MEMORANDUM ADDBESSBD TO THE HONOURABLE THE MINISTER RAILWAYS AND CANALS BY IHK ENaiNEEH-IlSr-OHIEF OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY OTTAWA : PRINTKF) BY MACLEAN, ROGER & Co,, WELLINGTON STREET. MEMORANDUM ^ ^ S I ' ' ' ADDRESSED TO THE HONOURABLE THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS ENGlNEER-TlSr'CIIIEF OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY OTTAWA : PRINTED BY MACLEAN, ROGER & Co., WELLINGTON STREET. [Printed by authority of the Honorable the Minister of Railways and Canals, \^th April, 1880. J MEMORANDUM ADDRESSED TO THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Oppick op the Engineer-in-Chiep, Ottawa, 26th March, 1880. Memorandum. On the 3rd March, grave charges were made in the House of Commons, against the writer, as Chief Engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which have since been published throughout the Dominion. Tliese charges seriously affect his personal character and his professional reputation. A member of the House of Commons has certainly the right to investigate the conduct of any public servant, if he deems it proper to do so. Equallv the party assailed, if wrongly accused, may claim to be heard in his justification. An Engineer is an executive officer of the Government, to Avhom the public interest is confided according to his rank and status. No charge can be more painful than that he has neglected his duties, or that he has failed honestly, and with ability, to consult the interests he has undertaken to protect. \ 9 It is obvious lliat, if cullod iipoti to vindicate his charactoi’ iVcm what he holds to ho an unjust accusation, the only course open to an Engineer, in the employ of the Government, so long as he holds his position, is to address his remonstrance to the Minister at the head of the Department. Ho cannot with propriety avail himself of the colums of the newspapers or of a magazine, neither can he publish a pamphlet in his vindication. To the mind of the writer it is still more objectionable to have recourse to a bori-owed pen, and to gef ])ublished anonymously what he holds inexpedient to state above his signature. The writer, therefore, respectfully asks leave to address the Minister on the snh- ject of the charges made against him in P.arliamcnt. They may be formulated: — That the writer has recom ’ended an ill-judged arnl unwaranted site for the bridge-crossing of HedKiver; that he was long absent in England from his duties, during which time the railway work was unconsidcred, and his responsibilities neglected ; that the original estimates given for the work under contract have been greatly exceeded ; that he has cause! needless expenditure at Cross Lake on an improper location, and, that he has permitted large sums of money to ho carelessly wasted. The writer has submitted, at length, the reasons which have led him to recom- mend the location of the Red River Bridge. They^ are set forth in his report to the Government, of 8th December, 1879, to bo laid before Parliament. Subsequent enquiry h.aving confirmed the facts he cannot change or modify his opinions. He respectfully submits that, if the question be examined and the facts and the circum- stances be fully weighed, it will Imj found that his view of the case will be sustained and his recommendation justified. It is known that the location recommended l»y him is not looked upon with favour in quarters and localities .adversely interested; hut his own convictions remain unchanged, and ho hohls it incumbent on him, in the general interest of the public, to adhere to the selection ho submitted, and to ask that the considen’Gons which dictated it ho fully examined. On this point of the censure directed against him, he begs leave respectfully to refer to his report to the Government, and to ask for it impartial consideration. 3 Ho turns to the oilier issues which have been raised. Tlie chargo^is unusually grave, that of having neglected his dut}’ and allowed large sums of money to be squandered. An engineer is in no way answerable for the policy adopted by the Government in making contracts; but once a contract is entered into and placed in his hands, he is responsible to the Government, through the Minister of the Depart- ment, that it be honestly fulfilled. It is his duty to carry out and enforce its con- ditions, to see that the work is properly performed and full value given for the money paid. It is equally his duty to do justice to the contractor, as to the public ; indeed, to act as a judge between parties whose views of right are not always identical. It is moreover, his duty to submit to the Minister anj' changes, in construction or other- wise, he may hold to be desirable, and, on obtaining the Minister’s authority, to have them carried out, Between 1803 and 1871, the writer was Chief Engineer of the Intercolonial Railway. From 1871 to 1876, he filled the position of Engineer-in-Chief of both the Intercolonial and Canadian Pacific Railways. In the latter year the Intercolonial was opened for traffic, and the writer ceased to act as