m n ii m .. THE &bert>een Stlmattacfe, AND NORTHERN REGISTER, 1827, Being tfie Cfjtrfc after Heap gear, And of the Julian Period 6540. Inscribed, with the greatest respect, to The PROVOST, MAGISTRATES and COUNCIL, By their obliged humble Servants, D. C IIalmers & Co. _ Aberdeen Printed by D. Chalmers Co* And Sold by all the Booksellers, Price 4s. 6d. Bound in Red. — COMMON NOTES. Dom. Letter.GjEpact. 3;indiction ..15 Golden Number. ..4'Solar Cycle.i6| Julian Period 654 0 MOVEABLE FEASTS . Shrove Sunday ... ...Feb. 2rJ Rogation Sunday... ...May 20 Ash Wednesday.. ....Feb. 28 Ascension Day. Palm Sunday.. 8 Whitsunday. Good Friday . Trinity Sunday. Eastetr Day. IJ Advent Sunday. Low Sunday. 22 Sundays after Trinity, 24 TWILIGHT The time of the shortest Twilight at Aberdeen is on the Morning of the 2d of March, and the Evening of the 13^ of October—duration, 2h. 14' 6 ". —There will be no real Night from the 1st of May to the 14th of August. _ ECLIPSES. There will be Two Eclipses of the Sun this year—one on the 25th of April, and the other on the 20th of October —both Invisible at Aberdeen.—Of the Two Eclipses of the Moon, that on the loth of May is also. Invisible —the other, on the $d of November , is partly Visible at Aberdeen . Sgoott GBcIiggetb 3d November—Partly Visible. Beginning.3I1. 5' Aftern.l!Middle.4h. 43' Afcern. Rise 3 eclip.4 3 5 ,, ||End. 6 21 „ Digits eclipsed, io° 3 J r on the Moon’s North Limb. The Calculations of the Kalendar are adapted to Mean Time , or that shewn by a well regulated Clock. The Effects of Parallax and Refraction are allowed for, on the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon ; and the Tides are calculated according to the Principles laid down by Sir I. Newton. The Equation of Time is itiferted occasionally, which being applied to the Time given in the different columns of the Kalendar, gives Apparent Ttnte , o? that shewn by a Sun Dial. '; *./ . —--- Example —When doesthejSun rise and set, by the Sun Dial, at Aberdeen , on the 25 October , 1827 ? Rises by Clock..;..6h. 55m.) Sets by Clock ...4h. 31m. Clock slow ......o 16 I Clock slow.o 16 Rises by Dial ......7 11 Sets by Dial, 4 47 JANUARY begins on Monday—SI Days. First Quarter, Thmsday 4, at ilk 38#* Night Full Mcon, Saturday 13, at 6/1 im Morning Last Quarter, Saturday 20, at 4 h 5cm Afternoon New Moon, Satuidaya;, at <)h 50m Morning Sun enters .Aquarius the 20th day, at 6 h iim Evening Days. tv. 1 m KALENDAR. SC rises. IN sets. MOON ag sets aft. TID , morn. ES. even. M I 1 Circumcision %h 43 this 4 8-4 J2' ~hT* ~ 3*33 Tu 2 8 42 3 26 5 IO 12 3 53 4 12 W 3 Clock fast, 4' 31" 8 42 3 2-7 6 II 16 1 4 33 4 56 Th 4 8 42 3 28 7 morn. 5 18 5 42 Fr 5 6 Old Christmas 8 42 3 29 8 0 35 6 10 6 38 Sat 6 Epiphany 8 41 3 3 i 9 1 34 7 9 7 40 Su 7 l Sun. af. Epiphany 8 41 3 32 IC 2 59 8 15 8 48 M 8 St Netbaleu 8 41 3 34 11 4 6 9 20 9 52 Tu 9 8 40 3 35 12 5 9 10 22 10 53 W 10 8 39 3 37 13 6 7 11 17 11 42 Th 11 Clock fast, 8' 8" 8 38 3 39 14 6 5 i — 0 4 Fr 12 13 Sr. Hilary 8 37 3 4 i 15 rises,aft 0 27 0 45 Sat 13 Old New Year*s-d. 8 35 3 43 16 4 57 I 4 I 21 Su 14 id Sund. af. Epiphany 8 34 3 44 17 5 58 i 39 I 56 M 1 5 8 33 3 46 18 7 12 2 13 2 28 T'u 16 8 3 ^ 3 48 T 9 8 25 2 41 3 * W 11 8 30 3 50 20 9 37 3 23 3 4 i Th x8 Clock fast, 10' 39" 8 2 9 3 52 21 10 56 3 59 4 20 Fr 19 8 28 3 54 22 morn. 4 41 5 2 Sat 20 St Fabian 8 26 3 57 23 0 17 5 24 5 53 Su 21 2d Sun.af.Epiphany 8 25 3 59 24 1 4 i 6 24 7 7 M 22 21 St Agnes 8 23 4 2 25 3 3 7 5 i 8 39 Tu 23 22 St Vincent 8 21 4 4 26 4 22 9 28 10 9 W 24 8 19 4 6 27 5 28 10 52 11 24 Th 25 Conversion of St Paul 8 18 4 8 28 6 24 ii 55 — — Fr 26 Clock fast, 12 / 49" 8 16 4 11 29 6 59 0 2C 0 46 Sat 27 D. of Sussex b. 1773 8 14 4 13 N. sets,aft. I 4 1 23 Su 28j4<^ Su. of. Epiphany 8 Iij 4 15 I 6 26 I 42 2 1 M 29 K. Geo. IV. Accts. 8 11 4 18 2 7 48 2 l8 2 36 Tu 30 K. Charles 7 . Mar. 8 9 4 20 3 8 56 2 52 3 9 W 31 K. Geo. IV. pro. 1820 8 7 4 22 4 10 17 3 25 3 42 363007 FEBRUARY begins on Thursday— 28 Days. First Quarter, Saturday 3, at gh II m Evening Full Moon, Sunday II, at ioA 29 tn Night Last Quarter, Monday 19, at 1 h i$ m Morning New Moon, Sunday 35 , at 10 h 19 m Night Sun enters Pisces the 19th day, at 8 h 57' Morning Da; IV. rg. 171 . KALENDAR. SU rise9. : N. sets. M A. OON. sets, aft TID morn. ES. even. Th I 8 h 5 Ah 24 5 11A32' 3*59 4 /*l 7 Fr 2 Purijica. of V . Mary 8 3 4 26 6 morn. 4 41 5 5 Sat 3 2 Candlemas 8 0 4 29 7 0 46 5 2 3 5 5 i Su 4 5th Sun.af Epiphany 7 J8 4 31 8 1 50 6 20 6 50 M 5 St Agatha 7 56 4 33 9 2 57 7 2 5 8 0 Tu 6 7 54 4 35 10 3 5 2 8 36 9 10 W 7 Clock fast, 14' 29" 7 5 2 4 37 11 4 45 9 45 10 19 Th 8 7 5 ° 4 40 12 5 26 10 47 , 11 13 Fr 9 7 48 4 43 13 5 5811 37 11 59 Sat 10 7 46 4 45 J 4 6 31 — — 0 22 Su 11 Septuagesima Sund. 7 43 4 48 15 rises,aft 0 45 1 1 M 12 7 41 4 50 16 6 8 1 18 1 3 6 Tu 13 7 39 4 5 2 17 7 29 1 55 2 12 W 14 Old Candlemas 7 37 4 54 18 8 53 2 29 2 45 Th 15 114 Valentine day 7 35 4 56 !9 10 5 3 2 3 20 Fr 16 Clock fast, 14' 26" 7 3 2 4 58 20 11 *3 3 38 3 58 Sat 17 ! 7 29 5 0 21 morn. 4 17 4 41 Su 18 Sexagesinia Sunday 7 26 5 3 22 0 46 5 5 5 36 M 19 7 24 5 5 2 3 2 9 6 8 6 5 ° Tu 20 7 22 5 7 24 3 12 7 3 2 8 22 W 21 7 19 5 10 2 5 4 4 9 2 9 53 Th 22 Clock fast, 13' 52" 7 17 5 12 26 5 3 10 35 11 5 Fr 23 24 D. of Camb.born 7 14 5 15 27 5 28 11 35 11 58 Sat 24 St Matthias 7 11 5 17 28 5 53 — — 1 0 2 3 Su 25 Quinquagesima Sun. 7 8 5 19 N. sets,aftj 0 43 1 1 0 M 26 28 Hare Hunt ends 7 6 5 21 I 6 46 1 20 1 39 Tu 27 S/jroueTw.Fasten’sE. 7 4 5 *3 2 7 5 2 1 5 2 2 12 W 28 Ash Wednesday 7 1 5 26 3 9 11 2 30 i 4 48 MARCH begins on Thursday— 31 Days, First Quarter, Monday 5, at 6 h 3c m Evening Full Moon, Tuesday 13, at 12k 10m Noon Last Quarter, Tuesday 20, at 8 h 21 m Morning New Moon, Tuesday 27, at 12 h cm Noon Sun enters Aries the 2tst day, at 9 h 2' Morning Days. •zv, j m. KALENDAR. SUN rises.; sets. IV A. lOON | TID sets, afcmorn. >ES. even. Th 1 St David 6/;59 5^28 4 loh 18' 3^ 4 3^22 Ft | 2 St Marnan 6 56 5 3i 5 11 33 3 39 3 58 Sat 3 6 535 33 6 morn. 4 16 4 35 Su ! 4 I si Sunday in Lent 6 5oi5 35 7 0 37 4 56 5 J 9 M | 5 6 48.5 37 8 1 36 5 44 6 10 Tu 6 Clock fast, 11/ 40" 6 455 40 9 2 34 6 41 7 13 Wj 7 Perpetua 6 42:5 42 10 3 26 7 47 8 23 Th 8 Court of Ses. rises 6 40 5 44 11 3 53 8 59 9 36 Fr | 9 Ember Week 6 37 5 46 12 4 28 9 58 10 21 Sat 10 6 35 5 48 13 4 5i 10 57 11 34 Sun id Sunday in Lent 6 3^ 5 50 14 5 11 11 54 — — M 12 6 29 5 52 15 rises,aft 0 15 0 34 Tu 13 6 26 5 55 16 6 28 1 3 1 17 W 14 Clock fast, 9' 40" 6 24 5 57 17 7 45 1 3^ 1 49 Th 15 6 21 5 59 18 9 1 z 2 7 2 24 Fr 16 St Patrick 6 18.6 1 19 TO 35 2 43 3 2 Sat 1 17 6 15 6 4 20 II 56 3 22 3 44 Su 18 3d Sunday in Lent 6 12 6 5 21 morn. 4 7 4 3i M119 18 Edw. K. W. Sax. 6 10 6 7|2i I 7 4 56 5 28 Tu 20 6 7 6 10,23 2 10 5 59 6 42 W j 21 St Benedict 6 5 6 12 24 2 57 7 24 8 14 Th'22 21 Day & Night eq 6 2 6 14 25 3 29 9 13 9 39 Fr '23 Clock fast, 6' 54" 5 59 6 l6 26 4 5 10 15 10 44 Sat 24 5 56 6 19 27 4 25 11 13 11 36 Su 25 4 th Sunday in Lent S 53 6 21 28 4 56 i 11 59 — — M 26 25 Annunciation V,J\A. 5 50 6 23 29 5 3 ! 0 18 0 36 Tu 27 5 48 6 25 N. sets,aft. i 0 52 1 8 W 28 5 46 6 27 I 8 3 1 21 1 43 Th 29 S 436 29 2 9 16 ! 1 59 2 15 Fr I3Q .Clock fast, 4' 45" S 406 31 3 10 40; 2 33 2 51 Sat 131 5 37 6 33 4 II 22 1 3 8 3 25 APRIL begins on Sunday— 30 Days, First Quarter, Wednesday 4, at 2h 19 m Afternoon Full Moon, Wednesday II, at llh 1 Night Last Quarter, Wedne»day 18, at 3/1 low Afternoon New Moon, Thursday 26, at ih $\m Morning Sun enters Taurus the 20th day, at 9 h 20' Evening Day •w.) s. m. kalendar. SUN rises.jsets. M A. :oon. | morn. TIDES, morn. even. Su I Sth Sunday in Lent 5^34 6 A 3 5 5 1 3^45 4 /< r 6 M 2 5 31 6 38 6 oh 21 4 27 4 49 Tu 3 5 29 6 40 7 I I5 I 5 12 5 36 W 4 St. Ambrose 5 26 6 42 8 < I 53 6 5 6 36 Th 5 5 23 6 44 9 2 25 | 7 IX 7 40 Fr 6 Clock Lst, 2' 39 " 5 21 6 4610 2 49 8 17 8 55 Sat 7 5 l8 6 48 11 3 16! 9 28 10 2 Su 8 6 th Sunday in Lent 5 15 6 50 , 1 * 3 36 10 3 i 10 59 M 9 8 Palm Sunday 5 13 6 53.13 3 5 * II 28 11 57 Tu 10 Aber. Synod meets 5 IO 6 55 14 4 15 — — 0 15 W IT ! 5 7 . 6 57 |I 5 rises,aft 0 32 0 5 i Th 12 Clock fast, o' 57" 5 5 6 5 9>6 8 7 1 IC 1 29 Fr 13 Good Friday 5 2 7 1 i 7 9 3 * 1 48 2 7 Sat 14 5 0 7 3 18 10 52 2 27 2 46 Su 15 Easter Day 4 57:7 5 19 11 59 3 8 3 3o M 1 6 Easier Monday 4 547 7 20 morn. 3 53 4 18 Tt. Easier Tuesday 4 5*7 10 21 0 52 4 43 5 15 W 18 4 497 12 22 1 33 5 47 6 24 Th 19'Alphage, ABp. 4 4^:7 14 23 1 58 7 2 7 44 Fr 20 Clock slow, i' 2" 4 4417 16 24 2 29 8 27 9 5 Sat 21 \22 Lozu Sunday 4 4 il 7 18 25 2 45 9 43 10 13 Su 22 1st Sun. after Easter 4 38 7 20 26 3 5 10 4 i 11 4 M *3 King’s Birth-d. kept 4 36 7 22 2 7 3 25 11 27 11 47 Tu 24 *23 St George 4 33 7 24 28 3 55 — 0 7 W 25 St Mark 4 3 T 7 26 29 4 7 0 24 0 4 i Th 26 25 Ds. Glo’ster born 4 29 7 29 N. sets,aft. 1 0 1 19 Fr ^7 4 26 7 3 i I 1 9 16 1 35 1 51 Sat 28 Clock slow, 2' 33" 4 23 7 33 2 ilO 14 2 8 2 26 Su 29 2d Sund.ajt. Easter 4 21 7 35 3^1 6 2 44 3 2 M 30 4 19 7 37 4 II 47 3 21 ! 3 41 MAY begins on Tuesday —31 Days, First Quarter, Friday 4, at 7A 12 m Morning Full Moon, Friday 11, at 8 h 12 m Morning Last Quarter, Thursday 17, at ic h 46m Night New Moon, Friday 25, at 6k 33*2 Evening Sun enters Gemini the 21st day, at 9 h 36' Eveniug Da^ w. rs. m. KALENDAR. SU rises. N sets. IV A. IOON. sets. Til morn. )ES. even. Tu 1 St Philip S 3 * St Jamet 4 h 16 7^.39 5 morn. 4/1 : I 4k 20 W 2 4 14 7 42 6 oh 27' 4 41 5 3 Th 3 lnven.of the Cross 4 12 7 44 7 0 54 5 20 5 40 Fr 4 4 10 7 46 8 1 18 6 15 6 49 Sat 5 Clock slow, 3' 26" 4 7 7 48 9 I 43 7 2 5 8 2 Su 6 2d Sund. aft. Easter 4 4 7 50 10 1 54 8 37 9 13 M 7 6 John Port. Lat. 4 2 7 5 * 11 2 10 9 48 10 2 4 Tu 8 3 59 7 54 12 2 34 10 5 2 11 21 W 9 Court of Sess. sits 3 57 7 56 13 2 59 11 45 — — Th 1 10 Sun Eclipsed, Invis 3 55 7 58 14 3 2 3 0 10 0 34 Fr !n 3 53 8 0 15 rises ,aft 0 53 1 *4 Sat ,12 Clock slow, 3'53 a ' 3 5 i 8 2 16 9 51 1 36 1 58 Su I 13 4 th Sun. aft. Easter 3 49 8 4 17 10 47 2 17 2 37 M H 3 47 8 6 18 11 36 2 57 3 20 Tu *5 Term day 3 45 8 8 19 morn. 3 4 2 4 7 W ji6 3 43 8 10 20 0 13 4 3 2 5 1 Th *17 Gen. Assembly sits 3 4 i 8 12 21 0 37 5 31 6 5 Fr ! 18 Clock slow, 3 ' 54 " 3 39 8 14 22 0 56 6 40 7 17 Sat •9 20 StDunstan, ABp. 3 37 8 16 2 3 1 21 7 54 8 30 Su 20 Slh Sun. aft. Easter 3 35 8 18 24 I 3 2 9 6 9 35 M 21 20 Rogation Sunday 3 34 8 19 2 5 I 51 10 4 10 2 9 Tu 22 PraS.Homburg born 3 3 2 8 21 26 2 9 10 54 11 15 W 1*3 3 3 ° 8 *3 27 2 3 2 11 37 ii 54 Th 24 \ Ascension, HdyThur 3 28 8 *5 28 2 57 — — 0 12 Fr 25:26 Old Term 3 *7 8 26 N. sets aft. 0 31 0 50 Sat 26jSt Augustine, Bp. 3 *5 8 28 I 9 5 1 9 1 28 Su 27 Sunday af Ascension 3 24 8 30 2 9 48 1 46 2 4 M 28 27 Venerable Bede 3 *3 8 3 2 3 IO 30 2 22 2 41 Tu 29 K. Cha. 11 . Restored 3 22 8 33 4 11 0 2 59 3 16 W 30 3 20 8 35 5 11 2 5 3 35 3 54 Th 131 Clock slow 2' 47" 3 19 8 36 6!ii 43 4 12 4 30 r JUNE begins on Friday— SO Days. First Quarter, Saturday 2, at S h 410* Evening Full Moon, Saturday 9, at 3 h 39 m Afternoon Last Quarter, Saturday 16, at 8/; 18 m Morning New Moon, Sunday 24, at gh S& m Morning Sun enters Cancer the 22d day, at 6h 15' Morning Days. iu. m. 1 KALENDAR. SU rises. N sets. M A. OON. sets. i TID morn. ES. even. Fr | 1 Nicomede 3^18 8*37 7 morn. 4*5i Shl2 Sat 2\ 3 16 8 39 8 oh 2 i 5 36 6 1 Su 3' Whit Sunday 3 15 8 41 9 0 20 ) 6 38 7 14 Ml 4 Whit Monday 3 14 8 43 10 0 42| 7 50 8 24 Tu 5 Whit Tuesday 3 13 8 44 11 1 -4' 9 5 9 47 W I 6 5 Boniface, B. 3 12 8 45 12 I 2b 10 22 10 58 Th 75 Dk. of Cumb, b. 3 11 8 46 13 1 51 II 30 — — Fr | 8 Ember Week 3 10 8 47 14 2 2 7 : 0 4 0 27 Sat 9 Cloak slow, 1' 18" 3 10 8 48 15 rises, af.; 0 41 1 3 Su 10 Trinity Sunday 3 9 8 49 16 9 24 1 26 1 4S M 1 1 St Barnabas 3 9 8 50 17 10 7! 2 IO 2 29 Tu 12 St Tarnan 3 8 8 51 18 10 4 6 , 2 49 3 8 W 13 3 8 8 51 19 11 3 28 3 50 Th 14 Clock slow, 0' 19" 3 7 8 5* 20 11 20 4 IT 4 35 Fr 15 3 7 8 53 21 11 48 5 O 5 26 Sat 16 Clock fast, o ! 6" 3 6 8 54 22 morn. ! 5 53 6 28 Su 17 is£ Sun. aft. Trinity 3 6 8 54 2 3 — 3 : 7 2 7 39 M 18 17 St Alban, M. 3 6 8 55 -4 0 17 8 16 8 49 Tu 19 3 6 8 55 2 5 0 4i 9 22 9 5 2 W ,20:Tr. K. Edward 3 6 8 56 26 1 1 10 22 IO 44 That 3 6 8 56 27 1 *7in 7 11 30 Fr 22 Longest Diy 3 6 8 56 28 2 j 11 51 — — Sat 23'Clock fast, 1' 24" 3 6 8 56 29 2 36 0 IO 0 29 Su I24 2 d Sund. of. Trinity \3 7 8 57 N. sets,aft. 0 45 1 IO M 25 24 Nat. St John Bap.. 3 7 8 57 I 9 5 1 28 1 46 Tu 26 3 7 8 57 2 9 3 2 2 2 2 19 W j 2 7 3 8 8 56 3 9 53 2 37 a 55 Th 28 3 8 8 56 4 10 5 3 16 3 29 Fr|i9 St Peter 3 9 8 56 5 10 36 3 5i 4 3 |Sat 30 1 Clock fast 3' 5" 3 10 8 56 6 IO 54 4 21 4 391 JULY begins on Sunday— 31 Days. First Quarter, Monday 2, at 7 h 2m Morning Full Moon, Sunday 8, at IC h 26m Night Last Quarter, Sunday 15, at 8 h 31m Evening New Moon, Monday 23, at 12/i 41m Midnight First Quarter, Tuesday 31, at 2 h 4 302 Afternoon Sun enters Leo the 23d day, at $h 10 m Evening Day zv. s. m. KALENDAR. SU rises. N. sets. M A. [OON. sets,aft TIDES, morn. even. Su I 3d Sun. aft. Trinity 3A11 8 AJ 5 7 11 h 6' 5 ^ 1 5/* 24 M 2 iBattle of the Boyne 3 12 8 55 8 11 28 5 51 6 20 Tu 3 2 Visitation V. Mary 3 13 8 54 9 II 51 6 J8 7 37 W 4 }Tr. of St Martin B. 3 14 8 54 10 morn. 8 0,6; 9 15 Th 5 3 Dogdaysbegin 3 1 5 8 53 11 0 15 9 J6 i 10 37 Fr 6 Courtof Session rises 3 16 8 52 12 I 4 11 9 11 42 Sat 7 Thomas a Becket 3 17 8 5 1 13 I 58 — —! 0 8 Su 8 4 th Sun. aft. Trinity 3 18 8 50 14 2 59 0 33 0 55 M 9 Clock fast, 4' 41" 3 r 9 8 49 15 rises aft 1 18 1 38 Tu 10 Royal Burghs meet 3 20 8 48 16 9 8 1 58 2 13 W 11 3 21 8 47 17 9 28 2 29 2 50 Th 12 3 n 8 46 18 9 54 3 3 3 i Fr 13 3 8 44 *9 10 13 3 51 4 12 Sat 14 3 26 8 43 20 10 3 i 4 33 4 57 Su 1 5 5 th Sund. af. Trinity 3 28 8 41 21 10 50 5 5 46 M 16 15 St Swithen 3 30 8 41 22 11 14 6 13 6 47 Tu 17 3 31 8 40 *3 11 40 7 22 8 2 W 18 Clock fast, 5' 46" 3 33 8 38 24 morn. 8 41 9 11 Th l 9 K. Geo. IV. cr. 1821 3 34 8 37 25 0 8 9 40 10 9 Fr 20 St Margaret, V. 3 36 8 35 26 0 47 10 38 11 2 Sat 21 3 37 8 34 ^7 1 36 11 17 11 35 Su 22 6th Sun. after Trinity 3 39 8 3 * 28 2 28 11 51 0 9 M *3 22 StMagdalane 3 41 8 30 N. sets,a ft. 0 31 0 51 Tu 24 3 43 8 28 I 7 59 1 7 1 22 W 25 St James 3 44 8 27 2 8 20 1 39 1 56 Th 26 St Anne 3 46 8 *5 3 8 37 2 14 2 3 1 Fr 27 3 48 8 23 4 9 3 2 48 3 5 Sat 28 Clock fast, 6' 9" 3 50 8 21 5 9 24 3 11 3 38 Su 29 7 th Sund af Trinity 3 5 * 8 19 6 9 38 3 56 4 *5 M 30 3 54 8 17 7 10 0 4 3 6 4 57 Tu 3 i 13 56 8 15 8 18 15 s 30 6 3 AUGUST begins on Wednesday— 31 Days. Full Moon, Tuesday 7, at 5/1 37 m Morning Last Quarter, Tuesday 14, at 11k 43/* Morning New Moon, Wednesday 22, at 2 h 25m Afternoon First Quarter, Wednesday 29, at 9 h 1 $m Evening Sun enters Virgo the 23d day, at 11 h 34** Night Da IV. ys. m. KALENDAR. SUN rises.' sets. MOON. A. sets,aft TII , morn. DES. even. W I Lammas Day 3*57 8*13 9:11^ 1 0 h 3 A Th 2 4 0,8 11 10! 11 47 ’ 7 5^ > 8 46 Fr 3 Clock fast, 5' 53" 4 28 9 11 morn. 9 32 -10 19 Sat 4 4 4 1.8 7 12 i 0 45 10 5011 21 Su 5 8/A Sun . q/i Trinity 4 68 * 13 1 54 11 56- M 6 Transfiguration 4 8|8 3 14 3 13 0 22 - 0 46 Tu 7 Name of Jesus 4 10 8 1 15 rises,aft 1 3 1 22 W 8 4 12 7 59 16 7 54 1 40 1 53 Th 9 Clock fast f 16" 4 1417 57 17 8 *9 2 6 2 29 Fr i°. St Lawrence 4 16 7 J4 18 8 35 2 52 3 to Sat 11 Dog Days end 4 18I7 ji *9 8 57 3 27 3 49 Su I2 \ 9^/i iS'z/Tx. aft. Trinity 4 20 7 49 20 9 17 4 8 4 28 M 13 12lLGeo.IV.b. 1762 4 22 7 47|2I 9 43 4 49 5 14 Tu 14 4 24 7 44 22 10 4 5 38 6 0 W I 5 1 Assump. ofV.M. 4 26,7 41 23 10 46 6 22 6 55 Th i6Dkof Yorkb. 1763 4 2 8i7 39:24 11 31 7 28 8 13 Fr 17 Clock fast, 3' 35" 4 3 ° !7 37 2 5 morn. 8 58 9 34 Sat 18, 4 3 2 7 34,26 0 18 10 10 10 29 Su 19 10 thSund.af. Trinity 4 34 7 3227 1 J 9 10 48 II IS M 20| 4 36 7 29 28 2 24 11 31 11 49 Tu 21 Dk. ofClar. b. 1 ;6y 4 39 7 26 29 3 35 — 0 23 W 22 4 4 i 7 24 N. sets, aft. 0 40 0 57 Th 23 Clock fast, 2' 32" 4 43 7 21 I 7 8 1 16 1 35 Fr 24 St Bartholomew 4 45 7 18 2 7 28 1 52 2 7 Sat 2 5 4 47 7 16 3 7 50 2 24 2 41 Su 20 Ilth Sun.afterTrinity 4 49 7 13 4 8 6 2 58 3 13 M 27 | 4 51 7 10 5 8 35 3 34 3 54 Tu 28 St Augustine 4 53 7 8 6 9 4 4 16 4 37 W 29 St John Bapt. beh. 4 55 7 5 7 9 46 5 6 5 35 Th 3 °; 4 5 » 7 3 8 10 35 6 16 6 56 Fr ' 3 T Clock fast, 0'20" 5 0 7 0 9 11 37 7 46 8 36 SEPTEMBER begins on Saturday— 30 Days. Full Moon, Wednesday 5, at 2h 25m Afternoon Last Quarter, Thursday 13, at 5 h 34 m Morning New Moon, Friday 21, at 3k 16m Morning First Quarter, Friday 28, at 2h 36m Morning Sun enters Libra the 33d day, at 8 h 7' Evening Da 1 w. jrs. m. KALENDAR. SUN . rises, sets. M A. OON’s sets. TIDES, morn.! even. Sat I St Giles, A. C. Sh. 16A58 ro morn. I 9/*21 ,loh 7 Su 2 1 2thSun. af. Trinity 5 3 , 6 55 11 0 h 45 i° 3911 12 M 3 1 Partridge sh. beg. 5 5!6 52 12 2 13 11 3611 59 Tu 4 iLond. burnt, 1666 5 76 49 13 3 36 — — 0 29 W 5 Clock slow i f 35" 5 9 6 46 14 5 2 0 42 0 59 Th 6 7 Eunurchus, Bp. 5 11 6 44 15 rises,aft 1 16 1 35 Fr 7 8 Later Mary day 5 13 6 4 i 16 6 58 I 54 2 11 Sa 8'Nativity of V.Mary 5 1 5 6 38 n 7 23 2 27 2 44 Su 9 1 3th Sun. af. Trinity 5 17 6 35 18 7 42 3 2 3 20 M 10 5 20 6 33 [ 9 8 14 3 38 3 59 Tu 11 5 22 6 30 20 8 48 4 2,0 4 42 W 12 5 24 6 27 21 9 25 5 5 5 31 Th 13 Clock slow, 3' 59" 5 26 6 25 22 10 13 5 56 6 32 Fr 14 Holy Cross 5 28 6 22 23 n 5 7 2 7 39 Sat *5 5 30 6 19 24 morn. 8 17 8 5 i Su 16 :14 th Sun. afterTrinity 5 32 6 16 25 0 IC 9 26 9 55 M i7iLambert 1 5 34 6 14 26 1 21 10 24 10 48 Tu' 18 Clock slow, 6' 5" 5 36 6 11 27 2 29 11 1311 33 W| 19 Ember Week 5 38 6 8 28 3 42 II 54 — — Th' 20 Salmon Fish.ends 5 40 6 5 29 4 53 0 14 0 35 Fr ! 21 St Matthew 5 42 6 2 N. sets,aft. 0 53 1 11 Sat 22 5 44 6 c I 6 14 1 28 1 46 S “ ; ^3 13th Sun. af .Trinity 5 46 5 57 2 6 38 2 4 2 21 M| 24 23 Day & Night eq. 5 48 5 54 3 7 8 2 38 2- 56 Tu 25 Clock slow, 8' 50" 5 5 °i 5 5 i 4 7 44 3 17 3 39 W 1 26 St Cyprian 5 52 5 49 5 8 34 4 3 4 26 Th 27 29Q. of Wirtemb. b. 5 54 5 46 6 9 33 4 57 5 27 Fr|z8 29 Michaelmas 5 56 5 43 7 10 37 6 11 6 56 Sat 29 30 Hare Hunt beg. 5 59 5 4 C 8 11 56 7 40 8 25 Su I30 1 6 / 7 / Sun.afterTrinity 6 1 5 38 9 morn. 9 ^ 9 46 OCTOBER begins on Monday— 31 Days. Full Moon, Friday J, at 2h om Morning Last Quarter, Friday 12, at 12 h 54™ Night New Moon, Satuiday 20, at 3/1 23 m Afternoon First Quarter, Saturday 27, at 9 h 23** Morning Sun enters Scorpio the 24th day, at 4// Jim Morning Da] TV. rs. m. KALENDAR. SI rises. JN sets. M A. OON’s sets, m. Tir morn. )ES. even. M I Remigius, Bp. (>h 3 5hSS 10 I h 33 loh 12 JC//38 Tu 2 6 5 5 3 * 11 2 46 11 6 II 34 W 3 6 7 5 30 12 4 1 11 50 — — Th 4 Clock slow 11' 5" 6 30 5 27 13 5 14 0 16 0 34 Fr 5 6 12 5 25 14 6 35 0 52 1 8 Sat 6 Faith, V. & M. 6 14 5 22 15 rises,aft I 25 I 41 Su 7 17 Sun. aft. Trinity 6 16 5 19 16 6 14 I 56 2 16 M 8 9^St Denys, Bp. 6 18 5 l6 17 6 44 2 37 2 55 Tu 9 Aberd. Synod meets 6 20 5 13 18 7 24 3 13 3 29 W 10 6 22 5 II J 9 8 6 3 45 4 10 Ih 11 Old Michaelmas 6 5 8 20 8 57 4 35 5 1 Fr 12 6 27 5 6 21 9 56 5 25 5 53 Sat 13 Clock slow, 13' 34" 6 29 5 3 22 10 59 6 21 6 54 Su 14 I %th\Sund.af. Trinity 6 3 1 5 0 23 morn. 7 27 7 50 M 15 St Colman 6 34 4 57 24 0 7 8 29 9 7 Tu 16 6 36 4 55 25 1 16 9 56 10 14 W 17 Etheldreda 6 38 4 52 26 2 38 10 41 11 4 Th 18 St Luke 6 40 4 49 27 3 5 1 11 26 11 47 Fr 19 St Rule 6 42 4 47 28 5 5 — — 0 6 Sat 20 6 45 4 44 N. sets, aft. 0 26 0 46 Su 21 19/^ Sun. aft. Trinity 6 47 4 42 I 5 4 1 12 1 38 M 22 6 49 4 40 2 5 47 1 50 2 4 Tu *3 Irish Reb. 1641 6 5 1 4 37 3 6 30 2 25 2 45 W 24 Clock slow 15' 36" 6 53 4 34 4 7 28 3 5 3 26 Th *5 St Crispin, M. 6 55 4 31 5 8 36 3 50 4 15 Fr 26 6 58 4 29 6 9 58 4 45 5 16 Sat 27 7 Oi 4 27 7 10 57 5 54 6 33 Su 28 20 th Sun. aft. Trinity 7 3 '4 24 8 11 28 7 «4 7 55 M 29 28 St Simon St Jude 7 5 4 22 9 morn. 8 35 9 15 Tu 30 Abdn. College meets 7 7 4 20 10 1 49 9 46 10 17 l w 31 Clock slow 16' 12" 7 10 4 1 7 11 3 4 10 41 11 6 NOVEMBER begins on Thursday— SO Days; Full Moon, Saturday 3, at 4 h 49** Afternoon Last Quarter, Sunday 11, at %k 34** Evening New Moon, Monday 19, at 2h 55** Morning First Quarter, Sunday 25, at 5A 56*; Evening 'Days. Sun enters Sagittarius the 2 2d day, at 1 ih 39** Night Th Fr Sat Su M Tu W Th Fr Sat Su M Tu W Th Fr Sat Su M Tu W Th Fr Sat Su M Tu W Th Fr KALENDAR. SUN MOON’s TIDES. 7 . rises. sets. A, .sets , m, morn. [even. I All Saints, HallowE. Thi2 4 h 1 S 12 r aJi 1 19 J1A21 iiX 78 2 All Souls , Hallow day 7 14 4 13 13 5 32 11 51 , _ 3 Moon Eel. partly vis. 7 16 4 11 14 6 48 0 21 0 41 4 21st Sun. aft. Trinity 7 18 4 9 15 rises.aft 1 0 1 18 5 Gunpowder P. 1605 7 21 4 6 16 5 15 I 37 1 54 6 3 Prss. Sophia born 7 *3 4 4 17 6 2 2 12 2 31 7 St Leonard 7 35 4 2 18 6 56 2 5 ° 3 Q 8 Prss. Augusta born 7 *7 4 0 l 9 7 44 3 28 3 48 9 Clock slow, 16' 11" 7 29 3 58 20 8 37 4 8 4 29 0 11 St Martin, Term 7 32 3 56 21 9 47 4 50 5 14 I 22d Sun. after Trinity 7 34 3 54 22 10 58 5 38 6 5 2 Court of Sess. sits 7 37 3 5 ^ 23 morn. 6 32 7 7 3 Britius, Bp. 7 39 3 50 24 0 3 7 42 8 6 4 Clock slow, 15' 27" 7 4 i 3 48 25 1 21 8 32 9 5 5 Machutus c 7 43 3 46 26 2 41 9 40 10 14 J 7 Hugh, Bp. 7 45 3 44 27 4 2 10 48 11 18 7 47 3 42 28 5 14 11 46 ._ 3 Z^d Sun. af. Trinity 7 49 3 40 29 6 39 0 8 0 31 ) 3 Edmund, K. & M. 7 51 3 38 N. sets, aft. 1 0 1 24 7 54 3 37 I 5 13 1 42 1 56 C Clock slow, 14' 2 n 7 56 3 35 2 6 19 2 14 2 32 \ St Cecilia, V. 7 58 3 33 3 7 35 2 54 3 16 ] St Clement 8 0 3 3 i 4 8 52 3 40 4 4 I 23 Old Term 8 3 3 30 5 10 14 4 3 1 4 57 * 24 th Sun. aft . Trinity 8 5 3 29 6 11 32 5 27 5 56 ) 25 St Catharine 8 7 3 27 7 morn. 6 36 7 16 ' Clock slow, 12' 18" 8 9 3 26 8 0 56 7 54 8 3 i > 8 11 3 25 9 1 59 9 6 9 42 >1 >I*$V Andrew's Day 8 13 3 24 10 3 24 10 9 10 35 8 1513 23 11 4 37 10 581 11 20 B DECEMBER begins on Saturday— 31 Days. Full Moon, Monday 3, at io 4 310* Morning Last Quarter, Tuesday II, at 3 4 7 m Afternoon New Moon, Tuesday 18, at I 4 53m Afternoon First Quarter, Tuesday 25, at 5 4 37 m Morning Sun enters Capvicornus the 22d day, at I h u f Afternoon Da; TV . s. m. KALENDAR. SU rises. 'N sets. ^ <3 i [OON’s sets, m. T 1 D morn. ES. even. Sat I 84 17 3422 12 ~Sh 47 11439 11^59 Sa 2 Advent Sunday 8 18 3 2 L 13 6 49 — — 0 18 M 3 8 19 3 20 14 7 48 0 37 0 55 Tu 4 Clock slow, 9' 44 7/ 8 21 3 19 15 rises,aft I 13 1 32 W 5 8 22 3 l8 16 5 35 1 5 i 2 9 Th 6 St Nicholas, Bp. 8 24 3 l8 *7 6 33 2 27 2 45 Fr 7 8 25 3 l8 18 7 37 3 3 3 22 Sa 8 Conception V. Mary 8 27 3 17 1 9 8 43 3 41 3 59 Su 9 2 ,d Sun. in Advent 8 28 3 17 20 9 51 4 18 4 38 M 10 8 30 3 l6 21 11 2 4 57 5 21 Tu 11 Clock slow, 6 ' 42" 8 3 i 3 l6 22 morn. 5 44 6 10 W 12 Salmon Fish.beg. 8 33 3 is 23 0 1 6 35 7 15 Tli 13 St Lucy V. 8 34 3 15 24 1 30 7 55 8 34 Fr 14 8 36 3 14 25 2 52 9 12 9 49 Sat 1 5 8 37 3 14 26 4 4 10 19 10 54 Su 16 3New!ands iod Tullich G Clark 7 d 'Preftonpans T Clough led Turriff A Kemp 7 d Rachan Mill A Brydone iod Tyndrum P M‘Intyre I 2d Renfrew H Lang lid Tranent T Simpfon iod Rhynie J Paterfon 7 d Ullapool S M’Kenzie Hd Rothefay C Moore I id Whitburn A Wilson iod Radio W M‘William iod Whithorn Mrs Kindel I 2 d St Andrew’s G Mitchell 9 d Wick W Craig I2d St Bos. Green Mrs Scott 1 id Wigton S Gulline 12d By an act of the 53d Geo. III. repealing the mail coach ex¬ emption from tolls in Scotland, one halfpenny is charged on each letter conveyed any part of its progress in a mail coach, besides the ordinary rates of postage; but not to be doubled or trebled on double or treble letters. Soldiers’ and seamen’s letters, under certain regulations, pay id. at ingiving for single letters only. If id is not paid, or let¬ ters double, full postage charged. Letters to such places as have no regular packets, except the East Indies and St Helena, can¬ not be sent for id. ■ 34 Rates of Postage for a single Letter from Aberdeen to th following principal Tozuns in England. Alnwick - _ lid Falmouth - - l6d Northallerton 13d Arundel - . l6d Farnham - - 1 Norwich - - I^d Bath - - - 1 5 d Ferrybridge - 13d Nottingham i/jd Belford - lid Flamborough 13d Orford 15^ Birmingham - I4d Folkftone - - l6d Oxford I4d Bland ford - i6d Gainfborough 13d Peterborough I4d Blyth - - - I 2 d Gatelhead 12d Plymouth i6d Boroughbridge 13d Goiport •» - 16 c!: Poole - - l6d Bofton I 4 d Gravefend ifd Portfmouth i6d Bridgewater - I 5 d Grim (by - - 13d jprefton 13d Bridport - - i6d Guernfey - - l9d;Ramfgate l6d Brighton - - I 5 d Guildford - - 1 5 d Rippon 13d Briftol - I 5 d Halifax - - 13d Rochdale - 13d Bungay - I 5 d Harwich - - l6d Rye - - 13d Burlington - 13 ^ Hythe - - - l6d Scarborough 13d Burton on Trent I4d Holyhead - - I4d Sheerness J 5 d Bury, (Lane.) 13d Huddersfield - l3dSheffield - 13 d Carlisle - I id Hull - - - 13d Shields i2d Cambridge - I 4 d Ipfwich - - I 5 d Southampton l6d Chatham - - I 5 d Ifle of Wight l6d Stafford 13 d Cheltenham - I4d Jerfey - - - 2cd Stamford - i 4<3 Chefter - 13 ^ Kendal - - 1 2d Stockport - 13d Cockermouth 1 2d Kidderminfter I 4 d Stockton - 13d Colchefter - Lancafter - - I2d Sunderland 12d Colefhill - - I4d Leeds - - - 13d Torbay i6d Coventry - - I4d Leicefter - - I4d Truro - - l6d Cromar - I.S d Lincoln - - I4d Tynemouth 12d Darlington - 1 2d London - - I 5 d Uxbridge • I 5 d Dartford - - 15 ‘ > * Edinburgh 387. Edinburgh • Haddington - 16 371 Foussie Bridge 10 Dunbar - - 11 27 360 Bankhouse 11 21 Press - - - 14 41 346 Selkirk - - 15 36 Berwick - - 12 53 334 Hawick - - 11 47 Beltord - 15 68 3i9Moss-Paul 13 60 Alnwick - - 15 83 304|Langholm 10 70 Morpeth - - 19 102 285 Longtown 12 82 Newcastle - 14 116 270,Carlisle - - 10 9 1 Durham - - 16 132 257,Penrith 18 109 Darlington - 18 150 238 Shapp- - - n 120 Northallerton 15 165 223 Kendall - - 15 135 Boioughbridge 19 18 J 203' Burton - - 12 147 Wetherby 12 196 I 9 i ! Lancaster 11 158 Ferrybridge 17 213 i84Garstang - - 11 169 Doncaster 15 228 174 Preston - - 11 180 Barnby-muir 13 241 159 Wigan - - 17 197 1 uxtord - 10 251 146 Warrington - 13 210 Newark - 13 264 136 Grulam - - 10 220 Grantham 14 278 124 Brewert.-green 9 229 Colesworth 8 286 no Newcast. un. L. 14 243 Stamford 13 299 101 Stone - - - 8 251 IVaim tford 6 305 88^GreatHaywood 10 261 Stilton 8 313 82Litchfield 13 274 Bugden - 13 326 74 Coles-hill 15 289 Eaton - - 6 332 6 lCoventry 11 3co Bigilswade 10 342 55 Dunchurch - 8 308 Baldock 8 350 45 Daventry 12 320 ( Stevenage 6 356 36 Towcester - 8 328 Wellzvyn - 6 362 30 Stony Stratford 9 337 i Hatfield - - 6 368 24 Dunstable 20 357 Barnet - 8 376 *9 St Albans 12 369 1 London- - - 11 387 n Barnet - - 10 379 London - - 11 39 1 N.B .—Those in Italics are not the usual stages. 392 380 371 356 345 3 32 322 310 301 282 271 25 6 244 233 222 211 194 181 171 162 148 140 130 11 7 102 91 83 7 i 63 44 34 21 12 36 POPULATION of (he different Counties of SCOTLAND, from the Census of 1821 , with the Increase since 1811 . Counties. Males. Females. Total. Increase. Incr. ^ct. Aberdeen - - 72,383 83,004 155.387 20,312 14 Argyll- 47,77 5 49,541 97.316 n, 73 i 12 Ayr — - - - 61,077 66,222 127,299 23,345 21 Banff - - - - 20,193 23,368 43 , 56 i 6,893 17 Berwick - - - I 5 . 9 ? 6 17,409 33.385 2,606 7 Bute - - - - 6,474 7,323 13,797 1,764 13 Caithness - - 14,196 16,042 30,238 6,819 29 if Clackmannan, 6,356 6,907 13,263 1,253 9 Dumbarton - 13,046 14.271 27,317 3,128 ir Dumfries - - 33.572 37,306 70,878 7,918 11 Edinburgh - - 87,759 103,755 I 9 T » 5 I 4 42,907 28 Elgin - - - - 14,292 16,870 31,162 3,054 9 Fife. 53.540 61.016 T I 4,556 10,284 12 Forfar - - - - 52,071 61,359 1 ^ 3,430 6,166 4 Haddington - 16,828 18,299 35,127 3,963 11 Inverness - - 42,304 47.853 90 -I 57 11,821 14 ll Kincardine - 1 . 3,540 15.578 29,118 1,679 5 Kinross - - - 3,660 4,102 7,762 517 6 Kirkcudbright 18,506 20,397 38,903 5,219 14 Tan ark - - - 115,385 129,002 244,387 52,629 26 Linlithgow - 10,703 11,982 22,685 3,234 15 Nairn - - - - 4,082 4,924 9,006 755 8 Orkney &Shetl. 24,070 29,054 53,124 6,971 14 Peebles - - - 4,973 5,073 10,046 hi 1 Perth - - - - 66,033 73 ,oi 7 139,050 3-975 2 Renfrew - - - 5 L178 60,997 112,175 ^ 19 579 19 Ross&Cromarty 32,324 36,404 68,828 7,975 12 Roxburgh — 19,408 21,484 40,892 3,662 8 Selkirk - — 3,205 3,432 6,637 748 11 Stirling - - - 3 L 7 i 8 33.658 65,376 7,202 11 Sutherland - 11,088 12,752 23,840 211 9* 10 Wigton - - - 15,837 17,403 33,240 6,349 22 983.552 1,109,904 2,093,456 284,762 To the above statement, one fiftieth part may be added as the probable proportion of the army and navy. By so doing, the total population will amount to 2 , 135 , 395 . 57 CLERGY OF SCOTLAND , POPULATION OF THE PARISHES, A*£D PATRONS. Parishes . Patrons. High Church Old Church College Church New North Church Tron Church Tolbooth Church Town Council Old Gray Friars Lady Yefter’s New Gray Friars St Andrew's Canongate I. SYNOD of LOTHIAN and TWEEDDALE. 1. Edinburgh Presbytery . Ministers. f George Baird ( William Ritchie C Andrew Brown cTho. Macknight Walter Tait Robert Gordon 5 William Simpfon cAlex. Brbnton C T. Davidfon X Jqhn Campbell C Jonn Inglis t. R. Anderfon John Lee Wm Muir C David Ritchie X Andrew Grant Andrew Thomfon Henry Grey f Jo!m Gilchrifl X Walter Buchanan Heritors \ Sir H. Moncrieff Crown X David Dickson Ditto [ Population —112,235.] f James Grant, jun. Crown (porations X James Robertfon Kirk Session & Incor- W. F. Ireland John Thomfon James Grant George Muirhead John Somerville David Scott Lewis Balfour Andrew Duncan Alex. L. Simpfon D St. George’s Bellevue St Cuthbert’s Crown South Leith North Leith Duddingfton ► 26,000 Libberton Cramond Currie Corftorphine Colinton Ratho Kirknewton 3088 4276 1804 1715 1321 2019 1444 IJT3 Parish at large Marq. of Abercorn Ciown and Niddiy Ramsay pf Barnton T. Council of Edin. Sir R. Keith Dick Anti-Patron. Society Dr Davidson (Mort. Duke of Buc. & E. of a Linlithgow PaJmeny Well Calder Kirkliflon Polmont Ecclefmachen Carriden Falkirk Bathgate Queensferry 2. Linlithgow Presbytery . 4692'Andrew Bell Crown 1495 James Greig Earl of Roseherrv 1458 John Muckerfy Earl of Lauderda’e 2213 Adam Duncan Tait Crown 2i7ijJohn Ker 303 Henry Lifton l429 ! David Fleming 11,536j James Wilfon 3283 Samuel Martin 690|Thomas Dimma Borrowstounnefs30i8 Robert Rennie Mid-Calder Abercorn Whitburn Torphichen Livingfton Uphall Slamannan Muiravonfide 1410 1044 1900 1197 944 1016 981 1678 Ditto Earl of Hopetoun Duke of Hamilton Crown Earl of Hopetoun The Burgh Duke of Hamilton Lord Torphichen Earl of Hopetoun Bail lie of Polkemmel Lord Torphichen James M. Robertfon Earl of Rofeberry 1 John Ferguson Earl of Buchan Alex. Davidson Crown William Macall Ditto John Sommers H. Meiklejohn Graham Mitchell Biggar Culter Symington Dunfyre Walfton Dolphington Liberton Skirling Wandell and 1 Lamington J Covington and 7 Thankerton j Broughton,Glen- « holm,&Kilbucho ' 1727 467 47 * 29 o 39 2 236 785 345 3. Biggar Presbytery. 359 526 John Christison Alexander Watt John Smith William Meek John Wilson John Aiton Alexander Craik John Alpine Charles Hope Thomas Watson Hon. Adm. Fleming Kilbucho & Sir C.Ross Lockhart ofCarn wath Crown Lockhart of Carnwath Lord Douglas Lockhart ofCarn wath SirT G Carmichael C Lord Douglas t Bailie of Lamington £ Carnwath, and l Sir J C Anstruther Oswald of Auchen- r f Hamilton Paul 3 cruive 4. Peebles c'resbytery. Peebles 2705 John Elliott ^ Earl of Wemyss Lyne & Megget 176,Andrew Handyfide Ditto Linton 1194,Alexander Forrefter Ditto Drumelzier 293jJames Somerville Trotter of Ballendeai Stobo 413 Alexander Ker Sirja, Montgomery Eddlellone 8lo,Patrick Robertfon Lord Eiibank Kirkurd Manor Tweedfmuir Innerleithen Traquair Newlands Dalkeith Borthwick Crichton Cranfton Newbattle Laflwade Heriot Inverefk Pennycuick Cairnton remple Glencross Drmifton Fala Cockpen Newton Haddington Garvald Tranent Salton Bolton Pencaitland North Berwick Gladsmuir Yester Humbie Dirleton Aberlady Athelstaneford Prestonpans Moreham 35* 3*4 265 705 643 1041 5 . 5169 1343 H95 954 1719 4186 298 7836 1958 J5° TIC6 66l 779 405 1925 2150 39 David Anderfon William Marftiall James Gardner James Pate James Campbell Charles Findlater SirT G Carmichael Earl of Wemyss N. Col lege St Andrews Oswald of Auchin- Crown (cruive Earl of Wemyss Dalkeith Presbytery . William Scott Duke of Buccleuch Thomas Wright J. K. Cunninghame Walter Filher John Thomfon John Paton Alexander Welsh George Tod Thomas Colstoun Thomas Muir James Goldie William Torrence John Ramsay Archibald Singers James Grierson Dundas of Arniston Capt. Burn Callender Sir John Dalrymple Marquis of Lothian Sir George Clerk Sir John Dalrymple Duke of Buccleuch Sir George Clerk Earl of Roseberry Dundasof Arniston Tytler,WoodhouseIee Earl of Hopetoun City of Edinbro’ & SirJohnDalrymple E of Dalhousie (stone Wauchope ofEdmon^ 6. Haddington Presbytery, 5255 797 3366 834 315 1145 1694 1623 1100 837 1315 1033 909 20 55 241 C Robert Lorimer i William Sibbald John Sangfter John Henderfon Andrew Johnfton John Abernethy Angus M'Kellar R. B. Graham George Hamilton Daniel Wilkie James M‘Farlane William Stark John Smith William Ritchie Patrick Primrose John Steele Earl of Hopetoun Ditto Cr &M.ofTweeddale Crown Fletcher of Salton Lord Blantyre (land Hamilton of Pencait- Sir H. Dalrymple Crow n & E.Hopetoun Marq. Tweeddale Crown &E. Hopetoun Mrs Ferguson, Raith Earl of Wemyss Sir D. Kin loch Sir James Suttie Dalrymple of Hailes Dunbar Innerwick Whitekirk Oldhamftocks C ockburnfpath Stenton Pr^stonkirk Whittingham Spott 7. Dunbar Presbytery. $2 72'John Jeffray Duch.D. of Roxburgh 924'Adam Forman, jun. Mrs Ferguson, Raith 1048 James Wallace Cr. & E. Haddington 725 Robert Moore Hunter of Thurston 966 ( A Spence ,JStirling,^.Crown 687 David Logan Mrs Ferguson, Raith 1812 750 J. Thomson John Lumsden 582»Alexander Graham Dalrymple of Hailes Balfour of Whittingh, Hay of Lawfield II. SYNOD of MERSE and TIVIOTDALE. 8. Danse Presbytery. Dunfe 3773 G. Cunninghame (Greenlaw 1349 Abraham Home Eccles 1900 James Thomfon Foggo 469 Longformacus 402 Abbey St Bathans 150 Cranihaws 156 George Maclean George Bell John Wallace Prefton&Bonkle 787 Langton Polwarth 477 298 Hay of Drumelzier SirW.P H. Campbell Crown Ditto (macus Home of Longfor- Crown ames Hope Sibbald Watson of Saughton Arch. M‘Conechy Lord Douglas John Brown Cs. of Breadalbane * V Robert Home Sir W.P.H.Campbe! C.W. Home, A.fyS. Ditto 9. Cliirnsidc Presbytery. 1189 Thomas Logan Sir James Hall 1520 George Tough 2801 Robert Scott 302 George Chalmers , 527 Geo II. Robertfon Whitfom&Hilton 66 r Adam Landels Swinton Foulden Coldingham Hutton Edrom Eyemouth Chirnfide Ayton Coldftream Mordington Ladykirk Jedburgh Ancrum Hawick Wiltown 919 John Hunter 396 Alex. Christison 2675 James Landels 1118 John Edgar 1516 Alex. Cuthbeitson ^1165 John Turnbull 10. Jedburgh Presbytery. S'lS 1 T. Somerville Crown Thomas Campbell SirW.ScottofAnciur John Cochrane Duke of Buccleuch David Stevenson Ditto Crown Eail of Haddington Renton of Lamberton Crown (hill Benv of Whitesome- Crown Wilkie of Foulden Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto 1386 4387 1661 H own am Eckford Grading Southdcan Cavers Oxnam Kirktown Hobkirk Minto Bedrule Selkirk Roberton Bowden Yarrow Alhkirk St Bofwell’s Lilliefleaf Etterick Melrofe Galafhiels Maxton Kelfo Yetholm Roxburgh Morbattle Sproufton 41 32-7 1133 748 837 1504 693 315 65 a 47 ^ 344 f James Rutherford 7 Represen.of Ladies 1 G.B.Rutherford,yf. 5 Mary & Essex Ker George Gray David Brown John Richmond James Strachan John Hunter Crown Ditto & M. of Lothian Ditto & Lord Douglas Douglas of Cavers Crown Adam Laidlaw Benjamin Dickfon William Burn William Brown 11. Selkirk Presbytery. Ditto Ditto Earl of Minto Home of Ninewells *728 674 954 1249 , 544 636 779 485 3467 154. 463 John Campbell A. Nivison W. Balfour Robert Ruffed G. J. Hamilton Peter Craw David Baxter James Smith George Thomson Nathaniel Paterson John Thomfon 12. Kelso Presbytery . 4860 Robert Lnndie Duke of Roxburgh Duke of Roxburgh Crown Duke of Roxburgh Crown Earl of Minto Duke of Bucclcuch Duke of Roxburgh Lord Napier Duke of Buccleuch Scott of Gala (Don Sir A. Don of Newton l28oWilliam Blackie 926 James Hope 1070 Walter Morrison 1371 Ninian Trotter Stichell & Hume 852 1 Linton Makerfton Ednam Nenthorn Wauchope of Niddry Duke of Roxburgh Ditto Ditto (Campbell Crown & Sir W.P.H Pringle of Clifton Duke of Roxburgh Crown Ditto Lauder Earlfloun Weflruthef Smalholm Channelkirk Legerwood Stow 458 William Faichney 345 David Hogarth 601 Joseph Thomson 393 Gavin Wallace 13 Lauder Presbytery. 1845 Peter Cofens Earl of Lauderdale 1705 (David W. Gordon 870 W. Fleming 520|Thomas Clcghorn 730 J. Brown 476 George Cur.ples 1641) John Cormack D 3 Crown Ditto Bailie of Jerviswood Sir W.P.H. Campbell Kerr of Moristou Crown 42 6lo|James Duncan 74ojjames Paterson Scott of Harden Crown Annan Gratney Middlebie Dornock Ruthwell Cumbertrees Kirkpatrick? Fleming $ Hoddam Lochmaben Johnflone Kirkp.-Juxta St Mungo Applegirth Dryfdale Moffat Kirkmichael Tundergarth Wamphry Dalton Moufewald Hutton Langholm Canobie Caftletown Ewe 3 Weflerkirk Efkdalemuir III. SYNOD of DUMFRIES. 14. Annan Presbytery . 4486 James Monilaws " Johnflon of Anandale 1945 John Morgan 1874 Richard Nivison 743 Nicholas Sloan 1285 Henry Duncan 1561 Thomas Gillefpie Earl Mansfield Duke of Buccleuch Ditto Earl Mansfield Crown 1696 Alexander Monilaws 5 ??' 3n [| l Sir J. H. Maxwell 1640 James Yorfloun of * t Sharp of Hoddam 15. Lochmaben Presbytery. 2651 Thomas Gibfon Earl Mansfield I r 79 Robert Colvin Johnitonof Anandale 912 William Singer Ditto 709 Andrew Jameson Crown (Annandale 943 William Dunbar 2251 John Henderfon Sir W. Jardine, and Crown 2218 Alexander Johnflon Johnflon of Anandale 1202 James Srnaill 5l8Richard Paxton 554 Chailes Dickson 767 James Cririe > A. B. Murray } Jacob Wright 795 804 1 ^- J 16. Langholm Presbytery. Duke of Buccleuch Eail Mansfield Earl of Hopetoun Macrae of Holmains M arq. of Queensberry Johnston of Anandale 2957 3084 2038 314 672 65* William B Shaw James Donaldson Angus Barton Robert Shaw James Green William Brown Crown & D. of Bure. Duke of Buccleuch Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dumfries 17. Dumfries Presbytery. TT S A lexander Scott 7 ^ ’ 5 | l Thomas T. Duncan $ Crown Holywood 1004 Robert Kirkwood Crichton of Skeoch Carlaverock 1 2c 6jWilliam M‘Morine Marq. of Queen sberry Kirkp. Iron Gray 88ojAnthony Dow Oswald, Auchencrive Troqueer 4301 Kirkp. Durham 1473 Kirkgunzeon 776 Terregles 651 Kirkmahoc 1608 Tinwald 1248 Dunfcore 1491 Kirkbean 790 Colvend 1322 Torthorwald 1205 Lochrntton 594 Newabbey III2 Urr 2862 18 Penpont 1082 Keir 987 Glencairn 1881 Clofeburn 1682 Tynron 513 Kirkconnel 1075 Durriideer 1601 Morton 1806 Sanquhar 3026 Crown ^ Ditto 43 William Thorburn J David Lamont C R. Wallace,^. John Crocket George Heron John Wightman George Greig Robert Brydon Thomas Grierson Andrew M‘Cuiloch John Yorlloun Thoma? Inglis J. Hamilton John M‘Whir Penpont Presbytery. John Nivison Duke of Bucdeuch Maxwell of Tert egles Duke of Bdccleuch Ditto (Crown M. of Queensberry & Crown Duke of Buccleuch Ditto and Crown Marq. of Queensberry Duke of Buccleuch Crown Ditto William Menzies John Brown Charles Andeison James Wilfon * James Richardson George Wallace David Smith Thos Montgomery Ditto Ditto Menteith, Closeburn Duke of Buccleuch Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Wigton Sorby Kirkcowen Mochium MinnigafF Kirkmabreck Penningham Whithorn Glaserton Kirkinner Stranraer Ballantrae KirkcoJm Stonykivk IV. SYNOD of GALLOWAY. 19. Wigton Presbytery. 2042|Peter Young 1319.E. W. Davidfon l 783 [Anthony Stewart 1871‘John Steven 1923 J. G. Maitland 1519 John Sibbald 3090!Samuel Richardson 236i,Christop. Nichollbn 1057'Samuel Claraghan I488ijames Reid 20. Stranraer Presbytery . 2463 David Wilson Crown 1280 Thomas Burns Sir H. D. Hamilton 1821 William Rofe Earl of Galloway 3133 James Ar.derson Crown, Sc Garth! nd Earl of Galloway Crown Agnew of Shewchan Crown Ditto Ditto and Barholm Earl of Galloway Crown Ditto Agnew of Shewchan Old Luce Colmonell Inch Kirkmaiden Lefwalt New Luce Port Patrick Kirkcudbright Kelton Rerrick Buittle Crofsmichael Dairy Ballmaclellan Borgue Carlphairn Girthon Twynholm Partoun Kells Balmaghie Tongland Anwoth 195 7 John M‘Dowall Crown i98ojThomas Blair Sir H. D. Hamilton 2386 ( Peter Ferguffon Crown 2210 John Lamb Earl of Stair 2332 Andrew M'Cubbin Crown 609! William M‘Kergo Ditto 181 81 John M‘Kenzie H. Blair of Dunskey 2 1. Kirkcudbright Presbytery. 3377 2416 George Hamilton John McLellan 1378 James Thomfon 1023 1299 II 5i 912 947 474 189 5 783 845 1104 1361 890 845 Alexander M‘Gowan Sir J. Heron Maxwell Alexander Crofbie David Welsh Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto Gordon of Greenlaw Gavin Cullen James Gordon Thomas Cannan Robert Jeffrey John Williamfon James Rae James Maitland James Henderfon William Dow iThomas Tur'nbull Crown Ditto (well Do. & Sir J. H. Max- Ditto Earl of Selkirk Scott of Partoun Crown Gordon of Balmaghie Crown Maxwell of Cardoness V. SYNOD of GLASGOW and AYR. Hamilton Blantyre Cambuflang Strathaven Oldmonkland Kilbride (East) Cambufnethan Dalziel Newmonkland Stonehoufe Dalferf Glafsford Bothwell Shots 22. Hamilton Presbytery. 7613 iAlcx. a Fleming } Duke of Hamilton 2630 John Hodgfon 2301 John Robertson 5030 William Proudfoot 6983*William Thomson 3483'James French 3o86 Arcb. Livingfton 955 James Clafon 7362 James Begg 2054 1304 4844 3297 Hugh Dewar Lord Blantyre Duke of Hamilton Ditto Heritors & K. Session Crown Lockhart of Casrlehill Hamilton of Dalziel Parish Lockhart of Castlebill J.Craig, J. RufTe!,y^/?Duke of Hamilton Patrick Macbeath Lady Montgomery Mathew Gardiner Duke of Hamilton John Black Ditto 45 Irvine Kilbride (We; Kilbirnie Kilmaurs Ardroffan Fenwick Largs Beith Stewarton 7007 st) 1371 1333 1660 3105 1852 2479 4472 3656 23 . Irvine Presbytery. Kilmarnock 12,769 Dairy Dunlop Loudon Steven fton Cumbraes Dreghorn Kilwinning 3313 1097 3741 355 8 65 7 856 3696 John Wilson William Vessie Robert Urquhart John Roxburgh John Hendry William Boyd Jacob Richardson James Muir Charles B. Steven James M'Kinlay George Smythe Andrew Hamilton Eight Directors Thomas Johnston Laird of Blair Thomas Brilbane Eajl of Eglintoune Archibald Laurie Cts. of Loudoun (vie David Landfborough Grange &Auchinhar- James Adam Earl of Glasgow Robert Smith Lady Montgomery George Colville Earl of Eglintoune Earl of Eglintoune Ditto Ditto Lady Montgomery Ditto Earl of Glasgow Earl of Eglintoune Ditto (sh?.w Cunningham of Lain- Duchess of Portland Ditto 24 . Paisley Presbytery , PaifleyTown 28,000 Abbey Parilh 19,003 Greenock 22,088 Port-Glafgow Renfrew Erlkine Neilfton Kilmalcolm Kilbarchan Innerkip Houston Lochwinnoch Mearns Eaftwood Inchinnan CRobert Burns < John Geddes CJon, Rankine ^ Robert Macnair i Patrick Brewfter C Robert Steel -s John Scott CJ. Menzies 5262 James Barr 2646 Thomas Burns 973 Andrew Stewart 6549 Alexander Fleming 1600 Robert Cameron 4213 Robert Douglas 2344 Thomas Brown 2317 John Monteath 4130 Robert Smith 2295 George M'Latchie 5676 George Logan 582;Lauiance Lockhait Town Council Ditto Ditto Marquis of Abercorn Ditto Sir M. Shaw Stewart Ditto Directors City of Glasgow Crown Lord Blantyre Speirs of Elderslie Dr Anderfcn Sir W. M. Napier Sir M.Shaw Stewart Elderslie & Baruchan Heritors Sir M. Shaw Stewart Sir John Maxwell Campbell of Blythsw. Q. Inner High Outer High College Tron North West St. George’s Ct. Andrew’s St. Enoch’s St. John’s St. James’s Barony Gorbals Rutherglen Cumbernauld Carmunnock Cadder Camp fie Govan Kirkintilloch Kilfyth Cathcart Eagleiham Ayr Ochiltree Dundonald Stair Girvan Tarbolton Mauchline Barr Coylton Straiton Muirkirk Kirkofwald Sorn Auchinleck Maybole Dalrymple Gal I kon Daily 46 25. Glasgow Presbytery . L 4640 2864 637 2868 49*7 43 2 5 4580 4260 2056 *9 27 Duncan M‘Farlanc James Marshall John Lockhart Daniel Dewar Alexander Ranken John Smyth Gavin Gibb Patrick M‘Farlane Thomas Brown John Muir John Burns James M‘Lean John Dick John Watfon John Henderson Thomas Lockerby Norman Macleod Crown Town Council Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Crown Parish Town Council Lord Elphinstone Mrs Rae of Crawford Heritors &K. Session Crown 7455 Matthew Leishman University of Glasgow Adam Forman Hon. Adm. Fleming William Burns Crown David Dow Gordon of Aikenhead Hugh Davidson Earl of Eglintoune 26. Ayr Presbytery. ' Robert Auld Crown (Session Alexander Cuthill Town Council&Kirk 1573 John Lindfay 2482: John Macleod William Rorison Peter Macmafter John Ritchie 205 7 1 John Tod 83 7 E. B. Wallace Alexander Duncan Robert Paton A. Brown James [nglis John Stewart James Boyd John Paul Robert Steven Robert Stirling Alexander Hill 746 4490 75 1397 1292 2687 1847 3865 1524 5204 933 3442 2161 Bcswtllof Auchinleck Lad) Montgomery Earl of Stair Crown Earl of Eglintoune Countess of Loudoun Crown Ditto Ditto Css of Loudoun Crown Sommetville of Sorn Boswell of Auchinleck Crown Ditto Duke of Portland Crown Monkton r New Cumnock Riccarton Symington Dalmellington St. Quivox Craigie Kirkmichael Old Cumnock Newton Lanark Carftairs Wiftoun & Ro- bertoun Carmichael Crawfordjohn Carnwath Crawford Carluke Pittenain Lefmahagoe Douglas Dumbarton Lufs Cardrofs N. Kirkpatrick Kilmaronock Drymen Baldernock O. Kirkpatrick Buchannan Balfron Row Rofeneath Arroquhar Fintry Bonhill Killearn Strathblane 47 l744|John Onghterfon 1656 William Reid 21 22 JohnMoodic 744 T. S. Wharrie 976 Gilbert M‘Kilveen 5392 Stair M‘Quhae 803 John Stirling 2235 David Kennedy 2343 John Frafei 4027 27. Lanark Presbytery . Reid of Adamton Mar quis of Bute Sir W. Cunninghame Lady Montgomery Crown fcruive Oswald of Auchen- Campbell of Craigie Crown Marquis of Bute Town Council, &c. 7085 937 ^927 963 971 2888 1914 2925 490 559* *195 William Menzies George Munro Charles Wood William Lamb William Goldie James Walker John Rofs John Wyllie George Dickfon f James Hamilton C John Wilfon Alexander Stewart 28. Dumbarton Presbytery , Crown Monteath of Carstairs Cr. & Lord Douglas Sir John Anstruther MrColebrooke’s heirs LockhartofCarnwath Crown Lockhart ofCarnwath Sir J. Anstruther ^ Duke of Hamilton Lord Douglas 3481 IIJO 3105 2530 1008 1661 892 3692 763 2041 1759 754 William Jeffray Robert Carr Archibald Wilfon George Sym Andrew White Alexander Lochore John M‘Ewen William Macartney William Freeland Alexander Niven John M. Campbell Robert Story 3 76; Peter Proudfoot 1102 James Coulter 3003 William Gregor 1126 John Graham 748 William Hamilton Town Council Sir James Colqnhcun Crown Duke of Montrose CampbellofStonefield Crown Ditto Lord Blantyre Duke of Montrose Earl of Kin non I Duke of Argyll Ditto Sir Jjmea Colquhoun Duke of Montrose Ditto Ditto Ditto VI. SYNOD of PERTH and STIRLING. ' 29 . Dunkeld Presbytery . Dunkeld & Dow. 1915 Alexander Niven ~ Little Dunkeld 2977 Robert Allan 1915 David Duff 2103 Hugh M‘Dougal 2493 John Stewart 986 Henry Henderson 1617 Michael Stirling 942'William M‘Ritchie 3347jColin M‘Vean 2348 William Innerarity 3189' 3°95 Moulin Killin Blair in Athol Kinclaven Cargill Clunie Kenmore Caputh Fortingale Logierait Lethendie&Rinl. 823 1057 Rattrie Auchtergaven Kirkmichael Dull Weem 2478 Duke of Atholl Crown Duke of Atholl Earl of Breadalbane Duke of Atholl Richardson of Pitfour Crown (of Airly D.of Atholl&Ogilvie Earl of Breadalbane Crown D. of Atholl & Sir Neil Ditto (Menzies Crown Earl of Kinnoul 1551 4508 1354 | East ■5 I West / £ Middle f 1 St Paul’s j Methven Aberdalgie Collace Forgandenny St Martin’s Kinnoul St. Madoes Abernethy Arngafk Forteviot Robert McDonald Thomas Menzies Laurence Butter William Herdman C William Chalmers Crown \ lohn Burns, Asst. Ditto (canid Allan Steuart Farqulmsonof Inver- Archibald Menzies Crown James M'Diarmid Sir Neil Menzies 30 . Perth Presbytery. fames Eifdale 19,068 2904 49 ° 691 913 1004 2674 331 1701 680 797 Scoon Errol Moneidy Dron 2155 2887 1178 5*3 Samuel Kennedy William Thomson John Finlay Thomas Clark William Garvie J. Rogers fohn Willifon William Constable Lewis Dunbar Thomas Kennedy David Duncan William Lang R. J. Robertson Magistrates and Council William Aitken fames Grierfon James Somerville Alexander Ifdale Smyth of Methven Crown & E. Kinnoul ^ Crown Ditto Crown & E. Mansfield Eat 1 of Kinnoul c Richardson of Pitfour \ Earl of Mansfield a Low of Fordel 1 ( Un. of St. Andrews & X Belches of Invermay Earl of Mansfield Allen of Errol Lord Lynedock Ciown r" Dumbarney Kilfpindic Rhynd Tibbermore Redgorton Kinfauns 49 1164 John Anderson 722 I 426 . 1634 1589 1 802 . Sir D. MoncrlefTe Robertson ,Tulebelton Earl of Wemyss Crown Earl of Mansfield Ditto Auchterarder MonivajrjJ & Str. 946 Muckart Glendovan ' Blackford Maderty Fofsaway Comrie Crieff Monzie Gaik Muthill Foulis Dunning Trinity Gaik David Black J. Traquair Thomas Tayloi William Litton James M‘Laggan 31. Auchterarder Presbytery. 2870 Charles Stewart Earl of Kinnoul Colin Baxter Ditto and Crown C Andrew Gibfon Crown cThos. Nelson, A. Ditto John Brown Ditto John Clark Moray of Abercairny John Edward Tough Earl of Kinnoul 704 139 1892 7M 1344 2614 4216 1167 522 2862 Stirling St. Ninians Gargunnock Clackmannan Peter Brydie Patrick M‘lfaac William Laing Samuel Cameron Thomas Young James Walker 2224|Alexander Maxton 1876 James Russel 679, James Burgh 32. Stirling Presbytery. 1 f J. Marshall 1 ■J Archibald Bennie >The.Xown Christopher Greig Robert Buchanan Robert Moodie Grahams of Kinross Crown & E. Kinnoul Lady Gwydir Crown Ditto Ditto Moray of Abercairny Earl of Kinnoul Ditto 7314 8274 862 4056 Larbert&Dunip.4659'John Bonar Dollar Alloa Alva Airth Bothkennar Denny 1295 Andrew Mylne 5577!james Maxton 1150 James Smith 1900 John Macgachen 895 John Caw 3364 John Dempfter Dunblane Balquhidder Lecropt Aberfoyle 33. Dunblane Presbytery. Parish (nock Edington of Gargun- Lord Dundas Crown Crawford Tait, Esq. Crown Johnstone of Alva Graham of Airth Ditto Crown 313^" John Grierson 12241 Alex. M‘Grigor 513 Peter M‘Laven 730 Patrick Graham E Crown Sir J. E. M. M'Grigor Stirling of Keir Duke of Montrose Kippen 2029 Kilmadock 3150 Tulliallan 3558 Logie 2015 Tillicoultry 1163 Callender 2031 Kincardine 2388 PortofAIenteith 1614 50 William Anderfon Patrick Murray Andrew Bullock Robert Clafon Henry Anderfon Peter Robertfon Alexander Gray Wm M‘Gr. Stirling Erskine of Cardross Lady Gwydir Lady Keith Earl of Dunmore Wardlaw of Tillicoul- Crown (try Lady Gwydir Erskine of Cardross Kirk aid y Ballingray Burntifland Auchterderran Portmoak Weems Auchtertool Kennoway Markinch Dyfart Kinghorn Leflie Scoonie Abbotlhali Kinglaflie Dunfermline Saline Kinrofs Inverkeithing Dalgety Cleifh Orwell Carnock Aberdour Culross Beath Torryburn VII. SYNOD of FIFE. 34. Kirkcaldy Presbytery . 445a John Martin 287 James Greig 2136 C. A. Watson i488 ( Anrirew Murray 1354 Hugh Laird 415 71 John Maclachlan 536David Guild 1649 Patrick Wright James Sievwright 4661 1658 ^443 2200 2042 3267 1027 Crown Jobfon cf Lochore Crown Boswell of Balmuto Graham of Kinross City of Edinburgh Earl of Moray Crown Ditto f Peter Brother fton Earl of Rosslyn (_John Thomson Ditto Adam Paterfon James Nicol George Brewfter John Murray Lord Glam mis Earl of Rothes Crown Ferguson of Raith J, M. Cunnyngham Earl of Rothes 35. Dunfermline Presbytery . 13.681 1123 2563 C Allan MT.ean C Peter Chalmers William Forfar G. Craig Buchanan 2512 Andrew Robertfon 912 ! John Scott 564! William Dalling 2529 James Wemyss 113 61 1489.William Bryce I 5 And. B. Duncan 434 j cJohn Balfour 7 291 James Ferguson J443iThomas Millar Crown Ditto Ditto Grahams of Kinross Sir Robert Preston Earl of Moray , Young of Cle : sh Graham of Kinross Erskine of Carnock Earl of Morton Lady Keith Sir Robert Preston Eail of Moray Erskine of Carnock 51 36. Cupar Presbytery , Cupar Kettle Balmerino Dunboig Abdie Flifk Strathmiglo Creigh Monymeal Cults Coleflie Newburgh Kilmeny Auchtermuchty Logie Dairfie Moonzie Ceres Falkland 5892 2046 9 6 S C L. Adamfon t John Birrell Peter Barclay Andrew Thomfon 176 James Keyden 834 301 1842 394 1227 8J3 1030 2190 731 Laurence Miller John Fleming George Benner Alexander Lawfon Samuel Martin Thomas Gillespie David Ogilvie David Williamfon H.D, Cook Andrew Melville Alex. M‘Arthur Alexander Kidd St. Andrew’s 4899 St. Leonards Anftruther Eaft. Anftruther Weft. Crail Pittenweem Kilrenny Leuchars Kemback Kilconquhar Kingfbarns Dcnino Carnbee Cameron Ferry Forgan Largo Newburn Ellie St. Monance 2754 James Lifter 440 J89 209 2840 Jofeph Creighton 2459 William Thomson 37. St. Andrew's Presbytery . J Robert Haldane Crown C George Buift 513 James Hunter 1090 Robert Wilfon 429 Andrew Carftairs 1854 Andrew Bell 1200 Charles M. Addie 1494 James Brown 1731 David Watfon 634 James Macdonald 2317 William Feme 998 Geoige Wright 343 James Roger 1048 Anstruther Taylor 1068 Thomas Adamfon 1461 William D. Swan 937 Alexander Maule 2301 Robert Brown 398 Thomas Laurie 966 James Clerk 912 Robert Swan Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Earl of Mansfield Lord Dundas Earl of Mansfield Grant of Congalton Earl of Leven U. Col. of St Andrew’s Johnston of Lathrisk Leys, & E. Mansfield U. Col. of St Andrew’s Bruce of Falkland Crown Anti-Patron. Society Lady M. Crawford Ditto Bruce of Falkland Town Council Crown Sir John Anstruther Ditto Lady M. Crawford Sir John Anstruther Ditto Crown Un. Col. St Andrew’s Earl of Balcarras Lady Mary Crawford Un. Col. St. Andrew’s Sir R. Anstruther Crown Ditto Ditto Durham of Largo Halkct of Lawhill Sir John Anstruther Crown 52 VIII. Dundee SYNOD of ANGUS and MEARNS. 