THE FAMOUS HISTORY OF THE LEARNED FRIAR BACON. London: Printed for, and sold by C„ SHEPPARP, No.£, Aylesbury Street, Clerkenwell. [Price One Penny.] Rhynd, Printer $ 21, Ray Street , ClerkenvnU* HISTORY OF FRIAR BACQN. CHAP. I. Friar Bacon s Parentage and Birth ; and by what Means be became fo* great a Scholar. Ho-iv the King fent for him from Oxford to Jhew him his Art ; and in put me to more ? Methinks I have given you learning enough to enable you to be constable or churchwarden of the parish, and tar outdo those in that office, who can neither read nor- write ; let that suffice, the rest of your busi- ness for the future must be to leai^n horse language and whistle well; thatyou may / dextrouslj / 5 ■ dexterously drive the plow ami cart, and well manage sheep and oxen; for, sirrah, said ise r . have I any body else to leave my farm to but you? and yet you take upon you tor- sooth to be a scholar, and consequently a gent Ionian, for they profess themselves so; you live upon the fruit of other men's labour ? Marry % go ye up Good man -Two- Shoes, your Grvai Grandfather,- -Grandfather, and I, have thou^hf it no scorn to dig and drive; and pray what are you better than us? — Here, trirrah^ take this whip and gg to plow, or I shall s*> lace your fine scholarship that you had better this had never been mentioned to me* Yean £ 6 > Young Bacon was much' displeased and highly grieved, but durst not reply, seeing his father in a passion.— This sort of living so very little agreed with his genius that in a short time he gave them the slip, and going to a monastry, and making his desires known, to the superior, he kindly entertained him, and made him a brother of the society of Augustine Friars. There he profited so much, that in a short time- he was sent to Oxford, where, he soon grew so great a proficient, that his tame spread not only in the Univer- sity, but all over England, and reached the King's ears, who, taking progress with his Queen and Nobles, was desirous to see him.— Being at a Nobleman's house about four miles from the city, he sent a gentleman of the bedchamber to desire Bacon to come to him. The courtier delay ed not his message, and finding Bacon at his study, did his errand, The* Friar bid him make haste back, or he would be with his master before him. — M this he smiled, being well mounted, saying, Scholars and travellers may lie with autho- rity. — Well, said Friar Bacon, to convince you, I will not only be there before you but shew you the cook- maid you lay with last. Well, said the gentleman, I suppose one is as true as the other. A way he rode thinking to be at the King's quarters in a short space* but a great mist arose so that be knew not which way to ride, and missing the road, turned 7 turned down a bye lane* and rode otct hedge and ditch , backwards and foiwani& 611 the charm was dissolved* When the Friar came info the King's presence,/ he made his obeisance^ and was kindly received by bim* Then the .Kbg. said, Worthy Bacon, having heard miscb ©£ your tame, the cause of my seeding wastes he a spectator of the fine curiosities of your &rL The Friar excused himself at fi-r-st^ hat the King pressing it, and promising on his word that no harm would come to- him> he bid every one keep silence, and then waving: bis magic wand, there presently ensned the most melodious music they bad ever heard^ which continued very ravishing half an hour. Then waving his wand, another kind o€ music v^as heard ; and as they played a table was' placed by an invisible hand, and richly covered with all the dainties that could be thought on.. Then he bid the King and Queen draw near to partake of the provision^ and thereupon the place was perfumed with, all the sweets of Arabia, Then waving his wand again*, came in Russians, Persians^ and Polanders, clad with the finest furs and richest silks in the universe; which he bid them feel ; and then the strangers all dancing after their fashion, vanished, In i 8 In- this Friar Bacon pleased their five: senses; so that the King offered him money, but he refused, saying, he must not take it* However, the King gave him a jewel of great value, desiring him to keep it as a mark of his favour. — During this, the gentleman of the bedchamber came in puffing and blowing, all bemired and dirty, his face and hands . scratched with bushes and briars. — The King asked him, Why he staid so long,! and why he came in that condition?