Chief Engineer. At this date most of the difficulties connected with the Canadian Pacific location had been solved. Two sections, ea-sj* of construction, had been placed under contract; No. 13, the first section west of Fort William, Lake Superior, 33 miles ; No 14, the first section east of >Selkirk, Rod River, 77 miles. The writer’s health had been much affected by his labours; his medical adviseis counselled rest. He himself felt that abstinence from work was indispensable. He applied, accordingly, for twelve months’ leave of absence. So much a matter of necessity did this rest appear to himself, that he had determined, should the leave of absence not be granted, to resign his position, a fact perfectly capable of being established. Before leaving, it was arranged that the Senior Assistant, on the Pacific Rail- way stafl', in the writer’s absence, .should assume his duties. Full confidence was felt in the abilit}', c-Kpeiicnce and reliability of that officer, and, on the writer s recom- mendation, the then Minister of the Department consented to the arrangement. That gentleman was placed in charge, and he enleieJ on hiS duties with the title of Acting Chief Engineer. n 4 The writer left for England. At that time Sections 13 and 14 only were under construction. The work then performed was valued at — Section No. 13 $127,353 do 14 102,140 Section No. 25 had been placed under contract as the writer was leaving, but no work had been executed. Six months afterwards the contract was signed for Section No. 15. During his absence the writer was relieved from active direction of work, super- intendence of details and all the incidental duties appertaining to his office. Matters, however, connected with the railway wore frequently brought to his notice, and formed the subject of correspondence. Twice he was re-called by the Government. His leave was thus temporarily set aside, and in consequence renewed and extended. Before six months had passed he was peremptorily summoned by the Minister to Ottawa. Leaving England in December, 1876, he remained in Canada until May following. In this period, independently of the other duties which engaged most of his time, the writer completed the voluminous Eeport of 1877, which he had commenced in England. The leave of the writer was renewed, and he again left for England. He was again recalled, and so urgent was the summons that he started on a few days’ notice. The consequence was that he was forced to neglect important private affairs, the arrangement of which necessitated his I'eturn to England. In October, 1878, he returned to Canada and resumed his duties. The Acting Chief E ngineer had, from July, 1876, hold the position of principal executive officer of the Government to supervise the works under contract, to give directions to the engineering statt’, to control the expenditure, and to issue proper certificates for work performed by the contractors. Fi’om July, 1876, to October, 1878, no charge was taken by the writer of details of work under construction, beyond replying to the points submitted to him and receiving the reports forwarded from time to time. The latter in no way presaged the difficulties which now attract public attention. 5 On the return of the writer to his duties in the autumn of 1878,. his attention was directed to the difference between the original quantities and the work returned as executed on Sections Xos. 14, 15 and 25. Whatever the cause, it was plain that the original quantities had been greatly increased. No report of any such contingency had been made to him. The fact fell upon him as startling, from being unexpected, as it was alarming and unaccountable. He had never supposed that a result of this character was possible. Had he been in the country his duty would have led him to take means to keep down the expen. diture, to amend the lino where change was advantageous and possible, and if through any cause the quantities of work executed showed a tendency to over-run the esti- mate, his attention would have been at once directed to the subject, as progress sections and the monthly returns conveyed the unwelcome information. No time would have been lost in endeavoring to ascertain the cause of the difficulty, and steps would have been taken to rectify it. The original bills of quantities were made up without the exact data necessary for forming estimates with accuracy. They were prepared, from the best information, by engineers who had charge of each particular survey. As there was great pressure to have the work placed under contract, and definite quantities were indispensable, the results were, to a certain extent, assumed. Much of the line passes through muskegs and marshes. The surveys were mostly made in winter when the ground was frozen. This circumstance doubt- less, in some cases, deceived the surveyors as to its character, and led them to mistake marsh and muskeg for firm earth. One thing is certain, the quantities published before tenders were invited made no claim to exactness. 