38. Dundee Presbytery » r Ar. M‘Lachlan ~) Pat. M‘Vicar | James Thomson [ 30,575 Inchture 985 > Alex. Peter David Murray ^Charles Adie AlexanderDavie David Cannan 465 ! John Spence William Maule Robert S. Walker George Winehouse ^■Town Council Strath m.&Mains 1779 Kinnaird Monikie 1325 Longforgan 1544 Auchterhouse 632 LifF and Benvie 2621 George Addison Monyfieth 2107 William Johnston Abernyte Murroes Tealing Lundie & Foulis 269 James Wilson 629 John Currie 725 George Tod 809 T Raitt, T Irvine, A. Meigle Lintrathan Alyth C’upar-Angus Airly Bendorhy Kingoldrum Essie & Nevy Kettins Ruthven Glenisla Blairgowrie Newtyle 39. Meigle Presbytery. Crown Ditto & Strathmartin Crown Ditto Ditto Ogilvie of Airly Lord Gray & Crov n Hon. William Maule Crown Ditto Ditto Viscount Duncan 847|James Mitchell 941 George Loudon 2569 William Ramsay 2622 John Halket Robert Aikman > Thomas Bartie ’ William Haldane . James Miller ; David Symmers 313 Patrick Bartie 1144 James Martin 2253 James Johnston 796IJ. Moon 981 766 517 664 1215 Forfar Inverarity Kirriemuir Oathlaw Glammis Kinnettles Cortachie 5897 966 5056 405 2009 566 40. Forfar Presbytery . Crown Ogilvie of Airly Crown Ditto Lord Glammis Crown Ditto Mr Mackenzie Crown Ditto Ditto M‘Pherson & Lindsay Mr Mackenzie William Ciugflon William Rankine Thomas Easton Lewis Littlejohn JamesLyon Robert Lunan 990 William Ogilvy Town of Forfar Fotheringh.ofFowrie Lord Douglas Eail of Aboyne Lord Glammis Crown Ogilvie of Airly Rescobie Aberlemno Dunnichen Tannadice Aberbrothock Carmylie Barry Lunan Panbride Kirkden Guthrie St. Vigeans Kinnell Inverkeilor Arbirlot Brechin Montrose Maryton Fern Menmuir Lethnot Strickathrow Edzel Lochlee Farnwell Dun Carraldstone Craig Logie-Pert Fordoun Fettercairn Kinneff Marykirk Arbuthnot Dunnottar Bervie 53 Lord Glammis Crown and Smyth of Crown (Methven NewCol. St Andrew’s 874 William Rogers l04cUames Mitchell 1433 James Headrick 137s [John Buist 41. Aberbrothock Presbytery . o 1 ^ George Glegg Crown 15972 l Tho. Doig, Asst. Kirk Session 1073 William Robertlon 1357 John Kirk 306 Robert Barclay 1275 David Trail 813 David Carruthers 555 John Bruce 5583 John Muir 732 George Walker 1785!Alexander Carnegie Ditto 1062 Richard Watson Ditto 42. Brechin Presbytery. J James Burns Crown l George Whitson Ditto C Robert Smith ^ Joseph Paterson Andrew Ferguson David Harris William Cron Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Guthrie of Guthrie Crown Ditto 5 9° 6 10,338 476 411 889 538 580 1043 57 ^ 599 605 240 1545 1012 Ditto Town Council Crown Ditto Erskine of Balhall Alexander Symmers Crown Robert Hannah Crown &E.ofKintore Andrew Hutton David Inglis James Wilson John Adie David Lyell James Brewster Thomas Hill Ditto Ditto Ditto Countess of Cassi’is Skene of Skene Col. of St. Andrew's Crown and Ditto 43. Fordoun Presbytery . 3375 1572 1036 1839 928 1797 1092 James Leslie Crown Alexander White Ditto Pat. Stewart, A. Stewart, a si.sue .— Ditte James Shand Crombie of Phesdo James Milne Viscount Arbuthnot John Glennie Crown John Glcgs Ditto E 3 Newdeer Rathen Longside St Fergus Crimond Strichen Lonmay Fraserburgh Tyrie Peterhead Aberdour Pitsligo Turriff Monquhitter Garnery Forgue Alva Fyvie Forglen King Edward Drumblade Inver keithnie Auchterless Fordyce Banff Cullen Deskford Rathven Boyndie Ordequhill Huntly Botriphnie Rothiemay Keith Mortlath Cairnie Grange 32 r1[Hugh Taylor 1926 William Cock 2357 William Greig * 356 James Anderson 900 William Boyd 1968 Alexander S mpson 1589 Charles Gibbon 2831 John Cumming 1584 G. Alex. Simpson 6313.William Donald 1495 George Gardiner 1345(Alexander Farquhar Crown 50 . Turriff Presbytery. 2406'James Cruickshank Earl of Fife 1918 Alexander Johnston Ditto 37i6|Thomas Wilson Garden of Troup 2000 Alexander Allardyce Morison of Bognie Crown Lord Saltoun Crown Ditto Earl of Fife Strichen Gordon of Buthlaw Lord Saltoun Ditto Crown Dingwall of Brucklay 1079 James Sangster 3002 John Falconer 75 o 1822 871 5 77 1538 Laurence Moyse William Findlay Robert Brown James Milne George Dingwall 51 . Fordyce Presbytery. Sir G. Abercrombie Gordon of Fyvie Sir G. Abercrombie Crown Earl of Kintore Auchintoul Hatton Alex. Humphry F. W. Grant George Innes Walter Chalmers James Gardiner Alexander Milne John Innes 3*45 3835 1451 693 5364 1290 j—- — X. SYNOD OF MORAY Earl of Seafield Ditto Ditto Ditto Hay of Rannes Earl of Seafield Ditto 52 . Stratkbogie Presbytery. 3349 57 * ii 54 3926 2044 1854 1482 6 * Rhynie and Essie 776 James Walker Alexander Angus James Thomson Morris Forsyth William Cowie William Duff William Allardyce Duke of Gordon Earl of Fife Ditto Ditto Crown D.ofGordon, E.cf Fife Earl of Fife Ditto 57 Glass 888 John Cruickshank Duke of Gordon Marnoch 2210 William Scronach Earl of Fife Bellie 2235 William Rennie Duke of Gordon Gartly 979 John Robertson Ditto 53 . Abernethy Presbytery . Abernethy 1968 Donald Maitin Earl of Seafield b Kingussie 2CC4 George Shepherd Duke of Gordon Kirkmichael 1570 Alexander Tulloch Earl of Seafield Alvie 961 John Macdonald Duke of Gordon Cromdale 2897 Gregor Grant Earl of Seafield Duthil 1739 William Grant Ditto 54 . Aberlour Presbytery. Aberlour 1059 Alexander Wilson Earl of Fife Boharm 1206 Lewis G. Forbes Earl of Fife & Cr< Rothes 1642 George Cruickshank Earl of Seafield c Inveraven 2481 William Grant Ditto P Knockando 14x4 William Asher Ditto 55. Elgin Presbytery. Elgin St. Andrews DufFus Alves Birnie New Spynie Speymouth Drainie Urquhart 5308 934 1950 947 384 996 1401 1060 1003 C William Gordon C Alex. Walker William Leslie John Gordon Duncan Grant James Paterfon Thomas Caiman James Gilh.n Richard Rofe James M‘I.ean Crown Ditto Spynie,&E. of Moray Sir Archibald Dunbar Earl of Moray Ditto Carnegie of Spynie E.of Moray & Altyre A1 tyre Earl of Fife Forres 3540 Kinloss 1071 Rafford 970 Edinkillie 1233 Dollas 1015 Dyke and Moy 1460 Nairn Auldearn Ardclach Jjj Calder Ardersier Croy 56. Forres Presbytery. Thomas Hoyes Earl of Moray William Rcbertfon E.of Moray & Lethen George Mackay Burgie and Lethen Thomas Macfarlane Earl of Moray William Tulloch Cumming of Altyre Mark Atkins Crown&GrantofMoy 57. Nairn Presbytery* 3228,James Grant 15213jWilliam Barclay i287|Hugh Macbean U2ojAlex2nder Grant i387;Prycc Campbell 15381 A. Campbell Brodie Ditto Lethen Lord Cawdor Ditto Ditto and Kilravock Inverness Petty Dores Daviot Kiltarlity Moy Kirkhill 58 5 8. Inverness Presbytery- ( Thomas Fraser Crown 12,264 < Alexander Rose C Alexander Clark 1758 William Smith 1573 David Fraser 1750 James Macphail 2429 Colin Fraser 1332 James Maclachlan 1572 Donald Fraser Frafer of Lovat Crown Earl of Moray Lord Cawdor Crown & Ditto Fraser of Lovat M'Intoih of Gcddes Frafer of Lovat Rofemarkie Kilmuir-wefler Kirkmichael Cromarty Avoch Kilearnan Tain Fearn Kilmuir-eafter Kincardine Logie-eafter Nigg Eddertoun Tarbet Rosskeen Dingwall Urray Fodderty Contin Urquhart Kilmorack Kiltearn Alnefs XI. SYNOD OF ROSS. 59 Chanonry Presbytery. 1571 *973 1201 2649 1821 I37i Alexander Wood Crown Roderick Mackenzie M‘KenzieofCromaity M k Kenzie ol Newhall Crown Sir J. W. M'Kenzie Mackenzie, Cromaity Donald Sage Alex. Stewait James Smith John Kennedy 60 . Tain Presbytery , 2861 Angus M‘.lntoIh 1654 Hugh Rofs 1381 Charles Matthefon 1811 Hector Allen 813 Neil Kennedy X436.Lewis Rose v/iuwu 915'Alexander Cameron Mackenzie,Cromarty l625jWilliam Forbes Cr.&M‘Kenzie,Newh 258 i|D. Carment M‘Kenzie, Cromarty 61 . Dingwall Presbytery. 2031 Hedtor Bethune Crown (marty 2731 Donald Macdonald Mackenzie of Cro- M‘Kenzie, Cromarty Crown ► Mackenzie,Cromarty Crown 1952 1930 2822 2862 *454 1270 C. J. Bayne — Downie John Macdonald Simon Frafer Thomas Monro Alexander Flyter Ditto Crown Forbes of Culloden Fraser of Lovat Crown M‘Kenzie, Cromarty XII. SYNOD of SUTHERLAND and CAITHNESS. 62. Dornoch Presbytery. Dornoch 3loclAngus Kennedy Countess Sutherland Rogart i986|John Mackenzie Ditto ■■nil » 59 Lairg 1094 Dune. M‘Gi!livray' ) Golfpic 1036 Al. Macpherson j - Countess Sutherland Loth 2008 Donald Ross ' \ Criech *35 4 Murdoch Cameron Ditto and Crown Kildonan 565 James Campbell Countess Sutherland Aflynt 2803 Charles Gordon Ditto ' Clyne 1874 Hugh M'Kenzie Ditto V 63 . Tongue Presbytery . Tongue l736|William McKenzie Crown Durnefs 1004'William Findlater Ditto Farr 1994 David Mackenzie Countess Sutherland Edrachilles 1229 John Mackenzie Ct own Latheron Rcay Bower Cannifby Dunnet Thurfo Watten Olrig Wick Halkirk Inverary 64 . Caithness Presbytery . 6575 3815 i486 2128 1636 4045 1158 1093 6713 2214 George Davidson David M Kay William Smith William Milne Thomas Joll e William Macintofli Alexander Gunn North Knapdale 2654 South Knapdale 1913 Sir James Colquhonn Crown Sir James Colquhoun Sinclair of Freswick Sir James Colquhoun Sir John Sinclair Sir James Colquhoun | William Mackenzie Ditto Robert Phin Sir Benjamin Dunbar 2646 John Munro Sir James Colquhoun XIII. SYNOD OF ARGYLL. 65 . Inverary Presbytery . 'James M‘Gibbon Duke of Argyll Paul Frafer Ditto _ Angus M‘Lean,^.Ditto Craignifh Kilmichael Kilmartin Dunoon Kilmodan Kilfinnan Lochgoilhead Strachur Roth fay Kingarth Inverchoalan 901 4583 Crown Ditto Duke of Agryll (illan Campbell of Auehin- Duke of Argyll Colin Campbell Duncan Rankine Francis Stewart Dugald Campbell 1452 Hugh Dewar 66 . Dunoon Presbytery. 2l77iJohn Campbell Duke of Argyll 73l|Donald Campbell Ditto 1839 Donald M‘Nicol Lamont of Lamont 1130 Donald M'GUlivray Callander of Ardkinlas Do. & Maclachlan of James Denoon (Maclachlan 1204 5709 65 i 890 Joseph Stuart Hugh M'Tavifli ^ Marquis of Bute 60 Southend Killean Ki leal monel Kilbride Kilmorie Gigha and Cara Kildakon Campbelton Jura & Colonsay 2168 Saddel&Skipness 2191 Kilchoman Killarrow Kilbrandon Kilchrenan Ardchattan Kilninver Glenorchy JLifTmore Kilmore and Kilbride 67 . Kintyre Presbytery , 2004|Donald Kelly 3 ^ob'Donald Macdonald C Duke of Argyll 3578 John M‘Arthur j 2714 Allan M'Naughton Duke of Hamilton 3827 Angus M‘ Mill an Ditto 573 Malcolm Macdonald Duke of Argyll 2427 Arch. M*Tavish Crown / f Donald Smith 9 ° 10 t John Macdougall / ~ f A „ Alex. Kennedy ° V Duke of Argyll H. M*Laurin j Crown James Macintofli Ditto 68. Lorn Presbytery. 3966 577s 2644 1071 2494 1086 1936 4103 Alexander Beith William Frazer Hugh Fraser Donald Campbell |ohn M*Kellar John Stewart ► 275° Tiree & Coll Torofay Morven Ardnamurchan Kilfinichen Kilninian Patrick M‘ In tyre 69 * Mull Presbytery Duke of Argyll Ditto Campbell of Lochntil Argyll & Breadalbane Ditto Duke of Argyll Ditto 5445 Niei Maclean 2288 Alexander Frafer 1995 John Macleod 5422 J. Patience 3967^003^ Campbell 4357lDonald M‘Arthur Duke of Argyll Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto XIV. SYNOD OF GLENELG. Urquhart Kilmanivaig Laggan Kilmallie Bollelkine 70. Abertarph Presbytery. 2822 2842 1234 5527 2096 James D. Smith M. Mack ay Duncan Mdntyre William Frafer Gairloch Lochcarron Kintail 71. Lochcarron Presbytery. Earl of Seafitld Disputed Ditto Lochiel Fraser of Lovat 4518 1932 1027 James RufTell John Mackenzie James Morifon ^ Crown Glenflnel Lochbroom Glenelg Applecrofs Lochallh 61 768jJohn Macrae 455 c |Thomas Rofs 2807 Colin M‘Iver 2793 John M‘Queen 2492 Hector Maclean Holm r" Deernefs 79. Sky Presbytery. [Crown, Patron.] Kilmuir 3387 R. M‘Gregor Strath 2619 J. Macinnon Snizort 2789 Mai. Macleod Stromnefs Small Ifles 1620 Don Maclean Portree 3174 Coll Macdonald Sleat 2608 A. M‘Iver [Macleod of Macleod, Patron.] Duirnilh 4147 James Soutter Bracadale 2103 Rod. M'Leod 73 . Uist Presbytery. [Crown, Pation.] South Uift 6038 George Monro Barra 2303 Al. Nicholfon North Uift 4971 F. Macrae [Macleod of Harris, Patron.] Harris 3909 Alex. Bethune 74 . Lewis Presbytery. [Crown, Patron.] Uig 2875 Alex. M‘Leod Stornoway 4119 John Cameron Barvas 2568 Wm. Macrae Lochs 2669 Alex. Simpson XV. SYNOD of ORKNEY. 75 . Kirkwall Presbytery. [The Parish, Patron. Kirkwall & ,fW. Logie St. Ola • 5240 t jol.nDun [LordDunda9, Patron,] Evie 1408 J.Duguid Ronaldfay 2231 John Gerard Crown M Kenzie, Cromarty Grant of Waternish Crown Ditto 773 Andrew Smith 1558 James Smellie 76 . Cairs ton Presbytery . [Lord Dundas, Patron.] 8874 Wm.Cloufton Grtsmfay 508 G. Hamilton Orphir 906 Francis Liddle Birfay 2245 A. Anderfon Firth 1141 Wm. Malcolm Heddell of Mellsetter, Patron.] Walls 949 Jas. Brcmner 7 . 7 . North Isles Presbytery. [Lord Dundas, Patron.] Shapinfhay 779 John Barry Weftray 1947 John Armit R.oufay 1151 James Paterfon Stronfay 1686 John Simpson Crofs 1400 Wm. Grant Lady Parifti 880 Walter Traill 78 . Zetland Presbytery. [Lord Dunda9, Patron.] Walls 1991 Dav. Thomfon Unft 2598 James Ingram Dunroflnefs 3798 Tho. Barclay Netting 2005 John Inches Delting 1818 John Paton Yell 1729 John Finlayfon Tingwall 2309 John Turnbull Fetlar 1586 CharlesCowan Brefiay 1585 Geo. Marshall N. Maving2264 Wm. Waifon Lerwick 2578 John Menzies Sandfting 1884 John Bryden [In the Established. Church of Scotland there are 15 Synods , 78 Presbyteries , and 877 Parishes.—The Population of Scotland , according to the Returns made in 1821 , is 2 , 093 , 456 .] F 62 Bengal Established Abroad. $ James Bryce Calcutta 1814 j Madras Fort St George . Bombay 4 James Brown J Alex. Webster X George James Laurie J James Clow 4 Joseph Lawrie CHAPELS of EASE in the Edinburgh Presbytery. L. Glenorchy’s, T. S. Jones St. Cuthbert’s, Patrick Clafon Hope Park, J. Forbes Stockbridge, Jas Henderson Canongate, John dark Leith Wynd, Wm Simpson Gaelic, Dun. M*Caig Leith, Jo. Colquhoun Portobello, John Glen Dunfermline Presbytery. Dunfermline, G B Brand Aucktera* der Presbytery. Avdoch, Jo. M‘Farlane Dunblane Presbytery. Thornhill, John Sommers Gartmore, Alex. Leitch Perth Presbytery . Perth (Gaelic) D. M‘Farlane Abernethy Presbytery. Granton Vacant Lorn Presbytery. Oban Vacant Chanonry Presbytery. Cromarty (Gael.) Alex. M‘Leod Dundee Presbytery Dun.StAndrew’s,Gavin Parker Chapelihade, Wm Johnstone Gaelic, C. Macalister Aberbrothock Presbytery. Abeibrothock, Vacant Jedbu rgh Presbytery. Caerlanrigg, Gavv. Turnbul CHURCH of SCOTLAND. Ayr Presbytery. Catrine James Currie Aberdeen Presbytery , College, Aber. Gordon Footdee St Cle-x T , t jJohnlhomfon ments / Belmont-street ?'\ c f L-Wm. Leith, A, Gilcomston, James Kidd Trinity, David Simpson Union, William Lyon Gaelic, H. M’Kenzie Deer Presbytery. New Pitsligo John Sharp Fordyce Presbytery. Enzie James Leslie Portsoy D.Ctuickshank Inverness Presbytery. Inverness, Rob. Findlater Glasgow Presbytery. Cannon Street J. M‘Leod St John's, Jos. Somerville St George’s, Peter Napier Gaelic, John M‘Lanrin Do. New, Robert Clark Calton, IVatt. Graham Hope St. < Gael.) Alex Beith Mary-Hill R. M. Wilson Anderston, D. Macfarbne Gorbals, K. M Kenzie Shettlestown, J. J. Macfariane Chrystone James Young ■r Lanark Presbytery Lcadhills, Tho. Anderson Paisley Presbytery . Gaelic, Walter Blair Johnstone, Alex. Teller Port-Glasgow, John Parker Gieenock (Gacl.)Ang. Macbean 63 Do. Blackhall St. Nath. Morren Hamilton Presbytery. Airdrie, J Finlayfon Dunoon Presbytery. Rothsay, David Fraser Penpont Presbytery. Wanlockhtad, — Swan In England in Connexion with the Church of Scotland. Presbytery of London. London Wall Wm Manuel St Vincent-st. J. Crombie Woolwich John Blythe Swallow-st. Hatton Garden Edward Irving North - West of England Presb. Workington John Selkirk James Lawrie Walter Fairlie William Rintoul James Paton ^Andrew Wilson Brampton Whitehaven Maryport Longtown Liverpool Old Northumberland Presbytery. Alnwick William Goldie Lowick Etal Glanton Israel Craig David Atken — Kirkton Bavington Alex. Trotter Haltwhistle James Stevenson Bewcastle — Lauder Liverpool, Old 1 „ . , ham street j Hugh Ralph Birmingham J. G. Crosbie Presbytery of Newcastle . f Silver-st. W. B. Smith P. | Blackett-st. John Smellie « j High Bridge Robert Fergu 9 £ j Wallknoll And. Robson Gateshead H. Murray LGioat Mkt. D. M‘Indoe North Shields C. Thomson South Shields Chas Toshach Sunderland Jo. Livingston Monk wenrmouth John Wood Seaton Sluice William Leitch New Northumberland Pres . Ministers not yet formed into any Presbytery. Berwick upon Tweed » Low Meeting John Crambe High Meeting James R. Brown Tweedmouth James Lawrie Northumberland , &c. Hexham Ja. Richardson Falstone John Gray Longframlington A. Richardson Wigan Wm. Dinwoodie Wark — Slate Warenford Belford Thropton Stamfordham Branton Harbottle Widdrington Wooler Morpeth Felton Spital Crookham Alnwick A. Hutchison Marcus Dodds George Gibb James Bryce N. Blythe James Paterson Daniel Hunter James Mitchell George Atkin Alex. Hoy — Whitehouse Thomas Hall Joseph Rate "T7 64 In Ireland in Connexion with the Church of Scotland. Dublin James Carlisle In Connexion with the Church of Scotland Abroad . Canadas Nova Scotia f Quebec Montreal Lochiel Williamston Kingston Cornwall Merchantown , Halifax Pictou New Brunswick 5 |°^, n S , l St Andrew s New South Wales Sydney Ditto Portland Head India Bombay Jamaica Kingston Demarara Georgetown Ditto Ditto Bermuda James Harkness f James Sommerville J Henry Esson 1 Edward Black C.John Burns John MLaurin John M‘Kenzie Plarry Leith Archibald Connal CEbenezer Renny s John Martin f Donald A. Fraser < Hugh M'Leod C Kenneth Mackenzie j George Burns 2 Alexander MacLean John D. Laing John M‘Garvie John Stevenson James Wordie C Archibald Brown 2 iEneas Gunn Francis Dickson Ministers of the Church of Scotland on the Dutch Establishment. Amsterdam Dordregt C Alex Mackintosh 2 A. B. Mackey James Morgan Rotterdam JWm Macphail 2 James Anderson Middleburg — Morrison MISSIONARIES employed by the COMMITTEE for managing the ROYAL BOUNTY. Abertarpk Presbytery. Fort Augustus Jo. Macintyre Glcnmoriston Ardgour, &c. James Stewart Glengary D. Macdonald Lochaber, &c. Donald Leitch Aberlour Presbytery. Glenrinnes Alex. Falconer Glenlivet Francis Walker wm i 65 Caithness Prtsbylcrif . Halkiik, &c. Finlay Cook D unhid Presbytery. Rannoch Ja. Fergusson Amnlree Dune. B.Forbes Grandtully Alex Campbell Dingwall Presbytery. Contine A. M'Donald Dingwall Inverness Presb. Strathglass James Nicol Elgin Presbytery. Pluscardine Ja. Thomson Burghead — Waters Forjar Presbytery. Clova, &c. WilliamOgilvy Inver ary Presbytery. We st Sho,e°f? Akx Macnab Lochnne y Inverary Kintyre Presb. Tarbert, &c. Alex. Cameron Kincardine O'Neil Presb. Braemar, &c. P. Drummond Tullich, &c. — Cameron Kincardine O'N.fy Alford Presb. Corgarf Wm Forbes Lewis Presbytery. CarJowry Alex Simpson Lochcarron Presbytery. Kishorn, &c. Rod. M‘Rae Knoydart Lorn Presbytery. Glenco, &c. DM'Naughton Lorn and Mull Presbytery. Strontian Al. Anderson Mull Presbytery. Arisaig, &c. D. Maccallum Ulva, &c. Kintraa, &c. Ken.M‘Kenzie Salen, &c. Alex. Ferguson Sky Presbytery. Vaternish Rod. Reid Lyndale, &c. Col. M'Kenzie Eynort John Nicolson Rum, &c. Alex Macleod Tain and Dornoch Presbytery. Kincardine, &c. W Robertson Uist Presbytery. Elarris John Bethune Benbccula, &c. Dun. Maclean Sanday, &c. WmMacqucen MISSIONARIES employed by the SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Presbytery . Abertarph Caithness Dunkeld Tongue Lochcarron Turriff Uist Parish . Kilmaillie Latheion Kenmore Fortingale Killin Duirness Loclibroom King Edward South Uist Station. Fort William Berriedale Lochtayside Glenlyon Strathfillan Eriboll Ullapool Newby th St Kilda Name. C.John Eayne A. Cook Colin Hunter John M‘Alister Alex. M l Dougai Alex. Ross Gilbert Brown REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD .—[3 Prelbyteries.] North Eastern Reformed Presb. ILoanhead W Anderson Edinburgh William G©old|Chirnfide P Macindoe F 3 66 Kelfo Stewart Bates Dunfermline Vacant Strathmiglo Vacant Petth& Dundee Vacant Stirling Lautifton Airdrie Wishawtown Douglas Vacant Hugh Young [Crooked Holm Darvel | New Cumnock Eaglesham Adam Brown A M Rogcrson Vacant Vacant Southern Reformed Fresh. Penpont Tho Rowatt Thos Halliday i Newton Stewart James Reid Arch Maflon ; Whithorn Vacant John Milwaine Daily&Colmonell John Weft Western Reformed Presb. Stranraer WmSymington Glafgow D Armftrong Urr John Oshurn Kilmalcolm W. Maclachiau Quarrelwood John Jeffray Lorn Vacant IForeftaud Elk -1 Paifley Prof. A Symington I dale Muir £ • Vacant The UNITED ASSOCIATE STNOD of the SECESSION CHURCH — [19 Presbyteries ] Moderator —Rev. Robert Mutter, Duke Street, Glasgow. Synod Clerk —Rev. William Ividston. Professors of Divinity , Rev. John Dick, d.d., and Rev. John Mitchell, d. d , Glasgow, Divinity Hall opens at Glasgow, 1 st Wednesday of August. 1 . Edinburgh, f Brought on James Hall ” 5 * | Nicolsonft J Jamiefon o j Bristo St. James Peddie j Portsbro' And. Lothian ^ J PotlerroivJavnc? Ritchie v (_Rose St. John Brown, jun. ^ f Kirkgate Va ca n t •< St Andrew John Smart, jun ►5 C Bridge St. James Harper Portobello Wm.C. Arneil Mufielburgh Alexander Black Dalkeith, 1 con.Thomas Biown 2 con.Robert Buchanan Ford Andrew Elliot Dunbar, 1 con^Alexander Jack 2 con. Andrew Bayne Weft Linton Robert Rcnwick I Eaft Linton H. Jamiefon | Tranent Wm Parlane Haddington(l)Benoni Black 2 con. William Hogg Mid-Calder Alex. Duncan Eaft Calder Altx. La.vrie North Berwick George Brown Pennyceick Patrick Comrie John Belfrage Wm. M‘Ewan George Sandy D. Carruthers James Keith Slate ford How'gate Gorebridge Queensfcrry Fala Peebles, 1 stcon.Thomas Adam 2 d con.D. Stalker Bathgate Kirkwall Stronfay Stromncfs Holme (Sanda S. Ronaldsha Robert Morrifon Robert Paterson James Mudie Andrew Wyllie Thomas Christie John Crew ford Vaca'nt Westray George Reid 2 . Coldstream. Norham Thomas Young Coldftream Adam Thom for? Kelso Robert Hall Dunfe, 1 con. J. jVTGilchtist 2 con. John Thomson Horndean William Lee Berwick, 1 con. Robert Baimer 2 d con. William Young Ayton, 1 con. David Ure 2 d con. James Stalk N. Sunderland George Dickfon Coldingham Rob Mac'aurin James Robertfon Walter Hume David Inglis Robert Cranston David M. Inglis Wilharn Maclay John Thomfon David Paterfon 3. Selkirk. William Lourie Andrew Lawson Jedburgh,lcoo.William Nicol 2 con. James Clark . Hawick, 1 con. Andrew Rodgie con. James Henderfon 67 Whitehaven Langholm Lockerby Maryport Great Salkeld\^ & Plumpton/ Kendal Alex. Marshall Halfmorton Vacant 5 . Newcastle. Newcaflle, 1 c. William Syme J. Smith • Wooler Yetholm Greenlaw Morebattle Stockbridge .^t’tchel ;»Bedford , Alnwick , Lander , Selkirk , Stow j Midholm , Galafhiels Earlfton . Lilliesleaf Newtown , Melrose Robert Hay James Inglis J. Henderson William Lauder Patrick Bradley Wm Rutherford Tho. Williamson 4 . Annan and Carlisle. Penrith Liddifdale .Ecclefechan Car lifle Annan Henry Thomfon John Law George Johnston Richard Hunter James Dobbie Robert Hogg John Dobbie Vacant Hugh Milvain jVacant 2 con - \ 'A. D. Gillort 3d con. James Pringle c o ci • u V T.Thorburn South Shields < J T C Henry Lawson North Shields Thomas Gilmour Sunderland, 1 c. Vacant 2 con. David Duncan Bellingham Alex. Brown Whitby George Young N. Middleton Walter Bell Waiisend Robert Neil Blyth Vacant 6. London. C Well's St. Alex. Waugh < Oxen d on S. Wm Broadfoot C Moor F. James Gray Manchefter Robert Jack Liverpool John Stewart Ramsbottom George Brown Dukensfielil John Ranuay 7 . Glasgow. f Grey Friars John Dick I - j no \Wm Kidston CampieUS Erash Anderston John Mitchell jj? , John Hobson Jo. Nowell, Fr.Neale Paisley , Greenock,and Port Glasgow, George Marsland George Turner William Wilkinson Aberdeen District. I Inverness , J.Shipman ,Chairman CharlejLL. Adshead Aberdeen , John Shipman Henry Hickman Peterhead , William Orson Dundee and Perth , Henry Davis Edward Walker Arbroath , Montrose, and Brechin , John Wilson William Harvie Banff, Elgin Keith, John Smedley George North Shetland Ist.es District. Jo. Lewis, Chairman Lerwick, John Lewis Joseph Lowtbian Walls $ Sand ness, William Weirs North Moving and Del ling, William Langridge Yell , Unst, <£ Eetlar t Janies C. Hindson Andrew M‘Intosh METHODIST AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Aberdeen District, President—The Chairman of the District. Committee—The Preachers of the Diftrict, the Circuit Stewards and Office-bearers. Treasurer—Robert JafFray. Secretaiies—Robert Bowman and Robert Webster. G Wmmmmu 76 INDEPENDENT CHURCHES in Connection with the CONGREGATIONAL UNION of SCOTLAND Lothian , Linlith.fy Stirlingshires -a N. College J John Aikman Street (.John Cleghorn W Albany Street Gilb. Wardlaw Leith Musselburgh Haddington Dalkeith Blackburn Linlithgow Falkirk Grangemouth Stirling Callender Geo. D Cullen John Watson William Ritchie Alex. Arthur John Hamilton Alex.WKnowlcs D. B Mackenzie Wm Watson James Marshall Peter M'Laren Dundee David Russel Broughty Ferry Hugh Fraser Lanark, the West.fy South. Shires. J5 Nile Street Greville Ewing Paifley Rob. M‘Lachlan Kilmarnock John Campbell Cambullang Vacant Lark h all Tho Alexander Helensburgh John Arthur Oban John Campbell Arran Alex. Mackay Islay Mai. M‘Lauren ' Clachan G. Murrah Greenock John Hercus ] Auldkirk Thomas Low Ayr Alex. M‘Lean i Muirkirk John Boag ] Dumfries Vacant ] Gatehoufe Arch. Millar ] Garlleston Thomas Smith ] Fife } Fei'tkf Angus-shires, §c. 1 Alloa John Hill i ICiikaldy Rob. Aikenhead ^ Leven John Elder 1 Earlsferry John Puller v Anstruther Vacant * St. Andrew’s Wm Lothian II Forgan Thomas Just |b Lochee Vacant Perth Vacant Aberfeldie Vacant Killin, &c. Vacant Dunkeld John Elack Blairgowrie John Lyall Kirriemuir Rob. Machray Letham Wm. Lindsay Arbroath Vacant Monti ofe Vacant Sauchieburn J. M'Kinnon Bervie James M c Kenzie Aberdeen , and Northern Shires . jj George Street Alex. Thomson < Frederick St. RichardPenman Printfield Kiel M‘Kechnie Blackhills, Skene John Smith Inverury Crichie Ellon Peterhead William Brown Jas. Robertfon Vacant James Scott Jofeph Gibb Vacant i Alex. Begg John Hill m D. Morison J. Cruicklhank John Munro Niel M'Niel John Martin James Dewar James Kennedy Alex. Dewar Robert, Caldwell Alex. Ewing C David Ramsay Geo. Robeiteon George Reid James Tulloch 77 UNIVERSITIES OF SCOTLAND. ST. ANDREWS Founded 141a. Lord Viscount Melville, Chancellor —Sir Walter Scott, Rector . UNITED COLLEGE OF ST. SALVADOR AND ST. LEONARD. Francis Nicoll, Principal. Crown —Patron. Robert Briggs Medicine Univerfity Thomas Chalmers Moral Philofophy 1 Thomas Jackson Natural Philofophy £ United College Thomas Duncan Mathematics Crown J.Hunter, T. Gillespie Humanity Dss. of Portland Andrew Alexander Greek 7 James Hunter Logic j United College William Ferrie Civil Hiftory Earl of Caffilis st. mary’s, or new college. Robert Haldane, Principal, John Mitchell Divinity George Buist Church Hiftory Archibald Baird Oriental Languages 3 GLASGOW—Founded 1450. Duke of Montrose, ll.d. Chancellor. T, Campbell, Esq. Lord Rector — A. Campbell, m. r. Dean of Faculty ► Crown Duncan Macfarlane, Principal. Stevenson MacgiJl Divinity Gavin Gibb Josias Walker D. K. Sandford George Jardine William M‘Turk James Mylne William Meikleham James Millar Robert Davidfon James Cooper Lockhart Muirhead Thomas Thomfon Richard Millar Robert Freer James Jeffray W. J. Hooker John Burns John Towers Oriental Languages Humanity Greek Logic Church Hiftory Moral Philofophy Natural Philofophy Mathematics Civil Law Pra&ical Aftronomy Natural Hiftory Chemiftry Materia Medica Medicine Anatomy Botany Surgery Midwifery G 3 Crown ► College, &c. Crown - College, &c. ^ Crown Crown College, &c. Crown ABERDEEN. king's college.— Fc vndtJ 1494. The Duke of Gordon, Chancellor —Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Rector, William Jack, iW£a/. ■> Patron the College Hugh M‘Pheison, Sub-Principal. J Duncan Mearns Divinity Mod. of Synod, &c. Alexander Dauney Civil Law James Bannerman Medicine . . _> , C Humanity, Chemistry, Patrick Forbes £ ao Town Coancil ► Crown l Town Coancil James Russel George Ballingall Robert Biair Andrew Coventry Robert Christison Macvey Napier 79 Clinical Surgery ^ Military Surgery > Cruwn Aftronomy j Agriculture TownCouaciI,&c. Medical Jurisprudence Crown Conveyancing Town Council 1 ABERDEEN—mariscbal college.— Founded 1593 . Marquis of Huntly, Chancellor —Sir James M‘Gregor, Rector . Alex. Thomson, Esq. Advocate, Dean of Faculty. William Lawrence Brown, Principal. Crown— Patron . William L. Brown Divinity Town Council George Glennie Mor.Philofophy& Logic Crown Robert Hamilton ) Mathematics J. Cruicklnank, Asst . j William Knight Natural Philofophy James Davidson Natural Hiftory John Stuart Greek James Kidd Oriental Languages Charles Skene Medicine George French Chemiftry - Medical Classes of Kings and Mariscbal Colleges . Anatomy and Physiology - - - Dr Ewing Materia Medica, Pharmacy, & Dietetics Dr Henderfon Surgery, and Surgical Pathology - - Dr Blaikie Scots Law.Alex. Thomson, Esq. GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the CHURCH of SCOTLAND. Right Hon. Lord Forbes, his Majesty's High Commissioner. Rev. Dr T. Taylor, moderator Rev. Dr T M‘Knight, ad clerk Tho Burnett, Esq. purse-bearer Rev. Dr Lee, conjunct clerk Sir John Connell, procurator, John Murray, W S. agent Town Council Crown Sir Alex. Ramfay Crown College and cashier for the church Rev. Dr A Duncan, ifl clerk J Spottiswoode. agent, London Jo. Waugh, printer and flationer The Assembly meets Thursday 17th May 1827. TRUSTEES for MINISTERS WIDOWS. ( 1744 .) Prefbvtery of Edinb. and Profeffors of the Univerfity, Managers . Rev. Sir H.M. Wellwood, Collector —Wm. Stcvenfon, Clerk. SOCIETY for the SONS of the CLERGY.—(1790.) Right Hon. the Lord Advocate, President. Charles Tawse, Treasurer— Sir Ilenry Jardine, Secretary SOVEREIGNS AND PRINCES OF EUROPE. GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. GEORGE IV. King (King of Hanover), &c. born 12th, and created Prince of Wales 17th August 1762; appointed Prince Regent February 1811; succeeded his father George III. 29th ^ .... jo-ii wy niiuiu mr uaa issue, Princess Charlotte Augusta, born 7th January 1796; mar¬ ried, May 2, 1816, llis Royal H ighness Leopold George Frede¬ rick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thurio- guen. Prince of Cobourg of Saalfield, born 1790. She died 6 th November 1817. llis late Majesty, by Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburgh Strelitz (who died 17th Nov. 1818), had also the following issue: 2. Frederick, born 16th August 1763; Duke of York, &c. 27th November 1784 ; Titular Bishop of Osnaburgh ; Comman¬ der in Chief; Field Marshal, &c. Married, 29th September 1791, Frederica ChaHotte Ulrica Catherine, Princes* Royal of Prussia, born 7'h May 1767, sister to the present King, and cousin to Queen Caroline ; she died 6 th August 1820. No Isrue. .. HHMHViYleiningen. . Charlotte Augusta Matilda, bom 29th Sept.‘l766, (Lady of of the Russian order of St. Catherine). Married, 18th May 1797, Charles William, King of W r ir!emberg, whodied 1816. No issue. 5. Edward, born 2 d November 1767; Duke of Kent, &c. 23d April 1799; K. G. Field Marshal. Mai ried, :9ch May 1818, and remarried in England 11 th July, Princess Maria Louisa Victoria, Dowager of Leinengen, sister to Prince Leopold. Died 23d Ja¬ nuary 1820. issue, Princess Alexandria Victoria, boru 24th May 1819. 6 . Sophia Augusta, Princess, bo:n 8 th November 1768. EJtzabeth, Princess, born 22 d May 1770 ; married,7th April 1818, 1 hilip Augustus Fred. Prince of Hesse Homberg.-No issue. 8 . Ernest Augustus, born 5th June 1771; Duke of Cumberland, &c. 23d April 179£; K. G., F. M. Married, 28th Aug. 1814, re¬ married in England 29Ui May 1815, the Dow. Princess of Sal ms, daughter of Charles, late Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, his Geo * # red ' Alex - Char. Ernest Aug. born 27th May 1819. * 9. Augustus Frederick, born 27th January 1773 ; Duke of Sus¬ sex, &c. 7th November 1801. 10. Adolphus Frederick, born 24th Feb. 1774; Duke of Cam- bridge, 2/th Nov JfcOl; G. K. & 1 . M. Ac. Mar. 7 th May, and lemariicd to l.nglaud 1 st JuuelSlS, Princess Augusta, daughter of Pnnce Frederick of Hesse, born 25th July 1797. Issue, Prince George William Frederick Charles, bom 26th March 1819; and Princess Augusta Charlotte, born at Hanover, July 19, 1822. 11. Mary, Duchess rtf Gloucester, born 25th April 1776. Mar¬ ried to her cousin the Duke of Gloucester.—No issue. 12. Sophia, Princess, born 3d November 1777. 13. Octavius, Prince, born 23d Feb. 1779; died 3d Mav 1782. 14. Alfred, Prince, born 23d Sept. 1780; died 26th Aug. 1782. 15. Amelia, Princess, born 7th Aug 1783; died 2d Nov. 1810. Issue of the late Duke of Gloucesteu, the King’s uncle. 1. Sophia Matilda, born 29th May 1773. 2. W illiam Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, bom 15th January 1776; succeeded his father, William Henry, 25th August 1805; married, 2id July 1816, his cousin, Princess Mary. FRANCK. CHARLES X. King of France and Navarre, horn Oct. 9,1757, married Nov. 6, 1773, Maria Teresa, sister to the KingofSardi- Frincesofthe Blood: 1. Henri Ducde Bourdeaux, (a posthumous son of the late Due de Berri, next brother to the Dauphin.) 2. Louis Philippe, Due d’Orleans, born Oct. 6, 1773, married Nov. 25,18C9, Maria Amelia, daughter of the King of Sicily ; — Issue , Ferdinand, Due de Chartres; Louisa, Duchesse d’Orleans; Mary, Duchesse de Valois; Louis Cha., Due de Nemours; Maria Clementina; Francis Ferd., Due de Joinville; Charles Ferd, Due de Penthtevre; and Henry Eugene. Due de Aumale. 3. Louis Henry Joseph, Due tie Bourbon, born April 13,1756. RUSSIA. NICHOLAS, Emperor of all the Russia?, and King of Poland, born 1796, marrried 1817, Alexandra, formerly Charlotte, daugh¬ ter of the King of Prussia, born 1798 ; Issue: Alexander, born 1818; Mary, born 1819; Olga, born 1822. Princes of the Blood: Constantine, born 1779; Maria, Princess of Saxe Weimar; Ann, Princess of Orange; and Michael. AUSTRIA. FRANCIS 11. Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia, &c.; horn 1768. Married, 1st, 1788, Eliza. Princess of Wirtemberg, died without issue, 1750. 2d, 1780, Maria Theresa, his cousin, dr. of the king of the Two Sicilies, died 1807. Issue, Ferdinand, Crown Prince, born 1793, Francis Charles Joseph, 1802, and five daughters. 3d, 1808, Maria, his cousin, daughter of Archduke Francis, Duke of Modena, died 1816. 4tb, Charlotte, daughter of the King of Bavaria. Elected Emperor of Germany 15th July 1792; but relinquished that title in 1804 for his present one. PRUSSIA. FREDERICK WILLIAM 111. King, (Sovereign of Bran- 82 dcnhurgh, &c.) ; born 1770; succeeded his father, Fred. Wm. II. 1797 ; married, 1793, Louisa, daughter of Charles Duke of Meek- leuburgh Strelitz, who died 1810, leaving issue, Fred. William Crown Prince, born 1795; three o Marquis of Donro Marquis of Chandois Earl of Wiltfhire Earl Wycombe Earl Gower 1720 Sackville Germain D. of Dorfet Earl of Middlefex 1756 Pelham ClintonDukeof Newcaftle Earl of Lincoln 1766 Percy Duke of Northumberland Earl Percy 1814 Wellefley Duke of Wellington 1822 Temple Duke of Buckingham MARQUISSES— 17 . 1551 Paulet Marquis of Winchefter 1784 Petty Marquis of Lanfdown 1786 Gower Marquis of Stafford 1787 Townfhend Marquisof Townfhend Earl of Leicefter 1789 Cecil Marquis of Salisbury Vifcount Cranburn Thynne Marquis pf Bath Vifcount Weymouth 1790 ^Hamilton Marquis of Abercorn Vifcount Hamilton 1793 Seymour Conway M. of Heitford Earl of Yarmouth 1796 *Stuart Matquis of Bute Earl of Windfor 1801 Cecil Marquis of Exeter Lord Burleigh 1812 Pratt Marquis Camden Earl of Brecknock Compton Marq. of Northampton Earl Compton 1815 Paget Marquis of Anglesea Earl of Uxbridge Cholmondeley MofCholmondeieyEarl of Rockfavage 1816 Rawdon Haftings MofHaflings Earl ofRawdon 1821 Bruce Marquis of Aylesbury Earl Bruce 1826 Harvey Marquis of Bristol Earl Jermyn EARLS — 103 . 1442 Talbot Earl of Shrewfbury Lord Talbot 1485 Stanley Earl of Derby Lord Stanley 1529 Hastings Earl of Huntingdon Lord Hastings I 551 Herbert Earl of Pembroke Lord Herbert 1603 Howard E. of Suffolk & Berkshire Vifcount Andover 1617 Egerton Earl of Bridgwater 1622 Fielding Earl of Denbigh 1624 Fane Earl of Weflmoreland 1626 Bertie Earl of Lindfey 1628 Grey Earl of Stamford Finch Earl of Winchelfea Stanhope Earl of Chefterfield Tufton Earl of Thanet 16 5o Montague Earl of Sandwich 1661 Coningbsy Earl of Edex Brudenell Earl of Cardigan Howard Earl of Carlifie 1662 *Scott Earl of Doncafter Vifcount Brackley Vifcountt Fielding Lord Bnrgerlh Lord Bertie Lord Grey Vifcount Maidflone Lord Stanhope Lord Tufton Vifcount Hinchinbroke Vifcount Malden Lord Brudenell Vifcount Morpeth Lord Tyndale 87 1672 Cooper Earl of Shaftefbury 1679 Berkeley Earl of Berkeley 1682 Bertie Earl of Abingdon Windfor Earl of Plymouth 1690 Saunderson Earl of Scarborough 1695 NafiTau Earl of Rochford 1696 Keppel Earl of Albemarle 1697 Coventry Earl of Coventry Villiers Earl of Jerfey 1706 Poulett Earl Poulett 1711 Harley Earlof Oxford & Mortimer Shirley Eatl Ferrers Legge Earl of Dartmouth I7 r 4 Bennet Earl of Tankerville Finch Earl of Aylesford 1718 Cowper Earl Cowper Stanhope Earl Stanhope 1719 Sherrard Earl of Harborough 1721 Parker Earl of Macclesfield Fermor Earl of Pomfret 1722 # Graham Earl Graham 1729 Waldegrave Earl Waldcgrave 1730 Alhburnham Earl of Afhburnham 174 I Stanhope Earl of Harrington 1743 Wallop Earl of Portfmouth 1746 Greville Earl Brooke & Warwick Hobart Earl of Buckinghamlhire Fitzwilliam Earl Fitzwilliam 1749 Wyndham Earl of Egremont Harcourt Earl Harcourt 1752 North Earl of Guildford 1753 Cornwallis Earl Cornwallis 1754 Yorke Earl of Hardwicke Vane Earl of Darlington 1756 Fox-StrangwaysEarl ofllchefter 1761 Well Earl Delaware 1765 Bouverie Earl of Radnor Spencer Earl Spencer 1766 Pitt Earl of Chatham 1772 Bathurft Earl Bathurft Hill Earl of Hillsborough 1776 Villiers Earl of Clarendon Lord Afhley Vifcount Durficy Lord Norrevs Lord Windfor Vifcount Lumley Vifcount Tunbridge Vifcount Bury Vifcount Deerhurft Vifcount Villiers Vifcount Hinton Lord Harley Vifcount Tam worth Vifcount Lewilham Lord Offulfton Lord Guernfey Vifcount Fordwich Vifcount Mahon Lord Sherrard Vifcount Parker Lord Leominfter Lord Belford Vifcount Chewton Vifcount St. Afaph Vifcount Peterfham Vifcount Lymington Lord Brooke Lord Hobart Vifcount Milton Lord Cockermouth Vifcount Nuneham Lord North Lord Brome Vifcount Royfton Vifcount Barnard Lord Stavordale Vifcount Cantalupe Vifcount Folk done Vifcount Althorye Vifcount Pitt Lord Apflev Vifcount Fairford Loid Hyde 88 1784 Neville Earl of Abergavenny ♦Gordon Earl of Norwich Chetwynd Talbot Earl Talbot Grofvenor Earl Grofvtnor 1786 ♦Murray Earl Strange 1789 Edgcombe Earl Monntedgcumbe Fortefcue Earl Fortefcue 1790 Digby Earl Digby Percy Earl of Beverley 1792 *Murray Earl of Mansfield 1793 Herbert Earl of Carnarvon 1796 Jenkinfon Earl of Liverpool 180 c Cadogan Earl Cadogan Harris Earl of Malmesbury 1801 St. Clair Erfkine Earl of Rofslyn Craven Earl of Craven Onflow Eatl of Onflow Marfliam Earl of Romney Pelham Eail of Chichefler Egerton Earl of Wilton 1804 Clive Earl of Powis 1805 Nelfon Earl Nebfon 1806 Pierrepont Earl of Man vers Walpole Earl Oiford Grey Earl Grey 1807 Lowther Earl of Lonfdale 1809 Ryder Earl of Harrowby 181 a Phipps Earl Mulgrave Lafcelles Earl Harewood 1813 Elliott M. Kynnynmound E.Minto 1814 *Cathcart Eari Cathcait 1815 Grimfton Earl of Verulam Cuft Earl Brownlow Eliot Earl of St Germains Parker Earl of Morley Bridgman Earl of Bradford Lygon Earl Beauchamp 1821 Scott Earl of Eldon Boscawen Earl of Falmouth Pen Curzon Howe Earl Howe Somers Cocks Earl Somers Rous Earl of Stradbroke Vifcount Neville Lord Gordon Vifcount Tngeflrie Vifcount Belgrave Lord Murray Vifcount Valle tort Vifcount Ebrington Vifcount Colefliill Lord Lovaine Lord Murray Lord Porchefler Lord Hawkefbury Lord Chelfea Vifcount Fitzharris Lord Loughborough Vifcount Uffifigton Vifcount Cranley Vifcount Marfham Lord Pelham Vifc de Wilton Grey Vifcount Clive Vifcount Merton Vifcount Newark Lord Walpole Vifcount Ho wick Viscount Lowther Vifcount Sandon Vifcount Normanby Vifcount Lafcelles Vifcount Melgund Lord Greenock Vifcount Grimfton Vifcount Alford Lord Eliot ' Vifcount Boringdon Vifcount Newport Vifcount Elmley Viscount Encombe Viscount Rose Viscount Curzon Viscount East nor Viscount Dunwich 1823 Stewart Earl Vane 89 Viscount Seaham VISCOUNTS—ai. 1549 Devereux Vise. Hereford 1712 St. John Vise. Bolingbroke 1721 Byng Vise. Torrington 1746 Fitzgerald Vise. Leinfter 1762 Courtney Vise.Courtney 1763 Ward V. Dudley & Ward 1766 Maynard Vise. Maynard 1789 Townlhend Vise. Sydney 1796 Hood Vise. Hood 1797 Duncan Vise. Duncan 1801 Jervi 3 Vise. St. Vincent BARONS— 151 . 1802 Dundas Vise. Melville 1805 Addington Visc.Sidmouth i 806 Anfon Vise. Anfon 1807 Lake Vise. Lake 1814 "Gordon Vise. Gordon 1815 Gower Vise. Granville 1816 Pellew Vise. Exmouth 1821 Hutchinson V.Hutchinson 1823 Beresford Vise. Beresford Trench Vise. Claucarty 1265 Stapleton Ld le Defpencer 1269 Southwell Lord Clifford 1296 Tuchet Lord Audley 3298 Trefufis Lord Clinton 1307 Brand Lord Dacre 1308 Bisshopp Ld Dela Zouche 1448 Stourton Lord Stourton 1492 Verny Lord W. de Broke 1553 Howard Lord Howard 1558 St. John Lord St. John 1597 ElIisL.HowarddeWalden 1603 Petre Lord Petrc Twisleton Ld Saye& Sele 1605 Arundel Lord Arundel 1608 Bligh Lord Clifton i 6 r 5 Dormer Lord Dormer 1616 Roper Lord Teynham 1640 Jerningham Lord Stafford 1643 Eyron Lord Byron 1672 Clifford Lord Clifford 1711 Boyle Lord Boyle ♦Hay Drummond Ld Hay 1712 Willoughby Ld. Middleton 1716 Cholmondely Ld Newbro r 1725 King Lord King 1728 Monfon Lord Monfon 1741 Bromley Lord Montfoit 1749 Ponfonby Lord Ponfonbyj II 1760 Watfon Lord Sondes 1761 Robinfon Lord Grantham Curzon l.ord Scarfdalc Irby Lord Boflon 1762 Fox Lord Holland Percival Lord Lovell Vernon Lord Vernon 1765 Morton Lord Ducie 766 *Campbell Lord Sundridge 1776 Hawke Lord Hawke Pitt Lord Rivers Foley Lord Foley 1780 Rice Lord Dynevor De Grey Ld Walfingham Bagot Lord Bagot Fitzroy Ld Southampton 1782 Norton Lord Grantley Rodney Lord Rodney 1784 Carteret Lord Carteret Hill Lord Berwick Dutton Lord Sherborne Gordon Lord Gordon (M. of Huntly) c 786 Montagu Scot L.Montagu Beresford Lord Tyrone Boyle Lord Carleton Harbord Lord Suffield Carleton Lord Dorchefter 90 1788 Kenyon Lord Kenyon Griffin Lord Braybrooke Amherft Lord Amherft 179° Chichefter Lord Filher wick *Douglas Lord Douglas of Douglas Gage Lord Gage Grenville Lord Grenville 1791 *Douglas Lord Douglas of Lochieven 179 a Thurlow Lord Thurlow 1793 Eden Lord Auckland 1794 Lyttleton Lord Lyttleton Ellis Lord Mendip Peachey Lord Selfey Dundas Lord Dundas Pelham Lord Yarborough 1796 *Stuart Lord Stuart of Caftleftuart *StewartLdStewart,Garlies Stopford Lord Saltersford Dawnay Lord Dawnay Brodrick Lord Brodrick Cakhorpe Lord Calthorpe Burrel Lord Gwydir Ballet Ld. De Dunftanville Rolle Lord Rolle Campbell Lord Cawdor 1797 WelJelley Lord Weilelley Smith Lord Carrington Townfhend Lord Bayning Powlett Lord Bolton WodehoufeLd Wodehoufe Rulhout Lord Northwick Powys Lord Lilford Lifter Lord Ribblefdale 1799 Fitzgibbon Ld. Fitzgibbon 1801 Moore Lord Moore Loftus Lord Loftus Proby Lord Carysfort Arden Lord Alvaidey Abercromby Lord Abercr, Fitzherbert Ld. St. Helens 1803 Mitford Lord Redefdaic Law' Lord Ellenborough Percival Lord Arden Holroyd Lord Sheffield 1805 Noel Lord Barham 1806 Erlkine Lord Erlkine Browne Lord Monteagle *Mentgomry Ld. Ardrofian * Maitland Lord Lauderdale Forbes Lord Granard Crewe Lord Crewe Ponfonby Lord Ponfonby ^Kennedy, Lord Ailfa ^Campbell, Ld. Bredalbane Gardner Lord Gardner 1807 Sutton Lord Manners Gambier, Lord Gambier i 8 c> 9 *Hope Lord Hopetoun 1814 Graham Lord Lynedoch Cotton Lord Combermere Hill Lord Hill i 8 r 5 *Ramfay Lord Dalhoulie . * Gordon Lord Meldrum *Boyle Lord Rofs Cole Lord Grinftead Pery Lord Foxford Lambe Lord Melbourne Spencer Lord Churchill Harris Lord Harris 1816 Percy Lord Prudhoe 1817 Abbot Lord Colchefter 1821 Kerr Loid Kerr Conyngham Lord Minster Butler Lord Ormonde *Douglas Lord Wemyss Jocelyn Lord Clanbrassil King Lord Kingston Pakenham Ld Silchester * Murray Lord Glenlyon Pole Lord Maryborough Foster Lord Oriel 91 Scott Lord Stowel 1 Liddel Lord Ravensworth Cholmondely L.Delamere Forester Lord Forester 1823 Vansittart Lord Bexley 1824 Gifford Lord Gifford Smythe Lord Penshurt 1826 O’Brien Lord Tadcaster Dc Burgh Lord Somerhill Lindsay Lord Wigan Knox Lord Ranfurly Long Lord Farnborough Leycester Lord Detabley M‘Kenzie Ld WharnclirTe Duncombe Ld Feversham Ellis Lord Seaford PEERESSES ( 9 ) by Creation or Descent. 1766 Greville,Cfs. Mansfield 1788 Waller, B. Howe 1816 Campbell, Css de Grey 1269 Fitzgerald deRoos,2?.Roo* 1314 Burrel, B. W. de Eresby 1322 YelvertonJSGreyd’Ruthyn 1802 Hill, B. Sandys 1803 Keith, B. Keith 1821 Strutt, B. Rayleigh London, Durham, W inchester , Lincoln, ARCHBISHOPS and BISHO PS, with the sum chargedin the King's Books, and the dates of their Ordinations\ Canterbury , 1792 Rt Hon. Dr Cha. M. Sutton ; York, 1791 Rt Hon. Dr Ldw. V. Vernon Bishops. 1813 Rt Hon. Dr William Howley 1769 Dr William Van Mildert 1 787 Dr George Tom line 18 '2 Hon. Dr George Pelham Litchf. andCov. 1815 Hon. Dr Henry Ryder St Asaph, 1807 Dr John Lux more Bath and IVells, 3812 Dr George Henry Law Worcester, 1797 Dr Fol. Herb. Walker Cornwall 929 13 Chichester, 1821 Dr Robert James Carr Bangor, 1800 DrHenrv William Majendie Exeter, 1820 Dr William Carey St David's, 1803 hr J. B. Jenkinsnn Salisbury, 1803 Dr 1 ho mas Burgess Norwich, 1805 Dr Henry Bathurst Hertford, 1802 Dr George Isaac Huntingford Carlisle, 1807 Dr Samuel Goodenough Bristol, 1820 Dr John Kaye Rochester, 1808 Dr Walker King Ely, 1809 Dr Bowyer Edward Sparke Chester, 1824 Dr Charles James Bloomfield Gloucester, 1824 I)rC. Bethel Peterborough , 1816 Dr Herbert Marsh Oxford, 1815 Hon. Dr Edward Legge Llandaff, 1819 I)rCharles Richard Sumner Sodor and Man, 1813 Dr Geo. Murray, not a Lord of Parliament £2682 12 2 1610 0 0 1000 0 0 1821 1 3 2873 18 1 828 4 2 559 17 3 187 11 8 533 1 3 ill 929 13 a 677 l 3 131 16 3 . 500 0 0 426 2 1 1-85 5 9 834 11 l 768 12 0 420 13 3 294 11 0 358 14 0 2134 18 t) 420 1 3 3 315 7 3 414 17 8 381 11 7 154 14 2 92 HOUSE OF COMMONS. ENGLAND and WALES—513. Right Hon. Charles Manners Sutton, Speaker, 60001. 1 Abingdon, John Maberly 2 Agmondesham , T Tyrwhitt Drake W Tyrwhitt Drake 3 Aidborough, Yorks . Clinton J F Clinton Sir Alex. Grant, ht. 4 A Idcburgh , Suffolk , Joshua Walker John Wilson Croker 5 Andover , Sir J Wal. Pollen, bt Thomas A Smith, jun. 6 Anglesea , Earl of Uxbsidge 7 Appleby , Hon. Henry Tufton Viscount Maitland 8 Arundel , Eduard Lombe, jun. John Atkins 9 Ashburton , Rt. Hon. W S Bourne Sir L V Palk, bt 10 Aylesbury, Lord Nugent William Rickford 11 Banbury , Hon. ArthurC Legge 12 Barnstaple, Frederirk Hodgson Henry Alexander 13 Bath, Lord .John l'liynne Earl of hrecknock 14 Beaumaris , Sir Rob. Williams, bt 15 Bedfordshire, Thomas P Macqueen Marquis of Tavistock 16 Bedford, Lord G W Russell W II Whitbread 17 Great Bed win, Rt Hon. Sir J Nichols knt John Jacob Buxton 18 Bceralston, Lord Lovaine Hon. PAshburnham 19 Berkshire , Charles Dundas Robert Palmer 20 Berwick , Marcus Beresford John Gladstone 21 Beverley, John Stewart Charles H Ratley 22 Bewdley , Wilson A Roberts 23 Bishop's Castle , William Holmes Eduard Rogers 24 Blerhingly , William Russell Charles Tennyson 25 Bodrnyn, Davies Gilbert Horace B Seymour 2G Boroughbridge, E. M. Mundy Henry Dawkins 27 Bossiney, Hop. J. S. Wortley Ed ward Rose Tur.no 28 Boston , Gilbert J Heathcote Neil Malcolm 29 Brackley, R H Bradshaw James Bradshaw 30 Bramber , Johu Irving Hon. F. G. C«lthorpe 31 Breconshire, Thomas Wood 32 Brecon , Geo Gould Morgan 33 Bridgenorth, Thomas V^hitmore W W W hitmore 34 Bridgewater, William Astell Charles K K Tvnte 35 Bridport, Sir H D C St Paul,ht Henry Warburton 36 Bristol, Richard Hart Davis Henry Bright 37 Buckinghamshire, Marquis of Chandos Hon Robert J Smith 38 Buckingham , Sir Geo Nugent, bt Rt H n. WIIF remantle 39 Bury, St Edmunds Earl of E us ton Earl Jermyn 40 Calling ton, Alexander Baring Matthias Attwooa 41 Caine, Hon. Jas A bercromby Sir James Macdonald 42 Cambridgeshire, Lord Chas S Manners Lord F G Osborne 43 Cambridge Univ. Viscount Palmerston Sir John S Copley, kt 44 Cambridge, Marquis of Gratiain F W Trench 45 C amt lford, Mark Mil bank Sheldon Crudock 46 Canterbury , S It Lushington Lord Clifton 47 Cardiff y Lord P J II C Stuart 48 Cardiganshire , Win Edward Powell 49 Cardigan, Pryse Pryse 50 Carlisle, Sir J R G Graham,bt Sir PMusgrave, bt 51 Carmarthenshire , Hon. Geo R R Trevor 52 Carmarthen , John Jones 58 Carnarvonshire , Lord New borough 54 Carnarvon, Loid William Paget 55 Castle-Rising, Lord II Cholmondely lion. FG Howard 56 Cheshire , Davies Davenport Wilbraham Egerton 57 Chester, Viscount Belgrave Hon. Rob. Grosvenor 58 Chichester, Lord J G Lennox W. S. Poyntz 59 Chippenham, Ebenezer F Maitland Frederick Gye 60 Christchurch, Rt Hn. Sir G 11 Rose George Pitt Rose 6 1 Cirencester , Lord Apsley Joseph Crlpps 62 C lithe row, Hon. Robert Curzon ilon. P F Cost 63 Cockermouth , Viscount Garlies Win W C Wil on 64 Colchester, Sir Geo H Smyth, bt 93 Daniel W Harvey 65 Corfc Castle , John Rond George Rankes 66 Cornwall, Sir R R Vyvyan, bt Ed. W W Pendarvis 67 Coventry, Richard E Heathcote Thomas B Fyler 68 Cricldacle , Joseph Pitt Robert Gordon 69 Cumberland, Sir John!Lowther, bt John C Curwen 70 Dartmouth, John Bastard J. H. Cooper, 71 Denbighshire, Sir W W \V\im,bt 72 Denbigh, Frederick R West 73 Derbyshire, Ld G A H Cavendish Francis Mundy 74 Derby, II F C Cavendish Samuel Cioiupton 75 Devizes, John Pearse George W Taylor 76 Devonshire, Edmund P Bastard Sir T D Ackland, bt 77 Dorsetshire , Henry Rankes E B Portman 78 Dorchester , Robert Williams Hon. A W \ Cooper 79 Dover, E B Wrlbraham Charles P Thomson 80 Downton, Thos E G B Estcourt Robert Southey 81 Droitvcidi, Earl of Sefton John H. H. Foley 82 Dumcich, Michael Bai ne Andrew Arcedeckne 83 Durhamshire , John Geo Lambton lion. WJFPowlett 84 Durham , M Angelo Taylor Sir Henry Hardinge 85 Essex, Sir Eiiah Harvey Chas Call is Western 86 Evesham, Sir C Cockerell, bt Edward Protheroe 87 Exeter, Samuel T Kekewich Lewis Wm Buck 88 Eye, Sir E Kerrison Sir M Nighiingall 89 Flintshire, Sir Thos Most) n, bt 90 Flint, Sir EP Lloyd, bt 91 Fowey, Hon. Robert H Eden George Lucy 92 Gallon, Hon. William Scott Ylich G Prendergast 93 Glamorganshire, Sir Christopher Cole 91 Gloucestershire, Lord R E H Somerset Sir B W Guise, bt 95 Gloucester, Edward Webb R Bransby Cooper 96 Grantham, Frederick J Talmash Mont J Cholmeley 97 Great Grimsby , Charles W T ood George F Heneage 98 East Grinsicad , 4 Lord Sirathavon Hon, C Jenkinson T7 99 Guildford , George C Norton Arthur Onslow 100 Ualleston Marq. of Carmarthen Lord J N Townshend 101 Hampshire , John Fleming SirWm Heathcote, bt 102 Harwich, J. C Herries N icolas C Tindal 103 Haslemere , Rt Hn. Sir J Beckett G. L. Thomson 104 Hastings , Sir William Curtis, bt Sir C Wetherell, kt 105 Haverfordwest , Richard B f Philips 106 Hedoiiy John Bail lie Thomas H Villiers 107 Herefordshire , S?r J G Cottereli, bt Robert Price 108 Hereford , Lord Vi*c East nor Edward Bolton Clive 110 Hertfordshire, Sir J S Sebright, bt .Nicolson Calvert 1J1 Hertford , Thomas Byron Thomas S Buncombe 91 117 Huntingdonshire, Viscount Mandeville W H Fell owes 118 Huntingdon John Calvert James Stuart 119 Hylhe, S Marjoribanks Sir Rob. T Farquhar. hart 120 Ipswich, Will. Haldimaxid Robert To>rens 121 Jvelchester , Richard Sharp John Williams 122 Kent , W P Honeywood SirK Knatchbull, bt 123 King's Lynn, Lord Win A Bentinck Hon. John Walpole 124 Kingston on Hull John Buller 112 Heutesbury , F H A’Court Henry S Northcote 113 Higham Ferrers . Hon. F C Ponsonby 114 Hindoo, Hon. G M Fortescue lion. A G Calthorpe 115 Ho niton, Josiah John Guest Harry Baines Lott 116 Horsham , Robert Hurst Hod. Henry Fox Augustus J O’Neill, Daniel Sykes 125 Knaresborough , Rt Hon. G Tierney SirJas Mackintosh, kt 125 Lancashire , John Blackburne Lord Stanley 127 Lancaster , J F Caw (home Thomas Green 128 Launceston , James Brogden Hon. P B Pel lew 129 Leicestershire , Lord Robert Manner- GA Legh Keck 130 Leicester , Sir C A Hastings, bt Robert Otway Cave 131 Leominster, Lord Hot ham Rowland Stephenson 132 Lestwithiel , Viscount Valletort Sir Alex Cray Grant 133 Lewes, Thomas Read Kemp Sir John Shelle\, bt 134 Lincolnshire , Charles Chaplin Sir W. fngilby 135 Lincoln, TohnN Fazakerley Chas I) W Sibthorp 135 Liskeard, Lord Eliot Sir W H Pringle 137 Litch field , Sir George Anson George G V Vernon 138 Liverpool, Rt Hn. W. Husk isson Baac Gascoyne 139 East Lone, Jas D B Elphinstone Hor. W S Lascelles 140 West Looe , Charles Buller 141 London, William Thompson Robert Waitliman William Ward Matthew Wood 142 Ludgershall, Hon. G J W A Ellis Edward Thos Foley 143 Ludlow, Viscount Clive Hon. R Henry Clive 144 Lyme Regis, Hon. Henrv S l ane John T Fane 145 Lymingtoi i, Walter Boyd Guy L Prendergast 146 Maulstoney John Wells W Roharts 147 Maldon , Hon. G M A WA Win Thomas B Lennard 148 Malmesbury , Sir Chas Forbes, bt John Forbes 149 Malton, J C Ramsden Viscount .Normandy 150 Marlborough, Earl Bruce Lord Biudenell 151 Great Marlow , Owen Williams T Peers Williams 152 Merionethshire , Sir R W Vaughan 153 Middlesex , George Byng SC Whitbread 154 Midhurst, John Smith Abel Smith 155 Milborne Party Lord Graves Arthur Chichester 156 Min eke ad, II Fo tv lies Lutttell James Blair 157 Monmouthshire, Sir Chas Morgan, bt Lord (i C H Somerset 158 Monmouthy IVlarq of Worcester 159 Montgomeryshire, Right Hon. C. W. W. Wynn 160 Montgomery , Henry Clive 161 Morpeth, William Ord Viscount Morpeth 162 Newark, Sir W H Clinton Henrv Willoughby 133 Netccas • un. Lyme . R J Wiiraot Horton Richard. Borradaiie 164 Newcast.up Tyne , Sir M White Ridley, bare. Cuthbert Ellison 1.63 Nevruorty Corn. Jonathan Kaine 95 Hon. C G B Percy 166 Newport^ Hants, Rt Hon. Geo Canning Hon. Wm H J Scott 167 Newton, Lane . Thomas Legh Thomas Alcock 168 Newton, Hants, Hudson Gurney Charles C Cavendish 169 Norfolk, Thomas W Coke Edmond Wodehouse 170 Northallerton , Hon. Hefnry Lascelle* Sir Johh P Beresford 171 Northamptonsh. Wm R Cartwright Viscount Althoip 172 Northampton, v ir G Robinson, bt W L Maherly 173 Northumberland. Hon. H T Liddell Matthew Bell 174 Norwich, William Smith Jonathan Peel 175 Nottinghamshire, Erank Sot heron John Saville Burnley 176 Nottingham, Joseph Birch Lord Rancliffe 177 Okehampton, Sir Comp Domville Joseph H Strutt 178 Orfordy Horace BS Seymour Sir Henry F Cooke 179 Oxfordshire, Wm Henry Ashurst John Fane 180 Oxford Univ. Rt Hon. R Peel Thos G B Estcourt 181 Oxfbrd City, Janies H Largton J Ingram Lockhart 182 Pembrokeshire, Sir John Owen, bt 183 Pembroke., Hugh Owen Owen 184 Penryn, David Barclay William Manning 18.5 Peterborough, Sir Robeit Heron, bt James Scarlett 186 Peters field, Hylton Jolliiie William Marshall 187 Plymouth, Sir Wm CoDgreve, bt Sir T B Martin 188 Plimpton Earle, Hon. Geo Edgeumbe Gibbs C Antrobus 189 Pontefract., Thomas Rouidsworth Le Gendre N Starkee 190 Poole, Benj Lester Lester Hon. W F S Ponsouby 191 Portsmouth, John Carter Francis Baring 192 Preston , Hon. EG SStanley John Wood 193 Queenborough, John Capel Lord Downes 194 Radnorshire, Walter Wilkins ]95New Radnor, Richard Price 196 Reading , J Berkeley Mouck George Spence 197 Reigate, ^ir J S Yorke James Cocks 198 East Retford , Hon. Sir RL Ounda» N Wm B Wrightson 199 Richmond, Hon. Thomas Dundas i ~ — SBM Barrett 200 Rip pon, RtHon.FJ Robinson L'uincelot Shad well 201 Rochester , Hon. Henry Duudas Ralph Bernal 202 Neio Romney , GUI) Pennant George Win Tapps 203 Rutlandshire , Sir Geo Noel Noel, bl Sir G Heath cote, bt. 204 Rye, Rich Arkwright,jun. Henry Bonham 205 St. Albans, Christopher Smith John Kasthope 206 St Germains , Rt lion. C Arbuthnot Charles Ross 207 St Ives, Sir Chas ilaw kins, bt James Halse 208 St 31 awes, SirS B Mori and, bt Sir C Carrington, kt 209 St Michael, Henry Labouchere William Leake 210 Salop, Sir Rowland llill J. C. Pelham 211 Saltash, And. SpottEwoode Henry Monteith 212 Sandwich, Sir E W C R Owen Joseph Marryatt 213 New Sarum, Viscount Folkstone Wad ham Wyndham 214 Old Sarum , James Alexander Josias l) Alexander 215 Scarborough 7 Rt Hon. C M Sutton lion. Edm Phipps 96 216 Seaford, Augustus F Ellis John Fitzgerald 217 Shaftesbury , Ralph Leycester" Ed D Davenport 218 New Sho reham, Sir C M Burrell, bt Henry Howard 219 Shrewsbury , Panton Corbett Robert A Slaney 220 Somersetshire , Win Dickenson Sir T, B. Lethbridge, bart. 221 Southampton , W Chamberlayne Abel Rous Dottin 222 Southwark , Charles Calvert Sir Robert T Wilson, knt. 223 Staffordshire, Ed w John Lyttleton Sir J. Wrottesly 224 Stafford, Richard Ironmonger Ralph Benson 225 Stamford , Lord Thomas Cecil rhomas Chaplin 226 Steyning, George Rich Philips Peter Du Cane 227 Stockbridge , rhonia- Grosvenor George Wilbraham 228 Sudbury, John Wilks,jun. Bethel Walrond 229 Suffolk, T Sherlock Gooch Sir Wm Rowley, bt 230 Surry , Wm Joseph Denison Charles N Palmer 231 Sussex , Waller Burrell EJ Curteis 232 Tam worth. Lord C Townsheud Wm Yates Peel 233 Tavistock, RtHn. LordW Russell Viscount Ebringtoo 234 Taunton , H nry Seymour William Peachy 235 Tewkesbury , J E Dowdesw.ell John Martin 236 Thetford, Lord Charles Fitzroy Wm B Baring 237 Thirsk, Robert Frankland Robert G Rus:-ell 238 Tiverton , Viscount Sandon Rt Hon. R Ryder 239 Totness, T P Courtenay Viscount Barnard 210 Tregony , James Adam Gordon James Mackillop 211 Truro, Lord EJH Somerset Wm Ed Tomline 242 Wallingford , W L Hughes Geo James Robarts 243 Wareham , John Cal craft Charles Baring Wall 244 Warwickshire, Dugdale S Dugdale Francis Lawiey 245 Warwick, lion. Sir C J Greville John Tomes 246 Wells, Charles Wm Fay lor John Paine Tudway 247 Wendover , Samuel Smith George Smith 248 Wenfock , Hon. J G W Forester Haul B Thompson 249 Weobly , Sir George Cockburn Lord WmThvnne 250 Westbury , Sir M M Lopes, bt RtH. SirGWarrender 251 Westminster , Sir Fras Burdett, bt John G Hobhouse 252 Westmoreland , Visrount Lowther Hon. H C Lowther 253 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Rt Hon. T Wallace Masterton Ure Thomas F Buxton John Gordon t 254 Whitchurch Samuel Scott Hon. J RTowashend 97 255 Wigan, James Alex Hudson James Lindsay 256 Wilton, J H Perruddocke Edward Baker 257 Wiltshire , John Benett Sir J I) Astley, bt 258 Winckelsea , Henry Brougham Viscount Howirk 259 Winchester , P St John Mildmay Sir Edw. Hyde East, bart. 260 Windsor , John Ramsbottom Sir Richard H Vivian 261 iVete Woodstock , Marq. of Blandford Lord Ashley 262 Wootton Basset , Horace Twiss SCOTLAND.