v' C <;•> GEORGE R. E O R G E the Third, by the Grace of God, King of G f £ eat J nta ' n * France and Ireland, Defender of the taith, &c. To all to whom thefe P relents fall come , i greeting: . . M*** f John RiviRgton, of St. Paul’s Church -Yard, tn Our City of London, Book feller, has by his Petition humbly reprefented unto Us, that he has for Sixteen Years paft at a very confiderable Expence, with great Pain' ¥i,V%£ tum * annuall J compiled a book, intituled The COURI AND CITY. REGISTER; which hath been executed with jo much Correanefs as to give general Sa - 'isJaSion to the PurchaJ'ers thereof. The Petitioner being defirous of reaping the Fruits of his sixpence and Labour, and enjoying the Profit and Benefd that may arijefrom printing and vending the faid Work , U i\ * hat We nx30uld gracioufly pfcafed to grant Our Royal Licence to him for the foie printing, pub- Wtng, and vending of the faid Work for the Term of totirteen Years, according to the Statute in that Cafe made ZlTit l ? t’ h tbefe Pre f ents > at f ar «’ ™y be agreeable to the Statute mthat Cafe made and pro- dded, grant unto him the faid John Rivington, /-« F th? C rTZ- A t dmmJlr frT t and A $S ns > 0ur Scene* for s f? le e t tnt1 ”E> pnbhjhing, and vending the Paid Work tor the Term of Fourteen Years, to be computed from the Date hereof fftrifily forbidding all Our SubjeSs within r a i w ^ CAJ Our Our Kingdoms and Dominions , to reprint or abridge t fame , either in the like or in any other Volume or Volum *whatfoe, rw, an l iieObt I L tfj-m rRxy viand, r ICIi &** iUILV mi Ft tamer Tuejd @be %ixt 1 j CtJition of the COURT and CITY REGISTER. For the Year J765. Corrected to the 16th of March. CONTAINING, L Ncw and Correa LISTS of both houses of parliament. II. The COURT REGISTER. III. LISTS of the ARMY, NAVY and all Public Offices, Hospitals, &» j. w^yY";-!' f-'- R r“T' ™ BCou.ns, iaV/^ 1 ' Cbanr.g.trofs j an .... Co > ir t ibid. African Committee 260 Agents , 9 , 22 i [ON. n Pan Pa^iu'l be hat Aldermen, Court of — 1-3 Antic. Affitr. Office— 261 Antiquary Society — 2 - 0 Archdeacons _§ Army i 7 6. Sec. Artillery Regiment — 189 Afylum jj lor Sa'e of Priees 22* Com. Council ofJ,ondcii2’,9 Commons as called over z- Commons alphabetically Comptr. of the Army ,80 Con.'uls _ _ [Q ; Cornwall Dutchy - 9 ,. Counties and Boroughs as called over 1 ,,, --alphabetically 69 Auditors of Land-Tax, 1 1 - Bank Baronets of England— " Nova Scotia 171 — -Uho are now Peers ib. St. Barthol. Hofpital — ip Bedchamber, King's — 7s ~ Bifhops, Engliffi -1 ,c lrifll 144. Court of Chancery , , , •King's Bench - — ij$ •Common Pleas — , , 7 •Exchequer Cuftom Houle „ ? Deans - '+ S 4 Dividend Days after Water tnens Rates ^oftors Commons. I2 , DrawmgRoom intheTower 9 !in l \ ke ° f Y ork ' s DfficersIcr — of°w"£" ””f »; yortsoificm.;; 97 IS'^, A o r ffice°^l = » 3 r— - uic i\avy — 205 txCile Office Chancellors of Diocefes 83 Fees to Offic^T^ 7 Chaplains in Ordinary » f I “ l(£r( > : Charter- houfe JH 2 I ^W^ge of Been, K „ *- ^ 2 — — — -Ser?r*qr»f of a ... jr~hellea Hofpital ; 1 thrift's Hofpital | -ollar Days , T „ -;Spijcant at Anns—** ■19 3 jMeld Offic. of Marines 180 *5 3; blazers to the Court ot | Joilege o 7 phyficians— 245 Fir/SiOffiS 8 Z 1 * 8 Eib >« - ;; m I N Garrifons in Ireland — Minorca & Gibraltar ih. General &FieldOffic*rs 1 76 Generals on the Irifh Effa- bliflwnent 192 Gentlemen Penfioners — 95 Sr. George’s Hofpital 254 Great Officers of State, fa- cing the firjl Page of Peers Greenwich Hofpital — 225 Grefliam College 250 Gay’s Hofpital 254 Hackney Coaches 135 Hanaper Office — 1 1 4 Haml-in-hand Fire-Of.262 Haflar Hofpital 232 Hawkers and Pedlars 1 36 Heralds College —104 Holidays, 262 Hofpital for French teftants Houfe of Peers -Commons Pro- *54 1 Jludfon's Bay Comp. Jewel Office - *3 J mgr eft Office- 260 —11 Ju dices for Walee- King's Counfel -1 1 3 -1 20 - ib. Knights of Garter- Bath — -105 — ib. - Thiftle- -106 -121 Lancaffer Dutchy - - ■^County Palatine — ib. Land Forces — — 1S4 Lieutenants, Navy 2 1 1 London Hofpital — -25 * 1 London Affur. Office 262 1 Lord Chamberlain and Of- : fleers — 7j j Lord Lieutenants — 23 - 1 Lord Steward and Officer* jl of the Houfliold 91 || St. Luke's Hofpital *—25; | Britifh Lying-in Hofp. tr Brownlow-ftreet — ib. Magdalen Hofpital — 25? Marlhalfea Court 122 Mafter of the Horfe and, Officers 9: Mailers and Commander* in the Navy Meffengers -209 Middlefex Hofpital — 255 j Militia of London — 243 Million Bank 26c J 781 — MinifterspublickabroadioS I Foreign . — 109 I Mint 244 J Mulick 78 | Navy Office -229 Navy Slop Office 234 I Navy, Royal 199 I Officers of Peers y facing frj\ . Page of Peers . of Commons Ordnance, Civil — Military- -195 \ 197 - 88 , Lieutenancy of London 242 Lock Hofpital 256 Oxford Univerfity Pay of the Army 174 Navy — — 223 Paymafter General — 194 Pay-Office, Navy Peers of England air' ' Scotland — *57 -i*.. I N D E X. Peers of Ireland — 141 Six-penny Office 1 1 _ PeerefTes j6 S mall -Pox Hofn fV.M r.,,k PeerefTes Pipe Office- xao Plantation Governors anc Agents z 4 Plymouth Hof'pital 232 Poll Office — -i2o Pollage, Table of -132 Preachers at Whitehall 88 Prebends 37 Pr.of Wales &Pr.Fred. 100 Prince Henry and Prince Frederick’s Eftablifh. 101 Pr. Dowager of Wales ib. Princefs Amelia’s Off. 104. Princes of Europe 14.7 — —Deaths of ditto — 160 Privy Council 73 Privy Seal 10 3 Profeflors at Oxford — 89 Small-Pox Hofp.Cold Bath Fields and Ifli n g ton 2s6 Society for promoting Chri- ftian Knowledge 251 — for propag. tlieGofpelz 5 2 ■——for Encouragement of Arts, Manufaft. &c. 264 South- Sea Company — -co StaffOfficers of Gr.Brit. 1 9 1 Stamp Office — 1 34, StateOfficcrsin Scotland 140 in Ireland — 146 Summary of Commons 7 a Sun Fire Office — 2 6 t ■at Cambridge 91 Queen’s Houfhold 99 Rangers and Keepers — 80 Rank between Land and Sea Officers —192 Regifler Office of Deeds in Middlefex — -120 Robes, Mailer— ——77 Royal Chapels 81 Royal Society 2+ 6 -Exch. Infurance Salt Office 261 •222 Secretaries of State — —107 Serjeants at Law i 20 Sick and hurt Seamen, and _ Prifoners of War— 226 Sick and maimed Seamen in Merchants Service 2 56 Signet Office 108 Sion-ColJege ... —247 Superannuated Officers and Widows charged on the Navy I 2I7 Tally Court j 19 Tax Office - ■ --- Tenths Office — — 120 St. Thomas's Hofpital 253 Trade and Plantations iio Treafurer of the Chamb. 99 T reafury IIO Trinity Houfe 222 Tru flees for Fiffieries in Scotl and 1 40 Vi< 5 lualling Office 233 Union Fire Office — — 263 War Office —19+ rdrobe, great 81 -removing 77 WatermensRates,'»/..£6m^> Weftminiler Court 243 Fire Office 263 Weftminfter Infirmary 254 Widows and Children of Clergymen 249 Yeomen of the Guard— 94 \b\, cii rgbamjhi re , Cumberland f Cbejbnty Camb' & Hunt ' Cornwall* De'vonjhircy Dorfujbiriy Derby pjtrc^ £J‘x, Glouceft rfloite t lltr'J ,rdjbirty }I rcf'.rdjh.rcy Kent , Leicefte r JbirC y L'ncolnjhirty Monmoutbjhrty Wort burnt** land, K r rbampiunjbt / Yorkjhire , Breccriy Carmarthen) Ca*digan y Carnarvon y Glamorgan , Pembroke^ Radnor, The SHERIFFS of the fevgral Counties, appointed by his Majesty in Council, for the Year 1765. B:rkfhire % X Ohn Archer, of Welford, Efq; Bedffrdjhire^ R'chard Edwards, of ArlrFy, Efq; William Backwell, of Caldecor, Efq; Samiel lrr» n, or Iiton, Efq; The Hon. John Smith Barrv, E r q; Thomas C »ckayne, of Scharr, Efq; William Chti chil, of Rtdruth, Lfq; Paul O chard, of Ha.tl.ind, Elq; % John Pinney, of Black D 'Wn, Efq; Jofcph Greivrs, of Alton, Efq; S r W. Mildmay, of Mnulfhim Hall, Birt. Rt. Dobbins Yate, of Brom (borrow, Efj; B by L»ke, of St. Margarets, Efq; W.lliim Vafton, of Lcorr.infter, Efq; St Richard Betenfon, of Bracbjrr.c, Bart. Amb. Saunders, of Stoke Golding, Efq; Thomas Williamfon, of Allington. Elq; Sol. Jones, of Landile BerthoLy, Efq; Mathew Forftcr, of Bolton, E q; John Harper, of Burton Lattimer, Efq; W. Wigget BuJwer, ot Wood Dalling, Efq; William Ellis, of Thrroton, Elq; Arthur Annefley, of B etchingdon, Efqj William La *rence, of Prefton, Efq; John Topp, of Wbitton, Efq; Paris Taylor, of Borcot, Efq; John Hodgetts, of Preftwocd, Efq; George Golding, of Thorington, Efq; Sir Edward Hulfa, of Brenner, Bart. J. Hughes the Younger, of Banned, ^Efq* Samuel Leevcs, of Puiborcugh, Efq; Robert Child, of Upton, Efq; Edward W.nwcod, of Lindridge, Efq; Benjamin Adamfon, of Kemble, Efq; Sir Thomas Wentworth, of Bretton Bari O U T H - WALES. Owen Evans, of Pennant, Efq; William Rees, of Laugharn, Efq; Thomas Evans, of B aengwenog, Efq; lohn Griffith, cf Cefn-Amwich, Efq. Richard Calvert Jons, of Swanfta Efq * John Francis Myrrick, of Bufh, Efq- * Sir Hsns Fowler, of Abby Cromhire, Bart. Vbe Rates of Watermen. F Rom London -Bridge to Lambeth and Vaux-hall on either fide From Whitehall to Lambeth and Vauxhall From the Temple, Dorfet, and Black Friars Stain or Paul’s Wharf, to Lambeth Over the Water diretfly from any Place be- tween Vauxhall and Limehoufe Rates of Oars Down the River. Rom London to Grave fend Grays, or Greenhithe Purfleet, or Erith Woolwich Blackwall Greenwich, Deptford From London-Bridge toLimehoufe, New Crane, Shadwell Dock, Bell Wharf, Ratcliff-Crofs To Wapping Dock, Wapping New and Old Stairs, the Hermitage, Rotherhithe and Church Stairs From StOlave’s to Rotherhithe Church Stairs and Rotherhithe Stairs From Biliinglgate, St Olave’s, to St. Saviour’s Mill From all the Stairs between London- Bridge and Weftminfier Over the Water direttlv between London-Bridge and Limehourfe, for the next Scullar Rases of Oars Up the River , Cheliea, Batterfea, Wandfworth Putney, Fulham, Barnes-Eims Hammerfmith, Chifwick, Mortlack Brentford, Ifleworth, Richmond Twickenham Kingfton Hampton Court Hampton -Town, Sunbury, and Walton Weybridge, Chertfey S fanes Wind for l < !• h O 2 i l 1 1 } loo 060 Payments of Dividends and Transfer Days at the Bank, South-Sea, and India Houfes. Name. Rank Stock — 1 Reduced - - - - — 4 per Cent. I'6}. —4 per C. Navy 1763. • — 3 perCent. Confolidated — — 3 and half per Cent — 3 and half per Cenr — 4 per Cent Confolidated — . Lor g Annuities — South-Sea Stock -Old Annuity* — — -New Annuities Days of T ransfer. Hours of Transfer from Divid.whendue ^ " Tu. Th. and Fr* 9 to 12 LadyD.&Mich. g * Ditto - - - - Ditto Ditto Wednefday andSaturday Ditto Ditto L ditto — — Ditto Ditto - Mon.Tu. WedTh.&Fr. Ditto Midf. & Chrift. > WednefdayandSaturday Ditto Ditto 9 Tuefday and Thurfday Ditto Ditto $ Mond. Wcdn.andFriday Ditto Ditto Mon.Tuef.Thurf.Fnd. Ditto Ditto WednefdayandSaturday Ditto Ditto - Mon. Wed. and Friday 9 to 1 Ditto - Ditto - - - - - D ;to LadyD.&Mich. - Tu* Thurf. and Sat. Ditto Mid.&Chriftm. tuefday and Thurfday Ditto Ditto - Tuef. Thur. and Sat. 9 to 12 Ditto 9 • Mon. Wedn. and Frid. Ditto LadyD.&Mich.| Hours of receiving Dividends from to 1 1 & i to 3 Ditto Lady-Day, &Mich Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto . Ditto 9 to ii Ditto Ditto Ditto 9 to 12 & 3 to 5 Ditto India Stock — Annuities Homoays. There is not any Bufinefs tranfafted on the Days following, viz. jin. t 6, iS 2 r 10 . —Feb. 3, ?4 ; — Mjrch i, 2 5 ;_April2 3 , 25, 26;-Mayi. 29 i —June 4, „, *4, 29:— July 2 e;- A"guO X, 12 ., 24 i Sepr. 2, 21, 22, 29;— —Oil. 18, 2;, 28; Nov. 1, 4, 5, 9, 3 o ; — . \A/ C j 2I /u 25 ’ z6 ’ 17, 5 8 >~ Sh,0 ^:^ ue ^*y' A(h -jy cdnel ' da y. Good-Friday, Eafler- Monday, Tuefday, ani WeHni'fday ; — Alrenfion-D.iy, Whitfun Monday, Tuefday, ai,d Wednefday. JV. B. Ike Bank do not keep Nov. 17th, and two or three more of the abtrve. Saturday after i, excepted. New and Correct lists Of Both Houfes of the Twelfth parliament Of GREAT BRITAIN- Sumraon o d n njr % r tM ' F ° mh «o„", “ h the AlT£ ^tions that have happened to the 1 6 th of March. n According to Barter King at Arms’ Lift of the Houfe of Lorft, and Tcji-Roll of the Houfe of «• AL5ft 0 ftheLORDfspi AINlNG> ritual and Temporal, with the Pofts they hold under the Government ; theTitles of their Eldeft Sens, their ” WUCIt oens, tneir Countiy Seats, and the Dates of their refpedtive Creations. *" An Alphabetical Lift of the Houfe of Peers, with their Town Residence annexed, J* A Lift of the Co unties Bob ovghj,^. i n the Order they are call’d over in the Houfe according to the Teft R 0 1] ; with ^ Names o t the Members re- turn’d for each, the Place they poflefs, and their Coun- try Seats. .An Alphabetical Lift of the Member 8 of the Houfe of OO JVI fVf O Ns, the Place C ‘ 0fcn for ’*ri their Kefidence m Town. J. An Alphabetical Lift 0 f the Counties pities ^ Borough,, With the Paget where their Reprefentatives are to be found j and feveral other ufe^l Particulars and Di- whole° nS thr0u 6 hout t** , . . _ . LONDON: nnted for John Riving ton, I. Jouir,, rrr L. Ha w r ,, w. Ct a r K and R. Co t l in s R 4*?i Y° N * G. Hawk, ns, P.Stevens, T.Caslon *C RitT 1 "* ton, E. and C. Dilly, T-Robson M • IN6 ’ J. Wa l t ir, and B. C»ilins. * M * r ichard s on, Great Officers vcho precede DUKES. ^ipv R, Thomis Seckrr, Lord Archbifop of Canterbury. J^L'Robert, Earl of Noithington, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. £i Dr. Robert Drummond, Lord Arcbbxjbop of York. fg John Ruflell, Duke of Bedford, EorJ Prefident oj the Council. ^George Spencer, Duke of Maryborough, Ltid Privy Seal William Talbot, Earl Talbot, as Lord Steward of bit Ma - jejlft Houfhdd, And 1 Granville Levefon, Earl Gower, Lord Chamberlain oj bit Majefty'* Houjhold , precede all Earls . Clerks and Officers of the Houfe of PEERS . Afhley Cowper, Efqj Clerk of the Parliaments. Jofeph Wight, Efq; Clerk Afliftant, Matthew Robert Arnott, Efqj Reading Clerk and Clerk of the Private Committees. Mr. Maclay, Clerk of the Journals. Mr. Samuel Strutt, Copying Clerk. Sir Septimus R’obinfon, Knt.Gent-Ufher of the Black Rod. Robert Quarme, Efq; Yeoman Ufher. Door-Keepers. Mr. Cox, Mr. Copeland, Mr. Dermis, Mr. Cokram, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Sutherland, and Mr. Leuzan. House -Kfc e pees, Mifs Blackerbys % Mf. Robe, Keeper of the Stool-Room. Pirentd ", Mr. Ubaok. heeffiary Woman, Mrs. FliOcfon FEES due to the Clerks and Officers of the Houfe, upon the Introduction oj' a Peer, or upon bis being ad- vanced to a higher Dignity . A r. d. •AN Archbifliop A A Duke A Marquis An Farl — — A Vifcount A Bifliop A Baron *7 *7 19 H 12 14 9 o o o o 6 S o o o o o o o o AT. b . A Bifliop is not to pay Fees upon a Tranflation, unlcfa it be to the Sees of Canterbury , York , London, Durban or Winton* 1 f 1 Fa E$. Itrbury, *"{r tf Caml, Sul >ii Mj. I I i til ERS. Clerk of RIDER ' s g&erlin : For the Year of our Lord God * 7 6 5. Being the Firft after Bissextile or Leap-Year. ;k Rod, ' >®i I Otfcl 1 it}* ! l. >.l 0 1 0< 61 oe os 6 01 9 c ‘ Adorn d with many delightful and ufeful Verities, fitting all Capacities in the Iflands of Great Britain's Monarchy, WITH Notes of Hufbandry, Fairs, Marts, High Roads, and Tables for many i neceffary USES. J Compiled for his Country’s Benefit, By Car dan us Rider, f C .> D O A .■ Printed by H. W oodfall, For the Company of Stationers.. [ Pries Stitch’d Nik 2-pence. January hath xxx'i Days* 1 2 3 4 5 6 / 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 - 2 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a b c d e ■Fj g a b c d e F g a b c d e F g a b c d e F g a b c i Circumcifioit Old Chrifl,-Day Epiphany Plow-Monday Lucian, Pr. & M Oxf. Term beg. Old Twelfth Da; Char. Birth Da (kept Sun, aft.Epiph Agnes, Vir.&M ViDcent, D.&M Term begin* Conv. of St. Paul K. Cba.I. Mart, 2M34 9A24 3 4 * IO 24 5 0 I I 26 6 ic Morn. 7 13 0 25 8 4 1 21 I) Rifes 2 *3 5 A13 2 58 6 3 1 3 30 7 49 3 5 « 9 6 4 38 Mo 26 5 5 1, Hilary 5 4 ' Morn. 6 27 1 1 1 7 >9 2 40 8 23 '*4 10 9 42 F 5 38 1 r 2 ♦ 6 50 0 A 22 j 7 42 1 3 ° D Sets 2 32 5A38 3 1 2 7 4 3 43 8 25 4 *3 1 9 39 4 47 10 54 5 18 . Morn. 3 55 0 7 6 39 1 22 7 28 2 3 'j 8 28 3 49 * 9 34 Sharp frofty Wea- ther. Cold, wet, and windy. Cam.-T. begins More mild and tempe- rate. Windy, but moltly fair. Obfervations on ganuarp , 1765 Fu i Moon the 7th Day, at 6 in the Morning Laft Quarter the 14th Day, at 6 at Night. New Moon the 21ft Day, at 10 in the Morning.! Firil Quarter the 23 th Day, at 10 at Night. D ©RiOS ~ f 10 1 12 T *4 ie 17 18 *9 2C 2 T 22 23 24 2 9 3 9 3 ®|3 7 3 6 3 ► 2 I O 59 58 56 55 54 52 5 i 5 ° 48 47 45 44 42 40 39 F. :4 35.4 34.4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 5 ° 57 58 59 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 r 3 15 16 18 20 21 Tn this Month uncover the Roots of Trees, and cover with Dung the 1 Roots of new-planted Trees, to°pre- vent the Froft from injuring them.‘ Cut all dead Branches off Fruit 7 rees. Plant Quickfets, and clcanfc Trees from Mofs. Sow Creffes, Muftard, Radilh, Letuce and other fmall Herbs, in warm rich Soil. Sow Hotfpur Peafe, put frefh Fartn to ycur Sage, Thyme, ard other fweet Herbs. Tranfplant young Fruit Trees, prune Vines; trench and foil Ground for thei Spring. Let not Blood, and ufe no PhyJ lick, unlefs there be a Necefiky : t ,Fat often, and avoid tco much Sleep. •O 26 7 2 * 4 z* A 2 Febru ary hath xxviii Days. Holy -Da vs and Other Remarks . Punf. V. Mary Septuag. Sunday a Agatha, V.&M. b SexagelimaSund. a Term ends _ b Old Candl. Day * 4-1 c Valentine 15 d I 16 c Shrove-Sunday »9 a 2C b 2*1 { 7 ! 2 5j g ; a ; 2 v | o 1 2S i c Shrove-Tuefday Alh-Wednefday i Sun. in Lent Ember- Week 0 39 I) Sets 3 'i l igh Wea- >. Water ther. 4 io A 4c ■ Sharp 9 ti 47 Air Morn. and 4 o 4' frofty •C | 39 Wea- 8 2 30 ther. 8 3 S B 3 33 9 4 3 3 4 3 6 5 1 3 Windy, 2 4 59 with] 3 6 57 Snow, 3 8 5 or 4 9 27 Sleet. 3 io 5-3 2 c A 9 ? 1 10 2 4 Mode- 2 47 rate, ; 3 18 for the 1 3 46 Scafon. ' 4 1 2 atthias 5 »9 6 1 Wet 6 53 and 7 53 ' windy. | Obfervations on jfdijuacp, 1765*. Fuli Moon the 5th Day, at 1 1 at Nig he L.a;i Quarter the 1 3th Day, at 3 in the Morning. New Moon the 19th Day, at "i 1 at Niphr. Firil Quarter the 27th Day, at 7 at Nig at. DOR » 7 2.7 £9 3 ' 7 2 - 26 os 4 3C In this Month remove Grafts of former \ ears Grafting. Cut and * 5 1 ! ay Quick Sets. Vines may be 4 34 : Panted the Beginning of this Month, 24 14 36 and Fruit that grows on Bunches. i 2 4 38 Set all Sorts of Kernels and fuong 4 4 ° Seeds. 4 4 2 4 44 20 18 16 *c|7 r4l4 4 5 'V 12 7 11 ! 4 49 >3 '7 *4 |7 >5|7 16:7 >7 7 18 5 J 4 •> 4 U S° w on ^ady Borders the Seeds 12 14 48 of Polyanthus. Sow Beans, Peafe, n 4 49 Corn Saliad, Marigold, Annifeeds, 9 4 5 1 ! Radifhes, Parfnips, Carrots, Onions, 7 4 53 Garlick, Beets and Dutch Brown l\l ” Detuce. Set Ofiers, Willows, and j <4 59 '.other Aquaticks. Rub Vlois oit ! , 59 3 i j Trees after Rain. Girt oft Cater- 10 6 57 3 3 pillars from Quicks and Trees, and 20 6,55 j r iu - •' i 21 1 6 53 '5 j 22 ! 6 5- . 5 i 2 3| ,£> 5° ! 5 10 i 2 4 6 48 j 5 12 0 46 5 14 6 44 5 16 6 42- 5 1? 6 40; 5 20 6 3 s . 5 22 5 burn mem. 7 8 2 5 26 27 28 20 Be fparing in Phyfick, and Jet not Blood without abfolute Necel- fity, and be careful of catchin? Cold. 3 March hath mcxi Days. 1 1 d David 2 e Chad 5IF jz Sun. in Lent 4 : g i 5 a p. Hefl'e born ibf 7! c Perpctua 8 d 9 e io F h Sun. in Lent 1 1 1 2 *3 >4 16 i <8 *9 20 21 22 23 a Gregory 7 F Midlent-Sunday ~ g a Pr«. Lou. Anne b. b Equal D. and N. Penedift c d e 24 iP 2 5 26 27 28 2 9 o 5‘ 5 Sun. in T,ent Lady -Day Camb. Term ends Oxf. Term ends F PaJm-Sunda-y 3M42 9 A c ' Mild 4 30 10 ) 1 1 ar.d 5 7 »' if tempe ? 32 Morn. rate 5 50 0 ^'ea- 6. f > 1 IC ther. D Riles: 1 59 7 A 1 4; 2 42 i 8 40 3 •5 1 10 10 'j 3 47 " 39 1 4 2C Rough Morn. 5 5 Winds, 1 10 5 5 2 and 2 3 * 7 1 fre- 3 35 8 1 1 quent 4 >9 9 32 Show- St. Patrick ers. 5 n [ I 5 < 5 2, ° A 4 c 5 3; 1 3 f D Sets 2 2 1 Windy, 7A33 2 55 and 8 49 3 24 feme 10 5 3 52 Wet. 5 . of York born 1 Morn. 5 1 0 34 5 42 Mild 1 38 6 33 and 2 31 7 32 i tempe- 3 12 8 37 rate. 3 4 i 9 45 ubiervations on i 7F5T f u;i Moon the 7th Day, at 1 in the Afternoon. Lait Quarter the 14th Day, at 10 in the Morning. . ew Moon the 2 lit Day, at 1 in the Afternoon, f'lril Quarter the 29th Day, at 3 in the Afternoon. dor os . z 6 3 S 3 22 2 . 6 36 5 44 3 6 34 5 4 fc 4 6 sa 5 43 5 6 30 5 3 ° 6 6 28 5 3 * 7 6 26 5 34 8 6 24 5 3 - 9 6 22 5 2 8 10 6 20 5 4 ® U 6 18 5 44 12 6 16 5 44 x 3 6 14 5 4 3 x 4 6 12 5 4 8 J 5 6 10 5 5 ° 16 6 8 5 5 2 *7 18 6 6 S 4 S 54 5 5 6 2 9 ,6 2 5 5 8 2 C 5 c 6 c 2 1 5 5 ? 6 2 22 5 5 6 6 4 21 nJ 5 54 6 6 » 5 i 6 8 25 5 5 ° 6 jo 26 3 4 8 6 12 47 5 46 6 14 aS 3 44 6 16 29 5 42 6 iS 30 5 4c 5 20 3 * 5 3 8 i 6 22 All Works in the Garden direc- ted to be done laft Month, m u ft be hniflied in this : All Sorts of Graft- ing may be done this Month : Prune Neftarines, Peaches and Apricots. Set Slips of Sage, Rofemary, Lavender, Thyme, &e. Continue to fet Willows and 0- ther Aquaticks. Spring Quarter htgint on the 20 tb Day of March, at 8 in. the Morning. Sow Pcafe, Oats and Barley, and a'fo ail Sorts of Grafs Sscds. Purge and let Blood : Eat r.o grofs Meats. A 4 4 5 3? *9 ‘ 3 ° 4 Obfervations on at 4 in the Moraine. Quarter the 2 gth Day, at 8 in the Morning. , ,^ 1(; h the Farmer and Gardener "nis is the bufieii Month in the t> 30 ! vv ^°^ e ^ ear 5 f° r R ow uhatfoever 6 32 1 \ ou have a mind to plant cr Tow. the ! ^ 34 " ar "h is fit to receive. Hough your j 35 parrots, Rad hhes, Onions, fjfc. fet < ! 3 / French- Beans, plant Aiparagus, fe- ^ ] P 3ra ^ e the Layers of Artichokes, and 43 F ant ^hree cf them in one Hole. 45 Plant Garden Seans, Round va] and 47 other large Peafe to fucceed other, «! Crops. Plant Slips of Sage, Roe,; 5-5 *ofemary, Lavender, CSV. Sow ali & 55 r’ 0rts °- f ballad Herbs, and Spinape! 6 57 ! in moift Places for the jail i~ime. b 58 Sow Turnips, and all Sorts of Cab- 7 * kaSC-Letuce, and tranfplant Cos and j 4 , e ‘ ia Fetuces which were Town ; 6 iaft Month. It is now a good Time • 7 to bleed and take Phyfick ; abriair • 9 from much Wine, or other ftrono J 1 Liquors; they will caufe a FcrmeiS 7 15 !. n )' oar Flood, and ruin your Con 7 16 ; ititution. 7 rS ' A r A May hath xxxi Days. 1 b 5 . Phi], and Jacob 2M56 1 1 A 7 -■ * * 2 c 3 £ Morn. Fair, 3 d Inv.of the Crofs 3 21 0 7 and 4 e 3 .35 1 i plea- t 4. Sun. aft. EalUr 1) Riles 1 55 fant. 6 g 'St John, A„P.L. 10A 4 2 5 ° 7 a I 1 2t 3 3 2 8 b Mom. 4 •4 9 c 0 27 5 6 lc d 1 7 5 59 Wind I ! e 1 33 6 5 & and 1 2 i Rogation-Sunday Old May-Day fome '? g • 2 6 1 8 55 Show- 1 4 a 2 18 i 9 5 6 ers. >5 b 2 28.10 16 c Holy-Thurfday Q. Charlotte bo. ‘7 d (Ja C J t.- : ’ 0ur Ground ; look well to c 7 r, y our Sheep, if the Weather proves 8/7 52 1 ' vet « for of a Rot. The Blood and Humours being now in Mo- tion, we mull: be careful to avo d eating Salt, ftrong or Hale Meats } fat People mull avoid ExccfscfLu quors of any Kind. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i o 1 1 I 2 13 1 4 *5 16 17 18 *9 20 21 2 2 23 24 2 5 z6 27 2S 29 3 ° June hath xxx Days. Tiinity-Sunday K. Geo. III. bo. Oxf, Term beg. Corpus Chr.lti Term begins i Sund. aft. Trin Frs. Amelia bo. St. Barnabas 2 Sund. aft. Trin 5 t. Alban, Mart. rr. Edw. K. W. S. Longeft-Day 3Sund.aft.Trin St. John Baptift St. Peter and Pau I 4 Sund. aft. Trin. 1] M53 Morn. 2 >4 0 29 1) Rifes 1 34 39 10 A 9 2 IO 59 3 z6 | I 1 32 4 7 I 1 54 4 54 Morn 5 3 » 0 9 6 26 0 22 7 1 4 0 33 8 5 0 4 2 9 0 0 55 9 57 1 9 10 53 1 24 1 1 5 ° 1 45 0 A 43 2 J 5 1 34 D Sets 2 27 9 A 47 3 6 IO 15 3 38 IO 35 4 8 IO 5 1 4 43 1 1 4 5 16 1 1 16 5 54 1 1 27 6 39 1 1 3 / 7 27 1 I 51 8 26 Morn . 9 34 O c 10 47 O 35 Morn. I Qbfervations on jftme, 1765. Full Moon the 3d Day, at 5 in the Afternon. La It Quarter the 10 th Day, at 10 in the Morning. New Moon the 1 8th Day, at 1 1 in the Morning. Firil Quarter the 26th Day, at 9 in che Morning. 1 x D ©R OS| Sow Broccoli the Beginning of this Month for a fecond Crop, i ranfplant Sellery for blanching ; tranfplant Cabbage and Savoy Plants for Winter Ule. Sow Kidney- Beans and brown Dutch Cabbagc- Letuce for a late Crop. . 57l8 3 5^:8 3 55 8 3 55 j 8 3 54.8 3 53 8 7J 53 8 8 3 52 ; 8 3' 4 5 ! 6 ! 9 10 11 1 2 '3 »4 1 5 16 171 18, *9 10 21 22 2 3 1 24 25 1 26 27 * 28' *9 I 3° i 3 5 i 8 3 5i 8 9 3 50 8 io 3 50 3 Jo 3 50 8 3 49 1 8 11 3 49 8 11 3 48 8 12 3 48 8 12 3 48 8 12 3 48 8 12 3 47 8 13' 3 47 8 13; 3 47 8 13 3 48 3 : 12! 3 48 S 12 3 48 8 12 3 48 8 12 3 48 8 12 3 49 8 11 3 49 8 11 3 50.3 ic Gather fuch Herbs for drying as are now in Flower, and let them dry leifurely in a fhady Place, and not in the Sun. Sow all Sorts of finall Sallad Herbs every three or four Days. Keep your Garden free from all Sorts of Weeds, for they fpoil whatever Plants they are near. Weed your Corn, and fow Rape, Cole-Seed, and Turnip-Seed 'Ihe Summer Quarter begins tbt 21 ft of June, at 7 in the Morning. Cooling Sallads, as Letuce, Sor- rel, Purflane, t$c. will prevent too great a Perfpiration, and throw off feverifa Diforders. July hath xxxi Days. Comraenc, c Tran. St. Martin d Cam. Term ends 5 Sand. aft.Trin. g Oxford Ad beg. a )xf. Term ends 6 Sund. aft.Trin. Svvithm iM 13 2 10 D Rifes 9 A 49 oM 7 1 2 3 18 26 1 Old Midf.-Day 10 23I 4 29 Tho. a Beckct 10 45 Margaret 7 Sund. aft.Trin Prs. Car. Mat. b. St. James 5 t. Anne 8 Sund. aft.Trin. i° 55 11 8 1 1 24 1 1 42 Morn o ic 0 4 9 1 39 2 42 D Sets 8 A5C 9 8 9 2C 44 28 1 2 •* 6 7 8 9 ! O I I 0 A 1 1 1 59 2 44 3 *7 3 46 4 >2 St* Mary Mag. >9 29 3 ° a Dog Days begin 31 b I 9 42 9 54 10 9 10 32 11 3 I! 49 5 6 o 6 51 7 5 ' 9 8 IO 33 Morn. 11 57 o $6j Morn. 2 23 1 1 9 Fair, and hot Wea- ther. Hot and fultry, and fome Show- ers. Fre- quent Show- ers, aerhaps Thun- der. Fair, and hot. Obfervations ob I 765. Full Moon the 2d Day, at Midnight. Lall Quarter the 9th Day, at 10 at Night. New Moon the 1 8th Day, at 1 in the Morning, rifit Quarter the 25 th Day, at 4 in the Afternoon. D OR os I 3 5° 3 10 2 3 5i |S 9 3 3 Si ;8 9 4 3 5 Z 8 S 5 3 5 2 8 8 6 3 S3 l 7 7 3 53 8 7 8 3 54 8 6 9 3 55 8 5 10 3 56 8 4 11 3 57 8 3 1 2 .3 58 3 2 *3 3 59 8 1 14 4 C 8 0 J 5 4 I 7 59 lb 4 2 7 58 >7 4 3 7 57 18 4 4 7 56 19 4 5 7 55 *0 1 4 6 7 54 2 F 4 8 7 52 22 , 4 9 7 5* 2 3 4 10 7 5° 24 4 12 7 4 8 2 5 4 13 7 47 zS 4 15 7 45 27 4 16 7 44 28 4 18 7 42 29 4 19 7 4i 30 4 21 7 39 3' 1 - Sow Turnips and Onions to (land the Winter; as alio Carrots, Cole- worts ar.d Cauliflowers. Keep your Garden clean from Weeds, and do not negleft to weed in this Month your new-planted Quicks. t Gather fuch Seeds as are ripe, as a’fo Flowers, and dry them in the Shade, and then in the Sun. Forbear fuperfluous Drinking. Ufe cold Herbs. Shun boil’d, fait and ltrong Meats, and abftain from Phyfick. August hath xxxi Days* Cl s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ° ij F 2 g 3 a 4 ^ |jl e F| 9 g a b 20 21 22 C 23 l d 24 25 26 2 ~ 28 29 e F| S a b c d Lammas Day g Sund. aft.Trin Transfiguration St. Laurence 10 Sun. aft.Trin Pr. Wales born Aflumpt.B.V.M. Pr. Frederick bo 11 Sun. aft.Trin 31. e St. Bartholomew 1 2 Sun. aft. Trin St. Auguftine Decol.St.J. Bap*. J) Rifes 8A25 8 39 8 50 9 9 14 9 28 9 46 to 10 IO 45 8 29 Ps.Brunfwickb O.L.mmas'Da)' Morn. 11 45 1 40 2 55 1) Sets 7A31 7 42 5 2 4 8 20 8 39 0A42 4 6 io 45 Vlorn. o 2 3 1 3 2. V. ') Rifes! 1 7A 2! I 32 time. 2 2C 2 5 6 3 26 3 53 4 24 ! :wind, 5 1 and 5 4 2 fome 6 38 Show- 7 45 ers. 9 7 10 32 1 1 1 5 ' Morn. Fair, 0 and 1 5 ' plea- ! n c* 39 ! fant. wmmmmmrmmmmmmm Obfemtions on 3urutf, 1765. Full Moon the iff Day, at 7 in the Afc>, p' r .f f ( y 2,rerthe - 3 d D *Y> at hltKi ^ 0000 Il'i Moon the 30th Day, at 4 in the Afternoon. 0 R j O S 4 24 7 36 4 *5 7 35 10 /I 12 '3 '4 1 16 J 7 18 '9 20 2 1 22 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 aS 7 1; • k° w Cauliflowers, Spinage, O- 3°, -7 30 ' nion3 » Cabbages, Coleworts, Le- 32|? a 8 i S*J Cl f ffeS iir^ hervi1, and CorR ‘ 33:7 27) ballad, for Winter Ufe. Tranf- \l\l a fi pI ? nt J 5 r pccoIi into the Ground, 3 8 1 7 « PbnrVr ,S t0 f £ emaifl *>r lowering. 4® 7 J 2- S,I P 30 ( f Savor /»Thymc,Sage, 4 1 7 19 Hyft°P> Rofemary,' Lavender, Ma- 43; 7 i7jitick, and other aromatick Plante 4 j; 7 J 5| Continue to fo;v Rape Rodin," 1 every Week : thp„ ,«nn ... r 5° 5 2 54 5 6 5 s 59 7 10 7 8 7 6 7 4 7 7 4 59 2 4 : 5 3 <5 57 2 5 i 5 5 6 55 26 ; 5 7 6 53 2 7 15 9 6 51 23|5 ic 6 50 *9 S 1- 6 48 1° 5 14 6 46 V 5 4 44 every Week; they ivillTow foS grow large enough for Ufe. . This Month ufe moderate Diet, 1 fn rb fh r t0 u ^ eep focn after Mca f ; 9 for that brings OpiJations, Head- 7 ther S, m7 U ' S ’ 3nd Calhars » o- ther Diiiempers of the fame Kind. Care ° f fudd£ " Co!d * September hath xxx Days. f n Sun. aft. Trin. . .xjndonb. 1666 . c d 9 10 1 1 1 2 '3 14 - l 16 17 IS •9 20 e ^og-Days end 8 F 1 4 Sun. aft. Trin. 21 2 2 23 24 e >t. Matthew F 1 6-Sun. aft. Trin. 2 ? 26 29 JO Holy-Crofs-Bay 5 fF 1 5 Sun. aft. Trin. Xambert Imber-Week Giles 7 A 26 7 7 8 8 39 5: 2 C 5 C 3' 3 M 1 2 3 42 4 4 6 9 44 21 6 Nativ tf.V.M. it 32 Morn. o 2 44 2 20 3 4 37 D Sets 6 A 22 6 36 9 10 18 0 A 1 5 1 5 Wind, and fome Show. er$. ,6 1 1 1 2 53 18 ! 3 3 4 4 54 ! i. 6 ' •> 1C. Geo. III. Or, 5' 3 : 8 39 ic 53 42 4 6 c St. Cyprian d FfySun. aft. Trin. g ,St. Jerome 11 22 Morn, o 51 2 1 8 9 10 '9 34 11 4: Morn. 44 o 3S 3 6 1 28 St. Michael D Rifesi 2 5 2 Pica- fan t Wea- ther ; a latter Spring. Prilk Winds, but modly I x fair. Wet, and windy. Obiervations on feeptcmter, .1765. Laft Qaarter the ^Day, at 6 in theT^W.' . >8,6 42 5 22,6 S r PIan * Liquorice Roots about two * 2 i £ 36 ij;oot afunder, in a mottiih Earth l It 6 It I w- Art, Sj o! [ es » and ■■ . Sow w <«« >"d ; 32 6 28 y e ‘ Lut Quicks towards the End >34626 0r c “ e Mon-n. J 36 6 24 J 386 22 5 40*6 20 ) 4i (6 19 i 43(6 17 5 45 ! 6 15 5 47 : 6 13 5 49 1 6 of the Month. Sow Parfnips and Carrots in a free open Air, and moiftifli Soil. Remove and fet Slips of Flowers. , Rovvs of Strawberries, and Bar- nerriec. Autumn, or Harveft -Quarter t be - 2zd °f September, ar o i» the Afternoon. J LV>* October hath Tfxxi Da yp I a Renngius 6 A 1 1 3IVJ25 2 ‘b 6 3c ' 3 $4 Mode- 3 c 6 59 ) 4 2i rate 4 d 7 35 5 7 Wea- 5 c 18San.aft.Trin. 8 2 } 5 5 C ther 6 F ■ Faith 6 43 for the 7 8 g a i° 36 ' 7 4s Seafon. 9 b ,St. Denys Morn. 1 9 48 IO c pxf.Cam.Tcrm beg. Old Mich. Day 1 1 d 2 24 tl 4 J I 2 e i9Sun. aft.Trin. 3 42 ° A 34 High •3 F 5 1 1 22 Winds, M S I) Sets 2 9 and *5 a. 5A C 2 52 fre- 16 b c Sthcldred l 2c ' 0 2 3 29 4 7 quent Show- 18 d St. Luke 6 5 r 4 56 ers.. *9 e 20 Sun. aft. Trin. 7 ? 49 20 F 9 *7 6 52 8 1 2 1 g UrfuJa 10 45 More 22 a Morn. 9 9 mild 3 3 b 0 1 2 10 15 and 24 2 5 c d K. Geo. HI. In. 1 3 6 Crifpin 11 15 Morn. tempe- rate. c 26 e K. Geo. III. Pioc. 4 >5 5 3 t 0 11 F 21 Sun. aft. Trin. 0 58 C& p* St. Simon & Jude P Rifes 1 43 Wet, 29 a i 4A4C 2 31 and 3 ° b 5 3 3 6 windy, l 3 * c 5 36 3 39 Obfcrvations on October, 1765. L a ft Quarter the 7 rh Day, at i in the Morning. New Moon the 1 4 th Day, at 5 in the Afternoon. F.rlQuartertheziftDay.at r , in the Morning. Ful. Moon t he 28th Day, at 6 in the Afternoon OS It) ! 7 0 40 6 48 5 14 5 12 18 6 50 5 10 7 9 6 52 5 8 20 6 54 S 6 1 21 1 6 56 5 4 22 6 58 S 2 *3 7 0 5 0 *4 7 2 4 58 i *5 7 4 4 5 6 26 7 6 4 54 ( *7 7 8 4 52 28 7 9 4 51 ; 29 7 11 4 49 3 ° 7 73 4 47 3 i 7 14 ' 4 Tranfplant your brown I and common Letuces upon warm Borders, to abide the Winter; fowl all Sorts of Saliad- Herbs upon de- cay d Hot-Beds, fuch as Letuce, CrefTcs, Radiih, Mallard, andSpi-i nage. Earth up Sellery, Chardoons, and the Stems of Broccoli Plants, to j proteft them from the Froft. Make Plantations of the Suckers of Goolberries, Currants, and Raf- 1 jerries. Cut Artichokes with longj Stalks, which you may preferve in the Houfe, by fetting them in Sand. Continue to fow Wheat, fet up your Barley Land, fow Malls fo r j Coppices or Hedge-Rows; plant Quick-Sets and plafh Hedges ; and Avoid being out late at Nights, r ,n foggy Weather ; for a Cold ■y/ got, may continue the whole November hath xxx Days. I 1 d All Saints 6 A 2 1 4M1O1 1 2 e All Soul* 7 i< 9 4 5 ( 3 Windy 3 F 22 Sun. aft.Trin 1. 8 2 - 4 5 3 < 3 open 1 * g 9 3 « 5 6 2t 3 Wea- 5 ? Papifts Confpir. 10 j< 3 7 IC 3 ther. 6 b Term begins Leonard 8 ; J 7 c Pr. Hen. Fred, bo , Morn. 8 5? 8 d 1 21 1 9 5 * 9 e 2 3 / 7 10 53 10 F 23 Sun. aft.Trin . 3 5 5 in 51 1 1 g St. Martin 5 17 ’ 0 A 46 1 Brifk. I I 2 a 6 48 1 41 Winds, 1 3 b D Sets 2 37 and «4 c 4A42 3 22 fome d Machutus S 4 2 4 3 Show- 16 e 7 0 4 . 5 2 ers. >7 F 24 Sun.aft.Trin, tfugh.fc ip. Line. I g 9 58 6 38 19 a 1 1 22 7 33 zo b Edmund, K.&M. Morn. 8 34 Sharp 21 c 0 44 9 3 2 Air, 22 d Old Martin. Day 2 2 10 3c inclina- -3 e St. Clement 3 18 1 1 26 ble to 24 F 25 Sun.aft.Trin. 4 33 Morn. Froft. 2 3 g Pr.Will.Hen.bo. 5 5 £ 0 1 8 26' a 1 7 7 1 8 Some 2 7, D D Rife- 1 . 58 Show- 28 ( c 1 Term ends .4 A 12, 2 4j: ers at 29 < i > 5 S* 3 21 the 20 < " 1 s : St. Andrew J 1 % PrB.Dowagerof — 1 End* * ' ,Walej born Observations on ^obrinbcr, 1 7 6 ;. if 1 Oerter Me s m Da,, u 9 at N, c ht ff Moon ,he 27 ,h Day. .^, , in ' the M - or ' illg- If the Seafon prove mild, you may continue to prune Apple-Tree' * 3^ 5,'^' Standards, Wall-Fruit, or 4 37 ^ (palters ; but you fhould not prune 4 33 (hTu T’ ] f ft R2 ' nS 2nd Fro{ls 1 5/ d ^ hurt r he Trees ' vvhen th e o W° u nds are frefli. 8 6 . Trench your Ground, by laying Crab P T n R c dg ? t0 -elloi s| - f Crab ' Fre f St0 o cks f o graft on ; con- tmue to plant Suckers and Cuttings ! of Coolbcrnes, Currants, and Raf- ’ berries ; make Hot-Beds for Af P a- ragussfel! Coppices, and lop Trees • plant Timber and Fruh-Tr-es if the Weather be open. ’ lf J d % be(l . , P Mck this Month i* 2 5|7 54 4 6 jL 1 , ? xerci ^». warm Clothes, and 25, 7 4 4 w boleforne Diet : But if any Dif- 2 7 5’ 4 3 temper you, fintfh your Phy 3 S « ? 4 4 ^iwf S and f ° refl till ° 1 3 59 ObJc, various on ©CCOlllin-, 1765. !t J '!>« Afternoon. F,r? O,?- ? V 2th Day, at 3 in tie Afternoon. Fv'lMS^h ’u 9 ‘n Diy ’ St 7 in :he M °">- lMoon_the^ 7 thDay, at 6 in the Morning. D ir-tR ends 12. Exc. Ret. Ap. W. day. 2 r 22 2 3 Wedn. 28 29 30 We< n. 4 5 6 Wedn. JO 11 12 T uefd. 24, ends May 20. 22 *3 I 1 *4 Wedn. 2 9 30 M. i Wedn. b / 8 W'edn. *3 14 *5 W T edn. 18 J 9 20 xMond. Trinity-Term begins June 7, ends 26. Mor, of the holy Trin. ^7^ 3 In 8 Days of the Trinity, 9 In 15 Days of the Trill. 16 In 3 Weeks of the Trin. 23 4 10 17 24 5 1 1 18 2 5 7 12 *9 Frid. Wedn. Wedn. 26 I Wedn. Michaelmas- Term begins Nov. 6, ends- 5 Vw. 28. 4 *3 J 9 26 5 H 20 2 7 6 Wedn. 1 5 [Friday. 21 Thurf. 28 1 f hurf. Morrow 0 f All Souls, iWv. 3 Mor. of St. Martin, Jz S Days ot Sc. Martin, 18 l 5 Days of St. Martin, 2 C , A- i. No Sittings !„ W$LZ,.£ k ‘I “"f"’ 3 ay, Midtnmnscr-day, and the 2d of February 00 1 he J: xcbe l uer °P ens e 'ght Days before anv T.™ except Trinity, before which it opens but tour Days. That the firft and laft Days of every Tern- ara fche firft and laft Days of Appearance. * T ® I t l I n tJ '1 A Commaail I of Rider, 1765. Common Notes and Moveable Feafts For the \ ear 1765. February April May May June December 18 Golden Number 7 ! Epadf 10* I Cycle of the Sun F Dominical Leitei Shrove-Sunday Eafter-Dav. Alcenfion-Day Whit-Sunday Trinity-Sunday Advent- Sunday. 17 7 16 26 2 I For the Yea* 1766* F 1 ebruary March May May At ay Nov 1 mber Ot the ECLIPSES in this Year 1765. T H ER E will happen no lefs than fix Eclipfes in this J ear >. vlz « _ tour of c ^ e i > un ) a nd two of the Moon ; in the following Order. 9 I he fad is an Eclipfe of the Sun, on fhe 'nth Dav of February near u at Night j therefore inv.fible in thefe Parts or the vjJobe, ^The fecond is an Eclipie of the Moon, on the 7'h Dav of March, near i in the Afternoon, invifible. J The third Eclipfe is of the Sun, on the 2 1 ft Day of March “lear i in the Afternoon, invifible. * hc^'y ^ ,iliile ^ - Auguft 16th, Afternoon. The Eclipfe begins *Whdle — — . End — — _ Whole Duration Digits eclipfcd — a , The fifth Eclipfe is of the Moon, on the icth Dav of at 4 in the Afternoon invifible. j 7 * The fix-h and laft Eclipfe is of the Sun, on the icthDa. f iytembrr, Bear 5 in the Morning, invifible. ; ® 2 ei Defcriptia $. ; Rider , 1765 A Defer iption of the Four Quarters of the Tear 1765. T FI E spring Quarter begins this Year on the 20th Day of March , at eight in the Morn- ing, at which Time the Sun enters the Equinodiial Sign Aries, making equal Day and Night all the World over. The Simmer Quarter begins upon the 2 1 fl Day of June , at feven tn the Morning, the Sun then en- tering the northern Tropical Sign Cancer , making the longeft Day to all the northern, and the Ihort- eit to all the fouthern Parts of the World. The Autumn , or Harvef Quarter , begins the 2 2d Day of September , at nine in the Afternoon, , the Sun then entering into the Equinodlial Sign Libra, making again the Day and Night equal in all Parts of this terraqueous Globe. The Winter Quarter begins the 21ft Day of December, at Noon ; the Sun then entering into the fouthern Tropical Sign Capricorn , making the fhorteft Day to all the northern, and the longeft to all the fouthern Inhabitants of the World. The D2vj of t Rider , 1765. The Anatomy of a Man’s Body. on t Mor inod all; AD; ienei lakir ihor •nooi ISig equi PGEMINt 5SL1BRA yi-SAGI SNAQUA art gmf ES CANCER & VIRGO SC OR Ttv CAPRIC ■vs/ ^ VIS&'t itothj i tbf Thft The Preceding Diary explained. T H E \ ear, confiftmg vulgarly of Twelve Months, is contained in Twelve Pages, each Month is divided ints Eight Columns : In the iji of which are placed the Days of the Month ; in the fecdbd, the Days of the Wee*, F, being the Dominical Letter for this Year. The third :ontam$ the Feafts Fixed and Moveable, the Beginning ar.d End ct Terms, and other remarkable Days in the Year. The fourth fhews the Time of the Moon’s Rifmg and netting. Th t. fifth fhews the Hour and Minute of High- Water at Lender Bridge every Day. The Jixtb, a Judg- B 3 ment Years finee Ruler , 1765. went of father, ®V, The frvtntb, on the Blank-Side, is Sun-rifing, The eighth is Sun - fetting, every Day in the Year. The ninth Notei of Hu/bandry and Phyfic. A Computation of the ir.oft remarkable PafTages of the Times, from the Creation, to this prefent Year 1765. T H E Creation of the World, according to Chro- nology, is 5714 40T8 3666 2949 2782 28 *»z 2872 2816 2752 Noah's Flood Sodom and Gomorrah deftroyed by Fire The Definition of Troy The Building of the Temple a X Jerufa'em Brute entered this Ifiand The building of London The building of Rome The building of York The building of Cambridge , by Sigi/bert, King of the Eafi -Angles 204 5 The Bible tranllated into Greek by the Seventy Interpreters, at the Command of Ptolemy Phi/a • del plus 2030 Clocks and Dials firft fet up in Churches 1152 Glafing and Building with Stone brought into Eng- land by Bennety a Monk ,c 95 St. Paul's Church burnt after thirty - three Years Labour, 556 London Bridge , finifhed with Stone London- bridge burnt Tiling firft ufed in London A Froft from September to April The hi ft Ufe of Guns Printing firft ufed in England Regiiler Books in every Parifli 55 o 491 386 312 2 66 The 1 Y r.irs n 1 Years fince Rider, 1765 . The Sweating Sicknefs 2 *± The firft Ufe of Coaches 2 10 The laft Firing of St. FauP s Steeple 2C4 A ereat Froft and fudden Thaw, which broke man? bridges icq The Royal Exchange fini/hed 104 A Blazing Star in May jg~ A great Plague, whereof died in one Year, in Lon - 30,578 Perfons 161 Gunpowder Treafon, c, 1605 160 The Rebel Parliament began Nov. 3, 1640 125 King Charles I vilely murdered 1 j6 King Charles II. his happy Arrival at Lor Jon, May 29, r66o 105 Two Comets feen in December and March joi The fad Mortality that followed, whereof died of the Plague, that were taken Notice of, bcfides many others. 98,596 Perfons joo The molt dreadful Fire in Lender, that followed them, September 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 qq The Difcovery of the Popifh Plot £7 Greeny Bury y and Hilly executed for murdering Sr? Edmundbury Godfrey \ The Lord Stafford beheaded The great Comet, December and January 1680 85 A great thirteen Weeks Froft, with a Fair kept upon the frozen Thames g i Duke of Monmouth beheaded, July T5 go K. JVilliarn went to Irelandy June 4 7 j The Trench Plot, and intended Invafion 70 K. James II. (who abdicated his Km. Dec. 18, i6S2) died at St. Germains in France , Sept, 5, 1701 64 War proclaimed againft France and Spain 65 The Uniting the two Kingdoms of England and Scot- ian dy May 1, 1707 King George I. proclaimed The Rebellion at Frefion The Deprivation of the Bifhop of Rocbcfier b 4 Ycau fii.ce 3 * 35 *7 22 20 20 , 1 765. King Gefnge I. died The Bridge from F*/*™ to Putney built Weflminfltr Bridge begun A fplendid Comet, December, January, and Feb. Cape Breton taken by V/atren and Pcpptrel A Rebellion in Scotland and England zo Hie Rebels defeated on Cullcder.-Mcor by the Duke of Cl/ffJ A /**• 1/1 m /V jJa* m. . f V £ -_ . / »9 »7 16 T 5 *3 10 9 9 S -- w.vHkbu wij r.- j, of Cumber Iard y April 1 6, 1746 Peace was figned at Aix la Cbapelle, Off. 7, 1748 Cj /* given up to the French The Bntijh Fifher y erefted J he Old Stile changed Lijbon dertroyed by an Earthquake Angria\ Family and Treafure feized War declared againft aFr^cc, /g, I7<: 6 , Militia Aft pafled J ^ | Count defeated at Lijfa by the King of Pru/Jta 8 . Sen ‘g a h in ^ taken by the Englijb • Capt. A. \ Millar was the firft that palled the Bar ■ Creuelt Viftory obtained by Prince Ferdinand Cape Breton taken by Eojcvwen, Ambcrji, an 678 Sept. 9 665 Aug. 1 630 Dec. 2 611 Oa. 25 576 July 6< > 566 April 6 549 Oa. 19 493 Nov. 16 458 July ? 438 J an. 25 388 June 21 366 Sept. 29 352 Mar. 20 343 Aug. 5 j 3x4 Mar. 4 282 April g 282 June 22 280 Aug, 22 256 April 22 218 Jan. 28 212 July 6 207 Nov. 17 162 Mar. 24 140 Mar. 27 1 1 6 J an. 30 80 Feb. 6 76 Feb. 13 71 Dec. 29 63 Mar* g 5 1 Aug. j 38 June u 5 Och 25 3 D preserve. " e \ E , ve , ry K,D 2 be 8 a n his Reign when the preceding King ended hu. B s a Ge- Rider , 1765 . A Geographical Defcnption of rhe World ; con- j taining Europe , Afia, Africa , and America. Yp U R 0 P E contains in it thefe Countries, Germany , Jilj Swedeland, Denmark t Netherlands , Italy, Mufccrvy, Hungary, France, Spain, Portugal , Poland, Norway , Greece . The rhoft eminent Iflands are thefe, Great Britain, Ireland, Sicily, Sardinia , Candia, Negropont, and Corjica • The greateft Length of this Part of the World is 3000 Miles, the Breadth 900. ASIA , the firft known Part of the World, contain#' thefe principal Regions and Ifhnds, viz. Armenia , Anato- lia, Perjia , AJfyria, China, Syria, Arabia, Mesopotamia , ' India, Japan, Partbia, Media, Palejhne, Chaldea, Tar- T tary . In A F R 7 C A zrc thefe Provinces, vix. Egypt, Bar - 1 Bilcdulgerid , ALtbiopia, Nubia, Congo , AbyJJinia , x Monomopata , Guinea, See. The Iflands, Madagafcar , 5 /, § Thomas , IJlands of Cape Verde, Canary IJlands, Madera . 1 Part of th AMERICA, the fourth Part of the World, and of j the lateft Difcovery, confifteth of thefe two Parts, Mexi- % or North America, and Peruviana, or South Ameri - | c*. The Provinces of Mexicana are iWw Spain, Florida f S -/Wt0 Albany , New England, Nero France, or Canada • The chief Iflands are, Newfoundland and California . The Provinces of Peruviana are, Brafil , Peru , Chili, Firm- Land, Paragua, Amazonia. The chief Iflands of Peruvi- ana are, HijpanioJa, Cuba , Jamaica , and many others. The Dimenfions of that Part of Great Britain called England. T H E Length of that Part of Great-Britain, called England, from South to North, is 3S6 Miles ; the broadeft Place from the Land’s End to Sandwich , is *79 Miles 5 the next broadefl Place, which is between St. David's and Yarmouth in the Eaft, is 240 Miles. The wfvolc Compafs of England is 1532 Miles. G oc A 7 a* r /'j, ;ooo | tains [ !«W* J WJ, Par- [ Rider, 1765. Table of the principal dir eft Roads in Eng- land and Wales, and of federal other Roadi which branch out of thedireft Roads , &c. a^r- ding to the meafured Dijlances. N B. The Figures thus placed 21.5, Sec. fignify Miles and Furlongs } as for Example, from London to St. Alban's *i.j. that is, 21 Miles 5 Furlongs. *. Road from London to Berwick, 339 | meafured Miles, From London to Waltham 12 Miles. Ware 22}. Puc- •endge 27^. Rcyfton 38. Huntingdon 57^. Stilton 60, Mamtord 83. Grantham 104*. Newark ii8|. Tux- a 12 lk Doncafter 155I. Wentbridge r6 5 i Tad- caller iSii. York Mickiegate 192. B>rowbridge 200. ropciift 2ij, Northallerton 22 Qt. Darlineton DURHAM Chcte i„ , he Sir. ,68 ® Newctfe 26 Morpeth 201. Alnwick 310. Belford 323^. Ber- wick 339!. J J4 Another and the bell Road to Stilton is. To Barnet 11. Stilton ”6^' Stevcnage Bigglefwade 46. Bugden 62, 2. Road From London to Dover 71 1 meafured Miles. To Deptford 5. Crayford 13.6. Dartford 16. Chaulk- ftreet2 4 .4. ROCHESTER 29.6. Sittingbourn 41. Boc- ton ftreet 50.4. CANTERBURY 56.2. Dover 71.4. 3. Road from London to Portfmouth, 73 1 meafured Miles. To Wandfworth 6.4. Kingftoni2. 4 . Cobham 20. Guildford 30. Lippock 46.6. Peters field S5 . 2 . Harn- don 62.4. Portfey- bridge 69. Portfmouth 73.4. 4. Road from London to Holy Head 269 \ meafured Miles, To Barnet n. 7 . St. Albans 21.5. Dunflable 34.2. Bnckhi 43.7, Stony Stratford 53.1, Tocefter 60.1. ® 6 Daveatry Rider, 17 65 . Daventry 71.7. Dunchurch 80.7. COVENTRY 0 2.t. % CoJefhiJl 103.5. Litchfield 1 1 8. 5. RugJey 126.2. Stone I40.7 Stableford-bridge 147.4. Namptwich 162.4. Tor- pfrly 172.5 CHESTER 182.1. Harding 189,2. Nor- thorp H4.4. Denbigh 209.2. Abercsnway 229.5. Beau- maris 241.5. Boddedar 260.6. Holy Head 269.2. 5. Road from London to Briftol, 115 | meafured Miles. To Brentford 10.1. Hounflow 12.3. Crlebrook 18.7. Maidenhead 27.6. Twiford 35.2. Reading 4- .2. Theal 44.5. Woolhampton 50.3. Thacham 53.5. Newbury 56.6. Hungerford 69.2. Marlborough 75.3, Cain 88. Chippenham 93.6. Marfhfield 103. Briftol 115.2. 6. Road from London to Aberiftwith, in Com. Cardigan, To Atton 8 Miles, Uxbridge 15. Beckensfield 27. Chopping Wickham 20. TetJworth 45. Iflip 57. Enfton 70. Broadway 91. Ferfhore 103. WORCESTER m, Bromyard 124. Lemfler 136. Preftain 149. Ithon Ri* vci 162. Riadergowy 17 j. Abcriftwith 199. 7. Road from London to Oxford. To Tetfworth as before. See Numb. 6. 45 Miles. Wheatly 50. OXFORD 56. 8. Road from London to St. David’s, in Com, Pembroke* To Maidenhead, fee Numb. 5. 27.6. Henley 35.7. Dorchefter 49.3. Abingdon 55.3. Farringdon 68.5. Barnfley 83.7. GLOUCESTER 102.2 Michael Dean 313.7, Monmouth 127. New-church 139.2. Newport 151.2. Card-iff 163. Cow bridge 175.2. Bridge-end . Burton’s Fer. 197.2 Llanellthy 214.1. Llanfte- phan 227.5, Haverford Weft 254.3. St. David’s 269.5. Another Way from Farringdon $ to Cuencefter 14 m. to Stroud 10, Chepftow 20, Roch and Fount 6, to New- port 6, and is the ncareft Road by 4 Comp. Miles. 9* From ll'f. tone for- Rider , 1765 . 5* From London to King’s Lynn, in Norfolk* To Pnckeridge, fee Numb. i. 27.4. Barkway 35.4# Vor* Fowlmire 43. Cambridge 52. Strctham 65. ELT 69. C4U- Littleport 74. Southcry 80. Down ham 87. Seeching 9^, t King’s Lynn 98 Its, 1 10. Road from London to Lincoln, through Royfton* 8.7, l To Stilton, fee Numb. r. 69 Miles. PETERBOROUGH heal I 76. M. Deeping 87. Bourn 95. Sleaford . LIN - jury | COLN 129. 88, • The befl Pvoad to Lincoln is through Grantham, fee I No. 1, 104 Lincoln 129* 11. Road from London to Wells. IB. 27, j : To Marlborough, fee Numb* 5. 75.3. Devizes 89. | 0Q £ Troubridge 96. Philips Norton 1 04. Chilcompton 115, ii, l WELLb no. 12 Road from London to Derby. To Dunftable, fee Numb. 4. 34*. Wooboume 43!. Newport- Pagnell 53. Northampton 67. Har borough 85, Leicefter 99. Mountforrel 104. Loughborough 107. Kegworth 112. Derby 122 13. Road from London to Norwich. To Epping 17. Hcckerill 30. Chefterford 45. New- 5. '• market 60. Barton-Mills 68. Thetford 79. Attlebo- mi ti ^ough 93. HO RWIC H 108. ott I ■ :r.i * 14. Road from London to the Land’s-End, in Cornwall; k* | : To Brentford 10.1. Stanes 19. Baglhott 29. Hart- f lev Raw 38. Bafingftoke 48.1. Andover 66.2. SALIS- B. t BURY 83.6. Shaftsbury 103. Sherborn 118.4. Crook- »• I. horn 133.2. Axminfter 146.4. Honiton 156. Rockbere 166, EXETER 172.4. Chedleigh 182. Afhburtcn 191. K . Draw. J'» >*• F ^“< *r&±. 5 * SLjSr 15. Road from Oxford to Briftol 16. Road from Cambridge to Oxford. To Ganr.lipgay r 5 Miles. Bedford ,8 m 4 .- 3 - Buckingham 55.4, 6 ' y . SXdTo?" 1 17. From London to Chichefter in Suffer. To Tooting 7 Miles. Ewell ta r «.i,„u c ’ ^ ing 44. Stone. ftreet 30. BillmthuriT^i^l 2 °l ? ark * Arundel 55. Chicherter 66. ? 4 * Amberl 7 S*» 18. Road from York to W e ff Cherter. To Tadcafter q, 6. Thnrnpi. ftal 3 2. Ea!and 40 . Rochdale 55 Eccles^tt' 5 ’ Bur * 66 . Fordfliam 36 . Cherter 106 7 ' VVarr,n 8 t °n 19. Road from Manchefter to Drr .v To Stopford 6.4. Shaucrofs i 7 4 Cur . * fington 39.4. Wefton Cnd. 49 ' ' 4 D er b 2 3 - Bra. t. St . “ibtw; uT '° Not, r hm - ford 47 4. Wellingborough 66 9 'jL t ^ 3 *- 5 - B «d- mgham 83 Uppingham 87 Oakham 3 ‘ Ro ^* bray 104. Nottingham iL. m 94 - Melton Mow- A tiofhtfl' on J a. L t /« ^ ^ ' ^^lu/ignam 120. " 1 — jvjow. To T * * X, t R ? d fr ° m L ° nd0n t0 Scarborough Wjnteringhajn I ' 1 ii I f Rider’s Fairs, 1765. Winteringham 158. Brough, Yorkfh, 159; South Cav« 162. Driffield 174. Scarborough 191. Another and the beft Road from Spittle, as above 5 Brigg 152. Barton 163. Hull 164. Beverley 173. Drif- field 187. Scarborough 208. N . B. From Winteringham to Brough, or from Barton i to Hull, is only crofs the River Humber. *2. From London to Scarborough by the Way of York, To York, fee Numb. 1. 192 Miie6. Malton 212. Scar- borough 235. A Monthly LIST of all the Fixed Fairs in England and Wales. N, B. At the End of this is a Lift of all the Moveable Fairs, fixed to their proper Days for the Year 1765* J ANUARY 1, Charlbury,Wooburn. 10, Cawfton,Dron- field. 14, Lanvenog. 17, Taviftock. 18, BanwelJ, Grampound. 21, Dronfield. 22, Banham. 23, Shef- ) ford. 2;, Bingley, Bodmyn, Briftol, Chefterfield, Church- ingford, Kingtonham, ( Warw.)Leighton (Bedf.) Plymouth, Weafenham, Whittlefea (Ifie of E.) 26. Adwalton. February 1, Reading. 2, St. Blazey, Evefliam, Farring- don, Lifton, Lyme, Lynn Mart, Poulton, Rudland, Salt- afh, Wymondham. 3, Bale, Bath, Bromley, Dereham, Er- s mington. 5, Llannerchymeadd. 7, Cappel St. Sib, How- ; cv. C g, Llandaff. 1 1, Llandyfell. 12, Dorchefter. 13, A/h borne, Beaconsfield, Beaumaris, Bigglefwade, Budworth, ; Camrafs, Cardigan, Devizes, God aiming, Hambledon, Leo- f minfter, Looe, Maidft. Mold, Northallerton. 14, Bidde- ford, Brandon, Flint, Frampton, Headon, Slaidburn, Tut- bury. 18, Long-Prefton. 19, Weldon. 20, Bingham, Nor- thampton, 21, Bingham, Dronfield, 22, Bury (Lane.} 24, Kuler s Fairs, 1765 . , ling ton, kJL'lSft 5:sr c f y Afhh"' , reby> Pock * (E'jcks) Curnarv Derbv F ' ,, 2 5 » '^brittle, Burnham chelJ, OundJe, Pi'vmpton’ ^TaT’ If L,anerilJo - ^nfe- field. ympton. 26, Adwalton. 28, Chefier- March i, Aldeburgh, Co I y ford, Seaton 1 Flnrh 4 , Frampton, Craftngton, Stockport nJi, F ' nckam - garron, Wert-Looe. 6, Bund? ^ Trc ' t raw, Blandford Bourn P ? Hingiam. 7, Aber- «3 , M > dr ™' South-Bourn^ s2b» "’tS* (Norfolk) Oakham, Ofweftry ,/ Burnham* 17 , Llangollen. Malmfturv ,8 LLnuTti Cae,rwvth ' thin. 20, Sedbergh, Workfoo ' * 9 , Ru- berth, Philip's N or t on , 2 , Avlfta^B ¥ 0,d > Nar ’ Wrexham, Wcoburn. 2 1 ’ Chrh ’ £ etfo ' d ’ Tipton, * 5 > St. Alban’s, Aft A^idS B ftV 7 ^’ W *■ hilly, Chagford Ear*. P«i g % B,/ho P s -Lydeard, Carp. Henley (Warwickftirel Hr *f Gram P° nd * Great-Chart, Oxbrough, Rudland, Stock porT 'watT^ 3 *’ *! idhurft » Woodfiock, Woodbridge. 26 St A h " 5 l’ , W,gton » Montgomery, Namptwich ri PkT Ab «’ F <*kcnham, (Lancaftire.) 28, Jugiough 7 ; Pat £**» in le Firth, Llangerniew, Srourbndc- W ir 2 9 >Chapel- 31, Durham, Newbridge. g e . Welimgton (Salop), ri- A i >ri i 1 . , J Abergely ’ Hitchin * Lutterworth , a n,u Chefterfield. 4 Nefvn r V , , 3 > A ih borne, Bridport, Budworth Burtor* Pa v°* 9 ^fhburgh, BootJe, Deal! Di tchling,°Doncafter° Elmhanf *01 ^ 3C a ’ CoJnb -°k> Ickweil, Lamberhurft (Kent)Mi c?p e ^ Hai]Aan * ton, Southwick, Tarring Th rik m ’ St Ai Peter S * Plym P* Farringdon, w/ckwaur 6 Wad]ey ^ar Atherftone, Mal m ft ury War*)- am y ’ Ivinghoo. 7 minfter. ’ 12 , Biak ene y Tamwo tV A “ kbur S h > War- fton Dronfield, ij, Beaulieu N^th* 4, Catftreet > Caw- 5 > ceaufieu, Northampton, Slaidburn, Tangley, Hi Ct foi ai: pf w ta 6 , Ca u Rider's Fair 3 , 1765. Tangley. r8, Cattle- Acre, Padftow. 19, Fenny Stratford 20 3 owncon, Stoncy Stratford. 21, Bedford, Che/fc am, Samp- Vd-Peverell. 22, Allechurch. Bury (Lancashire) Newport- Pagnell, PontypooJ. 23, Great Eedwin, Bilfden, Biftey, Campden, Chichetter, Cowbridge, Finchamttead, Gravefend, Hatfield, Holywell, Iron-A&on, Modbury, Noileafe, Saw- bridgewcrth, Staraway, Whitchurch (Hants). 24, Grafting- ton, Orleton. 25, Dronfieid, Afhover, Axmintter, Brach- nell, Burnham (Eftcx) Crowbcrough. Holt (Norfolk) Iron- Acion, KdngVNorton, Lannerchymeadd, Limpfham, Lhn- iegla, Llanrwtt, Loughborough, Luton, Maiden-Bradley Meth would, Montacute, Great Oakley, Pocklington, South- ampton, Stogumber, Toddington, Wark worth, Wigmore. i 6 f Ovingham, Settle, Tenbury. 27, Burrowbridge, Cer- :igy Driudion, Dorttone, Downham, Huifwoithv, Spal- ding. 28, Soham. 29, Newchurch, 30, Chapelin 1 * Firth. May 1, Little BrickhiJl, Burnham (Bucks) Cattle-Cary, Charing, Collyton^ Cullumpton, Fowey, Greenttreet, Har- wich, Hafelmere, Hope, Lancatter, Lantiftent, Laxft«ld, LowettofF, North- Petherton, Penryn, Reading, RuftFord, Shoreham, Stockport, Stonehoufe, Tarperly, Totnefs, Wingharn, Wirk worth, Witterfham. 2, Cleobury- Mor- timer, Coventry, Oldham, Redruth, Stcgprfey, Weft- Haddon. 3, Aldeburgh, Barton Underwood, Broadclift, Bromyard, Cattle- Heningham, Ghard, Colnbrook, Heitf- 3ury, Higham-Ferrys, Highbickington, Poulton, Tidf- well, Tregony, Worttead. 4, Ampthill, Bewdley, Bofton, Brecon, Callington, Cattlecoombe, Chagford, Chedder, Chefterfield, Earith, Elmttead, Frodiham, Gofport, Guild- ord, Harling, Henfield, Hodnett, Ipfwich, Lidney, North- allerton, Northampton, North Duffield, Nutley, Overton, Probus, Shapp, Tamworth, Tenby, Torrington, Wilton, Wooburn, Wooler, Wotton-Baffet, Wrotham. 5, Cax- ton, Chorley, Llanrhiader, Pent raeth- Mon, Tenterden. 6, Amberfbury, Bourn, Brigftock, Buckingham, Caine, Cattle-Town, Chawley, Chipnam, Chipping-Norton, Colef- hill (Staffordshire and Warwickshire) Dunmow, Duriley, Gwthrin, Rider'% Fairs, 1765 . Kniihton H I a!l} ' ad ’ Hunmuiby, Kendall, Kna re/borough, 1 M-et Van-^tn ' S ’ ntu Lla nnerchymeadd, Macclesfield, rough, S a^nd"’ ^ m ’ Pcn5f0rd > Pk ^> ganSa U T '^ H *. Brain’ree r \ A ^mondham. 7 , Talybont. i Kigbley Market 'iTr*?’ P" d,ev ’ Hawa rden, Halmgden, I ■* •fe&sr 9 . h.«: CaerW FrinV S ul Tockin r r n. 10, Allentown, ^rEg.: i L ° Jy , . 1 ,r > A/kri S- CreH.ton. Do-' | Alnwick P a„ ’ Uamdloa, Staines. r 2 , Alfrifton, I Burgh R, r t a r e r Bap J b,,r ' Wefl ’ Bar nfley, Brading, I ton, Corle -Cattle » Coin, Conglf- j ES» | StokeVs.Vff n ?c S f ’ Sm,rh > S'aoftead, St. Stephen’s fler, *s££2 St --f”.Sto w (Clou.) Stroud, sS j rX Aber^venny!’ AruSf 'b ^^^py'RilSn' Newark; Nuneaton K * ’ P artle P 00,e - Holloway bridge, Hav HnlhrJ u kt ’ rcnt ^ 0r< ^} BoJney, Groom- R*. i "”*» (L.„«iKi«/ Peoti ; L«t. Llanfannsti wSsdTSS- “P* 0 ”- ".ndforj. fo - d - s B .X ] '* wick Men, on, Rider's Fairs, 1765. wiclr, Stratton. 20, Rickham, St. Udev, Wellow, Wick- ham. 21, Afliborne, Blackburn, Culmftock, Eaft-Church, Hatherlcigb, Limberhurft (SulTcx) Seliinge, Spotty, Tre- caftle, Weldon, White- Smith. 22 Abbots - Bromley, Dua- flable, Maenclochog, Ruaboo. 23, Albrighton, Apple- /haw, Braftead, Criccicth, Dirking, Gray?, Gueftling, Hallaton, Prcfton (Kent) S dburv, Wragby. 24, Cor- wen, Huddersfield, KidwtJv, Llanvyll ng, Louth, Marih- field, Tcflinivg, Woods - Cornor. 25, Cuckfield, Sand- hurft. 26, Camel ford, Donniogton, Ma’m/burv. 27, Horftid Kaynrs, Pett, Thaxtead. 28, St. German’s, Newport (Salop.) 29, Ham near R chm nd, New Buc- kenham, Lawhaden, Lhnymyneck, Toiler -Down. 30, Ackh.:le t Ardingley, Cranbro k, Hitchin, Mavfield, Ro- chefter, Toller-Down, Wells, 31, Eaftchurch, Llangollen, Talgaith. June 1, Caifter, Newick*. 2. Dinafrmnddy, Latchington, 3, Carmarthen, Hurft Green, Rye gate. 4, Balcomb- Narberth. 5, Althotne, Milbou rn* Port, Poole (Mont- gomeryfhire) Windfor. 6, B d jam, Dalton, Daventrv, L:nham, Ofiend, Rudgley, Seal e. 7, Montgomery. 8, Raven - Glafs. 9% Steyning, Thorpe near Egham. io, I gham. 11, Amberfbury, Axbridge, Brand an, Chip- num, Chadleigh, Gaywood, Grampond, Lantwitr, Lp- tiook, Me-chinor, Newnham, (G!< uc*fter(hire) Overton, Stanford, Stanton, Stratf. Tolrfham Darev, Wokingham. 12, Bine*-Gr?en, Haverford-W'fl, Prefect. 13, Banbury, Barton (L ncolnfhir e ) Clunn, D v zc<, Hallaton, St. Ne- ot’s, R fs, Whi'tlefea (Ifle of El .) 14, A\lefbury, Hdi'fham. 15, Ma mrngtre', Ramfey. 16, Falkngham, Frogatheath, Polftiad, Wrexham. 17, St. Alban’s Brad- field, Grim/by, Taunton, Thorne. 18, Rothe*sfie!d, Stockland. 19, Howry. 20, Abingdon, Coieford, Maid- (lone, Whitchurch (Hants) 2 1, Aldcbur gh, B.*(hop- Auck- land, Landilos, L’anwift, Newbrough, Workfop. 22, Appledorr, Barcfield, Bettws, Bietch’ngley, Brampton, Broadwater, Burroughbridgc, Cmfs in-Handj Halefowen, Hatherleigh, Havant, Holt (Denbigh/hire) Hornca/l’e, Ledbury, Rider ’ s Fa'irs, 1765 . tWhS) NewpoTt-Paen Nf;Wfa/},e . (Carmar- Wadebridee Wellinotrf %’< ' _e !^- v ’ ^hipftone, Tewk/bury, Alconb Ury %kc Sal. p) 23 Lbndrgia. z 4> «ell, Bridget' B ’o ^ en L ham> Bou f ht ' n > Brad- cheftcr, Debenham Farnha Canewdtn, CoJ- HadJrigh, Hallux KirHi lint > P^nfidd, Glemsford, Ai/e) Moor-Kirk *Much h' L snc ^j ll,e ) Leighton (York- Orford, Preifleien I ” Uch ;. Ha J dh *"». Nfwn > Newton- Abbot, bury, Wallingford’ Weffs^Wrh^^’ Silverton > Sod * H«t, Canvev ffi po AA ^ 2 5’ Bar- leth, Per/Jre 2 , ’ B* ! 'f 2<5 ’ Mach y n - ftftieigh® SiS»?S; ,n c2; b Brad r rd ( J orkrhire 5’ Buck.’ ton, FarAham, Slfcn H n ’l Grcat Clack- don, Hook-N orton ' a R ,° w ’ Hitton > Hodf- field, Llaneernitw’ r / P ' l C andra ke, Langpcrt, Ling- (Kent) Olney, Red’-I vAch^R C h Ma " s , field > Newnham ding, Stafford, Stand, ft’ M*”' *MyUafrdy, Spal- Wadhutff, Watton Wem S ^. bl f g » T ole/bury, Tring, Bradford fYorkWl ! W.nterburn, Witney. J, Thwaite. i Bridgnorth, Buxffead, Harlech! J Iv eichefter, Yftradmyrick. n Falkini’hiJ! r° n ? AA* Wickwater, ty, Whitefmith * a A , 5 e ^? Bhrewlburv, Sput- bank, Wakefield. f’ Afhknr^' n . D , olf 8 eil y, Stag/haw. %, Bi/hop’s-Caftle, 5, B r ^n % B r 3 \ BedfMd » Bev "* Chefterford, Church’ Whitfilw rV^’ Burford > Clieftcr, thorpe, Croydon, Devizes ^ DorchefA^V o ngJet0n ’ Cou * m/nge, Gloucefter, Harieftcne fi Eafin 8would, Ey, at Torringtoo,. Rider's Fairs, 1765. Tonlngton, Tunbridge, UJpho, Underwood, Wainfleet Wakefield, Wareham, Warwick, Wehtock, Winterin’ Woodland. 6, BeJale, Kettlewell, Newcaftle (Stalford/hirej 7, Bovey-Tracey, Brentwood, Brumhill, Chapelin le Firth Kenrnghal], Laycock, Northop, PainpiU, Penryn, Taur.- ton, Uppingham, Whitchurch (Hants). 8, Southwater. 9 > Langadock, Machynleth, UiTculme. ic, Abbotfourv, Afhington, Bala, Blandford, Buckingham, Burniey, Ca*- marthen, Dulverton, Fouineys Ifland, Frodingham, Goda - ming, Grantham, Kolfworthy, Hythe, Knotsford, Lampe- ter, Leeds, Leominfter, Market-Bofworth, Marlborough, Mountforrel, Pembroke, Peterborough, Petersheld, Sr. Peter’s, Portfmouth, Riogsvood, Scotter, Sevenoaks, South- am, Stockbridge, Stoken-Church, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Talgarth, Upton, Wolverhampton, York. 1 1, Iver, Mac- clesfield. 13, Congleton, Eaft Grimftead, Neath, *Swan- zey, Wooburn. 14, Winteringham. 1 5, St. Afaph, Dron- neld. Great Bedwin, Little Hadham, Bury- Green, Prittie- well, Seamore, Stevenage, Twyford, Up-Holland. 16 Burton, Helmfley- Blackmoor, Milklham. 17, Alburi’ Cameltord, Llanidlos, Llanybiddar, Penrice, Putmore- Heath, TopclifF. 18, Albrighton, Atherftone, Banwell, Biddetord, Chipping-Norton, Cirencefter, Denbigh, Emf- worth, Fenny-Stratford, Haverfordweft, Hor/ham, Kirton Moreton- Hamftead, Newcaftle (Carmarthenlhire) Overton* Patrington, Sherborne, Stockton, Tenbury, Topdifl* Wantage, Warrington. 