laUtnimigi) Ulmanatft, OR UNIVERSAL SCOTS AND IMPERIAL REGISTER, FOR • • Communications for next Publication may be addressed lo Olivhr & Botd, Edinburgh, previous to the 10th November next. Edinburgh, Dec. 1819. N. B. The Binder will place the Index at the beginning. The affixed. Diagi'am is a Delineation of the Granm Solar Eclipse of September 7th , 1820. The semicircle, marked Earth's semi-disc , is the half of Uu earth’s enlightened surface. The points VI, VII, VIII, & c. on the semi-elliptic curve shew the situation of Edinburgh on the Earth's disc at tlies< different hours, as seen from the Sun ; and the curve represent the parallel of latitude, or path of Edinburgh, on the Earth’! disc, as seen from the Sun, from his rising to his setting. Tb« line, marked Path of Fenvmbra's centre. , is the path of the centr< of the Moon’s shadow over the Earth’s disc, and is divided in- to hours, quarters, &c. ; the point in which it meets the axis of the Moon^s orbit is where the Penumbra's centre approaches nearest to the centre of the Earth’s disc, and consequently the middle of the Eclipse. This line is marked at the one end when the Eclipse begins, and at the other w hen it ends. The figures, marked Sun , AToon, shew the appearance of the Eclipse at the time of the greatest obscuration. Thus, it appears from the diagram, that the beginning of the Eclipse, or the instant the Moon makes the first impression on the Sun, is at 9 minutes past noOn, mean time; that the middle of the Eclipse is at 58 minutes past 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and that it eutls at 2 minutes past 5 o'clock, mean time, or the time shewn by a well-regulated clock. Duration of the Eclipse 2 hours 53 mi- nutes. At the time of the greatest obscuration there will be nearly 1 degrees* or 7-8ths of the .Sun’s diameter, eclipsed on his north limb. The Moon’s shadow enters the Earth near the north pole, and moves along the east coast of Britain, which it leaves to the west, and enters near Embden in Germany, pass- ing between Trieste and Venice, by Naples, Grand Cairo in Egypt, and leaves the Earth, with the setting Sun, in the Gulph of Bassora, near that city. This is the only grand Eclipse of the Sun since the famous one of April 1st, 17*64 ; but as the Sun will not he totally eclipsed, we cannot expect that gloomv dark- ness which takes place, for a few minutes, at such Eclipses; however, it is probable, that, at the time of the greatest obscu- ration, the planet Venus may be seen with a small glass, she be- ing at thatrftime about 40 degrees westward of the Sun. The next great Solar Ellipse happens on the 9th October 1847, and is the only annular Eclipse in the nineteenth century : it begins about halt-past 6 o clock m the morning, and ends about 9 o’clock. There will be above 11 degrees, or ll-12ths of the Sun’s dia- meter, eclipsed. North Leith, December 15. 1819. THOS. SCOTLAND, Teacher of Mathematics . 11 | foyiwinfof £ctipS9 Middle J^Kfl OfJZclipjFg y r ''K\*.v ..-iK wvmunVauia. )%J - 4 ■■ >r \) » *11 aotqf^p ! 7/ f'rtK ? / rffUtkji v 1 * - U *• f HP— « F**fc /I • !* I fW ,* 0 * . - INDEX TO THE EDINBURGH ALMANACK , SCOTLAND. Academy, Royal, at Edin. 26llCharity Workhouse Accountants in Edinburgh 21 2 Charitable Institutions Admiralty, Court of - 203|Chancery Office Advocates, Faculty of - 207«Chapel Royal | • First Clerks - 213 Antiquaries, Society of Scot* tish * - 260 Antiburgher Synod * 304 Archers, Royal Company of 263 Assembly, General - 256 Astronomical Institution * 260 Chronological Cycles Clergy of Scotland Chapels of Ease 300 Missionaries un- der the Royal Bounty, &c«501 Coaches, Mail . - 61 Stage * - 62 Hackney - 63 Collectors of Cess « 158, 200 Taxes 250, 231 Commerce, Chamber of 236 Commissary Court - 204 Arms, Messengers at 2 14 — 217 Banks and Banking Cos. in Edinburgh, and whom they draw ou in Lon- don - 237-239 Provincial and do. 239 Commissaries in theCountry ib. Holidays at Bankers in London 240 Baronets, Knights of Scot. 104 ■ • of G. Britain con* nected with Scotland 106 Board of Customs * 224 of Excise, • 226 Bridewell, Edinburgh • 233 British White Herr. Fishery 255 Burgher Synods - 3U2 Bruntiield Links Golfing Society - • 265 Caledonian Hunt - 264 Asylum, London 109 Calendar-Gardeners’ • 28 Canal Company, Edinburgh and Glasgow - 236 Canougate, Magistrates, &c. of - 233 Workhouse - 260 High School * 23 lj Cal ton. Trades of, &e, 253 269 266 108 10 ? 27 282 Carters, Regulations for - 66 1 Police Cess, Collectors of 158, 200jCraigorock Mortification Chamber of Commerce - 236, Crown, Officers of 27 Commissioners of Supply “ for County of Edinb. 222 Constables of Edinburgh 235 - Canougate & Abbey ib. - Calton * * ib. -Wester and Easter Portsburgh - ib. Constitutional Presbytery 306 Congregational Union 308 Churches, &c, in Edinburgh ib. Conveners of Counties 156-200 Convention of Royal Burghs205 Court of Admiralty - 205 Commissary - 204 Dean of Guild 205 - 203 - - 202 - 201 214 - 204 * 202 ib. 204, 205 * 206 275 108 of Exchequer of Justiciary of Session Lyon Sheriff Teind * „ Jury 67 Small Debt m 66 1 J Trrr^ Customs, Board of - Deaf und Dumb Institution 270 Dean of Guild Court 205 Dispensary, Koyal Public 267 New Town 268 Distributors of Stamps 158, 200 Eclipses » » . 27 Edinburgh, Accountants in 212 - Astronomical In- stitution - 260 - Banks & Bankers 237 - Biblio-Critical Li- brary - 263 - Bridewell - 233 - Chamber of Com- 236 Clcik’ft 251 204 ■ Session Office -\o\ ■ Sheritr Court of Edinburgh Skating Club 264 • Small Debt Court 205 Stent Masters 234 1 Subscrip. Library 863 Select Library ib* Episcopal Church in Scot land 30? • Free School - 274 203 226 207 74 80 • 83 255 i Exchequer, Court of Excise, Board of f Faculty of Advocates I Fairs in Scotland Fiars of ditto Table • Char. Workhouse 26y i Fisheries, Trustees for — Churches, &c. in 308|Foreign and Ship Letters, — Church of England j Postage of - 60, 61 Mission. Society 275)FREE HOLDERS 156 200 — Episcopal Chapels507;Gardeners’ Calendar - 28 — Constables of 235 Gas Light Company - 236 — EnglishTeachers 231 .General Assembly • 256 — Gaol Commis. 254 General Post Office - 229 — General Post Of- jGeneral Register of Sasines 205 fice - - 229 General Tide Table - 26 — Golfers - 265 Gaol Commissioners - 234 — High School of 231 [Golfers, Edin. Company of 265 • Hospitals in 266 Golfers, Bruntsfield Links ib. - House of Industry 268 - Lieutenancy of 233 - Lunatic Asylum 269 - Lying-in Hospital 268 - Magdalene AsyL 269 - Magistrates of 232 - Merchant Co, of 236 - Newspapers 276 - Penny Post Re- ceiving Houses 61 - Police, Court of 206 - Public Dispensary 267 • New Town ditto 268 - Public Offices in 276 - Royal Academy 261 - Royal College of Physicians 257 - Royal College of Surgeons 258 sH ib. Golfers, Edin. Burgess - ib. Grand Lodge of Scotland 223 Hackney Coaches, Regula- tions for, &Fares of 63 Chairs, Fares of 65 • Thistle - - Herring Fis. British White 255 High School, &c- of Edin. 231 259 Highland Society HOSPITALS.— Trinity Heriot’s Watson’s Trades Maiden Merchant Maiden Orphan Gillespie’s Lying in Shaw’s, at Preston Royal Infirmary 26 7. House of Industry 266 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 268 ib. 275 268 VI Incurables, Institution for " I Relief of 274 * Independent Churches 308 : institution for Deaf and Dumb - £70 : ■■ Astronomical 2(30 * j Institutions, Parochial - I Industry, House of - 268 Infirmary, Royal - 267 : ! Insurance Companies and * . Agents - - 241-252 i /Justiciary, Court of - 202 ' Jury Court - - ib. Kt»pers of Palaces - 107 • 1 Kill’s Household, Ac. ib. HKnights Baronets of Scot. 104 : Leith Institutions - 277 Messengers at Arms 214—217 Mid Lothian, Lieutenancy of - - - - 221 Militia, Colonels and Per. manent Staff* of disem* bodied - . 356 269 Ministers* Widows, Trustees for - . . 556 Moveable Feasts . - 27 Mint, Officers of 108 Newspapers in Edinburgh 276 Notaries Public in the Country - 217—221 Officers of the Crown of State of the Mint ib. ib. 234 ib. 73 |— Magistrates !— Walk Trustees * 1 1 "— Stent Masters of i|— Parcel Waggons - J (— and Newhaven Pass- (J It** age Fares - 57 ■j Departure of Passage : j Boats from, Ac. »— Signals - - 279 i (Library, Edin. Subscription 263 (Library, Edin. Biblio-Crit ■ — “ — — - - Vink ib. Select Sub. ib. :! Lieutenants, Lords 156-200 1 ILieutenantcy of Edin. - 233 j of Mid-Lothian 221 iLodges in Edinburgh 223 ^London, Stages to • 51 Lunatic Asvlum . 269 Lying-in- Hospital - 268 Lyon Court - . 514 '.Masons, Grand Lodge of I Free - 223 |— —Lodges, and Mas ters of - . ib Magistrates of Edinburgh 232 Magdal ene Asylum « Mail Coach Offices Members of Parliament Alphabetical list of Palaces, Keepers of I Parliament, Members of Parochial Institutions • Paris, Stages to Passage Boats Peerage of Scotland 108 ib. ib. 107 127 ■ 269 - 51 36-40 84 - Representatives of 103 Peers Attainted, Dormant, Extinct, Ac. - ib. 39 Peeresses in their own right 99 Physicians, Royal College of 257 Pitt Club - - 263 Police, Court of . 206 Porterage, Rates of - 66 Portsburgh, Easter and Wester, Magistrates of 235 Post-Office, General - 229 — Masters, Post Towns, and Postages - 56 I ■ Office, Ship A Foreign Letters, Postages of 60 Principal Roads in Scotland 61 Prince of Wales* Establish- ment in Scotland - 108 Provincial Banks - 239 draw on in Edin. ib. ditto London ib. Public Dispensary - 267 ' Merchant Company 269 61 127 Presbytery, Queensferry Passage Fares 34 134| Rates of Porterage at ditto 35 *s Bridge Cominis. 234 • I/I.TIA-UOUI V w Public Offices in Edinburgh 276 Presbytery, Constitutional 306 Scotland, Peers British and Irish connected with 99-102 Clergy of 282 — —-Principal Roads in 51 King’s Estab. in 107 205 306 30 Register of Sasinea Relief Synod Remarkable Events Royal Boroughs, Convex tion ot 205 — — Academy Edinburgh 201 — Company of Archers 203 Route from London to Paris 55 Sabbath School Union - 27 3 Sacred Music, Institujt. for 265 Sasines, Register of - 205 Scotland, Peerage of 84 Representative of 103 Peers Attainted, Dormant, &c. ib. — Princeof W ales’do. 1 08 Staff Officers in 311 — — — Recruiting Districts ib. . Barrack Depart. 312 Scot tishE pise. Communion507 Session, Court of - 201 Session Clerk’s Office • 231 Sea Insurance Company • 252 Sheriff Court of Edinburgh 204 Sheriffs, &c. of Counties 158*200 Shipping Companies 253-255 Signet, Writers to Skating Club Small Debt Courts SOCIETIES.— Adelpho-Theological 259jStage Coaches African and Asiatic 268|Stages to London Societies.— Edinburgh Gratis Sabbath School - 273 . Missionary 275 - — Aux. Missionary® — ReiigiousTract27| Forensic - - 26| Horticultural, Caledonian 261 Indigent Old Men Industrious Blind < Juridical *• Pansophical Philalethic Philomathic Physico-Chymical Polemical Religious Knowledge - — — — Tract 209 264;- 204, 205 Royal, of Edinburgh Physical - Medical •» Scottish Bible ■* Scottish Antiquaries Scots Law * •. Select * + Sons of Clergy • Speculative Suppression of Begging 271 Support of Gaelic Schools 273 Theological * • Theomathic Wernerian Nat. Hist, Solicitors, S. C. — not incorporated 213 before Comrais., Sheriff, &c. Courts ib. ♦ 63 Burgh,&c.Schoolmasters259 Christian Knowledge * 256; Staff Officers to Paris Church of England Mis. 275lState, Officers of Destitute Sick, Relief of 2705 A Marines, Half-pay of 578 Pay Si Victual, office 146 Ordnance, Bonn! of ... 148 House of Peers - 121, Post Office - - i49 Clerks and Officers of the ; Prince Si Princess of Wales’ House of Cpiyimons l36j Household - - .139 IX 1 15 (Secretaries of State 142 Stamp Duties, Commis. of 1< 30 Staff at Head -quarters [Terms - - - 110 Treasury 1SS Waggon Train, Royal 148 War Office • • Rangers of Forests Remarkable Events - - (Royal Families and States of Europe Royal Dukes, Household Royal Military College Scottish Corporat. of Load. 1091 IRELAND. Archbishops and Bishops 153. Peerage - - 1 Governors of Forts - 155 Representatives of 1 Knights of St Patrick - 154 Peers connected with Scot- Members of Parliament 128 land - - li Alphabetical list 135;Staff in Ireland - 3io| Officers of State, &c. - 154j I EAST INDIA LISTS 579— J85 THE ©Bmimrgf) Alwaiucfc OB UNIVERSAL SCOTS AND IMPERIAL REGISTER, FOR 1820, 33etng Ecap f3rai- • CONTAINING A CORRECT CALENDAR, On an Improved Scheme ; THE Sovereign* and States of Europe, Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, Officers of State and House of Commons, Army, Navy, and East India Lists, Assessed Taxes and Stamp Duties, Freeholders of Scotland, Courts of Law ami Public Offices, Universities and Societies, Established and Dissenting Clergy, Fairs and Fiars, A A’eio Tide Table , <^c. <^*c. EDINBURGH : Printed by Oliver Sf Boyd, and the other Proprietors ; PUBLISHED FOR THEM, BY OLIVER Jk BOYD; W. TURNBULL, GLASGOW; G. & W. B. WHITTAKER, AND OGLE, DUNCAN, & CO. LONDON. JANUARY begins on Saturday — 31 Days. b b f§ <5 6« CD s: S3 2 S* 1 & 1 Sa 2 Su 3 M 4 Tu 5 w 6 Th 7 Fr 8 Sa 9 Su 10 M 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 Fr 15 Sa 16 Su 1, M 18 Tu 19 VV 20 Th 21 Fr 22 Sa 23 Su* 24 25 TO 26 27 A 28 Fr 29 Sa 30 Su 31 M Holidays at the Banks and Public Offices marked *. 2d Sun . after Christ . CALENDAR. SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, See. * Circumcision Ejpiphany . St. Lucian, P 1st Sun, after Epiph. River Tivccd opens.,. Old New Year’s Day IS Hilary, Bp 2d Sun. after Epiph.. Prisca , V. 20 St. Fabian... 21 St. Agnes, V. Sun enters Aquarius 26 Qi, Si Septuagesima *30 K. Char . I. niar. Tides at Leith. rises sets Heel. South. Mor . Even depth. H. M. u. M. o / ii. M. h. M. F. i. 8 35 3 33 23 5 2 44 3 1 12 8 8 35 3 34 23 0 3 IS 3 33 13 0 8 34 3 35 22 55 3 51 4 7 12 7 8 34 3 36 22 49 4 24 4 40 12 1 8 35 3 37 22 43 4 58 5 14 11 9 8 33 3 39 22 36 5 33 5 51 11 4 8 32 3 40 22 29 6 11 6 30 10 11 8 32 3 42 22 21 6 54 7 18 10 1 8 31 3 43 22 15 7 45 8 15 9 11 8 31 5 45 22 5 8 53 9 29 9 9 8 30 3 47 21 56 10 9 10 48 9 11 8 29 3 48 21 47 11 25 12 0 10 4 8 28 3 50 21 37 0 31 11 2 8 27 3 52 21 27 1 2 1 29 12 2 8 26 3 54 21 16 1 57 2 23 12 11 S 24 3 56 21 5 2 47 3 12 13 3 8 25 3 58 20 54 3 34 3 58 13 5 8 22 4 0 20 42 4 18 4 40 13 1 8 20 4 2 20 30 4 59 5 21 12 6 8 19 4 4 20 18 5 41 6 0 11 9 8 17 4 6 20 5 6 21 6 42 10 11 8 16 4 8 19 51 7 7 7 32 10 2 8 15 4 10 19 38 8 1 8 35 9 7 8 13 4 12 19 24 9 16 10 2 9 4 8 12 4 14 19 9 10 45 11 27 9 6 8 10 4 16 18 55 0 1 10 1 8 8 4 18 18 39 0 28 0 54 10 9 8 6 4 20 18 24 1 16 1 34 11 7 8 4 4 22 18 8 1 53 2 8 12 3 8 3 4 25 17 52 2 29 2 43 12 9 8 1 4 27 17 36 2 59 3 15 12 11 V rl^ast Quarter, Satur. MOOTM > New Moon, Satur. "1 First Quarter, Satur. 8th 16 m. past 4 aftein. 15 22 1st Satel. Emersion . day ,5 jfHocit I 'K • 9* U. souths rises sets tSnhtr. *i fz 10 H. M. 0w35 ii 4 M. a 4 II. 10 M. m l 3‘ ’ 33" 2 17 1 23 5 23 10 21 4 2 3 18 2 10 6 43 10 33 4 30 4 19 2 55 8 o 10 42 4 58 5 20 3 36 9 19 10 48 5 25 6 21 4 17 10 36 10 54 5 52 7 22 4 56 11 52 10 59 6 18 8 23 5 36 11 2 6 44 9 24 6 18 1*”12 11 8 7 10 10 25 7 4 2 37 11 18 7 35 11 20 7 53 4 8 11 29 7 50 12 27 8 48 5 41 11 46 8 23 13 28 9 49 7 13 12 22 8 47 14 29 10 54 8 27 1«23 9 9 15 30 12 1 9 15 2 57 9 31 16 1 1 a 5 9 39 4 42 9 53 17 2 2 3 9 53 6 28 10 « 18 3 2 57 10 2 8 9 10 34 19 4 3 47 10 8 9 44 10 53 20 5 4 34 10 14 11 14 11 11 21 0 5 22 10 20 12 45 11 29 22 7 6 9 10 28 11 46 25 8 6 57 10 37 2™16 12 2 24 9 7 48 10 50 3 44 12 18 25 10 8 42 11 12 5 12 12 32 26 11 9 35 11 48 6 26 12 46 27 12 10 28 12 40 7 24 12 59 28 13 11 19 l Monday 14 18 — iVlUUIN^ First Quarter, Sunday 20 15 54 •jr Jt r ^ifloon Equa- tion of V Time . 1 ;> 't souths rises sets Snltr. H. M. H .M. H. M. 1 17 1 "35 7«7 8"59 13 '51" 2 18 2 15 8 21 9 3 13 59 3 19 2 54 9 38 9 7 14 6 4 20 3 34 10 55 9 12 14 13 5 21 4 14 12 15 9 17 14 18 f> 22 4 56 9 23 14 23 7 23 5 43 1» 1-2 9 32 14 27 8 24 6 34 3 1 $ 9 4? 14 30 9 25 7 32 4 46 10 12 14 33 10 26 8 33 6 7 10 57 14 35 11 27 9 37 7 4 12 14 14 35 12 28 10 41 7 36 la56 14 35 1 13 29 11 42 7 55 3 44 14 35 14 1 12 40 8 8 5 29 14 33 15 2 lfl34 8 18 7 11 14 31 ; 16 3 2 23 8 23 8 46 14 28 i 17 4 3 12 8 29 10 20 14 25 18 5 4 1 8 34 11 55 14 20 19 6 4 51 8 45 14 15 20 7 5 43 8 57 1*26 14 9 21 8 6 37 9 15 2 57 14 3 22 9 7 21 9 47 4 17 13 56 23 10 8 24 10 33 5 22 13 48 24 11 9 16 11 38 6 6 13 39 25 12 10 4- 12 36 6 33 13 30 26 IS 10 50 2«14 6 50 13 21 27 14 11 33 3 34 7 1 13 10 28 15 12 15 4 55 7 8 12 59 29 16 12 55 6 11 7 14 12 48 3 lnorm 10 even. 0 morn. The Eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites are to his proxi- mity to the Sun. Mercury will be at its superior ction with ...~ ^un on the 20th day, at 3 morning! Jupiter will be in conjunction with the Sun on the 19th day, at II4 morning. Mercury will be in conjunction with Jupiter on the 21th day, ‘ l afternoon. The Moon wi be in conjunc- tion with Venus on the 16th day, at 35 mimites past 7 morning; and with Saturn on the same day, at 2.5 minutes past 10 morning: and she will be 1 conjunction ith Mars on tl 1th day, at minutes past afternoon. $lanet& A 3 jl§ MERCURY. 1 > Dccl, Souths. 1 22°32's 10 h 59 , M 7 21 15 11 13 M 13 19 8 11 30 m 19 1(7 10 11 47 M 25 12 22 0 4a VENUS. 1 9°30's| 2 h 3' a 13 3 26 2 10 a 25 2 51 k| 1 2 15 a MARS. 1 26°11'n 10 h 45'A 13 26 19 9 47 a 25 26 5 8 55 a JUPITER.' 1 13°50's l h 10 / A 13 12 52 0 34 a 25 11 51 11 57 m SATURN. 1 3° 0's] , 3M2' a 13 2 29 2 29 a 25 1 55 1 | 1 46 a GEO. SIDUS. 1 23°36'sj ; 6'M ! 1 23 36 8 29 M 21 23 37 ] | 7 51 m MARCH begins on Wednesday — 31 Hays. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 W 23 24 25: 26 27 28 29 30 31 CALENDAR. SUNDAYS^ HOLIDAYS, i-c. St. David, ABp Chad, Bp 3d Sunday in Lent.. Perpetua, M Court of Session rises Mid Lent Sunday ... 12 St. Gregory, M.. . :sG 13 6 St. Patrick... Edward, K... 5th Sunday in Lent... Sun enters Aries min. past 4 after n. . 21 St. Benedict, Ab. 21 Day <£• Night eq. 25 Annunciation , or Lady Day.., Palm Sunday, *Good Friday 5 J?Ull rises H.M. 6 54 6 51 6 48 6 46 6 44 6 41 6 38 6 36 6 33 6 31 28 6 25 G 23 6 20 6 1 6 15 6 13 6 ' 1 6 4 6 1 5 59 5 56 5 53 5 51 5 48 5 45 5 43 5 41 5 38 3616 sets H.M. 5 32 5 34 5 36 5 38 5 40 5 42 5 44 5 46 5 49 5 51 53 55 57 59 1 76 6 6 06 9 11 13 15 6 17 6 19 6 21 6 23 6 25 6 27 6 29 6 31 fi 33 Deal. S'4-N. 0 / 7 30 7 7 6 44 6 21 5 58 5 54 5 11 4 48 4 24 4 1 3 37 3 14 2 50 2 26 2 3 1 39 1 15 0 52 0 28 0 4 0 19» 0 43 1 7 1 30 1 54 2 17 2 41 3 4 3 28 3 51 4 14 Tides at Leith. Mur. h. >1, 3 1 3 27 3 54 4 25 4 58 5 34 Even 6 22 6 53 7 32 9 16 10 51 0 33 1 22 2 5 2 46 3 24 4 3 4 3' 5 13 5 53 6 41 7 58 9 41 11 5 12 0 0 22 0 56 1 29 2 0 2 29 2 58 depth. F. 13 13 13 12 12 11 10 9 9 30j 9 11 11 12 14 15 15 11 43 16 2 15 14 13 2 11 4 9 10 8 9 8 7 8 11 9 7 0 1 1 2 2 3 12{13 3 6 i Last Quarter, Tuesday ?th 8 m. past lOaftern. MOONJ New Moon * Tuesday 11 17 1 aftern. i First Quarter, Tuesday 21 55 1 aftern. 1 Full Moon, Wednes. 29 9 fir! 0 on Equa- tion oj Time. 0 X ? t souths H. M. rises H. M. sets H. M. Subtr. 1 17 0^55 7«27 7 "*19 12' 3G" 2 18 1 33 8 43 7 22 12 24 3 19 2 12 10 4 7 2 G 12 11 4 20 2 55 11 28 7 35 11 57 5 21 3 40 12 55 7 40 11 44 6 22 4 27 7 50 11 29 7 23 5 21 2"'25 8 10 11 15 8 24 6 19 3 51 8 4G 11 0 9 25 7 21 4 56 9 47 10 45 10 2 G 8 22 5 35 11 15 10 29 11 27 9 23 5 59 12 57 10 13 12 28 10 21 6 14 2a45 9 57 13 29 11 16 6 23 4 20 9 40 14 30 12 6 G 28 6 4 9 23 15 1 12 57 G 34 7 42 9 6 Mi 2 la48 6 42 9 19 8 49 17 3 2 40 G 51 10 5G 8 31 is 4 3 32 7 1 12 31 8 14 19 5 4 27 7 n 7 5G 20 6 5 23 7 44 2 m 0 7 38 21 7 G 18 8 25 5 14 7 19 22 8 7 11 9 25 4 7 7 1 23 9 8 2 10 39 4 40 6 43 24 10 8 48 12 0 5 1 G 24 25 11 9 39 lt/22 5 13 6 6 2 Dccl. Souths. I 8°34'3 f) h 20' a 7 3 22 0 38 x 13 2 1 In 0 56 x 19 7 25 1 8 A 25 11 24 1 11 X VENUS. 5°27'n I 2M8'a 13 11 2? 2 24 x 25 16 49 j 2 31 a MARS. 1 25°55'n 8 h 37'A 13 25 21 7 5G a 25 24 35 7 21 A JUPITER. ! 1 l°25's 11H3'm 13 10 24 11 6 m 25 9 24 10 29 M SATURN. 1 l°41's| I WS X 13 1 5 0 48 a 25 0 30 | | 0 6 a GEO. SIDUS. 1 23°37's| I 7 h 18'M 11 25 38 6 39 m 21 23 38 | 1 6 0 m. APRIL begins on Saturday — 30 Days. i i Sa Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa Su M Tu \V Th Fr Sa Easter Sunday... Easter Monday .. Easter Tuesday.. 3 ltichard, B 4- St. Ambrose... Lore Sunday.. CALENDAR. SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS] 4 *- 2 d Sun. after Easter . 16 St. Donan Alphege, ABp. Sun enters Taurus 31 min. past 4 morn.... 23 Su 3d Sun . after Easter.. 23 St. George.. Princess Mary born.. 25 St. Mark.... 30 1 Su \\th Sun. after Eastn £>Utt Tides at Leith. rises sets Decl. North Mor. Even depth. ii . M. II .M. o / H. M. H. M. F. i. 5 33 6 35 4 37 3 28 3 45 13 5 5 30 6 37 5 0 4 3 4 20 13 2 5 276 39 5 23 4 37 4 58 12 7 5 25 6 41 5 46 5 20 5 46 11 10 5 22 6 43 6 9 6 16 6 49 11 0 5 1? 6 45 6 32 7 31 8 16 10 4 5 17 6 47 6 54 9 8 9 52 9 11 5 14 6 49 7 17 10 35 11 8 10 3 5 12 6 51 7 39 11 39 11 0 5 9 6 53 8 1 0 5 0 31 12 3 5 7 6 55 8 23 0 55 1 16 13 0 5 4 6 57 8 45 1 38 1 58 13 11 5 2 6 59 9 7 2 19 2 39 14 5 4 59 7 2 9 29 2 57 3 16 14 10 4 57 7 4 9 50 3 35 3 53 14 8 4 54 7 6 10 12 4 12 4 32 13 11 4 52 7 8 10 33 4 52 5 14 12 8 4 49 7 10 10 54 5 35 5 58 11 1 4 47 7 12 11 15 6 25 6 56 9 10 4 44 7 14 11 35 7 34 8 11 8 11 4 42 7 16 11 56 8 52 9 34 8 c 4 39 7 18 12 16 10 9 10 39 8 7 4 37 7 20 12 36 11 7 11 31 8 11 4 35 7 22 12 56 11 52 9 7 4 32 7 24 13 15 0 13 0 32 JO 5 4 30 7 26 13 35 0 50 1 7 11 1 4 28 7 28 13 54 1 23 1 38 11 10 4 25 7 29 14 13 1 58 2 15 12 6 4 23 7 31 14 32 2 35 2 48 12 11 4 21 7 33 14 50 3 10 3 27 13 1 (Last Quarter, Thurs. 6th 13 m. past 7^m>rn, \fnnv< tf eW Moon Wednes * 12 2 11 aftern AILMJ.*.N i F irst Quarter, Thurs. 20 8 yFull Moon, Friday 28 50 <5- r ifteou Equa- tion of c souths rises sets Time. •f H. M. H. M. H. M. Subtr. l 18 l’"38 10c/40 5 50 3' 55" 2 19 2 26 12 10 6 1 3 37 3 20 3 17 6 16 3 19 4 21 4 13 1-36 6 45 3 1 5 22 5 12 2 48 7 37 2 43 6 23 6 11 3 35 8 52 2 26 7 24 7 12 4 4 10 29 2 8 8 25 8 9 4 20 12 10 1 51 9 26 9 3 4 31 la52 1 34 10 27 9 54 4 39 3 29 1 18 1128 10 44 4 45 5 6 1 2 12 29 ll 34 4 51 6 41 0 46 13 1 12 24 4 59 8 18 0 30 14 2 lal? 5 7 9 55 0 15 15 3 2 12 5 21 11 31 Add. 16 4 3 9 5 43 12 55 0 15 17 5 4 7 6 18 0 29 18 6 5 4 7 10 l m 59 0 43 19 7 5 50 8 22 2 41 0 57 20 8 6 45 9 41 3 4 1 10 21 9 7 30 11 3 3 19 1 23 22 10 8 14 12 23 3 28 1 35 23 11 8 54 la41 3 35 1 47 24 12 9 34 2 57 3 40 1 59 25 13 10 14 4 15 3 44 2 10 20 14 10 54 5 31 3 49 2 20 27 15 11 39 G 54 3 52 2 30 28 16 12 27 8 21 4 0 2 40 20 17 9 55 4 9 2 49 30 18 l m 18 11 22 4 22 2 57 7 morn. 9 morn. The Eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites are not visible this a month. The 1st Satellite S will be in con- * 2d on the 1st clay, at 45 m. past 4 morning, and on the 16th, 19th, 23d, and 26th days, at 1.5 m. past 4 morning ; and it will be vn conjunction with the 3d on the 7th and 14 th days, at 45 min. past 4 morning. Also, the 2d Satellite will be in eonj. with the 3d on the 11th day, at 4.5 min. past 4 morning, and on the 18 th and 4th days, at 1, n. past 4 morn. . and the 3d will .5th day, at 1.5 m. 5th and 28th i|3lanct£. 19°31'n 23 14 25 34 1.7 MERCURY. Dccl. 13°35'm 13 1 10 34 7 33 5 22 Souths. 0 b 58 / a 0 31 11 57 m 11 18 M 10 51 m VENUS. 2 h 3G'A 2 46 a 2 56 a MARS. 24° 4'n 22 58 21 39 7h 3' a 6 34 a 6 7a JUFITER. 8°49 / 3|10*» 8'm 7 51 9 30 m 6 57 | 8 52 m SATURN. 0°10's 0 25 n 0 58 llMl'w 110 m 10 17 m GEO. SIDUS. 123°38'a| 5M7 'm 11 23 38 4 38 m 2123 58 | 3 58 m MAY begins oil Monday— 31 Days. 1 b CALENDAR. #un Tides at L KITH. Cc SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, rises sets DecU North Mor. Even depth. §: # C - H .M. u. . M. o / ii. M. H. M. F. I. 1 M St. PhUip cj St. James 4 19 7 35 15 8 3 50 4 11 12 10 2 T u 4 17 7 37 15 26 4 33 4 58 12 4 3 W Inven. of the Cross... 4 15 7 39 15 44 5 24 5 51 11 0 4 Th 4 12 7 42 16 1 6 23 6 58 10 9 5 Fr 6 John Port. ... 4 9 7 44 16 19 7 35 8 12 10 2 6 Sa Duchess of York horn 4 6 7 46 16 36 8 53 9 30 9 10 7 Su Rogation Sunday 4 4 7 48 16 51 10 3 10 33 9 llj 8 M 4 2 7 50 17 9 11 6 11 35 10 3 9 Tu 4 0 7 52 17 25 11 59 10 9j 10 W 3 58 7 54 17 40 0 24 0 48 11 5 11 Th Ascension . Holy Thu. 3 57 7 55 17 56 1 11 1 34 12 1 12 Fr Court of Session sits. 3 55 7 57 18 11 1 55 2 18 12 7 13 Sa 3 53 7 59 18 26 2 38 2 57 12 11 14 Su (Uh Sun. after Easter. 3 51 8 1 18 41 3 17 3 37 13 0 15 M 3 49 8 5 18 55 3 si 4 17 12 8 16 Tu 17 Prs. of Wales b... 3 4? 8 5 19 9 4 •"7 4 58 12 1 17 VV 18 Gen. Assem. sits.. 3 4G 8 6 19 23 5 18 5 43 11 C 18 Th 19 St.Dunstan, ABp. 5 44 8 8 19 36 G 5 6 30 10 9 19 Fr 21 Sun enters Gemini 3 42 8 10 19 49 6 57 7 28 10 4 20 Sa 50 m. past 4 morn.. 3 40 8 12 20 2 7 57 8 30 9 11 21 Su Whit Sunday 3 39 8 13 20 14 9 1 9 32 9 10 22 M Whit Monday 3 37 8 15 20 26 10 2 10 30 9 11 23 Tu Whit Tuesday 3 36 8 16 20 37 10 56 11 20 10 2 24 W 22 Prs. H. Horn berg b. 3 35 8 18 20 49 11 44 10 7 25 Th 3 34 8 20 21 0 0 8 0 30 11 2 26 Fr Augustine 3 32 8 22 21 10 0 52 1 15 11 11 27 Sa Venerable Bede 3 31 8 23 21 20 1 34 1 56 12 C 28 Su Trinity Sunday 3 29 8 25 21 30 2 18 2 40 12 11 29 M * K. Charles II. rest . 3 28 8 26 21 40 3 2 3 24 13 2 30 Tu 3 27 8 27 21 48 5 47 4 10 13 0 31 VV 3 26 8 29 21 57 4 36 5 1 12 5 v 10 fl-ast Quarter, Friday 5th 35 m. past uftenK ArOOM-^ ?- cw Moon ’- Fri r 12 52 8 morn. lUUUli j First Quarter, Satur. 20 5 1 morn. F nil Moon,....Satur. Equa- tion of Time. 1 8 5 i'tfoon * southi rises sets H. M II. M. H. M. i l f J 2"»8 4 "» 4 2 2C 3 7 0*40 5 49 3 21 4 8 1 57 7 0 4 22 5 7 2 9 8 27 5 23 6 5 2 28 9 50 6 24 6 57 2 39 11 29 7 25 7 47 2 47 1 a 5 8,26 8 36 2 53 2 39 927 9 25 3 0 4 12 10 28 10 13 3 5 5 46 11 29 11 4 5 15 7 21 12 1 11 58 5 26 8 57 13 2 12 54 3 44 10 27 14 3 la3\ 4 11 11 42 15 4 2 48 4 57 12 33 16 5 3 45 6 1 17 6 4 54 7 19 1 *** 6 18 7 5 21 8 42 1 25 19 8 6 5 10 3 1 35 20 9 6 46 11 22 1 43 21 10 7 26 12 39 1 48 22 11 8 5 la55 1 55 23 12 8 45 3 12 1 57 24 13 9 28 4 55 2 2 25 14 10 14 5 58 2 10 2G 15 11 4 7 28 2 17 27 16 11 59 9 1 2 28 28 17 12 58 10 26 2 50 29 18 11 31 3 28 30 19 l m 59 12 11 4 30 31 20 3 0 12 37 5 54 27 33 Add 3' 5" 3 13 3 19 3 26 3 31 3 36 3 41 3 45 3 48 3 51 3 53 5 55 3 56 3 56 3 56 3 55 5 54 5 52 3 50 3 47 5 44 3 40 3 35 3 30 5 25 3 19 3 13 3 6 2 58 2 51 2 43 day 14 2 h 20 7 42" M Pw. o/ Jupiter's Satellites . 9 aftern. |9tanrte. 1st Satel, Immersion • day 21 2 h 55' 7 "m 2d Satcl. Immersion . The 1st Satellite will be in con), with the 2d on 25 the 3d and 18th days, and wit! the od on the 2()th day, and with the lth on the 7th and 10th days. Also, the Sd’wttl be in con- junction with the 3d on the 1st day, at 45 min. past 3 morning. The 1st Satellite will be hid bv Jupiter on the Hth and 30th days, the 2d on the 7th day, and the 3d oh the 27th day. The 1st Satellite will bo on the disk of Jupiter on the 6th and 29th days, and the 3d on the 2th day. MERCURY. Dccl. 4°40'n 5 25 7 20 10 8 13 32 Souths. 10*>31'm 10 23 m 10 20 m 10 24 m 10 35 m VENUS. 26°10'n 1326 14 24 54 1|20°52'n 19 9 17 11 25 3»> I'a 3 10 a 3 14 a MARS. 5 h 55'A 5 31 5 8 a JUPITER. 5 45 5 5 8 h 32 / M 7 55 m 7 13 m SATURN. 1°13'n 1 42 2 7 9 h 56'M 9 14 m 8 32 m GEO. SIDUS. 23°38's| 3M8 'm 23 38 2 37 m 21 25 38 1 56 m 1 1 r\ JUNE begins on Thursday — 30 Days. 29 ! Th Fr Sa Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa Su M Tu \V Th Fr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17pa Su M Tu W CALENDAR SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, $ C - Nicomede K.Geo.IIIb. 1738 1st Sun. after Trinity 3 22 D. of Cumberland b..., 5 Boniface, B... Th Fr 24] Sa 28 W Th 50 Fr 11 St. Barnabas.. St. Alban, M... 3d Sun. after Trinity. Tr. K. Edward.. min. past 1 aftem ... 21 Longest Day St. John Baptist b... gutt St. Peter.. Tides at Leith. rises 7 sets Bed. North Mor. Even depth. H. M. ii. M. o / H. M. H. M. F. l. 3 25 8 30 22 6 5 28 5 54 11 7 3 24 8 32 22 13 6 25 6 51 10 9 \3 25 8 33 22 21 7 20 7 50 10 1 / 3 22 8 34 22 28 8 22 8 53 9 8 .3 21 8 55 22 35 9 26 9 58 9 6 20 8 36 22 41 10 30 11 0 9 9 19 8 37 22 47 11 32 11 59 10 2 18 8 38 22 53 0 27 10 10 18 8 39 22 58 0 54 1 18 11 8 17 8 40 23 3 1 41 2 3 12 4 .3 17 8 41 23 7 2 23 2 44 12 8 16 8 42 23 11 3 5 3 25 12 11 16 8 43 23 14 3 45 4 4 12 9 .3 16 8 44 23 18 4 22 4 41 12 5 . 3 15 8 45 23 20 5 0 5 m 11 11 15 8 45 23 23 5 38 5 58 11 4 15 8 46 23 25 6 20 6 42 10 11 .3 15 8 46 23 26 7 4 7 29 10 6 15 8 47 23 27 7 54 8 22 10 2 15 8 47 23 23 8 50 9 24 9 11 13 15 8 47 23 28 9 55 10 26 10 0 •3 16 8 48 23 28 10 59 11 30 10 3 16 8 48 23 27 11 5!) la 8 . 3 16 8 48 23 26 0 26 0 53 ti 5 13 17 8 48 23 25 1 18 1 43 12 1 17 8 48 23 23 2 7 2 32 12 8 1 $ 8 47 23 21 2 57 3 20 12 11 18 18 47 23 18 3 45 4 8 12 10 19 i8 47 23 15 4 33 4 55 12 5 19 18 46 23 12 5 17 5 41 11 4 12 MOON Last Quarter, Saturday 3d 31 in. past 0 aftern. .b ]* § 1 ? «•* UJ souths rises sets o? a H. M. H. M. H. M. i 21 4 0 7 *”36 2 22 4 54 0*46 9 15 3 25 5 45 0 57 10 50 4 24 6 34 1 0 12 23 5 25 7 21 1 9 la54 6 26 8 8 1 15 3 25 7 27 8 57 1 21 4 58 8 28 9 49 1 33 6 32 9 29 10 43 1 48 8 3 10 70 11 39 2 11 9 24 11 1 0a36 2 50 10 25 12 2 1 32 3 45 11 5 15 3 2 26 5 0 11 28 14 4 3 14 6 21 11 41 15 5 3 59 7 43 11 50 16 6 4 41 9 4 11 56 17 7 5 21 10 20 12 2 18 8 6 1 11 37 12 7 19 9 6 40 12 53 12 10 20 10 7 21 2a 10 12 15 21 11 8 5 3 32 12 24 22 12 8 53 5 0 12 35 23 13 9 46 6 32 12 52 24 14 10 43 8 2 25 15 11 44 9 17 1*18 26 16 i0 8 2 11 27 17 0»*47 10 38 3 33 28 18 1 49 10 53 5 11 29 19 2 47 11 5 6 54 30 20 3 40 11 10 8 32 New Moon, Saturday 10 First Quarter, Sunday 18 Full Moon, Monday 20 26 50 53 7 aftern. 6 aftern. 6 morn. Equa- tion of Time. Add. 2' 34' 2 25 2 15 2 5 1 55 1 45 1 34 1 22 1 11 0 59 0 47 0 35 0 22 0 10 Suh.3 0 1G 0 29 0 41 0 54 1 7 1 20 1 33 1 46 1 59 2 11 2 24 2 36 2 48 3 0 3 12 1st Satel. Immersions. day 2d Satel. Immersion. day 15 2 h 8'41 "m 3d Satel. Emersion , day l h 27'52 // M Vis. Eclip. of J upiter's Satellites. 6 l h 10 / 36 // M 13 3 4 11 m 29 1 19 56 m Immersion. lay 10 2 h 7'44 ' / m The 1st Satellite will be in con- junction with the 2d on the 19th day, and with the 5d on the 28th day, and with the 1th on the26thand 27th days, at 45 min. past 2 morning. Also, the 2d wul be in eonjunc-25 tion with the 3d on the 10th day. Venus will be at its greatest elon- gation from the Sun on the 19th !day. IDlanrte. MERCURY. Dccl. Souths. 17°49'n 21 17 23 52 24 57 24 24 I0 h 54'M 11 19 m 11 52m 0 25 a 0 55 a 23°36'n 20 43 17 29 15°55'n 13 34 11 0 VENUS. 3*13'a 3 5 2 44 a MARS. 4 h 54' a 4 33 4 11 JUPITER. 4°45's 4 18 4 0 G h 49 r M 6 7 m 5 22m SATURN. 2°20'nI 8* 6'm 2 38 7 23 m 2 52 I 6 37 m GEO. SIDUS. 23°38 / s| P 23 38 O 23 57 HI Pll 30 m 45 13 JULY begins on Saturday — 31 Days. S> CALENDAR. Jtuh Tides at Leith. £ e>5 s« ta rises sets Decl. Mor. Even depth. © S? SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, North ** fr' H. M. H. M. O / H. M. II. M. F. I. 1 Sa 5 20 8 4G 00 10 JN_ 6 4 6 27 11 0 2 Su 5th Sun. after Trinity 5 21 8 45 23 3 6 53 7 18 10 4 3 M 2 Visita. of V. Mary 3 22 8 45 22 59 7 46 8 15 9 10 4 Tu St. Martin translated 3 23 8 44 22 54 8 47 9 19 9 5 5 W 3 24 8 43 22 48 9 57 10 34 9 6 6 Th 3 25 8 42 22 42 11 11 11 42 9 10 7 Fr Thomas a Becket 3 27 8 41 22 36 0 14 10 6 8 Sa 3 29 8 40 22 29 0 44 1 8 11 3 9 Su 6th Sun. after Trinity 3 30 8 39 22 22 1 53 1 53 12 0 10 M 3 31 8 38 22 15 2 13 2 33 12 6 11 Tu Royal Burghs meet.. 3 32 8 37 22 7 2 51 3 9 12 9 12 W 11 Co. of Session rises 3 35 8 36 21 59 3 26 3 43 13 0 15 Th 3 34 8 35 21 50 4 0 4 16 12 11 14 Fr 3 36 8 34 21 41 4 27 4 43 12 3 15 Sa St. Swithin, B 3 38 8 33 21 32 5 5 5 23 11 10 1G Su 7 th Sun. after Trinity 3 39 8 32 21 22 5 40 5 52 11 17 M 3 41 8 31 21 12 6 16 6 36 10 10 18 Tu 3 42 8 30 21 2 6 57 7 22 10 4 19 \\' 3 44 8 28 20 51 7 49 8 21 10 0 20 Th St. Margaret, V 3 45 8 27 20 40 8 56 9 39 9 9 21 Fr 3 47 8 25 20 29 10 19 10 58 9 11 22 Sa St. Magdalene 3 48 8 24 20 17 11 35 10 4 25 Su 8 th Sun. after Trinity 3 50 8 22 20 5 0 7 0 39 11 2 24 M 25 Sun enters Leo 29 3 51 8 21 19 52 1 7 1 33 12 2 25 Tu m. past 0 morn 3 53 8 19 19 39 1 58 2 21 12 11 26 W 25 St. James 3 55 8 17 19 26 2 46 3 9 13 5 27 Th 26 St. Anne 3 57 8 15 19 13 3 32 3 4? 13 4 28 Fr 3 59 8 13 18 59 4 14 4 34 13 0 29 Sa 4 0 8 12 18 45 4 54 5 14 12 6 50 Su 9 th Sun. after Trinity 4 2 8 10 18 30 5 36 5 56 11 9 31 M 4 4 8 8 18 16 6 20 6 41 10 11 f Last Quarter, Sunday 2d 28 m. past 11 aftern. ATrtrtvr J ^ ew Moon, Monday 10 28 7 morn. lvlUUrN 1 First Quarter, Tuesday 18 17 11 morn. (Full Moon Tuesday 25 40 2 aftern. iftfoOll Equa- | tion of Time. Vis. Eclip. of Jupiter's Satellites. £ nout/is rises sets Subtr. > 3 H. M. II. M. H. M. 1st Satel. 1 21 4*30 Hal 7 10™ 7 3 ' 21 " Immersions . 2 22 5 20 11 25 11 41 3 35 day 3 25 6 7 11 31 lal3 3 47 6 3t'13'35"M 4 24 G 55 11 40 2 44 3 57 14 11 55 50 a 5 25 7 44 11 53 4 15 4 8 22 1 29 43 m 29 3 25 40 m 6 26 8 37 12 12 5 46 4 18 30 9 52 15 a 7 27 9 31 12 45 7 10 4 28 ■ , . 8 28 10 28 8 19 4 38 2d Satel. 9 29 11 24 l"*33 9 3 4 47 Immersions. 10 1 12 17 2 43 9 31 4 56 day 11 2 la 9 4 2 9 48 5 4 9 U h lG'53" a 17 1 53 50 m - 12 3 1 54 5 26 9 58 5 12 15 4 2 37 6 47 10 5 5 20 3d Satel. 14 5 3 18 8 4 10 11 5 27 Emersion . 15 6 3 58 9 22 10 15 5 33 dav 16' lfc26'33"M ] 16 7 4 37 10 36 10 20 5 39 17 8 5 16 11 51 10 25 5 45 Immersion. 18 9 5 58 la 12 10 31 5 49 23 2 h lT 12 "m 1 n 10 J ,7 o 1 n in A;/ Z JO 20 11 7 32 4 2 10 51 5 58 The 1st Satellite ; 21 12 8 27 5 33 11 13 6 1 will be in con- £ 22 13 9 26 6 56 11 53 6 3 junction with the “ 3d on the 1th 25 14 10 29 8 0 6 5 and 12th days, at midnight. 24 15 11 32 8 37 1* 3 6 7 — 25 16 12 32 8 58 2 36 6 8 The 1st Satellite will be hid by 26 17 9 11 4 19 6 8 Jupiter on th’el 27 18 lni30 9 20 6 3 6 8 7 th, 23d, and 30th days; the 28 19 2 23 9 27 7 44 6 7 2d on the 2d 29 20 3 13 9 33 9 19 6 5 day; the 3d on the 1st and 8th 50 21 4 2 9 38 10 55 6 3 days ; and the •1th on the 1th 31 22 4 51 9 46 12 28 G 1 lay. ^Janets. B 2 MERCURY. ' Dec!. Souths. 22 ° 35 'n 19 50 16 40 13 24 10 20 1‘‘20'a 1 38 a 1 49a 1 54 a 1 51 A VENUS. 15°54'n 13 17 11 59 2'*28'a 1 41 A 0 32 a MARS. 9°38'k G 48 3 49 4 h 0 / a 3 39 a 3 19 a JUPITER. 3°55' s 3 54 4 3 5 h O'm 4 13>i 3 25 m SATURN. 2°57'n 3 5 3 8 6 h 15'M 5 29m 4 42 m GEO. SI DUS. 23°37's| 23 36 23 35 | 111* 4'a 10 23 a 9 42 a 15 AUGUST begins on Tuesday— 31 Days. b ft ? CALENDAR. Jhitt Tides at Lkith. 'S Co - r S! ii. M. 11. M. o / H. M. H. M. F. i. 1 Tu Lammas Day 4 6 8 6 18 1 7 6 7 36 10 2 2 W 4 8 8 4 17 45 8 8 8 45 9 8 3 Th 4 10 8 2 17 30 9 29 10 15 9 6 4 Fr 4 12 8 0 17 14 10 58 11 35 9 9 5 Sa 4 14 7 58 16 58 0 9 10 5 6 Su 10/4 Sun. after Trin. 4 16 7 56 16 41 0 34 0 58 11 3 7 M 6 Trans fig. of Christ 4 18 7 53 16 25 1 18 1 37 12 0 8 Tu 7 Name of Jesus 4 20 7 51 16 8 1 55 2 12 12 8 9 W 4 22 7 48 15 50 2 29 2 45 12 11 10 Th St. Lawrence 4 24 7 46 15 33 3 0 3 15 13 2 u Fr 12 Grouse sh. begins. 4 2$ 7 44 15 15 5 30 3 45 13 1 12 Sa * 1\ of Wales b. 1762 4 28 7 42 14 57 3 59 4 13 12 11 13 Su 11 th Sun. after Trin. 4 30 7 40 14 39 4 *27 4 42 12 7 14 M 13 Old Lammas Day 4 31 7 37 14 21 4 56 5 11 12 2 15 Tu Assump. of V. M 4 33 7 35 14 2 5 29 5 4? 11 6 16 W Duke of York born... 4 35 7 33 13 43 6 9 6 33 10 10 17 Th 4 37 7 31 13 24 7 0 7 34 10 2 18 Fr 4 39 7 29 13 5 8 15 9 2 9 8 19 Sa 4 41 7 26 12 45 9 51 10 39 9 9 20 Su 12 th Sun. after Trin. 4 43 7 23 12 25 11 19 11 54 10 5 21 M Duke of Clarence bo. 4 45 7 21 12 5 0 25 12 8 22 Tu 23 Sun enters Virgo 4 47 7 19 11 45 0 51 1 17 13 2 23 W 56 m. past 6 morn.. 4 49 7 16 11 25 1 40 2 3 14 5 24 Th St. Bartholomew 4 51 7 13 11 4 2 25 2 47 15 0 25 Fr 26 Salmon fishing in 4 53 7 11 10 44 3 8 3 29 15 5 26 Sa Forth $ Tap ends.. 4 55 7 9 10 23 3 49 4 8 15 5 27 Su 1 3th Sun. after Trin. 4 57 7 6 10 2 4 27 4 45 14 5 28 M St. Augustine 4 59 7 4 9 41 5 3 5 24 15 3 29 Tu St. Jo. Bapt. behead. 5 1 7 1 9 19 5 45 G 6 11 7 30 W 5 2 6 58 8 58 6 30 G 58 10 3 31 Th 5 4 6 56 8 36 7 35 8 15 9 2 16 £ Jo & Equa- S' itlooiT tion of Time. 2 vmths tises sets Sfibtr. *1 25 K. M. 5 N1 40 H. M. 9a59 11. M. 2 a 0 5' 57" 2 24 G 35 10 15 3 54 5 54 5 25 7 27 10 44 5 0 5 49 4 2G 8 23 11 27 6 15 5 44 5 27 9 19 12 32 7 4 5 39 G 28 10 13 7 3? 5 32 7 29 11 3 lm\b 7 5G 5 2G 8 50 11 51 3 10 8 7 5 18 9 1 12 55 4 31 8 14 5 11 10 2 1«17 5 51 8 21 5 2 11 3 1 56 7 7 8 25 4 53 12 4 2 35 8 23 8 29 4 44 13 5 3 14 9 38 8 35 4 33 14 G 3 54 10 55 8 39 4 23 15 7 4 37 12 15 8 4G 4 11 1G 8 5 24 1«40 8 57 4 0 17 9 6 15 3 9 9 14 3 47 18 10 7 11 4 34 9 44 3 34 19 11 8 10 5 45 10 3G 3 21 20 12 9 12 G 33 11 56 3 7 21 13 10 14 7 3 2 53 22 14 11 15 7 18 1ot36 2 38 23 15 12 8 7 29 5 21 2 22 24 1G 7 34 5 6 2 7 25 17 1*» 1 7 41 6 47 1 50 2G 18 1 53 7 50 8 2G 1 34 27 19 2 43 7 55 10 3 1 17 28 20 3 34 8 5 11 40 1 0 29 21 4 27 8 21 lal7 0 42 SC >22 5 21 8 43 2 48 0 24 31 l 23 6 18 9 22 4 7 0 6 3d Satel. Emersions, day 20 9 b 2G'43"A 1 28 1 27 50 m 5 Immersion. !7 10M6' 3" a 4th Satel. Immersion. lay 7 l b 39'15"M Emersion. 23 11H5'J3"a The 1st Satellite g will be hid by Jupiter on the 8 th and 15 th days, the 2d on the 5d day, the 3d on the 20th day, and the -tth on the 25d day. GEO. SI DUS. 23°55's| 23 54 I 21 23 34 8^58' a 8 18 a 7 38 a SEPTEMBER begins on Friday — 30 Da) S. &HIT Tides at Leith. .5 b % CALENDAR. <*» — rises Deal. AT. AS. Mor. Even depth. SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, 4- H. M. H.M. o / U. M. H. M. F. L 1 Fr St. Giles, A. C 5 G G 54 8 15 9 5 9 56 8 8 2 Sa Partridge sh. begins.. 5 8 G 51 7 53 10 44 11 21 9 0 3 Su 14 ih Sun. after Trin. 5 10 G 48 7 31 ll 50 9 9 4 M 2 London burnt 166 G, 5 12 6 46 7 9 0 15 0 37 10 9 5 Tu Old Style 5 14 6 44 6 4G 0 56 1 13 11 9 6 W 5 16 G 41 6 24 1 29 1 45 12 8 7 Th Enurchus, Bp 5 18 6 38 6 1 2 0 2 14 13 3 8 Fr Nativity of Virgin 5 20 G 36 5 39 2 28 2 43 13 9 9 Sa Mary .. 5 22 6 33 5 16 2 56 3 10 13 11 10 Su 1 5th Sun. after Trin. 5 24 G 30 4 53 5 23 3 37 13 10 11 M 5 25 6 27 4 31 3 50 4 7 13 ; 12 Tu 5 27 6 25 4 8 4 21 4 37 13 0 13 w 5 29 6 22 3 45 4 54 5 14 12 3 14 Th Holy Cross 5 31 6 19 3 22 5 36 6 1 11 3 15 Fr 5 33 6 17 2 58 6 30 n n 1 f\ 1 16 Sa 5 35 6 14 2 35 7 51 / / 8 43 1U 9 •» 17 S'm 16th Sun. after Trin.. 5 37 6 11 2 12 9 54 10 20 9 5 18 M 17 Lambert 5 39 6 9 1 49 11 0 11 34 10 t 19 Tu 5 41 6 6 1 25 0 2 11 6 20 W 21 St. Matthew 5 43 6 3 1 2 0 29 0 52 12 6 21 Th 22 * K.G. 11 1 crowned 5 45 6 1 0 39 1 16 1 38 14 7 22 Fr 23 Sun enters Libra 5 47 5 59 0 15 1 59 2 20 15 7 23 Sa 28 m. past 3 morn.. 5 49 5 5G 0 8s 2 39 2 59 16 2 24 Su 1 7 th Sun. after Trin. 5 51 5 53 0 31 3 20 3 39 16 3 25 M 23 Day 6c Night equal 5 53 5 51 0 55 3 59 4 18 15 6 2 G Tu St. Cyprian 5 55 5 48 1 18 4 35 4 56 14 3 27 W 29 Si. Michael . Mi- 5 57 5 45 1 42 5 17 5 39 12 5 2b Th chaelmas day 5 59 5 43 2 5 6 5 6 33 10 7 29 Fr Q. Dow. of Wirt. bo. 6 1 5 40 2 28 7 10 7 48 9 3 30 Sa St.Jer. Hare hun. beg. 6 3 5 37 2 52 8 42 9 31 8 7 Ts v f New Moon,....Thurs. Arr\r\\jJ First Quarter, Friday MOON ) Full Moon Friday Equa- Vis. Eclip. of Jupiter's c itloou tion of 2 % i Time . Satellites. | souths rises sets . 1st Satel. £ H. M. H. M. H. M. Immersions . 1 24 Kk/20 5a 4 O' 13" day 2 25 8 8 11 33 5 41 0 31 6 l h 53' 0 "m 7 8 21 46 a 3 26 9 0 12 55 6 3 0 51 4 27 9 49 6 17 1 10 1 30 Emersions. 15 0 h 30'l0"M 5 28 10 34 2 m 17 6 27 16 6 58 53 a 6 29 11 16 3 37 6 32 1 49 22 2 25 14 M 7 30 11 56 4 55 6 38 2 9 23 8 53 58 a 8 1 12 35 6 11 6 41 2 29 30 10 49 15 a 9 2 lal3 7 25 6 44 2 50 2d Satel. 10 3 l 53 8 42 6 50 3 10 11 4 2 34 10 1 6 55 3 31 Immersion. Jay 4 8 * S'13"a 12 5 3 19 11 23 7 4 3 52 13 6 4 8 12 50 7 18 4 13 Emersions. 14 7 5 1 2 al 6 7 41 4 34 12 l h 29'15"M 15 8 5 58 3 33 8 23 4 55 29 8 58 42 a 16 9 6 57 4 28 9 29 5 16 -- 17 10 7 56 5 2 10 57 5 37 3d Satel. 18 11 8 55 5 23 12 39 5 58 Immersion. 19 12 9 52 5 36 6 19 day 4 2M8'15"m 20 13 10 45 5 43 2 m 23 6 40 21 14 11 37 5 49 4 5 7 1 22 15 12 29 5 57 5 46 7 22 The 1st Satellite 23 16 6 3 7 24 7 43 will lie in con- junction with the 24 17 l m 21 6 12 9 16 8 4 2 d on the 2 d and 29th days, and 25 18 2 15 6 26 10 46 8 24 with the 3d on 26 19 3 10 6 46 12 22 8 44 the 10 th, 11 th, and 18th days, 27 20 4 8 7 19 la51 9 5 and with the 1 th 28 21 5 6 8 10 3 0 9 25 on the 9th day. Also, the 2 d will 29 22 6 2 9 20 3 44 9 44 be in conjunc- tion with the 3d 30 23 6 56 10 41 4 10 10 4 on the 17th day. 7th 37 m. past luttern. 15 1 2 aftern. 22 28 — — 6 morn. 29 39 2 morn. |3lanet& MERCURY. Decl. Souths. 13°15'n 13 6 10 53 7 9 2 40 10h55'M 10 52 m 11 2m 11 19 m 11 36 m VENUS. 14°18'n 14 23 I 13 23 1 9 h 27'M 9 5m | 8 58 m MARS. 6* 6's 9 13 12 14 2M7'a 1 59 A 1 43 a JUPITER. 5° 33' s 611 6 47 0*^44^ 11 47 A 10 54 a SATURN. 2*27'n 2 7 1 45 I 2 h 10 / M 1 20 m 1 0 29 m GEO. SIDUS. 23°34'sl G h 54' a 23 34 I 6 14 a 11 2123 34 5 36 OCTOBER begins on Sunday — 31 Days. & f CALENDAR. Jj>un Tides at Leitii. SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, rises sets Becl. South . Mor. Even depth. %c. H.M. 1I.M. 0 1 | H. M. H. M. F. I. 1 Su 18 th Sun. after Trin. 6 5 5 35 3 15 10 12 10 50 8 9 2 M 1 ltemigius, Bp 6 7 5 35 3 39 11 19 11 42 9 3 3 Tu G 9 5 30 4 2 0 3 10 0 4 \V 6 11 5 27 4 25 0 22 0 40 10 10 5 Th G 13 5 24 4 48 0 56 1 10 11 7 G F r Faith, V. & M 6 15 5 21 5 11 1 24 1 40 12 8 7 Sa 6 17 5 18 5 34 1 55 2 9 12 11 8 Su 19 th Sun. after Trin. G 19 5 1G 5 57 2 24 2 39 13 3 9 M St Denys, Bp 6 21 5 13 G 20 2 52 3 9 13 5 10 Tu River Tweed closes... 6 23 5 11 6 45 3 24 3 41 13 3 11 W Old Michaelmas. G 25 5 9 7 6 5 58 4 16 12 9 12 Th 6 27 5 G 7 28 4 36 4 57 12 0 15 Fr Tr. K. Edward G 29 5 3 7 51 5 21 5 48 11 1 14 Sa G 31 5 1 8 13 6 20 6 59 10 2 15 Su 20 th Sun. after Trin. 6 34 4 58 8 3G 7 42 8 31 9 7 1G M G 3G 4 5G 8 58 9 15 9 58 9 5 17 Tu Etheldred 6 38 4 55 9 20 10 32 11 6 9 10 18 W St. Luke 6 40 4 50 9 42 11 33 12 0 10 9 19 Th 6 42 4 48 10 4 0 24 11 11 20 Fr G 44 4 46 10 25 0 47 1 10 13 1 21 Sa G 46 4 44 10 47 1 32 1 53 14 2 22 Su 21^ Sun. after Trin. 6 48 4 41 11 8 2 14 2 35 14 6 25 M Sun entei's Scorpio at 6 50 4 38 11 29 2 55 3 l(i 14 11 24 Tu 29 m. past 1 1 mom. G 52 4 36 11 50 3 34 3 55 14 8 25 W St. Crispin, M 6 54 4 34 12 11 i 4 15 4 3G 13 7 2G Th 25 * K. Geo. 11 1 access. 6 57 4 31 12 31 4 58 5 21 12 2 27 Fr 26 K. Geo. Ill pro - G 59 4 29 12 52 5 4G 6 13 10 8 28 Sa claimed , 1760. 7 1 4 27 13 12 6 45 7 17 9 7 29 Su 22 d Sun. after Trin.. 7 3 4 25 13 32 8 0 8 38 8 11 50 51 M Tu 28 St. Simon and St. Jude. 7 G 7 8 4 22 4 20 13 52 14 11 9 17 10 22 9 51 10 50 8 9 9 1 w st 0 morn. MOON New Moon, ....Saturday 7th 49 m. past G morn, First Quarter, Sunday 15 25 0 morn. Full Moon, ....Saturday 21 48 3 aftern. Last Quarter, ..Saturday 28 58 C aftern. Vis. Eclip. of Jupiter's , Satellites . 20 1 21 24 25 26 4 27 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 1G 28 1 291 1 21 3 4 5 6 17 11 18 19 19 2G 20 27 21 28 22 29 25 25 iHoon it turn of Time . souths H. M. 7 r "46 8 32 9 15 9 5G 0 34 1 13 11 53 2 34 lalS 2 5 2 57 3 52 4 48 5 47 6 44 7 39 8 31 9 25 13 13 10 4 11 5 11 58 12 54 rises II. M. 0 m 5 1 23 2 43 3 58 5 12 6 29 7 48 9 10 10 3G 12 1 la22 2 23 3 4 3 28 3 45 3 50 3 58 4 5 4 12 4 19 4 31 4 48 5 14 5 59 7 3 8 22 9 4G 11 8 1"51 2 51 3 50 4 47 5 39 6 28 24 7 12 12 28 2 53 7 54|mom. sets. II. M. 4«27 4 36 4 43 4 48 4 52 4 56 5 2 5 G 5 14 5 25 5 46 6 20 7 16 8 35 10 10 11 49 l m 28 3 6 4 44 G 23 8 9 44 11 21 12 41 la38 2 11 2 31 2 44 2 58 Add. W 23" 10 41 11 0 11 18 11 36 11 53 12 10 12 27 12 43 12 58 13 14 13 28 13 43 13 56 14 10 14 22 14 34 14 46 14 57 15 7 15 17 15 26 15 34 15 42 15 49 15 55 16 0 16 5 16 9 16 12 16 14 1st Satel. Emersions. day 8 0M4'39"m 9 7 13 34 . 16 9 9 10 . 23 11 4 52 j 25 5 34 33 . 2d Satel. Emersions. day 10h34'25"A 1 10 9 m 24 5 2 34 a 31 7 39 34 a 3d Satel. Immersions . day 2 6 h 24 , 58' / A 9 10 27 42 a Emersions. 2 9 h 32' 6"a 10 1 33 59 m 4th Satel. Immersion. day 29 9 h 13 , 32 /, A Emersion. 30 0 b 30 / 58 /, M The 1st Satellite will bo on Jupi- ter’s disk on the 1st, 8th, 21th and 31st days, and the 2d on the 22d and 29th day*. lOlanctS. Dccl. 2° l'a 6 34 10 51 14 44 18 9 VENUS. 12°25'n| 8^56'm 9 40 8 54 m 5 54 | 8 56 m MERCURY. Souths. ll h 51 / M 0 5 0 17 0 29 a 0 40 a MARS. 13°4l's| l h 35 a 16 25 1 19 a 18 52 1 6 JUPITER. 7° 3's 7 30 7 46 10 h 28 / a 9 36 8 46 a SATURN. 1°34'n 1 12 0 52 0* 4'm 11 9 a 10 18 a GEO. SIDUS. I23°35'sl 4*58' a 1123 35 4 20 a 21 23 36 3 42 a NOVEMBER begins Wednesday— 30 Days, i s & & vv Th Fr Sa Su M Tu W O'Th Fr Sa Su M 14 Tu CALENDAR. SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, ‘S' 6 ** All Saints . All Souls 2 j 0. of Kent born.. 23d Sun. after Trin , 6 St. Leonard Princess Augusta bo. Mar- 11 St. Martin, timnas da}’.. 24 th Sun. after Trin, Britius, Bp. Machutus.. Hugh, Bp.. Edmund, King... 22 St. Cecilia, V.. 55 7u. past 7 morn. 25 St. Clement. St. Catherine 20 th Sun. after Trin. 50 Th Andrctc.. £>un Tides at Leith. r isel sets Decl. South.. Mor. Even depth n . M. H.M. o / II. M. H. M. F. i. •7 104 18 14 51 11 1? 11 38 9 6 124 1G 14 50 11 56 10 1 14 4 14 15 9 0 13 0 33 10 10 •7 1(1 »|4 12 15 27 0 51 l 8 11 7 •7 18 14 10 15 40 1 23 1 41 12 4 7 20 i|4 8 16 4 1 58 2 16 12 11 22 4 6 16 22 2 33 2 50 13 2 •7 21 4 4 16 39 3 9 3 28 13 5 26 4 2 16 56 5 47 4 8 12 10 -7 28 4. 0 17 13 4 32 4 55 12 1 *7 50 5 58 17 30 5 22 5 49 11 5 •7 52 3 50 17 47 6 21 6 56 10 5 55 5 55 18 3 7 31 8 8 9 10 ► 7 37 5 55 18 18 8 46 9 22 9 7 39 5 51 18 34 9 56 10 29 9 6 4! 5 49 18 49 10 58 11 27 10 1 ■7 45 5 47 19 4 11 53 10 10 7 45 5 45 19 18 0 19 0 44 11 9 7 47 5 44 19 32 1 9 1 33 12 8 7 49 5 42 19 46 1 56 2 18 13 4 7 51 5 40 19 59 2 40 3 0 13 7 7 55 5 59 20 12 3 21 3 41 13 8 7 55 3 58 20 25 4 4 4 24 12 11 7 57 3 57 2(X 37 4 44 5 5 12 1 7 59 3 35 20 49 5 27 5 59 11 2 8 1 3 34 21 1 6.24 6 38 10 4 8 5 3 33 21 12 7 6 7 35 9 9 8 5 3 32 21 22 8 5 8 35 9 4 8 7 3 31 21 33 9 9 9 39 9 3 8 9 3 30 21 42 10 10 10 37 9 $ 22 MOON New Moon, ....Sunday 5th 54 m. past First Quarter, Monday 15 Full Moon, Monday 20 s iHoon Equa- tion of Time. , £ souths riws sets. Add. II. M. If. M. H»M. 1 26 8*53 1*41 3a 2 16' 16" 2 27 9 12 3 0 3 6 16 16 3 28 9 51 4 15 3 10 16 16 4 29 10 32 5 33 3 15 16 15 5 30 11 15 6 54 3 23 16 13 ! 6 1 12 12 8 19 3 34 16 11 7 2 12 52 9 45 3 52 16 7 8 3 la47 11 9 4 22 16 3 t 9 4 2 44 12 18 5 11 15 58 10 5 3 42 la 5 6 25 15 52 * 11 6 4 38 1 31 7 57 15 45 12 7 5 33 1 48 9 29 15 37 13 8 6 25 1 59 11 5 15 29 < 14 9 7 15 2 7 12 40 15 20 15 10 8 4 2 14 15 9 16 11 8 52 2 19 2*15 14 58 ] 17 12 9 43 2 27 3 48 14 47 S 18 13 10 36 2 36 5 25 14 34 19 14 11 34 2 52 7 5 14 21 1 20 15 12 33 3 11 8 45 14 6 21 16 3 49 10 13 13 51 ] 22 17 l w 33 4 44 11 25 13 36 23 18 2 33 6 0 12 .7 15 19 ' 24 19 5 28 7 23 12 33 13 29 25 20 4 19 8 47 12 4912 43 t 26 21 5 6 10 10 lrt 0 12 24 j; 27 22 5 49 11 28 1 5 12 5 S 2823 6 29 12 43 1 11 11 44 \\ 2924 7 9 1 17 11 23 j‘ 30| 25 7 48 1*58 1 21 11 1 | 28 47 59 Vis. fcclip. of Jupiter's Satellites . 1 1 a Hern. 9 morn. H morn. 2 aftern. planets. 1st Satel Emersions. diy 7 h 29 / 33"A 9 25 27 a 11 21 25 a 5 50 29 a 7 46 29 a 2d Satel. Emersions. lay 7 10 h 15 / 18 /, A >5 4 44 33 a 3d Satel. Emersions. l1 10 45 47 a kh Satel. Emersion . lay 15 6H3'41 // A b 19th day, a h the 3d 7th day. T will he 3 ' MERCURY. 1 Dccl. Souths. 21°27 , s 23 35 24 £8 25 28 24 58 0*54' a 1 5 A 1 15 A 1 18 A 1 9 A VENUS. 3*20^ 1 29 si 6 34 | 1 8*58'm [9 2m 9 6 m MARS. 20° 8's 21 58 23 19 0*59'a 0 49 a 0 39 a JUPITER. 7°50 / s 7 49 7 56 8*1 8'a 7 50 a 6 44 a SATURN. ^ St 55 o c c 9*49'a 1 9 0 A 8 10 a GEO. SIDUS. 25°37' s| 23 57 23 38 | 1 3* 1'a 2 23 a [ 1 46 a DECEMBER begins on Friday— 31 Days. s? b CALENDAR. £un Tides at Leith. «<» «o . rises sets Deed. Mor. Even. depth. c S! SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS, South. 4- c . H. M. H. M. o / H. M. H. M. F. 1 1 Fr 8 10 3 28 21 52 11 3 11 28 9 9 2 Sa 8 12 3 27 22 1 11 53 10 3 3 Su Advent Sunday 8 13 3 26 22 10 0 16 0 37 11 C 4 M 8 15 3 25 22 18 0 59 1 37 11 9 5 Tu 8 17 3 25 22 26 l 40 2 0 12 6 6 W St. Nicholas, Bp 8 18 3 24 22 33 2 21 2 43 12 9 7 Th 8 20 3 24 22 40 3 5 3 25 13 C 8 Fr Conception V. Mary.. 8 21 3 24 22 4G 3 48 4 10 12 9 9 Sa 8 22 3 23 22 52 4 33 4 58 12 3 10 Su 2 d Sunday in Advent 8 23 3 23 22 58 5 22 5 45 11 6 11 M 10 Salmon fishing in 8 24 3 23 23 3 6 10 6 39 10 1ft 12 Tu Forth § *l'ay begins 8 25 3 23 23 7 7 7 7 36 10 S 13 W St. Lucy, V 8 26 3 25 23 11 8 7 8 41 9 1(1 14 Th 8 27 3 23 23 15 9 14 9 50 9 ft 15 Fr 8 28 3 23 23 18 10 25 10 57 9 1C 16 Sa O Sapientia ; 8 29 3 24 23 21 11 29 10 4 17 Su 3d Sunday in Advent 8 30 3 24 23 23 0 1 0 29 11 ( 18 M 8 31 3 24 23 25 0 57 1 22 12 0 19 Tu 8 32 3 25 23 27 1 46 2 9 12 8 20 W 21 St. Thomas 8 32 3 25 23 28 2 31 2 51 12 10 21 Th Sun enters Capricorn 8 33 3 26 23 28 3 12 3 32 13 1 22 Fr 36 m. past 8 aftem. 8 33 3 26 23 28 3 50 4 7 12 11 23 Sa 21 Shortest day 8 34 3 27 23 27 4 27 4 44 12 5 24 Su 4 th Sunday in Advent 8 34 3 27 23 26 5 3 5 20 11 10 25 M * Christmas day 8 35 3 28 23 25 5 40 5 57 11 3 26 Tu St. Stephen 8 35 3 28 23 23 6 18 6 37 10 8 27 W St. John Evangelist .. 8 35 3 29 23 20 7 0 7 22 10 2 28 Th Innocents day 8 35 3 29 23 18 7 50 8 18 9 10 29 Fr 8 34 3 30 23 14 8 51 9 25 9 7 30 Sa 31 St. Silvester. 8 34 3 31 23 10 10 2 10 37 9 8 31 Su Jltf Sun. after Christ. 8 34 3 32 23 6 11 12 11 42 9 llj 24 f?!? w < 1 X Ioon Tuesday sth 48 m. past 5 aftern. MOON] Firs 1 Quarter, Tuesday 12 - 1 -- I U. souths V 26 H. M. 8*27 9 10 9 55 4 42910 45 5j30 li 38 12 36 227 328 4 6 7 8 i 9 10 }11 ?i2 13 jl4 15 jl6 Ji7 i 18 19 20 21 22 2318 24 19 17 .2621 , 27^22 2823 29 24 :30|25 i«*a iHooit lfl35 2 33 8 27 9 20 12 10 18 11 1 12 17 15 16 lm!5 1*1 2 58 3 43 25 20 4 24 5 5 -13 6 22 7 7 47 8 34] TT rises H. M. 3*15 4 34 5 58 7 25 8 50 10 7 11 1 11 34 5 3011 55 4 2212 1 5 1212 16 6 012 23 0 48 12 29 7 36 12 36 12 43 12 55 lal4 1 40 2 28 3 35 4 58 6 22 7 48 9 8 10 24 11 39 12 54 2*11 3 34 4 59 sets. H V M. 1«26 1 32 1 40 1 57 2 21 3 4 4 13 5 40 7 16 8 51 10 25 11 56 1*29 4 37 6 13 7 48 M 10 10 35 10 53 11 13 11 20 11 24 11 29 11 33 11 39 11 47 11 59 Equa- tion of Time. - -V ) - uvuuu^ X * 46 Full Moon, Tuesday 19 50 Last Quarter, Wednes. 27 4 Add . lO' 38" 10 15 9 51 9 27 9 2 8 36 8 10 7 44 7 17 6 49 6 21 5 53 5 25 4 56 4 27 3 58 3 28 2 59 2 29 1 59 1 29 0 59 0 29 .Vm5.1 0 30 1 0 1 30 1 59 2 29 2 58 3 27 1st Satel. Emersions. day 9 h 42 / 33 // A 4 8 46 a 6 7 51 a 8 3 33 a 9 55 13 a Vis. Eclip. of Jupiter's Satellites. 1 3 10 17 24 26 4 24 3 a 25 5 aftern. 3 aftern. 1 aftern. planets. Decl. 23°17's 720 37 13 19 18 48 2d Satel. Emersions . day 2 7 h 20'35"A 9 9 56 27 a |27 4 25 57 a 3d Satel. Emersion. tlav (20 5 h 53'46 r/ A Immersion |27 6 h 59'40"A 9° 5's 13 50 17 54 13 The 1st Satellite will be in con- junction with the 2d on the 1th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 2 1 st, and 29th days, and with the 3d on the 16th day. Also,i the 2d will be;25 in conjunction with the 3d on the 6th, 12th, 13th, and 19th days, and the 3d with the 4th on the 10th 111 th days. MERCURY. 18 42 20 8 Souths. 0*37'. 11 47 m 10 57 m 10 32 m 10 26 m VENUS. 9 h 9 'm 9 18 m 9 30 m MARS. 23°47's 1324 15 25 24 6 O^A 0 27 a 0 20 a JUPITER. 6^22 ' a 5 39 a 4 58 a 7°25's 6 56 6 18 SATURN. 0°19'n 0 21 0 29 7 h 46'A 7 0 a 6 13 a GEO. SIDUS. 23°39's; ‘^1123 30 |2l|?3 40 TABLE For finding the time of High Water at the following places. RULE . — Take the time of High Water out of the Ca- lendar for the Given day. and the time in this table oppo. site to the given place, and add or subtract them according as the Table directs. H. M. n. m. Aberdeen - - subt. 1 35 Limerick *• - add 2 30 Ayr .... subt 3 20 Liverpool subt. 3 5 St. Andrews subt. 0 20 Lizard - - add 3 0 Baltimore add 2 10 London - - add 0 26 Band 1 - - - subt. 2 30 Lynn - - - add 3 50 Ban try Bay - add 1 25 Milford Haven add 2 50 Belfast - - subt. 4 5 Mizzcn Head add 0 40 Berwick - - subt. 0 10 Montrose - - subt 0 50 Bristol - - add 4 20 Newcastle add 0 55 Caithness Point subt. 4 20 No re - - - subt 2 20 Campbellton - subt. 2 50 Orfordness subt. 3 50 Coquet Isle - add 0 40 Pentlahd Skerries subt. 3 30 Cork - - - add 3 40 Peterhead subt 2 20 Cromarty - - subt. 2 40 Plymouth add 3 40 Dartmouth - add 4 0 Portland - - add 4 10 Dover - - - subt 2 50 Port Patrick - subt. 3 20 Dublin - - subt. 5 0 Portsmouth - subt 3 5 Dunbar - - subt. 0 15 Ramsgate - - subt 3 50 Dundee - - subt. 0 10 Rattray Head subt 2 20 Eddistone Lights add 3 10 Rye - - - subt. 3 5 Exeter - - subt. 3 50 Scarborough - add 2 25 Falmouth add 3 10 Scilly Isles - add 1 25 Fifeness - - subt. 0 SO Shields - - add 0 40 FI am borough Head add 2 0 Sligo - - - add 3 10 norlands, N. & S. subt. 3 5 Spurn - - - add 2 55 Grangemouth add 0 10 Staples Lights add 0 30 Gravesend subt. 0 50 Start - - - add 5 50 Greenock - - subt. 2 50 Stockton - - acid 1 10 Guernsey Isle subt. 0 50 Stornoway add 3 40 Hartland Point add 2 10 Sunborough - add 1 40 Harwich - - subt. 3 5 Sunderland - add 0 45 Holy Island - add 0 10 Tarbetness subt 2 50 Hull - - . add 3 40 Tobermory - add S 10 Jersey Isle subt. 1 50 Tuskar Rocks subt. 5 50 Inverness - - subt. 2 30 Waterford add 3 10 K insale - - add 2 50 Weymouth - add 4 0 Kirkwall - - subt 2 40 Whitby - - add 1 10 Kirkcudbright subt. 3 0 Whitehaven - subt. 3 5 Land's End - add 2 10 Yarmouth subt. 5 20> Lerwick - - subt. 3 20 Youghal add 2 10 26 CHRONOLOGICAL evens: ^ ^ I *fP act 15 I Homan Indiction ...8 iold. Number.. 16 | Solar Cycle 9 | Julian Period 6533 Septuagesima Sunday, Jan. 30 Shrove Sunday, - Feb. 1 3 Ash Wednesday, - Feb. 16 Mid Lent Sunday, March 12 Palm Sunday, - March 26 Easter Sunday - April 2 MOVEABLE FEASTS. ; New Year’s Day, January 1 i K. Cha. I. Martyrdom, - 30 Good Friday, March 51 K. Cha. II restored. May 29 K. Geo. Ill Birth D. June 4 BANK HOLIDAYS. Low Sunday, Rogation Sunday, Holy Thursday,* - Whit Sunday, * - Trinity Sunday, - Advent Sunday, - April 9 May 7 May 11 May 21 May 28 Dec. 3 P. of Wales B. Day, Aug. 12 K. Geo. Ill Corona. Sept. 22 K. Geo. Ill Accession Oct. 25 5 Gun Powder Plot, Nov. Christmas, - - - Dec. 25 ECLIPSES in 1820. There will be four Eclipses this Year, two of the Sun and the Moon, and three of them will be visible in Britain. I. The Sun will be invisibly eclipsed on March 14. The conjunction will be at lh. 17$m. afternoon, in Long. 6 5 ' W. ; the Moon’s Lat. being then 0° 43*9' S. II. The Moon will rise eclipsed March 29. ‘ Beginning of the Eclipse, 5 h 9 m aftern. Moon rises, 6 31 aftern. Middle ol the Eclipse, 6 32 aftern. ' Ecliptic opposition, 6 38-3 aftern. ' ^ nd of the Eclipse, 7 51 aftern. 1 e ?Epsed, 6 12' on the moon’s northern limb. III. The Sun will be visibly eclipsed on September 7. Beginning of the Eclipse, oil 9*3m aftern. Visible conjunction, 1 35-5 aftern. Greatest obscuration, 1 38 aftern. End of the Eclipse, 3 1*8 aftern. r\r 'fi? e ^ d l ,sed * lCr 274' on the sun’s northern limb, t Moon will be visibly eclipsed on September 22. Beginning of the Eclipse, 4 h 55*2 m mom. Moon sets, 46 morn. Middle of the Eclipse, 6 21 f morn. Ecliptic opposition, 6 27f morn. End of the Eclipse, 7 50-2 morn. Digits eclipsed, 10° 12' on the moon’s southerd limb. TERMS, At bondon.... Oxford Cambridge HILARY TERM begins Jan. 2-1 Jan. 11 Jan. I. 1 ends Feb. 12 Mar. 25 Mar. 21 EASTER TERM TRIN. TERM ■QHH ends I ends Apr. 19 May 15 June 2 JuneSl Apr. 12 M-ty 20 May 21 July 8 Apr. 12 July 7 I Oxford Act anti Cambridge Commencement July 1. MICH. TERM btginil ends Nov. 6 Nov.28 Oct.ll) Dec. 18 Oct. 101 Dec. lf> ~C~2 27 i Each of tjje Cambridge Terms is divided equally into two. The divisions take place on the 17th of February, at mid- night, the 25th of May, at noon, and the 12th of November, at midnight. EMBEIl DAYS. February 23, 25, and 26 I September 20, 22, and 23 May 24 >, 26 , and 27 | December 20, 22, and 25 The calculations of the Calendar are adapted to Mean Time, or the time shown by a well regulated clock, as this is evidently more convenient for general use than apparent time, GARDENERS’ CALENDAR. JANUARY. — In the beginning of this month, if the weather is mild, sow early pease and beans ; likewise radishes, cresses, mustard, rfnd let- tuces, on warm borders, sloping a little to the sun, or under a wall or other fence. The cabbage and brown Dutch lettuces, and short topped radish, are best for this month. Sow these seeds pretty thick j midiii frost set in strong, spread some dry long litter over the beds. In mild weather, if omitted in October and November, prune apple, pear,cherrj, and plum trees ; also gooseberries and currants, the branches of which should be kept thin and regular, and always pruned with the hand or a pruning-iron. Plant fruit and forest trees, thorns, and other hardy shrubs in open weather. Turn up strong soil to meliorate with the frost; also such flower Iwrders as are empty, to be in readiness at the time of planting. Forward ditching and trenching. In hard frosty weathercar- ry dung, and be careful of all the tender sorts of seedling trees, shrub*, evergreens, &c. by sheltering them from the frost. FEBRUARY.— Sow more pease and beans for a succession; also ra- dishes, lettuces, cresses, parsley, &c. Spinage may be sown every three or four w eeks, to have a constant supply ; also a few' cabbage and savoy seeds, about the end of the month. A few onion seeds may besown about the middle of the month, which often do better than those sown later. Prepare ground for potatoes, onions, and other roots. Gather fresh hone dung to prepare for making up hot beds for cucumbers and melons. A? gTeen house plants will require fresh air at all times, when the season will permit, a little may be given about mid-day, if the weather is mild and clear, and the wind still ; and water may lie given in small quantities to such plants as want it, picking olF all withered and decayed leaves. Sow tender annual flowers on a moderate hot-bed. MARCH. — About the beginning make a small hot-bed for raising cu- cumber and melon plants ; in the meantime, make up proper beds fox each, which will be ready to receive the young plants in three or four weeks. Plant some early potatoes on a w’arm sheltered situation, cover- ing them, in frosty evenings, with litter or pease straw. About the mid- dle sow brocoli, cabbages, savoys, asparagus, aud onions: plant more for a succession. Sow cauliflower, leeks, carrots, turnips, &c. ; and pease and beans every fortnight, for a succession. Plant out cabbages and savoys, artichokes, and asparagus. Sow all kinds of hardy annual flower seeds in the open ground, and the tender kinds in a moderate hot bed, in pots. Finish planting fruit and forest trees, and graft fruit trees. Plant gooseberries, currants, strawberries, and raspliernies. Transplant! all kinds of sweet herbs; also perennial fibrous.rooted and herbaceous plants, and evergreens. Keep strawlierrie* clear of weeds and runner*. Make box edgings. I APRIL. — This month requires the greatest exertions of any in the ;year with the gardener, as t he ground is ready to receive whatever ft 28 ’ _ V Incline to plant or sow. The work should therefore go on with expedi- tion. Sow pease and beans every ten or fourteen days. Plant potatoes, and transplant cauliflowers and lettuces. Sow salads every furtnieht parsley, celery, endive, purslane, pot and sweet herbs. Hoe pease and* beans, and sow more to keep up a succession ; stick tall growing, when four or five inches high, and top beans when come to their full height. 1 iun out onions, carrots, turnips, spinage, &c. Plant ever- greens in moist weather, and all kinds of flowering shrubs. Sow French jbeans in dry weather. Water new planted trees In dry weather. Clear gravel walks, and form box and tlirift edgings. All kindsof hardy flower seeds may be sown still. Plant out cauliflower, cabbages, brocoli and other greens. Transplant tender annual flowers from the hot-bed Keep clear of weeds. MAY.— Continue to sow cauliflowers, savoys, and cabbages for a late crop, and transplant those formerly sown, when ready. Sow full crops of French and Pur key l»eans ; marrowfat and every other kind of pease for the last full crop. Every week, during the summer months, sow mus- tard, lettuces, &c. for a constant supply of salad. Earth up celery, and thin onions, carrots, turnips, and spinage, where necessary, taking care to leave the strongest plants. Plant cucumbers under hand-glasses. Water, in dry weather, young fruit trees, and protect their roots from scorching heat, with short grass laid round the stems. Cut box edgings. Nail up young shoots of wall-trees, and tie espaliers with twigs of the fcolden willow. Remove plants out of the green-house, and place them in a shady sheltered border, observing to water them duly. Re diligent in clearing off weeds, and destroying vermin. JUNE. — Continue to plant cauliflower, cabbages, and savoys, fora late crop. Plant out leeks and brocoli. Transplant celery, endive, and lettuces ; and sow salad seeds every eight or ten days. Sow full crops of turnip, l K>th yellow and white. This is the best season to sow field tur- nip, white, green, and red, as also the Swedish. Sow beet, red, white, and green : This seed being large, it will be better to sow it in drills, about an inch deep, and ten or twelve inches distant : Observe that the root of the red sort only is used, and the leaves of the white and green j they should therefore be kept separate.— Hoe beans and pease ; top the former, and stick the latter. A few of the early kind of each may be sown the first or second week for the latest crop. Gatherand dry sweet mul pot herbs as they come to bloom. Train wall trees and espaliers. Secure young trees against wind, and water them in dry weather. Mow grass walks early in the morning, before tire dew is dried up. Clean and ro' gravel walks. JULY. — Plant more cauliflower for autumn ; and cabbages, savoys, brocoli, and leeks, for winter. If any vacant ground, sow turnips, car- r ots, onions, winter spinage, kidney beans, endive, &c. Towards the end, plant sweet herbs. Transplant celery, more cabbages and cauli- flower on the ground where the early pease are done. Keep wall-trees and espaliers in good order. Water, in dry weather, always m the even- ing. Dung and dig ground for full crops of whiter giecns and cabbage to be planted next mouth. AUGUST. — If any seeds were omitted to be sown last month, finish now. Sow cabbage and all kinds of greens to stand through the w inter for plants in spring * also cabbage and Dutch lettuces on warm borders, for winter use. Earth up celery, and plant out more. Clean asparagus beds. If room, plant more brocoli. calibaere. &c. About the middle sow cauliflower and prickly spin.. ire. Gather onions, garlic, and all sweet herbs. Clip thorn hedges, and pare thrift edgings. SEPTEMBER.— Plant strawberries and box edgings. Transplant ce- lery, lettuce, endive, and all evergreen shrubs. Look over wall-trees and C 3 29 espaliers, and fasten straggling branches. Prepare ground for planting fruit trees. Dig up all vacant borders, and clean and roll gravel walks. Destroy snails, caterpillars, and other vermin. Slip and transplant fi* l>rous-rooted plants and flowers. OCTOBER.— In this and the three following months, dung, dig, and trench all vacant ground, to be ready for spring crops, covering in the dung well. Plant out early cabbages to cut in May. Towards the middle sow early pease and beans, and earth them up when two inches high. About the end plant all kinds of fruit trees; and, before the frost sets in, gooseberries, currants, rasps,, and flowering shrubs. All kinds of | trees, whether fruit or forest, transplanted this month, will thrive better than later . Dress wall-trees, &c. Prepare ground for planting trees. NOVEMBER.— Finish planting gooseberries, currants, &c. and flower- ing shrubs ; also fruit and forest trees, putting loose dung round the stenu to preserve them from frost. Sow more early pease and beans, and a few radishes on a warm bonier. Plant all kinds of bulbous rooted flowers, and some anemonics and ranunculuses. Secure artichokes and as- piragus beds from the frost, by covering them well with loose dung. A small 1 iot— bed frame may be kept profitably at work all winter in raising small salads, such as radishes, cresses, mint, &c. Plant cauliflower upou warm sheltered borders, or under hoc-bed frames or hand glasses. DECEMBER.— In mild weather continue to sow pease and beans for a succession. Cover your artichokes with loose dung, to keep tire roots from frost, if omitted last month. Prune gooseberries, currants, and thin out rasps. Dig and dung all spare ground ; and dung and prepare borders on walls for young fruit trees in March, if omitted to be planted last month. Fasten young fruit trees with stakes. Gather all rubbish and burn it ; and in D ost carry out dung. CHRONOLOGY of REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES. 1701 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel instituted. 1702 King William died, and Queen Anne succeeded, March 28. - War declared agaiust France, May 4. 1701 Gibraltar taken, aud Victory at Hockstet. - Battle of Blenheim, Aug. 14. 1707 Union between England and Scotland, signed July 22. Battle of Ramilies, May. 1708 Minorca taken from the Spa- niards. Battle of Oudenarde. 1709 The French beat atMalplaquct 1710 St Paul’s rebuilt at 1,000,000/. — The South Sea Company began 1713 Peace of U trecht with France. 1714 Queen Anne died, aged 50; succeeded by George 1. Interest of Money reduced to 5 per cent. 1715 Rebellion in Scotland, Sept. A total eclipse of the Sun, April 22. 1716 The lirst appearance of the Northern Lights. 1716 The Act passed for Septennial Parliaments. 1719 The South Sea Scheme. 1727 George 1. died, aged 68; suc- ceeded by his Son Geo. 11. — Innoculation first tried on Cri- minals. An Earthquake in many parts of England. 173S Westminster Bridge begun; finished 1750 ; cost 389,0001. 1739 War declared against Spain, Oct. 23. Porto- Bello destroyed by Ad. miral Vernon. 174S Battle of Dettmgen, June 16. 1744 Anson circumnavigates the World. War declared against France. 1745 The Battle of Fontenoy. 1746 Rebels defeated at Culloden, April lb. 1747 Victory over the French Fleet, by Anson, May 3. 1748 Peace of Aix-la Chapelle. 1749 Interest of the funds reduced to 3 per cent. 1752 New Style introduced. 30 1755 Lisboa (lest, by an Earthquake. 1759 The Battle of Minden, &c. Gen. Wolfe killed at Quebec. 1760 George II died, aged 77; suc- ceeded by his Grandson. 1761 Belleisle takenfromtheFrench. 1762 War declared against Spain. The Havannah, Manilla, and Martinico taken. 1763 General Peace prod. Mar. 22. 1765Society of Artists incorporated. Otaheite discovered in theSouth Seas. Blackfriar's Bridge built; cost 153,0001. 1775 War declared against North America 1776 Americans declare themselves independent. 1777 Gen. Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, Oct. 17. 1778 War against France. 1779 War against Spain. lf80 Admiral Rodney took 22 Spa- nish Ships, Jan. 8 and 16. Five Ships more, Jan. 16. 17i$ French Fleet defeated Nelson, Aug. 1. 1799 Scringapatam taken, May 4. Buonaparte defeated at Acre, May 21. Dutch Fleet surrend. Aug. 30. Buonaparte made First Consul, Dec. 25 1800 The Austrians defeated at Ma- rengo, June 14. Malta taken by the British. 1801 First Meeting of the United. Parliament, Jan. 22. Mr Pitt’s Administration dis- solved, Feb. 7. Treaty of Peace between Aus- tria and France. Battle of Alexandria, March21. Battle ofCopenhagen, April 2. Convention among Northern Powers signed. Cairo surrendered to the Bri- tish, June 27. Spanish Fleet defeated by Sir J. Saumarez, July 12. Alexandria surrendered, Sep.21 Great ltiots in London, June 1802 Peace of Amiens, March 27. 5, 6, and — — War with Holland, Dec. 20. 1781 Engagement with the Dutcli Aug. 5. Georgium Sidus discovered by Herschel. 1782 Adm. Rodney beat the French Fleet, April 12. 1783 40,000 people perished by an Earthquake. Fiery Meteor passed over Eng- land, Aug. 18. General Peace, Sept. 3. 1786 Frederick the Great of Prussia died, aged 75. 1787 Transports first sent to Bo* tany Bay. 1789 Revolution in France, the Ba- stile demolished. 1790 Armament against Spain. 1792 Leopold, Emperorof Germany, died, Marcn 1. King of Sweden shot, March 16, died March 29. France became a Republic. 1793 K .of France guillotined ,Jan.21 . — Q.of France guillotined, Oct. 16 il794 French Fleet defeated by Earl Howe, June 1. 95 Again by Lord Bridport. 1797 Spanish Fleet defeated by Earl St Vincent, Feb. 14. Duncan, Oct. 11. Buonaparte appointed Consul for life, August 6. 1S03 War with Britain and France. 1804 Buonaparte appointed Emper- or, May 18. Francis II relinquishes the title uf Emperor ot Germany. War with Spain begun. 1S05 Buonaparte crowned King of Italy, April 24. Battle of Trafalgar; Lord Nel- son killed, Oct. 21. 1807 French defeated Russians and Prussians at Tilsit. The Danish Fleet surrendered to the British. Portugal taken possession of by the French, and the Govern- ment emigrate to the Bra- zils. 1808 Throne of Spain abdicated by Charles IV. aud afterwards assumed. Royal Family of Spain detain- ed in France. — Povinces of Spain declare War against France, and acknow- ledge Ferdinand Vll asKiug. Josepn Buonaparte entered Spam as King. 1809 War between Austria and F ranee. Dutch Fleet defeated hy Lord King of Sweden dethroned. aiul his Uncle elected. .1 1810 Treaty of Peace between Aus-il 81 4 The King of Spiun dissolves the tria and France. - Buonaparte divorcesJoscphine, and marries the daughter of the Emp. of Austria, April 1. - Holland annexed to France. - General Bernadotte nominated Crown Prince of Sweden. 1811 Son of Buonaparte created King of Rome. • The Hans Towns and thei Valais annexed to France. ; Pr.of Wales appointed Regent.! 1812 Mr. Perceval, prime minister,! assassinated. Washington taken by the Bri- — . Russia and Sweden declare war . tish. against France. The French Union of Norway and Sire- grand army march to Mos- den. cow, and nearly annihilated. Congress of the allied Sove- - The French driven out of Por- ' * Cortes, abrogates the new constitution, and all the laws favourable to the liberty of the subject j revives the In. quisition and the order of the Jesuits. The Pope re-established in his dominions. Tobago, St. Lucie, Malta, the Cape of Hope, amt the Mau- ritius continued to Great Britain, by the treaty of Peace. tugal.and defeated at Sala- manca, when they evacuate Cadiz, and the south of Spain. ■ The United States declare war against Britain. 1815 Prussia, Austria, and Bavaria join the confederacy against France. . The French defeated at Vit- toria, and followed by the allied army into France. . The French defeated at Leip- sic with the loss of 100,000 men. Queen of Sicily’s power anni- hilated. . Holland throw's off the French reigns at Vienna. — Peace concluded with America 1815. Jan. 2. The order of Knight- hood of the Bath enlarged, aud divided into three classes. 8. British repulsed before New Orleans. Sir E. Pakcnham slain. ■15. President, American frigate, captured by the Endymion, Cap tain Hope. 14. Tne British under Sir R. Brownrigg entered the capital of Candy as conquerors. 17. Peace wiih the United States ratified at Washington. 28. Napoleon Buonaparte sailed from Elba for France, and lauded yoke, and restores the Stadt- at Frejus. Holder. j March 12. Ratification of peace 1814 The allied grand armies cross with America received in London, the Rhine, Jauuary 1. 1 19. Louis XV11I left Paris. The French defeated at Tou j May 22. Message from the Prince louse; Bourdeaux entered Regent to Parliament conmnini- by the British under the Eail eating the new treaties of the of Dallumsie ; tire French e- allied powers, vucuate Spain, and King Fer- dinand restored. The allied armies enter Paris. and a provisionalgovermnent established. Buonaparte deposed, and sent to the island of Elba. The Bourbons restored, aud a general peace concluded. The French evacute Italy , Ger- many, and Flanders, and re June 9. Treaty of the congre*? of Vienna signed. 16. Americans defeat the Alger- ines at sea. — Duke of Brunswick killed in Flan- ders in an action with the French. 18. Battle of Waterloo, the French totally defeated. 21. 10,000/. voted towards finish ing Edinburgh University building. 13. Napoleon Buonaparte address- turn within their ancient ter-'ed a letter to the Prince Regent, r „, nt ory. craving the British protection. — — The Emperor of Russia, King! 15. Napoleon Buonaparte embark of Prussia, and other Princes, jed on board the Bellerophon, Cap. | visit London. Uain Maitland, for Britain. 32 Bri’ ish under Sir James Lellh. 19. Colonel Labedoyere shot at Pari 3 for treason. 29. Duke and Duchess of Cum- berland re- married in London. Sept. The works of art in the National Museum at Paris restored to the countries they belonged to. 19. Foundatiou-Stones of the Regent’s Bridge, Calton, and New Gaol, Calton Hill, Ed nburgh, laid. Oct. 13. Joachim Murat., late king of Naples, shot. 15. Buonaparte arrived safe at St. Helena. treaties of peace between the I . i. „ if-. t allied Sovereigns and the King of lat. 80. 50. Hi. Buonaparte arrived at Torbay. August 7* Buonaparte embark- ed in the Northumberland for St. Helena. ■■■■■ 10. Guadaloupe capitulated tothe sion act repealed. France. Dec. 5. Marrhal Ney condemned for treason, and shot on the bth. 1816. Jan. 22. Jury Court for civil cases in Scotland opened. Mar. 18. House of Commons vot- ed the abolition of the Proper tyTax. May 2. Princess Charlotte oi mont, after having been delivered of a still bom male child. 1818. Jan. 29. Habeas Corpus suspen. Feb. 5. Ancient Regalia of Scot- land found in the Crown Room of Edinburgh Castle. — Charles XI II. of Sweden died. Bernadotte ascended the throne. lO. A pistol iired at the Duke of Wellington in Paris, which missed him, and the assassin escaped. June 9. Parliament dissolved at the close of its sixth sessiou. Oct. War in India terminated by the surrender of the Peishwa, head of the Mahratta powers. 17. Capt. Buchan, with the Do- rothea and Trent, returned from 29. Ratification received of thejan unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole, having been in Nov. France evacuated by the allied troops, agreeably to a treaty signed by the Sovereigns at Aix- la-t’hapelle. 12. Capt. Ross, with the Isabella and Alexander, returned from an unsuccessful expedition in search of a north-west passage. 17. Charlotte, ^ueen of Great A# a 1 it i v. v O j VMCtiiutlt U1 1 (• v^uniivnccj wucvn va Wales married to Prince LeopoldiBritain and Ireland, died in her of Saxe Cobourg of Jsaalfeid. l75th year. July 22. Duke of Gloucester Dec. 2. Her Majesty buried with married to his Cousin the Princess great pomp at Windsor, thePnnce Mary. Regent attending as chief mourner. Aug. IS. Shock of an earthquake 5. Weather unusually mild for felt throughout Scotland. the two last months. 26. Town and Forts of Algiers 18i9. attacked and destroyed by Viscount Mar. 23. Kotzebue, the German Exinouth. ^dramatic writer, assassinated at 1817. Feb. 13. A new Silver began to be issued throughout Great Britain, which was iu uni- versal circulation iu the course oi ten days. March 4. The Habeas Corpus act suspended on account of the state of the country. June 19 Edinburgh and Glasgow jManheim by a student named Sand. Coinage April S, 4, 5. City of Copiapo, in Chili, destroyed by'earthquakes. June 16. District of kutch, in India, devastated by an earthquake. City of Bhooj and a great number of towns, with thousands of the in- nabitants, destroyed. Effects of the convulsion felt for 400 miles. July. A comet seen this month. Union Canal Bill passed. ~ j Aug. 16. Reform meeting at 18. Waterloo bridge over the'Mancliester dispersed by the mili* Thames from the Strand, London, tary. Several people killed, find opened. jmany wounded. Oct. 3. Dey of Algiers strangled j Nov. 23. British Parliament con- by his Turkisn soldiers. ivened in consequence of the dis- Nov. 6. Princess Charlotte of |curl>ed suite of the manufacturing. Wales and Cobourg died at Clare- {districts, QUEENSFERRY PASSAGE. Table of Freights established at a meeting of the Committee for ma- naging the concerns of this Passage, appointed by the trustees named 1$’ an act for the improvement of the Queentferry passage. For a Coach, Barouche, Landau, except Hearse and Mourning Coach, - 7 x. 6J. Hearse and MoumingCoach 10 0 F<'\n-whcded Chaise - 0'6 Curricle - 5 0 Two-wheeled Chaise and Taxed Cart - 5 6 Horse used in drawing any such carriage - - 1 0 Waggons, Carts, &c. not exceeding 10 cwt. 2 0 20 cwt. - 2 2 22 cwt. - 2 4 25 cwt. - 2 6 For every hundred weight more, not exceeding 30 cwt., ... oi For every hundred weight more, not exceeding 40 cwt., - 0 2 For every cwt. more 1 0 Horse used indrawingWug- gons and Carts - 0 8 Saddle Horse - 1 o Mule or Ass - - 0 6 Lowland Ox, Bull, Cow, or Heifer - - - 0 6 Highland Ox, Bull, Cow, or Heifer - 0 5 Calf, Sow, Boar, or Hog 0 5 Sheep or Goat - - t) U Lamb or Kid () \ Dog or Puppy - 0 1 Grain and Merchandize, per barrel-bulk - - 0 6 Passenger in a Pinnace or Yawl - - 0 C in a Large Boat 0 S Highland Shearer 0 1 Freight of a Boat from sun- rise to sunset - - 4 0 Freight from sunset to sun- rise - - . - 6 0 Pinnace or Yawl, from sun- rise to sunset - - 2 6 Pinnace from sunset to sun- rise - -40 Sunrise to be calculated according to the time when the Boat, &c. leave the landing place, and sunset according to the time when they reach it. separate tares to be exacted, when they exceed the sums payable for a freighted Boat, Pinnace, or Yawl. v REGULATIONS. One boat, one pinnace, and one yawl, arc to be kept on the south side of the Ferry, and eight boatmen, at least, are to reside at South Queens- ferry or Newhalls. , **5 boat navigated by at least five men, or four men and a oo> ; and each pinnace and yawl by at least four men, or two men and 1,1 st0 J'n>y weather the superintendant to order the boats, be regulated by the Superintendant. ■ XV. The large boats are fitted up with a first and second cabin. Tickets for earb are to be had from the Collector, and no person to be admitted into these cabins with* out such ticket. First cabin 2s., second, Is. 6d. XVI. Boats and cutters may be freighted, when the Superintendant allows it, on a due consideration of the number of boats and cutters necessary for the passage, at the regular hours before mentioned, and of the state of the weather and tide. The person or part} freighting the boats and cutters to be ferried over for payment of the freighted price; but other passengers, if taken on board with the consent of the person orpartj freighting the boat or cutter, to pay the regular fare, over and above the freighted price. The whole of this arrangement is committed to the discretion of the Superintendant. XVII. Thateach master shall keep on board copy Regulations and Tabic Freights. XVIII. From 1st March to 31st October inclusive, cutters will sail between Burntisland and Newhaven every day, Suuday included, faring each of these places at 8, 11,2, and 5 o’clock, and from 1st November to 1st Mai%, leaving each of these places at 8, 12, and 3 o’clock.— T wo large boats for goods and passengers to ply between Burnt- island and Leith, one of them U' leave each of those places every day ’s tide, Suuday in- cluded, at an hour and a half before high-water. XIX. Passengers will have the goodness to report to the Superintendant, oy his deputies, any neglect or deviation fYom the above regulations; and it is requested, if they cannot attend personally, that they will leave a written complaint in form of a letter, with the Superintendant at Pettycur; Mr William Douglas, Kirkaldy; , Gardner, Superintendant, Leith, or Richard Thorrtlon Newhaven. No complaii will ba attended to unless made within ten days. ~W N. B. It U requested that passengers haring carriages, horw, cattle, or goods ■ ‘ '*o be carried across, will, without reference to the Tablet, hare them down to the Tor* det throe hour* before high water. Table* of the tailing* of the boat* to he had he Bupcrintacdant’i office, Pettvcur. TABLES OF RATES AND FARES Each crett of glati and ttuao* ware, * - L. 0 I Each millstone, - 0 6 Each barrel of 32 gallonj of beef, pork, butter, &c. - 0 0 Each cwt. of all weighable good* 0 0 Each boll of barley, or other grain 0 0 Each boll of potato**, carrots, die. 0 0 Each boll of meal, » 0 0 Each sack of flour, • • 0 0 Each 100 of brickt,tyle*,and slate*, 0 0 Each foot of timber, *» 0 0 1 j Each bottle of vitriol, • * 0 0 Each empty ditto, • 0 0 Each pipe of wine, spirits, or oil, 0 4 Each empty pipe, - -00 Each hogshead of ditto, • - 0 2 Each half hogshead of ditto, -01 Each aokcr of ditto, - i 0 0 Each hogkheadof ale, beer, or barm, 0 1 Each half hogshead of ditto, 0 0 Each barrel ofheirings or salt, 0 0 6 0 0 3£ Each barrel bulk of all other goods, 0 0 6 0 0 7 i Each bundle of hoops, . - 0 0 * _ 0 0 8 Each barrel of gunpowder - 0 0 8 .11 goods to be chargeable either by barrel bulk or weight, in the option of the Super- inteiulant.-— The Boatmen only are allowed to sling and stow goods on board. Freight of a boat from 1st April to 1st Oct. by day, L JO 13 G.«.by night, L.O 13 6 Freight of a boat from 1st Oct. to 1st April, by day, 0 13 6... by night, 0 18 0 Freight of pinnace «r yawl, by day during the year, 0 12 0 Freight of ditto from 1st October to 1st April, by night, 0 13 6 No yawl. A: c. to ply for hire without a licence from the Trustees ; otherwise they in- ir a penalty of L. 3 for each offence. But if circumstances require it, either from its >t being the hour fot Trustees* boots to sail, or from weather or necessity, such tw Is, &c. may carry over passengers on paying Is. 6d. for each passenger on hoard, < the Superintend ant at Tcttycur or Burntisland. Every evasion of tills onlur to be mtshed, by levying the abort: postal ty as the act directs. Nofc.-— Regulations for the Porters at the different Ferry Stations, and a Table of ielr Fare*, are to be had at the Superinteudanl’s Office, Tettycur. Errmpthm*.— Hones or carriage* of any description, employed or to be employed In * -Trying the malls and expresses under the authority of his Majesty’s Postmaster-general, • (her when employed In conveying, fetching, or guarding such mails or expresses, or In turning back from conveying the same ; nor for any otlicen or soldiers of his Ma- tty's army or militia upon duty, or on their march, nor for the horse* of any such Beers; nor for the horses, cattle, or carriages employed in carrying or oonreying ek arms, baggage, or returning after having conveyed the same; oor for any iffioo, wain, curt, or other carriage whatsoever, or the horse or horses, or other cat- •, drawing the same, which shall be employed in conveying any ordnance, barrack, commissariat, or other public store* of or belonging to his Majesty, or for the use hi* Maje*ty*s forces; nor for bones furnished by, or for person* bvlorqjir.g to, any rpi of yeomanry or volunteer cavalry, and rode by them in going to or return* H from the place appointed for exercise; nor Cor any person* belonging to any corp* unteen on actual duty, provided that such persons be dressed In the uniform of their pective corps, and have their arms, furniture, and accoutrements, according te the uktions provided for such corp* respectively, at the time such exemption is claim* ; n 0 1 9 : -Each stallion, - - • 0 6 6 ■ Each oow or stot, * • 0 t 0 -.Each calf, sow, or pig, » • 0 0 6 - Each sheep and goat, - • 0 0 2* Each lamb, * - • 0 o 1 ■ Each sporting dog, 5 - 0 0 6 Each othor dog, - j 0 0 2 Each landau ot ooach, * - 0 0 6 •Bach other four- wheeled carriage i-jr* or chariot, - - ^ Each one horse chaise, * Each hearse with corpse. Each hearse empty, • . .Each close or corn cart empty, • , Jack plough or pair of harrows, . Cach pair of fanners, Jack pair of cart wheel*, >ach cwt. of carrier's baggage, * lack barrel bulk of ditto, tOch highland shearer, 0 8 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 06 0 16 0 0 9 n w i ) jAir.* from Leith and Haibour of Pettycur. Boats from Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. I ; FEB. Boat* from Leith and Harbour ef Pettycur. Boats from Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. l 1, 0, 3 9, 11, 0 1 0. 1, 3 9, 11, 0 Su. 2 12, 0, 3 10, 0, 0 2 0, 1, 3 9, 11, 0 3 1, 0, 3 9, 11, 0 3 0, 0, 3 9, 11, l 4 1, 0, 9, 11, 0 4 0, 0, 3 9, 11, 1 5 o. c\ 3 9, 11, 1 5 0, 0, 3 9, 11, 1 € 0, o, 3 9, H. 1 Su. 6. -0, 0, 3 10, 12, 0 7 ■9, 0, 3 0, 11, 1 7 9, 0, 0 41, 1, 3 8 9, 0 11, 1, 3 8 9, 11, O 0, 1, 3 Su. 9 10, 0, 0 0, 12, 3 9 9, 11, 0 0, 1, 3 10 9, 11, 0 0, 1, 3 10 9, It, 1 O, 0, 3 11 9, 11, l 0, 0, 3 11 11, 1, 3 0, 0, 9 12 9, 11, 1 0. 0, 3 12 ■14, 1, 3 0, 0, 9 13 11, 1, 3 9, 0, 0 Su. 13 0, 12, 3" 10, 0, 0 H 11, 1* 3 9, 0, 0 14 11, 1, 3 0, 0, 9 15 J 11, r. 3 9, 0, 0 15 0, 1, 3 9, 11, 0 Su. 16 0, 12, 3 10, V , 0 16 0, 1, 3 9, 11, 0 • 17 0. 1, 3 9. 11, 0 17 0, 1, 3 9, 11, 0 18 O, I, 3 9, 11, 0 18 0, 0, 3 9,11, 1 19 0, o, 3 9, 11, 1 19 9, 0, 3 0, 11, 1 20 0, 0, 3 9, 11, 1 Su. 20 0, 0, 3 10 12, 0, 21 9, 0, 3 0. n. 1 21 9, 0, 0 11, 1, 3 22 9, 0, 0 11, 1.. 3 22 9. 11, 0 0, 1, 3 So. 23 10, 0, 0 0, 12, 3 23 9, 11, 1 0, 0, 3 24 9. U, 0 O, 1, 3 24 9, 11, 1 0, 0, 3 25 9, 11, 1 0, 0, 3 25 11, 1, 3 9. 0, 0 26 11, 1, 3 9, 0, 0 26 11, 1. 3 9, 0, 0 27 11, l. 3 9 0, O Su. 27 0, 12, 3 10, 0, O 28 11, 1, 3 9. O, 0 28 11, 1, 3 9, O, 0 29 it, I, 3 9, O. O 29 O, 1. 5 9. U. O *«. 30 O, 12. 3 to. O. ® 10 11 Su. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Su. 19 21 Su. 26 27 Boats from Leith and Harbour of Pettvcur. 1. 3, 5 1 , 2, 5 i, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 0, 0, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 6 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 7, 9. 11 9, U, 1 11, 1. 3 11, 1, 3 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 0, 0, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 11 9, H, 1 9, 11, 1 9, 1, 0 11, I, 3 11 . Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. APR. Boat* from Leith and Harbour of Pettycur. Boats from Newhaven, and Anchor at Pcttycyr. ! # 7, 9, 11 1 1, 3, 5 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 Su. 2 0, 1, 5 9, 0, 0 a 7 9, 11 3 7, 3, 5 9,11, 1 8.? 7, 9, 11 4 7, 3, 5 9, II, I >. * 9, 1, 0 5 7, 3, 6 9, 11, 1 £ 1" 9, 11, 1 6 7, 9, 5 U, 1, 3 9, 11, 1 7 7, 9, 11 1, 3, 5 i * 1, 3, 5 8 7, 9, 11 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 3u. 9 9. 1, 0 0, 0, 5 ft 1, 3, 5 10 9, 11, 1 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 6 11 11, 1, 3 7, 9, 5 K i 0, 0, 5 12 11, 1, 3 7. 9, 5 7, 9, 5 13 11, 1, 3 7, 9, * § ^ i? 7, 9, 5 14 1, 3, 5 7, 1,11 7, 9, 11 15 1, 3, 5 7, 9, 11 'I a 7, 9, 11 Su. 16 I, 0, 5 9, 0, 0 ° a- 7, 9, 11 17 7, 3, 5 9, 11, 1 2*5 9, 11, 1 18 7, 3, 5 9, 11, 1 9, 1, 0 19 7, 9, 5 , 11, 1, 3 9, 11, 1 20 7, 9, 5 11, 1, 3 2 6. 11, 1, 3 21 7, 9, 11 1, 3, 5 fr-: 11, 1, 3 22 7, 9, 11 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 Su. 23 9, 1, 0 0, 0, 6 00 5 Si 7, 3, 5 24 9,11, 1 7, 3. 5 7, 3, 5 25 9, 11, 1 7, 3, 5 £ O, 0, 5 26 11, 1, 3 7, 9, 5 7, 9. 5 27 11, J, 3 7. 9, 5 - 7, 9, 5 28 11, 1, 3 7, 9. 5 5 7, 9, 5 29 1, 3, 5 7, 9, 11 7. 9. 11 Su- 30 t, O. 5 0.0 0 1 i to Leith and Harbour of Petty cur. Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Su. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Su.2l 7 , 3 , 7 . 3 , •3. 9, 5 9. 5 9, 11 0, 0 t 9 . 11 . 9, 11, 9, 11, 11, 1, 11 , 1 , U. 1, 0, l, 1. 3, I, 3, 7, 3. 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9, 0, 9, 11, 9, 11, 9, 11. 9, 11, U. 1. II, 1, 0 , 0 , 1. 3, 1. 3, 7. 3, 9, U, 1 9, 11. 1 9, 11, 1 11 , 1 , 3 11 , 1 , 3 1. 3, 0, 1, 7, Boat* from Leith and II arbour of Pettycur. Su. 4 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9. 5 7, 9, 5 9 , 0 , 0 7, 9. 11 7. 9, 11 9. 11, 1 11, 1. 3 5 11, i, 3 11, 1, 3 0, 1, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7. 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 9, 0, 5 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11. 1 9 10 8u. 11 12 Su. 1ft 1$ 20 21 22 23 21 Su. 25 26 3. 5 7, 9, 5 9, 5 0, 0 7, 9, 11 9, 11 1 9, 11. 9, 11. 1, l, 0 , 1 , J, 3, 1, 3, 7, 3. 7, 3, 7, 7, 9 7, 7, 7. 9, 11. 9, 11, 9, 11. Boat* from Newharen and Anchor at Pettycur. 3, 5 9, 5 0, 5 9. 5 9. 11 9, 11 1 1 1 0 , 1 . 3, 3. 3. 3. 3* 9, 11, 1 11, I. 3 11, 1, 3 0 , 1 , 5 1 3, 5 1, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 9, 0, 0 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11, 1 9,11, 1 9,11, 1 11, 1, 3 0, 1, 0 11, 1. 3 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 6 9, 0, 5 7, 9, H 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11. 1 9, 11. 1 Boats from Leith and Harbour of Pettycur. 7 2 Su. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9u. 16 17 16 19 20 21 '+ Su. 23 sM 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Boats from Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. 7 , 9 , 5 0 , 9 , 5 7 , 9 , 5 7 , 9,11 7 , 9, 11 9 , 11 , 1 9 , 11 , 1 11 , 1 , 3 0, 1, 0 11, l. 3 1 , 3 , 5 1, 5 I , 3 , 5 7 , 3 , 5 7 , 3 . 5 9 , 0 , 5 7 , 9 . 5 7 , 9 , 5 7 , 9 , 5 7 , 9.11 7 , 9,11 9 , 11 , 1 9 , 1 , 0 II, 1, 3 II, 1, 3 1 , 3 , 5 1 . 3 , 5 1 , 3 , 5 7 , 3 . 5 0 , 0 , 5 7 , 9 . 5 11 , 1 , 3 0, 1, O 11 , 1 . 3 1, 3, 5 I, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 9, 5 9, 0, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 7, 9,11 9, 11, 1 9, 11, 1 9, 1, 0 II, 1, 3 11 , 1 , 3 11 , 1 , 3 1, 3, 5 I, 3, 5 7, 3. 5 0, 0, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 11 7, 9,11 7, 9,11 », 11, 1 9 , 1 , 0 II, 1. * Boats from Leith and Harbour oi Pettycur. Su. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Su. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Su. 20 21 22 23 24 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, H 9,11, 1 9,11, 1 0, 1, 0 11, X, 3 11, 1, 3 11, 1, 3 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 I, 3, 5 0 , 0 , 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9,H 7, 9, U 9 , 1 , 0 9,11, 1 II, 1, 3 11. 1, 3 11, 1, 3 Boatsfroin Newharen and Anchor at Pettycur. 11, 1, 3 11, 1. 3 1, 3, 5 7, 3, 5 7, 3, » 9, 0, 5 7, 9, 5 7. 9. 5 7, 8, 5 7, 9, II 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 1. 0 9,11, 1 9,11, 1 11 , 1 , 3 11, 1. 3 1, 3, 5 1, 3, 5 0, 0, 5 7. 3, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 5 25 1, 3, 5 7, 9, 11 26 h 3, 3 7, 9, 11 SU. 27 0, 0, 5 9, 1. « 28 7, 3, 5 9, 11, » 29 7, 3, * 9,11. 1 > 30 7, 9, 3 11, 1, * 31 7, 9, 5 11, 1* 3 & So. 8U. 10 n 12 13 c 16 S*. 17 18 12 20 e « S«. 24 2 5 26 27 22 29 Boat* from Leith aad Barbour of Pettycur. 7, 9, 11 9 7 : f; 11 tfn, i, 3 "U. 1 n. i, 1. s, ?’ 1’ 4 1, ^ 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, S, 7, 9, 5 11 I,* 7, 9, 5 11, l! Q A A r, J - * . 0, 0 9, 11, 1 9, 11, 1 2 , 11 , 1 21 11, 1, 3 «2 11 , 1 , 3 llo 1, 3 0, 1, 5 1, 3, 5 7, S, 5 Boat sfiom Newhaven, and Anchor at Pettycur. 1, 3, 1, 3, 0 , 0 , 7, S, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 5 7, 9, 11 9, 0, 0 7, 9, 11 9, 11, 1 3, 11, 1 9 , 11 , 7. 3, 5-9,H, 7, 9, 5 “ 9, 5 9, 11 0, 1, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 9, 0, . 7, 9, 11 9.11* 1 U. 1. 11 , 1 , i, 3, Su. Boat* from Leith and Harbour of Pettycur. Su. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Su. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Su. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Su. 29 30 31 9, 1, 9,11, _ 9,11, 1 11 , 1 , 11 , 1 , 11, 1, 11, 1 0, 1, I. 3, J. 3, 1. 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 9, 9, 0, _ 7, 9. 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11, 1 9, 11, ii: i: f :k 1 , 3 , 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 9. 9, 0, 7, 7, 1 3 3 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 0 9, 11 9 , 11 0 , 0 , 7, 3, 7, 3, 7. 7, 9, 7, 9; 7, 9, 9, 0, „ 7, 9,11 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11, i?: 1 !: 0. 1. 1, 3, 1. 3, 7, S, 7, 3, " 9, 9, 9, 0; 7, 9, 11 7, 9, 11 9, 11, 1 9, U, 9, 11, 11, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, " *2. Boats from Newhaven, and Anchor J SOV, at Pettycur. 4 Su. 5 8 9 10 II Su. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Su. 19 £0 21 22 S3 24 25 Su. 26 27 28 29 30 9, 11, 9, 11, 9, 11, 11, 1, 10 , 12 11, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 , 1 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, H 1 ; s & 9, ii, ft ft S; 1: 0. i. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 9, n, 9, ii, 9, 11, 0, 0, 3 0* 0, 3 0, 0, 3 9, 0, 0 0, 0, 0 9, 0, 0 9, 11, 0 9, 11, 0 9,11, 0 9, 11, 1 9,11, 1 10,12, 3 n, 1, S 0. 1. 3 0, 1, 3 0, 0, 3 0, 0, 3 0, 0, 3 10, 0, 0 9.1}, 0 9, 11, 0 9, 11, 0 9, 11, 0 9, 11, 1 9, 11, 1 10, 12, 0 11 , 1, 3 0, 1, 3 0, 1, 3 0, 1, 3 Ne. of windows Duly per House | per Tear . No. of Duty per win- . House (toe.i t. \per Tear. . No. of windows Duty per 1 House per Tear. 1 No. of window s Duty per House per Tear. Z. t. d 1 \l. t. d. L. t . d.\ Z. s. d. 1 to 6 0 4 6 19 10 5 6 33 22 1 o 75 to 79 46 8 0 ♦ Ditto 0 6 0 20 11 2 6 34 22 18 oj SO 84 4S 13 0 7 0 18 0 21 U 19 t» 35 23 14 85 8 9 50 18 0 8 1 11 0 22 12 16 0 36 24 11 3 90 94 53 2 6 9 2 0 0 23 13 13 0 37 25 S 6 95 9.9 55 7 6 10 2 14 0 21 14 9 6 3X 20 5 o 160 109 58 15 0 11 3 10 6 25 15 6 6 39 27 2 o' no 119 63 4 6 , 12 4 7 6 26 16 3 6 40 to 44 28 15 6 120 129 67 14 6 13 5 4 6 27 17 0 0 45 49 11 11 6| 130 139 72 4 O' 14 6 1 6 28 17 17 0 50 54 34 H 0 liQ 149.76 14 0 { 15 6 18 0 29 13 14 0 55 59 37 4 ('1 150 159 «1 3 6 16 7 15 0 30 19 10 6 60 64 39 13 6 160 169185 13 6 17 8 12 31 20 7 6j 1 65 69 41 18 6 170 179 90 3 0 18 9 8 6 32 21 4 r 70 74 44 3 0 |180 95 0 6 above 180. 5s. each. AS£KS5En TAXES. DUTIES ON HOUSES AND WINDOWS. * Houses having less than seven windows, if charged to inhabited house duty, are liable to the duty of six shillings. and if not charged to that duty, only so four shillings ami six pi tier. libtinct Chambers of Apartments, in any Public Ho pital ; also Houses divided hi d fferent Tenement*, bting distinct Properties ; where the Number of Windows does not in dach Cnse respectively exceed Seven, to be 1 charged Three Shilings for each Window : where the number of Win- dows exceeds Seven, to be charged as it the same were an entire House, DUTIES ON INHABITED HOUSES. From 51. to 151., rent inclusive. Is. 6d. per pound. - 201 . - 101 . 391., ditto, and upwards, . 3d. - *?. lOd. - And so on at same Rate of its. lOd. in the Pound for Rent of any amount. DUTIES ON MALE SERVANTS. Total per year. Z. t. 51 18 66 10 84 5 91 16 DUTIES ON BACHELORS* MALE 1>LR V A No. At per Servant Total pet l'ear. No. At per Servant T flat per Tear. No. At per Servant. 1 Z. s. 2 8* L. s. 2 3 5 Z. s. 4 18 Z. s. 24 10 9 £. t. 6 2 2 3 2 | 6 4 6 5 3 30 18 10 6 13 3 3 16 11 8 7 5 5 36 15 11 7 13 4 4 7 17 8 8 5 12 44 16 12 — 1 8 1 1 5 1 6 18 34 10 9 4 8 2 1 72 18 10 4 ! 6 7 3 42 18 10 U 8 13 86 10 17 8 7 7 5 50 1.5 11 n 9 13 106 3 25 8 1 8 7 12* 6o 16 12 , 1 115 16 And so on at the s mie Rate for any Number of servants. • Tim Rate of Duty (L. 2. 8$ ) is pay plovtd in any of the Ca ci irs Sch. C- able for every Male Person em- No. I. and not t eing a servant to hargeabie to sm h oher Duties. tT.en the sum of L. 1 Is payable for every such Ma'c Person employed . For every traveller or rider employed by any merchant or trader* where one is kept, 31. 0/. and where more titan one is kept, 51. Os. For every clerk or book keeper, where one is kept (except appren tices that are bound for 7 years, and without fee or premium), ». Or., and where more than one, $r. Os. £or every shopman', warehouse-keeper, or porter, 0/. Rate! f Duty applies to Stewarts. Bailiffs, Overseers, or Mamagera, or Clerk* d under them; and also to Servants retained by Stable keepers, fororta expectation of Profit, to take care of any Horse kept for the purpose^ - or in Training for the same. facing or running for any plate, - » — — » . Waiters at taverns, coffee-houses, &c. 31. Or. each Occasional waiter*, employed for the period of six calendar months, 2/. 0/. each if em- ployed for a lesser period, 1/. Or. each. For every gardener employed in any garden, or who shall have con- tracted for the keeping of any garden, wherein the constant labour of one person shall not be necessary, 10/. This Rate of Duty also applies to MalejPersons retained for Husbandry or Trade, and occasionally employed in any domestic employment ; also to Male Persons so re. tained and occasionally employed as Grooms, where the Master or Mistress is chargeable for One Horse only, Sch, E. or for a Taxed Cart, and no other Carriage, For every coachman kept for the pnrpose of driving any public stage* coach or carriage, and person employed as guard to such stage coach or carriage, and every coachman, groom, or postiUon,kept for thepor* pose of letting to hire for any period less than a year, and in such man* ner that the Stamp-office duty, payable on horses let to hire, shall not be payable on every such letting, ny anv postmasteror innkeeper, 91. 10/. “UTIES ON CARRIAGES WITH FOUR WHEELS. 5 At per Car- nage with Total 5; At per Car- riage with iwheels for Total * 4 Wheeled stage cracbts 5 \ Wheeled stage coacht 4 wheels for Yearly. 3 Yearly. & post tbah. ic port ebtit 1 private use. L, s, d, 12 0 0 L. s. d. 12 0 0 6 private use. L. i. d. 16 8 0 L. t. d. 93 8 0 1 L. s. d. 10 10 0 6 £. i. 1 63 0 0 » 13 0 0 26 0 0 7 17 0 0 119 0 0 2 21 0 0 7 7 S 10 0 3 14 0 0 42 0 0 8 17 12 0 11016 0 3 31 10 0 8 84 0 0 4 15 0 0 60 0 0 9 18 3 0 163 7 0 4 42 0 0 9 94 10 0 5 15 15 0 78 15 0 18 14 0 5 . 52 10 0 And so on at the same rate for any number of Carriages, And for every additional body successively used on same carriage S’. Si. Carriages kept by Coachmakers letting to bin J without horses, 12/. Four fPhecUd’Carriagts drawn by Ponies t Mules, Oxen, or Anti. Carriages with four wheels of less diameter than 30 inches each, built according to Regulations prescribed for Taxed Carts, (except a* to the number of wheels), the original price, or value at anytime, not exceed* Ing L. 15, and without springs, drawn by one pony or mule under 13 hands high, or by an ox or ass, L. 1. 9s. each. Carriages above described . with a spring or springs of anv materials, ex- cept iron or steel, and drawn as above described L. 2. las. each. Carriages with four wheels of less diameter than 30 inches, or construct ed.with a spring or spring* of iron, or which shallbe drawn by twoor more ponies or mule*, not exceeding 12 hands high, or oxen or asses, the ori- ginal price of which Carriage, *or value at any time shall exceed L.15.L.9. A nd for every additional Body successively used on the same Carriage ■ number of wheels L. 3. 5s. DUTIES ON CARRIAGES WITH TWO WHEELS. Carriages with 2 wheels, drawn by 1 horse, each .£6 10 Ditto, drawn by 2 or more horses, 9 0 For any additional body used on the same carriage,...-. ........... 