CHEAP REPOSITORY. Amm mm . ... i r " " " 1 -w— ^> THE GOOD MILITIA MAN; OR, THE Man that is worth a Hoft, BEING A NEW SONG By Honest Dan the Plough-boy turned Soldier. Sold by . J. MARSHALL, (Pr inter to the Cheap Repository for Moral and Religious Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aldei* mary Church- Yard, and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, London. By S. HAZARD, at Bath: J. ELDER, at Edinburgh, and by all Bookfellers, Newfmen, and Hawkers in Town and Country. Great Allowance nxrill he made to Shopkeepers* and Hatu&ers* PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. Or 2s. 3d. per 100. — is. 6d. for 50. — gd. for 25. A Cheaper Edition ior Hawkers. [Entered at Stationers Hall. ] ;; ' 'the t _ : GOOD MILITIA MAN, &c, I WAS a Plough-boy tall Sir; My name was honeft Dan; But at my country's call, Sif 3 I've turn'd Militia Man. 1L So on our little green, Sir^ Away from all the mire* I daily now am feen. Sir, To cock, prefentj and _fir& MIo la ( 4 I III." In Regimentals bright, Sir, Of Scarlet I do fihine, With hair tied up fo tight. Sir, And whiten'd all fo fine. Of Maidens not a few, Sir Come crouding round the green And fo do Parents too. Sir; The Children pufh between. There like a Soldier prime, Sir, I march both quick and flow; I ftamp my foot in time, Sir, And then kick up my toe. ( 5 ) Mean while, with found fo grand. Sir They beat the Rum— drum— drum Till all our valiant Band, Sir, Do wifli the French would come, VIL _ _ i But flop— methinks 'tis wrong, Sir 5 To talk this fwelling fluff; For no true Soldier's long, Sir Should deal in empty puff. VIIL HI give you then a fpice, Sir (Oh now you'll like my plan) Gf found and good advice, Sir For each Militia Man. I 6 ) IX. Firft then, be found at heart, Sir* Be loyal, fays my Song ; And nobly a£t your part, Sir To right your Country's wrong. X. Yet let no Soldier hold, Si% He merely need be ftout. And blunt and brave and bold, Sir^ And mad to fight it out ; XI. Your Soldier of true ftamp, Sir Is not like brutifh Cattle 5 And he'll be good in camp, Si r. As well as good in battle. ( 7 ) XII. Unlike the loofer herd, Sir Each vice he'll try to crufh ; Nor will he fpeak a word. Sir To make a Maiden blufh. '' 'm i xiil Nor will he fliew his fpunk. Sir, By turning jolly fellow; He never will be drunk, Sir, No, no — nor yet be mellow* XIV. ' WMM He counts it quite a fhame, Sir To hear a Soldier fwear; 8 Tis what King George would blame, Sir, No doubt if he was there, • " : XV. Nor Iff BVW$% Nor does he laugh and grin. Sir. At thefe as petty things; Your fwearing is a fin, Sir Againft the King of Kings, XVI, For be it underftood, Sir He fays with honeft Dan, * c The Soldier can't be good. Sir While wicked is the Man/' XVII. Now fhould fome faucy Tongue , Sir,. Here ftop me for a Toaft, I'll give the Man I've fung. Sir, u The Man that's worth a hoft." T H E E N D,