1' v <•«» >4» wmm i 1 McGILL UNiVtRC CRCHIVFS Acc. m.l^lf^ REF. COPYRIGHT. CANADA, 1926, BY McGILL UNIVERSITY. MONTREAL, QUE UTHOOMAPHCO IN CANADA lyFGILL HONOUR ROLL 1914 . 1918 Published by >1<^GILL UNIVERSITY in honour of those ^Nho served in the Great y^occ MCGILL HONOUR ROLL % Page 1. THE DEAD (a) With Photographs ' - 15 (b) Photographs Unobtainable 96 2. OTHERS WHO SERVED " - - 99 3. SUMMARY - - - 228 6 DEDICATION DEDICATED T^O the brave sons of McGill who, volun- tarily and unselfishly setting aside their hopes and ambitions, the comforts of home and the companionship of friends, on the fields of Flanders and of France, and elsewhere on sea and land, fought in the cause of the Allies in the Great War with courage, devotion and honour; AND IN PROUD AND TENDER MEMORY OF those who finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty, lighting up the War's dark page by their ungrudging service, glorious heroism and perfect sacrifice, to the end that we who remain and those who follow might live in freedom, contentment and peace. Their names will be held in everlasting remembrance. 7 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL HEN the founder of our University conceived the idea which has ever since been the inspiration of his suc- cessors, which has found its realization in our gray- stone walls, our class-rooms, our laboratories and which lives yet in the spirit of our polity, he envisaged, we may be sure, an institution which should serve not only the individual student but also the land we love. Whether his dreams ever fashioned the McGill of to-day, whether he foresaw how great a nation in how mighty an Empire the country he was benefiting would become, we may not know, yet we cannot but think that if the departed know of the happenings upon earth, he must have looked with pride upon the service of the University he founded and that of her sons, from the day when they heard the call to arms in 1914 until the bugles blew for the Armistice. The University, we believe, does its duty to the state by instilling into all who enter its gates the highest ideals of citizenship, by providing for its professional students the best possible training, and last, and most important of all, by schooling young men for leadership. The actual number of McGill men who wore their country's uniform in the Great War, is evidence enough that inspiration to public service was not lacking in the University which fostered them, but the salient fact in the history of our war effort is that so high a proportion were able to assume responsi- bility and quit themselves like men. They filled the services which required high professional training, such as the Army Medical Corps and the Engineers, they implemented those whose technique called especially for men who had been taught how to learn, such as the Artillery and Machine Gun Corps, but their greatest achievement as a group was their acceptance and performance of the work of leaders. Out of three thousand and fifty-nine McGill men who served, one thousand seven hundred and forty-three were granted commissions, a very high number when it is considered that the Canadian officers who left England for various fields of battle niunbered in all but twenty-three thousand. Of the remainder many became non- commissioned officers, members of those grades whose pride it was that they were the backbone of tlie army, upon which falls directly the burden of maintaining discipline and upholding morale, and there is little doubt that in due course, had the war continued, all, or almost all, the sons of McGill would have been called upon to undertake the duties of leading and of training others. We set down these things not in any spirit of boastfulness, but with heartfelt thanks that McGill men were FOREWORD able to do their duty so conspicuously well, and that their Alma Mater can rightly claim some share of the credit for their achievement. This book has been prepared in honour of all who served, who gave so much of their lives in a cause which seemed to them so righteous that they never debated its justice. Canada was threatened, the Empire was threatened, these were reasons enough when the call came, and without hesitation, without reserve, they gathered to the standards of their race. For the great conflict Canada mustered a force which, while it exceeded in size the utmost expectation of her own people, took also a share which far surpassed our highest hopes and played a part, the importance of which could never have been foreseen. The achievements of Canadian troops were due not only to courage but to the training, the skill and the intelligence which organized and led, and the Universities of Canada contributed in no small way to that training, that skill and that intelligence. Surely here is a debt not lightly to be forgotten. More even than it is an honour to the living, however, this book is a tribute to the dead, to those whose splendid souls, released in the flame of battle or in the cool hospital ward, have winged onward to a glory past all knowledge. A TRIBUTE is all that we can offer them, for they have builded themselves a monu- ment more enduring than any that the hand of man could raise. Their names stand in letters of gold on that great viewless roll whereon are graven too the names of Gideon and of David, of the warriors of Marathon and Thermopylae, of Grenville, of Nelson, of Lincoln, of the mighty Saviour of Men himself, of all who have died for justice, for liberty and for righteousness. In that glorious company they have won for themselves a place. May we that remain behind prove worthy of having been their comrades. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL GILL AND THE WAR and generous education, share in this respect. T is practically certain that no class of Canadian citizens responded more readily, or in greater numbers, to the call of duty during the four eventful years (1914-18), when the greatest war in the history of the world called for the sternest service which man can render, than did the eligible graduates and undergraduates of our higher seats of learning. Whilst it may be said that there were special reasons for this result, it is nevertheless safe to conclude that the main cause was the high and compelling sense of duty which is developed by a broad Those connected with McGill University did their full The McGill Officers' Training Corps, the first of those contingents which now form the Canadian Officers' Training Corps, had been formed in the year 1912, and it was without doubt partly due to the existence of this organization that there was so little delay in commencing military activities within the University in the autumn of 1914. As soon as practicable after the outbreak of war the Graduates' Society decided to organize a provisional battalion," and a skeleton cadre was at once formed in which intensive instruction was carried on, the campus being used for drill. Thus when the term began and the undergraduates commenced to enlist, enough junior officers and non-commissioned officers to complete its establishment were available from the ranks of the graduates who had received the benefit of these two months' training. After consultation with the University and those interested, the Militia Department decided that the best policy for the time being at any rate would be to authorize the enlargement of the Officers' Training Corps and absorb into it the whole of the provisional battalion." This was forthwith carried out and the Officers' Training Corps was thus enlarged to a strength of 600 or 700, all ranks. 10 McGILL AND THE WAR Major Geddes, now Sir Auckland Geddes, its first Commander, was called away to active service shortly after the commencement of the term, but the battalion was fortunate in being able to replace him by Lt.-Col. Robert Starke, who guided its destinies throughout the war. From this unit during the next few years, there flowed a constant stream of officers and men to the fighting forces of the Empire, whilst at the same time McGill graduates, wherever they were, lost no time in ranging themselves under their country*s flag. The table at the end of the record of enlistments contained in this book shows how full and strong this stream was, but the facts may be more clearly evident if they are placed in a somewhat different form. During the first three years of the War, or up to the time that the Military Service Act came into force, there were enrolled at one time or another in the University about 1,900 male students of eighteen years of age and over. Of these fully twenty per cent were not British citizens, or if they were, they had so recently become such that they could not be blamed if they were not particularly enthusiastic in the matter of enlistment. This will leave a little more than 1,500 of a real recruiting constituency. Of this number, judging by the result of medical examinations generally, probably twenty per cent were physically unfit for regular service, leaving a possible total of 1,200. Of this number, about 850 actually enlisted. The great majority of the remaining 350 were enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine with a view to rendering service as medical men on graduation. The record of McGill graduates is not less creditable. In estimating the part played by these classes, it is necessary to remember that practically all who graduated prior to 1892 were over military age when the war broke out. The only ones who should be taken into account, therefore, are those men who obtained their degrees after that date, about 3,000 in all. If we deduct from this figure twenty per cent for physical unfitness (and this probably should be higher), and take into account the fact that the great majority had contracted domestic and business ties which could not be easily broken even for a short time, we need not wonder that the percentage of enlistments among the Alumni was not so high as it was among the undergraduates, and yet it is higher than one on first consideration would suppose when all the circumstances are taken into account, for, of the 3,000, quite fifty per cent enlisted in one branch of the service or another across the sea. The list of killed and died on service and of the distinctions won, given in the record which follows, is a striking indication of the manner in which that service was performed. In the first year of the existence of the McGill Regiment (the first year of the war), the organization of a full McGill battalion for active service was at one time put forward as a serious proposition, but wiser counsels prevailed. Had the attempt been made to carry this suggestion into effect, it is altogether likely that it would have proved a failure, as probably the majority of our students thought (and rightly so) that they could render better service in some other capacity than that of privates. Although the idea of a full battalion was abandoned, however, it was thought 11 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL possible that companies could be raised from time to time as remforcements for some particular unit. One such was raised before the session 1914-15 closed and left for overseas in the early summer. This Company was attached to the 38th Battalion of Ottawa, but it was later arranged that subsequent companies should be used as reinforcements for the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry to which also the original Company had in the meantime been transferred. Five com- panies were sent over in rapid succession, and three or four drafts of fifty, from a sixth, which never reached its full strength, as voluntary enlistment had by that time practically ceased. Whilst these Universities Companies were raised at McGill, it must not be sup- posed that they were composed wholly of McGill students, or that McGill students even formed the majority, for, as a matter of fact, there were students from every Canadian university, chiefly from the West and from Toronto, whilst their friends and others from the same rank in life made up the remainder. What stands to the credit of McGill in this connection is not so much that she contributed men to these companies, but that they were organized under her direction, that the Com- manding Officer was in almost every case a McGill graduate; that she took a special interest in their welfare; that her campus was their parade ground, and that her buildings were given up for their use as barracks during their training. Moreover, they were adopted in a general way (the first two especially), in so far as finances were concerned, by the Graduates' Society of the University, through the Officers' Training Corps. Although the Universities' Companies did not bear the name of McGill, there were two important fighting units which were permitted to do so, namely the 7th and 10th Siege Batteries, commanded by Major W. D. Tait, now Professor of Psychology, and Sir Stopford Lauder Brunton, a graduate of the University, respectively. The other officers of both Batteries were also McGill men (including Dr. Cyrus Macmillan, now Professor of English), as were the greater number of the non-commissioned officers and gunners as well. Mention might also be made in this connection of another unit, the 148th Battalion, which, though not organized under McGill authority, was nevertheless very closely associated with it, through the fact that the Commanding Officer, Colonel A. A. Magee, had been the Major and active officer of the Officers' Training Corps of the University, and not a few of its officers and a considerable number of those in the ranks were McGill men. The Battalion always drilled on the University Campus, was by resolution of Corporation affiliated with the McGill C.O.T.C., and before its departure for Overseas their colours were formally deposited in the McGill Library. It should be mentioned as well that McGill also contributed her quota (twenty-six officers and one hundred and eighty-six men) to the Tank Battalion which the Government authorized to be furnished by the universities of Canada. 12 McGILL AND THE WAR Perhaps the best known war organization, however, bearing the University name, was a non-combatant one, namely the McGill General Hospital, officially known as No. 3. This was distinctly a McGill unit, as all its officers were members of the Staff or graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, and all the men of other ranks were drawn from the student body. The nurses were graduates of either the Royal Victoria Hospital or the Montreal General Hospital, which are so closely connected with the Faculty. This Hospital was first intended to be on the lines of communica- tion and to be of medium capacity, namely five hundred and twenty beds, but before leaving Canada, the capacity was doubled and later on was increased to twenty-one hundred beds with a corresponding increase in the personnel. The Hospital unit sailed from Canada on May 6th, 1915, under Colonel H. S. Birkett, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, with Colonel J. M. Elder, Assistant Professor of Surgery, as second in command. It was first established, as intended, on the lines of com- munication, but was later transferred to Boulogne as a stationary hospital. Up to the beginning of 1918, one himdred thousand patients were treated, exclusive of surgical cases, the mortality being 0.5 per cent, and among the seven thousand who underwent operations, the mortality was only 2.5 per cent. The greater mmiber of McGill graduates and perhaps of the undergraduates as well, however, took up active service in organizations other than those which bore the McGill name, or which were closely connected with the University. Indeed, there were few, if any, miUtary units in Canada which did not contain within its ranks a mmiber of McGill students or graduates. There were many besides as, the list shows, in other units, chiefly in Great Britain and the United States of America. The McGill Officers* Training Corps, moreover, can .be directly credited with the enlistment of many outside of the student body, for the activities of this organization did not end with the College Year. During the simmiers of 1915 and 1916, a course of intensive training was given on the University grounds, under the direction of this organization, and in this way many were fitted to take the position of non- commissioned officers, and, with not much extra instruction, of commissioned officers as well, in regular battalions, but perhaps the most useful purpose served by the corps was the imbuing of their members with the spirit of service, in consequence of which hundreds of them went to the front as humble privates. The sum total of the University's war work is not stated, however, when the enlistment of her sons is told, for in many other ways did she lend herself in support of the Allied cause. The University buildings, grounds, and laboratories were freely given up for meetings, barracks, research work, store-rooms, lecture rooms, for the re-education of returned soldiers, and for the work of the Red Cross Society, which was carried on in McGill through the Women's Union, composed almost exclusively of the wives and sisters of the members of the Staff. In any account of what McGill has done, one should not fail to tell of the splendid assistance given by the Graduates' Society of the University. Apart from the example set by many of its members in enlisting themselves, and from their strenuous 13 endeavours to promote enlistment by word and pen, they contributed very large y n a financial way to the support of the cause. Their first big undertakmg was to provide uniforms and other equipment for the McGiU Battalion at a cost of weU over $25,000. Later, as already stated, they undertook to help out the funds of the Universities Companies, especially the first two. and still later the Siege Batteries and the 148th Battalion. The record of McGiU in the Great War is surely one of which there is no need to be ashamed To her noble sons who brought her honour through their ungrudging and valiant service, she owes a debt of gratitude for the reflected glory they have shed on her name, and for the undying fame which will ever be hers because of the supreme sacrifice of those of them who "gave their lives that we might live. Every effort has been made to obtain full and correct information for this publica- tion but doubtless names have been omitted which should appear, and it is ]ust possible that some are included which should not, as the information was in many cases indirect, vague and impossible of verification. It may be, too, that the record of service is not always correctly given. Such mistakes are inseparable from a work of this kind. It is only hoped that fewer may be found herem than is usually the case. m U THE DEAD ** These laid the world away; poured out the red Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to be Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene, That men call age; and those who would have been. Their sons, they gave, their immortality." — Rupert Brooke. john alkxandkr abbott Arts, 1911-14 Born at Montreal, Que., June 12th. 1894. Enlisted, October 1st, 1914, in the McGill Canadian Officers' Training Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Died, December 19th, 1914, while training. HIJ(;H ALLAN Arts. 1914-15 Bom at Montreal, Que.. October 26th, 1896. Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 9th, 1915. Transferred to the 30th Reserve Battalion and later, as Flight Sub-Lieutenant, to the Royal Naval Air Service. Killed in action while flying over the German lines, July 6th, 1917. IS MCGILL HONOUR ROLL thoburn stephens allan Arts, 1913-16 Born at Nelson. B.C.. April 23rd. 1896. Enlisted, April 23rd, 1916. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Regiment, September 16th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Killed in action, August 26th. 1918. john gibson anderson Applied Science, 1907-10 Born at Glasgow, Scotland, January 19th, 1885. Enlisted, September 23rd. 1914, in the 19th Alberta Dragoons, C.E.F. Transferred to the 5th Battalion. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Wounded. April 9th, 1917. Mentioned in despat ches and awarded the Military Cross. Killed in action at Passchendale, November 10th, 1917. GOLDIE ERASER ANDERSON B.Sc., 1910 Born at New Westminster, B.C., August 28th, 1889. Commissioned, April, 1915, in the 90th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Promot«i to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Awardwi the Military Cross. Killed, July 19th, 1916, at Longueval and Delville Wood, on the Somme. JOHN DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG B.A.. 1910; B.Sc., 1912 Bom at Ottawa, Ont., July 20th. 1889. Appointed Lieutenant m the 11th Field Company, Canadian Engineers January 31st, 1916. Served in France. ^^^vr"!^ in despatches. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, Apnl 9th, 1917. 16 THE DEAD WILMER COULTER ARMSTRONG B.A.. 1916 Born at Shawville, Que., August 1st, 1890. Enlisted, January 13th, 1916, in No. 9 Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Killed in action while trying to save the life of another soldier, September 30th, 1916. BASIL KLVI4) A I KINS B.A., 1913 Born at Vancouver, B.C., October 10th, 1892. Commissioned, September, 1914. in the 9th East Yorks Regiment. Imperial Army. Transferred to the 7th North Staffordshires. Promoted to Captain. Served in Gallippli and Mesopotamia. Wounded, January, 1916. Mentioned in des- patches. Killed in action at Kut-el-Amara, February 25th. 1917. john william baggs Arts, 1915-16 Bom at Salem, Newfoundland, November 17th, 1890. Enlisted. January 13th. 1916, in the 9th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 15th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Served in France. Wounded October 30th. 1917. Died of wounds, October 31st. 1917. hugh courtenay bailky Agriculture, 1913-15 Born at Newhaven, Barbados, B.W.I., January 23rd. 1894. Enlisted, March 18th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion. C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. and later to the C.A.M.C., the Canadian Engineers and the Royal Air Force. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Accidentallv killed at Vendome, France, October 30th, 1918. 17 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL george irvine baillie Arts, 1912-13; Applied Science, 1913-15 Born at Montreal, Que., July 31st, 1894. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 2nd, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Domart during the last Battle of Amiens, August 8th, 1918. DOUGLAS STANLEY BAKER B.Sc., 1913 Born in England. Commissioned, October, 1914, in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Died of wounds, July 23rd, 1916. hugh reginald dowson baily Agriculture, 1911-12 Born at Chepstow, Monmouth, England, July 27th, 1891. Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 13th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action at St. Julien, Flanders, April 24th, 1915. GEORGE HAROLD BAKER B.C.L., 1900 Born at Sweetsburg, Que., November 4th, 1877. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 5th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles, December, 1914. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. 18 THE DEAD JOHN EDISFORTH REDDY BARRETT Arts. 1912-15 Born at Montreal, Que., December 31st, 1894. Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 5th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. THOMAS <,K<)m,t BtA(,LEY B.Sc., 1910; M.Sc., 1912 Born at Alton, Hampshire, England, December 4th, 1889. Enlisted, November 2nd, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France in the 4th and 14th Battalions. Promoted to Captain. Wounded May 24th, 1915, and July 10th, 1916. Twice mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, August 9th, 1918. wendel phillips brooks beairs to Applied Science, 1913-15 Bom at Summerside, P.E.I., April 3rd, 1893. Enlisted, November 18th, 1914, in the 3rd Battery, 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. Wounded October 5th, 1916. Died of wounds October 6th, 1916. abel c. p. beaiidry Applied Science, 1902-06 Born at Los Angeles, Calif., July 25th, 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the 41st Battalion, C.E.F. , October 28th, 1914. Transferred to the 23rd and then to the 22nd Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 15th, 1916. 19 alfred edward beckwitii Arts, 1913-15; Medicine, 1915-17 Born at Victoria. B.C., October 13th, 1894. Enlisted, April 13th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as a Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant. Died of Spanish influenza at the Royal Naval Hospital, Hasler, England, August 1st, 1918. MARCEL CELESTIN JOSEPH BEULLAC B.Sc. (ad eundem), 1904 Bom at Montpellier (Herault), France, January 1st, 1872. Enlisted in the French Army, Sep- tember, 1914. Was Marechal des Logis in the 16th Battalion. Territorial du Genie, France. Returned to Montreal for duty on munition work. Died January 27th, 1918. james knowles bertram Medicine, 1911-15 Bom at Dimdas. Ont., December 6th, 1889. Appointed Captain and Adjutant in the 20th Battalion, C.E.F., November 1st, 1914. Trans- ferred to the 1st Infantry Brigade with the rank of Staff Captain. Served in France. Killed in action, September 22nd, 1916, near Albert, on the Somme. RICHARD HERBERT HOWELL BIDDULPH B.Sc., 1912 Born at London, Ont., October 22nd, 1890. Commissioned in the Imperial Forces, August 8th, 1914. Returned to Canada and re-enlisted January 30th, 1916, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Died of wounds, at Avion, July 5th. 1917. 20 THE DEAD IMULirPK ALFKKI) BIKLKK Arts, 1914-16 Born at Lausanne, Switzerland, March 10th, 1898. Enlisted, December, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Served in France. Died of wounds October 1st, 1917. I iM,\K PATTYSON BLACk Applied Science, 1914-15 Bom at Dorval, Que., August 7th, 1897. Appointed a Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, 10th Brigade, April 17th, 1916. Transferred to the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Died of wounds, June 9th, 1917. (;<>KrK>N liOMK bla<:k \i>f:k B. Arch., 1906 Bom at Montreal, Que., August 12th, 1885. Volunteered for service in January, 1915. Appointed Captain in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, May 29th, 1915. Served in France. Wounded near Zillebeke, June 2nd, 1916. Died of wounds in London, England, August 10th, 1916. LAMBKRT KKNKST STAM.KY BOLTON Applied Science. 1911-14 Born at Wiarton, Ont., June 10th, 1888. Enlisted, October 9th, 1915, in the 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action June 13th, 1916, while re-constmcting a trench taken from the Germans at Sanctuary Wood. 21 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHN TURNKR BONE B.Sc,, 1914 Bom at Calgary, Alta., August 4th, 1893. Commissioned, February, 1915. as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Drowned in the English Channel, October 18th, 1915, while on an air raid against Zeppelin sheds in Germany. alkxvm>f:k iiF:vu rr itosrix :k Applied Science, 1913-14 Bom at The Hermitage, Walton Heath, Epsom, Surrey, England, January 16th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in Lord Strathcona's Horse, 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, October 2nd, 1914. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, July 26th, 1916. GORDON HARPER BOWIE Applied Science, 1914-15 Bom at Ottawa, Ont., March 7th, 1896. Enlisted, March 12th, 1915. in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, Cadet Squadron, and later to the 5th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. Accidentally killed, August 31st, 1918. william edmund phillips bowie Applied Science, 1908-09; 1911-12 Born at Paris, France, October 3rd, 1888. Enlisted, October 23rd, 1914, in the 24th Bat- tahon C.E F. Transferred to the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Wounded, Apnl, 1916. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. 22 THE DEAD ^iLijAM ^:l<^^s^ boyce D.D.S., 1912 Born at Rawdon, Que., July 4th, 1888. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, May 21st, 1917. Died of influenza at East- bolirne, England, November 8th, 1918. 1 WILFRED CASIIEL BROTHERHOOD B.Sc., 1912 Born at Stratford, Ont., November 3rd, 1886. Appointed Lieutenant in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France. Killed, April 24th, 1915, in the second battle of Ypres. john bernard brophy Arts, 1913-14 Born at Ottawa, Ont., September 4th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, September, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Wounded August 14th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches several times. Killed near Gainsborough, England, December 24th, 1916. john samuel brown Medicine, 1912-14. Born at Port Hope, Ont., November 16th, 1890. Enlisted August 8th, 1914 in the First Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 61st Battery, R.G.A., with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action near Arras, May 18th, 1917. Buried at Tilloy Les Mouiflaines. 23 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL harry dalzfll browne Arts, 1898-1900, Applied Science, 1898-99 Born at Montreal, Que., November 20th, 1881. Appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 3rd, 1915. Transferred to the 9th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Served in France. Killed in action, July 10th, 1916, near Hooge, Ypres Salient. FITZHERBKRT PRICE BIK:HANAN BSC., 1900 Born at Toronto, Ont., March 16th, 1874. Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Killed in action, at Sanctuary Wood, June 28th. 1916. REGINALD JAMES BUCHANAN B.A., 1913 Born at Kerwood, Ont., January 23rd, 1894. Enlisted, October 26th, 1914, in the 18th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action, at Armentieres, July 13th, 1916. HrroR Buchanan Arts, 1885-86 Born at Montreal, September 26th, 1869. Appomted Major in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 22nd, 1914. berved m France. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Mentioned in despatches 24 THE DEAD HP ^^^^^^ m william mcclurk calder Arts, 1914-15 Born at Lachute, Que., October 6th, 1895. Enlisted, April, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, P.P.C.L.I. Returned to Canada in 1916. Appointed Lieutenant in the 242nd Battalion, C.E.F., September 19th, 1916. Pro- moted to Captain. Accidentally killed November 1st, 1918. Buried at Champagnole, Jura, France. <,K<)K(,K >* \LIKR <:aLL Arts, 1915-16 Born at Dundas, Ont., May 31st, 1888. Appointed Captain in the 111th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action. May 3rd. 1917. CHARLKS MLNNIS CAMERON B.Sc., 1915 Born at Halifax, N.S., May 16th, 1893. En- listed, March 9th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, later attached to the P.P.C.L.I. Transferred to the Royal Engineers with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed near Loos, June 12th, 1916. DON \ LI) F:>\AN CAMERON Arts, 1887-89 Bom in Toronto, Ont., December 18th, 1870. Appointed Lieutenant in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France. Killed in action^ March 15th, 1915, at St. Eloi. Buried at Voor- mezeele, Belgium. 25 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ALEXANDER CAMPBELL B.Sc., 1897 Born at Ottawa, Ont., September 14th, 1875. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Engineers, August 14th, 1914. Died while training in Canada. norman gordon campbell Applied Science, 1912-14 Born at Ottawa, Ont., February 10th, 1893. Enlisted, August 14th, 1914, in the 2nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 11th Brigade. Promoted Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded July 10th, 1916. Killed inaction at Passchendaele, November 10th, 1917. ROLAND PLAYFAIR CAMPBELL B.A., 1897; M.D., 1901 Born at Montreal, Que., July 8th, 1876. Appointed Major in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France as O.C. (Lieutenant-Colonel) of the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Mentioned in Despatches. Died of wounds received at Cour- celette, September 16th, 1916. WILLIAM VINCE^ . . at i B.A., 1909 Bom at Hamilton, Ont., August 1st, 1886. App^nted Lieutenant in the 19th Battalion, ^^Hnn^f ' France. Killed m action, September 30th, 1916. 26 THE DEAD KENNETH BURPEE CARRUTHERS B.Sc., 1908 Bom at Kingston, Ont., June 30th, 1885. Appointed Captain in the 26th Battery, C.F.A., June 2nd, 1915. Transferred to the 20th Battery with the rank of Major. Mentioned in despatches. Served in France. Wounded May 3rd, 1917. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 28th, 1917. GEORGE SOL 111 AM CASH B.Sc., 1912 Bom at Castle Cary, Somerset, England, December 28th, 1890. Enlisted, October, 1914, in the 16th Middlesex Public School Battalion, Imperial Army. Transferred to the 22nd Manchester Battalion. Promoted to Lance- Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action at the Somme, July 14th, 1916. ( llAKi.KS KLSSELI. ClIAFFEY Applied Science, 1908-11 Bom at Adelaide, South Australia, October 31st, 1888. Enlisted, August 10th, 1914, in the 7th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 23rd Manchester Regiment, B.E.F. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. Served in France. Twice wounded. Died of wounds, March 10th, 1917. edward henry ghauvin Arts, 1912-15 Born at Montreal, Que., July 15th, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, Febmary, 1915. Served in France. Wounded June 2nd, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, while attacking Regina Trench, October 1st, 1916. 27 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL 1)IJN<:\N ClilSIlOLM Arts, 1916-17 Born at Toronto, Ont., October 15th, 1898. Enlisted, April, 1917, with the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 10th Battery, 3rd Brigade. Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Killed in action at Villers-les- Cagnicourt, September 7th, 1918. IIAHOLI) KK<;iNALD MUNRO CHRISTIE B.Sc., 1908 Born at Wapella. Sask., March 26th, 1887. Enlisted, December 28th, 1914, in the Inns of Court O.T.C., England. Gazetted to the 4th Battalion, Cameronians. Served in France with the 6th and 1st Battalions Cameronians. Killed in action at the Somme, July 16th, 1916. john hatciikl halliday chhi Arts, 1914-15 Born at Glenavy, Ireland, October 28th, 1891 Enlisted, June 4th, 1915, in the 7th Canadian Cavalry Ambulance. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles as a Lieutenant Served in France. Killed in action, at Vimv Ridge, April 9th, 1917. LEWIS KMEKSON CLARK M.D., 1913 ^rn at Ellsworth, Kansas, December 21st, f-^pmissioned in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France, chiefly in the i^PS^^" ^^^^^ Ambulance and the 34th 3n^ 87th Battalions. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, June 8th, 1917. Buried in Villers Station Military Cemeterv. 28 THE DEAD I VI I SOMHIVILl.K CLAKK B.A., 1915 Bom at London, Ont., October 20th, 1893. Enlisted February 19th, 1915, in the 5th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. Wli jam henry ciji»pkk i Arts, 1903-04 Born at Toronto, Ont., April 10th, 1886. Appointed Captain in the 203rd Battalion, C.E.F., March 14th, 1916. Transferred to the 8th Battalion. Served in France. Wounded August 15th, 1917, at Hill 70, and died of wounds August 17th, 1917. Buried at Lapugnoy. II V K \ K.\ >\ A l l < :<>< :kSM I I I B.Sc., 1905 Bom at Brantford, Ont., November 22nd, 1883. Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, November 21st, 1914. Served in France. Mortally wounded at the Battle of Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916, dying shortly after. Buried in Zandvoorde Cemetery, Belgium. gordon fran<:is collinc; wood Agriculture, 1914-15 Bom at Wimbledon, England. June 23rd. 1892. Enlisted, March 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Service Corps with a commission, and then to the Royal Garrison Artillery. Killed in action in France. March 28th, 1918. Buried at Arras. 29 i MCGILL HONOUR ROLL PAUL SERVILLIAN COINRO^ B.C.L., 1913 Bom at Montreal, Que., December 24th, 1890. Enlisted, August 1st, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Royal Air Force as a Cadet. Died of influenza, October 11th, 1918, at Toronto. CORIN llh;M<V BENEDICT COOPER B.Sc., 1912 Born at Cirencester, England, August 24th, 1892. Enlisted October 1st, 1914, in the Royal Fusiliers. Commissioned in the 15th King's Liverpool Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Wounded in France, October 1st, 1916. Died of wounds, November, 1916. REGINALD PERCIVAL COWEN B.Sc., 1906 Bom at Dalston, Cumberland, England, August 21st, 1884. Enlisted, August 11th, 1914, in the Border Regiment, Imperial Army. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Died at the Dardan- elles, August 16th, 1915. Applied Science, 1911-13 y^h^' ^"J^^y* England, October 29th, 1892 Enlist^ m the 9th Lancers, B.E.F. Trans- ^itn^ln^ ^"^^ f'^sili^rs- Promoted fni;t1nn TQ- ^^^^t^oned in despatches. Killed m action at Suvla Bay, August 16th. 1915 30 ^7 THE DEAD alfred m or key cros: Arts, 1915-17 Born at Longueuil, Que., November 5th, 1898. Enlisted, April 18th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Died of wounds, August 22nd, 1918. i l vS LINNAEUS CUMMI%(; B.Sc., 1912 Born at Rugby, England, October 15th, 1888. Appointed a Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force in 1917. Served in France. Accidentally killed, January 31st, 1919. R. MACAIJLAY CUSHING Arts, 1901-03 Born at Montreal, Que., June 22nd, 1884. Enlisted, June 2nd, 1915 in the 2nd Universities Company, P.P.C.L.I. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the Imperial Army with a commission, and later to the 109th Can- adian Siege Battery. Served in France. Wound- ed, April 29th, 1918, Died of wounds, April 30th, 1918. DAVID (;RANT DAVIDSON Applied Science, 1914-15 Born at Montreal, Que., February 14th, 1896. Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in No. 2 Signal Company, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as a Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action at La Bellevue, France, August 21st, 1917. 31 ^17 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL donald a. lkslik davidson Applied Science, 1908-11 Born at Woolwich, England, October 6th, 1891. Commissioned in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to Captain. Served in France, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Twice mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Military Cross. Wounded April 26th, 1916. Killed in action, April 30th, 1917. CEORGK llOU<;ilTON DAVIS B.Sc., 1907 Born at Toronto, Ont., October 2nd, 1885. Enlisted, October, 1914, in the 2nd Signal Company, C.E.F. Transferred to the Signal Section, 5th Brigade, Canadian Infantry. Pro- moted to Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action at St. Eloi, April 30th, 1916. Buried at Dickebusch, Belgium. HERBERT BETHIINE DAW B.A., 1909 Born at North Cower, Ont., June 28th, 1887 Appointed a Lieutenant in the 58th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 25th, 1915! Served in France. Killed in action, April 16th 1916. STEPHEN ARTHUR DAWSON Arts, 1914-16 Born at Dorchester, N.B., September 6th, 1896. Enlisted, January 25th, 1916. in the 9th Canadian Jield Ambulance. Served in France. Trans- ferred to the Royal Naval Air Service, with the iTn^i^'^^S^' ^^tei* to the Royal Air Force. Killed m France, August 10th, 1918. 32 THE DEAD CHARLES SOUTHWELL de(,KL(:ilY B.Sc., 1911 Born at Toronto, Ont., September 14th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 10th Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, October, 1915. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. Wounded July 13th, 1917. Died of wounds, July 18th, 1917. JAMES ARNOLD DeLANCEY B.Sc., 1909 Born at Middleton, N.S., July 15th, 1880. Appointed Lieutenant in the 25th Battalion C.E.F., May 18th, 1915. Served in France. Promoted to Major. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. Killed at Vimv Ridge, April 9th, 1917. HELENUS GE0R<;E SHERIDAN DKLKPIn. Applied Science, 1910-11 Bom in London, England, October 21st, 1888. Conimissioned in the O.T.C. Special Reserve, British Expeditionary Force, 1914. Appointed to the 3rd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Died of wounds received near Ypres, April 17th, 1915. matthew curtis derochie Medicine, 1914-16 Bom at Cornwall, Ont., November 15th. 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps, October, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. Killed in action July 14th, 1917. Buried in the Ostend New Communal Cemetery. 33 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILLIAM PEARSON DILLON M.D., 1904 Born in Dundas County, Ont., April 6th, 1879. Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 23rd, 1914. Served in France in No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Died, as the result of an accident, May 5th, 1915. RALPH DOUGALL B.A.Sc.. 1897 Born at Montreal, Que., July 12th, 1874. Enlisted, October 23rd, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. JOHN WILTON DOUGLAS DOWLER Arts and Law 1915-16; B.A., 1917 Born at Victoria, B.C., January 24th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 15th, 1916. Promoted to Captain. Transferred to the 47th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. Died of wounds! April 11th, 1917. Buried in Barlin Cemetery, France. GUY MELFORT DRUMMOND B.A., 1909 Bom at Cacouna, Que., August 15th, 1887. Appomted Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 22nd, 1914. Served m France. Killed in action in the Second Battle of Ypres, April 22nd, 1915. 34 THE DEAD kevin stuart drummonl) Applied Science, 1908-11 Born at Montreal, Que., May 21st, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 76th Battalion, C.E.F., January 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. Killed in action at Amiens, August 8th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. KENNKTH LOCKE DUiCiAN B.Sc., 1914 Born at Montreal, Que., March 22nd, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, November, 1914. Served in France. Wounded December, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Acting Major. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, at Passchendaele, October 30th, 1917. HEKKICK STEVENSON DUGGAN B.Sc., 1912 Bom at Montreal, Que., March 9th, 1891. Commissioned, November, 1914, in the Royal Engineers. Transferred to the 70th Field Com- pany and the 12th Division, Royal Engineers. Served in France. Wounded at Loos, October 19th, 1915, and died of wounds October 21st, 1915. JOSIAS lAn i-> l>l VAL M.D., 1898 Born at Grand Ligne, Que., March 10th, 1876. Appointed Captain in the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance, August 20th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded April 26th, 1915. Twice mentioned in despatches. Died, August 26th, 1915. 35 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL <:iI\KLKS F.I)W\KI> DYKK Agriculture, 1913-14 Bom at Sutton, Que., February 14th, 1890. Enlisted, January 17th, 1916, in the 148th BattaUon, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 14th BattaUon. Served in France. Killed in action, February 5th, 1917. HKK KKEKS Applied Science, 1909-12 Born at Montreal, Que., August 21st, 1891. Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards, September 30th, 1915. Served in France. Killed in action, September 16th, 1916. VKRINON ( OAKLAND KLDKHKIN B.Sc., 1912 Born at West Amherst, N.S., December 17th, 1887. Enhsted, September 21st, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. Killed m action, May 21st, 1915. Buried at Richebourg La Voie. FERGUS EDGAR ELLIOTT B.Sc., 1913 Bom at Montreal, Que,, July 8th, 1889. Enlisted^ August 31st, 1916, in the 199th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Died, March 28th, 1919, at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que., of influenza, contracted while training for a commission. 36 THE DEAD WILLIAM JAMES I wvl<,n( Medicine, 1893-94 Bom at Port Daniel, Que., February 19th, 1873. Appointed Captain in No, 4 Canadian Stationary Hospital. June 29th, 1915. Transferred as M.O. to the 22nd Battalion. Wounded September 29th, 1915. Drowned when the "Llandovery Castle" was torpedoed. June 27th, 1918. Body recovered and buried at Sangatte, France, Twice mentioned in despatches. robert blair esdaile Applied Science. 1916-17 Bom at Montreal, Que., July 7th, 1898. Enlisted, October 11th, 1916, in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Artillery Reserve Depot, and then to the Royal Flying Corps as a Second Lieutenant. Accidentally killed in England, November 13th, 1917. ALFRED JAMES LAWRENCE EVANS B.Sc., 1911 Bom at Quebec, Que., May 27th, 1889. Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the Canadian En- gineers. Promoted to Lieutenant and attached to the 3rd Battalion. Served in France. Twice mentioned in despatches. Wounded November 23rd, 1915. Died of wounds, December 7th, 1915. Buried at Bailleul. i>oiic;las marsden ewart B.Sc., 1910 Born at Ottawa, Ont., Febmary 8th, 1890. Enlisted April 13th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot. Transferred to the 8th Field a:)mpany and then to the 7th C.E. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Killed in action August 26th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. 37 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL KKITH l»KMCl)IK KWART B.Sc, 1914 Bom at Ottawa, Ont., December 26th, 1893. Enlisted, November 10th, 1914, in the 3rd Field Company Signallers, C.E.F. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Signal Company and later to the 34th Squadron, R.A.F., with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Killed in action January 4th, 1918. HOBKKT lVf«<:A!Vf US FAIR B.Sc, 1915 Born at Milbrook, Ont., November 15th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, C.E.F., January, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Trench Mortar Battery, as Captain and Officer in command. Served in France. Killed in action at Courcelette, Septem- ber 16th, 1916. howard herbert farley Applied Science, 1914-15 ?on^? Haven, Conn., December 6th. 1896. Enlisted at Richmond, Que., July 19th 1917, in the Cyclist Platoon of the 258th Bat- talion C.E.F. Transferred to the 14th Battalion Served m France. Killed in action at Caeni- court, France, September 2nd, 1918 ric:har[) martin Ferguson B.A., 1914 ?orn at Cupar, Fife, Scotland, October 3rd. 1892 Enlisted, December 26th, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action during the attack on Courcelette, September 15th, 1916. 38 THE DEAD ARTHUR MAXWKLL FISllKR M.D., 1914 Born at Woodstock, N.B., December 27th, 1888. Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 20th, 1915. Served in France with the 56th Field Ambulance. Killed by a shell while endeavouring to find a suitable place for an advanced dressing station, October 12th, 1917. fred hsiikk Applied Science, 1912-14 Born at St. Catharines, Ont., August 3rd, 1894. Enlisted, August 13th, 1914, in the 13th Bat- talion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action April 23rd, 1915. Awarded the Victoria Cross. eric: ALLAN FORI) B.A., 1914 Bom at Portneuf Station, Que., January 27th, 1892. Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuarv Wood, June 2nd, 1916. WILLIAM DAL<;LEISH FORD B.S.A.. 1913 Born at Portneuf Station, Que., April 22nd, 1890. Enlisted, June 7th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia s Cana- dian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. 39 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL in JOHN Bl :\ F:Ki!\(;ilAM B.Sc., 1916 Born at Ottawa, Ont., March 20th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 9th, 1915 Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Killed in an encounter with enemy planes. July 7th, 1917. FHAMK B.Sc., 1915 Born at Virden, Man., June 20th, 1894. Enlisted, May 3rd, 1916, in the 121st Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 102nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. Died of wounds June 11th, 1917. BKRTRAM ST. GEOKGE FRKNCH B.A., 1912 Born at Montreal, Que., August 7th, 1890 Commissioned, October, 1914, in the 15th Liverpool Regiment. Transferred to the 1st Inniskillmg Fusiliers. Promoted to Captain Wounded, July 1st, 1915. at Gallipoli. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. July 1st 1916 at Beaumont Hamel, France. IFM<V S 1 KVK\SOi\ i i B.A., 1914; B.C.L., 1919 Montreal, Que., March 9th, 1893. Ppnpr^' T^^^- ^^f^' No. 3 Canadian nt^flul ^S^'^'^^hr- Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- WV^nnnJ'' xF'^"'^!"^"^- ^^^^^ in I'rance. 7th ^^^h, 1917. Died June 7th. 1920, as a result of the War. 40 THE DEAD LAURKNC.K HKNDKKSON GASS B.Sc., 1912 Bom at Amherst, N.S., October 21st, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, October, 1915. Served in France. Died of wounds received at Vimy Ridge, April 8th. 1917. <;WYi\,N i^lLBKHT GIBBINS B.Sc., 1910; M.Sc., 1911 Born at Leicester, England, June 14th, 1888. Appointed Lieutenant in the 200th Field Company, Royal Engineers, November, 1914. Transferred to the 107th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Served in France and Salonika. Wounded, January 28th, 1916. Killed at Salonika, July 26th, 1917. CHARLES-EMILK GATIEN Applied Science, 1912-13 Born at Sherbrooke, Que., September 8th, 1891. Appomted Lieutenant in the 163rd Battalion, C.E.F., August, 1915. Transferred to the 22nd Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action at Hill 70, August 15th, 1917. joiiN lo<:kiiakt i;oi>wiN Arts, 1906-07 Bom at Lethbridge, Alta., September 20th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, March 11th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column, thence to Trench Mortar Battery No. 46. Served in France. Killed in action in Belgium, July 8th, 1916. 41 C7 McGILL HONOUR ROLL WALTKK IIETHKR1N(;T()IN GOKDON B.A., 1909 Born at St. John, N.B., November 17th, 1887. Enlisted, November 23rd. 1914, in the 21st Battery, C.F.A. Transferred to the 2nd Divis- ional Ammunition Column, then to the 6th Howitzer Brigade. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action, October 30th, 1916. MAIILWI) LOCKIiAKl <,<>K1)(>N B.Sc., 1906 Born at London, England, September 27th, 1882. Appointed Lieutenant in the Seaforth Highlanders, C.E.F., September 23rd, 1915. Transferred to the 16th Battalion, and again to the 3rd Battalion, B.E.F. Promoted to Captain. Twice wounded. Killed in action, at Bullecourt, May 7th, 1917. THOMAS CLAKKNCE GORMAN B.Sc., 1913 Born at Ottawa, Ont., April 29th, 1888. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian Tunnel- ling Company, Canadian Engineers, November, 1915. Served in France. Killed in action, March 18th, 1918. CHAKLKS WILLSON FAKKAN <,<)l<l(i i L M.D., 1894 Born at Farran s Point, Ont., October 27th, 1871. Appomted Major in No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, September 26th, 1914. Trans- ferred to the Duchess of Connaught s Red Cross Hospital. Promoted to the rank of V^^uiL^^^^^ London, England. January Z/tn, 1917. 42 THE DEAD KDMIIM) VICTOR JOSKIMI <;RACK Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at Montreal, Que., April 13th, 1896. Commissioned, January 19th, 1917, as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in France. Shot down while patrolling in front of Ypres, September 19th, 1917. JOIIIN RORKRTSOIN C;R\HAM B.Sc, 1908 Born at Ottawa, Ont., April 18th, 1886. Com- missioned, May, 1915, in the 96th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Served in France. Wounded September 17th, 1916. Died of wounds September 22nd, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. FREDERICK 1><>IJ<;LAS LFIACII <;REKN Applied Science, 1907-09; 1911-12 Born at Halifax, N.S., July 26th, 1889. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th, 1914. Served in France. Killed in action, June 2nd, 1915. (:HAULl.-« ^ BELL GWYN Arts, 1903-04; Medicine, 1904-06 Born at Dundas, Ont., December 5th, 1885. Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 1st Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 18th Battalion. Promoted to Acting-Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, April 9th, 1917. 43 \ ^ MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JAMKS MACiMILLAN liACKKK B.S.A., 1916 Born at North Bedeque, P.E.I., November 5th, 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Garrison Artillery, September, 1917. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Accidentally killed while training at Deseronto, Ont., August 23rd, 1918. HENRY JOHN ALEXANDER HAFFNER B.Sc.. 1904 Born at Guelph, Ont., June 21st, 1880. Appointed Lieutenant in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders, C.E.F., September, 1914. Trans- ferred to the 8th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Wounded near Ypres. May 30th, 1916. Died of wounds. May 31st, 1916. OWEN CARSLEY FREDERU: HAGUE B.Sc., 1909; M.Sc., 1914 Born at Montreal, Que., February 23rd, 1889 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade Canadian Field Artillery, September 25th, 1914! Served m France. Killed in action, May 2nd 1915, near St. Julien, Belgium. Buried at Hazebrouck, France. terence smythe hall Applied Science, 1912-15 Bom at Montreal, Que., May 7th, 1896. Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served m France. Wounded. May 19th, 1916. Killed m action, October 29th, 1917. 44 THE DEAD (:larenc:e dickiinsoin Hamilton M.D., 1911 Born at Cornwall, Ont., December 18th, 1883. Appointed Lieutenant in the 141st Canadian Field Ambulance, May, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps as M.O., and again to the C.A.M.C. Died of influenza on board the transport "Huntsend," October 9th, 1918. william mills hamilton Arts, 1916-17 Born at Montreal, Que., February 23rd, 1899. Enlisted, May 11th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Killed in action, November 6th, 1918. walter rae harkness Applied Science, 1913-15 Bom at Montreal, Que., September 20th, 1895. Enlisted, April 30th, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Lance-Corpk)ral. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. ALLEN DAVENPORT HARVEY Applied Science, 1913-15. (Architecture) Born at St. John, N.B., July 12th, 1894. Enlisted, April 12th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. and later to the 3rd Battalion. Killed in action at Mount Sorrel, June 13th, 1916. Buried at Mount Sorrel. 45 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JAMKS IIAKVIK B.Sc., 1906 Bom at Westmount, Que., April 5th, 1886. Enlisted, November 2nd, 1914, in the 29th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary F^orce. Trans- ferred to the Royal Field Artillery with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France Died of wounds, June 8th,. 1916. Buried at Etaples, France. \\iii.lAM ROY HASTINGS B.A., 1908; B.C.L., 1911 Bom at Winnipeg, Man., May 29th, 1887 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion C.E.F., October 29th, 1914. Promoted to Captain. Served in P>ance. Re-enlisted, May nth, 1916, in the 17th Battalion. Promoted to Lieutenant. Killed in action, October 8th, 1916. THOMAS STUART HAY Medicine, 1896-97 Bom at Brock ville, Ont., June 3rd 1878 Enlisted, July 21st, 1916, in the 231st Battalion' Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 72nd Battalion. Served in France Died of wounds. June 29th, 1917. ALEXIS HANNUM HELMER B.Sc., 1914 Bom at Hull, Que., June 29th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, August 5th, 1914. Served in France. Killed m action, May 2nd, 1915. 46 THE DEAD richard arthur henderson Applied Science, 1895-98 Born at Baldwin, Kansas, March 30th, 1877. Appointed Lieutenant in the 104th Battalion, C.E.F., March 22nd, 1916. Transferred to the 131st Battalion, and again to the 54th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, April 11th, 1917. HUGH DONALD HENRY B.A., 1914 Bom at Montreal, Que., January 31st, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 158th Battalion, The Duke of Connaught's Own Rifles, C.E.F., November 14th, 1915. Transferred to the 7th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, August 15th, 1917. john bower lewis heney Applied Science, 1912-15 Born in Carleton Co., Ont., June 19th, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the 32nd Battery, 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, January 14th, 1916. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. Killed in action, March 9th, 1918. SAIVItiEL WILLIAMSON HEWETSON M.D.. 1893 Born at Kincardine, Ont., November 5th, 1872. Appointed Major and Medical Officer in the 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles, November, 1914. Transferred to the 8th Field Ambulance. Served in France. Died in London, England, March 6th, 1917. 47 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CLARKNCK FKEnKRlCk UK WITT D.D.S., 1915 Born at Montreal, Que., April 1st, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, October 17th, 1916. Died of typhoid fever, at St. Johns, Que., March 16th, 1917. SIDNEY jA\u:s IIOI)C;SON Arts, 1915-16 Bom at Montreal, Que., March 13th, 1898. Enlisted, March 21st, 1916. in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Inchy, September 27th, 1918. Buried at Villers Cagnicourt, France. RICHARD EYARE LESLIE HOLLINSED B.Sc., 1910 Born at Barbados, B.W.I., October 1st, 1887. Enlisted, August 13th, 1914, in the 4th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Killed near Langemarck, April 23rd, 1915. clifton mawbank horsi t Applied Science, 1912-14 Bom at Toronto, Ont., August 26th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 13th Battalion, C E.F August 8th, 1914. Served in France. Wounded at Festubert, May 20th, 1915. Killed m action at Ypres, April 22nd, 1916. 48 THE DEAD Jt)ll\ ALEXANDER EDWARD HUGHES Arts, 1916-17 Born at Montreal, Que., May 7th, 1899 Enlisted. May 22nd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4. Transferred to the 72nd Battalion. Served in France. Awarded the Military Medal and Bar. Died of wounds received at Cambrai, September 29th, 1918. SAMUEL ARTHUR HUTCHINSON B.A., 1910; B.Sc., 1916 Bom at Westmount, Que., August 23rd, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers. May 15th, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. Died at Ste. Agathe, Que., January 13th, 1921, as a result of gas poisoning. edward harold ireland Law, 1914-15 Born at Montreal, Que., July 4th, 1891. Enhsted, March 16th, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action, June 2nd, 1916, at Sanctuary Wood. walter rutherford jeffrey Applied Science, 1913-15 Bom at Toronto, Ont., September 21st, 1894. Enlisted, March 15th, 1916, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Served in France. Wounded, October 29th, 1917. Died of wounds, November 6th, 1917. 49 ROBIN LOUIS JOHNSTON B.Sc, 1911 Born at St. John, N.B., March 25th, 1889. Enlisted, October 18th, 1915, in the 4th Cana- dian Siege Battery. Wounded at Vimv Ridge, June 8th, 1917. Transferred to the R.A.F. Promoted to Lieutenant. Killed in action, May 9th, 1918. Buried at Guinchy. william johnston Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at Belfast, Ireland, August 8th, 1893. Appointed Sub-Lieutenant in the Roval Naval Air Service, March 14th, 1917. Killed' in action, January 20th, 1918, shot down while bombing the "Goeben" in the Dardanelles. CHARLES EDWARD KINGDON JONES Applied Science, 1907-08 Bom at St. John, N.B., September 26th, 1889 Enlisted, March 31st. 1917, in the Queen's Field Ambulance Corps, C.A.M.C. Transferred to the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Killed in action on the Douai-Cambrai Road, September 29th 1918. Buried at Bourlon. mervyn campbell allen jones Applied Science, 1916-17 Born at Quebec, Que., January 10th, 1889. Enlisted, May 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, C.G.A. Transferred to the 66th and later to the 60th Battery. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action at Raillencourt, September 30th. 1918. 50 THE DEAD KIMBALL FLETCHER KEEPING B.Sc., 1914 Bom at Murray Harbour, P.E.I. , August 30th, 1886. Appointed Lieutenant in the McGill Siege Battery, January, 1916. Transferred to the R.G.A., and then to the 8th Canadian Siege Battery. Wounded at Armentieres, September 3rd, 1917. Died of wounds at Estaires, Septem- ber 6th, 1917. ROBERT WILLIAM KEIR Arts, 1913-15 Born at Toledo, Ohio, October 5th, 1895. Enhsted, March 4th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal . Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. JOIIIN KEEFER KENNEDY B.C.L., 1898 Bom at Hamilton, Ont., November 21st, 1875. Appomted Lieutenant in the 62nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 23rd, 1915. Transferred to the 7th Battalion. Served in France. Wounded August 8th. 1916, and died of wounds August 16th, 1916. PATRICK SYLVESTER KENNEDY Law, 1914-15 Bom at Portage du Fort, Que., February 10th, 1891. Commissioned, August, 1915, as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Accidentally killed while flying in England, September 26th, 1916. 51 McGILL HONOUR ROLL david ross kkrr Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at Winnipeg, Man., June 15th, 1897. Commissioned December, 1916, as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Killed in action, November 11th, 1917. JOHN ROWLAND KILGOUR Arts, 1913-15 Born at Beauharnois, Que., Februarv 22nd, 1897. Enlisted, March 5th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. gerald lawrence king Applied Science, 1908-09 Born at Ottawa, Ont., September 19th, 1890. Enhsted, August 11th, 1916. in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Royal Engineers and again to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Killed in action, in France, March 28th, 1918. ALBERT JAMES KNOW LING B.A.. 1911 Born at Bradwardine, Man., September 25th, 1886. Enlisted, September 20th, 1915, in the 4th Universities Company, P.P.C.L.I. Promoted to Lieutenant. Killed in action, near Bourlon Wood, September 28th, 1918. Buried at Sains les-Marquion, France. 52 THE DEAD MURDOCH McLEOI) LAING B. Arch., 1915 Bom at Montreal, Que., March 4th, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, C.E.F., April 19th, 1915. Served in France. Wounded, October 10th, 1915, and, at Courcelette, on September 16th, 1916. Died of wounds September 18th, 1916. Buried in Eastern Cemetery, Boulogne, France. james louis engelbert rey lake Applied Science, 1911-14 Bom at Wall Blake, Anguilla, B.W.I. , December 3rd, 1890. Commissioned, December, 1914, in the 3rd Border Regiment, B.E.F. Served at the Dardanelles in the 1st Border Regiment. Wounded June, 1915, and August 22nd, 1915. Died of wounds August 24th, 1915. Buried at Mudros, Greece. FRANK LAWSON B. Arch., 1914 Born at Inverness, Scotland, March 30th, 1888. Appointed Lieutenant in the 56th Battalion, C.E.F., April 20th, 1915. Transferred to the 30th and then to the 18th Battalion. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Wounded April 10th, 1916. Died of wounds at Poperinghe, April 12th, 1916. george stuart l«.mesl kier Arts, 1900-01 Bom at Darjeeling, India, November 28th, 1883. Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 8th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Died of wounds June 1 1th, 1916. 53 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL OSMOND EDGAR LEU B.A.. 1895; M.Sc., 1902 Bom at St. Andrew's, Que., January 28th, 1873. Appointed Lieutenant in the 72nd Battalion, C.E.F., June 12th, 1916. Transferred to the 196th Battahon. Served in France with the 46th Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Wounded October 26th, 1917, at Passchendaele. Died of wounds, October 28th, 1917. WILLIAM RONALD LESTER Applied Science, 1914-15 Born at Westmount, Que., July 9th 1897 Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action August 4th, 1915. arthur lascelles levick Arts, 1913-14 Bom at Dunbar, Natal, South Africa, April 4th, 1894. Commissioned in the King's Own York- shire Light Infantry (Special Reserve Imperial Army). Promoted to the rank of Temporary Captain. Served in France. Killed in action September 15th, 1916. Buried at Delville Wood Cemetery. JAMES REID LOCKE Arts, 1915-16 Born at Montreal, Que., October 11th, 1898. Enlisted, May 22nd, 1916, in the C.A.M.C. Served m the 7th Canadian General Hospital, and the 11th Field Ambulance. Died of wounds received at Cambrai, September 30th, 1918. Buried at Bulquoy Road, France 54 THE DEAD t KhDhKICK JOHN LO!N(;WORTH Agriculture, 1913-15 Born at Chariot tetown, P.E.I., September 21st, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 11th Howitzer Brigade, C.F.A., May 19th, 1915. Transferred to the 9th Brigade. Served in France. Wounded August 31st, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. Died of wounds, November 10th, 1918. Buried near Mons, Belgium. edwaki) jackson lowe Applied Science, 1913-17 Born at Inverness, Que., March 10th, 1895. Enlisted, July 21st, 1917, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot, at St. Johns, Que. Was drowned while training, August 5th, 1917. FREDERICK TRAVERS LUCAS B.Sc., 1904 Born at Hamilton, Ont., February 20th, 1883. Appointed Captain in the 54th (Kootenay) Battalion, C.E.F., June, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded at Retina Trench, October 26th, 1916. Killed in action, March 1st, 1917. Buried at Villers-au- Bois. WALTER GERALD LLMSDE.N B.A., 1912 Bom at Hamilton, Ont., September 15th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 120th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November, 1915. Transferred to the 38th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, November 18th, 1916, at the Battle of the Somme. 55 McGILL HONOUR ROLL COLIN ALKXAISDKR MACAULAY B.Sc., 1915 Born at Scotstown, Que., October 27th, 1892, Commissioned, April 12th, 1915, in the 12th Scottish Rifles. Transferred to the 4th South Wales Borderers. Served at the Dardenelles and m Mesopotamia. Killed in the Battle of Sanna- i-yat, Mesopotamia, April 9th, 1916. ERIC HUTCHISON McCALL Applied Science, 1913-14 Born at Montreal, Que., October 9th, 1895. Commissioned, June, 1915, in the Royal Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Horse Artillery. Died at Basra, Mesopotamia, Septem- ber 7th, 1916. BKNJAMIN BERTRAM McCONKEY B. Arch., 1914 Born at Guelph, Ont., December 8th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 16th Battery 4th Brigade, C.F.A., November, 1914. Transferred to the 15th Battery. Served in France Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Wounded, May 29th, 1918. Died of wounds May 30th 1918 Awarded the Military Cross. JAMES HLi(;H McCORMH:K B.S.A., 1915 ^?^^.^} ^^^^^ ^"th America, February 24, 1892. Enlisted, March 11th, 1915, in the ^^t- J^^^y^^^^V^^ Company 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. Died of wounds at Courcelette, September 15th, 1916 56 THE DEAD 1 FREDERICK ALGERNON McC:RLIM Arts, 1910-11 Bom at Iron Hill, Que., April 25th, 1892. Enlisted, September 23rd, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Died of wounds, November 1st, 1916. Buried in Contay British Cemetery, France. i 1* St BENJAMIN McDIARM AID B.A., 1915 Bom at Medicine Hat, Alta., February 20th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 67th Bat- talion, C.E.F., April 2nd, 1916. Transferred to the 54th Battalion. Promoted to Acting Major. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Killed in action in France, September 13th, 1918. THOMAS R. McClIAIG Applied Science, 1908-10 Born at Vankleek Hill, Ont., July 9th, 1890. Enlisted, March 18th, 1916, in the 184th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 27th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action at Fresnoy, May 1st, 1917. Buried at Thelus, near Vimy, France. duncan david mcdiarmaid Agriculture, 1916 Born at Tillv, Alberta, June 31st, 1891. Enhsted, July 15th, 1916, in the 202nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 31st Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, July 10th, 1917. 57 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL FRANK JAMKS MarDONALH Dentistry, 1912-16 Bom at Glenville, N.S., November 4th, 1889. Enlisted, March 10th, 1916, in the 193rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 85th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, July 26th, 1918. ^()RMA^ MarLEOD McDonald B.Sc., 1914 Born at Sutton, Que., August 21st, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, July 16th, 1915. Served in France. Killed in action, at Ypres, May 19th. 1916. CLARENCE HOBART MacDOUCALL B.Sc., 1905 Bom at South Maitland, N.S., September 13th 1878. Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, April 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to Captain. Died of wounds, May 4th, 1917. Buried near Poperinghe, Belgium. JOHN KK<;iN\LD NORMAN \1a< FARLANE B.S.A., 1912 Bom at Westmount, Que., Mav 26th, 1884. Appomted Lieutenant in the Canadian Divis- ional Cyclist Corps, December 9th, 1914. Transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Died m London, England, of pneumonia, February 22nd, 1919. 58 THE DEAD john rkii) macfarlane Agriculture, 1910-13 Bom at Ottawa. Ont., March 16th, 1892. Enlisted, March 16th, 1916, in the 139th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 87th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, before Lens, August 15th, 1917. ROBERT GEORGE MACFARLANE B.Sc., 1910 Born at Huntingdon, Que., January 28th, 1889. Enlisted, August 12th, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Cyclist Corps and again to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Wounded July, 1915, and March 6th, 1916. Died of wounds, March 6th, 1916. JOHN BRYSON Mc(;iLL Applied Science, 1907-08 Bom at Montreal, September 20th, 1889. Enlisted, May 1st, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed June 9th, 1916. wilfred joseph mcginn Applied Science, 1916-17 Bom at Brinston, Ont., September 30th, 1897. Enlisted, September 6th, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant- Accidentally killed, February 18th, 1918, in an aeroplane accident in England. 59 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILLIAM FIELD1N<; McISAAi: M.D., 1917 Born at Antigonish, N.S., May 4th, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 10th, 1917. Trans- ferred to No. 9 Canadian Stationary Hospital. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Wounded at Etaples, France, May 19th, 1918. Died of wounds June 3rd, 1918. ARTIllJK HA HOLD MackAY Applied Science, 1911-13 Bom at Summerside, P.E.I. , December 8th, 1888. Enlisted February 16th, 1915, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 4th Battery. Served in France. Died, August 14th, 1915. at St. Omer, France. Buried in Longuenesse, St. Omer. VY MACKAY Arts, 1912-15 Born at St. John, N.B., May 14th, 1895, Appomted Lieutenant in the 64th Battalion C.E.F., August 23rd, 1915. Transferred to the 25th and then to the 26th Battalion. Promoted to Captam. Served in France. Wounded, May 14th. 1917. Killed in action at Arras, August 27th, 1918. DIM AN WILLIAM MaoKELLAK Arts, 1913-16 Born at Glencoe, Ont., September 28th, 1894. Enlisted, October 15th, 1915, in the 73rd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Died while training, of spinal meningitis, in the Alex- andra Hospital, Montreal, December 30th, 1915. THE DEAD <:iiAKLt:s si»uk(;koin McKknzik B.A., 1914; Medicine, 1913-14 Born at Charlottetown, P.E.I., January 28th, 1892. Enlisted, November 18th, 1914, in the 6th Field Ambulance, C.A.M.C. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 2nd Battery and later to the 4th Battery, C.F.A. Served in France. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, May 8th, 1917. THKODOKK CIJYLKR McKEN/JK Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1917 Bom at Charlottetown, P.E.I., August 21st, 1893. Enlisted. July 3rd, 1916. in the 5th Siege Battery (later the 8th). C.F.A. Transferred to the 11th Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Gassed July 31st, 1917. Died in London, as a result, February 19th, 1919. EWEIV lVl€LA<:HLIN Applied Science, 1905-07 Bom at Amprior, Ont., February 22nd, 1887. Enlisted. October 27th, 1916, in the Reserve Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Accidentally killed at Seabrook, Hythe, Kent, England, August 19th, 1917. l>Ol (.LAS CAMERON IVIcLALRIN Applied Science, 1910-12; 1913-14 Bom at Vankleek Hill, Ont.. June 18th, 1892. Enlisted in Montreal, August 15th, 1914, m the 13th Battalion. Royal Highlanders of Canada. Transferred to the 16th (Canadian Scottish) Battalion. Served in France. Wounded May 4th, 1915. Died of wounds, April 5th, 1916. 61 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL arthur smith mclean Medicine, 1904-05 Bom at Seaforth, Ont., April 29th, 1881. Appointed a Lieutenant in the 33rd Battalion C.E.F., August, 1915. Transferred to the 13th Battahon. Served in France. Was wounded September, 1916. Died of wounds received at Hill 70, Lens, on August 15th, 1917. DONALD IVfcLEAN Arts, 1912-13 Born at Valleyfield, P.E.I., September 18th, 1890. Enlisted, March 24th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.L Promoted to Lieutenant. Wounded December 6th, 1916. Killed in action at Avion, July 5th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches. X WILLIAM JOHN McLEAN D.D.S., 1914 Born at Perth, Ont., February 25th, 1890 Appointed Lieutenant in the 130th (Lanark County) Battalion, C.E.F., November, 1915 Transferred to the 18th Battalion. Served in Qfu''^o^7 u^^- ^.^^i^o^ at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. Buried in Ecoivres Cemetery France HLiGH McLennan Arts, 1905-07 Born at Sydney, N.S., Januarv 21st, 1887. Enlisted, August 10th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action, April 27th, 1915, near Ypres. 62 THE DEAD ARCHIBALD McLKOD Applied Science, 1911-14 Born at Montreal, Que., November 18th, 1888. Enlisted, October 29th, 1914, in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Killed in action February 10th, 1916. Buried in La Laiterie Military Cemetery, Kemmel, Belgium. GEORGE I>0]NALI> McLEOD B. Arch., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, October 1916. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, 28th Squadron with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Italy. Was wounded and taken prisoner of war, June 8th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches. Died of pneumonia, January 22nd, 1919. john malgolm mckeod Arts, 1914-15 Born at Summerside, P.E.I., February 28th, 1896. Enlisted, March 6th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Killed at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. WILLIAM MAC LAKKN \l. I.IOI) B.A.. 1913; M.D.. 1918 Born at Montreal, Que., September 27th, 1891. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Field Ambul- ance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 1st, 1918 Died of pneumonia at sea, October 10th, 1918. 63 it MCGILL HONOUR ROLL EDWAKD CORDON MclMAHON B.A.. 1912 Bom at Montreal, Que., April 12th, 1885. Enlisted, October 9th, 1915, in the 4th Univer- sities Company, P.P.C.L.I. Served in France. Wounded September 30th. 1918. Died of influenza and as a result of wounds in Rhyl North Wales. January 29th, 1919. ian robert reekie maiinaughton Arts, 1909-11; Law, 1914-15 Bom at Westmount, Que., July 17th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 2nd, 1915. Served in France. Killed in action, April 26th, 1916. PETER McNAUGHTON B.A.Sc., 1895 Born at Huntingdon, Que., May 19th, 1872 Appointed Lieutenant in the 49th Battalion, January 4th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Killed in action June 3rd. 1916. liKODER McTAGGART Applied Science, 1913-14 Bom at Clinton, Ont., April 19th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the C.F.A., August, 1914. Promoted to Major. Served in France as O.C. of the 12th Battery. Wounded four times. Twice mentioned in despatches and ^warded the Distinguished Service Order. Killed in action, September 2nd, 1918 THE DEAD gerald atkinson magor Arts, 1913-16 Born at Montreal, Que., July 11th. 1896. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service, as a Sub-Lieutenant, then to the R.A.F. as Captain. Wounded, May, 1917. Twice mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, near Dunkirk. April 22nd. 1918. HERBERT ROXBURGH MAIS B.Sc.. 1913 Born at Kingston, Jamaica, November 19th, 1890. Enlisted, October, 1914, in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded, August, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds at Gonnelieu November 30th, 1917. OGILVIK JAMES H. MARCHBANK B.Sc., 1916 Born at Glasgow% Scotland, March 2nd, 1892. Enlisted, June, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Accidentally killed overseas, in an aeroplane accident, June 2nd, 1918. donald howe masson Applied Science, 1908-10 Born at Ottawa, Ont., August 26th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service, March. 1916. Killed in action. April 19th, 1917. 65 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL HO!VIER LINDSAY MATHESON B.A., 1913 Born at Martintown, Ont., July 2nd, 1892. Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Sergeant. Trans- ferred to the Imperial Army, as Second Lieu- tenant, serving with the Surrey Regiment. Killed, August 16th, 1916, at Guillemont, Somme. KENNETH MATHEWSON Arts, 1911-15 Bom at Montreal, Que., January 24th, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, October 22nd, 1914. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Killed in action, August 3rd, 1916, near Lens. FREDERICK WILLIAM EDWARD MAUNSELL Applied Science, 1911-12 Born at Macleod, Alta., March 23rd, 1889 Enlisted, July 13th, 1915, in the 63rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the l-Oth Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. JOHN LEROY MAVETY B.A., 1909; M.D., 1911 Born at Kingston, Ont.,. August 22nd, 1886. Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May, 1915. Served with the 46th British Division in France. Died while on service, December 14th, 1915. 66 THE DEAD howard balloij miller Medicine, 1909-10 Born at Woonsocket, R.I., March 28th, 1887. Appointed Captain in the 35th Battery, C.F.A., August, 1915. Transferred to the 30th Batterv. Promoted to Acting-Major. Served in France. Twice wounded. Died of wounds received at Passchendaele, November 18th, 1917. Buried at Vlamertinghe, Belgium. GEORGK DENISON MINER B.Sc., 1916 Born at Granby. Que., February 7th, 1893. Enlisted in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, July 14th. 1916. Served in France. Died February 2nd, 1917. PERCIVAL MOLSON B.A., 1901 Born at Cacouna, Que., August 14th, 1880. Appointed Captain in the 2nd Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F., April 26th, 1915. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. Served in France. Wounded June 2nd, 1916. Killed in action at Avion, July 5th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. <:HRIST0PHER moor, B.A. (Cantab.) Applied Science, 1913-14 Born at Bardon-on-Humber, England, February 27th, 1892. Commissioned, August 15th, 1914, in the Hampshire Regiment. Transferred to the Second Battalion, Hants Regiment. Served in France. Killed in action at Achi Baba, Gallipoli, August 6th. 1915. 67 JOSEPH HECTOR GASTON MORIN M.D., 1908 Born at Ste. Hyacinthe, Que., October 5th, 1884. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 1st, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. Died of influenza, October 15th, 1918. FRANCIS EDWARD MORKILL B.Sc., 1912 Born at Buenos Ayres, Argentine, November 18th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 19th Battalion, C.E.F., August 28th, 1914. Trans- ferred to the 20th Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Twice wounded. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 15th, 1916. hugh bolton m ok phy Applied Science, 1914-15 Bom at Listowel, Ont., January 23rd, 1891. Appointed Lieutenant in the 29th Battery, C.F.A., January 5th, 1916. Transferred to the 55th, the 8th, and the 7th Batteries. Served in France. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, May 12th 1917. Died of wounds. May 16th, 1917. WILLIAM ARTHUR MORRIN D.V.S., 1895 Born at Petit Brule, County of Two Mountains, Que. Appomted Lieutenant in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, attached to the Royal Field Artillery, January, 1915. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Accidentally killed, August 1st, 1918 at Rouen, France. THE DEAD willi \m hugor morris Applied Science, 1912-15 Born at Ottawa, Ont., March 12th, 1894. Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battahon, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the P.P.C.L.I. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Killed in action, at Pass- chendaele, October 30th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. ja.mes curzon macdonald morrow Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Royal High- landers of Canada, September 23rd, 1914. Transferred to the 3rd Field Company, Cana- dian Engineers, Served in France. Killed in action at Ypres, April 26th, 1916. M\K<:orKr wioio mi kkay B.Sc., 1915 Born at Union Centre, Pictou Co., N.S., June 17th, 1893, Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Killed in action, at Rct^ina Trench, October 1st, 1916. john jenkins moyse Applied Science, 1903-06 Born at Montreal, Que., February 3rd, 1885. Gazetted to the Bedfordshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, in 1907. Attached to the 1st Battalion for service in France. Promoted to the rank of Major, Wounded three times. Died of wounds February 8th, 1917. 