'ihQw primd facie character establishes this fact beyond dispute. The amounts are almost in variably in round figures, such as 100,000 lineal feet or 1,000,000 cubic yards. At the same time^ although estimated, or rather assumed, specially to admit of a comparison of tenders by having the different prices applied to them and the total amounts thus worked out, it was also supposed that if not approximately correct, they would at least not be greatly at variance with the actual results. It was, therefore, incomprehensible to the writer that the actual quantities should in nearly every case be so much greater than those originally assumed and printo1 alsjiitol him elf from his duties without authority and without cans 3. That he has not negle.'tcd his responsibilities, or subjected to injury the i iterests entrusted to him. 4. That he is in no way to blame for the original quantities being exceeded an 1 the cost of the work increased on the sections in question. 5. That he has not caused needless expenditure at Cross Jjake on an improper location. 6'. That he has not allowed public money to be carelessly wasted ; but that by every means in his power, he has endeavoured to control the expenditure on the work, and that he has earnestly endeavoured it) all respects faithfully to discharge the duties ot his position. The writer trusts that the urgency of the circumstatiecs which have called for this memorandum, will be held by the Minister of Railways and Canals snflicient justitication lor submitting in this form the facts which it sets forth. SAND Foil D h'LEMING, Engineerin-C hief. 11 EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORTS OF THE ENOINEERIN-CHIEF IN REFERENCE TO THE ADOPTION OF LIGHT GRADIENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE QUESTION OF CHEAP TRANSPORTATION FROM THE PRAIRIE REGION TO LAKE SUPERIOR. From the Report of January, 1874. “ One of the questions which will undoubtedly force itself on jiublie attention whe 1 the Prairie Kegion begins to raise a surplus for exportation, wiil bo the cheap transportation of products to the east. Looking to this view of the question, the importance of a location which will secure the lightest gradients in an e.nsterly di- rection is manifest. “ The gradients and alignments of a railway have much to do with its capacity for business, and the cost of working it. It is well known that by attention to these features, in locating a line, it is quite possible, in some cases, to double the trans- porting capacity of a railway, ana very largely reduce the cost of conveying freight over it. “That portion of the Can-udian Pacific Jtailway between IJcd L’iver and the navigable waters of Lake Superior, is precisely one of those cases whore the utmost attention should be paid to its engineering features. The reduction of the cost of transportation on this section to the lowest figure is a question which affects the future of the country, as upon it, to a large extent, depends the settlement of the western prairies. “The more this portion of the railway can bo made to convey cheaply the pro- ducts of the soil to the navigation of the !St. Lawrence, the more will the field bo extended within which farming operations can be carried on with profit on the fertile plains. _ . _ . “ The information obtained suggests that it will bo jiossiblo to secure maximum easterly ascending gradients between Manitoba and Lake Superior, within the limit of 26 feet to the mile, a maximum not half so great as that which obtains on the majority of the railwaj’S on the continent. “1 think the line should be located so as to have the best possible alignment, with no heavier gradients than the maximum referred to. But the importance of securing the benefits of an unbroken steam communication at the earliest moment are so great that I consider that it would be advisable, in the first instance, to construct the cheapest possible line. While adhering to the permanent location in the main, 1 would, with a view of accomplishing the desired object, recommend the construction of a cheap temporary line, avoiding for the present all costly permanent works that would retard its comnletion. In order to gam access to the country as speedily and cheaply as possible, it might indeed become necessary to overcome special difficulties by adopting temporarily, for short distances, deviations from the true location with heavy undulating gradients and sharp curvature. 