fhe demanded of him, whohad revealed itto him; He that knoweth all things hath revealed it co me,that ye may becon- verted, your hearts ate inclined to do what is forbidden ; if ye act any thing againft the Prophet, know , that God is his protector, Chap.66. The AlcoranofM auow ET. 355 protector, the Angel Gabriel, and all the believers will de- fend him, the Angels thall protect him again{t you. If it be his will to repudiate you , God thal! give him for the future, other wives in your place, that fhall be obedient ; True be- lievers, humble, fairhfull, devout, contented , milde , clean, virgins , and not virgins: Oh ye that believe in God ! ftrengthen your felves, youand your families, in obedience to his Commandmants ; the Idolaters hall burnin the fire of hell, with their Idols ; the Angels deputed to torment them, difobey not God , they execute whatfoever is commanded them.. Ohye that are Infidels! there is no excafe for you, ye thall be chaftifed after your demerits. Oh ye that believe ! turnto God with affection, he hall pardon your fins, and make youto enter into Gardens, wherein flow many rivers ; the light of faith thall goe before the Prophet , and them that have followed him ; When God thal! recompenfe them, they fhall fay, Lord, give us thy light, pardon our fins, thou - art omnipotent. Oh Prophet | fi he againft the Infidels , and the wicked, fortifie thy felf saint them , hell thall be their habitation. God teacheth unbelievers a parable, and faith, the wives of Noah, and the wives of Lot were under the power of my two fervants, righteous men ; they betrayed them, but did not efcape the punifhment of their Gn. Tt was faid unto them, enter into the fire of hell with them that goe into it. God teacheththem a parable, that follow his Law ; Take example by the wife of Pharoah, the prayed to God, and faid, Lord build me an houfe in Paradife, deliver me from Pharoah , from his works, and unjuft men, Mary the daugh- ter of fofaphat preferved her virginity ; we infpired into her our Spirit, the believed the words of her Lord, and the Scrip- tures; fhe wasin the number of them that obey, , } Aa 22>, ep CHAP. coranof MAHOMET. Chap.67. CHAP, LXVIL The Chapter of Empire , containing thirty Verfes , Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifyll. Praifed be he to whom belongech the Empire of the world, whois omnipotent, and hath created life and death, to let you know which is the better; he is omnipotent and mereifull. He hath created feven heavens, one upon another ; thou feelt nothing of what he hath created, that is not proportioned ; raife yet thy fight to heaven , thou thal notthere fee any thing defe- ive ; behold it twice, or more often , thou fhalt not per- ceive therein any thing vain, or imperfe&t. We have adore ned the heaven, and the world with Stars, we expelled thence the Devils, we prepared for them a great fire, and the tor ments of hell for unbelievers.. They fhall hear horribleand terribble voyces, that proceed from defpair and wrath ; when they fhall be caft thither headlong , when they fhall enter into hell by troups, the Overfeer of the torments fall fay un to them, had younoneon earth that preached to you the pains of hell? yes, fhall they reply, they were preached to us; but we traduced our preachers, we faid, that God did not command to do what they declared, that they were lyars, and feduced fremthe right way ; Had’ we heard them, and had we been. wife, we fhould not this -day have been in the. number of the damned; they fhall confefs their fins in the bottome of hell. Such as fear God, without’ feeing him, (hall receive pardon of their offences, and an exceeding. great re- ward. Speak fecretly, or publiquely, God knoweth whatfo- ever ye have in your hearts, fince the time of your creation, he is bleffed and omnifcient. He hath eftablifhed wayes upon” the earth, goe on all fides, and live of his good things: ye all fliall revive, and be one day affembled before him to be judged. Believe ye that he who is in heaven , cannot render the earth drie and barren, and canfe it to tremble? Believe “ye a a9 (hap.67.. The Alcoran of Mau 6 MET, 357 ‘ ye, that he who is in heaven is not able to fend again{t you an impetuous winde, to deftroy you? Ye thal| hereafter feel what are the torments of hell. Your predeceffors would not believe them , and were chaftifed for their incredulity. Cong. der ye not the birds that flie over your heads, how they ex- tend,and (hue their wings ? nothing fupporteth them,bur that mercy that beholdeth allthings. -Who but God thal protect you in your miferies ? The Infidels are proud: Who thall enrich you, if God reftraineth his grace ? neverthelefs ye per- feverein yourlins , and flie the truth; Is he that creepeth on his face, like co him that goeth on his feet in the. right way 2 Sav unto them, God hath created you; he hath given you fight , hearing -and fenfe , but few among you return him ~ thanks for his graces: Say unto them , he created you of earth, and ye fhall one day be affembled before him, to ren. der accompt of your a@ions. The wicked demand when the day of Judgment (hall be; Say unto them,God knowes, I arn scat only co preach to you the pains ofhell ; Their vifages thall become black, when they fhall fee the punifhment of their fins approach. . Itthallbe faid to them, behold that - which yehave demanded with fo much impatience ! Say unto them, did you fee that God deftroyed me,and them that were with me? No, he gave ushis grace. Who thall deliver the Infidels from the torments of hell > Say unto them, God is mercifull ; webelievein him, and weare refigned to the will of his divine Majefty , ye fhall know hereafter them that fhallbe feduced. Ifthe water that watereth your flocks enter under the earth, who thall give you other water, or another Fountain to fupply you? ; ‘Aa 3 CHAP. Se ERA nRnns eran A \coran of Max OMET. Chap.68. CHAP. LXVITI. ; The Chapter of the Pen, containing fifty two Verfes , written at Mecca. Bedaoi entitwlerh this the Chapter of the Letter Noun, n, and faith, that it % as mach as to fay, Whale, or great Fifh; Some other Dottors fay ; that Noun, n, 1 the name of the Ink, or Table , on Which the Angels Write the (Commandments of God’; Others affirm ir, to fignifie the Ink-hora , but many of the Mahometan Dettors. intitle this the Chapter of the Pen. ) N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. 1 fwear by the Pen ,and by alf that is written, tha¢.thou art not pol felled of the Devill’; through the’grace of thy Lord, thou fhalthave an infinite reward ; God hath created thee, with a creation high,and moft illgftrious. Thou fhale hereafter know, * and the Infidels: likewife fhall know one day , them among R you that are ignorant. Certainly thy Lord knowéth them that'are feduced, and them that follow the right way. Obey : not the wicked; they defire thee to be more indulgent to- 4 wardsthem, and themfelves more milde towards thee ; Obey | not thofe infamous lyars, thofe bablers, finners, feducers, and wicked perfons, full of treafures and. children ; When the i, Myfteties of faith are related to them, they fay, thatthey are 9) but fables of antiquitie ; we will put upon theirnofes ‘a mark of fhame, and ignominy; wehave tryed them, as Gardenets, when they have refolved in the evening to cut off the mote ning following fome fruits of their garden, for their refetie @ on, and have not faid, ifit pleafe God ; By night,while they flept, God fenr fire into their gardens, that confumed them; inthe morning they called [ each other } and faid, come to@) put order to your garden, if ye defire to gather the fruits, they | believed the poor would enter, they ran [to drive them away] and found their fruits black, and their gardens blafted: a | . they # = meee ree Bees. na eee Se NC iS Chap.68. - The Alcoran SMAwOM Et. 359 od, we are great finners ; they approached each Other , and complained among themielyes ; They faid | mifety i pon us ; We were in a great error, Peradventure God wil] Bive us here. after more then the value of what we have loft, we muft be his grace ; thusGod chaftifeth on earth, whom he pleafeth, but manded to:' wo hip God » but they thall not be able to behold him, their eyes thal] be troubled with fear, and theirfight co yered with fhame, hey are enjoyned in the world to wor- thip his divine Majefty, but they refuie to Perform it's I wif isgrace, Hethould never have: come Opon earth; when he epented of his fin, his Lord pardoned, and placed him in the amber of ‘the righteous. The unbelievers labour ‘to fhake hee through their looks, and that through enyie sthey affirm, lat thou art poffeifed of the Devill , when they hear thee tad the Allcorams Tt was nor fent but to inftru@ the world, Aa4 CHAP, i Cg Fe ee 360 The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.69. CHAP. .LXIX. The Chapter of Verification, containing fifty twoVer[es, Written j at Mecca. ; Ekteriintituler this the Chapter of Judgment, becaufe that | day all foall be verified. i ie the name of God,, gracious and merciful. Verification | approacheth, Verification approacheth; God hath not told thee in what time fhall be the day of Verification ; T emod,and ‘Aad would not believe him that preached to them the day of aMi@ion and forrow, but Tensod was deftroyed by an extraor dinary noife,and ead by an impetuous winde that God fent againft them feven nights, and eight dayes together ; they were overthrown, {tretched out like palms faln upon the earth: di any one among them fave himfelf ? Pharoah, and hisprede- | cefors,with the Inhabitants of the Cities that were overthrown ; becaufe of their fins, difobeyed the, Prophets and Apottles of God, and were rudely chaftifed. We preferved youn Noahs, Ark, when the waters fwelled, to ferve for example of out omniporency to them that faw it, and to fuchas thal hear it mentioned. . Be thou mindful of the day when the Angel hall) found the Trumpet, when the earth fhall fifcit felf up, and the) mountains tremble; then what muft come to pals, (hall come: to pals ; heaven with weaknefs (hall open, and the Angel that fhall bear the throne of God, thall be upon the border of the heaven. Then fhall eight Angels prefent the books, where fhall be writren.che fins of men, and nothing (hall be concea led. Such as fhall cake inche right hand the book of the 46 compt of their a¢tions, fhall fay, we finde what we believedt be true, we know withcertain knowledg the coming oft day,and the felicity of life is in Paradife: It fhall be faid 0 them, eatand drink of the good things of Paradife at volt pleafure. They that fhall take the book of accompt of the actions in their left hand, fhall fay, would to God seit ', 0% (hap.70. The Alcoran of M we T. 8 a ORIEL RUT 7 8 AES SAS Rae ase pe Ero TRS Te EOL book had been loft,I know not what is.this accompr; would to God that I had beeneternally buried in, the earth, the riches, authority, and treafures of the world are to me unprofitable : It fhallbe faid to the devils, take them, binde them, and throw them headlong into hell, put chains feventy cubits long upon their arms, and caft them into fire; they would not be- lieve in the Unity of God the-Omnipotent; they have eaten the bread of the poor, they are this day without protection, and want bread, and fhall finde nothing but the pains of hell prepared for the wicked. 1 {wear, although ye fee, . and al- though ye donot fee the A/coran,it is the word of the Prophet, the Apoftle of God, it is not the word of a Poet,but few. per- fons will believe it. Ic isnot the word of one that is wicked, but few men remember it; it is fent from God, Lord of the Univerfs. The Infidels fay, oh Prophet lif thou fpeak, we will not hear thee, thy fpeech fhall not enter into our hearts : Say unto them, there is none among you able to deliver you from the punifhment of your crimes; the Alcoran inftru€teth in the way of falvation them that believe in his divine Majefty ; 1 know that there are lyars among you, whom God fhal put into the number of Infidels ; the Alcoranis truthitfelf. Praifed be the name of God Omnipotent, and Majeftique. CHAP. LXxX. The Chapter of the Afcent, containing forty four Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and merciful, Some perfons have demanded when (hall be the day of Judgment, andin what time the wicked thal be chaftifed?none but God is able to deliver men from the torments ofhell; he is Lord of the way that-afcendeth to heaven, the Angels and Spirits fhall afcend towardshim atthe day of Judgment ; that day fhall feem to the wicked to endure fifty thoufand years ; expect with pati- ence; the wicked imagine they are far from that day, but nae BERG 362 The Avgoran of MAHOMET. Chap.70. fhalt fee it fpeedily s that day fhall the heaven refemble dif. . folved mettall; the mountains thafl'be like to carded woof, which bendeth downwards ;none hall ask his neighbour who he is, and they fhall look one upon another ; the unbelievers ; thall defire to redeem themfélves from thefe pains,through the j tofs of their children, their wives, their brethren, their com- . panions, their neighbours, and the lofs of all that is on earth, The flame of fire thall rife upon them, and hall burn the skin of ‘their head; chey thall call upon thofe chat are behinde them, that have, like themlelves » abandoned the Law of God ; and the covetots, ‘that thall have heaped up treafures. Man Was created timerous, he is afraid whén evill befalleth him, and is arrogant when good hapneth to him; except the believers, who are ftable in their faith, that perfevere in their prayers,thar give alms to the poor that beg, and thofe that are ba ful, that be- lieve inthe day of Judgment, fear the punithment of God,and know none otherwomen but their own, and their flaves, they fhall be exempt from affi@ion ar the day of Judgment ; thofé that thalf a@ the contrary,thall be in the number of the unjuft, They who'effe what they have promifed, and preferve faith- filly what co thein hach been entrufted, who fpeak che tinh i reflimony, and who make their prayers at the time appointed, thal! be honoured in Paradife. Wherefore is it that the Inf. dels,who are aboue thee, caft their eyes to the tight hand, and Fo rt left, with pride? do they require to enter into Paradife, and be faved? We have created them as other men. J fwear by the Lord of the Eaft and Wet, chat weare able to change them into a people, better chen they, and that it isa thing tafie forus to perform ; leave rhem in their errors, until they be Come to the day when-they sre Promifed to be chaftifed, “and that they thal! come out of their fepulchtes to’repaire rovupt- rerfall Judgment; ehey hall repair thitherterrified, and thers fight (hall be cévered with fhame y this is the day that hach been heretofore preached to thein. CHAP, Chap.71.. The Alcoranof Manouny 363 ee aa a aa Nah a CHAP. LXXI. The (Chapter of Noah , containing twenty eight Verfes, \erittin at Mecca. N'the name of God; gracions and merciful. Before men » were chaftifed, we fent Noah to preach to them the pains of hell; he faid unto them, O ye people! I preach to you the pains of hell, worfhip one-only God, and fear him, obey me, he fhall pardon your fins, he deferreth your punifhment until the day appointed, and fhall not retard it; when his hour (hall be come,did ye know ir,ye would be converted-A frerward he faid, Lord,! have exhorted this people night and day,but mine exhortations have been very much in vain, they have ftrength- ned themfelves in their impiety, and when I preached to them, they put their fingers into their eargfand covered their’ heads with their garments, that they might not hear; they continue in their impiety, and become proud: have preached to them publikely, T lifted up my voyce, I have expounded to them the: myfteries of thy Law; I faid unto them, implore pardon of God, he is moft merciful ; he thall fend you abundance of rain to water the earth ; he fhall give you {tore of wealth, and many children ; he thall give you gardens embellithed with fountains, and rivers ; who hindreth youto honour God ? He it is chat hath created you in the condition wherein you are = ‘confider ye not that he hath created feven heavens, the one upon the o- ther? that he created the Moon with her brightnefs, and the Sun with his fight ? he hath caufed the earth to bring forth all forts of plants; he will canfe you all to return to earth, and ro. revive ; he hath extended it, tothe end ye may walk in the wayes thereof, large and fpacious. | ord, {aid Noah, thispeo- ple hath difobeyed me, they have followed that which can give them neither pofterity nor profit, but rather a moft certain damage; they have con{pired again{t me, and faid among them- felves, forfake not yout gods, forfake not-Od, Sea, 1¢omt, 7400; T ne(e ate T- and Nefar, they err from the right way ; Lord, add to their dois. confulion. 