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CES Bt fie Ser, ‘ ee) “re & me ’ = F, Ps ibe a ba ete cls < , ied Sep k ut Et 5 ~» ia au es x ce me 4 ‘ omit . \S ee am - Ste 2 | ci Ze | =. oy a : \ ~ = td P a Ls oN Rs: pe us LY of the OF oW HEREIN ee ee < ARTERIES, NERVES, MUSCLES, VISCERA, The SKIN, ae ae oe eas tieceb tune accuraisly Delineated, and fo difpofed by : ae the P A R TSofthe Bid BODIE S, both Internal and External, are rOITINY, « AL | : sais reprefented in their proper fite. “USEFUL FOR ALL | PHYSICIANS, CHYRURGEONS, STATUARIES ie PAINTERS, & By MICHAEL SPAHEROF Tyrl, and REMILINVS Corretted y CLOP'T N HAVERS, “M.D. and Fellow of the Royal Society. ‘The Second Edition. OS LONDON, . oh a : in St, Panl's= ig poe ae d Tho, Leigh at the Rofe and Crown in ot. ‘Printed for Dan. Midwinter, ba "p-Yard, MDCC Il. RE ET - ¥ - v e =e = C2 aN ae WR Sea ee ees be TT ea ae Sa ee fe ep = Cyd os Hille . Soe ee PO ae en ee ea ee ME SY 3 Mo we se ; wes | 4 " . ly j : { ; i * “~ ‘~ 4 _ " J We. if i ~ NO 5 are rate aT a bgals, —~ see 5 * e ( ON es au *h. bY —— —,_ a) * Me " , * 2 " v 2 Lf ts, , ae * ,. - ti at igh “§ , fi “ + Wy ay 2 i aie - j ot a Be ie m: ” re , i) 1 oe ay «he ES ay weg py ‘§ ‘4 * apy | h rs ; Ab eee ~ I ___- oneta R cinenas PETIT MOTT. re SOR ee Se ite: ANN, it \ i | 3 re Pay! . ¥g ; y | i's P * q “ Q oo a , | A é | s j ‘ " ; : 4 | we } | t 4 | | ; ‘ ‘ 7 - ‘ r ’ | * . - t Rs ‘ ; | | 2 > ~ | | - | ; é , ( ! <% | . . | ¥ . a . ‘ ? # A8 $ | r ’ | | 4 | : : ) | ad | » f | Sa ve : x ‘ | > K ‘ | | | : ik Vee f : : . i | oa | : - , ” : ; | % | * | A wa \ | | ' | * | | 1 | | fy | | ¥ . : | | Ly , | | “ P 4 - : aah : | ° * 4 ‘ i t > ’ | 4 t : , ¥ \ j ; we ! > x 2 | a ’ : ta ¥ tab = . ed i : ae Prey ; 3 \ze Ss 9 ee Sp . | : . - : ~ ._e- | _ » 1. es , : “al 4 | ae Laem ano meer o i MOY ~ = t * An , 44 Ss a _4 a Ae —— ayettllneessn (SZ : & = =! a — LE OE ey ae j Hh | ) 2 \ 7 ip PAE //// Naty ye Oa) Re ~X x eee Ss fs The external jugular: V - Pafcending the hinder part Eine head externally. “PAbranch hereof tothe cheek ~ PB and nofe. : | a The Forehead vein from the external Jugular. ‘The temporal Vein. fro fame, “B faciol.. Figure Avreprefents. Bec. The Head. #5. c. The hairy Scalp. § The fore-part of the Head Wh called Synciput. ; fy, The Crown of the head. ‘Wi The..Occiput, or hinder-part “Hf of the Head. , The Temples. ~The Ear. WThe-Forehead. Hf. gb. i. The Face. | The cheek-ball. ‘}.Thatpart.of the cheek which fis called Bucca. BL. The upper Lip. f. The Chin. ®. The Neck. ‘ The hollow of the Neck. , m. The Clavicles. W. The Cheft, p.p.g.r. f. The Fingers. “The Thumb. ~ |p, The Fore-finger. Wy The middle-finger. Wf. The, Ring-finger. UB, The Little-fnger. @. The bending of the Arm. .a.b.c.d. A The Trunk of the body. nN. x. ¥ea. The whole Cheft. Wy. uw. The Breaft. Wm. x. The Ribs, “WB y. The Breafts, or Papps. ® the Breaft. ja. The Pit of the Heart. bc. d. A. The Abdomen, or Belly. We. The right Aypochondre, where We External Remedies are applt- ed for the Liver, ¢, The left Aypochondre. ea. The Epigajirium, or upper part of the belly. A. The Navel. e. The Sides. ie, The Aypoga/trium, or lower @. part of the belly. g. The Flanks. te The Groin. i The feat of Men and Wo: men’s privities, The fore- part of the Thighs, where Cupping-glaffes are ap- plied to. bring down Women’s Courfes. . The Knee. m. The Patella, or Knee-pan. n, The Leg. 0. The {mall of the Leg. b The inftep. eq. The Ankle. Yr §. f. usc. The Toes. FIGURE B. reprefents the Adu/- cles which appear forward. B. The Navel. 4a. The Linea alba, or ten- don of the Abdominal Mut. cles. b. b. The. obliquely defcending Mufcles of the Belly. 433 Fibres of: thofe Muf- cles, P* The proceffie or, produtti- Ons of the Peritonium. 4d, Tite obliquely. afcending Mufcles of the Belly. " fe. The ftraight Mufcles, Wp) f.f. The interfections of thofe | ufcles, gé-é.. The Pyramidal Mufcles, Bh. The tranfverfe Mufcles. ble The Mufculus farterius, or Jafcialis on both fides: = Sees! - Lee The Vein of the ear. | ft g Branches of the Axillary | . {ne Branches from the Epiga- ‘WR. z. The Duggs, or Nipples of Te aire a - Vein, ferving to the Arm. ein,|f. f. The Head vein. of} ge g- TheLiver: vein. |b. The Mediana, or middle vein. ot)? ' Branches of the Vena Cava. ftrick vein. lo, p. re The inner branch of the Crural vein called the Sa- phana. j. Branches of the Bafilica, or | 0. Branches of itto the Groin. Liver vein. difperft through |p. Branches of it running on the Palm of the hand. m.the|& &. The fuperior Mufcle vein. | r, 1. 1, The Mammary veins. l,l, The Triceps. m. The Membrano/us in part ral- fed. n. The Vaftus interns. 0. TheVaftus externus, r, Part of the Gaftrocnemim ex- terns. | f. Part of the Gaftrocnemius in- Ferns. t. The Tenfor longus of the toes. te The Mufcle called Tibiaus an- ticus. x» The Peroness anticus. z. The annular Ligament. y. ye Tne tendons of the Tenjor longus. The following Letters refer to the fecond and third View of the Mujcles of the Thigh and Leg, Figure, which we have made the lajt References to. k The Vaftus externus. 11. The Mujculus rectus, m. Tne Vaftus internus. * The Triceps. +Tne M ifeulus lividus, by fome reckoned part of the Triceps. n. The Knee. 0. Part of the Tibia. p. The Tibieus anticus. q. Part of the Gemellus. r. Tne Terfr longus digitorum. {. The Perorgs anticus. t. Tne Extenfor pollicis, or Ex- tender of the great Toe. u. The head of the Thigh- bone. | x. The Obturator extern. y. The Crureus. x. The Thigh-bone, t. The fore-part of the Tibta. 2. The Fibula. 3. The Ligament which ties them together, 4. The Mufcles called Interoffei. The following Letters refer to the Mufcles - above the Abdomen, or Belly. a. a. The Pectoral Mufcles. b. The Serratus anti:us minor. c, The Serratus anticus major. d.e.d.e. The Intercoftal Muf- cles with the Ribs. f. f. The pair of Mufcles cal- led Coracochystdes, belonging to the Os Ayoides. g. The par Sternothyroides of the Larynx. : h. The Sterneehyoides. i. The depreffor of the lower Lip, and the Oblique detra- hens. k. The Maffeter. 12. The Buccinator. fT The Zygimaticus. m. The temporal Mufcles. n, The frontal Mutcles. o The Mufculis orbicularis which fhuts the Lips. * The Abduétor of the Ear. p. The Maftoides. q. The Levator Scapula, or Muf- culus patientia. r. The Mufculus digaftricus. f. The Mufcle called Del! toides. t. The Biceps .of the Arm, un: der which: lies the Brachiaus internus. y. One of the Extenders of the Unt, which 3s called Longus. z. The Pronator Radii rotundus, 1. Cubiteus internus. 2. The Radieus internus. 3. The Palmaris. +k. The Miufculus rectus, or|4.It's membranous Expanfion Bright Mutcle of the thigh. in the Palm of the Hand. lying under. that part of this the infide of the thigh. The Saphena running to the inner Ankle. A Diffecti Crural vein. x. The Sural, or Calf vein, Jy» The I/chias major. FIGURE. B. a. The Vena puppis, or vein of f. the hinder part of the head. b. The Vena Mediana, as in Fig. A. c A branch of the Bafilica, on of Humane Bodies. g. The annular Ligament of the] nm. The Ramifications of the Wrift. + The Mufculus perforatus, or flexor of the fecond Inter- node of the Fingers. 6. The tendons of this Mufcle. 7. The Flexor:of the firft In- ternode of the thumb. 8. The Mufculus perforans, or Flexor of the third Inter- node of the Fingers. 9. The Pronator Radit Quadra- TUS. to. 10. The Mufculi Lumbrica- les. FPG ORES. Reprefents the Veins. 0.4.*r. The Vena Cava. 9. a. The afcending Zrunk of the Vena Cava. fr, Fne defcending Trunk of the Vena Cava. c.c. The Ramifications of: the | vena Porta in the Liver. a The Orifice of the Vena Ca- va, Opening into the right. Auricle of the Heart, The Letters which ftand above C. or the Region of ‘the Liver, re- prefent the Ramifications of the afcending Trunk of the Vena Cava, as &. The Vena phrenica. bh. The Coronary’ Veins of the Heart, i. tude FheVena Azygos. 'm, mm. The Intercoftal Veins fromthe Azygos. n. The divifion of the Vena Ca- va into «the Subclavian branches, p. p. The Mammary veins, q The Axillary veins going to the Arm. r. The Thoracica fuperior. f. Tne Thoracica inferior. * The Mujcula fuperior. t. Tie Vena Cepha’'ea inthe Arm. u. The Bafilica, or Liver vein. x. The Mediana. z. The Salvatella. ee ac TTT a ce ee nS Emulgents in the Kidneys, 0.0, The Ureters cut off. p. p. The Spermatick Veins. Tt The Mufcule media. r. The divifion of the Vena Ca-| @. @. The Menfeterica fuperior. va into the Iliack branches: f. The Vena Sacra, which is! fometimes double. teu. The Ramus iliacus ex- ternus. : t.