69 1^ MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOSEPH LEES NICHOLLS Arts, 1912-13 Born at Coatbridge, Scotland, June 12th, 1881. Enlisted. March 19th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd. 1916. CLAUDE WILLIAM MICHELIN NOSWORTHY Applied Science, 1913-15 Born at Jamaica, B.W.I. , March 26th, 1895. Commissioned, October, 1914, in the 108th Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Died of wounds, December 6th, 1917. Buried in Lissenthock Cemetery, near Poperinghe. william edmond ocilvie Applied Science, 1911-14 Born at Broughty Ferry, Scotland, March 19th 1894. Enlisted, August, 1914. in the PubHc Schools Corps (England). Transferred to the Inns of Court Officers Training Corps. Promoted to Second Lieutenant in the 9th Border Regi- ment. Served in France. Accidentallv killed September 27th, 1915. ALLEIN OLIVER B.A., 1915 Born at Edmonton, Alta.. 1892. Appointed Lieutenant, in April. 1915, in the 25th Battery. Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 26th Battery. Served in France. Wounded at St. Eloi. April, 1916. Killed in action, at Desire Trench. November 18th, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. 70 THE DEAD l.tuM i OVKHTON OLIVER Applied Science, 1913-17 Born at Quebec, Que., November 1st, 1890. Enlisted, April 12th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft attached to the 13th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 10th Siege Battery. Served in France. Died of wounds, August 22nd, 1918. NL'GENT DICKSON OTTY B.Sc., 1907 Born at Hampton. N.B., February 10th, 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles, April 12th, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. Killed in action at Maple Copse, June 2nd. 1916. THOMAS CHRISTOPHER SARGENT OWENS B.C.L., 1911 Born at Montreal, Que., June 20th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Royal High- landers of Canada, August, 1915. Transferred to the 207th and then to the 38th Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Killed in action near Rosieres, France, August 11th, 1918. Buried at Crouey. HUBERT AK<:H1BALI) PADDON B.Sc, 1913 Born at Regina, Sask., December 7th, 1889. Enlisted, August 14th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Brigade. Promoted to Bombardier. Served in France. Accidentallv killed, March 2nd, 1915. 71 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHN ALBKRT PAGE B.Sc, 1915 Born near Brockville, Ont., July 11th, 1893. Commissioned, in the summer of 1915, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in the 10th Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant. Was speciallv mentioned in des- patches. Killed in action, July 22nd, 1917. TAi.Bor \ikk<:fj{ papinkai B.A., 1904; B.C.L., 1910 Born at Monte Bello, Que., December 25th, 1882. Appointed Lieutenant in the P.P.C.L.I., August 14th, 1914. Transferred to Head- quarters Staff, Canadian Corps. Rejoined the P.P.C.L.L Promoted to Acting-Major. Men- tioned in despatches and awarded the Militarv Cross. Killed in action, at Passchendaele, October 30th, 1917. leslie hunter parkkk Applied Science, 1914-15 Born at Leeds Village, Que., December 8th, 1895. Enlisted, March 15th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion. Trans- ferred to the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Killed in action June 14th, 1917. THE HON. WILLIAM ALSTAIR DAMER PAR NELL Arts, 1913-15 Born at London, England, August 30th, 1894. Commissioned, January, 1915, in the British Grenadier Guards. Transferred to the 4th Battalion. Promoted to Lieutenant. Mentioned l".,V^spatches and awarded the Military Cross ^^lu Boeufs, France, September Zotn, 1916. 72 THE DEAD ViAl/ltK JOSIAH PKARSK Arts, 1908-11 Born at Kamloops, B.C., December 17th, 1890. Commissioned, June, 1914, in King Edward's Horse (England). Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery and then to the Royal Horse Artillery. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. Gassed and died of wounds, April 9th, 1917. hii<;h stowell pkdlky B.A., 1909; B.C.L.. 1912 Born at Winnipeg, Man., December 8th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the C.A.S.C., August 18'th, 1915. Transferred to the 73rd Battalion, CE.?". Served in France with the Trench Mortar Battery, Promoted to Acting-Captain. Died of wounds, January 31st, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. <:ilARLKS ADOLPllK PELLKTIKH Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at Ottawa, Ont., April 18th, 1896. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 7th, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Killed in an engagement back of Baillieul, France. May 11th, 1918. K. (.OFF TREVOR PENNY B.A., 1907; B.C.L., 1910 Born at Montreal, Que., April 20th, 1885. Enlisted, April, 1916, in the 117th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Wounded at Vimy, April, 1917. Killed in action, August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. 73 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL < IKN rFKKAULT Arts, 1915-17 Born at Montreal, Que., March 26th, 1898. Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Reserve Canadian Squadron, Royal Air Force. Accident- ally killed while training at Camp Borden, Ont., April. 1917. VERNKR LOVELACK PLAINT B.A., 1902 Born at London, Ont., April 6th, 1880. Com- missioned Lieutenant in the Somerset Light- Infantry, Imperial Army, July, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Killed m action, April 5th, 1918. CHARLES ALEXANDER POPE B.C.L., 1905 Born at Quebec, Que., July 6th, 1878. Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Universities Companv, 38th Battalion, C.E.F., May, 1915. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Wounded, May 7th, 1916, and died on the same day at Mount Sorrel, France. < LVHKF: HALL IM)PIIA!Vf Applied Science, 1912-14 Born at Winnipeg, Man., June 2nd, 1894. Appointed Lieutenant in the 61st Battalion, C.E.F., June 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 8th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action while on duty as Intelligence Officer, September 26th, 1916. 74 THE DEAD JOHN FRANCIS WATSON POPHAM B.Sc., 1910 Born at London, England, September 23rd, 1889, Enlisted, August, 1914, in the King Edward Horse, Imperial Army. Transferred to the Leicestershire Regiment. Promoted to Captain and Adjutant. Served in France. Wounded at the Somme. September 25th, 1916. Died of wounds, October 3rd, 1916. GORDON DOfJGLAS POWIS B.Sc., 1910 Born at Hamilton, Ont., December 10th, 1887. Appointed Captain in the 63rd Battalion, C.E.F., July 3rd, 1915. Transferred to the 31st Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Killed in action at Passchen- daele, November 6th, 1917. edward warwick pownall Arts, 1899-01 Born at Montreal, Que., June 30th, 1881. Enlisted at Moosejaw, Sask., in the 4th Bat- talion, C.E.F., April 6th, 1915. Transferred to the 31st Battalion. Served in France. Died of wounds, August 2nd, 1916. Buried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. ARTHIIR LAWRENCE POWTER B.Sc., 1915 Born at Alexandria, Ont., April 8th, 1891. Enlisted, August 6th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Killed in action at F'estubert, near Ypres, April 29th, 1915. Buried in Paty Chateau Gardens. — ^ MCGILL HONOUR ROLL B.Sc., 1908 Born at Ottawa, Ont., October 13th, 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the 183rd Battalion C.E.F., March 24th, 1916. Transferred to the 6th Battahon, Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France and Belgium. Awarded the Military Cross. Died of pneumonia, February nth, 1919. hfnry bkkiham price Applied Science 1909-11; Arts, 1911-12 Born at Montmorency Falls, Que., February 25th, 1891. Commissioned in the London Rifle Brigade, Imperial Army. Served in France. Killed in action, at the Second Battle of Ypres. May 5th, 1915. FRED MKIKLK PI I j^mU; Applied Science, 1910^11 Born at Winnipeg, Man., October 3rd, 1891 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 27th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to Captain. Served in France. Killed in action at Cambrai, October 1st, 1918. Buried in Bourlon Wood Cemetery, France. laurie chalmers putnam Arts, 1910-11 Bom at Maitland, N.S,, September 19th, 1891 Enhsted, September 13th, 1915. in the 72nd Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Awarded the Military Medal. Died of wounds, September 21st, 1916. 76 THE DEAD harold ei>wakd ralston Arts, 1912-15 Born at Knowlton, Que., May 6th, 1895. Enlisted, March 2nd, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. walter livingstone raynes Arts, 1903-08 Born at Fairville, N.B., November 3rd, 1881. Enlisted, December 6th, 1915, in the 5th Uni- versities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France as Chaplain. Killed in action at Passrhendaele, October 30th, 1917. BENJAMIN TRENHOLME REEI> B.S.A., 1914 Born at Ulverton, Que., January 12th, 1892. Enlisted. May, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Lieu- tenant. Transferred to the 11th Battery. Served in France. Wounded, November 12th, 1917, at Passchendaele, and died on the same day. DAVID benedh:t rennoldson B.A., 1911; B.Sc., 1913 Born at London, England, March 21st, 1887. Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. 77 McGILL HONOUR ROLL ALAN IRVING RICHAKDSON B. Arch., 1911 Born at Ingersoll, Ont., May 5th, 1890. En- listed, September 26th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Killed in action, at Ypres, April 29th, 1915. JULIUS JEFFREY GORDON RICHARDSON Agriculture, 1913-15 Born at Huntingdon, Que., January 14th, 1895. Enlisted, February 8th, 1915, in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Belgium. Killed in action, June 7th, 1916. SWIUEL SPAULDING RICH A ItDSON B.Sc., 1917 Born October 24th, 1893. Commissioned, April 1917, as a Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Killed in action off Ostend, December 19th, 1917. ARTHUR TRAHERNE RICKARDS Applied Science, 1912-13 Born at Bombay, India, in 1892. Commissioned m the Royal Garrison Artillery, attached to the Royal Flying Corps, October, 1914. Pro- moted to Captain in the Garrison Artillery, and Flight Commander of the 43rd Squadron. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, September 13th, 1917. 78 THE DEAD herbert waterman rittenhouse Applied Science, 1912-15 Born at Paterson, N.J.. September 16th, 1894. Enlisted, May Uth, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. JOIliN LOl IS ARMOUR ROBERTSON B. Arch., 1915 Born at Chambly Canton, Que., January 15th, 1893. Enlisted, May 20th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Mount Sorrel, July 18th, 1916. ROBERT WARD SIIErilEKi) I40BERTSON Applied Science, 1911-14 Born at Montreal, Que., June 24th, 1894. Enlisted, August 28th, 1914, in the 14th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred, with a commission, to the Royal West Surrey Regiment, then to the Imperial Machine Gun Corps. Killed in action, May 27th, 1917. herbert james rosevear Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at St. Lambert, Que., February 10th, 1896. Enlisted, October 4th, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian Siege Battery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served m France. Killed in action at Vimy, June 18th, 1918. 79 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL DOl <;L\S I). WILLIAM KOSS Arts and Medicine, 1913-14; B.A., 1918 Born at Bobcaygeon, Ont., August 16th, 1894. Enlisted, May, 1916, in the 231st Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps with a commission. Served in Belgium and Italy. Killed in action on the Italian Front, January 11th, 1918. <,i:oK<,i: >\iLLr\\i uoss B.Sc., 1915 Born at Montreal, Que., March 26th, 1894. EnHsted, July 10th, 1917, in the C.A.M.C. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Transferred to the R.A.F. Died at Scapa Flow, March 2nd, 1919. Buried at Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal. THOMAS ALKXAM>ER KOWAT Arts, 1896-98 Born at Winchester, Ont., August 19th, 1878. Enlisted, August, 1915, in the 159th Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to Lieutenant. Transferred to the 38th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action at Avion, June 28th, 1917. Buried in Villers-au-Bois Cemetery. ROBERT THOMAS HEATHFIELD SAILMAN B.Sc., 1909 Born at Tunbridge Wells, England, November 21st, 1886. Appointed Lieutenant, May 1st, 1916, in the 212th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 97th Battalion and then to the 85th. Served in France. Killed in action at Passchen- daele, October 30th, 1917. 80 r — ^ THE DEAD sydney john sankey Applied Science, 1907-08 Born at Wolverhampton, England, October 28th, 1889. Received a commission as Captain in the 6th (Territorial) Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, Imperial Army, in Jime. 1915. Served in France. Killed in action at Hill 60, Ypres, September 25th, 1915. Buried at Larch Wood Coppice. GEORGE M. SCOTT B.Sc., 1917 Born at Lakeside, Que., September 3rd, 1896. Enlisted, May, 1917, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Flight Sub- Lieutenant. Killed in action in 1918, while serving with the 62nd Wing, Aegean Group, at the Aegean Sea. artiu h norman sclater Applied Science 1906-07; 1910-11 Bom at Montreal, Que., August 15th, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance, December 5th, 1914. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action at Amiens, August 8th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. i1aroll> archibalii scott Applied Science, 1911-15 Born at Ottawa, Ont., July 23rd, 1889. Appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifies, April 16th, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Killed in action, October 26th, 1917. 81 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL HENRY HUTTON SCOTT B.C.L., 1914 Born at Drummondville, Que., April 6th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battahon (Grenadier Guards), C.E.F., October 12th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Killed in action at the capture of Regina Trench, October 21st, 1916. WILLIAM DOl <;LASS Sl.O l l B.Sc., 1914 Born at Oxford, England, June 8th, 1892. Commissioned, January, 1915, in the 2/4th Battalion, Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, Imperial Army. Promoted to Captain. Twice wounded. Killed in action in Belgium, August 22nd, 1917. iiOWAKI) ELLIOT SCOTT B.A., 1914; Law, 1913-15 Bom at Montreal, Que., March 31st, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, August 4th, 1915. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. Wounded July 27th, 1916. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 16th, 1916. JOHN DOUGLAS SELLER Arts, 1914-15 Born at Micksburg, Ont., June 12th, 1896. Enlisted, January 19th, 1916, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France as a Signaller. Killed in action at Hill 70, August 15th, 1917. 82 THE DEAD DANIKL ALBKRT SHANKS B.Sc,, 1910 Born at Howick, Que., October 27th, 1888. Enlisted, August, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps, 108th Squadron. Promoted to Lieutenant and Pilot. Served in France. Killed in action when returning from a bombing expedition over Ostend, September 21st. 1918. HAROLD W. SHAUGHNESSY Arts, 1910-12 Born at St. Stephen, N.B., November 3rd, 1884. Enlisted, August 4th, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to Sergeant. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, near Hill 70, Lens, France, August 15th, 1917. the hoin. alfred thomas shaughnessy Arts, 1906-08 Born at Montreal, Que., October 19th, 1897. Appointed Captain in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 1st, 1915. Served in France and Belgium. Killed in action at Maple Copse, Belgium, March 31st, 1916. harold clinton shaver Arts, 1917-18 Bom at Osnabruck, Ont., May 21st, 1893. Enlisted, October 1st, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Wounded, May 19th, 1918, in the German air raid on Etaples. Died of wounds. May 20th, 1918. 83 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ernest l,()iu)on shepherd Arts, 1896-98 Born at Montreal, Que., May 11th, 1879. Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd BattaUon, C.E.F., January 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 13th and then to the 42nd Battalion. Killed in action, October 1st, 1918, near Burlon Wood. Buried in the Ontario Cemetery, France. ROBERT HAMILTON SHERLOCK Applied Science, 1910-14 Born at Lethbridge, Alta., January 3rd, 1892. Enlisted, June 21st, 1918, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Died of influenza in Halifax, N.S., October 15th, 1918. JOHN JAMES SHERMAN Applied Science, 1908-10; 1911-14 Born at Hawkesbury, Ont., February 12th, 1888. Enlisted, January 15th, 1915, in the 20th Battal- ion, C.E.F. Transferred to the R.A.F., serving in the 34th and 36th Brigades. Promoted to Acting-Captain. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 20th, 1917. edwin kerr skelton Applied Science, 191v5-16 Born at Rosemere, Que., October 25th, 1896. Appointed Lieutenant in the 78th Canadian Depot Battery, September 16th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Killed in action, January 9th, 1918, near Bas Warneton, Belgium. 84 Q THE DEAD lkwis kwiinc; smith Applied Science, 1910-11; 13-14 Born at Pike River, Que., December 8th, 1890. Enlisted, February 17th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service with a commission. Awarded the Croix de Guerre. Killed in action at Saarbrucken, France, February 25th, 1917. K WDOIJ'II KAi: SMI J . Applied Science, 1904-08 Born at Montreal, Que., September 2nd, 1886. Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to Notts and Derby Regiment (Sherwood Foresters). Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Died August 9th, 1915. Buried at Kensal Green, London, England. CHAKLICS H. VKKINON SIVIITH M.D., 1914 Born at Kemptville, Ont., July 15th, 1886. Appointed Captain in the C.A.M.C., August 13th, 1915, attached to No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Died of pneumonia, November 1st, 1918. Buried in Seaford Military Cemetery. 1 iii:oi)(>itK riiovi vs smi i n B.A., 1917 Born at Elma. Ont., May 25th, 1896. Enlisted, September, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Transferred to the Uth Squadron, Royal Air Force. Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action, September 29th, 1918. 85 walter calkin smith Applied Science, 1914-15 Born at St. John, N.B., November 18th, 1894. Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Lieuten- ant. Served in France. Killed in action, Sep- tember 30th, 1918, while attacking Abancourt and Bantiguy, France. WILLIAM PLUMB B.Sc., 1911 Bom at Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 25th, 1889. Enlisted, July 19th, 1917, in the United States Aviation Corps, 13th Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Italy. Died of pneumonia in Paris, January 9th, 1919. CHARLES WILLIAM SNYDER Arts, 1914-15 Bom at Guelph, Ont., April 19th, 1896. En- listed, February 18th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. LAURENCE I>E KALISZ STEPHENS B.A., 1901; B.C.L., 1905 Bom at Montreal, Que., September 17th, 1878. Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 7th, 1915. Served in France. Killed in action, June 2nd, 1916, at the Battle of Sanctuary Wood. 86 Q THE DEAD WILLIAM STEWART B.A.. 1905, B.C.L., 1908 Born at Prince Albert, Sask., August 5th, 1884. Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F., December 1st, 1915. Transferred to Headquarters as Staff Captain. Reverted to Lieutenant to serve with the 13th Battalion. Killed in action, October 20th, 1918. AMBRKY <:AI)ST0N STRACHAN Applied Science, 1913-14 Born at Dulwich, England, August 14th, 1894. Commissioned in the 70th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, April 22nd, 1915. Promoted to Lieut- enant. Served in Salonika and France. Killed in action March 28th, 1918, near Arras. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. randolph william stron<; Applied Science, 1909-10 Born at Cambria, Que., July 28th, 1890. Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery. Transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded . April 28th, 1917. Died at Buxton Clearing Hospital, England, July 26th, 1918. JOHN KLLIOI SI rilKKLAM> Arts, 1913-14 Born at Montreal, Que., September 29th, 1895. Enlisted, March 1st, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.L and then to the 58th Battalion. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France and Belgium. Killed in action July 29th, 1916. Buried at Poperinghe. 87 n MCGILL HONOUR ROLL MURRAY i:\MriU:LL SUTHERLAND Arts, 191 M4 Born at Carman, Man., October 14th, 1894. Enlisted, August 13th, 1914, in the 13th Battal- ion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Died of wounds received near Messines, March 2nd, 1916. HOWARD CIlLKCll SYMMES B.A.Sc., 1897 Born at Aylmer, Que., March 24th, 1874. Commissioned Captain in the Witwatersrand Rifles, South African Forces. Transferred to the Second South African Infantry. Promoted to Major. Served in South Africa and France. Killed in action near Arras, April 9th, 1917. OSWALD NEVILLE TEBBUTT B.Sc., 1912 Born at Cambridge, England, September 3rd, 1890. Commissioned Lieutenant in the 1st Cambridgeshire Regiment, Imperial Army, Sep- tember, 1912. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Killed in action, March 15th, 1915, at St. EIcm. Buried at Dickebusch. GEOFFREY THOMPSON B.Sc, 1914 Born at London, England, in 1889. Commis- sioned in the Queen Victoria's Own 2nd Sappers and Miners, Indian Army, September, 1914. Drafted to France, attached to the 179th Com- pany, Royal Engineers. Killed in action, September 3rd, 1916. i 88 r THE DEAD CHARLKS BlIRNABY TIlNLINi, B.A., 1914; Medicine, 1912-15 Born at Hamilton, Ont., March 30th, 1893. Enhsted, April, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Promoted to Lieutenant. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917, and died of wounds April 15th, 1917. Was mentioned in despatches. gkorge leonard trapp Applied Science, 1912-16 Born at New Westminster, B.C., July 1st, 1894. Commissioned February 18th, 1917, as Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service, 10th Squadron. Killed in action November 12th, 1917, near Poperinghe, France. Mentioned in despatches. donald morison trapnell Applied Science, 1911-12; 13-14 Born at Windsor, N.S., February 17th, 1891. Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action at Ypres, April 23rd, 1915. clifford weldon travis Applied Science. 1914-15 Born at Sydney, N.S., May 5th, 1893. Appointed Lieutenant in the 86th Battalion, C.E.F., September 23rd, 1915. Transferred to the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. Killed in action, at Cherissy, August 28th, 1918. 89 37 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL alexander ewiin<, i i ( khk Applied Science, 1912-15 Born at Sangerties-on-Hudson, N.Y., November 1st, 1894. Enlisted, May 20th. 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia s Cana- dian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. GEORGE SAMUEL TUCKER Arts, 1912-13; Medicine, 1913-15 Born at Palmetto Grove, Bermuda, July 17th, 1893. Enlisted, October 28th, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, CE.F. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at Mount Sorrel. June 13th, 1916. KENNETH TURNBULL B.Sc., 1908 Born at Montreal, Que., June 14th, 1885. Appointed Lieutenant in the 53rd Canadian Battalion, C.E.F., October, 1914. Transferred to the 73rd Battalion. Served in France. Killed, Au^st 19th, 1916. Buried at Brandhoek Military Cemetery. william henry turner Agriculture, 1913-14 Born at Liverpool, England, August 2nd, 1893. Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 12th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. Died of wounds, June 5th, 1916. 90 r, THE DEAD GEORGE EDWARD VANSITTART B.Sc., 1906 Born at Mussoorie, India, October 7th, 1884. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, October, 1914. Promoted to Major in command of the 4th Brigade, C.F.A. Served in France. Killed in action at Ypres, May 14th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. edgar viane Agriculture, 1913-16 Born at Ghent, Belgium, March 19th, 1896. Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in the 24th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the British Armoured Motor Cars with a commission. Served in France and Russia. Killed in action in GaHcia, July 1st, 1917. Awarded St. George's Cross of Russia. FRANCIS SHARPE WALGOTT M.D., 1915 Both at St. Philips', Barbados, October 6th, 1889. Enlisted, February 10th, 1915, m No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Killed m action, September 25th. 1916. john charles waller Arts, 1913-14 Born at Karinzawa, Japan, August 20th, 1895. Enlisted, April 19th, 1915, in the 36th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 4th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, May 3rd, 1917. 91 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHIS PARNELL WALSH M.D., 1909 Born at Quebec, Que., January 24th, 1882. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 8th, 1915. Served in France as M.O. of the Second Battalion, C.E.F. Mentioned in despatches. Wounded, July 29th, 1916. Died of wounds August 17th, 1916. HUGH CANTLEY WARBURTON B.A., 1911 Born at Tezpur, Assam, British India, July 3rd, 1889. Given a commission in the Nigerian Native Army, August, 1914. On returning from a furlough in Canada his ship was torpedoed about March 9th, 1917, and went down with all on board. ANDREW ANGUS WANKLYN B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1915 Born at Montreal, Que., November 30th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. , November, 1914. Transferred to the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, 1916. norman claude ward Medicine, 1915-18 Bom at Kentville, N.S., December 18th, 1896. Enlisted, June 5th, 1918, as a Surgeon Pro- bationer to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Was drowned September 12th, 1918, when His Majesty's Ship "Sarnia," on which he was servmg, was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. 92 r THE DEAD DOUGLAS WATERSTON B.A., 1909; M.D., 1914 Born at Belleville, Ont., June 18th, 1889. Appointed Captain in the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance, January 3rd, 1916. Killed in action. May 22nd, 1916, at Sanctuary Wood, while serving as M.O. of the 43rd Battalion. Buried at Reninghelst, Belgium. DOUGLAS WEIK M.Sc., 1910 Born at Montreal, Que., July 30th, 1883. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, 4th Divisional Train, April, 1915. Promoted to Captain. Transferred to the Forestry Corps. Served in England. Died of influenza in Edinburgh, Scotland, November 12th, 1918. J \ vii - I kri:y white Applied Science, 1914-15 Bom at Winnipeg, Man., May 6th, 1895. Enlisted, February 6th, 1916, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Flight Sub-Lieutenant. Killed, March 4th. 1917. ALEXAINUER DAVID VULLI WISON B.Sc, 1914 Born at Montreal, Que., January 14th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, March, 1915. Served in France with "A" and "B" Batteries, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Killed in action at Hill 70, August 10th, 1917. Buried at Bully Grenay. 93 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL john williamson Agriculture Enlisted, October 28th, 1914, in the 24th Bat- talion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Killed in action at St. Eloi, April 11th, 1916. CALVIN POTTER WILSON B.Sc., 1915 Born at Huntley, Ont., March 26th, 1888. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, January 15th, 1916. Died in Canada, October 20th, 1918. WILLIAM JAMES WILSON B.Sc., 1913 Born at Ottawa, Ont., August 12th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the 74th Battalion, C.E.F., December 4th, 1915. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Captain. Wounded. January 19th, 1917. Died of wounds at Hill 70, December 31st, 1917. FRANCIS BASSKL WINTER B.Sc., 1914 Bom at Georgetown, British Guiana, June 16th, 1892. Appointed Lieutenant in the 26th Bat- talion, C.E.F., February 22nd, 1915. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Killed in action at Hill 70, August 15th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 94 Q THE DEAD ALBERT NIGHTIIN<;ALE WITHEY B.A., 1915; M.A., 1916 Bom at Porton, Wiltshire, England, December 21st, 1884. Enlisted, April 23rd, 1917, in the 245th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. Killed in action, August 8th, 1918. charles halkett carson woods Applied Science, 1913-15 Born at Montreal, Que., November 27th, 1895. Enlisted, May 4th, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps, and later to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to Lieutenant. Killed in action near Ypres, September 21st, 1917. HENRY BRYDGES YATES M.D., 1893 Bom at Montreal, Que., May 10th, 1865. Appointed Major in the C.A.M.C., August, 1914; was A.D.M.S., M.D., No. 4. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital as second in Com- mand. Died at Ramsgate, England, January 22nd, 1916. 95 McGILL HONOUR ROLL X^FoT whom no photographs could be obtained) MAX STANSFIELD EATON ARCHIBALD B.Sc., 1910 Bom at Truro, N.S., July 23rd, 1887. Com- missioned in the 170th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers, Transferred to the 255th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Died of wounds. May, 1918. david humphrey bellamy Arts, 1913-14 Born at Colombo, Ceylon, January 28th, 1895. Commissioned, September, 1914, in the 10th S.B. Devonshire Regiment, British Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Salonika. Killed in action April 2nd, 1917. THORNTON BRIDGMAN BOYD B.Sc., 1912 Born at Bobcaygeon, Ont., November 14th, 1889. Enlisted, August 16th, 1915, in the 3rd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. Died of wounds, June 5th, 1916. COLIN ST. GEORGE McIVOR CAMPBELL B.Sc, 1904 Born at Port Arthur, Ont.,. December 23rd, 1879. Enlisted, in 1915, as Pilot Instructor in the 45th Squadron, Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed, April 6th, 1917. JOHN HAYDON CARDEW B.Sc, 1904 Born at Nagpur, Central India, March 24th, 1882. Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Cap- tain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. Died of wounds October 2nd, 1917. ERIC MERRILL DESBRI8AY B.A., 1914 Born at Mission City, B.C., March 26th, 1893. Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Divisional vSignal Company, attached to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Died of wounds, August 3rd, 1916. KARL EU(;ENE DlMICk Medicine, 1914-16. Bom at East Boston, Mass., April 26th, 1894. Enlisted, May, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieut- enant in the 309th United States Infantry Battalion. Served in France. Wounded, Sep- tember 15th. 1918. Died of wounds at Toule, France, September 19th, 1918. ROYSTON WILLIAM DUNLOr ELWELL B.S.A., 1911 Born at Weston-super-Mare, Somersetshire, England, April 26th, 1877. Enlisted, June 9th, 1915, in the 56th Battalion, C.E.F. Died while training in Canada, November 9th, 1915. ROBERT FAIRGRIEVE B.A., 1914 Born at Gateshead, Durham, England, April 27th, 1885. Enlisted, June 11th, 1915, in thie Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to th^ Royal Garrison Artillery as a Second Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded, May 16th, 1917. Died of wounds November 24th, 1917. CHARLES VALENTINE GREARY FIELD Applied Science 1913-15 Bom at Mooltan, India, March 30th, 1895. Enlisted in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 4th Battalion, with the rank of Lieutenant, and then to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Died, January 12th, 1916. ARTHUR ERSKINE GOODEVE Applied Science, 1913-15 Bom at Chesley, Ont., March 30th, 1895. Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 17th, 1916. Buried at Courcelette. james henry grant Arts, 1910-11 Born at Belleville, Ont., October 6th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 102nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 6th, 1916. Served in France. Died of wounds, December 20th, 1916. FREDERICK GORDON HUGHES B.A., 1912; M.A., 1914 Born at Arnprior, Ont., March 22nd, 1890. Enlisted, May 1st, 1915, in the P.P.C.L.I. Transferred to the 12th Northumberland Fusiliers, Imperial Army, with a commission. Served in France. Killed in action, June 26th. 1916. Buried near Belcordal Station, France. HAROLD LOUIS HULL B.Sc, 1913 Born at Kimberley, South Africa, October 6th, 1889. Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed, June 3rd, 1916. CHARLES PRESTON ILSLEY B.Sc., 1915 Bom at Egan, South Dakota, September 11th, 1892. Enlisted, February 13th, 1915, in the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Killed in action, March 24th, 1916. ALFRED NELSON K1N(; B.A.. 1911 Born at Moodyville. B.C., March 1st, 1889. Enlisted in 1914, in "C" Battery, 53rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Served in France. Killed in action, 1916. 96 THE DEAD CLUNY JAMKS UGHTBODY Arts, 1912-14 Born at Edinburgh, Scotland, August 26th, 1884. Enlisted. March 8th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. Pro- moted to Lieutenant. Wounded, June 2nd, 1916, at Ypres, and again at Passchendaele in 1917. Died of wounds, November 1st, 1917. JOHN MarKAY Arts, 1912-15 Born in Scotland, December 15th, 1889. En- listed, Ctetober 4th, 1915, in the 87th Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Contracted tuberculosis at Vimy Ridge and died in the Victoria Hospital, London. Ont., October 31st, 1917. PATRICK D0UC;LAS MoLAGAN Agriculture Born at Vancouver, B.C., March 17th, 1890. Appointed a Lieutenant in the 103rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Labour Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, October 15th, 1917. OUENTiN McLaren Agriculture 1912-13 Bom at Christchurch, New Zealand, April 18th, 1893. Enlisted with the Imperial Light Horse, South African Forces. Transferred to the Black Watch Battalion. Killed in action, October, 1916. charles stuart martin Arts, 1912-14 Bom at Winnipeg, Man., March 29th, 1895. Enlisted, February 5th, 1915, in the 5th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Twice wounded. Killed in action September 29th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. harold irwin morris Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted January 8th, 1916, in the 144th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Transferred to the 8th Battalion. Served in France. Wounded June 19th, 1917. Died of wounds, October 23rd, 1918. ARTHUR JOHN MOTYER B.Sc., 1911 Born at Hamilton, Bermuda, September 2nd, 1886. Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action, September 15th, 1916. ALEXANDER DALE MUIR B.A., 1912 Born at Glasgow, Scotland, March 10th, 1887. Commissioned, June, 1915, in the 1/ 6th Batta- lion, Black Watch. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Died, April 17th, 1917. ralph fetherstone l. osler Applied Science, 1910-11 Bom at Winnipeg, Man., October 11th, 1891. Enlisted, November 9th, 1914, in the 30th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 16th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Died of wounds, June 16th, 1916. NOLAN TWEEDALE PATTERSON Arts, 1912-14 Born at Wanstead, England, March 5th, 1896. Appointed Lieutenant in the 31st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, November 17th, 1915. Transferred to the 10th Battery, 3rd Brigade. Served in France and Belgium. Died of wounds, near St. Eloi, June 1st, 1916. henry a. robertson Applied Science, 1907-09 Bom at Portage-la-Prairie, Man., September 7th, 1888. Enlisted, December 24th, 1914, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (Reinforcing Draft). Transferred to the 44th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Killed in action. May Uth, 1917. john henry rosher Applied Science, 1912-14 Born at London, England, June 12th, 1890. Enlisted, August 25th, 1914, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Killed in action, March 20th, 1915. Buried at Voor- mezeele. alan hamilton ross Arts, 1903-04; Applied Science, 1903-05 Born at London, England, October 22nd, 1885. Enlisted with the Machine Gun Section, 10th Royal Fusiliers, Imperial Army. Served in France. Killed in action. cecil valentine samuel Applied Science, 1912-13 Born at Liverpool, England, June 12th, 1889. Commissioned in the Warwickshire R^ment. Served in France. Died of wounds, October, 1917. WILLIAM DUMARESQ SHERAR Agriculture, 1914-15 Born at New Carlisle, Que., June 27th, 1891. Enlisted at Montreal, August 30th, 1916, in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, August 5th, 1917. ANGUS SPLICER Arts, 1912-13; Law, 1913-15 Born at Caughnawaga, Que., June 8th, 1891. Enlisted, March 26th, 1915. in the 38th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Killed June 4th, 1916. ALEXANDER MacKAY STEVENS Applied Science, 1915-16 Born at Vancouver, B.C., April 4th, 1898. Enlisted, June 8th, 1916, in the 158th Battalion C.E.F. Transferred to the 77th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Lieu- tenant. Transferred again to the 202nd Squadron, Royal Air Force. Killed, August, 1918. ORMON-D MONTGOMERY STITT B.Sc.. 1908 Born at Ottawa, Ont., June 16th, 1884. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers. January 31st, 1916. Served in France. Died of wounds, August 16th, 1916. Was awarded the Military Cross. 97 n MCGILL HONOUR ROLL KENNETH C. C. TAYLOR Arts, 1904-05 Born at Montreal, Que., March 20th, 1888. Appointed Captain in the 29th Battahon, CE.F., November 11th, 1914. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Killed in action. RICHARD HAYWARD TAYLOR Arts, 1914-15 Bom at Carbonear, Nfld., January 23rd, 1892. Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, CE.F. Trans- ferred to the P.P.C.L.I., then to the Royal Engineers and the 8th London Regiment. Pro- moted to Lieutenant. Killed at Ypres, September 20th, 1917. THOMAS LEONARD TRACY Applied Science, 1910-15 Bom in London, Ont., November 19th, 1891. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Killed in action near Cour- celette, September 12th, 1916. Buried in Sunken Road Cemetery, Pozi^res. HENRY WALTER VALLANCE B.Sc.. 1914 Bom at Hamilton, Ont., October 13th, 1890. Appointed Lieutenant in the 36th Battahon, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 15th, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Battalion. Served in France. Killed in action, at Hill 60, near Ypres, June 13th, 1916. ARTHUR BARLOW WHITESIDE Arts, 1912-14 Bom at Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., December 13th. 1891. Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, m No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the P.P.C.L.I. and then to the R.F.C. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Awarded the Militarv Cross and Bar. Accidentally killed, m England, in 1918. eyre spenser wilkinson Applied Science, 1910-14 Born at Manchester, England, July 31st, 1890. Commissioned in the Royal Fusiliers, August 18th, 1914. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in Malta and France. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Killed in action at Roubiax, France, January 12th, 1916. RAINSFORD HANNAY WINSLOW B.Sc., 1909 Born at Fredericton, N.B., October 19th, 1887. Appointed Lieutenant in the 48th Battalion, CE.F. (afterwards known as the 3rd Canadian Pioneer Battalion), December, 1914. Transfer- red as Major to the Canadian Corps Tramways. Wounded, September 5th, 1918, near Villers- les-Cagnicourt and died four days later. HAMILTON KEMP WRIGHT M.D., 1895 Born at Cleveland, Ohio, August 2nd, 1867. Gazetted Captain in the Field Ambulance, Imperial Army. Died of wounds, April, 1917. 98 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS WILLIAM HAMILTON ABBOTT JAMES ADAMS Applied Science. 1913-14 Agriculture. 1915-17 Enlisted, September 26th. 1914. in the 5th Enlisted, January 3rd. 1917. in the 79th Battery. Battery. 2nd Brigade Canadian Field Artillery. Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Brigade. Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served France. Was awarded the Military Cross. in France. GEORGE WAKELY ABBOTT-SMITH JOB LEONARD ADAMS ^ , A^TS, 1915-16 Pharmacy. 1917-18: Diploma of Pharmacy, Enlisted. March 21st, 1916, in the 66th Battery, 1920 & RpnpfJ^lo th^'i^f ^7^.u^^i^^ Enlisted April 23rd, 1918, in the Canadian Army R.tl^f ^' ^^l^^f' ^Ji!^ ^''^P^' ^? ^^.^^ ^^"^^^ ^n^s. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Tank Battalion. Served in England Served m France. Was gassed August 21st, 1917. Wounded, August 28th, 1918. Awarded the marston emery adams Military Medal. Dentistry, 1916-18; D.D.S., 1920 REGINALD BANCROFT ABBOTT-SMITH Enlisted, August 2nd. 1918, in the Canadian Arts & Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1922 ""^ ^"^^^^ ^""P^' ^"^^^ Canada. Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Battalion Douglas g. adamson "The Buffs," May 28th, 1915. Served in Egypt Agriculture, 1914-15 and Salonika. Enlisted in the 6th Universities Company. MURRAY CLEMENT ABELL Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, M D 1916 ^P"^ Served in France. Was wounded Enlisted, February 18th. 1915, in No. 3 Canadian ^P"' ^^^^ ^^l^" General Hospital. Returned to Canada in Robert wilson Adrian January, 1916, to complete his medical studies. B Sc 1910 Appointed Medical Officer to the 139th Bat- FnH<ifpH Tnnp i-^th 'iqi7 ir. n a- talion with the rank of Captain, August 10th, EnSn^k Tranll^^'pd tn Vh. fi.h n^Jl^r'^'' 1916. Served in France with the 14th Royai cS^n E^fn^A^^ ^u^^^'^'l Montreal Regiment, Granville Canadian Special of Eince Cor^^^^^ '^""^ Hospital, and No. 5 Canadian General Hospital. ^rporal. berved in France, and, in England, in the Canadian Command JOHN ernest affleck Depot at Witley. Died of broncho-pneumonia, M D 1916 lS^ch3^^^ Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army iviontreai. Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, May 19th, rNow'pmuP abbYv") }?^^' E^^^^"^ the Duchess of nr..,....i^r iQ^o iT f inic: 1^ Connaught's Canadian Red Cross Hospital, and Commerce, 1912-14; Law, 1915-16 in France with the 58th Battalion and the 9th Enlisted, September 28th, 1915, in the 3rd Siege Canadian Field Ambulance. Was awarded the Artillery Battery. Transferred to the 3rd Bri- Military Cross and Bar. gade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted „, to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Walter Joseph ahern Applied Science, 1904-06 a" c ^'^Q^'l^'''^'''' Enlisted, November 7th, 1914, in the 30th Bat- Arts, 1916-17 talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 15th Battalion. Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps, Promoted to the rank of Stafif-Sergeant. Served March 23rd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of in France. Was wounded. Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded . ,^r^^^.. , near Albert, May 21st, 1918. Lawrence Thornton ainley B.A., 1900: M.D., 1904 JOHN HAMILTON A ACER Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the Arts, 1892-94 222nd Battalion, March 1st, 1916. Transferred Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion, to the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun C.E.F. , June 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 4th Corps. Served in France. Divisional Employment Company. Promoted wn i iaii^ k-i^w* ..x. to the rank of Captain. Served in France. william edward ainley M.D., 1904 ■'^"^ A^^'^^ofv^^'^'^' Commissioned Lieutenant, August, 1915, in the M.D., 1899 Royal Army Medical Corps and served in Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in No. 3 Canadian Salonika. Transferred to the Canadian Army General Hospital, May 5th, 1915. Promoted Medical Corps with the rank of Captain in to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. October, 1916, and served in France. CHAUNCEY ALLEN ADAMS DOUGLAS MAIBEN AIRD B.A., 1902 Agriculture, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 101st Ammunition Enlisted, September 24th, 1915, in the 3rd Siege Train, United States Army, June 29th, 1918. Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- Transferred to the Young Men's Christian ferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery with the Association, as Secretary. rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. FRANK D. ADAMS WILLIA M HUGH AIRD B.Sc., 1878; D.Sc., 1902; LL.D., 1921 Arts, 1913-15; 16-17 Appointed as a Lieutenant-Colonel in connection Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec with educational services, October 21st, 1918. Regiment. Served in Canada. Transferred to Served in England and France. the Royal Flying Corps, i j i i - J 99 n j MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ALBERT MILLER ALBERGA B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, September 5th, 1916, in No 2 Con- struction Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served m France. GEORGE FREDERICK ALBERGA B.Sc., 1915 Enhsted, October 10th, 1916, in No. 2 Construc- tion Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Served m France. AUGUSTUS ELIHU ALDEN M.D., 1918 Enlisted, April 8th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. EDGAR DOUGLAS ALEXANDER B.Sc., 1914 Appointed, December 20th, 1915, as a Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 4th Pioneer Battalion, and then to the l02nd Battalion. Served in France. MAURICE ALEXANDER B.C.L., 1910 Appointed Captain. 2nd Canadian Divisional Headquarters, October, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Appomted Judge Advocate General, Canadian Expeditionary Force Transferred to the Imperial War Office Staff (Intelligence Department). Mentioned in despatches and created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and §t. George. JOHN NEWTON ALFORD B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, April 2nd, 1915, in the Eaton Motor Machine Gun Battery. Transferred to the Cana^ dian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and was twice wounded. ALEXANDER ROSS ALGUIRE M.D., 1905 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1917. Transferred to the 4th Casualty Clearing Station. Reverted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. john roberts allan Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted. September 22nd, 1914, in the 1st Bri- gade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Imperial Army with a commission. Served in France. RALPH ERSKINE ALLAN Law, 1911-14 Enlisted, January 5th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Orderly Room Sergeant-Major. Served in Canada. JAMES STUART ALLEN Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, April 27th, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. norman burke allen Arts, 1913-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 208th Battalion, C.E.F., March 17th, 1916. Transferred to the 26th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. GORDON THOMAS ALLEY M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 1st, 1917. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Deceased. FRANK HAROLD ALLWOOD Applied Science, 1907-10 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 1st Bri- gade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. william hruce almon Medicine, 1896-98 Enlisted for service in the Army Medical Corps, August 14th, 1914. Appointed Captain m the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 16th, 1918. Served in Canada. FRANK WILLIS ALMOND Medicine 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, October 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. PIERRE CHARLES AMOS Applied Science, 1915-16; B. Arch., 1925 Commissioned, May 25th, 1916, as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France, South Coast of England, and North Sea (Mine Sweeping). Was awarded the Croix de Guerre. ALEXANDER ALDERSON ANDERSON B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted in the Canadian Engineers, November 25th, 1914. Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Signal Company, February 8th. 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches three times and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. ALEXANDER GORDON ANDERSON Applied SCIENCE, 1915-17; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, May 28th, 1917. in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 10th Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. CHARLES MAGEE ANDERSON M.D., 1916 Commissioned, August, 1916, as a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 12th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Captain and Medical Officer. CLAYTON EARLE ANDERSON Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1919; M.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 25th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in England. JAMES CLARKE ANDERSON Arts. 1906-07 Enlisted, October 29th. 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Mobile Veterinary Section. Served in Siberia. 100 r "^^ — OTHER ENLISTMENTS john roger anderson Applied Science, 1907-11 Appointed Lieutenant, October 24th, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 4th Battahon, and then to the 87th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. SEDLEY CANTRELL ANDERSON B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, August 27th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and then to Acting-Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS VICTOR ANDERSON B.Sc., 1901 Appointed Major, August 24th, 1914, in the 1st Divisional Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches four times and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order and also the Order of St. Anne. WILLIAM BEAUMONT ANDERSON B.A.Sc., 1898 Appointed Major, September 8th, 1915, in the Royal Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Transferr^ to Canadian Army Corps Headquarters. Served in France, Belgium and Germany. Was mentioned in despatches three times, awarded the Distin- guished Service Order and created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. william arthur ives anglin Architecture, 1910-14 Appointed Lieutenant, June 27th, 1916, in the 3rd New Brunswick Regiment, Canadian Garri- son Artillery. Went overseas with the Siege Artillery Draft (McGill). Served in France with the 10th Siege Battery and as Staff Captain (Intelligence) with Counter Battery Ofhce, Cana- dian Corps Headquarters. Was awarded the Military Cross. HENRY FORBES ANGUS B.A.. 1911 Commissioned, August, 1914, in the 4th Wilt- shire Regiment, attached to the 1 /4th Battalion. Dorsetshire Regiment, and then to the staff of the 34th Indian Infantry Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in India and Mesopotamia. WILLIAM SHAW ANTLIFF Arts, 1914-16; B. Com., 1920 Enlisted, January 14th, 1916. in the 9th Can- adian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. CARL OVERY APPS Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 5th Can- adian Field Ambulance. Was gassed at Hill 70. August, 1917. jacob arbess Pharmacy, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CHARLES WILLIAM ARCHIBALD MEDICINE, 1914-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, February 24th, 1915, in No. 3 Can- adian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. edward b. archibald Applied Science, 1903-05; 06-09 Appointed, July 5th, 1915, an Honorary Captain with the Young Men's Christian Association. Transferred to the 10th Battalion and then to the 2nd Battalion. Served in France. EDWARD WILLIAM ARCHIBALD B.A., 1892; M.D., 1896 Appointed Major, April 7th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. ernest bryden archibald B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, March 17th, 1915, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. howard m. archibald Applied Science, 1903-05 Enlisted, February 15th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in England. ALAN FENTON ARGUE B.A„ 1913; M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain, August 8th, 1916, in the 244th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 12th Field Ambulance. Appointed Medical Officer to the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards, Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. robert fletcher argue Arts, 1903-07 Appointed, March 12th, 1917, as a Lieutenant in the Canadian Officers Training Corps Draft, Military District No. 10, Transferred to the Young Men's Christian Association as Honorary Captain. Served in England. REGINALD SCOTT ARMITAC;E Applied Science, 1911-15 Appointed Lieutenant, June 17th, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to (1) the 6th Howitzer Brigade, (2) the 5th Brigade, (3) the 14th Brigade and (4) the 8th Army Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded at the Somme, November 10th, 1916, and at Amiens, August 13th, 1918. edward burton ponton armour Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant, September 24th, 1914, in the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. JOHN CAMPBELL ARMOUR Medicine, 1914-16; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, June 17th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Bat- talion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. douglas bond armstrong Applied Science, 1912-15 Appointed Lieutenant, August 7th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. 101 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL FRANCIS EDWIN ARMSTRONG Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 8th, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 9th Field Ambulance, and then to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, September 16th, 1916. GEORGE ELI ARMSTRONG M.D., 1877 Appointed, October 28th, 1916, a Lieutenant- Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served m England and France. Was made a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. LAWRENCE HENRY ARMSTRONG Arts, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, November 8th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve as a Wireless Officer. Served in Canada. roy eraser armstrong Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant, May 4th, 1916, in the 65th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 14th Brigade. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. gerald s. ashby Arts, 1908-09; Applied Science, 1909-10 Appointed Lieutenant, August 31st, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 14th Battalion and then to the 42nd Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. PATRICK TERRENCE HARVEY ASHBY Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and then to the 5th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded, October 23rd, 1917. WILLIAM ELMO ASHTON AGRICULTURE, 1915-17; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 3rd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Second Quebec Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. WALTER SYDNEY ATKINSON M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain, August 20th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Served in England. alfred stanley auclair Medicine, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in Canada, J. DE GASPE AUDETTE Law, 1913-16; B.C.L., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant, August 17th, 1916, in the 171st Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 21st Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. james lawrence audley Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted at Boston, Mass., November 13th, 1917, in the Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in the United States. FREDERICK CLYDE AULD B.A., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery, Junel7th, 1917. Transferred to the 10th Canadian Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade. Served in France. FREDERICK MOORE AULD B.A., 1907; M.D., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery, June 17th, 1917. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. jules avner Arts, 1913-15 Enlisted, June 20th, 1917, in the Medical Department, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. KENNETH R0(;ER AYER B.A., 1909; B.Sc. 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Railway Troops, August 1st, 1918. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers (Training Depot). Served in Canada. HENRY ALDOUS AYLEN Arts, 1915-18.; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, April, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. CHARLES EDGAR BABCOCK B.A., 1912 Enlisted, April 21st, 1916, in the 156th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 240th Battalion, Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. GEORGE RAYMOND BABY M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS HAMILTON BACON B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, January 10th, 1916, in the Imperial Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps and then to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. frederic harold bacque Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 14th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. 102 r u OTHER ENLISTMENTS francis charles chamberlin badgley Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted, August 26th. 1914, in the 2nd Bat- tery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. Invalided to Canada, January, 1917. Assist- ant Gunnery Instructor. Royal School of Artillery. Staff Officer British War Mission to the United States. Promoted to Temporary Cap- tain. william herbert bacg Arts, 1911-14 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1916, in the 232nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in France. MASSEY BAKER B.Sc, 1913 Enlisted, November 4th, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers, then to the 172nd Tunnelling Com- pany, Royal Engineers, as Second Lieutenant, and finally to No. 3 Tramways Company, Royal Engineers, as Acting Captain. Served in France. reginald stennett baker Agriculture, 1910-12 Enlisted. May 12th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (later known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 11th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. CAMERON VERNON BAILEY M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, January 21st, 1918. Transferred to the 15th Canadian General Hospital. Served in England. SYDNEY GE0R<;E BALDWIN B.A., 1914, M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, May 19th, 1916. Transferred to the 9th Field Ambulance. Served in France and Salonika. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES WILLIAM BAIN B.Sc, 1914 Enlisted, August 10th, 1914, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Attached to the Intelligence Corps. Served in France and Sa- lonika. FREDERICK SMITH BAIRD M.D., 1913 Commissioned, August 27th, 1917, as a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Served in France and Germany. WALTER STEWART BAIRD M.D., 1907 Appointed Major in the 18th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. alexander douglas baker Agriculture 1910-12 Enlisted, August 21st, 1915, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Brigade. Served in France. CHARLES STANLEY BAKER APPLIED Science, 1900-03 Enlisted, September 28th, 1915, in the 62nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 54th Battalion with the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. DENNIS BAKER B.Sc., 1915 Commissioned, June 16th, 1915, in the Royal Engineers. Wounded, October 16th, 1915. Transferred to the 76th Field Company, with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France, India and Mesopotamia. Died July 12th, 1923. HARRY STANDISH BALL B.Sc., 1911 Commissioned in the 170th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the 1st Army Mine School, as Officer in Command. charles howard balm Applied Science, 1912-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 8th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FREDERICK PERCY BANFIELD Arts, 1913-16; B.A.. 1917 Enlisted, May 11th. 1916. in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. WILLIAM BICKLE BANFIELD Arts, 1913-15; B. Com., 1919 Enlisted, January, 1916, in the 190th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Flight-Lieu- tenant. RAYMOND GARDNER BANGS B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant, May 16th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot. Contracted influenza in England and, after recovery, was returned to Canada as unfit for further military service. JOHN PATRICK BANKIER Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to No. 3, Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. lewis frederick baker Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, January 15th, 1917, in the 77th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. RENE RAOUL BARBER B.Sc.. 1900 Appointed Major in the 76th Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force. January 18th, 1916. Transferred to the 18th Battalion. Served in France. 103 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL GREGOR BARCLAY B.A., 1906; B.C.L., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 1st Universities Co., 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 2nd, 1915. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and later to Headquarters Staff, Canadian Expeditionary Force, as Judge Advocate General. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France and Siberia. arthur barker Arts, 1897-1900 Enlisted, March 18th, 1916, in the 156th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in England. RAYMOND INGLIS PALGRAVE BARKER B.Sc. 1912 Commissioned, September 5th, 1914, in the Royal Army Service Corps. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine. HAZEN OTTIS BARNABY B. Arch., 1912 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Bombardier. Served in France. Was wounded. Transferred to the Imperial Army with a commission. WILLIAM HORACE BARNETT Agriculture, 1917-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. WALTER SIMPSON BARNHART Medicine, 1913-18; M.D.. 1919 Enlisted, June 25th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. CHARLES HENRY BARR D.D.S., 1916 Enlisted, May 28th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Army Dental Corps with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. michael john barry Applied Science, 1906-07 Enlisted, August 14th, 1915, in the 75th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. REGINALD CAIN BARTELS Arts, 1903-06 Enlisted, October 25th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in England. GE0R<;E MARSHALL BARTMAN Arts. 1911-12 Enlisted, November 2nd, 1918, in the Canadian Officers Training Corps. Served in Canada. henry newell bate Applied Science, 1912-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, October 16th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Served in France. HARRY ELI BATES B.Sc., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, March 22nd, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. charles lambert bath Applied Science, 1912-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Eaton Motor Machine Gun Battery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 8th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Wounded November 3rd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. CYRIL BATHO D.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant, June 11th, 1918, in the Imperial Army, General List. Served in England. WILLIAM ALFRED GORDON BAULD M.D., 1911 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France and the Dardanelles. Was mentioned in despatches twice and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. l. r. jules bauset Applied Science, 1909-15 Enlisted, June 4th, 1915, in No. 2 Sanitary Section, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Corps Survey Section, and then to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. GEOFFREY EDWARD BAYFIELD M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant, November 3rd, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. THOMAS FREDERICK BAYFIELD M.D., 1901 Enlisted as Surgeon on His Majesty's Ship "Rainbow." HAROLD ADAMS BAYLIS B.Sc, 1909 Enlisted, November, 1914. Appointed Lieut- enant in the 102nd Remount Squadron, April 5th, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. Died January 15th, 1922. ALFRED TURNER BAZIN M.D., 1894 Appointed Major in No. 9 Canadian Field Ambulance, January 3rd, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. DONALD JOHNSTON BEACH Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, May 25th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. hector mcilmoyl beach Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, October 23rd, 1916, in the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. 104 r u OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOHN DONALD MACFARLAN BENNY BEATTIE Arts, 1913-16; B.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant, ^rved m France. Was wounded May 28th, simon kenneth beattie Agriculture 1915-16 Enlisted in the 165th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, October 4th, 1916. harry chandler beatty Arts, 1910-15 Enlisted, April 6th, 1915, in the 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column, and then to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. joseph beaubien Applied Science, 1896-97 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, April 27th, 1918, in the 5th Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regi- ment. Served in Canada. DAVID HORNER BEAUBIER Arts. 1914-15 Enlisted, June 1st, 1916, in the 181st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 52nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, August 8th, 1918. EDMUND JOSEPH BEHAN Medicine. 1916-17 Enlisted, October 27th, 1917, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. PHILIPPE BERNARD BELANGER M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Egypt and France. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar and also the Croix de Guerre. EVERETT AARD BELL Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. GEORGE EDWARD BELL B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, February 7th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. gerald gordon bell Applied Science, 1909-12 Appointed Lieutenant in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 1st, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France, Egypt and Salonika. Was awarded the Legion d'Honneur, Croix de Chevalier, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. JOHN ALEXANDER McLEAN BELL M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant, April 17th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. ROBERT BELL-IRVING B.Sc.. 1914 Enlisted with the Royal Engineers. Transferred, December 29th, 1916, to the Canadian Railway Troops, with the rank of Captain, and then to the 5th Battalion. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches twice. joseph belleau Applied Science, 1905-06 Appointed Lieutenant in the 41st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 27th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. charles joseph belle-isle Agriculture, 1916-17 Enlisted, as a Cadet, in the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. ernest richard bellingham Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, September 6th, 1916, in the 243rd Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. CHARLES MORGAN BENETT Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., 1923 Enlisted, March 29th, 1915, in the 38th Batta- lion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and again to the Royal Field Artillery with a commission. Promoted to the rank of Ueutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. manfred p. benger Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 1st Bri- gade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. FRANK AUBREY BENNER M.D., 1910 Enlisted, August, 1915, as a Surgeon in the Royal Navy. Transferred to the British Red Cross. Served at the Dardanelles and in Egypt and in Military hospitals in England. GEORGE ARTHUR RENNET B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, April 6th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. william herbert bennet Applied Science, 1912-17 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force, September, 1917. carroll robert bennett Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, June 19th, 1918, in the 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. LESLIE FRANCIS BENNETT Arts, 1911-13; 16-17; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, August 25th, 1917, in the 16th Cana- dian Light Horse Draft. Transferred to the 5th Battalion. Served in France, Belgium and Germany. CHARLES HILARY P. G. BENNING M.D., 1917 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. P 105 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILLIAM WALLACE BENTLEY B.Sc., 1908 Commissioned in the West Riding Royal Garri- son Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Brigade, Royal GarrLn Artillery, to the 133rd Heavy Battery, and then to the 15th Siege Battery Promoted to the rank of Acting-Major Served in France. Was wounded, April 9th, 1918. KODOLPHE BERNARD Law, 1918-19; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, September 15th, 1918, as a Wireless Operator (Warrant Officer) in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. ROBERT BERTRAM BEST Applied Science, 1909-11 Enlisted, August 5th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. J. NOE BETOURNAY APPLIED SCIENCE, 1915-18; B.Sc. 1920 Commissioned, April 27th, 1918. in the Royal Air Force. WILLIAM WENTWORTH BEVERIDGE B.A., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 87th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. IRA WILLIAM BEVERLEY B.Sc, 1918 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. ROBERT BICKERDIKE B.A.Sc, 1891 Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 25th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Was twice mention- ed in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar. Was wounded, October 21st, 1916, and October 1st, 1918. REGINALD VIVIAN BIDDULPH Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, September, 1914, in the Officers Training Corps. Transferred to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was w^ounded June, 1916, and July, 1918. Mentioned in despatches. ETIENNE SAMUEL BIELER B.A., 1915 Enlisted, March 29th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Prin- cess Patricia''s Canadian Light Infantry, and then to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. ARTHUR LYONS BIGGAR Applied Science, 1906-08, 09-10; Arts 1909-10 Appointed Lieutenant, October 20th, 1915, in the Canadian Permanent Army Service Corps. Transferred to the 7th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. louis hodgins biggar Arts 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant, August 23rd, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Royal High- landers of Canada. Served in France. Was wounded at Passchendaele, October 30th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS HOWARD BIGGAR B.S.A,, 1916 Enlisted, April 25th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. ServHi in England. WINCHESTER H. BIGGAR Arts. 1913-15; B.A., 1920; B.C.L., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant, March 15th, 1915, in the Canadian Permanent Army Service Corps. Served in the Canadian Army Service Corps in France and Germany. Promoted to the rank of Captain. HILARY V. BIGNELL B.Sc, 1915 Enlisted, February 24th, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, October, 1916. EDWARD ERIC BILLINGTON M.Sc., 1913 Commissioned, March, 1915, as a Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers. Served in France. Was wounded, February, 1916. JOSEPH PETER BILODEAU M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain, June 1st, 1916, in the Cana- dian Army Medical Corps. Served in England and Salonika. douglas bolton biltcliffe Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. stanley norman bingley Applied Science, 1912-14 Commissioned Major in the 46th Royal Field Artillery. NORBERT TREVETTE BINKS B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant, May 15th, 1918, i i the Canadian Engineers. Served in England GEORGE BEDELL BINMORE APPLIED SCIENCE, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, September, 1918. in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer R:eserve, as a Warrant Officer. JEAN HENRI BIELER B.A., 1913; B.C.L., 1919 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in France. THOMAS VICTOR BINMORE B.Sc., 1918 Enlisted, May, 1918, in the 2nd Quebec Regi- ment. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as a Cadet. Served in Canada. 106 OTHER ENLISTMENTS HERBERT STANLEY BIRKETT M.D., 1886 Appointed Colonel, in command of No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill), March 15th, 1915. Returned to Canada on accoimt of illness, November, 1917. In November, 1918, appomted Assistant Director-General of Medical Services at Canadian Headquarters, with the rank of Brigadier-General. Served in France. Was awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Services Decoration, mentioned in despatches, and made a Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. gerald alfred birks Architecture, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant, August 31st, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in Italy. Was wounded at the Somme. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. henry cifford birks Arts, 1910-11, 12-13 Appointed Lieutenant, June 7th, 1915, in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wotmded. hobart mcneil birks Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted as a Second Class Seaman in the United States Navy. Served on the United States Ship, "New Hampshire." william noble birks Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 2nd, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery, and again, June 5th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. GEORGE ALBERT BISHOP M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain, March 18th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. JOHN MURPHY BISHOP B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant, May 1st, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in England. leonard francis bishop Medicine, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant, December 3rd, 1914, in the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. TRENHOLMK ALLEN C;iLL BISHOP Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 15th. 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. Served in England and France. WILLIAM GORDON BISHOP B.A., 1898 Appointed Major, September, 1914, in the 18th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 77th Battery. Served in Canada. HAROLD RUDOLPH BISSELL Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 7th, 1918, in the Quebec Regi- ment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. roy palmer bissell Agriculture, 1907-09 Enlisted, in the 4th Canadian Garrison Regi- ment. Served in Canada. james bissett Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in France. GEORGE WILLIAM BISSETT Medicine, 1912-16; M.D., 1917 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Commissioned in the Royal Army Medical Corps, June, 1917. Served in France and India. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Mentioned in despatches. JOHN EDWIN BISSETT B.A., 1911; B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Motor Boat Patrol Service. HENRY LLOYD BLACHFORD Applied Science, 1914-18; B.Sc., 1918 Enlisted, April, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Discharged on account of ill health. ALEXANDER BLACK B.Sc, 1915 Enlisted, January 21st, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Expedit- ionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the Imperial Army. Served in France. allan harcourt black Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, June 3rd, 1916. charles eldon black Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, August 11th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. HIRAM JOHNSON BLACK B.Sc, 1907 Enlisted, June 1st, 1916, in the 1st Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. lennox graham black Applied Science, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant, May 15th, 1915, in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. kenneth cault black ader Applied Science, 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant, October 31st, 1916, in the 1st Reinforcing Company, 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded, September 27th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross, JOHN BLACKSHAW B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 8th, 1917, as a Signaller in the McGill Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. 107 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL stansfeld tunstall blaiklock Applied Science, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant, October 1st, 1916, in Lord Strathcona's Horse (R.C.). Served in France. donald blair Applied Science, 1908-11 Enlisted, September 19th, 1914, in the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. EDWARD MURRAY BLAIR M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant, February 22nd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. WILLIAM REID BLAIR D.V.S., 1902 Appointed Major, November, 1917, in the United States Army Veterinary Corps. Transferred to Headquarters, 4th Army Corps. Served in France and Germany as Chief Veterinarian of the Fourth Army Corps. FREDERICK WALTON BLAKEMAN M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain, October 16th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. thomas lewis blakeney Applied Science, 1915-16 Commissioned Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Serivce. EDWARD STIRLING BLANCHARD B.Arch., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant, June 20th, 1916, in the 105th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 104th Battalion and then to the 26th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. HENRY WOODBURN BLAYLOCK B.C.L., 1903 Appointed Major, October 18th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France as Commissioner of the Red Cross. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Mentioned in despatches, made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and awarded the Legion d'Honneur, the Order of the Crown of Italy and the Order of St. Sava. william alexander bleasdell Medicine, 1900-01, 04-09 Enlisted, March 10th, 1916, in the 148th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. EDOUARD NAPOLEON BLONDIN B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, October 3rd, 1918, for special service in the United States Army. MAX WILLIAM BLOOMBERG B.A., 1915; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant, April 29th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. joseph stephane boily Agriculture, 1916-18 Enlisted, March 28th, 1918, in the Quebec Regi- ment. Transferred to the 1st Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in England. JULES JOSEPH BOIRE B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, December 10th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. WILLIAM BOLT Medicine, 1915-18; M.D.. 1921 Commissioned, June 5th, 1918, as a Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served on warships in the Mediter- ranean. thomas hugh bolton Pharmacy, 1917-18 Enlisted, January 5th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served m Canada. FRANK LORN CAMPBELL BOND B.A.Sc., 1898 Appointed Major, January 10th, 1917, in the 256th Railway Construction Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 10th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. WILLIAM LANGLEY BOND B.A., 1894; B.C.L, 1897 Appointed Major, July 4th, 1916, in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 23rd Reserve Battalion. Served in England. SAUL BONNELL M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain, September 10th, 1915, in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital. Served in England and Salonika. william john brown bookey Agriculture, 1911-12 Enhsted, November 12th, 1917, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 6th Signal Company. Served in Siberia. GEORGE ARTHUR BOON Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, April 27th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. frederick hunsicker booth Applied Science, 1913-16 Appointed Lieutenant, December 3rd, 1915, in the 32nd Battery, 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Shell-shocked at Passchendaele, November 6th, 1917. PERCY BOOTH B. Arch., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant, August 8th, 1916, in the 242nd Battalion, Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France, MAXFIELD LEA BOSWELL B.Sc.. 1914 Appointed Lieutenant, January, 1916, in the Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers, and then to the Royal Engineers. Served in Italy. 108 u OTHER ENLISTMENTS JEANNIE TURNER BOTTERELL (MRS. R. G. McCONNELL) B.A.. 1890 Enlisted, May 1st, 1915. Served in England with the British Red Cross. Was awarded the British Red Cross Badge for service. ROBERT BEAUCHAMP BOUCHER M.D., 1895 Appointed Captain, June 10th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in England and Salonika. wilfrid anatole boucher Medicine, 1912-17 Enlisted, April 29th, 1917, in No. 14 General Hospital, American Army. Transferred to the Evacuation Hospital, No. 19. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. FRANK G. BOUDREAU M.D., 1910 Appointed 1st Lieutenant, June, 1917, in the United States Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served overseas as an American Officer with the British Army from September 25th, 1917, to July 4th, 1919. CHARLES ERIC BOULDEN Agriculture, 1914-15; B.S.A., 1918 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedit- ionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, August 17th, 1916. job ivan boulian Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, September 5th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Central Ontario Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. HENRI E. BOURGOIN Arts, 1917-18; B.A., 1923 Enlisted, November 1st, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column with the rank of Driver. Served in France. sydney phillip bourinot Agriculture Enlisted in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in England. GEORGE WESLEY BOURKE B.A., 1917 Enlisted, March 5th, 1917, in the McGill Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Wounded. Awarded the Military Medal. benjamin arthur bourne Agriculture, 1915-17 Enlisted, October 22nd, 1918, in the 8th Com- pany Replacement Unit, United States Army. Transferred to the Quartermaster Corps, Ord- nance Depot, Camp Wheeler, Georgia. CHARLES REGINALD BOURNE M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 2nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. PAUL BOURRET Applied Science, 1914-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 3rd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in Canada. charles de bleury bouthillier Applied Science, 1911-14 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant- Served in France. Was wounded at Mouquet Farm, September 15th, 1916. FRANCIS HENRY WILFRID BOVEY B.A., 1903 Appointed Major, February 8th, 1915, in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General of the Canadian Corps and later as Assistant Adjutant General of the Canadian Section, Canadian Headquarters. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Order of the British Empire, and the Medaille de la Recon- naissance Francaise, 3rd Class (Bronze). GEORGE BROR ROVING B.S.A., 1916 Enlisted, May 19th, 1916, in the 7th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. ROBERT ARTHUR BOWIE M.D., 1891 Appointed Major, February 12th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served as Surgeon in charge of the Duchess of Connaught's Red Cross Hospital, Taplow, England, and also in Nos. 11, 2 and 16 Canadian General Hospitals in France. Mentioned in despatches. Accident- ally killed at Brockville, November 26th, 1920. WILLIAM FRANCIS BOWLES Law, 1915-18; B.C.L., 1919 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Tank Battalion. Served in England. BENJAMIN de FURLONG BOYCE M.D., 1892 Appointed Lieutenant, November 23rd, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. charles edward boyce Agriculture, 1915-17 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in England. benjamin s. boyd Applied Science, 1912-16 Enlisted, March 17th, 1917, in the 73rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. GARDINER MOSSOM BOYD Arts, 1905-06; B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, May 28th. 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. 109 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JAMES BRUCE BOYD B.A., 1911 Enlisted, October 19th, 1915, in the 10th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. LAURENCE CHADWICK BOYD B.Sc., 1911 Commissioned, September, 1915, as a Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps, 31st Squadron. Served in India. WINNETTE W. BOYD B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Captain, November, 1915, in the 33rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. alpert stanley boyle Agriculture, 1913 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1915, in the 9th Reserve Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in France. Was wounded, March, 1916. george edison boyle Agriculture Enlisted in the 12th Reserve (formerly the 55th) Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in England. g. arnold brace Applied Science, 1916-17 EnUsted, April 26th, 1918, in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in England. WILLIAM CECIL ROGERS BRADFORD AGRICULTURE, 1913-15; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded August 27th, 1918. Awarded the Military Medal. FREDERICK HAMILTON BRADLEY MEDICINE, 1894-95; D.D.S., 1919 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, December 13th, 1915. Served in Canada. EDMUND ARNOLD GREY BRANCH MEDICINE, 1914-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, May 21st, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Navy and served as Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. john reginald arthur branch Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the 1st Uni- versities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Commissioned Lieutenant in the Durham Light Infantry, Imperial Army. Served in France. Was wounded, September 23rd, 1918. JOHN PETER BRANNEN M.D., 1900 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March, 1916. Transferred as Medical Officer to the 199th Battalion, Duchess of Connaught's Own Irish Canadian Rangers, then to the 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance, later to the 107th Canadian Pioneer Battalion and finally to the 1st Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. harry randle bray Arts, 1901-02 Appointed Sub-Leiutenant in the Canadian Navy, August 4th, 1914. Transferred, October 5th, 1916, to the 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, then to the 10th Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. robert w. bresee Arts, 1911-13 Enlisted, June 7th, 1918, in the 2nd Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. ARTHUR FRANCIS MAYOU BRIGGS B.Sc., 1909 Enlisted, September 10th, 1914, in the Imperial Army Service Corps. Transferred, August 14th, 1917, to the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in England. JOHN ALFRED BRIGGS M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 48th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March, 1915 Transferred to the 9th Canadian Field Ambul- ance and later to the 10th. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. Drowned, April 14th, 1924. TILLMAN ALFRED BRIGGS M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 23rd, 1915. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. HARRIS WEIR BRIGHTON Agriculture, 1914-15; B.S.A., 1923 Enlisted, May 22nd. 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. JOHN SUTHERLAND BRISBANE B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 3rd, 1916. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. Was gassed and invalided home. HARRY EARLE BRITTON M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in England. ALEXANDER WOOD BRODIE M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 20th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. no -D OTHER ENLISTMENTS john edwin bromley Medicine, 1899-03 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. cecil gordon bronson* Applied Science, 1912-14 Appointed Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service, September, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was a prisoner of war in Turkey from January to November, 1918. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre, and the Distinguished Service Cross. charles lennox brooks Arts, 1912-14; Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc, J922 Enlisted, March 9th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. TTransf erred to the Royal Garrison Artillery, in March, 1917, with a commission. Served in France. MURRAY GORDON BROOKS B.A., 1908 Enlisted with the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation. Served in Mesopotamia. william arthur brooks Arts, 1910-14; Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 20th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Died, June 6th, 1922. hugh lester broomfield Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, November 27th, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 125th Battalion, and then to the 15th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. andrew warren brophy Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, July 30th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Gazetted Honorary 2nd Lieutenant. Served in Canada. maurice joseph brophy Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, October 12th, 1915, in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 57th Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Commissioned in the Royal Garrison Artillery. Served in France. ARTHUR ALEXANDER BROWN APPLIED Science, 1912-16; B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engin- eers, May 19th, 1916. Transferred to the 107th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded, August 15th, 1917. CECIL LORNE BROWN B.A., 1893; M.D., 1897 Enlisted, November 3rd, 1915, in the 89th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Army Pay Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served m France. COLIN IRVINE BROWN Arts, 1911-15; B.A.. 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regiment, June 24th, 1918. Served in Canada. DAVID MACCULLOUGH BROWN M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, February, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Italy. ELFRIC DREW INGALL BROWN M.D., 1918 Enlisted, July 27th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Promoted to the rank of Lieuten- ant. Served in Canada. ELTON CLIFFORD BROWN M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, April 24th, 1918. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. FRANCIS MAXWELL BROWN Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, November 2nd, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 4th Battalion, to the 15th Battalion, the 17th Battalion and then to the 92nd Bat- talion, going later to the Imperial Army with a commission. Served in France. HARRY CLEOPHAS BROWN B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. HERBERT STANLEY BROWN Medicine 1915-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. LAWRENCE ELLIOTT BROWN Applied Science, 1917-18; B, Arch., 1923 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1918, in the 9th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. william patrick brown Arts, 1908-10; Medicine, 1910-11 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 38th Bat- talion, Canadiar) Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN CARLIND BROWNE M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. JOHN GEORGE BROWNE B.A., 1897; M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, April 7th, 1915. Transferred, Novem- ber, 1917, to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. AIME SYDNEY BRUNEAU B.A., 1913; B.C.L., 1917 Enlisted, March 13th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Prin- cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Pro- moted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. Ill i MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ISHMAEL EDGAR BRUNEAU B.A., 1910; M.D., 1913 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the 2nd Divisional Signal Company and later to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. GODFREY HUGH BRUNNER B.Sc.. 1906 Commissioned Lieutenant, August 4th, 1914, in the 5th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment, Imperial Army Transferred to the Headquarters of the 159th Infantry Brigade, and then to the Head- quarters of the 56th Division (attached) with the rank of Staff Captain. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served at Gallipoli. Was wounded, August, 1915. SIR JAMES STOPFORD LAUDER BRUNTON, Bart. B.Sc., 1910: M.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, November, 1914, on the Instructional Staff, Military District No. 4. In March, 1917, was appointed Captain and raised the McOill Canadian Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 10th Siege Battery and then to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. ALBERT E. BRYANT Applied Science, 1914-16 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. HERBERT D. BRYDONE-JACK B.Sc, 1911 Commissioned, May 21st, 1915, in the Royal Horse and Field Artillery. Served in France with the 96th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 1st Divisional Artillery Headquarters and the 29th Battery, 3rd Divisional Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded June 7th, 1918. Mentioned in des- patches, and awarded the Military Cross. JOHN STUART BUCHAN Arts, 1906-08 Appointed Lieutenant in the 178th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 19th. 1916. Transferred to the 2nd Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. ANGUS G. BUCHANAN Arts, 1912-14 Enlisted, June 7th, 1917, in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. COLIN ARCHIBALD BUCHANAN APPLIED SCIENCE, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1919 Enlisted, February 27th, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, Canadian En- gineers. Served in England. ERSKINE BROCK QUIRIN BUCHANAN Arts. 1915-16; B.C.L., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 12th, 1916. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, August 15th, 1917. JAMES STEWART BUCHANAN AGRICULTURE, 1916-18; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted, March 6th, 1918, as a Warrant Officer (Wireless Operator), in the Royal Naval Cana- dian Volunteer Reserve. ALLAN JOHN BELLOWS BUCKLAND AGRICULTURE, 1914-17; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, May 7th, 1917, in the McGill Canadian Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. william bellas buckland Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 19th. 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded, June 3rd, 1916, and April 10th, 1917. george frederick harland buckley Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, November 12th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Alberta Regiment. Served in Canada. PETER BURTON BUCKLEY B.Sc, 1915 Commissioned Lieutenant in the 202nd Field Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Italy. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILFORD EDWARD BULL B.Sc., 1915 EnHsted. February 22nd, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and then to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. LEMUEL OSCAR BUNT Arts. 1915-16; B.A., 1921 Enlisted, May 9th, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Divisional Signal Company. Served in England. WILLIAM PERCY BUNT Arts, 1914-15; B.A., 1916 Enlisted, December 26th, 1915, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Egypt. munson dudley burbank Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, June 21st, 1917, in the 19th Field Artillery, United States Army. Transferred to the Veterinary Unit of the 19th Field Artillery. Served in France. GEORGE HARRISON BURBIDGE B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, October 25th, 1916. Served m Canada. HARRY CLIFTON BURGESS M.D., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 5th, 1915. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. 112 u OTHER ENLISTMENTS EDMOND ARBUCKLE BURKE B.C.L., 1900 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 27th. 1915. Transferred to Headquarters, 2nd Divis- ion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches three times. Was awarded the Order of the British Empire. james peter burke Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, October 29th, 1917, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. maurice norman burke Arts, 1895-98 Appointed Lieutenant in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 5th, 1914. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. MICHAEL THOMAS BURKE B.C.L., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in a Draft of the Canadian Siege and Heavy Artillery, October 19th, 1916. Transferred to the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. GEORGE HAROLD BURLAND Arts, 1914-15; B. Com., 1920 Enlisted, March 20th, 1916, in the 207th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 38th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, April 26th, 1918, and September 29th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE LEWIS BURLAND B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, 2nd Tunnelling Company, June 12th, 1916. Transferred to the Uth Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Was awarded the Chevalier Order and the Star of Roumania. GEORGE DRUMMOND BURN B.A., 1915; Law. 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, June 29th, 1916. Transferred to Military Headquarters in the office of the Judge Advocate General. Transferred to the Motor Transport Company. Served in France. Deceased. RALPH BURNETT Law, 1908-12 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, June 28th, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. ARTHUR SILVER BURNS M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medi- cal Corps, May 26th, 1916. Served with Bram- shott Military Hospital, No. 5 Canadian General Hospital and, in France, with No. 1 Canadian Gen- eral Hospital, also later on H.M.S. "Araguaya." GARLAND GRANTER BURTON B.A., 1916 Enlisted, January 13th, 1916, in the 9th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. EDWARD MAURICE BUSBY B.A., 1914; Medicine 1912-14; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 30th, 1914, in No. 6 Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in France. ELDON DURWARD BUSBY B.A., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in No. 22 Canadian General Hospital, March 13th, 1917. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. HAROLD FREDERICK BUSH Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 13th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in Canada. william davidson busk Arts, 1906-07 Enlisted, November 9th, 1914, in the 30th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 16th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. HOWARD BARLOW BUSTIN Arts, 1916-17; B.A., 1921; M.D., 1924 Enlisted, May 9th„1917, in the McGill Canadian Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. john harold butler Agriculture, 1915-17 Enlisted, December 27th, 1916, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Siege Battery. Served in France. Was wounded November 10th, 1917. ALFRED SYDNEY BUTTENSHAW B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Ordnance Corps, October 7th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Men- tioned in despatches, and awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Order. harry durham butterfield Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 10th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. JOHN RODDICK BYERS M.D., 1902 Appointed Lieutenant, April, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, M.O. Tuber- culosis Troops at Ste. Agathe, Que. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Military Hospitals Commission Command, and later to the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment as M.O. john frederick flint cahan Applied Science, 1909-10 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, November 11th. 1915. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. bennie cahanna M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 28th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. 113 TJ MCGILL HONOUR ROLL gordon child cairnie Agriculture, 1914-17 Enlisted, June 17th, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 10th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. JOHN RODGER GALDER M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. April 24th, 1918. Served in Canada. ROBERT LOUIS <:ALDER B.C.L., 1906 Appointed Major in the 41st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 1st, 1915. Reverted to the rank of Captain to go overseas with the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. DAVID MA!N<:HESTER galdwell Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. THOMAS RICHEY CALDWELL Arts, and Applied Science, 1908-10 Appointed Captain in the 21st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 3rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches and made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. stanley earl galhoun Agriculture Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in England. whitmore pipes galhoun Medicine, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 9th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 72nd Battalion. BARRY HOWES GALKIN M.D., 1891 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 7th, 1918. Served in Canada. DARRELL LORRAINE GALKIN Applied Science, 1916-18; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 1st Battalion. Canadian Tank Corps. Served in England. ADRIEN GAMBRON Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc, 1921; M.Sc, 1923 Enlisted. January 2nd, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. ALAN EMERSON GAMERON B.Sc, 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, March 1st, 1918. Served in France with the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Engineers. ALEXANDER GEORGE GAMERON B.C.L, 1910 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. EDWARD PARKE GAMERON Applied Science. 1911-15; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, April 1st, 1915, in the 30th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Appointed Lieutenant, September 19th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Belgium. GEORGE LYNGH GAMERON D.D.S., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 9th Canadian Mounted Rifles, February 18th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Was men- tioned in despatches and awarded the Distin- guished Service Order. GEORGE MANSFIELD GAMERON Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1921 Enlisted, January 22nd, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 42nd Battalion. Served in France. JOHN ALVIN GAMERON B.Sc, 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. KENNETH GAMERON B.A., 1884; M.D., 1887 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, September 19th, 1914, in charge of the Surgical Division, No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to No. 2 Canadian General Hospital (in command). Pro- moted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Made A.D.M.S., Canadian Troops at Bramshot, and later placed in command of the Military Hospital at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. Was mentioned in despatches three times and made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. NORMAN SGOTT GAMERON Law, 1912-15; B.C.L., 1919 Commissioned in the Royal Air Force, October 9th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded at St. Eloi. sidney young gameron Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, April 30th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Acting Lance-Corporal. Served in England. ERIG WILLIAM GAMP Applied Science, 1914-17; B.Sc, 1918 Enlisted, May, 1917, as a Cadet, in the Royal Flying Corps. Discharged August, 1917. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers May 16th, 1918. Served in England. ARGHIBALD DONALD <:AMPBELL M.D., 1911 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 19th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, and No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance. arthur bates gampbell Commerce, 1913-15 Enlisted, July 12th, 1916, in a Training Company of the University of Toronto. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps with a commission. Served in Canada. 114 u OTHER ENLISTMENTS CULBERT WILLIAM CAMPBELL Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, December 21st, 1914, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in France in the 2nd Reserve Park. GRANT SUTHERLAND CAMPBELL Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted, March 27th, 1917, in the Canadian Cyclist Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. HENRY <:AMPBELL Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, July 27th. 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. VINCENT B. CAMPBELL Medicine, 1894-98 Enlisted, April 1st. 1916. in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 11. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. WILLIAM BOYD CAMPBELL B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, May 29th, 1915, in No. 2 Sanitary Section, 2nd Canadian Division. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. FREDERICK OSBORNE CANFIELD B.Sc, 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Engineers. June 22nd, 1918. Transferred to the Royal School of Infantry for instructional work. Served in Canada. FREDERICK LORNE CANN B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers. May 15th. 1918. Served in England. CHARLES LANG CANTLEY B.Sc, 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the 13th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France. Was wounded. EDMUND GRAVES M. CAPE B.Sc, 1898 Appointed Major in command of the 3rd Canadian Siege Battery (107th Siege Battery), October 2lst, 1915. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. owen gordon marquis carlin Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 1st, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service with a commission. charles noel thomas carnsew Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, January, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred, as Lieutenant, to the Yorkshire and Lancashire Battalion, Imperial Army, to the Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry), and finally to the Royal Air Force. Served in Egypt. Was awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE FRANCIS CARROLL B.Sc, 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. FREDERICK RURKE CARRON M.D.. 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Armv Medical Corps, October. 1914. Attached, as Captam, to the 39th Battalion, March 31st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major and was D.A.D.M.S. at Folkestone and Dover. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and made Second in Command in Etchinghill Hospital, England. CHRISTOPHER CARRUTHERS B.A., 1905 Appointed July 24th, 1916, Honorary Captain and Chaplam m the 151st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France with the Canadian Cavalry Brigade and the 7th Field Ambulance. Invalided to England and attached to Granville Hospital, Buxton. ERNEST BERCHMORE CARTER M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, April 24th 1918. Served in Canada. WILLIAM LeMESURIER CARTER M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 19th, 1917. Served in England and France. CONWAY cartwri<;ht M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 1st, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France in No. 4 Canadian Field Ambulance. GEORGE HERBERT CARTWRIGHT APPLIED Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd, and later to the 6th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ERIC CARUS-WILSON B.Sc, 1914. Commissioned, September 2nd, 1914, in the Royal Engineers, 17th Divisional Signal Com- pany. Transferred to the 8th Divisional Signal Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was mentioned in despatches twice and awarded the Military Cross. LEO A. CASEY Arts, 1910-11 Enlisted, June 4th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in Canada and England. MARTIN FRANCIS CASHIN MEDICINE, 1917-18; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, August 1st, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. vester ernest d. casselman Medicine, 1893-94 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 17th, 1916. Served in Canada in the 2nd Field Ambulance. 115 MCGILL HONOUR ROLI. WESTCOTE LEWIS LYTTLETON CASSELS B.Sc. 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, November 10th, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. GORDON J. CASSIDY Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, September 5th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. ELURIDGE GATE Arts, 1914-15; B.C.L., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, December 15th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served m France. Was wounded November 13th, 1916. albert l. cauldwell Arts and Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, September 26th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in Canada. GEORGE RUTHERFORD CAVERHILL Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps. May 30th, 1916. Served in France. HUGH DALFORD CHAMBERS B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Railway Construction and Forestry Depot, October 25th, 1917. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. WILLIAM D. CHAMBERS Applied Science, 1904-06 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 29th, 1914. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Made prisoner of war on October 8th, 1917. ARTHUR BUTLER CHANDLER B.A., 1904; M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 16th, 1915. Served in France in the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Mentioned in despatches. frank chappell Applied Science, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 182nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 1st. 1916. Served in England and France. Mentioned in despatches. paul vincent charland Pharmacy, 1917-18 Enlisted, August 14th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. aime a. charlebois Applied Science, 1894-95 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Ambulance, April 15th, 1915. Served in Eng- land. DONALD RICHARD CHARLESON B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 47th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served in France. Was wounded August 10th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. EDGAR ALEXANDER CHARLTON B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Engineers, May 16th, 1918. Served in England. GOLDWIN EARL CHARTERS M.D., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps, and later to the 48th Motor Ambulance Convoy. Served in Mesopotamia, Salonika, Italy and France. Was wounded May 24th, 1918. Died, April, 1923. FRANK BERNARD CHAUVIN Agriculture, 1914-16; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, May 15th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 25th Battery, and later to the Royal Air Force, with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. camille armand chazeaud Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted as Quarter Master Sergeant in the French Republican Forces. Served in France. Was wounded and was awarded the Croix de Guerre. HILTON SNIDER CHEESBROUGH B.A., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Divisional Anmiimition Column (later the 5th), Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 16th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 52nd Battery, 13th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. GEORGE ALBERT CHEESEMAN M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. HILL HARRISON CHENEY M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, Jtme 27th, 1918. Served in England. ALEXANDRE CHEVALIER Law, 1916-17; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. CYRIL GEORGE CHILD B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Divisional Cyclist Company, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Sep- tember 28th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. noel ingersoll chipman Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Arch., 1920 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to No. 2 Sanitary Section, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. 116 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS WILLIAM WALLACE CHIPMAN M.D.. 1904 Enlisted, November, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to Training Depot No. 3, and later to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. Served in France. ALEXANDER HAROLD CHISHOLM Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 10th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Bombardier. Served in France. ALEXANDER NEIL CHISHOLM Medicine, 1912-17; M.D., 1917 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. ARTHUR HAROLD CHISHOLM B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps. duncan francis chisholm Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, May 9th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Battery (afterwards the 7th) Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. hugh a. chisholm Law, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant, December 5th. 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded and was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. HUGH ALEXANDER CHISHOLM M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain, September 22nd, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Headquarters, and later to the 4th Divisional Headquarters, as D.A.D.M.S. Served in France. Wounded, April, 1915, and September 11th, 1916. Appointed Deputy Director, Cana- dian Medical Services, 1918. Mentioned in despatches three times, awarded the Distin- guished Service Order and made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. JOHN FOSTER CHISHOLM Arts, 1914-15; B.C.L.. 1921 Commissioned, August, 1915, as a Captain in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was interned in Holland. Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Distinguished Flying Cross. HENRY BRUCE CHOWN B.A., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 38th Battery, 10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, December 24th, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. Was awarded the Military Cross. john donald christie Arts, 1911-12 Appointed Lieutenant in No. 10 Forestry and Railway Construction Depot, September 23rd, 1917. Served in England. Was wounded in an air raid on London. JOHN EDWARD CHRISTIE B.Sc., 1913; Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enhsted, August 5th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. philip harvey chrysler Arts, 1905-06; Applied Science, 1905-08 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, December 22nd, 1915. Served in France. CHARLES HAROLD CHURCH M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 12th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian General Hospital, the 13th Field Ambulance and the 54th Battalion. CYRIL KLOCK CHURCH B.A., 1913; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Enlisted a second time in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. HARCOURT BELL CHURCH M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4, September 3rd, 1918. Served in Canada. cecil churchill Applied Science, 1900-05 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Garrison Artillery, December 1st, 1915. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. lewis piers CHURCHILL M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 219th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 31st, 1916. Transferred to the 5th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. CUTHRERX N. CLARK B.A., 1916 Appointed Quartermaster in the Ammunition Transfer Service, Imperial Army. PETER ARCHIBALD GILCHRIST CLARK B.A., 1917 Enlisted, April 5th, 1917, in the McGill Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 10th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Gar- rison Artillery. Served in France. walter donaghue clark Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, September 6th, 1917, in an Infantry Battalion, Transport Construction Division, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. charles f. e. clarke Arts, 1896-97 Enlisted, August 1st, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment. Pro- moted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in Canada. EDWARD LAWRENCE CLARKE Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. 117 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ■■■■CIS everett wendell clarke Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, January 15th, 1916, in the Motor Trans- port. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. FREDERICK CLARENCE CLARKE M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 12th. 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France in the 12th Field Ambulance. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES CHRISTOPHER CLARKE M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 4th, 1916. Served m France in the 13th Field Ambulance. Was mentioned in despatches. BRIAN BROOKE CLAXTON Arts, 1915-16: B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, April 5th. 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Siege Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Battery Sergeant-Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. george miller clayton Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, October 23rd, 1916, in the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Served in Canada. JOSEPH BADENOCH CLEARIHUE B.A., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Regiment, Canadian Garrison Artillery, November 4th, 1914. Transferred to the 62nd Battery, 13th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, and later to the 51st Battery. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. andrew graham cleghorn Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 1st Ammunition Sub-Park. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. CLIFFORD GIBSON CLEMENTS M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. ronzo douglas clerk Applied Science, 1913-15 Commissioned, December 5th, 1916, as Second Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. DONALD ERNEST HOWELL CLEVELAND M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps, March 2nd, 1916, serving as Medical Officer with the 83rd Field Ambulance, the 2nd Battalion, King's Scottish Light Infantry, and the 2nd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. HARRY ROLAND CLEVELAND D.V.S., 1894 Appointed Captain in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, January 2nd, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, and was later attached to the 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Served in France. HENRY ROSS CLEVELAND D.D.S., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, April 17th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. ERNEST HOWARD CLIFF Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1916; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, April 30th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the Uth Royal Fusiliers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded February 17th, 1917. edmund prescott cloran Applied Science, 1909-11 Enlisted, September 4th, 1915, in the 53rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded April 9th, 1917. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre. ROY BRAINERD CLOUGH B.Sc, 1917 Enlisted, May 29th, 1917, in the McGill Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 10th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded August 23rd, 1918. james campbell clouston Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted as a Midshipman in the Royal Navy. a. harold coates Medicine, 1910-11 Enlisted, June 18th, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred, with the rank of Captain, to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to Canadian Corps Headquarters. Served in France. Was wounded. HORACE WELDON COATES M.D., 1901 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 5th, 1916. Served in France. WILLIAM JOHN COCHRANE M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. ALFRED ERNEST COCKFIELD Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1921 Enhsted, October 2nd, 1915, in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 5th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, and later to the 20th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, with a commission. Served in France. 118 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ERIC MORTON COCKSHUTT Applied Science, 1915-16; B. Com., 1922 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 10th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. FRANCIS LESLIE CODE Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 7th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in England. CARYL FINN COFFIN B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, March 28th, 1918, in the 49th Com- pany, 20th Engineers, United States Army. HORACE RIVES COHEN Arts, 1911-15; B.A., 1918 Appointed Captain in the 163rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 18th, 1915. Served in Bermuda and England, JOSEPH COHEN Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, August 5th, 1918, in the Artillery, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. nathan b. cohen Applied Science, 1908-10 Enlisted, January 5th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. AUBREY ANDREW COHOON Law, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 26th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the Ottawa Siege Artillery Draft and later to the 6th Canadian Siege Battery, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. REGINALD NORMAN COKE B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Trans- ferred to the British Army as a Lieutenant attached to the Tractor Depot, Army Service Corps. Served in France. DOUGLAS SEAMAN COLE B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 77th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 16th, 1916. Transferred to the 5th Pioneer Battalion, as Machine Gun Officer. Seconded for duty to the Explosives Division of the Imperial Munition Board as Assistant Chief Chemical Adviser. Served in Canada. FREDERICK MINDEN COLE B.C.L., 1897 Appointed Major in the Canadian Siege Artillery. June 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Died, July, 1920. GEORGE EDWARDS COLE B.A., 1902, B.Sc, 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the. 159th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 15th, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with Tunnelling Company No. 3. GEORGE HERBERT COLE B.Sc., 1904; M.Sc., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the Young Men's Christian Association, August 13th, 1917. Served in England. In 1918 was in charge of the Chinese Y.M.C.A. with the British Army in France. WILLIAM STANLEY COLE Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, August 1st, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. EUGENE SEELEY COLER Medicine, 1914-17; M.D., 1922 Appointed Captain in the Royal Flying Corps, June 22nd, 1917. Served in Franc*. Was wounded, September 16th, 1918. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. FRANK B. COMMON B.A., 1913; M.A., 1914; B.C.L., 1917 Enlisted, November 27th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. william charles common Arts, 1908-09 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Made prisoner of war. GERALD P. CONNELL Applied Science. 1917-18; B.Sc., 1923 Enhsted, May 6th, 1918, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England. WILLIAM JOHN CONNOLLEY B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, September 25th, 1914, in the Divisional Ammunition Park, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France, Belgium and Germany. KELCEY IRELAND CONOVER M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 20th, 1916. Served in France as Medical Officer with the Royal Canadian Heavy Artillery. CLARE PATTIE CONROY M.D., 1888 Appointed Lieutenant in a Base Hospital, United States Army, September 5th, 1917. JOSEPH M. CONROY B.Sc., 1918 Enlisted, June 28th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. Transferred to the Royal Naval Service. ROBERT J. CONROY M.D., 1900 Appointed Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Array, July, 1918. 119 McGILL HONOUR ROLL ERNEST BUCHANAN CONVERY M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 5th, 1917. Served in Canada. MAYNARD STEPHEN COOK Medicine, 1915-16; M.D., 1923 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, June, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service. HEREWARD LESTER COOK B.A., 1900; M.A., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers, 1st Field Survey Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force, October 29th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Serveid in France. HERBERT GORDON COOKE Law, 1909-10 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded. bernard dysart coombes Applied Science, 1908-10; 1913-15 Enlisted, February 2nd, 1915, in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 27th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, November 7th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches. THOMAS JOSEPH COON AN B.C.L, 1914 Appointed Captain in the 5th Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 24th, 1916. Served in England. GODFREY COOPER B.A., 1914 Enlisted, October 23rd, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 87th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded November 18th, 1916. JOHN GARDNER COPELAND Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1918; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in France with the 8th Field Ambulance. Was wounded September 17th, 1916. NEWALL COPELAND Medicine, 1915-16; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, October 10th, 1916, in the 75th Bat- tery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. andrew eric copland Applied Science, 1910-12 Appointed a Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, January 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. ALLAN BLYTHE COPPING Applied Science, 1914-16: B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, later known as the 7th Battery. Served in France. GEORGE GRAHAM CORBET M.D., 1898 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, September 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. EDWARD ANNAND CORBETT B.A., 1909; M.A., 1916 Enlisted, April, 1917, in the Young Men's Christian Association. Gazetted Lieutenant, September, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain. Served in France. PERCY ELWOOD CORBETT B.A., 1913; M.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 20th, 1915. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. karl fitzroy allyne corbin Medicine, 1905-06 Enlisted, June 9th, 1915, in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Acting Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. stanley bijdden coristine Applied Science, 1906-07 Appointed Major in the 42nd Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, June 7th, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. charles cochrane corneille Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 2nd, 1917, in the 79th Dep9t Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 2nd Brigade as a Signaller. harold alphonse corriveau Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 3rd, 1917, in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served in France. lawrence v. moore cosgrave Applied Science, 1912-13 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Field Artillery, September 21st, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order. THOMAS FORREST COTTON B.A., 1905; M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 27th, 1916. Served in France in the 7th Canadian Stationary Hospitalr Promoted to the rank of Major. gerald diomede coughlan Applied Science, 1913-16 Enlisted, July 31st, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was wounded August 17th, 1917. Awarded the Military Medal and Bar. FRANCIS JOSEPH COUGHLIN M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, March 22nd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. 120 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS J. ALBERT COUILLARn M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 2nd, 1916. Served in Canada as Medical Superintendent Lake Ed- ward Sanatorium. LOUIS AUGUSTE COULIN B.Sc, 1909 Enlisted, December 20th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot. Transferred to the 163rd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 22nd Battalion. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. C;iJl C. PAPINEAU COUTURE B.A., 1903; B.C.L., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. December 5th. 1917. Served in England. HERMAN WALTER COVEY M.D., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps, October 18th, 1918. frederick «avii> cowan Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, August, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. EUGENE POMEROY COWLES B.Sc, 1910 Commissioned, March 31st, 1916, in the Royal Engineers, 170th Company. Transferred to the 176th Company. Served in France. Was wounded March 28th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR THOMAS NOEL COWLEY B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, May 6th, 1915, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Granted a commission, July 30th, 1915. Was taken prisoner of war May 6th, 1916, and spent two years as such in Germany and six months in Holland. Demobilized with the rank of Captain. hu<;h s. cowper Agriculture, 1916 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with a commission. Served in France. edward cecil cox Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, February 28th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force, as a Cadet. JOHN RAFFLES COX B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, March 27th, 1917, in the Canadian Siege and Heavy Artillery. Transferred to the 6th Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. RALPH BENJAMIN COX M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 31st, 1917. Served in England in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital and on the Hospital Ship *'Essiquebo." david n. craig Arts, 1911-12 Enlisted in the 21st Battery, 6th Brigade, Cana- dian Field Artillery, leaving for overseas, Feb- ruary 17th, 1915. Served in France. EDWARD CRAIG M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 26th, 1917. Attached to the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 5th Canadian Field Ambulance. evan douglas craig Agriculture, 1910-12 Enlisted, March 8th, 1916, in the 193rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 4th Infantry Works Company. Served in France. oliver stanley craik Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 5th, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 6th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded at Passchen- daele, November 7th, 1917, and at Bourlon Wood, September 30th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. william clifford crang Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, October 9th, 1918, in the 8th (formerly the 165th) Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. JOHN EDWIN CRANKSHAW Law, 1917-18; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, July, 1917, as a Warrant Officer (Wireless Branch), Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. EDWIN MINTER CRAWFORD Arts, 1913-15; Medicine, 1913-14; B.A., 1922 Enlisted, July 13th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. gerald francis creaghan Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1915, in the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps. Trans- ferred to the Royal Naval Air Service with a commission. Served in France. THOMAS CYRIL CREAGHAN B.A., 1915 Appointed a Lieutenant in the 55th Battalion, C.E.F., March 29th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded November 20th. 1917. JOHN ALFRED CREASOR B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain and was also Staff-Captain, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 121 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ■■■SKIS JOHN JENNIN(;S CREELMAN B.C.L., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, August 18th 1914. Served in France from February 1915, to April, 1917. Was shell-shocked. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and the Order of St. Stanislas (Russia). kenneth andrew creery Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, September 25th, 1914, in the 16th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps with a com- mission. Served in France. CHARLES PEARSE CREIGHTON Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Commis- sioned in the Royal Flying Corps. ERIC CREWDSON B.Sc, 1913 Granted a commission in the Royal Engineers, October 1st, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. w. R. crit<:hley Agriculture, 1913 Appointed a Lieutenant in the 10th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. VERNON <:R0CKETT Arts, 1907-08 Enlisted, December 16th, 1915, in the 105th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Division. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in England. thomas arthur croft Medicine, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. ROBERT PARKER CROMARTY Graduate School 1914-15; M.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 27th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 2nd Sanitary Section, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. HUCH ARTHUR CROMBIE Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, June 8th, 1916. Transferred to the 124th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded June 15th, 1917. harry roy cromwell Arts, 1915-16; Applied Science, 1916-18; BiSc., 1921 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in England. RICHARD HUME CRONYN Applied Science, 1912-14 Appointed a Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps, November 20th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain, Flight Commander and Officer commanding the 83rd Squadron. geor<;e bond cross M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. george carmichael cross Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 1st, 1916, in the 196th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. JOHN SAMUEL CROSS Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, October 3rd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. JOHN townley knowles crossfield B.Sc, 1913 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps. JAMES ALEXANDER CROZIER M.D., 1902 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 21st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Mentioned in despatches. WILLIAM DOUGLAS CRUIKSHANK M.D., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 4th, 1916. Served with No. 7 Canadian General Hospital and, later, in France, with the 2nd Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. HOWARD CRUTCHFIELD B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. JAMES H. CULLY Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 16th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. eric cyril cumming Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, January 13th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Was transferred to the Royal Air Force with a commission. Served in England. HERBERT E. CUMMING M.D., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Fort Garry Horse, Canadian Expeditionary Force,- September 25th, 1914. Transferred to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. 122 -o — OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOHN R. GUMMING M.D., 1913 Appointed a Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Aup^Jst 21st, 1915. Served in France. WILLIAM GORDON GUMMING B.A., 1899; M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, April 5th, 1916. Served in England. philip m. gummins Arts, 1904-05; Applied Science, 1904-06, 07-10 Enlisted, January 7th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in Canada. ANDREW IRWIN GUNNINGHAM B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, October 13th, 1915, in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 97th Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain, Served in France. Was wounded. RUTHERFORD BOYD CUNNINGHAM D.D.S., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, March 6th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. Died, March 3rd. 1923. STANLEY HUNTER CUNNINGHAM B.A., 1913; B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, January 9th, 1917, in the 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Corporal. Served in France. GEORGE SELKIRK CURRIE B.A., 1911 Enlisted, March 5th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches twice, awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. WILFRED ALAN CURRY M.D., 1909 Commissioned, April, 1916, Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 44th, and, later, to the 34th Casualty Clearing Station. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. EDWIN JOHNSTON CURTIS Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1923 EnHsted, June 4th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. ARTHUR GIBB GUSHING B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, April 2nd, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. CHARLES GUSHING B.A., 1910 Enlisted, April 16th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded September 15th, 1916. DOUGALL GUSHING B.A., 1907; B.C.L., 1910 Appointed a Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, February 10th, 1915. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Shot down on a night bombing raid, September 16th, 1916, and taken prisoner by the Germans. GEORGE CUZNER M.D., 1900 Appointed a Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 11, October 31st, 1916. Transferred to No, 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. WARREN AU<;USTUS DAkIN M.D., 1910 Appointed a Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 30th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in the Dardanelles and Egypt. WILLIAM GUY DALPE M.D., 1914 Appointed a Captain in the 2nd Reserve Park, Canadian Army Service Corps, November 30th, 1914. Transferred to No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. arthur t. dalton Applied Science, 1904-05 Enlisted, October 5th, 1916, in the 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Quartermaster Sergeant. Served in Canada. PAUL MacINTYRE DALY Agriculture 1917-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, May 4th, 1918, in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieu- tenant. hegtor dansereau Music, 1910-12 Enlisted, May 25th, 1918, in the 22nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in England. ALLEN BURNUP DARBYSON B. Arch., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, April 15th, 1918. Served in England. albert darghe Medicine, 1914-16 Enhsted, May 29th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. george k. darling Applied Science, 1910-12 Enlisted. August 30th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France in the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. harry johnston daubney Applied Science, 1911-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, August 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded and awarded the Military Cross. 123 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL gerald hanson davidson Applied Science, 1910-12 Enlisted. September 23rd, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Division Trench Mortar Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Military Cross. PEERS DAVIDSON B.A., 1890; B.C.L., 1893 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 2nd, 1915. Served in France. Died in Paris, July 19th, 1920. ROY ASHTON DAVIDSON B.A., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 115th BattaHon, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 20th 1916. Served in Canada. WALTER McDonald davidson Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 12th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery and later to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France and Belgium. WILLIAM JOSEPH DAVIDSON B.Sc, 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Motor Trans- port Corps, American Army, November, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JAMES FREDERICK BLAIR DAVIES B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Sep- tember, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, 34th and 52nd Squadrons. Served in France and Egypt. john howard davies Arts, 1914-15 Commissioned, November 27th, 1914, in the 7th Leicestershire Regiment, Imperial Army. Served in France. ANGLIS WARD DAVIS B.A. Sc., 1898 Enlisted, August 23rd, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. CHARLES F. DAVIS Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1922; M.A., 1923 Enlisted, January 13th, 1916, in the 9th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. DANIEL WADE DAVIS M.D., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. harry bernard davis Arts and Applied Science, 1910-11 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Horse Artillery. HENRY WALTER DAVIS Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Regiment, August 23rd, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded, June 4th, 1916. ISAAC DAVIS Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 18th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. MALCOLM BANCROFT DAVIS B.S.A., 1912 Enlisted, June 24th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. PATRICK MOY DAVIS B.Sc, 1904 Enlisted, August 7th, 1915, in the 3rd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred, with a commission, to the 189th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers. Served in France. Deceased. russell thomas davis Arts 1913-14 Enlisted. May 6th, 1918, in the 9th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 4th Heavy Battery. Served in England. SYDNEY HERBERT DAVIS Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1923 Enlisted. June 24th, 1916, in the 230th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded August 26th, 1918. ROBERT ALEXANDER DAW B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted. April 1st, 1918, in the Royal Engineers. Served in England. WILLIAM ERASER DAW M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 22nd, 1918. Served in England. ANDREW SIDNEY DAWES B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, January 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded May 23rd, 1916, and November 2nd, 1917. Was awarded the Military Cross. francis gilmer t. dawson Applied Science, 1910-11 Commissioned as a Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. FREDERIC JAMES DAWSON B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the 54th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 14th, 1915. Served in France with the 8th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. 124 D OTHER ENLISTMENTS HEBER WILLIAM DAWSON Applied Science, 1911-15; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, October 27th, 1914. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Signal Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. BERTRAM D. DEAN B.A.Sc., 1898 Enlisted, May 10th, 1917, in the First Officers' Training Camp, American Army, Presidio, CaUfornia. Commissioned Captain in the 25th Regiment of Engineers, American Expeditionary Force. Served in France. JOSEPH RUSSELL DEAN B.A., 1915; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. oliver james dean Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 8th, 1917, in the Imperial Air Force. Commissioned in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in England. HENRY F. DEARBORN M.D., 1907 Commissioned, July 12th, 1918, as a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. REGINALD MARK DeCEW Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, September 2nd, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers, Signalling Company. Served in France. SAUL WILLIAM DECKER Law, 1916-18; B.C.L., 1919 Enlisted, September 24th, 1918, in the Students' Army Training Corps, Columbia University, New York. ALLEN LESLIE DELAHAYE M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 21st, 1916. Served in France, in No. 7 Canadian Field Ambulance. thomas herbert delany Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps, September 6th. 1917. Commissioned in the Royal Air Force, March 20th, 1918. Served in France. alain joly de lotbiniere Medicine, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 10th, 1915, Served in France. francois demers Medicine, 1904-05 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Canadian General Hospital, January 8th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. john c. a. demers Applied Science, 1907-11 Enlisted, May 14th, 1918. in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. PAUL E. DEMERS Applied Science, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, C.E.F. Served in Canada. OTTO DEMUTH M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was twice wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. Served in England in various units, among others being the London Field Ambulance, Hill House Military Hospital, and the United States Medical Corps. THEOPHILE CONSTANT DENIS B.Sc., 18% Called in the French Reservist Territorial Army, 3rd Regiment of Infantry. Returned on leave to his position as Superintendent of Mines, Province of Quebec, June, 1916. JAMES PERCIVAL DENNY M.D., 1915 Enlisted in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. cecil orvis derby Arts, 1910-11 Enlisted, January 3rd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment, C.E.F. Served in Canada. CLIFFORD LAMBIE DERICK M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada and England. LOUIS HENRY DERRER B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. FREDERIC DOUGLAS DERRICK D.D.S., 1917 Enlisted, July 6th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps as Assistant Director of Dental Services. Promoted to the rank of Caotain. Served in England. HAROLD ARCHIBALD DESBRISAY Medicine, 1912-14, 1915-17; M.D., 1917 Enlisted, November 30th, 1914, in the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the r^k of Captain. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, and the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hospital. henri roland desjardins Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, August 24th, 1916, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, then to the 45th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. BRAM CHARLES DeSOLA B.A., 1910; B.C.L., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 71st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, August 3rd, 1918. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. 125 McGILL HONOUR ROLL rene marcel s. devitis Law, 1915-16 Enlisted, February 24th, 1916, in the 154th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the French Republican Forces. CHARLES LEONARD DEWAR Applied Science, 1916-18; B.Sc, 1921; M.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, March 10th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. ALEXANDER GORDON DEWEY B.A., 1911 Enlisted, October, 1917, in the American Young Men's Christian Association. Served in Russia and Roumania. GEORGE FINLAY DEWEY B.A., 1913; M.A., 1914 Enlisted, October 4th, 1918, in the 10th Depot Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in Canada. CONNEL EDWARD AVERY deWITT M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services and later Assistant Director of' Medical Services at Aldershot Camp, Nova Scotia. william frederick imrie dey Arts, 1901-03 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps, Training Depot No. 2, February 20th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. GEORGE DICK, Jr. Applied Science, 1914-17 Enlisted, April 25th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. ERNEST DICKEY MEDICINE, 1917-18; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, May 8th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. JOHN BARRIE DICKIE MEDICINE, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, June 27th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. ARTHUR LOGIE DICKIESON B.Sc., 1909; M.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, February 7th, 1917, in the 257th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 7th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. JAMES ALBERT DICKSON B.A., 1883; M.D., 1887 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 11th, 1916. Served in France with Nos. 49 and 55 Casualty Clearing Stations (British) and No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. john harold dickson Applied Science, 1915-17 Enlisted, November, 1917, as a Cadet (Pilot) in the Royal Air Force. REGINALD WINNETT DIGBY B.A., 1911; M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the 164th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 14th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. john a. dilts Arts, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 15th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Central Ontario Regiment. Served in England. archibald h. dixon Applied Science, 1909-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 120th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 28th, 1916. Served in France. HOWARD CHANCELLOR DIXON M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 7th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. SHIRLEY GREENSHIELDS DIXON B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1914 Enlisted, October 9th, 1914, in the 23rd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 19th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANCIS CURZON DOBELL Arts, 1916-17; B.A., 1919, B.C.L., 1922 Enlisted, May 14th, 1917, in the 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada, reinforcing Company. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded August 26th, 1918. ROBERT MUNRO DOBSON Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 26th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded June 4th, 1916. RUPERT GEORGE DOCKS Arts, 1914-15; Dentistry, 1916-18; D.D.S.,1921 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Served in Canada. GEOFFREY JOHNSTONE DODD B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, November 9th, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Royal Engineers with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Served in France and Belgium. Re-enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force with the rank of Lieutenant, 1919, for service with the Khaki University. john james dodd Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, March 10th, 1916, in the 6th Uni- versities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded (gassed), August 24th, 1917. john bigelow dodge Arts and Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted as Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. Was wounded at the Dardanelles. 126 OTHER ENLISTMENTS FRANKLIN WILLIAM DOGHERTY Agriculture, 1915-17; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted. May 1st, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieut- enant. Was wounded January 22nd, 1918, and taken prisoner. joseph anthony claude dorion Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 9th Siege Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England. FREDERICK CECIL DONALD Arts, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France and Belgium. ANSON SCOTT DONALDSON M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the 3rd Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Was gassed August 18th, 1917, and wounded September 27th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches three times, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar. JOSEPH MICHAEL DONNELLY M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 13th, 1918. Served in England. richard james dooiner Law, 1917-19 Enlisted, September 19th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in Canada. william hugh doran Applied Science, 1915-17 Enlisted, August 1st, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. JOSEPH WILLIAM DORSEY M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 105th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 22nd, 1916. Served in France. Died December, 1920. charles emile doucet Law, 1917-18 Enlisted, January 5th, 1918, for Special Service in the American Expeditionary Force. ROBERT DOUGALL B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, November 11th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st O^i^'bec Reeiment. Served in Canada. CEDRU: S I L AK I DO 11, LAS B.A., 1914 Enlisted, July 13th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in England. EDGAR DOUGLAS M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 14th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. Deceased. GEORGE VIBERT DOUGLAS Applied Science, 1911-15; B.Sc., 1920; M.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, March 1st, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the 17th Northumberland Fusiliers, with a commission, and later to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Belgium. Was wounded June 27th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. HAMNETT TOWNLEY DOUGLAS B.A., 1911; M.D., 1912 CommivSsioned, October 15th, 1915, as a Lieut- enant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served with the l/4th Battalion, Leicestershire Regi- ment, and the l /6th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Captain. HARRY DOVER M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. WILLIAM RITCHIE DOWD B.A., 1915; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. VERNON BOOTH DOWLER M.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, May 6th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. allan perry dowling Applied Science, 1908-10 Enlisted, August 27th, 1914, in No. 1 Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, Machine Gun Company, Canadian Infantry, Served in France. Was wounded. charles k. dowson Medicine, 1898-02 Enlisted, May 24th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served with the 2nd Canadian General Hospital, and the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. DENIS COULBORNE DRAPER Arts, 1899-02 Appointed Major in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar, the Croix de Guerre and created a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. GEORGE COLLIER DRAPER B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps, July 22nd, 1917. Served in France with the Uth Squadron. FRANK LISLE DRAYTON B.S.A., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 80th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 21st, 1915. Transferred to the 50th Battalion. Served in France and Belgium. Wounded November 18th, 1916. 127 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL FREDERICK CHARLES WILLIAM DREHER B.S.A.. 1912 Enlisted, December 10th, 1914, in the 23rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Battery, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded June, 1916. Died, January 8th, 1920. william s. drewry Arts, 1908-12 Appointed Lieutenant in the 61st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. E. NEWTON DRIER M.D., 1899 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 12th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. KENNETH EVERETT DRINKWATER B.Sc., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 28th, 1914. Transferred to the 9th Canadian Machme Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in des- patches. HAROLD VINCENT DRIVER D.D.S., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, October 30th, 1916. Served in England. HERBERT MASON DROST B.A., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 11th Regiment, Irish Fusiliers of Canada, February 1st, 1917. Transferred to the 72nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded, and awarded the Military Cross. LORNE DRUM B.A., 1892; M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in No. 1 Station- ary Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Mentioned m despatches. Was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. GERALD I. DRUMMOND Applied Science, 1909-10 Appointed Captain in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 23rd, 1915. Transferred to the 73rd Battalion, Military District, No. 4. Served in Canada. JOSEPH DUBNITSKY Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in England. marcel c. dubijc Applied Science, 1911-15 Enlisted, September, 1915, as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Flight Commander. CHARLES WILLIAM DUCK M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. VICTOR EUGENE DUCLOS B.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th BattaHon, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 29th, 1914 Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. ROBE ROY DUFFY B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, December 17th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot, with the 5th Canadian Divisional Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 4th Canadian Divisional Engineers. Mentioned in despatches. ARCHER FORTESCUE DUGUID B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, August 10th, 1914. Served in France with the 8th, 30th and 23rd Batteries, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded, June 4th, 1917. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. DAVID ARCHIBALD DUNBAR M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital, July 31st, 1915. Served in Salonika. ^ DONALD GRAY DUNBAR Applied Science, 1913-18; B.Sc., 1919 Enlisted, February, 1918, as Assistant Physicist in the Anti-Submarine Division. ALAN COLOUHOUN DUNLOP Arts, 1899-1902 Enlisted, February 6th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artil- lery. Served in France with the 3rd Canadian Siege Battery. Was wounded. david archibald dunlop Arts, 1911-14 Enlisted, December 11th, 1914, in the 24th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Remount Depot, then to the 6th Field Ambulance, Ca- nadian Army Medical Corps, and later to the Royal Air Force with a commission. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. ronald j, dunne Arts, 1915-17 Enlisted, January 26th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. WILFRED GRANT DUNSMORE Agriculture, 1913-16; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 15th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Battery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. WILSON ELLIS DUNTON Arts, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedition- ary Force, June 18th, 1915. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Shell shocked August, 1916. NORMAN MORTON DURANT APPLIED Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May, 1916, as a Motor Mechanic in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served in the West Indies. 128 OTHER ENLISTMENTS WILLIAM A. DURIE Arts, 1907-08; Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted, January 24th, 1916, in the 32nd Bat- tahon, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in England. VERNON BECKWITH DURLING B.S.A.. 1915 Enlisted, September 15th, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Served in France. leon manners duval Arts, 1907-09; Applied Science, 1909-10 Enlisted, December 7th, 1914, in the 2nd Reserve Park. Canadian Army Service Corps. Transferred to the 57th Battalion, to the 2nd Tunnelling Company, and to the 22nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded May 28th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. thomas ronald dwyer Medicine, 1910-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 14th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada and England. alex douglas dyas Medicine, 1906-09 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medi- cal Corps, No. 2 Field Ambulance, September 16th, 1916. Served in France. Was wounded. frederick eugene dyer Agriculture, 1911-12 Enlisted, January 17th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in Canada. HARRY O'REGAN DYER Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted. April 30th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in England. david dyson Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, January 29th, 1916, in the 129th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Was awarded the Military Medal. clarence thomas eades Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, June 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Alberta Regiment. Served in Canada. george herbert h. eadie Applied Science, 1901-04 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 9th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, March 1st, 1917. ROBERT SCOTT EADIE Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1920; M.Sc. 1922 Appointed Lieutenant in the 12th Field Com- pany, Canadian Engineers, May 19th, 1916. Served in France. WILLIAM HENRY EAGAR M.D., 1900 Appointed Captain in the 2nd Canadian Divis- ional Ammunition Column, December 21st, 1914. Transferred to the 1st Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. JAMES MACDONALD EAKINS B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. HARRY EARLE B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion (formerly 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers), November 15th, 1915. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France with the 1st Pioneer Battalion and the 5th Canadian Railway Troops. CHARLES EDWARDS EATON M.D., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Medical Officers Trammg Camp, United States Army, May 30th, 1917. Transferred to the 91st Division. Pro- moted to the rank of Major in the Medical Officers Reserve Corps. HAROLD FRANCIS HOPE EBERTS M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with a commission. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded March 28th. 1918. samuel echenberg Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 31st, 1916, in the 117th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served m France with the 14th Battalion, 3rd Brigade, Trench Mortar Battery and at Headquarters, 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade. Mentioned in despatches. CHARLES JOHN EDGAR M.D., 1887 Enlisted, October, 1914, in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hants, as Medical Officer on one Hospital Ship, and as Officer Commanding on another. Promoted to the rank of Major. Service at the Dardanelles. JOHN HAMILTON EDGAR B.Sc., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 9th, 1914. Resigned, March 17th, 1915. Re-appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 27th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, June 5th, 1916. geoffrey s. edgell Arts and Applied Science, 1904-05 Enlisted, August 14th, 1914, in the 12th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 14th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. ARTHUR JAMES EDWARD Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc.. 1930 Enlisted, April 30th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in England. 129 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CAMERON MacPHERSON EDWARDS Applied Science, 1903-05 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Feb- ruary 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of General Staff Officer. Service in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order and two Bars. GORDON MAXWELL MEIGHEN EDWARDS APPLIED SCIENCE, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1920; M.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, May 14th, 1918, in the 9th Siege Battery. Served in Canada. ROWLAND PHILIP e(;erton Applied Science, 1909-12 Enlisted, September 9th, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- moted to the rank of Corporal. Served in England. JOHN CAMPBELL ELDER Applied Science. 1916-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, September 3rd, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. JOHN MIINRO ELDER B.A., 1881; M.D., 1885 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, April 7th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Military Order of Avis Commander (Portuguese), and made a Companion of the Most Distin- guished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Died February 5th, 1922. ROBERT ELDER B.A., 1900, M.D., 1903 Enlisted in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. KARL OSLER ELDERKIN Applied Science. 1915-17; B.Sc, 1920 Enhsted, June Uth, 1917, as a 2nd Class Air Mechanic in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. ERIC HENRY WILLIAM ELKINGTON Medicine, 1912-14; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 16th Canadian Field Ambulance and later to the Imperial Army. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Siberia. <;ERALD B. ELLIOT Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1923 Enlisted, November, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant. james mdnro elliott Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, September 27th, 1915, in the 1st Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 10th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. JOHN ESSON CAMPBELL ELLIOTT B.C.L., 1917 Enlisted in the Royal Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery, March, 1917. Served in France. Was wounded April 9th, 1918. ROWLAND MONTAGUE ELLIOTT B.S.A., 1917 Enlisted, April 27th, 1917, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, (later known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France and Belgium. SAMUEL H. ELLIOTT Arts, 1907-08 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served m France. Was wounded. ROBERT HUGH ELLS B.A.. 1899; M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No. 9 Canadian Stationary Hospital, February 26th, 1915. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Stationary Hospital, later to No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital and to the 16th Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. SIDNEY CLARKE ELLS B.A., 1900; B.Sc., 1908 Enlisted with the Canadian Field Artillery, November 14th, 1914, and quaUfied as Lieut- enant. Reverted to the rank of Sapper in the Canadian Engineers, July 4th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served m England. Reverted again to the rank of Private and served with the Russian Expeditionary Force in North Russia. HERBERT JAMES EMERY Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, March 28th, 1915, in the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 6th Howitzer Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 10th Squadron, Royal Naval Air Service as Flight Sub-Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was later flying instructor in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was wounded September 10th, 1916 and September 18th, 1918. ross emmans Arts, 1908-09; Applied Science, 1909-10 Appointed Lieutenant in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 4th, 1916. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served m France. Was wounded September 1st, 1918. henry r. emmerson Arts, 1901-02; Applied Science, 1904-06 Enlisted as a subaltern in the Eaton Motor Car Machine Gun Battery, January 7th, 1915. Transferred to the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles and later to the 219th Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. samuel david endler Arts, 1915-17 Enlisted, May 15th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Railway Troops. Served in England. LEMUEL PRICE EREAUX Arts, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, April 27th, 1918. in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in England. 130 OTHER ENLISTMENTS david j. evans Arts, 1910-11 Enlisted, October 23rd, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 14th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. EDWARD EVANS M.D., 1887 Commissioned Captain in the United States Red Cross, June 3rd, 1918. Served in France. HARRY ILSLEY EVANS B.S.A., 1915 Enlisted, March 17th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. JOHN WILLIAM EVANS M.D., 1894 Commissioned, April 16th, 1916, as a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in India. ARTHUR STEWART EVE M.A., 1908 Appointed Major in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. September 29th, 1916. Seconded to the War Office. Appointed Resident Director of the Admiralty Experimental Station at Harwich, Anti-Submarine Division. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in England. Was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. HERBERT STEWART EVERETT Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1920; M.D., 1923 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles, February 12th, 1915. Served in France in 1915-16 with the 6th and 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Was wounded April 2nd, 1916. Returned to Canada September 30th, 1916. In France in 1918 with the 42nd Battalion Royal Highlanders of Canada. DAVID EWART M.D., 1906 Appointed 1st Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps, October 17th, 1918. Died, August 21st. 1923. PAUL EWART M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 28th, 1918. Served in England. GEORGE E. EWING Arts, 1896-97 Appointed Major in the 224th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 12th Company, Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in France. Was men- tioned in despatches. WILLIAM JOHN EWINt; Arts, 1893-95 Appointed Major in the 117th Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, March 1st, 1916. Served in England. WILLIAM THEODORE EWING M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital, March 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES ARTHUR FAIRIE M.D., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 15th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. JOSEPH fal<:ke B.Sc., 1911 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery. ERNEST HENRY FALCONER M.D., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the United States Medical Corps, June 21st, 1917. Served with Base Hospital No. 30 and Mobile Hospital No. 1. Promoted to the rank of Captain. FRANKLIN NELSON FALLS M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 7th, 1917. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital and as Captain and Medical Officer in the 38th Battalion. Was wounded. OLIN EVERETT FARLEY M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 21st, 1916. Trans- ferred to No. 1 Section, Skilled Corps. Served in France. ANDERSON CARLYLE FARLIN<;ER Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1917 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in India, France and Germany. RUPERT WHITLEY FARMER Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, April 25th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, later the 10th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. VINCENT FARMER Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, July 11th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. ARTHUR LESLIE FARNSWORTII Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1923 Enlisted, April 26th. 1918, in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Served in England. <;eorge jarvis fa rn worth Applied Science, 1913-16 Enlisted, April 1st, 1916, in the Divisional Cyclists, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 198th Battalion and later to the Royal Air Force with a cornmission. Served in France. HUGH CRAGG FARTHIiNG B.A., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, May 12th, 1915. Served in France. JOHN COLBORNE FARTHING Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1921 Enlisted. March 22nd, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. 131 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL :h I RALPH FRANKLIN MORRIS FAWCETT HENRY C. "^^^"^^ M D 1899 Applied Science, 1904-05 Commissioned Major "in the Royal Army Enlisted^ Septemto 22nd^^^^^^^^ Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Army Service Corps, transferred to tn^^^^ Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Served in France. MARCUS PHILIP FINKLESTEIN T1.0M.S re.Nc.5 rE.r.1. abk 1910-12^ medicne. 1912.18 Aeroplane crash, May 27th, 1917. Canada. FREDERICK GALILT FINLEY GEORCE HARRY FERGUSON M.D., 1885 APPLIED Science, 1913-18 Appointed Lieutenant-Q)lonel in No. 1 Canadian Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- General Hospital, September 22nd, 1914. Pro- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. moted to the rank of Colonel. Served in Canada, England and France. Mentioned in despatches HAROLD M. FERGUSON and created a Companion of the Order of the Medicine, 1907-08 Bath. Enlisted, September 19th, 1914, in the Canadian philip Sydney fisher Army Service Corps. Transferred to the Im- ^g^^ perial Army with a commission. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 27th,' 1915, as a Flight Sub- tr^uNi iii, vAxnFR FFRCUSON Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. JOHN Promoted to the rank of Flight Commander. APPLIED Science, 1913-lb Served in France. Was wounded September Enlisted, May 8th, 1916, in the 6th Siege 24th, 1917. Was awarded the Distinguished Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served Service Order and the Distinguished Service in France with the 7th Siege. Battery which was Cross. afterwards absorbed by the 1st Brigade, Cana- dian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank roswell erh: fisher of Sergeant. B.A.. 1909; B.C.L., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in Canadian Army Service WILLIAM EWART FERGUSON Corps Training Depot, No. 2, October 5th, 1915. Medicine, 1912-13 Transferred to the 3rd Canadian Divisional Enlisted, September 2nd, 1915, in No. 1 Ca- Train. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served nadian Field Ambulance Depot. Transferred to m France. Was mentioned m despatches, the 46th Battalion. Served in France. ^^^^^^ ^ mcLEOD fiske ALAN FERRIER B.S.A., 1914 , . AoPTTFn ^TTTTMrF 1912-14- BSC 1920 Served with the Y.M.C.A. Staff at Valcartier tri'^ . K ^oif .1 iPnt^n.nt in the ^nd Montreal 1915-1916. Enlisted, March 20th, Gazetted, October, 1914, f^^ lieutenant in the ^ Battalion, Eastern Cross. ROLAND CLARENCE McLEOD FISKE B.S.A., 1917 '''''' n t lom Enlisted, May 18th, 1918, in the 1st New ts.^c., lyiu Brunswick Regiment. Served in Canada. Gazetted, March 15th, 1915, as a Lieutenant in the Roy^l Army Ordnance Corps. Transferred edward graham fitz-HENRY from the 10th to the 2nd, 5th, 17th and 4th Applied Science, 1913-14 Corps, and 5th Army. Promoted to the rank of Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers. Captain. Served in France. CHARLES ANDREW ROBERTSON FLEET EDWARD PHILLIPS FETIIERSTONHAUGH ^g^g. g q L 1911 B.Sc., 1899 Appointed Lieutenant in the 35th Battery, Appointed Lieutenant m the Canadian En- Canadian Field Artillery, September 11th, 1915. gineers, November 10th, 1915. Promoted to the Transferred to the 36th Battery, and later to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was men- ^^y\ Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- tioned in despatches and awarded the Military moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Cross. Awarded the Military Cross. HAROLD LEA FETHERSTONHAUGII ROBERT FREDERIC FLEGG B.Sc., 1909 M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Brigade Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Ammunition Column, Canadian Expeditionary Medical Corps, February 8th, 1915. Promoted Force, February 1st, 1915. Transferred to the to the rank of Major. Served in France. 1st Canadian Artillery Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was gilbert hyndman Fletcher awarded the Mihtary Cross. B.A., 1911 Enlisted, January 12th, 1916, in the 148th PHILIP AUSTIN fetterly Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- B.Sc., 1909 ferred to the 42nd Battalion. Promoted to the Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was May 15th, 1918. Served in England. wounded. 132 n OTHER ENLISTMENTS DAVID BRUCE FLEWELLING B.S.A., 1912 Enlisted, October 9th, 1915, in the 4th Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded at Courcelette, September 15th, 1916. walter ross flewin Applied Science, 1907-10 Enlisted, November 17th, 1914, in the 30th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 16th Battalion and later to the 3rd Pioneer Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded May 21st, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. robert re<;inali) flood Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and later to the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, with a commission. Served in France. GEORGE DAVID FLOYD B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, May 10th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Seriously injured in a flying accident, January 3rd, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force, April. 1918. HERBERT PAUL FORAN Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1921; M.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1915, in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Discharged October 10th, 1915. Re-appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, January, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps, Discharged October 9th, 1916. Re-enlisted May 7th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE FORBES M.D., 1898 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, as Surgeon to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, September 23rd, 1914. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. DUNCAN STUART FORBES B.Sc., 1911; B. Arch., 1915 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and later to the 7th Machine Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Major. Serveid in France. Was twice wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. JOHN HUNTER FORBES B.Sc., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot, January 24th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 4th Divisional Engineers, and later to the 5th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. KARL HUNTER FORBES Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc.. 1921 Enlisted, March 25th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. NORMAN BRUCE FORBES B. Arch., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, December 31st, 1916. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. ROBERT DOW FORBES M.D., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, December 4th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. ROBERT FORD Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 1st, 1916, in the 13th Brigade, Canadian F'ield Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. WALTER STIMSON FORD B.Sc., 1909 Enlisted, in Vancouver, January 15th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Transferred to the 8th Field Engineers; to the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps, and to the Royal Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. Was wounded February 6th, 1918. john f. for man Applied Science, 1910-12 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Bombardier. Served in France. Was wounded. May 5th, 1915. CEORGE AUGUSTUS FORNERET B.A., 1877 Appointed, June 1st, 1915, as Major and Senior Camp Chaplain, Headquarters, Canadian Expe- ditionary Force, at Camp Niagara-on-the-Lake. JOHN FERGUSON COOKE FORSTER M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, September 11th, 1918. Served in Canada. FRANK ALBERT FORTIER B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, 8th Field Company, June, 1915. Served in France. Was twice wounded. CLAUDE EDWARD FORTIN M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 25th, 1914. Transferred to the Lord Strathcona s Horse as Medical Officer. Promoted to the rank of Major in the 11th Field Ambulancie. Served in France. ALVAN FOOTE FOSS M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, January 18th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian General Hospital. ROY HOLMES FOSS Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th Battery Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Siege Battery with the rank of Sergeant, and later to the Royal Naval Air Service with a commission. Served in France and Italy. Awarded the Croiche di Guerra. 113 McGILL HONOUR ROLL GEORGE BUCHANAN FOSTER Arts, 1916-17; B.C.L.. 1920 Enlisted, December, 1916, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. (;E0RGE may FOSTER M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 26th, 1915. Served in France and Mudros with No. 1 Canadian Stationary Hospital, the 3rd, 4th and 13th Battalions, the 1st. 2nd and 3rd Canadian Field Ambulances, and the 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. LOWELL SHIELDS FOSTER M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 30th, 1915. Transferred to the 13th Field Ambulance, Cana- dian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. stanley campbell foster Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, September 27th, 1915, in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with a commission. jack p. fotheringham Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, August 24th, 1916, in the 3rd Divisional Signal Company. Served in France. Was gassed. DUDLEY FOURNIER MEDICINE, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 8th, 1918, as a Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served on board H.M.S. Agalea in the Mediterranean and as Port Medical Officer at the Piraeus, Greece. FRANK SCOTT FOWLER B.Sc, 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 179th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 24th, 1916. Transferred to the 43rd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded October 26th, 1917, and September 28th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. <;rant McAllister fowler B.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 12th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Siege Battery. Served in France. fred francis fowlie Medicine, 1914-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 132nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 14th, 1915. Transferred to the Garrison Wireless Station, Newcastle, N.B., February 28th, 1918. Served in Canada. THOMAS JOHN JOSEPH FOX B.Sc, 1918 Enlisted in the Engineers, United States Army. THOMAS FREDERICK FRANCIS Applied Science, 1911-16 Enlisted, September 21st, 1916, in the 239th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. WILLIAM WILLOUCHBY FRANCIS M.D. (ad. eun.), 1909 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. william david frank Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 2nd, 1915, in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Invalided home, October, 1918. ANDREW STOCKWELL ERASER Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc, 1922 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery, August 16th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Belgium with D/330th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 66th Division. Was awarded the Military Cross. ARCHIBALD NORMAN ERASER B.Sc., 1909 Enlisted as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. HAROLD ALEXANDER ERASER B.Sc, 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 63rd Canadian Depot Battery, January 21st, 1918. Served in England. hugh n. eraser Arts, 1906-08 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was made prisoner of War July 12th, 1916. JAMES OLIPHANT ERASER Arts, 1915-16 EnHsted, May 18th, 1916, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served in France with the Composite Battery and the 24th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. JOHN GORDON CARL ERASER B.S.A., 1916 Enhsted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Siege Battery and later to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. JOHN ROGER ERASER M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medi- cal Corps Training Depot, No. 4, September 12th, 1917. Served in France. lewis h. eraser Medicine, 1903-06 Appointed Captain in the Queen's Field Ambu- lance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 25th, 1917. Served in France with the 2nd Stationary Hospital and the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. 134 _Q OTHER ENLISTMENTS ROBKKT ADAM FKASEK B.A., 1915 Enlisted, April 6th. 1915, in the 26th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillerv with a commission. Trans- ferred back to the 165th Battery, (later the 5th) Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. WILBERT GRIEVE ERASER M.D., 1910 Attached to Queen's Canadian Military Hospital, 1914. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 14th, 1916. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, No. 9 Canadian Field Hospital, the 3rd Can- adian Division, and later in the 16th Canadian General Hospital at Orpington. WILLIAM LAWRENCE ERASER B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Training Depot, May 5th, 1918. Served in England. JOHN JAMES FREELAND B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, May 9th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. DAVID DAWSON FREEZE M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the 104th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 7th, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, and was later attached to the Royal Canadian Regiment, as Medical Officer. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR FRENCH Arts, 1900-02 Enlisted, May 16th, 1916, in the 199th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. CECIL FRENCH D.V.S., 1894 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, April 17th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. robert james frey Medicine, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1917, as Chief Quarter- master in the United States Naval Aviation Corps. CECIL OSCAR FRICKER B.Sc., 1914 Commissioned, December, 1915, in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Acting- Captain. joseph p. friel Medicine, 1903-04 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, as a Private in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was wounded. GEORGE DOWNING FRIPP B.A., 1905; M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Ontario Military Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. Served in France. Died, April 4th. 1922. LEO ELIAS FROOMESS M.D.. 1910 Commissioned, April, 1917, as a Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army. eliot sumpter frosst Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, April 4th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Resigned rank and was seconded as a Private in the same unit. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France with the 1st Divisional Motor Transport Company and the 1st Battalion Canadian Railway Troops. ANSON CARR FROST M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital, August 26th, 1915. Served in Salonika. percy j. frost Medicine, 1905-08 Enlisted, June 28th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the 2nd Machine Gun Battalion. Served in France. john george fulcher Arts, 1906-08 Enlisted, June 30th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. AUBREY TAYLOR FULLER M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps, February 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. GEORGE FREDERICK LeROY FULLER M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, July 11th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. george leroy fuller Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted, March 29th, 1916, in the 5th Pioneer Battalion. Transferred to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops and later to the 12th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Returned to the 4th Canadian Railway Troops with the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. alexander frederick fullerton Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, June 28th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Fort Garry Horse. Served in France. JAMES THORNTON FULLERTON B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Section, Divisional Ammunition Column, Canadian Field Artillery, March 16th, 1917. Transferred to the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, and to the 10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 3rd Trench Mortars, 39th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. EDWARD HENRY FUNK M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 11, January 14th, 1918. Served in England. 135 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL cecil s. fmrlong Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, February 7th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in England. EDWARD FI;TTERER B.Sc, 1912 Enlisted, July 27th, 1918, as Master Engineer in the 27th Engineers, United States Army. Served in France. LYNDON FULFORD FYLES B.Sc, 1915 Enlisted, March 17th, 1915, in the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Divisional Engineers. Served in France. Was wounded. JAMES CARLYLE FY SHE B.A., 1901; M.D., 1904 Appointed Medical Officer of the 19th Alberta Dragoons. Canadian Expeditionary Force, Sep- tember 14th, 1914. Transferred to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Rejoined the 19th Alberta Dragoons in England. Transferred to No. 1 Field Ambulance and afterwards to the 4th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Returned to France with No. 10 Field Ambulance Mentioned in despatches. Died, December 6th, 1921. JOHN RAYMOND <;AETZ Agriculture, 1912-14 Enlisted, November 30th, 1915, in the 89th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 19th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded and awarded the Military Medal. oliver joseph gagnier Applied Science, 1913-16 Enlisted, May, 1916, as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded May Uth, 1917. henry h. galbraith Medicine, 1893-98 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. robert herman galbraith Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, September 9th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. geor<;e lockhart (;all B.A., 1913; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. C.EURK: AUBREY WOOLLS GALLAGHER Arts and Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, January 15th, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Discharged medically unfit, November 1st, 1916. Gazetted Lieutenant in the 100th Winnipeg Grenadiers, November 1st, 1916. Discharged medically unfit July 2nd. 1917. Enlisted in the Royal Air Force, September 5th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Flight Commander. JOSEPH BERNARD GALLAGHER M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, April 19th, 1916. Served in France. CLARKE WILLIAM GAMBLE B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 29th, 1916. Served in France with the 5th Canadian Railway Troops. JOHN WILLIAM GANNON M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 6th, 1918. Served in Canada. EGBERT JOHNSON GARDINER M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 21st, 1917. Served in England. ROBERT JOHN GARDINER M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and attached to the 32nd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 29th, 1914. Served in France with the 2nd, 15th, 5th and 16th Battalions, No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station (Imperial) and the 1st and 2nd Field Ambulances. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. Was wounded and awarded the Military Cross. ALEXANDER JOHN GARDNER Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. ROBERT LORNE GARDNER B.A., 1899; M.D., 1901 Appointed Major in No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. WILLIAM ARTHUR GARDNER B.A., 1898; M.D., 1902 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 25th, 1915. Served in France with the 3rd Casualty Clearing Station and the 1st Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. WILLIAM McGregor Gardner B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 25th, 1917, in the 10th Canadian Siege Battery (McGill Draft), Canadian Gar- rison Artillery. Served in France. oscar gareau Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted, May 17th, 1917, in the Uth Railway Construction Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 26th Company, Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in France. URBAN JOSEPH GAREAU Arts, 1913-14; Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve with a commission. arthur hamilton garland Applied Science, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, Signal Training Depot, April 20th, 1916. Served in France with the 4th Divisional Signal Company. Was wounded October 26th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 136 Q ^ OTHER ENLISTMENTS EDWIN ESSELMONT GARROW B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Ekigineers, November 9th, 1915. Served in France with the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. CHARLES HOLMES GARTH B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, December, 1915, as a Mechanic in the Royal Marine Artillery. Served in France. william moir gartshore Applied Science, 1906-12 Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant, October 2nd, 1914, in the Royal Horse Artillery (Territorial Force). Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Palestine. Was wounded August 4th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. neville archibald gass Applied Science, 1912-13 Commissioned Lieutenant in a London Artillery unit. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. andrew hamilton gault Applied Science, 1899-1900 Raised and equipped the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in August, 1914. Appointed Major and Siecond in Command, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, August 12th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded February 28th, 1915, May 8th, 1915 and June 2nd, 1916. Mentioned in despatches four times. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order, The Russian Order of St. Anne (3rd Class, with swords), Member of the Order of the British Empire, and the Belgian Ordre de Leopold. john alexander ogilvie gemmill Applied Science, 1906-07 Enlisted, April 19th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. Served in Canada. fernand edward gendron Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers, August 23rd, 1914. Tj-ans- ferred to the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion, and later to the Royal Canadian Engineers with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Was wounded, May 25th, 1915, and September 11th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. ALLAN SUMMERHAYES GENTLES B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, November 15th, 1916. Served in Canada. JOHN DEAN GEORGE M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army, August 8th, 1918. JOHN PETRIE GERRIE B.A., 1887 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Young Men's Christian Association, Atlantic Con- ducting Staff, May 18th, 1918. ronald julius wernher gervers Applied Science, 1912-15 Commissioned, April, 1915, in the Royal En- giners, 201st Field Company. Transferred to the 247th Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain in charge of Intelligence (E.), 1st Army, Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. alexander clarke gibb Arts, 1914-16; Diploma of Commerce, 1916 Enlisted, March 7th, 1918, as a Warrant Officer (Wireless Operator) in the Royal Naval Cana- dian Volunteer Reserve. james arnold gibbon Agriculture, 1913-15 Enlisted, May 26th, 1916, in the 69th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column, and then to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, with the rank of Bombardier. Served in France. CHARLES RICHARD GIBBS B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, September 18th, 1918, in the 1st Regiment, Replacement Engineers, United States Army. GORDON GIBSON M.D.. 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Navy Base Hospital No. 1, United States Army, March 17th, 1917. Served in France with the United States Marines. RICHARD GIBSON M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 18th, 1915. Served in England and Salonika. llewellyn francis gibsone Arts, 1901-02 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. PHILIP GEOFFREY BRITTON GILBERT Applied Science, 1910-14; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade. Served in France. GEORGE HAGAR GILCHRIST B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS ERNEST GILCHRIST B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, September 20th, 1916, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded. ARCHIBALD LORNE CAMPBELL GILDAY B.A., 1898; M.D., 1900 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 5th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. FREDERICK WILLIAM GILDAY M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 30th, 1918. Served in Canada. ELMER STEWART GILES B.A., 1915 Enlisted, May 1st, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, to the Royal Garrison Artillery, with a commission, and later to the First North Midland Heavy Battery, British Expedi- tionary Force. 137 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL GEORGE REID GILES Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, June 10th, 1915, in No. 2 Sanitary Section, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. ALLAN <;iLMOLIR GILL Applied Science, 1905-06 Appointed Captain in the 32nd Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery, October 20th, 1915. Trans- ferred to the 45th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, and later to the Canadian Forestry Corps. 'Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. tames LESTER WILLIS GILL B.A.Sc, 1896; M.Sc, 1904 Appointed Captain in the 46th Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery, November 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Acting Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. HENRY EDWIN GILLANDERS Arts, 1911-15; Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, October 3rd, 1918, m the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CLYDE CAMPBELL GILLIES B.Sc, 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 63rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 3rd, 1915. Served in France with the 3rd Pioneer Battalion (48th Canadians). Was wounded October 2nd, 1916. GEORGE ERNEST GILLIES M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the 16th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 24th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France and Salonika. JOHN JOSEPH ALEXANDER GILLIES Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, March 20th, 1915, in the Railway Construction Company. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. AUSTIN FRANCIS GILLIS M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, October 19th, 1918. Served in Canada. walter c. gillis Applied Science, 1903-04 Appointed Lieutenant m the Canadian Army Service Corps, November 13th, 1914. Served in England with the 4th Divisional Train, and the 5th Divisional Train. Promoted to the rank of Captain. DANIEL PERCY GILLMOR B.A., 1911, B.C.L, 1913 Appointed Captain in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915. Served in England. HORACE MAY C;iLLMOR Medicine, 1912-15 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. william d. gillmor Applied Science, 1900-01 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regiment, July 31st, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served m Canada. william chase gilman Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted, August 7th, 1914, in the 13th Scottish Light Dragoons. Transferred to the 3rd Infantry Brigade, to the 2nd Field Ambulance, and later to "A" Battery, 159th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. Was wounded, March, 1918. hamilton l. gilmour Applied Science, 1903-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Construction Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 3rd, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. reginald b. gilmour Applied Science, 1900-02 Enlisted, February 24th, 1917, in the Canadian Siege and Heavy Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column, and later to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. WILLIAM NORMAN GILMOUR M.D., 1910 Enlisted, January 26th, 1915, in the 4th South African Mounted Rifles. Demobilized at the end of the campaign in South West Africa, and joined the Royal Army Medical Corps, as Lieutenant, later becoming Medical Officer of the 16th Battalion, Royal Scots, with the rank of Captain. Served in France. Wounded, April, 1917. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. cyril r. a. gladman Applied Science, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 177th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 7th, 1916. Served in Canada. walter augustine glasmacher Applied Science, 1907-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Heavy Artillery Draft, March 5th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. (;ORDON BOND GLASSCO B.Sc, 1905 Enlisted, June 24th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, then to the 4th East Surrey Regiment, Imperial Army, with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, and later to the 15th and 21st Royal Fusiliers and then back to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry with the rank of Lieutenant. Seconded to the War Office on Air Craft production and to the Admiralty Anti-submarine Division (base Ports- mouth). Served in France and Belgium. Was wounded, June 3rd, 1916. ALEXANDER F. GLEN Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. 138 r 13 OTHER ENLISTMENTS FREDERICK THEODORE GNAEDINGER B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, June 14th, 1916, in the 1st Canadian Construction Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 1st Canadian Railway Troops. Was awarded the Military Cross. HAROLD LEWIS (;OKEY M.D., 1917 Enlisted, May, 1917. in the United States Medical Corps. Served in France. Was injured, April, 1918. HARRY <;OLDBLATT B.A., 1912; M.D., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the American Medical Corps, May, 1917. Served in France and Germany. edward crosby (;oldie Applied Science, 1905-06 Appointed Captain in the 1st Divisional Am- munition Park, September 6th, 1914. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. clarence harold goldstein Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, March 14th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 4th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. HAROLD <;oocH Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., 1922 Appointed Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service, August, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served on the North Sea Patrol. Plane disabled, October 24th. 1917, and drifted to Holland, where he was interned. JAMES ROBERT COODALL B.A., 1899; M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and made a member of the Order of the British Empire. ralph h. <;oodchili> Arts, 1903-04; Applied Science, 1904-10 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, April 12th, 1916. Transferred to the 2nd Pioneer Battalion. Served in France. LESLIE CHARLES GOODEVE B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Captain in the 1st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th, 1914. Pro- moted to the rank of Brigade Major. Served m France. Was mentioned in despatches, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and the Croix de Guerre. CHARLES ATHOL ROBERTSON CORDON Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, June 19th, 1915, in the 61st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionarv Force. Transferred to the 12th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. DONALD CAMERON CORDON Medicine, 1915-16; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, March 19th, 1917, in the 73rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Siege Battery. Served in France. Was wounded. C;E0RCE BLAIR GORDON Applied Science, 1916-17; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, April, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. CE0R(;E SINCLAIR <;OHDON M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 11th, 1916. Served in France with No. 11 Canadian General Hospital, and Nos. 7 and 9 Canadian Stationary Hospitals. Promoted to the rank of Acting Major. Served in France. cerard stafford staveley cordon Applied Science, 1913-15 Commissioned, April 22nd, 1915, in the 17th Northumberland Fusiliers, Imperial Army. Pro- moted to Captain and Adjutant. Served in France and Belgium. Was awarded the Military Cross. HERBERT F. CORDON Law, 1900-01 Enlisted, March 2nd, 1917, in the 76th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column, and to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. huntley craham <;ordon Agriculture, 1912-14 Enlisted, September 13th, 1915, in the 72nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded September 18th, 1916, June 26th, 1917 and April 17th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Medal. james lindsay cordon Applied Science, 1911-13 Enlisted, January, 1916, as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Flight Commander. Was awarded the Board of Trade Medal for saving life at sea, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. JOHN KEITH (;ORDON B.A., 1916; Medicine, 1913-16; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, March 25th, 1916, in the 11th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. ARTHUR SriRLIN<; (;ORRELL M.D., 1890 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and attached to the Regina Bat- teries (38th), 1914. Senior Medical Officer for Saskatchewan. Assistant Director of Medical Services, Militarv District No. 12, and, later. Special Consultant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in Canada, 139 McGILL HONOUR ROLL LOUIS (;OSSELIN B.C.L., 1903 Appointed Acting-Major, General List, October 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. EDWIN MINEK LAWREINCIE GOULD B.A., 1907 Enlisted, October 27th, 1917, as Chief Yeoman in the United States Naval Reserves. Com- missioned 1st Lieutenant and Chaplam United States Army, August 15th, 1918, and assigned to the 546th Engineers. Served in France. WALTER STILSON C;OULD Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enhsted, May 2nd, 1916, in the 6th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 7th Siege Battery. Served in France. Was wounded. WILLIAM <:e<:il gowdey M.D., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 30th, 1915. Promoted to Captain. Served in France, Egypt and the Mediterranean. INATIIANIEL <;RA<:E M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, October, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. WILLIAM ARTHUR GRAFFTEY B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 14th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. CYRIL CUTHBERT PORTER <;RAHAM Arts, 1909-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 51st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, February 11th, 1916. Served in France with the 43rd Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery. Was gassed. JAMES WESLEY <;RAHAM Agriculture. 1915-17; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted, November 28th, 1916, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 45th Battery, 9th Brigade. Served m France. ROBERT JAMES EARL (;RAHAM Arts, 1914-16 Enhsted, June 16th, 1916, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. WEINDALL STEWART <;RAHAM Applied Science, 1900-04 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 9th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 15th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was twice wounded. WILLI \M FIELD C;RAHAM Applied Science, 1899-01 Appointed Captain in the 129th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 6th, 1915. Served in France with the 8th Canadian Railway Troops. HAROLD DAVID GRANT Applied Science, 1911-16 Enlisted, January 24th, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers Signal Depot. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Siege Battery with the rank of Bom- bardier. Served in France. JOSEPH H. B. GRANT Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 16th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. KEITH <;ORDON <;RAN 1 M.D., 1917 Enlisted, March 15th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served with the rank of Captain, in Canada. WILLIAM JAMES GRANT M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 1st, 1918. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was wounded. WILLIAM ROY (;RANT B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, June 3rd, 1918, in the Manitoba Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. PAUL (;rattan Applied Science, 1908-10 p:nlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 15th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. EM1LE (;RAVEL Applied Science. 1917-18 Enlisted, May 29th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 10th Reserve Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. CHARLES ALLAN <;RAVES M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 14th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANK W. <;RAVES Applied Science, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers Signal Training Depot, May 18th, 1916. Posted to the 2nd Canadian Divisional Signal Company. Served in France. go lin crawford gray Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, February 2nd, 1916, in the 85th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. EDWIN MORTIMER <;REAVES Arts, 1916-18; B.A., 1920 Enlisted. April 25th. 1918. in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in England. 140 OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOHN KAY MACDONALD GREEN Applied Science, 1913-14; B.Sc., 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th, 1914. Transferred to the 1st Brigade and later to the 4th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. ROBERT HOWARD GREEN B.A., 1912 Appointed Captain in the 54th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 3rd, 1915, and was appointed paymaster. Served in France. THOMAS BENNETT (;REEN M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps, July 31st, 1915. Served in France and Salonika. VARIAN SWEETNAM C;REEN B.A., 1918 Enlisted, in 1917, as a Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in France and England. EVAN <;reene M.D., 1899 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Naval Service, March, 1915. Service at the Dardanelles and in Egypt. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, with the rank of Captain, May 16th, 1916. Served in Mace- donia and England. LESLIE KIRK GREENE Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, February 17th, 1915. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JOHN CAREY <;REENLEESE M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 27th, 1917. Served in Canada. Died, August 8th, 1922. CHARLES C;LASS <;REENSHIELnS Arts, 1901-03; Law, 1902-05 Enlisted in the French Foreign Legipn, August 20th, 1914. Transferred, February 19th, 1915, to the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. ESAU ABRAM GREENSPON M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, June 17th, 1918. Served in England. ALAN HAMILTON GREENWOOD M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. freherh: CYRIL <;reenwooi> M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, July 23rd, 1918. Served in Canada. WILLIAM EWART GRE<;SON Medicine, 1913-15 Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in the 38th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. don alu greig Arts, 1909-10 Enlisted, November 4th, 1918, in the 1st Dep9t Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. arciiibalu edward grier Arts, 1906-08 Enlisted in the French Field Ambulance. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps, May 25th, 1917, and was afterwards attached to the Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. arthur harold grier Applied Science, 1902-04 Enlisted, December, 1915, in the French Army Service Corps. JAMES <;riek Arts, 1913-18; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. <;EKALD HAMILTON <;riffin Arts, 1908-09 Appointed Captain in the 221st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 3rd, 1917. Transferred to the 8th Battalion. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. (;ERALD THOMAS <;RIEFn H M.D., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. HAROLD RANDALL <;RIFFITH B.A., 1914; M.D.. 1922 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Transferred to the British Navy in 1917 as Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant. Served on destroyers on the Atlantic and Mediterranean. HII(;H BRADFORD (;RiFFi rH B.A., 1914 Enlisted, October 25th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Supply Column and later to the Roval Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. ALE<: iMiELi's <;ri<;<; Arts, 1912-15; B.A.. 1916; B.C.L., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, September 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Trench Mortar Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. <:harles .1. <;ross Medicine, 1902-06 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 5th, 1918. Served in England with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Red Cross Hospital. 141 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL LOUIS GROSS M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot, No. 4, May 21st, 1918. Served in Canada. GORDON MILTON (iRUNDY M.D.. 1913 Enlisted in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. THOMAS GlIERIN Applied Science, 1906-07 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Depot Bat- talion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, October 21st, 1918. Served in Canada. NORMAN MILKS GUIOU Medicine, 1910-15; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Returned to complete course in medicine. Rejoined No. 3 Canadian General Hospital with the rank of Captain. Transferred to the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance, 22nd Division. CHARLES COWEN (;IIRI> B.A., 1893; M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, April 5th, 1917. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital. FRASER BAILLIE GURO B.A., 1904; M.D., 1906 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 15th, 1915. Served in France with the 22nd Casualty Clearing Station. Pro- moted to Captain. Attached to Alder Hay Mili- tary Orthopedic Hospital, Liverpool, and No. 8 Stationary Hospital, Boulogne. Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 1918, in charge of the Surgical Division of the Military Hospital at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. I>ONALI> GUTHRIE B.A., 1892 Appointed Chaplain, with the rank of Captain, on the General List, October 12th, 1915. Pro- moted to the rank of Honorary Major. Served in France. RICHARD WILLIAM <;iJY B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Medal. LOUIS W. HACKER Applied Science. 1912-16; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 29th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery, Served in France with the 8th Canadian Siege Battery. F. WINFIELD HACKETT B.C.L., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the 214th Belford's Forestry Battalion, September 1st, 1917. JONATHAN PYOTT HADFIELD M.D., 1917 Enlisted, December 1st, 1917, in the Coast Artillery, United States Army. Was transferred to the Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served overseas. CLIFFORD T). HADLEY B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, November 15th, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Served in France with the 61st Field Company. Was wounded Nov. 21st, 1917. DANIEL JAMES HADLEY B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, March 18th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. HENRY HADLEY B.Sc., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 9th, 1915. Served in France. KENNINCTON HENRY SCOTT HAGUE B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, May 27th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery, with the rank of Lieutenant. Seconded to the Royal Engineers. Served in France and Italy. john <;ordon haininc; Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, April 27th, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 4th Field Com- pany, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. alrert j. haldane Arts, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 37th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 11th, 1915. Transferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. e. ch a loner hale Applied Science, 1906-07 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Field Artillery, September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. FRANK WILLIAM <;E0RGE HALE Applied Science, 1914-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 10th, 1916. Served in France with the 42nd Battalion. GEORGE CARLETON HALE M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 18th Battalion, December 14th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. GEORGE McADIE HALE Dentistry, 1914-16; D.D.S., 1921 Enlisted, May 6th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Canadian Siege Battery, later known as the 7th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France. JOHN SMYTHE HALL B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, December 1st, 1915, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Tank Corps. Served in France. Was wounded November 20th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches. 142 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS MARSHALL KENNEDY HALL M.D., 1893 Commissioned, October, 1917, as a Captain in the Base Hospital, United States Army. Served on local Board, Union County, Oregon, 1917 to October, 1918, and as Chairman of the Red Cross from 1914 to October, 1918. NORMAN MarLKOD HALL B.Sc., 1907 Commissioned, July 7th, 1915, in the Royal Engineers. Transferred to the 222nd Field Company, to the 69th Field Company, and to the 352nd E and M Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Was wounded, January, 1916. Mentioned in des- patches and made an officer of the Order of the British Empire. ROBERT HALL Arts, 1914-15; B.A., 1922 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 6th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the Imperial Army with a commission. Served in France. Was wounded, September 17th, 1916. Taken prisoner of war, March 21st, 1918. HYMAN MORDECAl HALPERIN D.D.S., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, June 8th, 1918. Served in Canada. GEOFFREY HUBERT HAMILTON B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to The Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and later to the Royal Garrison Artil- lery with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. JAMES YOUNG HAMILTON Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, February 3rd, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Royal Canadian Regiment. Served in France. PHILIP DAWSON PRIOR HAMILTON Applied Science, 1916-17; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, July 20th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. RICHARD IREDALES HAMILTON B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, November 2nd, 1914, in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. Served in France. Was wounded, November 4th, 1917. herbert ren wick hammond Agriculture, 1913 Appointed Captain in the 47th Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery, November 6th. 1915. Transferred to the 15th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, November 19th, 1916, and May 5th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. JAMES FELTON HAMMOND M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in the Mediter- ranean, France and India. eli howard hancock Arts. 1907-08 Enlisted, January 25th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. james sanderson hand Agriculture, 1913-15 Enlisted, April 27th, 1917, in the United States Air Service. Served in France from October, 1917, to December, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. keith alison iiandyside Arts. 1911-12 Enlisted, January 20th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in England. DARRELL PETERS HANINCTON M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital, June 25th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Salonika. francis carleton hanington Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, April 9th, 1917. Awarded the Mihtary Cross and Bar. JOHN WALTER VARRON HANINGTON M.D., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 28th, 1916. Transferred to the 27th Casualty Clearing Station, to the 83rd Field Ambulance, to the 2nd King's Shropshire Light Infantry, to the 81st Field Ambulance, to the 28th and 29th General Hospital. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in Mace- donia. (;eorge kissam hannah B.A., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 5th, 1915. Transferred to the 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, and to the 1st Lancers and 40th Cavalry, Indian Army. Served in the Afghan War, 1918-19. Promoted to the rank of Captain. JAMES HANNAN Applied Science. 1916-18; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, April 27th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. JAMES HANRATTY Arts, 1906-07 Appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 20th, 1916. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. C:HARLES STANLEY HANSON Arts, 1905-07 Appointed Captain in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, August 29th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. 143 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL (;eok(;k fulford hanson Medicine. 1914-17 Enlisted, June 28th, 1917, in the 2nd New York Infantry (the 105th), United States Army. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to the Bomb and Gas Investigation Section, Sanitary Corps, Washington. Commissioned 1st Lieu- tenant. Served in France. Died at Oxford, England, April 28th, 1921. WILLIAM (;ORnON HANSON B.Sc, 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade. Canadian Field Artillery, August 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Military Cross. ALBERT K. IIARDINC; Arts, 1894-98 Enlisted. September 15th, 1916, in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served m Canada. RICHARD HENRY MOORE HARDISTY B.A., 1899; M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in No. 6 Canadian Field Ambulance, November 14th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross and the Distin- guished Service Order. harold allman hardtman Applied Science, 1914-16 Enlisted, June 12th, 1917, in the Signal Training Depot, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 5th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. STUART ALEX HARGRAFT B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. JAMES WATKINS HARPER Medicine, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, December 3rd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. ALLAN DALE HARRIS B.A., 1903; B.Sc., 1905 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery, January, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. EDMUND PARKER DALE HARRIS B.A., 1913; B.C.L., 1920 Commissioned, October 30th, 1914, in the 6th Hants Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Transferred to the 105th, the 102nd, and 27th Brigades, Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in France and Italy. Was wounded, July 10th, 1917. hugh redford dale harris Arts, 1913-15 Commissioned, July 27th, 1916, in the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in France and Belgium with the 61st Divisional Artillery. Was taken prisoner of war, March 21st, 1918. james e. harris Applied Science, 1905-06 Enlisted, January 5th, 1917, in the Howitzer Ammunition Column, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. LEONARD CHRISTOPHER HARRIS M.D., 1902 Appointed Major and Medical Officer of the 49th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 16th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France with the 49th Battalion and the 10th Field Ambulance and in England as Officer Commanding the Canadian Special Hospital at Whitley. Was mentioned in despatches. GEORGE HERBERT HARKIN Medicine, 1916-21; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, July 11th, 1918, *in the Canadian Army. Served in Canada. JOHN FREDERICK HARKOM B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, August 11th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France with the 15th and 57th Divisional Artillery. Was wounded May 3rd, 1915. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. JOSEPH JAMES HAROLD Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1919; B.C.L.. 1921 Enlisted, February 22nd, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. Awarded the Military Cross. NORMAN CHARLES HARRIS B.Sc., 1910 Commissioned, September, 1915, in the 5th Field Company, Australian Engineers. Pro- moted to Major, commanding the 6th Field Company. Served in France. Was wounded, November 8th, 1916. Twice mentioned in despatches, awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. parker b. harris Arts, 1909-10; Applied Science, 1909-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 80th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 18th, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. Was wounded. VICTOR BASSETT HARRIS B.Sc.. 1916 Enlisted, May 17th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th) Canadian Gairison Artillery. Served in France. 144 u OTHER ENLISTMENTS AUSTEN ST. BAKBK HARRISON LEITRIM ERIC HARVEY Applied Science, 1909-12 Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, September 3rd, 1914. Served as Appointed Lieutenant in the Roval High- Stretcher Bearer in the 2/3 London Field landers of Canada. September 10th, 1915. Ambulance, 56th London Division, in France, Seconded, June 22nd, 1916, as Lieutenant to the from February 1916 to January 1919. Signal Training Depot. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. RALPH D0UC;LAS HARRISON B.A., 1907 Appointed Chaplain, with the rank of Honorary francis albert harwood Captain, attached to the 56th Battalion, Cana- Medicine 1895-96 dian Expeditionary Force, August 11th, 1915. a - ^ a ^ - ■ \u a- j- a Served in France and Belgium, attached to No. n^^^?^ rnrnf ^ fnn. '"iq/h ^ 3, Canadian General Hospital, the 8th and 10th P^"^^^ ^^'P'' J^"^ ^^^^^ ^" Battalions and at Base Depots. GORDON STUART HARROWER REGINALD HE LOTBINIERK HXRWOOI) Arts 1913-15 M.D., 1895 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Apj^inted Lieutenant-Col^^^^ in the 51st Mounted Rifles, July, 1915. Transferred to the P^'vlf T^th l^^^^^^ %^tT^^'L^ZT^ EDWARD CHARLES HART M.D., 1894 LUDLOW ST. JOHN HASKELL Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian B.Sc., 1907 Army Medical Corps, in charge of No. 5 General Enlisted, September 26th. 1914, in the 5th Hospital, September 10th, 1915. Promoted to Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in Macedonia. the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada, Mentioned in despatches and made a Companion England and France with the 2nd, the Reserve of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. and the 9th Artillery Brigades. Was wounded, August 15th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches and FREDERICK WILLIAM HART ^^^'^^ ^'^^^'^ M.D., 1902 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps. July. 1915. Transferred to the ^^^f, ^'^''^^''''J'J'^''^^ Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in Egypt. Medicine, 1908-09 Enlisted, May 18th. 1915, in the 42nd Battalion, HFNRv HARPFR HART ^^Y^^ Highlanders of Canada. Promoted to the r. A J; ^:o^.^^ rank of Sergeant. Served m France. Was B.A., 1916; Medicine, 1913-15; M.D.. 1922 wounded March 26th. 1916, and September 17th. Enlisted, February 8th. 1916, in No. 9 Can- 1916. Was awarded the Belgian Croix de adian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Guerre. MILBURN M. HART J^>»N OGILVIE HASTINGS Agriculture, 1911-12 Arts, 1906-08 Enlisted, September 20th, 1914, in the 15th Appiointed Lieutenant in the 13th Battalion. Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served Rpy^l Highlanders of Canada September 23rd in France. Was wounded April 30th, 1916. ^^]^- Promoted to the rank of Captam. berved m France. Was wounded. HA VI I) HARTIN M.D., 1914 ROBERT ( LARK HASTINC;S Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army M D 1917 fr^rf November 8th, 1916. Served in Appointed Lieutenant in \he Canadian Armv Medical Corps. August 20th. 1917. Promoted JOHN J HARTLEY ^^"^ Captain. Served in England. Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- wai ti.^h hiniwon HA*4TiNr*i gineers' Training Depot. February 23rd. 1915. ^ Walter hindson Hastings Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc.. 1922 France with the 6th Battalion. Canadian Enlisted, February 26th, 1916, in the 195th Engineers. Mentioned in despatches. Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 46th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was LOUIS JOHN hartman wounded. M.D.. 1916 ferred to the 4th Machine Gun Battalion. M.U., 1^ Promoted to the rank of Captain and Major. Appointed Major in the 12th Canadian Mounted Served in France. Was shell shocked. Awarded Rifles. January 2nd, 1915. Promoted to the the Croix de Guerre. Died, August 26th. 1924. rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. 145 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHN FRANCIS HASZARD M.D.. 1917 Enlisted. November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Returned to complete niedical studies. Re-enlisted, August 16th, 1917, m the Canadian Army Medical Corps, with the rank ot Lieutenant. Promoted to Captam. Served m France. KARLE CLIFTON HATCH AGRICULTURE, 1913-16; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, April 28th. 1916, in the 6th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery, afterwards known as the 7th. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. WILLIAM HAROP HATTIK M.D., 1891 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 3rd, 1916. Served in Canada as Assisting Officer in Military District No. 6. HAROLD MOFFATT SWIRK HAUGHTON B.Sc., 1907 Commissioned, September 2nd, 1914, in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 77th Field Company, 17th Division, and the 157th Field Company, 16th Division. Was wounded, De- cember 24th, 1915, and September 5th, 1917. ALEXANDKR (;ORI)0!N HAULTAIN B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, January 18th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. ALLAN BERESFORD HAWKINS Medicine, 1906-12 Enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. STUART SCHOFIELD HAWKINS B. Arch., 1911 Appointed Captain in the 78th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 1st, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded, Septem- ber 27th, 1918. william ashley hawley Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 3rd, 1915, in the 6th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was wounded, September 17th, 1916. ALAIN KEITH HAY B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 16th, 1918. Served in England. WILLIAM DREW HAY Agriculture, 1913-15; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, June 20th, 1916, in the 6th Canadian Siege Battery (later known as the 7th;, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. JOSEPH HAYES M.D., 1891 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 20th, 1915. Served in France with the 85th Battalion, the 4th Divisional Train, the Canadian Forestry Corps, and No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Deceased. JOHN GRAY HAYWARD B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, May 31st, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Transferred to the Pnncess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and later to the Canadian Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport). Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Also did duty with the War Office. JOSEPH MILNE HEAP B.Sc., 1914 Gazetted, August 31st, 1914, in the Royal Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, and to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Flight Commander and later to Flight Lieu- tenant in the Royal Air Force. RICHARD EDGAR HEARTZ B.Sc., 1917 Commissioned, November, 1917, as a Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. JOHN CLARKE BEATON B.A., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, April 26th, 1916, and June 19th, 1916. EDWARD RAYMOND WEST HEBDEN Applied Science, 1911-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Siege Battery. Canadian Garrison Artillery, September 28th, 1915. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was awarded the Military Cross. ALBERT JAMES BARLOW HEBERT M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 22nd, 1916. Served in the 242nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, the King's Canadian Red Cross, Kitchener, No. 10 Canadian Stationary, and No. 2 Canadian General Hospitals. Served in France. CHARLES PIERRE HEBERT Arts, 1917-18; B.A., 1921 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. TERRANCE JAMES CLIFFORD HEENEY Applied Science, 1915-18 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 1st, 1918. Served in England. james r. heggie Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, June 4th, 1916, and September 28th, 1918. 146 ^ — OTHER ENLISTMENTS HENRY HAROLD HEMMING B.A., 1914 Given a temporary commission in the Royal Field Artillery, September, 1914. Served in France with "B" Battery, 84th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery ; the 3rd Field Survey Battalion, in command of the first Observation Group; and the 6th Corps, Royal Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Staff Captain and Major. Was twice mentioned in despatches and award- ed the Military Cross. ARTHUR THEODORE HENDERSON M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, March 30th, 1915. Transferred to the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. EGBERT F. HENDERSON Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1916, in the 11th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. harry t. heneker Arts, 1906-07 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914. in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the Imperial Army with a commission, and to the Trench Mortar Battery with the rank of Captain. THEODORE BIGELOW HENEY B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Quebec Regi- ment, January 2nd, 1918. Transferred to the 1st Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. CHARLES BLANCHARD HENRY Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, February 22nd, 1915, in No. 3 Cana- dian General Hospital. Transferred to the King's Liverpool Regiment with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, April 10th, 1917, and November 20th, 1917. CLARENCE MELWOOD HENRY M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 14th, 1916. Transferred to the 8th Canadian Stationary Hospital. Served in France. LESLIE STEWART HENRY B.A., 1918; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 29th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian En- gineers with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. THOMAS HALIBURTON HENRY B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, November 5th, 1916, as a Corporal in No. 10 Halifax Siege Battery. Transferred to the 7th Siege Battery. Served in France. WALLACE ROSS HENRY Arts, 1913-16; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, January 5th, 1916, in the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was wounded, November 15th, 1917, and November 10th, 1918. ERNEST FREDERIC LESLIE HENSON B.A., 1914 Enlisted, August 8th, 1914, in the Honourable Artillery Company, 1st Infantry Battalion, Imperial Army. Transferred to the 10th Bat- talion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, to the 1st Reserve Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, and to the 2nd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Salonika. HAROLD GORDON HENSON B. Arch., 1915 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Canadian Construc- tion Battalion, May 12th, 1916. Transferred to No. 1 Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. HOWARD HAVELOCK HErBliKN M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, August 24th, 1914. Served in France in a Field Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded, August, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. MAURICE G0T<:H HEPBURN B.Sc., 1907 Enlisted, August 20th, 1914, in the 8th Bat- talion, Worcestershire Regiment. Commissioned m the 7th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry. Transferred to the Army Cyclist Corps and commanded the 26th Divisional Cyclist Company, and the 12th Corps, Cyclist Battalion, with the rank of Captain and Major, respectively. Served in France and Salonika. LOUIS ANTHYME HERDT B.A.Sc, 1893 Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 3rd French Army Corps (Reservist). Served as Chief Inspector of Munitions in Canada for the French Government. alvin william heron Arts, 1913-15 Enlisted, November 23rd, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Supply Column. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. REGINALD WILFRID HERRING Arts, 1914-17; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. andrew chadwick hersey Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, with the Canadian Grenadier Guards, as Provisional Lieutenant. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, May, 1916. Served in France. eric mason hersey Applied Science, 1913-14; Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 15th, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. OTTO WILFRED HERZBERG B.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 27th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. 147 McGlLL HONOUR ROLL GORDON HERBERT HESLAM B.A., 1916 Enlisted. June 1st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Canadian Garrison Artillery, Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded October 8th, 1918. CECIL HENRY HETHERINGTON B.A., 1918 Enlisted, April 19th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in England. SAMUEL JUDSON HETHERINGTON Agriculture, 1917-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, May 9th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, New Brunswick Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. CHILION GRAVES HEWARD B.A., 1907; B.C.L., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. henry willis hewson Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, April 29th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. EDWARD PERCIVAL HEYWOOD B.Sc, 1909 Commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers. CHARLES AMBROSE LANE HIBBARD B.A., 1916; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, June 8th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGUl) Siege Battery (later known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Gunner. Served in France. ROBERT NEWMARCH HICKSON B.A., 1901 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column. Trans- ferred to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, August 12th, 1916. charles gordon higman Agriculture, 1915-16 Appointed a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, May 10th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. gerald millen hill Agriculture Enlisted in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th, 1914. Served in France. WALTER HENRY PHILIP HILL M.D., 1900 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 8th, 1915. Served in France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Died July 23rd, 1921. LELAND GLEN HILLIER Medicine, 1913-16; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 22nd, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. GEORGE J. HINDLEY ARTS, 1905-06 Enlisted, May 19th. 1916, in the 204th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 7th Canadian General Hospital, and to the 3rd Tunnelling Company. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captam and Chaplain. Served in France. WILLIAM H. KINGSTON Law, 1895-96 Appointed Honorary Captain and Chaplain in the 199th Battalion, Duchess of Connaught's Own Irish Canadian Rangers, May 24th, 1916. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Divisional Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. arthur hyde hinton Applied Science, 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 76th Depot Battery, June 1st, 1916. Seconded to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Air Force Cross. edward stewart hoare Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted, August 28th, 1916, in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 9th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France. GEORGE MAXWELL HOBART Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, March 20th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. reginald george hodge Agriculture, 1914-1916 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the Railway Construction Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in England. robert gordon hodge Medicine, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 8th, 1915, in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the 9th Brigade Machine Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Medal. SAMUEL RAYMOND NORRIS HODGINS Agriculture, 1913-16; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, April 20th, 1918, in the 1st Central Ontario Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. JOHN HODGKINSON Arts, 1907-08; 1910-11 Appointed Captain and Chaplain in the Canadian Railway Troops, April 25th, 1918. Served in France with the 78th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. angus w. hodgson Applied Science, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, April 11th, 1917. Transferred to the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. EDWIN LANCASTER HODGSON B.A., 1914 Enlisted, July 15th, 1916, in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. 148 r — OTHER ENLISTMENTS <;i':oR<;i': KiKiiiit: n<)i>(;soN Applied Science, 1911-16 Enlisted, January, 1916, as a Flight Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to Captain. Was awarded the Board of Trade Silver Gallan- try Medal for life-saving and the Air Force Cross. william maurice hodgson Arts, 1917-18 Enlisted, January 14th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. KDWARl) VINCKNT II0<;AN M.D., 1896 Mobilized for active service as Medical Officer of the 1st Regiment, Canadian Garrison Artillery, August 5th, 1914. Transferred to No. 7 Canadian Stationary Hospital as Major, Second in Command, October 28th. 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded in an air raid. Mentioned in despatches and was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. FREDKRICK JOSEPH K. H0(;AN M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in A Section, Canadian Field Ambulance Depot, February 1st, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. francis gordon hogarth Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, June, 1915, as a Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded, July, 1916. EDGAR W. HOLDEN Agriculture, 1914-16; B.S.A., 1923 Enlisted, August 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. RUFUS CLEMENT HOLDEN B.A., 1914; Law, 1913-15; B.C.L., 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, March, 1915. Attached as Lieu- tenant to the 3rd Divisional Train, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 11th, 1916. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Train. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. charles antliff holland Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 25th, 1916, in No. 9 Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. FRANCIS CHAPLIN HOLLAND B.Sc, 1913 Commissioned in the Royal Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. gerald allien holland Applied Science, 1901-02 Enlisted, August 7th, 1916, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France and Belgium with Divisional Ammunition Column and Field Artillery Units. STANLEY ARNOLD HOLLING B.A., 1917; Medicine, 1914-18; M.D.. 1921 Enlisted, April 18th, 1918, as a Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served in the Mediterranean area. ROBERT CLAUD HOLM AN B.A.Sc., 1893 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, in 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. william bernard holmes Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, January 18th, 1917, in the Siege and Heavy Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. BENJAMIN REAC;iI HOOPER B.Sc, 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 1st, 1918. Transferred to the Canadian Railway Troops. Served in England. harold thomas richard hooper Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 30th, 1915, in the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. james albert v1ckers hooper Medicine, 1912-14 Enlisted, September 25th, 1914, in No. 1 Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 2nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. henry william hough Dentistry, 1917-18 Enlisted, March 1st, 1918. in the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. john houliston Applied Science, 1899-1900 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Engineers, April 15th 1915. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Engineers. Mentioned in despatches. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. GE0RC;E ELLIOTT HOUSSER B.A., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. JAMES CHESTER HOUSTON M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain, October 29th, 1918. Served in Canada. ALAN CAMPBELL P. HOWARD B.A., 1897; M.D., 1901 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, March 6th, 1915. Served in France till January, 1916, when he was placed on the Medical Officers' Reserve. GEORGE G. HOWARD Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, July 24th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. 149 McGILL HONOUR ROLL WALDORF VIVIAN HOWARD B.A., 1916; M.Sc, 1922; Ph.D., 1924 Enlisted, October 21st. 1916, in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France and Belgium. WILBKRT HARVARD HOWARD B.C.L., 1915 Enlisted, October 25th, 1915, in the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served m France. Subse- quentlv Adjutant Canadian Artillery Regi- mental Depot and Staff Captam, Canadian Reserve Artillery. john gwyn howell Applied Science, 1910-12 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM BOYMAN HOWELL M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 14th, 1914. Served in France with the 9th Canadian Field Ambu- lance, and the 1st and 3rd Canadian General Hospitals. Promoted to the rank of Major. <;E0RGE PATRICK HOWLETT M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 24th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. <;eorge matheson hudson B.Sc, 1911 Joined the Staff of Military District, No. 10 (Winnipeg) as Lieutenant, August 10th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the 195th Battalion, C.E.F., April 17th, 1916. Appointed District Intelligence Officer, Military District No. 12, January 1st, 1917. Served in Canada. RALPH RUSKIN HUESTIS B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, November 2nd, 1914, in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps, and later transferred to the 116th Canadian Infantry Battalion. Served in France and Belgium. HARRY J. HUGHES Medicine, 1897-99 Appointed Major in the 52nd Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, October 31st, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. KV\N BONNOR lllI<;iI-JONES B.Sc, 1913 Commissioned, September 1st, 1914, in the Royal Engineers, 96th Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded October, 1915. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. JOHIN WARD H11<;HS0N B.Sc, 1912 Appointed Lieutenant, March 1st, 1916, in the 224th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. HERBERT STORY HUNTER B.C.L., 1880 Enlisted, November 3rd, 1915, in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in England. piercy starkey hunter Applied Science, 1913-14 Was given a Provisional Commission in the 74th New Brunswick Rangers, January, 1915. Ap- pointed Lieutenant in the 55th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 20th, 1915. Served in France with the 20th Battalion, and the 44th Battalion. Was shell-shocked. THOMAS VAN HUNTER M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. July 23rd, 1917. Served in England. WILLIAM ANDREW HUNTER M.D., 1917 Enlisted, March 9th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. WILLIAM HENRY HUSTLER M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. JOHN WILLIAM HUTCHINSON M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, March 5th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. BRUCE CAVERHILL HUTCHISON Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, April 28th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. JAMES ALEXANDER HUTCHISON M.D., 1884 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 22nd, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire (Military Division). KEITH o(;iLviE iiut<:hison Applied Science, 1913-14; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. matthew howard hutchison Arts, 1914-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Reinforcing Company, Royal Highlanders of Canada, June, 1916. transferred to the 2nd Reinforcing Company, R.H.C., November, 1916, and then, after resigning his commission, to the 10th Canadian Siege Battery (McGill), April, 1917. Served in France. 150 X5 OTHER ENLISTMENTS PAUL PHELPS HUTCHISON Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1916; B.C.L., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, October 11th, 1915. Served in France. Wounded at the Battle of the Somme, November, 1916. On recovery served in England, with the 20th Reserve Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Rejoined the 42nd Battalion in France, in 1918. ross rutherford hutchison Arts, 1913-15 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Medal. LIONEL CHARLES HUTSON M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 22nd, 1916. Served m Bearwood Hospital, England, and in France with the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance, and as Medical Officer in the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. WILLIS ABRAM HUTTON M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 15th, 1916. Served in France. AUSTIN HARVEY HUYCKE M.D., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 29th, 1915. Served in France as Medical Officer, with the rank of Captain, with the 75th Field Ambulance, the nth Lancashire Fusiliers, the 65th Artillery Brigade, and the 51st South Wales Battery. Was wounded March 23rd, 1918, and May 29th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches three times, and awarded the Military Cross and Bar. WALTER COURT HYDE B. Arch., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, December, 1914. Transferred to the 10th Battery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France as Officer Commanding Battery Reserve Brigade, Cana- dian Field Artillery and afterwards in Witley Camp, England, from February, 1918, to September, 1918, when he joined the Northern Russia Expeditionary Forces, commanding the 68th Battery, C.F.A. Was twice mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. AUSTEN ELLIOTT HYNDMAN B.S.A., 1916 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in France. EDWARD DOUGLAS HYNDMAN Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, June, 1916. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. ABRAM B. ILLIEVITZ M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 22nd, 1917. Served in England. hugh fer<:ival illsley Applied Science, 1914-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre. bruce athol ingraham Applied Science, 1895-96 Appointed Major in Command of the 24th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, December 6th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France in the 62nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Transferred to the Reserve of Officers, Canadian Militia, 1919. CAMPBELL INNES Arts and Law, 1909-10 Enlisted, July, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. COLIN W. INNES B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Training Depot, May 2nd, 1918. Trans- ferred to the 7th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in England. ROBERT INNES B.S.A., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Composite Bat- talion, Halifax, September, 1914. Raised, and went overseas with, the 106th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Transferred to the 87th Battalion. Served in France. paul stanley ironstone Applied Science, 1913-14; Arts, 1914-15; Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, May 7th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. AUSTIN HWIGIIT IRVINE M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 31st, 1916. Transferred to the 87th Battalion and a French Base Hospital. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ROBERT THOMAS IRVINE M.D., 1885 Commissioned, July, 1916, as Lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in the United States. Died, October 31st, 1921. GEORGE IRVING B.A., 1902 Appointed Honorary Lieutenant in the Young Men's Christian Association, May 9th, 1918. Served in England and France. 151 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL louis krskine w. irving Medicine, 1893-97 Appointed Major in the 15th Battery, 4th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, December 4th, 1914, Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned m despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. (;iFFORI> MELVILLK IRWIN Applied Science, 1911-12; B.Sc, 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Regiment, Canadian Garrison Artillery, August 1st, 1915. Transferred to the Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France with the 2nd Cana- dian Heavv Artillery Battery. Was wounded, January 3rd, 1918. ROBERT HAMILTON IRWIN B.Sc, 1908 Volunteered for overseas service, August, 1914, while a Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Engineers (Permanent Force). Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Canada. william alexander irwin Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, January 5th, 1916, in the 5th Canadian Stationary Hospital. Transferred to the 7th Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. WILLIAM ERIC C. IRWIN B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force, June 18th, 1915. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded June 2nd, 1916. Men- tioned in despatches. CHARLES HERRERT IVEY B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, August 9th, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. OLIVER LAWRENCE JACKS Arts and Applied Science, 19tll-12; Agriculture, 1912-14 Enlisted, November, 1914, in King Edward's Horse, Imperial Army. Commissioned in the 5th Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, and transferred to the 18th Gloucestershire Regi- ment. Served in France. Was wounded August, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. FREDERICK STANBRIDGE JACKSON B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, September, 1914, in Enslin's Horse, Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Garrison Artillery. Invalided home, November, 1916. WILLIAM FREDERICK JACKSON M.D., 1873 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 19th, 1916. Served in Canada and England. john brigford jacobie Applied Science, 1891-93 Enlisted, December 14th, 1914, in the 2nd Divisional Supply Column. Served in France. ALFRED ST. GE0R<;E JACQUES B.Sc, 1917 Enlisted, April 24th, 1917, in the Siege Artillery Draft (McGill), 10th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France. GEORGE ERIC JACQV'ES B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 25th, 1915. Transferred to the 87th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in des- patches. HENRY MERVILLE JACQUES M.D., 1894 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, 2nd Canadian Division, April 22nd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches three times. Awarded the Distin- guished Service Order. charles herbert j. james Medicine, 1907-09 Appointed Lieutenant in Eaton's Machine Gun Battery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Feb- ruary 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Brigade Machine Gun Section. Served in P'rance. Was wounded. ROBERT EDWARDS JAMIESON B.Sc, 1914; M.Sc, 1920 Appointed Provisional Lieutenant, Supernumer- ary, No. 6 Detachment, Corps of Guides, April, 1916. Attached to the 10th Depot Siege Battery, Halifax, October, 1916, to September, 1917. Went overseas in the 11th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery, September 1917. Served in France. ROBERT HARRY JAMIESON B.A.Sc, 1890 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August, 1914. Was wounded, April 23rd, 1915. Mentioned in despatches. WILLIAM DAWSON STUART JAMIESON Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 8th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. WILLIAM ROSS JAMIESON M.D., 1898 Commissioned, October 8th, 1917, as a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Major, July 9th, 1918. ernest ian walter jardine Applied Science, 1901-04 Appointed Lieutenant in the 101st Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 11th, 1916. Transferred to the **E" and "M" Com- pany, 254th Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. ELLIS JOHN JARJOUR D.D.S., 1917 Enlisted, May 21st, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. Assigned to the Canadian Dental Corps. Served in Canada. 152 13 OTHER ENLISTMENTS CHARLES EDWARD JEAK1NS B.A., 1901 Appointed as Honorary Captain and Chaplain in the 58th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August, 1915. Served in France with the 58th Battalion and the 5th Canadian Field Ambulance. JOHN W. JEAKINS B.A., 1913 Enlisted, June 21st, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant and later to Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, June 2nd, 1916, and August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Medal and the Croix de Guerre. CALVIN S. JELLY Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Artillery Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, afterwards known as the 7th. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force as a Cadet. Served in France. KENNAN BROOKS JENCKES Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, March 26th, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JOHN STEPHEN JENKINS M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 11th, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Field Ambu- lance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel Served in France. Was wounded. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. MURRAY H. JENKINS B.S.A., 1913 Enlisted, March 15th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Nova Scotia Regiment, Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in Canada. ARCHIE NATHANIEL JENKS Dentistry, 1912-15; D.D.S., 1920 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915. in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 13th Battalion, C.E.F., and to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. CHARLES PETER JENTO M.D., 1890 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 13th, 1916. Attached to the 10th Canadian Stationary Hospital, Moore's Barracks Hospital, 14th and 12th Canadian General Hospitals and to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. Served in France. JOHN ANDREW JESS B.A.. 1915 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, June 3rd. 1916 and November 1st, 1917. ARTHUR LIVINGSTONE JOHNSON M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 28th, 1914. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, No. 10 Imperial General Hospital and No. 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Hospital. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in England in No. 9 Canadian General Hospital and as Oflficer Commanding the Canadian Red Cross Hospital at Buck Park. GEOFFREY ALAN JOHNSON B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, January, 1916. Served in France with the 4th Division. Was awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE RAY JOHNSON M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 2nd, 1915. Served as Medical Officer with the 12th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France with the 1st General Hospital, 2nd Field Ambulance and the 13th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded at Vimy, April 17th, 1917. HAMMOND JOHNSON B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, February 16th, 1915, as a Corp>oral in the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. HENRY DAWES JOHNSON M.D., 1885 Volunteered for service, August 4th, 1914. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 20th, 1915. Served in England, France and Belgium and later in Canada as Assistant Director of Medical Services. JOHN GUY WATTS JOHNSON B.A., 1900; M.D., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Stationary Hospital, September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in England, France, Mudros, Egypt, and Salonika. Was mentioned in despatches three times. lorne i. johnson Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted in the Sifton Machine Gun Battery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September, 1914. Transferred to the 207th Battalion and later to No. 9 Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. CHARLES FRANKLIN JOHNSTON Arts, 1915-16; B.C.L., 1922 Enlisted in the 34th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, January 9th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 21st and 13th Batteries, Canadian Field Artillery. HARRY WYATT JOHNSTON Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1921 Entered on military service as an Instructor in Military District No. 4. Enlisted, October 28th, 1917, as Company Sergeant Major in the Canadian Forestry Corps. Transferred to the 8th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. 153 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL IRWIN DONALDSON JOHNSTON Arts, 1906-07 Enlisted, February 11th, 1916, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. KENNETH BURNS JOHNSTON Medicine, 1914-16; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, August 25th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 14th Brigade. Was awarded the Military Medal. MORGAN M. JOHNSTON B.Sc., (Arts), 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 34th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, December 3rd, 1915 Promoted to Captain. Reverted to the rank of Lieutenant to go overseas with the 9th Brigade Ammunition Column. Served in France with the 33rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Wounded at the Somme, September 13th, 1916. ARTHUR LLEWELYN JONES M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 8th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance, the 2nd, 3rd and 7th Canadian Infantry Battalions, and the 1st Canadian Machine Gun Battalion. Was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (Military), and was awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR REGINALD JONES Agriculture, 1913-15; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, March 9th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedition- ary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded three times. FRANCIS EDWARD JONES Medicine, 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 18th, 1918, as a Sub-Lieutenant Surgeon, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served on the North Sea and the Atlantic. GUY CARLETON JONES B.Sc, 1912 Enlisted, April 3rd, 1916, in the 5th South African Horse. Served in German East Africa. HOWE ALONZO JONES M.D., 1900 Commissioned a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. JAMES HAROLD JONES M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, October 2nd, 1915. Served in France with the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Was wounded. LLEWELLYN RIENDEAU JONES B.S.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 8th Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. THOMAS WILLIAM JONES B.A., 1916; M.A., 1921 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Young Men's Christian Association, January 20th, 1917. Served in England. WALTER NORMAN JONES AGRICULTURE, 1914-17; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, February 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artil- lery. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Am- munition Column. Served in France. Was wounded. ERNEST HASTINGS JORDAN B.Sc, 1912 Enlisted, October 28th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, 6th Brigade. Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 4th Battery, 1st Brigade, to the 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, and to the 18th Battery, 5th Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. LEO JOACHIM JORDAN B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers. May 15th, 1918. Served in England. ALFRED HUGH JOSEPH Arts, 1915-17; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, May 21st, 1917. in the McGill Siege Battery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 10th Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. BERNARD JOSEPH Arts, 1915-18; B.A., 1919; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted in the Jewish Legion (Royal Fusiliers) July 1st, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Company Sergeant-Major. ARTHUR CRANSWICK JOST M.D., 1897 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 26th, 1916, and detailed as Medical Officer to the 64th Battalion. Served in England as Senior M.O. of the 6th Training Brigade, Otterpool. and D.A.D.M.S., Canadian Army, Seaford. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in Canada as Assistant Director of Medical Services, M.D. No. 7. louis de gonzague joubert Applied Science, 1909-10 Appointed Captain in No. 6 Canadian General Hospital, September 15th, 1915. Served in France. CECIL ROY JOYCE M.D., 1914 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, December 19th, 1915. Served in France with the 21st Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. roderick augustus kane Applied Science, 1894-99 Appointed Captain in the 244th Battalion, Canadian ExpeSditionary Force, June 13th, 1916. Served in France with the 24th Battalion. HARRY V. KARNES Applied Science, 1912-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, June 4th, 1918, as Chief Machinist in the United States Navy. 154 OTHER ENLISTMENTS STUART EVANS KAY Applied Science, 1912-16; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 2nci, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France and Belgium with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. CECIL DARLING KEAN M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Egypt, Salonika and Mesopotamia. SAMUEL GARFIELD KEAN M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, August 28th, 1916. Served in Mesopotamia with No. 2 General Hospital and the 1 /4th Devonshire Battalion, and in Palestine with the 1 /55th Pioneer Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. GARNET H. KEARNEY M.D., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, January, 1916. Served in France as Medical Officer in various units. Promoted to the rank of Captain. JOHN D. KEARNEY Law, 1916-17; B.C.L., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, January 25th, 1917. Served in France with the 25th Battery, 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM FRANCIS KEARNS Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. ARNOLD KEAY M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1916. Was attached to the 8th Stationary Hospital, Adding ton Park War Hospital, the Duchess of Connaught's Hospital, the 7th Canadian General Hospital and the 2nd Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. CAMPBELL BROWN KEENAN M.D., 1897 Appointed Major and Medical Officer in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, August 12th, 1914. Served in France in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. BENJAMIN CHARLES KEEPING Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 22nd, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France and Belgium with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, and the 2nd Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. ALBERT JOHN KELLY B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, August 22nd, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. BORROWS KELLY Law, 1916-17 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Naval Air Service. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. john christian kelly Applied Science, 1914-16 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, No. 6 (afterwards known as No. 7), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. p. E. KELLY Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 10th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. THEODORE JOSEPH KELLY Law, 1914-17 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. WILLIAM HENRY KELLY B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Training Depot, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. ARTHUR KELSALL Agriculture, 1914-15; B.S.A., 1918 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38 th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Prin- cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Pro- moted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded, June 2nd, 1916. chester francis kelsch Applied Science, 1911-15; Arts, 1915-17 Enlisted, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. JAMES COLIN KEMP B.Sc., 1908 Appointed Captain in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 11th, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches twice. Was awarded the Military Cross and the Distin- guished Service Order. WILLIAM NORMAN KEMP B.A., 1915; M.D., 1922 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps as a Pilot Cadet, December 7th, 1917. Discharged as medically unfit, September 4th, 1918. Served in Canada. CARSON JAMES KENDALL M.D., 1916 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915. in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, Served in France. 155 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILLIAM NASSAU KENDRICK M.D., 1896 Commissioned Captain in the Medical Corps. United States Army, October 18th, 1918, Served in the United States. GEORGE LIONEL DENT KENNEDY M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 25th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Ser- geant. Served in France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital as Captain, and, as Captain and Medical Officer, with the 46th Battalion and the 12th Field Ambulance. HAROLD SAMUEL KENNEDY B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, November 11th, 1915. Served in France with the 3rd Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Military Cross. henry c:. kennedy Applied Science, 1904-05; 1906-07; Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 12th, 1915. Served in France with the 24th and 39th Bat- talions. Seconded to the War Office for special duty, March 30th, 1917. HOWARD KENNEDY B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, November 18th, 1915. Served in France with the 7th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded, August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. LESLIE HAY KENNEDY Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, April 3rd, 1916, in the 196th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. ROBERT ALEXANDER KENNEDY B.A., 1884; M.D., 1886 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. July 3rd, 1916. Served in England in the Moore Barracks' Hospital and the Shorncliffe Military Hospital. RODERICK STUART KENNEDY B.S.A., 1912 Enlisted, August 6th, 1914, in the Central Alberta Horse. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Commissioned in the 12th Battalion, West Yorkshires. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded at Loos in September, 1915, and at the Somme in July, 1916. THOMAS ELMER KENNEDY B.A., 1915 Enlisted, July 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CORDON COLFOX KENNIN<; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 13th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada and, in Siberia, with the 16th Canadian Field Ambulance. ROBERT KENT Applied Science, 1912-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, November 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Division, Trench Mortar Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Belgium. Was awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS REGINALD KER B.C.L., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. HERBERT WILFRED KERFOOT M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 30th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps and served in France and Gallipoli. Transferred back to the Canadian Army Medical Corps and served with No. 1 Canadian Stationary Hospital at Salonika. Promoted to the rank of Captain. FORREST ALEXANDER KERR Arts, 1915-16; B.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 12th, 1916, in the 6th (afterwards known as the 7th) (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. HARRY HYLAND KERR M.D., 1904 Commissioned Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps, August 28th, 1917. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. hugh outhit kerr Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. NORMAN KERR M.D., 1889 Commissioned Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army, July 10th, 1918. JOHN KERRY B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1915 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1916, in the 148th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 13th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded August 18th, 1918. charles willard kil(;oljr Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 15th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. (iarfield kilpatrick Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 70th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, February 5th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column and the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. noel legii sangster kilpin Applied Science, 1911-17 Commissioned, October 23rd, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in England. 156 OTHER ENLISTMENTS HKCTOR HKNRY KING B.C.L., 1918 Enlisted as a Warrant Officer in the Radio Naval Telegraphy Department, Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. HOBKKT K1N<; M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army, August 18th, 1917. SHENTON STANLEY KING M.D., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and attached to the 8th Princess Louise Battalion. Seconded to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served at Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and France. ABNER KINGMAN B.A., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Trans- ferred to the 20th Reserve Battalion as Adjutant and later served in the same capacity in the 259th, Battalion, Canadian Rifles in Siberia. Was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. walter ross kin(;slani> Agriculture, 1915-17 Enlisted, January, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded and taken prisoner of war on November 8th, 1917. EDWARD ROBERT KINGSLEY B.Sc, 1911 Enlisted, March 30th, 1917, in No. 2 Section, Skilled Railway Troops. Served in France with the Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. JOHN LYNDHURST KINGSTON B. Arch., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 20th, 1916. Served in France. LAURENCE BRADLEY KINGSTON B.Sc, 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, January 9th, 1916. Transferred to the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. Awarded the Military Cross. HENRY WILLIS KINNEAR Arts, 1908-09 Enlisted, September 3rd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. BURTON O. KINNEY M.D., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, September 13th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. RE<;iNALD PRICE KINSMAN Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 25th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France with the Canadian Army Medical Corps and the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. GUY HURLSTON KIRBY Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. sidney s. kirby Applied Science, 1908-12 Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Bermuda and England. ARCHIBALD STANLEY KIRKLAND M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 30th, 1916. Served in France, Belgium and Germany. HAROLD THOMPSON KIRKPATBIGK APPLIED Science, 1916-17; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, June 21st, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. ROBERT KIRKPATRICK M.Sc., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 1st Canadian General Hospital, September 24th, 1914. Served with the Canadian Army Medical Corps, in France. Was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. henry hamilton kitchener Applied Science, 1910-14 Enlisted, August, 1914, in the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Royal Engineers, to the Royal Flying Corps and to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Major. BERNARD ALBERT KLEIN B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, December 12th, 1917, in the Ordnance Corps, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. ADRIAN KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN B.A., 1912; B.C.L., 1914 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. CLARENCE RUSSELL KNEELAND Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1923 Enlisted, September 7th, 1916, in the 6th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. FREDERICK WILLIAM KNEWSTUBB B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, April 13th, 1916, in the 62nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. 157 McGILL HONOUR ROLL robert kendall knight Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 4th, 1916, in the Motor Transport Division of the Royal Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. GEORGE HUTTON KOHL B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in the 38th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. MELVILLE ZEN FORD KROLIK M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 3rd, 1917. Served in England. DONALD GORDON KYLE Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. OSIAS WENCESLAS LAC:HAINE Agriculture, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. RAOUL la CROIX Applied Science, 1900-01 Enlisted. May 23rd, 1918. in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. guy burton ladd Arts. 1908-10 Enlisted, January 16th. 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Saskatchewan Regiment. Served in Canada. LAWRENCE HEBERT LAFFOLEY B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 19thi 1916. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in England. paul richard laffoley Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 6th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill.) (afterwards known as the 7th) Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. MAURICE THEODORE LAFLEUR Arts, 1916-17; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, June 6th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the Ammunition Column, 85th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England and Siberia. alan laing Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 27th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. allan pollock laing Arts, 1900-01 Enlisted, May 7th, 1918, in the Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in Canada. GEORGE FREDERICK LAING M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 15th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps, later re-transferring to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in England. ROSS RICHARD LAING Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1919 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. JAMES ARTHUR deLALANNE Arts. 1913-15; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, April 30th. 1915. in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, and later to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. Was wounded, September 16th, 1916, October 30th. 1917. and August 28th. 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. GE0R(;E FRANCIS LALOND Arts, 1915-17; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, October 3rd, 1918, in the 1st Deppt Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. Served in Canada. MAURICE CHARLES LALONDE B.C.L., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Depot Bat- talion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, January 7th. 1918. Served in Canada. ARTHUR S. LAMB M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 20th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, and later to the 8th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. CHARLES ERNEST LAMB Law, 1912-15 Enlisted, December 29th, 1914, in the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Park. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. WARWICK VERNON LAMB M.D., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 11th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in England, France, Mudros and Egypt. YVES LAMONTAGNE B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, April. 1915, with the Canadian Over- seas Railway Construction Corps. After service in Belgium, was granted a commission in the Corps of Royal Engineers, February, 1916. Then served in France with the 1st Field Com- pany, Royal Engineers, 15th Division and in India with the 3rd Sappers and Miners. De- mobilized with the rank of Captain in December, 1919. john lanctot Applied Science. 1912-17 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. Was wounded in March, 1918. 158 OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOSEPH PHILIPPK LANDRY B.C.L., 1895 Appointed Colonel in the 5th Canadian Infantry BriKade. Headquarters Staff, April 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. PIERRE ALFRED LANDRY B.Sc., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the 48th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 5th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. WILFRED ANDREW LANDRY B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, July 27th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. VICTOR R. LAPP Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery, and later to the 11th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, with a com- mission. Served in France. CHARLES LEONARD RICHARD LAPRAIRIE B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. JAMES ARTHUR LATHAM Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 14th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in Belgium and France with the 24th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery and then with the Trench Mortar Battery. Was gassed, February 18th, 1918. LYMAN CRAIG LAUCHLAND M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the 129th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 19th, 1915. Served in France. DOUGLAS MELROSE LAURIE Agriculture, 1915-17; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, December 22nd, 1917, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. herbert archibald laurie Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force, August, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. EARL MITCHELL LAURIN Dentistry, 1914-15; D.D.S., 1921 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. PERCY LORNE LAYERS M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 29th, 1918. Served in Canada. SALLUSTE LA VERY B.C.L., 1912 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. FREDERICK ERNEST LAWLOR M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 5th, 1914. Served in Canada. ALFRED JOHN LAWRENCE B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 25th, 1918. Served in England. ROBERT GRANT LAWRENCE M.D., 1917 Enlisted, May 17th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. GEORGE CHESTER LAWSON M.D., 1909 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 13th, 1917. Served in France. GEOFFREY FRANCIS LAYNE B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery with a commission, and later to the 287th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. Wounded, September 20th, 1917. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. SHIRLEY THOMPSON LAYTON B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Heavy Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, November 10th, 1914. Served in France with the 2nd Heavy Battery, the 2nd Siege Battery, and the 5th Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. FRANCIS EASTON LEACH Applied Science, 1896-97 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 231st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 15th, 1916. Served on the headquarters Staff of the First Army in France. GEORGE EVERETT LEARMONTH B.A., 1900; M.D„ 1901 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 28th, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps with the rank of Captain, September 16th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance, the 14th Canadian Battalion, and No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station (British). DOUGLAS RAINSFORD LEAROYD MEDICINE. 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Lance Corporal; Transferred, as Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant, to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. 159 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOSKFII LKAVITT B.A., 1914; M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 19th, 1916. Served in France with the 1st Canadian General Hospital, the 4th Canadian Field Ambulance and the 18th Canadian Infantry Battalion. MOISK WILLIAM LKBKL Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, March 5th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Corporal. Received a commission in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served in France and with the Royal Navy ifi the North Sea. C.ALIXTE ARMANI) LEBEUF Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 22nd, 1916, in the Canadian Divisional Signal Company. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Was gassed, August, 1917. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON LEDINGHAM Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, August 16th, 1916, in the 242nd Battahon, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Staff Quartermaster Sergeant. Was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. Served in France. HAROLD CARLETON LEE Applied Science, 1914-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. JAMES CARREL LEE M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, October, 1916. Served m Mesopotamia. FREDERICK WILLIAM LEES M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Canadian Field Ambulance, August 18th, 1915. Served in France as Medical Officer in the 7th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, and with No. 3 Canadian Field Ambulance, as Major. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. LAVELL HALL LEESON M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 15th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in the Dardanelles, Egypt, Mesopotamia and France. Was wounded, October 28th, 1915. j. armani) lefebvre Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 5th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. JOHN GORDON LEFEBVRE Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 12th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. ALBERT LEC;AULT B.Sc, 1916 Enlisted. November, 1917. as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. OSWALD ERNEST LEGER Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 1st Canadian Divisional Engmeers. Served m France with the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was wounded. louis joseph a. legris Medicine, 1909-13 Enlisted, February 25th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Tvledical Corps. 2nd Field Ambulance. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with the rank of Lieutenant. Served as Regi- mental Medical Ofificer in France and Belgium. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. robert stanley leitcii Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, March 18th, 1916, in the 196th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 46th Battalion, and later to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Flight Cadet. Served in France. DANIEL LEMAY D.V.S., 1890 Commissioned as a Major in the Veterinary Corps of the United States Army. VENANCE LEMAY B.Sc., 1917 Commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the 13th United States Cavalry. CHARLES STUART LEMESURIER B.A.. 1909; B.C.L., 1912 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. Promoted to the rank of Captain. ludger lemieux Applied Science, 1900-01 Enlisted, May 29th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. louis lemoine Applied Science, 1901-04 Enlisted, July 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, l.st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. louis maitland leo Applied Science, 1911-14 Gazetted in the Royal Field Artillery, July 12th, 1915. Served at the Dardanelles and in Egypt. Invalided to England. October, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery with the same rank. 160 ^ — OTHER ENLISTMENTS IBBOTSON LEONARD B.Sc, 1905 Appointed Major in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and given command of the 7th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France as officer in command of the Mounted troops of the 2nd Canadian Division and later of the Canadian Light Horse. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. LKIBKR WOLFE LEKNER Arts. 1913-14; Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted. May 20th. 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. samuel lerner Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 27th, 1918, as a Second Air Mechanic in the Royal Air Force. WALTER JOHN LEROSSIGNOL B.A.. 1891 Commisvsioned, July 16th, 1918, as 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Served in the United States. ERIC ALEXANDER LESLIE B.Sc.. 1916 Enlisted in the Royal Canadian Artillery, May 13th, 1916. Appointed Lieutenant, May 8th, 1917. in the- Third Overseas Draft of the Mont- real Heavy and Siege Artillery. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Divisional Trench Mortar Brigade and the 5th and 7th Canadian Siege Batteries. PERCY CAMPBELL LESLIE M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. February 12th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. JAMES ROBERT LETOUZEL M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 21st. 1916. Served in England. AARON LEVY B.A.. 1895; M.D., 1899 Commissioned Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. July 1st, 1917, in charge of an ophthalmic centre. DAVID SCLATER LEWIS B.Sc, 1906; M.Sc.. 1907; M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. June 14th. 1916. Served m France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. george gordon lewis Applied Science. 1892-94 Appointed Major in the 87th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. September 20th 1915. Served in France. Wounded October 21st. 1916. Was mentioned in despatches. mostyn lewis Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted in the Royal Naval Air Service, June. 1915. Gazetted Flight Sub-Lieutenant, During 1916 and 1917 did service at different sea-plane stations on the East coast of England. Promoted to Captain in the Royal Air Force, in 1918. WILLIAM MURRAY LEYS M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 17th, 1918. Served in England. valentine place leyson Applied Science, 1913-14 Commissioned Lieutenant in the 3rd South Lancashire Regiment, April, 1915. Transferred to the 182nd Tunnelling Company, and later to the 4th and 3rd Field Survey Battalions. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM SCHUYLER LIGHTHALL Arts, 1912-14; B.C.L.. 1921 Enlisted, September 11th, 1914, in the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Received a commission in the 3rd Dorsets. Transferred to the 2nd Dorsets, the 8th Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry, and the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France, Mesopotamia, Salonika, Egypt and Palestine. Was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. HERBERT LIGHTSTONE M.D., 1910 Enlisted. August 5th, 1914. Gazetted Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, September nth, 1914. Transferred to the 6th Cavalry Field Ambulance. Medical Officer at Head- quarters of the 4th Army. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the 47th Casualty Clearing Station. Medical Officer at General Headquarters. Served in France, Bel- gium, Germany and North Russia. Was men- tioned in despatches seven times, and awarded the Military Cross, the Medal of Honour by the French War Office, and the Distinguished Service Order. CHARLES CRAWFORD LINDSAY B.Sc. 1915 Enlisted, February 25th, 1915. in the Canadian Engineers; Commissioned in the Imperial Forces and promoted to the rank of Acting Major in the Royal Engineers. Served in France and Flanders. Was wounded, October 1st, 1916. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre (Beige) and the Military Cross. GORDON LIN1>SAY B.A., 1911 Enlisted, October 2nd, 1915, in the 4th Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN TRAVERS LEWIS B.Sc.. 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company of the Canadian Engineers, February 8th. 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. GUY ADAMSON LINDSAY Applied Science. 1912-16; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 181st Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 10th. 1916. Transferred to the 7th Battalion of the Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. 161 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL KENNETH RAYMOND LINDSAY Arts, 1914-15 p:nlisted, December 20th, 1915, in the 148th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 42nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was gassed, March 11th, 1918. Died at Montreal, November 24th, 1922. STANLEY BA(;<; LINDSAY Applied Science, 1911-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 7th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served m France. WILLIAM LINDSAY M.D., 1893 Appointed Captain in the Medical Corps of the United States Army, September 29th, 1918. DONALD MALCOLM LINEIIAM Arts, 1890-91; M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the 183rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 31st, 1916. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital and No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station. JOSEPH EDOUARD LIONAIS B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Depot Bat- talion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, June 25th, 1918. Transferred to the 22nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. HAVELOCK THOMAS LIFPIATT M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. HYMAN LIPSEY Arts, 1915-18; Medicine, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the 9th Canadian Siege Battery. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in England. KEUBEN HENRY LIPSEY Law, 1909-10; D.D.S., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, October 18th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. arthur vincent litchfield Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, November 5th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as Cadet Observer. EDWARD CARRUTHERS LITTLE B.Sc, 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 51st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, February 11th, 1916. Transferred to the 53rd Battery, the 52nd Battery, the Reserve Brigade Artillery and the 3rd Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Croix de Guerre of Belgium, with Palm. HAROLD BUTLER LITTLE Applied Science, 1913-16; B. Arch. 1920 Enlisted, May 8th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. HENRY WALTER LITTLE Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted May 9th, 1916, in the 117th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served m France. Was wounded, August 26th, 1918. HERBERT MELVILLE LITTLE M.D.. 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 6th, 1915. Served m France. EDWARD ARCHIBALD LIVINGSTONE B.Sc, 1918 Enlisted, May 4th, 1918, in the 4th Engineer Officers' Training Camp, United States Army. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and given command of Company D, 220th Regiment, U.S. Engineers. ARTHUR WILLIAM LOGHEAD B.A., 1901 Commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Chinese Labour Corps, April, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. ERNEST EWAN LOGKE B.A., 1905; M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in No. 2 Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 7th, 1915. Served in France. JAMES RANSFORD LOGKHART Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. WILLIAM STANLEY LOGKHART B.Sc, 1914 Enlisted in June, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant in the Royal Air Force, attached to the Grand Fleet. AMBROSE LORNE LOGKWOOD M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in No. 12 Field Hospital, Royal Army Medical Corps, August 24th, 1914. Transferred to No. 3 Stationary Hospital, No. 6 General Hospital and later to No. 36 Casualty Clearing Station. Promoted to the rank of Major- Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches three times and awarded the Mili- tary Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. leigester logogk Applied Science, 1912-15 Commissioned Captain in the 17th Northumber- land Fusiliers. Served in France. EMILE ALBERT LODS B.S.A., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. HARRY TREMAINE LOGAN B.A., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 72nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, August, 1915. Transferred to the 12th Canadian Machine Gun Company, the 16th Canadian Machine Gun Company and the 4th Canadian Machine Gun Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 162 OTHER ENLISTMENTS HERBERT LEMUEL LOGAN Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, April 13th. 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, No. 6 Canadian Field Ambu- lance and with the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. WILLIAM STUART LOGGIE M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 10th, 1917. Served in England. FREDERICK GEORGE LOGIE M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 15th, 1914. Served in France with- the 4th Canadian Field Ambu- lance. Promoted to the rank of Major. HENRY BURTON LOGIE M.D.. 1910 Appointed Captain in the 47th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 6th, 1915. Transferred to the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. ARTHUR JOHN LOMAS M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, June 5th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Sanitary Section. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. THEODORE ADOLF LOMER B.A., 1904; M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, September 28th, 1914. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, Nos. 3, 5, and 6 Canadian Field Ambulance, No. 2 Canadian Sanitary Section, and as Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services at the 2nd Canadian Divisional Headquarters. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Was men- tioned in despatches and awarded the Distin- guished Service Order. hercule arthur longtin Arts, 1890-91 Appointed Lieutenant in the 206th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 23rd, 1916. Transferred to the 22nd Battalion. Served in France. christopher byrne loomis Agriculture Served as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. louis d. loranger Law, 1916-17 Enlisted, January 6th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. antoine charles lortie Medicine, 1911-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, September 30th, 1918. Served in Canada. john muir lor way Applied Science, 1899-1901 Enlisted, June 21st, 1917, in the Canadian Railway Construction and Forestry Company. Transferred to the 10th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. ARTHUR JOSEPH LOSIER M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 8th, 1915. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. DAVID ERNEST LOTHIAN AGRICULTURE, 1909-13; B.S.A., 1923 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 15th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant in the 5th Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. Served in France and Salonika and with the British Military Legation in Sofia, Bulgaria. Was wounded, April 22nd, 1915, and April 23rd, 1917. edgar donald loucheed Arts, 1911-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, August, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 4th Divisional Train. CRANDALL LOUGHERY M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4. April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. Died October 25th, 1919. WILLIAM CHARLES LOUTTIT Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, November 22nd, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. ANDREW LOVE M.D., 1891 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 15th, 1916. Served in France with the 9th Canadian Stationary Hospital. henry peirce lovell Applied Science, 1909-12 Enlisted, September 20th, 1914. in the Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column. Transferred to the 16th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. ERIC ALMON LOVETT B.C.L., 1916 Enlisted, September 20th, 1916, in No. 2 Cana- dian Army Service Corps Training Depot. Transferred to the 7th Battalion. Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. WILBER CLOUSTON LOWRY B.A., 1913; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Returned to complete his studies in February, 1916. On graduation re-enlisted, July 10th, 1916, with a commission in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, serving in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. No. 2 Canadian Field Ambu- lance, and with the 2nd Canadian Battalion. 163 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHN AUSTIN LOY Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the 1st Uni- versities Company, 38th Battahon, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Prin- cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, the 3rd Canadian Divisional Trench Mortar Batteries and the 36th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. HUGH ALLAN LUMSDEN Arts, 1904-05; B.Sc, 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the l^th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 28th, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served m France. ARTHUR EDWARD LUNDON M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 1st, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Transferred again to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, serving in Canada with the rank of Captain. CHARLES TITCOMB LUNDON M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 18th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. EDMOND WILFRED LUNNEY M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Arniy Medical Corps, April 15th, 1917. Served m Canada in Military Districts Nos. 5 and 7. THOMAS HUGH LUNNEY M.D., 1901 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. GEORGE HAROLD LUTZ B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 65th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, March 9th, 1917. Served in France with the 1st Canadian Divis- ional Ammunition Column, and the 4th Battery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. william thomas lyall Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, December 4th, 1916, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France. NORMAN EDGAR LYCHE B.Sc, 1913 Enlisted, May 25th, 1916, in the 196th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Accidentally drowned at Ucluelet, B.C., April 25th, 1924. ARTHUR LOUIS LYNCH M.D., 1903 Commissioned, April, 1918, as a Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France and Germany with the 17th Casualty Clearing Station, the 36th Casualty Clearing Station, and No. 26 Base Hospital, and in England with the Special Military Orthopedic Hospital, London. JAMES ALSOP LYNCH Applied Science, 1908-14 Enlisted, August 12th, 1914, in the 5th Battery 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred as 2nd Lieutenant to the Royal Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain and given command of Sound Ranging, Section O and later M, of the Field Survey Battalion. Served in France. T. LEO LYNCH Applied Science, 1908-12 Enlisted, March 17th, 1915, as a Bombardier in the Divisional Ammunition Column. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. GEORGE ROBERT DOUGLAS LYON M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 12th, 1915. Served in the Mediterranean area. EDWARD LESLIE LYONS B.Sc, 1915 Enlisted, July 29th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Lance Corporal. Served in France. GEORGE ALBERT LYONS M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Returned to complete studies. Re-enlisted and com- missioned as Lieutenant and Medical Officer in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in Egypt. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Awarded the Military Cross. HORACE MUIR LYSTER B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, May 10th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, March 2nd, 1916. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. OLIVER RAYMOND MABEE M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September, 1915. Served in France from September, 1918 with the 16th General Hospital. RALPH EVANS MACAFEE B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, June 20th, 1915. Served in France with the 12th Field Company and the 12th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded, October 15th, 1916, June 26th, 1917, and November 7th, 1917. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM JONAS McALISTER M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 3rd, 1915. Served in France with the 1st Canadian General Hospital and the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance and, with the 14th Battalion, as Medical Officer. Promoted to the rank of Major and made Second in Command of the Canadian Convalescent Officer's Hospital. Appointed to the command of the same Hospital and gazetted Lieutenant-Colonel. Was awarded the Military Cross. 164 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ARTHUR WILLIAM McARTIlUR M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 19th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. REGINALD STEWART MACARTHUR M.D., 1906 Enlisted, January 1st, 1916, in the 158th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. ROBERT ALEXANDER MACARTHUR Arts, 1910-15; B.A., 1917; Medicine, 1912-14; 1916-18; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. DOUGLAS LAWSON MACAULAY B.A., 1914; B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- §ineers. May, 1915. Served in France with the econd Canadian Pioneer Battalion, also as a Flying Officer Observer in the Royal Flying Corps. Wounded in an aeroplane accident, December 28th, 1916. RONALD ARMSTRONG McAVlTY Applied Science. 1908-09 Appointed Honorary Captain in the 12th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 29th, 1914. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. KENNETH MACBEAN B.S.A., 1913 Enlisted, March 21st, 1916, in the 195th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 102nd Battalion. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Gassed, August 2nd. 1917. Awarded the Military Medal. ralph elswortii macbean Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, July 6th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. ROY S. McBEATH Applied Science, 1909-11; 1913-14 Enlisted, November 26th, 1917, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Central Ontario Regiment. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Served in Eng- land. clifford dawson mcbride Medicine, 1910-11 Enlisted, March 6th, 1916, in No. 11 Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. norman fraser mccaghey Applied Science, 1909-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 52nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, August 15th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. GEORGE RONALD McCALL Arts, 1916-17; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, May 9th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Battery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Trench Mortar Battery. Served in France. james darling mccall B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, Canadian En- gineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. Drowned in Lake Wayagamack, June 3rd, 1919. GEORGE HUGH McCALLUM B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Depot, Ottawa, March 30th, 1915. Transferred to the 2nd, and later to the 1st, Army Troops Company, Canadian Engineers, and again to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, October 1st, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. JOHN SANGSTER MeCALLUM B.A., 1907; M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 14th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JOHN WHYTE MoCAMMON B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, May 5th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Trans- ferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery and later back to the Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. JOHN J. McCARREY D.V.S., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. Served in England and France. edward marmaduke mccarthy Agriculture, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 74th Battery. Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Tank Battalion. Served in England. LAWRENCE EDWARD McCAFFREY Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 4th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served in the Mediterranean Area. john alexander mccarthy Medicine, 1906-10 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 1st, 1916. Served m France with the 2nd Canadian Field Ambulance. 165 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ISABEL CATHERINE McCAW B.A., 1915 Enlisted in 1916 in the 1st Serbian Transport Column, Scottish Women's Hospital Unit, as a Driver of a Motor Ambulance. Served in Macedonia and Serbia. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Serbian Distin- guished Service Order. NEIL DOUGLAS CONLEY McCHLERY Arts, 1910-11; 1913-14; Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 4th, 1915, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 5th Divisional Ammunition Column as Acting Bombardier. Served in France. GEORGE ARTHUR McCLINTOCK Arts, 1909-10 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, April 29th, 1915, September 22nd, 1916, and November 6th, 1917. LAWRENCE DELMAR McCLINTOCK B.S.A., 1913 Enlisted, August 14th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Belgium. Was wounded, March 26th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. francis leo mccloskey Medicine, 1917-18 Enlisted, June 10th. 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. john clement mccloskey Medicine, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, February 25th, 1916. Served in England. JOHN McCOMBE M.D., 1899 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 19th 1914. Served in England. THOMAS CLARKSON McCONKEY B.Sc. 1906 Appointed Officer Commanding the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, with the rank of Major, July, 1916. Reverted to Lieu- tenant, March, 1918, to join the North Russia Expeditionary Force in the 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Was awarded the Order of St. Stanislas, 3rd Class, with Swords. ROBERT ERNEST McCONNELL B.A., 1898; M.D., 1900 Gazetted, September 18th, 1914, as a Captain in the Uganda Medical Service in charge of hospitals and outposts in Western Uganda. Transferred to a Stationary Hospital, and later to a Field Ambulance. Was Officer in Command of several hospitals till April, 1917, when he returned to Canada, serving there with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. In December, 1917, he was seconded for further service in Africa. WILLIAM F. McCONNELL B.A., 1914 Appointed Chaplain, with the rank of Captain, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the 5th Canadian General Hospital. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. ALEXANDER HOWARD McCORDICK M.D., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. ANDREW CAMPBELL McCORMACK Medicine, 1908-10; 1911-12 Enlisted. February 17th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 3rd Station- ary Hospital. ROBERT ROY McCORMICK MEDICINE, 1914-15; M.D., 1922 EnHsted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 39th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, as a Gunner. Served in France and Belgium. Was wounded. JOHN ALFRED MacCOSHAM Arts, 1893-94; Law, 1894-95 Enlisted, June 29th, 1918, in the Canadian Railway Construction Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the 6th Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in Siberia. GERALD ROCHE McCOWEN M.D., 1907 Served as a Surgeon in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marine Artillery and the Naval Division, in France and Flanders. Was mentioned in despatches, and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. merrick rennie mccracken Arts, 1909-11; 1913-15 Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal and the Military Cross and Bar. JAMES McCREA M.D., 1894 Enlisted, July 24th, 1916, in the 238th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. PAUL LEONARD McCREERY B.A., 1915 Enlisted, April 22nd, 1918, in 1st Depot Bat- talion, British Columbia Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. ALEXANDER MURRAY McCRIMMON Arts. 1915-16; Medicine, 1913-15; B.A., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Divisional Cyclists Depot, Canadian Cyclist Battalion, April 7th, 1916. Became later. Assistant and Chemical Adviser to the Canadian Corps. Served in France. 166 OTHER ENLISTMENTS KENNETH HOWARD McCRIMMON B.A., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Divisional Salvage Corps, May 20th, 1915. Transferred to the 18th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. harry elsmere mccrudden Arts, 1910-15 Enlisted, March 15th, 1915, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 6th Howitzer Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. CLARENCE N. McCUAIG Arts, 1909-10; Applied Science, 1909-12 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 23rd, 1914. Served in France. douglas rykert mccuaig Arts, 1901-03 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 22nd, 1914, Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was severely wounded and made prisoner of war at the second battle of Ypres. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. GEORGE ERIC McCUAIG B.Sc., 1906 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 23rd. 1914. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. Served in France. Was wounded, April 24th, 1915, and April 16th, 1916. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar and was made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. STUART JAMES McCUAIG B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 12th, 1916. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. albert edward mccullough Arts, 1916-17; Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, September, 1918, in the United States Naval Officers' School as an apprentice seaman. JOHN THOMAS McCULLOUGH MEDICINE, 1914-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as a Cadet. EMMET ANDREW McCUSKER MEDICINE. 1911-15; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was wounded August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. MANFORD WENDELL McCUTCHEON Applied Science, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 16th, 1918. Served in England. EDWARD CARRINGTON MacDERMOT B.Sc, 1912 Enlisted, June 2nd, 1915, in the 1st Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Com- missioned in the Imperial Army. Served in France. Was wounded, May, 1917. HUGH ERNEST MacDERMOT M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 14th, 1914. Transferred to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded, May 16th, 1918. TERENCE WILLIAM LEIGHTON MacDERMOT Arts, 1913-16; B.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Corporal. Served in France in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. COLIN ANDREWS McDIARMID M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 29th Battalion, November 16th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France and Belgium. neil howard mcdiarmid Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, April 26th. 1915, as a Flight Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Was wounded, February 13th, 1916. DAWSON ALEXANDER McDONALD B.A., 1915; Law, 1914-16; B.C.L., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 25th, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. DONALD MONTEITH MacDONALD Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, February 24th, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Signal Company. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Canadian Training Brigade and promoted to Corporal. Commissioned in the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. DOUGLAS OGILVIE MACDONALD Arts, 1912-13; Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Lance-Corporal. Served in France. EDWARD ELLICE McDONALD M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 18th, 1917. Ser\'ed m Canada and the United States. GEORGE MACDONALD M.D., 1889 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 12th Canadian Mounted Rifles, January 2nd, 1915. Served in France. Recalled to Canada and assigned to the Command of Military District, No 13, serving in this capacity from March 1st, 1917 to March 10th, 1919. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Mentioned in despatches. 167 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL GEORGE CROSS McDONALD B.A. 1904 Appointed Captain in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, April 26th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, September 16th, 1916. and August 26th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. HAROLD FRENCH McDONALD B.Sc, 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the 16th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 23rd. 1915. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Infantry Headquarters Staff. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. Served in France. Wounded, April 27th, 1915, and September 2nd, 1916. Mentioned in despatches, awarded the Distin- guished Service Order, and the Order of St. Anne, and made Companion of the Most Distin- guished Order of St. Michael and St. George. HUGH REID McDONALD Medicine. 1914-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, March 8th. 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. JOHN McDONALD M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 12th, 1918. Served in Canada. JOHN PHELAN MacDONALD M.D., 1906 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, November 15th, 1915. Served in France with the 2/1 Lancashire Field Ambu- lance, the 55th Divisional Train, the 58th Scottish General Hospital, the 11th Stationary Hospital, the 2nd Lowland Field Ambulance; and other units Promoted to the rank of Captain. Died, November 27th, 1920. PETER WILLIAM McDONALD B.A.Sc, 1897 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Pay Depart- ment, Military District No. 6, December, 1915. Served for a time in the same capacity with the Canadian Siege Artillery, returning to his original position later on. Served in Canada. ROBERT ROSS MACDONALD B.Sc, 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 4th, 1915. Transferred to the 58th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. RONALD IIL!C;H McDONALD M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain and Surgical Specialist in No. 1 Casualty Clearing Station, August 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and later to Acting Colonel as Assistant Director of Medical Services, 2nd Canadian Division. Served in France. Wounded. Was twice mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order, RONALD ST. JOHN MACDONALD M.D., 1903 EnHsted, October, 1914, and attached to Militia Headquarters, Military District No. 4. Pro- ceeded overseas, May, 1915, as a Captam m No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served m France and Flanders in various units for four years. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Mentioned in despatches. CHARLES GORDON MacDOU(;ALL B.Sc, 1913 Enlisted, August 7th, 1914. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, the 12th Brigade, and the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. DONALD HAMILTON McDOUGALL Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, May 13th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. EDWARD STUART McDOUGALL B.A., 1907; B.C.L., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedition- ary Force, February 17th, 1915. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, June 4th, 1916. JAMES ALEXANDER MacDOUGALL Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, August 5th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. charles arthur mceachern Medicine, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 10th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, New Brunswick Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Railway Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada and England. CHARLES McEACHRAN D.V.S., 1890 Appointed Major in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, November 20th, 1914. Served in Canada with the British Remount Commission. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Died, October 26th, 1919. ST. CLAIR McE VENUE B.Sc, 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 199th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 21st, 1916. Promoted to Captain. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. HAROLD ERIC McEVERS Applied Science, 1913-16; B. Arch., 1920 Enlisted, August 21st, 1916, in the 242nd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Served in England. ALAN BRETTELL McEWEN B.Sc, 1912 Appointed Captain in the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, August 18th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. 168 OTHER ENLISTMENTS Arts, 1910-11; Applied Science, 1911-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, March 29th, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Corporal. Received a commission in the Royal Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. HERBERT BRUCE McEWEN M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 20th, 1916. Served in France as Medical Officer in the 1st Canadian Labour Battalion. Was awarded the MiUtary Cross. KENNETH ALEXANDER MacFADYEN Applied Science, 1910-12; 1913-14 Enlisted, September 27th, 1914, in the 17th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Received a commission in the Imperial Army. DONALD HENRY MACFARLANE Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1921 Served on Instructional Cadre (Signalling) from February to October, 1915. Appointed Lieu- tenant in the 2nd Draft for Divisional Signal Companies, October 26th, 191:). Served in France, April, 1916, to November, 1918. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded November 25th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. innes parlan macfarlane Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted. April 28th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (later known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded, November 9th, 1918. JAMES ANDERSON MACFARLANE B.A., 1885, M.A., 1888 Enlisted, May 26th, 1916, in the 217th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Appointed Chaplain and promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. john douglas barron macfarlane Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 10th and 7th Siege Batteries. JOSEPH HARRISON MACFARLANE Arts, 1912-15; B.A.. 1917 Enlisted, December 3rd, 1915, in No. 9 Can- adian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served in France and Belgium. Was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal and Bar. MAYNARD DEEDES MrFARLANE Applied Science, 1912-14 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Middlesex Regiment, British Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. PHILIP (;RAHAM Mr<;iBBON Arts, 1904-05; Law, 1906-08 Enlisted, July 28th. 1915, in the 60th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionarv Force. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. ROY HOSMER McGIBBON Arts, 1905-06; M.D., 1911 .appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 22nd, 1914. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France in the 1st. 7th and 14th Field Ambulances. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches. frank scholes mcgill Arts, 1911-13 Commissioned, May, 1915, as a Fhght Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to Flight Commander. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Captain. ALEXANDER FRANCIS McGILLIS Law, 1917-18; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, January 14th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. JOHN DUNCAN McGILLIVRAY D.V.S., 1894 Appointed Lieutenant in the 184th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 10th, 1916. Transferred to the Veterinary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. LIONEL CREIGHTON MacGLASHAN Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted in June, 1917, as a cadet in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in England, being under age for service in France. george graham mcgoun Arts, 1907-10 Enlisted, April 30th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in England. EDGAR D'ARCY McGREER Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1921; M.A., 1923 Enlisted, March 20th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 25th Battery, 6th Brigade. Served in France. Was wounded, June 17th, 1917. ERIC DAMEL McGREER Agriculture, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Ser\^ed in France. ATHOL ERASER MrGREGOR Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1917 Enlisted. November 9th, 1915, in the 7th Can- adian Stationary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Returned to complete his studies. On doing so, was appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 1st, 1917. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. DONALD MaoGREGOR Medicine, 1915-16 EnUsted, December 14th, 1915, in the Canadian Field and Heavy Artillery. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column and the 18th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Was wounded, April 9th, 1917. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL donald m anson mcgregor Applied Science, 1908-11 Enlisted, October 4th, 1915, in the 67th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 47th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. DOUGLAS UROUHART McGREGOR Medicine. 1915-16; M.D., 1924 Commissioned in June, 1916 in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES MacGREGOR D.V.S., 1899; M.D., 1912 ' Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, November 23rd, 1914. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Granted a per- manent Commission in the Royal Air Force, Medical Service. Promoted to the rank of Wing Commander. Was wounded, September 25th, 1915. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. JAMES ALBERT McGREGOR B.A., 1898 Appointed Major in the 89th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 5th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in Canada. JOHN McGREGOR Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, May 16th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. roderick archibald macgregor Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, June 9th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Signal Bombardier. Served in France. THOMAS DVARCY McGREGOR M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. LLOYD PHILLIPS McHAFFIE M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 22nd, 1917. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. THOMAS FORSYTH McILWRAITH Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, June 20th, 1917, in the University of Toronto Officers' Training Corps. Received a commission in King's Own Scottish Borderers, Imperial Army. JOHN LEWIS MclNNES B.A., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 207th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Divisional Headquarters. Attached to the 54th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain and Chaplain. Served in France. HUGH ARTHUR MclNNES Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted, August 23rd, 1915, in the 3rd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 14th Bat- talion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. ERNEST DONALD McINTOSH Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc, 1919 Enlisted, February 16th, 1915, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 4th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery and the 2nd Canadian Siege Battery. Was gassed, April 4th, 1918. Discharged medically unfit, November 6th, 1918. HAMISH HENEY McINTOSH M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Acting Major. Served in Salonika with the 5th Canadian General Hospital. LORNE D«^CORSIA McINTOSH M.D., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 11th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps, serving at the 31st Casualty Clearing Hospital. ROBERT FOSTER McINTOSH B.Sc, 1906 Enlisted in the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers, in 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 124th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded, September 27th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. edward lorne mcintyre Medicine, 1905-06 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 14th, 1918. Served in Canada. GEORGE DUNCAN McINTYRE M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Served in England in the Granville Special Hospital. GORDON McINTYRE Applied Science, 1912-14; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, August 9th, 1914, in the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in France with the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, serving in Italy. Promoted to Lieutenant. ALBERT AGRET MACKAY M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 4th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. DANIEL SAYRE MACKAY M.D., 1901 Appointed Major in the 27th Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, October 25th, 1914. Served in France with the 27th Battalion and the 1st Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Mentioned in despatches. 170 OTHER ENLISTMENTS FREDERICK HOLLAND MacKAY M.D.. 1912 Appointed Captain in No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Serv«l in France. DAVID WILLIAM McKECHNIE M.D.. 1903 Appointed Captain in the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. CHARLES RUSSELL McKENZIE B.A., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, March 21st, 1918. Served in England. HENRY HECTOR MacKENZIE M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 30th, 1915. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, No. 32 Casualty Clearing Station and No. 7 Canadian Cavalry Field Ambulance. Was wounded at Amiens. RICHARD EDEY McKECHNIE B.S.A.. 1915 Enlisted, May 16th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. SAMUEL HANDFORD McKEE M.D., 1900 Appointed Major in No. 1 Canadian Stationary Hospital, September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France and in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Mentioned in despatches and made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. JOHN WENDELL McKENZIE B.A., 1914; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Returned to complete medical studies Re- enlisted, April 17th, 1918, as a Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. MALCOLM MacKENZIE Applied Science, 1893-95 Appointed Captain in the 70th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915 Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain and Quartermaster. Served in England. HENRY POOLE MacKEEN B.A., 1914; B.C.L., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 28th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, February 20th, 1915. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Heavy Battery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. RUPERT THOMAS MacKEEN Applied Science, 1894-95; 1899-1900 Appointed Captain in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 25th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. JAMES MILLER MacKENDRICK Arts, 1911-13 Appointed Honorary Captain in the 28th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 30th, 1915. Transferred to the 18th Battalion. Served in France. ROBERT TAIT McKENZIE B.A., 1889; M.D., 1892; LL.D., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, June, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in England. SAMUEL RIDLEY MACKENZIE M.D., 1893 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, January 18th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. STUART DONALD MacKENZIE M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 1st, 1915. Served m England. Died, March 28th, 1919. WILLIAM LANGLANDS MACKENZIE B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 2nd, 1918. Served in England. ARTHUR J. McKENTY Medicine, 1910-12 Enlisted, January 27th, 1916, in the 93rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 21st Battalion. Served m France. Was wounded. BROUARD HUNTER TYNDALL MACKENZIE Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., J920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 8th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Serv^ in France. Was wounded, October 13th, 1915, and June 16th, 1916. JAMES DAY McKEOWN B.A., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, March 11th, 1915. Served in France with the 23rd Battery, and at the Headquarters of the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. LUDWIG STEWART MacKID M.D., 1904 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 10th, 1915. Served in France. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL LAURIE HAMILTON McKIM M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 7th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France in various units under the Canadian Army Medical Corps, including No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill) of which he was Commanding Officer at the time of demobiliza- tion. CECIL GORDON McKINNON B.A., 1900; B.C.L., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Supply Column, December 8th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served m France. Mentioned in despatches and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. GEORGE WASHINGTON McKINNON M.D., 1888 Enlisted in the United States Medical Reserve Corps. john archibald mckinnon Applied Science, 1903-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, January 19th, 1916. Served in France with the 3rd Army Troops, Canadian Engineers, and the 3rd Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Wounded. September 9th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. IVAN WILLIAM McKINNON M.D., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps, January 20th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain, Served in France. KENNETH ROYAL McKINNON BSC., 1909 Enlisted, November 12th, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. robert cleland mcknight Applied Science, 1906-07 Appointed Lieutenant in the 29th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. November 16th, 1914. Served in France with the 36th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, at the Headquarters of the 3rd Canadian Divisional Artillery and with the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major. ROBERT CAVAN McLACHLAN B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Forestry Draft, Canadian Forestry Corps, October 2nd, 1917. Served in France. john harrington mclachlin Arts, 1906-07 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, March 26th, 1915. Served in France with No. 2 Divisional Supply Column and No. 2 Divisional Motor Transport Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Mentioned in despatches. alexander barnet maclaren Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, June 8th, 1917, in the 63rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON MacLAREN B.A., 1898; M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 26th, 1916. Served in France. DONALD RODERICK McLAREN Arts and Applied Science, 1912-14 Commissioned as a Captain in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. helen gladys mclaren Household Science Nursing Sister, in No. 6 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to Moore Barracks Hospital. Served in England. william stewart mclaren Medicine, 1894-96 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, January 26th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. winifred maclaren Music, 1915-16 Enlisted, in 1918, in the Voluntary Aid Detach- ment. Transferred to the Military Hospital, Colchester, England. Served in England. GORDON B. MacLARTY Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, October 1st, 1917, in the Canadian Army Service Corps, Training Depot No. 2. Transferred to the Canadian Motor Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. ROBERT HENRY MacLAUCHLAN M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 11th, 1918. Served m Canada. JAMES ALVIN McLAUGHLIN M.D., 1894 Commissioned, October 2nd, 1917, as a Captain in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. ANGUS HECTOR McLEAN Arts, 1913-14; 1915-17; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, October 4th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hospital. arthur cedric mclean Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, September 27th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 8th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Was wounded. DURAT VERCOE McLEAN Arts, 1915-16; B.A., 1923 Enlisted, January 12th, 1916, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. HUGH McLEAN Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, September 26th, 1917, in the 9th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. 172 OTHER ENLISTMENTS JAMES RORISON M«LEAN M.D., 1898 Appointed Captain in the 119th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915. Served in France with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Was mentioned in despatches. JOHN JAMES MILLAR McLEAN B.A., 1915 Enlisted, August 12th, 1915, in the 62nd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 29th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN NEIL MacLEAN M.D.. 1898 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 12th, 1918. Served in England. john reginald mclean Applied Science. 1910-13; 1914-15 Commissioned, September, 1917, in the 362nd Infantry, 91st Division, American Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, September 29th, 1918. percy francis mclean Applied Science, 1909-12 Enlisted, June 7th, 1917, in the McGill Draft, 10th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded. THOMAS A. McLEAN B.A.Sc., 1898 Joined the Royal School of Infantry, Halifax, May 1st, 1916. Appointed Captain in the 5th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, August 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 11th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. william henry mclean Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 27th and 52nd Batteries. Was wounded, September 29th, 1916, October 22nd, 1916 and October 18th, 1918. andrew gordon mclellan Arts, 1915-17 Enlisted, May 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 7th Siege Battery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. DONALD FRANCIS McLELLAN Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, July 10th, 1918 in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CORDON RODERICK McLENNAN Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc, 1923 Enlisted, April 10th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. (;UY STUART McLENNAN Arts, 1912-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Roval Highlanders of Canada, August 2nd, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded, March 1st, 1917. Was awarded the Military Cross. john harbison mclennan Arts, 1913-14 Commissioned as Captain and Adjutant in the 325th Field Artillery, United States Army, May 1st, 1917. Promoted to Officer Commanding School for newly commissioned officers. MALCOLM McLENNAN Arts, 1914-17; B.A., 1918 Enlisted, May 29th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 4th Canadian Siege Battery. R. PURVES McLENNAN Applied Science, 1908-12 Enlisted, November 11th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade Canadian Field Artillery as a Signaller. Served in France. WILLIAM DURIE McLENNAN B, Arch., 1914 Enlisted, August 17th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was gassed, April, 1915. DONALD ALEXANDER McLEOD M.D., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital and No. 3 British General Hospital. DONALD L. McLEOD B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted in June, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Served in France. Transferred to the Royal Engineers with a commission. donald william mcleod Arts, 1912-15; Medicine, 1914-15 Enhsted, April 6th, 1915, in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France. george egerton stuart mcleod Applied Science, 1914-15 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service, November, 1917. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. HECTOR JOHN MacLEOD B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Captain in the 196th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, April 17th, 1916. Promoted to Major. Transferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery and served in the 93rd and 118th Siege Batteries in France. kenneth dawson mcleod Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted as a Sub-Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. RUSSELL McKENZlE MacLEOD Applied Science, 1898-1900 Appointed Major in the 27th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 1st, 1914. Served in France. WILLIAM ALEXANDER McLEOD M.D., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. 173 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL william irving mcleod Agriculture, 1913-15 Enlisted, May 16th 1918, in the 1st Depot Battahon, New Brunswick Regiment. Served in Canada. ENOCH ARTHUR McMAHON Agriculture, 1914-15; B.S.A., 1918 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded, June 28th, 1916. HAROLD G. McM ASTER Arts, 1907-08; Applied Science, 1907-10 Enlisted, February 12th, 1916, in the Canadian Government Merchant Marine Service. Trans- ferred to the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve as a 1st Class Radio Operator and Warrant Officer with certificate. ERNEST JOHN McMEEKIN B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 17th, 1917. Served in France with the 13th Canadian Railway Troops. james campbell mcmichael Pharmacy, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 29th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in Canada. ALLAN JOHN MacMILLAN Arts, 1912-13; Law, 1913-14; D.D.S., 1923 Commissioned, July 14th, 1915, in the 59th Regiment of Canada. Transferred to the 85th Overseas Canadian Battalion. Resigned com- mission and enlisted as a Private in the 240th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded at Cambrai, September 30th, 1918, CYRUS JOHN MACMILLAN B.A., 1900 Appointed Lieutenant in the 7th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, April 25th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Trans- ferred to the 6th Canadian Siege Battery as Officer in Command. Served in France. Twice mentioned in despatches. JOHN ALEXANDER McMILLAN M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, March 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. ALEXANDER KIRK McMINN Arts, 1915-17; B.A., 1921 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps as a 2nd Class Air Mechanic, October, 1917. Transferred by request to the 2nd Depot Battalion, Central Ontario Regiment, September 13th, 1918. Served in Canada. ALEXANDER 0<;iLVIE McMURTRY B.A., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Brigade Canadian Field Artillery, September 26th. 1914. Served in France with the 2nd and 1st Brigades, Canadian Field Artillery, 1st Canadian Division. Promoted to the rank of Major. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. GILBERT JOHN McMURTRY M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Depot No. 4, April 17th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. RENNIE* OGILVIE McMURTRY B.A., 1905; B.C.L., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 107th Siege Battery, Canadian Field Artillery (later known as the 3rd), October 9th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. LEWIS GRANT McNAB B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted, October 28th, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column, the 7th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, and the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Heavy Batteries, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Pro- moted to Captain. Served in France. ATHOLL MUNRO McNABB Medicine, 1915-16; M.D., 1922 Appointed Lieutenant in the 252nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 30th, 1916. Transferred to the 2nd Battalion. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. RONALD FREDERICK MACNAGIITEN B.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 121st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December, 1915. Transferred to the 27th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. GEORGE JOHNSTONE McNALLY M.D., 1895 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 20th, 1918. Served in Canada. Died, August 8th, 1924. harry james mcnally Applied Science, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, May 7th, 1918. Served in Canada. ANDREW GEORGE LATTA McNAUGHTON B. Sc., 1910; M.Sc., 1912; LL.D., 1920 Appointed Major in the 4th (later known as the 7th) Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Septem- ber 26th, 1914. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Division, in command of the 21st Howitzer Battery, and later to the 3rd Canadian Division, in command of the Uth Brigade, C.F.A. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General, commanding the Canadian Heavy Artillery Corps. Served in France. Wounded at Ypres, April 22nd, 1915, and at Soissons, February, 1918. Mentioned in despatches, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and made a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. BENJAMIN FRANKLYN MacNAUGHTON M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with a commission. Served in South Africa in No. 15 Stationary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. 174 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS CORDON AHCIHBALD F. MACNAUGHTON B.A.. 1910; B.C.L., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment, November 7th, 1917. Served in England. JOHN LESLIE MacNAUGHTON B.A.. 1915 Enlisted, June 10th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 7th East Surreys, Imperial Army, with the rank of Second Lieu- tenant. Served in France. Was wounded and taken prisoner at Arras, on May 3rd, 1917. MORAY ERASER MACNAUGHTON Applied Science, 1916-17; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, April 24th, 1917, in the (McGill) Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery as a Signaller. MURRAY WILLIAM ARMOUR MoNAUGHTON M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, August 27th, 1914.- Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. CHESTER WILSON MrNEIL B.A., 1915 Enlisted, August 3rd, 1917, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England. DONALD LEVERNE McNEILL B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, May 9th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. WILLIAM HENRY MacNEILY Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted, October 13th, 1916, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Was wounded. CHARLES McNICOLL Applied Science, 1911-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, September, 1915, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Captain. Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. DAVID McNICOLL B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, January 2nd, 1918, in the 79th Depot Battery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Engineers Reserve Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. LLOYD THOMAS McNULTY M.D., 1912 Commissioned Lieutenant in the United States Army. CHARLES HERBERT MACNUTT B.A.Sc., 1888 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, November 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 2nd Tunnelling Company. Served in France. LOUIS WELLINGTON MacNUTT M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. September 26th, 1914. Served in France with the 1st Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. LEONARD CHRISTIE McOUAT B.S.A., 1915 Enlisted, May 21st, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 2nd Tank Battalion. Served in England. SIR ANDREW MACPHAIL B.A., 1888; M.D., 1891; LL.D., 1921 Commissioned Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 25th, 1914. Posted to the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire and received the honour of Knight- hood. DONALD STUART McPHAIL Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Commissioned in the Royal Garrison Artillery, March 29th, 1916. Transferred to the 283rd Battalion and later to the 204th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JAMES ALEXANDER MACPHAIL B.A.Sc., 1893 Appointed Captain in the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers, September 23rd, 1914. Transferred to the 3rd Field Company. Pro- moted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France from 1915-1919. Was mentioned in despatches five times, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and the Belgian Croix de Guerre and was made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. JEFFREY BURLAND MACPHAIL B.A., 1914; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, August, 1914, in the Canadian En- gineers. Served in France with the First Divis- ional Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. JOHN ADOPLHUS McPHEE M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 11th. 1917. Served in England with the Uth Canadian General Hospital. charles edward macpiierson Arts, 1910-11 Commissioned as a Lieutenant in the North- umberland Fusiliers. CLUNY MACPHERSON M.D., 1901 Commissioned in August, 1914, as a Captain and Principal Medical Officer in the 1st New- foundland Regiment. Attached to the Army Medical Advisory Board War Office. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France, Belgium, Gallipoli, Egypt and Salonika. Invalided home, November Uth, 1916, and appointed Director of Medical Services. Twice mentioned in despatches and made a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. 175 McGILL HONOUR ROLL DUNCAN MACPIIERSON M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 26th. 1918. Served in France with the 7th Canadian General Hospital. HUGH MACPHERSON Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, May, 1917, in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to Sergeant. JOSEPH PERCY MoRAE B.Sc, 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, August, 1915. Served with the 4th Divisional Supply Column. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Was wounded and taken prisoner on November 20th, 1917. DUNCAN DONALD MacTAGGART B.A.Sc, 1891; M.D., 1896 Was given command of the Khaki League Convalescent Hospitals and the Barracks Isola- tion Hospital, Mihtary District No. 4. Placed in command of all the Medical Boards in Military District No. 4 under the Conscription Act, and later made Chairman of the Advisory Board. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 30th, 1918. CHARLES RUSSELL MacTAVISH Medicine, 1911-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, May 4th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. NEWTON MoF. MarTAVISH Arts, 1903-04; 1906-07 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment, C.E.F. THOMAS JOHNSTONE McVITTIE B.A., 1912 Enlisted, May 1st, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. HAROLD JAMES MACK M.D.. 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. OLIVER TIFFANY MACKLEM B.Sc, 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Divisional Cyclist Company, December 9th, 1914. Served in France with the 8th Infantry Brigade and the Canadian Corps Cyclist Battalion. Was wounded. May 15th, 1916. HERBERT GE0R(;E MACKLIN Applied Science, 1913-16 Enlisted, January 15th, 1916, in No. 1 Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France with the First Divisional Ammunition Column. FREDERI<:K ERNEST McCOURT MA^'.Y Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted. June 17th, 1917, in the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served as Flying Officer in France and as Instructor in England. FRANCIS CHARLES MADDEN Medicine. 1915-16 EnUsted, June 5th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Navy with the rank of Lieutenant. ALLAN ANGUS MAGEE B.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, Officer Com- manding the 148th Battalion, Canadian Ex- peditionary Force, November 26th, • 1915. Transferred to the 20th Reserve Battalion as O.C. Served in France, Belgium and Germany with the 4th Canadian Division, and at Canadian Corps Headquarters as G.S.O. 2. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. CHARLES FRANKLIN MAGEE M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 12th, 1915. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital and with the 44th Battalion as Medical Officer, and in No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. CHARLES BOLTON MA<;RATH B.Sc, 1910 Appointed Captain in the 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, May 1st, 1915. Served in France with the 7th and 3rd Brigades, Canadian Field Artillery. Was wounded, October 23rd, 1917. FRANCIS JOSEPH MAGUIRE Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, March 19th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Sensed in Canada. herbert lawrence mahaffy Arts, 1911-14; Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, April 29th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedit- ionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and later to the 2nd Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. bernard s. maher Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was gassed. R0(;ER MAILLET Law, 1916-17 Enlisted, May, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. CILVRLES GILLILAND MAIN M.D., 1891 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 19th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. arthur wendell maitlani) Medicine, 1913-16 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in Canada. 176 OTHER ENLISTMENTS THOMAS GRANT MAJOR Agriculture, 1917-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 23rd. 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to Corporal. Served in England. charles gordon malcolm Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 19th, 1915. in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. DONALD CAMPBELL MALCOLM M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain and Medical Oflficer with the 140th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 27th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, and the 8th Canadian Field Ambulance. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ROBERT BRUCE MALCOLM M.D., 1910 Enlisted, September 16th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. benjamin mallalieu Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 18th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. FRANCIS GIBSON MALLOCH B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted in the 9th Mississauga Horse, October 10th, 1914. Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, Canadian En- gineers, November 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was twice mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS ARCHIBALD MALLOCH M.D., 1913 Served in France and Belgium with the British Red Cross, from November, 1914, to May, 1915. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army M^ical Corps, December 15th, 1915. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, being Officer in charge of the Medical Division from February, 1918, to January, 1919. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Was mentioned in despatches. JAMES MATTHEW FOSTER MALONE M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 4, November 6th, 1917. Served in England. REGINALD HAMPSTEAD MALONE M.D., 1913 Enlisted, October 4th, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 6th Field Ambulance. Appointed Captain, February 6th, 1915. Served in France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital and later in India. adeeb malouf Agriculture, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 4th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in England. clifford s. manchester Applied Science, 1900-01 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, May 13th, 1918. GEORGE HERBERT MANCHESTER M.D., 1894 Appointed Captain in the 131st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 6th, 1915. Transferred to the Granville Canadian Special Hospital and to No. 3 Canadian Station- ary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. CLINTON EDGAR MANNING B.A., 1915; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as Surgeon-Probationer. Served in France. VIRIL ZENIES MANNING B.A., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 121st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 102nd Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded, June 9th, 19 1 7, August 6th, 1917, and September 30th, 1918. CHARLES AUGUSTUS MARLATT M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 2, March 26th, 1918. Served in Siberia with the 16th Field Ambulance. HERBERT MEREDITH MARLER B.C.L., 1898 Appointed Captain in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 10th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Canada. w. leslie marler Arts, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column, September 13th, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. hector marquette Applied Science, 1912-17 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Depot Bat- talion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, May 29th, 1917. Transferred to the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. EDGAR SAMUEL MARROTTE B. Arch.. 1916 Enlisted, June 10th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Canadian Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th). Promoted to Cadet. Served in France. Was wounded. thomas walter m arson Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 21st, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. ARTHUR JOHN MARTIN M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. April 10th, 1916. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. 177 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CHARLES FERDINAND MARTIN B.A.. 1888: M.D., 1892 Appointed Provisional Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 15th, 1918. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. ERLE CRUTCHFIELD MARTIN Arts, 1916-18; Law, 1917-18; B.A., 1920; B.C.L., 1923 Enlisted, April 25th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. HAROLD THOMAS MASKREY Agriculture, 1913-14 Enlisted, January 3rd, 1916, in the 117th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 60th Battalion and to the 87th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded, July 9th, 1917, and September 2nd. 1918. EDWARD GEORGE MASON M.D., 1902 Appointed Major, 2nd in Command, in the 31st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Nov- ember 17th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in command of the 50th Battalion. Served in France. Mentioned m despatches and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. JOHN LEON DELANEY MASON M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 21st, 1916. Served m Canada. JAY CLINTON MASSIE Medicine, 1895-97 Appointed Major in the 33rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 9th, 1915. Trans- ferred to the 4th Battalion. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. PAUL ALFRED MASSON Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 17th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. WILLIAM GREY MASSON B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, February 1st, 1915, in Borden's Battery, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France in the Canadian Field Artillery. alexander robertson masters Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, October 12th, 1917, in the Canadian Signal Training Depot. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Engineers Railway Battalion and the Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to Ser- geant. Served in England. RICHARD H. MATHER B.Sc., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 2nd, 1915. Served in Canada. JAMES REN WICK MATHESON M.D., 1893 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Field Artillery, January 8th, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. WALTER MATHESON B.Sc., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, February 14th, 1917. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. CORNELIUS KELLEY MATHEWSON Arts, 1911-15 Enlisted, March 2nd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to Ser- geant. Served in France. FRANK STANTON MATHEWSON Arts, 1908-09 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Was twice mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. JAMES ARTHUR MATHEWSON B.A., 1912; B.C.L., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded at the Somme, in Sep- tember, 1916, arid invalided home in 1917. SAMUEL JAMES MATHEWSON B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, June 7th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. DONALD MILNER MATHIESON B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, September 24th, 1914. Served in France with the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ROBERT GEORGE MATTHEW D.V.S., 1897 Enlisted, March 17th, 1916, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Veterinary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Belgium. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre, ALBERT EDWARD MATTHEWS Agriculture, 1910-12; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 7th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, April 27th, 1915, and September 30th, 1917. Died September 2nd, 1923. allan ramsay matthews Applied Science, 1903-04 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, November 30th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 6th Company, Second Divisional Train. 178 OTHER ENLISTMENTS clifford mattiikws Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, February 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. <;kc>k(;f noi <;l\s !Vi attiikws Agriculture, 1914-16; B.S.A., 1921 EnHsted, May 29th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. LKONAIU) MORCiAN MATTIIKWS M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. February 2nd. 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. stephen charles matthews Medicine, 1908-09 Enlisted, February 4th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. VICTOR MATTHEWS B.S.A., 1913 Enlisted, June 13th, 1916, in the 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles, and later to the 7th Canadian Siege Battery as a Bombardier. Served in France. WILLIAM ALFRED MAW Agriculture, 1915-18; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 28th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England. JAMES BUCKLAND MAWDSLEY Applied Science, 191345; B,Sc., 1921 Enlisted, April 12th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Received a commission in the Royal Flying Corps. Served also as a Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps. Was wounded, December 29th, 1915, and July 27th, 1917. Made a member of the Order of the British Empire. gordon n. maxwell Arts, 1912-16 Enlisted, January 13th, 1916, in the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital and later to the Canadian Forestry Corps. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. GEORGE FRANCIS MAY M.D., 1895 Gazetted Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, June 10th, 1915. Served with the 17th Northumberland Fusiliers, the 21st General Hospital, Alexandria, and the 24th Welsh Royal Fusiliers. LOREN WILSON MAY M.D.,. 1902 Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps, September, 1915. Transferred to the 59th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. william herbert may Arts, 1899-1901 Enlisted, April 15th, 1916, in the 179th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Ap- pointed Honorary Captain. Served in England. WILLIAM TAYLOR MAY B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 37th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 27th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st and later to the 3rd Canadian Tunnelling Company, Canadian En- gineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. JONATHAN CAMPBELL MEAKINS M.D., 1904 Appointed Major in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, March 26th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. philip gerald meeiian Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 8th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. VICTOR MAITLAND MEEK B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, February Uth, 1916. Served in France with the 3rd Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers. Was wounded at Ypres, September 30th, 1917. JAY EVERETT MEEKER M.D., 1913 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Medical Corps, New York National Guard, May 4th, 1917. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain in the 108th Ambu- lance Company, 27th Division, United States Army. Was awarded the 27th Division Citation. FRANK STEPHEN MEIGIIEN B.A., 1889 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Uth Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment), Canadian Expeditionary Force, August, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General commanding Brampshott Camp, England. Reverted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel to command the 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards). Served in France. Was twice mentioned in despatches, awarded the Legion of Honour and was made a Companion of the Most Excellent Order of St. Michael and St. George. GERALD CARLETON MELHADO M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 9th, 1916. Served in England and Salonika. PAUL MELHUISH B.Sc., 1908 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 28th London Regiment, Imperial Army. Served in France and Turkey with the 28th Regiment and the Royal Engineers. Promoted to Lieutenant. Was wounded at Arras. April, 1917. Awarded the Medaille d'Honneur. JOHN WIIYTE MENZIES B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, April 18th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. edward stuart merrett Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, May, 1915. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, February 3rd, 1916. Served in France. Discharged unfit for further duty, June, 1917. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JOHN HENRY MERRICK M.D., 1895 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. WALTER ALFRED MERRILL B.C.L., 1911 Commissioned in the Royal Flying Corps, January 10th, 1917. Served in Egypt. HENRY COLINSON MERSEREAIJ M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Major. Served in France. WILLIAM CHARLES MERSTON Applied Science, 1904-07 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 7th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served m France. Was wounded. Awarded the Distinguished Con- duct Medal and the Military Cross and Bar. ANDREW HOWARD MILLER Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, May 28th. 1916. Transferred to the 8th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served m France. frederic:k gustavus miller MEDICINE, 1912-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, February 19th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill). Promoted to Ser- geant-Major. Served in France. <;eok<;e gavin miller Medicine, 1913-14; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, September 16th, 1914, in No. 1 Cana- dian General Hospital. Transferred to the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France. ROBERT LIDDEL MILLER M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in No. 5 Canadian General Hospital, September 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Salonika. HAROLD ALBERT MESSERVY B.Sc, 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Siege Battery, April 1st, 1916. Served in France. Was gassed. FRANCIS T. METCALFE M.D., 1888 Appointed Major in the United States Ambu- lance Service, in 1918. Deceased. arthur fenwick mewburn Applied Science, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, Canadian Field Artillery, February 9th, 1916. Transferred to the 41st, the 30th, the 78th Depot, and the 85th Siberian Batteries, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France and Siberia. Was wounded at Passchen- daele, November 5th, 1917. FRANK HAMILTON MEWBIJRN M.D., 1881; LL.D., 1921 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 31st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was made an officer of the Order of the British Empire. FRANK HASTINGS HAMILTON MEWBURN B.A.. 1913; M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 20th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery,. December 8th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. ROBERT LEE MICHELL MEDICINE, 1913-15 Enlisted, February 25th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill). Commissioned in the Imperial Army. VERNON LAURIE MILLER M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January, 1916. Served in Canada. WILLIAM HOWARD MILLER M.D., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 17th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. william edwin frank millinchamp Agriculture, 1916-17 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded at Cambrai, September 30th, 1918. ARTHUR LENNOX STANLEY MILLS B.C.L., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 24th Battalion, Victoria Rifles of Canada, November 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. JAMES WILLIAM MILLS Arts, 1913-15; D.D.S., 1923 EnUsted. September 30th, 1915, in the 73rd Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France with the 13th Battalion. Was wounded at Courcelette, September 25th, 1916. JOHN ROSS MILLS Applied Science, 1904-05 EnUsted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 1st Canadian Divisional Ammunition Park. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain in the 1st Divisional Train. Served in France. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MIDDLETON B.S.A., 1913 Served in the Royal Air Force as Second Lieu- tenant. ARTHUR HARTLEY MILNE B.Sc, 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 16th, 1918. Served in England. 180 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ARTHUR ROBB MILNE Agriculture, 1913-15; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, March 9th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. WALTER JAMES ELLIS MINGIE M.D., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 16th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. george gooderham mitchell Applied Science, 1897-99 Appointed Lieutenant in the 58th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 6th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded. george stewart mitchell Arts, 1899-02 Enlisted, November 9th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain and Chaplain. Served in France. HOMER DEAN MITCHELL B.S.A., 1915 Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Irish Rifles with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Wounded, October 10th. 1917, November 25th, 1917, September 6th, 1918 and October 14th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. john clarence mitchell Applied Science, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 29th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, October 23rd, 1915. Served in France with the 55th Battery and the 52nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the nth Canadian Infantry Brigade. Wounded at Arras, September 2nd, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. CHARLES FREDERICK MOFFATT B.A., 1901; M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the 4th Canadian Divis- ional Ammunition Column, May 17th, 1916. Served in France. EDWARD BURGESS MOLES M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 6th, 1916. Served m France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. CHARLES ALFRED MOLLEUR M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 8th, 1916. Served m Salonika. HERBERT MOLSON B.A.Sc-, 1894; LL.D., 1921 Appointed Captain in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, June 7th, 1915. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Wounded, June, 1916. Twice mentioned in despatches, awarded the Military Cross and made a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. JOHN HENRY MOLSON Arts, 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Royal High- landers of Canada, October 30th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded and made a prisoner of war, October 10th, 1918. WALTER MOLSON B.A., 1904 Appointed Major in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Reverted to the rank of Lieutenant in order to proceed to France. Served in France. Was wounded. RICHARD JOSEPH MONAHAN M.D., 1906 Served as a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. danton louis monjot Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted in August, 1917, in the Officers Training Corps, United States Army. Received a com- mission as Second Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. THOMAS MORTIMER MONTAGUE B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers in 1916. Served in France in the 3rd Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers. Awarded the Croix de Guerre. arthur reginald montgomery Agriculture, 1910-12 Enlisted, November 5th. 1914, in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Medal and the Military Cross. LORNE CUTHBERT MONTGOMERY Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, March 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill). Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France. Was wounded, December 11th, 1916, April 23rd, 1917 and November 17th, 1917. Was awarded the Military Cross. SAMUEL CLIFFORD MONTGOMERY B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, February 16th, 1915, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served m France. Mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. STANLEY FYFE MIDDLETON MOODIE B.A., 1914 Transferred, January 10th, 1918, as a Lieutenant to the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment, anci later to the 259th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Siberia. FRANK MELBOURNE MOONEY Applied Science, 1912-17; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 1st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 10th Siege Battery* 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artill- ery. Served in France. 181 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CHARLES HOLLIS P. MOORE D.D.S., 1918 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. vServed in Canada. george edward moore Pharmacy, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 16th, 1918, in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Tank Battalion. Served in England. JOSEPH DERBY MOORE M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 5th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. melville johnson moore Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, May 25th, 1918, in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in Canada. WILLIAM McLEAN MOORE B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. ARTHUR DAVID MORGAN M.D., 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 31st, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. GEORGE SENKLER MORGAN Arts AND Applied Science, 1917-18; M.D., 1924 Enlisted, December 14th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. HAMILTON RICHARDS MORGAN B.A., 1917 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in "C" Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served in Canada. HENRY WILLIAM MORGAN B.A., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 18th, 1915. Served in France. Mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Military Cross. JAMES DOUGLAS MORGAN M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, September 26th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Men- tioned in despatches. GEORGE HENRI MORIN Applied Science, 1912-13; B.C.L., 1916 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CHARLES KEITH MORISON B.A., 1913 Enlisted, March 27th, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column, C.F.A. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Awarded the Military Medal. MALCOLM JOHN MORISON Medicine, 1906-07 Appointed Captain in the Queen's Field Ambu- lance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 15th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain and Quartermaster. Served m France with the 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance. Was wounded. geoffrey william morkill Applied Science, 1910-14 Commissioned in January, 1916, in the Royal Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 104th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was gassed in May, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. CAMPBELL MORRIS B.S.A., 1917 Enlisted, April 21st, 1917, in the McGill Siege Draft. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Bom- bardier. Served in France. CLARENCE HAMILTON MORRIS M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 5th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France and Gallipoli. Mentioned in despatches. ERNEST MARIETT MORRIS M.D.. 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the United States Army, March, 1918. Served in France on detached duty with the British Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. OSBORNE MORRIS M.D., 1890 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 25th, 1916. Served in France with No. 9 Stationary Hospital. SAMUEL CUNARD WEST MORRIS M.D.. 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 31st, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. GORDON JOSEPH MORRISETTE Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, May 6th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 1st Brigade : Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Was gassed. thomas sydney morrisey Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France and Siberia. Men- tioned in despatches three times. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order, the Order of the Rising Sun (Japan) and the Czecho-Slovak War Cross. WALTER MORRISH M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army MedicalCorps Training Depot, No. 4, April 17th, 1918. On conductmg duty between England and Canada. 182 r u OTHER ENLISTMENTS DONALD MALCOLM MORRISON B.A.. 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 154th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 3rd, 1916. Transferred to the 40th Company, Cana- dian Forestry Corps. Served in France. DUNCAN ARNOLD MORRISON M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 21st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded, August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. HUGH MERVYN MORROW B.Sc., 1908 Enlisted, October 5th, 1916, in the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 169th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Belgium with the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. JAMES JOSEPH MORROW M.D., 1900 Enlisted, May 1915, as a Surgeon in the British Red Cross. john doole morrow Arts, 1898-1901 Appointed Captain in the 180th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October, 1916. Served in France as Chaplain with the rank of Honorary Captain. wade h. morrow Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, November, 1915, in the Imperial Transport Service. Transferred to the Royal Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport. Served in Mesopotamia and India. eric david morse Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 7th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. gerald morton morse Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the Fort Garry Horse, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Commissioned in the Royal Naval Air Service. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Served in France. HARRY DODGE MORSE M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served m the Royal Navy. george percival morton Applied Science, 1909-11 Appointed Captain in the 76th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 25th, 1916. Transferred to the 46th Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. frank alexander moseley Applied Science, 1908-11 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column, March, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. HARRY CLARKE MOSES M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 22nd, 1916. Served in France with the 5th Canadian Field Ambulance. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. GEORGE SYDNEY MOTHERSILL M.D., 1902 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 21st, 1914. Served in France with the 8th Battalion, Canadian Stationary Hospital No. 2, and the 12th Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Was wounded. Awarded the Distin- guished Service Order. HAROLD EDGAR MOTT Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May, 1916, in the Fort Garry Horse, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service with the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Captain. Served in France. earnest frederick mount Arts, 1912-13 Enlisted, October 20th, 1915, in the 4th Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Lance-Corporal. Transferred to the Canadian Cavalry Head- quarters. Served in France. Was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. JOSEPH ARMAND MOWATT B.A., 1901 Commissioned, March 7th, 1917, in the Chinese Labour Corps. Transferred to the Technical Staff. Promoted to the rank of Acting-Captain. JOHN CHAMBERS MOYNAN B.S.A., 1916 Enlisted, July 23rd, 1918, in the 79th Canadian Depot Battery. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the 2nd Tank Battalion. Served in England. ROBERT EDWIN MOYSE B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1914 Enlisted, March 1st, 1915, in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment, British Expeditionary Force, with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. HAROLD STRUAN MUCKLESTON M.D., 1905 Served in Canada as Captain with the Canadian Army Medical Corps from August 1914 to October 30th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Major. graham fernie mucklow Applied Science, 1912-15 Commissioned in the 17th Battalion, North- umberland Fusiliers, April 23rd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, July 2nd, 1916. 183 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL REGINALD MUDGE B.Sc., 1906 Enlisted, February 26th, 1915, in the 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. david holmes muir Medicine, 1902-06 Enlisted, January 29th, 1916, in the 9th Field Ambulance. Transferred to the Canadian Over- seas Railway Construction Company. Seconded for duty with the War Office. Served in France. WALTER LAWSON MUIR M.D., 1907 Appointed Medical Officer, with the rank of Captain, in the 106th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 13th, 1915. Served in France. WILSON JAMES MUIR Applied Science, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, July 14th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. harold stevens mullan Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, October 4th, 1915, in the 3rd Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded near Arras, July, 1917. REDFORD HENRY MULOCK B.Sc., 1909 Enlisted, August 13th, 1914, in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Lieu- tenant. Commissioned in the Royal Naval Air Service, January, 1915. Promoted to Wing Commander. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to Colonel and appointed Commodore of the Canadian Air Force. Men- tioned in despatches seven times, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar, the Legion of Honour, and made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. oswald alexander mundy Applied Science, 1901-05 Enlisted, March 11th, 1916, in the 214th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served m Canada. GORDON HUGH MUNRO Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1924 Enlisted, November 29th, 1915, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Served in France. JAMES HOWARD MUNRO M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 8th, 1915. Served in Canada. keith munro Applied Science, 1906-07 Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 8th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was taken prisoner at Ypres, April 25th, 1915. ALEXANDER RUSSELL MUNROE M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 13th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FINLAY MUNROE M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 154th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 25th, 1916. Served in France with the 9th Field Ambulance. Was awarded the Military Cross. HUGH EDWIN MUNROE M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France and at the Dardanelles. Was twice mentioned in despatches and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. ALFRED WILLIAM MURDOCK B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, August 31st, 1916. Trans- ferred to the Signal Company, Canadian En- gineers. Served in France. charles alexander thifps murison Arts, 1912-14 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery, October 9th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France Macedonia and Turkey. Was wounded, June 9th, 1917. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. alexander gordon silcox murphy Applied Science, 1916-17 Enlisted, January 2nd, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. BRENDAN WILLIAM MURPHY Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. GILES BROWN MURPHY M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 7th, 1915. Served in Canada. WILLIAM HERBERT MURPHY B.Sc., 1911 Appointed 1st Lieutenant in the United States Air Service, July 16th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served with the Army of Occupation at Coblentz. WILLIAM HUNT MURPHY B.Sc., 1908 Enlisted, April 10th, 1917, in the United States Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Captain. LEONARD MILTON MURRAY M.D., 1900 EnUsted, August 18th, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE MURRAY B.A., 1912 Enlisted in September, 1914, in the King Edward Horse. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieu- tenant m the 12th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps as Flying Officer, with the rank of Lieu- ^nant. Promoted to the rank of Major in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was wounded four times and twice mentioned in despatches. 184 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS ANDREW PATRICK MURTAGH M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. May 14th, 1917. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill). Promoted to the rank of Captain. dale 1». mijrtha Medicine, 1915-17 Enlisted, August 23rd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. WILLIAM NEWCOME MUSGRAVE B.Sc, 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Imperial Army Service Corps, in 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in East Africa. HUGH ROY MUSTARD M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 31st, 1915. Served in France with the 12th Canadian Field Ambulance. Was wounded at Courcelette, October.20th, 1916. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. DAVID A. MYERS M.D., 1898 Commissioned in 1918, as a Captain in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Assigned to the Air Medical Service as Flight Surgeon. JOHN GE0R(;E MYERS Arts, 1914-16 Enlisted, April 18th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Central Ontario Regiment. Served in Siberia in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. leo myers Arts, 1910-11 Enlisted, July 21st, 1915, in the 1st Heavy Battery Depot, Canadian Siege Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Awarded the Military Medal. MORRIS (MAURICE) NAIHOUSE Medicine, 1913-17; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, May 3rd, 1917, in the 5th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. JAMES NAISMITH B.A., 1887 Enlisted in the American Army Y.M.C.A. HILARY <;E0RGE NARES B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, February 14th, 1916, as a Flight Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served on H.M.S. Manxman, plane carrier attached to the 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron. PHILIP NASE M.D., 1913 Commissioned in the -Royal Army Medical Corps, May 13th, 1916. DAVID NATHAN M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 29th, 1918. Served m. England in the 12th Canadian General Hospital. arthur frederick nation Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 25th, 1914. Transferred to the 7th Battalion. Pro- moted to the rank of Major. Served in France. HENRY JOSEPH NAUD Medicine, 1916-17; M.D., 1922 EnUsted, June 2nd, 1917, in the 73rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 38th Battery, C.F.A., and the 3rd Canadian Divisional Trench Mortar Battery. HENRY KENNETH JNEILSON M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 12th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, and the 5th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. STANLEY ALEXANDER NEILSON B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, April 15th, 1918, in the Eastern Ontario Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. MAXWELL STUART NELSON B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, June 26th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. WILLIAM ERNEST NELSON M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 21st, 1914. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. harvey w. nesbitt Agriculture, 1915-17 Enlisted, June 6th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in England. john kenneth nesbitt Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, August, 1914, in the 14th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and North Russia. Was awarded the Military Cross. ALEXANDER RENFREW NESS B.S.A., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, December 17th, 1917. Transferred to the 6th and 5th Brigades, Cana- dian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, September 27th, 1918. JOHN EARL NESS Agriculture, 1916-18; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. william ness Medicine, 1896-1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 29th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Canada. 1S5 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL KDIVlllNI) FKKKMAN NKW<:0!V1BK B.A., 1911; B.C.L., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 21st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 9th, 1914. Served in France with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Was wounded, January 18th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain and attached to Canadian Corps Headquarters. WILLIAM IIKNHY NKWIIOOK Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, October 7th, 1915, in No. 2 Field Ambulance Depot, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with No. 9 Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. HARRY NKWIVIAN B.A., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Reinforcing Company, 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada, July nth, 1916. Served in France with the 13th Battalion. Was wounded September 2nd, 1918. ARTHUR ROLAND NEWS AM Medicine, 1911-14; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in No. 6 Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JOHN DAWSON NEWTON B.S.A., 1917 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment. Served in Canada. ROHERT NEWTON B.S.A., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 34th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, September 14th, 1915. Transferred to the 9th Brigade Ammunition Column and later to the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, July 21st, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM NEWTON B.S.A., 1914 Enlisted, April 13th, 1916, in the 62nd Battery, 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Acting Bombardier. Transferred to the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. john stuart ney Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted. February 17th, 1915, in the 1st Cana- dian General Hospital. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Served in France. ALBERT <;eor<;e nicholls B.A., 1890; M.D., 1894; D.Sc, 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 17th, 1915. Later became D.A.D.M.S. (Sanitation) for Military District No. 6, with the rank of Major. Served in Canada. LAWREN<:E HOWARD NH.HOLS Applied Science, 1909-11; Arts, 1911-16; B.A., 1919 Enlisted, January 1st, 1916, in No. 9 Canadian Field Ambulance, Transferred to the 6th Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. ERAN<:iS .lOHN NICHOLSON M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 10th, 1915. Served m France and Greece. I VMES <;ORHON NHIHOLSON Arts, 1914-16; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, November 24th, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Transferred to the 38th Battalion, C.E.F., with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, August 8th, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. RAPLH ARDREY VALANCE NICHOLSON Applied Science, 1909-11; 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, March 20th, 1916. Discharged as temporarily unfit, March 15th, 1917. Re- enlisted, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. WILLIAM cedrh: nh:ih)lson B.A., 1913; Law, 1913-16; B.C.L., 1919 Enlisted, February 20th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Canadian Motor Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, November 10th, 1917 and March 24th, 1918. Was mentioned in despatches and was awarded the Military Cross and the Distin- guished Service Order. HOWARD NICOLL Arts, 1915-17; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 16th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 4th Canadian Divisional Trench Mortar Battery. Served in France. ASHLEY C. NORCROSS Agriculture, 1914-16; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, March 13th, 1916, in the 6th Canadian Siege Battery (McGill). Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service with a commission. Served in France. william henry norman Arts, 1911-13; 1914-15 Enlisted, February 8th, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Served in France. Was wounded. romeo armand norma„ni)in Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 163rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 7th, 1916. Transferred to the 22nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. HAROLD NORTHROP B.A., 1914 Enlisted, September 11th, 1915, in the 72nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded. <;eor(;e william north wood Applied Science, 1899-1900 Appointed Captain in the 8th Battalion, Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Gassed and taken prisoner of war, Apni 28th, 1915. Awarded the Military Cross. 186 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOHN CASWELL NUTTER Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the (McGill) Siege Battery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. AXEL THEODORE OBER(; D.D.S., 1917 Enlisted, October 1st, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. john edwin o'brien Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 1st, 1918. Served in England with the 2nd Canadian Engineers. ROBERT HAY LISMORE O'CALLAGHAN M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, March, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JOHN ERNEST O'DONNELL M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps, March, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. maurice o'flaherty Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, October 30th, 1917, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. edmund d. o'flynn Arts, 1907-08 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian E^xpeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was shell-shocked, June 9th, 1916. john dale o'flynn Arts, 1907-08 Enlisted, September 25th, 1916. in the 5th Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Transferred to the 6th Battalion and the Canadian Engineers. Served in France. gavin lang ogilvie Applied Science, 1901-02 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 11th, 1916. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Served in France. margaret e. ogilvie Household Science, 1907-09 Served in England in Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve and afterwards in Egypt. norman craik ogilvie Applied Science, 1896-98 Appointed Captain in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, September 28th, 1914. Served in France. Was wounded. PAUL OGILVIE B.Sc, 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the 242nd Battalion, September 19th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 51st Com- pany, Canadian Forestry Corps. walter drummond ogilvie Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, August 22nd, 1916, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Garrison Artillery with the rank of Signaller. Served in France with the 6th Cana- dian Siege Battery. william nordhoff ogilvie Agriculture, 1909-12 Enlisted, July 13th, 1915, in the 63rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 10th Battalion. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. LAURIE COMBE OGILVY Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, May 25th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Battery. Served in France with the 10th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artil- lery. cornelius francis o'gorman Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted, February, 1915, in the 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 17th Battery, 5th Brigade. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. MELBOURNE O'HALLORAN B.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 32nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, October 20th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 25th, the 27th, the 19th and the 24th Batteries, Canadian Field Artillery. Wounded, October 21st, 1916. Was awarded the Military Cross. HUGH BINGHAM 0*HEIR Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1923; M.Sc, 1924 Enlisted. February 15th, 1916, in the 47th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, and then to the Royal Air Force, with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France and Egypt. FREDERICK JAMES O'LEARY B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, September, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 53rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force with the rank of Lieutenant, then to the 102nd Battalion and the nth Brigade, Light Trench Mortar Battery as Captain and Officer Commanding. Thereafter held various staff positions. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France and Belgium. Twice mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross and two Bars. henry brixton o'leary Arts, 1911-14; Applied Science, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 64th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, October 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was twice wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ROBERT STEWART O'MEARA Arts, 1913-14; Medicine, 1914-15; B. Com., 1921 Enlisted, June 5th, 1915, in No. 2 Sanitary Section, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Canadian Infantry. Served in France. 187 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL sidney arthur ord Arts, 1911-12; Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc, 1920 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal En- gineers, April 21st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia. Egypt, India and France. Mentioned in des- patches. WILLIAM ERLING ORD M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915. in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with a commission. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France, Belgium and Italy with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre. JOHN A. O'REGAN M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. JOHN BERTRAM O'REILLY M.D., 1917 Commissioned, March 13th, 1917, in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Newfoundland Regiment as Captain and Medical Officer. Served in German East Africa, ALEXANDER BRYSON OSBORNE M.D., 1886 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 28th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Died in London, England, January 28th, 1922. JAMES EWART KERR OSBORNE B.Sc., 1900 Appointed Captain in the 48th Highlanders (15th Battalion), Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded at the second battle of Ypres and later taken prisoner of war. Awarded the Distin- guished Service Order. STRATTON HARRY OSLER B.Sc, 1904 Joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force at the outbreak of the War. Appointed Major in the Canadian Engineers, April 15th, 1915. Served in France with the 6th and 5th Companies, Cana- dian Engineers; also on Headquarters Staff, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Divisional Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Colonel. Wounded, April, 1916. Mentioned in despatches five times, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. R. BENJAMIN O'SULLIVAN B.A., 1886 Appointed Captain in the 82nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 14th. 1915, Transferred to the 28th Battalion, Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. paul ouellette Arts, 1913-14; Applied Science, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 21st, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. CLIFFORD T. OUGHTRED B.A., 1915 Enlisted, November 23rd, 1915, in the 117th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Served m Canada. JOSEPH ALDERIC OUIMET Law, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 15th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. MERVILLE ALLEN OULTON M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the 145th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 1st, 1916. Served in France in the 1st Canadian General Hospital and the 2/2 London Field Ambulance. Attached to the Royal Field Artillery. Was wounded at Croisselle, August, 1918. ROBERT GUY ALTON OVERING ARTS, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force as a Flight Cadet. Served in France. JOHN JAMES OWER B.A., 1905; M.D., 1909 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 22nd, 1914. Served in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. JOHN EDMUND PADDON Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, March 26th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France and Russia. ARTHUR PAGE Arts, 1888-89 Enlisted, July 12th, 1916, in the 103rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in England. frederick hiltqn paget Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, August 12th, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. HENRY GEORGE CLARENCE PAINE M.D., 1916 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 14th, 1916. Served in France. JAMES ERNEST HARRIS PAISLEY B. Arch., 1916 Enlisted, May 4th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served in France. GUY FILBY PALMER M.D., 1885 Commissioned in the Royal Army Medical Corps. 188 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOH?«i HAM MOM) PALMER Medicine. 