3 mam The New Galt Cook Book (REVISED EDITION ENTIRELY RE-SET) A BOOK OF TRIED AND TESTED RECIPES Compiled by MARGARET TAYLOR and FRANCES McNAUGHT TORONTO GEORGE J. McLEOD, LIMITED PUBLISHERS Entered according: co Act of the Parliament of Canada, sn the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, by Margarbt Taylor and Frances McNaught, at the Department of Agriculture; Ottawa. CONTENTS PAGE SOUPS 7 FISH * 17 OYSTERS ‘ 25 POULTRY ] ‘ ’ 29 GAME .... ... 37 MEATS 42 VEGETABLES 68 SALADS .... ... 81 CATSUPS 86 PICKLES ’ 8 9 SAUCES ^ eggs ; ; ; i 0 o TOAST 105 CHEESE .... ..... 106 PUDDING SAUCES ....!!! 109 PUDDINGS JELLIES .... ..... 137 CUSTARDS 141 TRIFLES 144 CREAMS 146 ICE CREAMS 151 PIES 154 BREAD 163 SANDWICHES 168 MUFFINS 171 BUNS 173 ROLLS 174 BISCUITS 176 SCONES 179 WAFFLES 184 FRITTERS 185 CAKES 188 ICINGS 216 COOKIES 221 DOUGHNUTS 230 OATMEAL 232 DRINKS 234 FRUIT 242 CANDIES 251 COOKING FOR THE SICK 257 SIMPLE CURES 264 USEFUL HINTS 268 INDEX 275 SOUPS “If you do expect spoon — meat, bespeak a long spoon.” — Comedy of Errors. Bone Stock for Soup. Bones of any meat which has been dressed, as sirloin bone, leg of mutton bone, etc., two scraped carrots, one stick celery, enough cold water to cover the bones, or enough of the liquor left from braising meat to cover them, one spoonful of salt. Break the bones into very small pieces, put them into a stew-pan with the carrots and celery, cover them with cold water or cold braise liquor and let it boil quickly till the scum rises; skim it off and throw in some cold water when the scum will rise again. This must be done two or three times, till the stock is quite clear ; then draw the pan from the fire and let it stew for two hours, till all the goodness is extracted from the bones; strain it off and let it stand all night. The next day take off the grease very carefully, and lift it from the sediment at the bottom of the pan. It will then be fit for use. To Clarify Stock for Soup. The whites of two eggs to about four quarts of stock or soup ; two pints and a half of cold water. Whisk the whites of two eggs with half a pint of water for ten minutes ; then pour in very gently the four quarts of boiling soup or stock, whisking it all the time. Place the stew-pan over the fire, skim it clear, and when on the point of boiling whisk it well together, then draw it to the side and let it settle till the whites of the eggs become separated. Strain it through a fine cloth placed over a sieve and it will be clear and good. For coloring soups: For brown ( 7 ) 8 SOUPS soup burnt brown sugar is used; green soup, leaves of green spinach, parsley or celery with the juice squeezed out and put into the soup a few minutes before serving. To color soup red use the juice of tomatoes. To give an amber color use grated carrot, boil it for three-quarters of an hour in the soup. For white soup use white vegetables and chicken, veal or lamb. A delicious savor is imparted by putting into beef soup a whole onion with a dozen white cloves stuck into it. Peel the onion, but don’t trim off the top so the layers will break apart in boil- ing. Leave out in serving. Split Pea or Bean Soup. For four quarts of soup, use two cups ordinary yellow split peas or two of beans. Pick over and wash in cold water. Put them in a saucepan with two quarts of cold water. Do not add salt till nearly done, as it hardens them. When it boils put in half a cup of cold water, let it boil again, and add cold water in same way every fifteen minutes until you have used two quarts more of cold water. This gradual method softens the peas better. When very tender, season to taste. While the peas are boiling you can put in a ham bone or any other fresh or cooked joint, or a little fried onion, as you please, though the plain pea soup is very nice. Just before the soup is dished, rub all through a stout sieve, return to the kettle, and stir in a paste made by rubbing together smoothly a teaspoonful each of flour and butter. A little baking soda makes the peas cook more quickly if they are hard. Nice Family Soup. One pound of beef, one pint of split peas, one-half pound of scraped potatoes, one onion, three ounces of rice, one head of celery, one carrot, pepper and salt, toasted bread, six pints of water. Cut the beef in pieces an inch square. Add peas, pota- toes, onion, rice, and put all into the six pints of water and boil until reduced to five. Strain through a sieve, return to sauce- pan, adding the celery and carrot grated. Stew well, season with pepper and salt. Put toasted bread into the tureen. Pour the soup on and serve hot. SOUPS 9 Scotch Broth. Two to three pounds of beef, three quarts water, half tea- cupful barley, two large carrots, one small turnip, two moderate sized onions, one small cabbage, bunch of parsley, green peas and beans in season. The barley put in with the cold water and well skimmed when it comes to boiling. Vegetables all minced finely. One carrot grated improves the color very much. After everything is put in boil two hours. The above with a larger quantity of all the vegetables and without the barley is Hotch- potch. Scotch Broth. A shank of beef, a half cup barley, two slices onion, half a cabbage, three carrots, one head of celery, a little parsley, pepper and salt. Cover the beef with cold water, add barley, onions, and skim well when coming to the boil. Two hours before serving, add the vegetables all chopped fine. Skim the fat from the broth before serving; add pepper and salt to taste. This soup requires four hours to boil properly. Mutton Broth. For mutton broth use one pound lean mutton or lamb, cut small; one quart water — cold; one tablespoonful rice, or barley, soaked in a very little warm water; four tablespoonfuls milk; salt and pepper, with a little chopped parsley. Boil the meat, unsalted, in the water, keeping it closely covered, until it falls to pieces. Strain it out, skim, add the soaked barley or rice ; simmer half an hour, stirring often ; stir in the seasoning and the mi lk, and simmer five minutes after it heats up well, taking care it does not burn. Serve hot, with cream crackers. Scotch Broth. Take one cup of barley, five quarts of water, a piece of beef weighing four pounds. Boil two hours, then add the following vegetables chopped fine : Two carrots, one parsnip, quarter head of cabbage, a bunch of parsley to color the broth. Grate two carrots, pepper and salt to taste, boil other two hours. Before using skim all the fat off. 10 SOUPS Potato Soup. Fry a small onion in half a cup butter, pour on it a quart of milk and bring to a boil. Mix two cupfuls of cold mashed pota- toes, beaten smoothly into the soup and boil all together a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper and serve. Scotch Potato Soup. One pound of pork or mutton, one ham bone, one onion, four potatoes, two grated carrots, one head celery. Pepper and salt to taste. Cover the meat with four quarts of cold water, skim well, add onion, carrots and celery cut fine, to which add potatoes that have been sliced and parboiled. Boil three hours. The potatoes are more digestible if they are boiled for a few minutes in hot water before putting them in the soup. Save-All Soup. The meat and bones of cold beef or mutton, six medium-sized potatoes, one large onion, one thin slice of salted pork, celery, salt and pepper. Cut the meat from a cold beef or mutton bone, break up the bone, put into a stew-kettle with six medium-sized potatoes, three pints of cold water, one large onion minced fine, and one thin slice of salt pork, hashed. Boil slowly two hours. Then strain, and add one quart of milk, boiling hot, into which one tablespoonful of butter and one of flour has been smoothly stirred. Season with salt, pepper and crushed celery. To crush the celery, chop the stalks fine, then crush them with a rolling- pin. Serve this soup with cubes of bread. Soup in Haste. One pound of cold cooked meat, two ounces of butter, one tablespoonful flour, one quart water and a few slices of browned bread. Chop your meat very fine and put it into the stew-pan with the butter; pepper and salt to taste. Dredge over it a tablespoonful of flour, add a good quart of boiling water, cover it close, set it over a moderate fire for half an hour, strain it, toast some pieces of bread, cut them into squares or diamonds, put them into a tureen and pour the soup over it. Macaroni boiled tender may be put into the soup ten minutes before serving. Time, half hour. SOUPS 11 Ox-Tall Soup. Two ox-tails, two slices of ham, one ounce of butter, two large slices of turnip, one leek, three onions, one head of celery, one bunch of herbs, pepper and salt to taste, two tablespoonfuls of catsup, one-half glass of port wine, three quarts water, two grated carrots. Cut up the tails separating them at the joints, wash them and put them in a stew-pan with butter. Cut up the vegetables and add with the herbs. Put in one-half pint of water and stir it over a quick fire until the juices are drawn out. Fill up the stew-pan with water, when boiling add salt. Simmer gently for four hours or a little longer if the tails are not tender. Take them out, strain the soup, thicken and flavor with the wine and catsup, put back the tails and simmer again for a few minutes and serve. Do not forget to skim the soup. Ox-Tail Soup. Begin to make it the day before you require it. Take two tails, wash clean and put in a kettle with nearly a gallon of cold water, when the meat is well cooked add a small handful of salt, then take out the bones, let it stand covered until the next day. About two hours before dinner, skim the fat off, add an onion, grated carrot (or any vegetable you like) chopping them fine, and a little summer savory. Clear Soup. Four pounds of beef (off the round), boil the day before until all the substance is out of the meat and set aside until next day. When the grease is skimmed off strain twice through a cloth, allowing it to settle each time, then add a large teaspoonful of whole allspice and one of whole pepper, salt to taste, serve very hot, removing allspice and pepper before using. White Soup. Cut up six potatoes, four onions, put into two quarts of boiling water. Boil three-quarters of an hour. Rub vegetables through sieve and put the paste back into water again, add butter, pepper, salt to taste. Then boil four ounces of tapioca in it for fifteen minutes; the tapioca requires soaking; add one and a half pints of milk, and when fully heated through serve. 12 SOUPS Kidney Soup. One beef kidney cut in small pieces, butter size of a walnut, one and a half tablespoonfuls rice flour wet with water, and one quart of cold water, one tablespoonful of tomato catsup, one tablespoonful of Worcester sauce, pepper and salt to taste. Boil one and a half hours. Brown the kidney with butter. Noodle Soup. Add to the water in which the noodles were boiled three quarts of salted boiling water, bread crumbs, butter the size of an egg, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and two or three tablespoonfuls of cooked noodles ; season with more salt if neces- sary. Throw a few noodles at a time into the salted water, shaking them with a fork to keep them from matting together. Noodle. Beat up an egg and add as much flour as will make it a stiff dough, roll it out in three sheets, flour it and roll it round closely, then with a sharp knife, cut it off the end like shavings, flour these to prevent them sticking, add them to the soup when boil- ing. Cook for ten minutes. Asparagus Soup. A piece of beef or mutton; a quantity of fresh asparagus; a few slices of toast. Make in the usual way a nice rich soup of beef or mutton seasoned with salt and pepper. After it has been well boiled and skimmed and the meat is all to pieces, strain the soup into another pot (or wash out the same one) and return the liquid. Have ready a quantity of fresh asparagus with the stalks cut off close to the green tops; it should have been lying in cold water all the time the meat was boiling. Put into the soup half the asparagus tops and boil them in it till entirely dissolved, then add the remaining asparagus to the soup (having previously boiled them in a pan by themselves until they are tender but not broken). Give the whole a boil together. Make some nice slices of toast with the crust cut off ; dip them a minute in hot water. Butter them and lay at the bottom of the tureen and pour the soup upon them. This is nice soup for company. SOUPS 13 Celery Soup. Two heads of celery ; one quart white stock ; one quart milk ; two tablespoonfuls flour; one cup cream, salt and pepper. A more delicate and somewhat more expensive soup is cream of celery. It is especially excellent with a poultry or game dinner. Cook two heads of celery in a quart of white stock for forty-five minutes. Bring a quart of milk to the boiling point. Stir into it two large tablespoonfuls of flour mixed with a little milk. Strain the celery and the stock in which it was cooked through a flour sieve, mashing the celery through, add it to the milk and let the whole boil up together for five minutes, stirring it thoroughly. Season the soup with salt and pepper, and just before serving it add a cup of cream. Cream of Celery Soup. Take the stock of one chicken (an old one best), put four heads of celery with the stock; one-half cup of tapioca which has been soaked over night, boil until the celery is tender, strain through a sieve, add one-half cup of cream, and salt and white pepper to taste ; if not quite thick enough add a little corn starch dissolved in a little cream. The chicken can be used for salad. Corn Soup. One pint grated green corn, one quart of milk, two teaspoon- fuls butter, a little flour. Cook corn in water thirty minutes, let the milk come to a boil, have flour and milk mixed together, add a few tablespoonfuls of boiling milk ; when quite smooth stir into the milk and cook eight minutes; add corn and season to taste. Sweet Corn Soup. A knuckle of veal, four calf’s feet, several ears of young corn, a little butter, pepper. Take the veal and calf’s feet and some cold boiled ham (if you have it) cut into pieces and season with pepper only, pour on a quart of water for each pound of meat and boil until the meat is in rags, strain it, wash your pot and put it back again. Make this soup of milk if you can get it, if not, use water. When the soup is strained and ready, cook by themselves in another pot several ears of sweet young corn, cut 14 SOUPS the grain from the cob, mix the corn with a little fresh butter, season it with pepper and stir in the .strained soup. Give the whole a short boil and serve. Venison Soup. Venison soup is excellent made like the sweet corn soup, with water instead of milk and plenty of corn. Tomato Soup. Place in a kettle four pounds of beef or prepared stock, add one gallon of cold water, let it boil slowly for three hours if the meat is used ; if prepared stock about half an hour. Remove the meat, put into the soup one quart of tomatoes, one onion cut fine; salt and pepper to taste. One teaspoonful of flour should be dissolved, stirred into it and boiled for one-half hour before serving. Strain. Tomato Soup. Take a can of tomatoes, bring them to a boil and strain through a coarse strainer ; add one teaspoonful of soda, and when the foaming ceases add a quart of milk and a tablespoonful of butter. Season to taste, and thicken slightly with crackelr crumbs ; boil for a few moments and serve. Tomato Soup. One quart stewed tomatoes, one quart of water, one and one- half tablespoonfuls of corn starch, one teaspoonful sugar, one good tablespoonful of butter, one pinch cayenne pepper, salt and pepper to taste. Boil up and serve. Dissolve the corn starch in a little water before putting in the soup. Bean Soup. A quart of dried white beans, a shank of beef, a bit of boiled ham (the hock will do), celery and pepper. Soak the beans in cold water over night, in the morning put on your beans to boil with only water enough to cook them well, boil slowly and keep stirring so that it does not burn. Put your meat in another pot, allowing a large quart of water to every pound of meat; season, pepper only, put in the celery cut into small pieces, boil SOUPS 15 the soup till the meat is all boiled to pieces (do not forget to ? ^T e ^P’ ^ en strain the liquid and put it back in the pot, the boiled beans and let them boil together until they are thick, strain again and serve. A Very Cheap Soup. One pound of lean trimmings of meat such as butchers charge five or six cents per pound for and cut into small pieces. Pre- pare three good-sized onions, two turnips, two leeks and five or six sticks of celery, clean these vegetables and cut them up small, wash one-half pound of pearl barley or rice and drain it, melt two ounces of dripping or bacon fat in an iron saucepan, put in the meat and sprinkle a teaspoonful of coarse sugar on it, put the pan on the fire and stir its contents briskly with an iron spoon, add the shred vegetables and stir again. Macaroni Soup. Four ounces macaroni, one large onion, five cloves, one ounce butter, two quarts clear soup gravy. Put into a stew-pan of boiling water the macaroni, butter and onion, in which the cloves are stuck. When the macaroni has become quite tender, drain it very dry and pour on it two quarts clear gravy soup. Let it simmer ten minutes, taking care not to let it become a pulp. Egg Balls for Soup. Four boiled eggs, one raw egg, one teaspoonful flour, some salt, pepper and parsley. Mash the yolks of boiled eggs with the raw yolk. Add flour, salt, pepper and parsley. Make into balls and boil two minutes. Turkey Soup. Bones of fowl or turkey, carrot, onion, celery, rice, salt and pepper. This is an excellent way to use the remnants of fowls or turkey on which considerable meat remains. Put in the soup kettle the carcass, and any bits of stuffing or gravy that remain. Pour over it one quart of cold water. Let the bones simmer for two hours (break the bones before putting them into the water). At the end of two hours strain your stock, wash the pot and put back your stock and add to it more stock if you have it, and if 16 SOUPS not, add boiling water enough to make a good quart, also a slice of carrot grated, a small onion cut fine, a piece of celery (the coarse pieces may be used for soup), and two tablespoonfuls of rice. At the end of an hour strain again, and serve, salt and pepper to taste. Sweet-Bread Soup. Prepare sweet-breads as for cooking in any other form. Salt, stew in as much water as there is soup required. When done remove sweet-breads from liquid, when cold chop finely and put back in liquid, let it come to a good boil, pour this quickly upon the yolk of an egg beaten up with a tablespoonful of cold water. Stir while pouring to prevent curdling. Hare or Rabbit Soup. Hare or rabbit, salt, onion, one-half pint of port or native wine, flour, pepper, cloves, one head of celery. Thoroughly cleanse in salt and water, cut into very small pieces, put into the oven in a crock with an onion pierced with cloves, and one head of celery cut fine and sufficient water to cover (the water will decrease and a little more must be added), the crock, of course, to be covered. The oven must not be very hot, and the crock may be left in until the meat will slip from the bones, then taken out and the contents strained, return the soup to the crock, adding one-half pint of port or native wine, flour to thicken, pepper and salt to the taste, allowing to remain in the oven until it is ready to boil. This soup takes fully twenty-four hours in preparation. Chicken Broth. One chicken, three pints of water, half a teacupful of pearl barley or rice, pepper and salt. Cut up the chicken, put it in the cold water with the barley or rice and salt, cover it close and let it simmer for an hour, add pepper to your taste. The chicken may be placed on a plate with pieces of butter over it. FISH “The silvery fish, Grazing at large in meadows submarine, Fresh from the wave now cheers Our festive board. ’ ’ Fish is either boiled, broiled, baked or fried. In all cases it is to be treated on the same principle as meat. When put to boil in cold water, fish, like meat, will part with its best sub- stances, which will go to enrich the water it is cooked in. To make a soup of it, or a fish-jelly (which is very delicate), this would be the right way ; but to boil fish that is to be eaten, it is necessary to put it into boiling water. To know the right moment when a fish is done is not such an easy affair as you might think. An underdone fish is disgusting, while an over- done one is tasteless and mostly tough. After fifteen minutes from the time a fish has been put on the fire one has to be on the watch. If the fish is small or thin it most likely will not stand a second’s longer cooking. If large it may need half an hour to be well done, or even more. Experience and a certain fine instinct have to guide you. One sign — and a pretty safe one — is to try a fin. If it gives way easily to a slight pull, the fish is done. Fish, like meat which is to be dished up, has to be kept simmering rather than boiling after its first immersion in lively boiling water. When it is to be cleaned it must not be kept soaking in cold water. Some salt-water fishes are better for sprinkling them with salt inside and outside for about one hour before cooking them. The salt, of course, has to be washed off again. Be sure that your fish is always as fresh as possible. Never buy a fish whose eyes are dull-looking, or the gills of which are not of a fine red color and the flesh firm and odorless. ( 17 ) 18 FISH Garnishing of Fish. There are no dishes that come on our table more capable of improvement by garnish than a dish of fish. Without garnish it is bare and unappetizing. A boiled fish should always be lifted up with an open skimmer or on a grating, or, if boiled in a napkin, should be laid in a colander a moment to drain. It must then be turned instantly on a hot platter on which a folded napkin has been laid. A decoration of lemon quarters, or of slices of lemons and parsley, is very suitable for almost any boiled fish. Groups of fried oysters and pieces of lemon are also suitable decoration to salmon or halibut. Usually potato croquettes or mashed potatoes are the only vegetable served with boiled fish. Baked fish are often improved in appearance by fried bread-crumbs strewn over them. Baked fish are usually served with a sauce around them, while the boiled fish is accom- panied by the sauce in a boat. A fried or boiled fish is best served with garnish of fried potatoes, or of lemon and parsley, lightly used. Butter or tartar sauce is generally served with fried or boiled fish. For Boiling Fish. For boiling fresh codfish and all large fish, except salmon, let them lie in salt over night; when ready to boil put them in a kettle two-thirds full of boiling water, add vinegar and salt, place the fish on a drainer (or roll in a cloth), put it into the boiling water ; for a four-pound fish let it remain thirty minutes boiling rapidly. For salmon put it to boil in tepid water and thoroughly skim; allow the same time. For small fresh-water fish use cold water, as soon as they boil they are cooked. Steamed Salmon or White Fish. After cleaning well, rub it both inside and out with salt, pepper and vinegar, roll in a cloth, steam twenty minutes for every pound; serve with parsley sauce. In boiling or steaming fish put one tablespoonful of vinegar in the water to keep it from breaking. To Bone Fish and Cook It. Lay the fish on a board, cut off the head and fins, cut it up the back. Begin at the tail and run a knife under the flesh FISH 19 close to the bone and scrape the flesh away from it, holding the fish firmly so as not to break the flesh. When one side has been removed slip the knife under the other side and raise it, leaving the flesh on the board. Cut the fish into pieces suitable for serving, sprinkle a little brown sugar, pepper and salt over the fish, set it away to get firm. Fry it in butter, first rolling it in parsley and bread-crumbs. Garnish with parsley. Scotch way. Baked Fish. A fish weighing from four to six pounds is a good size to bake. Make a dressing of bread-crumbs, butter, salt and some salt pork chopped fine, mix these with one egg, fill the body, sew it up, lay in dripping pan with a pint of water, bake an hour and a half, thicken the gravy and pour over it. Fresh Salmon Fried. Cut the slices three-fourths of an inch thick, dredge with flour, or dip them in eggs and crumbs, fry a light brown. This mode will do for all fish cut into steaks. Season with salt and pepper. Fried Fish. Take white fish cut into rather small quares and fry in boiling lard or dripping (just as you would doughnuts) until it is a delicate brown. This is the way it is usually cooked on steamboats, and is very nice indeed. To Fry Smelts. Wash and dry in a cloth, then lightly flour and shake off. Dip in egg, then in bread-crumbs, and fry in boiling lard or dripping. Take care not to take off the bread crumbs. These fish may be cooked on the gridiron. Lunch or Breakfast Dish. Wrap a salmon steak a little over an inch thick in thin writ- ing paper and fry a delicate brown. 20 PISH Cold Salmon Pickled. Take the fish left from dinner, remove the bones and lay in a dish. Boil a breakfast cup of the liquor in which the fish was boiled with same quantity of vinegar. Half an ounce of whole pepper, half an ounce of allspice, one teaspoonful salt and a bay leaf. Let stand till cold and pour over the fish. Allow to remain ten hours before using. A very nice breakfast dish. Potted Fish. Cut a fish twelve inches in length into four equal parts. Rub a little salt on the end of each piece and place the pieces in an earthen pot. Add whole spices and cider vinegar to cover the fish when the pot is nearly full. Tie on a paper cover, and over this put an earthen cover to keep in all the steam. Bake in a moderate oven for three hours. Fish cooked in this way is delicious and will keep two weeks in a cool place and longer in a refrigerator. Salmon Pudding. Take the contents of one can of salmon, pound well and mix in a tablespoonful of butter; two eggs, half a cup of bread crumbs. Beat all well together, season with salt and pepper, press tightly into a pudding-mould and steam for an hour. Serve hot with white sauce. Salmon Croquettes. One can of salmon, one egg, well beaten, one-half cup of fine bread crumbs, salt, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, juice of half a lemon. Drain off the liquor and mince the fish. Melt and work in the butter, season, and if necessary moisten with a little of the liquor; add the crumbs. Form the parts into rolls, which flour thickly, and stand them in a cold place for an hour. Fry in hot fat and serve on a hot platter, garnished with fresh parsley. Escalloped Fish. Boil two pounds of fish about twenty minutes (in a separate dish), boil half a pint cream, half pint milk and stir in two tablespoonfuls flour, season with salt and pepper, then put in a FISH 21 dish a layer of fish and cream alternately until the dish is filled, on the top put cracker crumbs which have been rubbed in melted butter, then bake slowly. Escalloped Salmon. One can of salmon, two cups biscuit crumbs, one cup hot water, a little butter, pepper and salt. Do just as you would oysters, putting in all the liquor in the can. Bake about twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Fish Scallop. Remains of cold fish of any sort, half a pint of cream, half a tablespoonful of anchovy sauce, half of made mustard, a tea- spoonful of walnut catsup, pepper and salt to taste. (The above quantities are for half a pound of fish when picked). Put all into a stew-pan, set it on the fire, let it remain till hot, stir it but do not let it boil, when done put into a deep dish with a good quantity of bread crumbs and small pieces of butter on top, set in oven to brown. Half an hour should cook it. Fish Turbot. Take a can of salmon, pour off all liquid and pick out all bones and skin, have one-half pint of milk heated, in which an onion has been put for a little while, add to this one-quarter cup melted butter, and two tablespoonfuls of flour rubbed together, season with pepper and salt. When this mixture is cool add one egg well beaten, then take a pudding dish and put a layer of salmon and a layer of sauce till the dish is full, put grated bread crumbs on top, and brown in the oven. The onion may be left out. Bake twenty minutes. Cod Fish Balls. Pick fine one quart of cod fish, let it simmer for a little while, boil six good-sized potatoes, mash fine and mix while hot with the fish, season well with salt, pepper and butter, add three beaten eggs, drop in hot lard, serve in a napkin on platter. 22 FISH Cod Fish for Breakfast. One quart finely shred cod fish, one ounce butter, one and a half cups cream or milk, two teaspoonfuls flour. Remove all bones from the fish, lay in frying pan well covered with cold water, let it heat gradually, simmer for twenty minutes, drain it, add pepper, butter, milk or cream, reserving a little of this for the flour which must be rubbed into it gradually to keep it smooth, when it begins to simmer add the flour, let it boil two or three minutes, then add the beaten egg, slip on a platter and serve. Cod Fish Balls. Pick in small pieces a large cupful of boneless cod, then peel your potatoes and cut them in pieces the size of a walnut, wash the fish (but do not soak it), put fish and potatoes in same vessel, having as many more potatoes as fish, and boil until potatoes are cooked, then drain and mash together, take butter the size of an egg, and some pepper, salt if necessary, and one egg; beat with a fork until light and creamy, then drop a large spoonful into boiling lard, and fry like doughnuts. Stewed Lobster. Make a sauce of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, smooth with a spoonful of vinegar, a teaspoonful each of finely minced onion and parsley, a tablespoonful of butter, the same of flour, with pepper and salt; after mixing all together put on the stove in a saucepan and add half a pint of boiling water ; turn into this a can of lobster and let it steam ten minutes. Eel Pie. Cut the eels lengthwise in two or three-inch pieces, season with salt and pepper, lay in the dish with bits of butter and a little water ; cover with a paste. Finnan Haddie. Take a haddock, put in a baking pan with the skin down, and pour in enough warm water just to cover the skin and not the rest of the fish. Let the fish remain in the oven fifteen minutes. By this time the skin should be loosened. Take the fish out of FISH 23 the oven, pull off the skin, and pour the water out of the baking pan. Lay the fish back in the pan with milk enough over it to cover it, and strew bits of butter over it. When it is brown serve it for breakfast, or if you have sweet cream, instead of using butter take a coffee cup of cream and then thicken with a little flour, about a spoonful. (Mix your flour with a little cold cream first.) Boil it up and have it ready to pour over your fish when it is cooked. Salt Mackerel. Soak your fish over night in milk if you have it; if not, in water ; put the mackerel in a frying pan with cold water enough to cover. When it boils for five minutes put it into a warm dish, putting bits of butter over it. Set in the oven for a few minutes before serving. Bloater Pie. Fry two or three small bloaters, skin and bone them, put the fish into a pie dish with a little chopped parsley, cayenne and a few bits of butter. Put some mashed potatoes on top and bake in a brisk oven for half an hour. Frogs Fried. Skin well and cook for five minutes in salted water, the hind legs only; then throw into cold water to cool and drain, fry in hot fat. Serve garnished with parsley. White Sauce. For salmon and white fish, one cup of cream or rich milk, two ounces of butter, two teaspoonfuls of flour, salt and pepper to taste. If liked, a little lemon juice is an improvement, or a little parsley cut fine. Plain Sauce for Boiled Fish. One cup boiling water, two teaspoonfuls corn starch mixed in cold water, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful chopped parsley, one teaspoonful anchovy sauce or good catsup, juice of half a lemon, beaten yolks of two eggs, salt and cayenne pepper, stir the corn starch smoothly into the boiling water, set on the 24 FISH fire, stirring until it thickens, add pepper and salt, butter, parsley, mix well together, put in lemon juice and catsup, boil a few minutes, add beaten yolks, stir for two minutes, pour over the fish and serve. Lemon juice improves fish sauce if the fish is insipid. Egg Sauce. One hard-boiled egg and mince it up fine, and add it to the ordinary white sauce. OYSTERS “Canst tell how an oyster makes his shell? No — nor I neither.” — King Lear. Oyster Soup. Take two quarts milk, six rolled biscuits, butter size of an egg, salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil, add one quart oysters, remove from fire as soon as it comes to a boil. Oysters should not be boiled, as they become tough. Oyster Soup. To one quart of oysters add half pint water, put the oysters on the fire in the liquor, the moment it begins to simmer (not boil, for that would shrivel the oysters), pour it through a colander into a hot dish, leaving the oysters in the colander. Now put into the sauce piece butter size of an egg, when it bubbles sprinkle in a tablespoonful of sifted flour, let it cook a few minutes, stirring it well, then add to it gradually the oyster juice and one-half pint of good cream (which has been brought to a boil in another vessel), season carefully with cayenne pepper and salt, skim well and add the oysters, do not let it boil, but serve immediately. Oyster soup is made with thickening and oyster stew without. Oyster Stew. Put two quarts oysters in saucepan with the liquor, when they begin to boil skim out, add a pint of cream or rich milk and seasoning, add to the oysters butter to taste, pour over them the hot liquor and serve. ( 25 ) 26 OYSTERS Creamed Oysters. One quart oysters, one pint of cream or sweet milk, thicken with a little flour as for gravy. When cooked pour in the oysters with liquor, pepper, salt and butter. Have platter with nicely browned toast. Pour creamed oysters over and serve hot. Smothered Oysters. Put one tablespoonful of butter in a covered saucepan with half a saltspoonful of white pepper, one teaspoonful of salt and a few grains of cayenne pepper. When hot add one pint of oysters carefully prepared. Cover closely and shake the pan to keep the oysters from sticking. Cook five minutes and serve on toasted crackers. Oysters Fried. Select the largest oysters, take off all bits of shell and wipe quite dry. Have ready some bread crumbs or grated crackers. Season with salt and pepper. Beat the yolks of two eggs and add a little cream. Dip the oysters in the egg and then in the bread crumbs. Fry in plenty of hot lard and butter till a light brown. Serve hot. Fine oatmeal may be used for frying instead of cracker crumbs. Scalloped Oysters. Sprinkle a buttered dish with bread crumbs, then put in a layer of oysters, some hits of butter, pepper and salt, and so on until the dish is filled, leaving the crumbs and butter on the top. Pour over a little milk. Bake until a light brown. Oyster Patties. One dozen oysters cut in pieces, stew in their own liquor, add a teaspoonful of flour, a tablespoonful of butter, a grating of lemon peel, season lightly with salt and cayenne, add three tablespoonfuls of cream, mix well, open the patties and put in a tablespoonful of the mixture. Serve hot. Oyster Pie. Make a rich puff paste, roll out twice as thick as for fruit pie, line a pudding dish and fill with dry crumbs or light crackers, OYSTERS 27 butter the edges that you may be able to lift the upper crust without breaking, cover the mock pie, ornament at the edge, cook the oysters as for a stew, only at the last beat in two eggs and thicken with cracker crumbs, time them that the paste will be ready to receive them, lift the crust, pour them in. Serve hot. Oyster Fritters. Take one pint of milk, two well beaten eggs and flour to make a smooth but rather thin batter, season with pepper and salt, stir in fifty large oysters, drop a spoonful of batter into boiling lard, having one or two oysters in each spoonful. Serve hot in fringed napkins. Oysters on a Block of Ice. Oysters look very pretty served in this way, and add to the festive appearance of the Christmas table. A clear crystal block of ice must be chosen and wreathed about the base with the dark-green leaves and red berries of the holly, concealing the platter that holds it. The oysters rest in the hollow scooped out of the centre of the ice. Of course, this dish is more effective under candle or gas light. Pickled Oysters. One quart of fine large oysters, one pint of oyster liquor and the same of strong vinegar. Drain the oysters, strain the liquor and boil. While boiling hot drop in the oysters allowing them only to be well scalded. Remove the oysters to a flat dish where they will cool. Add the vinegar with one teaspoonful black mace, two dozen whole cloves, same of black pepper and allspice, to the oyster liquor, and just as this liquor boils, pour over the cold oysters, which must previously have been put in a jar. 'Filling for Oyster Patties. Take equal parts of milk and cream, add pepper and salt to taste, a little nutmeg, and the liquor from the oysters and the rind of a lemon. Bring to a boil and thicken with flour well blended in milk. If the oysters are large, cut them in halves and drop them into the sauce. Fill your patties and heat in the oven. 28 OYSTERS Oyster Fritters. Take the largest oysters, drain from the liquor and wipe dry. Whisk six eggs very light, one cup of fine sifted flour, and, by degrees, one pint of rich milk and a little grated nutmeg. Beat to a smooth batter. Have the pan very hot, put in lard or butter, and when it begins to froth drop in small ladlefuls of batter, and place an oyster in the middle of them. Fry a nice brown and send to table hot. Pigs in Blankets. Season large oysters with salt and pepper. Cut some fat bacon in nice slices. Wrap an oyster in each slice, fasten with small wooden skewer, heat a frying pan very hot and put in the pigs. Cook just long enough to crisp the bacon (say about two minutes). Place on small pieces of toast. Don’t remove the skewers. Serve hot, garnished with parsley, POULTRY To thee and thy company, I bid a hearty welcome . 7 7 — The Tempest. 4 To judge, the age of a fowl touch the end of the breastbone ; if it bends easily from side to side the fowl is young. The skin of the chicken should be firm, smooth and white. If a fowl is tough rub it inside with a teaspoonful of baking soda, being careful to wipe it off before cooking it ; it is also good for tough meat. Lumps of charcoal put with fowls when they are a little tainted will restore the flavor. Slices of lemon cut into small pieces and stirred into drawn butter and allowed to come to the boiling point, served with fowl is a fine addition. The inside of poultry should be rubbed with salt after it is drawn. To Draw a Fowl. It is not every housekeeper that understands how to draw a fowl so that all the interior parts come out in one piece. In order to do this, first split the skin on the back of the neck and turn it back over the neck. Loosen the pipes around the neck with the finger. Remove all fat that can be reached under the skin and lay it aside for use. When this is done, cut with a sharp-pointed knife from the leg to. and around the vent, in order to open the chicken. Pass the hand up the back of the chicken on the inside carefully till you reach two little ligaments near the wings, which seem to bind the intestines down to the back. Loosen them and pull slowly and firmly, and all the pipes in the neck, with the entire mass of intestines, will come out ( 29 ) POULTRY 3U together without breaking. When they are on a plate it is easy enough to cut out the gall bladder and separate the liver and other giblets from the parts that are to be thrown away. The fat of poultry should always be taken out of the bird, because it gives a strong taste if cooked in it, but it should be saved, as it has many uses in cookery, except in the case of turkeys, geese and ducks, when it is too strong. Goose oil is saved for medicinal purposes by prudent mothers, and that of turkeys and ducks may well be added to the soap-fat can. Boned Turkey. It requires some patience and skill to prepare a turkey and keep the bird entire after removing all the bones, but it is by no means an impossible task for an inexperienced person, and boned turkey is a very convenient dish to serve at evening parties or at any time when a cold collation is in order. Freezing makes the skin tear easily, so the first essential is a turkey which has not been frozen. Singe and prepare the bird for roasting, but do not draw it. Turn it on its back and cut down the backbone with a small boning knife if you have it. Begin at the neck and run the knife between the flesh and bones, being careful not to pierce the skin, press off the flesh with the thumb and finger. Do not remove the small bone at the rump or the bone at the end of the wing. Work first on one side and finally turn the bird inside out by removing the leg bones, leaving the skeleton denuded. Turn the bird on the right side, fill it with the force- meat given, skewer it in shape, and steam for three hours and roast for one. When cold garnish with aspic jelly. Forcemeat for Boned Turkey. Chop as fine as possible the raw flesh of a chicken weighing four pounds, one pound of veal, a pint of oysters and half a pound of clear pork. Mix in a small cup of cracker crumbs, two eggs and one cup of stock, two heaping teaspoonfuls of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, a teaspoonful of summer savory, one of sweet marjoram, one of thyme, half a spoonful of sage, and two teaspoonfuls of onion juice. A very handsome way of serving turkey, if eaten cold, is to drop a feAV tablespoonfuls of currant or cranberry jelly over it at small distances and in the dish round it, then make a quantity of jelly seasoned with wine, POULTRY 31 lemon cinnamon, etc., lay the turkey in the dish in which it has to go to the table and set it under the jelly, let the jelly drip on it so as to form a transparent coating all over it. Take the back of a spoon and make the jelly smooth, allow it to congeal on the turkey. Large fowls may be boned and stuffed in the same way ; also a roasted pig. Boiled Turkey. Soak it in salt and water an hour and a half to make it white, make the stuffing of bread crumbs and suet, a little parsley and lemon peel chopped fine, tie lightly in a cloth and boil. A young turkey will boil in two hours. Turkey Dressed with Oysters. For a ten-pound turkey take two pints bread crumbs, half a cup butter cut in bits, one teaspoonful summer savory, pepper and salt, mix thoroughly, rub the turkey well inside and out with salt and pepper, then fill with first a spoonful of crumbs then oysters, using a pint of oysters ; cook the giblets, chop fine, and put in gravy. A fowl of this size will require three hours in a moderate oven. Roast Turkey. For an eight-pound turkey use one small loaf of bread, tear it apart and grate it lightly on a coarse grater. This takes but a short time. As soon as the crust is reached lay it aside to be dried for bread crumbs. The foundation of the dressing is soft bread crumbs, not the hard dried crumbs used for breading croquettes, veal cutlets and other dishes ; then add a teaspoonful of pepper, a tablespoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of minced parsley, half a teaspoonful of sage and half a teaspoonful of summer savory. Mix all together lightly with the hands. Drop in small bits one-quarter a cup of hard butter and mix this lightly through the dressing. Stuff the turkey and sew it up. The neck should be cut off close to the body, leaving a flap of skin which covers the neck and can be skewered down on the back, after the crop is stuffed. The tips of the wings should be cut off and the wings skewered down on the back so as to throw up the breast. The drumsticks (from which all the ligaments must be drawn out before the legs are cut off except the large 32 POULTRY one, that will never move), must be skewered to the tail of the fowl. When the turkey is properly trussed, rub it with butter and dredge with flour. Place it on its side in the meat rack. When the flour in the baking pan browns pour in half pint of water and baste the turkey. When it has cooked half an hour on one side turn the other, and the last half hour it is roasting let it lie on its back to brown the breast. Success in roasting depends upon a brisk oven and faithful, thorough basting. The dressing should be moist when the turkey is served, but it separates like rice. Two apples may be added to the stuffing minced up, which is an improvement. For cooking a lean turkey, cut up quite a bit of beef suet into the pan ; good also for cook- ing chickens. Roast Goose. Two ounces of onions, half as much sage chopped fine, one coffee cup of bread crumbs, a little pepper and salt and the yolks of two eggs. Do not quite fill the goose, but leave room to swell. Roast from one hour and a half to two hours, and serve with gravy and apple sauce. Broiled Chicken. A delicious way of preparing a broiled chicken is with tartar sauce. To do this the chicken is split down in exactly the same way as for broiling, seasoned, sprinkled thickly with fine bread crumbs and put on a rack in the baking pan in a hot oven for half an hour. A broiled chicken will take about fifteen or twenty minutes over a moderate fire. At the end of this time put it in the oven ten or twelve minutes to become more thoroughly done, as it is almost impossible to cook a chicken thoroughly through by merely broiling it. Serve it with butter or tartar sauce. A green goose broiled is very nice served with tartar sauce. Roast Duck. Singe, draw, wash thoroughly, wipe dry and fill with the fol- lowing dressing: Two slices stale bread soaked and squeezed dry, a small onion chopped fine, season with salt, pepper and sage, boil the giblets, strain, chop fine, mix all and fry a light brown, place in pan with some slices salt pork on the breast, put POULTRY 33 a small cup of water in pan, baste frequently, have a moderately hot oven, roast an hour and half, thicken the gravy with a spoonful of flour stirred smooth together. Boiled Fowl and Oyster Sauce. Select a plump, fat, year-old fowl with a full breast, weigh- ing not less than five or six pounds. Draw it, after singeing it, and remove carefully all the fat wherever it can be reached. A fat fowl is the tenderest, but if the fat is cooked in it it gives a strong taste to the flesh. Prepare a dressing with a pint of soft bread crumbs, from the inside of a stale loaf, a tablespoonful of salt, a pinch cayenne, a pint of small oysters, a large heaped teaspoonful of butter, and an egg. Mix this dressing well, and fill the fowl. Rub a thick cloth with butter, and then dredge it with flour and sew the fowl up in this cloth, and plunge it into boiling water. Set the pot where it will boil rapidly for ten minutes, and afterward put it where it will simmer from two to two and a half hours. Then remove it from the cloth and serve it with oyster sauce. The water in which the fowl was boiled should be saved for cream soups. Fried Chicken. Wash the pieces in cold water, dry and roll in fine bread crumbs, take one-half pint milk, chop a bit parsley very fine, add to this milk a little salt, pepper and a teaspoonful flour. Fry the chicken in butter, when done lay the pieces on a hot dish, then pour the prepared cream into the frying pan, stirring quickly. When well done pour the cream over the chicken. Note. — B efore frying the chicken steam it for a few minutes, it is a great improvement. Fried Chickens. A pair of young chickens, lard or butter, pepper and salt, cut up your chickens into quarters, put your lard or butter into a heated frying pan, when it is hot put in your chicken and fry brown on one side, then turn and sprinkle with chopped parsley and fry brown, you may fry with them a few slices of ham. Before serving drain off the lard. 34 POULTRY Chicken Fricassee. Carve a fowl into nice joints, make gravy of the trimmings and legs by stewing them with lemon peel, mace or herbs, onions, seasoning and water until reduced to one pint. Then strain and put in the fowl ; let boil for three-fourths of an hour, take an- other stew-pan, put in a little butter, dredge with flour and a little hot water, add to the chicken and let it boil for twenty minutes; before serving stir the well-beaten yolks of one or two eggs- with a little cream into it, but do not let it boil again. Smothered Chicken. The chicken must be split down the back as for broiling, washed well and wiped dry; lay it, breast upward, in a baking pan, pour in two cups of boiling water, in which has been dis- solved a heaping tablespoonful of butter, and cover with another pan turned upside down and fitting exactly the edges of the lower one, cook slowly half an hour, lift the cover and baste plentifully, with the butter-water in the pan, cover again and leave for twenty minutes more, baste again and yet once more in another quarter of an hour. Try the chicken with a fork to see if it is done. An hour and ten minutes should be enough for a young fowl; baste the last time with a tablespoonful of butter, cover and leave in the oven ten minutes longer before trans- ferring to a hot dish ; it should be a fine yellow-brown all over, but crisped nowhere. Thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful of browned flour, wet up in a little water, salt and pepper to taste, boil up once and pour a cupful over the chicken, the rest into a gravy boat. There is no more delightful preparation of chicken than this. Chicken Pie. One chicken, one pint sour cream, salt and pepper, one-half teaspoonful soda. Cut the chicken in the usual way for stew- ing and steam until tender; put in a deep dish with plenty of gravy, salt, pepper and butter. Make a thick batter of sour cream, one pint will do, a pinch of salt, one-half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in the cream and flour. Pour this batter evenly over the chicken and bake about half an hour. Leave out some of the gravy. Sweet cream will do instead of sour, by adding a little tartaric acid. POULTRY 35 Chicken Pie. Stew chicken till tender, season with a little butter, salt and pepper, line the sides of a pie dish with a rich crust, pour in the stewed chicken, cover with a crust, first cutting a hole in the centre. Curry of Chicken. Veal, lamb, chicken, any delicate meat may reappear on the table in a curry more delicious than when first served. For a chicken curry, fricassee a pair of tender chickens. Remove them from the pot when done and fry them brown in butter in which an onion and a clove, or garlic have been fried. When the chicken is brown, remove it to a platter, and stir into the butter in which it was fried about two tablespoonfuls of flour and a large tea- spoonful of curry powder. Add the gravy in which the chickens were fricasseed to this and add salt and pepper. One-half cup of rice boiled and put round the chicken on the platter is a nice addition. Chicken Pot Pie. Stew gently a nice chicken. Season with salt and pepper and thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful of flour, mixed smooth with a piece of butter, size of an egg. Have ready some biscuit dough cut in pieces an inch square ; drop this into the gravy, having previously removed the chicken to a hot platter. Boil fifteen minutes. Lay on the platter with the chicken, pour over the gravy and serve. Chicken Pot Pie. Have ready biscuit dough cut in square pieces, and bake in the oven. Split them and put on a platter, and pour your gravy over them, putting chicken in the centre. Cream Chicken. Stew two chickens until tender, remove bones and skin, chop rather coarsely, season with salt and pepper and a little parsley, add one can of mushroom, and take two small cups of the liquid of the chicken and thicken with a little corn starch and put in a dish. Spread over the top very fine bread crumbs and brown in the oven. Cut up mushroom fine. 36 POULTRY Veal or Chicken Croquettes. Take three cupfuls of either chopped veal or chicken. Add one cupful of bread crumbs, the yolk of two hard-boiled eggs, a little pepper and salt, one tablespoonful of minced parsley, one-fourth onion grated, half cupful of cream, and juice of half a lemon. Mix all together and make into balls, dip into an egg beaten, and then into fine crumbs and fry in boiling lard till brown. Pigeon Pie. Dress and wash clean, split down the back, and then proceed as for chicken pie. Jellied Chicken. A fowl, four pig’s feet or a shank of veal, salt and pepper. Take a fowl, an old one is best; put on with water enough to cover, add salt and pepper ; cook until tender, take out the bones and lay the pieces in a mould, take your pig’s feet, which have been cleaned and soaked, boil them to a jelly, strain off and put with the liquor from the chicken, boil it down, skimming well until only enough remains to cover your chicken well. Salt and pepper to taste. Pressed Chicken. Cut up two nice spring chickens, nearly cover with water and put in a small tablespoonful of salt, cover closely, and boil till the flesh falls off the bones, free it from all skin and gristle, pull the meat into small pieces with a fork, then put into a mould, and if there is too much liquid, boil it down till there is just enough to cover the meat. Taste the liquid to see that it is salt enough before it is poured over the meat. GAME November is the high tide of the game season. Larding is a necessary matter in cooking game, as wild creatures are so active that they are usually not so fat as barnyard fowls. Larding is simply drawing a small piece of salt pork through the surface of the meat. It is easily done, and improves lean, dry pieces of meat. Ducks are the only wild birds that are never larded. Yenison is better roasted in a thick layer of paste made of water and flour. It takes longer to cook in this way, but the fat and juices of the meat are more perfectly preserved. A leg of veni- son which may be cooked in an hour and a quarter will require half an hour longer cooked in paste. The roast of venison should be seasoned with salt and pepper and rubbed with butter before it is covered with the paste, which is made about the consistency of biscuit dough. The roast is then laid on a rack in a pan with a pint of boiling water in the bottom. Place the meat in a very hot oven, and as soon as the paste begins to brown, baste it with water. Do this every fifteen minutes, and in an hour’s time remove the paste, which has served its use to seal up the juices of the meat, and throw it away, and continue roasting the veni- son till it is done. Serve all game very hot. Red currant or black currant jelly is usually served with venison. Roast part- ridge, grouse and quail are served with bread sauce, the recipe for which has been given. Quail and smaller birds are preferable broiled and served on toast, though roasting is the mode par excellence in which all wild birds should be served where it is practicable. It is hardly necessary to remind housekeepers that there is no more delicious supper dish than a perfectly broiled venison steak. ( 37 ) 38 GAME To Roast Wild Duck. After dressing soak them over night in salt and water, to draw out the 'fishy taste. Then in the morning put them into fresh water, changing several times before roasting. Stuff or not as desired. Serve with currant jelly. Put a carrot inside the duck and boil for a few minutes before roasting ; it is an improve- ment. To Fry Pheasant or Young Chicken. Pheasant or chicken, butter, cream, brown flour, salt, pepper, curry. Pick, singe, wash and dry the birds nicely, season inside and outside with salt and pepper. Put a tablespoonful of butter in your frying pan, and when hot lay in the bird (which has been split up the back), breast upwards; cover tightly, adding from time to time a little water, .turn often, add to the gravy a quarter of a cup of cream, a bit of butter as big as a small egg, a little brown flour, a half teaspoonful of curry powder, salt and pepper to taste. Cook one hour slowly. Woodcock, Pigeon, Spring Chicken. Pluck, wash and clean a woodcock, pigeon, or chicken, put into the oven a few minutes to dry ; if small, split down the back ; if large, cut into four pieces, place in a frying pan in which plenty of butter has been put; when done, place in the oven for a few minutes and prepare a sauce — half cup tomato catsup, half cup cream or milk, with a little flour for thickening. Serve hot. Roast Rabbit. Dress nicely and fill with a dressing made of bread crumbs, a little onion, sage, pepper and salt, and a small piece of butter; tie a piece of salt pork over it, put into a dripping pan with a little water in a quick oven ; baste often ; serve with currant jelly or cranberry sauce. Stewed Rabbit. One rabbit, one-fourth pound of butter, a little flour, one pint of boiling water, a little grated onion, salt, pepper and celery. Skin and clean the rabbit, cut into pieces, put the butter into a stew-pan with the pint of water, the pieces of rabbit and GAME 39 several pieces of celery cut up fine; when this is cooked tender take half pint of cream or milk, make a paste of the spoonful of flour with a little of the cold milk and add this to the stew (the onion grated should he put in half an hour before). Season, let it boil up well and serve hot. A little curry powder may he added. Rabbit Pie. Line a deep dish with a puff paste or rich biscuit crust ; stew the rabbit ; season well and pour into the dish ; cover with an upper crust and hake. Bread Sauoe for Roast Turkey. One pint milk, breakfast cup of bread crumbs, one onion, a little mace, cayenne and salt. Peel and slice an onion, simmer in a pint of milk till tender, break the bread into pieces, put into a stew-pan, strain the milk over it, cover close and let soak an hour. Then beat it up smooth, add the powdered mace, cayenne, salt and an ounce of butter, boil it up and serve it hot. The onion must be taken out before the milk is poured over the bread. Oyster Sauoe. One pint oysters, half pint milk, two ounces of butter, one ounce of flour, half teaspoonful of salt, half teaspoonful of pep- per, one saltspoonful of grated nutmeg. Drain the liquor from the oysters, melt the butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour, add gradually the liquor of the oysters. When this mixture boils throw in the oysters and boil all together until the leaves of the fish begin to shrivel. Throw in pepper, salt and nutmeg, and having boiled the milk in a separate saucepan, stir it in, when the saucepan must be taken from the fire, otherwise the milk will curdle and the sauce will be ruined. This is used for boiled turkey and boiled fowl and also as a fish sauce. Mushroom Sauce for Chicken. Rub off the tender skin from a pint of mushrooms with a little salt ; put them in a stew-pan with a blade of mace, a little grated nutmeg, an ounce and a half of butter rolled in a teaspoonful of flour and a pint of cream; put on the fire and boil till thick, stirring all the time. 40 GAME Cranberry Sauce. One quart of cranberries, one quart of water and one pound of white sugar; make a syrup of the water and sugar. After washing the berries clean and picking out all poor ones, drop them into the boiling syrup ; let them cook from fifteen to twenty minutes. They are very nice strained. Serve with turkey. Currant Sauce. Five pounds red currants after they are cleaned, five pounds sugar, one pound raisins after they are stoned and chopped, one orange cut in very fine pieces, one lemon cut fine. Put all in a kettle and let it simmer until it makes a syrup, then boil forty minutes. To be eaten with cold meats or fowl. Time for boiling young fowl, from an hour to an hour and a quarter, and longer for older ones. Egg Sauce. One and a half ounces of butter, three-quarters of an ounce of flour, three gills of milk, one teaspoonful of salt, one salt- spoonful of white pepper, two hard-boiled eggs; melt the butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour gradually; when this has boiled, put in pepper and salt, and let all boil together for two minutes. Remove the shells from the eggs, chop them into small irregular pieces and stir in. Used with boiled fowl, as well as for boiled codfish, fresh mackerel, steamed halibut. Scotch Oatmeal Stuffing. Oatmeal, onions, suet or butter, salt and pepper. Plain Stuffing. Take stale bread, cut off all the crust, rub very fine, pour over it as much melted butter as will make it crumble in your hands ; salt and pepper to taste. For ducks and geese, onions and sage are added to the stuffing. Potato Stuffing. Take two-thirds bread, one-third boiled potatoes grated, but- ter size of an egg, pepper, salt, one egg and a little ground sage ; mix thoroughly. GAME 41 Chestnut Stuffing. Boil the chestnuts, shell them, blanch and boil till soft, mash them fine and mix with a little sweet cream, bread crumbs, pep- per and salt, for turkey. Apple Stuffing. Half a pound of pulp of tart apples, two ounces of bread crumbs, some powdered sage, a little onion; season well with cayenne, for roast goose, duck, etc. MEATS “A dish that I do love to feed upon." — Taming of the Shrew. To roast beef give fifteen minutes to each pound and fifteen minutes over. Veal, lamb and mutton require twenty minutes for each pound and twenty minutes over. Meat Juices and How Best to Preserve Them. In all cooking of meat, the primary thought should be to pre- serve the juice of the meat, so that it will come on the table in full flavor and quality. The nutriment of all meat is contained chiefly in these juices. It is poor economy to buy a thin roasting-piece, because of the large portion of surface exposed from which the juices must flow. A rib-roast weighing less than eight or nine pounds is not an economical piece to buy. The sirloin, though it costs more by the pound, is thicker and contains less bone, and has less surface from which the juices can flow, and is therefore better economy for the requirements of a family using a roast of about four or five pounds. In all roasting the meat must be seasoned with salt and pep- per and very thoroughly dredged with flour and laid on a rack in a dripping-pan. It should be put at once in a very hot oven after preparing it, so that every portion shall be thoroughly seared over. This will require eight or ten minutes. There will be some drippings in the bottom of the pan. As soon as these drippings turn very brown, throw half pint of boiling water ( 42 ) MEATS 43 under the meat, but not over it. In ten minutes’ time after this water is added to the pan the meat will require basting. This basting keeps the crust formed over the surface of the meat and prevents the juices flowing. After the water is added to the dripping-pan as directed, the heat of the oven may be decreased slightly, but in the case of beef only enough to prevent the meat from burning. A roast of veal requires a slightly longer cook- ing and a slightly lower oven, but should be basted with equal care. Small chops of lamb or veal, or veal cutlets, well seasoned, dipped in yolk of egg and then in bread crumbs, and fried like doughnuts in boiling hot fat, are always juicy and delicate. Hints. — Sprinkle your roast of beef with flour (brown flour best) before roasting, it keeps in the juice. To brown meat nicely a very little brown sugar rubbed on before cooking is a help. The meat should be basted every ten minutes. Brown Gravy. Set the pan in which the meat was roasted on the range when the beef has been removed to a dish. Scrape toward the centre the browned flour from sides and bottom and dust a little more from your dredger as you stir. If the water has boiled away until the bottom of the pan is exposed, add a little, boiling hot, directly from the tea-kettle, and stir until the gravy is of the consistency of rich cream. Pepper to taste and pour into a gravy boat. Browned Flour. This is to enrich the taste and improve the color of gravies, stews and soups. Sift some fine flour, spread it on a clean tin pan, place it on the fire so as to brown and not burn, it will color first at the edges ; keep mixing it with the white from the centre. When it is nicely browned set it to cool, then put in clean bottle and cork it, put some into a dredging box ready for use. To Wake Tough Meat Tender. Soak it in vinegar and water, if a very large piece, about twelve hours. For ten pounds of beef use three quarts of water to three-quarters of a pint of vinegar and soak it for six or seven hours. 