3 3 Taxed' Carts, not exceeding the value of 15/. if ^juiit wholly of wood and iron, without lining or springs of any kind, and with a fixed, but not covered or stuffed seat, or covered foot- board or apron.n.. M .-. M .... M ....- .1 If built with springs of any materials (except of any metallic, or composition of a metallic substance), or used with astutfed ■eat, fixed or unfixed, or with a covered footboard or apron, 0 9 t h» value not Receding 21/.,.. ,? 15 0 DUTY. Every cr breeding, to be exempted white so kept. Mules under IS Hands High, and employed m carrying Ore, Coal, Stone, &c. to and from the Mine or Pit, are charged 3$. DUTIES ON DOGS. Every person who shall kttj» any Greyhound, If. and Hound, Pointer, Setting- dog. Spaniel, Lurcher, or Terrier, or who shall keep two or more Dogs, of whatever description or denomination the same may be, shall annually pay 14/. for each. Persons keeping one Dog, not of the descriptions above named, 8/. Persons compounding for their Hounds, to be charged 36/. ARMORIAL BEARINGS DUTY. Persons using Armorial Bearings, and keeping a Coach or other taxable Carriage, - ••...£% 8 0 Persons not keeping such Carriage, but charged to the House or Window Duty ..... 14 0 Persons not keeping such Carriage, nor being chargeable to the Houseor Window Duty. 0 12 0 HAIR POWDER DUTY. Persons wearing or using Hair Powder 13 6 HORSE DEALERS DUTY. Persons exercising the business of a Horse Dealer. 12 10 0 GAME DUTY. Upon everv person who shall use any Dog, Gun, Net, or oUier Ei.gine, for the purposes of taking or killing any Game what- ever, or any Woodcock, Snipe, Quail, or Landrail, or any Conies, inanv part of Britain, 1 3 fu -> ucli person sHait he a Servant to any person duly charged, I In r.f altrK Cik4»trlnf rha .Infirm / \r\ C nrtr j In respect of such Servant, to the duties granted on Servanti | by this act, and shall use any Dor, Gun, Net, or other En- gine, for any of the purposes before mentioned, upon any f.attds in Scotland, by virtue ot any deputation or appoint* ment, duly registered, or entered as Gamekeeper thereto, there shall" be diargetl the annual sum of i And if such person shall not be a servant for whom the said duties on servants shall be charged yearly . Ppon every other person using any Dog, Arc. 1 5 C . y early , STAMP DUTIES. 3 13 S 13 *. for Abstract of the Ncse Stamp Duties affecting Scotland. AdtnUvion Into any Corporation, or in any City, Borough, or Town Corporate, ft. the Register thereofiu the Court Book, Roll, or Record, where the admission shall be 1 In respect of birth, apprenticeship or marriage, L.l. And where the same shall be upon any other ground, L.3. Affidavit, for every or piece ot’pa^r, parchment or vellum, on which then shall be written or printed, 2s 6,1. Agreement or any minute or memorandum of an agreement made without t.. clause ot registration, where the matters thereof shall We of the value of L.20 sr up, w arils, where the same shall not c ontain more than 1080 words, L.l. And where the same shall contain more, L.l. 15s. And for every entire quantity of 1080 woids over and aborv the first fdftherpra- grewire duty of L. 1. 5s. Appraisement or Valuation*— Where the amount of such appraisement or valuator. shall not exceed L.60 L.O 2 6iKxc. L.200 and not exc. L. 5OO..L.0 13 tl # hao. L. >0 and not exc. L. 100 . . o 5 0 And where it shall exceed 800....1 0 0 100 and not exc. 200 .. 0 10 o| Apprenticeship and Clerksbij— Indenture or other Instrument containing agn ments, and relating to the service of any apprentice, clerk, or servant, put to a master or mistress to lenrn any trade or employment.— If the sum of money paid o*j t secured to be paid to the master or mistress, in respect of such apprentice, shall no: l Am. to L.100 and not to L. 500.. .85 0 0 s to I, .500 and not to L. 600... 30 0 fl to L.000 and not to L. 800... 40 0 0 to I..SOO and not to L.10G0...50 0 0 to L. 1000 or upwards. GO 0 0 amount to L.30 L. 10 0 Am. to L. 30 and not to L. 50... 2 0 0 to L. 50 and not to L. 10th. . 3 0 0 to L.100 and not to L. 200... GOO to L.200 and not to L. 300. ..12 0 O to L.300 and not to L. 400... 20 0 O And where there shall be no such consideration, if the Indenture shall not contain more than 1080 words, L.l. And if more than that quantity, 1.1. L5«. Exemption from the preceding lndcntur.4 for pladng out poor children. Articles or Indenture whereby any i>erson shall become bound to sets e as a derk or ip prentice in order to his admission as a Writer to the Signet or Solicitor, Agent, as Attorney, in any of the Courts of Session, Justiciary, Exchequer, and Commission oi Teinds, L.60. Articles or Indenture to serve as a clerk or apprentice In order to admission to act as a Procurator or Solicitor in the High Court ot Admiralty, the Commissary Court *» Edinburgh, or any other inferior court in Scotland, L.30. * Award or Decreet Arbitral. L.l. 15s. And Where the same shall contain 21G0 word, or upwards, thsn for every entln quantity of 1GS0 words a further duty of L.l. 5s, Inland Bill of Exchange, Draft, orj Order to the Bearer, or to Order, on De- mand or otherwise, not exceeding Two Months after Date, or Sixty Dass after Sight, of any Sum of Money, O Exc. L.200 and not exc. L.300.. 0 5 L.300 and not exc. L .500.. 0 6 0 A Am. to 4 0<. and not exc. l..5.5s..L.O Exc.L. 5 5 and not exc. L.20. . .. 0 L.20 and not exc. L.30.... 0 L.30 and not exc. L.50 0 L.50 and not exc. L.100.. 0 L.100 and wot m to. L.200 . . 0 L .**0 and not exc. L. 1000. 0 S L.l 000 and not exc. L.2OQ0.. 0 12 6 I..2000andnotexc. L.3000.. 0 13 0 L.1W0B.. 1 6-fi 6 -W. at w,7°Tl^f 1 ^^ dJ ^ ,ll ^ 7 to the Beer, or <* any gum of Money, * MooUu * fl “ Dat *> <* Slat, Day. arte, J>'KxaL.*00 and not ore. L.StXX . . 0 6 0 L.500 Rilnotexc.L.50Q... 0 8 o L.AOO and not uxc. L.1 000., 0 It « L.1000 and not exc,L.20 00.. 0 15 6 ] L. 2000 and not exc. L 3000 1 a Pondgn Bill, of Exchange, drawn in a-#. T 3000 1 10 0 payable shall not exceed L. 100.. l.O 1 $.* ’ !!**' wher * ***• 8um made Sxn. L.100 and not exc. L.200. ! . 0 3 0 I t£2 '' "? "* * XC * 0 7 L.200 aodnotaxcL^OO... 0 4 0 L-WOO and L. 3000. . ° ]0 1^00 and not exc. L. 1000_ 0 3 o| *“*** • ** ~Z?£S££ “ ^ *-*-*- « MW* .o ». ■***. fc*c. L. 2000 and not exc. L.3000...7 o r w -a wimp/ # Am. to 40*. and not exc. L.5. 5«. A.O 1 Bx«. L.5. 5a. and not exc. L.20. ... 0 t 1.10 and not exc. L.30..„ 0 t td» and not exc. L.50..., 0 3 L.60 and not axe. L.lOlL. . 0 4 1.100 andnot exc. L.200... 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 o° 3000 and not ecc. 4000.. A 4000 and not exc. 5000.. .9 5000 and not exc. 10,000.. 12 10.000 and not exc. 13,000..15 15.000 and not exc. 20,000.-20 80 ^» Bond given for any certain Sum of Money .not exceeding L.50 . . ..L. 1 0 L.60 and not exc. L.100.. .1 10 100 and not exc. *00... 2 0 *00 and not exc. 300.. .3 0 300 and not exc. 500.. .4 0 500 and not exc. 1000.. .5 0 l 000 and not exc. 2000. 0 Of * limits (um. ^ gl en ,ul "' the «nii duty ai on a bond for tneb rot property, L.l. KSU WiUl valortm duty on conveyance* *»* of^r^TtLr ** u* aanum .... r , n “ tn * * um * haU amount to L.10 per L.l 0 OiAm. to L .400 and not to L.5O0...L.7 0 • •"00 tO a a **“• to L.10 and not to L.50 2 0 0 to 50 and not to 100 0 0 to 100 and not to 200 4 0 0 to 200 and not to 300 5 0 O _f?°. , ? Dd Dotto 0 0 to 500 and not to 730... 8 0 to 750 and not to 1000.. Is o to 1000 and not to 1500.. 15 0 to 1500 and not to 2000... 20 0 to 2000 per ann. or upwards 25 0 — - — nut 10 6 0 0 «, , Bond fL R »h ie !i t0 * aUjtlon * r or »urotr, L.l. 15r. ' J trtue of such Office, L,!ri5«! n ^ *“ *“ d * ocount “oney received by ourti^L^I.^ 1100 ' °“ obta ^ aln « &con ® r ®»tl 0 n ef texUment from eh* Cummlmnry gt!ll °L 0th * nr charged, nor expreuly exempted, L.1. 15a. **n ^^^n^^lLr < ^oT| , ^. b ? ■** WW0W ' ° r ^ tlrn <* *"7 «* Certificate • tah V Br dU ,n hU M»J«ty'.rorrice. uttomi, or any part thereof, 4t. ** * d,awback of any duty or dude* of i*ntity of 1030 word*, L.L5., 8l W>we.dior upwardx, tOen for every .oUre ^wt^o!Tm U | t !!| 1 h °! v A dn3 lMi °" 10 *■ R °cl*«l«tlcal Benefices L.L oTrSr cf llxciee, L.1. loS* >nnpo«ition rwj KtCmlr9t G * n#ral <^Taxe» for any Coontr, l.fgj Ind^k ^ ' b ^ w «« • Debtor and hi. Creditor,, l.1 1^ ^n *t! U rW tha Crown, 1.4. 10s. Seal or Privy Seal, of any definite sura of money wot amounting tol.400 L.l 10 Am. to L.100 and not to L.250...-4 0 to 250 and not to 500...10 0 ta L .600 and not toL.750..L.20 0 Of auy Annuity or Pension not amounting to L.100 per ann...L.l 10 Am. to L.lOO and not to L.200 4 0 to 200 and not to 400...10 0 Grant or Appointment to any olficu or umployment. emolument appertaining thereto shall not amount to I..60 per ann I..2 0 0 i Aua. to L. 50 and not to L.100. . —.I 0 0 to 100 and not to 200 „<» 0 0 to 200 and not to 300 12 0 0 to 300 and not to 500.. -..25 0 0 Am* to 750anduotto 1000„»30 0 (I to 1000 or upwards, for every L.100... ° 0 Am. to L.100 and net to L.600..L.20 0 0 to COO and not to 800... 30 0 0 to 800 and not to 1000..40 0 it to 1000 peraun.dc upwxrds.,50 0 ( m„ w /ment.— ' Where the salary, fees. «d **. (?,/« paid shall not exceed 20s. per oeut. on the sum insured, if the sum Insured shall not exceed L. 100. — Is. 3d. If exceeding L. 100,— for every L. 100, — Is. 3d. And where the Pn.mium shall exceed 20s. per cent, on the sum Insured, if the whole sum insured shall not exceed L. loO,— .U. fid. And if it shall exceed L. 100, — for every L. 100, and also for any fractional part of L. 100,— 2*. fid. 1 Policy of Insurance on any Ship or Vessel, or any Goods, Merchandise, or Property on board thereof, or upon the freight or any other interest In the ship or Vessel, for any certain time not exceeding 12 calendar months, where the Premium thall not ex. eecd 20*. per cent. on the sum Insured, ifthe whole shall not exceed L. 100, ~ 2s. fid. And If it shall exceed L. 100, then for every L. 100, and also for any fractional part of L. 100,*— 2s. Gd. v And where the Premium shall exceed 20s per cent, on the sum insured. If the whole sum shall not exceed L. 100, -5s. And If It shall exceed L. 100, then for every L. 100, and also for any fractional part of L. 100,— 5s. Policy of Insurance, commonly called Mutual Insurance, upon any vovage, from any port of the United Kingdom, or in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Atdorm v, or Sark, or the Isle of Man, to any place In the said Kingdom or Islands. For every L. 100, and also for each and every fractional part of L. 100,— 2s. fid. Upon any other Voyage, or for any certain period not exceeding 12 calendar months. ' or every L. 100, and also for each fractional part of L. 100, thereby insured, 5s. Policy, whereby any other lawful assurance may be made. Where the Premium •hall not exceed 20s. per cent, on the sum insured. If the whole sum shall not exceed L. 100,— 2s. 6d. And If it shall exceed L. 100, then for every L. 100, and also for any fractional part of L. 100,.. .2s. fid. And whcie the Premium shall exceed 20s. pet cent. If the whole sum shall not ex- oeed L. 100,- 5s Ami if it shall exceed L. 100, then for every L.lOO.and any fractional part of L. 100. .'-Jt ' <*Pt ®f ciareeotutat to give sasine of lands or heritable subjects, Os. Promissory Note, for the payment to the bearer on demand, of any sum. Not exceeding L.l. Is L.O 0 5 iExo. L.10 and not exc. L.20 L.O 2 Exe. L.l. Is. and not exc. L.2. 2s*..0 O 10 2, 2s. and not exc. 5. 5*...0 1 3 l 9. 9s. and not e\e. 10 f) | «| | 20 and not exc. 30 „.0 30 and not exc. 50.*.: . . .0 VO sfiil not ere. 100. .,,,..0 0 A ^ 4 <7 Whb'h Note* may be so-issued ufter payment, a* often as shall be thought It. Promissory Not*, foe th« payment otherwise than to the boarar on demand, bi not exceeding two month* after data, or sixty day* after sight, of any nun i money, Am. to 40s. and not ere. L.5. 5*..L.O I 0 jE*& L.30 nnd not ear. L.M.«vL.O 2 Exc. L. 5. 5s. and not exc. 20.—. .0 1 C 60 and not ex*. 100 0 J VO and not cxc. 30..... _0 S 0| These Note* an- not to here-issued after being once paid. FTomiesoty Note, for the payment to the bearer on demand, or In any sth manner, but not exceeding two month*, or sixty day* after date, of any sum of money, Exc. L.100 and not exo» L.20O..L.0 4 6 and wot exc. 300„...0 6 0 300 and not ere. 600. ...O 600 and not exc. 1000. ...0 Exc. L.1000 and not etc. L.2O00.L.0 11 2000 and not e^. 3000 . .JO 15 3000 A 1 3 C These Notes are not to be re-lssuod after being onoe paid. Promissory Note to the Dearer or otherwise, at any time exceeding two months fter date, or sixty days after sight, for Payment of any sum of money, Am. Vo 40s. and not rxe. L.6. 5s.L.0 " Mfi Kxe. L.5. 6a. and not exc. L.20....0 VO and not exc. 30—0 BO and not exc. 60....0 60 and not exc. 100.. ..0 100 and nos. exc. 200.. ..0 6 Exc. L.VOU and not exc. L-300~JJ) fl 300 anti not exc. 500.. ,.J0 g 600 and not exc. 1000.....0 It t 1000 and not exc. 2000.....0 15 0 2000 and not exc. 3000.....1 * 0 3000 M ^.l 10 Promissory Note for the Payment of any Sum of Money by Instalments, or sertra) sums at different times,-— the same Duty as on a Promissory Note, payable in less tbsi two months after date, of a sum equal to the whole amount of the money to be paid. Protest of any Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note, for any sum of money, Not amounting to L.20 L.O 2 0 Protest of any other kind.. . .. M L.O A 0 Am. to L.20 and not to L.100.... 0 3 0 to 100 and not to 600.... 0 5 0 to 500 or upwards 0 10 And for every sheet or Piece of Pnper, upon which the same shall be written after the first, /) 0 0 Receipt or Discharge given for or upon the Payment of Money, m. to L.2 and not to L.5..*.X~0 0 to 5 and not to 10 0 0 3 10 and not to 20 0 0 6 to 20 and not to 60 ... ~JQ 1 0 to 60 and not to loo 0 1 6 to 100 and not to 200—...0 2 6 to SIX) and wot to 500-....0 4 0 Am. to U300 and notto L.500..L.0 S to 600 and not to 1000. . . .0 7 to 1000 or upwards.... ,....0 10 0 And where any Sum of Money whatever shall be therein ex- , pressed or acknowledged to be received in full of nil demands.. 0 10 0 Resignation.— Principal or original Instrument of Resignation, or Service, or Ceg- nition of Heirs, or Charter, or Sasiae of any Houses, Lands, or other heritable sub- jects holding burgage, 9a. I Resignation. — Instrument of Resignation of Lands or heritable subject* not of [burgage tenure, 9». And where the said Instruments shall contain 2160 words, then for every satire quantity of 1080 wonls, over and above the first 1060 words, a farther duty of 9s. Sasine. -Instrument of Ssuine given on any Charter, Precept of elan cotuiat, ot Precept for Chancery, or on any Wadset, Heritable Bond, Disposition apprising «d- judsoatien of any heritable subjects wot of burgage tenure, 9s. And upon words as above, 0s. Settlement— .Any Deed or Instrument, whereby any definite and certain principal sum or sums of money shall be settled upon, or for the benefit ot' any person or psr- sons, if such sum or suras shall amount to L.1000.....^. L.l 15 0 Am. to L. 1000 and not to L. 2600.. 2 0 0 to L.20O0 and not to 3000.. 3 0 0 to 3000 and not to 4000.. 4 0 0 to 4000andaotto 6000.. 3 0 0 to 6000 and not to 7000.. 7 0 0 Ejwtaprioa.. -Wills, Testaments, and Tt mnrti* tovta. Am. to L.7000 and notto L.V000..9 0 0 to 9000 and not to 12.000..12 0 0 to 12,000 and notto 16.000..16 0 0 to 13,000 and not to 20.000..20 0 0 And if to L. 20,000 or upward*. ..25 0 0 And for every quantity of 1080 w ords after the first qty. of 1080... 1 0 • tamenUry Instruments and 4 $ STAMP DUTIES Affecting (ha Proceedings in the Courts in Scotland, 0*on which the relative Duties are to be eharged only on the first akin, sheet, or piece of vellum, parchment, or paper, whereon the sever* 1 instruments, matten tad things specified shall Ur written or printed, except where progressive Duties •re expressly mentioned. For the Proceedings In the Court of Session, including the Bill Chamber, the Cont- mi»ion of Teinds, the Court of Exchequer, and the High Court of Admiralty, the several Duties specified in the first column. And foe the Proceedings in the Commissary Court of Edinburgh and all the Courts hi Scotland, (other than those above mentioned, and the Court of Justiciary), the se- veral Duties specified in the second column. ADVOCATION, Letters of . chequer , Aud for every sheet or piece of paper on which the same shall be written, after the first, a further pn I (I Duty of 'ANIWER to a Petition and Complaint, or to any original 1 Petition er Application in an f process or suit, other than 1 a BUI of Advocation or Suspension fiiiir»,inTt | 'ANSWER to any such Bill, or to a Reclaiming or Incidental Petition, or to a Representation, Condescendence, or any tther paper not being an original application | APPLICATION, original, under whatever title BILL OF ADVOCATION, Bill of Suspension Appeal ... i Appearance, or in a Law Burrows, or incidental to any process or suit, or for payment in terms of the d follow upon any processor suit CASE . . ,....N.M.N.W.Mt.«M.M.H»...MH.I.I.,.«M>, CLAIM, being the first paper In a process or suit 1; ' of" the party for whom It is offered CLAIM of any other description rior, or L-L in the Inferior Courts. * COMPLAINT or Petition and Complaint * CONDESCENDENCE of whatever description DECLARATION, judicial And for every sheet or piece of paper on which the * Duty of DEFENCE of whatever description . the Court, or taken by Commission, or otherwise .. < And for every sheet or piece of paper on which the Duty of..., DILIGENCE, or Incidental Diligence. Letters of ... ET i« - Duty. Duty. 0 ft 0 - o 9 0 - Oil - 0 0 0 Oil o i e 0)0 0 6 0 0 10 0 6 0 o • e 0 S 6 0 16 0 9 6 r 0 \ 8 0 6 0 0 16 >096 • 0 1 8 0 6 0 0 18 0t6 0 1 fi 0 16 r o I a .016 0 1 s 0 6 0 r 0 16 ,016 . 0 1 0 C 2 «. 0 10 0 5 0 I 0 16 Doty. EXTRACT of am Deem* (not being a mere Decree of Re- gistration pro forma,) or of any Abbreviate Act, Commis- sion, Warrantor Protestation INFORMATION . ........ INTERROGATORIES exhibited in behalf of any Party to a process or suit INVENTORY of any Interest inn Mu)tiple|iomdit»* ot other process or suit, when not preceded or immediately accom- panied by n claim or other step of procedure charged as an original application for or in behalf of the party for wham such Inventory is exhildted (other than rimI excel* any Inventory of an Interest in a process of Multiplepoinding or Ranking, v hete the principal Sum claimed shall be under I>. 1 il in the Superior, or L.5 in the Inferior Courts) INVENTORY of any other Description, when not immedi- ately accompanying and referred to in a separate Paper or Step of Procedure charged in this SchvdeU*.... MEMORIAL, of whatever Description ............. MINUTE, of whatever description, which may he lodged by, in behalf of, any party to a proco* or suit NOTE in any suitor process, excel* in the BillChambor ... OBJECTION, being the first paper in a process cr sutt in behalf of the party for whom it may be offered ............... OBJECTION, of any other .dexet ipti on I PETITION, being an original application, or the lirst paper,’ in a process ©i suit in Khalf of the party for whom it may I be 'dli-rod * PETITION, Ot any other description PLEADING or STATEMENT, of whatever description, whether v lit ten or printed, in an? suit or process, oili-red hi behalf of any party, or by order of the Court, and not otherwise charged In this schedule .... PRECEPT, in the nature of a diligence PUEFARED STATE PROTESTATION, lodged in behalf of any party to a pro- cess or suit QUADRUPLY REPLY REPORT, ESTIMATE, or SCHEME, prepared iu conse< «puenceof the appointment, order, or authority of r Judge REPRESENTATION SIGNET LETTERS, oi Writs pasting his Majesty's Signet, of whatever description, not otherwise charged in this schedule (other than and except Letters of Horning and Poinding, ami Letters of Caption for debts under 81AT1. ol INTERESTS in an v process or suit M ,J SUMMONS, of whatever description. Lib.*!, AmcmUncnt of Liliel, Edict, Precept, of the Nature of a Summons SUSPENSION, Letters of triply mw ' t WARRANT, Mandate, or Authority, given to any Solicitor, Attorney, Agent, or Procurator, to commence, cony on, defend, or appear in a»>y action, suit, or procedure, at the Instance or in behalf of any party or parties not having dl v Hnct interests, for the Memorandum or Minute thereof to be entered or filed of Record I 0 10 0 0 2 C * G 2 6 7 6 2 « 5 0 * 6 ............... 0 5 0 2 6 7 6 2 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 7 fi 2 6 5 0 5 0 5 0 SuSCI* R uaI>S of SCO' 11 .AN' Li from. „ UOA.DS TO LONOON, 4c. • IN MEA.SUK.KL> MILES* V To render thl * List n, ore acceptable to the Traveller, several Places are noticed besides the Regular Stages. t ! , l . To Guj igniv , By Mid-Colder. , Heembton Hid- Odder Livingstone Blackburn 'Whiiburn Kjrk of Shott* sew lun Holytown 3 *- I 8 f Fairiy tm 2 * 33 dtoomlniuse Toll 5 * bi* 44 l Gitsgaw Bisbopton Inn Fort Gitsgowr Greenock Innerkia Largs 2tj2i 2 . To Glasgow . Uy Bathgate, Cxstorphine t 3 * 1 Uphall Inn 8 j!l 2 West Kilbride Saltcoats Stbvenston Kdwinning Irvine Monktown Prestwick. r B . Bathgate 6 " 1 West Craigs loa 5 Airdrie Glasgow IS Sd 104 Wi 5 . To Glasgow, By Linlithgow Corstorphine Kirkliston ■VWnchburgh ‘ tinlitlvgow fthnout Falkirk. Loan head 1 Cmnbertundd idvdey 7 l&asj'V 7 Or from Loanhead,as above KlLsyth 6 Kirkintuiloch 5 Glasgow 74 Sj 5 | 8* Silll sliea 54 295 4 . To Stirling, By Falkirk. H Falkirk (see Nu. 3 .) i 2 l l .arlieftkjrk 2*|2Si tannockhura 6 1395 St Nhtians 1*134 VfrtiH 1 1-35 23 6S 74 82 ; 85 | 90 90 97 i 100 103 111 U 2 114 * From Glasgow to Btshopton Inn, by Renfrew instead of Paisley, 2 miles less. t’ennycuick Noblehouse Inn Blytb Bridge Broughton Crook Inn Tweedshaws Moffat St Ann’s Bridge Kirkmichael Amisiidd Dumfries 6 . To Lan ark. By MUl-Calder. Hermisron M’d-Calder 7 Wlfcontown U C leghorn Bridge 6 Lanark 24 10 . To Kirkcudbright , By Dumfries. Dumfries, (sec 9.) 171 Crocketford 9 j ““ Aucliinreoch Mill 2 i Castle Douglas C Bridge of Dee 3 Tonguelaud Br. 5 Kirkcudbright 2 7 . Tn Lanark, By Caruwatlu Currie Little Vantage Causeway -cud Car.twath Carat air* Lanark K 8 . To sorts’ Part pat rid r. By Carnwath. Carnwatli (see?.) & To Greenock and Ayr y By Paisley and the Coast, Glasgow (see No. I.) ' ftusley 73 ttattetord Br. 24 fruthhar 01 Carstairs . . Douglas Mill 241263 Douglas * Muirkirk Cumnock fyr vfoybole Kirk-Os waid 14 B.iUantrae 5 l 3 Lochryan 514 Stranraer 544 Port fiat rick 3 10 | 23 10 104 15-r «] ■41 I! 93 38 * 41 51 61 A 763 85} 893 974 ■■ U 0 1183 12 t* : 133 9 . To Dumfries, By Moffat. ?i S jfe 8$ 43 7 50 8 58 5 63 34 O' O' 4 44|71 11 . To Kirkcudbright. By Biggar. C.lencrosii 7 Linton 94 16 j Dolphiuton 5 214 Biggar 6 27 i Ablngton 124 40 Leadhills 16 * Penpont I 4 J 61 Monyhive 5 J 66 * Balmaclellon 72 ?si New Galloway U so f.auruton Pi 89 A Kirkcudbright 94 99 12 . W^ton f«i* Whithorn By New Galloway. V. Galloway ( 11 .) 80 i^lattertagfhaws 6 jj 864 teringshaws Newton Ssewart 1! ffihl i Sorbic irhithffn ® 7 i 71 1043 1101 iM 51 T ° Aberdeen” By Perth and Forfar. Perth (see No. 21.) St Martin’s Inn 6 $ Cupar- Angus 7 ; 56 Meigle Essie Bridge Glammis Forfar Find haven Br. T& to Jedburgh, By Lauder. Lasswade Fufchiebridee Inn 5 Torsoncc Inn 135 Crosslee Toll 4 Galashiels 4 Melrose 41 Jedburgh 111 Dalkeith Haughhead Inu Biackshiels Inn Lauder Leader Bridge Ancrum Jedburgh 63 63 12 $ 15 h 203 63 26 9 35 8 43 3 46 14. To Jedburgh , By Melrose. 15. To Carlisle, By Selkirk. Torsonce Iun (14.) Rowland Bridge Yair Bridge Selkirk Ash kirk I ia wick Mosspaul Inn Langholm Kirk Andrew Longtown ftUnwbc Carlisle 4 Bi 4jS8 10 7 2 9 81 21 831 8 911 1 [92$ 16. To Coldstream, By Lauder and Kelso. Dalkeith Haughhead Inn 55 Biackshiels Inn 2i ChanntJkirk Inn 53 Lauder 53 Smallholtn 1 1 Kelso 6 Coldstream 9 52 17. To Coldstream , fBy Greenlaw. Channelkirk (see 16) Norton Inn Thirlestaue Tibby’s Inn Greenlaw Coldstream f 10 20 ; 18. To Berwick, By Dunbar. •hello Portol Musselburgh Tranent Haddington 1*29* Linton Beltonford Dunbar Broxmouth press Inn Ayton Berwick Or from Broxmouth, as above 29$ RentpnNew Inn i2$ Ayton 8 $ Berwick 71 7155 19. To St Andrews , By the Coast. Leith Pettycur(ferTyto) 7 Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Pathhcad Dysait East Wecoyss Leven Largo Balchristle Colinsburgh Pittenweem Anstruther Kilrenny Crail Kingsbams St Andrews ! U 20. To Perth, By Fifeshire. Pathhcad, (see 19.) Plasterer’s luu 53 New Inn Falkland Strathmigln Bridge ofEme Perth Si|393 24. To Aberdeen, By Fifeshire. New Inn (see 20.) Pitlessic 41 Cupar-Fife 43 Osnaburgh 33 Woodhav. ferry 8 Dundee (cross to)? Aberdeen (22.) 66 21. To Perth, ByQuccnsferry. Muttonhole Cramond Bridge S. Queensfcrry N. Queensferry Inverkeithing Crossgates Blair- Adam Inn Gairney Bridge Kinross M ilnathort Damhead Bridge 33 Crossgate* 5 Bridge of Erne 23 ■If 31 Perth 3 6 93 103 123 163 22 $ 24$ 26 S 283 .32$ 57$ 393 433 It 23. To Aberdeen , By Perth and Dundee, Perth (see No. 21.) , 4% Inchture 15$ ‘ Longforgan Dundee Arbroath Montrose N. Esk Bridge Inverbervie Stonehaven Dee Bridge Aberdeen 30$ 25. To Itinerary, By Glasgow and Luu. Glasgow (seeNo.I.)I 44 Partick ?$ Kilpatrick 7 Bowling Bay Oj Dunglass 11 Dunbarton 23 Renton 2$ Luss Inn 10 Tarbet 8 Arroquharlnn 11 Glencoe (passofl 41 Rest & be thank!. 3 Cairndow Inn 6$ u'versrj 9i| "ET 26. 'to Inver ary Stirling & CilUadrr. . (see No. 4. of Allan S} _ JUMP 5} CiUamler 73 »ocherm*-hcad IS) dangarston Ion 73 aiih inn U SrhnUirach Inn B Tyrulrura 5 ftdmaily 1 1 CUdy 7 35 saj 44 513 65 L 7S4 75 83 as 99 106 Ardoch Muthil Crieff Ainubie Inn Aberfeldic Wee:n Inn Siwliie VilJe Tummel Bridge S Dalnacantoch 10 Dalwhinnie Inn 13 Bridge of Spey 10} Inverirr 9 (its 27* **• Inverary. U^r Stirling and Helens burgh. StlrHnu (NceNo.4.) Gargtumuck 7 •27 ill tevi & GO i BucUlyvIe Dry men fcihnaronock IbnhJll IVubarton Cirdros* jlelensburgh Arden, aple Inn 1} Faslane 84 Gairlm b hend 1 { 85 Portincaplcf-rry 1}; S6} Arroonhar Inn R*! 943 Inver an $5.) £5*118* :>5 42 SSL f/ GO f63 Pitmain litn Kingussie Avi«rmore Inn 124 1 3.9 1 Grantown Cromdale bridge of A veil 9 llfifii A!’cr*o«»r 7}'l73s Br of Fiddich Rothes Keith Banff 28. T, or Inverary (*ee G.wtfvNd ' Ludvr.urh?nd ; Lochgilphead ’ Inverned West Tsrbet Klflean Barr Itttt Cam ton •Vo». !04 1 12 120 128} 131* Hi 15° 5i 165 121 17" 47 52* 55} 67 77 78 82 90 100 113 \Xi 126}! ^lltewaird Inn 1 \ Br. of Du hie 124 Campbelton 151 Pe rt < > -corge fiSJ 151 | 1ST! 31. To Inverness. By Perth :md Dnnkeld. Perth (see No. 21.) Aucbtergaven 8 Durkeld 6 Monllneam Inn 9 Pitlochry 3 S>7GJ 2,1785 8 I18M 20 12063 81. To Banff % Bv Perth & Brechin. Kiliicr ink ic Pass 3} Blair Athol i] Bridge of Brear 3 Dalnncardoch 7A Dalwhinme Inn 13 Bridge of Spey 10} Pitman Inn 3* Kingussie 1 Avlemore Inn 12* Bridge of Cut 6} Fret^aim Iun 9 Inverness 141 Brechin (see 22.) N I-sk Bridge 5} * it Fettercnim 5 78a Grsmpans Top 5 Bridge of Dye 3} Banchory’ Fortran 8} Kinarnv 10 Monvrhusk 5 Pirtnachie Inn 11 M.irnocU Bridge 18 Banff 86* 913, 961 1013 1054 1183 1285 1783 1S9? 48} 5Jf 57* 66 * 69* 721 £ 871 \M)i JH* 114* 1154 1274 114 143 1574] 35. To Inverness. By Aberdeen & Huntly. Aberdeen (see 22.) Greenbum OLsgowego . Kintore ! Inverurv itmaclile Inn Huntly Kei’h )l}llG94 57fjFochatoers 32. To F^thahers. Bv Perth, .vc. 29. T- F‘rt lyahnm, Bv Stirling & Callander, h -ntlv Tvndntm («* 26.) [88 -- * m Bridge of Hrchy b}| 94} Inver uran Iun 2}j 07 King's House 9} 1064 G'encoe (Pun of)9 1 1 51 HitHYcltelnh Ker. 5 120} l Loch! even ( fOssV”}12l Firt #i9 1 Ham 14 135 Br. of Dve (see 31.) Cutties Hillock 3} Inch! »car Boat 3} Kincard. O’Neil 3} Lumphanan 2} Boat of Forbes 9 Clatt Inn 6} 105f 1084 112* 1153 118* X274 1333 1443 Klgin Forres Nairn Inver nest 1263 1313 564 139 142 503 1623 78* 181 190 202 2123 153 228} Aberdeen (see 22.) Bridge of D>ce 6} Old Me! drum 11 TurretF Banff Keith* 10U554 cSpS T Fahabtru 73 ‘65 (Fochabers _ _ _ j Inverness (35.) 474 S3. To F.rt George. L : 1 L_ IjTVcnh. ftc. 1 37- To Fort Augustus. Cupar An us (22.) J 56 |.md Bernera, bv St rbng. 36. To Inverness, Bv Aberdeen .v Banff. m 1 S3* 144. 161, 1724 1793 1 85j. 197 2454 17 11 II l*s Blairgowrie 4} 60} Dalwliinnie (30.) 113 Bridge of Cally 5)J 65i| G rviemorelnn 1 1 126 SO. To Banff t Spittd J23j 78 ‘ C.irr.v arrack 6l 132. Bv Stirling . Castletown 14* 934 P»r/ Auyutins 11} 114 Silrlin:'/(sec Me. 4.)J 35 R enioui 10 |l034|Uaich Inn 9 1.53 andge of Allan 3} 38}Cogkbrldge Inn 1 1 |l 14* staebuie 11} 164} Damblme 2} 41 jCanvlelmore 103,125 Raatachan Inn 14 178* preen Loaning 46 Grantown ISilloTifBrm^rn 9 187} ~Ws 53 3fi£ f o Thurso. By Iarernetis, Dornoch, Ac. Inverness (sec S4.) Beauiy 10 Dingwall 9 Drummond Inn 6 Bridge of Alness 6 Invergordon inn 2 Tain 12 Bnnar Bridge 16 Dornoch 12 Golspie Inn 9$ Brora 6 Port Gower Inn 8 Bcrridaie Inn 10 jDnnbeathlnn 7J Latheron 1*74 1674 176 + 182+ 1884 1904 2024 2184 2304 2393 2453 2533 2633 2714 2754 2794 287+ 295+ 3034 LogSerait alnagu 8'jj &>| ~ 67 J 7^3 5* 794 1 | S0> 884 964' 1044 153 118 ’droal’j, Clyth inn Wick Watten Thurso 59. to John l JJ By New Parliamentary Road. Inverness (sec 34.) Beauiy io Dingwall 9 Novar 8 Honar Bridge 20 Golspie Inn 22 Brora 6 Port Gower Inn £ Berridale Inn 10 Dunbeath inn Forse Wick John o'Groatt 71 6 If 19 1574 .18 184+ Bafnaguard Inn Aberfeldlo Taymouth Kenmore Croft House Killin Lochernehead Callander Doune Bridge of Allan l Stirling i. Falkirk (see No. 4) read upwards 103 Edinr. (see No. S.) read upwards 244 From Callander to Loch Katrine 1 2 miles. 1253 1314 1343 145‘ 1693 42. To Londott % By Berwick. Berwick (see 18) Bel ford 154 Alnwick 14: Felton 9 Morpeth 10 Newcastle 154119+ iv)jj Chester le Street 8 Z^Z 1 n nrh> m a 22m Durham 23^1 Rushyford .jTj nirlinitfnti 2504 2573 2633 2783 2973 40. Tour by the fr>r(s K By Inverary, through Glencoe and Lochaber* <4 Darlington 94 Croft Bridge 04 * Northallerton l2i inverary (see 25.) Clady 9 Dalnially 7 Tyndrutn ] 1 Ft. William (29.) 47 Letter Findlay 154 Fort Augustus .14 Inver Morrison 6 1 Drumdrochit 1 1] Inverness 14| Or from Fort Augustus (as above) General’s Hut 14 Inverness ]8 41. Tour br Toy mouth. Ware Perth (see No. 21.) 1 434 Auchtergaven " TXmkeld Borough Br, Wetherby Aberford Ferry Bridge fDoncasttr Worksop Ollerton Newark Grantham Colstcrworth Greetham Stamford Wandsford Stilton t Alconbury Hill 183 12 r i 94 154 17 248 104 1 IS 120 1:31 178 1934 2074 21 3J 2.49a Huntingdon 2394 Caxfon Arringon Royston Buntingford ruckeridge Wades Mill S3 134 14 8 5! 74 53 83 7 9* 8 $ 55 704 85 94 104 1274 1553 MS 1524 1553 1684 187 199 206* 2J53 23! TarTaT^mtUsK • By York. From Northallerton t Thlrsk Easingwold 10+ York 13 Tadccster 93 Ferry Bridge I24 This route 64 miles m f By Retford. From Doncaster to Bawtrv 9 Barnby Moor 5 1 Retford 3J 1 Tuxford 7 '1 Newark 13 3^ This route li miles fat i By Barnet. . From Alconbury Hill toj Buckden 1 Eaton Socon Biggleswade Baidock Stevenage Welwyn Hatfield Barnet London ~ This route 34 miles mre. 2563 270 284 292 2973 3054 31 1 3193 5264 832 31F 316: 355 359J 364 368 370 45. To London. By Coldstream. Coldstream (17-) 4 Cornhiil U 4 WoolerCot. 14J 6 Whlttinghara lOj 7. L. Franalington 8 8 Morpeth 114 9i London (42.) 238 381 Waltham Cross 9j 379$ E4qspi)fqn_ London 44. To London. By Carlisle nnd Borough- bridge. 931 llOj ini I32J 140| I51J Carl'se (see No. 15.' Penrith 184 Crnckenthorpe 12 Appleby 1$ Brough 8+ Spinal Inn 8" Greta Bridge 1 14 CattertckBr. 1341654 <.'i.Royal Oak Ino 1 1 in 54,3844 Borough Bridge 12 18! 741592 London (42.) tfO* 3*1' 54 I76J •toL*W J — 5T 1 By Carlisle A Man- * Chester. Carlisle (sec No. 15.) Saiirtoi 282 [ 49. I from GlatroXV to Dum/rtee. By Muirkirk. Kilbride Penrith Shap Kendal Burton Lancaster Garstang * Preston whorler 1*3 lt)4 15* 11 11* m 91 » fh 1 10 j 1?1 ISC* H7i 1581 1693 1S1 I90i 202 * 212 * 21.9 1132303 Middle Hulton 12 Manchester 10 •5:ockport •Macclesfield Leek \shhoum ~9elbj , uougnborough rLelcester M. Harborough 14* • Northampton 17* 3321 NewportPagnel 14?, 347 .Woburn 9 13 15 I4i 16 11 * ^unstable It Albans Bamet Ionian 32* 320* 6* 327 11 81 12 2433 2.583 273 289 300 315 Yvoiseley B Litchfield Coleshlll Meriden Coventry Dunchurch Daventry Towcester Stony Stratford 73 Brjckhill .0 Dunstable 10* StAlbana 1?* Barnet 10* London 11* N.B. From Warrington to Manchester 19 miles 336 9 S65 3771 10* 588 11*399* 46. To l/>ndon. By Carlisle A Liverpool "Preston (seeNo. 45.) *"* -Ormskirk Liverpool z, reScot Warrington Knutsford Cnngleton .Ncwcas.un.Linel2* Treutham S* Stone 5* 181 199* 2303 242* 236* 2b'9i 272* 278 4 73 95 151 6 33S 346* 158* 366 375 385 398 •108* 120 Strathaven Muirkirk Sauquhar Thom! i 111 Brownhill Dumfries 47. From Glasgow to \ Perth. By Stirling & Crieff, j Bedley 7 Cumbernauld 7 14 Lonnhead 3 17 Stirling 10 °7 Crieff (see 30) 20; 17* New inn 7* 55 Methven Si 58* Perth 6* 65 , 48. From Glmgow n> Perth , By Stirling A Audi- terarder Stirling (see No. 47) 27 Grcenloan»ng(30)U 38 Blackford 4* 424 Auchterarder Si 46 Dunning Si 51* Perth 0i 61 50. From Glasi row to Portpalnci By Kilmarnock A Ayr. Kingswells Fenwick 1 113 173 21* Kilmarnock 13 Monkton 8 29* Ayr Portpatrick (see 6 35* No. 8.) 56* 913 51 from Glatgenv to London, By Carlisle A Man- chester. Lcsmahago 12 C 15 Moffat 13 Dinwoodie Gr. 11 5 6 9 4 9 Lockerby Ecclefechan Gretna Green Longtown Carlisle Manchester (see No. 45.) 307 ROUTE FROM LONDON TO PARIS, BY DOVER AND CALAIS. Milet from London. Welling, 108 Dartford, 4* o Gravesend, 63 Rochester, 71 SUUngbourn 1C* Fevershatn,...- 94 Canterbury,.... 6 Dover, .153 Miles from London. Calais 253 96# Marquise, 13? 1 10A Boulogne, 9* 120 Cormont U.j 1 56A Nampont 16* 153 Abbeville 19* 1724 Flixecourt 151 187* Amiens 13? 201* Miles frrom London. Fleurs U 2l2tf Bretcuil 81 220? St. Jmt 135 231 Clermont, 1 1 Chantilly,. ....... 14* i Ecooen,- 12? S St. Denis, 6 Paris - 5 .W iNre Proprietor* ha' e used their l>est endeavours to present i the above Lnt an Epitome of the roads— as it would comiderably increase the size of their publication, were they to attempt to give them all. tjThey hope, however, those given will be found useful, and they would Oatterthrmselves correct, but they will be happy to receive all certified inform.'. tion respecting them, and will rectify in future publication), wtica jjit is dearly proved thev are erroneous. Lt« tof Post TWns und Postmasters in SforuNu,' witUtiw time of Departure and Pos t age from KpiWBtmd y, Namr$ n f T ozunt. Aberbrothwick Aberdeen A her Jour Aberfeldy Airdrie Alford Alloa Aljth Annan An^truther Appin Armig Arosin Artochar Auchnacrafg Anchterarder Auchterrnuchty Ay ton Balfron Batl.intrae Bull and alloch Banchory Banff I Bath gate ‘Beauiy Beitli Bcrvie Berw ick iBlackshlell* Blstfr-Adam B’a.rathofl [Blairgowrie jBonar Bridge i Bon aw Borrowstouimess ’Braemar |Brech : n Bridge of Erne [Bridge of Halkirk Burntisland >Caimdow g n Ryan under ipheiton [Carlnish Carlisle Carnwath Caspe-Douglas {Chance- Inn jColdingham Coldstream Colinshurgh JCollington *6oii poitmait-'rj. i Dtiyi of Diip>itch. Hour. . M. E. d. J. Stewart Every day 7 A. Dingwall Ditto 7 Ill James Stuart Ditto 7 5 Mrs. M 4 Kercher So. Tu. Th. Ar Frl. 7 81 t. Downie Every day ex. Sun. 8 A. Sun. Tues. Frl. 7 10 A. Baird Twice every day 7 8 7 T. Deans Every day 7 $ Geo. Pool,Jun. Ditto 7 8 Mrs. Robb Ditto 7 7 H. M‘Coll Mon. Thurs. Sat. 8 10 J. Fraser Mon. Thursday 8 U A. Moca Hum Mon. Thurs. Sat. 8 10 J. Finlnv Every day ex. Tucs. 8 9 D, Carmichael Mon. Thurs. Sit. 8 10 J. Stewart Every day S .1. Laing Ditto 7 7 R. Davidson Twice every day 8 3 9 it. Thomson Every dav 5 8 G. Maxwell von.' Thurs. A Sat. i 8 J. Miller Dirro j 8 9 A. Grant Mon. Thurs. Sat. 7 H W. Shaw Every day ex. Wed. 7 10 I . Fraser Every day 7 11 John Jamieson Every day ex. Sun. 8 8 J. Gray Every day 7 1 * Mrs Kerr Every day ex. Tu. 8 9 J. Christie Every day 7 9 J. Forster Ditto v 3 8 A. Mcmittie E very day ex . M ed. 8 6 r. Ness Sun. rues. Fra. 8 C. Stewart Every day 7 6 W. Robertson Sun. Tues. Frl. 7 8 J. Peter Every day 7 7 S l W. Whyte Mon. Thurs. Sat. 8 9 T. Johnston Twice every day 7 8 6 C. Watson Sun. Fues. Fiid. 7 Hr J. Smith Every day 7 9 "D. Seaton Ditto 7 7 D. Grant Mon. Thurs. Sat. 7 13 A. Haxton Every day V 6 C. Brown Every day ex. Tu. 8 9 W. Begg Every day 8 9 G. M‘Ew'en Every day 8 8 J. Maxwell Mou. Thurs. Sat. 8 ! U A. Cameron Mon. Thurs. 7 i a G. Sewell Every day 9 J. Walker Ditto 3 ' 1 7 W. Green DHto Si 9 iMrs Smith Ditto 7 [ J. Hamilton Ditto 5 I 7 |J. Donald Ditto 5 j 8 P. Ronald Dir to 7 7 | R. Huh ter Ditto 8 8 'Cj Mprriaon Thursday 8 Ul .56 m * n* Names of T own/. — ^ Comrie “ I CorstornMue Cupar-Angus Cupar-Fife Crail p * • Cralgcllachlo cranio nd Creetown ■ Crieff Crinan , Cromarty crook | j Cullen Culross Cumnock Currie Dalkeith Dalmally Dairy Denny Dingwall Dornoch Douglas Doune Drymen Dumbarton Dunfermllna j Dumfries Dunbar Dunbeath Dunblane Dundee Duukeld Dunning Dunoon Dunsc Dunvegan Dysart Eaglesham Earlston Ecclefocban Eddies tone Elgin Ellon Ely Errol Eyemouth Falkirk Falkland Fettercairn Fochabers Ford Forfar Forres Fort Augustus Fort George Fortrosc Fort William Fraserburgp Postmasters. P. M'Farlana D. Caddie Mrs. Tasker D. Metbven f. Brown It. Shearer John Paton Sam. Adair R. Campbell Niel M* (Cellar D. McKenzie John Hutchison A. Anderson Mrs. Harrower Mrs. Simson J. Thomson James Morison P. Smith J. Stirrat W. Adams P. Hay A. Fraser J. Wilson J. Gibson Mrs. Garner J. M'Aulay j Miss Angus R. Thresh ie j R. F. Drysdale W. Sinclair M. Coldstream \ R. Bell J. Matthew Mrs. Crow A. Fletcher M Us. Selby J. M‘ MrsSievwnght H. Montgomery G. Lindsay W. Johnston A. Thorburn P. Duff A. Davidson Mrs. Thomson A. Mathers Mrs Robertson A- Ramsay W. Gulland J. Austine G. Marquis John M'Kenzle J. Thomson W. Mitchell A. M‘Donald H. Tulloch Mrs Bain P. Henderson G. Lind Days of Dispatch. Everyday Twice every day Every day Ditto Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto Twice every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day ex.Wed, Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto twice a day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day ex. Tu, Every day Ditto Ditto Sun. Tu. Thu. Frld. Every day Mon. Tliur. Sat. Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Sun. Tues. Fri. Every day Mon. Thursday Every day Ditto Every day Everv day Every day i Every day Ditto D'tto Ditto Every day Twice ev ery day Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dally except Wed Every day Every day ex. Wl M on. Thurs. Sat. Ever yday E. IS 13 { flame i of Tow nr. Fushiehridge Galashiels Gatehouse Girvan Glamtnls Glasgow Glenluce Golspie Grangemouth Grantuwn Greenlaw Greenock Haddington Hamilton Hawick Helensburgh llermiston Holy town Hutu Huntly Incbtur* Inverary Invergorden Inverkeithmg Inverness Irvine Jedburgh Jura ! i f Keith Kcith-hall Kelso Kcnmore Kiilin Kilmarnock Kilsyth Kincardine Kincardine-ONeU Kinghorn Kingussie Kinross Kintore Kippen Kirkaldy Kirkcudbright Kirkintulloch Kirkliston Kirkwall Kirriemuir Lanark Langholtu Largs Laswatde Lauder Laurencekirk Leadhills Lerwick Lesmahago Leveq Pottmntttn J. Walker \V. Haldane C. M*Keand T. Davidson D. Cnupar ». Bannatync A. Hannay J W. Bruce G. Gibson p. I ones R. Knox Alex. May P. Martin J. Roxburgh R. Armstrong R. M‘K»ndUy Heter Wardlaw H. Russell D. MBeath A. Stewart T. Reid D. M Lean J. Rose Mrs. Barr C. Kemp J. Deau \V. Renwick D. Shaw A. Cowie Mrs L undie J. Darling R. Armstrong P. MacNab VV. Rankin M. Stevenson L. Reid A. Ctomar J. Gr«\ig D. M'Kmnon J. Baird A. Ross Mrs. Adams W. Skinner Mrs. Baird Miss Watt Miss Ggilvie P. Lcsbe D, .Murray W. Little Mrs. Haft J. Lyon R. Romanes Mrs Scott R. Martin J. Ross W. Simpson Mias Howden Daft of Dupaieh. Every day Every day Every day Twice every day Every day Twice every day Every day Ditto Twice every day Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Twice every day Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Every day ex. Tu, Every day Ditto Ditto Twice every diy Every day Mon. Tim/ s. & Sat. Every day Every day Every day Sun. Tu. Th. Frl. Mon. Tues. Thurs. Twice every day Every day Twice every day Every dayex. wed. Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto Mon. Thura. Sat. Every day Ditto Ditto Twice every day tverv day Ditto Mon. 'Hurrs. Sat. Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Mon. Tu. Tlx. Sat. Every day Tues. Fndiy Once a month Every morning Every day I 1 Nin vtofThvm*. :rtoo inlithgovr :» i ulsb iKanrofi snehcad hgUpheud jLotkerby r^towa Lms VaucrJine May hole ttefcle- Metaise *&Ca&rf Muitlaw MoiLit *£w . lihive Ntomjoue ttortlach WunJbcby jgtairkirk raturdrum ■Musselburgh ’v.f. ■uceilston {■Newburgh Galloway ntftou Stewart iXoal chouse X. l>ueeu’* Ferry ..ISvxar •Ohsui I'Ofd Metdium 0:d Ram IRtfUley /ark hi a Peebles. Penny cuick ■Vrth ^terhcad PitkiChiie Pitteuwccm PlttfeekAtg Pt»«-GIai>gow PwtobeMo Purt Patrick Portrie Purt>oy Prestoukirk Preston pa ns R.ichan Mill Hut ho Reuirew Rhyme Rothes Rothesay J amel’stoeW* I Dan of Dirpatch. Ditto M. 8 • W. Goodlet Twice every day Sun. Tues. Friday 8 8 5 I). Stevenson 8 6 L. M‘Lcan Mon. Thursday 7 13 K. M ‘Lennan Mon. Tliurs. T 8 13 D. Robertson Mon. Thuis. Sat. 8 A. Munro Ditto 8 10 R. Richardson Every day ex. Su. 8 8 John Duff Every day 8 8 W. Sword Ditto $ 9 D. M‘Callum Mon. Thors. Sat. 8 8 D. Turner Every day ex. Tu. 8 8 Mrs. Mavltie^ D tto 8 8 o. Jamieson Twice every day n 8 9 A. Weddell Every day 7 S W. Cook Every day ■5 ?1 Mrs. Ward rope Every day h 4 \V. Thomson Ditto 7 10 T. Grieve Ditto 8 8 W. Smith Mon. 'rhnr. Sat. 8 9 J. Abordein Every day 7 9 A. Rngg Mon. Thurs. Sat. 7 n D. Fraser Every day ex Wed n 8 12 S. Cameron Every Thursday Sun. Tu. Thu. Frid 11 A. M‘Caul 8 8 J. Fitchet Every day 7 8 John Leitch Twice every day 8 5 - Dan. Fraser Every dav 7 12 M. Anderson Mon. Wed. Frid. 8 S Miss Brown Every day 7 7 J. Cooper Sun. Tu. Frid. 8 9 J. Paterson Every day 8 10 Ditto 8 5i Mrs Brown Ditto 7 H. Munro Ditto 7 12 Mrs. Bayne j Mon. Thors. Sat. S 10. Mrs Duncan Every day 7 10 J. lioinc Ditto 7 8 10 A. Kerr j Twice every day 8 8 A. Ross Every day 7 1* J. Cairns 1 Ditto 8 6 J. Dodd* ! Ditto 8 2 C. 8:dey Ditto 7 7 J. Arbuthnot Ditto 10 C. Stewart Sun. Toe*. FrU 7 s P. Walson Every day Mon. Tliurs. Sat. 7 7 J. Hiii 8 11 J. Lusk Tw ice every day 8 8 8 Mrs. Newlands Ditto 8 5 2 | T. Kennedy • M. M l. eon Every day K 10 Mon. Thura. 7 13 i W. Reid Every day 11 J. Gibb G. Nimmo Ditto 5 6 Thrice every day 8 5 2 A. Brvdon Win. Wardlaw Every day 8 G Ditto 8 ? H. Lung Ditto 8 8 10 J. Paterson Sun. Tues. Frid. 7 J. Hendry Mob. Th. Sat. 7 1 e 11 C. Moore Every day 1 8 9 f Names of Towns. Fushiehridge Galashiels Gatehome Girvan Glam mis Glasgow Glenluce Golspie Grangemouth Grantown Greenlaw Greenock Haddington Hamilton Hawick Helensburgh Hermiston Holytown Huna Huntly Inchtur* Inverary .: w/ . Invergordom xkei Inverkeithmg Inverness Irvine Jedburgh Jura ura Keith Kcith-haU Kelso Ken mo re Killin Kilmarnock Kilsyth Kincardine Kincardine-O'HetJ Kinghorn Kingussie t Kinross Kintorc Kippen Kirkaldy Kirkcudbright Kirkintulloch Kirkliston Kirkwall Kirriemuir Uggnn Lanark Langholm Largs Las wade Lauder Laurencekirk Leadhills Lerwick Lesmahago Leveix Postmasters J. Walker W. Haldane C. M*Keand T. Davidson D. Coupar B. Bannatyne A. Hannay J W. Bmcc C». Gibson P. I ones R. Kuox Alex. May P. Martin J. Roxburgh R. Armstrong H. M'KindUy Peter Wardlaw H. Russell D. M Beath A. Stewart T. Reid D. M Lean J. Rose Mrs. Barr C. Kemp J. Dean VV. Renwick D. Shaw A. Cowle Mrs L undie J. Darling R. Armstrong P. MacNab W. Rankin M. Stevenson L. Reid A. Ciomar J. Gr.dg D. M'Kmnon J. Baird A. Ross Mrs. Adams W. Skinner Mrs. Baird T. Young John Lain Miss Watt Miss Ogilvte P. Leslie D, Murray W. Little Mrs. Haft J. Lyon R. Romanes Mrs Scott R. Martin J. Ross W. Simpson Miss Howden Days of Dispaieh, Every day Every day Every day Twice every day Every day Twice every day Every day Ditto Twice every day Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Twice every day Every day Ditto Ditto ! Ditto 1 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Every day ex. Tu, Every day Ditto Ditto Twice every day Every day Mon, Thurs. & Sat. Every day Every day Every day Sun. Tu. Th. Frl. Mon. Tues. Thurs. Twice every day Every day M. «.4f. Twice every dar^ Every day ex Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto Ditto Twice every day Every day Ditto Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Mon. Tu. Tli. Sit. Every day Tues. Fndiv Once a month Every morning Every day 8 7 5 hi * II 8 i i pi : 8 IQ 7 7 > 7 7 ; Si 8 8 71 8 7 fr , Mamet '>fT*vom. fcN.rertoo KfoUtligpW Kjtati it h Karr oft lehead hgUphead JljQch;»ab':n tlujckerby fcywn I aw* Vatic Mine Mai brie SU'<£!e- Bt’d-Caldee Mint: aw Mollat 'Xoiiihitre WKjaU u«? rtuttUcb •WunJfochy iMdXvfm ittcirkirk nWiurJruin {stussulljurgh pjfft Jjjceibton I'Vw burgh Galloway iXewtmi Stewart iXobd chouse ! S. IJuteu'i Ferry Jiwvar Pad; MeJdrum •0:d Ram mnsley JfvkhiH Ifeeblts. mmouick &tterbcad Pitloclme pitteuweem Pftrtaskaig Pon- Glasgow Peito hello irtivt Datrick i\)rtrie JVrt.-oy rtvstoukirk Prest unpans R.ichun Mil] Hat 1 vu Reuirew Rhyme Rothes 1 Rothesay Pojtmasttru J atnes StceW W. Ooodicc I). Stevenson L. M'Lcan K. M ‘Lennon D. Robertson A. Munro R. Richardson John Duff \V. Sword D. M‘Callum D. Turner Mrs. Mavltie^ Q. Jamieson A. Weddell W. Cook Mrs. Ward rope W. Thomson T. Grieve W. Smith J. Abordein A. Rngg D. Fraser S. C.mseron A. M‘Caul J. Fitchet John Leitch Dan. Fraser M. Anderson Miss Brown j. Cooper j. Paterson Mrs Brown H. Munro Mrs. Bayne Mn* Duncan J. Home A. Kerr A. Rosa J. Cairns j. Dodds C. Sidcy I. Arbtttlinot C. Stewart P. WaUra J. Hill J. Lusk Mrs. Kewland* | T. Kennedy • M. M Lena t W. Reid J. Gibb G. Nimmo A. Brydon Wm. Wardlaw H. Lang J. Paterson J. Hendry C. Moore Dart of Dirpatch. 1 Ditto ! Tvrice every day , Sun. Tuc9. Friday • Mon. Thursday Mon. Thurs. Mon. Thun. Sat. Ditto Kvery day ex. Su. Every day Ditto Mon. Thors. Sat. Every day ex. Tu. D tto Twice every day Every day Kvery day Every day Ditto Ditto Mon. Thor. Sat. Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day ex Wed Every Thursday Sun. Tu. Thu. Vrid Every day Twice every day Every day Mon. Wed. Frid. Every day Sun. Tu. frid. Every day Ditto Ditto , Ditto Mon. Thurs. Sat. Every day Ditto j Twice every day Every day ! Ditto I Ditto Ditto Ditto Sqn. Tnes. Fri. Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Twice every day Ditto Every day Mon. Thurs* Every day Ditto Twice every day Every day Ditto Ditto Sun. Tues. Frid. Mob. Th. Sat. Every day » 9 Names of Yoivnj tit Andrews St. Bosw. Green Sanquhar Saltcoats Selkirk Skene Slateford South Queen’s Ferry jj. Sinclair Stewarton A. Barr I Postmasters*. G. Mitchell J. Scott J. Halliday fW. Holmes jMiss Buckham (J. Cooper ;J. Frier Stirling iaven Stornoway Stow Stranraer Stratliaven Stratliblane Strathdoa Strichen Stromnesa Strontian l'ain Tarhert Tarland Tiynloan Thorniiill Thurso Tobermory Tongue Tranent Tulllch Turriff l’yndrura Tyi-ce Ullapool Whitburn Whithorn Wick W’igton Wilson town Windy gates W. Paterson W. Stewart ,K. M‘Iver J. Dickson iMrs. M‘Nish J. Tennent ,J. Wilson iA. Wilson ,A. Davidson H. M Kenzle p, Ross |J. M‘Intyre A. Thomson IJ. Galbreath }J. Hunter .D. MKay J. Sinclair jll. Caldcr rrhos. Simpson \i. Clark I A. Kemp ;P. M'lntyre •A. Campbell ’•M. M'Kenzie |J. Dick I M-s Kindcl ,‘W. Craig S. Gulline ,J. Meason IA. Tait Days of Dispatch % SS2 r-v 'Mon. Thurs. Sat. Everyday Ditto Ditto ex Wed* Every day Every day Twice every day Ditto Every day Saturday Every day Ditto Mo.Tuea.Thnr. Sat. Mon. Wed. Fri, Sun. Tues. Fri. Mou. Tli. Sat. Every day Mon.' Thurs. Sat. Every day Mon. Thurs. Sat. Sun. Tues. Friday Mon. 'Thurs. Monday Thurs. Sat. Every day Mon. Thur. Sat. Ditto Every day Sun. Tues. Frid. Every day Mon. Thur. Sat. Thursday Monday Every day Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto P 1 . 1" — — 7 r-~i • , j ijjivw 7 i i °* A3jreeo. ITT, r^^ihg- t lieT^ir?3^7x^^n fonvr^ed '?ln finin’ lctte ™ an , d Packets to all places, which shill be d £ W P art uf their progress .through Scotland, b» a mail coach, are liable to an additional ra'e of One Halfpenny heude< or e tr°e r blel«tersf S ° f P °* Ugf * bUt " ot t0 be douhltd or ^bled^n double J. he J c ttr ^ for London ’ the wp «t and the east of Scotland, are dispatched on Sundays at two afternoon. ’ tn I nninn'i^uJ 3 w d »*P«clied every day at 5 o’clock P. M. — postage 1 ^ d> * arnvcs every morning excei>t Wednesday/— Let- everyday? 4 * fr ° m pJUt ° n t,lC London fuads » »bort of London,! Th? SSSililfl d f par ! s at 7 in tlje morning, aud arrives about 10 * ZJSimo^he C r ry duj ’ at 8 ***** and 8 night, land S WMn'esd^v ds *\ re * cnt ou Saturday before the lit |SaUi^\^fforet?ie America /If - . ~ Foreign . ... To France, -Spain, through ’ and Deny marir, through tiamkurgh, 2s. 7undec, Arbroath, Montrose, and Aberdeen, every mor. at a quarter before Eight. Linlithgow, Falkirk, and Stirling, every mor. at a quarter before N»ne, Glasgow, Greenock, and Ayr, every morning at a quarter past Eight. ALSO, THE Union Coach, to Newcastle, York, and London, every lawful morning ft Five. Prince Saxe Cobourg, to Aberdeen, carrying only four inside passen- gers, by Queens ferry, Kinross, ancl Perth, every lawful morning at Nine ; stops there, and proceeds the next morning, by the same mute as the Mad, to Aberdeen. Waterloo, to Perth, every lawful morning at Ten, Caledonian, to Inverness, every Monday and Thursday at a quarter before Nine. , , . Wellington, by Kelso, to Newcastle, York, and London, every lawful purging at U.i.f-p^t Five Jo^n Pi per dr Co., Contractors >- STAGE COACHES. Aberdeen, Waterloo coach to Perth, Strathmore coach to Aberdeen, and Duke of Gordon to Inverness, from Crown Hotel 11, Prince*, Street, every mo. nine (Sunday excepted) at 0 o’clock. Dalkeith Royal Mail, by Libber ton and Lusswadc, at 9 morning and 4 af- ternoon, from 195, High Street. Dalkeith Coach, from 195, High-street, at 11 o’clock forenoon, and 7 evening, Dalkeith Coach, from William Bell’s, 177, High Street, at 12 o’clock noon, and 7 evening. Dunse Fly, from William Bell’s, 177, High-street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at s morning i arrives Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. . . Falkirk Coach, every evening (Sunday excepted), at Five o’clock, from Culhertson’s, 6, Prince’s-street- Fife Union coach, by Cupar. Fife to Dundee, every morning at A past?, from Scott’s, Star Inn, 56, Princes Street. Glasgow £ veiling Telegraph ev?ry day at l afternoon, Sundays except- ed, from M- Kay’s, Princes street, south side. Glasgow Morning Telegraph every morning at Nine, from 56, Prince’s Street, Glasgow, Prince Regent coach, from Crown hotel, 11, Princes street, daily, Sundays excepted, at 12 o’clock noon. Haddington now Coach, from G. Cameron’s, 195, High Street, daily at 4 afternoon, Sundays excepted. Haddington coach, at 9 o’clock morning, from W. Bell's, 177, Hich S-reet. Haddington and Dunbar coach, from W. Bell’s, 177, High street, at o clock afternoon. Invernei-s, Duke of cordon coach, from Crown hotel. Princes street, every lawful morning at 9- •»edliu;gh coach, from Star Inn, 36, Princes street, at 8 morning, Tues. days, Thursdays, aqd Saturdays. Kelsu Fly, from Mrs Taylor’s, Canongate head, Tucsdav, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 a. m. Lanark, Waterloo Coach, by Little Vantage and Camwnth, from W. Bell’s, 177, High Street, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 10 o’clock morning. Leith Coaches from G. Cameron’s, 195, High street, every half hour, from 10 morning to 8 evening. Musselburgh coaches, from High street. William Bell’s, 177, High Street, 11 a. m. and 8 evening G. Cameron’s, 195, High Street, 11 a. m. and 8 evening. Swanston’s, 122, High Street. 9 a. m. und 4 p. m. and another at 12, and 8 p.m. Pe^kles Fly, from Mackay’s, 1, Princes street, Tuesday and Friday, at 9 Perth, Waterloo coach, from Crown hotel, Prince’s Street, every l*w- ful morning at 9 o’clock. Portobello coach, 3 times every lawful day, from T. M‘Donald*s, 161, High street. Porto hello couch, 3 times every lawful day, from Mis* Somerville’s, 143 High Sticec. Preston pan* coach , from G. Cameron’s, 196, High street, at 6 p. m. re- turns at i 1 p. m. following. v Queens terry, from W. Bell’s, 17 7, High street, at Four afternoon. Royal George Canal t.oach, fr hn Mackav’s, 1, Princes street, every j morning at 9, Sunday excepted. W REGULATIONS FOR HACKNEY COACHES. At Edinburgh , 28 th August 1816. Which day, the Right Honourable the Lord Provost, Magistrate*, and Council of the City of Edinburgh, being assembled, they approved ol the following Regulations for Hackney Coaches, as reported by the Ma- gistrates, and appointed them to be 'in force, from and after the date hereof, until it shall be found expedient to alter these Regulation*. General rules to be observed for dill inces. For one half mile, £0 1 0 1 For two miles £0 3 For three quarters of a For two miles and quar- niile .. 0 For one mile 0 2 7 $ And so on at the rate of \\d. forevery quarter of a mile farther. General Rules according to Time. For thirty minutes £() 1 0 1 For one hour 0 2 0 For forty-five minutes.... 0 1 6 | And soon at the rate of 6d. for every fifteen minutes further time. A rote. — The above fares are exclusive of King s duty. The fares to be changed, either by the length of ground, or time, in the option of the Coachnun, but not by both, 1 3 1 6 For one mile and quarter..O l 10A ha!f. ~ ~ “ For one mile and half. 0 For one mile and three quarters 0 2 3 ter..« ~..0 3 4$ For two miles and half 0 3 9 For two miles and three quarters 0 4 1$ For three miles .....0 4 6 np.GULATiotfg. lmo, The regulations and table of fares enacted upon the 19th day of June 1SII>, are hereby repealed; and the before mentioned gene- ral rules, the follow, ng regulations, and annexed table of fares, made according to these general rules, are substituted in place thereof. Ydn % That each coach or chariot, before plying for hire, shall be in- pccted by a magistrate; and, if approved of, will be licenced by him, when a number will be is-ued to the owner, who must affix the same, together with his name in letters at least one inch in length, on each door of the coach or ebariot, immediately below the window. That there shall not be the same number on two coaches or chariots : and that no coach or chariot wanting such number or name shall be allowed to ply. 3/;o, That no insufficient coach or chariot, or horses, shall be allowed to ply ; and when any of the proper furniture of steps, springs, blinds, glasses, or check strings for stopping the coachman, are broken, or a- w anting, or the harness si. all not l>e in good repair, it shall he lawful to detain from the hire one shilling, or the whole hire, if it shall not a- inount to more. The coachman shall always keep the check-strings ir» his left hand when driving, under a penalty not exceeding five shillings. 4 io % Thai there shall not be fewer than six coaches or chariots on the stance in t’rince* Street every morning, at nine o’clock, taking this duty by rotation, beginning at No. 1, and going on progressively, under a pe- nalty of ten shillings for ev ry coach < r chariot absent. All coachmen attending fora fare, at any stand, shall either sit on the coach-box or stand at the horses* head, under the penalty of two shillings and six- pence for each offence. 5to t That each coachman shall be cleanly in his person, and wear a ticket on the front of Ins coat, with a number corresponding to that on his coach or chariot, under a penalty of five shillings for each offence. (j/o. That when a company slia l take a coach between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, P. M. in that case, fare and quarter shall be paid ; between the hours of 12 and i o clock, fare and half shall be paid : and after one o'clock, double fare sliail be paid, with the exception of the Theatre, where the usual charge onl y shall be paid. F 2 63 ~ i "lmn\ 'Hiat the stances for the coaches and chariots shall be a* follow^ # viz. Tron church,— Prince street, east end,— George street, between Ha nover and Frederick streets,— Princes street, west end, facing Hope street, or at such other places as the magistrates from time to time may appoint ; and that there shall be not fewer than four coaches at the stand facing Hope street. : j 8 * 1 / 0 , That coachmen are not on any account to inquire where a com- pany are going, previous to engaging, or to plead prior engagements, when their services are required, nor shall they be allowed to draw off the stance under pretence of being engaged, so as to have their choice of work i but their coaches or chariots being on or near the stance, shall lie considered as proof of their being disengaged ; and on their refusing to take a fare, they shall be liable in a penalty of ten shillings, unless they can adduce evidence to the satisfaction of the magistrates, that they were actually engaged. 9 no , That when a coachman Is required to wait, either upon setting down or taking up a party, he must on no account refuse, under the pe- nalty of live shillings, and the forfeiture of his hire } but he shall be en- titled to charge for the first 15 minutes sixpence, and a like sum for each successive 15 minutes he may lie detained. lOmo, That if a coachman shafl be sent from a stance to any house to take up a company, he shall immediately announce his arrival, and remaiu in waiting during the pleasure of the company ; for which he 6 hall be entitled to charge the same allowance from his arrival as in the preceding regulation. ixill/A, That no fares higher than those In the annexed table shall be de- anded or taken ; and if hired to any spot or place, not specified in the annexed table, (such as) from a change of the name, a new place, or beyond the limits, <&c. in that case, no fare higher than those in the before-mentioned General Rules shall be demanded or taken ; tM coachman having it in his option to take either for the length of ground, or time, |but not for both .* And if any coachman shall be convicted ove distances, according as the coach goe? rom, or passes the centra! point at the Tron Chu rch. Three Shillings and 4\d. Fares. | From the Stand, Trim Briggs s f Braid,— Dairy Mills,— Lilly putt,' —nml like distances. Three Shillings and 91. Fares. | From the Stand, Tron Church, to Duddingston Mill —Leith Battery, Bliukbony,— and like distances. Four Shillings and \%1. Farrs . From the Stand, Tron Church, to florg’e Mill*,— Braid’sBurn,— Inch, and like distances. Fair Shilling and Sixpence tares. From the Stand. Tron Church, to Portobello,— lUvelstone,— Slate-* ford, — and like distances. HACKNEY CHAIR. FARES. The following are a few of the Hackney Chair Fares:— from the Tren Church, far as the head of the West Bow,c i to the foot of St. M.irv wvnd ;— likewise from the Theatre t To, or from .. ... down to the foot of St. M.irv wvnd ;— likewise from the Theatre to anv part of the new town, east of St. David streets, St. James square, Caltonhill.and west of St. David streets to Hanm er streets. Including the east side of these streets ; old town from Nethcrbo w to Parliament square, York and Picardy place? * • * LOO!) Fr-in the Tron Church to the Castle gate, Gra-wmarket. Canongate, to the church tliere. Hew Town to St. Andrew street ;— likewise Theatre, to or from west of Hanover streets to Frederick streets. To Antigua street, Gayficld, Broughton, Canongate t * St. John st. 1 o or from Tron Church to St. JohirthlU. plensance. Bell’s Brew- ery, Roxburgh square. Nielson street to Gibb’s Kirk. Alison, Ntcolson, and George squares ;— likewise Theatre, to or from west of Frederick streets to Castle streets, cast Ilcriot row, Lo- thian, South College. Drummond, and Fife streets. • J J Hire of a chair fora day»s« from 10 nionung till 1- at night* < b I lire for a week* * I#. I 1 ^ b Hire for a forenoon, from nine In the morning till four afternoon $ (j Hire far an afternoon, from four o*clock till 1- at night, 1 6 Or by the agreement of parties. , , , •' From 12 o’clock at n ght to two in the morning, to be charged extra 0 G And double hire after two o’clock In the morning. Aoy person calling a chair to a lodging, and not using It, to pay 0 J Ea<;h half hour’s attendance^ _ - * - * F 3 65 RATES OF PORTERAGE. The following are some of the principal Rates of Porterage >— Every cart of coals notcxcefding 12 cwt. to a house or cellar entering t.d. from the street or close, or to first storey uo or down a stair, 0 3 Every succeeding storey after the first, additional • . 0 1 Coals carried up or down a close beyond the front land to any part within the close, - - • 0 1 Every cart of coals not exceeding 16 cwt. to a house or cellar enter- ing from the street or close, or to first storey up or down a stair, 0 4 Every succeeding storey after the first, additional, - 0 1 Every cart of coals not exceeding 20 cwt. to a house or cellar enter- ing from the street or slose, or to first storey uu or down a stair, 0 5 Every succeeding storey after the first, additional - 0 2 Porters obliged to build' the coals for an allowance for each cart of 0 1 And for carts of 1C and 20 cwt - in proportion, not exceeding 0 l£ For any message, box, &rc. of A cwt. or under, or one dozen of li- quor, from Tron Church to Prince street east of St. Andrew street, or like distance ... . o } And for a full burden, - - - 0 J From any part of old town to Prince and Queen streets, and cross streets eastward of Hanover streets, York place. Elder street, Canongate.Grassmarket, or like distance, 5U.— For a full burden, 0 i To the cross streets east of so. and no. Castle streets. Forth street, Picardy place, George square, or likedlst. -id.— For full burden, 0 6 To the extremities of the city, - - - 0 .5 Liquors to be charged per dozen, additional, - - 0 0| The rates of porterage from Leith to the different parts of Edin- burgh vary from 1/. to In Sd. Furniture carried on a machine by poles to pay at the rate of three times the allowance for a full burden, as before mentioned. For loading and unloading a single cart of furniture, and including ■ carriage from or to a house one storey up or down a stair, 1 ! Porters, if engaged by the hour, to be allowed for every hour, 4d. —For a day, os.— For every half hour detained, 3d. REGULATIONS FOR CARTERS. The following ate the principal regulation* for the Carters of Edinburgh and Leith: I. That each carter «hall hare a sufficient hone and cart and furniture, with hit name and cumber distinctly painted or fixed on the side of the cart ; and particular shall be provided with a tarpaulin or covering for his cart, of canras or woollen, to cover the goods upon his cart when fully loaded, at lead, twelve feet square, with hit name painted or fixed on the said coveting, under the penalty of Ten Shillings sterling for the first transgression, Twenty Shillings for the second, and, for the third oflence^ shall lose his privilege as a carter in Edinburgh and Leith, borides paying .ill damagM in ease a tarpaulin or covering is not used. II. That no carter shall, under any pretence whatever, refuse employment when otherwise not actually engaged ; and if any carter shall allege or say he is working ri other work, he must condescend on the work and his employer ; and being v eonesoav ( • iiummyii Wednesday Thursday; ««• * iiir.j ii, Wednesday *Wcdnes«ft Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 'Thursday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday * (Wednesd# week Train’s, Cnndlenmkei-row Stevenson’s Cowgate.head 209, High street MMntosh’s, ditto Wight’s, Grassmarket 1C, Lothian street White Hart Inn, Grassmarket Ditto ditto Ditto, ditto Train’s, Candlemaker-row Klnloch’s, Grassmarket Stevenson's. Cowgate head Wednesday ” hue Hart Inn, Grassmarket Tuesday V 6 ’ Grassmarket Tuesday High street Wednesday 16. Lothian street Tu.Th. Sar‘. Jobntt one’s, 1.52, High street Wgrtnjpd*v< Tuesday twice a once in once in Tuesday Saturday Wednesday 3 weeks 3 weeks Wednesdaj Saturday Thursday Tlnirsdtf Wednesday Tuesday f Thursday Mo.WedTi Friday Prm IFhenceT 'ulross, Covington, 'Dalkeith, Ditto. Denny, •Ditto, •Dingwall, Oirleton, g ollar, olphington, Douglas, Dubyside, Dunbar, 4>itto, Duddingston, Dundee, Ditto, Dttnglass, Dunfermline, Ditto, Ditto, Dunkeld, Dunmore, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Ditto , Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. Douse, Ditto, Quusyre, Qysart, Dunning, Ditto, Dlrleton, Dornoch, Earlsferry, Earistone, Ditto, lEbenton, Eddies ton, Ecdufechan, Eccle, Elgin, Ditto, Ely, Errol, Eyemouth, Ditto, Ditto, Pala, Faladam, Falkland, Ditto, Falkirk, Ditto, Fochabers. tnfar. JThere Lodged. Tuesday Monday daily, Mo. daily. Mo. Tuesday Arrrvatr. Depirtvecty Wednesday Thursday Tuesday excepted excepted |Tuc*day thrice Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Saturday week Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday WednesdayjThursday ida Tuesday Tuesday once a Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday twice a Tu. Fr. Tuesday Tto.Th.Sat. Wednesday Wednesday week Friday Friday Wednesday week Wed. Sat. Wednesday Mo.Wd.Fn. Wednesday Wednesday dally once a once a once a once a once a dally week week week week fortnight M’Callum’s, Grassmarket White Hart Iun, ditto Stevenson’s, Cowgate-head Palfrey’s, Cowgate-head Currie’s, 27, Grassmarket Palfrey’s, Cowgatc head 16. Lothian street Johnston's, so .back Canongate Kay’s, 116, Grassmarket Wight’s, 22, ditto Kay’s, 116, ditto M’lntosh's, Blair street Johnston's, so. back Canongate ClUands, ditto Clark's, 77, Grassmarket Johnstone's, 152, High Street 203, High street John*ton’s,.so. back Canongate Clark’s. 77, Grassmarket Kinloch’s, ditto Kay's, ditto 16, Lothian street Kay’s, Grassmarket 1 19, ditto, & Geo. Inn,Brlsto st. Kinloch’s, ditto Kay’s, 116, ditto White Hart Inn, Grassmarket Clark’s, 77. ditto Murray’s, 116, Grass-market Palfrey’s, Cowgatehead Reid's, Candlemakcr-row Wight’s, 22, Grassmarket Brown’s, 203, High street 47, Thistle street 16, Lothian street Johnston's, so- back Canongate 06, Lothian street 209, High street (Train's. Candlemaker-row jPaLfrcy’s, Cowgate-head IReid’S, ditto (Ditto, ditto . Johnston’s, 106, Grassmarket Reid’s, Candlemakor row Johnstone's, 152, High street 16, Lothian street 209 High-street Johnston’srso^back Canongate WednesdayThursday Palfrey’s, Cowgate-head Wednesday Friday f. Steels, south back Canongate WednesdayjThursday Train’s, Candlemaker row ~" r Rynold’s, ditto Johntsone's,152, High street 09, Hlgh-strcet .tcvenson’s, Cowgato-head Palfrey's, ditto 16, Lothian street Johnstone », 152, High street Wednesday; Friday Friday (Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 'Thursday once a (fortnight thrice a (week WednesdayjThursday thrice a week Wed nesday | Wednesday Wednesday! W ednesday W'cdnesdayjWednesday WednesdayjThursday IVednesdat'Thursday Wednesday (Saturday once a fortnight WednesdaylPriday thrice a (week W ednesda y •' FI mrsday tht Ice a tw’eek Friday (Saturday Id Friday Saturday JP ■ Tuesday (Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesdayjsaturday Wed.fc Sat. Wed. Sat. week riday trun fS-henet. Forfar, Forgaudenny, Fones, Fort William Fruchle, GallnshieU Ditto, Garvald, Gifford, Oiffordhall, Gladsmuire, GlammU, Ditto, Glasgow, Ac- Ditto, Ditto, Olenbuck, Gordon Greenlaw; Gullan, Grana Green, Grangemouth, Greenock, Haddington, Ditto, Hall-myers, Hamilton, Ditto, Hawick, Ditto, Ditto, Holytown, Houston, Humbiefc Keith, Huntly, Ditto, Innerwlck, Inverarv, Inverkerthlng Ditto, Invereighty, inverleithen, Invermay, Inverness, Irvine, fyherc Lodgt J. 16, Lothian street ■17, Thistle street 16, Lothian street K inloch’s, Grassniarkct 209, High street {Reynold's, Candlemaker row Retd’s, Ditto, ittO, Kelso, Ditto, Kemnore, Kennoway, Ditto, KerseweU, Kettle, Ditto, Keith, Kilconquhar, Kilsyth , Re r d’s, ditto .Redpath’s, 137, High-street Cliland’s, so. Iwck Canongate Ditto ditto 76, High-street Johnstone’s, 152, High-Street 16*. Lothian street 38, Terrace, 1 19 Grassm. & G. Inn. Brlsto st. Kay’s, 116, Grassmarket Ditto, ditto Stevenson’s, Cowgate head Ditto, ditto ij. Steel’s, so. back Canongate 3, Candlemaker-row | 8 tevenson’s, Cowjrate-head Jackson’s, 119, Grassmarket Cliland's, so. back Canongate Johnston’s, ditto Train’s, Candlemaker-row Clark*.i, 77, Grassmarket Murray’s, Grassmarket 3, Candlemaker-row Wilson’s, Bristo street Stewart’s, Grassmarket Wight’s, Grassmarket Clark’s, Grassmarket Redpath’s, 137, High street Johnstone’s, 152, High-street 16, Lothian street Johnston's, so. l»ack Canongate 119, Grassm,* G. Inn, Bristo st. Clark’s, 77 , ditto Johnston's, 106, ditto Johmtone’s, 152, High-Street Reynold’s Candlemaker row i47, Thistle-street 16, Loti dan street 119, Gra*smarket George Inn, Bristo street Train’s, Candlemaker-row Stevenson’s, Cowgate head Palfrey’s, Cowgate head Stevenson’s, ditto 16, Lothian street M‘Intosli's, Blair Street 64, High street Kinloch’s, Grassmarket 16, Lothian street 64, High street 137, High street 209, High street Arrivals. DcpmsT,, thrice a once a thrice a once in 7 Wednesday Tuesday Thursday week fortnight week ,a weeks Thursday Wednesday! Saturday Tuesday 1 i 9 .Gras 9 m. * Geo.Tnn,Bris’ o*t. Idaily Wednesday Thursday*! Saturday f 1 Friday J week dally ditto ditto i Tuesday Friday Saturday “U Wodnesd Saturday Wednesday thrice a daily ditto ditto Tuesday Wednesday Wednr ditto j ditto Thursday 'Friday Wed. Sat. iMon-Th,! Wednesday, Saturday^ daily {daily * ru.Th.Sat.iTu.Th. Tu.Th.Sat. T’u.Th.i Wednesday T hursday , Wednesday, Wednesda Wednesday Wednesday Wed.&Sat.jMo. and'lf Wed.& Sat. Mo.TVd/r^ twice a ‘week once a ; fortnight once a ivreek Saturday ! Saturday Wednesday Friday thrice a i week .. Tuesday j W ednetdij ; daily daily ™ Tuesday Wcdnesdsy Tuesday Wednesdw 1 Wednesday! Friday . Tuesday ‘ Wednestlaj once a thrice a daily ditto Thursday fortnight week daily ditto Kiiday ■ Thursday Friday W ed ne$taglassie, jqgston, jnross, 5itto. ujrkakly, •fttto. Jitto, tyfrkintuUocti, Kirkcudbright, iitto, ‘mto, virkmichael, Urrieuiuir, Jitto, •.ia’Tiington, .a; ark, JittO, >to, •it to, • argo, •llttu, •Oisuade, ,»rikmddry, itto, 1 ilkoii. East inton, West >itto, ditto htto, ditto -oanhead, uchmaben, Jitto, >*t 0. M*igjforgon, ’Uthrie, itto, ' larkmch, •itto, ■o.&Kennow»y laychUne, IVhere Lodged. Arrival*. >Depirtu Horsburgh’s, Grassmarket 1 19, ditto, St Geo. Inn.Bristo st. 16, Lothian street Brown’s, 203, High street M’lntosh’s, Blair street Cliland*s, so. back Canongate Wight’s, Grassinarket Horsburgh’s, ditto Brown’s, 203, High street Couper’s,. 76, High street Johnstone's, 1 52, High street 1 19.Gra.ssm.ic Geo.Inn Bristost. Clark’s, 77, Grassmarket Kinloch’s, Grassmarket 1 16, Grassmarket Murray’s, Grassmarket Kay’s, 116, Grassmarket Johnstoncs, 152, IJigh-strect 16, Lothian street Currie's, Grassmarket Johnston’s, 106, Grassmarket Wigh.’s, 22. ditto Hnr»burgh's, ditto Murray’s, 90, ditto Couper’s, 76, High street M’lutosh’s, Blair street Sherlock’s, Bristo street Reid’s, Candlemaker-row Couper's, 76 High-street 3, Candlemaker-row Wight’s, 22, Grassmarket i Reynold’s, Candlemaker-row Train’s, ditto 16, Lothian street Cowan’s, 209, High street 61, High street M’lntoshe’s, Bla’r-9treet 64, High street 5, Candlemaker-row Ditto d tto, Kay’s. 116, Grassmarket Clark’s, 77, Grassmarket iCliland’s, so. back Canongate Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday '1 hursday ;daily Horsburgh’s, Grassmarket White Hart Inn, ditto Tuesday 'Tuesday Tuesday Weduesday daily Friday (Saturday once z [week once a Jweek once a fort. Monday Tuesday ('Tuesday Wednesday Friday Train’s, Candlemaker-row 1 1 or. -burgh's, Grassmarket Johnston's, 106, ditto Whi’e Hart Inn, ditto Reivl’s, Candemaker-row White Hare inn, Grassmarket Johnston's, 106, ditto Johnstone s,152, High street Johnstone s, 152, High sued 16, Lothian street Cooper’s, 76, High street 64, ditto Mrs Stewart’s 6l, High-street Kays, 116, G rassmarket Wedn esday 1 Thursday daily * fdaiJ y thrice a week Tuesday Tuesday for ' once a (fortnight Thursday {Friday once a Jweek thrice a W eiinesdav Wednesday week Wednedsay 'Thursday Thursday Thursday Wednesday 1 Thm sday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday .Saturday l'uesday Siiturd iy Wed. S .t Tuesday Monday Wednesday thrice a Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed. Sat. ditto Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Tuesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Thursday 11 thrice a Tuesday once a once a once a Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday thrice a Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Weduesday Friday Thursday a.trurday Wednesday .Saturday Mon. Th, Tuesday Tuesday W ednesday week 'Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Mon. Thu. ditto Wed. S it. Wed. Sat. Wednesday Wednesday Saturday week Weduesday fortnight fortnight fortnight Wednesday Friday Friday week Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday /■S iroia fThenct. IFhert lodgtd. Arrival t. Departure Mauchline, Meigle, Ditto, Melrose, Mellerstoa Methven. Midholm, Middleton, Moffat, Ditto, Ditto, Montrose, Mulrkirk, Musselburgh, Ditto, Ditto, Muthill, Nairn, Newburgh Newcastleton Newlands, Ditto, Newton-Stewart Nine-mile-burn, Oban, Old Meld rum, Orm'wton, Ditto, paisley, r nitto, 7 - Jitto, Peterhead Ditto, Peebles, Itto, 1 19, Geo. InnBristost. 16, Lothian street Johnstone’s, 152, HIgh.Street Sherlock’s, Bristo street Train’s, Candlemaker-row 16, Lothian-street Palfrey’s, Cowgate head Stevenson’s, Cowgate-head Train’s, Candlemaker-row White Hart Inn, Grassmarket Kay's, ditto Johnstone’s, 152, High street Kay’s, Grassmarket Johnston’s, so. back Canongate 209. High-street Pa frey’s, Cowgate-head Kinloch’s, Grassmarket 16, Lothian-street daily thrice a . Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday thrice a once a Saturday Wednesday once a lily set: Thursday iua' Wednes _ Tuesday daily daily daily once a three times Wednesday Wed. Sat. Friday ditto once in * »«, vn.jMUdmui Wednesday ditto, & Geo. Inn, Bristo st. daily 209, High street 5, Candlemaker-row Currie’s, Grassmarket White Hart, Grassmarket Palfrey’s, Cowgate head Kays, 116, Grassmarket 119, ‘ ‘ *-itto Pencaitland, Pennycuick, Ditto. Penrith, Pettyuain, Perth, Pittenweem, Ditto, Phlessie, Preston, Prestonpans, Polmont, Queensferry, Ratho, Roherton, K alton into. sc* to, Mb — - 16, Lothian-street Cltland's, so. back Canongate Couper’s, 76, High-street Kay*s,*116, Grassmarket Clark’s, 77, ditto i 19, ditto, & Geo. Inn. Bristo-st Johnstone’s, 152, High-street 16, Lothian-street Sf even-on’s, Cowgate head Reid’s, Candlemaker-row Train's. ditto Reynold’s, ditto Johnston’s, so. back Canongate Kay’s, 116, Grassmarket Ditto, ditto »3. Candlemaker-row iHorseburgh's, Grassmarket 116, Lotluan street •M Jntosh’s, Blair-street ,209. High-street 16, Lothian street '3, Candlemaker-row Johnston’s, so. back Canongate jK-iy s, 116, Grassmarket Johnston’s, 106, Grassmarket , Reid’s, ditto ICurrey, 27, ditto |Clitend’s, so. back Canongate iM’Pherson’s, High street 1 22J? “ art .J nn . Grassmarket Reid’s, Candlemaker-row o. Candlemaker-row Train’s, C anriUemaker-row thrice a Saturday Saturday Thursday Thursday daily Wednesday thrice a twice a Thursday twice a Tuesday Saturday dail wee Friday Wednesday Wednesday week week Saturday Thursday fortnight Friday iy Friday Tuesday daily dally daily fortnight a. week Thursday, Mon. Th. .Saturday ditto 1 3 weeks 'SE** week Saturday Saturday Thursday Thursday dally Friday week week Friday week jwednesday Saturd Tu«. Frld.'Tuw.' Fnd- Friday Friday Wed. Sat. 'Mon. Th. Tuesday -Tuesday Tu.Th.8at, Mo.Wd.Fr, Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday thrice a .week Wed. Sot. jMon.Th. Tu. Th.Sa.Tu.Th.Sat- Wednesday [Wednesday Friday |Friday Saturday [Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday jSaturday Saturday .Saturday Tuesday 'Wednesday Tuesday Jwcduesday 72 twice a Tuesday KveJnesda y Inhere Lodged. ArrVVdU . ; Departures . St'. Andrews, 'Cowan’s, 2U9. High street St. Boswell’s Gr. ' in. BUHH- II {'Saltcoats, IStenron, {{Stirling, 'Stow. Stow, IjStohn, jj.Stol>s Castle, {•Stonehaven, ;Stonehou»e, . Strathaven, Ditto, [Symington, ..Strathmlglu, Tarlaftd, Thornhill, {1 D|rto, Tftomtonloch , Tranent, Ditto, Tjningham, Upiiall, Wanlockhead Wemyss, Ditto, Wiiitbum, Ditto, Whitehaven, Whitt ingliam. Ditto, i Wilsontown, Wilton, Wishaw, pwision. Woodhouie, Yarrow, Loudon, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, York, Li’ods, and New- castle waggon every lawful day, from George tun, Bnsto Street. Glasgow, Greenock, and west of Scotland wng^oix, every lawful day from George Inn, Bristo Street. GLO. MAI Hfe.fl, Agent. [ Thursday Ti ain’s, Caudleinaker*row |Wednr«day,Hrtstost.idaily CliUud’s, «o. back Canongate [Tuesday Stevenson*-, Cowgate head '* 1 Train’s, CaniHemaker-row Sherlock’s, Bii#»o street 3, Camllemaker-row 16, Lothian -street Murray’’, 90 Grassmaiket Murray's. 90, ditto fnckson’s, 119 ditto Currie’s, 27, ditto 209, High street Hi, Lothian street Train’s Camlletnakerrow White H rt. Gnus mar let J. jolnuion’9, 17 so. back Can, RedpatlTs, 157, High Street 76, High street J. Steel, so. back Canongate White Hart, Grass market Clark’s, 77, ditto White Hart, ditto Brown’s, 203, High-street Johnstone’s, 152, High suect Currie s, Grassinarket Wight’s, ditto 3, Candiemaker-row ClUand’s, so. back Canongate Palfrey’s. Cowc'Hte head Kinloch’s. Gra-smarket llorshurgh’s, Grassinarket 14, Bristo street Clark’s, 27, Grassmarket Curr.e’s, ditto Ditto, ditto Johnson's, 106, ditto Train’s, Caudleinaker row Fridav WediCSda] 1 1 Wedn. Sat. Saturday Saturday !v\ ed. bat. ithricea tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday thrice a Tuesday once a Tuesday Saturday Saturday dally dm i dayj dav> Wednesday Wedn. Sat. Saturday Satu day M n. Tb, week Tuesday Tuesday (ue-day Wednesday Thursday (week {Wednesday 'week [Wednesday |Sa mday .Saturday Wednesday Thursday once a [fortnight 'Saturday Saturday Tuesday {Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Wcdne.-dayjThursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed. Sat Tuesd y Thu. Erl. Thu. Fri. Tuesday 1 once a Mon. 'Th. . Wednesday once 3 wks.1 once 3 wks ruesday fortnigtit Wednesday tW ed uesday 'I'.. . /Tuesday (once a Luce a I Tuesday Wednesday f >rtuight fortnight Wednesday hnehesrer, Liverpool, Preston. Kcnuat, cirnsxe, rvniuu,^««, Leeds London,, and Langholm waggon, twu:e a week fnnn No t 1, Bristo S’.reet. J • " ILKISbGN. Agent. Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool, Presfnn. Kendal , Ca rllshj. b, Lancaster, Wtnteiuven, l^ongiowu, parts in the south of England and Walpa, Wednesday, Saturday, Monday, Thursday, Widow Welsh and Hons. A 11AILTON, Agent, No. 3 Candlemaker-row. LEITH PARCEL WAGGONS.— Dady. loStoddart, Cross. J. Tennent, Canonpat e. J»*. nr^vn, Abbc^lul! " 73 r\ "principal faiks IN SCWla^I). IFhrn any Fair happens on Sat. it is generally delayed till Mon. or Tuet.foll on,, ini;. — JV' 7t- Style t saliva) j understood, unless Old Style (O.S.) be mentioned? MARCH." Alvth, Tuesday after? Thursday O. S. • Auchteraruer, lo, O.S. Blairgowrie, 3 Wcdnes. BuckIyvie,2Tu. 0. 8. lerwlck, 1 Saturday Jallander, 10, 0.8. C abler. 2 Tuesday Ceres, 1 Fri. 2Wed. after Chapel ton Lady mar- ket. last We1 Cornhill, 1 Monday Crietf, 1 rhursdy.O.S: Cupar Angus, STh-Gi* Cuper Fife, 1 Th. O.S.* Dornoch. A Wed. ! Dumbarton. S Tuc«dsj Dunblane. 1 Wed. O.S.' Dundee, I Tu. aft. Perdl Dunfermline, 2 Wed. Dunkeld. 8 da v I Dunnfchen, 2\Ved.0$, Danse, 1 Wednesday 1 Dunning, 9 day r Ecclefechun, Fallcrk, 1 Thursday 1 FoJiuhcrs last Wed.O.J Foulis, 11 and If) days Liaiasiiiels, 3 Wed. Gifford. I siat Tuesday Glasgow, Thurs. before Luster Gleni-la, I Wednesday : ladding ton, lust Friday House of Muir, slim market, last Monday Huntly, lust TaerQfij luverkeithing, I Wed Kelso horse market, 1st 2d, 3d, and dtli Frida** Kemnore. 1 Tues. O.S. JANUARY. Ayr, 1 Tues. O.S. Arbroath, 51 day Airdrie. 2 Tues. Banff, 7 day Biggar, lust Thurs. O.S. Cupar Angus, Th. lie- fore Christmas O.S. Cupar Fife, 1 Thurs. Crielf, 1 day Dryrnen, 1 Tues. O.S. Dunferm. 5 Wed. O. S. Dunkeld. 21 day Dunblane, 2 1 day Dunoon, 2 Wed nes. O.S Dunning, 2G day Ecclefechun, Fri. af 11. Edinburgh, sheep, cat- tle, horses, aveiy VV. Falkirk, last Thursday Falkland, 2 Thurs. O.S. Gartmore, 8 day Gia-gow, 2 Wednesday Gvcntoa, 1 Tues. O.S. Hamilton, last Tu. O.S. Inverkeilior, 20 day Kllin,5 Tuesday Kilsyth, 2 day Kilwinning 21 day Kippen, 1 Wednesday Laurei cckitk,5 \V- O.S. UnUibgoW, 1 Friday af. 2 Tuesday Lockerby, t Thurs O.S. Lochmalien, 1 Tu. O.S. Mamhline, last W. O.S. Mur nil, 11) day Oh! Deer, 3 Thur*. O.S. Old Meld rum, 2 Tu.OS. Peebles, 2 Tuesday Stonehaven, Th. Iiefore Christmas, O.S. Stranraer, hor-e fa'r.Trv before new yeai’sdnv Ayr fa r Stra.haven 2Thu:sday Ball ali-Sta r, 3 Wed. Blair in Atholl, 1 day Bucklyvie, 2 Tuesday Carluke, 1 Thursday Charleston, 3 Wed. Crieff. 20 day Crossbill upon Girvan Ayrshire, 3 Friday Cupar Fife, 1 Wed. O.S. Dornoch. 1 Wednesday Doune, 1 1 day Druminochie, 1 Friday, 3 Tues. O Si Dunkeld, 3 day Du i. fries, 1 Wed. O.S. Dundee, 2 Tues. O 8. Dunoon, 2 Wed. u.8. Dunning, 7 day Ecclefe- han, Fri. aft. 11 Falkland, last Th. O. S. Forfar, last Wednesday Forres, 1 Wednes. O.S. Fyviuu Fast. Even. O.S. Olenihee, 3 Tuesday Haddington, last Friday ilaindton, 2 Thursday Huntly, hist Tues. O.S. Inverness. 11 day, Wednesday after Kilmarnock, Fast. Even Kirkahly. J Saturday KirktonofAlford .Jas«.Tu Lanark, last Tuesday Largs, 1 Tuesday Linlithgow. 25 day Lockerby, 2 Thur. O.S. Maybole, 1 l ues. O.S. Moiiymusk. 2 Wednes. Nairn, lSdav O <1 Deer, 3 thurs. O.S. Paisley, 3 Thursday Rattray, 1 Tuesday ,O.S. Kuihven of Badenoch, 2 Tuesday Sanquhar, 1 Friday .0,8. Kinross, last Wed. O.S. »Si' oi Glenshee, 22 Kirkpatrick, 17 or 18 FEBRUARY. Abernethy, 12 day Aboyne. 3 Wednesday Airdrie * Tuesday Alyth. Fasten’* Eve.. Annan.) Thursday Rantf, 1 Tuesday — — day. O.S •iday Stoueliaven, Th. before Lockerby. 2 Thur O.S. Candlemas, O.S. ~ Stric hen, laar, 1 Tu. after % S;rutlmven, 1 Thursday ;Ochtcrg*ven last Tues puulilaiie.last Tuesday Tniu, 3 Tuesday Old Deer, 2 Tues. O.S. [Dundee, Tu. bef. G Urn riiornhiil. 25, O S. (Old Al>erdeeu, Thurs- mis Turreff, hut Tues. O.S.! day before Kuster Dunning, 19 day Up. Banchory, laatThu.'Perth, l Friday punse. 3 Wednesday APRIL. Kotlxsay, last W'ednes-jDunsrmur. Tu. before 1 Anamithei Easter, lTu. day. O.S. | Wednesday O. S. after 1 1 Ruthcrglen, last Fi idav|Durris, 2 ’ 1 uesday Auchinblew, last Thur. 0.8. toysart, 6 day but one Saline, 3 Weduesday {DrmitaviclulHchattan, Auciuermuchty ,lTues.|Shotts, last Tues. O.S. LI day Auchterless, 2 Tu. O.S. Stewarton, last FrLO.S.Eaglcsham, S Thur. OS- {Bathgate, 2 Wed. Sn ichen.lastThur. O.S w ***- ”* AA * Ihrechin, .> W'ed. Selkirk, 15 day I arlops Green, 25 day St. Boniface, l Wed. atmylie, last Tuesday St. Andrews, 2 Thur.OS. rotogates. last Tue*. Tarbrax, 1 Wed. rifff. 5 day Weein, last Thursday rosshlll upon Girvan, Wigtou, 1 M«m. O.S. Ay 1 shire, 3 F riday MAY. Cupar Angus, 2 Wed. Aberdeen, 1 Tuesday Cupar Fife, 1 Wed. O.S juigiwn « * : - - Ecdefechan.Frt. af. 11 Elgin, 4 Tuesday K Hon, 1 Thursday, O.S. Falkirk, 3 T Uureday F.ndon, 2 Wedne day Fochabers, 5 Wed. OS Forfar, 1 W r ed. O. S. Forgandenny, the last Thursday , OS Dry men, 3 Wed. O.S DutnlKtrtnn, Thursday before Easter Dunfennline. 4 Wed. Duuniug. 12 day Ecclefechan, F 11 . af. 11 Elgin, Th. bef. Easter alu.iul.vli* t m uvavoT a w •/ » . Aberlour Charle. 1 Th.Gartmore. today Al>emethy, 4 Wed. Annan* 1 Thursday Ardnachyle, 17 day Airdrie, 3 Tues. O.S. Amulrie, 1 Wed. Auchiublay, 26 day Bal later, first Tue O.S. 1 11. uci • r.tiMtr ndiititCTt nrbi i ut v/.o Falkland, last Thur. (Banff, 5 1 uesday, O.S. Fetter cairn, last Tu.OS. Barhgate, 1 Wed.aftei Forres, 2 Wed. O.S. fortrose, 1 Wed. Gauldry, 2 Tuesday Glenlucc, 2 Friday Glesteriaw, la^t W ed. Grunton.last Tue. O.S. Term, O.S. Bervie, 2 Thursday Berwick, 2 Wed. Blyth, 4 Tuesday, O.S. Broadfnot, Friday after last Tuesday [keunowav. 1 Thur. OS. Broad ford, last Friday Ikippcn, 2 Wed. Callander, 1 Thursday, Kirkaldy, 1 Saturday O.S. 15 day N.S. Kirriemuir, 1 Fru after Camphelton, 3 Tues. Good Fr day Carluke, 21 day Lanark, last Wed. Carstairs, 1 Thur*. O.S. Langholm, 16 day Comrlc, l Tuesday Laurencekirk, last Th. Cortown, 3 Thurs. O.S.|Kimn, D,t r“‘*;v l T"'A « Let ham, 1 Thursday Crossrates, 4 Wed. [Kilmarnock, 1 iu« • Ltuchars. 2 Wed. O. S. Crieff, last Tues. O.S. Klnplawe, 5 W«u. w. Leslie, 1 Tues. O.S. Cumnock, la*t Tu. O.S. Kingussie.!* «t l utsuay Leven, 2 Wed. O.S. [Cupar Angus. 5 Tu. OS|K.iv»pen, S 6 , 1 * * irdav Linlithgow, 3 Friday jCupar Fife, 10 day [K-rknldy, l Lockerhv 2Thnr. O.S.rnaVith.l Th.^fr Hnth.>Kinloch*cr. b. and last Tu.O.S. (nverkeithinp, 3Thurs Island of Islay, 1« day Jedburgh, Whitsun-Tuesday Kelso, 2 Friday Kelso, * r 1 y . Kflconciohar. H day Kilim, U'e-ulalha |lc - J* Gy 75 r\ wihaii KvmmoLll' rna. ^ i uvs. before 1 Wednesday Brechin, 2 Wednesday Kilsyth, last Thursday Bucklyvie, 26 day I, an. ik la«r WaH nw Rridop nf Tplt. v '5 i LamMe'n, 29 day I 1 Thurs. O. S. Langholm, last Tu.OS Cammoek, 2 Wed. Luss. 24 day, O.S. jCercs in Fife, 21 dny Maneh'ne, 2 Toes. OS Cupar Fife, 25 O S. Kinloch Rannoch, FrtH. Biggar, '2 Tucs O.S. Collnshnrgh, '2 Friday Crieff, 3 Tuesday O.S. Culsalmond, last Tues. „ , V , and Wed. O.S. Mtithlll ,f> day Dollar, 3 Thursday Newmills, 5 Tues. OS. Drymen, 9 day O.S Methven. 1 Thursday Mont.r*>sc, 1 Frid. after 1 Wednesday, O.S. Muchals, 1 Tuesday m:nmui9,o l tic*. UO. 1/iJUicil, J UdY U.O« Ochtergavew.lastWed., Dumbarton, 1 Wed Old Deer. 2 Thurs. O. SI Dunning, 20 day Paisley, 3 Thursday 'Dull, 9 day Peebles, 2 Wednesday Dun’s Muir, 3 Wed. Kirkyetholrnj 17dav ' K rkaldy, 1 Saturday Lanark, 1 ami 2 Tufcj, Largs, 1 Tuesday, " l.auder, 3 Fiiday Leven, 2 Wednesday Letharrt. STlmrsilay : Linton, 1 Wednes. after 1 1 day Livingston, 2 Fridav Lnnmay, 1 Tues.CLs. Linlithgow, 2 Thnr. i I.ockerhy, 5 Th O.S. ! Longforgan Summer . Marker, 1 Wed. 0.8., .undie, 26 day Mauchli’ne, ITdav.O.S 1 "t Wediie Skirling, Tu. before 12 and 3 Tu. after 11 Slateford, 1 Monday St Andrew’s, 22 O S Peterhead, .1 Tues. O.S Pitlessie, 2 Tues. O.S. Porfee. last Tuesday Rothesay, 1 Wednesday Rutherglcn, 1 Tn. after Tr Pity Sunday Renfrew, 3 Tuesday Sanquhar 1 Friday ,‘OS, Shandnn, 17 d iy Shotts. 1 Tues. O.S Dunse, 1 Tu. after Tri- nity, and 1 Thurs. Durris, Friday before 2 Wednesday Dysart, 5 Tuesday F.^rlstown, 29 day Ecclefechan. 1 Tuesday after 1 1 day Ellon, I Tues. O.S. Kvemourh, 1 Thursday Falkland, 3 Thar. O.S* Falkirk, 2 Thursday Forfar, 26 day Forres, 25 and 26, OS. Stewarton, last Tuesday, 5 Wed. „ s ,F. Augustus, 2 Monday Stirling, last Friday (Fouldon. lastWed. O.S. Stricheu, 2 Tues. O.S. .Gatehouse, 27. or Stranraer, 1 Friday Gilford, 3 Tuesday Stranraer, (Landmlll', Glenluce, 2 Friday Frid. bef. Whitsund. Gle*terlaw, 4 Wed. Stroutian, S Wed. [Glasgow, 1 Mon. after Tarbetr, 22d*y j Whtsunday Thornhill, 2 Tu. O.S Glenshee 1 Tues. O S. Turret! , last Sat. O.S. Gordombmgh, 2 Wed. Udney, 1 Tu. O S. iGraitncy Tryst, 2Th. W liitsonbahk,on Whit- Granton, 1 Frid O.S. sun-Tuesday Hamilton, last Tllur. AH-*™?* , HUtonhill, 1 FridayOS. JSJTV 2 Tuesday Inverary, 3 Wednesday A >oyne, ^ Wed. O.S. |Inverkoithing,3 Thur. A yth. i To. and 25 OSjJcdhurgh, 1 Tn. after Ayr Jast Tuesday, o.s Whittun-Tdesdav Arbroath .3 Wed. KeltonhT, 17 O. S or Ardrossan.l Thursday Tuesday after B V£!XZi Tu - bcf. Kenmor., Breads]. 28 O.S. B ? hnt, uX .n« £■**»*. ,a *' ^iday Whitsonbank. on Whit isaingdtt 1 Wednes. Kinross, 1 day. O S sun-Tuesdav U^nockhum, 2 Tues. K S os. hi' ijKtti'l ? %. - IKirkton, Alford. 2 Tu. [Yctholm sheep faif.27. Meigle, last Wodhes, Mcikleour, 4 Ftfday Melrose, 1 W’ednesiay Motrat, 21 or I'll, aft. if Moaiheth, 2 Tu. Nairn, 1 Tucs. O.S. > Newburgh , 3 Fridav > New Deer, 2 Tu. 6.$| N. Berwick, last Tiiur. Old Deer, 1 Th. O.S. ' Ormlcnte, Thu. Lefon 1 Wednesday 1 Ruthven of Badencd 3 Tuesday Renfrew. 2 Friday ''aline, 15 day. i-rwHK, Vtvu.D.t. Aberlour James fair, 5 Kirriemuir, 24 day/ or Baidouckie Muir, 1 W. Thursday 1 Wednesday after after Lammas. OS. • • — 1 — mt-j -(.Mub u, “- 1 Rlairgowre 2 Wed. Brechin, 2 Wed. Callander, 1 Th. OS. Camphelton, 1 Tu. OS. Aicky, 2 Tuesday, Wed. Lanark, last Wed. OS. Thursday. O. •"» Alyth, last Tu. O. S. AnstrAther Easter, 5 d. Arbroath, 18 day Auchtermuchty, 13 Bnthgate. 3 Wed. B ggar, 3 Th. OS. Blairgowrie. 23 d*y Broad foot, Friday alt r last Tuesday Bucklyvc, last Tu. OS Carluke, last Wed. Camwath 1 Thur. Carstairs. 2 Thur. OS. Coldstream, last Thur. Comrie 1 1 day Crieff, 12 day Crossgates, 5 Tu. OS. Cupar Angus, 1 W. OS. Cupar in File, 2.3 OS. Culross. last Tuesday Cumnock, 1 Toe*. OS. Col«Ui»glram,2Tu. OS. Doroock, 1 Wed. Doune, 26 day Drvmen.3 Wed. OS. Dunfermline. 1 Wed. Dunning. d.he. Kinross Dtinsc. 2 Wednesday Ecclefcchun, Eddies ton. !i day Elgin. last Tuesday Faikirk. 2 Thursday Fettercairn,lastTU.OS Fo r far, 1 Tire? day Galashiels, 8 day Oartmore. 7 day Garvock. St James* <4,3 Thursday OS. Oa.iMry.3Tu 06. Cifiord, 14 day Glasgow, 2 Monday (Benluce, £ Friday Greenock, 1 Thursday Haddington, 2 Tues. Hamilton 2 Thursday Hawick. 17, if Sunday, day In fore Hunclv . 1 Tues. OS. Inverness, 1 18 Inver aven, 2 Tu. OS. Kelso, 2d Friday Kn more 26 day Kilharclmn, 1 Wed. Ki marnock. 3 W. OS. 3 Wed. O'*. Langholm WoolFair,15 Largs, 3 Tuesday H l.auder, 4 Friday Leven, 1 Wcdnes. and Oarnwath, 2 Wed. OS. last Wednesday jCockburuspath. 2Tu. Ltnhgelly, 3 Wed. Crimmond, 4Tues.OS. Lochmabeu, 1 Tu.OS. Crieff, 21 day Mauchline, 22 OS. Crossbill upon Girvan, Maybole, last Ta. OS. I Ayrshire, 3 Friday Milnathort, 9 day Dollar. 2 Monday Mellemain, 2Tu. OS. .‘Dornoch, 1 Wednesday Moffat, 2ti day | Dry men, 23 day OS. Newmills, 2 Wed. 08. .Dumbarton, 2 Tuesday Ociiterarder, 2 Tu.OS.' Dunblane, 10 OS. Old Deer, 2 Tu. OS. Dundee, 26 day Oldhamarocks, 1 Tues.l Dunfermline, 1 Tu, Ormiston, 1 Tuesda* 1 Dunning, day af. Foulis Pauly Fair, 1 Tuesday Dunoon. 2 Wed. OS. after 11 (Diinse, 26 day Perth, 5 day |Dvsmt, 4 Wednesday Peebles, Tu. before 12 Eaglesham, 3 T h. O. S Portree, last Tuesday !Ecclefechan,26 day Reedic, near Kirricm.ElWm, .» Tues. OS. Mon before 3 W.OS. Falkirk Tryst, 2 Tues. Rink, 12 day Rothesay , 3 Wed. Renfrew. 3 Tuesday Rmlierelen, 3 Friday, O.S. St. Boswell *8, IS day St. Andrew’s, lTu.OS. Stewarton, last Tu. OS. Mobbs, 2 Tuesday Stumcway, 2 Wed. Strathi.llan, 3 day Stranraer, (Landmill), last Friday, Strichen, 1 Tues. OS. Selkhk . 4 day, O.S. Tain, 2 Wednesday 'Parker t, 3 Wed. OS. Torryhurn,S Wed. Turrrff, last Tues. OS, Yctkolm, 3 day AUGUST A'Tdrie. 3 Tuesday Alloa. 2 Wednesday Annan, 3 Thursday Auchinleck, last Tues. Auchtemnnchtv. 21 d. Ban Rannach Muir, 2 Tu. Battle Chapel, Krid. af. 3 Tuesd ty, OS. Bathgate. 3 Wednes. b 3hdiv Falkirk Fair. 3 Thur*. Falkland, 1 Thur. after 12 day Forfar, 1 Tuesday Forres, 10 day O.’ S. or Wednesday after F. Augustus, 2 Thurs. Foulis i**day N. Galloway, 1 Wcdnes O.S. G1 nluce, 2 Friday Glestcrlaw, 3 Wed, Granton. Lady Fair, 1 Friday, OS. Hamilton, 3 Thur. Inverness, 1 Wed. Inverkcithing, 1 Wed. after 1 1 O.S. Irvine, 3 Monday Jedburgh, 2 Tu. OS. Kelso. 5 day Kirkcudb.12. or Fri. nf. Kin 'ossie, Frid. before L unmas, OS. Killin, 1 Wednesday Kilsyth, 16 day Kirkwall, Lanark, last Friday, OS Lauder, 4 Friday Letham, 2 Thursday Leven. 3 Wednesday Lin'Uhimw, 2 day G :* 77 Lockerbv, 2 O..S. Laurence (M earns) Tuesday, O S. Luiuiie. 1 Tues. O. S. Luss, 11 day. O.S. M^uchline, last Tues day, O. S. Meikleour, 3 Friday Melrose, 12 day Mutiiven, l Ti>ur». Milnathort, 29 day Miintown of Strath- brand, 1st Fiiday, 3 Wed. Muchils, 1 Tuesday Musselburgh, 2 Tues, Mu'hil, & day Nairn, last Wednesday Newrmlh. 22 day O.S. Ochterarder,2 O.S. Ociuc rgaven 2 Wed Old Rain, 2 Tues. and 1st whole week, O.S. Old Deer, 1 Thur. O.S. Paisley, 2 Thursday Pa’hhead, 1 Wednes P» i .. Tubef. 21 day Penstoun. 1 Wed. Rutherglcn, 6 Frid.OS. Sanquhar, 1 Friday OS, Selkirk, 11, or 1 Mon- day thereafter Shotts, 1 Thursday OS Slatcford, 16 day,O.S.or Wednesday after Stirling, 1 Friday Stonehaven, 2 Thurs. Stjrcu hear vie, 3 Tues. Stranraer, 3 Friday Stranraer t$t. John’s), 3d Friday Stranra- r (Land mill), last Friday Strathaven, 2 Thins. Strkhcn, 2 Tues. OS. St. Laurence, 21 day St Andrew’s, 1 day OS. Tain, 3 Wednesday Carlops bretn, 12 d«y ,Tarvas, 3 Tues. u.bT Jasiletoii ef 8raemar,Thirlest?ne, 2-l day 3 Mon and Tu O. S. Trinity Muir, Tues. he Coidstone, 1 Thur. OS.* fore last Wednesday Crossgates, 2 Thins. Weem, Th. heforeiTu Crosshill upon Girvan.lVVemyss. 2 WeO. Ayrsliire, last Friday OCTOBER.* Drumlithlc, 1 Tues.OS.lAberdeen, 1 Tuesday Dumfries, 25 or Wed-'Aboyne, 1 Tues. 0.8. nesday ;fter Alytn, Tu. bef. 100.8, Dundee, 19 day Dunfermline, 4 Friday Dunuini:. 4 day Dunse, 4 Wednesday Durris, last Wednes. l.defechan, 18 or Fri. before Eddies ton, 25 day Kaik-rk Tryst 2 Tu. Falkland, 4 Thursday Forfar, last Wed. Frcndr-ugli, 4 Tu O.S Galashiels, 10 day Glenluce, 2 Friday Grauton, 3 Tu. OS Giaitney, 15 or Monday after Hun ly, 2 Tues. OS Inverness, 1 WcdncsdavtCarlops Green, 15 da\ 4fter 11 O.S. Carluke, 31 day Ceres, >n Fife, 20 day Wilton, hist Friday SEPTEMBER. Aberlour Grant, 1 Th. Annan, 1 Tues. after 29 Ayr, 29 day Borvie, 2 Thursday Bridgend in lsla,25 Bulloch, 15 (lay H.rllater,2 Monday and Tuesday, O. $ inmnbciton, 3 Tue Annan, 3 Thursday Aiinamurchan, 15d. Arduachyle, 19 day Aytoun, 12 dav Ayr, 1 Tuesday O.S. Rull-alnStair, Friday af- ter Beaulv Balblair, 2 Wed; 0.8. Bigger, last Thur. 0.6. Bannoi kb. 2 Tu. 0.8. Banranuoch Muir, la>t Tuesday Bathgate, 4 Wcdues. Beauly, 18 day Blackford, 7 day Blyth, 3 Tuesday, 0.$. Brora, 2 Wednesday 'Callander, 9 day Jedburgh, 26 day Kenmore. 17 day Killearn, 17 day* Kitkaldy, last Wed. Kincardine Q*Neil, Wed. and Thur. Colinsburgh, 2 Friday Cupar Fife, 1 Th. O.S. Cumnock, 3 Tu. O.S. Crieff, Frid. before Fal- kirk Tryst Kn glass e, Thur. bef. Gross-, nicliad, Thun. AC F Mich. OS. Kingussie, Friday week l*efore Faikirk Tryst Kirkcudbright, 29, MM «UCI Fiiday HVM Ken it, 2 Thursday Latnluien, 5 da> Langholm, sheep, 18 d Leven. 3 W ednesday Lothgelly, 3 W'edncs. Mai loch, 1 Wednesday hornhill, 2 Tues. OS, Nairu, 20 or Fri. after. and that dav fortmir. Old Deer, 1 1*1 mr. O.S. Percy-BIackwater, 1 W Peebles. 1 Tu. bef. 12 Penh, 9 day llenlt ew, 2*9 day Skirling, 15 day St. Andrew’s, 29 OS. Stirling, 5 Friday alter 29 CoJ .tngham. 2 Th.0S Dalkeith, 3 Tuesday Dollar, 3 Monday Drimtavickitlichaui),15 Dunde. . 22 day Dunfermline, last Th. Dunning, 24 day Dunoon, 2 Wed. 0.8. Enrlstotm, 5 Thursday Edefechan 26 or FriiL before Elgin, 2 Tuesday Eyemouth. last Thur. Falkirk Tryst, 2 Tues. Fmdon, last Wed. Fochabers. 3 Wed, O.S. Forfar, 29d«y Forgmdenny, last Th. O. S. Galashiels, 10 day Stranraer (LandmillJ/Gartmore, 19 da? jast Friday | G dlord , 1 Tuesday GierulururU, 2 Tu.O.S.. Pai roucratgs, lasr Tuts. Campbeltown,! Tu-Us, Olenluce, 2 Friday Pennycuick, 1 Friday Grakney ,1'rh. af'Falk Perth, 20 day . . . ;.<• n'luw Pi til lin'ii I 7 I GTeenlaw, iast Thur Gler.shec*. 5 Til. O.S Golspie. 3 Wednesday Haiknngton, 2 Thins Hawick Trvst, 5 Toe Inverkei thing, 3 Wed . Inverness, 20 day Kilmarnock, 5 W. O.S Rillin, 27 day Kiuethmont, STu.O.S. Kinuhinn, ] Friday Klnp»assie, 'lit. h’cfore Michaelmas, 0.8. Carstairs. 2 Thur. OS l jCastletou of Bmenrar, Path head, 7 day ( la*tdayO. 8. Peebles, 17 j when Sun Chirr, side, last Thws. day 18 'Cockenzie, 1 Thur. PttievTe, 5 Wed. 08. Coldstream, 2 Thurs. Pitlochry, 3 Wed. 0.8. Crieff, C day Hatho, Kri. after 2Tu. Coinrie, 8 day R eedie, near Kirriemuir, Crossgates, Friday be Wed bef FalkiTk'riyst Rink sheep lair. 15 Kothsay, la.sf Wed. OS. fore llailow Fair Crosah.ll upon Girvan Ayrshire, 3 Friday Uutuerglen, 5 Mon. 08. <’ui»ar Fite. 1 1 OS saline, (Id ay O.S. Sanquhar, 1 Mon. O.S. Kingussie, Fiiday weekjSnchichan, Sky, 5 Frid helm e Falkirk Myst |Shotts, 4 Tues. 0.8. Kinlochscriden, 17 day Slatcford. 1 Monday 8 pitta], 3 Tuesday OS. o teuton, last Tuesday Stranraer, hone fair, Dumfries, 22 or Wed. (nlross, 5 Wednesday Dundee, Toes, before Giammis Market Dornoch,! Wednesday D outre, 1 Wednes. and •‘ay Drvtren, 1 Thursday Kinross, 18 day O. S. Kippen, 25 day Kirkintilloch, 20 day Kirkmichael. Wed. and Fh.bef. Falkirk Tryst Kirk town of Dull, *> d'ay Strom ian, 3 Wed. Kirriemuir, 12, or Wed. Swinton, 4 Tuesd after Klrkyetholm. 24 day Kennuwav, 4 Monday Largs, 4 Tuesday Leslie, 10 day Leven, 3 Wednesday l.euclurs, 8 Friday OS Lockerby , 2 day 0.§. Lanark /i Friday Lauder, 4 Friday Lawrence, lant Tu. OS Loi.limaben, i Tu. O. S. Lmigfnrgan Winter Market, 1 Wed. O.S, Lutts, H clay 0.8. Mauchtine, 27 O.S Mavhole, last Til. O S Megray, 2 Muirs. O.S, Meigle, lastWedm.»sda> Meikleour, 4 Friday Mellerstain, 1 Tu. O.S. Methven, 4 Thursday Mid-Calder, 1 Friday Anstruther Easter. 12 |Gordon.sburgh. 2 vVed . Tb hef. M «ch A3 r fait Stranraer, last Friday |M^|HjWWVd. ‘ueMiav Selkirk, 20 day O.S.‘ St. Laurence, 31 day Tain, 3 Tuesday Tarhert, la day Kinguvde, Moud. week IteforeDowne market Klnrossie, Fridaybefore Martinmas 08 Khrktoa Weem. 3 Th. Kirriemuir. 2 Wetln .•>• after Martnmas OS. I. ana i . 1 We*l. O. S. Langholm, W. bef. 22 L amler. l Friday (Laitrcncck rk, 1 Wed. »L**'hatn, 1 Thursday. .Linlithgow, 1 Friday Liv ngstnn. 1 Friday Ibocltjrelly, 1 Thursday •Longsidc, 3 Toes. OS II. ockerhv, 2 Thurs. O' ll.uss, 7 dav. OS Me rose. 22 day Meildkk. 2 Tue*. OS j Mi n.r Jiort , 5 dav iMofl 't, i Toe*. OS jM' »vki*v 1 2? Montrose. 1 Friday aft. Marti masO 8 j\*-whuigh, 2.j 08 Vewmills.29 OS iN. Berwick ast Thnr. Ochteratder, 2> e/8 Ochtergaven. 13 dav Old Deer. 2 Thor. OS Oldhamstocks, 1 Tues Pais’ey, 2 Thursday Peebles, Tu. l»ef. 12 Peterhead. 2 Tues. OS Uavnlv. 4 Tues. O, S. Rothesay. 1 Wednesday Kuthven. 2 Tues. 0.8 Rutherplen, 3 Frid. OS Sanquhar, 1 Frid. OS. Shotts. last Toes* 08 Stev arton 1 Fr. af. 12 and l Th, therealte Stirling. 1 Friday Stonehaven 3 Thurs. Strain aer (Laudinll), last Friday Stia haven. 1 Thurs. Strathblane, 10 day Strathu.ig'o. 1 Friday Stricln n, 1 Toes. OS. St Andrew’s, 30 03 Tain, 22 dav Thornlul',2 Tu.OS. LMhey.v Yeuv STn.o 8 DKCEMRKft. Aberdeen, 1 Tuesday Aiytn, 2 Tuesday. 