I - * NEW-YORK ; PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL WOOD & SONS no. 261, pearl-street; And Samuel S. Wood & Co. No. 212, Market-str^t, BALTIMORE, THE HERMIT. T may assert eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to man. MILTON » FA.R in a wild, unknown to public view, F rom youth to age a rev'rend Hermit grew ; The moss his bed — the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink thecrystral well. Remote from man with God he passed his days, Prayer all his business, all his pleasure praise* A life so sacred, such serene repose ; Seem'd heaven itself, till one suggestion rose : That vice should triumph, virtue vice obey ; This sprung some doubt of Providence's sway. His hopes no more a certain prospect boast, And all the tenour of his soul is lost. * Little children are desired to consider this plead- ing and beautiful Poem, not as a real fact, but a beau- tiful allegory of the ways of the Almighty with his ercatures* ■2 4 So when a smooth expanse receives impresss'd Calm nature's image on itswat'ry breast, Down bend the banks, the trees impending grow. And skies beneath with answering colours glow- But if a stone the gentle sea divide, Swift ruffling circles curl on every side ; And glimmering fragments of a broken sun ; Banks, trees, and skies in thick disorder run. To clear this doubt, to know the world by sight. To find if books or swains report it right, (For yet by swains alone the world he knew, Whose feet came wancl'riog o'er the nightly dew) He quits his cell ; the pilgrim's staff he bore ? And fix'd the scallop in his hat before ; Then with the sun a rising journey went, Sedate to think, and watching each event. The morn w as wasted in the pathless grass, And long and lonesome was the wild to pass : Bui when the southern sun had warm'd the day, A youth came'posting o'er a crossing way ; His raiment decent, his complexion fair, And soft in graceful ringlets wav'd his hair* Then near approaching, Father, hail ! he cry'd | And haii 3 my say \ iWfeev'rend sire reply M : a Words followed words, from question answer flow'd, And talk of various kinds deceived the road i Till each with other pleas'd, and loth to part, While in their age they differ, join in heart. Thus stands an aged elm in ivy bound, Thus youthful ivy clasps an elm around* But here the youth enjoinM the eager sire. Who into hidden truths $kl much inquire* i 6 If he'd in silence each event behold, He would to him some wondrous things unfold. Now sunk the sun — the closing hour of day Came onward, mantled o'er with sober grey ; Nature in silence bid the world repose ; When near the road a stately palace rose : There by the moon, thro' ranks of trees they pass, Whose verdure crown'd their sloping sides of grass. Itchanc'd, the noble master of the dome Still made his house the wand'ring stranger's home. Yet still his kindness, from a thirst of praise, Prov'd the vain flourish of expensive ease. The pair arrive, the livery'd servants wait; Their lord receives them at tfie pompous gate ; The table groans with costly piles offgpd, And all is more than hospitably good. Then led to rest, the day's long toil they drown, Deep sunk in sleep, and silk, and heaps of down. At length 'tis morn, -and at the. dawn of day Along the wide canals the zephyrs play ; Fresh o'er the gay parterres the breezes creep, And shake the neighbouring wood to banish sleep. Up rise the guests, obedient to the call ; An early banquet deck'd the splendid hall ; 7 Rich, luscious wine a goldeo goblet gracM, Which the kind master forced his guests to taste : Then pleas'd and thankful from the porch they go And, but the landlord, none had cause of wo ; His cup was vanished ; for in secret guise The younger guest purloin'd the glittering prize. Now on they pass — when far upon the road, The wealthy spoil the wily partner show'd. As one who spies a serpent in his way, Glist'ning and basking in the summer ray. 8 Disordered stops, to shun the danger near, Then walks with faintness on, and looks with fear So seem'd the sire, he walk'd with trembling heart: And much .he wish'd, but durst not ask to part : Murm'ring, he lifts his eyes, and thinks it hard, That gen'rous actions meet a base reward. While thus they pass, the sun his glory shrouds, The changing skies hang out their sable clouds ; A sound in air presag'd approaching rain, And beasts to coverts scud across the plain. Warn'd by the signs, the wand'ring pair retreat, To seek for shelter at a neighb'ring seat : ? Twas built with turrets on a rising ground, And strong, and large, and unimprov'd around : Its owner's temper, titn'rous and severe, Unkind and griping, caus'd a