— Oh ! the plague, said he, take Friar Bacon, and all his Devils, they have-led me a dance to the endangering my neck; but the dog is here, I'll be revenged on him. Then he laid his hand upon his sword ; but Bacon waving his wand, fixed it in the scabbard, that he could* not draw it, saying, 1 fear not thy anger, thou hadst best be quiet, lest a worse thing befal thee. Then he told the King how he had given him the lie, when he told him he would be there before him. While he was thus speaking, in came the cook-maid, brought by a sprite to the window, with a spit and a roasted shoulder of mutton on it, being thus surprised as she was taking it up. — So wish- fully looking about her, and seeing the gentleman, cried, Oh! my dear sweet Knight, are you here? Pray remember your promised linen and other necessaries for me; our pleasure has swelled, and 1 have but two months to. reckon, so running towards him, ' \ he he turning aside, she was carried out of ano-« ther window to her master's house. — This caused amazement ana 1 laughter, though the courtier was much ashamed and confounded to he thus exposed, still muttering the greatest revenge. But Friar Bacon told him, the best; way was to put up with all, as he had verified both promises, and told him to have a care how he gave a scholar the lie for the future. » The King and Queen highly pleased at the entertainment, greatly commended his art ; and then premised him their protection, took leave of him, returning to London, and he to Brazen-Nose college. ii CHAP* Id CHAP. II. Friar Bacon puts a comical Trick on his Man Miles* who pretended Abftinence on Faft Days % concealing Fifiuals in his Pocket: he faves a Gentleman npho had given him/elf to the Devil for a Sum of 'Money , and fo put a Trick on the old Deceiver of Mankind, Friar Bacon* kept a man to wait upon Iiim, who, though a simple, was a merry fellow: his name was Miles, and though his ' master and those of the order often fasted on set days, Miles loved his belly too well, and though outwardly he seemed to fast for com- pliance, he alwaj T s kept a private reserve in the corner: which Bacon knew by his art. and resolved to put a trick upon him. It so happened on Good Friday a fast was held, and Miles seemed very devout ; for when his master bid him take a bit of bread and a cup of wine, to keep him from fainting, he refused it, saying, He was a great sinner, and ought to do more than this, for his mortification, and to gain absolution, making a great show of sanctity, and how he was Inclined to keep the fast. It will be well, said the Briar, I don't catch you tripping. Hereupon Miles' went into his cell, pretend- ing to praj, but indeed to eat a line pudding I 1 he had concealed. But he had no sooner p A ut the end of it to his mouth, but it stuck there, he could neither eat it or get it out. The use of both his hands failed, and he was taken with a shivering all over; so that thinking he should die presently, he cried out for help ; whereon Friar Bacon calling all his scholars together, he went to see what was the matter, and perceiving him in this condition, said, Now I see what a penitent servant I have got, who pretended to be so very conscien- tious die would not touch a bit of bread, yet privately would be have devoured two pounds of pudding to his breakfast. — He en- treated him to dissolve the charm and deliver him, and he would never do so again. No, said the Friar, you shall do penance for this. So taking hold of the end of the pudding he led him out to the scholars, saying, Here is a queasy-stomached fellow, that would not touch a bit of bread. When thej/ saw him in this plight, they laughed heartily; but Friar Bacon not contented, led him to the college gate, and fixing the end of, the pudding to the bar, he left him there, with the following lines on his back ; .. . «L .... \\ ■ Qj ' t This Friar Bacon's man, who vow'd to fast, But in dissembling thus was caught at last* # The pudding more religion had than he, Though he would eat, it would not down you see, * Then of hypocrisy pray all beware, Lest Like disgrace be each dissembler's sLare. Miles 12 Miles was basely jeered and* , sported by both scholars and town's-people : but after four hours penance his master released him;, and he ever kept the fast, not so much out of religion as tear, lest a worse trick should be put upon him- While Friar Bacon flourished at Oxford, a young gentleman, by his prodigality^ had run out his estate, and was much in d^bi; lie grew exceeding pensive and melancholy,, proposing to make an end ot his