—45. George Philips 263 Worcestershire , Hon. H B Lygoii Sir T Winning!on, bt 264 Worcester, T H H Davies George R Robinson 265 Chipping Wycomb Sir J D King, bt Sir Thos Baring, bt 266 Great Yarmouth , Hon. George Anson Charles E Kumbold 267 Yarm. Hants , Lord Binning Joseph Phillimore 268 Yorkshire , Viscount Milton Hon. Wm Duneombe Richard F Wilson John Marshall 269 For*, Marmaduke Wyvill Janies Wilson 1 Aberdeen. Hon. W Gordon 2 Argyle , W. Fred. Campbell 3 y/yr, Lt Gen J Montgomerie A Banff, Fail of Fife 5 Berwick , Hon. Ant. Maitland 6 Bute.fyc. lion.James Sinclair 7 -Clackm.fyc. Geo. Ed. Graliani 8 Dumbarton , Jo. Campbell, jr. 9 Dumfries , Ad Sir W J Hope 10 Edinburgh , Sir George Clerk 11 Elgin <& Moray , HnF W Grant 12 /A/e, Capt James Weinyss 13 Forfar , Hon. Wm Maule 14 Haddington , Lord John Hay 15 Inverness , Rt Ha. ChasGram COUNTIES. 16 Kincardine , Hn.H.Arbuthpot 17 Kirkcudbright , RC Fergusson 18 Lanark , Lord A Hamilton 19 Linlithgow , Hon. Sir A Hope 20 Nairn, tyc. Dun. Davidson, ]!*. 21 Orkney , Hon. G II L 1 ) mid as 22 Peebles , Sir J Montgomery 23 Perth, Sir George Murray 24 Renfrew , John Maxwell 25 Sir J W Mackenzie 26 Roxburgh , Hen F Scott,j«n. 27 Selkirk , W Elliot Lockhart 28 Stirling , H J1 Drummond 29 Sutherland, Lord F L Gower 30 Wigton, Sir W. Maxwell ROROUGHS. 31 Aberdeen, Inverbervie, Montr. Arbr. Brechin , Joseph Hume 32 Ayr, Irvine , Rothsay , Cambeltown , Inverary , T F Kennedy 33 Crail, Kilrenny , E. & Anstruther , Pilten. James Balfour 34 Bumf Sanquhar. Annan, Lochtn. Kirkcudb . W R K Do iglas 35 Dysart, Kirkcaldy, Kinghorn , Burntisland, Sir R C Fergusson 36 Edinburgh , Right Hoh. William DuucLls £8 57 Elgin, Cullen, Banff, Inverury, Kinloro, Hon. Alex. Duff 38 Forfar, Perth, Dundee, Cupar, St Andrews, lion. M Lindsay 39 Fnrtrose, Inverness, Nairn, & Forres, Robert Grant 40 Glasgow, Renfrew, Rutherglen, Dumbarton, Arch Campbell 41 Hadd. Dunbar, IS.Berwick, Lauder, Jedb. Ado]. J Datrymple 42 Inverkeith Dtinferm. Queensf. Culr. Stirling, Robert Do wide 48 Kirkwall, Wick, Dornoch, Dingwall, Tain, Sir Hugh limes 44 Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithgow, & Lanark, Adam Hay 45 Wigton, Stranraer, N. Galloway, Whithorn, John H Lowther " IRELAND.—100. 1 Antrim county, Hon. J B R O’Neil Ed 41ex M‘Naughtan 2 Armagh county, Hon. H Caulfield Charles Brownlow 3 Armagh town, Rt Hon. H Goulburn 4 Alhlone, Rich Handcock, jun. 5 Bandon Bridge, Viscount Duncanuon 6 Belfast, Earl of Belfast 7 Carlow county, Henry Bruen Thomas Kavanagh 8 Carlow town. Lord Tullamore 9 Car rick fergus, Sir Arthur Chichester 10 Cas hell, K J Collett 11 Cavan county, Henry Maxwell Alex Saunderson 12 Clare county, RtHn.WV Fitzgerald Lucius O’Brien 13 Clonmel, J H M Dawson 14 Coleraine, Sir J W II Brydges 15 Cork county, Viscount Emits mo re Hon. Robert King 16 Cork city, Hon. CM Hutch in-on | Sir N. C. Colthurst, hart. 17 Donegal county, George V Hart Earl Moont-Charles 18 Down county, Lord Arthur Hill Viscount Castlereagh 19 Downpatrick, J W Maxwell 20 Drogheda, Peter Van llomrigh 21 Dublin county, Henry White R W Talbot 22 Dublin city, George Moore Henry Grattan 23 Dublin college, RtHnWin C Plunkett 24 Dundalk, Charles Barclay 25 Dungannon, Hon. Thomas Knox 26 DungarvaHi Hon. George Lamb 27 Ennis, Thomas F Lewis 28 Enniskillen, Richard Maginnis 29 Fermanagh county Viervyn Archdall Viscount Corry 3 * Galway county, James Daly Richard Martin 31 Galway town, James O’Hara 32 Kerry county, Rt Hon. M Fitzgerald William Hare 33 Kildare county. Lord W Fitzgerald Robert Lutouche 34 Kilkenny county, lion. C H B Clarke Viscount Duncanuon 35 Kilkenny town, John Doherty 36 King's county, Thomas Bernard Lord Oxinantown 37 Kinsale, John Russell 38 Leitrim county, Samuel White Viscount Clements 39 Limerick county, ilon. R H Fitzgibbon Thomas Lloyd 40 Limerick city, Thomas Spring Rice 41 Lisburn, Henry Meynell 42 Londonderry co. Geo Robert Dawson Alex Robert Stewart 13 Londonderry city, Rt Hon. Sir GF Hill 44 Longford county, Viscount Forbes Sir Geo It Fetherston, hart. ' 45 Louth county, Alexander Dawson John Leslie Foster 46 Mallow, Charles D O Jephson 47 Mayo county, Lord Bingham James Browne 48 Meath county , Karl ofBective Sir M Somerville, ht 49 Monaghan county, Evelyn John Shirley Hon. H R Westenra 50 Nciory, lion. John 11 Knox 51 Portar ling ton , James Farquhar 52 Queen 1 * county, Sir C 11 Coole, ht Sir H Parnell, bt 99 53 Roscommon ca, Arthur French Hon. Robert King 54 New Ross, William Wigram 55 Sligo county, Hon. H. King E S Cooper 56 Sligo tcwn, Owen W ynne 57 Tipperary county , Hon. Fr A Prittie John H Hutchinson 58 Tralee , James Cuflfe 59 Tyrone county, William Stewart Hon. Hen T L Corry 60 Waterford county, Richard Power Henry Yilliers Stuart 61 Water ford city , RtHnSirJNewport,b 62 Westmeath county , Gustavus Rochfort Hugh Morgan Tuite 6< Wexford county, R S Carew , jun. Viscount Stopford 64 Wexford town, Henry Evans 65 Wicklow county , lion. G L Pro by James Grattan 66 Yonghall, Hon. GeoPonsonby CLERKS and OFFICERS of the HOUSE of PEERS. Earl of Shaftesbury, Chairman of Committees, Rt Hon. Sir G II Rose, Clerk of Parliament, W Courtenay, Esq; Assist C Philip Rose, Esq; Reading Clerk fy Clk of Private Committees EGWalmisley, Clerk of Journals, Edw Parratt, Copying-Clerk Robert Harvey Strachan, Clerk of Enrolments Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, knt. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod Robert Quarme, Yeoman Usher, GF Seymour, Serjt-at-Arms CLERKS and OFFICERS of the HOUSE of COMMONS. J Henry Ley, Chief Clerk —J Rickman, W Ley, Clerk Assis T Dyson, Clerk of the Committees of Privileges and Electionsts R Jones, Assistant Clerk of ditto John Dorington, Clerk of the Fees .—J E Dorington, Assist ditto Edward Stracey, John Benson, Arthur Benson, and John Doring¬ ton, Principal Committee Clerks S Gunnell, W G Rose, R Chalmers, T Beeby, Bp.Committee Clks G Whittam,jun. G White, Assists ditto G. Dyson, R. Gibbons, A. Jones, Other Clerks who occasionally attend upon Committees George Whittam, Clerk of Journals and Papers— 3 Bull, Assist Edward Stracey, David Jones, Clerks of the Ingrossments W Gunnell, Assistant Clerk of Ingrossments E Johnston, W Hawes, Clerksin the Private Bill Office K Johnston, T Beeby, G White, R Chalmers, A Dickinson, G Whittmn,jun., W Hawes, R Jones, C Gandy, S Gunnell, jun., G Dyson/R Gibbons, TGudge, C Rowland, A Jones, and C White. Clerks in the Offices of Chief Clerk, according to SeJiiority William Brodie Gurney, Short Hand Writer Henry Seymour, Serjeant at Arw&— Jt>hn Clementaon, Dcp* 100 IRELAND. PEERS OF THE BLOOD ROYAL. 1784 His Royal Highnefs Frederick, Earl of Ulfter 1789 His Royal Highnefs William Henry, Earl of Munfter 1799 His Royal Highnefs Ernefl Auguflus, Earl of Armagh 1801 His Royal Highnefs Augustus Frederick, Baron Arklow His Royal Highnefs Adolphus Frederick, E. of Tipperary 1764 His Royal Highnefs William Frederick, E. of Connaught DUKE—I. 1766 Fitz-Gerald Duke of Leinfter MARQUISSES— 14 . 1786 Beresford Marquis of Waterford 1789 Hill Marquis of Down (hire 1791 Chichefter Marquis of Donnegal Moore Marquis of Diogheda 1799 Wellefley Marquis of Wellelley 1800 O’Brien Marquis of Thomond Taylour Marquis of Headfoit Browne Marquis of Sligo Loftus Marquis of Ely 1816 Stewart Marquis of Londonderry Conyngham Marq of Conyngham 1822 Nugent Marquis of Weflmeath 1825 Butler Marquis of Ormonde De Burgh Marq. of Clanricarde Eldejl Sons . Marquis of Kildare Earl of Tyrone Earl of Hillfborough Earl of Belfafl Viscount Moore Earl of Mornington Earl of Inchiquin Earl of Be&ive Earl of Altamont Vifcount Loftus Vifcount Calllereagh Earl of Mount-Charles Lord Delvin Earl of Ossory Lord Dunkellin EARLS— 69 . 1620 Boyle Earl of Cork & Orrery 1622 Fielding Earl of Defmond 1627 Brabazon Earl of Meath 1628 Plunkct Earl of Fingal 1647 Lambert Earl of Cavan 1661 Talbot Eof Waterford & Wexford 1684 Forbes Earl of Granard 1699 Dc Ginkell Earl of Athlone i;i; Fitzwilliam Earl Fitzwilliam Vifcount Dungarvan Vifcount Callan Lord Ardee Lord Killeen Vifcount Kilcourfic Lord Talbot Vifcount Forbes Lord Aghrim Vifcount Milton 101 1722 Petty E. of Kerry & Shelburne 1725 Bligh Earl of Darnley 1733 Percival Earl of Egmont 1739 Ponfonby Earl of Befborough 1748 Butler Earl of Carrick 1756 Boyle Earl of Shannon 1759 Duff Earl of Fife 1760 Ludlow Earl of Ludlow 1761 Carpenter Earl of Tyrconnel 1762 Gore Earl of Arran Stopford Earl Courtown 1763 Leefon Earl of Miltown Caulfield Earl of Charlemont 1766 Tournour Earl ofWinterton 1767 St Lawrence Earl of Howth 1768 King Earl of Kingston 1771 Molyneux Earl of Sefton Jocelyn Earl of Roden 1776 Vaughan Earl of Lifburne Mead Earl of Clanwilliam Temple Earl of Nugent 1777 Stratford Earl of Aldborough 1781 Moore Earl ot Mount CafheJl 1785 Pakenham Earl of Longford Dawfon Earl of Portarlington Luttrcll Earl of Carhampton Bourke Earl of Mayo 1789 Annefley Earl of Annefley Cole Earl of Ennifkillen Creighton Earl of Erne Proby Earl of Carysfort 1793 Butler Earl of Kilkenny Annefiey Earl of Mountnorris Cuffe Earl of Defart Scott Earl of Clonmell Howard Earl of Wicklow 1795 Fitzgibbon Earl of Clare Clements Earl of Leitrim Bingham Earl of Lucan 1797 Corrv Earl Belmore Mathew Earl of Landaff 1800 O’Neil Earl O’Neil I 3 Vifcount Clanmaurice Lord Clifton Lord Perceval Vifcount Duncannon Vifcount Ikerrin Viscount Boyle Viscount Macduff Vifcount Prefton Vifcount Carlingford Vifcount Sudley Vifcount Stopford Vifcount Rufborough Vifcount Caulfield Viscount Tournour Vifcount St Lawrence Vifcount Kingfborough Vifcount Molyneux Vifcount Jocelyn Lord Vaughar* Lord Gilford Vifcount Clare Lord Baltinglass Lord Kilworth Lord Pakenham Vifcount Carlow Lord Irnham Lord Naas Vifcount Glerawly Lord Mountflorence Vilcount Creighton Lord Proby Vifcount Mountgarret Vifcount Valentia Vifcount Caftle Cuffe Lord Earlsfort Viscount Clonmore Vifcount Fitzgibbon Vifcount Clements Lord Castlebar Vifcount Corry Vifcount Mathew Vifcount Raymond 7 7 102 1800 Bernard Earl of Bandon Vifcount Bernard Stewart Earl Caftleftewart Vifcount Stewart Hutchinfon Earlof Donoughmore Lord Suirdale Alexander Earl of Caledon Browne Earl of Kenmare 1803 Pery Earl of Limerick Trench Earl of Clancarty 1806 Achefon Ear\ of Gosford Parsons Earl of Rode Agar Earl of Normantown 1816 Gardiner Earl of Blessington White Earl of Bantry Butler Earl of Glengall Plolroyd Earl of Sheffield 182a Needham Earlof Kilmorey Monck Earl of Rathdown Hare Earl of Listowcll Vifcount Alexander Vifcount Caftleroffe Vifcount Glentworth Vifcount Dunlo Lord Achefon Lord Oxmanton Vifcount Somerton Vifcount Mountjoy Vifcount Beerhaven Vifcount Caher Vifcount Pevenfey Vifc. Newry & Morne Viscount Monck Viscount Ennismore Quin E.ofDunraven&Mount Earl Viscount Adare VISCOUNTS—. 1478 1620 162: 1622 1629 1646 1661 1680 1700 1716 1717 1719 1720 1722 Prefton, Visc.Gorm an (ton Villiers, Vise. Grandifon Lee, Vise. Dillon Saunderson, V. Lumlcy Smythe, Vise. Scrangford Taaffe, Vise. TaafTe Jones, Vise. Ranelagh Fitzwilliam V.Fitzwilliam Barnewall, V. Kingsland Cholmcndely, Vise. Chol- mondely Dawney, Vise. Downe Hamilton, Vise. Strabane MolefworthV.Molefworth Chetwynd, V. Chctwynd Brodrick, V. Middleton Hamilton, Vise. Boyne Allen, Vise. Allen Grimfton, Vise. Grimfton Barrington, V. Barrington Gage, Vise. Gage Temple, Vise. Palmerftor 1727 1743 i 75 i 1763 1766 1776 1781 ' 7?5 1791 1793 1797 l800 l806 46. Arundel, Vise. Galway Wingfield, V. Powerfcourt Flower, Vise. Afhbrook Montmorency, V.Mount- morres Trevor, Vise. Dungannon Southwell, Vise. Southwell Vefey, Vise. De Vefci Fortefcue, Vise. Clermont Hewit, Vise. Lifford Ward, Vise. Eangor Lambe, Vise. Melbourne Ellis, Vise. Clifden St Leger, Vise. Doneraile Knox, Vise. Northland Maud, Vise. Hawarden Skeffington, Vise. Ferrard Yelverton,Visc.Avonmore Wolfe, Vise, Kilwarden Upton, Vise. Templeton O'Callaghan, V, Lifmote King, Vise, Lorton 103 1816 De Montmorency, Vise. Frankfort Vereker, Vise. Gort 1822 Handcock, V.Castlcmainc BARONS—70. 1181 De Courcy, Lord Kinfale 146a Barnwell Lord Trimlefton Plunket, Lord Dunfany 1541 Plunket, Lord Louth 1620 Digby, Lord Diglvy 162,1 Blayney, Lord Blayney 1627 Sherard, Lord Sherard 1703 Seymour, Lord Conway 1715 Freke, Lord Carbery 1718 Aylmer, Lord Aylmer 1756 Maxwell, Lord Farnham 1758 Crofbie, Lord Brandon Lyfaght, Lord Lifle 1762 Clive, Lord Clive 1767 Phipps, Lord Mulgrave 1770 Perceval, Lord Arden 1776 Wynn, LdNewborough Macdonald, L Macdonald Edwardes, LdKenfington Lyttleton, Lord WeftcoL Ongley, Lord Onglcy Mafley, Lord Maflfey 1777 Robinfon, Lord Rokeby 1781 Deane, Loid Mufkerry 1782 Hood, Lord Hood 1783 Tonfon, Lord Riverfdale Pennington, LdMuncafter Eden, Lord Auckland 1789 Browne, Lord Kilmaine Lawlefs, Lord Cloncurry 1790 Dillon, Lord Clonbrok 1791 Fitzherbert, Ld St Helen' 1792 Cavendilh, Ld Waterpark 1794 Graves, Lord Graves Hood, Lord Bridport 1795 Parkyns, Lord Randiffc 1796 Vanneck, LdHuntingfield Smith, Lord Carrington Wcftenra, LordRossmore 1797 Hotham, Lord Hotham Dawfon, Lord Cremorne Winn, Lord Headley Shore, Lord Teignmouth Toler, Lord Norwood Crofton, Lord Crofton 1798 Ffiench >% Lord Ffrench 1799 Eden, Lard Henley 1800 Coote, Lord Caftle Coote Rowley, Lord Langford Blaquiere, L De Blaquiere Major, Lord Henniker Blackwood, Lord Duflfeiin Mullins, Lord Ventry Blake, Lord Wallfcourt Sandford, Lord Mount- Sandford Prittie, L Dunalley Mahon, Lord Hartland Bingham, LdClanmorris Waldegrave, Ld Rad flock Toler, Lord Norbury Gardner, Lord Gardner Granville, Lord Nugent Trench, Lord Alhtown MafTey, Lord Clarina 1806 ThelufTbn, LRendleftiam 1812 Beresford, Lord Decies 1818 Canning, Lord Garvagh 1819 Cradock, Lord Howden 1822 Downes, Lord Downes 1825 Bloomfield, Ld Bloomfield 104 PEERESSES. 1785 Macdonnell, Cfs Antrim I1181 Melfort, Bar. De Barry 1660 Skeffington,V.Massareene|l797 Keith, Baroness Keith ARCHBISHOPS. Armagh , Lord John G. BeresfordlCas/ieZ/, Dr Lawrence Dublin, Dr William Magee \Tuam , Hon.Dr P. Trench BISHOPS. Meath, Dr Nathaniel Alexander Kildare, Hon. Dr C. Lindfay Derry, Hon,DrWm Knox Clogher, Lord R. Tottenham ICilmore, Dr G P. Beresfcrd Downe, Dr Richard Mant jE hphin, Dr John Lesslie Clonfert, &c. Dr C. Butson Cloyne, Dr John Brinkley Corke <$• Boss, Hn.DrTLaurence Leighlin , &c. Dr T. Elrington Killala, Dr James Verschoyle Ossory, Dr Robert Fowler Waterford, Hon, Dr R. Bourke Baphoe , Dr William Bisset Dromore, Dr James Saurin Killaloe , Dr A. Arbuthnot Limerick, Dr John Jebb REPRESENTATIVE PEERS of IRELAND, ( 28 ) Elected for Life. Marq.Headfort Earl Ennifkillen Earl of Rosse — Thomond — Erne — Gosford — Conyngham — Lucan — Charleville Earl of Carrick — Belmore — Blesinton — Charlemont — O’Neill — Longford — Kingston — Bandon — Clancarty — Wicklow — Caledon Vise. Gort — Mayo — Limerick — Lor ton Lord DufFerin Lord Farnham Lord Carbcrry Archb. Dublin Bp. of Leighlin of Cloyne — of Cork COMPARATIVE RANK OF OFFICERS IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. NAVY. ARMY. Admiral of the Fleet - with Field-Marshal Admirals ----- t ohh Generals Vice-Admirals - with Lieutenant-generals Rear-Admirals - with Major-generals Commodores, and first Captain* to7 . Commanders in-Chief - -J Wlth Brigadier-generals Captains of 3 Years Post - - with Colonels Other Post Captains - ’with Lieutenant*colonels Commanders - with Majors lieutenants - with Captains 105 EAST INDIES . HOME DEPARTMENT Board of Commissioners. Right Hon. Charles Watkins W.Wynn, M.P. President Ri Hon Earl Bathurst RtHn. E.J. Robinson RtHnSirG Warrendyr Jo.Plxillimore. D.c.r. Wm Yates Peel, Esq* Rt Hon. Geo. Canning Lord Teignmouth Rt Hon. Robert Peel Rt Hon John Sullivan Earl of Liverpool Marquis of Salisbury T P Courtenay, Esq; M.P. sec.—John Wright, Esq. asst. sec. William Leach, accompiant. Win Groom, solicitor. Court of Directors. Sir G. A. Robinson, chairman . Hon. H. Lindsay, deputy Charles Mills John Baillie John P. Muspratt Sir RT Farquhar, bt Henry Alexander Henry St Geo Tucker James Stuart Jacob Bosanquet John Thornhill Edward Parry George Raikes Richard C Plowden Robert Campbell John Bebb John G. Ravenshaw Thomas Pattison Jo-iasl) Alexander William Wigram Neil B. Edmonstone John Morris John Lock William S Clarke Joseph Dart, sec. Peter Auber, dep. A. W. Mason, chief clerk BENGAL ESTABLISHMENT. Supreme Council. Right Hon. Lord Amherst, Governor General of India Gen. Lord Combermere, gcb. Comm-in-Chief & second in Council John Lend all, Esq. John H Harington, Esq. W B Bayley, Esq. W B Bayley, chief secretary George Swinton, sec. in the secret and political departments Charles Lushington, sec. general and foreign department Lieut Col. Wm Casement, C.B. sec. military dep Capt Abr. Lockett, deputy do. W B Bayley, sec judicial dep H Mackenzie, do. territorial dep Sudder Dewanee and Nizamut Adavolut. Wm. Leycester, chief judge. Cy Smith, Win Dorin, CTSealy, II Shakespear, puisnejudges Wm H Macnaughten, register Board of Trade • John Fendall, president. Geo. Udny, Chas M‘Kenz»e, members Geo Udny, Henry Mundy, tvarehousekeep. Walter Nisbet, sec. Board of Revenue , president. James Puttie, Wigram Money, Win Trower, members R Hunter, secretary Alex F Lind, sub-sec. Board of Customs, Salt and Opium. , president . John P Larkins, George Chester, and Henry Sargent, members Robt Saunders, sec. C. Lindsay, asst Supreme Court of Judicature. Honourable Sir Charles Grey, Knight, chief justice Honourable Sir Antony Duller, Knight, do. Honourable Sir Johu Franks, puisne justice Vice Admiralty Court—Established in 1808. Sir Chatles Gray, Kt. com. Sir Antony Buller, Kt. dep~com» Sir John Franks, Kt., ditto Court of Requests. CW Brief zeke, C K Robison, J W IVFLeod, commis. Richard Leslie, clerk John Gordon, register Dr Voss, surgeon W II Macnnghten, sheriff oj Calcutta Thomas F Lewin, master in equity, &c. John Pearson, advocate general to company College at Fort William. Hon Court of Directors, patrons The Governor-General, visitor The Members of Supreme Council, gov. J II Harrington, pres Ecclesiatical Establishment. Right Rev. Reginald Meber, d.d., lord bishop of Calcutta Rev. Daniel Corrie, archdeacon * domestic chaplain to the lord bishop Samuel P Stracey, registrar and secretary James Bryce, d.d. James Browr, chaplains Scotch church General Staff Gen. Lord Combermero, gcb, commander-in-chief in India Lieut-General Sir G Martindell, kob. com at Cawnpore Ma jor General Robert Alexander Dalzell, com. at Presidency . com 3 d div field army Major-General John Arnold, com Saugurfield force Major-General George Dick, c.b. com at Dinapore Major-General Thomas Reynell, c.b., corned div field army Col James Price, com at Benares Lieut-Colonel Ar. M‘Donald, kch. adjt-general of king's troops Col Sir S Ford Whittingham, quarter-master-gen of ditto Lieut-Colonel W L Watson, adjutant-general Lieut-Colonel Robert Stevenson, qr-mas gen Lieut-Colonel Henry Iinlach, military auditor-general Lieut-Colonel Jeremiah Bryant, judge advocate-general Lieut-Colonel Val. Blacker, c.b. surveyor general of India Lt-Col It LI Cunliffe, commis-gen. Capt W Lumsdaine, dep Edward Hale, private sec to governor-general Lieut Hon. Jeffrey Amherst, 59th foot, military secretary Military Board. General Lord Combermere, gcb.. President Maj.-Gen. R A Dalzell, com at the Presidency , vice-president Lieut-Colonel Alexander M‘Leod, commandant of artillery Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Imlach, military audit or-general Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Mouat, chief engineer Lieut-Colonel Robert Stevenson, quarter-master-general Lieutenant-Colonel W L Watson, adjutant-general Major John Craigie, aud Captain G Voung, secretaries Medical Board. Walter Ogilvy, Esq. | Alex. Gibb, Esq. I C Abel, apothecary James Meik,faq. | Jo, Adam, m.d. sec. J II Cavell, dep. 107 FORT ST. GEORGE ESTABLISHMENT. The Hon Major-Gen SirTho Munro, k.c.b. governor V Lt-Gen Sir George T Walker, g.c.b corn in chief > Council Henry Sullivan Graeme, Esq; J II D Ogilvie, Esq; ) David Hill, chief sec, Rich Clive, sec. in the military depart* John Stokes, secretary in the revenue and judicial departments John VI M'Leod, secretary in the public , $c. departments \ Board of Revenue. Ilenry S Graeme, Esq. president . George E Russell, Esq. iEneas M‘l)onell, Esq; and Richard Clarke, Esq. members. John Dent, sec. Daniel Elliott, deputy Sudder and Foujdarry Adatclut. JHD Ogilvie, chief judge. George Gowan, and FA Grant, puisne judges William Huddleston, register General Staff. Lieut-General Sir George T Walker, gcb, com-in-chief Lieut-General Thomas Bowser, commanding the army in chief Major-General Sir John Doveton, kcb, commanding in Mysore Major-General Robert Sewell, hms, do. Centre Div. Major-General Hamilton Halt, do. Ceded Districts Major-General Jasper Nicoils, do. South Division Lieutenant-ColonelT H S Conway, cb, adjutant-general Lieutenant-Colonel Rowland B Otto, quarter-master-general Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffrey Prendergast, military auditor-general Colonel James Leith, judge advocate general Lieut J N R Campbeii, Persian interpreter at head-quarters Military Board I.ieut-General Thomas Bowser, commanding in chief Colonel Sir J. Sinclair, lit, acting commandant of artillery Lieutenant Colonel T H S Conway, cb, adjutant-general Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffrey Prenuergast, military auditor-general Lieutenant-Colonel R B Otto, quarter-master-general Major Thomas M‘Lean, secretary Capt II lVloberly, dtp Medical Board. George Baillie, first member Win Pritchard, third do. Wynn Peyton, second do. William Scott, secretary Ecclesiastical Establishment . Rev. 1 E Vaughan, archdeacon. Fred Oruie, Esq. registrar Alex Webster, and George James Lawrie, chap. Scotch church Commissariat Department. Lt-col W Morrison, c.b., commit.-gen .—Major M Cubbon, deputy Supreme Court of J udicature, Mudras. Hon Sir Ralph Palmer, Ent, chief justice Hon Sir R B Comyn. kt, and Sir G VVRickctts, kt, puisne justices John Savage, Esq; sheriff Court of Requests. Co minis .—H Byrne, L H Stirling, E F Elliott. C Clay, registrar Vice Admiralty Court. Hon. Sir Ralph Palmer, kt, commissary an principal 108 BOMBAY ESTABLISHMENT. ^ fThe Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone, president and g v, ^ Lieut-General Sir Thos Bradford, kcb, com-in-chief § J Francis Warden, Esq. Richard Thomas Goodwin, Esa, dairies Joseph Sparrow, Esq. provisional councillor ^William Newnham, Esq; chief secretary Ecclesiastical Establishment. The Rev. George Barnes, dd, archdeacon and commissary James Clow and Joseph Laurie, chaplains , $cotch church . Supreme Court of Judicature. Hon Sir Edward West, Knight, chief justice Hon Sir R Rice, kt, Hon C H Chambers, kt, puisne justices David Seton, sheriff' GCorge Norton, advocate-general Win Fenwick, master in equity Alex Ferries, prothonotary, fyc. Chas Grant 9 acting clerk of croton W A Morgan, sol for the Com* Vice-Admiralty Court. Sir Edward West, Knt. commis. Rich Woodhouse, registrar General Staff. Lieut-General Sir Thomas Bradford, kcb, commander-in-chief Major-General Sir Lionel Smith, commanding in Poonah Major-General Samuel Wilson, commanding Presidency, division Lieutenant-Colonel David Leighton, adjutant general Lieutenant-Colonel E W Shuldham, quarter-master-general Lieutenant Colonel RH Hough, military auditor-general Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Baker, commissary-general Military Board. Lient-Gen Sir Thomas Bradford, kcb, com-in-chief president Major-General Samuel Wilson, vice-president Lieqt-Colonel Samuel Good fellow, chief engineer Lieut-Cojopel David Leighton, cb, adjutant-general Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Hessman, commandant of artillery Lieut-Colonel K W ShuldHam, quarter-master-general Lieut-Colonel R H Hough, military auditor-general Major Peter Fearon, secretary Medical .Board. Benj Phillips, Esq; S. Sproull, Esq; TTMardon, Esq; members James M 4 Adam, secretary PRINCE OF WALES’ ISLAND ESTABLISHMENT. Robert Fullerton, Esq; governor and treasurer William Clubley, Esq; collector of government customs Sir JT Calridge, kt, recorder. D Brown, Esq; sheriff ESTABLISHMENT AT CANTON IN CHINA. Sir James Brabazon Urmston, president of the select committee Francis 11 Toone, c 2 dmember. W 11 C Plowden, 3 d do. ESTABLISHMENT AT ST. HELENA. Brig G. A Walker, gov. & com-in chief* T II Brooke, secretary 6 Adventure, P P King 10 Alacrity, C J H Johnstone 74 Albion, John A Ommaney 28 Alligator, H D Chads l8 Arachne, Andrew Baird BOYAL NAVY. Ships in Commission 46 Diamond, Lord Napier 18 Dispatch, R W Parsons 42- Doris, Sir J G Sinclair 18 Doterel, Henry Edwards 6 Dove, Lt James St John — ■ —--» joii 64 Argonaut, h.s. LtJa. James 46 Druid, Sam. Chambers 26 Ariadne, Adol. Fitzclarence 42- Dryad, Hon. G A Crofton Arrow, cutL Art. Brooking 2 Astrsea, William King 28 Atholl, James A Murray 46 Aurora, Chas John Austen 10 Badger, Charles Crowdy 50 Barham, Sir John Louis Basilisk cutt. Lt J Chumley 10 Beagle, Pringle Stokes 10 Beaver, J O Brien 10 Bittern, tend. Lt RfRochfort 46 Blanche, Wm B Mends 46 Blonde, Lord Byron 24 Blossom, F W Beechey 46 Boadieea, Wm F Carroll 10 Bramble, Lt Thomas Fav.ll 26 Brazen, George W Willes 10 Brisk, Hon. Wm Anson 120 Britannia, Philip Pipon io Britomart, Fred Chamier 10 Bustard, Wms. Sandom 10 Cadmus, Charles Hallowell 48 Cambrian, G W Hamilton 82 Cambridge, Thos J Maling 10 Camelion, Charles Cotton 18 Champion, J F Studdcrt 10 Chanticleer, C J H Johnstone 18 Clio, Robert Aitchison 12 Conflict, Lt John Cbry3tie 12 Contest, Lt Chas English 6 Cygnet, Lt Jas G Gooding 20 Cyrene, Alex Campbell 4 * Dartmouth, Henry Dundas 18 Eclair, Thomas Bourchier 6 Eclipse, LtCWG Griffin 6 Emulous, Lt W P Croke 20 Esk, WmJPurchas 18 Espiegle, Rich A Yates 10 Ferrer, Henry Gosset 18 Fly, Fred A Wetherail 44 Forte, JeremiahJCoghlan 6 Frolic, Lt T Ch. Barron 42 Galatea, Sir Chas Sullivan 84 Ganges, bam H Inglefield 18 Gan net, Francis Brace 74 Genoa, Walter Bathurst 50 Glasgow, Hon. J A Maude 74 Gloucester, Josh S Horton 6 Goldfinch, Lt John Walkie 18 Grasshopper, W P Canning 18 Harlequin, James Scott 10 Helicon, Charles D Acland 10 Herald, A WJ Clifford 18 Heron, Robert Tait 20 Hind, John Furneaux 6 Hope, Lt John Wright 46 Hussar, George Hatris 42 Hyperion, W J Mingaye 16 Investigator, G Thomas 50 Isis, Hugh Patton 18 Jaseur, Thomas Martin 10 Jasper, H M Blackwood 52 Java, John Wilson 60 Jupiter, Sir W S Wiseman 6 Kingfisher, Lt Wm Poore K 110 20 Larne, Wm B Dobson 46 Lively, William Elliott 6 Magnet, James Porteous 46 Maidstone, Charles Builen 12 Martial, Lt R M l Kinry 20 Martin, Thomas Wilson 6 Mastiff, Richard Copeland 20 Medina, Timothy Curtis 74 Melville, Henry Hill 26 Menai, Houston Stewait 26 Mersey, John M Ferguson 10 Mutine, Lt Richard Pawlet 46 Naiad, Hon. RC Spencer 28 Niemen, Prov. W L' Wallis 8 Nightingale, Lt W Kitchen 18 Nimrod, Samuel Sparshott 28 North Star, Sept. Arabin 80 Ocean, John Sykes 18 Orestes, William Jones 42 O. Glendower, H Christian 18 Pandora, Wm C Jervoise 10 Parthian, Henry B Ma tin 18 Pt lican, Hon. L C Irby 18 Pelorus, Henry E Napier IO Philomel, Lord Wm Paget 14 Pike, Lt Edward Kelly 6 Plover, Lt Edward Jennings 12 Plumper, Lt W Hutchinson 18 Primrose, Oct. V Vernon 120 Pr. Regent, C R Moorsom Pr.Regent, yt. Geo Mundy 10 Procris, Hn.W Waldegrave 18 Pylades, George V Jackson 42 Pyramus, G II Sartoiious 28 Rainbow, Hon. H J Rous 18 Raleigh, John W Dalling 74 Ramillies, Hugh Pigot 28 Ranger, Lord H F Thynne 28 Rattlesnake, John Leith 6 Redpole, John Bullock 18 Redwing, D C Clavering 76 Revenge, Sir C Burraid 18 Rifleman, Wm Webb 6 Rinaldo, Lt John A Moore 18 Ringdove, E Thornbrough 30 Romney, Nich Lockyer 18 Rose, Lewis Davies R 1 Charlotte, yt] C White RlGeorge,^. SirMSeymour R 1 Sovereign,^/. Sir W Hoste z8 Samarang, David Dunn 18 Scylla, William Hobson 42 Semiramis, Robert Rowley 46 Seringapatam, C Sotheby 2 Shamrock, Martin White 10 Sheldrake, Lt Robert Eden 20 Slaney, Samuel Thornton 18 Sparrowhawk, J Polkinghorn 76 Spartiate, Fred Warren 10 Starling, Lt Richard Stuart 28 Success, James Stirling 8 Surly, Lt I C Woolnough 6 Swallow, Lt Thos Baldock ro Swan, Lt, Joseph RR Webb 12 Swinger, Lt GWm Matson 48 Sybille, Sir Sam J Pechell z8 Talbot, Hon. F Spencer 26 Tamar, James J G Bremer 46 Thetis, Sir John Phil’.imore 18 Trinculo, Robert Patton 28 Tweed, Frederick Hunn 10 Tyrian, Lt Robert Dwyer 26 VaUrous, E. of Huntingdon 18 Victor, George Wool 1 com be 104 Victory, Charles Inglis 12 Vigilant, Lt S Meredith 28 Volage, Hon. R S Dundas 76 Warspite, Sir Jas Brisbane 10 Weazte, Rich Beaumont 74 Wellesley, Gord. T Falcon Wm&Marv, yt. C Malcolm 74 WindsorCastle, ED King 18 Zebra, E R Williams 6 Zephyr, Lt Charles Church Ill ADMIRALS op the ROYAL NAVY. H. R.IL the Duke of Clarence, Admiral of the Fleet. Sir James Saumarez, Vice-Admtral of Great Britain. The Earl of Northesk, Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. Admirais Of the Red. WPW Freeman Sir G Montagu John Henry liaac Prefcott Thomas Spry Lord Gambier Sir C M Pole Wm Swiney Cha Ed Nugent Sir CH Knowles HnTPakenham Sir JHWhitfhed JamesDouglas Sir R Bickerton Rob Montagu Sir H Trollope Of the White . John Wickey John Fifh Sir John Knight Sir Edw Thorn brought Samp. Edwards Sir Ja.Saumarez ThomasDrury EailofNoithefk James Valhon Lord Exmouth Sirlsaac Coffin John Aylmer Theo Jones Sir Wm Domett Wm Wolfcley Robett Murray Hn. A Cochrane John Markham Edw Bowater Geo Palmer Of ihe Blue. Sir EliabHarvey Sir Edm Nagle Sir John Wells Sir Geo Martin SirR J Strachan SirW Sid Smith Tho Sotheby Sir H Nicholls Sir Her Sawyer Sir Dav Gould Sir R G Keats Hon.RStopford Mark Robinlon T R Shivers John Dilkes Sir Thos Foley Sir Chas Tyler Sir Man. Dixon George Lofack Vice- Admirals Of the Red. Ifaac G Manley Edm Crawley Sir T Williams Sir T Thom pfon Sir W Hatgood John Ferrier Sir R Moorfom Sir CHamilton Hon. H Curzon Sir LWHaKled Sir Harry Neale Sir Jos S Yorke Hon. AK Legge E. of Galloway Sir Fra Laforey Sir PC Durham Sir Ifiael Pellew Alex Frafer Sir B Hallowell Lord Beauclerk Wm Taylor Sir Jas N Morris Sir T B Martin Of the White. Chas Stirling John Lawford Frank Sotheron Sir Wm J Hope Lord H Paulett C W Paterfon Sir G Cockburn Jas Carpenter Robert Barton Sir G Moore Matt H Scott Jofeph Hanwell SirHWBayntun Sir Rich King Edw G Colpoys Edward J Foote Sir Richard Lee Peter Halkett Wm Bedford Philip Stephens Pin.CE Fleming Sir C V Penrofe Of the Blue. SirWm Hotham Sir P Malcolm Wm Nowell Sir John Gore John Harvey Hon. H Hotham Sir J Rowley SirECodrington Geo Parker RobertPlampin SirHBlackwood John E Douglas Visc.Torrington Rofs Donelly Sir JPBeresford Thos Eyles TLeMGoflelin Sir Cha Rowley Sam J Ballard Robert Rolles Walter Lock Sir D Milne James Young Rear Admirals Of the Red. Sir R W Otway Wm Windham Edw Fellowes W T Lake Sir Charles Ogle Henry Raper Sir W C Fahie Sir Geo Eyre C7 Robt Lambert Rob D Oliver Thos Boys Sir C Brifbane Sir John Talbot J R Tollemache John Giffard John Weft Stephen Poynt7 Lord Colville John Cochett Sir AC Dick Ton Rob Winthrop Henry Digby Of the White Charles Ekins Benj W Page Hn.PWodhoufe Th Alexander Andrew Smith Sir Edw Berry Lord MR Kerr Sir Jas A Wood Thos Harvey R H Moubray Henry RGlynn John Bligh Sir E Hamilton Thos Baker Samuel Sutton Sir Rob Laurie Wm H Gage John Maitland Stair Douglas Jas Walker Hon. C Paget Rob Williams Richd Worfley Of the Blue . A P Holies Sir HHeathcote SirEWCOwen George Scott Thos Dundas George Fowke R H Pearfon George Aftle John T Rodd SirT M Hardy W Cumberland G E Hamond R Hor.eyman V V Ballard H Downman Hon. T B Capel Wm Hanwell Thos Manby Lord J O’Bryen Richard Matfon Richard Ragget John Mackellar Charles Adam 12 Edward Brace Sir J Brenton Fras W Auften B R Lit'lehales Pat Campbell Norb Thom Ton Sir M Seymour Edw S Dickfon Edw Rotheram ThosJ Maling J A Ommaney Henry Stuart Zacli Mudge CAPTAINS. 1799 John Stiles Mich Halliday Wm Granger John C White George White Francis Vefey Henry Garrett Walter Bathurft A Drummond Robert Hall Robeit Lloyd John Chesffiyre 1800 SirTLivingfton L Hardyman Chrift Laroche Josh S Horton 1801 Henry Hill John M Lewis C Woollaftone A WSchomberg Edward D King Wm Waller Hen Vanfittart George Mundy George Sayer Robert Manfel SirPBVBroke Fra L Maitland Sir Ja. Brisbane Jn F Devonshire James Nalh T? foA n. . r* • 1802 Richard Curry Sir Wm Hofle Len 7 'hompfon Cha Fielding T G Shortland Wm Skipfey Marcus S Hill Hon. F P Irby Sir Chris Cole Dan Woodriffe John W Loring John Winne Sir RH Bromley Hn. D Bouverie Rich Goddard Rich Pouldcn Charles Otter Rich Pellowe John Dick Peter Ribouleau Thomas Hand F P Epworth Matth Buckle John Allen Charles Tinling James Noble Samuel Warren A J Griffiths George Burdett Fredk Warren Rich Peacocke James Carthew Thos Briggs John Broughton Hn. GHDundas Nich Tomlinson Wm Parker T R Ricketts Geo M‘Kinley James Katon Sir C Dashwood Peter Spicer James Seward John T Michell Thos P Di’.rcll Alex Becher John Hatley Francis HCoffin Jeff Raigersfcld Charles Ryder C J W Nefl am Chailes Bullen John Wight Henry F Edgell Corn Quinton Sir Jas Dunbar The above are on Half-Pay of 14 s 6 d jfcdiem 113 Samuel Butcher George Digby Robert Jackfon W Butterfield Richard Byron Wm Young George Tobin James Saunders W H W Parry Edward Gahvey Richard Jones Rich Hawkins Thos Cowan W H Daniel Jacob Walton David Colby Auguttus Brine J C Crawford John Hayes Sam C Rowley Bulk M Praed Samuel Mottley Edw W Browne John RSmollett Wm Ricketts Hon. W Trench Edward S Clay Thes Richbell Benj Carter Charles Inglis Charles Carter Thos Browne Francis G Bond Stephen Foivil Archd Dick Ton WHB Tremlett Samuel Pym George Argle$ Robert Barrie C B H Ross W Rathborne Henry Matl'on Chas Malcolm 1803 John Serrel Peter Heywoob Sir M. Maxwell CMSchomberg FrancisW Fane 1804 Hon.Geo Elliot Wm Durban James Hillyar Lord W Fitzro) Lord G Stuart Robert Obrien Matth Godwin Hugh Pigot James Matter S P Humphreys John Tower Edw Hawker C Richardfon 1805 George Aldham Francis Temple R Budd Vincent ArthFarquhar Harry Gordon Sir W Boulton Sir J A Gordon Hn.FWAylmer Rich Thomas John Quilliam John Pilfold 1806 Wm Henrah W P Cumby K Jas R Dacres Peter Rainier Hon. H Duncan Henry Vaughan [os L Popham John S Carden John Sykes James Watfon Charles Jones John Hancock Jn W Holland John Yelland Wood Lofack John Impey Alex R Kerr Donald M‘Leod H M Ommaney ArchibaldDufT Don PI Mackay Francis Mafon MajJ Hcnniker Sir P CSilvester Sir 1 ho Staines Thos Browne Alex Shippard Hn. P B Pellew John Bowen Henry Laroche RobtHenderfon Sir LuciusCurtis Sir John Louis Hon. E Rodney Brian Hodgfon Flood Chriftian Hon .A Cochran Sir Jos Coghill N D Cochrane John Ayfcough Sir TJ Cochrane Wm H Dobbie ,'Wm Croft Wm F Wife 3 Edmund Boger W Jones Lye GeoF Seymour Hon. G Poulett Hugh Cook James H Tait Gilb Heathcote Wm B Problor Chas J Johnfion Edward Ratfey Edw Hawkins R T Hancock Jas M Northey CPB Bateman MAN deStaick Wm Cook Arth Lyfaght Hon. Joe Percy Hn. A Maitland Plon. G Proby 1807 Lord Radstock Hon.GCadogan Sir Ed Tucker [n Edgecumbe Okes Hatdy Wm Maude H Inglefield Edmund Palmer W A Montagu John Baftard ValenCollard John FyfFe Edw Chetham George Cocks ReubCMangin The above are on Half-Pay of 1 as 6 dp. diem : wm urorc j John Phiilimore FrasBeauman James RPhillips Wm King Pring Stoddart Andrew King Wm Bowles Sir Hyde Parker CSJ Hawtayne J WDDundas Samuel J ickfon SirETioubridge Charles Gordon George Harris j 808 Tho Garth John Clavell W S Park info n Jas M Gordon Geo Langford Wm H Dillon Jas Bradfhaw Matth Smith Thos Searle Henry Hope Thos Ufher Rowland Bevan Wm Ward Sam Jn Pechell RobertCathcart Robert Elliott Cuch F Daly Philip Pipon Hn.FBRPellew John Halfled G C Mackenzie Edw P Brenton FrancisACollier George M Bligh 1809 Charles Gill 114 Hon. J W King Benj Walker Jas Prevoft Fras Newcombe John Joyce Jas Caulfield Wm Godfrey Jofeph Spear Wm Wells Tho Withers Charles Napier John R’chards George Sanders Ld JTownshend Thos Thrulh Wm Mounfey Tho Forrefi Rich Harward George Bell Wm Goate [ofeph James Henry H Spence John B Purvis Geo Andrews Wm Buchanan Ed J Moriarty Edw S Bailey Geo Cadman C Bartholomew Wm H ShirrefF John Simpfon Edward Dix Henry W Pearfe I <810 Richard Arthur Geo P Monke Phipps Hornby Hon. WGordon Francis Stanfell Sam G Pechell Philip Browne Matt B Bradby Wm Patterson Henry Prescott Thos White Thos Graves N J Willoughby Edw W Hoare Wm Elliott Jas Collins John Crispo Robert Keene John Lawfon Thos White George Saver James A Worth James Slade WmWFootc Thos Innes Francis Dougla R Brown Tom James Lillicrap Walter Grofiet Francis J Nott L Shepheard John Thompson J R Lapenotieie JasW Maurice TF Main waring 1811 Wm H By am Rob Clephane Jos Pack wood Wm Flint Thos Fellowes Pitt B Greene Hon. Wm Wa!- degrave Tho Huskismn E H A'Court Thos Coc Sir B C Doyle John Pasco Jn Hollinworth Clement Sneyd Richard Buck Jn D Markland Wm Fifher Abel Ferris Edward Harvey Rob M Fowler Wm Fitz. Owen M H Dixon W B Dolling Robert Evans Thos F Baugh John Lamborn John Baker Alex Innes Chas M Fabian 1 Sam Colquitt GufiavusStupart Anthony Abdy 1 Henry EP Sturt J _ Rich G JanveriivG Henry Guion Geo W Blarney 1R W G Fefting Chas J n Aufter'john Coode j Peter J Douglas Spelman SwainelTho Burton G W Hamilton Hon. A Jones Benj Clement Hon.H Daw/on Don Campbell Henry Hart Geo Henderfon T Tudor Tucker John Bowker Hen Bourchier J Strutt Pcvton j— ------ UWUIl iv j ww nuiioii vv nammoi Charles Dilkcs (Fras Beaufort |Jer Coghlan lEdw Stopford l8l2 George Price Jofeph S Tetley George Acklom BaringReynolds George Morris James Greene Jas Anderson WmShepheard John Tancock Hn.GACrofton Jas P Stewart Robt Maunsell Chrift Bell Rich Spencer V F Hatton ArthB Bingham Henry Barwell Jas Stevenfon Hon.ESP Knox Hon.G Douglas E.of Leven and Melville Colin Campbell Charles Sotheby Joseph Svmcs Hon.WHPercy Booty Harvey James Pringle Rich P Davies Geo Wyndham Henry Weir A W J Clifford Samuel Leslie Lord H J Selfey Edward Ellicott James Barker Peter Rye James Vcitch James Gifford Timothy Clinch Geo Le Geyt Buck S Bluett HenryG Morris Sam Chambers EdwAug Down T Whinyates Wm Hellard John Thompfon Geo Moubray A Cunningham Jn W Andrew Josh R Rowley Hew Steuart Wm Robilliard 1813 Alex R Sharpe Robert Mitford Henderson B rin Clem Milward James Black Jos N Taylor John FMaples Robert Bio ye T E Symonds Wm Stephens WeftbyPercival John Tailour John Smith Gordon Falcon Watkin O Pell John Bayley Henry J Lyford T F Kennedy Benj Crispin E Mounsher James Stuart Lewis Hole Wm W Daniel Thomas File John M‘Keriie Thos R Toker Wm F Carrol Fred J Thomas 115 Thos Groube Pier Robinson William Black Michael Head Thomas Stamp R RWormeley Nath Mitchell John Harper SamBDeckar Weston Phipps Aug VereDrury Thos Barclay Geo W Wilies Hayes O’Grady GW H Knight Thomas Dick Wm I Scott M FF Berkeley Bertie C Cator David Dunn Fairf Moresby George Rennie Fred Vernon Edward Brazier Charles Hewitt Lord Byron ColinM'Donald Hn.KSomervill Geo Ed Watts Abr Lowe J J G Bremer John Porteous Chas Bertram George Hills Hen Fanshawe I H Morrison Geo B Trollope W H Mulcaster 1814 Alex Gordon Fred Hickey Henry T Davies Peter Fisher Edward R Sibly Hon. H D Byng Hon.J AMaude Andrew Green Henry Haynes Wm B Mends GG Lennock Lord Napier Hon R Spencer Geo Ferguson Sir WGParker G R Sartorius RobtWauchope| C H Watson Sir J G Sinclair Robt Gambier Harry Hopkins John Ellis Joseph Pearce Chas F Payne Edmund Lyons Sir ChaSullivan Richard Foley Hen Jen kin son John Marshall Edward Saurin Edward Hodder John H Godby Chrift Strachey Thos Mansell Charles Shaw Colin Campbell JamesWemyss Justice Finley ArdenAdderley John Wilson George Pringle N De Courcy James Boxer Rich O’Connor FrancisELoch Charles Kerr John Palmer H F Senhouse T B Sullivan David Scott Edward Collier Richard Creyke 1815 N L Pateshall Nich Lockyer Row Money El Montressor John Sheridan Sir H L Baker GWHD’Aeth Robert Ram fay JCG Roberts Samuel Roberts David Price ArchTisdall Jos G Garland Lord APrudhoe Robert Rowley WmS Badcock i 16 Hemy Meynell A P Hamilton Dan Lawrence Rob H Rogers Geo Bentham W Kempthorne Arth Fanshawe James AM array William Hill 1817 James Stirling A F Westropp George Brine Lord John Hay C R Moorsom Hn.GJ Perceval H11 John Gordon 1819 Wm Popham ■ Jas Tomkinson Rich El Muddle Janies Hay Tho Renwick Thomas Young John Parish John Bradly Henry Higman Wm Ramage George Hewson Alex M Vicar John Lawrence David Braimer Rich W Wales Jn M Ferguson Edmund Waller JohnT Nicholas John Gourly John Moberly Joseph Digby John Thomson Charles Ward Wm Farirgton Steph Popham FrasB Spilsbuy Daniel Pring F W Burgoyne James Rattray John Allen Wm Henderson John Hill FrankGWillock John Carter 1816 Daniel Rofs Aug Baldwin Geo W Hooper HenryCDeacon Eloust. Stewart Edw Barnard Bafd Hall James Wallis 1818 W B Dash wood Martin White John Cookesley James Murray CGR Phillotf George M Jones Wm Wolridge James K White John Ross Sir ChaT Jones Cha. B Strong John Baldwin Robert R Carre Sir G Westphal! PWP Wallis Hon. Fred Noel Wm Sargent Hugh Patton Alex Dobbs Hn.C Bridgman Henry Shirfner Henry Forbes Wm Walpole 1820 A Montgomerie Sir WS Wiseman J W Montagu 1821 Hn. G Campbell D H O’Brien W B Bigland Geo C Gambier John Gore J C Carpenter Rob. Hccki. gs George B Alien John Codd Edward Lloyd John Gedge Ben. Mar. Kelly Henry Jauncey Armar L Corry Wm Edw Parry Wm H Bruce 1822 Sir C Burrard Wm J Mingay Thos L Peake Andw Mitchell Norwich Duff Chas C Parker John E Walcott Thos Woliige Christ. C Askew Wm Godfrey Wm Hendry Job Hammer George French Lord H Tbynne Hon. F Spencer Arch M 4 Lean J H Plumridge Charles Nelson George Tyler John Franklin fhos Herbert Charles H Reid John Smith HTB Collier John Brenton Wm Ramsden Geo R Pechell Alex B Branch H B ace Powell John D Bos wall Henry Stanhope John T Coffin Fred Hunn 1823 EcKvauICurzon Sept. Arabin P Blackwood V™ Hon H J Rons Charles Phillips Thos B Clowes David Buchan John W Roberts Edward Boxer George F Rich Thos Pettman WJH Johnston George F Lyon 1824 James Couch Wm H Smyth James R Burton Rich Saumarez Earl of Hunt¬ ingdon Wm F Martin Henry Jane Hon.GTrefusis John Shekel 11 James Montagu Hon.RSDundas John Filmore Thomas Pickett Wm Simpson R H Barclay A D Arbuthnot A Fitzclarence 1825 Percy Grace Henry Dundas Wm Hotham Chas Mitchell Hn. M Stopford Christ, Nixon Edm Denman Daniel Barber George A Hire C M Walker John Stoddart G O Lempriere Thos B Devon Chas P Yorke Henry D Chads Fred Marryatt Thos Warrand John Gore Charles Bowen 1826 Hon. C Abbot Charles Hope John G Alpin Wm Rochfort William Keats Hon. Geo. Bar¬ rington Henry J Letke Rod Shannon C H Fremantle Geo R Lambert Thomas Smith George Gosling John G Graham AlexTE Vidal John Leith HenP Hoppner Mich Seymour John Pakenham Lotd Churchill Total t 803 SUPERANNUATED John Kendall Henry Warre REAR-ADMIRALS. Richard Graves Wm Chambers Isaac Smith David Stow Wm Carthew Sand. Tatham Fred Watkins John Moukton TGoldesbrough John Cooke Lauch Hunter John Dawson Nich Ingram Shuld. Peard Richard Willis John Bazely Alex Wilson Richard Dactes D’A Preston Man Dobson Thos Pearse Joseph Bullen Sam Brooking Henry Evans Sir R Barlow Percy Fraser Geo J Shirley R L Fitzgerald Jas K Shepard Barth James George Barker James Ough ton Sam P Forster James Bowen General, D. of Clarence Lt.-Gen. Sir RBickerton Major-gen. Sir G Cockbuin Colonels, L Hardyman Edward Brace ROYAL MARINES. Sir J Brenton Lt-co!s. F W Austen Cols. Com. Jas Campbell Rob Moncricffe Lewis C Meares G E Vinicombe John B Savage Henry Lee RobM‘Cleverly Sir R Williams Tho.Abernethie Thos Timins WTremenheere Harry P Lewis Sir Ja. Malcolm Majors G P Wingrove George Lewis Elias Lawrence Sam Claperton Alex Watson Thos J Sterling Arthur H Ball Henry Cox T> E C Hernby Capts. George Jones N H English Richard Bunce Thomas Adair Edward Nicolls J M Bevians Tho Sherman Wm Connolly Jas Nicholson George Beatty W H Snowe Thos A Parke John Woliige Geo Marshall Nath C 15 0 the NAVY and MARINES. Per Diem.—Payable Quarterly. To next 200 (being quali- L. s. d. fled for 3d or 4 th rates; 0 6 0 The remainder having ser¬ ved 5 years in ttie Navy, 2 of which as acting or 2 d Master,or astViasler’s Mate or Midshipman 0 To the remainder Lieutenants , To each 1 st 300 on the List 0 0 8 6 To each of the next 700 To the remainder Royal Marines , Colonels Lieutenant Colonels Majors - - 0 Captains - - 0 First Lieuts 7 yrs standing 0 The rest - 0 Second Lieutenants - 0 Masters , To the first 100 on the List (being qualified for first or second rates) - 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 0 14 6 0 11 0 9 6 7 0 4 6 4 0 3 0 7 0 5 0 Medical Officers ,— Physicians , After 10 years service 1 1 0 3 \ ears 0 15 0 Under that time 0 10 6 Surgeons, Six years service 0 6 0 Under that time 0 5 0 Assistant Surgeons » Three years service 0 3 0 Two years 0 2 0 Dispensers 0 5 0 Chaplains , After 8 years service at sea, or 10 in harbour 0 5 0 For less service, not under 3 years,—a proportion of the above For each yr’s longer ser¬ vice than 10 yrs, 6d. per diem addit. till it reach 0 10 0 Pursers , To the 1 st 100 on the List 0 5 0 -next 200 0 4 0 The remainder 0 3 0 WAR ESTABLISHMENT of RATES and MEN. 1st rate, ioo guns, 875 men to 850 ; 2d, 98 to 90, 750 to 700; 3d, 80 to 64, 650 to 500 ; 4th, 60 to 50, 420 to 320; yth, 40 to 32, 300 to 220; 6th, 28 to 30, 200 to 140; sloops, 18 to 16, 125 to 90 Gbgs., cutt., &c., 14 to 6, 5010 25.— When an Admiral’s flag is hoisted in a first rate, her complement is 875 ; when a V.-Adm. 870 ; a Rear-Adm. 865. Ships of the Line, Fifties, Frigates, and Royal Yts, are commanded by Post- Capt.; Sloops of War, Bbs, Fire-Sh., Armed-Sh., Store-Sh. and Armes en flute under 50 guns, by Commanders. Schooners, Cut¬ ters, &c. by Lieutenants. Store-Sloops, by Masters. Small craft by Midshipmen who have passed for Lieutenants. 120 ARMY LIST. AIDES-DE CAMP TO THE KING. Col Lord Clinton, h.p. 8 Gar.Bn. — Lord Downes, k.c.b. Gr. Gds Surveyor Gen. of Ordnance, — Robert II Dick, 42 F. — Charles iMorland, 9 Dr. — Neil Douglas, 79 F. — Thomas Downman, R. Art. — M of T weeddale, k.t. 1 )0 F. — W K Elphinstone, h.p. 16 Dr F WTrench, m.p. h.p. l ord Saltoun, Gren. Gds — • Henry Wyndham, IQ Dr. Col Willoughby Cotton, 47 F. — C W Thornton, late of R. A. — Sir E J iVPGregor, h p. 8 Dr. — Edward Gibbs, h. p. 52 F. — G T Napier, h.p. Sicil. Reg. — Sir C B Vere, k.c.b. h.p.6 *F. — Hn. H Pakenham, Port. Ser. — Sir A Dickson, k.c.b R.A. — J T Jones, R. Eng. — Sir J Harvey, K.c.n. 103 F — Leonard Green well, 45 F. — SirGScovell, kcb. R.Wag.T. STAFF IN SOUTH BRITAIN. HisR.H. the Duke of York, K G.&G.C.B. commander-in-chief Lieut.-Gen Sir Herbert Taylor, military secretary Lt.,Col. G Disbrowe and Maj. Tho. Maling, assistant secretary R. Hodgson, d.d. chaplain-gen. Rev. W. Dakins, d.c.l. assist. Col. H F Cooke, Lieut-col. Armstrong, Lieut-col. Hon. George Anson, and F Russell, aides-de-camp 6 Maj.-General Sir Henry Torrens, adjutant-general Major-general John Macdonald, deputy adjutant-general L.t-Colon el D’Aguilar, assistant adjutant-general Captain Garvock, deputy assistant adjutant general Lt col. W G M'Gregor, inspecting field officer recruiting depart. Lieut.-general Sir J W Gordon, quarler-master-geoeral Major-general Sir R D Jackson, deputy quarter-master-general Lt-Colonel Freeth, assist, quarter master general Lieut Enoch, deputy assistant quarter master general Sir James M'Grigor, director general of the medical department Ear! Bathuist, principal secretary of state for colonial department Robert Wilmot Horton and W. Hay, Esqrs. under secretaries Lord Palmerston, sec. at war—W Merry, Esq depute sec. at war Right Hon. Sir Charles Long, paymastei general Right Hon. John Beckett, judge advocate general Field Marshal Duke of Wellington, master general of ordnance Lieut.-gen. Sir WH Clinton, lieut. general of ordnance Colonel Lord Downes, surveyor general of ordnance General Gother Mann, inspector general of fortifications Laur. Sulivan, superintendent .current branch / and Rich. Brown, superintendent of arrear branch, military account department 121 STAFF AT HEAD QUARTERS IN IRELAND . Lt.