* The Ramus iliacus internus, To both which the like do anfwer on the other fide. X. xx. x. The Epigaftrick veins| to the }liack Branches. cut afunder. + t The Hypogaftrick veins. y. The Jchias minor on the left fide, as there is the like on the right. x. The Crural Vein, and below is a. The Vena Suralis. + Theinternal branch. b. h. The external branch of the Sural,-or Calf Vein. c. c. The Poplitea, or Ham vein. d. The Ifchias mayor. e.e. The Vena Saphena. FIGURE D. Reprefents the Arteries. a.n.k, lr. The Aorta, or great Artery. an. The afcending Trunk of | b. The Epiplois dextra. the-great Artery. n. The beginning of the Aorta from the Heart, and the Co- ronary Artery. t.l.r. The defcending Trunk of the Aorta. a. The afcending dividing it felt into the fubclavian Bran- ches. 5. b. The fuperior intercoftal Arteries. p. psp. p. The mammary Arte- ries. q.q The Arteria Mufcule. c c¢. The Axillary Arteries. * * The Scapulcres interne. d.da' The Scapulares externa. ff. Tue Thoracica fuperiores. g.g. Tne Thoracica inferiores. We go back now to the Neck and \ he bet The Axillary Artery dif- Head. c, ¢ The. internal ° Jugular veins. d.d. The external Jugular veins, f. A branch of .the external Ju- gular to the face, as there is the fame on the other fide. g. Branches of the internal Ju- sulars to the Sinufes of the Dura mater. h, b. The Jateral Sinufes of the Dura mater. i. The fourth Sinus called pro- fundus. } b. Branches of the external Ju- gular to the Zemples fore. héad, ¢5'c. ie mm. Mm. perf? through the Arm. t The divifion of it at the ben- ding of the Cubit. j. The Artery, where the pulfe is felt. ym. im. Small veins from the, 4. The outward. branch of the _& Its branches at the Wrift, wof Humane Bodies. ‘And firft the Figures 4 and B on the left hand, Reprefenting the Skin with the Veins make the Veins on the back of the hand. d. The Head vein, as in Fig, A. Which with the Cepbalica | | pula. Breaft. which ferye to the back of the hand. Its branch at the Thumb, termed likewife Cephalica. g The Salvatella. h. h. Branches of the Mufcle vein. 2. Scapularis externa, or the' Veins. 7 m. m. Veins arifing from the in- ternal Iliack branch to the Mufcles on the outfide of the Hip, and the skin of the spain: call'd Mufeule me- ike Vifto Prima. more fully delineated in the| + The Breaft bone. | {mall figure A annexed to| *The Cartilago Enfiformis. this ficure n, ne The Cartilages of | ; ; Mm th * The “Branch called Spleni-| Ribs, fae ' CHS. p. i 1: 4 qe q The five baftard fi f. The Arteria adipof2. Ribs, : eats £8. T he Emulgent' Arteries, | r.1.2 The Os Sa- nen. Their Ramifications in the | —crum. Kidneys. 0.0. The Spermatick Arteries. p. The Mefenterica inferior. I, 2. 3. The Arteria Lumbares. q. The Divifion of the Aorta, in- f. The Os Coceyzis. tet. The Os ilium on each fide. uu. The Os Coxendicis, or Hip- bone ou both fides. | x. The Os Pubis, or Sharebone. V. The mufculus Pfoas. X. The Iliacus internus. y. The Thigh bone. r. The Arteria Sacra. f. f. The internal iliack Arte- | ries. x. The Head of the thigh bone; tt The Arteries called Hypo-| below which are gaflrica. | a. The Protuberance of the thigh ue uw. The external Iliack Bran- bone called the Trochanter ches. major. Xe Xe X, Tne Arterie Epiga- | * The Trochanter minor. firica. b. The Patela, or Knee-pin. y. y. The crural Arteries d. The bone of the Leg called x. x. The Ramifications of thofe} = Frbyla. Artertes in the Leg. e. e. The Tibia. 4. The Arteries which ferve to} ef. The Ankles. the foot. & The bone of the Tarfus cal- | led Talus, or Os calcis. FIGURE. &. g. The Os naviculare. k, The. other bones of the Zar- [w. 1,7. The bones of the Metatar- Sheweth the Branches of the Ca- _ liack. Artery. Us. a. The Artery called Gaflrica | p, a bones of the Toes, dextra. The following Letters belong to c. The Gajtroepiplois dextra. that part of this figure, which d. The Hepatica. reprefent the Nerves, as under e. Twigs of the right branch} ¢ho shull, beftow’d upon the Mefen-{ g, gg, 6b. The Brain and Ce- tery. rebelium, with the ten pair of f. The left Branch of theCz-| -Neryes. which arife within liack Artery. the Skull. g. The Gaftrica mayor. a. a. a. The Brain. h. The Epiplots finiftra. b. b, The Cerebellum. i. The Gaffra-Epiplois finiftra. ce The Medulla oblongata. kb, The Branches which are be- | g, The beginning of the Medul- {towed on the Spleen. la Spinalis. external: vein of ‘the Sca-{m The k, A branch on the fide of the| o Veins running along J. Branches from the Lumbar | p. f. f. The Hips. a: Be oe underin * ree rrr ea ae : he Uchias minor, or tefled Hip vein. the hin- dar ‘part. of the thigh, =~ The Saphena, asin Fig, A, p, {qrere The Vena poplitea,* or Ham Vein. FINTS. 8 4. The largeft branch of the crural Nerve, being the thickeft and ftrongeft in the whole body. | P. pp» The feven true ribs. ]#. The divifion of this branch into the exterior and inner branches. u. The Ramificaticns of the ex- terior part. . x.y. The Ramifications of the inner part. x. The Nerves, which are. be- {towed on_ the foot, es ere The Second Table, or Facio, in the firft Vifion, FIGURE A, Reprefents a Woman. a. The Forehead, b. The Eye. c. The Nofe. d. The Mouth, * The Cheek, e. The Ear, f. The Throat and Neck. gg. The top of the Shoul- ders. hh. The wpper Joint of the Arm. $e i. The Elbow. R. The Cubit, or lower part of the Arm. m. The Writt. | its n. The Metacarp, and back of the hand. 4.0, The Shoulders, p: p. ps p. THE Back. | ; q: 9.9: The fpine, or middle of the Back, oe r. Tne Arm-pit. oS A.T ie Loii:s.and Region of the Kidneys, a * The place where the Os Sai crum iS. pha 3 ce ices x: x. The Buttocks, ek lm. The Mefentertca fuperioy, \e.e. The Nervi accefJorii, or re-|y.y. Toe hinder part “of the which arifes from the Aorta} current Nerves. 2.2. Tne Intercoftal running down by the roots of the Ribs. Reprefents the Bones, with fome of |g. g.g.g. Tine branches of the the Nerves. Intercoftal Nerves running between the Ribs. F. The Os Frontis, or Forehead Tne Nerves which Bone. pafs out between the Ver- a. a. The Oz Zygoma, or Cheek | tebres of the Neck and Bone on both fides. Breaft from the Spinal mar- b. The upper Jaw-bone. row. FIGURE F. tc. The under }aw-Bone. At the Neck and Head are d. d. The Carotid Arteries. 8,8. The divifion of the Ca- rotid Arteries. into their.ex- ternal and internal Bran- ches. k. The fine Branches of the -Carotids in the Plexus Cho- rvodes. l. 1. Other Branches of Carotid Arteries in the Brain. The Vertebral Arte- ries, | l. The Sinus longitudinalis of the} n..n. The Temporal Arteries. outward Membrane of the Brain, or Dura mater. Next follows tke defcending Trunk of. the Venacava, 4.:e. That: part, whichis below the Liver, and the Branches thereof. f. fi The Vena adipose. g.m. The emulgent Veins. heiek. The vene Lumbares, or Veins of the Loins. l, 1 The Mujfcula fuperiores. \d.d. The Clavicule, or Collar g: &¢ The temporal Bones. 1, 2. 3. Ge.’ - The Vertebres. And the firft feven Num- bers are the feven . Verte- bres of the Neck, the next jy... 0. p.g.q. The Nervus Bra- twelve Numbers are the; chialis, and all the nervous twelve Vertebres of the| Branches which ferve to the Breaft;. the next five, are! Arm. the five Vertebres of the} 4, 4. 4. The five pair of Nerves Loins. Under that part of this Figure, which reprefents the Bones of the Arm, are fhown. of the Spinal marrow, which bones. e. The Scapule, or Shoulder blades. e. of the Loins. +f, The head of the Shoulder- | Under the Os Sacrum in this fi- The following Charaékers below the Heart have Reference to the Arteries, which {pring from the defcending Trunk of the Aorta. m.m.im. The Intercoftales. infe- T10F ES » d. The Arteria phrenica. e. The Czliack Artery, which. js divided into the right and |m. m. The bones of the Fin- the left Branches, and is A Bone, with the procefs of} gure are. the Scapula, called Acromi- um. g, $3. §. The-Nerves which g. The Shoulder’ bone. proceed from that part of bh. The Bone of the Cubit, which is called the Ulna. i. The Radius. | k. The Bones of the Wrift. J. The Bones of the Meta- carp. crural Nerve. Bers. : fented. Nerves} % The Ham. Below f. Tne Suprafcopularis h.The Rotundus. | g. The Extenfor longus . Thigh. are. “which <9 a. The Calf of the Leg. - 6. The bending of the Foot. c. The outer Ankle, ' d. The Sole of the Foot. e. Jhe Heel. FIGURE B. Reprefents the Mufcles, which ap: pear on the back, part of the Body. . he B. The Skull with the Pericrz- num upon it. a. a. The Mufcles of the Head : called Trigemint, or -Com- plexi. ; b. b. The Mufeles’ called -Sple- Nii. that proceed from that part} c..c. The Trapezius of the Sca~ pula. is:contained in the Vertebres | d. Tine Mu/culus Deltoides, .. . |e. The Suprafcapularis fuperior, or Suprafpinatus, inferior, or Infrafpinatus, a of the Ulnd. : of the Spiral marrow, part of | * The Extenfor brevis. which, with fome of the Lum- | 7. Part of the Biceps. - bar branches, do make the | k. The. Brachiaus externus. 