J^flhfis ^rmtkjDaw5(ni7ldam5 The following “ Memoirs ” have been printed verbatim from the manuscripts of the late Mr. Mac Culloch, without note or comment. His sudden and lamented death has prevented my remarking on certain of his opinions and state- ments ; but these, it is hoped, will be received as he meant them to be, by such as are competent judges of the real errors and deficiencies in the unfortunate Map, that became so fertile a source of his indignation. 5. A. 2 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the EXPLANATIONS respecting the GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SCOTLAND, AS NOW PRESENTED TO THE TREASURY IN THE BEST STATE WHICH THE CIRCUMSTANCES PERMITTED. THE Map chosen for the purpose of recording the nature, extent and boundaries of the Rocks of Scotland, being the object of this Survey, is that of Arrowsmith, since there is no other in existence uniting a sufficient size with equal detail. Even this size, being on a scale of a quarter of an inch to a mile, is inade- quate to the representation of the smaller tracts, where many different rocks occur in approximation, and to that of those rocks, such as primary limestone, which occupy very narrow lines in nature ; as I shall explain more fully in speaking of the colouring hereafter. . r i But if a much larger Map would be desirable for the purposes of such a survey and record, there are countervailing objections, arising from the expense, and from the unwieldiness of one of materially larger dimensions. The nlere doubling of the scale of this, would, it is evident, demand sixteen sheets of paper where there are now four ; while a scale, intermediate between a half and a quarter of an inch to the mile, would not be attended by any material accession of advantage. A greater objection, however, to an enlarged Map, at present, consists in the want of accurate materials for such a work. The inaccuracy of the present one is so veiy great, that it would be to render error more striking, and to waste money, were it to be re-engraved on a larger scale. It is true, that it might be cor- rected in many places, from some of the more recent county maps and private surveys, and thus rendered less erroneous than at present. But it would still be a work of errors. If some of these newer county maps are of a very respectable accuracy, this is not the case with the whole : while, of every one, I believe, I may say, that the forms of the ground, so indispensable to an accurate geological survey, and to the production of a corres- ponding map, are laid down in so false or unintelligible a man- ner, that it would be idle to copy them, and impossible to reform them. If there is any one among them so tolerable as to admit of such reform by a practised surveyor and able draughtsman, 3 Geological Map of Scotland. there would even then be little gained ; since the greater number are quite absurd, and since there is but little correspondence be- tween those which have been executed at very distant periods, and by different surveyors, generally careless as irresponsible, and every one taking his own peculiar views, and adopting his own conventional method of representing ground. But, under any consideration, I know not who is likely to execute such a work of labour and expense as a new compilation of a Map of Scotland. No publisher would undertake it, under the double obstacle, of the present Map, and of the prospect of an accu- rate one from the hands of Government ; while Government, of course, would not bestow expense on so bad a subject, especi- ally for so limited a purpose as the present, when it has already commenced a regular survey of Scotland, in Conformity to that of England. But be all this as it may, there was no resource left to me, but to take the Map as I found it, to use it in the investigation of the ground, and also to adopt it as the draught on which to record the rocks as they were ascertained. When I first com- menced there were but few of £ven the present county maps ; so that any corrections from such sources were impracticable. As they continued to appear, sometimes offering useful correc- tions, it often proved that the geological work had been already done by me, and entered on the present general Map ; so that although it was seen to be inaccurate, from the inaccuracy of the Map, it could not be corrected without a fresh survey of the ground under the guidance of the new county map ; a proceed- ing for which no time could be allowed, as it would also have been to prolong the work to scarcely a prospect of any termi- nation. If it is thought that the better class of county maps might have been used in the work, or at least in correcting the errors of the general one, it was not for want of many attempts that I was obliged to abandon all hopes of this nature. Portions of surveys were made on county maps ; as all of them nearly were used in the actual surveying, for the purpose, or with the hope, of more certainly assigning the surveyor’s place, and the features of the country. But the want of conformity and fitting between the works of different surveyors, sometimes in the scales, at others in the accuracy, and, at others again, in the mode of drawing and engraving, rendered it quite impracticable to enter a consistent geological survey on two of these Maps, or to con- tinue a given tract of rock from one county to the conterminous one. Even where this might have been partially done, it be- came impossible to transfer the larger-scaled survey thus exe- cuted, to the general Map : so extraordinary and frequent were the discrepancies between this compilation of Arrowsmith’s and the surveys of these more recent surveyors. Even passing by all these objections, the unwieldy magnitude of an extensive collection, or of that number of those large county maps which B 2 4 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the must have been carried about, generally in the pocket or on the person, in consequence of the many counties which were otten examined, to a greater or less extent, m the saine season, would have rendered the use of these impossible ; and far more so, when it must be recollected, that every map must have been used in the open field, perhaps a hundred times in a day, and in all kinds of weather, frequently in rain, so as to render unmanageable a laro'er piece of paper than could be sheltered under an umbrella; without which precaution a few minutes might have effaced the work of many weeks, or of a whole season. Hence, however occasionally useful these county maps proved, m the manner already noticed, that utility was compulsorily limited to the might be'^thoUght, by those who have not considered this subject, that a substitute might have been found by re-drawing these maps, or the most needful and correct of them, in a con- nected or a continuous manner, to one common scale, and on one of inferior magnitude and more convenience. Hut while such a work would have required the labour of regular draughts- men, of an establishment, in reality, superadded to that ot the mere geological surveyor, when the comparisons, the adapta- tions, the reductions, and even the mere labour of the work, are considered, such a work would not then have answered all the necessary purposes, unless as many copies could have been tur- nished as the geological surveyor might have called tor. Ine wear of maps is unavoidable, under the frequent use ot them already alluded to ; under the friction which they must undergo in the pocket or otherwise, especially at the foldings and angles^ and under the inevitable exposure to rain, or to the wet clothes of the surveyor. Thence a frequent renovation, of parts at least, is necessary : so that nothing but an engraved plate, capable of furnishing many impressions, would have answered the pur- pose : while I need not repeat the objections to such an attempt as this. Thus do the reasons appear why I was condemned to the use of Arrowsmith’s iVl ap ; inaccurate as I daily found it to be, as well in the political as in the physical geography, and greatly as these inaccuracies continued to increase on my hands as I be- came better acquainted with the country : to say nothing of the great inconvenience, difficulty, and obscurity, which I have else- where noticed as arising from the blackness of the engraving, in confusing or rendering doubtful many of the colours applied to the distinctions of the rocks. These reasons for the proceeding here adopted, which are due to the Government that directed this work, ought also equally to satisfy those who may consult this Survey ; unless, indeed, it be such persons as seek for a ground of censure in the non- performance of impossibilities. But let it at the same time be understood, that these unavoidable explanations are the sole reasons for the criticism and consequent censure often here be- 5 Geological Map of Scotland. stowed on the Map in question, since it is with great unwilling- ness that I have said aught which may depreciate the value of a tradesman’s property, to which, after all, recourse must be had, in some manner, for the object of publication. But where there was known inaccuracy in this Geological Survey, of which I shall hereafter point out examples, it was not just that the geological surveyor should be blamed for faults not his own; as, without this explanation. His Majesty’s Go- vernment might have equally seemed to deserve blame for the choice of an incompetent person. The faults actually exist in the Geological Survey, as I know far better than any other per- son, or any hundred persons are ever likely to do: but those faults lie in the Geographical Draught, and he who has committed them is the person who ought to bear the blame ; as even he cannot expect that the surveyor, who has already suffered most deeply by them, is to bear them for him. 1 must now add, that it was found necessary to make some additions to this Map, in replacement of omissions and errors ; with respect to which I must here make the following remarks : The rocks called Stack and Skerry, lying to the north of the Sutherland coast, are omitted in Arrowsmith ; but I have not added them, though I examined them as wishing to leave no blot in this work ; because they do not seem to justify the extension of the printed sheet to which they belong, so far, or even such an appendage as those two which I have added in other places : it must suffice to say that they consist of gneiss. The islands of Barra and Rona (North) are grievously mis- placed in that Map, both in latitude and longitude ; and having therefore observed for their places when I examined them, I have restored them to their proper situations, in a Rider to the engraved Map. St. Kilda is omitted entirely ; nor is there even any note for its place, as there is neither map nor measurement in existence. I have taken its place from the Nautical Tables; and its form and measurement are the result of an examination by walking and a pocket compass ; inaccurate, of course, but sufficient for the present purpose, as the rocks are very simple. It is also appended as another Rider to the engraved Map. It is now indispensable to make some more detailed remarks on the inaccuracy of Arrowsmith’s Map, before proceeding to any description of the coloured work, as an intended representa- tion of the places, spaces, and boundaries of the several rocks which constitute the mineral structure of Scotland. No one can know this inaccuracy as it is known to me; since nothing but that minute examination of the entire country which I have made, and which will never again be made by one person, could detect these errors. The ordinary use made of maps leads to no know- ledge or criticism of this nature ; since that seldom relates to more than the political geography, in which also even great er- rors pass unnoticed. Thence, and from the magnitude, splendour B 3 6 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the and reputation of this work, it is generally esteemed unexcep- tionable. But should any geologist or mineral surveyor, be- lieving this to be true, examine the coloured work, and compare it with nature, he will find it full of errors, as to the dimensions and boundaries of rocks, and will, as naturally, attribute them to the geological surveyor, not to the map-maker, or the rect basis which the foiWr was obliged to use as the draught for his entries. If it is important to the reputation of the surveyor to show where the real errors lie, and what were the causes which rendered an accurate geological survey impossible on so bad a basis ; so is it even more due to His Majesty’s Government, which adopted part of this Survey, and ordered the remainder ; lest blame should fall on them, as I have just remarked, tor an improper choice, or for not doing what it is not, now, m the power of any Government to effect. This reason will also apply to the enumeration of other sources of error, doubt, or imperfection, which I shall hereafter notice : it being essential that no pretence be supposed, of giving out as an accurate work that which is known not to be such. But it is those persons alone that may have attempted such a one, who know that accuracy is unattainable, and will probably ever be so, under any increase of knowledge and length of labour. They who are ignorant of this subject, and who may therefore have formed higher expectations, ought also to be now undeceived ; which I can only do by showing, together with the errors, what are the sources of these, and how often they are irremediable ones. . ^ . 1 , 1 If 1 have noted down, for my own satisfaction, all those errois in this Map which rendered an accurate geological survey im- practicable, the detail is infinitely too long for this report. The enumeration of a few of the principal ones, of different kinds, which I have selected as examples, both in the physical and the political geography, may, I hope, suffice ; and he who will mul- tiply them all, a hundredfold and more, (1 might almost say a tlioiisandfold), will be in no danger of exceeding the truth ; so widely does error pervade the whole of this unworthy Map. Whatever other disgrace may attach to the actual surveyors whose documents are thus compiled into this whole, it is the pure fault of the compiler not to have adopted a system of pro- gressive correction. But if the ancient defects in the physical geography thus remain uncorrected, while they might have been amended from more modern surveys, that which 1 shall first notice relates to the political geography ; as it admitted of easy correction, and as this class of error gives the geological surveyor more trouble than all else in the actual investigation of the ground, while equally depriving him of the power of laying down on the map what he has examined and ascertained. II is points and lines of reference for the places and boundaries of rocks, consist partly in objects of physical, and partly in those of political geography. Without these he can do nothing ; and 7 Geological Map of Scotland. in proportion to their number and truth will the work of sur- veying be easy and sure, and the records accurate. Reversely, defect or error in these renders the first laborious, and often im- practicable ; as the latter become a mere matter of chance, and as likely to be wrong as right. in the political geography (to note this first), the objects are towns, churches, houses, and so forth, together with roads ; and these last are of the chief importance, since they are not only the most extensive references, but are those to which any one examining the work, for whatever purpose, that he may know the facts in nature by means of it, will naturally refer ; as his examinations will also be chiefly made from roads, in the act of travelling. It is even more important to recollect that they form the chief basis of the surveyor's operations. He is not indeed confined to roads, but he must make a principal use of them ; as by them he will ascertain most frequently what object or ground in nature finds its correspondent mark and place in his map. And similarly, it is by referring the places of the rocks in nature to such roads, that he will find the best, and often the only means of noting those places on the map. I need not say that a record of rocks by any mode of triangulation or measure- ment would be impracticable, by at least less labour than a geo- graphical survey would demand, — the labour of many men and many years ; while, though executed, it would be purposeless, unless it referred to and coincided with that geographical survey by which all future observers will be guided in their studies or inquiries. Now it has happened in Scotland, that entire new systems of roads have been constructed all over the country, since this Map was compiled, while many of the old ones have been abandoned. If these new roads are sometimes found where no road ever was before, it is evident that they at least furnish no assistance, if they produce no positive evil ; since there are no means of ascer- taining on this Map whereabout they lie. But the most insur- mountable difficulties, with consequent incorrigible errors, arise where the new roads lie near the old ones ; deviating from them, or interspersed among them. The surveyor thus sees a road in the Map, which he believes to be the one he is on ; not finding till too late, or perhaps never discovering at all, that they are miles asunder; in consequence of which his entries are made in a wrong place, with a frequent consequent production of grievous errors, or of a confusion which he has afterwards no time to remedy. And thence also, amid this misplacement, and from the want of correspondence between the actual roads and those in the Map, does the physical geography become so confused or unintelligible, that he cannot make out what it is, nor conjecture where to seek it on the Map; since no portion of it but what consists in rivers and lakes and sea-shores is given with even tolerable truth. These also are of far too rare occurrence, com- pared to the total extent, to offer much assistance, considering 8 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the the innumerable wants of this nature : while the representations of the ground, instead of giving any aid, are generally so false as to assist in misleading him. If this source of difficulty and error is nearly universal, so is it true that the incorrect manner in which the roads actually drawn, are placed, leads to frequent similar errors and difficul- ties. In nature, the boundary of a tract of rock will bear a cer- tain relation, first, to a river or other circumstance in the physical geography, and next, to a road entered on the Map. But this last entry being inaccurate, the rock, as delineated on the draught, cannot be brought into a true relation to both ; and it has thus turned out that the boundaries of the rocks, in many different places, as I have been compelled to lay them down, cannot be made to reconcile with anything ; for the obvious reason, that the two kinds of geography, the physical and the political, are irreconcileable. It is plain, therefore, that in all these cases, he who attempts to investigate the country with the Map in his hand, will find himself at a loss, or suppose error on the part of the surveyor, where the real error is in the Map itself. If he examines from a road, it may be a different one from that used by the surveyor ; or he may make the same species of mistake, by referring to the road which he sees on the Map, when he is, in fact, in a far different place : or, reversely, if he examines by the physical geography, that which the surveyor has referred to a road, he will equally suppose the latter in error \ unaware of the circum- stances which 1 have thus noticed. This is but a slender sketch of the nature of these sources of difficulty, and of error, real or apparent ; it would be tedious to state them more fully. Jt would be still more so to point out the facts themselves on the Map, as a statement of its errors would occupy no small volume. Two examples must suffice: they will be specimens of what will be found everywhere, by him who shall pursue the comparison of this Map with the ground in nature ; as I might myself have added hundreds of similar ones. The road between Ayr and Dalmellington is accompanied by a river, for some space,\hrough a very marked valley, where the several boundaries of red sandstone, coal, and trap, lie. The river or the road form the best references for these different and most important boundaries; as the ground might have done had it been well laid down, since it is very strongly characterized. But the road is so extremely incorrect, that a reference to the river causes the boundaries to bear a relation to the road, which any one, going along it, will see to be false ; while, if it is at- tempted to prevent this by referring to the road, then the same falsity of entry takes place as to the river. Of the error or confusion which may occur by mistaking a new road for an old one, or by referring to the map road that which has been examined by the road in actual use, a case near 9 Geological Map of Scotland. Pennycuik will afford a sufficient example. Here, the boundary of the slate and the coal series is very accurately defined by the old road to Peebles ; but this having been replaced by a new one at a little distance, is abandoned, while it is the only one in the Map. He who travels the new road does not perceive this ; and thence, on inspecting the coloured Map, he will imagine a gross error, in having placed a boundary of slate where he cannot see it. If these and similar facts might be multiplied without end, it is also unfortunate for the apparent accuracy, or repute, of the work, that the most numerous changes of this nature occur in the most intricate and interesting parts of the country ; as they do also in those which, from their populousness and value, are most likely to be the subjects of examination. Among these I may name Fife, where, from the inaccuracy, defect, addition, and misplacement of roads, added to the gross errors in distances, to the utterly false or absurd representation of the physical geo- graphy, and to the intricacy of the country itself, both on this point and in the disposition of its rocks, it becomes utterly im- possible to give on the Map a true representation of that which, in itself, offers no difficulty whatever. Of the whole of Scotland, indeed, I may say generally, that whatever the personal labour and the ordinary difficulties of travelling through such a country as much of it presents, may be, there is extremely little obscurity either in the disposition or the boundaries of its rocks ; as, for the greater part, nothing can be more clear and satisfactory to the geological surveyor than the structure of the country. With an accurate Map, therefore, there would be no difficulty in giving a very true geo- logical survey ; and it is scarcely possible, therefore, to describe the mortification which is felt, from finding that all this know- ledge is wasted, since it cannot be recorded ; or in similarly dis- covering that it must be falsified in some manner or other, if it is to be brought into any tolerable coincidence with that false geography which the Map represents. Let the vexations, fatigues, privations, or absolute sufferings have been what they may, the whole united have been far exceeded by the mixture of never- ending anxiety, disappointment, and mortification proceeding from this single cause. The other errors in the political geography of this Map, arising similarly, more from its antiquity than any other cause, are of less moment than those which relate to the roads : yet they are often sufficiently troublesome to prove great sources of confusion and error, both in the examination itself, and in the entries on the geological Map ; while, in a similar manner, the attempts to verify the present work on the ground, will ofthn lead to the supposition of error, even where the boundaries are correctly given, but where they have been laid down under a different reference from that which the verifier may have supposed. 10 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the This Map is very laudably filled with names of petty villages and houses, and nothing can be more desirable than this to him who wishes to give an accurate geological survey : since it not only facilitates references, but renders the woik more useful, by the accurate definition of boundaries. And as it is also a test ot truth it is especially desirable to him who knows that his work is accurate : while he who omits such points in his geological maps when he might have possessed or introduced them, is conscious that his work will not bear examination ; or is giving a general, and often a conjectoal sketch, rather than a work deserving the name of a geological map. But the immense increase of population, with the enormous extent of new cultivation in Scotland since this Map was com- piled, has produced the most extraordinary discrepancy between the actual state of the country with respect to houses and vil- lages, and that which is represented on it. Farms, which appear important references in this geographical work, have vanished, or have become so insignificant that they cannot be found, their names being forgotten by the country people, to whom we must refer as gudies for this purpose : while if many have been transferred, under the same name, to new situations, there are thousands, in every part of the country, being also the most conspicuous, which are without name or place in the Map. The confusion and difficulty hence resulting are extreme, and often perfectly inextricable ; as the consequences are similar, both in the investigations and the entries, to those which arise from the actual state of the roads compared to their dispositions and numbers on the Map. Nor is this discrepancy true of the farm- houses and petty villages alone ; since many of even the parish churches are rebuilt in situations far wide of that which they held when this Map was compiled, so as to aid very particularly in confusing the records of the geology, and in misleading the observer ; as they must hereafter mislead him who attempts to verify the present work, or, as is most likely, make him believe that he has discovered faults of carelessness or neglect. To this I may also add the errors and the omissions of the Map, respecting objects of this nature which were in existence at the period of its compilation ; including, not only conspicuous farms and manorial houses, but even ancient villages, castles, and parish churchei An important parish church, important to the geological surveyor, as it serves to define the course of a narrow tract of red sandstone near the southern Esk, is not noticed in it. In Aberdeenshire there is a road to Echt, by which a complicated boundary of gneiss and granite might have been defined ; but there is no road in the Map. Failing this, there is an ancient castle, by which an essential part at least of that boundary might have been fixed ; as, in other places, there are villages, and in another again, an ancient inn. But all are equally want- ing ; and as not even the forms of the ground are noted, it be- 11 Geological Map of Scotland, comes utterly impossible to know where to place on the Map those rocks which there is no difficulty in ascertaining. In Fife, and where a geological reference might have been found in a large ancient village, there is no such place marked ; but this, and si- milar things, are so true of that intricate piece of geology, that it would be endless to note them. And not to extend the examples of this class of error, I shall lastly content myself with pointing out a large tract of country near the Dee, and extending from Strahan, which the Map represents as a tract of barren, roadless, uninhabited mountain land, whereas it contains villages and houses beyond enumeration, with roads in abundance, all of a high antiquity, and thus forming one of the most populous por- tions of this county. The slightest reflection, even on the part of those who are utterly ignorant of this subject, must show how impossible it must be to give a true survey of this nature on a basis so utterly false. For aught of resemblance between the country itself, and its pretended Map, whether under physical or political geography, there are many parts of it which might as well pass for draughts of Africa as of Scotland. I presume that I need not extend this class of remarks, as I dare not here occupy more space with them. He who may hereafter choose to examine the country by means of this Map, whether he shall do it for the purposes of geology or not, will soon convince himself that I have not told the least part of the truth ; and, if a candid examiner, he will seldom find much difficulty in explaining the source of the actual errors and appa- rent mis-statements which he may discover in the geological sur- vey. A great number of these, at least, are now well known to myself ; and 1 once intended to have given a list of them, since it was impossible to correct them without that fresh survey for which time could not be allowed ; while even then but a very small portion of the whole could have been corrected on the Map, from its own incorrigible inaccuracy and deficiencies. But I found that such a list would have proved far too long, and much too difficult to verify on the Map, from the same causes ; so that I must now be satisfied with this general statement, which will at least serve to prove that few will hereafter find defects of which I am not perfectly aware, and which I could not myself have pointed out. I must now turn to those deficiencies which belong to the physical geography of the country ; errors, or falsities, or defects, which alone would suffice to produce as much difficulty and mis-statement as those just pointed out, but which, united to them, augment these in an incalculable degree. If there was truth in either, it would correct the falsity of the other in some measure ; but the complication between two modes of falsity is a source of confusion which no one can comprehend who has not made the same attempts as myself, with the same anxiety after truth. 