THE WANDERING LAWYER! ** And DOUGLAS sate beside the farmer^s hearth.^* Sons of the Soil, p. 164« WHY wanders that Lawyer here, I pray? The ‘*Pride of B— xt — d” was ask’d, one day. Looking for clients, so ‘*green”— or bread ? Good Sir, said she, he’d fain me wed 1 Fie! fie! Was the querist’s cry,— ‘‘Puppies,” like him, we’ve seen before Seek the rich maid, and not the poor f Tell me again, the inquirer said. Why do you suffer him here, fair maid? The solicitor* 8 part — so fine! — each day . Good Sir, said she, he comes to play! Fie! fie! Was again the cry,— Solicitors — such as the Law pursue— Oft display a willy— SLud so must you ! The sage look’d grave — the maid ne’er stirr’d. When the wand’rer’s voice again was heard ; The sage look’d graver — the maid more hold. And at once the sly one her mind she told ! Fie! fie! Still the sage did cry,— Attachments** like his, I hope, are rare. And of such wily designs beware ! QOD SAVE THE KINGJl NEAR WITHAM. Great Tothamt Printed at CAarlet Clark' t Private Pretty