44 MEATS The Care of Fat. Not one particle of any kind of fat should be allowed to be wasted. All trimmings from beef, veal or pork, fat from poul- try, should be tried out and allowed to cook slowly till the bub- bles cease to rise. The fat should then be clarified by frying a few raw potatoes in it and strained and put away for use. The fat from chickens and fowls is excellent for shortening, or for almost any fine cooking, and should be kept by itself. Ham fat has a smoky flavor and must be kept alone, but can be used for frying the vegetables used in some soups, for potatoes and eggs. The fat of mutton, lamb, turkey, geese and ducks has a strong flavor, but should be tried out for soft soap. Yorkshire Pudding. Four large tablespoonfuls of flour, one pint of milk, two eggs, a little salt ; put the flour into a basin with the salt, and stir gradually to this enough of the milk to make a smooth bat- ter without lumps, add the rest of the milk and the eggs well beaten. Bake in a shallow tin, under meat if preferred. Baked Suet Pudding to Eat with Meat. Three cups flour, one cup suet, one teaspoonful baking pow- der, one egg, salt and very little sugar. Mix soft with milk or water. Note. — We often tie it in a cloth and boil or steam it. The Gridiron. The process of broiling is a simple one, but it requires deft- ness and exactness of method. A clear, strong fire is necessary for broiling. The meal should be well trimmed of fat, seasoned and dredged lightly with flour. The dampers should all be open, so as to send the smoke from drippings (if any drippings fall) up the chimney, instead of allowing it to penetrate the meat. A properly trim- med and properly dredged ste. k will not drip to any extent. It is not necessary to grease the gridiron. Simply lay the meat in it, and place it quite near the fire when it is first put over, so as to sear the surface thoroughly. When it is seared on one side, turn it on the other and sear that side. This sets the surface of the meat so that the juices remain within. After this the grid- MEATS 45 iron may be removed to within two or three inches above the tire, and the steak broiled about four minutes longer on each side. The time given will cook a steak an inch and a half thick, so that it is red throughout. When it is laid on the platter, there should be no gravy around it, but the red juice should flow the moment the meat is cut. A mutton chop cut as it should be, about an inch thick, may be cooked rare in about eight minutes. Lamb should be well done and cut thinner. Take half a dozen well-trimmed chops. Season them with salt and pepper and broil them over a brisk fire for about two minutes. Lay them in a hot oven for about five or six minutes, turning them as they brown, from one side to the other. A beefsteak should be one and a half inches thick. Before cooking the steak should be pounded on a board, or score it with the back of your knife while cooking. A spoonful of tomato catsup in the beefsteak gravy is very nice. Cutlets and steaks may be fried as well as broiled, but they must be put in hot butter or lard. The grease is hot enough when it throws off a bluish smoke. Milk Steak. Steam two pounds of steak three hours with one cup fine chopped onions, well seasoned. Serve with mi lk sauce, which add an hour before dishing. Stewed Steak. Cut steak into pieces, brown in butter, then add boiling water. Cut two or three onions into slices and put in, and then let it stew for one hour covered closely. When done take out the meat and thicken the gravy. To Fry Beefsteak. Take a smooth -bottomed frying-pan, set it on the range or stove when very hot, then place your steak or chop; turn it fre- quently until it is cooked (about ten minutes will cook it), put on a hot platter and season both sides with salt, pepper and bits of butter put over the steak. A little tomato catsup sprinkled on the hot platter before the steak is put on it improves it. Put very little water with the gravy. Serve hot. 46 MEATS Beefsteak and Oysters Stewed. One and a half pounds of beefsteak, two ounces of butter, half pint water, one and half dozen oysters ; pepper and salt, put the beefsteak into a stew-pan with the butter and a little water, when the meat is a nice brown pour in the half pint of water, add the pepper and salt and liquor strained from the oysters, put the pan over a moderate tire, and let it stew gently. Then add a piece of butter rolled in flour and the oysters. Stew it all together till the oysters are done. Serve up very hot. Beefsteak and Onions. Prepare the steak in the usual way, put on a frying-pan and put a dozen onions sliced and fried brown in a little beef drip- ping or butter. Dish your steak and lay onions thickly on the top, cover and let it stand five minutes. Send hot to the table. Pot Pie. Make a batter of two well beaten eggs, two cupfuls of milk, a teaspoonful baking powder, and flour to make a batter; drop in separate spoonfuls while meat is boiling, cook five minutes. Serve immediately. Shepherd’s Pie. Chop cold beef fine, moisten well with water, season to taste. Put in a deep dish, cover with nice potatoes. Bake in the oven twenty minutes. If desired a small onion may be added. Shepherd’s Pie. A nice way to use up cold roast beef. Slice the beef and season with salt and pepper and put a minced onion to it ; make a gravy of the bones, then add the mince to it, let it boil a few minutes, then put it into a deep pudding dish, have some mashed potatoes prepared, lay them gently on the top of the mince until the dish is full, smooth over the top and bake a nice brown. Those who like onions may spread them over the meat before putting the mashed potatoes on the top. The onions should be partly cooked. This is very nice made of the neck of mutton cut into pieces. MEATS 47 Pot Roast. Put a piece of beef or meat of any kind in a pot with a very little water, cover tightly to keep in all the steam, adding just enough hot water to keep from burning. Any kind of tough meat car be made tender in this way. B66fst6£ik Balls. One and a half pounds round steak chopped fine, two eggs beaten, two tablespoonfuls milk, one tablespoonful flour; salt and pepper to taste, drop in frying pan and fry till done. Meat Pie. Cold turkey, chicken or any cold meat ; chop fine, season with salt, pepper and gravy. Lay pie crust around the edge of plat- ter and cover the same. Bake a nice brown in the oven; very little meat will do. Boiled Beefsteak Pudding. Two pounds of steak (the round), two sheep’s kidneys, one pound flour, six ounces beef suet, one teaspoonful baking pow- der, one dessertspoonful salt, half dessertspoonful pepper, half pint cold water, one dessertspoonful mushroom catsup, one des- sertspoonful "Worcestershire sauce. First mix well on a plate the salt and pepper, leaving out a little salt for the crust, cut the steak and kidney into inch square pieces, roll them on the plate until thoroughly seasoned, chop the suet fine, put it on a mixing board with the flour and baking powder and the remaining salt, knead all into a light dough with the cold water ; cut off a third part of the dough and reserve it for covering the pudding, roll the remainder until a quarter of an inch thick; grease a quart bowl and line it with the dough, put loosely into it the steak and kidney, pour over this the catsup and sauce, fill it within an inch of the top with cold water. The remainder of the crust should be rolled out the size of the bowl and put over it, pinched firmly together with the lining crust around the edge. Dip a towel in hot water, flour slightly, and tie it tightly over the top of the bowl ; put it into a large saucepan of boiling water and let it boil for two and a half hours. If it is to be served in the bowl, put a napkin round it and carry it to the table on a round china or silver plate. 48 MEATS Beefsteak Pudding. One and one-fourth pounds flour, half pound chopped suet, one teaspoonful of salt, two pounds of steak; salt and pepper to taste, a little water. Put the flour in a basin and mix it thor- oughly with some finely chopped suet, put in a good saltspoonful of salt, mix it to a paste with water, flour the paste board, the roller and your hands. Take out the lump of paste and roll it out about half an inch thick. Butter a round-bottomed pudding basin, line it with paste, turning a little over the edge, cut the steak into small' thin pieces, pepper and salt, then roll each piece with a little fat and parsley in each roll; lay them in the basin, pour over them a very little water. Roll out the rest of the paste, cover it over the top of the basin, pressing it down with the thumb. Tie the basin in a floured pudding cloth, and put it into a saucepan in a gallon of boiling water, keep it continually boil- ing for nearly two hours, occasionally adding a little more water. Beefsteak and Kidney Pudding. One pound rump steak, one beef kidney, pepper and salt, a little flour, chopped suet. Cut the steak and kidney into pieces about a quarter of an inch thick, season well with pepper and salt, and dredge a little flour over them. Lightly butter a round-bottomed pudding basin, roll out paste half inch thick, and line the basin, then put in the beef and kidney, pour in three or four tablespoonfuls of water, cover a piece of paste over the top, press it firmly together with your thumb, then tie the pudding basin in a floured cloth, and put it into a saucepan with about four quarts of water, keep it constantly boiling, add- ing more boiling water if required. When boiled take it up, untie the cloth, turn the pudding over on a dish, and take the basin carefully from it. Irish Stew. Two pounds neck of mutton, four onions, six potatoes, three pints of water and two tablespoonfuls of flour, salt and pepper. Cut the mutton into handsome pieces, put a little fat into the stew-pan with the onion, and stir eight or ten minutes over a hot fire, then put in the meat, set for two hours where it will sim- mer, add potatoes, peeled and cut in quarters, salt, pepper and the flour before serving. This is very nice made of cold roast MEATS 49 beef. When that is used boil up the bones and put the gravy from that with the stew, when the meat is cooked (half an hour is quite long enough for cooking it), some people like it seasoned with celery cut tine, a grated carrot and a slice or two of turnip cut into pieces. To Dress a Bullock’s Heart. One heart, veal stuffing, half pint rich gravy. Soak a bul- lock’s heart for three hours in warm water, remove the lobes, and stuff the inside with veal forcemeat, sew it securely in, bake in the oven, baste well, and serve with rich gravy poured around it, and currant jelly separately. Beef Olives. One and a half pounds of beef, cut very thin, trim off edges and fat, and cut in strips three inches wide and four long ; season well with pepper and salt, chop fine the trimmings and fat, add three tablespoonfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of pepper; mix thoroughly and spread on the strips of beef, roll, tie with twine and roll in flour. Cut in thin slices quarter pound of pork, fry brown, take out and put in the olives, fry brown, put them in a small saucepan that can be closely covered. To the remaining fat in the pan add one tablespoonful of flour and stir until per- fectly smooth and brown. Then pour in gradually one and a half pints of boiling water, stir for two or three minutes, season with salt and pepper and pour over the olives, cover the sauce- pan and let simmer two hours. Any kind of beef will do. Mock Duck. Mock duck is a particularly nice dish for luncheon. For a family of four, select a beefsteak weighing three-quarters of a pound, and free from loose fat or stringy pieces. Mix bread crumbs with salt, pepper and a little butter, chopped very fine. Moisten slightly and spread over the steak, half an inch in thickness, but not extending to the edges. Roll like jelly-cake and tie in three or four places with string. Place it in the oven for an hour, basting frequently, and it will come out nicely browned. Cut in slices and serve on a platter garnished with sprigs of parsley. 50 MEATS Savory Minced Collops. One and a quarter pounds round steak, minced fine, two ounces butter, one tablespoonful flour, one tablespoonful tomato catsup. Put the butter and flour into a stew-pan, and when it becomes a light brown stir in the meat, add nearly half a pint boiling water, also salt, pepper and catsup ; stew all together ten or twelve minutes. Serve very hot with strips of toast. Boiled Mutton. Lay the mutton in a pot and cover several inches deep with boiling water. Throw in a tablespoonful of salt, and cook twelve minutes to a pound. Dish the meat. Before taking up the mut- ton, make your sauce, using as a base a cupful of the liquor dip- ped from the pot. Proceed with this as you do with drawn but- ter sauce ; add two tablespoonfuls of capers if you have them. If not, the same quantity of chopped green pickle. Lamb Chops. G-rate plenty of stale bread, season with salt and pepper, have ready some well beaten egg, have a spider with hot lard ready, take the chops one by one, dip into the egg, then into the bread crumbs, repeat it, as it will be found an improvement, then lay separately into the boiling lard, fry brown, and then turn. To be eaten with currant jelly or grapecatsup. Corn meal or oat- meal may be used instead of bread crumbs. Croquettes. Any croquette may be varied by making them of different kinds of meat or of half rice and meat. A mince of one-quarter of the amount of mushrooms is an addition to any meat cro- quettes. Whatever the mince is, season it with salt and pepper and prepare the sauce. To a pint of the mince take a strong cup of veal or chicken stock — strong enough to be a firm jelly when cold. Melt a tea- spoonful of butter in a saucepan, add a scant tablespoonful of flour and gradually the chicken stock. Season with a little nut- meg if you wish, and let it boil ten minutes, stirring it con- tinually. Add half a bay-leaf, a sprig of parsley and a sprig of celery. Then set it on the back of the stove to cook very slowly MEATS 51 for three-quarters of an hour. We now have a sauce which will keep for a week in the ice-box, so that it is well enough to make three times this amount if you wish to make croquettes often. Add the beaten yolks of two eggs to the amount of sauce given, and a pint of minced meat. Stir the meat over the fire in the sauce for one minute. Pour it on a platter to become cold. It is better to have it stand over night. The minced substance will then have the appearance of being enveloped in a firm jelly and can be easily handled. If you wish to fry the croquettes in cut- let form, it will be necessary to have a cutlet mould to shape them. A bit of lobster claw is then stuck in the tip of each cut- let, to resemble the bone, when it is fried. Beef Croquettes. Mince fine enough lean cooked beef to make a pint when chop- ped. Season with a teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of pepper. Add a teaspoonful of grated onion and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix a tablespoonful of butter with a tablespoon- ful of flour, and add gradually a cup of beef broth, then the seasoned meat. Boil all the ingredients together for two min- utes, then add a beaten egg, stirring it in thoroughly, and pour out the croquette mixture on a plate. When it is cold, shape and dip in egg and bread crumbs and fry. Serve the croquettes with tomato sauce poured around them. Beef Croquettes. Chop bits of cold meat very fine; to one cupful of chopped meat, add half cup of cracker crumbs, one egg, pepper and salt, and a little sage; mix together with hot water or meat gravy, make into little cakes and fry in a hot buttered pan. Broiled Calf’s Liver and Bacon. A calf’s liver (or lamb’s) cut in thin slices, well blanched and daintily broiled, is a delicious breakfast dish, garnished with a few crisp slices of bacon. Choose a fine large liver, have it cut in slices not more than half an inch in thickness. Lay these pieces in cold water to blanch, for at least fifteen minutes. At the end of this time drain each piece of liver, dry it with a dish- towel,- dip it in melted butter after seasoning it with salt and peper, and dust it with flour. Broil it ten minutes over a clear 52 MEATS fire, being careful not to allow it to become charred on the sur- face. Turn the liver on a hot platter as soon as it is done, and in a hot iron frying pan or spider lay as many pieces of bacon as there are slices of liver. The bacon must be firm and ice-cold and cut in slices as thin as possible, so that it will crisp into little rolls as soon as it is tossed for a moment into the heated spider. Do not allow it to become hard, but take it up as soon as it is done. Lay a slice of bacon on each slice of liver, or put the bacon in a border around the platter containing the broiled liver. It can be fried as well as broiled. The bacon cooked first, and the liver in the bacon gravy. Mock Duck. Take a fresh calf’s liver and stuff with duck dressing; then put in pan, cover the liver with small pieces of bacon ; cook two hours, basting often. This is a very nice dish. Beef or Mutton Kidney. Beef or mutton kidneys can be served in two ways. In either case parboil them, changing the water three times, and adding to the last a small quantity of salt. Chop — not cut — fine and cook in cream enough to form a gravy, which must be thickened and a very small quantity of chopped parsley added. Halve the smaller kidneys, but not cutting entirely open ; beat a little but- ter in a dripping-pan until it smokes, put in the kidneys, turn- ing constantly until done. In France they are brought on the table strung on a silver skewer, the dish first being covered with parsley. A wooden one will answer, or they can be laid flat on the dish. Stewed Kidneys. Cut up the kidney into small pieces, taking off all the fat. Put a saucepan on with a good-sized piece of butter and flour. When this is blended put in your kidney and stir till nice and brown. Then add enough water to make a nice gravy; boil slowly for three hours, season with salt and pepper and catsup, and thicken the gravy with a little flour blended. If too thin, an onion put in while the kidney is boiling is an improvement, only take care not to leave it until it breaks up. MEATS 53 Toad in the Hole. Make a batter of six ounces of flour, one pint milk, three eggs, a little butter. Butter a baking dish and pour in the bat- ter; place m this sliced kidney (seasoned) or instead oysters or mushrooms. Bake about one hour. Cold meat may also be used. Tripe. Wash it thoroughly, boil for five or six hours (in salted water), or until quite tender; it will keep for days, and is now ready to be prepared in different ways. Tripe and Onions. Boil the onions in three waters, when tender drain, cover with milk, add a little butter, salt and pepper; cut the tripe in squares, put with the onions, boil for a few minutes, thicken with a little flour, and serve. Tripe and Oysters. Cut cold boiled tripe in neat squares, put in pan with milk, a little butter and seasoning, boil for a few minutes, add oysters ; allow them to heat thoroughly, and serve. Tripe Lyonnaise. Put a tablespoonful of butter in pan, add one tablespoonful of chopped onions and fry a delicate brown, now add the tripe, with a little parsley, a little good vinegar, salt and pepper, keep stirring while on the fire. Serve, cover the bottom of platter with tomato sauce, add contents of pan, and serve hot. Calf’s Brain Fried. Put the brains in salted cold water, allow them to remain for an hour or two, then rinse thoroughly, removing the outer covering and the discolored parts. Now boil them for twenty minutes and drain ; cut in size you wish, roll in egg and cracker crumbs (in which salt and pepper has been added), cook in boiling lard, and serve hot. 54 MEATS Curried Calf’s Brain. Prepare the same as for frying. Make your curry as fol- lows : Take one onion, skin it, put in pan with boiling water and a little soda, boil up and drain, put on the tire again, cover with water, add a few slices of a tart apple, cook for twenty minutes ; prepare one spoonful of flour, one teaspoonful curry powder, salt and pepper to taste, moisten with water, add to the onion and allow to boil a few moments, then add the brains, heat thor- oughly, and serve on hot platter, heap boiled rice around it. Calf’s Brain Croquette. Prepare as for frying. Mince the brains, add the yolk of an egg, a little parsley, salt, pepper and a heaping spoonful of bread crumbs, make into small balls, roll in the white of the egg (which has been slightly beaten), roll in cracker crumbs, cook in boiling lard. Roast Veal. Roast veal must be cooked twice as long as beef or mutton, and very w r ell basted, the flesh being fibrous and dry. To the made gravy add two teaspoonfuls of stewed and strained tomato, or one tablespoonful of tomato catsup, and cook one minute before pouring into the gravy-boat. Fillet of Veal. Take a loin of veal, the bones being removed, make a stuffing the same as for roast turkey; fill the flat with the stuffing, and secure it firmly on the loin ; rub the veal with salt, pepper and a little butter ; put it into a pan with a little water. While roast- ing, baste frequently, letting it cook until thoroughly done, allowing two hours for a roast weighing six to eight pounds. When done remove the threads before sending to the table. Thicken the gravy with a little flour. Veal Cutlets. Cut in nice pieces, season, dip in egg, then in bread crumbs, with a little lemon and parsley chopped fine. Have plenty of grease in your hot pan; fry brown on one side, then turn over. Make a rich brown gravy in another vessel and serve. Garnish with parsley and lemon. Season with salt and pepper. MEATS 55 Veal Cutlets. Take one egg and beat it a little, roll the cutlet in it, then cover it with rolled crackers. Have a lump of butter and lard mixed hot in the skillet, put in the meat and cook slowly. When nicely browned on both sides, stir in one tablespoonful of flour for gravy ; add half a pint of sweet milk, and let it come to a boil. Season to taste and pour over the meat, or serve separately, as preferred. Fricassee of Veal with Celery. Chop a large onion fine and fry in butter until it is light brown, then take part of a breast of veal, cut the meat into nice sized pieces and lay them in the butter and onion. When all has fried gently together for a few minutes pour in some boil- ing water until the meat is half covered, add two or three sticks of celery, cut into small pieces, season to taste with salt and pepper, and cook slowly for two hours. Before serving have the gravy slightly thickened. Asparagus heads instead of celery are very nice. A Nice Breakfast Dish. Cut slices from the breast of a cold fowl (cold veal or any other white meat may be used). Dip in beaten egg and then in cracker dust, fry to a nice brown in butter or beef drippings. Cut slices of stale bread in quarters, dip quickly in cold water, then in the beaten egg, dust with the cracker and fry the same as the meat. Send to the table on the same or separate dishes, as preferred. Garnish the meats with bits of parsley. Veal Loaf. One and a half pounds raw veal chopped fine, add a little bacon, one dessertspoonful salt, one dessertspoonful pepper, six dessertspoonfuls of rolled biscuit, two dessertspoonfuls melted butter, one-fourth nutmeg (grated), two eggs beaten well, mix all together and mould into a loaf. Sprinkle biscuit crumbs on top and bake one and a half hours. Veal Cake. A few slices of cold roast veal, a few slices of cold ham, two hard-boiled eggs, two tablespoonfuls of minced parsley, a little pepper or good gravy. Cut off all the brown outside from the 56 MEATS veal, and cut the eggs into slices. Procure a pretty mould, lay veal, ham, eggs and parsley in layers with a little pepper be- tween each, and when the mould is full get some strong stock and fill up the shape. Bake for half an hour and when cold turn it out. Veal Collops. Veal collops are prepared from a cold roast fillet or any cold meat. Cut these collops in neat slices half an inch thick and about two inches wide. Flatten them with the potato beetle, after freeing them from gristle and fat, and toss them in a frying pan in a little hot butter till brown on both sides. Stir a teaspoonful of flour in the butter in the saucepan after taking up the collops. Add a cup and a half of brown gravy and a little minced parsley if you wish. Let the gravy boil up for five minutes and pour the sauce over the fried collops, buttering each one slightly before doing so. Serve them at once very hot. Veal Cheese. Four pounds of veal, two slices of salt pork, both finely minced, four soda biscuits rolled, two eggs beaten, flavor with thyme, nutmeg, pepper and salt. With the hands mix well together, mould in a bowl, then turn out into a baking pan, shape in a round form; put the white of an egg over it, dust it with bread crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven about two hours ; put a piece of butter on top of bread crumbs. Potted Veal. Take the remains of cold veal and slice nicely, taking off all brown parts and gristle ; then boil the bones with a little water for about half an hour, about ten minutes before taking off the fire, add a little salt and mace, also a small quantity of gelatine. Peel a lemon, slice it very thin, taking out the seeds; then line a mould with alternate slices of lemon and hard-boiled egg ; then add the veal, and pour liquid over. Should be set on ice. Veal Patties. Take some cold veal, chop fine. Fry about a cupful bread crumbs in a little butter, mix the meat, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add a wine glass of white wine and a little sherry. MEATS 57 Make a dough as for biscuit but not quite so rich, roll as for pies, put teaspoonfuls of the meat about two inches apart on the half of your dough, fold the other half over, press it down firmly between each part and cut apart with your pastry wheel. Fry in lard. They are nice with any dinner. Calf’s Head. Boil head till it falls to pieces, separate meat from the bones, lay the brains in a dish and return remainder to water in which head was boiled, let it cook one hour, season with salt, pepper and savory. Just before serving thicken with flour and butter, add the brains, garnish with lemons sliced and hard-boiled eggs. Potted Meat, Beef, Veal, Chicken or Venison. Cold meat, butter, pepper, ground mace, salt, ground cloves. Cut the meat into small pieces and put it through a sausage machine. Then add butter, pepper, a little ground mace, salt and ground cloves according to taste. Squeeze this all well through your hands, so as to thoroughly mix the ingredients, then pack tightly into moulds. Butter sufficient to make it moist. Potato Puffs. Take some cold beef minced fine, season with pepper and salt. Then have some mashed potatoes. Make the potatoes into a paste by adding one egg beaten up, and roll out, adding a little flour. Cut with a saucer, put in a little meat, and fold up and fry in butter or lard until a nice brown. Beef Loaf. Three and a half pounds beef minced fine and uncooked, four large crackers crushed fine, one egg, one cup milk, butter size of an egg, one tablespoonful salt, one tablespoonful pepper, mix in shape of loaf, bake in slow oven two and a half hours, basting often. Eaten cold. Beef Loaf. One pound round steak chopped, half a pound pork steak chopped, one egg, one and a half soda biscuits, salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly, press in pan and bake one-half hour. 58 MEATS Jellied Shank. Cook a shank of beef until all the bones drop out, boil until there is left about one quart water, season with salt and pepper, also a little nutmeg if desired. Put all into one vessel and set away until cold. Ham or Tongue on Toast. Take cold boiled ham or tongue, chop fine, mix with a little cream or new milk and a little cayenne pepper; to every half- pint of the mixture allow one egg well beaten ; mix all together, place over the fire, and let simmer for a few minutes; be careful not to let it burn; have ready some hot buttered toast, pour on the mixture and serve hot. Ham Toast. Chop some lean ham fine, put it in a pan with a little pepper, a lump of butter, and two eggs beaten. When well warmed, spread on toast. Ham Balls. Take one-half cupful of bread crumbs and mix with two eggs well beaten, chop fine some cold ham and mix all together. Make into balls and fry. Boiled Corned Beef. Lay in clean cold water for five or six hours when you have washed off all the salt. Wipe and put it into a pot and cover deep in cold water. Boil gently twenty-five minutes per pound. When done, take the pot from the fire and set in the sink with the meat in it, while you make the sauce. Strain a large cupful of the liquor into a saucepan and set it over the fire. Wet a tablespoonful of flour with cold water, and when the liquor boils stir it in with a great spoonful of butter. Beat it smooth before adding the juice of a lemon. Serve in a gravy-dish. Take up the beef, letting all the liquor drain from it, and send in on a hot platter. (Save the pot liquor for bean soup.) MEATS 59 Boiled Ham. •Soak in cold water over night a small ham, weighing about seven pounds. In the morning take it out, wipe it and put it over the tire in a saucepan, covering it with fresh cold water. Let it boil slowly for about three hours; then remove the skin and sprinkle it with a little sugar, make a few incisions on the surface and cover it lightly with tine bread crumbs, sprinkling a little white pepper over it. Set it in an oven and bake till well browned. It may be served at once, but is considered by many to be in prime condition when it is sliced in delicate slices after it is thoroughly cold. Leave the ham in the water in which it has been boiled till cold. Ham Patties. One pint of ham cooked and chopped with two parts bread crumbs wet with milk, put batter in gem pans, break one egg over each, sprinkle top thickly with cracker crumbs, and bake until brown. How to Preserve Ham. Cut the ham in slices as usual for frying, then fry it a little and pack in a stone jar and cover with melted lard to keep the air from it. When you wish it for the table take out the neces- sary amount anl cook as usual. In this way ham can be kept sweet through the warmest weather. To prevent ham from get- ting mouldy dip a cloth in vinegar and wrap round it. Spiced Mutton. A fat, good-sized leg of mutton should be selected for this purpose, at least a month before it is to be cooked. Trim the leg, rub it with vinegar and spices, using a tablespoonful of cinnamon, a tablespoonful of ginger and a teaspoonful of cloves. Rub the meat till it is smooth. Rub in a tablespoonful of salt and dust it with flour. Hang the mutton in a place where the temperature is equable and as cold as it possibly can be and remain above the freezing point. A cold cellar is usually the best place. Eub the meat once a week till you are ready to use it ; then rinse it off and lay it on a rack in a dripping-pan apd thoroughly season it with salt and pepper, and dredge it with flour. Put it in a hot oven and roast it till it is done, but is rare 60 MEATS enough for the red juice of the meat to follow the knife when it is cut. A good-sized leg of mutton will require one hour and a quarter to cook. After it has been in the oven ten minutes, and the flour scattered in the pan when the meat was dredged begins to brown, pour a pint of boiling water in the pan and in five minutes baste the meat with this water, seasoning it a little with salt and pepper and dredging it lightly with flour. Repeat this basting every fifteen minutes until the meat is done. Take up the meat and serve it with a brown gravy made of the drip- pings in the pan, to which boiling water is added and flour for thickening and seasoning. Just before taking up the gravy add three large tablespoonfuls of red currant jelly, broken up in bits, and serve it at once in a gravy boat with the mutton. A dish of white onions, with cream sauce, roasted sweet potatoes and celery, dressed as a salad, with mayonnaise dressing, should be served with such a dish of mutton. Pork. Pork should only be used in cold weather, and should be used with apple sauce. Pork chop may be used with fried apples, sliced and fried in the gravy after the chop is cooked. The ordinary way of cooking pork is to either boil or fry it. Slices of salt pork dipped in pancake batter and fried to a rich brown in hot lard make a nice change. Baked Pork and Beans. Soak one quart of pea beans in cold water over night. In the morning put them into fresh cold water, and simmer till soft enough to pierce with a pin, being careful not to let them boil enough to break. If you like, boil one onion with them. When soft, turn them into a colander and pour cold water through them. Place them with the onion in a bean-pot. Pour boiling water over one-quarter of a pound of salt pork, part fat and part lean; scrape the rind till white. Cut the rind in half-inch strips ; bury the pork in the beans, leaving only the rind exposed. Mix one teaspoonful of salt — more, if the pork is not very salt — and one teasooonful of mustard with one-quarter of a cup of molasses. Pill the cup with hot water, and when well mixed pour it over the beans: add enough more water to cover them. Keep them covered with water until the last hour; then lift the pork to the surface and let it crisp. Bake eight MEATS 61 hours in a moderate oven. Use more salt and one-third of a cup of butter if you dislike pork, or use half a pound of fat and lean corned beef. The mustard gives the beans a delicious flavor, and also renders them more wholesome. Many add a teaspoonful of soda to the water in which the beans are boiled, to destroy the acid in the skin of the beans. Yellow-eyed beans and Lima beans are also good when baked. English Pork-Pie. Make a pie-crust, not very rich, and put around the sides of a deep pie-dish. In the bottom, and above, put layers of thin sliced bacon, thin sliced potatoes, onions chopped or sliced very fine, lean fresh pork cut into small pieces. Season with pepper, salt and sage. Fill the dish with any good gravy left from roasts, or with water thickened for the occasion, with some butter added. Cover with crust, and bake about one and a half hours. Cover the pie with thick brown paper if it gets too brown. Sweet-Breads. Sweet-breads, egg, bread crumbs, butter and lard. Parboil the sweet-breads in boiling water for five minutes and take off the skin, then take out and put in cold water. When quite cold cut in slices, not too thin, and roll in egg, bread crumbs and parsley, fry in butter and lard (more lard than butter) for twenty minutes, when a nice brown take out of the pan, put more butter in the gravy and a little milk and enough corn starch to make as thick as cream. The sweet-breads of the calf are best. Sweet-Breads. Yeal sweet-breads are the best ; get them fresh, as they spoil very soon; wash them and remove any skin or pipes that may adhere, put to soak for two or three hours in cold, slightly salted water ; then parboil twenty minutes, or until tender, throw into cold water for ten minutes to whiten them, and set in a cool place. When ready to cook them, dip into beaten egg, then into cracker dust, and fry in hot butter or beef drippings. Many cooks lard sweet-breads, but I do not think they are at all im- proved by it. Half a pint of stewed mushrooms poured over fried sweet-breads is a very great improvement, though the sweet-breads are very delicious by themselves. 62 MEATS Creamed Sweet-Breads. After parboiling the sweet-breads, remove all skin, and put them into a saucepan with some milk or half milk and cream, add little rind of lemon, pepper and salt, a little butter ; bring to a boil, and thicken with flour well blended. Sweet-Breads Fried. Wash in salt and water, parboil, cut into pieces the size of a large oyster. Season, dip in rolled cracker crumbs and fry a light brown in lard and butter. To Curry Sweet-Breads. Two sweet-breads, three pints of veal gravy, one onion, a tablespoonful vinegar, one lemon, a tablespoonful curry powder, two ounces butter. Have ready some good veal gravy ; add the fried onion, vinegar, juice of lemon and curry powder; salt to taste ; rub two ounces butter into enough flour to make the gravy a proper thickness. Cut up the sweet-breads into pieces about two inches square, stew them gently in the gravy till sufficiently cooked, and serve. Sweet-Bread Croquettes. To make sweet-bread croquettes, chop four blanched sweet- breads into small pieces, add six mushrooms if you have them, also chopped fine. The brains of a calf washed and boiled five minutes are a nice addition ; add also a cupful of any nice white stock or gravy and a tablespoonful of corn starch, and let the ingredients cook together slowly for ten minutes, stirring them constantly; then add half a wine-glass of cream, the yolks of two eggs, salt, pepper and a mere grating of nutmeg. Stir this mixture for two minutes over the fire, then turn it out on a flat platter to cool. When it is perfectly cold divide it into six parts. Shape each part into a little cylinder ; roll it first lightly in fine bread crumbs, then egg it with the beaten yolk of an egg, and finally roll it in bread crumbs again. Lay the croquettes in a wire frying basket, being sure they do not touch, and plunge them into boiling fat for about three minutes. Serve them with cream or tomato sauce. MEATS 63 Baked Sweet-Breads. Parboil the sweet-breads, dip in a beaten egg and roll in bread crumbs, put very small pieces of butter over them and bake for half hour, sprinkling with pepper and salt. Rissoles. A rissole is a delicate preparation of meat that is almost as easily made as a fritter. Take the trimmings left from the pies. Roll these out in a thin sheet, considerably less than a quarter of an inch thick. Cut it into circles with a cake cutter, about three inches in diameter. Put a tablespoonful of minced meat, fowl or fish, seasoned and prepared in the same way as for croquettes. Fold one half the circles over the other, pinching the edges together so as to enclose the mince, brush all parts of the rissole with the yolk of an egg. This should be done as carefully as if for croquettes. Fry the rissole in boiling hot fat for about six or eight minutes. Serve at once. Vegetable Marrow Rissoles. One or two large vegetable marrows, some well-seasoned minced beef. Pare the marrows very thin, cut them across each end, scoop out the seeds, and fill the centre with well-seasoned minced beef ; put them in a baking pan, and bake until the mar- rows are a nice brown. Serve with tomato sauce poured over the marrows. For Garnishing Tongue and Cold Meat Dishes. Nasturtium leaves, smilax, lettuce leaves, beets and carrots cut into shapes resembling flowers. Parsley is now used, a deep border being placed around the dish. Watercress is also used, and sprigs of it are sometimes put with beefsteak. Beet leaves of a deep purple make a very rich garnish. To Boil Tongue. A pickled tongue should be put on with hot water and boiled very slowly five or six hours, or until the skin comes off easily. Leave it in the water in which it is boiled until it cools. Put it into a mould ; place a weight on top of it. A smoked tongue should be soaked over night and boiled two hours longer. A fresh tongue should be boiled, with a good handful of salt, as long as a pickled tongue. 64 MEATS Jellied Tongue. One cup liquor in which the tongue was cooked, two cups good stock, one-half box gelatine, one gill cold water, one cup of boiling water, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, one glass sherry, a cold boiled tongue sliced. Soak the gelatine in cold water for two hours, pour over it the boiling water, the stock, the tongue liquor heated. Flavor the jelly with the vinegar, the sherry, pepper and salt, strain through a cloth. When the jelly begins to harden pour a little into a brick-shaped mould (first wet the mould with cold water), arrange slices of tongue on this, then jelly, until your mould is full, have the jelly the last. Garnish with nasturtium leaves. Jellied Tongue. Take a fresh tongue, trim it and put on to stew with plenty of water, a small handful of salt and a tablespoonful of brown sugar. Stew with it a shank of veal or a piece of a shank of beef. When all is nice and soft add some pepper, and more ( salt if needed, or any seasoning liked. Put it in a mould and pour over it the liquor it was boiled in. If the tongue is done before the shank, take it out and let the shank boil longer, Pickle for Meat. Eight pounds of salt, four ounces of saltpetre, one pound ]brown sugar, four gallons of water. Boil for twenty minutes; pour over the meat when cool. To Corn Beef or Tongue. To each gallon of cold water put one quart of rock salt, one ounce of saltpetre and four ounces of brown sugar. (It need not be boiled.) As long as any salt remains undissolved the pieat will be sweet. If any scum should rise, scald and skim well. Add more salt, saltpetre and sugar. Put a flat stone or some weight on the meat to keep it under the 1 brine. To Corn Beef. Rub twelve pounds of a round of beef with half a pound of coarse sugar. Let it stand for two days, turning it two or three times. Pound together a large teaspoonful of mace, a teaspoon- MEATS 65 ful of black pepper, two of cloves, a half teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, an ounce of saltpetre, one small nutmeg and two ounces of juniper berries. Mix this with a teaspoonful of sugar and yub it thoroughly into the meat on all sides, and let it stand for three days. Then rub half a pound of fine salt into the meat. Let it stand for twelve days, rubbing and turning the meat daily. Corned Beef. To preserve one hundred pounds of beef, seven pounds salt, two ounces saltpetre, two tablespoonfuls of soda, one pound sugar, one-half ounce cayenne pepper, four gallons water, boil and let get cold. Put in the beef with very little salt between; pour over the brine, and put on a weight to keep covered. Do not put in the cayenne until you take the brine off the stove. To Cook Corned Beef. It is then ready to cook, or it may be dried, if you please, like the tongue. If it is to be cooked, wash it, but do not soak it. Lay it in a pot that just fits it, and pour over it a quart and a half beef-stock or water. When it begins to boil, skim well, add a small onion, a carrot, pieces of parsley and a bay leaf. Let jt simmer gently for four and a half hours, being careful that it .does not boil down in the pot and burn. This is really a roast in the pot. Let it get cold in the liquid it was cooked in, then putting it in the press, pressing it without removing it from the liquid in the pot. Let it be pressed for twelve hours, and serve it sliced cold for tea. To Pickle Tongue. For four tongues of about three pounds or so each, one and a half gallons of soft water, three and a quarter pounds of salt, ten ounces coarse brown sugar, two ounces saltpetre, three ounces black pepper. You can put two gallons of water if you wish. .Salt the tongues, boil the pickle, let it cool, then lay the tongues jn for a month, turning upside down occasionally. In a month take out, wipe dry, tie in brown paper. Your butcher will smoke them for you. When you want to cook one, soak first. To each .tongue add six ounces of salt, two ounces of bay salt, cloves, mace, allspice to taste. 66 MEATS Spiced Beef. Round of steak twenty-five pounds, take three ounces salt- petre, one and half pounds of sugar (best brown), one ounce of cloves, one ounce of allspice, one teacupful of salt; beat all the spices together, and rub well into the beef, adding lastly one tablespoonful of cayenne pepper. Lay on a platter, and turn every day for three weeks, then wash thoroughly and roast from four to five hours. To keep the beef moist while in the oven, make a batter of flour and water and spread over the top. Mint Sauce. Two tablespoonfuls of green mint, one of pounded sugar, a quarter pint vinegar. For lamb only mint sauce is proper. Horse-Radish Sauce. Four tablespoonfuls of grated horse-radish, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper (white), two teaspoonfuls of made mustard, vinegar. Mix the horse-radish well with the ^alt, pepper and mustard, moisten with sufficient vinegar to give it the consistency of cream and serve in a tureen. Two or three tablespoonfuls of cream added to the above very much im- proves the appearance and flavor of this sauce. To heat it to serve with hot roast beef put it in a jar, which place in a sauce- pan of boiling water ; make it hot, but do not allow it to boil, or it will curdle. Anchovy Paste. Four tablespoonfuls of essence of anchovy, five tablespoon- fuls of good butter (melted), a little cayenne pepper. Beat all well together with a spoon until it gets thick, then put it into a jar for use. Curry. Two pounds of meat, two large onions, two tablespoonfuls butter, one teaspoonful brown sugar. Cut up your onions and put them into a frying pan with the butter and sugar, let them fry until a nice yellow color. Cut up your meat about an inch square, put into the pan, put in two dessertspoonfuls of dry MEATS 67 curry powder and stir two or three minutes, then add one and a Jialf cups of milk, let that simmer about one-half of an hour, £,dd another one and a half cups of milk, and let it simmer ^lowly two and a half hours for beef (less time for mutton and chicken). Have your rice boiled to put round. For common use, one small carrot cut up is nice with the meat. If made of cold meat add beef gravy, which improves it very much. VEGETABLES The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like a potato, the ouly good belonging to him is underground. — Overbury. Cooking Terms Shortly Explained. To “scald“ milk is to bring it nearly to the boil, but not quite. To “parboil” is to half cook in boiling water. To “bind” a mixture is to make it moist with egg, so that it will hold together and not crumble. To “core” an apple or pear is to remove the heart, which can be done when whole by a corer or in quarters by a knife. To “break flour” is to stir gradually into it cold liquid until it is a smooth paste. To “burst rice” is to put it on to boil in cold water; when boiling the grains of starch burst. Vegetables. Boil fresh young vegetables in hard water; a little salt will harden the water at once. Boil dried vegetables in soft water ; a little baking soda will soften water, and is useful in freshening and making tender green vegetables that are a little old or not wholly fresh. A little sugar is an improvement to beets, turnips and squash. Cabbage, turnips, carrots, parsnips and beets are good boiled with fresh meats. When vegetables are served with salt meats, they are good boiled in the liquor in which the meat has been cooked; take out the meat when done; then cook the vegetables. Underdone vegetables are unpardonable. ( 68 ) VEGETABLES 69 Put old potatoes on to boil in cold water, and new potatoes in boiling water. Vegetables which have been a little touched by frost can be recovered by soaking in cold water. Papas Kellenas. Boil potatoes with skins, then peel, cut in two and scoop out with a spoon, being careful not to break them; take what you have taken out and mix with butter, then fill your potatoes with this, and put two halves together to form a whole potato ; take ,a tablespoonful of flour and add enough water to moisten it, then add an egg and a little salt, beat this together, then roll each of the potatoes in this and fry in hot lard. To Cook Potatoes. Select of nearly equal size, cut out the eyes and put in pot with cold water to cover them, put in a good handful of salt. Boil until with a fork you ascertain they are sufficiently done. They should be slightly hard at centre, pour off the water and sprinkle a handful of salt on top, shaking the pot so as to allow some of the salt to pass down among the potatoes; replace the pot on fire with the lid closed until the potatoes are found to be soft at centre, then take off the lid to allow the steam to pass off. Then serve immediately. Scalloped Potatoes. Slice raw potatoes, then place them in a baking dish, season- ing each layer with salt, pepper, bits of butter and a dust of flour until the dish is nearly full ; fill up with milk. Bake one hour until the potatoes are creamy. Saratoga Chips. Pare and cut some potatoes very thin ; put into a pail of ice- cold water, and let them stay until the ends curl up, then dry them with a towel, and cook them in hot lard until brown ; sprinkle a little salt over them. 70 VEGETABLES Drying Baked Potatoes. Baked potatoes must be eaten as soon as they are done. When they are taken from the oven they should be put into a napkin or towel and the skin broken so as to allow the steam to escape ; this will keep the potato mealy. If the boiled potatoes are done a little too soon lay a towel over the kettle or dish, but do not put a tight cover over them. Potato Puff. Take two cupfuls cold mashed potato, two eggs, butter, cream or milk; stir into the potato two tablespoonfuls melted butter, beating to a white cream before adding anything else. Put with this two eggs whipped very light, and a teacupful of cream or milk, salting to taste. Beat all well, pour into a deep dish, and bake in quick oven until it is nicely browned. If properly mixed it will come out of the oven light, puffy and delectable. Hashed Potatoes. Take six cold boiled new potatoes, mince them and season them with salt and pepper, adding a little milk, or a little stock, as you prefer. A scant half cupful of liquid is generally sufficient. Melt a tablespoonful of butter in an omelet pan, and when the pan is very hot pour in the potatoes. Spread them evenly, and set them a little back on the stove or in the oven, well covered to brown. When they are a golden brown on the bottom, fold them over like an omelet and serve. The addition of a little parsley minced, or a teaspoonful of onion, gives a new zest to this dish. Potato Rolls. Five large potatoes mashed while warm; add one quart of flour, salt to season, one teacupful milk; stir until light; make into rolls ; let stand two hours, then bake. Lyonnaise Potatoes. One quart cold boiled potatoes, three tablespoonfuls butter, one chopped onion, chopped parsley, salt, pepper. Cut the potatoes into dice, and season them with salt and pepper, fry VEGETABLES 71 one tablespoonful of onion in the butter, and when they turn yellow add the potatoes; stir with a fork, being careful not to break them. "When hot add the parsley and cook two minutes longer; serve immediately on a hot dish. Potato Fritters. Boil and peel six large potatoes, mash them well and add four well beaten eggs, a little cream or milk, chopped parsley (onions if preferred) , salt and pepper and mix the whole together. Raise on "the point of a knife about a teaspoonful of this batter and drop it into a pan of boiling lard or butter, when the paste will swell and form a light, round fritter. Fried Sweet Potatoes. Parboil large potatoes, peel, cut lengthwise in slices, and fry in boiling lard. They may be fried without boiling, but require longer time and more butter or lard. Boiled Onions. Remove the outer layers until you reach the sleek, silvery, crisp skins. Cook in plenty of boiling salted water until tender. Forty minutes should be sufficient, unless the onions are very old and large. Turn off all the water ; add a cupful from the tea- kettle with one of warm milk, and stew gently ten minutes. Heat meanwhile, in a saucepan, half a cupful of milk with a large tablespoonful of butter. Drain the onions in a hot clean colan- der turn them into a heated dish, salt and pepper lightly, an pour the boiling milk and butter over them. Onions cooked thus are not nearly so rank of flavor as when, boiled in but one water. Baked Onions. Wash but do not peel the onions, boil one hour in boding water, slightly salt, changing the water twice m the time. When tender drain on a cloth and roll each m buttered tissue paper twisted at the top, and bake an hour in a slow oven. 1 eel and brown them. Serve with melted butter. 