miseries,, and the scorns that were put on him by former companions ; so walking in the -grove full of sorrow, he met an old man in ,goi>>:: cloathing who saluted him, demanding the cause of his melancholy. At first lie re- fused to, tell him; but he urging it, :am:d promising to assist him, it he wanted any thing ; he said, I am in want; I wantmoneT to buy food, pay debts, and main' things more ; can you help me to enough to do it? I can, said the old man, on one* ooni- ditiom What is that? said the gentlenaaia r if it be any thing tolerable I shall not reftii,^ it; for I cannot be well worse than I am. — < Why, said the other, the matter is nat much; you shall only oblige yourself, w.heo. I have furnished you with money to do all you named, and when you have paid yom creditors, to become obedient to me- .Now the young man taking him for a usurer* and very rich, supposed tills fetch was only a device to marry his daughter, or some kinswoman of his, consented. Upon this he bid him come next morning, where he would have the writings ready, and on signing he should have the money. — So they parted, and the gentleman delayed not coming, without asking advice, and was as punctually met, but when he saw the writing was in blood, he began to start; but the oLd man told him it was only a whim of his own to have it so, to distinguish it .from other men's, and put his debtors more in mind to repay the money he had lent them. Upon this and the gentleman seeing store of gold, he believed him. — But, said he, shall I write with the same?— Oh, said the other, Til prick jour right vein ; and so he did, whilst the gentleman found an unusual trembling and inward remorse in his mind: however, taking the bloody pen iu his hand, he subscribed. Then , telling all the money into the bag, he tpok his leave, and departed : but he laughed to think how he would find him out, since he had never asked h i in A where he lived. Soon after he summoned his creditors, paid them to a farthing, and recovered his esteem again. But as he was looking over tke H the writings In his closet one evening, he heard somebody rap at the door, when open- ing it, he saw the party whom he had bor- rowed the money of holding the writing; in his hand-, telling him he was now come ' to demand him, and he must go with him; for to 1iis knowledge he had paid his -debts;, nnd done what was agreed to. The gentleman, wondering how he shcuM know this so soon, denied it. Nay ; replied he, ueny it not; and thereupon, changing into a -horrible shape, struck him alino^ dead with fear; for he then knew it was the Devil. — Then he said, if he did not meet him on the rnOrrcw with the money, he would come the next day and tear him $s> pieces. And said, if I do not prove wfal I say, you shall be at quiet.; and .so vanish dL in a flame ot tire. . The gentleman seeing' i'imsdf in tifflw* case, began to weep bitterly, and wished he had rather been contented in his sad condi- tion, than to have taken such a desperate way to enrich himself, and was just at Ms. wit's end. Friar Bacon, knowing by his art what had passed came to contort him ; and, hav* ing heard' the story,, bid "him not despair* but repent of bis sins, and he would coa- *5 trive a way to relieve him from Lis obliga* tion. He £aid, Meet him at the time set, and I will be near t offer to put the decision of the matter to the next that comes by, which shall be myself; and I will find an infallible way to give it on your side.— Accordingly they met, and the Devil con- sented to put it to arbitration ; then Friar Bacon appeared, Lo! said the gentleman, here is' a proper, judge, this pious father shall determine it, and if it goes against me, you shall have liberty to do as you please. Content, said the Devil. Both of them told their story, and the writings were produced, with the acquit- tances he had taken; for the Devil, contrary to his knowledge, had stolen them and the other writings belonging to tlie state. The Friar well weighing, the matter, asked the gentleman, whether he had paid the Devil any of the money he had borrow- ed of him? No, said he, not a farthing. Well, then, said he, Mr. Devil, his debts' Tjire not paid : } t ou are the principal creditor ; and according to the writing,, you can lay no claim to him till his debts are discharg- ed. How, now, replied the Devil, am I out-witte:d then? O, Friar, thou art a crafty * -> knave. i6 knave. Hereupon he vanished in flames, raising a mighty tempest of rain, thunder and lightning ; so they were wet to the skin before they got Shelter. Then the Friar charged him never to pay the Devil a farthing, whatever shape or artifice he made use of, so he should not have any power over him. ' The gentleman upon this, living a tem- perate frugal life, grew very rich, and leaving no issue behind him, bequeathed his estate to Brazen - Nose College, because Friar Bacon, a member of it, had delivered him from so great and imminent danger. CHAP. i'7 CHAP. III. Friar Bacon frames a Brazen Head Friar Bacon being now a profound pro- ficient in the Art of Magic, and many other sciences, contrived with one Friar Bungey, who was his pupil, to do something memor- able for the good of their country ; and many things they cast in mind. At last they re- membered thatEngland hadoften been haras- sed and invaded by the Romans and other na- tions, at several times, to the great erfusion of blood ; and should any thing be contrived to prevent this they should raise a lasting monument to their immortal names. Bacon upon this concluded to frame a Head of Brass, and if by their art they could make it speak, and answer their demands, the}' would require that all the sea-girt shores of England and Wales be w ailed with brass, and brazen towers raised on the frontiers of Scotland to hinder the incursions of the hardy Scots. They iS They laboured to do this by art, but could not; wherefore they conjured up a sprite, to inquire of the infernal council, whether it might be done or not? The sprite, how- ever, was unwilling to answer, if Bacon had not threatened by his charms to bind him in the Red Sea, and make him the spcrt of wrecking whirlwinds. Terrified by this menace, he answered, That he could not tell him positively, but must inquire of Lord Lucifer ; hereupon they granted him two days for an answer, and accordingly he returned the following : If they would watch carefully for two nponths it shqfild speak in that time ; but the certain tiine'Miouid not be known to them ; and then if tbey hpard it, and made their demands, what they desired should be an- swered, At this they, much rejoiced, and then watched by turns very carefully for six weeks, when no voice was uttered. Being at length quite tired out, and broken for want of their natural rest, they concluded that some other might watch as well as them,, while they refreshed themselves with •,'epose ; and call them when the head began to speak, which would be time enough ; and this was a secret, they did not cave to have 19 It known, till they saw what they could joa&e ot it. « Bacon proposed his man Miles, and Bun- gey approved him, so he was called, and fold the nature of the head, and what was intemled by it, giving him a strict charge, as soon as ever he heard it speak to awake tktm* • For that, said he, master, let me alone, I warrant you I shall do your, business for you effectually, never fear it. So he got a long sword to guard himself, and ako a tabor, and pipe, to play and keep himself awake* if any drowsiness should overtake The charge being given him, and he thus accoutred 5 the Friars went to rest in the next wmm within calk Miles upon this began to pipe and sing merrily. While this merriment passed, after a sad Boke, like thunder almost spent, the head spoke distinctly these two words — TIME IS-. — O, O! said Miles, is this ail the news you can tell me? Well, Copper Nose, ha» mj master taken all this pains about you, and you can speak no wiser? Dost think I sees such a fool to break his sweet slumber 20 for this? No, speak wiser, or he shall sleep on. Time is, quotha! Why I know time is, and that you shall hear, .Goodman Kettle, Time is for so vie to gain 9 Time is for seme to lose. Time is for some to bang y 'But then they do not cbuse. Hear you this, Goodman Copper Nose* we scholars know what Time is without thy bahbling ; we 4cnqw when Time is to drink good sack, eat well, kiss our hostess, and run on the score ; but the time to pay them indeed is but seldom. While he continued thus merrily dis- coursing, a noise began like the former, and the head said, TIME WAS. — Well, said Miles, this blockish head is the greatest piece of nonsense my master ever troubled himself about. How would he have laughed had he been here to hear it thus prattle :so simply! Therefore, thou brazen-faced ass, speak wiser, or I shall not trouble my head to wake him. Time was, quotha! Thou, ass, thou — and so you shall hear ; for I find my master has watched and tutored you to fine purpose — Time