364 aed, ranof MAHOMET. (hap.72. confufion. Then were they drowned becaufe of their fins, they thall be caft headlong into the fire, whence none but God is able to deliver them, Noah faid, Lord, leave not a wicked man upon the earth, they will feduce thy creatures from the right way,they wil leave children,lyars,and improns like them~ felves;pardon my fins,pardon the fins of my father,my lineage, and thofe that fhall believe in thy Law, and deftroy the unjuft, ee ee CHAP, LXXII. The (hapter of Devils , containing twenty eight Verfes, writ- ten at Mecca, Some Mahometans intitle this the Chapter of Spirits, iB thename of God gracious and mercifull. Say to the people, I have received an infpiration, which fome devils heard of me when I read the Alcoran, and that they faid, we have heard the miraculous A/coran read, it teacheth the right way ; we believe in what ic contains; we believe not that God hath companions ; we believe there is buc one God, we believe not that he hath wives, orchildren, our ignorant per- fons blafpheme againft his divine Majefty , neverchelefs we imagin that they could not doit. There are who require aid of the devils,and augment their confafion, becaufe they fay, that God willnot canfe any to rife again;fome devils have faid, we have been.as high as heaven, and found it furnifhed with guardsand ftars,we ftaied in a place a little diftane, to hear; there is one ftar that watcheth them that hearken,& drivesthem away; we know notif God hateth the men that are upon earth, or if he will teach them the right way; but we are now in the namber of them chat believe in.che unity of hisdivine Ma- jefty: theyfaid,oh ye people / we were before in the way of er- ror;we heretofore believedthat God did nor operate on earth, but no perfon, in whatfoever place he be, can avoid obeying his Will; we heard the book read that teacheth the right way; we (hap.72: The Alcoran f Manomer. we believe in what it contains ; he that believeth in God, will not fear any mifery or injuftice : there be of us that are good, and that truft in God; others there are, who are wicked and impious: fuch as obey the Commandments of God, follow the right way, and the wicked thall be precipitated into the fire of hell. Had the Infidels followed the right way, we had fent them from heaven abundance of rain, and given them our grace, I will try them, and fuch as thal! defpife the A/coran fhall.be punithed. The Temples belong to God, invoke one fole God in the Temples ; when his fervant rifeth,he worthip- peth his divine Majefty .; it wanted not much, but ‘thefe devils had publifhed the plurality of Deities - Say unto the people, thortttp God myLord; I believe in one God, who hath no companion, I can neither guide nor feduce you,but through his Permiffion; IfT difobey him none fhall be ableto fave me,and Ifhall want prote@ion at the day of Judgment. } can’do no more for-you, then to preach to youhis Law; thisis the fubje® Halle mbadic:, Hewho (hall difobey God and his Prophee fhall be damned, and fhall remain eternally in the fire of hell, The wicked Thal! know fuch a¢ hall be deprived of faccour and Protection, when they hall behold the pains prepared for’ them. “Say untothem, I know not whether what is promifed to you, fhall incontinently happen, or whether God will de- ferit fome time; none kaoweth what isto come but God , and thofe whom he hath elected to be Prophets and Mef fengers of his Will; he infpireth into them his Command- ments, to preach.to men ; he upholdeth all the a@ions of men, and keepeth an exa@ accompt of every thing. CHAP. $$ See Gelaldin. = Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.73. CHA. LXXIIL The (Chapter of the Fearful, containing twenty Verfes, Written at Mecca. The Arabians have intituled this the Chapter of the Fearful; when the eAngel Gabriel brought this Chapter to Mahomet, he was afraid of the [plendor of his light,and covered himfelf with his garmentswhich gave occafion to the Angel to call him,and fay, oh fearful! and not, oh Prophet! as he Was wont. iB the name of God, gracious and mercifull. O thou Fear- ful! Arife by night, pray to God at midnight, until two third parts ofthe night, and more. Read the Alcoran, and meditate thereon, obferve what it contains; althoughit bete- dious to thee, thou wilt beft comprehend it after thy fir fleep, becaufe thou in the day haft affairs chat divert thee. Re- member thou the name of God, forfake the world co worlhip him, he is Lord of the Weft, and Eaft, there is no god but God, take him for thy protector:be not impatient at what the wicked fay ; feparate thy felf fromtheir fociety, without fear, leave me to punith them ; is there any one that isable to defend them ? their punifhment is deferred, bur I have chains of iron, bread full of chorns, and great torments to infli@ on them, at the day when the earth fhall tremble, and the mountains fhall be dif- folved into duft.. Oyepeople ! we: have fent to youa Pro- phet, our Apoftle, to inftruc& you,as we did to Pharoah; he was difobedient and obftinate, and we feverely chaftifed him. How will ye fecure your felves from the torments of hell, if ye be inthe number of the wicked ? What will je do atthe day when Infants fha!i be men, and heaven thal! be opened ? What God promifeth is infallible; thefe things are for the inftru- tion of them that defire to follow the way of falvation, Thy Lord knoweth that thou wilt arife about the third part of the night, or at midnight, as likewife a part of thofe that are with thee;he reckoneth the hours and the minuts of night and day,he knoweth — —— Chap.74. The Alcoranof Mano m | ET. 367 knoweth that thou canftnot reckon them exadtly;he pardoneth thee , if chou rifeft a little fooner, ora little later; read during this time what thou fhalt be able to read of the Alcoras s God knoweth that there will be perfons among you that will be fickly, others that will bein travel for their affairs, and fome that will fight for the faith; thefe perfons thall be excufed : Read what ye fhall be able of the Alcoram, lift up your pray- ers to God, pay tithes, lendto God fomebenefr, ye thallone day finde the good that you hall have done, anda very good reward ; beg pardon of God, he is gracious and merciful, CHAP. LXXIV. The Chapter of the Wrapped, containing fifty feven Ve er [es Writ Mabonetwas ten at Mecca. wrapt in his garments : i N the name of God, gracious and merciful, O thou wrap. When the ped! Arife, and preach to the people the torments.of hell, mse hi thy Lord is more powerful then the Idols, make clean thy gare hie & hs a ments , be thou mindful of the pains prepared for unbelievers; ter. feparate thy felf from their company ; lend nothing to Ufury ; the day that the Trumpet fhall found, thall be extreamly irks fome tothe wicked; that day, let me-chaftife him whom I creas ted, and to whom I gave riches, and children, and whom I pla- ced in plenty ; neverthelefs he demandeth more, andis obftiz hate, to difobey my Commandments ; I will add to his pains, becaufe he blafphemeth againft the Alcoran ; wherefore doth he blafphem ? he maketh his countenance forrowful, covered with hypocrifie ; when-he beholdeth the people, with his eyes melancholique, and eftranged from the way of falvation, he is proud, fcorneth-to follow the Prophet ; faith, that the A/coran is but Magick, and but the word of man; he fhall be precipi- tated into the bottom of hell, nothing remains to him bur to be burned; nintcen Spirits thall be appointed co torment | the wicked ; they chat punifh the damned are Spirits, We have mentioned this number of nineteen,te feduce the pn an — OER SA (sets | 708 > Yt Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.75- SS —— — a and confirm thetruth, and the True-believers in their faith. They whom God inftrué@teth in the Scripture , and who be- lieve in his Law, are not in doubt of thefe Spirits; buc fuch as have evill in the heart; who doubt of his Law; and the wicked fay, that he by this number . meaneth God; Thus God feduceth and guideth whom he pleafeth; no perfon knoweth the number of his Angels, but God. 1 {wear by the entrance of the night , and the morning, that heil is an exceeding great punifhment , prepared for the impious: The believers , and unbelievers, the good and the bad, fhall anfwer for their actions ; and fich as fhall have their book of accompt in the tight hand, fhall goe into Paradife ; they (hall enquire of the dam- ned, and fay to them, who did caft yon into hell? They fhallanfwer, we did not pray to God at the time appointed ; we gave not to the poor co cat ; we believed there was nei- ther Refurretion, nor Judgment, untill death furprized us, the prayers of them that pray for them, fhall be. in vain. Wherefore is it that unbelievers depart from the Law of God? They are like to the wilde Afs, which flyeth as far as hecan, when he feeth the Lion approach him ; every one of them would. particularly fee a book to inftrué them, and appre- hendeth not the day of Judgment; Certainly che e-flcoran teacheth them the Lawof God, that readeit ; none fhallun- derftand ir, but he that fhall be pleafing to God, who {hall have his fear before his eyes, and fhall implore pardon of his fins of his divine Majefty. —_ _ ere re 2 ee CHAP. LXXV. The Chapter of the Refurrettion, containing forty Ve erfes, Write ten at Mccca ce EN the name of God, gracious and merciful. 1 fweat hac ic is molt true, that: men (hall rife: again. I | fear, that the wicked fhall sender an accompt of thett | actions; — Chap.76. The Alcoran of Matowm E +, 269 ations; think they'that I cannot recolle@ their bones #.J will recolle@ all of them after they thall be corrupted; J ai able to recolle& their fingers, as they had them in th, ir youth. Certainly man is prone to blafpheme , before the coming of the day of Judgment , and enquireth’ when that day willbe. When his fight fhall be troubled , aud the Sun and Moon gathered together, then (hall he fay, whether thal! Iflye ? It thall be faid tohim, thou thale have none other re. fuge but in God ; he hall be furprized , and all his offences thal! be commemorated to him , and he thall witnefs againft himfelf: Speak not then in aword, ifhe will excufe him- felf, be not thou impatient ; I know all that is in his heart, I know what thou hatt taught him; Idid reade with him, chac read to thee the A/coran, and made thee to underitand ics Man prefleth himfelf to goe to his difhonor, and confidereth hot hisiend , he thall raife the head, with’ acounteiance con- tentto feeGod, but atthe fame inftant thaf| have the face covered with affliction , and thall know , that he is in the heightof all miferies; His foul hall be conduéted towards God, when it fhall be feparate from his body ; If it ree nounce the Law of God , it thall go0e towards the dam- ned > towards them that extend their armes through difpair, It fhall be faid to him, God alone, whom thou would nor obey’, was thy Lord and prote@or. Doth man think to be forfaken ,. and that no aceompt {hail be requited of his a@i- ons ? Was not hecreated through our fpecial| grace, of mire, and of congealed blood ? Did we hot create him male,and fee male ? He that hath done this, cannot he revive the dead ? SEL PEPE ererecees aren al a Sh See Se A CHAP, LX XVI, The Chapter of Adan > Containing thirty Verfes , Written at Mecca. N thenameef Ged, gracious and mereifivi!. Man conti- nued a while, without havingin him any thing ‘memora- Bb ble ‘ ee See Exteris ble; We created his pofterity of his feed, mingled with that of the woman; we gave him fight and hearing, and taught him the way of Salvation. Some have embraced the faith, and others have been Infidels; we have prepared for them chains, and bonds,to drag them intothe fire of hell, The juft thall drink of wine, that thall iffue out of a fair Pountain; all the fervants of God fhall drink E thereof] and fhall caufe it to flow, as fhall feeme good tothem. God will deliver from the painsof hell, fuch as fhall fatisfie their vowes, as fhall ap- prehend the day of Judgment, as fhall give alms to the poor, to orphans, and prifoners, without hope of thanks, or recompenfe, but only for the love of his divine Majefty, be- caufe of the fear they have of the torments of the day, grie- vous and irkfome to behold. Ged fhall rejoyce, and reward them for their good works, he thal! open ro them the gate of Paradife ; they fhall be cloathed: with filk, repofed on {ately beds, and fhall not be troubled either with the heat of the Sun,orthe cold of the Moon; they fhall be under the tha dow of the Trees of Paradife , there fhallthey gatherfrutts, as they ftand, fit, and lie down. Veffels of filver thall be brought about them, and round Cups full of a delicious: drink, as much as they fhall defire, mingled with ginger, that fhalliffue out of aclear fountain, and {hall be encompafled with young pages to ferve them, who hall refemble polithed pearls ;, when thou fhalt behold them, thou fhalt fee a grace that cannot beexpreft; they thall be cloathed with purple, and green fhining filk,-and fhall have bracelets of Silver ; God fhall give them-a drink, clear and molt pure, theft de- lights hall be the reward of their perfeverance. We have fent thee the Adcoran to inftru& the people ; attend the Judgment of thy Lord againft them that feoffe , and obey not the wicked; Remember thou the name of God, morning and eyening, worfhip him by night, praife him a long time ; the Infidels affect the world, and think not ongheir end, neither the day of Judgment; wecreated them, we have given them ftrength to walk, and if it be our pleafire,*we will’elta- blith other perfons in their place. He that hall defire to follow hap.7z7. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 371 follow the Law of God, thall follow it;but none thall f i . . . . . > * ? . I if it pleafe his divine Majefty ; he knoweth all , and paphirs wife, he giveth his grace to whom he pleafeth, and hath pre- pared grievous torments for the unjuft, in cee CHAP. LXXVII. The Chapter of them that are Sent, containing fif Verfes, Written at Mecca, Pras ie the name of God, gracious and mercifull.. I fwear by the Angels that followed [ each other ] thick as the hair of the foretop of horfes, when God fendeth them to exe. cutehis commands; by the Angels which he fendeth to pu- nifhthem whom he willdeftroy ; by the winds which he fen. deth,to make the rain to fall where he lifteth ; by the Alcoran, that diftinguifheth good from evill ; and by the Angels that in{pire intomen the fear of the pains of heil, and implore pardon of his divine Majefty , that the punifhment promifed to the wicked, is infallible. Then (half net the Stars appear any more; the heaven {hall open, the Mountains (hall walk, the Prophets and Apoftles of God fhall affemble, to bear teftimony againft them that have defpifed ‘their inftru- Ctions ; the good, and the wicked , the believers and unbe. - lievers fhall be feparated. I will not tell thee when this day fhall be, it thall be unhappy for the wicked, Have not Ihere- tofore deftroyed the impious with their blafphemies ? Have not they left a pofterity , wicked as they, whom I likewife have deftroyed ? Thus will hereafter deftroy the Infidelsy and mifery fhall be upon them eternally : Have we not created you of weak feed, retained in the womb of your mothers, untill the time appointed ?. This is a grace that we have con- ferredon you: Mifery fhall be upon the Infidels at the day of Judgment. Haye we not created the earth, to affemble the living and the dead ? Have we not raifed the Mountains ? Have we not given you freth waterto drink? Mifery fhall Bb2z be ie a wAlcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.78. be upon the wicked at the day of Judgment; It fhall be {aid uuto them, goe into the fire of hell, which ye would not believe, goc into the fmoak,. divided into three parts, no- thing fhallfree you from the heat thereof, and firghe fhall not deliver you fromthat fire; it fhall caft forth black flames, that fhall rife higher then the higheft buildings of the earth, and like to large coverlets of beds, extremely black. . The day of Judgment fhall be unhappy cto Infidels: It fhall be faid to them, behold the day of the feparation ofthe good from thé bad ; exercife your flights, if yecan, to deliver you fromthe pains of hell; the day of Judgment fhall be unhap- py to Infidels. The good; who’ fhall have had the fear of God before their eyes, fhall be under the fhadow of the trees of Paradife, nigh to delicicus fountains, with all forts of fruits, thar'they fhalldefire. It fhallbe'faid to them, eat and drink at your pleafure, in reward of your good works; thus are the righteous rewarded. The day of Judgment fhall be unhappy for Infidels. Oh ye Infidels! five in the world, ye {hall be there faffered fome time; ye are wicked’, but yee fhallbe miferable at the day of Judgment. The wicked deride them that exhort them'to pray to God, they thall be mifera- ble at the day of Judgment. In what will they believe, if they believe. not in the ‘ed/coran ¢ CHAP. LXXVIII. a Chapter of News , containing forty Verfes , Written at aCcca, Nttename of God, gracious and mercifull, What do the wicked enquire of each other, touching the great news, of which they are indifferent opinion ?° They thal learn it, they thal tearn ir; Have not I created,and extended the earth ¢ have not I raifed the Mountains to eftablifh it?’ Have not we created you,. male and female ? Have not we created fleep, and SiMe ee (hap.78. The Alcoran of ManHomE T and thenight forrepofe, and the day of labour > have we not built over you feven heavens, and the Sun fall of light 2 have we not caufed rain to defend from the clouds , to caufe the earth to produce its plants, and gardens of divers fafhi- ons? The day of Judgment thall be a day of joy, and for- row. When the Angel thal! found the Trumpet , all the world thall come in troups to univerfal| Judgment ; Hea- ven fhall open its gates , the Mountains fhall walk, and hell is the place prepared for the feduced » there thall they re- main eternally. They fhall finde there no reft , reither drink, but of boyling, and moft {tinking water, a reward conformed to their works; the Infidels believe not that they moft render an accompt of their ations, and blafpheme, but we keep accompr, and write exactly what they do. It will be faid tothemat the day of Judgment, Tafte this day the punifhment that ye have merited , your pains thall be aug mented, and pains upon Pains. They who thall have had the fear of God before their eyes, thall bein a place of fe- licity , in the gardens of amoft fertile Land, enriched with stapes, and Pomegranats ; they fhall drink in Cups full of a delicious liquor, and thall hear no vain fpeeches, nor lying ; fach is the recompenfe of them that obey the Command- ments of God; He is Lord of the heavens andearth, none fhall dare to fpeak when the Spirits and Angels hall be af. fembled before him, none thall be able to fpeak or pray for another, without his permiffion, This day thall be the day of truch ; they thar thall be acceptable to him, fhall retire to- wards his divine Majefty. We have preached unto you, that the punifhment of God thal! {peedily come upon you; eve- ry one fhall fee allchat he fhall have done, and the wicked thall fay at the day of Judgment, wouldto God that I had been earch and duff, B b3 CHAP. 373 374 | 0 of MAHOMET. Chap.79. Gela'din en- tituleth this, the Chapter of them that draw forth the foul, CHAP. LXX1X. The Chapter of Them that take away, Containing forty fix Verfes, written at Mecca. N thename of God, gracious and merciful. I fiwear by the Angels that take away the fouls from the bodies of Infidels, and the wicked ; By the Angels that accompany the fouls of believers s By the Angels that exalt the glory of God: By the Angels that guide the fouls of the righteous, when they goe into Paradife, and by the Angels that are appointed for the affairs of the world, thatall people thal rife again atthe day of Judgment; that day the earth hall tremble, and the hearts of men fhall tremble at the firft rime that the Trumpet fhall found ; at the fecond, their fight hall be troubled with fear, and they fhall fay, Behold ! we, we are returned upon earth, tothe place whence we departed ; our bones were rotten, and our return tothe world fhall bring uponus only mifery ; thisfecond found of the Trumpet isa fign of the wrathof God; Then fhall they be out of their fepulchers, revived upon the earth. Haft thou learned the hiltory.of AdZefes, and how God his Lord called him im he holy valley , called Toi, and howhe faid, goe cowards Pha- roah , he is feduced fromthe right way, and is ina great er- ror; Sayunto him, I called thee to the way of Salvation, I will purifieand guide thee into the way of the Law of God,” to the end thou mayft have his fear before thine eyes. Azofes made Pharoah to fee one of his great miracles , nevertheless hecontemned A4o/es , difobeyed him, and departed from she right way ;' he caufed his people to affemble , and made pro- clamation, that he was their (od, bur God rigoroufly cha- ftifed him, becanfe of his blafphemies; thisis an example of his omnipotency to them that are righteous. Oh ye wicked! were ye more difficule to create then heaven ?'God hath raifed the roof thereof, and proportioned it; he hath made the night odfcure, and the day full of fplendor, he hath ftretched forth Se: ee | Chap.80. The Alcoran of Ma now £7. 375 forth the earth, haeh made fountains to {pring forth, to wa- ter the plants,and to give drink to beafts; he hath elevated and eftablifhed the Mountains for you, and for your flocks. Men fhall call tominde the good and the evill that they have done, j at the fecond found of the Trumpet, and hell thafl appear open before their eyes. The wicked, thar have followed their own appetites‘on earth, fhall be precipitated into hell, and fuch as have had the fear of God before theireyes, and have fubdued i) their paffions in this world, fhall goe into Paradife. The : wicked will ask of thee, when the day of Judgment thai be? none knowethit but thy Lord: Thou art not fent bucto preach the pains of hell tothem that fear that day, as if they {aw it prefent before their eyes ; they thal imagine that they have not remained in the tomb, but from evening untill morning, when they rife again. : CHAP. LXXX, The Chapter of the Blinde, containing forty two Verfes, Written at Mecca. , iB the nane of God, gracionsand merciful. The Prophet j frowned, hada furly countenance, and withdrew himfelf | 4 when the blinde came towards’him. He will not tell thee , if : ! he'will believe in God , and if he will profefs thy preaching ; , depart thou from him that thal! deparc from the Law of God, y thon art obliged only'to preach ro him, and notte make him # tobelieve ; but forfake not them ‘thatthall come to fee thee * to be inftru@ted, and fhall fear God. The eZ/coran is fent "forthe inftru@ion of men ; it was‘copied upon the book that ‘is keptinheaven, to which honor and praite is due erernally. ' Wherefore isman impious’? Is it becaule ‘he is created of a little water, retained in the womb of his mother, untill ce tithe appointed ? and becaufe he found-the way to ees forth ? isitfor that God caufeth him todye, and co revive when it feems good to him? He performeth not what God Bb4 commandeth, 376 * The Ara- bians burted their aaugh- ters alive, when they had done a fault. He Alcoranof MAHOMET. Chap.81. commandeth, neither confidereth the good things that nou- rifh him ; We have fent rain, we opened the treafures of the earth, we made all forts of grain to {pring forth ; Blites, Olives, Dates, Gardens, and fields full of fruits, and herbs to nourifh you, and your flocks. When the Angel fhall found the Trumpet the fecond time ; Man fhallflte his brother, his mother, wife, and children; every one fhalltake thought for himfelf; that day fhall the wicked have countenances covered with affliction ; the countenance of the good fhall be joyfull, and fuch ashave fought the way between faith and impiety, fhall have the countenance covered with earth, and daft. CHAP. LXXXI. The Chapter of Roundze/s , containing twenty nine Verfes, Writ- ten at Mecca. Nthe Name of God, gracious and merciful. When the & Roundnefs of the Sun fhall appear, the Stars fall, the Mountains walk, the Camel be without burden , and without keeper ; when the beaft fhali be gathered together, the Sea covered with fire, Soulsreturn into bodies, the * Daughter demand why they put herto death; when the book of good and evill thall open, when heaven fhall caft off its ornaments, the fire of hell appear, and Paradife be opened ; then {hall fouls know the good and the evill chat they have commicted. I {wear by the Planets, by the obfcurity of night, and by the brightnefs of day , that the words of the Alcoran are the; words of the Prophet, beloved of God, powerfull with his divine Majefty ; ye ought to obey him, he is a faichfuloblerver of what iscommanded him, he is not poffeffed of the Devill, as yee have imagined, he hath feen the Angel clearly , and withont riddle, and is not perplexed for what isto come ; the words of the Alcoran are not the words of the Devill; on whatfoever fide ye turnyoy, it is only for the inftrudtion of men, and fich among you , as@will follow the right we ot ee. Seal (hap.82. ‘The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 382 bat ye fhall have no inclination ro follow it, ifit pleafe God, the Lord of the Univerfe. eo CHAP. LXXXII. The Chapter of the opening of Heaven, containing feventeen Ver- [es, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and merciful. The fouls thall ne the good and the evil that they have done, when the heavens fhall open, the ftars fall, the feas be gathered to» gether, and the fepulchres be opened. Oman! what maketh the fo proud, as to rife againft God, who hath created thee, who hath formed and proportioned thee after what manner he pleafed? O ye wicked ! ye will not believe the day of Judg- ment : there are Angels that obferve your ations, and are obe= dient toGod, The juft thall go into Paradife, and the unjuft be precipitated into the fire of hell, whence they (hall never return. I willnot tell when the day of Judgment fhall be; that day none fhall be able to fuccour his neighbour, and God a- lone fhall command. CHAP. LXEXIth whe Chapter of Them that weigh with Salle weights, containing thirty fix Verfes , written at Mecca, N the name of God, gracious and merciful, They that + wéigh with falfe weights, and meafure with falfe meafures, believe not to rife again, at the day when all the world fhall appear before God to be judged.. Certainly the book wherein the fins of the wicked are written,iskeptinhell. Mifery thall be upon Infidels at the day of Judgment; none doubteth the coming of this day but the wicked ; when they hear the Cam- mandments of God preached, they fay, thatit is but an old fable, impiety The Alcoran of ManomMeT. Chap.84. impiety retaineth them inthis error, and Mmdnceth them to a- bandon the Law of his divine Majefty, but they fhall be caft headlong into the flames of hell. it fhall be faid unto them, behold rhe punifhment which ye would not believe. The book wherein the good works of the righteous are written, isrefer- ved in heaven; the Angels are witneffes, how the jutt fhall en- joy the delights of Paradife, they fhall fee the emenfe gracts'of God, repofed on delicious beds, their countenarice fhall be co- vered with. joy, and content ; they fhall drink of purified wine, moft favory, that fhall have the odour‘ of Musk, preferved in bottels, that none but themfelves fhall open, and it fhalfbe mixt with the water of the fountain of Paradife, where the Cherubins do drink. The Infidels deride the true believers that would inftruG them, neverthelefs when they return co their companions, they admire theirdo@trine, and fay, when they fee them, behold the feduced, but chey are not fent to be their tutors, The Infidels chat (hall be converted, and believe inthe day of Judgment, fhall go into Paradife, they fhall enjoy the grace of God, they thall behold the grievous tormentsof the damned, ‘thatfhall ‘be punifhed after their demerits, and fhall finde ‘in the ‘other world what they have done on