rules and orders OF PRACTICE, /frr/~ MADE FOR THE Court of king's Bettcfr, District of Montreal , FEBRUARY TER31, 1811 . Montreal: PRINTED BY NAHUM MOWER, AV $8, St. Paul Street* 1811 . TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I—Of the Court. SECT. II.—Of the Habit* of Officers, Barrifters, and Counfel. SECT. III.—Of the Sheriff and Prothonotaries. SECT. IV.—Of Service of Procefs. SECT. V.—Of the Return of Procefs. SECT. VI.—Of Appearance, Election of Domi¬ cile, and Default. SECT. VII.—Concerning Attornies, and of their Profecuting and Defending Caufes. SECT. VIII.—Of Capiat ad respondendum —Of Spe¬ cial Bail—Of Surrender, and of Debtors— Detention in Prifon. SECT. IX.—Of Security for Cofts, by perfons profecuting Suits, &c. who are not refident within this Province. SECT. X.—Of Declarations, and Pleadings there¬ to relating. SECT. XI.—Of Pleas, Exceptions, Dilatory Pleas, and Infcription en faux. SECT. XII.—Of Replications. SECT. XIII.—Of Incidental Demandt. iv CONTENTS. SECT. XIV.—Of Filing Deeds, &c. whereon any action may be grounded ;—And of Filing other corroborative Written Evidence. SECT. XV.—Of Withdrawing Exhibits. SECT. XVI.—Of Communication of Writings filed in any caufe to be offered in Evidence. SECT. XVII.—Of Records. SECT. XVIII.—Of Intervention. SECT. XIX.—Of Pleas and Iffues to be formed during Vacation. SECT. XX.—Of Filing Declarations, &c. on Evo* cation of caufes from the Inferior Term. SECT. XXI.—Of General Rules for Pleading, and of other Proceedings. SECT. XXII.—Of Trial of Caufes at Iffue. SECT. XXIII —Of Motions, and hearing thereon. SECT. XXIV.—Of Hearing on Law Iffues. SECT. XXV.—Of Exception to any Interlocutory Order or Judgment of this Court. SECT. XXVI.—Of Exceptions to the Regularity of Service of Procefs and Affidavits thereon, and of Exceptions to the regularity of Filing Exhibits, and their fufficiency. SECT. XXVII.—Of Witnefles, and their examina* tion—Of Evidence, and of Enquete. SECT, XXVIII,—Of Commiflions Rogatoires. CONTENTS. V SECT. XXIX.—Of Faits and Articles. SECT. XXX.—Of Trial by Jury. SECT. XXXI.—Of New Trials. SECT. XXXII.—Of Arreft of Judgment. SECT. XXXIII.—Of the Entry of Motions for New Trials, or in Arreft of Judgment. SECT. XXXIV.—Of Peremption, or Difcontinu* ance of Actions. SECT. XXXV.—Of Executions. SECT. XXXVI.—Of the Sheriff’s Office—Upon the Receipt and Return of Writs—And of Levies and Sales under Execution. SECT. XXXVII.—Of Oppolitions to the Sale of Effe&s and Eftate, feized by execution, or to the diftribution of the proceeds of fuch fale. SECT, XXXVIII.—Of Proceeding in refpecl to Appeals. V Court of lung's Bencf). MONTREAL. jfebruarj Cmn-isn, WHEREAS it is expedient to connect, alter, and. amend the several Rules of Practice of this Court, made previous to the present Perm: It is therefore ORDERED——That all the said previous Rules of Practice be Rescinded , and that the several Rules and Orders, here¬ after expressed, be strictly observed and con¬ formed to by the several Advocates, Attor- nies, Officers, and other persons whom it max concern. SECTION I. Of the Court, 'HAT the feveral days here¬ in after mentioned shall, in ARTICLE 1 .^ each Term, refpettively be held to be Holy days* within the intent and meaning of the 7th Seftion of the Provincial Statute of the 34th of Ilis Ma« jefty George the Third, Chap. 6 ; That is to fay— The firft day of January, Circumcifion, Epiphany, Annunciation, Afcenfion, Good Friday, His Majes- ty’s Birth Day, Penteeofte, Corpus Chrifti or Fete Dieu, St. Pierre and St. Paul, Affumption, All Saints, Conception, and Chriftmas-Day ; And that on thefe feveral Holy Days, this Court fhall not fet or be held, but that on every other (Sun¬ days excepted) it fhall fit and be held in each Term reflectively. 2. And it is ordered that the office of the She¬ riff and of the Prothonotary fhall be open, and at¬ tendance therein refpe&ively given on every day at the hours by the Rules herein appointed, except on the above Holy-Days and Sundays. And that all the feveral rules of this Court, wherein an ex¬ ception may be contained for the non.fervice or filing of pleas on a Holy Day, fhall have relation only to the Holy Days above declared. SECTION II. Of the Habits of Officers , Barristers and Counsel.\ IT is ordered, that the feveral officers of this Court, in the exercife of their refpedive offices in Court, do appear habited in gowns, fuch as are worn by like officers in His Majefty’s Courts in England ; and that the feveral Barrifters and Ad¬ vocates do appear in Court habited in fuch gowns and bands as are worn by Barrifters of fimilar de- gree at Weftminfter Hall. And that this Court will not hear any matter moved by any Barrifter or Advocate, who fhall not appear fo habited when moving the fame. SECTION III. Of the Sheriff and Prothonotaries Offices. SHERIFF.—That the Sheriff’s Office be by fuit- able means publicly notified on the door thereof $ And that he do by himfelf, or fome proper perfon by him authorifed, attend in his laid office every day in Term time, where free accefs may be had, from the hour of eight in the morning to fix in the afternoon, from the firft of April to the twen¬ tieth of October, inclufive ; and from the hour of nine in the morning to five in the afternoon in the Terms that may be held from the twenty firft of October to the firft of April. And that during the vacation, attendance as aforefaid fhall be giv¬ en in the faid office from the hour of eight in the morning to noon : and from two to fix in the afternoon, from the firft of April to the twen¬ tieth of October, inclufive : and from the hour of nine in the morning until noon, and from tw'o till half paft four in the afternoon, from the twenty firft of October till the firft of April — Sundays and Holy Da\ s excepted. And that the Sheriff do permanently expofe in his office a public notification of the refpective periods and times, above directed, at wdiich his faid office will be open for difcharge of the duties thereof. 