FISH Essential in healthy diet. Speaking Mey at the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick recently the Honorable Dr. Roberts, who has the distinction of being the first Minister of Health in the British Empire, made the follow- ing remarks: “Every man or-woman who has reached the age of thirty-five should begin to temper and study his or her diet. It is at this milestone that physical ailments begin to show themselves insidiously, and often without warning. “Tt is my claim, Mr. Speaker, that the State has a responsibility in this regard. It should educate the citizens along these lines...).At this age the diet should be reduced as peeaedh red fibred meats and more fish and fowl eaten: At fifty, fish and fowl should entirely replace meats. . *“‘We have an unlimited supply of the finest fish in the world. . When it is scientifically and sanitarily packed in either olive or cottonseed oil, a citizen has a most palatable, nourishing and appetizing meal both convenient and inexpensive. These fish foods contain as much gf not more, nourishment ~~ any . other food of like bulk.” Could any statement be more pe i this coming from the man on whose shéul. rests the responsibility for the a See ae being of our per a4 - = _ — 1 TESTED and APPROVED E are indebted to the following prominent chefs and leaders in household science in both Canada and the United States for their hearty and interested co-operation in selecting and testing these recipes. Auguste Gots Marcel Thomas B. M. Philip Mabel Jewett Crosby Sarah Field Splint. Katherine Clayberger F. W. Hove . Victor Hirtzler Ruth Axtell Chalmers Boston School of Geatiee. Chief Chef, Windsor Hotel, Montreal. Chief Chef, Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal. Macdonald College, Household Science Dept. Ladies Home Journal. Editor of Delineator New York. The Peoples Home Journal, New York. School of Household Science, Brooklyn, N.Y. Chief Chef, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. Modern Priscilla, Boston. Boston, Mass. SARDINES IN THE BLAZER 1 cup thin cream 1 tb. butter 3 tb. bread crumbs % teaspoon salt 1 tb. lemon juice 4 hard boiled eggs 1 can CONNORS sardines a real meal Mix the cream and breadcrumbs and cook to a smooth paste. Add the butter, salt and lemon juice; then the sardines drained, boned, skinned and broken up. Press the eggs through a sieve into a mixture. When hot serve on toast. SARDINES ON BROWN BREAD TOAST Cut brown bread in thin strips 114 inches for the wide by 4 inches long and toast quickly. late supper Drain, skin and bone the sardines, season with lemon, mash to a paste with a fork and spread on toast. SARDINES WITH ANCHOVY SAUCE 12 CONNORS sardines 1 %tb. sardine oil 1 cup Brown sauce 2 tb. flour 1 cup stock tasty as Drain and heat the sardines. Add the sauce. chicken Season with anchovy essence. Serve with brown bread sandwiches having a slice of cucumber, marinated with French dressing between the slices of bread. SARDINE CANAPE ; 1 pimento 1 drained sardine dainty and 1tb. minced pepper tempting Garnish with sprig of parsley wedge of lemon Use the above for each canapé made from toast or brown bread. Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED —s SARDINES ALA STEENSAN serve for lunch 1% can BRUNSWICK sardines 1 tb. walnut catsup 1 tb. lemon juice Drain the oil from the sardines. Put them in a chafing dish and mash with a silver fork. When hot add the flavorings, mix thoroughly, spread on wafers and serve hot. CREAMED SARDINES. you'll enjoy this 1 tin of CONNORS sardines Y% cup butter 2 hard boiled eggs % cup bread crumbs (chopped fine) 1 cup cream or rich milk _ pepper and salt to taste Drain the oil from the sardines, remove the bones and mash the fish. Melt the butter, add the bread crumbs and cream. When thoroughly heated add the eggs and season- ings. Serve on toast. SARDINES FRIED IN BATTER something different Drain fish and pour over boiling water to free from oil. Then remove skins. Dip in flour or beaten egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper. Serve with Tartar sauce. GRILLED SARDINES. a hot lunch Drain 12 CONNORS sardines and cook in a chafing dish until hot, turning frequently. Place on oblong pieces of toast and serve