72 VEGETABLES Beets. Wash well, taking care not to scratch the skin, as they will “bleed” while cooking if thus cut or broken. Cook in boiling water an hour and a half if young, three, four or five hours as their age increases. Drain, scrape off the skins, slice quickly with a sharp knife ; put into a vegetable dish, and pour over them half a cupful of vinegar, with two tablespoonfuls of butter heated to boiling, and a little salt and pepper. Let them stand three minutes covered in a warm place before serving. Beets Used as a Vegetable. Beets, butter, pepper and salt. Take young beets, wash and boil them whole for two hours, or until' they are soft, then slice and season with pepper, salt and a little butter. Beets. Cook beets until very tender, peel and mash them fine while hot; mix with an equal quantity of mashed potato, and season with pepper, salt and a generous supply of butter. Parsnips. Parsnips should be washed in the same way as beets. They can then be cut in thin slices and stewed, adding butter, salt, pepper and cream as seasoning; or they can be parboiled, and then dipped in egg and bread crumbs, and fried brown, on both sides, in butter. For the latter method they should be cut in slices one-quarter inch thick, either round or lengthwise, as pre- ferred. Green Peas. Shell and leave in very cold water fifteen minutes. Cook in plenty of boiling, salted water. They should be done in half an hour. Shake gently in a hot colander to get rid of the water ; turn into a heated deep dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and stir in fast and lightly with a fork two tablespoonfuls of butter. Eat while hot. VEGETABLES 73 Squash. Pare, quarter, take out the seeds, and lay in cold water for an hour. Boil in hot salted water thirty minutes for summer squash ; twice as long if the “Hubbard” or other varieties of winter squash are used. Take up piece by piece, and squeeze gently in a clean cloth, put back into the empty dried pot, and mash quickly and smoothly with a wooden spoon. Stir in a heaping tablespoonful of butter for one large squash, or two small ones. Season with pepper and salt; heat and stir till smoking hot, then dish and serve. Egg Plant. Slice it crosswise, and about an inch thick; lay in strong salt water for one hour with a plate on the top slice to keep it under the brine. This will draw out the bitter taste. Put a cupful of pounded crackers into a flat dish and season with salt and pepper. Beat the yolks of two eggs into a shallow bowl. Wipe each slice of the egg plant dry, dip it in the egg, and roll it over and over in the crumbs. Have ready heated in a frying pan some sweet lard, and fry the vegetables in it to a fine brown. As each slice is done, lay it in a hot colander set in the open oven, that every drop of grease may be dried off. Serve on a hot platter. Boiled Cauliflower. Remove the flower carefully ; examine closely to see that there are no insects; wash and allow to stand for a short time in cold water. Put into salted boiling water and cook until tender; drain, and serve hot with a little melted butter or white sauce poured over it. If only melted butter is used for dressing, pass the vinegar when serving, or the juice of a lemon. Baked Cauliflower. After being washed in cold salted water, the cauliflower can be put over the fire in salted boiling water, boiled only until tender, without being broken, and then transferred to a baking dish, covered with cream sauce, dusted over with bread crumbs, and dotted with butter ; season the crumbs with salt and pepper, and then brown the surface in the oven. 74 VEGETABLES Cauliflower with Sauce. Plunge a head of cauliflower into cold salt water several times ; boil twenty minutes in hot salt water ; drain, melt a piece of butter the size of an egg, stir in smoothly one tablespoonful of flour, add one gill of milk, half teacup of cream, two table- spoonfuls of grated cheese, salt and pepper ; pour over the cauli- flower, sprinkle over a few browned, buttered bread crumbs, and serve. To Boil Cabbage. To boil cabbage, cut the heads in squares, taking, out the stalks inside. Treat it like cauliflower, cleansing it. Boil it in broth — that obtained from pork is the best; for cabbage needs plenty of fat to make it digestible. The most economical way is to stew it with some ribs of pork, covering both meat and cabbage with boiling water, and cooking them gently for two hours, allowing the water gradually to be absorbed and serving the pork on top of the cabbage. Ladies’ Cabbage. One firm white cabbage, two eggs, one tablespoonful butter, three tablespoonfuls cream; salt and pepper to taste. Boil the cabbage fifteen minutes, change the water and boil again. When tender drain and set aside to cool. Chop fine and add two beaten eggs, butter, cream, pepper and salt. Stir all together, bake in a buttered pudding dish until brown. Eat hot. Hot Slaw. Slice very fine a firm white cabbage and sprinkle lightly with pepper and salt. Meanwhile mix together in a saucepan a piece of butter the size of an egg -with half cupful vinegar moderately strong. Put these over the fire and heat. Mix together two raw eggs, a small cupful of rich milk (or better, cream) and half cupful sugar. Stir these slowly into the heated vinegar, to which the cabbage must now be added until it is well scalded. It should be tender and heated through and through. vegetables 75 Cabbage a la Francaise. A large cabbage, slice of bacon, sprig of thyme, two carrots, one bay leaf, some gravy, pepper and salt, mince meat or force- meat. Take off the outer leaves and cut off the stalk of a fine cabbage ; scald it in hot water for ten minutes ; make a hole in the side of the stalk, and fill it and put between each leaf minced beef or forcemeat; bind it round neatly and stand it in a stew- pan with some gravy, a slice of bacon, thyme, the bay leaf and the carrots. Let all stew gently, and when done place the cab- bage on a dish, untie the string, and pour the strained gravy around it. Garnish with carrots and turnips, and serve very hot. To Stew Carrots. To stew them, scrape and clean them well, cut them either into little wheels or narrow strips, put them into boiling water, barely enough to cover them, and add a piece of butter as soon as they begin to boil up. Allow the liquid to soak in gradually. They will be done in an hour’s time, if young. Boiled Turnips. Turnips should always be pared, and boiled from forty min- utes to one hour. Season with pepper, butter, salt, and mash fine. Browned Turnips. Pare the turnips, cut in slices, and boil thirty minutes, drain, put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a frying pan, let heat, and put in the turnips with a tablespoonful of sugar; stir and turn until the slices are browned ; dust with salt and pepper, and serve. Scalloped Turnips. Cut them into slices, stew them in water, adding a little butter and salt. When tender draw off what liquid is left and use it for sauce, which you make of a heaped teaspoonful of flour and the same of butter. Now butter a dish, put in a layer of the sliced turnips, dust with pepper and spread some of the sauce over it, then another layer of turnips, and so on until they 76 VEGETABLES are used up. Dust some grated Parmesan cheese over the top and put flakes of butter here and there. Bake in oven until light brown, and serve in the same dish. Bread crumbs may be used instead of cheese. Boiled Asparagus. 1. To boil asparagus, shave off the hard outside and cut away the woody lower part, rinse in cold water, tie them together in dozens and put them in plenty of boiling water, slightly salted. They ought to be done in twenty minutes. They get hard if left boiling too long. Remove the strings after they are placed on the dish they are to be served in. Have with them some melted butter. 2. Wash and cut the tender stalks into inch-long pieces; put to cook in just enough salted boiling water to cover. When tender, add a cup of cream or milk (if you use milk, a good- sized piece of butter), and a little white pepper. Have some slices of buttered toast in a tureen, pour the asparagus over it, and serve in small dishes, giving to each person a piece of the toast, upon which put the sliced asparagus with a spoonful or two of the liquor. If preferred, the toast can be omitted, but it is a decided improvement to the dish. Spinach. Look over each leaf carefully, rejecting the wilted or dis- colored ones. Wash thoroughly, changing the water until satis- fied the grit is all removed, then allow it to lie for a while in cold water. Put into salted boiling water and boil from twenty to thirty minutes. Drain, cut into coarse pieces with a sharp knife, put into a hot dish, sprinkle with a little pepper and fine bits of butter. Set in the warming oven for a few moments, garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Vin^ar should be pass- ed with it. Baked Squash. Cut a squash into quarters, taking out the seeds (but leaving the skin on), put it in a baking pan and bake in the oven about one hour. Scrape out the squash with a spoon and beat, season with pepper and salt, add a little butter. VEGETABLES 77 To Peel Tomatoes. Cover them with boiling water half a minute, then lay them in cold water until they are perfectly cold, when the skin can be slipped off without difficulty, leaving the tomatoes unbroken and as firm as before they were scalded. Scalloped Tomatoes. Scald, remove the skins and slice ripe tomatoes. Butter a pudding dish and fill with alternate layers of tomatoes and bread crumbs, seasoning each layer of the former with butter, salt and pepper, and a little minced onion (parsley if liked). Put bits of butter thickly over the top, cover with a plate and bake three-quarters of an hour. Brown top before serving. Baked Tomatoes. Select large, firm fruit ; cut out a round place in the centre of each one, and scrape out the seeds and soft part with a tea- spoon. Season stale bread crumbs with minced onion, parsley, salt and pepper, and fill the tomatoes. Butter a baking pan, place them close together, put a few bits of butter on the top of each one, a little water in the bottom of the pan, and bake in a moderate oven. If inclined to scorch, lay a buttered paper over. Browned Tomatoes. Take large round tomatoes, halve them, place them skin side down in a frying pan in which a very small quantity of butter and lard have been previously melted, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, dredge well with flour. Place the pan on a hot part of the fire and let them brown thoroughly, then stir and brown again, and so on until they are quite done. They lose their acidity and their flavor is superior to stewed tomatoes. StufFed Tomatoes. Select large and firm tomatoes, cut a very thin slice off the end opposite the stem, carefully take out the seed and juice without breaking the tomatoes. Mix with the seed and juice stale bread crumbs, salt, pepper, a little minced onion, and ham or tongue with large lump of butter. Pill each tomato with the stuffing, place them in a deep baking dish, cover them with a thin layer of the mixture and sprinkle dry crumbs over all. Bake three-quarters of an hour. 78 VEGETABLES Nice Relish. Cut a small hole in the top of a tomato and fill with chopped cucumber, onion, cabbage or cauliflower and the tomato taken out. Serve on a lettuce leaf with mayonnaise and parsley chop- ped with onion and vinegar. String Beans. The genuine string bean is more difficult to prepare for the table than the stringless bean or the more familiar butter bean. To string beans properly break them off at the tip first and then at the stem, thus removing the thin string on both sides which binds the pods together. If the beans are to be cooked for salad they must be cooked whole, but if they are to be served as a vegetable in cream or in soup they must be cut across in inch lengths. The bean is an article which requires long and slow cooking. String beans should be simmered gently in boiling water without adding any salt to it for at least one hour and a half. At the end of this time drain them in a colander and set the colander in a pan of cold water so that the beans shall be completely covered. Let them stand for twenty minutes, then drain them and lay them aside for salad, or cook them in cream sauce if they are to be served as, a vegetable. Prijoles Conpuestesi Put a cupful of white beans in cold water over night ; then in the morning put in another water, and boil until the beans are soft ; should the water boil down before they are soft, add more warm water to keep them covered. Drain nearly all the water off. Take a piece of ham and cut it in small pieces, put in pan and brown a little, then add this to the beans, also a cupful of canned tomatoes, an onion in pieces and some pieces of celery, and salt and pepper to taste. Leave on fire until thickness wanted. Haricot Beans. Soak in cold water all night. Put them on the fire with cold water — enough to cover them, and a teaspoonful of salt. Boil gently for two hours. Fill up the saucepan with boiling water from time to time if needed, but use only just so much as will VEGETABLES 79 leave the beans dry when they are cooked. Stir in a piece of butter or dripping, with pepper and salt, and serve. Chopped parsley may be sprinkled over. Or, ten minutes before serving, add a piece of cold fat bacon cut into dice; season with pepper and salt. These beans are good in any soup or stew. They may be served with melted butter or brown gravy. They must be well boiled. Succotash. Put one pint of tender Lima beans in a stew-pan with two quarts of boiling water and a teaspoonful of salt, and boil gently for one hour. Cut enough green corn from the cob to make one quart. Put this in a stew-pan with one pint of hot milk, one- quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of salt and one teaspoonful of butter, and cook for five minutes. Drain the water from the beans and season them with a level teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper and one tablespoonful of butter. Stir them into the dish of corn and milk and cook for five minutes longer. Serve very hot. Stewed Celery. Clean the heads thoroughly. Take off the coarse green outer leaves. Cut in small pieces and stew in a little broth. When tender add some rich cream, a little flour and butter, enough to thicken the cream. Season with pepper and salt. Stewed Celery with Cream. Boil six heads of celery in salted water until tender. Put half a pint of cream and a blade of mace into a saucepan ; shake the saucepan over the fire until the cream thickens; dish the celery, pour the sauce over it and serve. Stewed celery may also be served with white sauce, or like asparagus, on toast, with melted butter poured over it. It is delicious in either way. To Boil Corn. Allow ten or fifteen minutes to boil corn; it should be put into boiling water with a little salt. If boiled longer it only hardens it. 80 VEGETABLES Corn Oysters. To one pint of grated corn add two eggs well beaten, one small teacupful flour, half teacupful butter; salt and pepper. Mix these well and fry a nice brown; A tablespoonful will make the size of an oyster. Green Corn Pudding. Take six ears of corn or one can of corn, one and half cupfuls of sweet milk, one egg, one tablespoonful of corn starch ; pepper, salt and a little butter ; butter a pudding dish and put the above in and bake three-fourths of an hour. To be eaten as a vege- table. Mushrooms Broiled. Gather them fresh, pare and cut off the stems, dip them in melted butter, season with salt and pepper, broil them on both sides over a clear fire. Serve on toast. Mushroom Omelet. A nice way to serve mushrooms is as an omelet. Peel, wipe, slice or chop the mushrooms, and fry them gently in a little butter, tossing them about in the pan during the whole time of cooking, and taking care not to let the butter brown ; spread them, butter and all, over a plain omelet and serve. The plain omelet may be made by whisking three or four eggs till they are perfectly light. Whisk them up to the last moment of turning into the pan. Stir the omelet gently with a spoon until it begins to thicken, then shake the pan until the centre is set. Serve immediately. Mushrooms and Eggs. Cut mushrooms in halves, stew for ten minutes in water, with a little butter, salt and pepper. Drain, put mushrooms in a deep dish, break enough eggs over to cover the top. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the top with bits of butter and grated bread crumbs. Bake until the eggs are set. Sharp oven re- quired. Thicken the liquor with a tablespoonful of brown flour. Pour it over them and serve hot. SALADS “We may pick a thousand salads ere we light on such another.” — All’s Well that Ends Well. Mixing the Salad. A great mistake which some salad makers are guilty of is to stir the salt in with the oil or just after the oil. The salt and pepper and seasoning should be mixed with the vinegar, the salad leaves should be tossed in the oil and the seasoned vinegar poured over them. If the salt is mixed with the oil, it fails to melt and is apt to give the salad a gritty flavor. Green salads are too often carelessly drained. A good salad basket is a very useful article; It is quite similar to a croquette basket in general appearance, Garnishing for Salads. Nasturtium leaves and flowers, lettuce leaves, well bleached celery-tops, radishes, slices of hard-boiled eggs, thinly sliced cucumber. Salad. Two bunches of lettuce, two bunches of celery, one bunch of beets, half bunch cabbage, chop fine yolks of two eggs boiled hard, one teaspoonful mustard, two tablespoonfuls salad oil, one teaspoonful sugar, enough vinegar to wet it nicely. Mix all together and pour over vegetables. Cut the whites into rings and lay over the top. ( 81 ) 82 SALADS Dainty Salad. Wash some well-bleached and crisped lettuce leaves, place them in two layers around a flat dish ; scald, peel, and take the core from eight smooth medium-sized tomatoes. When cold as ice fill with mayonnaise sauce and place in centre of dish, put- ting a spoonful of the sauce here and there on the lettuce. A few small red radishes among the leaves complete a very nice dish for luncheon or supper. Cabbage Salad. Shave a medium-sized cabbage fine, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and pour over it the following dressing: Heat half cupful of milk to a boil, beat together the yolk of one egg, one-fourth cupful of sugar, a piece of butter — size of a walnut, stir this into the milk, let it come to a boil, then add half cupful of vinegar. Sweet Cabbage Salad. Two-thirds cupful vinegar, two-thirds cupful sugar, one teaspoonful mustard, one teaspoonful salt. Let this come to a boil, then add two well-beaten eggs, six tablespoonfuls sweet milk; boil again and pour over chopped cabbage. Potato Salad. Take cold potatoes (that have been boiled with the skins on), one onion, chop together very fine. Pour over this one-quarter of a cup of warm vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of browned butter, salt and pepper; mix all together thoroughly. Potato Salad. Take eight or ten potatoes, boiled, slice very thin, and have ready some blanched almonds or shelled walnuts (about a large half cupful), slice a piece of onion very fine or grate it. A salad dressing made of three eggs (well beaten), mustard, pepper, vinegar, sugar and salt to taste ; stir in hot water until thick as custard, then add rich cream; put a layer of potatoes, just a sprinkle of onion, then dressing, then potatoes, then walnuts, dressing until your dish is full; garnish with cucumber, pickle and walnuts, or nuts alone. Put on ice or in a very cold place until required. SALADS 83 Beet Scilcidi One quart of boiled beets chopped fine, one pint of celery chopped fine, one pint of raw cabbage chopped fine, two cupfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of black pepper, one-fourth teaspoonful of red pepper, one cupful of grated horse-radish ; cover with cold vinegar and keep from the air, Fruit Salad. Six oranges, six bananas, a small pineapple sliced very thin. Put them in a glass dish in layers, sifting a small quantity of powdered sugar and grated cocoanut between them. Pour half tumblerful of cherry wine over the whole. Chicken Salad. One chicken, weighing about two and a half pounds, one small cupful chopped celery, four hard-boiled eggs, one table- spoonful melted butter or oil, one teaspoonful mustard, one tea- spoonful salt, half teaspoonful pepper, half cupful vinegar. Boil chicken tender, chop fine, mix with the celery and eggs. Mix the other ingredients and pour over. Veal will do as well as chicken. Chicken Salad. Yolks of six eggs (beaten very light), twelve tablespoonfuls melted butter, three tablespoonfuls sugar, two teaspoonfuls mus- tard (mixed smooth by boiling together), three saltspoonfuls of salt, one saltspoonful white pepper. Mix all well together, then add twelve tablespoonfuls boiling vinegar; put in a bowl on the top of the tea-kettle, stir with a silver spoon till thick, when cold, and just before mixing with salad, stir in a cupful of sweet cream. Boil chicken tender, taking out all skin and bones ; pick meat into small pieces: have the celery washed and dried with a cloth, and not sooner than half an hour before the salad is to be used. Cut celery into bits with a silver knife, mix with chicken and stir in dressing. Proportion, twice as much celery as chicken. 34 SALADS Shrimp Salad. Line a glass dish with crisp lettuce leaves. Mix together one plate prepared shrimps (boiled and picked), two stalks celery, pinch salt. Place among the lettuce leaves. Pour this dressing over : One gill cider vinegar, one teaspoonful mustard, pinch sugar, yolk one hard-boiled egg, mixed and well mashed. Bring to a boil, then cool. Cut white of egg into rings, place an olive in each, and arrange about the salad. Salmon Salad. One can salmon cut into small pieces, one very small head cabbage chopped tine, one dozen small cucumber pickles chopped fine, two hard-boiled eggs. Mix well together. Heat to scalding one pint vinegar; season with salt, pepper, mustard, and pour over. Lobster Salad. Two lobsters, four heads of lettuce, eggs, butter, mustard, cayenne pepper, salt, sugar and vinegar. Pick your lobsters fine, cut your lettuce fine and put these in a salad bowl in layers. Boil your eggs, mash the yolks, add three tablespoonfuls of but- ter, a teaspoonful of mustard, little cayenne pepper and salt, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two cupfuls vinegar. Heat together and pour over when served. Lobster Salad. One can lobster, chop fine, chop fine twice as much lettuce. Mix ; season with pepper, salt and mustard. If lettuce is not to be had, use white cabbage. Salad Dressing. Two eggs, one teaspoonful pepper, one small teaspoonful salt, one large teaspoonful mustard, two teaspoonfuls melted butter, two tablespoonfuls cream or milk (or a little more if required), one small cup vinegar. Put on the stove and cook until like cream, stirring constantly. It is very nice for cabbage or for chicken salad. SALADS 85 Boiled Salad Dressing. Take two eggs well beaten, one and a half tablespoonfuls brown sugar, one-half teaspoonful mustard, one-half teaspoon- ful salt, a little less pepper, four tablespoonfuls cream, two tablespoonfuls vinegar. Put all in a saucepan, and bring to a boil ; if too thick when cool, add a little more cream or milk. Salad Dressing. Beat together one egg, one good tablespoonful of sugar, one piece of butter size of an egg, one pinch of salt, one-half tea- spoonful of mixed mustard, one-half coffee-cupful of vinegar. Put all into a saucepan and gradually bring to a boil. Boil until the thickness of cream. Mayonnaise Sauce. Two yolks of eggs, one teaspoonful dry mustard, one tea- spoonful sugar, two tablespoonfuls tarragon vinegar, two table- spoonfuls salad oil, a little salt, a little pinch cayenne, one table- spoonful cream, one tablespoonful common vinegar. Put the yolks in a small round-bottomed basin, hold the oil bottle so that the oil will fall drop by drop into basin, stir smoothly one way with a wooden spoon. This process will take ten or fifteen min- utes. Mix all the other ingredients except the cream; the mix- ture should be quite thick ; stir the cream in very gently last of all. Do not pour over salad till just going to table. CATSUPS “ Knowing as you was partial to a little relish with your vittles. ” — David Copperfield. Tomato Catsup. One quart vinegar, one pound brown sugar, quarter pound salt, two or three red peppers, one ounce black pepper, one ounce allspice, half ounce cloves, half ounce ginger, quarter pound mus- tard. Put the tomatoes in the oven and bake until quite soft, then with a fork put them carefully in a crock, not letting any of the water into the crock; squeeze them well, removing the skins. Now measure tomatoes, and to every gallon add the above. Let it boil two hours, constantly stirring, then strain through a sieve. Bottle when cool and cork tight. Use whole spices. Tomato Catsup. To one-half bushel tomatoes : One quart best white wine vine- gar, one pound salt, quarter pound black pepper, one ounce Afri- can cayenne, one ounce cloves, quarter ounce allspice, three small boxes mustard, six onions, two pounds brown sugar, one handful peach leaves. Boil three hours. When cool strain through a fine sieve and bottle. Tomato Catsup. One bushel tomatoes, pour over about three pints of water; add ten or twelve onions cut fine, boil until soft, then strain through a wire sieve, add half gallon vinegar, two ounces ground spice, two ounces ground black pepper, two ounces mustard, one ( 86 ) CATSUPS 87 ounce ground cloves, two ounces grated nutmeg, two pounds light brown sugar, one pint salt. Mix well together and boil two hours. A little cayenne pepper may be added. Tomato Sauce. Eight pounds ripe tomatoes, one pound onions, one pound apples, one pound raisins, two lemons, chop all together ; add one pound brown sugar, one cupful of salt, one-fourth ounce red pepper, one quart vinegar. Boil for two hours. Mexican Catsup. Four cans tomatoes, half teaspoonful red pepper, three table- spoonfuls salt, five tablespoonfuls sugar, two tablespoonfuls ground ginger, three tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one tablespoon- ful mustard, four cupfuls vinegar. Cook for ten minutes, then add five large onions chopped fine and boil until onions are done. Tomato Sauce. Pare and slice six large tomatoes. Heat a heaping table- spoonful of butter, mince a small onion and fry brown, then add two cloves, a heaping tablespoonful of flour; stir smooth, add the sliced tomatoes, stir and boil ten minutes. Season with salt and pepper, strain, rubbing all the pulp of the tomato through. Nice for nearly all meats and fish. Grape Catsup. Take eleven pounds of grapes, squeeze pulp from the skins, scald the pulp until the seeds separate easily, then work through the colander and throw away the seeds ; place the pulp and skins in a porcelain kettle with one quart of vinegar, six pounds of brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one tablespoonful of cloves, one tablespoonful of allspice. Boil one and a half hours, stirring pretty constantly to keep from burning. Ripe gooseberries are very nice preparel in the same way. Grape Catsup. Five pounds of grapes boiled and colandered, two and a half pounds sugar, one pint vinegar, one tablespoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice and pepper, one-half tablespoonful salt. Boil until it is a little thick. 88 CATSUPS Currant Catsup. Four pounds nice full ripe currants, one-half pound sugar, one tablespoonful ground cinnamon, cloves and pepper, one tablespoonful salt, one pint vinegar ; stew the currants and sugar until quite thick, then add the other ingredients. Bottle for use. Crab Apple Catsup. Three pounds crab apples, one and a third pounds sugar, boil until thick, one pint vinegar, one tablespoonful ground cloves, one tablespoonful black pepper, one teaspoonful salt. Mushroom Catsup. Pack them in layers in an earthen pot, sprinkling a very little salt between each layer. Let them remain for about three hours. Then pound w T ith a potato-masher, and let them remain for a day, stirring them up once or twice with the hand. To each quart of this mixture add a teaspoonful of black pepper and a half a teaspoonful of allspice. Cover the jar containing the mixture and set it in a pan of boiling water, and let the water boil around it for two hours. Then strain it through a cloth, and let it boil down till it is reduced one-half. Or if you do not wish it so strong as this, boil it merely for half an hour, when it makes a nice light catsup. Be careful to cork this catsup very closely, and do not make too large a quantity at a time, as it does not keep well during warm weather. PICKLES “A pepper corn is very small, But seasons every dinner More than all other condiments, Although 'tis sprinkled thinner. Just so a little woman is, If love will let you win her.” — Euiz de Hita. A few particulars concerning the materials to be used in this work should he borne in mind by the housewife. 1st. Select a porcelain-lined or granite ware kettle for cook- ing your pickles. 2nd. Purchase only the best cider vinegar. It must he clear and strong. 3rd. See that the fruit or vegetables put up are firm and fresh. 4th. Be sure your spices are strong and mordant. 5th. When the pickles are made, keep them in a dark place. Cucumber Pickles. The simplest way to put up cucumber pickles is to pack them in salt. To do this, select small, firm cucumbers. Let the first layer of salt be at least half inch thick. Put a layer of cucum- bers closely over this, cover them with salt, and put in another layer of cucumbers. When you have about fifty cucumbers packed, put in a pint of cold water. This will make sufficient brine, with the juice drawn out of the cucumbers, to cover them. Put a board over the pickles with a weight on top to keep them 90 PICKLES under the brine. Continue to put cucumbers and salt in the keg till it is full. Cover all with a thick layer of salt, put a close cover over it, and set the keg in the cellar. Take the cucumbers out as you want them, at any time in the winter, soak them in water for three days, changing the water each day, and then scald them in vinegar, just letting the vinegar come to a boil. Drain them out of this vinegar and put them in cold spiced vine- gar. They will be ready to use in a week. No pickle is so good which is simply soaked a few days in brine and then put up permanently in vinegar. Cucumber Pickles. Three dozen large cucumbers, sliced, two dozen onions, three quarts vinegar, one teaspoonful cayenne, one teaspoonful curry powder, one pound mustard. Mix the mustard, curry powder and cayenne with vinegar, let it boil, then put in the cucumbers and onions, cooking till done (about twenty minutes). Green Cucumber Pickles. Put in a jar with one gallon of strong cider vinegar, one cup- ful salt, a few whole cloves, and cinnamon. When the jar is filled cover with grape leaves, also add two green peppers. Cover with cloth and plate. Pickled Beets. Boil tender half a peck of beets. They should cook at least two hours slowly. When thoroughly done allow a slice of raw onion to every beet. Slice them into a jar, put in a teaspoonful of horse-radish, six cloves, and a tablespoonful of whole peppers to every half dozen beets. Pour boiling vinegar over them and set them away. When cold cover. Cauliflower Pickle. Six good-sized cauliflowers, half gallon vinegar, one pound mustard, two cups sugar, three red peppers. Steam the cauli- flowers fifteen minutes and put in a jar with the red peppers, dissolve the mustard in water, add vinegar and sugar, let come to a boil and pour over the cauliflowers. PICKLES 91 India Pickle. Half peck sliced green tomatoes, half peck white onions, fifty small cucumbers, two cauliflowers cut in small bits, sprinkle with plenty of salt, let stand twenty-four hours, strain well. Mix half cup horse-radish with half ounce turmeric, half ounce each of cinnamon and cloves, one ounce ground pepper, one pint dry mustard, one pint brown sugar. Put this mixture into a porcelain kettle in layers with the vegetables, cover with cold vinegar and boil slowly two hours. India Pickles. One and a half gallons vinegar, half pound bruised ginger, quarter pound mustard, half pound white mustard seed, half pound fine salt, two ounces turmeric, one ounce cayenne pepper, two ounces white and black pepper-corns, one ounce ground cloves, one ounce curry powder, one handful of garlic and cloves tied in a bag. Boil all together ten minutes, (garlic may be omitted) . India Pickle. One gallon vinegar, two ounces ginger, quarter ounce chillies, two ounces black pepper, one ounce garlic, two ounces coarse salt, quarter ounce cloves, two ounces mustard seed, three large nutmegs, one ounce allspice, one ounce shallots, three blades mace, small piece of alum. Boil the vinegar and pour over the spices. Quarter pound mustard, two ounces turmeric powder, steeped with a little cold vinegar, and add to the vinegar just as it comes to the boil. Put the spices in a dry jar and pour the boiling vinegar over them (all the spices must be whole), and then put the vegetables in as they come in season. Spanish Pickles. One peck green tomatoes, one dozen onions, one pound sugar, one-quarter pound white mustard seed, one ounce ground black pepper, one ounce ground cloves, one ounce ground ginger, one ounce ground cinnamon, vinegar. Chop tomatoes and onions, sprinkle with salt, let stand over night, strain off juice, take as much vinegar as will cover pickle, add spices, boil half an hour (spices in muslin), pour over pickles. 92 PICKLES Mustard Pickles. One and a half gallons best white wine vinegar, four ounces bruised ginger, two ounces allspice, one-half ounce bruised chillies, two ounces turmeric, one pound shallots, one ounce garlic, one-half pound salt. Boil for one-quarter of an hour; the shallots and garlic only three minutes. The mustard and turmeric should be well mixed with some of the vinegar before it is put on to boil, when nearly cold put in the cucumbers, beans and onions. Mustard Pickles. One quart of cucumbers cut in pieces, two quarts of small ones (gherkins), two quarts of small silver onions, two cauliflow- ers, one green pepper. Put a large handful of salt in boiling water and throw over the vegetables three nights in succession, drain well, and they are ready for the sauce. Sauce for Pickles. Six tablespoonfuls of mustard, one and a half tablespoon fuls of turmeric powder, one and a half cups of coffee sugar, one-half cup of flour, two quarts of vinegar. Take all these ingredients and mix with a little cold vinegar ; put the rest of the vinegar in a kettle, let it come to a boil, then stir in the paste, and stir constantly to prevent burning; scald a few minutes and throw over the pickles. Mustard Pickles. One gallon vinegar, one pound mustard, one-fourth pound corn starch, two ounces turmeric, one handful salt, one table- spoonful cayenne pepper, whole cloves, ginger and allspice, and any spice you choose. Mix all together with a little cold vinegar and stir into the boiling vinegar, stirring half an hour. Wipe the vegetables, cucumbers, cauliflowers, and green tomatoes ; dry and pour hot mixture over them. Mustard Pickles. One and a half gallons vinegar, one pound mustard, two pounds onions, one ounce white pepper, one ounce ginger, one ounce turmeric, one ounce cloves, one ounce small red peppers, half pound salt. Mix all in vinegar and boil. Then put in pickles and boil ten minutes. PICKLES 93 Mustard Pickles. One peck cucumbers, one peck onions, six heads cauliflower, one and a half gallone cider vinegar, two pounds mustard, three cups brown sugar, ten cents of turmeric. Sprinkle cucumbers, onions and cauliflower each separately with salt, put on water and let lie over night. Add the other things with a little cold vinegar, heat remainder of vinegar to boiling heat, pour over hard pickles three times, then put in all ingredients, let simmer and pour over the pickles. Mixed Pickles. Half peck green tomatoes sliced, half peck onions sliced, twenty-five small cucumbers, two cauliflowers cut in small pieces, two bunches of celery chopped, one large white cabbage cut fine, one cupful horse-radish grated, half ounce cinnamon ground, half ounce cloves, one ounce black pepper, two large red peppers, one-fourth pound allspice, one-fourth ounce cayenne pepper, half pound mustard seed, half pound ground mustard. Take the vegetables and sprinkle plentifully with salt, let them stand for twenty-four hours, then drain well, put them into a porcelain kettle, cover with cold cider vinegar, and boil slowly for two hours with the spices well mixed in, and two pounds of brown sugar added. When almost done thicken with the half pound of mustard and a small bottle of curry powder. Put the mustard seed in last. Mixed Pickles. Quarter pound ginger (best root), six garlic heads, two ounces white pepper, one ounce long pepper, half ounce capsic pods, one ounce curry powder, and one gallon of vinegar. Green Tomato Pickle. Cut a peck of green tomatoes and six large onions into thin slices, put salt on each layer and let remain over night, then pour off the brine and put into kettle with four tablespoonfuls of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of mustard, two tablespoonfuls of ground cloves, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one teaspoonful cayenne pepper, one teaspoonful curry powder. Cover all with vinegar, let simmer for an hour, then put into stone or glass jars. 94 PICKLES Green Tomato Pickle. One peck of green tomatoes, ten or twelve onions, slice and put in layers, sprinkle with salt and let stand over night. Next day drain well, put into a kettle, cover with vinegar and add two tablespoonfuls of mixed spice, three cups brown sugar, one teaspoonful each of mustard, celery seed and cayenne pepper. Boil half an hour. Pickle. Green tomatoes, white cabbage, one-half dozen onions, one peck tomatoes, one-quarter pound mustard, one ounce ginger, one ounce curry powder, one ounce turmeric, one-half teaspoonful red pepper, little horse-radish, vinegar to cover. Take equal quantities of the tomatoes and cabbage chopped fine, let this stand all night sprinkled with salt ; next morning press off all the water, add the other ingredients, steam until soft enough. Pickled Onions. Get the small white onions, peel them. Boil in vinegar and water, about half and half, for ten minutes; drain, and put in bottles. Have vinegar boiling which is well spiced with red pep- pers and mixed spices, pour over the onions while boiling. French Pickle. Mix one peek of green tomatoes sliced with six large onions sliced, a teacupful of salt, let it stand over night. Drain the next day and boil in one quart of vinegar, one quart of water fifteen minutes, then drain again. Take one quart of vinegar, two pounds of browm sugar, half-pound of white mustard seed, tw r o tablespoonfuls each of allspice, cloves, cinnamon and ground mustard, ginger. Mix all together, and boil fifteen minutes ; pour over tomatoes. Tomato Chow-Chow. One peck green tomatoes, six large red peppers, three large onions. Cut all in slices, and sprinkle with salt in layers. Let them stand with a weight on them till next day, then drain them and put in a preserving pan with one quart of vinegar, one pound brown sugar, one-half cup grated horse-radish, one tablespoon- PICKLES 95 ful black pepper, one tablespoonful ground allspice, one table- spoonful ground cloves, one teaspoonful ground mace, one table- spoonful ground ginger, one tablespoonful ground cinnamon. Let all come to a boil and simmer slowly for an hour, stirring it well. When boiled add one-half cupful white mustard seed and bottle. Chow-Chow. Two quarts green tomatoes, two white onions, six green pep- pers, twelve green cucumbers, two heads cabbage. Seasoning — One tablespoonful of celery seed, one tablespoonful of turmeric, half teaspoonful cayenne pepper, one cup brown sugar, one ounce cinnamon, one ounce allspice, one ounce black pepper, quarter ounce cloves, vinegar to cover. Chop all the vegetables fine, sprinkle a cupful of salt in it and let it stand over night. In the morning drain off the brine, season with the above seasoning and boil two hours. Chow-Chow. One peck of green tomatoes, half peck of onions, one cup of grated horse-radish, one cup of brown sugar, one head of cauli- flower, six heads celery, one head of cabbage, twelve cucumbers, one ounce of turmeric powder, one ounce of mustard, one quart of white wine vinegar. Slice onions and tomatoes together, sprin- kle salt over them and let them drain through a colander over night. In the morning chop all the ingredients and mix together. Scald the vinegar, but do not let it boil. When it is done put in the horse-radish. Pickled Mushrooms. There is scarcely any pickle more delicious than mushrooms, provided they are properly done. Small buttons are the correct kind for this. Put them into salt and water and occasionally give them a gentle stir round. After two or three hours take them out and rub every one with a piece of flannel to take off the peel and make them dry. Then put them in a saucepan on the fire and let them frizzle till the liquor is out and dried up again. There must be no stalks left on. Take the buttons out, put some vinegar in the pan with pepper, etc., and the stalks, if liked, and boil all up together. Place the buttons in wide bot- tles and pour the vinegar over, after straining, and secure tightly. 96 PICKLES Fop Sweet Pickles. One pint of vinegar, four pounds of sugar to as much fruit as it will cover. Sweet Apple Pickle. Seven pounds sweet apples, three pounds sugar, one pint best vinegar, half nutmeg ground, whole cloves and cinnamon. Pare, core and quarter the apples. Dissolve sugar and vinegar, then put in the vinegar with nutmeg and some cloves and cinnamon. The same proportions do nicely with green tomatoes sliced, in- stead of the apples. Pickled Plums. One peck plums, one quart vinegar, four pounds sugar, one ounce cinnamon, one ounce cloves. Boil the vinegar, sugar and spices together, and pour over the plums. After they are cold drain off vinegar, heat it again and pour over the plums, repeat twice. Sweet Tomato Pickle. Seven pounds green tomatoes, five pounds brown sugar, one pint vinegar, cloves and cinnamon. Slice your tomatoes, let stand over night in salt and water. Next morning drain and cook ten minutes in vinegar, then drain again. Make a syrup of the sugar, vinegar, cloves and cinnamon. Boil until a little thick and pour over the tomatoes. Pickled Quinces. Quinces, sugar, vinegar, one teaspoonful whole cinnamon, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful mace. Peel and core the quinces. If small cut into quarters, if large into eighths. Weigh the pared fruit and take sugar in the proportion of three-fourths pound to every pound of fruit. Arrange the quinces and sugar in alternative layers in a preserving kettle and bring them slowly to a boil. To every five pounds of fruit and sugar together allow a cupful of strong vinegar and a teaspoonful of cinnamon, cloves and mace. When the syrup boils add spices and vinegar, and boil six minutes. With a split spoon remove the fruit and spread PICKLES 97 on flat dishes, leaving the syrup to boil until it thickens. Pack air-tight glass jars with the fruit, fill to overflowing with the boiling syrup and screw the tops on tightly. Pears, peaches, plums, crab apples are all good pickled according to the above recipe. Spiced Currants. Five pounds ripe currants picked from the stem, wash and drain ; add one pint vinegar, four pounds sugar, two tablespoon- fuls cinnamon, one tablespoonful cloves, ground. Boil slowly two hours, stirring almost constantly to keep from burning. Spiced Currants. Seven pounds of fruit, five pounds of brown sugar, one pint of vinegar, one tablespoonful of mixed spice. Boil about one hour, or until it begins to thicken. Spiced Gooseberries. Make a syrup of three pounds sugar, one pint vinegar, two tablespoonfuls ground cinnamon, two tablespoonfuls ground cloves, one-half teaspoonful salt, add six pounds fruit, and boil one hour. Spiced Grapes. Remove the seeds of grapesi as you do for preserves. To five pounds of fruit put four pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls each of ground cinnamon and cloves. Simmer slowly for two hours. Any well-flavored grape may be used. SAUCES ‘ 1 Wi ’ sauce, ragouts, an’ sic like trashrie, That’s little short o’ downright wastrie.” — Burns, Twa Dogs. Tomato Sauce. Eight pounds of tomatoes skinned, two and a half pounds sugar, one quart vinegar, cinnamon, cloves, mace, salt, English mustard, a little cayenne pepper. Boil tomatoes, two or three hours, then add vinegar, sugar and spices, and boil until thick — about four hours. To improve it run tomatoes through a sieve to remove the seeds. Seal in cans. Tomato Mustard. One peck tomatoes, four onions, one-half red pepper, two cloves of garlic, quarter pint of salt, one quart of vinegar, two small teaspoonfuls black pepper, quarter ounce of ginger, quarter ounce of allspice, quarter ounce of mace, quarter ounce of cloves, half pound of mustard, quarter pound of brown sugar, two tea- spoonfuls curry powder. Boil one hour, and strain through a coarse sieve. Bengal Sauce. One pound of brown sugar, half pound of salt (or rather less), half pound of mustard seed, quarter pound of garlic, quarter pound onions, half pound of raisins, two ounces ground ginger, quarter ounce cayenne pepper, three pints best vinegar, sixteen large sour apples, thirteen ripe tomatoes. Directions — Chop fine raisins, garlic and onions ; peel apples, core and quarter < 99 ) SAUCES 99 them; peel tomatoes; boil apples and tomatoes in the vinegar to a smooth pulp, then add all the other ingredients and boil half hour. Bottle when cold. It will keep for years. Can be made with either green or ripe tomatoes. Celery Sauce. One peck green tomatoes, six large heads celery, one large onion. Chop all very fine, add three cups sugar, half cup mus- tard, three tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one cup salt, one teaspoon- ful red pepper, three pints of vinegar, one tablespoonful curry. Boil until tender. Chill Sauce. One peck of ripe tomatoes, one quart of onions, one cupful sugar, one cupful vinegar, one ounce of whole cloves, two table- spoonfuls ground cinnamon, one tablespoonful mustard, half a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, three tablespoonfuls salt; black pepper to suit the taste. Boil one hour. Chili Sauce. Six ripe tomatoes, six onions, two red peppers, one table- spoonful salt, one tablespoonful sugar. Boil one hour, then add one cupful of vinegar and boil fifteen minutes longer. Chutney Sauce. Half pound tart apples, half pound ripe tomatoes, half pound brown sugar, half pound stoned raisins, three ounces fine salt, one onion, one small red pepper, one-fourth pound of mustard, half teaspoonful cayenne pepper. Chop ingredients separately ; mix together and add two quarts vinegar. Boil two hours. EGGS “Good diet, with wisdom, best comforteth. ” — Anon. The Cooking of Eggs. Try your eggs as to freshness before you boil them ; put them into cold water, and if they sink to the bottom they are fresh. An egg more than a week old will not sink, but swim on the top. Wash and clean them before boiling. This is very particular, because the dirt clinging to them will enter inside through the many small pores of the shell. Time to boil eggs from three to four minutes, or put in boiling water and set back on the range for eight or ten minutes. Poaohed Eggs. To poach eggs take a wide, flat stew-pan and put into it one quart of water, one tablespoonful of salt; when it comes to a boil, open your eggs one by one into a cup, drop them into the boiling water ; but not more than two or three at a time. Take a spoon, and try to keep each egg in shape by pushing the whites toward the yolk. As soon as the whites are firm, take out the eggs carefully with a skimmer. Place each on a slice of buttered toast. You may also pour hot milk, in which some butter has been melted, over the toast. Poached Eggs on Toast. Put some milk into a pan, bring it nearly to the boil, then break in your eggs. Have some buttered toast ready on a plat- ter. When the eggs are done, put them on the toast, thicken the milk with a little corn starch and pour over, or pour over with- out the thickening, seasoning with a very little salt. ( 100 ) EGGS 101 Baked Eggs. Grease a pie-plate with butter, cover it with a layer of bread crumbs and break on as many eggs as you can without having them touch one another. Cover them with another layer of bread crumbs, add pepper and salt, stick little bits of butter all over. Bake for five minutes in a hot oven. Panned Eggs. For “panned eggs” take a porcelain pie-plate, butter it, pour in thick cream enough to fill it half full, drop in some eggs (four or five) side by side; place on each yolk a few capers; dust over them some minced parsley and some fine bread crumbs, and put flakes of butter here and there. Place in the oven, and let the eggs get firm and slightly brown on top. Devilled Eggs. Boil eggs until hard, take off shell and cut in half. Then take out the yellow part and mix mustard, salt, pepper and a little parsley and vinegar with it. Put back into white part. Savory Eggs. Boil some eggs hard, take off their shells and cut them in half ; cut off a little piece of each end of the halves to make them stand upright. Take out the yolks, pound them and mix them wuth a little finely minced hot chicken and ham, fill the white again with the mixture and pour round but not over the eggs a rich gravy. If liked these may be served cold surrounded by finely cut endive and small salad, garnished with beet-root, Egg Patties. Six eggs, a roll, milk or cream, parsley, pepper, salt, spice. Crush the yolks, mince the whites of the eggs. Mix these thor- oughly with the crumbs of the roll soaked in milk or cream, a tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt and other spice to taste. Beat all these together till they form a rather liquid paste, which can be diluted with cream if too stiff. Put a sufficient quantity of this mixture into tartlets or patties made of puff paste, and bake in a smart quick oven. 102 EGGS Scalloped Eggs. Make a mincemeat of chopped ham, fine bread crumbs, pep- per, salt and some melted butter. Moisten with milk to a soft paste. Half fill patty-pans with the mixture, break an egg care- fully upon the top of each, dust with pepper and salt, sprinkle finely powdered crumbs over all. Set in the oven and bake eight minutes. Steamed Eggs. Butter a tin plate and break in your eggs, set in a steamer, place over a kettle of boiling water and steam till the whites are cooked. If broken into buttered patty-pans they look nicer by keeping their form better. Or, still better, if broken into egg cups and steamed until done, they are very nice. Cooked in this way there is nothing of their flavor lost. Pickled Eggs. Boil eggs very hard and remove the shell. Take one tea- spoonful each of cinnamon, allspice and mace; put in a little muslin bag in cold water; boil well, and if it boils away add enough to make one-half pint when the spices are taken out ; add one pint of strong vinegar; pour over the eggs. If you want them colored put in some beet juice. Scrambled Eggs. Beat the eggs lightly with a fork, just enough to break them. To four eggs add two tablespoonfuls of milk, one saltspoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, put into a frying pan one half table- spoonful of butter. When it begins to bubble turn in the eggs, stir constantly over a slow fire till they begin to set, then remove from the fire, and stir till they are of the right consistency. To Curry Eggs. Ten eggs, one onion, two dessertspoonfuls of curry powder, quarter pint of cream, some arrowroot, nearly a pint of medium stock or good gravy. Pry one large onion or two small ones a nice brown in butter, then add the curry powder and stock, or good broth, and set it over the fire to stew slowly until the onions are tender. Thicken the cream with a little arrowroot, stir it in EGGS 103 and let all simmer for a few minutes, then add ten or twelve hard-boiled eggs cut in halves. Make them hot without allowing them to boil, and arrange them on the flat ends on a dish with the sauce over them. A Reliable Omelet. Six fresh eggs, the yolks and whites beaten separately. One level tablespoonful of butter, one cup of new milk into which one even tablespoonful of flour has been smoothly mixed ; season with salt and pepper, pour, without mixing, into a hot buttered omelet pan. Shake vigorously until the egg begins to thicken. Let the pan rest on the stove for about five seconds, then roll up the omelet. Tip the pan forward and roll the omelet with a knife in the same direction. When rolled, brown for a quarter of a minute. Serve at once. Bread Omelet. Let one teacupful of milk come to a boil, pour over it one teacupful of bread crumbs, and let it stand a few minutes. Break six eggs into a bowl, stir (not beat) till well mixed, then add the milk and bread, season with pepper and salt; mix all together, and turn into a hot frying pan, containing a large spoonful of butter boiling hot. Fry the omelet slowly, and when brown on the bottom cut in squares and turn again. Fry to a delicate light brown. French Omelet. Three eggs, one-half cupful sweet milk, one-half cupful bread crumbs, piece of butter the size of a small egg, a little chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste ; separate yolks and whites, beat yolks well, boil the milk, pour some over the bread crumbs, then add the pepper, salt and melted butter, the beaten yolks; beat whites to a stiff froth. Mix all thoroughly and fry on one side in a buttered pan, then fold over. Omelet with Bacon. For four eggs take two ounces of breakfast bacon, cut it into small dice, cook it until light brown, and mix with your eggs before baking. 104 EGGS Jam Omelet. Make the omelet precisely as you would an ordinary omelet for breakfast.- For one of four eggs, warm two tablespoonfuls of jam, lay them in the omelet just before it is ready to fold, and then fold it over, completely enclosing the jam, and serve it at once. An omelet for breakfast, with half a dozen oysters stewed in white sauce served in it, or two or three tablespoonfuls of chicken minced and curried, makes a delightful change. TOAST Cream Toast. Cream toast is a delightful, old-fashioned supper dish, not at all like its modern substitute — milk toast. Heat the cream by- setting the dish containing it in a dish of boiling water. When the cream is thoroughly heated, salt it and drop thin slices of delicate brown toast in it. When all the toast is dipped, serve what hot cream remains in a gravy boat. As the toast is served, pour a little cream from the boat over it. This toast must be served very hot. Buttered Toast. Cut the bread about an inch in thickness, toast it evenly a nice brown before a good bright fire ; if the crust is not cut off, pound with the handle of the knife, butter well and keep hot. Serve at once. French Toast. Milk, sugar, two eggs, salt, butter, bread. Beat up your eggs in some milk with a very little salt, dip your slices of bread into it, fry in hot butter, sprinkle sugar over and serve hot. French Toast with Pears. Three eggs, one cup milk, pepper, salt, bread, butter, pears. Beat the eggs, add milk, pepper, salt. Dip into this slices of bread, then fry them in hot butter to a delicate brown. Bring almost to boiling point enough canned pears to allow one pear to each slice of bread, lay these on the toast with a little of the juice just before taking to table. 005 } CHEESE "Old friendships are destroyed by toasted cheese, And hard salted meat has led to suicide . 