2. that the attendance in the Sheriff’s Office, directed as aforefaid, fhall not, in any manner, obftruct or excufe his perfonal attendance in Court, and during the continuance of the Court’s fitting in Term time, which is hereby enjoined and directed. PROTHONO FARIES *—i. That the Office of the Prothonotaries be by fuitable means publicly 2 notified on the door thereof ; and that they do by themfelves, or proper perfon or perfons, by them authorifed, attend in the find Office or Offices, whereby free accefs may be had to the Records of this Court, and fuch other bufinefs performed as pertain to the duties of their office, every day during Te rn time, from the hour of eight in the morning to fix in the afternoon, from the firft of April to the firft of November ; and from the hour of nine in the morning to five in the after¬ noon, in the Terms that may be held from the firft of November to the firft of April. And that during the vacations attendances as aforefaid ffiall be given in the faid Office or Offices from the hour of eight in the morning until noon, and from two till fix in the afternoon, from the firft of April to the firft of November ; and from the hour of nine in the morning until noon, and from two till half paft four in the afternoon, from the firft of November to the firft of April ; Sundays and Holy Days excepted. And that the Prothon- otaries do permanently expofe in their Office, a public notification of the refpective periods and times above directed, at which their faid office will be open for difcliarge of the duties thereof. 2. That the attendance in the Prothonotaries Office, above directed, fliall not in any manner excufe or obltruct their perfonal attendance in Court every day, and during the continuance of the Courts fitting in Term time, nor a like perfonal attendance upon any of the Judges of this Court, at any fitting that may be appointed and held during vacation, which attendance is fever al¬ ly hereby enjoined, and upon the laid Prothon- otaries refpe&ively directed. SECTION IV. Of Service of Process. i. THAT on all original fuits or process, re¬ quiring any defendant or perlon to appear in this (. ourt to anfwer or defend, and when fuch per- fon may refide within the town of Montreal, or at the diftance of one mile therefrom, due iervice of fuch procefs ihall be made two whole days, or forty eight hours, previons to the return there¬ of. а. And the like fervice of procefs Ihall be made at the feveral periods, and conformably to the dif¬ tance of the place of refidence of fuch defendant in the feveral cafes following. 3. And where the defendant may refide out of the city and fuburbs of Montreal, and within a diftance not exceeding fifteen leagues, due fervice Ihall be made, five whole days previous to the day of the return of the laid procefs. 4. And when fuch refidence may be from fifteen to twenty leagues diftance, the fervice Ihall be made fix whole days previous to the return. 5. And where from twenty to thirty leagues, the fervice Ihall be made eight whole days previ¬ ous to the return. б . And where the defendant’s refidence may ex¬ ceed thirty leagues, then fuch fervice (hall be made conformably to the fpecial order of one of the Judges of this Court, upon due confideration of the fealon of the year and lituation of the defetidant’s refidence. 7 - T hat the Sheriff or Coroner to whom any procefs or writ may be directed for fervice, and which may exprcfs a declaration to be thereunto annexed, do not make any return into this Court upon fuch writ, unlefs the declaration or writing, therein referred to, be annexed to the fame. And if any fuch return be made, the fame (hall be taken from the Records of this Court, and no proceed¬ ing had thereupon. 8 . That on the execution of every wrifof Capias ad respondendum , the fervice Ihall be held fufficient, if the declaration whereon the action may be grounded be filed in the Prothonotary’s Office, and due fervice of a copy thereof made on the de¬ fendant, two days after he may be apprehended and taken on fuch writ, and not otherwife. SECTION V. Of the Return of Process . I. THAT the firft bufinefs of the Court, at every fitting, be to receive the returns on the fer¬ vice of Procefs, and that the fame be entered of record ; and the refpective Dependants, where no appearance may have been entered, be openly call¬ ed for appearance, and the legal courfe of proceed¬ ings taken thereon. II. That all returns upon any Procefs ad ref- pondendum , Ihall be made and figned by the Officer to whom fuch writ may be directed, and Ihall fpeeity the manner, time, and place of fuch fer¬ vice ; and particularly the Parilh and County, in which fuch fervice has been made. *3 SECTION VI. Of Appearance , Election of Domicile , and Default. 1. IF at the return of any procefs or rule of this Court, the defendant thereupon Ihall perfonally appear in Court to defend any a&ion, fuit or rule, againft him brought, he {hall at the time of fuch appearance make an Election of Domicile in the Town of Montreal, and which {hall be confidered as his place of legal refidence to all intents and purpofes, refpe&ing and during the profcecution of the faid attion, rule or proceeding. 2. And where any defendant may fail to ele the if. fues thereon to be taken, and the filing of all writ¬ ings, exhibits or documents, touching the refpective intereft of the parties, Hull be moved made and one, conformable to the general rules of pra&ice of thu Court on original actions. P “ b /* w henfoever a Requite en intervention may be made by the party interefted, and not by «f m C i° f Court » fuch party IhaJl, at the time of making Inch requite, and therein and prev^s Jrder ., ther u eon an appearance, P fix and *&&&££?“* ” ay be “ k ™ - ««*. SECTION XIX. Of Pleat and ijfues to be formed during vacation . or'lLlt'"*’ 'h 1 ' afcs ' »'>ere a paintiff. or defendant, would, byUe prefent rules of ptac- 34 «••••» tice, be bound to plead after appearance, and during the fitting of this Court, fuch party thall be equal- l v an( j i n the lame manner, bound to plead, during the leveral vacations and out of Term. But inas¬ much as a further time may be allowed tor filing fuch pieas refpettively, ten days are granted to the relpeftive parties for duly filing any plea or re¬ plication, of what r.a'ure foever, during the vaca. lions after February and April Terms ; and t wen. ty days after the vacation of June and October Terms. And the like delay is granted tor fiybng the feveral exhibits, with fuch plea or replication, as are dire&ed or pet mined by the rules otpraflice of this Court. And that thefe rules fhall equally extend and be applied to all cafes of oppofiuons or intervention. SECTION XX. Of fling Declarations , &c.