earth. CHAP. LXX XTV. The Chapter of the (left,containing twenty five Verfes, Written” at Mecca. ¢ JN the name ‘of God, gracious ‘and ‘merciful, The day of Judgmene fhall appear,when the heaven thal! cleave afender, and the earth caftinen ouc of cheir fepulchres by the Com- mandment of God. “Oman !'thou goeft daily cowards death, and (hale finde in'the end ‘the good and evil! that-thoufhale have done: he to whom fhall bé given the book of accompt of his actions in the right hand, fhall be blefled, ‘he fall go with his companionsinto Paradife, where he fhall enjoy oF na Chap.85. The Alcoranof Mau ow E T. 379 hall felicity: fe to whem thall be given the accompt of his actions in the left hand, fhall be damned, he thal! be cait head- Jong into the fire of het, becaufe of the unlawful Pleafures that he hath taken in che woi ld and for thathe believed not in the Refurrection : God beholdeth allthat he doth, and keepeth accompt. J {wear by the rednefs that appeareth in the Air, when the Sun fetteth, by the ob{curity of the night, and the brightnefS of the Moon, that you all {hall change being and potture, and fhail revive after your death. Whereforeis it thar the wicked believe not in God? why do they ot humble themfelves when they hear the Alcoran read? they blafphem againft God, but he knows all their a¢tions ; declare to them that they fhal be chaftifed,and that fuch as believe in his Unity, and do good works, fhall receive an infinite reward, CHAP, LXXX¥V. The Chapter of § igus ( eleftiall, Containing twenty Feefes, Writ: fen at Mecca, Many Mahometane Dattors intitle this. the Chapter of Ca Res, N the name of God gracious and merciful.1 fewar by heaven, adorned with figns,and by the day of Judsment, by the An- gelsand men, that they who have made pits filled with fire to burn the true-believers, fhafl be witnels of their own: malice; andfhalf avonch, that the fire burned themfelves, to. make them know the unity of God, and the truth of his Law.,; God.is Omnipotent, and alwayés virions, he is the King of the heavens and earth, he beholdeth aif. They that tor- ment true- believers, and fhall not repent, fhall bedamned, they fhall burn eternally in the fire of hell ; and fach as thall be- lieve in God, and do good works, thall dwell im pleafant gar- dens, wherein flow many rivers, where they fhall for ever en- joy fupream felicity. The wrath of God is ftrong, he nakee nis (hap.86- his creaturesto die, and rife again when he pleafeth ; he is mer- ciful cowards them that repent of cheirfins, and loveth chem that fervehim. He hath created his throne, to which praife is due eternally; he raifech np whom he lifteth , and nothing isto him impoffible. Haft thou heard the Hiftory of the people of Pharoah and Temod? God thall chaftife in like manner them that fhall not believe inhis Law, he knoweth them ail. Certainly the precious A/coran is written in the book thatis referved in heaven. ‘Theticoran of MAHOMET. CHAP. LXXXVI. The Chapter of the Star, or of the North Star, containing Seventeen Verfes, Written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and merciful. I {wear by Heaven, and the Star that teacheth men the way. 1 wilfnot tell thee by what ftar; by the ftar full of brightnefs; that every perfon hath a guardian (which obferveth the good and the evil that ic aéteth, ) Doth not man confider of what he iscrea- ted? He is made ofa little fprinkled; water that iffuech out of the body of man and woman; God thall make him to rife a- gain at the day of Judgment, and none fhall be able to protect or defend him from the wrath of his divine Majefty. I fwear by heaven that returneth the rain, by the earth that opencth it felf, and receiveth it,to prodacé its fruits, that the e Z/coran di- ftinguifheth good from evil, and that it was not fent in vain. The unbelievers confpite againft the Prophet, but God thall turn their confpiraci¢ again{t them, and they fhall not knowiit. Be thou patient, and awhile endure the Infidels, ee BS a yee ha: <r Chap.87. The Alcoran of Mia ‘tt om Eg F¥. 381 ST CHAP. EXXX VIL The Chapter of the High and Mighty, cont aning [eventeen Verfes, Written at Mecca. EF the name of God, gracious and metcifiil. Exalt the name of thy Lord high and mighty ,who hath Proportioned all that he hath created he ordaineth what he fifteth; and guideth into the righc way them that are pleating to him ; he caufeth herbs to {pring ont of che earth createrh them green, rendreth them dry, and altereth them asto him feems good. I wil read to thee the A/coran;forget nothing of what thou thal itthall be profitable to him chat fhall have rhe fear of God be- fore his eyes: fuch as thall defpife. it, fhall be miferable, they fhall be precipitated into the fire of hell, where they thal. not be able, either to live , ordie ; and hethat fhall embrace the Law of God, and thall be mindful of his name, thal be bleffed, Pray to God at the time appointed. Certainly the righteous fhall be heirs of the good things ofthe earth, and thoft of heg- ven that are exceeding great, and eternall; this iswrittem in the ancient books of e- 4orabam and Mofes, | CHAP. LXXXVIII. The Chapter of the C avering , containing twenty fix Verfes, Writs: ten at Mecca, Gelaldin intituleth this,the Chapter of fudgment becanfe that day the damned fhal be covered With fire andfear.. See Exteri, N the name of God, gracious and. merciful; Haft thou heard mention of the covering ? That day fhall the connie . nance 2$2 "AeA lcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.89. nance of the wicked be covered wich afiction, they fhall enter into fire that is extreamly hot; they {hall drink of boyling wa? ter, they fhall eat nothing but bryers aud thorns; they thall be extreamly Jean, and famine fhall not deliver them from an infinite number of other miferies. That day, fhall the good be filled with content , they thall be recompented for their la- bours ; ia Paradife they fhall hear nothing fpoken that may difpleafe them ; they fhall {ee fountains flow, lying upon high beds, they fhall drink in fair glaffes, fixed on diamons, upon pillows well difpofed, and upon pallets will adorned; will not the wicked confider the miracle of the fhe Camel? how it was created ? how heaven was elevated ? how the mountains were difpofed, how the-earth was extended ? Preach tothe wicked the pains of hell, chow are fent to preach to them, and not to conftrain them, God will chaftife with his great chaftife- ment him that fhall abandon his Law, and traduce the Alconans All men fhajl be one day affembled before his divine Majeftie, to give accompt of their actions. CHAP. EXXXIX. The Chapter of the Morning, containing thirty Verfes, Written at Mecca. Sce Kitab el 1 N thename of God, gracious and merciful, I {wear by tenoir. the Morning, by the tenth night of the moneth, by even Ye thal there and odd, and by the coming of night, that the wicked fhall be ke chaftifed. Is there any thing in confideration of this oath, that paflage, Cat move men to fly uncleannefs ? Confidereft thou not how z, God entreated Aad the Sun of Arvem, that dwelt in pavillions fupported by columns, fo big, that there were none like to them in his Countrey ? Knoweft thou not how he ufed Temod, wie hewed {tones and rocks to inhabit the Valley? Knowelt thow-not how he entreated Pharoah, who pierced with pins the feet and hands of uch as he gaveupto punifhment ? Knowelt thou not how he entreated them that heretofore erred from the _ >= Sree ay )| Chap.go. = The Alcoran of MAHOMET. 383 the right way in their own Countreys, and that increafed their pollution? he poured upon them divers torments; he obfer. vethallthat men do; he givech ftore of goods to them that i) hedoth nottry, and taketh them away from fuch as he pro- My veth, The wicked will not give honour to Orphans, they will not abftain from eating the bread of the poer ; they thal! give an accompt, they too much affect riches; when the earth fha!! tremble, and fhall overthrow all the buildings, when the An- y gels fhalldefcend in order, by the command of thy Lord, then i fhall hell be open to the wicked, they fhallcall co minde what Wt was preached to them inthe world, and fay, why did not I ob- fs ferve the Commandments of God during my life > they fhalf it be punifhed more then ever any hath been, and hall be more i ftraitly bound then ever any hath been bound. Ir thalfbe faid i to the bleffed, O thou foul ! that halt obferved with cou- tage, and without fear the Commandments of God, return'ro thy Lord with content; enter into the fociety of the bleffed, en- ter into Paradife. CHAP. XC, The Chapter of the City, containing twenty Verfes, Wwrittenae Mecca, Many have entituled this, the Chapter of Night. N the name of God, gracious and merciful. I {wear by that k City which is permitted thee to conquer ; I fwear by the “esa. father and the childe,that we ereated man in mifery.; thinketh fhe that there is none ftronger then he ? He faith, that he hath @ —_- expended great wealth; doth he think that none hath feen what He declams i he hath done ? Have we not given him two eyes, a tongue, cwo againft co- lips ? Have we not given him to fee the way of good and of Sec Geuiee evil? he fhall be feverely chaftifed, buc I will not tell thee with ~* °° “4” what kindof chaftifement. Wherfore doth he not deliver flaves? Wherefore doth he. not-give to eate to them that are hungry, to Orphans,.and his kindred that are. in necefity,. and to ne poor? F¢ Alcoran of. MAHOMET. (hap.g1- oc nnn mani mectareatt tacts iam se RE TAT EOE MABE OPA Gi an poor? Patience and charity are recommended-among true-be, feevers, they thall be feaced at the right hand ; and fach as impugn the Myfteries of our Law, fhail be at the left hand, they fhali be {hut up in the fire of heil. ae CRPAP, OT, The Chapter of the Sun, containing fifteen Verfes, written at Mecca. g Nithe Name of God, gracious and mercifull. Ifwear by the Sun, and his light, by the Moone and her fplendour, bythe fire, and its elevation, by the night, and its obicurity, by Heaven, and the Starres thereof, by* che earth, and its plaines, by the creation of the foule, by the knowledge of vertue and vice, that hethat fhallbe puritied from his finnes, fhalibe moft happy, ‘and that he who defileth himfelf with vice, thallbe moft miferable. The people of Temod craduced their Prophet, becaufe of their obftinacy ; but certainly they were chaftifed. The Apoftle and Prophet of God faid unto them, Behold the Camel.of God, fuffer it to deink; they deti- ded him, and flew that Camel, God feverely punifhed them, he fpared not his chaftifement againft them. CHAP. XCII. ao Chapter of Night, containing twenty Verfes, written at €cea. “ies the-Name ‘of God, gracious and mercifill T4weat by the: obfcurity’ of Night, by the brightnefle of Day, by ahe creation of man and woman, that your actions are very dite ferent. de thatfhalliyeild to God.the obediencesthat iste to him, and.believech in his Unity, thall go dato Paradife; and wholocver {halinovpraite his divine Majelty, and. will got be con an ta ree Chap.93. The Alcoran of Mauomer, 385 converted, fhall go into hell, his riches fhall not fave him, and he fhal! be caft headlong into eternall flames. Ic is we that guide the people, we difpofe the beginning and end of every thing ; Ipreach to you the torments of hell, none fhallenter there, but the wretches that have blafphemed, and departed far from the way of falvation; he that hath the fear of God before his eyes, and giveth almes, fhall be delivered from the fire of hell, every one fhall be recompenfed for what he hath.done for the love of God; he fhall be fatished and contented CHAP. XCIITI. The Chapter of the Sun rifing, containing ten Verfes, Written at Mecca. IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. J fwear by the atahomos brightneffe of the rifing of the Sun, and by the darkneffe of complains Night, chat thy Lord hath not forfaken thee: He doth not hare t© the An- thee, his delay fhall be to thee advantage, and in the end thou on fhalt be content; Did he not well lodge thee, when thou Lea wert an Orphan? Didhe not well guide thee, when thou wert refrained to feduced? Did not he enrich thee when thon wert poor? Do vifit him, noinjury to Orphans, devoare not the poore, and recount the graces that God hath conferred on thee. CHAP. XCIV. The Chapter of Joy, containing eight Verfes, Writtes at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Have not I rejoyced thine heart ?- have not we delivered thee from the burden that was heavy on thy fhoulders? we have raifed chy name and reputation, affli@tion is followed of content; when thou fhalt have finifhed thy pines Pi and love a ae CHAP. XY. The Chapter of the. Figge, containing eight Verfes, written at Mecca. 5 A Aewein of MAHOMET. Chap.95. | Oa name of God, gracionsand merciful. Lfwearby the Figs and Olives, by Mount Sivai, and by the fafery and freedom that is in this City [of Zecca’) that we ereated man with proportion, afterwards we rendred him contemptible, except the true believers that do good works; they thall receive an infinite reward. After this,-(o wicked man) what maketh thee to blafpheme againft the Faith? is not.God the ludge of Tudges 2 NE Ae CHAP. X€VI The Chapter of Blood congealed, containing feventeen Verfessrtite ten at Mecca, Bedaoi and Gelaldin call this the Chapter. of Reading. TS the name of God, gracious and -mercifull, Read the Alcoran, and begin through the name of God, who eres ted all, who made man of a little congealed blood. Read the ¢Aicoran,and exalt the glory of thy Lord, who hath inftruéed man in the Scriptures, who taught him what he knew note ne- vertheleffe, he is im a great errour, he will not confider that hefhall return. before God, Haft thou. confidered him that would have hindred one of the fervants of God to make his ae prayers * haft thou underftocd if he were in the way of falvati. on? haft thou en if fe blafphemed ? if he hath abandoned) the. faith > knoweth he nor thar God forfaketh him? If he defift not, he thali be dragged’by the haire into the fire of hell, with the wicked ; he fhall quit’ the place where they affemble, to difpuce again{t the faith, and the devils flialf caft'them ‘head- long . i Kivi Qap.97- The Alcoran f Mantome& x. lotig into flames-eternall. Difobey not. the :commandments.of God, perfevere in thy prayers, worlhip God alwayes; obe- dience to’ his commandments fhall-draw thee near to his di- vine Majefty. CHAP. XCVII. The Chapter of Glory er Power, containing five Verfes, written at Mecca. ]N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Wefent the Alcoran inthe night of Glory and Power, I have not taught thee the graces of this hight of glory and vertue; The,prayers and good works that'are done that night, ‘have more: of merit ‘and efficacy, then thofe'that have been performed ina thonfand months. The Angels defcended that night to.the earth, tho- rough the permiffionof their Lord, and falute.thecrue belie- vers, untill the dawning ofthe-day. ' —— CHAP. XCVIIL The Chapter of Inftruttion, containing eight Verfes, Written at Medina. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. They that underftand the Scripture, and believe in many gods, will not relinquith their idolatry, untill they have heard the inftru- Gtion of the Prophet of God; he fhallread untothem a book ¢léahiarid pure, wherein are written the precepts of the right way. They that know the Scripture, are not divided, untill they have learned this inftru@tion. It commandeth to worfhip one only God, to make their prayers at the time appointed, and to pay tithes, this isthe right way. The unbeleivers that know the Scriptures,and adore many Gods, fhall remain eternally in the fire of hell; and fhall be moft miferable. They that believe in Cc 2 - one 387 a Fe cf : - Alcoran of M AHOMET. Chap.99. one God, and performe good works, (hall be moft happy, they fhall be recompenfed of their Lordin the garden of Eden, — wherein flow many rivers, where they fhall dwelleternally. |, God fhall be fatisfied with their obedience , and fhall give | them his bleffing, prepared forthem that fear him, SAA CHAP, XCIX, eal ae J The Chapter of the Earthquake, containing eight Verfes, Written , at Medina. he y c ° . <N7 24 oy dl [N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. When th earth fhall tremble; and thal! calt bodies out of their fepul chers, man fhall demand what ic willdo; they fhall cell him _ news, to wit, that God hath commanded it to do fo. Tae A fhall men come out of fepulchers from divers places, and hall — fee the good and the evil that they have done; he that hath committed evil, of the weight ofan atome, fhall be chaftifed; _ and he that fhal have done good, of the weight of am atome, — fhall be rewarded. I (hap.100. The Alcoran of MAHOMET. CHAP. €, The Chapter of \Horfes; containing eleven Verfes, Written at Mecca, avd Medina. Some Arabians have called this the Chapter of Revern, or of them that return. [N the Name of God, gracious. and meicifull, I fwear by the Horfes, andthe noyfe that they make with their feet , when they return to war, and by the fire: which they make to arife, when they ftrike their feet againft {tones , that run lightly through jealoufie , and raife the duft inthe midit of enemies, that man is ingratefull for the graces of his Lord, he himfelf is witnefs of his ingratitude, and too much affedtcth the riches of the Earth; knoweth he not that.God>wilf make all the world co revive ? that he will bring to light whatfoever is moft fecret in the hearts of. menidvand ithat he knoweth all that they. have done? , CHAP, GI. The Chapter of ef flittion, containing eleven Verfes, Written at Mecca, ou name of God, gracious and merciful. When the exe treme affli@ion thall appear , I will not telkthee in what time this fhall be, then fhall all men be aflembled, ftretched out, like Quilts, and the mountains fhallbe like carded wool. Such whofe. ballance fhall be weightie with good works, fhall einto Paradife; and they whofe ballance fhall be light of Bo works, {hall goe into hell, they thall goe into.a fire fo hot, that 1 am not able to expreffe the heat. Ce3 CHAP. 389 See Gelaldin. aN Tee The Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chap.102. Bah 5:0, aa NN MBE CHAP, CIL The Chapter of -Abuudauce, containing eight Verfer, Writer, at Mecca, NulieName of God, graciqus.and merciful. Certainly all your cdre,even to the grave, isin the abundance: of your wealth; but ye thall hereafter learn , ye thall hereafter jearn the truth; If-ye had knowledg., ye Would: meditarelon the torments of hell, youfhall fee one day, that they are indubi+ table, then thall ye ask whereis Paradife? SS CHAP: GP: The; hapter of the E vening: N the.name of God, gtacious:and ‘mereifull, a aba I ereif I fwear by 4 on Ate the hour of the Evening, that men are inelined to theirde- hometaysto ftruction, except fuch as believe in God, that do good works, pray. and have in efteeme truth and perfeverance, ES eee CHAP. ClITE The Chapter of Perfecution, contatring feven Verles , written dt Mecca. : ‘PNithe nameiof God, Sbacious.and mercifedl, Mifery’ is ups on him that. perfecuteth: his Neighbour ;- perfecutien hash its Counter-perfecurioh. . Hethat heapech: up treafures’; and is bufied to connt:them,, thioketh they willimake. hia-immore tail, but they thall-precipicate him into hic mifery.;- 1 wiltnoe tell thee into what miferyybut the fire of hell is alwayes kinds led coburn the heart of the wicked 3 they fhall be overwhel- med in fames,and bound to great pillars, CHAP. Chap.t05, The Alcoran SMatouer 4 Sa RR ee a ce, CHAP, Cy, The Chapter of E lephants , containing five Vér/es > Written af Mecca, N thestame of God, gracious and merciful. Confideret I thoy not how thy Lord entreated chem thac came mounted upon Blephants, to rnine the Temple ef Afecca ? Was not their confpiracie their own deftruion > God fent. againft them flying troups, that threw upon them ftones , whereon Were imprinted their names; he made them like to corn fown in fields, devoured by bealts, CHAP, CVI, The Chapter of Cores , containing foure Verfes, written at Mecca, : IN the name of God, gracious and’ merciful’ Copeis Had no humanity for them ;. the people come every winter; and évery fummer, to worfhip the God of the Temple of Mecca, which nouritheth and: délivereth them from famine and fear, ete Pe ee CHAP. CVI. The Chapter of the Law, containing feven Verfes., \oritrex-at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull, Saweit thou him that bla(phemed againft the Law ? He it is that de- voureth the fubfance of Orphans, and the bread ofthe poor: ifery is upon them that are not attentive. to their prayers, at are-hypocrites, and eee to do well, —e 392 el Te Alcoran of MAHOMET. (hap.s08, CHAP, CVTIT The Chapter of eAffluence, containing three Ver[es , written at Mecca. N the name of God, gracious and mercifull. ‘We have gi- ven thee a great affluence of our graces. Pray to thy Lord, lift up thiaehands ; he chat hateth thee, fhall be accurfed. CHAP, CIX. The Chapter of Infidels , containing fix Verfes, Written at Mecca, : ib the name of God, gracious and merciful. Oh Infidels, Idolaters! I worhip not what ye worthip, and.ye worthip not what I worthip ; I will not worthip chat which ye wor- fhip, and ye will not worfkip that which I worthip ; you ob- ferve your Law,, andI mine. CHAP. CX, The Chapter of Protettion, containing foure Ver[es , written at Mecca. aa i he the name of God, ‘gracious and mercifull. A great ~ number of people embrace. the Law of God, when he prot 7 tecteth the True-believers, and giveth them victory, Exalt 7 his glory, and implore pardon of him, he is moft mercifull. . CHAP: . Chapa. The Alcoranof Ma Hows. — 393 CHAP. CXI, The Chapter of the Cord of Palme , containing eleven Verfes, Written at Mecca, Gelaldin entituleth this the Chapter of Lofs, Nthe name of God, gracious and mercifull. Abtheb \ok The wife of his hand; God chaftifed him, his riches fhall not fave Him, 42/2cb did : ; A c : ihtionee he fhall burn in eternall fames, with his wife that carricth snggh aaa wood upon her neck, bound withacord of Palme. way, in cons tempt. Sce Bedadi. CHAP. CXII. The Chapter of Salvation, containing foure Verfes, Written at Mecca. jt the name of God , gracious and mercifull. Say unto unbelievers, God is eternall, he neither begerteth, nor is begotten, and hath no companion, a CHAP, CXIII. The (Chapter of Separation, containing five Verfes, written at Mecca. N the name of God , gracions and mercifull. Say unto them , God, who hath feparated light from darknefs , fhall defend me from ail the evills that he hath created, from dan- ger, darknefs, from them that blow againft the knot of the firing, from Sorcerers, and the envious. CHA? Ibe Alcoran of MAHOMET. Chaprig. - a CHAP. CXTIY, The Chapter of the People , containing fix Verfes, Written at Mecca. Carey tT the Name of God , gracions and mercifall, A them, I will beware of the temptations of the D. the malice of the people, through the affiftance of the Lord, and King of the people. THE LIFE AND DEATH O'F MAHOMET, PROPHET of the Turks , and-Author OF THE AL COR A N : aig Wabig Lie] a, lef: him to his unckle Abdal Mutdlib, the town of : b , and unable ta give him SP, ignorance and irreligion Of have him to teen years, abandoned os . ae oe Tie Life and Deathof MaHOoMET, - 10 fortune, or after the burbarous cuftome of the Ayabi- ans, fold him to the Limalite —werchants, who i y fing himete fale in the Markets , he was putchafed Abdemonople , 4 wealthy Merchant, He after fome obfervation , and experience of his wit and taduftry, withdrew him from the common drudgery of aflave , to employ hime with his other factors im Commerce , and finding him apt for thofe affaires, gave him the condutt of his Camels into Syria, egypt, Perfia, and elfe- where. By which, in a hort time, he became fo expert in his Trade, that as he encreafed the wealth and pro- fit of his Mafter, fo he gained hw good will , and affe- (tion. At that time Heraclius being Emperor of the Eaff, and the feamlefs coat of the Church torn by variety of | Seéts, and Herefies, the Bifhops. and Governors in Cone ftantinople jujtly fearing divine vengeance , by rea- fon of the Neftorian herefie, which with that of the Monothelites ,/ began afrefh to infcé# their Clergie, de- liberated on fome Ecclefiaftical cenfure againft them : When Sergius a Monke, and Sectarie of Neftorius, con- {cious of bis error, and dreading the pun:{hment , fled . fecretly into Arabia, and found retreat and entertain- © ment with. Abdemonople , the majfer of Mahomet, .. © where finding lender hopes of propgating his infetti- ous Herefie (the family being Pagans). and lefs of over- throwing his oppofites im Religions, he refolved totake revenge on Chriftianity it felf , and to that effect be- gan to prastifeon Mahomet , 45 a.Subject prepared to receive the imprefsion of his defign. . Inthe meane time , Abdemonople dyed , his riches. being augmented through the care and induftrieof Ma- homet,- pe BA a ee es ee ee ae The Life and Deathof Mauouert . ——————— homet, who having before infinuated into the favor of his Miftris Aijfla, by prefents. of rare toyes , frocurtd in nis Travels, by them, or through Sorcery ( of which he was held guilty,and taboureth 10 purze him(elf in his Alecoran) (ocharmed her affection, that of hiv flave, he was advanced to be Lord both of her perfo2,and forinnes. Being thus grown opulent, he fumetime coatined his trade. but then willing to take eafe, as he hid, during his voyages through feverall Countries, been a Seeker; andanquifitive concerning the diverfity of Religions projeljed through the univerfe, fo now ( though ir- refolute which to fallow) he rejected all, asvain, and foolifh except Fudalme. and Chrillianitie, and Ap- proving the latter as the beff , accordingly framed his Life, afjuming a (pecious forme of Sanétimony , which bred admiration in them that copfidered his. former education, and gave hime a repute above his expectation. But this hafly frit was [oon corrupted , und with the touch of Ambition ( Lke the Apples of Sodome) foon vanifhed into ftinke and filthine|s. For Sergius , as fubtile, as malicious , obferving his difpofition , and withall, after fome difcourfe concer= wing thetwo Religions, of bothwhich he found him ex-* cellently ignorant , feeing itno difficulty to d-[till into him the poyfon of his Herefie , eafily perfwaded him, That lefus Chrift was but man fimply, that for the me- rit of his vertues he was held as Deified : that the fuf- ferings of his death were but humane inventions, that he was tran(ported from this life to an immortall , and glorious , by another way then that of Death :. That there is but one God, in one Perfon, {0 that the Faith of the Chriftians is vain, and invented, and that of ihe Jews. 397 ‘Life and Deathof MaHoMeET., cy. That the Arabians being a dull and ienbpunt peo- ple, inclining neither tothe one nor the other, but all (as many as had been tonched withthe fame of bis wew fanttity ) admiring his perfections 5 The Jews and ‘Chriftians being Iskewife enemics to each other, and the Chriftians at variance among themfelves. He might in that juncture of affaires , affume the title of a Pro- phet fent from God, to difabufe the\one , and the other, and fave the world by another Law. This Counfell of Sergius took the defired effect , and Mahomets thoughts; before enflamed-with his new-gotten wealth, and fame, now entertained more ardent defires of being eftecmed a Prophet, looking upon all other attributes of Religton, and {anttity, as vile and abject. To this effect, on afuddenheretires to a folitary Cave, wot far diftant. from Mecca, while Sergius proclaimed the vain perfections of bis life, and filledthe earsof the people with the noife of his ‘deferwings. The terme of two years expired, Mahonict again: appears to the world , and as if newly returned from the Oracles of Heaven, flileth himfelf a Prophet fent from God , ‘whi “willing through his mercy, towithdraw hinfrom that precipice of hi éverlafting ruime, and admonifh Biss o hu error, affiscted bis body with the falling-ficknefs, which Mahomet, inftead of repenting , ‘wade anvad- vantage to premove ha. wicked defign. Bor bis wife lamenting tofee ber felfe yoaked to one fo A:feafed , and tormented with an hideous iAfirmity, “he excnfed rt, sand calily wrought in her va -belicfe.,- thar being conftrainta frequently to converfe with the Angel Gabtiel ; 06 fraile body, ‘unable to abidé-the fplendor-of his heademy —— prefence, LLL ALLL LLL LL OL Jews too loofe, and lean, through theiy own obftrmas SS: The Life and Death of M AH O M ELT, prefence, fell:into that diflemper and at the departure of the Divine Ambalfador , recovered its former condity- on. His wife believing this,was not wanting to divulge the rare qualities.of her husband, his admirable an- ity, and frequent converfe with. the Angel , which gained himthe efteeme of a Prophetin hes own houfe, and reverenceamong his Neighbours: That this Infant-repute of his Holine[s might be the better firengthned, Mahomet thought it reyuifite to promulcate fome- Chapters of his Alcoran Casa Re- monfirance of his Commifsion ) which as he fam oca- fiow, he fhaped ( though 1ll-favouredly) to-his defignes, giving ont that he receivedthem from the Angel Ga- briel , a the Counfel and precepts of God: who for that he hadnt faved men, either by the Law of Moles, the Pfalmes of David, or the Gofpelof Fetus Chritt, did now promife them infallible Salvation by the means of the Alcoran, which though rudely , yer cunmingly: contrived , as complying with the loofe: humor of the Arabians , enjoyning nothing {rich or burthenfome, but leaving all to liberty ; as the [ole means to- allure them to a belief of it, induced firfh the Parents and ale lies of his wife , then the more: tenorant. and méaner fort toem' “ace it, and: effeeme Mahomet as the Mefenger of God fent to guide them into eternall felicity, and the emjoyment of Paradife , which the eafier to enfnare them, he fained to be full of (uch pleafures