desert there. As near the miser's heavy door they drew, Fierce rising gusts with sudden fury blew ; The nimble light'ning mix'd with showers began, And o'er their heads loud rolling thunder ran. Here loug they knock, but knock or call in vain, Driv'n by the wind, and batter'd by the rain; At length some pity warm VI the master's breast ('Twas then his threshold first receiv'd a guest.) Slow, creaking turns the door with jealous care ; And half he welcomes in the shiv'riug pair ; One frugal fagot lights the naked walls, And nature's fervour through their limbs recalls : Bread of the coarsest sort, with meager wine, Each hardly granted, serv'd them both to dine ; And when the tempest first appear 9 d to cease, A ready warning bid them part in peace. With still remark the pondering Hermit view'ds In one so rich, a life so poor and rude ; And why should such, within himself he cry'd. Lock the lost wealth a thousand want beside ? But what new marks of wonder soon took place In ev'ry settling feature of his face ! When, from his vest, the young companion bore That cup the generous landlord own'd before ; And paid profusely, with the precious bow". The stinted kindness of this churlish sou! ; Just sunk to earth, the miser in surprise, Beceiv'd the glittering gift with startled eyes : 2 H mm 10 4 But ere lie could recover from his fright. The generous guests had travelled from his sight* Now the brisk clouds in airy tumults fly, The sun emerging opes an azure sky : A fresher green the fragrant leaves display, And glittering as they tremble, cheer the day : The weather courts them from the poor retreat, And the glad master bolts the wary gate. While hence they walk, the pilgrim's bosom wrought J I W ith all the travail of uncertain thought ; His partner's acts without their cause appear,* ? Twas there a vice, but seem'd a madness here, Detesting that, and pitying this, he goes, Lost and confounded with the various shows* No w night's dim shades again invoke the sky, \ Again the wand'rers want a place to lie, / Again they search and find a mansion nigh. ^ The soil improv'd around, the mansion neat, And neither poorly low, nor idly great : It seem'd to speak its master's turn of mind, Content, and not for praise but virtue kind. Hither the walkers turn their weary feet, Then bless the mansion, and the master greet ; Their greeting fair, bestow'd with modest guis<\ The courteous master hears, and thus replies : Without a vain, without a grudging heart, To him who gives us all, I yield a part : From him you come, from him accept it here, A frank and sober, more than costly cheer. He spoke, and bid the welcome table spread, Then talk'd of virtue till the time of bed ; , _ , — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — -i— »i— » i ■! Ill—— — — m^^mt * To steal the cup from the generous man, and give it to a wretch that would scarcely admit them within. lm gate. 12 When the grave household round the hall repair, Warn'd by a bell, and close the hours with prayer. At length the world, renewM by calm repose, Was strong fojr toil, the dappled morn arose : Before the pilgrims part, the younger crept Near the clos'd cradle, where an infant slept, And writh'd his neck ; the landlord's little pride. O strange return ! grew black, and gasp'd, and died. Horror of horrors ! what ! his only son ! How look'd our hermit when the fact was done ! Not hell, tho' hell's black jaws in sunder part, And breathe blue fire, could more assail his heart. 13 Confus'd and struck with silence at the deed, He flies— but trembling, fails to fly with speed. His steps the youth pursues ; the country lay PerplexM with roads, a servant shew 'd the way; A river cross'd the path ; the passage o'er Was nice to find, the servant went before ; Long arms of oak an open bridge supplied, And deep the waves beneath the branches glide : The youth who seemM to watch a tirue to sin, Approach'd the careless guide, and thrust him in , Plunging he falls, and rising lifts his head 3 Then flashing turns, and sinks among the dead; 3 ft 14 Wild sparkling rage inflames the Father's eyes He bursts the bands of fear, and madly cries, Detested wretch ! but scarce his speech began When the strange partner seem'd no longer man His youthful face grew more serenely sweet, His robe turnM white, and flowM about his feet Fair rounds of radient points invest his hair ; Celestial odours breathe through purpled air; And wings, whose colours glitter'd like the day. Wide at his back the dazzling plumes display The form etherial bursts upon his sight, And moves in all the majesty of light. Tho' loud at first the pilgrim's passiou grew ; Sudden he gaz'd and wist not what