Grr ye” ST os ‘nt wat Me Loe FONT ' ere on - sf i Wal eS Ss ty Ser 277 Sri “s ae i ~ La for x é sere: =f ' ee a 4 a ae ; _ ~~ ——— ~~ . e's , _ — . ¥ 4 Bere ae 7 oe _ ees ys 4 a -_ os - : i ——— —————— — ie e = ee. in, a - — + > . - te Bi ——— ~— ; " ~ , eee <3 = — ns a Por - + —a eee * . - = eae fe , ; 3 aia ¢ i agers Ne a a : a Q 4 ex] " tae OQ zi O FL | AERTS LN ee oe ee Zz Wa > aod 33 i b | ¥ * | ee : a a % i i . f THIRTY-BIGHT PLATES, WITH EXPLANATIONS; LINNZEUS’s SYSTEM or VEGETABLES, AND PARTICULARLY ADAPrFED TO THE LETTERS on tue ELEMENTS or BOTANY. By THOMAS MARTYN, B.D. F.R. & L.8.5. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. WHITE, AT HORACE’S HEAD, FLEET-STREET. - 1799. ADVERTISEMENT. € ] ~ oe perfons, who have honoured the Letters on'the Elements of Botany with their approbation, having fenified a with that <} the fubje&t might be fill farther illuftrated by figures, Mr. NoppeR, an ingenious artift, has been emplcyed for this mS and has both drawn and engraved thirty- ar eight one By thee, and the explana- tions which are givenon the oppofite pages A 2 | the ee, the Author hopes that he may have met the ideas of his friends. Thefe Plates, with their explanations, may be confidered as an entite work: but it is prefumed that they will be much more fatisfactory when ftudied jointly with the Letters. 51x plates are given to illuftrate Rouffeau’s fix letters upon the moft remarkable Natural Claffes. The reft are intended to explain the Claffes of Linnzeus’s Syitem in their or- der, except the thirty-fourth, which exhibits figures of the moft remarkable Ne@taries. No general plate, explanatory of the claffical charatters, is given; both becaufe it has al- ready been elegantly done by Mr. Curtis, and alfo may eafily be colle&ed from the partic¥lar plates of this work. hy Thus the charaéter of the Clafs MONANDRIA is explained in — Plate VIt. DIANDRIA — ~— — VIIT. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA = --~ PX —— MONOGYNIA ae — x. TETRANDRIA — — —~ ee PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA — xit. —————- ———— DIGYNIA —— Vv. and xIItf. HEXANDRIA — — I.and xIy. HEPTANDRIA alias pani xv. OCTANDRIA ENNEANDRIA D g — nas XVI, DECANDRIA DODECANDRIA — — XVII. ICOSANDRIA — — KXVIZI. POLYANDRIA a — cIx. DIDYNAMIA — — Iv. and xx. TETRADYNAMIA — — Il. and xxI. MONADELPHIA — — y * ty Sens: ,. LS ie fe lity e “—~ ( YS NS x N »~ « f yerterze BE oe CL Y Vo WA 11 PLALE EL LETTER & LILIACEOUS FLOWERS. Lilium candidum. White Lily. The flower in bud. The corolla expanding. The corolla quite open. The piftil or pointal, e The germ. f The ftyle. g The ftigma. The fix ftamens. z The filaments. k The anthers. The. germ advanced into a pericarp, which here is a capfule. A tranfverfe fection of the pericarp, to {how the three cells and feeds, ~~ See i - = ML ) Drawn VO ngravred by AL Amhbr / y Fibs he ni ~ tA Z ve eee ri ; ‘ Sg « - F hohe Z ; ae 7 wise dee hrvets, by PML jeate SSoxp 2) @ Mm oC ™ (38a) PLATE Rm LETTSar i. CRUCIFORM FLOWERS. Cheiranthus incanus. Stock-Gi/liflower. A flower of the ftock, fhowing the four petals and the cruciform fhape of the corolla. A back view of it, exhibiting the calyx, confifting of four leaflets, and bulging out at the bottom. A fingle petal feparated, to fhow the lower narrow part, called waguis, or the tail; and the upper {fpreading part, named /amina, ot the border, emarginate or notched at the end. A fe&tion of ‘the calyx, with the fingle piftil and fix {tamens in their proper fituation. The