12 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the It is partly an irremediable defect arising from the smallness of the scale of the Map, and partly from the badness of the surveys and dravi^ings, that tracts of complicated hilly ground are not correctly expressed in it, or not expressed at all. And as such complicated ground is generally the consequence of diver- sities in the rocks, while there are not a sufficient number of points in the political geography to which they can be referred, there are no means whatever of representing on the Map that which is perfectly obvious on the ground itself, and could be recorded without the least difficulty on a true map. If examples of this source of mis-statement occur all over Scotland, they are especially remarkable in Fife, where also they are especially vexatious, because it is a question between the places and boun- daries of coal strata, often producing workable coal, and the trap rocks which interfere with and interrupt these. But it must suffice here to point out the tract which includes Burntisland and Auchtertoole, in which it has proved impossible to enter on this Map the several rocks as they occur on the ground, absolutely defined and easy of investigation as they all are. It is a simple error in the physical geography, to have stated distances on the Map differently from what they are in nature. This, sufficiently unpardonable fault in a geographical survey, is of perpetual occurrence ; and though sometimes of no great moment to the geological surveyor and his work, it frequently leads to difficulties and doubtful entries, or to absolute mis-state- ments, for which also there is no correction to be found. Where political or physical points of reference are wanting, there is no resource but to measure for the boundary of a given rock, from some assigned point on the Map, as the nearest convenient distance. But the distances of two such points being falsely given, the reference which may be true for one, is not true for the other. Thence a great apparent error, to him who may have chosen a different point of reference from that of the geological surveyor, supposing that he has adopted this method ; while if he has adopted the expedient of averaging and dividing the error, the examiner of the ground by means of the Map, will necessarily find both references wrong. And thus also, in some cases, where many rocks occur in such a space, there is not room for them on the Map, if that has been made too small at this part ; while, if too large, they must be displaced or magnified, that something at least like a true general record may be made. To notice an example, out of many, under each of these cases : the successive boundaries of clay slate, mica slate, gneiss, and granite, on the Cairney Mount line, can only be ascertained by a measurement of each belt with reference to the bridge of Dye, or to a more southern point ; whereas the distances on the Map are so false, that the measures taken from that point, and from the reverse one, entirely differ, so as to throw confusion into the whole, and to compel a mere statement of the general fact. And 13 Geological Map of Scotland. near Kilbride, where many edges of limestone occur in a some- what narrow tract, the same incorrectness renders it quite impos- sible to place them in the situations and proportions which they possess in nature. But the defects in the physical geography of this Map are far from being thus limited, while they pervade almost every part of the country. The great exceptions to this are in those tracts which appear to have been surveyed under General Roy, and chiefly on the north-western coast, and in the private surveys of Lord Macdonald’s estate, including North Uist, with a portion of Sky. In most other districts, the errors, omissions and falsities are nearly incredible, so that the country can scarcely be recognized ; while, unfortunately, this Map has proved worst where the wants of the geological surveyor, arising from the intricacy of the rocks, especially demanded accuracy of detail. And perhaps this is most true of Aberdeenshire, which being in every respect one of the most difficult portions of Scotland to examine and record, seems also to have the worst map in the whole of this compilation. I need not repeat that the circumstances of the physical geography form joint references with those of the political, for the placing of the rocks on the geological draught. But in the uninhabited tracts there are none but the former, since these are without houses or roads ; so that when false or deficient, there is neither guide nor resource, while no system of measurement short of a new geographical survey would serve any purpose. An in- spection of the Map will show the great extent of country pos- sessing this character, and the corresponding amount therefore of difficulty or impossibility in attempting to give a true geological survey. It is scarcely necessary to repeat, that the circumstances in physical geography here alluded to, consist in the outlines of sea- coasts, in the courses of rivers, in lakes, and in the forms and distribution of hills, together with the relative altitudes of land. With some exceptions, which are chiefly on the eastern coasts, though not thus limited, and in the misplacement of Barra and Rona, there has been little reason to complain of the maritime outlines, though there are abundant geographical errors in them. The same for the most part is true of the rivers, as far as my work has been concerned with them. But a large and most im- portant lake, together with a smaller neighbouring one, is omitted in Sky, sufficiently marking the negligence of this Map. I allude, in the first, to Coruisk. And from its antiquity, it happens that many spots represented as lakes are now solid land, whether from alluvium or drainage ; as in Aberdeenshire, in Kinross (or Fife), and at the upper part of Loch Awe. But these are of small moment to the geological survey, com- pared to the deficiencies in the drawing of the ground ; while even the total omission of all the interior physical geography, as in Rasay, Lewis, Benbecula, and more places, however discredit- 14 Memoirs to FL M. Treasury respecting the able, has fortunately produced no evil effect as to this Survey, from the casual coincidence of them with simplicity in the rocks. It is far otherwise as to the distribution and altitudes of the hills. , , . p .... Were Scotland represented by the drawings or a military sur- veyor, or in the manner of the best recent maps, there would scarcely be a difficulty to the geological surveyor, either m the examination or the record, above all, in the hilly and moun- tainous tracts ; and an accurate map would be as easy to make as it would be sure of avoiding all criticism. Such a draught of ground is a guide to the rocks, because its forins depend on them ; and on such a draught also they can be laid down with precision. It is not too much to say, that every thing the reverse 15 true of the present Map ; and thus does each class of difficulty multiply, as it also becomes impossible to define the several rocks j ustly. There is no guide at all in the drawing, or else it isa false one; and thus again follows the eternal mortification of finding that all the labour of investigation has been thrown away, for want of the means of recording it. It would require but a small geologist indeed to lay down the rocks of any part of England on the Ordnance maps ; as he is to be envied on whom such a duty may hereafter fall : while the reputation which the public will probably assign to him, ought in justice to be transferred to the geographical surveyors of that splendid work. It would form too long a criticism to point out in this Map the defects and errors of this nature. Essentially, the deficiency is universal, because the mode adopted to represent the ground is a bad one, even where the basis is not untrue. In the details, the leading errors are, untrue positions, untrue forms as referred to the ground plan, untrue elevations and untrue proportions in those, an entire want of distinctive characters, and lastly, the omissions of existing hills, with the exaggeration of many that have but an indistinct existence, and the fabrication of others which are absolutely non-existent. It is easy to see how much this class of error must add to the apparent geological mis-state- ments arising from all else already noticed ; as also how it must often be a peculiar source of error or uncertainty in the geological draught, in those great tracts where there is no other guide and basis but the forms and distributions of the mountains. As before, I shall select a few examples in proof of this criticism ; while any one who shall examine the country may easily multiply them : noticing only, as an act of justice, that with few exceptions, that portion of Sutherland and Ross which I presume to have been derived from General Roy’s surveys, is executed in a very cre- ditable manner, and is often remarkably true. Meal Fourvony, which is scarcely distinguishable from the general ridge to which it belongs, is represented with as much force as Ben Nevis : but if that is of little moment to the mere geological survey, it is far otherwise with Ben Nevis itself, of 16 Geological Map of Scotland, which the draught is so very incorrect and fanciful, that it is impossible to lay down on the Map the alternations of gneiss and mica slate which occur along the train of mountain summits lying between it and Loch Treig. But far worse is that tract of mountain land which extends from Cruachan to the moor of Rannoch ; where, for a wide open valley in nature, there is sub- stituted in the Map a wall of lofty mountains. And as the joint boundary of the gneiss and granite lies here, it became quite im- possible to conjecture where it ought to be placed in the Map : whence the record which I have been compelled to make is that of mere hazard. Of this large tract I may indeed say generally, that the badness of the Map rendered it impossible to lay the rocks down truly, so that, like much more, a true statement, under such corrections as a new geological survey may render necessary, must be deferred till a new geographical one has been made. I might make the same or similar remarks on a hundred other places, were it not impossible, in a memoir like this, to multiply such details. The same kind of errors exist all over the Map ; and they are often the worst that could have existed, because, as I have already remarked, the rocks and their changes are the causes of the hills and of the variations of their ibrms. Thus a false hill implies the entry of a rock in a false manner, as a mis- placed one leads, either to the equal misplacement of a rock, or, if other neighbouring rocks will not permit of this, to the placing it on perhaps a flat, when its place is the summit of a hill. A re- markable case of this kind occurs in Banffshire. And if these very provoking sources of unavoidable, yet]of known and conscious error, in the geological entries, be added to all the rest, it will be easy to conjecture what must be the extent of incorrectness in this work ; yet of incorrectness which could not have been avoided, and for which the surveyor is in no manner responsible, as he has here desired that it shall be fully appreciated. Through- out, it is not a true representation of nature, as the geology is concerned, but an attempt to adapt such a representation to a fundamentally false geographical basis. How much additional labour, added to doubt and hesitation, has arisen from this cause, I need scarcely urge ; but I can safely say, that on a competent map, the work would not only have been truly done, but done in far less time ; as, if it had originally been commenced under a regular plan, with an intention of executing it throughout from the commencement, it might easily have been finished in per- haps half the time which it has occupied, and with a far different accuracy. But when I thus speak of its inaccuracy, it is from assuming that a geological survey should be truly geographical; from taking a standard which I know will never be reached ; since there are many other impediments to perfection than those of a bad geographical basis, as I shall hereafter point out. Yet this IG Memoirs to II. M. Treasury respecting the perfection ought to be the aim of every one ; as it has been my own in all those portions which were examined after the mten- tioi/to produce an entire Map had arisen, and the work had been commanded ; as far as the limited time allowed of this accuracy of investigation. Hitherto, geological M aps have been of a very difiereiit character : being broad general sketches, of whi^ the greater parts were conjectural, without any great regard to boun- daries, and with a suppression of those geographical details by which they might be verified ; while, instead of being the pro- duce of actual surveys, they have been largely compiled trom verbal and manuscript reports, and from the discordant views or different persons, often very incompetent to such a work. He who merely sees such a map will think it a great, and perhaps a perfect effort ; since it is tried by its own statements : but he who may labour to verify it on the ground will form a truer judgment, and, if a severe critic, or an unpardonmg lover ot truth, may view it with contempt, or reject it as fiction or pre- tence. That even such a sketch may have some uses m geolo- gical science, may however be admitted ; but it can never form a statistical survey, whatever aid it may furnish to future obse^ers. The present effort, and the first of its kind, while it is all the work of one hand, under at least a consistency of views, will, with all its defects, form the basis of a new ara m geological surveying ; and I can only regret that it was impossible to execute all that 1 wished. . After such a statement of difficulties and imperfections, aris- ing from the imperfections of the geographical basis, it is easy to remark that such a work should not have been attempted, and not less easy to represent it as useless for its professed objects. But the imperfections of the Map were not suspected by any one when it was commenced ; they only developed themselves during the progress of the work, when it could not have been aban- doned. Nor was it right to abandon, or delay, even so deficient a work, when there was no immediate prospect of a better geo- graphical survey ; since it was to prolong to an unknown period the pursuit of a useful study, because a collateral one was not yet perfected. . . , ■ t i Nor is its utility marred by the imperfections which 1 have noticed. The general distributions and places of the rocks which form Scotland will now be known ; whereas, before this, with exception of my own work on the estern Islands, and Hr. Hib— bert’s Map of Shetland, (a survey of great merit), not a mile of land in all Scotland had been surveyed and recorded. The whole country, indeed, islands and all, were so absolutely un- known when I commenced this vvork, that I was unable to bor- row the description of a single mile in aid of it ; as, throughout its whole progress, I have not derived even a hint, far less a fact, or an acre, from any other hand. • But while, with its acknowledged imperfections, it will now 17 Geological Map of Scotland. form the basis of a more accurate work at some future time, I must here notice what the facilities and the diflSculties of such a work will be. Every geologist has found it abundantly easy to follow in the track of him who has gone before, though utterly incapable of performing an atom of the original survey. All the difficulty of discernment and investigation is overcome ; all the greater tracts, requiring all the labour and all the knowledge, are laid down ; and nothing remains for the follower, but to settle boundaries with more accuracy than the divided and extended attention of the original surveyor permitted. He may spend months on a few points, where his precursor had not hours to bestow ; and with nothing more to do than to correct the mere geography, since all else is done to his hand. And thus also he may dis- cover small tracts of rock which his teacher had passed by, or not approached, over the great surface under his care. Hence he becomes the corrector ; as a multiplicity of such correctors, and nothing less than numbers and time, will at length produce a perfect work. If thus also he becomes the petty and censorious critic of what he could never have understood till it was taught him by the precursor whom he criticises, he must seek his praise from minds of a similar calibre and feeling; since he will assuredly be placed in his due station by the learned, the judicious, and the honourable, though men of this nature must be sought in posterity. He who desires, from views of utility, not from vanity and the love of censure, to extend the present work to a larger scale, and to a greater multiplicity and accuracy of detail, will now have the means of doing this. It is true that he cannot do it without a fresh survey of the ground ; but while his limits are likely to be that of a county, or less, his toil will not be great. The places and the natures of the rocks are before him, together with their general extent and limits, and often their accurate bounda- ries. His first labour will consist in the adaptation of an imper- fect to a better geography, and of a small scale to a large one. This done, a re-examination of the stated boundaries, with such corrections as they may require, either from their own defects, or that they may be applied to a larger and better map, will complete his work ; and he may thus construct county maps of geology, if such be his wish, with an accuracy as great as can be desired or expected. Nor will it require a refined geologist to do this. The rocks are few, and it is easy to learn to recognize them ; there is nothing which any man may not attain, on this narrow subject, with a few weeks of experience. It will confer no particular fame on any future self-constituted geologist, to have done what could have been effected by a surveyor's drudge or a Scottish quarryman. It will be a task of far other labour, to reproduce a new geolo- gical Map of Scotland, whenever a true geographical survey has been executed and published. Yet it will be but an extension c 18 Memoirs to 11. M. Treasury respecting the of the same species of labour. It will not be necessary to re- examine more than a very small portion of the whole of Scotland , since the chief work, as before, will consist in the corrections of places and boundaries, deficient or faulty on the present Map, from some of the causes already stated, and from others which will shortly be noticed. It may prove, for aught I know, that the coincidences between a true survey and the present Map are greater than I have imagined ; and in this case the labour will be still lighter than I have supposed. But, whatever may be the result, it is plain that such a new w^ork will supersede the pre- sent one, as it ought ; although the time for the execution of a perfect geographical survey of the whole of Scotland seems now so distant, that our posterity alone can expect that perfect survey which I would willingly have accomplished, had it been possible. On both these classes of correction, or attempts at better geological maps, I must make this final remark, that they will be better executed by him of an accurate geographical eye and tact, than by a better geologist who is deficient in this most essential quality. It is not nearly so difficult to know the nature of the rocks as to recognize the ground, together with the ob- server’s place, and thence to refer the former truly to the map ; and hence it is that I should expect a future and more perfect geological map from the hands of a geographical surveyor rather than from those of a geologist ; above all, from a practised mili- tary surveyor and draughtsman. In reality, it is to the military engineers who may hereafter survey Scotland, that I should look for the final perfection of this work, as I trust that it may be deputed to those persons, whenever the time shall arrive. I must now proceed to notice some other circumstances con- nected with this Survey, which render it a far less perfect work than I should have desired to produce, or to sanction by my name ; far more, to produce as a regular survey, ordered from the beginning by His Majesty’s Government, and executed under their authority. It would be necessary to do this, merely on account of the public, in case of publication, lest blame should be attached where no blame is attachable ; whether to myself, or to the Government which employed me to finish a work begun without any specific order, or sanction, or appointment on their part. This appears the more necessary, because I do not think that my Lords Commissioners of the Treasury are fully aware of the particulars and progress of this work, in as far as those parts of it executed under the Board of Ordnance are con- cerned, although the general facts were explained at the time that they decided to order its continuance and accomplishment. The first journeys which I undertook in Scotland were for a partial purpose required by the Ordnance, of a very limited prac- tical nature. But as it thus became necessary to traverse many tracts of country, though somewhat widely dispersed, I felt that Geological Map of Scotland. 1 9 I might, without any diversion of time, or any additional expense to the Government, note the other geological facts which fell in my way, and thus produce some sort of partial surveys of the country in general. Many portions of the ground, of some ex- tent and continuity, became thus known, with considerable accuracy ; while, in other districts, dispersed and partial tracts were recorded in a similar manner; yet with no other views than as an aid or a contribution to that philosophical geology which was then becoming an object of new interest in England and Scotland. Of course, no report of such supernumerary work was made to the Board of Ordnance, as no expense to the Government was incurred; whatever proved to be irrele- vant to the matters ordered, having been defrayed by myself; as appeared just. The time occupied in this work having included parts of three summers, the final record of the whole showed that a somewhat notable portion of Scotland had thus been laid down, though in a very dispersed and unconnected manner ; while, though it fur- nished facts of much geological interest, it gave no prospects of any survey of a nature jointly mineralogical and statistical, even for the tracts thus examined. Thus it remained for a time ; unthought of, and without any further design or views. But, immediately after this, it having been suggested by the mathematicians interested in this question, that the estimate of the weight of the earth derived from the observations of Dr. Maskelyne on Schihallien and the subsequent computations of Dr. Hutton, was inaccurate, and that the source of this inaccu- racy lay in imperfect geological knowledge, first, and essentially in the choice of a bad subject for the fundamental experiments, the discussions respecting the propriety of repeating these obser- vations on a more favourable subject and mountain were revived. Mr. Playfair had offered a correction, derived from a new geolo- gical examination of Schihallien, which gave its specific gravity, as the fundamental element of the whole calculation, very differ- ent from that which had been assumed. In the mean time it fell in my way to review this examination ; in which I pointed out numerous and serious errors, arising from a false view of the extent and positions of strata of highly different specific gravi- ties, and from a very mistaken and uninformed mode of esti- mating those as they must have borne on the total effect of this mountain in causing the deflections of the plummets from the perpendicular. Thus it came to light, that if, in the first place, the weight of the earth was not justly assigned from Dr. Maske- lyne’s experiments, so, in the next, the corrections of Mr. Play- fair were not corrections of the error; while the other and final conclusion was, that however Schihallien might afford a conve- nient object of mechanical measurement, and however perfect a subject it might therefore have been could its specific gravity have been truly ascertained, with the several actions of its com- plicated structure on the plummets, and thus on the directions 20 Memoirs to TL M. Treasury respecting the of the observing instruments for the stars, the great intricacy of its geological structure, and the consequent impossibility ot justly assigning its influence as well as its absolute weight, ren- dered it a hopeless subject for this fundamental investigation. It was in consequence of these discussions that I was ordered to make a general examination of the mountains of Scotland, for the purpose of discovering some one among them, on which these experiments might be repeated with the prospect of a more accurate result. This work occupied many seasons ; as it also led me widely, though dispersedly, over the larger part of that country, since the far greater number of the expected subjects proved unfit for the purposes in view, from various causes; while the whole of this investigation is detailed in a special report to the Board of Ordnance. But it thence happened, that from this compulsory movement from point to point, over so much of the country, I was enabled to see large portions of it ; as, in many cases also, the assignment of the structure of a mountain compelled me to investigate the geology of the connected and related tracts. Thus, in addition to the observations made in the first division of these journeys, I was enabled to enlarge and continue a species of general geo- logical survey of Scotland, yet still in a very dispersed and irre- gular manner; as 1 did not feel myself justified in expending the time otherwise destined, or the public money, on that respecting which I had no orders. The general intention was, to contribute to geological science and to the topographical knowledge of Britain, as its rocks were concerned; and thus also was this particular survey terminated, with those results of which the Board of Ordnance is informed in a special detailed report. This service being thus terminated, no further prospects were entertained of carrying the work of a geological survey of this country any further; though all which had been done was entered on the Map, in the best manner that observations so scattered, and spread over so many years, without any general plan or ultimate views of the present nature, permitted. But there immediately arose another question among the ma- thematicians under the Board of Ordnance, consequent on some remarks of the Baron de Zach and Mr. Playfair, I presume, and on the visit of the French mathematicians to this country for the purpose of connecting their several meridians as used for the measurement of the earth. It was proved, or suspected, that the deflections of the plummet produced by the nature of the ground, were or might be such as materially to influence con- clusions derived from instruments regulated either by this instru- ment or a spirit level ; and that from this cause the observations derived from the times of pendulums might prove inaccurate, with consequent false results. A third set of journeys and examinations was therefore or- dered, for the purpose of affording geological corrections, if any such should prove necessary, to the observations of the mathe- 21 Oeological Map of Scotland. maticians ; while these were directed, chiefly, but not exclu- sively, to the meridians that were chosen as forming the only convenient coincidence in one long line, which, as being well known, I need not describe. Thus another opportunity was afforded of extending the geolo- gical survey which had already been effected in the partial and dispersed manner formerly stated ; and at length in such a man- ner and with such an effect, that some general connection began to take place, so as to give a notion of the total structure of Scot- land which had never yet been formed or even conjectured. The final collection of all these scattered observations on the Map, which still, however, continued to be nothing more than an object of philosophical curiosity, or the source of a hope for improving geological science, served at length to show the pro- gress that had been made in a general survey of Scotland ; while that was found to be much greater than had been supposed be- fore this approximation of all these different surveys on a single draught. It is now necessary to say that, thus far, no public expense had been bestowed on this geological and general Survey. The Board of Ordnance had not commanded these additional obser- vations, nor designed such a survey. They were occasionally in- formed that this supererogatory work had been done, as the pro- gress was regularly stated after it had assumed a tangible shape.. They did not object, as they did not order; nor was there any apparent reason for objecting, as none of the time due to the commanded service was diverted to this purpose, and as every additional expense incurred by it was defrayed by myself. The final result, at present, consequently is, that out of the whole of this Survey as now completed, but a very inferior moiety has been paid for by the public money ; since a special and distinct sur- vey, under each of the heads already stated, was completed and reported, under the orders that were issued and the payments that were assigned by the established regulations of office. The whole, therefore, of this supererogatory survey, forming the basis and principal portion of the total work, must be considered as having been furnished, or contributed by the surveyor, free of all pulDlic expense ; and thence the public money expended on the latter portion must be distributed as if over the whole, since it is the sole one that has been incurred for the total Survey. It remains to say, on this subject, that when the work had arrived at the condition already stated, so as to afford a rational hope of a complete survey of Scotland, it was proposed to the Board of Ordnance to continue their former orders, for this spe- cific end. This, however, was not deemed expedient on their part ; but the question having been referred to the Lords of the Treasury, the further prosecution was adopted by them, with the result of bringing it to the present termination, in the exact time which had been originally estimated as necessary to its com- pletion. c 3 22 MeTHoifs to IJ- M> TreasuTy respecting the If this statement be requisite for other reasons, so is it niost essential for the purpose of accounting fer another source of de- fects or errors, different from that already detailed as arising from the imperfections of the geographical basis on which this Survey is delineated. If such a work had been originally in- tended and ordered, a plan would have been laid down, as it would have been consistently pursued ; as thus also the atten- tion would not have been diverted from the mam object by the petty details of different partial and limited subjects. In the present case, where there was a specific order for an ol^ect equally special, every thing was slurred over or omitted which miffht in any way have interfered with that. Thus it necessarily follows, that if there are not any absolute omissions, there are many imperfections, and unquestionably many errors, m all that portion of this Survey which was executed before it came under an order of the Treasuiy for this specific end. The time applied to it was inadequate, as the necessary attention could not have been with justice given to it, where there was no order to ^at effect, and where another set of orders were to be executed. 