nSi'oHEBX.—The following letter from a gen-| * IC „ nn , i. pr with whom we were intimate, deserib- nThow h^wi^rievld fronr this excruciating disease ^ seems to us worthy of being made widely known :- I have to apologise for my having so ong neglected send- inTyou a staement of my case. It is as to ows ; an« ^U g its being made public can in any way subtract from the suffering of those who suffer under that dreadful disease 1 tic doloreux, I shall feel most happy. For < nearly two years I suffered the severest torture from tic ' doloreuTin y the head (leftside) and in the eft thigh. | I believe 1 may safely say, that I tried every known re¬ medy, w thout any apparent effect. For the last year X never had the slightest cessation of pain, without large doses of laudanum or morphia. * or fourteen months I could not lie down in bed- In fact, the torture was so dreadful, that ev ry morning at daylight I was thankful that I was not derived of reason. 1 fortunately recol¬ lected, that a fii :nd of mine had derived great benefit from the use of electricity in a case of chronic rheuma¬ tism. This led me to try the new instrument called the ‘ fcilectro-Bi agnetico ’ I procured one, and from the first application I felt somewhat easier ; and, after using it half an hour, I felt inclined to sleep. 1 continued the use of it for that period, morning and evening, for more than a week, at the end of which time I was perfectly free from pain, and began to enjoy my natural rest. It is now nearly five months since I left off using it, and 1 am trulv thankful to say that I feci as well as I ever did in my life.” We need only add to the above, that the electro-magnetico is an instrument made and sold by philosophical instrument makers ; and the application, we believe, consists in allowing a stream of electric fluid * to flow from a wire into the part affected, the process giving no pain whatever. Any skilful surgeon could apply°the remedy. Tic doloreux being, in fact, a de- ' rar.gement of the nerves, or, as we may call them, the electric wires of the body, it is quite reasonable to sup¬ pose that the disturbance can be rectified by the artificial >nw rnpnMom-jd — ( 1 r ^ _ _ . f /.fc/ e~t> G' txjfc _ * ^7* V v H v -/v • X i.. 77 • / b 8 « S": ^ $7r >/— — 7%L*~k.JJ^ JaX , Council Office, Central Hom'd of Healthy 9th May , 1832. Precautionary Hints to Persons residing in Places suffering or likely to, suffer from Cholera; with Concise Directions/ hr the Treatment of t iose t reatened with or actually attacked by the Disease in Situations where Medical Advice cannot be immediately obtained . Heads of Families living in the Country, and benevolent Individuals wis nng to afiord remedial assistance in this destructive Malady, ought to provide themselves with the following articles; viz. lbs.oz { tincture of Opium (Laudanum) ......... — 2 of Catechu. . 4 of Assafcetida.,. .. 4 ^Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia. — 4 Compound Spirit of Lavender. — 2 Oil of Peppermint... (U Castor Oil ... 2_' Ipecacuanha in Powder. . 2 Mustard in ditto (best Durham)..... 10 — Compound Chalk Powder. . 4 Sulphate pf Quinine . . — 1 Pills, No. 1. Grains in each Pill 2 Grains No. 2. Of each 2 i Gtrii in each Pill, No. 3. f Blue Pill, 2 Grains ) . . n .,. I Rhubarb, 2 Grains j each Plil Powders, Mo. 4. Calcined Magnesia, 2 ParttuG Six Dozen Three Dozen Three Dozen f Calomel.. 1 Compound extract of cSolocvnth & Calcined Magnesia, 2 Parttvf.:.4 lh. ov Rhubarb in Powder 2 Parts.. V.. r Ginger in ditto, 1 Part, carefully mixed) } " :} No. 0. Calomel, 1 Grain. T ... James’s Powder, 2 Grains ^......0 t N itre in Powder, 5 Grains Liniment, No. 6. Compound Soap Liniment with Opium, 8 Parts Tincture of Cant.harides, 1 Part. Mustard Poultice, No: 7. tJJl Mu f* rd Poultice is made by mixing equal Parts of Mustard f owder aud Crumb of Bread into a Paste with hot water; or by auxin- equal Parts ol Mustard Powder and thick Porridge. Bags or Stockings to hold heated Bran or Salt. Stomach and Feet Warmers. Enema Syringe. A graduated Glass Measure. (1 oz.) A Set of Scales and Weights. (Grain) 1 he above Supply is calculated for the Number likely to be attacked *" 4 in "»» to ** Precautions: 1 The Clothing should be warm. Woollen Stockings ought to be worn, and Flannel next the Skin; at least over the