1, The Supinator longus, of the : Radius. Be aa. es mae Over that part of this figure,|m. Tne Radiaus extevnus. which seprefents the Bones of \n..The Cubiteus escternus. the Leg and Thigh, are repre-\0. The Extender of the Gers oe sate which fome make ‘to be two ’ Mofeles.: =»; an p3 < 2 + The Supinator: Radii brevts. “gs. The Tenfor Jongior- of the thumb, ; *t The Tenfor brevior of - the famer, *. “neu. The Radius and Una. “x. The Ligament which joyms ‘thofe Bones. Ps -y. The Mu/cult interoffet. Turning up the Trapezius ‘c.c. . Bhere-abpear.. ff. The Mufculi-Rhomboidei. right fide. right Scapula. ‘x. %.' The “lower, part of the He GPeena es 55 “y. Part ofthe Spinalis colli. _z.%. Part of the Longiffimi Dorf. Below thefe are thé following Re- oc fekences, *. | | ‘a4. a. a, The Mifcles: called the Latiffimi: Derfi. 6, b. The Glutai majores, which ‘make a great part of the But- ~ » tocks, under which lie, -c. +. o..- The Glutei: medii. a. The vaftusexternus. — oe ¢ t) 4 See a3 Bere . 4 "| Facio XX. in Viftm reprefents the Pharynx, ga fome part of the Ocfapl | fus. . “it . a ich, The Oefophagus eat ae from the Stomagh; . . b.b, The Mufclés of the 7 rynat called Mujcult : Cep H pauryngai. ie 4,0. The Mufenti Sphanopha gal. Qc ad, d. The Mufeuli Sty lopharyn e.e The Mufculus Oclophagm or Sphinéer Mufele off Oejophagus. | f. The pafiage for the Foo a, Tie Fibres of the ontay COafaa te eae g The outward flefaly Bib of the fecond coat of Ocefophdgus. <) Ort fame Coat, which ‘ald the outward Fibres; el eee feu EE te ole a. The. Mufculus perforans, | the flexor of the thitd inte node of the fingers. = ° iq b, b. Part of the Tendons of t Mufeulus Perforatus. 4 » \ ‘ . N T: ‘ Be S| in ) \ 44 \ ‘ : YN >i NEN | 4 Wen Naa i fo NS if NY \ ei y \ . 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"> ee a er Ne Sees Ne SR ee siew - ae ST nee Re et 2 a ated a 7 yf an ee nae The Forehead, with the Vein: <= 5 FS > rs ae See Sh 6% * eget 2s 4 ae 6 = Ve a i + ¢ Fy — = Bi ant Ai : 7 ee . sees — 2 -— oo i ‘a. The Ba gas : «FIG URE Acreprefents =, | oe, i bs, 5 | : : es Bacio. is Vifion WL. thereof. =a 1¢ temporal Vell. ¢.cephalick Vein . of the mm. ot : es < - oS te Liver vein. ~ e. The Salva-tella. © fi The Vena Cephalica of the Hand. - 4. The faphena. The Suralis interiv, the Vein.called J/chias ma- k. The Vein of the great Toe. -. 2, The Vein of the little Toe. eg. The privy parts of aMan. Te eG nT ST cect g aa b Fae (oa a e pe SES ee, i ~SiaAbC a « “ | oF Hair which grows above "the Privities.- | -n. The Man’s Yard. > @, The Preputium. 2 * p. The Glans, or Nut of the “. g.q The Tefticles in the Sero: a ~ fume -FIGUR E B. fhews , a. c. d. The Peritonaum. “b. The Linea alba remaining after the Mufcles are, taken D.. The Navel. , cao ry a3 Ras ee ‘tkongum : a ; ‘a. d. Veins and Arteries from > a * ite ™ ae = .¢. The productions of the Pe- the Mammary Vefiels. @,e, The Veins and. Arteries from the Epigaftrick Vel- a vy) _ f. The Branches of fome. Veins in the fides of the Peritona- HM. | bo WIGCURE C. —-Reprejents the Diaphragm. a. The flefhy, or Mufcular . part ofthe Diaphragm. @ bbb. The tendinous part ofit. ~ ¢ The Perforation thro’ which the Oefophagus paffes. ne ee. The two appendices of the men, after the Liver, Spleen, The perforation thro* whieh ~~ “the Vena Cava afcends. Diaphragm between - which . ec the great Artery defcends. FIGURE Dererefnts ‘The forepart of the Sto- Po ate ier The Deodenm The Dudlus communis of ee ae | he Nerves of the Sto- ‘the ¥ | i. i. The Tefies, or Stones. |.Shews the Omentum, or Caule 1a. A peice of the Membrane fe- | ++ The fphinéer Mufcle of the oe o ‘ “a _-uponthe Pericardium. of Une, 5 The “afcending Trunk of the pachuse c. The Bladder dd. The neck of theBladder. Se a eae £, ¥. The Veficula feminates. f A The Mufcles: of the Yard called Ereéores; or Dir ettores pe Penisce SF oF? h. The Yard. 7 ‘ “ < bk, The Vafa preparantia. I, 1. The Vafa deferentia. ‘m;m, The Ureters cut off. oFIGUREG. | . parated. b. The Glandules, or Veficles of Fat in the Caul. 3 c.e,¢ The Blood-veffels of the Omentum. i FIGURE H. Reprefents the Inteflines. a. The Anus, or Fundament. ~ Anu b d. The Caecum. e. H, ee. Lhe Colon. - f. f. The Reétum. g. & partof the Duodenum. FIGURE lI. reprefents The Truok of the Vena Por- aye =. a, The fplenick Branch of it. &, The Vena Gaftrica. + The Vena Epiplots dextra. * The Vena Epiplois poflica. b. The Mefenterick Branch of the Vena Porte, c. c. The Spleen. d.The Pancreas. * eahe Mefentery with its Vel- fels freed from the Inte- {tines. ae ‘f. The Vena Mefenterica dextra with its fmaller Branclies. g. The Mejenterica finiftra. ‘p. The Pancreas Afellii. i. i, i. i. 7. The Vene ladtee. “FIGURE K. Shews the Cavity of the Abdo- Stomack and Inteflines are ta- ken out. ** The Peritoneum. a. The Vena Cava. b. The Arteria Aorta. , c.c. The Vena adipofe. d. d. The Emulgent Veins. e e. The Emulgent Arteries. f.f.TheKidneys. — | g. &- The Ureters. hb. b. b. The Lumbar Yeins and Arteries. | i. 4. The Veins and Arteries cal- led Mufcul a fuperiores. i. The divifion both of the Ve- —naCava and Aorta into the I- liack branches. | 1. The Veins and Arteries called tion of the Membrane ted, to fhow the Glan- of theLiver. - Ligamentum feptale... “Vena Cava coming: tfrom the Liver. -e. The concave part.of the 8 vel 2 ai Sacra... | pan + + The epigaftrick Veins and | Arteries. din. m. The divifion ofthe Iliack branches. into the-external -_ and internal. | | 1. 4. The Veins and Arteries cal- . yJed Iliaca externa. ee ) 4} 2.2. The Veins and Arterie fimall Lobe of the Ltver,| 3) Bila dreds Ge called Iliace interne. -- 1S. n. The right fpermatick Vein, je cleft of the Liver where he Umbilical vein runs. = he Dudas communis entring >Duodenum. Kee ent & Portion of the ‘Dunde- Theb‘ena Porta. p- Some part of the. right inch of the Celiack Ar- Nerve beftow’d upon the rane, and Gall-veffels. » ot The umbilical Arte from the Vena cava. a The left fpermatick. Vein. _ from the Emulgent. p. p. The fpermatick Arteries. 4.4. The Veficule feminales. r. r The Mujfculi cremafteres of. the Tefticles. ff. The vafa pampiniformia. tet. The Tefticles. + The Epididymis on the left - fide. u. The Proftate. “ x. x» TheV afa deferentia. For a farther reprefentation of the Parts which ferve Phe Genera- tion, See again figure F. in this Facio. Thefe Parts are particularly fhovon | jn Facio VI. of this Vifion. - FIGUREL. flews. 1r. The Pericardium’ with the - Beart included in it. e : fo E he Mediaflinum feparated An oe nus. b.c.c. The Inteftines called | * sind bine 1 i ® oth i 7 ic selma ape .b, bc. g. be i. The Larynx, or 3 _frony the Sterdum, and lying . The afcending Trunk of the Aorta. | 5 d. The defcending Trunk of the Aorta. @. The defcending Frunk of | the Venacava — . Tne divifion of their afcen- | ding Trunks near the neck. 2 f. Tne original of the Vena Az)y- gos from the Vena cava. g. The left fubclavian Vein and Artery. h. The right and Artery. ; ii. The carotid Arteries, -Jugular Veins. fubclavian Vein, and m, The pulmonary Artery. n. The pulmonary Vein. 0.0. 0. The ramifications of the pulmonary Vein, and Artery in the Lungs. q. The entrance of the Vena ca- _ va into the Heart. FIGURE -M. reprefents boc. d. M.. The Trachea, or a. The Eprglottis. é b. b. The Cartilago Thyroides. c. The Cartilago cricoides. &. &.g.b. i. The hinder part of the Larynx. &. & The Cartilago arytanpides.) g. The lower fide of the Epiglot- tis. h. The concave part. of the car- tilago Thyro des. 7 1. The cartilago cricoides. ++ The Tonfills. M. d. 1. 1. The annular cartila- ges of the Trachea. kk, The hinder, and membra- | nous part of thé Trachea. ef the divifisn of the 7ra- chea, where ifs Ramiacations in the Lungs bepin. f.f- The Bronchia, or Ramifica- tions of the Trachea thro’ the Lungs. 