eemrc t martes. + oe FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR WILLIAM OSLER, Barr. OXFORD 7534- In English, on paper: written by Sir A. P. Cooper after 1830: 93x 6} in., 31 leaves. i (foll. 6-13). ‘ Anatomy Bill. AC’; 8 pp. of notes by Sir Astley Cooper (signed ‘ AC’) on the difficulty of procuring bodies for dis- section, with suggestions for revising the provisions of the Bill. He mentions the ‘ Burkings ’"—probably those of 1831 (see Bailey, no. 1888, p. 107). On fol. 7¥ is a rough anatomical sketch. ii (foll. 20-1). Draft of a letter (beginning “My dear Lord Duke ’ and signed ‘ AC’) and of a report, both concerning Mr. Roberts’s preparation for preserving anatomical ma- terial. Fol. 3 is a proof of an engr. portrait, pub- lished 1 May, 1828. 20 leaves are blank. ; Bought from Maggs Bros., Nov. 1913, catal. 317, Ot 3343. A book entitled ‘ Mr. Warburton’s Anatomy Bill .-. With suggestions for an entirely ‘new one, founded upon an available antiseptic process ’ was published by a William Roberts in 1843 (S. Goh). OTs ae, ERS, Sa Sr am ROMA TS Se ay corp. OS el i \ \ { t f ! 7 ae aera PTS taki ‘ i 4 é av 4 } él gp ag Pn / A c= j P ff of ‘ - 1 Sane e ‘ x ahaiianeneed ne 3 1 a : F ¢ De pe: fo ARAL AE 7 > eal oe : er > ST aE anaes ee Mee on slice naan q~ lo t re y S Agro Je tf FS of Jitgert per tgs € Ze 22 Rasen ; | Deak aS Pa am Cates Jin yratlt, — SR wc ns Ulu fora a? $e Lew 7 eB Kor tat fehct Jeet) ise gag ae | S.A play jee d tno allen nth Mrs Lc» tiierer ee A ———— —— ay Vie prwet- teflnra Ai er pee Me 782 2 prec beh pele [ete pleruha ) en ee ee r VA — ft FA ) bee fer — Wr 124 oy farses Gh Erecce hn af Siu om he, wie 38 ary Se a MII he eaabs ee AO sfc S'H¢ “uorjonijsur jo ssodaind oUF TOF S[OOyOS Teorpaur 0} 3JeAO papury eq plnoys peep peurrezo “un FO SoIpoq oy} 7ey} papraord zEgi jo yoy Awozeuy oyT 4*, ; << S9UP0Q aAna0Ag 02 a Op jou aq suiyjaumos fr uau oorpary fo worvonpa juarsyap ay; mort parry Ayonuup 99 110 spunsnoy} ing ‘suryang , quanasd 07 ut JYSNOAQ SYM NIL aYT ,, ‘ydirosnueu oy} ut STH} OF OOUOTOFOI SOYLU IOpIIM VYI, ‘spooyas peorpeut a} 07 SaIpoq peap Tey} Suryas Fo asodand oy} 107 atdoad PeISYJOUS OIL] ULTIMA YIM oy ‘qsinquipy ur eying urer M FO WOHNXe puv yer} pazeIqeyss ay} uo Surmoyjoy ‘yueureryreg oToFod TI & 0} sotter9yor sey 1oded ojoym ayy. : “SeIpoulor SNOTIeA yso8Sns 0} spsec0id usyy oy pue ‘sorpoq Surure;qo ut S}Uepnis pure sjezidsozy Aq psoustiedxa sorynoyrp ay} Tfeyop Ul 7NO sjos JezTIM 9Y} 31 Uy *suoesins ShOuey soul s,pur[suy Jo suo Aq yduosnueu [eoIpay etqenjea vy sor OF ~~... "2-621 “C-N goA8 ‘us “dd $4 uo pourezuo5 "NOILOASSIC TVOIWOL “WNV HO S3IGOgd NWIANH 40 NOILVEND0¥d 94} UO 91noaT popue}ur ue fo Ay}uaprIAs ‘wry Aq yno U9}}IIM sozou [Inf AraA Sureq ‘(S[enIur) GaNDIS 1dlY9SANWW HdVYDOLNY TWNIDINO ‘uoasIng snome,y *“(abgi-ggZ1 “gq Assy ag) AUAdIOOO cree u1og iN a +9 ya ae wn tities temp, me et eae Ce Oc. , S oe ee f+ Oo Mehl fete et) ZZ. oa “fits w a ete i A a a ag EY LTS nes OTE lee # u y = ed J) ie a ay CBee de. edi - mT “nA ee e : Haid. 4 i | ‘gh val ig ; "me | b-. = a SF Me ro er Rl ES PH "2 Lie le ks = RO ee a: | rad EAP ree ine Cg his will confirm Guy"s ownership in the very ai unlikely event of my medical daughter or her heirs ever claiming iti! Pao wt th Leb FS card Osler's notes on Cooper's lectur es (no, 7604 in “Bibliotheca Osleriana", Oxford, 1919, _ it is good to hear from various sources of the prosperous resurrection of the Osler Club, Yours sincerely, i, in tie Frantisg MyDe, Librarian, WWF sed Enel 3+ OSLER LIBRARY, 4 March, 1955, Ry, Cy, Brock, Eagey BeSey PeeOrSa, Guy's Hospital, Sele dy London, neland. « 4 BG Dear Br. Brock, Yes, that sub-seription is certainly in Sir , a iliiam's hand, though “writ large", with unusual eare, ee he aod with a positively uncauny profusion of crossed t's w - ami dotted i's, I can even swear to the genuineness of - the last lime, in spite of the three medial "Greek" o's ) Ae (see and Gazgtte); they drove me to one of his manuscripts aa in which I find two of them in three closely written pages, = The following might but aust not be added te the ae inseription: 4nd with the hearty ac uiescence (after the fact]; of the real owner, Dr. 4, ", Yrancis, grandson of ee aE Titov Aug £4 ‘a Oa ae a i pores y 7 as af t. ; od ; 2 He was how om gory Be yleres a cegewe et - He fact: orient’ ore a? Oot Oe jeeeseag ll JP: ; Mhe. . i ml POt OR ae “a if: . ce ie Fogo a: all Lbatey , - Feast - pant eet av: bert * —hgeoge £ “4 a, wee Ag age + — ' Bag Cedioce uy a ieee « ° er P poole chee te eokte ad > beeeeeey haan $~ ta ecw ai one Ste Fadwhis 1 Pe aa had yp Bt thd, “Che ; % : 3 hag, wx Aer a ope Aa wax ie rete. het vitielt ae o. P We gutta a he vee F4 cae’ Cat Bre Pome tr parton ae OY" ““ Ap tqeae res ro ad “os te CPP LE RES a fevcbalte 7 ey ibvia er aut ge MB pceehealer is are yan e a jAnre new theves , * eg +7 fox worn ot See hi hee, Se he vat ty ted Bae, fee Tecate fi cg A ae Rs a ht ctr oe ae ‘ede -! oi ey Maret TROT I EET Sr P| i =i oo" = ETT + Fle heey En oe ae Le