1 he dispersion of the observations, the very distant times at which they were made, the total absence of any possible plan or con- nected series of observations, with the necessity of joining these in the best practicable manner at after periods, and the absence of any intention to produce an accurate statistical work, while the only hope was to give some aid to geological philosophy and kiiowledo-e through new topographical facts, will also account and apologize for inaccuracies for which no other apology ought to be required beyond this simple statement. It is one which equally relieves from all blame, the surveyor whose work it is, and the Government under whose orders it seems to have been entirely executed. Neither can be justly deemed responsible for the entire accuracy of a work which neither intended or expected to bring to such a conclusion ; while it is especially due to the Government to say, that in ordering the conclusion of a work thus unexpectedly commenced, they not only took a liberal view of its utility, but adopted the best expedient also for producing, in as short a time as possible, and at the least expense, a work which, as far as it could be of any use, ought to have been pro- duced as soon as was practicable, though it had been but as a basis for a future and better work of the same nature. Unquestionably, it would have been very desirable to have reviewed and corrected all those parts of this survey, which were executed under the Ordnance in the irregular and almost pur- poseless manner already stated ; but it was not deemed advisable to do this, under views of either expense or time ; and justly, since the gain could not have atoned tor either of these saciifices. I must therefore finally remark, as the main result of this histo- rical statement of the origin and progress of the present Survey, and as that for which it has thus been made, that in addition to the geographical causes of imperfection formerly detailed, the 23 Geological Map of Scotland. source of some of its greatest defects must be sought in the un- avoidable circumstances under which it was carried on. I have no doubt, therefore, that the imperfections in the earlier parts of this work are considerable : while they are also dispersed over every part of the country, in such a manner that nothing but an entirely new survey, now inadmissible, or imprudent, until a new geographical survey has been executed, could rectify them. But if the very circumstances of these early surveys prevent me from pointing out where they are likely to exist, it is my duty and business to request, that whatever defects, not dependent on a false geography, may hereafter be discovered, they may be attri- buted to this cause : that all parties may equally be exempted from blame, for what could not have been otherwise. This must suffice on the two great and leading sources of im- perfection in the present Mapt it remains to notice a few more, of a far minor influence, that nothing may remain untold, from the knowledge of which future corrections may be derived. In a country previously unknown to geology, as Scotland was, no plan for intersecting it, so as to ascertain all its rocks in the best manner, could be formed ; nor could such a plan have been executed though it had been laid down, since the time allotted to this subject, under arrangements and orders that could not be counteracted, was insufficient for such a purpose. Hence it is a matter of course, that over a surface of nearly 30,000 square miles, and in a country which is frequently of the most difficult access, as it is also widely obscured by bogs and alluvia in addi- tion to soil and cultivation, many portions must have escaped observation altogether ; as others, though visited, were rendered unintelligible, by the effect of thick rain, so frequent in Scotland and so well known, making every thing invisible ; while it was not often that the allotted time permitted these parts to be re- examined. , . If the effect of these several causes in producing imperfections or oversights has not been great as far as the larger tracts of rock are concerned, it is probably otherwise as to the smaller spots, although nothing but future examinations will discover whether it is so or not. I deem it exceedingly probable that there are many such omissions, as I happen also to know, through information which I can trust, that there are some ; although in almost every case where I have attempted to verify such infor- mation by re-examination of the ground, I have found it so in- correct in some manner, or so entirely false, that I have been obliged to decline the insertion of those additions or corrections which have been offered by persons in whose knowledge or accu- racy I could place no confidence. It is enough to be responsible for our own errors. Now the smaller tracts of rock to which I allude are confined chiefly to granite, porphyry, primary limestone, serpentine, and mountain limestone ; though in the vicinity of the trap rocks C 4 24 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the ^here are freauently minute portions of the several strata existing, and often so very small that the Map has no room to express them ; while similarly minute parts occasionally occur m almost all the rocks, and perhaps most importantly in that scattered and divided and encumbered tract of has, with its associ^ed strata, which is found on the western shores of Scotland. The general facts respecting these I must now note, while 1 must also name the most conspicuous cases of known or conjectured deficiencies; the former as a needful correction to this Map, and the latter as a guide to those who may hereafter labour to ThouD^h granite often occurs in considerable tracts, it is also found in extremely small portions, surrounded by entire terri- tories of gneiss, and moreover intermixed with it in such a man- ner, that unless such spot were examined yard by yard, the two could not be defined ; while even if thus ascertained, neither this Map, nor one ten times as large, could find room for the record. I may also add that such minute accuracy would form an unwor- thy pursuit, being of equal inutility to statistics and to scientific geoloo-y ; as it would be a blameworthy one, were more important things neglected for so paltry and affected a purpose. In any view, this, like much more, is the proper object of partial geolo- gical investigations and draughts; where, both the time em- ployed, and the space of the drawing, admit of this minuteness ; and it will thus become the future work of others. Such spots of granite, it ought to be well known, are extremely difficult to find, as it is chance also that must most often lead to their discovery. They have no external conspicuity or characters by which they may be recognized at a distance, so that unless the hand is actually on them they may escape notice. And though most geologists would search the summits of mountains for them, my experience shows that this is no guide or mle. At Loch Spey, Loch Laggan, and the Moor of Rannoch, the lowest lands are of granite, often perfectly flat as well as low, so as to give to the ground the same character as the horizontal secondary strata do, while the surrounding mountains are formed of dif- ferent stratified rocks. And this also is very widely true in Aberdeenshire, adding enormously to the other difficulties which belong to that county. It is plainly impossible, as it would be a censurable waste of time, to search such a country as the west of Ross and Inverness-shires, inch by inch, for every such spot of granite as it may contain ; while even a search of this nature would be unavailing, when such large surfaces are covered by deep bogs and accumulations which render the rocks invisible and inaccessible. In the stratified rocks, it is easy to infer what cannot be seen ; while it is thus indeed that geology performs the principal part of its work ; but, of granite, nothing can be known except through an actual sight of the rock, and this is too often unattainable. Of examples of the occasional minuteness of the spaces occu- 26 Geological Map of Scotland. pied by granite, I may now point out two or three on the present iVJ ap. They were entered as examples of this fact ; while many others have been omitted, under the conviction that they would not be discovered on the Map, amid the general confusion of engraving and colouring, and the certainty that the colourmen who might be employed in making copies would overlook the greater number. Even in those which are recorded, I have been obliged to enlarge the spaces a hundred or a thousand times, since they would have been incapable of representation under their actual dimensions; so that, if critically considered, the entries are false. Such a minute fragment will be seen between Loch Tumel and Loch Rannoch, and its actual breadth is but a few yards. There is such another represented on the Buck of Cabrach, in Aber- deenshire, again near New Galloway, and further, near to Kirk- mabreck, and at Heston island ; though the space being here forcibly limited by the size of that island on the Map, the facts cannot be decyphered unless a section on a larger draught had been also given. If these, like many other things in this Map, are partly given as proofs of an accuracy and minuteness of investigation which has almost turned out purposeless, from the impossibility of re- cording it for want of room, so have I in one place given a repre- sentation of the actual facts which occur at the j unction of granite with the neighbouring strata. This will be seen on the summit of a hill near Castletown of Braemar ; yet even the intermixture of colours, intricate as it is, does not represent these facts, since twenty times the space would not contain them. Whatever number of such intricate j unctions were ascertained, it was plainly impossible to represent them on this Map, especially under the heaviness of the engraving ; while even an attempt to do this would have produced inextricable confusion, as it would have rendered it impossible for the colourmen to copy them, without an enormous and unjustifiable expense. Hence it has been ne- cessary in this case, as in a thousand others, to give such boun- daries in their most simple forms ; while this specimen will show what might have been entered, as it was surveyed, had such entries been practicable. It was equally impracticable to represent the minute intermix- tures of granite and gneiss which occur in many places, appearing to arise from the fact that the latter has been bared nearly to the surface of the former. And while it also seemed unnecessary to note this fact wherever it occurred, I have for the same reasons given one example of it, partly as a specimen of the fact, and partly because of the conspicuity of that particular tract. But the hieroglyphic colour used to express it is so very aukward, while I could not find a better one that should be sufficiently visible in small spaces, that I have not repeated it in any other place. This is a tract round Loch Garry ; and the ring of Sienna surrounding gamboge is the expression adopted. 2(3 Memoirs to II. M. Treasury respecting the Similar remarks will apply to the granite veins. Had they been given, they would have obscured the work by fibres ot brown colour, and would also have been invisible, without that enlaro-ement of length and dimensions which vyould have egre- giousty falsified their sizes and places. In this case therefore, also, I have confined myself to an example or two, as \yill be seen near Banff; and if useful in this particular instance, this wiff also serve to show what might have been done elsewhere, had the circumstances permitted. The masses of porphyry, though equally an independent rock, have offered less difficulty, especially where they occur in the northern parts of the country. In the south, the case is uitierent, thouP'h they are here represented under the hieroglyphic of trap, for reasons which will be explained in another place. 1 hough there are here many large masses, respecting which there is no difiiculty, there are also numerous fragments, as well as veins, scattered over the surfaces of the slate hills, in the vicinity of Hawick, Langholm, and elsewhere. The same reasoning applies to these as to the small patches of granite already noticed. I he depth of soil and peat entirely obscures many of them, and they have no external form to distinguish them from the neighbouring slate. The search for them is therefore attended by the same difficulties, while the small importance of such fragments, under any view, did not justify the expenditure of time on them, where there was so much more of far greater importance to be done, and when the time for the whole work was positively limited by the Government’s plan respecting this Survey. The absolute nature of that Order compels me now to make the following general remark, as universally applicable, and as leading to many more similar imperfections ; or as at least ren- dering it probable that there are such. It could not be^ foreseen, at any stage of the work, what there might be remaining to be done, and what time therefore it might occupy. Hence it was necessary not to waste that which was so circumscribed, on a peculiarly difficult tract, especially when it did not prove of much importance, lest it should fall short on the remainder, and thus le^e more important tracts untouched and blank. And this compulsory haste, under a limitation of time for the execution of that which was unknown and could nowhere be foreseen, when the due performance of such a work demanded an entire freedom from all restraint, will very widely explain imperfecjtions, or sketchiness of execution, that will in all probability be discovered by future observers in many places; as I could now point out those where I expect they will be found, were it not too tedious an enumeration, and, if made in words, much too difficult to verify on the Map ; since it would become an almost impracti- cable search for names to which a guide could hardly be invented. To the veins of porphyry I may apply the same remarks as to those of granite. In many places they are so small that they could not be represented on the Map, as no useful purpose also 27 Geological Map of Scotland. could have been served. But I have given a few examples of such veins where they were most I’emarkable, yet, of course, under a dimension on the Map infinitely greater than they pos- sess in nature, since they would otherwise have been invisible. Even now it is difficult to see them, as they are also very likely to be missed by the colourists. In Glenco, where they are most remarkable, they are laid down under a general expression, since their crowd and numbers did not admit of an accurate record. I would gladly have marked them also as they passed through Cruachan and the Oban trap ; but I found it impossible to give more than a general indication of the fact by means of a few red lines, the purple colour appropriated to this rock not being sufficiently visible on the engraved ground and the other colour- ing. I especially desire attention to this, lest they be wilfully or carelessly mistaken for the mountain line, expressed by the same colour. The difficulty of discovering and representing the primary limestones has been a much more vexatious one, because of the practical uses of this substance, and the frequent inconvenience to agriculture and masonry, arising from its rarity in the primary districts of Scotland. In every instance this rock exposes only the edge of the strata or stratum, while it is, in almost every instance also, but a single and a very thin bed; so that its superficial breadth seldom exceeds a rew yards, and often does not reach to many feet. In addition to this, either these beds are very limited in length, or else they are extenuated till they disappear, to be apparently renewed in a fresh place on the same line of direction. And if to this be added the fact, that so many tracts are covered for miles by deep masses of peat, it is plain that not even an inves- tigation of the ground by inches could find them all, while such a work alone would occupy more than the life of one man. It is utterly impossible, therefore, that I should have discovered, per- haps, the least portion of them, since they must generally be discoveries of pure accident. Yet I have examined and laid down all those respecting which I could procure uny information from the country people ; further adding many on which 1 had fallen by chance, and the prolongations of many more to un- known places, eftected by tracing the directions of the stratifi- cation. Of what remains, 1 cannot conjecture; except that wherever I have laid one down, it will probably be found in many other places on the same line, by those who may have that time to pursue these partial investigations which I had not. The unavoidable incorrectness in the mapping of these lime- stones will now be easily understood and allowed for. Though the geography of the Map had been correct, which it very seldom was found to be for such a purpose, the smallness of their dimen- sions rendered a great enlargement of the heiroglyphic colour necessary, though I chose, in ultramarine, the strongest and most 28 Memoirs to H, M, Treasury respecting the conspicuous one that remained to me. The least visible quantity of this, being also but a line, occupies the space of half a mile or more, in breadth, on the Map, that I might ensure its being seen by an inspector of this record, and not overlooked by the co- lourist copiers. But the actual breadth is not more than a few yards perhaps ; incapable of representation, since it would not have occupied half the dimensions of a hair. If in some places this is of no moment, it is not so of all ; since the necessary en- largement of the coloured space causes the limestone to appear at some marked geographical point where assuredly it will not be found ; as the observer may thus be accused of an error which belongs to the very nature of things, not to him. For this tliere is no remedy : all that can be said is, that such limestones will be found near the places thus coloured in the Map, though not over the whole surfaces, either in length or breadth, or at the exact points which appear there. I need not refer to particular parts of the Map for the examples, since they occur every- where ; while the same enlargement of dimensions is also fol- lowed in other matters, for the same reasons : but I also know that many of the recorded ones are here egregiously misplaced, particularly in Aberdeenshire, from the extreme incorrectness and confusion in this part of the Map especially, rendering it quite impossible for me to discover my own place upon it. I have also retained two or three which I had taken on report, but had not found ; while doubting their truth and accuracy, since, on other occasions, I found myself deceived, and rescinded the memorandum first made. Under such circumstances I have been doubtful how to act ; and the errors therefore, if they prove such, must be trusted to future coirections. The case of serpentine is very similar, with some very trivial exceptions where it is found in considerable masses. It occurs in very minute spots, or very thin beds, as it is also very rare ] and there is no clue by which to conjecture its presence. Thus the discovery is as accidental as that of the limestones ; while in each case, the accident of a shower of rain, or the mere turning of the head to look at another object, may cause a surveyor to miss the very thing under his feet, since he may not be more than a few seconds near to it. What may have been overlooked as to this rock, I cannot therefore conjecture ; but I have laid it down in many places where it was before unknown, while also reject- ing others which had' been reported as existing in certain spots, but which I could not find after a careful examination. In the record of such serpentine there has been the same diffi- culty as in the case of the limestones. The spaces of colour have been enlarged that the fact might be visible, with, of course, the same appearance of error. In Aberdeenshire, where it occurs in very small spots in granite, and often accompanied by limestone, the records are nearly invisible, with all the care which I could take. At Portsoy, where it occurs in a complicated mixture with other rocks, and in a very narrow space, the accurate record 29 Geological Map of Scotland. of the whole was quite impossible. In this, as in many other analogous cases, large separate drawings were made ; as it was afterwards attempted, but in vain, to transfer them to the Map by reduction. Such drawings could not have been published with the Map ; while, being mere objects of geological curiosity, not of statistical utility, they have been for the most part destroy- ed, with such other drawings of special appearances as related to the mere science : having no relevancy to this ordered work, and there being now no means left to me of rendering them useful in any other manner. The next rock which occurs universally, or at least but with one or two slight exceptions, in small quantities, is the mountain limestone. In most places, the elevated edges of a thin stratum are alone to be found; while in others, if flatter, it is only known as wrought by excavating beneath the coal series. In none, therefore, is it possible, or safe, to give it a larger breadth on the surface than the visible one, though it may cover larger spaces in some parts than I have been able to prove. The quarrymen, it is true, are very generally ready to assert this, and to say that a given tract is all limestome, because they work it at different points ; but having so often ascertained that this was a mistake arising from the fractures and undulations of a stratum, and generally in the vicinity of trap, I have not adopted any such continuous tract, except in Sutherland, where it is visible, since I have not been able to prove its existence. It is plain, therefore, that the discovery of such thin edges of limestone must be, like that of the primary ones, a matter of chance. There would be the same impossibility of making a minute investigation for so partial a purpose ; and the difficulties are even enhanced as to this limestone, by the nature of the country where it occurs, and by its unexpected irregularity of disposition. On the usual doctrines of geology, it ought to be found every where between the red sandstone and the coal series ; but it is very certain that this is not the fact in Scotland. It cannot therefore be sought for through the usual guides ; while, owing to the upturning of the strata, through the influence of trap, it often occurs in the middle of tracts of red sandstone, and of coal sandstone also, under an apparent, if not a real anomaly, in each case. As this limestone also belongs for the most part to the cultivated countries, where the lands are deeply encumbered with alluvia, as well as obscured by cultivation, and are moreover so flat as rarely to expose any rock for many miles, it is plain that to discover it must be a matter of chance or of extreme difficulty ; a difficulty not comprehended by English geologists, where this limestone forms large and evident tracts, in every place where it exists. I may therefore say, that in no instance have I found, in the south at least, any place for these limestones beyond those which were known in the country, and generally as the subjects of quarrying; while it is therefore plain, that their extents and 30 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the places, as laid down, must be much less than the actual facts. Nothing but the total removal of the soil could discover the still unknown ones, since the flatness or the irregularity of the sti ata prevents their courses from being pursued or conjectured. It is true that this might be safely inferred in some cases ; but there are so many more where the usual rules would deceive us, that it has not been deemed safe to follow them. What the extent of the information thus received may be, as compared to the actual facts, is what I cannot conjecture ; all that I could do was to verify it on the ground, that I might enter nothing of which I had not ascertained the existence. But in attempting this, if I verified much, there was also much that I could not find by any research. Whence, knowing the pro- pensity of these reporters to exaggerate, and to make imaginary courses for their strata, I have refused admission to such records ; while it is very likely that I have thus excluded what has a real existence. I suspect this to be the case in Fife, where I laboured in vain to find what had been said to exist ; but I could not make myself responsible for the truth of what I had not proved, while I have almost invariably adhered to this rule throughout the country. It is at least as easy to supply a defect as to ex- punge a false statement ; and while these doubtful spots are sufficiently insignificant, compared to the whole work, they are among those which it will hereafter be most easy to supply and correct, under partial and local surveys; under those surveys which, after all, must ever be the only ones applicable to prac- tical uses. The same species of error which unavoidably occurs in mapping the thin edges of the primary limestones, pervades the registry of these also, and commonly to a much greater degree. Very often the only accessible portion is a quarry, while there is as often but little certainty respecting its extent and course beneath the soil. Though one of the strongest colours is here also used, in lake, the actual dimensions thus laid down would have been invisible on the Map; thence is the colour extended both in length and breadth, and with those similar results which I need not repeat. For the most part too, although the quarries appear to follow certain lines, or the edges of the strata, I have kept these spots separate ; in a few cases only, connecting them by a narrower line, as a general indication of what any one who chooses may extend to other places by means of a hair-pencil and a little colour. This, in fact, is conjectural mapping: there is no objection, for those who desire no more ; but it was the very plan of this work to produce a real map ; and thus, as far as possible, to infer nothing, especially as to objects of practical utility, which was not tolerably clear. These are the principal facts connected with the minuteness of rocks, and the consequent difficulty, both of finding and niapping them, which it is necessary for him who may inspect this work to bear in mmd. They form a commentary and explanation 81 Geological Map of Scotland. scarcely less necessary than the Key, that the work may be justly understood; that the nature of what looks like error may be appreciated, and that there may be no appearance of a pretence to do what cannot and never will be done. It remains to make some remarks on minutenesses occasionally occurring, as accidents, among those rocks, wdiich for the most part, form large tracts in other countries ; things with which Scotland abounds, as they are rare in England, and therefore scarcely suspected by those who know this latter country only. If the difficulty of discovering those is occasionally as great, that of mapping them is often much greater ; and therefore, at least, do they demand the present explanation. It is almost necessary to point out here the occurrence near Loch Greinord, of two small spots of a sandstone which I consider to be the red marl ; since they are the only ones that I have found in Scotland, if I except that still doubtful portion in Arran which could not be represented on the Map. They might not otherwise be found, even through the Key ; since the colour of that is conspicuous on the white paper, while these unavoidably show the same tint in a very obscure manner. The series of lias and oolithe, one or both, sometimes attended by the green sandstone, at others containing lignite coal, is so dis- persed, over so many places, often in such extremely small por- tions, and very frequently under trap, so as to show no surface, and to be recognizable only in the vertical cliffs, that I have not been able to represent it everywhere, and seldom in any place, with geographical truth ; partly from the minuteness of the Map, and partly from the necessary construction of all maps. This is the more disagreeable, because there is not a fragment of this series, on the western coast at least, with which I am not perfectly acquainted. I’hus I could not render it visible, even by the violent green which I have used, in the Shiant Isles, where its shale at least occurs, since these form a mere spot on the Map ; nor on the summits of the Morven Hills, where only the thin edge is seen, lying under trap. And thus, also, in Sky and Mull and Rasay, it is greatly exaggerated, while further, often repre- sented as occupying a horizontal space when it is entirely without dimensions in this direction, and would be invisible on the Map but for this expedient. Thus also is it sometimes indicated on the sea, as the only place which would show the colour ; another expedient, which I have equally been obliged to adopt for lime- stones and other roeks in several places, when occurring under trap. Hence also have I had recourse to a further one, which I must equally note here, lest it be supposed intended to express a fact, and might therefore imply an error of examination. This is, to accompany it by the yellow colour allotted to the green sand, which might have been there when it is not, as it is in Rasay and in some parts of Mull, 8cc., and which, by its hue, serves to bring out the green tint and to separate it from the blue of the trap. It is plain that nothing but a far larger Map would 32 Memoirs to II. M. Treasury respecting the have admitted of a true record of things so small ; and it must therefore suffice, ^to have given this explanation, when the adop- tion of such a one was impossible. But in this case and some others, including Sky especially, the minuteness of which m the Map, with the intricacy of the numerous rocks, renders an ac- curate record on the present draught impracticable, I may refer to the laro-er maps which I formerly published of the Western Islands. Vith equal space, almost everything in the present Map might have been equally accurate ; and that which is thus done in the well-known work to which I have referred, will serve at least to show, that it was not want of knowledge of the facts which has rendered the present one less accurate than it might easily have been made, if I could have commanded more ^Although the red sandstone generally occure in large tracts, there are some extremely minute portions scattered over various parts of the country. I do not believe that I have overlooked any of these, though some are so minute as to occupy but a few yards, insomuch that I fear they will scarcely be found without a verbal direction, in addition to the colour, especially as a minute quantity of lake, used for this rock, resembles the colour selected for granite, when on the black engraving. If I have sometimes, therefore, adopted the general expedient of enlarging these small spots, so have I drawn out lines at their boundaries, when occurring on the sea-shores ; a proceeding which I have also followed with respect to some other boundaries, this bein' sketch of its disposition will explain all this more fully than I could have explained it in a preceding notice. The general direction of the primary strata of Scotland, when at all regular, is upon a line vacillating to the northwards of the north-east rhumb line: and such, ot course, is the direction of the regular beds of gneiss. The geographical natural section of the land in which the Caledonial Canal lies, is a convenient reference for the course of the strata in this part ; as the great slate belt extending from Arran to Stonehaven forms another convenient object of the same kind, though under a want of parallelism which, it must be believed, cannot depend on the Map, since it would imply a scarcely-possible geographical error. Where this direction is regular, it is also, generally, but not universally true, that the dip is to the south-eastward, but under a great diversity of angles, independently of those peculiar and well-known disturbances in this respect which occur in the vicinity of granite. If I have not elsewhere mentioned the gene- ral average which might be assumed for these angles, pointing out the impossibility of representing them, even in a small num- ber of places, as they really are, 1 may here say that they range most generally from twenty to fifty or sixty degrees, as they are also occasionally much nearer to the vertical. It would be endless to enumerate the places in which the gneiss follows this consistent direction and dip, even where those were observed ; while there is much that is inaccessible to this species of observation. Nor would it be of any use: it will suffice to state the facts in a general manner. Nothing can be more idle than these inquiries about position, unless in the case of work- ings, especially among the secondary strata : since they are so variable that a hundred records of lines and angles would often scarcely express the truth respecting as many hundred yards, especially among the primary strata ; while there is perhaps not a thousandth part of all those rocks where any observation whatever of this nature can be made. To be thus anxious about such matters, is of the petty pursuits and follies of a speculative ignorance in geology. If I except that portion of Aberdeenshire which includes Fraser- burgh and Lochell to the Dee, forming its eastern and generally low division, and again draw an irregular line between Strathy Head and Loch Enard, the directions and the dips of the gneiss may be said to follow a regular order with tolerable consistency. Not but what there are occasional anomalies, even independently of the immediate presence of granite : though it is impossible here to enter on so fruitless and necessarily imperfect a detail. One (54 Memoirs to II. M. Treasury respecting the only I may notice in Glcnco, where the strata are vertical, al- though tlie granite is somewhat remote ; while this, and the peculiarities of mineral character in this spot, seem to depend on the abundance of porphyry veins. -c j r • • *i * +i But it is even in this regularly stratified division that theie occurs the great anomaly to which I have just alluded. In most cases there is some parallelism, if not always very accurate, while never so prolonged as it is between the mica slate and the clay slate defining the gneiss and the next stratified rock in the same class - or the changes of the rocks occur according to the order and repetition of the strata. But the Map will show that m some places this rule is broken ; being that cause of surprise, and also at first of doubts, in those tracts, which it would not have been where the positions of the gneiss are irregular. The change from the gneiss to the mica slate occurs on the line of the direc- tion of the strata ; and while 1 here point out the district near Ben Nevis as a conspicuous example of this fact, the Map will show where else it occurs, both with respect to this substance and to quartz rock. In the eastern parts of Aberdeenshire, where it happens with respect to clay slate also, it excites no surprise, since all the primary strata equally have ceased to possess any consistency of direction. , , , • x x j The dips here are also equally irregular, both in quantity and tendency : there is no order of any kind ; and thence the diffi- culty of investigating the places and the boundaries of that which, in addition, is also often invisible. Nothing can be in- ferred, but all must be examined and surrounded, with the same labour which the unstratified rocks require. There is little doubt that this distribution must be referred to the proximity of the granite. It is what takes place everywhere in those circum- stances ; but the visible space is unusually large. In some parts of the north-western angle of Sutherland, and there at least most remarkably, the direction of the gneiss re- mains sufficiently constant, but the dips are reversed; the strata being nevertheless as regular as usual. Of course, vertical po- sitioL also occur between the western and the eastern dips. But further south in the satne quarter, all regularity disappears, under an utter confusion of dips, positions, and curvatures. this character prevails very generally through the outer chain of islands ; as also in Tirree and Coll ; in which islands also it chiefly is, that we must seek those singular and extravagant curv'atures which the gneiss of Scotland so often exhibits. Besides the changes of the gneiss on the line of direction, it is subject to others which, as I already noticed, materially en- hance the difficulty, first of ascertaining and distinguishing it, and next, of mapping it, even when it is ascertained. It passes into quartz rock and into mica slate, according as it approximates to these. Such gradation is easily traced in sepa- rate masses or specimens ; but that is far from being the case in nature, because the rocks about the places of these changes are Geological Map of Scotland. C5 ofteu invisible. There is nothing however in this, as far as scien- tific geology IS concerned, which it is not prepared to hear • nor IS aught more than the general fact of any moment. But it also IS interchanged occasionally with both of these rocks, in suffi- ciently thin alternating strata, and often over large spaces, as ^ig t lave been