3 x. xy y Lhe right and Icft ~ Lobes of the Lungs. xz. The edges of the Lohes where the Veficulg are vifible when the Lungs are blown up. FIGUREO.O.O. O. repre fents the Cavity of the Tho- rax, after the Lungs and Heart are taken out. O. +f The twelve Vertebres of the Thorax. aa. a. a. a. a. The intercoftal Mofcles, with the Pleura which covers all the infide of the Thorax. d. The upper part of the Ster- num, to which the Clavicule are joined. f.f. The Sternum, or Breaft- Bones” fy) g. Lhe Diaphragm. hb, The Ribs covered with the Pleura. e. The Cartilago &nfiformis. ae > ee eet Facio I. in Vifon UI. FIGURE A. reprefents A. a. 6. f. The outward furface of the Skull. A. TheOs frontis. a. a. The temporal Bones the fquameous Sutures. b. The Os Occipitis. c. c. The Coronal future, d. The Sagittal future. e. e. The Lambdoide future, f. f. The Bones of the Synci- put. | g. g. The Offa jugalia. FIGURE 8B. fhews. B. B. f. The Dura mater, and the upper part of the Brain after the Skull is taken off. a. The Sinus longitudinalis. b.b. The two lateral Sinufes. ¢. The Sinus profundus, and the Torculay where all the Sinufes meet. d. The Dura mater covering th the Cerebellum. ; e.e. The Veins which appear in. ‘the Dura mater. Bes xs Ae i, i. The Veflels of the Pia Mater. : ly ah } brain. jt. t. #. The vertebral Arteries. with | ‘a. a. The Cavity of the Os 0c- ) ld. The Cavity of the Os Fren- | z. The two interior and > ae Le upper part of reer, Piatt eo sorerad eh the Pia | n. n. The fifth, , “mater, with its Plice. 0.0. The feventh foramen. ‘ LL. The Cortical part of the |p.) The firft: foramen of the janing te temporal Bones. Sy g. q. The Proceffus petrofus of the temporal Bones. y.ye Another foramen of the temporal Bones. {s.s. The great foramen -of the “Os occipitis. | ks enteral Facio LI. in Vifion I. Represents the Liver. asa. dea. The Gibbous part of the Liver. ane A. A Portion of the Umbilical Vein. &. a. a, The concave part of the Liver. b. A piece of the Membrane fe- parated and hanging down. c.c, The trunk of the Vena Ca- va by the gibbous part of Li- vere Dap j Op- | d. The umbilical Vein. e.The Gall-bladder. The Duétus Cyfticus which, AS m. The Corpus callofum. n.n, The Falx, being an incur- vated extuberance of the Du- Yamater, SA 0 p.q. The Cerebellum. FIGUREC, fhews. a.a.Some of the cortical part |} of the Brain. b.C.C. The medullary part of the brain. c. The Fornix, with the Septum Lucidum. d. d.f. f. The two anterior Ven- tricles. d. d. The Corpora firiata. g. The Plexus choroides. h. b.. Small Veins appearing 1n the anterior Ventricles. i,j. A part of the fame Ventri- cles again reprefented. l,l. The Thalami Nervorum ticorum.’ m.m. The Protuberances cal- | f. led Nates. goes immediately from the n. The Glandula Pinealis. Gall-bladder. 0.0. The Protuberances cal- | g. Tine Dudtus Hepaticus. led Teftes, under thefe and | 4. The Dudius communts, the Nates is the third Ven- | 7. The hepatick Artery. tricle. k. The Artery, which comes. p. The fourth Ventricle. from the Celiack to the con- q. q. The Medulla oblongata. cave parc of the Liver. ver The Cerebellum divided to \/. Another Branch of the fame few the fourth Ventricle. going to the Gall-bladder. ss. The Cortical part of the |. A Nerve from the interco- Cerebellum. ftals to the Liver. t.t. The medullary part of the |. The fmall Lobe to which the Cerebellum. Omentum is join'd. FIGURE A reprefents |. The Eminencies of the Liver The Bafis of the Brain, with the’ call'd the Porte, ten pair of Nerves, &c. p. Glands lying in the concave a.a. a. a. The fore and hinder | part of the Liver. S Lobes of the Brain. q- 4:4. q. q. The lymphatick b. b. The Cerebellum. Veffels with their Valves. c.c. The Medulla oblongata. r.r.r. Other lymphatick Vef- d.d. The Olfaétory Nerves, or | _ {els. Firft pair...” f. The Vena Porta, é.e. The Optick Nerves, or Se- | —— : cond pair. Facio LV. in Vifion Ul. fi f. The Motory Nerves of the | Shews the Gall/effels of theLiver. Eyes, or Third pair. a. The Gall-bladder opened. g.g- The Pathetick Nerves, or}, 6. Tne Dudtus Hepaticus. Fourth pair. c. coer The Dudius Cyftico-Hepa- h, — “ fy pair. 1 peg: i exit pur, d. The Duélus Hepaticns opened k, k. The Auditory Nerves, and} — that the pags of the Du- van proceffes, or Seventh! gus Cy/lice-hepaticus may be l,l. Tae Par pair. m.m. The recurrent Nerves. n, n. The Ninth pair. 0.0. The Tenth pair. | p. p. The carotid Arteries, —_————s . : ecm. vagum, or Eighth}, The other aperture in the “Gall-bladder, over which is planted a Membrane, or Valve. f.f: The {mall Bilary branch affing immediately from q-q- A branch of the Carotids} — the Vefica Fellea into the Li- running betwixt the fore ver. and hinder Lobes of the} 7. ¢. Tine DudFus cyfticus. Brain. , Th. bbb. The fall branches of yr. Tne anterior branches of. the} the — Dudtus Cyflico-hepaticus carotid Arteries. difperft through the Liverin: s. The hinder branches of the | 7, rhe Vena Porta. re, carotid. Arteries united, to] }. The Dugtus communise meet the Vertebral trunk. = | 7, The Pylorus. ae mA part of the Dusdenum.. 4 n. The opening of the Dudfus communis into the Duodenum NESS RRR ES ANE 2 IES Facio V. in Vifion Il, Shews the Ramifications of the Vena Portz, and Vena Cava through the Liver. a. boc, The Vena Cava. a.b. That part of its trunk, which afcends from the Li- . ver. c. The defcending trunk of the Vena Cava. d.d.d.d. The ramifications of the Vena Cava through the fubftance of the Liver. e.@.e.@, The ramifications of 1 the Vena Porta in the Liver. f. f.f. The meeting of the ex- ‘tremities of the branches of the Vena cava, and the Vena i u, The branches of the verte- bral Arteries united into one Trunk. w. w. A branch from the Ca- rotides on either fide to the Plexus Choroides. x. The Infundibulum. y.y The Glandules behind the Infundibulum. Ze % WX Theannvlar Protu- berance, « , FIGURE. D. fhews cipitis in which the Cerebel- lum lies. b. b. The Os Sphanoides. c Fhe Os Ethmoides. tise é. The Crifta Galli. f: The anterior Procefies of the Os Sphunoides. Rey hin porta. der procefies of the Os Sphe-| g The trunk of the Vena porta noides. 1. cut afunder. h, The Sella Turcica, in which RT =) ee Glandula Pituita-) Bacio VJ. in Vifion II. dei. The .fitft” foramen of the | Reprefents the Parts which ferve “Os Cuntiforme. © «8° for generation, and thofe which k, &, The fecond foramen of ths ferve for the feparation, and ON ee gees. excretion of the Urine. third... = “ 3 . The Vena cava, ‘6. The Arteria Aorta, c. The Bladder of Urine. — ** The emulgent Arteries, 1. d. The emulgent Veins. e. & The Veficule feminales. f. The Proftate. Ca Lt Wes * ret , ) 7 Te Vee AX | . , as we |g. g. The Ureters. h.b. The infertion of the Ure-} ters into the Bladder. - i. Blood-veffels of the Yard. k, The divifion of the ‘Aorta, and Vena cava into their Ili- ack branches. l. L. The Vena and Arteria facre.. m. Tire Vrethra opened. n,m. The Corpora nervofa of the Pents. yi q. The Glans. 0. 9. The Seminal Veins. p. pe The Seminal Arteries. t. t. The Tefticles. . ue The Epididymis of the left fide. x. x. The Vala deferentia. FIGURE B.under A.the left Kid- * ney reprefents the Kidney when it is opened. a. a. a. The urinary Pipes which run from the Cir- cumference towards the center. b. The urinary Glandules. c.c. The Papilla, or Centres to theurinary Siphons. . d, The Pelvis. . e.e.e. The branches of the Pelvis. Facio VII. in Vifton II. fhews, a. The Navel. 1, 2. The umbilical Arteries. 3. The Urachus. b, The Bladder. c. The concurrence of the Vafa deferentia. d. d. The Ureters. a.& TheVeficule feminales. e. ¢. The Proftates. f. f: The Corpora Nervofa of the Yard. g-g. The Mufcles called Ereéfores, or Diredtores Pents. bb. The Mufcles called accele- ratores Uring. Facio VIII. in Vifion Il. flews the right Ventricle of the Heart opened from the Pulmonary Ar- tery. a. A. A Portion of the great Artery. b. A Portion of theVena Ca- va. d.d. The flefhy Fibres in the right Ventricle. f.g.e.e.e. The Pulmonary Ar- tery opened at its Original. e.e.e. The Valvule figmeides, or Semilunares. heh. The Septum Cordis. wees ey ‘Facio 1X. in Vifion VW. Shews ‘> the-left Ventricle of the Heart - Sopened from the Aorta. a. The great Artery opened at its original, | 6.6. b. The femilunary Valves. c. The Septum Cordis. c,d. d.d. The left ventricle run- ning down to the Cone of the heart. e. €. The external fubftance of the Heart, which enclofes the Ventricle. f. Part of the Ventricle, where itis cut, turn’d out that the Mufcular Fibres may — be feen. Facio X. in Vifion II. Shews the left Ventricle opened from the Pulmonary Vet aa. The Pulmonary Vein o- pened juft at its entrance in- to the Heart. pe b. The left Auricle of the _ Heart. c.'The place, where the Fora- men Ovale was, by which the Blood ina Fetus paffles from the Vena Cava to the pulmo- nary Vein. d. d. The two Mitral Valves. e.e. The flefhy Pillars arifing from the fides of the Heart. & The outfide of £teat Artery, b. The left axillary A tery. é. The afcendins Trunk c 4orta. ae é. J» The pulmonar ae | . Artery, 9 e. The Canalis Prat 2) | b. 1k. ke The two pj ao y vO yf Me Pieces of vertl i. eo 7 4 hb. i. 4. The Ventricles andit i fideofthe Heart, . Facto XII, in Viffon tl, A , the manner of the Conti fion i thé Fibres of the Heart. |" ™ a. The Tendon of the richie b. ae Tendon of the Jeft { da c. Some Fibres of the outfide _ d. The Fibres of the inf ia e. The Contorfion of the § bres. ' hat » ' y ? “ bed ; Me FP Rai? 4 Vm a ee pees = iy Facio X11]. inVifionIl, Show the outer Fibres, winding ani ending in the Cone, | Facio XIV. in Vifon 11. fron the Brarches of the Tracheal one of the Lobes of the Lurgi with their V eficles. | a. The very beginning of ti Bronchia at the divifionof tam Tiachea, with the annuli Cartilazes, 4 bb The {mailer divifions andy branches of the Bienchiz, — CoCo CeCe The Veficula formed’ the Extremities of the (in Bronchia. Il. Repem Facio XY. -in Vifion fents a. a, The Arteria preoarans. b. The divifion o! tht Artery, c, The Vena preparans, d. Itsfirft divificn. — J e, €.