1 have no reason, however, to think that this expedient would frequently be required, lam satisfied that for the greater part of the distance between Lake Superior and Manitoba, the permanent location may be substantially adhered to. 3 .) From the Report of Februciry, 1877. “It has been held from the first that the successful occupatmn of the Prairie Begion and the extent to which it may become thickly populated will, m ^ measure, be governed by the capability of the line to Lake Superior to carry cheaply the products of the soil. The success of the railway itself must be deterrainea by the number of inhabitants which can bo established in the country, and t e legiee 12 of prosperity of the population will be influenced in nonarrow limit by the character of the outlet for the products of their industry. The mo^’C, therefore, that the eastern section of the railway can be rendered available for cheap transportation, the more rapidly will the Prairie Region become populated and the more speedily will the line become self-sustaining. “ I have felt it my duty to re<;ard those views as of paramount importance in the location of the line between the Prairie Region and Lake Superior. .Accordingly, every effort has been made to discover the shortest line, with the lightest po'-sibie gradients and easiest curvature, especially in the direction which heavy traffic will take, towards the At'antic seaboard. “ On the sections placed under contract from Red River to Keewatin, 114 mile.s, and from Rnglisb River to Port William, 113 miles, the maximum gradients are as follows : — Ascending East. Per 100. Per Mile. “ On tangents and 1^° curves, equal to 3,820 feet radius. 0-50 26*40 feet. On 2° do 2,b65 do 0*45 23 76 do On 3« do 1,910 do 0-40 21-12 do On 4« do 1,433 do 0-35 18-48 do Ascending West. Per 100. Per Mile. “ On tangents and 1^° curves, equal to 3,820 feet radius. 1-00 52-80 feet. On 2° do 2,865 do 0-90 47-52 do On 3° do 1,910 do 0-80 42-24 do On 4° do 1,433 do 0-70 36-96 do “ On the remaining distance to be placed under contract, between Keewatin and English River, 183 miles, equally easy gradients have not been as yet, at every point, secured. At the few exceptional points, the location will however be revised, and I have confident expectations that all the gradients will be reduced to the same standard, without materially increasing the cost of the works. “ Thus, there will be no impediment to the Pacific Railway carrying products from the heart of the continent to Lake Superior, at a lower rate per mile than those now obtaining on the leading railways already in operation.” (Page 81, 82.) * 5 ): “ I have described the efforts that have been made to obtain a line, with the easiest po.ssible gradients, from the Prairie Region to the navigable waters of the St. Lawj-ence, and the paramount importance of this feature.” * * 4: * sp * “ Cheapness of transportation is thus to a certain extent assured — an important element in facilitating the prosperous settlement of the fertile territory in the interior.” (Pago 85, 86.) Erom the Report of April, 1879. “ I have always attached great importuiice to the endeavor to secure the best location attainable for the railway. I have elsewhere described the efforts which have been made from the commencement of the survey to obtain a line favorable for cheap transportation.” * * * * 4 : 4 : 13 “ The whole of the railway between Foi-t William and Selkirk, in length 410 miles, is now under contract. It is with no little satisfaction that I am enabled to point to a table of the gradients which have been definitely established in this length. Under the contracts which have been entered into, these favorable gradients are to be carried into execution without having recourse to the temporary expedients which I thought necessaiy to suggest five years ago. Summary of Gradients, Fort William to Selkirk. Ascending Easterly. Feet per Mile. No. of Miles. Rise ’10 to *20 per cent 38-52 do "20 to -30 do 17-11 do ‘30 to ‘40 do 16 to 21 42-97 do -40 to -50 do 21 to 26.4 8011 178-71 Level 10806 108-06 Ascending Westerly. Feet per Mile. No. of Miles. Rise -10 to *20 per cent .. 28-51 do *20 to '30 do 10 to 16 10-91 do *30 to -40 do 16 to 21 9-74 do ’40 to ’50 do 21 to 26 12-83 do to *60 do 26 to ;-i2 6-82 do *60 to •70 do 32 to 37 10-65 do *70 to ’80 do 37 to 42 12-76 do ’80 to 1*00 do 31-01 123-23 Total miles 410-00 410-00 ‘‘ 111 determining the gradients the rule has been laid down to equate them with the curvature, so that when sharp curves were called for by the physical fea,ture8 of the country, the inclinations of the line would in those cases be proportionately reduced. . • x i iv. “ The practical eftect of a sharp curve on a maximum gradient is to make the gradient heavier Iin’ reducing the eftective power o( a locomotive making the ascent, thus preventing the passage of full loaded trains over the line. The object has been, whatever the curvature, to secure a degree of inclination which in no case would exceed, on tangents, 1^6-4 feet iier mile ascending easterly, or in the di region ot heavy traffic. The contract profiles of the line over the 410 miles from Fort William to Selkirk establishes that this object has been substantially secured. Only at one point (eighteen miles out of Fort William) has the locating engineer neglected to enforce this rule. I greatly regret that such is the case, as it will invo ve an expen- diture to remedy the defect greater than would have been called for in the first place, when the cost would have been comparatively trifling. , , ... tj -i u “ With the exception referred to corrected, the portion ot the Pacific Eailway be- tweenLake Superior and Manitoba is thus finally established with extremely favoi- able engineering features, and it may be claimed that when completed under existing contracts, it will be available for conveying the products of the soil from the Prairie liegion to Lake Superior, at the cheapest possible rates. As this portion of the Pacific Railway must, for a long time to come, form the great outlet of much of tho Prairie Eegion, the lavorable character tor cheap lans- portatioii which has been secured for it cannot be over-rated. Indeed upon portant condition very largely depends the successful settlement of lertiie plains and the permanent advantage of the future settlers.'