fix ftamens, two of which are fenfi- bly fhorter than the other four. The piftil feparated from the other parts. A fingle ftamen. The fruit, feed-veffel, or pericarp, called a filique, opening from the bottom B 2 7 upwards, and fhowing t on two valves, with the feeds ranged along the dif- fepime mt, OF eo of the two . n° cells, and the permanent fligma at the top. £ Figures of filicles, or {mall fhort pods or pouches. The flat triangular, or heart: fhaped filicle of the fhepherd’s purfe. The oblong iilicle of fcurvy-grafs, both {hut and open. The almoft fpherical filicle of candy-tuft, See Letter XXIII. and Plate XXI1. Explains the claflical charaGer of the clafe Letradynamia, and »4 kL Explain the characters of the two orders, Siliguofa and Silieulofa, inte which it is divided, Plate III, Vani Fiyraved bv FP Node Lidblistieds May 1798 as ie Act directs by B White XK ~ red Sort. C59 Fed te ek ik ET Rin: II, PAPILIONACEOUS FLOWERS. Pifum fativum. Garden Peg. Fig. 1. The peduncle or flower-ftem of the pea, fhowing the papilio- naceous corolla in three differ. ent fituations, a A-young flower not fully expanded. & An expanded flower, fhowing the back; the ftandard, or banner, fully dif- played, and the calyx cleft into five parts. e A fide view of an expanded flower, fhowing the banner, wings, and keel in their natural fituation. Fig. 2, The banner (vewil/um), obcordate or inverfely heart-fhaped, and emarginate, 3. The two wings (ale). 4. The keel (carina). 5. The piftil and ftamens in their natural fituation, B 3 A 6 ) The lower broad ftamen, which involves the germ, termi- nating in nine filaments, with an anther on each. The upper narrow filament, ac- companied with the piftil. The pericarp, which is a legume, or pod, open to fhow the two valves and the feeds faftened alternately to the futures of the valves at the back of the lecume. The permanent ca- lyx is alfo here exhibited. Ob/. The charaéter of the clafs Diadelphias and of the order Decandria, as alfo of the natural clafs of Lega- jtinous plants, is here explained. a ort Plate IV. . a Dann & Frovaved by F’ 2 Nodder Published Mav 2788. as he Met Atrects bv B. Vhite & Son. Cera PLATE IV. LETTER IV. RINGENT FLOWERS, Fig. 1. Lamium album. White Dead Nettle. a Part of a whorl of flowers, fhowing how they grow in the bofom of a leaf. 6 A fingle flower, fhowing the ftructure of a labiate or ringent corolla, and of that of the Lamium in particular. ¢ The corolla cut away, in order to fhow more diftinétly the fituation of the flamens and the claffical character, d The germs, with the ftyle. e Thecalyx, with the four feeds within it, Fig, 2. Antirrhinum majus. Snafdragon. a The clofed ringent, or perfonate corolla, in its natural form. 4 The corolla opened, to fhow the fituation of the {tamens. ¢ The capfule, with the permanent {tyle and calyx. b 4 ; Fig. 3. Digitalis purpurea. Purple Fox- glove. A fingle flower, fhowing the open bell- fhaped corolla. The infide, exhibiting the fituation and {truéiure of the ftamens. The germ, with the ftyle. The capfule, with the ftyle permanent. A feétion of the capfule. A capfule, deprived in part of its outer ikin, to fhow the interior texture of the coat. Plate ‘i Driwn & Engraved by FR Nodder. Published 1 May 1788 as the det directs bv Bo White & ay 72 a ee ee CSE9 PLATE V. -LETTER 3 UMBELLATE FLOWERS, Fig. 1. Apium Petrofelinum, Garden Parfley. Fig. 2. Aethufa Cynapium. Fo/’s Parfley. a The three long leaflets of the partial in- volucre, fhowing a principal