19, Bolton (Lancalhire) Carphil- ly, Clay, ao, Alfreton, Barkway, Betley, Carleon, Hei- ftone. King/bridge, Leonard-Stanley, Rickmerfworth, Refs Tenby, ai, Beeding, Clithero, Corwen, Garrtang, SwafT* ham. aa, Allington, Bigglefwade, Billericay, Chefliam. Dartford, Ely, Frome, Haworth, Kidwely, Monkton, New- ton (Hants) Ramfey, Tetbury, Whitgift. a 3 , Colchefter. 84, Alresford, Harpley, Llaarhiader, Lidd, Milton, Pock- lington, Waltham (Hants). *5, Barnard - Caftle, Beck- hamftead, Bilfden, Briftol, Bromley, Campden, Caftle- Acre, Chelwood, Little Clackton, Derby, Dunwich, Ear- ith, Epfom, Ewhurft, Gifiing, Hockhold, Ipfwieh, Leigh 5 (Kent) Rider's Fairs, 1765. (k'rn) Lmdfev, Liverpool, Luggerihal, Malpas, MidJle- vncb, MiJvfitoi), N ith-Down, Poulron, Reading, Sea • ’ shore nam, Soutn-Reppo, Staple, Stone (Stafford'hue) 1 ipiery -place, Torrington, Totnefs, Trrgor.y, Trew, Trowr- c7 ,, Cat Wakerin ?» Wigmoie, W ilbeach in the Me of t'v, Yarmouth (Hants.) 26, Dronfield, Clare, Haftmgs, Horfmanden, Kirby, Llancliom, Lanfawd, Lew-ton ''Bed- oidihire) Port Down, Sherborne, Tamworth. 27/ Fal- mouth, Newport (Salon.) 28, Leek, Mcnrhinot, Winch- comb 29 , Chailey, Matingley, Wevelsfield. Chil- mark. Hornby, Llamamcn in Yale. 31, Angmenng Bar- ton (Hants ; Betherfden, Cowling, Lanriovery, St. Marga- ret, St. Margaret’s near Marlborough, Odiham, St. Ste- L^ C bridg SUmme ' t<5n> Thalllllon » 31138 Frantion, Uttoxcter, Augoft 1. Brightlingfei, Brookland, Broujhton (Lan- caihire Burnham (No.folk) Chepftow, Cowbridge, Ex- eter, Frampton, Henfield, Lantriflent, Lidford green Loughborough, Newent Northcurry, Ottley, Partney,’ l8 d , : n ' ^t Cerman’s, St. Neot’s, Stogumber, Wif- bech (in e pf E.y)\Vhi-.ehaven. 2, Battlefield, Bridgnorth, Caine, Bowden Chulmlv, Headon, I.kleton, Ivelcheftrr. Kington, Lar.geiidge, Long Cratftarih Magdakn - hill near Winton, Mold, Newark, Norwich, 5 ,ockbury, Ston v- Stratford, Thetford, Wedmore, Wilbech ^ armouth. 3, Daventry, Hitcham, Kingfton. 4, Carnar- von, Earl Soham, E/Iier, Llandegla, Kingffon, Thirlk 5, A tnngharn, Alhron-under-Line, Audley-End, Bicerter. Bofcallle Caftie-Town, Chard, Cheltenham, Chichefter, Doncafter. Dorchefler (Dorfetlhire) Dudley, Ecclelhali wr'Lf'f’h M at f eld B ;° ad -° ak ’ ««*»“• Kirkofl wald Llantechel), Langindairn, Nonhampton, Okehamp- ton, Stamford, S aveidell, Traprton, Thir/k, Wattlelkurv Weftbury (Salop) Wetherby. 6, Baldock, Chertley Eaft A^s Hil i m nay ’ ^° ltW00d > Linfield ’ Rhayadar! S £ MaM-r I' ( , CV,Z m ) 7 i . Howey, 8. Rurfiin, Sbeptor.- Sh,t " al ; ?• Ll «rwft. 10, Allucchurch, Appkkv Afhburton, Deddmgton, DulFryn, Flint, Hawkhu.il, Hoi’ perpoint. Rider’s Fairs, 1765. perpoint, Lanfdown, St. Lawrence (Cornwall) St. Law- rcnce (Kent) Leach'ade, ivleltoa- Mowbray, Membury Newburgh, I'riddy, Snaith, Thaxtead, Waltham St. Law.’ rence, Warminfter. n, Boiton. 12, Banbury, Betiws, Bridford, Carrswrlev, Carmarthen, Crifiingham- Magna, Dunbolme, Dunftahle, Feverlham, Green, Hay, H.ah- worth, H^.rnlea, Linfield, Malting, Newcaftle-upo’n-Tyne, Newton (Lancaflme) Plympton, Sheepvvafh. Shrewibury, Sleaford, Stowmarket, Talybcnt, Treganatha, U.fcu.me, York. 13, Bakewell. 14, Carphilly, Lianufydd, ,Tre- caltie. 15, Attieburgh, Keyn/ham, Lelant,' Li/keard, Market- Wefton, Newport (Monmouth/hirt) Ofweftry, Ot- eery it. Harmon, St. Mary Hill, Stamtordham, Thornbu- ry, Tutbury, Worcerter, Yarlington. 16, Alhborne, Brig, Burgh, Louth, Pentraeth Mon, Tellham. 17, Dmnington, Llanaerfel, Llanfannan, Penyftreet in Trawsfyndd. ig, a- berwmgregin, Beddgelert, Clynnogfawr, Emfworth, Naven- by, P arfuns Green, Settle. 19, Clack, Pwllheiy, Settle. 20, Abergely, Blackmore, Chorley, Moorlinch, Penmorfa, Settle, Weldon. 21, Arundel, Bedford, Cavo, Cheadle, Cre- diton, Farnham, Frod/ham, Harlech, Hartlepooie, Horn- caftle, Hungerford, Kilgarren, Kilham, Llangollen, Ludlow, Martock, Melton- Mowbray, Mwrras, Newburgh, Oundie, Romney, Rugby, Settle, Stroud, Winflow, Wonrord-Eagle! 22, Handtord, reftinivg. 23, Belford, Penmachno. 24, Abbot s- Bromley," Alhby de la Zouch, Barnet, South- Ben fleet, Brachnell, Buckraftleigh, Chipping, C ran borne, St. Decumans, Eglwysfach, Kipmafh, Lee, Loftwithell, Meer, Newbury, Sallcott, Southwould, Wainfleet. 2 c, Barnet, Bingley, Coxwould, Elefmere, Haughlcy, Hermi- tage, Landrake, Lanfaiver, Nefyn, Partney, Ripley (York- fbirc) Watchet. 26, Bampton (Oxroidlhire) Barnet, Bing- ley, Borth, Carlifle, Corby, Eaft-Brert, Wdon, Gi/bo- rough, Goudhurft, Haverhill, Hermitage, Hinkley, Ilmi- fter. Little Driffield, Northampton, Porthaethwry, Pref- ton (Laacalhire) Rhos-Fair, Ripley (Yorkthire) Romfey, Swanzey, Stroud, Tollerton. 27, Bingley, Cerrigy Dm- .^wu> G through, Haulier, Rhayadar, Ripley (York/hire) 2 8, Caw* 1 Rider's Fairs, 1765. iS, Cawfton, Llanerillo. 29, Oveiton, Pa’npill, Philip* Norton, Sampford- Peverell. 30, Linton, Spalding. 31 Wicks. September 1, Gillingham, Marnham, Pontefradb Spittle, Tregony. 2, Hingham, Holywell, Kettle- well, Penkridge, Steeple A/hton, 3. Long-Prefton, Tre- frhiw, Wirkfworth. 4, Aberccnway, Beaulieu, Bright- helmftone, Buckingham, Burnham (Eflex) Burwafti, Cor- It lham, Crewkerne, Egdean, Egton, Firmingham, Framp- V ton, Hatherleigh, Haverford- Weft, Horringer, Kidder- j It minfter, Kings-Norton, Kington, Leominfter, Maresfiedl, tc Monmouth, Montgomery, Namptwich, Old Chapel, Play, la den, Silverton, Stallbridge, Stockwith, Tewklboiy, Tod. -r dington, Wanbrough near Guilford, Warwick, W'cftham, le Wittingham, Wivenhoe. 5, Brigftock, Chipping- Norton, re Chorlty, King’s- Norton, Redruth. 6, Baddlefmore, Ca- ri< melford, Donninpton, Market-Raifin. 7, Prefton (Lan- cafhire) Stowey, Wymondham. 8, Bilhops-Lydeard Car- m dift, Cardigan, Dvnbury, Frittenden, Glaftonbury, Ormf- lit k rk, Rudland, Stourbridge, 1 afarn, Wymondham. 9, Alh- tl; ford, Bi/hops-Caftle, Brecon, Broadworthy, Caeirwyth, Car- : marthen, Epworth, Fordingbridge, Harleftone, Harlow, Hel- tr ftone, Leachlade, Taviftock, Wefton, Zoyland. 10, Bre- ia con, Dinafmonddy, Fowey, Newport (Salop) St. Mary Cray, u, Foncett, Giles-Hill, near Winton, Horfebridge- x Common,Oakham, Toller- Down, Wareham. 12, Dronfield, ft Adverfean, Brentford, Dundry,Horfled-Kaynes, Neath, Pool a ( Montgomery fture) Stogurfey, Tamworth, Tollerdown, tr Wilton, 13, Brentford, Dilton-Marfh, Iron-Afton. 14, n Bafiildon, Brentlord, Congerbury, Frome, Goodnefton, I le. Pickering, Richmond, Ryegate, St. Udey, Sumer-Court, I « W her wel l, Winbourn, Witham. 15, Brentford, Dur- I, Grimlby- Mark. 16, Bettws, Frefliford, Lutterworth, i Tiliingham, Woolpit. 17, Llanrwft, Lee, Maftiam, Nor- ! r.- thiam, Pen rice. Probus, Wantage, Weldon, Wilmington, it 18, Buckland St. Mary, Guilburn, Kirby Moor-fide, il! Machynleth, Maldon, Maftiam, Partney, Sturbitch-Fair, to Woodbury- Hill near Bcre, 19, Abingdon, Amer. lb Phil g* itcfri Ke! d,T Brie b, C Fran Kidd rerfie I, FI, ,T| 4k >ort( ■*> c (La i Ca Orn i, A i i,Ca :,H( . Br Ma iridg nfkl ,*> dow] I, dfoj lout Dui *oitl Nov gtoi •fiei Fail me* bo, Rider's Fairs, 1765. ffiam.Atherftone, 2 >rnflap!e, Beaminlter, Beaumaris, Brent- wood Buckland St. Man-, Callington, Carlifle, Chat- ham, Clack, Crawley, Cuck.neld, Eartmeon, Egremonr, Gdbrough, Gujfburn, Harbottle near Rothbury, LlanJv- lell. Little- Driffield, Market-Drayton, Northampton, Painf- wick, 1 artney, Shouldham, Silmi/lon, Staines, Steynin®. Uttoxeter, Waltham (Leicefterffiire) Waterleigh, Week St Mary, Wefterham, Worcefter, Wootton-Courtnev, p!r ftT n°’ D °W y ’ Gi) ' lrou ? h - ”, Back well, Bafingftoke-Downs, Bridgwater, Burnham (Bucks) Caer- Jeon, Chudleigh, Clapham, Crediton, Cricklade, .Edee- ware, Eve ft am, Hawkftead, Ireby, Knighton, Li/keaffi, Lyme, Maiden -Bradley, Manchefter, Padftow, Penmachno, Penyftreet m Trawsfynydd, Plymouth, Reading, Shad- brook, Silfoe, Tendering, Thornev (Idle of Ely) Wood- S Z t’ Uar.narth Llemuwehlyn, Yarborro’-Caffie. 23, Beddgelert, Clynnogfawr, Haverford - Weffi Saxmund- ham Talgarth, Tnxford. 24, Bootle, Langport, Pwllheli Stretton-Church. 25, Abergavenny, Arundel, Aylefburv fie H°n L k nC k ln r Chertfey, Chefre'r! field, Denbigh, Eafingwould, Groombridge, Harrland Hafel mere Beadcn, Ipfwich, Newburgh, Pembroke, Penmo£' Ramfbury, Rockingham, Rotherftridge, Shroton %ij’ rh S V b a ra m rd ( W , aw,ckfllire ) St- Stephens, Tatterftai rhetford, Titchfield, Waltham- Abbey, Weight™ WL nlfcombe, Wotton-Underedge, Wycomb. 26, Clavton -.raffington, Narberth, Pad, ham, Porthaethwry, rB .der, Teltinivg, Tenbury-, Waltham-Abbey. 2/ -, Derby )orftone, at. Nmion near Fenton, Powder-Batch Ro ate, Sputty. 28, Chelham, Dereham, Gloucefler Vlan nader Ludlow, New-Bridge, Stanford. B Alton' Iffi, Blackboys, Canterbury. Chagford, Cranbrook, Fram* ngham, Frewenn, Hope, Horfebridge, Llangerniew Lla ymyneck, Loweftoff, Maidenhead, Mrrketjew, ’ Meer ' mith, Southminfter, Stoken-Church, Teingmouth, Trine’ Wallingford, Watton, Woodham Ferris. 30, Blackbunf ’ S. ’ F " ktnh ""' Uan ' ily ' c Oilobef Rider's Fairs, 1765. Oftober 1, Brachnell, Brading, Bromfgrove, Culmftock Uinafmonddy, Hawarden, Katherine-Hill, Ottley, Red rath. 2 Aterguilly, Appletrewick, Iialdock, Beccle: B »lton (Lancafhiie) Braintree, Buckingham, Budworth BuiJth, Burgh, Cerne, CoJe/hilJ (Stafford (hire) Colefhil ( ^Ar arwickfhire) Croydon, Daventry, Devizes, Downton Dudley, Eaitrey, Frodingham, Hambledon, Hem/ley ILackmoor, Hmgham, Holfworthy, Lamborn, Howden Ledbury, Lewes, Mailing, Nayland, Northallerton, North. Tawton, Nottingham, Peterborough, Retford, Rothbury Rudham, Sherftone, Shrewlbury, Stafford, Swinelhead. Tarring, Warhorn, Wendover, Woodftock. 3, Notting- him, Pentraeth-Mon, Workfop. 4, Macclesfield, Mat ham, Nottingham, Ubley. 5, Drusllwyn, Inglewhile. Lanfadwin, Llaneliom, Llanvylling, Leighton (Hunting- don/hire). 6, Blyth, Cayo, Chertfey, Gaywood, Market- Raifin, Sherburn, Wooburn. 7, Billericay, Bury, Stock- budge. 8, Challock. 9, Abergely, Carmarthen, Dolegelly. Hartlepool, Hoonet, Sittingbourn, Yarm. 10, St. Albans. Aberconway, Barnfiey, Bafingftoke, Bedale, Birmingham Blockley, Brent, Bridport, Buckland, Charlbury, Chefier Chichefter, Cockermoutb, Corwen, Deal, Eaft-bourne. Falmouth Farley, Fenny-Stratford, Gofport, Great Thur- low. Had lei gh Haflingden, Hay, Higham-Ferrys, Hull St. Ives (Huntingdonfture) Kegworth, Kettering, Kingfi land, Lanealter, Lanvichangel, Lavenham, Leicefter, Le. nyher, Looe, Mai ton, Marden, Market- Deeping, Mathry Milden-Hall, Milverton, Mitchel-Dean, Moreton, New- haven (buffex) Nortcn, Ower-Mayne, Penkridge, Pentre Pontypool, Rofs, Rufhlake- Green, Selby, Sheepwalh b"“l Shefford, Shouldham, Sleaford, Smarden, Solyhull South- S^er , '£» S , t !? nin #’ Stony-Stratford, Stortford, Stow (Lin. colnOme) Taviltock, Tewklbury, Thame, Tiverton, Tor. *“f t0 . n I ». L L xbridee » Wad ebridge, Watlington, Wells, Wey. Pan, hiil, Withyam. II, St. Alban’s, Bedale, Bedford, Black, fe, heath, Burn ey. Coin, Monkton, Sellinge, Wragby. SS A*I Caxtoi, Ditchling, Hitchm, Northop, Seven-oaks. 1*. Epi iTotot ping, Lymington, Rackham, Rhos-Fair, Wigan, Windfo. ' 3 _ > 4 , Haworth, i prth. aftoc Red fecciej, worth, mi vnton, mile) iwden, 'Ccrth- hbury, Acad, >tting. Mai while, nting* 2 rket* >:ock< rgdlj lbani, ?*UB, ldltr, jurat, fhrn, Hal iingf ,U itlro Nei entr iwai out! (tit Te Wtj Did u 1)^ ills jrtl Rider's Fairs, 1765. ' 4 . u%T^ S T;\ reC ?f Ie ’ Wel,S * »5,A (hover. , 5 . Alphington, St. Afaph, Llehmwchllyn, Turners-hill. 17. Alcefter, Chnftcburch, Cowling, D-nnington, Havant. Ivmghoe, Lanrhiad-Dyrnn- Alwyd, Maidftone, Navenbv* Thorne, W e ]!ow, Wenlock, Wooller. 18, Barnett, Be! - arooghton. Little Briekhill, Charleton, Chipnam, Chifl . jorough, Cowbridge, Criccieth, Dorftone, FverBev, Fa-« nngdon, Halefworth, Harwich, Hatfield, Haver ford-weft. Henley (Warw.ck/hire) Hindoo, Kirkhum (Lancafcire) Untnflent, St. Lawrence, Laxfield, I.uton, Midhurft Vewnham (Gloucefterfliire) Newton- Peppleford, Overton »artney, Tidfweil, Uphaven, Ulk, Winferbnrn, Working! on. 19, Barnett, Corfe-Caftle, Lamaraon-in- Vale, L2p-« •eter, Market- Harhorough, Partney, Sawbridgewoth, reftmivg, Trevena, Whitchurch (Hants) iqrh, and the wo following Saturdays at Swanzey. 20, A/hborne, Ccr- Jgy-Dru.d.on, Ch.chefter, Colchefter, Devizes, Elharr, ramlborough, Hereford, Rothersfield, Slaidburn, Tenby . Blackburn, Bridlington, Conce!dd, Rudgley.' 22 . larking, Newport Pagneil, Overton. ^ Aberfraw, Bu^l owbndge, Caifter, Dalton, Haftings, Llangenock, Lan- awelLenhatn.R.pley (Derbyfhirc) Sputty. 24, Bamp- SdSAiS ,n 2r B ^ h » C,oeaynog » HarIin ?. Bedfordshire) Market - Drayton, Ma./hfield, Matlock, Jewn, Porthaethwry, Stow (Gloucefterfhire) «turm ; nft-r amworth, Upottery, Wainfleet, Winton, 2 r, Aberwin’ f'ST’ Q r ee "- Camel ’ Stockport/ Whittled v£ham , ^landegla, Llanfannan, h T^‘l l\ ^ be ^ gUll!y ’ Caer e wrle y- Cleobury Mor- mer, Darley Flafti, Daventrv, Marft in the Ifie of Flv antglyn. 28 A/hhy de la Zouch, A/kri e , B ? neor Bid! enden, Bigglefwade, Cullumptcn, Difs, Droit with ’paft- u n ’»rML Vlr,ft0n ™ Forreft * Row » Llanidlos, Lifton, Lin- ^ ff IM ^m! P ° rt ’ r ,V eedham > Newbury, Newmarket luffolk) PockJington, Plympton, South-Hating, Thhfk otnefs, Warminfter, Watton, Whitchurch f Salon > * b^-Hota, An,bMJe, ■rth, Broadwater, Burton, Chsgford, Charring, Chef- C * de.> Rider ' s Fairs, 1765. rfer, Ewell, Halttead, Hampton, Holt (Denbighfhir Hunmanby, Kidwely, King’s-Cliff, Kirkby- Stephen, Ma low, Mongham, Newcaftle (Northumberland) Pleafle Radnor, Sedbergh, Stainton, Tbirlk, Towcefter, Tunbridg Wellinbcrough. 30, Llanliechyd, Newhaven (Derby /bin Si. Crowcomb. November j, Coventry, Earith, Fordftreet, Llanybic dar, Lytcham, Newark, Prefcott, Rothbury, Wadhurf Walden, Wing ham. 2, Altringham. Bletchinglcy, Buck land, Chard, Downham, Farnham, Helmiley-BIackmoo: Hoxne, Loftwitheil, Loughborough, Todaington, Wiltor Wokingham, Wye. Bromfield, Campdcn, Swaffharr Talgarth. $, Applefhaw, Llanfechell. 6, Barwick-HjJ] HeJmDey-Biackmcor, Manchefter, Middleham-moor, New ton- Abbot, Newcaftle (Staffordfliire) Newport (Monmouth fliire) Sutton (Hants) Tregony, Witcljbury. 7, Horley Middleham Moor, Rochdale, Talfarn, Trefrhiw. 8, Aber conway, Alford, Barton - Underwood, Bingham, Bland- ford,- Buckingham, Chilham, Chipping-Norton, Ciren* ceiler, Dulverton, Dunmow, Hatherleigh, Helftone, Hert- ford, Hexham, Kendall, Kighley, Knotsford, Llamedy. Llanrhiader, Leeds, Leominfter, Lidney, MafTingham, I ensford, Romfey, Stamford, Stratton, Sutton (Warwick- shire) W arwick. Wjfton, 9, Albrighton. ro, St. Auftle, Caeirwyth, Falkingbam, Ruthin, u, Afliburton, Bran- don, Cambton, Langport, Lenton near Nottingham, Liver- pool, Maccle$fieid, Newburgh, Nunny, Penrith, Pwllhely, iz, Amlwch, Bifley, Elakeney, Brumpton, Callington, Camrafs, Chelmsford, Chirk, Dunftable, Fairford, Hal- rheflon, Kilgarren. Kilham, Lanwinio, Lincoln, Little Mountain, North Moulton, Penmorfa, Pentraeth Mon, Rowland’s Cattle, Sterling, Stoney-Stratford, Three Lords, Wakefield, Wooburn. 13, Amerfbury, Biddeford, Bi- fhop s Cattle, Dinafmonddv, Huntingdon, Kingfton, Leek, Mayfield, Teftinivg, Trecaftle, Wakefield, Wotton Bafiet. 14, Allentown, Carmarthen, Elefmere, Llanenllo, Mont- gomery, Porthaethwry. 15, Ottley. j6, Andover, Be- verley, Poole (Mdntgomerylhiie) 17, Brecon, Bridgend, Hendon, lyb & imrflJ bd:4 tk» Rider's Fairs, 1765. Headon, Hunmanby, Ingleton, Launcefton, St. Leonardo lear Bedford, St. Leonard s (Suflex) Mailing, Newporc, Dtterford, Warfop, Wellington, Wells, Yeovil. i8, Cuck- ield, Dorftone. ig, Crofs-in-Hand, Truro, 20, Dolton, Felt well, Llanufvdd, Petworth, Ruabon, Skipron, at, Aberwingregin, Conwydd, Llanyaiddar. 22, Battle, Baw- :r y, Bofcaftle, Bow (Devon/hire) Brigftock, Clunn, Crowle, Darlington, Deddington, Dolegelly, Dover, Fairbach, Fal- tingham, Fillingham, Guilford' Haltwiftle, Hemptor, Llangollen, Lawhaden, Marlborough, Martins-Town, Mold, Monmouth, New-Buckenham, Newcaftle (Car- narthenlhire) Perabridge, Rippon, Rugby, Scarborough, ihaftlburv, Shifnal, Skipton, Stamford- Bridge, Standiffi, Jtorrington, Warkworth, Wem, Wetherby, York, and :very other Thurf. in the Year at York, a j, Witney, 24, Doleford, Eglwysfach, Holt (Norf.)24. Rickmerfworth25, -hefterfield, El (low, Frome, Gravefend, Machynleth, rhwaite. 26, Caftle-Town, Landovery, Llanfechell, Little* Dean, ay, Hartlepool, Horfham. 28, Fenny Stratford,GJou- efter, Harlow, Hook- Norton, Northampton, Sheffield, •paldick. 29, Afhborne, Endfield, Llangerniew. 30, Al- riflon, Belchamp St. Paul’s, Broadhembury, Bromhall, luntingford, Cardiff, Chipnam, Colyton, Cubley, Flint, ring, Hempnall, Llanfannan, Maidenhead, Moreton- dampftead, Northwould, Prefte gn, Warrington, Wells. December r, Hythe, Ingateffone, Penrice, Rother- am, Tutbury. 2, Sputty. 3, Alhton-under-Line, Bet- ws, Garftang, Louth, Talgarth. 4, Atherftone, Dur. :ey, Lamborn, Sandwich, Stafford, Tenby, Wenlock. , Carnarvon, Penybout, Pluckley. 6, Bodmyn, Builth, kirn hill, Cranborne, Exeter, Greffinghall, Launcefton, t. Nicholas, Northwich, Sidland, Stoke (Norfolk) Tock* lgton, Toddington. 7, Cerrigy-Druidion, Clithero. 8, .laneliom, Leicefter. Ludlow, Malpas. 9, Bradfield, 10 , tewdley, Bolney, Lanon, Lifkeard, Newport (Salop) Tar- erley. 11, Aberfraw, Abingdon, Ampthill, Baldock, iewdley, Bolney, Bofton, Brackley, Chagford, Chawky, obam, Collingburn - Duces, Eaft-Grimllead, Gargarve, C 3 Harlech, fj Rider’s Fairs, 1765. Harlech, Kimbolton, Kirton, Langadcck, Langport, Llan- rwft, Narteith, Ofweftry, l’«tersfi;ld, Ringwood, Rochel- ter, Refs, Stratton, Taviftotk. iz, Bertvvs, Gringley, Shrew/bury. 1 3, Knarclborough. 14, Thir/k, Trecaftle. 15, Namptwich. 16, Comb St. Nicholas, Dolcgelly, Ncwn, 17, Aiundel, Grantham, Higham- Ferry s, Hora- *“» Neot’s, North-Tawton, Spalding, Wallingford, Voodftock. iS, Truro. 19, Beaumaris, Bedford, Cardigan, Northamptoo, Pains-C.ifile, Wotton- Baffet. 20, Bradford (York/hiie). 21, Boxford, Bradford (Yorklhire) Droit- wich, Grinton, Hawarden, Highbickinton, Kirkby-Lonf- daie, Laycock, Fenryn. 22, Bradford (Yo.k/hire) New. porc-Fagnel!. 24, Hawarden, Llanwnen. 26, St. Afaph, Beckley, Corwen. 28, Cock-Hill. 29, Bridgwater, Stone- no ule . 30, Milbourn. The Days on which the federal mwealle Fair s are held in the Tear 1765. J ‘j N Yrn RY Return. 7» Sleafcrd. 8. How- den, Salilbury. 9, Landovery. 13, Prefton, (Lane.) 14, Buckingham. 15, Teingmouth. 18, Nottingham. 22 Melton- Mowbray. 24, Banbury. 2^ Llangollen. 20’ Higham Ferrers, Potton. 30, Knarelborough, Leek ?r Rippon. * * February 5, Hereford. 7 , Beverly, Chape!-in-!e-Firth. ?> Leybourne. 9, Pontefraft. 12, Chirk, Egton, Stam- ford. 14, Bridgenorth, Congletan, Stafford, Workin°ham »6, South-Moulton. 18, Berkamftead, Cole/hill /Staff/ Colefliill, (Warw.) Li/keard, Litchfield, Thir/k. 19, Bottlev Caegwrley, Danbury, Hartley-Row, Stone, (Staff) Tie gony. 20, Bidleftone, Campden, Dunftable, Eton Ext. 1 ter, Falk.ngham, Royfton, Tetbury, Tunbridge. 22 Ru. abon. 25, Abingdon, Chertfey, Winton. 26, Bedford Erackley,. a8, Banbury, Chefler, Teingmouth. March \ V , 7 6 5- •' fk, LarrOfort, LUn. - ^ fl|wood, ioch»j. ,l » ^tws, Grinjln, > 4 . Ttirik, Trecaftk Niciuia, Dolegellj, “• -^a Fe.i)s, Horn. Wiliiogfoi^ a: », Bedford, Cardigan, 1 io, Bradford, c ;Vcfi{h : ie) Droit - 1 -i jrco, Kirkby-Lonf. I - rl •.Vo.i.'inrtj New. I na. 10 , St, Afapi, I 19 Br:dg*iter, Sioac-B Rider's Fairs, 1765. •d -: r :ialit Fairt\ • 176 y S.fa^crJ, i, How- 12 , PidcD, (Lane .) 1 it, Ncttagha®, ity y, Liugoikn. 20, -ijrcagh, Leek, ji, , Cfcapd-in-k-Firtk, ,2 rk, Egtcn, Siam, i 7 c/d, V^'orkm sham d, CokMI, (Staff,) 19, BottJey, S’.cae, (Staff.) Tic* .affable, Etoo, Eie« f abridge. 22, Rh* itoo. 26, Bfdfoni, Tciflgffioab. * Marcl *• Ch.,li«ry, M.,kn.J.., 7 ’3 E*f K, £ T ’' hfie, ‘'- ■■.Me, (mL.)s'™/S Knar«/boiough. 14, A v bot’s ^ “ r J 3 : «, Helton.? ShJtoTry ,8 C ’g, L C,m f" J - 5‘«2-Si€SS /hall, Upton. 22, Newark i ‘ 5 Ecc,e " Hertford, Odiham, Walden.’ 2 5 “, 3 M^ r 0 ^6 ^ dno '^ Newn Ottery, Sctle. 27, Ma,ket-D«viob \t «?£’ mm isti Grinton, Heckfi.ld, H,gh B.dfcjk ' sSSj^SS* W ’ “«»> at Settle every other Friday till wiT-fr uth » Win " Burnley, Llanidlos, Pontefraft Skipton 8 n* Barnard- Cafi Jr, Boxford, CocfcerHm n r Bakewe,J > Mar/h, Elham, Emfworth, Frin»“h 0 ? fe”V D *°"- ourr, Halefowen, Hockham, Keg worth’ ^ Ulf ' ey, Little Driffield, Lcddon Manewden MV t?”t’ ^ er_ tVewcaftle, (Staff.) OJnev R nm r Witchel-Dean, rhomw.' 9 , *L jSs.5sfr2£&*K^ ^okc-Dowr.s, Eedale* EraiiV*; . . uch > Bafjrg- er, Clare, Cloeayngnop, Colchefter/Daventry’ Dedh'^" -•> ^ sas? &E bach. Rider’ i, Fairs, 1765. bath, Sco’e, Scotto, Selby, Sidmouth, Skipton, Slang- hum, Slintord, rhame, Thorncomb, lotncfs, Toulfham, Turner’s-Hill, Windfor. 10, Afhil), Hartland, Hereford, Leek, Otterton, Redbourn, Royftoo, Walton, Welling- borough, (Norf.) Witl.iredge. ir, Adwalton, Beccirs, Cheltenham, Cricklade, Kettering, Stamfordham, Whit- ney. 12, Derby, Rothbury, Yarmouth, (Norf.) 13, Big- glefwade, Woicefter, Ya mouth, (Norf) 15, Evcfham, Llanelion. 16, Blockley, Elefmere, Skipton, 17, Lan- dovery, Northleach, Shrewlbury, Guifburn, Mood. fort, after Eafter, Do. Mond. Month, and Sat. after Mond. Month, and Do. Mond. 5 Weeks after Eafter. Skipton, ift, 2d, 3d, Tuef. after Eafter. 19, Barnftaple Brackley. 23, Abberford, Lincoln, Tamworth. 25, Ad- walton and Thurf. Month after Eafter. 26, Churchingford. 27, New- Market, (Flin/hire) South-Moulton. 30, Ca- eirwyth, Gi/borough, Ware. May 3, Bifhop’s-Caftle, Crowcomb, Derby, War*. 6 , Cockermouth, Stamford, 7, Bingham, Egton, Hamble- don, Harrold. 8, Dewlbury, Worley-Common. 9, Por- lock. 10, Lanfawell, Leybourne, Sucklebridge, Waltham, (Hants.) 13, Bromhall, Guilburn, Inglewhile, Overton, Roach. r 4 Emmergreen, Leigh, (Eflex) Mattiflial), North- Moulton. 15, Abe.geley, KingVBrumpton, Dar- kmg, Morpeth, Northleach, North- Wallham, Working- ton. 16, Attleburgh, Banbury, Bawtry, Beaconsfield, Beaumaris, Beccles, Beverly, Bildeftone, Bifhop’s Auk- land, Blyth, Bottifdale, Bow, (Dev.) Bovey-Tracey, Bridg- end, Bridport, Brighthelmftone, Bures, Burton, Cappel- Cunnon, Creme, Chapel-in-le-Firth, Cheadle, Chelten- ham, Dane- hill, Devizes, Dicker, Ecclelhall, Edgeware, Ely, Eglwfwrw, Farnham, Finden, Framfden, Garftane. Grantham, Hallaton, Hanftope, Hawkelhead, Hundon Kidderminfter, Kilhampton, Kirby- Lonfdale, Lanelly Langadock, Lifton, Linton, Li/keard, Mendlefliam, M.d- /i 7 ,C x’ „ M ° L rp "!’’ St * Neot ’ f > Newbury, Newport, (Mon.) Northwal/ham, St. Ofyth, Petworth, R, PP on Rofs, Saxmundham, Scarborough, Steiling, Stockbridge, Stortford, t Rider's Fairs, 1765. Stortford, Stone, (Kent) Summer Com, Three Lords, Trew, Uiverton, Wellington, fSem.) Wein, Weobley, Wetherby, Wiggan, Winflow, Woodmfborcugh, Wicx- ham, Yarm, Yaxley, 17, Morpeth, Stevenage, South- Minfter. tS, Sherborne, Wainfleet. 20, Br.dlington, Fletchme, Hin'ort, Harfham, Landwnog, Spilfby, South- am. (Warw.) Swinden, Thorpe, Witham, Wi/bech, (Me af EJ >)- 21 , Belford, Mark. 22, Bcdmyn, Ncwent, Shrewfbury, Spaldick. 23, Aftwick, Brough, Kirkof. ‘'aid. 24, Charlbufy, Ruthvn. 25, Appleby, Booth, Malton, Nefyn, Norwich, Skipton, Stagfiiaw Bank, Wif- aech, (Ifle of Elv). 27, Amarfhsm, Appleby, Bakewell, Battle, Berhampftead, Bigglefwade, Billinghurft, Binegar, 3lackburtcn, Braughing, Brixworth, Br myard, Bury, Hartwell, Chief Her, Ccttiffiil), Cromer, Crowle, Darling- on, Dunfter, Eiham, Everfham, Exeter, Eye, Framlir.g- isni, Hadleigh, Harlow, Hawes. Halftone, HempnaJl, >t. Ivep, Kington, (Heref.) Landaff, Launcefton, Little- 3ean, L>ttle - Driffield, Mancheftfr, Mundcfley, Mar/h, Me of Ely.) Newcaflle, (Staff.) Newpoit, (Hants.) Orm- ciik, Oundle, Portbury, Roftey-Hill, there every Fort* ight. till Sept. 29, Rothbury, Rotheram, Rui/hton, Sa- ilrurv, Sittingbourn, Sleaford, Scuthwell, Spil/bv, Stoke, Staff. ) Tail ng, Torkfev, Walfing'-’am, Wandfworth, /arfop, Wellington, (Suffex) Wert bur v, (Wilts ) Weft, oathly, Whkchurch, (Salop) Whit Down, York, 2?, 1 ford , A/bby-de la-Zouch, Bampton. (Dev.) Bedale, Bi- :gar, Botley, Boxtead, Buckland, Caftle-Carey, Cogge- ail, Coltifhdll, Cufkfie'd, Durham, Elefmere, Elmfett, pping, Farringdon, Gilbrough, Great- Hollingbury, Plat- ed Pavarel, Haftings, Hempen, Henley, (Wa^rw.j Hing- m, Landoverv, Leighton, (Bed.) Lewes, Melford, Mel- n-Mowbrav, Midhurft, Monmouth, Mundeflcv, New- k, New- Market, (Suff.) Ottery, Painfwick, Pembcry, nrith,^ Purleigh, Rochdale, Sah/burv, Stone, (Staff.) :nby, Tiilingham, Walderfhare, WaJ/hall, Wandfworth, arnbam, Weetwoodbank, Weft- Mertev, Woodflock, trdley, 29, Abbexford, Ambkftde, Barnard -Caftle, Ba- fingltoke. Rider's Fairs, 1 765. jingfloke, Kirby- McorGde, Lampeter, Llandibea, Leek, Lenton, Ludlow, Maidenhead, Minehead, Redbourne. Royfton, Steple, Truro, Wmdfworth, Wellingborough, L Auftle > Ba!d0£k ’ Birmingham, Bo w (M.dd.) Buckingham, Henley, (Oxf.) Kington, (Surry Langtown, Newport, (Mon.) Odell, Upton, Weft Cowes and at Adwalton eveiy Fortnight after, till September an. I’ a’ / M '' dd - )Chf pft°w, Chipping- Norton, Derby, Kingfton, (Surry) Mariham. . J ' J ” e T > Booth, B° w , (Midd.) Kirkham, (Vork) More- ton-Hampftfd Norwich, Stow Bridge, Stokefliy. 3, Bradford, (Wil's.) Burnham, (Som.) South-Cave, Dor- Inffh^m M ^ gh r > Hampton, Hounflow, Ingham, Mefllngham, Pembroke, Pon'ypool, Ravleigh, owe , Rudgwick, Southampton, Sooth would, Sutton, Todmgton Uik, Watford, Wiilkon. 4, Abergavenny! w’/f a ’ ir, gham ’ Shtffi:ld > Swmt/head, Sutton, (Hants.) Watford, Weeton. 5, Aberfraw, South-Harting. 6 Alph.ngton Aftiburton, Alkrig, Caeirwyth, Carphilly Chnflchurch, Harlech, Lannerchymead, Ludham, Neath, Penzance Storttord. 7 , Berwick, Coventry, Ludham Chkk eth i Teftinivg - 10, Beton, (Leic.) 13, Srf k ’tK T- Chep *° W * 17 ’ Darlin 6 ton » Spillby, Stam- W^ w Tl t Ver *r n ' ' 9> Axm ' nfter . Lambert Caftle, and Wed. 9 Weeks sfter, South Moulton. 26, Brackley. July 1, Broughton, (Hants.) Green, Poole, (Mont.) Richrno h’ Me(r,n Z> Potton - 3 > Royfton. 6, Richmond. Hollmgton, Thaverton. 9, Caeirwyth, How- V/ r ‘ff am ' J°’ 0jkham P ton - IT, Spillby. 17, Berghold Morpeth. l8 , Bromyard. 20 , New- Market! h: s ?’a 5 Honiton - 2 9 > Alnwick, Hoe. 30, Abby-Mirton. 31, Market-Deeping. *» Higham-Ferrers, Cor fte- Heath, Crowcomb, Knar,'(? 1Va ’ k o^’ Um P eter « R« dd 'ck, Stamford. 7 irSZP- 8> R ’PP° n - 19 , Kilmington, M.rb.i- T 20 ’ » 0tle J* Dallwood. 2i , Cha. r Irtk ‘ **» R* et h- 26, Grefsford. 27, Newn, a8, Brampton, South-Moulton. 30, Bleagon. Septeiribof (W- too- A 5 !Tf !3 II, A MigCi hW fcach, Ofti h ih. Secth- Br> Waki Wgh Kajg’f tC/tOfl, Mig& *}, A! floi), Perftr. Nor Woo U Recti, Petes, fjDCD, Deci Uhift Lttfc, ournt, «»A Bow, .arr,) -we tr )tth h ^iorc-l Don! iOowJ ei ?M ttOfl, V ;nny,f lots,] nlly,| tath, tam, * 3 > 1 tom- aoi at) 6 , Off* i?) ket, ick, Rider’s Fairs, 1765. ’Statn R . & N ° r J h - Bradl >» Lampeter, Newcafile, 1 m ^? Uth ’ 4 . Holy- Croft Kdmingto^New- i e«™« * 7 ‘ J‘ Lan B adock - 6, Snaith, 2 7 , ^larKllos. 9 , Wimple. io, Holbeach. IfL/. * T ’ ^ andbach * * 3 » Newent. i 7) Ware. r8, ^unH Cn ’ c L '" C j * 9 * LTpton. 2 r, Bellingham. 23, •ach fch W n n ‘ * 4 . Aylfliam. 25, Axminfter, North- • ac "> Kochford, Royficn, Steple. •.nlf 0b E e a r ft 1 H A I, nW1Ck i ® i ^ 10 P 8 ' Aukland, Chapel-in-Ie Vl’ Eaft-Hagburn, Porlock, Stratford, (Warw.) r ■outh- Moulton. 7, Corby, Sherborne. 8,Harrold, WaJlhalL lar a f/b le ^„ DCW t Ury - I0 > Afield. 1 1, Ley bourn, rouebt™’ I t 3BtS ' a. I2j , CarIlfle - H* BakewelJ, Bell- 1 cSn’ Knar efborough, Swindon, Swinflead. 15 , rft, S4lAury ’ Shipfloo. j6 , Landovery, ot erton, Sucklebndge. j 7 , Banbury, Cappell-Cunno*. Ely ' ? 6 ? b n V \ 9 ' ^ Carlifle - -> Hartwell, Pottcn! ! in b 2 b 6 f crib 24, o° myar >: Kin g’s Brumpton, Ulver- November ,, Ecclelhal), Litchfield. 4,' Lampeter, e oodftock. 7, Chapel in-le Firth, Poole, (Dorf.) |* ££• ’ 4 ’ St .Columb. 18, Gilborough, Loddon. t Z won’ li r Chep , ° W - * 5 ’ Bakewd, r Eglwfwrw, Cor- rnon. 28, Langtown. 29, Chipping- Norton. December 2, Crefsford, 4 Weeks, St. Mary. - P on tfraft, South Moulton, Tichfield. 9, Neiark* 6 rn L a Ji Ley iu'\ ,4 ’ Helftone > Hew-Market, (Flint?) ^ Ledbury, Thombury. i 7 , Bedale. 19, Caerphilly^ -etterjng. a I, Alnwick, Pontefraft. 9 P y * N. B, Errors noticed to R. Hett, at Stationers-Hall, dif- A e n 1 ? ,n8 th ^ f lxed from tile M «veable Fair* thall be corre&ed. Transfer Transfer Days, Payment of Dividends, and proper Hours for tranfafting each Fuf.nefs Name. ~ — ‘ Bank Stock — Reduced — 4 per C. 1765. - 1726 — —3 -1- 175 6 — “3 £ *758 4 per C. Confolidated —Long Annuities South Sea Stock —Old Annuities — — New Annuities -1751 India Stock — Annuities Days of Transfer. Hours of Transf. Tuef, Thurf. Friday. 9 to 12. — — ditto — — ditto. . Wednefday and Saturday. ditto. — — ditto — . — ditto. Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. & Fr. ditto. Wednefday and Saturday. Tuefday and Thurfday. ditto. ditto. Mond. Wednefd. Frid. ditro. Mon. Tuef. Thurf. Frid. ditto. Wednefday and Saturday ditto. Mond. Wednefd. Frid. . 0 to 1. — ■ — ditto > — — ditto. Luefd. Thurfd. Saturd. ditto. 1 Tuefday and Thurfday; ditto. Tuefd. Thurfd. Saturd. 9 to 12 Mond. Wednefd. Frid. ditto. Dividends when due. ^ 0UrS * or reiving Di- < vidends. Lady Day and Mich. 9 to 1 1. and 1 to 3. | ditto. I ditto. ■ Lady-Day, &Mich ditto. j Midf. and Chriflmas. ' ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. Lady Day and Mich. ditto. ditto. mv . _ _ uiLtv, Lady Day and Mich, t ^ ditto J D J There !8 not any Bufinefstranfaaed on the Days foHowing, viz. [an , 6 18 2 C -o r u Mttthi f .5i-A P r.aj, 2 5 , 26 5 -May 1, 16. 20 Tun. A % r :Ji n : h 30 5 - Fcb * 2 4 i ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. 9 to 12. ditto, ditto, ditto. 9 to 12 y and 3 to 5. ditto. v > Shrove-Tuef. Afh-Wed. Good-Fridayl Eaftcr MohItucL • 5 - ‘ ZH o c* "rp P S>< _-. 2 ^ S 'o I S, I -f -I I E i > 3 .s tv. -3 5 E'? -3. 5^^-' * b i § ~ - ; -i ^ ^ pa ^ ^ S Saturday, after r, excepted o'S THE HOUSE of PEERS. ^ SPEAKER, w H n. ROBERT, Earl of NCRTHINOTON Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain . O' Tbofe ivitb this Math # *re Privy-Couniellors. Under Age , fit in the Houfe . Roma n Catbohck Peers, Generally re fide in the Country K. G. — K. T.--- or K. B. A> of the Garter y Th:filc ) orBatb 4 L. L.D. DoEior of Lazvs, F.R, S,Fe!lo George Spencer, D- of Marlborough, Marq. of Bland- ford, Ld. Privy Seal, Ll Lt. an! Cuff. Rot. of Oxfordjh, JHU vd ]fe, D .;*^ i n '• ‘ ’ (A Ca I.* fta. i;\\ Wfcj, U iLitfdk&ri iU of L x^Ia fot ia rl< ni in the An l K, Ercip p : 5:r*:rJ, K'f? aaiPirkcfFw Ccibi Pv * font G;a. ;a nihtfltti [ tmim rfNtfd&tv Pdhim, Chitc tokr of \'y. \ nwntWrfjrtj l ?*6. WEKi.ii lit Pmlaai, M:r. (7i9.Cete2e.vf3n Hf 3 . & f , f 1710. ^.LiWirfc k&frLf.v 4 The Houfe of PEERS. Earls. ty of Kent and City of Canterbury, High Steward of Stratf.n I upon Avon, a Governorof Charter Houfe, LLD. ano K. G, > [ Knowle Kent, Stoneland »$////.! ; w mairon m jrerj.; a uovernorej Charter Houfe, K.G. andF.R.S. [Wentworth -houfe7er4/&,j earl b, 80. wJlI. VI. 1 George Tajbot, Kiri of Shrewfhurv, Lord Talbot 1442. Earl of Walvrfnrd **,1 I — l.-j rm .* r j n / 1 t» i tiidnc r.dGuit s Rotulnrum of the Weft Riding of V^rL - ’award a/ the City of Salifbury,Col. of the iff or Royal Re- giment of Dragorns, and a Major General. [Wilton tVi/ts] i 1 57 2, Henry Clinton, E. of Lincoln, Lord Clinton, Au- 1 tiitor ut the Exchequer for Life, Comptroller ofthe Cuftoms j in the Port of London, HighSteward of Weftminfier, ?nd i refident of Weftminfter Infirmary, K..G. L L. D. and 1 /' , ^ [ Oatlands n-*ar Weybridge Surry, andClumler Paik M Lodge Nottii}ghnrrflj % ] JriiU. 1 . Henry Howard, E. of Suffolk and Berkfhire, V. An- " ,6 ° V d ^er, Deputy Earl Marfhal of England, LL.D. [CharJ. ’ ten // tlu j sevens nearKendalron^y?WW,Elford6V^W] , 1605 James Cecil, E. of Salifbury, Vifc. Cranburn, [Hat- j field and Qujckfwood Hertfordjbire ] « 1605. Brownlow Cecil, E. of Exeter, Ld Burleigh, Ld Lieut. 4 * n i Cuft. Rot. of Rutland [ Burleigh Houfe, KoribamptonjhA \ J 18. Spencer Compton, E. of Northampton, Lord Compton, . Recorder of the Town of Northampton, rCaftle Afhby * Compton Vinyates V/arwckjhrie y Eaftborn P,ace Tfje Houfe of P E E R S. Earls. 5 ’ ■ ■ i ? r e . 1622. Bafil Fielding E. of Denbigh, V. Fielding, a Lord of the King's Bed-Chamber, Matter of his Muj. Harriers and Fox- Hounds, and Colonel of the Warwickfhire Militia (E. of Defmond in lrel.) [Newnham Paddox IPanv,] 1624. Thomas Fane, E, of Wettniorland, Ld Burgherfh^ [Apethorp Nartkampjbire^ Brimpton Somofct] Cl).]* Chari :s Mordaunt, E. of Peterborough and Mon~ 1027, mouth, Ld Mordaunt [Dantzey Wil:s i and Par Ton's Green Middle fix'] 1628. Harry Grey, E. of Stamford, Ld Grey $ [Enville-Hall in Staffird/bire , and Djnham MafLy in CbeJhireJ 2628. Dan. Finch, Earl of Wmchilfea and Nottingham, V. Ma dttone, an Elder Erotherof theTrinity Houfe [Eattwell Kenty Burleigh on the Hill Rutland ] K. G. 1628. tgjPhil. Dor. Stanhope, E. of Chettertteld, Ld Stanhope [ Black heath in Kent, and Bretby Derbyjh , J K. G. 1628. Sackv JleTufton, E.ofThanet, LdTuiton, Hereditary Sheriff of Weftmorl. and Lord of the Honour of Skipton in Craven [Hothheid Kent. Appleby Cattle Wtjltyorland. and Skipton Cattle in Totkjhird J Off. 11. -fif John Montagu, E. of Sandvvich, V.Hinch:nbroke # lb6o. His Majetty’s principal Secretary of State for tne Nor- thern Department, Governor of Charter- houfe, Mailer of the Trinity Houfe, and ranks as a Lieut. Gen. in the Army, R-c. of the Corporations of Huntingdon and GoJmanchef- ter, and F. R % S, [Hinchinbroke-Houle, blunt in gdxijb. j x .66 1 . William Anne Holies Cupel, E. of Ell^x, Vifcouut Milden, Lord Lieutenant and Cult. Hot. of Hertfordshire ( C 3 (h iooerry Hertford lb ire ] 1661. Gao. Montagu, E. of Cardigan, Ld Bmdenel, Gov. ard Cap. of W nifor-Caftle, Prefident of Sc. Luke’s Hofp. and F.R.S. [Dean Alortbamptonjb. Blackheath in Ke-.t y and Richmond Surry ] K. G. 1661. Anhur Anneilcy, E. of Anglefey , L. Ar.nefley, (Vjfct, Valencia in Ireland) [Clemoling Parle in 1 eland j 166 1. * Frederick Howard, E„ ol Carlille, Vile/ Morpeth [Cattle Howard Ybrkjbire J 1662. *Heo. Scot, E, of Dcncafter, Ld Scott, (D. of Buc- clengh in Scotland) [Adderbury Oxf % Dalkeith Lothian] l$;z. &Anth. AfhieyCooptr, E. ofShaftett>ury,Ld Afhley, L Lieut, and Cuft. Rot. of the C. of Dorfec, and of tne Eo n or Poole, Reorder of Shaftefbury, a Vice Prelident of St George's Hofp. and F, R. S. [ W’mbaurn St- Giles D&fitjb, . A 3_> • 6 Tl)e Houfe of PEERS. Earls. 16/4. « George Henry Lee, E. of Litchfield, V. Qjarendon, Cufios Brevium in the Court of Common Pleas, Captain of the Band of Penfioners, and Chancellor of the LTniverfity of Oxford LLD. [Ditchley Oxfordjbire ] 1679. * Frederick Augudus Berkeley, E. of Berkeley, Vifc. Durlley [Beikeley-cadle GIouc , J 16S2. Willoughby Bertie, E. of Abingdon, Lord No treys. High Steward of Abingdon and Wallingford [Rycote Ox» fordfvi n 9 and Witha m Berks ] 16^2. Men. Nod, E. of Gainfborough,V.Cambden[Extor.^/nV,] 1682. Robert D’Arcy, E. of Holderneflc, Lord D’Arcy, Ld Lt.of the North Riding ofYorkfhire, and Vice Admiral r t the fame, Keeper of the Liberty and Foreft of Richmond, <- or.dabic of Middleham Caflle, York/hire, and Governor of Charter-houfe [Hornby-Cadle, near Beda.l, Yorhjbire , hion Hill, near Brentford, M^ddlefex] i 6?2. Other Lewis V/indfor Hickman, E. of Plimouth, Ld Windfor, Condable of Flint Cafile, and Cud. Rot. ofFlint- fhire, Ld. Lieut, and Cud. Ret. of the C. of Glamorgan, Comptroller of Chefliire and Flintlhire, and LLD. [He well Warwick fh. Charlbury Oxfordjbire J U?fU.III Ric.LumleySaunderfon,E. of Scarborough, V Lumley 1690.^ (Vifc. Lumley, in Irel.) Col. of the Northern Battalion cf the Lincolnfiiirc Militia [Glentworth Lincolnjhire / Sand- beck Yorhjbire , Lumley Caflle in the Co. of Durham'] *695. Hen. Zuleideinde Naflau, E. of Rochford, V, f unbridge, AmbafTador Extraordinary to the King of Spain, Vice- A cfm. of the Coads, and Lord Lt. and Cud, Rut. of Efiex [ Ldon Suffolk, and Sr. Ofyth Ejj'ex ] 1696. ^GeorceKeppel, Earl of Albemarle, V. Bury, aLt. Gene- ral, Col. or the 3d or King’s own Regiment of Dragoons, Governor of Jerfey, and Ld of the Bedchamber to the Duke cf Cumberland [Bagfhot, Surry^ 1^97- Geoige William Coventry, Earl ofCoventry, Vifcount DeerhurO, Ld Lt. and Cud. Rot. of Worced- rfhire, and a Ld of the Bedchamber to h.s Ma;edy [Crome JVs>rceflerfbire 1 2697. * Wm, Viilie/s, E. of ‘jerfey, V. Villiers I Middleton- Stony Oxfordjbire J finite. Vcre Pouletc, E. Poulett, Vifc. Hinton, Recorder 17C0. ot Bridgv/^ter [Hinton St George S ' omerfttfbA 1706. * Fr. Godo: p hin, E. of Godolph n, V.RiaJton, Gov.of the Scilly Manas, [Hog-magog Hill, Camtrid Z e/bire . Godolphin Cornwall [ The Houfe of PEERS. Earls. 7 706. Geo. Cholmondeley, E. of Cholmondely, V. Ma’pas, ( V. Cholmondely of Kells in Ireland) Ld Lieut. Cud. Rot. and Vice-Admiral of Chefhire. G >v. of the Caftle of Ch-thr, Steward of the Royal Manor of Sner.e in Surry, aud ranks as a Lt. Gen. in the Army, K. B, [Cholmoncely CLeJhire> and Bi/ham-Abbey Berks. J 71 r. Edward Harley, E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, Lord Harley, a Lord of the Bedchamber to his Majtfly, LLD, [Eywood Herefordjhire ] 71 1- Washington Shirley, E. Ferrers, Vifc. Tamworth, a Capt ?n the Royal Navy FRS[Stanton-Harold Leictjlerjh . ] 711. William Wentworth, E. of Strafford, Vifc. W T en;worth FRS. [Stainbrough Torkjh. Bou^hton Nortbampfo.] 71 1. WilliamLegge,E. of Dartmouth, Vifc.Lewifham, Recor- der of Litchfield, LLD. and FRS. [Sand well -hail Stafford Back heath Kent y Wood iham- Hall, Torkjh. J 3(0- I* Henry Paget, E. of Uxbridge, Ld Paget [Dawly 714. Middle] ex'] J 714. Charles Bennet, Earl of Tankerville, Lord Offulflon [Chiliingham Cafile Nortbumb . & Dawney- court Bucki 1 714. Heneage Finch, E. of Aylesford, Lord Guernley L. L. D. [Packington in Warwckjhire, Aylesford Kent , Aibury Surry] 714, GrorgeWmHervey,EofBriffol, LordHervey,fIckworth Suffolk] 7 14. Rob. Carteret, E. Granville, V. Carteret, and hereditary Bailiff of the llle of Jerfey, [Hawnes Bedford] 714. George Montagu Dunk, E. of Halifax, V. Sunbury, h s Majefty’s principal Secretary of State for the Southern Department, Ranger and Warden of Salccy Foreft and Bufhy Park, Lord Lt. and Cuft. Rot. of Northamptonlhire, a Gov. of Chapter Hojfe, and ranks as a Lieut. Gene.al in thi Army, [Horton North amp. Bufhy Park Mid.~\ K.G. 717. Henry Velverton, Earl of Suffcx, V. Longueyille [Eafton Manduit Northampton ft] 717. George Ciavering Covvper, E. Cowpcr, V. Fordwich [The More near Canterbury y and Cole -Green Hertj .] 718. Philip Stanhope, E. Stanhope, Vifc. Mahon, F R 6 \ [Chevening Kent] 719. Bennet Sherard, E. of Harborough, Ld Sherrard (Baron Leitrim in Ireland) [Whiffendine Rutland] 721. Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield, V, Parser F.R,S, LL.D. [Sherborn-caftk 0 *fordjb>] 8 The Honfe of PEERS. Earls. * 7 * /* George Farmor, E. of Pomftet, Ld Lempfter, a Lore of the Bedchamber to his Majcfty, and Keeper of the W ei I ark^ & Honfe atWindfor [ Lafton- Nefton A oribamftonjh ] 1722. Wm. Craham, E. and B. Graham of Belford (Duke' ol Montrofe in Scotl.) Chancel, of Glafgow Univerl. and Gov or the Royal Bank of Scotland [Glafgow Scotland. Kincairn Fertojbtre, and Buchanan in the Highlands] 1722. John Ker, E. and B. Ker of WakefieJd (D. ofRoxbureh r!ij C K»- a, jr ^ O e ’f r * Roxbur l ibfoirc, Broxniouth Haddington, Old Wmdfcr Berki] * &C0. II. John Waldegrave, E. Waldcgrave, Vif. Chewton, I7 r' 9 ' ^f bi° the Queen’s, or 2 J Reg. of Dragoon Guards, Cov. of Plymouth, and a Lieut. General [Nav e ftoke£#W H iver place Kent.] L M 9 I7 i^r, J °r h r^ ftbU i rnha o > E ’ ° f Afhburaham, Vifc. St. Afaph, LLU. I Ainlmr/iham Suj'ex J r 9 17 J 1. * Thom as Howard, E. of Effingham, Ld Howard, En- lign in the Guards, [Eaftwick near Great Bookham Surry! J 7 ^. George Haipole, E.ofOrford, V. Walpole, Ranger of Hyde and St. James’s Parks, a Ld. of the King’s Bedcham- ber, Ld Lieut, and Cuftos Rotuloium of Norfolk and of the City and County o: Norwich, and Steward of the Corpora- tion ot Yarmouth [Houghton Norfolk Haynton Devon.hA 1741. WUliarn Stanhope, E. of Harrington, V. Petor/ham, a Lieut. Gen. Col of the. 2d Troop of Horfe Gren. Guards, and Contr.cf the Cuff in ihe Port of Dublin [GawWorth Loejbire . Pctcr/him Surry.] 17 fl; E hn W allop, Earl of Portfmouth, Vifc. Lymingfon, [Hurfborne I/jrsts] J 0 9 1746. Iran. Grtvile, E. Brooke, and E. of Warwick 171:0, Ld. Grevhe, Recorder of Warwick, [Warwick Cable, snJ ' Little Ealing Mtddkfex] K. T. t7 f 6 ‘f Granville Levefon Gower, E. Gower, Vifc.Trentham. Lo d Chamberlain of the King’s R.ulhold, Lord Lieut, and Cuft. Roc °r the County of Stafford, and a Governor of Chaiter-Houfe [Trentham Staffordshire] I7 f m-’i*r^ 0h ^ H /-°, bart ' E ’ of Bjckin S h '‘mIhire, Ld Hobart, [Bhclding A r off] r * 7 ? 6 ' t G r° ree m iti ' W i IHa,n ’ E * Fifz will.am, Vifc, MiW. (alio E. Ficzwiiliam in Ireland) [Milton Northampton (b 1 J748. fir Henry -Arthur Herbert, EarlofPowis, Vifc. Ludlow 1 reafurer of the King’s Houfhold, Ld Lieut, and Cuft! Rot, of the Counties of Salop and Montgomery and Recover M W tj Lie ikl tip mc« m [Stc lw- I Lor- nan* thoc r-c. I to. c K. ' 1 M im (Ik Cuf F.R oft III. tf § tit m 9-761 T})e Houfe of P E E R S. Earls. 9 of the Town of Shrewlbury, ranks as a Lieut. Gen. in the Army [Powis-caftie Montgomery/bi re , Oakley. Park Salop ) ;49.*>Hugh Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Lord VV'ark- worth of Warkworth Cattle, Lord Lieut, of Ireland, Lord Lieutenant, and Cuttos Rotulorum of the Counties of M d- dlefex and Northumberland, FRS, [ Alnwick-Cattle A V- tbumbcrland J K.O. 749. * George Wyndham, E. of Ecremont, Lord Cocker- mouth, [Ore hard Wyndham Somerjcfjb, and Pet worth Suffcx\ 749- & Rich. Grenvilie-Temple, E. Temple, Vifc. Cobham [Stowe Bucks] K. G. 749. Simon Harcourt, E. Hircourf, Vifc. Newnham, Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, and ra* ks as a Lieutc* nant General in the Army, F.R.S. [Stanton Harcourt, Coke- thorpe, and Newnham Oxfordjhire ] 75°* ^ Francis Seymour Conway, E. of Hertford, Vifc. Beauchamp, (Ld Conway in Ireland) Ambaflador Extraor- dinary to the King of France, Lord Lieut, and Cutt. Ror. of the County of Warwick, and Recorder of Thetford [Ragley Wanvyckjh. Ssndyweil Gloucejltrjh. Taplow K. G. 7 52. Francis North, Earl of Guildford, Lord North, [Wal- der/hare Kent y Wroxton- Abbey Oxfordjb .] 7^3. Char. Cornwallis, E.JCornwallis, Vifc. Brome, Lieut. Col# of the 1 2th Re?. of Foot [Brome and Culfofd-hall Suffolk] 754. Phdip Vorke, E. of Hardwicke, Vif. Roytton, one of the Tellers of hisM^jefty’s Exchequer, Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of the Countv of Cambridge, L.L.D. & F.R S. [Wimple Qambr. Wreft Bedfordjkire] 7 ;4- Henry Vane, E. of Darlington, Vile, Barnard, Matter of the Jewel Office, Governor of the City and Cattle of Car- iille, Lord Lieut, and Vice Admiral of the Countv, A’dernun of the City of Durham, and Colonel of the Militia of the Biftioprick ot Durham [Raby Cattle Durham] 756. Thomas Bdafyfe, E. and V. Fauconberg, [Newb^ rough hail Torkjh .J ^56. ^Stephen Fox, Earl of Uchetter, Lord Stavordale, Joint Comptroller of the Army Accounts [ Redlynch Somerset jh.] eOt*jj£ III. •> John Well, E. De Liwarr,V. Cantalupe, Col* ? 6 i ot the itt Tr. of Ho. Gds. a Gen. of h s M < j . For. Gov. ofGuemfey, Matter F>retter of the Biilyw.ck of Fritbam in New Forett. K. B. [Boldro Lodge, Whorwdl Hants.] '61. ^William Talbot, Earl Talbot, Lord Heufol, Lcrd io The lioufe of PEERS. Viscounts. uZ 7 ct M t' ty ’ S H0 "' ]lold * C ^«nel of the Mill- winr;r^%,T L L D - [Hcnfo] cw *- * 76 ** R ° h ' Tt H “fcy, Earl of Worthington, Lord Hen’ev Or ot R iS"? a , H - am P ' hife> L ° :d Hi * h Chancellor of ^ n ; J n * Cord L.cuteoao? and Cuftor Rotulorum of Charter"; /o 7 r "" °' $0U * a »W ‘ « .ver„o r . J - ft r /I o,lfe - [Orange, n ear Alresfo d, rijmp/?j : . e ] ^ V 1 6 C Vil ’- Morlt, si rCdwdry SuFl rT-:™U; f r" - * * Wf SB J 6 g}: r ’• Townfhend, Vifc. Townfbend, Lieut, and ° w C O rd0,nce > Col. of the agth Reg. of Foot a I ‘ ,e Weftern Battalion of the Norfolk MiJHi* nJ^&°f ,eril t Ray ' )fa -.hall MrjUk, Rabley, near’ *682. Thomas Thynne, V. Weymouth, Hi-h Steward of •SEnajss^ ?• H “ ,e - A kw -"’, V ^' i . nsb, . olle “ d St ' J°k» of Bat- Tie goze 0t h ‘ S Majefty s Bedchamber [Lydiard. V; W Jgh Bofcawen V. Falmouth,Capt.of the Yeomen of 7 rT.etth G a U n^r.vf' lkS “ 3 ^ ^ aLie - * the Bedford* ICar.toJrffi f l dn2nce m Irei - and a ***» Gen. I7 +7. W.lliam Boucerie, Vifc Folfceftone, Recorder of Sarum & eo 7n ord T 77 and Ha 'i place n?ar Maidenhead ] ^ * s / r er [A,tfcor ? e ' e,' v \ J \ > Wimbledon and Baucrfea Surry i ll:d - Vi,C ° Unt [Powdeiham 7 ft eff R W ‘ 1rd / V ' fC - P Udley and W ard of Dudley. W . r . erfh. Recorder of Worceller [Himpley.Hall StljhrJ/.j Ujj. I ur II 'l he rlouje of rhhRS, Barons. BARONS, 66. PbU). T. Francis Dafhwood, Lori Le Defpcnfer, Mafler of 295. the Great Warcrobe, Lord Lieut, and Curtos Rot. of Buckinghamshire, F. R. S. and LLD. [Weft-Wvcomb Bucks, and Mere worth nx Kent] 295. George Nevill, Lord Abergavenny, [Kidbrook near Eafl Grin ire ad Suffsx. Abergavenny Monmouth] 296. John Touchet, Lord Audiey of Heleigh (E. uf Caftle- haven in Irel.) [Heieigh-caftle St afford fo. 1 297. Thomas Lennnrd Barret, Lord Dacre fBell-houfe F/rJ> Hawkhurft Kent] ^ 9 297. No: borne Berkeley, Lord de Bottetourt, Ld. Lieut. of the County of Gloucefter, and Cities and Counties of BrhTol and Giouccfler, Cuflos Rot. Vice Admiral of the County of Gloucefhr, K.ep*er of the Foreft of Dean, ConflabJe of 'the Caftie of St. Briave Is, Col. of South Battal. of the Glow- cefter Militia, and L. L. D. [S oke Gifford, near Briftoll >etl. VI. \ William Stourton, Ld Stourtcn [Stourton Cattle 448, Staffordjhn e] VII. John Fey to Verney, Ld Willoughby de Broke 492. Lord ot the Bedchamber to the King, L.L D. [Cjmp* ton-Verney and Chefterton, Wativ. Bra/led Kent ] ^ *&VD. VI. — Willoughby, Lord Willoughby of Parham -46. [Shaw Lancajb .] " 9 tllJ. 1 55 8.Wm Ferd. Carey, Ld Hunfdon. A [in Holland] 558. John St John, Lord St. John of Bletfo, [Woodford North amp. Melchburn Bedfordjh. J am. I* X Edv/ * Petre, Ld Petre of Writtle [Thorndon- 303. Place and Writtle- Park Effex] C05. J Henry Arundel, Lord Arundel of Wardour (Count of the facied Roman Empire) [ Wardour-cattle Wilts') 608. John Biigh, Ld Clifton of Leighton Bromfwold (£. of Darnleyin Ireland) [Cob ham Hall Kent ] Sr 5. JJ^hn Dormei,Ld Dormer ofWenge 4 [Peterley Buckt % Ewdlworth Hants, Grove-park Wardge Kent 1 Jja. I. Charles Maynard, Lord Maynard (alfo Lord May- 627. nard of Wicklow in Ireland) Ld Lieut. Cuff. R 0 t. and Vice-Ad n. of the C* of Suffolk, [Eafton-Lcdge near Dunmow Efftx, and Hoxne Hall near Eye Suffolk 643. Edward Leigh, Lord Leigh of Stonicigh rStoaleigh Abby W drwickjblre] 12 The Houje of PEERS. Barons. 1657- 165H, 1661. 1663. 1665. 1643. Wm Byron, Ld Byron of Rochdale, Matter of his Ma jetty’s Stag Hounds, [Newtted Abby Not.] ©jjft. 11 * J Marmaduke Langdale, Lord Langdaie of HoJnrv [Holme Yorkjb.] •> John Berkeley, Lord Berkeley of Stratton, Conftabb of the Tower of London, and Lord Lieut, of the Tower Hamlets [Abbey- Bruton Somerjetjh.] Nathaniel Booth, Lord Delamere, of Dunham Made] in Chettiire [Hampttead Middlefex , ] John Arundel, Lord Arundel of Trerice [Treric eCorn.j William Craven, LdCraven of Hamtted-Marfhal [Combe Abby War* Stew IJ41- Cho Cun 74** 1 Jbai wall. 743* ■ Cour 746. 1 cf til litia 746.1 Stew 47. f 747- 1 ofthc I 749 .V I IE In 7 ;oA 1 2a' C I711. Thomas Foley, Lord Foley of Kidderminfter [Whitley ^ Court JVcrceJferJb. J 171 x. ?3f Allen Bathurfl, Lord Bathurfl of Battlefden, [Ciren- cefter Glouccflerfb,] ©eo* I. Rich. Onflow,Lgrd Onflow, Lord Lt. andCuft. Rot. of 1716, Surry, High Steward of Guildford, and LLD. [Clan- don Place Sar.] K. B. 1716. Rob. Marfham, Ld Romney, Col. of Weflern Battalion of Kentifh Militia, LLD. and FRS. Prcf, of the Society for en- couragingArts andManufa£tures[TheMoie byMaidttoneATetf/J I718. Ciiarles Cadogan, Ld Cadogan of Oakley, Col. of the ad Troop of Horfc Guards, Governor of Graveftnd and Til- bury Fort, a Gen. of his Majetty’s Forces, and FRS, [Caver- fham 'Oxford ft), near Reading ] i/20 . Matthew Ducie Morton, Ld Ducie de Morton, and Ld Ducie ot Tortworth in Glouceflerfh. 1763, with Remainder to Fran.Re) nolds,Efq ; [Spiing-Park and Tortworth GloucT IV23. Wm King, Lord King of Ockham [Ockham. Surry] ©go* II. John Monfon, Lord.Monfon, L.L.D. [Broxburn 1728 Hertford /h. South- Car* ten and Burton near Lincoln J Mile 1 §>*•< I of thi I [Cane VM I Lord c 3 in Ire 1 ; 6 . •> led;:!: f 6 * i 1 Cwr. Ire idU loMre inder louc,] f^.L* Lt Imprc Rccki : *Ihe Houfe of PEERS. Barovs. 13 ; 74 *. Thomas Bromley, Ld Montfort, of Horfe-heath, High Steward of the Town of Cambridge, LLD. Lieut. Col. of the Cambridgefhire Militia [Horfe heath Camb. Drayto nMiddl.] 741. Henry' Frederick Hew, Lord Chedworth, [Stowell and Chedworth GlouceJUr ] | 74 J - George Edgcumbe, Ld Edgcumbe of Mount Edgcumbe, . Rear Admiral of the Blue, Lord Lt. and Curt. Rot. of Corn- wall. [Mount Edgcumbe Devon, Sc Putney Surry. ] [ 743- •C'Sam. Sandys, Lord Sandys, of Omberfley, [Omberfley Court IVorcefter . J 1 L 1 746. Tho. Bruce Brudenel, Ld Bruce, of Tottenham, a Ld ( of* the Bedchamber to the King, Col. of the Wiltfhire Mi- I litia [Tottenham Wilts] 746. Mattb. Fortefcue, Lord Fortefcue, of Caflle-Hill. Hrh Steward ofBarnftaple [Caflle-Hill Devon.] •47. Hen. Liddel, Lord Ravenfworth, of Ravenfworth Cattle [Ravenfworth-caflle Durham] ?47- Thomas Archer, Lord Archer, of Umberflade, and Rec. ofthe City of Coventry [Umberflade Warivitkfb. Py rgo EJj'ex] -49. Wm Ponfonby, Ld Ponfonby of Syfonby (E.of Befborough in Ireland) [Roehampton in Surry, Syfonby Leicejlirfp,] " 'to. Vere Beauderk, Lord Vere of Hanworth, Lord Lieut, and Cutlos Rot. of Berkfhire [Hanworth-heath MiddUJex 1 Thomas Villicrs, Lord Hyde ofHindon, Joint Poll Matter General [Hindon Wilts, Grove Uertlordjbire] 56. Horatio Walpole, Lord Walpole, of Woolterton [Wcolterton Norfolk] 56. •> William Murray, Lord Mansfield Lord Chief Juttire of the King’s Bench, and a Governor of Charter-Houie [Cane-wood Middlefex] 56. Wills Hill, Lord Harwich of Harwich in Eflex, firft Lord of Trade and Plantations, F.R.S.(Earl of Hilllborough in Ireland) 56. •> George Lyttelton, Ld Lyttelton, of Frankley in Wor- cefterfii.re, F.R.S. [Hag ley, near Stourbridge, Worctjlerlb, 1 60. ^- William Petty, Lord Wycombe, ranks as "a Major General in the Army, (Earl of She burne in the Kingdom of Ireland) [Wycon-be Ducks, Bow wood Park near Ca'n<» Wilts. ] 5o. Lewis Watfon, Lord Sondes, one of the Auditors of the impreft for Life, [Lees-court near Fever/ham Kent, and Rcckinaham-caftle dl.rtbamptcrjli rc ] Hoe Houfe of P E E R S. Barons. ©CO* III. Thomas Robinfon, Lord Grantham, K. B. 1761, and F R S. 176c, Richard Grofvenor, Lord Grofvenor, Maj.of theChefh, Militia, and LLD [Eaton hail Cbejbtr?, Coombe Sur r y] 17 hi. Nathaniel Curzon, Lord Scarfdale [Keddlcrton near Derby] 17^1. VVm Irby, Lord B flon, Chamb. to the Piincefs Dowager of Wales [Spalding Lintobyhire , and Beaconsfitid Bucks] 2 762 John Perceval, Lord Lovel and Holland of Enmcre in Some: let/hire, rt A Lord of theAdmiraltyF.R.S, (alfo Earl of Egmont in Ireland) \ EnmoreS^rrjWjTurnhamGrefn Mtdd.] 3762 John Mbntagu, Lord Montagu, of Roughton, eldeft Son of the Earl of Cardigan [Boughton in Northamptoyft,] 1762 Jof. Damer,Ld Milt< n, of Milton- Abbey in Dorfotfh.falfo Ld Miltcnof Shrone-hill in Irel.) [Milton- Abbey Durfetjh J 3762 Edw. Montagu, Ld Beaulieu, K B. [Dittrn Park Bucks j 3762 George Venables Vernon, Lord Vernon, of Kinderion [Sudbury in Derby ft ire] 3762 George Lane, Lord Birgley, [Bramham Park near Tad* carter Yo r kftire % and Horfley near Guilford Surry] 3763 ^ Henry Fox, Lo?d Holland, Baron of Frxlcy, Clerk of the Pells in Ireland for Life, and Paymarter General of the Army [Fox ley in Wilts, Kirgfgate near Margate Ktnt % Holland Houfe in MiddUf.] 2763 ^ John Ligonier, Lord Ligonier, Baron of Ripley in Surry, [Vifcount Ligonier in the Kingdom of Ireland,] Field Marfhal and Commander in Chief of his Majefty’j Forces in Great Britain, Col. of the firft Regiment of Foot- Guards, K. B. and FRS. [Cobham Surry J I** SCOTS PEERS (16.) EUSled the 5 th of May 1761, SDlll. 1H, l John Campbell, D. of Argyll, Marq. of Locn, 1701. Col. of the Scots Greys, Gov. of Limerick in Ireland, and a General of his Majefly’s Forces [Coombank ne3f Sevenoak Kent, and Inverary Argylljhi r e ] Sam. II. § Wni Sutherland, E. of Sutherland, Ld Strathna- 1457. vern, Lieut. Col. Commandant of a Bit. of Highlanders i 3437. John Lefsley, Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefsley, Col. of the *. B. Third (or Scotch) Regiment of Foot-Guards, a Privy 1 Jof ft ^ Councilor ; n Ireland, Governor afUuncannon Fort Com- ihrlLi mender ia Chief ui Irel. and a Lieut. General [Hitcham- j The Houfe of PEERS. Scots Peers. 15 Houfe Bucks, and Lefsley Fifefbire ] K. T. 4 57. Ja. Douglas, E- of Morton, Ld Aberdour, Ld Regifter of Scotland, and Prefcdent of the Royal Society in London [Aberdour Fifefbire , Dalmahoy Mid Lc:bijn y chifwiclc M:d.] K.T. 5 03. J Alex. M ontgomery E. of Egllntr n,LdMontgoniery. a Ld of f he King's Bedchamber [Egimton and Ardrofan A\rjhire\ lBrg James Stewart, E. of Moray, Lord Down [Dun:- 61. brifal Fifefbire ] K. T. 4 *tlt* Vf. J James ^Hamilton. Ei of Abercorn Ld Pa fley, a!fo 00. Vifcount Strabane in Ireland, a Privy Couttfelior there [Paifley Renfiewjbire , Witharo EJfcx ] I. John Campbell, Earl ot Loudoun, Lord Modyn, 33. a Lt. Gen. Gov. of Edinburgh Caltie, Col. of the 30th Regiment of Foot, & F. R.S. [Loudon- Caftle Airjbire\ 5 J8. II. $Jn Campbell, E.of Breadalbane,V. Glenorchy, Chief Jullice in Eyre of his Maji-fty’s Foi^fts South «f Trent, LLD, [Sugnal Sctffordjh . Taymouth Perthfb. j KB $ tin* U. J William Murray, Earl of Dunnroic, Lord FincaftJe S7 [Dunmore and Fincallle, P e^tbjhire] HIT. III. tjarncs Douglas, E. of March. Ld Douglas, a Ld cf 97 * the King’s Bedchamber [Nidpath Peek Us ft A re] K T. 97 - •> Hugh Hume, E of Marchmont, Ld Polwarth Keeper ot the Great Seal of Scotl . FRS. [Reobraes Berivick/b*] 2. 97 * 2 * John Carmichael, E. of Hvndford, Ld Carmichael, one ot the Lords Commif. of Police in Scotland, and Vice Ad- miral of Scotland [Weftcr-hali and Carmichael, Lancrk - fart] K T. ° 3 * it J John Stewart, E. of Bute, Lord Mount-S'ewart, Ranger of Richmond Park, a Gov. of the Char ter -Houfe, and Chanc. of the Univcrfity of Aberdeen [Mount -Stewart in the Ille of Bute, and Luton Hoo Btdfordjbire ] K.G, HU. VI. David Murray , Vifcount Stormont, A mb a fl ad or i2 Exrrac rdinary and Minifter Plenipot* ntiary to the. Em- peror and Emprefs of Germ. [Kumlin b onCafHeyf/w»^<2/e] 3 III* II. Charles C thcart, Ld Cathcart, firfl Lord Commit. 30. of Police in Scotland, Adjutant General of the Forces n -h 1 or th- Britain, a Lieut. Gen- [Sundrum Airfbirc , Schaw ^rk, Shrub-Hill near Davking in Surry~\ K. T. B. file figures after rhe 16 Scots Petrs, fliew the Number ^ Pat Jia menu in which they have fat, J Were not in lad J arliarnenu § Chofcn hnce the General Elcftion, 16 Tlje Houfe ^/"PEERS. Peeresses. PeerefTes in their own Right, either by Creation or Defcent 13 J Emim.a Campbell, Marcbionefs Grey, Lady to the Earl of Hardwicke, St fames' square [Wreft-Houfe Bcdf.] 174D Melefina de Schulenberg, Couarefs of Walfingham, Lady of tie Earl of ChefterficJd, South Audhy-jlreet 1/22 Amelia Sophia WaJmoden, Ccurtefs ^Yarmouth, Hanover 1739 Charlotte Compton- Tow r.fhcnd, Baronefs Ferrers, Lady to WJcount Town/hrnd 1298 Margaret Tufton-Cbke, Barorefs of Clifford, Lady of the late Earl of Leiccfter [Hoik ham Norfolk .] 1299 Ann? Smith, B jrctiejs Dudley * 1307 Eliz . Percy , Baroaf Percy fady oftheE.oftt orth umber] and 1377 K atherine Bokenham Wijfon, Barorefs Berners 14^5 Charlotte Murray, Baronefs Strange, of Knokyn, Lady to the Duke ef Athol, arid Lady of the Ijle o/Man 1627 Mary Leggc, Baromfs SrawelJ, of Somerton in Somerfetfhire, JVtacw of the late Rt, Hon. Henry Bilfon Legge 1760 Mary Stuait, Baronefs Mount- Stuart, of Wortiey /«Yo k- fhire, Lady of the Ear l of B ate 1761 Hefter Pitt ,Bfs of Chatham, Lady of the RtAIon. Win Pitt 1761 Caroline Fox, Ba>on*fs Holland, Lady of Lord Holland 1761 toE f \nv (hr thr- [fee u ■ Ihk (Phil; ARCHBISHOPS and li Is H O P S, 26. With the Sum each See is charged in the King’s Books* T\R Tho. Seeker Ld Abpcf Cant. Pr.oi all Lngl. Prefid. ol | / Corp. uf Sons of the Cl, and of the Soc. tor Prop, of the Cofp. a Gov, of Charter- Hou/e, and a Vice PrefiJcnt < fSt, Geor;t*’s lipitai [Croydon Surry ] 2*82: 12:2 Hon. DriC bDrummord,Ld Abp.of York,Primateof England, ar*J l*o pi high Almoner to his Majcft.y, and Brother to the Earl of Kinajul ; [Bhhopth* rp &Rroi£woith Torkjb. ]i6toi Dr. Richard Terrick, Ld. Ep. • f London, De] I and ftrSarr Tk iflii Ch. u kC W •4) 1 f&k I SIT j f(r:d Mb’ - c jOrT r Jk-% I h. TheHoufeof PEERS. Bishops. i 7 r Edm. Keene, Ixrd B-ftnp 0 f Cherter R f A nr nF il 9 ' u 7 ' ? ■n the Eithoprick of Durham f Palace itCh^a l^ ^* r&°At n ’ l t B? ' f^celirHartlebnry.^Jgg 0 ; 1 .:! r '' m Aih 'urnharo. But. and D D I j d V c Reclor of Gc filing in SufT-x [Chick*! 1 ?.!. Sul 1 r. R;chard Newcome, Ld Bn ofS- Afanh" R* ■> c , • Wm.Warbarton Ld Bpof Gloucefler p r *k-n7 J ri 4 , 7 ‘sl K f ,r ” f , e ;r ” f ?“ h ™ R'S:Xz%%°' and Rec. of Sr Marv ItBwl ^ j rn’^ 3 *!' °* St. ^auls, Cha.Xytteh^Ld- BpTof Cariifo'Bro^r ' ,5 ° Pref.of Soc.of Antic. F R3. [Rote c»(5ir I T- vtteJton » Dr. Frederick KepS W p the Earl of Aibemarle.^fFwe^Pj^acel ^ * S il M,t .h.„ Lamb, B.rt,' fit’ru"* “ d E ™ h " *« Irf^r/b >w W /? i / 7 . . a . „.- .-r L ,---_*- ~ g -J 4 < 4 : 1 7 : * ircy,jrzr d ^ r* p Thomas Seeker. \ Oxford Primate of all England. 1 Canterbury Ion. Dr Rob.Drnmmond, 5 Salrfbury t York B 3 awu.iyjiimjTio F.umate ef England, 1734 Cecil, r r . *737 Potter, tr . 1758 Hutton, t /ff, J 74^ Rife, tr. **76 1 Thomaj,rr J /6i Giibert aV f , i 3 if)e Houje of PEERS. Bishops. Names • Sees. Anno. Jn room of *Ihe "Right Reverend 5 ?rterborough 1757 Thomas, tt c Dr Richard Terrick, Z London 1764 O/baldeftonu _ „ , t _ C St David’s c Hon. Dr Richard Trevor, | Durham # Dr J'-hn Thomas, c Dr Matthias Mawfon, c Di Edward Willes, c Dr John Thomas, r P^terboro* < Sahfbury i Winchester r LandafT < Chichefler I Ely 5 St David’s 764 Ofbaldeftonu 1744 Willes, tr. 1752 Butler, dec. 17 47 Ciavering,r/e 17^7 Gilbert, tr. 1761 fioadl y y dec 1738 Harris, */ec. 1740 Hare, dec. 2754 Gooch, dec , 1742 Clagget, tr, I St Afaph Lincoln Sa tilbury 0 Rt. Hon.Ld Jam.Beaudcrk, Hereford j oc - * /‘t* ir ' I Bath^WeJJs 1743 Wynn, dec, I c DrZacbary Pearce, c Hon- Dr Fred. Cornwallis, c Di Edmund Keene, 0 Dr James Johnfcn, c Sir Wm Afhburnham,BL c Dr Richard Newcome, J Bangor Z Rochefter 1743 Maddox, tr, 1744 Reynolds,*/, 1761 Drummond,. 1746 Egerto r\ t dec t 1747 Hutton, /r, 1756 Wilcox, dec, Litch.&Cov. 1749 Smalbroke,a Chefter 5 Gloucefter Z WorceAcr e hi cheftcr ^ LandafF St Afaph t Dr John Hume, c Dr John Egerton, £ Dr Philip Yonge, e Dr Win.Warburtoi, S BriAoi C Ox c Dr, Sarrotel Squire, c Dr, John Ewer, c Dr John Green, c Dr Thomas Newton, 0 Dr Chules Lyt'elton, Ox fold Bangor C Brifiol Z Norwich Gloucef^r St. David’s LandafF Lincoln BrAo] Cariiflc c Hu-. Dr. Frederick Keppel, Exerer c Dr. Rubeit L.imb, 17S2 Pcploe, dec 1752 Brnfo n y dcc. 1759 Maddox, r/cT. 17 -4 Mawfon, tr. 1755 CrefFet, dec. 1761 Drummond,* I 7 r 6 Conybeare, 175S Seeker, fr. 17 6 Pearce, tr. 1758 Hume, /r. 1761 Hayter, t r . 17 '9 Johnfon, tr. 1761 ElHf, dec. 1761 N-wc >me,fn 1761 Thomas, tr. 1761 Yonge, tr , . 2762 Ofbaldeflon,/. 