-Gen. S : r George Murray, G C.B. Commanding the Forces. Major J H Beishes, and Maj, Lord Edward Hay, aides-de-camp Lieut-Colonel A Weddcrburn, military secretary Lieutenant Siborn, assistant do. Cotonel Gardiner, deputy adjutant general Colonel O’Brien, principal assistant adjutant general Colonel Sir J Douglas, deputy quartermaster general Colonel R. Owen, assistant quarter master general D. Walker, Esq, deputy judge advocate general Major G. Spotti9wood, comm, of Hibernian school Lieutenant R. Speedy, provost marshal STAFF IN NORTH BRITAIN. Maj-gen. Sir R W O’Callaghan, (Edinb.) commanding the forces Lieut. Hon. A F Cathcart, aide-de-camp Bt. Major Lindesay, major of brigade Major Lord Robert Kerr, assistant adjutant general Major H G Broke, assistant quarter master general Col. Thackeray and Capt Thomson, Edinburgh ; Capt Calder, Glasgow; Capt Tapp, Fort George, engineers James Dease, surgeon to the forces T G Stephenson, assistant ditto Charles Quartley Palmer, assistant ditto , Fort George Colonel Robert Anstruther, baggage-master-general RECRUITING DEPARTMENT. Edinburgh . j Glasgoiv. Under the Superintendence of Lt-c. Hastings, insp.field officer the Asst.Adj.Gen. N. Britain. Lieut. Deans, district adjutant Lieut. Nunn, staff adjutant | O. Lindsey, surgeon Tho. Small, Esq. del. and dist. paymaster , Edinburgh Officers Superintending Subdivisions . Lt Sheaffe, 50 th F y —Edinburgh Lt Ducat, 91 st F.—2 d Ed.Sub. Lt Irwin, 45 th F.— Aberdeen Lt Seton, 7th F.— Perth Lt Tinling, 13 th F— Glasgoiv Lt Impett, 71 st F.—2 d do. Sub. Lt Campbell, 99 th F .-Inverness Lt Campbell, 1st F .-Kilmarnock Lt Walsh, 5 th F.— Dingwall Lt Dickson, 60 th F.— Dumfries Lt Ferguson, 75 th F.— Selkirk Lt Thomson, 30 th F.— Paisley Lt Inkson, 80 th F.— Dundee Lt King, 74 th F.— Wick — 122 Officers in charge of Permanent Parties . I,t Campbell, 1 F .—Hamilton Lt ,21 F .—Dumfries I t Rob.‘Ot), 26 F .—Edinburgh Lt ,42 F,— Stirling Lt Dalgety, 70 F .—Paisley Ltlmpett, 71 F .—Glasgow Lt Chisholm ,72 F .-Edinburgh Lt Dawson, 73 F.*—Ditto LtM‘Pherson, 74 F .-Kilmarnock Lt Fergusson, 75 F .—Stirling Capt M‘Gregor, 78 F .—Aberdeen Bt.Maj.Mitchell ,79 F_ Thurso l-t Hughe?, 91 F .—Stirling Ensign O’Kelly, 92 F .—Huntly CaptLongmore, Staff— Edinb, Capt Marshall, e.i.c. —Ditto BARRACKS IN NORTH BRITAIN Lord Nairne, Assistant Inspector General of Barracks Alex. Mackay, Clerk. — ( 0 Jff.ee, Queensberry-house.) Barracks, Bar Mafers . Berwick-on-Tweed, D. Logan Piershill Edinburgh Greenlaw Blackness Hamilton Glasgow James Roughead Capt J. Macdonald John Ram?ay J. Machardy Capt. J. Brown Capt. Rob. Collier Port Patrick John Taylor Barracks. Bar. Musters. Diunbarton Major J Alexander Perth Capt John Bellairs Stirling Major Arth.Forbes Paisley John Hicks E. Augustus Lt. W R Spalding Port William Capt.DM k Dougall. Port George Wm Man ford F • Charlotte , Shetland , E Phillips GOVERNORS OF FORTS, &c. IN IRELAND. Londonderry , <%c. Gen. G VHart Cork, Gen. Sir Brent Spencer Maj.Gen. Stirling, Lt. Gov Limerick, Gen. Wm Knollys Kinsale, General Sir David Baird Duncannon , Lt.-g.SirJHamilton Ross Castle , Gen. SirH Johnston G A R R Berwick , Gover. Gen. Sir Ben. Tarleton Lt.Gov. Earl of Ludlow Blackness Castle , Gover. Gen.Sir HewDalrymple Cals hot Castle , Gover. Gen. Earl of Cavan Carlisle , Cover. Maj.Gen Sir G A Wood Lt.Gov. LtCol. J Farquharson Charlemont, Gen, Sir John Doyle Galway, Maj.-gen. Sir Jo. Elley Carrickferg. Gen, Sir BLeighton Hilsb. Fort, Marq, of Downlhire Maryburgh , Lord Maryborough Athlone , Viscount Castlcniain Castlemain , Capt St Geo. Cuff ISONS. Carrickfergus , Gover. Gen. Sir B. Leighton Charlemont , Gover. Gen. Sir John Doyle Chelsea Hospital , Gover. Gen Sir Samuel llulse Lt.Gov. Lt-Geu. Sir A Hope Chester , Gover. Gen. Ed. Morrison Lt. Gov . LtCol. Edm. Coghlan 123 Cinque - Ports, L. War.Kari of Liverpool Ef of Dover Cas. It H Jenkinson Cork, Gover. Gen. Sir B Spencer LtGoO. Major Gen J Stirling Dartmouth, Gover. A. H. Holdsworth , Fort.M»iA-Co\. VV Belford Dumbarton Castle, Gover. Gen. Lord Harris Lt.Gov. Lt-Gen. John Vincent Duncannon Fort, Gover. Lt-Gen Sir J Hamilton Edinburgh Castle, Gover Gen. Sir R. Abererombj Lt.Gov. LtGen. James Hay F.Maj. Major B Harvey Fishguard, Gover. CqI.J. Philipps G alve ay, Gover. Maj.-gen. Sir Jo. Elley Gravesend ^ Tilbury Fort, Gover. Lt.Geu. SirG.L.Coie Lt. Goo.Col. James Hawker Guernsey, Gover. Gen. Earl of Pembroke jLLGoo.Maj Gen.Sir J. Colborne Hull, Gover. Gen Lord Hill Lt.Guv. Col. C W Thornton llursl Castle, Gover. Lt-Col.Hon.J Creighton Fort George, Gover. General Alex. Ross D.Gov. Col. Alex. Mair Fort Augustus, D.Gov. Jersey, Gover. Gen. Lord Beresford ZJ.Goo.M.Gen.Sir C.Halkett Kinsale, Gover. General Sir David Baird El-Goo. Lt-Col. Arth Browne Landguard Fort, Gover. Gen. Sir R Brownrigg Lt. Gov. Lt. Col. Cha. A. W est Limerick, Gover. Gen William Knollys Londonderry and Culmore, Gover. Gen. GV Hart Isle of Man, Gover. Maj.Gen. Lord Glenlyon D.Gov. Cornelius Smelt St Maws, Keeper Gen. Sir G. Nugent D.Gov. Lt.Col. C D.Graham Milford Haven, Gover. Sir John Owen ft. Military College, Sandhurst, Gover. Gen. Sir Edward Paget Lt-Gov Colonel James Butler R. Military Asylum, Chelsea, Comm. Lt-Col G Williamson Military Asylum, Southampton, Comm. Licut-Col G Evatt Pendennis Castle, Gover. Gen. M. Hunter Lt.Gov. Lt.Col. W. Fenwick Plymouth, Gover. Duke of Wellington Lt.Gov. i\l. Gen. SirJ Cameron Portland Castle, Gover. John Penn Portsmouth, Gover. F. M. Earl Harcourt Lt. Gov. Maj Gen. Sir James Lyon Ross Castle, Gover* Gen Sir H Johnston Scarborough Castle, Gover. Earl of JV 1 ulgrave Scilly Isldnd, Gover. Dukeof Leeds Lt.Gov. M.Gen. J. N. Smyth Sheerness Gover. Lord Combermere Lt.Cov. Lt.Col. R. Walker South-Sea Custle. D.Gov. Lt.Col. Alex. Loraine Stirling Castle, Gover. Gen. E. of Donoughmore D.Gov. Lt.Gen.Sam.Graham Tynemouth and Cliff Fort, Gover. Gen. D.D. Wemyss Lt.Gov. litGen. W Thomas Tower of London, Const. Gen. M. of Hastings Lieut. Gen. Win Loftus m ™ — Uprtnr Castle, Govcr. Lt.Col. A. Lawrence X> 7 e 0/ Wight, Goo. Karl of Malmesbury LtGov. Gen. M. Archdail CtfpL of Sundown Fart, Capt Sir Win W> nn ■- Fnrrw. Castle, Lt.-Gen. C. Griffiths — Carisb. Cast, Major-Gen. W. Paterson — ■■■ ~ Cuices Castle, Gen. H. Marq. of Anglesey Fort William , Gover. Lt.Gov. Lt-Gen. Sir Ja. Kempt Windsor, Gover. Karl of Harrington Yarmouth, North, Gover. Maj Gen.A..Brooke G1 B ft A I TA Ft. Gover. Gen. Karl of Chatham XxGoo.Gen. Sir Geo. Don Malta, Gover. Gen. ft I a rq. of Hastings XL Gov. Sir Manley Bower Ionian Islands , Gov. Sir Frederick Adam Cape of Good Hope , Gover. Lord Charles Somerset Lt.Gov. Maj-gen. Rich Bourk Mauritius , (Isle of FranceJ Gover. Hon. Sir G L Cole Sierra Leone, fyc. Gov. Maj-Gen. Sir N Campbell Ceylon. Gover. Lt-gen. Sir Kdw Barnes West Indies. A ntigua, Gover. Maj.Gen. Sir Pat Ross Lt-Gov R. Matthews, Esq. Dominica, Gover. Maj-Gen W Nicolay Trinidad, Gover. Sir R. Woodford Barbadoes, Gover. Lt.Gen. Sir H. Warde Grenada, Gover. Maj, G. Sir J. Campbell J amaica, Gover. Du ke of Manchester XLGoo.M.Gen. Sir John Keane St Lucia, Gover. M.Gen. J ftlain waring Tobago 1 Gover. M Gen.SirK.P. Robinson St Vincent, Gover. SirCha. Brisbane St Christopher, Gover. Colonel C W Maxwell Demarara and Esseqw'bo, Gover. M.-Gen. SirB.D 1 Urban Bermuda. Gover. Lt gen. SirT H Turner Bahama Islands, Gover, Maj -Gen L. Grant Berhice, XL Gov. Henry Beard, Esq, Montserrat , Lt.Gov .S P Stewart Nevis , Lt.Gov. W Boothby ■Anguilla, XLGov.Williain Richardson Virgin Islands, Lt.Gov.C olonel J Bathurst New South Wales. Gover. Lt-gen. Ralph Darling Lt.Gov.W illiam Stewart, Esq, St. Helena, Gover. Lt-Col Alex Walker North America. Lower Canada, Gover. Karl ofDalhousie XLGou.Sir F. N. Burton Upper Canada, Lt.Gov. Maj.Gen. SirP. Maitland Nova Scotia, Lt.Gov. Sir James Kempt Prince Edward's Island, Lt.Gov. Lt-Col. J. Ready New Brunswick, Lt. Gov. ftl a j Gen. S i rH. Douglas Newfoundland. Gover. Sir T J Cochrane St John's, Lt.Gov, Col. Sir George Elder 125 GENERAL Iff FIELD OFFICERS . FIELD MARSHALS. 17 95 Duke of York 1813 Dof Wellington DofCumberland Dof Cambridge 1816 D of Gloucester PrinceofCoburg 1821 Earl Harcourt GENERALS 1802 Sir Robt. Aber- cromby Sir A Clarke 1803 Sir Sam Hulfe Sir Jas Steuart E of Harrington M of Hastings 1808 Sir Hen Johnfon 1809 Sir James Duff E of Mulgrave 1812 Sir PE Irving Lord Harris Earl Cat heart Sir B Tarleton Sir HDalrymple Gordon Foibes Wm Maxwell Eof Pembroke E of Chatham Alex Campbell Alexander Rofs Vise. Killmorey Henry Pigot 1813 Sir Geo Nugent Sir Wm Keppel E. of Douough- more John Hamilton Alex Hay Wm Loftus Oliver Nicolls Sir Geo Hewett 1814 John A Harris Wm J Arabin Sir George Don Lord J Howden Lord C Fitzroy N C Burton Edw Morrifon Thomas Garth Earl of Rofslyn Earl Ludlow Earl of Cavan Sir David Baird Hon. F St John LdCHSomerfct John Defpard Prince ofOrange 1819 Hon. R Taylor George Milner Marq.of Hun.tly Hon. E Finch Ifa&c Gafcoyne D D We my Is Henry Wynyard Dun Campbell Tho Grolvenor John Calcraft Lord Forbes M of Anglesey Sir John Doyle SirR Brownrigg Wm Knoll ys Hon. Ed Phipps Wm Cartwright Bar. Hompesch Sir B Leighton John Coffin ’ Sir Chas Green 1821 Gother Mann Jos Champagne G Cockburne Edward Dunne JasDrummond W Dowdefwell Sir A Mackenzie Geo Moncrieffe Tho Meyrick Lord Lynedoch Hon C Fitzroy Fras Hugonin 1825 William Scott Francis Fuller Sir Jas Affleck George V Hart George Warde M Archdall Sir J Sherbrook Sir G Drumond James Wharton Sir Wm Payne Hon Edw Bligh Ld W Bentinck Eail of Cork Hon. II G Grey Hon.SirE Paget Sir B Spencer LdCombcrmere Sam Dalrymple Lord Hill Denzil Onflow Sir JohnMurray William Twifs Hon. Cha Hope Sir Geo Pigot Fred Maitland Martin Hunter Lord Beresford GENERALS. 1808 Wm Thornton 1809 R N Hopkins 1811 Baron Drefchfel CountLinfingen Richard Bright 1813 EarlofDalhoufie Thomas Baker B.deHochepied Henry Williams MqConyngham Hon. SirA Hope John Frafer Peter Heron Thomas Peter John Ram fay Sir J Broughton William Dyott SirRCFergufon Sir R M‘Farlane John G Crofbie Edward Stack 'll L 3 Hon. J Brodiick Sir Hen Warde James Durham Hon. D Leflie John M Kerr Thomas Scott Sir H Turner Chrift Chowne Hn.W Maitland John G CSkene Hon. J Crewe Hn. SirGLCole Quin J Freeman Earl of Granard S Lightburne Francis Moore VifcountLorton Sir WHClinton Sir W Stewart 1814 FT Hammond Sir J Hamilton R D Blake Robert Douglas Hn.Rob Meade Sit W Houfton George Michell Sir Tho Hiflop John Macleod Alex Dirom Earl of Elgin David Hunter EofBreadalbane John Slade Wm Spencer Samuel Graham J Montgomrie F A Wetherall J D Arabin Wm Buchanan Sir W Lumley Sir M Difney 126 John M‘Kenzie A G Stirling Wm Thomas John Michel Baron Decken John Ram fey Christ Darbv Wm Wilkinfon Sir H Montrcfor C Stevenfon John Hodgfon R T Nelfon SrMNightingal Tames Hay Wm Cocktll Rich Bingham Sir H Clinton Jas Robertfon EWLPopham James Dunlop Sir FG Maclean Walter Ker SirHFCampbell Wm Burnett Marquis of Lon donderry 1819 John Smith Wm Cuppage Thomas Seward Francis Laye J Croker L B Wallis Sir John Hope Geo Meyrick Sir A Cameron Lord Blayney Hon. S Mahon John S Wood Bar. Rotten burg Sir Cha Colville Fred Cha White Gore Browne L Lindenthal Roger Coghlan Sir Henry Fane Sir Rob Bolton Sir Geo Anfon Lord Howard T RCharleton SirHdeHinuber Sir Henry Bell 1 ho Strickland L01 d Hartland Sir J S Maxwell V/ T Dilkes Henry Rudycrd Sir John Ofwald Pinson Bonham Sir Wm Anfon Sir Ed Howorth Charles Terrot William Fyers 1821 Edw Stehelin J A Schalach Henry Hutton Sir T Saumare2 J Jenkinfon Theoph Lewis F Dclaval C Callendar J Mackelcan J T Layard John Skinner 1 Sir W Peacocks SirW Cockbuin J Pare Sir C Wale John LeCouteur Sir J Vandeleur Charles Pye Sir WAyiett J R Fletcher Robert Browne Alex J Goldie Sir R H Sheaffe John Hughes Hon. Alex Duff Sir Geo Airey Sir R S Donkin Sir E Stopford Sir Geo Cooke F J Backhoufe WEden Vifcount Lake Sit GT Walker K M‘Kenzie Sir J Dalrymple Ld Wahingham Sam Hawker 1825 W Raymond Ter O’Loghlin Sir G Murray Sir Jas Kempt C N Cook fon Wm Johnflon James Meredith ! John Burton R H Farmar W Tench I S Saunders L Maclean G Wilfon D Balling-all D Shank William Minet Evan Lloyd Mat Sharpe D LWidrington Richard Blunt Henry Baylcy F S Rebow William Guard Sir T R Dyer 127 Henry Conran |Jolin G Clay SirW H PringleiA C Jackson Gerard Gossclin G I Hall Sir FP Robinson HnWBlaquiere A R Dillon iThos Browne D Darroch Sir J Lambert John Grey Sir J WGordon John Murray Michael Head Arthur Aylmer Joseph Fuller J Mackenzie |T G Montresor Sir Edw Barnes R Darling E R Cope G Horsford Phineas Riall Sir Herb.Taylor Wm Brooke Lord Aylmer ThoMolyneux —- GA Arms: rong maj.general6 Sir A Fitzgerald 1798 Benj Foibes Wm G Strutt 180X Wm Peachey Sir Wm Inglis John Vincent G Lewis Rob Lethbridge J Walker Stephen Poyntz 1810 L Bradihaw Baron Veltheim Baion Low Sir WHutchison Baron Bar lie Daniel Seddon Geo R Ainslie Sir John Byng Sir T Brisbane R O’Donovan C Neville Hn.TWFermor Alex Halkett H Swayne Hon. W Fitzroy Sit W K Grant C Griffiths LdRE Somerset Count C Alten 1813 Edward Scott Henry G Barry L de Watteville 1814 Sir C Holloway John Humfrey Sir C Imhoff G Gordon Alex Adams Lord M Donald Samuel Need Hn. A AnnesleyJEdw Webber Boyle Travers T L’Estrange Fred WmBu!ler|C Craven Sir T Bradford j J Foveaux Geo Kin. Dana J Moore Edward Baynes James Stirling Sir H Vavasour Hem yR Knight Robei tDouglass Sam V Hinde T N Wyndham Bcrken. Glegg Hon. J Ramsay F Streicher Lewis Mosheim Sir C Grant Sir James Lyon Wm Gilford James Orde C B Egerton SirTSBeckwith H J Gumming Sir Cha Phillips Henry Bruce TBReynardson Lord Proby Sir P Maitland Hon.Edw Capel Sir W Sheridan G Basil Mundy G Johnstone SirRO’Cailagan Sir John Keane W H Beckwith Ld GBeresford Rob Campbell Robert Balfour E. of Carnwath James Cuming H Eustace Sir ColinHalket SirHE Bunbury Sir H Lowe Sir Fred Adam Sir R H Vivian SirHenTorrens LotdBloomfield Geo Cookson 1819 Sir John Elley H S Keating Lewis Grant Lord FBentinck Wm Douglas Arthur Brooke P Carey John F S Smith Hen Shrapnell John M‘Nair Lemuel Warren Wm Nedham John A Wallace Hastings Fraser Lord Blantyre Sir JasCampbell Seb Maw by Edward Codd R Sewell C A Harcourt George Hill SarnuelSwinton JMMainwaring Sir C P Belfon Hon. J Meade G Pown,Adams Sir J Dalrymple John Macleod Henry Elliot Over. Blunden J N Smyth John Lamont Wm Armstrong Sir B D’Urban John Locke George WulfF John Taylor Tv Robert D’Arcy Sam T Dickens Geo W Dixon Wiltsh. Wilson Tho Reynell SirGR Bingham T B St George John Murray Sir C J Greville 128 Spencer C Parry Aug De Butts Martin C Cole Robert Evans R Bourke Hon. Pat Stuart Wm Miijar Hon. H Trevor J S Barns Sir LW Otway Joseph Gubbina Wm Nicolay St E Kerriaon AMKHamilton SirLionel Smith Sir G Leith Robert Barton Wm Patterfon Sir G A Madden John W Guife SirC Wm Doyle J Bathurst Paul Anderson John Dalrymple Brooke Young Lord Glenlyon Sir A f Barnard 1821 A H Pye J Shaw Richard Figot James Watson Hon. W Harris Sir H Douglas G D Robertson John Nugent Vise deChabot Wm Binks Sir Pat Ross D Walker Sir T Pritzler Mont. Burrows Hon. A P Upton SirJo Cameron S Huskisson George Salmon H Adonckton Fras Hepburn John Alaister 18 25 S Brown D Herbert H C Darling John Ross Hon. H King Wm Thornton Joseph Maclean John Harris Sir G A Wood Rich Dickinson Henry Tolley J Macdonald Sir Chas Pratt N Blackwell D Stewart Hn.JB O’Neill A MM‘Gregor Hn.GStapylton Anthony Salvin Anthony Walsh Wm Johnston Fras Newbeiy Rich Buckby Robert Stewart Lewis Davies A Armstrong Hon. G Murray Sampson Freeth Sir Hen Askew D F Blommart Henry Darling Joseph Straton Wm Stewart |Sir E Blakeney Hon. W Stuart Jas C Dalbiac George Ramsay Jasper Nicolls [Sir A Bryce Francis Burke J P Coffin Sir J Maclean Geo B Fisher Sir R D Jackson Sir N Campbell Thos Hawker Sir G Quentin Jas Campbell Sir C Camphell George Mackie Sir J Wilson Sir R Travers Sir S F Whit- tingham Sir J Colborne Sir A Campbell SirT M‘Mahon A Woodford Hn F Ponsonby C Palmer SirTArbuthnot Sir H Bouverie Hn. HA Craven Lord Burghersh Viscount Forbes Sir Ja C Smyth Lord FSomerset R Pilkington Henry Evatt Wm Hen Ford F W Mulcaster Ld C S Manners LIFE GUARDS. Col. in Chief The King. I. Colonel CAVALRY . Lt. Col Hn. H B Lygon Maj.&Lt.Col. H F Cavendish Alajor E of Harrington JEarlof Uxbridge Captains B Camac Henry Wyatt Samuel Cox H R Bullock Hon. ACLegge John Hall Hn.WLLFitz G de Roos Charles Hall Lieuts. George Storey EKL Bayard E C Fletcher W F Chetwynd Richard Parker Henry Vynec Hn.HT Let son Cor. & Sub.Lt. Henry Every Chas Heneage H B Baring Henry Blackett Hn. G Kinnaird C G Du Fre Sir E Blacket Tho Em an, adjt M L Efte, surg S Bloxham, vs Greenwood, ag II. Colonel Ear 1 Cathcart Lt. Col. Hon.EPLygon Majors R MacNeil Arth Chichester Captains Fred Evelyn H W Barton G Greenwood G A Reid Charles Bulkley Jas Macdouall Marq. of Car¬ marthen W Milligan Lieuts. Jas Cuthbert Gecrge Lyon L D Williams E G Howard 129 Hn. G Edwards J Davidson G T Bulkeley Cornets John Trotter Hn. C Berkeley Geo C Mostyn ] Kin loch Thomas Hare Mort. Ricardo Sir J Ogilvy C Clark, ad S Broughton, su John Field, v-s Geo S Hill, ad Lloyd Kenyon Hon. G Forester Lord C Russell T Brunt Cornets E. of Chichestei Marq of Douro J V Shelley Ld Elphinstone Lord Wellesley Hon. A Villiers Clement D Hill T O Cascoigne Greenwood, ag R. HORSE GDS. Colonel D of Wellington Lt. Col. Clement Hill Majors W Richardfon Henry Hanmer Captains E W Bouverie H E Boates T B Tathwell George Smith LdWP Lennox L E Heathcote P P Doyne R J Harrison Edmund Packe John Trent Lieuts. Simon Hirst E Dashwood Thomas Pigott E T Drake T W Gordon Tho P Cosby Quart-Mast. Pet Watmough W'm Latch ford John Speed Thomas Troy Andw Heartley Richard Cart — Shirley Arch Hair, sur Jas Seddall, v-s Greenwood, ag DRAG. GUARDS. L ( Kings.) Colonel W Cartwright Lt. Col. Geo Teefdale Majors James Delancey Robert Wallace Captains T N Quicke - W A Maxwell F Polhill C G M Skinner George Bray George Quicke Francis Reed W C Smith Lieuts. T C Brander F Hammersley Thomas Dames J S Manning Richard Martin Henry Wilson CAD Tyssen John B Morris Rich F Poore G H Thompson G A Handley Cornets Cha Serj Smith Fred Hawkes S A Bayntun E C H Wilkie • DMaclaurin,pm H Hill, ad J Brown, q-m Wm Jones surg J W Jones, v-s Greenwood, ag, II. (Queens) Colonel Wm Loftus Lt. Col. James Kearney Majors WGhamberlayn W R Soullby Captaini Chas Kearney George Knox A J Caldwell R Fergufon Francis Copland fl G T Smith TT7 Lieuts. Wm D Davies George Hedley Hon. R Howard Henry Curtis T G Skipwith T E Campbell C B Pitman Cornets J E Dyer H W Charlton G Webbe Tobin John C Hodge Francis Dobson C J Furlong, pm F Collins, adjt E Dyer, qm A Brown, surg W Woodman, vs Greenwood, ag 130 W Warrington Thomas Arthur WHBJ Wilson Cornets A I, Bouike W C Trevelyan Edw Wethered Arthur Innes J Montgomery F J Collingwood D Lutyens, pm W Martin, adj Jn Martin, qm S Peacocke, sur Thos Rose, vs Greenwood, ag Cornets T W Lloyd Hn. WVaughan HJ Collingwood Robert Holden A Draw water, fi J Rallett, adjt E Lawless, qm R Webster, sur A Kirwan, vs Hopkinsons, ag. T Boulton, pm J Griffith, adjt T Atkinson, qm TG Logan, surg J Constant, v-s Greenwood, ag. III. (Pr. of Wales's.) Colonel Sir Wm Payne Lt. Cols. George Holmes Majors E R Storey Hon.GR Aber- cromby Captains Geo Maunfell James Hadden F J Greene George Todd Geo Mecham Pat Chalmers Lieuts. Robert H Peel R W Peirse Alf Shcwell IV. (R. Irish.) Colonel Sir Henry Fane Lt. Col. Robert Rofs Majors Thomas Hutton J Chatterton Captains Thomas Boyd Giles Rickaby W B Ravenhill N L Beamish C Makepeace Love. Stamer Lieuts. James Shaw Henry Fane Wm Armit Geo M Keane G Walter Story C W Webster Wm M Owen W Cuninghame Henry Penleazt V. (P.C.of Wales's) Colonel Pr. of Coburg Lt. Col. J M Wallace Majors R D Cane N D Crichton Captains Tre. Wheler Henry Hunter William Hay Sir H J Seton J Gardiner Hon. J Kennedy Lieuts. Cha H Seton J L Hampton R S Streatfield John Brymer Si. W St L Clark R B Alartin G A Loraine Cornets J Wallace King Charles Stewart Chas J RadclyfFe TM Goodlake Samuel M‘Call VI .{Carabineers) Colonel Hon. R Taylor Lt-Coi. E Wildman Majors Wm Rutledge J Stephenson Captains J Jackson David Hay W M Kington RHollir.g worth JY Scarlett James S Brymer Lieuts. Hood Richards Wm Jos Berens Mich Daintry Wm Porter JEW Browne W S Phillips Hon. E Jerning- ham Cornets H Rich Jones Thos Ponsonby H P Coi ry Jos D Browne G A Heathcote David Hay, pm Cha Short, adjt E Wheldon, qm J Heriot, surg J Hayward, vs 131 Collyer, ag. VII. (Prs. Roy.) Colonel Sir Rob. Bolton Lt-Col. Hon. S Mahon S Hancox Majors Dennis Daly A K Clark Captains F D Chalmers John Gowdie George Nugent H S Hodges Thomas Unett Wm Elton Lieut?. Francis Dunne H C Daniel Edm R Btiller John Osborn John Bolton R K Trotter WD King Joseph Hely Cornets Thos Atkinson John Cronyn J E Thewles R Richardson H W Atkinson T Hunter, pm C Hickman, adj J Johnson, qm A Blake, surg WAnderson,t>*s Collyer, ag. Colonel Thomas Garth Lt Cols Ld Walsinghaw A B Clifton Majors Ph Dorville Henry Stilted Captains Paul Phipps Charles Blois I hos Marten Edward Clive Benj Everard 8 Goodenough Lieuts J Chamberlain Jas B Daubuz Daniel Webb W Hibbert J Barnev Petre Hen J Stracey James S Pitman Cornets John Yates J O Luxford Hump Traffbrd Wm R Sands W Desborough # CHanburv,pjw J Smith, adjt W Waddell, qm D Jameson, surg W Ryding, v-s Greenwood, ag. DRAGOONS. 1 . (Royals.) II. R.N.British Colonel Sir Jas Steuart Lt-Col John Grey Majors Lord A W Hill Tames Wemyls Captains James Gape Cha Wyndham Wm StuTges A W Hevman R T Fawcett W H Oram Lieuts Mark Lloyd A W Wyndham George Hobart Wm Hull John Carnegie R G Crauturd Cornets Charles Norman J R Someiville J Gillies Mich G Adams F C Forde St VW Ricketts W Dawson, pm WCrawford, ad J Lennox, qm CAnnesley,sur£ Geo Watts, v~s Greenwood, ag 1IIY King's own) Colonel LdCombermere Lt Col LordRManners Majors Charles Stilted C H Somerset Captains George Lloyd John M‘Queen Geo T Tuite Cha G Slade Arthur Baker Cha Phillipps Lieuts Jer RatclifFe D G Jebb Geo Watfon Henry Phillipps T Richardson G H Lockwood Cornets W W Congreve Theo Levett CWM Bald era W S Conway Henry Cosby Wm J Downes M Johnson, pm F Jackfon, adjt H Higgins, qm R Walker, surg W Scott, v-s Collyer, ag. \V.(Queen sown) Colonel FrancisHugonin Lieut Cols Nath Wilson George J Sale Majors George Brown Wm Fendall Captains W Havelock Wm Nepean G S Moore Edward Byne Francis D Daly John Eliott George Parlby A W Bishop Hare Master Lieutenants C Cumbeilege E Gibson R R Gillespie W Fitzmaurice Hugh Cochrane Sir K A Jackson J Robinson George G Shaw George Weston Ja M‘Caflfrey S Ramsbottom A E Bromwich Edw Newton J A Henderson C P Ainslie Edward Harvey R Gumhleton Charles Villiers Cornets Bertram Ogle G A Brownlow Isaac Elton C Cumberledge Edward Ellis J Henley W Wildey, pm J Harrison, adjl J Dixon, qm WThomson,$ur Isaac Timm, v-s Hopkinsons, ag , B Whichcote Captains Robt Warrand Humph Orme C StJ Fancourt H WBjPortman Geo N Ramsay E M Wigley Lieut?* Robert Mansell Raym White W C Sheppard H F Mackay Hn. JArbuthr.ot Fred Wollaston O N Segrave J Waddington Cornets E J Hickman Hen Creighton Hon. C W Jer- ningham Wm J Hooper WArmstrong,/; W Armstrongs G Dickson, qm MAlexander,su R Vincent, v-s Browell, ag. VI. (Inniskilling) Colonel E of Pembroke Lieut-Col Edward Keane Majors John Liilton 132 Wm Inge Ja W Phillipps Robert Pringle W A Broad head Lieuts John J White W Edwards C Ponsonbv B Wodehouse J Miller Good. SheddeH James M‘Call Cornets J Straff Best Aithur W Biggs Sir W L Young Francis Hall C C Vivian Robert Doyne Cornets I. H Bathurst Chris Tower Edm Bryan And. Houstoun Thos J Pettit Rich Cheslyn T Feltom, pm Tho Jeffs, ad T B'ackier, qm J Callander, sur R Doi ville, v s Greenwood, ag. VII. (Q.'s OrvnJ Colonel M. ol Anglesey Lieut-Col jj Fraser Majors Wm Shirley HnGMolyneux Captains VIII King' sRI, Colonel Sir B Tarleton Licut-Col Lord G Russell Majors L B Badcock EarlofWiltshire Captains R R W Brett Tho Morgell Lord GA Hill Richard Hort Lord Brudenell Hon. G D R FW T Harrison Strangeways | Lieuts Charles J Hill |Wm Lyon F Macnamara Shirley H Ball Freem. Thomas E B Thornhill J Whitaker ,pm W Glanville, ad - Mawdsley,<7«» RBadenach, sur Law Bird, v-s Greenwood, ag, IX. ( Lancers ) Colonel Earl of Rofslyn Lieut-Col Cha Morland Majors A Campbell H J Richardfon Captains Lord Lough¬ borough J Greenwood Hen Ed. Porter Richard Wright Hon G Vaughan J A Fullerton Lieuts P B Williams J Rind Rich F Shawe Hon. WE Fitz¬ maurice Rand Rumlcy George Vcsey A G Williams Nath Week$ Greenwood, ag. XI. Colonel Ld W Bentinck Licut-Cols H J Gumming J W Sleigh Mich Childers Majors B J Smith Nich Brutton Captains John Jenkins JamesR Rotton W Blundell Michael White James Mylne J N Creighton B P Browne Henry Bond Jas Tomlinson Lieuts. G Butcher G A Anson Francis Blundell Geo Williamfon Leon M Cooper J Tritton END Maxwell W White 133 Edw C Windus H G P Tuckett Robert Hare Wm Wymer \ Ahmuty Robt Bambrick Raw Lawrie C Johnson Wm Handley T H Pearson Cornets F D George W Ready Wm Roebuck Abr Bolton R A Reynolds C R Hyndman W Neville, pm W Ready, adj. JHendtrlonjym B Sandham, sur C Percivall, v s Coy Her, ag* XII. (Pr. of Wales's Pop. Lancers) Colonel Sir C Grant Lieut-Cols Robert Browne TW Brotherton Majors Alex Baiton J Vandeleur Captains Wm Graham Fred Moore R Harrington Wm Betesford W V Stuart Lieuts Geo Marryat Hon. R Petre Fied Barne E Vandeleur F W Hamilton Gran Dewes J A M‘Douall Edward Pole Cornets Philips Fras A Hyde Fred H Vane John Pulteney L M Prior, pm J Philips, ad J White, qm F Burton, sur Ja Castley, v-s Greenwood, ag, XIII* Colonel Hon. H G Grey Lieut Cols Michael Head Shap Boyse Sir J Browne J F Paterson Majors Man Bowers R Brunton Captains A T IVbclcan Edw G Taylor Sir J Gordon John Thornton Fred Grove Henry Heyman Henry Stone9 Chas Wetherall |D CunynghameThos P Lang M Lieuts John Atherton R B Teafdale W D Hamilton George Berwick Thos T Magan Geo Manners J G Collins Charles Strange Hn. AAPalzell E G Stokes Richard Sugden John G Everard J G Ogilvie Thomas F Hart Wm Penn Andrew Brown Thos Benson Cornets B M‘Mahon Henry Elton Richard Gethin Edw C Hodge Thos J Parker Fred Thorold John L Moiiliet A Strange, pm T Rosser, ad R Taggart, qm Henry Job, surg J Schroeder, v s Greenwood, ag . Captains W Beckwith Edw L Part y J W Gage Henry Gage Edward S Gooch John Methold Lieuts. Josh S Smith Amb Congreve J W S Smith Adam G Duff John Griffis Wm Maxwell Charles Delme Cornets Jas M Dawson John Kennedy Charles Barton W B Alexander Charles Abbott Edw Tenison ->am Rofe, pm CM‘Carthy,arf; J Houghton, qm Tho Fotscer, sur A Black, vs Greenwood, ag 13 4 Court Philipps George P Rose Aug Wat hen Lieuts G Eowson E A Percival L Sliedden Robert Gill Geo Callaghan James Rait Fer Ives Aug Fred Blyth G P Bushe Cornets James C Baird Edm Mortimer C H T Hecker A J Wood F E Leech, pm J Griffith, adjt Geo Chettle, qm S Jeyes, surg H Hogrevc, v-. Greenwood, ag XIV. (Duck. of York's) Colonel Sir J. Vandeleur Lieut-Col C M Baker Majors T P Milles J Townfhend XV. (King's) Colonel Duke of Cum¬ berland Lieut-Col Jos Thackwell Majors J M'Alpine Edward Studd Captains Fred Buckley Gren T Temple Walter Scott XVI. (Queen s.) Colonel Earl Harcomt Licut-Cols Sir Jas Affleck G H Murray Robert Arnold Majors William Perffe C King Captains Wm Often T Macan J Luard Sam Enderby A J Byrom |G M Greville Wm Harris C R Cureton TLS Menteath Lieuts H Sperling A A M‘Conchey G J M‘ Dowell Wm Hake H P Lovelace Robert Jones Arthur C Lowe Robert Douglas John Vincent Geo Hamilton Jas M Walker Wm P Neale W V Jillard J P Seward Edward Guest James Douglass Thomas Blood Edward B Bcre Cornets C F Havelock G F R Johnston B N Everard William Vann H F Bonham Corbet Cotton James W Torre W Williams, pm Wm Hilton, ad D Piatt, qm I Robinfon, surg G Spencer, vs Collyer, ag, XVII. (Lancers Colonel Lord Somerset Lieut- Cols Evan Lloyd A Rumpler Majors Lord Bingham Anthony Bacon Captains John Scott W N Bui rowes Geo F Clarke 155 Alan Chambre Geo Robbins GT Greenland Lieuts M C St Quintin R J Elton John Barron Charles Forbes Henry Witham SJW F Welch Cornets NPF Shawe Sam Wm Need W C Douglas Wm M Percy Wm H Tonge Lionel Ames * R Harman, pm J Barron, adjt T Nicholson, qm W Wybrow, sur J Wilkinson, v-s Hopkiftson, ag. ROYAL WAGGON TRAIN (attached to Qr-Mr-Gen. Dcfi.') Lt. Col. Com. Sir G Scovell Major Geo D’Arley Captains j Lieuts. Thomas Pardoe Chas Moirison B Jackson H O’Neil |J Macdowall W Petigiew,pm H O’Neil, adjt WThomas, surg Greenwood, agt I. Grenadier R. (Three Batts.) Colonel Duke of York Lieut-Col. Hon.H Towns- hend Majors John Hanbury J G Woodford Lord Saltoun Captains Henry D’Oyley Tho Dorville George Fead S Lambert Edw Wynyard H E Joddrell Sir H Hardinge Lord Downes A Higginfon Charles Allix Thomas Brooke Turner Grant Lord Jas Hay FOOT GUARDS . B Charlewood G P Higginfon H E Hunter J Gunthorpe Rob Thoroton Hn.R Clements James Lindfay Robert Ellifon Henry Vernon Phil Clarke T BB Barratt C P Ellis Edward Clive Lieuts. Geo Difbrowe P J Perceval W F John ft one E P Buckley C F R Lafcelles WG Moore F J Davis Robert Batty John Home Wm Barton J O Honyman J P Dirom Samuel Long Edw Burrard Geo Fludyer Rich Fletcher God f Thornton Hn,F Needham Don Cameron W H Barnard P S Stanhope John Lyster Fer Loftus Harry Calvert H R Saunderson WmGreenwood J W Angerstein Sir J Burgoyne R C Rowley Hn.PAshburn- ham Geo W Eyres Wm Fludyer George|Fitzroy W O Stanley Hon. J St Clair John TPerceval J M Drummond Ja R Craufurd FPD Radcliffe Enfigns Geo E Nugent Fred Clinton R W Astell SirRAnstruther G Duncombe Geo M‘Kinnon Sir F Bathurst Chailes Bagot J B Coulson G A Houstoun Arth WTorrens Hon. C Stanley Geo C Ricketts Geo S Digby John Dunlop E L Gower H Fitzroy J W Jodrell John Dixon Edward Jekyll Wm Thornton Tho A Kemmis Hon. G Ongley Charles Hulse Adjutants L Boldero E G Douglas E V Vernon Quart-Mast. R ColquhouH John Payne Thomas Ferris Surg.-Major S W Watson Surgeons W L Walton A Wedderburn Charles Shawe Geo Bowles C A F Bentinck G Fitzclarence Francis Rus-eli J Drummond C A Girardot Thos Chaplin Lieuts J Steph Cowell Henry Salwey Hon. Jas Forbes Hen Armytage 136 Robert Gibson Henry Gooch J Harrison Thomas Powys A Armstrong |F T Buller Assist.-Surg. John Montagu James Johnson Henry Vane H S Elraslie Rob Bowen JD Wright | Charles Short Solicitor iWHCornwall J Humphries jHn.WTGraves Greenwood, ag. B Broadhead - |CM Hay II. (Coldstream) Geo Bentinck (Two Batts.) Colonel D. of Cambridge Lieut-Col Jas Macdoneil Majors J Hamilton D M‘Kinnon Captains F M Miilman Tho Barrow John D Rawdon Hn.TAshburn- ham Hon. H Erskrne W Codrington Ely D Wigram St John Dent Wm Stewart Enfigns Hon. Jas Hope iWillou Cotton Hon. C Howard John H Pringle J C Clitherow G Drummond Lord F Paulett Chr. Horton Hugh Forbe9 John Forbes M G Burgoyne E l Hobhouse R Vansittart H Bentinck, adj Wm B Northe / T Dwelly, q-m B Selway WWhymper, sm T Mynard, sur G Smith F Gilder, ast-su W Hunter W Carter, sol. Greenwood, ag. Sir Wm Gomm Hon. A Upton John Waters Fred Paget Tho Steele J Freemantie nr. (Two Batts.) Colonel D of Gloncefter Lieut-col John Clitherow Majors Edw Bowater Wm A Keate Captains Douglas Mercer S G Higgins Sir Ja A Hope John Aitchilon W H Scott W Drummond iChas Talbot E B Wilbraham Iln.JB Rodney Lord MGrahanu'C J Barnett Sir A J Murray Sir G Berkeley W H Meyrick P Sandilands J D Elphinstone Charles Hall W Stockdale Lieuts. H Hawkins Cha Hornby CO Prendergaft E B Fairfield John Elrington B Drummond G D Standen Henry Colville H R Digby F W Keppel Rand. Gossip J F Crewe T Wedgwood H S Blane B Des Voeux H Montague Hon. JWellenra P J Yorke Cha Douglas S Norval Charles Frazer George Dixon John Berners Hon.CB Phipps Enfigns F H Turner Henry Bowden Fred Harford Emil. Clayton G Robinson Hon, M Ongley Geo C Rooke Hn.RSandiland Samuel Hood Brud J Bruce PFW Campbell B W Knox Wm F Snell W C Burton I. (Royal Scots J (Two Batts.) Colonel Marq.ofHuntly- Lieut*cols N Macleod Neil M‘Kellar k Armstrong Majors G A Wetherall David Deuchar H Farquharson Captains Robert Mullen R Dudgeon H Cowell J Wetherall Lauch M‘Lean A M‘Donald A Campbell Charles Deane Charles Eyre B Tenison Jos Le Guay John Ingram Edward Lane A S Taylor John Ciols James Bland J V Fletcher J Anderson Lieuts J Holebroobe Nor M‘Eean John IVPGregoi 137 Geo Moncrieffe J G Taubman NMicklethwait * W Knollys, adj. 1 -Ion.EStopford C Weston, q-m W Thomfon ESalmon, sur m Sam Good, sur. FOOT REGIME NTS. Cha Campbell Tho Gordon WM McKenzie Charles Lewis Wm Thomas A J Pictet Rich Blacklin C Campbell Wm B Bernard H Nicholson James Stoyte Rich Bennett Robert Crisp Jas M 1 Gregor Henry C Fraser John Sampson Edward Muller John Ogiivy J Wells Butt A L Macleod A H Ormsby Tyrr. M Bryne Wm M‘Pherson AlexM‘Kenzie H W Neville Charles Ford Enfigns A Montgomery Charles Curtis Robert J Hill James Ritchie Francis Lucas G IT Dairy triple W D Bedford A M Wilmot M 3 Fras Hookins Richard Going W B Johnston John Mayne J G Wilson Henry A Kerr E T Palmer C T Grant, pay Stephen Blake JRichardson,ad John Mullen A Connell, qm Each Mackay J Elkington, sur A Armstrong W Finnie, as. su W Stoddart Robert Russell Wm Dillon J M‘Andrew Greenwood, ag. II. (Q. -s Royal.J Colonel Sir IT Torrens Lieut-cols John Williams Robert Place Majors J Johnftone Wm Hunt Captains Don Maclean Htnry Waring George Lawsor J R Warde WJudd, asst sthr T Richardson M Hoper, sol. Greenwood, ag. R W Broitgh C Girdleftone E B Jackson Geo Graham Charles Plead G C Mundy J Lewis King Wm Cockell Lieuts G S Gdland Tho Meld rum John Carney M S H Lloyd G C Harvey J B Dalway O Robinson Joseph Smith J S Robertson W G M‘Kenzie Wm Hunt WHD Keith Wm M Lyster Wm Belford R Carruthers Thowas Knox Hn.FCavendish George Stifling Geo D J Raitt PI F Kennedy Samuel Cooper S N Fisher N H J Westby Enfigns Wm N Ralph L S Dickson E L Daniell G R Car mac WVL Hesse R N Everard Robert Lloyd B H Burcbell C F Macmahon Robert APNabb M W Lomax James Grant John Walton G L Christie J S Darby, pm Donald Stewart J Littlejohn, adj Hen C Amiell D Jenkins, qm E W Antrobus DCampbell, sur Patrick M‘Kie 158 W Wilkins, asst T Atkinson John Poole Greenwood, ag, III. (Buffs) Colonel Sir H Clinton Lieut-cols W Stewart Chas W Wall Majors Henry Marlay Cha Ca neron Capfdns Henry Gillman Arch I ones A'lorris Barlow S J Cotton H F Lockyer J M Foley Samuel Wright Edwatd Blair Wm Woods Thomas Mnnro WTR Smith Lieuts. John S Hughes T H Owen Tho Everndern Robert Stirling J BKingsbury Wm Cain Peter Dore H A Morshead G H Moore John Carr Alarcus Barr Samuel Ridd Wm Scott Stanhope Bruce Enfigns Joseph Hanna L Desbo rough H Dacre Lacy R Macdonald W G Beare Robert Turton WHS Rainey P de Blaqniere Wm Boyd, pm W Mackay, adj T Coulson, qm R Ivory, sur J Paterson, asst. Greenwood, ag IV. ( King's Own) Colonel E. of Chatham Lieut-col D Faunce Majors Robert Anwyll G D Wilson Captains J K M‘Kenzie John Hovenden W H Dutton Henry H Irving P Bowlby Wm Graham H W Breton James England Hn.CS Wottley C F Latdy Lieut 9, Patrick Cartan Wm Clarke H.M Arbuthnot R Chetwode Wm Lonsdale Jas Espinasse Joseph Rawlins Thos Williams DWJ Lardy Thomas Collin George Mason G D Griffith James Gordon Enfigns A W Alloway A T Faunce John Ward Thomas Brooke F M Chambers Robert J Massey W H Campbell A!ur. Lonsdale r Anderson, pm WLonsdale, adj P Bavne, qm GM‘Dermot, su W Parry, ast-su Greenwood, agt J V. ( Nortliumb .) Colonel, Sir H Johnson Lieut col W Sutherland Majors James Culley J S Simcockes Captains A Dubourdieu John Bent D E Johnson Walter Hat is M Galbraith Wm Smith Chr. Musgrave J Macdonald Gtorge Allan Geo W Buller Lieuts. W V Fitzgerald Wm Clune F A Robinson Edward E Hill W J Copson Charles Wood Thomas Walsh Henry Bishop ohn Spence Gilb Champain Charles May Wm C Mayne Enfigns John W King P M N Guy A L’Estrange Charles Phibbs Michael Qollins Randal Foot James Atkinson W Prime Jones Penington pm TCanch, adjt Wm Tillar, qm C Waring, surg T Hall, asst-su Greenwood, ag VI. [IVar•wicks ) Colonel Sir Geo Nugt nt Lieut cols Mark Napier Henry Sullivan Majors H M Scott John Alego Captains J Thomlon H B Evereft J Crawford G H E Murphy John Bonamy W C Clarke Edward Irwin Thomas Duke C L Martin Osborn Baiwell Lients James Gell A D Hogg Peter Paterson T Holyoake F Bichardson Thos Minton John Kelly G F Morden C Hammond Jan es Wilson George Gordon Arch Shar.pin Henry holey T Pilling ton Wm Pot tinger ; 159 WmWarrington Hon. G Liddell Lord F Lennox Lieuts James Flay iGeorge Seton C W Davis Vise Falkland A C Skynner C W Sievwright W D Fergusson G F Stiangway: H S Phillips Lord Chichester W T Morshead Samuel Walker C La Touche J M Ogilvie H B Hall Hon. Sam Hay Hon. A Hope G C Bowles WM‘Dougal, p. Martin Orr, adj J Ledsdam, qm M Mahony, sui EPilkington, asr H W R Davey Greenwood, ag Wm Eyre ChasD Allen Reg Curteis Wm H Hill B T F Bowes John Crofton Enfigns Alex Connor Wm Greene CWSS Stuart Wm Curteis John Lumley R M Beebee Waller Johnson J T Latham J Blakeman, pm J Griffiths, adjt Rob Smarr, qm J Trigge, sur R Goodrich, ast P Campbell Wm Stewart Greertwood, agt VII. (Rl.Fuzil.) Colonel Sir A Clarke Lieut-col F Fitzclarence Majors J H Mair B Disney Captains Edw W Bell F Fatquhaison Fred Prosser James S Gage E Penrice fos Hutchifon l.oi dW Thy nne [John Stuart VII 1 . ( King's) Colonel Henry Bayly Lieut-col John Duffy Majors Tho Ger Ball ij S Powell Captains J Fitzgerald D Vans Machen Simcoe Baynes James Hannay vT Malcolm Rofs | H Maitland T Hart Davies Alex Dirom Chas S Ma!et W E Pickwick Lieuts. H P Hill Alex Bourke George Forman R Thompson Charles Cotter Edm Ge; nys D Gardiner James Byion Wm Stenhouse George Burrard John Longfield Enfigns Charles Clark Irvine S Whicty John Howard vVm Chearnley W Worthington John Singleton George Murphy C B Caldwtli MM'Dermot, p W Calder, adjt Wm Only, qm H Mostyn, surg J Ferguson, asst Greenwood, agt IX. ( E.Norfolk) Colonel Sir R Brownrigg Lieut-col D Campbell Majors Jercm. Tavlor H Hardy ' Captains W T St Clair Wm Seward Cha Barnwell Richard Rufe Edw Watkins G Pinckney G L Davis Edward’Powell WHCockburne P R Brown Lieuts James Scargill Rich Telford John Mahon St A St John Henry Lowth Wm H Hill Thomas Sandes Hn. A Cathcai t Arthur Ogle J H Taylor Hugh R Duff* B H Heathcote Enfigns John Hilton J H Browne F H Burslem Samuel Wells John D Milne John A Wolls .Lawrence Flyer Fred Robinson R Walton, pm CBrownrigg,adj John Scott, qm HM’Creery, sur James Burt, asst Wm Bain Greenwood, agt X. (North Line*) Colonel Sir J Lambert Lieut-col James Payler Majors Patrick Grieve Wm G Freer Captains George King G Chandler Edward Allen Saville Broom T L L Galloway John Hart EjSt J Mildmay John Delancey VV H Adams H A Hankey Lieuts. Wm Rainnie J K Jauncey F Foaker R W Sh ink win Wm Goode Phil. Johnson Geo J Crosbie C L Strickland H C Powell W Musgrave John Goode Thos H Franks John Wilmot Enfigns HA Pilkington Rob Honeyman George Wright Hon. S White Edw Landuze John H Broom Edward Cates Geo Staunton R Uniacke, pm 140 E Shanley, adjt Geo Moss, qm W Young, surg f Baird, asst Greenwood, ag. X\.(NorthDro.) Colonel SirB Montresoi Lieut-col J Keightley Majors D O’Kelly C B Turner Captains Rich H Jones B V Derinzey W Cbambre Peter Brown J M‘Crummin H K Bloomfield I Richardfon Mat Richmond Arch Smith Anth Bolton Lieuts Francis Maifh Henry Hopkins W Haggup Edw S Farmar Wm Hen Wily G T Ben.«on J P Westropp T A Bell Rich Gardiner James Steuart Wm Dolphin Henry O’Neill Enfigns W A Maxwell William Fvers James Goold John Tobin EL Wolley J P Walsh Geo Hen Eddy A Boyd, pm. Ed Moore, adjt J Worsley, qm T Moore, surg SChermside,ast Hopkinson, ag. XII. (EastSuff) Colonel Hon. R Meade Lieut col W H Forsfteen Majors Richard Bayley G Tuberville Captains Hen M : Keady Alex Cruice Joseph Jones Joseph Bygrave D Durie W P French W L Crowther W G Shafto Edw B Hunt John Patton Lieuts Robert Bra dfute Jas Wadefon Mor Jenkins S F Glover John Borthwick Chas Williams Julius Stirke S White IR chert Carew William Fycrs Rohert Car Mark JGanibierl Alf Knight Edgar Bayly H Forssteen Enfigns Henry A West Henry Y Gold Osw K Werge W Douglass James Tedlie FWP Parker Geo B Tathwell Ridi England J O’Keeffe, pm F Clark, adjt Wm Grady, qm R Amici, surg CDealey, asst Crawford Dick Greenwood, ag XIII. (Somerset.) Colonel E Morrison Lieut-cols M M‘Creagh RH Sale Majors Wm H Dennie G Thornhill Captains John Johnfon J M Pherson Edw Tronfon H Waterman T C Squire George Reed George Aithen Jas R Denham Michael Fenton J Lin tot t Tho Triphook Lieuts | Knox Barrett HI Robert Pattifon Neil Campbell Edward Kelly CHL Tinling Hen Havelock R M Meredith Colonel Lord Lynedocb Lieuc-cols J M'Combe J Campbell Majors Wm Sutherland M Everard F W Stehelin Geo W Malim P J Leith Wm Thomas WMBrownrigg Jas Kershawe Warden Flood A Wilkinson Thos Blackwell Wm Krefting Des. Humphrys Hon. F Howard Wal Chambre Enfigns R W Croker Charles Savage E W Sibley H G Hayes Hen Moorhouse J E Orange J G D Taylor Charles White Wm Rawlins Ylex Grierson * C Grimes, pm W Hutchins, adj J Marlhall Captains C Bilhopp W S Bertrand W Turnor GeraldRochfort Thos Hall W Akenside J B Ainfworth K M'Kenzie J V Temple H Johnfon M C Lynch Lieuts G Mackenzie G T Finucane E L’Eftrange D Hafiewood Richard Stack Henry Manfell C R Newman Edward Pendei Geo J Bovver J M'Dermott Gilbert Pasley Wm Maxwell James Watson E Sheridan, qn^A Ormsby J Paterson, surg'Robert Nayler J Robertson, asEAllan Stewart Patrick Brodie Robert Daly J S Chapman IB V Layard Greenwood, ag. Edw C Lynch - iRalph Budd XIV. (Bucti n g.)\Wm Moir W O’Halloran J Higginbotham Thos H Tidy Enfigns J C Otter Wm Tullon J B Maxwell Lawr Craigie Eras Fenwick John Watson E Chambers J Mathews, pm Jas Grant, adjt G Goddard, qm T Jackfon, surg T F Cotton, ast FI L Stuart R Battersby Greenwood, ag. XV. (! T.E.Rid .) Colonel Sir M Disney Lieut-col A Mackintosh Majors W Grierfon John Eden Captains Garrett Quill Henry Temple G D Colman T A Drought James Bennett J Humphrys T hos Bonnor Frederick Hope John S Doyle Hod>on Gage Lieuts ,Tho Colman H B Barnham Alan Finey R Batterfoy J Blair R A Cuthbert L Tollemache Thomas Moore Hen Rudyeards Fred JL. Ingall John Lawson Charles Cooke Enfigns ESN Campbell Richard Eliiott J R Norton Thos Wright Thomas Rose Chas W Hird George Finder Thos Cromyn C Walker, pm Jas Hay, adjt J Dewson, qm J Bartley, surg J P Munro, asst Disney, ag. 142 XVI .{Bedfords.) Colonel Vise. Beresford Lieut-col Dav Ximenes Majors Henry Bird J W Audain Captains T D Turner S Carter G Macdonnell Hen Clements John Walton Ray Williams Wm Kemp Robert Brown A P Browne John Dalzell Lieuts Hen M‘Manns \ G Grant Robert Cair Matt Smith Chas Murray G Hutchinson Robt Luxmore C F Thompson B Alexander J N M'Giath Thomas Jones Geo Mylius Enfigns Geo M Archer B K O’Dwyer Jick. Cassidy Wm Ashmore T Douglass W F Hannagan John Lane MW Ford, pm Jas Brand, adjt W Rowen, qm A Fraser, surg J Drysdale, asst N W Giffney Macdonald, ag XVII .(Lcices.J Colonel J Champagne Lieut-col A Maclaine Majors Henry Defpard W Croker Captains | Robert Lachlan G J Romney Dan Caulfield John Church P N An Icy J W Bouverie Jas O Clunie Charles Forbes Wm Eccles J A Edwards Lieuts C Barlow TH Baylis J T Nagel R G MofFatt J D O’Brien Geoige Deedes Hen Des Voeux Henry Wotton Robt Graham Arch Lockhart fames Henry John Darley Enfigns E C Hudson S C Hilton Wm S Rawson Thos Graham Wm F Harvey Thomas Wood John FI Allen Charles Steele J Allsopp, pm D Cooper, adjt J Sarson, qm J Martindale, su' J Fraser, asst Greenwood, ag. XVIII. (R.Irish) Colonel E. of Donough more Lieut-col Sir Wm Carrol Majors John Doran W Riddall Captains Richard Weld Henry Pratt Rob Hammill J Huddleston . Jere Cooper F W Dillon W H Graves A O Daigleish Wm W Lynar Hen W Adams Lieuts Abra Reed W Dempiter J Grattan T E Thomson Thomas Moyle Edw C Spencer John Buchanan N R Tomlinson Edw K Young i G H Peel Thos C Graves Richard Dunne Enfigns Wm O Temple J J Dwyer Rich A Haly A W Thorold A Boddam Fras Wigston H Fitzw. Way CJ RCoilinson B Reilly, pm J Hammil, adjt Geo King, qm WLindaay, surg 143 D Davies, asst John Semple Greenwood, ag Robt Stansfeld Robert Barker Giles Eyre XIX {Tor kN. Riding ) Colonel Sir H Turner Lieut* col Alex Milne Majors Timothy Raper Don Campbell Captains H H Rofe L H Hughes T Hamilton Sam Vignoles John Stirling W E Sweny J H Slade Wm Black Charles C Hay J S Hamilton Lieuts G Dumford David Burns H F Hawker Alex Scott Henry Harding Isaac Robinson Francis Price Const. Yeoman John Edwards J F Wilson Thomas Atkins Geo Williamson Enfigns J P Elliott Wm Bernard James Mills ChasW Clarke Robt Ltyrelacc , pm R Chambers,adj W Morris, qm W Parker, surg J Hyde, asst T Williams Fitter, ag. XX. {E.Devons') Colonel Sir W Houstoun Lieut-cols J F Fitzgerald Henry Thomas Majors Edw Jack Ton I'hos C Green Captains E Lutyens F Champagne W Crokat R E Burrowes Gtorge Bolton M A Stanley A W Gamble WC Langmead Clias C Taylor Lieuts. Charles Connor John Storey R C Oakley Charles South H D Dodgin C F Holmes James Rae James Patience John Maclean C O’Connor Wm Watson FrederickCroad Henry Clinton Matthew Day Thomas Bayly Don Campbell Wm M Dermot Daniel O’Brien P Hennessy R T Furlong R M'Dermott Thomas Burke Enfigns S Berdmore James Taylor Wm Child James C Rouse Frederick Horn F H Stephens James Chambre Wm Houstoun WCampbell,pm HHolingsworth adjt John Dodd, qm A Arnott, su g M Griffith, asst J Fotrest Arthur Wood Greenwood, ag. XXL R. N. B. Fuzileers Colonel Lord Forbes Lieut-col John T Leahy Majors Colin Campbell M Beresford Captains Roche Meade L C Appelius W J Sutherland T Fairweather Rich Dnniell George Deare James Brady l' P Vandeleur J C Peddie Edwatd R Hill I ft Lieuts. Alex Mackenzie J P Johnston Chas Lonsdale C O'H Booth J P Beete Benj Bayly W T Young Nich Wrixon John G Beet J Pentland J H EveLgh WH Armstrong 2d Lieuts. A Stewart John Brady Wm Johnston Harper Brade Hon. J Sinclair Don Gregory R G Williams Richard Davies Wm Boyle, pm Al Young, adjt W Wahh, qm G Barcl .y, surg D Ewing, asst J Davidson Greenwood, ag. XXII. ( Cheth .) Colonel Hon. Ed Finch FT7 Lieut-col P C Taylor Majois Jas Crafter James Stenart Captains T Poole Wm Norton H F Cane Tho Keappock Philip Barlow W Le Mesurier J L Pennefather Robert Vivian Thos Hairison Lieuts. P V Wood W Raban John Poole Wm Potcnger Henry Matson G V Butler George Munro Edward Gordon Robt W Kyffin James Huie Wm Bartley Sam B Boileau Enfigns J A Mackey Peter J Petit Rich N Bollon DR Smith C J Gonlden Edw T Evans Wm Mylne Robert Bayly Edw Biggs, pm T Edwards, adj, 144 T Murray Scott Powell Greenwood, ag. C S Bunyon - (John Lindsay XX 11 T. \E Brown, pm ( R.WelchFuzil .) IJ Bouchier, adj Colonel jGeoSidley, qm Sir J W Gordon T Smith, surg Lieut-col T Pearson Majors J C Harrifon Wm Ross Captains George Fielding R P Holmes Sam Falkiner Edmund Waller Wm Fenwick John Browne Wm M Sloane J Parke, asst A Browne Greenwood, ag XXIV. (War.) Colonel Sir David Baird Lieut-col E C Fleming Majors John Hogg Charles Hughes Captains Thos Ed Bigge James Adair Tho Mathefon jPonsonby Kelly WLe MTupper HDTowushend Ill Lieuts. J Enoch J Macdonald W A Griffiths W Gourlay Edward T Ellis J P Matthews W N Williams Geo Beauclerk Baldwin I osh Robt H Ottley Henry Seymour R K Elliott 2d Lieuts. F J Phillott Malcolm Ross WMansfield, qr W R Stretton Ed Owen, surglHRHC Elwes J LTighe, asst jChas Crutchley Hn.C Monkton John Ewing G Fitzg Stack John Stoyte Wm Andtos Robert Smyth C A Doyle Lieuts John Harris Francis Grant James Nokes Fred Barton Jas Wright Robert Marsh J B Harris H W Harris F T Maitland F T Cunyghamej Nicholas Leslie Henry Young Enfigns R W Playford Wm G Brown A G Blachford Hon. C Preston A C Sterling W P Alcock Thos Rowley J Pvlassy Stack Al Tovey, pm D Riley, adj Ja Murray, qm Wm Byrtt, surg D Kearney, asst Macdonald, ag. XXV. (K.*s Borderers.) Colonel Hon. C Fitzroy Lieut-col JAFarquharfon Majors C Chambers Dix. Denham Captains JJ Hollis E J Priestley J M Robertson fho Stewart Tho Swyney Fras B Lynch A Mackenzie Benj Morris W H Hemmings Lieuts Henry Kean I Keens John WPlunket E I O’Brien W H PUibhs R W Mansergh Henry J Warde C F Sweeny Wm O’Conner J Spaldii.g S Ilderton Wm Jackson Enfigns Edw S Cassan Andrew Barnes W W Stanton Joseph J Grove J O’Donnell JGSlacke Thos Osborn Francis F Laye M M‘Leod, pm Jo. Millar, adj John Potts, qm C Whyte, surg Fras Reid, asst James Sidey Collyers, agents XXVI. (Cameronians .) Colonel E of Dalhousie Lieut-col H Oglander Majors C S Campbell George Pipon Captains Fra Shearman Wm James Wm Johnfton H M‘Latchie Thos S Pratt Geo Hogarth H F Stiange W Sitwell Thomas Park Lieuts. John Marfball Robert Robson T W Boyes Alex Calder M M‘Innes James Piggott James Frazer P P Brehant George Pigott R J E Rich Lord G Ramsay John Maule John Guthrie Enfigns JRussellVernon T J Campbell Alex D Colley ThcsSececombe Thos E Wei by Alex Munro John W Bathe C W Coombe E Witty, pm M Pointon, adj W Rogers, qm D Preston, surg Jas Brady, asst Gordon, ag. XXVII. ( Enniskillen ) Colonel M of Haflings Lieut-col John Hare Majors John Gcddes G H Dansey Captains Rich Handcock 145 W M £ Lean DMacpherfon John Landon Francis Shea W Talbot Tho Furnas J Freeman Mat Higgins M C Johnstone Lieuts. Charles Manlej Thos Smith Lew. Nelson John Brooke C Fitz Neynoe Wm Sle 3 tor C M Christian G A Durnford John Maclean S E Goodman Lewis Jas Hay Walter Butler Enfigns J F Lonsdale B Hutchinson Chas Roberts J N Frazer Robert Bolton Jasper Creagh Edw O’Grady Edward Nash * VRaymond,pn Ar Byrne, adjt G Douglas, qn T Mostyn, sur WWilliams, as D Mullarky Afhley, ag. XXVIII. (iV Glo'stersh.) N Colonel Sir Edw. Paget Lieut-col J F Browne Majors D S Barclay Wm Onslow Captains - Charles Caddel Richard Kelly J H Crummer W Irwin Robert NichoJIs R P Eafon Cudb French J R Colthurst R W H Drury J A Messiter Lieuts S Moore John Coen C B Carruthers W Monsteven Richard Barron Geo Wardell W J J Irving G H Calcraft Gore Browne Charles Ruxton J Evatt Acklom B Broadhead Enfigns JT G Probyn M Andrews J S Greene John Every F P Trapaud Wm Linskill George Symons E HTrelawney H Hilliard, pm T Wheeler, adj J J Peters, qm S C Roe, surg F O’Brien, asst M Bardin Watfon, agt. XXIX. ( Worcestershire .) Colonel Gordon Forbes Lieut-col James Simpson Majors William Elliot Robert Stannus Captains Tho B Hickin J V Evans Tho Popham Henry Brodrick A.Richardfon J Davidson John Weir Geo Gosselin Richard Lucas M'K Champain Ideuts. Tho Biggs J L Akers G Foskey RP Douglas A G Faden Henry Blunt Geo Congreve S Z Thatcher W H Sheppard Christ Eaton H Phillpotts Edw H Dodd P S Fitzgerald Enfigns A T Hemphill 146 Clir Htimfrey Wm W Drake And Hawthorn Wm G Alves Uriah Boyd Philip G Beers WD Humphrey N Farwell, pm M Morgan, adjt TKneebone,qm C Ingham, surg G Dunlop, asst J Hawkey Greenwood, ag. XXX. ( Cambridgskire .) Colonel J. Montgomerie Lieut-cols A Hamilton C A Vigoureux Majors J Dalrymple Robt Murray Captains B R Lynch John Tongue John Powell H Cramer Wm Mann Tho Jones Owen W Gray Wm Sullivan Mat Young John Proctor John G Geddes Lieuts Wafh. Carden Richard Mayne M Andrews T Kettlewell James H Light P P NTbville J Poyntz E M‘Cready C R Macleod W B Frizell James Ralph John Blackall G L Backhoufe Jos Berridge B Barlow Jos Thompson G W Thomson M Schoof H H Lewis Wm Baxter George Mansel Hen M Dixon CH Marechaux Enfigns N Armstrong C W Barrow WB Staff T R Burrowes J Gas. Wright W H Mounsey JMT Borton Edw R Gregg Lieut-cols James Cassidy J G Baunagardt Majors J D Tovey Francis Eagar Captains Edw Stafford j S Bolton SirC Farrington Thos Skinner \ II V Cortlandt R T Greene Edw B Bray John Byrne James Spence Loftus Nunn Geo L’ Estrange Lieuts G Baldwin Ar Grueber S O Goodwin John Edwards Francis Ward D B T Dodgiu Henry Astier C J Hayman Arth O’Leary HL M‘Ghee H B Wray, pm WAtkinfon, adj - Ward, qm R Pearce, surg. J Gillespie, asst J Campbell S Dickson Macdonald, ag. XXX T. ( Huntinpdonsk,) Colonel EarlofMulgrave Wm Booth Thomas Lillie Alex Douglas Ron Campbell J O’Gorman Alex Beatty * \Vm G Willes J A Kingdom Wm Boardman Thos Bulkeley Charles Dormer G D Young Henry Evans WM Wctenhall Enfigns Asaph Shaw Chas Primrose Geo F White Robt W White G C Marshall Tlios Pearson John C Stock Robt Norman Rich Monk, pm C Shaw, adjt JW Waters, qm W White, surg LSheppard, asst George Minty J Casement Greenwood, ag XXXII. ( Corn .) Colonel A Campbell Lieut col Hon J Maitland Majors Robert Dillon Fred Gascoigne Captains David Davies T H Wingfield Henry Reid Jn Birtwhistle John Palk James White John Swinburn Manley Power E Shewell A S Reoch Lieuts- George Moore George Brown Stuart Mackay 147 Thomas Calder N Suckling F D Hodges Thomas White Fred Markham A G Slack e Hon. A Harley T C Crawford Alf Trevylyan Enfigns Emiiius Ross A R G Thomas C S Beazley Francis J Griffin J JHBurgoyne R M^Warwick EdmondWynnc H Y Eagar, pm G Oke, adjt W Peperal, qm WBampfield,su G Griffin, asst Hopkinson, ag. XXXIII. 