difference between this and the true Parfley. Fig. 3. Scandix Cerefolium, Gardeg Cher- vil, Fig. 4. Sambucus nigra. Common Elder. To fhow the difference between that and an umbellate plant. Fig. 5. The flower of an umbellate plant magnified, to fhow the parti- cular {tructure. Ob/, Inftances of compound umbels in Fig. 1, 2, 3, and Fig. 1, 2, of Plate XIII. A fimple umbel is reprefented at Fig. 3, Plate XIII. \ A \) ) ee SF Ks. 7. J hee 7 7 tp —— / f 7 of sehhehaeel “ae Mey ys ots O 0+ ety r a L yreiu'le A Se rE FLAN NO ad ry ’ “a. PEATE. Vi... LE t SE SVe COMPOUND FLOWERS ~~ a@ The flower, which is compound and the ra adiated kind c. havin¢e {emific or ligulate florets in the ray, and bular florets in b A fe&ion of the receptacle, with florets on it. c “ => Fig. 2. Leontodon Taraxacum. Dandclion. a The whole compound flower, confi entirely of femi-fiorets, called oy nus ligulate florets 6 A fingle flofcule, or floret. c The head of feeds. ~~ / Fig. 3. Showing a flofculous flower, or a flower compofed of florets only, called by Linnzus tubular florets. a 'The whole compound flowers, 6 A fingle flofcule. c¢ The back of a compound flower, fhow- ing the calyx, Fig. 4. Trifolium pratenfe. Red Clover. To fhow the difference between this, which is a head or aggregate of flowers, and a genuine compound flower, fuch ag Fig. 1, 2, 3, exhibit, gO AN N \ + : > » \ S714 4 / 7 SECO IY C (a>. ) eeATE VI. LETTER Xf MONANDRIA. Fig. 1. Canna indica. Indian Shot. aaa Three different views of the flower, the corolla cut into fix lanceolated parts, one of the three interior. re- flected. 6 The fcabrous germ, with The triphyllous perianth, or calyx, on the top of it. @ The anther growing to one of the pe- tals, which {ferves it for a filament. e The flyle, growing to the petaliform filament. The fcabrous capfule. ‘Cut open to fhow the three cells. De Sy Fig. 2. Hippuris vulgaris. Mare’s Tai/, aa The germ. 6 The ftamen. ¢ The {tyle, De 2 oe om Was Nedte ) : Bhkbhods — C78, ces he nf hts, Uy a tb hele VS, , ) ¢ (15: ) Peale Vill. LETTER S S ~ PLATE X. LETTER Xv, TRLANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Iris pumila. a@ The fheath, or f{pathe. 6 The corolla, confifting of fix parts, united at the bafe. ¢ ¢ ‘The outer petals, called fa//s. dd Theinner petals, called fandards. ee The petal-form ftigma, each part con- cealing one ftamen under it, f A fingle ftamen. g The germ, inferior or below the corolla. hh The neétary, in a villous line along the reflected petals. Plate XI : Drnwn RE ngraved by FL Nodder; Lucblijha May 2178 bas the Act direks by PRATLE XI, LETTER XV. TETRANDRIA. Fig. 1. Scabiofa:columbaria. Simai/ Scabious. An aggregate flower, ccnfifting of many flof- cules. 6b A fingle flofcule ; the corolla cut into five irregular feoments, and the germ crowned with hairs, ¢ The calyx, with the four ftamens and the piftil, Fig. 2, Rubia peregrna. Wild Madder. An inftance of ftellated plants. The fquare ftalk : the itellated leaves; the corolla of four fegments: the double germ below the flower. Fig. 3. Plantago lanceohta. Rzbwort Plan- tain 7 4 The flowers growingin a {pike or oblong head. C 3 ( 22 ) f The angular fcape. o A fingle flower, exhibiting the quadrifid corolla and the very long filaments. d The germ and ftyle. ¢ The calyx, inclofing the capfule. - 7 f rs 4 SD sce Od eg ved Cg S He L, her f , y co ; 4p * Ss Pibleched 4 Mary 17%, cs the Cet devi PLATE Xil. LETTER XVI. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Fig, 1. Nicotiana Tabacum. . Common To- bacco. a A flower-bud. 6 A flower, fhowinz the funnel-fhaped corolla difplayed. ¢, The corolla removed, to fhow the five {tamens and: piftil. d A tranfverfe fection of the capfule, Fig, 2, A flower of Dodecatheon Meadia. Fig. 3. Convolvulus fepium. Great Bind- Weed. a The corolla, with the involucre immedi- ately below it, at Fig, 3. 5 The five ftamens difplayed. ¢ The germ within the calyx, with the {tyle, terminated by the two ftigmas. C4 Fig. 4. Lonicera Caprifolium, Garden Honey fuckle. A flower, exhibiting the irregular mono- petalous corolla. The tube opened, to fhow the manner in which the filaments are fixed. ¢ The pifttl, Fig. 5. Vinco major. Great Pertwinkle. uz The corolla, fhowing the bending of its five divifions, and the pentagon form of the faux, or opening of the tube. 6 The calyx divided to the bottom into five fesments; and the piftil with two ftismas, one over the other. c The tube of the corolla opened, to fhow the fituation of the five ftamens and ‘form of the anthers. d A fingle ftamen feparate, { 25 ) PLATE XIU. LETTER XVII. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. Fig. 1. Sium nodifiorum. Creeping Water Parfnep. To fhow thedifference between this plant and water creffes, reprefented in Plate XXII. a_ AA pinnated leaf, the pinne, {mall or com- ponent leaves, longer and narrower than thofe of water creffes, ferrated on the edges and pointed at the end: the terminating pinna trifid. 6 A feffile umbel of flowers. c A fingle flower.—d The fruit. Fig. 2. Scandix Anthrifcus. Hemlock Chervil. To thow the difference between that and Garden Chervil. Plate 5, Fig. 3. a An umbel of flowers. 6 An umbel of fruits. Fig. 3. Scandix Pecten. Shepherd's Needle, or. Venus’s Comb. # ‘The umbels, being inftances of a fimple umbel. & The feeds, terminated by the long pro- cefies or beaks, which gave occafion to the names, 7 the Act chhrced, hy RMbHE we Le 7788, £03 i 7 é ¥ \ SN VS ) at nth. Mihi» er oe pp 4 ‘yeetere | f/f) ee ae Diane ALVe LETT BR: SV HEXANDRIA. Fig. 1. Tradefcantia Virginica. Virginian Shiderwort. a ‘The corolla of three petals. 66 ‘The three-leaved calyx. c One of the fringed filaments. d The piftil. Fig. 2. Narciflus Tazetta. Po/yanthus Nar- ciffus. a The corolla in front, fhowing the fix equal petals, and the funnel or cup-fhaped nectary. 6 A back view of the flower, fhowing that the corolla is fuperior, or on the top of > the germ, c ‘The fpathe. d The corolla opened, to fhow the fituation of the fix ftamens within the nectary, The piftil. 9 >) im — | i } i | att ) Ti 7 | ia) i] J Mest ‘< s* / 2 - Cublsteed + May yih.sthe Cel chrerti, by AM hile Son? ff { 29 ) PLATE XV. LETTER XIX. HEPTANDRIAZ. Fig. 1. &{culus Hippocaftanum, Horfe Chefnut. 4 The corolla of five petals, and the feven {tamens, with bending filaments, 5 The one-leafed calyx, fwelling at the bafe, and divided at top into Rest fegments. c¢ The youngcapfule terminated by the ftyle, 4 A fingle ftamen. OCTANDRIA. Fig. 2. Ocnothera biennis. Tree Primrofe. a A flower, fhowing the four-parted calyx, and the corolla - four obcordate petals, 6 The eight ftamens, and the piftil in the ide. with the deflected calyx. ¢ The piftil, with the filiform ftyle, and the quadrifid ftigma. @ The capfule. A tranfverfe feétion of the capfule, fhow- ing the four cells. i The feeds. ™% Epilobrum anguftifolium. French Willow. The flower The four-leaved calyx. The ftamens, four longer and four fhorter; A fingle ftamen. | The pitti, | The capfule. g A feed crowned