Belly and Loin.. 9 Diet. _Avoid, above all things, overloading the Stomach. Indi¬ gestion however produced, disposes the body to this disease. If in easy Circumstances, take for Dinner a moderate quantity of Roast Meat preference to Boiled, with stele Bread or good Potatoe, Two Glasses of Wine with Water, or an equivalent of weak Brandy or Whiskey and W ater, or of some sound Porter or Ale. Eat Garden Stuff and Fruit sparing y, and avoid Fat luscious Meats. In short, whilst under Apprehension of Cholera, use a dry nutritive Diet, sparing rather than abundant; observe great Caution as to eating Suppers, for Cholera most frequently attacks about Midnight, or very early in the Morning. In case of Costivene s, take One or Two of the Pills, No; 3 . going to Bed • or One or Two of the Pills, No. 2 , in the Morning, should no effect be produced by No. 3 ; but avoid Salts, Senna, and all cold drastic 1 uiv gatives. 3, Exercise .-—Moderate Exercise in the open Air, in fine Weather, is conducive to health; but the greatest care should be observed by all, more especially by the weakly and aged, not to carry that Exercise to Fatigue or profuse Perspiration, nor to sit down with wet Feet or Clothes Treatment of the Promonitory Symptoms of Cholera 4. In a very large Majority of Cases, the Attack of Cholera is pre- ceded by a Looseness of Bowels of longer or shorter Duration, say m Twenty-four Hours. It is in this Stage that retnidial Assistance is most efficient, and that Life may be saved with the most certainty, by checking the Disease in its commencement. When therefore, the Bowels become relaxed without an obvious cause, where Cholera is prevailing at the time, the following Measures should be adopted without loss of time;— 5 . In the Case of Adults, previously healthy, let Blood be taken from > The Ann to Eight or Ten Ounces, or by Ten or Twelve Leeches to the Pit of the Stomach, or by Cupping. > Should the loose Motions be of a darker colour than natural, give Tw o Pills of Form, N. 2 , and Four Hours after a Table.spoonful of Castor Oil, floating on a Wine-glass-full of Gin and Water, Brandy and Water, or cold Coffee, with TenDrops of Laudanum if there De griping pains; ? Confine the Patient strictly to Bed, and give the following draught at Night:— Cinnamon or Peppermint Water, Half an Ounce*; Laudanum, twenty five Drops 6. When the Purging is of the ordinary, bilious, and feculent kind with Griping and Flatulence, give Ten Drops of Laudanum and Forty of Tincture of Catechu in the same Vehicle, every Hour, for Five or Six Hours; or Twenty Grains of the Compound Chalk Powder eyei;y Second or Third Hour, should Relief not be obtained sooner. A Warm Bath for Half an Hour, followed by rubbing with Flannel or Flesh Brushes; Warm Fomentations to the Belly hy means of Bladders half filled with Hot Water, or Flannels soaked in hot spiced Wine, or in hot Spirit and Water, will aford much relief. * Peppermint Water may be made by rubbing down Five Drops of Oil of Pepper¬ mint with Half a Tea-spoonful of Sugar, adding a Table-spoonful of Water by Degrees. a 7. When there are Cramps, a Desert-spoonful or Two of the Lini¬ ment No. 0, should be assiduously rubbed on the Fart attecteU. 8 . If there be Nausea or Sickness, without acute pain at the Pit of the Stomach, give an Emetic of Twenty-five or Thirty Grams ol Ipeoa, cuanha in Half a Pint of Warm Water. 9 When Giddiness and Pain of the Stomach are present, bleed as above, and give a Tea-spoonful of the Aperient Powder No. 4. 10. Let the Diet in all these premonitory Stages consist of light furu paceous Preparations; Sago, Tapioca, Panada; Chicken Broth and tepid Drinks to promote perspiration. 11 Should Debility, with Chills and Sweats, remain, give two Grains of Sulphate of Quinine Three times a Day for Two or Three Days. This Medicine will often be found to check the Relaxation of the Bowels, First Stage of the attack— Treatment: 10 When the Motions have lost the Appearance of feculent Matter, and have put on that of Rice Water or Chicken Broth, with vomiting of simitar Liquids, Spasms, intense Thirst, irregular slow and weak Pulse, e ive an Emetic of Half a Pint of Solution of common Salt, as strong as ft can be made, with a Tea-spoonful of Mustard Powder. Place a Mus¬ tard Poultice, No.7, over the whole Stomach, Belly, and l ront of the shoi Kil)s havine previously rubbed the Parts with the Liniment. Give one ofSe PU sNo I, every alternate Half-Hour, and in the intervals Two Table spoonsful of weak Brandy or Whiskey and Water; cold .1 pre f i rorl 1 et the Patient drink cold Water or Iced Water if it can be had allowing no more than Two or Three Tabl^^onsfel at a rime^or BiU e t c nf a Nut mav be »“«?