. v*r§) Official Programme uJififep ©amiuetf, (JloHtpeaf Feb. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, llth & 12th, 1887. &re$ented rv/C/t C/te (Botnp/tmenfo ojf f/ie « cork, put up in a beautiful box and only costs 75 cts. , sold in handsome large bottles with sprinkler - NOTES. Specially reduced rates prevail on all the railroads leading to Montreal for three weeks from January 31st, giving visitors an opportunity of going to the city for the week before and the week after Carnival. Lists of hotels, restaurants, boarding and lodging houses are distributed at railroad offices, and may be had on application at Carnival Office, 89 St. Francois Xavier Street. Special membership tickets, (Gentlemen, $3.00, Ladies, $2.00) good for all Entertainments Carnival W’eek, will be issued to strangers by the Victoria Skating Club. Holders of these tickets are cordially invited to take part in Fancy Dress Festivals—subject to costume regulations of the Board. -- Samples of any of the articles advertised above given away on application at the Office of the DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO*Y, (Limited) MONTREAL. FOR SUDDEN CHILLS, FROST BITES. SPRAINS, BRUISES, &c. USE PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN-KILLER.