—On Evocation of Causes from the inferior Term. WHEREAS it may be necessarry, in every case y •where the evocation or appeal of any cause may be made and admitted from the jurisdiction of the inferior to that of the superior Term of this Court , that the plaintiff should more specially set forth the cause of action than is prescribed by the rules of practice, on ordinary process and proceedings before the said inferior Term. IT is therefore granted and ordered, that the plaintiff fhall within three days, inclusive from the allowance of fuch evocation or exception, file witn 35 • • • ./ theProthonotary a declaration, containing the fpe- qial grounds of his cafe and demand, and therewith file ah luch documents, writings and evidence whereon l'uch declaration may be grounded; and that the defendant and plaintiff lhall then alter conform to the general rules of practice for filir g pleas or exhibits, and bringing the caufe to iffue,hearing and jud 0 ment. SECTION XXI. Of General Rules for Pleading and of other Proceedings. t. IT is ordered. That the Rules of this Court, directing the filing of pleadings, writings, or pa¬ pers, of what nature foev$r, be ftrictiy conformed to, as premptory rules made in every caufe in court, and that a neglect of the fame {hall be confidered as- a default, and witful uifobedience to the rules of this Court. a That every rule of this Court, made in the prefence of tlie parties, or their Attornies in Court, fhall be confidered as fufiiciently notified, without the fervice of any fuch rule or order being requi- fite, to enforce the fame. 3. And whereas particular circumftances and cafes may, at times, require an enlargement of the rules of this Court, the fame (upon fumcient caule Ihewu) will only be granted where application may be made, one day at leaft, previous to the expira¬ tion of fuch rules. 4. And upon every groundleis application for the enlargement of any rule, the party applying, 36 fiiall, at the taxation of cofls in the fuit, be adjudz- f n u P on ad f°ch dilatory proceedings, to pay full Coirs. r J . 5 * That all pleadings, notice, rules, orders, and judgments, and all other matters and proceedings of which fervice is or fhall be required, upon any party in any fuit depending in this Court, fhall be lerved upon the Attorney ad litem , who fhall have appeared in this Court for fuch party. And in de¬ fault of fuch appearance by Attorney, fhall be fer- ved at the eledted domicile of fuch party, if he may have appeared perfonally ; thofe inftances except¬ ed in which perfonal fervice upon fuch party, is by law, or any rule of practice, or any fpecial order made in the fuit, required and dire&ed. _ ,^ at ad proceedings upon writs of Certiorari, Prohibition , Mandamus , Quo Warranto, and Habeas Corpus, and upon each of them refpe&ively, be in all things fimilar to the proceedings, upon fuch writs,inHis Majefty’s Court of King’s Bench in Eng. land, in Weflminfter Hall. *• • 7. That all rules and orders for the conduct and regulation of any Attorney or Counfel of this Court, in any caufe therein depending, fhall extend to the party in fuch cafe perfonally appearing ; and where no appearance by Attorney fhall have been entered on behalf of fuch party, be rules and orders for the conduct and regulation, in every re- fpect, of fuch party fo perfonally appearing. , 8 * e L ver y order of an y Judge of this Court, which fhall be obtained in vacation, fhall be fubiect . 0 an appeal to this Court, and the validity thereof impeded, by moving the Court to fet afide the ame, or to fet afide the proceedings which have 37 been had under it- Provided, that any fuch order which may be made with confent, or otherwife ac- quiefced in, fliall be as valid as any aft of this Court. 9. That all orders and rules for the conduft and regulation of the Sheriff, in the execution of his duty, or any part thereof, fliall extend to the Cor¬ oner, in all cafes in which, from any caufe whatev¬ er fuch duty, or any part thereof, fliall or ought to be executed by him. 10. That no paper of any defcription Ihall be received or filed in any caufe, by the Prothonotary of this Court, unlefs the fame be regularly docket¬ ed, with the title and number of the caufe, and the general defcription of fuch paper, and the declara¬ tion and pleas, alphabetically marked in their regu¬ lar order. 11. That all writs and procefs of this Court fliall be tefted on the day on which fuch writ or pro¬ cefs fliall iffue. 12. That a point of praftice fettled by a judg¬ ment of this Court, and entered on the Prothono- tary’s book of “ Rules of Praftice,” fliall not be reargued. 13. That no reference to ar bit res, or reports, or other reference of any defcription, fliall be made by rule or order of this Court, or entered by con. fent or otherwife, in any cafe before the iffue or iffues in fuch cafe fliall be perfefted ; and then on¬ ly of the matters to which fuch iffue Ihall relate. 14. That no writing or written conclufion be prefered to, or received by this Court, upon any Rule Nisi, or upon any report of arbitres , Experts , or Praticiens, nor any iffue in writing be raifed thereon. I he validity of every fuch report or rule Nisi will be verbally heard on the relpec- tive motions taken, in due courfe, by the parties interefled, unlefs fpecially otherwife ordered by this Court. 15. That on the hearing of any motion, plea, or incidental matter, or on the trial or merits of any caufe, no more than two counfel fhall be heard in opening or in anfwer, and only one in reply. And that a witnefs fhall be examined by one counfel and no more, and crofs examined by ope counfel and no more. 16. That every affidavit, or certificate of a bailiff, of fervicc of any pleading, notice, rule, order, in¬ terlocutory judgment, fubpeena, or other matters, fhall particularly defcribe the manner, place and hour of fervice ; otherwile the fame fame fhall not be received or filed. And if from fuch affidavit or certificate it fhall appear, that fuch fervice was made upon a Sunday or Holiday, or upon any other day, before the hour of fix in the morning or after the hour of eight in the evening, fuch fervice fhall be held and taken to be null and void, to ail intents and purpofes whatfoever. 17. That in all computations of time, or delay granted upon the fervice of any writ, fummons, rule, order, notice or judgment of this Court, and generally upon all proceedings whatfoever, not otherwife particularly provided for, the day on which fuch writ, fummons, rule, order or judg¬ ment fhall be made, or upon which fervice of any fuch writ, rule, order, notice, judgment or other proceeding may be performed, fhall not be reck¬ oned ar accounted to be one, but every other day 39 • * • • • to which fuch computation of time (hall refer, (Sundays and Holidays not excepted,unlefs the ex¬ piration of time fhould occafion the rule to expire on a Sunday or Holiday, in which cafe an enlarge¬ ment of time ihall be made to the next day) lhall be accounted to be one, and that no fractions ot time lhall, in any fuch computation, be made or al¬ lowed. 