MOUNTED ON LINEN Denslow’s m Copyright 1 904 by W.W.Denslow. Published in August 19 0 4 The Tin-^an ac “ *t is a shame,” said the Scare-crow to the Tin-man, “ That’s so,” said the Tin-man, “ we haven’t had a vacation in two years.” “ Say — let’s break oat and wake up the town,” replied the Scare-crow. “ Come on® So, while the manager was counting his money, the Scare-crow and the Tin-man quietly stole out of the stage door and ran down the street, greatly to the surprise of the stage doorkeeper, who told the manager that the stars had run away. one afternoon as they were resting after the performance, “ here we are working day after day, night after night to amuse the children, and we haven’t time for any fun ourselves. I m going to strike, I anii” i The police were notified and searchers were sent every- where to catch the truants, for the evening performance * could not go on without them. Meanwhile the runaway pair were having a wild, jolly time in the old town. They ran until they thought they were safe from pursuit, and then jumped on a street car to get as far from the theater as they could in a short time. 4 ‘ Fare," said the conductor. “What’s that?" asked the Scare-crow. “Pay your money or get off!" said the conductor. The Scare-crow and the Tin-man laughed at the idea of anyone wanting money from STAGE DOO them. “We haven’t any," said the Tin- man. “Then off you go!” and the conductor tossed the two from the car. “That Tin-man had a hard face,” said an old lady near the door. Bang! went the Tin- man and the Scare-crow into a banana and apple stand kept by an Italian on the corner, as they came off the car in a hurry. Down went the stand, fruit and the two friends into the gutter. Of course the banana man was angry, and talked loudly in broken English. Away the two friends flew down the street . with the angry banana* man after them, calling loudly for his pay for the spoiled fruit. “Everybody seems to want money,” said the Scare- crow, as he jumped into an automobile that was standing by the curb. In tumbled the Tin-man, and away they dashed, leaving the Italian waving his arms wildly on the corner. “This is great,” said the Scare-crow. “ It beats the theater all to pieces,” replied the Tin-man, as they fairly flew over the avenue at a reckless pace. Hi! Stop there,” shouted a bicycle policeman. “You are going too fast.” But they only waved him a tra-la as they sped along. The policeman blew a loud blast on his whisJe, and the auto was hemmed in and surrounded by policemen just as the Scare-crow steered the machine into a mortar bed in front of a new building. The automobile turned a complete somersault, scattering mortar, brick and sand in all directions over the policemen and the crowd that was collecting. At this stage the auto commenced to sizzle and suddenly blew up sending our friends high in the air.l One turned ini the fire-ei on the spot to put out the on th advantage of the confusion the two friends dodged down an alley, out on another street and were soon far away. By and by they found themselves in Madison Square near the fountain, when a man carelessly threw a lighted match directly into the straw that was sticking out of the Scare-crow’s chest and set him in a blaze. The Tin-man seeing this danger, with rare presence of mind caught up his friend and dumped him into the foun- s — tain, but in doing so he stumbled and fell in himself. Now, what was good for the Scare-crow was not good for the Tin - man, and after they had crawled out of the water he began to rust, and as he had left his oil-can at the theater, he was soon stiff in all his joints, so that the Scare-crow had to help him along. Just then they heard a voice behind them say, “There they are; arrest them.” It was the voice of the manager who was hunting them with a squad of policemen. There was no escape, as the Tin-man was so rusty by this time that he could scarcely move, and the happy pair were soon hustled into a patrol wag- on and given a ride to the station. When they came before the judge, and he had heard the com- plaint of the man- ager, he sentenced tlie Scare-crow and the Tin -man to another year in the theater to make fun for the children. mm ; V; d “That’s all right,” said the Scare- crow. “We have had our little fun and it’s all right. We go back with pleasure.” The Scare-crow oiled up the Tin-man so that he was as good as ever, and got some new straw to swell out his own chest, and the two friends shone with new luster at the evening performance that night. The children laughed as they had never laughed before at the droll antics of the Scare-crow and the Tin-man. SHgsoqg * 7 ;' Denslow’s New Series of Picture Books FOR CHILDREN FOR 1904 The twelve books by Mr. Denslow, published in 1903 , were so well received by children all over the world, that we take pleasure in putting before them six new titles by the same author and illustrator, whose watchword is action, color, expression and clean wholesome FUN for the little ones. Denslow’s and N hustler* Now York Denslow’s Barn -yard Circus G.W. Dillingham Co. PuUMhmrs ^ftr New York. s#r Denslow’s Simple LSiaontT Rm Co.* Hpew^orh Denslow^is Mot-her Goose^ ^.B,C. Book - New York -C Publishers SERIES OF 1903 Jack and the Beanstalk ABC Book Humpty Dumpty House That Jack Built Three B.ears One king Circus Denslowb -Animal "air. Ifc-V Dillingham Co. « PubiMher* NewVbrk. i Denslovrts * Three Little Kittens wssfe wmm C.W. Dillingham Ca New York f; % O Publi»h«nQ $ O Old Mother Hubbard 5 Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood Tom Thumb Zoo Mary Had a Little Lamb COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY W. W. DENSLOW Quarto Size , Price 25 Cents Each ; indestructible, Mounted on Linen , 50 Cents Each Q. W. Dillingham Company, Publishers, New York