é.¢.e. The Valves of ff Vena praparantes. Lf Jf. f. Many divifions and U nions of the Vena prepara or Plexus Pampinifwmiss” 9 f. The upper part of the Tell cles. q h, b, Branches of Veins and Af terices in the Tefticles. f i. ky 1. The Epididymis. i i. The bizger end, l. The fmaller end. m. The vas deferens. 1 )) Facio XVI. in Vifion Il. Repre Jents a.a. Apart of the Ten. ~~ 6. b. The great knot of Glands which make the extremiq} of the. I/eom next the Gord all glandulous. “sy c. Valvula coliopened. ‘ d, d. The {mall glandules of th Valve. c e. The Cacum. a \ As! VY 4 .s fe A porcion of the Colon ® pened. Bie g. The exterior fuperfice offie Colon. & b.-A piece of the Colon put Veo | ue i k. The fpace between Valves. : ‘LL. The Cells which are fomné by the unequal length of fil outer Ligament. 4 ad . ey ~ aET SS, rae | AAO 3 5% ‘KS ; Ma ? Y = fat « NSD : NY RH OS > --. *> -“* eR tee rer me FL padd da < SS te yf gt oU» ! LAN pened . Sy OOO eee ts ARR \) J O00 ee tooo x > Nout) - SH i oe 7 OVS FEF; f ‘ \ vy (LAL 2A ae ; ; Ys P . S: 1 } SP ransune 4 / SS Pi i daha ZF (PT fetal 2 2 OPPT ITS Cnet ee eld Ae (ane? oe Assen od ied ed Ae SO ww 2 ME MP em « “na. CZ Lethe hh aN ww wh eS 4 - SLL dppb A ALL ¢ SFL Jat tebpesa pafababe dD te Db hddededd £2 Vid Added da % \ PJi dss idd at 2 Aen ’ - s ‘ ; : NES a8 Sore pee 3 POS Ste saae® = eS Setanta - 7 See ~~ SESS A SSS 3 Rs soe Oe el See! — 4 Wii a yy Yj GR) s) 4 ie, Sas ve iy / ff me i | faye TULL AL AAas 7 ts — ee cecpagnen wmktie fella: | tag Until ym A tivig tb the Mafeles of the (a,c. d. The whole IENBITS" "V7 the of at Sans © On the other f “o (aeaagiee ‘dy, b. The anterior Lones of Wie] Fe Oo ae Nofe. of the T® opt heed: of the Dudlus!e. The P yn on TAL init Cok: The Pia Mater. 1 open | of Ee Ge _The Nervt oculorum motorti RRR, Several twigs OF. the ye sheionye ct Fe the Duotle= a boa: ee on © The pofterior, and larger ~paffing through the Cranium.) “fifth pair to the-upper ie ancreaticus | i nA. reprefents- | RIGURE C. reprefents the Bafis} 1 obes. {ht The pathetick Nerves, !, A-branch of thefifth. pair C0]. . Bloodareficis of. the | ie Pree Re es A of Me Brat. © Je The Cerebellum. pe be grt pit et of - pri 2 yigheax gk tse 4 pie mace * "e \ 2 wet. ‘BKeontal ville. > oi : ar E aob-| at the fame hole asthe ior-} Oe in : CG aoe EUS Se Tglernecta : |. dd The four Lobes ont d. oe shoes the sa dulla| «mer. _[n, A Nerve from the fifth pair | k, BA: bottom of the Sto- on ae = = . 4. Thehead-vein. ~ Brain,, fe. two anterlor, 20" inalis begins. i The Nerves ofthe fifth | tothe Parotid Glands. 7) marke oy ules j Facio XV. in Vi othe Liver vein. 4. twe hinder. ». Fhe Procefjus mammillaris of] pair. “fo. A twig to'the internal Afafli-}/.°A knot of {mall Gianaules 1n ice nw 7 ; eke Vina Medidnd. - * ee eT, ae |" he right fide. : k. k. The fixth pair, which run- Oe: ial ae ee Th Be Sapien 5 ene ee: mae Le Oe eae : ‘And it 1s to be noted, That be- ning under the Dura Mater, P. Ee ce ; Coat of the ftomack, la. a The Trunk of the’, : | _. g¢, The Salvatella. oe tne rane of the hand. pafs out,at the fame hole as| #70. )b. 6. The-Frufke- the Nerves of the third and | 9. Another twig to ‘the inter- “PIGURE B. rie of th d. d. The Olfattory. Nerves, OF +] nal part of the fame Mafti- ~ firft pair. caufe bere is a.later al pro{pect cig Vena furalis. extertor, OF ee ae h e fkew only the a ey stein of the Cale c: @-= The optick Nerves, OF fe-| of thofe parts, w eee: e < | | acai intitle, or the |f. f- The Nervi oculorum motorit, there are a anfwering on m. m. The Par vagum. : r, A twig tothe root of the| Coat of the Stomack, d. d. The Emulgent at IS, ner Vein of the calfof the} or third «pair of the Nerves. the other fig ee n.n, The recurrent Nerve. Tongue. oie West of. thedtnmane Cs¢. TheRidneys, gC ie Er | gege The pathetick Nerves, OF) The optick Nerve. 0,0. The Ninth pair <. 5..A branch to the fub‘lance | 5 » a: sortion of . the: ff f-f. The-Ureters, “Re febias m goer fourth pair. + |f, Oneof. the Nervi oculorum |. 5 The Tenth pair. of the Tongue. a es ‘portion of the Oejopha- | g. g. The {permatick Arter The Saphana or Ankle vein-} 8. h. ‘The fifth pair. Motori. : | q. q. The lateral Sinules. ¢t. A branch of this fifth pair | . 5 Circular tithes: vba h, The right-fpermati¢k V The vein of the great Toe. {.i. The fixth pair. h. One of the pathetick Nerves. | °- to the parts under te Heidt; - ¢ Springing ‘from’ the Vena Cae The Hypogaltvicm. “| ky ke The auditory Nerves, oF) 7, Oue of the Sate? of thé aici Oa Tongue. sisi aussie oi Bie a “9 “ “ho ‘The hair.of the Privities | in | ir ari the : neh igs to the low- * (i. The left f{permati ee The hatr-of the Privitics- feventh pair fifth pair arifing trom | wu. u. Some twigs d. The Pylorus, with part of the C Ipermatick Vein ee 1. lL. The:Par vagum, OF eight | . Pyoceffks annulavts. Facio VI. ia Vi ifton III. er Lip. Pasian. ; Pp . | seth from the: Em ak : op pe The Pudendun. - ne The Rima magna. The Clitoris. kel, mn. The branch of this. Nerve diftributed to the face - and jaws. Xe Xe Some twigs to the chin. e. B. e. The circular Fibres k. &. The tliack Arteries, of the’fecond Coat ofthe fto- /./. They hack- Veins mm. A Nerve from the fpinal Reprefents the Nerves, which pr ceed from the third, fourth,| ———_————__ ae Se ~The Lips c the Pudendum., Marrow called Nervus recur- i . Sebo - Lips of : : eRe | |b. The branch of this Nerve to f°" fifth and fixth Pairs, and ferve Saco MHL 4 V iff int mack. | initn. The inner branches of thell | ahessson pipures: ave ex-| non. The ninth pair. | ~~ the frontal Mufcles. to the Mujcles of the Eyes,%c. “a et re lihack Arteries, oa next thirteen Figures 4) | ‘ FIGURE C. ee : “x Shews the Heart opened at the mn. The external brinches off | Reprefents the internalSuperficies; the Miack Veins. ‘o. 0. The tenth pair. - 7. The branch affign’@ to the ; : a, ANerve from the third pair | right Ventricle, and the Vena | | oplairé. in Vifion Ff, Bacio 1. cE) 1 1a ha ie a ae , oti te References are the faimes | p. Ps The trunk of the carotid} | Noftrils. ; : ee e aee ree = de f P liters cut off, where it is di- | a. The branch, which the tem- | to the Mu/culus attollens, the Cava, of the Stomack, " e. The ges 0 The inner branches oft 4 . FIGUR EB. The Peritoncum. vided into the anterior, and} poral Mufcle receives. Deprimens, and the Adducens | a. f. The right Auricle open’d. dulous Coat with its Fo ds ov Iliack' Veins. -_ RIG. C, The Diaphrag? ae the hinder branches. - n. The branch, which goes to of the Eye, and to one of the |b. ¢. d.e. The Vena Cavaopen’d. Corrugations. , pp. The outward branches of 1G. D.'The Stomack. — .g. The branches which run} the Mutcles of the Nofe, to oblique Mufcles. c. A protuberance in the Vena! . | the fliack Apteries, > ‘The Lit ., between the anterior, and| the upperJip, and to the |b. A Nerve from the fourth| Cava, which turns the courfe | 4: 9. The Hypogaftrick Arteries. we G. E. The Liver. : poing to the Womb and Vase the hinder Lobes of the} roots of the Teeth in the up- pair to the Mujculus Trochle-| ot the Blood towards the Facio XII. in Vifton All. Gg. F. The Bladder. “%G. The Omentum, or| Brain. per Jaw. oy pee right auricle, ers § SPigea os Ge yr. The anterior branches of the} p, The branch of ‘this Nerve, | c. A Nerve from the fixth piir |d. The place where the Foramen Shews the interior Superfice ofthe "* The hypogafirick Veing he Inteftines. | carotid Arteries, which be- which goes to the Palate and} to the Abducent.Mufcle of Ovale isin a Fetus. Mufcular Coat of the Stomack, ' accompanying the faid AR e Vena Ports. ing united, are again divided,} Gums. >. the Eye. | ; e, The Oritice of tae Coronary’) | » The Ocfophagus terics. , ‘4 The Gavity of the lowe and proceed into the fifiure | o,g.r. The fecond great branch | d. One of {the Nerves of the| Vein. b. rie ¢] -f — fe k [.f- The branches of the Hep ; Agee of the Brain. | of the ficft divifion of the] . fifth pair. g. bh. The Valvula tricu{pides. : jorge es per Soyere gaftrick Arteries going to the se Heart. 