StlPPER Second l^aptist Qbui^cb WEDNESDAY, FEB RU ARY EIRST, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ My First stands for Company, My Second shuns Company, My Third calls a Company together, My Whole entertains Company. CONUNDRUMS. 1 Why is Holyoke like an old pair of trousers'?' 2 What has Mr. Page that he did not want, but now that he has it, would not part with it for untold riches? 8 With whom do the Mermaids flirt? 4 Put an edible grain ’twixt an ant and a bee, and a much loved Poet you’ll quickly see. 5 Who was the straightest man mentioned in the Bible? G What members of our church make and mend for first-class customers? 7 What families in our church cannot be dis¬ pensed with ? 8 What is that which has a head, but no body, yet goes everywhere, and is admitted into all society. 9 What person is mentioned in the Bible, name not given, who died as no other person ever died; had a shroud such as no other person ever had, the material of which is in com¬ mon use in every household? 10 What is the great desire of one of our young men ? 1 1 If one member of a colored family should die, what would the rest of the family do? MENa. J—A well dressed Irish family. 2—Intoxicated Bovine * . 3—Unruly Member. 4—Right from the Press. 5—An aged but well oiled vehicle. 6—Fruit of the Loom. 7—What most people need. 8—Something well beaten. 9—Delight of .the Orient. ] ()—Boston’s (iverthrow 1 1 — Spring’s Offering.