1 slT. W.Riding. Colonel SirJCSherbtook Lieut-col Samuel Moffat Majors John Fogerty C Knight Captains J M Harty J Longden Thomas Reid A H Trevor W H Grote Charles Schaw R Weftmore G Whannell Wm Thain Wm Kelly Lieuts. Sherlock Lowe A W Mackay James Paterson Charles O’Neill T J Galloway John Forbes A Robertson D H M‘Kay Thomas Fiske Ait Stanford R W W Young Wm Payne Enfigns James F Elliot E W Young Wm Hadley WW Hornsby J O Munton W S Norton Jo,.Colquhoun JHeazle, pm W Everett, adit J H Lewis, qm J Gowen, surg H King, asst Wm Murray Greenwood, ag. XXXIV. (Cumberland *) Colonel Sir G. L. Cole Lieut-col Thos Faunt Majors E Broderick Timothy Davies • Captains M M‘LeodTew EdwardConolly Rich Greaves G G Nicolls John Norton Hon. HS Fane Richard Aicey Hugh B Mends F W Frankland George Ruxton Lieuts G R Thomfon Edw Picking A M‘Farlane John Elgee T Thomfon J T Weyland N R Brown Joseph Foskett AlexHoustoun Hon. G Upton R H Milner Joseph Lynam Enfigns E Broderick B J Hooke Charles Lcwin John Reed Edw S Bayly Arthur Horne R Hill Webster Wm W Abney GLedingham,p. Wm Lax, adj. T Howe, qm R Orton, surg Chas Bell, asst J Crichton Greenwood, ag XXXV. (Sussex) Colonel Sir John Oswald TZT Lieut col Lorenzo Moori Majors Rob.Macdonald George Tenlon Captains G A Delhoste G H James F Power Thos Stapley Ara. Tennant S Workman N R Tompkins JJ Anderson EKS Butler Henry Semple Lieuts. Alex Sharrock J W Amos John Emerfon W Runforth Menas O’Keefe Fowke Moore C S Betty R A Maxwell Alex Scott Douglas L Cox T Christmas P M 4 Pherson Enfigns Wm O’Hara George Carnie Jas M'Carthy R E Hickson W Warde Theoph Faris J Nugent Blood P Nt wton, pm M Dickens, adj. J B Price, qm T Prosser, surg DM‘Gibbon,ast James Crichton Macdonald, ag. XXXVI .Here/. Colonel Sir George Don Lieut-col George Hewett Majors W Campbell George Ford Captains Rob Blakeney R N Crosse Gilb Wakefield George Cairnes J Prendergraft T L’Eftrange R W Cocker Mat. R Grey George Knox John Meade Lieuts Thomas Smith W M‘Leod J Colcroft Edward Lewis James M Home R Montgomery John Skerry Hon. F Petre F J St Quintin Rich W Wake Pult Murray George Wynne Enfigns JDH Hay John Hiern F F L Dayrolles 148 Henry C Hay Andw Nugent WFrafer,paym. FI Shenley, adit Jas M‘Cabe, qm TBouchier,furg, D Scott, asst Greenwood, ag XXXVII. (AT. Hampshire ) Colonel Sir Chas Green Lieut-col Gabriel Burer Majors Wm Bruce H H Manners Captains H O Wood John Coftley John Goldie J Thoreau Dillon Mafiey J S Fenton John R Kell J Molyneux Thomas Smith Thos Eastwood Lieuts Francis Herrick Richard Ker Henry Sadlier W Johnson J B Hamilton Isaac Moses Wm Long John Harvey E B Fraze Walp. G Eyre George Btown H WWarburtonjDun E Todd John P Taylor jsR J Marsham Enfigns J Bradshaw John Cuppage Lacy W Yea Francis Skelly John Burke John Worth Edward Willis J Halfhide, pm. H Dyer, adjt. J Holmes, q-m HFranklin, sur. M Neill, asst Greenwood, agt XXXVIII. ( Staffordshire .) Colonel Earl Ludlow Lieut-cols R Torrens Wm Frith Majors James Baillie Hon. J Finch Captains Hugh Piper Thomas Dely Christ. Wilson M Semple Edw Hopper George Young George Mackay JH Law James Seymour A Macdonald Charles Grant Lieuts J P Sparkes Rob Matthew G B O’Brien A Campbell Aid. Ta) lor E O’Halloran L B Urmston Robeit Ware Henry Grimes A Blennerhaset A H M‘Leroth Fred Tudor Chas J Boyes C Mudie Francis Bernard Majors D M‘Pherfon Fred Crofton Captains George D’Arcy Fra C Crotty J Wakefield Henry Smyth Don Urquhart Collet Barker Thos Wright GC MJohnstonCharles Sturt Wm Campbell Thomas Baynes Henry F Stokes J D Forbes WH Min chin j Lieuts JJacksonLowth Charles Cox Joseph Bullen Wm Deane Enfigns James R Blake Edward Evans George Green W R Waddell Thos Southall T Jenkins Alf Whittell John J Grant JohnGrant, pm, A Campbell, adj T Southall, qm MCathcart,furg J Henry Leckie G M Bowen J Fitzgerald T H Kirkley H C Scarman Wm S Coke G C Borough Geo Sleeman Wm Loraine J Fitzg Butler Robert Douglas Enfigns Joseph L Tnnes Nathaniel Reid Mich Spencer J Dempster, asst Wm Y Moore James Thomson J S Graves Greenwood, agt XXXIX. ( Dorsetshire .) Colonel Sir Geo. Airey Lieut-col Pat Linde lay Aug Berkeley Chas B Lloyd J L Ormsby Laud Maule B Bunn, paym. TMeyrick, adj Benj Lloyd, qm 149 XL. ( Somersets ) Colonel Sir B Spencer Lieut-col Hen Thornton Majors W Balfour T Kirkwood Captains Richard Turton J H Barnett P Bilhop R P Stewait Robert Morrow Richard Jebb George Hibbert J Montagu J Butler M Ryan Lieuts Henry Millar J Richardfon Hayes Queade Nathaniel Low M Dalrymple Rich Thornhill W Serjeantson Joseph Cutten F W Lewis Richard Floyer Jos B Oliver Wm Williams Enfigns Thomas Miller Lemp Bulkley Sam Nicholls Herb T Lewis James Stopford FH Coddington Eras Hales, qm W Jones, furg. P Colman, asst J Mackenzie Collyer, agent AHamilton, fur Hen R Connor J Mair, as t Greenwood, ag. XLT. Colonel Sir Ed. Stopford Lieut-cols Henry Godwin Wm Smelt Majors P L Chambers W O’Reilly Captains E B Stehelin John Can- Geo F Boulton Wm Booth George S Crole H Vanspall Ang M‘Intyre A H M‘Lean Nich Browne L H Pillichody James F May Lieuts R Butterfield J Simmons J Dawson Edward Briscoe Thos Vincent Perc. Brown Francis Dickson G L Boultbee MJKW Logan Wm Barnes J G Bedingfeld Law Tallon R Moore, pm. jRobt Hamilton WmNeiily, adjt| John Webb N 3 TJ Joseph E Deere Henry J Ellis John Smith A Guinness James G Inglis Alex Glen AlfW Horne Robot S Orde Enfigns J Boyse R Price Wm Evans - Stoddert CWP Magra E J Vaughan John A rata Owen W Gray J Raye, paym. J Cochranj adjt. , qm T Peirott, surg J Tennant, asst G R Dartnell Wm Smith Greenwood, ag XLTI. (Rl. Highland .) Colonel W Childers RD Macdonald Wm Murray Lieuts J Robertfon K Macdougall Donald Mackay Roger Stewart George M‘Iver John Leslie Christ. Clarke Lawrence Fife Thomas Raynes C K Macdonald Harcourt Hill Dun Cameron Enfigns John M‘Duff W K Thomson Chas Dunsmure WDMacfarlane A Campbell Colin Campbell Charles Steuart Abraham Inglis C Wardell. p-m Wm Duff, adj. Wm King, q-m S M‘Leod, surg, ( -:-to" Sir Geo. Murray J Dempster, ast Lient-col R H Dick Majors A Menzies Wm Middleton Captains J K Ross H A Frafer John Malcolm Jas Macdougall Robert B re reton P C Campbell J M‘Gregor Greenwood, ag. XLIII (Monmouthshire Light Infantry) Colonel Lord Howden I.ieut-col Wm Haverfield Majors 150 Jas Confidine Captains Geo Johnfton Wm Fiaser J Forlorg Hon. C Grey E G W Keppe) Hunter Ward J B Estcourt Hon. A Brown Chas R Wright C A Wrottesley Lieuts Barth Cafey George Hood J Harris Wm Considine James Th mas Aug Denham Samuel Tyron Sir R J Fletcher Daniel G Freer M Lushington Wilb Egerton Enfigns H n W Clements W G Byam Hon. A Spencer Henry Bruere W A Ward Wm Bell George Talbot ChaJ Gardine Jas W Smith Johnson Fcrd T Tierney, pm. J Harris, adjt- D Williams, qm J Gilkreft, furg. . M Galeani, asst I George Browjic XIJV. (East Essex.) Colonel Gore Browne Lieut-cols Francis S Tidy J C L Carter Majors John Shelton f ho Mackrell Captains W Burney Charles O’Neill John Kitson James Johnston F Hemming John Connor R Ha'fhide H FI Jacob Robert Smith Benj Whitney J C Webfter Lieuts Alex Wilson R Mackrell Wm B Scott Thos Swayne T S O’Halloren A lex W Gray FI Donnithorne Dobson Young Tbos Robinson W W Fraser J J Boyse Charles Evans F. C Mathias H L I. a yard R B Macrea J D De Wend A A Browne Wm Dunn Henry Booth [Greenwood. ag.jSim M’Queen 151 G M Dalway WTPShortt G J Burslem Enfigns W H Dodgin George Bayly J Pennirgton JD Young T W Halfhide Som. Grove GG 3 Lowther T Bourke, pm * , adjt RHcdahan, qm Wm Daunt, sur R Verling, asst R Stark A Smith Greenwood, agt XL [Netting) Colonel Earl of Cavan Lieut-cols L Greenwell H Stackpoole Majors J M Stackpoole Tho Hilton Captains A Anderfon John Cole Edward F Beys Richard Moore J H Hamilton Hugh Forbes A Vancortland St Lab Webb J Stewatt Richard Pcrham Wm Moore Lieuts John Grant James Reid F Ebhart W H Butler Fred C Irwin George Minter Wm Potts John Macintire Thomas Eman Nicholas Sykes A A Armstrong Alex Clarke R C Elliott R S Knox Richard Rose John Forbes A G Sidley Thos Chadwick George Bell Wm Metge John Smith James Ward J Du Vernett Fred Pigott Enfigns EW L 2 scelles A Armstrongj Edw T Coke Geo H Clatke A M Tulle ch Chas Seagram Wm Elliott * D O’Meara, pm James Reid, adj. S Wallis, qm W Smyth, surg. G Tower, asst A Callender jL Leslie (Greenwood, ag. XLVI. [South Devonsh.) Colonel Henry Wynyard Lieut-cols A Campbell Alex Ogilvie Majors T Willshiie Andrew Clarke Captains Wm Nairn T Thompfon Alex Cuppage Joseph Otway J H Edwards Wm Mallet Charles Dawe A Campbell Robert Mattin A G Parker Mat Willock Lieuts H Moirifon Tob Purcell G A Mahon Alexr Read Wm Campbell J Campbell Donald Stuart Nath Ashhurst ChasLangwerth Rob Campbell C F Button Adol L Grey Alex Fraser Edw J Bruce T M Sim kins George Varlo George Farwell Francis Ingram J E Muttlebuiy Enfigns C W Zuhlcke C Johnstone Walter Jones E H D Napier Joseph Davies CWSt J Wall Wm Lacy Wm Jas Yonge J Grant, pm J Ffrench, adjt , qm J Malloch, sur G Bush, asst R Hewatt A Urquhart Greenwood, ag XLYII.(Z a i Royal Malta Fencible Regt. 171 Col. CountFRivarola Major Mq G de Piro Captains Mich Muscat Sav Mitrovich Fran Bussiett Claud Bonello Gio Gouder Gio B Virtu Lieuts Paolo Ellul James Galland Carlo Cutajar Paolo Camilleri Vin Bonavita Salv Calleja Ensigns M de M Alessi Ant Maltei Engl Pettil Javerio Gatt Vine Vella Ant Camilleri V Rizzo, pm J Levick, adjt S Piott, qm GCamilleri, sur * asst ROYAL ARTILLERY . Colonel , Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, Mastei-Gen. Colonelen Second , Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm Henry Clinton, Lt.-Gen. Deputy Adjutant General , Lt.-General Sir John Maclecd Cols. Comm. Robert Douglas John Ramfey Sir Jo Macleod John Smith Wm Cuppage T Seward Francis Laye Sir E Howorth Edw Stehelin Lord Bloomfield Colonels. E W Pritchard James Viney Robert Beevor Francis Rey Charles Gold Sir J Carncross Alex Watson Edw VWorsley T Downman Henry Evelegh C C Bingham Steph G Adye Henry Phillott Peter Fyers Sir A S Frazer Hn.W Gardner James Hawker Fred Walker J S Williamson Al Macdonald Lt. Cols. P Drummond J W Tobin Hugh Fraser Robert Pym W R Carey William Payne George Forster J T Caddy R S Brough A Bredin James Power Pat Campbell Sir J May T Rogers T Gamble Alex Munro J P Cockburn Sir Hew D Ross P Durnford H F Holcombe J S Sinclair W Lloyd Majors. Bla Walsh RH Birch J Armstrong E Wilmot J Maclachlan C Younghusban Ja Adams Geo Crawford Sir A Dickson R Bull Francis Smith Charles Egan HenryHickman R Macdonald Thos I Forbes James W Smith W Roberts T Paterson W Morrison W Cleeve Captains. N W Oliver C H God by J P St Clair R J J Lacy J A Clement R Douglas E P Wilgress D Campbell W G Eliot F Campbell G Turner R F Cleaveland WT Skinner Sir R Gardiner P Wallace R Jones J E Jones T A Brandreth Da Story T Hutcheson E C Whinyates J Michell H Trelawny J Chester Arthur Hunt Chas Gilmour FAS Knox John Taylor jW D Nicolls [Stephen Kirby J P Adye Ty — Henry Bates George Cobbe JW Kettlewell A C Mercer W Clibborn James E Grant W G Power G Carl Coffin T Greatly J S Bastard Thomas Cubitt Cyprian Bridge H Baynes T G Browne Duncan Grant Charles Mosse Wm Butts Henry A Scott W Greene A M Maxwell R S Douglas J Cade Petley Thos Dyneley J B Parker H C Russell Joseph Darby E Y Walcott S Rudyerd Wm Bentham W Cator C C Dansey Daniel Bissett Alf Thompson A F Crawford H W Gordon W Colebrooke Richard King W D Jones W B Dundas Fred Arabin E T Michell Rich B Hunt 172 C Cruttenden Peter Faddy Christ Clarke C G Napier W Wylde Chas E Gordon W E Maling D M Bourchier 2d Captains, Philip Walker A Maclachlan Thomas Scott C Blachley A Macdonald John Longley H R Moor H G Jackson E Sabine Wm Dunn Z C Bayly Ed Cruttenden Thomas Dewell J W Spellen W C Lempriere Allen Cameron J Sinclair James Gray James Fogo O H Baynes Hon.WArbuth- not James Evans Thomas Carter H Blachley Ja A Cbalmer J E G Parker F Macbean VV H Stopford Lloyd Dowse GJ Belson P D Stewart RCMolesworth F R Chesney Wm Bell Geo B Fraser Mat Louis T Grantham Sam Charters Fras Haultain John Gordon W Brereton P V England J E Maunsell Irwine Whitty H L Sweeting A M Campbell George Jones J J Chapman Fred Wright J H Wood W E Jackson Basil R Heron E B Gapper Geo Du rn ford W R Grant G Pringle Edw Coxwell Chas Dalton J R Colebrooke H F Cubitt R B Rawnsley Wm A Raynes C S Torriano G Mainwaring R Hardinge Joseph Hanwell Sir W Smith Charles Fold P Sandilands ThomasN King B Willis B H Vaughan Iff Lieuts. Jos T Ellison T Strangways Samuel Wyatt Wm H Hill John H Freer Arch W Hope G M Baynes David Pattullo John C Burton John L Smith James Day John Eyre Robret A Speer Wm Elgee J M Stephens Wm Lemoine James S Law W C Anderson Geo Browne Chas Manners Reyn Palmer J R Hornsby A O W Schalach R S Armstrong T R Cookson John S Rich Mark Evans T F Simmons ijohn Davies R Andrews ijohr. Pascoe Henry Forster G T Rowland Edm Sheppard George Birch P W Lawlor jGeorge Spiller Geo W Barker 'Arthur Carter L S B Robertson J N Colquhonn W E Locke (A Ward Henry Palliser E D Hawkins H N Daniel A Macbean R N King Alex Duncan H G Ord B L Poynter J Gillespie HL Garstin RA Wilson R B Blakiston C R Dickens W C Lindsay A R Harrison Geo Charleton Rich Kendall H R Wright Geo J Hunter Edw J Bridges John Street Francis Weston K C Wulff W Montagu Robert Clarke R Litchfield John Trotter Wm Furneaux Hugh Morgan F Warde Robert Grimes W B Ingilby H Pester Mich Tweedie Fred Bayly Henry Stanway Justly Hill Lynch Talbot R Wm Story Fras Dawson H Bisshopp Chas Douglas Henry Slade Henry Hough Geo G Palmer Henry Hutchins J Somerville George James G K Pemberton Chas H Nevett James Howell E W Wood W H Lawrence J Bloomfield Edward Trevor Rich R Drew G S Maule 173 Fras Holcombe Harry Stow George R Luke Wm Fraser Chas Gostling Chas H Mee T Desbrisay Henry F Slater Thomas Pearse J M Spearman Wm J Stokes Cha B Symons W Lister Kaye Robt A Rogers Rich Tomkyns ,'Thos C Robe W H Poole H Williams H W Pickard W Greenwood Evan Morgan RGB Wilson AOMolesworth B Cuppage Robert Burn R B Burnaby R G S Smith James Lys T Watkins D Jngo John H Griffin T A Lethbridge John Dyson A Runnacles G M Glasgow Tho M Mottley Richard Basset W W D* Arley Wm Mayne E N Wilford John Tylden Jas A Gilbert R F St John W H Pickering Thos W Luard Wm Dixon Wm Stewart J W Seddon JW Collington B O’N Lyster j Philip Heath R L Cornelius |Wm Berners Lewis E Walsh Rich Shepherd W H Hennis |Geo H Hyde John Johnson tThos P Flude Charles GKett J M Savage G Hare iJasS Cremer F A Griffiths |W Y Fenwick H Chamberlain .Francis Weller Dan Thorndike ‘Tho Knatchbull V 3 J H St John R J Dacres S A Severne J Hollingworth C W Wingfield Alex Tulloh John S Farrell 2 d. Lieuts. S W May G P Heywood C P Brewer John Knowles Henry Poole Henry O’Brien Zach Mudge Arthur Gosset CE Beauchamp S J Skinner A Alcock Robert Luard H G Tcesdale,. . John Gore Noel T Lake F L Edridge H Mathias John Wynne D Warren Piercy Benn JohnDeschamps Geo Burroughs Chas Strickland J H Humfrey W M Smith T A Shone E Tindal Geo T Boger George Rogers James Turner Rich D French A Shuttleworth Geo Bingham Thos U Walker 174 J E Dupuis John Low John Matson J H Cockburn Hen S Coombe Geo Matkland Rob Robertson John Hill Howe C Bevan Cha H Mallock C H Burnaby Thomas Dyer WmF Williams Wm Patten John G Walker Henry Geary Robert Pigot John H Caddy Hen Jos Morris H WHinchcliffe John E Tapp R M Poulden John M Coy HAOmmanney E Fitzh Grant WGC Caffin John Sinclair Charles Bignell J W Mitchell GeoJ Beresford Dp. Adj. Gen . Sir J Macleod Adjutants. John Kane W H Bent W Saunders E Barlow J W Smith RHOrd T O Cater R F Romer Charles Otway Qr Masters. James Reid Thomas Betts John M‘Coy Charles Hill Samuel Trenck A Claik Samuel Barnes Alex Calder Wm Gates J Wightman Geo Landels Alex Barker Chaplains. J Messiter H Maclean S Watson Paymaster's, Greenwood&C. Gentlemen Cadets . Captain , Master Gen. of the Ordnance 2J Capt % J B Parker 1st Lieuts. L Talbot HG Ord H Williams Paym . Greenw. & Cox Riding House Establishment . Captain , R Jones 1st Lts. Thos Gibbons M Tanswell Paym. Gietnw. Sc Co. ROYAL ENGINEERS. Col. in Chief \ D. of Welling ton C*l. en Second, Sir WH Clinton Cols. Com. Gother Mann William Twifs Wm Fyers Wm Johnfton J Humfrey Colonels . SirHElphinston Elias Durnford Geo Whitmore F Thackeray HA Morshead John F Birch S R Chapman Gust Nicolls Edward Figg Thomas Colby Sir C F Smith G S Harding Sir G C Hoste J R Wright G G Lewis T M Dickens Henry Smart John Hobbs Captains, WCF Holloway Rich Boteler H W Vavasour Samuel Romilly Geo Gray don Alex Fraser Robt Thomson JMF Smith Cornelius Mann Rice Jones George Wright John Hassard j It.- Cols. Lieut.-Cols. C W Pasley Hen Goldfinch James RArnold J F Burgoyne Robt S Hustler Thomas Moody John Oldfield Mat C Dixon Pat D Calder Charles Dixon John B Harris IWm H Slade J T Jones (John Harper George Cardew jW B Tylden W G osset John By Thomas Fyers H Vigoureux G Buchanan C G Ellicombe E Fanshawe G F Macleod Wm Douglas T Cunningham John N Wells WmF Dawson R Z Mudge Frank Stanway Arch Walker Sh Williams W Davies Smith Fred English ThosBlanshard Alex Brown 175 Loyalty Peake A Emmett A Thomson Wm C Ward Wm P Haigh James Gordon George Barney Harry D Jones R Bonnycastle Henry Cardew Anth Marshall G FThompson R S Piper George Gipps 2 d Ccifits. Henry A Colby Philip Barry Ham A Tapp Wm Reid Sam CMelhuish Wm Redm Ord John L Hulme J S Macaulay Roger Kelsall J W Pringle Henry J Savage M A Waters ChasE Prince Penuel Cole John S Kitson Theo H Elliot Edw Matson James C Victor Crigh Grierson Rich J Baron T H Fenwick Lewis A Hall Patrick Yule Geo Phillpotts Chas J Selwyn Wm M Gossett Thos F Lancey Rich S Young Daniel Bolton F W Whinyates Alex W Robe RC Alderson Ives Stocker George West Chas Wriglit Charles Rivers F R Thomson H Y Wortham James P Catty JasW Worsley ls£ Lts. Geo V Tinling A Doug White Joshua Jebb John Smyth Hen H Wilson Al Hendtrson Tho Battershee RHS Cooper Arth Walpole Rich J Vicars George Tait H R Brandreth ThosL Lewis C O Streatfeild Jos E Portlock John Ker Edward Covey Hemy Briscoe Wm Gregory C C Alexander J H Rutherfurd Arthur Kay George C Page Hen Sandham Col M‘Kenzic T C Luxmoore Wm Fat is E B Patten F H Baddeley George Dalton Charles Burt GCD Lewis T H Blackiston Chas H Beague G C Du Plat Hen G Boldero Thos Budgen M Wm Heath Vine Jos Biscoe RF Clavering Henry P Wulff Mont Williams JohnHawkshaw Geo Hotham Geo W Lemon Thomas Hore Hen NLagden Thos Foster G F W Bordes Fras Randolph John I Hope Wm C Foibes R J Stotherd Alex Gordon Cowper Rose Wm B Marlow T Drummond R K Dawson Henry Pooley H F Murphy F W Pettingal S H Wentworth Hemy Tucker George Browne B S Stehelin Wm Lancey H O Crawley Hen T Edridge John Twiss L Viney Smith John Walpole Geo Wm Dixon T A Larcom Edward Vicars Elias Durnford Geo Boscawen 2 d Lieuts . StAMolesworth Robert Boteler Edward Frome Rich Howorth J D Heatley Robt Dash wood C C Wilkinson Jas Greatorex Wm Renwick T H Rimington W E Broughton Rich J Nelson Robt Fenwick Geo Burgman Edw Aldrich John Chaytor Robert N Bull Sid H Knocker Jos Coddington Charles Bailey Charles Ensor W H Denison John Cromie John Williams Ed W Durnford Edw T Lloyd Henry James Rich Alexander Wm Robinson Cha Oldershaw G S Whitmore Hen Servante Thos R Moold George Wynne James Lynn Maj. of Brig. C G Ellicombe Royal Irtval. Engineers . Col. Lieut-col. Philip Hughes Captain John Henryson ad Captain Edward Fyers ist Lieut. Hen L Renny Roy. Sappers Miners, officered by the Corps oj R. Engineers. Staff. Maj. of Brig, Rice Jones J Galloway, qin Greenwood, agt Establishment for instructing the Corps in Mil. Field Works , Director, C W Pasley 176 E Matson, adjt Thomas Lloyd Medical Department. Direct.-Gen, Sir John Webb Sur .- G. Iff Insp. R W Roberts Resid. Surg . Wm Durie Surgeons . 1 Michael Parker Wm Kebby N Fitzpatrick Morg Thomas N P Bradley Henry Sproull E Simpson T Morg Jones T Macm Fogo A Macdonald Apothecary , Wm Harris Assist. Surg. James Stewart J W Halahan J Verling A Ogilvie C T Whitfield Thos Seaton T H Quigley James Parratt Morg Nugent Thos Whitelaw 2d As.-Surg . Wm F Nelson James Barlow Wm Sproull Stew Chisholm Mich Tuthill James Nixon Vet. Surg. John Percivall Henry Coward Paym. Greenw. &Cox Field Train Department. Director Gen. LtGen.Douglas Chief Com. William Stace Asst. Com. Samuel J Tibbs COMMANDANTS and PERMANENT STAFF of the North British MILITIA , with their Head-Quarters. ABERDEEN. Aberdeen. Eof Aboyne, col. Al Gordon, adj C Adamfon, pm Lt. Jas Roy, qm NSutherland,sw ARGYLL & BUTE Campbeltown. LdCampbell, col F Campbell, adj. F Campbell, pm Jas Brown, sur Piince Regt’s Ayr. Wm Kelfo, col. AM‘Pherson,a^ D M‘Intyre,|?7n WDonaldson,s« BERWICK, HAD¬ DINGTON, LIN¬ LITHGOW, and PEEBLES. Coldstream. E. of Home, col. J M‘Laren, adj R Cunningham, pm R. Reg. of Ayr. MTurnbull, su DUMFRTES, ROX BU EG H& SELKIRK Dumfries. MarqofQueens- berry, col. F Swanfon, ad, RThorburn,/m Lt. Grieve, qm J Symons, surg. EDINBURGH. (County & City) Dalkeith. MofLothian, col David Bird, ad. D Paterfon, pm A Grant, qm WGraham, sur FIFE. Cupar. E. of Kellie, col. H B Wood, ad W Lawson, pm J Graham, sur FORFAR & KIN¬ CARDINE. Montrose . Colonel, Hon. A Douglas Capt Clark, adj J ThOftifon, pm J Jack, qm H Hoile, surg INVERNESS, BANFF, ELGIN, and NAIRN. Inverness. Hon.FW Grant, colonel H Walker, ad W Lobban,/>m J Grant, qm Ja Bayne, surg KIRKCUDBRIGHT and wigton. Kirkcudbright. D Maxwell, col J Dun, ad, J M‘Crakan,j?m G Balvaird,/im Zv^Donaidfonjyr Lt. Mann, qm Dav. Blair, surg J Macfarlane,si 177 J Gibbons, ad. G Balvaird,/im ROYAL LANARK. Hamilton. D.of Hamilton, colonel J M'Lean, ad J Stevenfon, fim D M'Intosh, qm J Anderson, surg ROYAL PERTH. Perth. EofKinnoul,co£ 5,SM RENFREW. Paisley. Arch.Campbell, colonel G Jamieson, ad, G Hamilton, pm PFergufon, qm Jr Barrie, surg ROSS, CAITHNESS, SUTHERLAND, & CROMARTY. j Dingwall. Chas Fraser, col A M‘Leod, ad AM‘Kenzie,/im J Miller, qm J Wishart, sur STIRLING, DUM¬ BARTON, CLACK¬ MANNAN, and KINROSS. Stirling. Jas Russell, col. J Fraser, adj Jas Dougall, pm X^M‘Dougal,yr D Dobie, surg Volunteer Regiments commissioned by His Majefty. LIGHT HORSE VOLS. OF LONDON & WESTMINSTER. (raised in 1779 .) Head Quarters, Gray's Inn Lane Colonel Cha Bosanquet Lieut-col R B Dunlop Major John Maberly Captains Henry Berens George Jenner Herbert Jenner M Shakespear Joseph Berens Samuel Scott Lieuts Tho Mellish Major Rhode Henry Harman J Drummond A Spotiiswoode Cornets Samuel Forster L P Wilson A Y Spearman Lieut-col Wm Wigram Major Chas Mills, jun, Captains Chas Mortimer JasPeppercorne Thomas Wood George CoUard JNCollyer Walter Young Octav. Wigram ® dw " d . L ?'‘ e RevGBuchanan Cor Wheeler Joseph Allen . M Gteenaway ll.d. chapl. J Bamfoid, adjt ™ n ck aa~ J Robert Smith G Shedden, qm ... A „ wiwT- u Wm A Hunt W Wright, surg WSewell, vet *s. Lieuts — |Wm Baker roy. east India George Parish vol. infantry. Chas Preston Colonel IW H Nuthall Wm Astell iWillou Wigston Wm Dickinson Peter Cameron F F Thompson Charles Hebard Wm Heathcote John Brown Edward Parish Ensigns Thos Hennah H Dickinson Edw F Danvers J D Ritherdon R CCodrington Wm W White George Cox George Trevor H Johnston, ad 178 Rates at which Officers on Foreign Half-pay are permitted to dispose of their Commissions , 3d Nov. 1825. The Oflireis on Foreign Half-pay who have received King's Commissions , and who have retired with the Regimental Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, and Captain, are permitted to dis¬ pose of their Commissions, as Unattached Half-pay Commissions, upon the terms subjoined. They shrill receive tico thirds of the new price of the Infantry Commission* of their Regimental Rank, viz. The Lieutenant-Colonel - £ 3,000 0 0 The Major - 2,133 6 8 The Captain ... 1,200 0 0 ESTABLISHMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Greenwich Hospital. Sir R G Keats, Governor William Browell, Lieut . Gov. Sir T. Thomson, k.c.b. Treas . Wm Beattie, m.d. Physician Richard Dobson, M.d. Surgeon Haslar Hospital , Charles Craven, Governor Plymouth Hospital , Richard Creyke, Governor Chelsea Hospital. Gen. Sir Sam. Hulfe, Governor Lt. Gen. Sir A. Hope, Lt. Gov. Lt-col. Henry Le Blanc, Major Lt. col- John Wilson, Adjutant Richard Neave, Secretary SisKf William Somerville, Physician Sir Everard Home, Surgeon William North, Apothecary Royal Military College at Sandhurst. Gen. Sir Edward Paget, Gov. Col. James Butler, Lieut. Gov. Lt.-col. jM‘Dermott, Major Captains . Maj. Charles Wright, Thomas Abraham, and Major Charles Diggle Capt P Clias, Sup. of Gym. Exer. Capt J Chadwick, Riding Mas. Rev. W Wheeler, Chaplain, ^c. Capt John Garvock, Secretary Capt Charles Stone, Paymaster George Sam Collycr, Treasurer Capt George Proctor, Adjutant Alex Calder, Quarter Master Ninian Bruce, Surgeon John Pickering, As. Surg. Royal Military Asylum at Chelsea . Lieut-col. J Williamson, Comm. Capt John Lngard, Sec. Adjt. Ensign J Fullom, Assist.-Adjt. Ensign Wm Fair, Q. Mr. Rev. George Clark, Chaplain Peter M‘ Gregor, Surgeon Samuel G Law ranee, As.-Surg. Military Asylum at Southampton. Lieut-col. George Evatt, Comm. J W Carry, Chaplain W G Watson, Assist-Surg. REGIMENTAL PAY. LifeGds. Horse (r.| Foot (ids Dr(J. % Drag Foot. Artillery. Hoy. Eng . Roy. Ma¬ rines. Mi lit. and Fenc. Subsis rt Cl Subsis Pay. Subsis & Mar. & Inv Bat. v . E bi c ‘Z 5 . d. s. d. s. d. s. d.' s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. i. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Colonel Commandant 54 9 £ >'0 0 54 4 . . . . Colonel . , . . . 27 0 36 0 31 0 41 0 30 0 39 O' 32 10 22 6 26 0 n o 23 9 22 6 22 6 Lieut-Colonel . . . 23 3 31 0 22 6 29 6 21 6 28 6 23 0 17 0 18 1 27 1 17 11 17 0 15 11 Major. 19 6 26 0 21 6 27 0 18 6 24 6 19 3 16 0 16 11 22 11 . . 16 0 14 1 Captain. 12 0 16 0 16 6 21 6 12 6 16 6 14 7 10 6 11 1 16 1 11 0 10 6 10 6 Do. with Brev. ofMaj. 12 6 13 1 18 1 13 0 12 6 . Lieutenant .... 8 3 11 0 11 0 15 6 6 0 7 10 9 0 6 6 6 1C 9 10 6 10 6 6 J6 6 Do. of above 7 yrs stand. 7 6 7 10 10 10 7 10 7 6 . Coronet,Ensign,& 2 d Lt. 7 3 8 6 11 6 14 6 4 f 5 10 8 0 5 3 5 7 , . 5 7 5 3 to 3 Paymaster .... 15 0 15 0 + 15 0 Adjutant. 13 0 !3 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 8 6 8 6 10 6 6 0 8 6 8 6 Quarter Master . . 4 9 6 C 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 *8 0 6 6 7 10 L0 10 6 (' 6 6 6 6 Surgeon Major . . . 16 8 20 6 Battalion Surgeon 10 0 12 0 Surgeon . 9 0 12 0 9 0 12 0 , . 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 Assistant Surgeon . . 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 7 6 7 e 8 6 7 6 7 6 Surgeon’s Mate . . . J 5 0 Veterinary Surgeon 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 . . . . 8 0 . • The difference between the Subsistence and Gross Pay of the Officers of these Regts., after deducting Poundage, Hospital, and Agency, is paid as Arrears, These rates include 2 s. a day for a horse. Including Pay as a Subaltern. If holding another Com. Lieuts of Militia receive only 4 s 8d—Ensigns 3 s 8d. "7 180 PENSIONS TO OFFICERS’ Regimental . Not brevet. To the W idow of a per ann. Gen. Lt Gen. and Maj.Gen. L.120 I Col. ofa Re^. not a Gen.Offi. lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Second do. Cornet, & Ensign I*aym.previous to24Aug.i811 40 WIDOWS. Staff . p. ann. ToWidow of a Com.-Gen. L.120 i Deputy Commis. General 60 ) Do. after 3 yrs on Full-pay 70 > Assist. Commiss. General 50 I Deputy do. - 40 insp.ofHos. £ in certain cir* $ 60 1 Deputy do. S cumstances. 50 Physician, after serv. abroad 50 Do. not having served abroad 40 l Purveyor and Surgeon - 40 Deputy Purveyor - 30 Apothecary - - 3(5’ ) llos. Mate, after serv, abroad 30 ) Chaplain General - SO Chaplain, after serv. abroad 50 District Paymaster - 50 (r^T The above Pensions are payable every Four months, viz. April, August, and December, at the Pay Office, Whitehall, ex¬ cept those that relate to the Commissariat Department, which are payable Quarterly, at the Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Do. subsequent to ditto Adjutant and Surgeon Quar. Mas. and Ass. Sur. Veterinary Surgeon Chaplain Pensions to Officers having lost (or having sustained an injury equal to losing) an Eye or a Limb on Service. The Officers marked thus *, to have the allowance according to their Army Rank, if they prefer it. Field Marshal, General, or Lieut. General, commanding in Chief atthetime [To be considered.]—Lieut. General L.400 Major General, or Brigadier Gen. commanding a Brigade; and Commissary General at the head of Department 350 Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, * Adjutant General, ^Quarter Master General, * Deputy Adjutant General, if Chief of the Department, * Deputy Quarter Master General, if do. Commissary General not at the head ofa Department, Deputy Do. at the head ofa Dep. and Insp. of Hospitals 300 Major Commanding - - - - 250 Major, * Deputy Adjt General, *Dep. Quar. Master Gen. Dep. Inspector of Hosp., Dep. Commis. Gen. not at the head of a Department ... 200 Captain, * Assist. Adjt Gen., * Assist. Quarter-master Gen., * Dep. do., *Sec. to Comm, of Forces, * Aide-de-Camp, ♦Major of Brigade, Assist. Comm. Gen., *Judge Adv., Chaplain, Paymaster, Physician, StatfSurg., Regimental Surgeon, Purveyor - 100 Lieutenant, Adjutant, Dep. Ass. Comm. Gen. - 70 Cornet, Ensign, 2d Lieut., Regt Qr-master, Assist. Surg., Apothecary, Hosp. Asst., Vet. Surg., Dep. Purveyor Payments Half yearly r at the ray Office, Whitehall. 50 18 ! I’he KING'S MINISTERS who form the CABINET . Earl Eldon, lord high chancellor Earl of Harrowby, lord president of the council Earl of Liverpool, first lord commissioner of the treasury Earl of Westmorland, lord privy seal Rt Hon. Robert. Peel, secretary of state for the home department Rt. Hon. George Canning, sec . of state for foreign department Earl Bathurst, secretary of state for the ivar department Duke of Wellington, master-general of the ordnance Right hon, Fred. John Robinson, chancellor of the exchequer Viscount Melville, first lord commissioner of the admiralty Rt hon. C. Watkin W. Wynn, president of the board of control Right hon. William Huskisson, treasurer of the navy Lord Bexley, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster %* Lord Viscount Sidmouth retains his seat. PR 1 VT C 0 U N c Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Cumberland Duke of SufTex Duke of Cambiidge Duke of Gloucefter P. of Saxe Cobourg Archb of Canterbury Earl of Eldon, Ld.CIi Archb. of York Earl of Harrowby, P. E Westmorland, PS. D. of Montrofe, L.C Duke of Bedford Duke of Hamilton Duke of Dorset Duke of Atholl D.of Northumberland Duke of Wellington Duke of Buckingham MqConyngham, L.S. Marquis of Hertford Marq of Lanfdowne Marq of Stafford Marq of Winchefter Marq Welleflcy Marq of Haftings Marq Camden Marq Choimondeley Mq of,Londonderry Marq of Graham Earl of Carlisle Earl of Derby Earl of Pembroke Earl of Lauderdale Earl of Shaftesbury Earl of Elgin Earl of Macclesfield Earl of Harrington Earl Fitzwilliam Earl of Hardwicke Earl Spencer Earl of Chatham Earl Bathurft Earl of Claiendon Earl Grofvenor EofMount-Edgcomb Earl of Liverpool Earl of Powis Ear! Grey Q IL. Earl of Carysfort Earl of Courtown Earl of Clancarty Earl of Mulgrave Earl Cathcart Earl Talbot Earl Roden Earl of Tankerville Earl of Aberdeen Lord C H Somerfet Lord Robert Spencer Vifc. Strangford Vifc. Palmerston Vifc. Sidmouth Vifc. Melville Lord J Townfhend Lord G T Bercsford Vifc. Granville Viscount Beresford Lord John Thynne Lord Binning * Bishop of London Lord Holland Lord Carteret Lord Grenville Earl Amherst Lord Arden Lord Gwyder- Lord Manners Lord Teignmouth Lord Henley Lord Redefdale Lord St Helens Lord Co'chester Lord Maryborough Lord Stowell Lord Oriel Lord Burghersh Lord Bexley Lord Farnborough Lord Bloomfield Charles M Sutton Sir Arch Macdonald Thomas Grenville George Canning Wm Dundas Charles Philip Yorke Sir Wm Grant Thomas Wallace Charles Bath urft Wm Wickham George Tierney Sir Arthur Paget 182 Wm Drummond Charles Arbuthnot John Hookham Frere Sir Samuel Shepherd Charles Grant Reginald Pole Carevv John Sullivan Sir John Newport Hon. Henry Pierpoint Richard Ryder Sir John Nicholl Sir H Wellesley Sir John Sinclair Sir Robert Lifton F J Robinfbn Robert Peel Hon. V Fitzgerald Hugh Elliot Wm Huskisson E. Thorn ton Sir Henry Russell Wm St urges Bourne Sir Charles Stuart William Adam Hon. Charles Bagot Hon. Robert Gordon Sir G F Hill John Beckett Sir J. Leach Sir W A’Court Sir G H Rofe Sir Charles Abbott Sir R. Dallas David Boyle Hon. W N Hill Stratford Canning Sir G Ouseley Henry Golbourn C W W Wynn Sir W H Freemantl* Hon. Fred J Lamb A J Poster Sir Geo Warrender Charles Hope Sir W Alexander Sir W D Best C R Vaughan H W W Wynn Or din. Clerks , James Buller G C F Greville 777S MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD . Duke of Montrose, Lord Chamberlain, 12001 Marquis of Graham, Vice-Chamber lain, 11591 8s 4d Marquis of Winchester, Groom of the Stole , 20001 Lords of the Bed-Chamber, 10001 Marquis of Head fort Viscount Melbourne Lord Glenlyon Viscount Petersham Viscount Lake Earl of Delawarr Lord Graves Ma- q of Londonderry Lord MounTcharles Hon General Finch Hon Col Stanhope Gen Sir W Keppcl lion A Bradshaw Grooms of the Bed Chamber, 5001 Lord St Helens Lord f.ovaine Earl of Erroll Lord Sfratftavon Gen Sir Wm Lumiey Colonel J Whatley Lt-Gen Sir T Turner Sir Edmund Nagle Sir Charles Paget Hon Henry King [Sir Ad F Barnard Sir William Houston 183 Marquis Conyngham, lord steward, 14601 Lord George Thomas Beresford, comptroller, 12001 William HFreemantle, treasurer , 12001 George Talbot, Esq. paymaster , 5001 General Sir Samuel Hulse, master of household, 5001 Lord Mountcharles, master of the robes, 8801 Sir William Knighton, privy purse Lari of Macclesfield, captain of the yeomen of the guard , 10001 Earl of Courts wn, captain of the band of pensioners , 10001 Duke of St Albans, hereditary grand falconer, 12001 Lord Gwydir, deputy great chamberlain Lord Maryborough, master of the staghounds, 20001 Duke of Dorset, master of horse, 1266113s 4d Lieut-Gen Hammond, chief equery —Lt-Gen S W Congreve, hart. Major Gen. Bay ley, Major Gen. Sir R H Vivian, General Sir Robert Bolton, equeries. Sir Gilbert Blane, Sir Henry Halford, Sir Matthew J. Tierney, and Dr Henry Southey, physicians in ordinary, 3001 Sir Gilbert Blane, physician to the household, 2001 Robert Roddam. M.D. naval physician Sir Everard Home, and Dr Pat. Macgregor, serjeantsurgeons Sir Astlev P Cooper, surgeon to the person John Phillip-, surgeon to the household Wm Wadd, Sir A. Carlisle, S. L. llammick, surgeons extraord. Henry Alexander, surgeon oculist Sir William Adams, oculist extraordinary John Nussej', apothecary to the person Dr John Latham, Sir James M‘Giegor, and Dr Charles Bank- head, physicians extraordinary William Maule and John Harrison Curtis, aurists Charles Dutnergne, surgeon dentist John Heath, dentist extraordinary Archbishop of York, lord high almoner Loid Bishop of London, dean of the chapel royal, 2001 Lord Bishop of Lincoln, clerk of the king's closet Sir Robert Chester, mastel of the ceremonies, 3001 Henry T B Mash, assistant and marshall William Shield, master of the band of music, 3001 George Colman, inspector of plays, 4001 Robert Southey, Esq. poet-laureate, 1001 C. Eyre, A. Strahan,and John Reeves, printers DUKE of YORK'S HOUSEHOLD. Lieut.-Col. B C Stephenson, ccmptroller and master of household Sir Thomas Stepney, groom of the bed-chamber F Dighton, private secretary Dr Pearson, Dr Thompson, Dr Drever, Dr Morison, physicians Dr Theodore Gordon, physician extraordinary DUKE £ DUCHESS of CLARENCE'S HOUSEHOLD . John Barton, treasurer and comptroller Sir CM Pole, Lt.Col. Cooper, SirH Blackwood .grooms ofbed-ch. Marchss of Westmeath, Countess of Mayo, ladies of bed-chamber Sir Gilbert Blane, Drs Cooper, Down, and Burnett, physicians J Doratt, and Edward Tegart, surgeons DUKE of CUMBERLAND'S HOUSEHOLD . , comptroller Gen Wynyard, Col Thornton, Gen SirC Grant, grooms ofbed-ch. i Captain Charles Jones, secretary DUKE of SUSSEX'S HOUSEHOLD. Lord Graves, comptroller Adm Sir T Williams, CoiOgg, Gen Sir G Walker, grooms of bed-ch. Henry Stephenson, auditor Lady of the Bedchamber to H. R. Highness Princess Augusta, Lady Mary Taylor.—To H. R. Highness Princess Sophia, Lady John Thynne DUCHESS of KENT'S HOUSEHOLD. General Wetherall, comptroller —Captain Conroy, equerry Baroness de Spaeth, lady of the bedchamber DUKE § DUCHESS of GLOUCESTER'S HOUSEHOLD. Edmund Currey, comptroller Ladies Isabella Thynne, and Caroline Legge, ladies of the bed-ch. PRINCE LEOPOLD of SAXE-COBOURG's Household. Baron deStockmar, comptroller Sir Robert Gardiner and Hon. Edward Cust, equerries BRITISH MINISTERS ABROAD. Austria , Rt Hon.Hen. Wellesley Edward M Ward, sec Russia. Viscount Strangford Ed. C. Disbrowe, sec France, Rt-hon Vise. Granville H. C. Hamilton, sec. Spain , Rt hon. Fred. Lamb George Bosanquet, sec. > Netherlands , Sir Charles Bagot A S Douglas, sec Turkey , Rt. hon. S. Canning W Turner, sec. Prussia , Earl of Clanwiiliam Hon. W. Temple, sec . America , Rt hon. C R Vaughan Charles Bankhead, sec. Naples , Wm Noel Hill H S Fox, sec. 186 Sweden, Lord Bloomfield A 1) Bloomfield , sec. Denmark, H. W. Wynn Peter Browne, sec. Sardinia , Aug. John Foster C M St George, sec. Germanic Confed. F. Cathcart J R Milbanke, sec. Portugal , Sir W. A’Court Hon. F Reginald Forbes, sec. Bavaria , Sir Brook Taylor Thomas Cartwright, sec Persia, H. Willock Saxony , George W. Chadd Charles Barnard, sec. Wirtemberg , Lord Krskine lion. (1 li Seymour, sec. Switzerland , Hon. A. Percy R. Pakenham, sec. Tuscany, Lord Burghersh W F Strangeways, sec. Rio de la Plata , Lord Ponsonby Brazil , Rt hon. Robert Gordon Colombia, Alex. Cockburu FOREIGN MINISTERS at the BRITISH COURT. Austria , Prince Paul Esterhazy Russia , Count de Lieven A. de Dubatchefsky cons-gen France , Prince de Polignac Chev. Seguier, consul-gen Spain , M. de Alcudia Don J. P de Leina, cons-gen Netherlands , Baron de Falck London , W May, esq; cons-g Aberdeen , John Stewart Sweden , Baron de Stierueld Denmark , Count de Molthe John Campbell, esq; cons-gen Portugal, Marquis de Palmella J F Thomaz, consul-gen Prussia , Baron Maltzan Turkey , J. Natali, consul-gen. Sardinia, Count St M.d’Aiglie Sicily, Count de Ludoif Bavaria, Baron de Cetto Wurtemberg , Ct Mandelslohe Saxony , M Biederman Hanover, Count M Mein hovel Switzerland, A. L. Prevost Baden , & Hesse, Bar. Langsdorf Oldenberg , MrC. C. Berber /ians Towns, J Colquhouu America , Albert Gallatin Tho Aspinwall, consul-gen Colombia , M Hurtado His Majesty’s CONSULS ABROAD. France, D R Morier, cons.-gen. Calais, S G Marshall Nantes, Sir Richard Clayton Spain, Sir J Meade, cons-gen Portugal, J Mathews, cons-gen Oporto, John Crispin Madeira , Henry Veitch Venice , W T Money, cons-gen Roman States , John Parke, esq Leghorn, John Falconer, esq. Naples, Sir H Luvhington Sicily, Fred. Lind man, esq. Gottenburgh, H T Liddel Stockholm . George Foy, esq. Norway, Charles Durie, esq. Denmark, Cha Fenwick, esq Russia, Sir Daniel Barley B/acfc Sea, J Yeames, cons £ Daptzic, Alexander Gibson Konigsberg, T Fonblanque Hamburgh, Henry Canning Amsterdam, Robert Melvil Rotterdam, Alex Ferrier, esq. Ottoman Porte, J Cartwright Egypt, Henry Salt United States, A St John Baker New-Fork, James Buchanan New Orleans, George Salkeld Mexico , Lionel Hervey Fern Cruz, J Henderson Brazils, II. Chamberlain Morocco, JamesS Douglas Algiers , Henry M‘Donnell Tripoli, Hanmer Warrington 7'unis, Sir Thomas Reade Jlayli, Charles Mackenzie 3 186 COUNCIL OFFICE , WHITEHALL. James Buller, and C. C. Fulke GrevilJe, clerks of the council John Litchfield, Wm O Humphrey, John Barrett Lennard, Peter Hen. Valle, Henry Gaitskell, and W O Patch, under clerks Rev. Dr T B Clarke, receiver of clergy returns Longueville Clarke, assistant receiver of clergy returns W. Flint and J. Baker, keepers of the council chamber The Most Noble ORDER of the GARTER , Instituted by Edward III. 1350; to consist of the Sovereign and 25 Knights, exclusive of the Princes of the Blood Royal. Motto— Iloni soi quimaly-pense —Ribbon, Blue . Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg Earl cf Chatham 1 Earl of Weftmorland Earl Spencer Marquis Camden Duke of Rutland Earl of Hardwicke Duke of Beaufort Earl of Pembroke Marquis of Stafford Earl of Lonfdale Marquis Wellefley Duke of Montrofe SirThomas Tyrwhitt, ufher of the black rod. Bishop of Winchefler, prelate iDean of Windfor, regiflrar Bishop of Salifbury, chancellor [SirGNayler,garter king-at-arms The Most Ancient ORDER of the THISTLE , Instituted in 787, restored in 1540 ; revived in 1687, and re¬ established in 1703, for the Sovereign and it, Knights. Motto, Nemo me irn/iune lacessit —Ribbon, Green. The Sovereign Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Cumberland Duke of Suffex Duke of Cambridge Duke of Gloucefter Emperor of Austria King of Prussia King of Spain King of Netherlands King of Denmark King of Portugal King of France Marquis of Hastings Duke of NewcafUe Duke of Wellington Earl of Liverpool Earl Bathurst Marquis of Anglesey D of Northumberland Duke of Buckingham Mq of Cholmondeley Marquis of Hertford Marquis of Bath Duke of Dorset Extra Knights t EofLaudcudale Vise Melville The Sovereign Earl Cathcart M, of Tvveeddale D. of Clarence E. of Aberdeen M. Queensberry Dukeof Gordon E. of Galloway Earl of Cassillis Earl of Morton E.of Abergaveny DukeofAtholl M of Aylesbury! Dr William Lawrence Brown, dean of the order Earl of Kinnoull, king of arms. Lord Robert Kerr, sec. Robert Quarme, gent, ulher of the green rod 187 The Most Illustrious ORDER of ST. PATRICK , Instituted 5th Feb* I 7 ^ 3 > t° consist of the Sovereign, as Grand Master, a Prince of the Blood-Royal, and fifteen Knights. Motto, Quis separabit .— Ribbon, Sky Blue. The Sovereign D. Cumberland E cf Carysfort M Conyngham M of Headfort E of Roden E of Shannon E O’Neill M of Thomond M of Sligo Eof Enniskillen E of Longford Marquis of Ely Earl of Caledon Mq. of Donegal M of Ormonde Earl of Meath Earl of Fingall E of Courtown Earl Talbot *1 he Lord Lieutenant, Grand Master. Lord Prirmte, Prelate ISir Fred J Falkiner, Secretary Archbp. of Dublin, Chancellor Sir C Vernon, Usher Black Hod Dean of St Patrick’s, Registrar (Sir S. Bruce, Genealogist The Most Honourable MILITARY ORDER of the BATH , Motto —Triajuncta in uno— Ribbon, Red. Instituted in England in 1399; revived by George I. 1725; and on the 2d Jan. 1815, it was ordained that it should thence¬ forward consist of Three Claeses: 1st, Knights Grand Crosses; 2d, Knights Commanders; and, 3d, Companions. First Class. —Military Knights GrandUrosses. The Sovereign Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Cumberland Duke of Cambridge Duke of Gloucefter Prince Saxe Cobourg sir Rob. Abercromby sir Alured Clarke Lord Donoughmore sir James Saumarez Lo#d Howden Duke of Wellington Earl Ludlow Earl of Northefk sir Rich Jn Strachan sir Alex 1 Cochrane sir Richard G Kcafces sir David Baird sir Brent Spencer sir John C Sherbioke Lord Beresford Lord Lynedoch Lord Hill sii Edward Paget Lord Combermere sir George Nugent sir William Keppel sir John Doyle LordWHC Bentinck sir G Lowry Cole Marq.ofLondonderry Hon. sir A Hope sirTJenry Clinton Earl of Dalhoufie sir Wra Stewart sir George Murray Prince of Orange sir George Montagu Marquis of Anglefey sir R Brownrigg sir W H Clinton sir C Colville Lord Gam bier sir James Kempt Lord Exmouth sir D Ochterlony sir Gor. Drummond sir G T Walker sir C M Pole sir George Cockburn Marquis of Haftings sir Thomas Hislop sir J Malcolm Lord Howard sir W Domett sir Thomas Foley Earl Harcourt sir H Johnston Earl of Mulgrave 1C. sir C H KnowlesJ sir T Pakenhara Lord Harris sir B Tarleton sir George Hewett sir George Don Earl Rosslyn Marquis of Huntly sir George Martin sir T B Thompson sir H Neale sir John Oswald sir Ed Thornborough sir Eliab Harvey sir Wm J Hope sir Henry Fane Civil Knights Grand Crosses, Lord Henley sir Arthur Paget sir George H Barlow Vifcount Strangford sir Henry Wellefley sir Charles Stuart Earl of Clancarty sir Robert Liston sir W A’Court Lord Farnborough sir C Bagot sir Edw Thornton Lord Bloomfield Visct Granville Honorary Knights Grand Crosses. King of Wirtemberg Prince Volkonsky Count Woronzow Count Zieten Baion Frimont Count Alten 138 Second Class. Knights Commanders, sir J H Whitshed sir Rich Bickerton sir John Knight sir Edmund Nagle sir W Sidney Smith sir Herbert Sawyer sir Robert Stopford sir R C Fergufon sir H Warde sir Charles Tyler sir Thomas Williams sir Wm Houftoun sir Wm Lumley sir Miles Nightingall sir H F Campbell sir Wm Hargood sir Robert Moorfom sir Law. W Halfted sir Jofeph S Yorke sir A K Legge sir Alan Cameron sir George Anfon sir F Laforey sir P C Durham sir Ifrael Pellew sir Henry Bell sir Wm Anion sir Edward Howorth sir C Wale sir J O Vandeleur sir Edward Stopford sir Benj Hallowell Lord A Beauclerck sir J Nicoll Morris sir T Byam Martin sir Wm H Pringle Lord Henry Paulett sir Graham Moore sir Henry WBayntun sir Richard King sir Richard Lee sir F P Robinfon sir Edward Barne3 sir John Byng sir Thomas Brisbane Lord R E Somerfet sir Thomas Bradford sir John Lambert sir J W Gordon sir Manley Power Lord Aylmer sir Wm Hotham sirPulteney Malcolm sir John Gore sir Henry Hotham sir J Rowley sir Edw Codrington sir Charles Rowley sir Colquhoun Grant sir T S Beckwith sir R W O’Callaghan sir John Keane sir Colin Halkett sir H Edw Bunbury sir R Hussey Vivian sir Henry Torrens sir George Eyre sir Charles Brisbane sir John Talbot sir Edward Berry sii Edw Hamilton sir E WCR Owen sir Thomas M Hardy sir J Brenton sir M Seymour sir PBV Broke sir Wm Hofte sir Chriftopher Cole sir J A Gordon sir Thomas Staines sir Edward Tucker si John Erlley r Charles P Belson r Benj D’Urban r G R Birgham r Chas J Greville r A F Barnard J Cameron r Charles Pratt r Edw Blakeney r John M Lean r R Downes Jackfon r Colin Campbell r John Colborne r A Campbell r Thos Arbuthnot r H F Bouverie rW Williams r A Leith r RL Dundas r R Arbuthnot r Charles Sutton r Jam* Douglas r Henry Hardinge r GII F Berkeley r Jeremiah Dickfon r John M Doyle r Thos Noel Hill r Chas Broke Vere Lord F Somerset sir James Wilfon sir Alex J Dickon sir John May sir George Scovell sir Wm Gomm Lord Downes sir Richard Williams 189 r James Malcolm r James A Hope r Auguftus Frazer r HewD Rofs r E K Williams r Frederick Stovin r Joleph Carncrofs r Robert Gardiner r Moore Difney r Wm Inglis sir James Lyon r Davidge Gould r G Cooke r P Maitland t Frederick Adam r CV Penrofe r Hudson Lowe r David Milne r Alex Campbell r R Macfarlane r R S Donkin r M Dixon r H Blackwood r J P Beresford r H T Montretor r H Trollope r John Wells r H Nicholls r R Barlow r George Grey r W Keir Grant r James Campbell r Lionel Smith r T Pritzler r Wm C Fahie sir R W Otway Of the Fast-India Service . Isir Robert Blair 'sir Hector Maclean sir Thomas Dallas sir Gab Martindell sir George S Browne sir R Barclay sir R Jones sir D Marshall sir Thomas Munro sir John Doveton sir Thomas Brown Honorary Knights Commanders. Baron Linsingen Count Walmoden Count Nugent Baron Low Henry de Hinuber W de Dornberg F A de Hertzberg Julius Hartmann Baron de Muffling Don Miguel A lava Baron Van de Capel- lan Baton Vincent Gcn.Pozzo di Borgo Gen. de Reede J^t-gen. Lamotte Dean of Weftminfter, dean of the order Sir George Nayler, genealogifl and blanc coursier herald J P Cullum, Bath king of arms—James Pulman, deputy Lt-col. William Lewis Herries, registrer and fecretary George Fred. Beltz, f.s.a., gent.-usher of the Scarlet Rod, and Brunswick Herald William Wood, secretary to the second and third classes 190 GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Tr eafury. Earl of Liverpool, firft lord commiffioner, 4000 1 , Rt. Hon. F. John Robinson, Viscount Lowther, LordG.C.H. Somerset, Lord Granville, Earl of Mount-Charles, andE,A. Macnaughten, lords commiffioners, 1600I. S R Lushington and J C Herries, fccretaries, 3229I. William Hill, assistant-fee.—George Maule, folicitor. Henry Brougham, ferjeant-at-at ms—E. B. Bullock, chief clerk Receipt of Exchequer . Rt hon. F. J. Robinson, chancellor and treafurer, 1800I Lord Grenville, auditor, 4000I-—Charles Bedford, chief clerk Marquis Camden, Earl Bathurft, Right hon. Charles Yorke, and Spencer Pcrcival, Efq; tellers of exchequer Henry Ellis, clerk of the pells.-— EWRoberts, his clerk Earl of Guilford and M Burgoyne, chamberlains of tally court R. Mitford, C. P. Rushworth, G. T. Steward, W. R. Bradshaw, Sir H. Campbell, commissioners of tax-office—E. Bates, fee. * Board of Trade and Plantations. Rt.hon. W. Huskisson, pres.—Rt,hon. C. Grant, vice-pres. The Minifters Lord Chancellor Archb of Canterbury Speaker of Commons Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster Paym. of the Forces Treas. of the Navy Mailer of the Mint Sir John Nichols Lord Redefdale C Arbuthnot James Buller, and C. C. F. Greville, seer. T Lack, affistant sec. John Porter, ift clerk E Leeves, private sec. to the president Privy Seal and Signet Office. Earl of Weflmoreland, lord privy feal, 3000/. Sir James Macdonald, John H Carles, and John T Fane, clerks. COLONIES. Secretary , Earl Bathurft Under Secretaries , Robert W Horton Robert Wm Hay A Gordon, chief elk Secretaries of State . HOME. Secretary , Rt. Hon. Robert Peel Under Secretaries , Henry Hobhoufe G R Dawson T Plasket> chief elk foreign. Secretary , Rt hon Geo Canning Under Secretaries , Joseph Planta Lord Howard Marq. of Clanricarde 191 SRollelton, gazette-writer |R G Clark, gazette printer HHobhouse, keep.of Hate papersICharles Goddard, transmitter Admiralty Office. Lord Vifc. Melville, firfl lord commiffioner, 5000I. Lords Commissioners , ioool each. Sir WJ Hope | SirG Clerk | Sir GCockburn | WRKDouglas Lord Stowell, judge of admiralty court, 1380 1 . JW Croker, fee. 4000I John Barrow, 2d fee. 2000I JH Arnold, admiralty-advocate SirC Robinfon, king’s adv.gen. Lord Arden, regiftrar of adm. James Farquhar, H Swabey, and J B Morgan, deputies Hon. H Lindsay, marshal Duke of Wellington, mafler-gen Sir W H Clinton, lieut.-gen. Wm Griffin, fee. to the board William Holmes, Efq; treafurer Ordnance Office. Lord Downes, surveyor-general Sir Henry Harding, clerk John Beckett, Efq; judge-adv. to the forces War-Office Right Hon. Vifcount Palmerllon, fecretary at war. L Sullivan, esq. deputy fecretary—Robert Luken, ift clerk Rt hon. W F Fitzgerald, paym.-gen.—Sir H Torrens, adjt-gen* Officers of his Majefty's Mint. Thomas Wallace, mailer, 3000I John Tekell, comptroller 350I John Barton, deputy compt. R Bingley, alfay-mafler, 2251 H Dehoste, furv. of melt, izcl WT Brande, clerk of irons Herald* s College , Duke of Norfolk, hereditary earl marfhat Sir George Nayler, garter principal king of arms Ralph Bigland, clarencieux king of arms Edmond Lodge, esq. norroy king of arms Joint Great Chamberlain of England. Lady Willoughby d’Erefby, and Marchionefs of Cholmondeley Lord Gwydir, deputy, 3C00I. High Court of Chancery. Earl of Eldon, lord high chancellor. Sir JS Copley, mafter of the rolls—Sir John Leach, vice-chanc« S C Cox F P Stratford F. Cross 192 Maficrs in Chancery. James Stephen {James Trower J E Dowdeswell Wm Wingfield James Farrer John S Harvey, accountant-gen. G Humphreys & J Humphreys, D of St Albans, prin. regiftrar j clerks in difpenfation-ofiice Earl Bathurft, clerk of the crown Henry Petrie, keeper of records Court of Exchequer . Right Hon. Fredeiick John Robinson, chancellor. Sir William Alexander, lord chief baron, 4000I. Sir Robert Graham, Sir William Garrow, and Sir John Hullock, barons 3000I FI Vincent, king’s remem. |JGrinwood, treasurer’s rememb. H Brougham, ferjeant at arms [Ld Bentinck, clerk to the pipe Court of King's Bench . Sir Charles Abbott, lord chief jaflice, 5500I. Sir J Bailey, Sir G Holroyd, and Sir J Littledale, judges, 3000b Ford Kenyon, cuftos brevium I Sir NC Tindall, folicitor-general Sir C Wetherall, attorney gen. [Duke of Grafton, receiver-gen. Court of Common Pleas. SirW. D. Best, lord chief jufHce, 4500/. Sir J. A, Park, Sir J. Burroughs, Stephen Gaselee, judges, 3000I Charles Warren, chief justice of Cnester. Duchy Court of Lancajler . Lord Bexley, chancellor—Sir Wm Knighton, receiver-general William Walton, attorney-general Commijfioners oj Stamp Duties . , chairman. J Kingston jW Montagu IE J Johnson [ 800 1 each HJ Addington {Henry Hallam |W R Spencer JG Sykes, folicit W Kappen, fee. 300I.—R H Jenkinfon, rec.-gen. 600I. Commissioners , 12001 Rich B Deane Wm Booth by Officers of the Revenue of Cufloms . [HenRichmond |F S Larpent IWm Cust {William 1 Roejll J Bouverie |Hon H Legge I AHHutchinsonlW F Villiers ID M Binning |T B Watson jS Lushington | 193 LH Ferrier and T Bruce, assist, commiss. for Scotland Thomas Whitmoie, secretary, 710I J. G. Walford, Wm Earnshaw.jT Taylor, comptr-gen. zoool and S. Thackeray, folicitors, J D Hume, comp.outw.&inw. 3 °°l* ’C C Smith, receiver-general Commissioners r fthe Revenue of Excife. LordGSeymoui Alex Campbell |R Dawkins |W Plunkett F H Doyle Sir J Mortlock James Hewitt John Backhouse Hon. A Phipps Hn C RTrefusis) Woodb. Parish |WH Percy John C Freeling, Efq. fecretary, 826 1 . G Cholmondely, rec.gen. 2500IIR Stratford, collec. at London EMilward, comptr. 1425 1 TW Carr & P Mayow, folicit. CH Greville, compt. calh, 850IIH Arbuthnot, auditor, 1240I Poft-Office —(1 660 ) Lord Frederick Montague, poftmafter-general, 3000I Francis Freeling, fee. 1200I ilnigoThomas, account-gen. 700I G H Freeling, assistant C Johnfon, furv. of mail-coaches Rob. Willmott, receiv-gen. 8oo1|M B Peacock, folicitor, 300I Navy, Pay , and Vi dualling Offices . Rt hon. William Huskisson, treafurcr of the navy, 3000I John Smith, paymafter W Cress well, do. for Navy bills SirT B Martin, comp. 1500I JosephTucker, Sir R. Seppings, furveyors, ioool Hen. H Legge, J D Thompfon, RG Middleton, Hn. C. Boyle, Hon. R. S. Dundas, and John M Lewis, commiflioncrs I George Smith, fecretary, ioool Refident CommiJJioners —IOOO/. Chas Cunningham Jamaica, TG Shortland Hon. Sir G Grey |Quebec, Robert Barrie William Shield lMalta, Chas B H Ross Thomas Briggs | John Day, naval florekeeper at Leith, aool. Hon. G. A, Stapylton, I. Woolley, N. Brown, Fred. Edgcumbe, John Weir, Wm Burnett, Hon. W.L.Batharst, commidioners of the victualling office—M. W, Clifton, fecretary Chatham, Portfmouth Plymouth, Bermuda, Royal Naval College . Lord Viscount Melville, governor- Capt J W Loring, lieut.