lUIIMJHlBHIIB II IIJ.III 1 1 »»■*- '^*lfc^ ^8fc^ *#^ .f* 1 * - : «s*> i*xKv ^«s** j««*j "iii^vro i> v c t jp f.ivr. .*>«*>> -*«Rv j»obs i*^ .■**** <*w«r-:"««^.: #*fc 'imt ,*«& 'i**^ /J*S*. j«flfe *»»&,, ,<«*• i^**^ F ^■■Wi J THE DIVERTING HISTORY JUMPING JOAN, AND HER BOG AND CAT. ALBANY: rinted by G, J. Loomis and C&> JUMPING- JO AS Joan had a Dog, and Joan had a Cat, Look at them both, \nd see what they're at. HISTORY, &C. Joan she lovM skipping : And was not at a loss At jumping, or hop-pinsv Or going across, VHMHi i HISTORY OF Joan had a Parrot Could chatter and bawl, But Joan could talk faster And longer withal. JUMPING JOAN* 5 Joan's Dog Prinny No learning did lack, He'd carry Poll in his mouth. And Puss on his back. 6 HISTORY OF As Joan lovM jumping, She learn'd her Cat, Look at them both, And see what they're at. JUMPING JOAN* Here's Pussy a washing Joan's linen ; you know She could wash herself A great while ago. 8 HISTORY OF Now Prinny, Joan's Dog, To market would go, put what he'll bring hack I'm sure J don't know. JUMPING JOAN, 9 Here's Pussy drest out ^live a lad j so gay, She's going to court, if She finds but the wav» 10 HISTORY OF ,n :iin lifD tin i Ill !l|lp|lilll!liIiM!lfi i\\\ mm m JPHMi mmmi HlH!"lirilI I : 11 i Here's Prinny and Pussy To dancing have got, While Joan plays a tune On the lid of the pot. JUMPING JOAN, 11 Here's Joan with a whip Taking very long strides 5 And vows if she finds 'em She'll bang both their hides. 12 HISTORY OF Ki — r- s= ^^ IT a -^ mr ** .^— t^**^****^ - -•**-" i M"!X"^ r ^j ^j^* —^ jrf^ HpRj^-_ ?S - - - j^B" _._-_._. — ' —■ ■■ ■ ■■ a _ . . - n r» ii. 7 < *9fc~_J. /fc*" T= :: E~i.ras=3 •a [»##-'»#* Here's Prinny with gun, Sword, and gorget so gay, He's going to fight — If he don't run away. JUMPING JOAN. 1 3 But Joan's threats had fill'd Poor Prin with alarms, He said he'd not fight, And so grounded his arras. 4 HISTORY OF •^>/ -r _ Then Fass in a friglit Ran back to the house, She puli'd off her clothes, nd cttug&t a creat mouse. JUMPING JOAN. 15 IIIIIMIII II w ! I II I! On Then Joan she came in, CallM the Cat saucy Puss, And said Prin was a puppr, To frighten her thus. 16 HISTORY. &X\ They fell on their knees, Her pardon to crave, And promis'd in future They'd better behave, i a. ■■ 5s — > i^> '^1^ ■>*#/ v/vu ^S." ■sM. - <;.--ai.t ... ~TiS-,&.-.,Jj£»^.--— - t * .gj ^BMj a Mil i-^y^ .*.«i!»3W *^> r*5"V ^JjENfllS J^K* v m nam