18. That in every cafe where, by the Rules of Practice, a duty is to be performed at a particular period, with reference to the records of this Court, the fame lhall be done, at the office of the Prothon- otary, within the Office hours appointed, and at no other time. SECTION XXII. Of !Trial of Causes at Issue. r. THAT a roll and general lift of all caufes be kept by the Prothonotary, including as well caufes continued as thole newly inllituted, expreffing the time of iffuing and return of the original writ or procefs, the number of the caufe, the names of the parties and thofe of the Atorrnies appearing for each party ; alfo that the nature of the demand be expreffed, and a blank column left for noting pro¬ ceedings thereon had. 3. That another roll or lift of caufes lhall be made by the Prothonotary, to be ufed as a diary in each Term for fetting down all caufes tor hearing, whether on matters of law or trials by Jury, or on Enquile and examination of witneffes, as the fame pu y be fcverally appointed* On which lift fhaL 40 be expreffed the number of the caufe, the names of the parties and of their f evera , Atto^es, and the A»?°lT nt ° f K a PP oint ment for hearing. d which entry fhall be conclufive againft tlfe parties and their Attornies. 6 ac 3. That the Prothonotary fhall prepare and keen a feparate and diftind roll or lift of caufes for eI quete and the examination of witneffes, as well of Enquete to be had in Term as out of Term and wherein entries may be made of proceedings had thereupon. And the faid entries fhall be taken as conclufive againft the parties and their Attornies. SECTION XXIII. Of Motions and hearing thereon. n'\ ™ AT e Y. er y motion, to be made in any caufe, fliall be expreffed in writing, and figned by the Ad- vocate or the party applying to the Court, and be delivered to the Prothonary before moving of, or inlT f he f T e ; !^ 0r 1111,1 an y motion be heard, unlefs for a rule to fhew caufe or motion for judg- u r f- efaU t of a PP earan ce, or negled to plead, or difobedience to any rule or order or interlocu- or y judgment, until due notice, of at leaft one day, to Zo^ey'" ^ '° ,h = 3dVerfc P a «y _ That a11 motions for enlargement of rules, or t ; n ^7 f f aU ^ e ’ 511,1 be made and heard at every fit- 2 j0in^ 0Ur,,Pn0r< ° ' hc ““ “y caufe o 3. That the fervice of any notice of motion, to be heard at a fucceeding day, fhall be deemed regular. 4 * ly fcrved if the fame be made during the fitting of the Court on the day preceeding the hearing fo notified. 4. That no motion for judgment upon the ver¬ dict of a Jury fliall be made or received until after the expiration of four days in Term, from the day on which fuch verdict fliall have been recorded. 5. That if any matter be moved in Court in prefence of the Attornies, or Counfel of the parties, and the Court thereupon fliall make a rule, the fame fliall not again be moved contrary to fuch rule. 6. That a motion which connot be decided, un- 1 efs by a rule or order, by which the merits of the cafe will be alfo decided, fliall not be allowed. SECTION XXIV. Of .hearing on Law issues . THAT whenfoever any law iflue may be form¬ ed in any caufe, as a temporary, or perpetual Bar to the plaintiff’s action, and fuch caufe be regularly inferibed on the diary for hearing en droit , the fame fliall come on to be heard on the day appointed, unlefs good caufe be fliewh to the contrary. And if the plaintiff fliall not appear, or not fliew good caufe to delay the hearing fo appointed, and the defendant be ready to proceed, the plaintiff’s action Ihall be difraiffed, with cofts to the defendant, if the 6 conclufions taken by the defendant, exceptions be fo made as to warrant fuch judgment. And if the plaintiff*s fhall appear and be ready to proceed, and the defendant raifing fuch iffue fhall not appear, or not be ready to proceed, or not fhew good caufe to the contrary, and obtain a further day to be heard, his plea in Bar to the plaintiff’s aftion, whether temporary or perpetual, fhall be difmiffed with cofts to the plaintiff, who may forthwith proceed in due courfe to judgment on his principal demand. Nor fhall the defendant be entitled to further no¬ tice, or to make any further proceedings in the caufe until he fhall have paid the plaintiff’s cofts, which may be awarded as before faid. SECTION XXV. Of Exception to any Interlocutory. Order, or Judg¬ ment of this Court . WHEREAS by an ordinance passed in the 2~tb year of His Majesty s Reign , Chapter 4, It is enacted that whenever the opinion of any Court of common picas may be pronounced upon any law , usage . or custom of this province t and that any party may conceive the same to be to his injury , he shall be allowed to make an exception to the said opinion , to be preserved in the min¬ utes of the said Courts and which said act in that respect is extended to the government and proceedings in this Court, It is ordered\ that , in every case where such exception may legally be admissible , the party making the same shall deliver the same , during the sitting of the Court , or at the Prothomtary s office , in the course of the day on which sueb exception may be raised. And that any exception which may be offered , at any future day , shall not be received nor en¬ tered on the Records of this Court. SECTION XXVI. Of Exceptions to the regularity of service of pro¬ cess , and affidavits thereon , and of except¬ ions to the regularity of filing ex¬ hibits or their sufficiency. IN order to prevent delays and expences occafion- ed by iffues railed on exceptions to the regularity of fuing out and fervice ofprocefs, and of written ex¬ ceptions or pleadings to the regularity, or fufficien- cy of exhibits and matters of evidence filed of re¬ cord. i, IT is ordered that no writing by way of plea or exception Ihall hereafter be allowed to the form, fervice, or other matters regarding the regularity or fufficiency of any fummons, writ, or procefs that may be iffued out of this Court, nor to any affidavit that may be made for obtaining any fuch writ v proe- ;fs, but that every alledged de- 44 feet, or irregularity refpeaing the fame, Ihall be declared, heard, and adjudged upon motion, and not otherwife. 2. And that only on the day of the return of fuch procefs, otherwife the fuppofed defeft fhall be deemed to be waived, unlefs the party making the fame can (at the day allowed by law ior taking off a default) make it appear by good and fufheient reafons that until that period he was prevented from making fuch exceptions. Nor Ihall any mat¬ ter concerning the fufficiency or regularity of • any exhibit, filed or to be filed in any caule, be made or complained of by a written exception or other pleading, but be declared, heard and adjudg¬ ed upon motion, or legal objections at the hearing or the caufe, as the party fo objet3, and the third day shall he con¬ clusive. The Enquete being open¬ ed and be¬ gun, no al¬ legation shall be received of the. ab¬ sence of wit¬ nesses. examination, and judgment lhall be awarded upon the cafe, conformable to the iffue between the parties, as is direct¬ ed by the 9th and xoth articles of thefe rules. 