-gov. I Rev. W Tate, master of classics Rev, James Inman, professor (Thomas Skelton, clerk R City of London, Anthony Brown, lord mayor Chas Farebrother / , . ff Henry Winchester J sncnttS Richard Clarke, chamberlain Newman Knowlys, recorder 194 Bank of England , fincorp. l 6 gjj John B Richards, governor Samuel Drewe, dep. governor i Robert Best, secretary H Hase, chief cashier Mr Sergeant Bosanquet, counsel i SCOTTISH CORPORATION, LONDON. Founded 1665, 1676; re-incorporated 1775. For the R elief of Natives of Scotland, or their Descendants, who have acquired no Parochial Settlement. Duke of Clarence and St Andrews, President, Vice-Presidents. Earl of Elgin lEarl of Glasgow {Lord Binning Marquis of Graham [Lord Glenorchv |Sir Charles Forbes, bt Hon. William Fraser, Treas .—Robert Auld, Sec, The Kinloch Bequest, for Annuities to 500 Seamen & Soldiers Wounded in the Service, left in Trust to the above Corporation. HIGHLAND SOCIETY, LONDON.—Inst 1778. The King, Chief .—Viscount Glenorchy, President • Vice Presidents , Lord F L Gower {Sir M S Stewart,bt.lMaj-gen. D Stewart Sir E M M‘Grcgor, bt-[Sir John M‘Lean | James Hamilton Simon M'Gillivray, Divie Robertson, Henry Lonclands, Treas, John Weddeiburn and Alex. M‘Donald, S.crs . CALEDONIAN ASYLUM.- Inst. & incorp. iZiy. For Supporting and Educating Children of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, Natives of Scotland, and of Indigent Scotch Pa¬ rents, resident in London, not entitled to Parochial Relief. The King, Patron. Duke of Sussex, Vice Patron—Duke of York, President. Vice-Pres, D.ofWellington'Vifc. Melville (Sir Arch. Mac- Duke of Atholl E. ofBredalhanejLord Lynedoch donald, Bart. D. of Montrose E. of Dalhoufie |Lord Saltoun (SirC.Forbes,bt. W Fairlie, A Glennie, T Hutcheon, treas.—Rev. J. Lees, sec. BRITISH & FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY—1804. Lord Teignmouth, President I Rev, A Brandram, Rev. Joseph John Thornton, Treasurer | Hughes, Rev. CSteinkoplf, Secs There are upwards of 900 Auxiliary and Branch Societies. 195 OFFICERS OF STATE, #c. IN IRELAND. Marquis Wellesley, lord lieutenant, 30,000/. Lieut-Gen. Sir George Murray, g.c.b, commander of the forces Right Hon. Henry Goulburn, principal secretary of state Lt-Colonel Meriek Shaw, private sec, to the lord lieutenant William Gregory, under sec. civil department i Hon. J. Finch, under secretary military department Lord Colchester, keeper of privy seal Viscount Clifden, clerk of the council Archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland , almoner Rev. Samuel Kyle, d.». provost of T> inity college Rt Hon. John Radclift, vicar gen. and judge of prerogative court Earl Stanhope, keeper of records and state papers Hon J. B. R. O’Neill, constable of Dublin castle Lord Manners, lord high chancellor Bight Hon. Sir William MLMabon, master of the rolls W Heim, T Lllis, T. Ball, and R. O’Connor, masters in chancery Earl of Granard, clerk of the crown and hanaper Viscount Avonmore, registrar- J. Boyd, account, general Rt Hon. Charles K. Bushe, lord chief justice of king's bench Richard Jehb. Charles Burton, and T. B. Vancleleur, judges Rt lln. Lord H Se% mour Conway, and Lord R. Seymour Conway, clerks of the crown , proilionotari.es , Walter Bourne, deputy clerk of the crown, <£c. Right HoS. Lord N orburv, chief justice of common pleas Arthur Moore, William Johnson, and Robert Torrens, judges G. Hill, prothonotary— 1). & W. Babington, keepers of writs, fyc. Right Hon. W. C. Plunkct, attorney general Henry Joy, solicitor general—1 Thomas Lefrov, prime serjeant Rt Hon. Sir (5. F. Hill, vice treas.— Lt-col.W.Blacker, depute Right Hon. Standish O'Grady, lord chief baron of exchequer Sir W. C. Smith, James M'Cleland, and R. Penefather, barons Viscount Kil warden, principal registrar Arthur Hume, teller of exchequer Anthony R. Blake, chief remembrancer Sir Hugh Stewart, 2d remembrancer Thomas Haft and John Stewart, deputies Sir Jonah Barrington, judge of admiralty J. L. Foster, king's advocate general Karl O’Neill and Earl of Rosse, postmasters general Sir KdwardS. Lees, secretary Lord G. Seymour, chief commissioner of excise —Abraham Cutto, and Patrick P. Fitzpatrick, assistant commissioners Edward Jlearne, comptroller and accountant general Henry Richmond, chidf commissioner of customs —Hon. William Le Poer Trench and James Smyth, assistant commissioners _ Charles Maclean, secretary William Campbell, (chairman) J. S. Cooperand D’Arcy Mahon, commissioners ofstamp$^C\\nv\es Pressley., secretary 196 PEERAGE OF SCOTLAND. _ • Peers of the Blood Royal. 1789. TIis Royal H ighness William Henry, Duke of St Andrew's, 3799. His Royal Highness Ernest Augustus, Duke of reviotdale* 1 1801. His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Earl of Inverness. 1801. His Royal Highness Adolphus Frederick, Baron Culloden. 1764. Ilis Royal Highness William Frederick D. of Edinburgh. PEERS OF SCOTLAND, In the order of the Union RolU DUKES. -8. 1643. A LEXANDER HAMILTON, Duke of Hamilton, (I). of Brandon 1711.) Marquis of Douglas and Clydesdale, Heritable Keeper of the Palace of Holy rood-house, a prhjr Councillor, Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire, and Colonel of it's Militia, (son to Archibald, 9th Duke, by Lady Harriet, daughter of Alex. Earl of Galloway) born 1767, succeeded his father J819, manied in 1810 Susan Euphernia, daughter of Wm. Beckford,Esq. of Fonthill. Issue. 1673. WALTER FRANCIS MONTAGU SCOTT DOU¬ GLAS, Duke , Earl , and Baron of Buccleugh , Earl of Dalkeith, Baron Scott of Whitcbester and Eskdale; and Earl of Doncaster, and Baron Tynedale, in England; and, on succeeding to the Queensberry estate, Duke of Queensberry, Marquis of Dumfries¬ shire, Earl of Drumlanrig and Sanquhar, Viscount Nith of Tor* thorwald and Ross, Baron Douglas of Kinmount, Middlebie, and Dornock, (sbnof Charles William, Duke of Buccleugh, by Har¬ riet, daughterof Vise. Sidney, who died in 1814), born in 1806;* succeeded his father in 1819. 1675. CHARLES LENNOX, Duke of Lennox , Earl of March, (Duke of Richmond 1675), son to Charles D. of Lennox^ by Lady Charlotte, daughter of the Duke of Gordon; born 1791; married in 1817, to Lady Caroline, eldest daughterof the Marquis of Anglesea; succeeded his father in 1819. Issue . 1684. ALEX. GORDON. Duke of Gordon , Marquis of Huntly, (Earl of Norwich in 1784), K. T. Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. Chancellor of King’s College, Aberdeen, son to Cosmo Duke of Gordon, by Lady Catherine Gordon; born 1743; succeeded his father 1752. Married .lane, sister to Sir Win. Max¬ well of Monreith, in 1767, M ho died in 1812. Issue , George Mar¬ quis of Huntly, (Lord Gordon 1807;, Colonel of 1st foot, General in the army, and Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire, and five daugh¬ ters, viz. Duchess Dowager of Richmond, Ladv Magdalene Pal¬ mer, Duchess of Manchester, Marchss. Cornwallis, and Duchess of Bedford. 1701. GEORGE WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Duke of Argyll Marquis of Lorn, &c. Lord Lieutenant of ArgyH-shire, (Lord Sund ridge 1766, and Lord Hamilton 1776), Heritable Master of the King’s Household in Scotland, and Keeper of Dunstalfnage, Dunoon, and Carrick, horn in 1768, (son to John Duke of Ar¬ gyll. by Elisabeth, daughter of John Gunning, Esq. Duchess Dow¬ ager of James Duke of Hamilton); succeeded his father in 1806. Married Lady Caroline Elizabeth, (late Lady Paget), daughter of the late l ari of Jersev, in 18J0 His only brother, Lord John Campbell, (who mar. in 1820, Miss Joan Glassel of Longniddrie, and has issue , two sons and a daughter), is presumptive heir. 1703. JOHN MURRAY, Duke of At ho ll, Marquis of Tul- libardine, three other sons and three daughters. 1488. CHARLES ST. CLAIR, Lord Sinclair, (son of And. St. Clair of Hermandston, Esq. by Elizabeth, daughter of John Rutherford, Esq. of Edgerston); born 1758, succeeded to the title in 1782, by a decree of the House of Lords. Married, in 1852, 5 Miss Chisholme, daughter of James Chisholme, Esq. of Chisholme, who died in 1814; issue, several sons and a daughter; 2d, in 1816, Isabella, daughter of Alex, (’hatto of Mainhouse. Issue . 1489. HUGH S EM PILL, Lord Sempill, (son of Joint Lord Sempill, by Miss Dunlop of Bishapton); b<>ro 175S, succeeded his father in 1782. Married, in 1787, Miss Mellish, daughter of Chas. Mellish of Ragnal, who died in 1807. Issue- 1509. JOHN ELPHINSTONE, Lord Elpkinstone , (son of John Lord Elphinstone, by Lady Dowager Carmichael, daughter of C. Elliot, Esq.) ; born 1807; succeeded his father 1813. A minor. 1509. JAMES S ANDLLANOS, Lord Torphichen , (son of the Hon. Robert SandHands by Grizel, daughter of Sir T. Kilpa¬ trick ; succeeded his cousin 1815; married Miss M. D. Stirling of Kippendavie. Issue. 1509. MARK SOMERVILLE, Lord Somerville , (son of 1 the Hon. H. Somerville); born in 1791; sue. his half brother in 1819. Unmarried. 1606. ROBERT WALTER STEWART, Lord Blantyre, , Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, a iVlaj. Gen. C.B. (son of Alex. Lord Blantyre, by Catharine, daughter of i\ Lindsay of Eagles- cairny); born 1775, succeeded his father in 1783. Married, in 1813, Frances, 2d daughter of Mon. John Rodney. Issue. * : 1609. JOHN COLVILLE, Lord Colville of Culross. a Rear Adtn. born 1768, (son to John Lord Colville, by Miss Webber); succeeded his father in 1811. He married, in 1790, Elizabeth,sis¬ ter of Sir F. Ford, Bart. Presumptive heir, Lt.-Gen. Sir Chas. Colville, his brother. 1609. JAMES EDWARD CRANSTON, Lord Cranston , (soa of James, last Lord, by Miss Macnamara, daughter of John Macnamara, Esq. of St. Christophers,) born in 1809: succeeded his father in 1818. A minor. 1327. WILLIAM JOHN NAPIER, Lord Napier, (son of Francis Lord Napier, by Maria Margaret, .eldest daughter of Sir John Clavering, who died 1821; born' in 1786; succeeded his fa- father in 1823. He married, in 1816, Miss Cochrane Johnstone. Issue , two sons and three daughters. 1627. BRY AN FAIRFAX, Lord Fairfax of Cameron , 3d son of VVm. Fairfax, who was settled in New England, is in holy orders, and succeeded his cousin, Robert, in 1793. Married Miss Elizabeth Cary, and has mwe, several sons. 162S. ERIC MACKAY, Lord Reay, (son of the Hon. Geo. Mack ay of Skibo, by Anne Sutherland, daughter of Eric, only son °f Eric. Eord DuH’us); born 1773; succeeded his cousin Hugh in 1797. Unmarried. His brother, Alexander, is presumptive heir, who married in 1809, and has issue. 1628. WALTER HUTCHINSON ASTON, Lord Aston , sonof Walter, Lord Aston, by Anne, daughter of Peter Hutchin¬ son, Esq. born in 1769 : in holy orders. He succeeded his father in 1805. Married, 1802, Elizabeth, dr. of Ur. Haines. No issue. 1633. JAMES WALTER GR1MSTON, Lord Forrester of Corstorphine , (Lord Viscount Grimston in Ireland, and Lord Ve- rulam in England); born in 1775; succeeded Anna Maria, Ba¬ roness Fori ester, his cousin, in 1808. Married, in 1807, Lady Charlotte, daughter of the late Earl of Liverpool. Issue. 1635. SHOLTO M‘LELLAN, Lord Kirkcudbright , (son of .lohn Lord Kirkcudbright, by Miss Bannister of Hampshire); borninl771 ; succeeded his father in 1801. Married, 1820, Miss Cantes. His brother, Camden Grey, is presumptive heir. 1643. ALEXANDER MURRAY, Lord FAibank , son of Alexander, last Lord, whom he succeeded 1820, by Mary Clara, daughter of the Hon. Colonel Montolieu. Married in 1803, Janet, only child of John Oliphant of Bachilton. Issue. 1647 The title of Lord Carmichael , formerly conjoined with Earl ofHyndford, (now extinct), is claimed by Colonel Sir James Carmichael Smyth, Bart. Royal Engineers, ft. 1648. ROBERT MONTGOMERY HAMILTON, Lord Jielhaven and Slenton, (sou of William Lord Belhaven, by Pe¬ nelope, daughter of Mr. McDonald of Clanronald); horn in 1793; succeeded his father in 1814 ; married, 1816, Miss Hamilton Campbell, daughter of Walter Campbell of Shaw Held. 1651. JOHN ROLLO, Lord Kollo , (son of James Lord Rollo, by Mary, daughter of John Ay ton of Inchdarnie); horn 1773, succeeded his father 1783. Married, in 1806, Agnes, daugh¬ ter of William Greig, Esq. Issue. 1651. JAMES RUTHVEN, Lord Ruthven, (son of the last Lord, by Lady Mary, daughter of Earl of Leven); born 1777, suc¬ ceeded his father 1789. Married, 1815, Mary, daughter of Walter Carttpbell of Shaw field. 1681. WILLIAM MURRAY NAIRNE, Lord Nairne , (sonof the Honourable John Nairne, by Brabazon, daughter of J. Wheeler, Esq. of Lyrathj; born 1757, married 1806, C aroline, third daughter of Laurence Oliphant, Esq. of Gask. Issue , William, born in 1808. S 206 1682. CHARLES KINNAIRD, Lord Kinnaird , (son df ; George Lord Kinnaird, by Miss Ransom, daughter of Mr. Ran¬ som, merchant in London) born in 1780; succeeded his father in j 1805. Married, in 1806, Lady Olivia L. Fitzgerald, sister to the : Duke of Leinster. Issue. PEERESSES in their men Right.— 4. 1275. ELIZABETH SUTHERLAND, Countess of Suth¬ erland ,, Baroness Strathnaver, and Premier Peeress of Scotland, f (daughter of Wm. 21st Earl of Sutherland, by Miss Maxwell, daughter of Mr. Maxwell of Preston); born 1765, succeeded her , father in 1766. She married, in 1785, the Marquis of Stafford. Issue , Two sons and two daughters. . j 1633. FLORA (’AMP BELL, Countess of Loudon, Baronea • Mauchline, (only child of James, last Earl, by Flora, daughter of , John M‘Leod of Rasay); born 1780, succeeded her father 1786. | Married, in 1801, Francis Marquis of Hastings, &c. Issue, One son and four daughters. 1646. LOUISA TOLLEMACHE, Countess of Dysart, Ba* • roness Huntingtower, succeeded her brother Wilbraham 1821. Married, in 1770, John Manners, Esq. grandson of John, first " Duke of Rutland, (died 1792), by whom she has issue , Lord * Hiintingmwer; married, in 1790, Catherine, daughter of Francis Gray, Esq. Issue. 1695. MARY HAMILTON, Countess of Orkney, Viscoun-: tess Kirkwall, &c. ^daughter of Mary late Countess of Orkney, ; by Murrough O’Brien. Earl of Inchiquin); born 1755, succeeded her mother in 1790. Married, in 1777, the Hon. T. Fifzmaurice, uncle of the Marquis of Lansdown, who died in 1793. Issue. BRITISH PEERS Connectedwith Scotland —not Scots Peers. 1716. Portland — WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH SCOTT BENTINCK, Duke of Portland, Marquis of Titchfield, &c. Lord Lieutenant of M iddlesex, son of William Henry, last .j Duke, by Lady Dorothy, daughter of William 4th Duke of De¬ vonshire, bom 1768: succeeded his father 1807 : married in 1795, 1 Henrietta, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Major-Gen. John J Scott, of Balcombie. Issue. 1786. Stafford—GEO RG E GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, K. G. Marquis of Stafford, &c. a Privy Counsellor, ' and Lord Lieutenant of Sutherlaudshiie, son of thejafe Marqub 1 of Stafford, by Lady Louisa Egerton, sister of the last Duke of - Bridgewater; born in 1758; succeeded his father in 1803. He 1 married, in 1785, the Countess of Sutherland, by whom he has issue. 1816. Hastings —FRANCIS RAWDON HASTINGS, Mar > quis of Hastings, Earl of Rawdon, Viscount Loudon, (Lord Ha, Carlyle, Carlyle, D . 1473 Rutherford, Rutherford, Z), 16 Leflie, Newark, Z), Ker, Bellenden, E % Churchill, Eymouth, E % Abercrombie, Glasford, E % Douglas, Mordington, E % 80gilvy, Banff,/), 1803 Barons . Stewart, Ochiltree, Z), 13 Oliphant, Oliphant, Zh 14 Frafer, Lovat, A y 1745 15 Borthwick,Borthwick,/) 1434 Rofs, Rofs, E y Lindfay, Spynie, Z>, 16 Leflie, Lindores, Z>. Eiphinfton, Balmerino, A % 1745 17 Balfour, Burleigh, A y 1715 Drummond, Madderty, E , Prefton, Dingwall, A y 1715 Eiphinfton, Cupar, E % Richardfon, Cramond, Z), 18 Forbes, Pitfligo, A y 1745 1 Annandale, claimed by J. J. Hope Johnstone, Capt John¬ stone of Sackville-stieet, Dublin, and Stewart Souter Johnstone, 2 Said to be represented by Sir A. Keith of Dunottar&Rav elstone 3 Said to be represented by the Eatl of Egliuton; and the repre¬ sentation also claimed by- Seton, Esq. county of Northumber¬ land, and Sir G. Seton of Gairleton. 4 Both represented by Sir Thomas Livingston of Westquarter. 5 Repres. by the descendants of Earl Mel fort, settled in France. 6 Claimed by Alexander Uumphrys Alexander, Esq. as heir of Hannah, Countess of Stirling. 7 Said to be represented by Sir James Carnegie of Southesk. 8 Both claimed by Sir William Ogilvie of Carnousie, Bart, son ofthelateSir William Ogilvie and Christian Pat ison, daughter of the late Rev. John Patison, and now before the House of Lords; 9 Said 10 be represented by Gen. Dalzel, E. I. Co.’s Service. 10 Said to be repreiented by the Earl of Errol. 11 In dependence before the House of Lords. 12 Said to be represented by Sir R. Graham, co. of Cumberland. 13 Represented by Oliphant of Gask. 14 Represented by Fraser of Lovat. 15 Before the House of Lords, on the mutual claims of the late Arch. Borthwick, banker iu Edinburgh, and John Borthwick of Crookstonc. 16 Lindores and Newark said to be represented by Sir Charles Abraham Leslie of Findrassie. 17 Representation claimed by Bruce of Kennet, and also by Balfour of Ferney. 18 Claimed by Sir William Forbes, Barf, as heir of line, and by Sir Charles Forbes, Barf, ns heir male. 19 Claimed by Colonel Sir James C. Smith, Bf. R. Engineers. 20 Represented by Captain James Sutherland. 211 KNIGHT BARONETS of SCOTLAND. *6 25 Alexander Earl of Stirling James Gordon of Letterfourie Rich Jas Strachan of Thornton John Earl of Breadalbane James Duke of Roxburgh Alexander Lord Elibank James Lord Forbes 1629 William Bruce of Stenhoufe William Arnof; of that ilk Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw C Ledie of Wardes & FindraflieArch Nicolson of Nicolson Francis Earl of Wemyfs Thomas Livingflone of that ilk Godfrey Bos. Lord Macdonald R D Colquhoun, Tiliyquhoun Francis Gordon of Leimore Alexander Ramfay of Balmain Robert Douglas of Glenbervie David Home of Wedderburn 1626 William Forbes of Pitfligo William Johnfton of Hilton Robert Burnet of Leys H MoncriefF Wellwood, d,d, William Ogilvie of Carnousie John Murray of Hillhead John Ogilvy of Inerquharity Eric Lord Reay 1627 W Maxwell of Caldenvood John Marquis of Bute George Earl of Galloway Jas Cockburn of Langton, ll.d. Wm Milliken Napier of Napier 1628 Arch Aitchefon of Clancairny, Earl Gosford , Ireland Thos G Carmichael of Skilling Jas Campbell of Auchinbreck Jn Innes of Balveny &Edingight James Campbell of Aberuchell J Campbell of Ardnamurchan John Hope of Craighall W Buchanan Riddel of that ilk Arch Murray of Blackbarony James Nicolson of Glenbervie 1630 Samuel Hannay of Mochrum John Forbes of Craigievar Wm C Fairlie of Robertland — Richardson of Pencaitland 1631 Wm Wardlaw of Pitreavie Alex Earl of Caithnefs Orford Gordon of Embo Fitzroy Maclean of Morvaren D. Innes of Orton & Cookstoune 1633 Pat Balfour of Den mill 1634 Hugh Munro of Foulis Richard Binghame of Caftlebar, Earl of Lucan in Ireland 1 6 35 Michael Pilkington of Chevet Jo, Hay of Smithfield & Hayston 1636 John G Sinclair of Stevcnston Nathan. Curzon of Keddleflone, Lord Scarsdale 1637 Robert Prefton of Valleyfield Robert Stewart of Ochiltree, Earl Casllestewart in Ireland John Dick of Braid Geo Abercromby of Birkenbog 1638 Robert C. Pollock of Pollock Wm Henry Cooper of Gogar Ph. Mufgrave of Hayton Castle 212 T Longueville of Proftatin 1639 Robert Turing of Foveran 1641 G. T. Pretyman of Loddington, d,d. Ld Bp of Winchester 164 a George Earl of Aberdeen 1648 Henry Seton of Abercorn 1651 A John Earl of Roseberry 1661 GM Ogilvie of Barras 1663 James Oarnegy of Southe/k John Hay of Park 1664 John Murray of Stanhope John Earl of Stair R Bruce Henderfon of Straiton John Sinclair of Longformacus 1665 Wm P H Campbell of Purves Michael Malcolm of Balbeadie Neil Menzies of Castlemenzies 1666 James Earl of Rofslyn Samuel Stirling of Glorat John Wood of Boneytown Wm John Lord Napier Thomas Earl of Kellie William Elliot of Stobs Tames Ramfay of Banff 1667 MichaclS Stewart of Blackball Alexander Don of Newton 1668 Charles Marq.of Queensberry Robert Barclay of Pierflon 1669 Tho Wallace Dunlop of Craigie W Cunningham of Caprington John Nifbet of Dean 1671 Charles Halket of Pitfirrane William Cockburn of that iik James Home of Blackadder William Scott of Ancrum 1672 J M Cuninghame of Corsehili Charles Rofs of Balnagown Wm Jardine of Applegirth 1673 Patrick Murray of Ochtertyre RCunninghameof Auchenharvie George S Mackenzie of Coul 1675 Wm Hamilton of Preston 1679 George Clerk of Pennycuick Archibald Earl of Dundonald 1680 James Earl of Lauderdale James G Baird of Saughtonhall 1681 Wm Maxwell of Monreith 1682 John Maxwell of Pollock Archibald Earl of Caflillis Alexander Bannerman of Elfick 1683 John Pringle of Stitchell John H Maxwell of Springkell George Stewart of Grandtully William Seton of Pitmedden 1685 Robert Grierfon of Lag Tho Kilpatrick of Closeburn Robert Lawrieof Maxwelton James Dalyell of Binns David Moncrieff of that ilk 1686 John Milne of Barnton David Kinloch of Gilmerton F W Nicholfonof Tillycoultry John Benjamin Gordon of Park Henry R Calder of Muirton 1687 James Stuart of Allanbank James Hall of Dunglafs 213 PMTbrieplandof Fingalk 1688 T D Lander of Fountainhall Alexander Grant of Dalvey 1693 JS Denham of Coltnefs,&c 1694 Wm R Dunbar of Mochrum Jo. Cartn. Andruther of that ilk Ralph Audruther of Balcalkie " 1695 Ken Cumming of Coulter 1697 William Dunbar of Durn John Dalrymple of Crandon Hew H Dalrymple* N, Berwick 1700 Hector Mackenzie of Gairloch John Forbes of Fovevan Gilbert Elliot, Earl of Minto. GF Johnstone of Weflerhall 1701 John P Dalrymple of Hailes Arch Dunbar of Northficld 170 a W A Cuningham of Millcraig James Grant,Suttie of Balgonie 1705 James WMackenzie of Skatwell Andrew Cathcart of Carleton James Fergusson of Kilkerran John Reid of Barra * 1704 Murray Count of Melgun Lewis Alex Earl of Seaficld James Wemyfs of Bogie John Sinclair of Dunbeath Alex Wedderburn of Blackness 1705 James Grant of Mo ny mu Ik Thos Wm Holburne of Kirfhie 1706 John Gordon of Earlfton James Naefmith of PofTo Benjamin Dunbar of Hempriggs 1707 Robert K Dick of Ptefton field Robert Stewart of Tillicoultry William Craigie of Gairsay BARONETS of Great Britain connected with Scotland. 1715 Warrender of Lochend 177.4 Mitchell of Wedflrore 1762 Lord Dundas 1774 Montgomery, Macbiehill Edmonftone of Dnntreath 1775 Leith of Burgh St. Peter, Norfolk 1776 Douglas of Cars 1778 Riddell of Ardnamurchan 1781 Crawford, Kerfe& Gregan 1786 Sinclair of Ulbfter Colquhoun of Lufs Douglas, Springwoodpark Blair of Brownhill 1788 Miller, Lord Glenlee 1791 Erfkine of Torry 1792 Stirling of Mansfield 1793 Manners of Buckminster 1794 Pasley of Craig 1795 Macgregor of Macgregor Johnftone, Hacknefs Hall 1798 Hay of Park Place 1800 Stirling of Falkine 1801 Montgomery of Stanhope 1803 Wedderburn of Ballendean 1804 Honyman of Armadale Gordon, Altyre & Gordon. Maxwell of Cardoness Fetres of Comelybank Rae of St Catherine’s 1805 Mackenzie of Delvin 1806 Lockhart of Lee mmSMSBm Ramfay of Balmain Frafer of Leadclune Scott of Sitwell Park 1808 Campbell of Succoth Wood of Gatton 1809 Baird of Fairnton, g.c.b. Irving of Woodhoufe Shaw of Kilmarnock 18 x 2 Blane of Blanefield, m.d, M‘ Kenzie of Fairburn 1813 Alex C Gordon Duff Arch Macdonald, Knt, 1814 Dunbar of Boath, r.n, James Wylie, m.d. Alex. Campbell, Lt,-gen. Hepburn of Smeaton Maijoribanks of Lees G. Campbell, Lt.-col. Steuart of Allanton 214 Dundas of Richmond Antrobus of Rutherford Dalrymple of High Mark 1815 Cameron of Fassifern H. Elphinflon, R. Eng. 1818 Inres of Lochalsh Gibson of Cliftonhall J. W. Gordon, k c.b. 1820 Scott of Abbotsford 1821 Dundas of Beechwood Boswell of Auchinleck J Carmichael Smyth, r.b. Erskine of Cambo Trotter, Westville 1822 William Arbuthnot 1823 ForbesofNew&Edinglass ; e Reid of Graystone Park Baillie ofPolkemmet 1825 T Munro, Gov. of Madras KING'S HOUSEHOLD . steward’s department. Heritable Master of the Household , His Grace the Duke of Argyll Masters —Sir Patrick Walker, Heritable Usher Sir John Carmichael Anftruther, Heritable Carver Almoner y Rev. John Paton—Robert Paton, Esq. Sub-Almoner Marshalls —Earl of Errol, Heritable Lord High Constable Sir Alexander Keith, Knight Marshall Earl of Lauderdale, Heritable Standard-Bearer H. Scrimgeour Wedderburn, Esq. Heril. Roy . Stand.-Bearer Seton of Touch, Herit. Armour-bearer , and Squire of the Body Body Guard —The Royal Company of Archers—Duke of Mon¬ trose, Captain General . (See List) Hunt —Ludovick Colquhoun, Falconer chamberlain’s department. Heritable Chief Usher , Sir Patrick Walker Heritable Carver , Sir John Carmichael Anstruther Heritable Cup-Bearer , Sir James Carnegie of Southefk JVorJcs — Master of Works James Davidson, Esq. Clerk of Stores Wardrobe —Richard Carter, Keeper of the Wardrobe John Fraser, First Under Keeper —David Beaton, Second 215 Medical-* A. Duncan, sen. m d. James Home, m.d. Physicians George Wood, m.d Apothecary Library —John Gillies, d.c.l. & r.R.s. Historiographer Robert Jameson, Naturalist and Keeper oj the Museum Robert Graham, m.d. Botanist and Keeper of the Garden Artists —Robert Reid, Architect —David Wilkie, Limner Sir D. H. Blair and John Bruce, Esq. Printers and Stationers CHAPEL ROYAL. Deans —William Lawrence Brown, d.d .and Dean of the Thistle ; John Inglis, d.d. ; Andrew Grant, d.d. ; William Bryce, d.d. "Chaplains in Ordinary —T. Sommcrville, d. d. ; Alex. Fleming, d.d. ; John Mackenzie, d d .; Duncan Macfarlan, d.d.; David Lamont, d d. ; Duncan Mearns, d d. KEEPERS of PALACES . Duke of Hamilton, Hereditary-Keeper of the Palace of Holy- rood —John Macqueen, Esq. deputy keeper John Dickie, Esq bailie —John Somerville, clerk Bruce of Grangehill— Palace of Falkland Earl of Mansfield— Scone J. J. Johnstone of Annandale, Esq.— Lochmaben Duke of Argyll— Dunsta ffnage, Dunoon, and Carrick Sir Thomas Livingfton— Linlithgow Marquis of Bute— Castle of Rothsay OFFICERS of the CROWN. Earl of Errol, lord high constable of Scotland Earl of Lauderdale, heritable standard-bearer H Scrymgeour Wedderburn, heritable royal standard-bearer Sir Alexander Keith, knight marischal William Earl Cathcart, vice-admiral , 140 c/ James Duke of Montrose, lord justice general, 1000 I Right Hon. Charles Hope, lord president , 4300 / Right Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, lord chief baron, 4000 I OFFICERS of STATE. The Keeper of Great Seal, Keeper of Privy Seal, Lord Register, I,oid Advocate, and Lord Justice Clerk, commissioners for keeping the Regalia —Sir Adam Fergusson, deputy Duke of Gordon, keeper of the great seal 300 c/—James Saun¬ ders Robertson, W.S. deputy keeper —Jas Roy, substitute Lord Vifcount Melville, lord privy seal, 3000 1 216 Sir Robert Dnndas, deputy keeper —A. Wishnrt, substitute James S. Oliphant of Rossic, Esq. writer to the privy seal -/Eneas M'Bean WS. deputy Right Hon. William Dundas, lord clerk register Thomas Thomson, deputy clerk register Principal Clerks of Session, deputies to the lord register William and George Robertson, deputy keepers of the records Right Hon. David Boyle, lord justice clerk, 2000 / Right Hon. Sir Win. Rae, Bait, lord advocate , 1500 / Dugald Stewart, a.m.f.rss. &c. gazette writer, printer ^ andpub-% lisher —Alexander Law'rie, deputy CHANCERY OFFICE. Earl of Rossjtyn, Director of Chancery James Dundas, Depute Director —David Ewart, Clerk OFFICERS of the MINT. Hon. G Elliott, general, 300 I |J L Grant, counter warden, 60 H Henry Alves, matter, 200 I |JS Simpfon, aflay-master, iool ; BOARD of Sir William Bqbthby, Louis Hen. Ferrier and Thomas Bruce, Esq. Assist. Commiss, Mat Pemberton, fecretary John Hamilton, receiver-gen. George Gardiner, comptr.-gen. John Dinning, folicitor John Westgarth, Geo Forrester, surveyors general for Scotland W. H. Sands, folicitor in couits 1 of feffion and judiciary R Mitford, Efq; agent, London CUSTOMS. Resident Commissioner. Alexr. Cleghorn, inspector-gen. of imports and exports James Rutherford, fupervisor of receiv. general** accounts A Will & John Mill, examrs. John Grant, Al Fiddes, jerquen J H MT.ean, regis. of {hipping, and account, of petty receipts D Stewart, regift, of feizures | J Blackwood, exam of incidents James Geddes, storekeeper BOARD of EXCISE. Sir John C. Mortlock, Resident Commissioner. Sam Rose and James Cornwall, William Phipps, assistant Assistant Commissioners George Pape, secretary Richard W Duff, comptroller Sir John Sinclair, cafhier Hugh Broughton, depute Wm. Dehany, solicitor R Maughan & D Murray, deps Donald Horn, W.S. agent before John Philip Wood, auditor j the court of fcfiion, &c. 217 Arch. Scott, solicitor before ad¬ miralty and sheriff courts Jas Dundas and John Linning, accountants-general Robt Mitford, agent in London James Fletcher, general exam. J Letham, D Reid, permit exa. J. Linning, cashierto excise fund GENERAL POST OFFICE . Sir David Wedderburn, Bart. Deputy Postmaster General and Cashier . IjlVm Young, deputy cashier I Augustus Godby, fecretary fArch Horn, chief clerk to ditto, and registrar of bonds J Shearer & C Reeves, surveyots George Mason, accomptant John Bowie, W.S. solicitor Rob. Young, inspector of dead and mis-sent letters Letter Office. J Moule, superintending pres. Fr Gibson, 1 st clerk & president TAX OFFICE. Henry M‘Kenzie, comptroller James Mackenzie, assistant Francis Wilson, W.S. solicitor R. Thomson, A. Waugh, E. J. Maughan, J. Murray, Thos. Clark, A. Munro, J. Allan, Wm M'lntyre, surveyors Robt Maughan, Thomas Kydd, inspectors J.Robertson, resident inspector STAMP OFFICE.— ( 1714 .) Robert Hepburn, Efq; collector iThomas Pender, jun. comptr. John Gray, Esq. deputy [W. Renny, interim folicitor COMMISSIONERS OF NORTHERN LIGHT-HOUSES. His Majesty’s Advocate and Solicitor-General for Scotland The Lord Provost and Eldest Baillie of Edinburgh The Lord Provost and Eldest Baillie of Glasgow The Provosts of Aberdeen, Inverness, and Campbelton The SherifTs-Depute of Edinburgh, Lanark, Renfrew, Bute, Argyle, Inverness, Ross, Orkney, Caithness, Aberdeen, Ayr, Fife, Forfar, and Wigton R Stevenson, engineer—C Cuningham, W.S. sec* ROYAL COMPANY OF ARCHERS, THE KING’S EODY GUARD. His Grace the Duke of Montrose, Captain-General Earl of Dalhousie, President Sir David Milne, Vice Pres, John Linning, Secretary David Paterson, Treasurer Rev. Dr Lee, Chaplain Jas Mackay, Jeweller Med . 7 /£iL.Lif% 218 COURT OF SESSION- ■ 1533 . 1811 1811 1811 Clerks. James Waddell Join Richardson John Rhind D Abercromby Wm Home Thos Henderson FIRST DIVISION. 1811 Right Hou. Charles Hope of Granton, Lord President , 4300/, LORDS, 2000/. each. Robert Craigic, I.ord Craigie David Robertson Williamson Ewart, Lord Balgray Adam Gillies, Lord Gillies 1819 A. Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank PERMANENT ORDINARIES. 1823 John Clerk, Lord Eldin 1826 Georg". Cranstoun, Lord Corehonse ORDINARY ON THE BILLS AND TEINDS. 1825 J. H. Forbes, Lord Medwyn Peter De39 Principal Clerks Assistants Repute Clerks Assistants Sir Ro. Dundas John Parker John Pringle Tho Beveridge Sir Wal. Scott Wm Carmichael Wm Pringle James Denham Rob. Hamilton John Hay Thomas Bruce George Lang SECOND DIVISION. 1811 Right Honourable David Boyle, Lord Clerks. Justice Clerk , 2000/ Charles Neaves 1795 Sir William Miller, Lord Gler.lee Alex Wight 1815 David Monypenny, Ld Pitmilly George Brown 1813 David Cathcart, Lord Alloway Tho. Chapman 1816 J. W- Murray, Lord Cringletie John Gibb PERMANENT ORDINARIES. 1822 J H. Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie Arch. Christie 1826 Alexander Irving, Lord Newton Principal Clerks James Ferguson Col Mackenzie H M Buchanan Assistants James Heatlie — Shiells Thomas Mafon Depute Clerks Louis de Maria Rob Menzies Adam Wilfon Assistants JohnKermack James Hay John Balvaird R. Wilson, T. Miller, W. Mason, & C. M‘K. Fraser, extractors James MarPnall, collector of fee fund. R. Hedderwick, assist. T. Peat, keeper ofregr A. Pitcairn & W. C. Campbell, assist f James Hope and James Skene, principal clerks to the bills Andrew Millar and James Mercer, depute clerks. Sir George Abercromby, clerk to the admission of notaries Alex. Monypenny, W.S. depute 219 Right Hon. W. Dundas, principal keeper of the register of sasincs Sir Robert Dundas, deputy keeper. A. Wishart, W.S. sub, Thomas Guthrie Wright, auditor of accounts J- Wauchope, keeper of register of homings. T. Swinton, dcp. W. M^arkne, keeper of then/inute book. C. Galbraith, clerk The Inner-House Lords Clerks, keepers of the Outer House rolls H. M*D. Buchanan, clerk of king's processes. A. Wilson, depute Ja. Ferrier, keeper of record of entails —Jas. Hcatlie, dep. James Davidson, keeper of the records of the court of session Ro. Moffat, Jo. Monro, A. Blackie, Jas Rae, Wm Cunningham, William Boyd, and John Hill, mncers TEIND COURT— 1707 . The Lords of Session, commissioners Ro. Corbett, solicitor. W. H. Sands, W.S. agent John James Davidson, W.S., principal clerk to the commission Sylvester Reid, deputy clerk. David Williamfon, extractor John Bairon, id deputy clerk and extractor JURY COURT— 1815 . 1815 Rt. Hon. Williaiih Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner 1815 Hon, David Monypenny, Lord Pitmilly,"} 1816 Hon. Adam Gillies, Lord Gillies, ( Lords Comm is- 1825 Hon. J. W. Murray, Lord Cringletie, f sioners 1825 Hon. J.H. Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie,^ William Clerk, advocate, first clerk Joseph Murray, advocate, fourth clerk > For the Issues John Steele, assistant clerk j John O. Brown, W.S. second clerk‘d John Russel, W.S. thirdclerk C Register Office H. S. Bringloc, assistant clerk J John Somerville, senior, clerk to the lord chief commissioner COURT of JUSTICIARY — 1672 . 1^95 James Duke of Montrofe, ll.d. Lord Justice-Gen. iogoI • 1811 Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice Clerk , 2000 L Lords Commissioners of Juf iciary , 600 1. each• 1812 Lord Gillies 1824 Lord Mackenzie 1813 Lord Pitmilly 1826 Lord Alloway 1819 Lord Meadowhank 1819 Sir William Rae, I^rd Advocate 1822 John Hope, Solicitor General . .! 220 Robert Dnndas, Arch Alison, Alex Wood, Depute Advocates. Adam Rollar.d, W.S. Crown Agent John Boyle, Principal Clerk of Justiciary, loci. James Anderson, Dep. Cleric .—Charles Roy, Assistant Clerk H. J. Wyllie, A. Guthrie, and J. Anderfon, Circuit Clerics John Morrifon, Donald Anderson, and James Mowat, Macers i - COURT of EXCHEQUER— 1707 . , j 18 T 9 Rt. Hon, Sir Sam Shepherd, Lord Chief Baron, 4000 I 1809 James Clerk Rattray, Esq. ‘j 1820 Sir Patrick Murray, Bart. C Barons, 2000 1. 1822 David Hume, Esq. j Sir Henry Jardir.e, King's Remembrancer W. ‘Montgomery, Ld Treasurer s Remembrancer .—J. Ewen, clerk Donald M‘Lean, Solicitor Francis Wilson, Solicitor for Window Duties (of the Seal Robert Stuart, Clerk to the Barons .—Owen Owens, Dep. Keeper Hon. George Murray, Auditor .—James Laidlaw, Dep. John A. Murray, Clerk of the Ripe Sir James Montgomery, Pres, of Signatures. —R. Stuart, Dep. James Gibfon Craig, Heritable Usher —Jas. T. Gib. Craig, Dep . William Riddell, King's Writer H. M‘Kenzie, J. Taylor, W. Stewart, & J. Henderfon, Attorneys Alex. Maclean, Receiver-General of Land Rents, See. John Feriier and Robert Stewart, Deputes John Kerr, Receiver-General of Bishops Rents Ad. Longmore, jun. and Alex. Kidd, Land-Tax Redemption James Wyllie, Examiner —F. N. Veitch, Clerk to Port Bonds Adam Longmore, Keeper of the Begister of Resignations A. Longmore, jun. Marshall —Wm Allan, Depute HIGH COURT of ADMIRALTT .—1609 & 1681 . Right H 011 . Earl Cathcart, Lord Vice-Admiral Sir John Connell, Judge-Admiral, 8 col. Alexander Kidd, Procurator Eiscal —W. G. Campell, Clerk George Forrester, clerk to the judge admiral , and auditor of acets. CONSISTORIAL COURT of EDINBURGH— 1564 . James Gordon j George Ross ? Commissaries. Thomas Todd | Charles Ross J 60 c l. each George Carphin, principal clerk —George Carphin, jun., deputy Patrick Wishart , fiscal —John Ferrier, macer 1799 1764 William Oliver 1765 Thomas Hogg 1767 James Grant 1768 Donald M‘Leod Alex Campbell Rob Aberdeiri 1770 J Rutherford 1771 Sir A Gordon 1772 Alex Leith John Graham 1773 Sir Geo. Aber- cromby 1774 John Dickfon 1775 Charles Grant Sir John Sinclair 1776 James Paterfon John M‘Kenzie Earl Cathcart Sir Geo Stewart 1777 Robert Corbet W Farquharfon 1779 James Trail Kof Lauderdale 1780 Robert Brown 221 FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. James Moncrieff, Esq. ll.b. Dean of Faculty. 1781 James Urquhart Alex Hamilton Sir Tames Suttie 1783 SirR Henderson 1784 PM Threipland 1785 John Wilde OthoHWemyss 1786 George R Scott W E Lockhart 1787 Sir James Mont¬ gomery 1788 Sir A M’kenzie Sir John Connel Rob Hamilton Ja S. Oliphant 1789 J Macfarlane Earl of Sea field RBiE M‘Leod John Halkett Charles Rofs 1790 Sir JB Hepburn Rob Davidfon James Gordon Robert Dundas Arch Fletcher 1791 Colin M’Lauritj John Cathcart J Ray. John Hon Rob Fcrgusson T 3 Lord Adv. J Fergufon Geo Joseph Bell 1792 Robert Forfyth John Fullarton Sir Walter Scott Ran Macdonald William Clerk RDavidfon, jun. 1793 S Moodie John Smyth F Walker Baird Sir Thos. Kirk- Ja Gordon, jun.j patrick J Ja Edmonftcn Louis H Ferrier [o. Greenlhieids Archibald Bell SirWilliam Rae George Rofs Alex Lumfden James Reddie 1798 Wm Fullarton Wm Murray Sir Pat Walker D Mon.Binning John R Trving James Glafsford Tho Thomfon 1794 James L’Amy Tho Johniton CGS Monteath Ld Abercromby T Crichton Francis Jeffrey John Morehead 1795 M Threipland Fho Chriftie Jo. Wilfon Rae Thomas Tod 1796 John Pet. Grant George Douglas 1797 J G Dalyell Alex Whyte James Skene Alex Miller WArch Cadell Colin Dunlop 1799 W F Tytler Adam Duff J Harv. Chriflie David Gillefpie John Jardine James Iveay Roger Hog 1800 J A Murray H P Brougham William Bofwell Hen Cockburn 1801 Arch Douglas John Frafer Alex Lang James Loch And. Clephane James Simpfon 1802 Norman Hill SirNeilMenzies Wm Macdonald Alex 1 Foibes T H Miller 1805 Daniel Vere James Forreft Thomas Miller D M Snodgrafs Wm Oliver jun. Pat Small Keir And. Murray 1804 Robert Bell Adam Fergufon W R Robinfon ColinM‘Kenzie 1805 John Inglis W Campbell James Campbell Robert Graham 1806 John S More Hugh Lumfden John Miller J C Colquhoun D M‘Farlane Simon Frafer Andrew Skene Wm Buchanan William Horne 1807 Jn Cunningham J C Dunlop James Wilfon John Riddell George Tait R Newbigging WilliamMowat 1808 D Matbifon 222 WFH Arundell HHDrummond LL.B. Robert Rollo Sir Sam.Stirling William Ogilvie Jofeph Murray John Tawse John Wood James Edkine Robert Bruce Rob Jamieson 1809 J Kirkpatrick 1810 Alex M Gibson Rob Macqueen A J Campbell G C Craigie J Borthwick Alex Greenhill John Ranken John Chriftifon Rodk M‘Leod 1811 Thomas Erfkine George Traill S M‘Cormick T F Kennedy James Carnegy J T Urquhart HS Vans James Walker Alex Wood George Brodie John Hay David A Blair James Baikie J C Maxwell 1812 G Cunningham John Cay Richard Tayloi Jn I. Hendcrfcn Robert Duff James Grahame Andrew Gillies A Rutherford Rob Thomfon Robert P Gillie* James Brownlee 1815 F Somerville J AMaconochie P Fraser Tytler SirW Hamilton Thos Maitland M A Fletcher 1814 Alex Pringle Robert Hannay D Anderson Arch Alison Robt Hunter 1815 Ad Urquhart James Hozier Pat Robertson Edw Lothian David Dickson John Craigie John Wilson Jo M‘Connell R H Newton Ant Oliphant 1816 Wm L White R S Moncrieff J S Menteath Wm M‘Dowall E D Sanford J S Stewart A E Menteath Dun Macneill Wm Menzies John Stainton R Maclachlan A H Cullen W T Honyman JohnB Murdoch J W Dickson James Ivory John Hope, Solicitor-Gen . J W Hawkins J G Lockhart R Whigham M P Brown, LL.B. 1817 Ga. Alexander Elias Cathcart H J Robertfon, LL.B. Ja, Maidment Alex Dunlop Ham. Pyper Arthur Connell J J Boswell 1818 G Grant J Henderson, jr FI B Maxwell W Urquhart John Dewar Thos E Baird James Ayton John Marshall Adam Anderson 1819 DouglasCheape James Miller James Creel man John Tait DavidConstable Arthur Burnett George S my the George G Bell David Syme Pat Carnegy C D Riddell Patrick Shaw Jas Ballantine Rob. C Rattray And. Murray, jn John Hyndman 1820 Wm Gib. Craig Alex Dunlop, jr Mark Sprot Alex Allan John Dick Hugo Arnot Mark Napier Geo M‘Gachen JohnRichardfon John Warrand William Blair David Ross Graham Spiers Alex Cume Wm Brodie, jn. John Wilson,jn. James Watson Alex Thomson John Gregory Robert Riddell Robert Dundas 1821 John Campbell Sir John Hay William Mure James Welsh Hugh Bruce James Veitch Jas Macdonald G A W Arnot Alex Lothian 223 James Hall Andw Johnston Jo. Hamilton,ju. George Rose 1822 Alex Inglis Alex Meldrum Peter F Aiken Jo. Graham, jr. D M Makgill Hugh H Brown Charles Neaves James Donald Patrick B Mure Alex M‘Neill James M Hog Chas Fergusson Adam Paterson John Cadell Jas Richardson Cosmo Innes RobtHandyside John Cowan 1823 George Kinloch John King Joseph Bain And. Coventry Rob. Hunter, ju. Wm Younger Thomas A DufJ Wm Houstoun Rob. Robertson Richard Trotter Alex C Ritchie Wm Dauney William Miller Geo Robinson Wm P Dundas William Bruce Robert Grant Wm S Graham Chas Macleod Henry Wight George Napier James Stark Wm Penny 1824 Jas J Chapman Jo J M‘Braire Hon. Al. Leslie Melville Wm Robertson Jas Johnstone A E Lockhart John G Stirling William Steele Jas M‘Farlane Alex Smollett Jas Dennistoun John Russell John Gordon Jas Johnston, jr Thomas Carlyle William Bell David Dundas 1826 John Hay James Brown Geo Dempster Robt A Dundas John W Hay George Dundas Wm Dunbar Geo Wm Mylne John Donaldson George Kinnear D M‘Farlane, j. John Reddie, LL.D. Chas MDougal David Milne John Forbes Macduff llhind John P Trotter Angus Fletcher Collectors . 1 st Division . 1825 Francis Home Alex Murray John M Bell James Hopkirk Archibald Boyd John H Gray James Miller, j. Thomas Brown Alex Murray, j. J Bartholomew George Moir William Forbes Alex Macallan Thos Grahamc John Tavvse John Craigie 2 d Div, Robert Rollo F Sommerville , Trea. D Irving, ll.d. Lib . Ja Nairn, Ag* l ^p 224 SOCIETY of WRITERS to his MAJESTY'S SIGNET. Rt hon. W Dundas, Keefer Colin Mackenzie, Esq. Def. John Home, Sub.Keefer fc5* Clerk John Finlayfon. Assist. Clerk & Extractor Office-bearers . R. Mackenzie, Treasurer James Nairne, Fifcal Macvey Napier, Librarian , Professor of Conveyancing and James Stuart, Collector of Widows Fund. 1764 1786 J Chalmers Alex Young 1770 Thos Cranftoun James Ferrier John Young Wm Riddel James G Craig 1774 1787 John Wauchop Adam Rolland John Gordon David Wemyfs Andrew Blane 1788 1775 William Molle Robert Syme David Freer 1776 David Thomfon John lnnes Coll Macdonald 17 "7 Andrew Steele James Thomfon William Dallas 1779 Arch Swinton John Campbell Wm Robertfon i 1781 1789 V Hathorn ThomasTrotter Harry Davidfon William Inglis 1782 John Dickfon James Horne Robert Ainflie Arch Gibfon Wm Lindfay 'ThomasGordon John Harvey Arch Lundie Crawfurd Tait WmMacfarlane James Smyth 1 1783 3 790 Alex Wight Tames Tollie 3 784 James Laidlaw 1785 Sir Rob. Dundas Sir Hen. Jardine Jo Gordon, 2 do John Granger Roger Ayton A Mundell Cka Bremner Alexander Blair Colin M‘Kenzie. 1791 H M Buchanan Pat Campbell John Meek John Morifon James Dundas F Fotheringham J Campbell, jun 1792 James Grant David Murray John Moubray 1793 Thomas Burns Robert Speid Win Patrick 1794 John Ferrier Patrick Russell Alex Youngson Andrew Storie Jas F Gordon 1795 Robert Hill Thomas Peat Wm Walker John Tweedie Sir A Ferguson Robert Menzies 179(5 Don MT.ean Sir Alex Wood Rob Strachan Robert Jamefon John Tod Robert Fleming Adam Gordon David Erfkine 1797 Geo Greenlaw Hugh Watfon Patrick Irvine 1798 G M Campbell William Berry Al Cunningham Andrew Watfon. John Bell George Sandy J Reg Riddel James Elliot John Pattifon James Stuart Gilbert Watfon James Heriot Alex Goldie 1799 Keith Milnes Mathias Lyons James Hope Graham Leny Maflerton Ure Patrick On- Dun Cameron Robert Rattray James Wylie John Kerr Macvey Napier 1800 John Innes, jun. John Renton John Phillips James Balfour ‘John Graham Wm Campbell David Cleghorn 1801 John Leith Refs Thomas Small JamesHamilton Alex Greig Walter Cook William Innes Al Monypenny Mich Linning Wm Ballantyne R Mackenzie John Forman William Baillie 1802 Walter Dickfon R G Smyth James Scott Patrick Wifhart Wm Douglas Tho G Wright Wm Buchanan 1805 Eph Lockhart Wm Mackenzie R Mackenzie James Tytlcr John Rufiell 225 D Williamfon John Smith Peter Couper Francis Brodie William Clark Alex Dallas Richard Cowan 1804 James Gordon Wm Dryfdale James Nairne Alex Glen John Leven G Cleghorn Francis Wilfon ThomasMegget 1805 Wm Johnflon James Greig Nor Lockhart Rob Campbell John Lawfon David Lifter 1806 C B Scott Jas Mackenzie John Murray W A Martin John Govan James Swan William Bell Pat Tennant William Scott Jofeph Paterfon A C M l Lehofe Alex Douglas John Tait John Dow Alex Bofwell John Hepburn John Kennedy Wm Wallace 1809 D Turnbull And. Tbomfon Robert Smyth David M‘Neilie Alex Kettle JohnPattifon, j. John Blair Peter Hewet 1810 Car. Bell Rob M‘Millan David Ramfay George Lyon Thomas Bruce James Bridges Geo Hogarth John Kermack James Carnegie 1811 George Combe jjohn Home Jas Robertfon Alex Lamont David Shaw DavThcmfon,jn Jas G Davidfon Robert Cargill Robert Paul C K Robinfon John Welsh James Lang John B Brodie 1815 Jo A Campbell Wm Gardner Alex Burns Dug Mactavish James Dunlop John Chalmers Wal Finlayson Hum Graham William Fraser James Peddie Donald Horne Andrew Smith J R Skinner Alex Hunter John Alison Arth Campbell James M‘Cook 1807 Tho Fergufon Francis Walker George Dunlop James Struthers James Wright iEn Macbean John Maxwell 1808 C Cunningham John Donaldfon James Innes Melville Burd John Tait, jun. Jas Macdonnell John Pringle J G Hopkirk Walter Ferrier Andrew Clason James Baxter 1812 David Welsh 1814 Hugh M‘Queen James Ferguson T Richardson W H Sands Wm Waddell Ch J Fox Orr Andrew Miller John Dickie F Fotheringham J M Lindsay Hugh Tod A McCheyne 1815 Jos Grant R Rutherford Win Renny Wm Grierson J R Stoddart John Scotland John Bowie M N M‘Donald Geo Waddell Thos M‘Millan James Arnott Robt Pitcairn Thomas Ewart 1815 Geo Turnbull J M Paton R S Wilson G L Finlay John Elder Alex Smith Wm Murray D Mackintosh T Mackenzie John Miller Tho Gardiner Wm Young Mathew Weir R Y Anderson Alex Fleming G W Boyd J MacAllan J Hyndman 1817 Alex Scot Aw. Crombie H G Dickfon John M‘Kean Thomas Patton Walter Duthie 226 James Shepherd David Scott J M Melville George Heggie James Burn Thos Arnott Charles Stewart John Robertfon David Brown Alex Johnfton Arch Wifhart Wm Rennet Wm Young, jn. A Robertson AG Ellis 1818 James Macara John Watkins W Horsburgh William Lang Henry Sibbald R Campbell J A Cheyne Thomas Corrie Walter Jollie H D Hill Ar W Goldie W Fergusson R Sandilands J W M'Kenzie John Yule A Thomson Robert Burn Charles Nairne S Anderson John Gibson N Morrison Robert Brown James Pott R G Ogilvie 1819 Alex. Allan S F Mackintosh JamesCrawford John Dudgeon ThoFerguson,j. Andrew Tawse Geo. Robertson William Hunt Wm Lamond Alexander Hay R W Niven Tbo Bruce, jun. John Wight Alex Manners John Gibson, j D S Threshie Alex Stevenson James Newton Rod Mackenzie Wm Alexander David Black ie James Peddie,j. 1820 A D Fraser Andrew Gray Robert Ramsey James Wemys 9 John C Wilson Jo. LG Balfoui Jas Robertson AThomson,jun. Thomas Syme James Hotchkis George Sligo William Balfour James Grant,jr James H Ross And. Howden Jame9 Lawson Thomas Weir J C Sutherland Henry M Low Jas L Mitchell Jame9 Lothian William Sharp. WilliamWatson Robert Mack j- f R Robertson James Tod James Pattison James Adam Wm Mercer 1821 John J Davidson Thomas Ker Peter Crooks Thomas I ones John Anderson Wm War. Hay Andrew Grieve Robert Burnett Jo. Meicklejohn David Wilson Arch Connell Cha.MacdowaU Thos Grahame Edward Hoggan Thos Thorburn Robert Mercer Robert Dunlop Robert Howden Chas Balfour John S Hall John Huntor James Burnside John Hannay Geo Webster Andrew Hill John B Gracie James J Fraser D M Black John Arnott | William Tod 1822 John Usher Hugh Cowan Robert Paton Hugh Kennedy Jris S Darling Jas Rutherford Robert Roy Hugh Fraser Phineas Daniel David Cathcart Sylvester Reid Robert Stewart Jas T Murray Geo Innes Ure Robt Kennedy Angus Fletcher James Hill Wm Duncan J P Grant George Logan William Stewart James Singer 1823 Wal. Dickfon, j. Alex Dulf John Millie 0. M‘Clelland H. J. Williams Robert Stewart Pat Dalmahoy Wm Glover John Forrester Thomas Sprott William Home Jas Cunningham ]o. Richardson Wm A. Laurie James C. Tait John Brodie Henry J Burn Fred. L. Roy Wm Mackevsy 227 Andrew Scott James Gentle Clem. Lumsden John Shand J Greig, jun. Henry Tod Thos Trotter Pat Dudgeon 1824 Wm R Macao James Skelton Wm Gordon A Macdougall John Baird T E M‘Ritchie Wm Napier J Anderson, ju. D S Gilbreath ChaF Davidson Geo Maxwell Hunter Gordon John Gray George Dalzell Jas T G Craig Adam Rolland.j James Rose WmGCunning- hame George Birrell James Walker Charles Gordon James Brown John Turner Jas H Burnett WC Balderftone James J Darling ThosBFenie John Henderson Patrick Graham Geo Stoddart JohnDumbrcck W C Haldane A Maitland 1825 Geo W high am Wm Fraser, jun. W N Waddell James Law James Goldie James Duncan George Watt Duncan Grant Pillans Scarth John Maclaurin James Dalgleish Anthy. Murray Joseph Mitchell A C Howden Hugh Bremner John Stewart Robert Aytoun John Bayne John Rymer Henry Gordon James Wilson David Brown, j. Hor. Can nan William Forbes J ohn T Gordon Geo. M‘Callum W A Child Laur, Davidson John Brown Alex Kennedy Mungo Ponton Patrick Grant 1826 David Douglas Ken Mackenzie Jn Mackenzie Jas Carnegie, j. Jas StewarC, jr. Francis Stewart Jn G Farquhar John Hamilton G Farquharson Alex Boyd WmB Campbell James Roy [n A Robertson Thos Kinnear Alex Macdonell John Dymock DavidCampbell HMS Murray Jas Anstruther John Dundas WmCampbelljj. Andrew M‘Rae Walter Brown Alex Donald J. Hunter, jun. DT M'Cheyne Geo M‘Allan David Smith Jas. Be'.l, Officer 228 SOCIETY of SOLICITORS of SUPREME COURTS. [Incorporated by lloyal Charter 1797.] Office- Bearers. William Ellis, Prefes D Fisher, Vice-Preset Alex Grant, Treat, John Young, Sec. T. Johnston 7 „ Jos. Liddell 5 Jn Tawfe 1797 Jo Sommervail Alex Grant Rob Cameron W Howison, s. James Gentle Geo Watfon John Dillon William Ellis Nath Grant R Henderson Wm Johnfton Geo Todd George Mill George Napier Alex Forfyth H John Wylie W M Little John Orr Jos Liddle Jo. Young 1804 David Clyne 15 John Cook 05 P Campbell 16 Tho Johnston John Masson Jo. Thorburn Alex Gifford Pet.Halkerfton, Daniel Chriflie ll.d. James Hathorn W Innes 06 DanielFiflier 17 Wm Ritchie 08 R Lockhart Geo Stedman I l’homas Baillie J Finlayfon iW Dalrymple Archibald Duncan, Librarian. Auditors , y 1 Thomas Datling ' James M‘Inncs A Paterfon William Smith Thos Darling John Cameron J Somerville, jn Thomas Ruffell Alex Guild Jas M‘Innes 10 James Lyon 11 Wni Martin 12 F M Macnab Jas Donaldson Robert Boog 13 A Stevenson Robert Stewart Rob. Cairns 14 N W Robertfon James Stuart Robert Welfh James Smaill Arch Duncan Dugald Grant John Adams James Smith John Philips Chas Gordon 18 George Gordon J Macandrew John Parker W Horne M Anderson GeoSimpson 19 Mitch. Pattison Cha. Stewart 20 Wm Inglis 21 David Gray Jas O Mack 22 Wm Miller James Burness Wm Spalding Robt Urquhart John Jameson W N Grant And. Snody 23 James ICnox R Henderson,j John Bisset James Ross Jas Valentine John Morison , John Nairn James G Barr D M‘Goun 24 James Johnston Alex McIntyre Thos Rankin * Lach M In tosh Wm Allan 25 G M‘Dowall Jas D Lawrie George Munro Jn Henderson George Scott John Ronald Jn Murdoch, 26 John Phin James Morgan Thos Leburn Ed. M‘Millan A Aikman, asst librarian ADVOCATES FIRST CLERKS , Who, ex officio, are Agents or Solicitcrs t and Members of the College of Justice. John M*Ritchie James Dickson Wm Allester James Steel J Mackenzie Duncan Stewart Geo Todd, jnn. IJohn Brown J Romanes T Deuchar John Steel (John Marshall Ja B Fraser R Purdie Jon. M‘Gregor W Williamson W Mackintosh James Gemmill Wm Guthrie John Haldane John Jones Pat Pearson Wm Pollock G Macdougall John Johnston R Thomson James Gillon James Lamond James Malcolm David Brashe Robert Blackie James Imrie A P Henderson David Watson Charles Fisher P Maclaurin A M Anderson Andrew Bayne John Morrison William Reid Alex Clerk James Usher 229 James Anderson J M Moir J W Ness John Lockhart John Ronald J M‘Craken A Hutchison G Rutherford A Shepherd David Mitchel Rob Matthew James Chalmers James Scott Charles Spence J H Robinson Rich. Prentice |David Stewart J B Watt [Robert Wilson Andrew Stivens David Houston Rob. Ormiston I Sim Campbell Isaac Bayley jJn Whitehead David Scales |J ame s Brown Thos Landale G R Kin loch Pav Littlejohn James G Smith Wm J Campbell Ed Livingston David Haig, Keep, of Hull AGENTS Iff SOLICITOUS NOT INCORPORATED . W. Howifori, jun.—Cofmo Falconer SOLICITORS AT LAW, (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1780. Who have the exclusive privilege of practising before the Com¬ missary , Sheriff, and City Courts. 