* (P^-ge lo-21.) 14 HEMOUANDUM OF INSTRUCTIONS TO MR. W. T. .JENNINGS, RE.SIl)ENT ENGINEER IN CH.ARGK OF SECTION 42, EXTENDING FROM EAGLE RIVER TO THE EASTERN END OF SECTION 15 NEAR RAT PORTAGE (KEEWATIN). Canadian Pacific Raiway, Office of the Engineer-in Chief, Ottawa, 3rd June, 187'J. Memorandum. The lion the Minister has appointed Mr. Jennings to the charge of Contract Xo. 42, embracing all the works of construction required to complete the railway between Eagle River and the eastern end of Section 15, near Rat Portage. 1. A copy of the contract entered into with Me.ssrs. Fraser, Manning & Co., has been furnished Mr. Jenning.s. Ho has also been supplied with copies of the plans and profiles and all the documents relating to the work to be executed. 2. The undersigned has verbally communicated to Mr. Jennings his views with regard to the work and the manner it should be carried out. He has explained to Mr. Jennings the points where changes may be made, and has indicated on the profile some alterations that suggest themselves in the gi-ade line. These changes are suggested with ihe view of reducing and expediting the work, the Contractoi-s being limited to time. 3. Mr. Jennings is desired at the earliest possible period to direct his attention to any possible change that may be made in the alignment whereby the work will be decreased without increasing the curvature or gradients. The undersigned directs the attention of Mr. Jennings to the importance of, in no case, o-xceeding the rates of gradients and curvatures, as follows : — Ascending East. On tangents and curv'e.s, gradients not to e.xeeed *50 per 100. 9© U ‘ ' U ii 41 4< (( (( if i{ H n (( (( i( 4° u 4( if a *2^ 4( fi Westerly, On tangents and U° curves, gradients not to exceed 1-00 per 100. << if if 2^ ‘‘ “ << ‘QQ ^ a ft << “ .go << a a << 4® tc 44 While insisting that in no case these gradients shall be exceeded, the Chief Knginecr directs the earnest attention of Mr. Jennings to the very great importance of keeping down the cost of the work, and he trusts that wherever it be possible without lowering the character of the engineering features of the line, Mr. Jennings will studiously avoid incurring any expenditure beyond that absolutely required 4. The undersigned recognizes the peculiar difficulties which will be met by the contiactois in this section , not the least serious being the inaccessibility of the country through which the line is to bo constructed, and he foresees the great im- liortance to them of having the rail track extended as far as possible easterly from Rat Portage, the moment the rails are laid throughout Section 15. From 2 to 5 miles east of Rat Portage, the profile show-s some of the heaviest work on the whole section, after which for several miles the work is comparatively light. Fortunately the difficult portion could ea^sily ho got ovei’ hy adoptiiii^, temporar- ily, a steep grade, as indicated in ihe accompanying protile. Mr.Vennings is authorized to make this suggestion to the contractors, with the understanding that the under- signed will concur in its adoption, should the contractors desire it in their own interest. The line must, thereafter, be constructed with the ])crmanent gradient hetbro the completion cf the contract, and the contractors wull be paid for all now or hereafter executed, which forms any part of the permanent work. The cost of lomporary track laying, and the small amount of excavation of parts A, B, C, i), etc., or any work of a merely temporary character, not nccessaiy in the permanent works, will have to be borne by themselves. 5. For the guidance of Mr. Jennings, it may be mentioned that on some of the sections which have been under construction the contractors have found it convenient, with the modern explosives, to blast out rock cuttings considerably beyond the slope lines, as defined on the specifications. The I^ngineer-in-Chief directs that only the excavation within the slope lines bo returned as rock. The material beyond the slope lines, if placed in embankments, may be returned and paid for as earth; but, if wasted it must not be returned as excavation under any class. 