represented, at least under some exago'eration by ineaiis of sections, since that could not be shown on the Map! J\ either in this is there any geological wonder ; and as to all else, the accurate determination is a matter of indifference. Such changes are of frequent occurrence in all the rocks of this divi- sion, not even excepting the limestones, where almost every other schistose stratum is found similarly altematino- with the calcareous beds. o This IS all which I think it necessary to notice respecting the position and the connections of the gneiss in Scotland, in addition to what the Map will show. I presume it is scarcely necessary to say, that it is followed in immediate contact by every rock in the series, down at least to the red sandstone ; since this is suffi- ciently visible on the Map. o endless to detail all the varieties of gneiss which Scotland presents, I must limit myself to a general sketch u ’ while the book already mentioned, founded chiefly on a collection of these varieties, as far as that rock is concerned, will give every minute detail which could not be in- troduced here. Though I have made other divisions in that work, I need here notice only the granitic and the schistose ; since they are the only ones in which either geology or statistics can take any inte- rest while the laminar ones may also rank with the schistose. Ihe granitic varieties are so universal over the outward chain of islands, including Tirree and Coll, that it would be difficult to hnd any other. They occur also, abundantly, in Aberdeenshire and dovvn to the border of the primary territory in this quarter! Generally also they may be said to predominate over the o-reat western divisions of Ross and Inverness, as they are equally the most abundant in Sutherland. But if they also are found almost everywhere, there are one or two general rules under which they may be expected ; as those rules include some places which ! need not here distinguish. Wherever there are numerous and conspicuous curvatures, the gneiss is granitic : and it is the same, with little exception, where the positions are irregular. It is the same also, almost universally, where the beds are in the vicinity of granite. ^ On the contrary, extensive and regular prolonged beds are very generally schistose or laminar ; as the strata also are of this character when alternating, and continuous, with mica slate and quartz rock. Thus it is, that the great tracts of this division of gneiss occur in Perthshire veiy remarkably, and very generally m that division of it which lies between the Caledonian Canal and the line which may be traced from Loch Awe along the F 6G Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the boundary of the mica slate, and the comse of the Spey. But m this part also I should finally notice the very singular character of that gneiss which occurs about Glenco, and * borders^ of this mica slate: since it is not merely difficult to re- coo'nise on the ground in its visible masses, but unites to the mica slate on this^line in such a manner that it becomes utterly impossible to define and separate them. There is little to be said respecting the economical uses ot gneiss • and I need not therefore do what I have just done m ffie rase of granite. The granitic varieties are nearly unmpageable f^any purposes of art, from the difficulty of shaping them; though there are some exceptions, in which their natural stratifi- cation would give two flat and parallel faces, and thus save la- bour The finely schistose and laminar ones can be converted into heavy slates, and are thus occasionally used m the countiy, for want of a better material, or to resist high winds. But they can be of no general value other than as flags ; and of these tlmie is such an abundance in many more convenient rocks, that they ffiere are many of the varieties of the schistose gneiss which well deserve the attention of architects; from the tact, first, of their possessing two natural parallel faces, under differen deg^es of thickness, and next, from the facility with which they receive the four other faces by the hammer alone. ¥ov dry, or unsquared stone work, this is among the best of rocks i while a very little additional labour with the pick, will also do for thein what it requires much toil to perform for granite. And, m point of durability, it equals the granites, while exceeding them in va- riety. It will be for those interested in these arts and this com- merce, to see whether those varieties of gneiss, where they he commodiously for carriage, might not be rendered that object ot utility which they have never yet been. ^ Respecting the hornblende schist of Scotland, there is some- what more to remark than that usual connection with gneiss re- specting which geology is fully informed. For the greater part, it occurs m beds alternating with that rock, but always in a very inferior proportion ; except m the sin- gle instance noticed in another of these Reports, where it forms nearly the whole of the mountain Ben Lair. But I have never found it as a bed among the great tracts of schistose gneiss, though portions are sometimes to be observed, m ditterent con- nections, which are distributed in strata and lammse, so flat and so thin, that it might be used as roofing slate. As a general rule however, it belongs to the granitic gneiss ; while, as tar as 1 have seen, it occurs only where that is a gneiss containing horn- That it occurs also in what I have distinguished by the name of the chlorite series, is a fact which will be better noticed in the subsequent account of this singular collection of strata. And it it is fur ther, though seldom, found as a modification of clay slate, Geological Map of Scotland. 67 the circumstance is rare, as the instances are minute : while this is among those facts of a purfiy geological interest which I have determined to avoid. The unalterable nature, and consequent durability of this rock, united to its convenient parallel forms, should render it a valu- able material in architecture, but its colour is an objection. Its exceeding toughness renders it one of the best materials for roads ; but I know of no place but Ben Lair where it might be quar- ried conveniently for such a purpose, and that is far too distant and inconvenient a position. I have not thought it necessary to take any notice of the varie- ties of this rock ; since they are very limited, and equally well known ; while, occurring indiscriminately everywhere, no geogra- phical places could have been peculiarly selected for them. The relations of octinolite schist are nearly the same; since it is in gneiss chiefly that it occurs, and in a similar manner to that hornblende schist from which it so slightly differs. But it is so very rare in comparison, that it is very seldom found. I know of its existence in gneiss, conspicuously, only in Glen Elg, under a line extending to Eilan Oransa of Sky, as I have been obliged to remark already. It is not unfrequent also in the west of Sutherland, yet so dispersedly that it is easier overlooked than found. In Perthshire it is even more rare in the same connection. If some complex hornblende schists occasionally occur in mica slate and clay slate, I have seen none which approach to that peculiar variety of octinolite schist which is found connected with mica slate in P erthshire, and which deserves to be noticed for its economical properties, though its position will probably for ever preclude its use. It is the only variety which I need no- tice, as it is on this account that I do notice it. It is a com- pound of octinolite and compact felspar, while the separate mine- rals are very distinct, and the parts large. The toughness of this rock exceeds every thing that I have seen: a hammer scarcely makes more impression on it than on iron. Could it be transported, it would form an indestructible material for pave- ments and roads ; but, lying between Comrie and Killin, it is a hopeless subject for commerce or transportation. Lastly, as connected with gneiss, I must here notice once more that compact felspar, before unknown, which I have erected into a rock species. I elsewhere mentioned that it could not be intro- duced into the Map : but in addition to its place in Iona, there noticed, I must here say that the chief other places in which I have found it are. North Uist, with some of the adjoining islands. Loch Maree, and Loch Greinord, while it is not uncom- mon in the interval between those two points. In each of these situations the gneiss itself contains compact instead of common felspar. Its extraordinary toughness would render it valuable for the same purposes as the compound just noticed, could it be conveniently procured and transported. F 2 (>8 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the I may proceed to the mica slate : since, whatever irregularities there may be in its relations as to the order of succession in the primary strata, it is at least the most extensive rock in Scotland among those which might have contested for the priority of suc- cession to gneiss. Its colouring on the Map is so strongly marked, and the spaces which it occupies are for the most part so extensive, that very little attention is required to discern it on this work, wher- ever it exists. But that great tract of it which immediately fol- lows the slate belt of Arran and Stonehaven, in proceeding north- ward, is the most conspicuous. In geological order, this portion is the next inferior rock to the slate : in other places the rela- tions are often different ; but he who consults the Map, and can at the same time examine the ground, will not require a state- ment of those in this place. It is to be regretted that the limits to which the publication of this Map seems to be limited did not admit of a corresponding and adequate set of sections, since there might then have been expressed in a small space, what even a volume of words could scarcely tell, and would not, even then, render tangible. It might be expected, after what I have already said on this subject, that the positions of the strata of the mica slate in this great tract, nearest adjoining to the secondary territory of Scot- land, was steady. And this is true, both as regards the direction and the dips. It is at least as true as it could well be under the accidents or influences to which it has been subjected. The general rule, both as to direction and dip, is infinitely predomi- nant ; and I will here notice only the principal deviations, since my necessary limitations exclude that minute account, which would occupy a great space, and, even then, conveying no infor- mation to add to the general facts of geology, would include none for any useful purpose. Beginning at the westernmost part of this great tract, the circum- stance chiefly remarkable is, that the strata are very frequently reversed in the peninsula of Cantyre, so as to present opposed dips on each side of a perpendicular. In Arran, the effect of the intruding granite has been, not only to destroy all regularity of position, but to apparently transpose the order of this rock and the clay slate, as traced from the eastward. Near Loch Tarbet, and on the southern shore of Loch Fine, as also in some other parts visible on the Map, it passes into the chlorite series laterally, and here its positions become irregular, as those of this particular series are the most irregular and com- plicated that occur any where, not excepting even those of the gneiss, as already noted, in certain places. From Loch Gilp northwards, to its boundary at the trap of Mid Lorn, it passes into the chlorite series longitudinally, as regards its own posi- tion, whatever may be the case as to the utterly unintelligible disposition of this series in those parts: while I confess my ina- bility to trace this connection in the interior country, so seldom Geological Map of Scotland. 69 are the rocks visible, from the flatness and incumbrances of this country, and so utterly does the anomalous nature of the chlorite senes prevent all inferences respecting that which, if it is not a solitary case, has never yet been noticed by geologists any where else. That the Map must on this point be therefore uncertain, and very probably defective, I cannot doubt : but I also doubt very much that it will ever receive more than partial corrections. If it might have been improved by a more minute research, this demanded a time which I had not to bestow on such a narrow tract and subject. I need not here do more than merely notice the disturbances produced on the tract of mica slate in this quarter, by the por- phyry on the south side of Loch Awe, and by the trap to the nc^rth of this lake. Geologists know that they ought to exist ; and the details would be equally minute, useless, and inadmis- sible in this sketch. On the northern boundary, confining this to the line from the River Awe to Loch Tumel, the positions and dips are not defi- cient in regularity, if I except the skirts of the Cruachan granite : but it is here that there occurs that wide alternation and inter- mixture, already slightly noticed in speaking of the gneiss, between a mica slate of the most irregular composition and structure, a quartz rock often equally anomalous, an ordinary schistose gneiss, and a gneiss which can often be scarcely refer- red to that rock or to any other, which render the just mapping of this tract as impossible as it is to ascertain in nature the places, extents, and transitions of these troublesome rocks. Quitting this line, geologists would expect to find that the usual regular positions of this mica slate are disarranged in tlie vicinity of the granite which occurs near Comrie : but if this is the fact, the details would be as purposeless as the general result of these approximations is familiar. There is nothing to remark on the southern boundary of this tract of mica slate, hence even to Stonehaven, except the gradual extenuation of its breadth, since it every where maintains a very consistent regularity to the eastern sea. But the northern boun- dary is a much more complicated subject, as it is far from being a very intelligible one. In general, the difficulty consists in that change of the rocks in a longitudinal direction, which I have already pointed out in some places in speaking of the gneiss. This is most remarkable in the tract which extends from Ben y Gloe to Mar, and towards Clova: in some parts of which, quartz rock adds to the general difficulty and confusion ; as it is still more increased by those frequent alternations of these different rocks which aid in rendering an exact knowledge of the spaces occupied by them unattainable, and an accurate record of them impossible. Henceforward indeed, north-eastward, as far as the granite boundary, the joint limits of the gneiss and mica slate cannot be defined. There is the same kind of wide territorial gradation as occurs towards Rannoch and Loch Awe ; and as F 3 70 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the nothing but an occasional sight of the rocks can be obtained, it can never be ascertained whether the visible fragment of gneiss or of mica slate must be taken as indicating the establishment of the one or the other rock, or whether it is not, in either case, a casual bed of the one included in a real tract of the other. This indeed is among the things which no examination will ever ascer- tain, occur where they may : as it is likely that different observers will^ give different reports and delineations, since every one will natumlly be guided by the particular facts with which he has chanced to meet. . The next most important tract of mica slate is that which reaches from Appin to Loch Ness, including Ben Nevis. In general, the positions of these strata are very consistent, both in direction and dip, though it is usual to find the angles highei, as the dips are also frequently opposed to the more usual one. But, excluding the influence of granite, as in the case of gneiss, the most remarkable fact prevailing here is that change of this rock to gneiss, in a longitudinal direction, which 1 already noted in speaking of that substance : and adding to this, the lateral alter- nations, occurring most remarkably on a broad and prolonged belt to the eastward of Ben Nevis, between the same rocks, a precise investigation, with a delineation equally accurate, becomes as impossible as in the tracts already named. But in no case is this of any moment, in any sense. To geology indeed it furnishes a fact, rather than proves an inaccuracy ; teaching it that its definite divisions of rocks are speculations of the cabinet, not the truths of nature on the great scale, and that to define what she has not separated, is to construct systems, not to record facts. In every other view it is quite indifferent. If the different rocks could ever be rendered of use, they are equal in point of utility : and if they are looked on as the possible repositories of mines, each is the same in this respect : of which indeed there is here proof, in the fact that the lead and zinc of Tyndrum occur in one of these undefinable places, and, specially, in an intermixture of mica slate and quartz rock. And on this subject, as concerning the statistical uses of this Map, I may make this general remark. The constructors of geological hypotheses, extending rules derived from a narrow ter- ritory, to the whole world, have named certain rocks as produc- tive of metals, and others as never containing them ; as they have also undertaken to point out some necessary connexions between certain rocks and certain metals ; with more that I need not here notice. I have demonstrated the utter falsity of all this in other well-known writings on geology, and it is therefore suffi- cient to repeat it here : suffice it, that no one knows where to seek for metals, or for any specific metals: wherever one is found, that is a metalliferous rock ; and should it be lead, or copper, or whatever else, it is a fact, and nothing more. the remainder of this rock I may refer to the Map ; and it is quite unnecessary to enter here on any detail of the varieties of Geological Map of Scotland, 71 mica slate, as I purposely omit all those minute and peculiar facts which concern the philosophy of geology. While these varie- ties are described in my book on rocks, it would be purposeless, were it even possible, to state where they occur, numerous as are the varieties which are found in any given spot. For geology, it will be, generally, sufficient to state, that on the large scale, its leading varieties are regulated by the nature of the rocks with which it is associated ; so that all will know where to expect its approximations to gneiss, to quartz rock, and to clay slate. For the sake of the arts this is even less necessary, since its uses are very limited. It can sometimes furnish heavy and bad slates, as gneiss does ; while they are of equally little value and of narrow application. It is indeed a very indestructible rock for the most part, as far as the action of the weather is considered, as it can bear any weight on its flat surfaces. But it cannot be squared by the hammer, even to the accuracy which gneiss admits, and still less can it be wrought by the chisel or pick. Thence is its use confined to rude or dry stone work, as it is also one of the worst materials for roads. It will immediately be seen, that if there be an exception in certain cases to this asser- tion, it is because there are some undefinable varieties in this rock, which seem equally entitled to rank with talc slate, and which I shall notice in speaking of that rock. I have said elsewhere that I had made no attempt to represent the chlorite slate of Scotland on this Map, further than as it is included in what I call the chlorite series, under a general hiero- glyphic ; as the reasons were shown to be valid. But I must now give some account of it as it does exist. In many places, far too numerous to name, and too minute to find if they were named, chlorite slate occurs among mica slate, as a transition or an incidental substance. Thus also does it occur in gneiss, even insomuch that there is a variety of gneiss which is characterized by interlaminations of this substance. I may point out the extremity of Sleat in Sky as the most con- venient place for seeing these circumstances. And thus also does it form some of the thin strata occasionally mixed with clay slate in a very few places. But if, when occurring in mica slate, its strata are of very un- equal thickness and extent, and sometimes not unimportant in quantity, as in Cantyre and other parts of Argyleshire, though incapable of being represented on the Map, it is only on the line of Ben Lawers, including that hill, that I have found it occupying so large a space as to be deserving a distinct colour, could I have found one capable of representing it without the chance of mis- take or confusion. But if it is thence necessary, as it is sufiicient, thus to point it out, so is there very little to remark respecting it. The courses and angles of the strata correspond with those of the accompanying mica slate, and it passes into that rock, lon- gitudinally as well as laterally, through endless undefinable F 4 72 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the transitions. Any attempt at a distinct representation must there- fore, in a rigid sense, have been inaccurate or false. And of this mass I need only further remark, that it presents little variety compared to those which occur in the clay slate or the chlorite series, while the beds are also very generally curved or irregular, and the stone itself of no use. As I must shortly speak of the chlorite slate which occurs among the clay slate of the remarkable belt already pointed out, it is sufficient that I simply notice the fact here. The Map points out the places of the chlorite series, as well as it was possible to ascertain its boundaries : and if I have already shown where that difficulty lies, the obscurity of the connection between the mica slate and this collection of rocks will be still more striking when I have described the positions of these strata. On the margins of the mica slate at these places, taken in la- teral order, there is a gradual transition effected by the intermix- ture of that rock with the beds of the more perfect chlorate series ; and here the usual regularity of the stratification is preserved. But very shortly this disappears ; when there commences a dis- order which continues throughout the whole range of the appa- rent breadth of this series, estimating that from the boundaries of the slate on each hand. The strata become thin and flat, as the rocks are changed at every few feet or yards ; while they assume every possible position, from the horizontal to the perpen- dicular. Thus all inferences as to direction become impossible ; or rather, there can be no such thing. Thence, as I formerly noticed, it becomes impossible to conjec- ture what are the connections between this series and the mica slate, on that which is the longitudinal direction of the latter. The ground renders these invisible : there is mica slate at one place, and the chlorite series at another : but while the interval cannot be traced, so does this breach of all the usual rules of stratifica- tion prevent the usual inferences from being made. I have however given so full an account of the positions of the rocks of this series, in my work on the Western Islands, that I need not dwell on them further here. In the same work I have also described minutely all these rocks ; so as to supersede the necessity of such a detail in this place. It must suffice to say, that the leading ones are varieties of hornblende schist and chlo- rite schist, and that from these, this deposit derives its peculiar characters . In this series alone, as far as I have seen, the chlorite schist is so flat and slaty as to be applicable to roofing, nearly as well as clay slate ; and there are quarries for country uses at Loch Killis- port and elsewhere ; but they are not likely to be made subjects of commerce. . I formerly noticed that talc slate was so rare, and in such mi- nute quantities, that it could not be expressed on the Map. It is found in Shetland, in Loch Hourn, in Scalpa, and in many other Geological Map of Scotland. 73 places which I need not here name, since they are those at which serpentine occurs among beds of gneiss or mica slate : and the one will here be a guide to the other. But there is an anomalous rock, more fitly referable to this than to any other, though it is a transition from mica slate, which 1 must distinguish on account of its economical uses. It occurs at fet. Cath^enne’s near Loch Fine, and in the hills south of Kenmore, if under some differences ; and it has been used for building the castles of Inverary and Taymouth. It deserves at- tention as a building stone, from its indestructibility, and from the facility with which it is wrought, even by an adze or a saw. If not yet exhausted at St. Catherine’s, it might there at least become an object of commerce. If quartz rock is not unfrequent in Scotland, it occurs for the most part in such small portions that I can point out but two con- spicuous and continuous tracts of it ; as the Map will show where they all exist. The most continuous of these forms the princinal part of the chain of Isla and Jura; and the other extends, if in- terruptedly, between Loch Eribol and Loch Assynt. In every case of the occurrence of this rock, it is the most distinctly and regularly stratified of all the primary strata, as it IS also free of curvatures and marked disturbances : but havine: never been noticed by geologists till I discovered and described It m Scotland, as a pnncipal rock in the system, its history is as yet limited to that which it there displays, or to the account of it in my own writings. In the chain of isla and Jura, and in the latter island most clearly, its strata dip eastward, at an angle of about twenty-five degrees, conformably to the other directions and dips on this side and place in Scotland. In Sutherland its dips are those already mentioned in speaking of the gneiss in that tract ; and everywhere else, they must be determined in the same manner. 1 need not here speak of its alternations with gneiss and mica slate, since it would be but to repeat what was said before : but m the chain of Jura, clay slate is also found in alternation with it, as 1 have represented a continuous belt of this on the eastern margin of all those islands, and elsewhere in Isla. And I need only further remark, that wherever, on the Map, it changes to another rock on the line of its stratification, this is probably the most frequent result of a disappearance similar to what occurs every where in narrow collections of strata, though the given record has probably also sometimes resulted from the impossibi- lity of getting access to the prolongations, over flat tracts of en- cumbered ground. If it therefore often appears to occupy the pmmits of hills exclusively, the cause must probably be sought in this, as it never fails to be conspicuous in those places. I have so often spoken of the irregular positions of all the strata in the eastern division of Aberdeenshire, that there can be no surprise at seeing its distribution in this tract of country ; and if 1 did not make the same remarks on the mica slate of the same 74 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the district, in speaking of that rock, the facts and the reasons are the same. . . i u If, occasionally, it is of a lead blue colour, it is white in by far the greater part of Scotland, though coloured beds or portions occasionally occur. I have, however, sufficiently described its varieties in the works already mentioned, so as to render it unne- cessary to do that here. But I must add, that I consider it among the best of building stones, though neglected by archi- tects, for the simple reason that it has hitherto been unknown. It is a much stronger rock than even granite ; and, for the most part, so hard, that even the ordinary friction in the beds of rivers scarcely affects it, as the weather has no action whatever upon it. It is thus peculiarly adapted for the piers of bridges, or for wharfs. It is equally indestructible by fire, thus pointing out other uses. In very many places, moreover, while the beds are thin and regular, it possesses two parallel faces, so as to save that labour which even the sandstones require; as, in some places, the rock itself is the finest and most beautiful of sand- stones, and workable either by the chisel or the pick. But very many strata also break out with faces perpendicular to the plane, as they can further be often sufficiently squared by the hammer ; so that it would not be difficult to find beds applicable to the most accurate masonry, with a tenth part of the labour which must be bestowed on granite or sandstone. That a rock of puie white, often emulating white marble in its colour and surface, must be a beautiful building stone, I need not say. It will be for architects to inquire respecting this, as it will be for Scotch commerce to ascertain whether the uses in question can be expected from this rock for extended purposes; and should it prove so, I may point out J ura as the place where it can most easily be quarried and shined for an English market, though fully as accessible at Loch Eribol, and also near Loch Leven and elsewhere on that western shore, where theie occui those small beds which I’equired no particular description, while their indications can be seen in the Map. The clay slate of Scotland occurs in a more dispersed and remarkable manner than either the gneiss or the mica slate : and it will not be difficult to see its larger tracts on the Map, though the minuter ones will require an accurate inspection, as there are some, such as that near Loch Eribol, and tliat which accompa- nies the serpentine of Portsoy, which I have scarcely succeeded in rendering visible, as there were many similar ones which I was obliged to omit under the same difficulties. The principal tract of this rock is that which forms the pri- mary territory of the south of Scotland, unaccompanied by any other primary stratum. Taking it as an entire mass, it resembles very much the similar tracts in Cumberland, the Isle of Man, Wales, and Cornwall with Devonshire: and it is visible that it follows granite without the intervention of any other strata. It is evident that the general bearing of this great mass corres- Geological Map of Scotland. 