13. Nor fliall any motion be received for granting any further day to examine any witnefs or witneffes, unlefs the party fo moving fhall firft offer and be ready to pay the oppofite party all the cofts that may have accrued to fuch party from the inftitution of the a&ion, to the period of fuch motion. And if under fuch condi¬ tion the Court or the examining Judges fhall permit the examination of any wit¬ nefs or witnefTes in the caufe, the day to be granted for that purpofe (hall be final and conclufive, and judgment pronoun¬ ced in the caufe, according to the courfe of the Court, and its Rules of Practice, in fuch cafe provided. 14. And inafmuch as the partial, as well as the complete examination of wit- neffes on one fide of a caufe, at one day ; and alike examination of witnefles on the other fide at another day, is attended vith great inconvenience and frequent preju¬ dice. It is ordered,that on calling on a caufe from the Diary or Roll of Enquete , for examination ol witnefles and proceedings therein, all the feveral parties fubmit- ting thereto or not oppofing the fame, fhall be concluded as being fully prepared for the complete and entire examination of all their witnefles refpe&ively. And that no motion for delay in clofing the Enquete , or for further examination of any witnefs not attending, (hall be receiv¬ ed or heard, unlefs made previous to the examination of any witnefs upon the opening of fuch Enquete. 15. And that if any party fhall move Every mo. for the continuance of fuch Enquete , or } ,on fof d '- the particular examination or any wit- supported by nefs to be heard thereupon, it lhall be under the feveral limitations and reftric. mi causes # tions, directed for the putting off a trial or Enquete. 16. And it (hall be in the difcretion of the Court or the Judges, attending to make fuch Enquete , under the fpecial circumftances of the cafe, where no exa¬ mination may have been entered upon, to direct the entire continuance of the Enquete , and examination of all the wit- neues to a future day ; in which cafe, the party moving for fuch continuance, {hall pay to the oppofite party or parties, the colts and expences of fummoning,and the attendance of all the witneffes then at¬ tending for examination. Or if no fuf- ficient caufe be ihewn for granting a de¬ lay, and the party moving for the fame {hall refufe to proceed, the Judges, if the examination were to be had out of Court, may refer to the Court the conlideration of the default of any party, refufing to proceed as aforefaid, and thereupon the Court will, upon fuch reference, or itfelf, where the examinations were to have been had in open Court, proceed to judg- And it s^glj be in thewi- cretionof ibe Court or jud¬ ges to direct the entire continuation of the En¬ quete. Subject to payment of cost* ••••«- and if no suf¬ ficient cause be shewn for delay, and parties do not proceed, ac¬ tion may be dismissed, as by Art.^lO. Either parly may oppose and prevent a partial ex¬ amination of witnesses * - And there¬ upon shall be allowed costs of jus witnes¬ ses^ attend¬ ance And no far¬ ther procee¬ dings uotii costs be paid If more than six witnesses be examined on one issue, the party moving the¬ refor, to pay 6s. 8d. to the opposite par¬ ty, for costs oh each wit¬ ness above 6 , previous to the examina¬ tion ••#... ment according to the circumftances of the cafe and default aforefaid, either in granting a delay or ftriclly enforcing the penalties declared by the 9th and 10th ar¬ ticles of thefe Rules on Enqulete. 17. Provided always—that if any mo¬ tion may he made at the opening of any Inquete, whether in open Court or be. fore judges in vacation for the partial ex¬ amination of a part of the witneffes in the caufe, the oppofite party fhall have a right to op pole the fame, and infill on and ob¬ tain t lie entire continuance of theEnquSte. And thereupon have and obtain a full al¬ lowance of cofts for e amining, and the attendance of all his or their witneffes, ac¬ tually attending to be examined. And no further proceedings fhall be had on the part of the failing party to proceed as above faid, for the examination of his witneffes, until all fuch cofts fhall have been paid, as above directed. 18. And whereas by the Rules of Prac¬ tice, no party in any caufe hath a right to tax cofts againft an oppofite party, for the examination of more than fix witneffes upon any iffue raifed in fuch caufe ; yet the oppofite par¬ ty is frequently put to charges and ex- pences in refpect to the examination of witneffes above the number allowed ; It is therefore ordered, that no further exa¬ mination of witneffes above the number of fix, as aforefaid, fhall take place, unlefs the party moving for the fame do firft tender and pay to the Attorney of the oppofite 53 ■'••••• party fix Ihillings and eight pence cofts upon each witnefs fo to be examined, above the number aforelaid. Nor lhall any cofts be taxed to any Attorney as be¬ tween Attorney and client for the exa¬ mination of a greater number than fix witneffes, on any iffue as aforefaid. 19. And it is underftood and directed, that all the above rules lhall be equally applicable to parties on a crofs cauie, or wherein t.he defendant may conftitufe himfelf an incidental plaintiff, and the original plaintiff thereupon become the defendant in fuch incidental demand; and alfo in caufes of intervention, or oppo- fition. 20. And it is declared and ordered, that Ihould the Court or the Judges, examin¬ ing witneffes on any Enquete appointed, adjourn or continue the fame over to a future day, that the day to which fuch ad¬ journment lhall be made, lhall be taken and confidered as making part of the day from which fuch adjournment or con¬ tinuance was made, and the feveral rules abovementioned lhall be applied accord¬ ingly. 21. And if on the day of Enquete, to be taken before any Judges in vacation, any party is not enabled or does not proceed to the examination of his witneffes, or any part thereof, and intends to claim a right for fuch examination at a future day, by reafons or caufes to be offered to the Court for that purpofe—It is ordered, No costsUx- ed as be¬ tween attor¬ ney & ciieiit for examina¬ tion of wit¬ nesses, above 6 .. The sVfrre Rules to ap¬ ply to inci¬ dental An Enquete adjourned shall he con¬ sidered a continuation of the same day. A party not proceeding to examine all or any part of hrs witnesses at the day of Enqubte, ift vacation, shall be bound to move on the 54 that fuch party be held to move the Court on the firft day of its fitting, after fuch Enquete fo appointed in vacation, to be admitted to examine fuch witnefles as could not have attended at the day of Enquete appointed, and to them fhewfuf. ficient caufe for fuch examination of wit¬ nefles, otherwife the party fhall be con¬ cluded from any claim or the e anima¬ tion of witnefles in the cafe. And the above 9th or 10th Rule fhall be applied to the circumftances of the cafe for judg¬ ment. SECTION XXVIII. Of Commissions R'ogatoires. 