08 Hand. 3 Tuesday. os. Ra'Chinsary, rr« o s. Cal aftder, 1 Thur, 08. Comrie. 4 day Dor nodi, 1 \Ved. Dunning, 2£day Donne, 26 day , hcclefechan, Pr. af, 11 Elgin, 2 Tuesday Fochabers, 3 W. 0. S. Fo r res St John’s day, 0 8. if Wed. Tlmr. or Ktiil.orWed. after Fortingal, 6 day Glcnluce, 2 Friday HttnUv, I Tues, OS K-mmofe 3 a d 22 Kirkton A 1 ford, 1 Tues. Lady market, Chapel ton, 1 W. af. 1 1 o. S. Lanark, last Tuesday Locket by. Th. before Christ i as. O.S. Mauchline, 2 Tues. OS Nam, 3 Tuesday Old Deer. 2 Tues. OS. ceb'es, 'Tues. bef. 12 Penh, i’d Tuesday Renfrew. 1 Fr day Selkirk, H day 08 Stir ing, 2 Friday St L^mence. 19 day Stonehavi r. Thursday before Old Cliristma I Tain, Tu. Imf. C hrisfui Tarvas, 4 Tncsdiv U.». 1 liondiill 1 Tu. O.S. Tarred. 1 Thu.O.s. . FI A Aberdeen. ». rf., Oa*meft1. 8 *tone 20 6; t-*nnn »>r market boar, Aberdeen- j shire measure, j w thont fodder 31 0; 0* . with fi»dder 37 0 rlarlev. Ahcr- de-'hs?ji r em*a. without fod, 31 0 Do. with fodder 40 <♦ Best Oars, with- out fodder 23 C Do. with fodder 51 6 'ecnnd quality without fod. 21 6| Do. with fodder £9 8 Malt, duty in* eluded 45 0 i'e.i‘« None Wheat, without fodder 31 C Do. with fodder 10 0 II PlUtFS — Crop : | Argyte. •. J. lOatrrcul r ho'l ot ; H s‘. Sc-itsTr- \24 Oats, without fod. nn holl.equn to t.j W n- chestei Illicit. 21 1 Roar per hull, do. 39 S Beans, do. 21 8 Ai I . Rou^h Benr 80 1 1 Merse Oats 29 8 Lammcrmuirdo. 23 tease 20 Qatnreal, 8 stone rf.l 25 41 26 25 0 per boll Bute. Bear, ner boll Oa s, do. Oatmeal, 9 st. per l>oll Caithness . Bear, per boll 25 Poutoe Oats 20 Oatmeal, 8£ st. 21 Black Oats 15 tied, Angus anil Dun Oats 18 Clackmannan, Wheat, per boll £6 ti Malt (’ease per boll 30 0 White Oats, fod. 26 Hearn per boll 80 0 Do. without no. 21 Rye per boll 5i> 0 PoMtoe do. with Barleyor Bear per j fod. 28 boll 38 Q D.i. without 23 Oats of 5 firldts per I Bear with fod. 35 boll 29 6* Do. without 31 2 Oatmeal of 8 stone 'pease, with fod. 29 U Dutch per boll 20 Ujt)o. without fod. 2*1 Fife. | Barley with fod. 41 WhlteWheat , p. B.35 TO Ditto* without 37 ted Wheat 34 1(* Wheat with fod. 42 0 Barley 36 O' Wheat without f. 87 0 Bear 35 (V Beans w tli fod. 29 0 Oats 28 d Do. without fod. 24 0 Meal, by weight 24 6* RtHrost. Meal, by meusute 28 tv Wheat per boll 35 0 Rye it) OjUo't Bear Pease and Beans 25 0 Second do. 11 39 32 24 21 as Kerse Bear Dry held do. Moorland do. Meal IV. Korsc Oats Drybeld do. Pease and Beans 26* Malt 47 Cromarty. Wheat, per boll 31 Barley, do. 35 9 •ear ' 26 Oats 25 0 Oatmeal p. 9 st. 28 Dumbarton. Meal 25 Bear 31* 8 Barley 59 1 1 Dumfries. . Barley 0 Chester Bear 2 Potatoe Oats Common ditto >nrme*n £4 10 23 1 24 2 0 0 41 4 84 Second do. n 0 0 32 0 28 U 0 19 0 19 0 16 0 22 36 8 * Wheat 42 7 1 parley First Wheat Second ditlo Third ditto Fust Barley Second ditto Third ditto First Oats Second ditto Third ditto First Pease Second ditto Third ditto Inverness, Oatmeal, 9 st. 23 White Oats, 5 fir. 28 Do. with fodder 33 Black Oats, 5 fir. 15 Do. with fodder 18 Bb:ck Oatmeal 2d o Barley, 4 tirlots 36 0 Do. with fodder 39 Pease and Deans 25 0 Malt 44 0 Sleivartn of Kirkcud bright. Com by the boll of 8 pi cks, Kirkcud. inras. or 1 1 Winch, hash, and Meal, 16 st. Troy. 93 II 7« 14 «1 . 4() 3 27 5 25 S 24 W 28 6 26 5S 23 0} Hear or Bigf; 56 0 Best Boll of Malt r, . i..A. I.. On O //Itifu 1 Do. with fodder 59 0 Pease, W mca 30 Rye. Wheat mca 26 Wheat 5 tirio.s Barley mens. 35 Kmcurame, 58 33 33 42 Dcur Putatoe Oats Common ilo. Oatmeal Lanark, BesthnUof Wheat 3S Best boll of Bar ley 37 Second do. 32 6 Best boll of Dear 30 Second do. 27 Best Boll . of Oats ^ {seed excepted) 23 Second do. 20 Best Boll of* meal according to weight '23 R *s: sort uf Pease SO Wheat per boll 35 OMatmeal, p. boll (duty included) made from Be ar43 Lisvtthgvur. Oat Meal 24 Wheat 36 58 36 1 Barley 25 CpTuirland Bear 81 ;z <. (/. Groat Oats £3 0 Small Oats £0 0 Heave 25 6 U.Ut 48 1 N'tirnshtn. Wheat, per boll 35 0 Bariev 35 6 Oats, 5 firfnt* L ’8 0 Oatmeal, 9 st. per boll 27 0 Barley with foil. 42 0 Oat* with tod. 37 0 Pease, Beaus, aud Uye 27 0 Ontncy. Malt per meil (llist. Dutch) on rhe Malt pundlar.lnclud- ing 9s. 6 d. of Lxc»>e duty 29 9 Oatmeal per meil on do. 23 1 1 Bear per trici! (7.J sts. Dutch) on thoBcarpimdlarS 9 Peebles. Wheat, per boll. first price 38 4± Second price 3G 1 1} Third pi ice 35 6 Barley, do. first price 38 10< Second price 37 5, Third puce 35 4 Bear or Bigg first price 32 D Second do. £9 1t or Potatoe | Oats, per boll 27 0 Second Oats 24 0 Rye 50 0 Pease 50 0 Oatmeal, per boll of 8$ st. 27 0 Wigtun. Oatmeal, per boll of 2X0 lbs. A. voirdudupois 45 4 Barley, per boll, 12 Win. bush. 69 0 Bear or Bigg, do. 62 0 First Best Oats, do. 40 0 Second 37 0 First Common Oats, do. 36 6 Second Ditto, do. 34 0 Wheat, per qr. 8 Winch, bush. 68 0 Potatoes, per boll of 16 Win. bus. eachbus. 56 lb*. 12 0 Malt, per Gallo- way boll, 72 0 Rve, do. 66 0 Bean-, per 8 Wane. bush. 48 0 Pease per do. 4$ l* X . n Uy comparing the above prim of Im)U$, roitntif meutwnr, » rith the tablet of ttanda rdeiuas urt (neit page) the value of a riandu rd boil will be easily found. n 82 TABCE of difference betwixt the Scuts, TAB Lis, icu.k~ Standard Linlithg. Bolt & the Wheats price of Eng. Quat\ Barley Measures used in other counties, to Linlithg. Boll. Linlithgow Doll . Wheat. BamxeyT u p 100 ion Bottx of I 15 * *- p ts. B. F. 1 100 0 OjlOO () j Linlithgow _ Aberdeen i 122 1 41 Argvle, Inver. 110 1 0 Argyle, Caviji. Ayr 97 3 40 Banff Berwick Bute Caithness Dumbarton Dumfries Edinburgh Elgin Fife Forfar Haddington Ihvcrness Kincardine Kinross Kirkcudbright j: Lanark, GJas. & j Lower Ward j. Lanark & Upper! j Wart* L j Nairn ! Peebles Perth Renfrew Ross Roxburgh Selkirk Stirling Sutherland VVigton 107 Pnce WtiA at % Parley j per [ Pea ■ • , I or Oatt Quar.' per bM. j prrbotl 121 3 90111 10H 0 941107 117 2 58jll0 195 2 92 201 1 parts of a peek, Scots measure. j Ditto of Barley and Oats is 1 boll 1 fir- lot peck. ? 100! s. s. d. s. d. * vis. I 24 12 3 17 10A [) 0 25 12 91 18 2 70 26 13 Si 19 4 1 1 31 27 13 to 20 11 2 83; 28 14 341 |20 lot 0 f>7| 29 14 9 4 21 7} 0 41 < 30 15 22 41 3 35' 31 15 10 23 1$ f> 7« 32 16 4 23 io 4 1 0 33 16 !04 24 7 2 38 34 17 41 25 4 1 35: 35 17 104 26 1 2 45 36 18 4.S 26 92 1 2 37 18 ioj 27 64 0 90 38 19 n 28 2 51 | 39 19 11 -’9 °| 0 9 ; 40 20 5 29 94 3 1 l 1 41 20 111 >0 H 1 bo 42 21 5* >1 34 0 9 43 21 114 32 l't 1 93j 44 22 5 4 ‘ 32 94 45 22 1I< 33 64 1 40 46 23 6 54 Si 47 24 0 >5 01 0 90 48 24 35 61 31 il 02 03 64 8 (40 2, 2 40 il 84+7 a 8 C J I PEERAGE OF SCOTLAND, In the order of the Union Hull. The 16 Peers marked thus *— Baronets are marked B. /GEORGE, Prince and Steward of Scotland, Duke of Coni' real! ami liothwy ; born 12th, and created Priitce of Walt* and Earl of Chester 17 th August 1762, Prince Regent of Great Britain and Ireland, K. G. Knight of the Russian Or- ders of St Andrew, St Alexander, and St Anne; of the French Order of St Esprit, of the Golden Fleece of Austria, and of the Orders of St Stephen, the Iron Crown and Leopold ; of the Golden Stnr of Prussia, Grsrd Cross of the Spanish Order of, Charles II I. of the Ancient Orders of Portugal, Sicily, the Da-: rush Order of the Elephant, and Grand Cross of King William. Married Hth April 1795 to Princess Caroline of Brunswick*) by whom he had Issue, Princess Charlotte Augusta, born Jan.; 7, 1796 s married on 2d May, 1816, to bis Royal Highncij Leopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of, Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringen, Prince of Cohourg of Saalfeld ; and died 6th November I8I7. The King's eldest son was first created Earl of Chester in 1247, Prince a Wales in 1357, and Duke of Rothsay in 1599 — [Chief Seats, Br fchthclmst one, Sussex ; Cottage^ IViudsor ForcstA DUKES.— H. 1645. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Duke of. Hamilton, (Duke of Brandon 1711), Marq. of Douglas and Clydesdale, Heritable Keeper of the Palace of Holyroodhouse, a Priv) Councillor, Lord Lieut, of 1 unarfeshire, and Colonel of its Militia (son to Archibald, 7th Duke of Hamilton, by Lady Harriet, daughter of Alex. Earl of Galloway,) born 1767, succeeded bis father 1819; married in 1810 Susan Euphemia, daughter of Wm. Beckford Esn. of Fonthfll. Issue, William Alexander Anthony Archibald, Marquis of Douglas and Clydesdale, born 1811 ; and a daughter [Chief Scats, //u- milton Palace , Lanarkshire ; Kinniel House, Linlithgoxcshm ; Brodick Castle , Isle of Arran , Buteshire; and Ashton Haul Lancashire. 1 1675. WALTER FRANCIS MONTAGU SCOTT DOU- GLAS, Duke, Earl , and Baron ofBnccleuch , Earl of Dalkeith, Baron Scott of Whitchoster and Eskdale ; (Karl of Doncas* 1 ter, and Enron Tynedale, 1662) ; and as heir of line and en- tail to the Queensberry estate, Duke of Queensberrv, Mar- quis of Dumfries- shire, Earl of Drumlanrig and Sanquhar) Viscount Kith, Torthorald, and Ross, Baron Douglas ol K inmount, Middlebic, and Dornock, born 25th Nov 1 (son of Charles William, last Duke, hv Harriet, daughter of 'Thomas Viscount Sydney (who died 1814), succeeded hi? Ifath e|pl^l 0} ; minor. H as one brother, born 13th July 1809. Lord John Montagu Scott Douglas; and five sisters. Ladles Anne, Charlotte, Isabella, Margaret, and Harriet.— A Dalkeith House , and Caroline Hark , Mid- Lothian ; Langholm Lodge and Dmmlaarig Castle , Dumfriesshire ; and Bowhill , Sel- kirkshire. J 1675. CHARLES LENNOX, Dnkc of Lennor , Earl of March, (Duke of Richmond 1675), a Lieut.-Col. in the army, (son of Charles, last Duke, by Lady Charlotte, daughter of Alex. Duke of Gordon,) born 1791 ; succeeded his father 1819, and married, in 1817, Lady Caroline, eldest daughter of the Marquis of Anglesey. Issue, Charles, Karl of March, born 1818 ; and a daughter . — [Goodwood Parle, AVmc.r.] | 1684. ALEXANDER GORDON, Duke of Gordon, Mar- quis of Hnqtly, (Earl of Norwich 1784, and Baron Mor- daunt of Turvey 1532), A\ T. Keeper of the Great Seal of ! Scotland, Chancellor of King’s College, Aberdeen, (son to Cos- mo, last Duke, by Lady Catherine, daughter of William, 2d Earl of Aberdeen): born 174.7; succeeded his father 1752. Married Jane, aunt to Sir Win. Maxwell of Monreith, in 1767, who died 1812. Issue, George Marquis of Huntly (Lord Gordon, See Gordon, p. 101), and Dowager Duchess (if Richmond, Lady Magdalene Palmer, Duchess of Manchester, Marchs. Cornwallis, and Duchess of Bedford — [ Gordon Castle and II unth f Lodge , Banffshire; St rath bogie, Aberdeenshire.] , 17OL GEORGE WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Duke of 1 Argyll, Marquis of Lorn, &c. Lord Lieutenant of Argyll- shire, (Lord Sundridge 1766, Lord Hamilton 1776), Heri- table Master of the King’s Household in Scotland, and keeper of DunstatFnage, Dunoon, and Carrick, born 1768, (son to John, last Duke, by Elizabeth, daughter of John Gunning, Esq. Duchess Dowager of James Duke of Hamil- ton) ; sue. his father 1806. Mar. Lady Caroline Elizabeth, (jate Lady Paget) daughter of the late Earl of Jersey, in 1810. His only brother. Lord John Campbell, M. P. is pre- sumptive heir. — [Inver ary Castle , Argyllshire ; Hoscncuth , Dumbartonshire ; and Hartford, Essex. J 1703. JOHN MURRAY, Duke of Athol l, Marquis of Tuliibardine, (Earl Strange 1786), A'. T. Lord Lieutenant of Perthshire, a Privy Councillor, and a Vice-President of the Caledonian Asylum, (son to John, last Duke, b Lady Charlotte, daughter of James, former Duke) ; born 1755; suc- ceeded his father 1774. Married, 1st, Jean, sister to Earl Cathcart, in 1774, who died 1790; 2d, in 1794, Marjory, eldest daughter of the late Lord Forbes, and widow of Lord Macleod. Issue, John, Marquis of Tuliibardine ; born 1778 Lord James, (mar. Lady Emily, dr. of the Duke of Northunv berland, and has issue ;) and Lord Charles (only child ot last marriage) ; Ladies Charlotte Drummond, Amelia Drum- tnond, and Elizabeth MHCgregor Murray — [ Duukeut Hou^ tind Blair , Pa ihshire ; Mona Castle* Isle of Man.] . 1707. J A M KS G UA H A M , Duke ofM unirose, Marquis of Graham, &c.(Karl Graham 17‘22), K . G. LL.D. Chancellor of? the University of Glasgow. Master of the Horse. Lord Lieut, of Dumbartonshire and Stirlingshire, Lord Justice General ot Scotland, a Privy Councillor, and a Vice-President of the Cale. donian Asylum ; (son to Wm. last Duke, by Lady Lucy, dr. of John, *d Duke of Rutland) ; l>orn 1155; succeeded his father 1790. Married, 1st, in 1785,, dau"h. ter pf Earl Ashburnham, who died )7hG; 2d, in 1790, Lady Caroline, sister to the Duke of Manchester. Issue, immit Marquis of Graham, born 1799* and Lord Montague V\ flliant; Ladies Georgians Charlotte F. Hatton, Caroline, Lucy Clive, and Emily. — 1 _. Buchanan House* Stirlingshire,] 1707. * JAMES INNES KER, Duke and Earl of /for. burgh e, Marquis of Bowmont, Ac. (son of Sir James Innes of Lines, Bart.); born 1738; succeeded in 1812, by a deci- sion of the House of Lords. Married, 1st, in 1769, Marv,| sister of Sir Cecil Wray, who died I807, without issue; »ii; in 1807, Harriet, daughter of Benjamin Charlewood, Ksq. Issue, Jas. Marq. of Bowmont, born 1816. B [ Fleurs Castle, Roxburghshire; and Broxnwnth House , Haddingtonshire* j MARQUESSES. 1G82. * CHARLES DOUG J. AS, Marquis and Earl of Queens/ erri/. Viscount Drum lan rig, Ac. ; Lord-Licub’nantof Dumfries-shite, and Colonel of its Militia, (son of Mr Wm. Douglas of Kelhead, by Miss Douglas ot Lockerbie,; suc- ceeded William, late Duke of Qucensberrv, tsio, as heir, male. Married, 1803, Ladv Caroline, daughter of Henrv Duke of Buccleuch. Issue, Ladie* Caroline Eliza l cth, Louisa Ann, Mary Elizabeth, Harriet Christian, and lour other daughters. R. — [ Kelhead, Tkiwald House, ana trim Stuart House , Dumfries -shire. | 1694. * GrXiRGE HAY, Marquis of Txrerddale, Earl of Gifford, Ac. Lieutenant-Colonel o< half-pay; born 1787 (son of George, last Marquis, bv Lady Hannah, sister of the Far! of Lauderdale); succeeded his father 1804. Married in I81t>, Duly busan, second daughter cf the Duke of Man Chester. Issue, three daughters — I V ester House, Haddingtonshire.} J?01 WILLIAM KLR. Marquisqf JBothian, Earl of An* cram, Ac. Lord-Lieut of Mid-Lutbian and Roxburghshire, Col. ot the Edinburgh Militia, ( son of Wm. John, last Marquis, by Elizabeth, daughter of Chichester Fortescue of Dromichen, in reland); succeeded his father 1815. Married, 1st, 1793, Lacy Henrietta, daughter of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, uho died 1805. Issue , John Wm. Robert, Earl of Ancram, Lord Schomberg, Lord Henry, and Lady Isa- bella; iM, 180(5, Lady Harriet, daughter of Hei, succeeded hi> fat nor 1M9; minor. Heir- presumptive, his brother Samuel — [Staines CastU 'Aberdeenshire. I 145C. .J A M ES SI KCL AIR, Earl of Caithness, Lord Ber- riedale. Lord Lieutenant of Cuithness-shirc, Post-Master- General of Scotland, (son of Sir James Sinclair of Mey, b}' Charlotte, daughter of I^ord Duffus), succeeded his cousin John, 17 ^ 9 , married, in 17S4, Jean, daughter of Colonel Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine. Issue, Alexander Lord Berried Re, born 1790 (married in 1813, Miss Leigh, daughter of the late Dean of Hereford), James, (married in 1819, Eliz. daughter of George Tritton, Esq.) Patrick Campbell, Eric George, and another son; Ladv Janet Buchanan, and l ady Charlotte M aegregor M urrav. B . — I Haro gill, Caithness -shire, 1457. GEORGE WILLIAM EVELYN LESSLIE. f ail of Rothes, Lord ‘Leslie; and Ballenbreich, (son of Henrietta Ann Countess of Rothes, by George (Gwyther now Leslie Esq ) born »8(>7; succeeded his moiherl819; minor. — | Ecstie House, Fifr shire, S / ulhall, Surry. | 1457. GEORGE IXHJGLAS, Earl of Morton, Lord Abcr- dour, (Lord Douglas of Lochleven 1791)* A". T. Lord Lieut, of Fife, Ool. of the Fifosh. militia, and Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, (son of Sholto, last Earl, by Katharine, daughter of the Hon. John Hamil- ton); horn’ 1759, succeeded his father 1774. Married, in 4 1*14, Susa nne, grand. daug hter oi‘ Sir Francis Buller, Bart. l i t Mimptive heir, George Sliolto, his cousin. -T raa M id- / Ajtii iaii ; Aberdvur House, Fife.] 1469* DAVID STEUAUT ERSKINE, Earl of Buchan* Lord Cardross, (son of Hen. Dav. last Earl, by Agnes, daugh- ter of Sir James Steuart of Goodtrees), bom 1742, succeed* ed his father 1767. Married, 1771* Margaret, daughter of W m. Fraser of Fraserfieid, (died 1819*) His nephew Henry David, (eldest son of the late Hon. Henry Erskire ofAni- mondalc, by Christiana, daughter of George Fullerton, Esq.) is presumptive heir. He married Miss Shipley, daughter of Sir Charles Shipley, Issue. — ( Dryburgh Abbey, Roxburgh* shire; Kir/chill , Linlithgowshire .] 1505. ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERIE, Earl of Eglhton, Lord Montgomerie and Kilwinning, (Baron Ardrossan of Ardrossan, 1806), born the 29th of September 1612, (son of Archibald I»rd Montgomerie, eldest son of the last Lari, by Lady Mary Montgomerie, only surviving daugh. ter of Archibald lith Earl of Eglinton), succeeded hit grandfather Hugh the 12th Earl in 1819* A minor. Pre* suinptive heir -Lieutenant-General James Montgomerie of Wrighthill, M. P. for Ayrshire, brother of the last Pari — [Eglinton Castle, SLchnoriie Castle , Coils field, and Ardrossan, Ayrshire; Palawan Lodge, Renfrewshire. ] 1509. A RCH IB ALD KENNEDY, Earl of Cassillis, Lord Kennedy, (Lord Ailsa 1806), son of Archibald, last Earl, by Anne, daughter of John Watts, Esq.; succeeded his father 1TO; married, in 1793, Margaret, daughter of Mr. Rrskine, <»1 Dun. Issue, Archibald Lord Kennedy, born 1794 (mar.j Miss A llai dyce of Dunuotar. Issue, three sons and a daughter);! . and John ; Ladies Anne, Mary, Margaret (Viscountess Kin* na;rd), and Alicia June. R — [Culzean Castle, AytshJ] 15G1, FRANCIS STUART, Earl of Moray, Lord Dowie, (Lord Stuart of Castlestuart 1796), Lord Lieutenant of El* einslure, (son of Francis, East Earl, by Jean, daughter of John, Lord Gray) ; born 1771. succeeded his father 1810; mar- ried, 1st, m 1795, Lucy, 2d daughter of Gen. John Scott of Balcpmie, "’ho died 1798; issue Francis Lord Doune, bom 1795, and John ; 2d, in 1801, Margaret, daughter of Syr Philip Ainslie; issue Janies, Arch. George, and Charles; and Ladies Margaret Jane, Anne Grace, and Louisa. — [DonibnHlc, I ife shire ; Durnivay (.astle, Morayshire ; Castlc-ftuart, Inver- ness- shite ; Donne i.uige, Pcrthsh. J 1004* * ALEXANDER HOME RAMEY, Earl of Home, Lord Dunglass, Lord Lieutenant of Berwickshire, Colonel 0 i the Berwickshire, Ac. militia (son to Alex, last Earl, by Miss Rumev of Great Yarmouth); born 1769, succeeded his fa- ther^^ftG ; mar, i n 1 7QK, L ad y Elizabeth, 2d daughter of 88 rtjgnry Duke of Buccleuch. Issue, tospatrick Alex. Lord 0un*la3S, bom 1799, and Wm. Montague Douglas. — f I lintel, Berwlcksh.] IG06. JOHN LYON BOWES, Earl of Strathmore , Lord Glammis, (Lord Bowes of Strcatham Castle 1 HIS), (son to John, last Earl, by Mary Eleanor, daughter of Gcorgo Bowes, ofGibside); born 1769, succeeded his father 1776. Unmar- ried. Presump, heir Hon. Tho. Bowe*, his bn/ther, who has been twice married. — Isstte, — [Glam inti Castle, Forfar shire; Strcatham Cattle , and Gib tide, Durham.] 1606. JAMES HAMILTON, Earl of Abercorn, Lord Paisley, (Marquis of Abercorn 1790, Viscount Strabane in Ireland), son of James Viscount Hamilton, by Harriet, daughter of the Hon. John Douglas, (uow Countess of Aber- deen), horn 1811, succeeded his grandfather, John James, 1818.— Minor. — [Dnddingston Haute, Mid-Lothian ; Fa isle ft Abbey, Renfrewshire f li entity Friory, Middlesex ; Baron's Court, Ireland. | 1619. " THOMAS KRSKINE, Earl of Kellie, Viscount Fenton (premier Viscount of Scotland), Commander of thr Swedish order of Guslavus Vasa, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Fife, (son to Sir David Erskine of Cambo), born 17*5; suc- ceeded his nephew 1799- Married, in 1771, Anne, daughter of Capt. Gordon of Ardoeh ; no issue. Presumptive heir hi? brother, Methuen Krskme of Airdrie. B — [Kellie Cast it ivul Combo House, Fife, 1 1619. CHARLES HAMILTON, Earl of II ad dint on, Lord Binning, (son of Thomas, last Earl, by Marv, daughter ot Rowland Holt, Esq.) Lord Lieutenant of Haddingtonshire: born 1757. succeeded his father 179L He married Lady So- phia, sister to the Earl of Hopetonn, 1779, who died itflS. Issue, Thomas Lord Binning, M. P. a Privy Councillor, and member of the Board of Controul, born 1780; married, in I80i, Lady Mari u daughter of the Earl of Macclesfield— f Ti/.anghutn, Haddingtonshire.] 1623. GEORGE STEWART, Earl of Galloway, Viscount Garlics (Lord Stewart of Garlics, 1796), AT. T. Lord Lieute- nant of Wigtonshire, and a Vice-Admiral of the Blue, (son to John, last Earl, by Anne, daughter of Sir James Dash- wood); succeeded his father 1806. Married, iu lT9i» Ladv Jane, sister of the Marquis of Anglesey. Issue, Randolph Lord Garlies, born 1800, and another son ; Ladies J; ne, (Marchioness of Bedford) Caroline, and Louisa— ( Fow- toun, Wigtonshire ; Garlics, Kirkcudbright; Great haling, Middlesex. 1 , , 1623. JAMES MAITLAND, Earl of Lauderdale , Vis- count Maitland, See. LL.D. (Lord Lauderdale of Thirlstane 1806), a Privy Councillor, and Heritable Standard Bearer, (son of James, last Earl, by Mary, daughter of Sir Thoma s Hs ss l IToTnbe) ; born 1*731) ; succeeded his father 1789* Married 1782, Eleanor, only child of Ant- Todd, Esq. Issue* James Viscount Maitland, born 17B4. (M. P< for Richmond), An- thony, and John; Ladies Ann Eraser, Mary Stanley, Eleanor Balfour, ‘and 'Julian Jane. B — [ Thirlstane Castle , Berwick- shire ; Dunbar House* East f.athian.] 1635. THOMAS ROBERT HAY, Earl of Khmmdl, Vis- count Dupplin, (Lord Hay of Ped warden 1711), Lord Lvon King at Arms, and Colonel of the Perthshire militia, (son of Robert, last Earl, by Anne, daughter of the Right Hon.l Thomas Harley) ; born 1783 ; succeeded his father 1804. Un-' married. Presumptive-heir, his uncle, the Hon. and Rev. Edw. Auriol Hay D. D. who is married, and has Issue.— | Duiwlin Castle* Perthshire. I 1635. JOHN CRICHTON STUART, Earl rf Dumfries, Vise. Ayr, Lord Crichton, and, U 703 , Earl of Rate* See. (Mar* quisof Bute and Earl of Windsor 1796), A. AI. Lord Lieut, of Bute and Glamorgan, and Heritable Constable of the ( astlc of Rothsay, (son of John, Vis. Mountstuart, by Lady Pene- lope Crichton); born 1795, succeeded his maternal’ grand- father, as Earl of Dumfries, 1805, and his paternal grand- father, (John, Marquis of Bute), as Marq. and Earl of Bute 1814. — Married in 1818, Lady Maria, daughter of the late Earl of Guildford. Lord Patrick James H. Crichton Stuart, M. P. his oiilv brother, is presumptive heir, who married in 1818, Miss Tighe, only daughter of Wm. Tighe, Esq. //.— [Dumfries House* Ayrshire; Mountstuart * Isle of Bute; Luton , Bedfordshire ; Cardiff Castle* Glamorganshire. 1 1655. *1 HOMAS BRUCE, Eurl of Elgin and Kincardine , Lord Bruce, a Privy Councillor, K. C. Lfeut.-General, (son of Charles Earl of Elgin, by Martha, only child of Thomas White of London); born 1766, succeeded his brother Wm. Robert 1771- Married, 1st, in 1799, Mary, only child of William Hamilton Nisbet, of Dirleton, (divorced 1808)* Issue* Geo Cha. Constantine Ld. Bruce, born 1800, and Ladies Alary, Matilda, Harriet, and Lucy; 2d, in 1810, Elizabeth, daughter of James Townsend Oswald of Dun- nikier. Issue* two sons and a daughter. — [BroomhaH* Fife. I 1653. CHARLES STUART, Earl of Tra&uatr* Lord Lin- ton, (Roman Catholic), son to John, last Earl, by Christiana, daughter of Sir Peter Anstruther of Anstrutherfield; suc- ceeded his father 1779- H e married Mary, daughter of George Ravcnscroft, Esq. 1775, who died 1796. Issue , Charles Lord 1. inton, born 1781, and Lady Louisa-— I Traquair House* Peeblesshire .] 1655. FRANCIS WEMYSS CHARTERIS DOUGLAS, Earl of Wemyss and March* Lord Elcho, (son of Francis Lord Elcho, by Susan, daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck, Esq), born 1752; succeeded his grandfather Francis, last Earl, LbO& 9 ° ^ ^ .Married, in 1794 , MargaretTdaughter of Walter Campbell. Vrnnrk T .old Klcho : ( married. I. ndv of Shavvield. ‘issue, Francis Lord %ho ; (married. Lady daughter of the Bari of Lucan, issue a daughter) ; -P m m .. I Allien Harriet, uaugniei u* ure H '“XT'" “ — tt ^ ’ and Ladies Eleanor Margaret, Catherine, Charlotte Ixniisa Antoinetta, Harriet, Jane, and another. He succeeded William Dnke of Queensberry, as Karl of March, and ' re- count Peebles, 1810, as heir of provision. H^AAmuMd undGotford , Haddingtonshire , and Nidpath Castle, Heebies- ,h \6s\. GEORGE RAMSAY , Earl of Dalhoouc, Lord Ramsay (Lord Dalhousie ot Dalhousie Cast Ic ISIS), G.C.B. Captain General, and Governor in Chief ot British America, Lieut-General, Colonel of the 20th loot, and a V ice-President of the Caledonian Asylum, (son to George, last E*tl, bv Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Lien, Esq.) born 1770, and succeeded his father 1787- Married in 1805, Christian, only child of Charles Brown of Coulston — George Lord Ramsay, horn 1806, and another son — -\DaUtoune Ctuttt, Mid-Lothian f Cmhton, Ifaddingionintre.] If, 37. JAMES OG11.VY, Earl rfFmdlater and Seafeld. dic'd at Dresden, Oct. 5. 18U, without issue— 1 he titles .of Earl of Eiudlater and Lord Deskford are claimed bySir Vr in. Oailvy of Boyne, who also claims the title ot Lord Banff. 1030. DAVID OGILVY, Earl of Airly, Lord Ogtlvy, (son of Walter Earl of Airly, by Miss Jean Cgilvy) t succeeded his father in 1819. Married Miss Clem. Drummond, daugh- ter of Gavin Drummond, Esq. Issue.— [Airly, Kc- mlty Horn.-, ForJarMrt.]- In dependence before the House rt .!u°, rd *AI BXANDER LESLIE, Earl of Lraen anil Mel- 5 i lie. Vise. Balgonie, Ac. Comptroller-General of the Customs, (son to David, last Earl, by W ilhelnnna, daughter o W m, Kisbet, of Dirleton) ; horn 17+9 ; succeeded Ins father 1802. Married Jane, daughter of John Thornton of Clapliam, Surrv, in 178*. and who died 1818. /««f, Da'.^Dord Balgonie, born 1780. John Thornton, married , \\ m. Henry 1640 WILBRAHAM TOLLEM ACHE, £«,» *y • Lord Hun tingtower (son of Lionel, last Karl, by Lady- Grace Carteret, eldest daughter of John Earl Gratmlle) , born 1739, succeeded his brother Lionel 179 .)• + * in 17 ^ Anna Maria, daughter offlavu Lcwjs o ^ vern Hall, who died without issue in 1804. Hw onl> si. ter lady Louisa, widow of John Manners, Esq. is presump- rive heir /»»!«■, Sir William Manners, Bart, (married m I 79 O, Catherine, daughter of Francis Gray. Esq. ana hds issue Lionel John William, Ac. married m JHig, Maria Kliz dangler of Sw eeny Toone. Esq- and other children) 91 4 land John Manners, Esq. u ho married, in iSOti, Majy rijptlfit dowager ot William Duke of Roxburghe— Catherine Sophia. naarried the late Mr Wm. Heuthcote, Bai t and Laura.— [Ham House * Surry . | U'Afi. THOMAS DOUGLAS, Earl of Selkirk. Lord Daer. Wd Lieutenant of Kirkcudbright, (sou to Dunbar, last Karl, by Helen, daughter ot the Hon. John Hamilton); ;born 1771; succeeded his father 1790. Married, in 1807, Jean, daughter of James Wedderburn Colville, Esq. Ism, Ihomas James Lord Daer, born 1S0 ) Wl h L }^ CAR>JEGII * Earl of Xorthak, l # rd j Rose bill, G. C. li. & LL. 1). Admiral of the Blue, Governor of the British Linen Company, (son to Geo. hist Earl, by a daughter of the late Earl of Levers); born 1758, sue. bis lather 1792. He married Mary, only daughter of .\Villiom Henry Ricketts of Longwood, Hants, niece to the Earl of St. Vincent, in 1789. Issue* Wm. Hopetoun Lord liosehill, John Jervis, aud Mvynfen Tho. Carnegie; and Ladies Mary, (mar. to WaUer Long, Esq. of Pr^haw, Hants), Anne i etitia, Llizaheth Margaret. Jane Christian, and Georgina Henrietta. —(Et/ue House* Korfamh. ; lfosdull Hauls.) i i LINDSAY, Karl of Balcuna* x Lord Lindsay ot (.uininerland, a General, Colonel of the Cod foot, (son ot James, last Earl, by Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Dairy tuple) ; born 1752, succeeded his father 17G, s Married, in 1780, Ins cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Chart** Dalrymple, Esq. who died 181(5. Issue, , James i ord Lindsay born 1784 (mar. 18U hon. iMaria Frances PenningtoJ, daughter oi Lord Viunc*stcr. Issue.) Charles Hubert, Richard, ami Edwin; and l.adies Elizabeth lveith Hcalhcote and uJu, Z^aM^ (EUrUfi,rS Alh " J ' *'&**“> ^ m * h «ORDON, R„rl ofAhwne, Lord Strath- aven, (Lord Meldruiu ot Morven I8J5). Colonel of the Abtr r^f n A^ C ^ htl r* y1° n l R, Charl J-*s. last Earl, by LadyMarga- c J. au 1 ^ t ® r ^ ^lex. Ear] of Galloway); borx»J761, suc- dlmrMpr 1S / a < K V| l79 t # r? Iarrigd * i?jU VA< * Co P € ’ fe her Eharles Cope, Bart. Issue* ( ha. Lord S « ?'. T” l,02 ’n V - forr -"< Criinstead), George, Jn. Frederick, Henry, Cecil, and Francis; and ladle* Ca:h. Gavcndisli, Chatloue Sophia, and A. an .—(Alaync Las tie* Aberdeenshire : Orton. Hu , a v ' v J C«ffe, Mad.nnMrc ; *** ’ S KVpy- UVI &GSTOXE. E.rlofl Ncv son r.r r tvL,*.;”V — !•' — bean l7Wf, son \Ijri ut «f Walworth fustic, Northampton, by ° f J, ‘. l> »P ! '. B »«Iioloine» . 3d Hail of Newburgh, ifar 1HI j ?aS»Rr Jas - Ra n%*l /.r f v \ * nni*n | rmciisue, v.".* — ' J . Charlotte, daughter of Alex. Karl of Galloway); born 1 ... 'succeeded his father 1809* Married, in 1805, Lady Susa..* idaughtet* of Arch. Duke of Hamilton. Issue , Alexander Ed- upTard Vise. F incastle, and Charles Augustus .— [Dunmure 1 > n.. .. » I /■* .1 ,-rrul *'<■/, I waiu vise, rmuwuv.) e , *■ /'writ, Stirling (ft. ami Glaifnart , ArguM. I 1 1G97. HUGH HUM I'., third E arl of Marchno nt, died .. g without issue male. 1 79 1- The title being to heir.^ -male what- soever, Sir Alexander Home, Bart, was served heir 2d Au- gust 1799, to Patrick, first Earl of Marchmont, and his claim is now before the House of Lords. If. 1701. LEWIS ALEXANDER GRANT OGILVY, Eon of Scofield, Viscount Redlmven (son of Sir .James Grant of Grant), by Miss Duff, daughter of Alex. Duff of Hatton; succeeded 1811, on the death of James Karl of Findlater and Seafield. Unmarried. Col. Francis Wm. Cjfrant, M. P, who married Mary Ann, only daughter of J. C Dunn, bq, and has issue, is presumptive heir. Ji.—(CuUen House, Banff- shire ; and Castle Grant , Inverness-shire.) i 1705. JOHN DALUYMPLE, Earl of Stair, Viscount Dalrymple, son of John the late Earl, by Miss Middleton succeeded his father in 1789. U. — I Stair House, Ayrshire.) 1705. * ARCHIBALD JOHN PRIMROSE, Earl of Hose- 6my, Lord Dahneny, LL. D. Ac. (son of Neil, last Earl, by Mary, only daughter of Sir Francis Vincent); born 1783'; succeeded his father 1814. Mar. 1st, in 1808, Harriet, (di vorced 1815), second daughter of the H011. Bartholomew Bouverie. Issue , Archibald Lord Dalmeny, born 1809, .rnd another son; and Lady Harriet .and another daughter; 2d, in 18 1 9, Anne Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Viscount Anson. Ji — [ Dolmen 1 / Dark and Liviugstonellousc. Linlithgowshire; ami ( am field, Ilerts A 1705. GEORGE BOYLE, Earl of Glasgow, Viscount Kelburne, Lord Boyle, (Lord Uossof Hawk head 1815), Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, (son of John, last Earl, by Eliza- beth, daughter of Geo. Lord Ross); born 17G5 ; succeeded his father 1775. Married, in 1788, Lady Augusta, aunt to the Eurl of Errol. Issue. James, Viscount Kelburne, bom 1792, a Lieutenant in the Navy; and Ladies Isabella and Augusta. — [Haickhead, Renfrewshire ; KelUmif . Ayrshire and Etui, Northumberland. I 1703. WILLIAM CHARLES COLLIER, Earl of Port- more, Viscount Milsington, Lord Portuaore, (son to Charles, last Karl, by Julia Duch. Dow. of Leeds); succeeded his father 1785. Married Lady Mary Leslie, sister to Jane |Countess of Rothes, in 1770, who died 1799. Issue, Thomas Charles Vise. Milsington, Col. of the North Lincoln Militia; born 1772 (married, in 1793, Lady Mary Elizabeth Bertie, ughter of the last Duke of Ancaster, who died 179?).,- \V llham; and L.idy Catherine Brccknel, died 1819.— I ft ey bridge. Surrey.} 1 1 J Earl of Hopctoun , Viscount Aithrie, Cord Hope, (Lord Hopetoun 1809, Lord Niddry 18H); Lord Lieutenant of Linlithgowshire, G. C. B. General, Colonel of 92d foot, (son of John Earl, of Hopetoun, by Jane, daughter ot Uoh. Olip hant . Esq, of Rossio}; bQr» 1765, succeeded Ms half-brother, James Hope Johnstone, List Karl, IH16. Married, 1st, in 1798, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Hope Weir (»f Craigiehall. who died in 1801, without issue; g'l I y , in 1805, Louisa Dorothea, third daughter of Sir John Wedderburn of Ballindean. Issue, John Lord Hope, James, Charles, Alexander, George, and other three sons. — [Ilojtc- toim House , Linlithgowshire; O rims ton Hally Haddington- shire. ] VISCOUNTS.^. 1020. CHARLES JOHN CAREY, Viscount Faltfland, Lord Carey, (son of Charles, last Viscount, by Miss Autonj; born 1K05 ; succeeded his father 1809. — Minor. — Has two brothers and a sister. 1025. WILLIAM MURRAY, Viscount Stormont , Lord Scone, &c. (Karl Mansfield 1792), Heritable Keeper of the palace of Scone, Lord Lieutenant of Clackmannanshire, (son if David, l<*8t Viscount, by Louisa, sister of Lari Caihcart, Countess of Mansfield in her own right) ; born 1777 ; suc- ceeded his father 1796. Married, in 1797* Frederica, daughter ♦f Archbishop Markham of York. Issue , Wm. David (Lord Murray), born 1806, Charles John, David Henry ; and Ladies Frederica Louisa, Elizabeth Anne, Caroline, Georgina Catherine, and other three daughters. — [Camlongan Cuttle, Dumfriesshire ; Scone Palace , Perthshire; Schaie Parky C lack- man mm shire : Caen Wood, Middlesex.'] 1641. * JOHN ARBIJTHNOT, Viscount Arhuthnot, Lord IiiVerbervie, Lord Lieutenant of Kincardineshire, (son of Jribrt, last Viscount, by Jsatxdla, daughter of Mr Graham of Morphie); born 1777; succeeded his father 1800. Mar- ried, in 1*05, Margaret* daughter of Walter Ogilvie of Airiy. — Issue, John, born 1806, Walter, another son; and Jane, and uve other daughters — .[ Arhuthnot House, Kincardineshire .1 1062. GEO. W. F. OSBOUNF), Viscount Dunblane , (D. of Leeds 1694), son of Francis D. of Leeds, by Lady Amelia D’Arcy, daughter of the Earl of Holderness; born 1775; succeeded his father 1799, He married, in 1794, Lady Char- lotte, daughter of Marques Townshend. Issue, Francis Go- Jolplnn D’Arcy , Marquis of Caermarthen, and Lord Conyers, horn 17ps ; and Lady Charlotte Marv Ann Gcorgimu — [Ihrnbu Castle and Kh eton , Y or ksh. ; A forth Minims, Herts; ( rodolphin , Cornwall. ] » _ BA HO XS. — 25. 1440. • JAMES OCHONCHAR FORBES, Urd Forbes, a General, and Colonel of the 2 1st toot, (son of James Lord Forbes, by Catherine, daughter of Sir Robert Jnnes); lx>rn 17G5; succeeded his father in 1804. Married, in . 1792, Elizabeth, eldest dau g hter of Walter Hunter, Ksg. of 95 _ Polmood. — Issue % James, born 1796, Walter, Frederick, John*) Robert; Caroline Fuirhome, Charlotte, Mary, Elizabeth, and Isabella. B . — I Cattle Forbes* Aberdeenshire,] 1445. * ALEX. GEO. ERASER, Bora Saltoun , a Direc-1 1 tor of the Caledonian Asylum, Lieut.-Co'.onel in 1st Foot Guards (son of Alexander Lord Saltoun, by Marjory, daugh-4 ter of Simon Fraser, merchant in London); C. B. born 1785,| succeeded his father 1793* Married, in 1815, CathcrineJ daughter of Edw. Lord Thurlow. Has one brother, YVilliainJ (married) and two sisters, Margaret and Eleanora.— [P/ti4 lor thy Aberdeenshire. | 1445. * FRANCIS GRAY 'Lord Graijy (son of John Lord! Gray, by Miss Jean Blair of Kinfauns) ; born 1765, succeed- ed his brother IHO?. Married, 1794, Mary Ann, only daugh- ter of Major Mathew Johnstone, 63d foot. Issuey John, bom 1798, and Madelina, Margaret, and Jane Anne. — [ Kinfauns , Perthshire , and Gray Casti\ Forfarshire.] 1445. WILLIAM SCHAW CATHCART, Lord Gath carty K. T. (Earl Cathcart 1814), Vice-Admiral of Scotland, a Privy Councillor, a General, Colonel of the 2d life guards, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Emperor of Russia, and Knight of the Russian order of St. Alexander Newsky, fitc, (son of Charles Lord Ctahcart, by Jean, daughter of Lord Arch. Hamilton); born 1755; succeeded his father 1 776, raid married Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Elliot of New York* in 1779* Issue , Charles Lord Greenock, a Colonel in the army, born 1785, (married in 1818, Henrietta, 2d daughter of Tno. Mather, Esq.) Frederick, George, and Adolphus Fre- derick; and Ladies Louisa, Mary Elizabeth, and Augusta Sophia. — I Cathcart Castle , Renfrewshire*] 148S. * CHARLES ST CLAIR, I And Sinclair , (son of And. St Clair of Hermandston, by Elizabeth, daughter of John Rutherford of Kdgcrston); born 3 768, succeeded 1782, by a decree of the House of Lords. Married, 1st, in 1802, Mary Agnes, daughter of James Chisholm* of Chisholme, who died 1814. IssuO* James, born 1805, Matthew, Charles,* another son, and Susan; 2d, in 1816, Isabella, daughter of Alexander Chatto of Main house, Roxburghshire. Issue ,* daughter. — 1 Ilcrfnu ndsiott , Ifaddi ngtonsh i rc t and Nesbilt House , Roxburghshire. ] 1489. llCGII SEMPILL, Lord SempiU % (son of John Lord Sempill, by Janet, only child of John Dunlop of Bishoptnn); born 1758, succeeded his father 1782. Married, in 1787, Mi* Mellish, daughter of Charles Mellish of Hagnal, who died in I807. Issue % Selkirk, burn 1788, Francis; and Maria, Janet, and Sarah. 1509. JOHN EL PH IN STON K, Lord Elphinstone, (son of John Lord Elphinstone, by Janet Hyndford, daughter of Corneliu s Elliot , Esq. and widow of frir John Gihson Car- michael, Bart.); born 1807, succeeded his father 1813. Minor. — Admiral the lion. Charles Elpbinstone Fleming of Cumbernauld, his uncle, is presumptive heir. — [Cumbernauld House , D u mba rtonshi re. j 150‘h JAMES S AND I LANDS, Lord Torphichen , (son of the Hon. Ho. Sandilands, by Grissel, daughter of Sir Thos. Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, Bart.); succeeded his cousin- german 1815. He married 180b, Margaret Douglas, second daughter of John Stirling of Kippendavie. Issue, Robert, born 1807, John, and Mary. — [ C alder House , Mid-Lothian, 1 1509. HUGH SOMERVILLE, Lord Somerville , (son ofi the Hon. Hugh Somerville^ by Mary, daughter of thej Hon. Wriothsley Digby ; born in 1794, succeeded his halfj brother John 18J9. Unmarried. Presumptive heir his bro- ther Francis.—! Langlec, Roxburghshire, awl Somerville As- ton, Glomcsterslnrc . f 1000. ROBERT WALTER STEWART, Lord Monty re, a Major-Gen. C.B. (son of Alex. Lord Blantyre, by Catherine, daughter of Pat. Lindsay of Eaglescairnv) ; born 1775, suc- ceeded his father 178J. Mar., 1813, Frances, 2d daughter of Hn. John Rodney. Issue, a son, Charles, born 1818, and two daughters. — [Erskine-I louse and Blantyre , Renfrew ; Luldinglon , Haddi ngton shire. 1 *60$. * JOHN COLVILLE, Lord Colville of Co boss, a Rear-Admiral (son to John Ld. Colville, by Miss Webber); born 1765, sue. his father 1811. He married, in 1790, Eliza- beth, sister of Sir Fran. Ford, Bart. Presumptive heir, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Charles Colville, his brother, who mar- ried in 1818, Jane, daughter of Win. Muir of Caldwell. (Issue, a son born 1818). — I Bromwell House, near Bristol.] 1609. JAMES EDWARD CRANSTON, Lord Cranston, (son of James Lord Cranston, by Miss Macnamara, daugh- ter of John Macnamara, Esq. of St Christophers) ; horn 1809. Minor. (Granton House, St Christopher's, West Indies.) 1627. * FRANCIS N A PIER, Lord Napier, LL.D. Lord Lieutenant of Selkirkshire, (son of Win. Lord Napier, by Mary Anne, daughter of Cha. Lord Cathcart) ; born 1758; suc- ceeded his father 1775. He married, in 1784, Maria Mar- garet, eldest daughter of Sir John Clavering. — Issue, Win. John, born 1786; (married, in 1816, Miss Cochrane Johu-J stone, (issue, a son and a daughter); Charles, and Henry Alfred, Mary Margaret Kelvingtou, Anne Gibson Carmichael,] Sophia, and Caroline. B . — [Thirlestane Castle, Selkirkshire^ 1627. BRYAN FAI UFAX, Lord Fairfax of Cameron, Sdj son of Wm. Fairfax, w ho was settled in New England, is in holy orders, and succeeded his cousin Robert 1703. Married] Miss Elizabeth Cary. Issue.— [In Virginia, North America.] 1628. ERIC MACKAY, Lord Reap, (son of the Hen. Geo. Mackay of Skibo, by Anne Sutherland, daughter of K*ic, I 97 _ only son of Kric Lord burn 17,3, suctccOW tel. cousin Hugh, 1797. Unmarried. His brother Alexander „ presumptive heir, who married in !#»• Ha, another brother, Donald H ugh, and two sisters. It — 1 ' 1028. WALThll HUTCHINSON AS1 ON, Lord Artm, A.M. son of Wa ter 1 -ord Aston, hy Anne, daughter of Peter Hutchinson, F.sq.; born 1709; in. holy orders He sued ceeded his father in 1805, and married, in 1802, Elizabeth daughter of N -than Haines, D. ^ r j r 163 3. JAMES WALTER GUI MS ION, Lord Forretto at Corstorphinc , (Earl Verulam in England, and > iscount Grimston in Ireland); born 1775, succeeded Anna Maria, Baroness Forrester, his cousin, 1808. Married, lit 1 H 07 , Lndy Charlotte, daughter ofCha. Karl of Liverpool. Imt K J as.' Walter (Viscount Grimston), fcoin 1 800, and ether two sons; Catherine, and another daughter — [Vcrulum Herts , and Bern/ /dll, Surrey.] ...... 1635. SHOLTO M‘LKLLAN, Lord Kirkcudbright, (son of John, last Lord, by Miss Bannister of Hampshire); born 1771; succeeded his father 1801. Unmarried. His brother ,! Camden Grev, is presumptive heir. 1643. ALEXANDER MURRAY, Lord Ehhank, Lord Lieut, of Peebles-shire, (son of Rev. Gideon Murray, prebend of Durham); succeeded his uncle George 1785. Married, 1st, in 1776, Mary Clara, daughter of the Hon. Col. Montolieu, who died 1802 ; 2d, Miss Stewart. Issue, Alexander, (mat. in 1803, Miss Oliphant of Bachilton, and has issue), George, and other two sons, and six daughters. B.—\B(illeiicrtej/ } Haddingtonshire ; Damhall, Peeblesshire.] . 1647. ' The title of Lord Carmichael , formerly conjoined with Earl of Hyndford (now extinct) is claimed by Colonel James Carmichael Smyth, Royal Engineers. B. , 16-18. * ROBERT MONTGOMERY HAMILTON, lord Bclhaven and Station, a captain in the army, (son of William last Lord, by Penelope, daughter of Mr McDonald of Clan* ronald) ; born 1793; sue. his father 1814. Married, ini Bio, Hamilton, daughter of Wr. Campbell of Shaw field.— [ W ulta*, La nark ah. ] . , „ , 1651. JOHN ROLLO, Lord Hollo, (son of James Lord Rol- lo, by Mary, daughter of John Ayton of lnchdairnie) ; born 1773, succeeded his father 1783; married, in 1806, Agnes, daughter of William Greig, Esq. — Issue, William, John, and Robert; Mary and Martha. — [ Duncruib , Perthshire^- 1651. JAMES RUTH VEN, Lord Ruth ven, (son of J«nes, last Lord, by Lady Mary, daughter of David, Karl of Leven); born 1777, sue. his father 1789 ; married in 1815, Marv, daughter of VV r alter Campbell of Shaw field.— [Freelam- House, Perthshire A rrn 1682, CHARLES KINNAIRD, Lord Kinnaird, LLP <$on"of Geo. lost Lord, by Elizabeth, only child of Griffin Hansom, merchant in London; born 1780; sue. his father 1805. Mar. in 1806, Lady Olivia L. Fitzgerald, sister to the Duke of Leinste**. Issue, Goo. Win. Fox, Graham Hay , St Vin- cent de Ro>s, and another son ; and Olivia Cecilia, and rre- dericaEliza— [Kinnaird-IIouse and Rossie Priory, Perthshire, PEERESSES in their men Right. — 4. 1275. ELIZABETH SUTHERLAND, Countess of Suth- erland, Baroness Strathnaver, Premier Countess of Scotland, (daughter of Wm, 21st Earl of Sutherland, by Miss Max- wrfl, daughter of Mr. Maxwell of Preston) ; born 1705, suc- ceeded her father 1706. She married, in 1785, the Mar- quis of Stafford. Issue , George Granville Korl Gower, and Lord Francis; and Lady Charlotte (Countess of Surrey. Issue, LA., and another son), and Lady LUaabeth jMary, (Viscountess Belgrave).— [ Dunrobin Custlc , Suther- < lamlshire ; Trent ham Hall , Staffordshire.] 1653. FLORA CAMPBELL, Countess of Loudon , Baron- ess Matichline, (only child of James Earl of Loudon, by Flora, daughter of John M‘Leod of Rasay); born 1780, succeeded her father 1780. Mar. in 1804, Francis Earl of Moira, now Marquis of Hastings, &c. Issue. Geo. Augustus Francis, Earl of Rawdon, born 1800; und Ladies Flora-Llizabcth, Sophia- Frederiea-Christiana, Selina Constants, and auother daugh- ter. — [London Castle, Ayrsh.] 1G05. MARY HAMILTON, Countess of Orkney, Viscoun- tess Kirkwall, &c. (daughter of Mary Countess of Orkney, by Murrough O'Brien, Earl of Inchiquin); born 1755, suc- ceeded her mother 1790. Married, in 1777, the Hon. Tho. Fitzmaurice, uncle of the Marquis of Lansdown*. who died 1795. Issue, John Viscount Kirkwall, born 1778, who mar- ried, in 1802, Anna Maria, daughter of Lord de Blaquicre, now separated). Issue , two sons.— [Clifderi, Bucks.] 1786. BRITISH PEERS Connected with Scotland— not Scot9 Peers. Stafford — G EO RG K GRANVILLE LEV E SON v v, . krt. a Priw Councillor, ?iun ora — r. vr 1-. ... GOWER, K . G. Marquis of Stafford, &c. a Privy Councillor, and Lord Lieutenant of Sutherlandshire, son ot Gianville, firot Marquis, by Lady Louisa Egerton, sister of the last Duke of Bridgewater; born 1758; succeeded his father 18tt>. Married the Countess of Sutherland, and !81l». Huttings — FRANCIS RAWDON HASTINGS Marquis of Hastings, 1 arl of Rawdon, Viscount Loudon. (Lord Hastings 1461, Lord Rawdon 1783), Earl of Moira in Ireland, K. G & K. G. C. 8. a Privy Councillor, a General, Colonel of the 27th foot. Constable of the Tower of London, and Gov. Gen. and Com.-in-C hief in India, (so n of John 1~2 " [Earl of Moira, by Lady kliz., sister. to the late Earl o { i Huntingdon); born 1754- ; succeeded his father 1793. Mar- ried in 1804, Flora, Countess of Loudon. Issue.— [Donning, ton Castle and Rarvdon Haft. England; London Castle , Ayrshire,] « 1801. Rosdyn — .1 AM KS ST. CLAIR ERSKINK, Karl of Rosslyn, Lord Loughborough, Director of the Chan- cery in Scotland, Colonel of the 9th dragoons, and a General, (son of Sir Henry Erskine, by Janet, sister to ' the late Earl of Rosslyn) ; succeeded his uncle 1805. Mar- ried Miss Bouverie, daughter of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, I and niece to the Earl of Radnor, who died 1810. Issue, James Alex. Lord Loughborough, born 1802, Henry Francis, and Lady Janet. R. — [Dysart House, Fife shire ,* Rosslyn Castle, Edinburghshire , and Laigle, Yorkshire .] 1813. Minto — GILBERT ELLIOT, Earl of Minto, Vise. Melgund, (son of Gilbert, first Earl of Minto, byMariu, daugh- ter of Sir Geo. Amyand, Bt.); born 1782, succeeded his father 1814. Mar. in 180G, Mary, daughter of Pat. Brydone,ofLen« nel, Berwickshire. Issue. B. — [M i nto, R oxb u rgh sh i rc . ] 1797. Duncan — ROBERT DUNCAN, Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, and Baron Duncan of Lundie, (son of Ad- miral Vise. Duncan, by Henrietta, daughter of Robert, Lord President Dundas) ; succeeded his father 1804. Mar. in 1805, Janet, daughter of Sir Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick. Issue, A son, born 1812, and two daughters.— [Lundie- House, Forfarshire . ] 1 802. Melville — ROBERT DUNDAS, Viscount Melville of Melville Castle, and Baron Dunira, a Privy Councillor, Lord Privy Seal for Scotland, Gov. of the Bank of Scotland, First Lord of the' Admiralty, Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews, &c. son of Henry Viscount Melville, by Mlss Ran- nie, daughter of Captain Rannie of Melville, (died 1818); born 1771, succeeded his father 1811. Mar. in 1 796 , Miss Saunders, grand-daughter of the late Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, Issue, Henry, horn 1801, and several other sons, and a daughter. — [Melville Castle , Edinburghshire , and Dunira , Fcrthshire. | 1814. Keith — GEORGE KEITH ELPH1N STONE, Vise- Keith, Lord Keith of Stonehaven Marischal 1801, and Lord Keith of Bnnhcath 1803, (Lord Keith in Ireland), G. C. B. Ad. of the Red, Knt. of the Turk. Ord. of the Crescent, and Chamberlain, &c. for the Prince of Wales in Scotland, (son of Charles Lord Elphinstone, by Ladv Clementina, d. of the Karl Of Wigton). Mar. 1st, in 1787, .fane, only child of William Mefcer of Aldie, w r ho died 1789. Issue,' Margaret Mercer Elphinstone, (married 181 7 , Auguste Charles Joseph, Count Mercer de Fluhault de Billarderie, issue a daughter), and to whom h ot hBritish and Irish baronies descend; 2d, in 1808, I 100 T Hester- Maria, eldest daughter of Henry Thrale oi Streathalin Surrey. Isiut, a daughter.— I TullialLan, Perthshire .] 17 H4. . (iLQHGE GORDON, Lord Gordon, (Mar- ais of Huntly), only son of the Duke of Gordon, Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire, Chancellor of Marischal Col- le^e Aberdeen, a General, and Colonel of the 42d foot, summoned by writ 1807; born 1770. Married in 1813. Miss Brodie, only child of the late Alex. Brodie of Brae— ^ifcSSSlsNIlir JAMES MONTAGU, Lord Montagu, second son of Henry Duke ot Buccieuch, by Eliza- beth, only daughter of the last Duke of Montagu, born 177b. Married, in 18i>4, the Hon. Jane Margaret, eldest daughter ot Lord Douglas. Issue, Lucy Elizabeth, Mary Margaret, and Jane Caroline.— (Dittou Park , Due ks.) . _ 1700. Dough * — ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, Lord Don- flas of Douglas, Lord Lieutenant of Forfarshire, (son of Sir ohn Stewart of Gr&ndtully, Bart, by Lady Jane, only sister of the last Duke of Douglas, and thus representative of the ancient Scottish lamily of Douglas). He married, 1st, 1771, Lady Lucy Graham, only sister of the Duke of Mon- trose, who died 1779- Archibald (Colonel of the hortai and Kincardine militia), and Charles, and Lady Montagu. 2d, in 1785, Lady Frances, sister of Henry Duke ot Buc- cieuch. /«**, Sholto, James, and George j and Caroline Lucy . Frances Elizabeth, and Mary Sydney— [Dntteh* and Dothurh Castles, Lauarksh.; Amcshunj \Yiln., ami Petersham Surry.) 1704 Dundas— 1 THOMAS DU*N DAS, Lord Dundas, Col. of the North York militia, and Lord Lieut, of Orkney, (son ol Sir Laur. Dundas, by Miss Bruce, sister of Lord Kennet). He married, in 1764. l-Jtdy Charlotte, sister ot V m. r ail lutz- william. Issue, Laurence, (inir. and has »««0. lho. Laur., Geo. lien. Laur., Capt. R. N- and Sir Rob. Lain. K. C. /Land Marg. Spears, Charlotte Wharton, Frances tha loner, Mary. Viscountess Millton, and Isabella Ramaden— oner, Mary, viscountess muuuu, ■ ;; j. , A skt and Upleatham, Yorkshire ; Kerxe House, AfcrftoA.r* 1790. Cawdor — JOHN CAMPBELL, Lord Uawdor, Col. ot Pembrokeshire militia, son of Fryce Campbell. Esq. .Mar- in 1789, Lady Caroline, daughter of the Lari of Carlisle Usnc , Two sons. His eldest son John Fred, born 1790, nuu* in 1M6, Lady Eliz. Thynne, daughter of the Mura. of Bath Issue, a son, born 1S17, and a daughter— [Cawdor , , A nun shire ; Clan] red, Cardiganshire , and Staekpolc Court, 1 cm- 1806. \zrskinc - — THOMAS KRSKlNE,Lord Erskine. K. T- LL.I) a Frivv Councillor, andu Director of the Caledonian \avhim (son of Henry David Earl of Buchan, and Agnes, d. bf Sir James Stuart of Good trees), brother to tire present Karl. Mar. in 1770, Frances, d. <»f Dainy 1. Loul - 0 ' 13 101 died 1S05 ; 2d, Miss Sarah Buck. Jssiu, Hon. David Moi* fi tagtt* (married 1800, Fanny daughter of General Cadwallader Issue,) Henry David, Thomas, and Frances Holland, Mar garet and Mary Morris, and several children bv second marriage. — \JRosamont , Ayrshire.’, Restormel Castle, Com* tea If ; Hampstead., Middlesex; and Buchan Hill Cottage, Sussex . 1 1814. Lynedoch — THOMAS GRAHAM, Lord I.ynedocfi, 1 G.C.B. a Lieut. -General, Colonel of the 90th foot, and a Vice. ' President of the Caledonian Asylum; (son of Thomas Graham of Balgowan, by Lady Christian, daughter of Charles first Karl of Hopetoun, and aunt of the present Earl) ; born 175a Married, Mary, sister of Karl Cathcart, who died 1792* No Issue.— {Balgowan and f.yncdvch, Perthshire,) u I* E E 11 E S SE S i n their own 11 igltl. 1776. Mansfield - — LOUISA CATIICAHT, Countess of Mansfield, daughter of Charles Lord Cathcart, by Jane, daugh- ter of Lord Arch. Hamilton. Married, 1st, in 1776, David, last Earl of Mansfield, Vise. Stormont. Issue, The present Earl, George, Charles, Henry and Caroline ; 2d, in 1797, the Hon. R. F. Grevillc, uncle to the Earl of Warwick. Issue, Ladies Georgiana and Louisa. — [Alf retan, Berks. 1 1801. Abercromby — MARY ANNE ABERCROMBY, Baroness Abercromby of Abbukir, widow of Sir Ralph A her- eromby, K . B. Issue, George, James, Alexander, and three daughters. George, who succeeds, mar. in 1799* Montague, daughter of the late Vise. Melville, issue. — [Ttdlieboay. Claeli - nuincinsh.] IRISH PEERS eon t levied with Scotland. 1759. Fife — JAMES DUFF, Karl of Fife, Vise. Macduff, Baron Braco, K. S. F. a Lord of bis Majesty’s Bed Cham- her, and Lord Lieut, of Banffhhire; (son of Alexander, last Earl, by Mary, daughter of George Skene of Skene), suc- ceeded his father, 1811. Married Maria Carolina Manners, niece of the Earl of Dysart, who died 1805. Presump- tive heir his brother Major-Gen. Hon. Alex. Dull', who is married, and has issue. — [Dnjf' House, Ruth ic may, anil Bui- vatic Castle, Banffshire ,* Junes House, Elginshire ; Mar Lodge, and Del gat if Castle, Aberdeen shire A 1776. Macdonald ALEXANDER WENTWORTH MACDONALD, Lord Macdonald, (son of Alexander Lord Macdonald, by Elizabeth Diana, daughter of Godfrey Bosville, Esq.) born 1773 ; succeeded his father 1796. Unmar- ried. Presumptive heir, Godfrey Bosville, his brother, (married and has issue). Slate, Isle of SkycA 1800. Glenbervie— SYLVESTER DOUGLAS, Lord Glen- beryie, a Privy Councillor, &c. ; son of John Douglas of Whitcriggs, by Catherin e, daughter of James Gordon of 103 Fechil, born 174". Mar. in 1789, Lady Catherine Ann, sistei of the Karl of Guildford, who died 181 7. — Issue, several daughters. REPRESENTATIVE PEERS OF SCOTLAND. James Duke of Roxburghe 'John Viscount Arbuthnot Chtis. Marquis of Queensberry (James Lord Forbes George Marquis of TweeddaleAJex. George Lord Saltoun William Marquis of Lothian (Francis Lord Gray Alexander Karl of Home (Charles Lord Sinclair Thomas Lari of Kellie |Jv»hn Lord Colville Alexander Lari of Balcarras I Franck Lord Napier Arch. Jo. Earl of Uoseberry jllobert Lord Bcihaven PEERS Attainted marked A— Dormant D— Extinct E. Duke . j Viscounts. Douglas, Douglas, E. 1 7G 1 jConstabre, Dunbar, E. ° Marquis . Gordon, Kemnure, A. 1715 Johnstone, An nundale, D. 1792 Seaton, Kingston, A, 171 s Eurls, Keith, Mari sell aJ, A. 1715 />• Krskine, Marr, A. 1715 Graham, Monteith, D. Cunningham, Glencairn, D. Maxwell, Nithsdale, A. 1715 Seton, Wintoun, A. 1715 Livingston, Linlithgow, A. 1715 Drummond, Perth, A. 1715 Fleming, Wigton, D. M‘Kenzie, Seaforth,-f • 1715E’. Alexander, Stirling, J). Carnegie, Southesk, A. 1715 Ogilvie, Findlater, D. Ogilvie, Airly, D. Dalzel, Carnwath, A . 1715 Livingstone, Callender, A. 1715 Maule, Panimire, A . 1715 Douglas, Forfar, E. Boyd, Kilmarnock, A. 1745 Douglas, Dumbarton, E. Hamilton, Rutherglen, E, Douglas, Ruglen, E. Home, Dunbar, D. Carmichael, Hyndford, E. Hume, Marchtnont, D. M*Kcnxie, Cromarty, A. 1745 Scott, Deloraine, E* Ca mpbell, Ilay , E M*GtH, Oxenford, D. Ingrain, Irvine, E. Livingston, Kilsyth, A. 1715 Graham, Preston, IX Cheyne, Newhaven, E. Drummond, Strathallan, A 1745 Rutherford, Teviot, E . 1745 Crawford, Garnock, corij. with Crawford, D. Bar ons. Stewart, Ochiltree, D. Oliphant, Oiiphant, D. Fraser, Lovat, A. 1745 Borthwick,Borthwiek, 7X1434 Ross, Ross, K. Lindsay, Spynie, D. Leslie, Lindores, D. Elphinston,Balmerino, A. 1745 Balfour, Burleigh, A. 1715 Drummond, Mndderty, E. Dingwall, Preston, /f. 1715 Elphinston, Cupar, E. Richardson, Cramond, D. Forbes, Pitsligo, A. 1745 Fraser, Fraser, E. Hamilton, Bargcny, E. Sandi lands, Abercrombie, E, Carmichael, Carmichael, />. 10s UBH 'Sutherland, Duffus, A. 17^5 Colvill, Ochiltree, I). ^Rutherford, Rutherford, D, (Leslie, Newark, D. [Ker, Bellendcn, E. Nairne, Nuirne, A. 1745 Churchhiil, Evmouth, E. Abercrombie, Glasford# £V Douglas, Mordington, E . v Ogilvy, Banff, 1 ) . 1803 This Peerage is now under consideration of the House *©f Lords, on the claim of the late Archibald Borthwick, Esq. '.banker in Edinburgh, in competition with John Borthwick, Esq. of Grookston. KNIGHT BARONETS OF SCOTLAND. l625.Ja.Gordon of Letterfourie Jo.Campbellof Ardnamurchan Rich. J. Strachan, Thornton John Hope of Craighall Jo.BuchanailRiddellof thatilk Arch. M urray of Blackbarony Alexander Lord Elibank James Lord Forbes 1029. VVm Bruce of Stenhouse William Arnot of that ilk Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw James Nicolson of Glenbervie 1G30. Sa. Hannay of Mochrum Arthur Forbes of Craigievar Wm. Cunningham Fairlie of Robert land John Chas. Richardson of Pen- caitland, R. N. John Earl of Breadalbane .Tas. Duke of Roxburgh Jo. Leslie of Wardes & Find- rassie Francis Earl of Wemyss Tho. Livingston of that ilk & Westquarter Alex. W. Lord Macdonald Hob. Colquhoun, Tillyquhoun Francis Gordon of Lesmore Thomas Ramsay of Balmain Al. Douglas ofGlenbervie, Af Z). Alex. Home of Wedderburn and Pol war th, R. N. 1626. Wm. Forbes of Pitsligo 1631. Jo. Wardlaw of Pitreavie William Johnston of Hilton Robert Burnet of Leys H. M oncrei ft* Well wood, D.D. William Ogilvy of Boyne John Murray of Hillhead John Ogilvie of Inverquharity Eric Lord Reay^^^^^H Geo. Abercromby of Birkenbog John Innes of Balvonie and Edingight 1G27. Wm. Maxwell of Calderwogd John Marquis of Bute George Earl of Galloway James Cockburn of Langton LL.D. Wm. Miliiken Napierof Napier 1628. Arch. Aitcheson of Cian- cairny,A’aW Gosfurd, Ireland I’ho. C. Carmichael of Skil ling Campbell of Auchinbreck •Vlex. Campbell of Ahcnichell James Earl of Caithness Oi ford Gordon of Embo Fitzroy Maclean of Morvaren 1633. rat. Balfour of Denmill 1634. Hugh Munro of Foulis James Foulis of Colinton Rich. Bingham of Castlevar, Earl of Lucan in Ireland 1635. M. Pilkington of Che vet Jo. Hayof SmithHeld&Hayston 1636. John Gordon Sinclair of Stevenston and Murkle Nath. Curzon of Keddleatone, Lord Searsdalc 1637. Ro. Preston of Valley field Andrew Stewart of Ochiltree, Earl Castle stewart in Inland John Dick of Braid 1638. R. Crawford of Jordanhill David Innes of Orton aud Cookstoune Rev. W. H. Conper^)f Gogar 104 I*h. Musgrave of ri ay ton "fjastle Tho. Longueville of Piostatin 163Q. Ro. Turing of Foveran 1642. Geo. Earl of Aberdeen 1048. Henry J. Seton of Abercorn 1651. Arch. John Karl of Rosebery 1601. G. M. Ogilvie of Barras 1663. Jas. Carnegyof Southesk John Hay of Park 1664. John Murray of Stanhope John Earl of Stair j^hall. Ho. Bmce Henderson of Earls- John Sinclair of Longformacus 1665. W. Purves HumeCamp- bellof Purves andxVIarchmojit Michael Malcolm of Balbeadie and Grange Neil Menzies of Castlemenzies 1606. James Earl of Rosslyn Samuel Stirling of Glorat John Wood of Honey town Francis Lord Napier Thomas Earl of Kellie William Elliot of Stobs James Ramsav of Band* 1667. Mich. S. Stewart of Blackhall Alexander Don of Newton 1668. Chas. Marquis of (Juecnsberry Robert Barclay of Piersfcon 1669. Thos. Wal. Dunlop of Craigie Wm. Cunningham of Capring- ton John Nisbet of Dean 1671. Chas. Halketof Pitfirrane William Cockburn of that ilk James Home of Biackadder William Scott of Ancrum msi Jas. Montgomery Cuninghame of Corsehill and Kirktoohome Charles Ross of Balnagown Alex. Jardine of Applegirth 16~3. Patrick Murray of Ochtcrtyre R.OunninghameofAuchinhalli Gco.S.Mackenzie ofCoul (vie! 1675. W m. Hamilton of Pres-i ton and Eingalton, 1679- George Clerk of Pennycuick Arch. Earl of DundonaM 1680. Jas. Earl of Lauderdale Jas. G. Baird of Saughtonhall 1681. Wm. Maxwell of Monveith 1682. John Maxwell of Pollock Arch. Earl of Cassillis Alex. Bannerman of Klsick 1683. John Pringle of Stitchel John H. Maxwell of Spdngkell Geo. Stewart of Grandtully William Seton of Pitmedden 1685. Robert Grierson of Lag Tho. Kilpatrick of Closeburn Ro. Lawric of Maxwelton James Dalziel of Binns David Moncrielf of that ilk 1686. John Milne of Barnton David Kinloch of Gilmerton W m. N icholson of Tillycoultry Henry R. Calderof Muirton 1687. James Stuart of Allanbank James Hall of Dunglas 1*. M. Thrieplandof Eingask 1688. Alex. L. Dick of Eountainhal! Alex. Grant of Dalvey 1693. James Steuart Denham of Coltness and Westshicl 1694. Wm. R. Dunbar of Mochrimj John Carmichael Anstfuther of that ilk Ralph Anstruthcr of Balcaskic 1695. Kenneth Cumming of Coulter 1697. John Diinbar of Dum JohnH Dali vmple of Cranston Hew II. Dalmnple of North Berw ick, LL.D. 1700. Hector Mackenzie of Gairloch 105 John Forbes of Foveran John Keid of ban a £ Jj .Gilbert Elliot, Earl of Minto 1704. !g. K Johnstone of Westcrhall Murray Count oi Melgun Lewis Alex. Karl of Sealield Arch. D unbar of *N orth field James Wcmyss of Bogie . John P. Dulrvmple of Hailes John Sinclair of Dunheath f-oj. 1705. Arch. Grant of Mony. Wm. A. Cuningham of Miln- musk cra j^ John Stuart of Fettcrcairn James Grant Suttie of Balgonie Francis Holbnrne of Kirshie and Prestongrange 1 7«k John Cordon of Larlston] 1 703. James Naesmith of Posso Jas. VV. M'Kenzie of Skatwell Benj. Dunbar oniemprigge Henry Hay Macdougal of Mu- . , kerston * Hob. Keith Dick of Prcstonfield A nd. Cathcart of Carleton Rob. Stewart of Tillicoultry Janies Fergusson of Kilkerran ;\Vi lliam Craigie of Gairsay IJ. David Dundtta of Richmond J 8 . 1 ® , Edw. Antrolms of Rutherford Hon. Alex. Maitland ofChfton Ilew Dalrymple of High N\ illouj^hby Gordon 1H15. Howard Elphinstone, H- Innes of Lochaish & Cox- Royal Engineers ton " KING'S HOUSE H O L D. Duke of Argyll, Heritable Maxtor of the Household. Karl of Lauderdale, Heritable Standard-Bearer. Sir Patrick Walker, Heritable Usher of the White Hod. Sir John Carmichael Anstruther, Bart. Heritable. Carver • Sir James Carnegie of Southesk, Heritable Cup-Bearer. A rc ’ . Seton of Touch, Heritable Armour-Bearer ami Squire Dr. Rutherford, King's Botanist , 501, l/l/’ the Eoyal Body. Dr. Gregory and Dr. TIome, King's Physicians. George Wood, M.D. Apothecary.— IKXVdh^Jlistortographer. Tho. Sinclair Abercromby, Esa. King's Limner. James Brodie, Esq. Master of Works. James Davidson, Clerk of Stores. Ludovic Colquhoun, Esq. Falconer, 501. Richard Carter, Master of the ar dr o„e,S 51. Ms.4d. John Fraser, First Under Keeper.— W m. Forbes, Second dit.o. Dugald Stewart, Esq. Gazette Writer, sm. Sir D. Hunter Blair and J. Bruce, Esq. Printers and Stationers, Robert Reid, Architect and Surveyor. William Butter, Ctirpcnter*- Alex. Fmflay, Career and Gilder. T. Wemyss, Thread-Maker — John Henderson, ^ Watch and James Smith, Master Mason. [Clock- Mol. ere William Rankin, Tailor.- _ Landscape 1 muter. CHAPEL-ROYAL. Rev. Jo. Paton, Almoner , 411. 13s. 4 d.-~ Walter Cook* Dcpitt r \ Rev. Dr. William Laurence Brown, Dean of the C hapel Royal. Rev. Dr. Hill, Dr. Muter, and Dr. John IngUs , [ Deans. Chaplains in Ordinary , Dr. T. .Summerville, hul Johnston, Dr. A. Fleming, Dr. J. Mackenzie, Dr. Vwn. Taylor, jun. and Dr. Duncan M‘ Parian e* 501 . each. KEEPERS OF PA LA CES. Duke of Hamilton, Hereditary-Keeper of the Palace oflloly- roodhonsc ,— John Macqueen, Fsq. lh MV K f } er ' John Dickie, Esq. Bailie .-. John Somerville Clerk. John Bruce, Esq. of Grangehill — Palace of Falkland. Karl of Mansfield— Stow*. _ , , 1 T. lohnstone of Annandalc, Esq .—I/Khmaben. t)uke J of Argyll— Dunstqffltage, Dunoon, and Car rick. Sir Thomas Livingston — Linlithgow. Marquis of Bute — Castle of liothsay. — ^ ” 107 yjr^A^JWtTOF ... William Geo. Karl of Knoll, Lord High Constable of Scotland. II. Sciymgeour Wedderburn, Hcrit. Royal Standard-Bearer, Sir Alex. Keith, Knight Murischal , •' JP William Karl Cathcart, Vice-Admiral , 14001. Tames Duke of Montrose, Lord Justice General , 20001. Right Hon. Charles Hope, Lord President , 45001. Iliirht Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Lord Chief Baron, 40001 xn Oi/iH i» l? 7TP lTp a rfT OVFTCF.RS OF STATE' The Keeper of Great Seal, Keeper of Privy Seal, Lord Register, Lord Advocate, and Lord Justice Clerk, C.// Js.1 Historiographer John Brown, Gcn/vhght Printer John Ballantyne, Bookseller I). I log. House-painter Robert Ewart, Saddler Francis Howden, Goldsmith David M‘Wnttie. Bell-hunger A. Giles, Upholsterer John HOC head, Music-seller Alex. Deuchnr, Seal-engrOver Thomas Richardson, Tailor James Cniikshank, Hosier John Racy Candfentuker srtVmsin'OHBoifATioN, londonT Founded 1675, 16$fi ; reincorporated 1775. For the Relief of, Natives of Scotland, or their Descendants, who have ac- quired no Parochial Settlement. President, His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarexcf and St. Andrfws. Viee-Uresideuts. I Marquis of Huritly 1 Viscount Melville Duke of Bedford { Earl of Dysart | Geo.W. Taylor, Esq. Sir Thomas Bell, Tr easurer. Robert Auld, Esq. Sec. The KfNl.OCII BEQL EST, for Annuities to 500 Seamen and Soldiers Wounded in the Service, left in Trust to the above Corporation. HIGHLAND S(X 1KTV OF LONDON. Insitutecl 1778. Iucorporated 1810. His Royal Highness the Pkimf. Rkgfnt, Chief, Lord James Murray, President. Vice-Presidents. I Sir William Griiilt I Ja. Drummond, Esq. Viscount Kirk wall | Dav. Stewart, Esq. | S. M'Gillivray, Esq. Simon !N£ 4 Gillivray, Divic Robertson, A. .la*. Hamilton, Tteu- surers. James Hamilton and Donald Alack inn on, Se cre- tin its* Colin Macrae, Dep. See. M. S. Metcalfe, Clerk. CALEDONIAN ASYLUMT For Supporting and Educating Children of Soldifrs, Saijl- oiis, and Marines, Natives o i Scotland, and of Indigent Scotch Parents, resident in London, not entitled to Parochial Relief. — Established by Act of Parliament in 1815. President. His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent and Strathearn, &c. Vice Presidents. Duke of Athol) j Earl of Dalhousie I Lord'Lyncdoch Duke of Montrose I Karlof Brea dai bane SirAr. Macdonald Duke of Wellington J Viscount Melville I (’has. Forbes, Esq. Grant Allan, And. Robertson, & Colin Robertson, Treas. M. J. Metcalfe, See * ■ 109 -_2 ROYAL FAMILIES AND STATES OF EUROPE. GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. GEORGE III, King, (King of Hanover), Ac. horn 4th June i 1738; created Prince of Wales 20th April 1751, on the death of his father, (Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales). Succeeded to the throne at the death of his grandfather, George II, 25th October 1760; married, 8th September 1761, Princess Char- lotte, (born 19th May 1744 died 17th Nov. 1818), daughter of the late Charles Lewis Ferdinand, Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, by whom are the following royal issue. — 1. George Augustus Frederick, born 12th August 1702; created Prince of Wales 1 7th of the same month ; appointed Prince Regent February 1811, on recount of his Majesty's illness ; married, 8th April 1795, his cousin. Princess Caroline Amelia (at present on the Continent), second daughter of the late Duke of Brunswick, born 18th May 1768, by whom he had issue one daughter, Princess Charlotte Augusta, born 7th January 1796; married May 2, 1816, His Royal High-, ness Leopold George Frederick, Duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen, Prince of Cobourg of SaalHeld, horn 1790; and died 6th Nov. 1817. 2. Frederick, born 16th August 1763 ; created Duke of York, Ac. 27th November 1784 ; he is also the titular Bishop ofOsnaburgh in Germany; Commander in Chief of the Army; Field Marshal. Married, 29th Sept. 1791, Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Catherine, Princess Royal of Prussia; horn 7th May 1767 ; sister to the present King Frederick William III, unda cousin of the Princess of Wales. No Issue. 3. William Henry, born 21st August 1765 ; created Duke of Clarence, Ac. 16th May 1789; K.G. Admiral of the Fleet, &c. Mar. Uth July 1818, Princess Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen. 4. Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Royal, born 29th September 1766, (Lady of the Imperial Russian order of St Catherine), Married, 19th May 1797, Charles William, King (then Duke) of Wirtembcrg, who died 1816. 5. Edward, born 2d November 1767 ; created Duke of Kent, Ac. 23d April 1799 ; K. G. Field Marshal, married 29th May 1818, and remarried in England 11th July, Princess Maria Louisa Victoria, Princess Dowager of Leinengen, sister to Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg. Issue , Princess Alexandrina Victoria, born 24th May 1819* 6. Sophia Augusta, Princess; born 8th November 1768. 7. Elizabeth,' Princess; born 22d Mav 1770. married 7th April 1818. Philip Augustus Frederick, hereditary Prince of) {Jesse Horn berg. Uo 8. Ernest Aug. b. 5th June 1771 ; created Duke of Cumber- land, Ac. 25 April 1799; K. G. Field Marshal, roar. 28 Aug. 1814, remar. iu Finland 29 Aug. 1815, the Dow. Princess of SalmS'dr. of Char, late Duke ofnlecklenburgh Strelitz, niece to her late Maj. of Great Britain, and sis. to the late Q. of Prussia. /#,« re. Geo. Fred. Alex. Char. Ernest Aug. b. 27th M*y 1819. 9. Augustus Fred. b. 27 Jan. 1773 ; created Duke of Sussex, Ac. 7 Nov. 1801 ; mar. 3 April 1793, Lady Augusta Murray ♦ dr. of the late Karl of Duhmore, by whom he had a son (born 13 Jan. 1794) and dnughtei . This marriage was declared null and void (according to the royal mar. act) in August 1794. 10. Adolphus Fred. b. 24 Feb. 1774; created Duke of Cam- bridge, 27 Nov. 1801. K . G, & F. M. Ac. Mar. 7th May, and remar. in England 1st June 1818, Princess Augusta, daughter of Prince Frederic of Hesse, horn 26 July 1790. lt*uc% Prince George William Frederick Charles, born 26 March 1819. 11. Marv, Princess; horn 25th April 1776; married 22d July 1816, her cousin, William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester. 12. Sophia, Princess; born Sd November 1777* 13. Octavius, Prince ; b. 23d Feb. 1779; died 3d May 1789. 14. Alfred, Prince; b.23d Sept 1780 ; died 26th Aug. 1782. 15. Amfelfa, Princess ; h. 7th Aug. 1783 ; died 2d Nov. 1810. Children of the late Duke of Gloucester, Brother of his Majesty. 1. Sophia Matilda, born 29th May 1773. 2. Caroline, born 24ih June 1774; died 14th March 1775. 3. William Frederick, born 15th January 1776 ; succeed- ed his father, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, 25th Aug. 1805 ; mar. 22d July 1816, his cousin, Princess Mary. FRANCE. LOUIS XVIII, King ; late Count de Provence; born 1755; married 1770, Maria Josephine Louisa of Savoy, (eldest sui- ter of the King of Sardinia), vv ho died at Hartwell, England, 1810, without issue. After the execution of Louis XVI, the young Dauphin succeeded to the title of Louis XV II, but die5 179.5, when his present Majesty succeeded to the title* l^ouis XVI II assumed the government on the abdication of Napoleon Buonaparte 1814. His brother, Monsieur, Count d’ Artois, has issue the Due d'Anguulcme, and Due de Berri, who has issue a daughter. RUSSIA. ALF.XANDKR, Emperor of all the Russias ; King of Po- land, Duke of Wursaw, Ac.; born 1777 ; mar. 1793, Louisa Maria Augusta, sister of Charles Louis, Grand Duke ot Baden ; born 1779. He succeeded his father, the Emperor Paul* 1801. The Emperor has three brothers, viz. Constantine, married, no issue— Nicholas, married, a son and a daughtwr; and Mic hael, and two sisters. K 2 m u Empress Dowager — Maria Sophia Dorothea Augusta, daughter of Duke Frederick Eugene of Wirten&berg ; b. 1759 . AUSTRIA. ... , > I FRANCIS II, Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia,] &c. ; b. 17(38; mar. 1 st, 1788 , Eliz. Frineess <»f Wirtemberp:,* who died, without issue, 1 790 . 2dly, 1799* Maria Theresa, his cousin, dr. of the king of the Two Sicilies, died 1807, leaving issue, two sons and five drs. 5dly, I 808 , Maria I.onisa, dr. of the late Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, who died 1810. 4lhlyJ Char. Aug. dr. of the K. of Bavaria. His Majesty sue. his fat her, | Leopold, in the thrones of Bohemia and Hungary, 1st March 1792, and was elected, 12nip+ oJ'Gcr . i.» July following ; but re- linquished this title in 1804 for that of Emperor of Austria. PRUSSIA. FREDERICK WILLIAM III, King, (Sovereign of Bran- denbur. h, Duke of Saxony, &c.) ; b. 1770; sue. liis father, Frederick William II, 1797 ; married, l 79 -n Louisa Augusta Willie! min a Amelia, daughter of Charles Duke of Mecklen. burgh Strelitz, niece to the late Queen of Great Britain, who died 1810, leaving issue, four sons and three daughters, SPAIN. t, H I FERDINAND VII, King; b. 1784; mnr. 1st, 1801, Louisa Maria Amelia, dr. of his uncle, Ferdinand IV, K. of the Two Sicil’es, who died 180(»; 2d, One of the Princesses of Portugal* who died 1818; 3d, in lsip, Princess Maria Josephine Amelia, niec ■ if the Elec, of Sax. lie sue. his father. Char. IV, whoah. dicated the throne, 1808, and died 1 81 0- His bro. Don Carlofjj has a sop, horn 1818. Ilis other brother, Don Francis tie Paulo, mar. in 1819, Princess L ouisa Charlotte of Naples, j PORTUGAL. JOHN MARIA JOSEPH LEWIS, King; born 1767;! married, 1790, Charlotte Joaqninn, eldest daughter of Charles IV, King of Spain ; horn 177-5; has issue, two sons and five daughters. His Majesty retired to the Brazils, 1807, on the French invasion, where the Portuguese court still remains NETHERLANDS. (HOLLAND AND BELGIUM.) WILLIAM FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, King; Prince of Orange and Nassau ; born 1772; married, 1791, Frederica Louisa, sister of the present King of Prussia, now a widower, with issue,, two sons and a daughter. SWEDEN and NORWAY. CHARLES JEAN BKRNADOTTE, French Prince of Ponte Corvo, horn 1704, was elected Crown Prince of Sweden, (on the death of Prince Christian of Holstein- Augusten. burg), 1810: He succeeded Charles XIII. as King, in 1818. and married Mademoiselle Clary, and has issue, Prince Oscar, now Crown Prince and Governor of Norway, which was sc- 112 paroled from Denmark by treaty, 14th Jan. and submitted to the Crown Prince of Sweden, 1st Aug. 1814. DENMARK. FREDERICK VI, King; born 17G8; .succeeded his father, Christian VII, 1808; married, 1790, Maria Sophia Frederica, daughter of the Prince of Hesse Cassel; born 1767, and lias issue, two daughters. Crown Prince. Christian Frederick , married ; issue Christian Frederick Charles, and two daughters. SICILY and NAPLES. FERDINAND IV, King of Two Sicilies; born 1751; a- scended the throne 1759, on his father, Charles III, becoming! King of Spain ; married, 1768, the Arch-Duchess Maria Caro-' lina Louisa, aunt of the present Emperor of Austria, who died' in 1814. Issue, several sons and daughters. • SARDINIA. VICTOR EMANUEL, King (King of Genoa 1815) ; born 1754, late Duke of Aost ; succeeded on the abdication of his brother, Charles Emanuel IV, (died 1819), 1802; married 1789, Maria Theresa, cousin to the present Emperor ut Austria, and has issue, two daughters, twins, born 1805. TUSCANY. FERDINAND, Grand Duke, born 17G9; married, Louisa, daughter of the King of Naples— issue, a son and two daughters. ETRURIA. CHARLES LOUIS II, King of Etruria, born 1799; a mi- nor; mar. in 1817, the Princess Maria Anne Carolina of Sax- ony. Queen Dowager, — Maria Louisa, born 1782, daughter of Charles IV. King of Spain, His mother is Regent. PARMA. MARIA LOUISA, Arch-Duchess of Austria, Sovereign Princess; born 1791 ; eldest daughter of the present Kmj>eror of Austria. Married, 1810, Napoleon Buonaparte, late Em- peror of France, from whom she was separated 1814, and created Arch-duchess of Parma, Placentia, Ac. issue a son, —Napoleon Charles Francis, Duke of Keichstadt, coadjwtoi to the Arch, ot Olmutz, (formerly styled King of Horn*), bom 1811. ROME. PIUS VII, Pope; horn 1742, was elected 1800# BRUNSWICK. CHARLES WILLIAM FERDINAND, 1). of Brunswick Oels; born 1804; sue. hiafather, who was killed in battle, 1815. The Prince Regent of Great Britain is Regent. WIRTEMBKRG. FREDERICK WILLIAM CHARLES, King, K. « C. D born 17«1 ; sue. his father, Frederick, 1816; mar. 1st, 1810. Charlotte, Princess of Bavaria, from whom he was divorced; 2dlv, Catherine Duchess of Oldenburgh, sister ol the Empe- K 3 113 _ ror of Russia, who’ 'died 1S19, and left issue two duugl»ter$i Prince Paul is nre imptive heir. BAVARIA. MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH, King; 1mm 1750? succeeded! his brother, Duke Charles II of Deux* Fonts, 1795, and t lit* Elector Charles Theodore, 1799; assumed the royal style and! title, 1805; married, 1st, a Princess of Hesse Darmstadt, bjj whom he has issue: 2dly, Frederica Wilhelmina Caroline, sisJ ter of Charles Louis, Grand Duke of Baden, sister to the present! Empress >f Rrtssia, and the exiled Queen of Sweden, has issue,! SAXONY. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS IV, King; horn 1750; suc- ceeded his father. Elector Frederick, 1705; assumed the royal dignity 1800; married, 1769, Maria Amelia Augusta, sister o! the King of Bavaria, and has issue. The Prince Royal, mar. 1819 the Archduchess Caroline of Austria. hesse. j * mug WILLIAM, Grand Duke, KG.; born 1755; succeeded his father. Landgrave Louis IX, 1790 ; assumed the title of Grand Duke 1800; married, Louisa, daughter of his uncle, Georgd William, 1777, and has issue. HANOVER. GEORGE III, King; His Royal Highness Adolphus Fre- derick, Duke of Cambridge, Vice-Regent, (resident), under tfie Prince- Regent of Great Britain. Formerly an Electorate, but rected into a kingdom 181 4-. MECKLENBURGII ST R BLITZ. GEORGE FREDERICK CHARLES, Grand Duke, b. 1779, sue. his father Char. Fred. Lewis, 1810; married, 1817, Mary, second daughter of the Landgrave Frederick of Cassel. Ism* a son, born 181‘J. FRANKFORT. CHARLES, Grand Duke, horn 1744; Archbishop and Prince Primate. Eugene Bttaulmrnois, horn 1780, nominated Here- ditary Prince ; who married, 18o0, Augusta Amelia, daughter of the King of Bavaria. BADEN. LOUIS WILLIAM, Grand Duke, born 1705; succeeded his nephew in 1818. SAXE COBOURG. ERNEST ANTHONY CHARLES LEWIS, Duke, bom 1784; succeeded his father the late Duke Frauds; married, 1816, Princess Louisa of Gotha. The Duke has two brothers and (our sisters. For his youngest brother, Leopold George Frederick, born 1790, (See Great Britain) 1816. TURKEY. MAIL) ML r VI, Sultan (or Grand Seignor) of th Otto- man Einpih* ; horn 1785; Succeeded Mustapha IV, the lute Sultan, who was deposed 1808, and has issue. 1U privy* corxcif Prince Regent Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Kent Duke of Cumberland Duke of Sussex Duke of Cambridge Duke. of Gloucester P. of Saxe Colvmrg Archil, Canterbury laud Chancellor Archb. ot' York Archb. of Armagh Earl Grosvenor Lord Erskine li. Mt. Kdgecumbe Lord Manners Earl of (Uu v«fort Karl of i .ivcrpool Eanl St. Vincent Earl of Malmsburv EiU'i of Courtown Lord Stewart l.ord Colchester C. Manners Sutton Hon.J.Chu. Vilhers Hon.Sir T.Mnitkmd E. of Dunoughmorcdlon. Sir A. Puget Earl of Chichester Earl CJancafty Karl of l*o wis Eiirl Grey Earl of Mulgrave E. Harrowbv, /V/ v.iEarl ( atheurt fV< .t.|Earl ( Westmorland, l*S Earl Whitworth Duke of Ledford Duke of Hamilton Duke of Atholi Duke of Montrose Duke of Wellington ALCholmondelc) LS Marq.ofiIcrtford/.( Alarq. of Winchester Marq.of Buckingham Marq. ofl-msdown Afarq. of Stafford Marq. of Salisbury Marq. Wellesley Marquis Camden Ylanp of Hastings Earl of Derby Karl of Pembroke Karl of Wincbelsea Karl of Carlisle Karl of Shaftesbury Earl of Sheffield Earl of Yarmouth l.ord C. II. Somerset Lord Cha. Spencer land 11 oh. Spencer Lord ( . C.Bcntinck Vise. Castlereagh Vise. Strangfoid Vise. Palmerston Vise. Melville Vise. Sidmouth Vise. Granville Vise. Morpeth ‘.ord binning Lord Ossulston Vise. Jocelyn 1 .ord J. Townsend laird G. Tin line Lord J. Thy n tic Lord G. Beresford tiarl of l^mderdale Karl of Elgin Karl of Aberdeen Karl of Tankerville ;Karl of Macclesfield Karl of Harrington j Karl Eitz william jEar! of Hardwicke Karl Spencer I Karl of Chatham jEurl Bathurst • Earl Talbot Bishop of ).ondon Lord Holland Lord Carteret Lord Amherst Lord Grenville Lord Glastonbury laird Arden Lord St. Helens 1 A»rd Teign mouth 1 ail'd Henley Lord Glenbervie «l/ord Itedesdale Hon. W. W. Pole I Ion, Sir 11. Wellesley II on. li. Pierrepont John Foster Thomas Steele Sir Ar. Mucdonald Sir Joseph Banks lion. J. Trevor Sir William Scott T. Grenville George Canning William Duiiclas C. P. Yorke Sir William Grant lliomas Wallace Bathurst W. Wickham .harlcs Long Sir J. B. Warren ieorge Tierney Nathaniel Bond Sir K. Nepean Sir Jas. Mansfield W. Drummond C. Arbuthnot H. Ere re \. Vansittart B. Pole Curew John Sullivan Sir.T. Newport Hon. H. Hvder Sir John NielioH Sir David Dtindas Sir John Sinclair Sir Robert Liston Hon. F. J. Robinson W. V. Fitzgerald Robert Peel Sir Tims. Plmner \ 115 William lluskisson Sir Benj. Bloomfield Wm.SturgesHuurnejSir John Leach Sir C. Stuart Sir W. A’Court >ir Vicury Gibbs Sir 1L Richards Hugh Elliot Sir Hen r v Bussell' Si, Geo. t . Hill ('tides G rant John Beckett William Adam Geo. Ilcnry Rose Hon. Charles Bagot Sir Charles Abbot Edward Thornton !Sir Robert Dallas Sir Samuel Shepherd Or (tin ary ('inks. Viscount Uhetwynd Sir Geo. Chetwynd James Bnllcr Extra Clerk. (’has. F. C. Greville BRITISH PEERAGE. Roman Catholics marked* -Minors f -Scots Peers*.-! risk Pccrt\\ PEERS of the BLOOD ROYAL. 1702 His Itovul Highness George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales, Duke uf Cornwall and Rothsay, Earl of Chester, Earl of Garrick, Electoral Prince of Bruns wick-Lunen- burgh, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, and Great Steward of Scotland. 1784 |j His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York and Al- bany, Earl of Ulster, and Bishop of Osnaburgh. 1789 ||His Royal Highness William Henry. Duke of Clarence and St Andrews, and Karl of Muuster. 1199 JjHis Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent and Stra- them,’ Karl of Dublin. 1] His Royal Highness Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cum- berland and Teviotdale, Earl or Armagh. 1S01 ||His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sus- sex, Karl of Inverness, and Baron of Ark Tow. j|IIis Royal Highness Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cam bridge, Earl of Ti pperary, and Baron of Culloden. 1704 ||His Highness William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, Earl of Connaught. DUKES. 1487 ’Howard Duke of Norfolk, 1547 Seymour Duke of Somerset, 1(»75 £ Lennox Duke of Richmond, Fitzroy Duke of Grafton, lf>S2 Somerset Duke of Beaufort, lCtHZ Beauclerk Duke of St Albans, 1094 ^Osborne Duke of lA»eds, Russel Duke of Bedford, Cavendish Duke of Devonshire, 1702 Churchill Duke of Marlborough, 1707 Manners Duke of Rutland, 1711 ^Hamilton Duke of Brandon, Eldest sons. Karl of Surrey Lord Seymour Earl of 5 larch Earl of Easton Marq of Worcester Earl of Burford Marq erf Carmarthen Marq of Tavistock Marq of Ilurtingtoi) Marq of Rlandford Marq of Granhv Marq of Clydesdale 1 7H* Cavendish Bentinck D. of Portland, Marq. of l f itchlield 116 nit) ;3fi nw 1 814 1551 784 7sn 1787 1789 i70Q 1792 fh)5 179b l HOI J8f2 i&b 1810 I 442 14S.» 1529 15»1 l('»a> lf>l? 1022 1021 1020 1028 Montague Duke'of Manchester, Vise. Mandeville Snekviile I hike of Dorset, Karl ot Middlesex IVIhnm Clinton, I). of Newcastle, Karl of Lincoln Percy Duke of Northumberland, Karl Percy Wellesley Duke of Wellington, ' Marquis Dmiro M.\UQt'ISSr;S. KlJrstSoiis. Paulyt Maniuifc of Winchester, KarJ ol Wiltshire IlGi'cm . Temple M. of ‘Buckinghum,VknI Jvmple 1, Petty Marquis ot Lansdow n, Karl \\ ycombe (inner Marquis of Stairord, Karl Gower lownshctKl. AUirquis Townshend, Karl ot Leicester rquis of Salisbury, Vise. ( ranborne (x»cil Milrciiiw'ui .-tt.wwu.j, tl Thvnnc Marquis of Hath, ^ l * sc * ^ c > inouth +±Vilianiilton Marquis of Abercorn,\ isc. llanuLou Cornwallis Marquis Cornwallis, > i,sc. jlSevmoiir Conway M. of Hertford, Karl ol iStuart Marquis of Bute, ] al /it ", ■ I l^i , Cecil Marquis of Kxeier, Lord Buileign Compton Marquis of Northampton, Karl ( omptou Pratt Man,. Camden, ft Hrcrknock Paget ^larquis of Anijlesca, K ‘t'l l ^hi u ( holmt.ndelevMar.i.Chohnondeley, IiarUt H«’eksa% age Rawdou Hastings .Marq. of Hastings Purl ot Uawdon KAW-S.' Il'Talhot Karl ot Shrewsbury, Lord ’1 albot Stanley Karl of Derby, \^\ Nui.ley 1 tastings, Karl of Huntingdon, J and Hastings Herbert Karl of Pembroke, K a d Her hert Howard Karl of Snllblk and Berksh.X i>e. An^oyer Kgerton Karl of Bridgewater, V]* e - * v llPielding Karl of Denbigh, J we- ] »«*•»«»# Kane Karl of Westmoreland, Kurd Burghewh + Bertie Karl of Lindsey , , ° , ). cl ' tlc (irev K. of Stamford «V \\ arrington,Kord Grev Finch K.of \VinchelseacYNottingham\ iso. Maidstone ‘ ** Lord Stanhope 1 .ord TutVon 1 V isc. 1 1 inch inhrook Vise. MaUUni Kord BrudeooU Vise. Morpeth Lord Tynddle Lord Ashley Vise. Dnrshty Lord Norreys Lin'd Windsor Vise. Luiiilev i hiviu h'u ” ; , ' •f Stanhope Karl ot ( hcsterlicld, Tuftnii Karl of Thnnet, lf*r.O t Mont ague l\Ar1 of Sandwich, 1001 Capel Coningshv Kau l of Lsscx, Brudenell Karl of Cardigan, Howard Karl of ( arlisle, 1002 f*Scott Karl of Doncaster, lf>7‘2 Cooper Karl Wf Shaftesbury, lf>70 Berkeley Karl of Berkeley, lOsg Bertie Karl of Abingdon, Windsor Karl of Plv mouth, IfflO l|S-mnderson Karl of Scarborough 1005 Nassau Karl Boehfort, _ Xhc. Tunbridge 117 Iftfji Keppel Karl ofAfbeniarle, 1G‘J7 Coventry Karl of Coventry, l| Villiers Karl of Jersey, 1706 roulfett I'.arl Poulett, 1711 Harley, K. of Oxford &. Mortimer, Nlirley Karl Ferrers, J .egge Karl of Dartmouth, 1714 Bennett Fair! of Tankerville, Finch liar! of Aylcsford, Hervev Karl of Bristol, 171B Cow per Karl Cowper, Stanhope Karl Stanhope, 1 7,1 9 ||Shcrard Karl of Harborough, 1121 Parker Karl of Macclesfield, Form or Karl of Pomfret, 1722 iCraham Fxirl (iraham, 1729 Waldegrave Karl Waldegrave 11.70 Asliburnham Karl of Ashbnrnham, 1741 Stanhope Karl of Harrington, 174.7 Wallop Karl of Portsmouth, 174G Creville FI. Brooke and Warwick, Hobart Karl of Buckinghamshire, l|F'itzwilliam Karl Kitz william, 1740 Wyndham Earl of Kgremont, liurcourt K-arl Harcourt, 1752 North Karl of Guilford, 1754 Yorke Karl of Hardwicke, Vane Karl of Darlington, 1756 Fox-Strangways Earl of llchester, 1 ?G1 West Karl Defuwar, 1765 Bmiverfc Karl of Kadnor, S|>encer Karl Spencer, 17GG Pitt liarl of Chatham, 1772 Bathurst Karl Bathurst, }|Hill Karl of Hillsborough, 177C Rrudenell Bruce K. of Aylesbury, Villiers Karl of Clarendon, 1784 Neville Karl of Abergavenny, IGordon Karl of Norwich, Chetwynd Talbot Karl Talbot, Grosve’nor Karl Grosvenor, 178G ^Murray F'arl Strange, 178‘j Fxlgecumbe K. Mount Kdgecumbc, Fortescue Karl Fortescue, 1790 [IDigby Karl Digby, Percy Earl of Btverlev, 1792 iMurray Fair! of ManMield, 1795 Herbert liarl of Carnarvon, j 1790 Jcnkinson Karl of Liverpool 118 Vise. Bury Vise. Deerhurst ‘ Vise. Villiers Vise. Hinton Ford Harley Vise. Tamworth Vi*r. Lewisham Lord Ossulston J ord Guernsey Lord Hervey Vise. Fordwich 1 Vise. Mahon l/)iil Shcrard Vise. Parker Lord Leoi'ninsftejr Lord Bel ford Vise. Cheuton , Vise. St Asaph Vise. Petersham Vise. Lymington Lord Brooke laird Hobart Vise. Milton 1 .ord Cockermmith Vise. N unchain Lord North Vise. Hoyston Vise. Barnard Lord Stavordaie Vise. Cantaloup Vise. Folkestone Vise. Althorpe Vise. Pitt Lord Apslev Vise, l’airford Lord Bruce Lord Hyde Vise. Neville l/n*d Gordon Vise. Ingestrie Vise. Belgravc j lx>rd Murray Vise. Valletort Vise. Kbrington Vise. Colcshill la>rd Loitvaine laird Murray Lord Porchester Lord H twkeshurv 1707 Jt-rvis Earl St. Yfnfc'ent, 18()0 Cadogan Ka rl Codogan, Harris Earl of MalmsbiirV, 1801 St. Clair Krskine Karl of ltosslyn Craven Karl Craven, Onslow Earl Onslow, Marsham Karl of Romney, pelham Earl of Chichester, Fgerton Karl of Wilton, 1801 {{Clive Earl of Powis, 1805 Nelson Karl Nelson, 180G Pierrepont Karl of Manver3, Walpole Karl of Orford, Grey Earl Grey, 1807 Lowther Earl of Lonsdale, 1800 Ryder Karl of llarrowby, 1812 |l Phipps Karl of Mulgrave, Lascelles Earl of Hare wood, 1813 Elliot Karl of Minto, 1814 iCath'cart Karl Cathcart, 1815 ^IlGrimston Karl of Verulam, || Whitworth Karl Whitworth, (Just Earl Brownlow, Elliot Karl of St. Germains, Parker Earl of Morley, Bridgeman Earl of Bradford, Lvgon Karl Beauchamp, VISCOUNTS, 1549 Devercux Vise. Hereford 1712 St John V. Bolingbroke 1720 Boscawen V. Falmouth Vise. St. Vincent Vise. Chelsea Vise. Eitzharris I- Loughborough Vise. Uflington Vise. Cranley Vise. Marsham Lo*f| Pelham V isc. Grey do Wi 1 ton Vise. Clive Vise. Trafalgar Vise. Newark JiOrd Walpole Vise. Ho wick Vise, l/jwther Vise. Nit. don Vise. Normanby Vise. Lascelles Vise. Melgund Lord Greenock Vise. Grimston Viscount Adlmston Viscount Alford Lord Elliot Viscount Boringdon Viscount Newport Viscount Elm ley 721 Byng Vise. Torrington 1746 ||Eitzgerald V. Leinster 1762 Courtenay V, Courtenay 176.7 Ward V. Dudley & Ward 1760 Maynard V. Maynard 1776 Hampden V. Hampden 1789 Townshend V. Sydney 1796 || Hood V. Hood 1797 Duncan V. Duncan BARONS. 1802 Curzon V. Curzon 1802 Dundas V. Melville 1805 Addington V. Sidmouth 1806 Anson V, Anson 1807 Luke V. Utke 1814 j|Klphinstone V. Keith ^Hamilton Gordon V. Gordon 1815 Gower Viscount Granville ■f ({Gardner Vis. Gardner 1 1816 Pellew Vis. Exmoutli 1269 Stapleton Lord Le De Spenser Sou tit we 11 lid. tie Clifford 1296 Tuchet Lord And ley 1298 Trcfusis Lord Clinton 1307 Brand L. Dacre 1308 Bisshopp Lord /ouche |448*Stourt0fi I .ol d Stourton 1492 Verny L.Willo’bydeBrok 1555 Howard Lord Howard of Effingham 1558 St John Lord St John 1597 Ellis Lord Howard dc Walden 1603 * Pet re Lord Pctre TwisletoaL-Sayeand Sefe 119 1005 * Arundel Ltirtf Arundel 1008 IJBligh I» Clifton ; * 1(515 •Dormer 1- Dormer 1016 Iloper L* Teynham 1(545 Byron 1~ Byron 1072 *Cljrtbrd 1 .ord Clifford 1711 || Boyle I~ Boyle illay Drummond 1.. Hay Willoughby I ..Middleton 1725 King L. King 728 -j-Moiistm L. Monson 741 Bromley 1-. Montfort 1749 IjPunsonby 1- I’onsonby 1700 Legge 1.. Starve! 1 Watson 1- Sondes 1701 Robinson 1. Grantham Curzon Lord Scarsdule Irby 1/) rd Boston 1702 Vassal Fox Lord Holland Perceval Lord Lovell I'ernon Lord Vernon I7f*3 Moreton Lord Dueie 1700 TjlCampbeU L. Sundridgo 1770 Hawke Lord Hawke Pitt Lord Rivers Foley Lord Foley 780 Rice LordDvnevor De Grey L. \V alsitigham Bagot Lord Bagot j-Fitzroy U Southampton 1782 Dunning I - Ashburton Norton Lord Grautley Rodney Lord Rodney 1784 Carteret Lord Carteret IJUgikeley Lord Bulkeley Cocks Lord Somers Hill Lord Berwick Dutton Lord Sherborne Gordon L. (Gordon OI* of Huntly) 1786 Mont. Scot’Ld. Montagu IjBeresford Ld. Tyrone || Boyle Lord Carle ton Ilarbord I* Sullleld *|*Carleton L. Dorchester 1788 Kenyon Lord Kenyon Griliin I. ord Bray brook Amherst Lord Amherst 1790 ||ChichesterL. Fisherwick 1790 Douglas Lord Douglas of: Douglas ||Gage la>rd Gage j Grenville Lord Grenville j 1791 ^Douglas I.. Douglas of 1 .ochleven 1792 Tlmrlow Ij. Thtirlow 1793 ||F.den L. Auckland 1794 ||Lvttleton 1.. Lvttlcton |i F.’llts Lord Mendip Peachey Lord Selsey 1 Hindus Lord Dttndas Pelham 1 .ord Yarborough 1706 ^Stuart J.ord Stuart of Castlestnart ^Stewart Ld Stewart of Garlips ||Stopford 1« Salter: ford |l I )awnay I xthd J lawiiar j'Brodrick L. Brodrick lions I. ord Hons Calthorpe L. Caltliorpe Burrell Lord Gwydir Basset 1 - De Dunstanville and Basset Rolle Lord Bo'll e Campbell Lord Cawdor 797 II Wellesley I.d.Wellesley || Smith Lord Carrington Townshend L. Bavning I Grenville L. Glastonbury Powlet L. Bolton ,,d WodehouseL.Wodehouse Busbout L. Xorthw ick Powys Lord l.ilford Lister Lord llibblesdule, 799 Scott Lord Kldon t 1 ||Fitzgibon \» Fitzgibon j 1801 |j Moore l/>rd Moore ^ ' 1 | l.o ft us Lord Loftus | IButler Lord Butler A (Proby Lord Carysfort Arden Lord Alvaidey | IJFitaherbertLdSt Helen 1 * 1 1 utchinsonL.Hutchinsoa 1802 Mitford L. Itedesdalc 1 .aw I* 1:' lien borough ||Percevai L. Arden v Hllo lroyd L. Sheffield 120 J8CH) Erskine-l«ord Krskine ||Bro\vn L. Monteaglc f M ontgomerir 1 >A rd n >s san ^Maitland L. I^iuderdale || Forbes L. (inward Crewe I* Crewe Ponspnby l. Ponsonby ^Kennedy I- Ailsa JCanipbcll I *. Bread al bane 1807 Sutton l» Manners (iambier I- (iand)ier 1809 £I!o|>c Lord llopronn, and 1814, Lord Niddrv 1814 Graham Lord Lynedoch Cotton Ld. Combet more P PER ESSES bit Creation or Descent. I77f> Grcvillc, C. of Mansfieid. 1641 ChandosTemnle;Baroness isifi Yorke, Countess de Grew Bruce. 12b! Fitzgerald de Ros, B;i-17«8 Widler, Baroness Howe. roncss de Ros. 1801 Abereromby, Baroness 1314 Burrell, Barbhess Wil- Abereromby. loughby de Kresby. 1802 Hill, Baroness Sandy*. 1522 Yelv erttin, Baroness Grey 1805 Noel, Baroness Barham dc Rutbyju ARC II BISHOPS and II IS HOPS, with the sum each sec h charged in the. King's Bool's. Canterbury , Dr Sutton £2682|.S7 David's, l)r Burgess 42f> fork , ’ Dr K. Vernon 1(3 lOLSV/Mwrw, Dr Fisher 1385 Bishops. LVortcicn, Dr Bathurst 85 4 London, Drllowlev 1000.YT Asaph, Dr .1. Lnlmdre l«7 Durham, Dr Barrington 182ip/r//Vr, Dr Goodcmmgh 42dj IV inehester, non.UrSorth 2875) Bristol, Dr AY. 1 . Mansell ‘29 4 Bitch, Coe. Dr Cornwallis 559\ Rochester. Dr Walker Kin? 358 Lincoln, Dr G. Tomline 828 /:///, Dr B. K. Spnrkc 2154 BathklVells , Dr Beadon b3S\( '/tester. Dr. G. IL Law 420, Worcester, 1 >r F. Cornwall .i /:>/ v^, Hon. Dr K. Legge 5M Bangor, Dr Majendic 15tj Petcrbro', Dr IT. Marsh 414 Here ford, Dr Hunt i 11 g ford 7c8| I dan do f, l )r W. Van Mildert 1 54 Exeter, Hon. Dr Pelham 50 ('\Sodrr $Man, G. Murray, M. A. C LKRKS and OFFICERS ot'lhe HOUSE of PEERS. Rt Hon. Gen*. H.ltose, Esq. Clad: of Parliament. II. Cowpcr, Esq. Deputy, \V. Stewart Rose, Esq. RcaamgClkS Clk of Private Committees . Wm.Walmislv, Ctk. of Journals. \\\ C. Payne, Copping- Clk, Sir Thomas Tyrwhit, Hart. Gent . Usher of the Black Bod. |G. F. Seymour, Serf at A rms, L ' 121 1814 J I ill I Ill'll Hill Bcresford Lord Bercsfort* V;me Stewart L Stewart 1815 Trench lan d Trench ± Bowes Lord Bowes illauisay Lord Dalliousie iiiotion Lord Meldruiu £ Boyle Lord Boss jjCofe Lord Grinstcnd IJPery Lord Fo>ford IILambc Lord Melbourne Spencer Lord Churchill Harris Lord Harris I81f» Percy Lord Prudhoc 1817 Abbot L. Colchester HOUSE OF COMMONS, 1 Abingdon John Maberlcy 2 Agmondesham , T. Tyrwhitt Drake William T. Drake 3 St. Albans, Wm. T. Ilf liarts Lord C. S. Churchill ENGLAND and WaLES — 513. Eight Hon. ChauLfs Manners Sutton, Speaker , 60001. 17 Bedford, Lord G. \V v . Russel VV. H- Whitbread 18 Brdwin , lion. Sir .1. Nicholl John Jacob Buxton 19 Bcralston , W. Wilberforce 32 Breconshire , Thomas Wood 33 Brecon , Geo. G. Morgan 31 Bridgenorth , (Thomas Whitmore Rt.Hn. Ld. LovaineiSir T. J. T. Jones 4- At (thorough, LorA'^jllon.Jocehne Percy 35 Bridgewater, Henry Fynes G. V.* Vernon 5 A bleb it rub , X of folk , Samuel Walker Joshua Walker 6 Andover, Hon. N. Fellowcs Thomas A. Smith 7 Angle sea, Hon. Berk. Paget 8 Appleby, Lucius Concaunon A, J. Dairy tuple 9 Arundel, Lord II. T. Howard Robert Blake 10 Ashburton, Sir L. V. Pallc Sir John S. Copley 11 Aylesbury, lit. I Ion. Ld. Nugent Wm. Bickford 12 Banbury , g) Berkshire, Charles Dundas Hon. R. Neville 21 Berwick, Sir Alex. Allan II. H. St. Paul 22 Beverley, John Wharton Ro. C. Burton S Bewdley, W. A. Roberts, .inn 24* Bishop's Castle, W. Clive Hon. I). J. \V. Kin nnird 25 Blcchinghj, Sir Wm. Curds Marq. of Tiehfield 20 Bod my n, Davies Gilbert TI»o. Braddyll 27 Boron ghbridge, M. Lawson Hon. Heneago 1 .egge.G eorge M undy 13 Barnstaple, j 28 Bossiiu y, Fran. M. Ommaneyj.Sir C. Domvilie ' Hon. J. Wfn. Ward .14 Both, Lord John Thynne Charles Palmer 15 Beaumaris, Thomas F. Lewis 10 Bedfordshire,- Marq. of Tavistock ■Sir John Osborn 29 Boston , HoniP. R. 1). Burrell W. A. Maddocks 50 Brackley , R. II . Bradshaw Henry Wrottcsley 31 Br amber, John Irving [George Pocock William Astcll 30 Bridport , Sir II. D C.St. Paul Henry C. Sturt 37 Bristol, 1L Hart Davis Edward Prothcroc 5 HBucltinglumish t//, William S'. Lowndes Earl Temple 59 Buckingham, Sir G. Nugent W. H. Fremantle 40 Callingtan , Hon. E. P.Lygon Sir C. Robinson 41 Caine, H on. J . A hcrcromhi v James Macdonald 42 Cambridgeshire, Lord C. S. Manners Lord F. G. Osborde 45 Cambridge CniV, Vise Palmerston John Henry Sniytl 44 Cambridge, Gen. Ro. Manners W. Trench 45 Camel ford , 46 Canterbury, S. IL Lushington Lord Clifton 122 65 Ctwffi Castle* H. Banks George Banks 66 Cornwall Sir William Iximoii J. H. Tremayne 67 Coventry* P. Moore Edward Ellice 68 Cricklade , Joseph Pitt Robert Gordon 69 CumbcrUimly John Lowthcr Viscount Morpeth 70 Dartmouth* A. H. Moldsworth John Bastard 1 Denti gh shire Sir W. W. Wynne 72 Denbigh* Wynne Gritlith 73* Derbyshire* IiOrd (5. Cavendish E. M. Mundy 74 Derby , H. F# C. Cavendish T. VV. Coke 75 Devizes * T. G. Kstcourt John I’earse, 76 Devonshire* Edmund P. Bastard Vise. Ebrin iton 77 Dorchester , Rob. Williams Charles Warren 78 Dorsetshire , Win. M. Pitt E. B. Portmen 79 Dover* Sir John Jackson E. B. Wilbraham 80 Down tan* Sir 'I' B. Pechell 47 Cardiff * Lord J as. P. Stuart 48 Cardiganshire * W. Edward Powell 49 Cardigan * Pryse Pryse 50 Carlisle * Sir J. Graham J. Christ. Curwen 51 Carmarthenshire* Lord ft. Seymour 52 Carmarthen* Hon. J.F. Campbell 53 Carnarvonshire , Sir Robert Williams 54 Carnarvon * Hon. Charles Paget 55 Castle- Rising* Earl of ltock Savage lion. E. G. Howard 56 Cheshire , 0. Davenport W. Kgerton 57 Chester , Thos. Grosvenor l ord V. Belgrave 58 Chichester* Hon. W. Huskisson Cord I. G. Lennox Chippenham * William Miles Marq. of Blandford 60 Christchurch * Rt. Hon. Geo. Rose Hon. W. S. Boui ne 61 Cirencester , Lord Apsley Joseph Ciipps 62 Clithcroe* Hon. Robert Cur zon Hon. W. Cust 63 Cocke rvwuth* John H. Lowther lit. Hon. J. Beckett 64 Colchester * J. B. Wildman D. W. Harvey 82 Dunwich , M. Barne Win. Al. M*Kinnon 83 Durhamslnre * John Geo. Lumbton Hon VancPowlett 84 Durlurm* Richard Wharton M. A. Taylor 85 JCast -Lone* Sir Edward Buller Thos. P. Macqucen 86 St Edmonsbury, Earl of Euston Hon. A. P. C pton 87 Essex* John A. Houblon Chu. C. Western 88 Evesham* l Humphrey Ain warth Sir Cha. Cocker*. 11 89 Exeter, VV. Courtenay R. W. Newman 90 Eye* Sir Robert Gittbrd M. Singleton U Flintshire * Sii Tiio8. Mostyn ri Flint, Sir E. P. Lloyd 93 Foamy, A. Glynn Ceinpbeli Vise. Valletort 94 Gotten* Abel It. Dottin Jolin Fleming. M.D< 95 St Germains * t Hon. S. T Bathurst C. Arbuthnot 96 Glamorganshire* John Edwards 97 Gloucester shire* I^ord R. E. H. So- mei*set Hon. Barth Bouverie Sir B. W. Guise 81 Droitzcich * Earl of Sefton i houias Foley 98 Gloucester, Edward Webb R. B. Cooper 09 Qrampound^ John Innes A. Robertson 1t 106 llaslcmcre, lion. Cha. Iauig Robert Ward 107 J fastings, James Dawkins G. 1 loll or d I OS IJnvcrfonhcext , W. IT. Scourlhld 109 Hell extern, I .d.Jas.Townshend n.