with; down. “Sp AY DA PLATE XVI. LETTER XIX. ENNEANDRIA HEXAGYNIA, Fig. 1%. Butomus umbellatus. Flowering Rufh. a The flower of fix petals, & The nine ftamens. ¢ The fix capfules, DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA,. Fic. 2. DiGamnus albus. Frawxinelia, @ The flower, with a corolla of five ipread- ing petals, | ¢ The five-leaved calyx, with the capfules, ¢ A fingle filament, with its glandules, Caan) PLATE XVII LETTER XxX, DODECANDRIA DODECAGYNIA. Sempervivum te€torum. Common Houfeleek. a The flower-ftem, with a reflexed range of flowers. b A flower in front, fhowing the corolla of twelve petals. ¢ The calyx, with the capfules, after the flower is paft. d A fingle capfule. e The twelve ftamens and twelve ftyles, feparated from the flower. f A fingle piitil, exhibiting the germ, {tyle, and anther, g Two ftamens, \’'s, Po *. foes XVI. LETTER XXh ICOSANDRIA. Fig. 1. Myrtus communis. Common Myrtle, The corolla. 6 The fruit or berry. ¢ A fingle flower without the corolla, fhow- ing the {ftamens proceeding from the calyx. Fig. 2, Pyrus Cydonia. The Quince. © D2 PI XIX Sd Jecr e ‘\ ‘ =— \ > \ ) { 3 al aN a N “ ~ ‘\ ~ NY \ > ; A ~ ~ \S \ \ .. S Jf AT OME pe / a - Pal Cc eee Bet il . % a . | ba pa sc ~~» ~ —, , ae. . _— 1: r - = . « . : 7 : : y Ce ee ee ee ee ee ae 2 + ie al ee ee caer « PLATE XIX. LETTER XX. POLYANDRIA, Fig. I. Caltha paluftris. Marfh Marigold, a_ A flower, fhowing the corolla of five petals, the many ftamens fhorter than the corolla, &c. b Another flower, fhowing that it has no calyx. ¢ The capfules, after the flower is pait. Fic, 2. ‘Papaver Rhoeas. Corn Pofify. $ J ie a The corolla of four large roundith petals. b The numerous ftamens proceeding from the receptacle. ¢ The capfule crowned witb its ftigma. Of. Fig. 1. is an inftance of the order Polygynia. Fig, 2. of the order Monogynia, D 3 5 . ~ PL XX Se sti OS EE [RSME Steg tee > eng ae, : ™ ” ma, re . hes] Ys % ¥ : . . oe ri y rs a eee ee “7S / * . tr a ; . - F . ™~/ f . - - bd - . ar . . ¥ : ~ fies _— OR A Hew ~te eet eae? SY SR AFL CRE A Fe, a) ae eee ae - rVcea- ee ~— PLATE AX. LETTER XX. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. Fig. 1. Glechoma hederacea. Ground Ivy. a The kidney-fhaped leaves, 6 The ringent flowers. ¢ A flower opened, to fhow the fituation of the itamens. d A flower exhibiting the cruciform appear- ance of the anthers. ¢ The calyxes. - A fingle filament. g The piftil. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMLEA. Fig. 2, Bignonia radicans, Trumpet Flower, a The calyx. 6 The corolla. The corolla difplayed, to fhow the fitua- tion of the ftamens. d The piftil, Ob/, The claffical charaGter is clearly fhown, at Fig, 2. ¢. This clafs was farther illuftrated in Plate lV, D 4 “ume m8 pee ~ ergs See FIXXI. Sore. S ~ x » “Ne . wy) 3 N \ S A ¥ > A \ x n \ Fe gs bk One Ss ; Ke x Y \ ~ Ne xX NS 4 Y f th 07 oy I PCOOORE ihr ype 4's / Fa ¢ Cf) ———— = —< =e eee eS — eS ae a PLATE XXI. LETTER. XAML eS TETRADYNAMIA. Meet : 7 . . & Sand . ~~ Som Sifymbrium Nafturtium. Water Cre/s. aa'The pinnated leaves. The odd lobe ending blunt. - —~ eS Uy ee 9s LT The corymb of flowers. A fingle four-petalled cruciform flower. Se - — TIN —— ——— eer fs J ’ ? # : a a Foy ? + The calyx, The calyx, with the ftamens. h A fingle ftamen, i The filique. b ¢ d e A fingle petal. ft § Compare Plate XIU, See alfo Plate Xl. ' : Plate XXII. ; 4 &. + 1 “ he 4 4 4 Drawn & Engraved by & L Noklet Published t tay cy Eh as the Actdivets by B. White & Jor ——_——— os Punt E XX