99 — Sydney Smith. The best way to serve all small cheese, which is much more convenient for family use than the large cheese, is entire. In such a case, the top is cut off to form a cover, and the cheese is scooped out as it is served. In order to make the cover fit firmly over the top, it is cut in deep points, and fits into similar points on the lower part. When the cheese is put on the table a nap- kin should be draped around it. Steamship Dish. One pint grated cheese, one pint bread crumbs, two well beaten eggs, one-half grated nutmeg, one teaspoonful salt. Heat a pint of milk boiling hot, with a large spoonful of butter ; pour this over the other ingredients and mix well. Cover and set back on the range for three or four hours, stirring occasionally. Half an hour before supper, butter a pie plate, pour the mixture into it, set it in the oven and brown. It should not cook while standing on the range but merely dissolve. Send to the table hot. To Toast Cheese. Take three eggs, a cupful of milk and a teaspoonful of flour, beat and mix well. Melt a small piece of butter in a skillet, put in about two ounces of cheese cut into thin slices ; pour the above mixture over it (it ought just to cover the cheese), and stir over a slow fire until the latter is melted and the mixture has thick- ened. ( 106 ) CHEESE 107 Cheese in the Oven. Put a tablespoonful of butter into a dish, then a layer of bread cut into thin slices ; on top of it put a layer of sliced cheese, and over the whole pour a mixture of three eggs and a cupful of milk. Bake in the oven until light brown on top. It needs very little heat underneath and ought to brown in fifteen minutes. It is delicious if the oven is in the right condition. English Fondue. Fondue is made with cheese, eggs and butter. The English rule allows an egg to each person at the table. Use six table- spoonfuls of grated cheese, and a tablespoonful of butter to six eggs. Break the eggs, add the cheese and the butter and put the whole in a saucepan set in boiling water. Stir over the fire till the mixture is smooth. Season with half a teaspoonful of salt, and half teaspoonful of white pepper. Pour the fondue out on a hot platter as soon as it melts. It must boil and must not be cooked after it sets. It should be cooked on the back of the stove and will require about seven minutes. Welsh Rarebit. Bread, half pound cheese, teaspoonful mustard (of chow- chow, best), two tablespoonfuls vinegar; salt and pepper. Toast slices of bread from which the crust has been pared and lay on a warm platter. Grate the cheese, mix the other ingredients with it, boil up once and pour or spread on toast. Welsh Rarebit. Mix with one-fourth pound of grated cheese, five ounces of bread crumbs and one-fourth pound of butter. Add a table- spoonful of mustard and a little salt. Mix all together and beat smooth. Lay the mixture neatly on slices of toast and place in the oven till thoroughly hot and slightly brown. Place a paper over to keep from becoming too dry. Cheese Omelet. One cup bread crumbs dry and fine, two scant cups fresh milk, one-half pound dry old cheese grated, three eggs, one small tablespoonful butter, pepper and salt, pinch soda, eggs whipped very light, butter melted, a pinch of soda dissolved in hot water and stirred into the milk, soak the crumbs in the milk, beat into 108 CHEESE these the eggs, butter, seasoning, and lastly the cheese, butter a baking dish and pour into it, strew dry bread crumbs on the top and bake in rather a quick oven until delicately brown. Serve at once. Cheese. Beat three eggs light, pour over cheese cut in small pieces (less than an ounce), then pour over it all half cup melted butter. Cheese Straws. Mix two tablespoonfuls butter, four of flour and four of soft cheese grated, one egg, half a teaspoonful of salt, and a tiny pinch of cayenne. When all these ingredients are mixed smoothly together, roll them out as thin as you can, and cut out in strips about a quarter of an inch wide and three inches long. Cut out rings also. Bake about ten minutes. When done, hang the rings on the sticks. Macaroni with Cheese. Half pound pipe macaroni, seven ounces cheese, four ounces butter, one pint new milk, one quart of water, bread crumbs, a pinch of salt, flavor the milk and water with the pinch of salt; set it over the fire, and when boiling drop in the macaroni. When tender, drain it from the milk and water, put it into a deep dish, sprinkle some of the grated cheese amongst it with part of the butter broken into small pieces, etc., let the last layer be cheese, and cover this with the bread crumbs pouring the re- mainder of the butter over the crumbs. Brown the top of the macaroni with a salamander or before the fire, turning it several times that it may be nicely browned. Macaroni with Cheese. Half pound, or twelve sticks, of macaroni broken into one- inch lengths ; cook in three pints of salted boiling water twenty minutes ; turn into a colander and pour over it cold water ; drain, make a sauce of one tablespoonful each of butter, flour, one and a half cups of hot milk, salt. Put a layer of grated cheese in bottom of bake dish, then a layer of macaroni and one of sauce, then cheese, macaroni, sauce, and cover the top with fine bread crumbs, with bits of butter and a little grated cheese. Bake half an hour, or until brown. PUDDING SAUCES Sauce for Pudding. Half cupful butter, one cupful brown sugar, one teaspoonful corn starch, one egg, one pint boiling water, orange or lemon to flavor. Cream the butter, sugar and corn starch together, add the egg well beaten, pour on the boiling water, flavor with the rind of orange or lemon to taste. This sauce should be placed in a vessel set in hot water to cook. Sauce for Light Pudding. One-half cupful butter beaten to a cream, adding gradually one-half cupful powdered sugar. When the mixture is light add four tablespoonfuls sherry wine and a cup of cream, a little at a time. When smooth set the bowl containing mixture in a basin of hot water, and stir until light and creamy ; a few minutes will be sufficient. Fruit Sauce. One quart ripe fruit, one cupful sugar. Mash the fruit, sift the sugar over it and set away. If the fruit is very sweet use less sugar. About ten minutes before the sauce is needed set it over the fire and stir constantly ; when heated nearly to boiling turn it about the base of the pudding, which has been placed in a deep platter. Creamy Sauce. One-half cupful butter, one-half cupful powdered sugar, two tablespoonfuls of cream, two tablespoonfuls of flavoring. If nutmeg or a teaspoonful of vanilla, lemon, etc., be used, the ( 109 ) 110 PUDDING SAUCES requisite two tablespoonfuls must be made up with milk or cream. This sauce may be made flakey or curdled and it may be made smooth by heating it in a pan of hot water, serving at once. Foamy Sauce. Two eggs, one cupful powdered sugar, one lemon, one cupful boiling milk. Beat the whites of the eggs to a foam, not a stiff froth, and slowly add sugar and a little grated lemon rind ; turn over this, stirring continually the milk, and lastly add the juice of the lemon, then serve. Instead of the lemon juice many prefer a tablespoonful of currant jelly melted in a tablespoonful of hot water. Pudding Sauce. Two eggs well beaten, one cupful sugar beaten together, pour over it one cupful boiling milk and stir rapidly; flavor as you please. Whipped Cream Sauce. One cupful ice-cold sweet cream, one-half cupful powdered sugar, one teaspoonful flavoring, one egg. Mix the cream, sugar and flavoring together and whip it to a froth, stirring in lightly at the last the stiffly beaten white of an egg. Hard Sauce. One teacupful powdered sugar, one-quarter cupful butter, one teaspoonful vanilla essence, grating of a lemon, one-half tea- spoonful powdered cinnamon and a little nutmeg. You can take your choice of the last three, put the ingredients in a warm, not hot, bowl, and beat until well creamed; arrange upon a pretty dish and set in a cool place until required. Molasses Sauce. One cup milk, one cup water, two heaped teaspoonfuls of flour, one teaspoonful butter, two tablespoonfuls of molasses. Flavor with nutmeg, or anything that is preferred. PUDDING SAUCES 111 Duchess Sauce. Two ounces grated chocolate, one-half pint milk, one-half cupful sugar, two egg yolks. Boil the grated chocolate in the milk; heat the egg yolks with the sugar, stir thick as honey. Flavor with extract of vanilla. Fruit Pudding Sauce. One-half cupful butter, two and a half cupfuls sugar, one dessertspoonful corn starch wet in a little cold milk, one lemon — juice and half the grated peel, one glass of wine, one cupful boil- ing water. Cream the butter and sugar well; pour the corn starch into the boiling water and stir over a clear fire until it is well thickened ; put all together in a bowl and beat five minutes before returning to the saucepan. Heat once, almost to the boiling point, add the wine, and serve. Caramel Sauce. One cupful granulated sugar, one cupful water. Put the sugar into an iron saucepan; stir with a wooden spoon, over a quick fire, until the sugar melts and turns an amber color, then add the water, let boil two minutes and turn out to cool. Wine Sauce. One cupful water, one tablespoonful corn starch, two table- spoonfuls of butter, one cupful sugar, one egg, a little grated nutmeg, one-half cupful wine. Wet the corn starch in cold water, and stir into the boiling water. Boil ten minutes. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream, add the egg, well beaten, and the nutmeg. When the corn starch is cooked, add the wine, and pour the boiling mixture into the egg mixture and stir till well mixed. Foam Sauce. One cup sugar, one egg, one and a half tablespoonfuls butter, three tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream ; add the egg yolk. Place the bowl in hot water ; add the boiling water by the spoonful. Add the beaten white of an egg after it is turned into the serving bowl. PUDDINGS “Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race Aboon them a’ ye take your place, Weel are ye worthy o’ a place As lang's my arm.” Hints on Puddings. Never put a pudding that is to be steamed into anything else than a dry mould. Never wash raisins that are be used in sweet dishes. It will make the pudding heavy. To clean them wipe in a dry towel. To brown sugar for sauce or for puddings, put the sugar in a perfectly dry saucepan. If the pan is the least bit wet the sugar will burn and you will spoil your saucepan. In boiling dumplings of any kind, put them in the water one at a time. If they are put in together they will mix with each other. In making any sauce, put the butter and flour in together, and your sauce will never be lumpy. "Whenever you see your sauce boil from the sides of the pan you may know your flour or corn starch is done. Haggis. The haggis is a dainty peculiar to Scotland, though it is sup- posed to be an adaptation of a French dish. It is made with the tongue, heart, kidneys and liver of a sheep, and sometimes, when a very large dish is required, the meat from the sheep’s head is ( 112 ) PUDDINGS 113 added also. Sometimes a haggis is served as a sweet dish, and when this is the case, bread crumbs and beaten eggs should be substituted for the oatmeal and gravy, while chopped raisins, well-cleaned currants, lemon juice and grated nutmeg should be used in place of the cayenne pepper, onion and herb powder. Fine, white sugar and white sauce may then, if desired, be served as accompaniments. When parboiled, a well-made haggis will keep good for two or three weeks ; one is often sent, therefore, in this state from Scotland as a present to friends at a distance. Scotch Haggis. Lamb's pluck, lamb’s liver, lamb’s heart; salt, pepper, one pound beef suet, three cupfuls fine oatmeal ; melted butter. Soak the pluck, liver and heart in salt and water for an hour. When cold mince fine, add the suet minced and the oatmeal, pepper and salt to taste ; moisten all with the liquor that the pluck was boiled in, put all into a cloth, tie up tightly and boil three hours. Serve with melted butter. Plum Pudding. One cupful sugar, one cupful suet, one cupful bread crumbs, one cupful milk, two cupfuls raisins chopped, two cupfuls cur- rants, four eggs, flour to make stiff. Put in spice to taste, tie loosely in a well floured cloth and boil steadily for four hours. English Plum Pudding. Twelve eggs, three pounds raisins, twenty-six ounces suet, ten ounces sugar, twenty-two ounces flour, one nutmeg, one cup- ful brandy, half bottle essence of lemon. Mix like a cake and boil or steam five hours. English Plum Pudding. Nine eggs, four cupfuls suet, four cupfuls sugar, four cup- fuls bread crumbs, four cupfuls currants, six cupfuls raisins, eight ounces peel, one wine glass whiskey, one small cupful milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, spices to suit taste, enough flour to make stiff, flour the fruit. 114 PUDDINGS Christmas Pudding. One and a quarter pounds raisins, one pound currants, one- quarter pound citron, one-quarter pound orange and lemon peel, one-quarter pound Jordan almonds, two tablespoonfuls cinna- mon, two tablespoonfuls nutmeg, two tablespoonfuls mace, one pound granulated sugar, eight eggs, one-half pint milk, one- quarter teaspoonful soda, one-half pound beef suet, one pound bread crumbs, one-half cup flour; seed the raisins, wash and prepare currants, cut in thin slices the citron, orange and lemon peel; blanche the almonds and cut them in thin strips. Mix the spice in a bowl and set it on one side. Beat the yolks of the eggs into the sugar, grate the yellow part of one lemon peel, and add gradually the milk, the suet chopped fine and the bread crumbs. Add the fruit and spice, and finally the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Butter a tin mould or bowl, and pack the pud- ding in it ; leave no place for it to swell. If it is boiled in a bowl, a cloth must be tied around it to cover it. A mould usually has a cover. The water in the pot should reach the top of the pud- ding mould. All puddings should be suspended in the water, and not left to wobble about and become water soaked. The pudding should boil six hours the day it is made. When it is done hang it from a hook in a cold cellar. If it has been in a tin mould, however, it should be transferred to a cloth for the purposes of hanging, as it must not of course remain in the tin. On Christmas morning replace pudding in the mould in boiling water, and boil two hours longer; should be made two weeks before Christmas, and hung to attain perfection. Plum Pudding. One pound raisins stoned, one pound currants, one pound beef suet, one pound bread crumbs, one pound flour, six eggs, one pint milk, one-quarter pound mixed peel, one ounce cinna- mon, one-half ounce ginger, one grated nutmeg, little salt. Mix bread crumbs, suet and flour together, beat eggs, add milk, put soda in milk, beat all these together, then add fruit and spices. Boil four hours. Plum Pudding. One pound raisins, one pound currants, one pound seedless raisins, one-half pound equal parts of orange, lemon and citron PUDDINGS 115 peels, one pound suet, one pound flour, rind of one lemon, cinna- mon, cloves and nutmeg to suit taste, one-half pound sugar, one- quarter pound shelled almonds, salt, one wine-glass brandy, milk enough to make into a pretty solid mass. Boil from four to five hours. Plum Pudding. One cupful suet chopped fine, one cupful molasses, one cup- ful sweet milk, one pound raisins, one large teaspoonful soda ; salt to taste, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful nutmeg, three and a half cupfuls of flour. Mix into hatter and boil three and a half hours. Teetotallers’ Christmas Pudding. Pick and stone two pounds good raisins, pick, wash and dry one pound currants, chop two pounds beef suet. Have ready half pound brown sugar, six ounces candied peel — cut them, two and a half pounds flour, six eggs, one quart or more milk, one ounce mixed spice and one tablespoonful salt. Mix rather stiff. Use with or without sauce. Fig Pudding. Two small cupfuls suet, two cupfuls chopped figs, two cup- fuls bread crumbs, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls brown sugar, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful chopped apples. Either boil or steam three hours. Marmalade Pudding. Mix together four ounces minced beef suet, twelve ounces grated bread, four eggs. Beat the eggs with eight ounces of ground sugar, add three tablespoonfuls of orange marmalade, then mix all together, pour into a buttered mould and boil two and a half hours. Sauce for pudding: Cut peel of one lemon into straws, put into pan with six lumpsof sugar and one tea- cupful of water with juice of the lemon, simmer twenty minutes, pour over pudding leaving straw on top. Carrot Pudding. One cup grated carrot, one cup grated potato, one cup flour, one cup suet, one cup sugar, one cup raisins, one cup currants and one grated nutmeg. Boil for three hours. 116 PUDDINGS Carrot Pudding. One cnp sugar, one cup suet, one cup raisins, one cup cur- rants, one cup grated carrot, one and a half cups flour, one tea- spoonful soda in a little milk. Boil for three hours. Nellie’s Pudding. Three ounces of flour, half pound molasses, half pound suet, one lemon, juice and rind, three tablespoonfuls milk, two eggs, mix suet, flour and other ingr e dients together, butter a mould and steam three hours. Lemon Pudding. Three-quarters pound of flour, six ounces of butter, juice of a large lemon, one tablespoonful of flour, one tablespoonful of sugar. Make the above proportions of flour and butter into a smooth paste and roll it out to the thickness of about half an inch. Squeeze the lemon juice, strain it into a cup. stir the flour into it, and as much sugar, spread it over the paste, roll it up, secure the ends and tie the pudding in a floured cloth. Boil two hours. Cabinet Pudding. Butter your mould well and lay raisins and citron in the pattern around the sides, break sponge cake in pieces, lay close to the fruit, only half fill the mould with cake. Make a custard with five eggs, sugar, and one quart milk, flavor with vanilla, pour over the cake and steam slowly until set, butter a paper and put over the mould. The sauce — A little melted butter, sugar, the yolks of two eggs, a glass of brandy. Bake in a pan of water one hour. Marmalade Pudding. Half pound sugar, half pound suet, half pound bread crumbs, one cup of marmalade, four eggs, well beaten. Chop the suet and mix well together, put into a buttered mould and steam for three hours. Serve with brown sauce. PUDDINGS 117 Qlnger Pudding. One teaspoonful baking powder, one cupful flour, two cup- fuls cornmeal, one cupful suet, one cupful sugar, one cupful molasses, two tablespoonfuls ginger, half teaspoonful salt, suffi- cient milk to form a stiff batter, steam three hours. Serve with sweet sauce. Steamed Fruit Pudding. One egg, two tablespoonfuls sugar, half cup of milk, one teaspoonful butter, one cup of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; cover the bottom of the pudding dish with preserved currants, raspberries, or cherries, as preferred, pour the batter over the fruit and steam thirty-five minutes. Serve with brown sauce. Chicago Pudding. One cupful cornmeal, half cupful flour, half cupful molasses, one cupful sour milk, three-quarters teaspoonful of soda; put in the milk, a little salt, steam three hours. Eat with cream and sugar. Graham Pudding. One cupful sour milk, one cupful molasses, one egg, one tablespoonful melted butter, one teaspoonful soda (dissolved), one cupful of raisins, two cupfuls of Graham flour (small) ; sea- son with allspice, cloves and cinnamon, one teaspoonful salt; steam two hours. Graham Pudding. One cupful Graham flour, half cupful white flour, half cup- ful molasses, quarter cupful butter, half cupful sour milk, one cupful raisins, one teaspoonful soda, one egg, salt, spice if pre- ferred ; place in cups not quite half full and steam an hour and a half. Serve with soft sauce. Apple Dumpling. One quart flour, two tablespoonfuls baking powder, two tablespoonfuls lard or butter rubbed in the flour, a little salt. Mix with water soft enough to roll ; slice your apples thin ; make either one large or several small ones. 118 PUDDINGS Fruit Pudding. Two breakfast cups of grated bread, six ounces of sugar, six apples, six ounces of suet, half pound currants, rind of lemon grated, a white nutmeg, a little candied peel, three eggs, a tea- spoonful milk; steam three hours. Fig Pudding. One and a half cupfuls suet, two cupfuls flour, half pound figs, one egg, salt, one cupful sugar, sour milk — enough to mix, one teaspoonful soda, chop suet and figs, put soda in milk. Boil three hours. Quay Pudding. Two eggs, their weight in flour and butter, the weight of one egg in sug.ar ; beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs well beaten, stir in the flour, add two tablespoonfuls jam; last of all add half teaspoonful of soda; steam three-quarters of an hour. Date Pudding. One cupful white sugar, one cupful butter, one pound dates stoned, one cupful sweet milk, three eggs, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, flavoring — flour to make a batter like jelly cake. Steam three hours. Serve with hot sauce. Fine Pudding. Four eggs, one cupful flour, one cupful butter, half cupful sugar. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs well beaten, stir in the flour, then add four tablespoonfuls of jam or jelly and last one teaspoonful soda. To be eaten with sauce. Steam one hour and three-quarters. Spiced Pudding. Two cupfuls bread crumbs, one cupful milk, one-quarter cup- ful butter, half cupful molasses, one egg, pinch of salt, half tea- spoonful soda, half teaspoonful cloves, half teaspoonful cinna- mon, a little nutmeg. Steam two hours. To be eaten with cream. PUDDINGS 119 Steamed Pudding. One egg, one small cupful of sugar, half cupful milk, one and a half cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful butter, flavor to taste, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, steam one and a half hours. To be eaten with sweet sauce. Cup Pudding. Two eggs, one and a half cupfuls sugar, one-half a cupful of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls butter, two teaspoonfuls bak- ing powder, flour enough to make a batter. Butter your cups, pour in a small quantity of preserves, then fill with batter half way and steam twenty minutes. Suet Pudding. Two and one-half cups of flour, one-half cup bread crumbs, one cup suet, one cup raisins, one half cup sugar, a little over a quarter cup molasses, one egg, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der, a little water. Boil two hours. Delightful Pudding. One half tumbler of mashed potatoes, the same of flour, a small piece of butter. Mix with a little milk. Then pour over this one quart boiling milk. When cool add thre e well beaten eggs, and bake half an hour. To be eaten with cream and sugar. Molasses Pudding. Four cups flour, one cup suet, one cup sour milk, one and a half cup of molasses, two cups fruit, one tablespoonful cinna- mon, one teaspoonful soda. Boil two and half hours. Molasses Pudding. Three cups flour, one cup suet, one cup sugar, one cup raisins, one half cup currants, one half cup molasses, two eggs, two tea- spoonfuls cream tartar, one of soda, a cup of milk. Season to taste with ground cloves, nutmeg. Steam three hours. 120 PUDDINGS Cherry Pudding. One quart flour, three cupfuls of dried cherries rubbed into the flour; beat four eggs with two cupfuls of sugar, one cup of milk, one teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar sifted into the flour, and a saltspoonful of salt. Boil two or three hours. Serve with a wine sauce. The Queen of Puddings. One pint of bread crumbs, one quart milk, one half cup sugar, yolks of four eggs, butter the size of a walnut, the grated rind of one lemon. Bake until firm, but not watery. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with four tablespoonfuls of sugar, and the lemon juice. Spread currant jelly over the top of the pud- ding, and then the whites. Set in cool oven long enough to get firm. Serve with cream. A Light Pudding. One pint flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, a little salt with milk enough to make a thin batter, butter your cups, put in a good spoonful of batter, then a spoonful of jam, cover with more batter. Steam half an hour. Rice Pudding. To one cup rice, well soaked, three cups milk or cream with pinch salt, flavor to taste. Bake in slow oven three or four hours. Boiled Rice Pudding. A very excellent dessert may be made of rice boiled in milk, sweetened, and flavored W’ith any nice pear, peach or apple pre- serves. Drain the rice, heap it in a pyramid form in the centre of a flat platter, surround it by the preserved fruit, and pour the syrup in which the fruit was preserved over all. Rice is excellent served in this way with strawberry preserves, with a little whipped cream masking or covering the strawberries. Rice Oroquettes. Boil one cupful of well washed rice in four cupfuls of boiling water for half an hour. Drain it, add to it half a cupful of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, one of sugar, half a teaspoonful of PUDDINGS 121 salt and a grating of nutmeg. When this mixture boils, stir in rapidly one egg and set it away to cool. When cold, shape, dip in beaten egg, then in bread crumbs, and fry three minutes in hot fat. Rice in Cups. One cup of rice, boil it and put it to cool in small teacups, it will fill six teacups, after it is cold empty them into a large fruit dish, put a piece of jelly on the top of each cupful and pour boiled custard over it. Three eggs will make custard enough for that quantity. Meringue. One quart of milk, or a little more, one cup of rice, boil until soft, sweeten with sugar, add n few drops of lemon. When cooked put into a platter, have a well in the centre, fill up with cooked apples, beat up whites of three eggs, lay over the top with a spoon, put in the oven to brown. Serve with cream. Rice Plum Pudding. Carefully wash and soak over night half a teacup of rice, drain and put it in a buttered pudding dish in which are a quart of milk, a saltspoonful of salt, half a cupful of sugar, a heaping tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, stir in at the last a coffee-cupful of stoned raisins, bake in a slow oven for two hours. During the first hour stir thoroughly four or five times to prevent the rice and raisins from settling at the bottom of the dish. Sago and Apple Pudding. Soak a cup of sago in water over night. Early in the morn- ing put half of it in a deep earthen pudding-dish. Core enough rich, tart apples. Fill the apples with sugar, grate one-quarter nutmeg and moisten the sago well with water. Lay the apples over the sago and bake the pudding one hour. Serve the pud- ding with rich cream and sugar. Old-Fashioned Sago Pudding. To make the old-fashioned sago, soak five tablespoonfuls of sago in milk for five hours, then stir it into a quart of boiling milk and cook on top of the stove till soft. Beat the yolks of 122 PUDDINGS six eggs in a pudding dish with a teacup of sugar. Add a little nutmeg. When the sago is cooked, add the yolks of the eggs gradually, being careful they do not curdle, and then bake the pudding twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven. Spread tart jelly over the pudding — currant or grape jelly is excellent for this purpose. Cover the pudding with a meringue, made by beating six tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar into the whites of six eggs. Serve cold. Tapioca can be used. Tapioca Pudding. Three tablespoonfuls tapioca, three tablespoonfuls cocoanut, three tablespoonfuls sugar, one quart milk, four eggs ; soak tapioca over night in water, pour off water, put the tapioca into the boiling milk, with the yolks of eggs, sugar and cocoanut, boil two or three minutes, then pour it into a pudding dish ; beat the whites to a stiff froth with three tablespoonfuls sugar spread over the top ; sprinkle cocoanut over it and brown. Tapioca Cream. Take three tablespoonfuls of tapioca and cover it with cold water, let it stand over night; then add one quart of milk, a small piece of butter, a little salt, and boil. Beat the yolks of three eggs with a cup of sugar, and when tapioca is clear, add the eggs and sugar and boil until thick as custard; flavor with vanilla; when cold cover with whites of eggs well beaten. Tapioca and Orange. Soak a cup of tapioca for an hour in cold water, then boil, adding warm water enough to allow it to expand; when tender sweeten it and take from the fire, add an orange cut in small bits for flavoring. Serve with cream. Manioca Pudding. Three tablespoonfuls of manioca, one quart of milk, a little salt, one tablespoonful of butter, two well-beaten eggs, sugar, spice or flavoring to the taste ; mix manioca in half the cold milk, and with the butter stir on the fire until it thickens or boils, pour it quickly into a dish, stir in the sugar and the rest of milk ; when cool, add the eggs and flavoring. This pudding may be varied by omitting the eggs and substituting currants or other fruit instead. Bake half hour in moderate oven. This is good made with apples, like the apple and sago pudding. PUDDINGS 123 Cottage Pudding. One cupful sugar, one cupful milk, one egg, one pint flour, butter size of an egg, three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in an oven. Orange Pudding. An orange pudding requires the rind of three and the juice of six sweet oranges, a quart of milk, five eggs, a cupful and a half of granulated sugar and a large tablespoonful of corn starch. Grate the rind of the oranges into the milk and s aid it. Pour the corn starch into it, after dissolving in a little cold milk. Add gradually the yolks of the eggs, stirring the mixture so that it will not curdle, and last of all the sugar and three-quarters of the orange juice. The pudding is now ready to go in the oven. Set it in a pan of hot water and bake it till it is firm in the cen- tre. When it is done take it out and set it away to cool a little while you are preparing a meringue for it of the whites of five eggs, halfcup of powdered sugar, and the remainder of orange juice. Spread this over the pudding and set it back in the oven to cook slowly for twenty minutes. It should rise well, should brown very lightly, and above all, should not fall after it is taken out, as meringues which are baked rapidly so often do. Orange Pudding. Pour one pint of boiling water over two cupfuls of sugar and one lemon cut very fine. Wet three tablespoonfuls of corn starch with a little milk and stir in. Let it come to a boil, simmer five minutes, slice four oranges and lay in a glass dish, scatter over them a little powdered sugar, pour over them the lemon and corn starch when cool, whip the whites of two eggs with a little sugar, flavor with lemon essence, pour over the top and let get icy cold. Orange Pudding. One quart milk, two heaping dessertspoonfuls of corn starch, yolks of three eggs, piece of butter size of an egg, one cupful of sugar and a little salt, half dozen oranges. Take out all the seeds and sugar well. Pour the custard over the oranges and put the beaten whites on top. Brown slightly. 124 PUDDINGS Lemon Pudding. Three soda biscuits rolled fine, one and half cupfuls milk, one dessertspoonful of butter, yolks of two eggs, one-half cupful sugar ; mix all together and hake half an hour. Dressing for top of pudding : — Two lemons, juice and rind, one cupful sugar, one-half cupful water; boil all together. Add a dessertspoonful of corn starch dissolved in water; let this boil one minute, set out to cool; when so place on top of pudding, it being already cooked, and over all pour whites of eggs well beaten. Brown slightly in oven. Lemon Cream Pudding. One-half cupful sugar (white), two cupfuls bread crumbs, five eggs (yolks only), one teaspoonful butter, one quart milk; rub butter into the sugar, and beat with the yolks to a cream, add crumbs soaked in milk, bake in a buttered dish, and spread with the following cream : One teacupful white sugar, one teaspoonful butter, one egg, two lemons, juice and rind, one teacupful of boiling water; put all on the stove, and when boiling add two teaspoonfuls of corn starch, dissolved in water ; stir over the fire till it thickens. Beat up the whites of the eggs with a little sugar, put on top and brown. Lemon Pudding. One cupful white sugar, half cupful corn starch, four eggs. The juice and rind of two lemons, grate the rind of the lemons and squeeze the juice into a basin, add the sugar to this, beat the yolks light, add to the sugar and lemons, then pour all this into the corn starch, having prepared it as follows: Take the half cupful of corn starch and mix it with a little cold water, then pour boiling water upon it till it is clear and quite thick. Bake from half to three-quarters of an hour. Top, beat the whites to a stiff froth and add half a cupful of white sugar. Lemon Pudding. Rind and juice of one lemon, half a cupful butter, half cup- ful sugar, one cupful cold water, yolks of three eggs. Boil down thick. Take half a dozen sponge cakes, split each in four pieces, put in pudding dish and pour the boiling mixture over them. Then beat whites to a stiff froth with sugar. Brown slightly and eat cold. PUDDINGS 125 Lemon Pudding. One cupful sugar, one tablespoonful butter, two tablespoon- fuls flour or corn starch, yolks of two eggs; juice and grated rind of one lemon. Stir all to a cream and add one pint of boil- ing water and let boil till thick. Pour into a pudding dish, then beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth with sugar, spread over top and brown. To be eaten cold. Cream Pudding. In one pint of milk melt a teaspoonful of butter, after which stir in three tablespoonfuls of sugar, then a grating of nutmeg and the well beaten yolks of three eggs, whip the whites to a stiff froth, drop them in, stir lightly, pour into a shallow pud- ding dish that has been well buttered and sprinkled with bread crumbs, also sprinkle the top of the custard with bread crumbs, bake till stiff in the middle. Amber Pudding. One cupful sugar, two cupfuls water, one lemon, rind and juice, two eggs, two dessertspoonfuls corn starch, butter size of an egg. Put the butter and lemon rind and juice in saucepan to simmer, beat yolks of eggs, sugar and corn starch, add to the lemon and butter, boil one minute, beat the whites with a little sugar, pour over, set in oven to brown. Tipsy Parson Pudding. Cut any pieces of stale cake into thin slices and cover with any kind of jam arranged in a pudding dish. Make a custard by. stirring one teaspoonful of corn starch wet with a cup and half milk, allow it to cook a few minutes, then stir in the yolks of two eggs beaten in two tablespoonfuls sugar. Remove from fire and flavor to taste with vanilla. Pour over the cake. Make a meringue of whites of eggs and a little sugar, spread over the top and brown lightly in the oven. "When liked, flavor with wine. Delightful Pudding. One cupful white sugar, one cupful sweet milk, one egg, one tablespoonful butter, one pint flour, two and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, bake three-quarters of an hour. Serve with sauce. 126 PUDDINGS Baked Apple Pudding. To one quart of sliced apples, flavored to taste, pour over one pint milk or cream well thickened with flour, one teaspoonful baking powder. Serve with cream and sugar. Bird’s Nest Pudding. Peel and core eight apples. Put them in an earthen pudding dish and pour over them a cupful of boiling water. Cover the dish with a plate and set it in the oven. Allow the apples to cook in this way for half an hour. Drain off any liquid that may be around them and set it aside for the pudding sauce. Pour over the apples a custard made of the yolks of six eggs and a quart of milk. Salt to the taste, but no sugar. Bake the pud- ding like a custard, setting the dish in a pan of water to pre- vent its wheying. Dutch Apple Pudding. One pint flour, one egg, two tablespoonfuls butter, two table- spoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt, three or four apples. Beat the egg light, add the milk to it, put salt and baking powder in flour, sift and then rub in the butter, pour in the milk and egg quickly; spread the dough about half an inch thick on a buttered baking pan, halve and core the apples, stick the pieces into the dough ; sprinkle with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Bake in a quick oven half an hour. Eat with sugar and cream. Apple Charlotte. Trim the crust off the bread and cut it in round, lengthwise slices, about an inch wide, to fit the height of the mould. After greasing the mould thickly with butter, line it evenly with the bread. Cut up enough nice, tart apples to fill the mould, and core, peel and quarter them, and cut each quarter into two or more pieces. Add two handfuls of sugar to them. Put three tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan; when it is melted add the apple and toss them till they are well cooked, but not broken. Add to them four tablespoonfuls of quince or apricot marmalade, and pour the whole into the mould, which should be filled. Cover the opening of the mould with a thin slice of bread buttered evenly. Set the charlotte in the oven and bake it for twenty PUDDINGS 127 minutes, to give the bread a good yellow color. A few moments after removing the charlotte from the oven, turn it out on a platter and sprinkle it with sugar and serve it with a caramel or any nice butter-and-sugar sauce. Apple Float A pint of stewed apples, whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth, four large tablespoonfuls sugar. Then add the apples and sugar alternately to the eggs — a spoonful of each and beat all together until it stands up perfectly stiff. Serve this in sauc- ers on a custard made of the yolks of the eggs, one pint of milk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and flavor with vanilla. Iced Apples. Pare and core one dozen large apples; fill with sugar a little butter and nutmeg ; hake until nearly done. Let cool and re- move to another plate if it can be done without breaking (if not pour off the juice). Ice the top and sides with cake icings and brown lightly. Serve with cream or boiled custard. Crabapple Pudding. With a small sharp knife remove the cores from large, red crabapples, fill the core cavities with raisins, from which the seeds have been removed ; make very sweet, and add a little water; bake until the apples are soft. When cool place in a glass dish and cover with the whites of two eggs beaten stiff and sweetened. Apple Pudding. Wash and wipe some fine, well-flavored apples (not sweet). Core them with an apple corer, then pare them evenly so that they will be smooth and of good shape. Boil gently in water, enough just to reach the tops, with a square inch or two of thin lemon peel, a teaspoonful of sugar being added for each apple. Cook until they are soft, but not broken. When done lift them out into a glass dish. The amount of water used will depend upon the number of apples, but whatever is used boil it until it is reduced one-half. Fill the holes with apple, grape or any other bright-colored jelly, and when the syrup is cool pour it over. When the apples are thoroughly cooked, without breaking, they make a pretty dish. 128 PUDDINGS Cocoanut Pudding. One pound cocoanut, one pint milk or cream, one cupful granulated sugar, six whites of eggs. To the milk add one pint of the milk of a cocoanut or one pint of cream, then the sugar and the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and last add the grated cocoanut. Bake the pudding for one hour in a rather slow oven, setting the pudding dish in another dish of water to prevent it from wheving. When the pudding is done pour over it a meringue made of the whites of two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Set the pud- ding back in the oven till the meringue is perfectly firm. Keep the oven door open while the meringue is cooking to prevent its coloring. The yolks of the eggs may be reserved for a soft cus-. tard, which will serve as a dessert for another day. Cocoanut Corn Starch Pudding. One quart milk, four tablespoonfuls corn starch, six table- spoonfuls sugar, one cupful cocoanut, four eggs. Put the milk on to boil, as soon as it comes to the boil add the corn starch. Wet with a little milk, stir till it thickens, add quickly the beaten whites of eggs, sugar and cocoanut. Turn into a mould. Serve with a boiled custard made with yolks of four eggs, four table- spoonfuls sugar and a pint of milk. Cocoanut Pudding. One pint milk, yolks of two eggs, two heaping tablespoonfuls cocoanut, half cup rolled cracker, one tablespoonful sugar. Bake half-hour; make a frosting of the whites; put in oven and brown. Bakewell Pudding. Quarter-pound ratafies, four eggs, one lemon rind, half tea- spoonful lemon juice, half teaspoonful sugar. Line and border your pudding dish with puff paste crumble the ratafies, put a layer of the biscuits, then one of jam, then another of ratafies, then a layer of jam, then pour custard over the whole, made with the yolks of four eggs and two w T hites, the grated rind of one lemon, and a half teaspoonful flavoring, one of sugar. Bake in a well-heated oven for three-quarters of an hour. PUDDINGS 129 Bread Pudding with Cherry Sauce. Cut up a pound of stale bread in small dice and moisten it with warm milk, and set it away to soak for four or five hours. Squeeze out the bread from the milk at the end of this time and mash it fine with a spoon. Add to it a quarter of a cup of but- ter, a cup of sugar, a half-teaspoonful of salt, the yolks of four eggs, a cup of well-washed currants and half a cupful of rich milk or cream. Pour the preparation into a buttered tin mould set in water, or in a double boiler, which is buttered, and let it cook one hour. When ready to serve, turn it out and serve with cherry sauce. Bread and Butter Pudding. Two eggs, one pint of milk, two tablespoonfuls sugar, mar- malade or currants. Cut in moderately thin slices bread and butter enough to fill a large pudding dish, putting between the layers a few currants or marmalade, beat eggs and sugar to- gether, add the milk, pour this over the bread and butter. Bake about forty minutes. Baked Pudding. Pour over a teacupful of fine bread crumbs a pint of milk heated to the boiling point, let that stand for half an hour ; beat four eggs very light, mix with the milk and. bread, add sugar to the taste, a lump of butter the size of half an egg, a teaspoonful of lemon extract and a little grated lemon peel. Butter some small cups, put a few currants or raisins into the batter and then pour into the cups until they are a little more than ‘half full. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. Cake may be used instead of bread. Gipsy Pudding. Cut stale sponge cake in thin slices, spread with apple jelly. Put together like a sandwich, place in deep dish, cover with boiled custard. Serve cold. Brown Betty Pudding. One-third bread crumbs, two-thirds apples chopped fine. Put into a pudding dish. Mix two cupfuls brown sugar, one- quarter cupful butter, two teaspoonfuls cinnamon and a little nutmeg, and spread over the apples and bread. Bake very brown. 130 PUDDINGS Raspberry Pudding. Two cupfuls freshly picked berries, sprinkle over them a cof- fee-cupful of fine white sugar. Let a pint of milk get boiling hot by setting in hot water, add the yolks of three eggs well beaten, one tablespoonful corn starch made smooth in a little cold milk, stir until it thickens, then pour over the fruit. Beat the whites to a stiff froth spread over the top, and brown in the oven. Peach Flummery. Line the bottom of a glass or porcelain dish with stale cake, not more than an inch and a half thick. Make a boiled custard out of a pint of milk and the yolks of four eggs, and just before serving pour it over the cake. On this spread a thick layer of peeled, sliced and sugared peaches, and over that a meringue made of the whites of four eggs beaten stiff, with four tablespoon- fuls of sugar. Raspberry Pudding. Make a batter as for a sponge cake. Put a layer of the batter in the bottom of your pan, then a layer of ripe or preserved fruit alternately; bake half an hour in a moderate oven. To be served with cream and sugar. Apples may be used as a sub- stitute for berries. Apple Betty. One pint stewed apples sweetened, a small lump of butter, a teacupful rich milk or cream. Put the apples into the dish in layers with thin shavings of bread, pour the milk over it and bake half an hour. To be eaten with fairy sauce, i.e., butter and sugar beaten to a froth, and flavored with vanilla, lemon or wine. Puff Pudding. Six eggs beaten separately, six tablespoonfuls flour, one cup- ful sugar, one quart milk, one teaspoonful butter; beat flour, yolks of eggs and sugar, then add the well-beaten whites and but- ter. Bake in stone cups well buttered in a quick oven for half an hour. PUDDINGS 131 Cherry Puffs. Take rich red cherries. Make a delicate biscuit-dough, a heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, and milk enough to mix it into a soft dough, with just consistency enough to be stirred. Add a cupful of stoned cherries to this mixture, beat it well, turn into greased cups, and steam it half an hour until well puffed up. Serve the puffs with a hard sauce, flavored with caramel or simply nutmeg. Baked Bananas. Select large red bananas, strip off one section of the skin, loosen the remaining, place it in a baking pan the uncovered side up, sprinkle with granulated sugar, and bake in a moderate oven for thirty minutes. If you use wine put one tablespoonful over each banana and serve in shells. Dishes of Prunes. To prepare them for stewing they should first he thoroughly washed, then soaked for four or five hours in just enough cold water to cover them. When ready to be cooked put them on the stove and bring them as quickly as possible to the boiling point, then let them simmer for several hours. The sugar neces- sary to sweeten them should be added about half an hour before they are removed from the fire. This makes a thick, rich mar- malade, which is delicious for a filling for tarts or to serve alone as a preserve on the tea table. It may also be strained, sweet- ened more and cooked down till it is thick enough to use as a jam filling between cakes. Prune Pudding. One pound best prunes, stew until tender, remove the stones, cut the prunes in two or three pieces, to the juice add one-half box gelatine and sugar to taste, boil and add the prunes only long enough to heat through, pour in a mould and serve with whipped cream or cream and sugar. Sponge Pudding. One pint of milk, two ounces of sugar, two ounces of flour, two ounces of butter, five eggs. Boil the sugar, milk and flour together until they thicken, then take off the fire and stir in the 132 PUDDINGS butter, beat the eggs separately, put the yolks in the pudding dish, then stir in the whites beaten stiff, then set in a pan of hot water and bake three-quarters of an hour. Do not remove the pudding from the oven until required. Blanc-Mange. A blanc-mange made of whipped cream stiffened with gela- tine and served with an orange sauce and some decorations of orange jelly and candied oranges is very delicious. Put half a box of gelatine in soak in a cupful of cold water for two hours. When it is thoroughly soaked pour half a gill of boiling water over it, and when it is melted strain it carefully over two quarts of whipped cream, measured after whipping. Grate the yellow rind of one orange over the cream and sprinkle half a cupful of sugar over it. Add two tablespoonfuls of orange juice. Set the cream in a pan of ice-water and continue to beat till it begins to stiffen. Then pour it into cups or into individual moulds. Make a pint of bright-colored orange jelly from Valencia oranges and decorate the blanc-mange with little bits of this when it is turned out, using a layer of orange jelly under each mould. Beat the yolks of four eggs with two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Add slowly half a cupful of sweet cream and the grated rind of an orange. Set the sauce in a pan of boiling water and stir it for about three or four minutes. Add a few pieces of candied orange peel, or any candied fruit, and pour this sauce over the blanc-mange when it is served. Blanc-Mange. One liberal quart milk, one quart packet gelatine, three- quarters cupful white sugar, two teaspoonfuls vanilla. Soak the gelatine for two hours in a cupful of cold water, heat the milk to boiling in a farina kettle, add the soaked gelatine and sugar, stir for ten minutes over the fire and strain through a thin muslin bag into a mould wet with cold water, flavor and set in a cold place to form. Serve with powdered sugar and cream. Blanc-Mange Strawberries. Dissolve half an ounce gelatine in a cupful of water, add to it one pint cream and one-quarter pound of sugar, heat it till PUDDINGS 133 nearly boiling, let stand till nearly cold, pour over your berries which you have sugared and placed in a glass dish. Looks very pretty and tastes nice. Cold Pudding. Beat the yolks of eight eggs with one cupful sweet cream and some sugar ; place in a pan of hot water and stir till it boils ; have ready two ounces gelatine dissolved, some seedless raisins cooked in a little water and drained, some finely chopped candied peel soaked in orange water : stir till it is thick and creamy. When cool, stir in a quart of sweet cream beaten stiff, sweeten to taste. Put into your moulds and set on ice. Wake a sauce of any fruit juice you may have. Let cool and serve with pud- ding. Fig Custard Pudding. One pound best figs, one quart milk, five yolks of eggs, whites of two, one half package gelatine, one-half cupful water, four tablespoonfuls sugar. Soak figs in warm water till quite soft, split them and line a well-buttered mould with them. Soak gelatine in half a cupful Water, add sugar and flavor to taste. Heat milk, stir in eggs till it thickens, set away to cool, melt gelatine by adding two tablespoonfuls boiling water, let it cool ; when it begins to congeal, whip whites into it, beat into cold custard and fill mould. Fruit Blanc-Mange. Stew nice fresh fruit (cherries or raspberries being the best), strain off the juice and sweeten to taste ; while boiling stir in corn starch, wet with a little cold water, allowing two table- spoonfuls starch for each pint of juice. Continue stirring until cooked, then pour into moulds wet in cold water; set away to cool. To be eaten with cream and sugar. Prune Pudding. One pound prunes boiled till soft, then stoned and chopped, one cupful sugar, whites of four eggs beaten stiff. Bake twenty minutes, serve with whipped cream. Eaten cold or hot. 134 PUDDINGS Sponge Pudding. Four eggs, two cups sugar, two cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, , one-half cup boiling water poured in the last thing. To be eaten with sauce. Ice Pudding. One pint of cream, one glass of brandy, preserved fruit: ginger, pears, peaches, cherries, or pineapple, one pint boiled custard. Put the custard, cream, fruit and brandy together, the more variety of fruit the better. Put this into a mould; set it to freeze the same as ice cream, but stir the pudding every now and then before it is quite frozen. Keep the fruit from settling at the bottom. When ready, set the mould in cold water. Sago Jelly. Six dessertspoonfuls sago, one quart water, six spoohfuls sugar, lemon flavor. Boil to a thick clear jelly, stirring con- stantly (about an hour), place in mould. Can be eaten with cream or lemon sauce. Devonshire Junket. One quart new milk, two tablespoonfuls brandy, one table- spoonful sugar, essence of rennet. Warm the milk to blood heat, add brandy and sugar, pour into a bowl and add sufficient rennet to turn it. Let it stand for two hours. Essence of rennet varies so much that you should follow directions given on each bottle as to the quantity required for a quart of milk; grate nutmeg over the junket. Curds and Cream. One pint fresh, warm milk, one teaspoonful prepared rennet. Stir the rennet into the milk, cover and leave till cold. Serve with sweet cream and sugar. Should a flavor be desired, mix in a few drops of essence of lemon, and one teaspoonful white sugar before the rennet is put in. PUDDINGS 135 Charlotte Russe. Take one quart of cream, sweeten and flavor, whip the cream until all in froth ; then take half a box of gelatine, put in as little cold water as possible to soak, and set on the stove to melt; have the gelatine cool before putting into the cream. Line a dish with cake or lady fingers ; pour the cream into it, and stand it on ice to cool until ready for use. Charlotte Russe. Make a custard with one pint milk, four eggs ; make it very sweet, dissolve one ounce of gelatine in a little water and add to custard. Beat one pint of cream to a stiff froth, mix all together, pour into moulds lined with sponge cake. Snow Souffle. Two eggs, one-half ounce gelatine, two lemons, two cupfuls white sugar. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, dis- solve the gelatine in a pint of boiling water, add the sugar and juice of the lemons. Beat the whole together until quite stiff and white, then pour into a mould. Snow Pudding. One large package gelatine, one and one-half cupfuls sugar, one cupful boiling water, whites of four eggs, juice of one lemon. Pour one cupful cold water over the gelatine, then add sugar, then one cupful boiling water, juice of lemon and the whites of eggs well beaten. Beat all together until very light, pour in a dish to cook. Make a boiled custard and pour over it when dishing for the table. Snow-Drifts. One-half box gelatine, one pint boiling water, two lemons — juice only, two cupfuls sugar, five eggs — whites only. Dis- solve the gelatine in the water, then add the lemon juice and sugar. Put in a mould to get cool but not stiff. Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten and flavor, then float them on boiling milk one minute, then take the gelatine, break up with a fork, but not to liquid, wet your mould in cold water, now fill your mould with spoonfuls of egg and broken jelly. Serve with custard or fruit jelly. 136 PUDDINGS Moonshine. Three-quarters ounce gelatine, half pound sugar, two lemons. Dissolve the gelatine in a pint boiling water, add the rind of the lemons and the sugar, boil ten minutes, then strain while hot, add the juice of the lemons and when nearly cold whisk till it looks like snow, put into a wet mould, turn out next day. Moonshine. Six egg whites, six tablespoonfuls sugar, one cupful jelly. Beat the egg whites, then add the sugar, beat for half an hour and then beat in the jelly and set on the ice. Serve in saucers with whipped cream flavored with vanilla. Chocolate Pudding. Put one pint milk in a double boiler, separate four eggs and beat the whites to a stiff froth. Moisten four even tablespoons of corn starch with cold milk, stir this into the hot milk, stir and cook till thick and smooth. Add half a cup sugar and four ounces of grated chocolate, take from the fire and stir in the well beaten whites of the eggs. Turn into a mould and set away to harden. Beat the yolks of the eggs with four tablespoonfuls of sugar, add one pint of scalding milk, cook for a few moments, add a teaspoonful of vanilla and cool. Serve with the pudding. JELLIES Fancy Jellies. There are a great many varieties in fancy jellies for parties. Considerable variety may be obtained from simple lemon jelly, which is good and wholesome, while it is not difficult to prepare. A pretty surprise for a child’s party is a basket of oranges, each one cut in half, the pulp scooped out, refilled with tri-col- ored jelly, and the two halves afterward tied together with fancy ribbon. Lemon rinds are also very pretty filled in a similar way. In filling a mould with three layers of jelly in different colors, place the heavier, darker jelly as a base for the mould when it is turned out. It will be at the top when you fill it. In putting in layers of different colors, have a pan of cracked ice, with a mere sprinkling of salt in it. Set the mould in this ice and salt. Put in the first layer of white jelly and let it stand for fifteen or twenty minutes, or until it has hardened. Very pretty effect may now be produced by the use of candied fruit in the clear jelly — such as cherries, pineapples or limes. Cut them in suit- able pieces and arrange them in the form you desire. Put a little gelatine over them to keep them in place. When this has hardened, pour in the next color of jelly. If the green is a delicate shade, it looks prettier next, reserving the darker crim- son for the last layer. Such a mould of jelly as this, arranged on a low crystal platter, especially if it be wreathed with a little whipped cream, has a wonderfully fairy-like appearance. Gelatine Jelly. One package of gelatine; pour over it one quart of boiling water; when the gelatine is dissolved, add two cupfuls sugar, ( 137 ) 138 JELLIES the juice of three good lemons and two oranges carefully strained. When well mixed, put into a mould wet with cold water. Tutti-Frutti Jelly. Soak one-half box gelatine in one-half pint cold water, dis- solve with one pint boiling water, add juice of three lemons, one-half cupful sugar: strain. When beginning to stiffen, put a layer of jelly in a dish, then a layer of sliced bananas, another layer of jelly, one of sliced oranges, one of jelly, and one of grated eocoanut. and finish with jelly. Fruit Jelly. Soak one box gelatine in water for one hour, squeeze into it the pulp and juice of one orange and one lemon, add one pint sugar; mix well, and pour over all one pint of boiling water; strain through bag into a dish containing three oranges cut up small and half a dozen bananas sliced. Set away till firm. Lemon or Orange Jelly. One package gelatine soaked in two cupfuls of cold water, two and a half cupfuls of sugar, juice of four lemons and grated peel of two (same of oranges), three cupfuls of boiling water, a quarter teaspoonful powdered cinnamon. Soak the gelatine two hours, add lemon juice, grated peel, sugar and spice, and leave for one hour. Pour on the boiling water, stir until dis- solved and strain through double flannel. Do not shake or squeeze, but let the jelly filter clearly through it into a bowl or pitcher set beneath. Wet moulds in cold water and set aside to cool and harden. Ribbon Jelly. Take one-third currant jelly, one-third lemon jelly and as much plain blanc-mange. When all are cold and begin to form, wet a mould, pour in about a fourth of the red jelly and set on the ice to harden, keep the rest in a warm room or near the fire. So soon as the jelly is firm in the bottom of the mould add carefully some of the white blanc-mange and return the mould to the ice. When this will bear the weight of more jelly, add a little of the lemon, and when this forms, another line of white. JELLIES 139 Proceed in this order, dividing the red from the yellow by white until the jellies are used up. Leave the mould on ice until you are ready to turn the jelly out. A pretty dish and easily man- aged if one will have the patience to wait after putting in each layer until it is firm enough not to be disturbed or muddied by the next supply. Coffee Jelly. One-half package gelatine soaked one-half hour in one-half cupful cold water, add one quart good boiling hot sweetened coffee, stir well and strain into a quart mould well rinsed in cold water. Serve with whipped cream. Canned Peach Jelly. Soak a box of gelatine in a cupful of cold water for an hour. Put the juice from a can of peaches over the fire, with a cupful of granulated sugar; let it boil until it is clear, removing the scum as it rises; when no more scum rises, put in the peaches, let them boil up once, then remove them carefully from the syrup without breaking them, and pour the hot syrup over the gelatine ; add to it the juice of a lemon or two tablespoonfuls of brandy, a cupful of granulated sugar, and a cupful of boiling water. Put all these ingredients over the fire, and stir them constantly until the gelatine is entirely dissolved; then strain the hot jelly through a fine sieve; put the peaches into a mould, pour the liquid -jelly over them, and set the mould in a cold place until the jelly is quite firm. When the jelly is firm, turn it from the mould and serve it. Gelatine Snow. Half box gelatine, one cupful sugar, one and a half pints of water, three eggs, lemon flavor, milk. Flavor the sugar and gelatine with lemon, and put into the water and boil for a few minutes. When the jelly is quite cool and nearly set, put in the egg whites and beat for thirty minutes. Make a sauce of milk and the egg yolks, and flavor. Mix the yolks with cold milk first to prevent curdling. 