1762 Lav ngton,dfer , “ / J Petci borcugbi 764 Terrick, -rr. * * '■♦“Dr. Mark Hildefley, Sodor & Mani755 Wilfon, dec. ¥lc Bps of London, Durham, and Whichever, take place next to the Abps, and the r(fl atcordhg to Priority cj Qo fee rat ion. j. Alphabetical Lift of the Houfe of Peers, ig 'he HOUSE of PEERS in Alphabetical Order, with their Town Re/idence. > Hands for Duke, M for Marquis, E for Earl, V for Vifcount, L for Lord, Bp for Bifhop. y The Figure < after the Names refer to the Pages on which each Lord is mentioned with his Titles in the foregoing Lift. A Berco:n E i $,Cai>.Jjuarc Abergavenny L 1 i, Char , fireet, Berkley jquare Vbingdon E 6, on bis Travels Ubemarle F 6, Berkley Jquare lefey, E 5 , on bis travels Vnc after D 3, Berkley ffuare Yrcher L 13, Grfivttior Jquare \rgyli D 14, Solo Jquare Vfun iel ofWardour Li i, Nc*w Bond-fireet \rundel Trerice,L 12, Cbcfiea \ft1burnh3m E Dover* fir cct ^ylesford E 7 firojoenor-jq* dangor^Bp 17 , Whitehall 3 ath and Wells Bp 16, 11:11 fir dathurft L 1 2, Sr, J amts' sfq. 3 eauforc D 2, or bis Travels Jeaulicu L 14, Dover fireet Bedford D 2, B loom Jbury Jquare Berkeley E 6, Spnrg Gardens 3 rrktley Stratton L 12 jBerkJq Bciboro ugh E i^CavendifioJq. Bingley L 14, Cavendijb Jq. SolmgbrokeV 10, Brook-fir set Bolton D 2, Grofveror Jquare 3 ofton, L 14 Grofvenor -fireet 3 ©ttetourt,Li i, Grofiettor-fir Breadalbane E 15, Piccadilly Jridgewattr D 4, C lev land roucks E 8, ute E 15 South A*dhy fir cet _ Byron L 12, G, Marlborough ft Cadogan L 1 2 , NesoBurlingtbnfi Canterbury Abp 10^ Lambeth Cardigan £ 5, Privy garden Carlifle E 5, King's Col. C a rnb m Carlifle Bp 17, Burlington •fir Caftlchaven El i,lTork huildirgt Cathcart L I 5 ,U pterG rojv.fi r Chandos D 3 > Id over Jireet Cnedworth L 13 > Cur zson-fi reel Chefter Bp 17, Downing fireet Cheft.rfield E 5, S Audley .fir Chichefter Bp 1 1 Alberts arlc- fir + Cholmondeley E 7, Piccadilly C.evehnd D 2, St.J ames's Clifford L i?., Clifton Li/, Berkley [quare Corlee E 1 zfieorge fireet fiVcfim Cornwallis £ 9, Coventry E 6 , Piccadilly Courtenay V 10, Grojvenorjq^ Cowp-.r E 7 , at Florence Craven L 12, Up % GroJvenorfir % Cumberland D i Grofiv.fi* Da .reL 11, Bruton fireet Darlington i^Clevland b.SJfq Dartmouth E 7, St James' s-Jq Dela mere L 12 Cavcndijh Jq De Lawarr E 9, HdnoverjJuare Denbigh E 5, Pall-mall Derby E 4, Grojvenor Jquare Devon hire D 2, Pucadi/ly Dormer L 1 1 South Audley fireet Dorfet D 3, Cockpit , Whitehall Ducie L 1 2 , Brook finet Dudley V xo % againJlGnJv t gal$ Dunmore E 15, 50 Alphabetical Li/l of the Houfe o/P BERS 1 6 , Hartffvef jquare\ Hy„dfo,d F. ,, £ E * S a * u ! Durham Bp.fi./W ; Dogcumbe L 13, Upper Gr 0 f. ve nor Jtrcet J F Bingham E %, Hill-fleet FghntonE 15, Stratton fleet Egmont E i 4 , Pall-mall i gremont E 9, lVfl m . Sc Uol Ely Bp 16, ElyHpufi, lhflm Elfex E 5, Stanhope JirMayF FxetcrE 4, Abroad Exeter Bp 17, Upper Brook fir Falmouth V JO, St.Jume/sfq Fa u con berg E 9, Geo.fi.IlanJq. Ferrers E 7 ,Ceorge-fi r ertfil t j ;n} Pitzv% lJham E 8, Fo ey L 12, Cavendj/bhuare Folke/loneV 10. Burlington- fi Forte feue L 13, Grqfiv.fquare Gainftjorough t 6, G.i ouc ester D i-Leicefi.H. Cloucefter Bp 17 , Grefuertor fq. Ccdolphin E 6 , Stable yardStJ Gower E 8, Arlington fircet Grafton D 2, Old Bond fireet Grantham L 14 Whitehall Granville E 7, Burltngton fir, Gioivenor L 14 Groflenor fq, Guildford E 9, Grcjuet.or fq, Ffalilax E 7, Great George -fir Hamilton D 3, Eton School Ha, borough E 7, Sateen's fq. Harcourt E 9l Cavendifh fl Hardwicke E 9 > St.jfar,.ctG L HamngtonE 8 ,Stableyd,St.ia Hereford V 10 Lei c fler.fi, ids .Hereford Bp 17, Q> aven-firect Hertford E 9 , at Pari, Htillborough.E 13 ,Har.o-ver.fg HolderncfleE 6 , Arlington fl. -Holland L 14, Piccadilly Hunfdon L 1 1 Albemarle fireet W yndford £ IllTn £ t’ Crc f" Vfnt>r huar, KM* 'J 9 ’ Bur H<™ fir Kildare M lo, Cbapd.fi. Gr.. K;ng L 12, Groflet-or fq. Kmgfton D 3, ArtihJJflr. Lan^ft P J2 ’ ‘^“Fsnd Lanoaff B P 17, Suffolk n rc(t Cbarmg-croh J ’ Dangdale L iz, Golden f,, uar W D 2 , St. y an.. ct ,, C , 1 1 1 Griflnor-flrcc LeDefpenfen 1 L ,Ch.fiBer{. fq L'gonjer L 1 Lincoln E 4, Afew Palace yard tnehl n u P c 16 ’ Sutiard j^rd l*on 5 fi I t Bp l7 ’ 6 '- ^dlevfir, London Bp 16 > Old 'Bond flot Loudoun E ,^y garden Manchefter D 3 Bakl'ey , fquare rtf- itBdctrjbi;* mSS e, vW//.*S MarchmontE , 5 flr^nfifVfl Mar botough D 2 , Ma, li r J gh K°ufe, Pall-mall - » Matham I I2 , C^ r „, Mon fin L 12 , Albemarle, fircet Montagu V lo, Lincoln, inn field, Montagu L , 4 , A!bem a r! e fir Montion L 13 ,Sy *,**&*„. xr ?, VI ^ 3 > J trn fi Norfolk D i, St.jan,e,',jqf N Ortlnrrmt rrrv 17 . -'■7 xMUiliuuu i. i I subemarle n r ^t n ~ J Ji Huntingdon E 4, S,.jJjp?P 5 ,° lk D *• J^e,',fq. "*** L Alphabetical Lift of the Hjufe of Peers. 2 1 orthumberland E 9, Nor - Shaftefbury E 5, Grofv.ffuarc tbun berlaud Hoofe, Char. cr. Shelburne £13, llill-ftreet onvich Bp 17, Upper Gref- Shrewfbury E 4, Stanhope ftr € •venor ftreet Somerfet D 1, Upper Grofv tir % nflow L 12, Marlborough ftr. Sondes L r3> Curz&n ftreet rford E Z fircen ft.Grojv.jq. Spencer V 10 St James's Place xford E 7, Harley -ftreet Stamford E 5, Sackville ft net xford Bp 17, Dean's Coart, Stanhope E 7, Dover ft net St. Paul's Stormont V 15, at Vienna embroke E 4, Privy -garden S court n L n :terborough E A J.Burlin.ft^ Strafford E St. James' sJ / 0 jterborough Bpiq , 8 a chuilleft Suffolk E 4, D :ike -ftreet, W eft - :tre L I 1 Cur z,on- ftreet mirjhr ly mouth E 6, Bruton ftreet Su (T:x E 7, South Aadlty -fir . om ret E 8 , Savil/e-row Sutherland E14 y C ivendijhjfu ortland D 3, Grojvenor-ftrect Talbot E 9 % Lincoln s-inn- field*' ortfmonth E 8, Saville Row TankervilleE 7, Conduit ftreet oulett E 6, George ftreet, York Thanet E 5, Grofvenorfjuare Buildings Temple E 9, Pall-mall owis E 8, Albemarle ftreet Teynham L 11 uecnlburv D 3, Burling, gar. Torrington V 10, Albemarle ft avenfwurth L l^ySt.J awes' * Townfhmd V ro, AaJley-ffti Jjuare Trevor L t z General PoftO jfict ichmond D 2 , Privy garden Vert* L 13, St. James' sjquare ochefter Bp 17, Dean's yard Vernon L 14, Conduit ftreet ochford E 6, at Madrid Urbridge E 7, IVdlbank ftr ocklngham M 4, Groftv.jp Waldegrave E 8, Saville Rivt omney L 12, " Walpole L 13, Bruton ftreet othis E 14, Gr. Brook ftreet Warwick. E 8 ybxiV-ftrtet fierk+ oxburgh D S, Hanover Jq^arc * ley-fquart See Brovke utlaad D 3, K } - gbtjbri Jge [ W nt worth V io,Savilh'»ro'W :. Albans D z^brujjds jWrffmoi'land E 5, Sackvilh-JU Af^ph Bp 17, Caft.SiJa. Weymouth V 10, Pail -wall j.Pa^d ’3 Bp i ftreet; Willoughby de Broke L J r, Cavttidijo Jquare j St ante ft e ftreet . Jolui L J2j Burlington Jir Willoughby of Parham L it, ill (bury E 4, Grofvenor ft^m Wimffiilfaa E 5, Cavtr.dijb fj ililbury Bp 10 y AWe* arle Hr. W nchefter Bp 1 b, at Cbelfea i/idwich E * , JV- iic,-: til t Worcester Bp 17, Upper Brook- indys L 13 .Uf .G efv ftreet. ftreet Grofve nor-jquare ly and Sele V o. Gctden-f?. York: D i, Pall m ill arborough £ h y D*wning-ftr % York Abp l6 , Dartmouth ftreet :andaJe L 14 A^aity Jquare ” °f ,h ’ «“/' °f Common,. »** ■*->- ot," B »'S, E ^i ( C M>*U ~i Dm, mmti* Hardinfc Slracy, &, J C """" h - Mr. Edward Barwell 7 M: . Robert Gunnell, r C/crh of tie JngroJfmenU Nichoiasa T ‘ :te ; j0Urndli “^Papers 14 ^A]; berjeaut at utirms,, .“W. deputy Serjeant at At mi, ?V* Dr. Richard Curt, CUfl a ,„ } ft! iT&t7 ay \ * *' s >” k ' r - J^ r - BoWyer > Print * r if the Votes Mr r : WirZltJ, dtV T ~ tLe y °“ it0 £ ,r - Godfrey Berwel), 5 Door-keepers, Jofliua Stevens, iloufi -keeper . , r. Jofliua Stevens, -» Mr, John Kirby, / ^fr. William Whitham, f Meffengert. Mr. Charles Williams, } r ' R fn j a0 ‘in Ko pit, Lp-wer Door-keeper, - - wTarrd/ic rJ : rPr 1 " F " w th ' s “j- « a™* For each Day in his Cuftodv r„, i._: : .l r. - ijj .Ha, v^uitoav For bringing to the Bar of the Houfe To the MeHcnger per Day To the Houfe- keeper To the Door keeper - The Clerk’s Fee * in: v^ierK s r ee . The Speaker's Secretary for taking and difchargiTg ] M D 7 -r 7 . r-r-. I _ . o 0 3 5 1 o o o 0 1 8 8 o o 3 8 0 o o e u.iwwging I o 0 ^ ■\!f an y Miftahtin T it la, Pofs of Honour Places of Reji.itnc e, or the. like, Osouldhappe 1 in thefel , ST s on Notice they Jhall be rettifed ivitb Thanks , * I The Houfe of COMMONS. SPEAKER, The Right Hon. Sir JOHN C U S T, Bart. TTYTr fffhe COUNTIES, BOROUGHS, CSV. tn the Order they are called over in the Houfe ; with the Names of ike Members return'd for each , the Places they pojfefs , and their Country Scats. Note C. (lands for County ; Bor. for Borough ; n. for near. he Figure after the Name (hews in how many Parliaments the Member has ferved : ; printed in Italic Characters (without any Mark) were new Members at the late General Election. J 1 } Privy-CounfeJlors. § Chofen fince the General Eiedion. I __ f Vo ed in upon Petition. ENGLAND 489. BEDFORDSHIRE 4. 5 P HE mod Hon. Francis {Ruffe!) Marquis o/Taviflock, only Son to theD. of Bedford and Col. of the Bedfordili. Militia ■ .obert Henley Onglev, of Old Warden in thisCounty Eiq: * Borough of Bedford. I ranch Herne, Efq; [Harrow in Middlejex ] * ; iclurd Vernon of Hilton near Wolverhampton, Efq: one of the Clerks Comptrollers of his Majefty's Houjheld a • BERKSHIRE 9. j lenry Pye, qf Farringdon-houfe in this C. Eff; L L D. 4. ■ irt. yanlittart, ofShottelbrook near Maidenhead, in this C. Ef- J Colonel of the Militia of this County, ar.d LLD. * l f Borough of Reading. ■ ohn Dodd of Swallowfield near this Bo oagh, Efq: Lieutenant 1 Colonel of the Berk/hire Militia. j, |,r Francis Knollys ef Thame in Oxfordfhire, Bart. •' Borough of Abingdon. ■ ohn Morton, of Tack ley near Wood dock, Oxfordlh. EJ y; LLD. JCh.Jud. ofCheder.Coun. atLaw, and ranks asKing’sCouniel; Borough of Neov-H'indfor. ' ion. Augadns Keppell, Efq; next Bro. ts the E. of Albemarle, : * Grcom of bis Majejty's Bedchamber , a Rear-Admiral of the ‘ Blue , J 24 The Houfe of COMMONS. Hi n. John Fitzwilliam, Col. of the 2d Reg, ofHorfe, Lieut. Genera), and Groom of the Bedchamber to the Duke o i Cumberland [Langley near Colnbrooke, Ruck*. J 2 Borough of Wallingford . Sir John Gibbons, B3rt. Lf. Co/, of the kP ejlminjhr Battalion oj A///iV/tf,K.B.^//^LLD.[Stanwcli-place ^rStaines in Midd.Jz Sir George Pigot of Ufke-Caftle, Mor.mouthflrre, Bart, (late Governor of Fort St. George in India) BUCKS I4. Hon. Sir Wm. Stanhope, of Eythrop in this County , K, B. Brother to the £ . o/'ChefterfieJd 6 Richard Lowndes of Winflow in this C. Efq 5 LLD. 4 Borough of Buckingham . Rt, Hon. James GrenviJJe, cf Burleigh near Sommerton, Efq; id Brother to Earl Temple 4 %Rt. lion . George GrenviJJe, Efq-, frfi Comrrdff. of the Trea . fury, Chancellor and Under Trcafurer of the Exchequer, an Elder Brother of the Trinity Houfe , a Gov. of the Charter Jfouje, Recorder cf Harwich, and next Brother \o E. Temple [ Wootton in this Co. J 4 Borough of Chipping-Wycotnh. Robert Waller of Hall Barn, near Beaconsfield, in this Co. Efq; C Ii'aac Barre, Elqj a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Borough of Aylefbury . ©Wellbore Ellis, Efq - Secretary at Wa r% FRS. [Tilney-hall Hants ] 4 $ AnthonyBacon, Efq; of London, Merchant [Hog Hill, Ejfex] z Borough of Great Marlow. William Clayton, Efq j Mj ff {r General 0 f the Ordnance, and John Hynde Cotton, 0/ M»'» '"’^Rockingham, Northamptonshire.] 6 ' r n-Tho.T-.wnfh.wnoI.Efq; a teller of the Excheq. Unde toLd I r/c. To wr./hend, LLD. [Frogpoole, near Footfcray, Ker.tl Borough of Cambridge. \ jLBotiS’H ««»*, ! I ,n ' Cha Sloan Cadogan of Cavtrfliam, Oxon, Efq, sd. I nK Garden , and Water,, Tresfurer to the j Duke °f Yo >* i «** only Son to Lord Cadogan Cheshire 4. I: muel Egerton, Efqj [Tatton Park in tbit C, ~l ]• l}' Che^flffi' ?rVa,e ‘ R0Sr * 1 in tbu C A ' der ” * i G/y of Cbefler. i r S j £-? A fvc r or » Ef<3 ’ £'**'■ » Lord Grofvenor , ■ hard Wilbrabam Bootle, of Latham. IlalL Lance, hire FR 9 S nrf Son of Mr. IVtlbrabam Member for Newton j Cornwall 44. I {,°„ nSt *fV n f Clowancs near Helrton intbi, County Dart * H kr »{^7 «f-L,/keard E f i .S„./*./ < , W r c ^Bithurft 4 I, Borough of Bunheved, alias Launcefion. ■ //% r / L 5/ A BeCke ? h3!n ” Mr BromIe y Kent, £/>- I tot, » ^Z t0 ^ Mc c mber f° r Compound U \ I R fgon.Hum^.Uo rnce, o/Werington, ZW. E f q: tfW,* I / Stannorte, and Steward of ,h: Dutcby of Cornwall 3 I .. c , F ° rough of Ltfkerrett , «//*, Lifkeard. ( .ip Stephens, Efq, Secretary to the Admiralty. ■ thony Champion o/Croydon in S urr y, E(V)- * I „ . Borough of Lof-ucitbiel. '* I r iT* Howard of Bookbam in Surry Efa- Cnl of* rv I n-lawTo thl Ea?fSr^ LieUtenant Q ™ txA > hx0 ^l 1 165 Edward CoJleton . Ef Si of Haines-Hil], Berk, , | Borough of Truro. 3 ■ l.Geo. Bofcawen, next Hro. to Vtfc Falronii.r, r,t r l lfdc FMt > u Gov ' ***'> 1 lV B3fCaWCn / 2dBl0 t ° ^.Falmouth, Co/ cf'tbc ”-^ rf If Foot, Gr.oftbe Bedc.to the p.o/Cumberland^ * *6 The Houfe of COMMONS. Borough of Bod my n. George Hunt, Efq; of Lauhidrock, near this Bor. and of Mol lington in the County of Cheftcr $ Sir Chriflopher Treifc, Knt, [Lanethen in this Co.] Borough of Helfon . Hon.Fr. Godolphin of Baylk, near Wind for, in the C.f Bucks 5 Sir John Evelyn, Vif Falmouth, a//£e C/rr/i of tbt Boa d of C reen Cl.tb [ Wotton, SurryJ . 6 Borough of Saltajh . 6 V< 7 '£ Bro.*in-law to the E.offtutix §John Richmond Webb of Lincoln’s-I nn, Efq; and one of ibe Juftices cf the Counties of Brecon f Glamorgan , ar.andranksas Lt.Co!. ofFt.a Hr-fiVy of Tru: o, Efq; Counfel to the Adm % and Nuvy and ranks as King's Counfel, Auditor of Greenwicn Hojpital^ and Attorney General to the Qjeen 2 Borough of Callington. ne William Sharpe, Efq; of Bloomfbury- Square } F.R.S* Z Jjard Stevens of IKinfcott in Devonjhire , Efq; CUMBERLAND 6. J. Pennington, of Moncafter, n. Whitehaven, and Warter near Pocklington, YorkAi : re, Bt. 4 James Lowther, of Co wiher, in Weflmorl. Bart. Son-in-law to the Earl of Bute, Lieut , and Cufl % Rot * of the Counties of WeAmorland and Cumberland, Mayor of the City a/'C-irLflc, andCd.of the Cumb. and Weftmorl. Militia [Lowther Haiija City of Car life. w.RabyVane, ^/’RabyCaAle in the County ofO urhan^ff Caff, in (he Navy, and 3 d Btc . to the E 0/ Darlington 3 nry Curio in of fTorJungton in this C. Efq* C Z . 28 The Houfe of COMMONS. c . . . Borough of Cocktrtnoulh. S.r John Mordaunt K.B .Lieut. Gtr.Col.of, to SothRrz.Dragso, Coy.oJ Sheernel* [Padwell near Southampton Hants] * y a. Jw/ikinfon, J'ff) Joint Secretary to tie ^reufury - - „ Deiby'shirei. ft « t. Hon LdGro.Ca vendi/h, j fi Vn c le to tocD. efDevcnfhhe lLr.ry I.vpur, o.toLordWss]p 0 \e, Son-in-law an, In u - r 7 u Lon Ion with Sir J c /hua Vanncck.Bt: J Harrn c/“ H.ine, near Okthampton in tbit C. Efo; Majter 0 , “ 1 loj - llcu P>- a ’-- d Brother-in-law to the E ofHe rtfdtd t Borough of Tiverton. Nat. Ryder ^Streatham in Surry and Harrowbv near Grantham kncolnftire, Ef Si Son of the late Chief Jujiice, and Son- in- Law to the Btjh-.p of London 3 > Lharlfs Core, c/Tring in Hertfordshire, Ef Hon. Rich. ( Howe) Ld rife. Howe, ft he fC. 0 fhel. a IJ. of tie Mm. a Copt. i„ ,he R. Na-vy, Col. of the Chatham Div. t e t°ir ar d as a M, Gen, in the Army fLangar n. Nor. 1 2 John ‘Jeffreys "J the Priory in Co Brecon, F.lq; Warden of hit Maj. Mint and Dip. Ranger of Sr. Janes's and Hyde Parks 5 Borough of O kebampton, Alexander Forrefter of Lincolns- Inn, Efq; 1 Wenman Coke, cf Longford, Chelhire, F.fq; Nephew to the l f e Ear l °f Leicefter, Surveyor of tie Woods belonging to the Duchy f Lancarter North of Trent. Borough of Honiton, John Dtike.Efq; of Ouerton in this County 5 Sit George Vor ge of Eftcott in tbit County , a;c Cf ||W Cat PQ- \y t W Trcajurcr of the Na%iy [Bccket Berks ] 5 jeo. Pocoick, K. B. Adm . of ileE lueSquad . [ Tvv ick’ham ilFi/ ] a Borough of Beer a If on . Franc's Henry Drake, cj Buckland 2/2 this C. Bart. Rangtf tua Majitr f Dai tmore Fs/vy? in /£/> County y and a CUrk Controller of the Board of Green Cloth 3 n." George Hobart, Efq; next Brother to the Earl oj Buck- Dghamfliire [Bly borough, Lincolnjb. J % Borough of P lympton- Earle . WilJiam Baker, of Bayford, Hertfordfh. Knt. an Alderman nd Mcrch, of London and Gov. of the Hudfon s~ Bay Comp. 3 aul Henry Oorry, Efj\ a Captain in the Royal Navy Borough of Potnejs . hard Savage Lloyd, Efq; Son of the late Sir Richard Lloyd Hint ie Aram Hall near Ipfwich in Suffolk] a enry Styihour; o/Sherborn in Dorfetflure, Efq; Groom of be Bedchamber to Its Majefy Borough of Barvflaple. iyi Rolls t Efq j at prefen: in Eafi Florida , Brother to John Valter , Efq; Member for Exeter [Hudfcot, Devon, Tuder- y, HentSy Shipwich, Scm'rfetflj.] Geo. Amyand of Car/halton, Surry, Bart, Banker inLondon z Borough of Pavifock . Id Rigby, Era; Mafer of the Rolh in Irel. for Life , one of the deputy -Rangers of Phcenix-Park near Dublin, and feint JVice treafurer Ireland [Miftleyhall near Maningtree, Ejfex ] 4 hard Neville Neville, Efq; Pay mafer of the Penfions Billlngbeare sm/Stanlake Berks] 3 City of Exeter. m Tuckfield, ^Little-Fuiford in thisCo* Efq; 3 in Walter, Brot/.er to the late Ld Rolle [Stevenftone, and 3 idon, Devon, Sarfeden, Oxfo djhf\ z DORSETSHIRE 20 . orge .Pitt of Stratfield-fea, Hants, Efq; L L D. Col . of tht Dorlet/h.re Militia , and Groom of the King's Bedchamber 4 mphry Sturt, Efq;[ Horton ^zrCranbourn,** this C] LLD.x Borough of Dorchefer. 3 ° The Houfe of COMMONS. U _ Borough of Lyme- Regis. * 3*£ S , j0t ] n rl Fane) Urd B^ghcr'h, So, to tb t Ear °f Weft, norland [Forften in D tr fe,Jbi r e J Boroughs of Weymouth and Melcombe- Reals. at Law, one/ Counfel to the S. S. Company. J * Charles Walcott, Eft,; Nephew to Lor J Defpencer »tl . _ ■?*«*«* »f Bridport. WAV 0 ?' 7 ’ Ef 3 ; C ' un B U°r e>t Law, and a Direffor of tbt in- [Strand on the Green, near ChifwickJ * * Sea'S’ roenh” ^ CWiS T ay ; Efc)i of the South bea Cow/>. [Denham Place, Bucks, near Uxbiidgel «. r .„ forouih of Shafton, or Shaftfbury. Sir Gilbert Heatbcote of Normanton in Rutlandjbve Bart, and Brother-, n-law to the Earl of Hardwicks J ’ Samuel Toucbet, Eft,; Merchant in London _ , Borough of Wareham. om u ? r e Drax, Efq* of this Borough [Charborough n. Win- T K oT cr’ l ( ,oth Parl - ifl th is Bor.) * , John I ,tt, Eft,; [Encombe in the Ijle of Porbeck in this Co. 1 e . r _ , Borough of Corff-catlle. \ ’? ^’^P^ell o/'Cj I dor, E fr , rStacjfpool CourtPr^r^.l 6 $ John Bond of Grange, rear Wareham, JT/p; ^ J of Pool. II I ti- ki. i'ci Jofeph Culftnn Ef r , a Lilbon Merchant, [Ealing, Middlefex 1 e C *W' Eft,; Lieut. Col. of ,he 50th Reg. of Foot J 5 DURHAM 4 .. jV r S ^ a ^".Erq; ^Whitworth in tbisC Lieut. Col.fMil.ofibhCx M.F red.Vane oj RabjCiftle in this Co. next Br 0 . to E. Darl.ngton * , _ City of Durham . TohnTempeft of S her born, near this City . Efq; ± 1 * Jn riHnh* nn ’£ r V C ° L ° ft ? e 68 ^ and * M*j. Gen. [Lan b^or -Hal 1 , near this Ci,yJ J llBOR, OK YORKSHIRE 20 f Ruff0rd > Nottingham (hire,* Bart. Col of the Firft Banal, on of the York/hire Weft-riding MU it, a ‘ Brother., n-law to the Earl of Scarborough, and FRS ' Edwin Lafceiles Efq; [ Gawthorp-Hall near Weth-. rby ] ’ + 3 the Houfe of COM M O N S. • „„„ . , Borough of Aldborough . rewWilkinfon of Borough bridge, Efq? tfcaniel Ci.olmiey off oiifam, a u d Whitby Abbey, Elq- 3 Borough of B oroughbridcre . Cecil Bisfliopp 9 / Parham in Strife*, Burt. Brother-in-law o V jlcount v a lir.outb ce Filher, Elq; Merchant in London [Oiberton ttear Wcrk- op, Nottinghamihire] a borough of Be aKd Pr ‘"“Z R ‘ : yj 4 * Ccn M^y^ourt of the Artbbp. of York < Wilham Bur. Efy j St n-iR-Jaw to Mr. A,jJa6, Borough of Scarbrouob. WmOftaldefton Efq ; (//«« W >in this coentyl * 4 7 (ZT- Zu cTil m ZW "» and af ‘ Elder Brother of the Trinity Hyuk [tVorlingvortb j 0 s*jb!k J Borough oj 'Thirsk. Tk v Hank and, Bart. Ccr/*/ Gen. at Lirtx'n [Kirby near HungertordJ 1 Hon.Henry CrcnvilJe, ltf; 3< /* r ,. „ £. Temple, /* Moirfift xlmbBjjador Extr. at ConHanrinople * ^ \ %r CUy.ofTorh. Gc f{‘ ***'%*• Ba «. [ftirtUes.ffafl near PI'alcfielcT] in fZ T'l VZ" 3rtd Heir of Lord Birglcy^m Lfl< r J V / P 1 S ha,3£eUor Bari heir Ted. after, and Percy Lodge I v „ m Bucks RtH 7 JT> °f Kingf on upon Hull.. ^ Z‘ ] Br ° t9the D Jutland, Co/. »/ 3 6 /^' fBt.Lr.p^. efth, Carnfon in this Too J and Citadel and a Lieu,. Central [Biox™, » M r Sleford„L,« 1, Su- Geo. Montgomery Metham/y North Cave, *. r£,r T. Kt. I £ S^E X S * J L ?TM>lefs, near Ongar in tbit County, E/f } J ' r , , Borough of Colchefier. Charley Gray, of th,t Borough, Efq; R cc(ir d ( r o/Jpfwicb, W, I aac Martin Rcbow, of this Bore uvb ~Efa • Col nf the V*n ^ Battalion of F.Jjex M,f la > CoU a f tb < . Brough of Malden. j0 lL B ^^ k c/w a f k A‘ ,U J n ' Hal1 Withani « 'to C. Efq: ’ §John Hulke Efo- Bu,tal,on °f E M ex Militia % -Sj nunve, Jifcfi 1^‘itw ro r/ue /«/ General Htike borough of Harwich. oLd Tk i/ir^ &#. if// Wi. to, ‘fa a W2 f Efqj Erc % ■ ** c*jj 33 The Houfe of COMMONS. »hn Roberts, Efq; < f this B trough. GLOUCESTERSHIRE 8. Thomas Tracy of Sandy well in the Panfh of Do wdefwcll, n this County, Efq; - J •ciw. Southwell of King’s Werton in the PaMhofHz nbury, * tin County, Ef ? . L.L.D. Borough of Tevokejbury. W’llliam Cod ring ton of Dod n:ton in tbit County Bart Lieut. M. oj the GIjuc ejierfhire Militia 3 cholfon Cal vert of Hunfd n Houfe, Hertford/hire, Efa z Boo ugh of Cirencefier . . Hon. J)bn (Dawnay) Vifcount D^wne of the Kingdom of Ireland [Cowiclc Yortfoirc ] 2 nes Whit fhed, Eiq; Son-in Laiu to Ld Bathuift z City of G/oucefier . arles Barrow of Hygrove near this City, Efq; LLD. z o. Auguftus Selwyn, Efq; Paym after of the Board of IPorkr, Purveyor of t beMelt mgs in bis Maj, Mint . ami R t*gi / ter qftbeCourt 2/ Chancery in tbeljjand c/Barbadoes, [M it fon in this C.J 3 Eor Hampshire, /*? Southampton, Pag . 41. HEREFORDSHIRE 8. J*-hn Morgan tf/Kinnerfley Caftle near Hereford, Bart. 2 iters Corncwall, cf Mockas- Court near Hereford, Ejq\ one f tbe prujiees oj the Britijh Mufeum 7 City of Hereford . • r ‘ es Fitz Roy Scudamore, of Holm L^cy in this Co . Efj\ Plunger of Whittlebury Forell, and Curfitor of the Court f Chancery in Leland 6 ohn Scudamore, of Kt nt Church in this County y Efq\ Borough of Leoj/iinfer . mi fon S baft 0 of IV ratting in Carr, bridge fire > Efq', ife I rice of Knighton, Radnor Jh , Eqj Barrijicr at Latv z Borough of IVeehley . n Henry Frederick Thy ire 0/Compsford in Gloueefterftiirei Ifqj Brother to Kif count Weymouth, Clerk Comptroller of the Soar cl of Green Chtb William Lynch, Efq\ Son to the late Dean Kent] Hertfordshire 6. cob Houbhn y Efq', of Halhngbury in Ejjlx, Litut. Col. of he Militia of th s County mas Plumer By de } Ejq * 7 [Ware Park J 3 34 The Houfe of COMMONS. , . n . „ Borough of Hertford. p f u Borough of St. A Ubavs . Hon. George Simon [liar court) Vifcount Nrunham, Son an4 H i r to ia.J liar court a\u^ COt> Warw ' c * c ^'- Efy; Reorder and High Steward °J AJbans, andRec. ofV oole.Dorf. FRS tit , ir . Huntingdonshire 4. * GrcWUe Montagu, Brother to the Duke Rt Hon John (FrobyjZ^Carysfort in the Kingdom o/Trcland*, a Lord of the Admiralty, K. B. [Elton bal]/*w St.lton] j v , Borough of Huntingdon. fiSKj’ 1 '* 1 ' C..M».UE.r, ./Sandwich Rvh - J on(t > E Jl\ a Mercht. in Lord, dr, cWerZ/ro.Trin.Ha ufc* u 1, , . Kent ic. Le(yj h f F A'w X k Efq ' 0 ^ Brotkerto Ld Fairfax 0 / Scotland, e/,i ' K “ lifh " v “'“ ^ V Bivolsc Biidgcs, 0/ Goodnefione jo this County, Bart, \ . City of Roche ft er. l[aac Town (end , Efq; an Admir al oj the White, Con, cr, tor of FRttTtopfC^r '*■*'*«• eTTW«i ■>«»/., and § ->/r Charles Hardy, AT»r. Admiral of the White Sputdrou Borough cf « - „ _ . r 7 ^; A< *f ^-Chamber, Wice-prefld. of tUBtxiOx Frftetv, Lieutenant Colonel of the Wil'Jhire Militia, F.R.S, j _ City of Canterbury. Thomas Reft of ChUfton n. Ler.bamin this C. £/?; 5 •chard Mi lies, Eff, cf Natyington near this Cny 35 The Houfe of C O M MONS. LANCASHIRE 1 4. Rt.TIo tf.Jnmes Smith (Stan ley) £0/7/ Strange, eldejt Son to tbeE f Derby, Chancellor of the Duchy and Palatine ’ Courts of Lancafter, Ld Lt. and Col. of the Militia of this C. [Preftonl 1 S^uttelworth, Efj^ofGawthcrpHalltMsCbtScFof neot y Yorkff^ Borough of Lancafler . incis Reynolds, Strange ways near Manchefier, EJq $ CUrk f t be Crown in the Co . Palatine A George Warren, fC.B. and a Captain in the Cheshire Mill- ■ia [Stockport in Chefhire, and Fttcham in Surry] % Borough of P ref on. ch. Fazakerley of Prefcott, in this C. Efqfounjellor at Law 6 mund Starkie, Efq$ of this Borough 9 Councilor at Law 2 Borough or 'Town of Liverpool. ' Ell's Cunlifre, Bart . Merchant , of this Borough [Gay ton* Hall near Parkgate Chefli. andSaighton-hal near Chefter] 2 ■William Meredith, Bart. Major of the Che/hire Militia % and Mayor of Macclesfield[ Henbury near Macclesfield Cheihireja Borough of Wigan. non Luttrell, of Four Oaks in War w. Efq; z ' Fletcher Norton, Knt. bn Maj % Attor. Gen . [Grantlay-hall near Rip on York, and Woner/h r.Guildford,Surry,L.Z,.Z). 2 BorQugh of Clilheroe. heton Curzon, Efq\ L L D. Brother to Lord Scarfdale [Hag* ley-Hall n. Rugely, Staff.] % Nathaniel Lifter Efq m } Brother to the late Member [Armita&e near Ridgeley, Staftord/hirc] Borough of Nevuton. terLegh, ‘ , ^ irMthm] ^ SfEAKZ * °f ‘be Heu£ R..HO ,U R „wfSf^- , A „ r 4 ftSftsWaay* t4 fChiflehurft. Ken, ] J tbe Camber to bn Majeftj y°bn Mitchell of this Borough and nf to e tj • 3 I°r m ,b of Gnat r ° ! i “ K, 'S’“t •/ -a *»V^KS$ ,0 '» h - '* /*». George Monfnn, d(a{ a' . Colonel in the Eaft Indies * " Monfon, and C TSlS^ f ,i „%?** » *• I'intelnjhirt Miiitia Sir Willbn, Be a «e“mp D rfoOo E , S B,n k'r ^w,", tf tu Middi.4 [T.:feSt ; ^? ^ *£ 2 rs&, < ' "*•*. «* Park ;rr Berk (hire) ^ ^ Lord SaB S ‘" 'f'*‘ Sir Robert Ladbrok^ Kn^ !‘i? DON ' Pref. c/ Chn/Fs Hofp ta* Col’ ^ nd . Father ^ this City, Mil.t a, and Prefidem o/ Se Xtilf 6 ?° e Reg< t:f City cray-p]ace Kent! e ArtiJJery Com r ar.y [Foct/ S r Richard Glyn, Bart stfw . < B c ridew fl J ; w Bcthlem -IhfritJh *£,' ^Yn Pre S ld ‘”' cf City ard C ' J - Brother to Ld Bathurft, and FR S, [Mixburv n Oxfoidfh. and Lidney, Glouc. near Monmouth] 9 NORFOLK 12. Armine Wodehoufe, Bt. Col. of the Eafltrn Battalion of tie j Norfolk Mil . [Kimberly Hall near Windham in this Co ] 5 Thomas De Grey, jun . Efqj Brother to the Member for Newport, [Merton, Norfolk ] Borough of King s-Lynn. ][ n. Horatio Walpole, Efq; Uncle to the Earl of Orf >rd, fi lompt roller of the Pipe , and Ujber of the Exchequer for Life, l [Strawberry -hill near Twickenham, Middkfex] 4 ft ir John Turner, Bt. a CommiJJioner of the Treafuryy and an I did, of tbit Town (Ware ham, Norf . ) 5 To*wn of Great Yarmouth, I n. Sir Edward Walpole, K. B. Uncle to the Earl of Or- I ord, Clerk of the Pells in bis Majcjly's Exchequer , and Clerk I f the Pleas there , a Privy Counsellor in Ireland , and Comm if - M’oner of Wine -Licences there [Frogmore near Windfor] 5 Townfbend c/*Honingham, Efq\ a Deputy Teller of the Ex- i bequer , and Coufn to Fifcount Townfhend 3 Borough of Thetford . i. Hen. Seymour Conway, 0/Tark Place in Berkfhirc, Efq; /on-in-law to the Duke of Argyle, only Brother to the Earl I f Hertford, and a Privy -Counjellor in Ireland 4 I 1 ,Aubrfy Beauclcrky Efq \only Son to Ld Vere of Han worth Borough of Cajlle-Rifing. % Thomas Howard, c/’Afhtead near Epfo min Surry, Efqj * Tncle to the Earl of Suffolk., and Barr if er at Law 5 rles Boone, Efq j a D 1 f/tf ^ iVi ivi v IN 5 # J ~ JLAUUjC OJ "SE »«b Ed ' V r a , rd F Ba t 5 on » Chairman of the Committee of Privil ard F Uptons, Recorder of this Citv „»1 „ r r ‘■trade and Plantations [ Earleham near Norwich -^ttniffione NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Q Sir Edmund Ifliam.e/Lnmport war Northampton Br JUT : to the Deputy Earl Marfhal, L L D. P ’ ** ^ vVilliam Caitwright of Aynhn in this C. Efqj LLD. City of Peterborough. « r Matthew Lamb, »/ Brock, t-hal], Hertford (hire, Bt. Kin Counjct, andCuj.oi Rotulorumfor the Liberty of Peterboroue and Brother to the B'fiop of that Diocefefand F R S 8 Armrted Parker, F.fq; of this City ' * 5 * _ , . , „ Borough of Northampton. Frederick Montagu ? /Pappl e wick Nottingham (hire. Eh- 4 C Borough of Brackley. \ l?Z°1'^ r r P f‘‘ r f vitbin b!s Majejlfs Palace * V t , (Montagu) V, fount Hinchingbroke, Eut, S C f Lc Ear J°fS > "dwteh [Sr. Neot’s, HuntingdonfbireX tt , , ,, Borough of Higham Ferrers. IIon.J. hnYorke, LJ r , third Brother to theE. of HardwiH,, NORTHUMBERLAND 8 Sir Henry Grey, Bart [Howick Mr Alnwick in this Co 1 , GeobhaftoDeiaval o/Bavington/« thiiC. ZkLiCol.ofMil.of ibisCs Borough of Morpeth. Thomas Duncombe, £/?} Col 0 f a Battalion of the North.RU. -og \ orklh. Militia, Brother-in-law to the Earl nf Cariiflf (Duncomb-Park, Torkjhire) J t ' ar,U,e * R t. Hon. John (Stuart ) Ld . Garlics, Heir to the E. of Callow, 7oivn of Newcafle upon Tyne Sir Walter Blackett e/Wallington, Be. Mayor of this Town e Matthew Ridley, of Heaton-hall, Efq. an Aid. of this Town j Town of Berwick upon Tweed. * ThWatfon, Efyyof Gfm&on-R\&ge,an Alder. of this Town ■ § Sir John Hu (Try Delaval of Fordcaftle in Northumb. Bart next Brother to the fyltmber Jop- Afidcver* i The Houfe of COMMONS. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 8. 29 i p m Hewett, of Shire-0?ks w this C. Efq; 1 n.Tho. Willoughby, £/; Brother to Lord Middleton [Were Leake in tkii County] Borough of Bad Retford . in White of Walling -wells, near this Bor. Efq; F R S. 6 in Shelley, Efq. Keepef of the Records in the Tower. C/e-* 3 f the Pipe in the Exchequer, only Son of Bit John Shelley Bart, end Ncp. to the D. c/Newcaftle 3 Borough of Newark upon Trent. hn Manners, Efq; Son to Lord William Manners, and Houfe-keeper to his Mijefly’s Palace at Whitehall [3tro*- ton Lir.colnfhire ] . f ho. Thoroton. Efq; Pa*' of Honour under the Majler of tf. r. Horfe to the King [Screvtton rear Bingham w this Co,] ft Town of Nottingham. on.Wm Howe, Brother to Lord Howe, Co!, cf the 4 . 6 th Rep. of Foot, [Lan- ar in this l o.J ® ,hn Plumtree, Elq; [Fredvilie near Nonington, Kent] a OXON 9. r fame* Dafhwocd of Kirtlington Park near Woodjlock, Barf. LLD.H:gb$teward of she City of Oxford _ ( 5 » R Hon.Ld Ctarics Spencer, Con>pt of his Maj- fly’s Houfh. next Bio. to the D.o i ffarlbro' &Verd, of Whichwood For«.lfc Oxfordfhire [Kenfingron, Middlefex ] Uni t No r th a m p , E/g; SALOP Z ’ y Bf0 ‘ ,0 the £ ‘ of Z, •Mr John Afiiey, o/ZZ 'RE 12. -*r Shiff nali ftUr7> W Pattdha Richard Ly /ler e/iWton iniZcounty, Ef q . Thomas Hill, ^ * ^fHon Robert (C/ive) Lnr/rr C ^\ -n, • Gov. of Bengal j g* of in the King.of 7rr/ gander in Chief of the £ *" ^ Eaft J ”*“' Com- *«■*«/, and K.B. [Cundoverj SaH/^ Com P an y Foiaces at *y Hen p.;a Ludlow. Edward Herfcen^’. ^ Lcvc '> 3 Hon. John Grev ff° U £ b °f Bridgnorth. **• Bro. toSir7-LSr K b rl. th > ° fFoot ’ a *-t. gL? er [Slaughter, ^rStow^/ouo.lj Brook Fore/l.r ^Winv ° f U ' enl ^. J j Cnil F»refter,z£u 7j * ft "' Bridgnorth /» rHr C. Efqj 5 l Ptrrgrine Cufl JtZZ ^ CaJI/e. * Gewge ^Cha.Kem S y ?T y i RS i^^f, RE -/-h Bart- d LD - YmIT’ Somerfer. Thomas Prowfe. of 4 v uj 2 “ ** *’ ' the Mthtta oftbii Co y, •/* near WdJs « c. t,7£j RtHonRob.fMaxtXll/C^T^*- 5 XWd ‘J E * of F «»ham, of the Kingdom 0/ ‘ ^ S'caft Ind!a n c!5^nJl rerChant ^ L ° nd ° D ' a,jd Diieflw Jofeph Tolfon Locwfit 'S/w/ttyer. § William WiJfon, zry^ t0 tbt late Mmbn 7 'he Houfe of COMMONS. 41 •* Borough of Mi /borne Port . /?rd Walter, of Stalhridge, Vorfet, and Bury Hill, near Dor~ ing, Surry, Efqj 2. homas Hutchings Medlycott, of Ven, rear tbit Bor. Ejq\ City of Wells . lent 7ud, Ne w R aruw rfn r the ireafu-y, Ccu/in t0 the EarJ f “?»' ComiTiiflicner of •s/ir John Griffin Griffin K B Cnf rf*i s TixTZr al [Aud ^E,X E^ R ^ ,Kent °f Feet > Fra.Bjake Delavai, ™ Thomas ^ UnNerfity W oj, r 0 TotvnCnd" 7 " Cambrid £ e George Jem.ng S2 / Newfcl, s ,„^ Cav ^ 2 T AW of Peters fJ'J J Ef ^ 2 John Joiliffe, of this Borough' Efo 7 Richdi d Pennant, E fq ; Nephew to’, be late Sir ^ § v hon. Hans Stanley o/;e 'Dunwkh ,, , Borough of Hafemere . C°;J r y r ux ’- 0/ i Lof o y *“ r Guildford Co Efq. S“ K “* k CI >y'°”,y M.rdC»t( o'cdfw inrfoVC B . Cha. Whitworth, Eiq; Tkfo/V Weflcrn R r v' ^ It.Gan.s/Tiibur, Fort [ I««,^ ( , , IW/MbS^ Ho rough of Re 2 gate, Hon* Cha, Yorke, next Brother to the F orl rfu j • . Charto Cocks, E%K ,f,h,D,f, ‘ Sir John Elwiil, ^cl/oxccn Eart . ^ fw. P» The Houfe ^/COMMONS. 45 ! ther -in-law to Lo d Onflow* 5 :orge Onflow, Efa Nephew to the latt Speaker , [Ockham Gaildtfcrd] a Borough of Southwarke. exander Hume, Efqj [JVormleybury , Hertfordfli j 4 \fcpb Mawbey, £fiq$ 0 f Kennington near Vaux- bally and of ■ Boticys near Chertfey : » this County SUSSEX 20. iomas Pelham, E~q$ Brother -in -Law to Lord Abercavenny Stanmer, near Lewes] w ^ in Butler of Warminghurft-park in this C, Efqj 4 Borouh of Horjham . Licne]Pi]k!ngton,Bt.[Chevet r halU^rWafeefitld,r^i^]3 cb. Pratt <^<^icomb/»Gloucerterih.£/^ n ■ Borough of Bramber. I I ^ on Edward (Garth Tumour) Ld Winterton in the Kjrg t •b ■ ' an d Son-m-law to Ld, Archer [Shjllinleigh, SuflexJ V B on ' George Venables Vernon, Efa; Son of Lord Vernon ■ Borough of Ninv Shoreham . • Hon - Geo * (Broderick) Vifc. Middleton in the King, of Jrel. 7 | Pepper Harrow, Surry] x t : Hon .John (SaviJe) Ld Polling'on /« the Kir g. ^/Irelan dfCB l Methley-Hal], near Pontefract, Yothfoirey and Frecmantle ii 'ark, Kingfclear, Hants] Borough of Midhurf. nBurgoyne , Efq; Colone, of j 6th Reg. Dragoons, and Son- l-Law to the Earl of Derby. [Lamberts Oaks in Surry] amber Gafcoyne, Efq ; a CamtnijTiGnir of irade and Planta- in* [Barking, Efl'ex] “ s Borough of Baft Grinfed \ K Hon. Cha. (Sackville) E . of Middlefex, Heir to the Duk e of f orfet (10th Pari. Sarum) 4 § Iwin, EfqyCoL of the y^tb Reg. cfFcot, Sf a M. G.n. Borough of Steyning. f Thomlinfony j u n. E fq • Mercht.inZW. [Eaft Barnet. Midf.l chard Fuller, Efq, Banker in London II ^ Borough of Jrundell. S George Colebrooke of Gat ton in Surry, Fart Banker in rar ndon end Lbircgrapber of the Court of Common Plea* 2 l'- Briflow,Efq$ [Quiddenlum, Norfolk} 5 II Borough of Lewes. "C nas Sergifon, of Cuckncld -place, El 05 3 i tL n ‘ H ° uJ ‘ °f COMMONS. - ^ mikSJale m M E fi' , j Un l ' X” ^ Wl,,iam Pl<*mer, Ef n of ‘ ^ZTn:£T,:v,i % \t f ?£r * *• Law toVf. Falkland [New Place in lie tfcrdjh 1 J , tHnn , C‘ty of Chichefter . ' J Richmond SoXTn ° nJy Br0< to the Duke of • the * 5 th Reeim n‘t^ W R fV} ° f Anc ' a *> C ^ncl of John Page J " J l ? and Ma > or of (hi * Cay. J ge oj Watergate- houfe, near MHhurft in tbu C. Efqj 5 sir char n.f a Warwickshire 6 . § Bromky ?'* R ^ LLD ' 6 Anne ’5 7*, w , LBaginton, neaTtlnUy ] ^ ^ Henrw 4 -i-k _ t orougb of Warwick. tbl t u l&‘ ;/”i Ha,e Ham P^- w*r^r»- §Paul Me bueli Erq’ ^1?'!”' ™ " ^ ^ HaKfax 4 [Corllum rJ WiitsJ ^ ° Utt SirPauJ Methuen, KB* »r ^ , t./Vy of Coventry. ■ 'find ei/SZa'i"* £ ‘ qj ° nly Sun t0 L °rd Archer [Umber- y-mMmto, hi.Ci, y> SeijMnc at Law », r i( .. WESTMORLAND A>. Wohn ifq, a Barrier at Cat pku 1' orougb of Appleby vZg& S^j “• -* & tf* 8^ ,l,o. Jo ^? with? AT’ 'a* '**■ < 5‘ r '“ e - L*«. c~. 0 /,t, Eorces, Cot of^be'^R ' tcr ' Ma f r -f’cr.eraloj alibis Maj. * ’ ’ be m R‘i‘”'nt 0 f Foot, a „d a Li c . Gen. 4 H»n f.ihn ISw* 9 ‘ “ Dw **»a, l l.fi); of /oil c. in lhi , c * f*Rr Hon s: r T , of Evefiam. fbn Rujh'ju r', i’/q" Son^°f Si’r 7 > Worce C t. 10 /l,/’ I ["*"•«» *» /£e H./A aVlid 1 Thomas Fw j X Dr ***‘ h ' R ‘£ rt r 4 Recorder c f Tewkfl^ry in CloucefterJS?* " ™ ^ 77v Houfe of COMMONS. 47 Borough of Bevodlcy. I Sir Edward Trtnmngton, of Stanford Court in this Co. Bt. Store- keeper of the Ordnance e City of Worcefer. Henry Crabb Boultcn of Leatherhrad, Surry, Efo- Debut,, Chairman of the Eat -India Company. 7 q ’ ^9 Yobn Waljh, Efq; [Warfield, Berkshire J 1 WILTSHIRE 34. >ir Robert Long, of Draycott-Cerne in this C. Bt. i idward Popham, of Littlecott in this C. Efq j £ City of Ne-iv Sarum. den. Edward Bouverie , Efq; next Ero. to Hifcount FoMorm > Samuel Eyte, Efq; [Newhoufe, near this CiryJ Borough of Devizes. ^Vm Wi 1 1 y , E fq .J2 Mercb. in London [New-park, near this Bor.lt ! Charles Garth, EJq; oftbts Borough, Son of the late Memtc, r. Borough of Marlborough. to* Robert Brudenell Efq; 2 d Brother to the Earl of Cardigan, C t °f% 1 , °[ tb f * ,h °f Foct and oft of the G room* of the Bedchamber to the Dukt of York f, j James Long, Efq; Son of Sir Robeit, Member for this County Borough of Chippenham. J ;ir Sam.F!udyer,Bt. Aid. and Mercb. of Lend. [Leigh in Kentlz irr Edward Bayntun, of Spy-park near tbit Borough. Bart. Surveyor Gen, of the Ducby of Cornwall * * . Borough of Caine. Thomas Duckett, of Hartham in this Co. Efq; a }Hon, Thomas Fitzmaurice,Efq; Brother totbeEarl of ShtVonmt Borough of Malmejbury. 1 Ho . n - r ? lne * of the K 'nfdom of Ireland and F.RS. vnfiead EJJ’ex J Thomas Conolly, Efq j Brother-in-law to the Duke a/'Richmond [Stratton -Hall, near Wolverhampton, Staffordjh ] ' Borough of Cricklade . f Thomas Gore, Efq; Commiffary -General of the Mudcn e. \rnold Nelbitt, Efq; Merchant in London ® Borough of Hindon. 3 Id-ward Mirant, Efq; hlham Blackficne, Efq; Sollicitor General to the Qi Jeen Principal of New Inn Hal!, and Vinerian Profeflor ato7 ford, L L D. [Oxford, Wallingford Berhj ° 4 § J 48 7 he Houfe of COMMONS. „ Borough of OU Saturn. Howell Gwynne, of Garth in the Co. of Brecon Efa- Lt , Cu/ios Rot. of the Co. */ Radnor J ’ ^ 1 §lhPitt, EfqiaCommif, of the Admiralty Se SonoftbclateMem. . Borough of Heitrflurv . Peirce A’ Court Afhe, of this Borough, Elf Wm. A Court, Efqganks as a Lieut. General, Bra to the above Borough of Weflhury. Chauncy Townffiend, Efq ; Merchant in London ! Peregrine Bertie, of LowJayton, Eflcx, Efq; - „ „ Borough of Wot ton- Buffet. The Hon. Henry St. John , Brother to Ld Vifcount Bolin frok r Z k Z?* a ^“tenant Colonel in the Army, and Groom < the Bedchamber to the Duke of York Thomas Eilcourt CrefwelJ, Efq; or Pinkney i n Gloucefterfh m t'sl , B ° rou S h °f Ludgarfhall. Er ’ ! **+> John Paterfon, Efq ; Chairman of the Committee of Ways anc Means, & one of the Com, Co un . of the C. of Lord. [ ChelfcaA Borough .of Wilton. Hon. Rob. Herbert, of Highclare, Kingsclare, Hants, Efas Sur .Gen. of Crown Lands, and Uncle to the e/Pembroke g Hon. Nicholas Herbert, Efq; Secretary to the TJland of T a - maica, L'ncle to the Earl of Pembroke f Great GJcmham near Saxmundham, Suffolk ] L ^emnam Borough of Downton. J\™ e ?r^? y p’ E J?’. a V p dC n^"^ t Ho, y Port Berks ] * 5 fsaais ssa&xs** _ r , f ort “' h °f Gr, “‘ BiJwin. ZU “i rlffbUf”' ,hc Red - “ '«■ William Woodley, Efq; [ Cbilbam-CofiU in Kent! BARONS of the Cinque Ports , 1 6: Town and Port of Haflinos Hon. James Brudenell Efq; Majker of t hi Robes to his Majejly, next Brother to the Ea> l oj Cardigan J J J 1 William AJhbumbam, Efq; Son to the Biff op of Chichefter . Town and P ort of Sandwich . Right Hon. Henry (Conyngbam) Hi fount Convneham in th. Kingdom [Rajnfgate /« Keat.J * 6 ® '* % cn I J I t TJ:e Houfe of COMMONS. 4 * L ' L ,?' / Com f‘J^ oft be Admiralty, D,a n »f Arcbn, ond Judge of the Prer 0 ? 3 tiv e Court of Canterbury { f o-wn and Port of Dover, Town and Port of Neve- Romney uZ Z mSc,^ J Cowley mat Knight junior or Godn-.erfham in 7W'* W /V/ 0 f ft t y „ . , lo'vjn of Rye. > the Duke o/%Sw' n “ h ‘ S Ma j e %’ s NT *vy, and Coufin ohn Noriif junior of Hen rpftead /» tfeCb,** ^Kent, Eft]; * O k u ™* °f Wmckfl/ea. Ur by H \inter, Efq; a Commifficner of the T,-,r . lig^Hcjn^rrr /? '"’f‘ 7 "'u n 5 “"?> Barton Unf\ o£*% **- 4 *• ait Ttfwa and Port of deaford 2 fon.Wm Hall (Gage) VlfcGaTe' nftfi. £; , SI" S M ni::j ^iouecfter/hire, Oatlan.d Price, Efqj [Vaynol, Flint. J County of erecon 2 . £ * SO The Houfi cf COMMONS x rk-» i ** *o*ivn of Brecon . So ” ^ier E fori!^[ n t y **" aKd f“' VohnP , County of CARDIGAN 2. 2 »g ryce^ ofGgertbanm this Count)-, Efq- «. „ . r , Town of Cardigan * S,r Herbert Lloyd t Barr o fPeter^llf ^ County C, R . 9 ?*# °f CARMARTHEN I o.Rjce,tf q; of Newton in this C ci 0 - • , * Lieutenant and Cuftos Ron. In * ^ n ~ ln ’ Jaw to E. Talbot the Militia thcrrorand a r'l V f Cou "7, Col.J tations [Newton CaJlU ] rr,win ‘ ™er of T rade and Plan. The Rt. Hon. R^pT^LeC^TTv^’ Ireland, FR S.[^ic/^L ^ C ^* 1 «t-> C° Unf y Of CARNARVON 2 Jida'theS, E an5 Audito^of^h ft** ° f ,he W ^ Son ° f f Be. [G/ynunkit cZr; * ■as^r * <*. «... , «r Lynch /& , c C^««/y */ FLINT 2 Jf ,°f er ^°%n, o^Moftyn in this C. Bart L/eicr r i r amt Ll '“"r.ant Col. oft be Militia thereof f c. . , Eorougb of Flint in the Militia for IbeCouJylf Flim, anTlnD.' “ £ f Sdnrnno ZZX ' *V ? So|v.Gcn. ofhis Majcft/s Woods Ncr.h lh c“ <=«'• ofi M.litia oftiSS “4 S “ Utl, « fT '“5 Mi The Houfe of C OM M ON S. 51 ■ Borough of Cardiff > \ K vlackworth, fen Ef, of Gnoll near Neath, in this C. LLD.5 County Of MERIONETH I. ■ im Vaughan, Efq $ of Corfeygedol and Nannau in tbit ■ nty, Lieutenant and Cuff. Rot, of the County County of Montgomery 2. rd Kynafton, of Hardwick in the C, of Salop, Efq\ J Borough of Montgomery . m * ri Clive Efqj a/'Styche near Drayton in Shropshire, Father K '^ord Clive 2 County of Pembroke 3. | Richard Philips, tf/'Picton-cattle in this County, Bt. Son of I late Member i £ # I Borough of Pembroke . m. Owen, of Landihipping in tbit C. Bt. f ieut, andCufl m , tf/Pembroketti. and Haverfordweft (1 ithParl. this Co,) 7 fawn of Haverfordive/i, im Edwardes, Elqj of Johnfton near this Bor m 3 County of Radnor 2 . Ion, James (Brydges) Marquis of Carnarvon, only Son ts D. of Chandos, and Ranger of Enfield Chafe, [ Avington r Winchefter, and Southgate Middlefex] Borough of Nenjo-Radnor . *rd Lewis 1 Efq; [Purtte », in Swrry] S COT LA N D 45. County of Aberdeen. on. Ld. Adam Goidon, Uncle to the D. of Gordon CoJ. .he 66th Regiment of Foot ( Hunfdon , Hertfordshire.) % County of air. Arcbib, Montgomery of Mitioch and Gill, Efq; Equerry the Queen, Gov. of Dunbarton Cattle, and Brother to Earl of Eg’ington County of Argyll. . Hon, Lord William Campbell, a Captain in the Rcjal i uy , and young-eft Sot of the D uke of Argyll County of bamff. ,t H^n. urab’e James (Duff) Earl of fife, of the Kingdom Ireland [Daff-houfe Barnttihire"] n ‘ ^ °f COMMONS. J>me$ Prin , Ie BERWICK. j CW/y J BVTE^JT ° >a L ^ Co, ‘ *1 § Henry WaucipeV KiJdavan * T " N £SS ' r */ ^ijudvjnna, Efq; 7 ‘"'‘ Mn ^ofs^^ Al,t,AN - § Archibald FdmSne^ DV ™ BA RTON. iJthReg. of Sir A lejrandefofm^ ^ ^ D [ N B U R C H . 1,1 Rc 8- ol Foot-c’uarJr' ° f Cr< ”*" **"*', a Lieut, in the 7*™ Cra, !t Tf^S^f ELC1 *- 5 q ’ * on of **"' gw, Rart te«/y of FIFE . Of IVrm.fr w ~ IT. §H«h. j amesW */ FIFE. '*' e T'%- tyi . /.r. ./ - ‘• cr -* rt *la'iv to the Rf ^ n .w m . M i^Tp of f ? rfar - RcyaJ Scofs Fuej/eere,'^?^^^ & c ShclCo/. if a, And. Fletche/ fur" /c » HADDlN(j ' t'ON. °f Safton, Efq; Aud.Gtn.for StcVani , INVER NESS. ^ S " Jim " c RD,N - John Rots M^Uyflf p{, K 1 R ^ 17 D B ^ I G H T . cf Jlis Maje/ly ’s Ordnance"* E 95 Trcafurer and Pay carter °^>c.^f7Z%J;Z ERK - *i 4 * v i 1 * i 1 * The Hotije j/COMMONS. 53 County of LINLITHGOW. Charles Hope- Weir, of Craigie-hall, Efq; Brother to the irlof Hoptoun,^^ Governor ^Blacknefs Caftte, F R S* 4 County of nairn and croma r t y. : Campbell ,/*«. Efq; Son to John Campbell of Calder,Efq; % Counties of Orkney and Zetland. mesDouglas, of St. Olla, Kt. Rear Admiral of theWhitex County of Peebles. Dickfon, jun. of Killbucho, in this C. Efq; County of Perth. ivid Graeme, of Gorthy, Efy-, Secretary to tbe Queen, ana Uvnel cf the 49th Regiment of Foot , and a Maj. General County of RENFREW. ick Crawfurd , of Auchi names, Efq; County of ross. ight Hon. James Stewart Mackenzie of Rofehaugh, Efq; teper of his Myefly'i Ft ivy Seal of Scotland, and Brother the Earl of Bute 3 County of ROXBURGH. ter Scott of Harden, Efq; * County of SELKIRK. light Hon. Gilbert Elliot, o/Minto, Efq; 7 reafurer of tb bamber 3 County (?/ STERLING. es Campbells/ Ardkinglafs, £/?; Governor of Sterling Caftla County of SUTHERLAND, i. Alexander Matkay, of Stratbtongut , Efq; Colonel of the 5 th Regiment of Foot County of Wigtown. mes Murray of Broughton, Efq; ROYAL BURGHS. 'ghs of E igin, C ullen , Bamff, Inverurie, & Kintore » rew Mitchell o/ - Thainltoun, Efq; _ _ 3 Air, Irvine, Rotbefay, Inverary, if Campbell-Tovjr „ lexander Weddeibuin, Efq; of Linculfls-Jnn, Cwr.fellor at- aw, and rank s as King's Counft', 3 54 A. ***** [Hi ; Trefurer, 0 J Ireland. ' ^ unnJf «r, Efqj one of tb ■ g}1<>J ^™nu!Tra^ K ^ Sir Henry Erficine Rr Ti e f P,tt£ *^eem. o7p^X"27}if^ r ^ * p 1 f-tM, C(r, Vr.t’ffufy"’ ‘" J Bnrlh ‘ ,/s '"% D-fi**., w r>«. a/i„„ ./“I* & 4 »s. ^ ' '“ wo ***»<£ bthe, Rarr „ ri* T r* trn ' Of Taine, Dingwall Dorn a it- ‘ rc ^ anl ,n Lonour, JohnScott Er^C^cneJ of the *6chKea^’ ^ Kirk ' Wa U- n. Scuth-Mims ZA-rr/J lh Ke S Jf »™to t EootfCJayhaJl wr Scotland ^ M*fier of ,bt king's ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE Houfe of Commons, hofe printed in Italic Characters wefe n:w Members at the General Election in 1761. Chofen fmee the Gen. Eiedion. f Voted in upon Petition. IL Where the Place of Rejhier.cc is left blank y they are cbtejiy out of Tswn \ but ary Gentleman fending on Account of ibe Rtfidcnoe or Renter a i of a Ay Member r Jt Jhall be infer ted with < liankti Names* j \ Bdy SirAnt.Tho ** Afrercromby farms A’Conrt Lie. Gen. Wm ddams f George Aiflanie, Wiliiam $ A Her, V fcount Amyand, Sir George Anion, Thomas 4uher 9 Andrew Archer, Henry dr my tag e> Sir George df}fburnham y Willi an. A file, Peirce A 'Court Aftley, Sir John § Aufrere, Gecrge Sacon, Edward $ Bacon, Anthony Bigo't, Wrliam ^ Bag tt, Sir Walter Baker, Sir William Bampfylde, Sir Richard > Barne, Miles ) Bar re, ffeac larrington, Vil'co’JHt Where cbofe. Knare/b'-reugh Clackmannan , Cc . Heyifbury, Wilts Saltajh Rippon, Yorkfh. Eye, Suffolk B ittilfaple, Dev. Litchfield, Staff. Coventry Warwick fork City Haiti ngs Heytfbury, Wilts Salop County Stamford Norwich Aylefbury S'affordfhire Oxford Univerfity Plympton, Dev. Devonfhire Dunwich Wycomh Plymouth, Dev, Town- Rtf dence, Lincolns-inn-fields Craven-fheet Park-Oreet Brook freet Grcfvenor-fquare At Minorca Lawr Pc-ultney hill St. J>mes's-fquare GrcJ'i'eror- fjuare Ditto He nr: it t a ftrCa'vfq Albemarle- fir cet Park-Oreet Gecrge-Or Weflm* Mincing- : ane Bru on-0r«et fhrogmorton-Or. Bruton-iircet Geo. Or. Hanov.fq* Winchtjfter-Orect Pail-mall Berklt y- jquarc J En-OrectBeik.fq Cavendiif^fquare - IS] 56 An alphabetical LiJI of tht Houft of Commons. r.t_ Where cbcfe, 7o w n Re/lJ e nc, Names, Barrington, Sir John Barrow. Charles Bateman, Vifcount Buthurft, Benjamin By ntun, $i r ‘ Edward Beau c ierk } Aubrey Beckford, William Bent Jnck t John Bertie, Lord Robert Bet tie 9 LordBrownlou Bertie, Peregrine Befi 9 Thomas Bisfhopp, Sir Cecil Blackrtt, Sir Walter Bhckftone, William § Bond, John Boon, Charles Bootle y Richard Wilbr { Bojcawen,L. Gen Geo. Bolcav/en,Maj.Gen.Jn Boulton, Henry Crabo BoU'vcrie y Edward Brand, Thomas Brett, Sir Pierry Britigeman, Sir Henry § Bridges, Sir Brooke Bnltow, John § Bromiey, WiJjiam Brudenell,HonRoberi BrudeneJI,Hon James Brudenell,Geo. Br.d. Bull, Richard Buller, James B u Her, John Builock, John Buntury 9 6 tr Charles Burden, Sir Robert § Burgher/h, Lord Burgoync, Colonel Job Burrard, Henry Burrel, Merrik Where cbcfe, Newtown, Hants Gloucefter Woodftock, Oxf. Monmouth -hippenham Tk etford London Rye Bofton, Lincolnfli Ltncolnfijire We/lbury Canterbury Boroughbridge Newcaftle uponTv. hlindon CorB CaBJe Town Rejidence • Spring-gardens Howard-ftreet Great Brook-Brect 1 # 1 1 Piccadilly Wig more-j quart , Soho-/quare I Ha, ley -fir t Ca*v,fj % Berkley -fquare Saville- Row Pall-mall Pall-mall Berkley-f quare Halt Moon-ftreet Carey -fireit Great George-flr. ^ f \ M O — in 1 1 ^ > t?aft/e-Ri(ing |Soho-/quare Chejier City I Btoormbury.Jjuare T ruro, Cornwall Strctton-flreet Ditto Piccadilly Worcefler City Croiby- fq u are -few S arum, Wilts Berkley-fouare Gutton, Sorry St. J d ., es’s fquare Queenboro’, Kent Camberwell Ludlow, Salop ,St. James’s- fquare Kent ! Gearg;-fti .Han.fq Arundel, Sufi ex GRufiei-ft.BWia imp / 11 ^ _ Warwick Ih re Clevland 10 . v Marlborough Park-rtreet Mailings New P.,rtueal-/?r, Stamford Great Geofge-ltr. Newport, Cornw. Brook-ftreet Corn wail County Duke-ttreet,We/L Ea(flooe,Cornwall Ab ngdon buiid. Malden, Ellex ;Scuth Audley-ftr, , u M°tt \ Privy. garden Tamworth, Staf. Upper Grofv.flreet Lyme Regis Cha.ftr. St. Jam.fq. Mtdburjl , i>uffcx CbeJterfeld.Jircec I Lymington, Plants Conduit*ftre.t GrampoundjCorn. Great George-flr,. B An alphcleticai I if cf the Hcuje of Ccirmon*. 57 Namei % I ref, Petei i t y IV i Ilia m MaTfiu t con, Bartholomew ■ lurton, Richard I ler, John |B L, T him as P turner ■ 'ogan, Char. Slrane K craft y Thomas ft verr, John ■ verr, Nicholfon i npbell, Prife,jun * npbell, Daniel i npbell, Capt. James < pbelly Lord Fred. ■ .ampbell, John ^ mpbell, LordWm. * narvon, Marq. of * negie, Sir James * twrfght, William 4 ysfort, Lord 5 tv ail, Time' by 4 herlotigh, Earl of 1 ave, Sir Thomas i 'end bh, Lord Geo. < eni:(h, Lord Fre^. < endilh, Lord John t endifb , Richard /, Tb&??:af Chant bers aropion, Anthony twynd, VVm * >lmley, Nath. 4 Imondeley. Tho. i Vton, Sir Kenrick 4f yton, William t! At, Richard < r f, Lord ^ iive, George i[ ks, Charles 4 ring ton. Sir VVm Where cboje% Launcefton Great Marlc*io Camel ford Eye, Suffolk Suflex Hertfordshire Cambridge Town Poole Hertford rewksburv,Glouc Nairn & Cromarty Lancrkfhire Sterlitfgfh re Renfrew , Coiff-caftle, Dorf. Argyllilnre Radnor/hire Kincardinfhire Northampton C. Huntingdonihire Hertford Grim/by Leicefteifhire Derby /hire Derby Kn . 4 re /borough W tnd'i'iftr Rutland (hire Liskeard Stafford Vl< borough Che/hire Blechingly, Surry Marlow, Bucks M >n‘gomcry Shrewsbury B.fho/s CaAle l igate, Surry Tewksbury To* zv n-Refi defice. Upper Grofv.Areet Go^geftreet Coleman-ftreet Bond- Areet John- ftr. Berk. fq# Old Palace-yard St.James’s-place fa ;k vil/e - Jtreet Grcfvenor-fquare Stanhope-ftrMjy f Grofvenor-fquars South Audley-fqu. St. A ban’s* Areet New -ft Spring- gar ,Grofvenor-fquare David -ftr*Berk fq* N Char. (1. Berk fq# Craven- ftreet j Henrietta A.Cav.fq Admiralty David ftr, Berk'ftf* Golden-fquare St. Martin’ s-lane Devon/hire-houfe Ditto Dkt« Nnv Burlington ft • Abrtad Garden walk,Teni Dnyer-ftreet C oapelle-Areet Pall-mall Hul-ftreet Stanhope-ftreet Lower Grufv.-Ar# lit In'i J B d f ord -row Queen Anne’s-Ar# David-Arcet 5 * ** omS t 7 A> i r*, * Mamet. C-^.Wenman <;<>iieron, J 3mes EJw# ^‘^•brooke, Sr Ge 0 . % C lf, »air P) Lord V°no11y, Thorras Conyngham,Vifconnt Conway , Hon. Henry t ooke, George Cornewall, VeJters x Admiral Tbomat Wbete Chofe . 0*»kbamptcn LoH withieT, Cornw Arundel, Sufl'e* Bridgewater f Malme/bury Sandwich Thetfrrd ^ Middle fex Herefbrd/hire Btdivyn, IViiti bridge/hire I < Tm.n-ReJidence % Clifford./? reef 1 r /*i.ny]7a A/beton Clitbero, Lancafh r u T e "’J pnf -y Vcrhjle ^ c“?"p'/ n,SpEAKER ; prantham. Line. New B >nd-0reet ThreadnredJe-flr* PalUmdl l^n Ireland 'George-fi. Han.fq, Warwick-fireet Lincolns* inn-fields Dover -flreet r ' 'offeror -fq na re Cna 1 fir. Berk. fq. Dnkc-dr. Wtftoi, Serjeants-inn Strand Pall-mall Parliament-ftreet Grofvenor fquare Brook ffreet £“A D-lrymple, Sir H cw S Darner, John Da ft wood, Sr James Dawkins, Henry "« r '>8\ S r Ed-watd P ? Drey, William § De Grey, Thomas Dc aval, Sir Fr. Rlokr Driaval, George Shafrr § DeWal, Sir J HufTey Dcmpficr C f0 r g e Den s, P-ter Diclcfon, John, jun P‘gby, Lord Dodd, John poo, las, Archibald Douglas, Sir James DowdefwrJJ, William Downe, Vilcount BiJhopt-caJiU Haddington, &c ponhrfter Town Oxford /hir e ^uthampton fown Neyu Romney Newport, Com waJJ Norfolk, C)unty Andover, Hants Northumberland Berwick on Twe*d far > &c. Hcd n PeebJes/IiJre Wells Reading, Berks Dumfreis/h re Orkney/hire Wor.cefter/hire IDowning-ftreet \Cloak-l a ne y Queenfl'. 'Bruton-ft.Bcrk. fq Tilney-flreet Grofvenor-fquare Arlington fireet New Burlington ft. Lincolns- inn-fields Spring- Gardens Oowning-ftreet St. Albans-/lre«t ' iilbank De/abay ftrJV e f} m Pall-mali Hay. market Dover-ftreet Curzon-fir. May f t Piccadilly North Audley-fir. - (LTpper Brook flreet Cirencefter, Glouc |3ruton-ftreet f nr -tr An alphabetical Lift of the Houfe of Commons. 5^ Narr.et. t tVherecboJe. Town- Refidenct, Beeralfton , Dsv. | John- fti. Berk. fq U . 'ake,Sir Francis Hen rake, Williatn ax, Thomas Erie rummoniy Adam ticket, Thomas uke s John ummer, Tho. Lee jncomb, Thomas Dundas,SirLawrence Dundas, Thomis 3yfon, Jeremiah Eames, John Zarle/WmRawlinfon Eimonftone, Arch Jwardes, William gerton, Samuel iot, Edward iliot, Gilbert I is, Wei bore will. Sir John Heine, Sir Henry /elyn. Sir John Eyre, Samuel irfax, Hon . Robert ne, Henry nfhaw, Simon rnham, Earl of zakerley, Nicholas t herftonhaugh,S. M . e, Eail of Finch, Savile lher 5 Brice r irzherbert, William itzmaurice,Hon.Th zrovj Hon. Col.‘ z william, Maj.G.Jn nchcr, Andrew idyer, Sir Samuel ley, Th >mas nnereau, Thomas .nereau, Zac. Philip mereau, Philip Ag mondtfha m , Buc Wareham,Dorfetfh Lymington Caine, Wilts Hi niton, Devon . NewporC, Hants Morpeth, Northum Newcafrie, Staff. RichmondjVork/h Varmourh, Bar. Yarmouth, Bor. Newport, Hants Dumbartonshire Haverford-weft Che/hire St. Germans, Corn. Selkirk/hire Aylesbury Guldeford, Surry Kilrinnie, &c m Helfton, Cornwall New Sarum Kent Lyme, Dorfet/hire Grampound, Corn. Taunton Prefton, Lanca/h Porrfmouth Bamfffh re Maiton Boroughbridge Derby Caine, Wilts Bury Windfor, Berks Haddington, Chippenham,W.lts Droitwich, Wore. Sudbury, Suffolk Aldborough, SufF. Ditto Grofvenor-fquare Char les-ftr.S. Jam* -rolden-fquare Bufh-lane, Can. ft, Smicrfe! -bo ufi Char. ffr.St. James Grofvenor-fquaic Arlington-ftreet Ditto Old BonJ-ftreet Bedford-row M<*r bro’ ftieet Henrieitaff.Cav.fq, Suffolk -ftreet Taviitock ffreet Spring-gardens Seymour-row Privy-garden Grofvenor-ftreet Caven d i ih -fqua re St.JamesVplace Spring Gardens St James’s-ftreet Sackville-ftreet Saville -row I Dover-ftreet Great Grofv. ftreet Whitehall Char,ftr. Berkl.fqu# Cavendiih-lquare Craig’s cc.Char.cr. Caftle ft r. Cav. fq, Dover-ftreet Stanhope *ftreet South-ftreet Argyll -ftreet 8 a fin* hall -ftreet Upper Grofv. ftreet Old Palace-yard Leadenhall-ftr-et 0O 55 6 o An alphabetical Lift of theHoufe ^Commons. Name r. XHfcr* r£/j/c. Forefter, Brook Wen lock, Salop For eft er, Cecil Genlock, Salop Forrefter, Alex. Okehampton Fo*fter y Thom a* Franklan , ViceAdm Frafer , Colonel Simon Frederick, Sir Charle: Full.r, Rofe § Fuller, Richard G.ige,Vifcount Galway, Vifcount Garliei , Lord Ganari y Sir Benit & Garth, Charles ^ Gafcoyne, Bamber Gibbons, Sir John § Gilbert, Thomas Gilmoie, Sir Alex. Glanville, William Glover , Richard G4yn,Sir Richard Glynne, Sir John Godolphin, Fiancis Gordon, Lord Adam Gore, Thomai Go»e, Charles Granby, Mirq. of Grant, Sir Alexander Grant , Jama Gray y Char lei $ Gramme, Col, David Grenville, RrHonGeo, Grenville, Rt. Hon Ja. Grenville, Hon. Henry Urey, Lord Grey, Sir Henry G-ey, Hon. John Griffin, Sir Jn. Griffin Grofvenor, Thomas ulfton, Jofeph D ore heft t r Thir/k, Yorkffi. Invemeft County QueenburoughKen Maidftone Steyning Sea ford, Suffi-x Pontefradf, Yqrkfti Morpeth Agmondejham Devizes Midhurft Wallingford, Berks NcwcattJe, Staff. Edinburgh/h rc Hythe, Kent Weymouth &M. R. London Flint Town Helfton, Cornwall Aberdeer ».W v.rd \'2*d i* 1 In alphabetical Lijl of the Houje i A umes. Where cbofe. , §2 Ies, Sir Tho. Pym Downton ■ H| iltOn,Wm Gerard Pontefradl 'Tiilton, J. hn Wigtown, Burgh i bury, Gspel Monmouthftiire ®g aord, Harbord Norwich ||>rdy, SrCh r’es Rocheft*T ' If ley, Robert Droytwich, Wore. S f cy> Hon. Them a: London ^ A t>ur y Sir Henry berbyjbire 1 *:s, John Afliburton, Dev. ft rTls > J a nies Chriftchurch H Vey, Eliob bunavich : § a rvey, Edward Gatton, Surry vi Jl ton > Finch Cambridge Univ. ! ■ T ke, Sir Edward Portfmouth 4 4 , Dr George Sandwich : 4 s y fames Downton ‘ il bcote y Sir Gilbert Shaft ib ury f In T iker , John Sudbury 9 Sujfo'k Hi ert, Hon. Robert Wilton, Wilts H:- ert, Hon . Ntch. Ibid. H >frt, Edward Ludlow H| ie, Francis Bedford - \vcy y Hon . William St. Edmundfbury fcn vey,//^. Aug-Jn. SaltaGi Hi ett, John Nottinghamihire /| itt , fame: Coventry ft Thomas ihrewlbury 1 §1 nehinbreke, Vifc. Brack’ey Hf irt, Hon. George 3eer*lfton hn >rre y Admiral Sterling Bor. H* , Rowland Suffolk Hi-. wood, Philip Appleby ,WeGmor. Ff -Weir, Hon.Cha. Liniitngowfhire /£ 7m } Charles St. IveSy Corn • nBt'l™> Jacob Hcrtjordjhire Fff urd, Thomas Ca Glen Ting i fm ard y George Lojl'witbiel F§, e, Vi (count Dartmouth 'Town -Rcjidencc. Scotland-yard Hanover- iquare Panton* fquare Privy- garden Pall-mail Argyll Buildings Lincoln’s-inn Alder fgateJi rat Stovtle-Rozu Pall-mall Whitehall Lincoln' s-inn fid l: Clevl.-co.St.Jam. BloomG>ury-fquare Admiralty Spring-Garden: Gr (f'uenor-fquar Hill- Greet Upper Brook -Greet Covent garden Pall-mall Sackville- Greet Park- place Grofvenor-Greet Lincoln* -inn -fi elds Cievland-Row Whitehall Golden-fqture harles-Jh St.'fam , York-Gr. St. jam. Charles-G.Berk.lq Norfolk -(met Spring- garden: Park p ace PrliamenN Greet Pull -mi // Admiralty Pall-mall 6 J An alphabetical Lijl of the Houfe of Commons, A ' *»# . /• Homes. Hume, Alexander Hume, Abraham Hunt, Geoige Hunter,! humaiOrby Hu iTey, Richard ^Hu/ke, John § Jack fon, Richard Jerireys, John 4 jenkinlcn, Charles Jennings, George Jenyns, Soame Jollifie, John Jones, Robert ^ Irwin, Col. John l/him. Sir Edmund Keck, Anthony Keppd, Auguiius Knight, Tbomos § Knightley, Lucy Knollys , Sir Francis Kynafton, Edvvard Ladbroke,Sir Robert JLamb, Sir Matthew Lambton, Maj. Gen Lane , Hen, Robert Lafcelles, Edwin Laicelles, Daniel Lafcelles , Edward Lawrence , William Lee, Hon. Robert Legh, Pttcr Lenox, Lord George Lewis, Edward Li 'iwocdy JSJicho’as § Lifter, Nathaniel Lloyd, Rd. Savage Lloyd, Sir Herbert Where cbofe, Southwark Tregony. Cornw. Bodmyn Winchelfea St. Mawes Malden Weymouth Dartmouth, Devon Cockermomh Whitchurch Cambridge Pctcrsfieid Huntingdon Ball Gr.nftead Northamptonfhire Woodftock, Oxf, Windfor, Berks Nen. v Romney Northampton Reading, Berks IMontgomery/hire London [Peterborough Durham York City York/hire Northallerton, Yor \Ditto Rippon I Oxford City Newton, Lane. \CbicheJler Radnor tockbridge Clitheroe, Lane. Totnefs I Cardigan l-ock>rrJofephTo]fon llvelchefter, Som Long, Sir Robert ,W!1 - * 7 own - R Jidei.ci Hill -ft ret t HilJ-ft-eet Seymour -place HilJ-ftr Berkley. LtTcx courtTtmpK St. Martin’s-lane Temple Green Park Parliament-# ert New Portugal-ftr, Tilney-row Southampton-row Clem, lane, Lomb.ft Queen Ami-ftreet Spring -gardens Grofvenor-ftraet SouthAudiey-ftred Groivenor-Jiftet A ring ton ftreec Soho j Sir James :her, J hn ell, Simon r, Richard arh, Will am ay f Aixandnr :enzie, Ja.Stewan :w rth, Herbeit ye. John Rois % J >n ier>, Lord Ro ert ier f , J~hn in, Samuel iard, Sir W1 iam Iycott,T.Hutch. fb y Jofepb d‘uh, SirWilliam nm ,SirG.Mon*g r huen, Paul ynell, Hugo ick y Owen ileron, Vifc. lefex, Earl of ank, Sir Ra ph II, Sir Ri hard f r, c Ihtmaz j. Richard hell, Andrew hell . John More mn J IVbert chofe * Marlborough Dover IV end over Bucks Cumberland Eflex Wigan, Lanc # Salop County Weobley Sit her land fare Rofsfhire Cardiffe Kirkcudbright Scarborough King (Ion r n Hull Newark, Nott. Camelford, Com. Southwark EfTex Milborne Port Grim sby Liverpool, Lenc* Kingdon on Hull Warwick Litchfied A nglefea New Shoreham Ead Grinded Richmond, York di Hampflilre Dumfreii , &c Canterbury E : ?in & Inverurie Bofloriy Lincclnjh « H iflemere 1 meux, T. ion, Hon. George. Lincoln ragu, Edward | Huntingdon tagUjLorICharles Huntmgdonfliire tagu, Frederick Northampton tagu,Edw. Wort. Boffinney > tgomcry ^ ArA'. Air County \ ant. Edward | Hindort Town -Refi den ce Ckarles-ftr Berk (q Argyll Buildings St. Martin s -lane Pall-mall Cumn-d. May Fair Charles- di .Berk.fq South Audley-ftr. S 'uthamp.dCov^g. M idox- dreet Craven -fir eet HilWheet Upper Grofv. dreet George- llr. Han-lq. Savage -gardens Grofv enor-fquare Burlington-flrect A bing* on- building Ken nnigton lane G rofve nor- fqu are Gr.Rufle] d Bioan B’tjbopfgate-jlrcet Wigmore fr.Cav.f# PjLte-yard Grofvenor-dreet Hill-dieet Park fired y W e f 1 . Charle -dr.Berk.fq Arlin : ton -dreet Great Brook-ftreet Cockfpur- dreet Golden -[quart PalG Mall Pall mill Pall-mall Qoecn’sfqu. Wedm Ead- Indies Hill-dre^-t Berkley- f.u ire Hanover-fquire Abroad Piccadilly (J pOj*ve nor -fired A * alphabetical Lift 0 f the Houje /Commons A/ /i t I Rf// t r a C J ,, J I cboCe. "J 1 rdaunt , Sir Charkf Warwick/hire Ajordaunt, LtG S:rJ„ Cockermouth Morgan, Thomas | 3 recon/hire ^ Morgan, Thoma«, jun I VIonmouth/h.'re v, A I n r a o n PL..1 Id Morgan, Charles Morgan, Sir Jc hn Morrice, Humphry Moj-t on, John MoHyn, Lt.Cen.Toh ivlnrt yn, Sir Ro c cr ^ Murray, James Myd.Mton, Ri, Rob. Henley Onflow, George Onflow, Geoage Orwel^ Lord Oibardeflon, William O/wa d, James < Ourry Paul Henry Owen, Sir WiU^m F'ige, John Palmer, Sir Thomas S Ralnierflon, Vjfcounr Panmure, Earl % Parker, J^bn \ Beverley, Torkjh IRotland/hire I Aye, Su/Tex * Town Rejider. St* Alb ins flreet Audley fquare Privy-garden D,tto Ditto Quecn-fq. Orm./i Dover-flreet Line. Jnn-fields DoVc*r-flrect Bruton-flreet LTpper Brook-flr, Albemarle - flreet Biihopfgate-flr. Bond -flreet Spring-gardens Ca'uendijh-jquare Hanover-Jquarc New Bond-flreet Argyle- buildings Banbury,Oxf rd/h.l Grofvenor-fquare Maidfljne, K. nt (South Audley-flr, Lmcoln’s-inn-flel. Pjrliammt-fteet John-flr.May Fair Burdngton-fticet GreatGcorge-flrect Cu zon-flreet Dr; to S? <2 nhepe .fl.May -f Rufld- A. Cov. ^ar. Queen- ft. May Fa«r New Palccc-ya d Conduit-flreet Red'iion flreet Soho-fquarf Ciarges-fl reet Chrflei fieid-flreet Duke Ji.S. James* $ Wigan, Lane. Briflo] ‘•t Maws, Cornw. Or ford Bedford /hire Surry Guldeford Ufwicb Scarborough, Yor. Bruntifland, &c. PJympton Ea;l e Pembroke Town Chichefler, Suilex Leicefler/hire Eafl*Looe Forfur/hire Divonjhire In alphabetical Lift of the Lioufeof Na ^:es. \ he*', slnnjicad ! r f™ 9 Joi n | hey, Jam s I '3m ; Thomas i U 2 iit y R i, b mi ungton, S r J >hn on> Henry, jun . ,f CCVal, VPcOUJlt it ipps, Sir Rich, ^ot, Sir Georg? ington, Sir Lionel • RtHon. Wiliam , George , John tt, Thomas imer, W;lJUm.jun ntree, John )ck > Sir George ingion, Lord ham, Edward «ell, Harcourt 'let, Lord Harry ratt, Robert ed, 11 filackwortb (cott, George c, Richard e, Chafe g!e, James <5lor, Sir Will. B wfe, Thomas 'Sy ’John Pugb , Henry tafhleigh, Philip )ow, Ifaac Ma: t n molds, Francis e, George ley, Matthew by, Richard ,obtrrs, John ifijoijy Ttomas Lobinfon, John lney,*9/VG , Badges le > Days li^btre ebofe, I Peterborough LudgarJJoaU S a ford, SuiTLx Surtax Peters field , Hants Cumberland IVincbefter B iigewater Psmbrokefh’re Wallingford 5 Berks Horfham, Suflcx Bath Dorfetfhire Wj reham Old Sarum L^wes, Sulfex Nottingham Plymouth Sh'treham Wilts Newtowne, Hants Winchester Hor/ham lot hies, Cornwall Stockb ridge Beaumaris Leominfler Be'wickftiire Middlelex Somerfetiliire CjrdtgjnJbjre Berks Fowey, Cornwall Colcheter Lincater Carmarthen/hire Newcaftle on Tyn< Tavirtock Harwich Cbriflcbunb Weil mol land Penr\ n parrftiiple > Dev, Commons. 