VETTE R XXIV. MONADELPHIA. Fig. 1.. Althzea officinalis. Mar/h Mallow. a The flower, fhowing the five petals united at bottom, obcordate or inverfely heart- fhaped, and flightly emarginated or end-nicked. In the centre is. the column of {tamens, with the piftils in’ the middle of them. 6 ‘The column: of ftamens and pittils re- moved from the corolla, and fhowing the rudiment of the fruit underneath, 6 -The pittil feparate. d The calyx, exhibiting the nine divifions of the outer calyx, which is one. of the principal generic characters. Fig, 2.. .Malva fylvettris, . Common. Mallow, a. The flower .as.before., The petals nar- row,, heart-fhaped, and much more deeply end-nicked. bc.The column.of ftamens, and piftil fe- parated. d The fruit, with the double calyx; the outer very narrow, the clefts of the 4h J C “4-9 inner broad and large: there are five of thefe, and three diftinét leaves in the other; but all of them could not be reprefented. The fruit flat, with many feeds in a ring, each covered with its aril, or loofe coat. Fig. 3. Geranium zonale. -Horfe-fhoe Cranefoill. a The flower, fhowing the corolla of five unequal petals, with the column of ftamens, very flightly connected at bottom, and of unequal lengths, & The calyx, with the column of ftamens, Both thefe figures thow the ftyle ftand- ing up above the ftamens, and termi- nated by five ftigmas. ¢ The fruit, with the permanent ftyle and ftigmas ; fhowing the beaked form of it, and the five feeds in their arils, each terminated by a tail, and feparating from the beak. adc fhow that the calyx is fingle and five-leaved. N. B. Thefe figures ferve to explain the clafs Monadelphia: and two of the orders, Decandria, Fig. 3, and Polyandria, Fig. 1, 2, PL. XNUIT. ‘a _ # Drnuen & Crgraved by A 7? Vedder. é Eielbshad th Moy apts he the A of 4 Grassy PLATE XXII LETTER XAYV, DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Lathyrus latifolius. LEverlafting Pea. Fig, 1. Ra og y hoz han’ * — « og 09 09 in > Wo fog Hei ug oy a 9 ~~] A bunch of flowers, in their natural fize and fituation. The banner. One of the wings. The keel. The ftamens and piftil in their na- tural fituation. The ftamens, fhowing the fimple filament feparate from the com- pound one. The piftil. See Plate Ul, ~ » 4 . SNe td AXY. Pi. AA AQAA SES %, : vA Nader ) SAP A ible "ny igreved ty e ‘ / POUMOV She f f) C S30°°)) PLATE XXV. ETTDER XXVFI. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ZEQUALIS. Fig. I. Tragopogon porrifolium. Salfafy. a_ A flower clofed, thowing the fimple calyx. 6 A fingle ligulate flofcule. ¢ A flofcule, deprived of the corolla. d A feed, with the feathered ftipitate down. é The cylinder of anthers, with the piftil perforating it, terminated by the two revolute {tigmas. f The cylinder of anthers alone. Fig. g. Carduus nutans. Mu/k Thifile, a Thecompound flower, fhowing the calyx all imbricate with thorny {cales. 6 A front view of the whole compound flower, compofed wholly of tubulous florets. € A fingle flofcule or floret. The cylinder of anthers. e The piftil. a i a c< . . EE ae ee 7 Ms Hid. 3. Hupatorium cannabinum. G0oninion ; = “6 pO ay BEL eS ALOIS f LITLU Ss e i of t 7 ” cy a A bunch of fhowers. A, . meh VER cy i AW 1103:C1e€ HOWer. c 6 6A fincle bunch of flowers. mrt i he down. ry) > tors C, ‘ ‘= nis ati oe ers | Feat) hs 4% } “3 Od/. Thefe tht cc Nnoure > Cxpiaill tne three e . « iections of fnis order, I. Con- taining compound flowers wath li- culate florets only. 2. The capi- tate or headed flowers, with tu- bulous florets only. 3. The dif- coid, or naked difcous flowers, with tubulous florets, but not in a head. XVI. - Plate X bddar. + 17a Wid a2 May 1788, as Shere Act ite: VE dn B. jt hile & "<¢ son. : bls wEE MN. Lit r™. tn — . PLATE XXV/J. LETTER XXVI. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUAZ. Doronicum pardalianches. Common Leopard’ s Bane. a The compound radiated flower, confifting of regular tubulous flofcules in the difk, and irregular ligulate flofcules in the ray. 6 The under part of the flower, fhowing the double row of {cales to the calyx. ¢ One of the femi-florets, or ligulate flof- cules, taken from the ray, to fhow that the feed is naked,. or deftitute of down, d A floret from the difk; the feed of which is crowned with a fimple down, ¢ A {feétion of the difk, in order to exhibit the naked receptacle. a - Pl. XX Vi. ei - ; } le Rage Se — —_— x . —_e . oo } . ¥ : = — - oS ; z. — eS a a | Feng a 7 y thhe.rheeth toe Met t7ods tt Hee Vil ch, / a~, Ly a Ned Meek B OOXVIL LETTER XXVi. SYNGEN. POLYG. FRUSTRANE A and NECESS LEELA. A - . : Sf +- + eco. o « >< AT f “y ~ J Fic.t. Centaurea montana. Mountain Blu Pot he Ba ti Lé a - - @ The compound flower, fhowing the neutrél or barren florets on the outtide. longer the fertile ones in the middle, and the ciliated fcales of the calyx, & . 4d The fame, divefted of the corolla. e The piftil. | N.B. This ferves to explain the order Poly- = |, -ac¢ er . {> >]. fo a 7. ) eee | wre —_ = a - PIXXTX., A, fy 1-2 ff VA Wot Un 4 » ad, 7 aN y ~*~ ~~ : ~ _ \ » § ‘ -/f A A verve ty Pe 4 HY «4 bddé : Me 4 6 S7OC4 FE Ls a / OD Pe ee XXIX, LETTE R XXVI. SYNGENESLA MONOGA MIA, Viola odorata. Sweet Violet. a The calyx of five leaves. 6 The corolla of five irregular petals. The horn-fhaped neétary. er) 4”) Q A flower opened, to fhow the ftamens with the five conneéted anthers. The ftamens within the calyx, . a A fingle ftamen. g The piftil. h.h h- The heart-fhaped leaves. 22 The young leaves, involuted, rolled inwards, or rather upwards. kkk The fcape, with the double braéte on the middle of it. / One of the ftolones, or runners, putting forth roots. =. - ahs ’ 7 ' + | Hy ' i AGS) . + ~ = i =——__—= ——— ————— —_ = ——z —— ———_— J — ~ — = ——— — = — ago - “- . 2 ’ \* ’ \ - ~ ? ee Bed ae a ae —- . oe eat OF i ee et ee = ee ee ] Se tans ne. « PILXXXID . ae oe na See dente EO > . 7 4 - Ay A f 4. ehaete. ; Af f > Mt hd Jerr? iff, £ ws Hay 1788, Ge Me C4 et lr cl yp 42-FT he Ate Ctahits ’ 4 ( 65 ) ear e XXXII LETTER XXX. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Acer campettre. Common Maple. aa The lobed leaves. b 6’ Bunches of flowers. —c Perfect. — a g h d Male, with ftamens only. A fingle perfect flower. A petal. A perfect flower divefted of the corolla and calyx. A fingle ftamen. The piftil, with the two revolute ftigmas, and the rudiment of the two capfules, terminating ina wing. A male, or ftaminiferous flower, and a fingle petal of it. 13 PI. XXXIV: yy ( awe Fada ila \ p Willy Yy, Way J S Ny , Me, Wi ba ; ; - - a Feet ll’ #4 CPT OLP TONSA 4 : fell. Nhs Z 7 ¢ i ; fp, | oe Gab lesheed s Mary 9766, 01 the Cet dlerorts, by LeMhate Sor. / / Ae PLATE XXXIV. LETTER XXXI, NECTARIES. Fig. 1. Aconitum Napellus. B/ue Monk's Hood. aa The two recurved pedunculated nec- taries. b A fingle neétary, taken out of the flower. Fig. 2. Delphinium Ajacis. Garden Lark- Shur. a Theneétary, continued backward in form of a horn or {pur, Fig. 3. Parnaffia paluitris. a A flower, with the ne¢tareous fcales at the bafe