7 s. The hinder branches of the fifth pair. e. A Nerve from the fitth pair,{7.# Certain Caruncles called ne - * gion ci 5 i bladder. fi ie Frachea, or Wind- carotid Arteries united, and | 9, The branch which goes to'tthe| whichruns towards tic Eye, | Papille Carnce, to the top of | ee » and clole the! +. ¢. The branches of the Hypos eee a ie meeting with the trunk of | Parotid gland-on the right} which is divided into. | which are joined k. k. The’ 4, arm ot the case’ “it; pafirick Veias going to the 5 The | Aorta, or great). the vertebral Artery. ; fide. , f.. The upper branch, which} . Fibrilis-of the Valwle triiuj- + ae A parcel of Ft al bladder. a Cree |B. The vertebrab Arteries, pg, The branch, which is beftow- | ferves to the Eye-lids, dc. | pides. which run along the 10p Ol) yy. Portions.of the Umbiliea he Ver tebres ‘of the| and~their three afcending{ -ed wponthe Tongue. .. g. The lowet branch, which /. The Cone of the Heart. the ftomack from the mouth Arteries. i: OS gst ieerees o branches. _[y. A branch of the fitth pair be- | ferves likewife to the Eye- ofir, tothe Pylorus. x. x. The bottom of the wort eaNonb. ae The -yertebral branches uni-} towed upon the fower lip, | lids, de. — ae scabs 12 Ne Ere : covered with its com 5 Soermatick Blood- - ted Bed - sin ‘ | the teeth of the lower jaw,]%A ae from the third pair, | f. aan a ge Membrane. a eae ty... The plice where the ver- in. to the H a re a fini w Pp aud the chin Mufcle which pulls up| Facio IX. in Vifion Il. left fice oe the right, go > ae: ee the Intefling of the Spermaticks ~ _tebral, and caret ae f+ One of the Nerves of the , me ies : | em ae i AUNie tote Per trorenml. |" are Wnited, sand abranci on} fieth ptr, © Xe A DTaNCh trom the fame pair 2 bottom CMO Ty y. nd -Li e. » hotton of.the Womb. |. eath fide afcends to the Plex- j- The branch ofit, which goes{ to the Mufcle, which alls Ese the Aufcles of the! mack. J i Ligaments: ~ ne z. z. The Ovaria. a Neck, and Vagina of the sie nt i to fome of the Mufcles of the Eye towards the Nofe. dua.The Mujcubi Stylogloffi omb. = | + The Infundibulum. the Fye. Abranch of the fame Nerve | #°@ 406 'tHcut of) 06tUe | ; ‘ane ae rhe brariche of the Blood-. yy The two Glands placed be-|+ The divifion of this Nerve,} to the Mufcle, which draws bb. The Mnfeuli Ceratoghff. \Bacio KILL in Vifton HI. lief dferent sport, ee : s of the. lower part of hind the Infundibulum. which united with fome| the Eye downwards. & ¢. The Geniaglofi. ; the Ousm an ties bie . Womb, creeping tots} z. % % % Pons Varolii, or the} branches of the fifth pair, | m. A branch of the fame Nerve d.d, The Mujculi Mylogloi Reprefente. into the W b. ee 2 Lape eaes b annular protuberitice, whicl, makes the beginning of the| to the Mufeulus obliquus ti- ee. The Mufculi Bafioglofft. a. The ftomack out of place. re 7 2 brig of Gn m the fperma-| proceeding from the Cerebel-| — intercoftal Nerve. nor. f. The Tongue. b, b. b. b. The Pancreas. : Tube fihgiane, vn us 1. 2. 3, One of the Nerves of | n. Some fmall Nerves from the c.c. ¢. The Duétus Pancreaticus, | + + The Foramina of the Tube. eries to the upper | dum embraces the Afedalla 0b- tof the Womb. longata. the Par avd:torium,orfeventh| Plexus of the third pai ith ifications i : ne 2 pair, with its Ramifications in the | 3. The Neck of th I< hed ahaa cal r 16% ent, he piir. which pals through the Ti-| Facio X. im Vifion Ul. Pancreas. ‘ vefted but of eee aa aaiate Teflcles ee pe az She flows. Joh Pa seas Riba gas to ~ Seeticd of the Eye, to | Shews the DMxfeles of the Pha- d.d. The Duodenum. that the Veff=ls may be (eae th i edi ¢ n. : se a er é ulcies je yc- rows bh a ved. rinx. e, Thie opening of the Duélus ba. TH e- e . ~The Ligamenta votunda Of | a. 33 D. ae argent ete and forehead. 0. A Nerve from the fixth pair! a. a.The Mufcu!i Stylopharyngei. Pancreaticus into the Duode- 4 Mae mato i Vagina tg of the upper part of Cie Skul. | 2, u. The Branch which ferves| to the Mafcle, which pulls| 5. 6. The Afajculi Sphaenopharyn-} | nim. s. The Bladd PLinie i a a a. so cavitysof the Ofifin-) — for hearing. the Eye outward. ee. f. f.f. The Jejumun. 56 hewinn 4 vehets dil cif Kos thafein Vito A a ects ee eaetiates 3. The brancn which is be-,~. A Nerve from the _ upper jc. c. The Cephalopharyngat. gg. g The Mefentery grow- through the Bladdér ay ag Mn AM eth see é ftowed upon the Mufcles of} branch, f. to the Noftrils. d. Tne Mufcu'us Ocfophagus. ing to the Fejunum. The Sohin@er of the Blade jails echmgestae?® ray a hee is, or thefore-} the Tongue, and of the Os.q. A Nerve from the fame }e. A part of the O./ophagus. h. The large gland of the Me- 3 ‘ae aoashamae sos! ed. The cavity of the bone of the Fiyntdes. branch to the Forehead. f. The exterior Coat of the Oe-| fentery called Pancreas Afellii.\ 8. The Clitoris . heer seer * aN Peak cas 4 t.y. The Nerves = 5 Par va:|r. That. part of the fifth pair, |’ foph.gus. i. 7. i. Smaller glands of the Me- 9. 9 The N mph "7 oe ih. in V ifton | ee ahs The ui easdee oF the gum onthe rent ide. which goes to the lower jaw, zg. Tne exterior Fibres of the! fentery. A « The “¥ £ th Pudine RE A. Retrefents.. eb be: Et i1e4s x. The beginning of the inter | cut off. fecond Coat b. k. The latteal Veffels in| g, Ips OF NE ‘ RE A. Reprefeats...) --Skull. mavhal Nerve tg arias teraesh of econd Coat. k. e latteal Veffels in| dyn, : ar ; eae Fic Nereus sncdirme hi apt of the fifth pair] }, 7ne interior Fibres of the| the Mefentery. ¢. The Urinary paffage. 5 at ky e lower: and outer Deas eens a %: jj Pee s acceff eh ef ip tip cut Ol, which goes to the fecond Coat. Ld. ls The beginning of the The Orifi f ¢} V. : i See a as sige ; as is, which goes to the Muf-] _ palute. ; 4 w. The Orificeor the Pagina. face of the Skull. —. ot Bacio IL m / ifion Il cles of the Neck, and tothe | t. A. branch of the fifth pai ee Cees latteal Duéts running be~ . “he great hole of the Os Occi- |) Roprefont * “| fhovlders: " the Cheeks to the goats at | ee | ye egies Seimiae ak tae ue * ‘ ¢ : we ots 0 a : ~ ~ = 4. One of the Nervcsof the) the upper teeth, gee. Facio XI. in Vifion It. ee eg The laéteal Veffels Reprefents the Stomack, running from the Glands of Facio in the Mefentery to the Rece. Vi} in Vifton III, And FIGU RE A. fhews that saulvm Coad p- Ninth pair. s One of the Nerves of the Tenth pair. ene ees ot oy ~~ he large procefles of the |. b. co def. The Cerebellum tur- Bi Oe “ned up after the Medulla ob-. e Proceffus. S tylotdes of} longata. has. been feparated. etemporal Bones. ec) from it. Sie iid The cavity of the temple) a. The right fide of the Cere- |} —$$<$$_$_______— fase the Ramifications of the | Part of the Stomack, which| n, n, Lymphatick Veffels run- t nes for the Articulation] — bel/um, . ; Ry eas" Nerves of the fifth and fixth lies powar ds the Back, - ning from the Liver to the as the lower Jaw. =) B. The left fide of the Cerebel- Facio V. sn V ifton Ill. Pat's. a. The Pharynx, of upper part Receptaculum chyli. - prominence of thé up | — Jum. ree a. The Nerve of the fixth pair-]| of the Oejophagus. o. The Receptaculum chyli. “per Jawnearthe Temples. = fc. The preceflits vermiformis, Reprefents the infide af the Bafis |b. The trunk of one of the} 5.5. The_ Tonfills, or Glands |p. p.p. A part of the Dudus chy- acer tude. 2 fest A part of the Cerebellum to{ of the Skull, covered with the Nerves of the fifth pair, | on the fides of the Throat. liferus. h. A. The Os Sphensides;or}. which the Medulla oblongata) . Dura Mater. ¢. Two Twigs which are refle-|¢ The Glandules on the hin-] q. The trunk of the mefente- : glikeBone. - sf isunited. Ob phegeaaity ofthe (Ox Fr Ged to make the beginning| der part of the Oefopbagus,| rick Artery. FIN 1&. he proceffes, of it called | f. Thatcavity, which with the |“ ie Cavity € Os Fron-} of the intercoftal Nerve. by the fifth Vertebre of the | r.r. The Blood-veffels and la- RA fis Pterygoidess. | Sinus in the| Medulla oblongata. bse Ee d. A twig to the Noftrils. Thorax. éteal Veffelsia the Fejunum. eupper Jaw. od makes the fourth Ventricle. | 4+ 4% # 4 The Dura materex-|e A twig tothe Mufcles of |d. The left, or upper Orifice of | s. The outward Membrane fe- | 7 e Teeth of the upper|-g.g. Some part of the Brain tended over the Bafis of the the Forehead. the ftomack. parated, and hanging down. os SR eR es aes _ adhering to the Cerede/lust, » skull. ero ae! f- f- Twotwigs which ferve to|e. Nerves from the Par vagum |. : ; Lf a OO Sates eee ~~ 46. The €rifta Galli. the Eyelids, and interior} to the ftomack. oe NENT. ; ; RE B. reprefents. as a ee c.c, The Olfactory Nerves. gland of the Eye. | The tri . 