1. IT is ordered, that whenfoever any commilfion Rogatoire may ifiue to perfons, hot being Judges or judge of any of His Majefty’s Courts of record in this province, the faid commiffioners fhall at their firfl meeting for the purpofe of executing the faid commiflion, adminifter the Oath No. 1—heareafter mentioned to each other, and alfo the Oath No. 2, to the clerk or clerks named and appointed by the faid commiffioners for the faithful performance of their refpe&ive duties in the execution of the faid commilfion. And that there fhall be annexed to every fuch commilfion a copy of the faid Oaths, fo to be adminiftered,and of the Oath to the witnefles first day of the ensuing terro.for such examination, or lie conclud¬ ed and fore¬ closed • • • • & judgment may be giv en upon the 9th or 10th Jl-.le.. or •.•Upon the Circumstan¬ ces of the case,. 55 to be fworn by the commiffioners; which faid Oaths {hall be delivered to the Prothonotary of this Court, with the interrogatories and the inftru&ions directed by the 3d and 4th articles of this rule, for the execution and return of the faid commiffion, to be annexed to the commiffion. No. 1. Oath to be administered to each of the several commissioners by themselves respec¬ tively. “ YOU fwear, that you will according to the “ belt of your {kill and knowledge, truly, faithfully “ and without partiality to any or either of the “ parties in this caufe, take the examinations and “ depofitions of all and every witnefs and witnefles, “ to be produced and examined by virtue of the “ commiffion hereunto annexed, upon the interro- “ gation hereunto alfo annexed, now produced and “ left with you, and you {hall not publifh, difclofe, “ or make known, to any perfon or perfons what- “ foever, except to the clerk or clerks, to be by “ you employed and fworn to fecrecy in the exe- “ cution of this commiffion, the contents of all or “ any of the depofitions of the witnefles or any of “ them, to be taken by you and the other commif- “ fioners, in the faid commiffion named, or any of “ them, by virtue of the faid commiffion, until pub- “ lication fhall pafs by rule or order of the Court of «* King’s Bench for the diftrict of Montreal. * SO HELP YOU GOD. 56 *&• *. Oath to be administered by the commit-* sioners to the clerk , appointed for taking and transcribing the answers of witnesses, &V. “ YOU fwear that you will truly, faithfully and “ without partiality to any or either of the parties m tins cause, take and write down, tranfcribe * and engrofs the depofitions of all and every wit- “ nek; and witneffes, produced before and examined 7 the commiffioners, or any of them named in the commiffion hereunto annexed, as far forth as “ y?]i are directed and employed by the faid com- * mi ^ 10n ^rs or any of them to take, write down, or “ engrofs the laid depofitions, or any of them. And you (hall not publifh, difclofe, or make known, to “ any perfon or perfons wffiatfoever the contents of all or any of the depofitions of the witneffes, * or any of them, to be taken wrote down tranf- 4 /u ° r en S r °ff e d by you, or whereto you ihall have recourie, or be any wife privy until 14 publication (hall pafs by rule, or order of the “ Court of King’s Bench, for the diftrid of Mon- “ treal. SO HELP YOU GOD. 2. It is ordered that whenever there may be any fuch commiffion Rogatoire to be executed by com- miffioners as aforefaid, the feveral interrogatories to be put to a witnefs produced (after he hath been duly fworn) by the faid commiffioners Ihall be propofed and declared in their regular order ; and that the anfwer of the witnefs (hall be taken dow n by the clerk, to each interrogatory, previ¬ ous to propofing, or making known a fecond, or any further interrogatory and fo continued until the whole examination may be clofed. . ~ 7 3. It is ordered, that after a fvitriefs hath been iworn, his examination fhall be taken in the manner above faid, in the prefence of at leaf! two of the commiffioners named in the commiffion, and if the faid commiffioners (hall have been named, the one half on the part of the plaintiff, and the other half of them on the part of the defendant, then in the prefence of two of fuch commiffioners, one of tohom may have been named on the part of the plaintiff and the other on the part of the defendant, if the faid commiffioners on the part of each party as aforefaid fhall attend for that purpofe ; but in cafe of refufal, or non attendance, the examination may be had and taken before the two commiffion¬ ers ready to attend and execute the faid commiffion, and that no perfon or perfons fhall be prefen t at the examination of any witnefs but the commiffi¬ oners fo examining the witnefs and their clerk. And that previous to the examination of any wit¬ nefs, the commiffioners aforefaid fhall adminifter to each witnefs the Oath following. c joined in any caufe J ’ * where, by law, and under an or¬ der of the court, the trial thereof may be had by Jury, the party applying for the fame fhall give notice to the adverfe party, or his Attorney in Court, which notice fliall not be lefs than twenty four hours, to attend at the office of the Prothono¬ tary for the purpofe of ftrikinga Jury in the caufe. And the Prothonotary, at the time of fuch attend¬ ance, and in the pcefejice of the parties, or their ^3 **•••• Attornlcs, fhall from the Book of Jurors regularly made and depofited in his office, and from the lift of fpecial, or other Jurors, as the cafe may require, make a roll or lift of forty eight names, from which the plaintiff, or defendant, or their attornies, fhall alternately ftrike a name to the number of twenty four, and the remaining twenty four per* fons fliall form the panel to be annexed to the veni¬ re Facias , or fummons ; and upon which writ they fhall be feverally fummoned to appear for the trial of the iffue joined, and a Jury therefrom may be legally impanelled and fworn. i. And whenfoever the plaintiff’s or defendant's Attorney may not attend to ftrike the Jury, as a- forefaid, or may, if attending, refufe to ftrike the names of Jurors to form a panel upon which a venire Facias may iffue, the Prothono'ary fhall ftrike the names of Jurors from the lift of Jurors in place of the Attorney not attending or refufing, as afore, faid. 3. That the iffue or iffues in any cafe formed, for the trial and verdict of a Jury, fhall not be altered to be tried by the Court, unlefs improperly formed to be tried by a Jury. Of Defendant's De- 1 And in every cafe where a fault to Proceed. V plain tiff or defendant, apply. J J ing for and obtaining an or¬ der for a trial by Jury, fliall during the fpace of two days after iffue joined, neglect to proceed therein, and to give due notice to the oppofing party to attend and ftrike the Jury as above faid, or fhall not at. tend to ftrike the faid Jury, or not take out a veni¬ re Facias to fumnion the faid Jury, the plaintiff, or his Attorney may give due notice to the defendant to attend and ftrike fuch Jury, and may, after du- ly ftriking the fame, in manner as above faid, take out a venire Facias and proceed to obtain a trial in the caufe, in the fame manner as if the order for fuch Jury had been obtained at the plaintiff’s in- fiance. Of Notice 7 And after ftriking the jury, as a- and the plaintiff being J called fhall not appear, the default of the plaintiff fhall be recorded and judgment of non fuit thereupon instanter entered, difmiffing the plaintiff’s action, sauf a se pourvoir , with cofts to the defendant. 