1788 John Gray, President 1 1783 Rich. Prentice, Treasurer 1796 Thos Stewart, Vice-Pres] 1799 A ^ ex * Cameron, Clerk 1813 W. Pollock, Fiscal J Feggans 1778 Jas Ranken 10 A Crombie 85 GCarphin,sn.9i Wm Moffat Alex Ponton 9 2 James Laing 96 Chas Wilson 99 Archibald Scott Jo Haldane 05 Alex Brown 06 And. Stivens D Brashe Alex Clerk Jas Meikle J S Mack Jas B Dow 18 J. Paterson 23 13 David Mitchell George Cairns 14 James Wight 'Henry Higgins 15 Jas Chalmers 19 Thos Smith 24 Thomas Rymer George Ewing M Lothian 17 Robt Dtuchar G Carphinjun Jas Anderson 16 James Brown Jo. M*Glashan ThosMofFat 21 James Turner David Stewart John M‘Kay W M Bisset George Hill 22 D Bain, Officer U 250 LYON COURT , Right Hon. the Earl of Kinnoull, Lord Lyon George Clerk Craigie, Esq. Advocate, Lyon Dcp . E.W. A. Hay, Esq. Principal Clerk and Keeper of Records f Arch Duncan, s.s.c. Lyon Clei'k Dcp. J. Williamson, Fiscal Heralds . Albany —James Mitchell Rothsay —James Lorimer Marchmont —Thos Small Islay —John Cook Snowdon —Daniel Mer.zies Ross —David Taylor Pursuivants . Unicorn —James Cook Bute —Ebenezer M l George Kintyre —Robert Hamilton Ormond —William Allan Dingwall —David Alexander Carrick —John Young MAGISTRATES of EDINBURGH. Right Hon. William Trotter, Lord Provqfi. Walter Brown I Adam Luke T Baillies> and James Hill | James Leechman J Deputy Lieutenants Robert Wright, dean of guild —William Patison, treas. CONKENTION of ROYAL BOROUGHS— (155a) [Meet on the 2d Tuesday of July, annually.] LordProvofl of Edinb. prefes City clerks of Edinb. clerks John Irving, agent John Lee, d.d. chaplain D Beaton, keeper of records John Richardson, London agent Robert Stevenson, engineer A Ferrier, conseiv. at Campvere CHAMBER of COMMERCE. —1786. Right Hon. Lord Provost, Chairman. Al Henderson, 1 st Dep. CWr.lThomas Allan, Treas. Charles Baxter, 2d Dcp. Ch. (Alexander Wight, Sec. Duncan Cowan, Alex. Haig, John Whigham, Robert Scott, and William Gilchrist, Auditors of Accounts TRUSTEES for MANUFACTURES , fcV—1727 o* r» a n _ _nn t i -» n- Duke of Atholl Lord President Vifc. Melville Lord Glenlee Sir J. MontgO' mery D. of Hamilton Sir P Murray Sir John Sinclair Ld Juftice Clerk Gilbert Tnnes SirJohn Hay Lord Pitmilly Alex Ofbourne BaronC Rattiay Ld Abercromby Sir A M‘Kenzie Lord Chf.Comr Sir W. Forbes Lord Gray Lord Advocate Lord Meadow- bank Ld Chief Baron Earl of Elgin Sir Rob.Dundas Sir Hen Jardine Sir W. Arbuthnot, sec.—-G Thox^fon, ctf—J. Stuart, acct, 231 BRITISH WHITE HERRING FISHERY . Lord Advocate lAlex Osborne ISir John Hay JLd Abercromby Gilbert Innes |BarClk RattrayjSir Wm Forbes | One vacant J. Dunsmure, Secretary. -1783. ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH - Sir Walter Scott, President • Lord Chief Baron I Professor Russell 1 7T . _ Lord Glenlee | Dr T. C.Hope $ Vice-Presidents Dr Brewster, Sec —Thos. Allan, Treas ,—James Skene, Curator SOCIETY of ANTIQUARIES of SCOTLAND, E. of Elgin & Kincardine, Pres Sir Hen. Jardine, 1 st Vice-Pres Lord Meadowbank, 2d do* Gilbert Innes, 3d do. Robert Scott Moncricff, Treas. Dr Hibbert & T. Kinnear, Secs Rev. Dr Brunton, Foreign Sec. Ja. Skene, Curator oj Museum GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. His Majesty the King, Patron. Earl of Kinnoull, grand-master Lord Elcho, dep. grand mafier Vise. Glenorchy, paftgr. mailer Wm Inglis, fubft. grand-mafter I Warrender, fen. grand-warden 'SirDMoncrielFe, jun.gr. warden Sir Joh*Hay, grand treafurer Alex Lawrie, grand fee. , grand chap. James Bertram, grand clerk W Cunningham, grand jeweller Arch Paterson, bible-bearer HIGHLAND SOCIETY of SCOTLAND. His Grace the Duke of Gordon, Prefident . Mq of Tweeddale Marq of Lothian ( Vice ^ Vise. Strath allan ^ Prefident s. Lord Abercromby y Gilbert Innes, treasurer lanald Macdonald, fecretary Claud Russel, auditor Rev. Dr Baird, chaplain Lewis Gordon, and C. Gordon, dep. secretaries and collectors Charles Gordon, recorder & elk J. Mackay, jeweller & medalist ROYAL COLLEGE of PHYSICIANS. 1 i Monro, prefident IThos Spens, treafurer L Duncan, sen. vice-prefident [John Warrock Purcell, fiscal ’>Vm Pulteney Alison, fecretaryjwilliam Moncrietf, librarian ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. David Hay, m.d. president—Thomas Lothian, treasuier EZHz.7*. 232 CALEDONIAN HUNT. His Most Gracious Majesty George IV. Patron Sir David Moncricffe, preses—James Dundas, treasurer _ r Earl of Kinnoul, Lord Strathavon, John Warrender, councillor William and Henry Hagart, secretaries SOCIETY for CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE.--(i 7 ° 9 -: The Most Noble the Marquis of Bute, President of the Society William Murray, Esq. Preses of the Committee. Rev. Dr. Campbell and John Tawse, secretaries William Stevenson, treasurer John Dickson, comptroller W. S. Moncrieff, accountant John Waugh, librarian Sir P. Laurie, treasurer to Co- responding Board in London Rev.Dr Manuel & J.Thomsol joint secs to ditto SOCIETY for SUPPORT of GAELIC SCHOOLS. The King, Patron.— Rt. Hon. the Earl of Moray, President . Robert Paul, Treasurer Rev. Walter Tait, and John Campbell, jun. W.S. Sees. Rev. A. M‘Kellar, Gaelic Sec. —A. Hutchison, Asst. Sec.es.Cle, SOCIETY for IMPROVING the SYSTEM of CHURCH PATRONAGE in SCOTLAND, By purchasing up Rights of Patronage , and settling them in eai Parish , on the Male Heads of Families in Church communion James Douglas of Cavers, President. Lord Strathavon and George Sinclair of Ulbster, Vice-Presxda M N Macdonald, W.S. Treas .—Jas Bridges, W.S. See. FRIENDLY SOCIETY of DISSENTING MINISTER (including ministers of chapels of ease) IN SCOTLAND.—{Inst. 1797.) t . Ministers must enter •within a year and a day after their Ordtnatia Rev. Mr Lothian, President |Rev. Dr Ja. Peddie, Treasure r Mr Watson, Vice-Pres. |Rev. George Paxton, Sec. SABBATH SCHOOL UNION FOR SCOTLAND. Right Hon. Lord Gray, President Vice-Presidents \George Buchan Rev. SirH MoncricfFiGeorge Ross Sir James M Riddell Robert Hepburne Sir William Forbes 'Robert W Ramsay John Abercrombie John Swinton Alexander Murra] Thomas Boswall 235 BANKING COMPANIES. Bank of Scotland, 1695 .— (Draw on Coutts $ Co. London.) Vifcount Melville, governor I William Caddell, treafurer Lord Balgray, depute-governor |Geo. Sandy, A. Bennet, fees Royal Bank of Scotland— 1727 . (Draw on Bank of England , Bank of Ireland\ and Coutts § Co.) fear! of Dalhousie, governor I William Mitchell, calhier Gilbert Innes, Esq. depute | Andrew Bogle, fecr«tary British Linen Company, 1746 . — (Draw on Smith , Payne $ Co.) Earl of Northefk, governor lEbenezer Gilchrifl:, manager Sir James Montgomery, depute|Wm Henderfon, fccretary Commercial Banking Company of Scotland. (Draw on Jones , Loyd.fy Co. London.) Alex Macartney, Elq. managerlHugh Auld, assistant cashier John M'Gregor, calhier [Robert Paul, fecretaiy National Bank of Scotland— 1825 . Draw on Glyn , Mills, Hali fax, and Company, London . Governor. The Right Hon. Lord Napier, Deputy Governor. Lord Bel haven Sir Robert Turing Col. Alexander Mair Dr A. Duncan, jun. John C. Tarlcton James Inglis Extraordinary Directors. Pat. L M 4 Mil Ian Joseph Hume, m.f. William Robertson Matthew Aukinson Hon. A. Calthorpe Rob. Farrand, m.f. Patrick Borthwick, Manager George Crosbie, Secre^ry—Thomas Jooes, Cashier Col. Thomas Gordon of Park John Stewart of Car- nousie H. G. Leslie of Den- lugas Towns. Agents. Accountants. Banff George G. Robinson John Rainagc Dundee P. H. Thoms James Adam Inverness John Mackay ^ F.-J.Skelly Keith Thomas Johnston,jun. BANKERS IN Sir Wm Forbes, J Hunter & Co, Ramfays, Bonars, & Co. Thomas Kinnear & Sons Robert Allan & Son EDINBURGH. Donald Smith & Co. Alexander Allan & Co, James Inglis & Co. John Mabcrly & Co. U 3 250 LYON COURT . Right Hon. the Earl of Kinnoull, Lord Lyon George Clerk Craigie, Esq. Advocate, Lyon Dep. E.W. A. Hay, Esq. Principal Cleric and Keeper of Records r Arch Duncan, s.s.c. Lyon Clei'Jc Dep. J. Williamson, Fiscal Heralds. Albany —James Mitchell Rothsay —James Lorimer Marchmont —Thos Small Islay —John Cook Snowdon —Daniel Mer.zies Boss —David Taylor Pursuivants. Unicorn —James Cook Bute —Ebenezer M‘George Kintyre —Robert Hamilton Ormond —William Allan Dingwall —David Alexander Carrick —John Young MAGISTRATES of EDINBURGH. Right Hon. William Trotter, LordProvofi. Walter Brown I Adam Luke 1 Baillies, and James Hill | James Leechman J Deputy Lieutenants Robert Wright, dean of guild —William Patison, treas. C0NKENTI0N of ROYAL BOROUGHS— (155a) [Meet on the 2d Tuesday of July, annually.] LordPrevod of Edinb. prefes City clerks of Edinb. clerks John Irving, agent John Lee, d.d. chaplain D Beaton, keeper of records John Richardson, London agent Robert Stevenson, engineer A Ferrier, conseiv. at Campvere CHAMBER of COMMERCE. —1786. . Right Hon. Lord Provost, Chairman. Al Henderson, 1 si Dep. C^r.lThomas Allan, Treas . Charles Baxter, 2 d Dep. Ch. [Alexander Wight, Sec. Duncan Cowan, Alex. Haig, John Whigham, Robert Scott, and William Gilchrist, Auditors of Accounts TRUSTEES for MANUFACTURES , tfc.—1727. Duke of Atholl Lord President Vifc. Melville Lord Glenlee Sir J. Montgo¬ mery D. of Hamilton Sir P Murray Sir John Sinclair Ld Juftice Clerk Gilbert Tnnes Sir John Hay Lord Pitmilly Alex Ofbourne BaronC Rattray Ld Abercromby Sir A M‘Kenzie Lord Chf.Comr Sir W. Forbes Lord Gray Lord Advocate Lord Meadow- bank Ld Chief Baron Earl of Elgin Sir Rob.Dundas Sir Hen Jardine Sir W. Arbuthnot, sec.—G . Thoiqfon, elk —J. Stuart, acct. 231 BRITISH WHITE HERRING FISHERY . I^ord Advocate JAlex Osborne ISirJohn Hay ILd Abercromby Gilbert Innes |BarClk RattrayJSir Wm Forbes | One vacant J. Dunsmure, Secretary. ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH —1783* Sir Walter Scott, Presidents Lord Chief Baron I Professor Russell 7 Lord Glenlee | Dr T. C.Hope J Vice-Presidents Dr Brewster, Sec —Thos. Allan, Treas .—James Skene, Curator SOCIETY of ANTIQUARIES of SCOTLAND, E. of Elgin & Kincardine, Pres Sir Hen. Jardine, 1 st Vice-Pres. Lord Meadowbank, 2d do. Gilbert Innes, 3d do. Robert Scott Moncrieff, Treas. Dr Hibbert & T. Kinnear, Secs Rev. Dr Brunton, Foreign Sec. iJa. Skene, Curator oj Museum GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. His Majesty the King, Patron. Earl of Kinnoull, grand-master Lord Elcho, dep. grand mafier Vise; Glenorchy, paftgr. mailer Wm Inglis, fubfl. grand-mafler I Warrender, fen. grand-warden ' SirDMoncrieffe, jwn.gr. warden SirJoh*Hay, grand treafurer Alex Lawrie, grand fee. , grand chap. James Bertram, grand clerk W Cunningham, grand jeweller Arch Paterson, bible-bearer HIGHLAND SOCIETY of SCOTLAND . His Grace the Duke of Gordon, Prefident . Mq of Tweeddale Marq of Lothian / Vice Sk Visc. Strathallan f Preftdents. Lord Abercromby J Gilbert Innes, treasurer lanald Macdonald, fecretary Claud Russel, auditor Rev. Dr Baird, chaplain Lewis Gordon, and C. Gotdon, dep. secretaries and collectors Charles Gordon, recorder & elk J. Mackav, jeweller & medalist ROYAL COLLEGE of PHYSICIANS. Monro, prefident iThos Spens, treafurer L Duncan, sen. vice-prefident John Warrock Purcell, fiscal i5 tVm Pulteney Alison, fecretary J William MoncrietF, librarian lie- _ ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. David Hay, m.d. president—Thomas Lothian, tieasuier 234 Lord Lieutenants Iff Sheriff Deputes of Scotland, With the Sheriff Depute' s Salaries. Counties Lord Lieutenants Sheriffs Depute Sala . Aberdeen Marquis of Huntly Andrew Murray 400/ Ayr Earl of Glasgow Archibald Bell 400 Argyle Duke of Argyle Robert Bruce 400 Berwick Earl of Home William Boswell 300 Banff Earl of Fife James Urquhart 300 Bute Marquis of Bute Samuel M l Cormick JOO Caithnefs Earl of Caithnefs James Trail 30 0) Sutherland Marquis of Stafford Hugh Lumsden 350 Dumfries Marq. of Queensberry Sir T Kirkpatrick 350 Dumbarton Duke of Montrose J C Colquhoun 300 Edinburgh Earl of Morton Adam Duff 600 Elgin Earl of Moray Sir Geo. Abercromby Nairn William Brodie, Esq. Ditto 30 ° Fife Earl of Kellie Andrew Clephane 400 Kinrofs Rt Hon. Wm. Adam James Moncrieff Clackmanan Earl Mansfield Ditto 3 S 0 Forfar Lord Douglas James L’Amy 400 Haddington Marq. of Tweeddale William Horne 300 Inverness Hon. F. W. Grant William F Tytler 400 Kirkcudbright Earl of Galloway Sir Alexander Gordon 300 Kincardine Vifcount Arbuthnot George Douglafs 300 Lanark Duke of Hamilton Wm Rose Robinson 500 Linlithgow Earl of Hopetoun John Cay 300 Orkney J. A. M‘Conochie 33 ° Peebles Earl of Wemyss John Wood 300 Perth Duke of Athole Duncan Macneil 400 Renfrew Arch. Campbell, Esq. John C Dunlop 35 ° Roxburgh Marquis of Lothian William Oliver 300 Rofs Sir J. W. M‘Kenzie Donald M‘Leod Cromarty R B JE. M‘Leod, Esq. Ditto 400 Selkirk Lord Montague Sir Walter Scott 300 Stirling Duke of Montrose Ranald Macdonald 350 Wigton Earl of Galloway James Walker 3C0 Society of Burgh & Parochial Schoolmasters. (Established by Act of Parliament, 1807.) Mr Spence (Prestonpans) JPreses . George Irvine, High School, cashier Wm Pyper, clirk . 2 35 EIARS of ABERDEENSHIRE for the TWELVE PRECEDING TEARS . Farm Meal, 8 stone.. White Meal, 9 stone, ! Oats, with Fodder. I Ditto, without Fodder,... t Bear, with Fodder. Ditto, without Fodder, Do. Linlithgow Measure Barley, with Fodder. Ditto, without Fodder., Do. Linlithgow Measure Market Malt, Duty incl, Wheat, with Straw........ Ditto, without Straw.. Pease, Linlithgow Meas, Ware Bear, with Fodder Ditto, without Fodder.... Rye... 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. s. D. 16 0 10 6 27 - 1 _ 0 27 _ 0 20 6 14 0 15 4 13 0 12 6 16 0 15 0 16 0 25 0 17 029 0 33 0 31 6 ,26 0 19 9 19 6 22 0 23 0 23 6 29 0 18 0 13 0 25 029 0 23 6,16 0 15 9 15 6 15 3 18 6 18 6 20 0 25 0 16 031 031 0 37 0,24 0 19 0 19 10 23 0 26 0 28 8 30 o 19 0 13 0 28 0 27 _ | _ 0 - 1 !L 0 ( 17 0 15 4 16 4 17 6 22 0 24 8 23 6 24 6 16 o' 30 931 o' 4° 026 6 21 0 21 0 24 6 28 31 0 31 6 - I — ' 27 - 0 34 0.19 6 17 4 18 0 19 0 24 0 27 0 25 0 19 0 13 0 28 0 ' — r 35 3 32 645 o| 38 45 045 0 43 0 42 0 32 35 0 42 0 39 o 33 0 27 032 0 37 0 40 035 0 32 0 30 6 26 030 0 34 6 37 0 26 0 22 027 0 S3 9 34 029 0 27 0 26 6 20 0 25 0 29 6 30 0 12 6 14 o 15 11 11 u D 6 17 0 . — — _ ! — — •- r 236 MAGISTRATES op ABERDEEN. Alexander Brown, Esq. Provost. James Milne, Esq. 1 Alex. Duthie, Jun., Esq.? BaUlieu Robert Brown, Esq | James Brebner, Esq. $ Alexander Duncan, Esq. Dean of Guild . Robert Catto, Esq. Treasurer . Messrs George Lyall, Master of Shore Works. ^ George Henry, Mafer of Kirk £3* Bridge Work j. James Dyce, Mafter of Mortifications. Peter M Farlane, Mafter of Guild Brethren s Hospital . Merchant Counsellors , James Hadden, Esq |Wm. Johnston, Esq.lAlex. Hadden, Esq. Gavin Hadden, Esq.|Geo. Thomson, Esq.|Alex, Simpson, Esq. Trades Counsellors , Deacon George Smith, glazier | Deacon George Michie, cooper Alex.Dauney, ll.d. Assessor —William Carnegie, Town Clerk James Haidie, Town Clerk Deflate and City Chamberlain Alex. Cadenhend, Proc.Fifcal. — (Baillie Courts on Saturday.) John Smith, architect, Sufierintendant of Works INCORPORATIONS . The Rev. Dr William Lawrence Brown, Patron, Andrew Affleck, shoemaker, Deacon Convener . James Cobban, builder, Mafer of HofpitaL Trades Hammermen . Bakers . Wrights and Coopers. Tailors . Shoemakers . Weavers JFleshers . Deacons William Coutts Alex. Moitimer James Cobban George Brown William Milne Alexander Ross Peter Davidson Boxmafers Thomas Baird James Mackie George Michie Geo. Anderson, jun. William Brebner John Gordon James Williamson William Maitland, shoemaker, Factor to the Widow's Fund. John Innes, merchant-tailor, Treasurer to the Trades' School. George Robertson, Teacher. John Smith, Assistant . Convener John Leslie, goldsmith, (the Founder), Treasurer to the Supplementary Widow's Fund, Adam Coutts and Alexander Allan, Conj, Clerks & Consultors. 237 CHURCHES, CHAPELS, and MEETING-HOUSES, _ r lir T Prfu Establishment.^ College Church . Footdee (Sf Clement's) Chapels of Ease.... | West Church . ^ East Church ...... ^ Btoad Street Footdee Belmont Street ^ Shiprow (Trinity) Shiprow (Union) Gilcomston Gaelic Lane Nether Kirkgate Correction Wynd Tannery Street Belmont Street Skene Street St. Andrew’s Street ,, C James Cordmer Gallowgate .^jjohn Brown King Street. ) Golden Square Gaelic Original Burgher United Associate Synod . Associate Synod. Original Antiburgher Relief .... English Episcopal, *) {St. Paul's) $ Scotch Episcopal, 7 {St. Andrew's) $ 2d cong. (S/ John's) K George Street Congregat. Union... | Fre dcrick Street Congregational.Blackfriars Street Relief (Old). Baptist, English. Baptist, Scotch . Methodist Chapel 7 ( Wesleyan) $ Sailors’ Church . Catholic Chapel . Glassite Meeting. Society of Friends. W.L. Brown, Princip. Prof. George Glennie John Murray James Foote Abercromby Gordon John Thomfon,M.D. John Bryce Wm. Leith, Assist. David Simpson William Lyon Prof. James Kidd Hugh M‘Kenzie William Primrofe Henry Angus James Stirling James Templeton John Aiken Samuel M‘Millan Shiprow Union Terrace Netherkirkgate Long-acre. Quay Justice Street St. Andrew’s Street Guestrow Bishop Wm. Skinner William Browning Patrick Cheyne Alexander Thomson Richard Penman James Spence Hugh Hart John Gilmour Various John Shipman Henry Hickman Various Charles Gordon Various Various SCHOOLS. Grammar School.— James Melvin, iJ^r.-Robeit Forbes, Tames Watt, and John Dun, Master,. Latin. English, Writing, ,J C _D. & A. Grant, Long-acre; John Paterson, Gallowgate ; Geo. Biuce, Netherkirkg 238 Academy Netherkirkgate— Mathematics* Geography, T. Welsh Writing, Arithmetic, Navigation, Mathematic, tS ‘c _Jas. Gordon Ic^Z^' Correct>on-wynd_Wm. Eigen, Drum’s Lane’ —George Morgan, James’ street Mrs Sim's Academy, Barkmill— George Melvin, master, Mors, G. L Schoenberg, teacher of French and German. Private Academy, Upperkirkgate—Rev. R. Reid li a wuT h Z S °f Mathematic °' Geography, Languages, $c— K W,Ison, iduxter-row, and W.Ettershank * r? ,’ ToIrie > Senebier . an d Schoenberg Sm,tb > Shiprow—T. Meston, Union-lane— James Ledingham, Guestrow—John Meggett, Union-street Drawing— Dav.d Marshall, James Troup. Porter Painting John Mcgget, - Mercer, and J. Giles. Miniature Do — Arch. Birnie, Alex. Fraser, Patrick Paterson Z Z^‘ ntal ' J ° hn R ° SS ’ Archibald Duff, James Davie James M.ddleton, John Mackenzie, Mrs Hay, Wm. Black’ J^Tarlor w' nf J °A In™' ^trumentai- g2&S££Z&"~ D "”' r., h . yzri MIS'S-,rs-i D " ,r ’ ai »- n™”’ j— Boarding Schools for Young Ladies— MifTes Dryfdale, Mrs Cock- err 1 Miss Sangster, Miss Smith, Mrs Thomson, Misses Laing uS£%? Teachers of Beading, English Grammar , alCOner. Drum’s T an. i, , J ty meaning, . Gilbert Falconer, Drum’s Dane I. Hill, Thomas Roger, John Jaffray, A. Riach, James Bartler, William Reid, Thomas Adams, Broad-street Broad Street Gallowgate Diamond st. Long-acre Denburn Causewayend James Clark, ' Gallowgate Jonath. Cumming, Upper kirkg. Alex Cromar Bowbridge J ames Ellethorn Green Alex. Milne, Frederick-st. Alex. Strath, 5 ^ h , a P el of Ease . C Gilcomston William Smith, Footdee ri, v " , ’ ^ ouacwd y e na william Smith, Footdee Charity School Founded by Mr James Thain, merchant 1788 for educating Poor Children—The Four Town’s Minider!’ Mr James Calder.Baillie R. Garden, Dr D. Fordyce Mr Alex’ 239 aotlly SM—Vomdcd by Rift op Gerard, for teaching 30 Poor Children to read. The Eldest Minister and Eldest Baillie, Trustees . Mrs Michie, Teacher. Mr John Davidson's Free School , Footdee.— The Provost for the time, Youngest Minister of Aberdeen, Minister of Footdee, Master of Mortifications, Trustees . - Williamson, TWier * School of Indujlry, Union Terrace, (i8li) supported by vo¬ luntary contribution, for inducting Poor Children in Reading, Writing, Sewing, &c.—Miss Elizabeth Riach, Teacher . Female School of Industry , Chronicle-lane, North-street—Miss Campbell, Teacher. Dr. Anderson’s School— Inst. 1825, Under the Will of the late Rev. Dr. John Anderson, of the Island of St. Christopher’s, of date 3d July 1735, and on the principles and system of the “ National Society of England.** Honorary Visitors —The Trustees of Dr. Anderson. Ordinary Visitors and Managers —The Trustees and Managers of St. Andrew s, St. John s, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Chapels, with the Right Rev. the Bishop of the Diocese, and the Rev. the Clergymen of said Chapels. Treas. t3* Sec.—J. Fleming, adv. Teacher — R. W. Anderson, m. a, (School-room, Flourmill-lane.) Baillie James Milne Baillie Robert Brown John Whyte George Thomson DEAN of GUILD COURT. Alexander Duncan, Esq. Dean of Guild. Assessors : William Johnston Robert Catto Robert Duthie William Mackie George Turreff, Dean of Guild's Officer. William Catto Alexander Gaien Alexander Simpson William Pirie BOARD of TAXERS. Baillie Alex. Duthie Baillie Jas. Brebner Alex. Duncan, D. G. Robert Catto, Treas> Merchants , Jf>hn Whyte William Mackie William Pirie James Lamond George Thomson William Catto George Lyall William Johnston Robert Duthie 'John Lumsden Peter Macfarlane John Maitland Advocates , John Ewing Charles Chalmers Trades Counsellors , Deacon Geo. Smith Deacon Geo. Michie James Hardie, Clerk , 240 SOCIETY OF ADVOCATES. Incorporated, by Royal Charters . 1794 Alexander Webster, Esq. President . 1804 f*James Hardie, Esq. Treasurer 1769 Arthur D. Fordyce 1776 Alexander Dauney 1778 Hary Lumfden 1785 Charles Gordon William Kennedy 1785 James M‘Cook 1787 John Watfon 1789 Alexander Shand f Alexander Crombie David Hutcheon Peter Farquharfon 1794 Robeit Morice William D. Fordyce Duncan Davidson 1796 f Andrew Jopp Francis Gordon f*William Carnegie fThomas Burnett 1798 Thomas Hutcheon 1802 Thomas Sangfler 1805 Andiew Robertson Adam Coutts James Grant 1804 Hugh Fullerton Alexander Smith Lewis Nicoll William Stuart George Yeats 1807 Charles Winchester fHenry Lumfden 1808 John Duthie f*James Blaikie 1809 Alex. Cadenhead 1810 John Hutcheon Alexander Allan John Smith 1811 Simfon Ogilvie Alex. Ligertwood Francis Shand John Ewing 1812 fChaTles Chalmers Alexander Copland 1815 Thomas Reid William Simpson George Stewart 1814 Francis Garden George Rainnie Robert Ramsay Alexander Gordon John Duguid Milne 1816 Patrick Bannerman James Ferguson John Thom James Ross John Cadenhead James Simpson George Wilson 1817 Alexander Gibbon James Murray James M‘Hardy John Webster Alexander Muir William Smith 1818 William Adam John L. Shirrefs Alexander Stronacb Robert Alcock § George Cumming 1819 *§ Alex. Thomson §Alex. Smith, jun. § John Smith, jun. 1820 William Robison William Westland James Nicol George Johnston 1821 John Fleming Arthur D. Fordyce Alexander Chivas James Edmond 1822 John Angus 1823 James Russel James Mair fAlexander Fraser William Gray Alex. Milne Mowat 241 Benjamin Spark 1824 Robert Dyce John Duncan 1825 William Gordon * Clements Lumsden Ne*vell Burnett Alexander Jopp William Garrow *John Ferres 1826 * Alexander Hendry William Ross George Leask A. Thomson, Esq. Lecturer on Scots Law &£ Conveyancing, Thomas Hodge, (Keeper of the Court-House) Librarian . fCommittee of Funds,&c.—*Examinators—§ Agents for the Poor. SHERIFF COURT. Andrew Murray, Esq. Sheriff-Depute. Alex. Dauney, Efq. ll.d. and Wm Kennedy, Efq. sheriffs-subst. James Gordon of Craig, sheriff clerk Ftancis Gordon, Alex. Thom, and Alex. Mitchell, clerks depute Wm. Simpson, jiroc. fiscal .—[Court days, Wednesdays & Fridays .] COMMISSARY COURT , (as regulated by Act of Pari . G. IV.) Andrew Murray, Esq. Commissary Alex. Dauney, ll.d. and Wm. Kennedy, Esq. Commissary Deps. Alexander Gordon, Commissary Clerk. William Simpson, Procurator Fiscal 85^ rhe Commissariot of Aberdeen now comprehends the same Parishes as the Sheriffdom. JUSTICE of PEACE COURT. Francis Gordon, clerk —Jas. Mackie and Alex. Mitchell, deputes Alexander Thomson, procurator fiscal The offices of the sheriff-clerk and juftice of peace clerk are kept in the Record Office, Caftle-flreet, where all the records of the (herilfs, commissary, freeholders, and juftices of peace of Aber- deenihire are preferved, under the care of the refpc&ive clerks. SMALL DEBT COURT. Held at Aberdeen , in the Record Hall , every second Monday. The acting Juftices of the Peace, Judges. Fras. Gordon, principal clerk —J. Mackie & A. Mitchell, deputes Dif rifts and Clerks. Braemar —James Smith Aberdeen-] .Macrkic, A.Mitchell Dcer t Old Deer —James Watt Alford , Forbes —H. M‘Connach Ellon —Wm Massie X KRS9 242 Garioch , Pitcapie —John Shand Rathen —John Milne Kincardine —John Grassick \Slrathbogie, Huntly —A Stewart Peterhead —Adam Gray \Turriff —William Cowie PUBLIC OFFICERS . David Hutcheon, advocate, clerk to the commiflioners for the redemption of the land-tax. Thomas and Newell Burnett, advocates, joint clerks to the com¬ missioners of supply, clerks of general meetings of trustees under the turnpike act, and geneial clerks of lieutenancy. Henry and Clements Lumsden, advocates, collectors of cess for the county—James Giant, advocate, collector for the town Newell Burnett, advocate, keeper of the register of seisins for the counties of Aberdeen and Kincardine. James Blaikie, advocate, collector of bishop rents. DISTRICT CLERKS.—[Commutation Act.] Thomas and Newell Burnett, Esqrs. Aberdeen, General Clerks Districts . 1 Deer —James Watt 2 Ellon —James Shirrefs, 5 Garioch —Peter Beattie 4 Kincardine —John Grassick 5 Turriff —William Cowie 6 Aberdeen —Lewis Nicol 7 Alford —Hugh M‘Connach 8 Huntly —Alexander Stewart 9 Aberdeen —A, & J. Cadenhead PARTICULAR REGISTERS OF SASINES . Aberdeen and Kincardine—Ne well Burnett, Aberdeen styr, Bailliary of Kyle, Carrick, advocate Crown Life Insurmce Co..Calder & Co. Matischal-street 'Dundee Insurance Office.Alexander Cheyr.e, merchant European Life Office.Duncan Davidson, advocate Eagle, Fire & Life Ins. Office... Alexander Smith, advocate Edinburgh Life Insurance.J. Murray & A. Smith,jun. advts, Edinburgh Friendly Ins. Society Alex. Smith, jun, advocate Forfar & Perthshire Office.P. Macfarlane, merchant Globe, Eire,Life, & Annuity.... George Yeats, advocate Guardian Fire, Life, & Ann.Alexander Chivas, advocate Hercules...,...P. Duguid, Bank of Scotland Imperial...John Smith, jun. architect Insurance Company of Scotland Alexander Gibbon, advocate London, Fire and Life.James Simpson, advocate Norwich Fire, Life, & Ann.Charles Chalmers, advocate North British Insurance Co,.Tho Burnett &Wm Stuart, adv. National Fire-Office.John D. Milne, advocate Phoenix Fire Office.Henry Lumfden, advocate Philanthropic Annuity.. Adam Courts, advocate Pelican Life Office.Lewis Nicol, advocate Palladium Office.John Fleriiing, advocate Protector Fire Office.G. Wilson & A. Allan, advocates Royal Exchange Assurance.Andrew Jopp, advocate Sun Fire and Life Office.Robert Morice, advocate Scottish Union FirecSc Life In. Co. James M‘Hardy, advocate Union Fire, Life, and Annuity, William Garrow, advocate United Empire and Continental Ar. Thomson, insurance broker West of England Fire & Life.A. & J. Cadenhead, Adelphi West of Scotland Office.John Angus, Advocate A. Calder, Esq. Vr Consul for Russia, Prussia, Sweden $ Norway* 252 THE ATKENJEUM* In this Establishment, the Public possess one of the most perfect things of the kind in the kingdom, it is situated in that elegant Bui Wing fronting Castle-street and Union-street, lately erected. The quantity of News pipers, Periodical Publications, and Books of Reference, are ample ; and the accommodations of every description for the use of the Subscribers, are splendid as well as convenient. — Annual Subscription, One Guinea and a Half \ William Duguid, Attendant on the Rooms, EXCHANGE NEWS ROOMS, Union Street, Conducted on the same plan as the Athenaeum—containing every respectable Newspaper, Periodical Work, Mercantile Books, Encyclopaedia Britan nica, Thomson's General Atlas, &c. tic.—Subscription, One Pound Eleven and Sixpence per annum. Alex. Fatquhar, Attendant on the Rooms. ALEXANDER BROWN # CO.'s PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tills Circulating Library has existed upwards of half a century, and has recently undergone many alterations and improvements, and been greatlyaugmented.—Subscribers, at £\ 11?. 6d. a-year, 18?. the half-vear, 10s. 6d. the quarter, or 4s. per month,are en¬ titled to all the New Books purchased for the Library—one hook in town and two in the country.—Subscribers at £1 1?. a-year, 12s. a half-year, 7s. a quarter, or3s. per month, are entitled to one book in town and two in the country, but none of the New' Publica¬ tions.—Subscribers to the Athenaum are entitled to an extra hook. NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY , William Robertson’s, Bookseller , Broad Street. Terms —Subfcribers at 31s. 6d. a-year, are entitled to all the New Books procured for the Library. Those at 21s. a-year, are entitled to all the books in the printed catalogue. WATSON’s CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Terms—£i Is. a-year, for all the Books in the printed Cata¬ logue —£1 11s. 6d. a-year, for the use of all the New Works, as added to the Library. Yearly subscribers, customers to the shop, are allowed an extra book. laurie's circulating library. Terms —15s. a-year for all the Books in the printed Catalogue, and 21s. a-year for the use of all the New Works, as added. 253 THEOI.OGICAL LIBRARY, — Inst, in 1700. • This Institution is supported by private donations, and annual contributions from the students of divinity. Every student of di¬ vinity in King’s and Marischal Colleges may become a contribu¬ tor, and the payment of four annual contributions gives him a right to the use of books for life. The Library is kept in the Divinity Hall, Marischal College. President , I Committee , jAdam Mitchellljohn Smith William Paul |Alex Irvine |Andrew Fraser|Donald M‘Rae John Wilson, Secretary , Treasurer, Librarian . ABERDEEN READING SOCIETY Alexander Smith, President, John Kiloh, Bookseller, Union-street, Treasurer r Stuart Rev. John Bryce John Ewing Dr Wm Henderfon Wm F. Robertson Stephen Pellatt James Kinloch Alexander Annand William Annand James Blaikie Alexander Gibbon Henry David Forbes Peter Farquharson George Storey Charles Bannerman Sir Alex. Bannerman Alex. Smith, sen. Thomas Burnett J. Forbesof Blackford Alexander M'Kenzie Michie Forbes John Forbes, yor. of Edinglassie Rev. Dr Geo, Forbes Duncan Davidson Alexander Gray James Hadden Major Henderson Dr Williamson Dr Stuart Alex. Cadenhead John Raeburn Andrew Oldman Alexander Harper Thomas Spark Alexander Simpson Fourteen Additional Managers , elected Dec. 4. 1826. President of the Robert Garden William Mackie Wm. Stratton Dr Dyce J. Abercrombie Deacon G.Smith Shipm Society J.Ross, Grenada Rev.J.Cordiner Rt.Rev. Bishop Dr Davidson I Alex. Stewart Skinner Major Mitchell |Rev. Jas. Foote Drs. Williamfon, Ewing, and Blaikie, Physicians . Alexander Cromar, House Surgeon Apothecary . Rev. Alexander Thom, Chaplain. Thomas Spark, Treasurer Isf Clerk. Miss Hay, Housekeeper. —John Robertson, Porter. A Course of Clinical Lectures is regularly given in this Hospital, during the Summer.—Pat. Blaikie, m,d. Lecturer. \ LUNATIC HOSPITAL.—{ 1800.) Managers. — President cj Managers o/ - the Infirmary* Patients are admitted on paying £\5 a-year, and upwards; besides furnishing themselves with bed, blankets, and clothes.— Their case must be certified by Physicians of eminence. Dr Blaikie, Physician Thos. Spark, Treasurer Clerk. Thomas Boys, Sufierintendant .—Mrs Boys, Matron. Number of Patients lince it was opened in 1801, - 629 Of whom have been cured 201 Dismissed, convalescent - 87 DifmifiTed at defire of friends 116 Dead - - - - 114 Remaining in the Hofpital, Dec. 6, 1826, - - 111 PAROCHIAL PAUPER LUNATIC FUND. (Established in 1820.^ Managers , *Rev.C.Gordon Al Duncan, jar DavidiStephen The Clergy *— Hugh Mac- *Dr Hamilton Robert Jaflfray •RtRev. Bishop ltenzie *M. Rettie Geo Symmers Skinner *—Wm Lyon *A!ex Webster Eben. Murray *Rv. DrGlennie *—S. M‘Millan Alex Mackie Alex Thomson *—Jo. Murray *—W.Primrose Fras Webster Wm Matthews •—James Foote *DrJ.C. Ogilvie Alex Beaton *John Gibbon *—DrT homfon *Dr Henderson Hugh Gray • * These are the Acting Committee. The funds of this most benevolent Institution are supported by an annual collection from all the congregations within the parish, and by donations. There are about 20 patients on the fund. ABERDEEN GENERAL DISPENSARY , Supported by voluntary Contribution—(88, Broad Street) Tor affording Advice and Attendance to the Sick Poor. The Provost, President. Dr Wm. Henderson, Treas .—Robert Alcock, advocate, Sec. Dr Moir and Dr Henderson, Consulting Physicians . Mr Fraser | Mr Leslie T Medical Mr Cadenhead J Attendants . Mr Campbell LYING-IN DISPENSARY. Mr Jameson—No.. 2, Long-acre. NEW DISPENSARY, Dr Ogston, Physician —Leslie Cruickshank, Sec. *3* Treas. (Dispensary No. 19, Upperkirkgate.) 262 FOOTDEE DISPENSARY , Messrs. P. and W.A. Gray, Medical Attendants. Rev. Dr Thomson, President —William Duncan, Treasurer. James Anderson, Sec. —(No. 36, Quay.) i PUBLIC DISPENSARY. Dr G. Gray, Physician. Mr Ross, (New Coach Work) Treas. —John Sim, druggist, Sec. (No. 16, North Street.) iJftt h VACCINE INSTITUTION. —(1803.) The Provoft, Governor. Managers. The FourBailies Dean of Guild Treafurer The Clergy The Phyficians Tru flees of late John Burnett PrefidentofSoc. of Advocates PrefidentofSoc. Conv. of Trades Addit. Man. Gavin Hadden Wm Read John Gordon James Grant • Wm Carnegie -3 Alex Brown James Hardie - of Shipmafters|John Niven Dr Ewing, Physician. —William Smith, Clerk. Inoculation performed gratis , every Wednefday and Saturday, at the Poor’s Hofpital. Nearly 7000 have been inoculated. £ HUMANE SOCIETY, for Restoration of Suspended Animation. Supported wholly by voluntary Contribution — Inst. 1822. Committee , I Dr Dyce IDr Henderson IMr Walker Dr Skene (Dr Davidson |Mr J Ramage | Dr Davidson, Sec. Alex. Gordon, advocate, Treas. Provost Brown, and Geo. Still, Esq. Auditors of Accounts. The principal object of the Society is the recovery of persons *t in cases of drowning, where life is not extinct. Managers. Provoft for the time being Eldeft Baillie John Niven COAL FUND.—{Inst. 1801.) Prof. Bentley Dr Dyce James Calder Alex Crombie William Read J Davidson, jun. Alex Webster WJohnston,sen Mid. Rettie Rev. J. Foote Alex Harper « Collector of the Kirk Seflion Convener of the | Corporations : Alexander Florence, Convener. Middleton Rettie, Treaf. John Smith, yost. Clerk. During the winter season, upwards of 500 bolls of coals are distributed to the poor in the parish of St Nicholas , at the rate of one mett or firlot to each individual or family. 263 POOR'* HOSPITAL. This Hospital is for the Maintenance andEducation of Orphans, ind Children whose Parents are in poor circumstances. The :ducation consists of English, Writing, and Arithmetic.—Boys ire admitted into the Hospital from 8 to 10 years of age, and nay continue till 14.—Number of boys at prefent, 40. Committee of Directors . JasDavidfon, j Jn. Smith, yoft. Lewis Nicol William Low Mid. Rettie Thos Robertson DrAHenderfon Robert Catto fohn Gordon of Dun. Davidfon Craigmile Alexander Pirie |ohn Niven Peter Gill Wm Johnfton John Middleton James Fowlie, rhe Clergy Lord Provoft Robert Brown Dr Hamilton Dr Dyce DrWHenderfon Alex. Webster | James Robb John Leflie (Joseph Norrie William Milne John Buchan John Barron John Mennie Thomas Rannie George Lyall James Lamond James Topp George Hendry'And. Oldman John Thom John Chalmers Peter Simpson Alex Smith Treasurer . James Reid Wm Smich Alex Simpson Alex Milne George Milne, Teacher —Miss Davidson, Housekeeper. fowns Minift. CHURCH George Duncan Rev. JohnBryce James Downie Rev.J.Thomfbn ~ Prof. Bentley Robert Brown William Black fames Blaikie [ohn Barron George Brand fames Calder Wm Copland [ohn Chryflall A. Duncan, jun. Alex. Dingwall Dun. Davidson Peter Duguid Dr Fordyce A. D. Fordyce GilbertFalconer Robert Garden Alex. Galen Dr Hamilton Alex. Harper WJohnfton,sen. W Johnfton, jun Wm Lumfden John Leith William Low James Laing | AlMackie, fen SESSION . AlexMackie, jn Alex. Marr John Middleton John Mennie | Alex. Mortimer James Nicoll Alex. Nifbet Charles Rofs Tho. Robert fon Midleton Rettie Tho. Rannie Donaldson Rose Alex. Shand JohnSmith,yoft George Smith Alex. Simpson Wm Smith Wm Still John Taylor Alex. Webfter Francis Webfter Alex. Watfon James Williams Alex. Cowie John Gibbon James Harper George Leslie James Robb SESSION CLERK’S OFFICE. William Smith, Footdee, Collec- [James Fowlie, Treasurer tor and Session Clerk John Taylor, Church IVardcn 264 SICK MAN's FRIEND SOCIETY.—(Inst in 1792.) J. Lamond, Pres . D. Lyall, Sec . W. Mathews, Treat. Managers. Pat. M orison -Alex Innes John Gibbon [Robert Simmie |Peter Taylor |W r m Stephen Alex Mortimer George Troup Alex Garden James Reid The Quarterly Distribution is about £60 Sterling. Thomas Clark David Stephen ; SHIPMASTER. Alex. Cochran, Pres Alex. Yule, Vice • Pr. NARROW-WYND. Wm Phillip, Pres. Wm Duncan, Treas. SOCIETIES. st. Andrew’s. John Duncan, Pres. David Lyall, Vice-Pr. Wm Smith, Treas. SHIPROW. G. Anderson,jr. Pres John Barron, Treas. 1 st. james’s. John Chalmers, Pm. Jas Davidson, F.-P. Jas Blackball, Treas. W1GMAKER. Robert Laing, Pres. •John Garioch, Boxvi. The LONDON <£ EDINBURGH ROTAL MAIL COACH Sets off from Dempster’s Royal Mail Coach Office, 63 , Union Street, or Anderson’s Royal Mail Coach Office, 5 , Castle Street, J every day, at 3 o’clock, fi.m., and arrives at Edinburgh next " morning at 6 , a.m. Arrives at Aberdeen at •§ past 10 , a.m. INKER NESS ROTAL MAIL COACH , by BANFF, J Sets out every day from said Offices, at £ past 11 o’clock, am. % !' and reaches Inverness at 20 minutes past 3 , a.m. Arrives at ! Aberdeen a little before 2 o’clock. The FOCHABERS MAIL , by HUNTLY , Sets out from said Offices, every day, at i past II o’clock, L a.m., and arrives at Fochabers at 8 p.m. Joins the Inverness'] Royal Mail there. - -.at j A COACH TO PETERHEAD , t WIth the Mail, leaves said Offices, every day, at \ past II o’clock, a m. Sets out from Peterhead at 6 o’clock, a.m., and arrives at Aberdeen at 45 min. past ic, a.m. ;« A COACH TO CHARLESTOWN OF ABOYNE , With the Mail, sets out from said Offices, every day, at \ past Ho clock, a.m . Leaves Aboyne at ^ past 5 , a.m , and arrives ■ at Aberdeen at 20 minutes pa&t 10 , a,vi. 265 STAGE COACHES, PRINCE SAXE-COBOURG COACH , Starts from the Royal Mail-Coach-Offices, 63 , Union Street, or 5 , Castle Street, alternately every six weeks, every morning, (Sunday excepted), at 6 o’clock, and arrives at Menzie’s, Star Inn, Perth, at 8 , same night. Fares the same as by the Mail Coach, except—Perth, inside, 36 s.; outside, 24 s. Licensed to carry 4 inside and 9 outside passengers. THE CHAMPION COACH Setsofffrom the Royal Mail Coach Offices, 63 , Union Street, or 5 , Castle-st. every evening (Saturday excepted), at \ past 11 , thro* Laurencekirk, Brechin, &c. and arrives at the Black Bull and Crown Hotels, Edinburgh, every afternoon, at 4 . Leaves Edinburgh at 7 a.m , and reaches Aberdeen at \ past 10 , fl.m .— Conveyances to all parts from the above Offices. Fares cheap. THE UNION COACH Leaves Melvin’s Hotel, 41 , Q.ueen-st. and the Office, Cross, Castle-st, every evening, (Saturday excepted) at -J past n, thro’ Laurencekirk, Brechin, &c. and arrives at the Star Hotel, Edin¬ burgh, every afternoon, at \ past 4 . Leaves Edinburgh at 6 am. and arrives in Aberdeen at 10 p.m. Fares moderate—On the ar¬ rival of the Union at Dundee, a Ceach sets out for Perth, at \ past 9 am. LUKE of GORDON LIGHT POST COACH Leaves the Royal Mail Coach Office, 63 , Union-street, or 5 , Castle-street, alternately every six weeks, every lawful day, at 6 o'clock morning, and arrives at Geddes’ Hotel, Invernefs, same evening, between 9 and 10 ; from whence she starts next morn¬ ing at lame hour, and arrives at Aberdeen between 9 and io in the evening. Route by Huntly and Fochabers. STAR LIGHT POST COACH Departs from Melvin’s Hotel every lawful morning at 8 , and arrives at Burnett’s Inn, Elgin, at \ past 5 p.m. Leaves Elgin next morning at 7 , and reaches the Caledonian Hotel, Inverness, at i p.m. Sets otf from Inverness at 3 /. 1 H. arrives in Elgin at 8 same night; which she leaves next morning at 8 , and arrives in Aberdeen at \ past 5 , same day. Z ^S 2 66 The EARL of ERROLL COACH Sets out from Gray’s, x 8 , Frederick-street, every day, (Sunday , excepted), at 3 o’clock p.m. and arrives at Jaffrey’s Inn, Peter¬ head, at 8 p.m. Leaves said Inn at J before 6 a.m. and.reaches ' Aberdeen at \ past io^.m. Carries 4 infide and 8 outside Pas¬ sengers. To Ellon, 5 s.—outside, 4 s. Peterhead, 10 s. outside, 8 s. THE LORI) FORBES COACH Departs from Cruickshank’s, 22 , Schoolhill, or Ross’s, 5 , | Little Belmont-street, alternately eveiy six weeks, on Tuesdays, ■ Wednesdays, and Saturdays, at noon, and arrives at the Forbes l! Arms Inn, Alford, at \ past 4 p.m. Leaves said Inn at 8 a.m,, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and arrives in Aberdeen at \ past 12 p.m. ; SHIPPING COMPANIES. ABERDEEN & LONDON SHIPPING CO. Committee • Alexr Brown James Brcbner Robert Brown Robert Catto William Catto Alex Dalgarno AlDuthie, jun Geo Davidson George Elfmie Alex. Fraser Alex. Gibbon Wm. Johnston Geo. Thomson Duke of Gordon — Bon-Accord —Rob, Brown Superior —Robert Duncan Nimrod — James Philip Regent —James Kerr Triumph —John Leslie Smacks. 190 185 174 173 161 158 Champion —Alex. Sime 155 - Mansfield —Alex. Morison 146 « Cato —Robert Davis 131 Aberdeen Pkt .—A Barnett 125 Lord Huntly —H. Stewart 116 - Normand Yule, Manager , 21, Quay. These Smacks sail regularly from and to Aberdeen and Lon¬ don three times every week during the winter, and sometimes oftener during the summer season, and the days fixed for their sailing may be relied on. They have very superior accommoda¬ tion for passengers. J. Jenkins, agent, Miller’s & Hoare’s Wharfs, London. ABERDEEN, LEITH & CLYDE SHIPPING CO. Directors , Robert Catto Wm Mackie Alex Brown [Robert Dutbie |AlexDuncan,jn = Geo Thomfon j John Maitland 1 {Ge orge Pirie | Manager , Robert Mitchell Office, 33 , Quay Leith Traders* Edinburgh Packet —G. Norrie London Packet —Jas Mearns Marq . of Huntly —Wm Law Forth —Alex. Davidson D. Cumming, agent, Leith Glasgow Traders , Glasgow Packet —John Smart 267 Smacks , filyde Packet— Edward M once a-day, at 10 o’clock. Fore Cabin, 2 s 6 d—After do. 2 s ABERDEEN WHALE FISHERY—1 827. Alexr. & Thos. Bannerman. Henrietta —Alex. Allan 260 Alexander —S. Armstrong 252 Hercules —James Thomson 252 Greenland Co. Lcetitia —JohnB. Clark 318 Prss of Wales —B. C. White 308 New Middleton —J. Cargill 298 Charles Fraser, Manager . Union Co. Middleton —John Prodo 329 St, Andrew —Wm Reed 313 Jane —William Bruce 286 Neptune —William Ayton 282 Geo. Hogarth, jun. Man. Bon-Accord Co. Bon Accord —John Parker £63 A. Duthie & J. Brebner, Man * Dee Company. Dee —Alex. Cook 319 John Lumfden, Man* CAPTAIN PILOT’S FEES. Under 40 tons, - os 6 d I From 120 to 200 , - 2 s od From 40 to 80 , - is od I Above 200 , - - 2 s 6 d So to 120 , - is 6 d|(Payable only on coming in.) Alex. Nicol, Lower Quay, Pilot master. Captain James Mitchell, Upper Quay. 7 -George Freeman, Lower Do. ^ Birthmasters . Prices of Ballast —(Office at Shore Dues Office.) Vessels belonging to Aberdeen, per ton—All others, Is. V 269 FARES for PILOTAGE . Vefiels under 50 tons, 50 , and under 60 , 60 ,- 85 , 85,- Ho, no, -—- 150 , J 50 ,- 200 , 200 ,- 25 O, 1st Boat. 2 d Boat. 7s od 6 s od 8 s od 7 s od 9 s od 73 6 d IOS od 8 s od IIS od 8 s 6 d 12 s od 9 s od 14 s od IOS od T 5 S od IIS od $d Boat, 5 s od 6 s od 6 s 6 d 7 s od 7 s 6 d 8 s od 9 s od ios od 250 , and above, Each tideVwork within the harbour, every kind of veflels, 6 s Od Towing a lighter from upper to lower part of harbour, 2 s 6 d For towing an empty lighter fame diftance, - - Is 6 d For each man employed as a hauler on the quay, - Is Od FEES payable to the Keeper of the Pier Light and Flag . For every vessel of the burden of 50 tons, and under, Os 6 d (Excepting all fishing and open boats.) For every vessel from 50 to 100 tons burden - - Is Od For each vessel above the burden of 100 tons, - - Is 6 d Captain George Freeman, Keeper • SHIPWRECKED SEAMEN’s FUND.—(1814.) Committee^ The Provost Pres.of Shipm.Society Conven.ofthe Trades Senior Clergyman of the Eflab. Church Minifter of Footdee Rev. Dr Kidd Rev. Dr Mearns Rev. Dr Forbes Alex. Duthie, jun. Alexander Gibbon James Forbes David Milne James Brebner James Lamond John Lumsden William Catto Arthur Gibbon George Thomson James Grant Robert Mitchell, Treasurer • FISH IN SEASON. Cod—Ap. to July, Nov. to Feb Crabs— 1 st August to November Eels— 1 st May to October Hollibut—June to August Haddocks—May to February Herrings—September to Jan. Ling—March to May Lobsters— 1 st March to Sept. Mackarel—June to August Muscles— 1 st August to April Flounders— 1 st March to Nov. Salmon & Trout—Dec. to Sept Salmon Grilse—May to Sept. Skate—Good all the year Turbot—May to February Whitings—May to Nov. 270 LIEUTENANCY . The Most Noble the Marquis of Huntly, Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff of the County. Vice-Lieutenants, in absence of the Lord Lieut, from Britain: Right Hon. Lord Forbes, R. D* Horn Elphinstone of Logie El- phinstone, and C. JVTKenzie Fraser of Castle Fraser. Deputy Lieutenants. 1. Braemar District. Right Hon. the Earl of Aboyne Right Hon. Lord Strathavon Win. Farquharfon of Monaltrie Lewis Innes of Ballogie 2. Deeside District. Alexander Irvine of Drum John Menzies of Pitfodels Robert William Duff of Culter John Gordon of Cluny James Forbes of Echt Arch Farquharfon of Finzean William Innes of Raemoir David Gordon of Abergeldie And. Gammell of Countesswells 3. Aberdeen District . The Provoft of Aberdeen Right Hon. Lord James Hay John Paton of Grandhome Sir William Johnfton of Hilton James Forbes of Seaton Alex Thomson of Banchory C. Bannerman of Crimonmogate Michael Biuce of Scotstown Henry D. Forbes of Balgownie 4. Alford District. Right Hon. Lord Forbes Harry Gordon of Knockefpock Alexander Leith of Fieefield Andrew Farquharfon of Breda 5. Huntly District. James Gordon of Littlefolla Robert Grant of Diumminer Theodoie Morrifon of Bognie General Hay of Rannes Major A.L.Hay,yor.of Rannes H. L. Lumsden of Auchindoir 6. Turriff District. John Forbes of Blackford Garden Duff of Hatton John Morifon of Auchintoul Archibald Cumine ©f Auchry Alex Forbes, yor. of Blackford William Gordon of Fyvie William Urquhart of Byth William Urquhart of Craigston 7 . Garioch District. Janies Urquhart of Meldrum R. D. H. Elphinfton of Logie Roderick M‘Kenzie of Glack Lieut.-Colonel W.H.K. Erskine of Pittodrie Right Hon. the Earl of Kintore C M‘K. Fraser of Castle Frafer Charles Fraser of Williamston Lt-gen. BF Gordon ofBalbithan John Gordon of Newton Hugh Lumsden of Pitcaple Hugh Gordon of Manar Robert Grant of Tillyfour 8. Ellon District . John Farquharfon of Haughton Sir Charley Forbes of Edinglassie John Leith Rofs of Arnage Charles Gordon of Wardhoufe iThe Earl of Aberdeen Capt. J Anderson of Candacraig Alex. Forbes Irvine of Schivas Hon. Walter Forbes of Brux (John Gordon of Nethermuir 271 Lieut.-Col. Gordon of Pitlurg John Turner of Turnerhall James Buchan of Auchmacoy Right Hon. Earl of Erroll Maj. Rob. Gordon of Hallhead J. W. M‘Kenzie of Pittrichie 9. Deer District. John Hutchifon of Cairngall Alexander Ruffel of Aden William Gordon of Aberdour Right Hon. Lord Saltoun John Gordon of Cairnbulg Alex. Gordon of Auchlethen John Dingwall of Brucklay Thomas Gordon of Buthlaw Adam Cumine of Rattray George Ferguson of Pitfour James Ferguson of Kinmundy 10. Neiumachar District. Lt.gen. J. G. C. Skene of Pitlurg Hary Lumfden of Belhelvie John Ramsay of Barra Major George Turner of Menie ISir John Forbes of Craigievar Thomas and Newell Burnett, advocates, General Clerks of Lieutenancy . FREEHOLDERS, With the Tears of their Enrollment , 1766 John Paton of Grandhome 1767 Arthur Dingw. Fordyce of Cullh Alexander Leith of Freefield 1769 1788 Robert Grant of Drumminer 1790 Harry Gordon of Knockefpock 1794 Adam Gordon of Cairnfield 1 I \J Z7 **.*_»«*»» " Lt-gen. Sir JamesDuffof Kinftair John Duff of Drummuir 1772 Charles Gordon of Wardhoufe WilliamFarquharfonofMonaltrie 1780 Alexander Irvine of Drum Gen. Alexander Hay of Rannes Sir Robert Burnett of Leys 1782 James Gordon of Craig 1784 Alexander Seton of Mounie Geo. Robinfon of Ardendraught 1786 Lieut.-gen. John G.C. Skene of Pitlurg and Dyce 17S7 Robert Wm. Duff of Fettcrcflb David Gordon of Abergeldie James Farq. Gordon of Balmuif James Gordon of Littlefolla James Urquhart of Meldrum 1796 James Skene of Rubiflaw William Gordon of Aberdour James Forbes of Seaton John Dingwall of Ardo 1797 William Duff of Corfindae John Leith Rofs of Arnage 1799 Alex. Gordon of Invernettie Hary Lumfden of Belhelvie 1800 Alexander Ruffel of Moncoffer 1801 Andrew Farquharfon of Breda 272 John Farquharfon of Haughton P. Farquharfon of Whitehonfe John Morifonof Auchintoul James Laing of Haddo Francis Gordon of Kincardine Garden Duff of Hatton 1802 Theodore Morifon of Bognie RobertD.H.Elphinftonof Logie Elphinstone Lt.-Col. John R. Udny of Udny Roderick M‘Kenzie of Glack James Hay of Monkshill 1803 John Grant, lifer, of Artamford John Menziesof Pitfodels 1804 James Forbes of Echt 1806 John Burnett Stuart of Dens John Gordon of Cluny Thomas Fergufon of Kinknockie George Burnett of Balfluig Hon. Col. Francis Wm.Grant of ' Bogfouton 1811 Hon. R. Gordon of Clerkhill Patrick Irvine of Inveramfay William Corbet of Bieldfide Thomas Gordon of Buthlaw Stewart Souter of Melrofe Archibald Cuminc of Auchry John Gordon of Nethermuir Rob. Duff, fiar of landsof Culter : 1812 Sir Alex. Ramfay of Balmain, Bt • John Harvey ofKinettles 1815 Charles Fraser of Inverallochy and Castlefraser Hugh Gordon of Manar William Tower 1 of Kinaldie David Souter of Kinminities 1814 1807 W. M'Kenzie of Drnmnahoy Cap.M.Farquharfon,Garnaveron Alex. Gordon of Auchlcthen Alexander Crombie of Phefdo Alex.Duthie of Ruthriefton John Burnett of Kemnay John Brebner of Gilcomfton 1808 John Gordon of Cairnbulg 1809 Right Hon. the Earl of Fife Hon. William Gordon of Minnes Hn. SirC. Gordon of Kingsfoord Alex. Forbes Irvine of Schivas Hugh Lumfden of Pitcaple Capt R.Henderfonof Torterflon William Inglis of Towie 1810 John Niven of Thornton George Turner of Menie Robert Robertson of Boddoni John Dingwall of Brucklay Lieut-col. W*H. Knight Erskine : of Pittodrie Arch. Farquharson of Finzean « Sir Charles Forbes of New and Edinglassie, Burt. Jas Wm M‘Kenzie of Pittrichie Maj. Dan. Mitchell of Ashgrove William Robinson of Pitmedden Alex. Erskine of Longhaven 1815 Charles Bannerman of Kirkhill G. Skelton of Invernettie Lodge ■ Maj-gen. Hon. A. Duff of Gask Geo. Duff, fiar of Towie of Brux John Ramfay of Barra 1816 William Gordon of Fy vie 273 John Forbes of Blackford Right Hon. Lord Jamc9 Hay James Kinloch of Altries Maj.-Gen. Benjamin F. Gordon of Balbithan Duncan Davidfon of Tillychetly Thomas Emslie of Fingask 1817 Hon. George Gordon of Balfour Hon. John Gordon of Annachy Sir Wm. Forbe9 of Pitsligo, Bt. John Turner of Tuvnerhali John Anderfon of Candacraig James Fergufon of Kinmundy John Hutchison of Cairngall Andrew Skene of Lethenty Patrick Kilgour of Woodfide Michael F Gordon of Breachly Capt. Robert Gordon of Midmill Michie Forbes of Crimond James Aug. Grant of Viewfield Rev. Dr Geo. Forbes of Blelack Henry Ivison of Blackbank John Pavin of Balgowan Lt-col. G Henderson of Conglafs John Mansfield of Midmar John Leslie of Powis James Gammel of Ardiflery Alex Mackenzie of Balblair John Gillandersof Glenhead Major A F Taylor of Dunnideer William Duff of Mayen 1818 Wm D. Fordyce of Techmuiry Maj-g. N. Forbes of Auchernick, liferenter Alexander Forbes of Ainfley 1819 James Morison of Muiresk Theodore Gordon of Overhall Adam Cumine of Rattray Alexander Thomson of Banchory John Ewing, lifer, of Sheelagreen William Urquhart of Byth Robert Grant of Tilly four Andrew Jopp, lifer.©f Cobairdie George Fjaser of Paik 1820 William Innes of Raemoir Maj. A.LeithHay,yor.ofRannes Jas J. F. Leith of Whitehaugh 1821 Hon. Walter Forbes of Brux Lieut.