'acio XIV. in Vi ifton III, pe Pe Re eS d. @. The optick Nerves g- A branch of the fifth pair ‘ of t re 3 ape 4 ae Reprefents one of the Salivat RET On ae RE RRS fc CSOD? 23 | ee : Ri 1e itomack called Pylo- 1 QALVALOY ae ta mater. se ae Facto lV. in Vifton it e. The Glindula Pituitaria with tothe Eyelids, and sabiiine rus. igi Duéls under the Tongue. a : es i¢ “Reprefents. a, in {mall oe of the Infundi-\ glands. g. The Duodenun. aa. a The twigs of the Dut En ins FF - syed reins ice be. a twig to the Mufcle called |b. The Paflage of the Gallinto| freed from the Glandules, © a a per | : affeter. t the Duodenum, b. b, The greater branches, | pepe Se PTT eS, StS TS a nat SSNS ee Sos ss SSS SS Ss A, } =e ly Nc ASSEN Ss OY ROPES PA) ef OY) PPT AT A) eat . é RE | f pS fs x Natit i ; byt , Al Hig teagan ts : : ; aay : Sea oa ; hed . ) ; 7 | . : , - : RY WNATIa) tal, tat, ¢, ‘erates i S66 4 ARR RR OK , XARA) ORIG TRIS) KA : DE OOOIAAY Wh a “yrs ys: iy \ J +e S : OOOY ‘ COO AAA AAAS KA Othe : toe RK KAL NY AAAY) i RON AYN i, Wal A i Ki SERRA ERRRRRRR ER RRR RR RRR RRRARY KNX ANIA EREYY AY KXLY KARL AIO states XA RRRIRRRSORRREXARI RRR RRR RAR AXA HE AXA ¥ ig ‘ XY ¢ SOOO A K . KY’ ahah eats ‘4 #8 8 is" y Y) XY \ DYE RIKKI RRR Ky RORY) AY OY AV \) iM} y NV MW { RR \\ \ NORE RRR REL KRY) ’ 7 OOVOOOOZ DOKI WW) XXX) WAL z 5 : OOXXK YAAK YY OXY (\ seatstetete tate tg? —_ AY Wi WAA\\\\ : Wo OY X WYNN YO \ ; a 4.000% %F% ye EMU ey leit eatey 1 AA I pe } aa i Post, ! : MWY y iy Lif f/f hha it . p LWNhipyywyypi Z sees Steue SES ESSE S 555 5 te ASSSi Li taeeer Bteasusacer™ > -_ «a> >. a= eee = OSES —— einen ne ae eae Reena eet ae, a are ao el I ath a te tet i ee ee SSS o-- SS SS SS aS ent 7 Ss A, ~ —_—~~ -—- — << SS SS ee, eS, ee i A. PEEL ee EE, EE ee ee “0 + #* At tren» Serr a eee ws Se ot, a Med ie A yp” a i! i} iP a / hh fy] Me i} / th Hy, Yj” WW Le Rea Sos ; aS itr aes ; —_ : . r fi } . ; as : re ahs, y . . = : ; S y 9 - errr ” (ee, j \ aes eae . hea ck ON fig Aas " a8 y\ \ . ’ ‘ wa why : ; A . \ nS - if LL = > . ; nN ‘y yr « re $ PAS ee » TA. ee RN ET ES * p68 SSS SS SSS SS es eer A ee rs Se wil | tt iL Manmaa 7) VGN = Wee’ C. y € Ss S S mn) “ yy, Vilio Prima. ~ ~ eT — a ae Saaae <5 mi De Vilio Pr ima. - - a Seis a. : + % (XY. sans ie MMi atm il Frill : So Ss S355 On 2 Pe as do ee CQQsss = MG mn if MILLAN AULA tsatnanersess eeu 1\\h} Hii} Hit jjyj taeee \\\ ASS \\\ i Uy ii Mas LLL ls i ~aAS ees _—— + +See S ULLA/ EIA)) sent, K EA RAAN MN XXX) “4 ! L)/// np oy KK | a me a 7 - Os ee ree VAAN ees —— NY va Ae DAM \\i AVIS VR hy a> Keer Ny - ee >a AO a = > = ~~ aes SSSOSS ST SE Awanats Su nant ‘ Bess Las SOS SSS ASaaoa SS tre AV Veen TAN v AUN \ | THEY TTT iy willl | ; . “979 40,60 ama ite, PESTER ESA Ss BUEN ea 492,% ————————————— - , aif ) a A A pee s = fy. pe , VENT = n2 Wy iter SS = . PSS aag DSSS Shon Sk SABO SS ESS assesses S 8 N S ~S ae UM, San ny ¢ Hy, Ky an 1 (7 fi ‘ SENN WAN ASeA® n=O Preppy, Brew vy NYY - UR * X ANY Wikia! SAAN SESTAAY AAAS teste AW viene VERNER RE 8 ee eee ee — ‘oan. . — * ‘ 'z a, PSO (Pd PIP fate te: PISA PAD is Sige aye SES SHES “SRA TeS iach paren ee f Mitt! 7 if: x y m, aR : x wh YY WES Ss LE = J a SSS =a SSSsee . ‘~ YS WStssiassses So Tees heey S ~ ~ ~ Y Y Z Z 7 ~ 2 hy, yj Bed << OT SS NAN eae ma \ AS AA | SAVY AANA Grete fs = Se \ y RAN ry D, cc x = STR tet =e Se —__ (USS > AVES Cai WS NK SAN AN ANN Way SSK tenes CASE ASLsS << os = . WA. WSSSSSSS ess Sac Se, Sh ‘a | CHIT AG it | TP MIMLA LAL AELA a i | : / Ave coh a E Pep i J Wy, : (oy WW seeere ihe VAN Ve ry eaee AW : MASLATLEREUSEET ULE Ce tt AVENE = ANY ‘ i, UY VOM G WAL hy ) }/ AmaAL ({(ilbi hall TD jit emit \/ STUN Nl h hi ow id A ¥ \\i) Oy N Na SSSSSSESSS INUIT —— . “al Se BD SS eS e* — FS aS EF* c Baseoe oe SSS ASaBosu < BSSVeaawnayL ABASBGaw R SaBaauu 2 SS SSaBesasuTben . BABB ine ss SVSosBenuaua es > scane Sat = » AAA \N SVR La evens \ \y) z yi ee 4 2 Z 4 te VBBBauu, DBoBBSainar, =Veus PaSBBenua st == Wissen thse YEBBtsSaaal ana, VSsesaune sans, SSeeueun "sus, Aca NAAN ae 55.5 BULL aoe Se ee Saag Se Se Se Se Sc os Si Sc eae SSS Res ati WES ~~ SSE id ‘Si \ WSs ~ Lae SBBSGinway, SSS SeBmoa mn PANO NY > . ASBRBanEe “a WSs se Ekuaee HBBLE Saal ena, QastSSaang.s* Sossaauy BAIssenay SEBS BsaQ5 SBlHeaa, ow WA ie — SHOLAveUVartoeanee A MAaAPA LS NY ww \ AY N\\ ALS) Wn 5 RY ye SEU | SaaS eS ee = A, HTT awe MHisg Su Wes We » * mp We f itn ii it [: ling 3 i xs 4 ‘/. ent Mj Hy) H) simmers a Mpmsh aks 7 7us wes dip inter = YS PO aati ; I IRS IER seaver my YA fy) HY MN A} f (i Oy a AY OKA f) / Y] SO aN veal V4) + i \ AN AN WA SON OOOO OOO Or SOO ey \) OO CSE +44 7%) AX \ LRN Ms — ,, 1 rr * eg {ELLEN Foam mt HIN ye . 44 LYYSOO vy) 1tit + ~ > _ > 7 >: es > Sis sete tsees V¥YX) ¢ (YY AAAADD MYOOO pe Y TIT MOO ¢ ¢ +4 ONO AN ON) v¥X Y ‘ tate OY ’ ntitsttate MYOOX) +4 DONA a all nytt, eka OOO + + “4 4,4, KAAS OOOO A GOOO0 betes OO aoe SS De AN ~S so ote . =~ gx acrae ss! peerage 8 Leventione Michaelis Spahex, Remelini, a\ \ ato ahorwm Anatomia ~-eutaffimorum. ~~ ~ ~ — » ~~ ‘ —S ‘ SS — SS = — SS t YX) ‘ + 9 Oy * ttire it pyaeitty y “et pete sete yy, ' eedeee ni m isn iM ith wilt a +4 COOK) KAY YY) Ai oy YY siantti Mer | ¢ YY) <== == aoe == =e ~< -. : OSS oe % =tor-. - ‘ POO Pe AL a yi rae OW +¢ MYON (A talent WYO Ah} OANA KAMARA ORIN SOY OOORRAAA OOO ee erty OY OOOO V ANY OA +4 + AA +¢ 0 OA PY XKA) ’ ees XA) ty ) / xy (YX) + ees ’ POXAAA ORAL #4" AS AA KY AA YOOO A 8? *e"¢ ) \ < LZ i, ‘ 4 ——— . ( fe = b IRN + a eee SS nes. Sad —<—— LE SS 1h JS gt tbl S SS Se er hiventione Michaelis Spaher, Remelini, \ at ahorwa Anatomia neruupmorum. \ ~ ~~ SS ; SS — = = — FLO Y ) . ; | WN) ) , +'4"4", A) te ATH KK SAAT TT = eS ANN KR LES (XX) OO $0.O.990 $. COXA) ne eetstete’ OOO) LYK COOK) ¢ ‘ OOYONOY CAA) () NYY) “6 “% Mi NAN) ¢ ) VAN) TAR} HV IVTILATIUIH y y My Hy 1s y) y] n meli #99 66.999 \\ SOO OOOK NRO SOOO OOOO OO OOO) \\ 5% %4 400% ¥,4.9,0'6"S WA 2 Bi, doakes Re OMA. 14 Micha Dae. be WMilbec i Bbwenttone ry iii whit KANNAN * Ay OW) Oy PORN RK RA AAA AAL LL are AYA LON bereteereey NN reterereeet POUOTAYY) 4A im LBU- liventione Michaelis Spahex, Remelini, ‘ at alorwa Anatomia neritifimorum. N N ~ ony a +? tlt: gyisie: o? or eeeeeee se eeeee KAA WR) vé MY), DOA ON) ‘ Ay J ‘ ‘ tates ‘ tees WOR) eeseeet : ‘ A x * AJ NOON AN STAR AR AA teepere ‘ st tere : \ SS oN x) WW Wty) AY xX) NA LA) AJ ‘ —= Wr | WS Ir os = UY) ‘ee OXY) "tt ETALK) mY ‘ hie (G 'e yy, \\ x So s % Avs CX) ‘ ) AY t) we x * () % CX) VX CX) SPR XXX NY $ as ) (x) ¢ $ % x) $9 Ky > OY () ONY 4 YY) WY es v ) MN \) ¢ ¢ AA) OX) AK) ‘ XX + ae ere ee fc il i/ yj" i J | } NY y; nn eae, 4 ; ND Sess — \ AN TRE es SOC U I LORIE, a Meicriptio. if | ij 1, ml ‘ Lwventione Michaelis Spahex, Remelini, AL lean ty i ral EE Gi gee | Re ‘i \ wt] toi} 4 MbLI | 7, \ AAS a AX\) Ziyi) £ ~~ Ss ay a SR = SS ye oth FLAY ER =. aman ET REP te. P MP AGE SN oP Mealy. RC Te 46 Ox) 2 ee SE SS SS | TIT tt! Hit OOOO +eee OOOO XXX rae Ye f (/, LiS OO WY “4 SY Ox . Af “, AO OA +eees OO Oe fe KAA , MN 2” ‘ ‘ eretre eet OA +4 AX) ’ ’ ‘, “4-12 \ \ \ \ \uhnynyguael SOQ TN WW = SS SO SSS SS SS \ WY \ AKG AN SN === SS SSS SS =] Oe. ee Sh otter ee ee rN 3 eee ees ——$. ss — ny NNW NY LL ‘ \\N SS ATES Soe VIBEASEs Sos SLAs ~ 2Baaaasay = ar Ay Toe Muineg AY SWS etc SouSuee® = Faaanun.,” botesuana. SS BOR x ) AOS POO) OMA 9, > 2 «as ) * LD ) + ti es 44" vented YX) My OO AAO KANEXY) NOON WY XORAK o¢eF (eR +* AALS) ri ¢ "'¢ ? 4, (Aa +¢ WAY VN) ,¢ 44% AN AVX) WK) NYY S POO i) My “ AO S U GOOOOOOR ia, ¢ U +? 