65 T vwn - R efidmee £^ieen fir. IV r ft m - Coad’jit-Jlrcet Grofvtnor-ftreet Stretton-dreet Hanover- fjutirc Panton-ftreet Arli?igt:n-(lreet New Palace -yard Pall-mall Soho-lquare P^Il-malJ-coart Jermyn-ftreet B dton-ftreet Arlington-ftreeC Whitehall Cavend.-ih-fquare Jermyn-ftreet PrivyGar, Whitch. D >ver-ftreet George ft. Han.fq* Ojke-rtreet, Weft. Old Palace-yard KinB. Walks Temp Dover -fir ect Coleman -fir eet near N.Ch. Strand Qu e en - fir. May F x ir O.d BonJ-ftreet Bruton-ftreet Arevll-buildings P allmall St.JamesVftretC Curzitor-ftreet Duke-ftreet, Weft* Cliftord-ftreet. Heittord -ft. Park-1 Sc. James’s-ftre- 1 St. James’s-place Albemarle- ilreet Whitehall Charles ftr.Berk.fq. Harley -ftr.Civ.fq. Abroad F 3 i* al P ha *>‘tical lift of the Houje e/Commor Mames. m. / . ^ ^ „ , 66 Mamet, John Lockart Rulhout, S'r John Hujhout , Join Ryder, Nathaniel Sack Wile, Lord Geo. St. Join, Henry St. Aubyn , Sir John k Sandy*, Edwin $ Sargenr, John Gunners, Sir Charles Savile, Sir George Seamen } James Scotr, John Seort, Walter S oft, David Scudamore.Ch Fitz.R j Scudamore, John ^Sebright, Sir John Selwyn, George .Aug. Seigifon, Thomas ^Sewell, RiH.SitTho.i ' -j — ** 'lU'I A \ Seymour, Henry Shafto, Robert Shafto, Jcnnifcn Sharpe, Fane Wro Shelley, John Sbiffntr , Henry Shut tic worth, James SihtLorpe^ Conirgsby Smith, Sir Jarr t ^ Southwell, Edward Spencer, Lord Charles Scanhcpe, FI. Sir Wm Stanhope, Philip § Stanley, Hms S;anwix,L eu%Gen.J SLapteton,Sir7’homas S arkey, Edmund Staunton, Thomas S’ ep hens, Phil p Srcplenjoff, John htt’vtnsy Rtciard W here dole. Selkirk & c , E ve/ha m E'V'Jboim Tiverton, Hy he Qtt'Jrt BclJJlt Cornwall WVftminfter Weft Looe Hedon, Vor. V'orJv/hire St. Mi t del Tviin, Dingwall Roxburgh/hire Aberdeen, &c. Hereford Hereford City Bath Gloucefter City ^ewes, Suftex W'incheifca • Totnefs Durham County Leominfter CalJington Retford, Hotting Mme be ad Eanca/hire Lincoln Briftol Gloucefterftrre Vxfordjh ire Bucks St. Germains Southampton T. A pp ie by Oxford City P'efton, lane. Ipfwich ^•eskard St Miichel Halim^toh 7 own- Rcfuier Cba.fi.St. Jan. Bloomsbury - fq Ditto H»il-ftreet PaJl-ma’l ^ CLckville-ftrett Hanover- fquare Upper Grofv.fti Mincing-Jane spring, gardens SaviJeho.Leic.-i St. James' sj^uat Parke ftreec Bond-ftreee P anton-fquare S>ratton-ftreet Bond-ftreet Bolton tfieet ChefterfieJd. ft. Strand near Norf. hincolns-inn-fic] I Chai Jes-ftreet Be Iford-row David firet BJoom/bury-fqti, John-ftr.Berk.fq. ^ueen.ftr. Grofvenor-ftreet Bed ft rd-rc*zo Charing-crofs I 3erklev-fq u are Spring G^. rdf ns In Italy At Drefden Admiralty John-ft. Golden fq George ftr.Han.fq Geor^eftreetHan Abmgdon- bu.l J. spring-garden ^ rots yd Cannon ( Vrilge -ftreet, W. An alphabetical Lift of the Houje of Commons. 67 Names. Stuart, Sir Simeon Strang-, L«rd Start. Humphry ^ Sullivan, Laurence Sut r on, Lord George Famiftock, Marquis of Tempeil, John Where cbf: % S ui bampto n County Lancafti re □orfctihire Taunton Gran: ham, Line, Bedfordjbire Durham Thomas, S r Edmund Glam organ /hire Tnomo nd, Earl of Tnorot on, Tho. Thynae, H. Hen. Fred *tbcmlinjon y John i Toucbet y Samuel Townfend, Ifaac Townfhend, Hon. Tho J w... A « Townfhend, Hon.Cha.) Harwich M neh“ad Newark on Trent vVeobly, Hercf. iteyning Sbjftsbury , Do’f. Rochefter Cambridge Univ, Townfliend, Tho.jun Townihend, Charles Townihen i,Chaunc, § Tracy, Thomas ^Tre;fe,SirChn/lophtr Trelawny, Sir Wm Trevanion, William Turker, John Tuckfidd, [ohn Tud zvay Clement Idenli} dan. fq | Hsn.lJ jJJ. 'Tuffitely G. Fo-fie* Turner, Sir John ^Turner, Sir Edward Tyln e y , Earl Tynte, Sir C. Kemys Vane, Riby Vane, Frederick Vanfutart, Arthur Vaughan, William Verney, Earl Vernon, Richard § Vernon, Geo. Ven. ViJliers, Vifcjunt Vincent , Sir Francis Upton, John ju/t Wh tchurch Hants Great Yarmouth Weftbury, Wilts Gloucefterihire Bodmyn Weft Looe Tregony Weymouth^: MR . Exeter Wells, Snn. Beverley, Torkjh. //Cing’$-Lynn,Norf Penryn, Cornw, Malmsbury Somerfctfhire CarliHe Durham Berk/hire Merionethshire Cirmarthen Bedford Town 8ramber, SufTex Tamworth ourry IVefmorlanl To ivn- Re/idence %geen-/F May Fair Gr^fvenor-fquare St. James'ci-fquare Great Onii nd-flr. B.rkley-fcjiiare Great R ftjei-ftr. Argyll -buildings St.James’s-ftrett D^ver-ftreec KnightibriJge Hertford- ftPark-J. ^ueen -ftrCbeapfide near Manfion houje Parliament- ftreet Burlington-gard. Grofvcnor-fquare Cleveland -court jouth-ft.SrhAud.ft Au din -friars Parl ; am-nc-ftreet Pall-mall Parliament-ftreet Old Palace Vard Great Ge nge-ftr. Abingdon buildings Arlington ftreet Cur -ftreet j Pall-mall T: iney - ft A udley - ( Char ft. Berk. fq. Hill -ftreet - Clevl ind-houfe C be /ft a College Geo. ft, Hanover-fq Suffdk-ftrret Curzon- ftr. May - f. George ft. Weitm. Park-place Grofvcnor- fquare UpperG* ofvenor-ftr Lincoln's* Inn 63 An alphabetical lift of the Hou/e of Commons. "Town Rt/Uence. A r amet, ^Walcott, Charles Waller, Robert Walpole, [-Ion. Sir Ed. W ilpole, Hon. Horatio Walp jle, Hon. Tho $ Waifmghim R. Boyle Walter, Edward W liter, John Roile § Wanchope, Henry W r a1jh, John Ward, Hun. John § Walk worth, Lord W*rrrn, Sir Gecrgc Wat/on, Thoma9 § Way, Beniamin \Y bb, Ph. Carteret § Webb, J, Richmond ^Wedderburn, Alex. § Wcmyfs, James W e.tf, James IR Lately, Them as Which cot, Thomas Whit'*, John Wbitrtied, James Whitmore, L.G.Wm. Whit worth, Chailes Willey, James Wilbraham, Ran. Wilkinfon, Andrew $ VViJloushby, Tho. Willy, William § Wilfon, William JVinnington , Sir Edw. § Winerton, Lord Wodchoufe, Sir Arm- ^Wood, Robert Woodley, William tVorJUy, 'Thom a? Wrighte.Gc* ge Wynne, Thomas Wynne, Sir John Yonge, Sir George Yorke, Hon. Charles § Yorke, HonSir Jofeph Yorke, Hon, John Where cbrfe . Weymouth&M.R Chipping Wycomb Yarmouth, Norf. King's Lynn, Norf. Aihburton Fowey Milborne-pcrt, So. Exeter Butefhire W cyccfjcr Worceitcrlbire Weftminfter Lancafter Berwick onTweed Bridport Hjflemere, Surry B dTir.nev, Cornw. Air, Irvine, &c. Fife /hire St. Albans, Hertf. Ludgarjhall Lincoln/hire Retford, Nutting. Cirencefter Bridgnorth,Salop Riechingi«y Leictfter Newton, Lane A Id boro. Yorkfh. Nottingh^mfhire Devizes, Wilts I velchefter Be*wdky, Won . Bra m her Norfolk Brackley, Nortba Bedi. 0 Id, Great Orford Leictfter Carnarvonfhire Carnarvon Honitun Reigate, Surry Dover Higham- Ferrers Charks-llr. Berk.fq D .•ver-flrect Pail-maf! Arlington-fireet New Br al-ftjeet Portugal.'! Gr-d q Grofveaor-fquaie Pall-mall Argyll- b /ridings ii. e 'lerji eld - flreet Charing c rofs Dove r -ftrect Aibemarle-ftreet Margaret-ftreet Temple Great Queen -Rieet Lincoln' s -Inn Lincoln’s-inn Hay-market Kirg-ft. Cov. Gar# Parliament flreet Pall-mall Golden-fquare New Burlington York-bjildings Bund -{beet Ola Palace yarc Bedford-row C.ok’s-coCarey-ft Buckler's-bu^y Charles-ftrBerk.fq Harley -flreet Brook lheet Pajl-mall Sranhope-ft. f # Hill- flreet Scotland -yard Upper Grofv. ftr# Paik.phce Piccadilly Dover- Rr ee t Bloom fbu ry - fquarc At the Hsgiie Spring-gardens An Alphabet:ca ! LIST of the Counties, Cities and Boroughs, with the Pages where their Reprefentatives are to be found. For Wales and Scodand, fee Page 71, A Bingdon 23 jTX A g m o n d e fh . 2 1 AldboroughYorkj 1 Aldeburgh. Andover Appleby Arundel A /h burton Ayle/bury Banbury Barnflaple Bath ledfrrd-county led ford -town led win, Great ) leeraifton lerk/hire Berwick Icrwick/h leverly lewdly ii/hcp's-ci/l!e llechingly odmyn leeralfton lorough bridge loffinney 44 4 2 4 ° 45 2S *4 39 29 4 T i z 3 3 48 2 q 2 Bury St. Edmunds 44 (Durham-county 20 Caine J 47 a? Caine Cal ling ton Cambridge-coun. 24 Cam bridge -town 2> Cambiidge-univ. 2; I ofton -ackley 1 ramber 1 ;idport W idgnorth idgewater * iftol ickingham -co ckinghham to, 24 c 3S Scotl.5 3 4 4 ^ 44 2 C 2 c 3 27 36 38 45 3 ° 4c 4 4 i 2 ~ Camelford Canterbury Carlifle Caftle- Riling Che/h:re Chefter Chichefter Chippenham Chip, Wicomb Chrift-church Cirence/ter Clitheroe Cockermouth Colchefter CorfF-caftle Durham-city Eaft-Looe Eafl Grinfted Elfex-county Evefham 26 Exeter-city 34 E y e 27 jFowey 37,Gatton 2 ;,Gloucefter/hire 2 ^jCloucefler-city 46,Grampound 47|Grantham 24 :Grimiby 42 f Guide ford Hamp/hire Harwich Haflemere Haftings 33 3 ; 28 3 2 , 3c Hcdcn Cornwall-county 25 Heitc/bury Coventry Cricklade Cumberland-co. Dartmouth Derby /hire Derby Devize3 Devon /hi re Dorfct/hlre Dorchefter Dover Down^on Droytwich Dunwich 46 Helfton 47 He reford /hi re 27 Hereford-city 28 Hertford/hi re 28 Hertford -town 28 Higham Ferrers 38 47 Hindon 47 28 Honiton 28 29'Hor/ham 45 29 Huntingdon/hire 34 49 Himtingdon-town34 48,Hythe 49 46 Iveichefler 40 43 ' 30 26 45 3 2 46 26 44 a 7 44 33 33 26 36 36 44 4 * 3 * 44 4 5 3 * 43 2 6 33 33 33 34 Ipfwich Kent KingVLynn Krngftonon Hull Knarefborough Loncafhire Lnncafter Launcefton Lcicefter/hire Leiceftcr Leominffcr Li/kerret or Lif- kcard Lewc *s Linco/nfhire Lincoln Lichfield Liverpool Lon don LofUvithiel Ludlow LuJgarfhall Lyme Regis Lymington Aiaidflone Malden Malmefbury Melton Marlborough Marlow, Great Melcombe Regis AJidhurft Middlesex Mil borne Port Minehead Mitchell Monmouthfhire Monmouth Morpeth Newark onTrent Newcaftle under Line 43 34 37 3 2 3 J 35 35 2 35 35 33 25 46 3' 3 6 43 35 3 6 2 39 4$ 30 4 * 34 3 ? 47 3 ’ 4~ 2 4 3C 45 36 4° 4 1 27 3" 37 3 39 43 j Newcaftle on T. 3S Newport, Hants 42 \ Newport, Corn. 27 Newton, Lane. 35 Newtown, Haots 42 Norfolk 37 Northallerton 3 1 Northamptonfli, 3$ Northampton 38 Northumberland 38 Norwich 38 Nottins/.h a m/hire 38 Nottingham town 3 9 Oakhampton 29 Or ford 43 Oxford fhiie 39 Oxford 39 Oxfo rd-univerfity 39 Penryn 26 Peterborough 3 k Petersfidd 42 Plymouth 29 Plympton-Eirle 29 Poole 30 P.ntefracf 3 i Pcrtfmouth 4 1 Prefton 35 Queenborough • 34 Reading 23 Retford 39 Richmond 31 Re igate 44 Ripon 3 2 i Rochefter 34 Romney, New 49 Rutland/hire 39 Rye 49 Salop-county 39 Saltafh 26 Sandwich 48 Sarum, New 4" 5 arum, Old 48 Searborough 32 Seaford 49 Shaftsbury 30 Shoreham 45 Shrewflmry 40 Somerfetfhire 40 Southampton- CO. 41 Southampton- to. 42 Southwarkc 45 Stafford (hire 43 Stafford 41 Stamford 35 Steyning 45 Stock bridge 42 St. Aibans 34 St, Germans 27 St. Ives 2 7 St. Mawes 27 Sudbury 44 Suffolk 4] Surry 44 So flex 45 Tamworth 4 3 Taviftock 29 Taunton 4<3 Tewkfbury 33 T hetford 37 Thirfk 32 Tiverton 28 Totnefs 29 Tregony 26 T ruro 25 Wallingford 24 Warwickfl/ire 46 Warwick 46 V/a reham 30 Wells-city 4 1 Wendc ver 24 Wen lock 40 Weobley 33 Weftbu ry 4* // elt-Looe 26 i Wcfmv Wcitnu- I Wcymo I Whiter I Wipn Wit'jn Angkfri Bcsuma: BrccorA , Brecon Cardiff ( ! Cardigiai Cardigan I Canr.ini lh /berdren Air AfSjil Banff II Berwick 1 1 Bitffar.cC i| C.acr.iLat ;J Durr.bartt j | Dumfreis Ldinburzl Elgin Me ir j Aberdeen, ! -$c. j Air, Irrin- f BrcrtTas. | bcrn > J I j % Cu. Weftminfter Weltmorland Weymouth W hitch arch Wigan WLton 36 46 30 42 35 48 ] [ 71 W-Jt/hire Winchclfea Windfor Winchefter Woodftock W^otton-Baflet 46 49 2 3 4 i 39 4 * Worcefter/hire 47 Worcefter 47 Yarmouth, Great 37 Yarmouth, Bor, 41 Yorkihire 30 York City 32 Anglefea Beaumaris Breconihire Brecon Cardiff Cardiganfliiic Cardigan Carmarthen/hire 5c 49 49 49 5 C 5 1 5 C 5 C WALE Carmarthen J'arnarvonfhire Carnarvon Denbigh/hire Denbigh Flint/hire Flint Glamorganfhirc 5 C 5° 5 ° 5 ° 50 50 5 o 5 ° Haverfordweft 51 Merionethfhire 50 Mon t go m e ry fhir e 5 o Montgomery Pembrokefhirc Pembroke Radnor/hire Radnor Members for the Shires of SCOTLAND. 5° 50 5* 5* 5 * Aberdeen Air Argyll Barr, if Berwick j — Bute andCaitImc&52 Clackmannan Dumbarton Dumfreis Edinburgh Elgin 5 * 52 5 2 5 a 52 Fife Forfar Haddington Invernefs Kincardin Kinrofs and Kirkcudbright- Stewarty Lanerk Linlithgow 5 2 52 S 2 52 S 2 S 2 Orkney &Zetland53 53 Nairn andCromartie Peebles Perth Renfrew Rofs Roxburgh Selkirk Sterling 52 Sutherland 53 , Wigtown 53 53 53 53 53 53 '53 53 53 Members for the Boroughs oj SCOTLAND. Aberdeen, Montrofe, I ~® c - 54 • Air, Irvine, £fc. 55 Brunt. Hand, King- ' horn, fefr. 54 Dumfries, Kircud $ bright, (gc, 54 1 Elgin^ Cui.'en, &c. 54 Edinburgh City, 544 Renfrew, Clafgow, Forrefs, F. 0/ Marlborough, Lord Prtnjy Seal . harles, Duke of Bolton, homas, Duke of Leeds, jhn, Duke of Rutland, Mafier of the Horfe ha rleSyDule of Queenlbury )hn Duke of AvgylL eregrine,Zh/^ 0/ Ancafter, Lord Great Chamberlain 'ho. Holies, D.0/ Newcaitle ionel, Duke of Dorfet. John, M . of Gvawby y Mafl . General of the Ordnance. /illiam 'Ettod Talbot, Lord Steward of the Houjhold. ranville,£<2/7Gower,Z.0r^ Chamberlain . rancis, Earl of Hunting- don, Groom of the Stole . alii, Earl of Denbigh, aniel, Earl of Winchilfea and Nottingham, lilip, Earl 0/'Chellerfield >lm, E. g/ Sandwich, one of his Majefys Principal Secretaries cf' State . Anthony,/?. 0/ Shaftesbury. Geo. Hen. E. ^Litchfield, Capt . of the Band of Gen- tlemen Penfioners. Robert, Earl 0^’Holdernefle. WinHen. Earl of Rochford, AmbajJ. to ike K of Spain. George, Earl of Albemarle William, Earl of Jerfey. Francis, E. of Godoiphin, George£.0/'Cholmondeley Thomas, Earl 0/Kinnoui Hugh, Earl of Marchmor.t John, Earl ^‘Hyndford. John, Earl of Bute. Geo. Dunk, £^r/0/'HaJifax, one of His Majeflys Princ. Secretaries of State. John, E.of Buekmghamfli. Henry Arthur, E. 0/Towis T reafurer of the Houjhold . Hugh, £. ^’Northumberland LordLieut enantof Ire\&nd . Richard, Earl Temple. Simon, £#/*/ Harcourt, Lord Chamberlain to the Queen. Francis, Earl of Hertford, Am baff . 1 0 the K . of F ranee Philip, Earl of Hardwicke Stephen, Earl 0/Tlchefter, Comp, of t he Army Accounts. John, Earl Delawarr. John, Earl ofEgsx\om 3 frJt Lord of the Admiralty . Wills,/?*;-/ of HilUborough firjl Ld of Tr. and Plant. G William, Earlof Shelburne, i x jam.StHartMackenzie,/r/$ *Percv. Earl 0/’Thomond. x Genrcrp vf‘ m 1 * Percy, Earl ^/'Thomoni Cofferer oj the Houjholi . * Lord George Cavendifl). :< Lord Ch. Spencer, Compt of bis Majejif s Houjbold . George Vijc. Townfhend, Lt . Gen. of the Ordnance . David, Vifeount Stormont. Hugh, Vif Falmouth, Capt. oj the } eon: en oftheGuard. ^William, Wife. Bonington, . *Ireafurer of the Nanjy. *John, Vijcount Bateman. John, Fife. Ligonier, Com- mander in Chief of his Majefi/s Forces . *Lord Strange, Chancellor of the Duchy o/’Lancafter. Richard, Ld, Bp. of London. Francis, /.cn^LeDefpenler, Majl. of the Gr. Wardrobe . John, ^/Berkeley of Stratton Ccnfable of the 'Tonx'e/. Allen, Lord Bathurll. Samuel, Lord Sandys. Thomas, Lord Hyde, Joint Pof-Majler General. yhlin.Lord Mansfield, Cbiej Juftice of the . Court oj King's- Bench. George, Lord Lyttelton. Thomas, Lord Grantham. Henry, Lord Holland, Pay- Mafter General. James, Lord T y rawly. * Sir J o h n C u i t , Ba r t . Speaker of tke.Houfe of Commons. William Finch, Efq\ Vice- Chambcrl. of the Houjbold , George Grenville, Efq\ firj] Com. of the Treafury, and Chanc. of the Excheq. 'James Grenville, Efq\ Arthur Onllow, Eft]; *?} r J°hn Rudiout, Bart . * William Pitt, Efq] •‘•Charles Tovvnfhend, Efq; ^Robert Nugent, Elq; x Wellbore Ellis, Elq; Se- cretary at War. Sir Charles Pratt, Knt. Chief 7 “.ft- of Court Com. Blear. 'Gilbert Elliot, Efq] Ire a- furer of the Chamber. 'Hans Stanley, Efq] "Humphry Mortice, Efq] Warden of the Stannaries ••Richard Rigby, Efq] '■James Oivralci, Efq\ ’■ Sir Thomas Sewell, Maf- ter of the Rolls. /WCh Itrwii lad M E ttcsl-j* Fur. Tkhll tiUTct&J 'it Robtf ichrd ' Wiliiam ' Robert C Bure« Clks ojtheCouncil in Ordinary William Sharpe, William Blair, Philip Sharpe, Hon. Rcber tWaIpole, r £/^r.r 4 Clerks Extraordinary Stephen Cottrell, George Chetwynd, William Fawkener, Richard Orlebar, Efqrs. Keeper of the Council Re cords William Sharpe, Efq) Keep, of the Council Chamber ThDringJn.Pickel, Gents. OjfceKeeper. Ch.Dickinfon. Neceff. Woman , Fr. Hatch. N. 8. Ml Privy Counfellors are filed Right honourable. „ u of' A; lari of Or lari of Ej lari ofM arl of 0: '^/Brii a fZ#/P o. | tyourt B< WMafi Mcoftii d. iooc mm of [Lt.Coi. I k Wiiiia L 75 3 ord Ch amb. of the King's Hon] hold , and fbt Officers and ervants under his Direction* {Stable Yard ,St. James's .) ’''Lieut. Gen. Cornwallis, Lieut. Gen. Moftyn, Geo. Piet, *Wm. Nor they /' Rear Admiral KeppeL •James Wright, Ei'q; Lord Chamberlain . ZpdRL Gower. ffi Wages ico 1 . a Year . Icard-ivages i loci* a Year Vice -Chamber lain. ^ , ? he Rt Ilon.W . Finch, £/jj‘John Mordatint, El'q$ > Wages 6oo 1 . a Year. j ,v Henry Seymour, Elq^ 'dard-'wa.s w i. 8s.4.d aY.\ ^Charles Botham, Eiq; ecretary to the Ld. Ckamb./'Hon . Aug. JohnHervey. ir Robert Wilmot, Secret. I Sal. 500 1 . a Year. *ichard Trevor, Efq; Dep. Gentlemen of the Privy Cham Villiam Ely, t ft Clerk. Richard Jackfon, Efq; Sir Edm.Anderfbn, Bart. .obert Crucefix, id Clerk . V\Burgeis, Chamber- keep. Lords op' the King's Bed- Chamber , arl of Huntingdon, Grootn op the Stole , 2000I. Lord Robert Bertie, arl of Coventry, uke of Ancafter, arl o/Oiford, 'zrl of Eglington, 'irl of March, irl of Oxf ord, jri/JBi uce, irl tf/Pomfret, [count Bolingbroke, >rd Mafham,. uke of Manchelier, rd Willoughby de Broke irl op' Denbigh, .ord Wark worth, al. 1000 1. a Year each, ooms op the Bed - Chamber , ames Peachey, Efq; -t.Col. Edmund Nugent, William Bieton, Km Samuel Clarke, Efq; F.R.S, Richard Dalton, Eiq; Sir diaries Sheffield, Bart. Solomon Dayrolle, F.R.S. W. Thoniplbn, J. Burnaby, Sir Henry Gough, Bart r Timothy Earl, £/y; Sir Wm Wolfeley, Bart. Ja.Nelthorpe, Chr.Roberts, John Short, Wm. Jephfon, Chr.Towers, John Leman, Cha. Tryon, Cha. Joye, W. Dixwell Grimes, Eiqsj Sir Francis Cliarleton, Bai t. Hen Neale, SelwoodHewett, W. Baynes, C.Stuart,Elqrs Sir William Hart, Knt. Wm. Ballard, Tho. Barker, ChChui chill, Ja. Theobalds James Brydges, Efqrs. Sir John Stanley, Bart . Ralph Congreve, Tho. Noel, James Baird, Tho.EdwardsFreeraan,Eiq Sir William Breton, Knt. G z [ 76 ] Sir Tho. Rob in Ton , Bart. jG rooms of the Privy Chamb Tho. Hatton, JohnWillis, ;Cha. Collins, Edvv. Capel -Anthony Keck, Efcjrs; Strelley Pegge, P J?mes Caldwell, Bart. 'Samuel PeZt Nigel Kingfcote, Hen.Shej brookeJn.Darell, Hugh Powell, James Beale, Samuel Pegge, Efqs\ 73!. o o * ^ j 7 / j 1 * Gentlemen-UjhtTSf Quarter* IV liters in Ordinary , George Ann Cook, "ho. Par/ iod.Hwt Charles Ga/coigne, Efqrs. Mafier cj the Ceremonies. &VCharlesCottereJDormei ^ Knt. SaL 300 1 . a Tear . Aflijlant, Steph.CottereJ, £/• 6s. 8d. a Day. Marjhal % Stephen Cottere Efiji 1 00 1 . a Tear. Cup-Bearers. 33l.6s.8d. Gould C larges, Ch.Collins, 1 - r. Shaw, Fr. Rivett, Efqrs Carvers, 33]. 6s. 8d. John Fowie, J. Caithew, J; Gro\e, W.LdwaidSjJE/y. GefitleminSiPivers , 3 3 1 6$8d Sreph. Mounter, Fr.Wace Edward Whitehouie, T homas Complin, Efts-, Gentlemen Ufbers of the Fri 4.0I. Coffer-Bearers, 27I. 7s. 6d. I r'horpe, J.dcpli Simonds Pages of the Back *S 7 tfirj, 8 ol . Pavonarius, Ramus, ^Hawkins, W. Reyn olds FrederickErneEj. Barnard, GPavonaiius, Fred. Barnard Princ . Barber fT . V i ncen 1 1 70 Pages of the Bed-Chamber j Meff. J. Little, W. Rogers, JnHannington, JnNiven, Henry HalHngs, William Ramus, 80 J. imothv 1 liex.Wfci itephen N mnthi A At Si ho. Wi! At Win awr. W f Ham?' kEii 1 At Kj aJj Mar drink efd, 1 Somrf v Briei 4 a$T£ Man. T nmf } l itaMa rdtr i fun obi as j T aiitr t honn r V l I Km Smji •ar.i mi e moving- Wardrobe. Yeoman. imesCalthorpe, Efq-, i$o Grooms. ho. Panton, jun. Efq, od. Heathcote J«n#5 1 30 Pages. eo. Brietzcke,Th.Fiflier ol)fert Evans. Efqsi tool imothy King, ' Affiftant. lex. Whicherley, Servant ephen Noft, ditto, an ding JVa r Jr 'obe- keepers At St. JamesV. lio. Williams, EiHnr v...l Knight Harbinger. Richard Stonhewer, Efq hifpeflor of the Plays . I ^ * €+1 ic-nuinyr / Chancellor oj the Exchequt Mi'ffrs. Jacob Knock y, William Rofs. 7 *«/• Vs/ < vviiiiam Koft. 1 ftv ; c [; tt ''T nd >^ 77 ; fool.* r MefengtroftheG. Wardrc. J D'S Vep. Ed . C apell, E /?; 200 I.I Mr. R ichard Poit. 1 Jft 1 -, 1 ¥qytoo\. I Air. Henry Harmood. I John Re ™r a * tre Clrvi } L\fl\Meff. to the Prvtting-PretAtyik L>zAu&iQns from all Sa- I * J I u.\ i 41 40 Mejengers in Ordinary, Uffi.MaJI.Q. We idemanioo |J ,h:; : at 4 cl. a fear, and daih I la.MtrhrtlfXn t„ d . r MrJ.Ai "A'kBj Sir ^ - , w eiuernanioo at 45 1 - * '«ir, and daily jja. Nichollon, Jn. Barnard |C £ ir Pav when employed, viz. IT. Rawlins, Hen.Buro- e f s Jo)e|di Sharpe, John Bill, Ferd Norton, Tho.jackTon 1%“ Jan. Bret t'allr.NGarnnfftonjTho.VmcetitJa. Williams’ l ?H,n * John Driver, Will Dick, Geo. Peat, j. ^3^1 < »ec>. Collins, David Price, /Geo. Morgan, F.dw. Gibbs J v fa. Wat-.on, Hehry Lamb, John Jones, Tho. Tones l? eBnel Jol. Button, Rob. Jacklon, I Abr. Browne, Geo Terry* a fit 1 : 1 . Spencer, RBlackmore W m . Howard, JohnVoun? iArchil John Mitton, \V. Pollock, I John Perkins, JohnGordon* l Mi M.Rowo,th,M Maddbcks, St. Philpot, James Dell |~1 W .Goodall, Jam. Bollock, I Peter B.-neli • Jn. Cardin, Ja. Cleverley , I Serj. TrumM. Snow, T ool L; { ibm . M..,or, T Ardroan, J Extra Mujician, R. A dams. J 1 \ P^'(on,jn. Darlow, Fecal Per forma- Extrmr.L La\ John vVnlker, Edw. Mann,] John Beard, Efiii Inn i | J ' in.Kmo- Dan.Ardoi,in,| Infirume nt keeper, ' |Mn R ^rf;t y, r c - sr T ,uer ’K i r ryAHn M ° nch " tr - 40 1. Imp .1). Sanfom, George Lang, \lnflrumerct-maker,]r. Wahh ’ Mrs' T ' -^n-Lock, Richard F. vans , [Organ -.maker, JolmBvfield ‘I Mrs eji.i,IIind, 1 h o.R u (Tel, Phy/ic tans in Ordinary, 300 |.' 1 Unit, i . Dav.La.uzun, G. Coates. [SVrEdw. Wilnmt RG rpo 1 /„.■ £«"•*** S William Z’c S ^ .ecnOito, John Parlmore. rCl . Wi n rri ogham KtFR $ Den. I otter, Alex. Barnes. jO^. Richard Warren, FRS. 9l.t E M '? l y» rdn i:..- Prti I. 200 nice r.an* da " amsj [ty ibk [ 79 ] ? by f dans extr. tohisMajett . Dr. Caleb Hardinge, FRS. Dr. Noah Thomas, FRS. A natomift J oh n A n d re w s , E f ' Oculifls, Dr. John Taylor, Dr. Rich. Smith, lool. ea. Phyfician to the Houjhold. jDr.T.Gilborne, FRS 200I. Apothecaries to the Per fan. John GowlandjF/.y^ol 5s. John Truefdale, Efq; 160I. Apothecaries to the Houjhold. Mr], AllerxMCrane ? , A/^B.CharkwoodS Io6/ * Serjeant Surgeons. John Ranby, Efq\ FRS Caeiar Hawkins, Efq; Da Middieton Ejq; ^96 734 Surgeons extra, io the Per ion Pennell Hawkins, Efq\ Mr. Thomas Gataker. Surgeon to the Houjhold y PenneliHawkins,F/^; 280I. Atirifl Operator , Archibald Cieland All in Gift o f Lord Chamber l . Housekeepers. At Newmarket. [ Mrs. Martha Bonfoy,20ol. At Win Jfor -Cattle. Lady Mary Churchill, 320I At Ktnfmgton. Mrs. Rachel Lloyd, iool. At IV Jl min for, 6 s . 8 d . a Day Mrs. Ann Blackerby, j Mrs . Eliz.WjJfon Blackerby JnderHoufe-k.at Stjan««'s. Lady Denife Hart, 100 1 . iamCt MaryAnderibn,32o At Somerjet-Houfe. VLri JJridgetGunning 200! . Under - Hcufekeeper . Mrs. Cath. Brietzcke, 100I. At Whitehall. x John Manners, Efq; 650 1 At the Queens Palace. Mrs. Elizabeth Stainforth. At Richmond Lodge. Mrs. Dunftall. Keep, of the Private Armory N.B. The following have no Salaries unlefs inferted after their Names. Matter oj' the Tennis Court. W.Chetwynd,jun. Efq ; 1 3 2 1 Lockfmithy 1 81. 5s. a T. Fran. Bedwell, junior Card-maker ,Ch. Blanchard Operator for the Teeth. Thomas Berdmcre Druggijfy Robert Sanxay Optician , Mr. P. Dolland Cutler , Nathaniel Jefferies, Gunfmitk , James Wilmore Printer 1 Mark Bafkert, Efqj Statuary , Jof. Wilton, Efq; Harpfuord- maker. Jofeph Mohoon. Geographer , Tho. Jefferys, Chocolate* maker, Mr. LinenDrapcr,MrXZoo dchild Shipwright & Barge- builder* Thomas Serle Sword-Cutler , Jam.Cullum Matbemat. Infrument-mak* Geo ge Adams i ^urrier,S$SkinnerSa. m . We ft Mole-Taker y F.D er, 8lis8d Turners , 3 . Crompton, and Tho. Ayliffe Tin-man, Mr. Wilcox [Ko ] Mjtnifl, T .T own fhend, j ooi DiJHller of Milh-a»nu~ l atter, Melclior Wagner. Elizabeth Emmett * Ct °' v a ! 7 :j¥' 7 i-.« A..^E^f '^2%,,. John Ellicotr", ,50".' James For J. Surveyor of the Piflures. xur'Hr' r S ^ EEp £Rs. Stepli. Slaughter, £/ 7; 20 o') l ^f 0 ' For fJi>&GreatPeirk, Principal Painters 2 C o! In Pd^ C Cumh er!and. John Shackleton, ‘ P^^ : ; B eni . Bathurft Allan Ramfay, Efqrs. LJZ"#* L f l * ***, Painter in Enatn U Minim u F Pomfm * Mr. Jeremiah Meyer , Librarian, Rich. Dalton Efg\ r> tp 0 ”'*’ f of Bute. Dep.Librarian, MrValo ton S Bcokfeller and Stationer by ° fLc ^ Art/™/, William Caftle Ic,‘ * ***?>&•■ Breadalbane Stationerinord. F redMeffin jr I n" ***** s Rf r k, E.o/Orfo rd Bookfellcr, John Nourfe g l//^r P.rrL/.;,,/’. \tr .. AVw Forefl ^ ’ - —,,..cr, John Nourfe ~ 1 */' "r jweyyi/lq; Bookbinder, \v. ShropLe. ^ ^^.Bur^rdit Chief Engravers of Seals In '** z ^' 0 p Fore fl’ G '^' r 'gft.on Chriftopher Seaton, |^f^ ^ Car,,PeIh - J '' E homas Major. M'pmgForefl, Earl Ty Iney r~< w y am, ffCJulf 1 "' r ‘"% Buildings, Mr. Flitcroft U5 Lf 1 Ial h # : K \ Rat- Killer, I ‘J'-JGa»ie,D.oj Grafton John Gower, 481.3s. 4.d Y I n tC 3 pP 00 * lFore fi . Oxfordfh. H erl>- ft reaver, 4 D % tmor ^fef , Devon fSir Honor Battiicombe, 24 1 r, p anc,s pn>7 Drake, Bt. Majier of the Barges \n?X d s Caple in the F °- John Mafon, iool. a Year \w-j ,w ^^’^‘‘Eottetourt ll atermcn 48 . With Badges Norlham Cr.au. si,;..,. n,* es > 1 tonfbire, D. o/'Grafton. <**, Wns, StZkZZ W:if ir % D - VO raW &c. W 1 2 Vr2 n r^> Llr ‘Colnfbire, «ted, 3 1 . 2S . ^d.Tw f -/«/. 3t «: claYelrl PM" f F “- ^r/;. Richmond For ef, Torkfkire *. * . . I £*&vl oj Huldej'nciTc. Mafer of the Meehan icks c ^^/Holdernc.Te. John Smith, Efqi I S ^° r „ Gnicr « l of His k> filler , , Charles Bedell c; W ° ods & F ^k ; , I Edmund Thomas, A/ Ufa;- W HitK. R*/ Hefts LtrhfD' Ua •/ m. Bj iiriByr. n aid ifn htlH* Htb!eJL til l ifti Dull of S GltAT § Opens;:; | frf/.lO » l^.p.w | Afifont, 1 I C*jnr/.'Th I ’ ?dt) JT.LeeD, I ‘ tk II J.Chirabe I Cl.cJtLt ifo. I KLulhall I ; | David L!o |< t « Paul Saum j fa*iuAr J Sauoder i W/e’ r< UilPor.C. .i ™jt-mau } W«Tf, x l | f • & R.Bu [ 8i ] 3 : Surveyor General of all bis Maj. Honours , Caftles.Sc, Hon . Robert Hcrheit. Mafter of the Harriers , ) Earl of Denbigh, 200ol.*v\Dtfy. ; Vf(?^ j /g , ^r,Edv.vHenney,2ol. . r tunning Porter , Ditto, 30I. I ///r0/Vrr^rr,SarahGreene, Richard Harrifon. . Upholflerer , Wm. France. Cabinet-makers , B. Goodi- fon, and JohnBradburn. Lace man, Edw. Parker T ay/cr/, Alt, Humfrays, and Theodore Hele. Joiner , ^7?/^ Chair-maker , Catherine Naifh. Coffer-maker , Edw. Smith. Bookfeller , Samuel Baker Linen-drapers , Th. Balack, John Harrifon Semftrefs , Maria Lloyd. Glover , Henry Jaflfray Her aU Painter, Rob.Morris Belt-maker , John Becket. Feather - drejfer * W Q will i ni* ZLz/ ter andHofter Cap raid Bonnet - maker % Sufannah Walfh. Paper Hanging Maker , Bromwich £/;/o/'Haxhay,Lincoln!h Mr. John Longe, Bctfor of Spixworth, Norfolk. "June. Or. St. Sleech, Proas.oj Eton. Or. Henry Stebbing, Preacher at Gray' s Inn. A/r.Edw. Beado'n, ReHorof North Stoneham, Hants. Or. GiegorySharpe,A/«/? c -r oj the Temple. July. Dr. John Berney, Arch- deacon /Norwich. I Mr R. Mi I tfl Mud I Hr. John I if Km I ieami I J'r.Thon I Hr of 1 Wether I Jlr.DoAl, I i vJMik | « Eller ICr.Zl.B ; Prsftftr Cambm Mr.Tho.V Birkin, John! ChiiiC to the Earl of Briltol, and one oj the Clerks of the Privy Seal Mr. James Worflev, Preb . York, Reftor 0/ Stone- grave in that Co and Bro. in-lavj to Grantham. Auguji. Dr Samuel Steelman, Arch deacon of Norfolk, and Preb. of Canterbury. Mr. George Watts, Reftor ofB oxford, Wilts. Mr. Alex. Jacob, CouJIn to the Duke of Chandos Mr. Andrew Wood, Minif ter of Darlington. September . Mr H. Matt. Schutz, Reft. g/'Mar(h Gibbons Bucks. Mr. John Hotliam, Reftor of Northolt, and Arch - deacon of Middlefex Mr . Thomas Barnard, Rec- tor of Newmarket, and Wethersfield in Suffolk. Mr. Dodd, Preb. of Brecon, and Minif er tffWeft Ham in Effex. Oftoher . Dr. Za. Brpoke, Margaret Profejfor of Divinity at Cambiidge. Mr.Tho. Wright, Reftor oj Birkin, Yorkfhire. Dr. John Moore, Canon oj Chi ift- Church, Oxford. Dr. John Potter, Archdeacon of Oxford and Preb. oj Cant. Dr. John Douglas, Canon of' Windlbr, and Reftor of St. AuftinV and St. Faiths, London. Mr. Thomas Marriot, Reftor of St. Michael Baflifhaw, London. Sir Richard Wrottelly, Bt. B rot her - in- la ic* toE . G o we r. Dece?nber. Dr. John Sumner, Canon oj Wind for, and Provof of King's College , Camb. Dr Edward Barnard, \fl Mafler of Eton School , and Canon of Windlbr, Dr. Thomas Dampier, 2 d Mafer oj Eton School. Hon. Dr. Nicho. Bofcawen, ybungefBro.toKiJcFalmouth 10 Brief s r in Ordinary . Rev. Anielm Bayly, LLD, John Smith, B. D. William Pinckney, AM, Henry Evans, A. M. Thomas Baker, A. M. WmFitzherbert A.M. MofcsWight, A.M. Ben j. Pearce, A. M. Dr.Da.W. Morgan. John Gibbons, A.M. 73I r 6 Gentlemen oj'bis Majef , 'i Chapel Royal y 73I, each. Barnard Gates, 2 Places George Laye, Wm. Perry [ «4 ] Nich. Ladd,T.Vandernan, WmSavage, Rob. Denham, Tho. Barrow, Wm Cofter, RalphCowper, R. Hudfon, Samuel Mence JnReynolds, Edm. Ayrton, John Soper. Gentleman Extraordinary , George Medley, 41 1 . 10s. Organifts and Compofers , Dr. William Boyce, Dr. Ja. Nares, 746 1 . each. fWi/^Mr.PeterGillier, 40I N .B .Five Clergymen and % Gentlemen wait every Month Serjeant of the Veflry> WmLovegrove,Efqi7 3l .a. Serjeant for wafb'tng Surpli- ces , & c. 60 1. and at Whitehall, 49I. as. Yeoman of the Vefry, Wm'. Rowling, 54 1 . 15s. Grcom of the Veftry, Will. Smith, 5 1 1 . ias. 6d. Organ-blower, Jn.Ray, 20I. Bell ringer , William Seamcr, 15!. Inner of the Regalls , iWr. Barnard Gates, 56I. Dr. Nares, for keeping and maintaining 1© Children of the Chapel Royal , at 24 1 . a Year each. 240 1 . and for teaching them , Sol . WHITEHALL CHAPEL . Reading Chaplains , Rev. John Evans, /?ro>.L.F.Cowley,8ol. each MrP\\.P»Qwx\txfAofkeep.^o\ Chapel Keeper , M/v J. Martin, 50 1 , SOMERSET HOUSE . Chaplain , Dr. Lewis Bruce. HAMPTON COURT. Ip Hf xettr, Chaplain , /);*. Lillington. Read. & Preach. Mr /Tt lion GERMAN Chapel. Fe'L'.Fr.Mich.Ziegenhagen 2841. # I'ear. R&uMrJU&n . Al.Butjenter. 243 1. « K /? evMrA lbi nus eader, 6 x 1 Ckr^, Dan. Kannmaker, 60 1 Fer Necejfaries , 1 ol . Mr. George Steidel, 60I. Ann Steidel, 16 1 . DUTCH Chapel . Preachers , F^.BarnardDiemelLifiol. John Terkinder, 160I Frtf^r,Rea\B.Diornel,3ol F E N C H Chapel in the Friary /rt 1 1 and ^Aftern. Preachers , /? / //;e KingV G{//, except 1 ! f tkofi Wales, Wj/V/; «r L ^ Tie 1 7 k l t be Gift of the B ifhop • . ] Province 0/ Canterbury. \A 7 Illiam Freind, D. Dr vv Br;j?.CuttsBaiton,DD ^ Dm til in 1 . fid I C 8 nchefter, Tho. Ball, M. A ■y, Hugh Thomas, D. D. veter, JeremiahMilles,DD 'cue. Jofiali Tucker, D.D. 'reford, Fr. Webber, DD. /r/y. J.Addenbrook, DD ncol;;,Hon] aniYorke AM index , St. Paul's, Right Rev. John Hume, D.D. ' eftminfter , Rt Reverend Zachary Pearce, D. D. indfor , Pen. Booth, D.D. ornuichfP h il ipL 1 oy d , DD . yford , Chrijl Church . David Gregory, D. D. ’terb. Cb. Tarrant, D.D. ichejl. W.Mar kham.LLD xlisbury , T . Green , D.D. ells, S. Crefwick, D. D. ’/rrf>^.JohnShipIey,D.D. orcefter, J. Waugh, LLD. .Afdpk, W. Herring, D.D :ngor, Tho. Lloyd, D. D. 'recentor of St. Davids, hn Morgan, B. D. Archdeacon y’Llandaff. hn Fulham, A. M. Province e/York, hn Fountavnc, D.D. rlife, Tho.* Wilfon, D.D. after , Wm Smith, D. D. irh.Hon. S .Cowper,D . D . 5 3 Pet . Ca ! vert, LLD VicaGcn. A.C.Ducarreil, LLD Can. Efftol, J a . Back heule, AM . Chick eft. Rug. Petttward, D D Ely , Wharton Peck, LL.D. E.\ctei , JaCarnngton A.IVi. Giottc. Jam. Benton, LL.D. Hereford, Jof. Brown ,D.D. Litchfield and Coventry, R. Smalbroke, LL.D. Lincoln , Jn Taylor, LL.D. LoW.JnBettefworthLL.D. Norwich, Jo f. Atwell, DD. Oxford, Dan. Burton, D.D. Petcrb.G. Remold?, LL.D Rochefter, E.Lewen. LLD. Salisbury, Jnhn'T aylor.D. D Winched. J.Hoadly, LL.D. Nells, C harles Willes, A . M . Core eft or, \V. Bu rrel 1 , L L D . S.Afaph,SirT homas Saluf- bury, Knt. LLD Bangor^ Rob. Lewis, LL.D. St . David-, Rd . Beadon AM Eandcjf, GeoHarris.LL.D. Province of York, Robert Roper, L. L. D. C arlifle , J. Waugh, LLD. Cbefter, S. Peploe, LLD. Durham, John Old, LLD. The Worshipful Tice Chancellors f the feveral Diocefes. ll in the Gift of their re- fpeSlive • Bijhops.] rovuice of Canterbury, ieorge Hay, L. L. D. Dean of the Arches. The Archdeacons in the feveral Diocefes. [All appointed by the Bi- ; Jhops of thofe 'Diocefes to 1 vchich they belong, ft Province of Can te r bur y J Ohn Head, D. D. Bath and Wells i. H 3 [ 86 ] W - IU , Francis Potter, A . JS £\ Norwich 4, *1/114 ?it ; c //, Edw . Willes ,LLB Norwich , J. Bemey, D.D. Laik> Tho. Carnplin, LLD Norfolk ,Sa'ni.Sted rhan ,DD. Bristol i. Suffolk, H.Goodall, D. D. Dorfet, Mr. Walker, j Sudbury , J. Chapman, D.D Chichester 2. Oxford i. Lhichcfuy , T . Ball, A. ft 1. John Potter, D . D . Lewes, Tbso. D’Oyly, LLD Northampton . T>' Xl ' nn William Browne, A.M. Charles Piumntree, DD. Tl Fvptpr . Rochester i. Exeter, Bilhop ot Exeter. J ohn ] ? enne ’ D - D - Corn-wall , J. Sleccli, //. M. . r, ; ,^. LIS ® URvr 3* Totnefs, G.‘ Baker, A /./. ^r,Wm Dodwell, D D. Barnjlaplc, W. Hole, B. D. S *’.' A ' M ‘ GLOurrTPR T j ^,Cha.lesWeAon,^.M. w ,,. °o C V- n n Winchester 2. ilham Geekie, D. D. ; ifr t „chejler, Th.Balguy, DD ;/ r* / o EF tj RD 2 ‘ ,, „„ Wry, Tho Riildine, A.M. Hereford, R Breton, A M | ^Worcester Hon. Jn Harley, AM ; ohn Totfie D D Litchfield and Cov. 4 . e. r n ’ ne ill,™ VyfejC M. Derby , Sneyd Davis, /?. D Edmund Law, £). £>. C '-e-vent . T. S m albroke, .4. iW. Lincoln 6. Lincoln, G. Reynolds, LLD ZWrv?/?.JohnTaylor, D. D. Bucks, John Taylor, LLD. Hunting. Chajenner, D.D. Bedford, Rich. Grey, D.D. Stow, Wm. Ballet, A. M. London 5. London, John Jortin, D.D. lj/Le,ThomasRutherforth, Car mar. RiceWilliamsDD Cardigan , Ed.Yardley.L’D 5m-o«,Edw.Edwards, A M i>. Asaph i. Bp of 1 St.Ajapb Bangor 3. dnglefea, Bilhop of Bangor Bangor, Bifliop of Bangor Merioneth, John Ellis, A.M. Province H E Bijhop of Oxford. ^ John Taylor, L. L. D. Chriftopher Wilfon, D. D *Tbe B ‘J hop of E 1 iftoi. Westminster Prebends John Nicoll, D. D. Thomas Wilibn, D. D. John Taylor, L.L.D. Edward Crane, LLD JnThomas y LL.D.SubDeai Richard Cope, A. M. Reeve Ballard, T). D. Jofeph Atwell, D. D. John Blair, L. L. D. Jofeph Hoare, D. D. Charles Burdett, D. D. Robert Fowler, D. D. Windsor Canons. The Bijhop of LandafF. Richard Wilmot, D. D. Theophilus Lowe, D.D fohn Fulham, A. M. Walter Harte, A. M. f olin Sumner, D.D. \ord Francis Seymour, ohn Boftocke, D. D. fohn Lockman, A.M. idward Barnard, D. D. Robert Hort, L.L.D. John Douglas, D. D. Canterbury Prebends William AyeriJ, D. D . * William Geekie, D. D . Jolm Griffith, D.D. *Samuel Stcdman, D.D* Francis Walwyn, D.D . John Potter, D. D. *Thomas Tanner, D. D* William Tatton, D. D. John Davis, D. D. Thomas Curteis, D. D. John Head, D.D. George Seeker, D. D. ‘ In the ArchbifljOp's Gift Worcester Prebends. f Thomas Jenner, D.D* Bernard Wilfon, D D. Edward Stiliingflect, A M Rice Williams, D . D. Samuel Holcombe, A. Af. Lewis Ci uliu?, ZLZLFRS. Benjamin Newcome,D. D # William Jennings, B. D. Thomas Evans, A. M. William Harley, A. M. Oxford, Canons of Chrifl- Church ♦ ?hil. Barton, L.L.D. SzFKS fThomasHunt,D.D.FRS. John Nicoll, D D § Edward Bentham, D. D. i ohn Tottie, D. D. Daniel Burton, D. D. Hon . ShuteBarrington D.D* ohn Moore, D. D. f Annex'd to the Margaret Profefor/h'iy in Oxford by A& of 'nr!. | As King's Heb. Prof. $ As King's ProfeJJ \ of DA. [ £$ ] Treachers at his Majefty’s Chapel at White!,. 3 ol. per A I From Oxford. From Cambridge fT^t 71 H * Hubbard, i?. D. EtnanC XI ’ rV^ ; “ l,s HDJeJiu JoThorp c,A.MWaih. Hal *'■?[ ' 2 * * r r p ' owJen > dM. Alert, lid Beadon, AM. St John's J " R c otherha,n i)i ^ U«‘- Sa.HaJiifax, LLD/lrin.h * v / 1 if • S „ tl ' Uon > 4M. Exeter St uart Gunning EDS John's •t j 1 ^■M°rti va-,AM.Li*c WmBackhoule AMChrifl's J / J I io F ° t t he ’ D °- T,1 °- Fallon, AM. Chrifi. f*:\l ^ ltC ‘ C *>DO Stjob Ja.Backhoufe,/?.Z>. Tnn. WC ’ BD. 0 JV.C. Caw. Eliot, A. M. Mar. //• • 1 “N«wora c,AMHert Da.Longmire, dM.Peterll Ho j. i era F u 1 1 e, APAChrif - Ch Dav. Hughes, DD. Queen's Tier h 'Yr n[C ' *: D e D; E* et - Falw.Bclham , AAA King's l g Tu' J ° re tU °, X *> ri Cia ^ies, ft, "to which Half of thrywau-tiofcPtC s :nbri'i je, ’Wait the other /Dlf. ^ University of O X h O R u. “ C° L l E G E S . Founded. HcaJs of Colleges. EleSled Umverjstjy ° VT --' ^ ■■ - - - oj O A t O R Ls. HcaJs of Colleges. ^ eC iea 872 Nath. Wethet ell t D.D. Mafter 1764 1262 Tr.eopjulus Leigh, D.D. Mafia 27 1 2 74 Henry Barton . D. D. Warden c q 1:16 ri ancis W ehber. D. D. Re SI or s 7 V 0 1 337 L darn inMuigra ve, D.D. Prove/! U 1 340 Joseph Biowne, D D.Provoft i7r<3 1375 Th . Hay ward, L. L. D. Warden 1764 1427 Richard Hutchins, D.D. Redior J 1437 Stephen Niblett, D.D. Warden 17,6 1449 Too. Jenner, D. D. P ref dent 1745 1 5 ” F'anc .Yarborough, D.D. Princ. 4, 1 5 ' <5 1 ho. Randolph, D.D. Prefdent 48 1 532 David Gregory, D.D. Dean s 7 56 1555 Geo.Huddesford, D.D. Prefdent 3 1 1 5 S 7 } homas Fry, D.D. Prefdent j 7 c 7 1 571 Humph. Owtn, D. D. Principal 63 16 r 3 ; eo - Windham, D. D. Warden 44 1620 John Ratclifle, D. D. Mafier 1738 1713 vVm, Gower, D. D. Provo/l 1736 1740 David Durell, D.D. Principal i 7 c 7 Halls Belonging to r 0/ Albany Merton Cd Fran. Randolph, D.D. Princip. 1759 Baliolj Merton y Exeter y Oriel , Nd~i'j College , Lincoln y All SOUL. y Mtegdcle/iy Brazen NoCe, Corpus Cbrifliy CbriJ't Clin ch , Trinity , St. Johnsy 7 ^/USy IVadhamy EembroliSy Wore c fiery Hart/orJy Ec {mum /, Queen V Col. Gee r ge Dixon, D.D. Frivcip. 1 7*6 < S'/. Mary, Oriel Col. Tho. Nowell, £>. £>. ZW//. 1764. Vfw Inn, Neva Col. ;< Wm.BlackH:one,ETD Frinc. 1761 VlagdaknyMtigd.Col Win Denifon, D.D.Pnncip* ij 55 bahcel’or , jT Le Earl of LitchtieiJ, eUcled in 1762. High Steward, ' v r /c Chancellor , [ofeph Browne, Z) D. 6 'A T Vice-Chancellors* Stephen N’hlett, £>. /Z. Thomas Randolph, Z). Z). George H uddesford / Z). D. David Durel , D ZZ. Fro&ors, T honors N 1 col Ton , AZ . e/* Queen's CoiEg*’. Gc. rge Stinton, AZ. yZ. Exeter College. A f pointed or EUfted Edward Bentham, D. D. 170 3 Robert Jenner, L. L. D. i~34 fohn Kelly, AZ.D. Tho Hunt, ZXZX FRS. Wil iam Sha^p^ 175 ? 37^ 1763 ^ Jofeph Spence, AZ. 1742 1-2S Professors. Regius F r of fjjhr of Divinity, ) Civil haw, Do Pbyjick, Do. Hebre e iv, Do. Greek, Do . — ■ ■ - Modern lljloy and Language, Margaret Profejfor oj Divinity, Thomas Jemer. D.D i avll tail Prof cjfbr in AJlronomy , T/)Hornfby,AZ^.pA^. 176 2. Do Geometry, J deph Betts, AZ. A. 1765 0, cfrjfr of Id at a? a l Pbilofotby, jnfeph Browr.e, D . D 3747 0 rofeffor of "Moral Pbilofophy Thomas Barker, M.A . 1711 >MD£N Pr fejfor of tiifiory, Jn Warne;oid, £. D. 1^61 dbp, La ud’s Pr : fejfor of Arabic, Tho. Hunt, D.D- IRS 173 j A A lmoner 'sProf. of A) abic, R’chard Browne, D. D. leader in Anatomy „ Thomas Laurence, M.D. T 1 N E R I A N Pro fill or of the 1 vuf r* 1 a r o Lazus of E” gianit t j ^W.Biackftone, DC L. i 7S % 'rah Bor in Ctcemijiry,. Tniverfity Orator , Ceeper of the Bodleian Library , iujioi Arcbivorum, Ceeper of the AjbmolcanMu f eum , Raddiffe Library , 'rojeJJor oj Botany, ' r of e for of Poetry, 0. Mufic, liver fi ty R egijlrar, flu ire Beadles , J hn Smith, M. D • Tho. Nowe.l, D.D. 1760 Humphry O ven,D. D. 1 747 Francis Wife, B. D . 172b W.Huddesford, M. A. 1754 Francis Wife, B. D. 1749 Hum, Sibthorpe, MD 1747 T homasWar ton, M.A. 1736 Win, Hayes, Muj. D. 175 1 Unlvcrfity Offices. Samuel Former, M. A. William Walker,., M. A. of Divinity. H -s EfjUtrt ’ Beadles, 7 csmen Beadles, . 1 Robert Fy ton, M A. ofPhyf. & Ari Heilcrt Hciver, M. A. %jf Laiu . James Aino d, cf D 'vinity. j »mcs Thompfon, of Pbyfic & Arts. Samuel Parker, of Law. H-nry Church. OXFORD Terms in 1765. Jan. . ends Apr;/ . _ June 5. — Michaelmas — Oe ?. jo. ~ Oxford Act, July 3. Lent Eajicr — — AB begins O A far. Mr, >; Dec. 30. 23 ^ 1 1 7» UMVbi;ilTV OJ Coll, and Halls. Found. Peter Hotcfe , Clare Hall , Pembroke Hall , Corpus Lb rift 1 7 or Lena Cell. \ Trinity Hall , 6' W M B R I D G t. Heads of Colleges. Elcfle, 1 2 5 / Edmund Law DD Mafler 175, 1 3^6 pet. Ste. Goddard, D DM after 176: m3 Rog.Long,DD fRIg* Ma/K 173' 1351 John Barnardiftori, D. D. 176, 1 3 5° James Marriott, L.L.D Gcn-uil andCaius, 1348 [ohn Smith, 2 ). D. Mafer King's, Queen's, Catherine Hall, JeJus Col. Cb rift's , •S/. John's , Magdalen, Trinity , Emanuel, Sidney , Chancellor , Steward, CAP UT EleBed OB. 12, 1764 ProBon, 1441 John Sumner, DD Prfcvojl 1448 Robert Flumptrc, D D Prejid. 6c 1475 Kendrick Prelect, D D Mafi. 41 1496 Ly nford Caryl, DD. Khtfter 58 1 50 5 Hugh Thomas, DD Mafter 1 7 54 1509 William S. Powell, D. D. 1765 1519 George Sandby, DD Majler 1760 1 546 Robert Smith, DD. FRS Maft. 4* 1 584 Wm. Richardion, DD Majtcr 3(1 1 598 Wm. Elliftop, DD. Mafter 1760 ©/'Newcaftye, Elected Dec. 14, 174‘j Vacant 1764 ^ John BarnardiHon^D. D BincyVictChanctUr \ Robert Ptump're, D. D. Queen s College \ Samuel Hall 1 tax, L L D. Trinity Hull' 1 j RufTcl Plump re, M. D. I Wm.Coiman, B . D. Ben. Coll JSJcti F eg: nt C^rancis Henfon, M.A Sid . Coll. Regent Then, a- Murrhall, M. A. thrift C il ge Thomas Marty M. A, Sidney College l 7 64 176 ^ 1756 Taxtrs y Moderators , Scrutators. [ 9 * 1 John Jcbb, M. A. Peter ILuft 1 1 . a T *4* i f i cr Founded. Richard Wat ton , AI. A. Trinity Cllege R chard Walfcn, M . A . trinity L'Aige Edward Oliver, /V. A, Sidney < oluge James Backhoufe, B, D. Trinity College Edward Alien Ton, ilZ. A* Jcjus College Professors. i *o% Al0rgai'ftProf.ofDr t vtn. Zachary Brooke, D . Z>. 176^ 1546 R g:usPro f .'f Di't ir.'.ty, T«- < ma c R.u'herforth ,D.D. 17^6 1540 of Law, Wdliam lyidlington, LLD.ijsZ J540 of Ptyjkk y RuiYel Plumptre, /./. Z). 1741 Cdfifical J rofrJjOry Edmund Law, D. D. 1 764. I '40 Hcirt*io Prcfe L r, William Difney, AI. A. 1757 15 jx Greek Ptoff br, _ M char) Lort, B. Z). ] 759 1603 Mat be nut 'ical Frofejfor, Edwara Waring,/!/. A. FRS % 1760 163a Arabic Prof ffr , Leona* d Chappelow, B. D. 1720 17C4 Piumiar.Exptr.Pbdofp. An h.Shrpherd,Z? # Z). TftS. 1760 1749 Tflror.ovy, Lowndes's Rog?r L< ng, D. D. 1 749 1707 ‘ivr.toyry^ Charles Ouigncn, Af. /). 17-3 X 72.I Modern Hijroty, 17C5 Cfcmijlry> Botany, i 762 Laur nee Brocket, /?. Z). F chard Waticn, M . W 1764 Tho. Martyr, M.A.FRS 1761 1764 *752 17^6 1763 1760 1750 175s 1727 iPoodwardian Lecturer Samuel Ogd^n, D.D. 1 504 ly.AIargartP sPrcaclcr Henry Hubbard. B.D t 16S4 Mufcky , J hn Randall, Z). AZ*/ j 5 1 j Publick Orator^ William Barford, AI. A. P ruobiblio t bee . Edmund Law, D.D . Bibliotbec . Stephen Whiffon, A/. Regifcr y H-nry Hubbard, Z?. Z). EjfAreB-adicSy Tho. Burrows, M. Thomas Bennett, LL.B, and Frances D^wes, 714 . A* CAMBRIDGE Terms in 1765. Lent begins^?//. 14. divides i\e£. 19. ends Akr. 20. E afer April 17. May 21. jWy 5. Mich. Term Oft. 10. AW. 12, 16. Co?n?nencemc 7 it> July 2. Steward , T^/ZftATalbot, T 46 ol.aY* Treajurer of the Houjhold Earl of Powis, 1200I //'j Majejiys Ho us hold. Cc?itr cller y 1200I >: Lord Charles Spencer Cofferer of the Houjhold , x Earl Thomond; 500)* i Deputy Cofferer, George James Williams, it/jr Clerks, W m..l rs /T, X X 7" r 1 1 r rr ■ 1 ^ ~ * Mafter of the Horfe , ^UKE of Rutland, William Hamilton, Efq, Thomas Bilhop, Efq-,' James Johnlton, Efq-y 1366I 13s 4d a Tear JU ,mu U1 „ r.,n-, venor and Clerk Martial, Hon. William Keppel imothyCarr, Efq-, 260), Tho. Delaguliers, Efq-, :querries, 300I. a T. each. Frecheville Ramfden, Efn-, imothy Carr, Efq-, Pages oj Honour, 260I. enj. Carpenter, Efq\ Hon. Wm Jam. Monckton, Doddington Egerton, Efq John Manners, Efq, Thomas Thcroton, Efq-, Equer . of the Crown Stable, Solomon Durell. W. Frederick St. Pan], 256 1 Gentleman oftke H‘<>fe, Rich. Berenger, Efq\ 2,56!. Clerk of the Stable, David Reid, Efq\ 224k Clerk oftke Avery, Charles Palmer, Efq- 125] Store- keeper, William Dawes, Efq ; 93] Riding Purveyor, Robert Drake, Efq-, 200I, Supervifor of Highways, John Smith, Efq\ 82/ a Y. Purveyors and Grantors , Norrice Craddock, Efq -, Capt. Geo. Swiney, 94 1.. Serjeant of the Carriages , .Mr. Yorke, 861. Yeoman of the Carriages, George, Pain, 36I a Y Yeomen Riders , Mr- |ames St. Amour, jun. Mr lam. Montagu, jun. 130] 4p.Mr.Wm, Higgins, 6 ol Riding Surveyor, George Garrick, Efq j 30I Serjeant Farrier , George Shaw, 98} Marfml Farrier , William Merrick, 50I 7 eotnan Farrier , Valentine Howell, 3 6l 10s Ef quire Sadler, J n Baker, 58I YeomanSadler, J. Smith, 3 61 Coacbmaker, Jn Barnard, 36 1 C 96 ] HarnefsMaker, V/ . R i n g ft e J Bitt Maker, \Vm. Kerr Mews- Keeper, James Montagu, len. 36 1. Stable-keepers , George Garrick, at Somer- fet lloufe, 3 61 a Year Sam. Thornley, St Jatnes's Daniel Daniel, Kenfngton J. Griffin, Hamp . Court, 3 6l Geo. Woods, Windfor ,zq \ 6 s JnTurner , Newmarket, 25I TvjelveFootmen,and four j ok the Mafer oftke Horfe, 5 3 1 Six Coachmen , and one for theMafier of ike Horfe , 6 5I King's Coachman, Henry Coats, 7 3 1 a Y. VVm. Hanefworth, for the King 'j Poji Chaife, 40I aY Seven Pofilicns , 30I a Y Seven Helpers , 3 ol a Y Four Chairmen , 42! a Y Twelve HuntingG rooms, and Six for the Mafer of the Horfe , 60I a Year each Bottle Gr0a>/z,Jam.Qtnn, 82 1 Gent . Armour . Jo . G 1 iffi n , 3 1 1 Page of the Back Stairs , '^avid Parker, 3 1 J Porter, James Jones, 18 1. Porter at the Upper Gate , Richard Gale, 25I. Meffeng . Ch.McGrigor,* 5I. For keeping fix Running- fa at Newmarket Ih te*/ few m M. fc.Fift i Lark! [ Bui SlL [T H( Henry Jurv.o fHcn.f ftr fmujc Mt tyilliar I hin pita Robert, [ Pm, Georg- I % ! (f Mar and laac W f’Jrvi}- Horfe Tiro. Panton, Efq-, 6ool a Y H an f ton- Court Stud. Stud Keeper , Jo. Abbey, 40I jChSlo? itjClt a iichard ’liter l Cler Lilian- / Si. - [ 97 3 ud Farrier Mat. Allen 20I IStudGroom, Jof. Abbey, /, Richard Clayton, 36 1 . Helpers , Rob. Shepherds nth. Hardy, Wm. Oakes, . Fifhwick, 30 1 . each. i?ne Keeper at Richmond . harks Betke, 200I. Heater of Wat .for theHorfes 3 Ames Crouch, 25}. Pumper at the Mews, Cath. Spooner, 23I. 8s. Millener, Jane Mott, iolios 2 Door-keepers to the great Stables , 18I 4s Q^-E^.EMcGrigor,i 5 1 ^ Majeffs Board of Works, &c. ( Scotland Yard ) Surveyor-General , "p Horn as Worfley,E/jj Controller , er.ry Flitcroft Efq ; o**;. o/' the private Roads , rlon. Edward Finch Hattcn lafer Mafon and Deputy - irveyor , St. Wright, Efq, Majlcr Carpenter, ^illiam Oram, Efq\ 200I Architects, 300I. r illiam Chambers, Efq, obert Adam, F.R.S. Paymajler of the Works , yeorge Auguftus SeKvyn, £/y$ 500^ cretary, CL to the Board , C&rE Itinerant , rac Ware, £/^; 200I urveyor of Gardens and Waters, ^hSloaneCadogan Efsool ief Clerk of the Works , CferE Engr offer y chard Ripley, Hher Clerks of the Works . Clerk of the Tower, 'illiam Allingham 5 / . James's , Whitehall , V fiminfler } WmRobinfon Richmond and Kew, Jofliua and Wm. Kirby. At Ha?npton Court , 4 William Rice. Clerk at Newmarket and New Park Lodge , James Payne At Winchefler y Thomas du Biffon. At Kenjington'y John Smith. At Windfor Cajlle , Richard Biggs. At the Mews y "Kent. Cowfe. At Greenwich Palace , Francis Bickerton. Clerk to the Controller 9 Kenton Cowfe. Deputy Paymajler , Benjamin Foxcrolt. OfficeClerksy Tho. Fulling, Rob. Armorer, JnWoolfe. Artificers by Patent. Majler Bricklayer , Tofeph Pratt. Mafler Carver, Sa .Norma n . Majler G/ Greenh ill Serf. Pabiter, James Steuni t MaJlerPlaiJierer, ThCJarke. I [ gS nr. 7 ire Worker , Sarah Bacon ^ erjeant Plumber , Majler- P lumber at Windfor , <7;/^ Keeper of Wi iters atHamp- Ion-Court , John Devall Purveyor of the Works and Buildings , Thomas Robert Hardy Other Artificers. Bricklayer . at the Tower, Mews, tf/zr/ Kcnfington Richard Stenton Carpenters at the T ower Mews, William Barnard. At Whitehall, St. James's, Weftnainftfcr, and Green- wich, John Phillips jf/Keniington and Somerfet Houfe , James Filewood. At Hampton-Court, Fuller White At Windfor, Henry Emblin. Ai Newmarket, John May. Smith at Kenfing. JaPalmer Cloc ktnaker and Smith at Windier, John Davis ] Richmond, and Kevr, Charles Carrie At Windfor, RowlandDavi Joiner at St. James's, an. Hampton- Co. Jn . Madde 1 At W indfor, Tho. Jenner At the Mews, Hen. Keene /ftWhiteh. Weftmi.Richm and Kew, James Aitov Ironmongery William Niml Mat-layer and Turner, Thomas Patterfon and Sen Mafon, William Jelfe. At Wimlibr, Char. Murkier I Painter at Richmond ana I Kew, Thomas Abbot. ] Paint, at Kenfmg.Sa. Cobb II Pauior, Thomas Philips Piatfterer , Thomas Clark ! At Neav Park Lodge. lohn Engleheart dt Kenfing ton,T hoi Je a fford | Plumber at Windfor, Roger Cutler Pump-maker, John Wright' I. Blackfiniths , .Oft, lurt *JUI >vrf. PWm Dtp Walr Shu Tho. Ste-vji \Cm l •7 M Ml Put Vi'coo Engine-maker , Mr. Ragg Benj. Holmes, Mary Hartley } Engine Keeper at Whitehall , James Palmer Leonard Phillips | Slater , John Pratt Tin Man y Jonatli. Durde/i EngineKeeper at Stjames's, Thomas Blakely Water Engine Keeper to fup ply the Cafile at Windfor, Henry Miil Engine-maker Denmark-ho. Ephraim Brooks Glajier at St. James's, Hampton-Co. Kenfmgton, and Greenwich, Richard Cobbit Office Keeper, Jofeph Axtell Meffienger, Edward Crocker Majler Gardeners , At Stjames’s, &Kenfington, | Thomas Robinfon At Richmond, Jn FI averfield AHampton-Co. L. Browne | At Somerf.Houfe, J.Tucker At Windf. and Newmarket, John Kent. Duchi Uditi Ditch; Couni Count Coant Yifcoti Vifcoc Mai. Mifel Mif s ; Mil's ' Mifs: Mifs Mil? C 99 ] Officers of the Ducky of Cornwall. Card. of the Stanar.&Steiv. and of the Duch\ of Cor nw. KaH. Hum. MorrLoe, 4.50] . Surveyor -General, 466). : SirE d w ard B ay n t u n , Ba >‘t . Auditor of the Duchy , nu'T : VVm Trevanion, Efq\^cs\ De [> . Audit 0 r , T h C 1 arke , Ef Pice Warden , Walter Borlafe, L.L.D. Steward of the Hundreds) rho. Jone<>, Efq y ant Steward of the Stannary , Court , Martin Davis, E/j; AjJ'ay-maJler cfTin , Ejq\ 200) )avi a* ridtn lncr :eae iir : Dt. Receiver General . ;< Edw. Eliot, Efq y 77I. £ K Cosnptrcl. of the Stannaries . John Luxmore, 50! . # Supervifors of the Tin in Cornwall and Devon , John White, Geo. Johns, John Peters, Sol 7 reafurer of the Chamber's Office , Ci aigs-ccurt. x £/.///?//.GiIbert Elliot, Efq\ Trcaf. Sal . 469I. 8s. T*. Dep. AndtewDougias, Co?nptroller of the Chamber . Thomas Jones, Efq; 150 1 . Clerk) Peter Adams. Office-keeper) Wm Webb. The Ejlablijhment of Her Majesty V Ho uj bo Id, Lord Chamberlain) 1200I. £tf/7 Harcourt. Pice Chamberlain) 500I. Vhcount Cantalupe. Mfrefs of the Robes y 5 col. Duchefs of Ancafter. Ladiesof the Bedchamber 5 o o 1 Duche's of Hamilton, Countefs of Efliugham, Count, of Northumberland, Countefs Daw. of Egremon- Vifcountefs Weymouth, Vifcountefs Bolinghroke. M aids of Honour * 3 col. Mils Mary W rottefley, Mifs Diana Benuclerk, Mils Charlotte Keck, M'fs Frances Meddows, Mifs Mary Try on, Mifs Anne Bofcawen. Bedchamber Women , 300I. Mrs. Katherine Dafhvvood, Mrs. Frances Tracy, Mrs. Cath.Eliz. Herbert, Mrs. Anne Brudenell, Mrs. Mary Boughton, Mrs. Margar. Bloodworth. Keepers of the Robes , Mrs. Hagedorn, Mrs. Schwellenbergen. 77^;V4^.MargLucyBaden Se mfrefs and Laundrefs y Mrs. Deborah Chetwvnd. Gent.UJbersof tkePr.Chamb. 200I. and Board Wages. Sir James Caider, Bart . Edwin Fran. Stanhope, Efq; William Fielding, Efq; Gent . Ujkers Daily Waiters , William Allen, Efq\ Ail th Maids of Honour are filed Hon. a nd rank a* Barons Daug> [ 100 J r.apt. John Jenkinfon, Solicitor-General , rraneisMolyneuXjE/yjr^o 1 ;< Wm.Blackrtone,Ef< 1; , 0 I Gent. UJbers S>tiar. Waiters, Mejf. to attend tke Treafnre -e ' • ' ' ‘♦'M < apt. George Robinfon, John Cowfiade, Henry Reveley, Efqrs. iool. P hyficians, 200I. Dr. Mark A ken fide, F.R.S, D». John Pringle, F.R.S. Phyfecian Extraordinary % Dr. William Hunter, 200I. Pbyfician to the Houjbold , Dr. George Baker, F.R.S . Surgeon , 150I. Mr. Pennel Hawkins Surgeon to the Houfhold,\ 50I Mr. Thomas Gataker. Apothecary , Mr.Aug. Hermann Brande Apothecary to the Houfjold , Mr. John Devaynes. Pages of the Pack Stairs , 8 0 1 Meffis. WiUiam White, Fra. Wybrow, Jn.Nrcolaii, Rd. Chapman, Fred. Alher Pages of the Prefence , Mr. FrancisVallotton, Mr. Henry Sutherland. Necejfary Woman to the pri- vate Apartments , Mrs. Jane Moore, <;6l. NcceJJary Woman to the pub- Fic Apartments , Mrs. Anne White, 34L T reafiirer. And. Stone. Ffcj 'Treaf.Cl.V in. Mathias, Efq\ Sec. *'*Col. David Graeme. Comp . Hon. S. Shirley. Ffn • Attorney General , ^Richard Huflty, Eiq } 50 j GeoHawkinsWm.Fletchei Majler of the Horfe , 800I. V if count Weymouth. Equerries , 220I. Hon, Col. Montgomery, Hon. Capt.Wm. Harcourt, John Schutz, Efq ; P of Honour, 1 <;oI. Hon.Rich. Fitzpatrick, Efq; John Byde, Efq; Clerk of the Stables , Mr. Wm. Cowden, 150L Pottle-man , 50I. Five Coachmen , 45]. each. Fight Foci men, and 3 for the Mafter of the Horfe , 4 1 1 . 1 s. Tzu? Grooms , 55I.10S. each. Pour Chairmen, 39l.17s.6d. Five P oft; lions, Five Helpers, " 20!. 1 os . each. Sir W Attend. on ibetrR. H.tbePi .of Wales Pr. Frederick. Governefs to both, Lady Charlotte Finch, 6col. Sub -Governefs to both,, Mrs. Henr.Coie/vvoi th, 300I Kurfes to the Pr. bf Wales, Mrs. Margaret Scott, 200I Mrs. Catherine Johnfon. Nurfes to Prince Frederick Mrs. Mary Griffith, 200I. Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman. Rockers , Mrs. Jane Baker, Mrs. Judith Long. Nurfery Maid, Mrs. Elizabeth Ryling iVece. Woman, Mrs.E . Dod fon ■ f i oi 1 Pa^e f the Prefence, M*\ Thomas Rcbinton. Work-Women , Mifs Elizabeth Chapman. Tbe Eft a b/ijbm : r. t cf His Roy 124 Treasurer, •* ; T_Tok. Char. 5 Joan Cadogan, Grooms of the Bede bam . : Hon- Colonel Brudcnell, Hon. Colonei George Weil, Hon . Lieut. Col, Sr. John. Gentlm.an of the Horfe, Sir William Boothby, Bart. Equei ties , Col. Morrifon. Major Evelyn. Secret?, John Blair, LED F&B. i Higbnefs tke Duke of York. Pages cf the Back Stairs , Edward Murray , Wm. Fetch# Page of the Prefix. R. Rawlins* Gent. iV/e',WiliiamMiles. HouJ e-keeper , Mrs. Hudlon. Cook , Mr. La Fcreft, Butler , Mr. Carr.zu. Under-Butler, T. Seabright. Pages Man , A. Macmillan. 2 Ccacbmcn . 4 F cot men. 4 Grooms . zP bftiUions.zTlelpe* • lb* Ejhtbljjbment tf Ha Royal H. Treafurer , "CD ward Le Grand, Efq; Groom if the Bedcbamb. Col. Clinton, Col. Ligonier. Equerries, Capt. Cox, Blacltall, Efq Secretary, Rev. Mr. Duvall. Pages cf the Bede bambtr , Mr. Hover, Mr. Stic 11 . gb. the Duke cf Gl ouces ter. Page of the P ref. Mr.Adamior . Surgeon it: Ordin. Wentw.Ogir «. Houfikeeper f Mrs. Wood. ButUr .Mr Shields, Cd«J&, M.Sta\ t Ho Under Built r , a Coachmen , 4 Foctmen, a P oft i lion, a Helper. 3 Houfi, 2, Kitchen Maids, a Pages Man, 2 Runners , 3 Grocrr j 9 l 7 be Eftabhjbir.ent of Pnr.ce He I Governor, Edw.Le Grand ,£fq: Dtp . Gcv. Geo. Charles, Efj) Erench Maft.Ktw Mr. P. Duvall Dare. Mo ft. Mr. P. Denover. Writing M ft* Mr. Jn. Bulley, Fencing M after , Mr. Angelo. Drawing Majt. Mr. Bonneau. Majic M afters , M . M . D u bourg . Mr, J. Gordon, Mr.Weideman. Mat be mat. Me ft. Mr. Lepinas. Pages to Ptirci Henry, Mr. Miller, Mr. J»ckfon. m R Y and prince Frederick, P<*ge 1 0 pn nee Frederick Mr. Caipar N cclai. Houfeketper , Mrs. Finley. Cook, Mrs. Flowers. Table Decker, and Porter, Mr. Flowers. H Cook, a Coachman , 2 Foot* men, 3 -Houfi Maids, a Kitchen Maid, an Under Butler , a Run- ner , a Poftillicr , 3 Gno . , a > d a Helper. Oncers and Servants belonging to her Royal Hghnefs the Princefs Dowager oj IV A L E S. Chambcrlainy 300I. Ladies of the Bed- chamber [ ORD Bofton. Clerk, C. Ramus. Lady Charlotte Edwin is t 1 02 ] °f Scarboro' Apothecary, John Gowland Ptf count efs Dowager Howe Count . Dozv.ofBeik.ley, 500/ Pri-vy • Purfe , Mrs Pitt. Maids of Honour, Hon. Mils Moftyn, Hon. Mil's Clnulleigh, Hon. Mifs Neville Hon. Mifs Lawfon, Hon. Mils Vanfittart, Hon.MifsEvelyn,2oo/.eadi tkd-chamber Women, 200/. JanePayne,MargClavcrino- Cath.Cornwal, LadyBaily* MrsGranviJle,MrsEgerton. Pages of Hon. to the Prince fs, i rederick Thomas, c . Nall'. Thomas ,Efqrs-, t 00/ Gentlemen Ufhers of the Pri Chamber, 300I. vV illiam Wentworth. Efn- Col. Montolieu. J1 ' Gentlemen Ufhers Daily Waiters, icol. Robert Robinfon, Efq • Robert Green way, Efq j 5 ?"' . Ufber s Quart Wait. , 5 ol George Paulet, £/T ?J Capt. Egerton, John Parfons, Efq ; Le ghton, Efq-, Clerk of toe Clofet, F.dward Younge, LX.D. Pkyfcians, Pages of the Prefence, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Fowler. Sal. and Board Wages, So/. Pages of the Back Stairs, John Pal man, Cha. Lcckmsr George Angel, 1 20/. a Y. Head-dreJJers , 127I. Mrs. Ritzau, Mifs Reynolds. Laundrefs , Margaret Winter, Salary and Board Wages, 127/. Neceffary Woman, Mils Angel, 80/. Go-verncfs to Lady Louisa and Lady Caroline. Mrs. Mary Breton. S uh - G 0 vernefs, Mrs . Moore. French Mifirefs, Madam Dc laRouffiere. Dancg.Maft. Mr. Dcnoyer. W) r fling Mafer, Mr.Biillc-y, Mufc Mafer , Mr.Paradies. D refer, Mrs. Vattafs. (hr. Jolt (hr. Mr, Wil Ygr, Jck Gr. Rob: uafi Ym Gm Ym Wil Officers and Servants belonging to the Uoufiotd. Treafwer, , ^Samuel Martin, Efq-, Clerk, William W:m, Efq- Second ditto, Mr. Ward. Secret. James CrefTet, Efq: Superintendant oftheHou/es Cur, hr Earl *Lc 1 Hr. Francis Philip Duval, L S B^ooLa^ P eter Cayard. Clerks of the Houfbold, 5 ooi’ XV-\r‘ [ar . ¥f w ^' ns ’ I WilhamSeott, CloPUpton, W dham Btomheld, Efry, Daniel Boone, Efqrs •Surgeon Extraordinary, Clerk Extraordinary, Mr. fhomas Gataker. f John Seeker, Ejf 300 i V Hr, C I Clerk of the Kitchen, 300I. Jofeph Harpe Reynold ,Efq\ Clerk AJf.fl. Johi? Griffiths, Office Keeper, Win. Holmes, Yeoman of the Pantry, William Weftpnale, 140I Yeoman of the JVine Cellar , John FrederickDuill, 200I. Groom of the Beer Cellar , Robert Brett, 40I. Maf.Cook, Geo. Hayter, 150 Yeoman , Rob. Brettle, 70I. Groom, Tho. Winfield, 60I. Silver Scullery, Yeoman, Samuel Parkin. AJffant , Mary Walker. Hcufekceper , Cath. Walkinfhaw, 250I. Table Laundrefs, iool. A. Pavonarius* Houfekeepef atCarltonHoufr , William Reynolds, 140!. °3 ] Houfekeeper at Kriv, Margaret Saliar, iool. Table Decker to theBedch am- ber Women, W. Holmes. Officers belonging to her Higbnefs's Stables . Commiffioner of the Horfe, Thomas Blu d worth, Efq; Clk of the Stables, PhChild* Equerries, A.Leflie, F/y; Hon. Lt. Col. Maitland. Coachmen, Tho- Haley, Tho. Tupper, WalterViney, Sam.Philpot Grooms, MichaelNicholfon, John Brackmiller, Thomas Marchant Cbaifeman , John Eimes. fen. Affifant , Henry Rufhton. 