LOUD STRATBCONA MOfiORIENT FUND COMMITTEE MiNUT ; 200K / dH 2 0'I » S IBS' _ , ] St ra t he ona £ S ou th Apr iean 5 t.atu_e Fund . EXE OJ7 TVS COMMI TTS E . / / o Mayor Prefontaine, V^JHon .G- .A .Drummond., tp, Hon.L,J.Forget, v>Hon .J .D .Rolland , 0 Hon.Sir A.Lacoste, sQ/Dr .W.Pet or 3 on , Rev .Dr .Barela; , NpR ,B .Angus a E . S . Cl ou 5 t on , oR . Wi 1 s on Sm i th %. 0 H .Lap or to , v&Tames Ross H.Stikeman, : Hon .R.Mackay ,* James Grathern , S. Finley, / 0 H .Montague A13 an T. t . Col .Henshaw , ^District Officer Commanding o D .Mac mast or ?K. C., V J .A .Taylor , 5-,^ i James Pa ton, fu -7 / George Cav.erhill &■ 0 Hugh Pat on, o Hon .J .1 .Tar te , 0 H .Markland Mo1son oHon.Sir M-.M.Taity .Sir Wm.Macdonald, •0_e— 8 i r Wrn .Van Horne , Tu gh Graham, S* 7 chard White, 2*--^ J .R .Don 'all , o J ,S .Brierley , ^ o Hon .T .Berthiaume , j L . J .Tart e , Ma j o r Ma c au 1 e y , L t . Go 1 . Wh i t eh e ad , o T.t 0 Lt. 0 T t o Lt Ht *3-9 Hall . St.Francois Xavier St. 1711 Notre Dame St. * 18 St.Denis St. 71 St. .Hubert St. >•889 Sherbrooke St. 852 Dorchester St. >040 Drummond St. Bank of Montreal . Standard Chambers , St .James St. 6 6 St .Pet or St . 360 Peel St,. Bank of British North America. 1059 Sherbrooke St. . 73-6* a 2 Bishop St Av e St "Ravenscrag", Pine Street Ry .Bldg . Drill Hall. Temple Bldg. 30 St.Francois Xavier 170 Peel St . IrlG'^Drumnond S-t-. (. 1812 Notre Dane St. Ot tava. Savings Bank. Chambers. 1577 Notre Dame St. ■<891 Sherbrooke St . 017 Sherbrooke St. > Star. ■^Gazette . Witness . Herald . IDa Presse . Q •0 JuA v * 394 St .Hubert St 29 Durocher St / LUDi O t- • ^-7 ■3 -S*t . /&Le£-4?. Co 1 . Ibb ot a cm Q&u-Ma/'t Col.Hamilton, Col .Mac lean , Col .Labelle , Col . Cooke , o Henry Brophy K .A .Hodgson , %J*. ,(St .Patrick' u lh.j W ft r l u rr 47 Union Ave 65 William St. 285 Mountain St 62 Richmond Sqr ) Vr+H— I e gauohetie - dist ic t. ■64. o Qiarles Byrd (I .Prot .Ben .) 70 Dur ocher presidents Nat hnal Soc isties of / Dr .Adami', ,«F.I. .BeiqueTK.C. At F .E .Me r ed i tn%K . C. , ^ Mathieu v o Hon . &e?»*hJ .p.? . Casgrain , / E ,H .Brown ,i- ) Ai ■ It' / 3 31 P e e 1 S t . 954-. -She rb rooke St. 66 McGill College Ave 1250 Dorchester St. Representing La"v 180 St .James St . Sec .Treas .M.A .A .A . .Mansfield Sc . V CANADIAN SOLDIERS’ MONUMENT FUND OF MONTREAL. -0O0- THE CITIZENS of MONTREAL - A meeting of no ordinary character will be held at the Board of Trade on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 27th. inst, at 3.30 o'clock. It has for its object, the formation of a general committee to carry into effect the proposal lately made by members of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, that a Monument be erected in Montreal to the glorious memory of the brave men who have given up their lives for the defence of the Empire, on the battle-fields of South Africa. It is an old saying that "Heroes have the whole earth for their tomb", and that their fane will live, not in graven monuments only, but in the uninscribed memorials of the heart. But there has been too much in the past history of the world of which no articulate record has been kept, and we are living now in actual touch-^rtfeh movements _- events which deserve to be enshrined in imperishable monuments. At the close of the Nineteenth Century, Canada has taken a great leap forward into the headship of the daughter States of Greater Britain. The blood of our fellow-countrymen, freely shed for the common cause, has cemented to all time the union with the mother-land of the "new na¬ tions within the finpire". We should be blameworthy in the eyes of posterity if we failed to hand down to those who are to come after us some worthy acknowledgement of the devoted patriotism of our Canadian heroes;- some concrete symbol of that quickened sense of imperial unity whioh guided them to death in a far-off land, and which will continue to stir the hearts and imaginations, not only of their fellow country¬ men, but of the whole Empire. It is with the object of taking some action commensurate with the importance of the occasion that we have thought proper to summon a meeting of citizens, at which we respect£u}ly/^equest they will be present. MONTREAL, 16th. March, 1900. ''TlAei * £-—o / ' cS5C —AS. ~/°a£cu. 2 ^^ /e* /<_ y3_ y*~y~~c/. ^yy yc3 — <*— ^ ■■« * *y t f y ^2 /• ~(£~> c^, 2* ^ I y CP ^ \ / XZ^ C<^Csi--C^ <££--^o O-^^S rCAL^t ^ v_5L4-, (At'A-jCe-^L ^' 1 *-' -^u«^ O. cGG*C^ v ^— . /p >Oo^*^e.. v.U/^. _ ;;. x°/3 ^ o/ ^ « ^ y%' /? s?,./? r<£> o