7s Aa thie atthe et ITS oe Oy We A A S | | SS A, ——— ( * OO +4 x KAY x WS Wi Xx) x 2, Lx) > +4¢ 49 itt ARO000 , ‘ , Hb G EtG PL) YA UAL ‘ ’ ‘ > tte SS a atc re a Sy ETT RRs! 4, AY veeas WMI \ AY \ LNA WN MQ =) OY YOOX) NW “ RR ) ' “4 Ay Wi Ny “Bs ALOK LAA ay) O00 > o? . AOOOOO - + eB. ee Ee ze BZ A E B 3 A 3 Za ANN 4 wae ae LS SS re ee, SPSS, 5 hing ee = eee SSS Ss ~~ = + SS SS SE SO SS ee See ER LY YOO yy) ) ; WYN) ses erage! O00 KAZ DOO0 i ‘ UM Ui ad WY 6 Oi eee ‘AWM mae perrar af - > a Spite J 4 2 SS SSS a “SBM ee ie + SS SS ROSS : ——= edie AAA U peeat tee aee UO Li 4.9408 ateaee AYYY) ete? dendte sett ti W/ ti Ay ) SY ‘ \ } j H) Y ‘ OOO) ‘4 iT) ¢ yi | iy) CO) AQ NNT WY \\ = ZF mi é ; +4¢ 49 + DO santl ; ‘ ‘sy y) WY) +4 *¢ Pe \) ' WA +4 te \) ) A) 0 + Th ‘ ‘4 ‘ +? “i! 7444 MAK) we <"aee ay / ‘AX «4 Ay eee? RA, AKA vaeet 444 +¢ MAYYIXXK MA ¢¢ oe4! TOMA OA OU POOXKARIOS ’ fi ANY 70% 44"¢ Y OO (OOK +4 OA x st atatete TTT PTL * 4% NY (000 ¥y) KAY) VASAAAO OOK yy WAN OW YX) ‘ YN) IM reeepeee 4 7 ? SO SS ee S555 so 4¢ Kis * ¢ x f KKK) (KEY AA BK AX f OOOO OOo A Race OX OO YY xy) AX) 2S Sh SS SSS +s SS OSS SS Ae at SSS ares SE — MAK \ wnt HH MY WY \ X OA) ? YY Tie ALLL gn wine AY 4 +46 \) WARY YY) XY) AW) viherede DARA AY s¢ OKAY "ti TEAL “Ass Ay) YY XAAAK AION Ay iO eevee KAKA +e? OOOO BOOOU BOOOO OOOO 24¢ VR ee ieee 4 +4 eer NN \ : ; AY x) 9949" ote ‘ OOO KY A) + v ¢ x 7 x WO) +? AAKOO a+ sae * SO 8) ee 292 SSS ne ~~. SSS SSS SS SS. = * SS SO ee SSS WV QOOO? 4 Vr) OOO 4 °,°,* OOOO) > >. J > OO) OXY YY YYYOO OOOO HXXXXK tee oes Y HRN 118) nee +4 hs Uh) tare ¢ COON ' if PRO LRAAR set tetatir +4 ; I) ¢ AN iy ‘+ DOAN My AYO) yy) eedtaee eteeeres Nyy) Uf, 'e4 DANY YY) +e 4+ My tt ‘tice OY Hel tt fy itis OXRAAN ANXKA OU COW My “Aste 4 BOW - F OOK OO 4 Mf Vy OOOO J O00 AY O MA © 4 5 AOD XA U "9" ", XA DOO ‘eee ‘te My wer NT HAHN ETA \, WN \\ WAY AY WY AN NN“ AA \\ ANT ih s¢ +44; 44, HA ~ =A So ae SATETS “saa * eae? i iy totes eared teres LAMAN AN tte DAN *% ‘ OW ! M) ; Wy y MA et U ' ‘ MY ‘ HQ . \ MOY NS Y BR RO . ¥ + TL TERA WAN | i Tl \\ ) OO "hice tanseeee PUY YA) shige t enkts *} ee? OOO OOK KK OO OAR A AM #9 4% "9 YT OO OO (s 4,6 Wy PEK ’ satel Ceeeeet. NNN ° sa eee SS 4¢ ¢ AN) yy , OKA KAA AIK ROO OG Uh ei tri, ' off Ait , id x XO) eee —— Miz SSH Bee 2 \' ; | arena’ MME . wo tann i S Sana : “8 if ni — 2 i S | a ss SS SS ~s SS) SSS SS SS +s SS SES SS eae Ol oer ees = oene HTT PFET ddd) r AS HE ene ae ae, OT Ldedadad TST LLIT A: PT Lo hdek Ald DOME E EH + ST ddd dT, TV Li hdd dd) FAD lldgedddi tT ddd ddd LTT DT ddd ddd LASLT debe dl? o708 oN Si i SIT iss So MM OE ee ag Woewnueey OL Ahahatad Fe ~ CELE UT Lbdd 2 ee EP RELL LASS (e0ann eee tne % é , , , U se See a —— BAaRE VL SSE SS aS Sa SS hen SE ARES ees a a PT A hodehad th ROA E Ea 7 Labatt PTT ddd LL, SO. bbabeed dT: TLL ddd dd 12 hhabeash LTT Ldbdedabed Lh dbabpebh VID 1 Likdbdht a me EEE TF iT iid Fi iid ce = 2 , : 1 A 3 KOR” ~S Agni pdbergs:: ra eves Lp cae, KEE RE Cf Er ou pee LS. 4 La Oa (hedaed a eddy / ow , mn iieatertotete Weve y¢ CAYO KAIOEY YA AAAS +2 OY + ON AAO oF == A Wuswas 24 ue “ae Veena seen Mian ct tee anne L555 be BAAS Rees ASS \ Loe ESS ce ae AAS BRac sees SS A a a#2 r LT; tt Wid: ‘3 asie ‘yt tye *,% NAN rey ate 4 .* $S SS . x My X & ~ : nS Ss ; \\ s NY : \ \\ AS Se 4 > SLA Vt .* as , eS RAG \\\ . Sah re ~ < \ \\\ ry “SS WANWASARN ARR ; AY QQ’ ~ NY SY Noa. : ee ww Uf fjtisugr Udi Ceurede WU =< OOK) Tees ° SUS m oy MQ Ppreaeen ne = \\ ‘ Ss BSBaKe - \ \ SSS Stree seenancse LB arseseaanu Reaanateseaaae LE QaLEVES SSE ES s+. ( (> A a \\ 2 % \\ ‘ > WW ‘| a, We Wi” aX eee * ~~ ane ¥ 5 eo e: ttt Z e * ak ‘ # oe Se * ~s SAN Te. Radek) Sm amecneeh SAS Oe N os Mn ] SA - i ye 4 4 4 a 4 < STURT HT ALL WH a i cS Nw Wp et Sj | ~~ 4 \ — LIER SOE me fe — ( | q~ \ OAL ~~ ROSS ~ SOIR ", ERO OOGS RV Xd ) PAD Zee es SS SE ES SE Oe ee EEE ae ~s=x 2a 6 e™ ** mete Sota [eta il i HINA, ul SSH Hie tAUTLACUAR MND pete? Hien ‘ cn (\ MT Se f//4 : ~ | ru IZ ie Wn HANH | LA {i \ = | i y . 4 h i | al am AST UN | Darn? 7] AAAS EEE egy ppnesercar Laitth yy a BOTAN NTR CIT : TT u MM er CNT say i} 7 t } i - Py Manni I } Wil i — TT Mm ae Hi Ni mmm CoN lt tf et PRUNUSON lt al Nuit P TUNA sect HT srl NHMLUAMEPRaay yy tL i a ee apa SC TT = ZH) Y if {| ae ' Zep \\ IM @ iu = Ww ea = il \ Dante ‘ ne il « Mt | TUS a lt) h nN HN ay sue pant traataett tat ae ay at 4 Ps ~~~ << = . «% ~* ~s ~SeaS ~s nee ~ es eS SS Se SS ae ss 5. Se ’ a > A he +h ee ~ % CS ss LS sax MN: Wis, YL Ke hy j fy KYAT] aif 43 He High ee AN OME a : J iy y fi i! i i Ie iit : it Hy | roreet ate Lox *, 7, 2 tea dba un (x) . SS +" Yausd® sSenar’d - ‘ 4 A ld ~ > ~ > > . . ’ .* ,*, ° + + ee > + t ore"4* + *, 4" SOO o,%, 62503 ¢,*,° Pete? 5”. 2S o50% >> ¢ KK O09 AOOO OOOO 4 o> ? ¢ + > V + é a + + Oe KA Ot + oy " AA ,? +? & * ORK) N) AX #950" ¢,*, yA PRA OR 064.0% booed 4 te RA OOOO OOOO: SOOO OOO OOO OOOO VY) PAA COON ete eres MAP YY tO A Pete <2 — <— + ors eters XY . iXOOO Wy o¢ OX YYX OO OOOO as OOOO > x) “ eoseseer Oe AN i MYQOOOOU) SANA ES << ae ar ae. 2 — sean ard?. #PeNnne e+e OOS toe #4", DOK J + + oe +e wort { See SA | 5 : = SS = Ss eS SSS +o . On * + 49,9 ot, VOOOKY Oey gp TLL PMT OT 7S SS i SS RS O Ax 0 Xxx 0 + *, x > ~ a Sas + + ¢ X54 Oey ¢ Se 4 ILS + ++ OG 0 + poet tt teMerey, OY net iee ‘* added aie + * * ee + ~, * xe eos . + + +4 NA ++ BOOS DEO OOOO AAA A OO + OO) ae? : + + * @ 4" eet A cal OO aoa ¥, (XX) ‘) KR + ef, xX YY ‘ astate \ x) +4 KN AX oo ooe? +eeeeee?e —_ . AAA) MA LAA WKX) +ee4 +? eee eee +4ee ANY XX) 0 ‘\ Oy) +4 +, Os see eo So Se S2 4 0 OOOOOOL) 0) (XX) XXX) RY AN XX) , SNK U HU ! Gay i) ill ) \ ANY \ AY A WMT, —- ee Fir: VE = EE | | | ALAS OSS SS ES G > rr : lang pL Uh il rl mc PANN i — = Ht | iil i i} U Ut . ASSO ERE SOS veh SSS SO. — WANN Ait ¢ GA aa > eee on * 4.2. 4,¢,%,4¢% es ae tee RRR ES * BOOK RIK OID eee ay r “ +04 ROY ‘ BXXYRRRR RRO 5 M000 #4%et +4 SAY POO ae eretee’s > wy A AAS ee teed oy ROOMY SRR BORA SOOO SIP AOI III KU ALY KIRA KG RAO BEX YAK AAR RAY ', DAYAR RRS OLR WW AAAK MN WAAAK MS VAX) AX) —v A) + CX KAAAAAOOOO %% 4% ¢, POO OOS A BAX A x | % ie OS ROO AAXKIAXXY . \\ i VAXYAX) \ \\ \\ SAYA? \ : vm ' Sty ; & — Pein eect . F Bi eared Se gp ney) betes rath Ca = i es, Sd as : 1 f Sow eee” ‘4 ‘ < é > a * ‘ - ( ; ee : pions : SSN tee 2 MIDST SS ar ~ Ae DMA S . RSs Rec DOOR ° RAM KOK xx RRR KKK RSPR ORR HRI “ee sete ttyt eettatantetitt ee taal uuuutilendeetantne .) oF : lt tatiets SSS - s XV AX 3 WW YYYY0O0 : Sr x Ouhtt SAXKN \\ \’ YY 4 YAY) XX / : - \\ en a aS . SEES NER Se SSS ARS ee evar oa. Py se St = Sep agora ae LE Oa we wen ee od. + \i A. ; . . y ae "a *. - ae mr ae “ ' wa AK seals) AUN \ MMI ¥ SS SS NV BAW #,¢,°," “ REAR OERES " ° T0eee SANK) * 5 ) ‘ OOOO OOOO OOO A teats BARR OO TIN OPALEOOELA EEE EELS SS satehtatitalbctittninets DOO ¢ CSAAAKKX) +.¢ AAP YYOU AIO DOCK SAX KI IK WY OYA OOOO OO KKK RADA AAR IRA IG MK KKAXIN YY) OXY KY OOK t, YEE KAN Aaa iatate ete citi Oe a Sos \ XXX KY ORY 3 WYK My iy 7 : ~ S vat Tid aon ‘a a ee = pt HET e\ \ Ae ee aS! SS L If j ML I | } u oe SSS BAse_esaws= SSNS SESS, Sgt SORTS = Hl ll | ib \! ANN _ fu: \ AN q axe a ter fete u VY ° are os OOOO is es KIO AI," Otstaree® My: a OOO eee seetelate Mitaaen " wees RIE OCIS SOIL ates - PORK VSO SAI RIGO KIC KKK KK Kae OS setgtratatgty® aatcttctistatalataca’ + LA Bieatentntael KY SRK OLX XXYY POX OKOK) RRARRRS: ey) SK REY K YY, xy AUX) VYVY OAK AXAXKIOKK *.¢ x) XK KX KK) \ } 4 Unalateiats stots (AX) \\ K RAN \ AAA \A ¥ \\ +¢ Ki \\ + XXX a | / fie Hil) TIE | y ll Hi iM y f { ‘ WANA Att Nes ees Sc Oe Oa OOS POO ee #8 @ 8's e's OOOO Rep OOO AAA) RY ROOOUOX ) AAI! AAAI OOOX NY XS ; NYY IOUS Ne x 4% F ROOK II * Toots Met 8 89 'e"s OX ) SRA KON NN IK POONA 9,499 09% AX) > PAXNMAAAN (xX) XXX) V mye. — a ~ Praey t= nt AX Xx) AKAIOOOOXK WKY) OA \ \ (XXX) Xx) \\ | “a \\ x XY e \ SNA ee NNN NT hiss F: =S =| ——| ———} If j H lL li i * 4 9° o* 5%? Seo erate tet etetgtstete 64 é 70a hat ar er otatee, asoretet atte etebestatatatateogteteeest shoe . y AY RRR 2,0 4 49% et t,9 9 4 e 6 0 ' 4 es 46 y * OOO AP OOOOL J PARA) +9 XK Rey OOO: NAA YAO 0.9.4'4 X SAKA A Oe OO OS YOOX) A a4 OOOO We) ‘octguananentanen AX XY YY WYK RIKI VAXX XN LXRAKAKANIKKKO HXAD v) 4 \ OOXAAXXAX) XX) W\\\ \ OXXXX) XX) JA\\ YY E ot ‘ase =z Se | AS VAY ESS} SSS \ =~ x . ays Ly \ rie Ty lies LT itil ‘4 tat hit ill HH ¢ ine = SSS SS Hh hi L ¥ NI N I \\) MM 2 “Cy PANNA ¢ KMS RR OO) APIO 5 *,7,%,%. 08 eas ‘ DOO Xe) IOI Oe eo . , PAO OOOO ft 4 ‘ YAP OOOOOX YY ste reretetetat eee AA +. ¢ ‘ AA AOOOO x PRR CS ROK RR AVY AKI G AX J COX xX ¢ %.4 a%gt SMX XK xYy AAR AXY\\S i = = ! j t pul } Hl Hi oF, mane eek " ¢ 7, ?, AO AY On alee \’ KY , : - r y 7 r - vane ‘ a ¢ a ‘ we * - ~— aie ATEN Ld ; fr / ee SD N38 ' deny Arr dd id i AIPHL SALLE LEE ee 5 ’ TAR) AY ‘ \ Wh On. yy “~ = ee een Se = Re eee Bi GGT, OAL ppd Tes VOIGT Lye wy, ddd, taht AVA) “tf igh; dit 'y 4 alt . adtawer’ Mh, M Pe ee oe oe anv St 2 are «ar Ai ee a 4 “> 2". =~ > Se ee aa ar. *.@"<-** <-.% «2°. de ee ee ae Se wa ne SSE Sp EES eee eee < = Ss “SS ; ¥. Ss = a