75 ponds with that of the primary strata of Scotland in general. JBut it is by no means easy to trace the individual directions of the strata, as there is a similar difficulty respecting their dips : these things arising, partly from the encumbered state of the ground and the small quantities of rock generally visible, but partly also from the nature of this slate, and evidently, at times, from actual disturbances of the general direction and dip ; most of which occur near the granites and the porphyries, as might be expected, though some seem to be quite independent of such a cause. It would be a vain and purposeless attempt to describe these vacillations of position, otherwise than as 1 may here point out the great and extensive irregularities in the neighbourhood of the great granite tracts of Criffel and Caimsmuir. And it must suffice to say, that barring those and others, and however appa- rently irregular the positions may seem on a superficial view, or by carelessly confounding the fissile tendency with the planes of stratification, as is very commonly done, the great average direc- tion is to the north-east, as the dip is to the south-east, under various but generally high angles ; while in the districts about Hawick, and in many more, this fact is extensively visible. And where there are tracts of strata that interrupt the longitudi- nal continuity of this rock, as near Moffat and Sanquhar, these are plainly portions of the superior secondary strata which other- wise skirt it for the most part. The general average character of this slate is considerably different from that which prevails in the narrow belt which skirts the Highlands, and in that of Aberdeenshire, those being the only two other tracts of noted extent. I have never found in it other rocks than fine slate and that coarse kind, under endless varieties, which has been termed graywacke, if I except the sili- ceous schists. But the coarser kinds are infinitely predominant, as the fine ones generally form but thin and casual beds in them. Still more rarely does it produce fissile slate, either for flags or roofing : while the few quarries wrought, near Peebles for exam- ple, near Loch Ken, and in a very few other places, are not situated so as to be the objects of a distant commerce. What future re- searches may affect over so vast an extent, and where so much of this slate bounds with the sea, it is impossible to foretel : but under all the views which a geologist can take, it would I think be decided that useful slate will probably prove rare in this great tract, and that the discovery of it is likely to be the result of chance far more than in the other slate districts of Scotland. The next great tract of this rock requiring notice is that sin- gular belt which so well marks the general direction of the pri- mary strata of Scotland. This is perfectly definable on its south- eastern margin, as might be expected, but not always so well marked on the other boundary. It is not only that great tracts of peat and soil prevent it from being visible, very often for many miles, and most remarkably from Dunkeld eastward, even to the M}^ 76 Memoirs to IL M. Treasury respecting the sea, but that it demonstrably passes into the mica slate, often after a very considerable extent of intermixture, by a gradation of alternations. If in some places, therefore, the north-western boundary is sufficiently accurate, this is not always the case, especially to the eastward. How it is extenuated near the granite of Comrie, and near its eastern termination, how it skirts the northern shores of the Clyde, intersects Bute, and is stopped by the Arran granite, the Map will show. This latter is the only place where its regular positions are re- markably disturbed, if I except the neighbourhood of Ben na Cherry and Loch Turrib, at both of which places this was to be expected. Every where else, while it is evident that the direc- tion of the strata must be regular, so are their dips south-easterly, though under diverse, if generally high angles : although there are places affected by trap in the same manner as by the granites, and although in some others it is easy to mistake the planes of the fissility for those of the stratification. Though this belt is laid down as if it were all slate, that is not always the fact, however impossible it was to note it otherwise on the Map, as any one can see in examining its structure. It must suffice that the far greater part of the whole breadth consists of slate ; and, very predominantly, of the finer kind. The coarser, or the graywackes, generally occur with the other, often anomalous rocks, that are interstratified with it ; as the whole of these also generally occupy a single portion of the belt. These comprise varieties of chlorite schist chiefly, but often of a very singular structure, with rocks that might perhaps be referred to some of the varieties of gneiss, and with mica slates ; but I need not here enter on these details. They are fully given by myself in the account of the Western Isles, and there is also a coloured section by General Imrie, which gives them with great precision in For- farshire ; being the only accurate draught of any portion of its geology which Scotland has hitherto produced. These works may be consulted : but if any one desires to see the rocks them- selves, I know not where he can more conveniently trace the whole than near Loch Cateran. Slate of the best quality might doubtless be found almost every where along this long line : and the present accurate indication of its place and extent, hitherto unknown to Scotland, will pro- bably prove among the most valuable of the economical applica- tions of this Map and Survey, since a great deal of expense is now wasted on a land-carriage which might thus be superseded. If I have thus further discovered fissile and useful slate in many places hitherto unremarked, I know not but that the enumeration would involve nearly the whole line, at least on its southern margin, since it is there chiefly that the useful slate occurs : while I need not do this, when so many other circumstances must unite to render a slate quarry an eligible undertaking. Nor need I per- haps do more than name a few places where slate is now wrought upon this line, since these are things of general notoriety. Among Geological Map of Scotland. 77 these are Arran, Bute, Luss, Benvorlich and Dunkeld, with other places, connected or intermediate. The slate of Aberdeenshire is seen to possess that irregular extent on the Map which marks all the stratified rocks in this quarter. Its internal disposition is however sufficiently regular: while I do not think it necessary to enter on details that would only involve repetitions. That it produces workable slate at Ford- law is well known, as it would assuredly afford it in numerous other places. The assignment of its boundary and place on the Map will therefore similarly lead to profitable knowledge in this populous country. I need not here separate the deposits of slate which are marked on the Map in Isla, Jura, &c., and in the isles where that sub- stance is so well known by the extensive commerce in slates which they carry on. In a geological view all these are analo- gous to those which can be traced on the Map in Knapdale, Appin, and other places, being portions, more or less wide, of collected strata alternating with the neighbouring mica slate and quartz rock. And thus may their dips be inferred, as their directions are visible. With respect to their economical value and produce, the quarries of Bdlahulish are as well known as those of Seil and Lunga : and there is no doubt that many more might be wrought in all these places and islands, were there any commercial expediency in competing with those which have so long possessed the market. In Isla alone I desire to point out the valuable flags and beams \yhich are furnished by the western portion of the slate, and which have hitherto been little attended to, otherwise than as the common people sometimes use the flags as walls for their smaller buildings. The beams are so long, and so well shaped, that they might even now be used as such for houses ; as it is also not difficult to trim the less regular ones to a true shape by the adze alone. Architects may inquire what their value would be, as compared to iron, for fire-proof apartments. If I have mentioned the slate strata which occur in gneiss, indicating on the Map those about Loch Maddy, and here naming those, less visible on it, about Loch Eribol, they are little more than geological facts to which geology may attach such value as it deems proper. I have not been able to find, in any place, that the slate thus associated will produce roofing slates. It would be here impossible to enumerate the places of the primary limestones of Scotland by name, for want of references. They must be sought on the Map ; where it will also require care to discern some of them. If I except one tract in Isla, another near Campbelltown, the island of Lismore, and that which runs along Glen Tilt towards Loch Tumel, there is not one spot of primary limestone of any notable extent; as even these are very insignificant in dimensions, compared to the great mass of the primary strata. Of all the others I may say, that they are the thin edges of casual strata, and if not soon exhausted 78 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the along their directions, ceasing to be traceable, from the circum- stances formerly mentioned, when I also showed how greatly I was oblio"ed to exaggerate, their breadths always, and their lengths very generally, that they might be at all visible on the Map. It is superfluous to say any thing respecting the dips of these strata, since they are determined by those of the adjoining ones. And the only question respecting their directions is, whether or not they proceed much further than is now visible, and whether especially those portions which are now discontinuous on the Map are invisibly connected. There appears some probability of this, in examining'especially those which range from Glen Tilt to Loch Earn over a somewhat wide space : but it would have been hazardous to have inferred what cannot be traced, when the exceeding tenuity of some of these beds is recollected, and when there are such incongruities among the apparent lines of direc- tion of those which are here noted. What I have done, in ascer- taining many before unknown, in prolonging the extent of others, and in tracing the probable connections or continuity of a great many, will not only lead to the more extended knowledge of this rare and equally needful substance in the primary districts of Scotland, but also point out to the natives where they may be sought. I discovered many myself in this manner : those who reside on the spots, and are also immediately interested, will now be able to do this far more extensively and effectually; and thus, I trust, will this portion of the Map become of an eco- nomical value much greater than they who do not know the wants of this country may imagine, and the impediments which the want of accessible limestone in particular throws in the way of the agriculture and improvement, with the further great loss which occurs from the distant transportation of what might often be procured near at hand. It is not easy for the peasantry to find these limestones; and they do not always recognize them when visible, so little do they resemble the more familiar rocks of this nature. Thus it is, that great tracts of limestone remained unknown near Rannoch and Blair, because these varieties have the external appearance of mica slate and gneiss : and thus was even the white limestone, or marble, of Glen Tilt used in build- ing, under the belief of its being a sandstone. Thus also have I added the whole of this extensive mass to the old resources, since it had been unsuspected ; as in other places, such as near Monterriarn, Cushiville, and elsewhere, I have substituted quarries on the very spots where the materials were required, for others many miles away, under a great expense of trans- portation. Having, in the work on rocks, described all the varieties of this limestone which I knew, I need not repeat the enumeration here : and shall content myself with merely noticing those which, besides their usual agricultural and architectural uses, might be used for ornamental marbles. Glen Tilt is the chief deposit of Geological Map of Scotland. 79 these ; but its peculiar produce is now so well known that I need not describe it. The Gairloch Isles also contain ornamental breccias: but of the few other ornamental primary limestones that I have found or seen, there are none so conveniently situated as to admit of being profitably wrought. The white marble of Leadbry in Sutherland seems as scanty in quantity as it is in- convenient in respect to transportation. The quarry of Three is ruined : that of Iona exhausted. In Scotland, there is no extensive tract of serpentine. All those which occur are very small, and often so small that even the minute spots by which they are noted on the Map are great exaggerations. I must request those who may examine this Map to look carefully for them, or else they may escape atten- tion. If some are omitted, it is from a minuteness so extreme, that I knew not how to render them visible by means of their colour, strong as that is : as I have also avoided the notice of others reported to me, which I could not find ; not less declining to record some, from well-grounded suspicion of the reporters. The several serpentines noted amid gneiss are interstratified with it : and the same is true where it occurs with mica slate or clay slate. These are accompanied by more or fewer of the usual minerals : but I need not enumerate what is so well known, especially since the costly minerals of Scotland, as objects of mineralogy, constitute no part of these Reports. But none of these are of ornamental use, except that of Portsoy: while even that is not now wrought, as being an article not in demand. This well-known one is associated with a veiy small body of clay slate lying in gneiss : as the Map, however minute, will I trust last circumstance deserving notice as to these serpentines is, that they occur as large nodules in Aberdeenshire, connected with granite alone, as if imbedded in it. There was formerly a fact of geological interest, in a trap vein passing into serpentine, at Cluny in Perthshire : but the quarry- ing of the lime has destroyed the whole, so that it now is only known by a former record of my own, which they who may now seek for the spot in vain, might deem a fiction, if so inclined. I showed, in another place, the difficulty which existed in distinguishing the ancient porphyries from those belonging to the trap rocks, and mentioned the places where I had intentionally coloured as ancient those which I knew to be modem. With this correction, the quantity of ancient porphyry on the Map is easily found, as it is very trifling. The most extensive mass is that which occurs near Loch Fine: the next, near Kirkcud- bright. But neither of these possesses any geological interest to demand description here ; as, in neither, did I find porphy- ries so ornamental as to be subjects of economical interest. This is however the case, 1 think, with the island Devar. The green porphyries of this spot are ornamental, with the addi- tional merit of novelty : the detached blocks require no quarry- ex ' n. 80 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the ing, and would easily be wrought into slabs : and the transport- ation is perfectly easy. . . j • i The crowd of porphyry veins in Glenco and in Gruachan, where there is no mass of that rock, is an object of geological interest as is the fact I formerly mentioned, of the more than probably recent date of those which could be otherwise judged ancient. And this is all as regards these also ; unless I add to this, the probability that it is through the influence of these that the Vneiss of Glenco possesses so singular a character, both in dis- position and texture. And here I think that there are many orna- mental porphyries which might be wrought with advantage, from the facility and power which the river affords ; though it must be for others to see whether a taste can be introduced for such a domestic manufacture, in competition with the favoured foreign produce of Sweden. On the subject of the casual rocks, jasper, chert and siliceous schist, whether occurring among the primary or the secondary strata, I need add nothing to what I said in another Report ; since I am not here to discuss nice questions of philosophical geology, especially as I have elsewhere fully described rocks which had been always neglected or misunderstood, and which I have added to the ancient imperfect system of geologists. The jasper of the Burn alone, I have already said, might possibly prove an object of economical speculation or use. I have taken no notice on the Map, of what I, and some foreign observers, have thought to be a primary red sandstone. What I know and conjecture about it, I have stated in my system Qp geology and elsewhere i and for the present it stands among" the quartz rocks : since it will require much more investigation to know whether it deserves a distinct place. ^ At any rate, it was a circumstance of no moment as to the leading object of this Map and its appended Reports. I must proceed to the secondary strata and rocks of Scotland, as, of the former, I have already given a general sketch indica- tive of their number and limitations. The red sandstone is the first of these. For the greater part, its extent and places, however remote and scattered, are suffici- ently obvious on the Map. Yet not so universally but that I must direct the attention to some of these, since there is an in- terest attached to those fragments which does not exist respecting similar ones in the primary strata. Both on the sea shores and in the interior country, they mark a wasting of the surface which is an object of geological interest, though it should possess no other. But I must first note the principal masses, as the frag- ments in question must be referred to those : as it will also be the clearest method to describe the characters of each division sepa- rately ; since the differences, in different parts of Scotland, are very considerable. I may take all of those sandstones which are found to the southward of the north-western boundary of the southern slate as Geological Map of Scotland. 8i one, since there is tolerable evidence of some former connection more general. The most continuously extended tract is that of Berwick and Roxburghshires. That of the valley of the Nith may be taken as one, though it is interrupted by a mass of slate, and it is conti- nuously connected eastward with that which skirts the English border. The detached portions of this are so scattered, that it is needful to point them out here : especially as some of those noted in the Map, would, in nature, escape all but a very minute and discerning observer. Westward, the most remarkable among these, is that narrow line which extends between the mouth of the Urr and Kirkctid- bright : nor would it easily be recognised as such on the Map, but for this note : Applegarth and Moffat serve to mark two other detached portions, but much more conspicuous ones. But there are tw'o spots on the Map near the former, and one between Tinwald and the latter, which will not easily be perceived on the ground, since they do not exceed a few yards in dimension ; as the former presents nothing but the shale of this series : and they are noted on the Map for the purpose of showing that the extent of this sandstone was once much greater than it is now. They will also serve to show, as I elsewhere remarked of the slate about Loch Maddy in North Uist, the care with which this survey was carried on ; since, in the case of this tract of slate in particular, the continued extent of the same rock which occurs without any variations, offers a strong temptation to follow the usual practice of geologists, and to lay down whole tracts by mere conjecture. The portions of this sandstone on the skirts of the slate near Southerness, and all those which extend on the eastern side of the Nith in a similar position, as far as the Carter-fell, may be looked on in the same point of view. They are that portion of this rock which, following the slate, are covered by the coal se- ries, and they are visible or not, according to the presence of this and the nature of the ground. Thus do they also here appear as if in the middle of the coal series, these being the places where that covering is absent. I elsewhere noted the impossibility of tracing every point of that which must contain the common belt including the boundary line of the slate and that of the red sand- stone towards the coal series. There may therefore be deficien- cies in the mapping of these few portions ; which future obser- vers may supply if they think fit to pursue that subject, so little important, on which I had no time to bestow. He on whom it fell to traverse every mile of all Scotland, and all its hundreds of islands, had other work to do than to spend days on so narrow a spot and so paltry a subject as this. If, lastly, I notice the fragments of red sandstone about Trendergarth. it is evident that these are the result of the intrusion of trap into this border. The very minute fragment of this rock near Boonhill in Ber- wickshire was laid down for the same reason as those near Mol- G a 2 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the fat : as is tliat near the Aildoii hills. They are rather indica- tions that the rock once extended over these parts, and are, thus, simple questions of geological curiosity. It is quite pio- bable that others may exist over this great tract of slate ; as 1 suspect they do about its westernmost extremity, in that pe- ninsula which terminates in the Mull of Galloway, from the frequent occurrence of heaps of the fragments of this sandstone. But I did not find what 1 sought for : as, in this and similar things, we must be indebted to good fortune where we cannot carry on a microscopic examination of every yard of ground. The fragments on the eastern shore of Berwick are visible enough ; and, in the Map, they represent the exact sizes and plac^ : if they indicate nothing more, they at least show the action of the sea on this coast. Of all this portion I may say generally, that the angles of ele- vation are low, whde the variety of position is such, that all attempts at describing even what can be investigated would be vain. Of course, the higher angles will naturally be expected near the slate, as the disturbances will be near the trap. This southern sandstone is of an exceedingly uniform character almost everywhere, both in the mass and in the details. Ihe occurrence of conglomerates is rare, and there are none of those conspicuous masses which occur in the northern portions of the same rock. It also contains very little shale in comparison; while over great tracts, not the slightest indication of this can be discovered. Its limestones, as far as I know them, are noted in the Map. It is almost invariably red, and is rarely a very hard rock ; though I know of no spot anywhere where it is not ayery good building stone; while, of practicable quarries there is no end. Near lliornhill, its strata are sometimes so thin and flat that it is quarried and transported for roofing. The Map in this part will show the inhabitants how much more widely they may quarry for this rock than they yet have done, and thus, in many places, save much expense. And the following^ remark I may here make once for all, as applying to the whole of Scotland where this, and indeed every other useful rock occurs. I am not aware that any of those jointly practical and scientific persons in whom the ordinary road engineers, surveyors, and coal-viewers are included, have ever extended their views to the general geological structure of the country, anywhere. How far the superior class of engineers has done this I do not know, since they have not published their observations ; while it is not improbable that their knowledge of this nature is confined to the districts in which they may have been interested. The appli- cable practical knowledge, as relates to quarries, therefore, lies generally, with a class of people even inferior in rank to the first set ; with contractors, and quarrymen and masons, and the low- est rank of road inspectors. The acuteness, and the knowledge of these men is indeed very remarkable, as I have often been indebted to them for useful information ; but it is confined to Geological Map of Scotland, 83 their own narrow limits of observation. To them, therefore, the extent of their quarry and that of the rock is very often the same ; nor could I find that any of them had imagined the continuous extension of such rocks, in the way that geology is enabled to point it out. And it is by them that the workable rocks are as- signed, as their knowledge is naturally supposed to be the true point of reference. It is from this want of geological information therefore, or of what is equivalent, sufficiently extended practical knowledge, that there arises the inconvenience, with necessary additional ex- pense, to which I have more than once alluded, which follows from an imaginary confined locality of workable rocks ; since it is often plain that the persistence in working a single quarry for a distant sale, does not follow from the work having been organ- ized, or the market having become an usage ; while it is further visible that many of those old quarries have become so deep and inconvenient that they ought to be abandoned in favour of new ones, and, above all, where the distance from the use of the ma- terials renders the transportation expensive. The utility of this Map on the subject of the red sandstone alone will thus be seen to be as extensive as it is apparent ; while there can be no diffi- culty, among a people like the Scotch peasantry, in extending all the useful knowledge of this nature which the present Map contains, by some form of publication adapted to their means. It is not a work to be confined to libraries and geologists : and though no cheap transcript can be very accurate, it may always be rendered useful. But before dismissing this southern portion of the red sandstone, I must distinguish that narrow line near the Urr, already men- tioned. The strata of this are so nearly horizontal that they may be considered as such ; and it is a solid sandstone without shales, in beds of an especially convenient thickness, and remarkably free of destructive fissures, while sufficiently divided to render the quarrying easy. It is also, beyond comparison, the most per- fect stone of its kind that I have seen in Scotland, as a building material, while its predominant colours are pale greys. In addi- tion to this, it is already an open quarry of miles in leno*th, skirting the sea shore to a considerable breadth, like a continuous series of a gigantic pavement. It may be true, that no lighters could lie near it at present, except in calm weather ; but the very first working would form a dock, and that dock would cost nothing, since the excavated materials would be the saleable stone itself : while the flatness of the surface would form a con- venient lodgment for any machinery. The engineers of the Li- verpool docks have not been well advised in neglecting this rock, to quarry the granite of Builth at a far greater expense; when it is in every respect a superior stone, and affords blocks, almost ready squared, of nearly any dimensions, peculiarly applicable to works of that nature. Better known hereafter, it may become 84 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the the point of supply for uses of this kind to all the West of England. , . i • i 1 will not quit this tract without yet pointing out the singular redness of the slate about Eyemouth, in those parts whence the sandstone appears to have been worn away, together with the remarkable disturbances which it there exhibits. Geologists are already informed of the curvatures in the slate of this coast. I will next take as most convenient, and as if it were one mass, this sandstone as it is bounded by the north-western edge of the southern slate, by the Forth and Clyde Canal, and by a line between Glasgow and Ayr. But I must appeal to the Map for its undescribable places, as one general description must suffice for the whole. Appear in whatever manner it may at the surface, it must be viewed as the basis on which this great coalfield lies ; concealed by that covering in some places, and displaying itself in others. That display, which interferes with the continuity of the coal field, is sometimes owing to the wasting of the superior rocks, at others to its undulations or elevations; while in soine cases, though by no means in all, these are traceable to the influence of trap. Thus, in some cases, it occupies low tracts of land, or appears in narrow lines, sometimes near the slate, as would be expected, at others near the trap masses ; as, in other parts of this great coalfield, it is totally invisible in both these situations, and every where else ; though some of the coal workings give evidence of its existence beneath. In other places, it is elevated into con- siderable hills, as in Hawkshaw-hill and Cairn-table; while if these display no other rock, the not less high land intervening between Muirkirk and the Irvine is extensively covered with trap. ... It is a natural result that it must possess great irregularities of position and elevation. To all this indeed there is no end. Very little of it all can however be seen; and such is the uncer- tainty, that not a mile can be inferred. And as ten thousand sections, and a volume of description, would not include the whole, even as it is assignable, while even that is but the smallest portion, I need take no further notice of that which, could it be all known, would scarcely be an object of either use or curiosity. Like the southern tract already described, this one contains very little shale, and is very generally a red rock, not often very remarkable for its hardness. x4nd, in a similar manner, it is very deficient in conglomerates. Such varieties as may occur, it would be here superfluous to notice; since, having elsewhere described these fully, I have here chosen to limit myself to those which, from their places and qualities, are, or may be, objects of economy : but there is one not unfrequent fact which I inust point out, because it so often interferes with the correct assign- Geological Map of Scotland, 05 merit of the boundaries of those detached pieces of this sand- stone. It is evident in the first place, that the mountain limestone is often wanting between this sandstone and the coal series, and next, that this series follows the inferior rock in parallel order as well as in contact. It further happens that the rocks of the coal series are sometimes red, as those of the red sandstone are known to be occasionally white, or as it also happens, that, in some places, both sets are of brown, or other colours, in com- mon. Thus there are many places, where the rocks are but partially visible especially, in which it is utterly impossible to conjecture which is which, since there is no guide of any kind. And if this is a frequent occurrence in Ayrshire, as it also ap- pears to happen in the Edinburgh district, I may make the remark general as far as the boundary of this great coalfield ; since it is evidently the case in Fife, which I might have included in this division, instead of associating its red sandstone with the great belt that follows the primary rocks of the north, to the southward. And to save a future examination of the same question, I may here state, that this is the case especially on that margin of the joint coal series and red sandstone which is bounded by the northern trap of Fife eastward. Different ob- servers will probably judge differently as to the definition of these two rocks : in the mean time, under such a lack of evi- dence, I have taken the course which seemed at least as right as the other. It is not by assertions, most assuredly, and cer- tainly not by those of the ignorant, superficial, vain, and arro- gant intruders into this science, that the truth will be settled. Thus further excluding Fife in this division, under a desire to unite all the red sandstone of the coalfield under one discussion, I may lastly point out two narrow lines which occur on the shores at Wemyss and Anstruther, a small spot at Denino, and another not far from Cleish. Whether these are the old red sandstone, or red portions of the coal series, seems very difficult, equally, to determine : but at any rate they are not parts of the red marl series. Tlie next portion of the red sandstone forms the most conti- nuous and extended tract which Scotland presents. And I need not describe what the Map displays so perfectly. I need only gnide the observer’s eye to its outskirts and fragments on the shores and islands of the Clyde, and on the coasts of Cantyre ; as, in many cases, sections might perhaps have displayed these more fully than could have been done in such a Map. It is easdy seen in nature, and not less easily conjectured from the Map, how much of this is owing to the waste of the surface and the sea shores, and how much has arisen from the intrusion of trap. This tract is not the flat country which might be imagined from the Map. The sandstone hills of the Sidlaw arc high land, as IS much of Forfarshire, and it is generally a kind of mountain a 3 i ' j i V i llrlil-. 86 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respectiny the rock on the skirts of the slate ; as the braes ot Doune and other places also present hills of considerable elevation and extent. An observer will find but little guide in the forms of the l^d . and if, especially, he trusts to this near the primary boundaiy, he will be often greatly deceived. Definite as that line really is, there is not one on the Map which demands more labour. ’ It is equally a matter of course, that the positions of the strata vary over this tract; and the variations are even greater than in the southern divisions of this rock. It is as impossible to describe them, for the same reasons ; and it would be equally purpose- less were it done. But it is a general remark, that the strata are highly elevated near the primary boundary ; being in some places vertical, as, in a few, they seem to have been partially reversed. In the lower districts generally, they tend to a horizontal posi- tion ; but to this rule also there are endless exceptions, as the hilly tracts also do not always imply high elevations of their component strata. Some of the Forfarshire hills are foimed from strata at no high angles : and at the low tract near Dun- riotter, where the flatness of the surface would also lead to the expectation of low angles, the strata are vertical. This must suffice as to positions, in this great tract : local details must be entrusted, with the rest, to far other works than such a Memoir as this : as they may hereafter constitute the high fame of some aspirant who will appear to have discovered vast things. This tract of standstones presents far more variety of mineral character than the preceding ones. There is scarcely an excep- tion to the rule that the boundary with the primary rocks is a cono’lomerate ; of great variety of character, and often of great extent also. But such conglomerates occur in many other places, often far remote from the primary rocks : and there is no more striking instance of this, than at Dunnotter, just noticed. In the western division, this rock is so very generally simila to those already described, that the exceptions need not be no- ticed. It is generally red, not often very hard, and contains but little shale. 