8 Footmen, 5 Poftillions, 5 Helpers, 2 Chairmen* EJlablijbment of bis R.Higbuefs the D.of CUMBERLAND. Comp' W 1 Comptroller of the Iiouffjold, illiam Windham, El; Sec. Edw. Mafon, Ej) Lords of the Bed-chamber, Earl 0/Ancram, Earl of Albemarle, ''Lord Frederick Cavendifh brooms o f the Bed-chamber , *Maj. Gen. Bolcawen, Maj. Gen. Fitzwilliam, :ol. Sandys, 300I. each. Mafter of the Horfe, dajGenStudholm Hodgfon Pages of Honour, .verard Fawkner, Efq; lr, Geo. Cleveland, iool. I Equerry, Col. Balling, 300/. RidingMafter , Capt. Carter Librarian, Edw. Mafon, Efj Pages of the Back-Stairs, Sol. Peter Faddy, Edward Hold itch* Page of the Pre fence, John Gerrard, iool. a Year Houfe Steward, Mr. Couture, 50/. Steward at Wind for, Mr. Thomas Sandby. Clerk of the Kitchen, Mr. Couture Butler, William R a worth* Phyfician , Sir Clifton Wintringham. Surgeon, John Andrews, Efqj Apothecary, Mr. Roberts. Limner, MvMoviev, i oo a Y . DraughtJ'man , Mr. Sandby. Ho ufe» Painter . Mr. Savvrey Gilpin. C/rr* of theStables,Mt Hare. Coachmen , Thomas Pearce, Robert SilTon, 45 1. Twelve Footmen, 4 1 1 . Tto/? Pofilions, 2 5 1 . 104 ] Groom to the running Horfes, Robert Hayden. Rider, Thomas Bell Hunt. Gr . Tho. Perrin, 4 cl* S/W IVmdfor / Barney Smith, 45 1 . Pad Groom in T nun. Carter Dyer, 45I. Game-keeper, Prince Dalton Huntfman, Thomas Perrin Cook, George Horfington UuJer-Cook, John Goodwin. Porter in Town, Stephen Pugh, 50 /. ■ - - r 1 O ' J Efablijbrnent oj her Royal Hi S bnefs the Princefs Am e L i a . Ladies of the Bed-chamber, , Domcflic Chaplain , r ^Jlabdla Finch, Rev. Air. Wro. Bell, M. A. ^Z 4 Hamot Campbell, Chaplains, iXou. Farmor 4 od. each. Rev. Tliomas Birch, D.D. Privy Burfe, My Brinks, 1O0/ Rev. Boot, M A rp u G fd m u n Uj p n ’ r \J«§ es °f Back-Stairs, J_ alb ^ \ V i! Iui “ fo 1 n » E % PnHughs, J.Ludeman, 1 00/ I? l.D... n 1 1 t Captain James Holt, Stephens, Efq.iool. PageoJ //jtz, MiColiins 100/ Bed-chamber-women, iooi Mrs. Fiances Ruflel, All sMiddletonMifs Howard Wardrobe Women, Martha Pierce, Ann Cooke, 30I. each. Necejfary Woman , Airs. Godin, 40I. a Y. James Elder, 80J. a Y. Barter of the Back-Stairs, Cha.AIuigrave, 40I. HouJ'e-Jle. Mr. Turner, Took (Jerk of the Stables , J. Stiliingflect, 70J. Coachmen , John Brocas, VVm. KingHon, 40I. each. Four Footmen, 4 1 f. i S . each T-uso Pojlilions, 20l.aY.each Two Helpers, 20I. ?.Y. each H [ E ^ AL Pf COL pEGE. 1 340. (St. Bennet' s Hd!) > l Jylar/hau mid ... »■> • V Earl Marfhal, and Hered.it. Marjhal of England, / T'HE Duke of Norfolk. A Deputy, E. o/Suffolk Carter Brine. King of Arms, Stephen Martin Leake, Efq; Clarencieux King of Arms, Sir Charles Townley,Knt. 1 — Ar c Norroy King of Arms, Thomas Browne, Efq: heralds. Chefter , John Martin Leake, Efq. York, George Fletcher, Efq, IVindfor , Henry Hill, Efq; Somerfet , Ra. Bigland, £/?; 105 ] lane after, K Heard, Efq; Richmond, Peter Dor e, E/q: PURSUIVANTS. Portcullis, PeterToms, Gent, Rouge Croix, Henry Haftings,Gent. R ouge Dragon, TLock,Gent. BJueMant/e,G.Bvowne,Gent Heralds Extraord. Norfolk, Stephen Martin Leake, Efq; а. nV r i 10 ; Bewes > E fc Mowbray, J.Edmondlbn,#?; lari Marfhal's Secretary, John Martin Leake, Efq; Regift er of the College, Ralph Bigland, Efq; Knights of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, injhtuted Jan. 19, 13 50 . Jheiuing the Situation of their refpefii-ve Stalls on each Side of the Chapel at Windibr, at the Inftallaticn, Sept. 22, 1762. 1. The Sovereign 1. Duke of Cumberland 2. Duke of Saxe-Gotha 3 .Land grave^/'Heffe C a ITel 4. Prince of Orange 5 D. s/'Mecklenb. Srrelitz б. Duke o/’NewcalHe • 7. Earl of Chcfterfield 8. Duke of Leeds 9. Earl op Lincoln 10. Earl ^Cardigan 11. E ; . ^'Northumberland 1 2 .Marquis a/ - Rockingham 1 3. Earl of Bute Officers belonging to the Knights of the Gaiter. Dr. John Thomas, Biftsop op' Winchefter, Prelate. Dr. John Thomas, Bijbopof Salifbury, Chancellor. Dr. Penyfton Booth, Dean : Sir John M01 daunt 19 Lord Onflow * * 1 11 Duke 0/ Bolton 23 Lord Beaulieu 2 5 ;, *Lord Caiysfort 27 Sir James Gray 2 9 Sir J oh n G i 1 >bon s 3 1 Sir Jv fiery Amherft 3 3 '“Sir Fr. Blake Delavall 35 ’ Sir George Warren 37 Sir Charles Coote 106 ] 6 x SirWm Stanhope 8 Duke of Chandos o Vifcount Ligonier 12 Sir Tho. Whitmore i4SirW. M.Harhord,Bart. <6 Sir Charles Howard 18 'Lo-rd Pollingt-on zo x Sir Edw. Walpole 22 Sir Richard Lyttelton 24 Sir William Rowley 26 x Sir Jofeph Yorke 28 x Sir W. B. Pro&or 30 ''Sir George Pococke 32 ;: Sir JohnGriffinGrifliii 34 :% Sir Charles Frederick 36 ''•Sir Charles Saunders 38 x Lord Clive Officers belonging to the Order of the Bath. ^ Zachary Pear ce, Bi/hop o/Rochefter, Dean of the Order. Samuel Horfey, Eiq; Bath King of Arms. Jn Suftichl Brown, Blanc Courfier Herald. Wilham Whitehead, Elq; Regifler and Secretary. Hrmy Hill, Elq Gent. Ufoer , and Brunfwick Herald. I'd!. Henry Foulkes, MeJJ'enger • A L\J\ of the Knights of the Thistle, inftitutedi^o. revived 1703. T/:e SOVEREIGN. 1 E .of Portmore 3 Earl of Morton 5 Earl of Hyndford 7 Earl ^/Dumfries 9 Earl Brooke 1 1 Lord Cathcart 2 Marq. of Lothian 4 Earl of Moray 6 Earl of Dy/art 8 Earl of Rothes ro Earl of March One V acant Rev. John Jortm, D.D. Dean of the Order. George Drummond, Elq; Secretary. Campbell Hooke, Efq; Lion King at Arms. . -Robert Quarme, Efq; Gent. Ujler. It. [ 107 ] Collar Days and Offering Days. Offering Days for the Lord Chamberlain, t \ JEW Year’s Day r Twelfth Day, Gold, Myrrh , Frankincenfe Candlemas-day, Lady day, Afcenfion-day, Trin.Sund. St.John BaptiitjSt. Michael Offering Days for the Lord Steward . tChriftmas-dayfEafter-day fWhkfunday, All-Saints LollarDays > without Offerings 7 he Holy days and Sundays in the T vvelve Day s Feb. 24. St. Matthias Holy-days in Eafter Week J" Apr. 23. St. George Apr. 25. St. Mark May 1 . St. Philip and Jacob — 29. Reftoration of the Royal Family Holy-daysi/AVhitfunWeek June4TheKing’sBirth-day June 29. St. Peter July 25. St. James Aug. 24. St. Bartholomew Sept. 2 1 . St. Matthew Oft. 18. St. Luke Oft. 25. HisMajeft. Accof. ---28. St. Sim. and St. Jude The 5th of November — 30. St. Andrew Dec. 21. St. Thomas t Tbefe Days; the Heralds^ attend^ the K ing to Chapel. Secretary of State's Office. Southern Department Office in Cleveland-Row. Principal Secretary , Under -Secretaries, Edward Sedgwick, Efq; Lovel Stanhope, Efq; Affifant under Secretary , DepGaz.lVrilerGi 0 Brown Secretary for Latin Tongue , ThomasRamfden,Elq;2oo] NorthernDepartment Office in Privy-Garden. Prin.Secr . Eai 1 c/'Sandwich . Under Sec. Richard Phelps, Michael Peter Morin, Efq; James Rivers, Elqrs. 1 ft GVr-f,JohnLarpent,Efq; FhfCl. Jof. Richardfo n , Efq ; Senior Clerks, Clks, G. Brown, W.Duck, RJ. Shadwell, Fr. Wace, Jer Sneyd,CuchetJouvencel Clerks, James Wright, j John Haynes, JChr. Roberts Ch.Brietzcke, R.Morrifon, WmPoliockJaJnFenoulhet W . T aylor, Bry .Broughton j Chamber-keepers, Geo. Auft, George Cook. * John Sommer, John White. Office-keepers , I Deputy, Henry Longmore. Rd. Turner, W.Millburn.j Nee. Woman, Eliz.Matthews Deputy, Thomas Ancell. I Lav: Clerk to both , Necef.Wi. wwaMrsSouthcott Lovel Stanhope, Efq; 400!. C I°8 ] SIGNET. OFFICE. Chief Clerks, R T. Hon. Eclw. Wefton, Jo f. Moyle, W. Blair, James Rivers, Efqs; Deputies, John Haynes, Geo. Brown Keeper of the Paper Office , Andrew Stone, Efq; D 1 P R I V r Lord Privy Seal, ^UKE of Marlborough. Clerks to Privy-Seal, Rev. and Hon. Fred. Hervey, H. Grenville, P.Langham, Richard Potenger, Efq rs Collett or and Tranf?mtter of State Papers , Thomas Ramfden, Efq. Decypher er of Letters, Dr. Edward Willes, Bijhop ^fBatli and Wells, 1000I a Tear for felf and his Son, Edward Willes , Efc -SEAL. Deputies , Samuel Wilfon, John Larpent, fen. John Larpent, jun. Secretary , S am . Wil fon, Efq . Office- keeper, ThRichardfon Efqrs. Hu Mo]eJf s Min'Jleri in the Southern Province. France, Amb.Extrao. &Plenip. Earl of Hertford Sec. >: Sir Cha. Bunbory, Bart. Spain, Amb. Extra. & Plenip. Earl of Rochford Sec. Edward Ligonier, Efq; Sardinia , Envoy Extraordinary George Pitt, Efq; Conftantirtcple , Ambafiador, •'•Hon.Htnry Grenville. Efq; Napks, Envoy Extra. &PJen?po, William Hamilton, Efq; r/<3^.SirHor.Mann,Bt.f?^i/ # Venice , John Murray, Efq; Ref dent. Swifs Cantons , Minifter, Wjlijam Norton, Efq\ Portugal , Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Hon. Edward Hay, Efq; His Majejiy's Mimfltrs in the Northern Province, Vienna , AmbafT Ext.&Plenipo Vifcount Stormont. Seer. Benjamin Langlois, Efq; Copenhagen , Envoy Extraord. Waiter Titley, Efq; Ref d t nt, Dudl-y Alexander Sidney C< fby, E fq 5 Poland , Envoy Extraordinary, Phi ip Stanhope, Efq; Ref dent, Tho.Wr ughton.Efq; Prujfa, Charge des Affaires f Alexander Burnett, Efq; Hague, Amb Extr. and PJenip. Sir Jofeph Yorke, K B. Richard Wolters, Efq; Agent at Rotterdam Ruffia, Envoy Extraordinary, Sir George Macartney, K.nt. Hanburg, Bremen , and Lubech , Ref dent, Ralph Woodford, Efq; Emanuel Mathias, Efq;Agent. Mm id. to the Diet of the Emp. at Ration, WiiliamGordon, Efq; Bruffti, Minifter Pienipotent. S'r Jamies Porter, Knt. Minijl . Plenip 0. to the EUSlor of Cologne . and Ci r cle cf Wefphah a George Oeflener, Efq; Stockholm, Envoy Extra. Sir John Gocdricke, Bart# f 10 Foreign Minijiers from Fra?ice s Ambaflador, ?ount ae Guerchy % SoLo-fquarc Mtnifter and Ref dent. Viarqu is de Bicfftt, Secretary , Vacant. nderSecretarie * . M.Lefeallier, VI. Premarets, M. Bontcms. Spain, Ambaflador Extra* rd. ) r i nr e M ail t ra no ,6\ Or mu nd.jlt. )ecretary y Sennor Ocomeno, Vap/es, Envoy Extraordinary, Viarq.deC^rraccioJi^r^w/^.y/r. Portugal, Mini ft. P Staatholder, Mr. Palairet, Piccadilly . Meck.’cnburgh - Schwerin, and IVleckl enburgb-b t relit z Envoy Extraordinary 9 Barun De w.tz, Stfaniei 'sPalact c ^^> Mln5ft *PJenipot. *» A IT Sta PP leton > Upper Brook freet , tt Majejly's CONSULS Abroad, for the ProtcEihn of Trade Pop r u g a l. Fa vat, Richard Ga*ho r ne. * Madura , Thomas Cheap, Efc Faro, Tho. Lempriere, Efqrs. Agent at Tcrgera, Ja, Fear/ts" YL POR TUG A L. L ISBON , Sir Hen. Frank- land, Bt. Corfu/ General perto, John Whitehead. C t Spa t n. Madrid, 'Covful Gen. Stanier Porten Alii ant, Thomas Coxon Barcelona, Jofcph Miller Cadz, jofuh Ha^Hy •Canaries, Albert Ndb'rt Cw rbage> a, Daniei Bomeeflci Galida , James Banks Malta - >j Fra »cis A\(kt\] 9 Efjrs t Seville and St. Lucar , Windham Reawes, J'fqr. Italy. L lagliari, R.irrin^ion Tavemet Gw /, James Holifoid l.c^bom, J hi) Dkk M'jjtva, George Tatem Majorca, A t r. Whit ham Alai/ a , — Dodl Wort h,Vce Con. Naples, Ii a (amiieau 10 ] Wrr, J. Bock knd Venice, John Udney Zante, John Sargent, Efjrs. Barbary. Utuan Co Sul Gen.Jof Pupham Algiers, R bert Kirke. Tipoly, Hon. Arch. Cam. Frafer Tunis, Charles Gordon, Ejqrs. Russia. S^m. Swallow, Efqj Poland. Dantxtg, Trevor Corry, E(q$ Denmark, Elfenore, Nicholas Fenwick ,EJq Norway, Rt'g'n, Alex. Wallace, E[q\ Austrian Nrtherld^, Tho.M r >m< t,T fyVce-Conful OJicnd, Michael Hat'rn, Efqj Vice Covjul Co N o u l s Smyrna, appointed by } y tbe Turkey Company , j Tripoly in Syria, — Parmentier jlu xundria , Cairo , NalicBia , Edward pyma Eff] Cyprus. Timothy Turner, EJq\ * Aleppo , Kinloch, EJ ?; Lowmifliohers 0/’ Trade Plantation ( 'Whitehall J 1660. Z^'^j Commjjjioners , (8) | Eufeb. Si’vefter, Efq; 200I. Cltrks, J hn Tutte, icol. ’ITT' A R L of Hillfborough, x Soam?Jenyna x Ed Eliot ; ^Ld. Bacon , x GeorgeRice,Efq j ' Lord Orwel 1 , x Bamber GaLoyne, E[q\ Jeremiah Dylon, EJq\ joool. each Sec, John Pownall, Efqj 750I Deputy Secretary, Silas Bradbury, Efq; 300), Soil iei tor nr.d Clerk of the Reports John Sharpe Palmer, 90I. Whllam B rkley, 80I. John Lrwis, 70I. Lemuel Dole N-jlme, 45 1 « 4 Vacant , Counfel to the Board, x Sir Matthew Lamb, Bart, Chamber -keeper , Thomas Terry DoorKcepls IVlt'jJ'evg . EdwSearle Neceffary Woman, Ann Wright Officers of the TREASURY (IVhitehall) Lords Commiffioners (5 ) "< flight Hon . G. Grenville, 4000I -Lord North, : Philip Carteret Webb, Eli] ; Affifl. Thomas Francis, Efq; Meffcngers of the Exchequer , PeterDubourg, Jn. Walker, Thomas Hanilon. Meffenger of the Chamber . Win. Barnelly, 6s 8d a Day Deputy Meffenger , Samuel Barnefly. Ranger of the Books , Edward Gardiner Necef.IVcni. Mrs. Shepherd. Bag-hearer, Edward Shaw. Door-keeper, HaiAnwy Potter Officers of the Receipt of Chancellor and Under -Ere a- fur 'er of the Exchequer , x Dh bt G. Grenville, 1800J. < Auditor , Earl of Lincoln Chief Clerk, R . Jennings, Efq ; Clerk of the Debentures , Edward Wiliord, Efq. Clk .of the R cgifers and Iff ties, Bartholomew Lucas, Efq. Clerk of the Cajh-book , Sol. Paul J till iot, E fq ^ Jiff f ant Clerks , John Hughlon, John Willis ¥0 r making cut Exckeq. Bills . j Chief Cicrk Elq, His Mafefys Exchequer . Meff. to tbe Auditor's Office % John Jackfon. In the Offices for Annuities under the Auditor, John Dive, and Tho. Clift, Efqrs ; chief Clerks, ? with nine Clerks under them . Examiners of the Tellers Vouchers, John Hays, Thomas Ripley, Eiqrs. Clerk of the Pells , Hon. SnRi\. Walpole, KB- Deputy, Wm Hall, Efq; iftClerk R. Hammond, Efq; Clerk of the Exit us, Richard Bardou [ i 1-2 J a- P eday almu, , ■•■Hon. Horatio Walpole, Ef. bite P,.«r r ' i William Blake • , Clerk oj the Patents, John Berkeley Fugroffing Clk. Jona. Smith Affifiant , Henry Thomas. thc Annuity Pells -Offices. Clerks, Zac. Chambers, His / . G re f. Berlfoi cl ,Kiq His Clerk, Charles Bedfort Yeoman UJher and Def>uty. Tally-cutter John Tic/lovc Paymajl. of Exchequer Bills Eilm. Bott, George Ritzo, John Baillie, Efqrs Tn tr Et,ward Nafli, 60 / Fred. Atherton Hindley,Efq G 1 > nl t°|>her I?owlcr * S°l Four Clerks in enrbOffir} k r ^ Chamber-K. eeper andMeffen. u> ( Je : /is m eachOfiice bej;. e William Rofs, 40 /. - Necejfary Woman , Tally-Court. Chamberlains, Sir John Miller, Bart. '' Sir Simeon Stuart, Part Deputies, Samuel Smith, Mary Blanckley, 20/. Comptrol. of Duties on Plov.fes, Tho. Bradfhaw, Elq; 200/. tJ.„ R ;7 \ His Clk, Geo. Stevenion,5o/. John Borlace, Ahra.FarJey, Hugh Dive Rd.Stevenfon, Efqrs. | Ten general Surveyors, too/ Tally Wnter for the Auditor , Ed. Hoi land, Mord. Cults, Abraham Ackworth, Elq; ,8am. Lea, Alex. Stirling, wr CUrk /P. , [Ant. Oldfield, J. Palmer, W Jones, a «„vp. Mowbray Win. White, Jn. Bennet. Clerk of the lntrottus, Pr Maurice, Hen. Lewis. Edward Sleech, F.% Tally-cut terMCoWmlooEli] Hjher oj the Exchequer, 163 Surveyors of Counties, 50 l. & Year in England. 40 /. a Year in Wales. \bfr hJi Dtp fieri Rkn Cha. Of: Int r - hih Cur Tho Jdlil 'R: V 11 hnpreffi Q^t?, Scotland Yard Auditor f \V mAiflabie,Eiq; Deputy , Th. Farraine, Elq; Clerks, Francis Woodhoitfe, Rlcnard Blvke, John Bray, Cha. Harris, Edw. Beckwith Office Keeper , Mrs. Harris- Impref Office , Lincolns-Inn Auditor , ion/ Sondes Deputy , John Lloyd, Efq; Clerks , Anth. C racli erode, Tho. Dob Ton, J of. Hughes. Bi id. T. Hooke, Jn. Walker, John Fofter. Keef er , Tho.Tuttle. Auditors of the Land Revenue Land-Tax, and Window- * 3 ] viz. for the Coun- ties 0 / % Lincoln, Notting- ham, Chefter, «/^/Derby. Rich. Price, Hen .Lyte,Ktqs Deputy, C h . Delboro w , Eiqj Tivo Clerks . Q/fc? //? Ralace Yard Auditor for all the other Counties in England, W m L ow ndes , E i q \ for Life Deputy, Hen. Lowndes, Eiq 5 l fl Clerk , James Rowlands Second , Richard Gray thePrincipalily of ‘Wales, >: Thomas Wynne, F.fq; Deputy , W mMi JdletoiiyEiq Clerk , John Fenwick, CWt ©/’Cha-ncery. Figures before ibe Judg i Lord High Chancellor of Great B> itain , Earl of Northington, -5 Mafer or Keep . 9 /' 0 /i ?< /?/.Hi 7 ».SiVTho. Sewell, /sf/ Maflcrs in Chancery , icol /? / . Hon . 5/ rT h o . S e wel 1 , /ft R ich . E d war dstfy monds - Hen. Montague, Line. Inn Thomas Lan e,BofwelCourt PeterHolford,5y;;/. Inn, FRS Thomas Harris, Line. Inn Samiie!Bonner,5>vw^rf' slnn John Browning, Ditto Th Anguifh, Lincoln" slnn Wm. Graves, Symond's Inn Sa. Pechel 1 fLIc\* m ,Bofiv Court John Fames , K fq , Symondsln Accomptant General, Tho .A ngv. i(h ; E fq 5 Line Ann (Office in Chancery-Lane) •cs Jhc'io the Order of Precedence . Clerks , Henry Nowell, Rich. Nowell, Jn.Chriilian. Clerk of the Crown, Hon. C harles Yorke, FRS. x Hon John Yorke, Efqrs. Deputy Clerk of the, Crown, Charles Frewen, Efq. Protbonotaries , Ch a . Wi 1 1 es , Robert Wilmot- Efqs; Their Dcp. Edw. Pearfon. Six Clerks , Samuel Reynardfon, FRS. Ifaac Whittington, FRS. WmMitft>rd,Chrift Zincke W Pu rc as , R W oodford fEj j Sixty Sworn Clerks . In Mr, Reynardfon sDivifion , James Clarke, Jn Cohnan, Fran. Deuce, Fran. Dalton, K. 3 Henry Legh, Andr.Napper, EdSeileHayward,SThoyts — Harris, i Vacant. In Mr. Whittington s Di William JBowyer, Eiqrs. Rolls Regifers % Tho.Elde, JnDickens,Efq* Clerk of the Reports, Riclyird Rainsford, Efq; Entering Clerks, FrBowyer,Fi Dickens, Efq Ragifer of the Affidavits, Richard Hade], Efq; FRS. Pep. John Strong . Han a per Office . Mailer of the Hanaper, Duke of Chandos Deputy , John Church, Efq; Clerk } John Align din Levy lee Six C^let ks in enhance ry for the time being are Con~ Jr oilers of the Hanaper. War. of theFleet JnEy!es,G/ Keep. of Records in thcTovjer A John Shelley, Eiq; Chief Clerk , Henry Rooke, Efq; 200I. Records down to 1483, are kept in the \ Touuer , and /nice that Time in the R oils Chattel . Clerk of the Rolls Chapel, Henry Rooke, Efq; Examiners , Edw. Northey, John Spooner, Efqrs. Clerks to Mr. Northey, Barnard Richards, Rich. Guy, Sam. Clarke. Clerks to Mr. Spooner, John Turner, John Worth, Jofeph Brown. Clerks of the Petty Bag Rd. Afliton, Henry Tlioin as, Charles Deaves, Elqs.- -V Patentee of theSubp>cenaOffice Thomas Bury, Efq; Receiver of the Sixpenny Wi vV-f^crLukeRichai dicn [ 1 T 4 ] £ h f c Dp I St tit- Dp- Slim. D.p C W John Dp- Ixin Rich Mil! tm Herr Chtt Cj ft! Vifo Elbor Stern II Ww? Stern Herr Stcr 1 x Phi! I F- j CM t Hot Dpt % Hum j Geor 60 1 « # iTh I Man \ Rich j John \ [ ' 1 5 J ChafeWax , Afli.Cowper,Ef Deputy , Simon Ford Sealer , S . 1 letherington ,E fq ; Deputy , Sam. Brooks Vjber of the Court , Samuel Seddon, Elq; Deputy , Charles Gould C/ c *;*£ the Letters Patents , John Cocks, Eiq. Deputy , Charles Howard Exam. oftkeLcttersPatents Richard Lloyd C 7 *r£ 0/ the Leafes> Matthew Greaves, Elqj Principal Secretary to the Lord Chancellory Henry Wilmot, Elq; Chief Secrety. to the Mafer of the Polls 9 Ch.Deaves,Ef Under Seer. Tho.Mendham, Purfe Bearer , Elhoro ugh Woodcock, Efq; Secretary of thePrefentations Edward Woodcock, Eiq; Secretary of the Commiffions , Henry Dagge Elq; Secretary of Bankrupts , *PhilipCarteretWebb,Efq; F. R. S. Clerk oflnrollmentSy in ditto, Harry Hannood, Ejq. Dep . Clerks of the Inrollments Humphry Hack (haw, Efq\ George Eckeriall ,Efq\ LRS. 6oCommif. oj Bankruptcy appointed by the L . Cbanc * i Thomas Nugent, Matthew Will ou, Efqrs. Rich. Wood, Thomas Life, John Fanlhaw, Gentlemen. 2 EdwardLeeds,ThoLane, Henry Clive. Efqrs . A.HamiltonT.Hickford G. 3 ThoOwens, JohnBennet, Robert Fawcet, Efqrs E.Willon, T.Mullo, Gent. 4 Jolm Cookfon, John Alex. Stainfby, : De]meVanheythuyidn,£yy/» Richard Heron, Harry Harinood, Gents . 5 ffinM Imoth, Jn Sea re, Francis Mundy, Efqrs H. Barnes, Anth.Pve, Gnts + | 6 JnRudge, Tilarrifon ,Efq Fr.Duroure,Rob.Henfhaw, John Maidman, Gents . 7 Tho. Hotclikin W mDent, C. Wolfran Coi nwal Efqrs j n V ernon , W m .N eal e, Gsits gTh.Burrel, JnSkinner,Ef. Jn Whitehead, Elborough Woodcock, JohnPye, G*#/.r 0 R. Pratt, Tho. Cuddon Iiaac Strutt, Efqrs. T.Cobb, John Du thy. Gents ro CNalfonCole,F Filmer, Chriitopher LofFt, Efqrs A rT rollop, W Crawley ,Gts 11 WmCowper,WRockes, William Beckwith, Efqs. R.Maddock,J. Baldwin, Gt 12 JamesNaifh,F. Warden, Ja. Mansfield EJqAX Baillie, John Rayner, jun. Gents . Meffengers to the Commif. WmCheslhyre, Cbanc. Ian » Wm Gibbon, Chan. Lane GeoSurridge, Symcnd' slnn Reb. Money, Qban.Lane [ »»6 ] J. Newel! Rogers,Tc?o/'V-r/. John Park, Chancery- Lane Patentee Jor ?na king out Coni - TniJJions of Bankruptcy, >: Hon. John Yorke. Dep Fred Aih.Hindley,£/tfj Secretary of the Lunatic ks, Jofeph Cocks, Eiq; Sec of Decrees an dlnjunfiions, Edmund Wilfon, Efq; Secretary of the Briefs , Elilha Bifcoe, Efq\ Clerk of the Briefs , Philip Billingfiey Dcp . Richard Lloyd, Ffq\ Receiver of the Pities, John Fanfhaw, Efq . Clerk of the CuJhdics of the Elects and Lunaticks , Hon.& Rev. G. Talbot, DD Dep.Chz. Hen. Talbot, Efq; Chief Clerk , Morg. Thomas Secretary of the Appeals , Lawrence Cottam, Efq\ Serjeant at Arms , Richard Jephfon, Efq\ Gentlemen of the Chambers, Richard Lloyd, Efq. Jeffery Knight, Gent. Ujker of the Hall at the Lord Chancellor s , Henry Stone Meffietiger or Purfuivant , Harry Hirmood, Efq; Oyer of the Court , John Ackroyd c r*Pfl a jF* Edw. Milbourn Tipfaff to theMaf . oftheRolls Jonas Appleyard. S. Scholey, Court Keeper Train hearer, Mr. Craggs, Ujher of the Hall at the Rolls , Mr Charles Gould Corporation of Curfitors, Principal , John Whitehead, Efq; Peter Sykes, Efq; Henry Wykes, Efq; Affiants Jn Brown, SaHetheringtoti, :< Sir Benet Garrard, Part. R. Woodford, Hu ValJones> Jof. Whitehead, Th.Lamb, Tho. Gatakcr, Fran Bux ton j LukeRichardfonT Stephens ChFrewen, Edw Woodcock, Nich. Browne John Walker, JohnHingeflon, GeoFilkirr, ElbWoodcockLaw. Cottam Ralph Allen, Daniel Stone. Court of K I NG's BENCH . (Office in the Inner-Temple) Ld Chief Juf ice and fudges , i Lord Mansfield, 4.000I 70 Sir J. Eardley Wilmot, *3 Sir Jofeph Yates, Kts. 14 . * Sal. 2000I. a Y. each M after of the Cro-zvn Office , James Burrow, Efq. StcondaryUzw Athorpe Efq; Clerk of the Rules,. Francis Barlow, Efq; Clerks in Court , Henry Mafterman, William Hughes, Efqrs. Tho.Maftennan, Jn Wace, Tho. Benfon, Gents. Chief Clerk on Pleas Side ,. William Lee, Efq. FRS*. I [ 'I? ] Secondary , T. Owens, Efq< Affiant , Ed. Benton, Jun. Clerk of the Rules , Thomas Cowper, Efq; Clerks of the Papers , Ml*. Edward Benton Mr. Robert Auften Clerk of the Dockets , Geo. Cayley, Efq; Clerk of the Declarations , Mr. Rymell. Clerk oftheBails andPofieas, Mr Richard Walter Signer of the Writs, Air John Heherden Signer of the Bills for Middlefex, Mr. William Marshall Cuflos Brevium, Theodore Johnfon, Efq; Clerk of the upper T reafuty , William Tullie, Efq; Clerk of the outer Treafury , Taverner Wallis, Efq; Bag- bearer, John Phillips Filazer , Exigents, and Clerk of the Outlawries , Air. Patience, Tho. Adams Clerk of the Errors, John Way, Efq 5 CbiefCryer, Mr fn.Cianft n Dryers, Mr' J. Perkins, Mr. Lloyd Marfhal s ]ohn Afhton,/?/?. Deputy , Mr Hen. Jordan. Tipfiaffto Lord Chief Jufi ice, Mr. Benjamin Stichall To the other Judges , T. Charles, Sheri. Holloway Nathaniel Hill. Marjh.& A foe. to Ch.Jufi . John Way, £/y. Tr<2/// bearer , JohnMinfhuI Clerk (f the Nifi Prius in London and Middlefex* Mr. John Skinner. Cryer at Ni/i Prius in Lon. Middlefex, Mr. S. Platt Receiver General of the Pro- fits of the Seals in the King's Bench andCo?nmon Pleas, Duke of Cleveland Sealers, Ralph Cramlington George Perkins Clerks of Affize. Heme, Jerome Knsp, Efq; Afj'ociate , Mr Forbes Midland, Jn. Blencowe,Efq; Ajjbciate , Mr Sanderfon Afo/yi/iGerardDuttonFIeet- vvood, Elq; Ajjociate , Mr Bury Northern, John dole, Efq; AJfoctate , Air W barter Oxford , IV 1 erec 1 i t h P r i ce , Efq ; Ajfociate, Mr. Morgan. ^^r^jRic.Maddock^lq; AJ)ociate\ Mr Rawlinion Ufhers, MrCaiyCreed, Mr. Perkins ~ Court of C O M M 6 N-P L E AS. (1215) Chief Jufiice and Judges, I i2Sir Henry GouidKt 2000I 4 QlRCh. Pratt, FRS 2 ;col' Cuflos Brevium , 6 ' SirEdw. Clive. Knts. I The Earl cj Litchfield 9 Hon. Henry Bathurft, ! Deputy, WaltcrBaynes,£/ft Chief Prothonotary , x George Cooke, Efq. Secondary , H.Fothergill ™:tll e l ud r u : J - Man, y , ^ jut t Ik. of the Doc lets fW .Cooke . Mr Thomas Bcver A 0.-r\n V Z-> * 1 _ _ Second Prothonotary , Lewis Jones, Eiqj Secondary , H.Paramor Clerk oj the Judgments , John Buckle. Clk. of the Dockets, Be n . Orton "Third Prothonotary , Anthony Dick in*, Efq. Secondary , Hen. Barnes Clerk of the Judgments , fife. Rowland Lickbarrow. Clerk of the Warrants , ///- rolments, and Ejlreats , Nath. Rowe, 2i/y; Deputy, H. Mackenzie Cbirographer , '‘ Sir Geo. Colebroke, /for/ r ms ] Clerk of the Treafury, James Naifh, £/y. Treafury Keeper, G. Stubbs I Clerk of the Juries, Dep. Air. Ilarrifon Exigenter , Mr. Unifreville C/tr^ E/oigtts, Mr. Wright. Clk of the King’s Silver Office, William Daw, /yy. Deputy, John Treweeke. Dl of the Errors, Deputy, Mr. Lewis Clerk of Outlawries, Mr. John Lawes. Clerk of the Seal Office, Mr George Perkins Clks ofthejurats Aldridge, Brooke, Broughton, AJfociate to Chief Jup ice, Thomas Lloyd. Cow Ifh \hxft t.wt c . ’ ,, , 1U ,v oari. ■ j nomas Lloyd. BlIC °L ,E p lq 1 Uere.d‘ttaryc hie/P roclamator A^///^- ) jo|Stanynought,E).l John Walker, Efq ; Filazers to the Court of Common Pleas, ounties Names Deputies Office kept Be, If. Berks, 7 _ MdTieurs Meffiears " Bucks, Oxott, l J • Han cock , £/l Mr . Gray, Clifford' shin. CornflZ' WilliamWanW * * /»« Her ef. Wore. ? J ohn Staples, Ditto Crimb. Wejitn ? ^ , . Mid. Temple North. Newc j ^ r * -^ aw ^ on > Ditto Carey -Jirect Derby, Leic. 2 Nottin.lVar . j Ldw ICeepe, John Steele, Fetter -lane J R ° S - ^ awcett > T-Davenpo! t, fool, J J n Hebei ben, Thomas Bold E/ex- /beet W, M Km hf Mi w r&tf M ! MBr tfjff 5 iir John ■J? Kir.i I Lord I Geo 3 I Riel 1 Jon 1 ; libs iUt > *1 Counties EjJexJJertf. Hants., Wilt* Kent, Surry, Suffex, Lincoln , £0/?^. MAA/. Monmouth, Norfolk, Northn .Rut l r "9 ] ' Names Deputies Office kept Meflieurs Meflieurs at F. March, Efq-, Mr. Gray, Clifford shin Rd Heather, Mr. Hull HareCtTem. \ Kigg. Peyton, Mr. Gray, Clifford' s-bm Th . Sibthorpe, exec. it hbnfelf Bcrtlet-luild John Willes, Edm. Wilfon ,Chanc. bine Fran Gwynn, Mr. Warry, Nez v Inn John Roberts, Temple. Herit. Lenton,T. Davenport oz>. Curfit.Of Clifford' s-lnn bbrcp. Staff. Suffolk , YdrkyTorkJb j Kiurjl. upon l BibieLake,£/y;Mi\ Gray Hall, j Tide Court of E X Chancellor, ** ¥~5 I&ht Hon GeoGrenville Lord Chief Baron , 5 Mr Tho. Parker. Knt 30C0I. 3 Earons , 2000I e ich 7 S: rSyd . S taf. S my the, Kt FRS S S*r Richard Adams, Krt, 12 George Pcrrott. E?q; Curjitor Baron, John Tracy Atkyns, Efq; Seeder ary to t hi Chancellor , •‘•Richard jackrtn, Efq; Under Secretary . James Bert-, Efq; ' King's Remembrance Office. Remembrancer, Lord Martnm. Deputy , Charle? Taylor, Efq; Geo. Arbiirthnot,Ef- 1 ftScccnd. Thomas Gregg, Efq; 7 .d ditto Sworn Clerks, Charles Eyre. Richaid Wood, Adam Martin John Price, Edward Taylor David Barton Fowler Lord Treafurer ’ s Re membra n cer . CHESfUER. Richard Heron E .d Clerks , Rob. Wynter, James Fairer Comptroller of the Pipe y :< Hon. Horatio Walpole, Efq; Deputy Comptroller y Ed Applin, Clerk % W iliam Davey. Augmentation Off ce for Accts of Abby Lands (NewPalace Yard) Keeper of Records, H- Brooker First Fruit Office, in the Temple. Remembrancer ift Fruits Duke ol Grafton. Deputy Remembrancer , John Hetherington, Efq; ths Clerk , John Bacon, Receiver of the firft Fruits , OFFICE. (Gray’s-Inn) Th Parry, Efq ; Dep. Jn. Bacon. •' owpt, of the jjl Fruits & Tenths William de Gry, Efq; Tenths Office (Temple) Receiver of the Tenths , Stephen Comyn, Efq; His Clerk*, George Scrivtnor, John Smith. Augmentation Ojfice y Clerk y R bert Cherter, Efq; Justices of the Grand Sef L /ions for the Counties in Wales. Chert er, Montgomery, Flint, and Denb’gh Shi res , x fohnM orton, E fq : Chi effuRictm Taylor White, Elq; J Brecon, Glamorgan, and Radnor Shires , John Williams, Efq; >: John Richmond Webb, Efq; Cardigan, Pembroke, ana Carmarthen Shires 3 fohn Pollen, Efq; Edward Poore, Efq; Anglcfcy, Carnarvon, and Merioneth Shires, Hon. Paines Barrington, Efq; : James Hiye% Efq; Serjeants at La'iv and King's CounJe/ % ^Tror,Gc?«. ;, ‘SirFletcherNorton J William Davy, Efq; f '-Hon. Charles Yurke. \ John Burland, Efq; SoHic. Gen. : 376. Mr. Francis Ru.Tell, and Mr Cafon, Att.rries. PetcrWaliace, IJfier and Mef. Receives of the Revenue. Tcrkjh Rich. Herring, Newark Lancajh. P Mot tram. Stocks ore LincJh.T . Brackenbt rv.Spu/by LciceJhrjh Jn Fhfat,' Ltttijier Eerkyjbjc h n G ood w i nAJhou me Staflrd/hRd Hinckley ,'J uthtiry Wales , John Lewis, Alontncutb Nerfotk, Suffolk, Sc Camlt idge, Daniel Jones of Fakenbam Ljje e , Aitdd/ejex , &n6 Hertford, fho.Afhton of tke Temple S onto Pa rts, FrRu rt’e \, Gray's Ir.tt NorthamptcnJhireTivn Rogers, of Northampton Officers of the County Palatine ^Lancaster. E^TniiamSwinnerton.Sfq Mr. Henry Smith, Curftor. XnSeS r7 e 6r a th * Bow,es ’ Ef( !i Protectory wy-Gereral. /illlam Lucas, Efq; Reffcr, Examiner , and fr ji Clerk, ith Five Cleikj of Chancery. '•Franc is Reynolds, Efq; Clerk of the Crown. Clerk of the Peace, the George Kenyon, Elq; ! Me ffir.ger, Nathan Biker I L h M^fn c r iT, hwark > w rhe c ° urt °f • I oyerjFrid Judge, fd Stttu. of tbelhufl. F?ARL Talbot J JEL ^ AW/b.SirSid. Medows Steward of the Court , Levett BJack borne, Efq- ■P^O’* Oanby Pickering’Efq; PwWjra R d B u 1 ftro de , E fq : Deputy Protbonotary Mr. John Stainbank, toar Ccttrt 'ci/sy John Chctwocd, Efq William Beckwith. Efq. Francis Lawl 0n , Efqj Henry Boult Cay, Efqj & lx Attorniei y WiJJ;am Pryor John Ton, W r m Mon/c, Richard Kelfal Hub. Her vey, Chrift. Hobfo Thomas RaiJtf n 6 Prov. Marjhal Men, Ldw. Huddle> Janus Calf Heter Cwynn, Robert Lee, Ran. Carter, Hen.MaJcagham. and Toning in Effiex, and Com- rr.iflary of E<3 e x and IT i t- ford (hire. [ I Dr Francis Topham, Matter of the Faculties, and fudge o’ the Prerogative Court ot Voi k. D Joh ' Bettefworth , ChanceJ- K r of London. Dr GeO'ge Hrrr!s, his Ma- jefty’s Advocate in his Of- fice of Admiralty, Chan- eellorof the Dicrcefe of Lan daflT an Commiflary of Surry Dr Wiillarn Macham Dr .Peter Calvert, Vicar Gene- ral to the Archb.of Canterb Dr Wiljiam Wynne Dr Francis Simpfon, Official to theArchd. of Canterb. and to the Archd. of Roch^ttei Dr Thomas Bever, Official of the Archdeacon of Oxford }r. Wm. Spry, Judge of the Court of V ice-Admirahy ever all Amerxa, and Offi- cial oftheArchd.of Berkflure )r. Wtn. Burrell, Chancellor of the Diocefe of Worcetter Claude ChaT.pionCrefpigny )r. William Compton Iegisters and other Officers Vm Folkes, lifq; and id. Ru/hworth, Efqj Regitters of die Arches Court lev. Mr. Thomas Herring . ev. Mr. John Lavvry, and lev. Dr. George Jubb, prin- cipal Remitter of the Pre- ro^ativi Court of Canterbury >corge Gibfon Efq; the Rev. Edmund G»bf>n, and Tho. Froft, principal R gifters of the Province of Canterbury fr Robert Jubb, Regifhr of the Faculty Office n 1 William Folkes, Apparator- General of the Province of Canterbury William Brough, Efq$ Mar- shal and Serjeant at Mace of the High Court of Ad- miralty. Char.Dougla<;Bowdin, his Dcp. Proctors. Thomas Tyndall, Efqj King** Pro&or and FRS, Mr William Legardj'bne of the Deputy Regitters of the Prerogative Court of Can- terbury Mr. Robert Bogg Henry Far rant Mr Charles Alexander Mr Henry Steven^ one of the Deputy Regitters of the Prerogative Court of Cant. Mr William Taverner Godfrey Lee Farrant, Efq^ Re- gifter of the High Court of Admiralty of England, High Court of Delegates, the High Court of Appeals for Prizes, and a Cltrk in die Prerogative Office Mr Edward Rufhworth, D*>p, Regitter of the Province of Canterbury Mr Hen. Major,George Bella9 Mr. George Goftling, one of theCPiks in the Preroga- tive Office, and Deputy Re- gitter of the Royal Peculiar of St. Catherine's Mr. Thomas Adderley, Deputy Reg. to the Com. of Surry. Mr Nathaniel Bifliop, Deputy Regifter of the Admiralty L 2 and Delegates, and Court ,°f Appeals for Prizes Mr. WiiJi am Abott Air Roger Altham, Reg ft e r or tne Archdeaconry of Mid. i tfn*’ D ™ n ant * Chapfer of' ” euminfter, and Dep. Reg. of the Diocefeand Archdea conry of Rochefler Mr Wright Bateman Mr. Robert Longder,, Deputy ■Regiflcr to the Archdeacon of . Surry Mr Mark Holman,DepRegiRet of the Diocefe and to" the Archdeacon of London Air. John Gr me John PiitiJips Edward Cheflyn Air. John Stevens, one of the D-puty Regies of the Pre 124 J rogative Court of Canterb. Mr. William Geering Mrchael Fountain George Faulkner John Chrke, Robert B^rgrave Philip Cre'pigny, Prohor for the Office of Admiralty Charles Alex. Crickitt Edwird Goodwin W,JJb, n F uJJer 1 Mr. John Tc rriauo, one of the ; , t. Brownell &'C/ks,z?$\ c i Un Land Surveyors , 200I Mef. J.Kcene, JMeelbaum, Wenm.Nutt, Benj. Batley, Ed. Frew in, Win. Serjeant, Johnliobfon, D. Minet. Geo.Leycefter,JamesPrice. Clerk , Henry Lyford. Surveyor of Paper , Mnt.lvob.ArnottjEfq; iool Surveyor of the Keys , Mr. Forrelter Ford, 100] Su rvtyor cj ' B aggage y J vlm Gimilon, 350I hi / peer or s of the River , 150! Nat. Cleavland, Barn. Bland J. Marfhall. Computer cf Tobacco , \lr Henry Saxby bifpeftor of Tobacco, Vlr. William Hodges, 50I 19 Pat. King's Waiters, rH ! 1 Land Waiters, 80I each 5 Addit. Land Waiters, < 5 oJ 3 Eltabliflied J ide Survey- ors, 60 1 each lo Tidefmen, 40I each ;20 Ditto, 35I each. Clerk to the Tide Pur veyor, L. Johnftdn, 50) Examiner of Journals Weft., forts, Wiiliam How, 2?]. Dit.Nib.Ports,] Powell, 2 5 1 Regift er of Ships, Mr John Wcolev, 50 I Hufband for the 4 and a half per Cent . Duty from the Plantations. John Barnes, Efq; tool Comptroller on the Utjband, William How, 50I Examiner oj their Accounts „ Edward Stanley, Efq ; , S ol. EStanley ,l?j\bas 3 din the lb. cn all Money remitted to him as Rec . of Fines, &c, 3 Gaugers,, 8 ° J each Collector of the Coal Dutv ■ Robert Wejlon, Efq-, , 2 pl. Comptroller to ditto, Mr Rob. Simplon, 133! Outwards : Dep.Cd PhiiipPareeJlj,£y« Clerk, Samuel Baldwin, 30I [ *27 ] Cujlomer and Collector of Wool and Leather, Henry Lewis, Efq; 50 1 Comptroller of W00I& Leather Francis Guyton, 30 1 Cujlomer of Cloth, Perry Player, 55 1 ^rx^0r,RThotnpfon .E fq Deputy, Jam. Browne, Elq Chief Searchers , JnSefTe, Efq\ befidesFees 1 2 o 1 Deputy , William Knight Sur veyor of the Searchers , Geo. Tomkins, Efq. 1 50 i Erg. of the CertificateCcquet : and Reg. .of the Debentures , John Oxen ford-, Efq; 150!. Ki ng’s Warehouse : Sun v. Efq;2ocl Affi ft ants y Jn Gibbs, _8ol JnKing, 50I IVarehoufe - keeper for the Crown, L Walker, 6cl. W Suckling for the Coll e LI . Surveyor cf the Eajl r India IVarehoufe s , Richard Bentley, Efq; 13c] AJJijiant , Wm. Moityn Haliday, 70I . InfpeSor of the Unrated Eafl-India Goods , Dr. Demainbray, 1 50I. For Clerks , iool* IVarehouf e-keepers of India Goods , John Hughes. Jofeph Palmer, iool each At ten . at Sales , P Wh i te, 1 o 3 1 C 0 nip troll ers , J n G odfr tyju* Francis Coke, 50'i. War ehouf e-keeper for Pepper, Adolphus Middleton, iool Co nipt . Ed w. R i ch ar dfon , 5 oi Survey or of Navigation, Richard Strong, iool Ujher of the Cujhm-houfe , John Norris, Eiq; Houfe-kccper , P n i ! 1 i p i a G o ! dfw o r t h y , 3 8 5 1 Deputy, Richard EJgerly Two Appraijers, 30I eaoh. Ch. Buchanan ,T. Bru nidon Commiffi oners for ScctL\oo\. Mansfeldt Cardonnell, Alexander le Grand, Jofeph Tuder, George Clerk Maxwell, Bafil Cochrane, Efqrs; Secretary for Scotland, Elq; EXCISE OFFICE. Ccmviifi oners, 1000 1 each, vyllliam Burton, John O debar, John Windham Bowyer, David Papillon, William Cayley, George Lewis Scott, FRS. Thomas Bowlby, Henry Vejnon, (Old Jewry) 1643. Richard Bagor, Efqrs. Secretary , 72 5I. Stamp Brookfoank, Efq; . ThoroasBallji^i/C/joo] Edw.Rumfey, 2d Clerk, 6cl Tho. Ball, jun. ylClerk ,^ C 1 General Accomptants, H en. F orrefter, Exeife, 26c! [Mungo Haldane, ditto, 250I r r >28 j °f c h ‘ *-**-. f . 1 -Marital), Stapjat. iool MephToNeT’.fl a T' Accompt. London Brewery | Combt ' ^ er ^' rrsst;,.„>kS ? 7 e*v. aatasaHst^^ss Rd.l(ic!^d £ on“>, r 50! Tlf<^ WnuRollinfon, M,i, iool \soll. Clerk of the Diaries, bmMf ZT % , Jq /° r . s Ayr/$%%P th "' STf *H*t*i 2 Z‘S** Rich. Mould, Difill. i 5<3 | Antli. Walker, CVwi 130I General Sur veyors. Brewery, Benjamin Hutchins, ift + l. Anthonv Lucas, ift; f or himfelf and z Clerks , Zqo \ Comptroller of Accompt r, FredFrankland,^;/^/;,^ Jelj JJep. and Clks. 1425! Dan. Cahufac, Hi ad Court, Wpuf' c 'vV Th. Stephens, Mat.Finlay, l^iLftir f^ 2 °? 1 John Blake, Henry Denton, j William Wit)^ °" P f* eas * ofGlafs, ).Enfoi ,i ; 0 | Bell, Coaches, 90I H . Watfon , Plate Licenf 90I J"]f it Spir . Liquors Licences (A Coach. Ro!>. Beehy, iool Correfp. Mr Jof.Stevcns, 1 80 n , e Re!i Mrit < Deputy, ThomasCcliisj iaoi ! Dep. Mils Cokhm G.Drummond,Al.Udney, Rd. Dauber, Geo. Burgefs, Th. Lockhart, Elqs. 5 tol • 5 Vc.JohnThomfon,E 7:00! ^ e P’^f s ’C avemB ill, j ool 120 I he. [ ,2 9 ] GENERAL POST-OFFICE. hefted by Aft of Parliament, 27 Dec. 1 660. Lombard-St. Poft?nafler General, 2000I. T OR D Trevor, FRS . ^ Lord Hyde Secret. Ant. Todd, Efq m , 200I Clerk to the Prjimafer Gen. Saih. Bradlhaw, Efq; 100 Clerks to the Secretary , Jacob Shann, AJJifant, 60I Yarmouth, Jo/lma Baker,6ol John Flower, Afffl. 50I Kent , Wm, Boulton, 60I Charles Crefwell, AJJijl. 50I Clerk oj the Bye- Nights, John Henry, 60I Mark Antho. Meilan, 6ol| John Briggs, AjffiJi. 50I Stephen Daniel Dupuy, 50I Hackman, 50I, Receiver General , Robert Trevor, Efq$ oci Clks to the Receiver General , Sorters, JohnMafkall. Rob. Briggs, rh. Rowlands, All. Mai tin, John Haynes, John Webb, Geo.Oxlade, H. Potts, 50I. T:Payne, 1 .Lahghorne, 50] . Jn. Jennings, Jn. Henry, 40I Accomptant General , J Supernumerary Sorters , Thomas Pitches, Efq\ 3 ooi John Dixon, Tho. Bayiry, John Spicer, Dep. 90I. j Edmund Barne, 40I. each. Clerks to theAcccnn.pt antG en . John Wildraan, W. Sk; ze, J. Rowlands, R. Hargrave, John Ridley, Will. Rowe, Stiles Lupart, 50;. each. ; W. Barne, J. Price, 3 ol.each. Comp trot, of thelnlandOfhce 2 Facers at 2 5 1 . each. ^?k, e . r * Charles, Efqy 200I Windovu Man and Alphabet Sollicitor to the Pojl Office , | William IlallyEfqj 200I Ref dent Surveyor , keeper , John Green, ool IVindo-vj Man on. the Bj -days, Mr Robert Bigg I Atkin. Robin Ion, Ejq\ 3 oclj Door-keeper to th \lnfpeciors or the ?n:j-]ent and | majlerGe?ieral, Jn.C the P ca- de ad Letters, | Court- Pop}. R.Parfons, J.Powdich, 1 ool} * Henry PentO]i,i\ oron ms ! Dep.Co?np. John Watts, iool Clerks of the Roads , £ Chefer , John Sawtell, tool John Sylvefter, Ajiftant, 6 o ] VlF'efy Tho. Ravenhil), 60I |j cob Jackfon, Ajifl. 60I I North , Robert Saxhy, 60I fames Pack, Aff. 60 1 I Iriftol, Tho. Smith, Col Deliverer oj ik Hon. Houfe ir Charles Colt bn, o rfaac Jamineau flip pi: m t e Clerks of the Roads ~a lib Nevus Papers. Mail Makers, Edward Wakeling, and Matth Brcttinghaiii, 1 50I hifteaor of theletterCarrm John Mitchell, Co 1 I f£ e / Ior of Franks, JMaskall Affiant, Allen Martin Sixty f eve* Letter Carriers, at i is per VVec-k Compt . oj the Pennj P of Office ®' r ^‘‘ancis Charlton, Part. ( *30 ) Foreign Office. Comptroller Thomas Woodhou/e, 40J ch. Wolters, E/q; I20 l Agents, Edni. Barham uE/qt ' at Dover, i 50 ] James Clements, Ef r , at Harwich, 1 50 ] / Ukitf , Charlesjacklon, El'qj i 50 J. Alphabet- keeper, Thomas Jackfon, iool. Clerks 50I. each. GBell,E/i«/Falmouth,|2ol Intteflorc r.f . , r- ■ InfpeSlors of the Carriers, Coachm. and Watermen , c 2 1 And. Hood, And. Rhoden, ^h-Frayer, Ch.Saverland U I Y A// P (Vz> rr y%mj* m -L T T ► 50I. each. Aith.Frayer, Ch.Saverland j.Langton, R. Arbuthnot, , S)X Meffengers , at i 2 sWeek , eo. 1 loore, Jo. Cooper,; Houfe-keeper, John Starr, 50I. each. [Mrs. Braund, 40). Abingdon Annan Apple by Afhburton ^. W111IJC Attleborough Caxton Barnard'sCaiUc Chatham Cambridge Campden Canterbury Carli/le Barnet Bjrnfley Bath B^wtry BeccJes Beconsfield B rmingham Bifcefler Chelmsf rd Chertfey Chefter ChefterfiJd Godftone Grantham Gravefend Grays Guildford Halifax ) 1 ' ^ ,o a,d f -“> «w,i Dirking Darlington Da rtford Da vent y Deal, Derby Doi.cafler nantax D.verDunftable Ham in Surry Droitwich HamptonCourt umfries. HamptonTown Ch, nn x,~ ?" fham , HamwickSurry C&; / f ° n | a * n * woM Hanworth.Mii Chorley, Lane. Eait-Crinftead Henlev A^den S'"’"' 1 " '-Jaremont Ether, (Surrey i Hefrfnrt Bradford, York Cobham Exe.er Bridgewater Cocke r mouth Farringdon Howden^ ^ Britlol Colrhefter Feriybridgc Hu-hottC 1) Brough CoJefworth Fe*eriham Huil ^ ^ ter - Stir" 1 »>»■■**>» BurjSt. Edmd. Cr.j*,,, Clouccfci ipf£L'h°“ lit* fc 3 Between London and any Place above So Miles diftant, ^ within the Kingdom of England, and Town of Ber- L A wick upon Tweed J ^ SCOTLAND. Between London ^Edinburgh .Dumfries ,tsnACcckburnft, e tb 6 Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland not. ex- 7 ceeding 50 Er.gli/k Miles diftant f a Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland above 50 7 Englijh Miles diftant, and not exceeding So Miles f 5 Between Edinburgh and any Place in Scotland above 80 J : in ocouar.a above 550 7 1 75 • i» r* J Ertglijh Miles diftant BctvfccnDouacbadcein Ireland ^i\x\ Port-Patrick in Scot- land, for Pert of a!l Letters and Packets (over and above he In! and Rates) to be paid at the Place where fuch Letters or Packets are put in IRELAND. Between London and Dublin Between Dublin and any Place in Ireland, not exceeding ? 40 Engli/h Mi’es diftant — £ l — 6 Between Dublin and any Pkce in Ireland above ecErp - '? I’ffi Miles u flant — ' £ is: Tl itfle lx if pyR ifce V n, cite* ft Pic. Ilbeo fort litkin >& or fro Crrtz, r:ta Iff. “F r u 1 J Pence. - iz 18 „ - r 3 .3 CONTINENT of AMERICA. Between l.o'*do n and New Tcrk _ Between London an d the H'eftlndiej _ r . ® YE dnd CRQSS ROADS. '?? P ° r ' of a!1 Bve and Crots Road Letters and Packets conveve j by Port within HisMajefty’.Domiilions, the fameRatw Jn Proportion to the Diftances, as the Letters to and fl,! ?! ’ from $/ n i fr ? m Ed,nb “’gl>, to and from Dublin , and to and ^ “YBTp '17 "fp'tiivo" For the Port of every Letter or Packet of Letters diretfed i; d above^the rT’ Tf b ° ard ° f £ " y Ship) ° ne Pefin y- over ' ? b0 ' e the Rates before-mei tioned. 1 •ef?eHr? ePUt A Po V, mafterS in Great Britain and Ireland art dl- efled to pay One Penny for every Letter or Packet that may e delivered to them from Parts beyond the Seas, upon a -r/ !.« VcSf' in7capSm' “°**>“*"* 1 » Name of The toll Inland Portage of all Letters and Packets dire died re puna 0 • S t'” PS ’- ^ V A a ‘ d at the Poil ' 0fr,ce where they r P,i ? » t0ge:n f W1 th One Penny, for every fuch L-tte? P^£S! above thc faid Po ^ e £ P E N N Y - p o S T. •tortne Port of every Letter or Packet parting or rename if,' C ‘ b i eS . of Lo ” d ™ or Wefiminjhr, the* B .rou^h „ f m . • and’ a a ?e?!| ,r u UbUrbS,0ne Pen " y ’ upon f' utti ng >n the m. , and a Second Penny, upon the Delivery of f, K h as am I iS *5 h cp many 8 ujjia t nd or om London to or from any Part of Italy, Sicily -v Turkey Switzerland, Denmark, 'Sweden, I • r ^ n< V P> rl5 tif the Ncrth, througn Hoi- f r Flanders _ __ \ M • a, C 1 34 ] All Double, Trebb, and o'htr Letters whatever (except b 1 the Penny Portj pay in Proportion to the rcfpe&ive Rates o Single Letters before fpecified $ as a!fo Packets of Writs', Deeds, or other Things, chargeable by Weight, piy alter th! Rate of Four fingle Letters for every Ounce Wright. Letters and Packets from any *Part of Great Britain or Ireland, fer any of the Places before-mentioned beyond the *Seas, are b.fides the fa id Foreign Rite?, to pay, upon putting in, alio the full Inland-Port to London, Without which ihfy cannot be forwarded. All Merchants Accounts not exceeding one Sheet of Paper, and all Bills of Exchange, Invoices, and Bills of Lading to and from any Parts or Places, not within His Majefh’s Domini- ons ; and the Covers of Letters to or from Turkey, no' ex- ceeding one Quarter of a Sheet of Paper, are allowed to pafs without Rate or Payment of the Foreign Portage j but mull pay the full Inland Port to and frem London . Letters to all Parts of Europe ate difpatched from I or. don every Tuefdzy and Fridays except to Portugal by the Lisbon Mails, on Turf days only. No Letters containing Money or Rings can be forwarded by the Port. Trevor 7 r> a a r> * Hyde. 5 P° ft marter-General. tor? I &or J I l$an Willi* lu Stamp Duties. 1694. [Stamp-Office, Lbicoln's-Inn .] Commiffioners , (5) J OHN Barnard, Sir James Calder, Bart. Ed. Tucker, Mar.Gwynne, James Bindley, Efqs . 500I. Sec . John Brettell ,Efq\ 200I Joint Receiver General , John Kenrick, Chrift. Rigby, Efqs . 600I. Comptroller , Morgan Vane, Efq\ 400I. Secretary's Clerks , George Scott, 130I. Char. Edw. Beresford, 70I William Gregfon, 60I. Humphry Haydon, 60I ..'JThomas Brown, 50I. Receiver General's Clerks , George Cokman, 140I. Francis Fludyer, 60 1. James Dugdale, 60I. Nicholas Crowdfon, 50L Comptroller's Clerks . William Jam. Puller, iool. John Harris, John Lloyd, George Longcroft, 60I. Accomptant Clerk , Benj. Radcliffe, 100 1 . Affiant, William Griffin, 50I. Solicitor , Thomas Auguftui Cruwys, Elq; iool. Clerk of the Securities , James Royer, iool. Regift er and Comptroller ■ Cj the Apprentice Duty, J. Bennett, 1 50I. HisClcrk f A . Mackenzie, 50] Gttib } (t/lam Worth, I Geo. V ( Ifjl&nt facb ) InfJi' perdu Tho. Lc John La h/jtdt fcmud 1 Afyvi r r^ncis E xpfrvifi fViUiam Com! \ TOhn Co J Tho.N f aibin. Te Noth _ [ *35 ] Entering. Clerk, George Raynoldfon, 30/ Regijier of Warrants, George Wingfield,^/?} 140] Affiant , H. Catten, 30. Teller of Stamps, William Wright, iool. Affiant , JofiasDugdale, 50I . Ware home keeper of unftampt Goods, Robert Craig, 70I. Affiant, John Hunt, 50I. War eh. keeper of fiamptGoods 3 eo. Whatley, E(qj rod. . Infant , Geo. Brooke, tool acker, Charles Hudfon,5o] nfp eClors of Courts and Cor - porations hi the Country, 1 ho. London, ] ho. Jones, ohn Lawrence, iool. each lnfpettor of ditto in Town, arnuel Roycroft, 100L 'fift ant, T .Col ebro oke, -0] Pet Rail lane, 7 ol Difiributor for London, rancis Blakifton, 50I. cpervifor of the Stampers, William Allen, tool. Want to ditto? \v Ilham Leaper, id. Ditto as a Stamper, 50 1 +° ' S *ampers, 50I. each. 3 Sollmg-prefs Printers, S5 1 7 j/P £rs °f faper, and 2 Wet ter s of ditto, 50I. each i Watchmen, 30I. each Dill-man, Jodas Dugdale col Chamber-keep. R.King, +Q R fter, Fran c i sMol 1 i ion ,40 Mejfen. G. Raynoldfon, 30 tnfering Clk of Cards & Dice, John George, 50I. 8 Surveyors to ditto; 45I ‘ barker op Dice & Engraver, Thomas Major, 50I Regiferaf Pamphlets, Robert Harris, 80I Affifant, Thomas Cuff, 10I Wine Licence Branch, solicitor, Alex.Baillie, 60I. Regifer, W m Ainflie, iool Gferk , William Bennet,i 0 ol Four Injfeaors, 50I. each. I ho. Newey, Daniel Cafs, John Sherrat, Tho. Howfe. Hockney Coaches and Chairs. (Surry-ftreet) rn f"#r( 5 ) 1 5ol. I Solicitor, John P ye L] tiSS; xfu&.n ithan. Templeman, Efqrs. > Rdia*uer t 10. Nuttall, EfqjOll. ’etary, John Sarnay, Sol ay Mejfc tigers^ Ef^vv. Dickenfon, David Dalton. Anthony Cr, /by, 40 1. each’ street -keepers, 3 3 1. each. John Baud, Edward Leek. Ha^erTffa ^eetiurs Ojfice. ^Cray's-I^T ^ :m>vt/7i -ins** /. \ _ ' Commijjiimrs (*) AMES Turner, Eiq. Harry. John/on, E:q; u-ks Martin, Efq,- iool Comptroller , Wi liam Bnmmell, Efq; rod fP r ,‘ Rich.Tucker, Efqjiool. ■Solicitor , Ant. Cracherode, col. M z [ 1 36 ] Chief Clerk, T h. Jones ,jun. 50!. Second C/Ifr/^WmHemans, 50! Riding Survey o r s, lool each Hu^h Meredith. Jcfeph Burt, William Smith, JohnFenwick , 1 nTidy ,Geo WcodwardGrove, Rob. Alnwick, Wm.GwilJim, John Hewit{, Jofeph Elliot, Super nu. Rd Wctherelt, I col. Surveyors in London and 10 Milts adjacent, 50! each Edward Twift, Richard Ham. Richard Pugh Jcihn Ledgelly, Hoitfekeepit , ]n Noldrett. 30I A List of the PEERS of Scotland, The Sixteen Peers mark'd thus * are defied to represent the Scots Peerage in the TIoufe of Lords . Peers cf England dkewje. § Irirti Peer. || Minors . ± Roman Catholic# Sons a' C Members of tkejiouje of Commons, DUKES of the Blood Roval 3. 1762 Rcthfay ||f George Auguftus, Prince of Wales i~ 6 o Albany ^ Edward Auguflus, Duke of York 1764 EJinbuigh f William Ihmy, Duke of Ghucefier DUKES* Great. 7 ule . Jvctmei. Eldeft Sons. 1643 Amilton || J-Geo.JamesHamiltonM. 0/ CJydfdate 1673 o Bucclugh||t Henry Scot 267 Lenox Charles Lenox l684Gcrdon l684Qiieenfbury 1703 A’gyll l703Athell iyoyMcntrofe 2 707 Roxburgh E. of Dalkeith E. of Darnly M . rf Huntley M .of Drumlonrig M. of Lorn c M. of Yu Hi bar din M. f Graham M. f Beaumont i694Tweedale 1 70 j Lcthian 1701 AnnandaJe L. Tcfer E. of Aricr dm j 39oCraw'ford 1 452 Errol i457Sutherland 2 45 7 Rothes i45;Morton 24s7Monteith 1 4.69 Buc. 1 . an 148^ Glencairn Captain in 89th Foot Alexander Go; don* f Charles Douglas * John Campbell 6 Jorm Murray J William Graham j John Ker JMAKOUISSES 3 HJ.'hn Hay Wiliiam Henry Kerr G VaudenBempJ'JmlLL. Jdunfon EARLS 49. George Crawfo;d V . Gar-n^ck James Hay Lord Hay * William Sutherland L. Strathndvern •John Lefiey L Lefiey * •James Douglas, PRS. L. Jlb^rdour f • — Graham dfputaile Henrv David Erfkine * Cardrojs y L.L.D, Wiil ; amConingham h L. Kilmaurs b Col. of the Scots Gieys, and a Lieut. 163 m fiil ifyTn ifylUr 1646D f i^Scili %Nor 163 1 Bale 166 1 Abe 1669D1K 16 JiAk i6S6Dun i6950rk %Mar %Mir UciHvq ^703 Rof J7^3 Gia Gen* *. c Coi. of 14th Reg. of Drag, and a Major Gen. c Enfiyn in Foot Guards. 'A Cnmmitfioner of Police. s Lieute- nant in 3*d Reg. Feet. h A Lieut, Col.ugon Half Pay. j A Ld. wjtk p r cixoo- Air fcsn-btr. Uaiiijl, Gy{ Create Tit i5°3Eglmton 1 Jc^Calfils 1 5 <;6Caithnefs i : 61 Moray j 604 Home i6o^Wigton iGobStrathmore i6o6Abercorn i6i9Kelly 16 1 9 Haddington 1 623 Galloway 1623 Lauderdale 1 63 3 Loudon 163 jKinnoul , x ltvIII 3 * ] Names . *John Stewart James Hope 1 FRS Charles Collier Henry Scot VISCOUNTS Lucius Carey • David Murray John Arbuthnot Macgill 6 . Fldeft Sons. L. Mount ^ flaw art L. Hope V. M i!Jing! nn V. Hermitage 1424 1436 * 43 6 1436 1436 *436 J488 1488 • 1 5 P 9 J509 1509 J 563 1 6gi j6g6 1609 1627 1627 16. 8 1628 1655 j 6 j 3 1642 1643 1647 1648 >650 X65I Borthwick Forbes Saltoun Gray Cathcart Somerville Sempill Mordington Elphinfton Oliphant Rofs Torphichen Lindores Blantyre Cranfhmn Nap ; er Fairfax Rae 4 - Afton K rl udbrjght Foirefter BamfF Elibank Hilkertoun B< lhaven Rollo Col vi 11 Charles Ingtarh t Thomas Oiborne BARONS 32. Borthwick James Forbes, Lt*Gov.of Ft* WUH^na George Frafer Charles Gray * Charle7 Cathcart ra James Somervill n Hugh Sempill -- Douglas 0 Charles Elphinfton David Oliphant ■ Reis James Sandilands Alex.Lefley, CoJ. of 41 Reg. of Foot William Stewart, in the DutchService James Cranftoun * Francis Napier P Henry Faiifax Donald Mack ay Walter Afton Will. am Madellan Lady Forreftcr William O^iJvy Patrick Murray William Falconer James Hamilton Andrew Rbllo ^ „ Alrx. ColviJl, Rear Adm.of theWhite J A Comn.iffioner of forfeited Eftates. m Fii ft Commif- fioner of Po'ice. D Com. Fi/h. & Police, and of forfeited Eftate - . * This Title is now in Abeyance between Alary & ‘ ambeier.a Daughters of George Jare Ld. of Aiordin%ton % A CcmmiiTiofl’trdf F'Jice % q Ranks ds -a Coi. in the Arfoy* ] >*» * i6ti h i636 Si 1687 D 1687 Pr Sii m l: ^4 Bj I6C7 B-: ,6 33 pi 16 0 D 1680 K H i 1651 Rutbven 1660 Newark 1660 Rutherford 1661 Belienden 1682 Kinnard C 1 39 ] James Rutbven William Lefley fl c ?' Rutherford, Lieut, in the Navv jjohn Belienden - Charl s Kinnaird PEERS attainted. EARLS 17 . ofthStfp^^veTr'rrs'bTheT^ * D ^ 't 1U r ‘ r . r a fie four marked + were beheaded J hefe two were killed upon the Field of Battle* in Arm*! Eideft Sons, — r icju ox . Created. Title. Ndmei °f [ h °f who V/btn win** r j • + *% J /* r *455 Marftal *457 Mar *‘.&i Nithfdale 1600 Winton forfeited. George Keith c John Erfkine W]Ji am Maxwell George Seton - Vi1 1 L vciDn IS® hinlithgow George Ltvingfton Ad f Cr r h u J*™" Dcu ™™°nd *623 Seaforth ”' ,B * a 63 3 Wemys *633 Southe/k *6 39 Airly, J ^39 Carnwath 1646 Fan mu re 60 M.ddleton f r f 1715 * 7<5 l 7 f 5 * 7*5 1715 L. L. Enkfne L. Maxwell L Setcn L. Levingfton J — ~ w ~.'.gj* V rw 1695 Drummond. e_. ... isrummi Wiiham Mackenzie 17 15 L. Fortrofe DjViH \*T.*t**,~ * _ r r- , , ^ David Wemys * Jamei Carnepy J'me? Ogilvy * Robert Diizell James Maul Cha-les Middleton toe 1 Kilmarnock William Boyd + ,6 *S Melford John Drummond 1702 Cromertie George Mackenzie, 745 L. Molleod VISCOUNTS r , ?33 Kfnmurc William Gordon f William Levingftcn Wm. Drummond J John Graham J Graham barons 7 , John Sinclair * Simon Frafer f m/mrj Arthur Elphinfton f 174^ Robert Balfour 1715 Alexander Forbes 1 745; Kenneth Sutherland 1715 c William Nairn *715 t In theKirtg of Prvjp.a's Service, and Governor of Nevfcba- in Switzerland^ “ Created LzilPanaure of Form in Ireland, 1661 Ki fyth i 636 Strathalkn 1687 Dundee 1687 Preiion r 4$9 Sinclair 55°9 kovat 604 Balmerino 607 Burleigh 633 Pltfligo 6 0 Duffus 680 Nairn *745 L ‘ Elcbo 1715 L - Carnegy 1725 L. Ogilvy 1715 L - Dalzell 17 1 5 L. Maul" 169^ L. Clairmdnt 1745 L- 1 69 5 L. 1715 * 7 * 5 1^5 1689 1690 * 7*5 *745 C HO J The OFFICERS of STATE. deeper of the Great Seal . r General of the Mint, E. of Marchmon', 3000] a Y. 1 Alexinder Frafer, Lord Lord Privy Seat . I Stricken, 3C0I. a Y. *Right Hon. James Stewart' Mailer of the Mint. Mackenzie, 3000I Lord Regift tr James, Far l of Morton, 2000 / Lord Vice - Admiral . John Earl of Hy oeford , 1 000 1 Lord Juft ice General , Duke of Queenfbeiry, 2000J. Ld.Preft .of the Court ofSeJJicn. Robert Dundafs, Efq; 130CI Chief Baron of the Exchequer . Robert Ord, Efq; FRS. 2000I. Lord Advocate . ^-Thomas Miller, Efq; 1000J ' Lord Juft ice Clerk . Sir Gilbert Elliot, Bart. 500I. Auditor Gen . of the Revenues , ;< Andrew Fletcher, jun. of Saltoun, Efq. 1200 ]. Clerk of the Pipe, John Steuart, Efq; 200I Governor of the Royal Bank of Scotland, John Edwards, Efq; Cov.cf tbeBankof Edinburgh, George Mackay, Efq; 200 / Nine Commifti oners of the Police. Charles, Lord Cathcart, 2000I John Earl of Hyndford Alexander Earloi Calloway James Lord Somerville Francis Lord Napier Sholto, Lord Abcrdour, 800 I. £dGeo.Hay , S/rRob.Menzies, Alex. Frafer, Jun. -E/y; 400I. Truftees for encourag. Fifth, and AlanuJ 'azures in Scot’and, Earl of Findlater, Lords Cathcart. Somerville. Secretary. Arch. Hope, Efq; Lords, Prefident , Juftice CUtk, and Chief Baron, Lords, Milton, Minto, Baron Maule, Lord Kaiins, Ba or Mure, ’•Ch. Hope Weir, DavidKinlock George Diummmd, George Clerk Maxwell, John Mackenzie, james Fergufone, Efqs; Commijionertfov managing the anxextd forfeited Ef’ates /^Scotland Edriofhloxton, j E. 0/Tindiater, E.oJ Marchmont,2s.0/'Hopton, E. of f i r ;d later, lord Cathca/t, Lord Somerville, Lord P ref dent, Ld Chief Baron of theExcheq . andL.JuJtice Clerk, for the Time being. v: Charles Hope-Weiv, Efq; •’•Gilbert Elliot of M nto, EJq 5 George Drummond, Efq: Manifidd Cardonnel, Bar ons of Exchequer ~ Andrew Fletcher of Milton, John Maule, Wm. Grant of Preftongrange *Rob. Dundafs^Arnifion Adv. for Scotland & for Time being CommanderinChieffor Tim: being '••James Ofwald, EJq ? Andrew Mitchell, Ejq} j Alexander le Grand, [ Jofeph Tudor, Efqs, r ] A List of IRISH PEERS. t Peers of Or. Britain. $£ PrivyCounfellnrs in this Kingdom* || Roman Catb. * Minors . Memo, of the Briti/h lira ft of Com* J T T 1 SExcellcncy Hugh Earl of Northumberland, Ld Lieut. jTj^ Right Hon John, Lord Bowes, Lord High Chancellor LEERS of the Blood Royal, 3. 1762 t His Royal H’ghnefs, George, Earl of CarricJc. 1760 t His R°yal H.thnefs, Edward, Earl of Ulfter 1764 J His R* yal Highnels, Wm. Henry, E. of Connaught Creation. Title. Names. Eld eft Sons. Marquis i. 176 1 ^Kildare! Ja Fitz-Gcrald L. OJfaley EaRLS 55. July T i 543 Clanricarde thD.Bingh ^ j} un kdlyn* Sep. 6 16 16 Caftlehaven J John Tuchet L, Drier 05?. 26 1620 Cork and Orrery J Edmund Bovle V .Dung.irvan Dec, 12 1620 ^Antrim Al.MacDonnell V. Deniuce Sep, 4 1621 i^Weftmeath Thomas Nugent L. Dehtn ‘ “ * Rob. D.llon b L. Kilkenny -Weft JBadl Fielding V. Gallan Edward Braba- zon c * Rich Barry V. Buttcyanl Ar, f 8 . Plunkett V. Killeen Ar.ChichefterLLD V. Cbicbefer Ford Lambert L. Lambert W.OBrien,K BL. OBnen Cha-Hen.CooteV. Coo'e Charles Moore d V. Moore 1 jj’Geo. Ta botL. Talbot Gcor.:e Forbes L. Forbes e Richard Coot'* L. Col loony GodartGinhelPL Agbnm ^tGeFirr-WmV Miitmvn John yillier- L. Villi er* • Francis-Tho. y Cia7! . Mil:lrilt Fitz-Maurice J John Bligh L Clifton Aug, 5 1622 Rofcommon N&v.zz i622 Defmond Apr. 16 1627 Meath Feb. 28 1627 Barrymore Sefitg 26 1628 Fin al Mar.^o 1647 Donegal ■ 30 1647 Cavan 1660 ^Inchiquin S p. 6 1660 ^kMountrath J june 14. 166 1 ^Drogheda • j66i Waterford Der. ^o 1684 ^Granard A >V Pp -rr*,/*) c 1 , 3 ? y 5 f B « ft °rough JW’m.Ponfoni-.y V. Duncanr.on •••Rnlj.h Verney V. Fermanagh •■•WiJIiamMauIe V. Maule W,ll amStcwart V. Mount joy Gro. Bi resford L .Btretf 0 ,d Somerfet - Ha *., niilton RutJer V- lktrnn /M iAW, 6 03. 6 7 May 2 7 >8 * ' ufcil J 7$2 Vermy,FR S. J'43 Panmure j 745 ^BJefnton J746 Tyrone 0<9. 3 * / :> * v ppcr-uii< ^’26 I 753 ^helburne June > nei o I748^earrick nnJtoo ButJer T " J * crflfi Bec ‘ J 7 *7JoMalton FRS JCbar.Watfon- ’ • Wentworth Malt on 3 I 75 I ttfHi]]fl>;irough tWilhH 11 FRSV K 7 h„„ u \zizr° iTor > S’j2£r t William Petty VFiiK-Mauric. ’•-$» u“(T' . “-Sl'ffl-Con L. £«,/ijL. t , ' U cfanS^’ ST USh ^ Um r ButJtr 4 1 7^6 ARM ? Jam. Hamilton * V. Limerick 7j belvedere Rob. RocJifort* V. Btlfidd 1 7 5 6 Thom, nd • ‘Percy Wyndam . . . >6- I7CSW- r , ° brien L lBr,cka » Ilk v - ^Pr.tzo \l% th .T - Ben ™f Ham L. < 76 . Ty/connel >C.o, e c C.rpe„ K ,V & .W^ JnRawdon, FRS.L. Ra-wdon Arthur Gore V. Jimes Stopford V. A ? w ef ° n ’ V - M^rougb ' r J '-Robert Maxwell V Far*/, * 03obcr £* t)lerJob £h ‘‘-Robert Knight V. Barr?™ „„ V 63 i Ch s rl r o’ u RS rJ air T ? ulfield L - c * [l W * o 44 . Edmund Butler J Arthur Annefley * John Nttterville Robert Needham Joi n Bourke P . < r J Richard Lumley- Saunderfon 8 Chief' AC °“f miff ' 0f ,he Revenue * f A'iuficr M.fler Genual in IuCZl ° EXth ‘ “ Irdand ‘ - / - v w 1761 Tyrconnel Tf < ‘- *5 1761 Movra J?'** 17*2 &A'rran '762 Cuurtown ‘pul 1763 Milltcwn j 7 6 3 farnham Cd?. 23 1 5 50 Mountgatret War. 11 1621 Valentia ^ n { 3 1622 Nctrerville $*•! 18 162c Kilmcrey 1627 Mayo J 12 1628 Lu n ley J a b* 7 July 30 I Dec. 22 Ft*F 10 A-ug. 5 f*-" jar. 11 Jar. 19 7 »« 29 Mdr, 2 .ty Feb. 19 29 A% 1 5 Dec. 2 June z 3 J u fy 16 June 2^ A, g . xs Slug. 20 slug. 2 8 -^/>r 4 22 June 3 , 13 Se P - 14- Mar, j 2 July 12 July 17 Feb. 4 Apr. jo Sept. 30 Noii, JuJ 162S Strangford 162S Wenman i62STaaffe 1628 Molvneux 162S Fairfax m ] Philip Smyrhe s Philip Wenman || Nicholas Taaffe h || Richard Molyneux j|Charles- Gregory Fa : rfax n^..«i i v. 3 -vj;cg, ul y ia rrar 1 ® 2 9 ^ Fiu^William RichardFitz-Wd! amKB F.