-ninuton Hudson 1 10 JJi refordsiiirc, ‘■nr J. G. Cottercll 1C bt rt Price 111 Hereford, II. l\ Scud 'more Hun; .1. S. Cocks 1 12 Hertfordshire :, Sir J. S. Sebright jHoh. W. Iam b j 11 5 Hertford, (Nicholson Calvert iViscuunt Cran borne 114 IHydon, T.dmund Turti n Robert Fa wand 1 15 Hr ■yteshury, II n. Gr j. Fllis 'Ilmi. W. II- J- Sett 1 10 IHghamFet rent, William Plumer i J 7 H melon, Hon. F. Caltlmrpe William Reck ford 1 IS Hondo n, Hon. 1*. F. Gust Samuel (haw ley 119 If or slue in, Robert Hurst G. R. Philips 1 20 H unlingifrnshire I d. F, Montague W. II. FcJlowes 121 Huntingdon V\ . A. Montague John Calvert 122 llythe. Sir John Purring Sam. Jones 1 loyd 123 lldie ter. Sir Isaac C’oflin .1. W. D. Merest 124 Ipswich, Ro. A. Ciickitt William Newton 125 St lees. Sir W. Stiriing amuel Stephens 120 Kent, SirF.du . Kiiatchbuil W. P. II one v wood 127 King tt Lynn, 1 xjrd W alpole Sir M. R. Folk©? 1 2S K ing.stem-np.H. John Mitchell J. R. G. Graham 129 Kuurcxben ongh , Hon. G. Tierney Sir J. Mackintosh 150 Lancashire, John R lack burn Lord Stanley J51 Lancaster, Map-Gen. Dove ton John Gladstone 152 Launceston , James Brogden 124 lion. P. K. I’dkw 153 J ./ iccster shire,,' Lord Rob. Manners C. M. Phillips 154 Leicester , John M.k slield Thoma> Pares 155 Leominster, ; Sir .1. W. Lubbodd John Ilammrt 150 Lcsiienrd , ! Hon. Wm. Elliot I Sir W. II. Pringle 15 ~ LcitieiUiieli , Sir R. \\ igiam A. C. Grant 13S l, ewes, t) Sir John Shelley J George Shillher 139 Lyme, Regis, John T. Kuril* Vcrc Fane . ’ ad 140 L'nu'ch; shire, Hon. C. A. Pelham Charles Chaplin 141 Lincoln* Con. W. bibthorp.v Ralph Rental .,;j 142 J.itc/r field. Sir George Anson \ George Vernon % 143 Liverpool, ' Right Hon, G, Can* ning. Isaac Gascoyne 144 London,- : Matthew Wood i Thomas Wilson j Robert Walthunin John T. Thorpe 145 Lndlox v, n. Vise. Clive Hon.R.Heiiry Clive 140 Lodger shall, Karl of Cai hampton Sandford, Graham 147 Lyniinglon , Sir H. B. Neule W. M anning 748 Maidstone,, W. Ro harts Geo. Longman 140 Mai don, Jos. H. Strutt Benjamin Gaskell 150 Malmesbury, Charles Forbes Kirkman Finlay 151 Malton, Vise. Duncannon J. C. Ramsden 152 Marlborough, lion. J. Wodehouse Lord Brudenell 155 Mar lour, Owen Williams P. Grenfell 154 St, Maws, Sir S. B. Morland Joseph Phillimore 155 St. Michael, Sir G. Staunton William Leake 1 5f> M e.rionethsh i re , Sir R. W. Vaughan 157 Middlesex, William MelUsh George Byng 158 Midhurst, Samuel Smith John Smith 159 Milborn Port, Hon. Sir Ed. Paget R. M. Casberd 160 Minchcad , J. F. LuttrelL jun. Henry F. Luttrell 161 Monmouth shire. Hon. Wm. Howard la* (hturd, Snjf. 166 Newark, E. A. M'Naughten John Douglas Sir W. H. Clinton Henry Willoughby 1 $7 Nowcast, on. Font ] , W. S. Kinnerly R. J. Wilir.ot 185 Oxfordshire John Fane WilliamHenryAsh- urst WtHNewwst. upTync 1K4 Oxford City, Sir M. W. Ridley J. A. Wright C. Ellison Hon. F. St John 169 Newport, Corn. 1K5 Oxford Unix. W T m. Nor they lit. Hn. SirW.Scott Jonathan llaine jilt. Hon. R. Peele 170 Newport, Hants, 1K0 Pembrokeshire, ! Sir 1- T. Holmes iSir J. Owen Charles Duncoinbe j 187 Pembroke, 171 Newton , Lane. John 11. Allen Thomas Lcgh T. Claughton 72 Newton, Haute, Hon. G. Pelham Hudson Gurney 175 Norfolk, Thomas W. Coke Edm. Wodehouse 174 Northallerton, Henry Pierce Vise. Lascelles 175 Northamptonsh , Wm. R. Cartwright Vise. Althorp r/6 Northampton, Earl Compton Sir E. Kerri son 1S8 Pen,,/;,, Sir C. Hawkins 189 Peterborough, James Scarlett Sir Robert Heron 11K) Peter. fuld, H. Jollifte Lord Garvagh 191 Plymouth, Sir W. Cou^reve Sir T. B. Martin 192 PlumpUm Earle , U. G. Macdonald Alexander Boswell 195 Pontefract, Viscount l'otlington 177 Northumberland T. Houldtfwbrth Sir C. Monck T. W. Beaumont 178 Norwich, Wm. Smith Ixi.G.C.H.Somcrset R. H. Gurney Sir Charles Morgan 102 Monmouth, Mam. of Worcester 165 Mont gamer ysh. C. W. W. Wynne 164 Montgomery, Henry Clive 165 Morpeth, William Ord X 3 179 Nottinghamsli. 1 A. W . H .C. Bent inck Frank Frank ISO Nottingham, Lord Hand id’ Joseph Birch 181 Oakhampton, Albany Savile Lord Lhmalley ■l94 Poole, B. Lester Lester John Dent 195 Potis month, John Carter Sir G. Cockburn 196 Preston, Sam. Horrocks K. Hornby 197 Qucenborough, Hon. E. Phipps Sir Rob. Moorsom 198 Radnorshire, W. Wilkins 125 1 00 Xru- Radnor, Richard Price 200 Readiitg, CTlia. S. Lefevre C. F. Palmer 201 AW lid ford , \V. Kvans S. fYompton 202 Richmond, Vise. Maitl'Antl i'homas J lundas 205 1 if j Wily Hon. F. Robinson 'Jed. Gipps 204 Rochester, Lord Binnihg lames Harnett 20:3 X< u- Romney, A. Stratum R. I'. I), Grosvenor 2I)G Rutlandshire, sir G . Ileathtote sir Ger. Noel Nod 207 Rye, deter H row it fohn Dodson 208 Rygufe, Sir ,1. S. Yorke Hon. .1. S. Cocks 200 Salop. Si r J. K. Powell Ji>hn Cotes 210 Sul fa ah, Matthew Russell James- Blair 211 Sandwich, Joseph Alary in t Sir G. Wa rander 212 Xru- Surum. Vise. Folkestone Wadluim W yiul ham 21.7 Old Surnniy James Alexander A. J. Crawford 214 Scarborough , Hon. C. M. Sutton * Wee. N or i can by 21.'i Sea ford, C. It. Kllis (i. W. Taylor 21 f» Shaftesbury y J. IL S. Mnrritt J. II Shepherd 217 Shot eh am. Sir C. M. Burrell .J. M. Lloyd 218 Shrewsbury, lion. 11. G. Rennet John Mytton 21 <) Somersetshire, \V. Dic kenson W. G. Langton 220 Southampton y W. Chambcrlayne Si r \V. De Crespigny 221 S outtneark, Charles Calverts Sir It. V\ ilVoh 222 Staffordshire, Karl Gower Kd. J. 1 .yttleton 22J Stafford y ■Benjamin llenyon Samuel Hoinlray 224 S/amfordy 1 .ord 'i’. Cecil lion. W. II. Percy 225 Steynmg, Sir J. Aubrey George Philips 22b Stoekbridge, J. F. Rarham C.eo 8 I Vunhehca* Henry Brougham Sir Francis Burdett George Mills Hon. Geo. Lam 0 252 Westmoreland* Vucount Low ther lion. H. C. Lowthcr 2511 Winchester, J. H Leigh l*. St. .1. Mildmay 2ti() Wiudsor* 255 Weymouth * &.C. John Ramsbottom Rt. lion. T. Wallace Masterton lire William Williams T. F. Buxton ash wood King Sir T. Raring 21 >0 1 ' urnmu 1h * (l real C K Rumbold Hon. Geo. Anson 207 Vann, J louts* Sir Peter Pole John \V. Croker 208 Yorkshire* Viscount Milton J. A. S. Wort ley VGyTYork* lion. L. Dundas Sir M. M. Sykes SCOT LA XI). — 15. COUNTIFS. 1 Aberdeen* James Ferguson 10 Kir nidi right, Gen. J.Dnnlo] 2 Atgi/lc* LordJohnCampbeli 17 fanmrk* Ld. A. Hamilton 5 Am'* Lt.Gti.J. Montgomerie 18 L//rIfMjw>:r,llon.Sir A; Hope 4 B'ovf* Earl of Fife 1 V Moray A Elgin* F. \\. Grant 5 Berwick* Sir J.Majoribanksko .Y u m /; Sami a ho r*4n no n*I.m U m . K i rkaidh. \N .H.h.Doi lgl< ts 127 36 Banff, Cullen , Kin tore , Elgin lnvcrnrv, Robert Grant 3? Glasgow* Renfrew , Buthcrglen , Dumbarton, Alex. Houston 38 Inverness , Fortrose , Nairn, & Forres, G. Camming 39 1 1 add. I snider, Dunbar, N. Reneiek, Dudley North 40 A inghom, Dijsart, Kirkcaldy, Sc Burnt i si. Sir R.C.berguson] 41 Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithgow, Si Lanark, John Pringle 42 Perth, Dundee,ForJar,St',Cupar, Arch. Campbell 43 Stirl.Culr. Inverkeitlu Dumper, Quceusf. Hon. FW Primrose 44 Stranr. Wlgton, Whithorn, N. Galloway, I Ion.JHK. Stewart 45 Tain, Dingwall, Dornoch, H r ick, Kirlcwali, SirHugh Inn e> I U K L A N I ). — 100. 1 Antrim, county, J 16 Coleraine, Hon. J. R. 11. O’Neil jSir J. Poo Bercsford Hugh Seymour ] 2 Armagh county, C. Brownlow W. Richardson 3 Armagh town, J. 1* Foster 4 Athlon c, John Gordon 5 Randon Bridge , A. W. J. Clifford 6 Belfast, Arthur Chichester 7 Car rick frrgus, Karl of Belfast 8 Carlow county, Henry Bruen Sir U. B. Burgh 9 Carlow town , Charles Harvey 10 C a shell, F. J. Collett 1 1 Cavan county , Nath. Sneyd lit. Hon. J*. M. Barry 12 Clare county. Sir K. O’Brien lit. II nW. Fitzgerald 13 Clonmel, John Kiely 14 Cork county, Hon. Richard Hare 1 17 Donegal county, jcieo. V. Hart |Karl Mount-Charles 18 Down county. Vise. Castlereagh Lord Arthur Hill 19 Downpatrick, Viscount Glerawley 20 Drogheda , II. M. Ogle 21 Dublin county, Hans Hamilton R. W. Talbot 22 Dublin city, Rt. Hon. H. Grattan Robert Shaw 23 Dublin college, Rt. Hon. Wm. C. Plunkett 24 Dundalk. Gerard Callaghan 25 Dungannon, Hon. Thomas Knoxdlon. W. Quin 31 Galway tenen, Valentine Blake 32 Kerry county , lit. Hn.M. Fitzgerald James Crosbie 33 Kildare county, I^ord W. Fitzgerald R olM?rt Latouche 34 Kilkenny county, Hon. J.VV. Butler Hon. F.C. Ponsonby 35 Kilkenny city, * Hon. C. H. Butler 36 King's county, Thomas Bernard John Pa* sons 37 Kin sale. Geo. Coussmaker 38 Leitrim county, J. I^atouche Luke White 39 Limerick county, liwn.R.Fitz-Gibbon 26 Dungarvou, lion. G. Walpole 27 Ennis, Spencer Penival 28 Enniskillen , R. Magcnnis, sen. ( ^Fermanagh county 1 Alexander Stewart Hu Gen.SirG.L.Colc 43 Londonderry city vo Limerick city, IL»n. J. P. Verekcr 41 Lisburn, Horace Seymour 42 f .on dander, county Geo. Bo. Dawson Vise. Kingsborough Gen. M* Archdall Jilt. Hn. Sir G.b\ Hill 15 Cork city, 30 GaRcay county, 44 Longford couhty, i% I ' *> • /« I > .it. A. Hon. C. Hutchinson James Daly Sir N. C. Colthurst Richard Martin i2*r i SirG. R. Featherston (Viscount Forbes Sir Henry iSiriieli <>u | Vat erf ant can ntff, 53 Roscotu. county, Richard Power Arthur French Hon. S. Mahon 5 b JVav Hass, J. Carroll ■ 55 S/ipv rehtnty, Charles O'Hara Edw. Synge Cooper 5(i Sligo tow i John Bent , 57 Tippcru n/ rou a ty. Win. Bagwell •& 'Loath count y lion. John Foster Vise. Jocel \ n •Wi MulUrx', YY. W.^lieclufr 41 j M u po can nip, Dominick Browne James U&vwne 48 Meath ( 4 ;ouuty s Earl of Bective Sir M. Sommerville M o/trtjrhn a cOit at;/, C- Pr Leslie , lion. Ii.;Westenra 5M. AYirr//, Hon. Fr.J.NeacilianilJames Cutte 51 Torturliii^tou, Day id Kicardo 52 (Dacca's county, lit. llo. W. \V. 1*4 »le AL1* HAH KTICAL UST. KNGIsAKD INll W.U.KS. Aliercronibic, lion. J. CWwnBelgrave, Viscount Mexander, J. • Old Sanaa delict, John Allan, Sir Alexander LI cr trick Rennet, Hon. II. G. Allan, John 11 Pentbroki Althorpe, Vjs. 1 Vorthaniptonth. l.ord G. Berosford (it W'atcrfard'City, lit. Hit. Sir J. New- port * [\2 l Vest fa ruth canit ip Hon. B. Pukcuham G. H. Hodifort lk> IVcaford county, R. S. Carew, jun. C. Cok*lo»it»h I f>4 Wexford line w, lion. Fr. A. 1’rittie Henry Evans 58 Tralee, 'lb 5 \Vick(ow cotfuty, Hon. G. L. Proby 5‘1 Tyrone county, William Parnell K t.l In Sir. I. Stewart bb VrmginUl \V. Stewart Vise. Bernard Chester Wiltshire Sh rrzi’sh. Bentinck, l.ord F. C. Wenhlij Bent inck, 1 .d.AV H C.Xvttbifrsh Litchfield Benyon, Benjamin StaJJbrd Lin -nit) br.\in : Ruchrslt JCvtiingham A Lancashire AnsonySir George Anson, Hon (Jeo. Yatnumth Befhah Ralph Apsley, Lord Cirencester, Binning, Lord Arbuthnot, Kt.IToii.C. it yd Birch. Joseph Asiuirst, Wn. Hen- (/r/brnt0e Brad dyll, Th om a <5 Trepan y Bradshaw, Hob. H J)au xtldi i R rood Hitts t , John /^•//(ivb v'Brogden, James Lhnehtph Btxhrryn Li rack! en Sudhhrr] Launceston J. Ed. P. JJrcow.f/ii/r (Brougham* Henry (i'inchchca i, John 7Arr/moM/A|nr< /MDavies, T. H. li orcttU ' Cecil, l^ord T. Stamford Davies, It. H. Brin Chamber lay ne,W .Ao//Ma////;fo;rDawkiirs, James Hasting Blctcbinm cton,Lancash. Denman, T. Clifton, Lord Canterbury Dent, John Clinton, SirW. H. A r eirtcri Mills, Charles U‘igh, Sir Hob. Holt M»es; George 1 ,emon, Sir William Corw *•'/// AH lton, \ lscount iorkshvrl Lennox, Lord .1. G. t/nV/W« Mitehd J. klnnlon-nfimJM ! .ester, ». Jester /*««/, j Monck, Sir C .A, vr h^bcrM g - — - - ~ - Monev, Wm. i. U oftonliatsrt Montague, Ld. K IJuiUin^dontk Montague, W. JL ntingtik Moore, I’eter Lewis, Thomas F. Betm/unis Littelton, K. J Staffordshire Lloyd,.!. Martin N civshorrham Lloyd, Sir Ld. Price Flint I.lovd; Sam. |. Nytbt Long, lit. lion C. JI dale mere Longman, George Miud tuo BurvnUiph . Lovainc. l.ord Jierrrhtonc (Lowndes, Wm. B/ickiufffHrtns/i, ( 'oven try Moot som. Sir R. QnemkoremM Mordaunt, SirC. IVuncickxh.] Morgan, Sir C. 'Afonmonthshim .Morgan, CL (iould Jirtrotr M or land, Sir -S. 11. St. Musi Morpeth. Vise C h nibcrluvl j Lowther, II. C. lVc*tui»rrtoiuft)\mt\tU J- H. S. Shnttexbm ! I .owther, .1. <’n *uMnrid\ Most vn. Sir Tho. JTmtdnrr 'Lowther, J. H. roc/,/ r///o//M|Miindy, K. Miller Derbfsln* i.o writer. Vise. frV*/«wrr/w»///JMundy, (George Jhro^Mrid-r Lubbock, Sir John /.rot/n'/zv/r/l My tton , io!m Lushington, S. K. ( '//7///77;//ry| Neale, Sir II. Lutterel, II. VtwvncsMinrhcad l.utterel, J. F. .inn. Minchcad Lvgon, Hon. 11.11. IV or ester h Lvgon, lion. I 4 ’.. Callington I .V tt let on, II on WH. H ’'orre.v/.v//. Maberlev, W. L. )\ r estbuty Maberlcy, John A 'in "don Macdonald, James Calm Macdonald, ILL. Ph/mntou M kei n tosh , Si rJ . Knarcslra imgh Maekinrton, \V. A. Dnnnv'nh Liphingitoi' Bcikt/tht Exrt r Jpsvieh Ht’duk Uullitwi Scar l or vttih Neville, Hon IL Newman, 11. IV. 1 Newton, M i Ilium Nicholl, Sir J. Noel, Sir (I. Noel Nortrmnhv, Vise. Sort hey, W. Xexcport Coni#. Nugent, SirG. Bnckingfokk Nugent, Lord Atjktbtity O’Lallaghan, James Trepan Ommanev, K. M. lianuiajLr Orjbrd Onslow, Arthur Gu'ddfni Hunt Looc I >rd . W illiam Morptil M* Naught ei», L. A. Macmieen, T. P. Fttxf //OoqGrd, William Madoeks, W. A. 7 W 0 //!HslKirnc, Sir John Jledf.rddim Maitland, Vi c. Ku 7/mo//r/jOsborue,Ul, KG. Cninbrnfadu Maitland, K. F. iro///7/g/an/;Hwen, Sir J. Pan braked dre Ma • iers,LtlC.S. Co////// 7 Vg,*.v//.'l‘aget, Hon. Berkeley Aiiph** Manners, Ld. Hob. f.ciccstcrsh. Paget, HotuTha. ta rm/reoo Manners, Gen. 11. Cambridge Paget, Hon. Si i4l MUbornePorf Manning, William Ltintin&ion Palk, Sir 1*. Arlnx-rkn '• Mansfield, John l.cicc*t,:r Palmer. Charles V. lUdiv; SandwMt 1 1 *ahneiv< ha. Em Marry at, ,lose,ph j Martin, Sir r P. B. Martin, James Mellish, William M .rest, J. W I). ‘Mildmav, P. J J I\ morUh jpalnie rst on, W iambridaclm Tackcsbm // Pares, Tltomas B< ic >fa ,f :., t Middlesex IV arse, Jo* ti Ilche. /r/ jPechell, Sir T. f I r //?r///\.//7 Peel, Sir Hubert Berlin lion rtk» Tonneorli Feel,kt. Mon. K. Fee l, \V. Y. Tiun worth Parse, Henry Northallerton Pelham, 1 lon'.C. A. Lincolnshire Pelham, HoinG. Newton* I Lints Pellew, lion. 1*. B. Launceston Oxford ,St .lohn, lion. FT Oxford ( it// St. Paul, Henry II. Bench'/: St. Paul, Sir H. D.C. Brhljtori Sa nclon. Viscount Tiverton Savile, Albany Oakhampton Scarlett, James Peterborough Jtcrabton Scott, Sam. IV hitch arch Stamford. Scott, Sir VV. OxfordlJviv. J l'/t the Scott, Hon. VV. II . L - Hrytcxbnry St Aiazcx Scour field , W. 11. Huvrrfordns. Stcyning Scudamore, II. P. Hertford horxlm/n Sebright, Sir John Jlertfm dsh. Philips, Clm M. Iciccxlnshin , Sefton , Earl of Drvitxcich Phipps, lion. E. Q u ft it borongh ; Sty n i ou r , l.d.U. CarvHtrthensh. V> *. * 1 . i_ 0 * ■•!<•/•/.../. W'l . .,Iil.\ik Hn lr\l\ \\ fit ())t Lexer* Shaftesbury Lexers Lincoln Wcnlock Life 1 Vendor# J/ dhursl 1 Vendover Mrdhnrst 1 Percy, lion. J. Percy, Hon. VV- II. jPerring, Sir John Philiimore, Jos. Philips, George Philips, Geo. II. Pitt, Joseph O'JW.'WcSheldon, Ralph Pitt, W. Morton Dorsetshire Shelly, Sir John Plumer, VV. Highmn Lcrrer*] Shepherd, J* H. Pocock, George /?rWgc:crt/rr !Shitfher, George Pole, Sir C. Yarulonth* Wight Sihthorp, (’. VV. Polling ton. Vise. Pontefract Simpson, Hon. J, Postman, E. B. Dorsetshire Singleton, Mark Powell, Win. I.d. Cu rdign nsh . jSm it h, Geo. Powlett II n.\X. I) rt rhino County ’Smith, John Price, llohert If errfonhh /TvJSmi t h , Hon. II. Price, Richard Acw Radnor Smith, Samuel Pringle, SirW. II. Liskcard Smith, Tho. Asheton Andmrt Protheroe, Kdw. Bristol Smith, William Norwich' Pryse, Pry sc Gir<%o.|Siiiyth, J. II ( Uni Raine Ramsbottom Ramsden, r Rancliffe, l ord NottinghniiASpencer, Lord llob. II oodxtoek i Ayleshn r//|Sta nley , Lurd Lnncashin ^ ryse, Pryse Card »gy/*|.Mnyth, .) . 1 1 ( nnwnagt i ore. mine, J. Newport* f'orwrr. (Somerset, LdGLH Monmonths. amsbottom, John Windsor Somerset, 1 ATxY.H.GtouccnU'rsh. lamsden, J C. A/^o//|Somerset, I.d. F. J. H. Truro j Rickford, William AyU Ridley, Sir.MW N exceasth*Ti, m Hohui’ts, A. W. Maidstone Roharts VV . T. St Alban's Roberts, VV. A. jun. Bcicdley (Robertson, Alex. Crarnpouna Robinson, Sir C. Call im: ton IRobinson, lit. Hon. F. J. Itivon illocksavagc, Earl of Cast. Bis* Rose, lion. G. II. Christchurch Rowley, Sir V\ .Bart. Suffolk Ruinbold, C. F~ Yarmouth Russell, Mathew Salta jhS\ Russell 1 — 1 , ~ L ‘* ^ — I-'—*' i - Bussell Russell, «. Rvder. Rl. Hon. Rich. Tiverten Taylor. M. A. Staunton, Sir G. Si d\lichaVA ssoll, Lord John Tavistock (Tavistock, Marq. Bedfordshire ord J. Hath Tie r ncy , Ilon.G. K naresbo rough Titch!ield,Murq of BL-tcbing/y Tomline, W. K. Truro Townshend, Hn.HGP W hitch, To wnshend , Ixl. J. He lie. stone Webster, Sir G. Snsseti We 11 by, Sir W. K* Grantham. Wellesley, W. T.L. Wiltshire 1 Western, C. C. Weymouth, Vise, Wharton, John Wharton, Hit-hard Whitbread, W. Hi Whitmore, Tho. Wilberforce, Win. Wilbraham, K. H. Tremayne, J. H. {Trench, F. W. Cambridge iTudway, John Paine Wdls Turton Edmund Ticdou Wildman, J. B. Tyrwhit, D. T. Agmondeuham Tyrwhlt, I). W. Ag mondesham I T pton , I In. A.P. BuryStEdmnn. the, Masterton Weymouth Valletort, Viscount Ftfxvcy Van sit tart, Hon.- N. Harwich Vaughan ,SirH.W.A/crieli, Lord J.D. Argylcsh. Campbell. Archibald Ter far Clerk, Sir G. Edinburgh hire Colquhoim,Hon A Jhmdurton,. Cumining,Georjro/’or/ro' cfi&c Ferguson, J . Ah rdet udiirti Fergusson, Sir R. C.Dxsartfyl File, Karl of Baufsiurd Graham, Geo. E. Khiro>- • do fc ^ ' 1 ' 1 t v - / Wl Ullt^ \y|iai lt.1 A it 4 I I « Dop. Sir Alex tifxburgb*hirt Grant, F. W. Elginshire Douglas W It K J nmfricslSC. Drummond G H Kin card neih. Drummond J. Perthshire Do ndus, Hon G. Orkn yshire Duiidas,ltt.lln. W. Edinburgh f)u j i lo p, Jame s Kircudbright Grant, G. M. Sutlurhn/dshjffi Grant, Robert E gin$e Hamilton, Lord A. Lumiddi. Hope, Hon. Sir A. Lwlil/igruxh. Hope, Sir W. J. Dumfries -dart Houston n, A. Glnagm\ Cr 134 Il nine, Joseph Aberdeen, \c. I nnes. Sir Hugh Kirkwall, Ac. Kennedy, T F. Ayr <\c. Lockhart, W. E. Selkirk* hire Mackenzie, T. Rass^hire M*Leod, H. Cromarty shir i Mar joribanks,SirJ. Merit -icksti. Manic, Hon. W. Forfarshire Maxwell, John Renfrewshire Montgomery, Sir J. r ethics -*h. Montgomerie, Janies Ayrshire* North, Dudley Haddington Pri mrose, Hon. F. W Juverktfc e. Pringle, John Selkirk , #{C, Rae, Sir William CraU, ike Sinclair, George Bate Stewart, Hon. J. Wigtan, Suttie, Sir J. G. H addin gtimsh. Wemyss, Gen. W r m. Fife shire IRELAND. Airchdttll,MervytiFfriMaw^a.;Fit»gerald,Rt.Hn W.V. Clare Bagwell, Hi. Horn W. Clonmel Fitzgerald, Rt.Hn.MAf rrysMre Barrv,llon.:V axwellCVro/ivA 'Fitzgerald Lord W. Kildare At. j Becher, \V. W'rixon MalUrw Fitz-Gibb.>n,Hon,R Limei teksh "* * “ ’’ Forbes, Viscount Lonfordsk. Foster, Kt. Hon. J. Louthsiirc Bertive, Earl of Meathshin Belfast, Earl of Carrickfcrgns Bent. John Sligo F :raiue F Boresford, Sir J. P. Coleraine ’osier, J. 1- Armagh rench, Arthur Roscommon 'hire neiesioru, r>ir i • ' ««•«»» . .v............... , Be rest or (1 , l .ordG. Wait rfordsh Gterawley, \ isc. Ihwnratrw Bernard, Viscount 1 oughaU Gordon, John Bernard, T.iun. King's county Grattan lit. Hon. 11. Ful dm Blake, Valentine Galway Hamilton, liaus DabUnshtre Browne, Dominick Hare, Hon. K. (orkynre Browne, James Mayo Hart, G. V. DonegahJuTt Brownlow,Charles Armaghsh . Harvey, Charles Carlow Brucn, Henry Larhnoshtre Hill, Lord Arthur Do~rushirr Burgh, Sir U. B. Carlou»hire Hil 1, R t H nSii G< V.I^mdomUrn, Butler, Hon. J.W. KUkennysfu Hutchinson, Hon. C |l. Cork Butler, Hon.C.H. Kilkenny Jocelyn* Vise. Luuthshtrr Callaghan, Gerrard D«w*/a/A Kicly, John t Carow H. S. Wexford* h ire King>b< rough. V isc. Lorksh. Carr »1, John New Ross Knox, Hon Tho. Fungannon Castlereagh, Vise. ZAnru/AirriLatouche, John Lettrimshtre Chichester. Arthur Belfast I At ouch e, Hob. A ildareshire Clifford AAV. I. BttfttioilBnilgt l^cslie, C.Powel Monaghanshxre Cole, Sir G. /VmowtfgAj/urrlMagenhte, H. sen. Enniskillen Collett Eben. fohn 6’aA*// 'Mahon, Hon. S. Roscorntnonsh. Colthurst, Sir S T , Ct CorA [Martin, It. Oalwayshire Cooper, K S. S/igOfAi;Y MountCharle*,Earl t>onrgalsh. Coussmaker, George A in a le Needham, Hon. Jack A ewiy Crosbie James Kern, h ire New port, H t H nSir J. W utrrfni d CuflFl, Hon James Tr/ArkyBrien, Sir Ed. I fare Daly, James Gr/limy«At;r]()gle, H. Meade /); oglu da Daw on, (J. R. Londonderry c.frUar^ Ch&. Siigvsfure F.var.s, Henry 9PexfcrJ\0'St\U Hon .J. B. Antrum dare sirT l^ngfddsh |Pak cnham, H.H. 1 Vestmcat/'sh . 5T2 ~135 ariiel, Sir H. Quern's CiMtutMochfwU G3L lYestmeafluTi mtwMkcshvm * Spence Plunkett, W.G. J'iahlia r///V.jSominerviIle,SirM. Meathshkt Po I e , 1 1 on . \V. W . Quprn \i ('on a to ) S t ewa rt , A. W.Loudondernjth. Ponsonby, lion. I-’. /w//,v//;///.v//.jStt*uart, Hn.Sir Jn. Tyronklnr^ Power, Rich. ICatcrfordshiri Stewart, William J yroiwtlnif Prittie, Hon V A. Ti/rp*rart/Tn\\H)t , U. Wogan Dubtimhm Proby, lion. G. 1 .. 1 ViekUnc j V r e rc ker , Hoik .I.P. iiaericj : Quin, lion. \V. JJmerkkshin Walpole, Hon. G. Donga rxv ) Parnell, Wm Parsons, John Wickhr. Khi Pemval, Spencer Seymour, Ifugh Antrhnshin Robert Dnblli Caxmti 6’ovw///iShaw, Rt. lion. 1 jjj/’whrpneyd, Xuth. I / * . / I L> Ski »• Porta rliugtw A nuairnshuii Wqatenra, l Ion. II. M onagun$/ t White, J. tike fcitriuis Ricardo, David Richardson, W. H ERICS and OFFICERS of the HOUSE of COMMONS. John liatsell, Clerk of the House «•;», I. Hen. l.ey. Cute- Assistant. Jo. Rickman, secosul Clerk Jus. Wm. l.ey, CL rk of the Committees of Privileges and Elections. R. Jones, Assistant Clerk. John Dmington, Clerk of the Fees. J. S. Goodin*, Assist. dUli, Edward Stracev, John licit AO to, Arthur Benson, and John Dorington, Pa mi foil Cnmmi'iee Ch rks. . . . i fa 1 S. Gunnell, II. Coles, W. G. Rose, J. llobe, Deputy Coin- win re Clrks. U. Chalmers, G. Whittam, jim. G. 'White, W. llawes, Assisi a nt Deputy Committee CL- tics. T. Be by, K. Jones, C. Gandy, S. Gunnell, jun. Ot/a'r Clcrlit ■who oertisioitoLLif attend upon Committee* . George Whittam, Clerk of' the Journals anil Papers! « ’ ♦ EdwarerStracey, David Jones, Clerk* of the Jn^roisnients. W. Gunnell, Assistant Clerk of JnufOteoneuts. II. Gunnulj; J'*. Johi^on, T. Jieeby. Cleric* in the Erie. BUI 0. J, K. DoWugton. E. Johnson; T. Beebv, G, Whjte, H.CIml- liters, A. Dickinson, G. Whittam, jun. W. Hawes, H Jones, C. Gundy, S. Gunneiljjun. G, Dyson, R. Gibbons, I J. Gudge, and C. Rowland, Clerks in tint several Offices of, the Chief Clerk , according to their Seniority. <- Henry Seymour, Esq Seijeiiht at Arms. JIJS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. Marquis of Hertford. lend Chamberlain* 12001. N iscount Jocelyn, Vuc-dm mbahiui* 1 J5‘)I. 8s. 4a. Marquis of Winchester, (l room ofthp State. ‘20001, Jmrdu of the Bid-Chamber* loool. Lord Boston Cord C. !y>enccr Mdrq. pf Headjort Vise. Melbourne ; Lord J. Murray v jsc. Petersham | Viscount Lake I Earl of Hdawurc Lin'd Grayes Lord Stewart Lord Amherst Earl of kite 13 b Groom i of the Bcd-Chambci , 5001. lion. Gen. Finch lion. A. Bradshaw Ad.SirG.Campl>ell. Col. Thomas Gen.sirW.Lumlcy Col. J. Whatley Gen. K. Stevens Lt.-G.Sir T.Tarner Hon. Henry King Hon. Col. Stanhope Lt.-Gn. Sir E. Paget Sir K. Nagle Gen.SirW.Keppel Marquis Cholmondeley, Lord Steward % 14001. I/>rd George Beresford, Comptroller , 12001. I/)rd W. C. C. Bentinck, Treasurer , 12001. George Talbot, Esq. Paymaster , 5001. General Samuel Hulse, Master, 5001. Nassau Thomas, Esq. Master of the Robes , 8801, Sir B. Bloomfield, Privy Parse. F, of Macclesfield, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, 10001. Ear! of Courtown, Cant. of the Band of Pensioners, loool. Duke of St. Albans, Hereditary Grand Falconer , 1200L Lord Gwydir, Deputy Great Chamberlain. Marquis Cornwallis, Master of the Staghounds , 20001. Duke of Montrose, M aster of Horse, 12001. 13s. 4d. Lieut. Gen. Hammond, Chief Equery.— l.t. Col. S. W, Con- greve, Bart, Major Gen. Bayley, Maj. Gen. Sir R. H. Vivian, Lieut.- Col. H. Seymour, Equcries • Sir L. Pepys, Sir F. Milman, Dr. Helwrdon, and Sir Henry | Halford, Physicians in Ordinary, 3001. Dr. .1. C. Smith, Dr Bailie, Dr. K. Ash, Dr. A. Duncan, sen. | Phyx. Extra. John & Jeremiah Taylor Oculists. Sir F. Milman, Physician to the Household, 2001. Sir D. Dundas, and Sir E. Home, Serjeant Surgeons 3961. I i.)S. J. Heaviside, John Gunning, and James Wardrop, Esqrs. | Surgeons Extraordinary. Ed. A. Brande, 3201. R. Battescomb, lfiol. A path, to the Person. A. Jones, Yssfu Apothecary to the Household, 1601. ,T. Spence & T. Normansell, Dentists, ext. Archbishop of Y’ork, Lord Almoner. Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapel Royal, 2001. I Lord Bishop of Exeter, Clerk of the King's Closet. Sir obert Chester, Master of the Ceremonies, 3001. William Shield, Master of the Bund of Music, 3001. J. Larpent, jun. Inspector of Plays, 4001. Robert Southey, Esq. Poet-Laureat, 1001. C. Eyre, A. St’rahan, and John Reeves, Printers . ESTABLISHMENT AT WINDSOR. Duke of York, Custos, 10,0001. Earl of Winchelsea, Gr.of 'tole.— Lieut.-Col. B. C. Stephen- son, Master of the Household — General Manners, Clerk Martial and Equery — Generals Gwyn and Cartwright, E query s — Sir J. Simoon, Count Munster and Mcj. Gen. H. i aylor, Commissioners of the Kin g's Private Pro perty ._ M 3 137 whit, M Ld Hutchinson. Ml WjPPPi^ l, . ... mwnriL Sir Gilbert Blanc, Sir tiaitora, air w . ivmguiuu, and Sir iVL J: IHerncy, Physician*] Drs. Pemberton, Lellowes, Latham, Moseley, Bain, Janies; Jenner, Christie, Boisragon, Bankhead, and Sjr James M ’Gregor, Physicians Extra, John «,V Jeremiah Taylor, Oculists, Hon. Keppel Craven, Cbambetrla.n folbt Princess of - IV diet, 13. St Leger, vice chamberlain. Lady Glenhervie, Metres* of the 1 lobes, Couiitess of Carnarvon, lauly C. Lindsay, I«uly C. Campbell, and La iy Ann Hamilton, Ladies of the JL d-C/uiiubtr. Miss Garth, lied- Chamber Woman. pari of Yarmouth, Lord IV dr den of the ^tanneries sir John l.cach, Earl of Yarmouth, Gen. HuIkc, Ht. Hon. Sir B» Bloomfield, Lord Win. Gordon, 13. flicker, Cha. Warren, Win. Harrison, Lord Lrskine, Sir '1'. Tvr- whit,M rn. of Hastings, Vise. Keith lit. Hon. Win. Adam, Ld Hutchinson, Jos. Jekvll, M. A. Taylor, Lari St Vincent, L.B. Watson, Sir W. Knighton, and John Douglas, ir Gilbert Blanc, Sir II. Halford, Sir W. Knighton, DUKE and DUCHESS of YORK'S HOUSEHOLD. Gen. Bichard Grenville, C omptrol . and Master of Household. Foreign Secretary. Sir Thomas Stepney, Groom if the Bid-Uhambei . Sir Charles .\sgtll, EijUvrx, Ut. Hon. Lad v Ann Smith, Lady of the Bed -Chamber In Hit Duchess if 'York. Dr. Pearson, Dr *1 hoinpsou, and Lr f lire v e r , Fh ysi eta ns. ... ..^S DUKE cr DUCHESS of CE.Hl EXCES HOUSEHOLD. Viscount Keith, T reus. mid Com/d.— Barton, »S nb.-lrtvx. Sir Jo. B. Warren. Sir C. M. Pole, and Lieut. Col. Cooper, G rooms of the Bed - Chamber. ’mint, ss of Westmeath, and Countess of Mayo, Ladie: of the tied Chamber,. Sir Gilbert Blanc, Bart. Physioiuv. _ BRITISH MJXJSTEUS at POlfElGX COURTS, France , SirC. Stuart, CL C. B. i G.S. 1 )q. Sec. Leg' fVrvirt, ll.Willock, /tar. d' AJf. l owns, A* Cockburn, fc-q* TOBE1GN MIXISTEliS at the BIUTJSIJ COT ITT. Bavaria , Monsieur de lYetlej \lVurttmberg, M. de Wagner, j. Consul de ■ iJaho. Simon }/, llaron de Just \J lease Cusxd , Baum Dorenberg j J t esse ifadt-i, M. de Langs dor.T, Chary J. Ajfairs. llauovcr. Count de Meinhovel Turkey, M. Uftuuidani Persia , Mirza. Abdul Ilassan I\ him Oldeuburgh , Mr. C. C. Bccher B HIT IS II CONSULS at EOUEIGN POUTS. FRANCK. Con. Ccit. David II. Morier Hourdeanx, Harry Scott Havre de (dace. Arch. Cordon Xante*, *\r. Uia. Knatchbull Marseilles, Alex, Turnbull Dunkirk, «yc. T, KonblanqUe l 'Orient, Krancis Lasctlles Bayonne, S. L. Jenkins ■lorsica, Adolphus Palmedo AT STRIA. Venice, R.B. Hopner,Con,Gen Tiume , John Laird Hagusa , Tho. Turner Trieste , George During RUSSIA. Consul General, Sir D. Baylev Black Sea, Jus. Yeames, Con- sul General. PRUSSIA Llaniburgh, i 5 V.Ja.Colqohoiin Cans. Gen. Tmbden, Sam. G. Marshall Konigsberg, A 1 and, Pilluu John Parkinson. Danlzig, Alex. Gibson SPAIN. Con. •Gen, Hon. John Meade Cadiz, J. H. Mathews Barcelona, Peter Carey Tupper Biscay # Gnipnseoa , C. Dawson, St. Lueaf, C. Phillips, P . Lon s. M'llnga] Win. l aird Alieunt, Bernard Athy Gij>n. J. J.iluergo Pino, L. Mencndez Mahon, L. Hargrave Bn nios Byres, K. P. Staples < JuUria t\- Asturias. R. Allen Canary Inland 9, G. S. Iiruce Valencia, Jasper Waring Tenerife, G. S. Bruce PORTUGAL. Lisbon , J. Jeffery, Con , Gen. Oporto , John Crispin Faro, Joseph B. Crispin Madeira , H. Veitch, Con. Gen. Azores W. Harding Read Cape VcrJ Islands, Jos. Davies SOUTH AMERICA. Con«iJ G™. H. Chamberlain, /ta/ita, William Pennell Pernambuco , Jn. I^empriere Maranhao , Robert Hesketh SWEDEN. Consul General , J. R. Wyse Stockholm , George Coy NORWAY. Bergen, Charles Durie NETHERLANDS, J Ionian States, John Parke Cortez/ Gew. Sir J. Gambler Amsterdam , Ro. Melville, F.C. Antwtrp, Hon. Ro. Annesley (Intend, Richard Rochfort Hoi ter dam, llelvort, llordrecht, Schieedam and the Brill , A’exander Perrier Zetland, Balfour Spence, ^.C. HANSEATIC TOWNS, &C. J. C. Mellish Dantzic, Alexander Gibson ITALY. — NAPLFfi. Ton. Gen. Sir II. Lushington Cagliari, Lewis Cameron Sicily, Malta, F. Lindeman Leghorn, John Falconer TURKEY. Egypt, Consul Gen. Henry Salt Constantinople t Jo. Cartwright, Con. Gen. Albiinia , W m. Meyer, Con. Goi, Consuls appointed by Turkey Commissioners. Smyrna, Francis Werry Salon it'd. Fra. Charnaud Aleppo, John Barker, Consul^ agent to East- India Company, Aleruntlria , Peter Lee Putrass, John Green Dardannetlcs Sig. Terragano, Tice. Consul. Cyprus , A. V ondiziano, Agent. BARBARY. Agents # Con . Gen, Morocco, Con . Gen. Ja. Sholto Douglas Algiers, Henry M‘ Donnell Tripoli, H. Warrington Tunis, Rich. Oglander AMERICA. Con. Gen . Anth. St.John Baker Philadelphia, Gilbert Robinson New Orleans, John Davidson Virginia, William Gray, New J ork, James Buchanan Maryland, William Dawson Mass> i ch uset ts. Geo. Manners New London, James Me wart Carolina c\ - Georgia, B. Mudie Kho&. 7$/o/H/,JchnBern. Gilpin New Hampshire and Maine, Donald Macintosh Leith, Robert Grieve Genoa, James Stirling, KfGN COXsUZs at nhiTlsU rollTs: FRANCE. Cons. Gen. Chev. Seguier Edinburgh , M. Hugot Dublin , M. Romain Cork, 1M. M‘ Mahon, Vice Con. Hull, M. Decluseau, Vice Con . Bristol, M. Masclet RUSSIA. ConsulGcn. MrA.Dubatchefsky J/«y/,Jos.Fuhrhank, Vice Con. Leith, James Balfour Liverpool, Joseph Leigh AUSTRIA. Malta, Ignatius Seiler SPAIN. Cons. Gen. Dn. B. Mendizabal Vic. Con. Dn. Ausiliano de Beruete . 140 firhlal, .lore 44111 UK N MARK. ,J*ooic\ Joseph (.at land PRUSSIA. Cons. Gen. 11. F. llornemann Cons. Gen. iVk A. Casper Gieso Gibraltar, Thomas Stuoks Leith, Fete r Berth wick Lath , J. F. Donovan Plymouth, <$r. F. Email. Scluiw 'Malta, J. Introino poii IT UAL. Consul Got. Ignatius Falvart Via:. Cou.J.Biulelph B v >mv ret; Edin. Jjf Leith, John Thomson; u L '.aim, John Hall i IVcJ/mvuIJi, Joseph llorsford | Hiiiusgatc, Deal, and Dover,' FU. S. Curling Bristol, C.A.B.deMuseare'nhall Shetland JsL.s, B .lfour Spence Dublin, J. M. de Conto Garik (itwi, James Diy swrdkn. jl aroxtmih, J. 11. V\ Uiiaius Cons. Gen, Charles Totie ' Brstol, J. F. Alexander ;J'm: i i/iM. Lunganberg I Dirtmo- th, 11. L. Kingston Liverpool , Bourne ■H-iwnJt , F. S < sum Leith , Hubert Wight Liverpool , Gutrern* K itF Hull, C. Brands! rum I S ty*wv on J Chat. \\ . W. gentium Xaeeaslh:, Thomas l.osh | Guernsey, Harry Dolnee Falmouth, William I. ke castle, d . K. (irenMcll Plymouth. J. 11 wkel* NKTHKHLANDS. Cons. Gen. William May Cork, W. Jaiueson, Cons. Gen. Dublin, Stevenson Seavtr Londonderry, Wm. Davenport Jlrifiut , FortesClHfi Gregg Plymouth, John Hawker Yarmouth, Kd. S, Ommaney Portsmouth, A. Von den Beigh f.ivtrpvul, Daniel Willi tick Guernsey, W illiam Lake Leith, George Aitcbisoii Hull , J. C.hri*toirel Cankrien Margate, F. W. Cobb llaeiriclj, Johu Stuisum Ilfracombe. , Nathaniel Lee Ish: of JYUfht, Janies Day Margate, F. Cobb Berser k, Balfour Spenre Ports/uo th A> von deu Bergh Gihr. $ Malta, F. E. Turnbull. / eith, J. F. Donovan J'ahaouth, Joseph Bonlield Hell, Thomas Boyes Edward J.. Oke Sunderland. >|atthe,* Fairness Cork, VV. K. E. Jamies u Sc ii//, J. WiUeock St Ives, C' rist. Ttewhella, jr. Slrnxham, George tmine Gi.ralfar, James ib;ll SLgSW iy:iL IIOLST;,-OLl>KKBi:UO. Cous. Gen. C. C. Bee her LeUU, J. F SU II.\ , Skecrneus &Chut. W. Benson ('on. Gen. FramesroSastres S'outhic old, James Robinson Dover, Joseph Tec.toi li'cyiuoiUh, Joseph Uor.jJord 'Liverpool, l. t L. J ouna Jhi dot, Adrian Alov us Guernsey, ller.n D bree Dunbar, Christ. Middleumsa FahmmtU, Jos. Ban held Aberdeen, John Stewart Plymouth, Jolut llnwker Sunderland, Matthew hairless Deal, Edwaid Iggnlden Stockton, Thomas Simpson Cuwcs, .1 anus 1 )ma s Burdeu Gibraltar, John Boss Jeneii, Francis Gatf'aVd Monntfbap, i Vr. I . Millet SARDINIA. Cons. Go:. .L*Beu,i. lie th 141 U Malta , Joseph Sly the SWISS CON FEDERATION. Lotu A. Pre vost, Ag.$ >'• on G en. HANSEATIC TOWNS. AMERICA London , T. A spin u all, Con. Gen Jer. l.e Souet, Vice Consul Liverpool, James Maury Falmouth, Hobeit \V. hox . London , J.Colqulftran, Con. Gap jfcu llst% James Luke TUSCANY, Malta , Paul Arena Gibraltar , Francis Parodi MFCKLEN BURGH 8CHWTF.RIN. Con. Gen. Christoph. Dittmann HE9SF-CASSFL. Conrul, Richard Lorentz TURKEY. Consulul, Gcncr J. Natali Plynwuth, Nath. 6. Ingraham Bristol, Herman Yisger Kingston -upon Hull, W. Dm Cowes, Thos. Auldjo ^ Leith, Joel Hart, Consul Robert Grieve, Vied Consul Corky Jacob Mark OTTOMAN FORTE Malta y George Simiii -RANGERS OF FORESTS , c\r. New Forest Duke f,f York Greenwich Palace and Parky PrtnccwuS.ofGlonew, Ragshot Parky Luke of Gloucester Hampton Court Parky Duke of Kent St. James's Parky # llydc Park, Viscount Sidney Cranbonrne Chacc , Hon. Geo. \ illiers Rush 1 / Park, Duke of < larence Salceff Forest y Earl of Huston IVtchu'ood Forest , Ox fordshire, Lord Churchill St. RriavtTs Castle in the Forest o f Deane ,D\\V.q of Beaufort I Vultha m.H ich mondpnd Ruck i ugh amFor.DuVc of Leeds Snowden Forest , Marq. of Anglesea North of Trent , Hon. J. C. Villkrs South of Trent. Hon Tho. Grenville Rt. Hon. W. Huskisnon, W. D. Adams, and Henry Ddwkiujj Commissioners of Woods, Forests and Lands. SECRETARIES Of HOMF. FOREIGN. Sciretary, Secretary , Viscount Sidmouth Vis. Castlereagh Undersecretaries. I ?rt drr- Secretaries, H. Hobchouse Wm, Hamilton Henry Clive Joseph Plant a St. Rolleston, Gazette Writer. J . Bruce, K eeper of State Papers. STATE. fOLONffi, Secretary, Earl Bathurst l Jndrr- Secretaries, Henry Golbourne > J.Cha])man,CA.C^. It. G. Clarke. Gaz. Printer. Ch. Goddard, Transmitter. TREASURs OF GREAT RlllTIAN i RELAX 1) Earl of Liverpool, First Lord Commissioner , 40001. Rt. Hn. N. Vausittavt, Hon. B. Paget, Viscount Low tlier, Ld. G. C. II. Somerset, Rt. Hon. John M. Barry, and Edm. Alex. M*Naufchten, Lords CommUs i m crt . 10001. ('ha. Arbuthnot, and S. R. Lushington, Joint Secretaries. Geo.Maule, Solicitor Arms. ' ! 142 - - » JtMuurs ( oLTeT ; i >K>r Duke of Norfolk, Hereditary Earl Mat shall. Lord Hen. Tho. Molvneux Howard, Dep ty harl Marshal. Sir Isaac Heard, Carter Principal Kin# of Arms. George Harrison, Ksq. Clarence nr Kin# of Anns. Ralph Bigland, Ksq. Xorroy King of Arms. K SIGHTS of the G A HTE 11.^X550. Motto, 1 1 uni soit a hi mal y pease — Ribbon, Bine. The Sovereign Prince of Wales Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Kent D. of Cumberland Duke of Sussex Duke of Cambridge Duke of Gloucester King of Spain |Marq. of Stafford Kingof Netherlands Marq. of Hertford Karl of Lonsdale Marq. Wellesley Duke of Montrose Marq. of Hastings Duke of Newcastle Duke of Wellington Karl of Liverpool Vise. Castlereagh Karl Bathurst Marq. of Anglesey Duke of Northum- berland K lector of Hesse Karl of Chatham Marq. of Salisbury K. of Westmorland Karl of Carlisle Karl Spencer wm Marq. Camden PrinceSaxeCobourg Duke of Rutland Kmperor of Russia ;Karl of Hardwicke Kmperor of Austria Duke of Beaufort King of France iKurl of Pembroke King of Prussia jKurl of Winchelsea ^ Bishop of Winchester, Prelate. Bishopof Salisbury, ( hanccllor. Dean of Windsor, Regi*t.—S ir Is. Heard, Carter I t in. Sir T. Tyrwhitt, Usher of the Black Hod. K S I GHTS of the nilWZ El Motto, Nemo me tmpunc lacesset — Ribbon, Green. Instituted in ^ 87 — Restored 1510 — Revived 1087* The Sovereign , Duke of Clarence Karl of Cathcart Duke of Gordon Karl of Aberdeen Karl of Morton Earl of Galloway Duke of Atholl Dr. W. L. Brown, Dean of Order. Lord Rob. Ker, Sec. 5001. Karl of Kinnoull, Lord Lyon King of Arms , f>O0/. R. Quarmc, Ksq. Gentleman Usher of the Green llod , 100/. E a rl of A be rga ven ny Lord Krskine Kgrl of Aylesbury KNIGHTS of the BA TH. Motto, Tria junctu in uno — Ribbon, Bed. Instituted in 1399; revived in 1725; new modelled on the 2d of January 1815. First Class. — Military Knights Grand Crosses. The Sovereign, Duke of York Duke of Cambridge Viscount Keith Duke of Clarence Duke of Gloucester <\r .1. B. W arren Duke of Kent Prin. Saxe Cobourg >ir Alured Clarke Duke of Cumber- Karf St. Vincent >ir JT>hn Colj>oyson la, u l Sir R. Ahercrombv i,ord Hutchinson 14a Sir Ja*. Saumaroz i .ord Hovden Sir David Dwndas Duke of Welling- ton, K.G. Earl 1 .udlow Kmi’of Northesk Sir 11. J. Strachan, J I on. Sir A. F. Coelv rane Sir U. G. Keats Sir Dav, Baird, bt. jSirGeo. Beckwith Karl of Hopetoun I Sir Brent Sjxjncer Sir Geo." G. Drum* Sir .John Sutton ’ Sir F.liab Harvey Sir Kdxu. Nagle ( / Sir Richard Grjtulafl Sir Gyorge Martin- Sir W. Sidney Smith Sir Herbert Sawyef Hon. Sir H. Stopford Sir Thomas Foley 2 | Sir R* C. Ferguson Civil Knights Gi;anil Sir Henry W a vile Crosse «. Sir Charles Tyler J F.arl Malmesbury | Sir Thos. Williams 1 .ord I lenity ;SirT. Thompson, bt [Karl Whitworth iSir Win. Houston ,• moiul Sir T. Walker Sir Clui. M. Pole S i rT. 1'' . F reem ant le Sir Gco.Voekburn Marq. of Hastings K. G. Sir Thus, Hislop Sir John Malcolm Sir J. C. Shcrbroke lit Hon. Sir Joseph 1 Hon. Sir \V. Lumlev 1 J ;ord Beresford l,ord 1 /vnedbeh 1. orrt Hill Banks, bt. Sir M. Nightinga^j |Kt H. Sir A. Page|Sir H. F. Campbell Sir G. Barlow, bt. Sir Wm. Ilargood Sir Sam. Achmuty YiscountStrangford. Sir llob. Moorsom i Hon. Sir I*. Paget i K.T.S. ‘ jSir L. W. 1 foisted 'l.rrd Combermore lit Hon. Sir Henry.Sir H. B. Neale; Ut ic:.. i- Viwwnt. h». Welleslev S' r J. Sydney Yorl Wellesley lit Hon. Sir Charles Stuart Sir G. Nugent, bt. Sir Wm. Kepi>el Sir John Doyle, bt. j H f.d. Win. Bentinck Karl of Clancarty Hoh. SirG. L. Cole Sjr Hebert I iston * Lort| Stewart Sir Wm. A‘Court Hon. Sir A. Hope . Honorary Knights Sir H. Clinton ! Grand Crosses. Carl Dalhousie Prince Sch warden Mu. Sir W. Stewart berg Sir Geo. Murray i Prince Wrede Su J. Sydney Vorkt 111). Sir A. K. lieggy Sir Alan Cameron f Sir Henry Fane Sir George Anson- Lord Howard Sir F. Laforey,bt, Sir l*. (’. Durham, Sir Israel Bedew Sir Henry lkll S.r John Oswald Sip Wm. Young limed. Prince Orange I .ol d liadstock Mart), of Anglesey K. G. Sir It. Brownrigg Sir Harry Calvert Right. lion. Sir T. Maitland Sir Wm. Clinton Sir Geo. Montagu Lord Gambier Sir James Kempt Ad. Vise. Exmouth Kingof WirtembergSir William Anson- Sir Fid w. llowortl). Sir C hades Wale Sir J. Yandeleur H n. Sir E.SU>pfor£ Sir B. Hallowed I.d. A. Beauclerck- Sir J. N. Morris SirT. B. Martin Sir W. Pringle Sir Wm. J. Hope Lord II. Paulett Sir Grali* Moore Sir II. llavntun Sir Rich. Sir D. Ochteriony of Prince Volkonsky Count Woronzow Count Zieten Baron Printout Second Class. Knts. Commanders. Sir J. H. Whitshed Sir 11. Bickerton, bt. Sir John Knight on Sir C. Colville Sir ]L Thombrongh Sir Geo. Campbell Sir A. Bertie, bart. Sir Wm. Domett 144 Sir Richard Lee 'SiF Benj. IV l' rban Sir F. Robinson ( Sir G. Bingham Sir Edw. Barnes Hon. Sir Chas. J. Sir John Byng | Greville Sir Thos. Brisbane SirlL Framingham Sir Dennis Pack 'Sir A. F. Barnard Sir Wiiliam Robe Sir John Cameron Horn Sir H. Le lx>rd R. Somerset Sir Thos. Bradford Sir John Lambert Sir J. W* Gordon Sir Manly Power Lord Aylmer Sir Wm. Hotham Sir P. Malcolm Sir John Gore Poer Trench Sir Charles Pratt Sir Edw. Blakcney ! Sir John M‘Lean Sir R. D. Jackson Sir W. Dougins Hn. Sir H. Hotham ! Sir Colin Campbell Sir Home Popham Sir John Colborne Sir Jo. Rowley, bt. Sir Ar. Campbell Sir E. Codrington Sir T. Arbuthnot , Codrington Sir Charles Rowley Sir C. Grant SirT. Beckwith Hn. Sir R.W. O’Ca- laghan Sir John Keane Sir Colin Halkett Sir H. E. Bunbury Sir R. H. Vivian Sir Henry Torrens Sir George Eyre, Sir Chas. Brisbane Sir John Talbot Sir Ed. Berry, bt. Sir Ed. Hamilton Sir K. NV. C. Owen Sir T. M. Hardy, bt. Sir J. Brenton, bt. Sir M. Seymour, bt. Sir Thomas l^vie SirP. B. Broke, bt. jSir Wm. Hoste, bt. Sir Christo. Cole i jSirGeo. Collier, bt. [Sir James Lind Sir J. A. Gordon t Sir Thomas Staines JSir Edw. Tucker JSir John Elley -Sir Chas. P.Belson Sir II. F. Bouverie Sir Wm. Williams Sir Alex. Leith Hn.SirR.L.Dundas Sir Ro. Arbuthnot Sir Charles Sutton Sir James Douglas Sir Hen. Hardinge Sir G. H. Berkely Sir Jer. Dickson Sir John M. Doyle Sir T. Noel Hill jSir Henry W. Carr Sir Charles Broke Lord F. Somerset Sir James Wilson Sir A. J. Dixon Sir John May Sir George Scovell Sir Wm. Gomm Sir Ulysses Burgh Sir Rich. Williams Sir James Malcolm Sir James A. Hope Sir Aug. Fraser Sir Hew D. Boss Sir E. K. Williams Sir Maxwell Grant Sir Fred. Stovin Sir Jos. Carncross N Sir Hob. Gardiner Sir Moore Disney Sir William Inglis Sir James Lyon Sir Davidge Gould Sir George Cooke Sir Perc. Maitland Sir F rederick Adam Sir Ch. V. Penrost Sir H. Lowe Sir David Milne Sir Al.Campbell, bt Sir Ro. Macfarlane Sir R. S. Donkin Sir Manley Dixon Hon. Sir H< Black, wood Sir Jo. P. Beresfon Of the Eaat-Indw Service . Sir John M‘ Donald Sir Robert Blair Sir George Wood Sir Hec. Maclean Sir Thomas Dallas Sir Henry White Sir G. S. Browne Sir Aug. Floyer Sir Rob. Barclay Sir Rich. Jones Sir Dyson Marshall Sir Thomas iVlunro Sir William Todne Sir John Doveton Honorary Knight* Commanders . C. B. Linsingen Count Walmoden Count Nugent Sigis. 8. Baron Low Chas. Count Alien H< de Hinuber W. de Dornberg Frederick Baron de Arcntschild F. de Hertzberg Julius Hartmann B aron de Muffling* 145 Don Miguel Alava i Baron Vincent | I .ieut.Gen. Lamotte Baron Van de Ca* Gen.Pozzodi Borgo CoL Washington peUen I Gen. de Reede ' Dean of Westminster, Dean of tlic Order . Sir Geo. Nayler, Kt F. S. A. Genealogist , $ Blanc Courtier Herald . J. P. Cullum, Esq. Bath King of Arms. Francis Townsend, Esq. F. S. A. IVindsor- Herald. John Charles Herries, Esq. Hegist. § Secretary. Geo. Fred. Beltz, Esq. F.S. A. Gent.-nshcr of the Scarlet Hod cjf Bruns. Herald. Thomas Becklcy, Messenger. EXCHEQUER. Rt. Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor and Treasurer, 2800t Ix)rd Grenville, Auditor , 4000£ James Fisher, Esq. Chief Clerk. William Stewart Rose, Esq. Clerk of the Pleas. Marquis Camden, Earl Bathurst, Right Hon. C. P. Yorke, and Spencer Perceval, Esq. Tellers of Exchequer. Hon. H. Addington, Clerk of the Pells. Edw. Roberts, Esq. Dcp, Earl of Guilford & M. Burgoyne, Chamberlains of Tally Court, Lord William H. C. Bentinck, Clerk of the Pipe. Mr Serjeant Praed, Sir C. W. R. Bough ton, 11. Dawkins, Jo. Sargent, Jo. Anstey, Jo. Whishaw, Commissioners of Public Accounts.— J. L. Mallet, Sec. W. Lowndes, BarneBarne,G. T. Steward, C. Rushworth, and W. R. Bradshaw, Esqrs. Commis . of Tax-office, 500/1. Math. Winter, Secretary. ADMIRALTY OFFICE. Lord Viscount Melville, First Lord Commissioner , 5000/. Sir Geo. Warrender, Sir John Osborn, Sir G. ^ Moore, Sir George Cockburn, Sir Henry Ho- > , ' , . * tham, Sir George Clerk, j 100( * each * J. W. Croker, Esq. Secretary — John Barrow, Esq. Id Sec. Rt Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, Judge of Admiralty Court , 1380/. Sir Christopher Robinson, King's- Advocatc-GcncraL Lord Arden, Register . Hon. Hugh Lindsay, Marshal of the Admiralty. NAVY , PAY, $ VICTUALLING OFFICES. Right Hon. Fred. J. Robinson, Treasurer of the Navy , 3()00i John Smith, Paymaster. Joseph Swaffield, Depute Paymaster. Sir T. B. Martin, Comptroller. Sir H. Peake, J. Tucker, and Sir R. Seppings, Surveyors. 146 Principal Officers and Commissioners , Hon. H. I^eggc, Hon. K. Bouverie, J. Deas Thomson, Robert G. Middleton, Percy Fraser, James Bowen, Esqs. and Hon. G. A. C. Stapvlton. R. A. Nelson. Secretary.-- Geo. Smith, Assistant . Sir R. Barlow, Resident Commissioner at Chatham , 1000/. Hon. Sir G.Grey, Resident Commissioner at Portsmouth , 1000*. Wm. Shield, Esq. Resident Commissioner at Plymouth , 1000/. Hon. C. Boyle, Resident Commissioner at Shcerness , 1000/. J. C. Searle,’ Nic. Brown, Tho. Welsh, John Aubin, F. Edge. ■ combe, Robert W. Hay, Esqrs. and Dr. John Weir, Com of Victualling Office.— Wm. Gosling, Esq. Secretary . John Day, Naval Storekeeper at Leith , 200 L WAR OFFICE . Right Hon. Vise. Palmerston, Secretary at War . Wm. Merry, Esq. Deputy Sec.— Rob. Lukin, 1st Clerk* Rt. Hon. Charles Pay mast cr-g e neraL Richard Nea\ e, Esq. Dep. Paymaster . Right Hon. John Beckett, Judge Advocate . COMMITTEE of COUNCIL relating to TRADE and FOREIGN PLANT A TIONS . Rt. Hon. J.F. Robinson, Pres — Rt. Hon.T. Wallace, V. Pres. All the Principal Of- ficers of State Lord Glastonbury Sir John Nichols Lord Redesdale Earl of Sheffield |Sir Joseph Banks KHn W.Huskisson I Earl Whitworth i.ora umsionourv nun w oucu.v.» rmi. Visc.Chetwynd, J.Buller, Esq.&Vt’#. Geo.Chalmers, Chief t Ik. IHgIFcOURT of CHANCERY. Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor. Right Hon. Sir Thomas Plumer, Master of Rolls • lit. lion. Sir John Leach, Vice-Chancellor. Masters in Chancery. S. C. Cox (Sir J. Simeon F. P. Stratford 1C. Thompson John S. Harvey* W. Alexander John Campbell, Accountant Gen. — Mr.Parkinson, Chief Clerk. Earl Bathurst, Clerk of Crown.— Ed. Wilbraham, Depute . Jas Stephen iJ. E. Dowdes- Jos. Jekyll well W. Courtenay 1 COURT of KING'* BENCH. Right Hon. Sir Cha. Abott, Lord Chief Justice, 5500/.^ Sirs J. Bailey , G. S. Holroyd, & W. Draper Best, Judges, 3000/. I A. Kenyon and Hen. Law, Custos Rrev. K. H. Lushington, Master of Crown Office. Lord Kllenborough and O. Markham, Chief Ckrks* Sir Robert Giffor<£ Attorney General. Sir John & Copley, Solicitor General . f N'a ' 1^7 Right Hon. Sir Rob. Dallas, Lord Chief Justice , 4500/. >irs J. A. Park, J. Burrough, & J. Richardson, Judges, 3U00L ion. Louisa Browning, Sir Piers Moysten, Sir Wft Eden, Custos Brev . 584/* COURT of EXCHEQUER. Right Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor. ! Sir Richard Richards, Lord Chief Baron, 4000/. Mr R. Graham, Sir G. Wood, Sir Wm. Garrow, Barons , 3000/, Francis Masseres, Esq. Cursitor Baron . ftight Hon. Thos. Steele, King's Remcm. A. Moysey, Dep. -inowdcn Barne, Ld. Treasurer* sRcmem. J. M. Grim wood, Zfy, iich. Wilford, Heredita ry C hief Usher. H. Tuhb, Depute. DUCHY COURT of LANCASTER. Rt Hon. C. Bathurst, Chanc. I S.V.Benyon, Esq. King's Scr). Earl of Liverpool, Rec . Gen. 1 R. J. Harper, Esq. Sec. \V. Wqlton, Esq. Attor, Gen. | „ • ^ OFFICERS of HIS MAJESTY'S MINT. Sir W. James, Warden , 450/. | R. Bing\eyAssay-Mastcr,325l Hn.W. Well. Pole,iTffl.f/. 3000/. I Pistrucci,Esq.C//. Engr.^tmi lohn TekeW, Comptroller, 5501. | D. Stables, Snrv. Melt. 132/. BOARD OF ORDNANCE. Duke of Wellington, Master-general of the Ordnance. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, Lieut cnant-generaL R. H. Crewe, Esq. Secretary to the Board . Lord Fitzroy Somerset, Secretary to the Master-general. Vice-Adm. Sirll. Moorsom, Survey or -gen. — R. Ward, Clerk, W. Holmes, Esq. Treasurer.-— M. Singleton, Esq. Storekeeper, Lt-Gen. Hon. Edm. Phipps, Clerk of Deliveries. Sir Wm. Congreve, Comp, of Woolwich Laboratory . Lieut.-Gen. Geo. Rochfort, Chief Fircrmastcr at ditto f Col. W. Mudge, Lieut. Gov. of the Royal Academy of ditto, Maj.-Gen. William Cuppage, Inspector of Carriages. ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. Maj.-Gen. Sir Geo. Mur ray, Gov. Contains , C . W ri gh t , D. Erskine, 1 Col. Sir H.S. Douglas, Ins. Gw. John Otter, & T. Abraham ‘ of Instructions of Senior Dc-Ge o. Sam. Collyer, Agent partment . leapt. Chas. Stone, Paymaster Col. James Butler, Lt. Gov. tNinian Bruce, Surgeon Jan. Department at Murlow.X Alex. Calder, Quarter Master Lieut.Col. J.M*Dermid,J/flyor:Capt. J. Garvock, Sec , Lieut. Geo. Proctor, Adjutant iRev. Wm. Wheeler, Chaplain BANK OF ENGLAND. Geo. Dorien, Governor Charles Pole, Dep. Gov • Robert Best, Secret a ry 148 BOAR D of AGRICULTURE, Earl of Hardwicke, Preses George Smith, Treasurer Arth. Young, Secretary TT>STT)YFTCW.— (i<55aT E. of Chichester & Marq.of Salisbury , roiitmutcrt-Gcn. SOOOfc Francis F reeling, AYc. G. H. Freeling, Assistant See. Ho be it Willimott, Receiver - General* li. rarkin, Solicitor it. P. Barlow , Inspector of Dead and mis-sent Letters A r. Stan hope, Compt For. Office H. Darlot, Deputy Inigo Thomas, Accompt-Gcn. H. Darlot, Deputy C..lohnson,.V« n).o/iifttifCoacAc*|H.De!>borough,C/c A r or- John Williams I Hon. Ed. Stewart John Bu'llcr Clie * | H .Richmond 1 W. Tho. Hoe - . 'wfEamshaw^lE Rmmett, & S. Thackery, Soli- T Tavlor, Comptroller-General , 2000/. . F. Thomas Walsh, Compt. outwurdsjmd inwards. Win. Irving. l»s- Gc/i—Aug- 1 echell. Ret. Gtn. COMMISSION FRS of EXCISE— -1 250/. each. aaesrir'isar F ;M H A 1 C. Greville, Comptroller of the Hon. J. L. Olmius Titos. Burton, Sec. 820/. G. J. Choimondeley, Receiver- E.MiSd ^Comptroller Gen*. | P * W Cash, 850/. Geo. A. Bouverie, And. 1240/. COMMISSION hHS, %c. of SI AAll -D Ja.Sedgwick, Chaimi. 1 Hen. H aIla m vv’ it Silencer 1 John Kingston H ‘ Bouverie Haviland Addinfilon Krt Mm. 300 I-II. H. Jenkinaon, 1 UTILS. Meyrick Shaw 800 /. each. eceiver General. GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Sir J. Colpoys, Gov. Win. Bto well. Esq. Lt.GffV. SirT.Thotnpson,K.C.B. Treat. Huslar Hospital, Charles Craven, Escp Gov, Plymouth Hospital, Rich. Crevkc, Esq. Gov . CHELSEA HOSPITAL. Sir D. Dundas, Gov. Sir Sam. Hulse, Lt. Gov. Lt.-Col. Henry Le Blanc, Maj . Win. Roycroft, Adj. Richard Neave, Sec. W. Haggitt & R. Yates, Chaps. Win. Somerville, Phys. Tho, Keatc, Snrg. William Noith, Apoth. (;.Brvdge«,Es(i. Lord Mayor . I Rich. Clark, Esq. Chamberlain Richard Rothwell 1 SirJuhnS,Ke 8l e l ,«ao^r. '.I. W. Parkins j ^ 1 H- W oodthorpo, UcL. _ 1784 1789 1799 1801 1764 1706 1789 1791 1799 1800 1816 IRELAND. PEERS of the BLOOD ROYAL . His Royal Highness Frederick, Earl of Ulster His Royal Highness W. Henry, Earl of Munster His Royal Highness Edward, Earl of Dublin Ilis Royal Highness Ernest Augustus, Earl of Armagh His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Baron Arklow His Royal Highness Adolphus Fred. Earl of Tipperary His Highness William Frederick, Earl of Connaught DUKE. Eldest Sons. Fitz-Gcrald Duke of Leinster, Marq» of Kildare MARQUISSES. Beresford Marquis of Waterford, Earl of Tyrone Hill Marquis of Downshire, Earl of Hillsborough Chichester Marquis of Donegal, Earl of Belfast Moore Marquis of Drogheda, Vise. Moore Wellesley Marquis Wellesley, Earl of Mornington O’Bryen Marquis of Thomond, Earl of Inchiquin Taylour Marquis of Headfort, Earl of Bective Browne Marquis of Sligo, Earl of Altamont Ixiftus Marquis of Ely, Vise. Loftus, Butler Marquis of Ormonde, F.arl of Ossory Stewart Marquis of Londonderry, Vise. Castlereagh ConynghamMarq. of Conyngham, E. ofMount-Charles! EARLS. 1543 Dc Bur"h Earl of Clanricarde, 1620 Boyle Earl of Cork and Orrery, 1621 Nusjent Earl of Westmeath, 1622 Dillon Earl of Roscommon, Fielding Earl of Desmond, 1627 Brabazon Earl of Meath, 1628 Barry Earl of Barrymore, Pluiiket Earl of Fingal, 1647 Lambert Earl of Cavan, 1661 Talbot E. of Waterford & Wexford, Lord Talbot 1684 Forbes Earl of Granard, . Vise. Forbes 1691 De Ginkell Earl of Athlone, Lord Aghrim I7l7 Kitzwilliam Earl Fitzwilliam, Vise. Milton 1722 Petty Earl of Kerry and Shelburne, Vise. Clanmaurice Lord Dunkellin Vise. Dun gar van J.ord Delvin Lord Kilkenny-West Vise. Callan Lord Ardee Vise. Buttevant Lord Killeen Vise. Kilcoursie 1725 Bligh E&rl of Darnley, 1733 Perceval Earl of Egmont, 1739 Ponsonby Earl of Bcsborough, 1748 Butler Earl of Carrick, 1756 Bovle Earl of Shannon, Butler Earl of Lanesborough, 1759 Dull Earl of Fife, Lord Clifton Vise. Perceval Vise. Duncanoon Vise. Ikerrin V r isc. Boyle ix>rd Newton Vise. MacDuflT 150 1760 Ludlow Earl of Ludlow, 1761 Carpenter Earl of Tyrconnel, 1762 Rawdon Hastings Eiarl of Moira, Gore Earl of Arran, Stopford Earl of Courtown, 1763 l^eeson Earl ofMiltown, Caulfield Earl of Charlemont, 1766 Savile Earl of Mexborough, Tournour Earl of Winterton, 1767 St Lawrance Earl of Howth, ,1768 King Earl of Kingston, 1771 Moiyneux Earl of Sefton, Jocelyn Earl of Roden, 1776 Vaughan Earl of Lisburne, Meade Earl of Clan william. Temple Earl of Nugent, 1777 Stratford Earl of Aldborough, 1 78I Moore Earl of Mount Cashcll, 1785 Pakcnham Earl of Longford, Dawson Earl of Portarlington, Maxwell Earl of Farnham, Luttrell Earl of Carbanipton, Bourke Earl of Mayo, 1789 Annesley Karl of Annesley, Cole Earl of Enniskillin, Creighton Ea‘rl of Erne, Proby Earl of Carry sfort, 1793 Butler Karl of Kilkenny, Howard Karl of Wicklow, Cuffe Earl of Desart, Annesley Earl of Mountnorris, Scott Earl of Clonmell, *1795 Fitzgibbon Earl of Clare, Clements Earl of Leitrim, Bingham Earl of Lucan, 1797 Corry Earl Bclmore, Mathew Earl of I .andafF, 1800 0‘Nei! Earl 0‘Neil, Bernard Karl of Bandon, Stewart Earl Cast leste wart, Hutchinson Earl of Donoughmorc, Alexander Earl of Calledon, Browne Earl of Kenmare, 1803 Pery Earl of Limerick, ! Trench Earl of Clancarty, jl806 Acheson Earl of Gosford, Parsons Earl of Uosse, Agar Earl of Normantown, Bury F.arl of Charleville. Vise. Preston Vise. Carlingford lx>rd Riiwdon Vise. Sudley Vise. Stopford Vise. Rusljorough V r isc. Caulfield Vise. Pollington Vise. Tournour Vise. St Lawrance Vise. Kingsborough Vise. Moiyneux Vise. Jocelyn Lord Vaughan Lord Gilford Vise. Clare Lord Baltinglass Lord Kilworth lA>rd Pakenham Vise. Carlow Vise. Maxwell lx>rd Irnham Lord Naas Vise. Glerawly Lord Mountflorencc Vise. Creighton Lord Proby Vise. Mountgarvet Vise. Clonmore Vise. Castle-Cuffe Vise. Valentia ] .ord Earlsfort Vise. Fitzgibbon Vise. Clements Lord Castlebar Vise. Corry Vise. Mathew Vise. Raymond Vise. Bernard Vise. Stewart Lord Suirdale Vise. Alexander Vise. Castlerosse Vise. Glentworth Vise. Dunlo Lord Acheson Lord Oxmanton Vise. Somerton Lord Tullamor 0 151 1816 (Vardiner Kart of ftlcssmton. White Karl of Bantry, Butler Earl ofGlcngall, Holroyd Earl of Sheffield '"VTsc. Mountjoy Vise. Beerhavun Vise. Caher Vise, Pevensey 1478 1620 1621 1622 1625 1628 1629 1645 1646 1661 1680 701 1716 1717 1719 1720 1722 1727 1745 1751 Preston V. Gorman ston Villiers V. Grandison Lee V. Dillon Nettcrville V. Netterville Needham V. Kilmory Saunderson V. Lumley Smvthe V. Strangford Tail lie V. Taaflfe Jones V. Ranclagh Fitz- William V.Fitz-Wil- liam Bulkeley V. Bulkcley Barnewall V. Kingsland Cholmondeley V . Cholm Dawney V. Downe Hamilton V. Strahane Molesworth V Molesworth Chetwynd V. Chetwynd Brodrick V. Middleton Hamilton V. Boyne Allen V. Allen Grimston V. Grimston Barington V. Barington Gage V, Gage Temple V. Palmerston Arundel V. Galway Wingfield V. Powerscourt Flower V. Ashbrook VISCOUNTS, 1765 Montmorency V. Mount- morres 1766 Trevor V. Dungannon 1776 Southwell V. Southwell Vesey V. De Vesci Fortescue V. Clermont 1781 He wit V. I afford Ward V. Bangor Immb V. Melbourne Ellis V. CJifden 1785 St Ledger V, Doneraille 1791 Knox V. Northland Pomeroy V r . Hurl>erton 1795 Maud Ha warden 1797 Carlcton V. Cadeton 1800 Yelverton V. Avomnor# Monck V, Monck Wolfe V. Kilwarden 1805 Newcojnen V. Newcomen 1806 Upton V. Templeton O’Callaghan V. Lismore Kiug V. I^orton 1816 De Montmorency V Frankfort Quin V’. Mount Earle Hare V. Ennismore and Listowell Verekcr V’. Gort BARONS. 1181 DeCourcy Lord Kingsale 146 1 Barnwell L. Trimlestown 1490 Plunket L. Dunsany 1541 Plunket L. Louth 1620 Digby L. Digby 1621 Blayney L. Blnyney 1627 Sherard.L. Sherard 1 70S Seymour I - Conway 1715 Freke L. Carlicry 1718 Aylmer L, Aylmer 1758 Crosbic L. Brandcn Ly.saght L. Lisle 1702 1707 1770 1776 1777 Hanger I- Coleraine Clive L. Clive Phipps L. Mulgrave Perceval L. Arden Philipps L. Milford Wynn L. Ncwborough Macdonald L. Macdonald Edwardes I.. Kensington Lyttleton L. Westcote Ongley L. Ongley Massy L. Massy Robinson L. Kokcby 152 781 Deane L. Muskerry 782 Hood L. Hood ;735 Tonson L. Riversdale Pennington L. Muncaster 1789 Eden L. Auckland Browne L. Kilmaine Lawless L. Cloncurry Eardley L. Eardley 179 0 Dillon L. Clonbrok 1 791 Fitzherbect L. St Helen’s 1792 Cavendish L. Waterpark 1794 Graves L. Graves Hood L#. Bridport 1795 Parky ns L. RanclifFe 1796 Vanneck, L. Huntingficld Smith L. Carrington Westenra L. Rossmore 1797 Elphinstone L. Keith Hotham L. Hotham Dawson L. Cremorne Culf L. Ty rawly Winn L. Headley Shore L. Teignmouth Crofton L. Crofton 1 798 F french L. Ffrench 1799 Edeii L. Henley PEER 1785 M‘Donnell CquntesS* 1660 Skcflington Viscounte 1797 Foster viscountess h Toler Baroness Norw 800 Whitworth L. Whitworth Coote L. Castle Coote Rowley L. Langford Blaquier L. De Blaquiere Major L. Henniker Blackwood L. Dufl’erin Mullins L. Ventry Blake L. Wallscoiirt Sandford L. Mount-Saud- ford Prittie L. Dunalley Preston L. Turra Mahon L. Hartland Bingham L. Ganmorris Waldegrave L. Radstock Douglas L. Glenbervie Toler L. Norburjr Gardner L. Gardner Grenville L. Nugent Trench L. Ashtown Massey L. Garina 1806 TheUisson L. Rendlesham 1812 Handcock L. Castlcmaine Beresford L. Dccies 1818 Canning L. Garvagh Il819 Cradock L. Ilowden ESSES. Antrim ss Massareene 'errard ood ARCHB Armagh % Hon. Dr. Wm. Stuart Dublin , Dr. E. Cleaver BIS] Meath , Hon. Dr.T. L. O’Biernc Kildare , Hon. Dr. C. Lindsay Cloyne, Dr. William Bonnet fern/, Hon. Dr. Wm. Knox Llogiicr, Lord J. G. Beresford KihnorCj Dr. G. Beresford Dotvncy Dr. N. Alexander FAphin , Dr. John Lesslie l' Inn forty &c. Dr. C. Butson Kilaloe t Lord R. Tottenhar Ix)ftUS ISHOPS. \C a shell, Hon. Dr. C. Brodrick 177mm, Hon. Dr. P. Trench HOPS. ■ Limerick , Dr. Charles War- burton Corke <$ Ross , Hon. Dr. T. St Laurence Leigh liny &c. Dr. II. P. Jo- cel vn Killahy Dr. James Verschoyle Osson/y Dr. Robert Fowler Waterford r Hon. Dr Bourke n Raphoe , Dr William Magee 1 Droinorcy Dr. James Saurin 153 IRISH PKBRS. To represent the Peerage in the Imperial Parliament. Marq. of Thomond 'Earl of Farnham Headford f Mayo — — — Londonderry- - — Enniskillen ■ - Conyngham I — Erne Earl of Carrie k I Lucan ■■■ Charlemont i Belmore Kingston I— —O’Neill lloden | Bandon Mount Cashel Donoughmore Longford !■ ■ — ■ Caledon Earl of Limerick Clancarty 1 Gosford Charleville Blessinton Vise. Carlcton I^ord Tyrawley Archbishop of Cashell Bishop of Elphin Bishop of Down Waterford KNIGHTS of St. PATRICK. — Inst. 1783. Motto, Quis separabit . — Ribbon, Sky Blue. Sovereign Duke of Kent Marquis of Drogheda Earl of Carrvsfort Marquis of Ormonde Marquis of Waterford Earl O’Neill Marquis of Headfort Mar.of Thoraond Earl of Roden Marquis of Sligo Marquis of Ely Ea.ofEnniskillen Marquis Conyngham Earl of Shannon Earl of Longford Lord Lieutenant, Grand Master The Lord Primate, Prelate. Archbishop of Dublin, Chancellor . Dean of St. Patrick’s Registrar . Sir F. J. Falkner, Secretary. SirC. Vernon, Usher of Black Rod. Sir Stewart Bruce, Genealogist. (Sir Chicheste r Fortescue, Ulster King of A rms, Attendant on Order. Sir William Betham, Deputy, OFFICERS of STATE, ^c. Charles Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant , 50,000 L Gen. Sir George Nugent, Bart. Commander of the Forces. Right Hon. Charles Grant, Principal Secretary of State. Hon. & Rev. John Talbot, Private Sec. to the Lord Lieutenant, Wm Gregory, Under Sec. Civil Department. Colonel Peter Carev, Under Sec. Military Department. Lord Colchester, Keeper of Privy Seal. Vis. Clifden, Clerk of the Council. His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh, Prwiate of all Ireland , Almoner. Hon. J. B. R. O’Neill, Constable of Dublin Castle. Lord Manners, Lord High Chancellor. 154 , Rt. Hon. Sir Wm M‘ Mahon, Master of the Rolls. Earl of Granard, Clerk of the Crown and Hanapcr . Vise. Avon more. Registrar. Rt. Hon. William Downes, Lord Chief Justice of King's Bench. St George Daly, Edward Mayne, and Richard Jebb, Esqrs. Judges. Rt. Hon. Lord H. Sevmour Conway, and Lord R. Seymour Conway, Clerks of the Crown , Prothonotarics , c^r. \V alter Bourne, Esq. Deputy Clerk of the Crown , c. Right Hon. Ix>rd Norbury, Chief Justice of Common Pleas. W. Fletcher, Arthur Moore, and Wil. Johnson, Ksqs. Judges. Viscount Northland and Hon. Vesey Knox, ProthonoUirics , 3 r * Rt. Hon. W. Saurin, Attorney General. C. K. Bushe, Esq. Solicitor General. Right Hon. Sir Geo. F. Hill, Vice- Treasurer. Lieut.-CoL Wil. Blacker, Drpute. Right Hon. Standish O'Grady, Lord Chief Baron qf Exchequer. D. George, Esq. Sir W. C. Smith, & J.’ M‘Cleland, Esq. Ba- rons. [Sir Jonah Barrington, Judge of Admiralty. »J. I* Foster, King's Advocate General. Earl O’Neill and Earl of Rosse, Postmasters General. C. S. Hawthorn, J. Thery, R. I^ongfield, T. O’Dell, Esqrs. Sir R. l.angrishe, Hon! J. Hewit, and W. Plunkett, Esq. Commissioners of Erase. Lord Castlecoote, Rt. Hon. John O. Vandeleur, Rob. Wynne, Esq. Hon. A. Hely Hutchinson, Hon. J. Jocelyn, III 11a milton, Esq. and H. S. King, Esq. Commissioners of Cus- toms. GOVERNORS OF FORTS, &c. Londonderry , Sfc. Earl of Suffolk Cork, I»rd Beresford Lieutenant Governor , Major General J. Stirling Limerick , Major Genera) Fawcett Kinsalc , General Sir David Baird Duncannon , Lieutenant-General Sir John Hamilton Ross Castle , General Sir H. Johnston Chat lemon /, General Sir John Doyle Galway , Lieutenant Colonel P. Daly Car rick fergus. General B. Leighton Ililsb. Eort, Marquis of Downshire Mary burgh , Marquis of Drogheda Athlone , Lord Castlemain I Castlnnaiiiy Ant. Botet and Sir George Cuff 1 55 ROLL of FREEHOLDERS and PRINCIPAL OFFICERS ofj the Different COUNTIES of SCOTLAND, as certified byj the Clerks of the respective Counties, at Michaelmas 1S19, A B BRDKEXSH I HE. — Aberdf.en — 185. Marquis of Huntly, Lord Lieutenant. >hn Menzies of l’itfoddels— Convener* Alex. Gordon of Newton Cha. Fraser of Williamslon-, James Ferguson of Pitfour John Paton of Grandhome jArth. D. Fordyce of Culsh ;Alex. Leith of Frecfield {General Sir J. Du ft* of Kinstair Charles Gordon of Wardhouse W. Farquharson of Monaltrie George Skene of Skeire Alexander Irvine of Drum General A. L. Hay of Rannes Sir R. Burnett of Leys James Gordon of Craig John Burnett of El rick A. Anderson Setonof Mounie George Robinson of Arden- draught Lieut.-gen. J. G. Cumming Skene of Pitlurg and Dyce R. W. Duff of Fctteresso David Gordon of Birkhall George Still of Millden Dr. Livingston of Downiehills Robert Grant of Drumminncr Harry Gordon of Knockespock John Ur quh art of Craigston James Mansfield of Midmar P. Milne of Crimonmogate Adam Gordon of Cairn field John Duff of Drummuir J. F. Gordon of Balmuir James Gordon of Littlefolla George Gordon of Hall head James Urquhart of Meldrnm Peter Gordon of Abcrgeldie James Skene of Rubislaw Wm. Gordon of Aberdour Alex. Moir^of Scotstown George More of Rneden James Forbes of Seton John Dingwall of Ai do William Duff of Coisindae John Leith Ross of Arnafre Alex. Gordon of Invernettie , II. Lumsden of Belhelvie Hon. G. Duff of Milton J Sir A. Grant of Monymusk,5 Alex. Russel of Montcoffer A. Farquharson of Breda J. Farquharson ofllau^hton P. Farquharson ofWhitenous* J. Forbes of Boyndlie John Morison of Auchintoul James Laing of Haddo F. Gordon of Kincardine Garden Duff of Hatton James Leslie of Rothic j Theodore, Morison of Bognie R. D. H. FJphinston of Logie Lt.-col. J. R. Udny of Udujr Rod. M‘Kenzic of Glack . James Hay of Monkshill A. Brebner of Glasgow-forest John Grant, liferenterof Ar- tamford John Menzies of Pitfoddels William Forbes of Kcht James Forbes of Housedale John B. Stuart of Dens J. Gordon of CJuny < Alex. Anderson of Bourty T. Ferguson of Kinknockie Capt. A. Skene of Culmeilie W. M‘ICenzie of Drumnahoy Sir II. N. Lumsden of Auch- indoir John Forbes of New Capt. M. Farquharson of Car- naveron Alex. Gordon of Auchlethen Alex. Crombie of Phesdo Alex. Duthie of Rutlirieston John Burnet of Kemnay .T5bn Brebner of Gtlcomston” John Gordon of Cairnbulg Rob. Farquharson of Allfergue' The Rt. Hon. James R. of Rife Hon. W. Gordon of Minnies Horn C. Gordon of Kingsford A. F. Irvine of Shiva* Tho. Burnet of Park John Davidson of Kebbnty Hugh Lumsden of Pitcaple Capt. Henderson of Torter- ston Thomas Lajng of Auchabcr William Inglis of Towie J. Robinson of Towie Turner John Niven of Thornton George Burnett of Batffrng Col. F. W. Grant of Bogfoutan Hon. R. Gordon of Clcrkhill Pat. Irvine of Inveramsay Rev. T. St. Clair Abercrombie of Glashaugh William Corbet of Bicldside Thomas Gordon of Buthlaw Stewart Soutcr of Melrose Arch. Cumine of Auchry John Gordon of Nethermuir Charles Gordon of Auchiries R. Duff, fiat* of Culter Sir A. Ramsay of Balmain, B. John Orrok of Orrok John Harvey of Kincttles zie, his son, fiat* thereof , the fiar to vote in the ab- sence of the lifercnter only ImI/vm TA A f I rvP A ok Major D. Mitchell of Ashgrove W. Robinson of Pitmedacn J. F. Mitchell of Thainstotl \Iex. F.rskinc of Lopghaven Ch. Banncrman of Kirkhill Geo. Skelton of Invcrncttic Lodge Mirj.-gen.Hon.A.DuffofGask G. Duff, fiar of Towie of Brus John Ramsay* of Barra Wm. Gordon of Fyvie F. G. Campbell of 'Troup and Glenlyon Pat. Stuart of Anchlnncart John Forbes of Blackford Lord James Hay The Rev. John Craigie, life- renter of Linton James Kinloch of Altrtes Mai. -gen. B. Gordon of Bal- bithan D. Davidson of Tillvchetly Thomas Ketnslie of Fingask J. Barclay, younger of Temp- land The Hn. G. Gordon of Balfour The Hn. J. Gordon, of Anna- chie Sir A. Forbes of Craigievar,#. i!o« I*i tel i ir<\ in tiarvey 01 amuiucs i vV,. 7 - n Fraser of Inverallochv andiSir W. Forbes of 1 itsligo, if. Castlefraser * John Turner of Turnerhall Hugh Gordon of Manar John Anderson of Candacraig William Tower of Kinaldie las. Ferguson of Kinmundy David Souter of Kinminities {John Hutchison of ( airngftll James Harden of Knockinch ‘Andrew Skene of Lethenty Thomas Morison of Klsick IM. G. Bfaset of Lessendrum George Turner of Menic 'Patrick Kilgour of Woodside John Roltertson of Foveran ;C. D. Gordon, yr. of Birknali Robert Robertson of Boddom’.M. K. Gordon of Hreachly johu Dingwall of Brucklav ! Robert Gordon of Midmill LL-col. Win. H. K. Erskine'Michie Forbes of Cnntond of Pittodrie Uas. Aug. Grant of Viewficld Arch. Farquharson of FinzeanThc Rev. Dr. G. rorbes of Ch. Forbes of Anchmedden I Ala’ ban roroes i mm. ...... Jas. Mackenzie, liferent^r ofjlle iry Iveson of Blackbank Pittrichic; J. W. Macken- ? John Pavin of Balgowwn o 157 [Maj.G. Henderson ofConglass ernach as liferenter, and U Jn. Manse field yr. of Midmar | Forbes, his son, as liar ; the ‘John Leslie of Low is i bar to vote in theliferenter’s IJs. Gammel of Counteswells in absence only liferent, and Lt.Js. Gammer Alexander Forbes of Ainsley 6 1st foot, of Ardiffery,infee;iJames Morison of Muiresk the liar to vote in the life-Theod. Gordon of Overhall renter’s absence only Adam Cumine of Rattray Alex. McKenzie of Balblair Alex. Thomson of Banchory John Gillandcrs of Glcnhead John Kwing, liferenterofShi. Maj. Alex. Fras. Tayler ofj lagreen Dunnydeer iWilliam Urquhart of Byth William Duff of Mayen (Robert Grant of Coullie T. M'Combie of Faster Skene Andrew Jopp, liferenter W. D. Fordvce of Techmuiry| Cowbairdie Maj.-Gen. N. Forbes of Auch-'George Fraser of Park .Tamks Ferguson, Ksq. >t. p. Head Court held first Tuesday of October. Alex. Moir, LL.D. Shcriff~Dcpute,..,A\oj.. Dauney, LL.D. She-' rrff-Substitute. . . .James Gordon, Shcrijf -Clerk.... Alexander Brown, Distributor of Stamps,,.. Harry and Henry Luihs* dens, Collectors of Cess. ARGYLLSHIRE. — Invfrary. — 42. Duke of Aiigylf, Lord Lieutenant. John M‘NeiIl of Oak field — Convener. Gen. A. Campbell of Monzie John Campbell of Ormadale General Campbell of Lochnell Wm. M*Neill of Hayfield Alex. M‘Lean of Coll John Campbell of Craignuire SirJCampbell,ArdnamurchaaW. Campbell, son of Lord W. J. Campbell of Lincoln’s Inn j Campbell, deceased James Ferrier, elk. of session, L.-col. H. M*Lean, yr. of Col] and in his absence, John, A- G. Campbell of Shirvam Ferrier, W. S. [John M 4 AIester of Cour Ar. Campbell, yr. of SuccnthjCol. M. M‘Alester ofRowhill one of the Senators of the M.-gn. M'Quarrie of Janies- College of Justice i field Duncan Campbell of Ross M.-gn.Campbell of Kintarbcrt jLieu.-Gen. Sir Allan Cameron John Campbell of Stonefield 1 of F’rracht, K.C.B. [Sir J. M. Riddell, Ardnamur* : Neil Malcolm of Poltalloch j chan, J?. Maj.-Gen. Lamont of Lamont James Lamont of Knockdou, Right Hon. Lord John Camp-j and A. Lamont, his eldest hell of Ardincaple ! son, in absence of his father Alex. M*Lean of Ardgour [Ronald M‘Donald of Stafi’a Alex. Campbell of Ederline 'John M‘Neill of Oakfield James F’orbes of Kingerloch jDon. Camj>bcll of Mishnish WalterCamphell of Carrad ill I Archibald Bell, advocate ~ Tb s r — John Bell, W. sT John Campbell yr. of Cralg- M'Lachlan of KilliemoreJ nuire, as liar, in absence of liferenter, and Dugald Mac-! John Campbell, senior, of Lachlan, younger thereof,! Craignuire jj ar# (Archibald Campbell of Jura Jo. M*Neill of Collonsay I.Maj. C. Campbell of Strachu rr James Campbell of Dunmore Robert Maclachlan ,of Alac- Colin Campbell of Glenmore as lachlan liferenter, and John Camp- Robert Downie of Appin bell, younger thereof, as fiar Gerge Callander of Craigforth R. Campbell of Sonachan IJohn Campbell of Southhall John Gregorson of Acharn )J. H. MacLean, yr.of Ardgour John Fletcher of Dunans J.Campbellof Driinnamucklach D. Macdougall of Gallanach 1W. F. Campbell of Shawfield Ch. Campbell of Combie Capt. A. M‘Askill of Morimsh bt MacLaine of Lochbuy ! H. F. M‘Neal of Gallachoilly Maj.-Gen. Keith M‘Allister Dun. Campbell of Barcaldme of Loup Cape John Fleeming, R-N. of A. Campbell at Achnacroisb j Muastill A. Campbell of Melford 'George M‘Neal of Ugadale l.ord John Campbell, m. p. Head Court held last Tuesday of October. Stamps J ohn Campl>el AYRSHIRE.— Ayr.— 176. Earl of Egliktom, Lord Lieutenant and High bheritt. John Hamilton of S undrum— Convener. Neil Snodgrass of Cuning- hamehead J. Hamilton of Sundrum Hugh Hamilton of Pinmore Dugald Stewart of Catrine Sir G. Blane of Blanefield and Culvcrland* B. William Blair of Blair Robert Aird of Corsetlat Robert Morrice of Craig D. Kennedy of Kirkmichael John Cathcartof Genoch Robert Reid of Adamton Hon.G Fergussonof Hermand one of the Sen. of Col. of J u«t. John Hunter of Bonnieton Andrew Blane of Blanefield William Mure of Caldwell A. M‘Adara of Grimmett W. Cuninghame of Enterkine nooen. u. — .*• .... Sir A. Cathcartof Carleton, H. A. Hamilton of Grange S. M. Fullartonof !• ullarton Sir William Cuninghame of William Blane of Grougar Caurincton, B. H. Trotter ot MortonhaU . William Kelso of Dankeith R. A. Oswald of Auchencruive James Muir counsellor at law J. Fergwsson of Crosshill,aav. David Kennedy of Craig R. Dav idson oi Drumley William Campbell of Craigie A. Allason of Glai snock^ 02 159 Rt. lion. D. Boyle of Maress, Lord Justice-Clerk A. Cooper of Failford Dr. J. Paterson, phys. in Ayr R. Thomson of Dafjarrocli A. Boswell of Auchinlcck Robert Patrick of Treehorn T. J. Fordyce of Ay ton A. Montgomerie of Stair J. Hamilton, yr. of Sundrum Mungo Fairlie of Holms G. V. Brown of Knock marlocb R. C. Hunter of Ilunterston R- Glasgow of ?»lountgreenan . SirD, H. Blair of Brow n hill, B.l "Patrick Warner of Ardeer William M k Harg of Kiers ----- ■■ - — R.Campbell of Helentonmains A. Ponton of Carnlae d. Smith of Swinridgcinuir of Ban William JS^eill of Barmveill A. Campbell of Blackhouse W. Patrick, W. S. John Taylor of Blackhouse A.C. B. Craufuirdof Ardmillar. jW. H. Craufurd of Craufurd* land J. Cat heart, merchant, Leith R. M‘ II wraith of Auchenlloui R. Cunninghame of Auchen* luirvie T. Miller, yr. of Glenlee, adv. Maj.-gn. J. Hughes of Alillside Col. John Dalrymple * • John Anderson of Auchairn Dr. Wm. Donaldson, physi- John Boyle of Shewalton cian in Ayr Sir II. D*. Hamilton of Bar- Andrew Hunter, younger of ■gany and North Berwick, B\ Bonnieton N. Brown of Waterhaughs iD.S. Buchanan, Blanty re-park Sir J. Ferguson of Kilkerran,J?.lJ. Crichton of Hallglenmuir A. Graham of Fereneze IT. F. Kennedy of Dunure Maj.-gen. Sir Tiios. Brisbane Lt.-gen. Stirling of Durhray and Auchyle Quintin Johnstone of Trolorg Capt.J. Shaw, late of 76th regt. William Brown of Lawhifl George Reid residing in Ayr J. Campbell of Bardarrocn of Brisbane J. Oswald of Meiklemains A. Oswald of Changue, adv. J. Kennedy of Underwood W. Fullarton of Skeldon I. t.-gen.J. Dunlop of Dunlop Sir J.R.Whitefora of London/? ,G.M* Torrance, Kilsaintniniao Hon. Cap. J. Kennedy, Drum- R. Cathcart of Carbieston fad |C. Alexander of Ballamyle The Hon. D. Cathcart of Al- Lieut.-col. J. Gray Farquhar loway, one of the Senators of Gilmilnscroft of the College of Justice jLieul.-gen. James Mon tgo- William Niven of Kirkbride | meric of Wrighthill J. Johnstone, Sh alloc h wreck; Hugh Brown of Broadstone Henry Ritchie of Busbie David M‘Haffle of Overton J. Hunter Blair of Dunskey William Montgomery of An* and Robertland j necklodge W. Parker of Assloss |A. Barton of Ballaird Col. J. S. Barns of KirkhiU H. Crawford of Brownmuir, C. S. M‘Ailistcr of Kennox the liferen ter, and D. Craw A. Miller of Monkcastle J, A. Stewart of Glasserton W. Cuninghame of Lainshaw D. Campbell of Sherrington ford, his son, the liar; the fiar to vote in absence ol the liferenter Alex. Murdoch, writer, Ayr_ 160 D. Campbell, writer in Irvine (y. Kennedy of Drummellan Mai. -gen. Sir John Hamilton Dairy m pie of Cousland and Fain, B. Dr. Ja. Hamilton, Honour- able East India Company’s service James Wilson of Ifailly R. Cunynghame of Cloncaird \S r ni. Campbell of Nether place C. M. Burgess of Beauport W.Somervilleof Hamilton farm Charles Cunningham, in the service of the East India Sir Michael Shaw Stew art of John (^unningham of Caddcl Greenock and Blackhall, B. |" J n Wm. Dunlop of Fairfield John Balfour of Sauchrie Ebenezer Goldie ot llighlees A. Hunter of Waterton Sir W. Maxwell of Monrieth, B. Wm. Leggat of Barlockliart Wm. Maxwell Alexander, merchant, London Bovd Alexander of Southbar Lieut.-col. Geo. Hutchison of East India Co.’s service David Limond of Dalblair J. Rankine of Drumdow, ad Capt. J. Hamilton of Westport Mathew Fortescue of Stephen- stoune, Ireland Major J. Chalmers of the3«th or Royal Ayrshire militia A. Gemraell of Langlands James Gibson of IngUston, W.S. John Webb of Towerlands Cap. A. Montgomery of Giffen Hon. Arch. M‘Donald Sir Wm. Cunninghamc Fair- lie ot Robertland, &c. B. Ja. Boswell, barrister at law, London Wm. Cathcart of Tower Sir Jas. Shaw, B. merchant, IvOndon, and John Shaw ot Whitehall Place, London, Rfiar _ _ J. Carnic, late of the East In dia Co.’s service John Bowie of Camciscan, W.S. and Alexander Boswell, W. S. Wm. Thomson Honyman of Mansfield It Freer of Park, Professor of Medicine in the University of Glasgow Arch. Fcrrier, Major, 92d foot Lt.-col. Humphrey Graham, hferenter, and Humphrey Graham, W. S. liar D. Shaw, W. S. Wm. M‘Kerrell of Hillhonse William Eaton of Kilphine Lieut. Hugh Seymour Blane of the 3d reg. of foot guards Sir James Montgomerie Cun- inghame of Corsehill and Kirktonholm, B . A. Kelso of Sauchrie Rob. Forsyth, advocate Rob. M Laugblane of Blair lit. Hon. Lord James Stuart of Borland Ar. Hamilton, Capt. in the service of the Hon. Last India Company D. A. Blair of Inchyra J. Gemmell, rr. of Langlands S. M‘Cormick, advocate J. Craufurd of Auchenames M. Stewart of Lochridge , j. H. Fergusson of Trochngg \V. Gibson, vr. of IngUston Rev. Dr. 1L Anderson, mini ster of Grey Friars, Edin- C. Eaton, yr. of Kilphine, fiar James Morton, writer in Ayr n Konncdv.vr.of Kirknnchaeii o s 161 "Rich. Campbell, yr. of Helen- Boyd Alexander, mains, W.S. liar ' hi London jy,:” Lieut.-Gen. James Montgomerie of Wrigh thill, m. p. Michaelmas Head Court held 7th October. Arch Bell, Sherijf-Dep. . . . Wm- Eaton, Sheriff-Sub.... Andrew Bier iff- Clerk. T. Weir, dip.... A. W. Hamilton, Blane, Sher^ _ Dutrib. qf Stamps... .11. Boswell, ColL of Cess. BAN F F S H l n E. — B.\ n ff:— 37. Earl of Fife, Lord Lieutenant. Sir George Abercromby of Birkenbog, B . — Convener. Gen. Sir J. Duff of Kinstair Janies Ferguson of Pitfour Sir George Abercromby of Bir- kenbog, B. Lord William Gordon Lieutenant James Fife, late at Edinglassie Chas. Gordon of Wardhouse Maj.-gen. Fr. Stewart of Les raurdie Maj. John Gordon, 02(1 regt. Sir John limes, Baft, of Bul- veny and Edengight Lieut—col. D ' ~ Arndilly Ht. Hon. Sir William Grant of Beldornie, Knt. John Duff of Drummwir Cha. Grant of Wester Elchies Geo.M.Grant of Baliindalloch R. Abercromby, younger of Birkenbog Sir H. N. Lumsden of Auch« indoir Col. F. W. Grant of the Inver- ncss-shire regt. of militia Thomas Gordon of Park Rev. T. St. Clair Abercromby of Glassmigh Maj.-gen. the Hon. Alex. Duff of Leuchars and Nortlifield ftL Grant o f|Dav. Souter of Gauldwell and Newton, and W. Robinson ns fiar ; fiar to vote in absence Lt.-col. George Gordon, late F- G. Campbell of Troup, &c. of the 25th reg. of dragoons Right Hon. the Earl of Fife Stewart Souter of Melrose Capt. J. Maitland of Baldavid John Morrison of Aucbintoul Theodore Morrison of Bognie John Gordon of Cluny of liferenter only \!ex. Gordon of Newton George Dulf of Straloch Patr. Stewart of Auchluncarf G. G. Robinson of Towiebeg H. G. Leslie of Denlugas Wm. Duff bf Mayen James Morison of Bourdeaiu Capt. A. Duff ofTowies,R-N. Right Hon. Earl of Fife, m. p. Head Court held lastj’riday of September yearly. James tJrquhart, Sheriff -Dep. . . .George Forbes, Sheri jf-Snb, Put. Rose, Sheriff-Clerk. James Harper, dep.... Peter Ca. meron, Dint rib. of Stamps . ... A rch . Young, Coll, of Cess. BER W 1 C K S H I It E.— G keen la w — 125. Earl of Home, Lord Lieutenant. William Hay of Drummelzicr— - Convener. Stephen Broomfield of H as- 1 James Dickson of AntohsbiJJ hmgton Mains iJames Rocbeid of Inverleith John Bell of Ninewar Alex. Renton of Lamt>erton John C. Ross of Ilowchester Hugh Scott of Harden Archibald Swinton, W. S. D. M. Binning of Softlaw Abra. Logan of Burnhousc* William Molle of Mains ■ Hugh Scott ot naruen wuunui fcapt. Jos. Hume of Ninewells B. Grieve of Fishwickmains rtf Tor wood Ipi* 1 .ieut.-Col. Sir William Grar James Pringle of Torwoodlee Hen. Trotter of Mortonhall Alex. Trotter, 3d son of the Lieut.-Col. Sir William Grant Keirof Blackburn, K.M.T George Taitt of Langrig deceased Thus. Trotter of Win.* Waite of Castlelaw Mortonhall T. Trotter, 4th son of the de cease i T. Trotter Major G. Monro, late of 68th Lieut. Thomas Wood, brother of John Wood of Bednal George Selby of Middletqn Lieut. G. Collingwood, R. N John Wood of Bednal Rob. Anstruthcr, 3d son of Sir J. Airstruiher of Anstruther James Brcmner, writer, Edin J. Borthwick of Crookstone S. Anderson of Rowchester Janies Thomson of Earnslaw Sir Alex. Don of Newton, B. Thomas llood of Ilardacrcs Sir J. Pringle of Stitchel, B. Ralph Foster of Jardinetield John Renton, W. S. James Watson of Saughton I. Spottiswowi of Spottiswood P. Halket of Swintonmill D. Renton of Greystonelees George Home Drummond of John Swinton of bwmton n I nhn Tait. vminffer ol Pi: Blair Drummond William Riddel of Camieston James Haig of Bcmerside Hon. Gen. Sir Tho. Maitland Sir J. G. Suttie of Balgone, B Walter Scott of Raeburn Sir J. Mujoribanks of Lees, B. Wm. Robertson of Lady kirk Geo. Baillie of Jervis wood Cha. Baillie of Rumbletonlaw Alex. Christie of Grueldykes Sir James Hall of Dunglass,/*. Sir A. Home of Wormlie burgh, B. Alex. Cuthbert of Eccles Sir Wm. P. H. Campbell of Marehmont and Purvis, B. George Home of Wedderburn Alexander Christie of Babbet ton Jos. Marshal of Edrington Patrick Murray of Simprin Win. Ray of Ncnthorn Dr. Alexander Monro, phy sician, Edinburgh Rob. Johnstone of Huttonhall John Tait, younger of Pirn I nines Home of Carrolside W Murray of Kennctsideheads Lt.-c. Il.Erskine of Shielfield Peter Weir of Bogan ereen Adam Fairholm of Chappel Dr.Robcrtsonof Prenderguest Geo. Logan of Edrom IL J. Riddell of Bessborough I. Swinton of Broiulmeadows John Hall, yr. of Dunglass Lto. Anderson of Whitsonie- newton A. C. M. Gibson of Cliftonhall as liferenter, A. M. Gibson, yr. of Cilfton- h ill, liar ?. Dash wood of Hallplace, as liferenter The Hon. Anth. Maitland, R. N. as liar . . • . Geo. Peat of Cruicksfield T. J. Fordyce of Ay ton II. IL Drummond yr. of Blair Drummond Henry Seymour of Hniwiforn 163 Sir Jas. Stuart of Allanbank Daniel Ord of Longridge J. H. Home of Long form ac us James Frank of Bughtrigg Dr. James Home of Cowden- knows, physician, Kdin. George Buchan of Kelloe lames Kerr of Blackshiells H. Wood of Flemington Abm. Home of Windshiel Col. J. Home of Broomhouse Col. G. Molle, 46th foot John Wilson of Cum ledge William Hay of Drummelziei James Hunter of Thurston Lt.~col.Hon. Charles Douglas R. Hotchkis of Templehall W. S. Jas. Grant of Burnhall, W. S. G. Fairholmof Greenknow S. C. Somerville, W. S. D. Anderson, eldest 6on of S. Anderson, banker, Edin. George Turnbull of Abbay St. Bathens Robert Nisbct of Mersington Thos.Boswall of Blackadder John Hood of Stonerigg John Fowler of Hally dawn Robert I .isle Coulson, com- mander, royal navy Sir John Buchan Hepburn of Smeaton, Bart. Tho. Scott of East Morristoo Wm. Berry of Whitsoraehill Win. Ar. Smaill of Overmains Rev. William Stow J^undieof Spittal^^^l David IjOw of Whitsomelaws David Anderson Blair of Inch, yra, advocate Alexander Robertson, W. S, J. H. Home of Rassendean John Dickson of Peehvalls John Anderson of Gladswood And. Bonar of Kimmerghame J . Bonar, y r. of K immerghame J as. Bonar, merchant, London Wm. Bonar, banker, Rdinb. Lieut .-Gen. Hon. Wm. M. Maitland of Manderstone George Dickson of Bdchester Sir John Makjoribanks of Lees, B. \ Head Court held first Tuesday of October. William Boswell. Sherff-Dcp.... Alex. Christie, Sheriff-Sub, James Bell, Sheriff-Clerk Tames Home, Distributor of Stamps, ...Willi am Mol 1 e , Cell, of Cess. BUTESHIRE.— Rothesay.— 14 , Marquis of Butk, Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff*. Colonel Archibald Moore of Rothesay— Convener. Lord E.J. Stuart of Glenmore James Hamilton of Karnes Lord H. W. Stuart of Upper Ardroscadale Ld. G.StuartofMiddleScoulag Hon. Chas. Stuart of Erskine Robert Ferguson of Raith Sir J. Marjoribanks of Lees, B. M. P. D. Hamilton of Gilkerscleugh Lord James Stuart T. F. Kennedy of Dunure Col. Arch. Moore of Rothesay Jas. Gordon, yr. of Culvenan G. Laing Meason of Lindertis Patrick Crichton, Edinburgh Caithness returns for this Parliament. Head Court held 29th September. Samuel M‘Cormick, ShcrifflDep. ...John Blain, Shcrff-Sub, Alex. Irvine, Sheriff-Clerk John Blain, Distributor of Stamps.... Alex. Irvine, Coll, of Cess. | CAITHNESS-SHI RE — Wick — 29. Earl of Caithness, I»rd Lieutenant. Benjamin Williamson of Marlefield — Convener, Hon. Sir J. Sinclair, Ulbstor,#j Hon. Maj. Gen. G. Bosville John C. Sutherland of Parse Alex. Henderson of Stemster John Sinclair of Barrock General Sir James Duff Major W. Innes of Sandside Geo. S. Sinclair of Brabster Lt.-col. Wemyss of Southdun Cap. P. Campbell of Barcaldine SirB. Dunbarof Hemprig«p,£ James Horne of Lang well Cap. John Gordon of Swinzie Win. Sinclair of Freswick Alex. Anstruther barrister at law John Home of Stircock David Brodie of Hopeville James Sinclair of Forss Geo. Sinclair, yr. of Ulbster Sir J. G. Sinclair of Murkle J. Sinclair Worth of Dnrren P. M. Thriepland Budge of Toftingall ■ T. Fraser of Banniskirk Wm. Horne, yr. of Stircock Robt. Alex. ’Mackay, mer- chant, Glasgow Donald Horne, W. S. John M‘Leay, Kiess W. Macleay,* Provost of Wick, as liferenter, and K. Mac- leay of Newmore, as fiar Lt. Col. W. Stewart of Strath George Sinclair, younger of Ulbster, m. p. Michaelmas Head Court held at Wick. lames Traill, S/tcriJ-ncp....Wm. Henderson, Shcritf-Sub. George Douglas, Shcrif-Clcrk.... W. Henderson, Distrib. r. A. Monroof Craiglockhart H. B. Maxwell, youngest son k. ^ * • a * *11 f AM n Vimll ilnvs A. H. Cullen, advo. liferenter W. A. Maxwell, Captain 1st dragoon guards Hev. Dr. F. Nicol of Balgillo Gen. F. Dun das, Col. 71st foot Chas. Cunningham, W. S. VV. Arbuthnot, Edinburgh A. Bonar. banker, Edinburgh, liferenter John Bonar, his eldest son. fiar A. Mackinlay, merch. EdinbJ A. Henderson of Warriston Smith, W. S. A. Constable of Balniel J. Clapperton of Spyelaw A. Clapperton, merch. Edinb. Ja. Moncrieff, advo. in part liferenter Uobert Hill, W. S. J. Cuningham, advocate, lifr. A. Fletcher of Salton Wm. Inglis, W. S. liferenter Wm. Mitchell, cashier. Royal Bank of Scotland of Gen. Maxwell, fiar D. Baird, yr. of Newbyth, fiar J. C, Scot of Sinton, liferent. \V. Gibson, eldest son of Jas. Gibson, liferenter P. Wedderburn, late of thd East India Company’s ser- vice. liferenter Jas. Wedderburn, Sol-Gen. fiar Sir Alexander Keith of Dun- ottar, B. Robert Dundas of Arniston Alexander Marjoribanks, yr. of Marioribanks, fiar John C. Dunlop, advocate William Wilkie of Bonington James Aitchison, 2d son of W. Aitchison of Drummore John Hay, yr. of Smith field and Hayston Sir George Clerk of Pennycuick, Bart. m. p. Head Court held 1st Tuesday after 2i)th September. Adam Duff, SheriJJ'-Dcpntc....l\ . Davidson, Shcrif-Substit. Adam Holland, Sher. -Clerk*... Jjisttib. of Stamps.... Sir J. G. Baird and Jas. Tytler, Colls, of Cess. ELGIN AND MORAY.— Elgin — 31. Earl of Moray, Lord Lieutenant. Sir Archibald Dunbar of Northfield, Bart. — Convener . James Brodie of Brodie iCha. Grant of Westcr-Elches Gn. Sir J. Duff of Kinstair, Kt.'Geo. M. Grant of Ballindalloch Col. Hugh Grant of Moy IMaj. George Dull*, of Milton John Brander of Pitgavenny {Rich. W. Duff of Orton Wm. l^eslie of Balnageith (J. P. Grant of Rothiemurchus, Sir A. Dunbar of North field, B . | M. P. L. D. Brodie of Burgie and Sir W. C. Gordon of Altyre,fl. Lethen Lieut. -col. George Gordon Stewart Sou ter of Melrose Capt. A. Macleod of Dalvey James Earl of Fife George Cumming of London Wm. Young of Invcrngic William Brodie of Milton Hon. Major-Gen. A. Duff of Leuchars Captain James Duff Mackay W in. F. Tytler of Balnain W rn. Forbes of Echt Rev. Dr. F. Nicoll of Balgillo^ Jo. ilav^orkesot Scotstonhill Patrick Sellur ot West tie Id q. L. Cumming of Roseisle |Maj.-Gen. W m. Grantof Tan- Major Alex. Francis Taylor ofj nachy Monaughty \Wm. Stewart of Inverugie CoL Francis William Grant m. p. Head Court held on the 1st Friday of October. Sir Geo. Abercromby, Bart. Shcr.-Drp.... Geo. Fenton & Jas. Coull, Sher.-Sub*.... PaL Duff, Sher.-Clcrk...Mob. Gngor, Distrib. of Stamps. . . . Pat. Duff, Coll, oj toss. FIFKSHIRR* — Cupar — 2 32. Earl of Morton, Lord Lieutenant* Earl of Kelly, Vice Lieutenant. Hon. Robert Lindsay of Leuchars— Convener. II it Wrtof Vnvtnn Hon.C.I. Boswell of Ba one of the Senators of the Col lege of Justice college or .justice own — -- Rev. DF. Alex. Turnbull of*C. M. M'Gill of Rankeillor [.l.umsdainc of Innergelly Henry West of Koxton_ almuto, Andrew Thomson of Kinloch Hon. I^aurence Dundus, eldest son of Lord Dundas Cassindonald Andrew Johnston of Renny hill Hon. James Cochrane Cha. Durie of Craigluscar Alex. Murray of Ayton Alexander Bayne of tteres John Cheape of Rossic James Wemyss of Winthank William Wemyss of Wemyss Andrew Johnston of Pittowie James Cheape of Strathtyrum W. Drysdale of W. Pitteuchar Geo. Sandilands of Nuthill Robert Iiow of Clatto John Young, W.S. John Stenhouse of Southfod Dav. Meldrum of Craigfoodie Hon. R. Lindsay of Leuchars Robert Ferguson of llaith Sir R. B. Henderson of Earls- hall, B. George (Cheape of Pusk ■ JamesThomson of W cst Bogie Hon. David Monypenny of Pitmilly, one of the Senat- ors of the College of Justice W. Dalgleish of Scotscraig Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. C.Fergus- son of Muirton, K. C. B. Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Oswald of Dunnikicr, K. C. B. Maj.-Gen.Rob. Balfour of Bal birnie Pitmilly, one < Pat. fondsay of Wormieston Dav. Briggs of Over Carnbee Maj. Jo. Lumsdaine of Lath- allan John Ramsay of KinkelU Geo. Patterson of Cunnoquhie «jonn oiciinuuM; ui wuuuuwu 1,11 ,,,v - « Sir C. Halkett of Pitfirran,i?. Wm. Paston of Barnslee Peter Halkett, Pitfirran James Herriot of llamornie George Aitken of Tliornton ’John Dalyell of Lingo Rob. Well wood of Garvoch D. W r allace of Balmeadowside Lieut.-Gen. James Durham of Vice-ad. Sir Ph. Cha. Durham Geo. Patterson of Cunnoquhie of the R. N* K.C. c Ro. Christie of Easter New-, Gen. Sir J. S. Denham of Colt- ton ness, B . P 2 171 John A. Thomson of Charlton Tho. Bruce of Grangemuir Methven Erskine of Airdrie VVm. Johnston of Lathrisk David Gillespie of Kirkton Dr. Cha. Stuart of Dunearn James Stuart, yr. of Dunearn J. R. Dickson of Blairhall W. M‘Donald of St. Martins Col. R. Anstruther of Cairns Gilbert Bethune of Balfour Dr. J. R. Barclay of Cavil Rev.A.Carstairs of Kingsbarns VV T illiam Erskine of Kinneder SirR. Preston of Valley field, B. Ltcol.R.MoubrayofCoekairnie William Haig of Seggie n t ..r IJ aAVo^/4o VVm. Fergusson of Kilrie Walter Fergus of Strathore VVm. Lindsay of Feddinch Alex. Boswell of Glassmont Tho. Hogg ofNewliston Nor. Hill of Brownhills S. Erskine of Kilmining Hugh Cleghorn of Stravithie Pat. Cleghorn of Bonafield Andrew Clephane, advocate Walter Irvine of Denino David Lister, W.S. Joseph Murray, yr. of Ayton Oliver Gourlay of Baltelly John Russell of Middlefield David H. Balfour of Leys JamesSpens of Craigsanquliar Rob. Pattullo of Balhouflie William Marshall of Grange William Berry, W.S. Geo. Johnston of Irvinefield Rob. G. Smyth of Gibliston II Wedderburn ofW edderbum James Gibson, W.S. John Wilson of Transy Lt.-gn. SrJ.ErskineofTorryR. John M‘FarIane of Kirkton John Boswell, yr. of Balmuto Capt. R. H. Moubray, R.N. Cha. M. Christie of Durie John Dalgleish ofDalheath Right Hon. William Adam of J. narrower, yr. of Inzievar W oodstone David Wemyss, W.S. David Glass of Smiddygreen Alex. Monypcnnv, W.S. Dr. Tho. Melville, physician, St. Andrews Lieut. -gen. A. G. Stirling of James Wedderburn, advocate A. Christie of Foodie Robert Speirs of Kirkmay Duchray SirJohnHope ofCratehall, JB. Capt. H. Arnot of Balcormo Hen. Dewar of Lassodie David Black of Bandrum Robert Arnot of Chapel John Pitcairn of Kinnaird Thomas Purvis of Lochend David Erskine of Carnock Andrew Christie of Ferrybank John Inglis of Colluthie J. H. Rigg of Downfield and Morton Tho. Scotland of W. Luscar Wm. Robertson, C.S. Maj.B. Horsbrugh of Pitbladdo Dav. W. Arnot of Arlary Lt.-Gen. G. Moncrieff of Bal- P. MUlie of Cameron-bridge And. Pitcairn of Pitcullo T. Martin, writer, Edinburgh James Hunt of Pittencrieff John Miller of Ballingall John Watt of Denmill Alex. Pringle of Whitebank C. M. W. Aytoun, 2d son of the late Roger Aytoun of Inchdairnie Roger Aytoun, 3d son of the late Roger Aytoun of Inch* dairnie Cha. Moyes of Lumbenny John Skelton, writer, Kinross Arch. Constable of Balneil Tho. Lawson of Pitlethie Wm. Fernie of New Grange James Wemyss of Carriston J. Cunninghame ol^ ftouloch Law. Bonar of Balengry, life- renter, and \V. Gilmour, yr, of Pitlochie, fiar A. Thomson of Kastquarter J. Stainton of Biggarshiels George Simson of Lctham James Nairne, W.S. John M 4 Ritchie of Dcnork Pat. G. Skene of H allyards George Tod, writer, Edinb. Henrv Traill of Dairsie Capt.* J. Maitland of Kilmaron'Kev. D. Symers ot Kingskettle William Mouat, advocate J. Cheape of Balgove, Lt. R. A And. Murray of Murrayshall Tho. Arnot, yr. ot Chappie Capt. RCathcartof Carbiston A. C. Stuart ot Castle-Stewart R. Mcldrum of Pittormie Rob. Wemyss of Cuttlehill Hon. J. T. Leslie Melville Sir M. Malcolm ot Balbedie R. Bruce Dundas of Blair 1C Dalgliesh, yr. ot Scotscraig Andrew Colvill of Ochiltree Rev. .1. K. Cunninghgme, mi- P.Wedderburn, E. I. C. service nister of Crichton D. Carsswell of Rathillet Cha. Kinnear of Kinnear J. S. Blackwood of Pitreavie Alex. Pitcairn of I ratis J. Thomson of Holekettle, lifr. Rob. Smythe of Methven and D. Thomson, W. S. fiar Alexander Bethune of Blebo George Johnston of Kedlock Wm. Murray of 1 oucliudam Jas. Cindsay, yr. of Balearras Rev. A. Bell of C rail A. Pringle, yr. of WhitebanklC Ballingall ofBurnturk l)r. Henry Stiller of Powrin J. Lorimer ot Kelhefield, lifr. Henry George Bell of Latlioncs Thomas Stark of Teases 11. LundinofAuchtermarnie Maj. J. V. Briggs, 28th foot Hon. A. Stuart of Balmerino J. Balfour, 2d son of the late J. Balfour of Balbirnie John Waugh Brougham, mer- chant in Edinburgh George Hcggie of Pitlessie William Jobson of Lochore John Ay ton of Inchdairny Lieut. Col. Alex. Hay, late Mil. Aud. Gen. at Bombay Alex. Colvill of Hillside and Maj. Tho. Webster of Balgarvie, fiar J. Carstorphin, liferentcr And. Carstorphin, fiar W. Da. Wight man Henderson Somerville of Fingask Dav. Erskine of Newhall .John Shaw Stewart, advocate David Meldrum of Dron John Arch. Campbell, W. S lifr. and Jas. Erskine of Aberdona, fiar Capt. Mat. MoncriefT of Cul- fargie J. Fortune of Muircambus Alex. Colvill ot Hinsicie Wm. Wemyss, second son ot >L W. Melville of Bonn yl Gen.VV f emyss of Wemyss Alex. Thoms of Rumgally Col. J. Muter Straiten, 6th regiment of dragoons Alex. Colville of Middlcbank Robert Russell of Drumtuthil Robert Douglas of Strathenry James Haig of Blairhall Lt.-col. Martin Lindsay, 78thj and Strath kin ness Lieut. -Gen. Hon. C. Hope of Craighall J. Ker of Carskerdo Pat. Jo. Glas. of Kinaldy Maj. -Gen. E. S. Broughton of Rossend Sir David Moncrieffe of Mon- crieffe* B re giment of foot P 8 Ca pt. J. Wemyss, R. A. 173 A. Ogilvy Dalgleish, 2d somThomas Gardner Marshall of { of W. Dalgleish of Scots- Hiilcairnie | craig. (Geo. Simson, yr. of Woodmill (James C. Bruce of Balchrvstie’John Innes, mercht. London iJames B. Fernie of liilmuix [John Drummond Krskine,ci. [Lt.-Col. Ho. Oswald, 35th foot! vil service, E. India Co. James Webster of Balruddery [Andrew Johnston, younger of Henry Buist of Bcrryhole I Rennyhill General William Wf.myss of Wemyss, m. p. Head Court held first Tuesday of October. Andrew Clephane, S7icr.-Dcp.... Andrew Jameson and Alex. Colville, S/icr. -Subs.... Thos. Horsbrugh, Star-Cfo... Geo. Sandilands, Distrib. of Stamps... John Cheape, CollofCest, FORFARSHIRE.— Forfar -112. Lord Douglas, Lord Lieutenant. John Guthrie of Guthrie— Convener, James Guthrie of Craigie Patrick Chalmers of Auldbarr James Ogilvy of Islabank David Allaraice of Dun fin Fran. Krskine of Kirkbuddo James Fvfe of Smith field Thortms Kinloch of Kilrie George Skene of Skene John Raitt of Aniston Col. John Carnegy, Carcary Alexander Watson of Turin T. R. Strachan of Tarry John Mill of Noranside J. Clay hills of Invergowrie Cha. Wedderburn of Pearsie Charles Gray of Carse Mungo Dick of Pitkerro Charles Lyell of Kinnordy A. M. Guthrie, yr. of Craigie Rob. Douglas, of Brigton David Hunter of Burnside f. Cruickshankof Langley park R. Lindsay of Almericloss Robert Speid of Ardovie Patrick Murray of Simprim Geo. R. Scott of Heddenvick J. I^aurenson of Inverighty John Ouchterlony of Guynd David Blair of Cookston Alex. Riddoch of Blacklunans David Carnegie of Craigo A. R. Tailyout* of Borrowfield John Duncan of Rosemount Geo. Chaplin of Colliston Robert Mill of Woodhili Her. Tailyour of Carcaray Charles Greenhill of l'carn Pat. Carnegie of Lower T. Farquharson of Baldovie T. Gardyne of Middleton Alex. Ritchie of Bearhill Cha. Ogilvy of Tannadice T> Fotlieringham of Powrie Alex. Duncan of Parkhill John Harvey of Kinnettles Alexander Lyell of Gardyne Alex. Erskine of Balhall David Millar of Ballumbie J. L’Amy of Dunkenny J. F otheringham ofBalgershoe Hon. D. G. Hally burton of Pit- cur Hon. A. Gillies of Kintrockat lion. Maj. Gen. Ja. Ramsay G. Laing Meason of Lindertis Robert Lyell of Newbigging Hon. Archibald Douglas Hon. Charles Douglas Isaac Watt of Logic I Hon. A. Stuart of Balmerino Hon. John Ramsay of Dysart [Thos. Binny of Lawton, &c. Rev Dr Fr. Nicoli of BalgiUo Wm. Stirling of Duntrnne James Webster of Balruddery P. Wedderburn ofNewgrange i? 'a William Fullerton Lindsay William Ford of Westwood Rev. A. Carnegy of Baldovie Alexander Greenhill of Vane Andrew Knox of Keithock James Carnegy of Balnamoon John Baxter of Idvies George Lyon of Ogle Liout. Gen. John Hope John Allan of Lochlands Dav.Arkly,lifr. ofCleppington p. Avklv of Dunninald John Wilson, of Whitfield H. Wedderburn, Wedderburn Adam Tait of Pittermo Hon. Cap. Hen. Duncan, R.N. SirJ.Ogilvy, InnerquharUy,iy A. Skene of Marcus, R.N. John Webster of Flemington Sir A. Ramsay of Balmain,#. D.Kerr, Grange of Monvfieth William Fullerton Lindsay Carnegy of Boy sack Thomas Kerr of Northgrange r\ 1 J fli itLrio m or. David Charles Guthrie, mer- chant, London Robert Taylor of Kirktonhill Arch. Campbell Stewart of St Fort and Castle Stewart David Blair, jun. merchant, Dundee Jas Gibson Lyall of Gallarv Fred. Fothenngham, ir. W.S. Jas Mellis Nairne of Dunsin- natie John Farquhar of Pitscandly f Captain Robert Scott of Usan Pat. Chalmers, yr. of Auldbar John Hay of Letham Cha. Fothringham, merchant, Glasgow j! Bushby Maitland of fcccles James Campbell? advocate J. A Mackenzie, yr. of Bel- David Nairne ot Drumkilbo John Shand of Arnhall Philip Hay of Balmakewan Sir James Ramsay of Banlf, B. George Keith of Usan Hon. William Maule of Panmure, m. p. Head Court held 1st Tuesday after 20th Sept. moot Rob. Downie of Dumbarrow l William Smart of Cononsy th David Jobson of Balfour James I .’Amy, Shtr.-Dcp.... Peter Rankcn, Orr, Sher.-Clcrk. Thos. Carnaby, dm.... P. Wankcn and J. Alison, Distrib. of Stamps.... Dav. Jobson, Coll, of Less. HADDINGTONSHIRE.— Haddington.