CHEAP REPOSITORY. A HYMN of PRAISE FOR THE Abundant Harvest of 1796. Sold by J. MARSHALL, (Printer to the Cheap Repository for Moral and Religious Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church Yard; and R. White, Piccadilly, London. By S. HAZARD, at Bath, and by all Bookfcllers Newfmen, and Hawkers in Town and Country. — Great Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. Or 2s. 3d. per 100. — is. 6d. for 50. — for 25. [ Entered at Stationer % IlaiL J ( 3 ) A HYMN, &c REAT God ! when Famine threaten'd late To fcourge our guilty land 5 O did we learn from that dark fate To dread thy mighty hand ? ir. Did then our fins to mem'ry rife? Or own'd we God was juft ? Or rais'd we penitential cries? Or bow'd we in the duft ? III. Did f 4 ) IIL Did we forlake one evil path. Was any fin abhorr'd ? Or did we deprecate thy wrath. And turn us to the Lord ? IV. f Tis true w£ fail'd not to repine? But did we too repent ? i Or own the chaftifement divine In awful judgment fent? V. Tho' the bright chain of Peace is broker^ And war with ruthlefs fword Unpeoples nations at a ftroke, Yet who regards the Lord { VI. But VI. But God, who in his ftri£l decrees Remembers mercy ftill, Can, in a moment, if he pleafe, Our hearts with comfort (Ah VII. He mark'd our angry fpirits rife, Domeftic hate increafe; And for a time withheld fupplies, To teach us love and peace, VIII. He, when he brings his children low, Has, bleffings ftill in ftore; And when he ftrikes the heaviell blow, He does but love us more. C e ) IX. Now, Frost, and Flood, and Blight no more Our golden harvefts fpoil ; See, what an unexampl'd ftore Rewards the Reaper's toil f As when the promis'd harveft faii'd In Canaan's fruitful land; The envious Patriarchs were affaird By famine's preffing hand; XL The angry brothers then forgo! Each fierce and jarring feud; United by their adverfe lot, They lov'd as brothers fhou'd. ( 7 ) XII, So here, from Heaven's correcting hand, Tho' famine fail'd to move; Let Plenty now throughout the land. Rekindle peace and love. XIIL Like the rich fool, let us not fay ? Soul! thou haft goods in ftore! But fhake the overplus away, To feed the aged poor. XIV. Let rich and poor, on whom are now Such bounteous crops beftow'd, Raife many a pure and holy vow In gratitude to God! XV. And XV ^ l ^ And while his gracious name we praife For bread fo kindly'given; Let us bsfeech him, all our days, To give the bread of heav'n. XVI. In that bleft Prayer our Lord did frame. Of all our prayers the guide; We afk that " hallow'd be his name/ 5 And then cur wants fupplied. XVII. For grace he bids us firft implore 5 ^ Next, that we may be fed; We fay, " Thy will be done," befdfc tVe afk 46 our daily bread." THE E N B.