THE CHILDREN IN THE WOOD A TALE FOR THE NURSERY. ;/7'/7/ SEVERAL COPPER-PLATES. LONDON : VJLUAM DARTONj 08, HOLBORK M r.L. 1821. 0? add, after a o-reat Seal of trouble , tlxe pretty- "babes wre at last found sti c teked riL each other's ar-ins ; ^vitbTVlLLIAMS - m romi "But indeed I will not," said the other ; 1 Tke two ruffians fel into nruk a -reat pafsicm about kikhi- tke poor l>al>e*, tkut the on. vvko wisked to t\. ; m tkeil lives took out a great knife ecoA st uUmmI the otke.-, so tkrat ko loll .Iowxl de«ul . " /""/' /., n.l.-ii .'Willi.u,, hoiii'H.:^ JU'll'crn It'll ■ t •'what is their ptttty talk to m ? and who will pay lis for being so tender hearted t" '* itiiiik of \onr own children at horned answered the first. "Yes, but I shall jgei nothing to take back ■to the in if I turn coward vns you •would have me to do,* 1 replied the other. At last the two ruffians fell into such a great, passion about killing' the poor babes, that the one who wished to spare their lives took out the great knife he * had mad jad had brought to murder there, m4 stabbed the other to the fee&rt, go that he fell down dead at his feet, The one who had killed him was now at a loss what to do with the children ; for he wanted to get away as fast as he could for fear of being found in the wood. At last he thought the only thing he could do was, to leave them in the wood by themselves, and trust them t© the kindness of any body that might might happen to pass by and find them tli ere. " Cope here, my pretty o»ea$ w said lie, tl you must take hold of my hands and go a little way ulnim- with me." The noor ehi!- dren took eaeh a hand, and went on ; but the tears hurst fmm their eves, and their little limbs shook with fear i ll the while. In t!i is wav he led them for about two miles further on in the wood ; and then told them % wait; there till he came baek from 24 (from the next town, where he would sro and eet them some food. William look his sister Jane by the hand, and they walked m (car up arid down the wood, k ' Will the strange man come with some eakes, Billy V said tittle Jane. "Bv and fov, dear Jane," said William : And soon after, '"1 wish I had some cakes, Bitty," said she. They then looked about with their little #yes to every part of tht wood ; and »nd ^ would have melted a heart as hard as stone, to sec how sad they looked, and how they listened to every sound of wind in the trees. After they had waited a very W time, they tried to fill their bellies with blackberries : but they soon ate all that were within their reach. Night was now coming on ; and William, *who had tried all lie could to comfort his little sister, at last Minted comfort hupielf: so when jane =Vaue said once more, " flow hungry I amj Billy, I Tb-c-l-icvc — I cannot help crying — ; William burst out a-crywg too ; and down they lay upon the cold earth ; and putting their arms round each others neck, ;re they starved, and there they died. Thus wetfc these two pretty harmless babes murdered ; and as no one knew of their death, .so there was no one to die; a graves and hurv them. u axLa it ^oxild We melted a. Txeaxt a* Wd a* stone, to see Ilow sad tkey looted, andW ti-ey listened to every soxmd of ^viaid in rhe trees! Zen don . William Iktrtvn. 56 ID? Ib era JTi U it In the mean time the wicked uncle thought they had been killed as he ordered, m lie told all the folks who asked him about them, an artful tale of their havinw« 68 £10 LB OK Pi HIL'L. A Ust of Improved Books, fyc, for Children, sold hj WILLIAM BARTON, Jik 58, llo&mt II ill, opposite Ely Place, Lond* n. 1. THE LITl I E VOCABULARY, intended as an iiitroduction to any of the larger S pel If ft^bodks, and particularly designed to assist Withers in the Instruction ©f their Young Children, pnee 6d. 2. EASY RKABrVG ; adapted to the capacities of Children ffoni Five to Seven Years old ; designed to advance them by natural and easy gradations to the perusal of larger works ; being a companion to, and intended to follow the k 'Lit tie Vocabulary.'* Divided into a number of short Lessons, and embellished with many wood cuts. By Mr si Lovechild, price Is, 3. THE YELLOW SHOESTRINGS -j or, the Good Effects of Obedience to Parents, price Is. 4. THE MODERN GOODY TWO- SHOES; exemplifying the Ge^d Consp- ^uencss of an earty attention tu Learning and Virtue. By %$qtj Benson, At«tW of "The Orphan Boy," % * Industry and Idleness/' ifec. &c. price is, 5. 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Containing many engravings of Animals in Wood, price 6d. 17, THE FIRST STEP TO KNOW- LEDGE, being* an easy Introduction to the Yayjous English Spelling Books, By the Rev. j. Gold*roit$i. 28th Edition, Price fid, 18 FRANKLIN'S WAY TO WEALTH, or, ""Poor Richard Improved \ * to which is added,