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OL (SLA^JL^ '-Z -£_S~C ^O &f\ji //•C/^- £✓/' A~/( ~ /C^vX ">n '*JL -vn X^c f^yy'/~G / Z. , * f C/v^' /■) A /T. / i^'~zy^SX^£y^yn. XX xi Al ^-©TxXxxe^. a Zyzy'zjzyl^yzc^ A Meeting of the Committee on resign of the Strathcona Monument, was held in the Board-Poom of the^the London & Lancashire Life Assurance Company, “oni.eal, an three p. on April 17, 1S07. Principal Peterson in the Chai: m. The Chaiman read a letter of regret from Mr. Peers Davidson, K.C., apologising for his absence from the meeting, as he had had to leave for Quebec. A letter from Messrs. Maxwell was also read, and the Chairman also referred to the fact that there would be a deficit of §500. after the archi tec ts vare paid. He also referred to the various items of expenditure in connection with the monument. The Chairman stated that the business oi the meeting was to discuss a programme for the 24th of May} end he announced that he had secured a promise, some time agOT'f rar. Lord -'rey to attend and perform the ceremony of unveiling the monument, and he also had a renewal of this promise within the last few days. Apart from that, he had made no special arrangements, except to ask Colonel Buchan to cooperate; the object being to make this an occasion for a military display. Colonel Buchan said he was in communication with His Excellency, through Colonel Hanbury- Williams, and had written to him about what he proposed to do, in onier to make it, so far as the military part of it was concerned, as good as possible. He had also notified all the Montreal corps Wt they would be expected to turn out on that day, and pass m review before His Excellency and pass along Dorchester street. He said he wanted the ceremony to commence at eleven o'clock, in order to give the soldiers a half holiday to themselves. His Excellency agreed to come in the morning, end if the cere¬ mony was started at eleven o’clock, that he would have troops there; but did not know how man:' speeches &c. we would have. He proposed to surround the monument, within a reasonabl distance, with the troops of various kinds, all the armed branches of the service being there, and that when the veil *as actually drawn, that the troops would all present arms ana the battery fire a salute of 21 guns, from the lower end of the square, and would fire over the square and over the C.P. . offices &c. They would keep all their windows open, and there would then be no danger of breaking glass. A. reduced charge could be fired, if necessary, but he did not think it would be. They would, then have massed bands and march along Dorchester street. He said it was just possible there would be a visiting corps from Toronto, which would add to the military display. There would, of course, be a place for the South African veterans. The Chairman said he supposed there would not be the slightest danger of the veterans being overlooked. Colonel Buchan stated it was the intention that they would not be overlooked. He said he got a letter i iom nev. Mi. Patterson, but told him that there were no definite arrange¬ ments made as to details yet, and that if he wanted any par¬ ticular information, he had better call at his o^iice. ■The Chairman asked if he had invited a Toronto corps. Colonel Buchan -’aid he had not asked then;.that they wrote down to know what was going on, and he told them it would be this ceremony of unveiling, and that if they came down they would have a place in it. He said he was making arrangements