6. It may further bo mentioned for the information of Mr. Jennings, that on some sections under construction, when muskegs prevail and the embankments have been formed from side borrowing pits and ditches, serious difficulties have arisen. The material so borrowed is reported to ho, in many cases, vegetable matter of a spongy nature, holding much water, and when dry and compressed by a superincum- bent weight, to have little solidity ; it is consequently, unfit to be used in the formation of earth embankment. The undersigned accordingly disapproves of its use. 7. There is always more or less difficulty in forming embankments across muskegs or marshes. In some cases where a proper out-fall is available, so that ditches would have the effect of draining and consolidating the ground, it is advisable to form them ])arallcl to the line of railway. But when the ditches, after being formed would simply remain full of stagnant water, their formation is of doubt- ful expediency,and under such circumstances, ditches are of little value. Indeed, in some special localities they may be a positive injury, and in all such cases it is advis- able not to form them, bnt rather resort to a Judicious use of the logging and brushing provided for under the contract. This being done a thin covering of earth to form a foundation and bed for the ties may be added. Track may then be laid and thus allow material to be brought from any convenient distance by train. But if this expedient be resorted to, it will bo necessary to bed the track sufficiently even and solid to prevent the rails from being bent or injured in any wa}^ 8. These several points are brought to the attention of Mr. Jennings, but he will himself determine the best course to bo pursued when he has specially examined each locality, and become acquainted with the depth of the muskeg, and allthe circumstances. I n arriving at a decision, Mr. Jennings will take into consideration the question of haul, for which a price is provided, and he will see that in no case the price of earth and haul together (when material is brought by train) shall exceed the price of ballast, as in such cases ballast would probably be the best and cheapest material with which to form the embankment. 9. There may bo some exceptional case where it may not be impossible for the contractors to procure suitable material for the road bed and where it would bo a very great advantage to them and expedite their operations, if they were permitted to use in part the spongy material found in Muskegs. This shall only bo allowed sparingly, and in all cases \vhcn used, the solid confents of the matter only is to bo paid for. A log i)latform (clause 12) must invari- able be laid on the surface before any of the muskeg material is (lc])Ositcd, and ai*- rangernents must be made to measure the solid cubic contents in the embankment after the water has had time to drain out of it. On these conditions as to measuie- m'ent and payment and on these only, will the undersigned approve of the use in any form, of this peculiar material. 16 Mr. Jennings will bo good enough to inform the contractors accordingly, and ob- tain their written acceptance of these conditions, when the material is placed in embankments. Wherever it be deemed expedient to allow the use of muskeg material, the whole must be covered over with good earth; in no case should the coating of sand, clay or gravel be less than 12 inches under foi’mation level. (Sketch A.) As a rule the surface of the muskeg should not be broken by ditches or borrow- ing pits within 50 feet of the centre line. 10. When it becomes expedient to form the embankments by train, good-sized, poles, or small trees “spotted” on the side, to average say six inches thick, should invariably be laid longitudinally under the ties. These poles should break joint, and every means taken to render the track reasonably solid and secure to prevent injury to rails. See Sketch B. (Sketch B.) WlL _Surface^f_£ Platform of Logs. lOJ. The undersigned has given careful consideration to the question of rock bor- rowing, referred to in the specification, and he has arrived al the conclusion that it will not be expedient to resort to the process of excavating rock for forming any portions of embankments, except so far as the embankments may be formed by material from “ rock line cuttings.” The contractors will, accordingly, be relieved of this expensive and troublesome class of work referred to in Clause 98 of the specification. 11. Mr. Jennings is probably aware that on Section 15, where the railway is car- ried across lakes and ponds, the material from rock line cuttings has been deposited in two parallel lines along the toe of the slopes. This was done subsequent to the date of the contract with a special purpose in view, but it involves a good deal of extra trouble and expense to the contractors, without corresponding advantages, and as the undersigned recognizes the peculiar diflSculties, these contractors have to over- come, and the importance in the public interest of assisting them in every legitimate way, and of avoiding unnecessary outlay, he does not insist upon the same plan of con- struction being followed on this contract. The contractors maj' bo allowed to finish the embankments in the usual way, al- lowing the material of whatever kind to find its proper natural slope, and in the case of the slopes being formed of soft material, in ponds or lakes, they will be protected by rip-rap, a few' feet above and below water level. The rip-rap must be provided after the embankment has to some extent consolidated. 