with lemon butter. oe EEEEEER ae Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED = SARDINE SNACKS \ Spread oblong soda crackers with cream cheese. Arrange two or three CONNORS @ prenie sardines on the crackers. Warm or toast dish slowly so that cheese will be absorbed by the crackers. This is a quick and satisfying pic- nic dish. SARDINE AND ASPARAGUS TIMBALES 1 tin of BRUNSWICK sardines minced 1 cup of asparagus tips 11% cupsof milk 2 tablespoons of butter 2 tablespoons of flour Salt and pepper totaste 2 eggs 4 tablespoons gr.cheese Dash of mace something Few drops of lemon juice special Melt butter, add flour, milk and seasoning. After cooking for about three minutes, add slightly beaten egg yolks and cook for one minute longer. Take from fire and fold in stiffly beaten egg white. Turn into timbale molds, well oiled and lined with grated cheese and bread crumbs. Place in pan of water and cook for fifteen minutes under greased paper. in an oven (350 degrees F). Turn out of mold and serve with highly seasoned cream sauce. HOT SARDINE ROLLS From raised dough shape tiny biscuits and bake. Mince enough BRUNSWICK sardines to fillcup. Season with pepper and salt and a a tablespoon of whipped or thick cream and a novelty in well seasoned mayonnaise, a tablespoon of biscuits finely minced celery and a teaspoon of chopped capers. Open each hot biscuit and fill with a teaspoon of mixture. Serve hot, two to a portion, with sprays of fresh cress and a radish. Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED with or without key Guaranteed not smoked ‘ »™ - -“4* ee >. ~ ~ = : ; 1) rr ee SUREELVEN CHO UUR GUTOR T ATTRA OTAVOLASS EOS ERERSBRAN + \ SARDINES IN OIL TASLGLITRLTOR ERROR Ee tennoeeeS CONNORS BROS ira. BLACKS HARBOURLNB ANADA, Over FIFTEEN MILLION TINS sold each year! Nowhere in the world are more perfect, more meaty baby fish caught than within a few miles of Connors’ plant. Three out of every four tins of sardines sold in Canada are Brunswick. Tasty, nourishing and inexpensive. Connors BRUNSWICK BRAND SARDINES CONNORS BROS. LIMITED BLACK’S HARBOUR, N.B. MYSTERY SANDWICHES your friends will remark the flavor SARTUNA served ina New York tea-room SARDINE with rice 3 hard-cooked eggs 1 pimento ¥% |b. Canadian cheese % teaspoon salt 1 small onion % teaspoon paprika Contents of 1 tin of CONNORS sardines. Put all the ingredients through the meat grinder, using the finest cutter. Mix thor- oughly, adding the seasonings. If not moist enough, add oil until of a creamy consistency, just right to spread. Let the mixture stand several hours before using to blend the flavors more perfectly. SANDWICH Two slices of bread cut three-eighths of an inch thick toasted on one side only and the untoasted side spread with mashed sar-_ dines mixed with a little mayonnaise. A piece of crisp lettuce and a sardine moistened with cream with a thin slice of tomato on each. Crisp, curly bacon to garnish the tri- angular sandwiches. KEDGEREL Heat one tin of CONNORS sardines in frying pan or grill and drain off oil. Mix the sardines with 1 cup of cooked rice, 1 teaspoon of salt, and a dash of pepper. Add one tablespoon of butter. Put mixture in buttered bowl and when covered place in boiling water. Allow to cook for fifteen minutes, unmold, garnish and serve. SARDINES “MY OWN” from the Mount Royal Hotel Split open the required number of BRUNS- WICK sardines and stuff with a purée of mushrooms, slightly flavored with onions. Dip in sauce Villeroy and bread in the usual manner. Fry in hot fat and serve with thick tomato sauce. Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED FRIED SARDINES Drain sardines and dip in warm butter. Heat full of tomato sauce in frying pan and then introduce nourishment sardines, allowing them to be well heated and browned before serving. STUFFED TOMATOES Cut core out of firm, ripe tomatoes, and re- place with the following dressing :— The contents of one tin of CONNORS sar- dines (for every four tomatoes) mashed with one ounce of warmed butter. Add grated you’llenjoy crackers and mix with a teaspoonful of these Worcestershire sauce and cayenne pepper to taste. A little finely cut onion may be used if desired. When this is mixed to a firm paste pack into the tomatoes