140 JELLIES Angel Cream. One pint milk, half cupful sugar, little salt, three even table- spoonfuls corn starch, two egg whites. Cook the milk, sugar, salt and corn starch over hot water, and, at the last, stir in the egg whites, well beaten. Use the yolks for a boiled custard with not quite a pint of milk, flavor, set on ice. Wine Jelly. Take two packages of gelatine, soak it in a pint of cold water, ten minutes after pour in a quart of boiling water, and stir until the gelatine is dissolved, then add one quart of sherry wine, one and a half breakfast cupfuls of white sugar, the juice and grate of three lemons, then beat the whites of four eggs and stir into the mixture, then put this on a slow fire and bring it to the boiling point. Let this stand for a minute, then strain it through your jelly bag. Be careful to rinse your bag in boiling water. CUSTARDS “Good sooth, she is the queen of curds and cream!” — Winter’s Tale. Boiled Custard. One quart of fresh, sweet milk, five eggs, one cup of sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of essence of vanilla, lemon or bitter almonds. Heat the milk to a boil in a farina kettle or in a tin pail set in a pot of boiling water. In warm weather put a bit of soda no larger than a pea in the milk. While it is heating beat the eggs in a bowl. When the milk is scalding add the salt and sugar and pour the hot liquid upon the eggs, stirring all the while. Beat up well and return to the inner vessel, keeping the water in the outer at a hard boil. Stir two or three times in the first five minutes, afterward almost constantly. In a quarter of an hour it ought to be done, but of this you can only judge by close observation and practice. The color changes from deep to creamy yellow, the consistency to a soft richness that makes it drop slowly and heavily from the spoon, and the mixture tastes like a custard instead of uncooked eggs, sugar and milk. Take it when quite right — just at the turn — directly from the fire, and pour into a bowl to cool before flavoring with the essence. With a good boiled custard as the beginning we can make scores of delightful desserts. Cup Custard. Fill small glasses nearly to top with cold custard, whip the whites of three eggs stiff, beat in three teaspoonfuls of bright- colored currant jelly, if you have it, heap a tablespoonful of this meringue on the surface of each glassful, set in a cold place until it goes to table. ( 141 ) 142 CUSTARDS Steamed Orange Custard. Beat the yolks of four eggs into four tablespoonfuls of sugar, add the grated rind of one orange, using only the yellow part, and a half saltspoonful of salt, add three cups rich milk which has been brought to the boiling point, pour it on slowly to pre- vent the eggs curdling, beating all the time; when the eggs and milk are thoroughly mixed fill six half-pint custard cups with them, set them over a steamer set over a pot of water which is boiling hard, replace the cover on the steamer and let the cus- tards cook in this way for ten minutes, meantime beat the whites of the four eggs to a stiff meringue, adding four tablespoonfuls of sugar and the juice of half the orange. Heap a little of this meringue on each of the custard cups and set them in the oven in a pan of boiling water for about ten minutes for the meringue to harden. Orange Custard. For an orange custard select five fine Florida oranges, remov- ing the skin, every portion of the inside tissue around the lobes and the seeds, leaving only the pulp. Slice this pulp and lay it in the bottom of a porcelain pudding dish, pour over the oranges a cold custard made of a pint of milk and the yolks of five eggs sweetened and flavored with orange essence, beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and stir in. Set the pudding dish in a pan of hot water, bake it till it is firm in the centre. Solid Custard. One ounce gelatine, one quart milk, four eggs, one-half cup- ful sugar, one teaspoonful vanilla. Soak gelatine in a little milk, beat the eggs separately after the milk comes to the boil, mix the gelatine in it, take off the stove and pour in the yolks, put back, let come to the boil, remove directly and stir in the beaten whites, pour in mould. Custard Cream. Boil half a pint of cream with a piece of lemon peel, a stick of cinnamon and eight lumps of white sugar, beat the yolks of four eggs, then mix the eggs and cream very gradually together, .simmer it gently on the fire, stirring it until it thickens, but remove it the minute it begins to boil. CUSTARDS 143 Mountain Custard. Two quarts of milk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, vanilla, or other essence, two teaspoonfuls of liquid rennet. Pour the milk slightly warmed, into a glass bowl ; sweeten, flavor, and stir in the rennet. Set in a rather warm place until it is firm, like “loppered” milk or blanc-mange, then put on ice. If at the end of an hour it remains liquid put in more rennet. Do not let it stand until the whey separates from the curd. Two hours in warm weather should be enough. Eat with cream and sugar. TRIFLES Trifle. Two stale sponge cakes (baker's) cut in pieces an inch square, lay in the bottom of your dish, putting a little raspberry jam over the cake, also one-quarter pound blanched almonds. Pour over this about three wine glasses sherry wine and a custard made with eight eggs to one quart milk ; make a whipped cream of one pint cream, white of one egg, two ounces sugar, one table- spoonful of wine, heap this on top. It is better to make the cream several hours before you want to put it on the trifle. Trifle. Line a glass dish with sponge cake, cut in thin slices, put raspberries or whatever fruit preferred all over it ; make a rich custard, and fill the dish ; put whipped cream on top. Trifle. One quart good cream, six ounces sifted white sugar, juice of one lemon, whisk all together. Place in a trifle-dish six small sponge cakes, some candied lemon peel cut small : spread the cakes with jelly or raspberry jam; pour a little light wine on the cake. When this has stood for a short time pour in about a pint of thick custard; then spread over the whipped cream. Apple Trifle. Ten good-sized apples, the rind of half a lemon, six ounces white sugar, one-half pint milk, one-half pint cream, two eggs. Peel and cut the apples into thin slices, put them into a saucepan with two tablespoonfuls of water, the sugar and minced lemon ( 144 ) TRIFLES 145 rind, boil till tender; put apples through a sieve, put them in a glass dish; have the custard cool to pour over the apples, then put your whipped cream with a little sugar and lemon peel on the top. Pineapple Trifle. Chop a ripe, sweet pineapple in small pieces and add two cups of sugar to it; set it away and soak a package of gelatine in ccld water for two hours. At the end of this time pour a cupful of boiling water over the gelatine and stir it till it is melted, add it to the pineapple with the juice of a lemon, and stir the mixture on the ice till it begins to be quite thick. Beat to a stiff froth the whites of six eggs and add them to the pine- apple, which should be quite thick, almost firm and moulded by this time ; beat the whole till it is creamy and serve with sweet whipped cream or a delicate soft custard. CREAMS Spanish Cream. One quart milk, four eggs, three-quarters box gelatine. Pour half the milk on the gelatine and let it stand one hour, add the rest of the milk and boil all together. Separate the eggs and sweeten to taste, mix the sugar with the yolks, when the milk and gelatine have boiled, add the yolks. When the cream is thick and smooth flavor with vanilla, take off the fire, stirring all the time, as it gets cold add the whites. Spanish Cream. One-half package gelatine, one quart new milk, three eggs, one cupful white sugar. Dissolve gelatine in new milk; when dissolved, add the yolks of eggs, small cupful of sugar, stirring all the time ; when nearly boiling, take it from the stove and strain, then add flavoring and the whites of the eggs beaten stiff and stirred in. Ready for use in twenty-four hours. Swan’s Down Cream. One pint whipped cream, whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one cupful of powdered sugar, one teaspoonful essence bitter almonds. Just before you are ready to send the dish to table beat whipped cream, frothed whites, sugar and flavoring together in a bowl set deep in cracked ice. Heap in a glass dish and leave in the ice until it is to be eaten. Send sponge cake around with it. Caledonian Cream. Two whites of eggs, two tablespoonfuls loaf sugar, two table- spoonfuls raspberry jam, two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly; beat until they will stand alone. ( 146 ) CREAMS 147 Velvet Cream. Soak three-quarters of an ounce of gelatine in half a pint sherry wine five minutes, then dissolve it over the fire, stirring all the time ; rub the rind of two lemons, with six ounces of loaf sugar, which, with the juice, add to the solution, which is then to be poured gently into one pint cream; stir until cold, then pour into moulds. Devonshire Cream. Let a pan of new milk stand through a night, or about twelve hours, then place it steadily on the stove and let it gradu- ally heat, but not boil; the cream will get a wrinkled look, and in about three-quarters of an hour or less little bubbles will show, then it is done. If you are uncertain about the bubbles break a little bit of the cream back and if it is quite ready a tiny bubble will come on the milk thus exposed. It does not hurt for a few minutes more or less, only it must not come to a boil. Steadily remove and stand in a cool place for some hours, or until quite cold, then skim. When Cream will Whip Well. A cream so thick that it will hardly pour should be diluted with the same volume of milk ; this will give good whipping cream. Such cream as is sold at the creamery as “heavy” cream will admit of this amount of milk. The thin cream, as a rule, has not body enough for whipping. If one have her own cream, particularly if from a Jersey cow, it will be apt to be too solid, and must be strained after being thinned. The cream should be very cold. Put it in a large bowl, which place in a pan and surround with ice water. It can be whipped with a whisk, or with any of the patent egg-beaters. Single cream is cream that has stood on the milk twelve hours. It is best for tea and coffee. Double cream stands on the milk twenty-four hours, and cream for butter frequently stands forty-eight hours. Cream that is to be whipped should not be butter-cream, lest in whipping it change to butter. Whipped Cream. One pint cream, two lemons, four heaped tablespoonfuls white sugar, four eggs. Put juice of lemons and sugar in a large bowl, then add the cream, beat with an egg-beater till it is thick, then 148 CREAMS add the beaten whites of eggs flavored with a little vanilla. This is very nice eaten with jellies or charlotte russe by adding one- half ounce gelatine dissolved in one cupful of water, then take plain cake, cut in strips and spread with currant jelly, lay these around a glass dish with spaces between, fill up with the cream, add more strips of cake with jelly, covering all completely with cream, then set in cellar to stiffen until next day, Swiss Cream. Boil a pint of cream with the grated rind of two lemons and six ounces white sugar, boil ten minutes pour when hot on to the juice of the lemons into which a dessertspoonful of flour has been well mixed, stir well and have some macaroons in a dish and strain the cream over them. Always make this a day before it is to be used. Bavarian Cream. One quart sweet cream, four eggs — yolks, one-half ounce gelatine, one cupful sugar, vanilla or almond extract, cold water. Soak the gelatine in enough cold water to cover it one hour, then stir it into one pint cream made boiling hot, beat yolks smoothly with the sugar, then add the boiling mixture, beaten in a little at a time, beat until it begins to thicken, but do not actually boil, remove from fire, flavor with one teaspoonful of the essence, and while hot stir in the other pint of cream whipped to a stiff froth, beat this, whip a spoonful at a time into the custard until it is like sponge cake batter. Dip a mould in cold water, pour in mixture and set on ice to form. Bavarian Cream. A Bavarian cream requires rich cream which can be beaten stiff, gelatine and preserved or fresh fruit, or coffee or chocolate. The most delicious Bavarian creams are those flavored with fruit. A strawberry cream is made of a pint bottle of preserved strawberries strained so as to remove the seeds, half a box of gelatine which has been soaked in cold water for two hours and melted in. half a cupful of boiling water and strained into the strawberries. A quart of whipped cream should be ready meas- CREAMS 149 ured after whipping, and the worker should begin at once stir- ring the strawberries and gelatine, which should be placed in a dish of cracked ice. The moment the gelatine shows signs of forming, which is as soon as it begins to grow thick, add the cream carefully and continue stirring them together till thick; then pour in mould. The gelatine and strawberry juice must be just thick enough when added to the cream to unite with it without making it watery, but not thick enough to separate from the cream. Bavarian Cream with Candied Fruit. Chop fine and pound and press through a sieve a quarter of a pound of preserved ginger, or use the juice of five oranges. Soak half a cupful of gelatine in half a cupful of cold water for two hours. Boil a cupful of sugar with a cupful of water rapidly for ten minutes, add the ginger or the orange juice and the gelatine. If you use oranges, grate the yellow rind of two oranges on the gelatine. Mingle the ingredients thoroughly and stir till the mixture begins to thicken, then add instantly a quart of beaten cream which is a dry froth. Beat the mixture carefully into the cream and add before pouring it in the mould a handful of candied ginger or oranges. Turn the mould out on a glass dish when the cream is firm in the centre, and decor- ate with lady fingers and candied ginger or oranges. Cream Meringues. Four eggs (whites), one pound powdered sugar, lemon or vanilla flavoring. Whip the whites of the eggs and sugar stiff, and add flavoring; heap in the shape of half an egg upon letter paper, lining the bottom of the pan; have them one-half inch apart; when a light yellow brown, take out and cool quickly; slip a knife under each; scoop out the soft inside and fill with cream whipped as for charlotte russe. Oven should be quite hot. Banana Cream. One-half dozen bananas, one cupful sugar, one cupful cream, juice of two lemons, one-half ounce gelatine, one cupful boiling water to dissolve gelatine. 150 CREAMS Lemon Cream. Two lemons, juice and rind, one and one-half cupfuls water, two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, three eggs beaten separately, one cupful of white sugar. Heat the lemon and water then stir the corn starch into it, add yolks of eggs anl sugar well beaten, put on the stove to thicken like boiled custard, when cool pour in the beaten whites and stir well, put into a high glass dish and use either with a meringue of whites of eggs or not to suit taste. ICE-CREAMS Ice-Cream. Ten eggs, two quarts of good milk, ten heaping tablespoonfuls white sugar, three pints good cream. Beat eggs and sugar as for custard, add milk, put in kettle of boiling water in the freez- ing-can, heat it thoroughly, but do not boil, then set in cellar to cool, add cream, flavor to taste and freeze. A nice addition is fresh pineapple grated or cut in small pieces, and well sweet- ened. The pineapple should stand a few hours in the sugar before freezing. Vanilla Ice-Cream. One quart cream, one scant cup berry sugar, whites of two eggs, one tablespoon vanilla. Whip the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add the sugar and vanilla, mix with the cream and freeze. Ice-Cream with Gelatine. This is a particularly delicate ice-cream. Soak a tablespoon- ful of gelatine in a quarter of a cupful of cold water for two hours, add it to a cup of boiling milk, add a large cup of granu- lated sugar, stir the mixture till it is melted, then strain the whole into a quart of rich cream. Add last of all a tablespoon- ful of vanilla. Pineapple Ice-Cream. One pint milk, one quart cream, two cups sugar, one grated pineapple, one egg, white only. Heat the milk to the boiling point, add the sugar and set aside to cool; soon as the milk is cold add a pint of the cream and the pineapple and freeze. When half frozen add the remainder of the cream well whipped and the white of egg well beaten and finish freezing. ( 151 ) 152 ICE-CREAMS Coffee Ice-Cream. One pint milk, one pint cream, one cup sugar, one quarter pound coarsely ground coffee, white of one egg. Pour the milk into a double boiler, add the coffee and bring the milk to a boil- ing point, then remove it from the fire, strain through a fine muslin and set aside to cool; when cold add the sugar, the pint of cream well beaten, also the well-beaten white of egg and freeze. Lemon Ice. Prepare a very rich, sweet lemonade and freeze ; when it is nearly frozen add to each quart of the ice the well beaten whites of two eggs, then finish freezing. Watermelon Ice. Watermelon (very ripe, very red), sugar, three eggs (whites). Save all the water of the melon, scrape the red pulp fine and add a little water, being careful to have sufficient melon to produce a strong flavor. Allow a pound of sugar to a gallon of this liquid and freeze. When half frozen, add the well-beaten whites of eggs, and stir the mass frequently from the bottom with a long- handled wooden spatula; flavor depends upon the melon. Orange Sherbet. One pint sugar, ten oranges, one lemon, one quart water, one tablespoonful gelatine. Soak gelatine in a little of the water for an hour or so, then pour over a cupful of boiling water, then add orange and lemon juice, the sugar and rest of water and freeze. For currant sherbet use one pint currant juice to one and a half pints water. For strawberry, two quarts of berries to one and a half pints water. For pineapple, one pineapple to one pint water. For lemon, juice of five lemons to one quart of water. All made exactly as above, the other fruit, of course taking the place of the oranges and lemons. ICE-CREAMS 153 Sherbet. One cup sugar, one pint water, boiled together for five min- utes without stirring. Have soaking one large teaspoonful gelatine in four tablespoonfuls cold water, pour the boiling syrup over gelatine and let stand until cool; add one cup grape juice and four tablespoonfuls lemon juice, turn into freezer, pack and stir for fifteen minutes. Add beaten white of one egg and one tablespoonful powdered sugar, stir into the sherbet. Repack and stand away for two hours. Strawberry Sherbet. One quart of strawberries, three pints of water, juice of one lemon, one tablespoonful orange flower water, three-quarters of a pound of white sugar. Crush to a smooth paste the berries, add all of the ingredients except the sugar, and let stand for three hours. Strain it over the sugar and stir until the sugar is dis- solved ; strain again and set in ice for three hours before using. PIES “With good materials, on a good foundation, one may build a good house. ' ’ — Cervantes. Puff Paste. It is a good plan to use a marble or slate pastry board for puff pastry, as it assists in keeping the paste cold ; but very good results can be obtained by using an ordinary wooden board. Success in puff paste depends upon the most rigid adherence to system and rule. The least variation from the rule in this case is likely to be fatal to the result. In rolling and folding the paste use only just enough flour to prevent its sticking to the board. A properly made paste never sticks. Handle the paste after it is cut out to put on pie plates or in pans as carefully as possible, never pressing it down in the least. Brush the under crust for pies with cold water or the white of an egg. This will prevent the juice soaking into the crust. A hot oven is required. Puff Paste. One pound flour, one pound butter, one yolk of egg. Mix the flour with the yolk of an egg and enough of ice-cold water to wet the flour stiff enough not to crack ; roll it out and put the butter all on the top, then flatten it with your hand, roll out three times, put in a cool place for half an hour, roll out, then put out again for a quarter of an hour, roll out twice again, and make about a quarter of an inch thick. Before putting in the oven, let it stand a quarter of an hour in a cool place. ( 154 ) PIES 155 Puff Paste. One pound flour, three-quarters pound butter, water. Put flour on paste board, lap butter on it and roll out in thin sheets, set butter aside to keep cold, mix flour with cold water to a soft dough, roll out thin, lay butter on it till all used, then roll dough up tight, beat hard with rolling pin to drive butter into it, fold up and roll out three or four times, now ready for use. Puff Paste. Quarter of a pound of butter, for one pie, six ounces of flour, a small halfcupful of water. Break the butter in pieces and mix with a knife through the flour, then stir in the water with the knife and roll out until the butter is well mixed with the flour. Handle it as little as possible. For tarts all butter is better. If part lard is used put in a little salt. Puff Paste. One pound of butter and lard mixed, one pound of flour. Break butter and lard in small pieces in the flour, take a broad- bladed knife to mix it with, enough cold water to make a dough, put it on the moulding board and roll out into a sheet, then take outside edges and lay to centre roll up and roll out again, repeat twice. Pastry for One Pie. One cupful sifted flour, one-half cupful shortening or butter, one-quarter cupful water, a little salt. Plain Crust for One Pie. One level teaspoonful baking powder, one coffee-cupful flour, one pinch salt, two tablespoonfuls lard, one quarter cupful ice- cold water. Sift flour, powder and salt together; into this chop with a knife the lard, working thoroughly but quickly, then stir in the water, set dough upon the ice to chill. An Under Crust. Three large tablespoonfuls flour sifted, one large tablespoon- ful cold butter, or part butter and part lard, pinch of salt, rub butter into flour, mix all with cold water enough to form a smooth, stiff paste and roll quite thin. 156 PIES Suet Crust. One pound of flour, six ounces of beef suet, two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder, one teaspoonful of salt, half pint of cold water. First take the skin from the suet and chop it very fine, place it on a mixing board and mix it together with the flour, sprinkle over the mixture the salt and baking powder, make a hole in the centre into which to pour the water by degrees, mixing in the flour from the sides while pouring in the water, then all must be kneaded lightly together, and rolled out when required to the thickness of half an inch. This crust may be used for a boiled meat or boiled apple pudding. It is also good baked as a crust for a meat pie. Time for a steam dumpling, two hours. Lemon Pie. Juice and grated rind of one lemon, yolks of two eggs, two soda biscuits, one cupful sugar, three-quarters cup boiling water. Line the pie plate with paste, put in the above mixture and bake. Make a frosting of the whites of the eggs and return to the oven for a few minutes. Lemon Pie. Yolks two eggs well beaten, one cupful sugar, three-quarters teaspoonful corn starch mixed in scant cup of milk, the grated rind and juice of one lemon. Lemon Pie. Two lemons grated with the juice, two cupfuls sugar, two cupfuls water, yolks of four eggs, two tablespoonfuls corn starch, two tablespoonfuls butter. Lemon Pie. Two lemons, one cupful white sugar, one tablespoonful melted butter, one egg, one and one-half teaspoonfuls corn starch. Put two cupfuls of water in a saucepan and let it come to a boil, wet the corn starch with cold water and stir it into the boiling water, grate the rind of the lemons. Sugar, butter and beaten yolk of eggs stir into the boiling water; let stand to cool. Bake your crust, then add mixture. PIES 157 Raisin Pie. One cupful raisins (stoned), one coffee cupful sugar, three cupfuls water, two tablespoonfuls syrup. Boil all together for one hour, and thicken with one and a half tablespoonfuls of flour mixed smooth with a little good vinegar. Crust for one pie. — One cupful sifted flour, one-quarter cupful butter, one-quarter cupful lard, one-quarter cupful water. Cream Pie. Yolks of two eggs, one-half cupful of sugar, one tablespoon- ful of flour, butter the size of an egg, two cupfuls of milk. Boil before putting it in the pie, Matrimony Pie. One cupful raisins (remove seeds and chop fine), one lemon (grate the rind), one cupful sugar, two teaspoonfuls flour. Boil all together, and stir all until clear. Puff paste. Chocolate Pie. One coffee-cupful milk, two tablespoonfuls grated chocolate. Heat chocolate and milk together, add three-quarters cupful sugar and the yolks of three eggs beaten to a cream ; flavor with vanilla. Bake with under crust. Spread beaten whites on top. Biscuit Pie. Four crackers (rolled fine), one cupful boiling water, one cupful raisins (chopped), a piece of butter the size of an egg, one cupful brown sugar, one egg, one-half cupful vinegar, one and a half cups cold water, nutmeg and cloves to suit taste. Dutch Apple Pie. Line a pie plate with paste, cut your apples into quarters and lay on paste till covered, then put butter cut in small pieces and sugar all over the top. Bake in a quick oven, cover with a tin a few minutes before taking from oven to soften the apples. 158 PIES Apple Custard Pie. Two eggs, four or five apples grated, a little nutmeg grated, sweeten to taste one-half pint new milk or cream, pour into pastry. Fruit Pie. Must be baked in a two-quart basin to give it the right shape, have same size top and bottom. First make a nice pie crust, put a layer in bottom of dish, then a layer of chopped apples two inches thick, then a layer of chopped raisins, sprinkle sugar over this and small pieces butter, any spice you like, cloves and nutmeg are nice, another layer of crust, apples, fruit, etc., until your dish is full, having a crust on top. Bake slowly two hours, then turn out and sprinkle with sugar. It takes one pound rais- ins, ten or twelve apples and two cups sugar. Pumpkin Pie. One pint of well stewed and strained pumpkins, one quart of scalding hot rich milk, one and one-half cups of sugar, four eggs, one teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful ginger and one of ground cinnamon. Pumpkin Pie. The first essential is a good, sweet, field pumpkin. Peel it and cut it in pieces and cook it very slowly for four or five hours with only water enough to keep it from burning. This slow cooking makes the pumpkin rich and sweet. When it is done, mash it and strain it through a colander, and to two cupfuls of strained pumpkin add slowly two and a half cupfuls of boiling milk, half a teaspoonful of salt, one dessertspoonful of ginger, one of cinnamon, one of mace and one of nutmeg. Beat well five eggs, stir them in a cupful of cream and add one cup sugar to sweeten the whole. Line tin pie-plates with plain pastry, brush it over with the white of an egg. crimp an ornamental border of puff paste around the pie and fill it with the pumpkin custard. Bake the pies in a moderatelv hot oven till they are firm in the centre and brown. This makes three pies. Pumpkin Pie. For one pie. — Two tablespoonfuls of pumpkin, half cupful sugar, one egg, half pint milk, spices to suit. PIES 159 Peach and Apricot Pie. Line your plate with pie crust, pare the fruit and lay it in the plate nicely sliced, fill the pie well, cover it with a piece of well greased paper and hake it. When done put sugar enough on to suit your taste. This pie will be nicer if you heat whites of two eggs stiff and mix half cupful powdered sugar in it, put on top and bake in a hot oven until it gets a little color. Pineapple Pie. Mix with two cups of grated or finely chopped pineapple two tablespoonfuls fine cracker crumbs, a scanty cupful of sugar, half a cupful of water and three well beaten eggs. Put the whites of two of the eggs on top of pie. Fig Pie. Three cupfuls of figs, cut finely, two and a half cupfuls of sugar, three and a half cupfuls of water, one lemon, boil till thick, make four pies. Pyramid of Paste. Roll out some puff paste about half an inch thick, then cut with an oval cutter in different sizes, the first being the size of the dish it is to be served on, the next one smaller and so on till you have enough, brush over with the yolk of an egg and bake. When done and quite cold place the largest on the dish and spread any jam you wish (strawberry is nice) and then the next size and so on till you have all used. Florentines. Roll puff paste to the thickness of one-eighth of an inch and lay it on a thin baking tin, spread over it a layer of green gage or any other preserve and bake in a moderate oven; take out and when partially cold have whipped some whites of eggs and sugar, spread over the preserve and strew with chopped almonds and sugar, put back in the oven till the whip is stiff. Before it is quite cold cut into diamonds. 160 PIES Cherry Tart. Line the pie dish with rich paste, sprinkle over it about a level tablespoonful of sifted flour and a little sweet butter, put into it the fresh cherries stemmed and seeded and sprinkle over it one-half a cup granulated sugar. "When baked take from the oven and cover with a thin meringue made of the white of one egg beaten to a stiff froth with a large spoonful of pulver- ized sugar. Return to the oven long enough to bake the icing firm. For red currant pie mix a tablespoonful of flour and three tablespoonfuls of sugar with the currants. Lemon Paste for Tarts. One pound sugar, one-quarter pound butter, five eggs, three lemons. Put the butter in a dish, stir in the eggs, then the pulps of the lemons with the grated rind, boil slowly, stirring all the time till it thickens; when cold, put in jar for use. Lemon Cheese Cakes. One pound of white sugar, one-half pound butter, six eggs (leave the yolks of two), three lemons (grate the rind). Line the patty-pans with a rich pie crust, then drop a little of the mixture in each and bake. Lemon cheese cakes, which are sometimes baked in little in- dividual shells and called “Richmond maids of honor/’ are made in the same way as plain cheese cakes, except that the yellow peel and juice of a lemon is added, with half a cup more of sugar. Cheese Cakes. The cheese cake is a most excellent and common dish of Eng- lish cookery, but is little known in this country. No one who has tested its excellence can fail to repeat the trial. To make a plain cheese cake, line a pie plate with plain crust. The paste is rolled out very thin, and used like any other pie crust. To make the filling, mix a teaspoonful of rennet in a quart of new milk, heated to blood-warmth. When the curds form, drain them in a bag like ordinary pot cheese, and then beat them in a bowl as fine as you can ; add four eggs, beaten with four table- PIES 161 spoonfuls of sugar, two heaping tablespoonfuls of creamed but- ter, a saltspoonful of salt, a little nutmeg, and, if you wish, a pinch of the yellow peel of an orange. Pour the mixture into a lined pie plate, and bake the cake about the same time as a cus- tard pie. Still another cheese cake is flavored with almonds — a quarter of a pound of blanched almonds with one or two bitter almonds being pounded to a smooth paste and added to the butter, beaten curds and eggs. Cheese Cakes. One cupful of sweet milk, one of sour, one of sugar, one lemon, the yolks of four eggs, a speck of salt. Put all the milk into a double boiler and cook until it curds, then strain. Rub the curd through a sieve, beat the sugar and yolks of eggs, add the rind and juice of the lemon and the curd. Line patty-pans with puff paste rolled very thin; put a large spoonful of the mixture in each one and bake from fifteen to twenty minutes. Do not remove from the pans till cold. Cheese Cakes. Take a pan of milk, curdle it with rennet or vinegar (if vinegar is used, not quite half a cupful), pour the whey off, beat the curd fine, add a little salt, also a cup of currants, a piece of butter size of an egg, one cup of sugar, one ounce lemon peel, one tablespoonful essence of lemon, four eggs, one tablespoon- ful of brandy and a little cinnamon. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Mince Meat. One and one-half pounds brown sugar, two pounds beef suet, two pounds raisins, two pounds currants, eight ounces peel, one- half ounce mace, one-quarter ounce cloves, one pint brandy, one tongue. Boil the tongue till tender, skin and chop fine, add all the other ingredients, mix well, pack tight in jars. When you use it take equal quantity of fine chopped apple as mince meat. The above will keep one year or more. Mince Meat. One pound raisins, one and a half pounds currants, one pound meat, one and a half pounds suet, one pound sugar, three ounces peel, one nutmeg, six apples, two lemons, rind and juice, one pint brandy. 162 PIES Mince Meat. Ten pounds apples, three pounds suet, five pounds raisins, five pounds currants, four pounds lemon peel, one pound citron peel, one tablespoonful of each kind of spice, six lemons, juice and grated rind, one bottle home-made wine, also a half cup molasses. BREAD “Take your daily bread and be thankful; but don’t pray to lay up for you the loaves for years to come to make you rich. Many a man has died about the time his great baking of bread came out of his oven. — Sam Slick. How to Use Flour in Bread-making. 1. All the processes attending baking should take place in a moderately warm room, as cold arrests fermentation; too much heat, however, will make it ferment too fast. 2. Always sift your flour when you use it; warm it a little afterwards if the weather is cold. Sifting twice is even better than once, as you get more air between the particles. 3. Bread should be kneaded thoroughly and faithfully from all sides until it rebounds like India rubber after a smart blow of the fist upon the centre of the mass. Lazy people are, there- fore, never good bakers. 4. Keep dough well covered to prevent air from forming a crust. Paper is better than cloth, as air will not penetrate it. 5. Bread is proved ready for the oven when the dent pro- duced by pressing the finger on the loaf will remain. 6. Do not have the oven too hot, but have it enough, and keep the heat steady after you put the bread in. 7. When the bread is taken from the oven it should be tilted on edge upon the table, the upper part supported by the wall, and a coarse dry cloth should be thrown over it until the loaves cool. 8. Poor yeast will make poor bread. ( 163 ) 164 BREAD Bread. One cnp mashed potatoes, one tablespoonful lard or butter, one teaspoonful sugar, one and one-half teaspoonfuls salt, one pint potato water, one pint flour, one cup yeast. Mix the mashed potatoes while hot with the lard, sugar, salt, and the pint of the warm water the potatoes were boiled in, the flour and yeast all together. Beat well for five minutes and leave to rise well cov- ered up. Set this about three in the afternoon (in winter), in the evening add the flour, gradually heating well till too stiff to heat longer, then knead till stiff enough. Keep warm all night. In the morning put into buttered pans, let rise and hake. Prize Home-made Bread. Pare six potatoes, boil and mash, add one pint warm water, pour all on to a quart of flour. Dissolve one yeast cake in half a cup of lukewarm water, mix with the flour and potatoes, stir well, set in a warm place all night. In the morning add one quart of lukewarm water, a good tablespoonful salt, stir in flour to make a stiff batter, let rise one hour. When light place on the moulding hoard and knead fifteen minutes, let rise one hour, then mould into loaves and place in pans, let rise one hour, place in a hot oven, bake for one hour at a steady heat. This quantity makes four loaves. Quick Bread. One dozen large potatoes, one and a half yeast cakes (soaked in a cup of lukewarm water while the potatoes are boil- ing), three tablespoonfuls salt, three tablespoonfuls sugar, three tablespoonfuls flour. Put in jar and scald with a pint of boil- ing water ; add potatoes and three quarts more water, add yeast. This will keep two weeks. Two cups of this for one loaf of bread; warm it and knead in the flour, let rise and then mould and put in your pans. Bread Sticks. These are made from raised bread dough, to which has been added the thoroughly beaten white of egg. The proportion is the white of one egg to a pint of the dough. The addition of the egg renders the sticks crisp. They are baked in pans made purposely for them — pans with small troughs in which the dough is placed. BREAD 165 Whole Wheat or Graham Bread. One pint milk scalded and cooled, a little salt, two cups white flour, six cups whole wheat flour, two teaspoonfuls of sugar, one half yeast cake, or one-half cup of yeast; mix as ordinary bread. This flour makes a softer dough and does not require so much kneading. Bake about fifteen minutes longer than white bread. If you find the dough too moist add a little’ more flour. Entire Wheat Bread. Two generous quarts of unsifted flour, one and a half pints warm water, one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of sugar, one-half tablespoonful salt, one-half cake compressed yeast, or one-half cup home-made yeast. This will make two loaves of bread and a pan of rolls. Many people confound entire wheat flour with Graham, but it is very different. Graham is a course-ground wheat meal ; entire wheat flour is the whole wheat — with the coarse husk discarded, of course — ground to a fine flour. It gives a brown loaf or roll, but a delicious one — smooth and fine. After sifting the flour into a bread-howl, put aside a cupful for use in kneading the bread later, and put the sugar and salt with the remainder. If the yeast be compressed, dis- solve it in a small quantity of water. Pour the remaining water and the yeast into the bowl, and finally add the butter, some- what softened by standing in a warm place for awhile. Beat the dough vigorously with a strong spoon, and when it gets smooth and light sprinkle a moulding-board with a part of the flour that was reserved, and turn the dough out upon the board. Knead until smooth and elastic, say from twenty minutes to half an hour; then return to the bowl, and after covering first with a clean towel, and then with a tin or wooden cover, let it rise for about eight hours. When it has risen, butter lightly two bread- pans and one roll pan. Make enough rolls to fill the pans, shap- ing them with the hands; then put the remainder of the dough on a board and divide it into two loaves. Let the rolls and loaves rise till they are double their original size; then bake in a moderate oven — the rolls for half an hour and the bread for an hour. Brown Bread. When making a white bread take batter enough for one loaf add one tablespoonful of molasses and one of lard beaten in the 166 BREAD dough for five minutes, then add brown flour a little at a time until you get it stiff enough, let it rise until quite light and bake in a moderate oven. Boston Brown Bread. Two cups cornmeal, one and one-half cups Graham flour, one-half cup molasses, one pint sweet milk, one-half teaspoonful soda, steam three hours. Brown Loaf. Two cups sour milk, one half cup molasses, one or two table- spoonfuls sugar, one teaspoon soda, five cups brown flour, pinch of salt, and small piece butter, if you choose. Yeast. One cupful yeast, one ounce pressed or fresh hops, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two tablespoonfuls flour, two cupfuls mashed potatoes, one teaspoonful ginger, one quart water. Put hops in the water, let it just come to a boil, then pour it through a strainer over the other ingredients except the yeast, add it when blood heat. Yeast. One handful hops boiled in a bag, five potatoes mashed and put in when done, three cupfuls of flour, pour the boiling liquid on and add two tablespoonfuls salt, one ground ginger, two table- spoonfuls brown sugar. Dried peach leaves may be used instead of hops. Yeast. Boil two ounces of hops in three quarts of water for half an hour, strain it and let the liquor cool to new milk warmth, then put in a small handful of salt, and half a pound of sugar; heap up one pound of good flour with some of the liquor and then mix all well together. Keep in a warm place and stir fre- quently until the third day. Then add three pounds of potatoes boiled and mashed. Next put all through a colander and let stand until the next day when it will be light and ready for use. If kept in a cool place will keep for two months. BREAD 167 Hop Yeast. Take a handful of hops and boil for twenty minutes in a quart of water, then strain. Pare six large potatoes and slice into the hop water, add half small cupful each of salt and sugar and boil until potatoes are soft, then mash all through a colan- der and let cool. When cool add two yeast cakes soaked in water and set in a warm place until well fermented, then bottle and put away in the cellar. This yeast is warranted never to sour. SANDWICHES Ham Sandwiches. The bread should be cut into paper slices, and the ham into the thinnest shavings. After the crust is cut from the end of the loaf spread the slices with nice fresh butter before cutting. Have the ham already shaved, and as you cut each slice of bread divide it in half, sprinkle one-half well with ham on the buttered side, and place on it evenly the other half of the slice, buttered side down ; press lightly together and lay on a plate. Continue until you have made all that you want. The slices of bread may be squared after cutting off the crust and then divided from corner to corner, making triangles, or the whole slice sprinkled with ham may be rolled up and tied with little ribbons. This makes a pretty variety in serving sand- wiches at an afternoon tea. Mince Meat Sandwiches. Take the remains of any kind of cold meat there may be at hand — beef, mutton, pork, veal, poultry or game — remove every morsel of skin, bone or gristle, and mince the meat just as finely as possible; then put it in a basin and add a sufficient quantity of suitable seasonings. For beef use salt, pepper, mixed mus- tard and finely-minced celery or cucumber ; for mutton, salt, pepper, mushroom catsup and mixed powdered herbs ; for pork, salt, pepper, finely-minced boiled onion and powdered sage; for veal, finely-chopped parsley, lemon juice, pounded mace and salt and pepper; for poultry, same as for veal; and for game, use salt, cayenne, lemon juice and pounded cloves. Moisten the mince, if necessary, with a good stock; mix all the ingred- ients thoroughly; then spread the preparation on slices of thin- ( 168 ) SANDWICHES 169 ly-cut, buttered bread ; cover with more bread, press gently together, and divide into small, neat-shaped pieces ; arrange these tastefully on a fancy dish ; garnish liberally with sprigs of fresh parsley or nicely-seasoned crisp water-cress, and serve. Ham sandwiches are very delicious when prepared accord- ing to either of the above recipes, and they will prove decidedly more economical than the ordinary ham sandwiches, as mere scraps of meat cut from the bone will answer the purpose admir- ably. Lettuce Sandwiches. Place some crisp lettuce leaves, spread with a salad dress- ing (made a little thicker than usual), between slices of bread and butter, prepared as for ordinary sandwiches. Nasturtium Sandwiches. Are a novelty, and have a piquant flavor. The flowers shredded with the addition of a few of the tender seeds, placed between slices of buttered bread, make a dainty sandwich. Devonshire Cream Sandwiches. For those who do not relish meat, spread Devonshire cream on thin slices of buttered bread, then with strawberry or any other jam, and press together. Date Sandwiches. Butter thin, even slices from a loaf that has been baked twenty-four hours. Spread with dates, stoned and cut fine, and fashion into sandwiches in the usual manner. For afternoon tea, the bread may be fresh baked and so thinly cut with a sharp knife that the sandwiches can be rolled and each one tied with a ribbon. All crusts removed. Cucumber Sandwiches. Cut the cucumber in thin slices and lay it between slices of bread and butter, pepper and salt them. The bread must be cut very thin, and the crust cut off, and make them very small. 170 SANDWICHES Rolled Bread and Butter. The bread required for this purpose must not be more than twenty-four hours old, and it must be of a spongy, elastic char- acter. The loaves may be baked either round or square, but to be really nice they should not measure more than five and a half inches in diameter. Cut the slices just as thin as it is possible to cut bread, using a very sharp knife for the purpose so as to cut smoothly, and remember to butter them previous to cut- ting. Remove the crust — unless it is exceeding soft and thin — and roll each slice up lightly in bolster form, handling it very gently, yet firmly, and just pressing it sufficiently to make the folds adhere. The rolls should be arranged in pyramidal form on a pretty lace dish paper, and be garnished round the base with tiny tufts of fresh, green parsley. For light luncheons and suppers too, it is frequently served, the bread being spread with some savory butter, shrimp, sardine, anchovy, etc., instead of just the ordinary. The outside of the rolls should then be sprinkled lightly with finely-minced parsley and lobster coral, or very bright red crumbs, and should be dished up tastefully on a flat bed of crisp, well-seasoned water-cress — the latter, of course, to be eaten with the bread, if desired. MUFFINS “How he would chirp and expand over a muffin.” — Charles Lamb. A Few Breakfast Muffins. "With little doubt the most delicious of all breakfast muffins is the old-time English muffin, which is never eaten in perfec- tion except fresh from the toasting fork, the English cook never thinking it possible to serve this favorite breakfast dish unless it is first split and toasted by the fire. They are really a bread dough, well floured, baked in a ring on a slow griddle, then turned and baked on the other side. This leaves the centre hardly done, and the muffin is snlit and toasted on the inside. Served with coffee they are peculiarly sweet. In this country a muffin usually means a cake baked in moulds in the oven. Yeast Muffins. To make these muffins stir a pint of warm milk into a quart of flour. Add a tablespoonful of butter melted in a little of the milk, reserved for the purpose. Add two beaten eggs, half a cupful of yeast and an even teaspoonful of salt. Stir the bat- ter vigorously, beating till it blisters, and let it rise over night; then pour it in deep muffin cups, filling each one half full. "When the batter rises to the top of the muffin cups, then they are ready to put in the oven. Bake them twenty-five minutes. Sally Lunn. One pint milk, two eggs, half cupful butter, half cupful yeast, one cupful sugar, a little salt. Warm the milk and in it let the butter melt, add to these the well-beaten eggs, salt, yeast, sufficient flour to make a stiff batter. Let rise over night, ( 171 ) 172 MUFFINS in the morning add the sugar. Work well and make into thin round cakes, let rise for four hours, cover with egg and sprinkle over them a little sugar. Bake in a quick oven, about twenty minutes. Cornmeal Muffins. Sift a liberal cup and a half of wheat flour, a cupful of yel- low meal, half a teaspoonful of salt and two teaspoonfuls and a half of cream tartar together twice, thoroughly to mfx them. Beat to a cream a third of a cupful of butter and half a cupful of sugar, and add to them three eggs well-beaten, and finally a pint of milk into which a liberal teaspoonful of soda has been stirred. Add the dry ingredients to this mixture, stirring very thoroughly. Pour into greased muffin tins and bake half an hour in a quick oven. Muffins. One cup milk, one tablespoonful melted butter, one table- spoonful white sugar, one even teaspoonful salt, two eggs, two cups sifted flour, one-half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream tartar. Lapland Cakes. Beat five eggs with a beater till they are very light and add them to a pint of flour, mix to a batter with a pint of cream, add a little salt. Beat thoroughly and bake in muffin tins in a quick oven. Luncheon Muffins. One pint of flour, a generous one-half pint of milk, two tea- spoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt, two table- spoonfuls of butter and two eggs. Mix the dry ingredients to- gether and rub through a sieve. Melt the butter, beat the eggs till light and add milk to them; add this to dry ingredients, then stir in butter. Bake twenty minutes. Muffins. One pint milk, two eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, half teaspoonful salt, one and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, flour enough to make a stiff batter ; melt the butter and put in the last thing. Bake twenty minutes. BUNS Soft Buns. Scald one pint of milk, when cool enough add one small teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of sugar and a good half of a yeast cake. Mix a sponge as you would for bread, let it rise over night, in the morning add one-half cup of melted butter and half a cup of white sugar. Knead quite soft and let rise again, then roll out and put in the tins, let them rise pretty light and bake in a moderate oven. Buns. Buns made of bread dough. When putting the bread into the pans, leave out what is required for buns. Flour the board and roll out, spread over it one tablespoonful of butter and one of white sugar, fold over twice, flour the board and roll out again and spread over it the white of one egg well beaten, fold it over and roll it all up and put it in a cool place to rise, then roll out and bake in a hot oven. Before putting into the oven brush over the tops with a little sugar and water. ( 173 ) ROLLS Breakfast Rolls. One quart of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls melted butter, two eggs, one cupful sugar, half yeast cake. Mix milk, butter, yeast cake and enough flour to make a stiff batter; when light add the beaten eggs and sugar, enough flour to prevent dough sticking to board, knead, let rise two hours, roll out, cut with biscuit cutter, let rise one hour and bake half an hour in hot oven. French Rolls. One pint new milk, three parts of one cup of butter, one tablespoonful salt, flour enough to make a batter, one-half cup of yeast. Let it rise like bread. French Rolls. One pint new milk, two tablespoonfuls sugar, one tablespoon- ful butter, one teaspoonful salt. Boil these together at noon; when lukewarm add flour to make a batter as for pancakes, one- half cup yeast. At night stir in more flour. Next morning make into a dough and knead well. When very light knead again. Roll out and cut with a tumbler ; fold them together and when light, bake. Coffee Cake. Three coffee-cupfuls milk slightly warm, one coffee-cupful butter, melt the butter in the milk, one coffee-cupful sugar, two ( 174 ) ROLLS 175 cakes yeast, one teacupful stoned raisins. Make a sponge in the evening, let it rise over night ; in the morning stiffen with flour and knead about half an hour. When risen again roll out an inch thick and put in pans, then when light melt butter and thicken with flour and spread on cakes. Bake. Before serving sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Keeping Dough. It is not generally known that the dough of raised biscuits or rolls can be kept several days well covered in an earthen bowl in the refrigerator, so that fresh biscuits or rolls can be made from it on several successive mornings. BISCUITS Pop Overs. Two cupfuls of flour, one cupful of sweet milk, two eggs, two large tablespoonfuls of butter, two large tablespoonfuls of sugar, three teaspoonfuls baking powder and a little salt. Cook in a quick oven. Drop Tea Cakes. Six cupfuls of flour, one cupful sugar, one cupful butter, one cupful lard, one cupful currants, one egg beaten, pinch of salt, three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Mix all together with milk enough to make a stiff batter and drop into buttered pan and bake in hot oven. One half this quantity is enough for a small family. Graham Gems. Two cupfuls Graham flour, one cupful white flour, one cup- ful sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful sugar, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, one egg, a little salt. Beat butter and sugar together, then add the egg. Bake about half an hour in a moderate oven. Farina Gems. Two teacupfuls farina, two tablespoonfuls white flour, two and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, a large tablespoonful cream, one cupful sweet milk, a little salt. Bake in gem pans in a very hot oven. Gems. Four teaspoonfuls sugar, two of lard, one egg well beaten, one and a half cupfuls milk, a little salt, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, mixed with sufficient flour to stiffen. ( 176 ) BISCUITS 177 Corn meal Cake. One and a half cupfuls cornmeal, one and a half cupfuls of flour, one half cupful brown sugar, three eggs, three tablespoon- fuls butter, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, melt the butter, mix all together, add enough water to make the batter as thick as sponge cake. Bake in a hot oven. Cornmeal Cake. One cupful cornmeal, one cupful flour, one-quarter cupful butter, one-half cupful sugar, one-half cupful milk, two eggs, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in a pop-over pan, or as ordinary Johnny cake in a hot oven. Tea Biscuits. Measure out four cupfuls of patent process flour, put in a sieve, add to the flour an even teaspoonful of soda and two tea- spoonfuls of cream tartar and sift the whole through the sieve twice. Rub through the dry ingredients a large tablespoonful of butter. Rub butter thoroughly through the flour. The longer the shortening is mixed the more delicate the biscuit. Mix into the flour and butter just enough sweet milk to make a batter as stiff as it can be stirred. It must be almost a dough, yet not dry. The longer the soda and cream tartar are mixed through the flour the better the biscuit will be. Bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. Hot Biscuits. Pour cups flour or about one quart, two scant tablespoon- fuls lard, one teaspoonful salt, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, milk. Sift baking powder with the flour, rub the shortening well into the flour and add milk enough to make soft dough. Light Tea Biscuit. Three pints flour, one pint sweet milk, one-quarter pound butter, three teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one and one-half soda. Dissolve the soda in the milk, put cream tartar in the flour, add butter and milk last, roll, cut into cakes and bake in a quick oven. 178 BISCUITS Drop Brown Biscuit. Small piece of lard, one large cupful white flour, one small cupful brown flour, two small teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one small teaspoonful soda, a little salt, half pint milk. Mix soda and cream tartar into brown and white flour, rub a small piece of lard into it and add half pint milk. Drop on a pan and bake quickly in a real hot oven. Makes one dozen biscuits. Graham Biscuits. One quart Graham flour, three tablespoonfuls of butter rub- bed in flour, pinch of salt, cupful moist sugar, one scant tea- spoonful of soda beaten in sour milk, and sour milk enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out very thin and square same as a soda cracker. Mark them and bake in a good oven. Ginger Biscuits. One cup molasses, one of brown sugar, three-quarters cup of butter and lard mixed, one tablespoonful of baking soda, one of vinegar, two beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one of ginger and one of nutmeg, a little salt, flour enough to make a stiff batter. Roll out and bake in a brisk oven. Baking Powder. Half pound cream tartar, one-quarter pound soda. Roll smoothly, sift several times. Use three teaspoonfuls for four cups of flour, and one and a half small teaspoonfuls for any ordinary-sized cake. SCONES “Wha. in his wae days, Were loyal to Charlie? Wha but the lads wi’ The Bannocks o’ barley V’ — Burns. Soda Scones. Into two cupfuls of flour and a pinch of salt rub a piece of butter the size of a walnut, one teaspoonful soda, and one and one-half cream of tartar if the milk is sweet, and if sour use very little cream of tartar. After all is well mixed put in enough milk to make a stiff dough, stiff enough not to require any more flour but just what will keen it from sticking to the board. Bake on a moderately hot griddle. When done set on edge in a dish and roll in a damp cloth. Scotch Scones. One quart flour, one teaspoonful of soda, one-half teaspoon- ful of cream of tartar, a little salt, sour milk enough to make a soft dough. Roll out half an inch thick and bake on top of the stove. Highland Scones. One pound flour, three ounces butter, hot milk sufficient to make a dough, two eggs. Mix the flour and butter together, then make into a dough with the milk and eggs, handle quickly, roll out and cut in any shape or size required. Bake on a grid- dle or thick-bottomed frying-pan. Serve hot. ( 179 ) 180 SCONES Scones. Two pounds of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half ounce of soda, one ounce cream tartar, enough buttermilk to make rather soft. Mix with knife ; do not knead, but have flour on the board ; then put the dough out on it. Lightly part and shape in round pieces as big as a breakfast plate. Cut in four, then bake in a quick oven. When done brush with butter on the top, and cover with a cloth. Do not have too close or they sweat. Dropped Scones. Take three cups of flour, with one good rounded teaspoonful of soda sifted through twice with the flour ; add a tablespoonful of butter, two cups of buttermilk, a little salt; make a rather stiff batter : take off a small piece at a time and shape with the hand on the bake-board. Bake like other scones. Dropped Scones. One cupful flour, one cupful buttermilk, two teaspoonfuls brown sugar, three-quarters teaspoonful soda, one-quarter tea- spoonful tartaric acid. Mix in a basin the flour, sugar, soda, tartaric acid, add gradually the buttermilk, beating it well for a few minutes. Have ready a hot griddle, which rub over with a piece of suet or rind of bacon. Put the mixture out in spoon- fuls, taking care they are neat round shapes. When the scones are covered with bubbles on the top, turn them over. When, they are a light brown color on both sides they are ready ; should not be turned twice. Potato Scones. Use any quantity of potatoes and nearly the same quantity of flour and a pinch of salt. Wet the flour with thoroughly boiling water till stiff. Keep stirring till well mixed, then add the potatoes and work together till all is mixed in. Add no more flour but what will keep them from sticking on the board. Roll out quite thin and bake on a hot griddle, but be careful not to scorch. When done spread all out on a damp cloth till cool, then cover. Potato Scones. Take one tablespoonful of well mashed potatoes and work into it a small handful of flour until it feels firm and sticks well SCONES 181 together. Roll this out to a thin round scone, cut in quarters and put on a hot griddle ; bake for a few minutes ; turn over and bake for one or two minutes on the other side, then pile them together before quite cold; can be eaten either hot or cold. Oatmeal Cake. Two cupfuls flour, two cupfuls of oatmeal, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of lard, half cupful of hot water, two tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Roll them, cut in small squares and bake. Oat Cake. Five cupfuls meal, one and a half cupfuls flour, half cupful butter, one and a half cupfuls of milk, one and a half teaspoon- fuls soda, one teaspoonful sugar, salt. Roll out thin with mixed flour and meal. Oat Cake. Wet a cupful of fine oatmeal in a small tablespoonful of roast beef dripping (dripping is better than butter for it makes them crisp) and a very little soda with boiling water until quite stiff. Roll out quickly till very thin, then dust with meal ; sweep the meal off again and put on a very hot griddle. Bake on one side only, then rub over with meal again and sweep it off and toast before the fire the side which was not on the griddle. Keep in a dry place