as fall um: der fenfe, anda plentifull fruition of thofe delights, that inthofe sore barren and defert parts of Arabia they ex- ccedingly wanted, Having thus drawn to his devotionsa numerous,thoigh vulear party of the people, who in opinion of Lis Pr opie pheticall 0 at sa 400 Efe Life and Deathof MaH OMET. ticall Fundtion were prompt to his obedience; he thought it altogether as eafie to obtain a Kingdom, as he had found st not difficult to attain to the title of a Prophets and to effect this, having before, under pretence of Refor- mation of Religion gained many followers, while more flood as lookers on, not at all regarding that Decoy , be refolved to youk to it that ether concomitant in popular difturbances, Liberty, proclaiming it to be the will of God, that all men fhould enjoy it, and that the Edi might be firft obeyed in his own family, enfranchixed his Slave, called Leidi. This baite, as it inhaunced his fame, {0 it added to hus retinue, for as multitudes, affecting novelty, and a mite tation of condition, daily added themfelves te his party, fo flaves from all parts of Arabia for{ook their Mafters, and fled to him as their Redeemer,and embraced his Law, as the means of their falvation. The{e through a fond conceit of his, piety, ready to [arifice their lives at his command, he divided intotroops, ‘and [ent to rob the Ca- ravans of “Marchants that travelled through the de- farts , and by this. means, having added to his treafure by fpoils, and bisretinue daily encreafing by a multitude of Fugitives and Vagabonds, who by reafon of this liberty, to act any villanny, reforted to him; he at length took up ihoughts of imploying them inthe confirmation of his Law, which he knew ta be the ready way to his eftablifh- ment, tn that power to which he alpired. To this purpofe, he marcheth with his, troups towards Medina | the place of his Birth and Buriall ) to preach in a Synagogue of Fews there inhabiting. Thefe lefs fiupid then the Arabians, could not-endure his impofiures, ain infiecd of beleving,did hand{omly beat him, and i bis The Life and Death of Ma 4 OME T. 401 his train from the town. This repulfle rather. irritating then terrifying him, he drew all his force into the field, and affailed the Jews in two [everall conflicts . ix one of which, by a wound on the face with a fword, that broke out his fore teeth: He figned the Articles of his Lay with his blood, and continued a long time as dead ina ditch , but being refcued by his Slaves, andrecovcred of his wound, he again fought and vanquifhed them, and converted their Synagogue into aTemple, for his owa Hye. The fame of his exploits increafing with the number of his Sectaries (to whom fome Princes, and eminent perjous of the Country beganto encline, giving him the:r daugh- ters in mariage) awakned the Nobles of Mecca, pariicu- larly the family of Coreis, who wifely judging anew form of Religion, propagated by anew Way, force of arms, mufl inevitably introduce a new Government, of which Mahomet, of bafe and obfiure beginnings would be chief, as the Author, oppofed themfelves to bis defigns, expelled all fuch as feemed 10 favour him out of the City, and feverall times gave him battell, in which he fovaltantly deported himfelf, that though he was {ome- times putto the worft, yet he more often prevailed , and giving freedom to fuch prifoners as would embarce his Law , cncorporated them imtobis Army , flrengthning himfelf, and weatning his enemies. Being in fine acom- pleat Conqueror in the field , he affaulted the City of Mecca, took st, and after fome flaughter of the Nobi- lity, his enemies, proclaimed impun:ty to all that wonld acknowledg hima Prophet of God, by whofe favor (as 8 ‘ f he affiymed and apporntment, not by his owa valour, he gt anca had attained to that honor. After this proclamation, Dd = WARY 402 Lifeand Death of Manomert, many for fear of prefent dancer , and apprehenfion of furnre bivdage, more out of ignorance, embraced his belief: 5 and he enjoyed the vain felicity , to fee himfelfe Generall of an Army, Lord of a vaft Coun- try, and to be efteemed, and reverenced ws a Pro- peer. ! | About that time Heraclius the Emperor , difpofing himfelf rather to improve the Herefie of the Mono- thelites, thew to defend the Confines of the Empire, no! only permitted Mahomet to dominecve in Arabia, but zave advantage te Cofsoes the Perfian King, to invade his dominions : but at length awakened by the alarmes of fo puifjant an. Enemy , levied a [trong Are ‘save hee MP and fummoned the * Saracens (a people fo,called nifcsin [10 their inhabiting the Defart) .t0 his afeiftance the theit tongue Perfian wamyuifhed, and the Savacens ex, ecting the re aa falarie of their labors , and with Jome importumity de- habit. _ manding it, were anfwered, that the Emperor had not aga fuffictent Treafure to pay the Chriftian 7; roops . and "therefore thofe Heathen Dogs muft attend the conveni- enty of thetr Prince. lncenfed by this contempt , they retired , and marched by the way of Afirick , where finding Mahomet bafie to enlarge his Pomer , he ag- gravated their difcontents , affirming it to be the will of God, thatall men fhould enjay their Liberty , that Ged was offended ax their oppre{iions , and willéd them to oppofe the tyranpy 0; the Chriftians, aud that who- foever dyed 11 that holy. Warre , bis fowl fhould be in- fiantly tranfported to Paradife. Thefe motives raifed them toa refolution of making defettien’. [o that they officers a xe The Life and Death of Mauo wer. Officers (who were flaimin demanding it) of their lives; After this att, the whole Province, with that of Egypr, revolted , and the people generally efleeming the fic- cefs of Mahomets armes (which he was diligent to employ) as a [ure te(timony of the goodnels of brs Canife, embraced his Religion. Heraclius having neglected to firangle thw rebellion in its birth , enteavoured to extinguilh it , being now growne to confiderable firength ; and to that end fent an Army under the conduct of Theodofius hi Favorite:; his Army was twiceoverthrown , the Gentrall lain; and the Mahometans purfiuing their vittories, took from the Greeks , the Countries of Egypt, Syria, and other Provinees of Affrica, where Mahomet encreafed his Triumphs and erected his Trophies. Being now grown impotent, rather thraugh his inor- dinate life, then burthen of years, he retired full of glo- ry , as. a King and Prophet, to Mecca, where he refolved toend his dayes, having affirmed it in the Alcoran to be the moft holy City of the world : as that where~ in flood the Temple o Abraham , built miraculoufly by Angels, to be the Sanctuary of allthat repair tht- ther in Pilgrimage. And. therefore it was, that when he had by his Armies taken the City of Antioch , he durft not enter into it im perfor, left by the delight full aud fervile [cituationof it , he fhould have heen enticed todefert Mecca , and contradict his owm Prophecie. His life now drawing to a period, a Plurifie furpriwed him, On the feventh day, for Crifis of his difeale, he became frantique, ‘aly, ave of hes fuccefjors. aftonsfht at his diftemper and frenzie, not efteeming it one af the are qualitie Prophet, and Redcemer (a he filed rare qualities of a _—, onfelf 403 * June. Te Life and Death of MaHomer. ' himfelfe) of fo much people, derided him, yet willing to continue his Lav , that he might inherit his Pomer, carefuily concealed it, and according to his commands ( yer living ) watched his body after his deceafe, For he told his followers that he fhould rife again the. thirdday, and afcendto Heaven. They obferued this, and guard- ing his Corps four days entire, with impaticat expecta- tion of his Refurrection, were at length compelled, by rea- fon of its putrifaction , totake him up, and bury him at Medina , where bis Reliques are annually vifited by the {uperftitious Pilgrims of his Religion, Thus Mahomet, the Prophet of the Turks , and An- thor of the Alcoran, dyed on the twelfe day of the Moneth™ Rabes, in the great climatericall year of bis Age, having abufed men with his horrible impoffures, fulta3. years, dwelling in the eftcena of a Prophet; ten at Mecca, and thirteen at Medina. Hs coming was fome years after the year of our Saviour 600. Hera- clius being Emperor at Conftantinople, Sadinion Bi- fhopof Rome, Clotaire King of France , Viterie of Spain, and Edbald of England, He was of fature not tall, large finnews, brown colour , and broad face, bis head disproportioned to his Body : yet may we well ima- gine the beauty of: bis body to furpaffe that of his minde, which was full of deceit, vicious and cruell,never [paring any thing to advance his Luft ( in which he equalled him- [elf to forty men) or to procure his revenge. He was (as himfelf confelfcd) altogether iltiterate,and though by na- ture fubtile, and quick-witted, yet often pufled for the in- vention of delufive Miracles , to confirm the Arabians intheir Belicf. For he continually preached to them,that God hat fent him to confirm his Law by force of te + a REY IE nn me eae The Life and Dewh of Man oNey, 40; - : eee ake ee and not by Miracles y yet the people inflantly demanding them, as figns of bis Mifion , he was confiraincd firft 10 tell them of a certain voyage to Heaven , which was briefly thus. The Angel Gabriel, with threefcore and ten pair of wings, came toh.m bynight, ashe was in bed with his wife Aifla, told him God had ent for him, he going down with this Angel, found at his-doore an Heterogeneous Beaft, called Elborach, half Affe, half Mule, but much fwifter then either :( for it would koe as far at one flep as the moft quick-fighted could fee) this Beaft, or believer of the Alcoran, would. not let Maho- met moxnt him, unle[s he would firft promife to pray for him , which the charitable Prophet did, and was in the tminckling of an eye brought by him to Jerufalem , wherethe Angel Gabriel tyed the Beaft with his girdle to arock, and taking Mahomet on his fhoulders, carri- ed him to Heaven-gate. They knocked , and-the Porter underftanding Mahomet to be there, inftantly opened, and bade hims welcome ; In this firft Heaven he (aw An- gels, of divers and monftrous fbapes , fome compaled of fire and fnow, others of fire alone, every of them d-vir- ly fhaped , among the reft, one with the head of a Cock, whofe feet touched one Heaven, and head ancther'( each Heaven being diftant fromthe. other , a voyage of fve hundred years) and when he crowes (which w bes lane guage) he moves the Cocks of the Earth to crow: This Angel recommended him to another, he to athird, and [0 oxeto another, untill he came tothe Heaven , where God kept his refidence. God curteoufly received him > asked him how his people did , how they entertained Ags» Law , and familtarly laid his hand “pee his fhoulder , which was fo cold, that it pierced to the marrow of his Dd 3 back- ~ back-bone. God had foon done with him,only telling him how often his people fhould make their prayers , which mere fo many, that as he was returning, i the fourth Heaven , Motes advifed him to gee back to God > and catreat him that fewer prayers might ferve his turn > fr his people were not able to make fo many; which he did, and after many returns, brought the number to five. This done, he went back to his Elborach , which in a moment brought him to his houfe in Mecca, where he went to bed again to his wife, [he not once dreaming her husband would leave Heaven for her company , or thinking he had been there 5 all this he performed in the tenth part of a night. The Turks at this day fondly be- - Lievethis as ateuth, but the Arabians of his. time re- quiring him to do as much in their view, he (unwilling totake again fo long a journey) replyed, Praifed be God, 1 am man, and an Apoftle. He had other fights, which in fight of the people, by Art or § orcery he performed, and they flupidly believed, and entertained a, miracles: as 4 Pigecn being by him tan cht to come and pick a Peale out of bis ear, he told them it was the Holy Ghoft that came to tel bim what God would have him do; foan Ox brought him a Chapter of the Aleoran “pon bis horns,in a full a- feably, He likewife perfwaded them, that being at din- ner at the houfe of one that pretended ta be his friend (who had an intent to porfon him, or he at leaft was [0 infor- med) a fboulder of mution ferved in to the T able forewar- ned him that be foould not eat efit. and thaugh many mere pr efent,none byt he heard or underftoad the language Of themurton, sy 2¢ he perm:tred one of his deareft friends t0¢ateof it, and.die im oyfoned. Such. and many of the Like nature mere-hjs miracles: As the bowing of trees, fhaken oo 'The Life and Death of Manon . fraken by fome fudden guft of winde, the howling of Wolves,and bi aying of Alfes which ts the r language, de- firing Mahomet to pray for them; and he. Prop! eticalty underfianding, as religioufly performed. Hts cuftom was oftento inculcate into the ears of his Auditors, that God gave him comm: {ion tafulfil his owndefires in all things. and to that purpofe introduceth God {peaking to him. To thee, O Prophet! It w permitted to lye with all women that are given thee, or thou doft purchafe, thy Aunts and kindred, and all good women that freely defire thy com- pany, and this s lawfull for thee alone. His iffue was one only Son, called Caflim, who died before him, and many daughters, Fatione the eldeft ( inhigh efteem at this day among the Arabians , and honoured as the royall root of AbenAlabecy\was wife to Haly.Zeinebthe fecond,was married to O{men, after fonte Mahuvias,and perhaps to both {uccelfively for they both fucceeded inthe Empire of Arabia;to her ¢: attributed the original of the other family of Aben Humeia. Imiaultim and Naphifle are diver (ly mentioned by the moft faithful Hiftorians-fome delivering them as his daughters, others as his near kindred. onthe Seal which he ufed,were engraven thefe words, Mahomet, Meffenger of God. Heaven ordained him to be a feourge forthe punifhment of Chriftians, who in multitudes at that time had forfaken the truth, to follow the Sects and Herefies of the Arrians, Donatifts, Neftorians, and o- thers. The diy of his death was no les prodigious, then the courfe of his life, a Comet, refembling aword, appearing at high noon, pointing frem South to North, whew it was beheld the [pace of thirty dayes, which that age interpre- ted to portend the fatall rifing and {pendor of the Axa- big Empire. ‘ FINIS. or Admonition for them who defire to know what ufé may be made of, or if there be danger in reading the Alcoran, by Alexander Rofs, AWN 90d Reader, the great Arabian Tonpoffor HOW ak RS laft after a thoxfand years. by the way of France S «rived in england, his Aleoran,or galimmaufry Sof Errors Brows deformed as the Parent, avd S as fooll of herefies, as his (call heed wax of fenvffe) hath learned +0 jpeak, Englith, Suppofe this pitce ts expofed by the Tranflator to the public R view, no orberwile then (ome Abie fler bronght out of Aftica, for people to gaee, wot to dere RDOR dnd \as the fight of a Monfter or milbeper creature Soordldadnce the beholder to praife God, Who huth wot masle digs och; fo foowlbet the reatling of this Alcoran excite us both to ble|s Gods pooelie/> towards ns tn this Land, who enjoy the ploriows Light of the Gofpel, ated behold the truth in the beanty of holinefs ; xs allo to admire Giods Pudgments, who faffers fa wendy Cornbreys tobe blinded and tAflaved with this, mifpapen affue: of Mahomers brain, being brought forth by the helpofne. asler Adel wifty then of a Pow aii aNeltorian making afe of tame Pigeon (which he budrangln to Prk corm otet-of his Burs) in fread of the boty Ghofamd cavifing ily people. to betiowes-hect tne tis fallin fiokswe]s (v0 Whit he Wiss wiuchfeebyect,). dve boed conference Yeith ve wee! Gabriel. ee : Theo the poblifiring uf tbe loot may ibe Wo Yori? danier dis sind {Gnmdntowsdangerotes bo the Reuter, emmibsiborn Yo the big ber Ee powers, powers, who notwithftanding have cleared themfelves by d:fliking the pablifhing, and queftioning the publifhers thereof-; but for thedanger,I Will deliver in thefe en[usng Propofitions my opinion, yet with fubmiffion to Wwifer judgments. t. Though it may be dangerous to {uch a Tike reedes are foaken, and like empty clouds carried about with every winde of dottrin, yet to ftaid and folid Chriftians, the reading of Mahomets Herefies will be no more dangerous, then the reading of thofe er- rors Which are recorded in Scripture, for in them are mentioned many damnable errors and abominations of the Egyptians, Cana- nites, Hittites, Sidonians, axd other Gentiles,and of the Hebtews themfelves , of the Sadduces Who denied Spirits, Angels, and the Refurrettion. 