to give them body and bake in the oven, each with a small piece of butter on top. PILCHERED EGGS Boil eggs until hard, remove shell and cut in half. Scoop out carefully the yolk of each leaving the whites cup-shaped. With the yolks of the eggs and one ounce of something butter mix the contents of one tin of sardines. different Add a tablespoonful of olive oil, a little cay- in eggs enne pepper and vinegar to taste. Heat to a creamy paste and refill whites of eggs. These may be served in halves on lettuce or secured together with a tooth pick and a spray of parsley. SARDINES LYONNAISE Chop together cold boiled potatoes, one small yeiaorsiny onion, the contents of one tin of CONNORS kitch sardines (drained), fry with butter or beef fat eer until browned and serve with parsley. REE Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED Every one Delicious / Firm, tasty little fish, fresh from the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Sa SS 3% 07 CONT SSS SNS MQ NS ROW X \ CK Packed in pure olive oil. \N Guaranteed NM CONNORS BROS. LiMiTED k Ny 8140's HARBOUR Ne Cannoe Af Not Smoked CONNORS BROS. Limited BLACK’S HARBOUR, N.B. A eS SMH sy CS Fresh firm little fish in pure ‘Salad oil. Key-opening tin packed in a carton. ASK for JUTLAND Sardines gr ke SARDI & ES : : h. “A ED 2 g CONNORS BROS Linirto BLACKS HARBOUR NB fdas a 3 VIRGINIAN SARDINE SANDWICHES (Proportion for 10) Boil three fresh eggs until hard, mash the yolks, smooth while hot and add butter to soften. A little lemon juice may be added to ; taste. Drain one tin of BRUNSWICK brand a bed-time sardines and allow to dry on clean blotting refreshment paper. Work into the eggs the meat of the sardines, freeing them from dark skin. Rub the mixture smooth with the back of a spoon and then spread on hot buttered toast and keep warm in a slow oven or steam-heated container. SARDINE SALAD EN MAYONNAISE a Chop very fine a small head of cabbage and the variety contents of one tin of BRUNSWICK brand salatl sardines. Cover with a mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce, garnished with a whole sardine. Any salad dressing can be used in place of mayonnaise. HOT SARDINE SANDWICH With an ounce of warmed butter beat into a for paste half a tin of BRUNSWICK sardines. Sunday night Add a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce supper and a touch of cayenne pepper. ‘ Heat the mixture in a chafing dish and spread on hot buttered toast. A little grated cheese may be sprinkled over top before serving. BROILED SARDINES Drain the sardines on a clean blotter for an hour. Toast medium thin slices of bread, another butter generously and place on warm platter. recipe fi or Over hot slow fire toast separately the con- broiling tents of one tin of BRUNSWICK sardines. Use a toasting rack or broiler. Serve the sar- dines on hot toast with butter sauce, if desired. ; Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED SARDINE RELISH As a relish sardines may be drained, arranged a summer on a serving dish and garnished with parsley, day meal or hard boiled egg (the white chopped and the yolk sliced). CURRIED SARDINES 12 CONNORS sardines 6 tb. water ¥% to 1 tb. curry powder 1 tb. arrowroot or _——-@ stall ood 6 toast strips cornstarch a meal for Drain the oil from the sardines. Mix the the family curry powder with half the water and the arrowroot with the other half. Cook until it : thickens (about 3 minutes). Place the sar- j dines on serving dish, pour sauce over, and set in oven until hot. Serve on toast. SARDINE CROQUETTES 12 Brunswick sardines 1 teaspoon onion juice a real lcupdry breadcrumbs 2 egg yolks beaten meal in a % teaspoon salt minute Skin and bone sardines. Pound to a paste, add crumbs, salt, onion juice and egg yolks. Shape into balls. Garnish with cress. BAKED SARDINES 12 Brunswick sardines 6 tb. grated cheese 12 strips toast 1 lemon cut dash of cayenne Make toast fresh and while hot lay a sardine try this on each strip and cover with cheese. Putina to-night hot oven until cheese puffs. Garnish with lemon wedges. 