'Towards the middle, grey and whitish beds are not uncommon: and while some of these have been quarried for building, there are much wider resources of the same nature. In the more eastern portions, comprising Forfarshire, though the predominant quantity is also red and free of shales, there are extensive tracts of a pale grey, or whitish, as there are also con- siderable ones abounding in blueish or grey shales. Near For- far, Carmyllie and Panmure, the intermixture of these shales with flaggy varieties of this sandstone, has led to the working of extensive quarries; as such might be opened in many other places were it necessary : and as there is scarcely a spot oyer this great extent which would not afford sandstone quarries. The remarks formerly made on this subject are equally applicable Ii6r0. The detached fragments on the shores of Seil, Kerrera, Oban, and Upper Lorn, with that near the bridge of Awe, were formerly D 87 Geological Map of Scotland. pointed out, lest they should escape the eye. They cannot be referred to any other mass : and the conclusions in geology to which they lead are the same as those which arise from a con- templation of the scattered lias of this coast. They have little or no economical interest. I shall simply point out the patch at Kildrummie, of which the insulation is remarkable, and that which extends from Troup- head to Fyvie, with its accompanying fragments. These last at least, with the similar extenuated portions to the north, mark a once greater extent of this rock : though whether any one will be bold enough to infer the former connexion of the two, is what I do not know. Except that the portion of this rock at Kil- drummie affords white sandstone, and is quarried, and that the other is a red rock most generally, similar to that of the south, I know not that these tracts admit of any remarks that are worth repeating : unless I note the conglomerate near Troup-head which is wrought for millstones. I may take the great and scattered tract which commences near Speymouth, extends to Loch Lochy, and then proceeds north to Reay, under one view, reserving Caithness, as marked by some peculiarities. It is all sufficiently visible, except a small point near Cullen, which any one who chooses thus to speculate may use for connecting this tract with the one near Troup-head in former times. And if I add to this the independent spots at Ben Griam, the mouth of the Hallodale, and Tongue, they will equally serve to establish a speculative connexion between the eastern and western sandstones in this division of Scotland. Though taken as one mass, under every appearance of a for- mer more intimate connexion, the differences of character, both on the great and small scale, in different parts of this tract, are considerable. But as a geological treatise would be required to describe all this, I must confine myself to some of the most striking facts. From the Spey to the Moray Frith, excepting on the primary boundaries, where the usual variety of conglomerates occurs, the general character is in all respects similar to those of the south of Scotland, and of the western portions of the great middle belt. These I need not repeat. And the same holds generally true of the great tract reaching from the Moray Frith to the Ord of Caithness. In a former place I pointed out the peculiarities of some of these junctions : but on these and the circumstances of the conglomerates which attend them, it is not my intention here to speak, as being questions of geological philosophy. I need only add respecting the conglomerates in this division, that they are often remarkable for their extent and general cha- racters, especially in the great valley of Glen More, and its con- nexions. Taking Caithness as somewhat separate, though still connected with the former by means of the insulated fragments j ust noticed, the character of its sandstone is so very difierent from what the G 4 88 Memoirs to H, M. Treasury respecting the same rock displays everywhere else, that it demands a new no- tice. It is almost everywhere so flat that it is best referred to the horizontal position as a general rule. The Map will also show the great quantity of shale which is present, as of the nature of this entry I formerly spoke. And in some places, as is visible both in nature and on the Map, the extent and depth of the un- mixed shale is such that it seems to claim a place as a distinct rock. This shale is always dark, and often black, though the sand- stone should be red. The beds are thin and repeated. Near Thurso, it produces large and excellent flags, and is wrought ; as it might be, far more widely. Ill some parts the sandstone is often very deceptive. It is occasionally white or yellow, and might be thought a portion of the coal sandstones, on a superficial and hypothetical view, as I believe it has been thus mistaken. But it is not difficult to see that these are nothing more than the dark grey ones of this deposit, rusted, and often so as to affect whole beds, by the action of the weather or of internal water. It is a fact analogous to many similar ones which I have pointed out in the trap clay- stones. I have lastly taken the great north-western tract of this rock as one division. It is much more scattered than the preceding : but as most of it is easily traced on the Map, I shall only point out in addition, a small spot in Lewis, and add that Rum is included in it. Its disposition on the mainland is more remarkable than that of any of the former, from its frequently occupying the summits of the gneiss hills, far above the level of the sea : and these numerous detached parts, taken together with those in the interior of Sutherland just noticed, and with that apparent former connexion which one of the sections especially traces, bespeak such a loss of the surface in these parts, that I shall not dispute the speculations of any one who may choose to think that most of this country was once covered by a continued tract of sand- stone. If the intermixture of this sandstone with the gneiss is often very minute and remarkable, it will also aid in showing the labour bestowed on this survey, as nothing less would have brought to light facts so easily overlooked in a sweeping exa- mination. It is remarkable respecting the positions of this rock in so mountainous a country, that the strata are very extensively at low angles, or nearly horizontal, while the subjacent gneiss is much elevated and also disturbed. It is in Sky and Rum most remarkably, and in the Summer Isles, that the reverse occurs ; since the contrary is often visible, though the details cannot be given here. With respect to mineral chairacter, it is very generally a red sandstone, with little or no shale, and also a fine one. The con- glomerates are apparently not extensive, and they occur where Geological Map of Scotland. S9 they might be expected : and I may remark, as might also be expected, that the very insulated fragments, in the interior espe- cially, consist solely or chiefly of the conglomerate. Two portions alone have left doubt on my mind, and after all the examination that I had the means of bestowing on them, I must confess my inability to satisfy myself respecting their true nature. They \yill be fitting subjects for the future investigation of those who will otherwise be examining what is already clear, for the purpose of finding petty faults. In the Summer Isles, this rock is often singularly disturbed and elevated, while in some of these, there are even strata at low angles placed on the edges of these disturbed ones. Under the general belief of geology, these ought to be distinct and distant deposits. There are persons who will assert that the upper one is the red marl sandstone. This may be ; considering the sin- gular positions and the neighbourhood of the lias series ; but if I have laid down such a portion of red marl at Loch Greinord, I could not eq^ually satisfy myself in those islands, since I had not sufiicieiit time to spend on so long and difficult a labour as the navigation of so many islands often implies in this stormy climate. In the mean time, they are all laid down as the old red sandstone ; while this annotation will suffice to point out a pos- sible correction. In the sandstone of Sleat in Sky, there occurs a quartz rock among the elevated portions. On the prolongations of this rido-e to the Kyles, and also on its continuation upon the main Ian’S, the sandstone, if sandstone it be, is elevated and often reversed i it is the most disturbed stratification that I know of in Scotland. The flatter red sandstone of Sky is doubtless that now under re- view : but what is this ? The action of trap might produce on it the effects which are visible. But it is more often pale or white than red. Under different examinations, in different years, I have doubted, and changed its indications. I have thought it a primary red sandstone ; a quartz rock, on which the true red sandstone lies ; and the red sandstone itself, elevated by the trap. Finally, I know not what to conclude: and if it remains as I first of all laid it down, it must also be left to future investigations to determine what it really is. But it is not so easy an investigation as a superficial geologist would imagine : althou2;h that wTll not prevent the first tyro who shall examine it from "boldly decidiiio- on its nature. ® The remarkable elevations and disturbances of the sandstone of Rum may be accounted for by the trap. I may pass to the coal series: since I can add nothing of any moment to what I was elsewhere obliged to say respecting the mountain limestone. This forms that portion of the geology of Scotland, which, while it was of the highest importance as a subject of statistics’ has also demanded the most labour, from its extreme intricacy and difficulty. When I commenced this investigation, it was 90 Memoirs to IL M. Treasury respecting the said that the coal of Scotland formed one broad field extending from sea to sea, though no attempt was made to define its boun- daries. It was known also that there was coal in Sutherland, that it had been wrought in Mull and Sky, in a trifling manner, as also that it was wrought at Campbelltown and at Canobie. But this was all. The geologists of Scotland had investigated no- thing ; and though the coal- viewers knew that the coal of Camp- belltown and Sutherland differed from that of Fife and Glasgow, geological knowledge had not sufficiently spread among them to enable them to see where the essential distinctions lay. Nor had even these men, often remarkably able and enlightened, at- tempted to investigate any of the boundaries of the proper coal series : though it is to them that we owe all our information as to the details of that which it was their great interest to ascer- tain ; as, among these, I must chiefly name the authors on this subject, Mr. Williams and Mr. Bald. And as it is not my inten- tion to record matters of this nature, since they lay beyond the boundaries of my investigation, and could but have been com- piled from the information of others, I must here refer to the writings of those two accurate surveyors for information which I need not abridge. It was a consequence of this ignorance, that while the dis- tricts wliich might possibly contain coal were unknown aud un- defined, there could be no anticipation of the places in which it might be sought. But it was another, and had often proved an evil one, that coal-viewers, either ignorant or fraudulent, and sometimes proprietors of land equally ignorant, undertook to seek for coal where it was impossible that it should exist : as it is also well known that much money has at several times" been wasted on these purposeless pursuits. And when I say that the wretched and scanty lignites of Sky, and more particularly of Mull, had thus been pursued under the belief that it was the proper coal series, and further, that considerable sums were ex- pended in seeking for coal in the primary territory of Isla, it is a sufficient proof of some of the consequences of this ignorance. The useful great result of the present survey therefore will be, first, to have marked all the places where coal may exist, though it should not be known, and thus to direct future researches ,* and, secondly, to mark the limits beyond which it needs not be sought, as it assuredly will never be found. Thus may the fu- ture waste of money be prevented : while if the settlement of this point should do no more than save the restless anxiety of proprietors of land on this subject, it will have effected a most valuable purpose: as few that are not extensively acquainted with those, can believe how widely this anxiety, with a belief or conviction of the possession of unknown coal, is spread among them. Every man may now at least see what his property is not, and cannot be, in this respect; though, in the opposed case, he cannot be sure of what it is. Yet, even here, he will 91 Geological Map of Scotland. be satisfied that there is probability, or otherwise, and thus be guided by the joint amount of this, and of his desire and power in speculating on such researches. Beginning at the south, though it was known that there was coal at Canobie, since it was wrought, and though borings had been made at Oikel and Ruthwell moors, and elsewhere in the neighbourhood, as the coal series was fully exposed on the shore at Ardbigland, it was not known that these were parts of an ex- tensive coalfield continuous with another portion of the same beyond the Scotch border. I have ascertained and defined this coalfield as far as the summit of the Carter-fell, where it is lost. But as the Map shows better all that I could say respecting its limits and bounds, and as I need not enter on things so fami- liar as the nature and position of this series, nor attempt to give lists of ever vacillating positions, I shall confine myself to the few following remarks : leaving it also to the coal-viewers to give their own details of the Canobie coal mines. Though the borings had not sufficiently ascertained it, as they are recorded by Ge- neral Dirom, there is abundant apparent evidence that from Ardbigland as far as Hoddom and Middlebie, and probably even to near Langholm, the wear of the surface has left nothing but the lowest portions of this series remaining, if there ever was a greater depth of it, and that it is very unlikely to be a repository of actual and useful coal. In some places indeed it is so shaved down to the red sandstone, that but for the evidence of the borer, its existence might not easily have been suspected. And I have thus found great difficulty in representing it on the Map under a definition approaching to what may be the truth. From Langholm through Liddisdale it forms a much deeper body of mountain land, though its lower surface, in contact with the red sandstone, is often visible in the vallies and beds of rivers. Yet though I have searched every accessible point here, as far as my other needful labours admitted, I have never found an indi- cation of coal, and scarcely even of shale. It is a solid mass of white sandstone ; and, at Langholm itself, is many hundred feet thick. Yet it must not be pronounced that there is no coal in this portion ; as there is in that near to Canobie. It must be for the great proprietor of this tract to inquire of this, if he thinks fit, through adequate coal-viewers : but the general difficulty, as far as a mere geological surveyor can go in such a work, seems to arise from the fact that the strata are commonly at low angles, and little disturbed ; whereas in the central great coalfield of Scot- land, the frequency of trap is ever bringing it to light, by turning up the fractured edges of the body of strata. Lastly, I need only add, that on the Carter-fell, this field thins away to a mere skin, in some places, of the sandstone, though in England, at no great distance, it contains coal. It may perhaps be better inves- tigated hereafter by joining the examination of the adjoining English portion and this together. I do not find that the former 92 Memoirs to H. M4 Treasury respecting the is very accurately known, and it was a work which lay beyond my prescribed boundary. 1 need not describe in words any thing that respects the posi- tions and boundaries of the detached tracts in the great central coalfield, since the tint that has been chosen for it renders it very visible ; except perhaps near Girvan, whence I here note that small portion. I have called it one coalfield, because thus at least will geo- logy view it, though coal surveyors will divide it into separate portions, as they will also limit that term to the tracts in which coal is actually wrought. It must be viewed nevertheless as one great and single deposit : and whenever its portions are sepa- rated, it is either from the elevation, to the surface, of the inferior sandstone, or the waste of that surface, or the presence of trap, breaking up and dividing the strata in some places, and over- whelming them in others. The former remarks on the red sand- stone supersede all that I might otherwise now have said on the first of those subjects, as the subsequent ones on the trap will do all else that is required. On the positions of the strata in this great field, 1 need but repeat what I have said of the red sandstone. They are different in almost every place, they are especially discordant and irregu- lar near the trap masses and veins, and nothing but a volume, after years of minute examination bestowed on that single object, could convey any notion of them, as even then the information would be extremely limited. But I may make one practical general remark ; while I have not found, that as a leading fact, it is sufficiently known to the coal-viewers. As the intruding traps have visibly turned up the edges of the mountain limestone in many places, so, in turning up the whole mass of strata, do they render the coal beds more accessible. It is the peculiarity and number of the masses of trap in Fife that have rendered this county so remarkable for its coal mines. But for this series of violent posterior actions, accompanied by the incumbrances in working, of which the miners so often complain, and with appa- rent reason, it is probable that comparatively little of the coal of this coalfield would ever have been known or wrought. And thus also if the trap has destroyed or overwhelmed much, it has apparently far more than compensated that evil in rendering the remainder obvious and accessible. I need scarcely add, that coal-viewers will be thus directed to the points where coal is most likely to be found ; and if they complain of the evils of intruding trap, they must also be content with it for the sake of the good. If it is from this reason probably in a great measure, that the actual existence of coal beds over this large space seems very limited in proportion to the whole surface, so must it not be con- cluded that these beds are as partial as they appear to be. What they may be, in numbers or extent, or where to be found, no one can now conjecture : yet it might not be a very rash con- Geological Map of Scotland. 03 elusion that they are very general over the whole, wherever at least the mass of strata is not bared down to almost the very surface of the red sandstone. Thence, in addition to the speculative views which anxious- minded people may take respecting the exhaustibility or other- wise of the Scotch coal, there is a rational prospect opened, of boring for coal beds more freely than has yet been done, wher- ever the positions of the strata and the nature of the ground do not allow the edges to be seen at the surface. But if I cannot venture to say more on this subject, which must ever be one of economical speculation, I must here urge as a general rule, the folly of seeking for coal beneath the red sandstone in eithw of these coalfields, since it is a prejudice or practice not yet over- come, partly from ignorance of the true position of the coal series, and partly also from some false opinions, of geologists as well as of coal-surveyors, respecting the nature of the sandstone itself in some places. It is true, that coal does occur in the old red sandstone, as is the case near Dunbar, so as even to be par- tially wrought by the neighbouring country people, and as it once was in Arran. When it does appear, it may doubtless be wrought, if expedient : but it is never worth seeking for, and far less worth boring after; since it is always scanty, generally bad, and might not be found in one of ten thousand attempts. The false opinion respecting some of this red sandstone, to which I have alluded, is this. Geologists unacquainted with more of Scotland than a casual journey, or the sight of a single portion of this sandstone could teach, looking at things super- ficially, very often incapable of correct observation where so many plunge into a subject for which they are in every way un- prepared, and those above all who make England a standard for every thing, and judge from an hypothesis, which is not even their own, but borrowed from those who have ascertained nothino- themselves, these persons have reported that many parts of the md sandstone of Scotland were the red marl ; while, if such, it must have been superior to the coal series. The practical evil of this error is too great to allow it to pass without a censure which has been spared on all other similar errors when these related to nothing but the mere science of geology ; and that it nray be effectual as to those interested in the right and the wrong, it ought not to have been less marked. I have examined all these sandstones, and traced their con- nexions in such a manner as to leave no doubt : as others may judge, whose decisions are most worthy of regard. And the conclusion is equally true of that red sandstone on the English border. The English geologists may inquire, if they please, into their reasons for deciding that the adjoining sandstone of Eng- land is the red marl ; but if my own opinion that the Scotch portion at least is the old red sandstone, be not deemed valid, the appeal may be made to the miners of the Canobie coal, or to Mr. Bald; judgments, I imagine, which no one will venture to 04 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the reject or oppose ; while their experience uniformly agrees in the fact that the coal is invariably above this red sandstone. I have already said, more than once, that it is not within my limits or undertaking to enter on the question of the actual work- ing of coal in Scotland. And this applies equally to the plans of those works, and to the details of the actual coal beds, in the series, of which it was my duty to give the superficial extent, and scarcely aught more. I could not have done more from my own knowledge : and as far as it is not already compiled from the experience of the different coal-surveyors and miners, it must be done by others, among many other matters of detail. It is not a work which a general geological surveyor could have done from observation ; and had he attempted it, no one would have trusted him, and very justly : while, as it must have been com- piled from reports, it will be far better done by practical men of sufficient connexions, devoted to this single object, as, in addi- tion, they are the only persons on whom the public ought to rely, and on whom I should myself place any reliance. If any one imagines that a geologist can, on points like this, supersede a practised surveyor, he neither knows what geology is, or geolo- gists are. It is for the same reasons that I here give no ac- count of the ironstones in the coal series, or of the shales which may be wrought for alum. These cannot be anticipated by any scientific knowledge. They will be found by chance ; and where they have been found, they are known to those who alone have any interest in them. And if I have seen alum slate in places where it was unknown, it needs not be said that there is more than enough of this material in the places where it is at present wrought, and that the state of this manufacture and commerce do not now admit of new undertakings in new places, and is very little likely to do so hencefoward. If the red marl sandstone is the next stratum of Scotland in the order of stratification upwards, I have left but little to say on the infinitely minute portion of it which is contained in this country. I have already named what is probably to be referred to this rock near Loch Greinord ; as I have stated all that I know, and doubt of, respecting the Summer Islands. There is but one other place where it either does, or may, exist. This is in Arran, about Corrie. The portions of the otherwise united red sandstone which lie above the limestone at that place, may belong to this rock. But they may also be but a part of the inferior sandstone, since the limestones of this character, and containing the same fossil shells, often occur in this. It is a matter of infinite indifference what the fact is : and if a fanciful importance has been attached to it, it is by the very ignorant and hypothetical persons who have referred so much more of the red sandstone of Scotland to the red marl, under an utter ignorance of the country at large, and not a much greater talent in making distinctions on this subject; while, in lieu of this, deciding in a much more expeditious and less Geological Map of Scotland, 95 laborious manner, under a previous hypothesis. All do not know what those persons are : he v»^ho does know them will know also how to value their opinions and decisions ; as he also cannot fail to be aware that they who are incapable of observino* for themselves, seek for a poor fame in controverting the deci- sions, and connecting, whether justly or not, the observations of those who have taught them even the little which they know. Had I been merely writing on the science of geology, I should have spared this and other similar remarks; since Truth, in every thing, has ever had the same complaints to make, while emerging at length in all its brightness ; and as he must be not only very inexperienced in science and literature, but very defi- cient in self-possession, who cannot exert that moral deafness to false criticism, under which alone he can experience peace. But the question here is of a far other importance ; since it is not one of speculative opinions, but involves the very end and purpose for which the present survey was instituted ; the terrestrial sta- tistics and the consequent commercial enterprise of Scotland. Not to be thus pointed in providing against previously incorrect statements, and against that renewal of them which must be expected, would be a dereliction of duty: since it would be to leave an important economical question still open to dispute, or else to suffer enterprising persons to waste their means on vain speculations. He who may believe the red sandstone of Canobie and the neighbouring tract, or that of Hamilton, to be the red marl, may be there induced to seek what he assuredly will not find. And, as I have no other opportunity of noticing this insulated fact, I may here point out the white sandstone in the west side of Arran, which is so entirely insulated, and so devoid of all specific character, that, in such a disjointed place as this, it may be referred to any thing. I am utterly indifferent whether it is referred to the old red sandstone, the proper coal series, or the green sandstone above the lias, since it might be argued in either way, and there is no evidence as to either. The contests of geological opinions are of as little value as the subject is without other interest than its utility : and this will not be af- fected by the decisions of those persons. I have already said in another place, that there is no reason, in Scotland, for distinguishing the lias, the oolithe, and the green sandstone, in any other manner than I have done in the Map, if even that were possible ; and I shall therefore here speak of the whole together, while I have not left much to say respecting these singularly scattered fragments of a deposit which occupies so little superficial space compared to its extent. As far as the Map itself may render the finding of these often nearly microscopic patches of colour difficult, I have attempted to amend this in another notice, and I must now trust, that be- tween both, their places will be found. I am very sure that they will be found in nature ; and, as far as an inch can represent 90 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the four miles, in the exact places noted ; since, from its peculianty, this miserable fragment of the geology of Scotland was exatnmed with even more care than it deserved. And all further that I need here say on its place, or rather places, is, that its extent, such as that extent is, reaches from Machrihanish Bay to the Shiant Isles, on the west, as, on the east, it is of no greater a one under any indication, than from Cromarty to Nairedale m Sutherland. It thus skirts the western shores of a portion of Scotland, but under an extreme inequality ; nor is a trace of it visible any where else i while I leave it to others to speculate, whether a series of strata so very conspicuous in England as to form a large portion of this part of our island ever occupied a greater extent in Scotland, or if they never were deposited in any other places. And any one, as well as I, can further speculate how far the position of these strata as they now stand, depends on their original extent, the effects of the intruding trap, and the waste of the land, separately or united. The very slight description to which I must here confine my- self will be rendered most clear by taking each portion sepa- rately, and I will trace the western side from the south. At Campbelltown, or rather Machrihanish Bay, this series is wrought for coal ^ but that is a lignite coal of a very bad quality, and now, of very limited use. The next portion occurs in Mull. The ehief visible extent ot the limestones is in the southern cliffs, and these strata re-appear under the trap on the north-eastern shore, in the place marked on the Map : though when I say under the trap, I should add that it has here partly disappeared, so as to leave the surface bare. It is also bared near Carsaig ; and here the green sand- stone is visible. Here it was that money was once expended in seeking for coal, but with no useful result. On the north- western side of the island, near Inch Kenneth, a considerable mass of the limestone is visible, but of no great extent, and Inch Kenneth itself consists of the green sandstone. The Map shows though imperfeetly, for want of sections, the manner in which this series occurs in Morven ; but such sections will be found in my work on the Western Isles. The has is especially visible on the shores, particularly about Loch Aline, where it might easily be wrought were there not better lime- stones in competition at Lismore and in Sky. Its singular posi- tion on the summits of some of the hills, is noted in the sections referred to, as not being well capable of entry on this Map ; and it is apparent that it every where comes to light as edges of strata covered by trap. A little lignite coal occurs in these, on the hill summits : and I may remark generally, that in these southern fragments, none of the strata usually intervening be- tween the primary rocks and this series are present. This series oceurs again in four distinct fragments, on the shores of Ardnamurchan, at Camusmore in Muck, and on the north side of Eig. Here it is visible only in the vertual cliffs. Geological Map of Scotland, 97 und is interstratified with trap, as well as covered by it. One or two of the sections in the book referred to represent this better than words could do. In the district of Shalts in Sky, the extent of the lias is consi- derable, while it also forms Pabba, and skirts the southern shore of Scalpa. It is here that the influence of trap has converted considerable patches of it into crystalline limestones of different colours. In some places, this is pure white, and one spot was partially wrought. It proved useless at that point, by being inter- sected with trap veins, and the search was not prosecuted. And as commerce knows that foreign marbles can be procured at a cheaper rate, those at this spot are not likely ever to become subjects of economy. The point of Aird consists of the green sandstone, considerably calcareous in parts, covered in most places by trap, and intersected by trap veins, as a fragment also appears at Hunish point. The course of these strata fcneath the trap can be traced on the Map along the eastern shore, and also at Duntulen ; and some of the sec- tions in the same work show a few of the remarkable disj unctions and positions. But the Map could not show, that at some points in the interior, northerly, fragments appear where the trap has been removed ; rendering probable a considerable, if not a total con- tinuity beneath. There have been found, in several places in this north part of Sky, fragments of lignite, and with the usual effect of exciting the hopes of coal. I need now scarcely say that there can be nothing here worth a further inquiry. In Raasay, the quantity of visible limestone is very small, and lies on the south-eastern shore ; though in the same sections, I have, for the sake of geological