2. Is there more danger in reading the Aleotan,then in reading the Errors of ancient and modern Hereticks? furely Tertuliian Ireneus, Epiphanius, Aultin, asd other Fathers were not of this opinion,who have left upon record to pofterity ,thedamnable herefies of Arians, Eutychians,Neftorians,Macedontans, and others + and” in the Alcoran there are not [uch dangerous errors as amongthe Tetratheites; Angelites, aed. Cheodofians, whoheld there Were four Gods,or.the Tritheitesswho affirmed there were three, or the Gnofticks, Manicheans, Cerdonians, Marcionites, whe main- tained there were twocontrary gods, the one good, the orher bad, whereas the Alcoran fets downthere is but one. trueGod; and al= though it denieth With Arius, the Divinity of Chrifty yerit holds himagreat Prophet; nor doth it (peak. fo blalphemonfly of Chrift as theSimonians; who held Simon Magus, or the Ophites, and Manicheans, Who (aid, the Serpent was.Chrift, or Menander, whe affirmed bimfelf to.be Chrift, aad the. Saviour of the world. Be fides sare not the damnable Herefies of the modern Familitts, who deny Chrifts Divinity, making as many Chrifts as there be ill minatea ldersin their Congregations ? are not alfo the Herefie of the Socinians, Antitrinitarians, Adamites, Servetians, Anti- fabbatarians, and many ethers expofedto the view of alk that wil read them? why then may not the Alcoran? Befides, are mende> barred from reading the Greek and Latine Poets? nay, are nit many of thens sranflated into ovr Englifs tongue?.as alfo the = ern : tense Petetiveshed BAF ; peccinnnnasiata tities I ae oti dern Hifterses of the Baft- and Weft Indies, wherein aremore dam. nable.tenets then any,in the Alcoran, and they who have read. the Jewith Talmud, and Cabala, will finde themas ridiculons pieces as the Alcoran. 3 Ifthere were any loveline/s, beauty, excellency, orany thing el[e in the Alcoran that might Yin the minde, and draw the afe fection after it, I foould»hold the redding of it dangerous, but whereas st u [uch a mifbapen and deformed piece, I think the rea- ding of it will confirm us in the truth, and caufe us love the § crip- ture [o mach the more: for as a beautifull body 1s never. more love- ly then when fhe ts. placed neer a. Black. More, neither ts truih more amiable. then When it 1s befet With Errors. Oppotita uxta fe pofita clarius elucefcunt, the Gem receives luftre from the fuile, the ftars from the night,c fire is moft-[corchin ig in Froft,even{o by an Antiperiftafis truth i fortified by error Who can think.that the Sight of a Hob-Goblin, or deformed vizard phould draw the childe from the Nur{e or breft of the Mother to embrace it, Whereas the fight thereof will rather canfe the child hold fafter by the mother. The wife Spattans oft-times brought drunkards into the room. where their fons Were, not that they fhould be induced thereby to love, but to abbor drunkenne{s, which they could not have. done, had they not feen the unfeemly.and rude carria ge, the undecent be- haviour, and uncompofed geftures of the drunkard. When Zifca bad deftroyed the Adamits of Bohemia hepreferved two alive that they might reveal to the World the Wicked errors of that Sel. Who 2 fo mad as to prefer the embracements of a. filthy Baboon, to. his beautifull Miftre{s, or the bra iying of an wA/stoa( onfort of Mufick.? he deferves the ears. of Midas that will prefer the Cuckges fong to the (weet notes of the Nightingale, 4+ Though the Alcoran be received among many Nations, yet this reception proceeds uot from any love they bear to it or any love- line{sthey finde in it, bur partly out of fear, being forced by the Sword, partly out of a prepofterous defire of liberty and preferment, and partly out of ignorance, as not being {uff ered to read the Scrip - tures. nor to hear Philofophy, by which the errors shereof may be detetled, nor to enquire into the ab(urditces thereof, or to, difpute and queftion any thing in it : for Which caufe alfa it 1 not fuffer 4 ; Best to be Pritited, wor are leiffiaus permitted to enter into Mecca, leaf their abfierdities and impieties of their Religion Prould be manifefted, and thus are vhofe fiky fouls kept in blindnels and ig. norance, and therefore I never read that any Nation did volunty- riby receive the Nicoran excepe the rheevs/® Saracens of Arabia, becanfe it Wasa friend boely to thei theevery and! lechery, as permitting mealriplicity of Wives ana C’ oncubins, and « reward for thofe.that fhall murther and rob. ) 5. Lhe Alcoran % tranflured into French aed erber wuloay Tongues, and the chief heads thereof by Punchas in hes Pilgrimage, by Helin in bs Geography, and by others into onr own tongue Without ferple or exception ; and Ppray you, why 2s the Rrabick tongue, the languageof that falfe Prophet, unt in which he writ bis Alcoran, (o much learned-and tancht in Schools and Chriftian Fniverfities, bur that by it we may come. tothe knowledeof Mas homets Laws and Religion ? and how fhould we know rhistitele born in Daniel rhar/pake high and'proud things acainft the Als mighty, if We read-not bis life and dottrine ? 6. There 13 a kindo of neceffity We Prould know evilasWerar good, falfhoodas wellas truth, that Wwe may avoidtheone, and’ fe much more love rhe other 3 he- that bath fmelled'a Pinking weede will (mell with moredelitht the [weer Rofe; he that reades rhe AY coran Will finde: it {mellWwor/e then Mahomets carka/? did, which after hts death lay putrifying upon the ground, which his dilciples permitted for many dayes together, hoping he would have been as. good as bis word, who made them u promife thar hevonldrife a gain thethird day ; butat laft finding-he had forgot. himfelf, and that his. body (melled nor fo /weeras Alexanders did after his death, they were forced'ta bury it; or otherwayes the dogs Who were beginning to bury himin their guts had (aved thema labour ; though Suger be {Wweet in st (elf, yet it is much more [meet to him that hath tafted eAlloes, and though Valy init [elf be a delicious Conntrey, and garden of the World; yer it 1s much maredelightful, pleafant, and beautifull, to him Who hath palfed over the mounta- - nous, cragoy, andrugged Alpes : Didnot the Prodigal love the bread of his fathers houfe evermore the better after he had been fedion tasks With jmine? donbtle(s We foal finde, that after We ~ have ee) ied Menem oes have fed a While upon the courfe bushs of the Alcoran, with rhe Arabian (wine, We Ball with much more eagerne/s cavet after the plenty of our Fathers houfe, exhibited to us in his Word, Where We Seal finde the hidden ‘Manna, the bread of Life, that came down from heaven. 7» Books of Palmifiry, Phyfoguomy, judicial! Aftrologie, Ne- cromancy, and other (uperftitious and impious Arts have been per- mitted to come abroad, that men might fee the vanity of rho/e Arts, theknavery and wickedne/s of the Artiffs, the foolsPne/s of credi:lous people, who fuffer themfelves to be deluded by them, and the malice of Satan the arch enemy of mankinde, Whofe de. hight .to.abufe, delude, and deftroy meu : why then may not rhe Alcoran be read, that mun may [ec the vanity, impiety, and foo. lifenels of it, bywhich the World hath been (o many years cheated and abufed ? 8) They that learn Arts ‘and Sciences, defire the knowledg, not only of the good things,bur of the evil things alfo,and the abufes of them, to the end they may avoid them ; therefore Logick [peaks as Well. of fophifticall and fallacious [ylogifmes, as of demoujjra- tive and topical’, Ethics treats of vices as Well as of vertues ; Natural Philofophy handleth the natures, not onty of n[cfisl and beneficial creatures, but alfo of hurtful and.venomous, as of Ser- pents; Phy/ick peaks, of poyfans as Well as of cures ; Hifforians defcribe both the vertuens and vicious attions of Princess in Divinity We learn,pot only what God and good Angels are,but al- [what Sathan is and his wicked Angels; in Navigation we muft know, uot only what places are Navigable, but alfo whiat are not; how foal. we avoid Rocks, Quick. fands and Shelves ifwe know them not? even fo.Chriftian Religion permits not only the reading : of Scripture, but alfo of heretical and hearhenifh books, as is [aid, that We may know What to embrace, what to fun ; therefore if jou Would know What. be the. damnable errors to be avoided by Chriftians, readthe M\coran, and you foall finde in it the finke of all, or moft part of ancient herefies. : 9. Inreading of the Alcoran, though it be,, as Caro [aid of the three Roman Embuffadors, that were to go to Antiochus, . headle(s, heartle{s, and footlefs, the fess being maimed in his ee e 3 : ee ? the feconda fool, and. the third lame in his feet, fay, though it he without head or tail, asweufeto [peak being immethodicall - and confufed, contradsttory in many things, written ina rade Language. the Author himfelf being no Linguift or Scholer, nay, not able to read or write, thoxgh alfo it confift of lyes and [enfle(s follies, yet this benefit we may reap ; I fay, in reading of it, that we fall be forced te admire and praife the goodne[s of God towards #8 Chriftians.who having (uffered a greatpart of the world to fit in the valley of the foadow of death, to be oppreffed with Cimmerian, yea more then palpable Egyptian darkne/s, hath placed us in the Temple, where Wwe have the golden Candleftick of his Word, and a slearer and more durable Lamp then that of salomons Temple, yea eventhe Sun of righteou{nes foining upow us in the land of Gothan, Whil/? 4 great part of the World doth followthe Antin chriftian beaft, we follow the Lamb upon mount Sion ; While they hear the voyce of Satyres, Oftrages, and Schrich-Owls, We hear the voice of the Turtle, and the Songs of Sion in our own Land: whilft they feed on husks with (Wine, and drink, the corrupted pide dles of Mahomets inventions, we are fed With Angels foodand eat celeftiall Manna, and drink of the pure river of life. clear as cryftall : Again, we may tremble at the reading of this Aleoran, When We confider the feversty of Gods Judgments, and the fierce nes of his anger, Who for the contempt of his Gafpel, inthofe Countries Where Mahomet worfhipped, hath [uffered fo many millions of people to be deluded, blinded, abufed. andinflaved by that falfe Prophet, to believe his les, and by loathing the {weet Evangelical Manna, to devour greedily the porfonable quailes of hes dottrine, and with it the wrath of God which hath faln on them, whilf? the flefh 1s between their teeth, fo that they muft needs perifh everlaftingly. Who would have thought that thofe Countreys which Were honored by Gods own prefence, by the Ora cles of the Prophets, by the prefence, miracles, and preaching of Chrift, by the planting of the Apoftles, by the blood of fo many Martyrs, foould be thus befotted, and enflaved by the tyranny of this grand Impoftor? hen we think.on thofe things, let us work, ost our falvation with fear and trembling, andlet hiss who thinks he flandeth take heed leaft he fal : they Were got greater finners ; thew ; 4 vt rec] | EE EL EEE sora) then we; therefore donbtle[s except we repent We foall all likewi(e perifh ; the remiffnes of Heraclius Government, his falling into the herefie_of the Monothelites, the contempt of the Go/pel, the flighting of the Paftors, the Wickedne/s of the people, the continual Schifmsyrents, jars, and divsfions of their Churches, were both the cat[es and occafions of thefe miferies Which have fala upon them ; let xs take heed then we be not partakers of their fins, leaft we alfo partakeof their plagues. ' 10, The reading of the Alcoran Will enable us to beat Maho- met with his own. Weapons, to cut off the head of this Goliah with his own {word, and to Wound this unclean bird with quils pickt out of bis own Wings, for even unwittingly and unwillingly he is forced to acknowledg many truths of Chriftian Religion, in affir- ming there is but one true God the Creator of all things, and though he goeth about to overthrow the dottrine of the Trinity, yet he doth plainly confirme it ; when he [peaks of God of the Word,and of the Spirit, Which three indeed are one in effence, though diftintt in [ubjiftence;though he laboureth to overthrow the Gofpel, yet he confirms it, when hecallsit good,fullyzight, alight, and a guide to (alwation. for +f it be full, good, &c. what need was then of his Alcoran ? and though he indeavoreth to overthrow Chrifts Divi- nity with Arius and Neftorius, andthe Jews his ghoftly fathers, yet he affirms it, in-calling (rift the Word ; for as the internal Word of the minde is coeternal With the minde, fo is Chrift the Word of his Father, coeternal with the Father ; he eftablifbeth alfo the Article of (brifts (Conception and Nativity, affirming bim to be conceived by the hely Ghoff, and born of theVirgin Mary, whom-heconfeffeth to have been a pure Virgin, both before and after Chrifts birth: fo he confirms the Article of Chrifts afcention into heaven, and divers other points of Chriftianity, te whom we are more beholding for bis reverend efteem of Chrift, then the Fews who revile and blafpheme bim. 11, In reading the Alcoran, thongh We finde much dung, yet in 3 We foall mect with [ome gold, as Vitgildid in reading of Ennius his Verfes, Efops Cock. found a precious flone in a. dunghill § where ts much drofs fome pure mettal will be found: even [>in the dirt of the Alcotan yor. frall finde some jewels of Clarifier UEVEHES apeadt Mm belasete soba bese Ee aniewed : andindeed if Chriftians will bat ditigently rend thd ob- ferve the Lites and Fijfortes of the Mahiometans, they may ‘bluf> to [ee bow xealoms they are ta the Works oF devotion, piety, and charity, bow devout, cleanly and reverend in their Mo/gnes, how obedient to their Priefts, rhat even the great T; ark bimfelf will attempt nothing without confulting bis Mufti, how tare- ful are they to obferve their hours of prayer five times a day Where ever they are, or however *imployed ¢ bow conjtantly do they ob- ferve their Fafts from morning till night a Whole moxeth toge- ther?how loving and charitable the Muflemans ure to each other, and how carefull of firangers, may be [een by their Holpitals, both for the poor and for travellers : if we obferve their jujtite, compe vance, and other morall vertues, we may truly blah at our on coldnels, both in devotion and charity, at oar injajPice. tnrempe- runce,and oppreffion, dowble/s thefe men Will ¥i/c up vn judgement againft ts; and farely their devotion, piety, andl works of mercy are waine Caufes of the growth of Anbomnrifin, and onthe con trary, our weglect of Religion, and loofe/s of conver{ation, it tmaime bittdrdnce ro the tn-renfe of Chripianity — ot 40h Dame that they oould read over their Alcoran onte every month, and We fearce read over the Bible in all onr life ? that they fhall give Such reverence to rheir Alcotan, 4s to honor the very Camel thar carried it to Mecca, andl to Tay ap for holy relignes the napkins and handlkerchichs that rubbed off the /went from his sRin;und we fall prefer lalcsorons Potms, and witnton Billads to the [atred word of eAlimghry Coa: do we nor rake our elves wiewmerehy of fuuch an ineftimsuble rrekfure ? 