2. That in every cafe in which a Jury fhall be fworn, and the plaintiff fhall chufe, at any time be¬ fore the verdict of fixch jury fhall be given, to be¬ come non fuit, and for that purpofe fhall withdraw from the Court, the plaintiff fhall be called, and if not appearing, the default fhall be recorded, and judgment of non fuit thereupon entered instan• ter , difmiffing fuch plaintiff’s aft ion, sauf a te psur- voir, with cofts to the defendant, 9 66 SECTION XXXI. Of New Trials. THAT all motions for New Trials Ihall be made previous to any motion in arreft of judgment, and within four days, exclufive of the day of Trial af¬ ter verdid had, if fo many days remain in theTerm: and if not, then on the firft day of the ne t Term, and after two full days notice to the adverfe party, or his Attorney in Court; and every fuch notice Ihall briefly e prefs the feveral grounds of, or caufes Upon which, fuch New 1 rial is to be moved for as aforefaid. And every fuch motion that may be fo made, under notice as aforefaid, and duly entered as herein after direded, fhall be fully heard without further delay. Provided, that no motion in the caufehas been pievioufly made in arreft of judg. ment ; as no motion for a New Trial will be ad¬ mitted in any cauft, after a motion in arreft of judgment. SECTION XXXII. Of Arrest of Judgment. THAT each party in a fuit having a right to move any matter in Arreft of Judgment, Ihall be obliged to make fuch motion, and may be fully heard thereupon, under the like notice and caufes therein afflgned, and within a like period of time as is above ordered to be obferved in all motions for New Trials, and not otherwife. 6 7 SECTION XXXIII. Of the Entry of Motions for New Trials or in Arrest of Judgment. THAT a copy of every notice of motion to be made for a New Trial, or in arreft of judgment, as above is expreffed, fhall be filed in the caufe with the Prothonotary, three days inclufively, before the day on which the motion is to be heard. And the Prothonotary fhall enter, or exprefs the fame in the Judges’ Book, or lift of caufes, two whole days before the hearing of fuch motion. SECTION XXXIV. Of Peremption , or discontinuance of Actions» WHEREAS great delays do often arise in the prosecution of suits before this Court, some of which remain pending therein, even after the matters in litigation have been settled by the parties, whereby the number of suits is unne¬ cessarily accumulated—It is therefore ordered , i. THAT every fuit now pending before this Court, by original attion, oppofition, or interven¬ tion, or which may hereafter be inftitured or made therein, and in which no proceedings fh.aU be had 68 in open Court, or upon order of this Court for two fucceeding Terms, fliaU be deemed and taken to be deferted by the plaintiff, or party profecuting the fame, or interefted therein, and thereupon be difmififed with cofts, upon the laft day of the fecond Term, in which no proceedings fhall he fo had, or any fubfequent day in Term thereafter, upon mo¬ tion for that purpofe of any of the parties concern¬ ed. And on default of fuch motion the Court will ex officio on (he fanie day. Or at Jny fubfequent day, difimfs fuch fuit, Oppofifion, intervention, or other claim, but without cofts to either party. 2. And inasmuch 3 $ every plaintiff, or deman¬ dant, fhould be bound to profecute his claim within a reaionable time to a final conclufion : It is ordered, that no caufe fhall remain on the records of this Court, for the purpofe of any fur¬ ther proceedings therein being had after twelve Terms from the inftitution of fuch a&ion, or de¬ mand (of which the ! erm,in which the fame was in- ftirured fhall be accounted ofre)unlefs fufficient caufe be fhewn to the contrary. And that either party interefted in (he caufe may, ort the firft day of the thirteenth Term, or at any other fubfequent peri¬ od, move for a judgment, declaring an abfolute peremption in the laid caufe,. and difmiffing the fame as aforefaid, or this Court ex officio t upon the certifkate of the Prothonotary that the faid caufe has been entered in this Court during twelve Terms, as aforefaid, will difmifs fuch caufe, and adjudge an abfofute peremption of the fame, with cofts. 6 9 SECTION XXXV. Of Executions. 1. TH \T no execution {hall iffue on any judg¬ ment of this Court, fubje ilfue lhall relate. No illue in writing to be raifed upon the report of any, unlefs fpecially ordered by the Court. ib ib Procefs . Service of, delays between fervice and return how reckoned. - - 4 ** No writ or procefs directed for fervice, which may exprefs a declaration to be thereunto annexed, to be returned by the Sheriff or Coroner, unlefs the declaration or writing therein referred to, be an¬ nexed to the fame. On pr.ocefs of Capias ad re- fpondendum, trie fervice to be fufficient, if the declaration be filed in the Prothonotary’s office, and due fervice of a copy thereof on the Defend¬ ant two days after arrelf on fuch writ. - 412 The returns of procefs to be made on the return day and entered of record, and the refpe&ive De¬ fendants, where no appearance has been enter¬ ed, to be openly called. - - 5 ^ All returns of procefs 011 Capias ad refpondendum to be figned by the ollicer to whom the writ may be directed and fpecify thj manner, time, and place of fuch fervice. - ib ib Prohibition Sec. Page P-Q-R Writ of, proceedings on, how regulated. - 21 36 P rot honotaries. Th > place of keeping their office to be publicly . >-jfied on the dooi thereof. - 3 ia Ho« rs of attendance in their office during Term timi, to be permanently hung up and expofed to pul:lie view in tHe office. - - ib ib Their vttc 1 d -nee in Court particularly enjoined d 'ring its filling in Term, and alfo upon any of ths Juouo Warranto Writ of, proceedings thereon. - - 21 361 R. Records. No pleading, exhibit, or paper, filed in any caufe, or any part of the record in a caufe to be taken or withdrawn from the Prothonotary’s office contra¬ ry to the fifteenth fe&ion of the rules of practice. 