— 95. Earl of Haddington, Lord Lieutenant. David Anderson of St. Germains— Convener, Jo. Buchan, W. S. Harperden James Hepburn of Ilumbic Sir A. L. Dick of Fountain- D. Anderson of St. Germains h a p ft ’Sir J. Halt of Dunglass, B. James’ Wilkie of Gilehriston Andrew M'Dowal of Logan Robert Baird of Newby th Capt. James Dalrymple Wm. H. Nisbct of Dirleton John Anderson ot Windygoul Wm. Douglas of Garvatd F. B. Sydserlf of Ruehlaw 175 . \V alker, advocate, as liter, of certain parts of Kastfortuoe Wm. Hay, yr. of Lawfield John Anderson of Whitburgh K. Anderson, yr. of WinterBeld \V. H. Campbell of Winton J. Buchan Sydserft'of Ruchlaw Geo. Buchan of Kelloe Wm Hume, Dunbar John Sligo of Carmvle George Sligo of Auldhame Adam Bogue of Woodhall llob. Veitch of Caponflat Sir J. B. Hepburn of Smeaton. Bart. William Cadell of Tranent Sir Hew Dalryinple Hamilton of N. Berwick, B. Robert Hay of Lawfield W. H. Newton of Newton Charles Hay, merchant Alex. Houston of Clerkington Colin Mackenzie, P.C.S. James Paton of Grading Eagle’s Carnie Rob. Steuavt of Alderston Hon. Col. Patrick Stewart of J. Fullerton Elphingstone of Klphingstone R. Hay Newton, advocate t T„i. _ c \\r e Sir Geo. Warrender of Loch-; John Smith, W. S. end, Bart. James Yule of Gibslees J. H. Rigg of Down field Geo. Rennie of Fantassie David Hay of Belton Ja. Ainslie, merchant, I^eith Sir J. Pringle Dairy inple, B, Sir James Ferguson of Kiiktr- ran, B. Gen. Hon. Sir Alex. Hope ol Waughton, B. W. Law, yr. of Elvingstone Lt. -gen. Geo. Hardyman ofG. Home Falconer of Wood- Hedderwickhill Wm. Hunter of Tvnefield Adm. Sir Wm. J. Hope John A. Higgins of Newok P. Sandylands of Barnyhill T. L. Dick, yr. Fountainhall James Law of Elvingston G. Robinson of Clermiston, as lifer, of parts of FJvingston cotepark And. Fletcher of Salton John Fowler of Hally down Wil. Bogue of Kirkland J. Cathcart of GenocU Lord John Hay G. Grant Suttie, yr. of Pres- Htongrange and Bulgone Alex. Smith, W. S. Wm. Aitchison of Drummore James M‘Dowal, yr. of Logan l/>rd James Hay Jn. Hume, parts of Westbarns H. Francis Cadell, Cockonzie Geo. Hay, mercht. Edin. Sir J. G. Sinclair of Murkle & Stevenson James Hunter of Thurston James Hay of Linplum Col. C. Maitland of Maitland- fiwld David Anderson, yr. of St Germains J. Hughes of Milnsidc, as fiar of Eastcraig William Hay of Drummclzicr James Syme of Northficld P. Walker of Eastfortune and Bankton D. Baird, yr. of Newbyth Robert Duntlas of Arniston Ro. Ferguson of Raitli J. Bruce of GrangehiU Patrick Dudgeon of Eastcraig Jas. Balfour of Whittinghame Majr-Gen. Robert Balfour of Balbirnie Rev. Dr. P. Carfrae, liferenter of Bowerhouses Captain John Carfrae, fiar of Bowerhouses William Hay of Hopes Christ. Middlemas, Dunbar 170 Nsr- iGeoree Hunterdr Callender [James M‘Innes, writer, Edin- ISpt 'ValterCampbeU of Sun- burgh derland Sir James Grant Suttie, Bart. m. p. Head Court held 1st Tuesday after 29th September. 11- Hnrnc i'Acr.-Drp.—Th<)S.Fairbairn,SAer.- 5 ui....HeniTr ^av”Sj^.X^ V A.ex . ^burton, DiUM. of Alamos... .Willi am Cadell, Coll . of Cess. INVERNESS-SHIRE. — Inverness.— 70. Colonel Francis W. Grant, I^rd Lieutenants Wm. Fraser Tytler of Balnain— Convener, Edw. S. Fraser of Relick Sir JE.M‘ Intosh of M‘Intosh,B Mai. Tho. Fraser of Newton A. Macalister of Strathaird John Peter Grant of Rothie- murchus Col. A.Macdonnell of Glengary Simon Fraser of Foyers N T or. Macleod of Bernisdale Wm. Fraser of Culbocky Evan Bailie of Dochfour H. R. Duff of Muirtown Right Hon. Alexander Went- worth, Lord Macdonald Tho. Fraser of Gortuleg, lifr. of the lands of which James Bristo Fraser is fiar Col. Hugh Grant of Moy A. Fraser of Lincoln’s Inn Alex. Fraser of Torbreck James Fraser of Belladrum Chas. Grant of Waternish Right Hon. Chas. Grant, yr. of Waternish, M.P. John Fraser of Farraline Mj.-gcn. 1 Ion.Godfrey Bosv die M* Donald, late of 24th foot Dun. G. Forbes of Culloden Hon. Arch. Macdonald, brother of Lord Macdonald Col. Fra. William Grant of the 10th or lnverness-sh. mili- tia, M.P. J. Ewan Baillic of Bristol James Macleod of Rasay Mtyor Malcolm Macleod* E. I. Co.’s service Grant Allan, mercht. London Sir E. Cameron of Fassifern J. N. Macleod of Macleod R. G. Macdonald of Clanranald Sir W. Fraser of Lcadclune,# Hugh Macdonald of Boisdale Wm. Bail lie of Dunain Hon. J. F. Campbell, eldest son of John Lord Cawdor Lt.-col. A. Bai llie, late ofLeys, lifer, and Lt.-col. John Bail - lie, now of Leys, liar ; the fiar not to vote but m ab- sence of the liferenter, &c. Sir J. Pringle of Stitchell, B. N Hill of Brow’ nh ill, advocate A. N. M‘Leod of Harries Col. D. Cameron of Lochiel J. B. Fraser, fiar of the lands upon which Thomas Fraser stands iorolled: the fiar not to vote but in absence of the liferenter, &c. . . M. Grant of Glenmoriston r . M‘Pberson Grant of Balin- dalloch and Invereshie,M.f . James Grant of Bught Hon. W. Fraser, merchant m London ~ W. F .Tytler, advocate, sherin- depute of Inver ness-shirc 177 P. C. Bruce of Glenelg |J. Cameron, merchant, Berbice M. Bruce, yr. of ditto 'A. C. Grant, vr. of Dalvey Alex. Macdonald of Dallalea Pat. Grant of Redcastle Lt.-col. Jas. M‘Donell, Cold- P. N. Bruce of Mylemore stream guards .ueuigc j L. M‘Intosh of Raigmorc |Capt. T. Alex. Mackenzie of WoodsideJ Duncan Cameron, yr. of Fas- Colonel Hugh Rose of Holm | sifern, W. S. M. Robertson of Inches, advo- Affleck Fraser of Culduthel •George Inglis of Kingsmills fijggr m Fraser of Balnain Robert Fraser of Struy Viscount Ha warden David Stewart, London Don. Cameron, yr. of Lochiel John Stewart of Durris cate Duncan Fraser of Fingask Jas. John Fraser, capU in 7th light dragoons J. Innes, merchant, London The Right Hon. C. Grant, younger of Waternish, Principal Secretary of State for Ireland, m.p. Head Court held 1st Tuesday of October. Wm. F. Tytler, Sher.-Dep .... Thomas Gilzean, Shcr-Syb. at Inverness. Robert Fly ter, Ditto at Fort-WilHam . L. Mackinnon, Ditto at Portree. Dun. Shaw, Ditto at Nun- ton .... Lockhart Kinloch, Sher.-Clcrk. Geo. Cameron, De- pute at Inverness. J. M ‘Gregor, Depute at Fort -William. W. Munro, Depute at Portree.... Geo. Cameron, Thos.Gil. zean, and John Ross, Distrib. of Stamps .... Campbell Mac- intosh, Coll . of Cess. KINCARDINESHIRE — Stonehaven. — 71. Lord Viscount Arbuthnot, Lord Lieutenant. Col. R. W. Duff of Fetteresso— Convener. Alex. Turnbull of Dalladics |John Menzies of Pitfoddels G. Skene liferent. of Mondynes Lt. -gen. W. Burnet of Stand- ingstones James Rose of Glendye J. INI. Nicholson of Glenbervie Hon. Lt.-eol. H. Arbuthnot of Hatton Hon. A. Gillies of Harvieston James Farquhar of Johnston William Adam of Woodston Sir Robert Burnet of Leys, B. Sir J oh nStuartof F ettercairn , li Rob. Wm. Duff of Fetteresso Geo. R. Scott of Benholm George Lyellof Kinneft* John Brand ofLaurieston K. W. Burnet of Monboddo Francis Graham of Morphie George Douglas of Arbeadie George Silver of Balnagubs Hon. C. I. Boswell of Balmuto John Innes of Cowie Thomas Morrison of Elsick George Kinloch of Kail* Rob. Bar. Allardice of Ury TT~.. 11 7 nr, * Charles Adam of Mathers Sir D, Wedderburn of Ballen- dean, B Alexander Crombie of Phesdo iJohn Burnet of Kemnay Hon. Wm. MaiRe of Panmure, William Carnegie of Cookston Rev. P. Stewart of Hilton 1 G. H. Drummond of Drum- tochty Alex. Duthie of Ruthrieston Alex. Munro of Castlehill W. Farquhar of Inverbervie Gavin Hadden of Kinghornie William Innes of Raemore Sir A. Ramsay of Balmain Tho. Ramsay of Caldhame Hon. C. Fleming of Whistle- berry W. G. Adam of Wester Kineflf J. Scott of Brotherton D. Scott of Nether Benholm Adam Duff of Findon Masterton Ure of Logie D. S. Barclay of Allardice Thomas Burnet of Park J. Boswell, yr. Balmuto, asfiar Robert Duff, yr. of Fetteresso Alex. Gordon of Auchlunics Tho. Burnet, yr. of Leys Sir II. N.Lumsdenof Auchin- doir George Harley Dr H ead Court held first Tue George Douglas, Shcr.-Dcp .... Stewart, A'Acr.-C^r....Alex. J trib. of Stamps.. ..Chus. Scot I. Lumsden of Tilwhilly Villiam Gordon of Fy vie and Marycultcr Alex. Smith of Strathlcthen fohn Ramsay of Barra Hon. D. Ogilvy of Balbegno lobert Taylor of Kirtonhill lohn Shand of the Burn 1. Drummond of Bishopton, as lifr. and J. Drummond, yr. thereof, as liar, the fiar to vote in absence of the lifr. Philip Hay of Balmakewan Sir William Forbes of Pitsli- go, B . A. Scott of Stone of Morphie Lt. Geo. Bell of Commieston Jas Gammell ofCountesswells Alex. Low of Crigme Col. J. Straton of Kirkside Ro. R. Hepburn of Riekarton Alex. Thomson of Banchory Sir Alex. Keith of Dunnottar* Knt. Marischai of Scotland lummond. Esq. M. P. sday after 20th September. John Innes, Sher.-Sub.. ..Wm. Brown and Chas. Monro, Dis- t, Colt, of Cess. J. Brand, dep. KINROSS-SHIRE Right Hon. William Adam, Lord LL Michael Henderson < Rev. Sir H. M. Wellwood of Tillybole, B. Right Hon. Wm. Adam Andrew Stein of Coldon James Graham, Rev. George Henry Templar Thomas Bruce of Arnot David W. Arnot of Arlary John Young of Cleish Dr. Andrew Coventry of Shan well . — Kinross. — 21. Lord Chief Commissioner, eutenant. >f Turfhills — Convener. Lt. Col. G. Edward Graham Capt. C. Adam, Royal Navy Michl. Henderson of Turfhills W. G. Adam of Lincoln's Inn, London Pat. G. Skene of Hallyards Mai. -Gen. Sir Frederic Adam, K. C. B. See. Dr J. Henderson of Wester* i- town Edw. Alexander of Powis far Jas. Montgomery of Stan-IAndw. Clephanc, advo«,l« hope, Bart. Hay Clephanc, late of the Ha. t r» i vr-»,rtfl K.a«t India Co. a service ! Cap. Bart . ^7“;:"' , ", L Clephane, Royal Navyl East I ndia Co. s service Lieut.-Col. George Edward Graham, m.p. James MoncreifF, Shcr.-Dcy John Skelton, Sher.-Suty Alex. Hogg, Sher. -Clk....Jo h n Skelton, Distrib. of Stamps, Alex. Hogg, Coll, of Cess. KIRKCUDBRIGHT STEWARTY.-Kirkcudbricht.-H1. Earl of Selkirk, Lord Lieutenant. A. Maitland of Dundrennan and Wm. Mure of Twynholm- Mains — Conveners. ' - 4 ,n\ Sir David Maxwell of Car. doness, B. Geo. Maxwell of Carruchan David Blair of Borgue V Peter Johnston of Carnsalloch J Adam T. Mure of Muncraig Wm. Stewart of Shambelly Horatius Cannan of Barlae Well. Maxwell of Barncleuch F.ben. Shaw of Drumrash SirW. Miller of Glenlee, B. SirA.M.M 4 Kenzie of Delvin, James Douglas of Orchardton Rev. Dr. David Lamont of Erncrogo John Gordon of Kenmore J. M‘Michan of M. Furthead Ram. Hannay of Bardristane Sir A. Gordon of Culvennan R. Gordon of Threave Grange D. Andersod of St. Germains James Anderson of Lincluden Sa. Anderson, banker, Kdin. R. Anderson, mercht, Edin. Hugh Stewart of Gategill Wm. M‘Caa of Barnshalloch And. M*Dowall of Logan R. A. Oswald of Aucliencruive John M‘Culloch of Barbolm S. M. Fullarton of Fullarton Thomas Goldie of Craigmuie James Hannay of Blairinnie D. H. Craik of Arbigland Wm. Gordon of Campbeltown Alex. Gordon of Argrennaji Hon. Sir W. Stewart of Corlae, K. G. C. B. ™ Wm. Irving of Gribton James Gordon of Culvennan Wm. Ireland of Barbey Samuel Douglas of Netherlaw Hon. and Rev. Dr C. Stewart of Holm D. Maxwell, yr. of Cardoness Lt.-col. C. Maxwell of Laggart Walter Boyd of Kinharvic John Costin of Glenson J. M. M‘Culloch of Aid wall Pat. Campbell of Queenshill Taj. R. N. Dunbar of Macher* Maj, more . T. Crichton of Auchenskeoch John Napier of Mollance David Blair, yr. of Borgue Robert Hannay of Kuscoe W. P. M. Herries of Snottes Ilev.J.G. Maitland of Fairgirth, Sir J. Graham of Netherby,.#. Wm. Philip Inge of Thorp Lt.-gen. J as. DunlopofDunlop Mj . -gen.Si r J. S. II e ronof Heron Aiex. Blair of Auchenrcoch V D. M‘Culloch of TorrhouskiC Wm. Douglas of Almorness James Nish of Barlochan 1 Hon. Edw. Rich. Stewart Hon. James H. K. Stewart Hon. and Rev. G. Rushoiit 180 Jas. Alex. Melville of Barouhar John Kirkpatrick of Bogrie \V. Mure of Twy nholm Mains Wm. M. Porter of Blairinnie Alex. Reid of Kirkcnnan Sir J. Shaw of Polmadie, B. And. Livingston of Airds G. Manual of Nunland Mains, lifr. and John Clark, son of Jo. Clark lute of Nunland fiar Meg. J. Culton of Auchnabony Gilbert Young of Youngfield Alex. K. Clark of Knockgray Richard Howat of Mabie A Maitland of Dundrennan Dav. Kennedy of Knocknalling Sir J. Hall of Dunglass, B. Wm. Anderson, writer, Ediub. John Bell of Gribdie Sir C. Halkct of Pitferran, B . J. Commelin, late of Nether Balfier Robert Gordon of Auchendolly Edward Boyd of Mertonhall Robert Forbes of Strangassel Sir J. Montgomery of Stan- hope, B. Robert Welsh of Collin J. D. W. Gordon of Nethei Camndudziell Tho. Miller, yr. of Glenlee And. Wedderburn, merchant London Ebenezer Drew of Auchenhae J R. Skirving of N. Kilquhanidy Samuel Thomson of Forrest liferenter Rob. Hannay, yr. of Blairinnie Thomas Corrie of M. Culloch Alex. Murray of Broughton James Niven of Glenarm David Blair of Blackcraig Edward Fletcher of Corsock W. B. Laurie of Redcastle R. Ferguson Cutlar of Orro- land R. Milligan of Little F urtbhead jiiain. Gordon of Lochdougan . A. Wylie of Over Laggan ■!. Napier, yr. of Mollance '. Maitland, yr. of Dundren- nan, advocate r . Rose Robinson, yr. of Cler- miston, advocate . Watson, yr. of BridgeCastle f. Anderson yr. of St. Ger- mains Charles Heries Muirhoad of Buitle Mains Wm. Stothert of Cargen Jas. Wedderburn, advocate Wm. Maitland of Auchlean David Hannay of Auchen- franco, as fiar . C. Maxwell of Middlebie John M‘Adam of Mar whim Hon. F. Norton, one of the Barons of Exchequer John Mure of Nunland D. A. Blair of Inchyra Geo. Whigham of Halliday- hill Watson Stott of Kelton James Stewart of Cairnsmore Lieut. Keith Stewart of Bor- ness, R. N. John Kennedy of Miltonpark R. Whigham of Loch patrick Wm Y’oun*', yr. of Harburn, lifr. and Alex. A’oung of Harburn, W.S. as fiar And. Heron, yr. of Ingleston 'ames Ochterlony Lockhart Mure of Livingston Alex. Harlev of the Hon. East India Co/s service John Herries Maxwell of Munches Jas. Carson of Barscobe John M‘Kie of Bargalie John Halkett of Auchen flower Robert Gordon of Larglang- lee Jas. M. Gordon of Balmaghie Dr. Thos. Melville in St. An-1 drews, liferenter, and Jas.1 M. Melville, W. S. fiar | Q Sir Alex. Gordon, Ste-tcart-Dcf)... .Win. Ireland, StcaartJhA. David Melville, Stewart -Citric .... John Syme, Distrib. of Stamps. ...Alfcx. Melville, Coll, of Cess. Alexander Karl Monteith, ad-| renter, and Robert Ileronj vocate his second son, fiar Peter Laurie of Ernespie IDav. Hallidav of Chapmantoh John Heron of Ingleston, life-'Jas. Maxwell of Kirkconntll Lieut-General J. Dunlop of Dunlop, m. p. Head Court held 2d Tuesday of October. I iANARKSH 1 UK.— Lanark 1 56. Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, Lord Lieutenant. General John Hamilton of Dalzel — Convener. General John Hamilton of Dalzel SirW Maxwell ofCalderwoodZ? Hon. William Elphinstoite John Dickson ol Killmcko and H Hartree, Advocate William Mure of Caldwell Gn.Sir J S Denham Coltness,# And. Stirling of Drumpellier Sir H. Stewart of Allanton, U i J. G Muirhead of Brodies- holm Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, B General Maxwell of Thornton James Farric of Farm James Hamilton of Holmhead James Stirling of Kier D. Hamilton of Gilkerscleudh Charles Stirling of Kenmuir Robert Lockhart of Castlchill Sir W. Honyman of Arma- dale, U Archibald Campbell of Blyths- wood John Fullerton, advocate HonD Cathcart of Alloway ,one of the Sen. of Col. of Justice Robert Garrick of Draco Arch. Colquhoun of Clathic, Lord Register John Allan of Erjsricklo D. Buchanan of Mount Vernon J. Hamilton of WostburnJifer, and Gabriel Hamilton, hb son, tiar Lord Arch. Hamilton Hon. Archibald Douglas, eldest son of Lord Douglas Hon. Charles Douglas, second son of Lord Douglas William Hozier of Newlands Daniel Vere of Stonebyres George Baillie of Jerv rewood Lt. -gen. Durham of Largo The Right Hon. Sir Wnu Rae, Bart. Lord Advocate j John Clerk, advocate j William IngFis, C. S. Robert Graham, writer \ R.M. IT. M‘Niel ofRaplock ! James Hopkirk of Dalbeth \ W. E. Ixjckhart ofCleghorn Hon. Rear-Adm. C. Fleming of Biggar James Campbell of Petefshilli John Meek of Forfisset j II. Mosman of Auchtv fardel j Charles Hamilton ofKairhohp] John Lang of Harthope Arch. Stirling of Hampden, Ja-; maica Norman Lockhart, W.S. J. Stainton of Biggarshields] Arch. Lamont of Robroy stone! J. A. Steuart M‘Kenzie of Glasserton and Seaforth rjeqrgc Oswald of Scotstown,;Rol>. Hamilton, second sol I lifr. undCap. JamesOswald , Gen. J. Hamilton of Dalzel I R.N. fiar JWm M urra . y Touchadaul Sir Michael Shaw Stewart on and Pitlochie Greenock, Ji. John M*Queen of Braxfield Sir Tho. Gib. Carmichael, B. Janies Wingate ol Westshiel James Brown of Edmonstone Mau. Carmichael of Eastend ilohn Gordon of Aitkenhead •Alex. Campbell of Fossil Archibald Speirs of EJdcrslie Lt.-gen. Dirom of Mount An- nan, lifcrcnter vArch. Millar of Glenavon U. A. Ironside of Tannochside r William Dykes o#Lambhill George Wood, surgeon .1. J. II. Vere of Blackwood - J. Jardine, advocate, lifer. and George Jardine, fiar . John Inglis of Verehills Lieut. Col. Gerard of Roch- : l soles .Robert Gray of Carntyne !R. Pollock,* liferenter, and j W. Pollock, tiar, of Cross- j bank John Carfrae of Glenboig .John Mosman, liferenter, and : j Hugh Mosman, juir \ l Auchtyfardel, fiar rcjMaj.-Gdn. Cliarles Pye [Alex. Millar of Dalnair Alex. Waddell of Stonefield. ! liferenter M. S. Nicolson of Carnock ■George Miller of Frank field ih [Peter M*Adam of Fasterhouse :• Geo. Meektif Campficld, lifer. ; John Paisley Dirom, Ensign . j 1st regt Foot Guards, eldest ; ' 8 of Anhurstone R. II. Robertson, 2d son of the Thomas Gardiner Marshall of late Robert II. Robertson of Hiilcairney Tulliebelton John Young of Newton Cant. James Stirling, R. N. 'Alexander Greig ot ii.dlgreig C. Stirling, jun. merchant in. Sir James Ramsay ol Bainft Glasgow ] A- M. Macdonellof Lochgarry Hon. John Stewart ofCumbus- J. Drummond, Esq. m. t*. Head Court held 2jth September, or lirst Tuesday after. John Ilav Forbes, Shtr.-t)cp .. .. Charles Husbahd, Shcr.^Sub. James Murray Patton, SUer.~CUt> Husband, Distrib. Stamps... .Anthony Murray, Coil, of Cess. RENFREWSHIRE. — Rsnfrkw.— 14ft Earl of Glasgow, Lord Lieutenant. Archibald Campbell of Blythswood— Convener. Mai. Fleming of Barrochan (Arch. Buchanan of Hillington David Steuart of Steuarthall W.C. C. Grahameof G art more James Dunlop of llousehill Hon. Archibald Douglas William Mure of Caldwell |A. Smith of Jordanhill, fiar. Win. Maxwell of Bredilandj in absence of J as. Smith, yr. and Merksworth j liferonter Archibald Speirs of Elderslie 'Jas. Smith, yr. of Jordanhill, Peter Speirs of Culcreuch | liferonter Duncan Darroch of Gourock ;L. Houston, of Johnstone Boyd Alexander of South bur Jlobert Y\ allace of Kelly James Mure, counsellor at law J. Maxwell Wallace of the SirJohnMaxwell of Pollock, 11' 1st royal dragoons William Blair of Blair ( J. Murdoch, merch. Glasgow James Hamilton of Holmbead Maj.-Gen. Sir Thos. Brisbane Hon A.Campbell,yr.ofSuCcoth; of Brisbane, A. -/^C. ^ J. Cunninghamc of Craigcnds Rob. Stewart, writer,- Green- Geo. Brown, mcrcht. Glasgow ock A. Campbell of Blythswood j Lieut. -Gen. Sir J. Itefon Max- John Aiair, merchant, Glas. ] well ot llerou ami Spring- John Maxwell of Uargavel i kdl, If ^ Arch. Campbell, merchant in Claud Neilson, Ardarden Greenock 'James Buchanan uf North bar Tu'i Dr. James JetlVay jWilliam Maxwell Alexander, Wm. Augustus Cunyngham merchant in London Hon. & Rev. T. L. Dundas John Kibble, 2d son of the late I..L.D. , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart of|P. Maxwell ^Stewart, 4th Greenock Mich. S. Nicolson of Carnock l^ord Archibald Hamilton Wm. Patrick of lloughwood, W. S. Hon. D. Cathcart of Alloway Jos. Stainton of Biggarshiclls Andrew Wilson, Deanside William Napier of Blackstone Claud Alexander of Ballamyle U. A. Oswald of Auchincruive James Bogle of Craigbait John Cuningham of Humbie James Kibble of Whiteford of Sir M. Stewart John Gardiner, R. N; resid- ing at Lincoln James Adam of Barr J. Crum, merchant, Glasgow Rob. Thomson of Cainnhiil A. McGregor, writer, Glasgow W. Cunningham, merchantio Port-Glasgow Chas. Cunningham of Cairo- curran John Shadden of Woods idfl John Harvey of Kinnettlcs Capt. H. Cathcart of Carbics- W. Crawfurd of Cartsburn ton.R. N. Hugh Crawford, writer in W. Wilson, writer, Glasgow Greenock Jas. Kibble of Whiteford W. Donaldson, physician, Ayr fohn Maxwell, yr. of Pollock Humphrey Graham, W.S. Hugh Baird, Hamiltonhill John Geddes, VereviileGlass- Maj.-Gen. Jas. Montgomerie works, near Glasgow Arch. Montgomerie, late of John Wilson of Thornly theCivil Service of the Hon. Arch. Stirling of Hampden East India Co. Bengal Rev. Dr G. IVPLatchie, niinls- Alex. Yuille of Darleith ter of Mearns Sir William Milliken Napier J. Oswald, Capt. R. N. ot Napier, B. C. M. Burgess of Beauport, R. Walkinshaw of Parkhousc county of Sussex J. S. Stewart of Over John- John Howie of Shawhill stone Alex. Pearson, W. S. Wm. Lowndes of Authurlie J. Harvey of Castlesemple D. M ‘Intyre, writer, Glasgow Maj. Gen. Arch. Stewart, yr. of Stewarthall Alex .Oswald of Changue, adv. Houston Srewart,Capt. ft. N. EUasCathcart, advocate, eldest 2d son of Sir M. S. Stewart son of the Hon. D. Cathcart Alex. Spiers, yr. of Culcreuch of Alloway Robert Farquhar of Portland W. Millar, late Maj. royal reg. Place, London Horse Guards WmChas Hamilton of Craigh- J. Stuart, yr. of Dunearn law, Lieut. 10th hussars C. K. Sharpe, 2d son of the de- John Selby, Collector for the ceased C. Sharpe of Hoddam Forth & Clyde Navigation G. Wilson of Auchincaden at Grangemouth Wm M‘ Do wall, Edinburgh Robert Fulton, of Hart field W. Murray ofTouchadam David Marshall of Neitshmd Lt-col. Hon. K. Hamilton ; James Paterson, residing at in liferent, and C. Cairn** Wuhan- house merch. there, in fee, the liar M. A. Fletcher, advocate j to rote in absence of the lifr. Major J. Lee, 92d foot, present- ly residing at Castlesemple Sir R. Crawford Pollock, B. eldest son of Dame ltobina Crawford Pollock of Pollock K. Kedfearn of Langton-lodge county of York J. A. Maconochie, advocate Will. Fulton of Park C. Neilson, j. merch. London Thomas Gordon of Park G.Birrell, Albany Street, Edin- burgh, late in the service of the Hon. East India Co. A. Munro, Princes Str. Edin- burgh W, M‘Kerrell of Hillhouse J. Crawfurd of Auchinames C. Campbell of Hagtonhill merchant in Glasgow John Crum, merch. Glasgow J. Paterson, factor of Arran W. Montgomerie of Alowick Lodge J. Morrison, VV. 8. R. Ayton, son of the late Maj— Gen.R.Ayton of Inchdairnie B. Alexantler, janior, merch London A. Brovrn, cotton-spinncr at Lin wood John Ixiwndes, manufacturer in Paisley W. Holmes of London Arch. Gibson, mercht. Kdinr. Sir G. Douglas of Springwood Park, B. lifr. and Jas. Dou- glas, his only son, as Hnr, to vote in absence of liferent or merenam in Alex.DiinlopJianketJirecnock W. M. Stewart, youngest son Robert Sutherland, latent tne of Sir M. S. Stewart i island of St Vincent J. Lotran Maxwell, younger John Campbell, 4^/.% W.S. Win. i\f. Grant, eldest son of of Fingalton R. Brown, residing at Hamilt. J. Stewart of Williamwood R. C. G. Speirs, 2d son of P Speirs of Culcreugh, as fiar. to vote in absence of M. A. Fletcher, liferenter A. J. Hamilton, yr. of Dalzell Neil Cairnie, merch. Glasgow W m. M.Grant, eldest son of D. M. Grant of Arndilly, as fiar, to vote in absence of Thos. Gordon of Park, liferenter Alex. Montgomerie, son of the late Alex. Montgomery of Alnwick Lodge Win. Lindsav, writer, Glasgow Capt. Donald Maclcod, R.N. John Maxwell, yr. of Pollock, m. p. Head Court held 2d Tuesday after Michaelmas. John Colin Dunlop, Sher.-Dip.... Alex. Campbell, Rob. Walkinshaw, S/wr.-Clk. V m. Motherwell, DcmitC Fulton M'Kerrell, Dist. of Stamps J.Wylbe, Coll, of Cess ROSS-SHIRE.— Tain — S9- Sir Hector Mackenzie of Gairloch, Bari. Lord Lieutenant. Roderick R. Mackenzie of Flowcrburn— y on ?™? r - Donald M‘Leod of Geanies Alexander Ross of Cromarty John Mack enzie of Applec ros* Alex. Mackenzie of Ilillton Sirll. Mackenzie of Gairloch,/? Alexander Mackenzie of Ord TT 193 Ken. M'R'enzic of Inverinate I). Macrae, late of Inverinate Murdo Matheson of Luscay Duncan Munro of Culcairn R.B. JRneasMacleodofCadbol Sir Hugh Munro of Fowlis, Ji. "dent. -Gen. A. Mackenzie oi Fairhurn Henry Davidson of Tulloch Wm. Robertson of Kindeace Hugh Munro oFTcaninich Colin Mackenzie of Portmore Hugh Rose of Glastullich Sir G. S. Mackenzie of Coul,# John Gillandersof Highfield William Mackenzie of Strath- garve Waltei Ross of Nigg Colin M‘Kenzie of Ivilcoy Alex. Mackenzie of Scotsburn William P». Rose of Rvnie Suthei. Mackenzie, merchant in Lv ith Wm. McKenzie of Balmungie George Graham of Divine John Mackay of Rock field Alex. Fraser of Inchcoulter J. C. Maclcod, yr. of Geanies John Matheson of Attadale Sir Hugh I n u esof Loch a lsh , 7i. M.P. Kenbeth M‘Leav of Xewmore R. MacIeod,y r.ofCadbol I, M.P i-Macihrionof Corrycatacliur Kvai Baillle of Doehfuur Sit J.W.M'KcnzieofScatwelLft John C Ro Cornelius Elliot of Woollee John Rutherfurdof Edgerston Wm. HiddeU of Camiestbwn Sir Hen. Hay Mak Doug all of Jo. Borthwick of Crookstoun * » VVlUitiin firtvnn nf Tlormiston John M ‘Leay of Keig, lifr- • Lieut- W. Grant at Calrossie, liferenter Lieut- Win. Grant, 10th foot, brother of P. Grant of Red castle, lifercnter r Tas. Home of Lang well, lifer. Hebert Hoy of Ilirey, writer in • Edinburgh, Liferenter of Applecross, m. r. drasrie stands already in- rolled as liferenter, the fnr not to vote but in the ab- sence of the liferenter Me*. Allan Mackenzie, 2d son of A- Mackenzie of Hil- ton, lifercnter Lieut. Gen. John Mackenzie of Balvville, liferenter C* C. Ross, yr. of Shandwick Thomas Mackenzie Donald M‘Leod, Shcr-Drv ... John Barclay, Shcr.Su!>.... A. Ross Suter, S/icr.-Cl'c. Wm. Mackenzie, Depute at Ding- m.7....Dun. Ross, Distrib. of Stamps.... Alex* Mackenzie ColL of Cess. ROXBURGHSHIRE.-- J edburgu. — 138. Marquis of Lothian, Lord Lieutenant. John Rutherford of Edgerston, Vice Lieutenant. W.0!iver,yr. of Dinlabyre, & W\ F air of Langlee— Conveners Thomas Beattie of Creivo , Robert Kerr of Chatto Thomas Tod, advocate Makerstoun, B. Sir G. Douglas of Springwood- park, B . Admiral James Douglas A. Wauchopc of Niddric, Ma- rischal Charles Riddell of Muselcc Hugh Scott of Harden Walter Scott of Raeburn William Govan of Hermiston Peter Brown of Rawflat J. R. Johnstone of Alva Lt.-col. Francis James Scott John Tod, W.S. Adam Stavcrt of Ilosecote David Haliburton of Muir hoiiselaw William Sibbald of Pinnacle waner :>coii oi ivuuum *» * ...... — George Waldic of Hendersyde Charles Robson of Samiston Alex. Chatto of MainUousc Arch. Cochran of Ashkirk James Pringle of Torwoodlee Tho. Riddell, yr. ofCamieston Hilaries Scott of Wooll John C. Scott of Sinton W. K. Lockhart ol'Borthwick-Adam Boyd of Cherrytrees brae l)av, M. Binning of Softlaw Arch. Douglas of Adderstone George Bruce ot Langlee L K. Ogilvic of Chesters Sir Arch. Colling. Dickson, B J.Riltherfurd of.Mossburnford Horn y Hair of Grange William Elliot of Harwood Dr. James Home, nhys. Edin William Oliver of Dinlabyre Rev. John Paton, Lass wade George Baillie of Jerviswood Janies Elliot, yr. of VV oollee Arch. Dickson of Houscbyres George Pcftt or Todrig klharlea kerr of Abbotrulc Sir Alex. Don of N ewton, /?. it 2 ' 194 Tohn Wilson of Hall rule Wm. Oliver, yr. of Dinlabyre William Fair of Larifflee James Paton of Cr ailing Thomas Turnbull of Fenwick Jas. Rea of Halterburnhead Thomas Scott of Peel Wm. Ogilvie, yr. of Chesters Js. Anderson of Lincludden T. P. Ainslie of Overwells Charles Ker of Gateshaw James U. Cuthbcrt of Ednam Nicol Milne of Faldonside J. Waldie, yr. of Hendersyde Alex. Pringle of Whitebank Harry Davidson, W.S. J a«. Ainslie, merchant, Leith J. Grieve at Branxholmpark John Scott of Gala William Scott, yr. of Wooll W..T. Waldie, merch. London J. Tulloch, second son of the late T. Tulloch of Ellistown Cap. J. Rutherfoord of Know south Richard Brack of Thirlestane Gilbert Innes of Stow A. Henderson of Midgehope Hay Donaldson, W. S. Chas. Erskine, writer, Melrose A. Walker of Muirhouselaw Sir W. F. Eliott of Stobs, B. James Douglas of Cavers Sir Alex. Keith of DunnottarJ - - , Knt. Marischall of Scotland James Simpson of Tiviotbank - -w— v , _ _ J m 1 nnKurnKoll W aucr OCOLL Ul a/iuvv, Archibald Scott, Commonside J. Grieve, at Branxholmbracs ivni. mausuittu ui Hon. Charles Douglas, second T. Ormiston of Glenburohal! son of Lord Douglas Walter Scott of Wauchope Edmund Antrobus of London Rob. Bruce, advocate Ro. Riddell Carre of Caverse Capt. R.N. John Oliver, writer, Hawick Robert Walker of Wooden W. Turnbull, yr. of Fenwick George Cleghorn of Weens Robert Bell, advocate William Bell, W.S. (Sir J. Pringle of Stitcbel, B, lArch. Dickson of Huntlaw Capt. James Pringle, R.N. ly i « C' I-'ll.- «■ 1 oomcfnurn Irvltn Oliver of Blakelaw Jas. Cleghorn of Hawkburn John Smith, W.S. Geo. Pringle, second son of J. Pringle of Torwoodlee Adam White of Fens C. Chisholme of Chisrhohne James Oliver of Lochside Tho. Williamson of Maxtoun Thomas Bruce, W.S. John Simson of Blainsfie Chas SiniBon of Threepwood G. S. Elliot of Larristown Thos. Milne at Dryhope Sir E. Antrobus ofRutherford, B. Arch. Jcrdon of Bonjedw’ard Hon. Col. Arch. Douglas John Scott, residing at Letham G. Irvine, merchant, London Arch. Dunlop of Whitmuir , iSir John Marjoribanks* of 1 Lees, JJ. Alexander Douglas, W. S. ;G.Wauchope,merchant,Leith jw alter Scott of Abbotsford J oh n Murray of Uplaw John Oliver of Blakelawi Gilbert Chisholm of Stirchea , Alexander Scot, W. S. Geo. Williamson, eldest son of T. Williamson of Maxtown H. Ogilvieof Hartwoodmyres John Pringle of Clifton W. M‘ Donald of Powdcrhall John Borthwick, yr. of Crook Capt. J. Stedmanof Broomhill Benj. Charlevvood of the gre nadier regiment of guards William limes, W. S. Charles Balfour Scott, VV.^ t r t ATUL Scton Karr of Ktppola*| S«an, now of N ),. wlu B art . «• r Head Court. held 1st Tuesday of October. A1 : VP1 . ; un . 5ft rr . - 7 >r n" ! ! .* R ober t Sb or treed, Sker.^Sub. William Rutherford, $hcr.-GUz....3 ohn Riddell, .. <>/ Samps.. . . J ohn liutherl ord, Coll, of Le ss. SKI XI ItitoiHI IIE.-tS7lk irk — * fc 1 ord Napif.r, Lord Lieutenant. Alexander Piunole of Wliitebank, Vice Lieutenant. James Pringle of Tor^oodjee— CWwrr. William Oliver of Diulaby re .1. Rutherford of Ed^erston Henry Murray. 15th foot WalAvilliarnsoa of Cnrdrona James Pringle of Torwoodlee Hugh Scott of Harden James Mercer of Scotsbank Thomas E. Ogilvie of Chesters' Walter Scott of Wauchope 1 George Pringle, second son off Jas. Pringle of Torwoodlcej H. T. Rutherford of Bedford-; Aiex. Pringle of WhUebank W. E. Lockhart of Bortliwick- hr iSi M.P. T. Macmillan of Shorthope James Johnstone of Alva James Ballantyne of Iloiilec I Am Henderson otfMidgtihopo fieorge Pott of Todrigg ijahn Corse Scott of Sinton John Murray of Philiphaugh R. Rdlantyne of Phawhope Adam Stavert of llosecoat •James Eorrest of Commies ton Ll, Pringle, yr. of Torwoodlee, j Cant. H. N. Uohu, Jdovd of Broadtneadow William* Scott, yr. of Wool! James Russell of Ashiestcel green A. Pringle, yr. of VVhitebank William Hav of Drummelzier Lt.-col. A. Walker, Rowland John Scott of Gala Lieut. H. Ogilvyof llartwood- mvres, R. N. C. 'Ciiisholme of Chisholme Sir John Hay of Smithfield and Hay stop, B- R. Hendeison of ChapeHiope Wm. Robertson, one of the, deputies of the Lord Clerkj Register of Scotland, John' Pr ingle of Clifton John Hay, yr. of Smith field and llayston Tho Macmillan, yr. of Shorty Robert Pringle of Fairnalie Ul vv f » t i am ElliotLockhaut. Head Court held 1st Thursday of October, W liter Scott, Sftcr.-Dcp. ..Charles Erskinc, Shcr—Sub..:A I ang. Turnbull, Dutnb. of Stamp Andrew- Henderson, Coil . of Cos. STIUL1 N GSM I HE — St on .in g.— 1 10. Duke of Montwosk, Lord Lieutenant. rh«rlJl)un^s Graham Archibald Stirling of Carden j /fich . Spier * of VISSI- nit m Peter Spiers of Culcreuch 'J. Davidson of BanklerStlrling, W. M*lv?ichlan of Auchintroigj W.S. " James R. Johnstone of Alva iTohn Ferricr, W. S. John Francis Erskine of MariThomas G. Stirling of Airth Sir W. Bruce of Stenhouse, li. J. Campbell of Carbrook, W.S. Peter Crawford Bruce Niel Benjamin Edmonston Lt.-gen A.Grahamof Duchray Rev. George Edmonstone G. Oswald of Auchincruive, lifr. James Stirling of Keir Alex. Graham of Bal lagan fiar YV. Morehead of Herbertshire Hon. J. Abercrombv, coon. Sir Charles Edmonstone, B. Hector M‘Donald Buchanan, James Russel of Woodside W. Leckic of Finnichblair Capt. J. Ferricr, 3d D. Guards Sir Hugh Innes of Ix)chalsh,if J. M‘ Faria ne of Kirkton,lifr. U. Balfour of Easter Glenboig, sellor at law, London Dr. J. Henderson of Westerton one of the principal clerks J.M‘Leroyof Wester Glenboig of Session A. C. M. Gibson of Cliftonhall W. Murray of Touchadam Charles Alex. Moir of Leckie T. Spottiswoode of Du ni pace R. Jamieson of Greenyards Rt.IIon. A. Colquhoun, Lord Sir John Jackson, B. Clerk Register Ninian Low is Rev. Robert Morehead W. C. C. Graham of Gartmore John A. Higgins of Ncwk Alex. M‘Leod of Muiravonsidc Thomas Dunmore Gcn.SirR.Abercromby,G. C. B, David Stewart of Stewarthall J. D. Napier of Ballinkinrain J. Edington of Gargunnock Sam. Cooper of Bal lindal loch James Bruce of Powfoulis Hon. George Tullibody Hon. Rear Admiral Charles Fleming Captain James Oswald, R.N. J. Horne, Middlequarter, W.S. Sir Thos. Livingstone, West- quarter, B. J oseph Stai n ton , Biggarshield s Geo. Callander of Craigforth Francis Simpson of Plean Capt. J. Dalgleish of ReddochT. Balfour of Easter Glenboig, Rev. J. Bain of Easter Livi- lands, L.L. D. David AI. Binning of Softlaw A. G. Stirling of Craigbamet Ixud Archibald Hamilton G. H. Drummond of Blair* Drummond James Trecothick Barlow Trecothick Colonel John M‘Kintosh Captain Robert Davidson William Horne, advocate, fiar A. M. Gibson, yr. Cliftonhall Alex. Millar of Dalnair Walter Ferricr, W. S. fiar Sir G. Stirling of Mansfield, B. James Erskine of Cambus Abercromby of Robert Lowis Crawfurd Tait of Harvieston Andrew' Gillon of Wallhouse Levison Douglas Stewart Jas. Alex. Stewart M‘Kcnzie of Glasserton and Scaforth M. S. Nicolson ofCarnock John Kincaid of Kincaid J ame s W rig h t, w r 1 te r , Stirling lifr. and M. Wright, fiar A. G. Spiers of Glins, lifr. 'I’ ^ ~ r 'lnnknift liferenter John Blackburn of Killearn Maj. T. Dundas of Fingask Gen. Wm Maxwell of Bella- T&6 V . Dav. Erskine of Cardross J. Buchanan of Ardinconnell J. Fullerton Elphin stone George Dunlop, W. S. John Guthrie of Carbeth Thomas Dundas j. J. Davidson, Drumtrocher Dr. Francis Hamilton G. H. Drummond of Ab- J. Smith oi Craigend Charles Stirling J. Strachan of Thornton Richard Taylor, liferenter “ r. Win. Taylor, jun. mont, lifr. and W . A. Max- i well, tiar Robert Warden of Parkhill Stewart Marjoribanks Hon.Cap.G. H.L.Du ndas,R.N. Hon. Lt.-Col. Sir Rob. Laur» ence Dundas, A”. C. 2>* D. R. Leckie of Broich J. Cunningham of Balgome A.Edmonstone, yr. Duntreath J. M‘ Faria ne, yr. of Kirkton, fiar Hon. and Rev. T. L. Dundas, SSSS* - SirCnARLEs Edmonstone, B . m. r. Head Court held 1st Tuesday after 29th September. SUTHERtANDSHlRE. — Dornoch. 85. Most Noble Gr.oaon *%*£*&* ^ teen W. Wcmyss* o? Wemyss^L^uU-C^.^Dincs'^ Munro of Hon. G. Fergusonof Hcr ' n f a ‘^ j yr.’cadboll, fiar one of the Senators of the;Rod. t,ieut!^ol.°Ai£ SutherlandofjC.^Fwser^ofJnveraUochy and Castle Fraser James Loch of Kirtomy , coun- sellor at law Sir H. InncsofLochalsh,^ Capt. Honyman M Kay, 90th foot, liferenter Major Colin Campbell M Ka> of Bigbouse, fiar LBJE.M^fcod of Cadboll.lifr. high Houstoun of Creech lobert H. Gordon of Kmbo >)lin Mackenzie of Portmorc Captain K. Mackay of T orbo 1 bsiphGordon" f Carrof, W.|. of "rdonbush.lifr. ■V.MftckenaieofCraka^W.S.^b.R^da^ • foo t.ftar Invereshie, ». - v. Mackenzie m .. ; r t r> m* R ay ,70tn toot, nar :huie. « /w\ Taylor, Shcr..CU -....Win. Munro, sen, Distrib. of Stampt. Dugald Gilchrist, Coll, of Loss. WIGTONSHIRE. — W ig ton.— 55?. Karl of Galloway. Lord Lieutenant. Sir William Maxwell of Monreith. vice Lieutenant. John Vans Agnew of Sl.euchnn — 'Cbnvcncr. Thomas Adair of Gcncch iSirJ. Montgomery of Stan. Ale*. Houston of Bnrrtiore I hope, ft. Andrew M‘Dowall of Logun {Sir J. Hall of Dunglas, ft. William M‘Millnn of Polbae 'John Hall, vri of f)ungla$ David M‘Culloch ofTorhouseA. Maitland of Dtindrennan Wmy M ‘Connell of Culbae John Cathcart of Genoch James Gordon of Culvennnn D. M‘Culloch of Torhonskie i In. SicWm Stewart, li. G. C.ft. Hon. Charles Stewart Edward lk>vd of Mcrtonhall Sir W, Maxwell of Monreith ft Hon. M. G. J. Stewart Vans Hathorn of Chang W. S, W. Murray of PoIruaikC and Touc'iauam George Hathorn of Ardaclhe Sir. J.Gralupp of Netjherhy.i*. William P. Inge of Thorpe J. A. Stewart Mackenzie of Giasserton and Sea forth William Blair of Blair Sir D. H. Bjgir ofBrowmml,Z? ll. Gordon of Nether Taniiy- laggie, ljfereijter Ham. Maxwell of Culgarie F. II. Blair of Portospittal Hon. E. II. Stewart lion. J. H. K. Stewart lion, and Rev. G. Rushput Jaipes Nish of Balsa rroch Sir J. D. Huy of Park Place, ft. John M ‘Taggart of Aril we 11 Win. Leggat of Bnrlockhart Alcr. Murray of Broughton J. Dun Stewart of TonHefghit James Laird of Drumfadt H. A. Dougins of Enoch Arch. Bell of Pigmunnoch John Beil of Craigoch, \V. S, Jno. Smith uf Ovircratg, W.S Sir A. Agnew of Loch nawj?. I. M‘Cor.nell, yr. of Culbae Col. J. A. Wallace of Loch- ryan . : t.^ J. V. Sloan of Ralmrmoch, fiar VV. C. Hamilton of Craighlaw John Mackje of Ban Sir William Rowe Dunbar of Mochrum. ft. A. Campbell Stewartof Castle- stcv\art Pat rich Laurie of Urrai C. Warner Dunbar Thomson of Torhousemuir Sir A. Gordon of Culvcnnan, K. liferenter II. Hathorn ofCastiewigg S. Stewart of Phyagitl Ja. IVBDowall, yr. of Logan and Bankton, fiar. Ja. T wed dale of Caidons, life- renter, and Jas. Twcddale, yr. of Caldoas* fiar. James IIinter Blair of Dunskey, m. i». Head Court held 5th October. James Walker, Sh.-Dep. . . . \V/M * Connel 1 . SJi.-Sub....G. Ag- new, Sh.-Clk .... John Syme and A. Morrison, Dist. of Stamps ....' Thomas Adair, Coll, of Cm. 200 COURT OF SESSION. FIRST DIVISION. 1811 Right Hon. Charles Hope of Gran ton, lord President, 4,300/. IjORDS, 2,0001. each. 1799 Claud Irvine Boswell, Lord Balmuto George Ferguson, Lord Hermand 1809 Archibald Campbell, Lord Succoth 1811 David Robertson Williamson Euart, Lord Balgray PERMANENT ORDINARIES. 1811 Adam Gillies, Lord Gillies 1813 David Cathcart, Lord Alloway ORDINARY ON TOE BILLS. 1819 A- Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank Assists. & PrC' Clerks. James Waddell i Alexander Grant William Andrews Robert Fur die John Rhind D. Abercromby Thos. Chapman P^pal Walter Scott W. Carmichael |Wi m. I nn Will. Humo Assistants. Pringle James Denham » ” I/'' I nnrf SECOND DIVISION. ! 1811 Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Jos-. Sec-Clerk, 2,0001. 1795 Sir William Miller, Bt. Lord Glenlce 1799 W. M. Bannatyne, Lord Bannatyne 1805 William Robertson, Lord Robertson 1811 Robert Craigie, Lord Craigie PERMANENT ORDINARIES. 1813 David Monynenny, Lord F^ na,I1 y 1816 Jos. Wolfe Murray, Lord Cnngletic Clerks. Charles Neaves Alex. Wight Arch. Thomson I William Murray jJo. Forman (George Brown ''John Gibb 1816 Jas. wolte Murray, v ‘***o— ' _ . . ! Assists . & Pre\ Q cpu tc Clerks.\ Assistants. Principal C ' k, ’. parer'0fExtrA P Manncrs Lhn Kcrmack James her ricr Jos. Johnson Ij ■ .. cnz | cs 'James Hay Col. Mackenzie Louis dc Maria:, R • ^ j ohn lkilvaird , Ro. Pitcairn & J. Peat.JTeep- ckrksTo'thc JiUL . ' James Hope & James bkeue, g Wm. Scott, Assist. , Robert Dundas, Deputy K ^P e ;:~ n fA^mU. Thomas tiuthvio \rt«ght, T.Swintun, Dcp. J. Wauchope, Keeper oflle^st- k steel. Clerk. Wm. M'Farlane, Keeper of the Mi note ' yol Kirkpatrick Williamson Burnet, Keep, oj Outer-House TioUsl David Ilume, Cleric of King's Processes, George Bruce, Depute- ( 'h r Ic. John Hay, Assistant-Clerk, Ja. Perrier, Keeper of Record of Entails. — Win. Pringle, Dep, James Davidson, Keeper of the Records of the Court of Session, lio. Mohiit, Alex. M* Heath, Jo. Monro, Alex. Blaclde, James Rac, John Porteous, and William Cunningham, Maccrs, Janies Rae, tiupivintcndant of Court-Rooms. TEIND COURT. The Lords of Session, Commissioners . Robert Corbet, Esq. Solicitor — Archibald Campbell and Thomns Maconockie, Esqfs. Agents. Joseph Williamson, Clerk to the Commission. James Miller and Sylvester Reid, Deputy Clerks . David Williamson, Extractor. Win. Alexander, Assistant to the Clerics and to Extractor, Robert Moffat & Alexander Black ie, Maccrs . JURY COURT. — l Hi. 5. 1815 Rt. Hon. Wm. Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner , 20001 1815 David Monypenny, Lord Pilmilly, } Lords Commission* 1816 Adam Gillies, Lord Gillies, ' j' Begins November Term, j ~COU RT~DF“f (t STIC I ARY. 1795 James Duke of Montrose, LL.D. LordJust.-Gcn.2,W0L 1811 Right Hon. D#vid Boyle, Lord Jr.sticc-Clerk, 2 ,OU(U, Lords Commissioners of Justiciary, Cool. each. 1808 Lord Hermund 1815 Lord Succoth 1812 Lord Gillies 1S1D Lord Meadow bank 1813 Lord Pitmillv f Feb. 13. July 11. I Dec. II. flTTIlfCS J AFTr.K * 1819 Sir William Rae, Bart. Lord Advocate, James Weddcrburn, Esq. Solicitor General. H. Home Drummond, Jas. A. Maconoehie, and John Hope, Esqrs. Depute Advocates — H. Warrcnder, Esq. Crown Agent. John Boyle, Esq. Principal Clerk of Justiciary, 200/, James Anderson, Dep. Clerk. James Pirie, Assistant Clerk , A. Guthrie, H. J. Wylie, and J. Anderson, Cinnit Clerks. John Morrison. Don. Ander son, and James Moxvat, Maters. 202 f COURT OP EXCHEQUER. 1801 Rt. Hon. Sir Sam. Shepherd, Ld. Ch . Baron, 4,000 1. 1776 Hon. Fletcher Norton, 2,iU)5L'\ 1807 Sir John Stuart, Bart. 2,0U0M R 1800 James Clerk Rattray, Esq. 2,000/. C 1814 Right Hon. William Adam 2,000/.) Sir Patrick Murray, Bart. Kings Remembrancer. Henry Jardme, Esq. Deputy King's Remembrance*, Adam Longmore, Adam Longmore, jr. T.Kyd, Adam Mac- dougall, and ft. Maughan, jr. Clks. in King's Remembran- cer's Office, G. Robinson, /.f/. Treasurer's Remembrancer.— A. Mark, Clerk . John Buchan, Esq. Solicitor, — Adain Longmore, Depute. Henry Jardine 6c Fran. Wilson, Solicitor for IVinduw Duties. Robert Stuart, Clerk to the Barons. Hon. George Murray, Auditor . — P. Anderson, Dry. Charles Aloodic, James Reid, and Win. R. Skipsie, Clerks. Jo. Murray, Clerk of the Pipe. Sir James Montgomery, Pres, of Signatures — R. Stuart, Dep.\ James Gibson, Iisq. Heritable Usher . — Arch. Gibson, Depute.] William Riddell, King's Writer. Henry Mackenzie, John Taylor, William Stewart, and John Henderson, Attorneys. Alex M‘Leaa, Esq. Receiver-General of Land Rents , <§c. John Fcrricr and Robert Stewart, Deputes. Wm. Grig, Wm, ADCandlish, and William Park, Clerks . John Kerr, Receiver-General of Bishops Rents. Ad. Longmore, jun. and Alex. Kidd, Land-Tax Redemption. James Wylie, Examiner. Fletcher Norton Veitch, Clerk to Port Bnndsi A. Longmore, Keeper of the Register of Resignations. Ad. Longmore, junior, Marshall. — Wm. Allan, Depute. \V. Veitch, James Anderson, and Peter Keith, Maccri. William Veitch and William Allan, Doorkeepers. ( Candlemas, A 1 | m 7, l jr ) Whitsunday 5 ‘i Lammas, H ( Martinmas, f 5 Jan. 15 A ^Nov. 24 ) Feb. 3 June 2 l.Iuly 5 V.l)ec. 20 r* COURT OP ADA1I HALT Y . Rt. Hon. Earl Lath cart. Lord Vice-Admiral , 14001. John Connell, Esq. J udge- Admiral. 80td. Alexander Kidd, Pnicuraior- Eisra I . Wm. Campbell, Esq. Clerk. — J . Dickson, Depute Clerk. George Forrester, Clerk to the Judge- Admirau , Procurators, 1.1 oh n Peat I Aw. Crombie Geo. Carphin John Gray |A.Youngson IP. Halkerston i David Christie R. Prentice [Rob. Kanken yin. Waddell |Wm. Smith 203 George Mill John Patison Jo. Dillon lid. Cleghorn Alex. Ponton Jas. M ‘Robin (’has. Bremner John Gibson Win. Simpson Wm. Mofnit Thos. Stewart And. Stevens Tho. Darling John Cook COMMISSARY COURT OF EDINBURGH. James Gordon, Esq. | James Ferguson, Esq. ) Commissaries Thomas Tod, Esq. | George Ross, Esq. J COO/ each, Rob. Graeme, Principal Clerk — Geo. Carphm, Deputy Clerk. George Carphin, jun. Substitute. Patrick Wishart, Fiscal John Ferrier, Macer. Ar. Duncan ltob. M‘Millan Alex. Kidd 'Geo. Todd, jun. Cha. Neaves 'John Haldane Hugh Gray -David Brash Arch. Scott John Gibb Mat. Smillic ! James O. Mack Wm. Tavlor jJames Srfiyth J. Finlay son* (John Murray Jas. Rankine jjohn M‘Gregor Daniel Fisher 'Jas. Bell Dow Robert Paul '.Daniel Christie David Clyne ! Peter Campbell . i \xr A Ro. Lockhart !,G. W. Boyd Robert Welsh William Craig Js. Donaldson W. Murdoch Alex. Ross James Meikle T. Johnston Rob. Ainslie Hugh Watson James Stuart T. Rymer Rob.Blackie H. D. Inglis R.Y. Anderson J* Macandrew .1 araes Dunlop mn euuiv nuuci i »» vion ........... - William Fala, Chas. Forsyth, & Kwen Cameron, Macers . COMMISSARIES in the COUNTRY . Aberdeen — A.D.Fordyce,LLD Argyll — R. Campbell Brechin — David Ogilvie Caithness — George N apier Dumfries — William Bail lie Dnmblanc — Robert Banks Dunkeld — Robert Stewart Glasgow — William Erskinc Hamilton , <^*c. — W. Hamilton Isles — .John Blain In verncss — W . F i*aser K irkc ud brig ht — Jo. Thomson “SHERIFF COURT Lauder — D. Renton Lanark— \\. Newbigging Moray — George Fenton, In- terim Orkney — Peebles — J. M. Robertson Boss — W. Robertson. Si Andrews — Robert Low Shetland — Andrew Duncan Stirling — James Wright Sutherland — Jo. Sutherland Wigton — W. M ‘Connell. W EDINBURGH. U 11 I-i 1 » l VW V II * V/1 * , - Marquis of Lothian, Lord Lieutenant and High Shcnjj \ Ad. Duff*, Esq. Sheriff ‘ Dep. H. Davidson, Sheriff Subst. Adam Rolland, Princ. Clerk tciilenani ana nign artery/. James Wilson, Depute Cierl <£ Clerk to Sheriff. A. Scott, Proc. Fiscal. LIU nuildliut -t I I’ll . I _ _ 1 -nm SMA I I DEB T CO OR T for County of Edinburgh. mi 4 . • _ . 1 A.: 4 L P/io/iA ThAm* 1 I j I j L/ijjLl I k/ ^ i/ V The Acting Justices of the Peace, Judge ... * — * e, Depute Clerk. Ro. Davidson, Principal Clerk — James Wylie, D. Davidson and J. A. llussell, Assistant Clerks. This Court, in Edinburgh, is held every Monday, at Eleven o’Clock forenoon. . At Dalkeith, the last Thursday of every month j at Mus- selburgh the second Tuesday of every month ; and at Mid* Calder on the last Saturday of January, April, July, and Uct. \SMA L L DEB T CO UR T for the City and county of the City , I Is held everv Monday at 10 o’clock, within the Council Chamber. — No sum above 31. Gs. 8d. can be sued for, except 'servants wages. 5^33 flp* • »v;-- : ; [judges The Magistrates of the City — James Feggans, Clk. i ' dean of guild court7 ~ Alexander Smellie, Esn. Lord Dean of Guild. Alexander Henderson, Esq. Old Dcun of Guild. Council .— James Reid, Paul Baxter, Jas. Smith, T. Ponton, and D. Paton.- D. Turnbull, Clerk.- J. Mitchell, Officer. ^CONVENTION of HOY A L BOROUGHS.— 1552. Meet at Edinburgh on the 2d Tuesday of July 1820. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Prescs. The City-clerks of Edinburgh, Clerks— John Irvine, Agent. David Beatson, Keeper of Records. Thomas Uin^nd^Agcut at London. GENERAL REGISTER OF SASINES , AND PARTICULAR REGISTER FOR EDINBURGH, HADDINGTON, LINLITHGOW, AND BATHGATE. IThc Kizhi Hon. WilliunijDundaa, Principal Kef. per |Hob. Dundas, Esq. Depute. Arch. Wishart, W. S. Substitute 1 PARTICULAR REGISTElToF SASINES. lAberdeen and Kincardine— Win. Copland, Aberdeen Argyll, Dumbarton, Arran, and Tarbet— H. W. Campbell, Dumbarton ^ n . , Ayr, bailiary of Kyle, Carrick, and Cuninghaino— Charles Shaw, Ayr Ban IV— P. Rose. Banff Berwickshire and I^audcrdale — I. Romanes, Lauder Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, and Annandale — Da. Staig, lJum- Elgin, Forres, and Nairn shires— P. Duff, Elgin Kite— T. Horsbrugh, Cupar. Kinross — J. Skelton, Kinross Porfar — VV . Chalmers, Dundee Inverness, Ross, Sutherland, and Cromarty— a M Intosh Inverness— J Caithness, John Rose, W ick ... c Lanark, ex. burgh and bar. of Glasgow — N. Lockhart, Orkney and Zetland— C. Stewart, Kirkwall „ I Perth and Stewartry of Strathern, cx. Montcith— James l a-j Renfrewsh \ & bar. of Glasgow— Frederick Fotheringham andj Robert Hill, Glasgow o . , , Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles — John Smith, lvelso ’Stirling and Clackmannan, & Montcith — Jas. Boyd, Stir g Wigtonshire — George Agnew, Wigton — S 205 P^^BS&tiRT 4 OF* POLICE. Judges — The Magistrates of Edinburgh and four Old Bai- lies within the City and Liberties of the same, and the | Sheriff- Depute of the County or his Substitutes -within anv part of the limits of the Act. ; Cdpt .Ids. Brown, Superintend. <$* Proc. Fiscal — Jo. Murray, Prin. Clk. — I). Bremner, Copt. Lieut . W. Douglas, J. Logan, and J. Dirom, Limits. — L Thomson. House- Keeper. p General Commissioners of Police. M Tl, ( The Lord Provost, the l our Bailies, Dean of Guild, Trea- surer, and the Deacon Convener of the Trades of the City of Edinburgh ; the She riff- Depute of the County of Filin’ i ' burgh, and Two of his Substitutes ; the Dean of the Pacul* I ty of Advocates, or such Member of the Faculty as they ' may choose for purpose at their Annual Meeting; the Deputy Keeper of his Majesty’s Signet; the Master of the Company of Merchants; the Preses of the Society of Soli- citors before the Supreme Courts in Scotland, and the Con- vener of the Southern Districts, all for the time being. Ward. 1. Nicol Allan 2. David Ogilvic 5. Geo. Ingiis 4. Peter Brown. 5. J. Steithouse G. Arch. Gibson 7* A. Anderson 8. Thos. Allan 0. Wm. Ihglis 10. J. Turnbull 11. William Bell 1?. J. O. Brown 13. S. Wordsworth 14. David Foggo 15. George Yule 16. Alex. Boog 17* Geo. Gordon Ward. 1. William Glen Gil. Jameson 2. Alex. Greig lies i den t Coni rn issioUcrif. 18. And. Walker 19. Alex. Adie 20. Alex. Lawrje 21. George Mdlar 22. W. Montcith 25. John Graham 21. A. Thomson 2 Rob. Thomson 2G. And. Steele 9. W. M‘Farlane D. Ramsay 10. v\ alter Cook A. Monvpenny William Gird- 11. Wm. White wood 3. And. Bogle J Iiich.Cleghorn 4. John Ramsay 11 >bert Scott 5. Thos. Ddlas John Milne 6. Wm. Dunlop Ja. Newton 7. Alex. Boss John Sinclair 8. Wal. Watson Jas. Stewart J. .Wanders ton 12. James Jollie James L’Arrfy 15. And. Wood John Steele U. It II. Brown Arch. Duncan 15. David Swan W. II. Brown 1G. Thos. Megget Joseph Brown 17* Ro. rlayfair A. Berwick IS. John Crombie J. ClApperton i 19. T. Chalmers John Miller 20. John Smith John Gray 21. Ben. Brown James SpitUil 22. James Brown James Bruce 23. John Wigham W. Blackwood 24. Jas. Anderson David Moodie 25. Wm. Crease E. Henderson 20. And. Crombio Peter Scott \ John Murray, Clerk to l/ic’Ccmmissiouers. ‘FACULTY OF ADVOCATE £ 1772.— —Matthew Ros** Esq. Dean of T acuity* 1754 Robert Craig Hubert Berry 1757 Ja. Ferguson 1 17G4 J. Dickson IPat. Chalmers Wm. Oliver ,T. Hogg 1765 1767 A. ColquhounJJames Millar Ld. Clk. iicg* jJohn Ilaikett Earl of Hair-' Charles Ross derdale 17 HO Robert Brown 17«1 J. Urquhart Al. Hamilton John Rait Sir Archibald Grant I James Grant Sir J. G. Suttic j 17CS Thos. Wilson IDon. M‘Leod A.Moir 1782 [Alex. Campbell John Swinton Sir J. B. Hep- burn 1700; G. Hutcheson Rob. Davidson Wm. Erskine James Gordon Rob. Dundas Ar. Fletcher 1791 C. M‘Laurin John Cathcart Francis Jeffrey Jo. Morchead M. Threipland Thos. Christie j J. Wilson Rae 1 Thomas Tod j 179f> John P. Grant] Geo. Douglas 1797 J. G. Dalyell Alex. Whyte James Skene 1 R 0 . Aberdeen i 1770 T. Buchan jj. Rutherford 1771 Sir A. Gordon Geo. Gordon 1783 Sir Ro. Bruce Henderson 1781 WM.Monison J f R. Johnstone Alex. Miller Ro. Ferguson George Boss Sir Will. Rae A. Lumsden I ^rd Advocate James Reddie /.Ferguson, jr. .1798 A.l.eith 177* P. M- Tbreipt t . lon/1 John Graham • 1773 Wm. Grant Sir Geo. Aber- crombie 1774 John Dickson George Skene Will. Graham C. Grant 1775 Sir Henry Hav Makdougall Sir Jo. Sinclair 1776 J. Paterson Jo. Mackenzie Earl Cathcart Sir G. Stewart I 1777 Robert Corbet W.Farquarson 1779 David Hume ja mes Trail S 2 land Wm. Carlyle J. Wilde 17*85 John Clerk O. H. Wemyss ■Hl7SG ; | G.R. Scott W. E.Lockhart 17S7 John I’attison Sir Jas. Mont- gomery Sir A. M.Mac Kenzie 17 HE John Connell Rob. Hamilton Alex. Irving J. B. Maitland S. Oliphant 1789 Gpo. Jos. Bell 1792 Ro. Forsyth Walter Scott Wi]liam Clerk S. Moodie 1793 G. Cranstoun John Smyth T. Walk. Baird J. Gordon, jun J J.Edmonston John B.Gyccn- bhields Sir P. Murray John R. Irving Jas. Glassford T. Thomson W. Dalgliesh 1794 M. Robertson James IP Amy Tho. Johnston C. G. S. Mon JohnM‘Farlan| tenth Earl of SeafieldlHon. G. Abcr R. B. *E. Mac- crombie | } ctH i IT. Crichton 207 W. Fullarton J, Fullerton R. Macdonald H. Davidson, jun. Wm. Murray Sir P. Walker D.M. Binning Alcx.Oswald Sir Tho. Kirk- patrick L. II. Ferrier Archibald Bell W. Ar. Cadell Colin Dunlop *799. W. F. Tv tier J.II.M‘fccnzic James Mon creiff, LL.B. Adam Duff J. Ha. Christie Dav. Gillespie Jo.ll. Forbes John Jardine James Keay William Scott Koger Hog 1800 J . A. Murray H P Brougham W. Boswell H. Cockburn 1801 A. Douglas John Fraser Jo. Gordon Alex. Lang James Loch And. Clephane Jas. Simpson 1802 Nor. Hill John Miller J.C.Colquhoun D. M‘Farlane Simon Fraser Andrew Skene W. Buchanan Win. Horne 1807 J.Cuninghame J. C. Dunlop James Wilson John Riddell George Tait R.Newbigging Wm. Mowat 1808 Sir N. Menzies D. Matheson VV. M‘Donald W. F. Hunter AIrvineForbes T. H. Miller W. M. Harris 1803 Daniel Vere James Forrest Thos. Miller DM Snodgrass W. Oliver, jun. Pat. Small Keir And. Murray J Wedderburn, Sol. Gen . 1804 Jo. M‘Kenzie Robert Bell Ad. Fergusson jW. 1L Robin-' j son iCol. M‘Kenzie 1 1805 John Inglis W. Campbell Ja. Harrowar Ja. Campbell Jo. Blackwell Rob. Graeme 1806 John S. Mora JH. Lumsden H. H. Drum- mond, LL.B. Robert Rollo Sir S. Stirling Wm. Ogilvie Jos. Murray John Tawse John Wood James Erskine Robert Bruce Rob. Jameson 1809 J. Kirkpatrick James Bell 1810 Alex. Maitland Ro. Macqueen, 'A. J. Campbell G. C. Craigie J. Borthwick A. Greenhill John Rankine Jo. Christison Rod. M‘Leod Wm. Brodie 1811 T. Erskine George Traill S.M'Cormick Hen. S. Vans James Walker Alex. Wood George Brodie John Hay Dav. Anderson Blair James Baikie Jo. C. Maxwell 1812 G.Cunningham John Cay Alex. Deans Rich. Taylor J. I. Henderson; Robert Duff Jas. Grahame And. Gillies A. Rutherford Rob. Thomson John Hope .T. UrquhartJo. Hamilton II. Davidson Ant. Oliphant 1816 Wm. L. White R. S. Moncrieff J. S. Menteath Wm.M 4 Dowall E. D. Sandford J. S. Stewart A.E. Menteath Dun. M‘Neill Wm. Menzies John Stainton 1L Maclachlan A. H. Cullen W.T.IIonyman John Burn J. W. Dickson : James Ivory Wm. Russell R. P. Gillies Jas. Brownlee 1813 F.Sommerville J. W. Hawkins J. G. Lockhart IL Whigham \I. P. Brown 1817 J. A. Macono-Ga. Alexander chic P. F. Tytler SirW Hamilton T. Maitland M. A. Fletcher 1814 Al. Pringle Ro. Hannay D. Anderson Arch. Alison Robt. Hunter ^■1815 J. H. Dunlop Ad. Urquhart James Hozier Pat. Robertson Ed. Lothian Da. Dickson Jo. Craigie Jo. Wilson T. P. Kennedy Jo. M'Connell Wm. Douglas Jas. Carnegie lit. H. Newton Elias Cathcart H.J. Robertson Ja. Maidment Alex. Dunlop Ham. Pyper Arthur Connell J. J. Boswell 1818 J. Dalzell G. Grant J. Henderson H. B. Maxwell W. Urquhart John Dewar T. E. Baird Jas. Ayton John Marshall Ad. Anderson 1819 J. H. Maclean Doug. Cheape Ja. Millar, jun. lJ a bTCv c e Im a n~'P a t. Carnegie 'And. Murray* John Tail |<% D. Riddell jun. Dav. Constable; D. E. Dewar John Ilyndmaa Arthur &u*net| Patrick Shaw Geo. SmYtha Ho. Clerk Hat [George Hell | tray Da\id Sime ;Jas. Ballantme Colls . ]st Div. M. A. Fietchei James Wilson 'tdXKvT George Tait Hobei t Iloilo A.Irviiig,2Vt:ti.| Librarian . James Nairne, Agent. SOCIETY of WRITERS to hi* MAJESTY'S S/GA^T.I The Wight Hon. William Dundas, Keeper, Hugh Warrcndcr, Esq. Deputy Keeper. J. Home* Sub. Keep. $ C/A'. — E Finlayson, Assist, tile . * Ext. kis, Esq .Trcas. — Pat. Russell, Esq. I iscal,\ Esq. Eiscat,\ . V zyancingy i Fund, ) Office Rearer * It. llotchkis. Esq --- - Macvey Napier, Esq. lAbraxiav , Macvev Napier, Esq. Lecturer on Convey a nan James ’Stuart, Esq. Collector of Wulous Fi X. B. Those marked thus * are Commissioners K. M‘Kenziei Wm. Gordon Henry Welsh' Itob. Amalie Ja. Davidson i Tho.Manriers 1758 ]«C. Elliot 1763 G. Home I 1764 l J.Chalmer j 17 65 i*Alex. Duncan 1768 * DavjdS teuart 1769 'John Hunter 1770 *J. Forest James Ferrier "William ltid- j doll i"John ltuchan 1773 F. Anderson 1774 ,"J. Wauchopc j* John Gordon Aud. Blane 1775 Robert Sym 1776 John Innes .1777 1778 ThomosAdair 1779 T. M* Donald J. Campbell M.Sannilands 17bl V. Hatlmrn II. Davidson 1782 Ja. Horne Arch. Gibson Tho. Gordon Arch. Luudie W. M*Farlane Thos. Relink 1785 Alex. Wight ’James Jollie 1784- “G. Robinson Jas.Laidlaw Jas. Forman {Sir J. l.csly llor. Caiman 1785 J.CampbclRj. *llob. Dundas 1786 Jus. Thomson "Alex. Young Ts SO f Da. Hamilton Wm. Lindsay! •T.Cranstoun John Harvey [ John Young "Crawf. Tait i Chas. S teuart James bmythl 'James Gibson 1790 1 1787 ! R. E. Gilmourl »Ad. Holland 1« Hen. Jai dine | Dav.Wcmvss Jo. Granger Hob. Walker Roger Ay ton 1788 A. Mundeil I Win. Molle j Cha.Bremner| David Freer Alex. Blair "Da. Thomson 1 Robert Boss . C. M ‘Donald I C. MHvenzio And. Steele ; 1791 Hotchkis j II ecu M. Bu-I Wm. Dallas | chanan Ar. Svunton i Fa. Campbelll W. Robertson; Arch. Miller 1789 1 John Meek Charles Kerr i John M orison! M. A- Riggins; TJio. Scotland! Thos. Trotter! Ja3. Dundas 1 Wm. Inglis !FFotl)eringhan»| Tho. Grierson j ^179* ‘ John Dickson Jo. Campbell, "James Hay i Ztius James Grant 1798 [A. MonypcnnylDavid Lister Dav. Murray Geo. Russel ‘Mich. Linning'John Gibson Jo. Mowbray G.M. Campbell Robert Proctor Thos. Riddell »T. Burns iWilliam Berry W. Ballantine 1795 fACunningham Ro. M‘Kenzie 1806 C. B. Scott A. Youngson jjohn Irving LJ ohn Syme jw. Hamilton 'And. Watson John Forman Jas. M*Kenzie Robert Spcid t*H. WarrenderWm. Bailie H. J. Rollo I Wm. Patrick John Bell i 1802 Jo. Murray I ;W. Jameson George Sandy jSam. C. Som- W. A. Martin j 1794 Jon. Riddell; merville John Govan ’Jo. Ferrier James Elliot jWal. Dickson J. Dickson, jr. Pat. Russell John Pattison .Rob. G. Smyth James Swan James Stuart James Scott I807 Gilbt. Watson IH. Donaldson William Bell James Heriot iPatk. WishartT. Fergusson ( Andrew Storie’Alex. Goldie jWm. Douglas Fran. Walker John O. Brown j 1799 jTho.G.Wnght Geo. Dunlop Alex. Pearson IK. Millies !\V. Buchanan C.H.Muirhead John Douglas 'Mathias Lyonsj 1805 Jas. Struthers !Ch;ts. Oliphant’James Hope |E. Lockhart James Wright William Boyd C. Broughton jW. M‘Kenzie .En. Macbean J. Gordon, 2r/(/Gra ham Deny R. M‘Kenzie John Maxwell) Lias. F. Gordo6|Masterton Ure James Tytlcr 1795 Patrick Orr jJohn Russel Robert Hill Dun. CameronjD. Williamson las. Robertson Rob. Rattray lAr. Craufuird Thomas Peat James Wylie {John Smith Wm. Walker John Kerr |Fra. Snodgrass 1 oh n Tweed ie Wm. Keyden jPeter Coupar Ad. Ferguson Macvev Napier Francis Brodie Hob. Menzies Rob. Marshall .'William Clark 1796 1800 jAlex. Dallas D. M‘Lean Jo. limes, jun.iRichard Cowan Alex. Wood John Renton | 1804 Itob. Strachan John Phillips !j. Gordon Rob. Jamieson G. llussell, jr. jWm. Drysdale John Tod James BalfourtD. Stuart, jun. Rob. Fleming John Graham jJames Nairne Adam Gordon Wm. Campbell A lex. Glen Dav. Erskine Du, Cleghorn fJohn Leven Charles Hay jGeo. Cleghorn Jo. Rutherford! Fran. Wilson 1801 jThos. Mcgget Jo. L. Ross j 1805 Thomas SmalKWm. Johnston Jas. Hamilton] James Greig v Alex. Greig INor. Lockhart Thomas Scott Walter Cook 'Rob. Campbell Patrick Irvine IWilliam InneslJohn Lawson Jo. Campbell, 4 tics 1797 George Green- law R. Henderson Hugh. Watson 1808 l l C Cunningham! Jo. Donaldson I Pat. Tennent William Scott Jos. Paterson A.C. M‘Lehose Wm. Wilson A. Douglass JohnTuit, jun, Chas. Tawse John Dow Alex. Boswell John Hepburn John Kennedy Wm. Wallace ; 1809 j Dav. Turnbull; And. Thomson] Robert Smyth Wm. M. MacklntoshjJ.W.M^Kenzicj .. . .. 'ill » I. ..1.. I Villa rCarlyle Bell \ James Pecldie ♦Rob. M‘Millan 1). liornc iDavid Ramsay' Arid. Smith iGeorge Lyon R. Skinner [Thomas BrucelAlex. Hunter James Bridges John Alison Kieo. Hogarth lAr. Campbell [John Kermack James M‘Cook pas. Carnegy [ 1811 'J. Innes ! Melville Burd 1814. T. Mackenzie John Miller Thus. Gardiner Wra. Young Mat. Weir H. Y. Anderson Alex. Fleming G. W. Boyd J. MacAlian 101 * 1 * " • * — R. Macglashan J. Hyndinan . . . /a iun Hu. M ‘Queen Jas. Fergusson Aw. Clason Jas. Baxter 1812 D. Welsh i.vleivuie Duru lias. Jo. Tait, Situs l T. Richardson Jas. MacdonelljW. H. Sands John Pringle |Wm. Waddel Win. DymockjC. J. F. Orr J. G. Hopkirk And. Miller *11. Riddel IJohn Dickie \V. Ferrier |F. Fothering- ham, jun. Jno.M. Lindsay Hugh Tod :A. M‘Cheyne George Combej 1815. John Home (Joseph Grant Jas. Robertson Wm. Craig Alex. Lamont R. Rutherford pavid Shaw t,r ” ©.Thomson, jr Ar. Campbell J. G. Davidson Jo. Stenhousc Rob. Cargill Robert Paul C. K. Robison John Welsh J. B. Brodic j 1813 'John White 1 J. A. Campbell George Inilach Will. Gardner Alex. Burns D. MacTavish James Dunlop John Chalmers W. Finlayson H. Graham Wm. Renny Wm. Grierson James Easton J. R. Stodart John Scotland John Bowie MN M ‘Donald Geo. Waddell Th. M‘Millan Gavin Alston James Arnott Rob. Pitcairn Thos. Ewart 1816 Geo. Turnbull J. M. Paton R. S. Wilson G. L. Finlay John Elder Alex. Smith Wm. Murray John Yule A. Thomson Robert Burn j I’has. Nairne Win. Stirling S. Anderson John Gibson N. Morrison Robert Brown W. llowatson Jas. Grant, jr. And. Howden Jas. Lawson Thomas Weir James Pott 1817 Alex. Scot Aw. Crombic H. G. Dickson David Greig John M‘Kcan Thos. Patton Walter Duthie Jas. Shepherd David Scott J. M. Melville George Heggie Jas. Burn Jas. Butter Thos. Arnott Chas. Stewart In. Robertson i>av. Brown Alex. Johnston Arch. Wishart Will. Bennet Will. Young, j. A. ll.ibertson A. G. Ellis 1818 Jas. Macara John Watkins >V. Horsburgh Henry Sibbald Hod- M‘Kenzie R. Campbell For the Poor. TnVin nrClTUin« It G. Ogilvie C. M‘Alister 1819 Alex. Allan SF.Mackintosh Jas. Crawford Chas. M. Adair John Dudgeon Tho. Fergusson Andrew Tawse R. J. IJundas Geo. Robertson William Hunt Wm. Lamond Alexander Hay 11. W. Niven . T. Bruce, jun. John Wight Alex. Manners James Gibson, 5ttU8 D. S. Threshie Alex.Stevenson James Newton J. A. Chevne Thomas Come Walter Jollie H. D. Hill Ar. W. Goldie Wm. Ferguson R. SandiJands John F'oreman, jun. Wm. Alexander David Blackie Ja. Peddie, jun. W.Craitr. Offic. society oj souci runs of s upi\ lluuk rs. [Incorporated by Royal Charter. J Office-Bearers. Jam^s Bremner, Prcscs. George Tod, Vice* Preset* John Dillon, Secretary. Alexr. Grant, Treasurer. John Feat 1784'AIex. Forsyth Rob. Playfair |H. J. Wylie Jas. Breiimcr [John Orr Thomas Johnston, 1 „ Joseph Liddel, \Ccnmt. Thomas Darling, 1 . ... .Tames N‘Innes, Peter Halkerston, Librarian. Those marked thus * arc Exavninators. John Tawse Wm. Murray J. Sorwnervail Francis Fraser Alex. Grant Rob. Cameron \V. Hqwison, sen. 1785 T. Gentle l J8S John Jeffrey 1804. J. Young, jun. W. Smith, jun. J. Cook 1805 JW. Martin Th. Johnstone F. AT* MacNal: Jo. Thorburn P.Halkerston 18(X5. W. Innt3 G. Watson 88 John White John Dillon 94 VVillm. Llli§ * Nath. Grant II. Henderson Win. Johns tpn 1796. Geqrge Tod * IT. C leghorn 1797. To. Adamson George Mill G. Napier •Win. Whyte Alex. Guild lsio. J. M‘ In ties Ja. Lyon 18}1 1812. 1807 G. Wilson 1308. W. Ritchie Geo. Stedman J. Finlayson A. Paterson Wm. Smith T. Darling John Cameron * J. Sqmmer- villc, jun. Thos. Russell IJ. Dohaldson 181 5 . Rob. Boog C A. Stevenson R. Stewart 1814. Robert Cairns W;M. Littla Joseph Liddlc 1815. •David Clyne David Forrest 1S16. P. Campbell John Masson Alexr. Gifford Dan. Christie Jo. Alexander D. Bain C. Broughton James Brown J. A. Cheyne Arch. Bruce lames Bruce Ilobt. Christie Samuel Clerk P. Cockburn [Alex. Uick |H. D. Dickie ¥1 ACCOUNTANTS 1817* •Dan. Fisher R. Lockhart I'ho. Baillie j W. Dalrymplcj X. W Robertson! Ja. Stuart Ro. Welsh I Ja. Srcaill j Arch. Duncan Ro. Dick To. Ramsay Dug. Grant Jo. Adams Jo. Johnston James Smith John Ph Hips 1818 Chas. Gordon Geo, Gordon J. Macandrew John Parker Wm. Horn M. Anderson G. Simson 19 Wight IP. Macdowall " ‘ ;Pat. A James HUihonvG. Bai nc % 0jjic. iNlsDINBURGII. Dundas and j Alex. Lamond Claud Russell James Scott William Scott Chas. Selkrig Arch. Smith W. Stenhouse Alex. Stewart J. Stewart John Stuart Ad. Thomson Robert Wight Chas. Perrier ATex. Forman Alex. Fraser Arch. Gibson And. Girvan Alex. Greig Jojin Greig William Greig John Grieve John Hutton M ‘Gregor John A J ‘Kean Wm. Munson Walter Moir S.W.Moncrieij L. Muckcrsy Japieij Ogilvy Day. Paterson William Paul’ Dundas WiUiam Keith Sylvester Reid ( R. Wight, jun. James Kenton tT. G. Wright Tis AGENTS % SOLICITORS NOT INCORPORATED A. Thornton | W. Howison, jun. I David Christie Thomas Duncan | James Foggo | Cos. Falconer ADVOCATES FIRST CLERKS , IVfiOj ex officio, are Agents or Solicitors. R. Campbell (John Murray 1J. Mack Jas. Malcolm n. ^auiwucii. r- -- Robert Ranken J. Romanes Wm. Taylor Jo. M‘ Ritchie John Brown W. Williams* .. ...-Williamson as. Adamson D. Ballingall ames Gibson |And. Gallaway W.Rae Wilson ~ AT — Jas. Lamond Alex. Ponton R. Stewart Jas. Anderson Win. Anderson — ffli - - Jamos Dickson James Neilson Wm. A Hester S. Lidderdale J. Mackenzie T. M‘Whirter J, Livingston J. O. Mack Cha. Campbelijw. Macintosh T. Deuchar j James Reid John Christie {Jas. Gemmill Ju. B. Fraser H. M*Kinnon R. Purdie Wm. Guthrie Jon. M ‘Gregor John Jones John Russell Robert Blackie James Imrie A.P. Henderson Charles Fisher David Gibson A. M. Anderson Andrew Bayne eft lill v David Brown iT.Walkinshaw l). Wardlaw Robert Welsh Dun. Stewart 1W. M. Fowler Pat. Pearson John Gibb David Watson Win. Pollock G. Macdougall 1L Thomson James Gillon SOLICITORS before the Commissary , Sheriff' Courts , &c. 1764 Samuel Watson, Prescs. 1783 Richard Prentice, Treasurer. 1799 Alexander Cameron, Clerk . —— Archibald Scott, Fiscal . 1796. 1 1810. :Rob. Deuchar Ja. Laing Jas. Ranken *G. Carphin,jun. Thos. Stewart 1813. 'Jas. Anderson 1798. Dav. Brashe 1818. Rich. Cleghorn Win. Pollock 1 Jas. B. Dow 1799. | 1814. Dav. Mitchell . Chas. Wilson ‘.Alex. Clerk James Wight Jas. M‘ Robin 1 1815. I 1819. 1805. Jas. Meikle {Jas. Chalmers John Haldane , 1810. 1800. A. M‘ William Peter Murray Stacai'ton , . Campbclto-jon , ;Wm. King D. M‘MiIlan ;A- M 4 William Banff ; A. Thomson A. Strattan Wm. Sytnon David i\l 4 Watt William Pater- son 11. Holywell Lauder , *T. Scott Earl&ton, James Stalker BUTESHIRE. Rothsay, •J. Bannatyne CAITHNES8-SH, Thurso, •J. Reid Rob. M‘Kay Hu. Bremner Angus M‘Ivay Wm. A lack uv Wm. Manson *A. Barnetnon Don. M*Leod Barnes Gum 214 ~Wic£ P. Thomson Alex. Farquhar CLACKMANSH AUm, J. Murray *WTr iccalton Sanquhar, Samuel Brown Lochmabcn, John Dickson Locker by. Robert Mackk George W right Ja.*. Graham |W. Richardson Jas. Spittal |W. Martin, jr. Dumbarton. \j\laji‘ut, F. Bell Dumbarton, >Ri Johnstone John Dixon | Thornhill, D. Macfarlane’Thos. Connell li. 0. Jameson j Forfar, Jas. Sinclair James liruce Leith, U. Stark J. Sutherland Jas. Nicholl ELGINSHIRE, Elgin , It. ltoy Alex. Russel Forres, Cupar Fife , Win. Murray Alex. Ramsay 1). iNlactananc' i nos. x-onnen Rp. M * Faria n e! Fen. bp Thor ah. George Alves »*•. 1 \ M ll<»nrv Millie Kirkintilloch, And. Hunter Alex. Bayne | edinburgiish John Shearer Dalkeith, dumeries-sh. LT. Bell Annan, J. Foot!* W. Roberton John little John Parish James Little Geo. Dickson James Todd Rcckftchan, George Bell Dumfries. •Ja. Spalding Christ. Smyt George Gray Thos. Philp Edinburgh, G. Williamson Allan Grant J. Anderson Tho. Hunter Al. Fraser, sen. |*J. Williamson [John Thomson John Richard C upar- Angus, P. Carnegie Fred. Clark John M'Leish Alontrose, Wm. Watson jH. Foley, sen. FiFEsiiiuE. AlexanilerRew H. Foley, jun. Kirriemuir, T. Sc r imger HADDINGTON. Haddington, George Purves Wm. Swanson Jas. Anderson INVERNESS-*!! Portree , Sky, by Seonser, An. M ‘Donald Don. Maclean LoehBay,Dun - Henry Millie J. A. Russel Dumfer inline ; A. lierdman John Couston •las. Muebean David Stobie Falkland, •George Coll St. A ndrnvs. •David Wright vegan. Sky, Kirkaldy, Don. M‘Lean Mohn Baxter Fort Augustus Alex. Watson *John M‘Kay John Whyte Fort- William - A. M‘Millan George Gray Peter M ‘NivenjDavid Ivii k i\. (John Dawson Arch. Watson 1 i.olnuburgh, Jo. M Kintosh •Thos. Fraser A. Fraser, jun. J. Crombie J. Campbell Robert Paul John Munro Anstruthcr , Don. Cameron John Ramsav W. M ‘Donald Lias. Kyle A. Mackintosh ,Kd. Dawson" David Fraser I forfakshirk Arbroath , •Hugh Low James Black |W. Paxt. Bell T. H. Dawson iRobert Kemp Kb. M ‘George t *l). Johnstone Wm. Murray - r . - • Wm. Carson W.A. Thom son! James Wright |« Wm. Howat Geo. Bruce | Brechin, \\ alentine , 'hom i.Iaine> l agan Win; Masson JJunCur, •Rob. Thomson Pat. Guthrie |A. Grimmond William Kirk Dav. lierdman, Alex. Gray J Rob. Wallace Don. Houston |Pat. M‘Kay l Langholm, Jas. Paterson Uas. Adams I Grantown , ;Wm. Grant I Hen. Grainger John M‘Laren S. Walker IThos. IlaimngAlcx. Dull* J* Valentin ! Sam. M‘ Robert Wm. Stewart And. Ihofti Kinguissie , by Granioten, Di M‘Kinnon J. Mucpherson G. M*Kintosh North Uist, N. McDonald Inverness, •Win. Fraser Robert Munro Dun. M‘Beein Allan M‘ Lucas Jbang/ioim, jas. jraverwii J, , n u • V vi Arclid. Scot J. Blacklock >*R- C« Rodger Christ. M,Rae 215 TV. Fraser, jr. J Glasgow, | linlithgow- John Macbcari Alex. Russel shirk. Thomas Fraser James Brown- Bathgate , Alex. Alison j lee j*A. Thornton Duncan M 4 Rae *Ja. M‘Crone \ m T. Johnston Al. Morrison Snizort , by Fort t ec, John M*Leod Camiscr. Sleuth S Icy by Lochalsh , J. M*Pherson Betihccula ♦ by Garnish , II. A. Cuming Lochcar row, Mur.Matheson K1NCARDINESH, Stonehaven , John Scorgie fGeorge Jack Rich. Geater Bervie , T. Guthrie KINROSS-SHIRE. Kinross , Jas. Paton Robert Greig KIRKCUDBR. Kirkcudbright , J. Somerville David M‘Nish D. Morrison David Miller Castle Douglas , Tho. Barbour Arch. Smith VV. Gillespie LANARKSHIRE. Lanark , Geo. Steel James Young George Weir Win. Martin Alex. Forrest Airdrie , R. Mack Thos. Wad- dell Geo. Purdon A. Fullarton And. Wilson Rob. Forsyth John Brown Richard Hall John Han nay James Cuming Alexr. ton James Black '-Tames Binnin (Joseph Pearson I Linlithgow , (John Paul T. Anderson Nairn % ^ John Wilson Fullar-i Orkney, &c, ! Kirkwall , John Turnbull J Fothringham fohn Grahame John Davidson Wm. Stuart has. Gordon Alex. Turner Peter Smith Jo. M ‘Gregor J. Henderson H. Cameron J. Macfadyen •John Flat Lcneicki Shcl - land, *Wm. Stout Sam. Henry PEEBLES III IlE. Peebles , W m. Thomson PERTHSHIRE. Blairgowrie , Dimkctd; R. M‘Gilliewie Geo. Chalmers Bridge of Tut. by Dnnkrld, .M‘Naugliton Abcrfdtly , f. M‘Pnerson Killing John Campbell J. M ‘Gregor Perth , Pat. M‘ In tosh Wm. Stewart Peter Miller David Hally John Chisholm Tho. Wright Pat. M‘Nec Comric % Dun. Gorrie Ar. Turnbull jDavid Peter W. L. Swan John McLaren H. Maclellan New Rattray , •Alex. M‘lx.*an by Blairgoxcrie Wm. Inglis Peter Glenday Alex. Maxwell Criejf\ Robert Kelly Ben.Ferguson Stuart Turner Peter Arnott John M‘Callum W. Fergusson Arch. Neill 'Nor. M‘Leod Wm. Morgan \Alyth, by Cupar Tho. Mitchell | Angus , John Neill [Al Anderson Wal. Nielson ;Thomas Low jJas. M‘Kcnzie M utility !W. Reid j Auchterardcr , IW. Murray Wm. Campbell Callander , John Mitchell (•A.M‘Pherson Strathaven , | Dumblane , John Nimmo |Ar. Fergusson W. M‘Ewan Biggar , A. Hamilton Hamilton , I.oc. Baird RENFREWSHIRE. Greenock , John Paton •Jo. M*K irdy '1’hos. Wilson Jo. M‘I)ougal John Bell James Wright John Campbell Paisley , . Ja. Campbell Al. Colquhonn Wm. Fernie Hugh Allan PolLackslurxs by Glasgow^ Willm. Gill’ll lan Port Glasgow, Alex. Neilson Neilston, James Craig ROSS-SMIRF. Dingwall , T. M‘Donald Wm. Miliar John Macallan! 216 Jan. Anderson Don. Murray Alex. Taylor Don. Munro Stornoway* Hugh Brown ROXBURGHSH. Hawick * T. Miller iilbt. Amos Andrew Oliver' Jedburgh* *T. Turnbull George iteid Wm. Ingram William Lee William Keid Kelso, •C. Wilson •Win. Houy John Mabon Jus. Hunter Andrew Dods Thus. Dickson Melrose , D. Spence, sen. SELKIRKSHIRE, Selkirk , J. Paterson Galashiels * John Paterson STIRLINGSHIRE. Falkirk , T. Aitken Arch. Stark T. Aitken, ju- nior George Main Thomas Hill Da. Henderson Stirling, *C. Christie Thos. Miller John McDon- ald Wm. Watt Hob. M‘Nie B. Somerville Denny* W. Muirhcad Balfron by Stirling. RobertWalkcr lippenOySUr , John Chrystie Campsic * by Kirkintilloch * Robert Brown ' Lennoxiown * Kirk. W. M'Kerrow SUTHERLAND- 811 I RE. Dornoch , *H. Leslie AI. Anderson WIGTONSHIRE. New. -Stewart^ Wm. Dill, sen. N. Fullarton John Douglas P. Hannay •Wm.Dill,jun. * Wm. Good John Stewart Stranraer * •J. Jolly IL M‘LeIIan ‘James Caird Wm-,Sprott Wm. Milligan •Alex. Iiunn&y W. Mackinnel John Adair Wm. i\1‘Nish At. M‘Nilidge Wigtiw* Alex. M‘Kie J. Beddie T. Birkmayer James Smith Win. Smith Jas. Dalziel Glcnlucc * W. Minnoch It. M‘Master Whithorn* Henry Walker •John .Torie A. Mackinnel NOTARIES PUBLIC IN THE COUNTRY. ABER PEEKS H. Aberdeen. A. D. Fordyce John Davidson Alex. Dauney Hnrry Lunisnen Chas. Gordon And. Davidson Wm. Kennedy James M‘Cook John Watson Alex. Shirrefx Alex. Cromhie Pet. Farquhurson David Vlutchen William Copland Alex. Webster Robert Morice W. D. Fordyce Dune an Davidson F ranch Gordon Audrew Jopp T. Burnett W.CArnegie,T\/.c. T. .Sangstcr And. Robertson Adam Coutts James Grunt Hugh Fullerton Alex. Smith Lewis Nicoll Ja#ies Hurdle William Smart George Yeats C. Winchester Henry Luinsden James Blalkie John Dnthie Alex. Cadenhead Alex. AIl*n John Smith . Simson Ogllvie John Ewing Chax. Chalmers Alex. Copland Thomas Reid T Wm Simpson I'ranci* Garden Robert Ramsay Alex. Gordon J. D. Milne Cluis. Donaldson James Ferguson John Thom James Ross James Simpson George Wilson Alex. Gibbon Peterhead. Robert Robeitson Roderick G'nv Wm. Gamnr.ock Alex. Fraser Lewis Chaimcrs ARGYLLSHIRE In'll rrary, Dn ncanCampheil John Campbell Colin Campbell Peter Campbell Duncan Paterson John Bell Robert FotfO John M‘Murchy Lud. Cameron David Black Campbell men. Dun. Campbell Hugh Mackay Dan. MHnggart D. S. Galbrcath Colin Mathicson ¥17 AYlifcilllRB. Ayr. j Alex. Smith j Charles Shaw Quin. Johnstone I Rob. * it obPrtsep • izfiss? 1— Stewart Ewing lames Morton \\px. Murdoch J ames M urdoch Thomas Baird Tomes Brown Stephen Rowan David Hunter Wm M c CormiCK .Hugh Reid (John WyUte Thomas Ranker* Thomas Weir T. M'Cleliand David Shaw Wm Kirkland David Gibson r Robertson, 1 nr *. C. D. Gairdner Henry Cowan John Paul F. Johnstone Kilmarnock. Tames Gregg Tohn Brown William Young lame# Brown limes Wilson David Kay Tohn Deans James Fergusson James Reid IjOttdott. John Hamilton John Brown Maybotr. William Brown William H annoy Walter Andrews Gir^cm* Peter Murray And. M‘ William Wm. Johnston Dairy. Fra. Richmond /./irgj. Roht. Or r James Wi'son Cumnock. John Blacklock BUTESHIRE jatnesBroorn Rothesay. W. Primrose John Blaln Alex. Irvine James Martin R obert Adamson W. Thomson, j: Dav. Armstrong Tho. Harkness Annan. Richard Graham John Little John Foot James Little W. Riccalton Sanquhar. John Crichton William Smith cu-rrs r, ^ ifmpaftn !' v - Marline John Dr«mmond|lol)||lmm^ CAITHNESS-SH Thurso. Wm Henderson John Reid Morison Snody Alex. Bametson Robert Mackid trick. Pat. Thomson Then. Ramsay BANFFSHIRE. Banff. Vrch. Young Peter Cameron T. A. Jamieson Alex. Till ary v;tew. Souter TonuDean-. lo hn Smith James Murdocn n .R. Andres K", CROMARTY- SHIRE. Cromarty. Walter Ross D. R. Andrews ch r Rtie Wm r^ S iun Patrick Rose •la*. <3re?K’ B * j am cs Brands Irvine. m Macduff. KSTcSSSfe Richard Reid > r. Montgomerie r. Rankin, inn. wm. Macahester T. Johnstone Patrick Blair Kilwinvnr. William Boyle t. Cunnbtghame Saltcoats. W. B. Orr lames Gemmcll Krith. Tohn Gatherer Pat. Cameron ynrtsoy. George Grant Ecdefechan. [George Bell ] Langholm. Geo. Henderson Arch. Scott Moffat. Robert Craig R, Johnstone DUMBARTON- SHIRE. Dumbarton . Rob. Colquhoun ELGINSHIRE. Elgin Pat. Duff DUMFRIES- SHIRE, Dumfries. Tims. Goldie Francis Short Tames Spalding John Com melinc 1\V. Thomson Kv. Gordon, sen Rob. ThreslUc DaV Sr Wmwie James Rhchtc Robert Bain Pat. Duff, jun. Alex. Brown John Barclay turns. Charles Black John Forsyth Alex. Dunbar Robert Spier Tames Dobie Wm. King Wm. Fleming Manchlfne. AlexanderHamil Lauder . , - .. - , ;£f^*Lr" d jy^nnS?'. fifeshire. Cupar. Tho*. Horsburgh James Stark James Carstairs George Aitken Andiew Christie James 'Thomson George Fernte Ja.Thomson,jun. Games Kyd Par. Pearson John Givan |R obert Methver. IjamosWeh^L Robert BaUtie Robert Taylor John Aitken Charles Walker Robert Aitken John Wilson J. Carstairs, jun. James Gray KirkatJr. IT. Davidson, t. c Wm Drysdale (Wtn Small, /. c. William Douglas -Thomas Mawer Richard T osn James Swayne James L. Cooper John Baxter Uunftrmtine. David Black, f. c. James Russel J. S. Rotuldson Henry Bardner David Stenhouse Wm. Beveridge Ja. Douglas St. Andrews. or* sinuT c u i. u ^ “ * Charles Graced . 1 John Kinloch Arch* Wallace |DavidH‘Ewcn \V. Hunter John Tindal James Walker Chas. Young Wm Whyte W.Andcrson .John Barclay Dundee. •Uanies Bumes John Ogilvie Wm Walker Tlios. Smart James Ogilvie J Saunders Thos. Adamson David Cobb j. W. Butter William Rodger William Barrie K.C. Rodger Alex. Christie James Guild John Biown A nth. Duvidson George Beattie Robert Clark Robert Burnett Brechin. A. Ritchie, /«. c/4 Michael Forrest Geo. Anderson James Speed Wm. Gordon Ktrrymuir. John Webster Alex. 'laylor Cupar Angus. Charles Iloy Charles Clark Deter Clark Jus. Miller, sen. Jiis. Miller, jun. 1). Anderson David Wright David Balfour Arch. Wallace Burntisland . A. Hutchison, t.c Kinshom. John Hutton iDavid Smith James Simpson David Neaves William Reid . j. B. Baxter James iPierie David Mitchell T. Barclay, t.c A’- Milne r j. I Ainli>rt Dubbyside James Fulton PiHetnoeem. Jo. Graham, t. c. Anslruther. M. F. Conollyj.f. Neivburgh. 1. Williamson Anchtermuchty Arch. Walker Falkland. George Coll Harry Hope Cha. Gullaml Sweet bank. N. Ballingall " Vortree . 1 Malcolm Wright John Grahame William Muuro Kingussie. Don. WpKintion John ITMferson KINCARDINE- SHIRE. Stonehaven. John Low Chaalet Monro Peter Christian Thos. Kinnear Wm Gordon John Brand Janies Tindal James Forrest Wm Anderson John Duncan FORFARSHIRE. Forfar. Patrick Orr Wm. Roberta Wm. Meffan James Wyllie W. Hutchison I>av. Scrimgeour " Rodger J . Anderson David Jobson James Hunter Christopher Kerr James Brown W.A.Flowerdew d.cot t Thomas Walker Tho. Smart, jun. Arbroath. D. Lousun. tn.clk Win Colvill John Nicol Hugh Low Dav. Smith Robert Small Thomas Scott W. Colville, jun David Nicoll Alex. Guild Montrose. C. Thomson A.Thomson Sc J Leighton, JJ.c. Colin Alison John Greig Charles Bruce HADDINGTON. SHIRK. Haddington. Arch. Todrick Henry Davidson A. Donaldson t.c. John Richardson John Ferme Dunbar. W. H .Ritchie t. e. Alex. Kiunalid North Berwick. John Kirk, tn. cl. KINROSS-SHIRE! Kinross. Rob. Marshall Alex. Hogg •t For be Robert 1 Robert Low INVERNESS- SHIRE, Inverness. Alex. Macdonell Cam. MTntosh Alex. M‘Kenxie Janies Grant Peter Anderson Lock. Kinloch J. Beaton John M‘ Andrew Alex. Shepperd i John Edw ards Arthur Cooper John M v Tavish John Ledinghara Join Mackay David Chiiholtne John Munro Fr,rt irilliam . Robert Flyter Robert Scott KIRKCUDBRIGHT STKWARTRV. Kirkcudbright. D. M'Lellan JaeiesNivcn Robert Gordon James Burnie F. M‘Lellan D. Melville,/. elk, Ccutle Douglas J. Lidderdal© John Sinclair Ijich Bank • David Hannay LANARKSHIRE: For Notaries Pub- lichee Glasgow , Hamilton , and Lanark Lists. 210 LINLITHGOW SHIRE. Linlithgow. Janies Watsone G. Cunningham John Boyd [Thomas Liston W. Cunvnghame Jolm Bovd, jurv. Bathgate. Wm. Wardrobe rho3. Johnston Alex. Thornton Thomas Dick Ihrroaustounness, llay Hums Qnttmferry, Al. M‘Gibbon,f.c. NAIRNSHIRE. Nairn. John Gunn James Murray Thomas Donald James Philip ORKNEY. K>rkivall. . Nicolson >. Fotlmringham John Mitchell Win, Siuclair W. Wa f t Bain Edvr. Clomton David Hews John Flett Lerwick, Andrew Duncan James Grclg William Stout Gilbert Duncan PEEBLESSHIRE. Peebles. James Ker Alex. Williamson A. M. Bar tram Jolm M‘Gowan James Bariram Donald Sim R. II. Moncrieff Dav. Burns Thomas Couper Thomas Duacan A. T. Waterson Dav. Straton Jolm Marshall Harry M'Leod Duncan Clark James Thomas Jolm Flockart David Malcolm Crieff. John Talnsh Robert Adie John Philips James Steven Wm. Leitch John Gowans D. Turnbull A. Ro«iS Dunkeld. Patrick B : >set John Leslie Viex. Robertson Ja, Williamson ziuchtt rnrder. Joseph M'Pherson William Sharp Peter Clerk Pat. Hutchison Dunblan- . William Stirling John Miller James Bain Andrew Malloch C. Mucara Blairgowrie, James Scott Thomas Whitson Pilieltetiy, James Adam Cuiross. John Sharp CaUmuiee, Duncan M lntyre iavm Lang enry Wilsou tef Jack William Barr Andrew Mercer John llart Allan Clark Andrew Millar Wm. Motherwell William Hart Greenock. Nathan Wilson Hugh Crawford John Davidson I John Mu r. senior John M'Nair John M‘Kinnon Robert Stewart William Kerr Allan Swan Thomas Potts Walter Turbet John Lamont John M k Kirdv Gen. Willi mison Arch. MKinnon John Dunlop David Crawford .1. Muir, junior Clias. Campbell John Paton, jun. Peter Jackson Port Glntgow. Alex. Watson Thomas M‘Kie Wm. M ‘Naught Robert Paton William Lado Johnston. W. Campbell Robert Hodgert L chavinnoch. Robert Caldwell Tho. Carsewell PERTHSHIRE. Perth r James Paton Alex. Bonnet George Condie Robert Peddie George Christie Thomas Gibson Geo rye Clark RENFREW- SHIRE. Rent /few. David Hutchison /•artier. , John Snodgrass John Peers Francis AUrtiO W. Weddempoon John Mu«r John MlUer lame* MeoKWi yloh n Wat*oo lolUV Wyhe James Wylie Noth. G hs m fort rose. Wil. Young. I. Cromarty. Walter Ross ROXBURGH- SHIRE. Jedburgh. Robert Sjxqrtreed James Hendersou George Bell | Wm. Rutherford W. Rutherford, jr, William Reid Sam. Wood, t. c. Kelso. Charles Wilson James Home James Darling George llouy John Smith Ja<. Haldane, at Sydenham, by Kelso Hnavick. John Oliver Thomas Usher lames IngK* Robert Andersou Melrose. Charles Erskittt David Spence James Curie John Spence SELKIRKSH. Selkirk. Geo. Rodger Andrew Lang Ro. Hendersou Galtfhie's. George Craig ROSS-SHIRE. T ain. HiO. Sitter, t, c. John Barclay 1) *vld Ross Alex. Taylor Hugh Leslie Robert Mitchell Dingwall, John M Rae Alex. Kely John Simpson Geo. M'Kenzlf Donald Cameron Join Cameron STIRLING- SHIRE, Stirling. J. M 'Gibbon, f.i A. Littlejohn la ne- Wright James Cbrystal Ro. B inks Ro. Sconce W . M-KinDy ; Cohn Dawson Ro. Canip’.K’d Andrew Hutton Ro. H-ildarfe John Murray Arch. Cuthfll M. W right Charles Chryktle Hubert Thomson J. M'MUlan Jnlui Sawers Robert Hill Peter Grant Janies Lucas Rob. Henderson VVm. Galbraith Peter Wright Kippen. David 5 rah am Balfron. Peter Goi don Denny. Robert Wiilison Falkirk. Ro. M-Kechnie John Burns William Storle James Kussell A lex.. Monro James Clark Alex. Boyd Geo. Brown SUTHERLAND- SHIRE. Dornoch. William Taylor Patrick Seller G. S. Tavlor I Tongue. Donald Foibe* WIGTONSH. IViglott. John Hawthorn Robert Mackeand George Machaffic John Black John Simpson Geo. Acuew Win. M‘Nish JFhi thorn. John Milroy ,Johu Jorie Neivtonstriuart.] W. Macmillan Nath. Fullerton William Dill John Douglas William Good Stranraer, James Caird Wi liam Douglas J Alex. Hannay John Jolly David Young Garlienon . James Nish UEUTENANTCY OF MID-LOTHIAN. The Most Noble the Marquis of Lothian, Lord Liett-\ tenant and High Sheriff’. Andrew Wauchope, Esq. of Niddrie, Vice Lieutenant. Parishes and Districts . Deputy . i _ _ , . „ .. ( Lord Hermand, A. C. Mait-I l. Kirknewton,E.Galder,Ratho, J land, and James IlareJ Mid Calder, West Calder, | Esqrs# Cramond, part of South and ) T „ , , . t.a* North Leith, without the Li- f T.Scott, J.Rochead, A.Trot- . • > ter, and J. Watson, Esqrs.1 3. SL Cuthberts, beVties oiT^eith, Corstorphine, C Colinton, Currie, > ' J ( J. Rochead,T. Scott, Esqrs. and Sir James Gairduer] Baird. . And. Wauchope, Esq. Vise, i Inveresk, Newton, IJbberton, ( Melville, Sir John How Duddingston, Dalkeith, New-’ Bt. J. Wauchope bsq. th. l Lord Advocate, and th* * ^ Earl of Ancram. Vise. Melville, Hn.B. Clerk- 5. Glencorse, Pennycuick, I^ss- j Rattray, Sir G. Clerk, lit. wade, Carrington, Cockpen, ^ ^ r « ^ alker, Esq. and the! 5. Borthwick, Temple, Herriot, Stow, Crichton, Cranston, Fa- la, Lord Advocate. R. Hepburn, G. Innes,Esqrs.j Hn. Baron Clerk Rattray,] Sir J. Dalrymple, Bt. and] R. Dundas, Esq. of Amis-] ton. Wm. M‘Farlane, W.S. Clerk of General and Subdivision Meetings . T? 221 OQSQUJESIOJN'EUS OP SUPPLY POB TUB CDUNTyI OF EDINBURGH. 1 Onnair. 1. — flrhcir^Wm. MacfarUne, W. S. KMUtm, Hatho, AJid-Cal-Tha ibrnB- Depute snd Sufc. der, and Wcst-Caldcr. iDisthict S.—HarthTcick, lent- James Haro of Caldevhall pic, Ilerrxot, Stow, Crichton , J. Moubray of Little Harwood 1 Cranston, and lain. U. Davidson of Kavelrig iS.r J. H. Dalrynmle, Baronet George lleid of llatho 'Sir John Hope, Baronet James Wylie of Annatfield Alex. Trotter of Dregliorn William Fagan of Spittleton ‘Gilbert Innes ot Stow James Gibson of Ingliston .John Thomson of BurnhouRe William Maefarlane, W. S. iThomas Cranston of Dewar The SherilV-Depute and Sub- John Borth wick ot Crookston stitute. | Wm. Maefarlane, W. S. District 2 .—Cramond, Cor-'-'lhe Sheriff-Dcputc and Sub- Morphine , Collington , and j • stitute Currie . District C.—Cajwngate and A. C. jVL Gibson of Cliftonhall Leith. Me x. Trotter of D reghorn Andrew Waiichope of A lddrle Gen. Thos. .Scott of Mallenv Wm. R. Robinson yr. of Clep miston .John lnglis of Redhall T. Newton of Cur’riehill R. Davidson of Ravelrig William Maefarlane, W . S. The SheriilVDenute and Sub. District 3. — Juveresk, New- ton, Libber tody and Dadding- 8 ton. Sir John Hope, Baronet Wm. Aitchison of Drummore Arch. Cochran of Ash kirk Tims. M‘ Mil lan of Shorthope Wm. Maefarlane, W. S. The Sheri (f-Depute and Sub. District 4 .-Glcncorsc, Penny- James Itocheid or Inverleith Alex. Duncan of Restalrig John Reid of Gogarbauk Clia. Fraser of Willianis.ield Wm. Maefarlane, W. S. The SherilV-Depute. and Sub. Districts 'i&8.—St f Cuthberis South and North. James Rocheid of Inverleith Alex. Trotter oj Dregliorn Sir Patrick Walker Wm. Maefarlane, W sir .ionn nope, Urtiwiict, - »>• •* - & Andrew Wanchope of NiddrieSherifT-Depute and Substitute J. Wnuchope of Edmonston Districts 9 and 10.— Extend- rir... a nHiimmnrn rrt Ttminltll- cd Royalty. Gilbert Innes of Stow Sam. Anderson of Mordun A. C. Maitland Gibson, yr. of Cliftonhall Wm. Ramsay, banker ISTUlCT IICUI Of/, 1 tslllllf- tlBIUOUt, cuik, Lassuade, Carrington, J. Borth wick yr. of Crookston C tick pen, Dalkeith, and New- Janies Hare of Calderhall tattle. Sir George Clerk. Baronet Sir John Hope, Baronet I .nines Kerr of Blackshiels Wm. Tail of Pirn A m. I ait oi nrn smute. r.J[)ruinmoiuiof Hawthorndcn James Balfour, W. S. Clark. Sir Patrick Walker James Rocheid of Inverleith Wm. Maefarlane, W. S. The Sherifl-Depute and Sub- stitute. FltEE MASONS, GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND l Hts Royal Highness George Prince of Walks, Prince Regent of Great Britain, Grand Master* and Patron of the Order. Most N oble the Marquis of Tueeddale, Acting Grand Master. His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, Grand Mas- William inglis. Esq. of Middleton, Substitute Grand Masi-er. Samuel Anderson, Esq. Senior Grand Warden. J. J. Hope Vere, Esq. of Craigiehali, Junior Grand Warden. Sir John Hay of Smithfield & Hayston,Bart. Grand heamrer, Alexander Lawrie, Esq. Grand Secretary. James Bar tram. Esq. Grand Cler/c. Rev. Dr. John Lee, Grand Chaplain. ^ W. Cunningham, Esq. Gr. Jeweller. —Mr. Arch. Paterson, George Buchanan and George Nagle, Grand lylers. Provincial Grand Masters. R.W.M.of Kilwinning: /yw/dr^—Earl of Rosslyn. J.Brodic,E 80 .'Ptr 6 icj-»Air^— Mar.of LotW»n. i hidcr Ward, LanarrctWe—J.UberdcmsIure-h.rrloiAbojne. Maxwell jr. of Pollock, EsqJ.OrfrBm, OM Keno*. * •, Hamilton 'Argyllshire — R.M Donald, 1^-sq. Banffshire — Marq. of Huntly. D ti rnfrics-sh i re- W . M il ler, Esq. Wigtan — Sir A. Gordon. L. Clavel, Lodges in France. J. M ‘Lachlan, Bermuda Jske. Middle (fo.-3pd.Ar. Upper do. — Daniel Vere, Esq. Perthshire— S\v P. Murray. Uumbartonsh.- SirM.S.Stewart Stirlingshire — J. Mavne, Esq. A ngus-shire— Hon. W. Manic, Lodges. Mary’s Chapel, Canong. Kilwinning, Canongate andLeith, Journeymen, St. David's, St. Luke’s, Edin. St. Andrew’s, Thistle, Royal Arch, St. James’s, New Edin. Kilwin. St. Stephen’s, Kdin. Dcfens. Band, Roman Eagle, Caledonian, Trafalgar, L.eith, Poriobcllo, LODGES in EDINBURGH. Masters. Mr. Thomas Muir, J. Robertson, Esq. Mr. James Dallas, Mr. Arch. Paterson, J. O. Brown, Esq. Mr. Daniel Christie, Mr. George Fenwick, Mr. Samuel Pringle, Mr. Peter Nisbet, Mr. James Fleming, Mr. Charles Kennedy Mr. C. T. Brown, Donald Horne, Esq Mr. William Scott Mr. James Newkmds Days of Meeting, j 2d Tuesday. 1st Thursday. 1st Tuesday. j Once a quarter, i 3d Tuesday. 3d Friday. 2d Friday. 1st Friday. 3d Monday. 1st Thursday. 2d Thursday. 2d Monday. 4th Tuesday. 4th Friday. 3d Wednesday. Last Monday i,pd Thursday* oUimri* cICsl'OMs’r Edward Earl, Esq. Chairman. Commissioners. Henrv Veitch, Esq. I Louis H. Ferries Esq. Alexander Osborn, Esq. | Thomas Bruce, Mathew Pemberton, 'Esq. E- Cuniitrigham, l.i tfcrfc. J. A. Baumbach, J. Craufurd, A. Strahan,Ja. Watson, Ko. Daw, Wm. Tennant, ti. Weir, E. O. Pemberton, J. Ham- say, J. A. Napier, and , John Campbell, Esq. Receiver-Gen — John Hamilton,/^. M. M. Reid and James Gairdner, Clerks. Earl of Leven and Melville, Comptroller-General. George Gardner, Assistant . . , , W. S. M‘Lean, Wm. Rowe, and J. Lorimer, Clerks. • John Menzies and John Dinning, Solicitors. D. Robertson, Alex. More, and E. Arnaud, Clerks. John Westgarth and George Forrester, Survs. Gen.jbrScotl R. D. Watson and J. Rowe, Clerks. Warren H. Sands, Solicitor in Courts of Session $ Justiciary. Alex. Clcghorn, 1 nspcctor -general of Imports and Exports. A. M‘Aulay, T. Burke, and J. M. Arnaud, Clerks. Jas. Uutherfurd, Supervisor of Rec. Gen. Accounts. Alex. Will and John Mill, llvam.-G. H. Anderson, C//fL John Grant and Alexander Fiddes, Jerqs. — J. Kirkland & W, llo. Mitford, Esq. Agent at the Treasury. tUiirke, c Iks. John H. Maclean, Register of Shipping. * David Steuart, Regis, of Seizures, and lnsp.of Officers secunhcs. James Veitch, Clerk. Alex. Waddell, Inspector of Cutters and Boats. John Blackwood, Examiner of Incidents and Salary Bills. Thomas Young, Clerk. Francis Anderson, Inspector of Seizures. James Geddes, Store-Keeper and Postage Accountant. John H. M'Lean, Accountant of Petty Receipts. Mrs. Matheson, Housekeeper. James Wood, Usher. Ro. Leslie, W. Straiton, W. McPherson, and john Forrester Messengers. David Howison, Watchman. And. Jack Store- Keener's Porter and Messenger. William Ballantinc, Messenger betwixt Edinburgh and Lean. Aberdeen — Alex. More, Collector. Alex. Lyall, Comptroller. Land-surveyor, and Controlling Surveyor oj Warehouses. James Nicoi, Tide Surveyor. Leslie DoU' glas, Surveyor and Principal Coast-Officer at Peterhead. Ayr—. Hon. 11. Hollo, Collector. David Ewen, Comptroller. William Paton, Surveyor. Alloa— J. Ure, Collect. J. M‘Ewan, Comp. W. Smith, Surv. Axstrn thcr —G. Willis, Co llect or. A. Johnston, Controller . 22h ,)a». Mercer, jun. Surveyor. Alex. l4odgc, 'Tine Purveyor, ftanff '—Jo. JeffYyes, Dep. Collect . J. Farquhar, Dtp. Comp. Bo' hcss Wm. Shnirp, Collector. T. Cowan, Comptroller. Islav Burns, Land-surveyor. Peter Petrie, Tide Surveyor. Campbeltown — Alexander Beith, Collector. Janies Maxwell, Compt. Hugh Stevenson, Survey, and Landwaiter. Burn fries — John Staig, Collector . R. Jack, son, Comptroller. R. Anderson, Land-surveyor . Dunbar— G. Hunter, Collector . Peter Bishop, Comptroller. Jas. Kilgour, Surveyor. Duudcc-dlotin Symers, Collector. T. W ebster. Comptroller. Rob, Alison, Land-surveyor . James Blain, Tide Surveyor. Fort- William — Duncan Stewart, Collector . Mai. M‘Donnell, Comptroller. Surveyor and Landwaiter. Greenock— Ad. Johnston, Collect. W. M* Do wall, Comptrol. T. Bissland, Priu. Surv. Jas. Reid & W. M‘Aulay, Laud- surv. G. Johnston & Jo. Lauder, Searchers. Ed. What- more. Coal. Scare. At. Langwell, Cont. Surv. of Wareho. W. Wood and J. M‘Cunn, Tide Surv. G. Anderson & J. Wallace, Wareho. Keepers. A. Pitcairn, Principal Super- intend. of Quarantine. D. Hyslop, Hiding Surv. Inverary. Grangemouth — John Moiehead, Collector . Alexander Bruce, Compt. G. Waddell, Land- surv. £ Cont. surv. of Ware- houses. Alex. Mastcrton, Tide Surv. Roger Young, Wars- housc-kccper. r „ Glasgow— 1). V. M‘Murdo, Collector. D. Morrison, Lomvtr. D. Rhind, Land-surveyor and Controlling-survey, of Wore houses. D. M*Neilledge, Warehouse-keeper. P. Milligan, Tulc-survtyor. Invcrkeithing— Geo. Beveridge, Deputy Collect. Ro. Moffat, Dep. Compt. W. Simson, Superint. of the airing of Goods. John Dove, Master of the Lazar ette. Inverness— Donald Smith, Collector. T. Gilzean, Comptroller. F. McDonald, Laud-surveyor. G. Henderson, Tide Surv. John Shaw, Princin. Coast Officer at Brora . George Ross, Surveyor and La na-icaiter at Ullapool . Irvine— S. M. Fullerton, Collector. And. Farq. Gray, Comp- troller. Robert Montgomerie, Surveyor. Kirkaldy — D. J. Malcolm, Collector. M. Beveridge, Comp- troller. Thomas Lcvell, Surveyor. Kirkcudbright— D. M. Jolly, Collector. D. M‘Lellnn, Comji- troller. J. Somerville, Survn/or and Landwaiter. Kirkwall — T. Pollexfen, Coll. Pat. Fotheringhame, Compt. Robert Watt, Surveyor. Geo. Flett, Tide Snrveifor. Leith— R. M*Nair, Collector. Comptroller. M. Russel U Prinvipal Surveyor! John Barclay and Andrew ScchIcs, Land-snrv. W. Lament, Controlling Surveyor qt Warehouses. J. Gilchrist, SMtchcr. A. M 4 V icnr.Contiol. do. Win. Hunter and Win. Bro wn, Tkle S u rveys |> - — ' 2 T& _ rZrfiwicA— Yhos. Ken, Collector. VV . al'Crae, Compl Montros^'ames Sr., Collector. A. Bisset, Comptroller, John Milne, Surveyor. John Thomson, Land-turveym, Arbroath. David Vedder, Tide Surveyor. Obau — Wm. Campbell, Collector, domes Hamilton, Comp. trotter. J. ltobson, Survq/or and Land-waiter. Perth — Thomas Cowan, Collect. Thos. 1 homson, Comptrob Icr. A. Matthew, Surveyor and Land-waiter . Prcstonpans—V . B. Sydserff, Collect. A. \Vatson, Comptrol- ler-. Win. Napier, Surveyor. Thos. Neil, Tide Surveyor. Port-Glasgow—oo. Dunlop, Coll. Aroh. Heory, J, Camnbell Pr. Surv. J. Cleland, Land-surv. £ Coat. Sun. of Vparcho. G. Black, Searcher. T. S. Burscy, Cont. ditto. t. llitchie. Tide Surv. A. M‘Eachrane, Warehouse Keep Rothsay — John M‘Kinlay, ColL A. Irvine, Camp. J.Leitch, Surv. and Land-waiter. Stornoway — J. Robertson, Collector. S. Tod, Comptroller. R. M‘Iver, Surveyor and Land-waiter. Stranraer David Gordon, Collector. Al. M 4 Niel, ComproU ler. J. Semple, Surveyor. Portpatrich — R. Hannay, Collector. J. Lewthwaite, Compt, James Gray, Surveyor and Land-waiter . T Thurso — Alex. R. M‘Leay, Collector. W. H. Torrence Comptroller. Geo. Douglas, Surveyor. Tobermory — Arch. Park, Collector. J. M Dougall, Comp- troller. W, Orrok, Surveyor and Land-waiter. Wigton— Jas. Tweddale, Collector. John Simson, C omptrol. J. M. M‘Culloch, Surveyor and Land-waiter. CUTTERS, WITH THEIR COMMANDERS. Alert Alexander Thomson 1 Lively Quarantine Guard Ves- Melville— Benjamin Hawkins | sel — Wm. Bonthion. BOARD OF EXCISE, Woodbine Parish, Esq. Chairman. Commissioners. F. Fothringham, Esq. I Samuel Rose, Esq. James Jackson, Esq. | John Douglas, Esq. James Bruce, Esq. Secretary. David Pearson, Andrew' Pearson, J. Gall, Alex. Brown, 1st Alex. Brown, 2d, and T. Jefferson, Clerks in Secretary s Office. Rich. W. Dulf, Esq. Comptroller . R. Maughan and David Murray, Deputy Comptrollers. John Scott, Robert Maughan, Nicholas Stow, James Hoy J. W. Wilcarson, D. Murray, Edw. J. Maughan, George Maughan, and John George, Clerks in Comptroller s Office. Jo. Philip Wood, Esq. Auditor.— Fr. Wilson, \ Jo. Robertson and Wm. Phipps, Clerks in Auditor s Office. 226 >Jr John Sinclair, ftart. Casnwr. inch Broughton, Esq. Deputy Cashier and Mitlman. \ Young, W. Robertson, and J. Huie, UK's. in Cash. . Office* Jr>hn Gleed, Esq. Solicitor^- Jas. Bonar, Ksq. ^Solicitor. Daniel Boss, Pcttr Turbot. C. II. Corbett, Joseph Kent, and Thomas Os wen, Cferfo SishcUot s Office. n„noi/l Hnrnc Eso. before the Court of Session, #c. Arch. Scott, Esq. Solicitor before Admiralty <$■ Sheriff Courts. ' Accountants . W. Macao G. Young jo. Moffat Jo. I .inning Jo. Stewart | A. Turnbull Hu. Murray 1 1 \V. Anderson and J^BTonWon MUcKl Sanderson _ ... T r» ClrnUam Mit- 1 St jo. Moffat J. '*• nniugiiwu I "• * * . xi t I Torrence Hen. G. Watson, J. Bonar,. inn. Graham Mit ?ohn Vebch, & G. Thornton, Assistant Accountants. Wm? Macao, Cia/df r of Yachts. George Young, Agent anJ Eraminator of I ? \y te. Register of Seizures. I’cnntt Examiner. David Reid, id Fcrmd Examiner. Examiners. _ Hect. SwansonlA. Cormick David Walker Arch. Douglas 1. Steel . K"“2SS^John Brown John Dunlop IBos. Cumming Jas. M Caren Jin Archibald Ifcuglas, Entry Robert Harper, Storekeeper. H. Mm ™ Jnrnoration Fund. John Linuing, Cashier to the E ^^i } [ e Keeper. Miss G. IT. Grubb, Clerk of Postages and JVarehoM^Kecp^.i Mylnc, Housekeeper. John W ilson, r *"j- £ T Load- G. Muirhead, A. Gray, J. Lockart, G. Black, anu jjohnA tom!%thcr. Tliomas MHntosh, Porter. John ' Robert sbic, Ja. Troup, Alex, . Anderson, and James Watran. GwnM n ^ j Rol«rtl.anrie, GcHtTtf^V - \Vm. M-Ken- [Eilinburgh The Cashier ofI ; xc^e,Co&^^ Alexander Dun- dinburgh — The CaMueydhxcise^- • Dun , tie, James llamsay, Robert lurpie, anu ^ can. Supervisors— W ® , ® ce *?’ IJ T > 0 u ert Hunter, John kMerdeeJ ^ Gray Campbell, Victor. Bo & 1 John Bose. Oliver, James Cruickshank, Alex. Bruce, anu Supervisors — 44 officers. «. a , Stewart, John Proud U, /r — Thomas Ross, Collector. Thomas atewarxor | foot, and Ritchie M‘Nair, ^Alexander Marshall, \ Argyll South — Alex. Bruc 1 Dun. Camp bell , and John Meikell, Su pei t , 227 Caithness — Jas. Anderson, Collecting Supervisor. — 11 officers. Dumfries — Jus. M‘Farlane, Collector . Dun. Campbell, James Dow, and Adam F. Jackson, Supervisors. — 20 officers. Elgin — Henry Hannah, Collector . Dun. Robertson, Abn Moffat, Robert Porteous, and J. M‘Naughtane, Supervise ors . — 35 officers. Fife — John Grant, Collector. James Beatson, Arch. Morrison, Jas. Drvden, and Wm. Hoyes, Supervisors.