explanation, rendered it more extensive. And here also the red sandstone intervenes between this series and the gneiss. But the green sandstone fonns a mass of enormous thickness, though generally covered by the trap porphyry of this island. And here the possibility of interminable quarrying equals the perfection of this material as a building stone, while, in summer at least, the shipment would be imme- diate from the quarries. It is for the proprietor, and others, to inquire of the commercial purposes to which this might be turned, if indeed the quarries of Arran would permit of a competition. The last fragment of this series occurs in the Shiant isles, if indeed it ought not rather to be called an indication. But for a previous analysis of the whole of this most difficult piece of in- vestigation, it could not have been suspected, though it had been seen. It consists in a minute quantity of shale, entangled in the trap at one or two very small points. On the east side I may barely note the disjointed fragments south of Cromarty, giving the usual indications. The Suther- land portion is conspicuous. But it demands no other details here than the Map will indicate, while its economical description is unnecessary in this place, and also beyond my bounds. Mr. Williams’s work can be referred to, as may a paper of my own 98 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the in the Quarterly Journal ; as every thing which relates to this subject is also well known to the noble proprietor of this territory. The last rock which remains for annotation, is the trap : and I have already indicated, in another Notice, the distinctions here adopted, as to these rocks and the older porphyries, together with the reasons for those, and for the general colour by which the whole, however different, have been here indicated. With the exception of a few of the veins, which also I have pointed out in words, in the same Notice, the trap will every where be visible on the Map, with a little care; while, however scattered and unconnected it may often be, 1 must, for conve- nience, take it as if in three divisions. The first of these lies to the south of the southern slate, the next is that which is so widely scattered over the space that intervenes between the northern and southern divisions of the primary rocks, and the third includes chiefly Sky and Mid-Lorn at its two extremities, while the Map will point out the interme- diate portions. That which occurs in St. Kilda and the Shiant isles cannot well be united with this last, and I may therefore note these first. St. Kilda is an entire mass of trap, divided pretty equally into an augit rock, and a syenite of a pale grey not exceedingly diffe- rent from that of Ailsa, and sometimes resembling that of Arran, termed granite. The great mass of trap in the Shiant isles forms all those islands, with the exception just noticed, displaying great ranges of columns ; while a more minute description of it will be found in my book on the Western Islands. In the southern division of Scotland, the leading mass is that which is continuous with England under the same rock, includ- ing the Cheviot, and I have already stated all that seemed neces- sary respecting its characters and its difficulties. Nor do I find anything of importance, in addition, to remark respecting the various patches which are scattered about from Dunse to Tuen- dergarth. How far these may have been originally connected, it is not necessary here to speculate. In the central district, the most remarkable circumstance is the great leading mass which commences at the sestuary of the Clyde, and which, though interrupted, may be considered as stretching eastward till it splits into the two divisions which skirt the north of Fife and form part of the Sidlaw hills ; while at its western extremity it is continuous with a great mass which is marked by Strathaven and Loudon. The next which I may point out relates to the scattered masses which skirt the northern primary border, few as these are ; and the interest attached to those which skirt the southern slate northwards is of the same nature. These, with the numerous masses scattered over the remainder of this great tract, seem to indicate a once much more wide and continuous connection, as there are persons who may spe- culate whether it was not once so universal as to have covered the whole of this district with trap. And why this trap, like the southern 99 Geological Map of Scotland. one, should be especially connected with the secondary strata, and not give similar indications of having covered the primary ones, is another of those speculative questions which do not form an object in this Report. The marks of great waste, however, are abundantly evident ; while on the same eastern portion of the country, where the primary strata of Aberdeenshire exhibit the peculiar marks of waste formerly noticed, the trap seems also to have been more removed than to the westward. Wherever occurring, the patches of trap, whether originally independent or the result of waste, are of very unequal magni- tudes; while Fife, with the opposed proximate land south of the Forth, display this intricacy in the most remarkable degree, en- hancing exceedingly the labour of investigation. It would be equally tedious and unnecessary to describe the external features of these endless masses : the total history of the whole would occupy a volume : and I do not here intend to write volumes for geologists alone : while lastly, respecting this district, I need only further point out the outstanding masses, in the islands of the Forth and those of the Clyde, including Ailsa, lest any of them should be overlooked. Respecting the mineral characters of the traps over this great tract, I can but notice some of the most striking circumstances, as the detail of the whole would be equally endless and useless. I formerly said all that I can here afford to do respecting the peculiar traps of the Tinto and Pentland range. That of Ailsa deserves notice from its singularity : containing but atoms of hornblende in a base of compact felspar. In the Little Cumbray it is often a vesicular claystone, no way differing from the scoria of volcanos. In Arran, the varieties are peculiarly numerous : presenting clinkstone, with various pale claystones and porphyries, besides the more usual blue claystone ; as the former appear to be the produce of a partial decomposition. Here also is the chief re- pository of the pitchstones of Scotland ; while for the minuter particulars of this and the other Clyde islands, I can refer to my book on the Western Isles. Of other peculiarities in this great trap district, I may notice the exceedingly compounded greenstones about Glasgow, the greenstone with red felspar near the Queensferry, the claystones producing prehnite and geolites in the Kilpatrick hills and near Beith, the remarkable porphyry at Lentrathen, the not less remarkable rocks, including fragments and nodules, near Biggar and near Dirleton, the porphyries of the Ochil hills, and the rocks between Montrose and the Redhead. But as the minute details of all this are beyond my limits, I may conclude by saying generally, that the predominant traps where 1 have not made the greater exceptions in this district, are claystones of a dark colour, and greenstones, while the former very far exceed H 2 100 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the the latter. The true greenstone, of hornblende and felspar, is, in Scotland, a rare rock. An original blunder, long persisted in, gave this name to augit rock, which I long since distinguished and added to the system. In that which I have here separated as a third and the last district, I will first notice the outstanding portions, lest they should be overlooked in the Map. The two rocks at Loch Maddy, and an island in the sound of Isla, are the most re- mote of these : those in the small islands of the Oban coast, and those connected with Sky, will easily be found : if at least the copiers do not forget them. Here, as elsewhere, it is left to others to speculate on the former unity or connection of these separate tracts : and with respect to the general characters and geological circumstances, the account which I have given in the work on the Western Isles is so full and minute, that it would be superfluous either to repeat or abridge it here, if even my plan admitted of such de- tails. The only tract not there described is that of Mid-Lorn : and respecting that, I do not perceive there is anything left to say beyond what I was compelled to notice in the other Reports : as far at least as the plan of the present one extends. The whole of this tract nearly, is a simple claystone, some- times becoming a clinkstone : while some of its minuter pecu- liarities, visible on the sea coast, are described in the above- mentioned work. Mull and Morven present little else that is remarkable : but, at any rate, the description of their rocks will be found in the same place. In Canna, the most remarkable rock is the claystone porphyry containing glassy felspar ; and in Eig, the columnar porphyry of the Scuir, with the two pitchstone veins of the same island. Rum consists chiefly of augit rock ; and its characters here are very distinct. It had always been confounded with greenstone, as I have just remarked: while it was by mistaking augit for hornblende that this name was invented, since it is a greenish compound. If I have now separated these, and made a new species of the present, so have I very widely extended the reign of augit rock, even to the exclusion of many imaginary clay- stones and basalts. The same compound prevails on the north-eastern coast of Sky: which contains every known variety of the traps. About the Cachullin hills is found hypersthene rock, as it also is in Aird- namurchan; as yet not certainly known anywhere else, and added by myself to the former catalogue of rocks. The hills to the north of Strath are of pale and reddish claystones, porphy- ries, and sienites ; as here also lies that rock which, in mineral composition, is a true granite, on which I have made many im- portant remarks in my various works. The other varieties or species, as being of more ordinary occun’ence, I need not specify. Geological Map of Scotland. loi Finally, I may point out the porphyry of Raasay as one of the most striking exceptions to the prevailing characters of the recent trap rocks. Of the economical applications of these rocks it seems quite superfluous to say any thing. Nothing can be more familiar : and whatever confusion the working classes concerned with rocks may make in other cases, this is one which they never mistake. And though I might point out the varieties which are best fitted for the purposes to which it is applied, every quarrvman can equally determine the best material among the rocks within his reach. This completes all that I find it necessary to say in explanation of the Geological Map of Scotland, in addition to what is con- tained in the other accompanying Notices. H 3 102 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the NOTICE RESPECTING THE KEY TO THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SCOTLAND. Sir, THE colours used to express the rocks on the Map are eic^hteen. They are represented on the Key in their pure form, since they are on white paper. Hence they would be found to correspond with the same colours on sections, because these are equally placed on a while ground ; but their correspondence with the colours on this Map is much less perfect, with the exception of a few of the more conspicuous and pure, owing for the most part to the blackness of the engraving, and occasionally to the very small spaces which they occupy. Hence it will be useful, in case of the publication of this Map, to name the colours and mixtures which have been used ; as the colourists will thus more easily render the copies correspondent to the original. Granite. — Burnt terra di Sienna. Gneiss. — Gamboge. Mica Slate. — An olive, by a mixture of gamboge, Prussian blue, and burnt Sienna. Quartz Rock. — ^The purest green that can be produced by mixing Antwerp blue and gamboge, but tending to yellow. It is necessary that this colour be extremely bright and pure on the Map because the blackness of the engraving lowers its tone so much, as often to make it difficultly distinguishable, especially in small spaces. Clay Slate. — The same colours, so apportioned as to make a blue green. This must also be kept very clear, owing to the same cause. In certain approximations with Prussian blue, used to represent trap, it sometimes becomes difficult to distinguish those two colours on the black engraving ; in which case the particular portion of this green in contact has been rendered more yellow by additional gamboge. They who may inspect the Map must recollect this circumstance, lest they might imagine that a different rock was intended. Chlorite Series. — The colours mixed for this tint are the same as for mica slate, but with a larger proportion of the Sienna, so as to produce a brown olive. Prim ARY Limestone.— This is pure ultramarine, and it ought to be that which has the bluest tone, as the purple one may be 103 Geological Map of Scotland, confounded with the Prussian blue of trap, where the engraving happens to be dark. It must also be applied thick, that it may be conspicuous in the very small sjDaces which it occupies. 1 do not think that cobalt blue shows quite so strong, though the tone of colour may be the same : nor do 1 think that it can be trusted. This is intended as a caution to the colourists : as its superior cheapness offers a great temptation to substitute it for ultrama- rine. Serpentine. — This is yellow orpiment. The spaces being very small, it must also be used in a good body. Porphyry. — This is a purple, from a mixture of lake and Antwerp blue. Where the spaces are very small, and the en- graving very black, as on the summit of Ben Nevis, it is necessary to make it very red, as it is otherwise invisible. Though it might be confounded on the dark Map, with the colour for red sand- stone and that for shale, the geological connexions will prevent any error among geologists ; as others may consult that science, in case of doubt. Old Red Sandstone. — Pure lake, considerably dilute. Mountain Limestone. — The same, made sufficiently strong to distinguish it from the former ; but in the very few larger masses that exist, it must not be made so heavy as to deform the Map. In the greatest number of places, however, as it occupies very narrow lines, it must be made as full as the colour admits, without which it is often not sufficiently distinguished. Shale OF the Old Red Sandstone. — The same mixture as for porphyry, but bluer. Occurring only in Caithness, to such an extent at least as to have demanded a special notice, and in gradation with red sandstone, it cannot be mistaken. Coal Series. — This is yellow oker. Over large spaces it may be very dilute ; but in small ones, and on the dark engraving, it requires to be considerably strengthened. In all cases indeed, the colourist must use discretion in the quantity of colour, so as that the dark and light parts of the Map may, under any one colour, always appear as nearly of the same tone as possible. Red Marl. — This is that burnt oker which, in most colour boxes, is termed light red. It occurs but in one place, forming two very small spots on the shore at Loch Greinord. I fear that it may be here overlooked ; but perhaps this remark may suffice to call attention to it. Lias and Oolithe, with Coal. — This is the liquid verdigris used for staining maps. As it generally occurs in very narrow lines, it may be used strong. In Sky, and on the east coast of Sutherland, forming broader portions, it should be dilute, as it otherwise becomes too conspicuous, and deforms the colouring. It is however a very doubtful and suspicious colour, often fading after some time. I know not how this bad result can be reme- died : but there was no other sufficiently conspicuous colour in my power. H 4 10 4 Memoirs to IL M. Treasury respecting the Green Sandstone. — 1 could find no spare, unoccupied, colour applicable to this rock, from the exceedingly small spaces which it occupies, rendering all degraded tints undistinguishable. I have therefore repeated the yellow oker, as maintaining a sort of geological, or rather mineral analogy, between this and the coal sandstones. But the proximity of the lias will always be sufficient to distinguish the intention of the yellow ^ or, wherever the oker tint is attended by that of verdigris, it signifies the green sandstone. Trap Rocks.— This is a Prussian blue. The tint should be low, at least over the larger spaces, as it becomes much dark- ened by the engraving; and being also generally near to the yellow of the coal series, produces a very heavy effect by the contrast. Where it is used to denote small spots and veins, it is scarcely to be discriminated from the similarly small touches of ultramarine used to distinguish primary limestone. Nor have I been able to find a remedy for this, on so contracted a scale and so black a Map : it is one of the evils inseparable from a work executed in so heavy and dark a manner. Diallage Rock.— The colour selected for this is vermilion; and being in approximation with the orpiment of serpentine, may easily produce an effect of offensive splendour, unless both are carefully managed ; but as it occurs in Shetland only, it will not be found in this Map. It is the usage, and an unavoidable one, to engrave a slight line on the plate, as a boundary to each colour, for a guide to the colourist; but in nature many rocks are not so defined: either they pass into each other by a slow transition, or else the incumbrances of the soil prevent the boundary from being ascer- tained. On the original Map, therefore, both those circumstances are attended to, as well as it was practicable. Hence the colourists who may copy it, must be careful not to make definite boundaries where they do not exist, but to blend the neigh- bouring colours into each other, or to wash them off at the edges wherever this occurs in the original. They must also observe that there are in this Map five uncoloured places; one in Isla, another at Kildrummie in Aberdeenshire, another in Arran, and two on the shores of the Solway Firth. These are not forgotten spots, but intentional blanks ; because the alluvial covering prevented the rocks from being seen, and the occurrence of different rocks at the same place prevented them from being inferred. In the choice of colours for this Map, if I have not succeeded as I wished, I have laboured to do the best which the circum- stances permitted, nor was it without many calculations and trials that the present system of colouring was adopted. The number of tints distinguishable on so very dark an engraving wtis found on trial to be so limited, that it was finally impossible to produce the eighteen which were indispensable, as Geological Map of Scotland. 105 I have just shown. The extremely small spaces occupied by many produced another unfortunate restraint, as did the fact that colours so perfectly distinguishable as “ light red” and burnt Sienna, became confounded in many places, owing to the black- ness of the ground. Thence the disagreeable approximation of colours betvveen the red sandstone and the coal series on this Map, since it was found that where granite was near, the more eligible light red could not be trusted. And, not to dwell on these and other difficulties, it has frequently oceurred that the colour which was not only most eligible, but indispensable in one approximation, was inconvenient in another ; while, if this evil was removed from one place, it was but to transfer it to some other, and generally at a greater risk of disagreeable effects and of confusion. Under all these circumstances the following plan was adopted as the best which seemed attainable. The importance of the coal series demanded that it should all be seen and recognized at a glance, and thence was a very clear and striking colour used for it ; while that tint also bore such a resemblance to the actual colour of the predominant rocks, as to approach to the fact itself. The same plan was pursued as to the red sandstone and the trap, by choosing the colours which were most nearly analogous to those of the rocks themselves, within the admissible limits ; as thus also the very important distinction between the trap masses and the accompanying coal and other secondary strata was rendered striking. This plan could not be pursued in the primary strata ; and the next best expedient was therefore resorted to, in associating all the principal ones under green, with pure yellow as the starting point. Limestone alone was distinguished by a powerful blue, on account of the small spaces which it occupied ; as I was com- pelled to resort to a similar expedient for the lias series, and for the same reasons. For the other rocks, such as granite, porphyry and others, no expedient remained but to select among the remaining visible tints those which would best display them, when the spaces they occupied and the necessity for distinction was considered. I need only add, that in looking at a single tint over the whole Map it will be easy to perceive that it is very unequal in strength, and sometimes also in tone. This, which might appear careless- ness, was designed, because it was necessary. The same quantity of colour did not show the same tint on all parts of the Map, nor did it show alike or effectually under all its different extents and approximations. It has been attempted to remedy those evils in this manner ; or by changing the tone or the intensity, in such a way as to prevent any chance of error in consulting the Map. 1 trust that, in case of publication, the colourist copiers, thus forewarned, will attend to this, as to all else which I have here 106 Memoirs to H, M. Treasury respecting the noted for their instruction. But I cannot hold myself responsible for the accuracy of the copies : experience has lonoj shown me how very uncertain those are, even to gross mistakes or utter obscurity. The original must remain the point of appeal in cases of doubt or criticism. Let me finally offer this remark on the subject of colouring the copies which must be made, should this work be published by my Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. The colours are not a mere object of show, but are the very Survey itself. If the copies are not the most absolute transcripts of the original Map, so that it shall become impossible to distinguish each individual from every other and from the original, they are not the same work, nor are they the Survey which I have executed. If there is any one person who may hereafter possess an erroneous copy, that copy is, thus far, to him, not my Survey. Nor is there any remedy for such errors or misfortunes to be found in words— description is inapplicable, even to correction. Expense in colouring must not therefore be regarded — it were better that this Map were not published at all, than published at a price insufficient to command the veiy best colouring that can be pro- cured in that market of labour : — it will be worthless, and will be a fraud on the purchasers, although not an intended one. As the Surveyor is concerned, it is as if false or fictitious books, or books abounding in error even to falsehood, were to be pub- lished and attributed to an Author who has had no concern with them, and thus published under the sanction of his name backed by the highest authority. I have the honour to be, &c. &c. See. •/. MacCulloch. To the Hon. James Stewart, &c« Sec* Sec. Geological Map of Scotland, 107 NOTICE IN AID OF THE KEY TO THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SCOTLAND, AS THE COLOURS ON IT ARE USED TO EXPRESS THE NATURE OF THE ROCKS FORMING THAT COUNTRY. THE colours used to express the rocks of Scotland are limited to eighteen, as I have observed in the preceding Memorial ; but while this number of colours will not express every rock which occurs in this part of the Island, using the term rock in its abso- lute sense, it becomes necessary to assign the reasons for that limitation, and also to explain what the Map itself could not, by showing the exact purpose for which each of these colours is used, in addition to that general explanation already given in the Notice respecting the Key. The chief reason for this small number of colours is, that the rocks of Scotland are less numerous than those of England, for which part of the Island a more extensive system of colouring is necessary : a fact which I shall have occasion to point out more particularly in another Notice. It is another reason, that the spaces occupied by the more rare of these rocks, such as jasper for example, are so extremely small, that they could not be represented by any colour, especially under the peculiar circum- stances in which they exist ; while to this and more, I must add, that the extreme blackness of the engraving, united to the small- ness of the scale, has rendered it impossible to find a sufficient number of tints capable of being distinguished on such a ground : whence arises that violent contrast of tints equally violent, by which it was found indispensable to regulate this Map. And the last reason is a geological one. It is believed, or known, that certain rocks occur only in small quantities as subsidiary to others, and that some which possess marked mineral differences of character are but variations in a single species : as it is also the usage, and perhaps an unavoidable one, in the unstratified rocks especially, to give but one name to the families or species, although subject to such variations of character that the indivi- dual varieties, considered as mineral bodies merely, are exceed- ingly dissimilar, and considerably numerous, as is particularly the case in those of the trap family. 108 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the Under this last reason the details are of such a nature, while they comprise almost every rock, that it will be necessary to enter on a somewhat wide description of the rocks in question as they occur m Scotland i while the result will be such, that a fur- ther Notice in addition will suffice to comprise all that needs be said respecting the geological structure of that country, and in aid of the Map itself, under the restrictions to which it has been judged right to limit these Reports. There is but one colour used for all the granites of Scotland, nor could it have been otherwise, from not knowing where to stop amid the endless diversity of those, and from the impossi- bility of distinguishing them by any mode of colouring. Of this, however, there can be no complaint ] since such is the universal usage. The further Notice on this subject will explain, as far as is needful, what those diversities are. It is the same with regard to gneiss, and for the same reasons ; as the needful explanations will also be given in the Notice which follows this one. No colour has been appropriated to the hornblende schist; nor could it, though that is a principal rock in the system. In what- ever manner it may exist elsewhere, it occurs in Scotland, with one exception, only as a very inferior stratum, alternating with gneiss most generally, but sometimes also with a numerous set of rocks, including chlorite schist, which I shall describe here- after. Its relation to the gneiss, both in proportion and disposi- tion, is similar to that which the shales bear to the sandstones : and if, in each case equally, these inferior substances could not be distinguished in any manner, so is it the usage not to make such distinctions. . . The exception to which I alluded, occurs in the mountain ben Lair, near Loch Maree ; and as far as I now know, it is also a solitary or rare occurrence. This tract is nearly all composed of the hornblende schist, to the equal exclusion of the gneiss; but the space which it occupies on the Map is so small that it would have been fruitless to have appropriated a separate colour to it ; as in this case also it would not nave been easy to know where to stop in making the same distinction, while, if pursued, it must have fcen under so outrageous an exaggeration of the extent of this rock, that the result would have proved a greater falsity than the total omission. In the mean time I must trust to the present explanation, and to further ones which will be given hereafter. The same reasons apply to octenolite schist, but in a far greater degree ; since it is an extremely rare substance : and, whenever it occurs, is in quantities so very minute, that only a very narrow research can discover it. The only very noticeable bed ot it which I could find, extends from Glen Elg towards Sky, yet is not traceable far without interruption. To describe it accurately, would be easy, though it cannot be represented on the Map; but such description would be the object of that work on Scot- 109 Geological Map of Scotland. land, under the minute and peculiar views of geological science, which if I once intended to give, I have resolved to suppress, for reasons, the force of which will be apparent from some remarks in the Notice respecting the Map. That knowledge which it would be worse than fruitless to make public, must die where it exists. If the micaceous schist is delineated under a single colour, there was nothing belonging it that admitted of distinctions : further than I shall immediately have occasion to notice under ehlorite and talc schists, where its intermixtures are chiefly engaged ; since any notice of its varieties was as impossible as to nave noticed those of granite, gneiss, or any other rock simi- larly variable in structure and composition. A work which I have already published on the distinctions and characters of rocks will suffice for this purpose, as it will equally prove the impossibility of making such distinctions on this Map : and with that, he who would desire additionally to understand this sub- ject and to know what the rocks of Scotland are, in all their details, must be content. If nearly the same remarks are applicable to quartz rock, equally represented by a single colour, I need not prolong this detail by repeating them. I was much more doubtful how to act respecting chlorite schist, but at length resolved not to distinguish it from mica slate in the colouring. The only doubt I entertained related to the ridge of Ben Lawers, where a considerable tract of it occurs, tolerably distinguished from the mica slate for a considerable space. But this notice must suffice respecting a tract which it seemed inexpedient to distinguish, even had it been easy, when so many more of smaller extent must be suppressed for the usual reasons, and when, above all, it was utterly impossible to dis- tinguish the far better defined chlorite slates which occur in what I have called the chlorite series, and those which are inter- mixed with clay slate throughout that singular line which tra- verses Scotland in a north-easterly direction. And since chlorite schist, as it occurs in Scotland, is really very ill distinguished from mica schist, whether in place or mineral composition, while in both ways for ever passing into it, the adoption of the present plan seemed as unavoidable as it was conformable to the usual practices of geology. That which I have just termed the chlorite series, now de- mands a special remark. It consists of many different rocks, as I shall notice in another Report ; but these are so numerous and so intermixed, that the substitution of a yard for an inch in the scale would not suffice to represent them. It also constitutes a geological group so new and so peculiar, that it demanded to be distinguished from the neighbouring mica schist with which it is nevertheless always associated, and into which it graduates : for which reason it is indicated by a peculiar colour, though that ought no more to be defined with respect to the colour of the V 110 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the mica, schist, than the different substances themselves are in nature. Respecting talc slate, though one of the rocks in the general system, there could be no doubt. It is an extremely rare substance in Scotland 5 and the specimens, rather than strata, of it, which do occur, are exceedingly minute, as they also pass into the neighbouring mica slate. In the place also where this rock is most conspicuous, near Loch Fyne, the far larger portion is so intermediate a substance, as happens also near Loch Tay, that it was quite as justifiable to confound it with the mica slate on the map, as to have given it a separate indicative colour, even had that not been impossible or inexpedient, for the reasons already more than once assigned. All the clay slate has been represented by a single colour. Geology had made a gross mistake in distinguishing it into clay slate and graywacke slate ; as I have fully showed in former published works, and need not repeat in this place. I have, in conformity to this correction, represented it as a single rock ^ and though it had been desired to distinguish the coarse kinds from thelfine, this could not have been done, any more than I could have distinguished the varieties of any other rock, so minute and frequent is the intermixture. And even the quarry- men need not be told that workable slate cannot be distinguished from that which is not workable, by any means short of absolute trial : while it was not within my limits to note every quarry in Scotland, any more than every coal-pit and mine; as, if I had even desired this, it could not have been done on this Map. If these remarks apply to the slate of Scotland universally, that which occupies the singular north-eastern belt already no- ticed, demands a separate one. I shall hereafter show that it includes a great variety of distinct rocks, many of which also are of a very anomalous character. But since these were undistin- guishable in the Map, as much so indeed as the strata in the chlorite series, and since the predominant rock was clay slate, producing also, in many places, workable slate, it was equally expedient and inevitable to distinguish it by one colour, as has here been done. On the primary limestone and the serpentine I need add no remarks here to those made respecting their minuteness, in the Notice respecting the Map ; since they are uniform substances. The porphyry requires considerable explanation; and as, on some points, this rock involves the case of the trap rocks also, I must disturb the usual order by here taking these two sub- stances together. The joint ignorance and hypothesis of geology has hitherto made pornhyry an utterly distinct rock from those other unstra- tified ones which it confounds under the general term trap. But unless there be some other character united to the porphyritic structure, there is no such distinction in a geological point of view. The porphyritic form and character occur among the latest trap rocks, and the same continuous mass often unites Geological Map of Scotland. 