i C o ( "WULSTAN OF WORCESTER. Absorbed in the day-dreams of imagination— not of tiic past, nor of the present, but of the future —# An interesting chronicle of its memorable associations." — Aiiieumum. Historical, legendary, and descriptive : really curious." — Literary Gazette. ' Intrinsic merit : talent and research in the work." — Coventry Standard. A good-looking and pleasing little volume." — Coventry Herald #• Observer. We hope the public will extend its due recognition." — Warwick Advertiser. '' Pleasing theme : popularity is undoubtedly its due." — Gentleman's Magazine. ! London: HOULSTON and WRIGHT, Paternoster Row. ORDERS RECEIVED BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, QJ 1. THREE VOWS of FITZ-AUCHER. 2. DADDY DAVY, the NEGRO. 3. MINT-MASTER of WINCHESTER. 4. The HAUNTED CHAMBER! 5. KNIGHT of the SILVER SHIELD. 6. The THREE PALMERS. 7. The BRIDAL of SARK. 8. EUSTACE cle MORTIMER. 9. LADY ARABELLA STUART.— I. 10. LADY ARABELLA STUART.— II. 11. WULSTAN of WORCESTER. Engravings to Illustrate the Volume. TO BE CONTINUED BY A SERIES OE CHOICE TALES, ILLUSTRATIVE OF HISTORY— TRADITION— CHIVALRY— ROMANCE. b >, GRATIS WITH EACH TALE, A NEW PATRIOTIC SONG. LONDON: H. LEA, WARWICK LANE. E. HARRISON, EXETER CHANGE, STRAND— KINGSLAND ROAD. ■ ■iii»jh^»» TrTTT' V 6> X,