2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon mustard Mixed and poured over instead of cheese Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SM OKED -" BROILED SARDINES appetizing Drain Connors sardines. Sprinkle with lemon juice and broil. SARDINE SALAD 12 CONNORS sardines 4% cup tomato diced bine 3 hard cooked eggs \% cup sweet pickle a delicious lettuce or a salad green 34 cup dressing flavor Drain sardines, arrange on green salad, garnish with mounds of egg, tomato and pickle. (Serves 6.) SARDINE AND OLIVE SANDWICHES 6 Brunswick sardines flaked \% cup minced olives Garba a? \% cup parsley butter ve oe or your bridge 6 Brunswick sardines ¥% cup hard cooked egg 2 tb. minced cucumber pickle 3 tb. mayonnaise Serve with brown or white bread. SARDINE COCKTAIL Use one lemon for every two people to be served. Cut in halves. Scoop out the inside serve this pulp and fill with minced sardine mixture. To with pride each can of sardines add a teaspoon of French mustard, two hard-cooked eggs, chopped very fine, a dash of tobasco sauce and mayonnaise to moisten. FRENCH TOASTED SARDINES Break two eggs in a bowl, add one — of milk ; and beat well. Dip oblong slices of bread in = fc Addl this liquor and fry in butter until well browned. Heat Connors sardines in tomato sauce and spread on toast. Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED DEVILLED SARDINES | Remove carefully the contents of one tin of GLACIER sardines (for every two persons to be served). Arrange these on a platter and pour over them the following dressing :— from The yolks of three hard boiled eggs beaten to Hotel a smooth paste with a little butter, add one a St. Reanecis' tea cup of’olive oil and two teaspoons of sugar _ and the same of mustard. Again beat into a creamy paste and add cayenne pepper and salt to taste. A -little vinegar will add a _ pleasing tartness. Garnish the. dish with the 4, sliced whites of the eggs and parsley. JAPANESE SALAD. 2 boiled potatoes, diced : 6 mushrooms cut in small pieces a delightful 12 sardines, boned and skinned 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon onion juice Arrange the ingredients on lettuce leaves, season, sprinkle with chopped parsley and paprika, and serve with French dressing. Recipe makes four servings. PICKLED SARDINES ; 15 CONNORS sardines 2 medium sized onions | 14 cup evaporated milk or fresh cream | 2 tablespoons vinegar variety a recipe ¥% teaspoon salt . from y% teaspoon white pepper : California Place sardines in a deep dish in alternate layers with the onions thinly sliced. Mix remaining . ingredients and pour over. Let stand three or four hours:before using. Serve on lettuce. (Recipe serves six.) Connors’ Famous Sardines BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED MAYONNAISE DRESSING 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons vinegar or 1 cup olive oil lemon juice. y% teaspoon salt Dash of cayenne pepper. pe 14 teaspoon dry mustard pie. Beat the yolk, then slowly add the oil (drop r by drop first). When third of the oil is in, gradually add the other ingredients, alternat- ing with the oil. If well mixed these should keep on ice in a closed jar for weeks. If the oil is put in too fast in the beginning the * novice may find that her mayonnaise curdles. Should this ‘happen, start again with fresh materials in another bowl. When most of the oil is‘in, the curdled dressing can be recovered by adding it slowly to the second lot, beating all the time. THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING Mix together a little paprika, salt, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce and whip it lightly into half a cup of mayonnaise. Add very finely chopped white and yolk of boiled egg, 1 pimento and a tablespoon of chives, or when these are not in season, scallion tops, but be sure all are chopped very fine. Adda tablespoon of chili sauce and three tablespoons of whipped cream. SOUR CREAM DRESSING Beat half a pint of sour cream with an egg beater until it is as stiff as for charlotte russe. Mix together two tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon salt, one quarter teaspoon of paprika and one teaspoon of French mustard. Gradually add this mixture to the cream and beat briskly as you pour it in. » Connors’ Famous Sardines f BRUNSWICK — JUTLAND — GLACIER Guaranteed NOT SMOKED i gee 71090905 mas | CONNORS BROS. _ LIMITED BLACKS HARBOUR.N.B.CANADA