17 3 1 Replication. When to be filed, - - 12 26 A lift of the exhibits on which the replication is grounded to be filed therewith. - ib ib Roll d'Enquete , For the examination of witneftes as well in Term, as out of Term, and wherein entries of the pro¬ ceedings had thereupon may be made, - ib 40 22 39 ib ib Roll of Caufes , To be kept by the Prothonotary. Mode of making out the fame. Roll or diary for fetting down caufes, for hearing on matters of Law or trial by jury, or for the ex¬ amination of witnelfes in Term. - ib ib Rules (general) for Pleading , csV. The rules of this Court directing the filing of plead¬ ings, writings or papers, to be confidered as pe¬ remptory, and a negle£l thereof as a default. - Every rule made in the prefence of the parties, or their AttornieS iri Court to be confidered as fuffi- ciently notified without fervice thereof. How and when enlarged. Witere fervice thereof fhall be required, the fame to be made upon the Attorney ad litem, and if no Attorney thall have appeared, f ich fervice (hall be made at the elected domicile of the party. - AH rules and orders, tor the conduft and regulation of an Attorney, to extend to the party perfonally appearing. - - Every order of a Judge obtained in vacation to be fubjeft to an appeal to t e Court. Unlefs made with content orotherwife acquiefced in. No paper of any defeription to be received or filed by the Prothonotary, unlefs the fame be docketed, with the title and number of the caufe. 21 35 ib ib ib ib 21 36 ib ib ib ib ib 37 ib ib Rule Nifi. No writing or written concluftons to be received on any, unlefs fpecially ordered by the Court, the validity of every fuch rule to be verbally heard. >b 38 S. Sheriff.\ His office to be publicly notified on the door thereof. Hours of attendance therein. * Public notice of the office hours to be expofed to view in the faid office, not exempted from per- fonal attendance in Court during its fitting in Term time. ib ib [ 16 ] S How to make his returns. Time fpecified between the fervice and the return. Not to execute procefsupon which bail is required, without indorfing it. May be compelled to artign the Bail Bond. Not exonerated, if the bail is infuflicient to fee ure the Plaintiff’s rights. _ On his neglea to bring in the body, on the rule for that purpofe declared abfolute, liable to pav the debt and cofts. . _ _ To teturn all writs, executions and procefs at the return day. _ To diftinguilh in his return to writs of execution how much he has levied from the fale of chattels, and how much from the lands and tenements. To exprefs in his return, to whom the lands or real elute were fold, and the conditions of fale. - To ftate by his return the particular difburfements as well upon the fale of the perfonal as upon that ^ le . rea ^ e ^ ate > a nd his feveral charges for fees. When different eftates of one and the fame perfon are feized under any writ of execution, to fatisfy one or more judgments, the fame fhall be expofed to fale feparately and the feveral difburfements, fees and charges, about the fale thereof, lhall be kept feparate and difti'nft. To keep a regifter of executions and oppofitions. Entries thereon. - A Schedule of the oppofitions, made on any writ of execution, to be returned with the writ in alpha¬ betical order. «... Free accefs to be had to the Sheriff's Regifter of ex¬ ecutions gratis. A copy thereof, with an alphabetical index or refer¬ ence, to be returned into the Prothonotary’s office, one the firft of January of each year. Sec. Puge 5 >2 4 ir ib ib ib 19 ib ib 8 20 36 72 ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 74 ib ib ib ib Surrender . Perfons furrendered in difeharge of fpecial bail, not to remain in prifon, more than two Terms, after judgment recovered, upon which a Ca. Sa. might be obtained, unlefs a Ca. Sa. is lodged with the Sheriff, whereby the debtor may be charged and detained. - Pag*, 20 [ 17 ] S—-T Sect, A defendant may furrender himfelf, or be furren- dered by his bail, at any time previous to an af- fignment of the Bail Bond. A like furrender may be made at any time before judgment againff the bail, or previous to a rule upon the Sheriff to bring in the body on payment of all cofts, that have arifen by reafon ot the af- fignment of the Bail Bond, or of profecuting the bail. - - - - ib ib A debtor may be furrendered and charged to the cuftody of the Sheriff in vacation, before one of the Judges. - ib sc T. Trial by Jury. Notice to be given by the party applying for a Jury to the adverfe party to attend to ftrike the Jury. go How the Jury is to be ftruck. % * Notice of trial to be given by the party applying for fuch jury to the oppofite party, two full days at leaft before the trial fhall be had. Venire Facias to iffue four days inclufive and the jury fummoned twenty four hours before the re¬ turn of the writ and the trial of the caufe. No written evidence, except fuch as may be filed in the caufe, & whereon the demand or defence may be founded and referred to in the pleadings, to be given to the jury or make part of the record. - After the jury are fworn, the parties, Plaintiff and Defendant fhall be called, and if neither appear the jury fhall be forthwith difeharged. If the Plaintiff appear, and the Defendant do not ap¬ pear, his default fhall be recorded and the evidence of the Plaintiff fhall be heard exparte , and the verdidt of the jury taken and judgment entered thereon. - If the Defendant appears and the Plaintiff do not appear, the Plaintiff's default fhaUbe recorded, and ib ib 62 6 3 64 ib ib ib 6? ib K> [ 18 ] T—V—W Sec.Page, judgment of nonfuit thereupon entered, difmifling the Plaintiff’s a£tion ,fauf a Je pourvoir , with cofts to the Defendant. * - - 3° 65 If after the jury fworn, the Plaintiff fhalj choofe at any time before verdift to become nonfuit, and he fhall withdraw from the Court, the Plaintiff fliall be called and his default recorded, and judg¬ ment of nonfuit thereupon entered, difmifling his action Jauf d fe pourvoir , with cofts to the Defendant. - - - 30 61 y. Venire Facias for fummoning a jury to iffue four days inclufive, and the jury fummoned twenty four hours, before the return of fuch writ and trial of the caufe. - 30 64 w- Witnefs To be examined by one Courtfel and no more, and crofs examined by one Counfel and no more. - 2t 38 WitneJJes. No allowance to be made for fubpoenaing more than fix for each iffue joined. 27 45 Lift of, to be filed in the proceedings. - lb lb About to depart the Province, not to be examined until iffue joined on the merits. - - ib 46 The examination of, in vacation, to be moved for in Term. - - - - 27 45 Writs . To be tefted on the day they iffue. 21 37