J oSi^%^^ rinmm NOW IS THE TIME "Not yet/' said a little boy, as he was busy with his trap and ball ; " when I grow older, I will think about my soul." The little boy grew to be a young mau. D 2 NOW IS THE TIME. "Kot yet/' said the young man, "1 am now about to enter into trade ; when I see my business pros- per, then I shall have more tune than now." Business did pros- per. "Kot yet," said the man of business ; '' my children must have my care ; when they are eettled in life I shall be better able to attend to religion." He lived to be a grey-headed old man. " Not yet," stilJ he cried ; *^ I shall soon retire from trade, and then I shall have nothing else to do but to read and pray." And so he died : he put off' to another time what should have been done when a child. He lived without Grod, and died wit]iout hope. *^Kow is the time," says con- NOW IS THE TIME, 3 idence. " It is right you should give to God the earliest and best of your life. While your heart is tender, and your life is before you, you should begin to love and serve him. If you had a rose to give to a friend, v^^ould you wait till it was faded and dead before you offered it? Would you not give it when it was in its blossom and beauty ? The little hymn says — " A flower when offer'd in the bud Is no vain sacrifice." "Now is the time,*' says Pro- vidence. You will never again have so good a time. The word of God is all written, and is in your hands. You have teachers, and ministers, and Sabbaths. 4 NOW IS THE TIME. The door of mercy is open. "All things are ready.'* You will gain nothing, and may lose much, by delay. A man on a journey came to the side of a river, and there ©at down on a green bank. A traveller, who found him playing with some W'ld plants wliich grew by his side, asked him what he was doing. He said he was waiting till all the water ran past. But soon night came on, the river still flowed, and the man was left in darkness in a strange land. You sav, " He was a foolish man.*' But when you sit down, and do not go to Christ until you think there is less to hinder, you act just like that man. If you do not yield yourself to him :row is the time. 5 noWj sin will harden your heart as 3^ou grow older. "Now is the time," says the word of God. It is "the ac- cepted time,'* Tour Saviour says, "I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.*' "Remem- ber now thy Creator in the days of thy youth/' He speaks to you, " Give me thine heart," — not the body only, though that must be given. He asks not for the shell, but for the kernel ; not for the casket only, but for the jewel. Not only your tongue, your hands, your ears, but your heart. It is the best thing you have to give ; and Jesus is pleased to accept it It is better in his esteem tban 6 KOW IS THE TIME. silver, and gold, and diamondB* of you give him your young heart, he will make it better. By nature it is sinful: he will renew it by his Holy Spirit. It is naturally hard: he will soften it with his love. It is barren and unprofitable : he will make it fruitful by his grace. He can make it not only holy, but happy.. He will make it a faithful heart. Then your sins will be blotted out by hia precious blood, and you will be one of his redeemed family. But do not forget, " Now is THE TIME." It is idched to delay to make .this gift. It is true you are young ; but you must not put oflf faith and repentance. Young as you are, you have sinned against NOW IS THE TIME. 7 God, and it is not too soon to repent. You need a Saviour ; it is not too soon to believe on H-im. It is also dangerous to de- lay. There was a fomous genera! named Hannibal, wLo went witb a great army to take tlie city of Home. "When lie could have taken it he did not, and when he would have taken it he could not. He lost all by delay. So when many young persons may come to Jesus they will not ; they put it oiF till it is too late. Consider, you may die soon, and if you die in your sins you will be lost for ever. It is related of a little Syrian boy that lie asked his teacher to instruct him in the law of God, and was tola that he was too young. " But. 8 NOW IS THE TIME. master/' said the boy, "I have been in the burial ground, and measured the graves, and find some of them shorter than my- self : now, if I should die before I liave learned the word of God, what will become of me?" Now is the time. '* (jive me thy heart," the Savioiir cries* Ye children, hear his voice ; Now in your early days be wise, And make a heavenly choice. Give me thy heart," nor linger more, Too soon you cannot give ; Nrw, on your knees, his grace implore, Believe, obey, and live. Come, children, supplicate his grace, Let this your answer be — " Behold, O Lord, we seek thy face, And give our hearts to thee." Pardon and Son, Printers, Paternoster row. -WCTONHH 7,U Jesus laid his glory by When for us ho stooped to die ; How I wonder when I see His unbounded love to me ! He the sick to health restored, To the poor he preached the word ; Even children came to share In his love and tender care. Every bird can build its nest, Foxes have their place of rest ; He by whom the world was made Had not w^here to lay his head. He who is the Lord most high, Then was poorer far than I, That I might hereafter be Rich to all eternity. a^ ®^ VS ^M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'S^r^ '^''M^mim:iWtW^W^^mmmmm^m^:^ y ^^ a^^