On the Marriage of Miss Clara Elizabeth La- Touche Vicars and Lord Rayleigh. “HAIL, WEDDED LOVE!” HAIL ! far-famed altar of Saint George’s, Where so oft bright Hymen forges Those blest fetters that together Youth and beauty sweetly tether ! Altar, where some proud patrician Oft appears on Cupid’s mission ! Fane, where many, with hearts elated, Have found their life’s hope consummated ! Exult! break forth! praise Hymen daily, Now VICARS fair claims noble RAYLEIGH ! Where’er the mind by Virtue deck’d is, Each fulsome compliment e’er check’d is; And, though so oft some tongue rehearses The charms of her named in our verses,— Fair, pensive CLARA e’er inclined is To think than features more the mind is ! Such were the truths taught by a mother She’d ne’er imbibed from some other. Exult! break forth! laud Hymen daily, Who virtuous VICARS joins with RAYLEIGH! Oh! where such qualities are blended, What match in promise e’er transcended? Virtue — fortune — youth — combined are (And talent, too) — in those that join’d are! — The happy pair! — O! ne’er may Heaven Withhold from them its bounteous leaven ! But still increase their warm affection, Till they no more here need protection l Exult! break forth! praise Hymen daily, While VICARS fair claims gen’rous RAYLEIGH! c. c. GREAT TOTHAM, ESSEX. GREAT TOTHAM I PRINTED AT CHARLES CLARK’S PRIVATE PRESS.