and when going to use put in the oven for a few minutes to make them crisp, then set on the edge to let the steam escape. They are much better done on the griddle than in the oven. Oat Cakes. Four cups fine oatmeal, two cups flour, one-half cup white sugar, three-quarters cup butter, one and a half cups butter- milk, one teaspoonful soda, a little salt. Mix soft and roll out about one-half inch thick. Bake in a moderate oven. Oatmeal Ginger Cakes. One cupful butter, one cupful milk, one cupful molasses, one cupful sugar, one cupful oatmeal, three cupfuls flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls ginger. Drop a spoon- ful on buttered tins. Bake in a moderate oven. 182 SCONES Barley Cakes. One quart barley flour, three tablespoonfuls butter, rubbed in the flour; one teaspoonful baking soda, beaten in sour milk, enough to make a stiff dough, a pinch of salt. Roll out half an inch thick and cut into square cakes. Bake in a quick oven. Crumpets. Four eggs, one pound white sugar, one pound flour. Am- monia on the point of a knife. Take a small piece, roll in sugar and cook like fried cakes. Buckwheat Pancakes. Half pint warm water, half cupful of buttermilk, one tea- spoonful of salt, three-fourths cupful of hop yeast, one cupful of flour to two cupfuls of buckwheat. Mix to a stiff batter. Let it stand over night before baking. Mix half a teaspoonful of soda in a cupful of boiling water, put in and stir slowly. Dutch Method of Buckwheat Cakes. Make a batter in the usual way of equal parts of buttermilk and tepid water, add yeast sufficient to raise it ; when light add just enough soda to correct the acid in the buttermilk, also a little salt; when through baking put in some buttermilk and water, stir in flour and set in a cool place. They will be light by next morning. Batter has been kept in this way for three months without renewing. It will renew itself and never sour unless kept too warm. To help brown, add a little syrup or cornmeal. Pancakes. Two cups flour, one pint milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one pinch salt, four eggs. Flannel Bread. Two eggs, butter about the size of an egg, one pint milk, a little salt, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda, flour enough so that it will drop off spoon. SCONES 183 Breakfast Cakes. One pint milk, three eggs, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful salt, flour. Mix these in the flour enough to roll out thinly, cut in squares, fry quickly in hot lard like doughnuts. To be eaten while hot with butter. Sweet Pancake. A very delicious sweet pancake is made by taking one pint of sweet milk, four eggs, two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one teaspoonful of baking powder, and flour enough to make a moderately thin batter. Beat the eggs, whites and yolks separately, until well frothed, stir the butter, sugar and one cupful of flour into which the baking powder has been mixed into the yolks, then add the milk. If needed add more flour. Bake in small cakes, butter each one as it comes from the fire, place four in a pile, with very thin layers of any kind of sweet jelly between and powdered sugar over the top. They should be baked very thin and four served to each person. Rice Griddle Cakes. One and a half pints cold boiled rice, one quart sour milk, one quart of flour, soda, two eggs, salt to taste. Soak the rice an hour in warm water enough to cover it. Mash the rice well, and make a batter, just before using it, with the milk, flour, salt, eggs, well beaten. The batter ought to be moder- ately thick. Stir in a teaspoonful of soda, just before frying. Fine batter cakes may be made of stale light bread; trim off the crust, soak the bread, and make it by the above recipe. WAFFLES The waffle-iron is sold everywhere; by an improvement the old long-handled irons are succeeded by the irons that fit into the stove holes of the range and are whirled over without lifting the iron. There is an art in heating waffle-irons that is neces- sary to success. Heat the iron on both sides; then grease them. They should steam like a hot griddle. Shut them; let them become a little hotter; then fill the iron, and instantly reverse them, bringing the side next the fire on top. As soon as the cake is well browned, remove it to a plate and butter it lightly. It requires a hot fire and some patience to bake a quantity of waffles successfully, but the process of baking gives them a delicacy and superiority of flavor unlike any griddle cakes, though made of the same batter. Almost any batter used for griddle cakes made of wheat or Indian flour is suitable for waffles. Waffles. For raised waffles mix one quart of milk gradually into a quart of flour, add one-half cupful melted butter, one teaspoon- ful of salt and one tablespoonful of sugar. Finally add one- half cupful of good home-made yeast. Let this mixture rise over night, and in the morning stir in two eggs. Let the batter rise half an hour longer and bake the waffles in very hot waffle- irons. Serve them with new maple syrup. Indian waffles, hominy waffles, and waffles of rice are among other possibilities of this delicious cake. Made Syrup for Pancakes. The purest and richest syrup is made by dissolving sugar in the proportion of three pounds of sugar to one pint of water. Many persons prefer the flavor of syrup made of Orleans sugar to that made of the white. ( 184 ) FRITTERS Fritters. A well made fritter is really one of the most delicious of simple small dishes. It may be served with a mince of meat for breakfast, or as a sweet dish with fruit for dessert, or as an entree with meat. Oranges, apples and bananas are all excellent served in a fritter batter. Apple Fritters. Make a batter not very stiff with one quart of milk, three eggs and flour to bring it to the right consistency. Pare and core a dozen large apples, chop them to about the size of small peas and mix them well in the batter. Add one teaspoonful cream of tartar and half a teaspoonful of soda. Fry in lard and serve with powdered sugar. Peach Fritters. Peel a dozen peaches and cut them in half, removing the stones. Sprinkle them with sugar and have ready at once a bat- ter made by mixing a cupful of flour, a half teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of sugar and a yellow rind of a lemon grated, and adding a half cupful of milk and the beaten Volks and whites of two eggs beaten well, finally add a tablespoonful of sweet olive oil or melted butter. Beat the batter unmercifully and dip each half of peach in the batter so as to completely cover it. Fry the peach fritters five or six minutes, or till a fine brown, and are tender through. Sprinkle them lightly with powdered sugar after steaming, and serve hot. < 1 « 5 ) 186 FRITTERS Spanish Puff Fritters. Spanish puffs are really a delightful fritter. To make these put half a cup of cold milk and two liberal tablespoonfuls of butter in a bright saucepan over the fire. By the time the but- ter is melted the milk will boil. Then add quickly a cup of thoroughly sifted flour and stir the mixture until it cleaves from the pan. Add four eggs, one after the other, as soon as the paste is cold. It will take some time to beat the eggs into the batter, but it may be accomplished with patience and by add- ing the eggs singly. Shape the fritters into little balls about the diameter of silver dollars, and drop them in boiling hot fat, being careful to fry only a few at a time, as they swell to more than double their original size. These fritters are delicious served for breakfast with a cream sauce or with silver or maple syrup. Fritter Batter. One egg, one-half cup milk, pinch salt, a little sugar if you wish, one scant teaspoonful baking powder, flour enough to make stiffer than pancake batter. Drop in boiling lard. Use With any kind of meat that has gravy, or fruit. Trifles. Beat a tablespoonful of sugar and an egg together, add a pinch of salt, and flour enough for a stiff dough, as stiff as you can roll it. Roll the dough out as thin as a wafer, cut in round Bake, and fry in boiling hot lard. Drain the trifles on coarse brown paper, and serve them with a spoonful of some acid jam or jelly in the centre of each. They are nice hot or cold. Rose Tartlets. Break two eggs into a bowl, add a little salt, and flour enough to make a paste. Roll thin as wafers and cut out with a fancy cake-cutter, lay two together and put on the end of a kitchen fork, work them up and down in boiling lard till done, when cold fill with jelly. FRITTERS 187 Vanities. Two eggs, a pinch of salt, half teaspoonful rosewater. Beat the eggs, stir in salt and rosewater, add flour until thick enough to roll out and cut with a cake-cutter, fry quickly in hot lard, sift powdered sugar on them while hot, and when cool put a teaspoonful of jelly in the centre of each one. Nice for tea or dessert. They can he made without rosewater, as large as a fry- ing-pan, piled on each other with butter and sugar on them. Elderberry Blossom Cake. Three eggs, one pint milk, flour enough to make a hatter (as for apple fritters), a pinch of salt. Take elderberry blossoms, pick them carefully over to free from leaves and insects, dip the bunches into the batter and fry in lard. Before turning cut off the stems with a pair of scissors. If the bunches are too large divide them. Strew them with sugar and cinnamon and eat with cream. To be eaten hot. Cherry Cakes. Three eggs, one cupful white wine, one cupful water, one spoonful butter, melted, a spoonful or more of sugar, a little cinnamon, flour enough to make a batter. Take nice, ripe cher- ries, tie five or six in a hunch, dip in the batter and fry in lard. Strew* with sugar and cinnamon, send to table hot. To he eaten with cream. Rose Tart Shells. Whites of two eggs, one-half cupful sweet milk, lard half the size of an egg, a pinch of salt, flour enough to roll out. Roll very thin, cut with cake-cutter. Put three layers together, wet centre of each layer with white of egg, notch each layer in six places from outside to centre with a knife. Hold three layers together with a fork and cook in boiling lard until a delicate brown. Fill centre of rose with jelly. CAKES 11 However good, however had, depends on how you make it . 99 If a cake cracks open when baking, it is either because the oven is too hot and cooks the outside before the inside is heated, or else the cake was made too stiff. To prevent layer cake from sticking, grease the tins and dust in a little flour. Scald the bowl in which the butter and sugar are to he creamed for cake ; the hot dish heats the butter so that it will blend much easier with the sugar. Never mix butter and sugar in a tin. Keep the barrel of flour in a warm place. If eggs for cake are not quite fresh, and no better ones can be obtained, a couple of drops of ammonia will take away any musty taste. Putting a pinch of salt with your whites makes them beat more easily. Measuring Cups and Spoons. — Considerable confusion fre- quently arises from the use of the terms cup and spoon in recipes. Now, as a matter of fact, the day is not long enough to weigh out all the ingredients in all the recipes used by a cook. Nor is there any necessity for this, providing an exact measuring cup and tablespoon is kept for the purpose. The regulation cup measures just half a pint, and is made of tin. These cups are marked off by lines for quarter, half and three- quarter measure. Equivalent in Weight for Measures. — The spices are all ground : Ginger — One heaping teaspoonful, 14 ounce. Cinnamon — One heaping teaspoonful, 14 ounce. To keep fruit cake from burning when baking place the cake on a pan of ashes. It requires a slow oven. ( 188 ) CAKES 189 Allspice — One heaping teaspoonful, generous measure, *4 ounce. Cloves — One teaspoonful, slightly heaped, 14 ounce. Mace — One heaping teaspoonful, 14 ounce. Nutmeg — Five equal one ounce. Salt — One teaspoonful, 14 ounce. Cream of Tartar — Two teaspoonfuls, slightly heaped, V 4 ounce. Soda — One teaspoonful, slightly heaped, 14 ounce. Baking powder — One heaping teaspoonful, 14 ounce. Butter — One rounding tablespoonful, V2 ounce. Bread crumbs grated — One cupful, two ounces. Stemmed raisins — One cupful, six ounces. Currants, cleaned — One cupful, six ounces. Indian meal — One cupful, six ounces. Pastry flour — One cupful, four ounces. New Process flour — One scant cupful, four ounces. Butter — One solidly-packed cupful, nine ounces. Sugar — One cupful, granulated, eight ounces. Liquids — One cupful of ordinary liquid, eight ounces. The cups used in these estimates hold half a pint, old measure. A gill is half a cup. Cake Making. Never undertake cake unless you are willing to give the business the amount of time and labor needed to make it well. Materials tossed together “any how” may, once in a great while, come out right. Before breaking an egg, or putting butter and sugar to- gether, collect all your ingredients. Sift the flour and arrange close to your hand the bowls, egg-beater, cake-mould, ready but- tered, etc. Begin by putting the measured sugar into a bowl and work- ing the butter into it with a wooden spoon. Rub and stir until the mixture is as smooth and light as cream. Indeed, this pro- cess is called “creaming.” Now, beat the yolks of your eggs light and thick in another bowl; wash the egg-beater well, wipe dry and let it get cold before whipping the whites to a standing heap in a third vessel. Keep the eggs cool before and while you beat them. Add the 190 CAKES yolks to the creamed butter and sugar, beating hard one minute ; put in the milk when milk is used, the spices and flavoring; whip in the whites, and lastly, the sifted and prepared flour. Beat from the bottom of the mixing-bowl with a wooden spoon, bringing it up full and high with each stroke, and as soon as the ingredients are fairly and smoothly mixed, stop beating or your cake will be tough. Should the dough or batter rise very fast lay white paper over the top, that this may not harden into a crust before the middle is done. To ascertain whether the cake is ready to leave the oven, thrust a clean straw into the thickest part. If it comes out clean, take out the tins and set them gently on a table or shelf to cool before turning them upside down on a clean, dry cloth or dish. One of the most difficult parts of cake making is the baking. Do not mix your cake until your oven is ready. A pan of hot water in the oven will prevent a cake from burning. Christmas Cake. One pound butter, one pound sugar, one pound flour, two pounds currants, two pounds raisins, one-half pound citron, eight eggs, one-half cup molasses, one teaspoonful soda dis- solved in the molasses, two teaspoonfuls each of nutmeg, mace and cinnamon, one-half cup of brandy, one pound figs. Mix butter and sugar to a cream, then add eggs slowly, then the molasses and brandy, then flour, and last, of all fruit. Fruit Cake. Two pounds raisins, two pounds currants, one ounce mixed spice, one pound flour, one pound brown sugar, one pound but- ter, one dozen eggs, one tumbler brandy or whiskey, two nut- megs, half teaspoonful of soda. Bake three hours. Instead of the two nutmegs and one ounce mixed spices, one tablespoonful cinnamon may be used. Plum Cake. One pound flour, one pound raisins stoned and pulled to pieces, one pound currants, three-fourths pound brown sugar, fourteen ounces butter, one-half pound each, lemon, citron, orange peel; one pound almonds cut in pieces and mixed with CAKES 191 the same quantity of sugar in addition to the first mentioned. Put sugar and almonds into an iron pot, stir over the fire till dry one large spoonful each of mace, cinnamon, nutmeg; one- fourth pint of sherry, one-fourth pint of brandy, one-fourth pint rose-water. Wash the salt out of the butter. Beat it with half the sugar to a cream; beat nine eggs (leaving out the whites of three) with the rest of the sugar, then add to it the butter, then spice, wine, flour, nuts and fruit. Use the three whites for icing. Fruit Cake. Eight eggs, two pounds dark sugar, two pounds raisins, two pounds currants, one-half pound lemon peel, one-half pound almonds, one and a half pounds butter, two teaspoonfuls cinna- mon, two cloves, two allspice, two teaspoonfuls soda dissolved in half a cupful of liquor and sis cupfuls flour. Fruit Cake. One and a half pounds raisins, two and a half pounds wal- nuts (in shell), three-fourths pound butter, one and one-fourth pound sugar, one pound flour, one nutmeg, and three teaspoon- fuls baking powder. Rich Fruit or Wedding Cake. Two pounds butter, two pounds sugar, five pounds currants, two pounds flour, two pounds sultana raisins, three pounds layer raisins, one pound mixed peel, one-half pound mixed almonds, twenty eggs, one orange, one lemon rind grated and the juice, one-half ounce grated nutmegs, mace and spice, two wineglass- fuls brandy, one-half teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls sour cream. Fruit Cake. One pound of sugar, one pound of butter, one pound flour, three pounds raisins, two pounds currants, one pound citron, one-half ounce cinnamon, one-half ounce mace, five nutmegs, one tablespoonful cloves. Mix one-half of the flour with the currants and raisins. 192 CAKES Light Fruit Cake. Five eggs, one pound light brown sugar, one-third pound but- ter, one-half pound lemon and orange peel (mixed), one and a quarter pounds flour, one teaspoonful soda, one pound raisins (if wanted). Put raisins and peel in after the flour. Light Fruit Cake. Three-quarters cup of butter (and a little more), one cup- ful of sugar, two and a half cupfuls flour, one-half cup sweet milk, three eggs, one-half pound seedless raisins, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Bake in a moderate oven about fifty minutes. Elsie’s Cake. One pound almonds, one pound orange or citron peel, one and a half pounds pulverized sugar, one pound butter, nine eggs, half small bottle essence cinnamon, one pound flour. White Fruit Cake. One cupful butter, two cupfuls sugar, one cupful sweet milk, two and a half cupfuls flour, seven eggs (whites only), one pound seeded raisins, one pound blanched almonds, one pound dates, one-quarter pound citron. Fruit all to be chopped fine and added last. Bake slowly until done. Three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Pound Cake. One pound butter, one pound white sugar, one and one- quarter pounds flour, one pound currants, two ounces orange peel, nine eggs, one ounce citron peel, one ounce almonds, sliced and blanched, cream butter and sugar. Beat eggs separately. Flour the fruit. Bake in two bread pans from one to two hours. New Year’s Pound Cake. One pound butter, one pound sugar rubbed to a cream, one dozen eggs beaten and added, one-half pound of mixed peel, one-half pound blanched almonds, one and one-quarter pounds flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. CAKES 193 Scotch Bun. One pound flour, one-half pound sugar, one pound large size raisins, two pounds currants, one-quarter pound mixed peel, one-quarter pound almonds, one-half ounce ginger, one-half ounce Jamaica pepper, one-half teaspoonful black pepper, one small teaspoonful carbonate soda, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one small breakfast cupful of milk, or as much as will mix it thoroughly with the hands. Mix this altogether. One and one- half breakfast cupfuls flour, one-quarter pound butter or lard, one-half teaspoonful baking powder. Rub the flour and butter together, add baking powder, mix to a fine paste with water, roll out thin and line baking tin with this, reserving a piece for the top, put in the above mixture, make flat on top and wet the edges round and put on the piece of paste reserved for it. Brush it over with white of egg. Bake two and one-half hours. Shortbread. One pound butter, one and three-quarter pounds flour, one- quarter pound light brown sugar. Lay the flour on the board and the butter on top of it. Knead into the butter part of the flour, then mix in the sugar and one well beaten egg. Mix it till it is quite tough enough to roll out smoothly and without breaking till it is about half an inch thick. Have the oven pretty hot at first, then let it gradually cool down. Put paper in the pan under the bread. When it has been in a little while sprinkle a little sugar on it. If more is wanted put it on after it comes out of the oven. If it is quite solid when you touch it it is done. It should be allowed to brown a very little. Shortbread. Two pounds flour, one pound butter, one-half pound brown sugar. Work it well and bake in a moderate oven. Scotch Shortbread. For seven poundss of shortbread, three and a half pounds of flour, ope-half pound rice flour, two pounds of butter (a little bit of lard put in to make two pounds), one and a quarter pounds of sugar (bright soft sugar), one-half teaspoonful of soda in the flour, white of one egg, a little seasoning, lemon; cream butter 194 CAKES and sugar together, add flour and seasoning, knead on a board until the dough is quite elastic, roll out about an inch thick, eut into small pieces, prick with a fork, and bake in a slow oven. It will take about half an hour to bake. Shortbread. Two pounds of flour (sifted), one-half pound of butter, one- half pound of lard, one teacupful of icing sugar. Mix the flour and sugar, and have the butter and lard soft, but not melted, and knead it into the flour and sugar, keeping a little flour to roll it out with. Roll out on floured paper about half an inch thick. Shortcake. Beat one pound of butter to a cream, gradually dredge in two pounds flour, and add one-quarter pound of pounded loaf sugar. Work the paste till it is quite smooth, and divide it into six pieces. Put each piece or cake on a separate piece of paper. Roll the paste out square, about an inch thick. Bake from twenty to thirty minutes. If shortbread is worked too long it becomes greasy ; as soon as it will roll out is long enough, from twenty to twenty-five minutes. Some people think it an improvement to put it out in the cold for a short time as they do with puff paste. Pork Cake. Chop very fine one-half pound of fat pork, pour on it one pint of boiling water, one teacupful of molasses and two cups of sugar, one pound currants and raisins, one teaspoonful of soda and one of cinnamon. Stir thick as pound cake with flour, and bake. Spioe Cake. One cup butter, one and one-half cups brown sugar, one cup of sweet milk, three eggs, three teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one tea- spoonful cloves, one nutmeg, two and one-quarter cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda in the milk, one teaspoonful cream tartar in flour, one cupful chopped raisins. Bake one hour. CAKES 195 Rosehill Cake. Two and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful butter, one cupful of sweet milk, four cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, six eggs. Sift flour, soda and cream tartar at least three times. Put butter and sugar together and rub them to a cream. Add milk, then flour a little at a time, and beat smooth. Now break in the eggs, one at a time, stirring and beating the batter well after each egg. Bake in a moderate oven about an hour, if baked in a cake tin. This recipe makes a good layer cake. Plain Cake. One cupful sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one-half cupful milk (or cream), two cupfuls sifted flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of flavoring, two eggs well beaten, add last. Mix butter and sugar together, then add milk and flour in which the baking powder has been sifted, beat well, add eggs, oven moderate (cooler at first, increasing the heat gradually). Bake about forty minutes in a shallow pan. This cake can be used as a layer cake, and either nuts or peel can be added as desired. Minnehaha Cake. One and a half cupfuls granulated sugar, one-half cupful butter stirred to a cream, whites of six eggs or three whole eggs, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar stirred in two heaping cup- fuls sifted flour, one teaspoonful soda, one-half cupful sweet milk. Bake in three layers. Filling. — One teacupful sugar and a little water boiled to- gether until it is brittle when dropped in cold water. Remove from stove, and stir quickly into the well beaten white of an egg; add to this one cupful stoned raisins, chopped fine, or a cupful of chopped hickory nut meat, and place between the layers. Marguerite’s Layer Oake. Three eggs, one cupful milk, one cupful sugar, three-quarters cupful butter, two cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda, two tea- spoonfuls cream of tartar; flavor with lemon. Frosting. — One cupful sugar, five tablespoonfuls milk, five tablespoonfuls grated chocolate, piece of butter size of egg. Put on stove and let it remain five minutes after it begins to boil. 196 CAKES Raisin Layer Cake. One cnpfnl brown sugar, half cupful butter, three eggs, half cupful sour milk, one and a half cupfuls flour, spices to taste, one teaspoonful soda, two cupfuls chopped raisins. Bake in layers. Jelly Cake. One cupful sugar, quarter cupful butter, one cupful flour, four eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar. Mix the soda and cream of tartar thoroughly in the flour. Flavor with lemon extract. Jelly Cake. One small cup sugar, two eggs, butter the size of an egg, half cupful sweet milk, one and a half cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat sugar and butter together to a cream, add the other ingredients, having the baking powder well sifted through the flour. Beat all together briskly for two or three minutes. Bake quickly. Rolled Jelly Cake. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cup flour. Bake in a shallow pan. Spread with jelly while warm and roll. Park Street Cake. Two cupfuls sugar, one cupful milk, three cupfuls flour, one- half cupful butter, four eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add the beaten yolks of the eggs, then add milk, then the flour, then the beaten whites of eggs, last one teaspoonful soda, two of cream tartar dissolved in a little milk. Chocolate Cake. One small half cup butter (creamed), one cup sugar, two eggs, whites and yolks whisked separately, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour mixed with two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Boil together one-half cup of grated chocolate, one-half cup sweet milk, one-half cup sugar, yolk of one egg, one teaspoonful vanilla. When cool add with the dough, bake in three jelly tins and put white icing between and on top. CAKES 197 Chocolate Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, piece butter size of an egg, one cup milk, two eggs, two cups flour. Beat butter to a cream, add yolks of the eggs, beat whites to a froth, then add sugar, then flour and milk last. Frosting : six tablespoonfuls chocolate grated, four tablespoonfuls confectioners’ sugar, enough boiling water to make thick paste. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Chocolate Cake. One and one-half strips of chocolate, one cup of milk, one cup of sugar, two cups of flour, yolks of two eggs, two small tablespoonfuls butter, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one teaspoonful vanilla. Boil the chocolate in the milk for a few minutes, stir, add the yolks well beaten, stir till thick, then add sugar and the other half-cup of milk and other ingredients mentioned. Either bake as layer cake with icing between, or in one large cake with icing on top. Icing for Chocolate Cake. — Three tablespoonfuls of milk, one-half cupful granulated sugar. Boil together for a few minutes or until it strings from the spoon. Take off the fire, flavor with vanilla and stir till cool before putting on the cake. Delicious Chocolate Cake. Whites of eight eggs, two cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, three cupfuls flour, one cupful sweet milk, three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat the butter to a cream, stir in the sugar and beat until light, add the milk, then the flour and beaten whites; when well beaten divide into equal parts, and into half grate a cake of sweet chocolate. Bake in layers spread with custard and alternate the white and dark cake. Custard of the cake. — Add a tablespoonful of butter to one pint of milk and let it come to a boil, stir in two eggs beaten with one cupful of sugar, add two teaspoonfuls of corn starch dissolved in a little milk. Chocolate Marble Cake. One and a half cupfuls sugar, half cupful butter, half cup- ful milk, two and a half cupfuls flour, one egg, one teaspoonful cream tartar, half teaspoonful soda, flavor with vanilla. When 198 CAKES well mixed take half of it in another dish and stir into it one square of melted chocolate, have your tins ready and put in a spoonful of light and dark alternately. The Princess May Chocolate Cake. One cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter (scant), three eggs (yolks only), one-half cup sour milk, two and a half cups of flour, one teaspoonful soda, one of cream tartar. Second part — One cup brown sugar, one cup grated chocolate. Dissolve on stove, but do not let boil; add to the first part. It is intended to be made in two layers and white icing put between, as well as icing on top. You must take a little care and not get it too stiff. Cocoanut Cake. One cupful butter, three cupfuls sugar, three cupfuls flour, half cupful sweet milk, ten eggs, whites, well beaten, three tea- spoonfuls baking powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add flour, milk and baking powder. Bake in a moderate oven in pans one inch deep. Make three cakes. Icing. — Three eggs, one pound of sugar, one cocoanut grated. Beat eggs to stiff froth, then add sugar and lemon juice. Put cake on a stand, while warm spread on the icing, then sprinkle thick with cocoanut, lay on another cake and do the same, at the last spread icing all over and then cocoanut. Cocoanut Cake. Two tablespoonfuls butter, one cupful sugar, one cupful milk, two and one-half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of com starch, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, three eggs, keeping out the whites of two for frosting. If you use fresh cocoanut take half of the cocoa milk and fill up cup with milk. Bake in three layers and color centre one with one-half teaspoonful fruit coloring. Take balance of cocoa milk, sweeten and thicken with a little corn starch, beat the whites of the eggs, add one-half cup sugar and spread all over the cake, then sprinkle with the grated cocoanut and a little sugar. Cream Cake. Two eggs, one cupful sugar, one cupful of cream, two cup- fuls of flour, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, one teaspoonful of soda. OAKES 199 Cream Cake. One large tablespoonful butter, three eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one cupful of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of water, one small teaspoonful cream tartar, one-half small tea- spoonful soda. Cream. — One pint of milk, one egg, one and one-half table- spoonfuls corn starch, two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Flavor when cool and put between cakes. French Cream Cake. Cake. — Three eggs, one cupful white sugar, one and a half cupfuls flour, one and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder in the flour, two tablespoonfuls cold water. Bake in a quick oven. Split the cake while warm and spread with cream. For the Cream. — Boil nearly one-half pint of sweet milk, beat one egg with a scant half cupful of sugar and one table- spoonful of corn starch ; when the milk is nearly boiled, stir in the remainder, add a small piece of butter, flavor to taste. Almond Cream Cake. Two cupfuls of pulverized sugar; one-quarter cupful of but- ter, one cupful of sweet milk, whites of four eggs beaten light, one-half teaspoonful of vanilla, three cupfuls of flour, three tea- spoonfuls baking powder. For the Cream. — Whip one cupful cream, stir gradually into it one-half cupful of pulverized sugar, a few drops of vanilla, one pound of almonds chopped and blanched. Chantilly Cake. Take a round, high sponge cake and scoop out the inside with a spoon, being careful not to make a hole through; put it on the dish it is to be sent to the table on ; pour about a cupful of home-made wine (it is good without) in the cake and on the edge, as it will run down the inside. When the wine is all soaked up, pour a good custard into the cake. Have some blanched almonds cut in quarters length-ways, stick them round the edge, about three rows. Whip some cream and pour on the top. This is a very pretty and delicious cake, and looks nice decorated with smilax or any ripe fruit. 200 CAKES Orange Cake. Four eggs, one cupful sugar, one cupful flour, one teaspoon- ful baking powder. Beat eggs and sugar together twenty min- utes, add slowly flour and baking powder. Orange Filling. — One small tablespoonful corn starch, one cupful sugar, one orange. Wet corn starch with a very little cold water and pour on enough boiling water to thicken, add juice and half the grated rind of orange ; let boil about ten min- utes ; put the other half grated rind in icing for cake. This cake without filling makes a good sponge cake. Orange Cake. Five eggs (saving two whites for icing), two cups sugar, juice of one and a half oranges, one-half cup cold water, two cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Mix in order given. This makes four layers. Filling. — Grated rind of one orange and juice of one-half, two cups powdered sugar. Beat egg a little, then add sugar and orange juice gradually. Orange Cake. Five eggs, three cupfuls sugar, three quarters cupful butter, one cupful sweet milk, four cupfuls flour, juice and rind of one orange. Break the yolks of eggs into a large bowl, add sugar, butter and orange juice beaten till light and creamy; then add the milk and whites of the eggs (which must be beaten to a stiff froth), and flour into which has been sifted one teaspoonful soda and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. Bake in four jelly- tins : put lemon butter between, then ice. Lennon Cake. Cake Part. — Two cupfuls sugar, one-half cupful butter, three- quarters cupful sweet milk, whites of six eggs, three cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Filling. — Grated rind and juice of one lemon, yolks of two eggs, piece of butter the size of an egg, one cupful sugar. Cook till thick, and spread between the layers. CAKES 201 Lemon Cake. One and a half cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, two and a half cupfuls flour, five eggs, four teaspoonfuls sweet milk, one teaspoonful cream tartar, half teaspoonful soda. For Jelly.— One cupful sugar, two tablespoonfuls of but- ter, two eggs, juice of two lemons. Break all together and boil. For orange cake use orange instead of lemon. Lemon Johnnie Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, half cupful of butter, half cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour, three eggs, two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder. Bake in six layers. For the Jelly. — Rind of two lemons, grated, one cupful of sugar, one egg, half cupful of boiling water, one teaspoonful butter, one tablespoonful flour mixed with the water, boil till it thickens. Ice-Cream Cake. Make a sponge cake as follows: — Four eggs, beaten sepa- rately, one cupful sugar, one cupful flour and one teaspoonful baking powder. Bake in layers and let them get cold. Take two cups sweet cream and beat until light, sweeten and flavor with vanilla ; pour hot water over a pound of almonds to remove the skin, chop fine and then mix with the cream, spread thickly between the layers of cake. Ice-Cream Cake. One cupful white sugar, two tablespoonfuls butter, softened, not melted, one-half cupful sweet milk, three eggs, one and one- half cupfuls flour,, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. This makes two layers. When cold with a sharp knife remove the brown top of the under layer, spread the following custard between the layers and ice with boiled icing. Custard. — One cupful sweet milk, one egg, two tablespoon- fuls powdered sugar, one dessertspoonful corn starch. Heat the milk to near boiling, add corn starch dissolved in part of the milk, then add the egg well beaten with the sugar. Flavor with pineapple or vanilla. 202 CAKES Ice-Cream Cake. One cupful sugar, three-quarters cupful butter, whites of four eggs, one and one-half cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls bak- ing powder, one-half cup milk, flavoring. Cream butter well, add sugar, eggs, milk, flour and baking powder, vanilla. 'Beat well and bake in buttered pan. Caramel Cake. One cupful sugar, one-half cupful butter, one half cupful milk, two cupfuls flour, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Put eggs, sugar and butter in a bowl, and beat till the butter is quite smooth, then add milk and flour; put the baking powder in flour. Caramel Icing. — One cupful light brown sugar, one table- spoonful of cream and one tablespoonful of water. Stir all to- gether in a pan and boil three minutes, beat until a little cool, then add a teaspoonful of vanilla beat again until nearly cold. Be sure and only boil three minutes by the clock. Caramel Cake. Three eggs, one cupful sugar, half cupful cold water, two tablespoonfuls butter, one good cupful flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Dressing. — One half cup sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one-half cup milk. Boil until stiff. Flavor with vanilla. Watermelon Cake. White Part. — Two cupfuls white sugar, one cupful butter, one cupful sweet milk, three and one-half cupfuls flour, whites of eight eggs, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda. Red Part. — One cupful sugar, red, one-half cupful butter, two cupfuls flour, one-third cupful sweet milk, whites four eggs, one cupful raisins. Be careful to keep the red part around the tube of the pan and the white around the edge. Watermelon Cake. One and one half cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, one-half cupful milk, five eggs, three cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls bak- CAKES 203 ing powder. Cream the butter and sugar, add the milk and beaten eggs, take out one-half of the batter and add a little fruit coloring and one cup of stoned raisins rolled in flour. Flavor to taste. Spread well the bottom and sides of your pan with the white part, fill up with the pink. Leave enough white for the top. Bake in a moderate oven. Angel Cake. Eight eggs (whites only), four ounces powdered sugar, three ounces flour, one-quarter ounce cream tartar. Beat whites of eggs very light, sift twice through a fine sieve the flour, sugar and cream tartar; add to the whites, hut do not mix very much. Do not butter the pan ; bake in pan with centre piece in it, turn it upside down when baked, run a thin knife around it and let it drop out. Angel Food. One and a half cupfuls granulated sugar, sifted eight times before measuring, one cupful of flour, sifted four times before measuring, one teaspoonful cream tartar, a pinch of salt, whites of eleven eggs beaten stiff, flavor with vanilla or orange. Bake in a round tin with a funnel in the centre. Do not butter the pan. This cake should he baked in a very moderate oven, and covered with a paper if it begins to brown before properly raised. Remove from the pan, and lay on a wire sieve to cool. Frosting. — White of one egg, beaten with one-quarter tea- spoonful baking powder, and one-quarter pound confectioners’ sugar. Beat with a fork. Nut Cake. One cupful sugar, one-half cupful butter, two eggs, one-half cupful sweet milk, one and a half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoon- fuls baking powder, one large cupful chopped raisins, one large cupful chopped walnuts ; frost when baked. Nut Cake. Four eggs, whites, well beaten, one cupful white sugar, one half cupful butter, one-half cupful sweet milk, two cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful cream tartar one-half teaspoonful soda, ono 204 CAKES cupful broken up walnuts; nuts are put in last. Nuts chopped fine and stirred through cake just before it is put in the oven. Bake in a deep tin; put one-half cupful nuts in icing. Walnut Cake. Half cupful butter, one and one-half cupfuls sugar, half cupful milk, one and one-half cupfuls flour, half cupful rais- ins, stoned, half cupful walnuts, chopped, four eggs. Cream the butter and sugar, add milk and fluor with one teaspoonful baking powder, then add the whites of the eggs, dredge raisins and walnuts before stirring them in, and bake slowly. Make the icing of the yolks of the eggs and sugar, place walnuts on top of icing. Walnut Cake. Half cupful butter, one and a half cupfuls sugar, half cup- ful sweet milk, two cupfuls flour with two teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of four eggs v T ell beaten, add lastly one cupful raisins and half a cupful chopped walnuts. Icing. — Beat the yolks stiff with white sugar, spread on cake while hot, put half walnuts over the top and return to oven till icing is cooked. Hickory Nut Cake. Three-quarters cupful butter, one and one-half cupfuls sugar, three-quarters cupful sweet milk with one-half teaspoon- ful soda, two and one-half cupfuls sifted flour with one tea- spoonful cream of tartar, whites of four eggs well beaten, one cupful hickory meat chopped fine, walnuts or pecan nuts will do. Bake in a deep round tin. For coloring and flavoring the icing use a few drops of fruit coloring and essence of rose. Hazel Nut Cakes. One pound sugar, one pound hazel nuts when shelled and chopped, whites four eggs. Drop on tins and bake. Nut cakes require a slow oven. CAKES 205 Almond Cake. Two eggs, one-half pound white sugar, one-half pound flour, one-half pound split almonds. Stir the eggs with sugar until light, add the flour with as much soda as will lay on the point of a knife, add the almonds and mix well. Put into a bread pan, smooth with your hands or a very small rolling pin, brush over with the yolk of an egg, put into a moderate oven until brown, cut into slices while warm in the pan, toast them until the sides are a light brown. Almond Bread. Three cupfuls white sugar, one pound butter, one pound almonds dried and split, eight eggs, flour enough to roll out. Stir the yolks of eggs, butter and sugar till very light, beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add flour and whites of eggs last, eut in narrow strips and bake. Berwick Sponge Cake. Six eggs, three cupfuls powdered sugar, four cupfuls sifted flour, one cupful cold water, four teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat the eggs two minutes,. put in the sugar, beat five minutes, stir in half the flour, then the water, then remainder of flour, flavor with essence of lemon. Velvet Sponge Cake. Two cupfuls white sugar, two cupfuls flour, two-thirds cup- ful boiling water, four eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, flavor to taste. Beat eggs and sugar together, then add flour, and lastly the hot water just as it is reardy for the oven. Sponge Cake. One cupful of sugar, one cupful of flour, four eggs. Beat the eggs and sugar together for half an hour, and then stir in the flour as lightly as possible. Sponge Cake. Four eggs, one cupful sugar, one cupful flour, one teaspoon- ful baking powder, essence of lemon to taste. Beat the whites of the eggs, add the sugar and beat again, add the yolks, beat once more, stir in the other ingredients lightly. 206 CAKES Sponge Cake. One cupful granulated sugar, one cupful flour, two eggs, one-quarter teaspoonful salt, one large teaspoonful baking powder. Sift the baking powder and salt well through the flour, the whites of the eggs to be beaten separately, add the largest half of the sugar to the whites of the eggs and the remainder of the sugar to the yolks, whip up very light, mix all together thoroughly ; lastly, add one-quarter cupful boiling water. Flavor with lemon. Corn Starch Cake. One-half cupful butter, one cupful sugar, whites of four eggs, one cupful corn starch, one cupful flour, one-half cupful milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one teaspoonful vanilla (dissolve corn starch in the milk). Snow Cake. One cupful granulated sugar, one-half cupful butter, one- half cupful sweet milk, and one-half cupful flour with one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of four eggs well beaten. Flavor to taste. Add flour and eggs last. Snow Cake. Three-quarters cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of milk, one cupful corn starch, two cupfuls flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder. Mix corn starch, flour and baking powder together, add to the butter and sugar with the milk, lastly add whites of seven eggs. Delicate Cake. Two cupfuls sugar, one cupful sweet milk, three-quarters cupful butter, three cupfuls flour, the whites of five eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful essence of lemon. Delicate Cake. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of sweet milk, three cupfuls of flour, nine whites of eggs, two tea- spoonfuls baking powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, then add milk, then flour and last the whites of the eggs well beaten. CAKES 207 White Perfection Cake. Three cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, one cupful milk, three cupfuls flour, one cupful corn starch, twelve whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar in the flour, one teaspoonful soda in half the milk. Dissolve the corn starch in the rest of the milk and add it to the sugar and butter well beaten together, then the milk and soda, and the flour and whites of egg. White Cake. Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, one oupful of milk, four cupfuls of flour, four teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of ten eggs. Flavor with almond or any desired flavoring. White Cake. One cupful white sugar, one-third cupful melted butter, one- half cupful sweet milk, one cupful flour, one-half cupful corn starch, two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, four eggs. Whip sugar and butter to a cream, add milk and stir thoroughly, sift flour, corn starch and baking powder together and add also. Take the whites of the eggs, beat them to a stiff froth and add stirring it well with the other. Flavor with ratafia and bake slowly. White Cake. One-half cupful butter, two cupfuls flour, three eggs whites only, one-half cupful of milk, one cupful of sugar. Flavor to taste. Cream butter and sugar. Add well beaten whites and beat thoroughly, to this add milk, then flour and two teaspoon- fuls baking powder. White Cake. "Whites of three eggs, one-third cupful of butter, one cupful of sugar, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one-half cupful milk. Beat butter and sugar together, add flour and one small teaspoonful cream tartar, small half spoonful soda. Add whites of eggs last well beaten. Gold Cakes. Yolks of five eggs, one cup white sugar, one cup butter, one cup of milk, two and a half cups of flour, one teaspoonful of lemon, one teaspoonful of soda, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of cream tartar. 208 CAKES Loaf Cake. Two cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, three eggs, one cup- ful milk, one cupful corn starch, two cupfuls flour, two tea- spoonfuls baking powder. Beat all well together. Loaf Cake. One and one-half cupfuls sugar, one-half cupful butter, three-quarters cupful sweet milk, two eggs, whites only, two cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream then add the milk, one cupful flour, then the eggs well beaten, and lastly the other cup of flour with the baking powder. Flavor to taste. If desired, one cupful wal- nuts chopped fine may be put in. The above makes a good layer cake. Confection Cake. White Part. — One and a half cupfuls sugar, half cupful sweet milk, two cupfuls flour, four tablespoonfuls butter, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of three eggs. Dark Part. — One cupful sugar, half cupful molasses, half cupful butter, half cupful sour milk, two and a half cupfuls flour, yolks of four eggs, half teaspoonful soda, spices and fruit to suit the taste. Put dark cake between the white. Bake the light part in two cakes. Bake the dark part in one cake, and place between the two light cakes with jelly or frosting. Marble Cake. Dark Part. — Butter the size of an egg, half cupful brown sugar, yolks of two eggs, half cupful molasses, quarter cupful water, spice to taste, a small teaspoonful soda and about two cupfuls flour. Light Part. — Whites of two eggs well beaten, half cupful white sugar, butter size of an egg, quarter cupful milk or water, one large cupful flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, flavor with lemon. Combination Cake. Light Part. — Five eggs (whites), one-half cupful butter, one and a half cupfuls white sugar, one and a half cupfuls sweet CAKES 209 milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, two and a half cupfuls flour, flavor with vanilla. Dark Part. — Five eggs (yolks), one-half cupful butter, one a half cupfuls brown sugar, one-half cupful sour milk, one-half teaspoonful soda, two and a half cupfuls flour mixed with one teaspoonful baking powder, one lemon peel, one-half nutmeg, one half teaspoonful cinnamon and cloves. Bake in jelly cake tins. It makes four layers. Spice Cake. One cupful sugar, one-half cupful butter, three eggs, one- half cupful sour milk, one and a half cupfuls flour, one tea- spoonful cinnamon and cloves, one nutmeg, one teaspoonful soda, two cupfuls chopped raisins. Spanish Bun. Three eggs, one cupful of brown sugar, three-quarters of a cupful of butter, one cupful milk, one and a half teaspoonfuls cinnamon and allspice, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream of tartar; save the whites of two eggs for icing, with one-half cupful of brown sugar and one-half teaspoonful cinna- mon. Spanish Bun. One egg and the yolks of two or three, three-quarters cupful of butter, two cupfuls brown sugar, one cupful sweet milk, two and a half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoon of mixed spices, one teaspoonful of cinnamon. Frosting. — Whites of eggs left from cake, beaten stiff; add one cupful brown sugar. Return to oven to brown. Fig Cake. Some attention has lately been paid to the preserved fig in cookery. Like the date, prune and other dried fruits, it is found to be an excellent addition to a pudding or cake. A fig loaf of cake is made by adding half a pound of figs chopped fine and a pound of raisins stoned, to the ordinary recipe for loaf cake, which calls for a cup of butter, two cups of sugar, a cup of milk, five eggs and three cups of flour. A fig-layer cake is one of the 210 CAKES most delicious forms in which a fig can be used. Make two white cakes about an inch thick. Cover one thickly with white icing, and the other with an icing in which a cup of chopped figs has been added to every cup of sugar. Use also a teaspoonful of lemon juice to every cup of sugar. Put the-ritwo cakes together with a layer of figs between. Raisin Cake. One cupful sugar, half cupful butter, half cupful sweet milk, two cupfuls flour, two eggs, one tablespoonful corn starch, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful raisins, spice. Stir sugar, butter and yolks of eggs together. Add whites last thing. Date Cake. One and one-fourth cupfuls brown sugar, one and one-fourth cupfuls butter, one cupful sour milk, three eggs beaten to a froth, one pound dates rolled in flour, one teaspoonful baking soda. Flour to thicken. Peel Cake. Half pound butter, half pound sugar, three-quarters pound flour well sifted, three-quarters pound mixed peel, five eggs. Rub butter to a cream, add sugar and rub again, add two eggs and a little flour, then the rest of the eggs and flour; last, the peel. Cinnamon Cake. Half cupful butter, half cupful granulated sugar, two eggs well beaten, half cupful sweet milk, one and a half cupfuls flour with one and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, three teaspoonfuls cinnamon. Cream the butter, then add little salt; when all is well beaten together, add the spice. Clove Cake. One pound brown sugar, one pound flour, one pound rais- ins, half pound butter, one cup milk, two large teaspoonfuls baking powder stirred well into the flour, one tablespoonful cloves, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one tablespoonful nutmeg, four eggs; chop the raisins. CAKES 211 Seed Cake. Two eggs, three ounces melted butter, one cupful white sugar, one pint flour, two and a half teaspoonfuls carraway seeds, half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream tartar dissolved in milk enough to make a thick batter; bake three-quarters of an hour in a slow oven. Coffee Cake. One cupful butter, one cupful brown sugar, one-half cupful strong coffee (put in grounds, too), one pound raisins cut fine and floured, one teaspoonful each of soda, cloves, allspice and ginger, flour enough to make quite stiff, two eggs. Seed Cake. Two eggs, one cupful sugar, two tablespoonfuls lard, one tablespoonful carraway seeds, two cupfuls of flour, one tea- spoonful soda, one and one-half teaspoonfuls cream of tartar. Mix up with warm water. Love Cake. One quart syrup, one pint sweet milk, one pound sugar, one- half pound almonds, one-quarter pound citron peel, one-quarter pound lemon peel, four pounds flour, one cup butter, one table- spoonful soda, one tablespoonful cream tartar, anise seed and spices to taste. Let the sugar, syrup, milk and butter come to a boil; then scald the flour with it and add all the other ingred- ients. Let the dough stand over night. Gingerbread. One egg, well beaten, one cupful molasses, one cupful sugar, one cupful butter, one cupful cold tea, two even teaspoonfuls soda, flour enough to make about the right consistency. Soft Gingerbread with Nuts. One full cup butter, two cupfuls white sugar worked to- gether, one cupful good molasses, one cupful sweet milk, five cupfuls sifted flour lightly measured, one tablespoonful ginger, two tablespoonfuls cinnamon, both powdered. When all is well beaten together add the kernels from one pound of English wal- nuts and bake in a flat pan. 212 CAKES Soft Gingerbread. Three cupfuls sifted flour, one cupful sour milk, one cupful brown sugar, one cupful molasses, two-thirds cupful butter, two eggs not beaten, one heaping teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoon- fuls of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-quarter of a grated nutmeg. Bake in a shallow pan in a moderate oven about three-quarters of an hour. Sour cream may be used instead of butter. Take one and two-thirds cupfuls of sour cream and do not use any butter or sour milk, and put a little salt in. In making this cake put all the ingredients into a bowl and stir it until the flour is quite mixed in. Strawberry Shortcake. One quart flour, three tablespoonfuls butter, one large cup- ful sour cream or milk, one egg, one tablespoonful white sugar, one teaspoonful soda, one saltspoonful salt, strawberries, sugar. Dissolve the soda in hot water, roll out rather thin, put in shal- low baking pans, cover thickly with ripe strawberries and sugar, add layer of paste and bake till done, cut in small squares and serve hot with sugar and cream. Fruit Shortcake. One quart flour, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, four tablespoonfuls butter, two tablespoonfuls sugar, one and a half cupfuls milk. Sift flour and baking powder twice, add the sugar, then rub in the butter and add the milk. Mix rapidly and place on a well-floured board, divide the dough into six parts; have ready three buttered pie plates, roll out your dough the size of the pie plate, place a layer of dough on each plate, butter and cover with another layer. Bake in a hot oven. When done separate the double cakes, add the fruit while hot ; serve at once. For three cakes— three pints of berries with a teacupful of sugar. The sugar should be sprinkled on the fruit at least half an hour before it is used. Kelly Island Cake. One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar, three cupfuls of flour, four eggs, half cupful milk, three teaspoonfuls baking CAKES 213 powder. Bake in jelly tins. For fillings stir together a grated lemon, a large tart apple, an egg and a cupful of sugar and boil four minutes. New York Cup Cake. Three teacupfuls sugar, one teacupful milk, one teacupful of butter, four teacupfuls sifted flour, four eggs, one grated nut- meg, one teaspoonful cinnamon. Baltimore Cake. Beat half a cupful of butter to a cream, adding gradually one and a half cupfuls of sugar. When very light add three- fourths of a cupful of cold water and two cupfuls of flour. Beat well and stir in half the beaten whites of four eggs. Have ready one cupful of walnuts cut into small pieces, flour them well, stir into the cake, add the remainder of the whites of eggs and a tea- spoonful of baking powder. Bake in a moderate oven fifty minutes. Dried Apple Cake. Prepare by washing and soaking over night two teacupfuls dried apples. Chop fine and let simmer till soft. When nearly cold add to the cake made as follows: One cupful sugar, half cupful butter, two eggs, two cupfuls molasses, four cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda, one cupful sour milk. Spice, cinnamon and nutmeg. Huckleberry Cakes. To make the sweet cake : Cream one scant cup of butter with two cups of granulated sugar, add the yolks of five eggs and very gradually stir in a cup of sweet milk in which a very scant teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved. Add now three cup- fuls of flour, in which two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar have been sifted. Add now the whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Fold in carefully one quart of ripe sound huckleberries. If you wish to use spice add a teaspoonful of powdered cinna- mon and half a nutmeg. Bake the cake rather slowly for about one hour and a half. Ice it with the white of egg remaining. Vanity Cake. One and a half cupfuls sugar, half cupful butter, half cup- ful sweet milk, one and a half cupfuls flour, half cupful corn 214 CAKES starch, one heaping teaspoonful baking powder, six eggs (whites). Bake in two cakes putting frosting between and on top. Tilden Cake. One cupful of butter, two of pulverized sugar, one cupful of sweet milk, three cupfuls of flour, half cupful of corn starch, four eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two of lemon ex- tract. Lily Cake. Six eggs, three cupfuls sugar, one cupful butter, two cupfuls raisins, lemon peel, one cupful sweet milk, three cupfuls flour, three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Cake Without Eggs. One and a half cupfuls sugar, half cupful butter, one cupful milk, three cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful chopped