1 1 x this peculiar character vvitli others quite dissimilar ; as, further the porphyritic distribution of the parts is found in many rocks of very different composition and materials. It is plain therefore that porphyries like this, or rocks of this character, being of later origin than the secondary strata, and con- nected with the most recent ordinary traps, cannot be distinguished from these, unless we were equally to distinguish in the colour- ing of these Maps, all the modes and varieties of trap, and further, all those of granite, since the same facts apply to both. There is no geological ground for making the distinction ; and it would be mechanically impossible to distinguish the whole, as will im- mediately be shown. But if it can be ascertained that there are porphyries connected with the primary rocks alone, and never interferino* with the secondary ones, a division should be made, on the ground of age, and thus there should be a colour for such porphyries, distinct from that vvtiich is applied to the traps. Such porphyries rank with granite, to which they also often approach in character: and if this be not done, then the granites which become green- stones and basalts must also be coloured as traps, and separated froni the other granites, to the utter confusion of all geological distinctions. It is in fact but a portion of the universal geologi- cal question, whether rocks are to be distinguished by their geological characters or their mineral composition; since, if adopted in one case, the principle must be followed in all, while the consequence then would be to confound many more of the rocks of the system, such as quartz rock and the secondary sandstones, shale and clay slate, and much more. But admitting this principle, namely, that the age and con- nections, not the mineral character, are to regulate the names of rocks, and therefore that some porphyries must be distin- guished from others, the difficult practical question remains, how this is to be done in every instance. The obvious evidence is that such a porphyry is ancient, or demands a distinction and colour for itself, whenever it interferes with the primary rocks, and does not interfere with the secondary ones : and reversely, that in the latter case it must be referred to the traps. But the practical a])plication of this rule is by no means so certain and easy as it appears. Though the secondary strata are absent, it does not thence follow that a given mass of porphyry is of a date higher than that of their production. They may never have existed in that place, or they may have been removed under the usual progress of waste. In the former case, though the porphyry had been of the most recent date, there has been nothing to give evidence of its age ; and, in the latter, that evi- dence has disappeared. Nor do the mineral composition and characters give that evidence which cannot be found in the for- mer circumstances. This indeed has generally been maintained : but I have proved that it is not the fact. The general result of this brief discussion therefore is, that we 112 Memoirs to IL M. Treasury resjyecting the can obtain no absolute evidence on the date ot a porphyry, from negative circumstances, or from its non-interference with second- ary rocks : though the reverse fact, or the positive knowledge that it does interfere with those, is sufficient to settle its modern nature, and consequently to give it a place with the traps. Under these views and difficulties, I must now therefore ex- plain how I have acted in the case of this Map. But though I made the best inferences which I could, I am by no means satis- fied that they are all just : for which reason I must here enume- rate the spots themselves, that they who may examine the work may be more fully informed than they could be by a mere inspec- tion of the colouring. It is scarcely necessary to premise, now, that the colour chosen for the porphyries supposed to be of an- cient date is a purple, as the decidedly modern ones are united to the general traps under the colour of Prussian blue. The great mass of porphyry near Loch Fyne sends veins through the mica slate, and is therefore more recent than that rock. But there is no secondary rock so near as to be reached by these veins : whence there was no resource but to view it as an ancient porphyry, though under such negative evidence there can be no certainty. Near Kirkcudbright another extensive tract of porphyry sends veins through the slate, but not through the line of sandstone which here skirts the sea shore. For the present it must there- fore stand as an ancient porphyry : but if any one shall here- after find a vein penetrating the sandstone, it will be necessaiy to remove it to the traps. A small mass of porphyry in Banffshire must remain as it is noted, for similar reasons ; and so must the great veins noted in Mar, and near Blair Atholl and Loch Rannoch. So must that on the summit of Ben Nevis: respecting which there is no chance of discovering any other connection than the present. The porphyritic veins of Glenco, so numerous as to have de- manded a very marked record, have been noted as if they were ancient. There is no evidence to the contrary at present : but the following remarks on the analogous veins of Cruachan, may throw some doubt on a conclusion which I was nevertheless not justified in altering. Every one, including myself, had hitherto believed them to be ancient porphyries, since they traverse gra- nite and mica slate, and also possess that peculiar mineral cha- racter which belongs to those esteemed most ancient. But the neighbouring trap, which covers the red sandstone, is also tra- versed by veins exactly resembling them in characters, number, and magnitude; whence it seems a safe inference that the whole are connected, or that the latter are the prolongations of the former, though the intervention of the deep valley of the Awe, renders it impossible to trace any vein on one side into another on the opposite one. Nevertheless I have coloured, equally, the veins on both sides, with the colour of the ancient porphyry. On the Cruachan side this is probably wrong : on the Tyanuill Geological Map of Scotland. 113 side it certainly is. But it was important to record this fact, and there was no other means of representing these veins, at least on the side of the trap, since a blue line would not have shown on a blue ground. The present note will prevent any error. Now it must be left to future researches to inquire whether the veins of Glenco are not of the same date. This will be proved if a vein can be traced continuously through Glenco and Crua- chan : though the difficulties are so great, from the distance and the nature of the ground, that it is little likely to be done. In the mean time I have not, myself, been able to do this ; so that the wlwle must remain as it now stands, under the present ex- planations in addition to the coloured record. These are all the cases in which I have here represented por- phyry as an ancient rock by giving these places the tint of purple ; if 1 except Campbelltown, including the rock of Devar. In these there commence a set of doubts which prevail widely in the south of Scotland, and which render this explanation in aid of the colours which I have adopted, peculiarly necessary. The porphyry of Campbelltown does not touch the secondary strata, though sometimes quite close to them ; and hitherto I could find no veins penetrating these. Devar, being an island rock, affords no evidence of any kind ; but whatever may finally be concluded of the one will be true of all. In the mean time, the purple must stand : though as a subject for future correction. In Raasay, with the sole exception of Duncan hill, the entire mass of the unstratified rock is a porphyry which, as a mineral specimen, would be classed with porphyries, and not with traps ; while they who were ignorant of the ground would also suppose it an ancient one. But it lies above the lias and green sandstone ; so that it was necessary to give it the general colour of the traps, unless it had been possible to have distinguished every variety of these. The same reasoning extends to Sky and to Arran : the facts being identical in the former case, and analogous in the latter : while I shall hereafter have occasion to extend these notes so as to give all the aid that can be given by them in enabling the inspectors of this Map to distinguish among the several varieties of trap to which the general tint of blue was compulsorily assigned. Whatever other porphyries may occur in other places than those which I am now about to note, coloured as traps in the Map, they are comparatively insignificant in quantity; as it would be equally endless and purposeless to describe the places, since they could scarcely be found, and would produce a long catalogue of names and descriptions difficult to verify on the Map or the ground. It must suffice to state the general fact: and the observer will be sufficiently prepared by these state- ments, whenever they may occur in his researches. It is in the line which is marked by Tinto and the Pentland hills that the first very remarkable and extensive masses of por- 114 Memoirs to TL M, Treasury respecting the phyry occur, in proceeding towards the southern division and border of Scotland. And they are so very remarkable, and so unlike the ordinary traps, that this annotation is especially necessary : since, for the preceding reasons, they could not have been distinguished by a specific colour. I could not specify every place and every change, without a detail of the notes made on this subject, which while it belongs to that scientific geology into which 1 do not mean to enter, would be infinitely tedious, and, for the present limited object, as purposeless as it would be difficult to make use of it in the verification of the ground. But the remarkable fact is, that on this line there occur great tracts or masses of a porphyritic rock, or of an analogous rock without imbedded crystals, which must sometimes be ranked as a compact felspar ; at others as a clink- stone, and at others again, as a hard claystone. And it is also to be noted, that these rocks are very extensively reddish or brown, or of some grey tints very unlike the ordinary dark hues that prevail among the trap rocks. But their date is unquestion- able, because they are more recent than the coal series, as the ordinary blue clay stones and other traps also occur among them : and thence has the single and usual colouring of trap been adopted for them. I have been in doubt what to determine respecting the Aildon hills, but have finally entered them under the colouring of all the other traps of the south of Scotland. The present note will at least explain the facts; and he who thinks this particular entry inexpedient, or may discover that it is wrong, can easily obliterate the present colour and substitute the purple. It is true that the rock is far more analogous to, or identical with, those last named than with the more usually esteemed traps, and it is not less true that it lies in slate and does not come into con- tact with secondary strata. But many of the insulated traps of this district touch the slate on one part and the sandstone on another ; so that the removal of this latter portion, to happen undoubtedly at some day, would lead to a false conclusion as to the age of such a mass. It is equally true that the superficial sandstone has often been extensively removed, leaving the evi- dences in detached portions and fragments. There is such a fragment at the edge of the Tweed near the Aildon hills : and it is from these circumstances that the present inference has been drawn. With an explanation of this nature in addition, the mode of entry is of little moment : but others can judge as they think fit. The great tract of unstratified rock which extends between the Tweed, the Cheviot and the Carter-fell, and of which, frag- ments, or what seem to be fragments, are widely dispersed along the ridge which includes Fauna hill, presents the last of these difficulties ; while under all the circumstances of the evi- dence, I have concluded to colour it as trap. If some portions of it cover slate onlv, others are connected with the red sandstone, Geological Map of Scotland. 1J5 and others again with the sandstone of the coal series which occurs on the Carter-fell. Yet the far greater portion, thoutrh not the whole, consists of rocks similar to those of the Tinto and Pentland range. It is evident indeed in some places, that there is more than one date for the whole, because there are veins of one kind penetrating the masses of another. But unless it could he pioved that all those portions which are connected with the several sandstones were different from those connected with the slate, we could not conclude that there was here a primary and secondary rock both, or a porphyry to be coloured with purple and one to be coloured with blue : while the evidence, as far as it can be found, lies the other way, or proves that the same mass interferes with both, although there are masses of different dates. With this statement in addition to the present entry on the Map, there can at least be no error, though doubts may be enter- tained of the truth of the general conclusion as far as the whole tract is concerned. But the opinions one way are of no more value than those on the other side : whence, as in so many other cases, it is a question that must be left to future investigations or casual discoveries : as I shall pay no attention to the sug- gested corrections of those, who, as the great dealers in opinions and hypotheses, are also the worst of observers, and, from every cause, the least to be trusted, though always criticising and cor- recting, with a coiifidence equal to their ignorance, and the surest mark of that ignorance. But those fragments which are noted near Fanna hill. Wester- kirk, and elsewhere, are still more likely to be disputed. There is no sandstone near them, or they lie entirely in and on the primary slate. Yet I have coloured them as recent traps, and on these grounds. They are masses nearly worn out, and fast dis- appearing, as, in many places, they are both very narrow and very thin, while in others they are evidently nothing but veins proceeding from a principal mass. Hence that difficulty in finding them under the incumbrance of peat in this obscure and trackless country, which I noticed in the account of the Map, and which convinces me that the delineation here given must be very imperfect. Now if the veins are veins from the great mass already described, they are recent of course, though traversing only primary rocks. And by tracing the first set of these frag- ments from the Carter-fell along the north of Fanna hill, it is almost demonstrable that they are the remains of a continuation of the same great mass once covering this country far more widely : whence I have extended the same general conclusion to those which are situated more remotely and in a more detached manner. The portions marked near Westerkirk are undoubtedly very far separated from the rest ; but if any one does not choose to coincide in the present inference, he can change the tint and adopt his own views. The whole difficulty is a matter of no great moment, even in geological science : since there is abun- dant proof of porphyries of different dates, and since it is the I 2 1 10 Memoirs to JL M, Treasury respecting the general fact alone which concerns that science : while as a ques- tion of utility or statistics, it is absolutely indiflPerent, inasmuch as the consequences would be exactly the same whether these rocks were primary or secondary, of an old or a recent date^ coloured with purple or coloured with blue. The continuation of this explanation, including all else that belongs to these unstratified rocks, relates to those traps which are demonstrably secondary, and which it has been agreed to class under this general term, though so numerous, and so widely differing in character and composition as they do. For the distinctions and characters of these I must refer to my own work on Rocks, since that information is not to be found elsewhere ; but I must here give at least their names, as the im- possibility of distinguishing them by colours would not other- wise be appreciated. They are the following : hypersthene rock, augit rock, greenstone, syenite, porphyry, amygdaloid, basalt, clinkstone, two qualities of claystone, and tufo ; to which I must add pitchstone, as being akin to these, or rather a mode of them. And if to these thirteen rocks I were to add that syenite of Sky, which is a true granite in mineral character, though a recent secondary rock, it is plain that it would require fourteen colours- to distinguish the traps alone. Now, in this Map, though eighteen colours are entered on the Key, I have not been able to produce more than seventeen alto- gether, that would have been distinguishable on this black engraving, so that the yellow ochre is twice used, and for different rocks. Thirteen others, in addition to the blue used as the colour of trap generally, were therefore unattainable: while, cx)u\d I have adopted two or three, or any number much less than the whole, it would have even more misled the reader, under a more deceptive statement, than in thus generalizing the whole. It is further true, that though some of these specific rocks, in some places, might have been defined, from their marked characters and the large spaces which they occupy, it would have been far otherwise as" to the whole. The porphyry of Raasay might have been thus distinguished, as might the hypersthene rock of Sky and Airdnamurchan, the augit rock of that island and of Rum, the syenite of Ailsa, and more : but in the far larger por- tions of all this extensive body of trap, pervading so much of Scotland, if in separate divisions and fragments, such distinctions would have been utterly impracticable, from the frequent and often minute intermixtures of the different kinds. I must here remark however, that I did make and enter these several dis- tinctions in the surveys and memorials whence the general Map was reduced and constructed in these parts, by adopting separate draughts of the geography on a larger scale, and applying separate keys and sykems of colouring. In this independent manner there was no difficulty : and examples will be found in the published maps of my work on the Western Islands, where separate keys are used for each, and where there was thus neither Geological Map of Scotland, 117 want of space nor of colours. But, as I have already said, the entire Map as it now stands, did not admit of this, and thus was 1 compelled to adopt the present general expression, in the blue applied to the whole of these rocks : since there would be no limit to the separate publication of the hundreds of enlarged maps of separate tracts which would be required, if the reverse system of such enlarged and multiplied parts of maps had been adopted, and if all which demanded this enlargement and detail not less than the trap rocks, had been included in that plan. To a certain extent therefore, this explanation will suffice to show under what light the blue colour adopted for trap must be viewed. In the future remarks on the rocks of Scotland, I shall specify the most conspicuous places where the principal varieties occur; and thus will the geologist be furnished with all the ad- ditional information on this specific subject which the plan of these Reports admits. The expression used for the red standstone may be deemed to require some remarks of a similar nature to those passed on the simpler cases which preceded this of the traps. Geologists in- deed will not require this, since they have agreed respecting this rock, as designated by position, be its mineral characters what they may. But they who may regard the mineral characters alone, and they especially who may view this rock as an object of use, would nave wished for distinctions which, for all the same reasons, it was impossible to make on a map of this nature ; such and so intricate are its variations, so numerous are its varieties, and so impossible was it to distinguish these by any mode of colouring. A few general remarks here, added to those which will be found in the general view of the rocks of Scotland, will do all as to this subject which is necessary or possible. There would have been no end to an attempt to distinguish the conglomerates from the finer sandstones, and still more would it have been impossible to have distinguished the endless varie- ties of those. If their places had always been the lowest, or the nearest to the primary rocks, that might have been compara- tively possible : but this is not the fact, since they occur in many other ways, as near Stonehaven for example, conspicuously, and since the fine sandstones often occupy the places where the con- glomerates would have been expected, while they are also inter- mixed in many ways and in minute portions. In Shetland, and elsewhere, this sandstone cannot be distin- guished as a specimen, from quartz rock ; as this also happens over very extensive spaces ; while its colours are frequently white or dark grey instead of red. It is a very different rock for purposes of economy ; but it is the same geological rock, and as such it must be coloured. If it thus also varies from its nominal colour in many places, and very remarkably in Perth- shire and Forfarshire, while there also becoming a peculiar object in the views of a quarryman and an architect, still there is no resource but to follow the general rule. I 3 118 Memoirs to IL M. Treasury respecting the In this latter county in particular, there is a still more remark- able and important variation. The shale which geology consi- ders as but a part of the same rock, and classes with it under one term, predominates so much in some places, as near Forfar itself, that, as a separate substance, the rock is truly a shale and not a sandstone ; as there are many varieties connected with this, being flaggy sandstones. It is easy for a separate, or a county map, to make this distinction, because it will possess room and resources in colouring ; and a map of this nature ou^ht to make this and every other distinction, already and hereafter noticed, which I was compelled to pass over ; because this is the very duty of such maps, and because it is here that such statistical and economical details will be sought, as they ought to be found. But if even this more remarkable variation was incapable of being specified in the present place, in this particular spot and in some others, I have departed from the usual proceedings of geology in doing this for Caithness ; though in but a general manner; as being the only thing which the obscurity of this deeply covered county permitted. The shale of this district, connected with the red sandstone, forms whole tracts without any intermixture of the latter rock, so that it not only admitted of distinction, but seemed absolutely to require it ; and thence the places of the former are represented in the best admissible manner. If in certain parts of this tract or county, the record is not so accurately true as could be wished, it is because the rocks are not so perfectly distinguished in some parts as in others. If in some places nothing but red sandstone is visible, in othep there is nothing but shale : but, in many, they are intermixed in a manner that cannot be accurately known anywhere except on the sea shores, from the immense spaces covered with a peat so deep as to render every thing equally invisible and unconjectur- able. The rule which I have therefore followed, is to lay down as shale all those tracts where it appeared to be predominant, as well as sole : while I have done the same as to the sandstone : whence it is plain, that in this county, when practically and accurately examined, shale will often occur where sandstone has been denoted ; and the reverse. The coal series, as laid down in this Map, demands similar remarks, even more imperiously, from its economical importance, and from the limited manner in which the coal occurs in it. Geology has long ago defined it, collecting many things, namely, sandstones, shales, clays, including ironstones, and limestones more rarely, together with beds of coal, into a single series, or formation.’" And thus it lays down with one colour what it defines, as indeed it could not easily act otherwise. Of course 1 have conformed to the usage, nor could I have departed from it had I wished to do so. But it does not follow that there is coal present in every portion of such a series ; while nothing can he much more uncertain and irregular than the presence of the 119 Geological Map of Scotland. substance which constitutes the chief importance of this series, whether in the places of these beds, or in their numbers and repetitions. It is moreover true, that the places of such coal can never be known but by experience. It may be traced at the surface, but the traces are commonly very limited : it is only after being investigated by actual mining beneath ground, that it can be estimated and assigned. But if, in England and Wales, very generally, it can thus be assigned very widely, that is not nearly so true of Scotland, where the coal field, or fields, are so separated and disarranged by trap rocks, that calculations to a similar extent, from partial knowledge of the workings under ground, cannot be safely made. Now it is plain, that in as far as the very limitations of a geo- logical Map are, to lay down the rocks at the surface, it could not notice the coal itself as a distinct object in that series ; since the very small quantities visible at the surface would not form more than a few microscopic points on the Map. And as no reasonable conjectures respecting its existence beneath could be formed at any places where it was not actually known, not even a conjectural inference could be recorded: so that the whole series was laid down, as I have just said, under the ordinary usage and in one colour. At the commencement indeed of these examinations, I attempted to denote, by some marks, the places where coal was actually wrought. But finding, first that the geography was too incorrect to admit of the places of coal-pits being truly entered, and seeing that falsity of position must be the frequent consequence of such an attempt, while these marks would have been invisible on so much of the Map, without such exaggeration as would have confused the records of the rest, and especially of the trap rocks in which the coal is so often en- tangled, I was obliged to expunge what was done, and abandon this design. And on reflection it appeared as superfluous as it was impossible. There is no secret respecting these things, as it requires no geologist to discover them. Every person knows where they are in his own neighbourhood, and it is for that neighbourhood that he will chiefly consult this Map : while the future geological surveyors of tracts or counties will find no difficulty in entering them in their proper places, as it will be their object to do so. And even to have given a verbal list of these places, here, would have been to do imperfectly what is better sought in Mr. Bald’s printed accounts of this subject. It is lastly true of this series in Scotland, that it is believed to contain conspicuous limestones independent of the mountain limestone beneath it. It will be for future observers, versed in geology as well as in coal mining, to determine what the value of this authority is, or, what will be really necessary, to deter- mine the facts by a proper examination of all these reported spots. My time did not admit of such minute, and generally I 4 120 Memoirs to H. M. Treasury respecting the underground examinations, for such a purpose : but from what I was enabled to see, I had reasons to doubt the conclusions of those coal-viewers, finding that such as 1 could examine were referable to the mountain limestone, and perceiving that the assertion in question had sometimes arisen from not duly esti- mating the extraordinary disturbances of these strata produced by the frequent vicinity of trap. Future and more minute knowledge will correct the general entry which I have made of all these limestones, should I in any instance prove to be wrong : but it will be even then but a ques- tion of geological science, since the economical object will be as well accomplished in the present way as in any other. Every secondary limestone connected with the coal series has been laid down as the mountain limestone, with a single colour : while, of the far greater number at least, I ought not to doubt the correct- ness of this determination, partly from their positions, and partly because they include those fossil shells, which are considered among the distinguishing characters of this rock. But I have also done this where no coal strata are present, and even where the limestone is decidedly subjacent to some of the red sandstone strata, if not to all ; as in others it at least appears to be so. I know not that it is worth while for geology to distinguish between the separate and great beds of lime occurring above the red sandstone, and the smaller ones which occur in it, since it is but a fact analogous to many more in these associations of stratified rocks. And being so, these beds are parts of the mountain limestone : while of some of the instances thus represented on the Map, it is true that they pre- sent the same evidence in the identity of the fossil shells con- tained, be the value of that evidence as perfect as it has been esteemed, or otherwise. But the Map itself will at least show where these cases are : so that any one who may not be satisfied can re-examine them. At any rate, I should scarcely have given them a separate colour, though I had thought otherwise : since the distinction is a trifling one, and the economical purposes are equally well served on the present plan. I need not separate the lias, the oolithe, and the greensand, in the consideration of the expressions which I have been obliged to use for those in this Map ; while the lignite coal occasionally included will equally find its place in these remarks. With scarcely other exceptions than those of Sutherland and Campbelltown, the fragments of these limestones are so small that they could not be represented on the Map without exagge- ration, as I elsewhere noticed. And this is equally true of the green sandstone; with the still inferior exceptions of Raasay, Strathaird in Sky, and Inch Kenneth. If I have therefore noticed this rock by the same colour as the coal series, for want of another, yet showing that it can be distinguished, because it is then attended, in contact, or near at hand, by the colour for lias, I have been compelled to omit it in some other cases, be- cause its colour could not have been introduced without disturb- ing the others. But I found it as impossible to separate the lias and the oolithe, as it was to find colours for the two, that should be visible in such minute spaces ; while, on the former grounds, no notice is taken of the actual existence of coal. Nor can this be of any moment. These two limestones may almost safely be united into one series ; and if it were not so, there would be no remedy in the present case. In some parts there is lias without oolithe, as there are limestones with the green sandstone and without it ;