^Q 16^2 CnlLn PKorloc n^i 1701 1701 1703 Dec. March June 1642 Cullen 1642 Tracy 1643 Bulkeley 1646 Kingllanl 1661 Cholmondcley 1 5 80 Downe 1695 kiiburne H owe $*Strabane ^ ^Doneraile 1716 Molefworth 1177 Chetwynd 1717 Midleton 1717 Eoyne 1717 Allen 1718 Fane 1719 Grimflon 1720 Barrington 1720 Vane 1720 Gage 1722 Palmerfton 1725 Bateman 1*27 Galway 1743 Poyverfcourt 1746 Grandifon T75I Afhbrook 1755 ^Jocelyn 1756 ^Loftus 1756 t&C nvngham 1757 Ligonier Charles Cockayne William Tracy * James BulkeJey || Henry-Beneditt Barnevvall j George CholmondeJey ‘‘•John Dawney Wilmot Vaughan ^Richard Howe i t James Hamilton Hayes St. Leger # Richsrd NaiTau -Molefworth John Chetwynd ''•George Brodrick Frederick Hamilton '"Jo/hua Allen k Charles Fane, L. L. D. James Grim (Ion •■‘W. Wddman-Barrineton William Vane '••William-Hall Gage, FRS. '••Henry Temple >% John Bateman '’•William Monfton Richard Wingfield Elizabeth Mafon * W lliam Flower Robert Jocelyn Nicholas Loftus 1 '•‘Henry Conyngham t John Ligonier, K. B, m Thomas Taylor 1762 Headfort , xaj ^ 1763 Mount-Mories Harvey Morres BARONS 38. By K. Henry ,il. Kinfale John De Courcy By K.Heniyll. Howth Thomas St. Lawrence f Dean of Derry. * Col. of a Reg. in the Austrian Sen J A Captain in the Royal Navy. * Captain in 37th Re Trent of Foot. 1 Governor of the County of Wexford, j Co], of a Regiment of Mi.itia. ™ Com. in Chief and Fi Marihal of his Majetfy's Forces, and’ Col, of at xReg, of Guar May 6 i5S3Cah'er May 30 i62oMaynard 29 1620 Dig by 1621 Blayney 1624 Baltimore 1627 Leitr'na 1646 Hawley 1686 Bellcw July 29 Fib. 16 Juty 10 July 8 Otf. 29 on. 16 [ 144 ] II Jnmes Butler J Charle 1 Maynard ; ‘Henry Digby CadwaJIader Biayney Frederick Calvert X Bcnnet Shcrard Francis Hawley John Bellew jFrancis8eymotir-Conway,KG 1703 sfeConway ^ Jar. 10 i7c6^T)rawlyFRS James O Hara m May 9 1 7 1 s Carbrry George Evans 1 7 r 7 ftSouthwellFRS Thomas Southwell &/ Afr/y 1 1718 Aylmer Nov. 10 1733 Defart Avg.i^ 1746 Fortefeue Apr . 10 17^0 Knapton 14 175 1 ^tarysfort Afoy 30 1753 SfeMijtO/i 8 17 3 Pollington 1756 Longford i *&Bowes 1758 Branden 1758 L ; fle 17^8 Atmefley April Ju'y Aug. Aug. & u g* , Aug . 26 1760 Mount-Florence J* hn C< le Henry Aylmer n John Cufte Hugh Fortefcue-Aland ThomasVtley.Capt.zSR.Drag. '•■J. Im Proby, K. B. JJofcph Darner '•John Savile, K. Thomas Paketham J< hn Bowes 0 Maurice Cro/bie John Lyfagjit W/liiarn Anne/ley Aug z 6 1760 Mount-Eagle 28 1761 Winrertcn D*x. 1 Dec. 1 March May 2 April 1761 Coleraine 1761 Clive 1 762 Orwell 1762 Waltham 1763 Baltinglafs 1763 St George June 16 1764 Kingflon Gere — Kilworth John Browne -'•Edward Tumour •'•Gabriel Hanger •'•Robert Ciive, K.B. '' Francis Vernon *Drigue Boilers Olmius John Stratford Uiher St- George Edward King Ralph Gore Stephen Moore ™Col. of the Ccidftream Reg. of Guards,Gov. o f Portfmcuth, and a Fteld Mai/hal. of his Majefty’s Forces. n A Captain in the Roy>i Navy. Q L^rd Chanrellor of Ire/apd. *lbe ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS of li eland, together SXitb then fever at Pr motions and Tranjlatiovs. ARCHBISHOPS 4. f Killala 3751 Cary, dec. ^Rich.Robinfnn,DD. J Ferns 1759 S.-lmon. dec. primate of oil Ireland y Kildare 1761 Fletcher, tr ' * John Ryder, D. D. C Kill'aloe P * J£+ s »/ Connaught. J ^owne 1743 ReyLll, tr. B I H ±* I7 ’ i Hort, dec. The Bi/hops of Meath and Kidf ^ - lg * *uL^: Ctmich "'’{ *£{" Hit iZ'tX i Meath l7 .o i > • Charles Jackfon, D. D. f Leigh).* Ferns 176, dee * l Kildare k J 6 , * 0 °!»fon . „ _ _ f Killaloe !l.i* j^ohmfon, tt- Jemrnet Brown, D.D. j Dromore * Corke c ^ <-orke c WiUiam Barnard, D.D. $ Ra phoe ' l Derry t i-'erry Rd.Chenevix, D.D. £ ^illaloe v . /. W„terford <* . , *. rv-rertorc Nicholas Synge, D. D. fKiJlaloee Arthur Smyth, D. D. (^Jf John Garnet, D. D. $ E 7 n t r , „ C Clogher fames Leflie, D. D. Limerick 0 i7 ' c vichardPococke,LLD. OiTory, FRS. tv -6 ohn Craddock, D. D. Kilmore 7 7 } 7 Villiam Gore, D.D 5 Cionfert i 7 ,s ^ —a ^ Elphin jU, imuel Hutch;nfon,DD»KillaIia •> i ?5g *743 Ryder, tr. J 74S Fletcher, tr. *?4i Clayton, r r | 1 7+4 F orfter, dec > 740-7 Stone,^. 1 745 Brown tr. *745*6 Efte, <&<•. */45-6 Chenevi xtr. >7* Whetcorr.bcf Downes, tr. Downes, tr Clay ton. dee. Burlcough,753 *752 175 S *755 hurch, Dublin, i, annexed to?hk Vr c 7 r D ^ nr y»> Cbnji. I if mire is united to ly.uejwd. t-KHreiotl “T'u % * ri Names. Robert Johnson, BD. John Ofwjld, L L D. | -DemYonCumberl3nd > DD. Edward Voting, DD. ^ Hon. Henry Max well, DD, i Ktlmacduagb Sees. C loyne CJonfert Bromore Rapboe Clonfert 1 Dr.imorc Dates. *759 1762 1763 1763 1763 1763 Leigh]*# Ferns, 1 76 5 Bromoie 1765 is united to Clonfert. Tn room Stop/ord,*. G ire, r r , Marla y, Downes, 1 Ofwald, tr OfwaJd tr. Jzckfon tr. Young tr. Vrbicifai State Officers in Irkla.vd. Principal Secretary of State % ♦^Philip Tifda 1, Lfq; Secretaries to the lord Lieut. 1 ft Seer. Earl of Drogh-d:. 2 Seer. WiJliam Sr/ifth, Efq. Eight Aid d' Camps , Lt- Cote. CaJc raft, andSandford, Major Cunifighame Rochfor-d, Opts. Lafcclies, Pulleine, Opt. Mo>re, Lieut. Erfkine. LrJbr.Er/kincCi|>t. Pennington Cel. of tic Battle-axe Guards Efq. P ofl-Mafler. General \ ^Hon.Wm. Henry Fartefcue Chancery. Lord Hjgh Chancellor , $rJobo, Lo/d Bcwcs. Sec. John Smyth, Efq; Mafier of the Rolls , *jk >: Ri(hard Rigby, Efq; Judges of the King's Bench. $£ John Gore, Chief Juilice. Chriftopher Robinfon, Efqf William Scotr, Efq; Judges, of the, Common -Picas. tffcKich Clayt*n,Efq. Cb. Juft. Robert Marflial, Elq; Thomas Tenifon, Efq; Court of Exchequer. J^Ed.WiJles, Efq 5 Chief Baron .Richard Mountney, Efq* Arthur Dawfon, E% / Bird High Ttcajurer, Joint Vice •‘Trcajurers, ;' : Rob.Nugent,> : RichardR gby X J amec Ofwald. Efqrs; 2cooi d heir Deputy , Xathaniel Clement*, Efq; Chancellor of the Exchequer , ^RtHon.Wrr.Ger. Hamilton Auditor of the Exchequer , ^Vifcount Jocelyn Teller of the Exchequer f Sir Henry Cavendirti, Bart. Clerk of the Pells , Lord Holland. His Mkjefty's Counfcl at LaWi Prime Serjeant , « 3 r J°hn Hely Hutchinfon,Efq« AttorGencraJ, Phi] IpTifdaUEfqj Solicit. Gen. Marc. Pa ter fon,Ef. *d Serj. Ed w. Malone, Efc; y d S rj. J^mes Dennis, £fg; Commijfioners of the Revenue, *frRigbt Hon. John Ponfonby Hon. John Bourke, Arthur Trevor. ^Benjamin Burton, vSirRichard Cox, Bart. Hugh Valence J ones, Efq; Lord Newtown, 1000I a Year Secretary , John Hatch, Efq; Solicitor, Cha, Caldwall, Ef?j P liner pa l G'erks, FJon. ByiVe Mo'efworrh, •ackville Hamilton, Efqr^: lowmrffioTi. of P cvetnte * Apfeali f | Rob.Fitz geiald, fames Shici # S?m. Lowd, Eiqr*; fa, 51 KTHS, MARRIAGES, amt ISSUES 07 the Sove- reign Polices of EUROPE , according to the New Style . Great Britain and Ireland. Chief Cities , London f Edinburgh anti Dublin. G EORGE III. King of Great Britain, France and Ireland , Sovereign of the Order of the Garter, Duke of prunfwick and Luncnburgh , Arch-Treafurer >1 lire Holy Roman Empiie, ami Piincc ELftor and So- ‘ereign of the molt noble Orderof the Garter b. 4 June 1738, proclaimed KingO< 2 . 26, 1 76c. —Married S Sept . 17^1 o his Charlotte , Prfs. of M cchlenburgh Strelitx, b. 19 May, 1744. Their Ma jellies were crowned 22 Sept 1761. Their Majeiticsldue : 1 .George- Aztguflus- Frederick , P; i Wales, b Aug. 12, 1762. 2. Frederick , Bifiiop o iOfna* > rugh, b. /\ug. 16, 1763, ele£led B iliop in 1764. Her Royal Highnefs Akgiijln (of Saxe-Gotba) Prineef* Dowager of Wales , born 30 Nov . 1719. Her I flue by the late Prince of Wales f 1 Her Royal Highnefs Augujla , Hereditary Princefe of Irunjhuick, born 11 Aug. 1737 married Jan. t 6, 1764, o bis Serene Highnefs Charles William Ferdinand 9 Hei c- litary Prince of Brunfwick Lunenburg/:. See Page 15.2. 2 His prelent Majesty. 3 P. Edzv. Aug. D. of York, K.G. bo. 25 Mar. 1739. 4 Prince William Henry , Duke of Gluuccjler and Edinburgh , K.G. born 25 Nov. 1^4:. 5 Prince Henry Frederick, 7 Nov* 174,-. 6 Princefs Leu if a Anne , 19 March 1749. 7 Pr. Frederick William, 24 Mav 1750. S Princefs Caroline Matilda, 22 Ji'/y 1751. con* . a&ed in Marriage to Chrifiian Pr. Royal of Denmark li 3 late MajeftyV Iffue by Queen Caroline , now living, 1 Princefs Amelia Sophia, 10 June 1711. 2 Prince William D. of Cumberland, 26 Ap. 1721. K.G. 3 Princefs Mary , 5 Mar. 1724, married to the Pr. r HejJe July 19, 1740. ' France. Chief City , Fans . Catholick. Lewis XV. K. of France and Navarre, bom 15 Feb. . r • ™*:S$°' D * 1 3 >»# 1747 to the Prince/ s' w"? ^ ’ 72, ->> Carrie » Mar/e AA/W^, Madam^ rf 2^* df Pol *»‘C ' Lrr ™. n * arul ■&?/-, h. 23 March °i , * 7 '' / Duc Ms c 3 **&«•/* Uuifa Marian b *' n%t 4 P!nhppi n ?% “ y’fi*’ , b * 1 1 A/ ^ ' 733 * 3 CW4fiVJv^c^nr^7^T' ,b0rn ’ 7No ' j 7SS' •K nt. of the Spanifh n.X * born 9 , 7 „ 5 'T ■ 7 4 - a Wul.-vwer, but Ji e has j/r lcans ’ b. 12 Afizy i 72 . 13 ^ r// ‘747 5 2 A Daughter’ b Q '%* f* Chartres > b. lias W U =, ,X^ n L SS . eiV,r t’ - s cl 1/ ^ h 'T, b. 5 k S| f“* S > b - " ^ i w - 7 oo. 15 ^•* 7 . 7 . r O«M Prior of /&,£““ **■* h- ■! Marche, b. sSept!^^ ‘£ B ™ rl *» Conty , Count dt l a mar thePris . n ‘ m t,le fwi K.Ser- 7 Lezo ^ Charles i/e Bourbon Ceum fl° f f?°‘ ,e/,a > >758- Alexander, Pi ince’ l/wT’ but ha « ^e, , Z^-tr *«► *H7. .A I dec* I arriei w 73 * 754 * 75 * 7i* ft f 149 3 Spain. Chief City , Madrid. Catholick , Charles III. KL. of Spain, born 20 Jan. j 7 1 'Sj His I flue by his late Queen, are 1 Maria Jofepha, b. 16 July 1744. 2 Maria Louifa, born 24 Nov. 1745. Whirried 16 Feb 1764, to tlie Archduke Leopold of Aujlria. 3 Philip Anthony , Duke of Calabria , 1 3 June 1 747 . declar'd incapable of lucceeding to the Throne, on Ac- count of an invincible Weaknels of Underftanding. 4 Charles. An fhojiy, Pr. of AJiurias, 1 1 Nov. 1748. mr. to Louifa Maria Therefa, Pifs. of F arena, b. 9 Dec. 1751. 5 Ferdinand , King of Naples , born 12 Jan. 1751. 6 Gabriel Anthony, born 1 2 May 1752. 7 Anthony Pafcall, b. 31 Dec. 1755. 8 Francis Xavier, born 17 Feb. 1757. Q. Dowag. Eliz.Farnefe, of the Houle of Parma , born 4 5 Oil . 1692. HerlfTue are, 1 HisMajefty Charles III. 2 Do/: Philip. See Italy . 3 Don Leans, Infant, born 24 July 1727, 4 Donna Maria Antonictta, Infanta, horn 17 AW. 1729; mar. 12 April 1750, to Vidor Arne Maria Duke of Savoy. Portugal. Chief City, Lisbon . Catholick. Don Jofeph, K. of Portugal, born 6 June 1714; his Queen , Mary Ann ViFloria, Infanta of Spain, born u March 1718. Their Iftue, 1 Donna Maria Frances, Prfs. of Brazil, 17 Dec. T774. named (1760) to her Uncle, Don Pedro, by whom fhe las Ifltie the Prince of Beira, born 19 Augujl, 1761. 2 Donna Marianna Ann, 4 Old. 1736.' 3 Donna MariaDorothea, 21 Sept. 1739. 4 Donna Maria Bcnedicla, 24 July 1746. Unde to the K. of Portugal, Don Emanuel, 3 Aug. 1697. DonPedro , (Bro.to the K.) borh 5 July 1717. F.R.S*. narried his Niece the Princefs of Brazil, 1760. Denmark and Norway. Tuiheran. ChieJ Cities, Copenhagen and Drantheim. Frederick V. Kingof Denmark, b. 31 Mar. 1723. 4is 1 flue by his fir ft Queefi, Louifa of England, are, 1 Princefs Sophia Magdalen, born 3 July, 1746, xWilhilmina Carolina > bom 10 July, 1C47, Married n 3 ‘ ; . 0 L 1,0 J , ° e * "//’!' T 7 6 +> ta William Count of Hanau, eKIcfl S I the Prmce ot Heje Cajfel. 6 1 3 Prince CbriJUan, b. 2 bn , 4 %i 7 ie,ma. 1 ?>£y 1 744 , toLouifavfriu 3,1 hitter to the King of b. 24 >/,• I720 \ S&? tafifc g*«£* 4**K.W p. ror, J, cw licit deft J. jotor he lu Jkn M Sc uiif'U R M ANY. LhieJ Refidcnce 7j the Emperor Vienna. (Catli ) hr 8 £» A - N C 1 V S T E P H . EN > Grand D - of Tufeany, FRS. O lieu I7 ° 8 ’ ,T ] a 'T d } rFeb ' 1736 to Maria Therefa Q^_ ungary and Bohemia, br 1 3 May i 7 j 7 andele&ed Emperor of Germany , 13 of Sept. 174..- Their tir.. ,Myy Am. b. «&. 5 , 7! 8 Ll g&J b. 3 March, 1741, cro. K. of the W Apnl , "if' M10 by the late Prft.of AvwahadaDa. b. 20 if/lr \,Z,’ Thereja.Eli*abeth ) Mar. ,5 * 7 6 5 , t0 Sift, to the Elector of Bavaria. — 3 ^Mar'ia Ch ijhana, 1 3 A% ,742.-4 Mary Elizabeth, 1 3 ^2 l7 " ~ 5 Marta Amelia, 2 7 i 74 6 .—6 Peter Leopold, 5 5 S& in Q neraJ anda Col. ’J F % in th€ Ruffian Sei v. in. 16 Feb. 1764, to the Prmr^fe a t lo.te Louifa, jjAug. *753 - — Ferdinand Charles Antoine :; ^r 754 Col °, aReg. ofCnirafliers.-, 0 M«r/ J«S ettc f } bb>v ’ 1 755- — > 1 Maxim. Francis, ^Dec. s 7 rS Prince Charles of Lorrain, Brother to the Emperor, b 12 Z^c. 1712, Gov.-Gen. of the AuflrianNetherlands Rd Grand Matter of the Teutonick Order. >753: and I Elefl. fatine hlb a Son, I Prts, Sifter 1 Bnoi Joftpt I Mar^ ! to the 1 and £ 6K. An : rei^ni; An I Pr.b.i cemm; Ax 1 :lt$ ted Side 70f igof SU2 ror > C 15* 1 Pnncefs Charlotte, b. 17 May 1714. Sifter to the Empe- r r Abbefs of the Nunnery of Remiremont in Lorrai/i Electors. 7 he 3 Ecclefiafiical Eleflors, called E/e floral Highnejes and 6 Secular ones, filled mofiferene Elefloral Highnejfes • 1 1 W. Emerick Jofiph t Baron Briedback of Burrijbeim, elected, Eleaor of Mentz, 5 July, 1763. * Maximilian Frederick de Konigfe^g Rothenfels, born 3 May 1708, elefted Abp and Eka. of Cologn,Apt\h , 1 7 6r, eleaed Bdhop of Munfier, 1763. . 3 J°h>i Philip, Baron de Walderfdorff, eleaed Coad- jutor to his Predecefl'or in i 755 , upon whofe Death he lucceeded as Eleaor and Archbifhop of Treves, 18 January , 1756, h. 26 May 1701. He was elected Pr# Bp. of ll r orms 20 June 1763. Secular : i Maria Therefa, Queen of Bohemia . — 2 Augufius Jofeph, Eleaor and Duke of Saxony, b. 23 Dec. J750, under the Regency of his Mother the Elearefs, and Prince Xavier of Saxony. — 3 Charles Frederick , Eleaor and Marquis of Brandenburg. See PruJ/ia. —4 Cka. Theodore D. of Newburgh Sultzbach, Elea. Pa- latine, br. 1 1 Dec. 1 724, married in 1 742, to Mary Eliza- beth of Sultzbach, bn 17 Jan. 1721, by whom file has a Son, bn 6 July 1 7 6 1 5 Maximil. Jofe'ph, D . and Elea, of Bavaria, born 28 Mar. 1727, mar. 8 July I747, to the Prfs. Mary Ann of Poland, bn 29 Aug. 1728. He has 3. Sifters, the eldeft Mary Antoniett a, bom 19 July, , 7a4 ys now Elearefs Dowager of Bavaria : the fecond Maria Jofepkd, born 7 Aug. 1734, efpouled 10 July 1755 to the Margrave of Baden-Baden ; the youngeft is Jofephina- Antonietta, bn 30 March, 1739, Mariied 15 Jan. 1765. to the King of the Romans . — The Eleaors Palatine and Bavaria are Catholicks. 6 K. George III. of Great Britain, &c.E\eR.of Hanover. Other Princes of the Empire not Electors. Anhalt-Bernburg. ( Calvinifi .) Viflor Frederic t reigning Pr. born 1700, a Gen. in the Prufiian Service. Anh alt-Coeth E N . ( Calvinifi)Charles-George,xt\ gn." Pr.b.15 ^g.1730. Pr .Fred. (hisBro.)a Brig. Gen. and commands a Corps in his Bro.Troops, bn 16 Ofl. 1737. A.1h al t-Des 5 av < ( Cal-v . ) Leopold Frederick Francis . . f l S 2 ] 7 4 °’ CoJ * in tI,e Service Hn 8 Aug. 1734, a General in the Auflrian Serf ice S an d iT Vrt ,l " k lm ' >wial Fonificati^of • His Sifter, tlie prelint Em, .refs of R„m a . £. f' s 11n , ,;’ 1 " e ;, bn '+>"• L707,fticceededhi3Bro. i 7 6j, Leopold « Luti°rZ \ * C “' ‘ 5 W "‘ F^mei.reignFn^Mar. fuiSe ,?* " fv 2 V 0 *' 7 28 ’ deeded totheMar- 3 G j n ' ^ Foot "' *h« Service of tiie Swtes Gen*’ Lba>/ej Aug ujjuj, (Unde to the Margr.) Field Mm-fhal of the Emp.on the Part ol theProteft^i w &al ^psmm SxP'^Ss^ *S!KS“; ®*» in lh ( e £jfa53E?* 10 01 I *5 3 ] hna Frederica Louifa , b. 3 Dee. 1764. — 2. Fred. Auguflus, born 29 Oclober , 1740, a Lieut. Gen. Gov. of Cu'flrin, & Col. of a Regiment of Foot in the Prufsian Service. — 3. H dliam- Adolphus, b. iS May, 1745, Col. of a Reg. in the Prufsian Service. — 4. Maximilian- Julius- Leopold, b. 10 03 . 1752 — And 5 Daughters. 1. Sophia- Carolina- Mari a yb. 8 03 .1737, widow to the lateMargrave of ttrau- denburgh-Bareilh. 2. Awe Amelia, b.240-7.1739, Duch. Dowager of Saxe Weimar. 3 . Elizabeth- Chriflina - Ulrica, b. 8 S'j-v . 1746. 4. Frederica-Wilhelminaf. 8 April 1 748. 5 -Auguf a- Dorothea, b. zOd. i 749. — Brothers and Sifters to the reigning Duke,— 1 Anthony Ulric , b. 28 Aug. 1714, mar. Anne, (Daughter of Char. Leopold, late D. of Mecklen- burg b Schzverin, ) once Regent of RuJJia, by whom he has Iilue, 2 Sons and 2 Daughters.— 2 Le-zvis Ernef, a Field i Marfhal in the Service of the States General, Guardian of I the Prince of Orange, and his Sifter, during their Mino- rities, and Governor of Bois-le-Duc, born 25 Sep. 1718.— 3 Ferdinand, General of Foot in the King of Pruffia's Ser- ' vice, Gov. of Magdeburg, one of the Canons of the Ca- thedral of that City, and Knight of the Garter, born 12 Jan. 1721— 4 Elifabetha Chriflina (Queen of PruJJia) b. N'j-u. 1715.-5 Louifa Amelia, (Widow of William Augufus, late Prince Royal of Pruffia ) born 29 Jan . 1722, —6 Sophia Antonietta (married to the Duke o fSaxeSaal- did) born 2 3 Jan. 1724. — 7 Chriflina Chariot ta Louifa , boin 30 No-v. 1726. — 8 llserefa Natalia (Canonefs cf Hcr-vorden) oorn 4 June 1728. — 9 Juliana Maria, (Q. of Denmark} born ^.Sept* 1729. — Coufins to the reigning | D. 1 Pr, Augufus Will. L. G. in the Prufjian Serv. and f Gov. of Stettin, b. 03 . io, 1715. — Pr. Fred. Geo. of | B event, Can. of Luheck, b. Mar. 24, 1723 3 Pr. Fred. r Cha . of Bevern, Maj.Gen. in the Prufsian Serv. and a Lt. Gen. in the Service of Denmark, b. Apr. 5, 1729. Saxe-Gotha. (Lutheran) Frederick 1 1 1 . D . of Saxe- Got ha, Knt. of the Gart. Bro. to the Prfs Dow. of Wales. bn 14 April 1699. His Confort. Louifa Dorothy of Saxe- Meininren, bn 10 Augujl 1710; by whom he hath KTue-, 1 Frederica Louifa, Jan. 1 742 . 2 Ernef Lei vis , 3 o Ja . 1 7 4 5 ^ Saxe-Hii.burghausen.( L utheran) Ernef Fred. Cha * w * - - , : Wu ‘ n,nc EN. ( Luther a/!,) AurvJIus Frederick- f'l t nr ' //• c * • \ **UW€rC «>; I9 Hpv x , 75+ . His S, ' k,s * 1 wy, b. j 756. 2 f r ^ ^ r ; r A ///;//• , ** 1 "Wertck brands , b.1756. 2/r^-t 4 l 7 ; x 7 b - '750. reignlnlp^te^ 1 '^ D «S? B P7 a - p ' £/7 "^ Fr fAeric t t’oniettack V * r ^ ^ rrr CJ J ? z 4’ married to Sophia An * S fa" , aw?/T anti S)\ ,™ 7‘; i" «fie Tropps of tlie Schwerin) b I7 . T P i ,nc . e of MecUenhourg 0 * Brands Anjj>act) Aupujhi], »eSna DuL E h SEN C CH ' ( lutier ™'\ W r !<> Dow AnLb IF in’ b : 3 */• *757. TbcDwchc* >719 ffhfsG^ r ^Ifenbuttle, b. a + 0 . 7 . • HpV' P dunn g his Minority. + eflda0Jr7/n/if! t f'fS? th * lm I ^eCalvirift)/>. I /. Land, K of'ol 64 ’ f mihel ™»aCa>oCina, adDaugh. to die *?F Denmark. — 2 CW/W, Col. of the Kind's ]?lp £fc\**f *«' £.*3R£j$ o rv ice, D. y 9 Dec. 1744..—^. breAerir K 71 r.> , ranks as a Col in theK. of Denmark' s Service ^an/ha * a Regiment of HeJTian Cavalry. ’ U * Hesse-Darmstadt, ( Lutheran ) Lfw/jVIIT Land JTiave, bn. 5 April 1691, hath IfTue one Son, Vred.Lexvi' * 1 7 > », mat-. > 7+1 , and hath IfTue a Son, b. ,0 ?S 2 Hesse-Ph ili psthall. (Calvini/f) tSSgtCSS&igT" *•*» c “^ E / X p F ° n T S ‘ i Lutheran -> ChriJHanlV. D. of D,«* WO (a 1 1 otelfam>bn 6&>/. 1 722.— Dv(/.(hi s & 0 .)Pr, of DtUX > 7 »+ H( Duke D.of >* r h K. of i?n. Mju CLrilt Th Bnnc Luth. reigm Da.of ! i bn 5 f SiHtre (Da.o: 1741.- jPri's Me b.jMj Col. ii Col. in )C«n b,i6i j Otar roarrie N AS ! P >59 - j b. 1 Jc | C 'tar. ( 1 Sea- | frtd. [ Seri Count Sto Ws w „ £ r 55 ] Deux Fonts (aPnpill)PieliliVI.in the AuJieianSci'.h, i - Feb* 1 7 24, mar. Frances Dorothy of Sultzbach, b. j ; Jan. 1724. Holstein. Holfein Glucksbourg (Lutheran ) Frederick , Duke, l\ 1 Apr. 1701.— “Ho/JleinGottorp, Duke of, Grand D. ot RnJ/ta, fee p. 154. — Other Princes o f HolJlein'Got- torp, Coulins to the reigning Duke, 1 A.lolpbus-Frederlck K.of Sweden. 2 Fred. Augujtus, Bilhop of Lubeck, b. 1 71 1, Stadthokler and Adminiltrator of rite Duchy pf H olj 'tein- Gott orp . — HolJleinSunJerbourg (Lu th . ) Frederick - Cbrifiidn, Duke of, born 6 April ijzi. The Houle of Mecklenburgh is divided into two Branches, viz. thole of Schwerin and Strelitz, both of the Luth . Perfuafion . — Mecklenburgh-Schwerin -.Frederick the reigning D. bn 9 Now 1717, mar. 1 746 Louifa- Frederic a Da. of Frederick- Louis, Hercd. Pr. of kP’urtetnberg-Siutgard bn 3 Feb. 1722.— They have no I flue. — His Brothers and Sillers: l.Pr. I.ouis, bn 6 Aug. 172 5, mn.1755 .CharlottaSop. (Da.ofFraji. Jo/iasD . of Saxe-Coboufg SaalficU) h.z^Sep, 1741. — Their llltie, 1. Ft. Fred. Francis, bn 1 Sec. 1756, 2 . Prfs : Sophia - Frederica , bn 24 Aug. 1758. iPr/s Ulrica Sophia , bn 1 July 172 3, Govern, of tfieConvent of Ruhne. 3 Prls Amelia, bn 8 Mar. 1732, Canonefs of Hernyor den. Mecklenburch Stre/itz. Adolphus' Fred. IV. D. of, b . $May 1 7 3 8. KG — HisBrothersandSifters: 1 Charles Fred. Col. in the Han. Servib.ioO#. 174,1. 2 ErneJiGottlob Albert Col. in the Han. Serv. and Gov. of Zell, b. 22 Aug. 17424 3 George Augujlus Lt. Col. in the A/Jfrian Serv.andLI.D, b. 1 6 Aug. 1 748 . 4 Chrift ianaSopkia Albertina, b . 6 Dec. 1735, 5 Charlotte, Queen Confort of England, b. 19 May 1744, married to his Britannic Majefty 8 Sept. 1761. Nassau. Najfau Dietz ( Cal v i n i II) ?ri nee of, f ett Oran ge, p. 1 59. — Na/auSaarbruck , (Lutheran) Count of, Charles, b. 1 Jan. 1712 . — Najfau Wie'bourg (Lutheran) Pr. of, Char. Chriflian, Gov. of Bergen- op-Zoom, b . 1 1 Jan. 1735. ScbwartzbouRg .(Lutheran) R udelfladt, Pr , of, John Fred. b. 1721.-— Sonderjkaufin, Pr. of, Henry, b. j6Si. Schwartzemberg. (Roman Catholic ) JoJeph Adam , Count of, born 1722. Stollberg. Frederic Charles , Prince of, born 1693, Waldeck, (Ro. Gath.) Fred. Pr. of, b. 25 OcT. 1743, tv C,s6] WtmTEMBURG-STt/TCARD (Rom. Catholic!;) cha. sThiao 7P"1 D , uU ! p 01 n 1 7 1 8 , married Elizabeth - Soph# ot Brandenburg!)- Bar ett h, 1748.^-Hjs Brotheis, i* ' , t ru * , » bn i 73 i - — 2 Pr. Frederic Eugene, b. , 7 , 2 Jn the Pruffian Serv. is married, and has aion b. 1758. ’ r Z URT rr R f-° ELS < Luthera ") Charles Chriftian, sSl^at^ Ty^' 6 ' mmM Ma,m **** °! ,ke Em f" n ’ ( Rom- Ct»h.) Aictjlar, Bifliop of, John Anthony, Baron of Fribure, elefled 8 DeC ' Z Il d ;~Z /t T b0Ur §’ Bifh °P of > Prince Jofeph of //l# £2?1ua b -/r i 6 >- ele{lei1 £wS Saxony, elefled Co-Adjutor to the Bifhop of ' Augsbourg. llJPr 'I ? HMeJbeim, Prince, Eiflfop of S , S°‘ Ad | Ut0r % th f Bifhcprick of fi’ f* /# \ 7 C f‘~ Let &> Charles Nic. Alex. Count . 'ff ~ 7, h ; -A- gS Ifll,e ’ b y bis late Oueen Man Jofepha of AuJIria , *for, ^ born married to the Eleffor of Bavaria „ v ^ ■ g ‘ 17 Count of Lufatia, b. 4 .AuZZT^ n 6 ’' Service, and Recent of the" Elefforate" of T m f '/ ^re/icb his Nephew’s Minority) 3 Maria JofepL^l No^nt to. Hjr.r Iran married to the Dauphin of Francs.— * Cba'-les Chrir »*”> '’° rn *3 » 1733, Colonel of a Regiment of Au{f Cuua fliers, and Kt of the Ruffian Orde- ? " T's r " J * S e ‘ ie ff ant of ,l)e of Corvm'.KrsZ/h’ Zjl Ser«"b M \ C - ot a R - ol Cninffiers inthe ill' 1 ? uI J 173S— S Clement, Billion of Ra tubon and Freijingen, and Coadjutor to the Bp ? of Aim tejT 28 ‘^-9M*HacZ%:LX IfTue of the late Elector of Saxony, 1 Prince FreR*r‘ u Augufiu, Jofipt, , he prelent Eleflor of Sa"Z bo™ * D 1 7 J°) 2 Maximilian, b. 24 September X7 ffr‘if**'*rCb*u*t t born * 7 December I ™* * A Marta- Amelia, b. 20 Sett it, - »> ?/ 5S 'T* 13 r 759 . ^ J /57 — 5 Maximilian , b. f«n^S n ^ SE r GA u UA ’ {Lutheran) Duke of, I .. , The IlTne °* William An? u (his, next Bintl, \ 7 V* J .’olonel of a Raiment rfCutafcT'b fT CW "* 1 e nf r f*S,pbil IT, U, b. , irr. 3 ,t 4 e £”® t ri*r li,,ns i ^ mother’s Service) h l8 S T™ the Kin S '»'* > the Princefs WllhebiinaofHeffe CMbl 7 ft I752> 7 2 Au-gufius Ferdinand, born 2 , Afot W * ? 7 x^ * rrand Bailiff of the Conjmanderie of St %^ ® euto/iic Older married f-Tfht Ln \ ,fa °l Br “ nde riou\ Scbwedt , bom 22 Aj\ 1/ b\ whom lip li'jc n H-i •• — l. i t I ,,,o ... r j “ , , tcvwedt, Tbpir- ‘°T he c ! ,ils a Daughter born , AW ,,6 I he Kmg « five Suters are, i Frederica i Russia. Chief City, Petersbu • (Oi the Greek Church Petered, , iJ C ^ n I ^' 5 ’x hy W l ° m fte has im ' e » Ile J^l h n i rea r D i’, kc ° f born , CW. | 7; ! CoJ«r r .% of "bw txS p eSf^“7“ ; “ d *»>.! rl", 0 3 o“t th . 73 r o hrone ’ upo " &"> «*«*». «*r 4K by his 3 d Queen TpWn?ef “i °, Ur Dai, S hters - And hJ a - > T „ 7 -ngs nve inters are, i Frederica Lcuiia, Do -- /S '" *M b- t h,'n r o Charlotte, b. i 3 AforcA 1716, mar ^ Uk h e ‘; f Woljcnbuttle . — 3 $<£&« Don't/; denbourr V / ^y?' 1 7 1 y ? ,nar * to Margrave of /iV^ ^bbrfs^heiw ; 7 7 ; li i 1?^ Adu-r Ifitofr jOt.C Lrx JarJAi li Hi; klkl JfcaL ICW/* A. 1 •4 - 4 - fuiy, 1759.— 6 A Prince, born 1762. — 7 Mary Char- 1 ■ otte , b. 17 Jan. 1764. Dn\ — — . „„r Orange. m, re- William V. Prince of Orange ami Nafau, bom g March 1748, . Hereditary Stadtholder, Captain General and Admiral of the Seven United Provinces, and Hereditary Stadtholder and Captain-General of Dutch Brabant anil landers, and the Upper Quarter of Gueldcrland 3 and jov.Gen . of Dutch E aft -India and Weft India Comp. KG L cnvis Ernefiof Br unjkuic kWolfenbuttL c, a&nalGuardian nd Adminiftrator of the Houle of Orange duvino- the Mi- lority of the young Pi ince. His Sifter, Pr. Caroline , born 2S Feb. 1743. married ? the Prince of Nafau Wedbourg. Their Ifl'ue, j Wil- ■ am Lewis Cba les, 12 Dec. 1761.— 2 Augufta Maria Carolina, b. 6 Feb. 1764. An. Ch. Loiiifa, Sifter to the late Pi ince of Orange, n 2 OeL 1710, mar, to die Margr . of Baden Dour la,' k. Italy and Tuscany. Chief City, Rome . Clement Xfll. Pope, born at Venice 7 March, 1693 eaed Pope 6 July i 75 8, late Cardinal Charles Rezxo ' ico and Biftiop of Padua, Francis, Grand Duke of Tufcany and Emperor of 'trmany. See Germany . Ferdinand IV. King of the Two Sicilies, 3d Son of his relent Catholic Majefty, born 12 Jan. 1751. A Re- ency compofed of the moft illuftrious Perfons in the kingdom is appointed to conduit Affairs during the Iinority of this Prince. Don Philip, D. of Parma, bom 15 March 1720, his lue by the late Madame of France are, 1 Ferdinand 3 Jan. 1750; 2 Loulfa Maria Therefa , b. 9 Dec. 1 7 c r f lau.ied to Charles Anth’.ny , Prince of AJlurias, Heir to e C: own of Spain, b. n No-v. 1748. brands Maria d Efte, D. of Modena, Adminiftrator for e Government of the Milanefe, during the Minority of e Archduke Peter Leopold Governor-general thereo-, * July 1698, mar. 21 June 1720, to Charlotte Jae d Orleans, horn 22 Ocl. 1700. The Iflue of the uke and Duchefs of Modena j 1 Hercules Renault d'-Eft ^H^rj Wne./bornJ^. h%nZ£r&£% t-V "f ''“'S wftina d'EJI, 8 Feb. , 74 ,. a Marcbe ‘ 4 tbxabetha Er . Iffiie of the Hereditary Prince J^na_Beatnce££fl, h. 7 AprU i 75 o Turkey. Chief Cifj, ConJlf^TT T 7 i/i I . I . ' . Mufiatha 1 1 1 born ;r tu D Jh ■* ass: Th.T,' 1 ' prinfipal Rtpnblicks of £W, a „ W, haS the £f? ’ Am ^ rd ^ Rotterdam, i heS-zw/} Caitt on s ; Ch tef Ci ties ,Ba/d, Berne.7unc k &e eovei’n ( hva Dno-P icRyXJc «** vi. Tim ReS fl hm SmL P “s“ Y ^' “ a " J rf <*** ££•“* ^ •SESS^ws Mrr^^CInef City ft Jlferaw. - *f £ K J a — Ch ief City Ragufa. T ) f Ko L A.U ^ 1 _ - T ^ " ~ — Arr : I ld ' a,lK ° f ,he *■“ KnST7Sr ? ; .» CT , at Eu» W - Great-Britain. T r INrr ~ M A i - BRITAIN. K o r,' g ' ' tt 2; - oa - ■>«*• a g*d 76 . Fri> i ,< r°V‘ ort * oK .G«^n. 20 f 7 , 7 ap. bred. Leivis, late Pr of w.,i*. 737 > a g; Zrwir, late Pr. ofS '' J? ^ I 737 ’^;S 5 . Pi metis CW.„ Elizabeth, as ZW.Tit’/Jlif!*”' hi. f *' ■'. SCE, Charlotte, Prfs Confim of ftw 59 ' 9 * , bpA <"- [ 161 ] Donna Maria, Q. of Spain, 27 Aug. 1758, aged 46. Maria Amelia, Q^of Spain, zj. Sep. ao-ed 5 <■ Portugal. JobnV. King of Portugal, died 3 1 July 1 7 50, aged 60. The Q. Dowag. of Portugal, died Aug. '1754, ao-. 70. Ant bony Francis, \J ncle tothepreI.K.O<2.i8, i 757 ,ag.-6i Germany. ^ ienna. Elizabeth Antonietta, Princefs of Pa."ma, and \rchduch. of Auflria, died Nov. 37, 1763, aged zi. Clement Augujhts of Bavaria died 6 Fib. 1-61, aa. 6o. treJ. Charles, D. of Holjhin Ploen, died 176 1 , ag?d 5 5. ,J n ' Geo, g e > M a vg.oi Baden- Baden, died 1761, aged 39. ^! llta , m > Landgrave of Hejfe-Cajfel, died 29 Jan. 1 760. Lba les, Margrave of Brandenburgb-Sonnenboure d : ed - June 1762, aged 57. John Frederick, Elector of Mentz , died 4. June \iG' ged 74. Pr. Geo. Lewis, of Hol/lein, died jSept.xyGo, aged 44. Frederick, Eleftor of Saxony, died Dec. 17, i 7 g - ged 41. ' iy . Anthony Ulric, Duke of Saxe Meiningen , died 27 'an. 1764, aged 76. Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburgh-Culmbacb- areitb, died zb Feb. 1764, aged 53. Francis-Joftas, Duke of Saxe- Coburg- Saalf eld, died tpt. 1764, aged 67. ' Or ange . William Charles Henry Frifo, Prince of 0 ranee nd NaJfaiL, 11 OSl. 1751. aged 40. Anne Prfs. of Orange and Nafau, Jan. 1 a J 7 5 9> ag. 40 . Italy. Pope Beneditl XIV. 2 A% i 75 g, aged 87. Louifa-Eliz. Duchefs of Parma, 4 Dec. 1759, ag. ~.z, Denmark. ChriflianV I.K. of Denmark, 9 Augufl 1746, a^ed 47. Louifa , Queen of Denmark, 19 of Dec. 1751.° ^Sweden. Frederick, King of Sweden, and Landgrave i Hejfe Cajfel, 6 April i 75 i, aged 75. Poland. Mary JoEepha, Q. of Poland, t 6 Nov. 1757-. iugujlut III. K of Poland, died 5 Ocl. 1763, aged 67, [ 162 ] r j ltrtr Prussia r,ince K “i=' <* ' 757 - ^ VfMcE. Frttatu Lvtdaat, I>o S e, died A , n ! A, H»'bc-tical Ljst of the prelcnt BA j< ONF T « ■»« A l \: n rp, .-J «uvn,jujie 73 , 1660 . * l n, Thomas, SQmmerltv-Tm*»n c a* n Aift 0n ’ P' omaS; °' eJJ ' BeJford/hfre ^Fune ’r^'V 4 ' l6 "* Alfton, Evelyn, (late of Chejfca. M tolZZSL' 6 * 2 - . - 4^ Ev «’yn, (late of SIS, MSJeS/r,’ l642 - -Amyand, George, London, A ue. 1 *. t-*! J * 2 °' l6Sz * ' -• ^rion, Edmund, Kiln wick- Piercy Yorl Ik D* jAndetfon, Stephen. EvewottS P^r ’ j/£* ■ ' ^ ‘ 7 1 • 7 ^6o. jSfctfStaaft .«* Wil|oo t l*j, W'dkj, 6 uk,a,;,- ( j u ;' x Bijr 5t, lit he BARONETS. Audrey, Rhn, Borftal, Buckinghamfhire. July 2 , t6fio 3 D r> V 5 Nov. 2:. t£ T ■> v R 1C °I’wt rd ’ PremietBt of England. Nurf.May ’* 2 r5r -Bag° t \\ aatrr Wagftaffe. Blithfield, S. afford Th. May •*’ 'J!** t arWkk> Poltimore, Dcvon/hi^ jui^ Barker, John-Fytch, Grirnffon-hall, Suffolk Mar T , B rktr, Wil mm Ringfale Hall, Suffolk, Mar.^q jfi'i* 2 * Barlow, George. Slebkch. Pembroke/},. J u ] y i,',’^ 76 * NLrnngton, John, Swaynfton, Me of Wight Tune , Q I A Eathuift, Laurence, (late of L chdale, Glouceiierlhirel D *' . 9 >i' 4 W Went to Georgia. “«.ter/im e ) Dec. -Bay ntun. Edward, Spec Park Wilt^re, July p i-A, Beaumont, George, Dunmow, Effex. Feb. 21 ,6Ci Beckwnh, Roger, Aid orougb, Yorkshire, Apr.] , r6g Bedingficld, Richard, Ox aough, Norfolk fan 2 tAA Bernard fohn, Brampton, Huntingdon/hire, f u ly V l 66 l’ Berney, Hanfon, Kirby-Bedon, Nor oik. May c,Y 6 ’ 20 Betemon, Rtchard, Brad bo, urn, Kent, Feb. 7,1667 Bickley, iamuel, B.pchild in K nc S*ut 7 Yi£t B iddulph, Theophilus, Wefiomb», Kent c-u, iWm, s.„r,<. .7,'o “ 4 - VR aC L et ’ w 7 ard> Mdrfen > Northumberland, Dec i 2 j a-,, ■ acket \\Jter, Wal ngton, Northumberl. Dec n “ 1( .,' 3 ‘ Blackwell, Lambe t, S ronflon-Hall \Wdl. r 1 Bbkift^n, Matthew, l/>r.dr, n , April 22, 1763.’^ yi6 * BJors, John Cock field Hail, Suffolk, Aprl 1 - j68a B monr, Edward, M rley, Shrop/hire, Ocl. 5 5> , J?* Ron? rf Wil " am ’ L ° ndin ' /» ne IN T7S. Bond, Char es, , Wales, — — — , 1658. Boot!) by, WillLm, Broadkw-Afh Derbv/h r ! B..tel,r, Philip, Teflon KemTl,^?; I" 1 ' ' 3 - Bought n, Edwi d, Lawfoid, VV'arwxk/b An Bowyer, Wm.Denham-CourrBucki-.el -mfb t 4 ’ l641, Bradihaigh. Rog.r H.,g «,S„ t 5 V^' 8 ' Bridges, Brooke, G-.odnefto .e, Kent, Apr 1 lo’ifj*' Bridgman, Henry, Lever, Lanca/hire, June 7 ^g 7 Bnogman France, Ridley, Chefhire, Nov. li At' En^ges, H'lgb, Hammerimith M Hdiefcx Au»r to Bnoka, John Norton, Ch -IhiL. Dec "l *«♦»• • Br. ok=, J b, Scawton, Yprklhire, Tune 12 B '°^r DC,??S> BnaB; Bto "^ ton ^iaffhrclffy 1 e J Mar. 1 o. BARONETS. Brown, C 'orge Kidd ngion, Qxford*re, J U 1 v j, j $- q . Brown, John, (late of Cavet* m, Oxforu*.) M.y 10166 Browne, James, Weftm.nfter, March n, 1752. ’ Buck, Charle-, Hamby- Grange, Lincoln*. Dec. 22. 1660 Lftickworth, Everard, she-m, Surry April 1 1607 -nun^rv Cb.rle ; MiU«„.H.II, &ff. Burdet, Robert, Foremaik Derby*. Feb. 2 c, 1610 Burgoyne. Roger, Su-ton. Bedford* re, July 1. iLj Burton Charles, Stockertrn, L-,reftcr*ire, July 22 1622 Onn. Rob Compton-green, Gloucefter*. Sept! 13, , 65 * Carew, Ihomas, Haccomb, Devon*ire, Aug. 2. 1061 Cifilefon, Charles, Cill ngham, Norfolk, Aug. 9, 1641 Sta " f( ’ rd Hall, Leicefter, June 30, ,6 U Cavendi *, Henry, Dovetidge, Derbr*. May 7 i 7 - ? Cayley George Bro.npror, Yorkfnire, Aon! 26. I66t Chao.berlayne, Jame-, Duns- Tew. Oxford*. Feb. 4 2642 • Ch pman, John nea, B rk wry, Her.f rd*. June 27, 1*20 Charlton. Francis Lnd/ord, Hereford*. May 12 x 636 ' Chsfter John, Chichley, Buckingham*. Mar. 2’,, x6’o Chetwode, John, Oakley, Stafford/hire, Apr. 6, i”oo ~ Chtchefter, John, Raleigh, Devon*:re Auc 1 Child C*far, Woodford, E*ex, Feb! 4. tg - 4 ’ 64 Chu.ilfcjgh, /ohn, A/hton, Devonfhire, Aug. r, 16^2 t arges Thomas, A/ ton, Hertford*. Oft! , 0 i67 , Clark, Robert, ShaUwell, Cambridge*!., July 25 + x 6 9 8 Clarke, Simon, Jamaica, May i, 1617 J ; -* •* ^Cheering, Thomas, Axvvell, Durham, June s, ie6l Clayton, Kenrick, Marden, Sur-y, Jan. 12 i 7 ,, p! e I k? » J"‘ bot > Cawnde-Abby, LincolnAire, June 18, T £6 2 . Chftoi, Robert, Chfton, Nottingham* r C , May 22, ,6xi Cocks, Robert, Dumblct- n, Giourefte:*,re. F. b. 7, ,6o 2 ^Codr.ngton, Wm. Dod.ogton, G!oucefter*ire, April*, 1721 • Colebrooke George, Catron, Surry, Oft. 12, , 7 L ’ 721 Colleton, John, Exeter, Devon*. Feb. 18, ,661'. in Carolina - £‘ Jt * Mn-Dutton Leominfter, Herefom*. Mar. 2, ,60, Compton Hartbury, GloucefteWhire, May 6 ,6X6 Conyers, Ralph, Chefte-r le-ftreet, Durham, July 14 ’ 1( 5 2 g Coo.xe Brian. Wheatley, York*,re, May ] 6 6 i § Cope, John Bramlel, Ham s *ire, June 29, 1611 Cope, Jonathan, Orton, near Peterborough March r ,, . Corbet, Richard, Log,, or, near Shtewfbary, J,ne 20 ’1642 * ••-Cotton, John Hynd, Madinal’v Cambria. 1 1 2 ’ KCotton^Lynch-SaluJbury, Lkweney, DtnbighLtre^Mar!^ ,”5 BARONETS. Croft, Archer, Croft-caftle, Hereforr/h Nov. 18, 1671 vCullum, John, Hadede, Suffolk, June 18 ,1660 '•eunliffe, Ellis, Liverpool, Mar. 24, 17-9. an d in default of >:r> A , ,° fh J S Heir Ma!s ' t0 his Brother Rob. Cunliffe, Efq; ^ * J 0 * 10 , Belton, Lincolr.fhire, Sept, 29. 1677 D^eth, Na: borough, Knowlton, Kmt, Jul’y 16, 1716 Dalfton, George, Heath-Hall, York/h re, Feb. i q, 1641 Uanver?, Michael, Culworth, Northarrpton/h. Mar. 21, 161I Danvers, John, Swi.h’and, Leicefter/hire, July 4, 1746 •Da/hvvood, James Kirtlington, Oxfordftiiire, Srpr. 16 1684 IJavers Jermyn^ongham, Suffolk, May 12, 16S2 Uavie, John, Creedv, Devon/hire, Sept. 9, 1641 pDecrmr:, Edward. Surrenden- Dering, Kent, Feb. 1. 1627 •Delaval John Kuffey, Fordcafrle,Northu m l er!. Tulv 1 1761 Dixie, W. 1 1(1 on, B -fwonh, Leice/hrr/hire. July 14, 1660 rwCT’ Finedon, Northampton/hi e, April 1 Too* ivn y y hpL dley ' Sh ’ nr{ham > Norfolk, July 29, 1663 vr! , iil0 [ nas . Chiflehampton, Oxforj/h. Iu y7, i 6$6 ••Drake, Fr nci$ Henry. Buck land, Dtvon/hire*. Aug. 2, 1622 : ydr-n, john, Canons-Afbv, Northampton/h. Nov. 16, 1610 uJoleil 'n, J. hn, Br ft 1, Somerfet/h. fan. II, 1692 Dukenfield. Samuel, Dukenfield, ChHh. June 16, 166c Duncan, Willi m , Mary le Pone, Middiefex, Aug. 14, 1-64 -Dundas, Lawrence. A/ke Hal!, York/h. Ncv. 23/1762 Dyer, Thomas, Eff-x. July 6. r6-8 Dyke, f.,hn D x an. Lullinaftone. Kent, March 7, 1677 Eden, John. ^ mdleftore, Durham, Nov. 13, 1672 E^vyaufs, Henry, Shrevyffury, Shropftme, Feb i = , 1645 Egertos, Thomas, Egerten, Chr/hup, April 5, 1617 F.lto.'i, Abraham, Briftol. Somtrfetlhire, Oa/3, 1717 ENves, Jibn, Marc ha rri, Berks, June 22, 1660 •••Elw.ll, J hn, Ing’eficld Green, S r-v, Aue. 25, 17 -9 V E S^firld, Hen-v. White-N:ght«, Be'rkfh. Nov. 25, 1612 • Evelvn, Jdin, Wotton, Sur r y, Aug. 6, 1713 Fverard, Hugh, Bromlield-Green, EiTex, Jan. 29, 1640 Ev“ry John, Eggington, Derbyfli re. May 26, 1641 Eversfield, Charles, Giove, Suffex, May 4, 172; Eyles-Sryles, John, Dec. 1, 1714 Fagg, William, Mvfto e, Kent^ Dec. ir, r£6o Fa naby. Chales, K ppingt n, Kent, July 21, 1726 ,V tFe heritor hau eh, Matthew, Uppark, Suffex, Jan. 3, 1747 Filme', J hn, Erft-Suron, Kent, Dec. 24, 1674 F j etw jd, John, Martin-Sands, Ch H-rtford/hi^.-Feb^l 6 , 0 stpsSSts:' '" “‘j *>•”*. Rib»»„, Yo.Jtft, A , E . ,’L. 7 7 q . i "wm VV.Jl.ngfon, Bedford/h. N;v. 2 ?* i 6 iz offi t \T’?r Uk > J n u, x„ 6 .Hall, Edward) St S * p h ^ lf 43 -Hales, Thomas P^. How^t K l/; 1 * 9 )6r ' ^^’. Ch ^l? pher » Lincoln, Au t . 2 ?.’i 66 o **' I06 ° H4ton:He: r ^ i ^^? , :^ C - 187 >4* ; h‘M «£i * :’ G F r.V4" ra ’ i “ s '' ““■• A 4, .V-6 4 baronets. l6y H. filrige, Robert, Nofely, Leiopfterfhire, TuJv’i igm Ihw et> Tyrrell, Potton, Btdfo'dftire, Oil. /g-i 9 H-'yma'i, Peter, Lancalhlre, Aug. x z , x6 4 i C ““»’“'-“8h,Lmcol„d,.No l .. ,6, S £dward > Pattrington, Ycrklh re lune^ / Vfffin Hih, Rowland, Hawkftone, Shr plhire, [an. 20' 1627 Hohy, Rev. Philip, Dean of Ard/ert, in Inland Tulv 12 1666 Hoghi on, Henry Hoghton, I.ancalhire, May *£ 7 6lI l666 ' te ’ Alft^n, Warwick /h. re, Nov. 2 c 1612 H°„y wood John, Evington, Kent, July xo, 1660 u 1 '" n ’ V 'f; 11,am > Chaderton, Lancalhiie, |an. u, I7 fi 4 H°tt!m’a U T f ? arvVOod « Here ford lh. Dec. ^ 1676 H tham, Cha.les, Beverley, Yorklh. Jan. 4 1622 nVr Ch ^ Ics > Wei to n - Mo w bra v , Leiceflerlh. July 3, ^60 Hu.f-, Eowaid, Bremer, Hunt-. Feb. 7, xym J 7 3> H: ntate, Charles, Saxton, Yo.kfliire, Aug. 15, l6 «, , 1 C r 1 e » ^ enry > W.ngerwor h, Derbyfh. Feb. *8, ,6~ Jac.K., H.Hebrand, Well- Wra- ring, Cambridglh. Jan. 1 1 166 - Janflen, Henry, in France, Mar. 11, i-i-~ J ’ ° 5 bH ‘ on > J mes, Leeds, Yorklh. Jane 2 , i 74 g Jenkmlon Robert, Walcot, Oxfordlhire, Mav, ,S, 1661 Jer negan, George, Coffey-Hall, Norfolk, Oft. 16, 1621 H gl by. John, Ripley, Yorklh.re, May , 7t 1642 Johnfon W ILam New -Yo. k, America, Nov U, 17,-5 Unam, Edmund Lamport. Norrhampronib. May, 30, 1627 Kaye, John, Woodfam, Yorklh. Feb. 4, 164, 3 7 Kemp, John, Ubbeflon, Suffolk, March x 4 , i 6 42 t e>t \ lh u ^ ar ‘ £brio § t, n > G 1 uceflerlh. Dec. 22, 1660. Kf> Aog 4 ’ x E 64i’ Me:fham ’ Kent ’ and Wilhford, near Sahib. ••■Knollys, Francis, Thame, Oxfordlh. A p. j jy-j Lade, John, Warbleton, Suffex, Mar. 14, iy‘%* . La,£e , Jame?, Edmonton, Middlefex, Ocl ’i 7 a I7II '••Lamb, Matt. Brocket-Mall, Hertforalh. Jan.’ 17 i 7 - ; Lambert, John, Paris, Feb. 5, x 7 xx J 0 * 7 ^ Langham , James, Ccttelbroke, Northamptonlh. Tune 7 1660 Langley, Haldanby.H.gham-Gobion.Bedfordlh. May 29,1641 Lawley, Robert, Canwell in Staffordlhire, Aug. 16 iisli ■ Lawfon, Hen. Brough- Hall, Yorkftire, J u l y 6“ l66 ’. 4 Law. on, W.lfnd, Ifell, Cumberland, Mar. 31 16S8 ^ Lee» William, Hartwell, Buckinghamih. Aug.’ 16 16(3 Leg ard « Digby, Ganton, YoikA. Dec. » 9 , 1660 ' IJ ^ B A R O jn £ t S. Leighton, Char't. Watle/borough, Shron/h. Mir , T fi n , J? 1 “ of N< Hmlbridi.) M»r. I,\u s .°np, Robert, D rayco t Wihfl,. s-p’ 1,1,62’ ' 3 Lowther, Rev \ V ,i|i, m W m '‘ ,,and ' J une » 164a MiJdleton, Jliuitrf R^T* 1 Bedt ^d(h. A p. 2 2, 1763 Middleton. Hugh . ’ > C ay ~ Norchunjb.Oft.24,1662 •‘•Milibanke, Ralph Haliubv""^** 6, 1681 MW SlU6n ?9 ' Me °“ i;f0nt6land Gr0VC Mitchel, Andrew w ft -h a > • c helm.EfT:rx,Feb.| 2 ,r 765 Mole /worth Voh’n Pen'r? ’ S ‘ 0 ,llIld ’ J”"e i 9 , 1724 Mojyn. R, g0I { ‘ 8 - >7» Mo fly n, George. Talacre, Flintfh A 8 « ,7 Mtifgrave, Philip, Harrle^-Caflle ' We'fW , 7 Nafe^Ch, Sowd!^?^ 1 Pit Plfe Pjrkf Park] I Pa/ici 1 Paul, Pijw Peach m x ?cflnin I Pt-n j: Ptfp PctllJ, PfTtrn Peyton N* |*», Pile, St Pl-)tn PlevdeT p-i;,j Pi Olc, ■ Piidtao: ■'■Prohor, hj j R.'dley, I Rch, l I Riuit, Buekingham/h. June 20 16’ 1 ^Palmer, Tho. Carlstoi, No'ihamo onlh- f,mc 7 1660 Parker, Henry* John, S'ratf. t. P o 1 Av n. Warn. ’t„| v j t 68 Parkyns, Tho. Bonny, Nottingharji/h. May 18, i 63 i ’ l’arfons, Mark, Nottioghamlh. Ap. 9, 1661 Paul, Ontfiph rus. Wo >dcheftey,GPucefterA. Sept , Payne, Cha. St Chriftopher’s, Weft. Indies, Oft ,, \'V Peachy, John, Pet worth. Sifter, March ji, i-rk ’ * J/ xPenning'on, John, Muncafter, Cumber!. June 2 1 16-6 Pennyman, Wm. Ormefby, Yorkfli Feb. 21, i66a P epperell, Wm. N<-w-England, Nov. 15, 1746 Pettus, Horat ; o, Rickheath, Norfolk, Sept. 23 Peyton, John, Ifleham, Camb.id 5 *fli. May 22,161k Peyton, Tho. Dodingten, Cambrktgelh. Mar. 21, 1667 ••Philipps, Richard, P.fton-CaHle, Pembroke^. Nov. a ,6i, '•P got, George, Ulke Caftle, Monmouth/hire. Dec - \-u'\ Pile, Seymour, Axt’ord. Wiltfh. Sept. 12, i 6:3 * ^ Playters, John, Sotterlv Suffolk, Aug. 13, 1623 Pleydell, Mark-Stuart/Cole/hdl, Berkfti re, June 1 r t~-, P' le, John, Shute, Dsvonfh. Sept. 1;, 1628* ’ ' J ~ P* ole, Henry, Lewes, Suftex, Oct. 23, 1677 Pfideaux, John, Netherion, Dcvcn/h. Juiv 17, 1622 Proftor, Wm-Beauchamp, Tottenham, Mirfdl. Feb” .. Pryce, John-Powell, Newren, Montgomery^. Aug. i jA, | Pynfent, Rev. Robert, Reftor or Kilmurrv, Sep. 1’ ’1687 Ramfdcn, John, By-nm, Yorkflt. Nov. 30* 1689 >? Reid, John, Ship'on, Oxfordfh. Mar. 4, 1661 Ridley, Mitthew, Heaton, Northumberland, Mpv j R ch, Thomas, Sunning. Berkfti. Mar. 20, 1661 * ' J Ri l( ; :t Robinfon, John, Cranford, Nor'hamp.oulh. June 42, t 5 S Ru(h«ttr i John, Northwick, Worcefltr/h. June 17, jCOi R ufTel, Jj», Student at Linco'n's- Inn, Jin. 19, 1629 •••Sr. Aubyn.J hn. Clowance, Cornwall, Dec. u, 1671 St. (Joint n, W Ilians, Harpham, York/h. Mar. S, 1642 , Samwell, 1 homas, Upton, Northamp’on/h. Dec. 22, 16-C •‘'ISavile, George, Ruff, rd, Nottingham/}.. June 29, 161 1 Srot, VVm. Mezangerein Normanby, Aug. 9, 1653 • Sebright, John, Beachwood, Hertford/hire, Dec. jo, 1726 Shaw, John, FIthara, Kent, Ap. 15, 1.665 Shefiie.d, Charles, N. rmanby, Lincoln/hre, March 1, ij~e Shellv, John, Michrl-Grove, S' Hex, May 22, i6n ' J Shuckburgh.Charles.ShuSkburgh, Warkwick/h.June 26, 166c S dlty, Charles, Nurhall, Nottingbam/h. Julv, 10, 1702 Simeon, Edward, Afton, StafTord'/h Oft. 18,' 1677 Skipwith, Peyton, Preftwond in Virginia, Dec. so, 16^3 Skipwith, Francis, Newboid-Hall, Warwick/h. Oft. 25. 167* •Smith, Jarrit, Bri/lol, Somerfet/h. Jan. 27, I763, Smiih,G. Nottingham, and Eaft-Stfoke in rhat C Oft -0 j-- Srnythe, Edward, Langley, Shiof/lfire, Feb. 2.3, 1661 Smyth, Charles, Hill-Hall, Eflex, No V . 28, j66i StnyrJi, Traffbrd, Upton, EiFex, March 3 o, 1665 •Smyth, Robert, Isifield, Su/Tex, Dec. 2, 1714 Soame, Peter, Hey don, E/Tex, Feb. 5, *68 5 Spencer, Charles, Yarriron, Oxrbrc/hire, June 19, i6n Spring, John, Pakenham, Suffolk, Aug. u, 1641 Stindi/h, Frank, Duxbuty. Lanca/hire, Feb. 8, 1677 S anley, John-Thomas, Alderley, Che/hire, June 25, t 66o Stanley, Rowland, Hootoh, Che/fcirc, June 17, 1661 ■•Stapleton, Tho. Grays near Henley, Oxford/h. Dec. 20, 1679 Stapylto.i, Bryan, Myton, York/hire, June ii, 1660 Stepney, John, Prendergaft, Pemb-oke/hire, Nov. 24, 1621 Stonehoule, John, Radley, Berk/hire, May 7, 1628 ^Strickland, George, Boynton, Yorkfliire, July 30, 1641 ••Stuart, Simeon, Hattley- Mauduit, Hamp/hire, June 27, 1660 Sty.*, Thomas, Wateringbury, Kent, April 21, 1627 Sv.ynbu.ne, Edw. Chapheaton, Northumberland, SepU6,i66o Tancred, Thomas, Brampton, Yoik/hire, Nov, 17, i65z Tempeft, Henry, Tong, Yorkfhire, May 25, 1664 Temple, Richard. Commifiioner of the Navy, Nov. 25^16x2 ftc Wcati ^cfcOi ^Vfcceli Which ^iliiarr WiJ air Sarr Wilait Willi IK nec: iyiUiair W Harr Mas Wtltnr WJfjr baronets. •Thomas, Edmund, Wenvoe, Glamorganshire. Dee. -m i/r , Thorn d, J ,hn, Cranwell, Lincolnshire, Aog. 24 54 Thoroii, Harmefton, LincdnSh re, March 24, irsj Throckmorton, Rob. Coughton, WarwfckSh re, Sect 1 (Lx Tichborne Henry, Tichborne, Hamp/h re, Mur. S. 16’ 1 iirrel, J .ho, Springfield, EfTex, Oft. 2. 1666 [ Trelaivny, Wm, Tielawny, Cornwall, July I, 1 6 :8 i reve.yan, Geo. Nettlecdmb, SomerGtSlrre, Jan. 24, 1662 TroLope, Thomas, Cafewick, Lincolnshire, Feb. ^1642 Umer, John. Warham, N rfolk, Aorii 27, 1-.7 r.irner, Edward, Ambrofdcn. Oxfordshire, Aug. 24 i 7 - , Twifden, Wm, Eaft-Peclcham, Kmt, Junezo. ifii, 733 Twifvien, Roge-, Bradbury. Kent, June 13, 1666. Tynte, Charles Kemeys, Haifeweli.Swriet/h re. Jan. 7, 15-4 Vandeput, George, H.mpfdead, Middlefex Nov. -, 1-/7 + Van Neck, JoShua. Putney, Surry, Dec. 10, 17 rj J Vavafor, Walter, HaSlew. 0.I, Yorkshire, oa 24, 162? invent, Francis, Stoke-D.bern »n, Surrv, Jul* 26, 1620 Vyvyan, Richard, TrelQ.varren, Jomwal* Feb. is jS±- Wake Vym. Courteenhall, NorthamptonSh >e, and Wm ham Aoby, ESTex, Dec. 1621 Warburton, Peter, Arley, ChcShi.e , June 27, ififio Ward. Edward, Bexley, Norfolk, Dec. 10, 1660 * Warrenden John, Lorkhead, Scotland, June 2, 121; Watfon Chirfes, late Admiral’s fon, March 22, 1760 Webb, John, Obftock, Wilcfhire, Aoril 2. 1624 Webster, Whiftler, Bmle-Ahby, Su.Tex, May 7.1, 170, Wentworth, Thomas, Bretton, Yorkshire, Sept. 27, 1664 •Vefcome, Anthony, — — , Mirch 19/1700 Wheate, George, Glympton, Or ordShire, May 2, 1696 •Vheeler, Wm. Leamingr-m, Warwick (h re, Aug, 11 1660 -Vhichcote, Franc's, A'warby. L n-- 1 Shirr, April 2 , 1660 ^illiam'jS^o.Langtiiby.M .rmouthSh're, May 14. 16*2 ill aim, k- v. C lbsr , Vicar of J.lmgton, in Middles** and barrac, in He tfm {hire, May 4, 16^4 V lhams, Hugh. Penhyro, CarmrvinSh re, June 17, i66r Vulum=. E wa d, Gwernevot and Lmgo.d caftle, Breck- ncck/h re, Nov. 2, 1674 Vjlliamt- Wynne, Wa'Jctn.Winftry, DenhieSh. July 6, r6S8 V i hams. Booth, Clapton, Northamptonshire, Auril 6, 1747 v.U amfon, H e dw. M mkwercmmi'h, D >rham, f ine 2 1643 Ydmqr, Edw. Chaddedon, Der’oySh’re, Feb. 17, 1759 vMfun,Tnom*s- Spencer, E ft-Bournc^STe?, March 4,1661 * 7 * . baronets. mmrgton, ljd w . Stanford-e. Worcerter/hire, Feb. 28, 17 " 1 an, Canfield -Ha Jl, Eflex, Aug. 29, 1628 W.ttewronge, John, May *, 1662 * -Wodehnufe Arming Kimberley, Norfolk, June 29, 1611 Wo 9 T ^ dliam,Wolleley, S afford/hire, Nov. 24, 1628 V,ol!lenhr,lme,Fran.(Jateof Enfield, MiddHex) J an ; 10, 16 V'oV °t! I ‘' LW di S| ' Ives * Huntingdon/hlre, Jan. 17, 17. W? a 'r \ T 3S -’ P *‘ ewe], > Hampshire, June ,9. 1611 ^/ay, Cecil Slemngford, York/hire, Nov. 25, 1612 V-rey, Bouchier, Tawrtock, Devor/hire, J une to, 1628 Wroite/ley, Rev Rd. Wrottefiey.Staffor^ire, jug, 1 ,6. ^yche, Cyr, I Duchy of HolAefn, Dec. 20, 1729 3 * Wynne, Rowland, Noftel, Yorkfhire, Dec. 3. 1660 Wynne, John, Lees-Wood, Flint/hire, Auguftg, i 7 ti • Wynn John, C ynllivon, Camarvcnlhlre, Oft .^c/iL V) ViU,Marmaduke,C« n/lablc-Burion YoiklTi. Nov. 2 c i6j Ramans ,ohn. Barbados, Jan. ,2/1665 5> * Wo, Wilham, Pyrland, Somerfe.lhire, June 16. i 7 co -Vonge, George, Eflcott, Devonfh re. Sept. 26, 1661 Caf'cr ° hE 'TK ° f N ° va * Scotia . refident in England. Cafcoigne, Thomas, Partington, York/h.re, 1622 6 Loneuevi.le. Thomas, Preflatin, Flint/hire — 1618 Mu_ grave, Wm. Haytoa-callle, Cumberland, 0£>, 2 o| 1628 ' s ^ U,n » L,, ' nt ’ Suinley ' Yorkt included i. *^1 ° B 'r I 5 V s ^ f a nd „ r iR E L A N Allen Bathurft, Lord Bathurft, Dec. 10, 1642 Thomas Belafyfc, Earl Fauconberg, June 29, 1611 William llouvene, Vifcoont Folkft.me, Feb. jq I7n . Henry Brydges, Duke ofChandos, May 17, ^27 ? 3 4 Robert Carteret, Earl Granville, Mayo, 164/ John Child, Earl Tyiney, July 18, 1678 Anthony A Alley Cooper, Earl of Shaltelbury, T-.W 4 1622 Charles Cornwallis, Earl Cornwallis, May 4, 2627 William Courtenay, Vifcount Courtenay H 7 George Cowper, Earl Cowper, March 4/1641-2 Nathaniel Curron, Lord Scarfdale, Aug. n 1641 Iruncis Da/hwcod, Lord Le Dcfpcncer, June 28, J707 *73 • BARONETS. John Dawnev, Vifc unt Downe* May 19, 1642 John Dormer, Lord Dormer, June jo, i 6 r 5 George Faimor, Earl of Pont et, Sept. 6, 1641 Daniel Finch, Earl of Winchilfea, June 29, 1 6 f r William-Hall Gage, Vifcount Gage, March jn, 16:2 Granvillr-Levefon Gower, Earl 'Gower, June 2. ‘6:0 [imes Gr»infton, Vifcount Grimflon, March 29, 1629 Rchard Grofvenor, Loid Grofvenor, Feb. 23 , 1621-2 Frarrtis Hawley, Lord Hawley. March 14, 1643-4 John Hobart, Earl of Buckinghamfhire, May 22, 1 6 1 1 William Irby, Lord Bofton, April 13, 1704 George-H-nry Lee, Earl of Lite h held, June 291 16 tr Edward Leigh, Lord Leigh, June 29, 1611 V Henry Lyddell, Lord Ravenfworth, Nov. 2, 1642 George Lyttelton, Lord Lyttelton, July 18, i6t$ Robert Marfham, Lord Romney, Aug. 12, 1663 Samuel Mafham, Lord Mafliam, Dec. 20, 1621 Charles Maynard, Lord Maynard, June *9, 1611-. Richard Moiyneux, Vifcount Molyoetrx, May 22, 16. *l John Monion, Ltrd Monfon, June 29, i6n George Montagu, E*tl of Cardigan, June 29, 161I Henry Noel, Earl of Gainlborou gh, June 29, 16 11 Edward Noel, Vifcount Wentworth, July 6, i 4 bo Richard Onflow, Lord Onflow, Nov. 21, 1660 Thomas Ofborne, Duk« of Leeds, July 13, 162c Thomas Peibam-Holies, Duke of Newcaftle, May 22, l6ii John Rawdon, Earl of M oyra, May 20, 166^ Frederick St. John, Vlfcourtt Bolinghtoke, May 22, 16 n John St. John, Lord St. John, July 6, 1660 Edward Seymour, Dukeof Somerlef, June 29, 1611 Wafhington Shirley, Earl Ferrers, May 22, 16 11 Clot worthy SkefEngton, Earl of Maflfareene, May 2 , 16?^ Hugh Smithfon, Earl of Northumberland, Augofl 2, 1660 Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby, June 1, 162; Lionel Talmaih, Ear) of Dyfert, May 22, 1611 Thomas Thynne, Vifcount Weymouth, July 1 5, 1641 George Townfhend, Vifcount Townlhend, April 16, 1617 Ralph Verney, Earl Verney, March 16, » 660-1 John Waldegrave, Eail Waldt grave, Aug. 1, 1643 John Wandesford, Earl Wandesfard, Aug. 5, 1662 Philip Wenman, Vifc. Wenman, Ncv. 29, 1662 William Wentworth, Earl of SrrafLrd, June 29, 1611 Francis Willoughby, Lord Middleton, April 7, 1677 George Wyndham, Earl of Fgremont, Dec. 9, 1 661 Henry YclYeittfy Earl of S'jfle*, June 30, 1641 p 3 J * 1 Cd Book- binder is delired to fold this Pag? in, or elfe it wi U D *Hy Pay of Ho r s e & C. b r> H t: zr *- <•» to/one/ and Captain . E V. f U \#D|. ~ MorfVGu^ w„c Men. Grenadier Guards. W s 1 Second ^ lieutenant Ccfoneh - _ , Lieutenant Colonel and Lieutenant Lor net of Horfe 1 C uidon ditto ^ Major of Gr*Guar. 5 Major (Rank Colon it} _ ^ i Litutcant and Captain, each 1 ,«*» . . " is uidon and Captain .... 7 .i>ub- Lieu ter ant , each 1 A£j*_ Exempts and Captain 1 " Btigadieri - . . . c anc ^ Captain - • i ^fpn-v. MensPay ard Cornet frJ^T“ T Ma f teri ,0 “>cb 2 Troops Lbjplatn - r R iding Mafter in all 8,. L^ y “ ’ Recruiting Horfes - _ _ ... .<#«** V Militant and Lieutenant, or Sublieutenant Surgeon - _ . , Corporal - - ■Drums and Hautboys , each . . ! . '. * * Private Gentlemen - ^ . ’ ’ ‘ Gentlemen in Cbe/fea College - 77 * 6 ? Pav. 1 6 II 7 o 6 4 o o o o 16 ii 6 6 6 o o o II 8 5 o o o 4 o Subiht. 0 c t I 7 3 0 3 0 0 O 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 O ® 0 0 0 0 r 0 O 19 6 0 0 © r 0 0 iS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °5 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 IT 1 C 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 r 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 f* 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 84 0 0 0 0 8 0 5 0^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 IOx 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 o 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 84 2 8 0 0 i 0 8 6 7 O 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 O 0 o 1 0 0 0 5 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 < D 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 < 0 2 : Io 7 O 0 o' 0 n t -> *> j f ^ 7 ’ I 4 s each, ar l Me*. P-y, Jo o o 2 o o o J 7 16 lo o o o o 6 o o o 7 8 4 o 3 2 O I o o o o C o c o o o O o O o O o O Q o o © o O o O o 8 o o o O o o o Oo Oo Oo Oo o o 6,o 6 o iuhfift, jSio 2s 6a ta 15 O 2 O o *7 *7 o J 5 *3 12 7 o o o o 5 4 12 6 o o 7 5 o o 2 2 2 O o o o o 5 5 7 2 10 o 2 o o © 6 o o 6 6 6 o o c o o o o 6 6 o o 6 o o o A of rt.r 1 >„ .1 . Jllrnj *j- ID^y PA V of mu Di/y j CV -»/> . / M A f ESTVa t.AND Ft)| ETToRaoo the n rltlfh 1 '>ot c;ui a. If. 'I O o rtVu MbaiKACr trt CZ/br/fc 3 7 | o I o o/'c ■tI ■sJ L ** I .v/l i, 60 1 1 Mens Pay a Day 6 1 Allow'd by Warrant ac) 1 14 A ug. 1j47.ro each Colonel and Captain or the Daily FA Y ot His MAJESTY’S LAND FORCES on the Britifti Eftahlifhcr. f nr. Comp. 1 rival. *S2«. Lieutenant Colonel and Captain - Major and Captain - - Captain Lieutenant - - _ _ _ CornetH. 8 cD.orEnfignFt. 8 cidLt.Mar Quarter Mafier Chaplain • — . Adjutant - - - . Surgeon - - Ditto Mate - - Kettle Dr umofHor. 8 cDrum.Drag. 8 cFt D rum Major of Foot , ©* Trumpeter H. Serjeant Corporal - - - Hautboys - . Private Man Soil! (it or - « . Dtp. Marjhal Agent C Each Troop of Horje, or 7 Widows \ Company of Fool - ^ H 0 RSE 1 '(DRAGOONS. (FOOT GUARDS Foot 8 c Marines. Fay. rf. Subfift. 1 Fay. . Subfill. Pay r. ( Subfill. Fay. Subfifl. /. J. /. J. d. /. J. do /. s. d. /. s* * /. j. d.r 1 . s. d . /. i. 2 1 O X 1 1 0 jl 1 *5 6 1 6 6 I *9 O I 10 6’ I 4 c 0 18 O I 9 6 J 2 6 1 4 6 0 18 6 I 8 6 r 1 6 O 17 0 0 13 O I 7 0 I 1 6 !i 0 6 0 i 5 6 I 4 6 0 18 6 ‘ O 15 0 0 11 f> I 1 6 0 16 6 O *5 0 0 11 6 O 16 6 0 12 6 O 10 0 0 7 6 O 15 0 0 XI 6 O 9 0 0 7 0 O 7 ic 0 6 0 O 4 8 0 3 6 O 14 O 0 II 0 O 8 6 0 6 0 O 5 10. 0 4 6 O 3 8 0 3 0 O 8 6 0 6 6 O 5 g 0 4 c O 4 0 0 3 0 O 4 8 0 3 6 O 6 0 5 c 6 r> 0 5 0 O 6 8 0 5 0 O 6 8 0 5 0 O 5 0 0 4 6 ! 0 5 0 4 6 O 4 0 0 3 0 O 4 0 0 3 3 0 O 6 O 0 4 * O 6 0 0 4 6 O 4 c 0 3 0 O 4 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 2 6 0 2 0 1 G 2 6 0 2 0 O 3 O 0 2 6 O 2 3 0 1 9 O 1 0 0 0 H O 1 0 0 0 8 O 2 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 1 6 0 1 o 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O 2 9 0 2 3 O 1 10 0 1 4 O 1 6 0 1 0 O 3 0 0 2 6 O a 3 0 1 9 O 1 2 0 0 io 4 . O 1 0 0 0 8 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 2 0 0 1 6 O 1 6 0 1 / O O 0 0 0 0 0 O a 6 0 2 0 O 1 9 0 1 5 O 0 10 0 0 O 0 ff 0 0 6 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 4 * 0 0 3 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 9 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 1 c 0 0 9 O 0 0 0 G 0 O 2 0 0 0 0 O 1 2 0 0 0 O 0 < H 0 0 0 O U 6(0 O 0 O 5 0 p 0 0 O 0 a* 0 0 0 1 O 1 s 0 0 0 0 1 I 4 | 0 O 0 Horft G uard ,. Wait M„. Grenadier Guards. War- Men. P •A L I ST of the A R M Y. The General Officers of His Majeff^Yorees, 'with the Regiments they fever a fly do, or did lately btlong to y as the Regiments belo*w the 70 tb are broke Jince the Peace . Mark'd thus * have no Regiments, i Upon Halt' Pav field Marshals/ Sir Robert Rich, Bart, 4 D. Nov. 28, iye-r. Vijeount Ligomer, 1. F. G. and Commander in Chief of Ins Majefty’s Forces in G. Brit. Nov. so , 7 10 11 12 f/ Ch ? r A S I jj >war ^> Hen. Seymour Conwav / Duke of Argyll, * D 22 J a . Abercromby, a± Fm 2 - •§ James Oglethorpe a* Let of Albemarle^ DApr}\ Ear De Lawarr, I HG 22 *i>ir Andrew Agnew Cliff F n Lieutenant Generals Robert Napier, 12 F "" ‘ ! *£ 4 ; J° wke -^ 30 *^R.LytteJonC:e/MrW^ t -S/rJohnMordaunt.ioDMryi Francis Leighton ,2 F | James Cholmondeiey, 6 £1 2 ' *Lr 1 6 *John Moftyn, 1 Z)’ ' J John Bruce Hope, i; Far/ Waldegrave, 2 D G io Slicin' M Uarf> 37 F J ° XSirC - Sa unders > Mar - ^ 1 o L„ f 21 x 7 6oEd Cornwallis, 14 FF^.2i Fur/ of Loudoun, 30 t. 22 -Geo. Bofcawen, 23 F 22 Maunee Bocland, U F ,3 -George Howard, 7 C DrA ^Fir/ Panmure, 2 1 F 24 *Robert Rich, Gov L Derry i«tv/GeorgeBeauc!erk,i9F 25 \S,V Joleph Y„rke ,A, RarTTa Chi '£ n Scotk Wil,iam Kia :fley, 2 oF ”, Fur/ of Ancram, 1 rD. 27 * Fort/ Catheart, Adjut. G«L Hul w a T ngt ° n ’ 2T/ f ^ 28 f0r North Britain/ f £ ft o 27 £ 29 XWill ‘»"> Whitmore, o F ,t •Cuthbert Ellifon 2 x™No e l, 43 F Z>«r ,g *Duke of Ar.cafter* , /hn A^ 1 (\r’ n ^ , 3 J°nn Adle/cron, 3 a i* iS Kmgflon, F«L 4 ' Philip Honywood,4^Fe^,i8 t ‘77 ] # Tho. Dunbar, L.G0^G/£r.i 8 Fred Cavend'ft, 34 F7 Lhe following rank as Lieut . Vij count Cantalupe J HOG 8 Generals from Feb. 22 1765. • James Durand, Lt. Col 1 FG >: Mar quit of Lome, 14 D Com- mand tr in Chief in North Br . Diniel Webb, 4 3 F ''•’John Fitz-William, 2 H ♦James Patterfon, Marines Robert Anftruther, 58 F ^William A’Court, Charles Montagu, 2 F George Lord Forbes, 29 F >: John Stauwix, 8 F Charles Jeffers, 14 F Wiliiam Strode, 62 F S/rJef. Amherft, 15F&60F ♦Jofeph Hudfon, 1 M 1 FG : ' : Sir Henry Er/kine, 1 F * Archioald Douglas, 1 3 D Robert Armiger 40 F x Sir john Griffin Griffin, 33F Studholm Hodgfon, 5 F George Aug. Elliott 15 D S/> 'David Cunningham 57 F Major Gxnerals. 1760. Tho.Brudenell. 51F28 •String.Laurenc o>EafiIn.Dec 9 176 1 % W. Skinner, Eng. Feb, 18 Robert Monckton, 17 F 21 ♦John Hen.Baftide Engirt. 21 Edward Sanford, 10 F 22 ♦Theodore Dury, Marines 23 Lord Lindores, 41 F 24 John Parker, 72 F a; '■•John Lambton, 68 F 26 Charles Colvil, 69 F 27 Sharrington Talbot, 38 F 28 John Parllow, 54 F March 1 William Brown, 73 F 3 John Bofcawen, 45 F 4 jfThomas Gage 22 F Afor* 5 Vifcour.t Town/hend, 28 F 6 of Richmond 72 F 9 FW of Pembroke 1 D 10 John Severn, 8 D. 1 * x Sir John Sebright, iS F 13 * Marquis of Kildare AW.il >: LdCl\xt ,E aft lnaiesonly Mays 1 The following rank as Major Generals from Feb. 22 1765. James Prevoft, 60 F John Tovey, 53F Henry Whitley, 9 D John Clavering 52 F George Carey, 64 F George Gray 61 F JamesAdolphus Oughton3jF * Jn Gore,Lt Col. 3 FG James Murray 60 F Geo.Wdiiamfon^*;///. > : Fifcount Howe, Marines Cyrus Trapaud, 70 F Sir Wm Boothbey, so F William Keppell, 56 F Richard Pierfon, 63 F ♦John Futbar, 1 MfF G Ben. Carpenter, 12 ^ John Owen, 59 F Bigoe Armftrong 83 F •‘•Edward Harvey, 3 « 9 Earl f Shelburue William Haviland R. Burton, Lt .G> of Montreal William Rufane 76 F Hamilton Lambert. 67 F x John Irwin, 74 F Cadw % Lord Blaney 91 F ♦ChVcinon ) Lr.o/'r^eTcw^r W lliam Gar.fell, 55 F * : Da v id Graeme 49 F Marcus Smith rid.Urmfton 2 M iFG Colon els. i 762»M. Frederick y^Efan, 1 5 Commander in chief of the tintifh Forces in North odmtrica* ■j- Brigadiers Genoa/ in No rt b America only % Hotfe Guard?. Wai' Mrn. Grenadier Guards. War' Men. f I7« J 7 le following rank at Co!cncls ) f Richard Lambart, r FG Jrcmthe \^ibofFc\>. 1762. f^Eavl oj Glcnrairne Wm Deane, Gov. of Ufrnor C . T’hn Thomas l. C 2 FG Thomas Weldon, 41 F Charles Bucknall,D^Af/rf/.| x SiT:i)n Frafer, 78 F Robert Spragge, 49 F I Hunt VVaHh, L C 2 S F Joh? Wells. 2 M 1 FG Thomas Dcfagulicrs, Anilterj R. Dal. Horn Elphinftop iioFl George Prefton, L C%D Montagu Rlomer, ^ F I : Ch rl-s Hotham, 1 FG William Evelyn, 1 M 2 F G\ W'Hiam N.iper L C 3 H Alexander Maitland, i F G Henry Richardfm, 29 F j Andrew L,ra Rolio John Pomeroy, 123 F I ^ Arch. Montgomery, 77 F John Salter, 3 Af 1 FG Thomajs Erie, L C 14 D Richard Worge, 86 F James [ohnrton, L C \ D James Johnflon, r H Hon. Philip Sherrard, 1 F G Hon, Martin Sandy*, zMiFG Montagu Wilmot, 80 F Campbell Dalrympfe, L C 3 D Hon George Lane Parker iFG James G:fborne, iix F £jrl of Drogheda, 18 D NevilJ Tattoo, 1 FG John MompefTbn, LCZ F Francis Grant 90 F Henry Stamer, LCl H Richard Bendy/he, Marines ;: Alex. Mackay, 65 F Mark Rmton. L C $4 F William Furfter 2 L C 1 F Wm Autuftus Put, ic D %: |ohn Scot, 26 F G^oige Bodens, 2 F G >: LordA <\ am Gordon, 66 F Henry Bouquet, L C 60 F Frederick Haldiman,2L C So F Gov. of Trots Rivieres. ®’ r J°Hn St. Clair, L C 60F John Reed, L C 34 F Rob-rt Scott, L C 6 F J. Muir Campbell, Robert Campbell, - F G William Alex, SoreiJ, 2 FG Thomas Towntfienl, L C 57 F Lt % Gov, of Minorca . Robert Clarke William Drap r, 16 F <• Coning! ame, 124 F *W lliam Howe, 46 F fn.Bradflreet, Dep.^AT %Am^ ''Lor d Geo.L-nox,2 5i r F*b. 20 lobert Brudenell, 4 F 1 9 Henry Fletcher, 35 FJune 2® John Hale, 18 D 21 Robert Boyd, 1 F G 23 Henry Clinton 1 F G 24 Charles F;tzroy 119 25 Bernard Hale, 3 FG OF?, 7 * : J,ohn Burgoyne J 6 D $ Sir Tho. Stanhope, Marine Auguflus JohnHervey,Z)*.2i 176 VoR. Hamilton, toSFi 7 R^ u e r t R^binfn, L C 31 F A d dt Camp to the Kin 9 Ap 1 8 Fra/c^s Craig, 2 FG dkio ' 19 Earloi Sutherland, ditto 20 Edw. Ligmier, 1 FG. dirteni Achilles Prefton, Richard Smith, Richard Barker, Kandfarlie Knox. :< Lord Wark worth, Camp to the Ki g. Lieutenant Colon e i s. 1735 §Char.Wm Pearce Jan j My ro it j 1 1 r dt 26 Aid OF?. I ! 7 1739 Mor Cracherode Gov.ofF'rtSt. Philip ^Dec . I 174c ^Ja. Cunningham 'Ja.z; 1745 John Cofsley, Lieut. Go'v.CbelJ:a HcfpitalMay zj §Botclcr Hutchinlon June 12 Arthur Owen, Governor of Pendennis CaJUe Oft, * § Daniel Herring Mat. Sewell, Capt . Invalids §John Mordaunt ^Gilbert Vane * 74 ^ McCarty Apr . 9 1754 Hor. Sharpe#'. lnd.July$ 1 7 ' John LittJehales 6^.15 1756 Wm.Deny Amer. Ap. 18 i75SJa. Montrelbr Eny.J Jn . 4 Robert Douglaf?, 19 F/J»r 10 William Taylor, 9 F John Barlow 61 F forden Wren, 37 F Jnmes Burleigh, ManrJtt William Marten 74 F Hczekiah Fleming7j F Edward Maxwell 21 F William Williams 5. FG t 9 12 18 20 22 *5 2? 27 Lancelot Baugh 1 F G May William Style 1 F G Henry Lifter z F G Robert Watfon, 25 F Will. M c Dowall 32 F June 26 Ja. Robertfon, Dep. Quarter MafijGen* in Amer % \^FJuly% Eyre Mafley, 27 F 16 ArthurGraham, 1 FGAug . 24 William Trjron, 1 FG Sep . 30 George Warde, 4 D Oft William Newtcn, 86 F 11 «S/rDaTidLindfay,2fr. \ FGOftiz Wm. Whit/hed, 3 FG 13 James Cuningbame, 14 Robert Skene, 14 Thomas Dickens, 1 FG Dec. eg * 759 * Eyre Coote, 84 F Colon e, trt the F.aji Indies Jan. 20 SirWm Wifeman, Be 2 FG$o 9 3 FlowerMouchcr 3 D G Feb. 7 Jortph Gabbet, 16 F 7 Robert Sloper, j D Rd. Bowles, 71 F Invest. Apr. $ William Johnrton, 72 F ditto 5 Barthol. Gallotin, 2 II G G 7 John Darby 17 F 14. fh.Ball,Lr Gov. Jerfey June 20 Dougall Campbell 94 F July 3 Michael Hudfon. 