to do : Surprise in secret chains his Avords suspends, And in a calm his settling temper ends. But silence here the beauteous angel broke, The voice of music ravishM as he spoke. " Thy prayer, thy praise, thy life to vice un known, In sweet memorial rise before the throne ; These charms success in our bright region find, And force an angel down to calm thy mind ; For this commissioned I forsook the sky ; 15 Nay, cease to kneel — thy fellow servant, L Then know the truth of government divine, And let these scruples be no longer thine. The Maker justly claims that world he made; In this the right of Providence is laid ; Its sacred majesty through all depends, On using second means* to work his ends : "Tis thus withdrawn in state from human eye. The power exerts his attributes on high : Your actions uses, nor controls your will, And bids the doubting sons of men be stilh What strange events can strike with more sur- prise Than those which lately struck thy wond'ring eyes ? Yet taught by these, confess th' Almighty just, And, where you can't unriddle, learn to trust ! " The great vain man, who fared on costlyfood, Whose life was too luxurious to be good ; * Second means — God often appoints wicked and abandoned wretches to be his instruments of justice upon others, r or some ends tending to public good, though un^ perceived by human eyes. Who made his iv'ry stands with goblets shine, And forc'd his quests to morning draughts of wine ff Has with the cup, the graceless custom lost, And still he welcomes, but with less of cost. " The mean suspicious wretch, whose bolted door Ne'er mov'd in pity to the waud'iing poor : With him I left the cup to teach his mind That Heav'n can bless, if mortals will be kind ; Conscious of wanting worth, he views the bowl, And feels compassion touch his grateful soul. Thus artists melt the sullen ore of lead, With heaping coals of fire upon his head ; In the kind warmth the metal learns to glow, And loose from dross the silver runs below. " Long had our pious friend in virtue trod, But now the child half vvean'd his soul from God ; Child of his age,* for him he livM in pain, And measured back his steps to earth again. To what excesses had his dotage run ! But God, to save the father, took the son, To all but thee, in fits he seem'd to go, And 'twas my ministry to deal the blow* * Child of his age. — A child bora to him when in years, on which he doated top fondly. 17 The poor fond parent, humbled in the dust* £fowowns in tears the punishment was just. " But how had all his fortune felt a wrack, Had the false servant sped in safety back ! This very night, by secret plot contrivVI, Of life and wealth his master he'd deprived, Had he in, this conspiracy prevaiPd, What funds of charity would then have faiPd ! u Thus heaven instructs thy mind : this trial o er, Depart in peace, resign, and sin no more." On sounding pinions here the youth withdrew, The sage stood wondering as the seraph flew. Thus look'd Elisha, when to mount on high. His master took the chariot of the sky : The ftery pomp, ascending, left the view ; The prophet gazM and wish'd to follow too. The bending Hermit here a prayer begun, " Lord ! as in heaven, on earth thy will be done." Then gladly turning, sought his ancient place, And pass'd a life of piety and peace." 4 H TRAVELLER : OR, A PROSPECT OF SOCIETY. REMOTE, unfriended, melancholy, slow, Or by the lazy Scheld, or wand'ring Po ; Or onward, where the rude Carinthiao boor : Against the houseless stranger shuts the door ; Or %here Campania's plain forsaken lies, A weary waste, expanding to the skies ; Where'er I roam., whatever realms to see, My heart untravell'd, fondly turns to thee ^ Still to my brother turns with ceaseless pain, And drags, at each remove, a lengthening chaia 5 H 20 Perpetual blessings crown my earliest friend, And round his dwelling guardian saints attend ; Blest be that spot where cheerful guests retire, To pause from toil, and trim their evening fire ; Blest that abode where want and pain repair, And every stranger finds a ready chair : Blest be those feasts, with simple plenty crown'd. Where all the ruddy family around Laugh at the jests, or pranks* that never fail. Or sigh with pity at some mournful tale ; Or press the bashful stranger to his food, And learn the luxury of doing good. But me, not destin'd such delights to share, My prime of life in wandering spent and care ; Imp' ll'd with steps unceasing to pursue Some fleeting good that mocks me w ith the view ; That, like the circle bounding earth and skies. Allures from far, yet as I follow, flies ; My fortune le^ds to traverse realms alone,* And find no spot of all the world my own. Jests or Pranks. It is to be feared, these words rather encourage more than innocent mirth or cheerfulness, and tend to lightness or dissipation. 