12. Attention should at once bo given to the volume of all streams crossed by the railway; the necessity for the structures proposed to be erected, and their suffi- ciency and character. Mr. Jennings will report from time to time such improvements or suo’o'estions in the mode of construction as may appear advisable. 13. The Engineer-in-Chief encloses printed general instrnctions 1 to 5 for the information of Mr. Jennings on the general guidance of the staff under him. These are in force as fiir as applicable. Special attention is directed lu lueco general in structions. ' ® 17 The object in view is considered of great importance. Not the least important is to secure a complete historical record ol the progress of the work under the contract, with details of every event noticed as it transpires. The purveyor branch, icfcrred to in Instructions No. 2, is, however, abolished, and Mr. Jennings will himself be held responsible for procuring supplies and the proper account of all expenditure. It is the intention of the undersigned to apply for the authority of the Minister to make a money allowance in lieu of rations to members of the staff. In the meantime it is expedient to carry on the old system. Mr. Jennings will, however, bo good enough and report if it will be practicable to change the system, say on 1st September next. 14- While the Kngineer-in-Chief refers Mr. Jennings to the rules established by the Department, with lespect to the making of payments, the keeping of accounts and the character of the vouchers required by the audit, ho directs his attention to the exercise of proper economy in all matters of expenditure. Any food supplies obtained must be good and sufficient, and procured at reasonable prices. 15. While exercising prudence and forethought as to the wants of the staff, and the supply of good and sufficient provisions, all extravagance and waste and all unnecessary exncnse must be avoided. IG. The following staff has been selected to assist Mr. Jennings in carrying out these instructions : — ******* 17. The Engineer-in-Chief requests that Mr. Jennings will issue a circular letter to the Division and Assistant Engineers, informing them that all orders or communi- cations in writing made to the contractors, respecting the works, must pass through bis hands and be signed by him alone, and Mr. Jennings will be good enough to report all oi’ders so given and draw special attention to any matters of impoi’tanco. 18. As far as can bo foreseen, ample allowance has been made in the bdl of works for every description of work lequired under the contract. Should it become eX) edient, as operations proceed, to execute any class of work for which no provision is made, Mr. Jenning.s’ attention is directed to the 5th clause of the contract, which stipulates that no additional work shall be performed unless the price to be paid for the same shall have been previously fixed by the Minister in writing. The recessity for any additional work must therefore be I’eported to the Engineer- in-Chief, and if appi-oved, permission obtained as above for its performance. 19. Mr. Jennings will arrange that the monthly measurements shall be com- pleted on or before the last day of each month, so that he may be able to make up and transmit the estimates to this office as early thereafter as practicable. All monthly estimates are to bo signed by Mr. Jennings, and forwarded in triplicate. 20. In addition to the weekly progress reports a short report should accompany the monthly estimates, referring to any special features of the work done during the month, the progress being made, the length of grading done or track laid, etc. 21. The Engineer in-Chief impresses upon Mr. Jennings the necessity of holding the division engineers, as well as their assistants, personally responsible for the accuracy of returns of woik done. It will not always be practicable for the division engineers in person to examine the whole work every month, but they should personally go over a portion of their division each month ; the sub-division engineers sending their figures to them by telegraph or otherwise. The succeed- ing month the division engineers will be able to measure the remaining portion, and by this means they will test the accuracy of the whole, as the work goes on and become familiar with all details, with respect to wh ch they are responsible. 22. Mr. Jennings is furnished with a copy of the contract and every plan, profile and document relating to the works under his charge. The undersigned looks to Mr. Jennings with confidence, believing that he will spare no efforts to have these instructions, and the works to which they refer, satisfactorily carried out, and that ho will earnestly endeavour to have everything done with strict regard to economy. SANDFOED FLEMING, Enginter-in-Chief. 2 / r €'-' V ' f I Vt-:;: ■ . * \ * 7 . n 1 - .< k i- ‘ I /: ) ii .:.P I* V -'e i •‘ 5 ^ JP,- ■■ ‘\ - • :