■ “ d . 8TE the Heart, ■*PW. . 4 r 16. Let the hot Water injection be repeated, with Two or Three Drachms of the Tincture of Assafcetida, and retained for some Minutes by means of a Napkin. 17. Let Mustard Poultices be applied to the inside of the Thighs and Calves of the Legs, in addition to that on the Belly, which may be removed to the sides of the Chest or Back; let the Limbs be diligently rubbed with warm Cloths; let small quantities of light Cordials be given at intervals, such as a Tea-spoonful of Compound Tincture of Cinna¬ mon, or of Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, in a Table-spoonful pf Water, and let the Treatment ordered for the Second Stage be continued until the Pulse becomes distinctly perceptible at the Wrist.* Stage of Re-action , or Fever 18. When the Pulse has begun to rise, and the Heat and Natural Colour begin to return to the Surface, keep the Patient perfectly quiet, but let him be carefully watched, for a sudden sinking oi the Powers of Life not unfrequently occurs at this Period ol the Disease. Opiates ol all Kinds must now be withheld; and Wine, Brandy, and other Stimu- lchts used very sparingly, and withdrawn altogether as soon as the Pulse and Heat are steadily re-established: when mild tepid Drinks are # to be substituted, and the Powder No. 5, given every Hour, instead of the Me¬ dicines hitherto used, should the Bow els be torpid. 19. Uuder this Treatment a w arm copious Sweat often breaks out, or a more healthy discharge takes place from the Bowels, or some Uiine is passed, which of all others is the most favourable Sign. When such is the Case, the Patient with proper Care, will often pass into a State of Convalescence, without further Difficulty of Danger 20. It often happens, however, notwithstanding all our Care, that the Re-establishment of the Pulse and Heat are closely followed by sym- toms of Fever, or by some Degree of Stuper, or by great Oppression of gfceathing, or by Distension and Tenderness of the Belly; all of which licate Danger. 21. The Moment such Symptoms appear, bleed from the Arm, or from the Part most affected, by Leeches or Cupping, to 10, 12, or 16 Ounces, according to the Effect produced by the bleeding. Reduce the Temperature of the Patient's Room, give cool Drinks, and apply cold wet Cloths, or pounded Ice in Bladders to the Head; and give the Pow¬ ders No. 5, as already ordered? 22. When Convalescence has begun, observe the strictest Care as to Diet: At this Period a full Meal has in numerous Instances brought on a Relapse. Indeed Animal Food, even in small Quantity, under these critical Circumstances, has often been attended w ith dangerous Conse¬ quences to those just recovering from Cholera. To such even the Mild¬ est Articles of Food should be given in much smaller Quantities and at Intervals than to those in Health ; and their ordinary Diet and Habits should be very cautiously resumed. ______ W. Pym, Chairman. * The following Plan of Treatment., proposed by Dr. Stevens and acted upon under his Direction, has excited some Notice, and is stated to have been attended w ith very considerable Success in all Stages of the Disease;— Supercarbonate of Soda, \ Drachm Muriate of Soda (Common Salt), 20 Grains; Chlorate of Potass, 7 Grains, Fo be given in Half a r l umbler of Water every Hour, until the Patient begins to _ recover from the Collapse- Dry Heat, Frictions, Mustard Poultices, and injections of Hot Salt and Water were used at the same time. June 16th ? 1832. (Correct Copy) h THOMAS, HUNTER, BAXTER-GATE, DONCASTER* \ ) / - y -yT ... V/ -7%^ 1 ^ ^ —— A aA&~ ' * • ' <~\ ~~/~ - V ■ ^ ^ '~tr^*-' £*- ~> -'~A i‘ ■ I ( ^ " ^ V «; — - ^ , y/ "•;■ - ^ £. *A {-* A- ’• / t */ J 4 ~ — y ms •v;'*V V\ s»iv.v t v 4 L xy ^L^ 4 Ss / y ^ VA A*V 9^ A- A,.r~_ d %?~ y j <£. jfczz «y~-~ t—~- y ^s y ~~ •*- yd-u. “dTT x. -> • - ^ £Z~— St- «.— a X s&- AA -A y . _. 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