-Col. David Forbes, 78th Regt. of Foot John Leith, lifer, of Cairnglass George Kilgour of Balcairn Thomas Kilgour of Bethelnie James Grant, liferenter of Ord John Cumine, yor. of Auchry, liferenter Ad. Gordon of Newton Garioch Alex. Stronach of Drumallan Georee Yeats of Aucharney 1822 Right Rev. Dr W T illiam Bissct, Lord Bishop of Raphoe John Mair Gerard of Midstrath James Buchan of Auchmacoy Peter Burnett of Elrick Lt C Gordon of Broomhill,R.N. Peter Rose of Dunbreck William Gordon, yor. of Pitlurg CaptWm Fraser, lifer, of Savock William Moir of Park Henry David Forbes of Balgonie 1823 Sir John Forbes of Craigievar.bt H. L. Lumsden of Auchindoir Henry Lumsden of Tilwhilly Alex. Morison yr.of Auchintoul, liferenter of Laithers William Urquhart of Ctaigston Charles Fraser of WiQiamston 274 1824 Robert Gordon of Hallhead John Forbes, yor. of New and Edinglassie John Gordon of Newton George Ferguson of Pitfour Wm Chambers Hunter of Tillery 1825 Sir John Buchan Hepburn of Smeaton Hepburn, Bart. Wm M'Combie of Easter Skene Mich, Bruce, yor. of Stenhouse Alexander Forbes of Boyndlie James Grant Duff of Eden Charles Forbes of Asloun James Forbes of Huttonhall, as liferenter; and James Forbes, his son, as fiar. The fiar to vote in absence of the liferen¬ ter only Colonel Hon. Hugh Arbuthnot of Hatton Wcmyss Orrok of Orrok Sir James Grant Suttie of Pres- : tongrange and Balgonie, Bart. « as liferenter ; and Geo. Grant ! Suttie, his son, as fiar. The % fiar to vote in absence of the > liferenter only ; jy George Leslie of Rothie James Farquhar of Johnston John Lawson of Chapelton, as ,j liferenter; and John Lawson, ,iy his son, as fiar. The fiar to vote in absence of the lifer.only 1826 ja Thomas Mansfield, accountant, z Edinburgh George Forbes of Springhill The Rev. Dr George Morison of Disblair James Rose Innes of Netherdalc ... George Hogarth of Woodhill William Leslie of Warthill JUSTICES of the PEACE. The Officers of State Hon. Alex Gordon of Annachy His Grace the Duke of Gordon Hon. C Gordon of Kingsford Most Noble Marquis of Huntly Hon. R Gordon of Clerkhill Right Hon. the Earl of Erroll Hon. Geo Gordon of Balfour !l Right Hon. the Earl of Aboyne Right Hon. the Earl of Kintore Rt. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen Right Hon. the Earl of Fife Right Hon. Lord Strathavon Right Hon. Lord James Hay Right Hon. Lord Forbes Right Hon. Lord Saltoun Hon. Wm Gordon of Ellon Hon. Alexander Keith Hon. Wm Keith Hon. Lieut.-gen. Duff, Delgatv Hon. Wm Gordon of Minnes Hon. John Gordon of Annachy Hon. James Master of Forbes Hon. Walter Forbes of Brux Sir Wm Forbes of Pitsligo Sir Robert Burnett of Leys Sir John Innes of Balveny, &c. Sir Alex Bannerman of Elsick Sir James Grant of Monymulk Sir G Abercromby of Birkenbog Sir Alex Ramsay of Balmain Sir A Keith, Knight Marshall Sir James Duff of Kinstair Sir A Leith,'yor. of Freefield *1 275 Sir Charles Forbes of New and Edinglassie RAbercromby, yor. Birkenbog James Arbuthnot of Dens George Arbuthnot, yor. thereof Thos Arbuthnot of Kinmundy John Anderfon of Candacraig Jas Arbuthnot, mert. Peterhead Rev. John Anderson, Fochabers James Allardes of Boyndsmill John Anderson, at Burnshangie Arthur Anderson of Deebank Ad Arbuthnot, mert. Peterhead Lieut.-Gen. William Burnett of Banchory Ledge Thomas Burnett, yor. of Leys Charles Bannerman of Kirkhill Peter Burnett of Elriek John Burnett Stuart of Crichie James Buchan of Auchmacoy Thomas Burnett, adv. Aberdeen John Burnett John Burnett of Kemnay John Brebner of Gilcomston John Boswell of Balmuto William Black, late of Cloghill George Burnett of Bafiuig Tho Black of Wartridgemuir Al Bannerman, mert. Aberdeen James Barclay, yr of Templand James Blaikie, adv. in Aberdeen 1\ Bannerman, adv. in Aberdeen Newell Burnett, adv. Aberdeen Arch Cumine of Auchry John Cumine, yor. thereof Adam Cumine of Rattray Alexr Crombie of Phesdo Wm C Hunter of Tillery Wm Corbet of Beildside Capt Jas Cameron at Balmore Capt J Cumming, Lessendrum John Duff of Drummuir John Dingwall of Brucklay John Dingwall of Ardo Dr A Dingwall Fordyceof Cullb Wm D Fordyce of Techmuiry Arthur D Fordyce, yr. thereof Robert Wm Duff of Culter Robert Duff, yor. thereof William Duff of Mayen Garden Duff of Hatton Wm Duff of Corsindae GH Drummond of Drumtochty Major George Duff of Towie Duncan Davidfi >n of Tillychetly Alexr Dauney, ll.d. Alexr Duthie of Ruthriefton Major Alex Dunbar, Aberdeen Chas Davidson of Drumside Capt John Duguid, Aberdeen R D Horn Elphinftone of Logie W H K Erskine of Pittodrie Aiex Erskine ofLonghaven Thomas Elmslie of Fingask John Ewing, adv. Aberdeen Col. A Forbes, Old Aberdeen William Forbes, yor. of Pitsligo John Forbes of Corse Wm Farquharson of Monaltrie Andrew Farquharson of Breda John Farquharson of Haughton P Farquharfon of Whitehoufe Geo C Farquharson, yor. thereof Arch Farquharson of Finzean M Farquharson of Carnaveron James Farquhar of Johnston James Ferguson of Kinmundy Thomas Ferguson of Kinknockie James Forbes of Seaton John Forbes of Blackford Alex. Forbes, yor. thereof John Forbes yor. of New and Edinglassie Alexander Forbes of Boyndlic James Forbes of Echt Alex Forbes of Invereman Rev. George Forbes of Blelack Maj.-g. N Forbes of Auchernick Lt.-Col. D Forbes, 78th Regt James Forbes, son of the late John Forbes of Boyndlie Michie Forbes of Crimond Henry D Forbes of Balgonie Alex Forbes of Ainsley Robert Forbes of Castleton Thomas A Fraser of Strichen Charles Fraser of Inverallochy Lt-gen. John Fraser of Park George Frafer, liferenter thereof Charles Fraser of Williamfton Alex Forsyth, manuf. Hunt'y Basil Fisher, Devanha. Aberdeen John Ferguson, at Kinmundy George Ferguson of Pitfour Capt Wm Fraser of Saphock George Forbes of Springhill Lieut.-gen. John G C Skene of Pitiurg and Dyce W illiam Gordon, yor. thereof Robert Gordon of Hallhead Adam Gordon of Cairnfield John Gordon of Cluny Charles Gordon of Wardhouse John Gordon, yor. thereof James Gordon of Craig Lt-gen. B Gordon of Balbithan Harry Gordon of Knockespock John Gordon of Avochie Thos Gordon of Buthlaw William Gordon of Fyvie Wm Gordon of Abcrdour Geo Gordon of Auchleuchries Charles Gordon, yor. thereof David Gordon of Abergeldie Francis Gordon of Kincardine 276 Capt John Gordon, yor. thereof Alex Gordon of Auchlethen John Gordon of Cairnbulg CharlesGordon late of Auchiries Hugh Gordon of Manar John Gordon of Newton 4 lexr Gordon of Invernettie Robert Gordon, yor. thereof James Farq Gordon of Balmuir James Gordon of Littlcfolla John Gordon, yor. thereof John Gordon of Craigmile John Gordon of Nethermuir Alex S Goidon, mert. London Theodore Gordon of Overhall Wm Gordon of Auchanachy John Gordon of Crathenaiid Michael F Gordon of Breachly Robert Gordon of Midmill C Gordon, advt. in Aberdeen John Garioch of Heathcot James Aug Grant of Viewfield Col. FW Grant of Bogfouton John Grant of Artamford Robert Grant of Druminner James Grant, advt. in Aberdeen Robert Grant of Coullie John Gerrard of Midstrath Alex Gavin, furgeon, Strichen Francis Garden, adv. Aberdeen Ad Gordon of Newton Garioch Lt Chas Gordon of Broomhill Capt G Gordon, at Greenhaugh George Gordon, Bucharn Jas Gammell of Countesswells General Alex Hay of Rannes Andrew Leith Hay, yor. thereof James Hay of Monkfhill Alex Henderfon of Caskiebea Capt.R Henderfonof Torterston John Henry of Watchmount Lt-col. John Gordon of Coy nachy John Harvey of Kinnettles u 277 Lieut.-Colonel G Henderson oi Conglass John Hutcheson of Cairngall Robert Hutcheson, yor. thereof James Hadden of Tanfield Gavin Hadden of Union Grove Geo Hogarth of Woodhill D Hutcheon, adr. in Aberdeen James Hutcheson of Richmond Alexr Irvine of Drum A F Irvine of Schivas Charles Irvine, at Drum Patrick Irvine of Inveramsay Lewis Innes of Ballogie James Rose Innes of Netherdale William Innes of Raemoir Alex Innes of Pitmedden Henry Ivison of Blackbank William Inglis of Towie Ar.dw Jopp, adv.in Aberdeen Wm Johnston, yor of Hilton Patrick Kilgour of Woodside Thomas Kilgour of Bethelnie T Kilgour, yor. thereof George Kilgour of Ardconnan Rob Kilgour, Nether Kinmundy James Knowles of Kirkville James Kinloch of Altries Alexr Keith in Netherthird Wm Kennedy, adv. Aberdeen Captain A. Kyle, Binghill Alex Leith of Freeftcld John Leith Ross of A mage Col. J F Leith of Whitehaugh Capt John Leith, R. N. Gtorge Leslie of Rothie James Laingof Haddo John Leslie of Powis John Leslie of Balquliain Patrick Leslie, yor thereof Wm Lellie of Warthill Hans G Leslie of Denlngas Thomas Leslie of Berryden Dr Charles Leslie, Memsie Hary Lumfden of Belhelvie Hugh Lumfden of Pitcaple Henry Lumsden of Tilwhilly H. L. Lumsden of Auchindoir Hary Lamond of Pitmurchy John Lawson of Chapeltown James Lamond of StrandufF Thomas Logan, at Thunderton John Menzies of Pitfodels Theodore Morison of Bognie John Morifon of Auchintoul Alexr Morifon, yor. thereof James Morison lifer, of Muiresk George Moir of Denmore William Moir of Park John Mansfield of Midmar Roderick M’Kenzie of-Glack George More of Raeden Gilbert More, yor. thereof J W M‘Kenzie of Pitrichie Major D Mitchell of Ashgrove John Manson of Catie John Menzies at Gordon Caftle Capt Macpherson, at Gibston Capt G MTnnes, Old Aberdeen Wm Marlballof Keithmore James Mitchel at Pitfour George Mudie of Meethili Thomas Moir, Aberdeen t WmM‘Combie of Easter Skene John Niven of Thornton John Paton of Grandhome Wm Paton, yor. thereof John Pavin of Balgowan Geo Primrofe, late of Raemoir Alex Pirie, mert, Aberdeen William Pirie of Cotton John Ramfay of Ban a Wm F Robertson of Hazelhead John Russel of Balmaad a Alex Ruffel of Aden Alexander Russel, yor. thereof Robert Robertson of Boddom Dr John Ramsay, I-Iuntly "William Read, mert. Aberdeen George Robinson of Cairngall Geo G Robinson, yor. thereof Wm Robertson of Pitmedden John James Roy, Bracmar James Russel, ad son of Alexr Russel of Montcofler John Ross, at Ferryhill Peter Rose of Dunbreck Pat Rose, Sheriff-Clerk of Banff James Skene of Rubislaw George Still of Millden John Mavor Still, yor. thereof Patrick Stewart of Auchlunkart James ASandilands of Cruives William Shand of Craigellie Alexander Seton of Mounie Rob Stevens, late of Broadland Andrew Skene of Lethenty Stewart Souter of Melrose G L Shireffs ofBlairmormonth John L Shirrefs, yor. thereof John Strarhan, late of Campfield James Skelton of Invernettie J Skelton, yor. thereof George Symmersof Cults Alexander Scott of Craibstone Alex Smith, adv. in Aberdeen William Smith of Hatton 278 Alex Stronach of Drumallan Alex Thomson of Banchory John Turner of Turnerhall Major George Turner of Menie Wm Tower of Kinaldie Major A F Taylor of Dunniedeer George Thomson of Fairley John Thorburn of Murtie Wm Urquhart of Craigfton Lt-col. J Robert Udny of Udny James Urquhart of Meldrum William Urquhart of Byth Adam Urquhart, adv.Edinburgh George Wilson of Glafgowego Jas Wilson late of Cairnbanno Peter Wemyss of Craigliall James Wilson of Auchaber W Whyte, Bridgend of Auchlee David Young of Cornhill Alex Youngson, Castle Foibes George Yeats, Auquharney Sheriffs-dep.& sub. of Aberdeen Banff, and Kincardine Provost & Eldest Baillie of New and Old Aberdeen Chief Magistrate offnverury and Kintore, all for the time being William Carnegie, Town Clerk of Aberdeen Roderick Gray, Baron • Baillie of Peterhead Lewis Chalmers, Baron-Baillic of Fraserburgh The Commission is dated IC )tli June , 1820. THE COUNTY CLUB-{Inst, 1718.) His Grace the Duke of Gordon James Urquhart of Meldrum Charles Gordon of Wardhoufe John Paton of Grandhome General Hay of Rannes John Menzies of PitforUls Alexander Irvine of Drum Lt.G. J. G. C. Skene of Pitlurg Sir Robert Burnett of Leys John Gordon of Nethermuir 279 Robert Wm Duff of Fetteresso Sir William Johnfton of Hilton John Forbes of Blackford Wm. Farquharfon of Monaltrie George Silver of Netherlay Alexander Ruffel of Aden Most Noble Marquis of Huntly D. M‘Dowal Grant of Arndilly Right Hon. the Earl of Aboyne William Gordon of Aberdour Harry Gordon of Knockefpock Roderick M*Kenzie of Glack James Skene of Rubillaw James Gordon of Craig Adam Gordon of Cairn field R.D. Horn Elphinflonof Logie William Black, Efq. John Burnett, Efq. John Duff of Drummuir Sir William Forbes of Pitfligo Robert Grant of Drumminer Lt.Col. John R. Udny of Udny Patrick Steuart of Auchlunkart Alexander Crombie of Phefdo John Garioch of Heathcot Rt. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen Maj. A.L.Hay, yor. of Rannes Hugh Gordon of Manar Patrick Kilgour of Woodfide Sir J. Gordon of Letterfourie Thomas Burnett, Esq. Hon. Captain Gordon, fi.N. Alexander Frafer, Efq. Right Hon. Lord Saltoun Garden Duff of Hatton A. S. Gordon, Efq. London John Morison of Auchintoul Thomas Gordon of Buthlaw G.H. Drummondof Drumtochty Robert Barclay of Ury Alex. Duthie of Ruthiiefton John Gordon of Cairnbulg Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Alex DufF Maj. A. F. Tayler of Dunnideer Alexander Bannerman, Efq. Lt-g. Burnett of BanchoryLodge Alex. Gordon of Auchlunies Francis Gordon of Kincardine Right Hon. the Earl of Fife SirChailes Forbes of Edinglassie W. H. K. Erskine of Pittodrie John Dingwall ofBrucklay Hary Lumsden of Belhelvie Sir Alexander Bannerman, Bart. John Ramsay of Barra Arch. Farquharson of Finzean Chas M‘Kenzie Frafer of Caftle Frafer James Hadden, Efq. Michie Forbes of Crimond Henry Lumfden of Tilwhilly Sir Alex Leith, yor. of Freefield Rt. Hon. the Earl of Kintore Hon. William Fraser Duncan Davidson of Tillychetly Alex Forbes, yor. of Blackford C. Bannerman of Crimonmogate Right Hon. Lord Kennedy William Imies of Raemoir John Gordon of Cluny William Gordon of Fyvie J Adam Cumine of Rattray Capt. J. Anderfon of Candacraig James Fergufon of Kinmundy Maj. George Turner of Menie William Moir of Park Right Hon. Lord Stiathavon Sir Robert Barclay, K.C.B. Alexander Innesof Pitmedden Dr Charles Skene John Farquharson of Haughton Lt.-Col. W. Gordon, Pitlurg Lord James Hay Alex. Thomson of Banchory 28 0 William Leslie of Warthiil John Mansfield of Midmar Patrick Bannerman, Esq. Thomas Bannerman, Esq. Lt.-Col. Henderson Aithur Anderson of Dee Bank James Forbes of Echt Right Hon. Lord Forbes James Buchan of Auchmacoy H, L. Lumsden of Auchindoir Thomas Burnett, Thomas Burnett, yor. of Leys John Gordon of Newton Major Mitchell of Ashgrove Thomas Alex Fraset of Lovat > John Thorburn of Murtle y William Annand of Belmount Sir John Forbes, Bt. of Craigievar * Michael Bruce of Scotstown John Leslie of Powis And. Gammell of Countessvvells , Esq. Secretary. UNITED MEETING of the Counties of Aberdeen, Forfar, Kincardine, n and Banff. The Earl of Erroll, Preses . Stewards. lion. Walter Forbes of Brux Michael Bruce of Scotstovvn The Earl of Airly Alex. CruickshankofStracathro Lord Kennedy George F. Carnegie of Pitarrow Robert Grant of Monymusk John Morison of Auchiutoul The Lord Provost of Aberdeen flon. Col. Ramsay, Sec.$ Treas , Members. Duke of Gordon, K.T. The Marquis of iiuntly, G.C.B. Earl of Errol Earl of Airly Earl of Kin!ore Earl of Aboyne Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. Earl of Fife Lord Arbuthnot Lord Forbes Lord Saltoun Lord Duncan Lord Kennedy Lord Rosehill Lord Strathavon Hon Donald Ogilvie Hon W. Keith, R.N”. lion W. Maule, M. P. Hon Colonel John Ramsay Hon D.G. Hallyburion Hon Capt Wm Gordon, B.X. Hon Lieutenant-General Duff Hon Colonel F. W. Grant Hon Colonel Arbuthnot Hon William Forbes Hon William Fraser Sir James Gordon of I.etterfourie Sir Robert Burnett of Leys Sir John Forbes of Craigievar | Sir G. Abercromby of Birkeubog Sir John Hay of Hayston Sir James Ramsay, of Banff ] Sir Alex. Bannerman of Elsick Sir Alexander Ramsay, M.P. SirC. Forbes of Edinglassie,M.p. ; Sir Robert Barclay, K.C.B. Sir Alexander Leith, K.C.B. Robt Abercromby of Birkenbog Capt Anderson of Candacraig William Annand of Belmount Charles Bannerman of Kirkhill Alexander Bannerman Patrick Bannerman George Bannerman Thomas Bannerman Robert Barclay of Ury J. Boswell of Kingcausie William Brodie ofB r <>die Alexander Brown, Aberdeen Michael Bruce of Stenhouse James Buchan of Auchmacoy Lieutenant* General Burnett Thomas Burnett, yr of Leys Thomas Burnett, Advocate James Burnett of Leys W. L. Carnegie of Kinbletbmont James Carnegie of Balnamoon George Carnegie of Pitarrow J. Carnegie, E. I. C. S. Pat. Carnegie of Lower Captain Carmichael Alexander Crombie of Phesdo J. Cruickshanks of Langley Park J. Cruickshanks, yr of do A. Cruickshanks of Striekathro Adam Cumine of Rattray A. Cummin^, of Demerara Capt Cumining of Lessendrum Duncan Davidson of Tillychetly J. Dingwall of Brueklay Robert Douglas of Brigton Captain Archibald Douglas George Harley Drummond Colonel Duff of Fetteresso Robert Doff younger of do Captain Dull', R.N. Garden Duff of Hatton William Duff of Mayen Capt George Duff, 19th Lancers Alex. Duthie of Ruthriestou R. 1). H. Elphinstone of Logie Col W. II. K. Erskineof Pittodrie Captain Farquhar, R.N. Col. Farquhar, e.t.c.s. Eng. Jas Farquhar of Johnston, M.P. Arch. Farqnharson of Finzean W. Farquharson of Monaltrie A. Farquharson of Breda P. Farquharson of \V hitehouse J. Farquharson of Haughton Major Fife Major Fisher J. Forbes yrof Eding1assie,M.P Michie Forbes of Criinond 28l James Forbes of Edit Forbes of Blackford W. R. Forbes of IJazlehead Colonel David Forbes H. D. Forbes of Fraserfield George Forbes of Springhill Colonel Fotheringham of Powrie Jame9 Fotheringham of Powrie Alexander Fraser, Aberdeen T. A. Fraser of Lovat & Strichen Charles Fraser of Castle Fraser Captain Gammel John Garioch of Heat hoot Arthur Gibbon, Aberdeen William Gordon of Aberdour Major Gordon of Hall head J. Gordon of Cairnbuig Gordon of Auchlnnies Colonel Gordon of Cluny Wm Gordon of Fyvie Hugh Gordon of JVlanar J. Gordon of Nethermuir Thomas Gordon of Buthlaw Francis Gordon of Kincardine James Gordon of Craig Captain Gordon of Pitlurg Charles Gordon of Wardbouse Robert Grant of Druminner Captain R. Grant of Tillyfour J. Duff Grant of Eden Alexander Greenhill of Fearn A. M. Guthrie of Craigie James Hadden of Tanlield Alexander Hadden, do. James Hadden, younger Gavin Hadden ot Union Grove General Hay of Rannes Major Leith Hay John Hay of Let ham Captain Henderson, R.N. Lt.-Col. Henderson, II.E. R. R. Hepburn of Uickarton James llawkins of Dunnichen George Hogarlhof Woodliill Joseph Hume, M.P. Lieut.-Gen. Hunter of Burnside Capt W. Hunter, yrof Burnside William lnnes of Raemoir A a 3 Alexander Irvine of Drum Thomas Kilgour of Bethelnie Captain John Leith, R.N. H. G. Leslie of Denlugas Alexander Leslie of Powis Henry Lumsden of Tilwhilly Hugh Lumsden,Advocate Clements Lumsden, advocate A N. JVPLeod of Sunnybank Colonel M‘Donell of Glengarry J. H. M‘Kenzie of Pittrichie John Mansfield of Mid mar Col M‘Dowall Grant of ArndilU M 4 Do wall Grant,yr of Arndillj Roderick M‘Kenzieof Glack Major-General M‘Kenzie Fo'x Maule, yr of Panmure Gilbert L. Meason of Lmdertis John Menzies of Pitfodels Major Mitchell, Ashgrove W. Moir of Park George Moir of Denmore J. Morison of Auchintoul John Niven of Thornton Captain Thomas Ramsay 282 Captain Robert Ramsay John Ramsay of Barra James Ramsay, do. Peter Rose, of Demerara Horatio Ross of Rossi e Alexander Russel of Aden J. A. Sandilands of Cruives James Scott of Brotherton Captain Scott, R.N. George Silver of Nelherlay a Dr Skene General G. C. Skene of Parkhill a, Patrick Stewart of Auchlunkart A. C. Stewart of Castle Stewart Major Tay lor of Rothiemay A.Thompson of Banchory 4 J. Thorourn of Murtle Major Turner, R.A. J. Turner of Turnerhall J. Urquhartof Craigston John Udny of Uduy Alex. Wood of Woodburnden :j Charles Ward James Wilson northern united service club Committee for 1826-27. - Inst . 1819. CaptHon.W. Gordon, lt.N. M.P I Maj. Cnas. Forbes Capt J. Gordon, R.A. Lt-col Lindsay, cb L t-col David Forbes Major Dunbar Mr Rose, r.n. Lieut-col Clerk Captain Baxter Capt Smith, RN. on Capt Henderson, a n . Captain A. Gordon Captain Leith, R.N. Mr Fouler ton Hon. Col. Ramsay Capt. A. Forbes, r n G eneral Hay Hon. Maj-g. Ramsay Lieut. -gen. Buruett Major Fisher Captain Baxter, Secretary Treasurer . Capt Wilson Dr M 4 Pherson Dr Sutherland Capt. Wm Fraser Captain Anderson Capt. Wm Gordon Lieut.-col. Wood Mr Baxter Capt. Hogarth vssist-Com. Ross Dr Skene Capt Jo.Gordon, r.a M ajor Taylor Captain Bennett Mr Strachan, r.n t . Lieut. Bell, E.i.c.s. Lieut. Willis, R.N. Captain Roche Captain T). Gordon Captain ScolUj^N* i Major Forbes Captain Duguid Dr Cameron, r.n. Dr Blaikie Major Turner Lieut. Hepburn Col. Lord Saltoun CaptHon.W. Gordon, R.X. M.P. Dr Carnegie e.i.c.s. Col. Sir Alex. Leith, k.c.b. Dr James Moir Gen. Marq ofHuntly, G.C.H. Major Hay Lieut.-Gen. Gordon Cuming Skene The Earl of Fife Hon. Lieut. gen. Dufi Captain Farquhar, R.N. C.B. Lt.-col. K. Krskine Major C. Forbes Capt. Forbes, e.i.c.s Captain Arrow, r.n. Lieut M‘Kenzie Lieut.-col. Gordon Lieut. Stronach, r.e. Capt Murray, e.i.c.s Lieut.-col. M‘Kay Lt-r. Henderson, r.e. Colonel Farquharson Mr A. Farquharson Sir J. M‘Grigor,M.D. Lieut. Randall, r.n. LtC. Mackenzie, r.n Mr Craig, r.n. 283 Capt. Davidson Lieut. Wilson, r.n. Captain Burnett Lieut.-Col. Duff Capt Shepperd, r.n. Captain t)uff, r.n. Capt Reid Capt Baron During Mr Gordon, Dep. Lt. Captain Cumining Colonel Lord Aboyne Major Farquharson, E.I.C.S. Dr Gordon, e.i.c.s. Col. M*Ken. Fraser Mr Urquhart, Dp.Lt. Capt Skene, r. v. Captain Rennie, r.n. Mr Grant Sir A.Bannerman.Bt. Sir R. Burnett, Bt. Lt.-Col. Arth Forbes Dr Abercrombie Capt Lumsden, e.i.c Captain Gordon Lieut. Col. M‘Grigor Captain Mackay Maj Mitchell, e.i.c.s Captain W. Gordon Dr ,\i‘Kherson Lieut. T. Gordon DrGG. M‘Leau Captain Wilson Captain Barclay Lieut Croker, r.n. Capt Macauley, r.e. Major Bruce Capt. Maule Capt Gammell Lord Arbutlmot Captain Kyle Mr Macleod Captain T. Ramsay Captain R. Ramsay Col. Arbuthnot, m.p Captain Rose, e.i.c.s Lieut Leslie Captain W. Gordon Karl of Dalbousie SirJ.Gordon, bt. d.l. Captain Henry Dr Jamieson, e.i.c.s. Captain Hamlin, rn. Dr Stewart Lieut Urqnhart Lt W Burnett, e.i.c.s Captain Kyle Lt-Colonel Gordon Captain Leslie Capt Jon. Forbes Capt Forbes Capt Hood Lt-col. Leys, E i.c.S. Capt Adamson Lieut Burnett, r.n. Major-Gen Vincent Sir John Forbes, Bt Lt W Gordon, n.x. Major Winchester Capt Mellis [dent Reid, r.n. Mr Reid, u. m . Lieut Tulloch, r n. Capt Campbell, r.n. LieutAplin, R.N. Capt Gamraell NEW CLUB, Established in 1822. (Limited to 20 Permanent and 20 Occasional Members.) Permanent Members —1826-27. John Forbes of Blackford Dr Skene Dr Ogilvie Patrick Kilgour of Woodside Jolin Abercrombie Major Dunbar William Carnegie Sir Alex. Bannerman, Bart. Adam C.umine of Rattray Thomas Burnett Patrick Bannerman Captain Henderson, R N* John Gariocb of Heathcot C. Bannerman of Crimonmogate Gen. Burnett of Banchory Lodge Alexander Bannerman John Menzies of Pitfodels Alex. Forbes, yor. of Blackford James Hadden James A. Sai.dilands John Abercrombie, Secretary. 284 Occasional Members. Hon.Capt W.Oordon, r.n.m.p. General Hay of Rannes Hou. Col. J. Ramsay of Kelly George Moir of Den more Major A. Leith Hay Thomas Burnett of Crathes Colonel Gordon of Park hi 11 Colonel Wood of Deebank William Innes of Raemoir James Buchan of Auchmacoy Captain Hamlyn, r.nt. Captain John Camming j, Sir J. Gordon, bt of Letterfourie .. Right Hon. Karl of Aboyne Captain A, Forbes, r.n. Michael Bruce ofScotstown a William Moir of Park William Urquhart of Craigston Right Hon. Earl of Kintore Henry Lumsden of Til w hilly TURRIFF COURSING CLUB. The Lord Saltonn, Preses. Stewards. Captain Maxwell, Mayen William Ramsay, Lsq. Colonel Gordon of Park William Uiquhart of Craigston John Cumine, yor. of Auchry H. G. Leslie of Denlugas James Wilson, Esq. James Buchan of Auchmacoy Members. Most Noble the Marq. of finally Right Hon. the Earl of Fife Fit. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen Right Hon. Lord Saltonn Gen. Hon. A. Duff of Delgaty Hon. James Sinclair Capt the Hon. W. Gordon, m.p. Arch. Farquharson of Finzean James Wilson, Esq. John Cumine, yor. of Auchry Garden. Duff of Hatton John Ramsay of Barra William (Jordon of Fyvie Thomas Gordon of Cairness Major Turner of Menie Rob. Abercromby of Birkenbog James Ramsay, Esq. II. G. Leslie of Denlugas J. Cruickshank of Langley Park Patrick Steuart of Auchlunkart William Urquhart of Byth Robert Win Duff of Fetteresso John Gordon of Nethermuir William (Jordon of Aberdour Captain Gordon of Pitlurg Thomas A. Fraser of Lovat A. Bannerman, Esq. Aberdeen William Duff of Mayen Major Leith Hay, yor. of Rannes Capl George Duff, 19th Lancers Charles Fraser of W illiamston Peter Rose, Esq. Demerara James Buchan of Auchmacoy William Ramsay, Esq. Straloch R. R. Hepburn of Rickarton William Urquhart of Craigston William Brodie of Brodie John Forbes of Edinglassic, m.p. Capt Grant Duff* of Eden Captain Maxwell, Mayen Colonel Gordon of Park Alexander Cowie, (Keith) Sec. # Tr. Boulton, jun. of Malton, 'Fryer. (£lT Meets at Turriff', third Tuesday of October. DEESIDE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Wm. Moir of Park, Pres. I John Stevenson, Upper Balfour J. Gordon of Craigmile, VicePr .| Sec , Treas. & Clerk. ? 285 OLD ABERDEEN. George M'Innes, Esq. Provost. Dr Gordon I Alex. Thomson, Esq 7 J] a m; cs George Primerose, Esq; | Professor Scott J in. Merchant Counsellors , James Irvine |Wm Gerard 1 Professor Paul 1G.W.1VI‘Donald John Irvine jAlex. Forbes |Thomas Leask jAlex. Fiddes 'Trades Counsellors , John Milne, W.Deans, F. Lawson, Tho. Innes, Wm. Jamieson Robert Ross, Treas. —James Nicol, advocate, Town Clerk INCORPORATIONS.—Rev. Principal Wm. Jack, Patron Alexander Fiddes, painter. Convener David Cromar, weaver, Master of Hospital Trades Hammermen Wrights & Coopers Weavers Taylors Shoemakers Bakers & Brewers Flefhers Deacons. James Arthur William Mackie William Walker John Innes Alexander Clatk Adam Stables James Nicol Boxmastcrs . James Pirie John Laiug William Swanson William Smith James Connon John Irvine James Smith James Nicol, advocate, Clerk and Consultor . Grammar School-— Ad. Mitchell I Parochial School— John Cowie John Wilson, assistant | A. Stewart, assistant Adam Mitchell. Session Clerk BISHOrS HOSPITAL— 1551. Founded by Bp. Dunbar, for the maintenance of 12 poor men, where they might say prayers and count their beads without mo¬ lestation. 21 men receive support from this charity. 1 he affairs of the Hospital were formerly managed by the Bishop, Dean, and Chapter, during the days of Popery and Episcopacy; but,upon the establishment of the Presbyterian form ot worship, the Prin¬ cipal, and Sub-Principal of King’s College, along with the first Minister of Old Machar, got the patronage and cure of the Bead House.—James Nicol, advocate, Factor. MERCHANT SOCIETY (1G80)—Gilb. M‘Donald, President James Harvey, Treas-—James Nicol, Clerk The members are all Merchant Burgefles of Old Aberdeen. 286 MITCHELL’S HOSPITAL—(1801.) For lodging, cloathing, and maintaining five widows, and five unmarried daughters of BurgefTes of Old Aberdeen. The Prin¬ cipal, Sub-Principal, and ProfefTor of Divinity, of King’s College ; the Provoft, eldeft Baillie, two Minifters, and Convener of the Trades, all forthetime being— Gov. Sc Trustees. James Nicol, advocate, Factor. PUBLIC DISPENSARY—(1826) For the North District of the Parish of Old Mcicliar • Dr Alex. Ewing, Consulting Physician. Mr Francis Irvine, Surgeon, Medical Attendant. Robert Ross, Sec- Cf Treas. Attendance from 9 to io a.m . daily.—Vaccination on Thursdays KINTORE. Charles Bannerman of Kirkhill, Provost. George Mackie, and John Frafer, Efqrs. Baillies. Robert Mollifon, Dean of Guild—George Fraser, Treasurer. James Blaikie, advocate, Town Clerk. Counsellors lHugh Gordon 1 Patrick Bannerman Hon. William Keith James A Sandilands Patrick Blaikie Major Alex Dunbar (George Smith (George Bannerman 1NVERURT. William Robinson, Efq. Provost. George Lyon, Peter Wynefs, and Alex. Monro, Efqrs. Baillies . Jofeph Smith, Dean of Guild—George Roger, Treafuier. George Yeats, advocate, Town Clerk. G. G. Robinfon, James Simpson, G. R. Forbes, Counsellors Robert Dyce, advocate, Chamberlain. Mrs Lundie, pofimiflress J. Stephen, officer Established Church, R. Lefsel Rob. M'Combie, schoolmaster Mifs Anderfon, fchoolmistrefs James Shireffs, billet-master George Geils, and Peter Smith, sheriff-officers 1. Tuesday, ad Jan. 2 . Tucs. 16 th Jan. 3 . Tnes. 30 th Jan. 4. Tues. 13 th Feb. 5 . Tucs. 27 th Feb. 6 . Tues. 13 th March 7 . Tues. 20 th March Markets at Inverury in 1827 . 8 . Tues. loth April 9 . Wed. 2 d May 10 . Wed. 23 d May 11 . Mon. nth June 12 . Tues. 19 th July I 19 , 13 . Thurs. 26 th July' 20 , 14 . Thurs.i 6 th Aug.) 15 - 16 . 17- 18 . Tues. 13 th Sept, Tues. 16 th Oct. Wed. 14 th Nov. Tues. 20 th Nov. Tues. 4 th Dec. Tucs. TSth Dec. 287 OLDMELDRUM . , Baron-Baillie. , town clerk [John M c Pherson, writer, notary Mrs Duncan, poftmiftress | public, and messenger-at-arms : Cha. Auld, diftributor of ftamps John Davidson, sheriff-officer Geo. Cooper, fchoolmafter andjjohn Sangster, Win Tough, and feffion clerk.^ I Robert Strath, constables 55 = Oldmeldrum Fortnight Markets commenced Dec. 1826 , and hold every alternate Monday, during the months cf Jan. Feb. March, A pril, & May, for Cattle. Horses, Sheep, and Grain. H U N T L T. George Gordon, Esq. of Bucharn, Baron-Baillie, A. Stewart, jun., Clerk.—Alex. Stewart, fen. Proc. Fifcal. A.Stewart,jn. justice of peace elk Jas Gordon, and Robert Adam, Court days, 1 st Monday of every! sheriff-officers, &c. month, at ii o’clock a.m. :Charles Harvey, billetmaster A Stewart, jn. elk oflieutenancy'Bible Society,—Rev. John Ro- A. Stewart, jun. and G. Brown,! bertfon, treafurer; Rev. John notaries public | Hill, secretary A Stewart, jun., postmaster, and,Evangelical Library.—Rev. Jas. sub-distiibutor of stamps | Adfillar, president Charles Macdonald, agt. for thejEstabiished Church—J. Walker Scotch Episcopal?.—J. Walker Un. Associate Synod—J. Millar Congregational Union —J. Hill Rom. Catholic-M l Lauchlan W Hay, schoolmr. & session elk A. Smith, teacherofEnglish,&c. MissMackay, music,French,&c. Misses Skinner,English&sewing Mbs M < William, Miss Ross, Miss M‘Pheison, Misses Scott, Miss Craig, Miss Dawson, Mifs Grassie, and Miss Philip, man- tuamakers, See. MissesForbes,MissStewart,Miss Scott,straw bonnet makers, &c. Aberdeen Banking Co. and for the Insurance Co. of Scotland Walter Davidson, agt. for the Annuity Loan Office—Do.the Philanthrophic Annuity Inst, and Beacon Fire Insui. Co. CBrown,agt. forN.B.Fire-Office G. Brown, agt. for the Aberdeen Fire & Life Assurance Co. J Christie, J Stewart, DMacolI, medical practitioners A. Ure, supervisor of Excise DMunro,ALeyshon,-Ker, offic. Geo Maitland and Robt Adam, messengers-at-arms The North Mail arrives at 8 a.m • and the South at 5 , evening. The South mails made up at 7 a.m. —the North, at past 4 , p.m. The Duke of Gordon Coach, from Aberdeen, every lawful day, at £ past it, a m .—The Star, from do. at \ past 1 , fi 7 * 288 KEITH.—Mex. Wilson, Esq. Baron-Baillie, John Gatherer and Alex Cowie surveyors of taxes Alexander Cowie, postmaster G Brander, vender of (lamps Robert Gordon, bilietmaster John Gatherer, James Roy,. Jas Gatherer, R Green, notaries J.Gathercr, A. Co wie,J. Gatherer, R. Green, procurators before the sheriff court at Banff John Findlay, and GeoMerson, messengers-at-arm3 A. Laurence, Ro. Urquhart, A. Bremner, medical practitioners James DufF, teacher of Dancing Established Church—J Thomson John Low, parochial fchool English,&c.-G Scott, G Stewart Latin,Geog.&c -Rev.JMurdoch Aberdeen Bank—J. Taylor, agt Aberdeen Town & County Bank, Alex Thutburn, agent National Bank of Scotland—T. Johnston, jun. agent FOCHABERS.— James Thomson, Efq. Baron-Baillie. Alex Marquis, clerk ,A Gray &Co. venders of stamps James Scott, fiscal Jehn Robertson, bilietmaster Wm Sievwrieht, conflable James Milne, schoolmafler Wm Laing, and Henry Ruston,! James Leflie, church mufic medical praftitioners 1 Young Ladies Boarding School, George Marquis, potlmaffer \ Mifs Rofs MORAYSHIRE LISTS. Baillus• ELGIN . Alexander Innks, Esq. Provost. James Petrie, Esq. I Harry Milne, E Counsellors John Forbes ) Robert Tindal, treasurer WmStrachan, dean of guild Thos Kin near, procurator fiscal James Tindal, town clerk James Cormack, billetmaster George Law, shoremaster W Bowman, A Caird, officers J. Beattie, keeper of the county weights and meafures SCHOOLS. Parochial School of Fetteresso—John Silver Parochial School of Dunnottar—Al. Dawson ; R. Sim, assist. Private Schools—C. Michie, W. Melvil, John Loncmuir, Alex Mackenzie, and John Hastings James Duff, Teacher of Dancing. SHERIFF COURT. George Douglafs, Efq; Sheriff-depute. John Innes, Efq. and George Watson, Esq. Sheriff-subrtitutes. Wm Stewart, sheriff-clerk.—John Low, procurator-fifcal John Low Charles Monro Peter Chriftian Thos Kinnear 310 Procurators , John Brand James Tindal Alex Smart Jo. Humphrey P. Laing David Dickson Dav. Hutcheon John Murray Alex. Dawson C 1 For the Poor Peter Laing ii Justice of Peace Court. John Low, clerk.—Cha. Monro, procurator fifcal. HARBOUR TRUSTEES. The Superior of the Burgh Magistrates & Town Council Memb.of Parliament forCounty The Sheriffs of the County The Convener of the County Alexander Low f . Wm Donaldson i ^gh Wm Gregory Thomas Kinnear, Treasurer. —James Tindal, Clerk . PUBLIC OFFICES, AGENTS, &c. James Tindal, clerk of supply Charles Scott, collector of taxes John Brand, deputy Thomas Kinnear, surveyor Post-Office —William Stewart, poflmafler. G. Guthrie, clerk Robt. Burnett, coaftwaiter, and colle£tor of light duty John Reid, officer of Excise Turnpike Roads. From Stonehaven to Upper N. Water Bridge—Sir Alexander Ramsay, treasurer From Stonehaven to Bervie— Dr Young, treasurer From Bervie to Lower North Districts . Stonehaven—C. Monro, clerk Lower and Upper Decside— P. Christian, cleik Laurencek'rk—J, Brand, clerk St Cyrus-'-J. Leighton, clerk i Mary kirk Bridge—John Brand, , clerk and treasurer i Bank Agents. 1 Bank of Scotland—Wm Stewart '\ Robert Trotter, accountant Aberdeen Town & County Bank >v. Jas. Burness. N. Milne, clerk i Insurance Agents. Eagle—John Beattie Hercules—Peter Chriftian Water Bridge—James Scott of Brotherton, treasurer Peter Christian, general clerk Commutation Roads. Peter Christian, general clerk Phoenix—Thomas Kinnear Noith Britilh—Charles Monro '4 Caledonian—James Tindal Insur. Co. of Scotland—J. Brand \ * Aberdeen Fire In.—Jas Burness ti - rOtf MESSENGERS-AT-ARMS, and SHERIFF OFFICERS. {> Stonehaven—John Scorgie, Geo Jack, and Rich. Geater, mes¬ sengers-at-arms Do.—W. Cruickshank,T. Geater, e of Commons,) is declared to be the original and genuine Standard Imperial Pound Troy, and the unit , or only standard measure of weight from which all other weights shall be derived, being equid to the weight of 22 8157 standard cubic inches of distilled D cl 314 water, at the temperature of 62° of Fahrenheit. The subdivi¬ sions of the lb. Troy are the same, and it is used for the sale of the same articles as formerly. Averdupois Weight. The Imperial Pound Averdupois is declared to contain 7000 standard Troy grains, being equal to the weight of 72.72738 cubic inches of distilled water, at the temperature of 62° of Fahrenheii. This weight is also subdivided as formerly, and used for the sale of the same articles, together with those for¬ merly sold by Dutch weight, now laid aside. Liquid and Dry Measure. The standard measure of capacity, as well for liquids as for dry goodsnotsold by heap measure, is to be the Imperial Gallon, containing ten lbs. averdupois of distilled water, at the temperature of 62° of Fah. the barometer being at 30 inches, and is to be the unit and only standard measure of capacity from which all mea¬ sures of capacity shall be derived, as well for Wine, Beer, Ale, Spirits, and all other Liquors, as for dry goods not sold by heap measure. These measures are subdivided as formerly, and used for the sale of the same articles. It is declared, that the mouths of the standard heaped measures shall be— The Imperial Bushel, 19§ Inches, from outside to outside. Half Bushel, - 15* do. do. Peek, - - 12| do. do. Half Peck, - 9* do. do. Quarter Peck, - 7| do. do. Half-Quarter do. do. do. Note. Five Imperial Gallons are equal to 6 43^3 Old Gallons:— hence the following multipliers will convert the measures into each other: Wine Gallon Ale Gallon Bushel - New into Old. 1.20032 0.98324 1.03153 Old into New. 0.83311 1.01704 0.96943* * Old Winchester Bushel. 315 THE FOLLOWING TABLE Represents the Contents of THE WHEAT AND BARLEY FIRLOTS OF SCOTLAND, IN IMPERIAL GALLONS. Aberdeen Wheat. 9.696 Burley. 12.679 Argyle ■ Tnverary . _ 9.212 12.400 Campbelton - - — 14.879 Ayr - - - 7.755 15.511 Banff - - . 8.353 12.151 Berwick - - - 12.120 12.120 Buie - - - 10.380 15.570 Caithness - - - — 12.283 Dumbarton - - - 9.243 12.323 Dumfries — «» - - 23.774 31.022 Fdinburgl - - 7.925 11.561 Elgin - - - 8.461 12.169 Fife - - - 8.204 11.934 r Forfar - - - 8.204 11.934 \ \ Montrose - - 8 204 12.120 Forfar •< ( Arbroath - - 8 461 11.654 l / Dundee - 8.018 11.747 l ^ Brechin - - 8.018 12.120 Haddington - - 8.158 11.910 Inverness - - 9.l)?0 12.692 Kincardine . - 8.9. r 0 12.307 Kinross - - - 8.134 11.910 Eirkt udbright - - 12.870 21.328 Lanark < , Lower Ward, Glasgow, &c. 8.346 12.044 > Upper Ward, Lanark, &c. 7.925 11.934 Linlithgow 7.925 11.561 Nairn . 9.(66 12 888 Peebles 8.491 12.076 Perth . 8.1tl 12.042 Renfrew . 8.671 12.283 Ross and Cromarty 8.950 11.934 Roxburgh 8.204 12.307 Selkirk . 8.228 11.654 Stirling and Clackmannan - 8.577 12.400 Sutherland 9.323 12.692 Wigon - 15.511 23.267 J A TABLE For reducing the English Wine Gallon of 231 cubic inches, to the new Imperial Gallon and Parts. Wine. Imper. Wine. Imper. Wine. Imper. Wine. Imper. ‘a O Gall 100 Parts. Gall. 1 Gall, 1 100 ; Parts. Gall. Gall, 100 Parts. Gall. 1 0.83 41 34.16 81 67.48 121 100.81 2 1.87 42 34.99 82 68.31 122 101.64 3 2.50 43 35.82 83 69.15 123 102.47 4 3.33 44 36.66 84 69.98 124 103.30 5 4.18 45 37-49 85 70.81 125 104.14 6 5.00 48 38.32 86 71.65 126 104.97 7 5.83 47 39.10 87 72.48 127 105.80 a <5.66 48 39.99 88 73.31 128 106.64 9 7-50 49 40.82 89 74.15 129 107.47 10 8.33 50 41.85 90 74.98 130 108.30 11 9.'18 51 42.49 91 75.81 131 109.14 12 1000 52 43.32 92 76.65 132 109.97 13 10.63 53 44.15 93 77.48 133 110.80 14 11.66 54 44.99 94 78.31 134 111.04 15 12.50 55 45.82 95 79.14 135 112.47 16 13.33 58 48.65 96 79.98 136 113.30 17 14.18 57 47.49 97 80.81 137 114.14 18 14.93 58 48.32 98 81.64 138 114.97 19 15.8$ 59 49.15 99 82.48 139 115.80 20 10.88 80 49.99 100 . 83.31 140 110.63 21 17.49 81 50.82 101 84.14 141 117.47 22 18.33 62 51.65 102 84.98 142 118.30 23 19.16 83 52.48 103 85.81 143 119.13 24 19.99 64 ! 53.32 104 66.64 144 119.97 25 20.83 85 | 54.15 105 87.48 145 120.80 28 21.68 68 i 54.98 106 88.31 146 121.63 27 22.49 67 1 55.82 107 89.14 147 122.47 28 23.33 68 i 56.65 108 89.97 148 123.30 29 24.18 69 57-43 109 90.81 149 .124.13 30 24.99 70 ; 58.32 110 91.64 159 124.97 31 25.83 71 59.15 111 92.47 160 *33.80 32 28.88 72 59.98 112 93.31 170 111.63 33 27.49 73 80.82 113 94.14 180 149.94 34 28.32 74 61.65 114 94.97 190 158.29 35 29.18 75 62.48 115 95.81 200 166-62 38 29.99 78 : 63.32 116 96.64 400 333.24 37 30.82 77 84.15 117 97.47 600 499.87 38 31.88 78 64.98 118 98.31 1 800 668.49 39 32.49 7!) 65.81 119 99.14 (1000 833.11 40 33.32 80 66.65 120 99.97 12000 1660.22 CARRIERS TO AND FROM ABERDEEN. From whence Carriers Names IVbe re lodged. 1 Ar. Deft. Abergeldie D Thomson Ross’s, Belmontft. IWed Thu Aberlour James Macrae Badenoch’s, Gallowg Wed Thu Aboyne Alex Watt Middleton’s. Hariot-S 'T hu Frid Alford Alex Lawson Ross’s, Be!mont-str Frid Sat Ditto J Mitchell Ditto Ditto Frid Sat Ditto Wm Reid Adam’s, Backwynd Frid Sat Ditto John Wilson Hosea’s, Harriot-str Frid Sat Allathan Wm Johnfton Mackay’s, Gallowg Thu Frid Auchlnnies A Sandiefon Burnett’s, Nicholas-ftr Frid Fiid Auchterless A Morrifon Simpson’s,Northstreet Wed Thu Ditto Wm Davidson Mackay’s, Gallowg i Wed Thu Ditto WmSandieson Ditto Ditto j Frid Tues Auchmacoy Alex Walker Burnett’s, Nicholas-str Thu Thu Banchory RobtDavidson Burnttt’s, Nicholas-st Thu Frid Ditto Alex Duncan Esson’s, Green Thu Frid Ditto John Blacklaw Ditto Ditto Thu Frid Banchory Ter Peter Riddel Adam’s, Backwynd twice a-wk Banff, Cullen, Portsoy, &c. Meldrum, Gerard-ft twice a-wk Banff Joseph Burns Moir’s, North street Tues Wed Bervie Wm Walker Burnett’s. Nicholas-st Thu Frid Birse Charles Ross Cruickshank, Schoolh Thu Frid Ditto John Birse Ditto Ditto Wed Thu Braemar John Lamont Ross’s, Belmont-str. Wed Thu Buckie John Logie Cruickfhank’s, Gal. Wed Thu Buckie, &c. Alex Skinner Daniel’s, North-street Wed Thu Castle Forbes Alex Coutts Ross’s, Belmontstreet Thu Frid Clatt Alex Coynack Taggart’s, Gallo wgate Thu Frid Coldstone J Farquharson Milne’s, Green Thu Frid Colliston Tho Beates Gray s, North-street Thu Frid Ditto Richard Imlay Smith’s, Northstreet Thu Frid Craigellie Jas MTntosh Badenoch’s, Gallowg. Wed Thu Crathie John Syraon Berry’s, Harriot-str Wed Thu Cruden P Jamieson Daniel’s, Northstreet Thu Frid Culfalmond W M‘Gregor Cruickshank’s, Gall. Wed Thu Cuminefton Alex Grant Ditto Ditto Wed Thu Ditto Jas Taylor Ditto Ditto Wed Thu Drumlithie James Smith Barnett’s,Nicholas-str Tues Wed Drum Wm Conny Clark’s, Harriot-str Frid Frid Dundee 1 Jas Murray Mennie’s Gallowgate Frid Sat Echt A Craighead Ross’s, Belmontstreet Thu Frid D (1 3 318 from Whence | Carriers Names Whet e lodged. Ar. De/t. Echt Hen Davidfon Middleton’s, Harriott Frid Frid Elgin [as Douglas Badenoch’s, Gallowg Wed Thu Ditto [as Durward M‘Kay’s, Gallowgate Sat Tues Elgin, &c. Wra Stephen Putachieside Vaults twice a-wk Ellon Wm Thomson Daniel’s, Northstreet twice a-wk Ditto Keith Mackie Cruickfliank’s, Gal twice a-wk FoKgyloan '[as Garnmie Mackay’s, Gallowg Tue Wed Ditto James Clark Taggart’s, Gallowgate Tuc Wed Ditto G Henderson Ditto Ditto Tues Wed Forgue Peter Horn Cruickfliank’s, Gall Wed Thu Ditto Wm Webster Taggart’s, Gallowgate rhu Frid Frafer burgh Alex Burnett Esson’s, Green Wed Thu Fyvie [ames Taylor Mackay’s, Gallowgate Wed Thu Glafgow L &W Ait ken Putachieside Vaults Frid Sat Glenbucket Ch Anderson Strachan’s, Harriot-st Thu Frid Glenkindy Alex Walker Ross’s, Belmontflr Tues Wed Ditto WmM‘Robert Clark’s, Harriot-str Wed Thu Grange Alex Taylor Cruickfhank’s, Gal. Tues Wed Ditto George Huie Ditto Ditto Tues Wed Hunt I y Al Alexander Taggart’s, Gallowgate Tues Wed Ditto W M* Donald Ditto Ditto Wed Thu Ditto J McIntyre Mennie’s, Gallowgate Wed Thu Ditto Wm Pome Badenoch’s, Gallowg Wed Thu Ditto Wm Reid Mennie’s, Gallowg. Wed Thu Infch Chas Riddel Taggart’s, Gallowgate Thu Frid Inverury Jas Thomson Cruickshank’?,Gallow twice a-wk Ditto E Maitland Daniel’s, North-street Frid Sat Johnshaven Lewis Findlay Silver’s, Gcorge-street Thu Frid Keig John Brown Smith’s, Woolmanhill Frid Sat Keith John Gray Mennies, Gallowgate Tues Wed Ditto WilliamFraser • Ditto Ditto Tues Thu Ditto John Henry Cruickfliank’s, Gal Tues Wed 'Kemnay ja Mitchell Clark’s, Harriotftreet Tues Frid Kincar.O’Neil Alex Ross Cruickshank, SchoolhlTues Wed Ditto John Brown Middleton’s, Harriotsl t Thu Frid Ditto John Fraser Cruickshank, Schoolb i Thu Frid Kildrummie J Livingston Berry’s, Harriot str Wed Thu Kinmundy James Rettie McKay’s, Gallowgatt ‘ Thu Thu Kintore Thomas Reid |Taggart’$;,GaiIowgatt ; Frid Frid Kinethmont Alex Howie 1 Daniel’s, North-stree t Thu HThu 519 From Whence. Carriers Names Where lodged. Ar. Deft. Leith hall Wm Anderson Taggart’s.Gallowgate fhu Thu Littlefolla Wm Wight Badenoch’s, Gallowg Tues Tues Lochell John Bruce Clatk’s, Harriot-st. Frid Frid Ditto James Fyfe Berry’s, Harriot-st. Thu Frid Longside John Smith Ditto Ditto Thu Thu Lon may Wm Willox Mennie’s, Gailowgate Wed Thu Metlilick Tho Annand Jaffray’s, North-street Thu Frid D:tto Peter Rolhnie Smith’s, North-street I'hu Frid Ditto John Donald Clark’s, North-street Thu Frid Ditto Geo. Annand Simpson’s, North-str rhu Thu Montrofe John Smart Silver’s, George-street Frid Frid Ditto Alex Watt Ditto Ditto Tues Tues Monymufk Charles Caie Badenoch’s, Gallowg Frid Sat Ditto Peter Watt Silver’s, George-str Tues Wed Mortlach J Williamfon Mackay’s, Gallow Tues Wed Ditto Alexr Grant Ditto Ditto Tues Wed Newburgh Wm Stirling Clark’s, North-street thrice a-wk Newbyth Alexr Smith Taggart’s, Gailowgate Wed rhu New Deer James Scott Smith’s, North-street Wed Thu Ditto John Hendry Badenoch’s, Gallowg Wed Frid Ditto John Taylor Daniel’s, Northst Wed Tim New Pitsligo Wm Jameson Taggart’s, Gailowgate Wed Thu Old Deer GCruickshank Ditto Ditto Thu Frid Ditto Jas Catto Taggart’s, Gailowgate Wed Thu Oldmeldrum Alex Milne Jaffray's, Northflreet Wed Thu Ditto James Smith Burnett’s, Nicholas-ft twice a-wk Peterhead&Fr Ad. Hay & Co Meal market-lane twice a-wk Ditto Al Warrender Esson’s, Green Wed Thu Rhynie James Symon Silver’s, George-st. rhu Frid Ditto Jas M‘Kenzie Ditto Ditto Thu Frid Rothes J&J M‘ Intosh Taggart's, Gailowgate Tues Wed St. Fergus Wm Piott Ditto Ditto Wed Thu Schivas John Taylor Simpson’s. Northstieet Wed Tint Ditto James Gray Petrie’s, North st Thu Frid Skene Alex Mennie Strachan’s, Harriot-st Frid Frid Stewart field Wm Connon Mennie’*, Gailowgate Thu Thu Stonehaven Cha Chapman Burnett’s, Nicholas-Hr twice a-wk Do, Brech.&e. D Troup Ditto Ditto Tues Wed Do. Laur. &c. Al Mathieson Silver’s, George-street twice a-wk Ditto John Walker Milne’s, Green Thu Thu 320 From Whence . Carriers Name Where Lodged. Ar. Hep. Strachan Wm Kmslie Strachan’s, Harriot-st. Thu FritT Strathdon George Reid Clark’s, Ditto Thu Frid Ditto James Keir Berry's, Ditto Thu Frid Ditto Chas Forhes Clark’s, Ditto Thu Frid Ditto Wm Ross Hosea’s, Ditto Thu Frid Strichen Wm Ranken M‘Kay’s, Gallowg We d Thu Tarland Wm Smith Reid’s, Harriot-street Thu Frid Ditto Jas Thomson Ditto Ditto Thu Frid Ditto Eliz. Hunter Milne’s Green Thu Frid Tarves Ja Robertlon Simpson’s, Northstr Thu Frid Ditto ;- Duguid Jaffray’s, Ditto Thu Frid Towie Dan Giassick Smith’s, Woolmanhill Thu Frid Ditto Wm M‘Robert Clark’s, Harriot-st. Wed Thu Ditto Adam Gordon Reid’s, Ditto Wed Thu Tullich Alexr Forbes Ross's, Belmont-st Wed Thu Turriff Geo Chalmers Cruickshank’s, Gall. Wed fhu Ditto A Cruickshank Mennie’s, Gallowgate twice a-wk Udny James Mutch Clark’s, North-street Thu Frid Warthill - Innes Esson’s, Green iThu Thu WEATHER GLASS , or BAROMETER. The great ufe of this inftrument is to predict the future ftate of the Weather for feveral hours, and fometimes days, preceding the change. In order to do this, obfet ve, j. The Mercury riling prefagcs fair weather ; its falling, wet. 2 . In very hot weather, its falling ufually fortells thunder. 3 . In winter, its riling portends frofl—a continued fioft, fnow 4 . When foul weather happens foon after its falling, expedt but little of it ; and foon the contrary of weather. 5 . When the Mercury continues to rife before the foul wea- ather is over, expedl a continuance of fair weather to follow. 6 . In fair weather, when it continues to fall before rains come, then expeft a great deal of it, and probably high winds. 7 . An unfettled motion denotes changeable weather. 8 . In any kind of weather, a fudden fall portends wind R UTIIRIES TON TRYSTS. Third Tuesday in January, N.S. Third Tuesday in February, do. Third Tuesday in March, do. Third Tuesday in April, do. Third Tuesday in Sepf. N. S. Third Tuesday in Oct. do. Third Tuesday in Nov. do. Third Tuesday in Dec. do. im y iM fd Oil h Ole C® D* ' fid Eid lall Gw fei Gil! h Bid T U s iaij 16 Hi k 521 INDEX TO THE ABERDEEN ALMANACK. ENGLISH LISTS. Army Lift Admirals in Admiralty Office 191 Archbilhops and Bifhops 91 Board of Trade, &c. 190 Bank of England 194 Cabinet Ministers 181 Chellea Hofpital 178 Cuftoms 192 Court of Chancery 191 Kind’s Bench 192 Common Pleas 192 Exchequer 192 Caledonian Asylum 194 Commis. of Stamp Duties 192 Duke of York’s Houfli. &c. 183 i20iKnights of the Thiftle Exchequer, Receipt of 190 Excife 193 Eaft India Company • 105 Governors of Garrisons 122 General Officers 12.5 Greenwich Hofpital 178 Heralds College 191 Houfe of Peers 85 officers of 99 Houfe of Commons 92 officers of 99 Highland Society 194 India Commiffioners 105 King’s Houfhold 182 Knights of the Garter t86 Bath 187 186 Lancafter, Duchy Court 192 Mint 191 Marines 117 Miniflers, Confuls, &c. 184 Navy Captains 112 Navy and Pay Office, &c. 193 Navy Pay 119 Navy Rates and Men 119 Ordnance Office 191 Pensions 180 Princes of Europe 80 Poll: Office 191 Privy Council 183 Privy Seal 190 Peereffes 9T Peers for Scotland 209 Rank of Officers 104 Royal Artillery 172 Royal Engineers 175 Regimental Pay 179 Royal Navy 109 Rates of the Navy 1*9 Royal Family 80 Royal Military College,&c. 178 Scottish Corporation Staff Officers Ships in commiffion Secretaries of State Treasury War Office Whitehall Council Office SCOTS LISTS. AfTefied Taxes 21 Advocates 221 Advocates’ First Clerks 228 Antiquarian Society 231 Barracks 122 Baronets 211 Do. connected with Scotl. Banking Companies Burgher Synod, &c. Burgh, &c. Schoolmasters Chapel Royal College of Physicians 194 120 109 190 190 191 186 213 233 7* 234 21 5 231 322 Commit of Light Houses 217 Court of Admiralty of Seffion of Tiends of Judiciary of Exchequer of Chancery Cudoms Chamber of Commerce Convention of Burghs Clergy of Scotland Chapels of Ease Churches Abroad Constitutional Assoc. Presb. Congregational Churches Episcopal Chapels Excife General AfTembly Grand Lodge Gaelic Schools Highland Society Heralds & Lyon Office Jury Court Keepers of Palaces Keepers of Regalia of Scotl. 215 King’s Houfehold, &c. 214 Lords Lieuts & SherifFDep 234 Legacy Duty 2,7 Members of Parliament 97 Magiftrates of Edin. 220 218 219 219 220 216 216 230 230 37 62 64 76 75 216 79 231 232 231 230 219 215 Militia, 176—Mint Missionaries Officers of State & Crown Population Table Peers of Scotland Peeresses 206, 208 Particular Registers of Sas. 242 216 64 215 36 196 Pod Office Royal Society Relief Synod Reformed Presb. Synod Sabbath School Union Staff of North Britain Solicitors Do. before Commis. Court Scotch Epifcopal Church Ditto Friendly Society Society for Christian Know. 232 Soc. of Dissenting Ministers 232 Stamp Office 217 Stamps, table of 24 Societyfor Sonsof the Clergy 79 217 231 72 65 231 121 227 229 74 75 Archbifhops and Bifhops Conimillioners of Excife of Cuftoms Governors Knights of St Patrick Members of Parliament Tide Table Trudees for Fiffieries Do for Manufactures Univeriities United Associate Synod Widows’ Fund Window Tax Office 230 j Writers to the Signet IRISH LISTS 15 231 230 77 66 79 217 224 i04jOfficers of State, &c. i95|Peers 195 Peeredes 122 Peers in Parliament i87|Scaff Officers 98I 195 ICO 104 304 121 Aberdeenffiire Canal Advocates Athenaeum Agricultural Association ABERDEEN LISTS. 249 240 252 284 Auctioneers 254 Anti-Slavery Society 257 Banking Companies 246, 247 Bridewell Commiflioncrs 249 Bible Societies 254, Board of Taxers Churches and Clergy Cufloms Church Seffion Church Patronage Society Com miliary Court Court-house & Jail Commiss, County Club Children of the Clergy Corporations Clothing Society Carriers Coal Fund Dean of Guild Court Deaf and Dumb Society Diftrict Clerks Difpenfaries Eciipfes 1827 Excife Exchange News Rooms Education Society Fiars of Aberdeenshire Fairs in Scotland 16 Freeholders Gas Light Company Gordon’s Hofpital Golf Club Gr. Sab. Even. School Soc Guildry Company Harbour Truflees Horticultural Society Holidays at the Banks Hibernian Association Humane Society Infirmary Infurance Offices Insurance Company Insurance Brokers Juftices of the Peace Jullice of Peace Court Lieutenancy 323 256 239 337 245 263 257 241 249 278 257 236 257 317 262 239 058 242 261 2 245 252 259 235 '» 320 271 253 258 *54 259 244 244 253 248 256 262 260 * 5 1 2SC Lunatic Hofpital Magitlrates & Council Missionary Societies Methodist Preachers Medical Society Moveable Feafts 261 236 255 73 248 2 Mail & Stage Coaches 264, 265 MelTengers at Arms Mechanics Institution New Club New Imperial Standard £ Weights & Measures } Pauper Lunatic Fund Poor’s Hofpital Public Libraries Public Officers Port Office 243 253 283 313 261 263 252 242 29 Post Towns and Postmasters 30 Police Commiffioner Rates of Pilotage Rates of Postage Religious Tract Society Reading Society Sheriff Court Sheriff Officers Small Debt Court Societies Society for the Highland Society for the Jews Schools Sick Man’s Friend Savings’Bank 248 Seamen’s Fund 269 Seamen’s Friend Society 255 Session Clerk’s Office 263 Shipping Companies 266, 267 Turriff Courfrng Club 284 United Service Club 282 249 | United County Meeting 280 274 Vaccine Inflitution 262 241 Whale Fishery 268 27o|Weather Glass 320 245 269 34 259 253 241 243 241 264 256 256 237 » 239 264 324 OI.D ABERDEEN. Magiftrates and Corporal. Bishop’s Hospital Peterhead Fraferbiirgh Oldmeldrum Magi ft rates of Elgin Incorporations Clergy and Schools Sheriff and other Courts Guildry Fund Excife, Public Officers Insurance Offices Horticultural Society Medical Practitioners, &c Savings Bank aS.sl Public Dispensary 3o8iKintt*re 307 jloverury, 286 —Markets 287lHuntly MORAYSHIRE. a 88 Bible Society a 88 Missionary Society 289 Education Society 289 Literary Society 289 Gray’s Hospital, &c. 290 Farmer Club 290 Coursing Club 290 Lieutenancy 290 Freeholdets 291 Juftices of Peace 292 Fiarg BANFFSHIRE. Magiftrates of Banff 2 9 6 Corporations & Schools 297 Sheriff Court a 97 Sheriff Officers Commiss. and other Courts 290 Guild Court Notaries Public Public Officers Cuftoms and Excife Port Office Harbour Trust Medical Practitioners District Clerks Bank, & Fire lnfur. Agents 300 Banff & London Shipp. Co. 300 Saving Bank Cassy's Bequest Wilson's Bounty Literary Society Archery and Golf Club Societies Population Suppression of Begging Lieutenancy & Freeholders Justices of Peace Inns, Taverns, &c. London and Leith Traders Fiars, 305— Fairs Fanner Club Macduff Portsoy Cullen 30i|Keith 301 'Fochabers 298 298 299 299 299 299 300 300 286 286 286 286 287 291 291 291 292 292 2-94 292 293 293 294 292 301 302 302 304 296 301 302 303 305 300 KINCARDINESHIRE. 309 Roads Lieutenancy Freeholders Stonehaven Schools 3°9 Sheriff Court, &c; 3°9 public Offices, Agents, &c. 310 Harbour Trustees 3 10 Sheriff Officers, &c. 3*° Fiars Bervie Laurencekirk 305 306 305 296 296 288 288 310 3 * 1 3 I2r 312 313