3 FGAug ij H ans Mufgrave, 66 F 6>/>. StaatsLongMorris, Oft. 13 George Wert, 1 FGinEaJtlni \ only J Brig. Gen. Nov. 6 Daniel Jones, 3 F G 7 Thomas Ord, Artillery 21 Corbett Parry 75 F 2 & Wm Am\izift } D.Adj.Amcr % 2 q. John Wynne, gD Dec. 7 Philip Roberts, I H 31 James Edmondftone 1 F 31 1 760 JohnCampbeU,S8Fy^ r J.Caihaud, Brig.inE.lnd.cnly % John Vaughan, 46 F 12 ^Thomas Calcraft, 50 F 1% Wm Rickfon^.i^Af.^^ Jofeph Lewis Feyrac, 18 F 17 Edward Windus, 93 F 17 Lord Gore. 92 F 17 Robert Pigot, 38F Fe£. 4 Ch. Lewis Moidaunt, iFG 4 John Rutter, ^>r/ 7 / # 8 John Dai ling, 43 F 27 Valentine Jones 52 F Mar 4 Rufiel Manners, 2 D GAp . 5 Thomas Hall, Cholmondley Scott, 1 1 FMiy$ Robert Murray Keith 87 F 10 William Napier, z^FJunen Spencer Cowper, iFGJulyz 3 James Grant, 40 F Governor of Eafi Florida , 26 Peter Daulhat 51 F 2 William Phillips, Artil. Richard Maitland, Deputy Adj . Horf t Guard*. Wa(< Men,. Grenadier CuaHs.War? M , n . r Gen, in North America 2 2 William Hill, 5 D 2c George Taih 3 F G Sept, j >: Ccorge Monfon 96 F 20 William Eaft 4 H Ofl 3c Hector Boifrond Mar 9 Nov 20 William Faucitc 3 FG 25 David Erskine, 76 F zy Toleph Higgonfon 62 F z% William Lu/hington, 8 T) 29 Lord NVwbattle, 12 D Dec, j 1761. Tho. Marlay 5 F Jaz 2 Richard Prelcot 7 f 22 John Maxwell, 20 F 26 Charles Grey, 98 F zy Sir T.SpencerW:ifon, iFG 28 x Ifaac Bane 29 S/VHughWilliams 53 F Feb ij Geo. Morrifon, QM G z 2 Tho. Clarke, 2 F G Mar , 4 Charles Rains ford, 2 F G 5 John Mackenzie, Marines i 0 Samuel Edhoufe 13 F 17 James Ma{\enon y DAGIrcl,jy Auguftin Prevoft, 60 F Zo Alexander Campbell, 95 F z 2 Phi lip Jennings, 1 T HG Apr. 1 ; Earl Cornwallis, 12 F May \ William Wright, 2 FG < Park Pepper M 49 F June 1 Thomas Shirley 67 F 2 § Edward Rycaut, Ma~ir.es 6 George Marriot, 10 D 17 Richard Gorges jS D 17 Edward Strode, M41 F 19 J, Peter Defmarerz, Artill, 19 John Kellet R H G 22 George Scott, Lt , Governor 0] Domimco J u ty I Thomas Hardy, 65 F i j James Pattifon, Art ill, Aug c Jofeph Brome, Artillery Aug J Tho. Ofwald, 105 F 10 Patrick Tonyn^ 104 F 12 Edward Marhew,2 FG Sep.zq ^Tho.More Molineux, 3 FG 25 Fo ] William Wynyard, 3 F G 26 Rob.Rickart Hepburn , bDOfli §Thoma$ Bat: 2 )J ames Kinmer 2 Henry Holmes, M 4 // 3 Francis Bonham, M 3 D 4 vVilliam Biacket, Cop\ Jnv . ^ Gervas Remington, 36 F y Lewis Ch.Montolitu, 277 /G' g William Browning, M46 F9 Juhn Tullikens 45 F i Q Fred. Hamilton 3 A/ 1 F ij Robert Sloughtcr, iTHG 12 William Euflace, M 3 F John Litchfield 7 D 14 '•Richard Burton, M 1 D 14 Charles Beaucierk, 3 F G 16 Patrick M* Diuil 3 F G 17 Robert Prefton 24 F 26 1762 John Linde, Inval.J jn.z Purcell Kempe, Marines z James Agnew, 58 F Archba'd Patou n, Eng\n % Patrick Mackellar, Engirt James Bramham, Engirt , John Lindfav, M ^3 F Arthur Preflon M z II ^ ^JohnTufton Mafon Marinese Robert Rofs 48 F 0 ames Ramfay M 30 F 7 Adam Levingfton M 21 F g D mielChenevix, Irijb Artillery 8 Robert Wal/h 54 F Gordon Graham 42 F ohn Beckwith 44 F I > aul Emil. Irving M 15F phn Neale, 3 F G J'iancis Smith 10 F ohn Conyngham 29 F Robert Gordon 84 F Edward Milbanke, 3 MDG 19 Paul Peachell Mz H G G 20 Henry Williamf n y^FJan.zi Hildebrand Okes 33 F 21 Jofeph Widdens 73 FJ a n t 23 9 12 J 3 x 5 *5 16 x 7 18 Jitncs Francis John C rft*\ry H^h; WjJiac Archils Ala. i\ Thoma Piter B Robert Willi* Wo>.G Thonja Daridtt Ridlirl • John Doughs M z D z. o/r Will am Erski.oe, i 5 D 25 Jofeph Harrifon, M 57 F 26 • Cab.Chriftie.Z)^Jft?^r2 7 Sandy* Mill M 1 D G 2 S Alexander Fra Ter, M 38 F 29 Alexander Ltflie M 64 F 30 Ttavi* Appleton M65 F 31 John Campbell M 17 F Feb. 1 Robert Campbell 95 F John Reid, M At F Henry Patton M 6 F James Money • Hu. Mac K3y, SutbetLBatt . 6 3 j Charles Rofs, Sutber. B attain 4 j Freeh. Ramfden 1 H G G 4 ,.i Lt. Geo. cf Cariijls 6 • William Green, 8 Engineer 8 7 j George Scott, 89 F 6 Charles O'Hara 2 F Gr 1 j Dudley Ackland 36 F 1 | ; ’ : Hcnry St. John, h i F John Roberts, 123 F Loft. Ant.Tottenham, 122F13 Ant. Sr. Leger, 124 F William Rowley, 1 20 F Alexander Tennant 9 1 F James F owke, JVtjl In lies Nathaniel Gould 3 FG James Stuart 90 F Francis Maclean, 97 F Ap< John Guff rati, 45 F Henry Trelawny 2 FG j -Fife 0 ur t Allen 37 F Hugh Fife. Perciv^l 1 F G 17 William Miles 1 FG 19 Archibald Mac Nab, SS F 26 Alex. Moneypenny, 56 F 29 Thomas Hav> 7 D. May. 7.1 Peter Bathurd: 22 Robert Welch 119 F June 23 William Roy, Engin. 23 Wm. G Wynne, 2 FG Aug. 25 Thomas Reynolds, 2 FG 25 David Wedderburn, 22 FSep.22 Richard Pownail 1 F G 23 r >81 ] J Hon. AVm. Gordon j 10 ^TOSI, 1 1 Edward Nugent, 85 F 1.3 John Maunfeli, 27 F 77 J hn Godwin, Artil. AW. 1 Samuel Cleavland, ditto 2 Robert Prefcott 7 ^ F 10 William Harcourt, 31 F William Nc/bitt, 59 F 24 Hon. John M mckton^F 2 5 Hervey Smith, 2 D G 26 >: James Pringle, <9 F Dec. 17 Jofuh Martin, 6$ F 24 i m j6lG\ynT\ y Nyr>n,zFGJjn t & George Og'lvie, 3 FG Hen. Vim. Nzp\er,DAGNB 17 James Douglas, 3 FG 26. Hugh S >merville 16 D William Skinner, 85 F g S r George Olborne 3 r George Maddifon, 4 F Apr. 20 William Hull, 83 F Alay n Edward Craig, 1 F G jj fohn B ddulph, 3F jj lames Patterfon, 6^F Juries c H.Gladw Ti^Dcp.Ad.Gen.Sepij Jamts Craig, 2 F G 23 Tho.TwyJden, vTHG Nou.zt Th*>ma5 Davenant Dec. 23 i764C.Hemington, 23 FJazy Padon Gould, 30 F Mar C bz^ Pat. Warrender, 1 1 F May 4 William Bur ton, 64 F June 15 Sir S, Clair, ^M.Ge.N.A.^o John Spital, 47 F Theophilus Clements, 69 Fir William Forbes, 35 F William Thornton, Sept. 3 Alex. Duncan, 46 F AW. 21 A lex. Johndone, 5 5 F 23 Wli m Hircourt, 3 1 F 28 Dav d Ht^burn, William f^ull, 53 F Dec. j James Agnew, 44 F Jz fohn Burgoyne, 58 F. jg James Blacjuiere, 13 D q. M A J O R S. 774'* ^Sir C. Leighton, lifayi Ch. Henry Coliins, 'lvwiOQ<{ ^Robert Mitfcrd ^Matthtw Swiney 08. ^Scotc FJoyer ^Cha. Durand Nev. 26 3 747. §James Otway, Ub z< j 7 50. H . H&VX y Sbeernefs Mar.\ 1 ;54^CharlesCra^en ? ^^ 2^ j759Ht£lorMunro,8c)i 08 * 14 jcn.es Johnftone 61 F Dec n 1760. Peter Labill ere 92 F Jan. 1 Edward Stopford 6 6 F 3 WJl am Walters 4 <; F Feb. 25 William Pictt 96 F May J Charles H' athco»e 94 F William Bury, 1 2 V Jam. Abercrombie 7 %FJuly 2 <; J< ichardMontgr mery , 5 1 Fyftfa To.Goreham, Rangers inA*.c* 2 Hugh Cans 5 Robert Frefton 93 F Robert Edward Ft 11 , 77 F 27 John Campbell, May AW. 19 Claud, Hamilton Murines ac Henry Gladwin 80 F Dec. 13 Archibald Campbell, 87 F 2c 176 1. Nat. Hey wcod, 21 D J an l John Leland, 98 F 21 Fhn. David Home, 25 V 23 Charles Chapman, 96 F Fcb.b Charles Veaitch, 67 F 18 Henry Boifragon 8 F 28 S mon Frafer, 24 F Mar 15 David Bell * 6 William Jones 13 F 17 Patrick Sutherland 77F 22 Boughey Skey, 43 F 25 James Dunne 1 T H G Afir.i S G Auguft. Barry, $cF May 22 Robert Farmer, 34 F 2 James Job ftftone,iciF 12 >>r Villi for icb ion ■rfw: oin kor & 'nn Clur in. htr Wit( Cf, 1 14 F Richard Ridley, 107 F Jn Walking. Crawtoid 1 15F i< i'hoxxns James Artillery 2: Otho Hamilton, 40 F AW. )< Mofes Coibett, 7 F y 1762. John Stratton Jan. L\e vinion Pool, 72 F Feb. Robert Ackland, 73 iW. I Lucius FerdL ano Cary, 74 F 1 George Carr, 82 F ' j: ’amts Dairy mple, j F j William FercivaJ, ic F i; Maurice Carr, 29 F 1 William Dairy mplc, 14 F i; Charles Erfkine, 120 FFeb.i Lord Wallingford, 121 F I John JefFerys, 122 F J; lichard Rochefort, 123 F 1 « Henry Browrigg, 124 F j ^//'johnWhitefoord,Ari iD zi Tu DonaldCampbell .Argylfb.Ma ohnTuckei, 75 Invalids ’ | |jj. ,oftus Chffe, 74 Ditto Theodore Defvories, 71 F ] ohn Wrightfon, 76 F Mwr A'th« u> nts Sr A Slfcfl R'cba Fnc; m Chrhi Kfnr\ f iii fAUan '•bn him Benin »n* 4 iv iivj* v*- jehn JielJ, Drew. Marir.es 15 Geo'gc Amil.e> 15 D Mpi Barry Paul W.Hi: Arthu WJiii to m 03 , I J; Ii J I P 1 J jfi 9 fV, U er„ it, . i 'ii t «*3 ] Henry Wny, April i William Pi&on, 12 P fames Murray, 9? F 13 Henry Laws LuttereH,i6 D 16 Richard Raitt, 2 F 23 Horatio Gates 60 F 24 Edward A/henhurft, 3 H 24 John Murray, £7 F 25 George Diummond 33 F 30 Robert Gordon, 21 F flAiy 7 Francis Gv*re, 25 F 8 Charles Webb, 9 F 9 Jam.Harring'onja THGG Jo ^atr ck Prefton, 57 F Jo Witlhcd Keene, < F 11 George Rawfon, 5 F 17 Simplon Barber, 1 D 18 Charles Hamilton, 1 D G 19 J hn P*rr, 20 F 20 Gbadiah Bourne, 8 F 20 rho.OfbornMordaunt, icD-i Maurice Cane, 75 F 24 Arthur Molctwortb, 14 -D *6 f tyn Wilkins, 60 F. 9 R/Ciayton Bnky, 58 F 25 Sr Allen Maclean, 119 F 2 Samuel Z 'bell, 77 F Jz/Zy 1 Richard Parker, 106 F 16 Francis Og lvie, 9 F 24 Th. Sheldon, /fck met Augufi 3 Chriftopher Gauntlett, rfjVf* 3 Henry Smith, ditto 3 F lix Buckley , iM 2 T // G 6 Allan Campbell, 42 F -15 f'»hn Brbu hton, Tco F 20 Benjam n Gordon, 48 F 5*/. 2 Barry St. Leger 9; F James Stratton, 8b F David Ro s, 5 F Robert Ftench, 9 D W iliam Morris, 72 F Paul Rycaut 17 F W. Iliam AMerion, ic-z Arthur Loftus F * William F.rbes, 35 F 2 7 oa. t 1 j ie * I 7 F 2( ~S r 3 1 Thomas Johnflone, 56 03. 31 | m j s Rooke, 104 F AW»2 3 Thomas Col", q8 F 26 William G-ant, 85 F Dec. 17 William Hunter, 104 F 20 ,9/V A^ev- Purves, fi* 11 1 • 1^3 F24 John Melville, Brevet* 3 1 1763. Jimes Lmeham. 8r F Alar. o John Wh : rmore, 6 D 18 EdvvardW F ^7 William F^rrefter, 8 3 FM#y 1 1 Charl-s M^whood. 3 F 17 John BWr, 63 F ^ S:m Townfhend. to T J utiei $ Charles Grofbie, S6 F 17 William A n t 2DG Ai^.17 Walt. Carruthers. Mar.O&.n T^hnShor-, 1 H G Nov. 21 Will. Hi flop, Artilh Dec. - Arthur Browne, 28 F 16 l764.C.E^erton 4 F Jan. 11 Benjamin Bernard 23 F 22 J .hn Fleming, 36 F 2-^ S'. G^.o-ge Dally, 37 F Fcl .z, T hn Yeo Moteb 22 Edward G- ffi b, 4 D W’r 2. Frederick Evelyn. 1 c TllGG 23 Laurence Reynolds. 63 F. 2 n J hn Fletcher. 32 x 17 * Wm. Cavmdifh. 62 F /7/>r. 20 Martin Tucker, 1 H c J un e 13 F r anris LafcHles, % 0 1 C Henry PulHn*. t 6 F 13 Benjamin Bron h ab 69 F 13 Edward Malore, 47 ^ Tr Charles Harpnr, ^ F r ' r * ,0 Thomas Baugh. 3c F N v.zi Philip Skene 52 F John Ormfby, 33 F J hn Alcoek, 1 i D 1765 Wm. Powell, 54 T& Ged!Cunn*ti°hata tM-THG Edward Hunt, 39 F Horfe Guards. Wa i' Men. Grenadier Guards. War* Men. e DeLawarr, Earl S Cadogan, Lord Granby, Marquis of rr, ' OZ'JJ. /loy Two Troops ofHpFsE GUARDS raifeO in .fifot n 1 Jennings. Philip i n„ n m- Dunne / James z Shore, John 1 Buckley Felix 2 Cunn'nghdnijGeorge 181 1S1 MeffifUt s Richard fun Winter 1660 1 J ennin & s ' p *»ilip 2 Tvvyfden, Thomas 1 66c , ^ onto ^* eu jBewisCha U Slaughter, Robert J UiilningbartijOeorge *” « H«r„» 6l .„,I a ,iof LIJ701 Gallatin, Bartholomew Jprclllli; Paul*^!^ c ' 7 ’ I®* 1 ’ L| ,0- «»yal Regiment of HORSE GOARM. 1 ^ 1 66 ’ 1 p' lktt ’ J oh . n IJurbes, Andrew | 3 , 9 , M eyr iclt tour Regiments of LIGHT HORSE 9 Roberts. Philin — London nnd Weft minder 1 Johnfton, James C a FitzwiJliam, John L 3 Harvey, Edward C 4 Honywood, Philip L I Moftvn, John L a Waldegrave, Earl L 3 Howard, Sir Charles G 1685 1685 1685 1688 Roberts, Philip Stamer, Henry Naper, William Eaft, William Tucker, Martin C Prefton, Arthur Lt.C C Afhenhur/l, Edward (Holmes, Henry Lt C 2 14 214 214 214 t'l n . Ittoimes, Henry Lt C 214 Three Regiments .of DRAGOON-GUARDS i68<,Sloper. Robert r i685jS!oper, Robert 1685 Manners, Ruflell i685|Moucher, Flower Mill, Sandys Lt« C A nott, William Milbanke, Edw. Lt.C 34 > 231 2 3 * Chaigneau D, t , Defbrifay Chaigneau Rofs Dirfo Adair iO u *|London and I Weftminfter INottingham ] and Derby. Ireland Do. Do. Du. .Colchefter jSalifbury 1 Great Brit. Eighteen Regiments of DRAGOONS. Cscn •£» u> r,ow,. d . s.-ch».u. 52 ,'S iMUbanke, Edw. I- t .cl Eighteen Regiments of DRAUUUNb. 'l Pembroke, Earl of 2 ArgyP, Duke of - Albemarle, Earl of Rich, Sir Robert F Vorke, Sir Jofepli Gholmondley, Ja. 7 Howard, George 8 Severtie, John 9 Whitky Henry to Mordaunt,SirJohn 1 1 Ancram, E*rl of iz Carpenter Bcnj. 1 3 Douglas, Arch. - 14 Lome, Maquis of 1 <; Elliot, Geo. Aug. 16 Burgoyne, John 17 'H ale, John 18 Drogheda, Earl of g!i68i 1685 168 s 1688 1689 1690 1693 '7 L M L L L M M L L M . jU« 7 *S L 171 ; i-! *759 C 1759 C 17J9 C.I 7 S 9 1 S *7 » 5 171 Ju^nfton, James C Prefton, George C Dalrymple, Campbell Warde, George H.ll, William C Hepbourn,Rob Rickart Litchfield, John Lufiiington, William Wynne, John Pitt, Wm Aug. Wam-nHer, Patrick Newbattle, Lord Blaquiere, James Erie, Thomas Er/kine, Sir William Somerville, Hugh Blaquiere, John Gorges, Richard Burton, Richard Lt C Douglas, John Lt.C Bonham, Francis Lt.C Griffith, F.dward Cane, Hugh Whitmore, John Hay, Thomas Lt. C Lafcelles, Franci^ French, Robert Mordaunt, T.Olborne B 11 , David Bury, William Alcocke, John Ford Ainfiie, George Walpole, Edward B rch, Samuel Caulfield, Francis 7 3 1 231 23 I 231 3 + 5 2 3 T 231 231 231 2 3 1 231 231 231 2 3 J 2 3 1 231 2 Ligonier, Vifc. F M j r 660 Three Regiments of FOOT GUARDS. Hudfon, Jofeph L| Durar.d^ James 1 nuuion, joirpn iq 2 Urmfi on, Edward JV 1 1 3 Salter, John Cj 1 Ca.c. Oi r to • v.oicncfK?r I Sa 1 i/bu ry Lambe Warwickfhire Drummond Manchefter Adair Scotland Richudfon Do. * Sefbvifa’y Ireland Bluuut Yu-k R 0 f S Worcefter Deffirifay T reland Chaigneau Do. Fifher Kent Ireland Ohichefter Montgomer\ Ireland Chaigneau Do. Cockburne Do. Drummond Shrewsbury * Rofs Surry. Montgomery Ireland Ditto Ditto 1 London Cox I ana * Weflmimler i j Ty rawly, Lord - C 3 Rothes, Earl of - C I Er/kine, Sir Henry L * Montagu, Charles L 3 Burton, Ralph C 4 Brudenell,Hi nRob. C 5 Hodgfon Studholme L 6 Guife, John - - Q 7 Bcrt : e, Lord Robert L 8 Stanw/t, J.,hn L 9 Whitmore, Win, L 10 Sandford, Edward M 1685 IJ Bocland , Maurice L 1685 lz Napier, Robert L i 1 6 3 5 13 Pulteney, H I Ucibcl lay \l.ir I I i *<*1 and /<■ lihruita wt Mta * li Panmnre, Earl of -Lji67? 22 Gage. Tnomas M, 23 Bolcawen, George L 24 Cornwa iis^Edward L 25 Lenox, Lord GeorgeC a6 Scott, John C 27 Warburton, Hugh L 28 Town/hend, Vile, M 24 Forbes, Lord L 30 Loudoun, Eari of L 31 Qughton,J, Adolph. V 32 Lev h ton, Francis L 3J Griffin, S rJnGriffin L 34 Cavendifh,Ld.Fred.M 3 5 Fletcher, Henry C 36 Manners, Ld # Rob. L 37 Stuart, Hon. JamesL 58 Talbot,SharringtonMii7d2 39 Adlercron, John L 40 Armige», Robert L 41 L ndores, Lord M 42 Murray , Ld. John L 43 Noei ; Bennec L 44 Abcrcromby, jamesL 4 5. Bolcawen, John M 46 Howe, William C 1701 17*7 1 1 1 Maxwell, Edward Levingfton, Ad, Lt.C f 520 Wedoerburn, David Lof'tus, Arthur 500 Hemington, Charles Bernaid, Bei.j.imin 529 Prefton, Robert Frafer, Simon 5-9 Wat Ion, Robert Home, David 520 Monercif, Geox&e C Mufon Henry M «rk 340 MafToy, Eyre Miunfell, John Lt.C 500 Walfh, Hunt C Biown, Arthur Conyngham, John C Carr, Maurice 346 Gould, Patton Ramf»y. James Lt # C 5 2 9 Harcourt,Vf i'liam Walfh, Ralph 529 (Vl‘Dowall t William Fletcher, John 329 , Oakes, Hildebrand Drummond, George C29 , Reed, John C Farmer, Robert coo Forbes, Charles Ormsby, John 500 Reming T on, Gervas Fleming, John 529 , Wren, Jorden Dally, St. Gc urge 500 P’gott, Robert H irpur, Charles 5 °o Williamfon, Henry Hunt, Edward 346 Grant, James Hamilton, Orho 5 00 Weldon, Thomas C Strode, Edward Lt.C 529 jGraham, Gotdun Reid > John Lt.C 5CO ■ Dalling, John Skey, Beughey • 500 ' Agnew, James Beckwith- John Lt.C 5 Co iTullikeiib, John Walters, William 500 |Duncan, Alexander Baugh, Thomas 50c , WMfdn Scotland Fen fa col 3 Poumies Great Britain Matthias Gibraltar Adair Edinburgh Mbrifay Ireland Roberts America Fi flier Do. Ddbrifay Ireland Meriick Gibraltar Poumies HiifeyB f fu. Richardfon Weft lndie-S Cox vlino: r a Fi Iher M lO.lel Aols Florida Fitter Jamaica Baird Minorca Fitter Ireland Delb ifay Ditto Lambc Nova Scotia M)col& P we 1 Great Britain Drummond New York Fi flier Hilfty Bmac* Merrick Montreal Poumies Do. Forter Niagara 47 Lafcelles, Peregrine L ivir/T grenadier Guards. War* Men 4>> Wv bo, Daniel . L 49 Graeme, David M 50 Boothby,SirWill. M 51 Brudenell, Thomas M 52 Clavering, (ohn M 53 Toovey, John M 54 Parfiow, John - M 55 Ganfeil, William M 56 Keppell, Willian> M 57 Cunningham, SirD. L 58 Anftruther, Robert L 59 Owen,, John M 60 Amherit:, Jef. in Chief Muirav,Ja. M ? Co/s. S Com. Prevoft, fa. M 61 Gray, George toz 'Strode, William 63 Pierfon, Richard 64 Carey, George - 6<; Mackay, Alex. w 66 Gordon,LoidAddmM 67 Lambert, HanjiltonM .68 Lainbton, John M ^.69 polville, Charles M 70 Trapaud, Cyrus JM 71 iw'z/. M L M M C T74 j’SpitaJ, John 174: *743 ' 7 S 1 755 l 7>5 1 7 5 5 1 7 S 5 1 75 5 ! 75 17- 1 7 S 5 *755 L Rofs, Robert 1 75 5 1758 I 75 & 175S 75 $ ' 75 * 1758 17SS 4 7 5 s f 7 5 $ Spragg, Robert Calcraft, Thomas Dauihat, Peter [ones, Valentine Hull, W*liiam Wallli, Robert Eliot, Robert Stuart, Jame9 Townfliend,Tbrt. Burgoyne, John Ncfbitt> William Bouquet, Hr*ory Haldiman,FrederickM Barlow, John Higginfon, Jofeph Pattcrfon, James Burton, William Hardy, Thomas Mufgrave, Hans Shirley, Thomas Marlin, Jofias Clements, Theoph. Malone, Edward Gordon, Benjamin Pepper, Park Lt.C Barry, George Aug. Montgomery, Richard >ket e, Philip Lindfay, John Lt. C Powell, William Baugh, Thomas Heighington, John Hurrifon, Jofeph Lt.C Bayl^y, R. C'ayton Pringle, James Lt.C 7 % Invalids Utttf ■ Gates, He ratio Wilkins, J >hn Johnfton, James Cavendifh, Wdliam Blomer, John Leflie, Alexand. Lt.C Appleton, Tea vil Lc.C Stopford, Edward Veaitch, Charles Reynolds, Lawrence fBromhead, B { nea. George, Inv J?crwi k and Holy liland Blacknefs Cal (hot Carlifie Chatham .Chefter Cinque Ports. Warden Dartmouth Governors. per Ann . Lieut .G over nor s. per Am f Agents , TowarJ, Sir Ch. G 500 00 c Trapaud, Alex. 300 OO 0 Ada'r Ditto Caulfield, Wm. M 30 c 00 ;> Adair Guifc, John - G 600 O'. G Gwynne, Roderick C r 82 10 0 Winter V^ere, Hon. Ch. Hope 300 00 C Stuart, John - 73 oc 0 Drummond Burrard, Henry 4 C 1 2 A None Heffe Darlington, Earl of 1 1S2 10 0 Ramfden, Freeh. LtC 182 10 0 Fifhcr M.Gunner Jo.Toovey Cho!mondely,E.of L IS: 1C Cholmonddy, Ja. L 182 10 0 Dorfer, Duke of 50 c )\ 0 '* : Hales,SirTh Pym 182 IC 0 Bale Kulufworth, Arthut ; 1S2 00 0 Capt. DkmbarJfyrr M 73 IC 0 Hamilton Guards Wau g Mm. Dumbarton E ihburgh G rave fend and Tilbury G uer afey Hull Hurd Jerfey La ni guard Fort Sr. Maws Pendennis Plymouth Portland Portfmouth Scarborough SclUy Sheernefs South. Tea Caftie Stirling Tower Tyn mouth Upnor Wight, Me of William, For-t Wind lor Varmoutb, North St. James’s Park Montgomery, Arch. C Loudon, Earl of ' L Cadogan, Lord - G De Lawarr, Earl G Pulteney, Henry G Anderfon, Geo.Capt. Albemarle, Earl of L B^auchrk,LiGco. L Owen, Arthur - C Waldegrave, Earl L Laver, John Ty rawly, Lord G Catherwood, John Oodolphin, Earl of Muraaunt , S’/rJohn L I 300 o_ 0 0 300 00 0 300 OO Jo 600 OO 0 182 10 0 365 OO c 109 10 0 300 OO 0 iiS 9 | 02 6 91 05 0 700 OO 0 16 0 0 0 300 00 0 GamphelljJarnesCapt Bet keley t LdC<.nJlablr Agnew, Sir And. L Deane, WiJ iam C Stan’ey Hans, RtHon Kingfley, William L Cardigan, Earl of Draper, William C Njne 300 j 00 o t OOO ; OO O 30 °j 1 Co 0 182, 10 0 0 0 00 0 3 00 1 Oo 0 1 *82 10 0 182 Jo 0 ] Edmonftone Campb. Wemyfs, John Whitworth, Charles Mylne, Sir John Manners, Ld. Robert Alone Ball, Thomas ThicknefTe, Philip Kemp, Arihur Bowles, Richard Will ams, John None Murray, John None Bofcawen, George L Hart, Henry Smith, Nathaniel Ahercromby, Ja. L Vernon, Charles M Cowper, Spencer L(C None Stanwix, John L Forbes, L01 d Brudenell, Thomas M None MrGunner> Brome,J>f Grenadier Guards. \V ( 182 io]o Hamilton 1S2 10 o Lamb 1S2 10 o Winter 182 too 182 lojoj Roberts : CouttS 182 Jio o 182110 O Adair 45 12 6 Wif man 91 o ' o Merrick 182 10 o Rofs Madden 182 10 o Meyrick Cheek 182 10 0 Poumies 182 10 * Fiflier 91 05 o 182 100 700 00 o Colins 182 to o Winter Winter 36- 00jC Kirkby 182 10 o Cox 182 100 ; ^1 36 10 o Dublin Dun cannon ^ Gfllway - | le and 1 I Kargj&L Charles Limerick — iHi *tht Governors of bis Majejif s G ar r if 6n< in Ireland, Cbarltmount - T~Ohn Johnfton, Efq; Governor, i i. aDay Cork - 5 '“‘Lord Robert Bertie, Governor, ij. a Day \ Lieutenant-Governor 9 Jofeph Sirr, Efq^ Town -Major, 5 s. a Day Lt. Gen. Earl of Rothes, Gov . 1 1 . a Day Sir Thomas Heron, Bart. Fort Major George Stratford Eyre, Efq; Gov 1 is. aDay Francis Rollefton, Efq; 'Town Major , 4s. a Day Earl of Dngheda, Governor , 1 1 . a Day Nicholas Price, Efq; Lieut- Gov. 10 s. a Day Lewis Nicolas, Efq; Fort Major 4s. a D. C Duke of Argyle, Gov. j 1. a Day \ Francis Meares, Efq; Town Major , 4s. a Day Londonderry and Culmore Forty R:. Rich, Eiq; Gcv. il. a Day Rofs-Caftle Francis Lumra, Efq; Gov. 10s. aDay MINORCA. L ieut. Gen. Sir Richard Lytelton, Governor, 2 1 . aDay Dr. John Burrows, Secretary to the Governor Rev. John Morgan, Chaplain to the Governor Col . Thomas Townihend, Lieutenant Governor , 2 1 , a Day Rev. Edward Clarke, M. A Secretary to the Deputy Governor . Capt.Wtn . Courtenay, Comm f ary General of Stores, 2I. a Day Z'chary Moore, Ex sud de Ca , to bis jlff*jjly, Mau Gen , Chailes Vernon, Col, Robert Robinfon, Col* Funds Craig, Karl of Sutherland, C l Ligonier, Lord Warkworth. GENERALS & c. on tb herd Lieut, per Day 1 81 . is. 3 Commander in Chief \ Eneral Earl of Rothes, T 4L a Day. His Aid de Camp . Major Wm Leflie, ios. a Day Lieutenant-General , 3I a Day. Lieut . Gen, Thomas Fowke, His Aid de Camp , jos. a Day. A\ Major Generals, ll. 10s. each General Lord Tyrawley, Lteut , General Obrian Dilks Lieutenant Generals , •••George Bofcawen, •, Gold.jq . Cokburne, George, Dublin Cox, Richard, Aibetnarle-ftreei Dclbrifay,Capt Co’kbtll, Dublin Drummond, Henry, G. Geo Jit Fittier, Tho. Great Mar lb. Jir. Fitter, James, Poultney ftreet Goldfrapp, — — Craven-fir eel Ireland, New B 0 nd-Jlr e et Lamb, John, Brook -Jlreet Matthias Vin Wood-ydScotl-yd Merrick ScPoxx.tr Parliament Jl % Montgomery, Capt. Dublin Nicoll & Powell, Admiralty O dham,Auguttin,P^/r/7^ -ft r% PouTnies y — -Boltofj-ftreet y Puc's Richard ion, J. Dowr.ir.g-Jlreet . Robeits, David, Craven- ftneet . Rofs, George, Conduit fireet Whitlock,' WmCarle'ton Dublin Wi]fon,SirThomas DeanJi.Sc.b9 Winter, John, Hanover -Jqu art Wife man, Jn. Crown J l. Weftm. Commiffioncrs and OJjicers oj Commiffioncrs . T HE Prefi. of the P. Council Firft Lord of Treafury Two Secretaries of State Pay - matterGen.of LandFcrces Secretary at War Two Comptrs. of Army Accts. The Governor and Lt. Govern and many ethers. Military Officers . Sir Ro. Rich, ftt.G over nor ,$co\ Col. Cofsley, 200I LtG over nor ; Nath. Smith, Efq; 150 IMajot Lewis Grant, Adjutant , 60 L t L 1 e Royal Hof pi taint Chelfea. Dr. Green, DrFrancisC^z/>. iool Dr.Moun(ty,FRS P by f. iool. John Ranby , Efq -Surgeon, 1 ool. Surgeon's Mates, Alexand. Reid, John Thomas; Apotb Rich.R< b Graham, Efq Rupture Curer and Trujsmakfir , Richard Mears. Secretary and Regifter [ohn Luke Nicoll, Efq; Clerks, Geo.Ruflell, Jn Huffey Hon. Gilbert Vane, Depjfreaj \ Clerks, Jn Wilton, Wm Thomas Agent and Paymafler to the Out R t Penf oners, JnRicbardfon,Efq; Clerks, Benjamin Sparrow, SHawkefworth,JRichardfon,j C h arl t $ Co wper, E Iq \Comptr oiler WijJiam Earle, Efq. Steward Rhodolph.Huguenin, Wbitfler Jo f. W ood hau fe, Wardrobe -keep Emanuel Burnet, Mafler Cook . Geo. Horfington, Second Cook. John Wilton, Mafler Butler . Cime£ Capp, Second Butler . Mr. Champion, Mafler Baker John Vardy.CM. of the Work. Ed, Anderfon, Mafler Majon, John Davis, jun. Mafler Smith, 1 94 ] Mr. Abbot, Painter . John Davis, jun. Engineer . Wr. Fitter, Clock-keeper % ohn Carter, Gardener, r n. Bird, Mafler Lam pLighti GeoQ\\urcYi,Comptr,'fCoalira i Mif Joanna Pitc, Matron . George Church, Poster, Simon Pawfon, Mafler Barb James Hopfon, Scullery Mar. J Henry Medley, Sexton &\ih.Dobb\nicm,Ufl?.of tbclla | W. Brett, Cana!keep.8cTutnec<. Thu. Morgan, John Pritcharc Sweepers Office of tie Paymafler-Gen, of bis Maj. Forces , Whitehall. Pay -mafler -G encral, I ORD Holland Dep Cha. Hamilton, Efq; Qajkier , Anth. Sawyer, Efq; Jiccemptt Jn. LukeNicoJl, Efq; i.jdg.Kcep. John Powell, Efq; Computer of Off- reckonings, JohnAdam Frederic He 0V,EJf; Cdjhier of Half -pay, Robert Randoll, Efq\ tfl Clerk , Charles Bembridge. Clerks , ThoBangham.RdMolefworth, John Nicoil, Francis Drake, Pat.G, Crauford, Da. Thomas KeeneStables, Wm Fox Parry David Palairet. Office-keeper and McJJengcr % Thomas Bangham. Deputy , Will. Tomlinfon Neceffary Woman, Maty Jack for Fay-mast e rs, Gibraltar , William Sloper, Efq j L&va Scotia and Cape Breton , John Luke Nicoil Efq; A^w7er>,ASrah.Mortier,Efqj Quebec y John Powell, Efq; N , America, T. Barrow, Efq; WAR - OFFICE. {White-ball.) Secretary at War, *We!bore Eili«, Efq; Dep, Sec. ChriR.D’Oyly, Efq; jfirjl Clk. Philip Francis, Efq; Other Clerks , GilbertTEliiot, JamesReynoMs, Harman Leece, Cha. Marfli, Wm. fohnfton, Fr.Matthews, John Davies, Leonard Morfe> Seb.EChanning,THomeBowIes And* Cl nton.James Campbell., Zachary Taylor Pay -mafler cfWidnos Pen font, I Hon . Charles James Fox, Deputy, John Powell. Mefftnger, William Elliott# Office-keeper AnnFannen fji 1 *r t r'- Ww l IjiJi 1 a lltor ICtrL pi* |Kich Exi Job- | CU sni rt, John Reynolds, Tho. Adams, Wm. Gardiner, W; Net tMhip.LukeMount fore Jofeph King, 40I a Year each. C/$rksin ord . under Store •keeper Johnfon Robinfon, 150I William Gregory, 60I John Wilkinftn, 60 1 Thomas Day, 60I Clerks extra under tbeStorc-keep Richard D ckinfon, R. Steel, Cades Middleton, aol Clerks in ordinary under the Clerk of the Deliveries , Stillingfleet Durnford, 150 !• John Croome, 7oi Clerks Extraordinary under the Clerk of the Deliveries , John Woodward, Fr, Milncs, R’ch. Blight, John Lock, 40I Clerks in ordinary under the TVctf/.Polydore Plumptre,i 50I F. Hanrot, 60I J. Cooper, 50I Extra , 40I each John Reynolds, El. Durnfcrd, Cut. Filler, T.Haberheld, 4c] CJarke Dornf ord Proof .wafers, Rob.Bennet, T.Hwwell, j,pl Clerk of the Works, rhorm> Hartwell, luj R z kz ir 7 L r ,/ » v -' i,,fon • »<** 9 6 •/^-Rob.Rennet, 4 o] • jfilotu Recorders JoBoddijigron, Jn. Ham frcy.zo uircbitet} ,, 0 i Charles Frediricfc, Efqj lurh J b " « Hampton -Court,' j aines . Jamej Barh cr , 60 i iJxjWr, Wm Severn, 6 ol. I«l, t Barrack 'MaJU r) fohn Jones, 4oJ 7 » i[V er °f S °l‘P'tr e> Edward Shorr, 6 o 1 ronomica t Objcrva'or, i 00 ) jV l N ' v -Ma/kelyne,^/. ‘JrT h °' Ha,tw eJJ,iool. Modeller, >Vnlia Cafh Out-P triTand Gar ioRTSMou™. Storekeeper ' Robert £ddowcs, i8oi * 9 . , C j* r,t of the Survey, John Dixon, S4 | , 5S r u ™ ^ Gkya*, John Blake, < 4 | , „ Extra Clerks, J. Eddowes, Wm Smith, a norm s Humphrey s. iC] r C t WOOLWICH ] Cr K ESWlCHs Storekeeper * Thoma s Fumis, 8oI a Y. Chatham. Store-keeper * John Parr, 14 Clerk of (be Survey* William Saltonftail, c 4 l . r , B/erho f tb ‘CL 9 le, J ofeph Middleton, 54J i» n • L*» a Ckrks > 30 I. 103 Kich. Burges, Wm. Ackid PlYMOin H, ^r;^ riRt - Rrdft one,r: U * ‘/W*y,RtAtkinfon,v Clerk of the Cheque* Nicholas Mercator, 54! i^s U 7 3 61 ics Wm Hollts^Sam. Furman , f> SH £ E R N ESS, -tK'OfSui-vey, WSumpterc4.l1 Clerk of the Cheque* ^ d -;' L°ng, 54 I 15 s f ,Cl. Rich Colernan^Q] 1, U?wor -Castle. ^ 9 re ; ^ fr> Th,..Hodgfon,{i.- Uk o/C%*f,CMiIton,361 i< . , ' ” ’ 6 ^^-ACt^, John Cockbum, 160I * Cltrb of the Survey* Net i \ pb#-U, C4. I Clerk of the Cheque* William Sanfom. 54 1 j^ s Clerk of the Fcunderj * James Deicftang, 54 1 i 5 s Extra Clerks , Wm Sumpter, James Wright ; MarkWarcupp, 36k 10s. eacii Fevlrsham. Store- ketper jEdw. Wilke? io> ~lerk t H. Deere, 54/ 15, hxtrj 4 John Holmes, 36/ Mafler V/orkc** Rd.H ali, 90/ Furfieet. ^ tor - keeper , E. N ic kfon . 7s a Da Cl* ^VveyTMaflerAoncAli z$ , Clerk* William Bache, 541,103 Extra Clerks* William Bullock Join Valton, 36I. ios. Store-keeper at Eoinburgh| Benj. B*rtlct, 91 1 5s a Yea? Stirling, Michael Elphinftone, 40! ay. f l *♦ 54* 1 I 102 ckid ~f,n ; 'V iiji ICS n,f- ■:nc 54*1 / -> ! ^lr CD,?; 61 1 : ,IC ;; 5/1: i 9 ® & 1.15 Jcc, $ to I [ * zRWicif, J. Barrow, 40I [ull, Wm Sherman, 501 !h ester, John Lyle, 40I Iuernse y, Tho. Bates 40. erse y ,Phil.Lemprrere, 100J *j£N dennis, Rd.Pearfe,4ol; For T w illiam, Alexander Muir, 40 1 )a r l isl E,Geo.B!anaire,3o) | Tilbury Fori and Gra^sjend y ohn Harrifon, 100 1. Labourer; at tbel'.wer. Thirty, at 26 1 each iTO R e -K e £ 1 * £ RS Abroad. Gibraltar , Thomas Sentence, icsaDay Clerk of ike Survey, ohn Bennet, 4s. a Day Clerk of the Cheque, fohn Ward, 4s a Day Clerk of t be IVotks, [ohn Cockcroft, 4s . a Day B arrack -m after , Thomas Sentence, 20I ixtra C/WjjThomas Wilkes, fohn Kenwood, 2. . a Day famaicdy ob. Bentoii, 7s 6d Annapolis, Tho. Williams, <;* P lacentia, And, Lemercier ts St. John's, Newfoundland, Edward White Military Branch of Ordnance. Chief Engineer and Colonel, M Aj.Gen.Wm Skinner, 501I 17s 4<* Due tiers and Lieut . Colonels, Maj. Gen, John Henry Baftide, James Montrefor, 36 \ each Sub-Dire tiers and Majors, Qt 15s a Day, Arch. Patoun, Pat. Mackellei Ja. Bramham, William Green in Ora* axdCaptaiKS) at 105. a Da y 97 3 Mitt. D'xon, G;o. Morrifon, John Archer, Geo. Wefton, Henry Goidon, John Brewfe, Hugh Debbeig, Rich. Dawfon, •Rich. Dudieon, William Roy, Thomas Sowers. Engineers Extra, and Capt. Lieut, at 6s a Day , A.WiliiamfonT Wilkmion JohnWilliame, Geo. Garth, John Phipps, Wm. Spry, Rt G. Bruce, The Ballet. ThLefanu, ArchCampbeU Robert Moris, Pat. Rofs. Sub- Engineers and Lieut. at 4s 8d. a Day, Jn Montrefor, Th.Craficell, rIen.Watfon,Sa.Beardfley, Jof. Heath, Abr.Daubant, F Mulcaiter,EliasDumford WmGreen, Alex. Mercer, Andr. Frazer, John Marr, G. Townlhend, A. Robertfon. Engineers at 3s Sd a Day , Cha. Brown, Wm. Tolley, Chr.Wefton, Ja.Lillyman, Rob.Piingle,Nat.Mmihall George Ritfo,Ja.Moncreif, JamesF errierJoitnC amble, Sam. Atkin, Tho.Hartcup, GothearMann,CFrederick . J nLewisWitwer.W .Twifs Part of the old Eflablijbment Col. Richard King tool. Gunners , Jn.Hen.Maucleac Edw. Turner, 18l.5s.each. Royal Academy at Woolwich Governor? Mar. of Granby Lt. Gov. Col. Patte fon, aool ikMaM, Jn. Muller, aool RJ • ena^er Guards. War* Mew. f ] 2 ( 3 i;//oJnLodgeCowley , ool Artificers, John Tone, Fencing Majler, Win Pitcher h ’ John PalJaelen, i ool. Iro MV'UI r • 5 * L 1 ? S ’. Claffie and Writing Majler. winDine 4 5 l.'i SlPeld j Jo ,n iecn, M. A. iool. I Labourers, Robert Polton Drawing Majler. M.Pede boujhold Wag- Robert Hind, 10s " |„ ,J a *nes Dettilin 80I. ? John Macculioch, 6s , C J Bldl0 P,Elq; Superin - I ift Lieut . William Harris I tendant of the Foundery, cool ‘ Colonels, Wm Cook, ios | ^ artw ell furuexinst ril r\ /V i*p»i 11.. 1 C F“l/7 CT P e • . I _ . . 1 Tho- Armftrong, fis ! w ai f ul Sos, j+l.i^Stod. , Leonard Bickerltaff, 6s I ^"-^mons, CcachHireicA. • Ger/l.r,Tho.Boweibank, 7 ol Join B y ,Jork >junR(7a^//i^ r ] Abel Caflfell, 36I i os L L>ay. laboratory at Woolwich. I RicS 4©1 Controller , Richard SirCh.Frederick,KJBi6 0 j Ch fVe Tre r a ^f rer > 261 - CbieJ Fire Matter Jt, Lab. to the Obfer- Col. Th. Defaguliers'icol ^ Fire Ma/ter's Mate, 5 I t heoJ° ' n w" ’J?° u f ek - to Capt. John Molman, 95 1. Uf r^U rt %vuitr Col. John Peter Defmaretz Chief ‘V" th *^ Wwr s William Brafier, 36I. 'os’ A IOo, ‘ George Haines 9 ti. c/ l'fl r? D '‘ r " foid > .h. WaU, Wta. Parker, a f 1 99 3 FrancisGould,Wm. Booth, j Charles Holloway, John Wade, JamesSurnpter, ‘ iy\. 7s. 6d. each. H. Mercier, J. Edwards, ; Eleanor Johnfon, Houfek . Miles Edward Wilke?, A List of the ROYAL NAVY of Great Britain , w ; th the Names of the Commanders of fuch as are in Commifiion, and where ftationed. ajr . On the Coaft of Africa. r. Chatham, c d. Cadiz, con . Convoys. cr. Cruizevs. d Deptford. e. 1 . Eaft- Indies. £>. Harwich. / . on the Coafts of Ireland, lb . Lifbon. 77/. Mediterranean, r. <2. North America, p. Portfmouib. Jf> 7 . Plymouth, r. in the River, s Sheernefs. so. South- ampton. *zv % Wo hvich / Weft Indies, g c g p m gpl. gr, Guavdfhips at Chatham, Pcrtfraouth, Plymouth, and the N re. The Dates fhew the Time of Building. £ 3 ? The Ships uith 3. Star added, are in CommilTun, as well as thofe with the Commanders Names ; the reft are laid, up in Or inary, at the Places prefixed. Thufe not mark’d, are employ’d 24. or near home ?s Cruiz rs. Stet. Guns . Shi; s. C ran: and Ftrft Rates, p too Y 2 l Oyal Anne p 120 Bri'annia 1762 pi ico Royal Ge rge p 100 Royal Sovereign Second Rates, p 90 Blenheim Cutting down pi 90 Duke p 90 Namur p 90 Neptune fl go Ocean pi 90 Prince p 9c St. George, filing fir feu p 90 Sandwich, fitting pi 90 Union Third Rates, afif) 4 Africai76i H.JLGowcr r 64 St. Albans 2-/64 Ardent 1^64 ^-74'Afia 1764 c 74 Abion 1763 ^'64A!cide ' p 80 Princcfs Amelia p 74 Arrogant 1760 p/764 P. Aug. 1763 MWbitcw, c ^4 Bedford ^/64Bedeifle B rod. Hartwells U 64 Be liqueux p 74 Bellona fihn Elliot • c 64 Berwick >; 94 Bienfaifant Geo.Baljour % g t~o Buckingham />/ 64 Burford James Loggie pi So Cambridge s 80 Princefs Caroline p 74 Centaur pi 70 Chichcfter cl 74 Cornwall GeoMackenxi* p 74 Courag^ux />/ -4 Culloden bl 74 Derence 1763 £ 66 Devonfliire gp 70 Dcriet- C V AHolburr.e fh re £ Robt, Hughes <74 Dragon 1760 J Montagu .pi 74 Dublin pi 64 Edinburgh rcnaaier y uards./War* Mc*r\ [ ZCO ] f 64 Elizabeth r , tl So Formidable J I ' 60 **>&» 50 ArtvJi pe f>l 80 Fovrircyant h t,' a - - [o P % 60. Anto/iio* .-5 64 P*. Frederick 7 oCrafton f \ 0 Amine 1 Ibi Hamoton C n L. ° 'Vffiftanfe pi 6 4 Hampton Court "’4 Hercules £//;-+ Hero P.Hcn.Ourry V. A. tye £/>^ 74 Kenti 762 ^ p 66 Lancafter /> 74 L:n< x // 70 Mu^nanime p 74 Mars p 64 Modefte c 64 Monmouth 74 Mcro 1764V 64 ttaflau c 80 Newark / 74 Norfolk R. Ktmpcrtfclt p 70 Northumberl iijd pi 70 Royal Oak c 70 Or ford f 74 i 74 Thunderer p 74 Torbay W 74 Triumph J764* /> 74 yali).)t /> 70 Vanguard p mj. Warfpite So Royal William £.-64 Yarmo^ * C^,P r( J>y .Hdrnf 0 n Q om pi 50 Biirtoi pl 50 Canterbury w 5 oCent u ripn 7 ,Jj ip j , r ~ ^ 5 ° Chatham EJ.LeCras.pl $0 fA° Col heller fit.firj 0 b ag9 pl to Defiance P 5 ° Deptford w/$oPread- ISr/Aj? urr a byR A nought] Tbo. L te , Capr. P 6 o Dunkirk fit. for Tgbjgt p 6 o Eagle * ,V /6 ° Ed 8 ar CoU, tr c 50 Falkland /o b f u Hulk e ‘\° Falmouth JVmBr fre tp„ gpl 00 Firme J,h,:E!pb\r.fi tn f 60 Florentine 50 Glorious r 50 Gloucefier na : ° GuemLy Painj TI° ? am PNiroo4c t 60 Pcmbrlfc. Qt *' Q ’ rr * P 60 Plymouth P 50 Pre#oa [ 201 ] g 60 Rippon * c 50 Rochefler _ C L. Colville RA "‘S oRomney j j aFergu f,„ C pi 50 Ruby pi 60 Rupert p 60 Suffolk c 50 Sutherland e i 60 Weymouth Collins r 50 Wmchefter J.Dalrymple p 60 Windfor p 6oWorcefter *1 60 York Cwtfff Fifth Rates, i to/ 2 8 AElaeon* j w/zS Active Rs£ Carkctt pi 32 Adventure 32 ^Eolus *tf 32 Alarm* d 20 Amazon lb 32 Aaabulcide — Roberts pi 44. Anglefea c 28 Aquilon c 32 Arethufa e i 28 Aigo King l 32 Aurora c 32 Blonde pi 32 Bolagne l 32 Borton /> 28 Boreas John Hughes pi 36 Brilliant c 3 6 Brune c 28 Cerberus rtf 2 8 Coventry Kennedy 36 Crt feent Rob. Brice c 32 Danae p 3 1 D* 2n a c 40 Dover f ^ Echo rj44 Pr. Edward Cba. Lucas cr^z Emerald hm. Edwards c 40 Enterprize pi 40 Expedition m 44 Fever (ham Fra Ryno'ds cr 26Garland, HonHen.StJob* s 44 Gosport w 32 Guadalupe H .JRutbven 3 40 Waitings w 40 Heitor fl 40 Prince Henry p 28 Huflar 1763 JasSmitb 32 Jafon 1736* pyt Juno Lucius Obnen 32 Larki762 Sa.Thompfon c 44 Launcefton c 28 Levant c 28 Liverpool • — — 0 &*s p 28 Lizard c 30 Looe 40 Luilow Cattle c 44 Lvnn n a 28 Maidftone WefionVarh j/r 3 6 Melampe JohnClerka nai% Mermaid 17 6 iG.fFdsJbn 28 Solebay, 1763 WmHay c 32 Sta»g Henry Angel / 44 Torrington / z8Vengeance 2^36 Venus* /> 32 Vellai «k; 28 Unicorn 28 Winchelfea C: < \r\ I ts c r 202 ] AV*/£ Kate* / f £ amI,ofo • **» '« r TLrt zxr Mi // 24 Blandfutd j / * p 01 ^ ^24DealCartJe?Z)>A,;v*Jf r c 4 h ,ni" PU ' " 2 4D.'Iphin H-JnBy nC«m J Hawle iffsT R™* : 1: — »'>»h * shJhSs? 5 ci^’^ST !i P* **• ««‘*o C.rryKundP.Dr^Z^r !a 1 *™%-^ *'"** cr 20 Hind M‘C/ wrrvl ! ^mg *.FllJ,er JjcLynx P 20 Kennington, , 7 6 7 . J j . a m”**?* 0 B 4 ”J' C . al loAlderney |„, j. y j* „ Antigua TPn.MarJhMcr %wl »S 3 s m *»*z»L*\ 3 . m 1 4 ® eavcr William Ahdy Pbil:pt 1 1 Swan Robert Gregory Patrick Moya* James Wallace &j, HuJfon Char It 1 Lejhe f wi 8 Wolf • cr *0 Zephyr * damaged Bombs (« 8 ; n.iioB ,net;a Fenwtk I Blaft r ' r cr 8 Cruizer *Jobr. M‘ Bride | Fredrake V ^ ™ IS Cygnet Claris' T if] r c , Furnace ° fr ,4 p? ‘ pd,Ch * ^ to Drufd , Pelican" P/Th^d cr 14 F.rtrorte John Bap tier j t / Thunder s’***—] «r x;« Salamander Vefuvius Royal Yachts, (t) i Royal Charlotte Petr Dir is Aagufta c - Wray DoHet W. Williamfon Fubbs Richard Spry Katherine * Mary * Armed Cutters Alarm 7- Ayfougb cr Adventure — — Hamilton Amelia * cr Anfon * kt. Rich Bofcawen Williams Chari *tte J • GeUie Cnolmondeley * cr D. Cumberland cr Endeavour Either Lt. Dumarcs* Ferrett * Fly * Folkftone * cr Friend/hip StraUgban pi Granville * c# Goodwill W. Laws cr Grace Lt Hammond cr Pr. George Lt .Ja. Jones Greyhound * Hetfor * cr Hornet Hunter * cr Kite* Lapwing J°^ n ^ irt [ 20 3 1 Strombolo jfrLnirel Philip DurtU Lion ♦ L )f d H )we * Meck!enbur fe h Hen, T'Anfi* cr Meredilh John Owen Morning Star * Pitt John Neale cr King of Pruflia • Shaftesbury Gfl* cr Sherborn JnCart/.74Magn'.ficent d^Monarch mi If, 74 Prince of Wales c 74 Raifonable Admirals if t be White, rr ' l Z °4 I //bn. John Forbes, 7 ' ■Sir George Pocock,K.B. C Admira k of the Blue . lion, Geo.Townihend, % I uro. 1 ownlhend, •Francis HoJburne, Efq; commands at Po-, /mouth ^Thomas Cotes, Efq; ^Thomas Frankland, Efq "Lord Harry Pcwlett Thomas Brodrick, Efq- '•Sir Charles Hardy, Art Far/ of Northe/k | '"'Sir Charles Saunders, KB J •Thomas Pye, Efq j commands at Plymouth, Philip Dure.1, Efq; Samuel Corni/h, Efq ; Francis Geary, Efq; ’■••5/rGeo.Bryd. Rodney, Bt The Duke of Y 0R K •Sir Wm. Burnaby, Knt commands at Jamaica. Jimes Youne, £f qj "Sir Piercy Brett, Knt. John Moore, Efq; •Richard Tyrrell, Efq; Vice-Admirals of the Red, Vice-Admirals of the White, Vice-Admirals of the Blue . Rear-Admirals of the Red. * Rear-Admirals of the White, * Rear-Admirals of the Blue. w-rf- “ ue J> Mt - William Gordon, Efq; 1-ord Edgcumbe Robert Swanton Samuel Graves William Parry, •'•Hon. Aueuft. Keppel j IOS. per Month for 16 Servants ’ ° S ' per ^ a jp? 3 7 r “ Rear-Admirals, Juperannuated t upon HalJ-pay, 17s. 6d, a Day, ■ n n n A tv> Kr/\ Ti* r T _ J /* ! an % • ^ ... • Henry Godfalve, J ofeph Hamar, J. HildeHey, Eflex Holcombe, Chrift.Pocklington, John Pritchard, Ch. Wager Purvis, Robert Robinfon PoJycarpus Taylor Edmund Toll Thomas Tucker, Henry Ward Richard Watkins John Ambrofe, Sam. Atkins, Richard Collins, Henry Dennis f Char. Drummond, Sheldrake Laton, Richard Edwards, Robert Lons, George Elliot William Maifh Robert Erfkin- J Roger Martin, ‘j William Fielding Her 4 Geo. Murray 1 Thorpe Fowke, Patrick O Hara j Superannuated Comnijfioners of the Navy, z^ol aTear J J ames Compton, Thomas Cooper, Daniel De vert j Charles Colby. The CAPTAINS, &c with the Dates of their Firft Com millions, from which they take Pot} Token from the LIST primed by Order of the Lords of the Admiralty , dated January i, 1765. J Tlte Captains now in aflual Service are diflmguifked by a > or a Figure annexed to each of their Names , denoting the Rate oj the Ship under their Command. (y) Yacht. Samuel Mead Aug. 29 Commij , of the Cu/loms 1728. Wm. Hen. Fleming July 26 1740. Robert Pett July 15 Commifioner of ViEluallir.g Offi\ Richard Hughes, fen. OH. 24 Qommijfioner at Portfmouth Charles Colby Jan. 12 Nath. Watfon 16 T L *74 r * John Brett Mar. 2 c George Cokburne June j j Controller of the Navy. Lord Aylmer Sep. 18 Frederick Rogers Dec. 2 CdmmiJJioner at Plymouth George Dawnay Jan . 8 Elliot Smith Feb. z: if Cap 4 in Greenwich Hfp, *743- William Boys J une Lt. Gov of Greenwich Hsjp Frederick Cornwall Feb. it 1744. Thomas Hanway Apr, c Commijfioner at Chatham * Coningfby Norbu-y *V W . ly John Am herd: The oldtft Capt. that canferve, as f tub 9 the ref be\ *:'Vif count Howe April ic Andrews Jelfe 14 Earl Ferrers, F.R.S, 19 John Douglas 22 Hugh Pigot 22 Molineux Shuldham f May 12 Robert Wellard 3 * Jofeph Knight JAy 31 Thomas Knowler 5 Aug. 1 j John Vaughan U John Lloyd 3 Sept . 4 Charles Proby 3 17 John FergufTone 4 0 c 7 . 6 Robert Duff 23 John Reynolds 30 Hugh Pallifer 4 Afo/. 23 Charles Wray y Dec 9 Hon. John Byron 6 30 *’ : HonA ug.JohnHervey Jan 13 George Mackenzie ; 3 „ , 2 4 Matthew Barton Feb. 7 1747. Peter Parker May 6 Richard Gwynn 27 Hon. Sam. Barrington 29 Mariot Arbuthnot June 2 Robert Roddain 9 Samuel Marfiull 17 'William Bret: 18 Edward Clarice George Darby Wm Saltren Wjllett John Campbell y Chriftopher Hill James Gam bier Michael Everitt William Lloyd Samuel Scott Sept . i V on. 2 ; Lee . i 2 Jan, jo 2< Francis William Drake 3 2c Feb . t Mar. : 12 • 24 dp. 2C May 6 21 June a 3 5 *>g Edward Hughes Edward Jekyll David Brodie Henry Marlh 3 Hyde Parker fenior 174** John Evans Matthew Whitwell 3 Mark Millbank |ames Kirk Nicholas Vincent William Martin Richard dements id Capt . in Greenwich Hofp, John Storr Nov. 1 Thomas Saumarez 27 1749. WilliamMantell Ju. 8 Andrew Cockbume, Jan. 16 1 75 3. Edward Vernon Ap. 3 John Hull wall June 3 c Jofhua Rowley Dec* 4 Dudley Digges 1$ Richard Edwards 27 r 755. AbrahamNorth Jan. 16 Edward Lecras Jl Feb. 4 Thomas Ha akerfon Mar. 11 William Brown John Harnfon Thomas Graves 3 James Gilchrift Robert Digby John Hale Maurice Suck ling £736. Rich. Knight James Galbraith ’•'John Rofs June jj 7 * b ' 4 1 £ 8 Th ft W; C-. 18 Ac *Th s Off. 7 . Dec. a /V£. S 6 Mar ,z b Joi At Charles Webber April 5 x Sir vVmTreuwney Bart. 0 John Knight May ? James H >bbs 10 Jervis Maplefden 21 William Langdon June ; Benj »min Marlow 6 Alexander Hood 3 io Alexander Innes 25 Chaloner Ogle (id) 3c John Bladen Tinker July 4 Thomas Ward 22 Samuel Hood 22 Fiancis Wyatt S&g* 17 Stephen Colby 20 Matthew Moore 20 Henry Angel 23 John Strachan Sep. 9 David Edwards 2 Archibald Clevland 5 Nov. 5 Richard Hushes, jun. 10 William Norton 3 1 Francis Samuel Drake i; Thomas Collingwood 20 1 7 S 7 * W iliam Fortefcuc Robert Craig William Tucker Richard Kcmpenfelt Thomas Harrifon Robert Faulknor '•'Paul Henrv Ourry Thomas Cornewall Thomas Taylor William S burin ur Edmund Arheck thrift pher Bafiett Andrew Wilkin Ton Thomas Baiilie C 207 ] Samuel Wallis April % Thomas Burnett May 5 Samuel Spencer J**e 3 * : Hon. R r B. Wal/ingham 15 William Pafton Augujl 3 William Hotham 17 Charles Me. dews 6 Aug. 17 Sir Jn L : ndfay, Ajt, 6 Sep. 29 Michael Clements 29 Taylor Penny Nov. \ William M’CIeverty 6 1 Jeieph Peyton Dec , 3, Jolhua Loring 19 Henry Martin 19 John Wheel >ck 21 17 5S .Maximilian Jacobs^™, 4 John Bray Robert Bond John Clark Thomas Evans Thomas Manning Charles Antrobus >hn Stuckley Somerfet Ma’\z 6 *9 30 Feb. 4 7 ames Baker 6 ohn Stanton Jan. 4 Robert Carkett 5 4 J'shn Carter Allen ji James Loggie 3 17 Charles Middle ton 17 Digby Dent j 9* John Laforey Feb. 3 George Balrour 7 John Stott 6 March 3 Thomas Owen 1 2; Robe it Kirk 23 j Chriftopher Bethell 23 ! Jofeph Deane 6 23 x John Bentinck George Tindal 3 ° « Capt. in Greenwich Hoj'p. John Falkingham Archibald Kennedy 5 April, \ James Sm.th 5 Thomas Knackfton 5 ! Charles Lucas 5 John E l.or 3 5 William W.l 'amfon^y Aicxandcr Schomberg 5! John DaUvmo.e l s % 4 3 4 iz 2 1 April 20 May 22 July 7 26 z6 Aug. z Sep. 2$ OB. 1 16 17 *7 iS 1 % lS iS iS is [ 208 ] Brodrick Hartwell 3 Ob 1, 1 8 Gamaliel Nightingale 18 Geo. AnthonyTonyn Nov. 14 Thomas Warrick Lee, j John Rufhworth 7 John Lend rick 26 H. rbrrt Sawyer 26 chn Moutray 28 759. Walter Stirling Jan, jo Richard King 5 John Elphinfion 4 Jtoberi Jocelyn John Scaife SirWir, Baird . Bart. Jlon. Fred. Maitland Will am B rereton $ "We ft on Varlo 5 John Cleland Kichaid Norbury Robert Barbor Jonathan Fan k nor William Harris Timothy Edwards Philip Affk-ck Richard Bickcrton John Fortefcue ; ’*Hon. Raby Vane 4 Francis Burflem Robert Hathorn 3 Thomas Shirley Jofeph Fraine George Watfon 5 Walter Griffith 1760. Rot? Carpenter Edward Gafcoigne Samuel Uvedale Robert Lambert William Long William Bennett Nathaniel Bateman Bafil Keith Fiancis Banks John Eliot 4 29 Feb, 1 9 22 4 Mar 3 9 25 May 1 2 15 Jane 4 4 July 9 William Bayne William Howe 5 Hon. Ph.Tufton Perceval 5 2 Mark Robinfon slug, 1 • Sir Thomas Adams,Bart.5 2 Charles Fielding 2- John Jervis 0E1 . j [ Samuel Thomfon 5 Nov , \ John Hughes 21 Mitchell Graham 6 21 1 76 1 Cb Cat hear tGranr^jtfj - Feb 2 < Alar j 1 6 16 Afoy 4 j ' *9 *9 26 5 2( 5,//. 4 4 0.5?. 4 *9 AW. In 1 j 1 j U Jan. 3 Feb. 1 g 18 18 22 Mar, 5 . 31 Apr, 11 14 2; Adam Djncan Charles Douglas Rich. Brathwaite, Richard Cartwright Thomas Wiliis Robert Keeler Philips Cosby /ohn Clerke Ifaac Florimond Ourry June 6 Archibald Millar 16 John Wilfon July 3 Jofeph Mead 7 Thomas Fitzhernert 10 fames Innes Aug. 6 Samuel Pitchford 24 h Neal Pleydell Nott &>/>/. 24 John Brisbane John Houlton Charles W'olfeley John Peighin 6 Charles Inglis 1762. Sam.GranftonGoodall Jan, \ 3 Charles Saxton 5 2S John Bover 5 March iz Philip Boteler Chaloner O c le (2d) John Bottcrell 6 James Cranfton Hon Keith See wart William Hay 5 Francis Reynolds 5 2 4 Nov. 3 ^ 9 Dec . 1 *5 Tt 26 29 April 7 7 Hon. John Lev. Gower 3 Junejoj Richard Onflow 7 12 12 H Vs Ce Gc J* 1 } J) JI k - 13 "•527 > 3.1 Vov, 4 21 21 fa 17 W15 ^13 ribr 6 16 Ky 4 *9 *9 26 ^6 16 f *(M 7 10 ^,6 >;. 24 ; H M 9 ■tu 1 l S • M 23 ^12 20 *9 11 7 7 7 12 11 >4 Hon. Geo. Falcone^ .#>r. 27 Jerries Shirley 27 Ch iries Ellvs Frigate Alay 10 Th >mas Hillum John Ruthvco Robert Brice S ? air Doualas Lancelot Holmes George Collier 4 George Johnfon 6 Hen. Charles Napier -Lord William Campbell 3 20 John Luttrell Jl ' 23 Hon. Henry St. John 5 31 John Brooks Sept, 24 Patrick Drumrrond 6 OX. 22 [ 2 cg ] 24 5 24 26 12 Aug. 11 17 George Bowyer 0tf. 23 Richard Smith 5 Nov. j Hon. Peregrine Bertie 5 6 George Ourry 10 1763. Sir Alex. H Jburne, Z?f . Feb 1 William Lefsly Robert Gregory Peter Clarke James Fergufon Jofeph Norwood Jl Thomas Lynn Thomas Lee 4 Hyde Parker Hugh Dalrymyle Alar. 20 April 27 May c; June 6 7 16 7 ul y iS Nov. 24 1 7 64. [Rowland Cotton Ma v 7 MASTERS and Tbefe are Captains of Sloops , Tbs Letters a, s, J? y Co wmijfion, 'Jhe*w the Nature 730. Ralph Archbould^rf’i 2S 1 ~4°* J°^n Willyams July iS .hrift. Middleton 1741. Charles Wimhkton William Parkinfon, \braham Djncomb 744. Thomas Hill ■ohn Loving 6hn Armiger rh©mas Cleland 745. Hon. Rich. Barry Apr. 1 1 Fhomas Dove A lay ig 'hilip Tom June 19 746. Leon.Mar/hall April 17 Alar. 3 Apr . 23 Jan. iS M Jr. t 1 Nov. 23 Jar. 12 28 Feb. 20 .eonard Bellamy ohn Legge Thomas Ccokfon 1747 * Edward Crickett ' homas Hanbury George Blyke Jeorge Hudfon I April 22 7 u, y 19 Jun. 24 June 22 OS?. 2 j Nov. 3 Feb % 16 COMMANDERS. Armed V - fj'els hired y and Store - ajjixed to fucb Majlers as are in of the Hef ei commanded by each . 174?* Tho. Trevethick/^. 15 Fr j n. Gaines Feb % 10 W T iiliam Yonge .William Shackerly I 75 6 * R chard Toby Robert Bollard Jjmes OHara Thomas Foley Alexander Irvine Peter Co we Thomas Skone J ohn Hodges David Hav William Greenwood 1 7 57 * William Hamilton* James Mackenzie William Pratt John Moore Henry Richatd Dubois Peter Carteret '%• 5 Nov, 4 Alanb ir 27 June 2. Aug % 6 V 23 ktpt. 10 OX. 15 2 1 AW, 10 f 5 Jan. 17 John Hatch S 3 4 5 A lay 2 6 s j ™ 14 C 21° 1 Richard Higgs J u b *c| William Kite James Orrok OR, ^9! John Chinnery Jacob Lobb * Dec . 23' (Villiam Marftull • 75 S.ThomasBi/hop * Jan .6 John Hay David Pryce ’ * ** Robert Carre Rcg'nall Cocks James Johndon Francis Davis * Patrick Mouat Tofeph Cave Fdw. Mountford Francis Richards James Chads Thomas Smith 5 11 John Bowerbank 13 George Talbot Mitrcblz William Abdy April 1 9 Tames Feattus A/ay 16 J*mes Alms 22 Thomas Prefcott Alar, 4 April 6 14 May 9 *9 *9 1 9 J u h 7 10 22 Aug, 10 William Francis Bourke 24 ^ 759 - William Williams Simuel Taylor Sepe, 27 John Urry 27 James Hawker r On, iS Chailes Buckner 18 Francis Lynn s John Browne s 2 Stephen Hammick Mar , Aug .6 6 Sept, 26 26 27 30 AW. 0 John Lewis Gidoin < n James Cunningham T 9 j James Mackie 20 William Allen 21 1 Hugh Bromedge * April - 5 Samuel Cockheld 24 « Waiter Corbett May 1 Thomas Male Dec, 3 1 i James Chaplen July 9 i 76 iThomas Symond lsF^.18 Philemon Puwnall Aujr. 6 Robert Hafwe’l March 26 j Michael Kearney 20 Lemuel Shuldham a 6 j Michael Henry Pafcall 21 John Hamilton April 7 Robert Tayloi Sept, 21 , Charles Roche 7 1 Thomas Allwright 21 William Locker 7 3 Jehn Macarmey 22 ■ Charles Leflie s i : John Martin on. 4 John M‘Bride # 7 1 Bdfill Fielding AW. 19 A an Gardner 12 George Gayton Dec, 11 John Bagder May 14 1760* William Forder 24 William Ofborne s March 1 John Henfhaw s 24 Richard Teale 5 Benjamin Caldwell 24 William Phillips * 2 4 1 James Dalrymple 26 j James Harmood May 1 5 James Bremer s June 4 , George Douthwaite June 2 John Carey 14 Kiward Vernon Yates 2 The mas Fra fer 20 I Peter Forbes 2 Ihn. Wm.C >rnwallis sjulyiz James Worth July j Bonovier Glover Aug, 6 I James Allan . 2 4 Th .mas Padey 9 1 W m Brograve on, 1 3 Jeremiah Morgan * 11 I *61. John Symons Jar.. 1 5 W lliam Trufcott 17 1 J ha MiPigen teb, 27 Robert Fanftiaw h 2 3 [ *11 ] George Burden Aug. 2 4 Charles Hudfon 24 William Sherwood 25 James Thorp ^ 27 Francis Grant Sept. 24 Samuel Marfhall 24 William Webfter OB. 14 Marie Pattifon 14 John Gell 14 Richard Rodney Bligh 22 James Gyde Nov. 1 James Wallace * Nov. 3 Henry Belle w 6 1 76 3 -William Garnler Feb. 1 William Heron July j8 Chriftophcr Atkins Nov. 20 Conftantjne Ph’pps 24 Francis O’Hara Dec- 28 1764. George Vandeput April 17 WmChalonerBurnaby May 7 A General Lift of /^ LIEUTENANTS of bis Majefiy's Fleet, with the Dates of their Firji Commissions- 1733. GGrantMira Wm, Galloway 2 17-39- W. Powlett July 12 1740. J.Cumming July 14 Ja. Donaldlon Sep. 2 Jof. Kerly Dec • 12 Fran.Saunden Feb. 2 Wi iiam Burr 21 WilliamChadsAfor6 John Ronerts 20 I74 l • M. Tiddeman 27 Tho. Oakley Ap. 4 Simuel Powell 13 John Selden 13 Ret Rawlings May 2 9 Berk.Seymour^tfrtQ JohnReynolds(l)27 Wm,leFebvre^/i/ 22 Tho. Leigh Sept- 1 6 Henry Prettie 28 Benj/Elmy OB. 6 Char.Garenciers 12 James Blair Nov. 3 Phineas Seymour 4 John Facey 10 Benjamin Young 20 Anth. Atkinfon 2S W. Smith (i)Dec, ic Matteate Biady 8 Alex Gordon Feb. 2 5 Sir Wm- Johnfton 2 : J. Caikett Mar. 1 1 George Beed 16 1742. E z . Coz • n t i n e Mayz 6 John Gardiner 29 Jn. Dunk ley July 7 Rd Bargus Sept. 24 H. Chriftian OB. i James Grant z~ J o- Bucknall Jan. 2g J. Guilliard Mar .4 I 743* Nicho. Trefillian 2^ Swift Bracklevy^.? H imiltonGore^/>.2 Benj. Wells My 31 Beni. Heron OB. 5 Daniel Jarvis 7 John Skyrme No, 3 John Crifpo Dec. 26 JohnMitchell^^.4 John Lind 4 John Baftard^jw. 18 1 John Fopkins Feb* i James Jones Mjr.15 * 744- VVDumarefqueAf29 Alex. Skene Ap. 12 Charles Stuteville 12 Henry Byng 17 Thomas Jones 20 . 1 7 Ifaac Hoy OB. 6 James Furneaux 15 jn. Mathews (1)20 iVm Orfeur Nov • I Samuel Tilley 16 (Robert Ritchie 21 | fohn Walfh 23 ‘ John GiUis Dee. 19 * James Cope Fcb.tj vju*:rui. v>ar Mef>, 1 k I 29 29 *3 ’3 *3 19 20 2 7 2 7 Thomas Pemble 15 John Neale (id) 1 5 GeorgeWarriner 2 a. John Hallam 26 William Anfell 26 Rob. Gordon Afar. 1 Simon Turner 1 Robert Gideon 7 f 745 * Pe'er Foulkes John Bernard J.Puddicombe/fa. 15 Archibald Seaton 22 James Kyd May 3 George Gentil 12 Morgan J ones 23 Ja. Lawion Jurte^ William Philips 26 James Munro^f///y8 Charles Roome 13 James Watfon JuhnMurray Jofeph Salmon Boyle Hyde John Ball Charles Henley James Ryder Thomas Dod Aug. 9 Tho. Williams 10 John Mathifon 17 Sam. M’Kinley 27 John Rogers 29 John Brock Sept. ± John Angier 4 Hon. Ja.Wemys 26 John Thane 057 . 1 John Atkins 3 Roger Wills 12 Henry Moyle 23 AnDifliingtonTW'i/ ; Jn-Atkinlon 29 Ridg.Sheward Dec . 4 HughMackay Jam George Wood 20 Jofeph Myers 24 [ 212 j John Ra\*Jinfon 26 John H all 2 6 Ambrofe Jones 21 Rich. Vavafor 30 Jofeph Fofs Feb % 7 j HenryCoftobadic 12 | John Staunton 14 William Cock 2c Ja . Town/end Afar 4 Thomas Cobbv 4 1746 / Lewis Davies Apr % 2 David Boog 3 Robert Mortimer 4 David Meredith D Henry Parkin 17 William Hall 21 John Woodward 2 c Tho. MundenTkf,7^2 Thomas Whitron 3 Francis Tucker Geo Newton |ame$ Froude Griffith Meaie Henry Philips John Partington George Mathews Hugh Parry Ed. White woo* 3 h 3 Lauc Co veil June 3 John Motley 4 John Skinner 10 Chr.O' Brien July 2 Henry Baker 5 William Milton io TCuning h a m f 2S ) x 6 Hio. Moore Alar, 6 J 747 . Step. Sargent 30 ' Hu Robertfoo^/' 10 Will. Hammond 2T Robert Dugdaie 21 Robert Hay 24 R. Edgcombe'lfay'jg SamuelSpenJlove 2% R. Lambert June 12 W m. Barker July % Wm. Robinfen 18 Dan Waucby Aug, 1 g George FJlerySep. 1 j John O Bry^n 27 Ja. Haldane 057 . 29 Patr. Calder Nov. 6 Samuel Short 21 James Combs 23 Pet VanCouTtDr^.23 Thomas Piggott 31 Robert Kerr^z;i. 9 Alexander Brown29 William Forord 29. Jofeph Stout Thomas Moody Samuel Swinton I-'4Sr Zac. Freno Alar, 2 7 Too. S purling. 2^. 1 John Randell 6 William Crow 15 29 29 29 Edward Pike 3°jj°hnC)pe Ap. 16 J a ; ^ r ° wcher Au . i., | Alex. Keith May Richard WiJJiamsi 5 Wm Martin ( rflj 29 Nath. Allen Sept. 16 Tho. Parke 057 . 7 Samuel Grape 24 Edw, Waud Non;. 9 Andrew Cook 14 D.Forb. Patteribni; Raac Crouch Feb, 5 Ric. Hamilton Junez John Frafer Aug. 3 Wm.Bunvan^^. r Pynfent He rvey 3 Pet- Ma. Wilding 1 7 John Willes Alar \ 1750. Tho. Hudfon 057 . 29 Dav, Phips Nov , 24 Vi H- ], 17 Sh > jol RC J«l Hr Ed- He Pa Ro W- Jot J 1 ; 1 J" J- Wi Th Th Fn Ril Sm: Dui Rot Wil Ric. Wo Job I J air | Din The J Hur The L 175 *- Vin.WiHiams Ocliz * 753 * D Shuckforthy«w7 Matt.Kirby Q& % 31 * 754 * Htn.Crllins Apr . 6 John Harris July 3 1755. R. Sax Jan 20 Sher. Yeom3nsF*£. 6 Jofeph Griffiths 6 John Carteret 27 RCoilin$(ift)/lf7 ; George French Edward Redd.ffi 14! Thomas Plint »VmParfonsHoey 14- James Barron Jharlrs Ca?far 16 James Wafteil |ohn Ben lley 23 Charles Horne Tho Barker May 6 William Browne Jofeph Hanby 14 Charles Caldwell John Street 14 John Crews Samuel Walton 18 John Oakley William Halfted 20 Hen. Hire Hart Wm. M’Doual 21 Natft. Cro/by William Denne 31, David Collins r.Mainwaringy^ni Edward Lower Heibert Mathias John ‘Vitu 4 Savage Trotter 16 William Bloom 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 M *3 *3 *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 John Owen 16 Wi liam Dickens 16 Jcfeph Tathweli 19 R Cnampernowne 16 Thomas Morice 21 Abraham Duane 26 James Norman 25 ! Richard Beale 29 Frederick Holton 28 Sa. Witte. Clay ton 29 High Roch 30 Hally Borwick^fc/. 1 Geo. CoLingwood 4 Oliver White 7 Paul Bruftis George Cundal! Peter Porter John Jackfon Jnrift. Raper^A- 13 John FergulFon 17 Henry Davis (1 ft) *4 Rich. Thomas Oci 1 Charles Wood 1 5 Henry Townfend 30 Wm.Hai'weli Dec. 1 Edw. K.erfwell 7 * 757 - 1 3 JohnHowo. th Jan . 4 2 1 Samuel Reeve 4 23 William Hansford 6 26 j John Bechcr 21 William Laws Feb. 2 Richard Murray 2 Chrift-t pher Uiher 8 William Willhms 10 James Ayfcwugh 10 G-Ph liips Towry 10 *4 James M tch II 2 1 f Holllngvvorth Afo 6 j David W.nzar Robert Curry ^ , T nomas Piercy Alex. Baiilie 9 Robert Stains Henry Brome 9 Bar- Fenwick Sam.UppitbyA^'z/.^ j Richard Pinfold '4 17 2 3 23 Thomas Pemble ?5 John Neale (2d) 15 GeergeWarriner i± John HaUam 26 William Anfell 26 Rob. Gordon Alar . 1 j Simon Turner Robert Gideon r. I7 45 - IV er Foulkes John Raulinfon 26 John Ha li Ambrofe Jones Rich. Vavafor 30 Jofeph Fofs JT^ % 7 Henry Cofcobadie 12 1 J John Staunton 74 7 j William Coc/c 2c 29 J'*hn Bernard 29 J . Puddicombe Ap . j 5 Archibald Seaton 22 James Kyd 3 George Gentil 12 Morgan Jones 23 Ja. Lawlon June- William Philips 26 James Monro Charles Roome 13 James Watfon 13 JohnMurray 13 Jofeph Salmon 13 Boyle Hyde 19 John Ball 20 Charles Henley 27 James Ryder 27 Thomas Dod Aug.q Tho. Williams 10 John Mathi Ton 17 ham. M’Kinley 27 John Rogers 29 John Brock Sept, i John Angier 4 Hon. Ja.Wcmys 26 John Thane 03 . 1 John Atkins 3 Roger Wills it Henry Moyle 23 An Di/hing ton ; Jn-Atkinlon 29 Kidg.Sheward Dec . 4 HughMackay Jatu George Wood 20 Jofeph Myers 24 1 Ja.Tovvnfend Mar 4 Thomas Cobby 1746 / Lewis Davies Apr. 2 David Boog Robert Mortimer 4 David Meredith ij Henry Parkin 17 William Hall 2J John Woodward 2; P h o. M 11 nde nAlay 2 Thomas Whitton 3 Francis Tucker 3 Geo Newton 9 [ame$ Froude 14 Gnfiith Meaje 14 Henry Philips 16 John Partington 17 George Mathews 18 Hugh Parry 2 j Ed. White wood b 3 I f aac Cnvell June 3 J°hn Motley 4 John Skinner 10 Chr.O’Brien 2 Henry Baker 5 Edward Pike 30 Ja.Crowcher ^.14 Richard Williams 1 5 Wm Martin (rft) 29 N T ath. Allen Sept. 16 Tho. Parke 03 . 7 Samuel Grape 24 Edw. Waud AW. 9 Andrew Cook 14 D.Forb. Patter Coni 7 l&ac Crouch Feb, 5 j iVilli am Milton 7o ■ TCuninghamfiS)!^ Tho. Moore Alar. 6 I 1 1747. ^tep. Sargent 30 Hu Robertfon^ j 0 VVill. Hammond 21 Robert Du»daie 21 Robert Hay 24 R. EdgcombeMlrjMg SamuelSpenilove 2S R. Lambert June 12 Wm. Barker July z Wm. Robinfcn 18 Dan Waucby Aug, 1 g George EUerySep.j 1 John O Bry^n 27 J-2. Haldane £>*?, 29 Patr. Calder Afav. 6 Samuel Short 2 1 James Combs 23 PetVanCouTtDer.25 Thomas Piggott Robert Kerr Jan. 9 Alexander Brown 29 William Forord 29. Jofeph Stout 29 Thomas Moody 29 Samuel Swinton 29 1-4S' Zac. Freno Mar. 27 Tho. S purling^. \ John Randell ' 6 William Crow 14 John C ;pe Ap. 1 6 Alex. Keith May 24 Ric. Hamilton junez John Frafer Aug . 3 Wm.BunvanJk™. r Pynfent Hervey 2 Pet- Ma. Wildingi 7 John Willes Alar 1 1750. Tho. Hudfon 03 . zq Dav, Phips Nov. 24 1751. Vin.Williams Ocliz 1753. D Shuckforthy<* 7 T £7 Matt. Kirby QEl % 31 I 754 t Hcn.Crllins dpr % 6 John Harris July 3 3 75 5. R. Sax Jan 20 Sher. Y eomans Feb. 6 Jofeph Griffiths John Carteret 27 RCoilins(ift)/lftfri 1 JnBrown(lft)Mjy 2 Henry J An Ton c Edward Howorth 2j Henry Smyth 25 Pa trek Leftyejuz^ Robert Nourre 23 John Morris July Jo Wm Allen jg J ohn Run wa 22 Ja.Puckinghorn John Barntley 13 Jamas Reid Sept . 1 6 Jn Chapmm Ocl h 16 Will. Cumming 2) Tho. Dumarcfq 23 Tho. Haynes Nov. 1 Francis Lemoine 1 Rob. Walter 4 Smith Child 7 Du11.CimpbeU.Der2 Robert Poole 9 William Clark 9 Richard Pearfon 16 Wm. Dickfon (1) 3 j 1756. John Siddili Jan. 1 r James Gordon(i)i9 Daniel Burr 19 Tho. Montague 19 Horatio Ripley 26 Tho, Lloyd Mur . 2 [ 213 ] Edward Hill 5 r Thomas Eaftwood 9 f.Holingb.Mann 20 Lewis Geilie 9 John Birt 2© Wm. Grant 9 Percy Powlett 23 (Thomas Bradihaw 9 E ImufldGraham 23 John Maurice <.ichCollins(2d).^/>7. George French vdward Redd.fh ^Thimas Flint WmParfonsHoey 14^ J^mes Barron Jharl-s Ca?far 16 James Waftell j'ohn Bentley 23 Charles Horne Tho. Barker May 6 William Browne Jofeph Hanby 14 Charles Caldwell John Street J4 John Crews Samuel Walton 18 John Oakley vV.lliam Halftcd 20 Hen. Hire Hart Wm. M'Doual 21 Nath. Crofby William Denne 31. David Collins P.Mainwaringyw^i Edward Lower Heibert Mathias 4' Savage Trotter John V;tu 16 William Bloom [ ohn Owen 16 Wi liam Dickens 16 Jofeph Tathwell 19 R Cnampernownei6 rhoma^ Morice 21 Abraham Duane 26 james Norman 25 'Richard Beale 29 Frederick Holton 28 Sa. Witte. Clav ton 29 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 M 1 3 13 15 *5 *5 1 5 *5 Hugh Roch Hally Borwick^* Geo. Coliingwood 4 j:, Oliver White Paul Bruit is George Cundal! Peter Porter John Jackfon 7 13 o 1 23 Henry Townfend 30 Wm.Hafweli Dec. 1 £dw. Kerfwell j 1757 . JohnHoworth Jun . 4 Samuel Reeve 4 William Hansford 6 26 | John Bechcr 21 JnrifL RaperS.i 3 ! William Laws Feb.z John Ferguflbn 17 | Richard Murray 2 Henry Davis (ift) t 4 j Chriftopher Ulher 8 Rich. Thomas Oci 1 j William Willi ims 10 Cnarie Wood 1 5 j James Ayfcough 10 [ameb M tch II 2* jG Ph liips Towry 10 f Hollingworth No 6 (David W.nzar Robert Curry 8 .Tnomas Piercy Alex. Baiiiie 9 1 Robert Stains Henry Brome 9 : Fenwick Sam . U ppleby TVv'Z'. 9 j Richard Pinfold 14 '4 17 2 3 23 John Wills Feb . 23 Conolly Hodgfon 23 Archibald Clark 23 John Raynor 26 D-m. Butler M*r. 3 Tho# Porter ic John Gauntlett 10 Hen. Harvey 10 James Burnett 12 Charles Blomer 12 John God frey ic l ho. Arthur Ley 21 Nicholas Rooke 23 James Gafcoigne 25 WmMartin (2)^.2 Anthony Hunt 2 Edwuf.fColumbine 2 Jacob Rogers 4 John Purcell 4 Janies Buckingham c Jahieel Brenton 6 Thomas Tonken 6 WiUiamHaygarth £ William Bcnfley 6 John Jarden 6 ITa»c Charley £ John R:chardfon 6 WM'am Gaven £ Patrick Strachan 6 John Brown (2d) 6 Ptchard Trottcn 8 John Henry 27 Thomas Symes 28 J.ArrowfmithAfoyf Martin Cole 8 John Doherty io W m.Shaughnefy i c W ill an Stevens 1 1 Phil.Playftowe John Bodledge 8 Walter Long 13 Peniam nRunwa 13 Phi.jp C>rterei 14 JofephStevenfon 1 c J* me* Sutherland 15 C 2»4 ] JobnColllns June 1 3 Rd. Phi. Shewen 1 John Cowe Philip Durell John Glover 20 Trevor Cuckow 2. [ n Greenfield 3 T.P.Braithwaite 1 Robert Bower John Shairp Charles Prince Nath. Vincent am.Johnftoa/fa John Baird John Reeves John Shadworth 24 Thomas Tuwnley25 James D. flier 31 Geo. Spearing Sep. 8 fohn Lux fohn Ides Short fofeph fackfun 5 Robert Dring Thomas Durell fohn Hammett Hen.Lloydf >avid Maitland 19 John Stewarr(i) 20 WiU.amFleming William Bacon 27 Aalph DundasA^i/. 