— 35 officers. Glasgow— Alex. Findlater, Collector. James Anderson, David Carrick, William Wright, James Gumming, Robert Valen- tine, and George Cadenhead, Supervisors — -66 officers. Greenock — Geo. Mackay, Collector. John M ‘Donald, Perl Surveyor. James Findlay, Tide Surveyor. — 12 officers, 6 tidesmen, and 7 boatmen. Haddington — James Peat, Collector. Pat. Scott, David Hill, James Dundas Brash, John Wharton, and Jas. Ferguson, Supervisors. — 50 officers. Inverness — .Jas. Cochrane, Collector. P. Calder, P. Andrew, Rod. Morrison, and Jas. France, Supervisors. — 31 officers. Leith — Alex. Dick, Collector. Hugh Marques, Port Surveyor. — 7 officers and 5 tidesmen. Linlithgow — Tho. Spens, Collector. John Bell, Wm. Lawpon, and William Thom, Supervisors . — 24. officers. // Montrose— James Huie, CoUedor. John Cmickshank, I.ind- say Grandison, Peter Henderson, and John Dewars, Super- visors. — 56 officers. Orkney — Robert Pringle, Collecting Supervisor — 7 officers. Paisley— Adam Whyte, Collector. Walter Wilson, Win. Smith, John Watt,* and Wm. Elder, Spun-vis — 35 officers. Perth — John Malcom, Coll. A. Mai com, W. Shiells, A. Mil- lar, and George Shorthouse, Supervisors. — 33 officers. Stirling — Tames Noble, Collector. T. MacAllan, P. Morrison, Stewart Shand, and George Hart, Supervisors — 30 officers. Tiviotdale — William Gillespie, Collector. William Inglis and Robert Carrick, Supervisors. — 14 officers. Zetland — Ralph Birrel, Collecting Supervisor. — 4 officers. N. B. There are in the above Collections 17 Supernu- merary Officers and 20 Collectors Clerks. Excise Vessels. Regent Prince of Wales Stork ‘ Royal Charlotte Atalanta Earl Moira Pi hi cess of Woles Boat on Loch Loniovd Commanders. Guns. Men. Robert Hepburn 14 55 Benjamin Oliver 14 46 John Chessliire 10 38 Thos. Robertson 10 36 Robert S‘te«art 10 25 James Melville 6 21 John Stewart 6 16 A. Ferguson (acting) 6 "528 •f: GEmmiTL post fl777n?r~ Right Hon. the Earl of Caithness, Postmastor-G&n^raL William Young, Clerk to Ditto and Cashier • William Kerr, Esq. Secretary . Archibald Horn and Andrew M‘Qucen t Clerks . Charles Buchan, Accountant. John Park, Adam Paterson, and John Ross, Clerks . James Shearer and Alexander Henderson, Surveyors . James Robertson, Solicitor. George Mason, Inspector of Dead and MU-sent Letters. George Lawrence, Clerk. LFTTFR-OFFICE. Francis Gibson and Robert Young, Presidents. Ro. Thomas, Clerk of English Hand. — R. Anderson, Assistant. Rob. Young, Clerk of IVest Roud.— C. M‘Kenzie, Assistant. Francis Gibson and William Grieve, Clerks of North Road. George S. Sutherland and George Mills, Assistants. John Laws and John Brewster, Windoicmdh. John Kerr Gloag and George T. M‘Kenzie, Letter Sorters. Alexander Wallace, Assistant. Alexander Watt, Letter Stamper. Geo. Brander, Assistant. Utter-Carriers John M‘Le»m, Superintend ant ; W. Ross, J. Wright, J. Morneth, G. Watson, H. Bain, P. Dull’, A. Reid, R. Murray, k. Mackenzie, M. Fraser, W. Swans ton, W. Elder, G. Grav, H. Calder, T. Gouldcn, P. Craigie, J. Rodgers. J. Campbell, H. Anderson, A. Murray, and V . M 4 Kcnzie. _ ^ _ D.Coghill, Mess Mrs. Cogh i I l,//o -/<*.— D.M‘Donald,7 or. LEITH OFFICE. George Newton, Postmaster. T. Wilson and Alex. Cunningham, Clerks , T. Prentice, C. Anderson, T. Prentice, jun. Letter-Carriers. TAX OFFICE. H. Mackenzie, Esq. Comptroller . J. Mackenzie, Esq. Assist. T. Campbell, Assist. Surv. Gen.*- R. Dunbar, Jas. Glover, Ja. Carmichael, W. Robson, & Jo. Christie, Clerks. H. Jardine and F. Wilson, Esqrs. Joint Solicitors. D. Calder, Messenger.— yin. Morrison, Housekeeper. R. Thomson, Surveyor for Ancient Royalty. Davidson, ditto for New Town. Surveyors for the County. J. Caird, J. Murray. E. J. Maughan assist, to W. Cunningham, J John Laing,Thos. Clark, Auorew Munro, and Jo. Allan. R. Maughan, G. Black , and tTk vd . Inspectors. Resident Inspectors. (tto. Brown, Aberdeen Divisbn\W . A. Paterson, Glasgow Die LJa. Goldie, Dumfries ditto (Alex. Mackay, ^verness M i i [h Robertson, Edinburgh ditto •G eorge Gordon, Per (A ditto. ' U 229 Aberdeen, Ar $yn # Bute ‘¥A , X15FF1C V— continued. Surveyors for Vacant Districts. Dav. Robertson, | iKneas Falconer, | Jas. Pator*on COUNTRirmnVEYonS OF TAXES. _ S. nvr uiitrn Counties. Surveyors, f Peter Stewart James Lamond Th. M* Donald John Munro Harry Lamond r And. Campbell Peter Campbell Jo. M‘Millan Charles Stewart Kirkcudbr. Lanark , A !/r, ( W. Ewart, jun. 3r “ Banff, §c. Berwick, Caithness , Dumfries, _ Geo. Maxwell (John Wyllie ( John Gatnerer X Alex. Falconer f Allan Purves (Andrew Scott John Reid (William Goldie ) Ja. Goldie, jun, (Geo. Henderson Dumbarton , John M‘Aulay Zlgin^Nairn, James Innes John Givan George Givan James Miller Wm. Beveridge 5 Henry Butcher Robert Trail ■ Thos. Adamson John Grieg JWtn. Butcher Haddington , Wm. Erskine . Alex. Grant J Wm. Cameron J Donald Grant Counties. Surveyors. Kincardine, Thos. Kinnear f Da. M‘Millan 1 Jas. Kennedy' (John Forrest J Arch. Neilson j Ar. Aitchison ( Vacant (Jo. Gardiner J Thos. Fcrguso'p (James Burns Jo. Boyd, jun. Robert Trail John Little James Bisset Glasgow, Fife Kin- ross, Forfar Linlithgow , Orkney, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Inverness, J. Inches, jun John Menzies Charles Clerk John Tainsh Jas. Inches, sen. ^Cha. M‘Ara Joseph M‘Leod John Wallace Jas. Buchanan "Wm. Murray Ross , Cro- j James Taylor marly, £r. | Harry Munro v TnKn T John M‘Intosh Roxburgh, George Rodger no.parlof,# \ Ro> H en derson Selkirkshire j Shetland, M. S. Fea (Jo. Boyd, sen. , ~ 4 R. Henderson Clackmann. J j n ^ n sawers wliamvilull , Sutherland, Andrew' Gedde* l. Jo. Graham, AsMV’igtmu do. M‘Cracken Collectors of> For the Royalty of the City or Edinburgh.— Office, 201 High Street. Peter Hill, Esq. Head Collector. Sub- Colic dors. William Henderson, Office, Strichen’s Closs. William Turnbull, jun. Office, 2G7, High Street. 1.1. Hart Anderson, 1G. Constitution Street, Letih. 280 COLLECTORS OF TAXES For the County and Extended Royalty of Edinburgh. Sir J. G. Baird '& James Tytler, Esq. Head Collectors. (Office, U, North St. David Street.) Sub- Collectors. Districts* Names. Residence > Bruceiield, Mid-Calder. Musselburgh. f Mr Davidson’s, Dalkeith, ( or No.60, NicolsonStreet, 9, Moray Street, LeithW alk Id, Parliament Square. East Register Street. Hast Thistle Street. Ditto. *:} Thomas Bauchop, 3. A. Gillies, *•} Wm. M‘Hutcheon, 6. John Smith, 7. John Hogg, 8. George Spence, 9. W. H. Horsburgh, 10. Thomas Ewart, STAMP O EE I CE. — 1714 . Robert Hepburn, Esq. Head: Robert SciUC Jerks. Distributor and Collector. J. Bremner.holtcUor. r-i . — , j p rin gi e & c. Breraner, Hep Wm. llennv, Solicitor of Le- gacy Duties James Hatton, 1st Clerk. J. Gray, Depute# 1st Clerk. William Young, Andrew Pli- mer, and John White, Clks. T. Pender, sen. Comvt . T. Pender, )wx\\stClk. J. Hill and Geo. Weir, Clks. (Vacant) Dlst. Edin.Sc Leith. John & WaL Richard and James Harper, 2d. do. James Waddell, Inspector. Mrs. Hill, Housekeeper. Charles Stuart, Porter. SESSION CLEUK’s OFFICE. Robert Bow, Session Clerk. James Hislop, Mortcloth Keeper — Win. Turnbull, Recorder , Office, City Chambers. HIGH SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH.— (1519.) James Pillans, A. M. F. R. S. E. Rector. Teachers. I t^Undiay, A M. Andrew M'Kean, Teacher of Writing and Account,. Robeit Davie and Alex. M fc Kean, Assistants. ENGLISH TEACHERS.— 17^. , W. Johnston. V™. Anderson, Anchor Cfari W. Brown, 121, Prince s Street iGco. Simpson, South Bridge HIGH SCHOOL OF CANONGATE. James Gumming, Rector* Charles Campb ell, Writing-Master. 2tfl The Right Hon. John Manderston, Lord Provo * , and Lord Lieutenant of the City . Bailies £ Deputy-Lieutenants. Alex. Manners, Esq. | John Charles, Esq. William Dunlop, Esq. | Robert Mitchell, Esq. Alex* Smellie, Esq. L.D. of Guild— Robert Smith, Esq* Irea, Kincaid Mackenzie, Esq. Old Provost. Old Bailies Merchant Counsellors , Messrs. Kenneth Mackenzie Will. Richardson James Hill A. Gillespie, Surgeons. Con G. Fenwick, Goldsmiths. William Ross, Tailors. MAGISTRATES of EDINBURGH. Alex. Anderson, Esq. j Thomas Brown, Esq. William Patison, Esq. | William ChikL Esq. Alex. Henderson, Esq. Old Dean of Guild. Robert Hall, Esq. Old Treasurer . Ordinary Council Deacons. Trades Counsellors. Messrs. James Denholm * and Alexander Ritchie. John Aird, Cordlners. John Drummond, Weavers. John Crombie, Bonnotmakcrs. James Cox, Skinners. James Lindsay, Furriers. Jas. Paterson, Hammermen. David Paton, Wrights. Extraordinary Council Deacons. Thomas Ponton, Masons. Thomas Saw era, Bakers. Robert Morham, Flcshtrs. Robert Pridie, Waukere^ Ken neth Mackenzie, Esq. Captain of Orange Colours. Jas. Fergusson, J. L’Amy, J. Simpson, and Esqre. Assessors for the. City. Thos. Henderson, Esq. Chamberlain. — Jo. M‘ Ritchie, Agent. Charles Cunningham and Carlyle Bell, City Clerks. Alexander Duncan and Alexander Callender, Dep. Clerks. D. Beatson, Keep, of Council Records. J. Hutchison, Keeper of Register of Sasincs and Burgh Register. James firuce. Accountant.— Alex. Ponton, Proc. Fiscal. J. Feggahis,* Clk ofSmaUDcbt Court, of City $ County thereof. T. Nielson, Kirk Trcas. — T. Sibbald, bbald, Gov. if Gad. T. Brown, Overseer of Public Works. Win. Patison, Esq. Buron Bailie of Cation gate and Colton. Geo. Gordon and YY. Tullis, Resident Bailies. Pat. Dalla- way, Treas. YY’m. Horne, Assessor. J. MacRltchie, Clk J. Mason, Dep. Clk. Rob. Aitken, Capt. of Prison. Alex. Anderson, Esq. Admiral of Leith. Win. Patison, Geo. Car stair 3, and Ro. Grieve, Resident Bailies. Samuel M‘Cormick, Assessor. Hugh Veitch, Clerk. Tbo. Brown, Esq. Baron Bailie of Easter and Wester Porteh And. Walker and Josiah Livingstone, Kaqrs. Result** Bailies. Alexander Callender, Clerk. "3S2" 1 J John Miller, Esq. George Murray, Esq. 3d, Canougate - William Patiaon, Esq. George Gordon, Esq. William Tullis, Esq. Alexander Berwick, Esq. I J. M‘Ritchie & J. Mason, CUeS. 4th, Leith. I Alexander Anderson, Esq- 1 lUZlKam Potison. 'Esq. 1st District. Ancient & Extended Royalty . Alexander Manners, Esq. William Dunlop, Esq. John Charles, Esq. i Robert Mitchell, Esq. Alexander Smellie, Esq. Robert Smith, Esq. Alex. Henderson , Esq. Archd. Mackinlay, Esq. Arch'd. Mackinlay, Esq A. Callender, Cl >V imam * a. George Carstairs, Esq. Robert Grieve, Esq. Robert Coldstream, Hsq. Hugh Veitch, Clerk, (Juiienaer,^t. w — I and to Ut and 2d Districts. Utflast and West Portsburg/u jThomas Brown, Esq. Andrew Walker, Esq. ' J i: h ' BURGH OFt^ON^^^ aml cdtm _ IJo Rae, Hammermen . Co»u. fceorge Burk, Mom. [Robert Morris, Shoemakers. Robert Smith, Fleshers. jos. Brown, jun. Convtrv. Irens. Jh Brown, jun. /iaArrf. Arch. Cameron, TFr^M«« John Watson, JFeovt'M, John Pyper, Ba ± cr d' ckrk . James Swan, LI os. Brown, jun. c onven. * ' — — - — -- . . r „ n v' Phcobtohated John fflf! hfixs. JiKw. 5 B «5 r» J. Portcou* I J“ge» Rjtehie, A'-rper of the Moriah- j David Boatson, Ctol-P*™* . nm Glass, Cfr**- IMIIN BURGH WUDEWB LG. Annual Committee J^^T/w.M'Farlane.'V.S. fe «Bame iSESSi^ • -»o. Moubray, W.S. teof GnUd Murray, Go^- David Murray, ‘ porteous. Chaplain. James Law, D. Murray., j umjr. A. C unningham, W« S ■ C — Vs 233 GAOL MMMV&'ioYKus.' Lord Lieut, of the County Lord Provost Lord President Lord Clerk Register Lord Advocate Lord Justice-Clerk Lord Chief Baron Dean of Faculty Solicitor General Sir John Marjoribanks, Bart. Representative of the City Adam Rolland, W. S. Representative of the County Vice-Lieut, of the county Sheriff-Depute of the county Any Heritor who shall have served the office of fcheritf- Depute Sheriff-Substitute Eldest Bailie Dean of Guild Convener of the Trades Clerk and Treasurer. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE REGENTS BRIDGE. 1. Trustees- named by the act of the 48 Geo. III. Lord Clerk Register Lord Chief Baron Solicitor-General i » -- jsir G. Clerk, M. P. jRight Hon. William of Scotland Lord President Lord Advocate Lord Justice Clerk Lord Provost of , Edinburgh lRight Hon. WiUia Dean of 1< acuity of| Dundas, M. P. Advocates ' 2. Commissioners added by 53 Geo. III. Eldest Bailie, Dq an of Guild, Convener of Trades, Edinburgh. Ihe Lord Lieutenant of the County of Edinburgh... .His Y^ee Lieutenant.. ..Sir John Marjoribanks, Bart.... Baron Clerk ItaUray Shcnir Adam Daft', Esq....Henry David.on, W. S. Sherilf-Substitute. _ LEITH WALK TRUSTEES. The Lord Provost, Four Bailies, Dean of Guild, Convener, of Edinburgh, The senior Magistrate of Leith, it tCr « of the Incorporation of Traffickers of Leith, lhe lion. Baron Clerk Rattray and the Lord Advecate. Tumbull, W. 6. Clerk and Cashier. STENT-MASTERS OF EDINBURGH.' R,?Wh£ Trades - Jas. Denholm Ko. Smith, P. \V. Henderson Tho. Kennedy A Henderson Jas. Robertson! James Law John YY augh jAlex. Smellie |YV. Fraser, jun. v n° hnK r ! R. un * Cowan Robert Node S' . l hm I Walter Brown James Newton V* B * ne I iJo. Stenhouse /)/• n- i 8T ^ t -MASTEUS OF LEITH. A. Campbell, Officer. Josiah Alaxton Ad. Anderson Jas. Thomson John James David Tough iRobert Ogilvy ■ JTTgTI cO.NsTauLIK 0!' KlHNHbKu'TT: Alex. Giles* Ksq. Moderator — John Norrie, Esq. Treas. John Dein tester, Esq. Chaplain . — James Dallas, Esq. Sec, John Lewis jAlex. Russel Alex. Deuchar < John Moir George Meiklejtt. Hamilton |A. iviacreuie Ro^rjuwW Alexf Giles G. M ‘Hattie (Samuel Aitkeu A. Sievwright Robert Lucas |G. Fenwick |J. Marnoch jJames^ Glass 1 u« rcuwitN jy * , * V4t r” Alex. JamesonlJames Dallas John Brash J. Rutherford iM. Browning ’John Menzies ;Jamcs Blyth John Gibson jHec. Murray |Thoe. Henot jVVm. \ oung * 1 idc iinmQfiv i.ToAenh Scoon Do. Thomson John Gibson Dec. Murray j inor. nwwt ” James Ritchie J as. Ramsay (Joseph Scoon J°* /Dicnnson JohuBoog Peter Dick .. £». John Boog iPeter Dick |Jas. Robertson John St cell Thomas Greig 'Rob. Mitchell iDavid W hyte Jas. Marshall Anil. Wilson* Ja. B. Walker (Wm. Purves (James C. xMuir Dav. M JohnDempsb ^ 1 1 jaRPHHH Will. Panton Wm. Burton b }Ja 9 . Raeburn JGeo. Sj>ankio (John None I A. Macredie PCunningham Jo. M‘Farlane James Virtue Rob. Falkner Wilson A. B. [‘Kinlay WiHi empsterlWin. i William* Ross | Jas. Nasmith I Jas. Borthwick IWm. Martin \D. Henderson (Ed w. Gilchrist Archibald Campbell, Offi cer . CONSTABLES OF CANungaiTS AND ABBEY. Thomas Drybrough, Moderator — Steph. Lawrence, Secretary, John Christie, Treasurer — George Mitchell, Chaplain. .v — Wm. Watters Ahhni. John Hunter ,D. Nicholson John KinghornjGeo. Boswell Colin Cameron 1 Arch.Cameron Miller Crabie JA. Campbell Tho. Whitehead Wal. Thoibuin Robert Aitken Robert Greig CONSTABLES OF CALTON. Alexander Shiells, Moderator. /VIC AdUUU umvuof ✓'ii n i David Foigo, Trauureu... Jamea Glass, Secretary. • ■ aw.k i.'Mpr i Adam Elder Alex. Lawrie James Brown Jn. Donaldson Jas. Robertson Adam Elder Andrew Wilson David W'atson Arch. Elder P. Corstorphin Ro. Hamilton sun John Brash » . Peter Costorphin, Billet- Master. K*%- MungoPaton ***** 3 And. Braid jJ. Richardson T. Blackley jA. Sinclair _as. Lindsay Wm. Hunter Jas. Inglis CONSTABLES, Ac. OF EASTER PORTSBURGH. James Thomson, Moderator. W. Miller, Clerk.— W. Thomson, William Knox Thomas Kerr John Macleod U. Phillip, Capt . J. R. Forrest L. M‘Kenzie James Paterson train band. J. Greive, Lieut. 1 Alexander Scott nines Morton Wilson, Ujfiecr. )A1 H. Anderson , Ensign MKRCH Willie Sir William Forbes, j William M‘Lean James Reid, son. James Bull Thomas Blackwo ANT COMPANY.— 1651. nn Trotter, Esq. Master. Assistants. Robert Morton (James Inglis W. Henderson Robert Hall Alexander Bonar Walter Brown John Clapperton 'William Waddell n>d, Treasurer. — James Jollie, Clerk. ‘ EDINBURGH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE — 1786. Alexander Henderson, Esq. Chairman. ' J. Pitcairn, Esq. 1 stDcp. Ch. Jo. Wardrop, Esq. 2d Dev. Ch, T. Allan. Treasurer — Dav. Stcuart Sc Alex. Wight, Sees. Messrs. Wm. Henderson, James Bruce, John Waugh, Geo. Dunlop, and James Wyld, Auditors of Accounts . EDINBURGH GAS LIGHT COMPANY. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament May 1818.) Kincaid Mackenzie, Esq. Governor and Chairman . Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees, Bart. M. P. Deputy Governor. Directors and Committee of Management. William Arbutlmot John Young j Walter Brown Alexander HendersonlJohn Manderston -Robert Hall William Trotter jJames Denholm 'Josiah Maxton William Inglis jAdam Anderson (John Reoch John Watson, Jl/f/m^err....Alex. Kidd, Secretary. EDINBURGH AN] (Ol Co 1 Robert Grahame Gen. W. Maxwell Alexander Munro Robert Downie G D GLASGOW UNION CANAU— I8I7. ffice, 42L Edwards, & W. Rhind, At . Clks . J, McDonald bWTs $ liANKls'G c’O.U/m.V/A'SV Holland James Cheap William Johnston Wal. Watson^ David Wemyas Printer. Offices. Aberdeen Ayr Dumfries Dunfermline Glasgow Haddington Inverness Kelso Kirkaldy jnaius, iv • **•»*•***, v- ----- Clia. Campbell, Inspector ofAgtncta Agents. Peter Duguid Thomas M 4 Clelland John Barker D. Wilson& W.Bevoridgo Uo. Aitken Archd. Todrick Alex. Anderson James Darling Accountants. Alexander Sim James Duncan James Kcddie David Mitchell Hugh M'Callum James Gibsou Robert Murray Henry Whyte uauiw — j j D.Morgan&G.Morganjun. James Murdoch lln. I’orhrnne. ii Kii’kcudbright William Mure Perth 8t. Andrews Stirling Pat. Gilb. Stewart William Moncrieff John Macmillan Collectors. Dundee — Walter Gibson Cassels. Montrose — John Brand. ttDYA'rr6A>nrd Ro. Cochrane, jr David Webster Win. Gordon Andrew Thomson UOIAL IV \jv ~ Draw on Bank of England, Pole , Thornton, £ Co. and CoutU and Co. Governor. Gilbert Innes, Esq. of Stow, Deputy Governor. Ordinary Directors , laaies Bruce | John Corse Scott >nuup» urucc i &r W. Rae, Bart. Hugh Warrender tlenry Jardine p-lumoa Perrier I Charles Selkrig William Ramsay James D undag 237 nratfruHW'y James Hopkirk W Scott Moncneff John Taw fftOwM Allan - amc» fUana John Campbell (Alexander tear I ^ WilUkm Mitchell, Cashier. ltichrtra Dramici, ~ en « J. More, A. Milne, Robert Laing, and Jas. i rrn Lyon Lieut. *Gen. R. Nicholson Edward Robertson, Secretary. Col. Dav. Kin- naird Adol. Sceales, sen. 9 . 9 , 9 , Aberdeen Alex. Blackio Annan .Tames Scott ftanff H. Crow \Bclth R. Faulds Crieff Peter Scott Cupar •Fife William Fleming Dalkeith James Alexander BANKERS , £r. IN Sir W. Forbes, J. Hunter Sc Co. Ramsays, Bonars, Sc Co. | Thomas Kinnear & Sons, Robert Allan Sc Son, Donald Smith Sc Co. Alexander Allan Sc Co. James Inglis and Co. COMMERCIAL BAN K* — continued* RJIAXCU&3. Agent*. Agouti R. Cargill Sym Dnnkeld R. Cargi Glasgow James 9v Ki rkakly Leith David Muir Peterhead John Elrick Tain W. Murray &Son Thurso Jo. Henderson EDINBURGH. Drn.v on in London. Barclay Sc Co. fcCoutts &Co. Pole and Co. and Coutts and Co. Smith, Payne, and Co. Bosanquet, Pitt, Sc Co. Glvn and Co. Sam. Nicholson Sc Nephews Bosanquet, Pitt, Sc Co Banks. Aberdeen BankJ. Brand Do. Commercial Chivaa Ayr Berwick Dunbar Bank Dundee Bank Do. New Do. Union Falkirk Fife shire Galloway Greenock PROVINCIAL BANKS. Cashiers. Agents Edinr. Agents London. Forbes &Co» Pole and Co. Ditto Kinloch and Sons Ditto Iicrries and Co. R. Allan & Son Pole and Co. Forbes Sc Co Sikes and Co Kin nears Ditto Smith Sc Co. Kinnears Ditto Hunters Baton Berth wick Jobson Roberts D. Miln Ramsay G. Aiken Napier Thomson Glasgow, Ship Carrick Do. Th >stle Alston Do .Commercial Cabbell Kilmarnock Leith Montrose Newcastle Kinloch and Sons Morland and Co. Chalmers and Co. Stephensons Morland and Co. R. Allan &. SonCurtis and Co. Forbes & Co. Price and Co. Ditto Smith and Co. Kinnears Ditto Vyaooeii Ditto Morland and Co. Rutherford A. Allan Sc Co.Herries and Co. J.Patison,jun.Hoare and Co. Kinnears Barclay and Co. Bank of Scot. Glvn and Co. i- i f Barclay, Curtis Forbes Sc Co. ^ Glyti [Northumberland Reeds & Co. Smith Sc Co. Pole and Co. j Paisley Keir Kinnears Smitn and Co. | Do .Uniom Miller Forbes Sc Co. Glyn and Co. Ditto Kerr Austin Ridley Lambton T8T Bank*. Perth Do. Union PROVINCIAL BANKS,— continued. Cashiers. A cents Edinr. A gents London, S pottiswoodeDitto Barclay ami Co. Svme Kinnears^ Stevenson & Co.* Smith & Co. Kinnears Perring and Co. „ Kinloch and Son* Renfrewshire Patton Stirling Telford LIST of BANKERS In LONDON. Barclay, Tritton, Bevan, and Co. 54, Lombard Street Barnard, Dimsdale, and Dimsdale, 50, Conihill Biddulph, Cocks, llidge, and Co. 43, Umving Cross Birch and Chambers, 160, New Bond Street Bond, John, Sons, and Pattfsall, 2, Change Alley, Cornhlll Bosanquet, Pitt, Anderdon, and Frank, 73, Lombard Street Bouverie and Antrobus, 35, Craven Straet, Stiand Brooks and Dixon, 25, Chancery Lane Chatteris, Whitmore, and Co. 24, Lombard Street Child and Co. Temple Bar Coutts, Thomas, and Co. 59, Strand Cox, Merle, and Co. 2, Cox’s Court, Little Britain Curries, llaikes, and Co. 29, Comhill Curtis, Robarts, and Curtis, 15, Lombard Street Davison, Noel, Templar, Middleton, and Wedgwood, 34, Dorrien, Magens, Dorrien, and Mello, 22, Finch Lane, Cornhlll Drummond, A. B. J. C. nnd Co. 49, Charing Cross Esdaile, Sir J. Esdaile, Hammet, and Hammet, 21, Lombard Everetir Walker, Maltby, Ellis, & Co. 9, Mansion-house Str. Frys and Chapman, 4, St. Mildred’s Court, Poultry Fuller, Richard and George, and Co. 84, Cornhlll Gill, Thomas, and Co. 42, Lombard Street Glyn, Sir R. Carr, Mills, Halifax, Glyn, Mills, and Co. 12, Birchin Lane Goslings and Sharpe, 19, Fleet Street Grotc, Prescott, and Grote, 02, Thrcadncedle Street Hammersleys, Greenwood, Drewe, and Co. *56, Pall Hal II anbury, Taylor, and Lloyds, GO, Lombard Street Hankeys and Co, 7, FencKureli Street Ilerries, Farquhar, and Co. 10, St. James Street Hoare, II. H. II. Iloare, C. Hoare, VV. H. Iloarc, and H. M. Hoarc, 37» Fleet Street Hoare, Barnetts, Hoare, and Co. 02, Lombard Street Hodsoll and Stirling, 345, Strand Holt, William, Go, OU1 Broad Street Hopkinson, G. C C. and E. 5, St. Albans’ Street Janes, Loyd, and Co. 43, Lothbury 240 Ladbrokes, Thornton, and Gillinan, Bank Buildings, Coruhill Lees, Satterth waite, Brassey, and Farr, 71* Lombard Street Lubbock, Forster, & Clarke, Mansion-house Street Marsh, Sibbald, Stracey, Fuuntleroy, and Graham, G, Bernera Street, Oxford Street Marten, Hall, and Co. 25, Old Bond Street Martin, Stone, and Martin, 68, Lombard Street Masterman, Peters, Walker, Mildred, and Co. 2, Wlutehart Court, lombard Street Morland, Hansom, and Co. 56, Pall Mall , , , Nicholson, Thomas and Stephen, Janson, and Co. Abehurch Lane Pares and Hey gate, 65, Aldermanbury Paxtons, Cockrell, Trail, and Co. 57, PaU r , Perring, Sir John, Bart. Shaw, Barber, and Co. 72, Corohill Pole, (Sir Peter, Bart.) Thornton, Free, Down, and Seott. 1, Bartholomew Lane k C4 Prneds, Mnckworth, and Newcombe, 189, Fleet Street Price, SirC., Kay, Price, and Coleman, 1, Mansion-hou* Roeere? Towgood, and Co. 20, Clement's Lane, lombard Stiw Sansom and Postlethwaite, 65, Lombard Street Sikes, Snaith, and Co. 5, Mansion-house Street Smith, Payne, and Smiths, George Street, Mansiou-house Snow, Sanby, Paul, and Snow, 217, Strand Spooner, Attwoods, and Co. 2.7, Grace Church Street Stephensons, Remingtons, Smith, and Co. 69, Lombard Street Stevenson and Salt, 80, Lombard Street , _ Veres, Smart, Baron, and Hawkins, 77, Lombard Street Wentworth, Chaloncr, and Kish worth, 25, Threadneedle Street Weston, Pinhom, Newsome, and Heston, 37, Borough Willis, Percival, and Co. 76, Lombard Street Williams’s, Moffat, and Burgess, Birchin Lane Wrights, Selby, and Robinaon, 5, Henrietta Street, Covenl Garden. INSURANCE COMPANIES. EDINBURGH FRIENDLY INSURANCE. — 172elton, A. Ralston, merct. Dalkeith, J. and A. Wilson, merchants K irkcudbrigh /,R. Gordon , writer Lanark, John Gibson, writer Langholm , W. Irvine, merchant Lauder, Thomas Scott, writer Linlithgow , John Boyd, writer Lockerby , Wm. Martin, writer May Me, Wm. Niven, banker ■Melrose, David Spence, writer Dingwall , John M‘Rae, writer Moffat, S. Macmillan, merchant Dunbar, J. Dudgeon, merchtj Montrose, Colin Alison, writer Dundee, M. Lindsay, merclumt'Af//.wc/6//rg-//,M.Begg,!nerehant Dunfermline , David Mitchell Bank of Scotland Dunse, A. PArves, Stamp-Office Elgin, W. Gauldie, merchant Eyemouth, W. Robertson, mer- chant Falkirk , John Bums, writer Forfar, J. Scott, merchant Forres , J. Forsyth, writer Newburgh, James Wilkie Newcastle, L. & M. Atkinson, merchants Newton- Stewart, J. M‘Lamin Paisley, James Craig, ju. town- chamberlain Peebles, T. Smibert, merchant } Perth, George Condie, writer \Port-Glasgow, R. Cumming, Galashiels , Goo. Craig, writer I merchant Glasgoxc, R. Duncan, Thistle \Portobello, James Newlandt, Bank, and G.Kenncdy, Tax- Post-Office Office ’ Rothesay, W. M»Rw>, merchant Glcnfuec , Jn. M*Crackan, m cr-Sawjuhar, J.Halliday, merchant ciiant 'Stirling, R. Sconce, writer Greenock , D. Thomson , mercht. 'Stonehaven, J. Tindai, writer Haddington, G. Banks. merchant Tain, W. Murray, jun. Com* .Hamilton, . 1 . Muart, Tax-office’ mcrcial Bank Hawick, t). &,A. Idling, hosiers Thurso , W. Henderson, writer W HERCULES INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND Capital £.750,000, established 2d February 1809. Right Hon. Lord Dundas, Chairmen. Colonel Robert Austruther. Dtp. Chair. Extraordinary Directors* Carl nr Kellie F. Fotheringham Robert S^lth Sir J. Montgomery t Francis Simpson ^ ac ,^ n ® James Rocheid 'Kincaid Maokenaie jsir Chas. Halkett VJames Kocnem j Jamcg Haw jRobert Forrester Ordinary Directors • jAnd. Pearson W. Arbuthnot |H. M. Buchanan Charles Scott William Mollo (Thomas Bell Sir P. Walker Duncan Stewart John Anderson Archibald Mnrray W. T. Craigie Wal. Watson James Ker ijohn Tavrse Robert Hall John Drummond James Millar Het' 1 1 nuiiKu wen , Nicol Allan, Manager. John Wood, Caeftior. Aberdeen , Peter Duguid Ayr, Thomas McClelland Alloa. R. M 4 Far lane and Son Arbroath , P. Wilson AucJUcrm uchty . Arch. W »lker Bo-ness. George Henderson n . ~ \ Robert Adie, IneJji | j obn Tainsh Campbrltoxcn . Alexander Beith Cupar-Angns. John Jardine Cupar-Angus. Jonn uarum* y™' f 7 “ c tott Cun,u>cUI,*Thmw Sommerville Linm, John Sto t liuLiington, James Ronghond iHvemcM, Thus. M. Pateraon Irvine, Patrick Blair Jedburgh, Wm. Rutherford Johnston , Rob. Watt Kilmarnock , Wm. Anderson Kirkcudbright . Wm. Mure Kelso. John Rutherford Kirkaldy , Rob. Stocks Lanark . James Brown Cupar-Fifct James Webster Coldstream , John Johnson Dalkeith . James Alexander Dunfermline . David Black Dundee. Archibald Crichton Dunkeld. Robert Cargill Dumbarton. Arch. Colcjuhouri Dtimt'ms , James Keddie Dm war. C. Middlemas Dingwall. George Monro Di/sart . John Paton, Jr. Elgin. Alexander Blander Errol. William Buist Fraserburgh. Lewi* Chalmers Lauder. Alexander Allan _ r . (John Greig, Thos. Montrose , | Trail> A> p at er*on Musselburgh. George Stewart Newburgh , S. Williamson Paisley^ Alex. Robertson Peebles. J ames Kerr Port-Glasgow H. MillikiQ and Son Perth. Wm. Wedderspoon Peterhead. John Kilgour Selkirk. John Anderson Stewart on. Andrew Brown Stirling. Patrick Connal Fraserburgh. Lewis Lnaimers roooer Falkirk. Alexander Ramsay \S oU’Jotd % Geoge 1 ( WiiVmm . Jeffrey -Stancha* ert. 1 eter Christian GUugcrr, V * T homs0 „, sen. A/Wjrmr, Cherle. MmrS»»4 Greenock. Thomas Sure, .son St- Oak Grangnuouih, Jolm Wyw . I Alo»^£LSSL- "^ST3 243 NORTH BRITISH TIRE-OFFICE. MarquU of Huntly, President, Vice-Presidents, Marquis of Queensberry, Earls of Abovne, Elgin, Lord Vfc count Duncan, and Sir James Mackenzie, Bart. Extraordinary Directors, G. M‘Pherson Grant, Hugh Rose »Kenneth Mackenzie Charles Grant [Thomas Burnet William Trotter R. A. Oswald Colonel Gillon |D.G. Sandeman Janies Cruickshanks Charles Cuningham [James Ogilvie Ordinary Directors, Robert Wright Claud Russell A. Mony penny J. F. Gordon, W. S. Alex. Craig W.M‘Kenzie,W.S. Charles White John Adamson Tat. Borthwick Jas. Nairne, W.S. Capt. James Hay Jo. T\veedie,W.S. George Moncreiff, Manager . — Ebenezer Mason, Sec, Agents, Aberdeen , W. Stuurt, advocate Ayr, Quintin M*Harg Arbroath , Renny & i*>ns, mer- chants Grecnoclc , Kippen & Lindsay, merchants Haddington , John Richardson Hamilton , John Bennot Annan, Jas. Rutherford, Com-t Ha-wick, Wm. Nixon, mercht mercial Bank Alloa, And. Thomson, merchant Inverness, F. Anderson, writer Banff, James Chalmers Island of Skye , L. Mackinnon Brechin , Alex. Ritchie, banker Irvine, J. JatfYay, merchant Bathgate, J. Johnston, merchant Kilmarnock, R. Mathie Carluke, James Rankine Campbeltown , John M‘Lcan Criejf, Peter Scott, banker Cupar- Fife W. Fleming, banker Dunfrios, W. Thomson, writer Dunfermline , James Husband, merchant Dundee, P. II. Thoms, mercht. Dingwall , J. Cumming, writer Dunbar, W. .Aitken, merchant Dumbarton Dun. M‘Farlane, messenger Dun sc , John Henderson, writer Huntly, Charles Brown Kirkaldy , Arch. M‘Donald Kelso , S. Leudbettsr, writer L(?Wio//r?,W.Little, postmaster Lochgilphead, James Jackson Montrose, David Hill, banker Musselburgh, R. Brown, &Co. merchants Nairn, D. Fraser, merchant Perth, D. Graham, City -chain berlain Paisley , N. Hodgert, banker Peebles # Alex. Bartram, writer Peterhead, J. Mackic, merchant Elgin, Jas. Thomson, writer Stirling, Duvid Goodsir, Bank FalJiirk, James Russell, writer of Scotland Forres, George Cumming and! S ionchavcn , C. Munro, writer Co. baukers Fraserburgh, John Gordon Forfbr, Patrick Orr Glasgow, D. Bannaiyne and D. Mf udu>ngle St, Andrews, C. Grace, writer Tain, Robert Mitchell, writer Thurso, W. Wilson, banker IVcny/ss, D. Mackoy 244 IroiU'Ult vi'ION OK THU ltOYAL EXCHANGE ASSUll-j 100 ANCK, LONDON, * EtUiblUhei by Royal Charter in the reign of King George /, For the Assurance of Shippino, Mkbchandws, »"d Lives,] likewise against Kras, and for the Purchase and Sale oil Annuities. ^ MlLLI0X S. a,™, r -Messrs. THOMSONS & POLLOCK, No. 15, ‘ B Princes Street, Edinburgh. Printed Particulars, containing the rates and terms on which business in the dill'erent Branches may be effected, are give 1 gratis at the Office of the Agents, and every explanation atford-1 Eto them to those not already in the practice ot dotng In- ttffollowing are a few of the Rates of Insurance on singlej H For One Year. For Seven Year.. ^ Ufo-^r Cent L.0 18 1 7 1 10 1 13 1 16 2 0 2 6 2 15 3 5 3 18 4> 15 L.1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 1/1 18 2 3 2 8 2 13 2 19 3 8 3 18 4 10 5 6 G 7 7 16 uo » IJ J ~ , J non-appearance must be paid of » < >4|"k Pf those f J The numerous applications o, ‘ - b „ cne _| shew, that the utility of 4e nW "ggf™,* a provision !C Bylaung aside a small Annuitant, or other person dependant on llt his arss ir ra * «• -j 179b, many heavy loses, J>o‘V byfireamto Directors' paid here, and the i.rumpUtude ai bberant^o, . n the adjustment of their losses, huve, in ec cry cu ltr adjustment ^nowledged. — xs His BOARD OF MANAGEMENT FOR SCOTLAND. Very Reverend Principal Baird of Forneth, Chairman . Henry Jardine, Esq. D. II. R. Deputy Chairman . Kincaid Mackenzie, Esq. IP. Hill, Esq. Collector of Taxe# Gilbert Lafng Meason, Esq. of Francis Wilson, Esq. W.S, Linder tis John Ferrier, Esq. W.S, Gilbert Hutcheson, Esq. De- puty Judge Advocate Charles Hay, Esq. Great King James Bridges, Esq. W.S. (So- NORWICH UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETIES. Robert Hall, Esq. George Hogarth, Esq. W.S. John Craig, Esq. Great King Street licitor ) Francis Bridges, Esq. (Secre- tary) Street William Arbuthnot, Esq.Char- lotte Square William Newbigging, Esq. Consulting Surgeon . Mr. Thomas Hamilton, iun. Architect, Surveyor. The Royal Bank of Scotland, Treasurers • FIRE SOCIETY. The principle of this Institution is mutual guarantee. It is of the nature of a Benefit Society ; and its object is, to give security against the calamity of r ire on the cheapest terms. It has been found by all past experience, that the pre- miums paid for fire insurance have greatly exceeded the ac- tual loss, — a fact proved by the existence of numerous Com, nanies, all making profit of fire insurance. In the Norwich Union, the w hole savings, after deduction of charges, and a reservation for a Guarantee Fund, are RETU IlNED to the par- ties at the end of every seventh year ; and the Report of the London Committee on its affairs shews, on the experience of 21 years, that the savings thus made have amounted to a very great per centage. Ihe stability of the Society is proved by that Report, and by the fact, that the total num- ber of insurers is not now less than 90,000. It deserves to be added, that by means of the establishment of Boards at Norw ich, London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, and of local Committees in the leading provincial towns, all set- tlements of Joss are made through means of a body of disin- terested individuals of high character, who see prompt and ample justice done to every sufferer. LIFE, ANNUITY, AND~ ENDOWMENT SOCIETY. This office is on the principle of a Benefit Society ; and, in its leading characters and great success, resembles the Equi- table Society of London. The savings made are at stated intervals ADDED, by way of bonus, to the saims insured, or, in 2 46 " NORWICH UNION LIFE, Ac . — wnftouetL th# option of thopai ties, ALLOWEDto themb, way tion from their annual payments. In 1H1G, a bonus oi ^0 per SS. ST declared. Tile income of the Society U now about £ 100,000 ner an, mm. Between 1st January and oOth June ijjl y no fewer than 385 Policies were issued. The premiums are about 10 per cent, lower than those of most other cilices. No entrance -money is charged. Persons wishing to discontinue their policies, may dispose of them to the Society at a fair price ; and the § mount (and bonus) is paid within three months from the intimation ol '"sofici tors and others recommending insurance, are allowed Commission, as in other respectable oflicea. The benefits of Life Insurance to all professwnd men, per sons in public offices, or engaged in any sort of 0 8 *'* peadiarics, annuitants, tenants ot land, andingene, al, toal individuals whose income ceases or is impaired to their fami- lies on their death, are certain and obvious, and .daily tee also ANN Vorship, — - tek’jr,adngs in the /hapo of return,, these Societies may. bo regarded as truly Scotch. EDINBURGH, *04, High Street. - ■ w '* ’’ e. Old rost Ottice Court. Hamilton , Win. Henderson, writer Inchturc , T. Reid, postmaster Inverness , L. Grant, bookseller Jedburgh, Thos. Shortreid, jun, writer Kelso, John Smith, writer Melrose , Chas. Erskiue, writei Montrose , Ja».I.eighton, write Paisley, Win. M‘Lean, mercht. Perth, John Buist, merchant Selkirk , Walter Hogg, manu- facturer Stirling, Robert Hill, writer Tuin, William Fraser, writer Tobermory , J. Sinclair, mercht, Glasgow, Robert Blaikie, Old Aberdeen, Chas. Chalmers, adv Campbeltown, W m« W atson, jun. merchant Crieff, John Philips, writer Cupar-Fife, H. B. Wood Ding 7 rall,J o\iu Cameron,' writer Dumfries, 3. M^Diannid, banker Dunbar , John Kelly, banker Dundee, J. Sturrock, mercht. Elgin, John Barclay, writer Forres , J. Cmnming, banker Galashiels , J. Paterson, writer Greenock, Alexander Campbell collector of taxes laddington, Samue Brown, merchant Titeri nriterl PELICAN LIFE OFFICE, tfOH IN8UUA.>. T CIi ON LIVES, GRANTING ANNUL TIES, AND ENDOWMENTS TO CHILDREN. This Office was established, in Lombard Street, London, in the rear 170?, by a numerous and respectable Proprietary ; and the Hoard of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from the experience of its usefulness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted w ith the import- ance and advantages ot LI EE INSURANCE, brieHv to sug- gest some of its leading and peculiar recommendations to al- most every degree and rank in society : — Life insurance is of manifest consequence to all who hold estates for life, situations and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional ; to officers in the army and navy, &c. as, by payment of an annual premium, the party insuredis enabled to provide for wife, children, or others whose future welfare he may wish, in vain, by other means to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those \vho advance money upon annuities or otherwise. It renders leases, determinable on one or more lives, nearly equal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of tho fine, payable on the demise of a party nominated in such leases, will produco the sum required for renewal. It is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings ; it affords to persons in trade the certain means of indemnification against a bad or doubtful debt ; in short, life insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by Govern ment, and confirmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a measure equally im- portant, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special act of Parliament granted to this office. Directors. Sir William Curtis, Bart, M. P. Hugh Hammersiey, Esq. John Brick wood. Esq. William Walker, Esq. Walter Braeebridge, Esq. James Bell, Esq. William Sarnie r, Esq. John Coope, Esq. George Shum, Esq. John Hawes, Esq. Sir Charles Flower, Bart. Major Rohde, Esq. William Davis, Esq. John Petty Musprutt, Esq. Thomas Paukk, Secretary. Company's Agents. Edinburgh , J. W. BROUGHAM, Esq. Glasgow, John Loudoun, Esq. Perth, Mr. William Sandcman. Dundee, Mr. David Milne. "W EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY, CORN II ILL, LONDON. (Instituted in 1807, with a Capital of £2,000,000). W. Beetham, Secretary. The superior advantages arising to the Public by effecting Insurance with this Othce are numerous. 1 he following ai<3 a few of the Benefits against Fire — • Persons insuring Property with this Company are entitled to a Dividend or Discount of 10 per cent, upon the I remium, payable at the time the Insurance is elected, and annual f] on the same being renewed, thereby making (at the end o* Seven years), without the Risk ot being d i l “V?« h ^vT^ L °i Se ^ as in o$ter offices, A DIVIDBND OF 70PERCEN1 : Aud besides, the Company guarantee* the Payment of the Kent of Premises rendered untenantable by rire. Note .-- No charge for Policies, Surveys, Indorsements, or ^Abatements upon the Premium and Duty of Insurances '^Farming Stock bisured^Uhout the Average Clause. Da- ^oflifu^ratC effected at this Office on Shin, building,— in Dock repairing, or when laid up, by the mouth, or for any other period, upon very easy terms. LIFE INSURANCE. Under this Branch the Benefits derived from this Institu- tion are equally advantageous.— b or example.— A Person 30 years of Age may, by the small Annual Pay- ment of £13 : 7 : 1 secure £500 to be paid by tin* Company! (to his Family, or otherwise, as he may direct) at his Death, whether such an event shall occur sooner or later ; and any other Sum may be insured in like manner, and at any otheS A *0ne Person may insure another’s 1 -ife having interest ^Vo'tr.'— No Entrance Money or Registry of Assignments required ; and no Charge made tor Non-appearance, tf pro- ^TU Directors, by the Constitution of their Establish, ment are en ibled to irraut Annuities, immediate, progics- rivc^'snd* deferred,* upon the most liberal and advantageous terms to the Annuitants. PETER SCOTT, Agent, Insurance-Broker, 3, Parliament Square, Edinburgh. 0 / 4 . (1 y SCOTTISH WIDOWS FUND AND LIFE ASSUR- ANCE SOCIETY. This Association was formed with a view to extend the advantages of Life Assurance to all Classes ot the Communi- ty, by raising a Fund for securing Benefits or Provisions, payable or commencing upon the termination of Lives, or up- on Survivorships. It is the first, and as yet the only. Associ- ation in Scotland for thelsole purpose of Life Assurance. It is formed upon the model of the Equitable Society in London, one of the most successful and important LifeA»- surance Associations that has yet been established. Every Contributor is a Member of the Society, and has a joint in- terest in the Fund; and it is one of the leading principles of the Institution, that the WHOLE PROFITS are period- ically added to the Benefits secured, according to fixed rules, THERR BRING NO PROPRIETARY OR INTEREST SEPARATE FROM THAT OF THE MEMBERS AT LARGE. The Members are not personally responsible for any Provision secured upon the Fund, and cannot be called up- on, on any account or occasion whatever, to make any payment in addition to the Contributions fixed at their Admision by their respective Certificates. This is completely guard- ed against by the Articles of Constitution, which were re- vised and approved of by the Manager of the Establishment already alluded to, and by some of the most eminent legal counsel and conveyancers in this country. From the circumstance of the accumulation of money be- ing assumed at four instead of three per cent, the rates in many case?, particularly when the Contributions are made by single payments, will, on comparison, be found to be con- siderably lower than those of most other Societies. Attendance is given daily at the Office, No. 71» Princes Street , a little east of the Mound, where every information mav be obtained, and copies of the prospectus h«l gratis. The Right Honourable the Earl of Rosebery, President - SirT.G. Carmichael, Bt. I James Moncreiif, Esq. 1 Vicc-Pre- John Clerk, Esq. | George Jos. Bell, Esq. / sidents. Ordinary Directors.' John Sten house jW. S. Moncrieif Messrs. \ Duncan Stewart James Horiot Thomas Miller -Jas. Tho. Walk-.r (William Ellis Thomas Beveridge ! Andrcw Hunter Alex. Henderson John Craig John Sutherland jEbenezcr Wardlaw Rev. Alex. Weir James Romanes James lleid Trustees. 1 Wm. Scott M one rid!. Esq. James Gibson, Esq. 1 James Marshal* Lfft* s Patrlpk Cockburn, Esq. \ Major Chas. M‘Pherson Ur. A- Duncan, iun. Consulting Physician in Edmourgh. John M‘Kean, Manager. ' I Alter* ( post juiid)will he d ul't attended to. THE ST Ail LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Instituted for the purpose of a General Assurance on Lives and Survivorships, the Endowment of Children, the Indemnity of Persons holding under Leases for Lives against Renewal Fines, whereby their Estates arc rendered almost equal in value to anv Freehold out of which a Quit or Fee-farm Rent is payable, and for other salutary pur- poses, calculated to promote the general convenience of o. 18, Cork Street, Burlington Gardens, London, and No. 19, Hill Street, Edinburgh; Grant Assurances of every description on individual, two or more lives, upon a principle of facility and encouragement that it is presumed no other similar Establishment can exceed. Personal appearance is dispensed with where it cannot be conveniently given, on a charge of trifling consideration iin comparison with what has been usually paid for non- appearance. In cases of Suicide, where the interest in the Life be- longs to, and has been insured by another, the full sum is paid as in the event of ordinary death ; and where moroover the Party shall have insured his own life, and it is made evidently to appear that the act has been committed under the pressure of a mental derangement, this Company pay the estimated value of the Policy at which it would have been purchased on the day of the calamity. Oflicers of the Navy and Army are not required to paj additional premiums except during the time of actual serv- ice. Travellers are on no occasion charged for the hazard of the seas* in passing to and from England and Ireland. And, generally, where any satisfactory reason can be as- signed for an exemption from extra Premiums usually de- manded on particular occasions, it is readily granted ; in a full determination that this Company shall be uniformly distinguished by a spirit of liberality in all cases consistent with the honour, and at the same time with the safety of the Establishment. Thomas & John Scotland, W. Si Agents at Edinburgh. Provincial Agent*, Aberdeen , Messrs Charles and Alexr. Gordon* Advocates. Dumfries , Mr. James Thomson, Writer. Glasgow, Messrs. John &, Geo. Hunter, Exchange Buildings. Perth, Mr. Thomas Ilay Ar cher , Writer. 25T SEA INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND. Extraordinary Directors, James Bruce D. Stewart Colin Macnab John Baird Alexander Laird John A. Campbell William Pattison Forest Alexander William Inglis Waller Berry Donald Macdonald Wm. Watson, jun. Henry Jardine Thos. McClelland James Shearer Ordinary Directors. William Braid wood R. B. Blyth Alexander Lawrie George Small Rob. Gordon Alex. Hender«on James Spittal John Macfarlan Alex. Stevenson Andrew Pearson George Mylne James Bonar Josiah Maxton William Braidwood, junior. Manager. Robert Gibson, Secretary. Office, No. 7, Hunter’s Square. SUN FIRE OFFICE, LON DOS.— Instituted 170G. W. C. Shaw, Treasurer . j{ C. B. Ford, Secretary. SirK. Antrobus, Bt. K. Antrobna Henry Boulton William Burnie Thos. Doricn Thos. Doric n, jun. G. Templen an Edward Harman F. Ladbrooke James Trotter H. Ladbrooke C. Littledale C. S. I.efevre Henry Littledale William Moffiit Cha. Boulton John Pearse W. Hamilton Brice Pearse R. H. W. Huskisson Charles Pole C. S. Lefevre.jun. C. G. Thornton K. Griffin, Office W R. Allan Sc Son, Agents, Royal Exchange, Edinburgh. Sun Life Insurance Co. London, R. Allan Sc Son, Agents. AGENTS FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES. John M‘Kean, Hope Fire R. Allan Sc Son, Sun-Fire and Life Of ice Paul Baxter, British Fire Office A. Gibron Sc G. Goold , Imperial Alex. Anderson, Albion W. Turnbull, jn n. Birmingham John Govan, Fife John Young & Co. 1 Phcrniv A. Sievwright, Leith j Fire W. Goddard & Co. Leith, Globe Dav. Paterson, Dundee 252 and Life Office John Hoffp, Newcastle G. Moncrieff, Union Life Office. Macredie, Skelly, & Co Union Fire. Office A. Lawrie, County Fire Of Thomsons & Pollock, Roy- al Exchange Assurance F. Bridgos,JV^^u^£g SHIPPING COMPANIES. OI-D SHIPPING COMPANY. Pat. Hod<*e, Esq. Chairman— Robert Hall, Esq. Dcp . do. Directors. Alex. Jamieson Pat. Lindesav Alex.Gallowav Walter Brown John DudgeonlGeorge Dunlop Wm. Ainslie Wm. Waddell JJohn Anderson! Wm. Thorburn Da. Gou rlay / Manager, Leith. Hugh Veitch, Secretary , ditto. A. Lawrie & Co. Wharfm*. Leith & Berwick Wharf, London. Wm. Mather, Agent, Glasgow.— R. Marshall , lAgcntj Edin * SMACKS. Walter Scott— Me*. Crichton Ocean — John Johnston Lord Wellington — John Crow . — lViarsnan, stsmu, num. Lord Melville — W. H aliburton King George — Alex. Gordon Quern Charlotte — J. S. Nesbit Caledonia — George Crabb LtOra iVGlIinglvn—trv mi — p- Sails from I.eith Tuesdays and Fridays ; and from London r Sundays and Thursdays. Leith shipping cumfam y. John Pitcairn, Esq. President. A. Mackinlav, Esq. 1st Vice Pres — W. Gilchrist, Esq. 2 d Do. Directors. James Reoeh |Alcx. Craig (William Child Tlios. Jameson Thomas MillerUolin Greig Robert Scott i. Blackwood A. Henderson ^Ja. Williamson J. Mandcrston John Carirae Trustees. John M‘Kinlav iThomas Dallas Thomas Brown William Trotter (William Calder James Haig, sen. (Mlvie & Walker, Managers at Leith. Georg© Veitch, Secretary — John McKean, And dor. Joseph Adams be Co. Agents and Wharfingers at London Eagle and Henderson, \ Agents at Edinburgh. Jmuieson and Co. John Mac Parian, Agent at Glasgow. smacks. | Swift — George Stewart Matchless— Francis Ord I Hope— Isaac Dunnage Forth — lohn Beatson | John Honaidson Ducclcuch — J ames Smith | EdinburghCactlc—\W. Hutton. Sail from Leith, Tuesdays and I udays ; and from Glasgow Wharf, London, Sun days an d Thursdays. “"LIVERPOOL AND LEITH TRaDE- Caruon Company, Owners. Smacks. 'jtwM, John Fyfe, Master J Mclampu* , A. Simpson, Master 'Luna, jonn rvie, rhmu ■ y ; - . . ii till.. Robert 'Walker, do. j WmjCnnge. do. ' John Gellatlv, Aff cut cU I-.nth — Titos.\vait«, A^ent at Liverpool. - •XST VSrN 'A.Nir iXiTirsfOPPnre company James Suter, Manager at Inverness. John Sanndor*. junior. Citadel. Airnrt at Leith. 2 53 [LONDON AND EDINBURGH SHIPPING COMPANY John Hay, Esq. Chairman.... Geo. Murray, Esq. Dep.Chairm.\ rw “-' rtors . | r rhos. Grindlay I James WvldjJas. Jameson \ : ipperton iThos. Ritchie John Scott jJaraes Duncanj Andrew Dickson ? RobertFalkner|Jas. Spittal ( Directors. John Cla] Agent*. James Bell, Montrose Street , Glasgow, George Murray, jun. High Street, Edinburgh, The Smacks belonging to the Company are the following, one of which sails regularly every Tuesday and Friday from Favorite. Superb — William Ballingall j’ilot — William Anderson Comet — Thomas Marshall Robert Bruce, Manager. James Easton, W. S. Secretary. Office, 72, Shore , Leith Thos. Ilosie, Miller's Wharf, London , ,1 Leith, and every Sunday and Thursday from Ixmdon. 'avor ite ... Mark Sanderson Trusty — Robert Fussey Prompt — George Marshall Fifeshlrc — David Millar Sprightly — Alexander Miller ED I NBURG H, GLASGOW— ^n:E-lTir?HlJ>PlN^ COMPANY. P. Crichton, Esq. Chairman.— Jo. Robison, Esq. Dej). Chaim. Ordinary Directors. Rob. Findlay iJ. Horsburgh [Robert Purdie i John lender T. Hopkins J. StrachatT Alex. Dunlop Fran. F. Skclly Alex. Lindsay iW. W. Duflfin I James Millar [William Purvis Extraordinary Directors. IC.Finlav, M.P.iArch. WallacclRo. Grahame Walter Fergus pias. Stirling Laur. Hill W. C. Dal veil Ua«res Hill IThos. Grahame George Crichton, Manager , Company's OJfice , 5< W. & R. F. Bell, Agents , Dow lie's Wharf, London. George Strachan, Agent, 1, Dank Street, and Dougal Maclean, 74, Princes Street , Edinburgh. Wiljiam Crichton, Agent , GO, Queen Street , Glasgow. Robert Sanderson, Agent, East Breast , Greenock . London Smacks. . j«T. Dennistoun f), Shore, Leith. Eagle — George Tod I Hawk — Ro. Nesbitt Czar — John Aimin g [ Delight — R.Gilchr ist | Glasgow 4* Greenock Packets, Tug — Steam- dragger, Alexander Downie. Venus — William Martin K catty, D. Nicholson Port — J oh n W ilson Janet 4* Manic — Jas. enne Stenhouse Ant— John Foster Dove— Ar. Smith Bee David Brown Alert - W.Swanston , Fly— Geo. Rodgers Active , A. MHntyre , Lark Thomas Orr Andrew 4* Kcatty— Star — Jas. Wilson E. Ferguson 1 1 u lITaK D"X?r T ffs if iTFfN G cotoFAfW . A, B. Mabon, Manager at Leith — J. Watson, 3tius, Cashier . Agents at Hull , Geo. Holden, Son, & Co, W. W. Bromby ^ Son, and Martin & Ke ddcy, - 23h ireifri A. NEWt'lAnTf.'irol.I) SHIPPING CUMPAlffl James Wishart, Manager at Leith* Coulson, Hall, & Co. Agents at Naccastle. LK1TH & NEWCASTLE NKW SHIPPING COMPANY John Cumming, Manager at Leith* Nicol Laid law and Co. Agents at Newcastle. Berwick Trader, Eliza Beniamin Barker. I Cumming, Agents LeWi. r lho. C hartres, D IlXAIBUllGil bliirmc - Ch. Philip, Manager . MiSTftOTRElTXND LEITH JACKET, - « . 1 - nnilr ^ f/lTYl A tl Masers Lauusr, has three Cabins, sails from Anstrnther ererv Tuesday morning at 9, anti from the Customhouse, Quay, I.eith, every Friday about 2 hours before hmh water. Apply to the Captain on board, or Mr. David Tod, Agent, — — T.r .l P. a nd LE IT H I' a L TTE TST The Mary ll Measov, and the CoNVEYA*cK.--One sails from Elie every Tuesday and Friday atHmeoclock, and from Leith same days two hours before High Water. John Adams on, K lie, Agen t. — rr^-rwir- nTTEWmTA?lD LkiTH PacRE’E _ . . i r\ • l. d n 1 1 □ ft ill 1 fiii m Cilj iyi i-' Liu* * * * p.. The SwirT, Alexander Davidson, Master, sails from rit- tenweem every Monday at 10 o’clock, and from Leith every Thursday two hours before high water. Alex. Lang, Agent at Pittenwcem — King & Pearson^£W*« at Leith imsteZS Fbn MANlWA Ci vil i:s\ ' e '’ A. Bonar, Trent. C. Tawsc, rhsnt. / mis. — I. Bonar, Sec. SOCIETY OF BUHGII & PAROCHIAL SCHOOL- M AST Is. IlL (Established by Act of Parliament, 1B07.) William Brown, Dunkcld, I veses. James Lilians, High School, EcBnburgh, ^^rn . as u . Hugh Lilians, D epute Cashi er. ( ^ ol ^ L -- , Clerk Lilians. Jtepmr ^ pHY'tlCft-t’HH MiOaV. SOCli'.'l l. — IHl'J. Janra^luraSL'^rrus^T.— her L resident by rotation* Georg* Henderson, Secretory and 7 mi.oinr. 259 ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Presidents, Matthew Jos. Chapman, Esq. I Samuel Annan, Esck J ohn Barclay Sheil, Esq. | William Carstairs, Esq. Geo. Wilde, Esq. Treasurer, N. Bain, Secretary A* Librarian. Mrs. M‘Vie, Housekeeper. Wm. Wilson, Porter . "HOTaTTMEdical society. Presidents. William Stroud, M. D. | George Wm. Stcdman, Esq. David Craieie, M. D. | John Barclay Shiel, Esq. Andw. Fyfe, Treasurer. N. Bain, Secretary S[ Librarian* John Small, Transcriber. IN I r*. Maclean, Housekeeper. W. Barrowman, Porter . ASTRONOMICAL INSTITUTION OF EDINBURGH Sir Georgo S. Mackenzie, Bart. President. James Bonar, Treasurer .—^ Thomas Allan, Secretary . James Jardine, Esq. Astronomical Observer . Directors. Lord Provost, Convener of Trades, Professor of Natural Phi- losophy, Prof, of Mathematics, Prof, of Practical Astro- nomy, Master of the Trinity House, Leith, Ex Ojjicio . Sir W. J. Hope Lord Gray ( Earl of WeraysaA March Wm. Playfair )Henry Jardine ;Dr. Brewster Captain Adafn 'Capt. B. Hall, lLN.JDr. Hone Robert pownie [James Nairne IJames Skene James Innes Bar. Clerk RattraylThomas Sievwrighfc J. Fleming, M.P.[Earl of Hopetoun [James Hunter SOCIETY OF SCOTTISH ANTIQUARIES. Right Hon. Lord Gray, President. Henry Jardine, Esq. 1st Vicc-Pres. I Gilbert lanes, Esq. 3d do. Sir G. S. Mackenzie, Bart. 2 d do. I Council — J. G. Dalyell, Esq. Professor Christison, P. Neill, Esq. Dr. Brewster, John Dillon, Esq. James Skene, Esq. James Bruce, Esq. Robert Dundas, Esq. and John Thom- son, Esq. Robert Scott MoncriefT, Esq. Treasurer. Rev. Dr. Jameson & Alex. Smellie, Esq. Secretaries . Rev. Dr. Brunton, Secretory for Foreign Correspondency WEI IN ER I A N N ATUR A l7ii I STOIt Y SOCIETY.— 1 808. R. Jameson, Esq. Professor Nat. History, President. Vice Presidents — L.Tohn Campbell, Esq. Sir 1. Walker, Thos. Mackenzie, Esq. M. P. and Robert Stevenson, Esq. P. Neill, Esq. Secretary. Win. Ellis, Esq. Treasurer. James Wilson, Esq. Librarian. — P. Syme, Esq. Painter . Council. T. Sivwright, Esq. Col. D. Williamson Dr. D. Ritchie Dr. J.Gregorv,jun. W.Newbigging, Esq. D. Falconar, Esq. Ca^t. Tho. Brown Dr. S, Hibbert CALliDONIAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. — 1800. Right Hon. the Earl of Hopetoun, President. Vice Presidents — Dr. A. Duncan, senior, (Perpetual) John Wauchope, Esq. Sir J. Hope, Bart, and Geo. Bell, Esq. Mr. P. Neill, Secretary. — Mr. J. Peacock, Assist. Mr. A. Dickson, Treasurer. — Mr. P. Syme, Artist. COUNCIL. Professional Members . Mr. Jas. Macdonald Mr. Walter Dickson Mr. James Stewart Mr. William Macnab Mr. James Dickson, sen. Mr. Peter Lawson A ma ten r Mem hers. William Pagan, Ksq. David Falcon ar. Esq. Robert Johnston, Esq. Dr. John Yule John A. Murray, K»q- Robert Smith, fcsq. GENERAL COMMITTEE FOR PRIZES Sir George Mackenzie, Bart. Convener , Professional. Mr, Thomas Shade Mr. George Dickson Mr. John Boyd Mr. David Reid Amateur. John Linning, Esq. James Tytler, Esq. James Balfour, Esq, John Leven, Esq. ROYAL ACADEMY AT EDINBURGH. The KING patron. Directors. Lord President iDuke of Argvle |Earl of Brcadalbane Lord Justice-Clerk (Duke of Gordon lEarl 9 f Buchan Lord Advocate (Marquis of Queens-tEarl of Dalhousie LU1U AUVULdlt; Commander in Chief I berry •Earl of Rosslyn Lord Provost Deny .. Liuru rrovosi Marquis of Lothian! Viscount Melville The Principal of the 1 Marquis of Bute ;Sir VV. Forbes, Bart.< University ‘ Karl of Rosebery {General v yse Duke of Hamilton Earl of Morton |Col. M‘Kenzic, Esq. Lieut-Col. Leatham, Master Mr. Rossignol, Assistant. Thomas Cranstoun, W. S. Secretary . SPECULATIVE SOCIETY. PraMcnts. I Alex. M'Leod. F*q. Spcirs, Esq. Dav. Constable, Esq. I G. W.Stedman, Esq | L)av. Ross, Esq. Hugh Bruce, Esq. Secretary. . J. Waugh, Esq. Treasurer. F. PUUns, Clerk ana Librarian, THEOLOGICAL SOCI ET Y .—1770. Meets once a-week during the Session of the Divinity Hall. VruidenU — Walter Tod, Arthur Buist, John Whyte, Alex. Christison, and Thomas 8mith Goldie, James Grant, Secretary and Treasurer. THE0MATH1C SOCIETY. Instituted 1819. President * — David Aitkerr, And. Johnston, Robert Brydbn, Peter Balfour, and John Macfarlane. James Camming, Secretary and Treasurer . JURIDICAL SOCIETY Presidents — Messrs. George M 4 Gachan, Roderick M'Kcnzie, and Robert Handyside Mr. George Graham Bell, Se e . and Treas . DIDACTIC S( )C TET Y I nstitu ted 1 802. Presidents — Alexander Currie, James Newton, George Logan, David M. Black. John M*Donald, Secretary and Treasurer , polem i c aitsocitt y: Presidents. I John Whyte 1 WeirTulloch Michael Anderson I .Eneas Gunn | John Macfarlane David Bell, Secretary and Treasurer . PIlILOMATHiC SOCIETY. — Instituted 180?. Meets once a week during the Session of the University Presidents-— Ro. Nichol, W. Scott, F. Burke, Jos. Somerville. James Young, See.— Thos. Cutler, Treas, DIALECTIC SOClliTV.— Instituted 1787- Presidents . — David Aitken, Robert Paton, Andrew John- ston, Peter Balfour, Wlliiam Menzies, Rol)ert Mcnzics, Secretary and Treasurer . PHILALETHIC SOCIETY.— Instituted 1792. Meets once a week during the Scwion of the University, PresUleuts.... Messrs. Joseph Thorburn, John Scott, John Macdonald, and William Johnston. William Cooper, Secretary , FORENSIC SOCTETYT^lnstituted 1813. Mr. N. Spens, Pres Messrs. J. Hall and J. Hog, V'tce-Prts. Mr. A. Haldane, Secretary — Mr. J. Cadell, T reasurer . ’ SE LECT S0C1 ET Y. Meets on Tuesday Evenings at 7 o’clock. Messrs. Jas. Welsh, Wm. Blair, Clerk Rattrav, Presidents. Mr. Hunter Gordon, Secretary. — Mr. Jas. C. Tait, Treasurer. PANSOPHICAL SOCIETY.— Instituted 181* Meets once a week during the Winter Season. Each Member President by rotation. f Secretary , Each. M‘l.ean. — Treasurer, Thomas Ncilson. * *7Wi v I" TYir w/w r 17 V * SCSI’S LAW SOCIETY. Presidents — Jchn Elliot, A. G. Ellis, W.S. & Jas. S. Darling. James Pott, W.S. Sec .— Robert Mercer, Treas. EDINBURGH BOOKSELLERS SOCIETY. William Laing, Chairman. Robert Ross, Treasurer . — Robert Miller, Secretary. 262 “EDINBURGH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY.— (1794.) Dr. Richard Poole, President. James Bonar, Esq. Treasurer... J. Wardrop, Esq. Secretary . Entry 12/. 12*., and annual payment 1/. 1*. EDINBURGH SELECT SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY.— (1800.) Alex. Johnstone, President.— John Grant, Vice President. John Ferguson, Treus — Wm. George, Sec. Entry ?/. 2*. Annual Payment 10*. EDINBURGH BIBLIO-CRITICAL LIBRARY. Rev. Dr. Davidson, President — Kev. Jas. Peddie, Treasurer Rev. David Dickson, jun. Secretary. The object of this institution is to collect scarce and ex- pensive books on sacred philology, and other subjects con- nected with the interpretation of the scriptures. Duke of Atholl Marq.of Queonsberry Marq. of Lothian PITT CLUB. Right Hon. the Earl of Hopetoun, Pres Vice - Presidents. Marq.of Huntly 1 Sir Wm. Johnstone Earl of Glasgow Hone Lord Gray * (One Vacant.) Councillors. Hon. George Aber- Sir J. H. Maxwell jWm. Arbuthnott crombv SirJ. Fergusson T. Graham Stirling Sir William Forbes! Sir Dav. H. Blair John Wauchope Sir John Hope ,‘Sir John Oswald James Dundas Sir Patrick Murray Gen. Eras. Dundas WUliam iUmsay Sir George Clerk I Col. Jas. Campbell Thomas Williamson Gilbert lanes, Treasurer.— Wex. Mony penny , Secretary ROYAL COMPANY OK ARCHERS. Right Hon. the Earl of Hopetoun, Captain-General Ri na!;cr. Earl of Morton Janies Dewar, Esq. Sir Geo. Clerk, Bart. James Simpson, Esq. DUDDINGSTON CURLING SOCIETY. Presidents. ■ Sir T. Kirkpatrick, Bart. I Principal Baird Sir G. Clerk, Bart. M.P. | A, Boswell, Esq. M.P, council. I .Tallies Millar J John Linning Thomas 'Trotter | Alexander Goldie j John Edgar I). Ewart, Secretary. T. Ewart, Assistant Secretary. J. Johnstone, Treasurer. Rev. Dr. David Ritchie, Chaplain J. M ‘George, Medallist. W INSTITUTION FOR SACKED MUSIC. President . V\cc Presidents, liord Provost |Earl of Dalhou&ie Marquis of Lothian Earl of Leven Earl of Moray Lord Gray Earl of Weniyss Lord Justice Clerk Directors. Rev. R. Shannon C. H. Tcrrot Gilbert In nee General Maxwell G. Thomson Or. G. Wood Maxwell Gordon Rev. Mr. Principal Baird, Come. Dr. W. Ritchie Dr. Simpson Dr. Anderson Dr. T. S. Jones Dr. Ireland H. Garnock John Thomson Dr. D. Ritchie Arch. Alison Ld. Chief Coramlssr. Win. Dundas, M. P. Sir Geo. Clerk, Bart. G. Burnet Dr. A. Duncan, jun .1. G. Daly ell John Connell Alex. Munro James Simpson D. Anderson Blair Alex. Boswell, M.P. Walter Biggar George Douglass jJas. Bridges, Treas. Alexander Irving J. Baxter, Secretary G. K. Graham {■ EDINBURGH COMPANY OF GOLFERS — (1744.) John Mansfield, Esq. Captain . Wm. Waddell, Sec. — And. Storie, Treat.—* Jo. Taylor, lice. Those marked * have been Captains. Council. •John Clerk A. M. Guthrie •James Scott R. An strut her Walter Cook Mr. Solic.-gen. pr. Duncan sen. A. Lumsden Wm. Mitchell Don. M*Lcan John Stein John Kennedy A. I.ongmore Ch. Robertson Sam. Anderson Donald Horne Ja. Mansfield Geo. Ramsay John Thomson Wm. Mitchell, Medal Holder. James Mackay, Medallist . W. Ballantvne Club Maker. THISTLE GOLF CLUB. Charles Sheriff, Ksq. Captain- Henry Low, William Wood, and James IlayE sqrs. Coun- cillors, Mr. John Cundell, Sec. Win. Crawford, Esq. Medal Holder. W.Ballantye, Club- Maker. M‘Kay Sc Cuningham,A/cda/w/f BRUNTSFI F.LD LINKS GOLFING SOCIETY. John Gray, Esq. Cuptain. Council, Messrs. Nathan Grant, Andrew Thomson, Alex Clerk, and John Gardner. Edward Henderson, Treas. Peter Finlay, Sec • Peter M‘Ewen, OJjicer and Clu b-Maker. EDINBURGH IHJRGESS GOLFING SOCIETY. V John Osborn Brown, Esq. Captain. Jnhri Yule, Treas J. Ritchie, See Fr. Braidwood, Chapl. David Denhoim^ J-ifficrrJ^ Club- Maker. 2 265 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS . TRINITY-HOSPITAL.— 13(50. The Town-Council of Edinburgh, Governor#. Robert Johnston, Treasurer I Alex. Smith, Chaplain D. Beatson, Clerk | Miss Hogg, Governess. HERIO'rS HOSPITAL.- -1050. The Ordinary Council and Ministers of Edinburgh t Giwr» ( J. Denholm, Treat. | W. S. Moncrieff, Accountant J. M* Ritchie, Clerk Thos. Bonar .Super intendaiU John Christison, House Gov. | Miss Dickson, Housekeeper WATSON'S HOSPITAL— 1741. William Trotter, Esq. Treses. Twelve Assistants and Treasurer of Merch*. Company, lour Old Bailies, Old Dean of Guild, and Ministers of Old Kirk, Governors. — Ar. Mackinlay, Treasurer . Ja. Jollie, Clk. — G. & Jos. Belli Surg. — To. Lyon, House Gov. Deac. Conv. Treses. John Yule Governors. (Andrew Wilson J. Krskinc of Mar ! Arthur Knox Deacons of Incorp. Trades Councillors Preses of Barbers James Thomson John S. Simpson J. “ TRADES MAIDEN HOSPITAL.— 1704. John Lain* William Kennedy David Tough Alexander Lawrie Dr. J. Hamilton, senior William Wood Wm. Auld, Treat. H. Jardinc \ i „ F. Wilson ) CUlk * W. Wood, Surgeon. Porteous, Chaplain . — Mrs. Tait, Governess. — M iss Smith and Miss Morton Teachers, merch ant 'M aiden hospitaI — 170 ?. William Trotter, Ksq. Treses, -David Kinnear l.lames Spittal iCharles Baxter James Inglis f l)r. James Home Rev. Dr. Johnston 'Rev. 1). Dickson J . F. K rskine Sir W . F orbes, Bart. J as. J ol lie, Cler k. W. Wood, Surgeon. J. Porteous, Chap. Miss Gcddcs, Gov bttFHMTj hospital Governors. William Patison William Phin Old Dean of Guild Four Old Bailies Robert Morton Alexander Smith Alex. Henderson Wm. Gilchrist Rev. Dr. Anderson 'Geo. Brunton, Treat. Managers. Sir W. Forbes, Bart. Samuel Anderson Horatius Caiman Dr. Fleming Geo. Brunton A. Duncan -1735. Right Hon. Lord President, Treses. Walter Brown jRov. Dr. Brunton ' J. Bonar L). Abercrombie Sir 11. Moncrieff jW. M‘Lean, Trias. Baron Cltrk Rattray W. Patison, Comp, , Rob. Plenderleath John Tawse Alexander Bonar W. S. Moncrielf, Ai\ J.&W. Jollie, CM Jas. Bryce, Surgeon. James M‘CulIoch, Teacher — Mrs. Maclean. House kcci>ei\ Gilbert Tnnes Wood Jo, Wauchope Dr. Davidson " HOY A L INFIRMARY- — 1 7S6.' Ordinary Managers. Lord President" Sam. Anderson Dr. 'Rutherford Baron Clerk Rattray I)r. Geo. Wood Dr. Monro Sir Win. Forbes Dr. Hope Phitxicuirusy Dr. James Hamilton and Dr. I lomas Spens. Present attending Surgeons. .1 nines Russell IGeorge Bell James Law |Wm. Newbigging Alex. Gillespie John Wish irt Jtw-eph Bell Lucius J. Obrien and Jos. “te- vonson. Physicians Clevis. Wm. Turner and Ro. Christi- an, S nr gums Clerks. W.C. Macdonald, Apothecary. Francis Wilson, Treasurer Francis Beattie, P oiler* James flrucc, Accountant. Alex. Boswell, W. S. Clerk tc the Incorporation. James Porteoua, Chaplain. Mrs. M* Far lane. Matron. John Kennis, Keeper of Baths. * — RoKfL PUBLIC I) is PENS A II V.—\ 77G. His Grace the Duke of Montrose, President. Vice Presidents. I Rt. Hon. W. Dundasl Bar of l^vcn Karl of Lauderdale Rt. Hon. Sir J. Sin 1 Marquis of Hastings! clair I J. Wauchope, Esq. Managers from Office.— The Lord Provost, the President Df the Royal College of Physicians, and the President of the Roval College of Surgeons*. Ordinary M dnagers .1. F. 'Erskine jVcr Wood bwdJust. Clerk Uev. Dr. InglisAlcx. Laitig Sir Win. Pettcs Jas. Donaldson Rob. Johnston Wm. Trotter Kin. M‘Kenzie A. Henderson II. Donaldson James Nelson H. Jardine H.Warrender Alex. Gillespie James Law Dr. Barclay Dr. Ruther- ford Dr. Duncan, sen. Vmtgcn of II, c Braiuh for Promoting Re,. Dr. Buchanan 1 Harry Davidson Dr. George Wood | Lord Alloway | Medical RiHird. Dr. James Home | Dr. Alex. Wylie I Dr. John Yule A. Duncan, jun. Ja*. Buchan | John Barclay Surgical Board. H.Wishart l John Gardner 1 James Keith Robert Allan | David Hay 1 John Young Inoeuuitors. MS'*— l vatsr I ~ r "■** '*.■! j ■JpSV iSSSVC^ ' z a ' " cel Henry Dewar Purcell J. H. Davidson John Caird J. Aitkeii NJf \V TOWN DISPENSARY . — 1815, The Earl of Wemyss and March, President . Lord Provost, Lord President, Lord Justice-Clerk, Lord Chief- Baron, Lord Chief-Commissioner, Sir H. Moncrcil! Well wood, Sir George Cleik, M. P, Sir John Dairy raple, Bart. Vice-Presidents. Ordinary Managers. Solicitor-General Kev. D. Dickson, jr. Itev. A. Thomson Rev. R. More head D. Hume, P. S. C. George ltoss Henry Cockburn John Wood R. Plenderleath General Maxwell Governor Mair Thomas Bos wall Alexander Tringle William Kerr John Mackay Thomas Blackwood Robert Dundas Walter Cook T. Guthrie Wright < Joseph Gordon Win. Douglas George Lyon Patrick Crichton | John Anderson Ihos. Allan, Treat.— James Swan, Sec — Dr. John Thom- son, Consult. Phys. Dr. W. P. Alison and Dr. W, Moo- criefT, Physicians. Mr. J. W. Turner, Dr. D. MacLagan, Mr. A. Tweedic, Mr. Win. Brown, Surge.— Dr. J. Murdoch, Dr. B. B. Bu- chanan, Phys. Accouc/t. — Mr. John Wiison, Apothecary. EDINBURGH LYING-IN HOSPITAL. The Ixird Provost, President. Earl of Leven, .Sir J. Sinclair, & Dr. Davidson, Vice Pres. Ordinary Directors. | Mr. Davidson | Dr.Farquharson “ .Duncan ( Mr. Trotter , Ordinary Physician. Dr. C. Stuart, Extra Physician — Mr. Arch.Mackiulay, Treat. JAMES GILLESPIE'S HOSPITAL.— mi- William Trotter, Esq. Presses. Twelve Assistants and Trea- surer of the Merchant Company, Four Old Bailies, and Old Dean of Guild, and Ministers of Tolbooth Kirk, Governors. Sir James Foul is and George Tod, Governors for Life. Robert Kerr, Treat. — J. Jollic, CUi . — A. Gillespie, Surgeon. Mrs. Kinmonth, Mistress. AFRICAN cj ASIA TIC SOCIE TV of EM NBUHGIL Instituted in the year 1809 for the Benefit and Protection of Africans and Asiatics. Right Hon. Lord Calthorpc, President. Mr. Robert Paul, Secretary £ Treasurer. xjruwury JJir First Bailie 1 Mr. Pitcairn I Mr. Davids CollegcBailie | Mr. P. Hill I Dr. Duncai Dr. Hamilton, Professor of Midwifery, < HOUSE OF INDUSTRY— 1801. Earl of Hopetoun, President. Vicc-Prcsidcn ts. Earl of Leven and Melville j John F. Krskino, ?.sq. Principal Baird, Sec . — Ninian Louis. Treat. Sll ■ CHARITY WORK-HOUSE. IFctkhi Man,. ‘Jas. Denholm (Lord Provost A. Anderson i Arch. Gibson James Haig Hoi). Pitcairn Kin.Mackenilo Win. Dallas Al. Henderson Wm. Lothian Rev. l)r. Inglis Josiah Maxton George Lyon Dr. Brunton JW alter Look — Xl^knankic Treasurer. Robert Buchanan, Chaplain - C^ LXrll .la, no, Greenfield, House Governor, James Paterson, Over at er.^ Mrs. M‘Gilivray and Mrs. Sinclair, Mistresses canokgate charity work-house. George Dunbar, Treasurer . MAGDALEN ASYLUM.— 1797. Hi* Roval Highness the Piuncr Hkgent, 1 ai ^ on \ The Right lion, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, / rcsiden ** Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Elliot, Matron. Marquis of Hastings lUrl of Hojietoun Sir Hay Campbell LUNATIC ASYLUM. President Vice-Presidents . Lord Prov ost ,ex-o$. Hon. Baron Clerk Rev. Dr. Baird Rev. Dr. Davidson Sir .John Sinclair, Bart- Sir William Fettes, Bart. Ordinary Managers. Andrew Wood Harry Davidson Henry Jardine Gilbert Inncs Samuel Anderson Lord Advocate Sir Wro. Forbes Rev. Dr. Davidson Gilbert innu» S tuart. Medical Managers— -Dr. A. Duncan, r nR ‘ an d Surgeons. James Law, and Presidente of Duncan, jun. Ordinary Physicians-Dr.? • ^Mr W. Wood. ’ Wo Surgeons -Mr. A. Gl j l ^V Trthian Viscount Melville Kai l of Buchan l/jrd Gray Karl of Leven Ijord Douglas Com suit tec. J. Campbell, sr. Esq. |Dr. Keith George Ross, Estj. John Tod, Esq. W.S.Moncrieti‘,hsq..H. Donaldson, Esq. IGv. Mr. Terrot Thomas Allan, Ksq.j Rev. Henry Grey |Rev. C. Anderson T. Blackwood, Esq. [Rev. A. Thomson [Rev. Mr. Paxton Rev. Prof. D.Ritchiej.Jos. Murray, Esq. » Jas.M’Bruire, Esq. Rev. Walter Tait |Wi». Murray, Esq.| Dr. Keith, Physician — Sir John Hay, Bart. Treasurer. James F. Gordon, Esq. Secretary. D. Brown, Clerk and Cashier . — Robert Kinniburgh, Teacher. Ford Justice-Clerk l«ord Provost C. Forbes, ICsq. M.P. R. II pbtime, Erq. Re v. Prin. Baird SOCIETY FOR RFEIEF OF THE DESTITUTE SICK. Dr. John Ahercrombie, President, I 'icc Presidents. George Ross I Rev. A. Thomson I John Stirling John Waugh | William Whyte | John Noble R. Pleuderleath, Treasurer. — Rev.' D. Dickson, ir. Secretary. G. M* Donald, Clerk. Committee for Preventing Contagions Fever among the Poor. Ford Provost Rev. Dr. Brunton A. Thomson A. Alison Hay Donaldson George Ross William Trotter J. F. (iordon John Waugh Robert Johnston Ro. Plenderleath William Findlay Thos. Miller. 7 rrasri i rr . — Rev. D. Dirknon, inn. Secretary. ‘270 — Society for suppression op begrime — h h President* Vice- Presidents* The Lord Provost of the CHy, \ Ex-officlo. The Sheriff of the County* ) . T .. Right Hon. the Karl of Wemyss and March, Lord Justlce- r Clerk, and Sir John Marjoribanks, Bart. 1 Rev. Dr. Inglis r -“ r "' T "' t Directors* Hon. Baron Clerk Rattray Roller t Johnston .). H. Forbes John Connell William Inglis Principal Baird Archibald Gibson Hugh J. Hollo, n George Boss o. Fieri \V. Inglls, Ho. ftlenderleath Andrew Walker Kev. I). Dickson, jr. Kev. Dr. B run ton John Wood Wm.Braidwood, jr. John Waugh lltmui , \ S. and J. Bridges William Braid wood, jun. Treasurer. H. Donaldson, & J. ft ridges, -Auditors of Ace. savings bank. George Tait Robert Hollo Rev. R. Q. Shannon John Carfrae David Anderson John Tawse Duncan Cowan Joseph Murray And. Tawse W. S. Secretaries . __ , ~ . r ( J, il. Forbes 1 Head Office.^ ^ j ohn 'paw se | >!«■ a j c .. J. Rollo f Sec. and Treat* Robt. Hollo And. Tawse branches. Porlsburgh, Rev. D. Dickson, jr. J aR. In glw, A. Waikcr IV. S. Moncrieff, .1. Marshall. A. PotUrrorc .Joseph Murray, J. Miller, W . Campbell, ^"^T-SV'g! Tait, J. Wood. J. Tait, jr. A. Pringle 11 Ctmmgateij. Bridges, D. Cowan, A. Berwick, U. Speid lUehardYou ff 'BTROTSucTC T y". Vice Presidents. I.ord Advocate Lord Provost Solicitor-General Sir John Hope Sir A. L. Dick Directors. Alex. Duncan, F.sq.(Rev. Dr. Inglis M irq. of Lothian Karl of Lcvcn fiarl of Hopetotm Viscount Melville l.ord Napier Alex. Duncan, Ksq. uev. nr. n Gran ' t Kev. Or. D. Ritchie Her. T)r. A Onnca Mlu”’*,, President* Dr. M 4 Farl ane. Mo- derator of the Ge- neral Assembly Moderat. of Synod of Lothian&Tweod. »Rcv. Dr. Campbell William Gilder George Ross Rev. Dr. Davidson I Rev. Dr. Meiklejohn.Dr. Buchanan Lch. Gih^n.W.S-jDr. Andcrann I Dr. Barclay ^ r * ai 1 (Rob. Dundas, W. S.. iiev. ur. jinuawBi . ‘ . , • a* Kev. Dr. Macknight Sir IK Moncrieff In IV it Ksn iHev. Dr. Baird . \ c ,±& 'IT I EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY. Right lion, the Earl Cathcart, President* Vice-Presidents. Lord Calthorpe jJohnCaiAphell, Ksq.,John Wau^b, Esq Sir John Hay I Alex. Bonar, Esq, Alexaiuler Duncan, SirT Gib Carmichael {Geo. Buchan, "Esq. I Esq. AN . S. Sir G. H. B. Wav lUo. Hepburn, Esq. Uto. \a ardlaw, Esq. Rev. James Peddie, James Bonar, Esq. & Rev. Christopher Anderson, Secretaries Sir William Forbes, Treasurer . Mr. George Brunlon, $nb-Trcasurer»— Mr. W. Arnot, Clerk* d Deposit an) at No. 14- with in Uoyal Exchange. Committee of Management. George Ross J. A. Haldane Robert Gray Rev. D. Dickson, jr K. Treasurer James Wylde John Anderson Rev. Henry Grey William Ellis George Paxton' Janies Ogilvie Rev. Dr. Buchanan Walter Taft And. Lothian John Aikinan IF. N alder jW. Braid wood, jun. James llowden Rev. A. Thomson George Payne Edward Craig Ro. Plendcrleath John Wighara, jun. James Evans And Presidentsof it. Auxiliary Socie- ties. SOCIET Y for Promoting UELIGIQUS KNOWLEDGE among the POOH*— (.Instituted 178(3.) Alex. Murray of Ay ton. Esq. President . Ja. Nelson, Esq. Vice President H. Can nan. Secretary Jo. MoncriefT, Treasurer Committee . J. Pitcairn, Librarian J. Maciarlane, Sub-Ltbrar. George Ross J. Dickson Win. Patison Jas. Taylor Smith Wm. M‘Lcan II. Plenderleith P. He watt Alexander Bonar W. S. MoncrieiF John Crombie James Bonar William Whyte EDINBURGH RELIGIOUS TRACT S. Paul | .Lis. Howden | RA .Anderson James Bonar, George Lyon, A John Robertson ^Anditors . . G. Landalc, Trcas. — Rev. C. Anderson, Rev. Mr. Hurper, John Waugh, Sees — G. M* Dona id, Clk. 2 72 aS blCTV Polt ' tiiK siPPoUT W (!aK I.1 C M lo TiC E The Right Hon. the Karl of Moray, PrcsulcnU Vice-Presidents. Karl of Selkirk. Bart of Breadalbane Lord Gray Hon. & Rev. G. Noel, A. M. Charles Grant, Esq. M.I\ Rev. Dr. Johnston William Davidson, Ksq. Alex. Riddell, Ksq. Thomas firskjne, Esq. Governors by Subscription James Douglas, Esq. Robert Downie, K*q« John Campbell, Ksq. Hobcrt S|>ear, Ksq. J.A. Stewart Mackenzie, ttsq.| Charles Stuart, M. D. James Stirling, Ksq. Divie Bethune, Ksq. Robert Warden, Esq. John Burnet, Ksq. Ilaron de Strandxnan, Switzerland Foreign chuI Corresponding Members - t I C. . I i.tM \ I W nn/l <11* It !1 1 m I R J \+ If' • *9[*%js*\* '*** v ” | Sultan Alexander Kat I te-Ghery Krim-Ghe- ry, Caucasus Committee. (Andrew Balfour i Walter Brown 'John MoncriefF Rev. Dr. Ro. Pinkerton, ] Russia I Robert Hepburne [Harry Davidson frame* Haldane I Rev. D. Dickson Rev. Dr. M‘Crie ii George Bell John Waugh John Moncriefl Uev. Hr. Buchanan Alex. Hutchison -V^TaGratc Uev. Dr. Peddle ^oxanderMH.aurin Her. Edward CrtJg Uev. Geo. Paxton Kenneth Treasurer Or. Wm Bedby Her. William lanes, William Paul ^Lu,,r.v James V. Gordon .lama* Grant ’i' r^arcr " John Campbell, lisq. Tertiui, W. S. TrauHrer. Her. Walter Tail Sc Rev. Christopher Anderson, Secretary.] Rev. Angus M'Ketlar, Gaelic Secretary. Mr. Alex. Hutchison, Clerk, to whom Teachers will addr their Letters. , , - EDINBURGH "GRATIS sXBRATH SjCHOUL buuilit V. James Gall Andrew Jack W. Brown, M. D. Directors . i David Gray Maur. Lothian, jr. I James Gilford James Dowell J. Hume Thomas Roberta Rev! ” l)."l lick soli, "j r. foobert Grieve ^l.n]'sccre^ry.\ Alex. Johnstone. Seeretary.--lahD ^ cfcrfc | nwi< I pp SKIT Right : ex. Johnstone, Secretary — jumi Geor ge Yule, TWarer.—l ames TXBB .\TTrsTTn 00 L UNiuX l ', m L 1 Right Hon. Lord Gray, 1 resident. Vice-Presidents. Sir G H.B. Way, K. T. S. Sir James M. Riddell, Bart. Right lion. Karl of Selkirk Sir William Forbes, Bart. Rev. Sir H. Moncreiff, Ban. \ rifTord Secretary.' U. W n.,. 27 i Men. Jardine, Esq. Major Matheson J. A. Murray, Esq. Leon. Homer, Esq. Francis N alder, Esq. Ilev. Dr. Brunton EDINBURGH EDUCATION SOCIETY. The Earl of Hopetoun, President. Vice-Presidents. I Lord Justice Clerk Marquis of Queensberry I John Francis Krskine, Esq. Lord Chief Baron j Rev. Dr. Fleming Extraordinary Directors . Lord Provost jSir H.MoncriefF, B..X. Hutchison, Esq. Lord Alio way Genera! Dundas J aittos Gibson, Esq. Lord Ralgray jW. Arbuthnot, Esq. Win, Mitchell, Esq. Baron Sir Jo. Stuart Fran. Jeffrey, Esq. Rev. A. Thomson Baron Clerk Rattrayjj. Wauchope, Esq. Andrew Rotifer, Esq, Sir George Mack en-lT. F. Kennedy. Esq *J. H. Forbes, Esq. zie,Bart. jltcv. Archd. Alison JR. Johnston, Esq, Sir John Hay, Bart. |J. Campbell, Esq. |Wal. Brown, Esq. ( Ordinary Directors. Sir W. Forbes, Bt. iRev. Ro. Morehead Josiah Maxton,Esq. Captain Low is Alex. Cruickslianks Rev, D, Dickson, jr, D. Anderson, Esq. Lias. Simpson, Esq. John Wigham E. D. Sandford.Esq. Hob. Dundas, Esq. LA. Anderson, Esq. Win. Inglis, Esq, LJ antes Pillans, Esq. W. Thomson, Esq- j John Craig, Esq. Hay Donaldson, Esq,iJ. A. Campbell, Esq. Geo. Lyon, Esq. W. S. See. — W. Bf aid wood, jun. Esq. Treat. EPISCOPAL FREE SCiiOOl 1817. Tn connection with St. Paul's Chapel, Carruber's Close. Founded and endowed for ever, for clothing, boarding, and educating Boys and Girls, according to the principles of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Under the direction of the Rev. Edward Craig, A. M. Minister of St. Paul's Chapel. Michl. Kean, Master. Mrs. Kean, Mistress. EDINBURGH SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF IN- DIGENT OLD MEN. James Tod, Esq. President. Dr. Win. Moncriefl* and Mr. John Oymock, Vice- Presidents. Mr. Robert Mercer, Secretary . Mr. Wm. M‘Lean Dymock, Treasurer. This society was originally instituted in 180G. Its eharitj ps directed exclusively to indigent old men. INSTITUTION FOR RELIEF CF INCURABLES. Mrs. Keir, Manager. Mrs. Balfour and Mrs. CTaigie, Assistant Managers* James Simpson and James Tytlcr, Trustees* James Bridges, W.S. ' Clerk. 274 ■mii«m^"3fissi(f>NATrY snci ett: George Ross, Esq. President, Vice Presidents. Ro. Hepburne, Esq \Vm. Stothart, Esq. James Inglis, Esq. Treasurer. — Rev. D. Dickson, jun. Mr. Jos. kiddie, k Rev. S. G. Kennedy, Secs.— W. Arnot, Cleric . EDlMiuilGIl AUKILI a'kV MISSIONARY sOc 1 ET V , i» aid of Missions in general. George B<*>s, Esq. President . V ice - Preside ids. Hepburne Rev. Henry Grey Ntilliam Murray miNuaiiGH- aOxiuauy chukoi ok England 'utl'ciavadv cnnriT SaTl Moray Rarl of Elgin Alex. Murray, Esq. John Abercrombie, M.D. Rev- I>r. Davidson Geo. Buchan, Esq. Ro. Wardlaw, Esq J. Campbell, 3lius. ; Rev. D. Dickso»,jr. John Abercrombie Tho. II. Miller Treasurer. Joseph kiddle. Secretary. MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Patrons. Karl of Northesk I Earl of Glasgow I Lord Gray Earl of Aboyne Ri«zht lion, the Earl of Rosebery, President . Gen. Sir D. Dundas James Johnstone Lieut. Gen. Hunter Robert Hepburne .t. Gen. Robertson J. Stirling VVm. Cunningham It. Wardlaw T. Erskine [Francis Walker Alex. Hutchinson, Treasurer. Rev C. II Tcrrot and Rev. Edward Craig, Secretaries. TnmGCRoT)K _ VfDK'!' r FICat (ON Vice Presidents. Bn.&Uev.R.Melville Hon. Ch. Noel Noel lln. Si Rev. G. Noel iir G. Stewart Rie Ministers of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, two Mem- bers of the Faculty of Advocates, and two Members of the Society of Writers to the Signet, Managers. John Murray, W. S. Factor and Clerk. managers ok hospital aT Mie^ToN; in Parish of Prestou^ails. Endowed by the late James Sen aw. Esq. of Preston, for Maintenance and Education of Poor Boys. Proprietor of Estate of Pres- tongrange Propri. of Estate of North field Minister of Preston pans Minister of Tranent TwoMinisters of St. Cuthbert’s sherilV of Edinburgh ■iberiH* of Ilaxldi ngton Provost of Edinburgh Alex. Boswell, W. S. Agent. N. B. Schaw, MacNeill, Cunmgham preferable names. Eldest Bailie of Edinburgh Dean of Guild and Treasurer Master of Merchant Company Treasurer of Merchant Maiden Hospital Treasurer of W atson’sll ospital Treasurer eith, and the Town-Clerk of Canongate, \E'x OJJicio Commissioners. ■ COM MISSION KRS, Shipmasters. Tho. Ritchie J«hn Laurie Hob. Bruce D. Gourlay Peter Gavin James Dnncan . Maltmcn. J. Hutchinson John Dryden ^dnra French T. Hutchison Alex. Law John Wilson Trades . John Tait John Sanders J. Pitkcthley John Glover Geo. Brown Witt. Mil*ar Merchants. John Watson J. Dudgeon Ada in White W. Thorburn, sen. Wra. Waddell Rob. Menzics South Tjeith Heritors . James Weir James Black Rob. Paterson Geo. Anderson Wra. Goddard James Wy Id North larith Heritors. Peter Couper J, Russell A. Ronaldson G. Balfour John Saunders > jnn. St. Anthony's. J. Johnston Alex. Ch ant •• mis . », H. Veitch, CkrJc, and Collector of King s fas: and lovn- l ax. ?. M ‘Craw, Depute.— VI . Ross, IntauLof Polu'C.-^^io*"*, Superintend* of l Co ter. — D. Kay, Sui kt intend. of Scavenge r* ITOMlTTirF: ofLNllElTWR mvks, Exchange BuMctsugs. fames' Smith, D. Jameson, G. Gibson, jun. T. Strong, Evan Liddell, Esqrs. "a tT ’ MERCHANT COMPANY. Patrick Borthwick, Esq. Master. Assistants. LRo. Moubray I Win. Boyd | James Pillan* VV.T.Craigie | S. McKenzie | Peter Wood | H. Veitch, Cle ric. TRINITY HOUSE John Hay, Esq. Master.... Thos. Grindlay, Assist. Master. Wm, Gavin, Pep. Master . — Barry Sarsfield, Clerk. Hammrrmkm. , Dickman, D. — J. Lindores. Treat. — Wm. Tayler, Clk. j IBlvth, : Itoss, Treasurer.-— Alexander oss, Clerk. Weavers, Wrights and Masons. Wm. Grandison, Dcac. — Wm. W. Gellately & A. Rorertson, 'Wilson, Tr. — Alex. Boss, Clk. Deacons. — S. Morton, Treat.] Flxsbers. — William Tayler, Clk. jA. Ronaldson,/> (J nlted Coll. T homas J ackson , LL. D. Natural Philosophy j John llunter,LL.D. Humanity Duchess of Portland William Ferrie Civil History Earl of Cassiilia Hob. Haldane, D.D. Mathematics Crown Rob. Briggs, M.D. Medicine, University NEW DIVINITY, OR ST. MART’S COLLEGE. George Hill, D.D. Principal . ^ John Cook, D.D. Divinity f Crown John Lee, M.D. Church History f George Buist, D.D. Oriental Languages J OF GLAS&OiV .—Founded 1450 . Duke of Montrose, LL.D. Clianc.— Kirk. Finlay, M.P .Rector. Ar.Carapbell, Esq. Dean ofFac. Wm. Taylor, D.D. Principal. btevenson Macgill, D. D. Divinity ) Patron L “ n ^ 1 theCol,e8 ‘ William M‘Turk, D. D. Church History Crown Josiah Walker, A. M. Humanity John Young, Greek ; Geo. Jardine, A. M. I^ogic James Mylne Moral Philosophy [-College Will. Meikleham, LL. D. Natural Philosophy James Millar Mathematics James Jaflrar, M. D. Anatomy & Botany Itob. Freer, M. D. Theory & Practice of Physic Robert Davidson Civil Law James Couper, D. D. Practical Astronomy Lc rown I^ock. Muirhead, A.M. Natural History J. Towers, CM. Mid wifery;J. Burns, C. M .Surgery Tho. Thomson, M.D. Chemistry Robert Graham, M. D. Botany Lecturer, R. Miller, M.D. Materia Mcdica College OF ABERDEEN. —king’s college .-— Founded 1494 . Duke ofGordon, Chancellor.— Earl of Aberdeen, A.M. Hector. William Jack, D. D. Hugh M‘Pherson, M. D. Dun. Mearns, D. D. And. Alexander, A.M. Alex. Daunev, LL. D. Jas. Bannerman,M. D. Patrick Forbes, A.M, William Paul, A.M, John Tulloch, A.M, James Bently, A.M. Principal \ Patron Sub-Princ. Greek j the College Divinity Mod. of Syuod, &c. Moral Philosophy "" Civil Law Physic Humanity, &c. N atnral Philosophy Mathematics Oriental Languages Crown College 280 m a ill sen at. college -— Founded 1593. Marquis oflluntly, Chancellor — Sir Geo. Abercromby, Bart. Rector, — Hugh Lumsden, Dean of Faculty. . Principal Patron the Crown. V\ ilham I- Brown, D.D. | f)j v j n i t y Town CounciL \Vm.Livingstonc,M.D. Medicine \ Crown. G; Glennie, D. I). Moral Philosophy J tt. Hamilton, LL.D. ) Mathematics Town Council. Jo. Cruickshank, A. cY S. ) Patrick Copland N aturalPhilosophy ) Ja. Davidson, M.D.Natural History >' John Stuart, Greek f James Kidd, A. M. Oriental Languages Sir Alex. Kamsay. Geo. French, M.D. Chemistry 1 Charles Skene, M.D. Anatomy 5 - Crown Lee turers (“Charles Skene, M.D. Anatomy I \ Will. Dvce. M.D. Midwifery ^College- n n i M 11 Viitrrrnrv C. 1 ,T G. Barclay, M.D. Surgery , &c. L W. Henderson^' lx |l|j * Alex. Christison, A. M. William Wallace Thomas Brown, M. D. John Leslie, A. M. Robert Jameson Wm. F. Tytler David Hume, LL.D. J. Wilde & A. Irving Robert Hamilton Andrew Brown, D.D. - Town Council. W. Hen derson, M.D. Materia M edica j OF EDINBCFOH — Founded 1582. George H. Baird, D. D. Principal— Patron the Town Council, william Ritchie, U. D. Divinity Ditto Hugh Mciklejohn, D. D. Church History Clown AlexanJerBrunt.m.D. D. OricntalLanguagcs David Ritchie, D. U. Logic George Dunbar, A. M. Greek • - '* Humanity Mathematics Moral Philosophy Natural Philosophy J Natural History Universal History Scots Law Civil Law Public Law Rhetoric Botany Materia Medica Practice of Physic Crown. j-Town CounciL > Crown. Town Council. .lames Home, M. D. James Gregory, M. D. And. Duncan, sen. and \ 'in ieorv of Physic iun. M.D. i Thos. Chas. Hope, M.D. Chemistry Alexander Monro, M. D. Anatomy and Sur las. Hamilton, jun. M.D. Mifovilcry James Russell . ^ *8 ? John Thomson, M.D. M.htory Si.rge.v Robert Blair, M. D. ^““‘if^r^ ^rV.G.Johnston SfSSSS »?'. tfojgx/L, S5u C. Stewart, Chief M anner of the Ficss^ Crown. CLER f. SYNOD 4 Parishes High Church OM Church College Church New North Church rron Church Telbooth Church Old Gray Friars Lady Yester’s New Gray Friars St Andrew’s St. George's Canongate St. Cuthbert’s South Leith North Leith Duddmgstone Libberton Cramond Currie Corstorphinc Collriton Rat ho Kirknewton GY OF SCOTLAND K f LOTHIAN and TWEBDDALE. 1. Edinburgh PrtsbyUrj. Ministers . Palms* ( Geo. H. Baird. D.D- "| (\Vm. Ritchie, D. 0. 1 And. Brown, D. D. \T.Macknight,D.D. VValter Tait., A. M. Dav. Dickson, sen. f Win. Simpson, D.D. \ Alex. Brunton,D.D. {Z&S&2& j-T-WnCouaca (John Inglis, D. D. \ R. Anderson, D. D. Fho. Fleming, D. D. f fo. Thomson, D. D. VW. Gladstones, As. ( David Ritchie, D.D. * \ Andri wGrant.D.D. A. M. Thomson, A M. J ( Henry Garnock Crown \W. Buchanan, D. D. Ilet lion ( Sir H. MoncriefF, D. D. Crown \ David Dickson, jun.A.M. Ditto ( Rob. Dickson, D. D. Ditto VJa*. Robertson, D. D* Kirk Scs.S: Incorporations John Thomson Marq. of Ahercorn James Grant Crown G. Muirhcad, D. D. Ramsay of Bamton J. Somerville, A. M. Town Council of Kdinbu. Dav. Scot, M.D. Sir R. Keith Dick John Fleming Karl of Lauderdale And. Duncan, D. D. Dr. Davidson (Morton Alex. L. Simpson D- of Buccleuch A; Earl of Linlithgow Dtlmcny West Calder Kirkliston Pol moot Ecclesmachen Carriden Falkirk Bathgate QneeusfWry Borrowstounness Mid-Calder Ahercorn Whitburn Torphichen Livingston Uphall SUmannan Muiravonside a. Linlithgow PresOjiery. James Dobie, D. D. Crown James Greig Karl of Roscberry John Muckersy, D.D. Earl of Lauderdale Cha. Ritchie Crown Patrick M'Farlan Ditto Henry Liston Earl of Hopetoun David Fleming Duke of Hamilton J. Wilson, I). D. Crown - ; John Smith Earl of Hopetoun John Henderson The Burgh Robert Rannle D. of Hamilton J. Sommers. D. D. LordTorphichen H. Meiklejohu, D D. Earl of Hopetoun Jas. Watson Baillie of Polkemmet Win. Meek, D. D, LordTorphichen Jas. M. Robertson Earl of llosehcrjrj John Fcrgusson Karl of Buclun Ja. Robertson Crown Wm. M'Call .Ditto IBs iBlgsaf Cultef Srminjjton Durnyre Walston Dalphmgton Liberton Skirling Lamington Covington Broughton* Glen- holm, ft Rilbucho j. d’^rPr.rdfKrf, Vtn. Wataoa Lord Elphinstonc . j Dickson of Eil hue ho & Wm. Strachan ^ sir l. Rom J. Smith Lockhart of Carnwath ' William Meek Crown Pat. Molleson Lockhart of Carnwath Robert Russell Lord Douglas Alex. Cralk Lockhart of Carnwath ohn Alpine Carmichael of Skirling Patronage disputed Bryce Little Lockhart of Caiuwath | Hamilton Paul Oswald of Auchencruhre Peebles Lyn* and Megget Linton Dwmctxier Stolio Iddlestone Kirkurd Manor Tweed-iinuir kncrlietheu fraquair Sewund* 4. Peebles Prtsbyhry. H. Buchanan " euayn i An. Handy side ] Ditt0 \ A. Alilcck, An. dr Sue. J Alex Forrester Ditto Ja. Somerville Win. Trotter, Esq. Alex. Ker Sir Ja. Montgomery C Pat. R obertson , DD. > Lord Ellbank } P.ltolicrtson.juiw ^f/.tiT ) Luvid Anderson [Si/c* Carmichael of Skirling Wm. Marshall Earl of Wemyss James Gardner N.Coll. St Andrews ames Pate Oswald of Auchenctulve Crown Cha. Findlater Earl of WrmvM Dalkeith torthwick Crichton Cranston Sew battle lasswade ! Htfiot Inverc&k Pennycolcfc Cabman Temple Glencono Ormistcn FaU Cockpen Newton 5. Daileuu Presojlcry. Wm . Scott Duke of Buccleuch T. Wrignt Duixlas of Arniston 1. K. Cunningham Mr. Higgins Walter Fisher Sir John Dalrymple John Thomson, A.M. Marquis of Lothian John Paton, A. M. Sir George Clerk Alex. Welsh Sir John Dalrymple f Leslie Moodie > Duke of Buccleuc X Arch. Gracie, Ats. > 'Thomas CoUtoua Sir George Clerk Thomas Muir Earl of Rosebery ■ CDundas of Armston oc James Goldie XHepburnof Clarkingtou f Wm . Torrence \ Tvtler of Woodhouse- (A 'iorrence, An.SeS. ) lee John Ramsay. A.M. Edin> Arch. Singers ^and Sir John Dalrymph la Grierson M. D» Earl of Dalhous'.C Thii Scott ’ Waiichooc of SdmoiMtnn Haddington Garvald I'ranent Salton Holton Pencaitland North Berwick Giadsmuir Vener ■*, — i— i . 0 HadJin^ion PreTbytery. f R. Loriiner, LL. D. 7 Ear i 0 f Hopctoun jllm san^ ° & Lssssf-"- gsjssr Amru*Makcn*r Hamilton, of Ptncaltlan* ?Vo Mnrrav Sir H. Ualrymplc G HamHtoX.D.D. 2 ?*" lameainno. .^jaSfcJSSSr* J Humble Dlrleton , Abcrlady i Athelstonford Prestonpans Motchame Dunbar Innerwick ID. Logan "wham & Tjn '[} Jaw, Wallace Oldhamstockl Cockburnspath Stenton Prestonkirk Whittingham Spott H. Saugstinr > Crown be Karl ot Hope ' Jas. Macfarlaue, As. Henry Duncan Earl Mansheld Tho. Gillespie Crown ,, HI. Mair, Esq. and «r Alex. MonUawe { j. H er. Maxwell t D. of Buccleuch and James Yorstoun \ Sharp of Hoddam Lochmaben ? Johnstone Kirkpatrick-Juxta it Mungo i Applegirth Dryidala Mortkt Mrkraichael rundergartta Wamphrar ic. Lochmaben Pretty let y. 'T'ho Gibson Earlof Minified R. CoWln, D. D. Johnstone of Annasulale Win. Singer, D. D. Ditto Vu-Tkj«d.o. Alex'johiuton WM. of Ann.nd.fc J c, n.ii 1 Duxe of Buccleuch Ri 3 Tp»«o« S»rl of Man.fictd ilot h iwkpatrick Johrotot. of Anoiuxtate 286 Dalton Mouse wald Hutton atnes Cririe, le). D. M*Ruy ot Hoi main* acob Dickson Marq. of Queensberry acoh Wright Johnstone of Annsnoa 1 * '* Langholm Canonbie Castletown Ewes Westerkirk Eskdalcmuir 1 6. Langholm Presbytery. Wm. B. shaw Crown& D. of Buccleuch [as. Donaldson Duke of Buccleuch Scott Ditto Robert Shaw Ditto /Win. Little \ Green, As r. & Sue. / D,tto Wm. Brown, D. D. Ditto Dumfries Hclvwood Carlaverock Kirkp. Irongray i'roquire Kirkp. Durham Kirkgunzeon Terregles Kirkmahoe Tinwald Dunscore Kifkbean Colvend Torthorwald Lochrutton Nawabbey Urr 17. Dumfries Presbytery. ( Alex. Scot, D.D. \ rrm>B \T. T. Duncan, M.D. / Crovm (merk-land J. Crichton, D. D. Mrs. Crichtou of Four*!, W.M‘Morine, D.D. M. of Queensberry An(m1 vnn W n TV. f Ferguson of Craigdarroch& Antony Dow, D. D. £ Oswald of Auchc.icruive Wm. Thorbum Crown D. Lamont, D. D. Ditto John Croket Maxwell of Carruchan George Heron Duke of Buccleuch * John Wightmaa Ditto Geo. Greig Crown & M. of Queens- C. Burnside Crown (berrj Ed. Neilson Duke of Buccleuch And. Macculloch Ditto and Crown John Yorstoun M. of Queensberry Thos. Inglls D. orBuccleuch { Will. Wright \J. Hamilton, An. Be Sue. f Crown J. M»Whir Ditto Pen pont Keir Glencairn Closebum Tynron Kirkconnel Durrisdeer Morton Sanquhar 18. Penpont Presbytery. John Nivi8on Duke of Buccleuch James Keyden Ditto John Brown Ditto Charles Anderson Menteith of Closeburn James Wilson Duke of Buccleuch James Richardson Ditto Gcorce Wallace Ditto David Smith Ditto Wm. Ranken Ditto - iV; Wigton Sorby Kirkcowen Mochrum Minnigaff Kirkrnabrock Penninglum Whithorn Glaserton Kirkinner SYNOD of GALLOWAY. 19. JVigton Presbytery. Peter Young Earl of Galloway E. W. Davidson Crown Anth. Stewart, D.D. Agnew of Shewchan John Steven Crown J. G. Maitland Ditto John Sibbald Ditto and Barholm James Black Earl of Galloway Chrfctop. Nicholson Crown Samuel Clanaghan Ditto James Reid Agnew of Shewchan su Stranraer Ballantrae Kirkholm Stonnykirk ). air (turner Presbytery. David Wilson Crown Robert M'Nair Sir H. Dalrymple William Rose E. of Galloway 1 1 n .i c.T.rjr\ f Crown & Hawthorn of patnes Anderson J Gothland 286 £ T Old Luce Wm. Learmont Crown Colmonell Thomas Blair Sir H. Dalrymple Inch Peter Fergusson Crown tyrkmaiden J. French Earl ol Stair teswait And. M‘Cubbin Crown Mew Luce William M‘Kergo Ditto Port Patrick J. M Kenzie, D. D. Sir D. Hunter Blair Qrkcudbright Helton ter rick 21 . Kirkcudbright Presbytery, •Rob. Muter, D. D, Crown .♦John M'Lellan Ditto ,>• Thomson ] Ditto Ja».Thomson,jun. Alex. Crosbie John Johnstone Alex. M‘Gowan James Thomson James Gordon Henry Curry Rob. Jeffrey John Williamson James Rae Wm. Gillespie James Henderson flios. Brown I'hoti. Turnbull Ditto Gordon of Greenlaw Sir J. Heron Maxwell Crown Ditto Do. & Sir J. H. Maxwell Ditto E. of Selkirk Scott of Partoun Crown Gordon of tfalmaghie Crown (ness Sir I). Maxwell of Caido- SYNOD of GLASGOW and AYR. limiUon xx. Himilton Presbytery, A. Hutchison, D. D. A. Fleming, D. D. J. Hodgson, M. D. John Robertson John Scott, D. D. John Bower James French Arch. Livingston James Clason - James Begg, D. D. Daniel Wilkie James Craig Jo. Russell, LLD. A. Zc S, Pat. Macbeath Mathew Gardiner William Proudfoot Duke of Hamilton Lord Blantyre Duke of Hamilton Ditto Heritors Sc Kirk Session Crown Lockhart of Castlehill Hamilton of Dalziel Heritors Sc Kirk Session Lockhart of. Castlehill J Duke of Hamilton Lady M. Montgomery Duke of Hamilton Ditto 23. Irvine Presbytery, Ja. Henderson, A. M. A. Uughterson Rob. Urquhart Jo. Roxburgh penwick pith Itcwarton Kilmarnock I Lai fi h * H1 * h J. Hendry Wm. Boyd J. Mitchell, M. D. James Muir James Douglas (J. M‘Knday,P.D. \ Robert Stirling 'And. Hamilton jfohn Thomson Earl of Egllntonne Ditto Ditto Lady M. Montgomery Ditto Earl of Glasgow Earl of Eglintound Ditto CUnningham of Lainshaw ^ Duchess of Portland Eight Proctors Blair of Blair 287 ‘ooiffop l.ondoun (ttevcnstnn Cumbraes Dreghorn Kilwinning TTio7l6rt»bane Arch. Laurie, D-D* D. Landsborougb Ja. Adam A. Haldan Jamet Steven, D. P. tarl of Egiintoune Countess of Loudoan Grange & Auchinlmrrle £. of Glasgow LadyM. Montgomery Earl of Egllntoune r Laigh Paisley 5 High C Middle Abbey parUh i W. Ch Greenock ’ X 4 . PaisUy PruOyterj. Robert Burns J. Findlay, D.D. J. Geddes, Au'trt. Jon. Rauken ( Robert BOog, D.D. \ Patrick Brewatcr Robert Steel New Do. John 5cott, D. D. I East Dot John Gilchrist, D.D, Port Glasgow John Forrest Renfrew Thomas Burns Erskitte A. Stewart, M.D, Neilston Me*. Fleming Kilmalcolm Rob, Cameron Kilharclun Robt. Douglas Inncikip Tho. Brown Houston and Killallan I. Monteath, A. M. Lochwinuoch Mearn* Eastwood Incldnnan Town Council Robt. Smith G.M‘Latchie, D.D. George Logan \V.Richardson,D.D. Marq.of Abercom Ditto | Sir M. Shaw Stewart Directors T. Coun. of Glasgow Crown Lord Blantyre Speirs of Eldcrslte Dr- Anderson Sir W. M. Napier Sir M. Shaw Stewart Elden-lie and Baruchan Heritors Sir M. S. Stewart Sir John Maxwell Campbell of Blythsw. Ayr Ochiltree Dundonald Stair Girvan Tarbohon Mauchllne Barr Coylton Straiten Muir kirk Kirkoswold Sorn Auchinleck May bole Dalrymple Galston Daily Monk ten New Cumnock Riccarton Symington Dalineliingten StQaivex Craig* Rirkmlchae! Did Cmnnoek N e^>;i>c zy. Ayr i’rnhyterr, l Rob. Aold, D. D. \ Afct. Cuthill John IJndsay John M *Leou, D.D, Will. Rorlson Peter Macm aster fohn Ritchie fohn Trxl E. B. Wallace, John Black, LL.D. John Paul W. Rutherford, D.D. _ A. Brown, jSj - Sc Sm. James Inglis Lewis Balfour James Boyd Charles Log in Robert Steven Geo. Smith, D« D, Alex. Mill J. $. Oughtcrson, A.M. ■William Reid John Moodic P. S. Wharrie, A.M. Gilbert M‘Kilvccn W. M‘Quhac, D.D. S. M‘QuhacJfi.15* S. 'John Stirling, Dt D. David Kennedy John Freaer W. Peebles, D. D. w Crown Town Coun. Sc Kirk Boswell of Auchinleck Lady M. Montgomery Earl of Stair Crown Earl of Eglintowte Countess of Loudoun Crown Ditto Ditto ^ Countess ol Loudhun Crown (Farm Somerville of Hamilton Boswell *f Auchinleck Crown Ditto Duke of Portland Crown Reid of Adamton Mara, of Bute Sir W. Cunninghame Lady M. Montgomery Crown ^ Oswald of Auchlncrulve Campbell of Craigte Crown Marq. of Bute Town- Council, ft*. — L f Inner High Ch. Outer HikH CM College Church 1 > Tron Chui'ch 1 5 < N. W. Church « S'. George's at. Andrews ! J St. Enochs, j l,$t. Jjlm** B irony Q.irb«iti Rntherglen Cumbernauld Carwunnock Cadder Qampsie Govan Kirkintilloch Kihyth Cithcart Eaglejdu'ti l6. G/atfoxv Preibjttrj, W Taylor, sen. D.D. Crown James Marshall Town Council J. Lockhart, D. D. Ditto Dan. Dewar, L.L.D. Ditto A 1 R token, D. D. • Ditto \Vm. Muir, Lt. D. Ditto Gavin Gibb, D. D. Ditto W. Taylor, juu. D. D. Ditto / T- Chalmers, D.D. lf Dltt0 \E. Irving, A. M. Ass % J Dltt0 John Burn*. D. D. Crown Jas. M*Lean D. D. Heritor* & Kirk* Session John D ck Town Counci John W .tson Lord Klphinstone Patrick Clason Lady Stewart Titos. Lockerby Heritors and Kirk*Se«sion James Lapslie Crown Min Pollock, D.D. University of Glasgow Adam Foreman Hon. Admiral Fleming Ro. Rennie, D. D. Crown D ivid Dow Gordon of Aikcnhead Hugh D.iv dson Earl of Fglintoune Lanark Carstair* vVi5»oun and Rober tpun Carmichael Crawfordjohn h irfimath Crawford J Carluke pittenaiu Le«nul\ago Douglas 27. Lanark i'resbjrterjr. 1 William Menzies Crown Geo. Munro, A.M. Monteath of Carstair* | Charles Wood Crown and Lord Douglas Wm. Lamb Sir C. Anstruther Wm Goldie Mr Colebrooke** heir* lames walker Lockhart oi Carnwath John Rom Crown John Wyllie Lockhart of Carnwath Geo. Dicksou Sir John C. Anstruther f J. Hamilton, D. D. ... {.John W.Uon, A. M. } Dukc of H.m,lton William M Cubbin Lord Douglas ' Dumbarton Luis CardroM | Scar Kilpatrick Wuuronock Drvmen i Bald" mock Old Kilpatrick 1 Buchannan Balfron i Row ! lo*neath ; Anoquhar ■ Fintiy , Bonhill i Killearn ! Uotbbtone 28. Dumbarton Prttbyicrj. 1 Wi»l. Jcirray Town Council Ijohn Stuart, D. D. Sir James Colqtihoun Arch. Wilson C«own George Si mm Duke of Montrose j Andrew White Campbell of Otoncfteld ! D. M’Farlane, D. D. Crown John M Ewen Ditto V. illiam Macartney Lord Blantyre William Freeland Duke of Montrose James Jeffrey Earl of Kinnonl \lex. M Aithur Duke of Argyll Rub. Story Ditto Peter Proudfoot Sir James Colquhou* John Graham Duke of Montrose Wm. Gregor Dkto James Gr.ilam Ditto Win. Hamilton Ditto i VI. SYNOO of ARGYLL. VX IttVtrory Prrsi/'cJ. ; Inverary } D.kc of Argy.. No’th Kftftnftfcle ICohn Oamnbrll Crowji B b 2SS> Craignlsh K'dmichael Kdmartin "luncan Ranken Crown "rancis Stewart Duke 01 f Argv ! W Due. Campbell Campbell of Auchimllan Jugh Dewar Duke of Argyll Dunoon Kilmodan Kd finnan Loch godhead Strachur Rothsay Kingarth . Inverchaolam 30. Dunoon Presbytery. J. Campbell, A. M. Duke of Argyll Donald Campbell Ditto Don. M‘Nicol Lamont of Lament D Macdougal,D.D. Callander of Ardkmlass ^ha. Stewart, D.D. Ditto and Maclachlan of Arch. Maclea, D.D. M. of Bute (Maclachlan Mark Marshall Ditto Hugh M‘Tavish Ditto Southend Killean Kdcalmonell Kilbride Kdmorie Gigha and Cara Kddalton Campbellton { Jura { Saddcl t Kdchoman Kilarrow & Kilmony 31. Kintyre Presbytery. Don. Kelly, A. M. Duke of Argyll Don. M‘Donald Ditto A. Campbell, A.M. Ditto John Stcuart Duke of Hamilton Dug. Crawford Ditto Malcolm M‘Donald Duke of Argyll Malcolm Gillies Crown Norman M’Leod \ n u ke of Argyll G. Robertson, D.D. f Arch. M'Tavish 7 Ditto Ass. 3 Hugh M‘Laurin Ditto John-Maclelsh Crown Ja. Macintosh Ditto Kdhrandnn Kilchrenan and \ Dalavich ) Ardchattan Kilninver Glenorchy Lissmore - Kdnnore \ 32. Lorn Presbytery. Alex. Macfarlane Duke of Argyll Wm. Fraser, A.M. Ditto Much Fraser Campbell of Lochnell Don. Campbell Argyll and Breadalbane J Macintyre, D. D. Ditto John Stewart Duke of Argyll ■(Pat McDonald 1 Ditt0 Pat. M‘Intyre, A.Xy S. ) Torosay Morven Tiree and Coll | Ardnamurchan ^ Kdfinichen \ Kdninian 33. Mull Presbytery. Alex Fraser, A M. Duke of Argyll Norm. Macleod Ditto Neil M‘Le*n \ Ditto Jo. Maclean, A.M. Ass. f J. Patience, A.M. \ Ditto Dune. Maccallum, Ass. S ' Dug. Campbell \ Ditto i D. Campbell, At. & Sue. f Don. M 4 Arthur Ditto VII. SYNOD of PERTH and STIRLING. as.