21 E'en now, where Alpine ^oUwdes ascend, I sit me down a pensive hour to spend : And plac'd on high, above the storm's career, Look downward where a hundred realms appear ; Lakes, forests, cities, plains extending wide, The pomp of kings, the shepherd's humbler pride. When thus creation's charms around combine. Amidst the store, should thankless pride repine ? Say, should the philosophic mind disdain That good which makes each humbler bosom vain ? A 22 Let school taught pride dissemble all it can, These little things are great to little man ; And wiser he, whose sympathetic mind Exults in all the good of all mankind. Ye glittering towns with wealth and splendour crown'd ; Ye fieHs, where summer spreads profusion round; Ye lakes, whose vessels catch the busy gale; Ye bending swains, that dress the flow'ry vale. For me your tributary stores combine : Creation's heir ! the world, the world is mine ! As some lone miser, visiting his store, Bends at his treasure, counts, recounts it o'er ; Hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill, Yet still he sighs, for hoards are wanting still : Thus to my breast alternate passions rise, JPleas'd w illi each good that Heav'n to man supplies; Yet oft a sigh prevails, and sorrows fall To see the hoard of human bliss so small ; And oft I wish, amidst the scene, to find Some spot to real happiness consigned; Where my worn soul,eac h wand'ring hope at rest May gather bliss to see my fellows blest. 23 But where to find that happiest spot below, Who can direct, when all pretend to know ? The shudd'ring tenant of the frigid zone Boldly proclaims that happiest spot his own ; Extols the treasures of his stormy seas, And his long nights of revelry and ease : The naked negro panting at the line, Boasts of his golden sands and palmy wim 6 g 24 Basks ia the glare, or stems the tepid wave, Ad(1 thanks his gods* for all the good they gave ? Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam ; His first, best country ever is at home. And yet, perhaps, if countries we compare, And estimate the blessings which they share 5 Though patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind ; As different good, by art or nature given, To different nations, make their blessings even, Nature, a mother kind alike to all, Still grants her bliss at labour's earnest call ; With food as well the peasant is supply'd On Idra's cliffs, as Arno's shelvy side ! And though the rocky crested summits frown 5 These rocks by custom turn to beds of down* From art more various are the blessings sent ; Wealth, commerce, honour, liberty, content, Yet these each other's power so strong contest^ That either seems destructive of the rest. * Though there is but one true and living God, yet not only the children of Africa, but many others, have been, and some still continue so enveloped in error, as £o believe in a plurality of gods. 25 Where wealth and freedom reign, contentment fails ; And honour sinks where commerce long prevails*, Hence ev'ry state, to one lov'd blessing prone 5 Comforts and models life to that alone* Each to the fav'rite happiness attends, And spurns the plan that aims at other ends ; Till carried to excess in each domain, This favorite good begets peculiar pain. But let us try those truths with closer eyes, Aud trace them through the pospect as it lies : Here, fore a while, my proper cares resignM Here let me sit in sorrow for mankind ; Like yon neglected shrub at random cast, That shades the steep, and sighs at evVy blast. Far to the right, where Appenine ascends, Bright as the summer, Italy extends ; Its uplands sloping deck the mountain's side, Woods over woo ls in gay theatric pride; While oft some temple's mould 'ring tops betweeq^ With venerable grandeur marks the scene. 26 Could nature's bounty satisfy the breast. The sons of Italy were surely blest. Whatever fruits in different climes are found, That proudly rise, or humbly court the ground Whatever blooms in torrid tracts appear, Whose bright succession decks the varied year; Whatever sweets salute the northern sky With vernal leaves, that blossom but to die — These, here disporting, own the kindred soil, Nor ask luxuriance from the planter's toil ; While sea-born gales their gelid wings expand. To winnow fragrance round the smiling land* 27 But small the bliss that sense alone bestows And sensual bliss is all the nation knows.* In florid beauty groves and fields appear, Man seems the only growth that dwindles here. Contrasted faults through all his manners rei