of the ftamens.. b The five heart-fhaped nectaries, termi- nating in hairs, with a little ball on the top of each, and placed between the {tamens. Fig. 4. A petal of the Ranunculus, fhowing the honied gland juft above the bafe. on the infide at @ @. F 2 ne ( 6 ) Fig. 5. Iris or Flag. The neétary, in form of a villous line, along the middle of one of the reflex petals. Fig g. 6, Fritillaria Imperialis. Crown dm- ferial ‘ a Anexcavation at the bafe of the petal, which is the ne¢tary. Fig. 7. Afphodelus luteus. Yellow A/phodel. a ‘The flower, fhowing the fix ftamens, each fitting on its valve, and the fix valves forming an arch over the germ. 5 A fingle filament on its fcale, which is inferted into the bafe of the petal. Fig. 8. Helleborus foetidus. Stinking Black- Hellebore. a ‘The tubular neétaries placed ina ring at the bafe of the ftamens. b A fingle neétary. ‘ i Oe le — aes — — - ~— Ole ie Ree ee, ee a a : ee ees Mee gett ~~ ( “Gq ) Poe AXXV. LETTER XXXII. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. Ferns. | Of{munda Spicant. Rough Sfleenwort. Fig. r. The barren frond. Fig. 2.. The fertile frond. Fig. 3. A fingle pinna magnified, with the {cales at aa; and covers of the captules at 4 d. Fig. 4. A part of the pinna more magni- fied; with the anthers on the rib at a, and the membrane rolled back at 44, to exhibit the rudi- ments of the feed veilels at cc. PLATE XXXVI. LETTER XXXII, CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. Mofes. Bryum pyriforme. Pear Bryum. Fic. 1. The mofs of its natural fize. o Fig 2. ‘The anthers yet entire. Fig. 3. The female flower, while it is yet inclofed within the inmoft leaves, Fig. 4. The fame feparated, with the ap- pendages, viz. a a the adductors, 6 6 the cylindrical jointed threads. Pl. XXXVI. . | i ( / P A Be 2 yercitss 8 regret ty of, VA (ld e 0: oe « 4 Vile & ovis 3 Tas >. gure et " = - 4 _ - oe ‘i — ——— eS Seer a en ie eee = a= —- ee =~ ~ a ae <2 . ~~ Tet cud ee ae ees tere eg" Keres Sa Sk am 2 - . j - - eee on inge S e+ eee = x ren & Ae. 2 EF. * - at s. A at. OO er Saw i ee ee w “~ cere Pl. XXXVI. NT oa —_ : 7 : - “" : t - i i i : f : } ; ; , | ! f PE Sr } ; ' , ee. > ot . , 7 P SA rear © Cypartier a OP a AerlA I, a. ; 4 fe 5 off - lhe Tod hveehi Ay A dlhhch " -/ e PLATE XXXVI. LETTER XXXIl. CRYPTOGAMIA ALGZ, Lichen ciliaris. Ciliated Liverwort,. Fig. 1. The plant of its natural fize. Fig. 2. - The fame magnified. aa The male or barren flowers. 64 The females in a ftate of ripenefs. ¢ ¢ The rooting hairs. dd The hairs, or cilie, growing on the extremities. ‘Fig. 3. The feeds magnified. PLATE XXXVIIL LETTER XXXII. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. Fungufes. Agaricus Dillen. oil, p. 185. Fig. r. Plants of different ages, and of their natural fize. a Is the Fungus in its perfeét or adult ftate. 6 'The fame in its middle ftate. ¢ Small plants juft rifing. Fig. 2. ff * a tlhe yp sytt, tt her eld dever ls, CY Ma A ete Salt OE 7. 7 Ps wn ees te Ae. et wg oe on a ee ee —- ~~. ee a - = q ' > ee ee ee a ee a ee - NN OO Pd a ee = a a P - - > _ . ” -_~. " —s nibeshaumings LE OE TT LL TT TS a ame T 7 ‘ — ca , . . : : + Pa ec 9 ke Oy ag a mt . * ot. ee 4 - ' = 4 - a - , — - in . # ‘ee _ : . { Se. s - a ss ™ y if oe _ ; % oy ” ; te “/ Sy 7 : x 7 “ av . . : Be he v2 a" . X eS. | Tae} eae : « — YF Wo ——- Cae a . < ee ; se” * ar. - : ; = “ ‘4 AF aa re 4 ~ = F » _ ™ P o Prv 7 " 4 7 a + ? 7 = \ r . =a ; J >» 4 / - a » ” \ , +‘ : ¥ “— < r| f . a :s ‘ > . y m4 . : * 4 a f > f ee e, yy, ‘dl