12. The Tirks a2 ‘owe weiyhbors, ana their "T vritorits bor- ier wport the dominions of Cbriftendom : there have been contin all Weis, nd Will be frill Bers cow te, T conbepnerh every Chri- tite who takes confctente of brs walyes to eRamine the caufe, and to look into the eromnds OF rhis ekr, wherher they be juft or Hot, WhICh canoe be Lawn bur by veulliay Phe AYcorah, in which we fee the Mahothetins to be rhe theDries of the CPo/s of Chril, Swaen ink bit Deiith wa of bi? Dvvinity Alfotn thar they deny bis GoiitNa: te PVF MMe To many Pall ndes ‘da it Repro nant to, and Weiies Of CWARG Ds Phew ub att Pivitow Princes are boun i) "pPranes tr ipeqegupeaveiiey ce Qebepeny eprgesiayy ncn bound.to oppole the enemies thereof; after the example of Eujth, invit thofe glorious Eusperors, Conftantine, who made war againjt Coll. 1.9, the Freatherm.Princes, Maxentius, Maximinus and Licinitis; of Theodofius. the elder. againft the Tyrant Eugenius the worfhipper of Hercules, of Theodofius the yenger againf? the 9. Hift, Theodl.§.0.%%. Sacrat.l.c.7,18 Aug, l, 5.de Saracens, of Honorius againft the Goths, a4 exemies of Ute deiceng, Chrift, by whofe affiftance they got notable -vittories, and glo. rious. triumphs. uae ers 13. We sannot do better fervice to our Countrimen, nor offer a greater affront to the Mahometans, then to bring out to the open view of all, the blinde Sampfons of their Alcoran, which bath maftered fo many Nations, that we may laugh at #t,0f Which even their own Wife men.are albamed, and are ferry it fhould be tranflated into any other language, for they are unwilling that their grand Hypocrite fhould be unmasked, or that the vifard of his pretended holine[s fhould be taken off, whofe filthy nakedne[s muft appear When he is devefted : they know that Words and werksof darkne[s cannot enddre the “ighty-Ereprsamg; imimiio lumine Manes, the infernal Ghofis tremble at any glimpfe of light ; andthe wilde beafts return to their dens, faith David, when the. morning ap- pears , not daring to feek their prey but in the dark night of ignorance ; ‘this great thief Mahomet hath ° deffroy- ed many thoufands, and under the Lyons skiny this vfs hath righted hes beaftly minded Saracens, therefore let ns take away the ring from this. Giges, by which he hath made himfelf invifible, and let us with Hercules, pull out this thee- ving Cacus out of his dark, den where he ufeth to hide and Shelter himfelf, and. expofe his deformed carkafs to the ‘pub- heck view, that we may. wonder at it : and in detetting hes er- rors, We follow the pratlife of (brist, who difcovered to the world the damnable Tenets of the Scribes, Pharifees, Hypo ‘ orites, Cone wt: The Turks gre pr epop rv ei in Ng ay tag for the Pfal 10; 4. Vt jugulent homines [ure gunt de notte latvones, Mat. 43+ 5 fe. be Rey;.20 converfien, or perverfion rather, ¢ \f Chriftians to their irreli. gions Religion, they pray heartily, and euery day in their Temples, that. Chriftsans. may imbarce .the Alcoran, and become their Profolytes, in effetting of Which they leave no means unaffaied by, fear and flattery , by punifiments and’ rewards; no, % ity fitting that they ip charity andixeaf foould exceed us? Weare bound to pray, andindénvorheursily for their converfion, from dirkune’s to light from error to truth, dar how. thall we do this, if we, know not the dan- gerous and damsable eftate theyarein, which We cannot know but byreading their Alcoran ? 15. Inreading the Alcoran we hall [ee what i the force of uperftition, and with What vielénce men. are carried bead long, in. the defence. and maintenance even of the mot abjird: and impious opinions; what, Hecuba is. more. deformed ‘thew the Alcoxan ? yet bow, do the Tarks fight and firuggle, toil and care; hazard life. and liberty, effates andall for ity as if it Were the moft beautiful Releria in’ che world) thele mem caunot endure the Image of Chriff, or ofa Saint inthe Temples, calling this Idolatry, and yet. they are, the greatel Hdolaters in the world themf{elves, for uever was thtre [ach an.Idal_ as the Alcoran,. 2a, max miefttouch it, till fir[t he be- walbed,.and that being done, he mnft not touch it. With bis naked bands, but Vvith a clean linen cloth; the Prieff mufi-Rifs. ity and bow tait.; he mult when he reads in it hold it up om high, for it w afin to hold it lower then his girdle: Every pitce of: paperthat a Turk fizdes be muft fe reverendly, because the Alcoran. 4. Written in_ paper, the Adule that carries it t¢ Mecca +s beld in great vexeration, fothat he or- fhe 15 fanthified all the. year after that can but touch him, and that hasdkare chief which wipeth off bis [wears a holy reliqne : thus da they frrain at a gnat and [wallow a Camel. 16. In reading the Alcoran c& Turkith Story,We all [ee whe were Gog and Magog that made war again/t the Saints, ge? thet d Gog, becuufe they mere bid-and unknown a tong time, idvid the ar. facens, who Were a knownpeople, andthe OPth enemies of the Church, therefore called Magog 3 théfe treache, ately cans bined together, oppreffed fir the Perfians, and atterWard the Greek Empire, With the famous. Ghurches of Alia, Cite ece, and Eeypt; Wwe jrall alla finde that bythe Star Which fel from Leaven,. and opened the bottomle/s pit, Whofe fmoke darkued-the Sun, and -out of which came the Locafts , whefe terror is de/cribed £9: St. J obn, is measit Mahomet shat great efireyer, as his xame fgnifieth , vnfwering. to: the-nanie Appolly on, and Abaddon:. for weveromas there fuch a de- Jtroyer, Who by bis peftilent doblrine path defiroyed Souls, and by the ford of ‘his Locufishath defiroyed bodies and ruinated [o-many goodly. Countries. fo many jo Diny 17. Uf you will take a brief view of the Alcoran you fLall finde ita hodg-podge made up of thefe four ingredients, 1 OF Ccntraditivonse2.-OF Blafphemie. 3.Of Yidiewlous Fables, 4 Of Lyes : firft, of Contraditlsons he derh ordinarily fay, and unfay the fame thing ;.one while. he tells us, that he was the firft that ever entred-inte Paradife, and elfewhere ‘ye Sayes he found menand women there 3 fometimes he affirms that Jews aud-Chriftians foal be faved-hy their own Keligion, and Sometimes again that none. canbe faved Khoembrace aot his Alcoran ; Jz oxe place folloming. the Opimon of Origen, or rather of the Orizenils he affirmed thar all the devils Phalt be faved; in another place he faithonly thofe devils pail be Sa- ved ho hearken to » and obey his Mcoran: Secondly , of Blafphemy, for he blafphemeth Godd,in Saying that he prayeth for Makmer, intimating hereby that he isinfericr to thut God he prayeth to; he makes God allo {wear by Flies, worms, and [uch baje creatures, astf bewere their iaferiour, Whereas’ God haviug none creater then brmfelf, {wears only by \himfelf; He blalphemes the Father, in fayinge he cannot havea Son, be-" Caufehe is not married, as if there were weother generation F £ 2 but ee the Turks:an obfcure peaple.of Scythia, therefore calle 5 alapurarer= but What is carnal; be bla/phemes the Son With Arivs,in deny- ing. his Divinity; be bla[phemes the holy Ghoft with Macedoni- usa firming him to'be the Creature of acreatureshe blasphemes God alfo, in makjng him the Author of his Aleoran, bragging that his name is written upon the Throne of God, in that he is the greateft of the Prophets, who hath more kyowledg then ull the men and Angels of the world : and many other brarging words be uttereth of himfelf, by which We may fee he is that little horn: which [purng up among the jten horns of the great- and terrible beaft of the Roman Empire, deftroying three of the Roman. horus, towit, the Afians, Grecians; and Bgyp- tians ; this is the horn that bath many eyes, as being crafty and vigilant, but his mouth {peaks proud things, in blaspheming and bragging, as we have heard. Thirdly, of ridiculous Stories, ana Which are more unfavery then the Golden Legend, or Lucians true Narrations ; hetels us that he divided once the Moon, one half whereof fellinto-his lap, ( this was not then the Man inthe Moon, but the Moon in the Man) the other on the ground 3 thele tivo pieces he fouldred again... Perhaps in memory of this Lying miracle,the Turksufe yer the half Moon for their Arms: He tels us of a great army of men and Angels raifed by Salo mon,bat much hindred in their march by an army of Flies,~wbich Salomon rebuked, where we have awitlefs conference between Salomon and the Fly she tels you ftrange Story of Noahs Ark, how there the Hog was generated of the Elephants dung, and a Rat of the Hogs dung, which gnawing-ahole in the Ark. at which Noah was affrighted;he touching the Lienon theforehead, out of Whole. brains leaped out a Cat, (as Minerva did ont of Jupicers) which caufed the Rat torun away: this 18 Philofophy indeed for a Hog Fourthly, of Eyes, for he belyeth God, in making him author of his impietie and herefies ; We belyes ( brift, in faying be Wasconceived by the (nell of a Rofe: he be: Leth theholy Ghof?, in afir ming that he inspired Mahomet towrite the Alcoran 3 be belyeth the Virem Mary, calling ber the daughter of Amram, and fifter of Moles, confounding her With Mariam, whereas there were fo weany generations between ; he. c te rr hebelyeth the Gosfel, in Saying it is corrupted by Chriftians hebelyeth Chriftians, when he faith they Wor {hip many gods, and that they giveto God a companion; when they acknowledg the Divimty of Chriftyhe belyeth the Jews in faying they make E- leazer a god ; he belyes the Patriarchs, in faying that Noah, A- } braham, lfaac, and Jacob believed his Alcoran, being (0 many thenfand yearssbefore he mwas born, or his Alcoran had Any ex- iftance ; he belyes alfo. the Apoftles, in making them his Schol- lers, who lived neer fix hundred years before he Yeas born : by all which we may fee WwhoWwas the Compiler of this Alcoran, not ti the God of Truth; but the Father of Lyes; not Chrift and his eApufiles, Whofe weapons in propagating the. Gospel, Were powerfull preaching miracles, and patience in (uffering; not the Sword,the chief means that Mahomet ufeth to force his Alcoran, an tofirument forbid by Chrift, but ufed by him who hath been a murtherer from the beginning 5 but Iwill not take upon me the taskof refuting the Alcoran, being already refuted by. Canta- cuzenus, Richardus rhe Atonk, Cula the Cardinal, WW oodman- ftadius,Savanorota and others, I only thought eood, upon in- treaty of fome learned and religious men, to prefix this brief Ca- < | weat, that the Reader might bethe better armed. to encounter with any rub or difficulty. he foall meet With in’ the reading thereof. But before I end, give me leave taclear my (elf a- Lain in thy point ; that it is not my meaning all fhould have-the liberty to read the Alcoran promijcuoufly. I know with the Apoftle, that though all things be lawfull, yet all things are not expedient, there are children as well as men in under ftanding ; _ othe Nurfe may-ufethat knife which the childe may not, and that é [Word which may without danger be handled by a Jober man,cam not Without danger be touched by a madman ; there are as Well queafie as Strong flomacks, and hat is meat to the one ma be venome to the otber ; though Mithridates could Without hurt eat poyfon, otbers may not prejume to efcape fo; it ts LaYefull for any to look upon a monjler, but it ts wot expedient for concei- Ving women; that iron which mn Oftrich candigeft, may de- firey the flomack of other creatures ; how many have been de- Ef 3 ceived ~ : iN ceived in gathering Hemlock for Parfly? It tnor for every manto meddle with Apothecaries drugs, he may chance mect with poyfow as.foon as an antidote ; ifall men were likeBees,to | fuckshoney even out of Henbane, there might be wo danger in reading the Alcoran,but moft men are like Spiders Suck securely / poyfan even out of the fweereft Rofes;therefore they only my fare. ly c& Without danger read the Alcoranjmho are intelligent, jddi- cious, learned, and throughly grounded in\piety, and principles of Chriftianity, but weak,, ignerant, intoufantyand difaffetted mindes to the truth, muft not venture to meddle withthis un- hallowed piece left they be polluted with the touch phereof, as they Were who camencer toa leprous body; and if we Wilh not vena ture to gointo an infected houfe Without prefervatives, much le{s foould any dare to reade the Alcoran, that is not fufficient. ly arysed With grace, firength, andknoWledg againft all tenta- tions, God gravt we may walk inthe light of the Gofpet, whileft We have it ,that we may not be overwhelmed with the difmall night of Mahometane darkve/s,. which God may juftly infiithwup- pon ; us fer our fins,rents.and divifionsare no leffer then thofe were of the Greek, and Afatick (Churches. and doubrlefs except me repent We {hall all. perish With them, who for despsfing Gods facred Oracles,arenow taught to reverence every piece of paper they findewhich they.are made believe hal be put under thefeles of their feet when theymalkever the burning grate totheir fools Paradife, as Busbequius in his Epiftle tellsus, who lived long among{t them, andiveas well acquainted With their opiaionts but What have-written here concerning the \\coranye] fabmit tothe judgment and Yvi{dom-of ‘thofewho fitutthe Stern, ana can fee morethenthe Paffengers. - —' FEN: &. - —aa— es i ee” ee er ee ee VW THAIIML For Reference Not to be taken from this room eo