for a military display, to include all the troops at Montreal, and they would pass along Dorchester street after the unveiling. There would be a Royal salute at the unveiling, and the guns would fire, and then they would pass in review along Dorchester street in front of His Excellency, and there would be a fine turn-out, and it would make a very fine display. The South African veterans would be given a fitting place at the ceremonial. He said if they were going to build a stand of some sort, he would arrange to reserve seats, and then tie would get his --5— engineer to give him a plan of Dominion square, exactly as it is, | and then set out the position of the troops outside that stand I within hearing distance. "’he Chairman stated that the steps on the monument are I quite high enough for a speech, that Lord Grey does not want I to make a speech, but merely intended to say a few words, on I unveiling the monument, and that the ceremony itself won Id I take a ve n; abort time. Colonel Buchan said it was immaterial whether they had a stand or not. The Chairman said they would have a stand for His Excel- I lency find; those who will support him in the ceremony. He.also stated that it would be handed over to the City, I and that they would have the Mayor there. He said he would 1 - f • * I see the Maxwells for a stand suitable for a certain number of people, without trying to accommodate the general public, and that there could not be any charge. Colonel Buchan said he would arrange to surround the monu- I ment with troops within & short distance, in order to keep the crowd back; that as soon as the ceremony was over he would I draw the troops over on Dorchester street, where anybody that wants to see them Ban do so; and he would get the City to give I him Dorchester street clear. His Excellency would probably come tiie night before; although in the morning is what was sadLti, and that is what His Excellency agreed to do, as Colonel I Hanbury-Williams said. Then the troops would have the half holiday to themselves, and that would wind up the spring season for the soldiers. His Excellency could come and go to sleep in his car, and be here at seven in the morning, if he got his through car . The meeting then adjourned. ' 7 A A tsi^x, (s/s^es f^Gr^r~> o^~> $—7?/? /J< — A /y^y^s/sx-^ ^ ''X yyj^srsc / C Z^ 3 &— >"X ~ l-^C\J2 O*- / £/_# *7 ' As/ L^C^ZS7^ fiyiz^^x ^ lzu t^sc, >>^./?. -T- ^V /? > /^C Ls/>^cX' ^-< Ls^jc 'y~sn^l^s/^Z^^ y-'C^v'-Zv-'X (<> /? 0\^s\^s\ m ^ < ^ Xo LsX^Z, T. & i -4 ^ -A2— A V ^ . X sO /~\—- — w £5*Xev_-'v^-i_^\_-'C j 1 /e . X3 ,^«^SL^ _ Z ilo /X .X C^s^c A. cty-Z/ ^ Z^O~sis i 6^ (Sls^s^c t L^C \s^sZ& V ox y /" X«< Z y 'C-'V V I* -a d I .at fa n J> SS-C^. <7t£^Cc?/. -^'^o^UaC V / _ J ~ 'LsC^x Csv — C L Co f '2^', 2 -2 3-V.r, (Z / 3 t Li-% 3 i+g CL LZr^CkJC 7 o^^xd. 7-ft #3 2- yO C Jo. » '"Oco ^ <7t^O ClCsI^^-sz^slsI. T X^_J' Jb- ^ I ^ryJZ^-J' | /f 2 £ C' fc> a . £r-© Jc W • /~c, C-i. x> /S’ ^4. 1 -3> 3- JO l 9o wmmmmmm 124 2-5T 3i 2 Lj to^ -2 ^ iLsy^ --ra., . . 13b 141 15 153 159 STRATH CONA AND SOUTH AFRICAN MEMORIAL FUND. List of Me rat ers-of Executive .Conmi tt-ee to whom Subscript ion Pooks have been vert , Hon.Senator Drummond, T.t .Col ,"Rensh aw , 11 , Col ,'flhi t.ahead , Hon. J .R .Rol land , John A.Tay3 or ,Esq., James Pat on,Esq., * E .H Sro m ,Esq . , H.Sti-kerijan,Esq., _ Dr ,W .Peterson , - Major Macau ley _ J arnes Or at:.ern. Esq . , — iVh i t - a . , Esq -. , (■ D~i - _ , RTWi- l -g iow - Smith - George Caverhill Lt .Col .Starke ¥ — 1 -B » i qu <* |K —- . — Hon.Sen.Casgrain. V r-rA >Hodgoon, . A y&2jtLG/s/At£*>< - 39 St.Francois Xavier St. Street Railway Bldg. 306 Peel Street. 18 St.Denis St., 30 St.Francois Xavier St., 170 Peel St., * M .A .A..A.. Mansf 3 eld St ., Bank of British North America. 889 ’Shortrook St., s v.*^ ,-ra- * 29 Durocher St., 32 McGregor St , v 331 Peel St. Standa rd— Chambers ; —Ot . J a mo-? St-r-r 166 Drummond St,, 84 Simpsoh St., __ 9 H f^y^vinn'-n &T ,• 180 St .Jarpes St . 65 Will iam St. ^o Aeytc* yp yyy'