— tear-- 290 Kilim Blair in Atholl Kindaven Cargill Clunie Kcnmorc Caputh Fortingale Logierait Lethendie & Kinloch Rattrie Auchtergaven Kirkmichael Dull Weem Auchterarder Hotiivaird Muckart Glendovan Blackford Maddcrty Foisaway Comrie Crieff Monzie Ga*k Muthill Foulis Dunning Trinity G*«k Hugh M'Dougai Jo. Stewart Robert S. Walker Michael Stirling William M‘Ritchlc Colin M‘Vean Wm. Innerarity Rob. M‘Donald Tho. Menzies Laurence Butter Wm. Herdman ( William Chalmers \ J.M.iclaggan, Ass. Allan Steuart Archibald Menzies James M*Diannid Earl of Breadalabne Duke of Atholl Richardson of Pitfour Crown (Airly D. of Atholl andOgUvie of Earl of Breadalbane Crown D. of Atholl & Sir N. Ditto (Menzies Crown Earl of Kinnoul 7 Crown FarquharsonofI n vcrcauld Crown Sir Neil Menzies fEast Church, ) West Do. Middle Do. "(.Sr. Paul’s, Mcthven Aberdalgie Collace Porgandenny St. Martins Kinnoul St. Madoes Abernethy Arngask Fortcviot Scoon Errol , Moneidy Dron Dumbarney Kilspindie Rliynd Tibbermuir Redgorton Klnfauns 35. Ttrth Pretty levy* Ja. Eisdale W. A. Thomson John Finlay John Dowe William Garvie J. Rogers John Willison W. Constable Lewis Dunbar T. Kennedy, A. M. David Duncan William Lang Wm. Henderson William Aitken James Grierson Jas. Somerville Alex. Isdale James Beatson David Black J. Traquair T. Taylor W m. Liston Ro. Gordon (Town Council Smyth of Methven Crown Sc Earl of Kinnoul Crown Crown & E. Mansfield Earl of Kinnoul Richardson of Pitfour Earl of Mansfield Low of Fordel CUniversity of St. Anrir. Belches of Innermay Earl of Mansfield Allen of Errol Lord Lynedock Ditto _ . . Town Co. of Edinburgh Robertson of Tullibelton Oswald of Scotstoun Crown Earl of Mansfield Ditto ichterarder PrtttyUry. * Stewart Earl of Kinnoul 36. Aui Charles -.JIH Colin Baxter Andrew Gibson John Brown John Clark J. E. Touch George Graham Pat. M'Isaac Wm. Laing Samuel Cameron r. J. Robertson John Russel Alex. Maxtone jas. Russell James Burgh Ditto and Crown Crown Ditto Moray of Abercairney Earl of Kinnoul Reps. Graham of Kinross Crown and E. Kinnoul Hon. Mrs. D. Burrel Crown Ditto Ditto Moray of Abercairney Earl of Kinnoul Ditto B b 2 291 Garguni Clackmannan Larbert andDunlpace Dollar P Alloa Alva lAirth Bothkennar Denny 37. Stirling i*>riD}lcrjr. Geo. Wright, JD. D, Jas. Anderson, An. Alex. Davidson Rob. Moodie, D.D. Robert Knox, D. D. And. Mylne, A. M. J Maxton, Jo Maxton, A. Bullock. A.M. (Jts. John M ‘Gat hen John Caw John Dempster Town Council Heads of Families Edlngton of Gargunnock Lord Dundas Crown Crawford Tait, Esq. Crown Johiutone of Alva Graham of Airth Ditto Crown 3d. Dun'jtauc 1‘ 1 Joint Griergoa Alex. M‘Grigor Jolm Muir P Graham, D. D. Win. Anderson P. Murray, D.D. David fimpson Robt. Clason H. Anuerson Peter Robertson Alexander Gray William Stirling 'rtU'jicrj. Crown Sir John M. Murray Stirling of Keir Duke of Montrose Erskine of Cardross Hon. Mrs. D. Burrell Viscount Keith Earl of Dumnore Wardiaw of Tillicoultry Crown Hon. Mrs. D. Burrell Erskine of Cardross VIII. SYNOD of FIFE. 39. Kirkaldj Prtibjttrj . Crown Jobson of Lochore Crown Lord Balmuto Reps. Graham of Kinro"* TownCottn. of Edinburgh Earl of Moray Crown Ditto | Earl of Rosslyn Earl of Strathmore Earl of Rothes Crown Ferguson of Raith J M.Cunnrnghame. A.M. Eml <»f Rothes | Crown Ditto f Representatives of \ Gr. ham of Kinross bir Rob. Preston E.*rl of Moray Young of Cleisb Rep*. Graham of Kinroi* Ersk ne of Carnock Earl or Mnrton Sir Robert Preston Viscount Keith 292 Beath Tonyburn i James Ferguson \Thos. Millar Earl of Moray Erskine of Carnock Cupar Kettle Balmerino Dunboig Abdie Flisk Strathmiglo Crelgh Monymeal Cults Colessie Newburgh Kilmany Auchtermuchty Logie Dairsie Mootizie Ceres Falkland 41. Cupar Preibytery* G. Campbell, D.D. L. Adamson. D.D. Peter Barclay,D.D. And. r l'homson James Keyden Laurence Miller Jo. Fleming, D. D. Geo. Bennet Alex. Lawson Sam. Martin, D.D. Thomas Gillespie Andrew Walker David Williamson H. D. 090 k James Lister, A.M« And. Melville R. Macculloch, D. D. Alex. Kidd Jos. Crichton Wil Vill. Thomson | Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto Earl of Mansfield Lord Dundas Earl of Mansfield Grant of Congalton Earl of Lcven Un. Col. of St. Andrews Johnston of Lathrisk Leys & E. Mansfield Un. Col. of St Andrews MoncriefFe of Myers Crown Earl of Elgin Lady M. Crawford Ditto Sandilands of Nuthill { 42. St. Andrtiv'i PretOyUrf St. Andrews St. Leonards Anstruther Easter Ditto Wester Crail Pittcnweem Kilrenny Lcuchars Kembach Kilconquhar Kingsbarns Denino Carnbee Cameron Ferry -Patton- Cratg Forgan Largo Newburn i oVv Ellie (Monance James Ucric Abcrcrotnhy & St. fcob. Swan o*. Geo. Hill, D. D. Geo. Buist, D. D. Francis NicoU, D. D. Robert Wilson And. Carstairs And. Beil Cha. M. Addie Tames Brown Dav'd Watson J. M‘ Donald, D. D. William Ferrie George Wright James Roger Anstruther Taylor Thomas Adamson . Swan Alex. Maule (lie*. , Spence Ollphant Fho. Laurie, D.D. ■J* r jRo Crown Capt. Masson Crown Sir John C. Anstruther Ditto „ , Lady M. Crawford Sir John C. Anstiuthcr Ditto Crown United Col. St Andrews Earl of Balcarras Lady Mary Crawford United Col. St.Andrews Sir llalph Anstruther Crown Ditto Ditto Durham of Largo Halket of Lawhdl Sir John C. Anstruther Crown IX. Forfar Inverarity Kirriemuir Pathlaw Glammis Kinnettles 'Cortachie Aberieinno Dunnichen koscobie Tannadicc SYNOD of ANGUS and MEARNS 43. Forfar Presbytery. Town Council Fothcringhain of Powne Lord Douglas 15 b 3 | William Clugston Win. Rankine Thomas Easton Lewis Littlejohn |j;imes Lyon | Robert Lunan John Gourlay James Mitchell James Headrick l WilUam Rogers I John Bui»t_ Earl of Aboyne Earl of Strathmore Crown Ogilvie of Airly Crown & Smith of Mctn Crown ( ven Earl of Strathmore College of St. Andrew 293 Oundee Incliture (martine Mains and Strath' Kinnaird Mon.kie Loncforgan Aucnternouse iff and Bentic Monyheth Abernyte Muirhuust Tealing Lundie and FouUs 44. Dundee Presuyltry. A. M'Lauchlan, D. t). v D. Davidson, D. D. I Pat. M«ViCar V James Thomson ( Alex. Peter , D. D. J A'ex. Davie Dav.d Cannan Dav'd Spence William Maulc Adam Cairns George Winehouse George Addison Will. Johnstone James Wilson Charles Adie Thomas Raltt ct: • chin tiesOyiery ( James Burns ) Geo. Whitson j f Alex. Molleson \ Jos. Paterson Andrew Ferguson David Harris John Waugh Alex. Symers Robert Hannah Andrew Hutton David Inplis Tames Wilson William Burns David Lyell J ames Brewster ames Foote, A. M, Town Council Crown Ditto and Strathmartine Crown Ditto Ditto Ogilvie of Airly Lord Gray and Crown Hon. Win. Maule Crown Ditto Ditto Viscount Duncan Brechin Montrose Marytoun Fern Menmulr Lethnot Strickathrow Edzel Lochlee Farnwell Dun Carraldstone Craig Logie Pert Meiglc Lentrathan Alyth CunarAngus Airly Bendochy Kingoldrum Ess e and Xevy Kettins Ruthven Glenisla Blairgowrie 46. Mrigle Prtibihry, J. Mitchel Geo. Louden Wilham Raimay John Haiket Robert A-kman l'hos. Bartic Wm. Haldane James Miller D. Symers Pat. M‘Laren And. Burns Ja Johnson Robert Smith Crown Ditto Town Council Crown Ditto Erskine of Balhall Crown Ditto and Earl of Kintore D-tto Ditto Ditto Erskinc of Dun Skene of SkenC College of St. Andrew’s Crown and ditto Crown Ogilvie of Airly Crown Ditto Earl of Strathmore Crown Ditto Mr. Mackenzie Crown Ditto Ditto M'Pherson and Lindsay Aberbrothock 47. AOerOrothock PrtsbUerj. } Crown Carmylie Will. Robertson Ditto Barrie David Syme Ditto Lunan John Gow’ans Ditto Panhride David Trail Ditto Kirkdcn !Wm. Mi'ligan Ditto Guthrie John Bruce Guthrie of Guthrie St. Vigcans ‘John Muir Crown Kinnell George Walker Ditto Invcrlccilor | Alex. Carnegie Crown Arbit ot |Rich. Watson Ditto Fordoun Fettercairn | ; Kinneff •[ ' Marykirk Arbutlinot Ouflnotar Bervie Garvock 8enholm Glenbervic Ecdesgreig Laurencekirk Fetteresso 4S. hnu- uu treioyuf). a. Leslie, D D. Crown & Llia fstew^rt, Ass. $«<:.} D,tto . Shand Crombie of Phc Coul Banchory dluny drathie Edit Aboyne Glenmuick Midmar Lumnhannan Straclun Tarland SYNOD of ABERDEEN. Ktncardinc-O’Ntil Presbytery. fohn Roger Sir Arthur Forbes A. Farquharson Crown fo<>epli Smith Ditto Alex. Brown Sir Arthur Forbes James Gregory Sir R. Burnet of Leys Alex. Mearns Crown, Gordon of Cluny Cli. Machardy Crown Wm. Ingram Earl of Fife Tho. Gordon E rrl of Aboyne H. Burgess Dit o Geo. Middleton Si Ar. Forbes & Crown William Slund Sir Arthur Forbei Alex. Cushticy Rus>ell of Blackball And. Watson Crown Aberdeen ^ Old Machar | New Machar Skene Banchory Fmtry Maryculter Kinneller Durr.s Drumoak •iellhelvic Petercultcr Nigg New hills Dvce 50. Aberdeen Presbytery . Jas. Ros«, D. D. ) » 1 L n" W " ,D-D- Y Town Council Hob. Dotg i G. Glennie, D. D. 3 ffik>r“es°A.M. } Bail of Fife Alex. Simpson, A. M. Ditto Jas. Hogg, D. D. Skene of Skene George Morrison Crown John Leslie Sir Arthur Forbes John Bower Duff of Fetteresso Dav.d Smith Karl of Kmtore Wm. Straclun Duke of Gordon Jas. Fraser, D. D. Irvine ol Drum Alex. J. Forsyth Crown John Stirling Hub of Fetteresso David Cruden, D. D. Crown George Allan Ear. of F ie Wm. Wiison Laird or Uyce 51. Garincb Presbytery. dhapel Garioch 1 Henry Simson Elphinslon of Logie Monvmuok | Rober t Forbes Crown 295 Oync Insch Daviot Keith hall Rayne Leslie Old Mcldrum Bourtie Premnay Kemnay Kintore Inverury Culs'.ilmond Hex. Cushney Knight of Plttodry George 1 )aun Sir Arthur Forbes Robert Shepherd Crown 3. S. Keith, D. D. Earl of Kintore Crown David Dunbar Hay of Cannes Geo. Gaiioch Urquhart of Meldrum William Smith Crown Tames Douglas Hay of Rannes Pat. Mitchell, D. D. Earl of Kintore [ohn Shand Ditto Robert Lessel Ditto Ferdinand Ellis Sir Arthur Forbes Alford Kinnethmont Towie Keig Strathdon Kildrummy Tillynessle & Forbes Clatt Glenbucket Lochel & Cushney Tough Cabrach Auchendore & Keam 52. Alford Presbytery. las. Farquharson Crown Geo. Minty, D. D. flay of Ranne* G Forbes Leith of Freefield A. Smith Crown G. Forbes, D. D. Ditto A. Reid Ditto James Pauli Earl of Fife W. Gordon Crown Robert Scott Ditto , i Sir Arthur Forbes and Geo. Anderson Laird of Cushney Alex. Urquhart Sir Arthur Forbes William Cowic Duke of Gordon James lleid Earl of Fife Ellon Foveran Logie Cruden Methlick Stains Farvcs Udny 53 . Ellon Presbytery. Robert Douglas Gordon of Ellon Maxwell Gordon Crown Geo. Cruden Buchan of Auchmacoy Alex. Cock Ear\ of Errol Ludovick Grant Earl of Aberdeen George Pirie, D. D. Gordon of Cluny Alex Black Earl of Aberdeen John Leslie Udny of Udny __ Fordyce Banff Cullen Deskford Rathven Boyndie Ordiquhill Si. Fordyce Presbytery. Alex. Humphry Earl of Seaneld Aberc. Gordon Ditto George Innes Ditto Walter Chalmers Ditto Geo. Donaldson Hay of Rannes Alex. Milne Earl of Seaheld Alex. Gray Ditto — Turreff Munquhittcr Garnery { Forgue Alvah Fyvie Forglen King Edward Drumblade Inverkeithnic Auchterless 55. Turreff Presbytery. W in. Stuart Earl of Fife Alex. Johnston Ditto Tho. Wilson f Gar jen of Troup . T. Wilson, jr. ass. sue. $ Alex. Allardice Morison of Bognie James Sangster Sir G. Abercrombie John Falconer Gordon of Fyvie Lawrence Moyse SirG. Abercrombie Robert Duff, D. D. . Crown Robert Gordon Earl of Kintore James Milne Morison of Bognie Geo. Dingwall Crown 296 V Deer New Doer lUthen Longside St. Fergus Criinoml Strichen Lonmay Fraseisburgh ryrie Peterhead Aberdour Pitiligo 56. Deer Presbytery. Fohn Craigte Crown Hugh Taylor Ditto Win. Cock Lord Salton Wm Greig C own Wm. Anderson Ditto Win. Boyd Earl of Fife A'ex. Simpson Fraser of Strichen Ch;i. Gibbon Gordon of Buthlaw lohn Gumming Lord Salton 3. Alex. Simpson Ditto William Donald Crotvn 3eo. Gardiner Gordon of Aberdour Alox. Farijulur Crown X Huntly Rortriphnie Rothiemay Keith Mortlach Cairnie Grange Rhyme Gia->s Marnoch Bellie { Gartlv I. SYNOD of MORAY. 57. stralhhngte Presbytery. Geo. Ross Munro Duke of Gordon Alex. Angu* Earl of Fife Jas. Simmie, D. D. Ditto James Maclean Ditto Morris Forsvth Crown John Flnlater I> Cordon and E Fife Francis Forbes EarlofFfe Ja nes Milne Dukeot Gordon John Cruickshank Ditto Win • Stronach Earl of Fife John Anderson \ Duke of Gordon Wm. Rennie. A. S. f . John Robe, tson Ditto Ahernethy Kingussie Kirk niclucl \ivie Cromdale Duthill 58. Ahernethy Presbytery. , John Grant Earl of Seaheld John Ronertson Dukeof Gordon William Grant tar ofS. aheld John Macdonald l)uke of Gordon Gregor Grant Eat i of Seafteld Ditto Aberlour Buharin andj i Dundurcus / ; Rothes , Inyeraven Knockando 59. i her lour Presbytery. Alex. Wilson Earl of Fife L. W. Forbes Ditto and Crowfl G. Crulckshanks Earl of Seafteld .Win Grant Crto Lauch M'Pherson D |tto Forres Dyke Kiiilos Rafford EJmkdlie Dailis 60. Forres Presbytery. John M‘ Donnell Crow., and Grant of Moy sr&SL. *¥%$£** /jp., v-Kav Mrodie of Letlun Fho. Maciarlane E*n °f Moray Fran. Wm. Grant Gumming <>t Ahyre Elgin - St. Andrews Dutiua Aives Birnie 61 hJ^in Presbytery. f ,Wm. Gordon 1 Crown (E. Moras Wm l> Le°ue D ’ * ^ Carnegie of Spynie and Sl’oi , S'fS’i.ES" Duncan Grant, A. M. Earl of Moray j ames Paterson u,tt0 * 297 J New Spy me Speymouth Orainie Urquhart Thomas Carman CarncgieofSpynie(Altyre James Gillart E. Moray & Cumming of Richard Rose Cumming of Altyre A lexander Walker Earl of Fife Inverness ^ Petty Dores Daviot Kiltarlity VI oy Kirkhill 62. Inverness Presbytery. Alexander Fraser Crown Alexander Rose Fraser of Lovat Thomas Fraser Crown ■William Smith Earl of Moray John M‘Killigan Lord Cawdor James M*Phail Crown and ditto R. Bayne, D. D. Fraser of Lovat J. M'Lauchlan M‘Intosh of Geddes Donald Fraser Fraser of Lovat Nairn Ardclach Croy Auldearn Calder Ardersier 63. Nairn Presbytery . James Grant Brodieof Brodie Hugh M‘Bean Brodie of Lethen Hugh Calder Kilrav. and L. Cawdor William Barclay Brodie of Brodie Alexander Grant Lord Cawdor Pryce Campbell Ditto Roseroarkle Kilmuirwestcr Kirkmichacl Cromarty Avoch Killearnan XII. SYNOD of ROSS. 64. Chanonry Presbytery . Alexander Wood Crown Rod. Mackenzie Ditto Robert Arthur Urquhart of Newliall R. Smith Crown James Smith Brodie of Lethen Jonn Kennedy Mackenzie of Cromarty Tain Fearn Kilmuireaster Kincardine Logie easter Eildertoun Tarbet Rosekecn 65. Tain Presbytery. Angus M'lntosh Crown Hugh Ross Ditto Charles R. Mathison Mackenzie of Cromarty Alexander M‘Bean Ditto Neil Kennedy Ditto Lewis Rose Crown Alexander Munro Mackenzie of Cromarty William Forbes Ditto and Urquhart of John Ross Ditto (Newhall Dingwall Urray Fodderty Contin Urquhart Kilmorack Kiltearn Alness 6G. Dingwall Presbytery. Alexander Stewart Crown Donald M‘Donald Mackenzie of Cromarty D. M'Kenzie Ditto James Dallas Crown John M ‘Donald Forbes of Culloden Simon Fraser Fraser of Lovat Thomas Munro Crown Hector Bethune Ditto XUI. SYNOD Dornoch Rogart Lairg Golspie Loth Creicb of SUTHERLAND and CAITHNESS. 67. Dornoch Presbytery. Angus Kennedy Countess of Sutherland George Urquhart Ditto D. Macgillivray Ditto Alexander Macpherson Ditto George Gordon Ditto Murdoch Cameron Ditto' and Crown 298 Kildonan jUslnt Clyne Alexander Sage Countess of Sutherland Hugh Mackenzie Ditto Walter Ro^s Ditto Tongue { Durness Farr Edrachilles 6H. Tongue Presbytery. W . M'Kenzie 7 Crown H. M’Kenzie, A. $. j Cro " n William Findlater Ditto D. M'Kenzie Countess of Sutherland John M'Kenzie Crown David M‘Kay William Smith, A. M. James Smith Thomas Jollie William M'Intosh Alexander Gunn George M'Kenzie Robert Phin John, Cameron Sir James Colquhoun Crown Sir James Colquhoun Sinclair of Freswick Sir James Colquhoun Sir John Sinclair Sir James Colquhoun Ditto Sir Benjamin Dunbar Sir James Colquhoun Jrquhart Lilmonivaig iggan ilmallie Bolleskine Gairloch Lochcarron Kintail Glenduel Lochbroom Glenelg Applecross Lochalsh Kilmuir Strath Snizort Small Isles Portree XIV. SYNOD of GLENELG. 70. Aberlarph Preibylerj. | Tames Doune Smith Earl of Seafield Thomas Ross, D. D. Duke of Gordon George Shepherd Ditto D. M'Intvre Duke of Argyll I William Fraser Fraser of L ovat 71. Lochcarron Presbytery . James Russel Rod. Morison John M‘Rae Tho. Ross, LL. D. Colin M*I ver John Macquecn Alex. Downie , D . D. 7 £. Siy Presbytery. [Crown Patron] Don dd Ross | Sleat John Mackinnon Crown Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Bruce of Glenelg Crown Ditto D. Macinnon Ma. Macleod Donald M'Lean C. M‘ Donald M'Leod of M'Leod, Patron 1 DuirinUh James Souter I Btacadale J. Shaw f Jf^ r “ byUr, \ sKHi Macrae Uig Stornoway uex. i — 7 4 ~Leiiiii sPrei bytery . [Crown Patron] vest ias « Kirkwall Evie S. Ronaldsay Holm Deerness XV. SYNOD of ORKNEY. 7i. Kirkwall Presbytery. R. Yule 1 Town Council HT“ And. Smith J. Smeliie D ’ tto 299 Stromnrss (iraemsay Orphir 77 . North Isles Presbytery. [Lord Dundas, Patron] Snapinshay Jo. B.trry iStronsay ■ _ Westray John Armlt Cro^ Wm. Grant Routune Gaelic Jam ’s Kidd, A M Donald Sage K °mcoCT StC1 *} J - ThorMoo.D. D. F*rdyce Presbytery. Enzie Robert Copland Inverness Presbytery. Inverness Donald Martin Glasgow P esbytrry. Cannon Street John M Lcod Aberbrolhock Presbytery. ~ ‘ ' Thomson Abcrbrothock Robert Jedburgh Presbytery. Caerlanrigg Ayr Presbytery. Catrine Jam, s Currie Aberdeen Presbytery. College Andrew Tawse Trinity John Murray Bellmont Stre et John B ryce John M‘Laurin D. Carmont, A. M. Matthew Graham John Love, D. D. John M'Kehzie Henry Muschet James Young Gaelic Do. New Calton Anderston Gorba s Shettleitown Chrystone Lanark Presbytery. - Lcadhills Paisley Presbytery. Gaelic Walter Blair Johnstone Alexander Telfer Pori Glasgow John Parker Greenock (.Gael) Kenneth Bayne Hamilton Prrs ytcry. Airdrie J. Fin ay son, A. M. Dunoon Presbyltry. Rothsay Alexander Fly ter Pnfsont Presbytery. Wanlockhead Swan 300 Ministers in Connexion with the Church of Scotland Abroad. C Quebec Canada < Montreal CLoclmi < Hal 'fax. h Antigonish Sr. John’s Kingston f James Summerville \ Henry Esson, ass. >uc . John MM.aurin Archil mid Gr ty, D. D. John Munroe Georg.- Burns, D. D, John Brown rara Archibald Brown Besides many others in England, Ire’a id, HoLaud, &c. Nova Scotia New Brunswick Jamaica Deinarara MISSIONARIES employed by the COMMITTEE for managing the ROY AL BOIJN 1 ^ . Jb'Ttarph P>rsbyterr. Fort Augustus Cohn Fnuer Glentn uLton Jolm M‘Kenze Ardcnur, Ac. James Stewart (ilengary. Ac. Don. Macdo laid Brar Lochaher,&c. Donald Lcitch Ab rlour Presbyt ry. G’enrinnes Alex. Falconer Glenlivtt Francis Walker Caithness Prrsbvterr. Halkirk, &c. Finlay Cook Dunit Id Pn’s'yt'ry. Rannnch James Ferguson Amulree Dune. B. torbes Grandtully Dingwall Presbytery. Contine John Mackenzie Dingwall and Inverness Presbytery. Strathglass James Nicol Elgin PresbittTY. Pluscardine James Thomson Ftr'ar Presbytery. Clova, Ac. William Ogilvy Inver ary Prtsby'.ery. West Shore ot \ Lochfine ) Inver ary and Kintyre Presbytery. Tarbert Alex. Cameron Kincardine &N al P'vb trry. B a-mar, Ac. P D-ummond TulliCn* A’C. Rob. M ‘Gregor Kincardine O'Seal and Afford Presb Corgarf Samuel Masson Lochcarron Pmbytrry. Kishorn, Arc. Roderick M’Rae Lorn Pnsbytery. Glenco, &c D m.M'Naughton Lorn and Mu t Presbyt- ry. Strontian Alex. Anderson Mull Ptet Duirness King Edward Smith Uist _ Eriholl Newbyth St Kihla Cc 301 REFORMED PRESBYTERIA North Eastern Reform'd Presbytery, L Edinburgh William Goold P Dunfermline C Perth & Dundee c Stirling ^ Lauriston John Reid Airdrie Wishaw Town Archibald Mason Douglas Chirnsidc&Kelso P. Macindoe, A. M . ? Loanhead Western Reformed Presbytery. ( Glasgow David Armstrong l Kilmalcolm Thos. Henderson .N SYNOD. 5 Frcsbyteries. om aisley A. Symington, A. M. : rooked Holm Adam Brown >arvel A. M. Rogerson lew Cumnock Southern Reformed Presbytery. ’enpont Thomas Rowatt lewton Stewart James Reid laily&Colmonell John West itranraer Wm. Symington Jrr John Osburn ,)uarrelwood John Jtffray Forest andEsk-'l dale Muir / „ ORIGINAL BURGHER ASS 1. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Jas. Watson, S. C. Dalkeith Eben. Hyslop Greenlaw John Inglis YeUiolm Robert Sliixra Linton Whitburn Bathgate Patrick Connal Carluke Ja. Anderson Lesmahagow William Logan Shottsburn George Hill 2. Glasgow. Glasgow,! st con. Alex. Turnbull 2d con. Pollockshaws Finlay Stewart Uurntshields Paisley Kilpatrick Jas. Gardiner Renton John M‘Inlay Kilmarnock Peter Campbell Airdrie Robert Torrance Kirkintilloch John Russell Greenock George Moscrip Hamilton 3. Stirling and Falkirk. Stirling Win. Willis >OCIATE SYNOD. 4 PresU Bannockburn Wm. Raeburn Alloa James Smith, A.M. Donne S. Armour Dunblane Kincardine Falkirk Cumbernauld Peter Currie Denny 4. Perth and Dunfermline. Perth Wm. Taylor, Prof. Kcunoway Alex. M‘Wnttie Dundee Robert Aitken Aberdeen Wm. Primrose Milnathort James Thornton Dunfermline Wm. Dalziell Kirkaldy Thomas Hislop Alyth Cupar Eben. Anderson St Andrews Midmar Congregations in Ireland connected with the Synod. Boardmill John Shaw Ballylintach William Stewart Garvah Kilra BURGHER ASSOCIATE I. Edinburgh. I i. Jas Peddie.D.D Edinburgh \ x. Jas. Hall, D. D ^ J. And. Lothian . Leith Tho. Aitchiaon North Leith J. Harper Dunbar Alex. Jack 1 SYNOD. 11 Presbyteries. West Linton Robert Renwick . East Linton H. Jamieson, D.D. . Tranent Rob. Shireff East Caldcr Jo. Primrose Dalkeith Tho. Brown North Berwick G. Brown Pennvcuick Pat. Comrie 302 Slateford Qocensferry Musselburgh Haddington Peebles Fala Manchester Liverpool Go re bridge. Ford Ramsbottom J. Belfrage, M. D. D. Carruthcrs Alex. Black Benoni Black Tho. Leckie James Keith Robert Jack, D.D. Jo. Stewart, D. D George Sandy Andrew Elliot G. Brown, jun.A.M Glasgow Paisley Pollockshaws Johnston Greenock Largs Airdrie Kirkintilloch Port Glasgow Barrhead Balfron Hamilton Kilpatrick Lochwinnoch Eaglesham a. Glasgow. John Dick, D.D. Wm. Kidston Wm Brash Wm. Smart James Pringle a. u f «• { J. Clapperton Wm. Wilson John Leltch William Nicol And. Marshall D. Inglis Wm. Nicol John Cooper Thos. Struthers Kilmarnock Tarbolton Fenwick Old Cumnock Dairy Saltcoats Galston Mauchline Maybole Stranraer I' 1 ' Irvine (Girvan Glenluce Troon James Dickson Kilmarnock. Gao. Lawson Jo. Campbell James Dewar David Wilson George Russel Ja9. Kills Jas. Blackwood Jo. Walker Wm. Shaw A. Campbell Thomas Hill 4. Falkirk and Stirling. Hen. Belfrage Falkirk Stirling Dunblane Alloa IDoune [Kincardine (Linlithgow Denny Bo’ness lAvonbridge Airth ■Bathgate | John Smart 5 . Dunfermline. Dunfermline Kirkcaldy Leslie Lochgelly Inverkeithlng Limekilns Kinghorn Kennoway Buckhaven Kinross Freuchie Balgedie Crosagates Perth ( J. Husband, D. D. \Ja. M'Farlane James Law John Johnston Dd Greig, S. C'. Eben. Brown Wm. Hadden Geo. Black Don. Fraser David Telfer James Hay Jo. Richardson William Gibson Thomas Wilson 6. Perth. Jed. Aikman I Cl III # Auchtermuchty Archibald Baird n Inhn Tindfll Rathfllet Dunning Dundee Newburgh St. Andrews Scoone Kilspindie Newbigging Kficonquhar Pitcairn Cupar Angus Auchterarder Crail Crieff Anstruther 7 Coldstream Kelso Stitchel Dunse Horndean Berwick Ayton Stockbridge David Stewart J. Anderson Wm. Fraser J. M‘Kerrow Alex. o. Beattie Dav. Watson J. Harrower Arch. Harper John Craig Jas. Sommer vllle John Tindal James Smith George Donaldson John Johnston John Jamieson W. Proudfoot W. Graham James Dick W. Willans D. M*Lean W ilium Pringle Coldstream. Ad. Thomson Rob. Hall, A.M. W. Maclay A. Davidson Win. Lee Robert Balmer David Ure David Inglis !.{ .KUnUliC *^c*v*w — Well’s Street Alex. Waugh, D.D. Moor fields Alex. Fletcher Mile’s Lane Alex. Waugh, jun C c2 Alnwick Coldingham Newcastle South Shields Whitby Sunderland N. Sunderland Wooler Yetholm Selkirk Stow Lauder Newtown Jedburgh David Paterson Rt Maclaurin J. Smith j.Thorbum.M.D Geo. Young, A.M. Tho. Mason G. Dickson Ja. Robertson Walter Ilumc 8. Selkirk. G.Lawson,D.D. Pr. Robert Hay Geo. Henderson Wm. Elder Peter Young 303 Hawick J. Henderson We>t Caider Win. Fleming Gall ash ielj J Henderson Biggir Jo'm Brown, jun. Bellineham Alexander Brown Cainbutnethan Andrew Scott North Middleton Walter Bell jStoncliouse W iliam Fraser Lilliedeaf Patrick Biadlej Braehead Wm. Horn 9. Hunan. Douglas Annan 11. Aberdeen. Liddiadale John Law Aberdeen Heurv Angus Dumfries Walter Dunlop Montrose John* King Lochmaben Andrew Young Brechin Da. Blackadder Penrith Hen. Thomson, DI) Stonehaven J. Baliantyne Carlisle R. Hunter Johnvhaven Langholm John Jardine Touch John Robb Moffat John Montelth Midmar J. Patcr.on E clefechan Andrew Lawt>on Forgue Halfmorton Keith Andrew Kennedy Sanquhar Robert Simpson New Deer F. Paterson 10 . Lanark. Peterhead Rob. Campbell Lanark Alex Harper Arbroath j Whitburn John Brown, sen. GENERAL ASSOCIATE or ANTIBURGIIER SYNOD. I. SYNOD of EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Geo. Paxton, Prnf. of Divinity. Edinburgh Do. zd congr. Howgate Ellsndgehtli East Barns Lsnlithgow M id- (J aider Bo’uess Dalkeith Laudor Haddington Peebles Bat ligate London Leith Kirkwall Stronsay Birsay Stromness Sanda Holme J. Jam eson, D. D James Simp>on Wm. M’Ewan And. Bavnc Jolm Miller Alex. Duncan R. Buchanan Rob. Colvd Willi «m Hogg D. Sta ker Rob. Morrison W. Broad/oot K. Culbertson Wm. Taylor Andrew Wyllie Thos. Christie Newcastle Do. zd congr. Jedburgh Hawick VI nebattle North Shields Greenlaw Belford Ay ton South Shields Selkirk Berwick Kelso Dunse EarKron Midholm Norham X. Kelso. John Thomson Wm. Lauder James Inghs C James M orison {.Thomas Young Wm. Syme James Pnncle * James Clark Andrew Rogie Robert Cranston Thos. Gilmour David Inglis John Thomson James Stark Wm. Rattray Wm. Young, A. M, 3. Dumfries. Dumfries Urr Lockcrby Stranraer Sanquhar Thornhill Wig' on VVh tehaven Wh'thorn Moniahive fW. Inglis \ J. Clyde Janie- Blythe Jose 1 h Taylor Jo. Robertson Ja » es Reid Wil.iim Rogerson Alex. Ogilvie D. Williamson John Smith James M‘Geoch II. SYNOD of PERTH. 4 . Perth. ( A. Pringle, D. D. \ R. Black Perth Kinkell Methven Logiealmond Errol John Craig John Jamieson Alex. Young Jo. Lamb 304 Crieff Abeinethy Cupar Anew* Pathstruiehill Lethendy Kinclaven Craigend Comrie Aughtergaven Dalreoch Balbiggic “•itcairn ' e. Kirkcaldy. Leslie Wm. Scott Pithhead Thomas Gray Ceres Pet. Ta yl or Auchtermuchty J . Browning Milnathort A. Leslie i Burntisland David Ross Cairnyhill John More St. Monance Green Andrew Scott David Laurie Alex. Allan Alex. Balfour James Pringle Rob. Forsyth Sam. Giltiilan James Paterson James Clark D. Wilson Wm. Heath Denny Stirling Uumblane Buchlyvie Muck-art Falkirk Balfroo Alloa Thornhill Kilmaronock Tillycoultty Grecnloaning Dubieside Dunfermline Cupar Fife Kinross William Harper David Black, D.D John Robson Rob. Leishman Auchinleck Kilwinning Bcith Newmill* Kilmarnock Colmonell Ayr Kllmaurs Stewart on Saltcoats Kinross » » j, Ferry-Port-on- Craig A. Blair Dundee Alyth Arbroath Carnoustie Brechin Muirtown Forfar Montrose John’s-haven Kirriemuir Rattray Lethe m Forfar. Mat. Frazer James Hay James Gray Andrew Adie Andrew Wilson W. Ramagc James Aird III. SYNOD of GLASGOW. Glasgow 2d con Anderston Paisley Greenock Strathaven Mearns Hamilton Rothsay Cumbernauld Newax thill Glasgow. Rob. Mutter Jn Mitchcl, D.D Wm. Ferrier Geo. Barclay James M‘Ewan Hugh Stirling Jo. Moncriett S. M‘Nab Jas. Boucher Andrew Fcrrigr , Stirling. Jas. Stark H. Hcugh J. Wallace William Spiers James diar vie Jas. Brownlee James Thomson J. Muckersie Arch. Browning \ Kilmarnock. Peter M‘ Dormant » R. Smith James Meikle John Bruce John Ritchie John Blair G. Stevenson David Robertson James Methven David Ronald Presbyteries not erected into a Synod. >. Aberdeen. Jas. Templetsn Pat. Robertson Wm. Mitchell James Miller John Bunyan David Waddle James Bunyan John Primrose J. Ronaldson Aberdeen Craigdam Clola Huntly Whiten ill Belhelvie Keith (J range Rosarty Peterhead Achmacoy Fochabers Balmaud Cabrach Elgin, ist cong, ad Do. Boghole Nigg Forres Thurso Nairn Wick Inverness Elgin. Wm. Crawford S. Sommer ville D Anderson Jo. Monro Thomas Stark John M‘Donald Isaac Kitchen William Stuart , r t , Presbytery of from four to six Ministers remains in in ? hc Ucne rtdtooclateSy nnO. Cc3 '303 CONSTITUTIONAL PRESBYTERY, Or Original jintiburghers- Whitburn Roliert Sluw J Biway Jas. Cairncross Kirrvmuir James Aiken I Abtideen John Aitken Haddington Robert Chalmers i KeNo PatrLk M Kenz e tdinbuigh Tho. M‘Cric, D.D. I Dundee Alex. Utiucan The vacancies are, Gla^. w. Balfron. Crieff. Perth. Cupar and Alyth, Arbroath, Carnoustie, balmulo, Falki k, and Bnshiel. RELIEF SYNOD. Six Presbyteries. 1 . Edinburgh. tC'dlrge Street, James Smith iJiim-j’j PL J. Kirkwood c Roxburgh PI. J. Juhn-ton 5 Cozvgate, Jedburgh Dalkeith Dunse James Scott, jun. C Juries Scott, sen. lJ.P.*rteous as. sue Thomas Fraser J. Ralston Ber. on Tweed Roliert Hall Earlstoun D. Ciawford Bggar Musselburgh Kelso Newlands Wooier Hawick Bathgate Newcastle \V. M Kechney John Pitcairn Arch. Macintyre Win. Gilmour Wm, Fyfe Robert Arthur x. GImkoiu. uDi'urhill John Barr J Camfdt. Street Robert Biodle John Street John Watson Aiulcrstou G. Strothers Hutchisontown Wm. Thomson Bridgetown J. Macfarlane Bothwell Campbelton Kilma'onock Kilmarnock Hamilton haven Paisley, 1st con.J. M‘Dermid 2d con. J as. Thomson Irvine John Jamieson Da v ill Fergus Arch. Murdoch William Limont Wm. Carnck Saltcoats Beith Cam (isle Kilbarchan Kilbride Dumbarton Tolcross Greenock Ayr Stranraer 3 . St. Niniatit. St. Ninians J. Logan Dimtermline Falkirk Kilsyth BUirlogie Auchtcrarder Clackmannan Dumblane 4 - W,n. MHlquham Wm. Auld John N cliol Henry Fergus John Brown Jo. Anderson Win. Anderson John King Dav. Lindsay > A Dyiart. n „ or . 5 VV. Bill, rwell Dysart | j ( Sperttie, at. sue. Colinsburgh Jas. Turnbull Audit ermuchty J. Bomur, S.C. Kettle Cupar in Fife Largo Ceres Pittenwecm Win Familtou Hob. Walker J. Cairo tier Ar. Cum tming Joseph Purdie | S'. Perth. Perth, 1st con. Forrest Frew 2d con. James Bow Dundee, 1st con.J, hn Lawson 2d con. Win. Sirai g Cupar-Awgus Wm. Dunn Creff Errol Aberdeen Dunning KirrLmuir Wm. Bell Sam. M'Milian Wm. Bogue David Ewing J. Anderson J. Brown W. Alison Rob Cameron Ja Grimmond Old Kilpatrick John Watt Balfron Dec. Laing New Kilpatrick Alex. M Naughton Lanark J. M‘Far!ane Southend A'ex. Laing Roberton Geo. Campbell 6. Dumfries. Dumfries Andw. Fyfe Waterbeck Dan struthers Gaieside H. Paterson Newton Stewart James Kerr Mains Riddell William Muir Penpont Edw. Dobble Castle Douglas Langhotin Dunscore Matthew Beattie Nova Scotia. Halifax , T. G. M'Innes sod THE SCOTTISH EPISCOPAL COMMUNION. j. United Diocese of Edinburgh, Ffe % and Glasgow. i. tm s '' idforj ’ d - D st y„*rkvSn St Peter’s, ditto St George’s, St Paul’s, Tames Yonce, A. M- Oxon. 2. Archibald Alison, LL. B. Oxon. St Paul s, R. Morehead, A. M Oxon. 3. James Walk r, A. M Cant.b. C. Terror, A M. Cantab. 4. R. Q. Shannon, A. B. Dub in, 5. Edward Craig, A.M. Oxon. Leith, Michael Rinse], A. M. Musselburgh, W. Smith, A. M. Haddington, Ja nes 1 raill Alloa, Ja. B.un, LL.D ^t. Andrews, Ben. Builey 1 T 1 Wm. Nic«»U Cupar, | Robert Young lGrkaldy.J.t" es Waker J CW n. Rmitledge Jlasgow, [ A> j^-nieson PaMey, Will i n M. Wa !e Dumfries, C. M. Babington, A.M, X. Diocese of Aberdeen, Hi, Rev. W.Skmner, D.D.Oxon. in Aberdeen, Bshto. Browning Aberdeen, |p at r,ck Clieyne Manynusk, L) But him, A. M Ellon, Nathaniel Grieve Cruden, Alexander Cay Longslde, John Camming Lon nay, Wm. Saujpter Fyvie, Alex. Christie Turill. John Cardno . New P t'lico John Gleig Banff, Al. Bruc , A. M. I Portsoy, Grant lArradoul, Al x. Shawl Forgue, Andrew Ritchie Old Deer, ditto York Place ditto Rjxbssrgh Place ditto Turk Place Carrubbcr's Close Fraserburgh, Charles Pressley Elgin, Hugh Buchan Keith, John Murdoch Unfitly. James Walker Duffus, Alexander Low 4 , United Diocese of Ross and A'g)U. Rt. Rev. David Low, in Pittcnweem, Inverness, Charles Fyvie, A. M. Ord, Wm. Paterson Aopin, Paul M‘Coll Dingwall, Dun. M‘Ken*ie Badenoch, Donald M‘Loll c. United Diocese of Dunkeld and Dunblane, Rt. Rev. Patrick Torry, in Peter- head, Bsh'p. F 01 far, John Skmner, A. M. Kirriemuir, John Buclun Meigle. Alex. Niroll. A M. Srrathtay, John Roberson Muthil, Atex. Cruickshank 6 . Diocese oj Brechin. Rt. Rev. Geo.Gleic, LL.D. In Stir ling. Bishop, Primus. Dundee, H. Hor-ley, A.M. Oxon. Arbroath, John Cmuksbank, A.M Brechin, David Moir, A.M. pte-. A * «• Meik-efollo. J.rne. l««t tt.iX'.— Dy«. A. M. 3. Diocese of Moray. Stonehaven, ®* Tde Rt. Rev. A. Jolly, in Fraserburgh, InUcIuII^ V.. Robert Spark. Bishop. I Aberdeen Alex. Alcock Albany Street Leith Musselburgh Haddington Dalkeith Linlithgow Falkirk Stirling Callender Peter M‘Laren Lanark , the \Vc\tern and Southern Shires. INDEPENDENT CHURCHES in Connection with the CONGREGATIONAL UNION of SCOTLAND. Lothian , Linlithgow , and Stirling - shtrei. c JVor/A College ( John Aikman — or Department. Major Lt.-Col. James M'Dermott Professors. Classics Rev. A. B. Evans, A.M. Mathematics Isaac Dalby, Esq. James Ivory, A.M. Royal Military Asylum, Comm. Lt.-Col. G. Williamson Military Asylum at S'iuiham/.on. Comm. Lt. Col. G. Evatt Pendtnnis Castle , Gov. Gen. F. Buckhy LtGov. Lt. Col. W. Fenwick Plymouth, Gov. Duke of Wellington, K.G. DGot.M. Gen. SirD. Pack, K.C.B. Portland Castle , Gov. John Penn Portsmouth , Gov. Gn. Earl Harcourt UGov. Sir Geo. Cooke, K.C.B. Lt Gov. Gen. George Don D. Jud. Ad. F. S. Larpcnt Ma la. Gov. Rt! Ion. SirT. Maitland, G.C.B. Cape of Good Hope , Gov. Lord C. H. Someiset LtGov. Hon. R. Meade Heligoland, LtGov . Lt Col. Hen. King Ross Castle , Got-. Gen. S r H. Johnston, Bt. Scarborough Castle , Gov. Earl of Mulgrave Stilly Islands , Got. Duke of Leeds DGor.M. Gen. J. N. Smyth Sheerness, Got. Gen. F. E. Gwyn DGoT.Lt Col. R. Walker South Sea Castle , DGoT.Lt Col. A. Loraine Stirling Castle , Got. Gen. Ld. Hutchinson, G.C.B. D.Gor.Lt Gen. S. Graham Tynmouth and Cliff Fort , Got 1 . Gen. D. D. Wemyss DGor.Lt Gen. C. Craufurd T oncer of London , Const. Gen. Mar. Hastings, K. G, Lieut. Gen. Wm Loftus titp.U. Col. John Yorke Vpnor Castle , Got. Lt.*Col. A. Lawrcnc* Isle of Wight, Got. Vise. Fitz Harris DGor.Lt. Gen. Merv. Archdall Windsor , Got. Gen. Earl of Harrington Yarmouth, North , Got, Maj. Gen. W. M. Richardson GIBRALTAR. Gov. Gen. T). of Kent, K.G&G.C.B. ST HELENA. Gov. Maj. Gen. Sir H. Lowe WEST INDIES. — Antigua. Gov. M. Gen. G. W. Ramsay LtGov. R. Matthews, Esq. Dimbrcfi, Gov. Col. Sir S. F. Whitting' am L/GoT.Fred. Maitland, Esq. Trinidad, Gov. Sir Ralph Jas W'oodford, Bt. Barbudvcs. Gov. Lord Combermere Grenada, Gov. M. Gen. Phincus Riall UGoT.Sir G. T. Walker Jamaica , Gov. Duke of Manchester L/GoT.Maj. Gen. Couran St Lucia , Gov. Maj. Gen Sir John Keane Tobago, Gov. Sir F. P. Rohinson St Vincent , Gov. Sir C. Brisliane, K.C.B. St Christopher, Gov. Charles Maxwell, Esq. Bermuda, Gov. Hon. Sir W. Lumley /.Maj. -Gen. Geo. Hor&ford Neno S' Uth Wales, Gf'V. Maj. Gen. L. Macquarie LtGov. James Erskine, Esq. NORTH AMERICA Lonver Canada. flor.Grn.Earl of Dalhuusie Lt Gov. F. N. Burton. Esq. Upper Canada , U Gov. Maj. Gen. Sir P. Maitland Nova Scotia. Lt Gov. Sir James Kempt, K.C.B. Cape Breton , Lt Gov Geo. R. Andie, Esq. Prince Ednvarfs Island, U Gov. Cha. Douglas Smyth, Esq Nenv Brunswick. Lt Gov. Maj. Gen. G. S. Smith NEWFOUNDLAND. Gov. Si r C. Hamilton, Bt. Dd 318 GENERAL & FIELD OFFICERS. FIELD 1 MARSHALS. 1795 Duke of York 1805 Duke of Kent 1813 D. of Wellington D. of Cumberland D. of Cambridge 1 816. D. of Gloucester Prince of Cobourg E. of Bridgewater Ellis Walker Wm. Maxwell Earl of Pembroke Earl of Chatham Alex. Campbell Wm. Morshead Francis Dundas Alexander Ross Vise. Killmorey He „ r yR f ot George Bernard Sir Geo. Nugent John Barclay Sir Wm Kcppel Lord Hutchinson John Hamilton Alex. L. Hay Sir Cha. Hastings Robert Manners Wm Loftus Oliver Nicolls Sir Geo. Hewett 1814 Philip Martin GENERALS. 1793 Mar. of Drogheda If. Sir A. MaitlancF 1798 Earl Harcourt Earl Carhampton 1801 Felix Buckley Rich. Grenville 1802 Earl of Suffolk Sir David Dundas J. A. Harris SirR.Abercromby Wm John Arabia James Coates I George Don “ ' ‘ Lord Howden Duncan Campbell Tho. Grosvenor fohn Calcraft £arl of Hopetoun Lord Forbes Mar. of Anglesey Sir John Doyle Sir R. Brownrigg Wm. Knollis Hon. Edm. Phipps Wra Cartwright Sir B. Leighton John Coffin John Murray Sir Cha. Green Tho. Hartcup LT. GENERALS. 1805 Henry Read Arch. Robertson 1808 Sir A. Clarke 1803 Samuel Hulse Sir J. Steuart Cav. Lister Earl of Balcarms EarlofHarrington Nisbett Balfour Edmond Stevens Mar. of Hastings 1808 Sir Hen. Johnson J. W. T. Watson Fra. Edw. Gwyn 1809 Robert Donkin James Balfour Sir James Duff Earl of Mulgrave 1812 Sir P. SE. Irving Lord Harris Richard Vyse Earl Cathcart Sir B. Tarleton Sir H. Dairy inple Gordon Forbes Oliver de Laucey Sir A. Farrington Lord C. Fitzroy N. C. Burton R. R. Wilford Edw. Morrison Sir Charles Asgill Thomas Garth Earl of Rossi yn Andrew Cowell Jos. Dusseaux Sir G. Beckwith Tho. Roberts Earl Ludlow Earl of Cavan Sir David Baird Hon. F. St John Ld C. H.Somerset John Despard Wm. Wemyss Prince of Orange 1819 Hon. Rob. Taylor George Milner Marq. of Huntly Hon. E. Finch Isaac Gascoyne D. D. Wemyss HonJ.L.Cuming Henry Wynyard George Warde Rtl/.T. Maitland Richard Bright James Campbell Sir Hild. Oakes Mervin Archdall- Sir J. Sherbrooke Sir G. Drummond James Wharton Sir William Payne Hon. Edw. Bligh Wm Earl Craven LordW.Bentinck Earl of Cork Hon. H. G. Grey Hon. Sir E. Paget Sir B. Spencer 1812 Ld Combermere Sam. Dalrymple Lord Hill H Hon. W. Stapleton Wm. Thornton I Denzil Onslow F. Bar. Hompesch Sir John Murray 1809 George Elliot R. N. Hopkins 1810 Patrick Sinclair Sir T. Blomefield Gother Mann John Pratt Jos. Champagne Sir Harry Calvert G. Cockbum Edw. Dunne Ja. Drummond W. Dowdeswell Alex. Mackenzie Geo. Moncriefle T. Meyrick Lord Lynedock Cha. Craufurd G. H. Vansittart Hon. Cha. Fitzroy Francis Hugonin 1811 Baron Drechsel Count Linsingen George Rochfort John Spens William Scott Robert Tipping A. Campbell .Alex. Trotter "Francis Fuller Sir James Affleck Geo. Vaugh. Hart William Twiss Hon. Cha. Hope Sir Geo. Pigot Fred. Maitland Martin Hunter E. Donoughmore Lord Beresford 1813 F. arl of Dalhousie Thomas Baker Bar.DeHochepied Sir James Erskine Henry Williams Mar. Conyngham Hon. Sir A. Hope John Fraser Peter Heron Thomas Peter John Ramsay Sir J.D.Broughton William Dyott Sir R.C. Ferguson Sir R. Macfarlane Sir S. Auchmuty John G. Crosbie Edw. Stack Hon. J. Brodrick Sir Henry Warde James Durham Hon. D. Leslie J. Manners Kerr Thomas Scott Wm. Robertson Matthew Baillie 314 Sir H. Turner Christ. Chownc Hon. W. Maitland William Munro J. G. Cumming Hon. John Crewe Hon. Sir G. Cole Sir G.Bromhead Quin. J. Freeman Earl of Granard Staf. Lightburn Francis Moore Viscount Lorton Sir W. H. Clinton HonSirVV.Stewart 18H F. T. Hammond Sirjohn Hamilton R.D. Blake Robert Douglas Hon. R. Meade Sir W. Houstoun fohn Prince George Michell Sir T. Hislop John Macleod Alexander Dirom A. L. Layard Earl of Elgin David Hunter E. of Breadalbane Fohn Slade tVilliam Spencer Samuel Graham Sir H. Clinton James Robertson E. W. L. Popham James Dunlop Sir F. G. Maclean Walter Kerr Sir A. Campbell Sir H.F. Campbell William Burnet Lord Stewart 1819 John Smith ' William Cuppage Seward -ay< BayleyWilling^on I. Montgomerie F.A. Wetherull J. D. Arabin wm Buchanan HonSirWLumley l.T.H. Elwes iir Moore Disney John Mackenzie |A G. Stirling 'William Thomas John Michel f. Baron Decken [ohn Ramsay Christ. Darby Wm Wilkinson SirH.T.Montresor C. Stevenson John Hodgson R.T. Nelson N. Nepean James Taylor SirM. Nightingall Thomas Sewari Francis La 1 iyley\ Croki . B. Wallis John Hope George Meyrick Sir Alan Cameron Lord Blaney Hon. S. Mahon J. Sullivan Wood Daniel O'Meara BaronRottenburg Hon.Sir C. Colvill Fred. Ch. White Gore Brown L. Liudcnthal Roger Coghlan Sir Henry Fane Sir Robert Bolton Robert Cheney Sir George Anson Lord Howard r. R.Charleton Sir H. de Hinuber Sir Henry Bell Fho. Strickland T.Lord Hartland Sir J. S. Maxwell W. T. Dilkes H. Rudyerd Sir John Oswald BJ 1794 Wm Fawcett 1796 W.M. Richardson 1798 W. G. Strutt 1801 Stephen Poyntz 1802 Hay Ferrier 1810 Law. Bradshaw' Baron Veltheim P. Du Platt Aug. B. Honstedt V. Baron Altcn S. Baron Low A. Baron Barsse C. Count Alten 1811 William Bentham E. Stehelin J. A. Schalch Henry Hutton T. Barrow John Sim. Farley SirT. Saumarez J. Jenkinson Tin James Hay williat - William Doyle John Hatton Pinson Bonham Sir Wm Anson G. W. Ramsay Sir Edw. Howorth J. Dorrien T. Desbrisay Charles Terrot William Fyers G. Glasgow Robert Winter illiam Cockell , L.S.Orde MA.GENF.RALS Richard Bingham 1790 John Lee 1 George Morgan aeophilus Lewis heophilu! . Delaval R. Williams C. Callendar L. DesboTOUgh t. Mackelcan J. T. Layard John Skinner fames Meredith R. H. Farmar W. Tench I. .S. Saunders L. Maclean G. Wilson Sam.Rimmington D. Ballingall D. Shank J. J. Barlow C. Jeaffreson William Minet SirW.M.Peacocke Sir W. Cockburn J. Pare W. W.P. Clay SirCharlesWale J. Le Couteur James Kemmis Robert Burne SirJ. O.Vandeleur Charles Pye Sir W. Avlett J. R. Fletcher Robert Browne H. M. Gordon Alex. John Goldie R. B.Long Sir R.H. Sheaffe John Hughes Alex. Duff G. Airey Sir R. S. Donkin If. Sir F.. Stopford Sir Geo. Cooke Tho.J. Backhouse W. Eden F.G. Vise. Lake Sir G. T. Walker Richard Stovin K. Mackenzie Sir J. Dalrymple SirF. John Wilder I. ordWalsingham Samuel Hawker 1812 W. Raymond Ter. O'Loghlin Sir Geo. Murray Sir James Kempt Wm Borthwick C. N. Cookson Wm Johnston John Burton Harry Chester Evan Lloyd Matthew Sharpe John Lindsay D. L. T. Widd- rington Richard Blunt Henry Bayly F. S. Rebow George S. Smith Wm Guard Sir T. R. Dyer Henry Conran Sir W. H. Pringle James Hare Philip K. Skinner 1813 Wm Kersteman Gerard Gosselin W. Alexander Sir F. P. Robinson Charles Campbell A. R. Dillon D. Darroch John Grey F. Stewart John Murray Arthur Aylmer J. M'Kenzie Sir Edw. Barnes E. R. Cope Phineas Riall D d 2 315 William Brooke Tho. Molyneux G. A. Armstrong Aug. Fitzgerald Benjamin Gordon William Peachy Sir William Inglis John Vincent G. Lewis Rob. Lethbridge Henrv Proctor J. Walker W. Hutchinson Daniel Seddon Geo. Rob. Ainslie Sir John Byng Sir T. Brisbane R O'Donovan C Neville C Neville (Edward Vtca Hon. T. Fermor Ijamns Md’er John Hall | William Dacre# Alexander Halkct Henry R. Knight Robert Douglass n. Hinde /yndhau Berken. Glegg Sir Colin Halkett Sir H.E. Bunbury Sir H. Lowe Sir Fred. Adam Sir It H. Vivian Sir lien. Torrens Sir B. Bloomheld Geo. Cookson 1819 Sir John Elley H. S. Keating Lewis Grant LordF.Bentinck I. Pat. Tinling William Douglas Arthur Brooke p. Carey T. W. Kerr Fred, llardyman John F. S. Smith William Mudge Henry Shrapnell John M*Nair Sam. Ven. Hinde | Lemuel Warren T. N. Wyndham (Par. M‘Ke't/ie William Ned ham Alex. Wallace Hastings Fraser Lord Blantyre Archibald Stewart Alexander Adams Hon G. B-jsville Fho. N. Powlet Sir E. G. Butler Samuel Need Edward Webber Tho. L’Estrange Sir T. B. Pechell William Latham D. Dewar C. Craven J. Foveaux Geo. Kin. Dana J. Moore Edward Baynes James Stirling Sir H. M. Vavasour > Edward Vicars H . Swayne Hon. W. Fitzroy Sir W. G. Keir Sir Dennis Pack -W- C. Griffiths »H«*n. J. Ramsay Sir G T Calcraft F. Streicher Lord R. Somerset' Lewis Mosheim Hon. A. A nnesley i Char les Auriol Boyle Travers iSirC. Grant Edward Scott I Sir James Lyon Fred. W. Buller ! William Gifford sir Tho Bradford [Jame> Orde John Granby Clay C. Bulk. Egerton A. Coshy Jackson |SirT. S. Beckwitl G- I Hall 'H. J. Cumming Hon.W. Blaqulere Charles Irvine Hen. Green Barry [Sir C Phillips Thomas Browne ’Henry Bruce L. de Watteville j T B. Reynardson Sir John Laml>ert J. Lord Proby Sir J. W. Gordon John Murray H. Sir C. Grevilk Sir L. W. Otway Wm Nicolay Sir Ed Korrison A. M K. Hamilton Lionel Smith Sir G. Leith Robert Barton W m Paterson Sir G A Madden John Guise John Miller Sir C. W. Doyle J. Bathurst Paul Anderson John Dalrymple Brooke Young Sir H Framingham Lord J. Murray Sir A. F. Barnard COLONELS. 1782 Prince Regent 1783 John Yorke 1794 T. Nesbitt Hon. H. Dillon Count O'Connell 1795 Alexander Mair 1796. Vise, do Serrant 1797 Charles Handheld D. Cunynghame 1798 Rr J.RMVI Michael Head Joseph Fuller Sir Ma^lv Power T. G. Montrrsor M. C. D. Griffith R. Darling G Horsford Rand. Marriott Lach. Macquarie Herbert Taylor Sir W. Nicholson Sir Per. Maitland Hon. E Cape! Sir W. Sheridan Thomas Carey G. Basil Mumly William Grant G. Johnstone Hon StR.W.O’ Callaghan ; Sir John Keane nuntii \ V . Sir. R. T. Wilaon |W. H. Beckwith M. Lord Aylmer : Lord G.Beresford Digliv HamUton Robt Campbell 1814 Sir C. Holloway John Humphrey Sir C. imhoff JG. Gordon Robt Balfour Dug. Campbell R. Alex. Dalziel James H. Eustace JamesCampbell Sebright MaWby Edward Codd R. Sewell C. A. Harcour George Hill Samuel Swinton f. M. Main waring Sir C. P Belson VV m A. Prevost Hon J. Meade G Pow. Adams Sir J. Dalrymple John Macleod Henry Elliot Robert Kelso Over. Blunden I. Nugent Smyth John Lament Will. Armstrong S r B. DTJrban Joi n Locke George Wulff John Taylnr Robert D’Arcy George Bridges Sam T Dickens G. VV. Dixon Wiltshire Wilson Tho. Reynell Sir G.R. Bingham W. C.Madan ?orge ’J. P. Lloyd j. F. W. Desbarre* Edward Madden John Carnegie J 1800 William Stewart Hon. J Vanghan j. T. Maddison 1801 Count O’Mahony 1802 Thn. Browrrigg Charles M Murdo H.M. Clavering 1803 Henry Anderson 1804 Sir John Burke 1805 John O’ Toole Robert Uniacke 316 Sir F.J. Falkiner 1806 H. A. Vise. Dillon 1808 J. Magrath W. T. Harwood 1809— F.W. Grant 1810 William Say lugh Baillie fames Butler H. Cuyler Hon. W. J. Gore P. Thomas . R. Broadhead 1811 — C. Brown A. Christie 1812 . D. Burnaby T. Mellor Hon. F.G. Howard C. Baron Decken Edw. Drummond BdeArentsschildt Hamlet Wade 1811 A.H.Pye John Graham Shaw Richard Pigot Sir J. Wardlaw James Watson John Sheldrake Geoi Jol eorge Ramsay >hn Lcmoine Spencer C. Parry John Rowley Aug. de Butts Martin C. Cole. Robert Evans Laun. Holland Botu ko R. Harry Foley Hon. P. Stewart Lord Musk err y G. W. Phipps Wm Miller Hon. II. Brand J. S. Barnes James Graves Joseph Gubbihs Hon.W.G.Harris Sir 1L Douglas Sir William Robe G. D. Robertson John Nugent Wm Chabot Wm Binks Patrick Ross D. Walker T. Pritzler J. G. P. Tucker C. Turner MontaguBurrows Hon.A. P.Upton Sir J. Cameron S. Huskisson George Salmon H. Monckton Vise. Petersiiam FrancisHepburn John Maister Hon. G. Murray Henry Askew Henry Darling Wm Stewart W. H. Rainsford Hon.Wm Stuart Jasper Nicolls . Browne D. Herbert H. C. Darling John Ross Hon. H. King ff.A.Abercromby Wm Thornton //.Sir LeP Trench Rob. Wright Joseph Maclean John Harris Sir G. A. Wood Rich. Dickinson Wm £. Wyatt Henry Tolley J. Macdonald Sir Charles Pratt N. Blackwell D. Stewart Hon. J.B. O’Neill A. M‘G. Murray Hon.GStapylton Anth. Salvin A nth. Walsh Le C. Nacquard John Robertson Wm Johnston Fra. Newberry Pat. Doherty Rich. Buckby Robert Stewart Lewis Davies A. Armstrong Sampson Freeth John Buckland Jos. Lambrecht Francis Sherlock D. F. Blommart Ben. W. Ottley Joseph Stratton Sir Alex. Bryce (A. Pilkington Francis Burke J. P. Hamilton J. P. Coffin Hohun Shore Sir John Maclean|Philip Vaumorel Geo. B. Fisher jCaveudish Sturt James Home R. Hamilton Sir R. D. Jackson' Francis Dunne Sir N. Campbell J Thomas Marlay E.ofPortarlingtonT/.H.Townshcnd George MoUe (John Gardiner Thomas Hawker |G. Middlcmore J. H. ~ Geo. Quentin James Campbell A. Rottiger Sir C. Campbell George Mackie Sir J. Wilson Robert Travers SirFWhitingham Sir J. Coll>ome Sir A. Campbell Sir T. M'Mahon A. G. Woodford Hn. F. Ponsonby Charles Palmer Sir T. Arbuthnot SirH. F. Bouverie Hon. H. Craven Lord Hurgersh 1815 G. Vise. Forbes Ja. C. Smyth Lord Somerset Robert Pilkington 1816 Henry Evatt Wm. H. Ford 1817 F. W. Mulcaster Lord C. Manners 1819 Sir R. C. Hill Henry Loftus Rob. Moncrieffe J. F. Fitzgerald John Mackintosh Jas. Shortall Lewis C. Meares Richard Legge Sir Wm Cox Rob. C rawford Rob Ellice 'Alex. M*Leod J. Buchan D. Rattray Edw. Pritchard C. Tudor Thos Franck lin ; James Ersklne Norman Macleod'A. B. Clifton M. C. O'Connell W. Marlay Edward Copson Sir E.Blnckency DunkinH Sir Wm Williams James Lomax J. M'Combe Cha. Waller J. W. Morrison J. Maitland J. W. Sleigh Alex. Nesbitt VV. G. Davy C. W. Maxwell C. Ashworth Robert Beevor Arch. CamplK'U Mark Napier John Wardlaw W. A. Johnson Don. Macbean Jonathan Yates W. Armstrong James Kearney E. J. O’Brien John Cook T. Foster D. J. Morgan J. Le Mesurier J. Fred. Brown J.A. Farquharson Robert Owen A. G. R. Norcott i George Evans Charles Bruce J. P. Murray James Vlney John Bromhead Cosmo Gordon Wm Ste wart Wm C. Eustace Lord Greenock F. Griffiths G. F.. Vinicombe Neil M'Kellar Sir Hugh Gough )W. T. Edwards I . Macdonel! * *E. Lindsay JLG3SES Lo' mm. Moore * . * 9 *™*. ~~ 317 Col. in Chief , • G. G. Lewis D. of Wellington }T. M Dickens Col. tn Second, Henry Smart IJa. M‘Lachian Sir H. Oakes C' It Com. G. Mann W. Twiss Win Fyers Wm Johnstone m Colonels , Robert D’Arcy S. T. Dickens J*hn Rowlry A. De Butts Sir Alex- Bryce R. Pilkington Henry Eva't Win H Ford mu Coit. SirH. Elphinstonej Elias Durnford G. Whit 1 1 ore F. Thackeray H. A. Morshead J. F. Birch S. 11. Chapman J. Handheld G. Nicolls Ja. C. Smyth G. Landmann Cornelius Mann Geo. Wright John Hass«rd C W. Pasley Henry Goldfinch Ja. R. Arnold J. F. Bnrgoyne JohnT. Jones Geo. Cardew Captains, Wm Bennett Jolin By G. Henderson Thomas Fyers Hen. Vigoureux H. M.Kilvington G. Buchanan Cha. Ellicombe Edw . Fanshawe Geo. Marleod William Douglas T. Cunningham Edward Kigg Thomas Colby Sir C. F. Smith G. J. Harding Sir G. Hoste J. R. Wright CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Fra. B. Head Geo. Phillpotts F. Y. Gilbert Cha. .1. Selwyn John Ho bs | Isaac M. Elton T. Lempriere Thomas Foster Geo. F. Bordes Fra. Randolph J. P. Kennedy John J. Hope Jos. Townsend Wm Forbes Rich. Stotherd Richard S. Youngj H. P. Bruy ere* Alex. Gordon Wm C . Holloway Win M. Gossct Rich. Bottler , Phillip 0. Skene Hen. Vavasour Lancey Samuel Rmnilly John Sperling William Payne Ricliard b.You Geo. Gray don | Daniel Bolton | AIok Fraser |P W. Whlnyates.Cowper icose R«»b. Thomson Alex. Watt feohe Wm B. Marlow Thomas Roberts B. Hayter IT. Drummond 2d Captains R. C. Aldersou |R. K. Daw. on - ««-■- * jives Socker [John J. M ghel G. West 'Geo. E. Rankea 'Charles Wright iHenry Pooley Charles Rivers ;H. F. Murphy j Robert Hunt Wm Sl nde lin Harper J oil Wm B. Tylden John N. Wells John Grant Wm F. Dawson R. Z. Murtge Frank Srauway James Vetch Arch. Walker S. Williams W. D. Smith Fred. English Tho. Blanshard Alex. Brown Loyalty Peake Anth. Emmett Alex. Thomson Edward Fyers Wm C. Ward Wm P. Ilaigh Ja. Gordon George Barney Henry A. Colby D. McDonald Harry D. Jones F. R. Thomson | H. Y. Wortham I James P Catty J W.Worsley j Charles Hay |F. VV. Pettingal S. H. Wentworth Henry Tucker 'George Browne J *» * t i ui oivy | ^ ^ ^ ' w * ' Geo V Tiuling B. S. Stehelia ' And. D. White James W. Eyre Joshua Jebb John Smyth Henry H. Willson Alex. Henderson Tho. Batershee R. H. S. Cooper Arthur Walpole Rich. J. Vicars ' George Tait H. R. Brandreth T. Locke Lewis C. O. Streatheld John Mudge Henrv L. Renny R. H Bonnycastle Jos. E. Portlock Henry Cardew John Ker A nth. Marshall Edward Covey G. F. Thompson Henry Briscoe R. S. Piper George Gipps Philip Barry 1 ft Units. H. N Smith l\ H. Elliot* Edward Matson Ja. C. Victor C. Grierson Rich. I. Baron T. H. Fenwick L. A. Hall Patrick Yule Wm Gregory • Cha. C. Alexander ! Ja. H. Rutherfurd Arthur Kav iGeo. C. Page .Henry Smdham Colin Mackenzie |C K. Sanders I Tho. Luxmore iH. M. Buckeridge Win Faris i 2d Lieuts. jH.N. Lagdea William Lancey Rich. Alexat der Cha. Oldershaw G. S. Whitmore Henry Sei*vante Henry O. Crawley Henry T. Edrige Scarlet.— Facings blue Velvet , Lace gold. Invalid Engineers, Col. George Bridges Lt. C»l. Wm Gravatt Philip Hughes Captains , T. H. rage H. Haldane W. Booth i of &•> i s&M Sappers If Miners Officered by the R >yat Engineers. S ‘nff. R. Jones t Origmaj. W. Real, adj. J. Galloway, Qm. Greenwood dtCo. agents, 31S ROYAL WAGGON TRAIN (attached to the Qr-Mr-Oenerart DepJ. Peninsula. Waterloo. Col. Comm. D. Hamilton Major, G. D’Arley Cha. Morrison Captain t % I Wm. Smith Tho.Pardoc I Henry O’Neil John Sidaway Lieut s. W.Pettigrew, pm.Red. Facing* blue, H . O’ N eill, adj. Lace silver. W. Thomas, surg. Greenwood &Co. agent*. ROYAL ARTILLERY. Waterloo —Rocket Troop, Leipaic. Colonel, Field Marshal the D. of Wellington, K. G. & G.C.B. Mast. -Gen. Colonel en Second Lieut. Gen. Sir H. Oakes, U. Lt*Gen. Deputy Adjutant General , Lieut. General John Macleod. Colonel i Comm. ,Wm Dixon Sir A. F»rrington Francis Rcy E Walker Charles Gold P. Martin Sir T. Bio refield R. Douglas J. Ramsay J. Macleod J. Smith Wm Cuppage T. Seward Fra Laye Colonels, Sir E. Howorth E. Stehelin W. Borthwlck J F. S Smith Wm Mudge Henry Shrapnell Geo. Wulff G. W. Dixon Wilt. WU*on Brooke Young gha SirH Framingham J. Sheldrake George Ramsay John Lemoine S. C Parry Rol>ert Evans Win Miller Sir Wm Robe Geo. Salmon Robert Wright Li Co 1 *. Jos. Maclean John Harris Sir. Geo. A. Wood R. Dickinson G. B. Ffcher E. Pritcha'd T. Francklin James Viney Cha. Waller Rob. Bee' or Fred. Griffiths Sir Jo>. Carncross Alex. Watson E. V. Worsley T. Downtnan Rich. Buckner H. Evelegh C. C. Bingham S. G. Adye Hen. Phillott Pe er Fvers Rob. Thornhill Sir A. S. Fraser Hon. W. Gardner Wm Scott James Hawker Fred. Walker Humph. Owen G. Dev.risay Majors, A. Macdonald W. M. Leake P. Dru nmond J. W. Tobin Hugh Fraser John Vivion Ro iert Pym Win R. Carey Wm Payne “ irge Forstei Captains, H. M. Farrington Geo. Skyring C. H. Fi'zmayer Joseph Brome Rl h S. Brough Andrew Bredin James Power Fra. Power C. Younghusband Geo. Crawford Sir Alex. Dickson Robert Bull Fra. Smirh Charles Egan Hen. Hicktnan It. Macdonald Tho. I. Forbes J a. W. Smith P. Campbell Sir John May Tho. Rogers Tho. Gamble Alex. Munro J. P. Cockhura Sir Hew D. Ross Phil. Dumford Joseph D Aicy Ha*. Holcombe John S. Sinclair Wm Lloyd Blaney Walsh Rob. H. Birch Ja. Armstrong Edw. Wllmot Geo. W. Unett Phil. 1. Hughes J. M'Lachlane James Adams Wm Roberts John Fead Tho. Parcrson Win Morrison Win Cleevc Wm Holcroft S. W. Oliver C. H. Godby Ja. P. St Clair Rich. J. J- Lacy J. A. Cle nent Ro‘>. Douglas E. P. Wilgress Stew. Maxwell Don. Ca opbell W. G. Eliot F. Ca np'oell Alex. Tulioh Geo. Turner 3 R. F. Cleaveland W. T. Skinner Sir Rob. Gardiner Pet. Wallace R. Jones J. E. Jones T. A. Brandreth Da. Srorey T. Hutcheson E. C. Wliinyatcs J. Michell L. Carmichael H. Tielawney J. Chester Hon. H. Gardiner Chailes Tyler C. Wilkinson Cha. F. Sandham Arthur Hunt Charles Gllmour F'aucis Knox John Briscoe John Taylor Henry Pierce W. D. Nlcolls Henry Ba-es . W. K^ttlewell 2d Captains, James West Henry Baynes Tho. G. Brown Duncan Grant Charles Mosse Wm Butts Henry Scott Wm Greene A. M. Maxwell John Marlow Rob. S. Douglas j.Cade Pctlcy I Wm Miller T. Dyn - ley John Parker D. 1. Skelton H. C. Russell J Deacbn Jos. Darby E. Y. Walcott Alex. Dury S. Rudyerd Wm Bentham Wm Cator John S. Byers W. C. Smith Cha. C. Dansey Sam. Seri ven Daniel Bisset Alf. Thompson A. F. Crawford H. W. Gordon W MG Colebrooke Rob. A. Rollo John Conroy Richard King Wm t). Jones Wm Dundas Fred. Arabin Edw. Michell Rich. B. Hunt C. Cruttenden Peter Faddy Christ. Clarke Charles Napier W. Wylde Cha. E. Gordon Wm E. M aline Mark Somerville Wm Webber Dan. Bouchier Philip W. Walker A. Maclachlane Thomas Scott C. Blachley M. C. W. Aytoun A. Macdonald John Longley H. R. Moore H. G. Jackson E. Barlow E. Sabine Henry Curtis W.F.L. Carnegie Wm Dunn F. Robertson Z. C. Bajly Henry Festing J. W. Johnston Edw. Cruttenden Tho. Dewell Charles Close J. W. Spellcn W. C. Lempriere Allen Cameron Jam. Sinclair Tho. Atchison Robert Duport . A. Maclcod James Gray James Fogo John Crawley O’H. Baynes H. W. Arbuthnot Jas. Evans T. Carter H. Blachley Ja. A. Chalmers J. E. G. Parker Falkner Hope W. Pakcnham Charles Wilson P. D. Stewart 1st Lieut s. A. M. Campbell George Jones George A. Witts John J. Chapman Fred. Wright James H. Wood Wm R. Jackson Basil R. Heron W. Saunders George F. Steele Edm. B. Gapper Geo. Durnford Wm R. Grant George Pringle Dav. J. Edwards Edw. Coxwell Charles Dalton James R. Bruce J. R. Colebrooke A. C. Willock Hen. F. Cubitt R. B. Rawnsley Wm A. Raynes Cha. S. Torriano G. Il.Mainwaring Tho. Bowl by George Couse R. Hardinge Jos. Hanwell T. F. Simmons R. Harding R. Woolcomb^ W. Swabey " Rob. Andrews Hen. Forster J. T. Fuller Edm. Sheppard P. W. Lawlor Geo. W. Baker Edw. A. Cotton L. S. Robertson Arthur L. Collins Walter E. Locke Wm Smith iCUarles Ford . Sandilands Thomas N. King Browne Willis B. H. Vaughan Fortescuc Wells R. F. Phillips Tho. G. Higgins George Foot John Hincks Amherst Wright Gabriel Mathias Jos. T. Ellison T. F. Strangways Samuel Wyatt E. C. Vinicombe Wm H. Hill John H. Freer Arch. W. Hope Geo. M. Baynes David Pattullo John C. Burton John L. Smith James Day John Eyre Cha. Otway Rob. A. Speer VVtn Elgee R. S. Aitchison J. M. Stephens Wm Lemoine James S. Law W. C. Anderson George Browne C. Manners Reyn. Palmer Doug. Lawson P. V. Onslow J. R. Hornsby J. W. Smith An. O. Schalch R. S. Armstrong T. R. Cookson John S. Rich Mark Evans John Davies John P&scoe G. T. Rowland Samuel Phelps George Birch George Spiller Geo. B. Willis Arthur Carter J. N. Colquhoun Adam Ward A. R. Harrison W. Cavenagh Geo. Charlcton Rich. Kendall H. R. Wright Geo. J. Hunter Edw. J. Bridges 320 John F. kreton John Grant John Street Fra. Weston H, M. Parratt K. C. Wulff R. J. Saunders Wm H. Bent Willo. Montague Robert Clarke R. Litchfield John Trotter Wm Furneaux J. Townsend Tho. Trench C. Drawbridge Hugh Morgan Francis Warde Rob. Grimes Benson E. Hill Wm B. Ingilby Thomas O. Cater Thomas Lovett Claudius Shaw Henry' Pester Michael Tweedie- Fred. Bayly / Hen. Stamvay J. C. Acherley J. M. Weatherall Justly Hill Lynch Talbot Itob. W. Storey Francis Dawson Harry Bisshopp Cha. Douglas Henry Slade Alex. H. Earle Anth. Manlev Henry Hongu Fred. Monro Geo. G. Palmer Henry Hutchins Const. Yeoman George James \ G. K. Pemberton Cha. H. Neveit Jas Howell Edw. W. Wood Cha. Andrew Wm H. Lawrence John Bloomfield Edw. Trevor Rich. R. Drew Geo. S. Maule Edward Boghurst Henry Palliser Edw. D. Hawkins H. N. Daniel Arch. Macbean R. N. King [Henry Stooart iH. G. Kersteman W. H. Weaver iUex. Duncan H. G. Ord 0. L. Povnter Win Sharpin 'G.W. Charleton Hugh Gillespie R. L. Garstm J. A. Wilson R. B. Blakbston C. R. Dickens G. F. Dawson W. C.Lmd>ay George Ford 2d Li cuts. IF. Holcombe Harry Stow t Geo. R. Luke Wm Fraser Ami). Goode C. Gostling Cha. H. Mee Theo. Deshrisay W. J. Dalzell H. F. Slater Henry Crane B. V.Creagh ! Thomas Pt*arse J. M. Spear nan Wm J. Stokes Wm Miller Gilbert Elliot George Ramsden | Win Homfray 'Thomas JelUs C. B. Svmons S. Vignoles W. L. Kaye John S. Schaw R A. Rogers :T. C Robe John Dvson A. Runiacles |T. Trebeck G. M. Glasgow |T M. Mott ley (Philip Schalch Rico. Basset ,Wm. W. Darley (William M yne Eilm. Wilford John Tyldeo Jas. A. Gilbert John S. Keats Geo. H. Curzon Rich. F. St John W. H. Pickering T. W. Luard William Dixon Wm. Stewart J. W. Seddon J. W. Collington Philip Heaih Wm. Berners Rich. Shepherd Geo. H. Hyde Tho. B. Flude John M. Savage Richard Hayne Jas. S. Cremer E.lw. B. Brooke Win Y. Fe-’wick Francs Weller Cha. P. Jones Wm Pottinger Ehenezer Jones Charles Pearson Thos Knatchbull J. H. St John Rich. J. Dacres Rob. C. Smyth Sant. A. Seveme J. Hollingworth C. W. Wingfield Alex. Tulloh D'p. Adj. Gen . J. Macleod Adjutant s % K. Dory H. W. Gordon J. A. Macleod W. Wylde P. D Stewart R. B. Hunt John K-me W. H Bent W. Saunders E. Barlow J. W. Smith J. Conroy Charles Close Qr Masters , la. Reid I din Wigton Thomas Beits John M Coy Charles HllF James Ranie Samuel Trench W. Stewart Joseph \. Clarke Sam. Barnes John Crawford Alex. Calder Blue. Facmgs red. Lace cold. Greenwood . Seaton r H Qoigly Tho. Beard Wm Sproull Pet. Surgeons, John Percivall Wm Stocklcy Greenwood & Co. paymasters Gentlemen Cadets. Capan, Master Gen. of the Ordnance 2d Captains , James West O’Hara Baynes lif Li tuts. G. Durnford A. C. Willock G. W. Baker W. E. Locke Gteenwood&Co paymasters. Riding House Eslab'ishment. Canta’n, C. A. Quist 1/r L f eutt. Thomas Gibbons M. Tanswell Greenwood & Co paymastt'S. Field Train VV. U iver MJI-^ — ” ' AK*x. Macdonald) Department . Ja nes S ewaT Director General, W. F. Staniland Sir A. Fatnngton j. W. Hallahan Chief Commissary, M. A. Rmclatid iWilltam S' ace John Thompson j Ass Conmttsary, James Verling Cha les Inglis Jas Eddowes Edw. T. Curry John Wray. p a. Blur. Red collar and cuffs LIFE GUARDS. Colonel in Chief, Prince Regent Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , E. of Harrington LI. Col. and Col. , Ter.O’Loghlin j Maj. and Lt Col. Jbhn Camac {Hon. H. B.Lygon . Captain s , ; G. C. Goflgll • B. Camac | Geo. Randall » Wni Maine ! R. M. Oakes ’ Jphn Martin Itod. M‘Neil ! Lieut s. 1 Henry Wyatt •F. S. Pilcher Tho Eman, ; W. S. Richardson !W. G. Terry Samuel Cox j N. T. Still H. R. Bullock { A. C. Manners \Cor. and Sub. Lis. ! George Storey jEd. Honey wood ! A. C. Newbourgh John Hall ' H. I). Campbell I Hon. W. De Roos 1 Wm S. Smyth E. K. L. Bayard T. Eman, adj. M. L. Este, surg. W.Briimet,4/.jur. S.Bloxham, v. s. Scarlet. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. IF. Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Earl Cathcart Lt. Cot. Hon. E. P. Lygon Maj. and Lt Col. C. W. Dance CAVALRY. Major, R. W. H. H. Vyse Captains , Fra. Upjohn R. Milligan C. Wyndham S. R. Jarvis Vise. Barnard Chum Barton Fred. Evelyn C. Geo. Rideout Lieuts. Wallis Grieve H. W. Barton Tho. Smith Tho. Marten H. H. Douglas A. M‘lnnes Wm Collins G. Greenwood Tho. Kingscote Cor. <1? Sub-lieuts. Fra. Aickin G. A. Reid Wm N. Burrows Cha. Bulkeley Fred. Chatfield Court. Phillips Richard Hurt Jas M‘Douall T. Smith, adj . Ja. Moore, surg. S. Broughton, as. John Field, o>. sur. i Scarlet . Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. ROYAL HORSE GUARDS, Blue. Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , D. of Wellington Lt Cols. J. Dorrien Sir John Ellcy Sir R. C. Hill Maiors, Tho. Athorpe John Thoyts Captains , Clement Hill Wm T. Drake W. Richardson G. W. V. Villiers John Taylor John Jehb Hen. Hanmer J. B. Riddlesden W.C. Shawe E. W. Bouverie Lieuts. C. A. Fitzroy H. E. Boates F. B. Tathwell Simon Hirst Geo. Smith Lord W. Lennox John K. Picard L. E. Heathcote P. P. Doyne G. Brander James Arnold Cornets , R. J. Harrison Wm Lambert Edmund Packe John Trent E. Dashwood Jbhn Long Ld. C. A. Hill S. Hotchkin Geo. S. Hill Simon Hirst, adj. Ouarter- Masters, nio. Vailey Peter Watmough Wm Latchford Tho. Hardy Jasper Perry Rob. Lord John Speed Jonas Varley Tho. Troy D. Slow, surgeon G. Hickman a. sur. Ja. Seddall, v.sur. Blue. Facings scar- let. Lace gold. Greenwood* Co. agents. DR. GUARDS. I. (King’s.) Waterloo. Colonel , Sir Dav. Dundas Lt Col. Geo. Teesdale Majors , R. E. Ackloin Mich. Turner Captains, J. F. Naylor William Elton J. P. Sweny 322 Rob. Wallace T. N. QuickC W. A. Maxwell Ja. Lcatham R. Babington Cha. Randall H. S. Northcote Lieuts. T. C. Brander Edw. Hamill J. E. Elm sail J. N. Hibbert Geo. Bray J. Waldron F. Hammer8ley W. Stephenson M. C. Trevillian F. Polhill Geo. QuickC Fra. Reed II. Hill G. W. Blathway J. O’H. Dickens Cornets, C. Grierson J. S. Manning Richard Martin R. Heaviside F. Bradburne D. Campbell J. Webster, paym. H. Hill, adj. J. Brown, qnu Wm. Jones, surg. R. Pearson, a. s. G. Spencer, i u. Scarlet. Facings blue. Lace gold. Mr Adair, agent. Reed & Fraser, Irish agents . II. (Queen's.) Colonel, C. Craufurd Lt Col. Ja. Kearney Majors, W. Spearman Wm Gordon Captains, R. B. Gabriel J. Late ward H. B. Gamble W.Chamberlayne William Rogers John Hames W. R. Soulsby C'ha. Kearney Lieut s. F. Collins Edward Dyer John Horton Tho. Wood Edward Rulfo Heary Pears Geo. Knox Clay. Bay ley F. J. Graham Comets , Wm Enery R. Fejcuson Peter Barfoot W. Jones W. G. Pigou J. B. Simpson Hon. R.S. Cotton F.W. C. Smith H. L. Rose, paym. F. Collins, adj. — Marsden, qm. A. Brown, tur. Sam. Bell, a. s. \V. Woodman, i/v., HI — 1 Scarlet. Facings ,Fra. Sherlock j Cornets , IF. J. Greene (D. R. Ross Tho. Ell wood Robert Grant Joce. Willey Rich. Martin G.R.Abercromby Edwin Burnaby Tho. Ker, paym. G. Towell, adj. John Martin, qm. W. Marsden, sur. J. Coleman, a. s. Tho. Rose, v. s. Scarlet. Facings white. Lace gold. Collyer, agt. Cane & Co. Ire. IV. (R. Irish.) Peninsula Colonel , nry Fa Lt Col. black. Lace silver. Greenwood 6c Co. agents. Armit&Bnrough, Irish agents. HI. (Pr. of Wales's.) Peninsula Colonel , Rich. Vvse Lt Col. Geo. Holmes Majors , Geo. Watts G. T. Brice Captains , Wm Tiede J. Evans E. R. Storey Geo.Maunsel E. Homewood Wm Stuart S. Leper Hill Cha. Frost Lieuls. J. W. Gray Law. Burne Geo. Towel! James Hadden Edw. Quillinan J. Addison Fred. Prosser Cha. .Drury Anth. Bolton Majors , Robert Ross Wm Ogilvie Captains , H. L. G. Dougan Pat. Hamilton Tho. Boyd C. D. Sibthorpe John King Tho. Hutton Wm Burn J. Chatterton Lie ut s. James Shaw Alder. Hudson Jas Rallet John Dexter J. B. Smith G. Rickaby Aug. Amyatt Paul RufFo D. P. Slocock A. S. Broomfield W. B. Ravenhill N. L. Beamish CornetSy M. Richardson Love. Stainer George Page Thomas Magan John Hunter lLBloomfield^ay. Jas Rallet, adj. *ohn Jolly, qm. t. Pyper, surg. John Freer r a. s. A. Kirwan, v. s. Scarlet. Facings blue. Lace silver. Hop kin* on 6c Sons agents. V. (Prs Charlotte of Wales's.) Salamanca Peninsula Colonely Prince of Cobourg Lt Cols. Hon. R. Taylor A. H. Gordon ■ Majorsy William Irwin Wm Walker Cabtainsy R. D. Cane Steph. Gordon H. J. Close G. Bradshaw Hon. Edw. Cust Cha. Walker Brath. Christie Tho. Mathews Lieut s. Jos. Jackson George Miles Edw. Barrington A. J.Byrom Arthur Baker John Watson Wm Locke Sir H. J. Seton Wm Hodgson Henry Hunter CornetSy Dan. Stephens J. Gardiner F. Westenra G. N. Ramsay Wm Harcourc Cha. H. Seton John Dalyell T. Boulton, pain J.Jacksou, adj. J. Cochrane, qm. T. G. Logan su rj. D. W. Maginnaj. J. Ryding, v.s. Scarlet. Facings green. Lace gold. Grceuivood 6c Co. agents. Lt Cols. A. J. Goldie St Geo. French Majors , E. Wildman J. Carmichael WM Captain t , Wm Ruttledge P. H. Goldie And. Ferguson Stephenson . Jackson R. M‘Dowall George Pipon David Hay Lieuts. Wm French John Jones John Caulfield W. M. Kingti th on H. S. Nooth J. W. Dunn H. F. Finch J. M. Walker CornetSy Wm Martin Mark Blake H. A. Langley W. F. Hindle Tho. Jervis Cha. Short Jas G. Hall Jas S. Brymer Wood Richards David Hay % payn Cha. Short, adj. K. Wheldon, qm. Sam. Scott, sur. G. Austen, as sis. J. Hayward, v. s, Scarlet. Facings white. Lace silver. Collyer, agent, VI. (Carabineers.) Colonely VII. (Prs Royal's.) Colonely R. R. Wilford Lt Col. Hon. S. Mahon Fra. Dunne Majorsy H. A. Head Kane Bunbury Captains y T.Younghusband Wm Davis * W. M. Morrison Edin. Power Wm Power E. of Carhampton F.. R.C. Sheldon 323 TUlpH imytir^ John Lovewell Lieuts. [ohn D^rke ,ohn Scholey f. Dunwoody David Robb Ja. Bcnvctt James Fawsett T. Armstrong F. D. Chalmer Henry Cuffe Cornels , j. C. Green Comets , J. Chamberlain G. S. H. Alnslie Daniel P. Webbs J. Smith Edw. Leathes James Keating John Dillon N. C. Knatchbull Cha. Kerr, “'.'Vo.!, T Lennox, qm. IV. (Queen’s own) ;.Anneriey,/uf£.| Tajavera nae Alexander, a.s. John Trigg, v.s. Scarlet, facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood &Co. agents. Reed & Fraser, Irish agents. J. Smith, adj. ■| 1 , qm . Geo. Gr. Peter Wright George Stepney J. L. Pennefather H. A. Bowen Jas J. Brett Wilford Bulkely J. Jennings paym J. Dun wood y, G. Green Lieuts. Geo. Gunning T. R. Keily Fred. CobboM 3a. Wyndowe Charles Blois S, Goodenough Tho. Garth E dw. Clive Captains , Hon. F. C, Cathcart Wm Spooner John Mills Lord A. W. Hill Jas Wemyss Ja. Gape Cha. James Cha. Wvndham Lieuts. R T. Fawcett J. R. T. Graham Wm Sturges C. R. Stevenson Robert Innes Arch. Trotter Mark Lloyd W. Crawford A. W. Heyman Comets , C. G. Edlman J. T. Burke John W. Shaw* Wm. H. Oram G.H. Lindsay little T. Hutchins Cha. Stisted Captains , R. S. Sitwell S. Jacson T. C. Watson John Hunter Wm Braprge Rob. S. W ebb John Goff Geo. Lloyd Lieuts. Wm Manfull Jer. Ratcliffe D. G. Jebb Geo. Watson G. Crabtree W. Hlathwayte Geo. Mason Fra. Thompson John M ‘Queen J. B. Finch Comets, S. P. Bagot VV. Mackenzie Cha. G. Slade John May Cha. Phillips r. J. Gulston John Flover M. Johnston ,pym. G. Crabtree, adj. R.Brunton, qm. I . French, surg. J. Dawn, a. s. Albuhera Salamanca Vittoria Toulouse Peninsula Col. Fr. Hugonin Lt Col. J.C.Dalbiac Majors , Ja. Hugonin Bohun Shore Captains , Wm Onslow Carl. Spedding John L. Phillips Cha. Walton Ja. Holmes W. H. Wright Wm H. Fryer N. Norcliffe Li tuts. Ham. Alpe Wm fendall Henry Pratt (Mich. Kirby 1 R. Burrowes John Scott Bicknell Coney Fra. D. Daly iJohu Met hold < Cornets , R. L. Townsend (Geo. Hawkins R. R. Wilmot dob Grant Beau. Newton R. N. Biuce r. Harrison Arthur Sullivan Robert Kerr, pm. F. D. Dally, adj. H. Allan, qm. J. F. Wylde, surg. WmGardiner,a.r. Tho. Bird. v. s. Scarlet. Facings green. Lace silver j Hookinson&Sons. English agents. VI. (Ennbkilling.) ■ Wal i Vatcrloo Colonel , J. Iilanchard,iy.r.i Earl of Pembroke Scarlet. Facings i Jtl} 01 *' „ blue. Lace gold. , Rd. O’Donovan Greenwood & Co. Joseph Straton J. F. S. Cl Rob. Markham W m Blane 'r”;j - ^ W. Dawson, pay. Armit&Borough, f Mayor*' W. C raw ford, a aid It*** nfenh. Roh.F.Pire 324 Henry Madox Captains , Tho. Mackay W. F. Hadden Edw. Holbech Hon. S. Douglas T. Kersteman John Linton J. B. Gardiner Alex. Hassard lieuts. Aug. S. Willet B. E. Barry Samuel Black Rich. Down John Mussen E. G. CubKt Win Armstrong Humph. Ormc Arthur C. Lowe E. Armstrong Tho. Boyd Cornets, Hon. E. S. Pery Jas. Sparrow F. Richardson Rob. Mansell Rich. Dundas V. H. Williamson W. Armstronp.O/n. Tho. Boyd, ad). g ames Kerr, qm. .Bolton, surg. W.Campbell, a.r. R. Vincent, r v. j. Scarlet. Facings fellow. Lace situ . MrBrowell,n;enr. Ittinsons, Jr. ag. ?lL(Queen'»own) LtDr. (Hussars.) Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Mar. of Anglesey It Col. Sir E. Kerrison W. Thornhill Majors , T. W. Robbins G. J. Robarts Captains , Ww. Keane A. Heyiiger James Hamlyn J* J. Fraser 'V*n. Shirley L R. Gordon Lieut s. Rob. Douglas J. Daniel John Wildmun Fred. Towers Hon.G. Molineux tl.Ct. Strangways Fred. Seymour J. W. William, Tho. Jeffs Cornets , Cha. J. Hill A Chichester Henry Lyster William Inge G. H. E.of Belfast Robert Smyth Jas W. Phillips Rob. Pringle T. Felton, pm. Tho. Jeffs, adj, T. Blackier, qm. J. Cal lander, surg. James Moffat, a.s. R. Dorville, •v, s. Blue. Ijace til'ver. Greenwood &Co. agents. VIII. (King’s Roy.Irish) Light Dragoons. Colonel, Sir B. Tarleton ^mu coh. J. Sul. Wood Hen. Westenra E. J. M. Murray Majors , Geo. R. Deare Nich. Brutton Captains , Geo. Brown John Baumgardt John Williams T. Warriugton Yarrell Johnson Il.C.V.Courtland T. D. Burrowe* T. W. Harrington John Fraser Lieuts. A. A.V.Courtland Tho. Patterson And. Creagh Thomas Brett J. W. Mayer Thomas Morgell gjri of Uxbridge! 1. K. Taylor ” m Grenfell I Hen. Hevman ET Tho. P. Barlow Morton Slaney Wm Brett J. D. Fearon Nath. Sneyd Henry Young J. M‘ Alpine W. H. Angelo John Elliot Hugh Cochrane T. R. Wharton Comets . R. S. Hewett A. J. Stammer* F. Kelso F. T. Fergusson Henry Ihtrker A. C. Macmurdo' W'm Parlhy John B. Spooner Hon.C. Westenra Jer. Robinson H. S. Hodges J. S. Darby, pm. A. Stammers, adj. Masters, qm. Ja. Smett, surg. W. B. Carter, a.s. G. Finlayson W. Rick wood.T-i. Blue. Facings scarlet. Lace gold. Greenwood &Co. agents. IX. (Light) Dragoons (Lancers) Peninsula Col. E. of Rosslyn Lt Cols. T. Lord Hart land Cha. Morland Majors , T. Wildman H. Cavendish Captains , James Hurt Dennis Daly A. Campbell Lord G. Lennox J. B. Ker Sir C. Pavne A. F. d’Este H. J. Richardson Lieuts. John Minch in John Wright B. C. Browne Cha. Bacon W. W. Huntlv G. >l‘l3«wall J. Greenwood A. F. Ellis H. Ferguson Henry Mallory Cornets, Hen. E. Porter Henry Kuight Rich. Wright Cha. T. Jones Sir F. Vincent Lord G. lieu tick L. Loughborough B. Chapman, pm. J. Wright, adj. Tho. Hely, qm. J. O'Connor, sur. E. Burton, a.s . — Norton, v.s. Blue. Facings crimson. Lace gold. Greenwood&Co. agents. X. (P.ofWales'sown) Royal Regiment, rilussars.) Peninsula Waterloo Col. Prince Regent U Col. George Quentin Majors , T. Wm Taylor H. C. Stapylton Captains , John Grey John Ourwood Cha. Wood Valentine Jones Sir Henry Floyd Hon. J. Jones E. F. Mcynell R. Arnold Lieuts. W. Cartwright J. C. Wallington Ed. Hodgson W.C. Hamilton Wm Drummond W'm Gale Tho. Otway Cha. Harvey Rob. Burdctt Cornets , W. C. Langmead S. Wells Lord T. Cecil Earl of Wiltshire Hon. R. Watson 325 John Trollope Mar.Carmorthen Lord G. Bentinck ja» Tftllon, pm. 8. Wells, adj. Ja. Rogers, am. RACherm«iae,J«. W. R. Rogers, a.r H.Sannerman^r Blue. Lace gold. \H. Steel, a.s. lion. H. D. Shore} W. Otway, pym. Arch. Bishop iJ. Griffiths, adj. Cha. Malet \R. Sidley, qm. T O. Partridge B. Robinson , surg Rob. Hare Pat. Egan, assist. lien. Nolan, pm. |J. Castlcy,' v. jur. Geo. Butcher ,rtdj . i Blue. Facings T. Henderson,(/«i.bcflr/r/. Lace gold. j O’Mcally, sur. (Greenwood &Co f Greenwood &Co agents J. Harcourt Geo. Gross, v.s. agents. XI. Light Dragoons Egypt Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Lord W.Bentlnck i U Cols. H. J. Cumming |j. W. Sleigh Rich. Irtggins Majors , :ja. Bouchier Mich. Childers Captains , John Jenkins Thomas Binny William Smith Jas R. Rotton Stephen White W. Blundell Wm Elliott James Moore Tho. Crawford Lieuts. B. dcs Voeux B. P. Browne E, J. H. Brisco T. B. Wall W. Jordan Geo. Butcher W alter Clarke Alan Chambre Wm Hickman Rich. Arclidall Hon. John Law ; Cha. Wetlierall G. A. Anson Fra. Blundell Geo. Williamson C. G.J.Arlmthnot J. D. Allingham L. M. Cooper R. Hollingworth Cornets , J. King Stewart Geo. S. Crole Arthur M’Cally Blue. Facings buff. Lace silver. Collyer, agent. XII. (Prince of Wales's Royal Lancers.) Egypt Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Sir W. Payne Lt Cols. R. Browne H. F.C.Ponsonby Majors , O. Blunden Ja. P. Bridger Samson Stawcll Captains , Geo. F. Erskine Hous. Wallace Alex. Barton Henry Andrews Wm C. Coles Win Paton A. Goldsmid F. Russell XIII. William Elton Cha. Strange W. J. St John A. Strange, pm. T. Rosser, adj. W. Minchen, qm. H. Job, surg. W. Bohan, a. s, I). M‘Grigor J. Constant, v. s, Blue. Facings \ ■ lieuts. Wm Heydon Jos. Philips John Vandeleur Wm Hay W.H.Dowbiggen Ab. Lane j. H. Slade J. Mickleth waite Tho. Reed J. Griffith R. B. Palllsar Comets. H. E. D. B. Sidley Edw. Weight Hon.F.Thelluson J. H. Haydock R. Harrington Fra. A. Moms Light Dragoons. Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , lion. H. G. Grey Lt Cols. Sir Rob. Bolton Michael Head T . Pritzler Shap. Boyce Majors , Jos. Doherty J. F. Paterson Captains , James M‘Alister Man. Bowers Cha. Gregory A. T. Maclean II. A. Gladwin H. S. Blanckley l). Mac worth Wm Browne R. Brunton Lieuts. Wm Turner John Ryan John Atherton Jos. Lyman J. H. Maitland J. Tomlinson Arth. Handcock Henry Stones Anth. Bacon Cha. Andrews . John Wallace Cha. Clarke R. B. Teasdale Tho. Tristram W r . A. Brown W. T. Cockburn John Pott Tho. P. Lang T. Rosser Comets , W. D. Hamilton Robert Ellis J. Lawrenson Wm Hlslop N. Nash Greenw Lace go food & Cd. XIV. i Duch. of York's.) Jght Dragoons. Prussian Eagle Penln «ula Waterloo Coloon A. Earl Bridgewater Lt Co/.C.M.Bakei Majors. T. W. Brotherton T. P. Milles Captains. J. Bahington Daniel Capel Hon. Hen. Percy Fra. Anderson Jos. Dowson J. Townsend L. B. Badcock Wm Jones Lieuts. Fra. Fowke Chas W ard C. M‘Carthy Hon. C. Petre St John Charlton It. C. Hammond W. Beckwith Jas Ortnsby Edw. L. Parry Cornets , John St Leger H. W. Solier W. Carruthers Henry Gage Edw. S. Gooch J. W. Wilics W. J. D’Urban S. Rofe, pm. C. M'Carthy, rtqj II. Smith, q. m. D. O'Fluliertv/jM Elijah Bush, a. i\ - Black, Blur, toeing orange. Lace silos. Collyer, agt. XV. (King's.) UDr. (Hussars.) Elmsdorff Vilkrs cn Couche Peninsula Waterloo Colonel, D. of Cumberland U Colt. R. B. Long L. C. Dairy tnplc Majors , Jos. Thackwell Skin. Hancox Captains , John Whiteford F. C. Phillips Chas Carpenter William Booth Cha. Jones Wm Beliairs Henry Lane Edw. By.un Ueuts. lien. Duron J. J. Douglas W. Stewart J. Pennington J. Griffith W. B. Burne C. R. O’Donnell . M'AJpine Edw. Studd Fred. Buckley A. M. Bayard W. G. II. JollilTe Yvni — Lt Dr. (Hussars.} Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Mar. of Drogheda Lt Col. Hon. H. Murray Majors , Philip Hay James Hughes Captains , . M. Clements Cha. Milner Arth. Kennedy Rich. Croker Geo. Luard Rob.Coote J. Vernon . O’Grady Ueuts . Wm Gibbs . H. Waldy H. Dupericr -T. Machell H. De Lapnsture Fra. Nlsbett Thomas Hunter Don. M‘Duffie Hon.C.Monckton Cornets , J. Leslie J;imes Laing T. J.W. Freeman Aretas Akers J. Y. Scarlett Bethell Walroud Walter Scott Wm Baftier W in Deane, paym H. Dupericr, adj. J. Collins, q. m. W. Chambers, /Mr f. Quincey ,assis. Da. Pilcher, os sur Blue. Pacings white. iMCt silos. XVI. ((Queen’s.) LtDr. (Lancers.) | Tolavera Fuentes d'Onor Salamanca Vittorla Nive Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Earl ofHarcourt U Cols. Sir Ja. Affleck Raymond Pelly Majors , G. H. Murray J. II. Belli ■ Captains , Rich. Weyland W m Persse Harry Wrixon W. Tomkinson C. King T. Penrice William Osten Trev. Wheler Limit. John Grimes Geo. Baker R. Beauchamp N. D. Crichton Wm Nepean J. Luard William Harris Wm H. Ball C. R. Cureton G. Nugent Comets, G. W. Mangles Wm Elton Geo. Callaghan G. T. Temple R. Storey, pm. J. Griffith, adj. Sa. Jenkins, qm. J.Easton,MD.rur. Sam. Jcyes,.«». C. R.Cureton^iJy. D. Pratt, q. m. J. Robinson, surg. J. M’Gregor, ass. Mallock, M.D. J.W. Jons, os. sur. Blue. Facings scarlet. Lace silos. Collyer, agent Lt Cols. Evan Lloyd Hon. L. Stanhope Oswald Werge Majors, Nath. Wilson J. Willington Captains , George J. Sale Dan. M'Neale John Atkins Edward Byne T. P. Thompson Ben. Adams Mai. M‘Neil! Cha. Wayth J. Brackenbury Lieuts. John D’Arcy Jos. Budden W. II. Robinson Charles B. Sale F. W. Hutchinson Fra. Curtayne Wm Daniel Henry Bond Isidore Blake H. Carcw Wm Macfarlane S. W. Watson R. Willington A. de L’Etang H. C. Amici T. L.S. Mentcath Tho. Hurring O. De Lancey W. T. H. Fisk Geo. Clarke m xvil scarlet. Lace silos. Light Dragoons. Greenwood &Co.| Colonel, agents IQ. De Lancey \ E e 2 327 Cornets , N. Raven Pet. Backhouse T. Nicholson J. B Smith J. B. Nixon Wm Mariott C. St J. Fancourt Fred. Loftus R. Harman, m. J. B. Smith, adj. m. W. Wybrow, sur. J. Lorimer, assis. Tho. Price Edm. Price, os.sur Blue. Facings white, ljacenh Greenwood & Co. a gents. Greenwood & Co, agents. Reed Fraser, Ireland. XIX. Light Dragoons. (Lancers.) Assaye Seringapatam Niagara Colonel, SirJ.O.Vandeleur Lieut. Colonel , H. Wyndhara Majors , Robert Lisle Edward Geils Captains , Henry Skelton G. A. Moultrie Sir J. R. Eustace J. Hammersley G. Doherty W. ^foray C. Cuml*erlcdge Wm H. Stewart Geo. Duff J. W’akcficld Lieutenants , Cornets, John Lang J. H. Whitmore W. Dungan G. Blair Hall R. S. Ruddack G. E. Jolliffe Henry Georges Geo. Mecham John Gowdie A. W. Dashwood W. Glanville Geo. Talbot Alex. Bailey Geo. Johnstone lion. G. Hervey W. F. Neville, />m. W. Glanville.ed/. J.M* Lennon, q.m. J. Murray, surg. J. Riach,a./. Law. Bird njet.s. Blue. lacings yello’w. Luce gold. Greenwood «Co. agents. FOOT GUARDS. I. ]Tho. Brooke (GrensdierRegt.) iTur. Grant Lincclles. IW. C. Eustace Corunna. B Barrosa. Peninsula. Waterloo. Colonel, Duke of York Lt Col. Lord F. Bcntlnck 1 1 First Major , Hon. A. P. Upton Second Major , Henry Askew Third Major , Hon. W. Stewart Capts. & Lt Cols. Hon.H.Townsend I. Pat. Tinling J. Daw. West J. Hanbury L. G. Jones Henry Packe Henry D’Oyly J. G. Woodford Fho. Dorville G. Fead Lortl Saltoun John Reeve G. Ramsden S. Lambert Rd. H. Marsac Edw. Wynyard Hon. J. Stanhope H. E. Joddrell Hen. Stables G. Colquitt SirH. Harding Sir T. N. Hill D. Barclay Lortl Somerset Sir U. BurRh A. Higginson T Streatfield Cha. AHix (Lord Ja. Hay ! Lieuts & Capts. B. Charlewood G. P. Higginson H. E. Hunter J. Gunthorpe Rob. Thoroton C. R. M. Molloy T. B. B. Barrett C. H. Churchill Hon. R. Clements Lord C. Fitzroy J. Lindsay Rob. Ellison J. L. Dukenfleld Hen. Vernon H. W. Powell Geo. Disbrowe W. G. Cameron Har. B.Trelawny Phil. Clarke Lons. Boldero R. W. Phillimore Tho. Stark C. P. Ellis James Simpson E. Clive P. J. Pcrcival W. F. Johnstone F. F. Luttrell E. P. Buckley Fra. Dawkins James Nixo» C.F. R. Lascelles W.G. Moore F. J. Davis 11. H. Gronow Robert Batty John Home Aug. Dashwood Wm Barton J. O. Honvman Hon. S. V .Vernon C. J. Vyncr James Butler Ensigns IffLieuts, Edw. Burrard J. P. Dirom J. F. M. Erskine Rob. Bruce Rich. Fletcher S. W. L. Fox Sam. Long Hon.T S. Bathurst Geo. Fludj’er Godf. Thornton F. H Needham W. F. Tinling Alger. Greville Don. Cameron F. Norton Hon.H. Lascelles Geo. Mure Geo. Allen T. E. Croft W.H. Barnard Jos. St John Dan. Tighe Jas Talbot P. S. Stanhope Adjutants , J. Gunthorpe H. E. Hunter L. Boldero Quarter Masters , George Darby R. Colquhoun John Payne Surgeon Major , Tho. Nixon Battal. Surgeons , W. Curtis S. Wm Watson John Bacot Assist. Surgeons , Rob. Gibson John Harrison And. Armstrong J. Wilkinson, sol. Facings bine. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. II. (Coldstream) Lincelles. Egypt Talavera. Barrosa. Peninsula. Waterloo. Colonel , D. of Cambridge LtCot. Hon. H. Brand First Major , Sir R. D. Jackson Second Major , A. G. Woodford Capts b* Lt Cols. Sir H. F. Bouverie Ja. Macdonell J. Hamilton Henry Loftus W. H. Raikes Fra. Sutton F. M. Milman Thomas Gore Tho. Barrow Da. M’Kinnon Hon. J. Walpole H. Dawkins H.A.Abercromby Sir C. Campbell Hon.E. Acheson Sir R.Arbuthnot Sir Wm Gomm Hon. J. B. O’Neill Tho. Sowerby John Waters Us Capts. Tho. Steele Geo. Bowles P. Sandilands J. Freemantle 328 \t !,.AValton A. Weddcrburn Charles White rho. Bligh Cha. Shaw iC. A. F. Bentinck ♦John Talbot \V. G. Baynes J. Steph. Cowell J. Drummond Hon. R. Mooro C. A. Girrardot Tho. Chaplin Henry Salwey T. S. Duncombe Hon. Ja. Forbes ■Aug. Cuyler ] Wm Kortright |Hcn. Armytage 1M. Beaufoy Hcury Gooch Tlio. Powys Ensigns Lieuts. Hon. W. R. Rous H.J.W. Bentinck F. M. Shawe Hump. Mildmay F.T. Buller H.F. Griffiths John Montagu Henry Vane F. I. Doughs Rob. Bowen F. FitzClarence Hon. W. Forbes Charles Short W. Scrjeantson Jasper Hall J. 5. Jcnkinson C. A. Bentinck, adj. A. Weddcrburn T. Dwelljr, q. m. B. Selwnj J.T. Simpson.r.m W.Whyortpero./#. T. Maynard Geo. Smith, as sis. S. Worrell J. Wilkinson, sol. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. III. Lincelles. Egypt. Talavera. Barrosa. Peninsula. Waterloo. Colonel , Duke of Gloccster Lt Cot. Geo. Hill First Major , John Guise Second Major , Fra. Hepburn Capts tlT IJ Cols. W. Cotton H.W. Rooke J. Clitherow J. J. Cochrane Wm A. Keate W. C. Master IJs W Capts. R. B. Hesketh H. Hawkins R. H.W'igston Hon. J. B. Rodney C. J. Barnet Sir A. J. Murray Cha. Hornby Cha. Hall J.H.J. Stapleton C. O. Prendergast RFG Cumberland W. Stockdale E. B. Fairfield Geo. Evelyn John Elrington Geo. Tuffhell Hon. E. Stopford B. Drummond G. D. Standcn Dav. Baird W. F. Hamilton W. F. For»ter W. T. Knoll vs Henry Colville Digbt Murray H.U. Digby Ensigns Lieuts Hon. G. Anson F. W. Keppel Randal Gossip Tho. Wedgwood A. C. Cochrane JeiF. Prendergas* H. S. Hlane H. Montague Hon.C. Westerns P. J. Vorke ^ Cha. Douglas Chid. Cooto Rich. Armit S. Norval G. L*Est range Chas. H. Fraser B. Drummondyii. J. Elrington. Cha. Weston, qm* W. i'homson W. A.H»y ^ E. Salmon Jbat.sur. Sam. Good J. R. Warde, ass. Wm H. Judd Moses Hoper, sol. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents .. L (Royals.) gypt Busaco Salamanca Victoria St Sebastian Nive Peninsula Niagara Waterloo Colonel , Duke of Kent Lt Cols. J. $. Barnes IN. Macleod 1 Neil M'Kellar j | Majors , 1 jRob. Nixon Col. Campbell Captains , T. C. Gi FOOT REGIMENTS. ■ Lachlan M'Lcan . Lieuts. G. Galbraith A. M‘Donald John Clyne A. Campbell W. Billing Rich. Vaughan bbi J.S. Lynch ©on.y ' w :aham G. A. Wetherall Jas. Rowan John Wilson Abr. Logan J. O. Glover Rob. Mullen R. Macdonald Be>sel Harvey David Deuchar R. Dudgeon C. S. Hopkins J. Macra H. Cowell j. Wetherall Tho* Mossc C. Hendrick W. H. Butler i James Cow ell . "Ee 5 L. H. Donbin John N. Ingram Wm Wetherall Jas. Bland j. T. Iiolebrooke Cha. Eyre John Cross Nor. Maclean Win M l Beath Eb. Lorimer Wm Orrock John McGregor 329 ~ J. H. Wardronc , Hor. Suckling • Cha. Campbell 1 G. C. Johnstone Tho. Gordon W. M. M l Keneie W.M‘Ewen A. Cameron John Stoyte H. Macartney j. V. Fletcher ! John Dixon H. J. Blchner Wiflou. Carter ' E. Main waring George Mathias E. Habington C. Pieters Charles Lewis Tho. Stevens Wm Thomas Rich. Blacklin Stanh. Bruce C. Campbell J. C. Cowell J. Williamson .lames Stoyte Alex. Grahatne Jas M'Gregor J. Temple John M‘Gregor Edw. Butler Fred. Glover Paymasters , M. L. Daniel C. T. Grant adjutants, G. Galbraith W. M‘Ewen Quarter Masters , Tho. Griffith — Parke Surgeons, J. Davidson |R. Sandford K Assist. Surgeons , Vm Finnie Tho. Bolton W. Stoddart John O’Reilly Pacings blue . Ixsce gold. Mr Kirkland, agt. Sir W. B. Burdett, Irish Agent. II. (Q. Royals.) EgJPt Salamanca Vittoria Pyrenees Nivellc Toulouse Peninsula Colonel, James Coates Lieut. Col. John Jordan Majors , I. F. De Burgh A.Thistlcthwaite Captains , John Gordon J. Johnston P. Carney John Williams Cha. Borlasc H. C. Cash John T. Wood Charles Boyd C. Williamson Don. Maclean Lieuts , And. Hair . K. Kell \ C . Glasson C. Girdlestone David Griffiths F. W. Frankiand Morris Barlow Menas O’Keefe 1 G. Croasdaile R. Meech M.C, Homer John S. Hughes Wm Mack ay Arch. Innes T. H. Owen Tho. Everndem Rob. Stirling I). Jenkins E. B. Jackson G. S. Gilland Wm. Hunt Tho. Meldrum John Nunn Ensigns, Henry Waring C. K. Proctor Fran. Wyse W. M. Lyster John Caruev Geo. Campbell John Delany G. C. Harvey W. Bowden, pm, W. Hunt, adj. R. Jones, qm. M. Alexander,* ur. A. J. Ralph, nsjur. Facings blue. Lace silver. Greenwood# Co. agents. III. (Buffs, or East Kent.) Douro Peninsula Colonely Sir H. Clinton Lt Col. W. Stewart Majors , Hen. Roberts Wm Balfour Captains, Cha. Cameron Cha. Parke Henry Marlay Natl), Thom Wm Fowden Mat. Latham H. G. Colclou. R. W, Hooper Henry Gillinan G. Whichcote Lit uts, Sam. Wright E. Blair Wm Woods Ensigns, ■ ! John Miller j J. B. Kingsbury Sam. Blythe J. L. Corrigan ; J. H. Brown i Wm Hill , Geo. R. Carmac i J. Cameron Wm Boyd, pm. :kay,i J wnrcissr~ Robert Gregg Henry H. Irving Isaac Beer F. P. Robinson Ensigns , John Jackson H. W. Breton Fred. Clarke Rob. Gamble 11. N. Shipton Fra. Warre H. J. Loraine Wm Lonsdale J. Lonsdale, pm. W . Graham, adj. T. Richards, qm. G. M‘Dermot,*«r. W.Morrah, assist. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood # Co. agents ■ V. W. Mackav, adj. W. Herring, qm. T. Anderson ^urg. R. Ivory, as. sur. Facings buff. Lace gold. Greenwood# Co. '(Northumberland) agents. Reid & Co. Jr. ag. IV. (King’s own.) Corunna Peninsula "Waterloo Colonel, Earl of Chatham Lt Col. Fra. Brooke Majors, John Piper A. D. Faunce Captains , Geo. D. Wilson I John E. Kipping Robert Anwyll J. W. Fletcher H. T.Shaw Rob. Erskine David S. Craig Geo. Ramsay H. Montmorency i W. B. C. Edgell Lieuts , J. K. M‘Ken: L. M. Bennett P. Bowlby Thomas Moody Wm Graham I John Duthy ! W. II. Dutton Patrick Cartan St George and the Dragon Roleia Ciudad Rodrigo Badajoz Salamanca Vittoria Nivelle Orthes Toulouse Peninsula Colonel , Sir H. Johnston Lt Col. Sir Charles Pratt Majors , E. Copson Thomas Ernes Captains, Geo. Clarke J. Cully A. M. Bennett J. S. Simcocks Rich. Bishop A Dubourdieu G. D. Mackenzie John Bent D. E. Johnson F. W. Kysh Lieuts, Jonas Welsh E. Equino H. E. O’Dell I. H. M'Kenzie $. Belton |A. E. Johnson M. Galbraith fr. G. Drewry W. V. Fitzgerald [Thomas Canch Sam. Armstrong [John Pollock Walter Hanis Ensigns, IW. W. Pel. Claj |0. M. Fry 1C. P. Wyatt LI. Brooke £us. Hill |A. J. Pictet iF. A. Robinson !J. G. Hutton u.Pennington,/>m. [Tho. Canch, adjt Hen. Bishop, qm. Aud. Blake, surg. J. Martin, ass. Facings gosling green. Lace silos. Greenwood & Co. "vL (LfWarAnckshire) The Antelope Pyrenees Orthes Peninsula Niagara On the three cor- ners of 2d colour, the Rose&Crown, and on the Grena- diers’ cups, the King’s Crest Colonel , Sir G. Nugent It Col. A. Campl>ell Majors , J. Gardiner H.M. Scott Captains , S. Taylor Hen. Rogers R. A. Dewgard J. Thompson Edw. Cox W. p. j. L odder W. Clarke Fred. M'Bean Edwin Sandys * Wm. Ronald Lievts, Ralph Meredith il. B. Everest S. M. Tarleton Thomas Clarke Wm Stott Thomas Duke ames Gell Alex. D. Hogg J. Crauford John Bonamy T. G. Cumie Gren. Pigot Ensign s, W. H. Eden J. T. Griffiths J. D. Chambers Alex. Downie B. W. Yelverton T. Ilolyoake G. T. Heigham Wm Bellingham Mat. R. Grey J. Blakeman, pm. A.Downie, adj. Rob. Smart, qm. J. Fisher, surg. R. Goodriche,a.j. Fac ings yellow. Lace stiver. Greenwood & Co. Vil. (Royal Fuzileers.) The Rose within theGarter,andthe Crown over it White Horse Martinique AJbuliera Peninsula Colonel , Sir A. Clarke Lt Col. Sir E. Blakcney Majors , J. W. Beatty S. B. Ahmuty Captains , Ja. Robison Alex. C. Wylly John H. Mair Edw. Morgan Ham. English W. E. Page Mat. Ford G. Berkeley B. Disney Robert Muter Lievts , John Healy E. Penrice Wm Payne T. Squires fos. Hutchinson Fames Hay r. Y. Lester Geo. Seton Martin Onr Uha. Lorentz J. L. Nunn E. W. Bell I. D. King T. F. L’Estrange James S. Gage Fred. Brownlow John M. Stuart Rich. Greaves Geo. Sweeting Cha. Rowley Harry Calvert W . M acdouga l\,pm Ja. Hay, adj. L. Lambert, qm. M. Mahony, sur. Ph. Duigan, ass. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. Armit&C VIII. (King's.) White Horse Egypt Martinique Niagara Colonel , Edm. Stevens Lt Col. John Duffy Majors , Hon.G.DeCourcy Tho. Buck Captains , Wm Cotter Wm Robinson F. Campbell J . Agnew P. Moyle J. FitzGerald John Tucker W. Jervois Tho. Ger. Ball F. A. M. Fraser Lievts 9 Tho. I vers Mai. Ross Rob. Boyd H. P. Hill Thomas Price R. D. Taylor \lex. Bourke Fohn Lowry r. W. Vieth Edw. Murray D. Van* Machen Fran. Miles Sim. Baynes Ensigns, A. Thompson H. Francis G. A. M‘Dermott Rich. Shaw W. Wainwright R. Thompson Wm Caldcr R. Mawdeslcy Robert Minty M M’Dermottpm. T. Price, adj. Wm Only, qm. T. Cartan, sur. Wm Steele, a./. Facings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood Sc Co. Agents. IX. (East Norfolk.) The Figure of Britannia Talavera Busaco Salamanca Vittoria St Sebastian Nive Penitrsula Colonel , Sir R. Brownrigg Lt Col. Sir J. Cameron Majors , D. Campbell P. W. Lambert Captains , Adam Peebles H. D. Loftus James Boyd I. Jervoise Wm T. St Clair John Taylor J. Ogle Ilcnry Hill Geo. Stirling Lievts , Wm Seward Richard Ruse A. Fraser 1 Geo. L, Davis \V. Il, Cockburne Edw. Watkins Jas Scargill P. R. Brown Rob. Brookes Rich. Telford 3 31 .Jolm (Thomas Scott C. II. Brisbane ■ Ensigns , H. J. Sperling Wm. Seward F. P. Clarkson Sam. Bonham Henry Lowth C. Brownrigg Tho. Sandes Jos. Rawlins R. Walton, pm. G. L. Davie*, adj. J. Scott, qm. A.Loinswortbrttr Win Dent, as. Facings yellow. Lace silver. Grcenwood&Co. X. (North Line.) Egypt mi Peninsula Colonel , II. SWT. Maitland ■ Lt Col. Matt. Stewart Majors , J. Otto Beyer Pat. Grieve Captains , Edw. Powell Thomas Dent J. Rudsdell S. D’Ar. Kelly George King W. Main waring G. Chandler D. Macdowall E. Mullingcr Lieuts, E. B. Thane Wm Holden R. W. Sims Wm Leard John Gallie J. S. Windle Wm Rannie J. K. Jouncey F. Foaker Ralph Marshall E. Allen C. Levinge Ensigns , R. W. Sh ink. win Rich. Lane John Sheriff T. I,. L. Galloway Robert Birch Hi Hugh Dive, pm. E. Allen, adj. Geo. Moss, qm. W. O’Donel , snr. John Bail’d, a.s. Facings yellow. I .ace silver. Mr Uownaa, agt. XI. (N. Devon.) lah Salamanca Nivelle Tolouse Peninsula Colonel , Sir Cha. Asgill U Col . J. P. Hunt Majors , Geo. G. Hely W. S. Elrington Captains y J. Campbell D. O’Kelly Wm Owen Wm Dunlop J. Danger C. B. Turner Rich. H. Jones T. St. G. Lister D. Macpherson Ld Belhaven,&c. Lieuts, Wm Walker I. Richardson Cosmo Cameron Wm Moore John Davison Tho. B. Lander Walter White Alex. Boy/1 Boyce Smith R. Ferrall James O’Kelly Edw. Marcon Wm Chatnbre Ensigns , Fra. Marsh Hen. Hopkins J. H. Kerr J. J. Peck J. M‘ Dermott R. M. Haldcnby Edw. Moore Edw. S. Farmar H. G. P. Tuckctt H. O’Conner, pm. R. Ferrall, aJjt T. Coghlan, qm. F. Moore, surg. A. Stewart, ass. Facings deep green. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. XII. (E. Suffolk.) Minden Gibraltar Serineapatam. Colonel , Sir C. Hastings Lt Col, W. H. Forssteen Majors, Rich. Bayley It. G. Hare Captains , Hen. M‘Keady M. J. Molloy J. Turberville Geo. Llewellyn J. Campbell Ron. Macdonald Jas. Nestor John Snlnks James Milne Rob. Berridge Lieuts , Rob. J enkins George Lawson M. Thornton David Dune Rob. Bradfute H. R. Shepherd Wm Donald Alex. Cruice Ja. Wadeson Mor.J. Jenkins H. Chamber lay nc Fred. Clark Jos. Jones F.nsigns, W. G. Shafto John Borthwick 1 Ienry Fosberry Cha. Williams S. White J. Stirke Stephen Lewis Robert Carew J. O’ Keefe, pay w*. F. Clarke, adj. W m Grady, qm. J. tv. Price, surg. Hugh Fraser, as^> Facings yellow . Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. agents. Atkinson 8, Jr. Ag. XIII. (1st Somerset.) Egypt Martinique Col. E. Morrison Lt Col. Sir W. Williams Majors , lien. Holgatd Robert Preston Captains , Ar. Wilkinson John Staunton Geo. Thornhill Hen. Ellard John Johnson J. M'Pherson J. Shearman Henry Buruside Win Light Edw. Tronson Lieuts, Ja. Campbell T. E. Kelly Hen. Waterman Mich. Fenton Tho. Triphook Tho. Fenton Geo. Reed Knox Barret Rob. Pattison Neil Campbell John Kemple B. Meredith Edward Kelly Ensigns , William Pyue Wm Darby John Hall C. H. L. Tinting Wm F. Marlton John Thomas Jacob Jordan George Rothe C. Grimes, /wi. J. Kemple, adjt E. Sheridan, qm. H. Hamilton, iur. J . Henderson, an. Facings yelltnv, J.ace silver. Grcenwood&Co. agents, 332 XIV. (Buckingham.) The White Horse Corunna Java Waterloo Col. Sir H. Calvert Lt Cob, Ja. Watson M. Burrows I Majors , F. S. Tidy Peter Johnstone Captains . Jacob Watson M. Everard Rob. Ramsay |j. Marshall C. Bisshopp Geo. Rawlins W. 8. Bertrand .Gerald Rochfurt ,W. Tumor (Tho. Hall X. Raynsford I Lieuts, (W. Akenside C. M. Brannan J. B. Ainsworth K. M'Kenzie !H. B. Armstrong |Tho. Kirkman iTho. Jenour |Tho. Way ;H. Johnson ;M. C. Lynch ;G. Mackenzie !H. L. Franklin !G. T. Finucane E. L'Estrange ID. Hazlewood •Rich. Stack iWm Fowler Simon Kent Hen. Mansel C. R. Newman C. F. Jennings 'Edw. Pender Jacob Meek James Grant Ensigns . Gilbert Paslev R. B. Newenham Wm Keowcn J. M. Wood A.Ormsby Ja. Ra. Smith .A. Cooper James Bowlby J.H.Matthewi/>m. jhArmstrong, adj. W. Harris, qm. T. Jackson, surg. Jas Trigge, assis. „ rrigge,rt)i?fp CnlortfL Facings ruhite, Lace silver. Grcenwood&Co. agents. xvm (Royal Irish.) fegypt Colonely Lord Hutchinson Lt Col. Jas Graves Majors , Robert Smyth John Macneil Captains , Robert Percival G. Gorrequer Ricliard Weld Geo. Montgomery Henry Pratt Cole Maxwell G. J. Rogers John Doran Rob.Hammfll J. M. Maitland LieutSy Jcre. Cooper F. Wm. Dillon Edm. Stackpole W. H. Graves Abraham Reed William Dempster Joseph Hamell Edward S. Cassan Oliver St George Henry Senior I). Campbell L’udburt French Thos Moore Ensigns , J. Grattan John Campbell r. E. Thompsou J. G. Young [. T. Hull J. A. Forbes Robert Gordon Jas. W. Birch Her. Reilly, paym J. Hamm ill, adj. Hugh Galley, qm W. Carver, sur. J. Richardson, at. Pacings blue. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. Colonely Sir H. Turner Lt Colty Alex. Milne Don. Macbean Majorsy D. M‘Donalcl Lionel Hook Captainsy AlexanderRobson Edm. Lockyer Henry Hardy Tho. Dobbins W. Nihill William Cox Mark Prager P. C. Lamphier Don. M‘Donald Mont. Caimes LieutSy Vic. Raymond L. H. Hughes Crosby Christian Henry O'Shea Robert Cormack James Sullivan Cha. Stewart Cha. M* Donald Cha. Forbes T. Hamilton Thomas Tayloe David Burns H. F. Hawker Ensignsy S. G. Bagshaw John Stirling F. Tydd Ed. C. Soden Alex. Scott Thomas Bayly Isaac Robinson E. C. Mathias R. Nichols, paym. H.F. Hawker, adj. Wm Morris, qm. W. B. Parker, sur. VV. M'Donneu, a t Pacings green Lace gold. Mr Fitter, agt. agents. Reid & Co, Ir. Ag. -Sir W. Houston XX. (East Devonsh.) Mindcn Egypt Mai da Pyrenees Orthcs Peninsula Colonely LtCol Samuel South Majorsy Edward Jackson John Hogg Captains , George Tovey Hamlet Obins E. Lutyens Thomas Falls F. Champagne William Crokatt Richard Gethin Robert Power Guy Rotton James White LieutSy James Goldfrap John Gilbert M. A. Stanley Charles Connor Alexander Baillie Edward Cheek J. Smith John Storey Charles Smith . R. C. Oakley Cha. South H. D. Dodgin J. F. Wallace Ensign ty James Rae G. II. Wood Tho. Moore D. W. A. Douglas Amb. Congreve Giles Eyre Dun. Darroch Wm Vivian Alex. Tovey ,pnu John Storey, adj. John Dodd, q. rn. A. Arnott, surgeon G. Rutledge, ajs, Facings yellow. Lace silver. G reenw ood a.sur. John Fawcett Facings green. Lace silver. Mr M‘Donald, ag. XXV. (King's own Borderers.) Minden Egypt Colonel, Hon. C. Fitzroy Lt Col. J. A. Farquharson Majors , V. Hompesch A. W. M‘Donell Captains , Robert Terry John Austin Garnet Wolseley George Juxon Dun. aPLaren P.Macdougall J. J. Hollis Henry Stracey Wm Brownsou C. Chambers 335 Maxwell W. Johnston Rob. Robson Thomas Boycs M. Pointon John Kyle Thos M‘ Niven Ensigns t Alex. Fraser Alex. Calder T. S. Pratt Hum. Babington R. Carruthers B. J. Clay ft eld H. F. Strange Rob. Maxwell Hugh Pollock, pm. M. Pointon, aaj. J. M‘Gregor, q.m. J. Coldstream, stir. James Brady, as. Facings yellow. Lace silver* Mr Gordon, agt. XXVII. (or Enniskilling.) Egypt Maula Peninsula Waterloo Colonel, Fr. M. of Hastings Lt Cols. Lemuel Warren Hugh Henry Majors , C. Thompson John Hare Captains % Thomas Molloy Sir. Tho. Reade Henry Thomas H. Balneavis Cha. Pepper John Waldron John Geddes John A. Atniel Rd Handcock B. T. Duhigg Lieut s. D. M‘Pherson W. M‘Lean W. F. Fortescue Francis Shee Tho. Craddock Wm Talbot E. W. Drewe Thomas Furnas Cha. Manly Arthur Byrne W. B. Buchanan Jos. Everett Tho. Smith Ensigns , L. Nelson James Grant J. M. Tew James Wallace R. Hawthorne Wm Carroll Edw. It. Rundle W. L. Stafford G. W. Crowe, pm A. Byrne, adj. Wm Doyle, qm. H. West. surg. T. Mostyn, as.tu, Facings buff* l*ace gold. MrAshley,E/»£.0£. XXVIII. (N. Glouc.) Egypt Barrosa Albuhera Vittoria Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Hon. Sir E Paget Lt Col. (J. F. Browne Majors , John Ross Charles Teulon Captains , William Irvine Thomas Wilson Charles Caddell Richard Kelly H. Moriarti J. H. Crummer William Irwin D. S. Barclay R. P. Gilbert Lieuts. J. F. Wilkinson |M. Semple (Robert P. Eason Henry Hilliard Samuel Moore (John Coen C. B. Carruthers Samuel Sweeny James Deares T. Bridgeland E. Emb. Hill Thomas Wheeler A. O. Dalgliesh Ensigns , W. Mountsteven Goo. Shawe J. A. Messiter James Campbell W. W. Homan J. C. Brown John Borthwick W. M. Stewartl R.Tomlinson,par- T. Bridgeland,aChas B. Orange Facings yellow. ;Law. Walsh, qm. jWm A. Ross Lace silver. [Wm Smyth, surg. Donald Stuart — ^_! Alex. Geddes Edw. J. Duke Robert Campbell Pat. Canal J. Campbell,£.w J. Madigan, adj. H. M‘ Donald, qm. Tho. Forster, sur. Geo. Bush,*ww. R. A. M'Munn Facings pale fel- low. Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. agents. 340 XLV1I. (Lancashire.) Tarifa Vittoria St Sebastian peninsula Colonel , Hod. Sir A. Hope Lt Cols. R. G. Elrington Win Cheyne Majors , B. Molesworth Hou. L. Stanhope Captains , J. W. Hutchison F. Fetherstou j.VV.O.Donoghue W. Ramsay rho. Backhouse Fade Heatly Hen. Parsons Jas Pickard C. H. Malnwarlng p. F. Sadlier Patrick Forbes Lieuts. Tho. French Philip Dundas tf. T. Keays ua. Clarke J. Hutcldnson John Hill H. VVainwright !c. J. Cochrane (Thomas Daly u. H. de Burgh jkddison Lowe John Atherton lob. Cochrane John Sandes T. N. Cochrane LW. Macdonnell W. Murray Tho. Luttrell Charles Lane John Pasley Edw. Dundee Henry Watts Edw. Michel! James Stewart Cha. Edwards Ensign s, John Gordon Cha. Lowry W. D. Deverell kng. J. Millar Eu. M‘Carthy Geo. Rooke R. RidRe R. Mltton, pm. T. French, adj. M. Griffith Facings white. Lice silver. Jirucr . , ^ — Greenwood & Co. 'Thomas Hayes agents. T. Murray, pm. . — J. Wild, adj. XLVIIl. ! Stubbs, qm. (Northampton.) :G.Stcpher»ou,rMr r r>"i A. Hamilton, at. J. Abr. Fenton Pacings buff* Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. Agents. Tohn King, qm. l,ach. M*AUster G. Ridsdale, sur. jThoina* Lewis T. M ‘Curdy, oj^. C. H. Roberts lj. Haggerttonc (Edw. King W. G. White Talavera Albuhera Badujoz Salamanca Vittoria Pyrenees Nivelle Orthes 'Toulouse Peninsula Colonel^ Lord C. Fitzroy IJ Col. Ja. Erskine Major s y George Druitt Gil. Cimitiere Captains y Thomas Bell J. Morisset James Taylor W. P. I. Parry Fra. Allman W. N. Watkins D. Falla Geo. Mackay P. NTDougall John B. Brooke Lieuts. John Campbell j. £uthbertson G. VV. Leroux Edw. Vincent H. E. Robinson I. VV. Duke John Archer John Marshall T. Brothcridge E. C. Close C. VanderMeulen Val. Bloomfield William Reed A. Waddell Win Wilson Wm Metge Kob. Bunney E. J. O’Brien W. Ken worthy F.n signs y Tho. Weston J. Wild TRob. Inues 'Geo. Mathew K. de Lisle R. H. Sheaffc E. (J. Stokes Ja. Brock, pnu J. Stcan, adj. J. Harpur, qm. A.M‘Lachlan,JMr. D. Doherty, ass. Pacingi green . Lace gold. Greenwood Sc Co agents. Reed &Fra*er, Irr, XLIX. (Prin. Charlotte of Wales’s, or Hertfordshire.) Egmont-op-Zee Copenhagen Queenstown Colonel y Sir A. Maitland Lt Col. Jon. Yates Major Sy Adam Ormsby 'Tho. Bunbury Captains y James Dennis John B. Glegg John Williams Rob. Johnston Alex. Lewis Henry Ormond T. Dillon Rob. Bartley Tho. Stephens John Campbell Lieuts. Dixie Ellis Tho. Lamont I Sam. Holland Edw. Danford Edm. Morris John Sewell S. Richmond S. Blyth j. Stean John Otter 11. Maxwell James King Kdnnmd Peel Rnsignsy \r. Maclachlan D. M. Sanders James Simpson L. (West Kent.) Egypt Vimicia Corunna Almarez Vittoria Pyrenees Nive Orthes Peninsula Colonely Sir J. Duff U Col. J.B. Harrison Mnjorsy T. D. Campbell T. Wenayss Captainsy Wm Masson And. Mitchell Sich. Wodehouse llol. Custance Edward Scott Win A. Craig James Bishop Tho. Ryan H. F. Jauncey Wm Turner Lieuts. J. Patterson VV. Nowlan Geo. Bartley Arth. P. Browne l)an. Bateman Edw. Johnston G. M. Tew VV'. E. Crofton William Ross J. VI. Serjeantson Wm Harley Tho. Edwards Sholto l>ouglH$ E mi^ns % George Elude Janies Weir Henry B. Tudor Tho. Ahmnty 34 1 : Chari cs^Villes d.ord S. Lennox William isheuffe Henry GUI pm. |W.E.Crofton,arf/. ;b. Baxter, qm. Edw. torman John Gibbs, pm. J. S. Powell, adj. W. Kenny, qm. R. Webster, sur. J. F. Clarke, a. s. Facings grass j Pacings buff. Geo. Carpenter Lace silver. " ~ ! Greenwood &Co. Baillie Ross, surg. green. Lace gold. D. Williams, a. s. Facing s black. Lace silver . Greenwood &Co. Agents. LI. (2d YorkW. Rid.) (Light Infantry.) Minden Vittoria Nivelle Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , W. Morshead IJ Col. Sam. Rice Majors , Wm Thwaites John T. Keyt Captains , Ja. Campbell Rich. Storer J. Hen. Phelps Peter Smellie James Ross John Ross S. Beardsley Edw. Frederick Fra. M inchin Henry Bayiy Lieut s. Tho. Brook B. B. Hawley Wal. Mahon Wm H. Hare O. Ainsworth Fra. Kennedy Joseph Dyas John Flamanck W. H. Elliott W. D. Simpson Fred.Mainwaring C. w. Tyndale J. S. Powell Ensigns, A. Frazer Edw. St Maur C. J. B. Hamilton Fred. Mathews Wm. Timson John Meade William M‘Kay Greenwood &Co. agents . LII. (Oxfordsh. L. I .) Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Sir H. Oakes Lt Col. Sir J. Colbome Majors, Cha. Rowan Sir J. M. Tylden Captains , Wm Rowan Cha. Diggle J. Shedaen J. F. Love George Young James M‘Nair John Cross Cha. Yorke Chaw Kenney E. F. FitzGerald Lieut s. J. Winterbottom M. Anderson S. D. Pritchard G. H. Love SirW. II. Clerke George Hall Geo. Gawler Hon. W. Browne Edw. Scoones G. Campbell H. P. Smith Eaton Monins W. C. Yonge Ensigns , R. K. Hill William Blois William Leekc Hn. R. Chetwynd John Ben than i W.lll.M‘Dermott R. F. llill William Forbes Ja. Clark, pm. J Winterbottom , q J. Campbell, qm agents. L1II. (Shropshire.) Talavera Salamanca Peninsula Colonel , Row. Lord Hill U Co s. Sebright Mawby SirG. R. Bingham John Mansel Tho. Brereton Majors , Wm Ingleby O. G. Felmzen Captains , John Giles J . Wheatstone W. Coultman J. M'Caskill Wm Cuppage C. Chepmefi Cope Williams J. 13. Whanuell John Eden R. G. Horsley Lieuts. Arthur Daly Tho. Emery R. T. Greene Wm Booth A. Knox Tho. Impett D. II. Anstice John Fraser J. Hutchinson Wm Harrison J. C. Heathcote J. Treveuen G. Fitz Gerald And. Browne Rob. Macalpine Mars. Morpnett P. R. Cameron J. Wilton Ja. Stewart Edw. Browne Jac. Silver Hon. F. Curzon R. F. Davis Ja. Srveency Geo. Despai d Ensigns , Ja. Gardner J. B. Gibson, sur. | B. J. C. Muirson WMacartnejjfljj. j Rob. Taggart " 342 H. Gray D. M. Byrne John Little R. Monk, pm. W. Booth, adj. R. Blackie, qm. W. Pollock, sur. R. Miller, as. s. B. L. Sandham Facings red. ® Lace gold. Greenwood&Co, agents. L I V.(W. Norfolk.) kgypt Colonel , J. Gascoyne Lt Cot. John Daniel Majors , Allan Kelly Leslie Walker Captains , T. C. Kirby R. Blakeman Jas. Leslie Geo. Black Wm J. Rea F red. Gascoyne C. L. FitzGerald Tho. G. Coo to John J. Grindley John Campbell Lieuts. Alex. Burnett G. Bromhead E. A. Evan son Rob. Woodgate Wm Claus Rich. KeUy John Gray P. Manddhon R. Lcacroft J C.S. Sly field C. Makepeace Cha. H. Potts Ensigns , Edw. Nugent Tho. Fraser Cha. Hill J. Ciark C. W. Thomas A. Mathcwson Prycc Clarko J. Dow dall Burr. Kelly J. Pillon, pm. J. DewdaUf < W. Coates , qm. (3. Redmond, sur. LVT. (W. Essex.) Colonel, M.F. Fyna n, m. i F icings green. Lace silver. Greenwood <& Co. agents. LV. (Westmoreland.) Colonel, SirW. H. Clinton John Gualey I # Pa/ II Lf Gibraltar Colonel, i Sir J. Murray U Col. F. Barclay Majors, Sir C. W. Burdett Rob. Grant Captains , J wm^W> Ij Cot. * Sir H. Dalrytnplc Da. Walker IJ Col. ' “|j| Oct. Carey Majors , T. Shadforth H. M‘L line Captains , U Col. Frederick Majors , Alex. Hog A. Macdonald Captains , M. H. Dickens Heu. Rainey T. W. Nicholson J. S. Elligood A. Frend Antln Suasso T. G. Peacocke Win Loftie Fred. Welsh Arth. Morris Lieut s. Wm Kemp Alex. Gardner W. H. Armstrong W. M. Mackay it. M. Nicholson G. E. Clements Neil Sinclair F.H. Hall F. W. Armstrong Peter E. Craigie J»hn Blackall James Ralston R. N. Boyes . H. Pritchard (Rob. Hunt Majors , F. B. Campbell [Edw. Darley Captains t |F. Tomkins Jas Price H. Montgomerie Cha. Baldwyn John Campbell jP. Dudgeon H. Mostnan J.»s Grant Barrington ’. S. Norman . G. Ogden O'Hara R. Barry Tho. Foreman . E. Cairnes Lieuts. Win Gun H. Gordon Amos Thorne W. H. Arthur O’C. Higgins R. Brough John Kenny W. T. Ridge J. Drummond Wm Would# Warb. Grey Geo. Neslntt H. Edw. Hill Ensigns. Nich. Palmer J. E. Taylor Ja. Butt. W. H. Pyne R. S. Vicars Wm Ouseley Wm Hewetson F. O. Leighton Piggott I nee J. Finni -s.paym. W. Woulds, atlj. R. Mullingan, qm. H. Mark ham, sur, Wm Bell, as. sur. Greenwood &Co. Facings purple. Lace silver. Ensigns , J. M. Russell Geo. Goodall W. Macdonald Jas Jackson R. Ficklin W. H. Champion H. M. St. V. Rose B. Cumberland J. Goddard, pm /E. Nicholsoiwu*/. A. Hutchinson, qm £ O'Reilly, surg. LVII. (W. Midd.) J.Macdonnell, as. Albuhera Facings green, j Victoria lace gold. Pyrenees reenwood &Co. Nivelle . Nive Price Hely Geo. Baxter I). M ‘Lachlan V. Y. Donaldson U. Heaviside P. M‘Dougall Lieuts. Thomas Dix R. Price Henry OuJton Jas Jackson Geo. Francis Philip Aubin Edward Powell H. R. Hartley [ohn Cundall Patrick Logan A. W. Tinting James Doig Ensigns.U E. Montgomerie Wm Bourchier Cha. Wilton Ja. Brown j. w. Donelan T. Deaman Win Perrier T. Bainbrigge Hen. Shadforth T. Shapter, pm. T. Deaman, adj. G. Moore, qm. Ja. Evans, surg. D. Campbell, as. Facings yelloiv. iMce gold. 11. B. Hall] il. W. Frith F. H. Fuller ( D. MacGregor J. Montgomery George Phelan Lieuts. W. Lewis Pat. Shea E. Fitzgerald ID. Morrison jAhr. Briggs jWm S.ullier •Richard W'aite {G. Collins Cyrus Bohcir \Y. Edwards A. Beverhoudt Win Firehrace T. R. Timbrell Ensigns, W. A. Stewart Edw. O’Brien J.u W'ilsou W. W. Baynes > H. Campbell Geo. Fitzroy • Gab. Kenyon j James Seymour ; pm. D. Morrison, adjt | J. Armstrong, gm.\ Wm Daunt, sur. j c. St John, assis.\ Facings black, i Lace gold. Greenwood &CoJ Agents. Donaldson & Co. agents. peninsula agents, Armit & Borough, Irish agents. LVlll. (Rutlandshire.) Gibraltar Egypt Maida Peninsula Colonel , R. Earl of Cavan L1X. (2d Nottingham.) Corunna Java Vntoria St Sebastian Nive Peninsula Colonel , A. Ross IJ Cols . Alex. M‘Leod G. Macgr egor 343 Majors, . Walkei G. W F. Fuller Captains, Geo. Halford D.ivid Gralfam G. E. Darby John Butler H. Pittman K. C. Stevenson Fra. Fuller Edw. Duncan W. Mandeville Geo. Mathers Duncan Gordon I Lieuts . W. F. Mayne J. P. Penefather jS. Clutterbuck R. Howard John Cowper A. Macpherson •Rich. Manners R. Whittle A. Campbell James Doran Chadwick N. Ilovenden L. Carmichael P. M'Lanchlan Hen. Hartford John Lukis Rich. Wolfe Edward Long James Burn M. II. Hoctor Wm Pitman Alex. Howard H. K. Bloomfield Cornel. Hogan W.M'D.Matthcws Ensign* , W. H. Sampson B. Barlow Edw. Griffiths Edw. Coventry John Howe G. Chichester A. Murray A. Macdonald John Wright, pm. R. Howard, ad). M. Franklin, qm. John Hume, sur. R.Uradeuach, Tho. Moffat | H. Edmonds John Clarke Cha. McCarthy ! R. H. Reardon I John Ellis James Roberts j Joint Usher Wm KiugsmiU |W. M'Kenzie Fred. Croud I Ensigns , W. H. Warded D. B. T. Dodgin John H. Carige \V. H. Turner Win Snow F. A. Gould Thos. Rainsford Philip Ditmaa John Kerr, pm. W. M‘Keneie,.m. J. Impett |H. Jervii, adj. J. S. Follintt Wm Benton, qm. O. H. Lightboily M. Reynolds, surg. -LXXlf. Aasaye Scringapatam Busaco Fuentes d’Onor Ciud.ul Rodrigo Badajoz Salamanca Vittoria Pyrenees Nivel I e Orthes Toulouse Peninsula Colonel , Ja. Montgomerie Lt Cot. H. Sir R. Trench Major t, Russell Munners J. A. Mein Captains, Wm Moore D. Mac queen David Stewart John Ovens Wm Cargill Geo. Hillier Eyre J. Crabb Francis Ansell Joshua Wilson Thomas Jones Lieuts. A. H. Pattison Jason Ha&ard John Alves Charles King Wm Graham Samuel Heron Tho. Mannin Abrum Atkinson James Fleetwood Robert Barker Richard Davis Wm Black lloss Flood Ensigns, John Taylor L. M'Pherson J. M‘Clintock C. A. Campliell T. C. Vyvyan George Gore H.M.Arbuthnott Annesley Eyre p. Hay. Vdjl J . Hassard, paym, j’ Campbell, qm R. Flood, adj. Edw. Owen, jar. Don. Fraser, q.m. j M • Derrnott,ai. C. Grant, surg. Facings dark green. R. Ranken,« .s. Lace gold. | Facings white, Greenwood &Co. 1 Lace gold. 8am. White Gaston Brown John Dalgcty fohn S. Dixon Hew Crawfurd P. Sherburne Henry Jelf Tho. Scott, pm. Salmon, adj. T. Norman, qm. G. Garrett, surg. ", Farnden,rt/. Facings black. Ijsce gold. Greenwood 6c Co. agents. A. R. L’Estrange Geo. Montagu Wm Stewart |J. F. Woodward N. A. Connor jH. M‘Kenzie,£m. ;R. Law, adjt T. Coulson, q. m. A. Stewart, sur . J.Winterscale,a.r. Facings buff. Lace silver. Greenwood 6c Co. agents. LXXI. (H. L.I.) Roleia Vimicra Almarez Fucntes d’Onor Vittoria Pyrenees Nive Orthcs Peninsula Waterloo Colonel , Duadas Lt Col. T. Reynell Sir 1'. Arbuthnot Majors , Arthur Jones J. L. Watson Captains , Samuel Reed J. T. Pidgeon A. Armstrong D. Campbell W. A. Grout James Henderson Cha. Johnston Alex. Grant James A. Roy R. Myddleton Lieuts. C. Stewart Wm C. Hanson Robert Lind John Roberts James Coates William Long Robert Law C. T. Cox Carioue Lew in W . Woolcoinbe Wm E. Torriauo G. W. Horton Jonathan Peel LXXII. Colonel , Sir Geo. Murray Lt Cols. H.Monckton Majors , John Carter Wm Frith Captains, W. B. Nlcholls T. C. M;irtelli J. S. Jackson R. K. Abbey H. Wilson Charles Trappes W. Ebhart M. H. Drummond John Doyle P. Sutherland Lieuts. Alex. Logie Wm Graham Ogil. Stuart Don. J. Maclean A. Chisholm C. M. Maclean M. Campbell J. H. Atkinson R. Coventry James Gowan Stirl. F. Glover Henry Jarvis Hugh Rose Ensigns, T. W. Yates W. Fitzgerald Henry Hurst M. Adair M. Stewart J.Van. Uyneweld Thos. A. Blair T. W. NicoJls . Hamilton, a. Facings yellow. Lace silver. Green wood & Co. Agents. L XXIII. Mangalore Seringapatam Waterloo Colonel , Lord Geo. Harris Lt Cols. M. C. O'CouneU Majors , H. Cameron G. Humphry Captains , John Ritchie Henry AntUl William Kenny LoftusOweu 1 1 addon Smith Henry Cosuie James Vallauce Rich. Drewe John Pike Tho. Wright Lieuts. Wm Raymond D. Campbell W. T. Lyttleton M. Murphy D. Wentworth Geo. Dawson G. A. Pook Tho. Reynolds J. Y. Lloyd Rob. Stewart Pat. Hay Ensigns, Wm Spencer Henry Monck C. M. Mauger G. Hank. Smith Wm L. Russell jas. Roskrow James Coane pat. O’Brien J. Birch, paym, 347 LXXV. fThe Royal Tiger, superscribed India I Seringapatam Colonel , SirR.Abercromby | Lt Col. Patrick Ross | Majors , Rich. Gubbins James Delancey Captains , Hugh Stewart William Taylor Tho. Atkins J. C. Dumas D. Maclachlan W. Macadam Peter Edwards jJos. Richardson F. Farquharsou 'John Biutton Lieuts. ‘A. M*Lean ‘M. M ‘Call urn W. M. Taylor 1'. Fergussoa James Hutcheon .J. J. Rowe i Elias Payne P. C. Cockburn R. L. Knight Sam. W. Lacy John Forbes Wiliam Orr Ensigns, James Cameron II. Patterson R. R. Hepburn 11. H. Vernon Edw. Townsend Sain. M. F, Hall jM. J. Slade Fra. Hawkins Chas Cox, paytn. |J. Hutcheon ,adj. |M. Murray, q. m. 1). Jameson, sur. W. Goodison,tf.s. Facings yellow. Lace silver. Greenwood &Co. agents. LXXVI. Hindoostan Peninsula Colonel , Charles Chowne Lt Col. John Wardlaw Majors , Jos. Skerrctt A. M ‘Donald Captains , Tho. Vilett John Gaff Har. Powell R. II. Coles W. Bampton Majors, |M. H. M‘Laine Robert Place j Captains , R. "Mackenzie P. Baird J. Aveling J. V. George John Jeffrey G. P. Bradshaw 'John Wilson St J. A. Clerke C.C. Pigott Rich, Armstrong T. Molyneux R. H. Hamilton Lictsts. E. Hetherington Edward Jones Andw K. Torrens James Algeo i. Howells John Clarke Lieuts. Chr. Ilatchell Geo. Hatch Geo. Ogilvie Fra. Austin P. Coultman E. R. Stevenson John Gould B. Rootli J. Faincombe R. W. Hopkins Henry Wood Judge Burton Ensigns, Cha. Eliot J. M. Kennedy E. K. Champion G. B. Sutherland S. B. Ross Chas Tinltng J. H Grubbe C. S. Wortley Hcrm. Lott, pm. ,B. Rooth, adjut. G. Stephens, qm. O. Halpin, sur. A. Fcrguson,/i. s. Facing i red. Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. agents. Jonath. Rich. Tatton Hcc. Graham A. S. Faulknor j George Gabb W. J. H. Bowen Jas Marshall J. G. Rogers J. D. Harris J. Colfield J. Molyneux Ensigns, Edw. Jenkins F. H. Byrne H. Massingberd Wm Clarke Agn. Cbampain Henry Hamilton James England James Elliott R. Hcacock, pay. J. Molyneux, fl/y. J. Powell, q. m. F. Micklam, surg. W. Fraser, as. sur. C. G. Falconer D. Macleod J. Bethune John Grant M. M ‘Gregor H. N. Douglas James Mill A. M. Cameron John P. Lardy Arth. O’Keefe Lieuts. Richard Hart Alex. Fruser Far. M‘Rae John M‘Iver John M‘Leod Jos. M*Kenzie J. Cooper Alex. Brodie John Marquis J. Pennycuick Alex. Waters D. E. M‘Queen V. H. Mairis Ensigns , Jonathan Forbes Geo. Munro Edw. Twopeny W. Beales W. B. M'Alpin Geo. Sinclair R. N. M‘Leod Wal. Hamilton J. Chisholm, pym J. Cooper, adj. Wm Gunn, q. m. J. M‘Roberts, su. D. Henderson.o.i. Facings buff. Lace gold. Greenwood & Co. Facings yellow. agents. Lace silver. Atkinsons, Jr. ag. Agents, Greemvood&Co. LXXIX.(or Cam. Armit&Co. Irela . j Highlanders.) LXXVI1I. (Highland, or is- slur " ' Egmont-op-Zce Egypt Fuentes d’Onor Salamanca Ross-sbire Buffs.) LXXV II. Assaye Pyrenees (East Middlesex.) Maida Java NiveUe Nive Seringapatam Colonel, Tolou«e Ciudad Rodrigo Sir S. Auchmuty Peninsula Badajoz Lt Cols. Waterloo Peninsula John Macleod Colonel, Martin Lindsay Colonel. Sir Geo. Cooke Majors, Sir A. Cameron Lt Col. D. M‘Phrrson Lt Col. John Broomhead James M‘Bcan Neill Douglas 348 Majors, [Andrew Brown C , CamplKrll Captains , rho. Mylne J. Campbell W. Marshall Mai. Fraser John M'Neill J.Barwick K. Cameron J. C. Young James Fraser A. F. Mackintosh I Lieut t. William Leaper J. W. Morrisor. E. Cameron John Ford Alex. Forbes Cha. M‘Arthur W. A. Riach John Thomson A. Macdonnell Thn. Cowan D. Matheson A. S. Crawford ,D. M'Dougall I Eniigns, D. Campbell Alex. Cameron Wm Cart an N. M'Leod Jas. Wight Paul Hughes Lawr. Grxme Fox Maule J.M- Arthur, pm. T. Cowan, adj. A. Cameron ,q.m W. B. Miller, sur. D. Perston, ass. Facings dark green. I Lace gold. MrLawrie, agent. LXXX(Staf.Voh) Epjpt Colonel , Sir A. Campbell Lt Cot. Jas. Cookson Majors, D. Kingdon Geo. D. Pitt I Ci plants, Wire E. Kenny 'H. James Phelps jH. Grove [J. Maclean James H. Walsh .Tames W. Nunn W. C. Harpur Charles Dick li. J. Castell S. S. Burns ■ Lieut s. Arch. French John Bowler Narb. Baker Joseph Ellis William Penny John Molony Cha. Anderson Tho. Darke James Inkson Andw Williams Cle. Wolseley W. J. Magennis Ja. M ‘Queen Ensigns, A. J. Caldwell John Bowness 11. A. Jackson J. Buchanan Fred. Liardet Ern. S. Toole Hon. Macdonald W. P. Watkins W. Leslie, paym. W. Penny, adj. T. Smyth, qm. J. Ligntbody, tv. John Regan, as. s. Facings yellow. Lace gold. Campbell & Co. agents. LXXXI. Maida Corunna Peninsula Colonel, Sir J. Kempt Lt Col, P. M'Kenzie Henry Milling Majors , James Farrer P. Waterhouse Captains, J. M. Wardrop Henry Bowles Richard Cole P. C. Taylor H. Pilkington George Adams J. Duval Joseph Ginger Cha. French Tbos Coleman Lieut s. William Fenton Samuel Jenkins K. Montgomery J. Sisson Edward Lee Tho. Manning W T . H. Armstrong T. C. Wheat Alex. Gordon George Smyth J. A. Lutman David Duval E. T. Thomson Ensigns, Charles Oakley 'John Brown R. Hamilton John Badcock F. Hammond Philip Splaine C. Marsh Wm M‘ Donald A. Thompson, J. Sisson, adj. J. Roberts, q.m. Wm Cogan, surg. J. Ewing, as. s. Pacings buf. Lace silver. Mr Lowrie, agt. Cane& Co L XXXII. (P. Wales's Vol.) Peninsula Niagara Colonel, Henry Pigot Lt Col. C. E. Couycrs Majors , J. T. Robertson G. W. Montague Captains, B. Firman George Marshall James Stewart H. S. Hart T. S. Bcgbie John Mackay Wm Bruce G. O’M. Field J. Hutchison E. F. French Luuts. Cha. Mortimer W . W. Starkey Edw. P. Davies John Ryan S. Holdswnrth Gg 349 H. S. Donnellan J. M. Drummond Itoliert Latham John Gordon II. Hewetson Rob. Elliott Geo. Harman J. J. Slater Ensigns, Nath. Greene T. G. Castieau J. Delancey Cha. Harford Benj. Walmsley LordW. Montagu Richard Coll is R. P. Charleton M.Ottley, paym. R. Elliott, ad. John Gow,tf. m. J. B. Kell, sur . W. Milligan,/*, su. Facings yellow. Lace silver. Mr Lawrie, agent. LXXXIII. Talavera Fucntes rt’Onor Ciudad Rodrigo Badajoz Salamanca Vittoria Nivelle Orthes Peninsula Colonel, James Balfour U Cols. Jacob Brunt Mi\)ort, John Napper Rich. Kelly Captains. T. Summerticld Fra. Creagh William Geddes Samuel Hext Robert Fraser A. Campbell R. Thompson Edward Hcnwick John T erry M. L. Smith Lieut s. Alex. M*Bean John Shaw William Phillips George Mce Charles Altfill H. Brahan C. J. Baldwin Rich. F. Holmes James Hingston Henry Vereker T. B. Gascoyne Fra. Johnson J. Swinburne Ensigns , R. II. Dwyer F. O’Brien John Burlpigh Wm Driberg R. G. Geddes Brooke Y'oung Abram Tyndall F red. Smith J. Harrison, paym. J. Swinburne, ad. W m Hall, q. m. R. Punsjion, surg, A.Tonnere, a. sur. Facings yellow. Lace geld. Agents. Greenwood & Co LXXXIV. (York and Lane. Nive Peninsula Colonel , George Bernard Lt Cols. H. Daubeny Majors , R. Cockburne E. Nichol Captains , A. Bernard Ma thew Burns Jame3 Jeukin A. Bernard Jacob Tonson James Lane S. S. Rowe Geo. McDonald John Dale Richard Cruise Lieuts. Geo. C. Smith J. W. Bernard J. Spottiswood Wm Bindon R. M‘Carthy I Charles BiJwsar S. B. Beamish Fra. St Clare S. T. Basden J. B. Beamish T. Frederick Tho. Tucker Ensigns, R. M. P. Ingilby I George Wyse 'P. Mansell I Jas A. Worth ; Wm Seton | Alex. M'Crae j Herb. Vaughan ! Hon. C. Boyle I H. Clarke, paym. j T. Tucker, adj. j Il.Cockburne^m, j W. R. White, sur. ! J. M‘Lean, a.sur, I Facings yellow. Lace stiver. (Donaldson & Co. Agents. )' LXXXV. (or D. of York’s.) L.Inf.orBucksVol j Aucto splendor e re sur go Peninsula I Colonel , Sir J. W. Gordon Lt Cols. A. Warburton Majors , G. Brown W. P. Thos Carroll Lewis Grant James M k Intyre Hon.H.MoIyneux H. V. L 1 oyd 350 H. Cope, paym. J. Lecne, adjl. R. Gill, q. m. R. Belial’s, surg. T.J.Wharrie, as. Sana. Hood Facings blue. j Lace silver. ? Greenwood & Co. il agents. LXXXVII. (Prince of Wales’s >; own Irish.) |g Barrosa > Tarifa ; i? Peninsula 'd Colonel, j ]t Sir J. Doyle c Lt Cols. j F. M. Miller Matt. Shaw Major , Henry Browne ; T. H. Blair • !, Captains , j H. C. Streatfeild « ,W.S. Gully | Cha. L. BeU ! Geo. Rodney Bell t ‘W. G.Cavenagh : Edward Goate \ E. H. Fitzgerald J. Fenton J. Turner P. B. Husband Lieuts. W. Hutchinson James Carroll t N. Clifford W. Dunlevie W. Mountgarrett : James Wilkins , John Day J. T. Moore Edw. Waller James Bowes j Pat. Masterson Jas Kenelly Rich. Irvine i ; JohnG. Bay lee H. G. Bay lee Alex. Irwin John Carrol G. Tolfrey I H. W. Desbarres Edw. C. Archer John Hassard Robert Jones Ter. O’Brien R. J. Anderson , | Ensigns, ,Wm Bateman ij. M. Reade Oohn Shipp ,|H. Spaignt George Booth bames Cates (John Vincent )Wm Gossip ;J. Sherlock./). m. W Hutchinson, ai. R. Paul, q. m. A. Leslie, surg. M. Owen, a , sur. jas Robson j Facings green. Luce gold. {Greenwood & Co. agents, LXXXVIII. Connaught Rang, Egypt Talavera Busaco Fuentes d’Onor Ciudad Rodrigo Badajoz Salamanca Vittoria Nivelle Orthes Tolouse Peninsula Colonel, Sir G. Drummond LI Col. Alex. Wallace Jas Fergusson Majors, R. B. M‘Gregor C. M. Graham Captains, Charles Tryon H. G. Buller R. N. Nickle G. H. Dansey R. Christie D. Robertson J. B. Lewis Robert O'Hara R.Bunworth Wm Mackie Lieut s. T. R. Janns Fred. Meade Hercules Ellis Jas. F. Faris Peter Pegus G. Cresswell Chris. Hilliard M. O'ConnorJ W. H . Rutherford George Hill J. Mitchell D. Soutar Hon. C. Napier Ensigns, Cha. Ashmore M. Clarke John Gells Wm Atkin John Carey Joseph Wynn John Gibson Dav. J ardine J. Grosser, paym. D. Soutar, adj. D. Stewart, q. m, G. Johnstone, sur. L Bartlett, ass. Facings yellow. Lace stiver. Mr Macdonald, ag G. D. Cranfield Robert Chapman Jf. Crawford ' 8. H, Aplin c B. Taylor . Van Buerle Ayl. Dowdall ~ 8. Naylor Goodwin M. Hewson . M. Lockwood John Snow W. H. Dougan Jos. Moore Ensigns, W. N. Orange . Macdonald Edw. Kenny 1. Smith . W. Tottenham S. W. Pophara J. Aug. Thursby H. J. Cotter A. R. C. Norcott H. Allison, paym, M. M‘Lean C. Cannon, adj. LXXXIX. Egypt Java Niagara Colonel , Sir G. Beckwith Lt Cols. Robert Sewell W. H. Ramsford Edw. Miles Majors, Samuol Hall Miller Clifford Captains , J. St Leger James Basden Henry Gore R. C. Rose Tho. Daniel George Jones Charles Coates R. Sanderson Plomer Young Roger Sheehy W. Pearse I J cuts. C. Redmond W. A. Steel Cha. Cannon J. Hewson D. Chambers William Bell ‘ D. Browne O. Cha. Watts Thomas Taylor E. Moulson I Pat. Agnew 1 Allen Stuart 'j. Fleming Charles Dowson Thomas Nicholl John Grant William Lalng Cha. M‘Anally William Gibson D. Campbell j Ensigns , i A. Wilson iAlex. Steuart .Fra. Newton JVf. G. Taylor j Jacob Sankey John Wilson IJ. Crawford , a dj. jp. Maitland, q. m T. Sherridan, gw. < Isaac Silcock, sur. R. Daun, surgeon. M. Farnan, a. sur. M. Duigan, as sis, »--—*■•*** Alex. F. Gray Facings black. Lace gold. Greenwood &Co. Agents, XC. (Perthshire Vol.) (Light Infantry.) Mandora Egypt Martinique Guadaloupe Colonel , T. Ld Lvnedock Lt Col. John M‘Nair Hen. AuBten Majors, George Burrell Thomas Wright Captains, Wm Holland Andrew Wood Albert D'Alton M. Dixon W. H. Wilby G. Williamson C. C. Dixon Honev. Mackay Carl. Pollock C. Le Hunt Ueuts. Robert Conry J. L. Cox J eremiah Marsh Pacings buj Lace golc Greenwood & Co, agents. XCI. Pyrenees Nivelle Nive Orthes Toulouse Peninsula Colonel , ). Campbell Lt Col. Donald Macneill Majors, James Walsh I H. Barrington Captatns , William Steuart D. Campbell William Gun Arch. Ross A. J. Callander A. Campbell Rob. Anderson R. Gres. Lavers Alex. Campbell Fred. Gibbons Lreuts. Robert Stewart And. M ‘Lachlan Carb. Egan A. Cathcart J. Macdougall James Hood John Marshall G g 2 351 TIToT Murray G . Scott Norm. Lamont Alex. Buchan Cha. Berkely Wm Fraser Ensigns , Wm Trimmer James Paton Dug. Ducat Pat. Cahill And. Smith Roger Duke Geo. Maclean J. Campbell J. Fairfowl, pm. G. Scott, adj. J. Stewart, q. m. It. Douglas, sttrg. G. M‘Lachlan as. Facings yellow Lace gold. Campbell&Co.fl£. Cane & Co., W aterloo Colonel , Earl of Hopetoun Li Col. Sir F. Stoven Majors, A. Ferrier Peter Wilkie Captains , George Couper John Warren C. Alexander It. Winchester Fho. Hobbs James Ker Ross J. Browne A. Donaldson It. M‘ Donald Tho. Macintosh Lieuts. Andrew Will .'ho. Gordon Hector lanes George Logan E. Campbell R. J. Peat Jus Sinclair D. M'Pherson It. Macdonald SVich. Wilson Rob. Hewitt G. M‘Donald Ensigns , Ja. M 'Donald Fra. Reynolds J. Mackintosh Geo. Gordon IV m Mansell W. P. Bayly John M‘Nabb John Buckley Wm Grant J. Gordon, paymr. W. Grant, ad. R. Bryce, qm. A. Anderson, sur. D. Thomas, ass. Pacings yellow. Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. XCIII. (Highland.) Colonel , W. Wemyss Lt Col. Andw Creagh Majors , Alex. Gordon W. Sutherland Captains , P. O’K. Boulger Henry Ellis William Lunt Neil M'Kinnon James Gunn S. R. Cooke Edward Harte J. Tyler Rich. Connop Geo. Lowen Lieuts. Robert Sparks John White John Brown J. M‘Donald Charles Gordon Alex. Rose Charles Hume Henry Connop John Burgh T. Patullo,^ym. J. Ireland, adj. J. Crombie, q. m Geo. Mann, surg. D. G. Raleigh, a.s. Facings yelln’w. Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. Armit & Co. Ire. RIFLE BRIG. Peninsula Waterloo Colonel in Chief , Sir D. Dundas Colonels Comm. HnSirW.Stewart Sir G. T. Walker Lieut. Colonels i Sir A. F. Barnard D. L. Gihnour Amos Godsil Robert Norcott Majors . G. Wilkins J. Ross S. Mitchell Jon. Leach Captains , L. Gray G. Miller C. Beckwith Jos. Logan C. G. Gray Ja. Fullerton Jas Travers Wm Ilallen Henry Lee B. Travers H. G. Smith Edw. Chawner W. Johnston T. M'Namara Wm Cox W. Eeles W. E. Sutherland Jas Percival Charles Head James Ireland D. O’Meara B. Lamb E. R. Macdonnell Murq. Worcester Ensigns , L. Grenier John Arthur J. Wilson Alfred Macbean A. W. Pemberton Cha. Eaton H. Manners Id Lieutenants , John C. Hope T. Cochrane John Mollov^ J. Cox W. Colin Clarke J. Middleton J. Reynolds G. M. Sutherland Edw. Coxon R. B. Freer John Gardiner J. Kincaid Geo. Simmons Dan. Forbes Rob. Cochran J. A. Itidgway John Fry John Gossett Vere Webb T. F. Uniacke R. FitzGerald Orl. Felix Alex. Milligan 2 d Lieutenants , H. J. Brownrigg Edw. Otter T. Drury Cha. Probart J. Woodford P. N. Daly Wm She nl ey A. M ‘Lachlan C. L. Boileau M. J. K.W. Logan Rich. Irton R. J. Kellet Hen. Havelock J. N. Frampton Fra.Dayrell G. Power Lord Edw. Hay Geo. Falconar Hen. Gascoyne J. Mackenzie,^/. M. Cadoux J. Middleton J. Kincaid, adj. Tho. Uniacke W. Surtees, q. m. J. Bagshaw Jos. Burke, surg. Fra. Scott R. H. Hett, ass. J. Morrison, M.D. Regimentals green. Facings black. Mr Adair, agent. Reed & Fraser, Irish Agents Permanent Ass. Qua. Mast. Gen. (not holding Reg. Commissions.) Lt Colonels , Sir J. Dickson Lord Greenock Majors , H. J. Riddell Sir C ♦ Broke > Bainbrigge J. Cavenagh, sur, Wm Read D. Jearrad, as, Rob. Waller 1 Facmgs blue. Tho. Drake I Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. Greenwood & Co. agents. | agents. R. STAFF CORPS 1st West India Attached to the , Regt. of Foot. q. M. Gen. Dep.j Dominica Egypt Peninsula Waterloo Col. SirB. D’ Urban Lt Cols , W. Nicolay Wm Marlay* Majors , And. Long 1. P. Coffin Captains , H. Du Vernet F. W. Mann Tho. Wright Wm King Jas. Freeth W. Staveley Fra. Read W. Dumaresq Lteuts. Tho. Harriott Henry Piers F. Du Vernet Geo. Longtnore G. D. Hall Edward Boyd James Horton John Pardy E. P. White B. Jackson It. D. Lloyd T. Harris Cha. Scott Wm Dillon Daniel Fraser Edm. Martindale W. Colleton Ensign s, Henry Cole Er. Wilford Wm Moore John Geddes T. Condamine R. A. Scott Const. Read. Fred. H. Robe R. Shearman, pm. E. P. White, adj. D. Heatley, qm. G. Gntt Martinique , Guadaloupe Col . Ld Somerset Lt Cols. C. W. Whitby Majors , James Cassidy Hon. H. E. Irby Captains , n Winkler |2d West India Regt of Foot. Colonel , Sir H. Torrens Lt Cols. John Ross Majors , Tho. Bradley A. Macpherson Captains , T. D. Lord Joseph Eysing W. J. Hance C. Delahoussy T. Fitzgerald Thos Maling Alex. Grant Arch. M‘ Intyre John E. Ellis. Isles Lorenzo Nixon C. Mayers J. Macnamara J. J. Anderson S. Gordon W. M. Mills T. W. Stewart John Knox Lieuts. Wm Webster Gar. Hemsworth J. Pluckett H. Jaffares Tho. Phelan Rich. Storey J. M‘Kenzie James Delamel John C. Chads j. S. Lynch Jas Palmer Ensigns , W. Montgomery J. Brannan F. W. Lewis Arthur Myers O. H. Wemyss Geo. Johnston John Magee Arthur M. Gray Charles Miles Edm. P. Ford pm, J. Pluckett, adj. G. Douglas, q. m H. MrfCreery, sur, J. Brady, ass. Facings ivkite. Lace silver. Greenwood & Co. agents Win Appleton 2hish J as Chisholm Lieuts. Henry Barry John Anderson Hen. J. Ricketts Hen. Nosworthy Tho. M‘Pherson C. H. Hailes J. W. Hield Robert Clarke E. P. Webb Alex. Findlay H. Maclean Ensigns , G. Redman James Dawson Rob. Olpherts W.L. P. Moriarty Wm Spence Edward Wells H. P. Williams Jos. Greenwood Rich. Hewan M. G. Sparks T. Dely, pay. H. Ricketts, adj. Wm Fair, qm. T. Murray, turg. M. Fogarty, assist, Facings ytiloiu. Lace gold. Greenwood &Co agents. P. Delatre Captains , J. Blackenberg John Fraser L. De Bussche Geo. F. Dick Tho- Fletcher Fra. Hamilton W. H. Cleather Chas Driberg A.' Mylius George Stace 1j/ Lieuts . John Page Peter Crofton Wm Malcolm J. Manwaring G. A. Tranchell John Tull oh John Braham Sam. Braybrooke Isaac Foster Mart. Conradi 2 d Lieuts. G. M. Pollington Rich. Gray Cha. Murray H. New bolt Rod.M'Kenzie James Basset John Lewis . P. B. Reyne Juhn Page J. Boustead, pay. J.Manwaring,aJ;'. Kennedy, q.m. A Armstrong , sur John Scott, ass. John Hoatson agent. 2d Ceylon Regt. Colonel, Sir J. Hamilton Lt. Colonel , T. W. Kerr E. C. Fleming Majors, rf oi 1st Ceylon Regt Light Infantry. Colonel, F. Maitland Lt. Colonel , Samuel Moffatt Majors , J. Huskisson J. Spawforth R. Brownrigg Captains. J. Bradish 1 J. M. Truter John Antill John Parker Joseph Reed John Kit son Geo. Stewart Thos Bayley B. Trydell A. Hamilton Ggfl 1 it L tents. - lluuter M. H. Fagan Fred. Ostheyden Win Croudace John Burke Win Boy ton Cha. F. Button II. F. Fellowes ;Ja. Hollo well (James Bell Win Stewart JW.Summerfteld II. W. Smyth 2 d Lieuts. John Whitehead GerrardFretz A. Mackay John Palmer A. M. Hay Jas Stewart V. Downing James Sloper Richard Price C. Warburton Wm Moir, ptym. C. F. Button, adj. J. Staples, q. m. |G. Burleigh, sur. A. MacQueen, as. R. Thin, m. d. Facings bright yel- low. Lace gold. CAPE CORPS. Major Comm. G. S. Fraser Captains , H. Somerset C. H. Somerset Lieuts. OG.Stockenstroui CJreenwood&Co. agents. R. VETERAN BATTALIONS. I. Colonel , Arch. Christie Lt Col. Charles Tudor Jas Fleeson W. H. Rogers Comet . W. L. Heathcote Ensigns , T. S. Knight Win Fraser T. Clarke, as. Veteran Comp, in New' S. Wales. Captain , John Bra by u Lieuts. Wm Lawson Arch. Bell Ensign , G, M'lntosh Facings blue. Major, P. D. Fellow es Captains , Charles R. Faed William Dawson Alex. Sutherland Charles Bentley Geo. llasleham Peter Keogh John Lutman T. E. A. Griffiths Ware Adamson Lieuts. J. S. Colepeper James Lyttle C. H. Lorimer W. M‘Laughlin John Gilbert James Findlay W. T. M. Ryan Thomas Granger William Davis William Drew John O’Brien Daniel Gardner Hamilton Finney Samuel Ragg William Fuller Ensigns , John Gordon Robert Granger Ron. Macdonald Alex. Sutherland Leander Shaw James Fraser i Henry Graham ! John Garrett pm, adj. Geo. Patten, qm. M. Lamert, sur. 1'. G. Walbran, as. Samuel Wiley II. Colonel, William Douglas Lt Col. John Campbell Major , Q. Miles Milne Captains , Philip Stewart John Clarke Robert Turner G. St John Gifford John Hitchin William Kelly J. E. C. M’Carthy William Nicholls T. R. Agnew Lieuts. C. D. Green Ken. Sutherland Allen Walker Alex. Moorhead C. K. Oakley Francis Walker John Davis John O’Brien John Evcret John Munton James Robeson William Hewett Thomas Clarke James Mason Thomas Austin Win. Dickenson Edward Salter Joseph Kelsall Samuel Reeyes Ensigns, Edward Grinter Edward Wright Henry Kenyon James Fawcett Dug. M lllireach William Summer John Birch James Kyles Michael Marshall pm. J. Stewart, adj. F. Randall, qm. John Lear, surg. Wm. Parrott, as. Mitchell Devitt III. Colonel, Patrick M'Kenzie Lt. Col. Peter Daly Major , E.C. Moncrieffe Captains , W. II. Toole John Mansfield John Vicary William Murray VViliiam Adams J. G. Herbert 354 T. J. Baines . J. T. Bryatt Gervas Finlay W. N. Colvil Lieuts. Felix M‘Culloch Jos. Turner J. Kennedy J. D. M‘Arthur Thomas Phillips William Taylor J. H. Chains William Spinks William Bryson John Hurford Dan. W ood William Williams Sam. Bateman John "Atkinson James Russell Jos. Smith John Neiss Ensigns , Jos. Brokemhire Tho. Harrison Alexander Ross John D. Pcperell ' James Lock George Bo reham John M'Kay I VViliiam Rogers I Henry Bowen Lionel Biggs i pm. I John Barnes, adj . | qm. 1 S. Peacocke, sur. ! T. La Cloche, as. T. M. Perrot Colonel , William Nedham Lt Col. Neil Cockburne Major , Captains , Thomas Power Ilcnry Dixon W. Cai twright John AUott Henry Odium J. T. D’Arcey Joseph Chapman J. W . Webb Lieuts. William Ross' J. J. Roberts j J. Wotherhead | Finlay M*Inu#s | Sholto Sorlie James Sloaue Robert Warren T. Normington William Groves John Lamb James Hinckes William Pass John Stalliard Robert Paget John Donaldson J. Fazackerlcy Joseph Pigott John Sutcliffe Alex. Sinclair WmM. Stuart Ensigns, W. Cartwright James Booth James Burrows John Chittern Wm. Boulton Wm. Haywood Wm. Parker Wm. Fowles Robert Stewart James Currie pm. j. Sinclair, adj. qm. lames Bums, sur. Tho. Young, as. H. H. O’Donel V. Colonel , Htnry Elliott Lt. Col. A. Coghlari Major , William White Captains , William Bernard Francis Hawker B. Janny G. F. Harrison N* Highmore J. Hall A. Sutherland Harry Walker William Hadley Lie uts. Dennis Lahiff P. O’Brien John Egan John Cox William Jones C. Wright Richard Kelly G. Nicholson Robert Cash John Stephenson Raymond Hicks D. Taggart Thomas Furze William Russell Hugh Macfield Wm King Ensigns, Thomas Bradley Jeremiah Ellis Michael Conolly John Willis James Toy R. Bond Thomas Thomas John Gardner James WorsJey Charles Ewart pm. G. Nicholson, adj. qm. A.Armstrong,n/r. G. Scott, as. Tho. Backhouse VI. Colonel , Robert Kelso Lt. Col. Robert H. Burton Major , Alexander Rose Captains , Arch. M ‘Neill Robert Peddie Gilbert M‘Donald John Rutherford John Grant William M l Leod Robert Gray Donald M‘Kenzie Alex. Gourlay Arch. Fullerton Lieuts. William Patton David Scott Tho. Anderson Joseph Fowler Alex. Robertson Archibald Waldit David Thomson Alex. Biruie William Miller John Buchannan Walter Graham Robert Hay Ken. Murchison Hannan Tisdal William Halliday Robert Carfi ae Rob. M 'Lennon Ensigns , John Smith Jas Kirkwood John Douglas Duncan Kennedy David Glass Robert Bevan William Reid Geo. Shockledge J. B. Ford William Mauson pm. Geo. Tassie, adj. Edw. Sawyer, q rn. Colin Young, j«r. Tho. Lewis, as. Geo. Leich VII. Colonel, Alex. Mair Lt. Col. Robert Walker * Major, Thornas’Fortye Captains, John Douglas F. J. M 'Donnell James Scobie Andrew Fraser Duncan M Bean James Bissett A. C. Skene Rob. Mackay J. T. Mackenzie Lieuts. John Roy 1). Sutherland Wm Macintosh W. Spalding James M'Intosh John Thom Wm. Webster Andrew M'Intosh Peter Perry John TiUloch A. M'Donnell John Mackie Hugh Fleming Arch. Sinclair John Munro Arch. Ferguson Ensigns, Peter Wright Geo. M'Culloch Cha. Robertson James Cuming James Patterson Wm Duff Cha. Alexander Robert Forsyth Peter Bremner John Johnston pm. J. Davidson, adj. A. Graham, qm. W. Young, sur. A. Campbell, as. S. W. Cburnsidc VIII. Colonel, Wm. Raymond Lt Col. Thos Chamberlin Geo. Loane, sur. James Cross, as. Richard Veiling IX. CJjtnl, SirG. Leith, Bt. Lt Col. Joseph Twigg J.B. Flanagan ,sur. Ed. M*lvcr, as. John Jobsou X. Colonel , Sir C. W. Doyle Lt Col. Henry Hooper H. Cowen, sur. J. Maxwell, as. James Walsh Urooksbank&Co. agents. 355 Commandants and Permanent Staff of North British Militia . ABERDEENSH. I dumfriessh. / tberdeen . i Dumfries. Colonel , Colonel , Earl of Aboyne |M.olQueensberry Alex. Gordon, ad. C. Adamson, pm. Lt Jas Roy, qm. N. Sutherland, su. ARGYLLSHIRE. Campbeltown. Colonel , Lord J. Campbell Ct. Jas. Lang, ad. D. Campbell, pm. Lt. Stewart, qm. J. Brown, sur. P. Regent’s Royal Regtof AIR. Air. t Colonel, Wm Kelso Capt. Clarke, adj. D.M acuity re, pm. J. Murray, qm. A. Dunn, sur. BERWICKSHIRE Coldstream. Colonel , Alex. E. o/Home Ca. Maclaren, adj. RCuningham ,pm. LtJ. Bartie, qm. G. M'Cullocli, sur. Capt.S\vanson,ad. /JThorburn,pay. Lt M‘Intosh, qm. J. Symons, sur. EDINBURGH. Dalkeith. Colonel , Marq. of Lothian Copt. Bird, adjt. D. Paterson, pm. A. Grant, qm. W. Graham, sur. FIFESHIRE. Cupar. Colonel , Earl of Morion Capt. Wood ,adj. W. Lawson, pm. J. Grant, qm. J.M. Graham, sur. FORFARSHIRE. Montrose. Colonel , Hon. A. Douglas Capt. Clark, adjt. Capt. Bertram J. Thomson pm. James Jack, qm. Hen. Hoile, sur. INVERNESS-SH. Inverness. Colonel , F. Grant, M. P. Cap?. Walker, adj. D. MTntosh, pm. J. Grant, q. m. J amesBay ne, rt/r. KIRCUDBRIGHT. Kirkcudbright. Colonel , S. M. Fullarton Capt. Dun, adjt. J.M’Cracken, pm, Lt Donaldson, qm. A. Christie, sur. RENFREW5H. Paisley. Colonel , J. Dunlop, M. P. G. Jamieson, adj. G. Hamilton, pm, p. Ferguson, qm. John Barrie, sur, ROSS-SHIRE. Dingwall. Colonel , Cha. Fraser Cflpf.M‘Leod, adj. A. M'Kenzie, pm. J. Miller, qm. Ja. Robertson, su. ROY. LANARK Hamilton. Colonel , Duke of Hamilton CapLM‘Lean,flr (7 J. Stevenson, pm. Lt Hamilton, qm. J. Anderson, sur. ROYAL PERTH. Perth. Colonel . Earl of KinnovU Lt Gibbons, adj. G. Balvaird, pm. Lt Mann, qm. J. Clarke, sur. STIRLINGSH. Stirling. Colonel, Jas Russell Capt. Fraser, adj. J. Dougall, payn.. JL!M‘Dougall//m, D. Dobie, surg. Notice relative to Claims for the Effects of Deceased Soldiers , WAR-OFFICE, 17th July 1811. MANY complaints having been received of the improper interference of Licensed Navy Agents, in obtaining the Effects of Deceased Soldiers, on behalf of their Widows and Relatives, in a way that subjects tne Parties to considerable Expense, the Secretary at War deems it ne- cessary to caution the Relatives of deceased Soldiers against em- ploying any Licensed Navy Agent, for the purpose of recovering Monies which may be due to them ; and to apprize the Claimants, and Licensed Navy Agents, that the most positive directions have been eiveu. that no application for the Effects and Credits of deceased Sol- diers coming from such Agents, or in which such Persons may appear to have been employed, sliali in future be attended to in this Office. By Order of the Secretary at War. Pensions to Officers ’ Widows. From and after the 18th June 1818, the W r idow of an Officer shall con. tinue to receive the Pension that shall have been granted to her, not- withstanding she may be married ag.tin. And the Widow of an Officer, who had been placed on half-pay by red uction, or in consequence o f 356 disability, after having served for not less than three years on full pay, and witliout receiving any difference by exchange^ shall be entitled to the Pension, although she was not married to him until after he had been reduced, or so placed on half-pay. REGIMENTAL. Net brevet. STAFF. To the Widow of a General Officer . Col. of a Regt not a Gen. Offi. Lieutenant Colonel . . Major Captain . First Lieutenant Second do. Cornet, and Ensign Paymaster Adjutant and Surgeon Quar. Mas. and Ass. Sur. Veterinary Surgeon Chaplain per ann. To the Widow of a per ann. £120 Commissary General . L.120 i Deputy Commis. General i Do. after bein^S yrs on Full-pay Lssist. Cominis. General Assist, Deputy do, Inspector of Hospitals Deputy ditto Physician, after serv. abroad Do. not having serv. abroad . Purveyor and Surgeon . Deputy Purveyor . Apothecary .... Ho 6. Assist, after serv. abroad Chaplain General Chap, to Forces, hav. serv. abr. District Paymaster e every Four mon IM August, and December, at the Pay Office, Whitehall, except those that relate to the Commissariat Department, which are payable quarterly, at the Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. sustained an injury on Service , to have the allowance according to Rank. 50 N. B The ] Pensions to Officers having lost ( or having equal to losing) an Eye or a Limb < to | Officers marked thus * Field Marshal, General, or LieutGeneral, command- ing inChief at the time Lieutenant General Major General, or Brigadier - ) General, commanding a( Brigade ; and Cqfriis. Gen. f at the head of Dep. - J Colonel ... Lieutenant Colonel * Adjutant General * Quarter Master General * Deputy Adjutant Gene- ral, ifChief of the Depart. * Deputy Quarter Master General, if ditto Commis. Gen. not at the head of a department Deputy Do. at the head of a department Inspector of Hospitals * Major Commanding Major pTo be [■consi- dered. £100 £350 £300 £250 Captain ♦ Assistant Adjutant Gen. ♦ Ass.Quarter-ma8terGen. ♦ Deputy do. ♦ Sec. to Comm, of Forces ♦ Aide-de-Camp ♦ Major of Brigade Assistant Comm. Gen. ♦ Judge Advocate Chaplain Paymaster Physician Staff Surgeon Regimental Surgeon Purveyor . . Lieutenant Adjutant Dep. Ass. Comm. Gen. Cornet . . • Ensign Second Lieutenant Regimental Qr-master Assistant Surgeon Apothecary Hospital Assistant Veterinary Surgeon Deputy Purveyor £100 £70 £50 ♦ Deputy Adjt General • * Dep. Quar. Master Gene. Ironn Dep. Inspector of Hospitals f Deputy Comm. Gen .not at j the head of a depart. J . d N. B The increase of Pension ceases wrth the increase of Rank, from 25th Aug. 1817. The Payments are made half-yearly, viz. Mid- sum. ami Christmas, at the Pay-Office, Whitehall. 357 OS 00 REGIMENTAL PAY. Colonel Commandant Colonel .... Lleut-Colonel . . Major Captain .... Do. with Brer, of Maj. Lieutenant . . . Do.of above 7yrs stand, Cornet,Ensign,& 2d Lt. Paymaster . . . Adjutant .... Quarter Master . . Surgeon Major . . Battalion Surgeon . Surgeon .... Assistant Surgeon . Surgeon’s Mate . . Veterinary Surgeon Life Gets. i torse (ids || Foot Guards. DrGds Staff' R.Wag Train. r ot. Subsist. C- i l £ Subsist. a. & Drs. of Caval. s. After 3 years service Alter 7 years Service 18 10 do. lOdo. ..rere^OdO- do Jl^aodo. 10 per diem, do. Staff Pay . (Nett Hate per Diem.) Field Mar. com. in chief £16 9 Commander of the For General L>eut. General Major General Brigadier General . . . Colonel Adjt Gen. at home j abroad Deputy do. Prin. Ass. Ad. Gen. at home 0 As. & Dep. As. Ad. Gen. do. 0 Assis. Adj. Gen. abroad 0 Deputy do. do. 0 Sub. do. do. 0 Qr Mas. Gen. home j | abroad . 1 Deputy do. . . .0 Assistant do. abroad . 0 Deputy do. do. . 0 Sub-Deputy do. . 0 Penn. Dis.Ass. to Qr Mas. j Gen. as Lt Col. of Cav. > 1 includ. lr. 6 d. for Serv. j Do. as a Maj. of Cav. do. 1 Dep. As. Qr Mas. Gen. at\ Q Hd Qrs when 15r a day gr. ) u Temporary As. Qr MasGen. 0 Mili. Secretary abroad 0 Assistant do. do. 0 Mili. Sec. in N. Britain 0 Dep. Bar. Mas. Gen. abroad 1 Assist. Bar. Mas. Gen. do. 0 15 10 17 11 11 Inspector of Clothing . £0 19 Command. Gen. of Hos. 1 8 Comm, of Hospitals . Oil Aide-dc-Cp to King, or P. R. 0 10 Ditto to a General Officer 0 9 Major of Brigade ... 0 9 sucliO 16 Do. to the Com. in Chief 0 6 Principal Veterinary Surg. 0 9 Provost Marshal, abroad 0 9 Deputy do. do. . 0 1 Commissariat Department. Commissary General . . 1 11 11 Deputy ditto . ..186 Assistant ditto . . 0 11 3 Deputy ditto . .096 Medical Department. Director Gen. 2000/. per an. Prin. in. of Hos. 1200/. per an. Inspector of Hospitals . 1 17 11 Deputy ditto .... 159 Physician 0 19 0 Purveyor of Hospitals . 0 19 0 Deputy ditto 0 9 6 Surgeon 0 11 5 Do. after 20 year’s service 0 18 10 Ditto of a ftec. district . 0 10 0 Assistant Surgeon . 0 7 6 Apothecary 0 9 6 Hospital Assist. . . . 0 6 6 Do. abroad . . .076 Disp. of Med. and Pur. Clk 0 5 0 Do. do. abroad . 0 6 0 Half •Pay. —‘Old and New Rates. Colonel - Lieutenant Colonel - - Major - Captain .... Lieut, of Foot Guards - Lieutenant Do. above 7 Years standing Cornet, 2d Lieut, or Ensign Paymaster Adjutant Do. red. since 1802 - Quarter Master burgeon, or Staff Surgeon Asst. Sur. or Staff Assit Sur. Veterinary Surgeon - - OLD Rate. NEW RATE. Cavalry. Infantry. L. s. d L. s. d.\\ 0 13 0 0 12 0 i O 10 0 0 8 6 . 0 8 0 0 7 6 0 5 6 0 5 6 i . , 0 3 11 ! o 5 ’ b 0 2 M! 0 2 6 0 1 10 1 0 7 6 1 0 7 6 : 0 2 0 o 2 o 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 ; 0 6 0 1 0 3 0 : o 3 0 •1 o 3 6 O 15 6 0 12 6 0 10 0 0 7 6 6 * 1 * 8 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 L. s. d. 0 11 6 0 11 0 0 9 6 0 7 0 6 V 6 0 16 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 359 Vl'AFF. — Commissary Gen. 49;. 3d. Dep. do. 14/. 8^ Assistant do. 7 j Ad. Dep. do. 4/. 11 d. Inspector of Hospuals, 20/. Dep. do. ids. 6d. Do. after 20 years service, 15/. ™ the Staff or of a Regt. after 20 years service, if ill health, 10/.— aft ei 30 vem s service, 15/. Surg. of a Rec. Dist. 5s. Assist. Surg. As. Apothe- cary, 5s.— after 20 years service, Is. 6 d. Hospital Assist. 2/. Pl ’ Tve -^> iOx. Deputy do. 5s. Vet. Surg. after 3 years service, 4s. 6d.— 10 ,5/.bd. 20,7/.— and 30 years service, 12s., but liable to variation, chaplain to the Forces, 5s. (liable to -variation). The New Rates of Half-Pay apply only to Officers of the Line reduced upon the Peace Establishment ; or who may have been placed on Half- Pay during the War, on account of Wounds, or Infirmities contracted on Service, or in consequence of holding a Staff Appointment, commencing from 25th June 1814, with respect to Officers reduced since that date. Both Rates o/ Half Pay are payable Quarter ly at the Pay Office, TVhitehall. Pay to General Officers unattached . General, 1 18 0 | Lieut. Gen. 1 12 6 | Major General 1 5 0 p.Diem. The Payments are made Quarterly, at. the Pay Office, Whitehall. Fees paid on Military Commissions under the Royal SignManuaL — DriGds £m LifeGds Horse Guards. and Drag. Ft. Gds. Foot StafFC.& Wag.Tr. 12 19 612 10 15 6 10 13 6 • • • 10 18 610 5 610 13 7 6\ 9 15 6 8 14 6 9 17 9 0 6 0 6 10 2 6 ... 4 14 6, 4 12 11 0 0 | . . . 8 12 0 . . . 5 0 6j 4 13 10; 10 4 5 7 2 4 19 6 5 10 6 6 1 9 18 10 2 6 9 14 6 9 4 6 13 10 . 6 11 10 2| 4 11 10 10 2 6 6 4 12 6 9 9 4 7 8 0 4 13 10 ranlTo/ Lt £7, 9s. 6d.— Do. having rank of Lt. £5, 9ff. or ~ {* T Vn t oral Mil. £4, 10s. 6d.-Direc. Gen. of Hosp. £21 9s.6d. £6, 0s. by Brevet, £12 17s 6d.-Dcp. insp. 7 P s .6d.-Do. by Brevet,£ll, 7s. 6d..— piiysiciat^£ld, 1 js.Gd. "" r vnn fnr the Information of Half Pay Officers to whom ru are AcentJthat this extension of the Regulation will accoidingly fake to hold Offices or Em- ^ems^mderother Govemmeiits, r together with tlteir Half Pa.,, are gMe ssW to the To Half Pay Agents. Form of Half Pay Affadavit appeared personally before me, and made Oath r lle t o h » dUrin8 any other f bce, la , to fo r - 51 nr Military under His Britannic Majesty, S WTMW’mS ^ oieSment besides the A.lowancc granted to him by His Britannic Majesty as a reduced of the Regiment of - f Sworn before me at tens y pip ptTT ao WAR OFFICE, 4th June 1816. C1 IT being found, that in many cases the sums due to Soldiers who die intestate have been. paid to persons not properly entitled thereto, l am to desire that you will not in future pay any Sums of Money arising from the Effects or Credits of Soldiers dying intestate, without obtaining from the persons applying for the same, the necessary pi oof of the.r S the next of kin to the deceased, according to the accompanying Forms of plication aod Certificate, and according t„ the de C ,re, of relationship specified in the said Forms. I am, &c. PALMERb I ON. T Havfng 8 ohtained information that late of the died on or about the and having no reason to believe that he left any Will, I request that you will pay to me or to my order, the hum •arising from his effects and Credits, I being his lawful and nearest of kin now living. 1 Signature. We do hereby certify, that we personally know' the above subscribing and heliove what nas stated to be true and believe vuui Both inhabitant Householders y of the Parish of ) in the County of I hereby certify, that I have examined the above named s» sa"’ - ” sessrstfa “ ';kS with their answers. I have aTo seen the said *.2*?*?* b application, and the said and sign the Certificate subjoined thereto. Minister nf tlie Parish of PRECEDENCY OF RELATIVES. 6th, Grandfather or Grandmother. 7th, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, or Niece. 8th, Cousin German. 9th, Ditto once removed. Vh' Brother or Sister. 10th, Second Cousin. . The Proportions in which the personal property of ► testate is no he divided among his Relatives are regulated by the btatuU I fof Distributions 02, and 23, Car. II. C. 10, and if a doubt should * .. . •. a. * ... -3 1 rail ration YtUV 1st, Widow 2d, Chffd. 3d, Father. 4th, Mother. fof Distributions 22, ana c;ar. n. c . iu, aim u « , to the distribution in any pdrucular case, application maybe made the War Office -far information on the p oint, 3ga WAR-OFFICE. PERSONS making inquiry relative to the existence of Soldiers, are requested to insert in the Blank Spaces underneath, the particulars re- quired * and to observe, that the required Certificate of the Minister or Churchwardens (as expressed on tiie other side), cannot be dispensed The inquiries are to be addressed as under : Name of the Soldier inquired after. When he first Enlisted, and into what R egiment. Regiment in which he is suppos- ed to be now serving, and the Battalion, if known. To The Secretary at War, War-Office, Inquiry after London, a Soldier. Trade and Place of Birth. When he was last heard of, where he then was, and (if supposed to be dead) the pe- riod of his deceas e. Degree - of Relationship, and cause ()f Inquiry. _ __ Your own Name, and the place of your abode . WHEREAS numerous Letters are received at the War-Office, from Persons making inquiry relative to the exigence or non-existence ofNon- commisioned Officers and Private Men in his Majesty’s Army j and as these inquiries are too frequently made by Persons in no degree ot relationship to the parties, nor having any adequate cause for such inquiry, and some times with a view of discovering what Pay may be due to the ^deceased Soldiers, in order to institute Claims for fraudulently receiving the s same , the Secretary at War feels it necessary to give this public Notice, that no attention will be paid, or Answers given, to any Letters »ons making the above Inquiries, unless those Inquiries are accompa- nied by a Certificate from the Minister or Churchwardens of the tjfmh in which sucli Persons reside, stating either that they are related to the Party in one of the following degrees, viz. WIFE, CHILD, FATHER, MOTHER, BROTHER, SISTER, UNCLE or AUNT, NEPHEW or NIECE. MU 1 rTJ&iVj # . Or that they are materially interested in the information required. Certificate of the Minister or Churchwardens. Minister This is to certify that is the . , of the Person inquired after, ^Churchwarden Hh2 363 _______ fijtfTSnT 1815. TO OFFICERS OF THE LAND FORCES. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the be- half of his Majesty, having taken into consideration the great conveni- ence that would result to Officers on the Half-Pay, or on the Retired List, and to General Officers, entitled to the pay of their army rank, if they were allowed to receive their Pay or Half Pay from the establish- ment of that country in which they shall actually reside, without regard to the establishment upon which the Pay or Half Pay was originally allowed, has been pleased to direct, that in future all such Officers shall, from the 25th December 1814, inclusive, or from such subsequent date •to which their Pay or Half Pay shall have been issued, receive payment of the same in the country in which they shall reside; and that the following Rules be observed in this respect : Any Officer residing in Great Britain, whose Pay or Half Pay is now issued in Ireland, should notify his Place of Residence to the War Office in Dublin, in order that an official communication may be made from thence, for the transfer of the payment of his Pay or Half Pay in Great Britain. In like manner, any Officer residing in Ireland, whose Pay or Half Pay is now issued in Great Britain, should make a similar report to the War Office in London, when instructions will be given for the payment of his Pay or Half Pay in Ireland. If any Officer should afterwards be desirous of chancing his place of residence, he is to give Two Months previous notice of his intention to the War Office of the Country in which he shall then be resident. WAR-OFFICE, 2 3d July 1819. Officers on Half-Pay, in certain cases, may receive an allowance eaual thereto, together with emoluments from Places of a Civil nature. The Secretary at War informs such Officers, that if their net annual emoluments do not exceed three times the amount of the highest rate of the Half-Pay attached by regulation to the rank, in virtue of which they are entitled to Half-Pay, they rr.ay, on application to the Secretary, be permitted to receive a Military Allowance equal to, or instead (thereof, on making Affidavit in the following form : — I A. B. do swear, ( that I had not, between the day of and the day of any Military Place or Employment under his Majesty, besides (here specify the nature of the Military Appointment actually held), inor any Civil Place or Emp'oyment under his Majesty, except (here specify the nature of the Civil Appointment), and that the net annual (emoluments of (here repeat the Civil Appointment) do not exceed I (here state the annual amount of three times the highest rate of your Half-Pay.) Should the net annual emoluments of any Civil Place or Appointment ’exceed three times, but fall short of four times, the amount of such ■ Half-Pay; on application to the Secretary at the end of the year, so much of the Military Allowance will be paid, as, together with these net {annual emoluments, may be equal to four times the amount of such i Half- Pay, upon making the following affidavit:— I A. B. do swear, that I had not, between the day of and the day of (any Military Place or Employment, besides (here specify the nature of the Military Appointment), nor any Civil Place under his Majesty, ex- cept (here specify the nature of the Civil Appointment), anti that the net emoluments received, or to be received by me, in respect of (here {repeat the Civil Appointment), from the day of to the .day of together with the portion of my Military Allowance now [claimed, do not exceed (here state four times the amount of the highest Irate of Half-Pay attached to your rank). T The above arrangement to hav e effect from 25th Decembe r 1818. 364 ROYAL NAVY. A List of the FLAG-OFFICERS in Commission, with their Flag Lieutenants, Secretaries, dsc. S tations . | Leith ore Portsmouth Plymouth Ireland Mediterranean. Newfoundland. Halifax Jamaica Leeward Wands Cape of G. Hope East Indies S. America FLAG-OFFI CERS, R. Ad. R. W. Otway R. Ad. Sir John Gore Ad Sir G. Campbell.. Ad. Ld. Vis. Exmouth R.Ad. Sir J. Rowley , B Ky&LSirT.Freemantle . Ptce-Ad.C.HzmWtouB R. Ad. Edw. Griffith R. Ad. Sir H. Popham R. Ad. D. Campbell R. Ad. Rob. Plampin RAd.Sh'H. Blackwood C'»m.SirT.M. Hardy, B Flag-Li eutenants JaJBurton.. Thos Blackiston.. T. R. Brigstocke J. S. W. Johnson John Molesworth J. Branford R. Chamber lay ne j. E. Griffith, act. Clias Crole J. M‘Dougall A. S. Pearson Price Blackwood Thos Bourchier*. . Secreta ries* ! Wm Payne Rob. Sconce j. R. Glover Joseph Grimes John Irving Harry Munro H. C. Le Geyt J. A. Lethbridge J. M‘Arthur John Elliott Thos F. Jesiop 16 Abundance(St.S.)Lf.R. Campbell 46 Active, Sir James A. Gordon 6 Aid, (Surv. Vessel) W. H. Smyth 50 Akbar, (Tr. S. Portsmouth) 14 Alban, U. Rob. S. Gibson 74 Albion, Rich. Raggett 15 Alert, Charles Farwel 10 Alonzo, (Con. H. S. Woolwich) 44 Andromache, W. H. Shirnff IS Arab, Charles Simeon 64 Ardent (Hulk, Halifax) 64 Argonaut. Lt. Com. James James Arrogant (Hulk, Trmcotnalee) 74 Atlas (Powder Ship, Portsmouth) 18 Bacchus, J. P. Parkin 20 Bann, Andrew Mitchell 98 Barfleur (Harb. Sorv. Plymouth) 10 Beaver, Rich. Saumarez Beckwith (Schooner, L. Ontario' 74 Bellcrophon ^C. Hulk, Sheerness) 1 18 Bellette, Geo. R. Pechell 1 50 Berschermer (East India Co.) 10 Bittern (Tender, Plymouth) 26 Blossom, F. E. V. Vernon 28 Brazen, William Shepherd 12 Brevdrageren(Army Dep.Deptf. 10 Brisk, J. W. Montagu Brur.e (Troop Ship, Sheerness) 74 Brunswick (Powd. Sh. Sheerness) 18 Bucephalus (Troop Sh. Portsm.) 76 Bulwark, Samuel Warren 74 Burlington (Lake Ontario) 16 Camel, (Store Sh.)T.Webb,Afar. lOCamelion, W. J. Mm pay 74 Captain, (Rec. Ship, Plymouth) 18 Carnation, I t. Roger Hall SHIPS IN COMMISSION. Carton, J. Furneaux Centurion (Hulk, Halifax) Ceres (Hulk, Chatham) Ceylon (Troop Ship, Plymouth) 10 Challenger (Trincomalee) 32 Champlain (Lake Champlain) 12 Char well (Lake Ontario) 10 Cherokee, Theobald Jones 80 Christian VII. (Lazar, Medway) 12 Clinker 18 Confiance, A. Montgomerie 32 Confiance (Lake Erie) Congo (Surv. Vessel, Deptford) 74 Conqueror, Francis S'anfeU 26 Conway, Edward Barnard 18 Coromandel, (St S.) J.Dowme,M<* 7-1 Courageux (Lazar Chatham) 42 Creole, William Bowles 18 Curlew, Wm Walpole 10 Cygnet, Thomas Bennett 20 Cvreue, Aaron Tozer 20 Cyrus, Cha. S. White 26 Dauntless, Hon. V. Gardner .32 Deduigneuse, (Rec. S. Deptford) 64 Diadem, (Troop Sh. Plymouth) Discovery vCOnvict Sh. Woolw.) Dispatch (Store i hip) . . •=>0 Dolphin (Store Ship, Chatham) 64 Dordrecht (Rec. Sh. Sheerness) 18 Doterel, John Gore 28 Dover, A. B. Bingham 10 Drake . „ 18 Driver, Chas H. Reid 20 Dromedary (St.S. New S. Wales) Dwarf, XL NicU. Chapman 126 Eden, F. B. Loch 11 h 3 365 $6 Egeria, Henry Shilfner 42 Euryalus, Thos Huskisson 34 Eurydi.ce, Robert Wauchope Examiner (Surv. Vess. Halifax) 74 Excellent (Harb. Serv. Portsm.) 44 Experiment (Lazar. Liverpool) Express (Tender, Mediterran.) 20 Falmouth, H. T. B. Collier 2b Favorite, Hercules Robinson 12 Flamer (Alien Serv. Gravesend) 18 Fly, John T. Coffin Flyingfish (Tend. Leew, Islands, 74 Fortitude, (Harb. Serv. Portsm.) 50 Glasgow, Hon. A. Maitland 50 Grampus (Troop Sh. Deptford) 18 Grasshopper, David Buchan 10 Grecian, Lieut. Nath. Martin 12 Griper, M. Liddon, Lt. & Com. Hardy (Store Ship, St Helena) 18 Harlequin, Charles C. Parker 12 Hasty, Lewis Fitzmaurice, Mas. Havock (Tender, Portsmouth) Hecla, W. C- Parry, Lt. Com. 10 Helicon, Wm R. A. Pettman 32 Heroine, (Rec. Sh. Sheerness) 18 Heron, Job Hanmer 20 Hind, Sir Charles Burrard Huron (Lake Erie) 28 Hyena, (St.Sh.) J. Andrews, Mat. Hydra (Troop Sh. Portsmouth) 42 Hyperion, Thomas Searle 10 Icarus, Henry A. Eliot 104 Impregnable, Hon. P. B. Pellew 64 Intrepid, (Rec, Sh. Plymouth) 16 Investigator, (Surveying Vessel, Sheerness) G. Thomas, Surv. 42 Iphtgenia, Hyde Parker Kangaroo (Surv. Vess, Jamaica 56 Kingston (Lake Ontario, Canada) 28 Lapwing, (Rec. Ship, Milford) 30 Larne, Henry Forbes 60 Leander, Charles Richardson 20 Lee, Stewart Blacker 24 Leven, D. £. Bartholomew 10 Leveret, Rodney Shannon 74 Leviathan (Con. Hulk, Portsm.) 50 Liffey, Hon. fL Duncan 64 Lion (Sheer Hulk, Sheerness) 50 Liverpool, F. A, Collier Mermaid, (Surv. Service, New 8. Wales) Lt. P. P. King 26 Mersey, Edward Collier 74 Minden, Wm Paterson 64 Monmouth (Sheer H. Deptford) 20 Montreal (Lake Ontario) 18 Morgiana, 20 Myrmidon, H. J. Leeke Namur (Rec. Ship, Chatham) 18 Nautilus, Isham F. Chapman 10 Netley (Lake Ontario, Canada) Newash (Lake Huron) 60 Newcastle, Arthur Fanshawe 46 Niger (Hulk, Halifax) 18 Nimrod, Charles Nelsou 78 Northumberland, Tho. Harvey 74 Odin, (Rec. Ship, Portsmouth) 18 Ontario, George Gosling 42 Orlando (Bombay) 16 Otter (Quarantine Ser. Milford) 42 Owen Glendower,Hon.R.Spencer 74 Magnificent (Har. S, Portsmo.) 74 Mars (Harb. Serv. Portsmouth) 12 Martial, Lt. R. M‘Kirdy 28 Menai, F. Moresby 14 Merlin (Rec. Ship, Portsmouth) 18 Pandora, Charles G. Randolph 10 Parthian, W. B. Bigland Perseus (Rec. S.)Lf,W.C. Barker 36 Perseverance (Rec, S. Portsm.) 18 Peterel (Rec. Ship, Plymouth) 46 Phaeton, W. A. Montagu 31 Pheasant, B. M. Kelly 10 Pigmy, Lt. W. P. Croke 14 Pike, Lt. dT Com. S. Hopkinson 10 Pioneer, Lt. William Oldrey 64 Polyphemus (Pow. S. Chatham) Port Mahon , Police Dep. Deptf.) 36 Prevoyante (Store Sh. Chatham) 98 Prince (Harb. Serv. Portsmouth) Prince Regent, (yacht) Sir M. Seymour, B. Prince George (Hulk, Portsm.) 64 Princess of Orange (Pow. S. Cha.) 32 Princess Charlotte (Canada) 22 Prometheus (Lazar. Portsm.) Protector (Sur. Vess. North Yar- mouth) Lt. Corn, W. Hewett 32 Psyche (Lake Ontario, Canada) 108 Queen Charlotte, Thos Briggs 18 Racehorse, Hon. G, P. Campbell 26 Racoon (Hosp. Con. S. Portsm.) 18 Raleigh, W. A Baumgardt 74 Ramillies, A. P. Hollis 12 Redbreast (Lazar. Liverpool) 10 Redpole, W. D. Evance 18 Redwing, Frederick Hunn Resolute (Tender, Plymouth) Retribution (Con. Hulk,Sheern.) 46 Revolutionaire.Hon. F.B. Pellew 80 Rochfort, A. P. Green 366 H) Rosario, William Hendry Royal Charlotte, George Scott Royal George, Hon. C. Paget 74 Royal Oak, (Har. Ser. Portsm ) Royal Sovereign, Sir E. W. Owen 18 Ruby (Bermuda) 98 St Lawrence (Lake Ontario) 74 San Antonio, (Powd. S Portsm.) 22 St Fiorenzo (Troop S. Woolw.) 3b Santa Margarita (Q. S. Pemb ) 58 Salisbury, John Wilson 64 8ampson (Sheer Hu. Woolwich) 80 Sans Pareil (Sheer H. Plymouth, 26 Sapphire. Henry Hart 18 Sappho, J. H. Plumridge Sank, (Lake Erie) Lt. G. Sarratt 18 Scout, Wm Ramsden 20 Serapis, (Convalescent Ship, Ja- maica) Lt. Geo. V. Jackson 5ft Severn, Win M’Culloch 12 Shamrock, (Sur. V.) Mar. White 10 Sheanvater, Douglass Cox 54 Sir Francis Drake, John Bowker 74 Skiold (Rec. Sh. Portsmouth) 20 Slaney, D. H. O’Brien 12 Snapper, Lt. James Henderson 18 Sophie, Sir W. S. Wiseman, B. 46 Spartan, W. F. Wise Speedwell, U. A G. Wemyss 76 Spencer, S. C. Rowley 20 Spey, John D. Boswall Spiteful (Conv Hosp. S. Portsm.) 14 Star (Lake Ontario, Canada) 10 Starling, Lt. John Reeve 78 Superb, Thomas White 6 Surly, Hen. S. Wilson Surprise (Lake Ene) 8 Swan, Lt. Thomas D. Stewart 12 Swinger, Zt. 15* Com. J. Mitchell 74 Swiftsure (Harb. Serv. Portsm.) 44 Sybille, William Popham 6 Sydney (Sur. V. Newfoundland) Surv. Geo. Holbroke 26 Tamar, Hon. J. Gordon 42 Tartar, Sir George Collier Tecumseth (Lake Huron) 26 Tees, George Rennie 104 Temeraire (Rec. S. Plymouth) 32 Terpsichote (Rec. S. Chatham) 12 Thistle, Lt. Robert Hagan 46 Topaze, John R. Lumley 18 Tortoise (Store Sh. Porrsmouth) Tower (Police Depot, Deptford) 74 Treekronen (Rec. Sh. Portsm.) Trent (Receiving Ship, Cork) 42 Tribune, N. J. Willoughby Triton (Rec. S. Newfoundland) 26 Tyne, G. T. Falcon 74 Vengeur, F. L. Maitland 74 Vigo 38 Virginie (Rec. Ship, Plymouth) 74 Warrior, (Har. Ser. Portsmouth) 18 Wasp, Thomas W. Carter 16 Weymouth, (Store Sh. Thames) R. Turner, Most. William and Mary, A. Spronle . 74 Windsor Castle, T. G. Caulfield 14 Wolf, Barnard Yeoman 26 Wye, Geo. W. Willes 74 York ^Convict Hulk, Portsm.) SHIPS IN ORDINARY. Aboukir i Acasta Acliille Adder Agincourt Aigle Ajax Alacrity Alexander Alexandre Alexandria Alfred America Amphion Amphitrite Anson Antelope Apollo Arachne Arethusa Argus 74 Ariadne 50 Armada 78 Astraca 12 Aurora 74 Bacchante 42 Badger 74lBarfleur 10 Barham 74 Barrosa 80 Belle isle S2|Bellona 74 Belvidera 74|Belzebub 38!Bembow 46iBerwick 74 Black Prince 58 Blake 46 Blanche • 18 Blenheim 46 Blonde 18 Boadicea 20 Boyne 74 Brilliant 42 Briton 46 Bull-dog 46 Bustard 10 Cadmus 98 Caesar 74 Caledonia 42 Caliope 74 Calypso 74 Cambrian 42 Cambridge Canada 74 Canopus 74 Castilian 74 Castor 74 Cephalus 46 Chanticleer 74 Cherub 46 Childers 46 Clarence 104iClio 42 Colossus 46 Columbia Icolumbine 10 Conflict 10 Conquestador 74 80 Contest 10 120 Cordelia 10 Cornwall 18 Cornwallis 4S Crescent 80 Cressy 74 Cumberland 84 Curacoa IS Dartmouth S2Dasher 18 Dee 10 Defence 26 Delight 18 Desiree 74 Devonshire 36 7 46 Horatio 46 Pallas 42 i iemiramis 4£i Dispatch 18 Hotspur 42 Pearl 32 ( Shannon 46 78 Howe 120 Pelican 18! Sirius 46 42 Hussar 46 Pelorus 18! snap 12 Drairon 74 Hyacinth m Pel ter 12! sparrow-hawk 18 Dreadnought 104 Illustrious I 71 Pembroke 74 ! 3 part late 78 Dryad 42 Irnmortalite 4(7 Peruvian IS Sphynx 10 Dublin 74 Imperieuse 46 Phoebe 42 Spitfire 24 Duncan 74 Implacable 7' Pilot 18 Stag 42 Eagle 74 Infernal Pique 42 Stirling Castle 74 Eclair 18 Invincible 74 P : tt 74 Sultan 74 Eclipse 10 Isis 58 Plover 28 Surinam 18 Edinburgh 74 Jalouse 8$ Plumper 12 surprise 46 Egmont 74 .Ja eur n Podargus 14 Tagus 36 Elephant 58 Java 60 Poictiers 74 Talavera 74 Elizabeth 74 Jupiter 58 Primrose 18 Tenedos 46 Elk 18 Kent 78 Pr. of Wales 104 Terrible 74 Emerald 36 Lacedasmoniau46 Pyramus 42 Terror Endymion 50 Lavinia 48 Queen 74 Thetis 46 Erebus 24 Laurel 46 Recruit 18 Thracian 18 Esk 20 Leonidas 4b Redoubtable 74 Tiber 46 Espeigle 18 Levant 20 Renown 78 Tennant 87 Espoir 18 Lively 46 Repulse 74 Towey 26 Essex 42 Madagascar 46 Resistance 46 Trave 38 Fairy 18 Magicienne 42 Revenge 78 Tremendous 74 Ferret 14 Maidstone 42 Rhin 46 Trincomalee 46 Fisgard 46 Malabar 74 Rifleman IS Trinculo 18 Forte 44 Malta 84 Rinaldo 10 Tyrian 10 Forth 50 Manly 12 Ringdove 18 Undaunted 46 Foudroyant 80 Marlbro* 74 Rippon 74 Union 104 Fury Mastiff 12 Rodney 74 Unite 42 Galatea 42 Medina £0 Rolla 10 Valiant 74 Gannet 18 M edway 74 Romney 58 Valorous 20 Ganymede 26 Melpomene 46 Rover 18 Vanguard 74 Genoa 78 Melville 74 Royal George 108 Venerable 74 Gibraltar 80 Menelaus 46 R. Sovereign 106 Vesuvius Glatton 56 Milford 78 Sagcsse 28 Victor 18 Glory 98 Minotaur 74 St. Vincent 120 Victorious 74 Gloucester 74 Mulgrave 74 San Josef no Victory 104 Goldfinch 10 Mums 14 Salsette 42 Ville de Paris 112 Griffon 16 Musquedobet 10 Satellite 18 Vindictive 74 Hannibal 74 Musquito • 18 Saturn 58 Warspite 76 Harrier 18 Naiad 46 Scamander 42 Waterloo 80 Hastings 74 Narcissus 32 Scarborough 74 Wellesley 74 Havannah 42 Nelson 120 Sceptre 74 Wellington 74 Hercules 74 Nisus 46 Scylla 18 Worcester 6* Hibernia 120 Nymphe 46 Sea-dark 10 Zebra 18 Hogue 74 Otean 110 Seine 46 Zenobia 18 SHIPS BUILDING. ^Eolus 46 Barracouta 1C 1 Chichester 60 Emulous 10 .■Ema Beagle 1C I Circe 46 Falcon 10 Alarm 28 Bombay 74 [Clyde 46 Formidable 84 Algerine 10 Boscawen 8C ► Crocodile £8 Fox 46 Amazon 46 Bramble 1C I Daedalus 46 Frolic 10 Andromeda 28 Britannia l2l! l Daphne £8 Gauges 84 Ariel .10 Britomart 1C 1 Devastation Goliah 84 Asia 84 Carnatic 74 1 Diana 46 Halcyon 10 Atholl 26 Cerbenje 4fc > Druid 46 Hamadryad 46 Hawke 7-1 Mermaid 46 PrinceRegent 120 Thalia 46' Hebe 46 Meteor Prs. Charlotte 104 Thames 46 Hindostan 74 Minerva 46 Procris 10 Thisbe 46 Indus 74 Monarch 84 Proserpine 46 Thunder Jason 46 Nemesis 46 Rainbow 28 Thunderer 84 Jasper 10 Nereus 46 Rattlesnake 28 Trafalgar 106 Kingfisher 10 North Star 28 Russel 74 Tweed 28 Lancaster 50 Onyx 10 St George 120 Unicorn 46 Latona 46 Opossum 10 Samarang 18 Vengeance 84 London 104 Partridge 10 Seringapatam 46 Venus 46 Lyra 10 Pegasus 46 Southampton 6o Vesuvius Magnet 10 Penelope 46 Sparrow 10 Volage 2S Martin 20 Porcupine 28 Statira 46 Volcano Medusa 46 Portland 60 Success 28 vVeazle 10 Melampus 46|Powerful 84 Sulphur Winchester 60 Mercury 46|President 60 Talbot 28 Zephyr 10 ADMIRALS OF THE ROYAL NAVY. Sir William Young, Vice-Admiral of Great Britain ; Sir James Saumarez, Bart. Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. Adm. of fleet. ,R. H. Win. H. Duke of Clarence Aims. (Red.) R.HnE.St Vincent Benj. Caldwell Wm.P. Williams Sir Jo. Colpoys Sir G. Montagu Rt.Hn.G.T.Keith tames Pigot t.Hn.L. Radstock John Henry Uch. R. Bligh Isaac Prescott Thomas Spry 6ir JohnOrde Sir Wm. Young R.Hn.Z.Gambier Sir C. M. Pole Wm. Swiney Cha. Ed. Nugent C. P. Hamilton John Holloway George Wilson Rt.Hn.Sir J. Bor- lase Warren Ed. Tyrrel Smith Tho. M. Russel Sir H. Trollope John Wickey John Fish Sir John Knight Sir E. Thorn- brough Samson Edwards Sir G. Campbell Sir Ja. Saumarez Aims. (White. ) Sir C. H. Knowles Hon. Tho.Paken ham Sir J H.Whltshetl Arthur Kempc Thomas West James Douglas Henry Savage Sir R. Bickerton ;orge Bowen ibert Montague Adms. (Blue.) Thomas Drury Sir Alb. Bertie lit. Hon. W. Earl Northesk James Vashon Rt. Hon. E. Vise. Exmouth Sir Isaac Coffin John Aylmer Rich. Boger J. Child Purvis Theophilus Jones Sir Wm Domett William Wolseley Sir John Sutton Robert Murray Hon. Sir A. Coch- rane John Markham H.D’EstereDarby Ed. Bowater George Palmer Sir Eliab Harvey Sir Edm. Nagle Vice- Ads. (Red.) John Wells Sir Rich. Grindall Sir Geo. Martin Sir R.J. Strachan Sir W. S. Smith Thomas Sotheby John Schanck Hon. Michael De Courcy John Hunter Fran. Pender Henry Nicholls Sir Herb. Sawyer Sir D. Gould Sir R. G. Keats R. D.Fancourt Sir Edw. Buller Hn.SirR.Stopford Mark Robinson Tho. R. Shivers John Dilkes Sir Tho. Foley Vice- Adms. {White) Charles Stirling Sir Chas. Tyler Sir Manley Dixon George Losack SirThomasBertie Row. Bulteel Isaac G. Manley John Osborn Edmund Crawley Sir T. Williams Sir T. Thompson Sir Wm. Hargood John Ferrier Rich. I. Bury Sir R. Moorsom Sir C. Hamilton Hon. H. Curzon Sir L.W. Halsted E. O. Osborn Sir H. Neale Sir J. S. Yorke Hn.SirA.K.Legge Vice- Ads. (Blue.) Fran. Fayerman Rt. Hon. G. Earl Galloway Sir T. Fremantle Sir F. Laforey SirP. C. Durham Sir Israel Pellew Alex. Fraser SirBen. Hallowell Rt. Hon. Lord A. Beauclerk William Taylor Sir J. N. Morris Sir T. B. Martin John Lawford Frank Sotheron Thomas Wolley Sir W. J. Hope Rt. Hon. Lord H. Paulet C. W. Paterson Sir G. Cockburn Tho. Surridge S. H. Linzee Jas. Carpenter Robert Barton Sir Grah. Moore M. H. Scott 369 Hear- Ads. (Red.) Joseph Hanwell Sir H. W.Bayntun Hon. F. Gardner Sir Rich. King Edw. Griffith E. J. Foote Sir Rich. Lee Peter Halkett Wm. Bedford Philip Wilkinson Hon. C. Fleeming Sir C. V. Penrose Sir W. Hotham G. H. Stephens Sir P. Malcolm William Nowell James Bisset J. Clements Sir John Gore John Harvey Hn.SirH. Hotham Sir H. Popham Sir Josias Rowley Sir E.Codrington Rear-Admirals (White.) George Parker Rob. Piampin E. L. Gower Hn. Sir H. Black- wood Jn. E. Douglas Rt. Hon. G. Vise. Torrington Ross Donnelly Sir J. Beresford Thomas Eyles T.Le M.Gosselyn Sir Chas. Rowley S. J. Ballard Robert Rolles Walter Lock Sir David Milne Jas. Young Jas. Macnamara Don. Campbell R. Waller Otway J. W r . Spranger William Lirken Edw. Fellowes VV. T. Lake Rear- Ads (Blue.) R. H. A. Bennett Sir Cha. Ogle Henry Raper W. C. Fahie Sir George Eyre Robert Lambert ;eph Bingham R. D. Oliver Thomas Boys Sir C. Brisbane Sir John Talbot John. Halliday John Giffard John W 7 est G. F. Ryves T. G. Caulfeild Sir Jali. Breutrn Sir Robert Mends George Scott ‘ John W ood Thomas Dundas George Fowke J. K. Shepard Rd. H. Pearson IS. P. Forster Stephen Poyntz iGeorgeAstle Rt. Hon. J. Lord J. T. Rodd Colvill (J. B. Hay John Cochet iSir T. M. Hardy Sir A. C. DicksonlW. Cumberland Robert W r inthrop Robert Cuthbert H. Digby jG.E.Hamond Charles Ekina Rt. Honyman J. S. Rainier Barthol. James B. W. Page R. L. Fitzgerald Iln.P.Wodehouse Rt.Hn.C. Herbert Tho. Alexander I Earl Manvers 'Josiah Nishet CAPTAINS. iVolantV. Ballard 1797* |H. Downman And. Smith (Hon. T. B. Capel W. R. Broughton, Wm. Hanwell Sir Edw . Berry Wm. Prowse Rt. Hon. Lord M. R. Kerr Sir J. A. Wood Thomas Harvey Lt. H. Moubray H. Rich. Glynn John Bligli Peter Puget Tho. Elpliinstone Sir E. Hamilton Thomas Baker Henry Evans Sam. Sutton Hon. C. Boyle W'illiam Ogilvy Sir Rob. Laurie W. H. Gage John Maitland Isaac W r olley John Miller Stair Douglas W'illiam Cuming James Walker Hon. Sir C. Paget Rob. Williams Rich. Worsley 1798. John Cleiand A. P. Hollis Sir H. Heathcote A. F. Evans Sir E. W. Owen G. Js. Sfrirlcy R. R. Bowyer 1799. Thomas Manb' Rt. Hon* Lord J, O’Bryen Wm. Sanderson Richard Matson Richard Raggett John Mackeliar James Ougluos George Barker Charles Adam John Stiles Michael Halliday W r m. Granger J. C* White Fred. Warren Charles Campbell Rich. Peacocke by •d J. F. W. Austen B. R. Littlehales Robert Phil pot P. Campbell Norb. Thompson Sir M. Seymour The abt>'ve are on Half-Pay of Us. 6d. per diem « ft. S. Dickson Edw. Rotheram Charles Grant Tho. J. Maling J. A. Ommanney Henry Stuart Zacli. Mudge George Wolfe 1801. Henry HHl Jonas Rose Sir Tho. Lavie J. M. Lewis Chas. Wollaston A.W. Schomberg Edw. D. King William Waller Henry Vansitcart George Mundy George Sayer Robert Mansel Charles Tinling Sir P. B. V. Broke F. L. Maitland Sir Jas Brisbane J. F. Devonshire George White A. Mackenzie James Oswald Francis Vesey Henry Garrett W alter Bathurst Ad. Drummond Robert Hall Thomas Sparke Robert Lloyd John Chesshyre James Car.thew Thomas Briggs J. Broughton Hn.G. H. Dundas! Nic. Tomlinson W illiam Parker T. R. Ricketts George M k Kinley James Katon Chas. Dashwood 1802. iH. E. R. Baker 1800. Sir T. Livingstone Rich. Curry 'L. Hardyman jSInWm. Hoste Chr. Laroche J. S. Horton Henry Bazely Edward Brace Len. Thompson Chas. Feilding T. G. Shortladd W. Skipsey 370 . C. Crawford John Hayes S. C. Rowley B. M.Praed John Whyte Samuel Mottley Edw. W. Browne S. P. Humphreys E. L. Graham John Tower Ken. M‘Kenzie Edw. Hawker Alex. Campbell William Ferris folm R. Smollett iCh. Richardson Wm. Ricketts *J. C. Woollcombe Alex. Skene | 1805. Hon. W. Trench 1 George Aldham George Blake iFrancis Temple Edw. S. Clay R. B. Vincent Thomas Richbell A. Farquhar Ben. Carter Henry Gordon Charles Inglis Sir W. Bolton Charles Carter (Sir J. A. Gordon Thomas Browne |Hon. F. Aylmer Marcus S. Hill S. T. Digby Hon F. P. Irby SirChr. Cole Sir G. R. Collier Dan. Wood riff Andrew Sproule J. W. Loring John Winne Sir R.H. Bromley Hon, P. Bouverie Rich. Goddard Rich. Poulden Charles Otter Thomas Hurd Thomas Miles Rich. Pellowe John Dick Peter Ribouleau John Nash Stephen Rains Thomas Hand F. P. Epworth Matt. Buckle John Allen James Noble Samuel Warren A. J. Griffiths George Burdett James Nash Peter Spicer James Seward J. T. Michell T. P. Durel! Alex. Becher Geo. Reynolds John Hatley IT. H. Coffin Jeff. Raiirersfeld Chas. Ryder C. J. W. Nesham Charles Bulien John Wight Hen. F. Edgell Corn. Quinton Sir J. Dunbar Wm. Butterfield Richard Byron Wm. Young George Tobin James Sanders W. H. W. Parry Edward Gahvey 1 Rt. Hon. Lord G. Rt. Hon. Lord E. O’Bryen Fs. God. Bond i Stephen Folvill W. Henryson Archb. Dickson Clotw. Upton W, H. Tremlett Samuel Pym George Angles Samuel Butcher Robert Jackson Robert Barrie C. B. H. Ross Wils. Rathborne Henry Matson liarles Malcolm 1803 ' John Serrell P. Heywood Sir M. Maxwell C.M. Schomberg Fran. W. Fane Peter Hunt 1801. Hon. G. Elliott William Durban James Hillyar Rt. Hn. Lord W. Fitzroy The above are ti- the Half -Pay of 12 s. 6d. p. diem. Richard Jones Stuart Richard Hawkins (Sir James Lind Thomas Cowan Wm. H. Daniel Geo. C. Putting Jacob Walton David Colby jMyustus B rine Joseph Nourse I Robert O’Brien ; KeitlT Maxwell Matth. Godwin IHugll Pigot Richard Thomas John Quilliam John Pilfold 1806. W. Hennah W. P. Cumby George Digby Jas. R. Dacres Peter Rainier Hon. H. Duncan Henry Vaughan Tho. Campltell J. L. Popham John S. Carden John Sykes James Watson Charles Jones John Hancock John W. Holland John Yelland Woodley Losack John Inipey Alex. Rob. Kerr Donald M*Leod H. M. Ommanney Arch. Duff Heywrood Don. H. Mackay Francis Mason M. J. Henniker Matthew Forster Philip Carteret James Johnstone Sir T. Staines Tho. Brown Alex. Shipp ard Hon. P. B. Pellew John Bowen H. Laroche R . Henderson Sir LucitVs Curtis Sir John Louis Y.r.‘&r lHon.E. Rodney Brian Hodgson H- H. Christian Hon. A. Cochrane Sir J. C. Coghill N. D. Cochrane John Ayscough Sir T.J. Cochrane VV. H. Dobbie W. F. Wise Edm. Boger Wm. Jones Lye G. F. Seymour Hon. G. Poulett Hugh Cook J. H. Tait Gilb. Heathcote W. B. Proctor C. J. Johnston Edward Ratsey Edw. Hawkins R. T. Hancock J. M. Northey C. B. Bateman M. A- De Starck W. Cook Arth. Lysaght Hon. J. Percy Hon. A. Maitland H»n. G. Proby 1807 . Hon. G. G. Wal- de grave Hon. G. Cadogan Sir Edw. Thicker H. Chamberlayne John Edgcumbe W. Wooldridge J. O. Hardy Wm. Maude S. H. Inglefield Edm. Palmer W. A. Montague John Bastard G. B. Salt Valen. Collard John Fvffe Edward Chatham George Cocks R. C. Man gin William Croft John PhilHmore F. Beaumaw J. R. Philips Wm. King Pringle Stoddart Andrew King Wm. Bowles Hyde Parker C. S. Hawtayne J. W. D. Dundas Sam. Ja ckson 371 Sir E. T. Trou- t George Andrews twidge W. Buchanan Charles Gordon IE. J. Moriarty Geo. Harris 1808. Tho. Garth John Ciavell W. S. Parkinson J. M. Gordon George Langford W. H. Dillon James Bradshaw Matthew Smith Tho. Searle Henry Hope Thomas Ussher R. Bevan W. Ward S. J. Pechell Robert Cathcart R. Elliott C.F. Daly J. R. Lumley Philip Pipon George Pigot E. Woolecombe Hon F.B.R Pellew iJohn Halsted G. C. Mackenzie |Edw. P. Brenton Fran. A. Collier G. Miller Bligh 1809. W. Wilbraham . Charles Gill J. W. Maurice Charles Dilkes Hon. J. W. King James Prevost ! Fran. Newcombe John Joyce James Caulfeild Wm. Godfrey Joseph Spear William Wells Thomas Withers Charles Napier John Richards George Sanders Rt. Hon. Lord J. Townsend Tho. Thrush .William Mounsey I Thomas Forrest Rich. Harward George Bell William Goate Joseph James John Davie H. Hume Spence (Arthur Walter E. Sey. Bailey ;George Cadman C. Bartholmew Wm. H. Shirreff John Simpson Edward Dix Henry W. Pearse 1810. Edw. Kittoe Richard Arthur G. P. Monke Phipps Hornby Hon. W. Gordon Francis Stanfell Sam. G. Pechell C. J. Austen Spel. Swaine Francis Beaufort Ben. Walker John Maxwell Philip Browne M. B. Bradby Wm. Paterson Henry Prescott Thomas White Tho. Graves N J. Willoughby E. W. Hoare * William Elliott James Collins John Crispo Robert Keen John Lawson Chris. WatSon Thomas White G. Sayer J. A. Worth James Slade W. W. Foote Thomas Innes R. J. L. O’Connor Francis Douglas John Hudson Robt. B. Tom James Lillicrap Walter Grosett Fran J. Nott Lewis Shepheard John Thompson Robert Evans Tho. F. Baugh Isaac Ferrieres John Lamborn John Baker Alexander Innes C. M. Fabian John B. Purvis foam. Colquitt Gust. Stupart J. W. Marshall Anthony Abdy H. E. P. Sturt R. G. Janvrin G W. Blarney John Coode Tlios. Burton Jerem. Coghlan T. F. Mainwaring 1811. W. H. Byam R. Ciephane J. Packwood Rt. Hon. Ralph Vise. Nevill William Flint E. L. Crofton John Williams Thos. Fellowes P. B. Greene Hon.Wm Walde- grave Thos. Huskisson E. H. A’Court Thomas Coe B. C. Doyle John Pasco J. Holliuworth Clement Sneyd Richard Buck Edward Scobel) J. D. Markland William Fisiier Abel Ferris Edward Harvey Robert M. Fowler Thomas Graham W. F. Owen Manly H< Dixon W. B. Dolling J. R. Lapenotiere Hon. Alex. Jones Ben. Clement Hon. H. Dawson D. Campbell Henry Hart C. J. D’ Auvergne Geo. Henderson I . Tudor Tucker John Bowker Henry Bourchier J. S. Peyton G. H. Guion R. W. G. Festing Peter J. Douglas G. W. Hamilton Edward Stopford 1812. George Price Joseph S. Tetley 372 George Acklom B. Reynolds George Morris James Green James Anderson Wm. Shepheard John Tancock Hon.G.A Crofton James P. Stewart Robert Maunsell Christopher Bell Richard Spencer V. F. Hatton A. B. Bingham Thomas New Henry Barwell James Stevenson Hon.E.S.P. Knox Hon. G. Douglas Rt. Hon. David Lord Balgonie Colin Campbell Cha. T. Smith Charies Sotheby Joseph Sytnes Hon. W. H. Percy Booty Harvey A. R. M'Kenzie James Pringle R. P. Davies G. Wyndham Henry Weir A. W. J. Clifford Samuel Leslie Rt. Hon. H. John Lord Selsev Hon V. Gardner Edw. Ellicott A. Milner James Barker Peter Rye James Veitch Andrew Mott James Gifford Timothy Clinch Geo. Le’Geyt B. S. Bluett Henry G. Morris S. Chambers Wm. Autridge Edward A. Down T. Whinyates Wm. Hellard John Thompson George Moubray A. Cunningham J. W. Andrew J. R. Rowley John Griffith Hew Steuart James Aberdour_ Wm. Robilliardt i Colin MacDonald 1813. | Geo. E. Watts Alex. R. Sharpe Hon. R. Rodney Robert Mitford Henderson Bain Richard Spear Clement Milward James Black H Joseph N. Tayler (John F. Maples ! Robert Bloye Tho. E. Symonds William StephenslJustice Finley Westby Percival [John Wilson JohnTailour Jolrn Smith G. T. Falcon ■Wat. O. Pell John Bay ley Edward Grey Hen. J. Lyford T. F. Kennedy Benj. Crispin Eyles Mounsher John Harper James Stuart S. B. Deecker Lewis Hole W. W. Daniel Thomas Fife John M‘Kerlie T. Rd. Toker Wm. F. Carrol JMI. 1 Hayes O’Grady Fred. J. Thomas 'G. W. H. Knight W. H. Mul caster Thomas Dick Abraham Lowe J. J. G. Bremer John Porteus Cha. Bertram George Hills Hen. Fanshawe I. H. Morrison Geo. B. Trollope T. C. Hichens Tho. Mansell Colin Campbell Geo. Pringle ( Courcy jTho. Groube Her. Robinson :W T m. Black -Mich. Head 'Tho. Stamp R. R. Wormeley (Nath. Mitchell Weston Phipps Aug. V. Drury Edward Flin Tho. Barclay Geo. W. Willes 18M. Joseph Drury Alex. Gordon Fred. Hickey Hen. T. Davies Peter Fisher Edw. R. Sibly Wm. Isaac Scott M. F. Berkeley Ber. C. Cator Davjd Dunn Fair. Moresby Geo. Rennie F. E. V. Vernon Hon. H. D. Byng Edw. Brazier Hon. J. A. Maude Cha. Hewitt And. P. Green Geo. A. Byron Henry Haynes ;Hn. K. Somerville Arthur Stow i Edmund Lyons W. B. Mends ISir Cha. Sullivan G. G. Lennock Rich. Foley Hon. W. Napier Hen. Jenkinson Hon. R. Spencer John Marshall Geo. Ferguson Edw.Saurin SirW.G. Parker (Edw. Hodder G. R. Sartorius [John H. Godby Rob. Wauchope [Christ. Strachey C. H. Watson .Charles Shaw Sir J. G. Sinclair James Wemyss Rob. Gambier ,Wm. M‘Culfoch Harry Hopkins Arden Adderley John Eilis James Boxer Jos. Pearce Rich. O’Conor pha.F, Payne Francis E. Loch George Kippen Charles J. Kerr John Palmer H. F. Senhouse T. B. Sulivan Tho. Alexander David Scott Edward Collier Richard Creyke 1815. N. L. Pateshall Nicholas Lockyer Rowland Money Hen. Montresor John Sheridan Hen. L. Baker G. W. H. D’Aeth Robert Ramsay D. Bartholomew J. C. G. Roberts Samuel Roberts David Price Arch. Tisdall G. Garland Rt. Hon. Algernon Lord Prudhoe Robert Rowley W. S. Badcock J. T. Nicolas John Molterly Joseph Digby John Thomson Charles Warde Wi!. Farington Stephen Popham F. B. Spilsbury Daniel Pring F. W. Burgoyne James Rattray John Allen Wil. Henderson John Hill F. G. Willock John Carter 1816. Daniel Ross Henry Meynell A. P. Hamilton Daniel Lawrence R. H. Rogers George Bent ham James Mould W. Kempthorne Arthur Fanshawe J. A. Murray William Hill 1817. W. S- Hall R. H. Muddle Thos Renwick Thos Young I i 373 John Parish John Bradly Henry Higman William Ratnage E. O'Brien Drury George Hewson Alex. M‘ Vicar Alex. Renny John Lawrence David Braimer R. W. Wales J. M. Ferguson Edmund Waller John Gourly Aug. Baldwin G. W. Hooper W. R. Smith H. C. Deacon Houston Stewart Edward Barnard Basil Hall James Wallis 1818. W. B. Dash wood Martin White John Cookesley James Murray C. G. R. Philiott Geo. M. Jones William Wolrige James K. White John Ross James Stirling A. F. Westropp George Brine lit. Hon. Lord John Hay C. R. Moorsom Hon. G. Perceval Hon. J. Gordon 1819. William Popham Jas. Tomkinson James Hay Sir C. T. Jones C. B. Strong John Baldwin Robert Riddell G. A. Westphall P. W. P. Wallis Hon. F. Noel Hugh Patton Alexander Dobbs Hon. Cha. Orlando Bridgeman COMMANDERS. 1778. J?mes Ellis 1779. W. James 1781* D. Macka y 1783. G. Colquitt William Titcher 1787. Sc. P. Mouat Henry Deacon Jonn Edwards 1789. S. Kempthorne 1790. G. Maxwell S. Featherstone Wm. H. Kittoe 1793. R. Roger 1794. C Robinson Amb. Crofton Peter M‘Kellar Wm. Burgess John Larkan John Marsh George Luke Thomas Dalby 1795. H. Wray John Edwards Geo. Robinson (H. H.Birkhead 1796. G. Davey James Godench Geo. Harison Edw Killwick John Davies Henry Probyn Tho. Dickinson Robert Pearson Ran. T6okey 1797. C. Nevile Jacob James Wm. Bevians John Luce E. Williams 1800. John Thicknesse t Sam. Clarke John H. Martin J. N. Marshall Terence O’Neill Rob. Williams Rich. Thwaits John Child 1801. John H. Cartier David Mudie Robert Tinkler William Morce Joshua Johnson And. Thomson 1802. Thomas Hill James Irwin William Richan A. Grumley John Manley Philip Lamb Jn. Richardson Wm* Cash man Thomas Lyne Pliilip Lyne John Chiicott Rt. Hayley Judd Henry Waring John Douglas George C. HurdisjThomas Wells J. J. C. Agassiz Dig. Willoughby Robert Mai. Cowan 1803. Wm. Landless R. W. Parker Charles Claridge Tho. Heddington W. J. Hnerhes 1807. W. Love Wm* Mathef Samuel Jeffery Wm. Coote Joseph Hoy Andrew Hodge Ben. Warburton 1808. Samuel Fowell Thomas Pinto Fred. Hoffman Edward Burt Thomas Dench Henry Baugh Wm. Outfield C. C. Irvine John Gore Robert Parrey F. A. Halliday H. C. Thompson Wm. Russell G. Blennerhasset James M‘Farland Geo. Halsted 1804. j Robert Pettet Matthew Wrench Robert Tucker John Gascoyne >C. Pickford Wm. M^wire .John Smyth Henry Carew | William Hughes Nich. Kempe j 1805. J. F. Drummond T. Maynard H.S. Butt IJames Grant Ed. Hutchinson Thomas Cole W. H.Whorwood Hyde J. ClaTke T* P. J. Parry 1809. E. W. Garrett Alex. Nesbitt 1798. T. Linthome Robert England Thomas Halton Jn. M. Spread Wm. Layman Edw. Williams John Yule Edw. Barker 1806. homas 'Roberts *J. L. Sir.itii John Robert Lea j Thomas Oliver John Whipple ! William Reacrs John Jones | David Valentine William Moore ;J. Manderson George Jones IW. B. Ryder 1799. jj. Gallnway Henry Compton IWm Balfour David Giimonr ~| George M. Sutton Ewell Tritton William Bissell J. C. Carpenter The above are on the Half- Pay of | 10/. ptr diem. ' Rob. Hockiners j Wm. R. Smith (Chris. Nixon »Tho. Percival T. G. Muston Henry Jones Wm. Hext Alex. Kennedy Charles Allen* G. Bennet Allen John Worth William May Chas. Beecrot't H. C. Cexen Geo. Stain forth Step. Stephens ITS. Grove T. Cunningham Joseph Haynes Geo. Turnbull John Wylrom John S< Cowan 1810. Tho. S. Dyer Edmund Denman Jos. Simmonds George Brown James R. Dalton John Codd W. H. Smith Daniel Barber H. N. Rowe Henry Wildey James Molineux Henry Jane Peter Proctor Henry Thomson Rob. L. Coulson P. G. Pickemell Nath. Bekhier John H. Marshall Charles Clyde Thomas Vivion Gregory Grant R. Ben. Young W. R. Bamber Henry Davis Hyt Alex. Rose James Lench Charles Bennett John Norton Wm. Kelly Wm. Slaughter 131L R. Russell Thomas Wolrige T. L. Laugliaine Bcnj. Street John Alexander John Cramer Henry Lynne William Gregory James De Rippe James Clephan Wm. Simpson J. H. Garrety Edward Lloyd Charles Mitchell John Filmore I John 8kekel jJohn Gihnour ’James Bremer iG. A. Hire {Thomas Simpson Tho Southey John Cartwright -Wm. H aydrm 374 Jolm Irons T. O. Hewes J. C. Tullidge Samuel Brown R. T. Blackler J. B. H. Curran VV. Kelly Henry Drury Sir W.S. Wiseman John Gedge John G. Boss Chris. C. Askew Ben. M. Kelly Charles Squire John Campbell 1812 . Christian H. F. Jauncey Thomas Dutton G. Fitzmaurice Charles Walker George Greensill G. T. Scobell Peircy Brett Henry Forbes WWiam Style Stewart Blacker Charles Tyler C. T. Thruston William Holinan Thomas Methvcn Robert Giles John Forbes Charles Farwell Thomas Galwey John Jekyll Joshua Treacev Jas. W. Gabriel Richard Alcock George Truscott F. W. Rooke W. P. Roberts T. B. Clowes George Scott John Price M‘Meekan T. L. Peake George Haye Daniel Roberts Joseph Marrett John Weeks John Banks John Keenan C. H. Reid John Stoddart John Smith Wm. Buchanan Thomas Eyre Tho. Warr Robert Fullerton, Esq. and John Hodgson, Esq. J V On the 1 1th August 1819, Major-General Thomas Munro, C. B., was appointed Governor , and John Hodgson, Esq. 3 / M ember of Council; and on the 18th, George Stratton, Esq. Vh Member , and William Thackeray, Esq. Provisional Member of Council. George Strachey, Chief Secretary Edward Wood, Secretary in the Military Department David Hill, Secretary in the several Civil Departments. Board of Trade. Robert Fullerton, President; John Casamaijor, James Taylor, Members; John Gwatkin, Secretary ; John Bryan Pybus, Deputy, 381 Board of Revenue. John Hodgson, President; James Cochrane, William Wayte, George Stratton, Members ; Alex. Duncan Campbell, Secretary / John W. Russell, Deputy. Sudder and Fnuidarry Ada joint. Robert Fullerton, Chief Judge ; Andrew Srott, Puisne fudge ; Edwtrd Croft Greenway, do, j John H. D Ogilvie, do. ; W. Oliver, Register ; Richard Clarke, Robert Anderson, Deputies. General Staff, Lient.-General Sir Thomas Hislop, Bait. G. C.B. Commander -in-Chief Major-General James Hare, Commanding in Mysore Maj >r General Alexander Dyce, do. South Div, Major-General Thomas Browne, do. Centre Div. Major-General Charles Rumley, do. Northern Div. Lieut.-Gen. Tho. Bowser, appointed 28th July 1819, to succeed to the Staff at the expiration of Major-Gen. Rumley’s period of service Lieutenant-Colonel T. H. S. Conway, C. B. Adjutant-General. Major Edw. W. Snow r , Dep. do. Lieut. B. R. Hitchins, Assistant do. Lieutenant-Colonel Val. Blacker, C. B. Quar.- Mas. -General Major Rowland B, Otto. Dtp. do. Captain Charles Waddell, Acting Assistant do. LieuL-Colonel Jeffrey Prendergast, Military Auditor-General Captain Charles Rundall, Deputy do. Captain Peter Whannell, Assistant do. Lieut. -Colonel E. J. M‘G. Murray, C. B. 8th light dr. Deputy Quarter- Master-General to the King's troops Lieut.-Coionel Hon. F, L, Stanhope, C. B. 17th light dragoons, Deputy Adjutant-General to do. Colonel James Leith, Judge- Advocate-General Colonel James Leith, Persian Interpreter at Head Quarters Captain John M‘ Donald, Toivn Major Captain J, T. Wood, 2d foot, 1 ... , n .. « . «... Lieut. Thos, Van Buerle,56th foot, 3 Aides- de-Camp to Com. in Chief Lieutenant J. Eden, 22d light dragoons, Additional do. Lieutenant J. Rogers, 22d do. 2 d do. do. Captain J. T. Wood, Military Secretary to do. Private Secretary to do. Lieut. F . E. Elliot, royal engineers, Military Secretary to the Governor Ditto ditto Private Secretary to do. Capt, Thomas M‘Lean, and Lieut. F. E. Elliot, Aides-de-Camp to do. Military Board. Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Hislop, Bt. G. C. R. Commander-in-chief Lieutenant-General Elisha Traraud, Chief Engineer Lieutenant-General Robert Bell, Commandant o) Artillery Lieutenant-Colonel Valentine Blacker, C. B, Quarter- Master-General Lieutenant-Colonel T. H, S. Conway, C. B. Adjutant.General Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffrey Prendergast, Military Auditor-General Captain William Ormsby, Secretary Captain Thomas M‘Lean, Deputy Lieut. Henry Moberly, Assistant Medical Board, A. Watson, M.iD. First Member John Duncan, Third do, Henry Harris, M.D. Second do. Alexander Stewart, Secretary Ecclesiastical Establishment. The Rev. Jolm Mousley, D. D. Archdeacon John Allan, Chaplain Scotch Church . 382 _ Commissariat Department. Lieut-Colonel William Morrison, Commissary-General. Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Grant, C. B. and Major Henry A. Purchas, Dtp. Com. Gen. J * Captains W. I. Jones, Mark Cubbon, Alexander Gumming, John Camp- bell, and Charles Watson, Assistant Commissary-Generals Captains Peter Barclay and Josiah Stewart, Lieut. J. Webster, Major H* G« A. Taylor, Captains A. Grant, A. M‘Luren, T. Cox, A. Tul- locll, Dep. Assistants Lieutenants M. H. Davidson and John Fyfe, Captains James Noble and William James, Lieutenants James Morison, Nathaniel Alves, E, J, Ellaway, R» W. Sherriff, T. Hadaway, Sub-Assistants. Supreme Court of Judicature of Madras. Hon. Sir John Henry Newbolt, Knt. Chief Justice. Sir Edmond Stanley, Kt. and Sir A. G. Cooper, Kt. Puisne Justices . Samuel Ibbetson, Esq. Sheriff John Shaw, Esq» Prothonotary and Registrar Richard Jebb, LL.D. Master in Equity Robert Orme, Esq. Clerk of the Crown George Garrow, Esq. Accountant-General Sir Samuel Toller, Kc. Advocate-General to Company Robert Orme, Solicitor to do. John M'Kerrel, Esq. Superintendant of Police Advocates.**- Tho. Greenway, Henry dahagan, Richard tebb, LL.D* Sir Samuel Toller, Kt., Patrick Cleghorn, Henry Byrne, Janies Stavely, Richard F. Lewis. Attornies , £5*r.— Robert Orme, Daniel Neale, John CarTuthers, Henry Cotes, John Shaw, James Morris, Thomas Teed, Thomas E. Higginson, Charles H. Clay. Madras Military fund. Thomas Wharton Rundall, Esq. Secretary and Auditor in England* Pice- Admiralty Court. Sir John H. Newbolt, Knt. Commissary and Principal. BOMBAY ESTABLISHMENT. Council. The Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone, President and Governor Lieut. -General Sir Charles Colville, G.C.B. Commander in Chief Alexander Bell, Esq. and Guy Lenox Prendergast, Esq. Francis Warden, Esq. (provisional counsellor; Francis Warden, Chief Secretary ( Acting Member of Council ) William Newnham, Secretary in the Financial, Public. Revenue , Judicial, and Ecclesiastical Departments f Acting Chief Secretary J James B. Simson, Acting Secretary in do * James Henderson, Secretary in the Foreign, Secret , and Political do* James Parish, Secretary in the Military and Commercial Departments . Ecclesiastical Establishment. The Rev. George Barnes, D. D. Archdeacon and Commissary Mr John Sandwith, Registrar James Clow, Chaplain Scotch Church . Court of the Recorder. Sir Alex. Anstruther, Knt. Recorder and Judge of Pice- Admiralty Court . J A Pope Esa Manor Oflyett Woodhouse, Esq. Shertff W.B. T. Crosier, Michie Forties, Dougnll Christie, William Shot ton. ' David Malcolm, J. R. Reid, Henry Menton, Henry Shank, Thomas James orl .ey .^Ollye? tt Woodhouse, H. G. Mad; Hu, LL.B., Edward Wm Hunt, Graves Chamney Irwin. Barristers. t 3S3 John Sandwith, Charles Grant, Thomas William Browne, Win. Ashbur- ner Morgan, Wm. Fenwick, Fred. Ayrton, James Sandwith, Allornics. Hugh G. Macklin, Advocate-General Edward VV. Hunt, Master in Equity and Examiner Richard Woodhouse, Prothonotary and Register William A. Morgan, Clerk of the Cro-wn William A. Morgan, Solicitor for the Hon. Company William Erskine, Clerk of the Small Causes Charles Grant, Attorney for conducting Pauper Causes G. C. Campbell, Sealer John Taylor, Chief Interpreter General Staff. Major-General John Baillie, Commanding Officer of the Forces Major General Sir Wm Grant Keir, K. M. T. Major-General Richard Cooke , Commanding in Guzerat Lieutenant Colonel David Leighton, Adjutant.General Major Daniel H. Bellasis, Deputy do. Lieut.-Colonel Com. Robert Lewis, Quarter-Master-General Major Wm P. Tucker, Deputy do. Major Andrew Aitchison, Military Auditor General Major R. H. Hough, Deputy do. " Captain David Barr, Assist, do. Lieut.-Colonel Edward Baker, Commissary General Major William Hull, Deputy do. Captain Edw. Frederick k Major W. Sandwith > Assistant Commissary Generals Lieut. David Wilson ) Captain John Snodgrass, Sul)- As si si ant do. Lieut. J. H. Dunsterville, do. do. Captain T. H. Whitehall, do. do. James D. D’Vitre, Acting Military Paymaster-General Deputy do. Captain M. M‘Neill, 17th dragoons. Major of Brigade , King’s Troops Captain John Clutterbuck, 65th reg. Mil. Sec. to the Governor ■ 65lh tes ] a***# * *■ Captain Edmund Hardy, Mil. Sec. to Commanding Officer of Forces Licot. T. M. Bailie J Aid, , d, -Camp to do. Captain Vans Kennedy, Judge Advocate General Military Board. M 3 jor-Gen. John Baillie, Commanding Officer of the Fortes , President Members. Colonel John Griffith, Acting Commandant of Artillery Lieut-Colonei Com. Robert Lewis, Quarter- Master General Lieut.- Colonel David Leighton, Adjutant. General Lieut-Colonei William Brooks, Acting Chief Engineer Lieut.-Colonel Andrew Aitchison, Military Auditor-General Captain E. H. Bellasis, Secretary Lieutenant Robert Campbell, 11th nat. inf< Assistant. Medical Board. Bcnj. Phillips, Esq. and Stub. Meek, M. D. Members. George Ogilvy, Secretary. Committee of Survey. Captain James Livingston, President. Lieutenants William Miller and Walter Nixon, Members. Company’s Mint. Robert Stewart, Esq. Mint Master. Benjamin Noton, Assay Matter. Marine Beard. Henry Meriton, Superintendent Master Attendant Captain Thomas Buchanan, Marine Storekeeper - 384 WEST COAST ESTABLISHMENT. w m T D° n 1! aS i Stil 7’ ford ,? a f es> Kt ' K - R ' s - * nd A - s - Ututmant-Gncnur Wm. Rol). Jennings, Head Assistant and Secretary PRINCE OF WALES’ ISLAND ESTABLISHMENT* Council. John Alexander Banncrman, Esq. Governor and Treasurer William Edward Phillips, Esq. Collector of Government Customs John Janies Erskine, Esq, Warehouse-keeper . Court of judicature. Sir Ralph Rice, Knight, Recorder John Anderson, Esq. Sheriff Robert Stuart, Deputy do. Alex. John Kerr, Registrar and Clerk of tfie Crovon. William Sartorius, Accountant-General. Anthony Dragon, Interpreter. William Russell, Marshall and Gaoler. John Hookens, Crytr. Frederick Halliburton, Attorney and Solicitor. Anthony Dragon, Coroner. ST. HELENA ESTABLISHMENT. Council. Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K. C. B. Governor and Com. in Chief Thomas Henry Brooke, Secretory J ESTABLISHMENT AT CANTON IN CHINA. Sir Theophilus John Metcalfe, Bart. President of the Select Committee James Brabazon Urmston, Esq. Second Member of do. and to succeed Sit T. J. Metcalfe Sir William Fraser, Bart. Third do. Francis Hastings Toone, Esq. Fourth do. William Bosanquet, William Hy. Chichcley Plowden, Charles Millett, James Banncrman, Supracargites belov > the Select Committee. Kk 385 Edinburgh , printed by Oliver & Boyd, and the other Proprietors. ft. jft \ Binding. The Edinburgh Almanack or Universal Scots and Imperial Register for 1820. nmo, contemporary red straight-grained morocco, blind and gilt tooling, with a royal crown on sides, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1819 Fine specimen of a Scotch binding in beautiful condition. aSTm