raisins well floured and added the last thing before putting into the oven. Spices to taste. Excellent Cake. One cupful sugar, half cupful butter, one cupful sweet milk, two and a half cupfuls flour, two and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, three eggs, keep out the white of one for icing, one cup- ful stoned raisins, half cupful walnut meats; mix and bake. Composition Cake. One and three-quarter pounds flour, one and a half pounds sugar, one and a quarter pounds currants, three-quarters pound butter, one pint milk, four eggs, one and a half teaspoonfuls soda, one and a half teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one whole nutmeg grated ; essence lemon to taste. Rice Flour Cake. Half pound sugar, half pound rice flour, five eggs ; all beaten together for twenty minutes or half an hour. Bake half an hour. CAKES 215 Economical Cake. Take any pieces of hard or spoiled cake, crumb it lip very fine, and pick out any heavy pieces. Soak it in milk over night, next morning add more soda, fruit, butter and other materials such as you consider necessary. Make a common paste, cover the bottom and sides of a square pie pan, pour your mixture into the pan and bake. The top may be iced. This cake, if properly made, is very nice, and resembles Spanish buns baked in paste. A very nice pudding can be made (without the paste) in this way and can be either steamed or baked. ICING AND DECORATING CAKES With a little care, and a little practice, cakes may be iced and decorated at home as well as at the confectioner’s. To do the work successfully, a few general rules must be observed, the eggs to be used must be fresh, and the sugar of good quality, very fine and free from lumps. It is a good plan to sift the sugar through a fine sieve before using, and to place the eggs upon ice for an hour or two before you are ready to commence your work. If ornaments are to be used upon the cake, they must be in place while the icing is moist. Boiled Icing. Boil rapidly together five tablespoonfuls of water, a pinch of cream of tartar and half a cupful of powdered sugar for about twelve minutes. Test the syrup by rubbing a drop between the finger and thumb ; if the syrup has been boiled enough, this drop will form -a soft ball. Be careful the syrup does not burn while boiling, but do not stir it with a spoon or fork, or it will become granulated and worthless. When the syrup is boiled to “the ball” remove it at once where it will not boil any for a few moments. Longer boiling will make it too hard for use. Beat the. white of one egg to a stiff, dry froth, and pour the syrup on it slowly, beating all the time ; add a teaspoonful of lemon juice and continue beating five or six minutes after the syrup is all added, when the icing should have perceptibly cooled. Spread it on the cake while the cake is yet warm, but not hot, and set it in a cool place to harden. This rule, if carefully followed, will make a soft, firm, smooth icing of fine flavor. A cupful of granulated sugar and half a cupful of water will generally boil to “the thread” in ten or fifteen minutes. The angel-cake rule is a very nice one for this purpose. A layer of crab-apple jelly, ( 216 ) ICING AND DECORATING CAKES 211 or white frosting flavored with orange juice or almonds, or layers of chopped raisins or chopped figs may be used between the layers, and a thick, white icing should cover all. Lemon Frosting. Whites of three eggs, three cupfuls powdered sugar, strained juice of a lemon. Put the whites into a cold bowl and add the sugar at once, stirring it in thoroughly. Then whip with your egg-beater until the mixture is stiff and white, adding lemon juice as you go on. Spread thickly over the cake, and set in the sun, or in a warm room to dry. Almond Icing. Three eggs, whites, beaten light, one cupful blanched al- monds, chopped fine, ten tablespoonfuls pulverized sugar; flavor with a little bitter almond. Decorative Icing. A pound of sugar must be slowly beaten into the white of an egg. It takes nearly an hour to do this successfully, spoonful by spoonful, so that the icing is glossy and smooth, and will stay standing up as it is piled. The decoration is done with tubes, sometimes called pipes by bakers. It takes considerable practice to become skilful in the use of these tubes, and the expert baker or confectioner who is successful in “piping” commands liberal wages. It is easy enough to learn to wreath a cake with a border of sugar leaves and decorate it with a network of delicate trac- ing, and such simple decoration is in the best taste. Dealers in confectioners' supplies sell a variety of tracing patterns for ornamenting cake. One or two simple patterns is all a home baker would be likely to need. To learn these perfectly trace them with pencil on paper and use the tubes and rubber bag, doing one pattern over and over with the same icing until the outlines are even and perfect. Once having obtained mastery of the rubber pastry bag, with its pipe or tube, it is easy enough to trace a pattern on the cake and cover it in scrollwork and leaves with the icing. A rubber pastry bag costs about twenty- five cents, and the tubes are about five cents each. One very fine cylinder tube, one larger, and one leaf tube, are all that are 218 ICING AND DECORATING CAKES needed at first. With these three a cake may be very elaborately decorated. The large cylinder is valuable to decorate a meringue pie, which sometimes is ornamented by bakers in this way. Rapid Frosting. Take one and one-fourth cup of granulated sugar and beat it into the (unbeaten) white of one egg, until it is smooth, and add one-quarter teaspoonful of rosewater, half teaspoonful of vanilla, and the juice of half a lemon. It will become white and harden in a few minutes. Ice-Cream Icing. Two cupfuls pulverized sugar boiled to a thick syrup ; add three teaspoonfuls vanilla; when cold, add the whites of two eggs, well beaten, and flavor with two teaspoonfuls citric acid. Maple Cream Icing. One cupful brown sugar, one tablespoonful milk, butter size of walnut. Boil till it drops in water, and add vanilla. Use hot. Filling for Cake. One cupful cream, one cupful nuts chopped fine, cupful sugar boiled. Icing for Cake. One cup granulated sugar, one-quarter cup milk. Boil to- gether three minutes. Stir until it boils, when it is boiling do not stir. Move back and only let it bubble and not burn (for three minutes). Then beat well, put on cake rather thin as it gets hard soon. If not even take a knife, wet it in cold water, and smooth it over. Caramel Icing. One cupful brown sugar, one tablespoonful cream, one table- spoonful butter, one tablespoonful water. Put into a pan and boil three minutes, then take off the stove and beat till nearly cool, add one teaspoonful of vanilla, and beat till thick enough to spread on cake. ICING AND DECORATING CAKES 219 Caramel Icing. One cupful white sugar, one-half cupful sweet milk, a piece of butter size of a small egg. Boil five minutes, not too hard, pour into a plate and flavor with vanilla and beat until it begins to get thick, then spread quickly on the cake. The cake must be cold. If it gets thick too quickly moisten it with a little milk. Icing with Cream. Take icing sugar and mix with sweet cream until stiff enough, and then spread it on. It is very nice with chocolate icing over the white or with nuts cut up and put into the icing. Walnut Icing. One pound maple sugar, boil until it hairs, then add a little butter or cream and one pound walnuts chopped, but not too fine. Fig and Nut Icing. One cup granulated sugar, add two dessertspoonfuls water, boil the water and sugar together until it becomes brittle when dropped in cold water. Remove from the stove and stir quickly into the well-beaten white of one egg. Add to this one cupful of figs cut very fine, and one-half cupful nuts cut in very small pieces, stir well together and place between and on top. Use either hickory or walnuts. Lemon Filling. Half cup boiling water one large lemon grated, boil this with half cup of sugar, when boiling add tablespoonful corn starch dissolved in a little water, boil until thick. When cold it is ready for use. Lemon Filling. Grate the rind of two lemons and squeeze the juice into it. One and a half cups sugar, one egg and piece butter size of egg. Boil, and when cold spread on cake. Prepared Lemon for Tartlets. A quarter pound of butter, one of white sugar, six eggs, leav- ing out two whites, the rind of two lemons grated, and the juice 220 ICING AND DECORATING CAKES of three, put all into a pan and let it simmer over the fire until the sugar is dissolved and it becomes of the consistency of honey, then pour it into jars, tie it up close, and keep in a dry place. Apple Filling. Mix and bake as for jelly cake, flavoring the dough with essence of bitter almond. Beat one egg light in a bowl, and into it a cup of sugar, add to this the strained juice and grated rind of a lemon. Peel and grate three fine pippins or other ripe, tart apples directly into this mixture, stirring each well in before adding another. When all are in, put into a farina kettle and stir over the fire until the apple custard is boiling hot and quite thick. Cool and spread between the cakes. Whipped Cream Filling. One pint cream whipped stiff, three tablespoonfuls powdered sugar, one-half pound sweet almonds blanched and cut into small pieces. Flavor with lemon juice and rosewater. It should be put between the layers and on the top and sides of the cake. If the cream is not stiff enough one teaspoonful of dissolved gela- tine may be added. COOKIES In making cookies, mix the butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, then the milk with the soda dissolved in it, and finally about three cups of flour, with the cream of tartar sifted through it. Beat this cake well. It will make a rather stiff batter. Turn about half of this at a time on a well floured rolling board. Dredge more flour over it and roll it out till it is something over a quarter of an inch thick, or if you like a very thin cake it must be rolled thinner. If you like carraway seeds, these cookies may be converted into seed cakes by adding two tablespoonfuls of these seeds when the cake is stirred up. If you like them sugared they should be dipped in granulated sugar or strewn with granulated sugar just before they are put in the pan. They may be converted into cocoanut jumbles by the adding of half a cupful of chopped cocoanut to this batter, or almond, walnut or any kind of nut cake by a similar process, substituting the nuts desired, chopped. In every case the cooky batter should be soft when it is rolled out. The cakes should be cut out as rapidly as possible, transferred to a greased pan and baked in a moderately quick oven. Another method is to mix the batter the day be- fore : it will roll out better. Jumbles. Three cupfuls white sugar, two cupfuls butter, three eggs, four tablespoonfuls sour milk, one-half teaspoonful soda. Flour to roll thin. Fruit Jumbles. One cupful butter, two cupfuls coffee sugar, three and a half cupfuls flour, one-half cupful milk, three eggs, one-half nutmeg, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cupful of currants or sultana raisins. Stir altogether with a spoon, then add a little < 221 ) 222 COOKIES more flour but keep very soft. Roll, then bake in a quick oven. Put water on top, a little sugar and chopped almonds makes them very nice. Almonds should be scalded, dried and chopped fine. Jumbles. One and a half cupfuls white sugar, three-fourths cupful but- ter, three eggs, three tablespoonfuls sweet milk, half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream tartar, mix with sufficient flour to roll. Roll and sprinkle with sugar, cut out and bake. Hickory Nut Jumbles. Beat to a cream half a pound of butter and a pound of sugar, add two eggs and a pound of hickory nuts chopped fine, mix with flour till rather stiff and roll out very thin. Bake in a moderately hot oven. When the cakes are a delicate brown brush them with the white of an egg and sprinkle with granu- lated sugar. Macaroons. Half pound almond paste, three-quarters pound powdered sugar, whites of four eggs (not beaten), two teaspoonfuls granu- lated sugar. Drop them on pans. When you have them ready for the oven, wet them on top. Bachelor Buttons. One cupful flour, two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter (not melted), one cupful white sugar beaten with an egg, one tea- spoonful almond flavoring, roll in the hand and dip in white sugar. Put on buttered paper and bake. Kisses. One egg, one cupful sugar, half cupful butter, half cupful milk, teaspoonful cream tartar, half of soda, flour enough to make a stiff dough, drop on tins and sprinkle over with white sugar. Bake in a quick oven. Always melt your soda in a little warm water, It prevents spots of soda In your cake. COOKIES 223 Kisses. Six eggs (whites only), one pound powdered sugar. Beat eggs very light, add sugar, drop on tins, bake in a cool oven ; do not mix egg and sugar very much. Cinnamon Sticks. Beat the whites of six eggs stiff, add one pound sugar, beat well, add one pound almonds (pounded), one ounce cinnamon. Put on tins in long narrow strips about the size of your thumb. Bake carefully. Almond Squares. One pound butter, one pound almonds, one pound sugar, one pound flour, two halves lemon peel, two lemons (juice only), one-quarter ounce cinnamon. Stir the butter, almonds and sugar together till light. Chop the peel, add it, then the lemon juice, flour and cinnamon. Roll out carefully in small portions, cut in squares about one inch wide and two inches long. Bright the top with white of egg, and strew with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in not too cool an oven. Almond Shells. One pound flour, half pound butter, ten ounces powdered sugar, four ounces finely chopped almonds, a little cinnamon. Work all together. Put a small piece into your shell-shaped patty-tins and press out thin and evenly with your thumb, and bake. Be careful in taking them out of the tins and turn them over on a plate. Cream Puffs. One cupful water, half cupful butter, one cupful flour, three eggs. Boil water and butter together and stir in the flour while boiling ; take from the fire, and when cool stir in the eggs gradu- ally, not beaten. Drop in large spoonfuls in muffin rings. Bake twenty-five minutes in a hot oven, and avoid opening oven door. Cream filling for puffs — Five even teaspoonfuls of flour, one cupful of milk, half cupful of sugar, one egg. Beat egg and sugar together, add flour, stir all into the milk while boiling. Open cakes with a knife and fill. 224 COOKIES Cream Puffs. One and a half cupfuls flour, two-thirds cupful of butter, half pint boiling water. Boil butter and water together and stir in flour while boiling. When cool add five eggs well beaten ; drop on tins and bake thirty minutes in a quick oven. Cream filling — One tablespoonful of flour or corn starch, one pint milk, one cupful sugar, two eggs. Beat eggs, flour and sugar to- gether, and stir them in the milk while it is boiling. When near- ly cool flavor with lemon or vanilla. Cocoanut Puffs. The whites of three eggs well beaten, one small teacupful of sugar, one tablespoonful corn starch. Place the bowl in a dish of boiling water, and stir twenty minutes, then add a package of cocoanut and drop on buttered paper. Bake a very light brown. Date Puffs. One and one-half cupfuls oatmeal, one and one-half cupfuls flour, one-quarter cupful butter, one-quarter cupful lard, one pound dates, three tablesponnfuls sugar, one heaping teaspoonful baking powder, a pinch of salt, and just as much milk as will mix so as to roll out. Roll out very thin and place the dates between. Cocoanut Fingers. Four eggs, yolks, one cupful sugar, butter size of an egg, one- half cupful milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, and flour enough to roll out. Bake in rather deep dish. When cool cut into fingers, dip in a soft boiled icing, and roll in cocoanut. Lady Fingers. Rub half a pound of butter into a pound of flour ; to this add a half a pound of sugar, the juice and grated rind of one large lemon, and lastly, three eggs, the white and yolks beaten separ- ately, and the whites stirred in after all the other ingredients are well mixed together. This dough, if properly made, will be stiff enough to make rolls about the size of a lady’s finger; it will spread when in the oven, so that it will be of the right size and shape. If you wish them to be specially inviting, dip them in chocolate icing after they are baked. COOKIES 225 Ladles’ Ftngers. Beat the yolks of five eggs with half a pound of sugar for fifteen minutes, add half a pound of blanched almonds chopped fine, the grated rind of one lemon, mix well, add half a pound of flour very gradually, roll out the paste and cut in strips. Bake in a moderate oven. Sootch Cake. Three cups flour, one cup sugar, one cup butter, half cup sweet milk. Take one teaspoonful baking powder and half tea- spoonful soda, sift with the flour; then put butter, sugar and flour together and mix like pie crust, then put in the milk, and roll it out and cut into squares (don’t melt the butter). This dough makes good finger cakes, cut it into strips and sprinkle the top of the cakes with nuts or sugar before baking. Cake Sandwich. Two cups white sugar, one cup butter, one cup cream, one egg, flavor of spice, nutmeg or cinnamon, and flour to make soft dough, and make light with two teaspoons cream tartar, and one teaspoon soda ; roll out and cut into small cookies and bake. Take and put two of them together with icing sugar, and peach, quince, or any jelly you please. Sponge Drops. One cupful sugar, one cupful sifted flour, three eggs, one teaspoonful cream tartar, half teaspoonful soda. Beat eggs in sugar till light. Stir into this the sifted flour in which the cream tartar has been mixed, dissolve the soda in a little water and add last, flavor with lemon or vanilla, drop on buttered tins, bake in a quick oven. Serve with ice-cream. Barrie Sponges. Half cupful of sour cream, one-fourth teaspoonful soda, flour to make a dough thick enough to drop, one cupful brown sugar, butter size of an egg, a few currants, pinch of spice. Drop on a buttered tin and bake in a hot oven. 226 COOKIES Patty-Pan Cakes. Two eggs, one cupful sugar, one-half cupful butter, one-half cupful sweet milk, two cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful soda. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. Rock Cakes. One-half pound butter, three level cups flour, one-half pound brown sugar, one-half pound currants, two eggs, one-half tea- spoonful soda. Work butter to a cream, then add eggs, then sugar, then flour. If it seems dry add a little milk, then cur- rants. Drop on buttered tins. Christmas Drop Cakes. One-half pound flour, one-half pound granulated sugar, a quarter-pound of butter, one-quarter pound currants, two eggs beaten light, juice and grated rind of half a lemon, one- quarter teaspoonful of soda (dissolved with hot water) ; put fruit in last. About one-quarter of a teaspoonful of batter for one cake, leave a little space between each cake. Drop on a buttered tin and bake. Peel may be used instead of fruit, also nuts. Sugar Cookies. Two and a half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful butter, three eggs, one and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder. Flour, flavor and roll very thin. Cookies. One cupful moist sugar, one cupful butter, two eggs, one cupful of currants, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat all together (do not beat eggs first). Enough flour to make a dough just stiff enough to handle. Roll thin and cut in large round cakes. Cookies. One and a half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, three eggs, a teaspoonful vanilla, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, three cupfuls of flour. Roll thin and sprinkle with white sugar. COOKIES 227 Ammonia Cakes. Half pound white sugar, half a pint sweet cream, one egg, half ounce ammonia, a small piece of butter (half the size of an egg)- Flour enough to roll out. Ginger Cookies. One cupful butter, one cupful brown sugar, one cupful mo- lasses, half cupful hot water, two teaspoonfuls ginger, one and a half teaspoonfuls baking soda. Flour enough to roll. Ginger Cookies. Two cups molasses, one cupful dripping, one cupful brown sugar, one tablespoonful mixed spices, one tablespoonful ginger, flour to make stiff enough to roll out. Put molasses, dripping and sugar into a pan, let come to a boil, then add other ingredi- ents. Ginger Cookies. Heat to boiling one cupful of shortening, it may be half clarified beef drippings or all butter, one cupful of molasses, two cupfuls brown sugar, one tablespoonful of ginger, half table- spoonful cinnamon, scant tablespoonful soda. Take from the stove, beat well together, then add two eggs, flour enough to make a stiff dough ; it will take about six cupfuls flour to make the mixture, roll out well, bake on buttered tins in a quick oven. Ginger Cookies. One cup molasses, one cup brown sugar, three-quarters cup butter and lard mixed, one small tablespoonful soda, one table- spoonful of vinegar, two eggs beaten, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, a little salt. Make a stiff dough, roll out and cook in a brisk oven. Cinnamon Cookies. One egg, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of molasses, half cupful lard, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful vinegar, one teaspoonful cinnamon. Roll thin and cut. Hickory nut meat is very nice on the top. 228 COOKIES Oatmeal Cookies. Two cups oatmeal, one cup flour, one cup granulated sugar, three-quarters cup butter, one-half cup of milk, one-half tea- spoonful soda. Put all the material together and mix as you do short pie crust. Roll out thin and bake in moderate oven. Bran Cookies. Two handfuls of bran, three-quarters cup sugar, one egg, a little melted butter, one cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful ginger, flour to thicken, and drop on buttered tins. Graham Wafers. One pint Graham flour, one pint white flour, one teaspoonful sugar, one teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful baking powder, two teaspoonfuls of butter, a little more than one-half pint of milk; sift together Graham flour, sugar, flour, salt and powder. Rub the butter in, add milk, mix into smooth dough and knead well five minutes. Roll to thickness of one-fourth inch, cut with knife in envelope-shaped crackers, bake in rather hot oven with care (as they burn readily) ten minutes. Handle carefully while hot, when cold store for use. Chooolate Wafers. Two eggs, two cups of sugar, two ounces butter, two cups flour, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla, one-half cake of chocolate. Roll out very thin and bake in a cool oven. Ginger Drops. One cupful molasses, one cupful sugar, one cupful butter, one teaspoonful black pepper, one teaspoonful ginger, one tea- spoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful soda, a little uutmeg, two eggs, quarter cupful of milk, three cupfuls of flour. Boil the butter and sugar together and add the other things. Drop on a buttered pan and bake in a quick oven. Ginger Drops. .One cupful lard, one cupful molasses, one cupful brown sugar, three eggs, one tablespoonful ginger, one tablespoonful soda dissolved in a teacupful of boiling water, five cupfuls flour. Drop in patty-pans or on buttered paper. COOKIES 229 Ginger Snaps. One cupful sugar, half cupful butter, half cupful lard, one cupful molasses, two-thirds cupful hot coffee, two even teaspoon- fuls of soda and one teaspoonful ginger, one tablespoonful vine- gar, a pinch of salt and flour to make a stiff dough. Roll thin and bake in a quick oven. Ginger Snaps. One cupful molasses, one cupful sugar, one cupful butter, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful ginger, one teaspoon- ful soda. Boil this together from five to eight mi nutes ; let it cool, then mix with flour and roll very thin. Bake on floured tins in a quick oven. Ginger Snaps. One egg, one cupful molasses, one cupful dark sugar, three- quarters cupful lard, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, one and a half tablespoonfuls ginger, one and a half teaspoonfuls soda, flour enough to roll out. Ginger Snaps. Three-quarters cup brown sugar, one cup butter, two cups molasses, one tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful each of soda, ground cloves, cinnamon, allspice. Flour enough to roll out very thin. Brandy Snaps. One cupful brown sugar, two cupfuls molasses, one-half cup- ful butter. Melt butter and sugar. Mix well, then stir in flour until it will drop from spoon. Flavor with ginger or lemon, let stand six or eight hours, then drop on tins and bake. Brandy Snaps. One cupful brown sugar, one cupful molasses, three-quarters cupful butter, cloves and ginger to taste, flour enough to make a stiff batter. Drop in the pan with a teaspoon a good distance apart. Bake in a moderate oven. When they have cooled a little, roll each one on a round stick. DOUGHNUTS Fried Cakes. When the doughnuts are cut out, those which were first cut will have risen enough to be ready to fry. Have the fat hot enough to brown a piece of bread almost instantly when drop- ped into it. Fry the doughnuts in this fat. When they are done drain them out on brown paper to absorb the fat, roll them in powdered sugar and lay them in a broad, shallow pan to cool. Have a frying pot large enough to cook a dozen doughnuts at a time, remembering that they rise to double their original propor- tions. Doughnuts. One cupful brown sugar, one cupful sour milk, one egg, three tablespoonfuls sour cream or two of melted butter, on^ fbaspoon- ful soda, a little salt, flour enough to make a soft dough, cut out and fry in boiling lard. Crullers. Four eggs, two cupfuls sugar, three tablespoonfuls melted butter, one cupful sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder and a little nutmeg grated in, flour enough to mix stiff. Fry in lard. Mix all together, then stir into the flour and baking pow- der. Crullers. Half a pint of buttermilk, a small teacupful of butter, two cupfuls of sugar and three eggs. Beat the eggs and then add the milk and sugar. Half a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water should then be added. Grate half a nutmeg and stir in with a teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon of good strength. Work in flour enough to make a firm, smooth dough. Roll this and cut out cakes in fancy shapes, or twist like ordinary fried cakes. Fry in hot lard. ( 230 ) DOUGHNUTS 231 Fried Cakes (Hard). Two eggs, half cupful sugar, half cupful butter, half cupful sweet milk, one teaspoonful cream tartar, half teaspoonf’’’ flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon, flour enough to roll r stiff. Fry in boiling lard. ^iUi 8 id f< Fried Cakes. One cupful sugar, four tablespoonfuls of melted lard, three eggs, a cupful of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of soda, one tea- spoonful cream tartar, a little salt. Beat this all together like a cup cake, then add flour enough to roll out. Shavings. Two eggs, butter the size of an egg, half a cup sweet milk, flour enough to roll out ; cut the size of a tea plate, cut this into strips, being careful not to cut the edges. Pick up each alter- nate strip and drop into boiling lard ; fry a light yellow, sprinkle with sugar. OATMEAL "He receives comfort like cold porridge." — Shakespeare. How to Cook Oatmeal. • Oatmeal is seldom cooked sufficiently. The surest way to avoid scorching is to cook in a double kettle. With the Scotch and other fine oatmeals the process is much the same, only they require much stirring while setting, and the proportion of meal is much greater. It is particularly important not to stir them until served. The time required to cook them is less, but an hour is none too much to get the best results from the Scotch meal. A coffeecupful of oatmeal will suffice for five or six persons as the main dish for breakfast. Cornmeal and Graham flour are cooked in the same way, only to avoid lumps, the meal must be put in very slowly and carefully. Oatmeal Porridge. Allow one-half pint of coarse oatmeal, and two even teaspoon- fuls of salt to each quart of water. Put the meal and salt into a farina kettle (or tin pail, set in a kettle of boiling water), pour on the water, hot or cold, it makes no difference which ; when it thickens give it one good stirring, and cook three hours. No need to watch, stir or add water except in the under kettle. Milk Oatmeal Porridge. Bring milk to a boil, add salt and a little butter, put in your oatmeal by handfuls gradually, and enough meal to make of the consistency of gruel. Boil fifteen or twenty minutes. Serve hot. Flour instead of oatmeal makes a very nice dish. Gruel. The subject of gruels is not fully understood, yet these are the most valuable foods for the invalid. A barley gruel, made by ( 232 ) OATMEAL 233 boiling two tablespoonfuls of barley in a quart of water for two hours till it is reduced one-half, is a nutritious and excellent food, which may be sweetened and flavored to the taste. A de- licious rice gruel may be made by adding a tablespoonful of rice to three cupfuls of boiling water. When it has cooked for three-quarters of an hour, a cupful of milk is added, with a tea- spoonful of salt, and the mixture is boiled for a few minutes longer. Strain the gruel through a fine sieve, pressing through all the rice that will go. Let the gruel boil up for five minutes after it is strained. Add sugar and nutmeg to the taste. Serve it with little slices of brown toast. Though this is a very palat- able gruel, it is not as full of nourishment as a barley gruel, but it is valuable to persons suffering from intestinal diseases, who cannot take heavier food. One of the simplest gruels, but one not often used, is a gruel of water and cornmeal. This is made by mixing three tablespoonfuls cornmeal with half a cupful of cold water and stirring it into a pint of boiling water, adding half a teaspoonful of salt and letting the mixture boil for half an hour, stirring it repeatedly. Gruel. To make gruel for either adults or children suffering from diarrhoea, put one pound flour in a cloth and tie tightly as if a pudding, then place it in a saucepan of cold water and boil for four hours, lay aside till cold, then pare off the outer rind, and grate, or scrape off as needed and mix with boiling milk to the thickness of gruel. Oatmeal Gruel. Soak one pint of oatmeal in one quart of water for some hours, then strain and boil. Flavor with nutmeg, sugar and salt. Have two tablespoonfuls of cream in a tumbler. Pour in the gruel, stir and serve. Delicious Gruel. Take one cupful of rolled oats, add to it a pint of cold water, add a little salt. Cook the oats for about ten minutes stirring so that it does not burn, strain it. You should have a cupful of oatmeal jelly from it, add one-half cup of cream and the beaten whites of two eggs. Beat all together, sweeten the mixture, grate a very little nutmeg over the top. DRINKS Coffee. "Now we sit to chat, as well as eat." — Taming of the Shrew. A Word About Coffee. Much has been written and printed concerning coffee. Cook Books all contain recipes for preparing it in different ways. To have the perfection of coffee these things are essential : the best quality of coffee and plenty of it, boiling water, loaf- sugar and cream, and serving at once. Boiled Coffee. A level teaspoonful of the ground coffee to each cup is the standard allowance from which deviation can be made in either direction according to the strength desired. Mix in a bowl to a smooth paste with one egg and one and a half cups cold water. Put it in the coffeepot, that has been well scalded, and pour in it one quart of boiling water. Set it on a stove and boil briskly just fifteen minutes. Take off and let it settle for a min- ute and pour at once in your coffeecups, in each of which you will put loaf-sugar and rich, sweet cream in quantities to suit your guests. Serve it immediately. Its virtue departs in steady ratio with its heat. Another way is to simmer the coffee for three minutes and then let it stand ten minutes before serving where it will keep hot. ( 234 ) DRINKS 235 A Patent Coffeepot. Warm your coffeepot, put the quantity of coffee required (one dessertspoonful for each person is a moderate quantity) into the top of this coffeepot, in which are placed two strainers. Gradually pour over this your boiling water and allow it to per- colate through until you have the required quantity (if it is poured gradually it does not become muddy), let it come to the boiling point but do not let it boil. Many people prefer their coffee made in this way, without the egg. Where the percolation method is used the coffee should be rather coarse, otherwise it will invariably be muddy. After-dinner coffee is made as strong again as the ordinary coffee. A Cup of Coffee. To make a cup of coffee or chocolate look most inviting, it is only necessary to whip up the white of eggs with a teaspoonful of powdered sugar (must be beaten until stiff) and then put a large spoonful upon top of the beverage and serve, or whipped cream. Cocoa. If you wish to make only one cupful in a short time, mix two even teaspoonfuls of cocoa with enough cold milk to make a paste, put in a teacup and fill cup with boiling milk ; but a bet- ter way is to allow about one and a half teaspoonfuls for each person, mix with cold milk, put some milk over the fire in a double kettle and when boiling hot add a little sugar to the cocoa paste and stir into the milk, let it cook a minute, take from the fire and serve with plain cream or whipped cream. Some prefer equal parts of milk and water in making cocoa instead of all milk. Chocolate. One tablespoonful of grated chocolate to each person, three- quarters of a pint of boiling milk and water, one-half of each to every spoonful. Let the milk and water boil up together, place the grated chocolate in a bowl and stir it to a smooth paste with a little cold milk or water. Pour the chocolate into the boiling milk and water and let it boil two minutes, stirring it all the time. Add a pinch of salt, and if the chocolate is not sweetened add sugar. If it is liked richer use all cream or milk. 236 DRINKS Kaoka. One quart wheat bran, one cupful of syrup made from brown sugar. Mix the syrup thoroughly with the bran and brown in the oven, putting with them a little bit of butter. For three tablespoonfuls of kaoka add one tablespoonful of coffee. Boil the kaoka for ten minutes, before taking it off add the coffee beaten with egg and just let it all come to a boil. To Make Tea. The delicate leaf of tea should never touch metal. Never let the tea stand except in a tightly closed porcelain pot. Stand- ing changes it from a delicious beverage into an ill-tasting and bitter liquor. Better make it in small quantities and make it often. In summer sip the tea hot, with a slice of previously peeled lemon, or nicer still, of orange without the rind, floating in it. Beware of green tea, it is the unripe leaf and bears the same relation to the real article that the green does to the ripe peach. In making tea always fill up the teapot at once. This will be found much superior to the plan sometimes adopted of first wetting the tea with a small quantity of hot water, and then allowing it to stand before filling the teapot. Essentials of Good Tea. You cannot have good tea or coffee unless your water is freshly boiled. Water that has been boiled for a long time loses its flavor. Buy a good quality of tea. How to Make Tea. Scald your teapot or teapots (some people use two, pouring the tea off the leaves before the flavor is spoiled by the tannin being extracted). Put your tea in the pot, the general rule being a teaspoonful to each person and one for the pot ; pour the boil- ing water over it and let it infuse. A very nice way is to infuse it on the table under a cosey. The time allowed to infuse it is from three and a half minutes (time allowed in many London tea rooms, where the tea is excellent) to ten minutes. I think ten minutes is the time generally allowed. DRINKS 237 Russian Tea. Scald an earthen or china teapot; one teaspoonful of tea to one cup of boiling water. Put the tea in a strainer and pour over it one-quarter cup of boiling water to cleanse it. Then put the tea in the teapot, pour on the boiling water and set where it will keep hot for four or five minutes. Strain and allow to cool. When ready to serve put two teaspoonfuls of sugar in a glass half filled with broken ice. Add a slice of lemon and fill the glass with tea. Strawberry and Raspberry Shrub. On four quarts of berries pour white vinegar enough barely to cover them. Let them stand for forty-eight hours, then drain off the vinegar, squeezing the juice out of all the fruit with the vinegar. If strawberries are used, the vinegar must be poured over a second supply of the fruit before, it will attain the pro- per flavor; but one supply of raspberries is sufficient. Measure out the liquor when it is ready, and to every pint allow a pound of sugar. Put it in a porcelain-lined kettle with the sugar and let it boil for ten minutes, then bottle it and set it away in a cool place. A cupful of this syrup is sufficient to flavor a quart of ice water. Cream Nectar. Two ounces tartaric acid, juice of one lemon, three pints water. Boil together ; when nearly cold add the whites of three eggs well beaten and two pounds sugar. Bottle and keep in cool place. For a drink take two tablespoonfuls to a glass of water, adding a little soda. Boston Cream. Four pounds white sugar, one quart water, whites of six eggs, half bottle vanilla, four ounces tartaric acid. Boil the sugar and water to a syrup, cool, beat the eggs to a froth and add to syrup, then add the acid and vanilla. One tablespoonful to half glass water, add soda, drink while effervescing. Lemon or Ginger Nectar. Boil four pounds sugar in two quarts water, when cool add two ounces tartaric acid, two ounces essence of lemon, two ounces essence of ginger, whites of two eggs. To effervesce add a little soda when used. 238 DRINKS Strawberry Acid. Four ounces of tartaric acid dissolved, two quarts water, two quarts strawberries. Let stand two days, drain the liquor off and to every pint add a pound and a half of sugar. Boil. When cool bottle. Lemon Cream. One ounce of tartaric acid, one pound white sugar, whites of four eggs, cut up one lemon. Stir all together and add one quart boiling water. Put three or four tablespoonfuls of this mixture in a glass, fill up with cold water, add a little soda before drinking. Raspberry Vinegar. Pour one quart of vinegar over three quarts of raspberries in an earthen vessel. Let stand twenty-four hours or longer and strain it. Pour the liquor over three quarts of fresh raspberries, and let it stand again for twenty-four hours; strain, and to the liquor add one pound of sugar for each pint of juice. Boil twenty minutes, skimming well. Bottle when cold. For a bev- erage add one part of the vinegar to four parts of ice-water. Lemonade. For good lemonade the right proportion is two lemons to a pint of boiling water. Peel the yellow rind off very thinly, add two ounces sugar, pour over the boiling water, add the juice of the lemon, strain, cool and serve. Lemonade. One half of a lemon to each glass of lemonade, or one lemon for three glasses. Make it with cold water, sugar to taste. Some- times the juice of part of an orange is added. A piece of ice in each glass is an improvement. Ginger Beer. Ten gallons water, six pounds white sugar, six ounces crushed ginger, two ounces cream tartar, one ounce tartaric or citric acid, one yeast cake. Boil ginger for two hours, dissolve sugar when hot, put yeast and acids luke warm to stand over night. Bottle next day. DRINKS 239 Pop. Three-quarters pound sugar, one ounce ginger, peel of one lemon; put all together in a crock and pour one gallon boiling water over it; when milk-warm, add juice of lemon and one tablespoon yeast. Make in evening, strain and bottle next morn- ing. Keep cool. Dandelion Wine. Five quarts of dandelion flowers, two gallons boiling water; let them stand over night ; in the morning strain, then add four pounds white sugar, six lemons ; boil one hour, take off and strain into a stone jar and let it stand two or three weeks, add half pint whiskey and strain into bottles. Good for spring medi- cine. Dandelion Wine. To one quart flowers, take two quarts boiling water and pour over the flowers, let stand over night, strain next day and add three pounds sugar to one gallon of the juice, and two lemons. Bring the whole to a boil, then put into a barrel or keg, and add bread yeast to work. Keep enough juice to fill up as re- quired. When through working it must be tightly corked. Rhubarb Wine. To each gallon of soft water take five pounds rhubarb cut fine but not peeled, let this stand ten days and then strain through a muslin cloth and add four pounds granulated sugar to each gal- lon of juice, and the rind and juice of one lemon. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, bottle ; put corks in loose. Unfermented Wine. Twenty pounds grapes, six pounds sugar. Wash, boil and crush the grapes until the juice separates, strain through a colander, then through a flannel bag, put in a large vessel with the sugar and enough water to make three gallons of juice and water together, boil three minutes and bottle hot. Grape Wine. After washing and picking the fruit from the stems pack in a stone jar, cover with water and let it stand over night, then 240 DRINKS take out the fruit, pound it well, put back in jar and add one pound of sugar to each gallon. Let stand four days. Strain off the juice into another jar, add two pounds of sugar to each gal- lon of juice. Let stand eight days. Skim and 1 stir it every day. Then put it in the barrel, and if you wish add one pint of old rye to each gallon. Rhubarb Wine. Cut up the rhubarb, and to six pounds put one gallon of water, let it stand a week, stirring it every day ; then strain, and to every gallon add two lemons and four pounds of sugar; let it stand till the next day; then put it into the barrel, after four days add a small quantity of isinglass and cork it up. Let stand in the barrel five months. Eight gallons of water with the liquor is sufficient to fill a ten gallon cask. Grape Wine. Bruise the grapes, and for every pound of grapes put one pound of water, let it stand for one week and do not stir it, strain and put the liquor in a bag to drip, then add three pounds of sugar to a gallon, put in a jar when thoroughly dissolved, have the jar full and do not cork until it stops hissing, which will be three weeks or a month. Grape Wine. Wash and break them all up, then cover with soft water. Let them stand five or six days, stirring up occasionally, then strain through a cloth and add one pound of brown sugar to every quart of juice. Put into a jar when done fermenting and quite clear. Bottle your wine for use. To Keep Cider Sweet. Add one teacup white sugar to every two gallons of fresh, sweet cider, boil and skim well, bottle and seal. Keep in a cool place. Chilli Vinegar. Fifty chillies, one pint of vinegar, cover closely, and at the end of one month strain and bottle. DRINKS 241 Tarragon Vinegar. One cupful leaves, one quart cider vinegar. Place these to- gether in a bottle, cork and stand aside for two weeks, shaking frequently. Strain through a flannel bag and pour in small bottles, cork tightly and keep in a cool place. Celery Vinegar. One-half pound celery seed, ten ounces fresh celery, one pint vinegar, one teaspoonful salt. If the fresh celery is chosen use only the white tender part. Cut it into very small pieces, place it in a fruit jar and pour over it the vinegar scalding hot, add the salt. Cover tightly, and when it has stood one month strain the vinegar, put it in small bottles and cork tightly. Horseradish Vinegar. Seven tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish, three pints vine- gar. Place the horseradish in a jar, add the vinegar boiling hot and seal tightly. When using drain off what is needed. Do not strain off the horseradish. FRUIT “The royal tree hath left us royal fruit." The Canning Season. Select ripe but not over-ripe fruit. Fruit that has hung long on the tree, bush or vine, is not fit for preserving. In the case of jellies, it is full as well, and some preservers think better, to squeeze out the juice one day and set it in an ice-cold place till the following day and then boil it down into jelly. Canning should be done rapidly. As soon as a jar of fruit is peeled the fruit should be put in the jar and covered with syrup, and when enough cans are ready they should be packed away in the boiler intended for them, to cook in the cans the requisite time. Canning Pears or Peaches. Make a syrup of three pounds sugar to one pint water. Let come to a boil. Skin and peel fruit and put in the steamer (be- ing careful not to get too many in at one time), steam until you can run a silver fork through, put the fruit in cans and pour the boiling syrup over them, and cover as quickly as possible. Grapes may be done in the same way, with the exception of steaming them. Pick the grapes off the stem, put in cans and place in oven until the cans are warm, so that the hot syrup will not crack the cans. Canned Pears. In canning pears too large to do whole, slice in round slices, leaving the star in the centre, very pretty both in the jars and on the table. Canned Grapes. Take good, fresh grapes, remove from stems, fill up the jars well, then place in a boiler of water, put the top on closely, when the fruit goes down a little, take out, fill the jars with syrup made of a quarter-pound of sugar to a quart of water. ( 242 ) FRUIT 243 Preserved Grapes. Press the pulp from the fruit. Put the pulp over to boil in a little water. Then press through a colander to remove the seeds. Then put juice, pulp and skin together ; add a pound of sugar to a pint, and boil down thick. Canned Rhubarb. Cut the rhubarb into pieces about one inch long, wash and drain ; take two measures of rhubarb to one of light brown sugar, place fruit and sugar in alternate layers in self-sealers, filling the jars as full as possible, screw on the cover tight, set in a boiler of cold water up to the neck, put it on the stove and boil steadily two or three hours till the rhubarb is cooked; by this time the fruit will have gone down about one-third; remove from the boiler and take the contents of two or three jars to fill up the others. Replace the covers at once and screw tight. Preserved Strawberries. Allow pound for pound sugar and fruit, put in a preserving kettle together over the fire till the sugar melts. Boil twenty- five minutes, fast. Take out the fruit in a perforated skimmer and fill your jars three-quarters full. Boil and skim the syrup five minutes more, pour it over the fruit, filling the jars. Seal up hot. Preserved Plums. Weigh the fruit and scald to take off the skins. Let them stand in a bowl to let the juice exude. Drain this off, weigh pound to pound of sugar ; put the plums in a kettle with layers of sugar between. Pour the juice over this. Let it come to a boil, then take out the plums with a skimmer, and boil the syrup until thick. Put in the plums again, and boil ten minutes. Take them out, filling your jars three quarters full of fruit. Pour in the scalding syrup, and seal while hot. Tomato Preserve. Seven pounds tomatoes, one quart vinegar, four pounds sugar. Put together for five days, then boil until tomatoes are done. Skim out the tomatoes and then boil juice down to one-half the quantity, with one ounce cinnamon and one ounce allspice. 244 FRUIT Preserved Pears with Ginger. To preserve pears with ginger, weigh out three-quarters of a pound of sugar to every pound of pears. Boil four ounces of whole ginger, then add four pounds of sugar and the juice of one lemon, and its yellow peel cut into thin slices; do not use any of the bitter white peel next to the fruit. Let the syrup cook ten minutes more ; then set the syrup at the back of the fire. Peel the fruit, cut each pear in half, removing the flowers, and core and drop it at once into the hot syrup. This will prevent their turning dark, as they certainly will if exposed to the air after they are peeled. When you have a kettleful of the pears, cook them until ten- der. Fill the jars with them place the cover over lightly, and prepare another kettleful of pears to cook in the syrup. Divide up the slices of lemon peel and pieces of ginger equally among the jars. This is a most delicious and rich preserve, and is espe- cially nice when served like preserved ginger with ice-cream. Blackberry Jam. To every pound of picked fruit allow one-quarter of a pound white sugar and one-quarter of a pound apples, peeled and cored and cut quite small. Boil the fruit for about ten minutes, add the sugar ; boil, stir and remove all scum. It will take from one- half to three-quarters of an hour. Citron Preserves. Remove the skin and soft white inner rind, and cut the citron into various fancy shapes. Weigh, allow one pound of sugar to every pound of citron. Make a strong solution of alum water by dissolving lump alum in hot water. When the water has become pungent to the taste it is strong enough. Boil the citron very rapidly in the alum water for thirty minutes, then drain and drop into clear cold water. Do this part of the work one morn- ing, and allow the citron to stand in clear water until the next, then boil in fresh water until the fruit has entirely changed color. At the same time the citron is put on to boil make the syrup in another kettle, allowing one half-pint water to every two pounds sugar, and a sliced lemon and a small strip of ginger- root to every pound of fruit. Boil all together slowly, to draw FRUIT 245 cut the flavor of the ginger. When the fruit is tender and has changed color, drain it thoroughly through a colander, and cook in the syrup until it shines; fifteen minutes is, as a rule, long enough. If the syrup is not thick enough boil down, leaving the citron in if it shows no sign of going to pieces. If it does, skim it out before this extra boiling, and return only at the last for a final heating. Rhubarb and Pineapple. Take equal quantities of rhubarb and pineapple, slice the lat- ter very thin and in small pieces, removing the core, add half the quantity of sugar and simmer slowly until tender. Peel the rhubarb and cut in small pieces, add equal quantity of sugar and allow it to stand over night, then boil the two together twenty minutes. Preserved Pineapple. Remove the skin and all the eyes, take the pineapple in your left hand, and with a silver fork begin at the stem end of the fruit and fork out small bits. This will leave the core, which is juiceless and tasteless, in your hand. Weigh the pineapple after it is thus prepared, and sprinkle over it three-quarters of a pound of sugar to one pound of pineapple. When a syrup is formed, cook the apple slowly in it until transparent, then re- move the fruit and boil the syrup a little longer. Or, slice the pineapple in half-inch slices, and cut out the core. Cook in the syrup, being careful not to break the slices. Quince Preserve. Use the Golden Quince, peel and core the fruit, make syrup from sour apples same as for jelly, allow half a pint of this to a pound of sugar. When this comes to the boil, add the fruit, cook till the fruit is the color desired. Allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Note: One-third of either apples or hard pears can be put with the quince, cut in the. same way, it does not make such a strong preserve as the entire quince. The Secret of Jelly. Currants are usually the first fruit to be prepared in this way. Strawberries contain so little gelatinous matter that they are seldom made into jelly. The secret of success in all jelly 246 FRUIT making is exactness and care. It is essential that the fruit for currant jelly should be perfectly ripe, yet it must not have hung on the bush long enough to have lost, as it certainly does in long hanging, its gelatinous quality. Currants which are picked on a rainy day or after a number of rainy days are so saturated with water that they are unfit for jelly. It is not necessary to stem currants for jelly. They should be looked over carefully, but not washed, unless there is some special reason for doing so. Some people put the currants in the kettle and let them come slowly to the boiling point before straining. Mash the fruit a little in a jar with a wooden beetle and then strain through a funnel- shaped flannel bag. Now measure out the juice and allow a pound of granulated sugar to every pint of fruit juice. Put the sugar on shallow pans in the oven, where it will heat, but will not become scorched. Put the fruit juice in an earthen-lined or a granite-ware kettle, and boil it rapidly for twenty minutes. At the end of this time add the sugar to the boiling juice. Only the best quality of granulated or loaf sugar is good for this pur- pose. As soon as the sugar mixes with the jelly and the fruit boils up well again, under favorable circumstances, the juice will have come to a jelly and is ready to be strained into tumblers. This second straining is not necessary, but improves the color and brightness of the jelly. To test it drop a drop of the boiling liquid into ice-cold water or cool a little in a spoon. Blackberry jelly is made by exactly the same rule as currant. It is very difficult to make a raspberry jelly, and it is not as nice as one made of half raspberries and half currants, which come easily to the jellying point. Blackcap and currant jelly are parti- cularly nice. Damson plums make a very delicious jelly; the juice does not require cooking more than fifteen minutes before the sugar is added. If it is cooked too long, a hard, stringy jelly is the result. Next in importance to those named are quince and crab-apple jellies, both of which require long boiling to soften their pulp. See that they are thoroughly cooked and soft before attempting to strain the juice from them. Proceed as follows with these fruits and with apples : The fruit is cut into small pieces, without peeling, and an equal quantity of cold water is added to the fruit. It is then cooked down till it is thoroughly tender and may be mashed smooth. It now may be strained through a piece of cheese cloth, laid in a sieve. The FRUIT 247 juice is measured, a pound of sugar is allowed for every pint, it is boiled down and the sugar added in the same way as in cur- rant jelly. It should be remembered that ripe grapes make one of the most delicious acid jellies that we have, especially to serve with cold meats in winter. Apple Jelly. Almost any apple will make jelly, though hard, sour, juicy apples make the best, both for keeping and flavor. Cut up the apples, do not peel or core, put them over the fire in preserving pan with sufficient water to cover and boil them until thoroughly done. Strain through a coarse bag and allow one pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Boil the juice twenty minutes without the sugar, which should meantime be put in a pan in the oven and heated very hot. When the juice has boiled twenty minutes add the hot sugar and stir only until dissolved. Then take off, pour into glasses and seal. If you wish the jelly perfectly clear do not squeeze the bag when straining the apples. Apple and Grape Jelly. Take equal quantities of apple and grape juice after being strained. Boil for twenty minutes, while it is boiling heat the sugar, one pound to every pint. At the end of twenty minutes add the sugar and boil a very few minutes longer. Quince Jelly. Take the parings and hard parts around the cores of half a peck of quinces after canning the best portions, cover them with cold water and boil slowly for several hours, add more water if needed to keep them covered, put in a flannel bag to drip all night, in the morning boil the juice twenty minutes and skim well, add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of juice, put to boil again till it jellies on the edge, or when put on a plate, then skim again and put in glasses. Red Raspberries in Currant Jelly. Weigh out equal quantities of wild red raspberries and cur- rants. Prepare the currants as for jelly. Strain out the juice from them and put in a porcelain kettle to cook. Take as much sugar by weight as you have fruit. Set this sugar in the oven to heat, and let it remain for twenty minutes, while the currant 248 FRUIT juice is cooking down. After the currant juice has boiled ten minutes, add the raspberries, and at the end of twenty minutes, the sugar. Let the mixture boil up once, then turn into bowls and set away. Marmalades. The best time for doing orange marmalade is in February. The orange has a better flavor and jellies more easily then. Dundee Marmalade. Ten pounds of bitter oranges, three pounds of sugar, one and a half dozen sweet oranges, half dozen lemons. Cut the oranges in two through the stem, scrape out the pulp saving seeds and skin, put these in a muslin bag and squeeze, using one pint hot water to help it through. Put the peels on to boil, boil till ten- der, scrape almost all the white from the inside, cut peel fine, put sugar and pulp into a kettle, when it comes to a boil, add peel. Boil twenty minutes exactly. Orange Marmalade. Three pounds oranges, including three lemons, six pounds sugar, nine pints water, pare the fruit very thin and cut the parings as fine as possible. Then cut remainder of the fruit into the kettle with nine pints of water. Tie up the parings in a muslin bag and put this in. Boil all together two hours, then strain through a jelly bag, put the sugar and parings into the liquor and boil quickly for twenty minutes. The oranges should be cut crosswise. Orange Marmalade. Nine oranges sliced thin, take out the seeds, and cover with three quarts of water, let it stand all night, boil slowly for two hours, then add five pounds of white sugar, and the juice of two lemons, and boil two hours more ; sometimes it takes longer. Lemon Marmalade. One dozen lemons cut fine, cover with five pints of cold water, let stand for twenty-four hours. Boil two hours, then add eight pounds of sugar and boil half an hour. FRUIT m Orange Marmalade. Six oranges and two lemons, slice fine and let stand over night in three quarts of water; in the morning put on and boil for one and a half hours, then add sugar pound for pound and boil twenty minutes. Crab Apple Marmalade. Cut the apples in half, put on with cold water and boil till soft, then put them through the colander; weigh the pulp and add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to every pound of pulp, flavor with lemon juice. Pineapple Marmalade. Cut, pare and weigh the fruit, then grate and press through a colander, saving all the juice separate ; add one pint of water to each three pounds of fruit, boil till tender, then add three- quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, juice of one lemon to three pounds of fruit, and the raw juice of pineapple, boil about ten minutes. Rhubarb Marmalade. Boil five oranges in sufficient water to cover until tender, and in the orange water boil two pounds rhubarb for half an hour, then add oranges finely cut and weight for weight in sugar ; boil twenty minutes. Pumpkin Marmalade. To each pound pumpkin cut in pieces, add three-quarters of a pound of sugar ; put in a vessel a layer of pumpkin and sugar till filled, add one pint of water, let it remain two or three days, then boil with lemon cut in thin slices and whole ginger, boil gently three or four hours till the fruit is tender ; boil the syrup till thick. To a medium-sized pumpkin five lemons, one dozen pieces of ginger. Quince Marmalade. Quinces make a delicious marmalade. (So do barberries.) One of the best and most delicious of marmalades is prepared from apples and the core and peeling of quinces, left after pre- serving. Put the peeling and core in just water enough to cook them and let them simmer. When they have codied for three 250 FRUIT quarters of an hour and are thoroughly tender, strain off the juice and measure it. Add two pounds of apples, cored and peeled, to an equal weight of quince juice and add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to every pound of this mixture. Boil it down till it is a thick, clear marmalade, stirring it frequently, so that it does not bum. Baked Pear9. One cupful sugar, half cupful water, one teaspoonful mixed spice, quantity about one and a half dozen. Put the fruit in a brown crock, put the spice in a muslin bag and cook slowly for three hours. Tie a brown paper over the crock. The pears should be peeled. Peach Syrup. The skins saved from peeling peaches in preserving time make a very delicious and inexpensive syrup. Put on the stones and skins in a kettle, cover with water and boil until the con- sistency of maple syrup, then strain, and add sugar as for jelly. Watermelon Pickle. Cut the melon in pieces and boil until you can stick a fork through it readily. To seven pounds fruit take three pounds sugar, one quart vinegar, one ounce each of cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Scald the vinegar, put sugar and spices in and pour over the melon. Do this for three mornings in succession. Ripe Cucumber Pickle. Cucumbers, firm and ripe, salt, one quart of vinegar, one pound of white sugar, half ounce cassia buds. Pare cucumbers, taking out seeds. Cut in pieces two or three inches in length and about two inches wide. Let them lie in weak salt and water for eight hours. Prepare a syrup of the vinegar, sugar and cassia buds. After washing the cucumbers in water, wipe dry and boil until clear. CANDIES “As at English feasts — so I regreet the daintiest last, To make the end more sweet.” Butter Scotch. One cup of sugar, h^lf cup of water, one teaspoonful of vine- gar, butter size of a walnut. Put the sugar and water in a kettle to boil, add the butter and vinegar and let all boil twenty or thirty minutes. When done add flavoring, if desired (vanilla is best), and pour into enough buttered tins to have the candy not more than one-fourth of an inch thick, and when partly cold mark off into butter scotch strips. Maple Cream. Four cups brown sugar, three-quarters cup milk, butter size of walnut, flavoring, nuts. Put the sugar, milk and butter on to boil until it hardens in water but is not crisp. Add flavoring and nuts chopped fine if you like just before removing from the fire. Then beat before pouring out until it has something the appearance of sugar. Then pour out in a buttered pan and beat until nearly sugared. Then mark off in squares. Maple Sugar Candy. Take two and a half pounds of maple sugar, and one-quarter ounce cream of tartar. Break up the sugar, add to it two cup- fuls of water ; when the syrup boils up throw in one spoonful of cold water, remove from the fire and skim it ; continue this till no impurities rise, and boil till it hardens with the usual test, in cold water. Pour out to cool on buttered pans, and pull like molasses candy when partly cold, till light and crisp. Maple Cream. One cup brown sugar to half cup of milk, butter size of wal- nut. Stir all the time when cooking. Pour into buttered tins and stir till cold. ( 251 ) 252 CANDIES Maple Creams. Three cups dark brown sugar, one-half cup maple syrup, one- half cup cream, boil till it forms in a ball when put in cold water, take off the stove and beat till it begins to thicken, pour in buttered tins, and when cold cut in squares. A cup of chop- ped walnuts is a great improvement to this. Chocolate Creams. To make the cream or centre of the candy, boil half a pound of sugar with three tablespoonfuls of thick, sweet cream. Test it in cold water, like any fondant, and when a drop makes a soft, creamy ball rolled between the thumb and finger and does not stick, take up the mixture and let it cool. When it is cool enough to handle, beat it with a spoon until it is very white ; then flavor it with a few drops of vanilla, and make this into balls the size of the tiniest marbles. Make another fondant of a pound of sugar and half a pint of water. Take one-half of this fondant and mix with it two-thirds the quantity of melted chocolate. Mix the fondant and chocolate thoroughly, and dip the cream balls into the liquid mixture and lay them one by one on a piece of greased paper. Place them on a large flat board to dry. What melted chocolate and fondant is left can be made into plain chocolate candies in any shape you please. Chocolate Fudge. One cup sweet milk, three cups granulated sugar, lump of butter size of small egg, whittle off from half an inch to an inch of chocolate, more if you want it. Let it all boil until it will form a soft lump when dropped in cold water. Then take off and pour in a teaspoonful of vanilla and stir vigorously until it candies a little around the edges; when it sets cut in small squares. Date Creams. Break into a bowl the white of one egg, add an equal quan- tity of water and stir in confectioners’ sugar till stiff enough to mould into shape with the hands. Flavor with vanilla. Seed some shapely dates and fill the cavity with the cream, allowing it to protrude and form a white stripe. A little of the cream may CANDIES 253 also be placed on the top if desired. Dry on oiled paper. Date nougats are made by placing an almond or other nut in the cavity from which the stone was removed. Roll the nut in a little of the cream, and put a thick layer of the cream outside the whole. Ready at the end of twelve hours. Cream Chocolate Caramels. Mix together in a granite-ware saucepan half a pint of sugar, half a pint of molasses, half a pint of thick cream, one generous tablespoonful of butter, and four ounces of chocolate. Place on the fire, and stir until the mixture boils. Cook until a few drops of it will harden if dropped into ice-water ; then pour into well- buttered pans, having the mixture about three inches deep. When nearly cold mark into squares. It will take almost an hour to boil this in a granite-ware pan, but not half so long if cooked in an iron fry-pan. Stir frequently when boiling. The caramels must be put in a very cold place to harden. Sugar Chocolate Caramels. Mix two cupfuls of sugar, three-fourths of a cupful of milk or cream, one generous tablespoonful of butter, and three ounces chocolate. Place on the fire and cook, stirring often, until a little of the mixture when dropped in ice- water, will harden; then stir in one-fourth of a cupful of sugar and one tablespoon- ful of vanilla, and pour into a well-buttered pan, having the mixture about three-fourths of an inch deep. When nearly cold, mark it off in squares, and put in a cold place to harden. These caramels are sugary and brittle, and can be made in the hottest weather without trouble. If a deep granite-ware sauce- pan be used for the boiling, it will take nearly an hour to cook the mixture; but if with an iron frying-pan, twenty or thirty minutes will suffice. Cocoanut Candy. Take equal quantities of white sugar and grated cocoanut, add enough of cocoanut milk to moisten the sugar and boil, stir- ring constantly. When the candy begins to return to sugar, stir in the cocoanut as quickly as possible, and in a minute or two spread it on dishes to cool. Mark off in squares when cold enough. 