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital and No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance, and later, on the North Sea, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, as a Sub-Lieutenant. Was wounded, September 27th, 1916. LKON ANTHONY PAQIJIN D.V.S., 1898 Commissioned, September 10th, 1918, in the United States Army Veterinary Corps. ALPHONSE ARTHUR PARfe B.SC., 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Field Artillery, January 29th, 1916. Served in France with the 4th and 5th Divisional Ammunition Columns. ARNOLD GERALD PARK D.D.S., 1917 Enlisted, October 4th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. ANDREW WALTER PARK M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February Uth, 1916. Served in France with the 8th Canadian Field Ambulance, and the 43rd Battalion. JOHN ED MI STONE PARK M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 20th, 1915. Served in France with the 132nd Battalion and, as Medical Officer, to various Canadian Forestry Corps Units. CHARLES SAGER PARKE B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. GEORGE KENNETH PARKE Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, April 27th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. james scott parke Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, April 1st, 1915, in the Canadian Over- seas Railway Construction Corps. Transferred to the 99th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. charles alexander parker Applied Science, 1915-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 18th, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in England. DAVID W. PARKER B.A., 1907; M.A., 1908 Enlisted, April 4th, 1917, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column and later, to the 10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served m France. joseph e. parker Applied Science, 1904-05 Enlisted, March 10th, 1916, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Acting Bombardier. Served in France. STANLEY DAVIDSON PARKER B.Sc, 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Field Company, 1st Canadian Divisional Engineers, September 25th, 1914. Transferred to the 3rd Canadian Pioneer Battalion, and later, to General Staff Militia Headquarters. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Was wounded. VERNON HILL TROOP PARKER M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 13th, 1917. Served in England and France. ALFRED JOHN ROBINSON PARKES Arts, 1909-15; Medicine, 1914-15; B.A., 1917 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 8th Machine Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the 20th Machine Gun Company. Served in France and Siberia. Was mentioned in despatches. ROBERT HENRY PARKES Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 9th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Lance Sergeant. Served in France with the 6th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. ROY HAMILTON PARKHILL Arts, 1915-17 Enlisted as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. EDGAR REGINALD PARKINS B.A., 1903; B.C.L., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 21st, 1916. Transferred to the 87th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded at Passchendaele in November, 1917. FRANK ALBERT PARKINS B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, attached to the 4th Divisional Train, April 10th, 1916. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Machine Gun Company and later, to the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. Wounded, September 24th, 1918. GERALD ADAMS PARKINS B.A., 1916; Medicine, 1913-16; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 4th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Service Corps, attached to the 4th Divisional Train. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served .in France. Was wounded at Passchendaele, November 3rd, 1917. eric allan parsons Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, April 3rd, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Division Ammunition Column and, later, to the 4th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. 189 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL LLOYD HOLMAN PARSONS B.Arch., 1916 Enlisted, May 4th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps with the rank of Lieutenant. Was wounded, July, 1918. WILLIAM HENRY PARSONS M.D., 1906 Commissioned Lieutenant, June 1st, 1915, in the Royal Army Medical Corps being attached to the Royal New foundland Regiment . Transferred to the 113th Field Ambulance and later to the 8th Eniskillen Fusiliers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, September 9th, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. FRANK STEWART PATCH B.A., 1899; M.D., 1903 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 1st, 1915. Served in Canada as Assistant Director of Medical Services, Military District No. 4 and at Valcartier Camp. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. EDWARD RUSSELL PATERSON B.A., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in a Draft for the 1st Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, January 3rd, 1916. Served in France with the 1st Heavy Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. edwin robert paterson Arts, 1893-94 Enlisted, September 26th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot. Served in France with the 8th Canadian Field Ambulance. william james paterson Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 15th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded and taken prisoner, June 4th, 1916. IVAN YOUNG PATRICK B.A., 1916; M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps April 19th, 1918. Served in England. arthur courtenay patterson Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted, May 13th, 1916, in the 191st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. ARTHUR LO<;iE PATTERSON B.Sc, 1914 Enlisted, August 7th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. FRANK PORTER PATTERSON M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 10th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Salonika. herbert c. patterson Arts, 1910-11 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Y.M.C.A., April 3rd, 1916. Served in England and France- JAMES DUKE PATTERSON Medicine, 1917-18 Enlisted, June 14th, 1918, in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. JAMES FREEBAIRN PATTERSON B.Sc.r 1918 Enlisted, May 18th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in England. PETER HAROLD PATTERSON M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Armv Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. ROBERT EARLE PATTERSON Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 16th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. ROBERT URIE PATTERSON M.D., 1898 Served as Colonel commanding the United States Army Base Hospital, No. 5, with the British Expeditionary Force, after operating No. 11 and then No. 13 General Hospitals with the British Expeditionary Force. Awarded the Fatiche di Guerra (Italian) and the Distinguished Service Medal of the United States Army. Mentioned in despatches. HARRY LORNE PAVEY M.D., 1903 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 3rd, 1915, being attached to the 60th Battalion. Served in France. Died, January 2nd, 1925. CHESTER HAROLD PAYNE B.A., 1906 Enlisted, January 30th, 1918, in the Canadian Officers' Training Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. WILLIAM JAMES PEACE B.Sc, 1917 Commissioned, December, 1916, as a Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served in the 7th Squadron, Royal Naval Air Service. Transferred to the 207th Squadron, Royal Air Force and later to the 58th Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. bryan godfrey pearce Applied Science, 1913-16 Enlisted, July 12th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. EDSON RAYMOND PEASE B.A., 1907; B.Sc., 1908 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, May 29th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, September 29th, 1918. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. GILBERT BAMFYLDE PEAT M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 15th, 1914. Served in France m No. 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, the Canadian Army Medical Corps General Hospital and the Princess Patricia's Canadian Red Cross Hospital. 190 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS bkian a. peck Applied Science, 1910-13 Enlisted, August 16th, 1914, in the 5th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Commissioned in the Royal F'ield Artillery. Seconded to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. HU<;iI A. PECK B. Arch., 1911 Enlisted, May 1st, 1915. Commissioned as a Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. warren gibson peck Applied Science, 1899-1902 Commissioned, 1915, Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. ERNEST PEDEN B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, March 13th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. FRANK GORDON PEDLEY B.A., 1913; M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with a commission. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. hilton staples pedley Arts. 1908-10 Enlisted, September 7th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. CARL ALEXANDER PEIILEMANN Pharmacy, 1917-18; Diploma of Pharmacy, 1921 Enlisted, June 25th, 1918, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in Canada. HENRI BURROUGHS PELLETIER B.Sc., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. WILLIAM PARNELL DESPART PEMBERTON B.Sc., 1903 Appointed Captain in the 103rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 6th, 1915. Transferred to Headquarters Staff, 4th Army. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. GORDON MATTHEW PENDER Law, 1917-18; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, October, 1917, as a Warrant Officer, Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. ROBERT MURRAY PENDRIGH Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 15th, 1918, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant. Served in England. CHARLES EDWARD PENGELLEY M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. WALTER GORDON PENGELLEY B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, September 11th, 1916, in the University of Toronto Training Company. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Signal Company. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. EDGAR PENNEY Applied Science, 1906-09; 1914-15; B.Sc, 1920 Commissioned in March, 1915, in the 8th Bat- talion, Post Office Rifles B.E.F. Transferred to the 1st London Field Company and later, to the 263rd Railway Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. Was gassed in October, 1915 and in April, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM BRITTON PENNOCK B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Engineers, October 13th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Army Troops Company, Canadian Engineers, and, later, to the 2nd Field Companv. Served in France. Was wounded, November, 1916, and, at Fresnoy, in May, 1917. WALTER STEWART PENNY B.A., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, February 3rd, 1917. Transferred to the 11th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. JEAN-JOSEPH PENVERNE Law, 1913-14; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, September 30th, 1914, in the 71st Regiment, Infantry, French Army. Transferred to the 70th Regiment, Infantry. Was wounded, June 17th, 1915, at Arras, and on March 14th, 1916, at Verdun, where he was taken prisoner of war. THOMAS EUDORO PEREZ M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 9th, 1917. Served m France with No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. JEAN JULIAN PERRAIJLT B.Arch., 1915 Enlisted, December 14th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served m Canada. RENE BRUNAY PERRAULT Applied Science, 1912-16, B.Sc., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the 150th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 21st, 1915. Transferred to the 3rd and the 123rd Pioneer Battalion, and also to the 9th Canadian Engineers. Served in France. WILLIAM J. PERREAULT MEDICINE, 1908-11 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance. Was wounded. DOUOLAS ERIC PERRITON APPLIED SCIENCE, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, April 22nd, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. 191 ppiiiiiiiiiii'iiapiifii|iwiiiiiiiiiii MCGILL HONOUR ROLL BRIAN RHODES PERRY B.Sc, 1915 Enlisted, May, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Served later in the Royal Air Force with the rank of Lieutenant. KENNETH MEIKLE PERRY B.A., 1906.; B.Sc., 1908 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, then back to the 13th Battalion with the same rank. Served in France. Was wounded, April 22nd, 1915, June 13th, 1916, April 13th, 1917. Men- tioned in despatches four times, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar. ABRAHAM NOAH PESNER Agriculture, 1915-16; 1917-18 Enlisted, May, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. alan gordon peter Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, September 13th, 1916, as a Warrant Officer, (Telegraphist) in the Royal Naval Cana- dian Volunteer Reserve. Served on H.M.C.S. "Niobe," "Acadia" and "Messines." CHARLES AY RE PETERS M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, in command of the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance, December 22nd, 1915. Transferred to the 4th Divisional Cana- dian Headquarters as Assistant Director of Medical Services. Prorrioted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches four times and awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Order. WILLIAM GORDON PETERSON B.A., 1906 Appointed Major in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, September 4th, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded, July, 1917, and January, 1918. Was mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. joseph antoine romauld phaneuf Agriculture, 1914-17 Enlisted, July 29th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. GEORGE W. PHELAN M.D., 1913 Commissioned Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps attached to the British Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Major. GORDON GERSIIOM PHILLIPS M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. JOHN ARTHUR PHILLIPS Medicine, 19L4-17 Enlisted, June 28th, 1917, in the Canadian Signal Training Depot. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded, August 26th, 1918. LAZARUS PHILLIPS B.C.L., 1918 Enhsted, May 23rd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in Siberia. james douglas peters Applied Science, 1908-10 Enlisted, June 14th, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Machine Gun Company. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. ARCHIBALD WILLIAM PETERSON Agriculture, 1916-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to Corporal. Served in England. CLYDE FARRINGTON PETERSON Agriculture, 1914-15; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, March 20th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force as a Cadet. Served in France. OTTO BERNARD PHILLIPS Arts, 1917-18; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, January 30th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. charles herbert pick Applied Science, 1911-15 Commissioned in the 17th Northumberland Fusiliers, April 22nd, 1915. Transferred to "B" Battalion, Canadian Tank Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded at Voor- mezeele, July 29th, 1917. TRENCIIARD DUROURE PICKARD- cambridge Applied Science, 1912-14 Obtained a commission in the 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Wounded, July 18th, 1916. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. NORMAN EDWIN PETERSON Arts, 1916-20; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, August 13th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. MARTIN REID PICKEL Dentistry, 1915-16; D.D.S., 1923 Enlisted, February 7th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in 1»2 r u OTHER ENLISTMENTS WILLIAM ALFRED PICKUP Medicine, 1911-14; M.D., 1919 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 23rd, 1914. Served in France with No. 1 Casualty Clearing Station. Died, May 1st, 1922. arthur grosvenor piddington Agriculture, 1913-14 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major in "B" Battery, 99th Brigade. Served in Salonika and Greece. EDWARD ELLIOT INCLEDON PILCHER B.Sc., 1913 Served as a Captain in the Royal Engineers. HOWARD W. PILLOW Applied Science, 1901-03 Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 12th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the Canadian Forestry Corps as Chief Transport Officer. Served in France. HARRY HARSTONE PINCH B.Sc, 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 7th, 1916. Served with No. 3 Section, Skilled Railway Employees. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France and Belgium. Deceased. george spencer pincott Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps, April, 1917. Discharged as physically unfit. Re-enlisted, June, 1918, in the Royal Air Force. CLARENCE McLEOD PITTS B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 6th Canadian Artillery Depot, September 29th, 1918. Served in Canada. HARRY HERSCHEL PITTS M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in No. 11 Canadian Stationary Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was later attached to the British Mission as Medical Officer to the Anglo- Russian Brigade in Siberia. CLIFFORD CARLYLE PLANCHE B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, March 13th, 1916, in the 117th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded in 1917. HENRY HOWARD PLANCHE M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 21st, 1915. Served at Gallipoli. LANCELOT STUART PLANCHE B.A., 1916; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, April 27th, 1917, in the 10th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Received a commission in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. joseph archibald h. plowright Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, April 3rd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Corporal. Served in England. ALEXANDER SPENCE POE B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 1st, 1918. Served in England. helen aline pomeroy Household Science, 1907-09 Served as a Nursing Sister in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. ERIC JULY AN POPE Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc, 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, June 1st, 1916. Served in France with the 8th Field Company and the 8th Battalion. Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. EGERTON LLEWELLYN POPE M.D., 1900 Appointed temporary Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 18th, 1916. Served in Moore Barracks Canadian Hospital, with the 6th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops, France, and with No. 12 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant- Colonel. henry maxwell pope Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 15th, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 10th, 1917. Was awarded the Military Medal. Maurice Arthur pope B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Staff Captain (Intelligence) with the 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Transferred to the 4th Brigade, Canadian Engineers as Brigade Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ALFRED STANNAGE PORTER M.D., 1900 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer of the 162nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 20th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hospital, the 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance, the 5th Battalion, and No. 32 British Casualty Clearing Station. Gassed at Passchendaele. Was awarded the Military Cross. CECIL GEORGE PORTER B.Sc., 1911; M.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, October, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 26th Battalion with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to Acting Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded July 25th, 1916, and May 3rd, 1917. Mentioned in despatches four times, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. 193 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILLIAM ARTHUR PORTER Medicine, 1915-16; M.D.. 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, January 25th. 1917. Served in Canada, England and France with "C" Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery; the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Reserve Artillery; and the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Brigade. NELSON CALDWELL POTTER Applied Science, 1914-15 Enhsted, June 11th, 1917, in the 3rd Draft, Canadian Heavy and Siege Artillery. Trans- ferred to the nth Canadian Siege Battery and later to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garri^n Artillery. Served in France. allan dewey potts Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, October 22nd, 1917, in the Air Service, United States Army. ray r. poupore Law. 1911-14 Enlisted, October 15th, 1917, in the 1st Central Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. CHARLES HENRY POZER B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, March 31st, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Men- tioned in despatches. CHARLES MARBLE PRATT M.D., 1902 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 4th, 1916. Transferred to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, to No. 9 Field Ambulance, to the 60th Battalion and to the 3rd Divisional Train. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Appointed Assistant Director of Medical Services, Military District No. 7. Served in France. FREDERICK YOUNG PRESLEY B.S.A., 1915 Served in France in Base Hospital No. 6, United States Army Medical Corps. CHARLES EDWARD PRESTON M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 6th, 1916. Was attached to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, the Granville Canadian Hospital, and the Duchess of Connaught Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded at Etaples, June 2nd, 1918. Died February 7th, 1923. THOMAS ERNEST PRICE B.A., 1907; B.Sc, 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps, May 15th, 1917. Transferred to the 5th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. JOHN WILSON PRIMROSE Medicine, 1909-10 Enlisted, March 1st, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in No. 2 Stationary Hospital. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Served in France. david gibb proudfoot Arts, 1913-17; Applied Science, 1916-19; B.A., 1919; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. JOHN PULLEN B.Sc, 1913 Enlisted, November 8th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. JOHN MERRITT PURCELL Arts, 1913-15; 1916-17; Law, 1915-16; B.A., 1919; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. JOHN METCALFE PURCELL Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, February 14th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France in the 20th Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. thomas dickson archibald purves Applied Science, 1891-94 Appointed Lieutenant in the 185th Battalion, Nova Scotia Highlanders, January, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Captain. Served in France. Was wounded. herbert stevens pye Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 4th, 1915, in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards. Trans- ferred to the 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded at Vimy Ridge, November 2nd, 1916. THOMAS EDWARD HENRY QUAILE APPLIED Science, 1916-19 Enlisted, July 6th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. LOUIS de GONZAGUE PREVOST B.C.L., 1917 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, Served in England. sylvester patrick quilty Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 26th, 1917, in the 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. REGINALD FRANCIS PRICE M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANK ASHTON QUINN B.A., 1915; Medicine, 1915-16 Enlisted, July 25th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. 194 r c OTHER ENLISTMENTS BOAZ RABINOVITCH Arts. 1916-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, February 7th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. ISRAEL MORDECAI RABINOVITCH M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 8th, 1918. Served in Canada. EDWARD ALAN RADFORD B.A., 1900 Commissioned in July, 1917, in the 92nd Punjabis (India). e. leonard rainboth Applied Science, 1912-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 77th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August 28th, 1915. Transferred to the 47th Battalion and then to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Was wounded, September 2nd, 1918. IRVING DANIEL RAMSAY B.A., 1910; M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Imperial Army, with the rank of Captain. Served in Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. GEORGE ARTHUR STUART RAMSEY B.A., 1908; M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 13th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, as Medical Officer to the 13th Battalion and with the 1st and 3rd Field Ambu- lances. Transferred to the Indian Medical Service. Served in France and Mesopotamia. KENNETH McPHERSON RAMSEY Applied Science, 1916-17; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, June 2nd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 10th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Wounded at Verley, near Hosiers, August 22nd, 1918. THOMAS GRANVILLE RANDOLPH B.Sc., 1912 Commissioned, March 25th, 1915, in the 6th South Wales Borderers. Transferred to the 141st Army Troops Company, Royal Engineers and. later, to the 237th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ALAN COATS RANKIN M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 23rd, 1914. Served in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, No. 5 Mobile Laboratories and the 7th Canadian Cavalry Field Ambulance (Officer Commanding). Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and made Assistant Director of Medical Services. Served in France. Wounded April, 1918. Mentioned in despatches twice, awarded the Distinguished Service Order, and made a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. RAMSAY DAVID RANKIN M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 110th Battalion March 2nd, 1916. Served in England. Died, May 31st, 1921. THOMAS BROWN GRAY RANKIN Agriculture, 1913-16 Enlisted, November 20th, 1915, in the 4th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Wounded, January 2nd, 1917. Awarded the Military Medal. andrew dodge rankine Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, November 1st, 1915, in the 4th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- ferred to the 131st Siege Battery and back to the 4th. Served in France. HOWARD MACLAREN RAPHAEL M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 3, December 26th, 1917. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with the Imperial Grenadier Guards. Served in France. Died, December nth, 1924. adrian storm rathbun Applied Science, 1905-06 Enlisted, February 25th, 1918, in the 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. ARTHUR EDWIN RAYMOND B.S,A.» 1913 Enlisted, June 6th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry'. Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Depot as a Lance Corporal. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 3rd BattaUon, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. LEE CARLETON RAYMOND B.S.A.. 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 5th, 1916. Served in England. WILLIAM WOLSEY RAYMOND B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 3rd Tunnelling Company. Served in France. Was gassed, October 23rd, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. WALTER JOHN RAYNER Arts, 1909-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 109th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, May 29th, 1916. Served in Canada. kenneth g. rea Applied Science, 1894-95 Appointed Lieutenant in the 245th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, July 4th, 1916. Served in Canada. 195 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL DOUGLAS ELLERY READ Arts, 1915-16; B.Sc, 1923 Enlisted. April 28th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery. Served in France with the 7th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Bombardier. WALTER WELTON READ Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, November 9th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served m France as anesthetist in No. 7 Stationary Hospital. Promoted to Sergeant. ETHELBERT REAVLEY M.D., 1887 Appointed Lieutenant in the. Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 15th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with the rank of Lieutenant, and, later, to the British Red Cross Society and back to the British Army with the rank of Captain. eric beresford fleming reddy Applied Science, 1911-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, February 22nd, 1915. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column. Was wounded at Arras, September 4th, 1918. RUPERT CHEESMAN REDMAN Medicine, 1910-15; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Resumed medical studies and on completion of course was given a commission in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. ronald f. redpath Arts, 1906-08; Applied Science, 1908-10 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. CHARLES LAILEY REEVE Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, February, 1915, in the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps, Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery and, later, to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was "wounded and gassed. LEWIS LAWRENC E REFORD B.A., 1901; M.D., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 5th, 1915. Served with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, No. 14 Canadian General Hospital and the Canadian Casualty Clearing Station at Bath. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. LOUIS FERDINAND RE<;NARD Applied Science, 1913-14 Gazetted, November, 1914, in the Royal En- gineers. Served with the 63rd, 12th, 153rd Field Companies and other units. Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France, Palestine and Syria. Wounded, Decem- ber, 1915 and October, 1917. ARCHIBALD CUMBERLAND REID B.Sc, 1910 Enlisted, August 2nd, 1916, as a Flight Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Air Service. Served with the North Sea Patrol in No. 17 Naval Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Air Force Cross. ANDREW DUNN REID Arts, 1894-97 Appointed Chaplain of the 141st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, with the rank of Honorary Colonel July 3rd, 1916. Later attached to Headquarters. Served m France as Chaplain of the Canadian Section of the 3rd Echelon, and, both before and after, in the same capacity in other connections. arthur william reid Arts, 1906-08; Applied Science, 1907-10 Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force, September 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. EDWIN GEORGE BALLANTYNE REID Arts, 1910-12; Agriculture, 1913-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps, April 1st, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. GEORGE ERIC REID B.A., 1915 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 23rd Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded, June 15th, 1915, October 28th, 1915, and August 8th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was mentioned in despatches three times, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and the Legion of Honour. JOHN HERBERT REID B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 27th, 1916. Transferred to the 34th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. Was wounded, July, 1917. edgar norman reid Applied Science, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the C.O.C. Invalided home. LONDON CORSAN REID M.D., 1916 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France with No. 12 Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. RUPERT HADDINGTON REID B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, September 10th, 1916. Served in France with the 8th Canadian Siege Battery. WILLIAM JOHN REID Agriculture, 1913-17; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1917, in the Royal Garrison, Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade. Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France Was wounded, October 8th, 1918. 196 OTHER ENLISTMENTS john christophkk rkiffenstein Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, October 28th, 1916. EDMUND HUGH REILLY B.C.L., 1916 Enlisted, June 20th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. JOHN ARCHIBALD CLARK REILLY B.A., 1910 Enlisted, September 1st, 1917, with the Canadian Y.M.C.A. Made Honorary Lieutenant. Served in France. WELLINGTON HOWARD REILLY M.D., 1906 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 20th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in Canada. ERNEST THOMSON ERASER RICHARDS M.D., 1905 Appointed Major in the Harvard Surgical Unit, Chief of Medical Division, November, 1915. Attached to No. 22 General Hospital (British Expeditionary Force). Served in France. SAMUEL CHARLES RICHARDS D.V.S., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, April 6th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian Army Veterinary Hospital. Wa^ mentioned in despatches. william allinson richards Applied Science, 1903-06; Arts, 1903-04 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to Corporal. Served in France. Wounded and gassed, April 22nd, 1915, and taken prisoner, April 24th, 1915. alan reginald renaud Arts, 1908-09; Applied Science, 1908-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps, January 8th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. CREIGHTON ELLIOTT RICHARDSON B.Sc., 1911 Enhsted, June 8th, 1917, in the Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France with the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. michael alexis renaud Medicine, 1912-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 7th, 1918. Served in Canada. ORRIIH BAIN REXFORD B.A., 1915 Enlisted, April 30th, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Sierved in France. Was wounded, August 14th, 1918. alphonse marius rey Agriculture, 1915-16 Served in the French Republican Forces. LEO BOWLRY REYNOLDS B.Sc., 1903 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers, serving in the 3rd Field Company. Transferred to the Royal Engineers, and attached to the 174th Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Awarded the Croix de Guerre. LOUIS NAPOLEON RICHARD B.A.Sc., 1881 Enlisted, July 14th, 1916, in the 230th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in Canada. archibald loveluck richards Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 6th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Air Force as a Cadet. Served in France. CHARLES CLIFTON RICHARDS B.Sc., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, December 6th, 1915. Served with the 2nd Tunnelling Company. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded, December, 1917. ERIC CARLETON RICHARDSON Arts, 1915-16; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, May 2nd. 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery. Served in France with the 7th Cana- dian Siege Battery. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. JAMES WILSON RICHARDSON M.D.. 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 13, February 23rd, 1918. Served in Canada. JOHN ALEXANDER RICHARDSON B.A., 1909 Enlisted, September 25th, 1917, in the 1st Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Chaplain Service as Honorary Captain. Served in England. ARTHUR EZRA RIDDELL MEDICINE, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, June 5th, 1918, as a Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. ARTHUR GOURLEY RIDDELL B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, July 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 107th Pioneer Battalion, and to the 3rd Army Troops Company, Canadian Engineers, and, later, to the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. john alexander riddell Applied Science, 1900-01 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. August 19th, 1915. Transferred to the 12th Brigade, Machme Gun Corps and again to the British Ministry of Munitions. Served in France. 197 J xMcGILL HONOUR ROLL CHARLES DELMER RILANCE M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 30th, 1916. Was attached to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. Served in France. Discharged physi- cally unfit in December, 1918. GEORGE COURTENAY RILEY Applied Science, 1898-1900 Enlisted, August 5th, 1914, and was attached for special duty. Appointed Lieutenant in the Ammunition Column of the 6th Brigade, Cana- dian Field Artillery. Joined the 8th Howitzer Brigade on organization as Captain and Ad- jutant. Transferred to the 21st Battery with the rank of Captain. Promoted to Major. Trans- ferred to the Flying Corps as Pilot. Served in France. Was twice wounded. JOSEPH HENRI RIOPEL Medicine, 1917-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, July 27th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. ALAN BRUCE RITCHIE B.Sc, 1906 Enlisted, September 21st, 1914, in the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Trans- ferred to the 182nd Company, Royal Engineers, and again to the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Major in No. 3 Tunnelling Company. Trans- ferred again to No. 2 Tunnelling Company and then to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches • and awarded the Military Cross, and the Belgian Croix de Guerre. harold hocken ritchie Arts, 1904-05; Applied Science, 1905-07; 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 65th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, January 29th, 1917. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. RAY GEORGE RITCHIE B.A., 1915 Enlisted, March 4th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. THOMAS EGAN RITCHIE Arts, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Forestry Corps, October 25th, 1917. Served in England. emile augustine rivard Arts, 1908-10; 1912-14 Enlisted, August 5th, 1918, in the 3rd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. LOUIS THEOPHILE RIVARD Arts, 1908-09; 1912-14 Enlisted, August 8th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. Deceased. FRED G. ROBB B. Arch., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, August 7th, 1916. Served in Canada. JAMES BRUCE ROBB B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, May 21st, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded, June 2nd, 1916. roland wentworth t. robb Applied Science, 1902-03 Enlisted, November 29th, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Served in France. EVELYN EDWIN BOBBINS M.D., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 22nd, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada. KENNETH BAILLIE ROBERTON Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, August 16th, 1915, in the 35th Battery. Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 35th Battery, 10th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. ALEXANDER BOYD ROBERTS M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August 30th, 1917. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. frederick albert roberts Medicine, 1898-1900 Enlisted, August 1st, 1917, in the 80th Company, Canadian Forestry Corps. Served in France. JAMES ROBERTS M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 30th, 1914. Served in England and Salonika. LAWRENCE HAMILTON ROBERTS B.A., 1913; M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 1st, 1916. Served in France. leslie maurice roberts Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, November 23rd, 1914, in No. 6 Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, and to the Royal Flying Corps. Was wounded in 1918. Served in France. ALEXANDER ROCKE ROBERTSON M.D., 1905 Commissioned, December, 1915, in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps with the rank of Captam, April 4th, 1916. Served in England and on Army Transport duty. 198 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ANDREW MURRAY ROBERTSON Applied Science, 1911-15; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted. February 18th. 1915, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Field Company, Canadian Divisional Engineers, with the rank of Lieutenant. Promoted to Captain, commanding the 1st Divisional Pontoon Bridging Unit. Served in France. Wounded, March 13th, 1916, July 18th, 1916 and February 26th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. edgar doctor robertson Applied Science, 1906-09 Enlisted, January 25th, 1917, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. EDWARD ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON M.D., 1891 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Served in England. harry d. robertson Arts, 1898-1900 Enlisted, November 23rd, 1915, in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in France with the 13th Battalion. HERMAN M. ROBERTSON M.D., 1897 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 29th, 1915. Proceeded overseas with No. 5, Canadian General Hospital. Served in Salonika, and thereafter in several units, until March, 1918, when he was made Officer in Command of No. 12 Canadian General Hospital at Bramshott, with the rank of Colonel. Was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. irene frances robertson Household Science, 1911-12 Served as a Nursing Sister in No. 4, Canadian General Hospital. JAMES HILARY HUME ROBERTSON B.A., 1915; Law, 1915-16; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, May 10th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 7th Siege Battery. Promoted to Bombardier. JOHN GORDON ROBERTSON B.S.A., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 195th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March 23rd, 1916. Served in France with the 44th Battalion. Was wounded at Vimy Ridge, March 17th, 1917. PHILIP WILLIAM K. ROBERTSON B.Sc., 1900 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, October 23rd, 1916. Served in France with the 1st Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers. Transferred, in 1918, to the Canadian Forestry Corps. RANDALL KILALLY ROBERTSON B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Captain in the 24th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, February 25th, 1915. Served in France. ROBERT MrFADYEN ROBERTSON Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Field Company, Canadian Engineers, August 7th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to Acting Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. RUSSELL BUTLER ROBERTSON M.D., 1913 On secret service duty from September to De- cember, 1914. Taken on for active service, with the rank of Captain, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1915. Promoted to Major. Served in France. Was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. WILLIAM GRAEME ROBERTSON M.D., 1905 Served as Captain in the Royal Naval Medical Corps. Died June 11th, 1924. emery peter robidoux Medicine, 1913-15 Enlisted, August 30th, 1916, in the 65th Bat- tery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column. HENRY JOSEPH ROBILLARD M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in England. BERNARD SEABURY ROBINSON B.A., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, August, 1914. Transferred to the Duke of Cornwall's Own Light Infantry and, later, to the Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, June 4th, 1916. DUNCAN STRACHAN ROBINSON B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, December 4th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. george robinson Medicine, 1904-09; 1910-12 Enlisted, December 14th, 1914, in the 2nd Divisional Supply Column, Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to Lance-Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with a commission. HAROLD GOTCH ROBINSON APPLIED Science, 1903-04 Commissioned Second Lieutenant in the South Midland Royal Engineers. Promoted to Captam. Was twice mentioned in despatches. henry l. robinson Arts, 1910-11 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the First Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served m France. Was wounded, May 1st, 1916, and August 13th, 1918. herbert harold robinson Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, March 28th, 1916, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Wounded, July 6th, 1917. 199 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL JAMES MILTON ROBINSON B.S.A., 1912 Enlisted, November 28th, 1914, in the 7th Cyclist Corps, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to No. 6 Sanitary Section. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. JOHN LIVIC ROBINSON M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, August, 1918. Served in Eng- land. ROBERT CHARLES ROBINSON M.D., 1907 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. CHARLES HAROLD ROBSON M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 24th, 1914. Served in France in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. GORDON HAMILTON ROCHESTER Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1922 Appointed Lieutenant in the 242nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, March, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Tunnelling Company, and the 6th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. LLOYD BAILLIE ROCHESTER Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 28th, 1915, in the 27th Battery, 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the 242nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Later attached to the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to Captain, Flight Commander. Served in France. paul giles rodier Applied Science, 1917-18 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Corps, November 23rd, 1917. Flying MYLES HERBERT ROFFEY B.Sc., 1904; M.Sc, 1909 Enlisted, February, 1915, in the 10th South Wales Borderers. Transferred to the 19th Battalion, Welsh Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France with the Tank Corps. Was gassed. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order. EVERLY ELDON ROGERS M.D., 1917 Enlisted, January 3rd, 1918, in the British Columbia Regiment. Transferred to the Cana- dian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. HERBERT BIJRRITT ROGERS M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 8th, 1915. Served m France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Officers' Medical Board, London. JAMES TERENCE ROGERS M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 6th, 1915. Served in Canada. KEITH FORRESTER ROGERS M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer to the 1st Divisional Train, Canadian Army Service Corps, August 7th, 1914. Transferred as Medical Officer to the 24th Battalion, C.E.F., and served later in No. 2 and No. 3 Canadian General Hospitals. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. jean rolland Applied Science, 1896-99 Enlisted in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CHARLES FERDINAND LIGHTFOOT ROMAN Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. ERNEST ROMMEL M.D., 1905 Commissioned in the Royal Army Medical Corps, April 19th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 10th, 1918. for service in Canada. JOSEPH WALDEMAR ROONEY Dentistry, 1914-18; D.D.S., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, June 8th, 1918. Served in Canada. stephen eastman root Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, September 1st, 1917, in a United States Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. HERBERT JENNINGS ROSE B.A., 1904 Enlisted, April 30th, 1915, in the 2nd Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Honorary Lieutenant in the Khaki College. Served in England. FRANK ERNEST ROGERS M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 7th, 1917. Served in France. henry george rogers Applied Science, 1910-12 Appointed Lieutenant in the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles, March 29th, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded at Ypres, June 2nd, 1916, and taken prisoner on the same day. joseph rose Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, November 21st, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Central Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the 87th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. WILLIAM HAROLD ROSE Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. Was wounded, October 29th, 1917 and April 26th, 1918. 200 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS CHARLES KENNETH ROSEBRUCH B.Sc.. 1916 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery. Transferred to the 1st Heavy Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. hyman harry rosen Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, February 28th, 1918, in the American Jewish Legion. Promoted to the rank of Ser- geant. ALFRED BEATTY ROSEVEAR B.A., 1916 Enlisted, October 1st, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the 213th Squadron. Served in France. ALBERT ROSS M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December, 1915. Served in the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance, No. 15 General Hospital and the Canadian Red Cross Hospital. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ALEXANDER GRANT ROSS Medicine, 1914-15; M.D., 1922 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery and, later, to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. ALLAN CRAWFORD ROSS B.Sc, 1911 Appointed Captain in the 38th Battalion, C.E.F., February 1st, 1915. Went overseas with a draft on the strength of the 12th Canadian Infantry Battalion. Transferred back to the 38th Battalion and again to the 4th Canadian Entrenching Battalion as Adjutant, and, later, to the 3rd Canadian Garrison Regiment. Served in France. allan tupper ross Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, January 24th, 1916. in the 32nd Reserve Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 5th Canadian Siege Battery. Transferred to the Royal Air Force, July, 1918. BRUCE ROSS Applied Science, 1910-13; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, March 9th, 1915. Served in France with the 1st, 2nd, 9th and 15th Field Companies and the 3rd Battalion, Canadian Engmeers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Wounded, June 4th, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. CECIL MIDDLETON ROSS B.Sc., 1908 Enlisted, August 28th, 1914, in the 11th Bat- talion, Irish Fusiliers, C.E.F. Appomted Lieu- tenant in the Canadian Engineers, January 20th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. CHARLES BROWN ROSS B.A., 1916; Medicine, 1913-16; M.D., 1921 Served from June 1st, 1916, as Sergeant Instruc- tor of Signalling in the Permanent Force. Transferred to the Canadian Expeditionary Force, January 1st, 1917, and served in France and Belgium with the 1st Canadian Signal Company. DONALD LAURENCE ROSS M.D., 1887 Commissioned, October 1st, 1918, as a Major in the United States Army Medical Corps. FREDERICK DLULEY EYKE ROSS Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 6th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps, and was promoted to Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant. Served in France, on the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay. HENRY TAYLOR ROSS Arts. 1917-18; B.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. herbert mackenzie ross Arts, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 103rd Battalion, C.E.F., December 6th, 1915. Transferred to the 72nd Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Wounded. Was awarded the Military Cross. ian alexander ross Arts, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 3rd, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Y.M.C.A. and the 13th Battalion. Served in France. Was taken prisoner of war. JAMES <;ORDON ROSS B.Sc., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the 13th Battalion. Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 10th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain and Adjutant. Served in France. Was wounded, May 22nd, 1915. james gordon ross Arts, 1907-08 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, December 11th, 1917. Served in England. JOHN KENNETH LEVISON ROSS B.A.Sc., 1897 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; thereafter Lieutenant m Command, and then Commander, of H.M.S. "Grilse." and, later, Chairman of the Canadian Pensions Board, Ottawa. john munro ross Arts, 1898-99 Appointed Major in the 29th Battalion, 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade, November 13th, 1914. Transferred to the 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL STANLEY GRAHAM ROSS B.A., 1910: M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. WILLIAM CAMERON ROSS B.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 72nd Battalion, C.E.F., September 13th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross and two Bars. DONALD RONALD DeCOURCEY ROSS-ROSS B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, August 1st, 1917, as a Mate-Engineer in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. Promoted to the rank of Engineer Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Navy. david hugh rough Agriculture, 1913-15 Enlisted, October 29th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 20th Canadian Reserve Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada. Served in England. FRANCIS GEORGE ROUNTHWAITE B.Sc, 1916 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, attached to the 241st Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 12th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Was wounded. Served in France. huntley d- routh Agriculture Enlisted, March 24th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 14th Brigade, C.F.A. Transferred to the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. Promoted to Sergeant. Was wounded, June 5th, 1918. HENRY OSCAR ROUTLEDGE APPLIED Science, 1908-12 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1915, in the 38th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and, later, to the Royal Engineers with the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. archibald edgar carlyle roy Applied Science, 1915-16; Arts, 1916-17; 1919-21 ^ Enlisted, May 21st, 1917, 'in the 6th Siege Battery (McGill), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade. Served in France. HAROLD BOWER ROY B.S.A., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps, September 17th, 1917. Served in France with the 15th and 59th Aerial Squadrons. john stuart roy Agriculture, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 1st, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the 5th Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Lance Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded at Ypres, June 2nd, 1916. WILLIAM WALLACE RUDDICK M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 26th. 1915, attached to the 26th Battalion. Served in France. HENRY LEMOINE RUGGLES APPLIED Science, 1912-15 Enlisted in the Canadian Field Artillery, June 22nd, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in Canada and Siberia. ARTHUR ELI RUNNELS Arts, 1895-99 Served in Canada as Honorary Captain and Chaplain of the 4th Canadian Hussars (King- ston) and the 59th Canadian Battalion (Brock- ville). Served in France as Chaplain from July, 1918, till the close of the war. COLIN KERR RUSSEL B.A., 1897; M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 5th, 1915. Served in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital and later in the Granville Special Hospital. Transferred to the Board of Consultants, Canada. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. alexander charles russell Applied Science, 1912-14 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery, August, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Was wounded. May 8th, 1915. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ARCHIBALD BOWMAN RUTHERFORD Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc, 1920 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal and mentioned in despatches. JOHN BULMER RUTHERFORD Arts, 1914-16; B. Com., 1921 Enlisted, March 21st, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Awarded the Military Medal. JOHN REGINALD RUTHERFORD B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, June 2nd, 1917. Transferred to the 13th Canadian Railway Troops and, later, to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. WILLIAM JACKSON RUTHERFORD Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. Received a commission in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. WILLIAM KING RUTHERFORD Applied Science, 1915-16; B. Com., 1921 Enlisted, September 28th, 1915, in the 35th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. 202 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS CHARLES CEDRIC RYAN B.Sc.. 1913 Commissioned in the Roval Horse Artillery, June 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 268th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. edward joseph kyan Medicine, 1902-04 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian General Hospital, September 26th, 1914. Served in England. JOHN A. RYAN Applied Science, 1909-14 Enlisted, July 30th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in England. john raymond ryan Arts, 1907-08 Appointed Lieutenant in Borden's Armoured Motor Battery, C.E.F., January 8th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st and 4th Brigades, Cana- dian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded December 4th, 1917. ALFRED ST. CLAIR RYLEY B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, July 6th, 1916. Trans- ferred to the 2nd Canadian Divisional Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANK T. ST. GEORGE Applied Science, 1892-93 Appointed Captain in the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, August 18th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. percival t. st. george Agriculture, 1913 Enlisted, October 29th, 1914, in the 23rd Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. paul hammersley salmond Medicine, 1911-12 Appointed Honorary Captain in the 8th Station- ary Hospital, Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 27th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hospital. CHARLES WILLIAM SANDERS M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 1st, 1916. Served in England. JOSEPH LEONARD SANDERS B.A., 1916; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 1st, 1916, in the 199th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Served in France. CHARLES WALLACE SANDERSON B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, September 7th, 1915, in the 1st Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Trans- ferred to the Royal Garrison Artillery, Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. WILLIAM ROSS SANDISON B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. ALBERT ELBRIDGE SARGENT B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, November 17th, 1914, in the 21st Battery, 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 6th and 5th Brigades, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was awarded the Military Cross. theodore john saucier Applied Science, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 150th Battalion, C.E.F.. December 7th, 1915. Attached to the Canadian Army Pay Corps as Honorary Captain and Paymaster. Served in Canada. BRYCE JOHNSTONE SAUNDERS B.A.Sc.. 1886 Appointed Major in the 9th Battalion, Canadian. Expeditionary Force, September 22nd, 1914, Served in France. Wounded, December 18th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Mentioned in despatches. FREDERIC WILLIAM SAUNDERS Arts, 1909-10; Dentistry, 1910-14; D.D.S.,1916 Enlisted, August 7th, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Quarter- master Sergeant. Served in England. ALFRED SAVAGE B.S.A., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, May, 1915. Promoted to the rai^ of Captain. Served in France. edward b. savage Arts, 1903-04 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, January 1st, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery, serving in France with the 2nd and 4th Brigades. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. Died, March, 1925. ARTHUR SAVARD B.C.L., 1918 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in Canada. basil lindsay sawers Applied Science, 1912-13 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Received a commission in the Royal Engineers. Transferred to the 1st Battalion, Canadian Engineers with the rank of Captain. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was woimded, November 2nd, 1918, Awarded the Military Cross and Bar. JOHN KIMBALL SCAMMELL B.A.Sc., 1895 Appointed Lieutenant in the 104th Battalion, C.E.F., November 4th, 1915. Served in England. JAMES WESLEY SCANNELL AGRICULTURE, 1916-18; B.S.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. 203 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL WILFRID HOFFMAN SCHIEDEL Applied Science, 1914-17 Enlisted, January 21st, 1918, in the 1st Central Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. MARIE JOSEPH S<:HINGH Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, August 14th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. JOHN HARPER SCIIOF'IELD B.A., 1916 Enlisted, May 12th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. BERNARD SCHWARTZ B.A., 1916; Law, 1916-18 Enlisted, September 24th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. THOMAS JONES SCOBIE M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 31st, 1918, Served m England. ALEXANDER GORDON SCOTT B.Sc., 1914 EnUsted, May 10th, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. ALLEN NYE SCOTT B.Sc., 1912 Appomted Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, November 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Men- tioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR ALEXANDER SCOTT B.A., 1911; M.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, September 9th, 1918, in the 79th Canadian Depot Battery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. CECIL OSCAR SCOTT Arts, 1913-14; B.A., 1918 Enlisted, September 26th, 1914, in the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. frederick george scott Arts, 1877-79 Appointed Chaplain and Honorary Captain attached to the 14th Battalion, C.E.F., August 6th, 1914. Appointed Senior Chaplain of the 1st Canadian Division in France. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Was wounded at Cambrai, September 29th, 1918. Mentioned in despatches four times, awarded the Distinguished Service Order and created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. GEORGE EDWARD SCOTT B.Sc, 1908 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Pioneer Bat- talion, Imperial Army. Served in France. Was wounded. GEORGE ORVILLE SCOTT M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 13th, 1915 (previous service in the Royal Army Medical Corps). Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in England. GORDON DOUGLAS SCOTT Applied Science, 1914-17 Enlisted, September, 1916, as a Probationary Flight Officer in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. HENRY MAURICE SCOTT B.Sc, 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 1st, 1915. Served in England. HOPE CASTLE SCOTT B.A., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the 148th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 3rd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 13th Battalion. HORACE EVELYN SCOTT Arts, 1914-15 Enhsted in Borden's Armoured Battery, C.E.F., March 1st, 1915. Transferred to the 57th Battalion with the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 87th Battalion. Wounded, October 21st, 1916, at Regina Trench. Appointed to the staff of Military District No. 5. Promoted to the rank of Captain. NORMAN MACKIE SCOTT B.Sc, 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, March, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service and again to the Royal Air Force, with the rank of Captain. Served in France. PAUL STUART SCOTT Applied Science, 1916-17; B.Sc, 1923 Enlisted, April 15th, 1918, as a Warrant Officer in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. REGINALD T. M. SCOTT Applied Science, 1904-05 Appointed Captain in the 21st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 7th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. ROBERT ALLAN SCOTT B. Arch., 1915 Enlisted, October 6th, 1915, in the 3rd Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Corps Survey Section with the rank of Sergeant, and again to the Royal Air Force with the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. Served in France. WALTER SCOTT M.D., 1903 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps, June 18th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. 204 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS WALTER HEPBURN SCOTT M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 3rd, 1915. Served in France with the 10th Canadian F'ield Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Major. Gassed, Novem- ber 5th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM BEVERLY SCOTT Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 7th Canadian Siege Battery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Was wounded, September 30th, 1917. WILLIAM BRIDGES SCOTT B.C.L., 1912 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded, March 18th, 1915. WILLIAM CLIFFORD M. SCOTT M.D., 1914 Served in France with the Royal Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 28th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Military Cross. william r. scott Applied Science, 1904-08 Enlisted, September 17th, 1915, in the 80th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 67th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded. FRANCIS ALEXANDER CARON SCRIMGER B.A., 1901; M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 23rd, 1914. Served in France with No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station and No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Was awarded the Victoria Cross. FREDERICK WILLIAM SCRIVER Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, July, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in England. WALTER de MOUILPIED SCRIVER B.A., 1915; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Corporal. Commissioned in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Serv^ed in France and on sea. FRANCIS JOSEPH SCULLY M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 9th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Attached to No. 11 Canadian Stationary Hospital. Served m Siberia. RUPERT FREDERICK SEAMAN M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served m Canada. CHESTER BLISS SEARS B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, in June, 1917, as a Warrant Officer in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. WILLIAM PRINGLE SEATH Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, February 16th, 1915, in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 4th and 20th Batteries, Cana- dian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Wounded at Ypres, June, 1916, and at Maing, November, 1918. Awarded the Military Cross. WESLEY HERBERT SECORD M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Uth Canadian Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ERROL BERTRAM SHAND B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, April 26th, 1917, in the 10th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France with the 8th Canadian Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. GEORGE SHANKS B.A., 1904; M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in No. 1, Canadian General Hospital, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France with the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance and No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Trans- ferred to the Indian Army, and, in Mesopotamia, to the 104th Wellesley Rifles, the 1st British General Hospital, the 9th Indian General Hospital and the Officers' Hospital. coote nesbitt shanley Applied Science, 1907-09 Enlisted in the Royal Engineers. Served in France. Was wounded. JAMES SHANLEY Applied Science, 1913-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 19th, 1916. Served in France with the 5th Army Troop Company, Canadian Engineers. robert eric shannon Applied Science, 1912-15 Commissioned, December 28th, 1914, in the Royal Army Service Corps. Promoted to. the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. WILLIAM LLOYD SHANNON B.A., 1909; M.D., 1911 Appointed Captain in the 1st Canadian Field Ambulance, February 5th, 1915. Served in France with No. 1 Canadian General Hospital and the 10th Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded. Died, December 27th, 1922. arthur e. sharing Applied Science, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 150th Battalion, CE.F., December 15th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Served in England. 205 Hi MCGILL HONOUR ROLL william harry sharman Arts, 1910-11; Applied Science, 1910-12 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Brigade, Canadian Ammunition Column, September 20th, 1915. Served in P>ance with the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column. ALBERT DAVIS SHARP M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE PEARCE SHARPE B.Sc, 1905 Enlisted, September 21st, 1915, in the 72nd Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France with the 2nd and 1st Tunnelling Companies and the 7th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded. May 29th, 1917. WILLIAM JAMES SHAUGHNESSY Applied Science, 1901-03 Appointed Captain in the 199th Battalion, C.E.F., May 6th, 1916. Served in France. frank wilson shaver Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 25th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded at Ypres, July 11th, 1917. GEORGE WYMAN SHEARER B.Sc, 1907; M.Sc., 1908 Appointed Captain in the 27th Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery, March 11th, 1915. Served in France with the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column and the 12th and 3rd Brigades, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded, October 25th, 1917, and Septem- ber 2nd, 1918. Was twice mentioned in des- patches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Bar. james russell shearer Arts, 1901-05 Enlisted, December 27th, 1915. in the 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to Lord Strathcona's Horse. Served in France. HERBERT LLEWELLYN SHEEN B.Sc, 1908 Enlisted, May 27th, 1915, in the 2nd Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the Imperial Army, with the rank of Captain, in the Worces- tershire Regiment. Was wounded, April 12th, 1917. charles walter shelley Arts, 1906-08 Appointed Chaplain, with the rank of Captain, in the 59th Battalion, C.E.F., March 21st, 1916. Served in England and Salonika with the Chaplain services. GEORGE FLANAGAN SHAW M.D., 1893 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 28th, 1917. Served in Canada. james andrew shaw Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 30th, 1917, in the Canadian Siege and Heavy Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. leonard d. shaw Arts, 1895-98 Enlisted, April, 1915, on duty with Special Service Battalion, M.D., No. 4. Appointed Honorary Captain in the Canadian Army Pay Corps, on conducting duty, June 1st, 1918. ROBERT McLEOD SHAW M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 14th, 1915. Served in France, as M.O. and Records Officer, Canadian Section, 3rd Echelon, B.E.F., and as M.O. in the 15th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Wounded, March 21st, 1917. THOMAS PATTON SHAW M.D., 1893 Served with the A.M.C. (militia) on active duty from January, 1915, to March, 1918. Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. CRESSWELL SHEARER M.D., 1901 In charge of Cerebro-Spinal Fever works of the South-Western Command, Devonport, Eng- land. david sheenan Applied Science, 1907-08 Enlisted, March 18th, 1916, in the 2nd Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to Headquarters of the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Engineers. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Transferred to the 4th Canadian General Hospital. Served in Salonika. LIONEL JOHN SHEPARD Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, February, 1915, in the 7th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery, with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, and again to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. EDWARD FRED S. SHEPHERD Agriculture, 1917-18; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted, April 23rd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Depot. Served in England. george alexander sherman Arts. 1915-16 Enlisted, January 15th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Served in France. ADAM TOZELAND SHILLINGTON M.D., 1894 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 25th, 1914, as (Mcer Commanding No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. 206 c OTHER ENLISTMENTS RICHARD NEWTON WELLINGTON SHILLINGTON M.D., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps, January 8th, 1916. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps and attached to No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. HAROLD E. SHOREY B. Arch., 1907 Enlisted, December 9th. 1914, in the 21st Battery, Canadian F^ield Artillery. Served in France with the Divisional Ammunition Column and the 3rd Battery. Promoted to Bombardier. Was wounded at Ypres in August, 1916. DUDLEY JOHN SIIRIMPTON Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, February 23rd, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. DAVID SHVEMAR Law, 1917-18; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, May 28th, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. maurice shulman Law, 1913-14 Enlisted, October 10th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. cyril hardy sifton Arts, 1917-18 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. m. signoret Agriculture, 1913-14 Enlisted in the 319th Reserves, 21st Company, French Republican Forces, as a Sergeant-Major. Transferred to the 4th Battalion. Was taken prisoner of war. albert b. silcox Arts, 1902-03 Enlisted, March 25th, 1915, in the 142nd Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 1st Cana- dian Railway Troops. Promoted to Lance Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded. PAUL HERBERT SILVER D.D.S., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, January 2nd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. PHILIP GEORGE SILVER Arts, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1920; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 10th Canadian Siege Battery. ALAN CRADOCK SIMPSON B.A.. 1910; B.Sc., 1910 Commissioned, October 10th, 1916, as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. Served in France. JAMES CRAWFORD SIMPSON B.Sc., 1907 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 8th, 1918. Served in Canada. walter john simpson Pharmacy, 1917-18; Diploma of Pharmacy, 1920 Enlisted, June 25th, 1918, in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, on conducting duty. Pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. HAIG ALLISON SIMS M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F., January 31st, 1916. Transferred to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. FRED DOUGLAS SINCLAIR M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, May 8th, 1916. Served in France. R. V. COLVILLE SINCLAIR B.C.L., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, July 13th, 1916. Served in Canada. Accidentally injured and disabled for overseas service. morris singer Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 3rd, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. OMER HILTON SINGLETON Applied Science, 1905-06 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot No. 10, Septem- ber 4th, 1916. Served in France with the Uth Canadian Field Ambulance. PAUL FLEETFORD SISE B.Sc., 1901 Appointed Captain in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F., November 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Transferred to the 259th Bat- talion. Served in Siberia. ALBEE AMOS SKEELS B.A., 1893; M.D., 1897 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, July 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 27th Casualty Clearing Station and the 29th Station- ary Hospital. HAROLD EDWARD SKEETE MEDICINE, 1911-15; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November Uth, 1914, in No. 6 Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Siberia. PHILIP HANBURY SKELTON B.Sc., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the McGill Siege Battery, June 13th, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Heavy Battery, and then to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery as Adjutant. Promoted to the rank of Captain with the C.C.H.A. Headquarters. Served in France. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL RALPH SKELTON B.Sc, 1912 Commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve, May 21st, 1915. Transferred to the 33rd Battery. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded in June, 1917. Was awarded the Military Cross. BERNARD WOODWORTH SKINNER Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1917 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. Re- enlisted, October 25th, 1917, with the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in Mesopotamia. DONALD CIIIPMAN SKINNER B.A., 1915 Enlisted, February, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 24th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Appointed Staff Captain, General Headquarters, 3rd Echelon, and later Deputy Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Acting Major. Served in France. Was twice mentioned in despatches, and made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. SAMUEL GREENWAY SKINNER Agriculture, 1913-16; B.S.A., 1920 Enlisted, December 17th, 1917, in the 79th Canadian Battery. Transferred to the 43rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, and to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column, as a Signaller and Acting Sergeant. Served in France. WILLIAM KERR SKINNER Medicine, 1915-16; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, May 2nd, 1916, in the McGill Siege Battery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. MALCOLM ROSS SLACK M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4, July 12th, 1916. Attached, as Medical Officer, to the 3rd Canadian Labour Battalion. Served in France. algernon r. l. sladen Arts. 1905-06 Enlisted, January 29th, 1917, in the Reserve Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Heavy Battery. Served in France. albert george sleep Arts, 1907-08 Appointed Lieutenant in the Y.M.C.A., February 8th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. james eric slessor Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, August 16th, 1915, in the 60th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 148th Bat- talion with the rank of Lieutenant, and again to the 14th Battalion. Served in France. HENRY SLINGSBY B.Sc, 1910 Commissioned, September, 1914, in the York- shire Hussars. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the 10th Corps, Heavy Artillery, and later to the rank of Major. Served in France and Italy. Was twice mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. MOSES SLOVES Applied Science, 1911-14; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, March 7th, 1918, in the 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Canadian Army Pay Corps as Actmg-Sergeant. Served in England. DONALD CAMPBELL SMELZER M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. henry maynard smillie Agriculture, 1913 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the Mechani- cal Transport Section, Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the Canadian Army Service Corps, the 1st Canadian Cavalry Bri- gade and the 1st Canadian Divisional Train. cecil gordon smith Arts, 1911-12 Enlisted, July 14th, 1916, in the 1st Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column. Commissioned in the Imperial Army. Served in France. Was wounded. chester hiram smith Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 17th, 1915, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, and later to the Royal Air Force as a Cadet. Served in France. CLIFFORD BLISS SMITH Arts, 1916-18; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, September, 1918, as a Warrant Officer, in the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. DAVID WHITNEY SMITH Applied Science, 1912-14; B.Sc, 1923 Enlisted, April 14th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Served in France. DONALD TAYLOR SMITH Applied Science, 1914-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 18th, 1918, as a Cadet, in the Royal Air Force. EDMUND HOWARD SMITH Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Ordnance Corps, March 18th, 1916. Served in Canada. EGERTON ELLIOTT SMITH Arts, 1909-12; Medicine, 1913-14; 1915-16 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in Canada. EMERSON CHARLES SMITH M.D., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, January, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. GEORGE ARTHUR SMITH Applied Science, 1907-08 Enlisted, May 30th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. 208 r c OTHER ENLISTMENTS GEORGE LEANUS SMITH M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Training Depot No. 4, April 17th. 1918. Served in Canada. HENRY I>. SMITH D.V.S., 1890 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel on the 2nd Divis- ional Headquarters Staff, February 9th, 1915. Served in France as Assistant Director of Veterinary Services in the 2nd Canadian Divi- sion. Transferred to London as Acting-Director of Veterinary Service at Canadian Headquarters. HENRY EMMETT SMITH B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, February 20th, 1918, in the 74th Depot Battery, C.F.A. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. HERBERT BRYANT SMITH Medicine. 1916-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, July 24th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. JAMES BLACK SMITH Agriculture, 1916-18; B.S.A., 1923 Enlisted, May 23rd, 1918, in the Isc Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. james wallace hepburn smith Applied Science, 1913-15; Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, May 15th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as a Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant. JOHN WALTER SMITH Arts, 1915-17; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. kenneth hutchinson smith Applied Science, 1902-03 Enlisted, December 4th, 1914, in the 2nd Cana- dian Mounted Rifles. Received a commission in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was mentioned in despatches. ROBERT MACFIE SMITH Arts, 1915-16; B.A., 1921; B.Sc., 1923 Enlisted, September 5th, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in France. robert pennington mcarthur smith Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 7th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. STANLEY MORSE SMITH B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in No. 1 Cable Section, Canadian Engineers, December 29th, 1915. Transferred to the 3rd Divisional Signal Com- pany. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLARD ROY SMITH B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Captain in the 5th Overseas Pioneer Battalion, March 27th, 1916. Re-enlisted and appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, September 1st, 1918. Served in Canada. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 228th Battalion, C.E.F., October 3rd. 1916. Transferred to the 6th Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. gordon theodore smithers Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1 915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded at Lens, August 22nd, 1917. WILLIAM OSWALD SMYTH B.A., 1895; B.C.L., 1897 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 209th Battalion, C.E.F., February 4th, 1916. Served in France with the 31st Battalion. HARRY ANDREW SOMERVILLE MEDICINE, 1901-04; 1906-07 Enlisted, April 22nd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. walter eddy soper Applied Science, 1913-14; Arts, 1914-15 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps in September, 1915. robert soucy Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, July, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. earle sydney spafford Applied Science, 1908-09 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1917, in the Canadian Siege Artillery. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. CHARLES MARTYN SPENCER B.S.A., 1911 Enlisted in the 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Forces. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. ROY AUBREY SPENCER B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers, December 28th, 1915. Served in France with the 1st Canadian Tunnelling Company and the 7th Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. JOHN RALSTON SPENDLOVE AGRICULTURE, 1911-12; 1914-15 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915 in the 1st Univer- sities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. EDMUND CARLYLE SPICER B.S.A. 1917 Commissioned, August 28th, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps, attached to the 32nd Squadron. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. JOHN ROBERT SPIER M.D., 1891 Appointed Medical Officer with the rank of Major in the 23rd Battalion, C.E.F. , December 6th, 1914. Served in France in No 2 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. 209 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL henry gordon spohn Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. MAYNARD JAMES SPRATT Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, April 22nd, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. HOBART ANDERDON SPRINCLE B.C.L., 1901 Appointed Captain in the 241st Canadian Scottish Borderers Battalion, August 1st, 1916. Transferred to the Imperial Army, serving in France in the 2nd Army and later in the 5th Army. JOHN EMDON SPROULE B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, October 25th, 1916. Served in France with the 9th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. STANLEY MACOUANA SPROULE B.Sc., 1910; B. Arch., 1912 Enlisted, September 12th, 1914, in the 1st Canadian Reserve Park. Served in France with the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Awarded the Military Cross. ARCHIBALD STALKER B.A., 1912; M.A., 1913; B.C.L., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Quebec Regi- ment, December 28th, 1917. Transferred to the 1st Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Served in France. clifford george standish Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 30th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. HAROLD POOLE STANLEY B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted with the Canadian Engineers, Novem- ber, 1914. Transferred to the 73rd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada with the rank of Lieutenant, August 2nd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. MAURICE STANSFIELD B.Sc., 1909 Enlisted in September, 1914, in a British Ambu- lance Unit. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and later to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. FRANK HERBERT STANTON B.A., 1910 Enlisted, May 16th, 1917, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France with the 47th Canadian Infantry Battalion. Wounded, September 28th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Medal. CLIVE AUGUSTUS STAPLES M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 13, February 10th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Canada. GRENVILLE JAMES STAPLES B.Sc, 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, January 19th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was men- tioned in despatches. HENRY MacDERMOT STARKE B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps, November 13th, 1917. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in France. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. lyall e. starke Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, October 2nd, 1916. in the 245th BattaUon, C.E.F. Transferred to the 87th Battalion. Served in France. THOMAS ALBERT STARKEY M.D., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 21st, 1914. Organized and Commanded the Sanitary Section of the 2nd Division, C.E.F. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps as Sanitary Adviser to the Director General of Medical Services at Canadian Headquarters, England. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Was mentioned in despatches. ALFRED G. STAVELEY Arts, 1916-17 Enlisted, February 2nd, 1917, in the Canadian Army Service Corps. Promoted to Sergeant, and was later Staff Sergeant at Headquarters, Military District No. 2. Served in Canada. WALTER DARLING STAVELEY B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, October 3rd, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. REUBEN EWART STAVERT B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 23rd Battalion, C.E.F., February 5th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 4th Canadian Infantry BattaHon and the 7th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Wounded near Armenti^res, July 1st, 1915. Was mentioned in despatches. WILLIAM DAVID STAVERT B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers, August 8th, 1914. EDGAR WILLIAM RICHARD STEACIE Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1923; M.Sc., 1924 Enlisted, September 18th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to the 4th Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regiment. Served in Canada. 210 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS JOSEPH ARTHUR STEED B.A., 1916; M.A., 1918 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Y.M.C.A., June 24th, 1918. Served in Canada. william frew steedman Arts, 1903-08 Enlisted, May 3rd, 1918, in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Served in Canada. roy e. stekves Medicine, 1910-12 Enlisted, July 10th, 1918, in the 7th Canadian Garrison Regiment. Served in Canada. john aird stephen Applied Science, 1903-04; 1905-06 Enlisted, August 14th, 1914, in the 9th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Tunnel- ling Company and again to the Canadian Rail- way Troops. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded and gassed. Awarded the Military Medal and the Military Cross. GEORGE FINDLAY STEPHENS M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 8th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. ALLAN STERLING M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the 132nd Battalion, C.E.F., March 23rd, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Acting Major. Served in France. H. EDGAR STERNS Arts, 1897-99 Enlisted, May 19th, 1917, in the 17th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Gunner. EDWARD PEEL STEVENSON B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers, serving in the 5th, 79th, and 72nd Field Com- panies, December, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the Russian Railway Mission to the Caucasus. Wounded, July, 1915. Served in France and Mesopotamia. Was mentioned in despatches. frank white stevenson Medicine, 1910-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, July 22nd, 1918. Served in Canada. FREDERICK KIRKLAND STEVENSON Arts, 1916-17 ; B.A., 1921; B.C.L., 1924 Enlisted, May 25th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 3rd Bngade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France with the 10th Canadian Siege Battery. WILLIAM ROBERT STEVENSON Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers Training Depot. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Railway Troops. Served m France. CHARLES CONACHER STEWART Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 24th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. CHARLES JOHN STEWART M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 27th, 1916. Served in England. CLARENCE JAMES STEWART B.A., 1915; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, February 15th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Lance Corporal. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN DONALD STEWART M.D., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, November 10th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. john howard stewart Medicine, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 183rd Battalion, C.E.F., September 7th, 1916. Transferred to the 52nd Battalion. Served in France. LEIGHTON STEWART B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, March 15th, 1918. Served in England. Died, May 28th, 1919. malcolm davidson stewart Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 20th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 14th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Bombardier. MALCOLM GORDON STEWART Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in the 1st Universities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded at Sanctuary Wood, June 3rd, 1916. WILLIAM RANALD STEWART Arts, 1916-17; B, Com., 1922 Enlisted, May 30th, 1917, in the 72nd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. LUTHER HAMILTON STILWELL Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 20th, 1916, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France with No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital. HERMAN K. STOCKWELL M.D., 1902 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 28th, 1918. Served in Englsmd. JAMES STOCKWELL Applied Science, 1913-15 Enlisted, April 27th, 1916, in the 117th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Received a commission in the Imperial Army. Served in France. Re-enlisted April 3rd, 1918, in the 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in England. 211 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL RALPH FREDERICK STOCKWELL B.A., 1908; B.C.L., 1911 Enlisted, January 4th, 1915. Appointed Major in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 7th, 1915. Served in France and Flanders. Men- tioned in despatches. SIDNEY BARLOW STOKES Arts, 1915-16 Appointed Honorary Captain in the Y.M.C.A., January 31st, 1917. EDMOND STANLEY STORY B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, June 15th, 1918, in No. 2 Training Detachment, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. RUSSELL WELLESLEY STOVEL B.Sc.. 1897; M.Sc., 1900 Appointed Major in the Engineering Corps, United States Army. October, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Transferred to the Transportation Corps. kenneth gordon strachan Applied Science, 1903-04 Appointed Captain in the 42nd Battalion, C.E.F., May 15th, 1915. Served in France. ALLAN McDonald Strang D.D.S.. 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Dental Corps. June 23rd, 1917. Served in England. Died, April 30th, 1923. RALPH LEE ALEXANDER STRATHY B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 26th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, June 2nd, 1915. Served in France with the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Wounded, September 15th, 1916. Awarded the Military Cross. NORMAN WALTER STRONG B.A., 1901; M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, July 17th, 1915. Served in France. WILLIAM DICKER STROUD Applied Science, 1917-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, September, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. ROBERT ROLF STRUTHERS B.A., 1914; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, November 14th, 1914, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France with the 6th, and, in Siberia, with the 16th Canadian Field Ambulances. ALBERT WILLIAM STUART Arts, 1915-17; B.A., 1919; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, May 30th, 1917, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Served in Canada. LORNE JAMES STUART Arts, 1909-13; M.D., 1917 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. JOHN AUGUSTUS STU ART-ROUSSAC Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 13th, 1916, in the Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 23rd Howitzer Battery, 5th Artillery Brigade. Pro- moted to Sergeant. Served m France. Was wounded at Fresnoy, May 8th, 1917. w. j. sturgeon Arts, 1908-09 Appointed Lieutenant in the 102nd Battalion, C E F , January 19th, 1916. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. Was wounded. JEREMIAH JOSEPH SULLIVAN Applied Science, 1910-11; 1912-13; 1915-17; B.Sc, 1919 Enlisted. March 29th, 1918, in the 29th En- gineers, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. WILLIS EDMUND SULLIVAN M.D., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the United States Navy Reserve Force, March 16th, 1917. Transferred to the Regular Navy Service. JOHN HENRY SUMMERSKILL B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, April 8th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. marmaduke langdale sunderland Applied Science, 1911-13 Enlisted in the King Edward Horse. Served in France. ANGUS SUTHERLAND Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, October 4th, 1915, in the 87th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in France. Was wounded, November 22nd, 1916, April 9th, 1917 and November 5th, 1918. CHARLES GOLDIE SUTHERLAND Medicine, 1906-07 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. COLIN GEORGE SUTHERLAND Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1917 Enlisted. November 9th. 1915. in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Returned to finish medi- cal course. Re-enlisted in the 2nd Brigade Machine Gun Company. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. DANIEL HUGH SUTHERLAND Applied Science, 1900-03 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 2nd Cana- dian Construction Battalion, July 5th, 1916. Served in France. DANIEL McLEOD SUTHERLAND B.Sc.. 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. 212 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS forbes dunbar sutherland Arts, 1899-01 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, November 5th, 1917. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Served in France. FRANCIS CAMPBELL SUTHERLAND B.A., 1910 Enlisted. July 1st, 1916, in the 143rd Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 47th Battalion, 10th Brigade, 4th Canadian Division. Served in France. Was wounded at Lens, August 21st, 1917. JOHN DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Agriculture, 1915-16; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted, July 19th, 1916, in No. 1 Construction Battalion (re-named the 1st Battalion), Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. LUTHER HOLTON DUNBAR SUTHERLAND B.Sc., 1909 Appx)inted Lieutenant in the Canadian Pay Office, November 16th, 1916. Transferred to the 10th Canadian Railway Troops. Served in France. orrin wood d. sutherland Arts, 1902-03 Enlisted, September 18th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. ROBERT HIRAM SUTHERLAND M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in the 12th Battalion, C.E.F., August 29th, 1914. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. RONALD DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Captain in the 24th Battalion, C.E.F., March 17th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. THOMAS WELLINGTON SUTHERLAND M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No. 8 Stationary Hospital, April 15th, 1916. Promoted to Actmg Major. Served in France. victor richard sutherland Applied Science, 1912-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Canadian Garrison Artillery, December 13th, 1915. Trans- ferred to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. WALTER SCROGGIE SUTHERLAND B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, August 1st, 1916. Served in France with the 123rd Battalion, C.E.F. Was wounded, January 4th, 1918. william sutherland Arts, 1913-15 Enlisted in Lord Strathcona's Horse, January 1st. 1918. Served in France. ALPHONSE AUGUSTINE SWAN (Swancesky) Dentistry, 1917-18; D.D.S., 1921 Enlisted, November 11th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. HENRY PETER SWANCESKY M.D., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 12th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. harmon sweet Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, June 19th, 1915, in the 61st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 27th Battalion. Served in France. Was wounded. PAUL SIDNEY SWENSON B.Sc., 1916 Enlisted, November 13th, 1916, in the 68th Canadian Depot Battery. Transferred to the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. SPENCER RUPERT SYMONDS Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 18th, 1915, in the 1st Uni- versities Company, 38th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France and Belgium. Was wounded and taken prisoner of war, June 2nd, 1916. VICTOR KINGSLEY SYMONDS Arts, 1915-16; B.A., 1921 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th Battery (McGill), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. HAROLD EDWARD TABER Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 9th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in France. JOHN ALEXANDER TALLON Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, July 26th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. DAVID S. TAMBLYN D.V.S., 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, January 12th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served m France Was mentioned in despatches four times, awarded the Distinguished Semce Order and made an Officer of the Order of the Bntish Empire and a Chevalier de I'Ordre de Leopold, Belgium. ANSELL MEREDITH J. TANNEY M.D., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. April, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Served in Canada and England. 213 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL alexander harold taylor Arts, 1903-04 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 3rd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. ALLAN HARVEY TAYLOR B.Sc., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 16th, 1918. Served in England. david ord taylor Agriculture, 1913-14 Enlisted, May 30th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. EDWARD ROLAND TAYLOR B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, May 18th, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Mentioned in despatches. EDWARD THORNTON TAYLOR B.A., 1878 Commissioned Colonel in the Imperial Forces- Senior General Staff Officer of the 4th Division. Served in India. GEORGE MELVILLE TAYLOR B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April 19th, 1916. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE OSCAR TAYLOR M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps, February 15th, 1915. Promoted to Major. Served in England and Serbia. HENRY DAVID TAYLOR M.D., 1918 Enlisted, August 6th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. On conducting duty. JOHN ROSS TAYLOR Applied Science, 1912-15; B.A., 1914; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Divisional Ammu- nition Column, C.F.A., May 20th, 1916. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column and the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. richard hayward taylor Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, March 16th, 1915, in the 38th Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 3rd Canadian Divisional Signal Company, and later to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. ROBERT DONALD TAYLOR Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1920 Enlisted, May 2nd. 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force, with a commission. ROSS BURT TAYLOR M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Served in Canada. SAMUEL ROBERTSON TAYLOR Arts, 1916-18 Enlisted, April 15th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. WALKER LEWIS TAYLOR Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 49th Battalion, C.E.F., September 23rd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches. WALTER FREDERICK TAYLOR M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 27th, 1916. Served in France. WILLIAM SCOTT TAYLOR B.A., 1915 Enlisted, April 25th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to Corporal. Served in England. WHITHAM TAYLOR-BAILEY B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, July 17th, 1916. Served in France with the 3rd Battalion. Seconded to the War Office. Was awarded the Military Cross. FREDERICK JAMES TEES B.A., 1901; M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in No. 9 Canadian Field Ambulance, December 22nd, 1915. Served in No. 1, No. 11, and No. 15 Canadian General Hospitals and also in Granville Canadian Special Hospital, as Officer in charge of Surgery. Pro- moted to Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM TEMPLEMAN M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in the Dardanelles. After his discharge, on account of ill-health, he was engaged with the C.A.M.C. in Montreal. edwin walter templeton Applied Science, 1912-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 158th Battalion, C.E.F., January 22nd, 1916. Transferred to the 29th Battalion. Served in France. ROBERT WILLIAM TEMPLETON AGRICULTURE, 1916-17; B.S.A., 1922 Enlisted, May 20th, 1918, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. PERCY STUART TENNANT MEDICINE, 1912-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 61st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, as a Gunner. Promoted to Acting-Sergeant. Received a commission in the Royal Air Force. Wounded, November 1st, 1918. Served in France. 214 r r OTHER ENLISTMENTS ARTHUR MAGUIRE TERROUX Arts, 1914-17; B.C.L., 1921 Enlisted, April 5th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 10th Battery, Canadian Siege Artillery. Served in France. HAROLD BENJAMIN TEXT B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the Canadian Divisional Engineers. Transferred to the 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers, and later to the 12th Battalion, C.E. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. WILLIS THISTLE Law, 1911-12; Arts, 1912-14 Enlisted, August, 1914, in the 5th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to No. 1 Cana- dian General Hospital. Promoted to Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded, May 20th, 1918. gordon ogilvie thom Applied Science, 1908-10 Enlisted, November 16th, 1914, in the 1st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. JAMES BALFOUR THOM B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, June 30th, 1915, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in France with the 7th and 12th Field Companies, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was wounded at Givenchy, June 18th, 1917. Awarded the Military Cross. ernest ormsbee thomas Arts, 1914-15 Commissioned, August 25th, 1917, in the United States Army, attached to the 301st Infantry Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. MORRIS WILLIAM THOMAS M.D., 1912 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the 103rd Battalion, C.E.F., March 16th, 1916. Served in France with the 8th and 9th Canadian Field Ambulances, Wounded. philip thomas Applied Science. 1913-15; 1916-18; B. Arch., 1920 Enlisted, April 24th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Promoted to Acting Corporal. Served in Canada. ALLEN EDGAR THOMPSON M.D., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 20th, 1915. Transferred to the 8th York and Lancaster Regiment, the 11th Field Ambulance, and the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served in France and Italy. Three tunes men- tioned in despatches, awarded the Mihtary Cross and the Distinguished Service Order. CECIL ELMER THOMPSON Applied Science, 1915-16; 1919-20 Enlisted, August, 1917, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve as Warrant Officer. GEORGE HARRY THOMPSON B.Sc., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Field Company, Canadian Engineers, May 5th, 1916. Served m France with the 123rd Pioneer Battalion and the 7th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Mention^ in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. GEORGE HOCKIN THOMPSON M.D., 1899 Commissioned Captain in the American Red Cross, June 1st, 1918. GRATTAN DALRYMPLE THOMPSON Arts, 1912-13; Applied Science, 1913-16; B. Arch., 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion, C.E.F., July 20th. 1916. Transferred to the 245th Battalion. Recruited and commanded Cyclist Platoon, C.E.F., M.D. No. 4. Discharged in Canada as physically unfit, 1917. NORMAN ALBERT THOMPSON B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, June 21st, 1915. Served in France with the 8th, 7th, 49th and 19th Batteries. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded at Sancourt, October 1st, 1918. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross and Bar. TREVOR CREIGHTON THOMPSON APPLIED SCIENCE, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, April 29th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. william allen thompson Applied Science, 1914-17 Enlisted, September 28th, 1917, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. roswell thomson Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, February, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill). Promoted to Staff Sergeant. Served in France. WALTER WILFRED THOMSON APPLIED SCIENCE, 1916-18; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, October 15th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. LAURENCE HOLMES THORNTON D.D.S., 1917 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill), April 7th, 1915. Transferred to the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Served m France. WILFRED EARLE THROOP B.A., 1917; MEDICINE, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, July 11th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served m Canada. ERNEST C. THURSTON D.V.S.. 1896 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Veteri- nary Corps, September 23rd, 1914. Served m France. 215 mm. MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CLARENCE JOHNSTON TIDMARSH Arts, 1912-15; B.A., 1916; M.A., 1922; M.D., 1924 Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battalion, C.E.F., October 4th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANK WENDELL TIDMARSH M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill), April 1st, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was wounded. Served in France. samuel foster tilden Applied Science, 1913-14; Agriculture. 1914-17 Enlisted, May 6th, 1918, in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Promoted to Corporal. Served in France. EVERETT DRINKWATER TIMMERMAN APPLIED Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Signal Com- pany, Canadian Engineers, May 28th, 1916. Served in Canada, being physically unfit for overseas duty. JULES ROBERT TIMMINS Applied Science, 1909-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, April, 1918. Served in England. maurice tison Applied Science, 1915-17; 1919-21 Enlisted, September 17th, 1917, as a Cadet in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Taken prisoner, August 8th, 1918. john jackson todd Applied Science, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 60th Battalion, C.E.F., September 3rd, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN LANCELOT TODD B.A., 1898; M.D., 1900 Appointed Major in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill), March 31st, 1915. Served in France. charles caryl toombs Applied Science, 1911-12 Enlisted, December 7th, 1914, in the 2nd Heavy Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to Acting Bombardier. Served in France. coral wesley topping Arts, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 5th, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Field Ambulance. Transferred to the 21st Battalion, with the rank of Lieutenant. Was wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 1917. HENRY MARSHALL TORY B.A., 1890; M.A., 1896; D.Sc., 1903; LL.D., 1908 Appointed to direct educational work for the Army, January, 1918. Given the rank of Honor- ary Colonel on the General List, August 5th, 1918. Served in England and France, in charge of educational services. ALBERT ANDERSON TOUSAW Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1919; M.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, May 27th, 1918, in the 79th Depot Battery. Transferred to the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. Served in England. GRAHAM FORD TOWERS Arts, 1913-15; B.A., 1919 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, September, 1915. Served in France. thomas franklin townsend Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 14th, 1916, in the 9th Cana- dian Field Ambulance. Transferred to No. 7 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France. CECIL WRAY TOWNSEND Arts, 1916-17; B.A., 1920 Enhsted, May 28th, 1917, in the 10th Canadian Siege Battery. Served in France with the 5th Canadian Siege Battery. owen peter trainor Arts, 1907-11 Enlisted, December 31st, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Nova Scotia Regiment. Served in England in the 17th Reserve Battalion. CATHERINE HUTCHISON TRAVIS B.A., 1895 Commissioned as a Medical Officer under the auspices of the American Red Cross, July 19th, 1915. Served in Serbia. HAROLD SCOTT TREFREY MEDICINE, 1914-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 24th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, with a commission. Served in France. GEORGE EDWARD TREMBLE Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, June 5th, 1918, as a Surgeon Sub- Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. ALFRED S. CHENEVIX TRENCH B.Sc., 1910 Enlisted in the 16th Divisional Signal Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. JAMES HARVEY TRIMINGHAM B.Sc., 1908; M.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, June 6th, 1916, as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. CHARLES BRUCE TRITES M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to the 14th Howitzer Brigade, March 1st, 1916. Transferred to Head- quarters Staff. Served in France. GEORGE WILLIAM HILL TROOP B.A., 1903 Enlisted, June, 1916, in the University of Toronto Overseas Training Company. Commissioned in the 5th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers. Served in France with the 9th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers. Invalided to England. Afterwards served as Lieutenant on the Censor Staff in France. 216 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS CLIFFORD THACKWELL TROTTER B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, on defence work in Halifax, September 24th, 1914. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Engineers. Served in France with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Divisions, Promoted to Major. Men- tioned in despatches and awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Order. Returned to Canada in 1917 for service on Headquarters Staff, Ottawa. ALPHONSE TRUDEAU B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 22nd, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in Canada. BRYANT BURGESS TUCKER Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc., 1923 Commissioned in the 4th East Surrey Regiment, July 24th, 1915. Transferred to the 1st Durham Light Infantry and the 1/5 Buffs. Promoted to Lieutenant. Served in India and Mesopotamia. JOHN WALTER TUCKER B.A., 1881 Appointed Captain in the Gordon Highlanders, Imperial Army. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was twice wounded. JOHN ARTHUR CADMAN TULL M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, December 15th, 1915, attached to No. 9 Field Ambulance. Transferred to No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, the Kitchener Military Hospital and No. 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station. Served in England and France. Mentioned in despatches. ALAN TURNBULL B.Sc., 1913 Appointed Lieutenant in the 35th Battalion. C.E.F., January 10th, 1915. Transferred to the 15th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, September 27th, 1916, and gassed November 9th, 1917, and August 8th, 1918. Was awarded the Military Cross. james turnbull Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, February 16th, 1916, in the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column. Served in France. LAWRENCE RUSSELL TURNBULL B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, September 12th, 1917, in the Head- quarters Detachment of the 361st Infantry Battalion, United States Army. Commissioned in the Transport Service. WILLIAM GE0R(;E TURNER B.A., 1896; M.D., 1900 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, April 7th, 1915. Served in France with the 3rd Canadian General Hospital and the 5th and 9th Field Ambulances. Chief Surgeon Granville Special Hospital, Buxton, England. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Awarded the Military Cross. william george turner Agriculture Enlisted in the 80th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. HERBERT WILLIAM TURNEY M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, June 20th. 1918. Served in Canada. Died, March, 1923. CEDRIC EDWARD MOODY TUOHEY M.D., 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. WILLIAM CLAYTON TWEEDIE Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, May 29th. 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. CHARLES TUPPER B.Sc., 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the Uth Canadian Mounted Rifles, February, 1915. Transferred to the 72nd, the 5th and the 11th Battalions, Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Major. SerVed in France. Mentioned in despatches. james oswald twinberrow Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc,., 1920 Commissioned in the Royal Army Service Corps, May 15th, 1915. Served in France in the 35th Siege Battery (Ammunition Column), the 15th Corps, Troops Supply Column, the 21st Divisional Motor Transport Company and the Motor Transport Inspection Unit, General Headquarters. Promoted to Captain. SIR CHARLES S. TUPPER B.A., 1905 Appointed Lieutenant in the 79th Cameron Highlanders of Canada (43rd Battalion), August 3rd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captam. Served in France. TILLEY STRANG TUPPER M.D., 1896 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Arniy Medical Corps, April 17th, 1918. , Served in England in No. 12 Canadian General Hospital. WILLIAM GRANT TYLER B.Sc., 1917 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Training Depot, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. ORVILLE SIEVWRIGHT TYNDALE B.A., 1908; B.C.L., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, November 30th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded, September 15th, 1916. 217 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL FREDERICK CLARE UNDERBILL B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion, November 11th, 1915. At- tached to the Royal Garrison Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, June 15th, 1916. Mentioned in despatches. ivan henry upton Applied Science, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 20th, 1916, in the 66th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 14th Brigade, Promoted to Signaller. Served m France. JAMES ALFRED URQUHART M.D., 1915 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 11, July 19th, 1917. Served in Canada. JOHN BAPTIST VALENTINE Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1921 Enlisted, February 22nd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. HENRY B. VALLIERES-DE-ST.-REAL Applied Science, 1899-01 Appointed Lieutenant in the 69th Battalion, C.E.F., April 1st, 1916. Transferred to the 1st Divisional Machine Gun Company, and later to the 54th Battalion. Served in France. george vanier Applied Science, 1910-11 Enlisted, August 16th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served in Canada. GEORGE LYMAN VAN VLIET Law, 1916-17; B.A., 1923 Enlisted, April 17th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 79th Battery. Served in England. HENRI ETIENNE VAUTELET B.C.L., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column, May 4th, 1916. Transferred to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, March 18th, 1918. EDWARD MARMANILLO VELASCO Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1925 Enlisted, March 3rd, 1916, in the 6th Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Cor- poral. Served in France. Was wounded, Novem- ber 7th, 1917, and November 9th, 1918. william r. bertram venables Arts, 1904-07; Applied Science, 1904-05 Enlisted, September 23rd, 1914, in the 13th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded. francis clarence dodds vert Medicine, 1913-16 Enlisted, May 29th, 1916, in the 230th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 196th Battalion, the 46th Battalion, and to the 3rd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was wounded, June 3rd, 1917. EUSTACE MORTON VESEY M.D., 1907 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian Field Ambulance, September 25th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. CHARLES ULYSSES ROBERT VESSOT Applied Science, 1914-16; B.Sc., 1920; M.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, May 9th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. MAURICE JOSEPH VIGNEUX M.D., 1911 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps Training Depot, No. 11, July 21st, 1916. Served in Canada. JOHN LAWRENCE VAN VLIET AGRICULTURE, 1910-12 Enlisted, December 7th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Acting Sergeant. Served in England. ROY McLean van wart M.D., 1902 Appointed Major in the Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army, September, 1917. william vassie Arts, 1902-03 Appointed Lieutenant in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column, December 31st, 1914. Transferred to the 1st Canadian Heavy Battery. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES MINTON VAUGHAN Arts, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1920; M.D., 1923 Enlisted, October, 1917, in the United States Army Ambulance Service. EUGENE VINET B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Quebec Regi- ment, November 1st, 1917. Transferred to the Reserve Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, and to the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. ALBERT EDWARD VIPOND M.D., 1889 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 26th, 1916. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, the 3rd Canadian Field Ambulance, several British units, and the 1st Quebec Regiment. CHARLES WALTER VIPOND M.D., 1895 Appointed Captain in No. 1 Canadian Stationary Hospital, October 30th, 1914. Transferred to the 19th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in the Dardanelles, France, Egypt and Salonika. Mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. 218 OTHER ENLISTMENTS HAROLD HEARD VROOM B.Sc., 1910 Commissioned in the Motor Patrol Service, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, May 22nd, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. ERIC JAMES WAIN Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Air Force with a commission. Served in France. george arthur wallace Agriculture, 1913-14; Applied Science, 1914-18; B.Sc., 1919; M.Sc., 1921 Appointed Honorary Lieutenant of the Royal Marines, attached to the Anti-Submarine Division, Royal Navy, February 26th, 1918. Served in England. gates crosby saunders wallace Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted. November 26th, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Served in Egypt. ERIC HOLLOWAY WAIT Arts, 1913-14; Applied Science, 1914-15; B.Sc, 1922 Enlisted, September 1st, 1915, in the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 10th Brigade. Served in France. Was woimded, September 9th, 1918. william mclea wallbank Applied Science, 1910-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 32nd Battery, Cana- dian Field Artillery, May 15th, 1915. Served in France with the 2nd Canadian Division and the Royal Flying Corps as a Pilot. CLIFFORD RAYMOND WALDRON B.Sc., 1914 Enlisted, March, 1918, as a Cadet in the Royal Air Force. GEORGE ALEXANDER WALKEM B.A.Sc., 1896 Commissioned in the Royal Engineers, June, 1916. Served in Egypt and Palestine with the Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Major. BERNARD WATTINGTON WALKER Law, 1915-16; B.C.L., 1920 Enlisted, May, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Cana- dian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. HERBERT ERASER WALKER B.A., 1912 Appointed Captain in the 13th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 23rd. 1914. Served in France. Was wounded. JOHN LEEMING WALKER M.D., 1893 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 19th, 1917. Served in France with the 10th Canadian Stationary Hospital, the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance and the 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column. MELVYN LOTHIAN WALKER Applied Science, 1915-18; B.Sc., 1919 Enlisted, August 27th, 1918, in the 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Royal Air Force. JAMES THOMAS WALL M.D., 1913 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached to No. 5 Canadian General Hospital. June 23rd, 1915. Served m England and Salonika with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Major. justin benjamin waller Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted in the 21st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, October, 1914. Served in France with the 1st Divisional Ammunition Column and the 3rd Canadian Battery. Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain in the 99th Brigade at Salonika. ARTHUR LAMBERT WALSH Dentistry, 1916-18; D.D.S., 1920 Enlisted, May 6th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Army Dental Corps. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in Canada. cecil eric walsh Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, October 20th. 1917, in the 2nd Depot Battahon, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. CECIL OWEN WALSH M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 9th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in the Royal Army Medical Corps with the rank of Lieutenant. george brock walsh Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, February 13th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred to the Lord Strathcona Horse, later to the Ordnance Corps and finally to a Forestry Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. JAMES JOSEPH WALSH M.D., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps, February 25th, 1917. Served with the 5th Infantry, Massachusetts National Guard; the 11th United States Cavalry; the 101st United States Field Artillery; and the 101st Ammunition Train. Was wounded, July 21st, 1918. THOMAS NELSON WALSH B.A., 1889; M.D., 1892 Commissioned in the Officers Training Corps, United States Army, April, 1918. ARTHUR BRITTAIN WALTER M.D., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, November 14th, 1914. Served in France with the 6th Field Ambulance. Promoted to the rank of Major. 219 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ARTHUR WILLIAM WALTER B.Sc., 1917 Enlisted, May 27th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Depot Field Battery. Served in Canada. JAMES DUNN WALTERS Medicine, 1915-16 Enlisted, April, 1918. in the Royal Air Force. LAWRENCE JOHN WALTERS Medicine, 1912-18; M.D., 1921 Appointed Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, July 8th, 1918. JAMES ARTHUR WARBURTON B.Sc., 1913 Enlisted, September, 1914, in the Engineering Unit of the Royal Naval Division. Transferred to the 127th Field Company, Royal Engineers, and to the 78th Field Company. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France and Salonika. Twice mentioned in despatches. william eric warburton Medicine. 1911-13 Enlisted, October 5th, 1914, in the Divisional Engineers, Royal Naval Division. Transferred to the 3rd Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France and Salonika. Was wounded at GallipoU, June 27th, 1915. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order. melville ernest st. clair ward Applied Science, 1913-16 Appointed Lieutenant in the 87th Battalion, Canadian ^Expeditionary Force, October 27th, 1915. Served in France. Was wounded, Sep- tember 27th, 1918. Died of blood poisoning in London, Eng., August 17th, 1921. HERMAN LEON WARSHAWSKY B.A., 1914; M.D., 1917 Aonointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 2nd, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served m France. WILLIAM WARWICK M.D., 1904 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, and attached to the 115th Battalion, as Medical Officer, December 4th, 1915. Served in France with the 5th (Canadian) Mobile Laboratory and the 9th Canadian General Hospital. albert jabez waterman Arts, 1913-15 Enlisted, February 21st, 1916, in the 9th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Acting Lance-Corporal Served in France. Was awarded the Military Medal. charles logan waterous Applied Science, 1910-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 40th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, October, 1915. Served in France. EDWARD JAMES WATERSTON B.A., 1908; B.C.L., 1911 Enlisted, March 28th, 1916, in the 5th Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded. CONRAD ETHELBERT WATSON Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, May 5th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Transferred to the 13th Cana- dian Garrison Battery. Served in France. Was wounded at Haynecourt, October 8th, 1918. WILLIAM LEIGHT WARING Applied Science, 1914-18 Appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Regiment, Canadian Garrison Artillery, July 29th, 1916. Served in Canada and on conducting duty. AGNES LOUISE WARNER B.A., 1894 Enlisted, August 4th, 1914, and served in France as Infirmiere Major in Ambulance Chirurgical Mobile, No. 1, and Ambulance 16/21 attached to the 36 Corps, Armee Fran^aise. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Medaille des Epidemics and the Croix de Guerre with Star. JOHN EDWIN ARCHIBALD WARNER B.Sc., 1912 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, February, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. baxter james warr Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 14th, 1916, in the 9th Canadian Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in France. norman downing warriner Arts, 1911-13; Applied Science, 1913-15; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, March 21st, 1916, in the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column. Promoted to the rank of Battery Sergeant-Major. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. james r. watson Applied Science, 1905-06 Enlisted, October 4th, 1917, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the 13th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. hugh norman watt Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, May 8th, 1916, in the 6th (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. Attached to Canadian Corps Headquarters, January, 1917. william harry watts Arts, 1908-10 Appointed Major in the 9th Battalion, C.E.F., September 23rd. 1914. Served in England. OLIVER SAYLES WAUGH M.D., 1908 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Attached to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, June 17th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. william waugh Arts, 1910-12 Enlisted, April 28th, 1916, in No. 6 (McGill) Siege Battery (afterwards known as the 7th), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France. 220 n OTHER ENLISTMENTS WILLIAM RUSSELL WAY B.Sc, 1918 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in Canada. CHARLES HARRY WEBB B.Sc., 1915 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, September 1st, 1914. Served on His Majesty's Ship *'Niobe" and later in command of H.M.C.S. "Hochelaga," and of a Torpedo Boat Destroyer in the North Sea. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. KARL RUDOLPH WEBER B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, February 27th. 1917, in the 51st Engineers, United States Army. ARTHUR DOUGLAS WEBSTER M.D., 1878 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Royal Army Medical Corps, October 1st, 1914. Was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. GEORGE BOYD WEBSTER B.Sc, 1904 Enlisted, August 18th, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Transferred to the 177th Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and later to Staff Captain. Served in France. Was wounded, January 6th, 1915. EMIL EDWIN WEIBEL B.Sc., 1918 Enlisted, June, 1918, as an Engineer in the Officers Training Corps, United States Army. CHARLES WEINSTEIN Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, May 4th, 1917, in the 4th Divisional Signal Corps. Transferred to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Served in France. Was wounded at Amiens, August 8th, 1918. WILLIAM WEIR B.Sc., 1918 Enlisted, April 30th, 1918, in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lance- Corporal . Served in England. LESLIE SMILEY WELDON Applied Science, 1912-14; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, October 2nd, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Transferred to the Royal Air Force, with a commission. Served in France. Was wounded at Vimy, May 12th, 1918. RICHARD CHAPMAN WELDON M.D., 1906 Appointed Honorary Captain in the 225th Bat^lion, C.E.F., June 16th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. EUGENE CLARENCE WELLS Applied Science, 1912-16 Enlisted, December 20th, 1915, in the 117th Battalion, C.E.F. Served m F/^nf Y;^^^,.^^ 14th Battalion. Was wounded. April 10th, 1917, and September 28th, 1918. MAURICE RALPH WELLS Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, June 7th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 10th Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Was wounded. THOMAS JAMES WELLS Medicine, 1915-16; M.D.. 1922 Enlisted, May 8th, 1916, in the 117th Battalion, C.E.F. Served in France. ROYAL ERNEST CARL WERRY B.A., 1915; B.C.L., 1917 Sergeant Instructor, Military District No. 4, from April 12th, 1915, to January 15th, 1918. Then promoted to be Company Sergeant Major in the Royal Canadian Regiment. Served in Siberia. HAROLD CLIFFORD WERT M.D., 1915 Enlisted, March 8th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps with a commission, and served in Mesopotamia with the 21st and 34th Divisions, Indian Expeditionary Force, and with the 23rd Indian General Hospital. FRANK LESLIE WEST B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Depot Bat- talion, 1st Quebec Regiment, January 10th, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in England. JAMES HOWARD WHEATLEY B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, June 17th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Transferred to the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. FRANK HOWARD WHEELER M.D., 1896 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 11th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Previous service with the Royal Army Medical Corps. FREDERICK HASKELL WHEELER Applied Science, 1913-17 Enlisted, January 22nd, 1918, in the United States School of Military Aeronautics. JOHN THOMAS WHELAN Medicine, 1914-16 Enlisted, April 19th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. MORLAND POWERS WHELAN Applied Science, 1915-17; B.Sc., 1921 Enlisted, September 29th, 1917, in the 10th Siege Battery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Served in France and Belgium with the 9th Siege Battery. HAROLD AUSTIN WHITCOMB Medicine, 1915-18; M.D., 1921 Appointed Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve,^^ June 5th, 1918, serving on H.M.S. "Sabrina." MCGILL HONOUR ROLL CHARLES MARRY WHITE AGRICULTURE, 1917-18 Enlisted, July 27th, 1918, in the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment. Served in Canada. ERIC GROVE WHITE Agriculture, 1911-15; B.S.A., 1919 Enlisted, February, 1917, in the Royal Field Artillery. Served in France in the 159th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. GERALD VERNER WHITE B.Sc., 1901 Appointed Major in the 130th Battalion, C.E.F., in November, 1915. Transferred to the 224th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in England. Was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire. HAROLD WHITE Arts, 1914-15; B.A., 1922 Enlisted, February 9th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France for four years. JAMES ALEXANDER GORDON WHITE B.Sc., 1911 Appointed Lieutenant in the 7th Canadian Mounted Rifles, May 1st, 1915. Placed on the staff as Captain, Canadian Infantry Brigade, G.S.O. 3, 1st Canadian Division and Brigade Major, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Engineers. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross and the Dis- tinguished Service Order. JOHN HAROLD WHITE M.D., 1906 Appointed Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps, May 10th, 1915. Served at the Dar- danelles and in Egypt. Transferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Served in England. MacLEOD WHITE Applied Science, 1912-15; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, February 25th, 1915, in the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Served in France in the 3rd Tunnelling Company, and the 9th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Was awarded the Military Cross. patrick joseph white Arts, 1912-15 Enlisted, April 25th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in England. SAMUEL GEORGE WHITE M.D., 1903 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, October 31st, 1918. Served in Canada. Died, December, 1923. FRED RICHARD EVANS WHITTALL B.Sc., 1912 Enlisted, June 24th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Served in Canada. DAVID ALEXANDER WHITTON M.D., 1898 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 3rd Divis- ional Ammunition Column, C.E.F., March 3rd, 1916. Served in France and also as O.C. Hospital Ship ''Araguaya," 1917-18. Was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. HAROLD EUSTACE WHYTE B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, May, 1915, in the 21st Company, Canadian Army Service Corps. Served in France with the 21st Co. C.A.S.C., the 102nd Battalion and the Canadian Army Pay Corps. Promoted to the rank of Honorary Captain. Was invalided home, September, 1916. JEAN FRANCOIS WICKENDEN Applied Science, 1914-17; B.Sc., 1920 Enlisted, November 12th, 1917, in the 23rd Regiment, United States Engineers. Served in France. JOHN CUTHBERT WICKHAM M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital, April 5th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. john arthur wickson Applied Science, 1910-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 10th Service Company, Canadian Army Service Corps, June 22nd, 1918. Served in Canada. walter halpenny wickware Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1917, in No. 2 Canadian Army Service Corps Training Depot. Served in Canada. CHARLES EDWARD WIENKE Medicine, 1911-15; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, February 22nd, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. WILLIAM IRVING WIGGIN M.D., 1901 Appointed Captain in the United States Red Cross, October, 1917. henry ross wiggs Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, April 25th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft. Served in France with the 10th Canadian Siege Battery, 3rd Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Was gassed. HARRY THOMAS CAMERON WHITLEY Medicine, 1912-14; M.D., 1923 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Brigade, Ammunition Column, Canadian Field Artillery, September 21st, 1914. Transferred to the 1st Artillery Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was twice wounded. Twice mentioned in despatches. CHARLES JOHN WILCOX Agriculture, 1910-14; B.S.A.. 1919 Enlisted, October 31st, 1914, in the 23rd Bat- talion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 4th Battalion. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was wounded, December 4th, 1915. and September 2nd, 1918. Was awarded the Military Medal and Military Cross. 222 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ALFRED BURTON WILKES B.A., 1913; M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 9th. 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. FRANCIS HILTON WILKES B. Arch., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Dragoons, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. FRANCIS ALFRED WILKIN B.A.Sc., 1895 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Was wounded. Awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR GRIFFITH WILKINS B.Sc, 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, May 15th, 1918. Served in England. WALTER ASHBURY WILKINS M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1915. Served m France. charles thomas wilkinson Applied Science, 1894-96 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the 156th Battalion. C.E.F., December 7th, 1915. Trans- ferred to the 6th Reserve Battalion. Served m England. arthur willans Arts, 1915-16 Enlisted, January 10th, 1916, in the 148th Battalion, C.E.F. Transferred to the 16th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served m France. Wounded at Mericourt, September 20th, 1917. alfred gordon williams Arts. 1905-06; 1907-08; Applied Science, 1906-08 Enlisted, February 17th. 1916, in the 136th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Served m England. CHARLES McALISTER WILLIAMS B.S.A., 1911 Appointed Captain in the 106th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, December IcJth, 1915. Served in England. EDWARD JOHNSTON WILLIAMS B.A., 1892; M.D.. 1897 Appointed Major in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 24th. 1914. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was men- tioned in despatches twice, and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. FRANCIS GEORGE MAXWELL WILLIAMS B.Sc, 1910 Enlisted, May 20th, 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Transferred to the Royal Flymg Corps with a commission. Served m England. JAMES ALLAN WILLIAMS M.D., 1895 Served in Canada on active duty with the Army Medical Corps from September, 1914, to January 2nd, 1918, when he was absorbed into the Canadian Expeditionary Force and appointed Major; in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. JAMES FRANCIS WILLIAMS M.D.. 1886 Enlisted, November, 1916, and served in a Military Hospital in England until February, 1919. leonard francis williams Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, October 16th, 1915, in the 4th Univer- sities Companv, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry". Transferred to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps and to the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. THOMAS ANWYL WILLIAMS B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, April 15th, 1915. in the 26th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 26th, 5th and 7th Batteries, C.F.A. Was wounded. September 25th, 1917, April 1st, 1918, and August 15th, 1918. allan williamson Arts, 1912-14; Applied Science. 1914-15 Enlisted, October 27th, 1914, in the 23rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant. HAROLD FREEMAN WILLIAMSON B.S.A.. 1915 Enlisted, March 17th. 1915. in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the 157th and then to the 217th Battery. Royal Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Acting Captain. Served in France. NORMAN TRENHOLM WILLIAMSON Arts, 1911-14; Medicine, 1913-15; M.D., 1920 Enlisted, March 8th. 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Transferred to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, with a commission. Served in France. WILLIAM REGINALD WILLIAMSON Applied Science. 1905-07; 1908-10 Enlisted, October 30th. 1917, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France with the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Engineers. inglis willis Arts, 1913-14 Enlisted, March 16th, 1917. in the Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Canadian Siege Battery. Served m France. LeBARON BOTSFORD WILMOT M.D.. 1901 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, June 6th, 1915. lemuel allan wilmot Applied Science, 1909-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 29th Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force, December 29th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded. Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 223 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL ALEXANDER WILSON B.Sc., 1909 Appointed Lieutenant in the 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 15th, 1916. Transferred to the 42nd Battalion. Served m France. alfred laurence wilson Applied Science, 1913-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the 32nd Battery. Canadian Field Artillery, November 2nd, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served m France. Was mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Military Cross. ARTHUR ALBERT WILSON M.D., 1907 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medi- cal Corps. ARTHUR LOUIS WILSON B.Sc., 1915 Enlisted, October 4th, 1915, in the 3rd Divisional Engineers. Transferred to the 9th Field Com- pany, Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. BRADLEY ALEXANDER WILSON Arts, 1911-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Field Artillery, 2nd Heavy Battery, September 28th, 1915. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. charles a. wilson Agriculture, 1914-15 Enlisted, January 13th, 1915, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Served in France. Was wounded, June 2nd, 1916. CHARLES EDWIN WILSON Medicine, 1899-1902 Appointed Captain and Medical Officer in the 93rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, June 27th, 1916. ELDON PARKER WILSON Applied Science, 1913-16; B.Sc., 1920 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, October 24th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross and Bar. ELLWOOD WILSON Applied Science, 1915-16 Enlisted, November 19th, 1916, in the 242nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 44th Battalion, and then to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Promoted to the rank of Acting Sergeant. Served in France. erastus william wilson Applied Science, 1908-10 Appointed Captain in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifies, April 29th, 1915. Served in France. FRANCIS WALTER ERNEST WILSON M.D., 1897 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, February 23rd, 1915. Trans- ferred to the 50th Battalion, C.E.F., and to the Canadian Forestry Corps with the rank of Medical Officer and Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and made Companion of the Order of the British Empire. GEORGE THOMAS WILSON B.A., 1908; M.D., 1910 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, May 4th, 1917. Served m France in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. HUGH ALLEN WILSON Applied Science, 1914-16 Enlisted, October, 1915, as a Flight Sub-Lieu- tenant in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Was awarded the Air Force Cross and the Order of Ste. Anne's (Russia). JAMES KINNEAR WILSON APPLIED Science, 1913-15; B.Sc, 1921 Enlisted, March 23rd, 1915, in the 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 7th Brigade, C.F.A., to the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column, and to the 5th Brigade, C.F.A. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Awarded the Military Cross. JAMES MOIR WILSON Applied Science, 1911-14; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, October 24th, 1914, in the 24th Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Wounded, September 28th, 1915; March 23rd, 1916, and July 22nd, 1917. Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. ROBERT WILSON M.D., 1893 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, September 27th, 1914. Trans- ferred to the 1st Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France and on Headquarters Staff, London, England. He was then appointed to take charge of physiotherapy and electrotherapy in Canadian hospitals. Died November 1st, 1919, in St. Andrew's Military Hospital, Toronto, Ont. ROBERT DONALD WILSON M.D., 1915 Enlisted, February 9th, 1915, in No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Served in France with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Captain. SELWYN HAMILTON WILSON Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc, 1922 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Divisional Signal Company, April 19th, 1916. Transferred to the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column and to the 13th Field Battery, 4th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. WILLIAM DOUGLAS WILSON B.Sc., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the 40th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, September 13th, 1915. Transferred to the 10th Brigade. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order. arthur enderton windatt Applied Science, 1912-15 Enlisted, October 16th, 1915, in the 4th Uni- versities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 2nd and agam to the 8th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to Bombardier. Served in France. Was wounded, May 7th, 1917. 224 OTHER ENLISTMENTS ERIC CHARLES WINDELER M.D., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in No. 5 Canadian Field Ambulance, August 5th, 1914. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, and then to No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. HENRY STANTON WINDELER B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Newfound- land Regiment, November, 1914. Transferred to the Machine Gun Corps, Imperial Army. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France and Gallipoli. Was awarded the Military Cross. hugh pelham winslow Applied Science, 1909-10 Enlisted, September 24th, 1914, in the 6th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the Royal Navy with a commission. Was wounded. KENELM MOLSON WINSLOW Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, June 19th, 1916. Served in France with the 3rd Army Troop Company, Canadian Engineers. frederick roberts winter Applied Science, 1917-18 Enlisted, November 15th, 1917, as a cadet, in the Royal Air Force. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Served in England. DAVID JAMES GIBE WISHART M.D., 1885 Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, April 1st, 1918. Served m Canada. WILLIAM HORATIUS WISSE Applied Science, 1912-14; Dentistry, 1915-18; D.D.S., 1919 Enlisted, July 27th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment. Served m Canada. CHARLES GEORGE LEWIS WOLF M.D., 1894 Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, September, 1914. Served as Medical Officer, on the Hospital Ship "Oxford- shire," with the 5th Stationary Hospital and the Base Hygiene Laboratory, as Officer m charge. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Twice mentioned in despatches. THOMAS CONRAD WOLFF M.D., 1917 Served with the Military Hospitals Commission and in the Active Militia for six months prior to enrolment for overseas service. Apppintecl Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. November 15th, 1917. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served m England. hugh edward wonham Arts, 1914-15 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, April 23rd, 1917. Served m France. CASEY A. WOOD M.D., 1906 On active service as a Colonel in the United States Medical Reserve Corps, November, 1916. DOUGLAS FLETCHER WOOD B.Sc., 1911 Enlisted, October 25th, 1915, in the Canadian Siege Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant. Served in France. GILBERT OSBORNE WOOD M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, January 25th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. EDGAR GEORGE WOOD B.S.A., 1917 Enlisted in the 76th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted to the rank of Signaller. HARRY GARDNER WOOD M.D., 1904 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, March 10th, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. JAMES ALONZO WOOD B.Sc., 1914 Appointed Lieutenant in the 10th Field Com- pany, Canadian Engineers, January 1st, 1916. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. Was wounded three times and awarded the Military Cross. JAMES WALTER WOODLEY M.D., 1899 Appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, June 6th, 1916. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. JAMES B. WOODROW M.D., 1907 Commissioned Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Served in France. Was wounded. BERNARD JOHN WOODRUFF Applied Science, 1911-14 Enlisted, September 22nd, 1914, in the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Pro- moted to the rank of Company Sergeant-Major. Served in France. Was wounded, April 24th, 1915. THOMAS ADAMS WOODRUFF M.D., 1888 Commissioned, September, 1917, as a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in the United States. ARTHUR GERALD WOODWARD MEDICINE, 1914-15 Commissioned, August 4th, 1915, in the Royal Naval Air Service. Promoted to the rank ot Flight Commander and Captain in the Royal Air Force. Served in France, Salonika and the Dardanelles. WILLIAM MOORE WOODWARD Agriculture, 1916-17 Enlisted, April 24th, 1917, in the McGill Siege Artillery Draft (10th Siege Battery), Canadian Garrison Artillery. Promoted to the rank eft Bombardier. Served in France. 225 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL william walton woodwark Agriculture, 1914-16 Enlisted, July 6lh, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment. Served in England. DAVID HERBERT WOOLLATT B.Sc., 1916 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers, July 17th, 1918. Served in England. CHARLES DESMOND WOOLWARD Applied Science, 1915-16; B.Sc., 1922 Enlisted, September 11th, 1916, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Served with the rank of Bombardier in France. mervin karl work Applied Science, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 12th, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps. Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. Served in France. ellis edward workman Arts, 1911-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Canadian Tank Battalion, April 20th, 1918. Served in England. edgar thomas worswick Applied Science, 1903-05 Enlisted, September 30th, 1914, in the Divisional Ammunition Column, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Transferred to the 1st General Hospital with the rank of Lance-Corporal, and again to the Imperial Army with a commission. Served in France. hugh eames wortley Medicine, 1914-15 Enlisted, November 21st, 1914, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Transferred to the New Army, B.E.F., with a commission. HUGH CLAPHAM WOTHERSPOON Arts, 1898-1900; Medicine, 1899-1902 Appointed Lieutenant in the 46th Regiment, Infantry School of Instruction, Kingston, Ont. January, 1915. Served as Staff Adjutant in the Royal Military College and Officer in charge of Records, Royal Military College. PromotSi to the rank of Major. Medically unfit for overseas service. edward shirreff wright Arts, 1914-15; Agriculture, 1915-16 Enlisted, June 1st, 1916, in the 65th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 2nd Howitzer Battery, 1st Brigade, C.F.A. Served in France. Was wounded, December 18th, 1917, and August 8th, 1918. harry gordon wright Applied Science, 1913-14 Appointed Lieutenant in the 259th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, September 19th, 1918. Served in Siberia. henry PULTENEY WRIGHT M.D., 1914 Appointed Captain in the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical Corps, November, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. HENRY STANLEY WRIGHT Medicine, 1912-15; M.D., 1918 Enlisted, February 19th. 1915, in the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. john henry wright Arts, 1896-97 Enlisted, March 11th, 1916, in the 131st Bat- talion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 3rd Canadian Casualty Clearing Station as Chaplain, with the rank of Honorary Captain. Served in France. ROBERT PERCY WRIGHT M.D., 1908 Appointed Major in No. 1 Canadian Field Ambulance, September 30th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches four times. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order and made a Com- panion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. STEPHEN VICKERS WRIGHT B.A., 1914 Enlisted, April 26th, 1918, in the Royal Air Force. Served in Canada. william e. wright Applied Science, 1908-09 Enlisted, December 27th, 1915, in the 5th Universities Company, Princess Patricia's Cana- dian Light Infantry. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Served in France. Was wounded. CHARLES FENWICK WYLDE M.D., 1888 Appointed Major in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital, September 22nd, 1914. Served in France and England with Nos. 1 and 10 Canadian General Hospitals, and was also A.D.M.S. London Area after February 22nd, 1918. Pro- moted to the rank of Temporary Colonel. Was mentioned in despatches. Made a Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (3rd Class). JOHN KIRBY WYMAN B.Sc., 1910 Commissioned in the Royal Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in Egypt and Salonika. Was mentioned in despatches. EMSLEY LEWIS YEO B.A., 1915 Enlisted, December 1st, 1916, as a Corporal in the 4th Section, Canadian Divisional Ammuni- tion Column. Served in France with the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column and the 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. ALEXANDER ARTHUR YOUNG B.Sc., 1910 Appointed Lieutenant in the 27th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, November 1st, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major. Served in France. CHARLES ANDREW YOUNG M.D., 1905 Appointed Captain in No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital, September 24th, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Served in France. Mentioned in despatches. 226 r OTHER ENLISTMENTS douglas mcfarlane young Arts. 1906-07 Enlisted, December 17th, 1917, in the 79th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Transferred to the 5th Brigade, C.F.A. Served in France. GEORGE HERBERT YOUNGER Arts, 1914-16; B.A., 1919; B.C.L., 1921 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Service Corps, March 6th, 1916. Discharged in Canada as physically unfit for overseas service. george r. young Agriculture Appointed Lieutenant in the 185th Battalion (afterwards the 85th), Canadian Expeditionary Force. Served in France. Was wounded June, 1917. john watson yuile Applied Science, 1910-11 Appointed Lieutenant in the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, June 8th, 1915. Transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Pro- moted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. HERBERT MAITLAND YOUNG Medicine, 1914-18; M.D., 1919 Enlisted, May 7th, 1918, in the 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Quebec Regiment, C.E.F. Trans- ferred to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Training Depot No. 4. Served in Canada. HORACE GREELY YOUNG B.Sc., 1906 Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian En- gineers Training Depot, June 1st, 1917. Served in France with the 12th Battalion, Canadian Engineers. richard thomas young Applied Science, 1910-11; Arts, 1911-13 Appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, September 22nd, 1914. Promoted to the rank of Major, commanding the 39th Battery. 10th Brigade, C.F.A. Served in France. Was wounded, June 18th, 1915. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre and Chevalier de rOrdre de Leopold, Belgique. william lee young Applied Science, 1906-10 Enlisted, February 17th, 1916, in the 194th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Trans- ferred to the 10th Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in France. Was awarded the Military Cross. HARRY HOGG YUILL B.Sc., 1909; M.Sc, 1910 Enlisted, January 22nd, 1915, in the Artists* Rifles (T.F.), Imperial Army. Commissioned in the Royal Engineers (170th Mining Company). Served as Controller of Mines, First Army Head- quarters. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. Served in France. Was mentioned in despatches four times, and awarded the Military Cross, the Croix de Guerre and the Distinguished Service Order. LIONEL SHIRLEY YUILL Law, 1914-15; B.C.L., 1918 Enlisted, February 4th, 1915, in the 1st Univer- sities Company, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Transferred to the 52nd Bat- talion, C.E.F. Promoted to the rank of Captain. Served in France. Was wounded at Ypres, June 9th, 1916. RUSSELL YUILL B.Sc.. 1915 Enlisted, February 28th, 1918, in the Canadian Engineers. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Served in England. everett edward zwicky Applied Science, 1912-14 Enlisted, April 22nd, 1917, in the United States Navy. Promoted to 1st Class Engineer. 227 MCGILL HONOUR ROLL SUMMARY Number Enlisted ^^^^^^^ Graduates ^^n^^^^^^^^^ students ^^'-^ Arts 218 272 144 634 Medicine 630 158 61 849 Applied Science 525 443 220 1188 ^ir^'"";:;;;::::::::::::::^^ it 'It 'I 12I Pharmacy 0 8 0 8 Veterinary Science X o Music ^ ^ S ? Household Science 4 0 0 4 Dentistry 19 12 1 32 Totals 1540 1061 458 3059 NOTE— To Arts should be added 88 who graduated in Medicine, 50 who graduated in Law and 15 who graduated in Applied Science— total 153. Number Killed or Died on Service Faculty Graduates Under- graduates Past Students Total Arts 35 42 23 100 Medicine 18 9 4 31 Applied Science 94 63 31 188 Agriculture 7 8 5 20 Law 14 5 0 19 Dentistry 3 1 0 4 Veterinary Science 1 0 0 1 Totals 172 128 63 363 NOTE — To Arts should be added 6 who also graduated in Medicine, 9 who also graduated in Law and 3 who also graduated in AppUed Science. Decorations Arts Med. Ap. Sci. Law Agri. Dent. Vet, Total v.c 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 C.B 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 C.M.G 7 9 5 2 0 0 1 24 C.B.E 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 9 O.B.E 5 7 3 4 0 0 1 20 M.B.E 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 6 D.S.O 17 27 32 5 1 1 1 84 D.S.O. & Bar 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 D.S.O. & 2 Bars 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 M.C 40 51 129 8 8 0 0 236 M.C. & Bar 3 8 14 1 0 0 0 26 M.C. & 2 Bars 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 D.S.C 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 D.F.C 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 8 A.F.C 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 D.C.M 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 D.C.M. & Bar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M.M 14 3 7 0 10 0 0 34 M.M. & Bar 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 M.S.M 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Mentioned in Despatches . . 57 68 115 12 2 1 3 258 Foreign Decorations 12 11 24 4 1 0 2 54 Auxiliary Services Decora- tion 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 172 198 352 37 22 2 8 791 228 r 5 4' r i si r )