254 CANDIES Sliced Cocoanut Candy. Pare a cocoanut and slice thin; cover buttered tins with the slices. Boil on top of stove two pounds of sugar and one pint of water; test frequently, and when a few drops become brittle and hard in cold water, remove from fire and pour over the sliced cocoanut. Creams. One pound of icing sugar, white of one egg, tablespoonful of cream, flavor with vanilla or rosewater. Mix well and form into any shape desired. Orange Creams. The grated rind and juice of one orange, to this add enough icing sugar to mould. Nut Candy. Of all kinds is made by boiling two pounds of sugar and one cupful of water together till it will harden when dropped into cold water, and then pouring it over the kernels of nuts in a buttered tin. A fanciful and delicious variety is made by using several kinds of nuts in the same candy — hickory nuts, Brazil nuts cut in slices, halved almonds, cocoanut cut in thin strips, bits of orange peel, a few broken dates, and stoned raisins. Cream Candy. Granulated sugar is best for this particular kind. Dissolve a level teaspoonful of gum arabic in one spoonful of water, add to this one pound of sugar, half a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and one cupful of water. Mix all these, and stir over the fire till the sugar is dissolved ; then boil without stirring till it hard- ens when dropped into cold water. It should be rather elastic, not brittle. Now stir in one teaspoonful of vanilla and pour out on a buttered tin, and when nearly cold pull it like molasses candy till it is perfectly white, then cut into strips, or it can be braided. This is one of the most delicate and wholesome of candies. Lemon makes an agreeable change of flavor. The flavor mostly evaporates if put in when the mixture is hot. Fig Candy. Is good and out of the common line of sweets. Boil one cup- ful of sugar with three large spoonfuls of water till amber col- CANDIES 255 ored, without stirring. Just before removing from the fire, stir in half a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, cut up the figs in long, thin strips, lay them out evenly in a shallow tin pan and pour over the syrup to cool. Sugar Candy. Three cupfuls sugar, one cupful hot water, half cupful vine- gar, three-quarters teaspoonful cream of tartar, worked and spread out thin. Peanut Nougat. Shell one cupful of peanuts, two cupfuls confectioners’ sugar ; remove the skin of the peanuts and break into small pieces or not as preferred; take two cups of confectioners’ sugar and one cup of peanuts, put the sugar in a saucepan, and as soon as dissolved throw into it the nuts, stirring rapidly, pour quickly into a buttered pan and press into a flat cake with a buttered knife as it cools very quickly. Foundation Cream. One quart sugar, one cup water, hot or cold, one-half salt- spoonful of cream of tartar. Cook without stirring until waxy ; when cool stir to a cream. A Delicious Cough Candy. Break up a cupful of slippery elm bark ; let it soak an hour or two in a cupful of water. Half fill a cup with flax seed and fill up to the brim with water, leaving it to soak the same time as the slippery elm. "When you are ready to make the candy, put one pound and a half of brown sugar in a porcelain stew- pan over the fire. Strain the water from the flax seed and slip- pery elm and pour over it. Stir constantly until it begins to boil and turn back to sugar. Then pour it out and it will break up into small crumbly pieces. A little lemon juice may be added if desired. Be sure to use the same measuring cup. Taffy. Four cupfuls sugar, one cupful water, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, two tablespoonfuls butter. Flavor to taste. Boil untfi thick enough. 256 CANDIES Cream Taffy. Three cupfuls granulated sugar, one-half cupful vinegar, one- half cupful water, butter size of a walnut ; boil without stirring until it will candy when dropped in cold water ; flavor and pour at once in buttered pans, when cool pull till white, then cut up in sticks with sharp scissors. Russian Taffy. One teacupful of cream, one and three-quarter pounds soft white sugar, two teaspoonfuls vanilla ; boil from half to three- quarters of an hour. Salted Almonds. Shell and blanch one pound of almonds, drop into a vessel of boiling water to loosen the skin, when in a few minutes the almond can be pushed out white and pure from the brown skin ; dry thoroughly in a towels; put into a large pan a piece of but- ter the size of a small chestnut, and when melted, turn the almonds into it, stirring rapidly until every nut is shining with butter; then sprinkle over them a large cookingspoonful of salt, mixing so that every nut shall be coated with salt, then put the pan in the bottom of the oven, and let it remain there (shaking and stirring every few minutes) until the almonds are a light yellowish brown, when they will be very crisp and delicious. Salted Almonds. Blanch your almonds, and to a pint of them add two table- spoonfuls salt, and two tablespoonfuls melted butter; pour into a warm bowl and let them stand an hour, then drain off any liquid and brown in the oven for ten minutes. COOKERY FOR THE SICK “Harmless mirth is the best cordial against the consumption of the spirit. ’ ' — Fuller. Fop Very Weak Invalids. Six fresh eggs, shells unbroken, cover with the juice of twelve lemons. Let digest four days, then remove all pieces of skin or undissolved shell, after which pour over the mass one pint of rum and beat thoroughly; melt in a little water one pound of rock candy, and add after cooling, then bottle, and use a few spoonfuls. It will be found excellent and very nourishing. A Drink for the Sick. Juice of one lemon, two large teaspoonfuls granulated sugar, one egg beaten very light ; pour the egg into the juice with sugar, stirring all the time, one-half cupful of water; in winter a little warm. An Invalid’s Drink. Bake one-half dozen tart apples, put in a large pitcher and cover with boiling water; when cool, strain and sweeten to taste. Barley Water. Wash two ounces of pearl barley in cold water, then boil for three minutes, drain, throw away the water and add two quarts of boiling water; boil until the water is reduced to one quart, or about two hours. Strain, add the inice of a lemon and sweeten. Some prefer to have it seasoned with salt only. Egg Coffee. Beat one egg into a large coffee cup, adding a tablespoonful of cream or one-third cupful of hot milk, pouring the cup full of hot coffee and sweeten to taste. This is very nourishing. (257) 258 COOKERY FOR THE SICK Wine Whey. Heat half a pint of milk to the boiling point and pour into it a wineglassful of sherry ; stir these ; as soon as the curd separates remove from the fire and strain. Sweeten if desired. The whey can be similarly separated by lemon juice, vinegar or rennet. With rennet whey use salt instead of sugar. Lemon Cream. Put a cupful and a half of water in a saucepan ; when boiling add the yolks of three eggs, tablespoonful of corn starch, the juice of one lemon and one cupful of sugar; let boil for half minute, stir in the beaten whites of eggs. If not perfectly smooth put through a strainer. Eat cold. Beef Tea. One pound beef, water. Take a pound of fresh, tender beef off the round, pare off the rind and any fat, cut in little squares and put in stone jar, put over it one teacup ful cold water, put the cover on the jar and stand it in a pot of water and boil four hours, neither less nor more. This is excellent, and can be taken without salt. Beef Tea. One and a half pounds lean beef, one-half cupful pearl barley, three pints cold water, a little mace ground, salt, pepper to taste. Cut the beef into small pieces, put into a saucepan with the water and barley, let it boil slowly until you think the goodness is all out of the meat, add mace, salt and pepper, and to make it a rich color, take a little sugar in an iron spoon and hold over hot coals until it burns, then put it into the tea. Strain and set aside to cool. Remove the fat before heating for use. Beef Essence. Take two pounds of nice round steak, removing all fat. Cut in small pieces. Put into jar, and then set jar into a pot with cold water, letting boil for an hour. Then drain or squeeze out the pieces of meat, leaving the pure juice of the meat. COOKERY FOR THE SICK 259 Fop Chronic indigestion. Take of the best, fresh, round steak one and a half pounds, clear it all of fat and stringy fibre. Put it three times through a mincer fastened to the table. Then take one-third of the above quantity and add one and a half cupfuls of stock or cold water. Put over the fire in granite or porcelain saucepan, stirring all the time for about seven minutes or until the meat turns gray, and the stock or juice looks red. To be eaten while nice and hot. Season to taste. Celery can be eaten with it, or celery salt used to flavor. Roast or well-cooked onions may go with it, also a little well-dried toast or Graham gems. Meat Paste. A small piece of raw meat, beef, mutton or chicken, the former the best. Put it several times through the mincer, or in the absence of one shred it fine, and rub it through a sieve till it forms a smooth paste. Excellent in cases of extreme ex- haustion, especially from diarrhoea, and for children. May be given between thin pieces of bread as a sandwich, if preferred. Scraped Beef. Take a piece of beefsteak and scrape against the grain, form this pulp into rather thin patties. Have the frying-pan hot with a very small piece of butter in it just enough to keep the meat from sticking. Put in the meat, brown nicely, but do not have it overdone. Season with pepper and salt after removing from the fire and serve immediately. Beef Balls. Take half a pound of lean beef, scrape all you can from it, make into a flat ball, broil very quickly in a slightly buttered pan. Broil the piece you have been scraping from, squeezing the juice from it over the ball. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve hot. Scotch Egg. One egg, a little parsley, pepper and salt ; have a very small mould, butter and sprinkle with the parsley and seasoning, drop in the egh and place it in a pan of hot water until it sets. Have a nice piece of toast which can be cut into shape with a cake cutter, place the egg in the centre and serve hot. 260 COOKERY FOR THE SICK Delicate Scrambled Egg. Break an egg into a bowl and put with it two tablespoon- fuls of milk, or thin cream, a little salt and pepper. Do not beat it, but slide gently into a slightly buttered pan, stirring lightly and removing it from the fire before it is quite stiff. Serve on toast if desired. Chicken Broth. Skin and cut a fine full-grown fowl. If but little is wanted take only the dark meat for the broth ; put it into a pot with one quart of water ; boil slowly to rags, strain the liquid and return to the pot and thicken with two spoonfuls of arrowroot, if no vegetables are permitted. If you are allowed to use vegetables, put in a few slices of turnip, parsnip, potato and onion, strain- ing them out when the fowd is strained. The white meat of the breast and wings will make another dish : cut the meat off the bones and stew slowly in fresh oyster liquid, with a bit of nice butter; sometimes a beaten egg may be added. A piece of the knuckle of veal may be used instead of chicken. Chicken Soup. For chicken soup cut a full grown chicken in small pieces, removing the skin ; put it into two pints of water with one tea- cup of rice, cover closely and let simmer for two hours. Skim it carefully and you will have a nourishing and agreeable soup. Chicken Panada. One gill broth, one gill bread crumbs, one gill cream, pep' per and salt to taste; place together cream and bread crumbs salt and pepper, allow to come to the boil, then add the chicker broth (which has been previously made), allow to heat for a fev minutes and serve hot. Tapioca Jelly. One-half pound tapioca, three pints water, stand this together for one night, and next morning boil it until quite clear, and i: a proper consistence, then flavor to taste. It may be used foi thickening milk or meat broths for children over eight months and for older children may be mixed with any kind of stewe< fruit. COOKERY FOR THE SICK 261 Rice Jelly fop Invalids. Carefully look over and wash one-quarter pound of rice, put one-half pound of fine sugar with it, and set on stove with just enough water to cover; boil it until it becomes a glutinous mass, then strain it, add a little salt, flavor with any flavor you choose — lemon is nice — let it stand until cool. Dessert for the Sick. Take a couple of soda biscuits, buttered lightly, pour over them hot milk or hot thin cream. Sprinkle over them a little sugar and decorate with lumps of jelly. Wafer Biscuits for Invalids. One pint flour, one tablespoonful butter, one saltspoonful salt, white of one egg, warm new milk enough to make a stiff dough. Mix salt with the flour; rub on the butter, add the beaten white of egg and milk enough to make a stiff dough. Beat half an hour with rolling-pin without ceasing. Break off a little dough at a time and roll it out as thin as paper, cut into large rounds. Prick with a small wooden skewer and bake quickly without burning. To Make Arrowroot. Use one dessertspoonful of best arrowroot to half a pint of milk. Mix it first with a little cold milk. Heat the rest of the milk with a little sugar, and when actually boiling, not before, pour it quickly over the arrowroot. Don’t stir it; it will be found perfectly free from lumps. This simple dish may be made richer and more nourishing by adding to it, when a little cool, a well beaten egg. Arrowroot Pudding. One tablespoonful arrowroot, half pint milk, two eggs, one dessertspoonful sugar, a little nutmeg and lemon rind. First mix the arrowroot and sugar with one tablespoonful of milk. Boil the rest of the milk with the lemon rind (when the milk boils remove the rind), pour the boiling milk over the arrow- root. When slightly cool add the well beaten yolks of the eggs and mix thoroughly. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add as lightly as possible to the mixture and bake in the oven for ten minutes. 262 cookery for the sick Chicken Custard. Two yolks of eggs, one cupful strong chicken broth, two tablespoonfuls cream, pepper and salt. Beat eggs, add chicken broth, cream, pepper and salt. Stir over the fire in double pans until it begins to thicken. Wine or Invalid Jelly. One packet gelatine, one or two lemons, white sugar, home- made wine, whiskey. Soak the gelatine in a teacupful of cold water with the juice and peel of one or two lemons for twoi hours, two teacupfuls of white sugar and three of boiling water ; stir till the sugar is melted, then add two and a half cupfuls of home-made wine (either grape, currant or rhubarb), also half cupful of whiskey. Stir all together and strain through a piece of muslin. The juice of one orange is a great improvement. If foreign wine is used a little more sugar must be added. Wine Soup. Take two or three pieces of bread, and toast well ; cast away crust, scrape off any burnt part and break into soup sifting over them white sugar, then cover it with a cupful of boiling claret or port wine which may be weakened by the addition of a little boiling water, if desired. Wine Soup One tablespoonful flour, yolks of four eggs, the grated peel of a lemon, as much cinnamon as will lay on the point of a knife, a piece of butter the size of a small nut, one pine of wine, sugar to taste. Mix all well together and put on the stove, stirring until it thickens, but not boil. Have ready some small dice- shaped pieces of bread, and pour the mixture over it. Light colored wine is the best to use. Egg-Nog. Beat up an egg, add sugar to taste, also a pinch of salt and a tablespoonful of wine. Fill up the glass with milk. cookery for the sick 263 Lemon Egg-Nog. Beat up an egg, add sugar to taste, a pinch of salt, squeeze the juice of a lemon. Fill up the glass with very good milk. Koumiss. One quart of per fectly fresh milk, one-fifth of a cake of yeast, one tablespoonful of sugar. Dissolve the yeast in a little water and mix it with the sugar and milk. Put the mixture into strong bottles — beer bottles are good — cork them with tightly- fitting soppers, and tie down securely with stout wine. Shake the bottles for a full minute, to mix thoroughly the ingredients. Then place them on end in a very cool place to ferment slowlyo at the end of three days lay the bottles on their sides ; turn them occasionally. Five days wil be required to perfect the fermen- tation. It will keep indefinitely in a refrigerator. Koumiss. Dissolve one-third of a cake of compressed yeast, or its equi- valent in liquid yeast, in a little warm — not hot — water. Take a quart of milk, fresh from the cow, or warmed to about blood heat, and addto it a tablespoonful of sugar and the dissolved yeast. Put the mixture in beer bottles with patent stoppers, fill to the neck and let stand twelve hours where you would put bread to rise, that is, at a temperature of 68 de. of 70 deg. Then put the bottles on ice, upside down, until wanted. To Make Sweet Koumiss. Ferment the koumiss mixture for twelve hours in a tempera- ture of 70 deg. Fahr., that is, the same degree of heat that is required for raising bread. Do not attempt to open a koumiss bottle without a champagne-tap, for the carbonic acid gener- ated in this fermenting liquid has curious expansive force, and will throw the contents all over the room if the bottle be opened in the ordinary way. The cork may be punctured with a short needle, to let the gas escape. The mouth of the bottle may be held in a large bowl and the cord cut, when the koumiss will rush out. It should look like rich foaming cream. SIMPLE CURES The man that laughs is a doctor without a diploma. Hia face does more good in. a sick room than a bushel of powders or a barrel of bitter draughts. * ’ — Anon. Cholera and Diarrhoea. For this recipe the New York Sun newspaper paid one thou- sand dollars for the benefit of subscribers. It is most effectual but is not adopted for young children. Equal parts of tincture of rhubard, cayenne, opium, ginger, spirits of camphor and essence of peppermint. Dose, half a teaspoonful every three hours. For Bruises and Swellings. Use distilled witch-hazel, wetting a cloth and applying fre- quently. Both better and cheaper than arnica. Warts. May be cured by the frequent application of glacia-acetic acid. Cure for Bites, &c. Mucilage is good for bites of insects, burns and cuts. Cure for Cuts and Bruises. Cut fingers and bruises of all kinds if wrapped in a cloth wet in alum water heal with a rapidity that is truly wonderful. Cure for a Cold. Boil two ounces flaxseed in one quart of water, strain and add two ounces of rock candy, one-half pint of honey, juice of three lemons ; mix and let all boil well, let cool and bottle. Dose, one cupful on going to bed one-half cupful before meals, the hotter you drink it the better. ( 264 ) SIMPLE CURES 265 Very Good Liniment. Equal parts of laudanum, sweet oil and chloroform. I think this is worth its weight in gold. Liniment for Croup. Two ounces sweet oil, one ounce turpentine, one ounce gum camphor, one teaspoonful croton oil. Liniment for Rheumatism, Sprains and Bruises. One ounce spirits of ammonia, one ounce spirits of turpentine, one ounce tincture of opium, one pint rain water, add a little soap. Shake well before using. Bathe affected part well with hot water before applying. Golden Ointment. One pound lard and eight ounces beeswax melted. Have one ounce camphor gum put to five ounces of alcohol, one ounce organum, one ounce laudanum. Let all dissolve while you are melting the first two, then stir together till cold. Do not put these together too hot, or the camphor will go off in steam, and you will lose the good of it. Cure for Rheumatism. One-quarter small teaspoonful Canadian balsam. Take three times a day after meals, a little water taken alterwards, and also rub the affected part twice a day with coal oil until a warm glow is felt. Cure for Sciatica. Two ounces tartaric acid, four ounces Epsom salts, two ounces citrate of magnesia, two ounces baking soda, two ounces cream tartar, six ounces icing sugar. One teaspoonful to a glass of water. For Neuralgia. — Pour a tablespoonful of coal oil on a soft cloth, and squeeze well through it, and put it on where the pain is felt. For Burns. — Wet cotton batting with coal oil and put on the burn, keeping there until it is well. 266 SIMPLE CURES A Cure for Dropsy. Six lemons, one pound of loaf sugar, one ounce of cream of tartar, one ounce of magnesia, two ounces of parsley seed. Slice the lemons thin, put them and the parsley seed into three quarts of water, boil down to one quart, strain and add the other things to them. Dose, a wine glass three times a day. Cure for Lumbago. Take a red pepper, break it in a teacup and pour water over it, bruising it with a spoon ; fill the cup up wdth water and drink three or four times in a day, and it will effect a sure cure. Cure for Chilblains. Bathe the feet in hot water, dry thoroughly before the fire, then rub with the following as long as possible. Take a piece of butter the size of a walnut with as much salt as can be worked into it. One or two applications will generally cure the worst cases. Cure for Hiccough. A good cure for hiccough is slippery elm-bark boiled and made sweet with sugar. Hypophosphites. One ounce hypophosphites lime, one ounce hypophosphites soda, one ounce hypophosphites iron, twenty grains quinine, three pounds white sugar, one quart soft water. Simmer one hour. An Ingrowing Toe Nail. Put a small piece of tallow in a spoon and heat it very hot and pour it over the granulations. This acts like magic. To Whiten the Hands. Melt half ounce camphor gum, half ounce glycerine, one pound mutton tallow, SIMPLE CURES 267 Cosmetic. Take three cupfuls of oatmeal and five of water, stir well, let it stand over night in a cool place ; in the morning stir again, after a while stir thoroughly, and strain; let it stand until it settles, then carefully pour off the water, and add enough bay rum to make the sediment about as thick as cream, or thinner if liked. Apply to the face with a soft cloth, let it remain until nearly dry ; then rub briskly with a soft flannel. Shake well before using. Lime Water. Put a stone of fresh lime about the size of a half peck mea- sure into a large stone jar, and pour over it slowly four gallons of hot water, and stir thoroughly, let it settle, then stir again two or three times in the twenty-four hours, then bottle carefully all that can be poured off in a clear state. USEFUL HINTS “Let thy mind’s sweetness have its operation Upon thy body, clothes and habitation.” — Fuller. To Sweep Carpets. Damp paper twisted into small pieces, and scattered over the carpet, before sweeping, is good for taking up the dust. To Clean Carpets. After your carpet has been thoroughly beaten and tacked to the floor, take half a pail of hot water, put into it two table- spoonfuls of ox-gall, have a cotton cloth, rub the carpet over with it, bit by bit, and dry well as you go along ; if possible keep your windows open, as your carpet will dry more quickly. Washing Fluid. One pound washing soda, half pound slacked lime, one gallon soft water. Let it boil a while and then settle. Pour off and cork up for use. Use one and a half cups of liquid for a boiler of clothes. Let them boil well fifteen or twenty minutes. To Wash Black Silk Stockings. Wash in cold black tea, several waters, until you think they are quite clean. Press as dry as possible. This method pre- serves the color. Before washing new blankets soak them over night in cold soft water. ( 268 ) USEFUL HINTS 269 Washing Fluid. One pound can lye, half ounce carbonate of ammonia, half ounce salts of tartar. Put all into stone or glass jar with half gallon of soft water. Method. — For three pails of water in boiler put half a cup of the fluid with a little soap cut up. Wet the clothes before putting in boiler, and after they come to the boil, boil hard for twenty minutes, then rinse in a clear water and blue water. To Wash Blankets. Half fill a good sized tub with tepid water. Put in half a pound of powdered borax. Cut up two small bars or tablets of the best laundry soap and let it come to the boil in two quarts of water. Add this to the tub hot, and put in the blankets one by one until the tub is full, but not too closely packed. Leave th'em in this all night. Next morning wash out and rinse in tepid water with borax in it. If the blankets are new with bright stripes it is advisable to wash them by themselves for fear of the color running. Never Rub Soap on Flannels. Have a tub half full of strong soap suds in which has been dissolved a tablespoonful of borax. Shake all the dust and lint from the flannels, and then put them into the suds. Wash them by rubbing with the hands and sopping them up and down in the water. Never rub soap on flannel. Ring them out of this water and put them into a tub of clean hot suds, rinse thoroughly in this water, then in a second tubful. Wring dry, shake well, and hang on the lines. Take them in and fold, rolling them very tightly. Wrap a clean cloth around them, and, if possible, iron the same day. Ho not have the irons very hot, but press the flannels well. Have clean suds for the colored flannels. To prevent shrinking, the temperature of the water should be the same in all the tubs. Caustic Soap. Twenty-five pounds grease, five pounds caustic soda, six gal- lons soft water ; boil three hours, add one pint salt and one pound borax. 270 USEFUL HINTS Clarified Fat. Cut your fat into pieces, put them into a saucepan and cover with cold water. Stir until the water boils. When boiling skim the surface carefully and allow it to boil until the water is all evaporated. When free from water the fat should be strained, and is then ready for use. It will keep for a long time. Hard Soap. Six pounds lime, twelve pounds washing soda, twelve pounds grease, one pound borax, eight gallons soft water. Put the lime, water and soda together, boil one hour, let it stand over night in a cool place, pour off the lye, add the grease and borax, boil for two hours, stirring constantly. When there are no curdles you will know the soap is done. Pour it into a tub and cut into pieces when it is cold. Use clarified fat. Preserving Eggs. To one pailful of spring water take a pint of common salt, and a pound of fresh slacked lime, and let it stand three days, stirring frequently. Then pour it off and put in the eggs. Preserving Eggs. Take the eggs when perfectly fresh. Examine to see that they are perfect, and that there are no cracks in the shells. Place a couple of inches of moderately fine salt over the bottom of receptacle. Set a layer of eggs, small end down, and don’t let one egg touch another. Fill in all spaces with salt and cover with an inch of salt. Then place another layer of eggs in the same way. Keep on until the receptacle is filled, then cover all over with two inches of salt and put on a cover and set away to remain in store in a cool and dry atmosphere. Boot Polish. Two ounces gum shellac, two ounces borax, two packages slate dye; put the shellac and borax in one quart of water and let it boil until dissolved, then pour upon the dye which you have placed in a vessel to hold the polish. USEFUL HINTS 271 A Batch of Hows. How to Remove Iron Rust from Linen. — Saturate the spot with a strong solution of lemon juice and salt, and hold over the nose of a tea-kettle filled with boiling water, when the spot will almost instantly disappear. How to Remove Freshly Spilled Ink from Carpets. — First take up as much of the ink as possible with a teaspoon, then pour cold sweet milk on the spot and take up as before, re- peating this until the milk is only slightly tinged with black. Wash with cold water, and absorb with a cloth without too much rubbing. How to Set the Color of Blue Cambric. — Dip it in a solu- tion of saltpetre, using two or three cents’ worth to a pail of water. How to Prevent Linen from Fading. — Put a little borax in the water and let stand one hour. How to Brighten the Color of Pink Goods. — Put vinegar in the rinsing water. Domestic Hints. A damp cloth dipped in salt will remove egg stains from silver, or tea stains from china dishes. Tainted meat should be washed in a little vinegar before cdoking. In using ammonia for domestic purposes one tablespoonful to a quart of water is about the ordinary proportion. Hints by a Druggist. 1. To Cl ean Brass. — Use muriatic acid diluted with water, wash off and polish with whiting. 2. To Clean Silver. — Liquid ammonia, one ounce; alcohol, one ounce; prepared chalk, half ounce. Apply with a flannel and rub off with a soft brush. 3. Furniture Polish. — Water, two ounces; benzine, two ounces ; olive oil, two ounces. Mix and apply with a soft flannel. 4. Furniture Polish. — Raw linseed oil, three ounces; tur- pentine, one ounce ; butter of antimony and acetic acid, of each half ounce. 272 USEFUL HINTS To Purify Cistern Water. Cistern water that has become black and oily may be, it is said, clarified with powdered borax and powdered alum, four ounces of each will suffice to clear fifty barrels of water. For Inky Fingers. Dip the fingers in water, take a match and rub the sulphur end over the ink spot. A Good Disinfectant. One quarter ounce nitrate of lead, one-half ounce rock or common salt. Dissolve the nitrate of lead with two gallons of rain water and the salt in a quart of rain water, and mix the two together. A cupful sprinkled in a bedroom, or a sponge well saturated and hung up, will disinfect in a few minutes. Disinfectant. Bi-chloride of mercury, seventeen grains to one quart of water. To Fumigate a Room. To fumigate a room with sulphur, use two pounds of rock sulphur with one pound of flowers of sulphur to every 1,000 cubic feet. Put the sulphur in a tin dish, set in a pan of wet ashes or a pan containing brick, to prevent any danger of fire. Put the rock sulphur at the bottom, the flowers of sulphur on top, and pour two tablespoonfuls of alcohol over them just be- fore you apply the match. Leave the room instantly. Every door, window, crack and crevice in the room must be closed. It may discolor the paper. That depends on the color. All the metal work must be removed. To Clean a Hair Brush. To clean hair brushes, dip them up and down in soda water, rinse in tepid water in which a little ammonia has been mixed. Place several thicknesses of brown paper on the back of a very moderate oven, set the brushes upon this, bristles down, and dry. USEFUL HINTS 273 Uses for Salt. When washing black articles, salt in the water tends to set the colors and prevent them from running. Salt and water will thoroughly clean straw matting or wil- low furniture that has not been stained or colored. Apply it with a small brush of any kind. A crack in a stove may be mended by applying a mixture of salt and sifted wood ashes in equal parts, moistened with water. A little plaster of paris adds to the durability of the preparation. Kitchen Hints. Clear boiling water will remove tea stains and many fruit stains. Ripe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from white cloth, also from the hands. Cool rain water and soda will efface machine grease from washable fabrics. Grease a plate with lard and set it where the ants are trouble- some; then place a few sticks around the plate for the ants to climb upon. Occasionally turn the plate over a fire where there is no smoke, and the ants will drop off into it. If this treat- ment be repeated all the ants will be caught, as they trouble nothing else while lard is accessible. Oilcloth is ruined by the application of lye soap, as the lye eats the cloth. After being washed it should be wiped perfectly dry, or the dampness will soon rot it. Washing an oilcloth with milk or milk and water, once a week, gives it a nice polish, al- most like a varnish. A couple of sheets of a big newspaper wrapped about ice will keep it half as long again as ice that is uncovered. The paper is much more cleanly than a piece of blanket, as it can be re- moved daily. The Uses of Brown Paper. Common coarse brown paper, such as butchers and old-fash- ioned bakers use to wrap around their wares, is an exceedingly useful article in the kitchen. It is almost a pity that paper has become so cheap that even the bakers are beginning to use the glazed paper. For many purposes of the kitchen it does not at all supply the place of the coarse, unglazed paper. An an absorbent for articles that have been fried in hot fat, nothing is equal to this common brown paper. Simply rest the 274 USEFUL HINTS article fried, be it breaded meat, a fritter or a doughnut, for a moment over the hot fat, after it is taken up in the wire spoon or basket to drain it, and then lay it between folds of brown paper for a moment before slipping it on the hot platter. It is also used to cover cakes, fowls, etc., when they are cooking too fast. INDEX SOUPS. Bone Stock for Soup... How to Clarify Stock... Asparagus Soup Bean Soup Clear Soup . . Celery Soup Cream of Celery Soup. . Corn Soup Cheap Soup Chicken Broth Egg Balls for Soup Family Soup Hare or Rabbit Soup. . . Kidney Soup Mutton Broth Macaroni Soup Noodle Soup Ox Tail Soup Potato Soup Split Pea Soup Scotch Broth Scotch Potato Soup Save All Soup Soup in Haste Sweet Corn Soup Sweet Bread Soup Turkey Soup Tomato Soup Venison Soup White Soup FISH. Directions for Cooking Fish... Baked Fish Bloater Pie Boiled Fish Cold Pickled Salmon Cod Fish for Breakfast Cod Fish Balls Escalloped Fish Escalloped Salmon Eel Pie Egg Sauce Fried Salmon Fried Fish . . Finnan Haddie Frogs Legs Garnishing of Fish Lunch or Breakfast Fish Potted Fish Plain Sauce for Boiled Fish... Scalloped Fish Steamed Salmon or White Fish Salmon Pudding Salmon Croquettes PAGE . 7 . 7 . 12 . 14 . 11 . 13 . 13 . 13 . 15 . 16 . 15 . 8 . 16 . 12 .. 9 . 15 . 12 . 11 . 10 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 10 . 10 • 13 . 16 . 15 . 14 . 14 . 11 17 19 23 18 20 22 21 20 21 22 24 19 19 22 23 18 19 20 23 21 18 20 20 Smelts Stewed Lobster Salt Mackerel Turbot To Bone Fish. White Sauce , OYSTERS. Creamed Oysters Filling for Oyster Patties.... Oyster Soup Oyster Stew Oysters Fried Oyster Patties Oyster Pie Oysters on a Block of Ice. . . Oyster Fritters Pickled Oysters Pigs in Blankets Smothered Oysters Scalloped Oysters POULTRY. Boiled Fowl and Oyster Sauce Chicken Pie Chicken Broiled Chicken Curried Chicken Pot Pie Cream Chicken Chicken Fried Chicken Fricassee Chicken Jellied Chicken Pressed Chicken Smothered Chicken or Veal Croquettes.. Duck, Roast Forcemeat for Boned Turkey. Goose, Roast Pigeon Pie Turkey, Boned Turkey, Boiled Turkey, Roast Turkey Dressed with Oysters To Draw a Fowl GAME. Apple Stuffing for Game Bread Sauce for Game Chestnut Stuffing for Game. . . Currant Sauce for Game Cranberry Sauce for Game. . . Egg Sauce for Game Mushroom Sauce for Game... Oyster Sauce for Game Oatmeal Stuffing for Game. . . Plain Stuffing for Game 19 22 23 21 18 23 26 27 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 26 26 33 34 32 35 35 35 33 34 36 36 34 36 32 30 32 36 30 31 31 31 29 41 39 41 40 40 40 39 39 40 40 INDEX #6 Pheasant, Fried Potato Stuffing for Game Rabbit, Roasted Rabbit Pie Rabbit, Stewed Wild Duck, Roasted. . . . Woodcock or Pigeon.... MEATS. A Nice Breakfast Dish Anchovy Paste Brown Gravy Browned Flour Baked Suet Pudding Bullock’s Heart, Dressed Beefsteak and Oysters, Stewed Beefsteak, To Fry. Beeksteak and Onions Beeksteak Balls Beefsteak Pudding, Boiled Beefsteak Pudding Beefsteak and Kidney Pudding Beef Olives Beef Croquettes . Beef or Mutton Kidney Beef Loaf Boiled Corned Beef Corned Beef Curry Calf’s Head Calf’s Brain Croquettes Calf’s Brain, Curried Calf’s Brain, Fried Calf’s Liver and Bacon Croquettes Care of Fat Garnishing for Cold Meat Ham or Tongue on Toast Ham Toast Ham Balls Ham, Boiled Ham Patties How to Preserve Ham Horse Radish Sauce Irish Stew Jellied Shank Jellied Tongue Kidneys, Stewed Lamb Chops Mutton, Boiled Mutton, Spiced Meat Juices, How to Preserve. Milk Steak Meat Pie Mock Duck Mint Sauce Pot Pie Pot Roast Potted Meat Potato Puffs Pork and Beans Pork Pie Pork Pickle for Meat Rissoles Stewed Steak Sweetbreads 38 40 38 39 38 38 38 55 66 43 43 44 49 46 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 41 52 57 58 65 66 57 54 54 53 51 50 44 63 58 58 58 59 59 59 66 48 58 64 52 50 50 59 42 45 47 49 66 46 47 57 57 60 61 60 64 63 45 61 Sweetbreads, Creamed 62 “ Curried 62 “ Baked 6 3 “ Fried 62 Shepherd’s Pie 46 Sweetbread Croquettes 62 Savory Minced Collops 50 Spiced Beef 66 To Make Tough Meat Tender 43 Toad in the Hole 53 Tripe ; 53 Tripe and Onions 53 Tripe and Oysters 53 Tripe and Lyonnaise 53 Tongue, Boiled 63 “ Corned 64 “ Pickled 65 Veal Cutlets 54 Veal Loaf 55 Veal Fillet 54 Veal Cake 55 Veal Fricassee 55 Veal Collops 56 Veal, Potted 56 Veal Cheese 56 Veal, Roast 54 Veal Patties 56 Vegetable Marrow Rissoles 63 Yorkshire Pudding 44 VEGETABLES. Asparagus, Boiled Beans, Haricot Beans, String Beets Beets as Vegetable Carrots, Stewed Cabbage, Boiled Cabbage a la Francaise Cabbage, Ladies Cauliflower, Boiled “ Baked “ with Sauce Celery, Stewed Celery, Stewed with Cream Corn, Boiled “ (Green) Pudding " Oysters Cooking Terms Shortly Explained.... Egg Plant Frioles Conpuestos Mushrooms, Broiled Mushroom Omelet Mushrooms and Eggs Onions, Boiled Onions, Baked Parsnips Papas Kellenas Peas, Green Potatoes tt Potato « tt tt tt tt tt Fried Sweet . Puffs Rolls Fritters Hashed Lyonnaise . . . Drying Baked Scalloped . , . , 76 78 78 72 72 75 74 75 74 73 73 74 79 79 79 80 80 68 73 78 80 80 80 71 71 72 69 72 69 71 70 70 71 70 70 70 69 INDEX 277 Relish 78 Slaw, Hot 74 Squash, Baked 76 Squash . . . . 73 Saratoga Chips 69 Spinach 76 Succotash 79 Tomatoes, Baked 77 “ Browned 77 “ Scalloped 77 “ Stuffed 77 “ To Peel 77 Turnips, Boiled 75 Browned 75 " Scalloped 75 SALADS. Beet Salad Boiled Salad Dressing. Cabbage Salad Cabbage (Sweet) Salad Chicken Salad Dressing for Salad.... Dressing for Salad. . . . Dainty Salad Fruit Salad Garnishing for Salad. . Lobster Salad Mayonnaise Sauce . . . Potato Salad Salmon Salad Shrimp Salad ........ Salad, How to Mix... 83 85 82 82 83 84 85 82 83 81 84 85 82 84 84 81 CATSUPS. Currant Catsup . . Crab Apple Catsup Grape Catsup .... Mexican Catsup . Mushroom Catsup Tomato Catsup . . Tomato Catsup . . 88 88 87 87 88 86 87 PICKLES. Apple Pickle (Sweet).... Beets Cauliflower Chow-Chow Currants, Spiced Cucumbers Cucumbers, Green Cucumbers, Ripe French Pickle Grapes, Spiced . Gooseberries, Spiced India Pickle Mixed Pickles Mustard Pickles Mushrooms, Pickled Onions, Pickled Pickle Plums, Pickled Quinces, Pickled ........ Tomato (Green) Pickle... Tomato (Sweet) Pickle .. 96 90 90 95 97 89 . 90 250 94 97 97 91 93 92 95 94 94 96 96 93 96 Tomato Chow-Chow 94 Spanish Pickles 91 Sweet Pickles 96 Watermelon Pickle 250 SAUCES. Bengal Sauce 98 Celery Sauce 99 Chili Sauce 99 Chutney Sauce 99 Tomato Mustard 98 Tomato Sauce 98 EGGS. Baked Eggs 101 Curried Eggs 102 Cooking of Eggs 100 Devilled Eggs 101 Egg Patties 101 Omelet, Bread 103 “ French 103 “ Jam 104 " Reliable 103 ** with Bacon 103 Panned Eggs 101 Poached Eggs 101 Poached Eggs on Toast 100 Pickled Eggs 102 Savory Eggs 101 Scrambled Eggs 102 Scalloped Eggs 102 Steamed Eggs 102 TOAST. Buttered Toast 105 Cream Toast 105 French Toast 105 French Toast with Pears 105 CHEESE. Cheese 108 Cheese in the Oven 107 Cheese Omelet 107 Cheese Straws 108 Cheese, To Toast 106 English Fondue 107 Macaroni with Cheese 108 Steamship Dish 106 Welsh Rarebit 107 PUDDING SAUCES. Caramel Sauce Ill Creamy Sauce 109 Duchess Sauce Ill Fruit Sauce 109 Foamy Sauce 110 Fruit Pudding Sauce Ill Foam Sauce Ill Hard Sauce 110 Molasses Sauce 110 Pudding Sauce 110 Sauce for Pudding 109 Sauce for Light Pudding 109 Whipped Cream Sauce 110 Wine Sauce Ill '278 INDEX JELLIES. Angel Cream 140 Coffee Jelly 139 Fancy Jellies 137 Fruit Jelly 138 Gelatine Jelly 137 Gelatine Snow 139 Lemon Jelly 138 Orange Jelly 138 Peach Jelly 139 Ribbon Jelly 138 Tutti Frutti Jelly 138 Wine Jelly 140 PUDDINGS. Amber Pudding 125 Apple Dumpling 117 Apples, Iced 127 Apple Pudding (Dutch) 126 Apple Charlotte 126 Apple Float 127 Apple Pudding, Baked 126 Apple Pudding 127 Apple Betty 130 Bakewell Pudding 128 Bird’s Nest Pudding 126 Bread Pudding with Cherry Sauce. . 129 Bread and Butter Pudding 129 Baked Pudding 129 Brown Betty Pudding 129 Baked Bananas 131 Blanc Mange 132 Blanc Mange, with Strawberries.... 13 2 Blanc Mange, with Fruit 133 Christmas Pudding 114 Carrot Pudding 115 Cabinet Pudding 116 Chicago Pudding 117 Cherry Pudding 120 Cup Pudding 119 Cottage Pudding 123 Crab Apple Pudding 127 Cream Pudding 125 Cocoanut Pudding 128 Cocoanut, Corn Starch Pudding 128 Cherry Puffs 131 Cold Pudding 133 Curds and Cream 134 Charlotte Russe 135 Chocolate Pudding 136 Date Pudding 118 Delightful Pudding 119 Delightful Pudding 125 Devonshire Junket 136 Fig Pudding 118 Fig Pudding 115 Fig, Custard Pudding 133 Fine Pudding . il8 Fruit Pudding 118 Fruit Pudding, Steamed . . . . 117 Gwger Pudding 117 Gipsy Pudding 129 Graham Pudding 117 Haggis 112 Haggis 113 Hint; on Puddings 112 Tc\ Bidding . , , ., 134 Lemon Pudding 116 Lemon Pudding 124 Lemon, Cream Pudding 124 Light Pudding 120 Marmalade Pudding 115 Marmalade Pudding 116 Molasses Pudding 119 Meringue 121 Maniocci Pudding 122 Moonshine 136 Nellie’s Pudding 116 Orange Pudding 123 Plum Pudding 113 Peach Pudding 130 Puff Pudding 130 Prune Pudding 131 Prune Pudding 133 Prunes, Dishes of 131 Quay Pudding 118 Queen of Puddings 120 Rice Pudding 120 Rice Croquettes 120 Rice in Cups 121 Rice Plum Pudding 121 Raspberry Pudding 130 Steam Pudding 119 Spiced Pudding 118 Suet Pudding 119 Sago Jelly 134 Sago and Apple Pudding 121 Sago Pudding (Old Fashioned) 121 Sponge Pudding 131 Sponge Pudding 134 Snow Drifts 135 Snow Pudding 135 Snow Souffle 135 Teetotallers’ Christmas Pudding..... 115 Tapioca Pudding 122 Tapioca Cream 122 Tapioca and Orange 122 Tipsy Parson Pudding 125 CUSTARDS. Boiled Custard 141 Cup Custard 141 Custard Cream 142 Mountain Custard 143 Orange Custard 142 Steamed Orange Custard 14 2 Solid Custard , 142 TRIFLES. Apple Trifle 144 Pineapple Trifle 145 Trifle 144 CREAMS. Bavarian Cream 148 Bavarian Cream with Candied Fruits. 149 Banana Cream 149 Caledonian Cream . 146 Cream Meringues 149 Devonshire Cream 147 Lemon Cream 150 Spanish Cream 140 Swan’s Down Cream,...,,, 146 INDEX 279 Swiss Cream . . , Velvet Cream . Whipped Cream 148 147 147 ICE CREAMS. Coffee Ice Cream Ice Cream * Ice Cream with Gelatine. . ! . Lemon Ice Orange Sherbet WWW Pineapple Ice Cream Sherbet Strawberry Sherbet Vanilla Ice Cream Watermelon Ice 152 151 151 152 152 151 153 153 151 152 PIES. Apple Custard Pie Apple Pie (Dutch) Biscuit Pie Cream Pie Chocolate Pie Cherry Tart Cheese Cake Fruit Pie Fig Pie Florentines Lemon Pie Lemon Paste for Tarts.. Lemon Cheese Cakes. . . . Matrimony Pie Mince Meat Puff Paste Pastry for One Pie Plain Crust for One Pie Pumpkin Pie Peach and Apricot Pie.. Pineapple Pie Pyramid of Paste Raisin Pie Suet Crust Under Crust 158 157 157 157 157 160 160 158 159 159 156 160 160 157 161 154 155 155 158 159 159 159 157 156 155 BREAD. Bread 164 Bread Sticks 164 Brown Bread 165 Boston Brown Bread 166 Brown Loaf 166 Entire Wheat Bread 165 How to Use Flour in Bread Making. 163 Hop Yeast 167 Prize Home-Made Bread 164 Quick Bread 164 Whole Wheat or Graham Bread.... 165 Yeast 166 SANDWICHES. Cucumber Sandwiches 169 Devonshire Cream Sandwiches 169 Date Sandwiches 169 Ham Sandwiches 168 Lettuce Sandwiches 169 Mincemeat Sandwiches 168 Nasturtium Sandwiches 169 Rolled Bread and Butter... 179 MUFFINS. Breakfast Muffins 171 Cornmeal Muffins 172 Lapland Cakes 172 Luncheon Muffins 172 Muffins 172 Sally Lunn 171 Yeast Muffins 171 BUNS. Buns 173 Soft Buns 173 ROLLS. Breakfast Rolls 174 Coffee Cake 174 French Rolls 174 Keeping Dough 175 BISCUITS. Baking Powder Biscuits 178 Cornmeal Cake 177 Drop Tea Cakes 176 Drop Brown Biscuits 178 Farina Gems 176 Graham Gems 176 Gems 176 Graham Biscuits 178 Ginger Biscuits 178 Hot Biscuits 177 Light Tea Biscuits 177 Pop Overs 176 Tea Biscuits 177 WAFFLES. Made Syrup for Pancakes 184 Waffles 184 SCONES. Buckwheat Pancakes 182 Barley Cakes 182 Breakfast Cakes 183 Crumpets 18 2 Dropped Scones 180 Dutch Method of Buckwheat Cakes.. 182 Flannel Bread 182 Highland Scones 179 Oatmeal Cakes 181 Oat Cake 181 Oatmeal Ginger Cakes..... 181 Potato Scones 180 Pancakes 182 Rice Griddle Cakes 183 Soda Scones 179 Scotch Scones 179 Scones 180 Sweet Pancakes 183 FRITTERS. Apple Fritters 185 Cherry Cakes 187 Elderberry Blossom Cake 187 Fritters .. 185 Fritter Batter 186 280 INDEX Peach Fritters 185 Rose Tartlets 186 Rose Tart Shells.. 187 Spanish Puffed Fritters 186 Trifles 186 Vanities 187 CAKES. Almond Cream Cake 199 Almond Cake 205 Almond Bread 205 Angel Cake 203 Angel Food 203 Berwick Sponge Cake 205 Baltimore Cake 213 Cake Making 189 Christmas Cake 190 Chocolate Cake 196 Chocolate Cake 197 Chocolate Cake 198 Chocolate Marble Cake 197 Cocoanut Cake 198 Cream Cake 198 Chantilly Cake 199 Caramel Cake 202 Corn Starch Cake 206 Confection Cake 208 Combination Cake 208 Cinnamon Cake 210 Clove Cake 210 Coffee Cake 211 Cake Without Eggs 214 Composition Cake 214 Delicate Cake 206 Date Cake 210 Dried Apple Cake 213 Elsie’s Cake 192 Excellent Cake 214 Economical Cake 215 Fruit Cake 190 Fruit Cake, Light 19 2 Fruit Cake 191 French Cream Cake 199 Figs in Cookery 209 Fruit Shortcake 212 Gold Cake 207 Gingerbread 211 Gingerbread, Soft, with Nuts 211 Gingerbread, Soft 212 Hickory Nut Cake 204 Hazel Nut Cake 204 Huckleberry Cake 213 Ice Cream Cake 201 Ice Cream Cake 202 Jelly Cake 196 Kelly Island Cake 212 Lemon Cake 200 Lemon Johnny Cake.../ 201 Loaf Cake 208 Love Cake 211 Lily Cake 214 Minnehaha Opke 195 Marguerite':, Layer Cake 195 Marl 'e Cake 208 New York Cup Cake 213 New Year’s Pound Cake 19 2 A! ut Cake 203 Qran r Cake 200 Plum Cake 190 Pound Cake 192 Pork Cake 19 4 Plain Cake 19 5 Park Street Cake 196 Peel Cake 210 Rosehill Cake 19 5 Raisin Layer Cake 196 Raisin Cake 210 Roll Jelly Cake 196 Rice Flour Cake 214 Scotch Bun 19 3 Shortbread 193 Shortcake 194 Spice Cake 194 Spice Cake 209 Sponge Cake 205 Snow Cake 206 Spanish Bun 209 Seed Cake 211 Strawberry Shortcake 212 Tilden Cake 214 Velvet Sponge Cake 215 Vanity Cake 213 White Fruit Cake 192 Watermelon Cake 202 Walnut Cake 204 White Perfection Cake 207 White Cake 207 Wedding Cake 191 ICING AND DECORATING CAKES. Almond Icing 217 Apple Filling 220 Boiled Icing 216 Caramel Icing 218 Decorative Icing 217 Filling for Cake 218 Fig and Nut Icing 219 Ice Cream Icing 218 Icing for Cake 218 Icing with Cream 219 Lemon Frosting 217 Lemon Filling 219 Maple Cream Icing 218 Prepared Lemon for Tartlets 219 Rapid Frosting 218 Whipped Cream Filling 220 Walnut Icing 219 DOUGHNUTS. Crullers 230 Doughnuts 230 Fried Cakes 230 Fried Cakes, Hard 231 Shavings 231 COOKIES. Almond Squares 223 Almond Shells 223 Ammonia Cakes 227 Bachelor Buttons 222 Barrie Sponges 225 Bran Cookies 228 Brandy Snaps 229 Cinnsjttpyi Sticks 223 IHDEX 281 Cinnamon Cookies . . . Cream Puffs Cocoanut Puffs Cocoanut Fingers . . . . Cake Sandwich Christmas Drop Cakes Cookies Chocolate Wafers . . . . Date Puffs Fruit Jumbles Ginger Cookies Ginger Drops Ginger Snaps Graham Wafers Hickory Nut Jumbles. Jumbles Kisses Lady Fingers Macaroons Oatmeal Cookies Patty Pancakes Rock Cakes Scotch Cake Sponge Drops Sugar Cookies OATMEAL. Delicious Gruel Gruel How to Cook Oatmeal . . . . Porridge Porridge, Milk DRINKS. 227 223 224 224 225 226 226 228 224 221 227 228 229 228 222 221 222 224 222 228 226 226 225 225 226 233 232 232 232 232 Tea, Russian 237 Tarragon Vinegar 241 Unfermented Wine 239 FRUIT. Apple Jelly 247 Apple and Grape Jelly 247 Blackberry Jam 244 Canning Season, The 242 Crab Apple Marmalade 249 Citron Preserves 244 Grapes, Preserved 243 Dundee Marmalade 248 Grapes, Canned 242 Lemon Marmalade 248 Marmalade 248 Orange Marmalade 248 Pears, Baked 250 Pears or Peaches, Canned 242 Pears, Canned 242 Pears, with Ginger 244 Plums, Preserved 243 Pineapple, Preserved 245 Pineapple Marmalade 249 Pumpkin Marmalade 249 Peach Syrup 250 Quince Preserves 245 44 Jelly 247 “ Marmalade 249 Rhubarb, Canned 243 “ and Pineapple 245 “ Marmalade 249 Red Raspberries in Currant Jelly... 247 Strawberries, Preserved 243 Secret of Jelly 245 Tomato Preserve 243 Boston Cream Cider Coffee, Boiled “ A Word About.. “ A Cup of Cocoa Chocolate Cream Nectar Chili Vinegar Celery Vinegar Dandelion Wine Ginger Beer Grape Wine . . Horseradish Vinegar ... Kaoka Lemon or Ginger Nectar Lemon Cream Lemonade Patent Coffee Pot Pop ; Raspberry Vinegar Rhubarb Wine Strawberry Shrub Strawberry Acid Tea 237 CANDIES. 240 Butter Scotch 251 234 Chocolate Creams 252 234 Chocolate Fudge 252 235 Cream Chocolate Caramels 253 235 Cocoanut Candy 253 235 Creams 254 237 Cream Candy 254 240 Cream Taffy 256 241 Cough Candy 255 239 Date Creams 252 238 Fig Candy 254 239 Foundation Cream 255 241 Maple Cream 251 236 Maple Sugar Candy 251 237 Maple Cream 252 238 Nut Candy 254 238 Orange Creams 254 235 Peanut Nuggets 255 239 Russian Taffy 256 238 Sugar Chocolate Caramels 253 239 Sugar Candy 255 237 Sliced Cocoanut Candy . ... 254 238 Salted Almonds 256 236 Taffy 255 r* r INDEX COOKERY FOR THE SICK. SIMPLE CURES. Arrowroot, to Make Arrowroot Pudding Barley Water . Beef Tea ...... . Beef Essence Beef Balls Chicken Broth “ Soup “ Panada ** Custard Drink for the Sick Drink for Invalids Delicate Scrambled Eggs Dessert for the Sick. . . . Egg Coffee Egg Nog For Very Weak Invalids For Chronic Indigestion. Koumiss Lemon Cream Lemon Egg Nog Meat Paste Rice Jelly Scraped Beef Scotch Egg Tapioca Jelly Wine Whey Wafer Biscuits , Wine or Invalid Jelly..., Win# Soup 261 261 257 258 258 259 260 260 260 262 257 257 260 261 257 262 257 259 263 258 263 259 261 259 259 260 258 261 262 262 Bites, etc . 261 Bruises and Swellings 2<»4 Cholera and Diarrhoea 264 Cuts and Bruises 264 Cold 264 Cosmetic 267 Chilblains 266 Dropsy 266 Golden Ointment 265 Hiccoughs 266 Hypophosphites 266 SIMPLE CURES. Ingrowing Toe Nail 266 Liniment for Croup 265 Liniment for Rheumatism 265 Lime Water 267 Lumbago, Cure for 266 Rheumatism, Cure for 265 Sciatica, Cure for 265 To Whiten the Hands 266 Very Good Liniment 265 Warts 264 USEFUL HINTS. Useful Hints Pages 268-273 RECIPES my ou)n ty tLsU. ^ & 6 _ "tc trvJt 'Jsurti 7 ! c-ruAJ , c 7 j AjLL , a ^ Y if%uA- sCAM^kA. ^ ^ ia^aZ 7g7