1 Lord Rutherford 12 Abraham Senior 16 fames Addon 19 Arthur H*yne 22 Path -rick Lakey zz £d.Thompfon( 1) 26 Fra. La .PowlettDeci [George Phllpot 9 Henry Afhington 14 x 9 22 2 28 12 12 12 21 2 I *4 24 27 2 Alexander Edgar fa lies Sh rley 20 VVmGeo. Fairfax 20 1758. Ph.Orsbxidge^.i 3 Peter Bafkerville T3 William Spicer 13 With^m Newton 13 Wm Smith ( 2 d) 1 7 Rob. Tomlinfon 19 Ja. G< rdon (2d) 24 James Screech 25 John Robinion 30 S.Puddicombe Feb 2 Samml Parker 6 Eflex Bowen 28 Di.ChundierM/r.zo W H am Crosby 20 William Owen 25 Thomas Rich 25 James Carteret 28 CbriftopherRigby 29 Frederick Hayes 30 John Wood 30 Charles Dandas 31 Geo. Knight yip. j Henry Lewis 1 James Hilgrove c Robert Wilfoh 6 Ja.Cumming, jun. 7 John Haven 1 g Alexander Bruce jg Tho. Hickes May 3 Tho. Couchman 6 John Reynolds (2 9 Robert Groat io j ohn James 12 Matt. Anderfon 12 Francis Exton 17 Geo. Heathcotc 17 Geo. Mackenzie ig Henry Lloyd(2d) 20 W iliam Crowley 22 Duvid KinJoch 22 Corn.Ommanney 22 Henry Clear 22 William Roch 22 Henry Dodd 22 An:h. Mitherell 22 ifaac Piefcott 22 YVm Coalke May 20 Nic W ilfCurleJ/^j;* $ Samuel Barnelley 1 3 HvdeCurtis 10 John Burr 23 Chrift. Ord July 14 Henry Savage 20 Charles Dobfon 30 James Wall 30 Mac. Legeyt Aug 1 Abja. Furneaux 2 William Don 2 Samuel Ferrior 2 John Robf 20 20 20 22 [ohn Harvey 18 ArchibaldDickfon 19 Tho. Edwards 19 Fran. Broughton 2 c zi 2 1 22 2 4 2 4 2 4 William Fox George B>urn John Orde Wm Lurcock Williams Wolfe Wm. Reynolds James D ckinlon 24 Sarnu'l Warren 22 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 Henry Duncan William Hills Philip Hue James Sloafs Thomas Dyfon Henry Padget Da v. PryceCumby24 John Tyrwhitc 24 James Rofco Digory Foreft Arthur Twyman Jofhua Sayer Thomas Dewey Wm O/born 051 Wm. Hemmings Wm. Dudington John P. Ardefoif 10 Tho. Whitehurft 1 Edward Hawker 12 John Withy 12 Richard Saunders 16 William Gafpey 18 Thomas Milward iS John Bourraafter 19 Tobias Furneaux 19 George Mouatt 19 T.Laugharn Nov* 7 Charles Kelly 15 SirGeo-Home,Bt 23 Vath. Gooding 23 J PocelraChubb 27 [John Girling 30 William Stanfoid 28 T Lefingham Dec 7 John Okes Feb t j Henry ValTmer 7 Edmund Dodd 26 Francis Kcir 26 John Vefty 28 Rob. Pitcairn M.2 John Jarvis John Bromedge R >bert Bofwcll Tnomas W aefon R .bert M-Djwall Elwird Edwards Cbales Thj.Tatham ohn Beaa ? ey T ohn Spicer Edward Berrow James Samber WJliam Crooks Richard Lang Loftus Laforey Bravil Friend David Jelferfon 7 9 9 9 11 n 11 2 1 2 5 George Mennell 8 HenGibfon Panton 8 1760. j JaHamiJton( 1)^.5 TboMarfhallMay i i fa. Knight (ill) 9 ; Dougaldus Ged 21 George Wilk.nl'on 9 Peter Duckitt 21 JayRncey 9 William johnfton 2$ uawaras 7 . Robert Evans 1 1 , Ezekiel Nafli Jun.z Mirfhall 10 Francis Woohil£e 24! Jamies Lys 7 tham 10 1 » Tho %CjeaxyJ u nc 12 fames Lenox 13 John Cores j 3 David Browne 14 James Montrefor 1 5 Philip Walfli 16 John Doug’as 17 TinnothyHopkinsi9 Stephen Rains 19 Jjmes Grierfon 19 John Whiftcn 19 John Wainw»ighti9 Banbury Day 23 Jj. Himilton(2) 25 James Holl July 2 Walter Wa r ts 3 Hu f h Lloyd 8 Annefley Brown 24 Alex Greeme^«^24 Edward Bindlofs 2 7 James Warden 27 Robert Carter 27 Hejry Smith 2 7 Robett Yuung 2S F*aacis Bart"ord5^/2 John Butchart 3 Robert Milne t William Bdl 6 Walter Gw^nnap 6 Robert Scott 1 ^ Henry Bwnts 4 William B a r c Daniei D.lney Jj Thomas Hill Nov.% Tt 3 (masS' 2 ce i c . Ja. Howell Jones 27 Thomas Pringle 30 W. Roxburgh Dec 1 Henry Clark ^ rhocnasNewnham^ lobert Putts Ci fohn Newton jc >aniuel John jc fohn Langford ic (oh a Gi'ofon jq Rob, Henderfon 'ill l 2 '7 1 PatFotheringham 13 Wm Lockhart 18 Th.Richardfon 23 H. pe Tomkyns 2 3 Jofeph Nunn 27 John Slade 29 1761. '-.Thompfon Jj, 16 John Webb iS hn Yett* 15 John St.Barbe 2 r fohn Minifie 22 Hugh Baikie 2 ? Robert Linzee 29 William Topping 2 9 Chrift. Major Feb . 1 Timothy Bird 2 fohn Payne 4 John Weyman 27 Cuth. Baines Man 1 Henry Pemberton r6 Steph. Harris jS William Quarrre 19 Charles Olborne 23 Thomas Mackie 23 Alex. Fordyce 30 John Ford Apr , 7 Thomas Liell 7 Anthony Pairey 12 George Stcney 13 //cr.DavidStuart 15 John Blanket 16 A . WatherftoniWtfyS Richard Boger 8 John Norris S Thomas Morrice 8 J of. Harrington 12 fohn Crofs Jr, John Weft 2 1 George S3 u tel Jure 2 Nathahie) Phillips 5 Arthur Philip 7 John Ckrk 10 Geo, Noble 1 ; Will.CariFieldirig 1 1 G Ycunghusband 17! Henry Mafter 23 Andrew Godfrey 24 fames George 24 Ja, M’Namara 2; Anth. Jones Juy 1 Charles Hunter 6 Henry Cromwell 6 George Barlow 17 Anthony Kirby 17 Tho. Pomeroy ^£4. Hugh Rcbinlcn q Ja. Kempthorne 6 Robert Biggs 7 J^hn Gaydon 7 William Smithett 7 James Cafe ~ John Brooks 7 John Jnglis (ifl) 7 Thojnas Rawe 7 Francis Nott 7 Alex. Agnew 7 Francis Band in: 1 To f^-EMPakenhami 2 William Oakley 13 Mat:h. TunftalJ 13 Jofeph Hooiy 1 3 Samuel Hayter 28 Jonathan Dove 31 Charles Herbert«S>/> 5 GeorgeStainforthi 1 Edward ilichard3 17 Lucius O’Bryen 19 John Irwin 24 Arch. Siuart 24. Edm. Paddefon Oci\ Samuel Scott ^ Ed ward Down iz Stephen Mercalfeij. Edward Bower 14 Stephen Norris . 22 fohn Inglis (2d) 22 Mich. Hindman 27 John Foifter 3^ Hen. Collins 2 . Thomas Laurie jj, T •Geo. Young Nov.jf Thomas Lewis 20 Adam Dundas 25 Uaac Vaillant 25 Charles Emery Dcct, fames Meekefon 3 C.Cunyng.Crookc 4 Henry Tuite 15 E'dwardWinnialt 1 5 Geo. Durnarefque 17 George Troflell 22 1762. Sir H. Htron Jon . 2 p. Warren Whittle 5 Jofeph Brown 17 AbrahamCrefpin 20 AichihaldDtw 26 AVm.Thcmas.F^.2 Sam. Greig 4 G. RobertlonM/r.5 •Char. Warburton 5 Daniel Eradby 3 George Sir tees 17 William Grieve 1? George Peat 21 John Carr 24 FhkeManifire Ap.$ Haac Sharpe 23 John Starr May 5 William Eurnett 5 George pollard 7 Delanoy Griffiths 24 Fa. Ad.Fortefcue 24 Mich. Jackfon 24 fohn Burro v. s 24 1 ho. Mackarell 24 John Kent 31 V/. Cuningham (1) 5 Jofeph Mclntofh .8 William Rawlin 8 Thomas Bofton c Edward Meadow? t Herr) Ten pie ij IZurwocdHarmcr 17 j p. Stephens 20 [ »S ] James Watt 24 Richard Smith 25 Edward \Vapl tjuly 2 David Laird 2 Philip Patton 3 Chriftoph. Roberts 7 Anderfun N x»n 7 John Good 7 William Abba 7 John Hallum Ambrofe Reddall 8 John Scott 9 James Harrifon 9 George Day 9 Edward Cauldwelb9 John Graves J 3 fames Scott 17 Timothy Kelly 17 Stephen Lynch 17 JaChich.Plovvc.ini 9 HerctilesWyborn 23 Ellis Trough ton 25 Alex. Kirkwood 26 fohn Metre 26 William Cayley 26 William Allton Bianreth 26 Wm. Stedman 3c John Dilkes 3 1 Wm. Jenkins Aug . 6 Wm. Budworth 9 George Dawfon 9 E*Thompfon(2d) 13 Stephen Sandys 21 John Suit nCole 23 Holman Maf.n 2} WCuningham(2) 3 1 Jacob Butler 31 Robert Calder 31 John Young Scpt % 2 Henry Brvne 14 John Cartwright 1 5 John Gou?h 27 Hen. Fr. Evans 27 Rich. Fowler Sep, 29 Gordon Skelly Ofl.i Chriftophcr Day James Godwin Dan. M ' thews George Murray John Stanhope WiJliamDavidfon j 2 fohn Colpoys 2^ Edward Byam 24 John ToulminA 7 n 21 T.SaundersGrove 21 William Ward 2 1 John Bowen 24 JLockNafmithZ)t’J4 Divid MTC’llop j 6 Martin Waghorn 16 Philip Howard 23 Farmery Epworth24 Francis Afbbury 27 James Gtft 27 C}, Robin. Walters2 7 Wm. Smith (3) 31 1763. ChCartwright Feb. 1 Cha. Kendal \ Tho.Simcns/kfor, 14 Alexander Ellis 14 Jeremiah Bigg 15 John Turner 15 Rob. Shipman Ap, 2 7 J. Stoddart July 30 Wm. James Aug. i3 John Piddle Ocl. 2 TUndcrwr od No. 1 7 J. Short land Dec, 12 1764. Wm. Stewart Fib j Tho, Leflie Mar. 26 F r an . T i n fiey Aug^z") W.P. Willi cxrdSef 1 8 W Jok W,i Ik Hot w H,' Mi Rob Jill! j»m JU. w« ■im. iD Al;x Alex Ed.' Audi ih with the Date of their firil IHarrants, by which they are intitled to Half-Pa y. Feb. 1765 Rf. Burnet Sep*, 19 1 rr.14 i 4 j 15 W r 50 ii 1 , 2 Ml . II ti- 7 i T$ f ill w r~2~.Ja.Tait May^ 1729 H.Tom Mdr*j 1731 B.D^nham^>5 John Hill Rob. Smith [ift] 173 ^ W, Hiytor A r ^.5 Ralph Bell Jan 15 1 734 Tho.Male^. ? 173 5 J-Richiey£/£i4 A.Maihef n Sept 22 1 7 59 W Mai t land July 1 fohn Low foa 1 William Little 13 Edward Ives Of? 3 Aobc Groat Mir 17 r74cR lAoy&Juneiq H. Crawford July 9 Vftt. Saumirrz 2 S' 3 arth. Smith Augi $ lobt Carru hers 29 fohn Beclcet Oft 1 7 ams Dickfon 24 it. Walker £)ee 24 >V m. B yTe Feb \nth Wilks Mar 4 1741 a Dudgeon Apr. z% U«x Shaw May 20 ohnA \way Juneio Alexander Hart 13 :d. Wood July 22 indr. Alien JVsv 1 1 iinterWealesy^’rir oho Murray Fth 27 742G.Lieth^wei4 ohn Walter July 9 lu Srevenfon Mar 4 1 7 4 3 Ed . Pea r fe M 1 y 9 Simon Head 16 fn.Mackiotofli^Wv 2 Chr Marfiial Aug Thomas Pool Ns 1/ 4 Andrew WatGn 20 1724 Ral Srodaard Mjy\ Thomas Cooler 26 James Hall Ju^e 22 fohnHayne J^/y 12 W. Cunningham 16 George Gordon 25 Jn Thonfon Aug ic Alex Naefmith>SV/>27 E. Henry Howard29 J n Trusbody Oft 15 Ja. Chrifte Nr v. 9 [ohn Paul Dec. 5 Wm Smith Jan. 2 Rbt. HimiltonPV£6 Jofhua Drury 22 Chr if. Kelly Mar g 174 T. Bennet 29 Jhar Spear May j; Sam. Ball Sheriton22 G lbert Eudd 2: Chrif. Barker Jrtne 4 William U(hc r Gehrge Williams 20 a.Naefm>th Aug jo -fenry Parker 0c7i2 a. H^rrTon Jan 17 Herbert Jones 20 ofiah Cock. Tkfrr 5 r ohn Good April 14 1746 n Routl dge 3 Pho. Peck 4 Rd. Hicks July 7 John Rice Of? io- John Irving 7^17 Jof. Haw^mAL-iui 174 7 Jof. Gibbs,' /> 4 G.Kingh M*neAf^2.7 W Thom*bn Jur>. 14 J >na Philips ^f//) 14 James H .flack 27 G. McCaIlum/f*£2D fohn Milner Dec 7 Robt. Harrifon 17 James Haig 6 i74SPet.Siater^ r .2 Ja Johnfoa [iftj 3 Rob: B'lla6 13 Robert Wood July 27 Jn Keynton A/W 2S 1750 JnBrumv/ell Junej % fames Djans 1 3 1751 ArchCobhamJWyi x 17^2 Pet Nadaufd Nc*v 26 1 7 5 3 J JackfbrDrf 19 1754 C N cholai May 1 3 John Gofs J u (y 2 17 5 >T Qfmar Febi$ John B nd M*r 17 Tho Meadows 17 J Watt [ifl:] Apr 5 Henry Loup ir David Wright 14 Simon Brown May 1 Edward Evans 5 Thomas Hooper 15 fi.hn Glover June 7 Rt Me Carrol 10 Jof.Robinfon July 9 Patrick Daw fun z ; S L 220 ] Charges Lynd a 3I J » Simmons Dee 1 R chard Tatlock 2 Attic Dml’on Chari s irving>Vv^i V m R ckman ; Th o Staunton Sep ^ m Billings 1 _ Griffith Griffiths 10 Thomas Stewart 30 James Devyar Dec 4 Edward Downes J 7 ^6 A Furbesj^j; 1 c I h i LJiot 20 Gep Spragge Feb Andrew Douglas J -hn Hodgkin 10 Wm Brown Mar 5 Peter fj air 10 D iv. d Ogliv'te 2 Robert Howden 2 Odin Re f$ 2 'I* L ingwell Rt Art ilii 'ig'on Ralph Atkinfon Robert Carlifle 2 John Simpfon 28 Jchn Craycrufr 3c AMander/tene Junz Matthew pryce George Vaughan Robert Swan John Smith July 5 David W.lfon 26 John Oatt A tgujt 2 Wm Norton Tho Hawdon "VVilliam R*»per 2c Thomas Legat 24 Cuth, ChaIon,r5e^7 Rt Robertfon Oft 1 1 Samuel Logie Nc n J 8 Arch Campbell 1 ; J ’hn Hutchinfon 1 c John Wright jc George Suttee 18 John Watt [2I] 19 i homas Danfon 21 3 o 6 John Hardwick James B rtram Jim>$ Walker George J hnfon > 757H Woliiny^nn Archibald Bruce 17 Daniel Price 21 Eaward You^g Feb 7 Thomas Denham 14 David Ramsay jg Wiiiiam Blair Maty William Harvey John Dodgfon WiJjam Gray 10 Coro. Murray 16 Nich. Tyzack Thomas Johnfon 23 t ranc s B.owers 3 1 Wilham Lloyd Ap 1 Wihiam B.fhop 7 Lu £v. Gieenhea J 2 1 R chard Static 22 Wil iam Bordet 2 Benjamin Good 2 Patiick Renny 28 ohn Squire Tlfjy Ic Datnes Ba derfton 16 Thomas Crebbin 26 Tho Blakeway 26 Pet?r Lincey 2S J* Ramfay June 8 George Hair 1 Edmund Peterfon 1 David Williams 2 Nathan el France 29 Alex Stuart July 3 im s Falconer 2 ohn B ;gue Robt M iwbray 12 Tjgh Weeks 22 'amesjohnfn 2 5 Rd H irons 8 ofiah Perdue S p 26 Nathaniel Holme 22 John Spence 2 6[Fra Thomas Ncv 11 WTempeft Eeckeii; William Coltart ] ; Charles Hezrns 2( Wm Black Dec 1: John R-obinfan 12 James Young 1 ; Thomas Cobham 2c 175S D n Me Ne tl Jan 6 Ben Wakeling 9 George John 32 Tho Stevenfon . 16 Alex Gordon 23 Har Rainfdon£V£ 15 ohn Andcrfan 18 n Thornpfon Mar 8 William Spence 22 W. Me Donald 28 Jon . C^w’per 30 W Marfdcn May 17 John Short June 6 John Murray jfo/y 4 Thomas Jones 13 Jbfen Rymer 18 Thomas' Lawfon 25 James H artwell 31 David Skirvin Aag 1 Thomas Weir 8 Alex Roberifon 26 Tho Englilh St ft 1 Richard Steed 29 Benjamin Lyon 30 Samuel B ft 30 Dav d Morton Oft 16 W Brougham ? Monkhoufe £ Will Th»m;jfon n Me Co mick Will Dunn N: Robert Jones, Efq; Capt. Tho. Bennet Capt. John Jolly 3755 ;< SirCh. Saunders, K.B. Capt. William Loney 3756 Cd/f.Chriftophcr Huddy 1741 1743 >-45 1743 J 749 *751 1 75* 1753 >754 1757 Capt. Rich. Shubrick ^ 5 /rPeircy Brett, Knt, GeorgeCokburn ‘,Efq; 1761 ' %: SirEdwardHawkeK.B. ^Thomas Cotes, Efq j Capt. John Clark 1762 Capt. James Sanders Capt. Samuel Malbon Capt . Peter Bennett Capt. Barthol. Pruft ' % Rt 4 Hon, George Grenville 1763 Capt. WiiliamReynolds, Capt. Nicholas Burnell 1764 Capt. Chriftoph. SollitU “ Mr Charles Wildbore, Sec. Tho. Gee, Joftiua Savage* David Court, C:trks % OFFICERS. PAY in each R A T E. R A T £ s. I z 3 4. 5 6 l. s. d . l. S. d . /. s. d. /. s. d. l /. 1 Y. /. s • d. Captain per Day — — I o o 0 l 6 O 0 13 6 0 10 0 O 8 0 O 8 0 Lieutenant per Day o 5 , ° 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 O 4 0 O 4 0 Majler per Month 9 z o 8 8 0 7 6 0 6 IZ 0 6 z 8 5 0 0 zdMaJl.and Pilot's Yachts each 3 l.\os . per Month Majler' s Mate 3 6 o 3 0 0 z 1 6 2 z IG z z 0 z z 0 Midjhipman z 5 0 z 0 0 1 17 6 1 13 9 1 10 0 1 10 0 Schoolmajler — o o o 0 0 0 1 *7 6 1 13 9 1 IO 0 0 0 0 ’ Captain's Clerk . z 5 ° z 0 0 1 17 6 1 13 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quarter Majler — I i 5 o I 15 0 1 12 0 1 10 0 1 8 0 1 6 0 Quarter Majler' s Mate I IO o I 10 0 1 8 0 1 8 0 1 6 0 1 5 0 Boatjhvain — — 4 o o 3 10 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 5 0 z 0 0 Boatfwain s Mate • — i *5 ° 1 15 0 1 IZ 0 1 IQ 0 1 l 8 0 I 6 0 Yeoman oj' the Sheets — i IZ 0 1 TO 0 1 8 0 1 8 Q 1 6 0 I 6 0 Coxfwain — — i I z o 1 IO 0 1 8 0 1 8 V 6 0 I 6 0 Majler Sail Maker i 15 0 1 15 0 1 J S 0 1 14 0 1 1 12 0 I 10 0 Sail Maker's Mate — i 8 0 T 8 0 1 8 0 1 8 0 1 8 0 T 8 0 | I - »•*> 8S&5 3 =» •*- - ^ ■ - VJ- ^ q iC PO^lS. 2* 2 $r •> 'S " r*» UoT^ Ci' 4 r^- o *>i o -w" 1 *>! C> >3 >KS S^fel? 2 a> *d n *° ^ £$“-8 §* 8. v* ^ o ^ r* • ^ £> *■**• t\ ^ r-r 0 3 I" <-» . » Q •i . £cO _ S2" s* «• o U s s I Is S-a .3 2«o a’ O ^ 5 ^ ™ O rr* u» on O On O O O O HI 1-4 M M W Ln, r> r> n >r a> o o o o *} £ ^ ■ i mu i Mam • - • — OFFICERS pay m each KA 1 E Sail Maker 's Crew - _ Gutmer __ _ Gunner's Mate ... _ Teaman of the Powder Room Quarter Gunner ( one to every 4 Guns) - Armourer - Armourer's Mate _ Gunfmith — - - . Carpenter _ Carpenter's Mate __ Carpenter's Crew Purfer . . , St e war a — ■» __ Steward's Mate __ Cook Surgeon ( befidcs zd a Month from each Man) Surgeon's Firf Mate ■Second Mate , . ■Third Mate ■ Fourth and Fifth Mate 5 o *5 6 5 10 Chaplain ( bcfides ±d a Month from each Man) - 5 o o 6 o 5 o 5 o o 10 o 10 *9 c ill 3 d .1 4th 5 th oth 3 1 5 ^ > I 5 c 1 I 5 0 > I 5 < ) 1 5 0 3310c 1 3 0 c > 2 10 0 > 2 5 c > 2 O O M 15 c 1 1 12 0 • 1 10 0 I ? c ► 1 6 0 ) 15 0 » 1 12 Q I 10 0 K I 8 c ► 1 6 0 > I 60 1 5 ° I 5 0 I 5 0 > T 5 0 >2 OO 1 17 6 I T 3 9 I 10 0 > I 10 0 > X 10 O 1 8 0 I 8 0 I 6 0 I 5 o' 0 0 1 I 50 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 b 3 10 0 3 0 0 2 H O O 2 5 0 2 0 0 2 00 1 16 0 I 14 0 I 12 0 1 10 0 i 60 r 5 0 X 5 0 I 5 0 1 5 0 3 10 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 I 3 4 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 08 1 0 8 I o 8 O 0 0 0 0 0 * 5 0 1 5 0 I 5 ° I 5 0 ! 1 4 0 5 00 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 ol 5 0 0 3 00 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 - 0 0 3 0 0 b 0 M 2 0 0 M z w 0 0 z : ro oj< D 0 0 O O z O O < 3 0 0 ( 3 0 0 < 3 0 0 I IO O 1 O O M :> 0 0 < d 0 0 < 3 0 0 O I 9 O ( D 19 0 ( D 19 0 c 5 0 0 < D 0 0 S 1 Phyf. Dr Montagu Bacon, 200I. Surgeon, JohnH >lden,Efq;20ol AJJiftants, Owen Clu' ton, WilliamWaliis Servant , Patrick Cannon Steward, J«hn Ellis, Efq His Clerk, Thomas Borbeck, Wm. Pemmell, Daniel Ball Clerk of the Cheque , John Maule, Efq iool lii i GVr/^j,Th?o. Court, J.Stuit William Saword Surveyor, [a. Stuart, Efq; FRS . Clerk of the IVo* ks y Wili am Robinfon Clerk , Edward Tulon Secretary y John Ibbetfon, Efq 5 His Clerk, FrancisC ok, 60I Governor' sClk. Val.Neviilj 50I. Treafurer' sCk SjMauleE r q5ol Ditto for Out PenfioiiSy Mr. Eurrel Superannuated Steward, William Bel), Efq; Auditory ;< Ri. Huffey,Efq iool HisClerk, Fran Woodhoufe, 30I. Mofler Brewery Edw. Seddon Difpenfer 9 John Pocock, 50 1 . Ajfift&nty Wm. Wheatley, 30I 7 rufsmaker , Rich. Meares,Elq; 1 ft Matron, El:z. Smith 4°!* id t//Vro,Ma.Chamberlayne3ol Organift , Luptcn Ralfe Cooky Samuel Tooke, 30I* His Mates , Jofeph Sparling, Tho. Hardcaftle, George Lock Barber , John Mackanefs, 111 * Butler , John Izard, 25I. His Matey Philip Lewis Porter, John Woolley, 15I. Scullery -Man. Randal Norria His Mate, John RufTel Mjfcnger , John Cnaopel Complement 1 7 S 3 Penfioners$ 140 Boys, 10 ) NurfestoPen^ fioners, and 5 to the Boys. IIX PENNY Receiver s Office on Tower-Hilly when 6 d. a Month is paid by all Seamen in the Royal Navy, and Mere h. Service, for the Benefit of Greenwicb-Hoff • Receiver , 300I. T Ames Fortrey, Efq 5 Ac co mpt ant, John Clevland, jun.Efq; Comp. Geo. Ann Burchet, iool Clerks . Wm. Turner, 50U Lawrence Turner, Henry Mattex, Charles Eve, 40I Mffingir, Wm. Newman, 50I. Commijfionenfor Sick and IlJ, Sca„:,„ and f or taking °J Pnforers of War. Office on Tower-Hill. Com miffionerfy wi io t L E '“° 5 " 2 , 'Vi: 4 " n— . and 6 5 l- Houfe rent. J ames A *»*weU, Efg; 300 J. Sr/ R i ch ; WaiteCo *' V , Fr ‘ Got ‘ ,bsd » 100 1. ^condClerk, N a thanCrevv, i ooj, 72/ r deter k , R icha rd Wa I Hi , 6 ol . Several Extra. Clerk,, at zs 6 d Wef eager, Tho, Seaward, 30I ’ r b v I C: Jbe Admiralty Office 0rds Commiffioncrs (7.) r ^ A r RL of Epmont, Firii Lord, SaJ^oool.a Year ^George Hay, LLD. '•Hans Stanley, Efq; '.'Lord Carysfort, - Vi fount Howe, Lord D-gby Pitt > IO °ol each 1 h, li p Stevens, SYcr. Sool. Charles Fearne, ZYp.SYr. 5oo j Clerk, on ebc EftabliJbntcnt . Erafmus Philips, 200 1 J- A. Corradale 1 e o 1 John Cfoland, I2 q j PratsAltock, ioo| John Jbbetfon, 80I. Haftings, 70 I. H*rry Parker, 60 I Extra C/erks at r 0 I Sa"rf W ll0C u k,Will am B, 7 ‘ r > CharlesWr^ht, Tho. Fearne, £ R ? eyn ° ids ’ CbaHoWard ’ J • Belfon, Junes Morrifon. French -Iranllator, Charles Fouace, 100I Marine Clerk,. Thomas Madden, 7Q | Burchett Rogers, JO 1. Secretary to Commffioncr, of the Longitude. John ibbetfon.40! Mffir.ger,, . ^ Collett, 30 1 ( Cbaring-Crc/s ) Richard HutcJvnfon, 40 1 i nomas Butler, aq ] Wm Cook, Porter, 30!. ,f; Re,l > 4 °h Iloule. keper 1 fVatcbmcn 20! a Year each Jane Clack, Net eh. JVo. icL /ohn T inker, Gardener , 33] Infpelior of Repat, , pen)3min Ghnville, 30 ] Aum ir Ai.Ty Couk t. ' Court judge of the Admiralty Tho. Sail. (bury Kt. 400! a . * •■''•^—.VJuryis.c.AoOIa Y. Council to Admiralty and Navy “Richard Hufley, Efq ; roo ^’ Sam. Se.ldon, EJ) Sollicitor , 0 Admiral and Navy, 40oJ Judge Advocate to the Fleet Chari es Fearne, E fq ; i os perDay Richard Higg.ns, Deputy l 0 ditto, 8 s a Day Godfrey Lee Farrant, Reoiftcr of the Admiralty Court . Nath. Bifhop, Deputy to 'ditto. Dr Marr.ott, King' ,Hdv. Gen. Dr George Harris, Admiralty d f°> * 3 ‘- 6s. 8d. in Tide of Peace Too. Tindal, E fq:King' s P roll or ^'.i. , P Cref P’g n y,Efq ;Alm,dit,o William Brough, Marjhat. Deputy to ditto. Charges Dauglas Bowden. S- 1 T' / h i> V,' W R- \\ I ^ lb 0 Fa a 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c Comm ijjicnen for Sale of Prize) taken before the Declaration cf the late War, *viz, Robert Fentherttonhaugh George Wombwell C 227 ] jnho Barker, Timothy Brett Robert Wilfon , Henry Saxby Alb. Nefbitt, J.Cle viand, Efqrs* John Gwiit, jun. Samuel Gardner, Secretary . PAY-OFFICE of the ^Trcafurer of the Navy, 2000I. >: Tf l (count Barrington Pay - M after and Ac comp . James Wallace, Efq; 500 1 Clerks for Payment of Wages, Jam. HubbalJ, Adam Jellicoe, William Glasford, Sol each Wm Oakley, James Lynch, Rob Radcli fife, James Malpas, William Tay'or, 40I. each Extra Clerks at 50I. John Fennell, John Swaffield L. R. Coufemaker, Ed. Clarke, W.iliamMeredith, Charles Wentworth Djlkes, John TJiompfon N A v y . (Broad- Street ) Clerks for paying Bills in Courfe , John Slade, Sol. Ditto , for tv ri ting Ledgers 9 GeoSwaffield f R.Langham,Sol Wm Hill, Wm Smith, 40. ExtraCUrk , Wm. Hulme, 50I Cajhier of the Victuallings John Barber, Efq,* 150 1. Cletks to ditto , Fr. Cook, 70I. Tho. Parr, col. Ja. Slade, Ch Thompfon, 40], John Uffindell, Mefnger , 30 1 Tho. Wheeler, Porter , igl 5 s Sam. Cook .Door-keeper , 20 1 Suf.Ci 3.w(ord,fhufe keeper, 40I Will, MaiFam, B urge •mafter fA Superannuated Officers and Widows charged on the Navy. OFFICERS. r/ T Wenry-nine RcarAam. without Flags, 7 at 17s 6d per day — — ^ £ 9 2 ° f *7 ® One Colonel of Marines - - - - - - „ 0 0 Four Commiffioners of the Navy, 250 1 . - - loco o o One Commiffioner Sick and Hurt- Office - - - 200 o o One Dep. Secretary to the Admiralty ~ - - 400 o o One Clerk to the Secretary of the Admiralty - 60 a o One Secretary to the Navy Board --.-15000 One French Pilot of Canada ------ 200 o o One Mafter Sh:p-wright, Gibraltar - - - - 100 o o One xWafter Attendant ditto ------ 100 o o One Matter Smith, Chatham - - - . - . 54150 One Sen* e-keeper, Sheernefs , - loo o 6 One Matter Sailmaker, Portjmoutb - - - - 46 19 o One Matter Joiner, ditto - -- -- -- -926 One Mafter Caulker, Plymouth - - - - « 80 o o One Boatfwaio, Deptfo r d-yard - - - «. - 80 o [ 228 ] One Martyr Smith, Woolwich Yard - One Matter SailmaJcer, dirto ... One Mafler Houfe Carpenter, ditto . . One Phyfician to the Fleet, at ,os a day . One Captain, Lofs of Arm in Fieht J , . Two Captains, Lofs of Arm in Fight, at 200I One Captain, loft an Eye in Fight" One Captain _ _ _ _ One Lieutenant loft his Leg Fight I I I Fi ve Lieutenants, at 5* per Dl 8 . _ _ Thirty Lieutenants, at 4 s per Day . . , “A&r 1, *! R _ ate ‘. c / sh? p s Thirty-fix Gunners, ditto - . Thirty-four Carpenters, ditto - . . . ‘ Three Purfers, ditto . Forty^five Surgeons, ditto - Fen Cooks, at 16I 55 a y ear . WIDOWS and CHILDREN, • 52 • 46 • 39 l8z 3CO 400 *50 IOO 200 456 2190 TO 0 19 O 2 6 10 o o o o o o o o o o o 5 O o o 162 10 o T \v O of Commiflioners Navy, a*- ^onl Six of Captains, at iool One of ditto,, at 8oI Ten of ditto, at 7 ol . One of ditto, at 6oJ - . J Three Captains Daughters at 40 J. Five ditto, at 25 J. . One of Lieutenant’s ... Two of Lieutenant*, at 40I - - Five of ditto at2\I* One Daughter of a Rear Admiral One Captain s Widow A \ 4 . I - - — — 600 40 600 80 t ^*P ra,n Allied in fieht Five Children of a Captain killed in fight Four I lJots Widows, at 20] 700 O O 60 O O “ 120 O O - - 125 O O - - fio O O O O 125 O O - - 40 O O • - 33 6 8 - - 70 0 o - - 60 0 Q - - 80 0 0 John March, Efq; Rithard ChifwelJ, Efq- V/iliiam Clarke, Efq; Edward Vernon, Ffq; P ^66 en Shaw, Efq; Wiliam Cooper, Efq; Samuel Smith, Elq; Treafurcr, John B ,-nnct, Fir Cbt.pljir,. * ' ** P v. Mr, Alois; Erswne, [ 22 N A V Y-0 F F 1 I 1 Principal Officers an Mujefty's NAVY, w/7 7 Controller of t be Navy, G EO. CokburneEfq; 50c/ Clerks tc ditto in bis OJjict for Aecompts , Tho. Davies, chief Clerk, 100 l Patrick Mackie, 80/ Brlcher Mercer, Rd HatIey,6o/ RdPreftwood, Wm. Longman. Alexander Hav, James Pitts. Jot Mohringh ,Fra,Wilfon,jcl For Foreign Accounts , PJrhardMorris, chief CLk m ico / William Parry, Geo. Fearne, Thomas Soame, 50L Clerks to ditto , in bn Office fo > Sen men's IV. ores. Chief CL Wind. Vaughan, 20c 1 •njamin HoIJ, Ed. Faikingham, Br. Hartwell, Phil. Thomas, Ba^bar Fennell, T ho. Devey , B nj . Robertion , te Haven. Lewis R. Allen , go/ 2. 'Joint Surveyors of the Navy, Thomas Slade, Efq; 5C0 l William Bately, Efq; 500I. more for Houfe Rent, 80/ Clerks to the Surveyor , Rd. Bromley, chief Clerk, loci W. Mills, 70I Sam.Holman,6cl Sam. Rufbatch, JohnThirkeli, Henry Terry, Thomas Flint, Thomas Moore Slade, Thomas Flint, 50 /. each. ^ . Clerk of the A els, Edmund Mafon, Efq; 5 co/ # A ff ft ant to ditto , George Jackfon, Efq; 300 / more for HouJ'e Rent 30 / 9 1 0 E . ( Crutched- Triar s) ^Commissioners of bis i> their Clerks. See. Viz , Clerks to the Clerk of the Acts, JofiniaThomaSycb/fCVer k, iool Thomas Tomlin Ton, 70 William GritEth, 60/ John Kent, Samuel Male, Rich. Gregfon, Peter Oihorn, Jonathan Hill, Thomas Davies, Geo. Cumpilone, John Lymer, Jof. Girdler, 50 / 4. Controller of 7 rcafa, er'sAccts . Timothy Brett, F.faj 500/ C/etks to ditto, Dan. Srow, chief Clerk, jqq f Ed.Tilfley, 60/. 'Ill o.Fox, yj. Jonathan D d, 40 / Ticket Office under hi: In fpeHion, Edw. Bentham, chief CL 200I Rich. FI erne, 2 d diito, 200 William Player, 80/ Richard Hogg, Alex. Chorlev^ Rod.Richaide5,\V illiam King, William Painter, JohnHunter, George Arnold, 30I, Robert HcfFman, 40I. Extra Clerks, 50 1 each Jof.Campbcll, Beni. Rofewelf, Fra. Pierrep int, WmWigsett, Philip Hyatt, John Crofley, Charles Wade, John Mudge, J oh nBlack well, T ho.Hargood ] Thomas Rhodes, 5 . Controller of Vi Quailing Act u Robert Ofborn, Efq; 500 1 Clerks to ditto, Hen. Gunter, chief Clerk , ico JSnellgrave i jd JDavidfon,4o [ 230 ] 6 . Controller of the Store- keeper's Accounts , HonJWtt]. Bateman, Efqj 500I Clerks to ditto , John Hoi fen, chief Clerk 100 Samuel Cox, John Baggaley, James Bull, James Cotton, WmDawes, Ben Wakefield, 50I John Pigott, 40 1 Clerk of PctitionsattbcNavyOf. John Harris, 50/ Clerk of the Remittance Bills , John Margetfon, 50I John James, Mef'cnger , 50 / Affiants, Ge orge A/hmor^ol William Benge, 20 / Labourers and Attendants , Edw. Widen, Rd Moxey, 20^ Francis Wilfon, Porter , 25/ more for Houfe Rent lol Doorkeeper to Ticket Office , Duncan Bayne, 20 l Treby Collins, attends tbt back Gate at is a Day Eliz. Martin, lloufekeepe r, 40 1 more for Servants Wages, Mcps, Brooms, See, 40 Thomas Sabe, taking Cart of 14 Lamps at 50s. each 4 Watchmen, at 12 1 a Year John Edwards, Ratcatcher 9 4! Jacob Adams, Bargemafier 7 # Extra Commif of tbellavy. Sir Rich. Temple, Bart. 500/. rrore for Houfe Rent 8o». Clerks to ditto, at 50I. each Jacob Adams, Thomas Beart. CHATHAM YARD. 8. Commijfioner Ref dent , Thomas Hanway, Efqj 500 1 . ltd re for Paper and Firing 12I. JCIerks to ditto ; Nat. Jennis, Jof.Dijjes, 5ol.Wm.Paine^o Officers of t he Yard, Tho. Colby, Clk ofCheq . 200 A. Weltden, Storekeeper ,20c Ed A II in, Mr .Shipwrights 00 JnRufiel y C/( of the Su 2/.200I John Towers, Mich. Goden Mailer' s Attendants, 200I e2cl: Wm. Wallace, Mafer Ship- wright' sAJfi flan t, 1 ool Nic. Phillips, zd ditto, rool Wm Payne, Mjfi .Caulker 100. WCampbelljC/^^r^ioo WmGuy,M' Rope -maker , iool John Sergeant, Bo2tjwain y % o 1 Jn. Her, flow. Purveyor , 50 1 John Hammond, Surgeon ( be - fdes bislwo-pences ) 120I Thomas Jeyes, Porter 3 30 1 PO RTS MOUTH YARD. 9. Commijfioner Ref dent 9 Richard Hughes, Efq. 500 For Paper and Firing 12I Governor of Academy , iool. llerks, Richard Varloe, 50 I John Jeffery, 40 1 . Officers of the Yard, Ez. Pomeroy, C,0|* tbcCbey. 200I John Greenway, Store i.20ol lilrSbipwrightT Bucknallzool Clerk of the Survey , zoo i William Mathews Mafters Attendants, 200I each. Roger Gaftrill, Tho.Cofway Mafier Shipwright' *AjffiantS 4 J iool each \ . * William Polliill, Owen Bird J.Moringe, Majl. Caulker , iool F. Eddowes, Clerk of the Rope- Tar d, 100 1. Pet. Mart* n, M Rcpe m. ipo i And .J efferies, B oatfwain } 80U jeh “ho. id.] . ihn C 23* ] :>feph Hollis, Purveyor , 50I •ich. Walter, M. A , Chap la in 'a.RamfayKerr, Surgeon ( be - fides his T*zvo-pences) 100I. V'm. Woodrow, Porter , 30I ohn Sweatman, Mcffiengtr P LYM OU T U YARD. IO. Commiffiioner Rejident, redjriek Rogers, Efq. cool Fo> Piper and Firing n ] 7 erkr 9 Diggory Tonkin, 50/ i . G ro ve ,40/ John Collier , 50 Officers of tie Yard, ->hn Lloyd, Clerk of Cheque, 200I hil. J 1 1 ft . ce , 6'/ ore- keeper f ?.oo' ’•ael Pownoll, Maher Ship w ight 9 ^ool alphPaine,CA" of Survey ,zoo\ tn. Hall, A. Hatcher, join: Maflers Attendants, 2 ocJ imes Youig, Clerk of tht Rope-Yat d , 100 1 . i.Liofey ,M -* Ropemaker , iool sterJope,Geo.White,Mc'wye/',WmShTdbo]t, 1: ol Chapiam, V. cai,t 50I .J Surg.^jfift. Wiluamfiarr fon, S S. a Day Stewards Cl, JnCulljford, jc! Hich Agent's CL John Merrett, 50I hfpenf.AJfiJi . J^Raggott, 50I 'furoriy Eliz. Weftcombe ; 25l hitler y Nicholas Nicholls,2ol ^arber y JaiT.es Motley, 2^1 C 233 ] Cooky Martha Nicholls, iz\ Thomas Wood, Chaplain t Clerk jl. and 53. a Week for Sweeper. P lumber 7 Tho. Manning, 2s a D ^ The Victualling-Office. (Tower-Hill.) Comm ; Jf oners y T Ames Wallace, Efq. Firjl f CommiJJioner and Comptroller for, Me. Horatio Townfhend, Brew-boufi. R og . B u rgoi g n e , B t . Cooper age Robert Pett, Efq; Hoytakcr Tyringh.StephensEfq Accounts . onasHanway, Efq \Bake-boufiy George Marlh, Efq. Cutting bo. 4od . a Year each 'ecretary, H. Pelham, Efq 200J Clerks to ditto y . Watts, ckpfy 1 ool* Ym Card, Tho. Wilkins, 50I Extra . Clerks, at 40I. each. ohn Garlick, Samuel Day Ca(h Accomttant , )enham Bri r gs, Elq. 120I Chief Clerk , V-lliam Bradley, Efq; 60I. >lerks y John Smith, Dav.Greig, Thomas Neville, 501. each. Extra . Clerksy 4ol.each, Thomas Price, Jof. Hughes. ' htef Clerk for examining and fating Impref Accounts 9 •Villiam Sayer, 8ol, jeo. Perry, Clerk to ditto 50I 'lerkfor keeping a Charge on the freafurer , Robert Hall, 80I. hnSmith, jun. Cl .to ditto 9 50! Accomptant for Stores , lichard Henfluw, Eiqj iool Clerks to ditto , at 50I. Ralph Collier, B. Jennings, Jn. Hume, 50 . Wm.Mavo,4oi Extra. Ja. Clyde, J.Williams, ^m. Robertfon, 40I Clerk to bring u p Accounts of Stores in Arrear, ThGyles,6ol John Evans, hisClerky 50I Clerxs to keep Charge on Purlers Thomas Dyal, 80 1 His Clerk , James Watkins, 50I Extra. Daniel Price, 40I Cl o/V££^aei,GMartineau,8ol Clerk to dittOy John Wight, 501 Hen. Hitchcock, Extra , 40I Clerkfsr fiat ingBurjers Accounts Daniel Walton, Efq. iool His Clcfky R. S. Moody, 50!. Extra. Jof. Evans, Chr, Wattle, Robert Smith, 40I MafterCooper , Jam. Butcher, 8cl Clerks to ditto, Ja. Hyett 5oi Francis Sherwood, 40 1 Clerk of the Cutting-Houfi f Robert Noak 80 1 William Harris, bis Clerk , ^cl Clerk of the Dry Stores , Phil p Soley, 80I Cl. to ditto, Melzar Rand, 50I Extra . Rif. Maflingarb, 40!* Clerk of tbe Brewboufiy Jofh. Dearden, 60 1 Samuel Ward, bis Clerk y 50! Vi El jailing Ojpcer at Deptford , ( Benj. Collier, Efq; icol* 0 3 \ of tU Cheque x and Muflcr A f.ift, of the Workmen ,&c , J‘*hn Di»o n, g Q I JitsCforks, Thomas Wheeler, Tho. Pardon, 40 1 . each Short Allowance C fork Wifliinri Henlcck, 50 1 ^ * C fork , Rich. Bottler, 40 1 . Surveyor, Ben]. Glanville, 60I d' s ( fork, Tho. Price 40I. fojt akir,p\. fit. Barber ,jun.?oi Jonathan Holt, Cfork 40I (-'irk at Ttneer Wharf* v/ >lliam Pritchard, nol A Lifter Butcher , fa. Motte4ol f 334 J Adeffengt* ^ fohn Everall. 20 U . . n r,,, r Porter , R Thomofon. 1 2«;./t HGtNT. VlCl UALUKS (Fr 0 */ Porft. Agent at Portsmouth, Matthew Oakes, Efqj 200 / Stor ‘keeper, Ceo.Sh-pherd , ClerkCheque , jof. L,ttleficld,8 c l Mafltr. Cooper, Wm Rogers, 60/ Agent at Plymouth, Jolia Ommaney, Ef'qj 200/ I Storekeeper , RichardBunce, 60/ C fork Cheque + Alex. Gordon, 6d/ MaJhrC.ooper, <5*/ Agent at Chatham:, I Henry Hutch in Ton, 200/ Storekeeper, Robert RulTell^rf 4 f ^^DoVKR, | Michael RuBelJ, E'qj 200/ 1 Storekeeper , Steph. Tempie,.'ol Cheque , Tho. King, 50/ Mr Cooper X. Worthington, 50/ Agent at Girk.4 ltar, John Lewes, Efqj 25c/ Storekeeper 9 Wm Davies, 75/ Richard Shaw, Extra . 40I Navy Slop-Office, Crutchsd- Fryers. rv*> n n <4 x w 1 1 ^ f QKf FT a E Dmun4 Duvall, keeper , 20 o 1. Chief Cfork, John Parry, Sol. Henry Oitcs, Sam. Fur fer, ^ol QnePackcr , at il. 5s. a Week TZtcc Taylors, at 1 5s. a Wee# Plantation Governors W Agents. Com. in Chief f (he Forcn in A 7 Atner, M ti,Gen % Tho.Gage J I Benn*ng Wen' worth Audit. Gen % of tbs Plantations } • hi on, Robert Cholmondeiey Surv. of Land of the N. JJfJ Samuel Holland Dfoj. G n. Robert Burton L’tut. Gov. of Trois Rivieres, Col, Frederick Haidimoa [ 235 J Cl\ Juft. Wm Gregory Efq; Attcr.G'ti Geo. Suckling Efq$ Secretary , R gffter , Clerk nf (be Council , and Commfta'y of the Stores , Henry Ellis Ptov'fM.irJhall ,Nich. Turner Naval Officer, Edward Bfh)p Agent , R chard Cumberland. £<*/? Flo id*. Col. James Grant, Governor, James Moult re, ^f^Ch.Jrftice Ja. Box, Elq; Attorney General fa. Dun nett, Efqi Secretary WilliamGreeninj:, Ziq^Regifter and Naval Officer Jn Dunnct, Clk of the C'Uncil Wilhaip Knrx, Kn g' s Agent. Weft l lor i da, George John ft on, Efq; Gov. Mont fort Browr.e, Lieut Gov. Wm Clifton, Efq; Cb. Juft. Edm. Rufh Wegg, Attar. Gen. James M^cphert^n, Secretary Simon Amory ,N ; W'Gf.& Rig John Ellis, King's Agent. Or cnadii. L% Col. R(»beit Melville f}ov. General of Grenada, the Grenadines, D mrnico, St Vincent, and Tuba?o. Francis Gore, Efq;L r Gen. and Lt. Gov, of G renpda Li Collect tjtGovofDomlnico L:. Coi. Higginfun,Lr. Gov. of St. Vincent’s. Maj.Brown.LfGV^. o/’Tobago JanriesBrebner,Efq; Cb.Juftice John Horn, Efq$ A: tor. Gen, J. Cargil, Eiq; Chief Juftice of Dominko Secretary, Rtgifler and Clerk oj Council ^Grenada, Dominico, . St. Vincent, Tobago, Cyru- miffary and Store- keeper of\ !l Stores fnt to the Ijhnjr f Alexander Wood, Efqj Edw.Sedgewick fcfq; Nav Of: Henry Ellis, Provoft M&r/batt Edw. Griffith, Elq$ Sol. Gen . A lex.Sy mpfon. Regift. inCbanc* Tho. Gibbs, Efq; Si rv. Genera / Commijji oners for the Sale of Lands in tbe Jftar.ds of Gra- nada, the Grenadines, Do- minico, St. Vincent, and Tobago, Wm Young, Alex. Graeme, John Hurt, Robert Stewart, Robert Wynne, Efqsj Receiver of Money arijing ly the Sale cf tbejaid Lands , William Young, Efqj Secret ary y Jc hn Gregg, Efqj Jamaica , WmHen. Lyttelton, Efqj GW, Sir Henry Moore, Bart, Lt.G . -Nicholas Hei bert ,£//; See; et m Nevi Aid worth, ProvoftMarfb* fohn Pownal, Naval Of Thomas Graham, Rar. Gen/. And. Stone, Ef EfqjC^/>.G^ Gov. Eiqj Lt.Gex 9 I 236 Wm. Smith, Efq; Stentary arid Cler k oft Be Crown Wm Lavirrgton, Chief Jufrice Thomas Warner, sitter. Cert T homasCottle, Efq -ffiohc.Gen St. Cbriftoftben, >m-s Poole, Efq; Lt\ Gov. Pfl! ^ 4 . 1 1 /!/ • /*^f Wm. Adair, Secretary Peyton Randolph , Act. General Nevil A I, •'worth, Naval Officer of York River Rich. Lee, dire, So-.thPotomac- P Rooer:s, ditto, Upp.DtHnA James's River rr>ii .. j m .3 1 «njc, i-i. CjrC*v m I -mps' t f? * ** > Craiftcr Greathead,C6/V/‘}'„/?,vJ w r 1 . 1 '7- er Henry Wdmot , Agent ^ •Berkeley,*r/«.E Mt ,/) / ^ r/(!? .,1 4 . _ — Neilfon. <*//«. £. 1 C ,„ j- Neilfon, ^ 0 , - • Dyer, dJSf “*• "K3“> 4* J vdfp,V/ ^,.«r Geo.Saxby.^ecrtV.Gor^-yjV.. Richard Lambton, Auditor H BrrnyerdeSeaufalh,^//^. A .Carol, na, A r . D „bb Efq. Gw GerW.ll ^EUJud.eofAdm w C ^ / 'Z ,Ar ' Dohb > Efq.C* D,tto Soli, sir GeiZ 7ec a m , n?' *'«'• T - - - .rd, Efq; W $£ ^ ^ * th ‘^n j^sb^eZsccZ: S* «y^cn„„ Wm. Knight. WSl ?/ 111 ""' *9i Richard Cumberland, ? ie f 3W* o.., « * •£ * Kob. tones tun PY„. . AV«,r^,RcMon6lon, Effcw ThoJ^r’K”' 'or. Get., Cadwailader Colden, L.W Beniam t * W ‘ r -V - - 4 |^ m H Tur ™» Offic. j , , Efq \Ch.Jufiic. JohnTaborKempe Efqj^r.Cer. George Clarke, Secretary Cnar, Wiihams, Nava.' 0 fee, Robert Charles, Efq; Agent Wm FntnlcJm.EfqjG.W.^, Chnftopher Coates. Secretary Frederick Smith, Chief J u/ ff Cl JokphWzrcen, Attc^ey Gen. Joseph Sherwood, ji, eM r/»^»M,MajG.Amherft. Got Fran. Fauquier, E^FRSir.G. A I rr iva-vai Uttl C . Alex Heron, Clerk of the Pt eas Courhe' Jouvencel), Efq t Agent Geor £ ,a > >. Wright, Efq; Gov r ,, , Lieut. Gov 9 James Haberflnm, Secretary Wm.S,mpfon,Efq; Chief Juft. W m. Knox, Provof-Marfa, Wm. Ruffe), Naval Officer ar es Price, AttcrneyGeneral Charles Garth, King's Arert Zp H K T’ o..r .Hou/loun^rrG^^if.r, [ Grey Elliot, Deputy Auditor William Spencer, Cotfe&or William Ruflill, Controller John Stuart, Agent fir India* ! ‘ Affairs in tbeSomb. Departing Wav Scotia, Cape. Breton, See. CoJ. Montagu Wilmot, Gov. Jonath. Belcher, Chief Juflice. R chard BulkJey, Secretary Benjamin Green , *Ireafurcr and Na^al Officer Johi Collier, Regift r Cha Morris, Suive^r of Lands Rich. Cumberland, E qj Agent Annapolis Royal, R^bertMonckton, Ziqft.Gov FrckeD.lkesHore, I ort Major Placentia , Oibo Hamilton, Lt m Gov, MaffacbuJePs Bay , Frajicis Bernard, E q; Gov . Tho. Hutch nfon. Efj Lt. Gov. Andrew Oliver, Efqj Secretary Ben.Pcmbei ton, Naval Officer The Lieutenants, &c 7 3 fafprr Mauduit, Agent Ne'iv-llampjbire , 8enningWentworth,Elq5 Gov, Theodore Atkirrfan, Secret . John Fifher, Naval Officer M. Temple, Lt. Gw. John Thomlinfon, Agent , Nezufou nd/a nd y Hugh Pallifer>Efq \ Commodore on that Statt ,n, Gov. , John Bradftreet, Lt. Gov. Rhode ! tand^.N Jonath Nic.hollsy Dep.Gov . j.fepn ^h;rwood. Agent ConHc&n uty T h . Fi tch , E f. Gov* Jared IngerfoP, Efq$ Agent; Mary la r.d , Ld B a 1 1 i m or e , P r opr. Horatio Sharpe, Efq; Lt. Gov . ---Calvert, Efq; Sec.& Ag» P enfilv ant a , Tho.&Rd. Penn, Proprietors, John Penj), Efq 5 Lieut.Gov . H.Wiln »ot , Agent fir Propriety R Jack Ion, Agent for Co qiy. in England and W ales. England. Bedford , Du ke of Bedford Berks , L .ro Vere Bucks . Lord Le Dcfp«n:er Cambridge, Earlof Hardwire Cbejlcr , Eai 1 of Cholmondeiy ts rr*ivtili % Lord Edgcumbe Cumberland :< S:r JaLowther,Bt Derby , ' x Marquis I Granby Devon, Duke of Bedford Dorfit . Earl of Shaftefbury Durham , Bp of Duih^m,C Rot. Ditto, E. ol Darl ngton,LmL/. EJ ex, Earl ofRachford GiouccHer , Lord B ittetonrt Hereford, *Vifcount Bateman Hertford, Earl of Lfl'crx Hunting l ' n , D of \ftmchefter- Vert, Duka ot Dorfet Lancaficr , : * : L. id Strange f.eiafter, Duke of Rutland Lincoln , Duke of A nc after Middle fix , E. of NoithumberL Moxmou th , : *'Tho Morgan , E fq* Norfolk, Earl of Or lord Northampton, tail of Halifax Northumberland, E .otXoi thurn Nottingham. Duke** Kir.gfton Oxford , Dukeot Mar lb; rough Peterborough Liberty, * % S r Mat. Lamb, ~St Cuft. Rot . Rutland, Earl’ of Exeter Salop Earl of Pow s Somcrfity *£arl oi Thomond r. I- 2 3 S i^T*’ E ‘ 0f Worthington Lord Maynard '\“ rrL J, Lord On (lour ‘ u l/ rX < Duke of Richmond Z? r ™ ,ck > Earl of Hertford 2 /f Wr/ - X Sir j ani es Lowthe. l !.l U ' Farl of Pembroke Z"?P* r > Earl of Coventry K'ty'.EaJiRiding, Tjr ¥ J - Weft Riding, Earl of Huntingdon Y °rty. North Riding, Earl of Holdernefle, Ld. Lt. L J rl of Huntingdon Cufto< Roto/orum TmoerHamlttt, Lord Bet ke fey of Stratton Wut,. Jnghfea, Sir Nich. Bayly /j’r,-f(?’ 7 ,-‘'ThoMi'rean E/qjC R Cardiganjbtre, W. Vaughan Llqj Lieut. Thomas Jchnes, Efq; C. R Carmarthen, -Geo. R ic e, E fq. Carnarvon >Th Wynn.E fq L t ' Sir Joh n VVy nn , Bt. Cuji. R„t. C^h.gh, -Rd.Myodtlton, ( to Hint, -Sir Roger Moflyn, Lt. Earl of Pumouth, Cuji. Rot. Glamorgan, Earl of PJimouth Merioneth >'~W . V aughjn Efq; Montgomery , Earl of Pow 1S P ‘ m j >roh ,> / ’ : Sir\Vm Owen, Bt. Radnor ■••1 lowcll Gwynne, ifa H avcrford-H'eJ}, * * *** M and Cuji. Rot. TP Lord Mayor ^ EUfild / STEP, ‘ U ’ !on > Knt. ™ V f*l 1 755 * Manfion Uj. " ° f rtp Z ‘ Kt. l^ttberoftbe~Cito C deman-dreet tt Ef K *** * ” • - ’ HtSirTho (J r ° P r r qi 6>> Mar ^ro:,gb.J} r ^IS.rTho Rawhnfon, Knt .FencbunL/irett 2 ! 4 s Bart - Slut thin 'r -tone to ts ; 4 C ’ ,rd G yn > Blrt - Fudge -Row * c, - fs c ‘ h r V :, 81 * k iB "n, Bt. O/ajZ'r y _ 5 _ >! + S w r .r mU "i F ’ ,dyer ’ RcBaftrgbalL/}*' Fa, in,, ion within , 54 W liVm^rid^E^^ 5 8 ° h ° ft uare LaJhH) ***£* Efti V 4 V &/. 400/ *••**-* ’^"wn-nreet Br^ad' ftreet, Ciin db*wick % Dtnvgute, Rf'Offgate, Lbtcip ^ Bdhngfgate, [ 239 ] ff r albrook > e8f Alexander Mafter, Efq; Smltbfeld Cripplegate, 59-f-Sir John Cartwright, Knt .Lad-lane ALdgat e, 60 'fSirThomas Challenor,Kt.L^^4?j//-// Portfoken , 6 i >: J Hon. Thomas Hariey, Alder fga te-ftrtcl Cordwainer , 62 f S r Henry Bankes, Knt. St. Mary-bill Tower, 62 fSamuel Turner, Efq; Mincing lane Vmtry, 64 Birlow Trecothick, Efq; Buckler (bury Bread -flreet y 65 Brafs Crolby, Efq; Seething- lane £$ueenbitbe 65 Richard Peers, Efq; dfgeenbitbe N. B. All before tke Recorder have paffed the Chair thofe marked thus f harje ferved the Office of Sheriff — and thus J: are Colonels of the City Militia . Brafs Crofby, Thomas Harris, Efqrs; Sheriffs# Chamberlain, Stephen Theodore Janflen, Efq; 1755. Common Serj.Th- Nugent, Ef; Town Clerk , Sir Jam. Hodges, Kt Judges of t he Sheriffs Court, WalterLone, Pa ul Field, Efqs; /ool Four Common Pleaders , Tho . Harrifon, John Hyde, Fr. Maferes, Mich. Lade, Efqrs* Comptroller of the Chamber , Dutton Seaman, Efq] Secondary of tbe Poultry Compter, John Shaw, Efq; ■■ — of Woodfircet ditto , John Bennef, Efq; Rjinemhrancer, Peter Roberts, jun. Ef, Solic. Mr.Wm.HufTey Four EJyuires of the Lord -Mayor's Houfhold , Sword Bearer, HeronPowney,Ef; CommonCryer , Pet. Roberts, Ef Ccw^«//^»r,Ja.Chamnefs,Efq ^rerifa//^WmDawfon,Efqj Cham berlaik’s Office. Inner Office. John Knapp, William Montagu, C/ Charles Rivington Chriftophcr Fuilagar John N : cholfon JW. Tyfer,Efq;Dt/> J.>tracey Till, Efq; j*Gabrel Leek-y Andrew J ordain James Wh.tworih p George RuiTcii William Bonham Groves Wheeler Baffijhaw 4. J fohn Saunders Dtp* Bitting feat* jo. Charges Eufton, Dep Jvhn Kitcerma/ler Thomas Dcale Robert Barnevelt John Read Stephen Tyers William Syms Wiliam Ru/Tell ■ j Thomas B-nn *J'-hn Rogers BiJhopjgute 14 . Ri ch. Town fend, Dep *Samuel Travis *John Townfhcnd Edward Wix * Thomas Cooper •Edward George * William Walker *Ja mes Stone •John Miles •William Cooke Wm Rogers, D . .. Richard Munday Jo hn White * Henry FLU Ercadftrect j2. John Mooney, Dep John Ewer William Tapp Bignoll Potter Andrew Layton William Robinfon John Hains 4-Tho. Smith, Efqj John Walker John Ruflel John Partridge Edward Barw»ck Bridge 1 5 . William Poft, Dep Timothy Topping George Cooper •Edwatd Cowell [ 240 ] T homas Horne Coles Child rhomas Machin Thomas Gilmore •Charles Barrow John Hu ward Robert Fret land William Jcbfon Clement Ccrderoy Th. mas Norman Daniel Rooke Broad/ireet 10 . Henry Kent, Depufj /ohn Cotterell Benj imin Bonnet ohn Ellis ohn Stephens > et. Nich. Frifquct •Richard Windfor ■ranch Magnus ohn Poultney Vacant Candle-wick 8. James Rofleter Dep Mathew Perchard Philip Mtlloway John Waihen Thomas Wright *Henry Vojfey George Hoare * William Gill CajUsbayvard jo. ohn Hopkins, Del Philip Bell ohn Jordaine J * mes Pi ere y Thomas Harrifo John Pitway Henry Major John Wijfon, Efqj Georgr Bellas, Efq Richard MachelJ Cheap 12 . J-SJcynner, Efj j , r am«s Pa tfieJd ,’ohn Salt JEdw. Ingram, Efq Stephen Camm (-T. Wilkinlor),Efq /ohn Mariar Fhcmas Nafli, Efq John Smith Edward Lambden Thomas Burfoot John Boydell Colcmanjlreet 6. Ijames Kettilby,£le/> [Francis Baker Thomas Smith David Morris •Robert Shank •John SafFory Cord-wainer 8, Wjllianr Blunt, Dep % John James fames Pierrepo’nt John Guy t Mat. Howard, Efq; [William Kirkman |Gco. Hayter, Efq; Thomas Baker CcmJbtll 6, Francis Ellis, Dep % [James Walton Thomas Cogan ^William Dawfon William Shenton •Henry Parker \Cripplegate -wit bin g. Henry Prcbyn, Dep 4 [John A nde? fun Thom is Dubois 4-Pct. Mou Ifon, Efq: Thomas Thome John Moore J°^ph Kinder Wiliam Joxdeji 'ripplegate without 4 [ Wallingt-mjEfj Dtp Ed ward Farmer Jofeph Ballard John Banner Dowgate 8. Ti moth y V eats, Dep John Prce John Hart John Steigler Francis Hilton John Greenwood Thomas Davis ^hriftoph. Robinfon Fjringdon within 17 v: Jo h n Pa terfon, E fq ; Deputy * William Jones ♦Noah Duckett David Buffer John Newcrmbe * J hn Clements Chriftopher Holy lan- Edward Bridgen [.Henry Wood fall, Efq f.JohnRivington > Efq Edward Say Claurice Griffith Charles Clavey fofeph Sclater- John Cumberlege Richard Harwood Thomas Geeve Fan ngdon without 1 f North Side. Robert Gamon ,Dep Samuel Beard George Biughan f 2 4‘ 1 William Savage ThomasNoweii Thomas Saiter Wi liam Hutton Th omas Tibbs S:u r b Side , Char’esVtre, Drp. John Brome Charles Bathurft * T h .masWhipham |ohn Burnell 'Thomas Bromwich Thomas Sainlbury * Francis Say Langbom, 10 . Rob. Wilfonn, Dep. John Pope Thomas Hallifax Ingham Fofter Thomas Cole George Maynard William Che (Ion * James Hebert James Thom Ton George BI ikefley Limeftrect 4. Geoige Mafon, Dtp . George Harris Samuel Freeman Jnhn Walter Fortfoken 5. Philip Graf ton, Z)r/>. William Caoper Richard Willon Robert Hat ding *Abra. Brecknock ^ 'ueenbitb 6 - J Boyce Tree, Ef. Dcf>. ♦Richard Clarke Henry Smith Richard Belfon John Wilkins 1 Vacant Denver 12 4 Rd. Roman, Ef. Dtp Richard Brooke Ifaac Elliott William Prowting Hamnett Townley Nicholas Nixon William Worsfold William Mills John Stainbank Eu Race Kentifh jSam Freeman, EC}; t Vacant Vi titty Mofes Alnutt, Dep. John Gould Godfrey Wilfon Higgins Eden Jnfeph Downes Priefl Shrubb Laurence Holker Stefhen Hunt Dan : el de St. Leu PValbr«ok 8, B a fil Browne, Dep. Joftph Pickles Gilbert Michel) William Whipham ♦Clement Bellamy Jacob Hi dgfon Nathaniel Thomas ! Arthur Beirdmore Receiver Genet si of the Land- lax /jr) ri . " 7 T 7 City s/London & Co. 0 /Middfefex, $ C]aildIUS Am >' and > £f< Ji Deputy Receiver, Thomas Kilner.— Lbe Office, for the prtjent , in New- Court, Swithin’s-lane, Lombard- If. Receiver General of Window Light > D , . T*x for London WMiddlefex. $ R ° bert W,lfonn ’ Deputy Receiver, Richard Wilfonn,— -The Office in Lon bard-ft . X //. Mnjr fly's CommifT. of the Lieutenancy for the C ! °J .London, l>y ComtniJJion dated 7 July 1762. The Lo& d-Mayor, Aldermen and Recorder, for the ti being: See a Lift of the Prefent, in p. 238. ' x Sir Kenrick Clayton, Birt. ^Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. : ' : Str Willi im B. Pic£fcor, Bart. S r Will am Milner, Birt. ; ’S r George Col- brook c, Bart . •*S r A’-exanoer Grant, Bart. Hen.y AB'taft * : G cr:^ Anfrere b»hn Apthirpe James Adams '•fohn BriOow Nathaniel BrafTey •’Merrik Buriell William Braund ^Bnrtholom. Burton CrabS Boulton Richard Baker John Boyd Simuel Beachcroft Jonathan Barnard Ly le Brown John Bar-on Richard Coope James Carter Richard Chy >: Peregtine Cuft Toby Chauncey Charles Cutts Matthew Clarmont fohn Calvert Peter Ca’vert William Clarke Pae’ix Caivert Robert Carr Thomas Cotton J"hn Coles Richard Cleeve Richard LomaxClay J. M »rfhc Dickinfon Thomas Dineley >: Sir George Amyand, Bart Sir Thomas Hankey, Knt. Sir Charles Eglet >n, Knt. Sir Thomas Tludyer. Knt, Sir John Torriano, Knt. Thomas Ducket George D**al ry Philip Del -h-iize W iliam Davy Edward Da vs John Edwards Samuel Eilis : Za.Phil.Fonnereau •Brice Fiiher William Fauquier Robert Faverell R'chard Fuller Samuel "Freeman Robert Go (ling Stephen Peter Godin Chambrelan Godfrey J >hn Gignonx Henry Hoare Richard Hoare John Hyde Jof.ChaplinHankey Thomas Hankey James Henkeli George Hayley fohn Harrifon Charles Harris George Hay ter Matthew Howard Richard Jackfon Edward Ingram Matthew Kenrick Joha Knap ton Ralph Knox Robert Kinglcote John Lancalhire Becflon Long Robert Lad broke Daniel Lafcelies Nicholas Linwooc Edward Lewis Charles Lowth Robert Mar/h >: Jofeph Melli/h Jofeph Martin James Mathias John Murray Nathaniel Ma.tin Peter Moulfon Samuel Marfh : Arnold N fbitt Samuel Nicholfon John Nightingale Richard Neave Peter Nouaiile George Newland Edward Payae CharLs Pole George Pref< ott Thomas Peers John Pott George Pengree James Pell Arthur RadclifFe Thomas Rous William Reynold Henry Raper 4 Job. hi A thei * 6 z, the til , Bart. Knu Knr. Knt. m. rfccte hire g •role tiles Q.vcod 'is th Ih 1114 .n as T [-.tin >n 4 fbitt iolfon tuak jvs lie iani Hi • ott| tv ;ree| m us | FM I r hn Rily hn Rivington ? illiam Srlwin »hn Skey ^aorer.ce Sullivan John Sargent enrv Sperling homas Selwin horr.as Smith tmuel Smith /’illiaro Snrrth ;.mue! Sedgw:ck ichard Salway William Seward chard Speed [ 24 1 Jacob Ton Ton ; * : Chau n.T c wnfhenc Peter Thomas >: SamuH Touchet Thomas Tafh John Thornton ;< J -hn Tucker Ricr.ar T nfon Thomas Thomas James Tierney 'William Tyler Bv.ce Tree Stracy Till c amuel Vaughan P [n AlbretchVafimer William Willey H on .Tho.W a*pole Hon. Rich. W. lpOie Djniel Webb [van Wenham John Weyiand Ive Whitcbread Jofeph Wackins Edmunl Wilcox Bouchier Walton Thomas Wiikinfoa Henry Woodfall Reader Watts John Wilfon, Efqrs mes Ver be db+'ve Gentlemen are E [quires by l^irtue of the King j Commif. Edward Grofe, Gent. Oerk and Treafurer. John Shipflon, Mufier - H iafl € r , John Crocker, Mtffenger. | ield Officers of the Six Regiments of tkeCitj Militia. Blue/' SirRob. Lad broke ,Col. 4 (rr*r; 7 ,SirMat.B]akiflon,CV* Lt.Col. Jolcph Hunt, Efq$ j Lr.Cs/.JofephHick man.Eloj Major, James Harriott, Efq,' Major, William Howes, Eiqj Red, StrTho.Rawlinf myCo/.j 5 Yelisnvf'S rSam.Fludyer,CW. Lt. Col. Jam. Carrington, Ei'qj Major, William Harris, Efq; Lt. Col. John Favell, Efq; Major Philip Oriel, ETq. Orange, >: SirRdG.yn, Bt.Col. 6 //^hV/'-WBeckJord, h*\\Ccf 9 Lt.Col. A If x.Dalmahoy.Ffqj \ L r .Ccl- Oim<*nd Cork, Eiq Major, Wiliiani Miller, EfqiJ Major, John King, F.lqj r Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. Prejidcnt be Artillery Company, J SirTbo.Rawlinfon,Kt. V ice- Prejident t Sir Rich. Glynn, Bart. 7 reofuicr . Members of the Court of Westminster. 'he Dean, The Biihop of Rochefter. \ r :gh Steward, The Earl ot Lincoln. yepnty Steward, James Sayer, Efq; yigb Bailiff , Thomas Corbett, Efq$ I tfuty Bailiff, Mr. Stephen Popham. I igb Conflable , Mr. Samuel Goodman. [ ° X z C 2 u J St. Margaret's <( St. John's St. Martin's { St. Ann' s Burgrffes. f ^og.JacklunjEfq; Jofeph Pratt, Kfq j Mr. Bcnj. Sharpe one of' chief Burgs . Mr. John Snow one of chief Burgs. Nich.SpencerEfqj Kd. Pearce, Elqt Mr. WilliamGoffe C pt Chr. Pinchbeck I'h.Kynafton, Ef. Air. William Vile John Machin,Efq; Mr fh, Chamberlain Aflijlanls. Sain. Pei rfon , E fq [V* Mr.Th. Borwicl r A2r. Rich. Lewi Mr. lien. Burforc St. James's \ Mr Brack Kennet 1 Mr. John Rntt Sr.Paul Cov.Gar. Mr. Samuel Baker S [- Clement's Mr. Gyles A Lop Clerk — _ _ _ Mr# Jolm j ackfbn Court-Keeper _ _ Mr. William Jackfoji Lrjer and Mace-Eearer } Mr. James Leeton Mr William Jelf« Mr Heniy Willbr Mr.johnBacchu: Mr Rd. Ford Mr.MenryJaffraj Air G.Shakeipeai Mr. John Storey Mr. John Trotter Mr Kt Mackretli Mr Hen. Kidgel, Mr. Rich. Haines Alr.Henry Wallis Majesty’s M I N T (Tower) 1066. Warden. * TOhn Jcfferys, Efq; f >r him- Ht and i Clerk 450], Matter and Worker, *Hon. WmC^'fwv d, Hfq; for himi jf a ,.d 3 Clerks, 630 i. Cowpt; die* ,'*-Jo.io B».»!Lr, Efqj frt Hmfeif and CL k 350!. King's AJfay. matter , JcfeiH Lucas, Lfq; for himfelf and Clerk, 225 J. ^/>/‘ j Engraver^ S giimund 7 'anner, Efq$ 200 I, Affiant Er.gr avert , Rkh. Vco,J. Ralph Ocks, Sol and Surveyor of the Melting . Clerk of the Irms f ^GeorgeSeJwyn/orhinafclf and) Clerk, t 32 1 ros. Weigher and Teller , Maurice Morgann, for himfel and Clerk, 142I. 10s. f£'s .Clerk and Clerk of t he Papers Mr Wiliiam Dick, iool. So/liciterYSmCh .mbeclayne,6oi Warden's Deputy , Francis Woodhoufe, Eiq* Mafier's Deputy y Wilh’am Gregory, Efq: Comptroller' s Deputy and Clerk rhn 'how. Ci A. D SirW Me Dfjol Or.l h? k.M )r. 4 n,Efq amici C illiam Parry, Efq; 1 tpuryS urvcjor of the Melt ings , hn Jones ' ,u | p.to -beKing'iCtk, Hen Twift Uvvi * Clerk to the Warten, urforc njelfe Viiibi tcchus rd •hn T wells, iool Clerks to the Mifter, homasDay, FrederickLaunder Surveyor, John Vardy 2 45 3 ProvoJ 1 to the Comp, of Moneyert afiing aiEng.lD.Kzvr.p, iool. The Company , 40I. each . Smith Aftift* to the Engraver % Ruben Fletcher, 4c 1 . Surveyor of the Money PrejfteSy John Chambers, 4c!. MafteP s A£j : ^y-m after, anesby Alchorne,yir kimfelf and Clerk , iz~\ 'Two Auditors , zo 1 . each* Porter, Nicholas Kemp, 45 I. Office-keep. Fred Laund: ,25!. efpear orey otter ireth \dp\ aines r allis hitablilh'd 1 5*23. £*> Royal College 0 /Thysici a ns, ^i>eai ¥bofr mark'd reus J are Fellows of the Royal Society . P.RESIDEN T, Dr William Mu/het, j R. \V ; lia n Batt'e, Dr, William Pitcairn, Elea. ^ ft Great Ruff l- ftreet Warwick, court , Warwick /. Dr John Monro, Red Lio::- y, JDr Anthony A/kew, Cenfor, F£iccn s-jouare fDr Nathan Alcock, Runcorn, Cbcjh're jDr. Thomas WilbraLam, F^ueen- ftreet , Weft mi lifter £ Dr. Mark A ken fide, Med, Regin. Old Burlington -fir set JDr. Nicnolas Munckley , Clement \-[ane, L omba rd-J;r . Dr, Tho. Wharton, Durban Dr Charles Milner, Ayhford Hall, near Maidjtone , Kent DrHenry Hinckley, Treafgrer, Al derm anbury Dr A ntony Addington, lliforj* ftreet , Burling: on -gardens |Dr Richaid Brockiefby, Norfolk - ftreet Dr John.Clerke, Epfom |Dr. George Baker, Cenfor, Aled, Regin. ad Familiara* Jermyn-ftreet ID: .NoahThomas, Med. Reg, Exrraor. Old Burlington (tr* a rim felt ■:rs ,60 Fehow^, JrRalphBourchier, Ormond-ft . SirW. Browne, Eka. Ffueen- ftjuare Sir Edward Wilmot. Bart, Med. Reg. Nottingham )rJoh. Newington, Greenwich Dr. Frank Nicholls, Oxford )r. Pelham Johnfton, Cleyfters , Weftmvnfter ) r M a 1 1 h e w C i a r k e , Tort enham . )r. Thomas Reeve, Elea. 1 brogmorton ftreet Dr Ambrofe Dawfon, Grojvenor -ftreet Dr Rufiel Pluirptre, Prof. Med. Cantab. £Dr James Hawley, Great Ruffel -ftreet Dr Matthew Morley,Lw^ , x Inn -Fields [Dr ChaChauncy, Auft.Fryars * Dr Thomas Addams, Reading Dr Thomas Lawrence, Elea. and Regifter, EjJ ex -ftreet j Dr EdmundCrynes .Nottingham Eled. Reg. Eled. Dr. William Heberden,Elva,j jDr.W.CadoganRVif.rrf/V* / Cccil-Jlmt X 3 1 [ 246 ] 4.Dr Thomas Gi/horne, Med Hefi ad Kamil Cleveland -row Dr Tho. liealdtfth'itham.Efe. r Hr Rich-rd Tyl *n, 0uee„',.h D| . Edw. Biny, G.org t ft rt , t tijiunrer-fqu. Dr Wilkinfen Blan/harJ, Sr James' i 1 J Zrj;£±hr»>v, W-. M^p.in 1 Dr. Francis PhilipDiival, Med Pnncipifs. Wall. A', Oxford - R oad Di Philip de laCour, Rury.ftrr.t Dr. Samuel Jcbb Stratford DrG Macaulay y StJomt,'s~p lace MrJametDargent, CrcatMarl- hornu^b-ftrcet .v-v. Ml’.’l Med. R-g. ^nald. Monro, Jeraiyn-Jlr, Dr Wm Hunter, Med. Regin. ^ Extraord. J > rnyn- fr cct I Sir Wjlhain Duncan Bart. M‘-d, R r p JVelihcck-Jtreet V Sam Wathen, Pat-nofr.io’w Or. James Grainger, Ijhndqf St. Cbriflcpfar' s D On. Killy, at .B'lartin's -lane Dr Dav. rZich-usyfoutba,^ Dr Ni .Rubrnfoo , Hatton n hui', L ‘* w, / ka, J Dr John Eai,: Cl’f fZu 'P :^ hjl)es ««■•. buhtin Dr WmCla rk , Bradford, U 'if Dr John And ree, rloflin Friers J Dr fn. F o t h er p; i 1 1 , IF biic Hart . C r.trt , Gra re-church -freest Dr Peter Can vane, Bash 1 4 Di Wiliiair; Watfon, Lincoln's - Inn. fie 'ds Dr Thomas Milner, Maidftone 1 Dr. i-xlex, Ru/lel, IFalbropk Di. Michael Morris .Axe-yard. Weft, r., after * D r Mofes G ri/B t h , Mi ncinp. lane DrWr • „ , DrCh Morton BntijLMtfum Dr! joH E\Z 7c Zf' 1v ,t t r • ] ^ . iUr *Tugh ^mith. Mmc'trtr l jr e * L-rrl Heinekei, nea, Guildhall Dr Tnhn P.rirkend n T ? n J Dr In Da, rift Silvr tier, White Dr Vm Granr S ^f" Ifi C.„ „, CV,« ndfs "T m / Dr fc,»ai Crthih.,,,, fa’.' T The ROYAL SOCIETY Par '>n , he king. F. of Morton, P reft dent. (Incorporated 1 6t5 3.} Council . *Mr. Henry Baker Thomas Birch, D. D, Secret, C H James Burrow, Xfq. V. P. Tie Bi/hop of Carlifie Li d Charles Cavendifti *Samntl Chandler, D. D. •Edw id Dhva!, Elq; *G-orge EckerLl, Eiq; *Wil!iam Heberden, M. D. * Earl of Macclesfield llrael Mauduit, Efc$ Charles Morton, M.D. Szcrsc. Charles Mofs, D.I). 7 1 * Matthew Roper-, Efqt *Ge rze Lewis Scoit, Efqj William Sorhebv, Efoj > : James Weft, Efq; V. P. *Taylor White, Efq; *Sir Clifton Vintringham, Kt> Secretaries Thomas Birc h, IX D. Charles Morton, M. D. 'Trtafurer , -James Weft Efq; * Sberzvs the N&zu Connelly defied I\Oqj . * 0 , 1764 . S;ION COLLEGE, London Wall, founded by Thomas White, D D 1623, and incorporated by King Chailes II. Anno 1664* Elected May 1 5, 1764.. Prefid cut, | Ajfift ants, T> EV.Fcrd. Warnei^LLD Thomas Pickering, IX D. ^ Deans, | John Jenin, D.D. Arnold King, L.L.B. Howland Sandiford, M.A. Thomas D Oyly, L.L.I>. John Blackiiton, M.A. FELLOWS, who are the whole Body of Rectors or Vicars within the City . To the Name of each Living is added the Sum it is charged in the King'/ Books , and after the Incumbent's Name is Jet the annual Value as fxed by Ad .of Parliament in 1671 oj' thoj'e Livings ( 50 in Number) whetc tf)e Churches were rebuilt . This 4 denotes the Archbijhop of Canterbury's Peculiars . St Alban JPoodfifeet* R. 23I 16s 10. Mr Berriman 170I. Allf allows Barkin. V. 36 13 4 Dr Geekie \Al!halloWsBreadflreetR. 3 3 13 4 Mr. Lynch 140 Allhallows Thameftreet* R . 4 1 18 1 Dr Seeker 200 4- Allballows Lombard ftrR .2 2 6 8 Mr. Broughton 1 10 AUh allows Staining. R. not in Charge Mr Ellis Aith allow sLoudonw all .R. 8 16 8 Mr Mence St Al phage* R. 800 Mr Wynne St Andrew UvderJbaft.R. 30 xi 3 Mr. Waller St Andrew IVardrobedR* 17 10 o 140 St Anne Alderfgate* R. 19 2 1 Mr. Heckftall 140 St Antlfolin* II. 36 1 5 MrCookfeyFRSl2o St Aujlin R. 43 13 2 Dn Douglas 170 r * 4 s j St Bart ho. Exchange. R. i g x g St Bennet Finch. C. not in Charge. 4 - St BennetGracechurch.R.ao j, , Sti St met Paul's marf. , CbriCt Church V . <; 3 6 St Ciriftopbcr. R. J + 0 St Clement Eaftchcap. R . 32 18 4 -St Dionis Backchurck. R.2 5 o 4 St Dunftan Eaft. R. 60 7 St Edmund the King. R. 34 ,4 S* Ethelburga. R. 11 12 St George Botolph T.ane. R .31 16 St Helens. R. not in Charge. St James Dukes El ace. not in Charge S t James Garlickhpthe. R. 1714 7 St Katharine Coleman. R. 568 St KatkerineCreechur. V . not inCharge St Laurence Jenvty. V. 37 17 /, S t Mag nusLond.B ridge . R . 1 00 1 7 1 St Margaret Lotbbuty.R. 13 6 8 SjMarg. Pattens KoodL.R .22 O O St Martin Ludgate. R. 33 17 8 St Martin Outivicb. R. 13 0 9 St Mary Abchurch . R. 20 o o St MaryAldermanbury R notinCharge 4 - St Mary Alder mary . R. 53 o o 4 *St ilfary R. 66 2 St Mary Hill • R. 52 13 StMtf ryMdg OldFifi ft. R. 19 5 St Mary Samerfet. R. 17 o St Wootnoib. R. 43 13 St Matthew Friday-ft. R. 47 1 4 St Michael Baffifhaw. R. 14 o St Michael Cornhill. R # 35 1 4 StMicbaelCrookedLa. R . 2 6 8 St Michael F^ueenhythe. R. 24 7 4 S t A// ch. Royal Cc l ! eg eh . R .25 13 St Michael Wood ftreet. R.2 4 o 5 tMildredSread-ftreet.R.26 1 1 St Mildred Poultry R. 18 13 St Nicholas CcUabby, R, *6 3 4 0 1 o 4 9 o 8 4 6 4 o o IZ l\ Dr Salter Dr. Lowe Mr T ownley Mr Elliion Mr Sandiford Mr Willis Mr Kerrich Dr Curteis Dr Jortin Dr Milles,/ 7 ?. 180 Mr Rlakillon Mr Woodford Mr Coulton Dr Moore Dr A ftry Mr Thorefby Dr Parker , F R Mr Hume Mr Gibfon Mr How Dr Birch, FRS 120 Mr Archer 160 Mi Fayting Dr D'Oyly 120 Mr Lawrence 150 Dr Taylor 150 Bilhop ofBrirtoHoo Mr Griffith 200 Mr Hillman 120 Mr Humphreys 1 1 o Dr Plnmtree 140 Mr Winllanley 1 50 JOO 100 140 ICO 200 I 20 I 40 I 20 200 1 80 100 120 I 7 0 TOO Mr Marriott Mr King Dr Kemp Dr Warner Mr Young Mr Woodcock 10O Mr Crowther 1 30 Dr Newcome 170 Mr Jeffreys 130 n z 1 4 ° 100 160 J40 c 249 J • St Otave Hart-jtreet. R. 41 1 1 Dr Owen St Olci'-ve Jewry. V. 23 6 8 Mr. Altham 120 St Peter Cornhill. R. 39 5 o Dr Thomas 100 St Peter Poor Broad-ft .R. 5 16 7 Dr Burton St StephenColemanftr.V. 11 o 8 Mr Webiter no St Stephen W albrook . R. 2 6 7 o Dr Wilfon 100 ^StSzmtbinLond.Stbne. R.26 7 u Dr Ayerft 140 Trinity in the Minortes. not in Charge Mr Petvin +St Vedaji Fofter Lane.R.^ 16 3 Mr Barbault 160 St Andrew l hlborn. R. 18 o o Dr Barton S tBartho. theGr .Smith/. R . 8 o o Mr Moore StRm*/^/ow^xo//^L^/}.R.i3 6 8 Mr. Sharp StBotdph Alderfgaie .R.not in Charge Dr Moore St Bctolph Bifijopfgate.R. 20 o o Dr Afhton St Bitolpb Aldgate. C. not in Charge Mr Evans St Brides . V. 16 o o Dr Wills 120 Chrifi Ch. Spit tie fields, not in Charge Mr Pritchard St D unflan in the Weft .V .26 4 ^ Mr Williamfon StGeo.theMartyrQiifiq.R.not in Ch. St Giles Cripplegate. V. 32 50 Dr Nicholls St Jatnes Clerkenwell.R. not in Cha. Mr Doughty St John Clerkemvell. not in Charge Mr Aldfich St LeonardShoreditch. V. 17 o o Dr Denne St Luke in Middlefex Dr Nicholls St Mary Whitechapel. R. 31 17 3 Dr Mather St Sepulchres . V. 20 o o Dr Pickering 200E Librarian , Wm. Clements, M.A. S^r.Mr.Tho. Reading. Court of Affiflu nt s of the Governors for Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen , tie Bed November 1764. Office , No. 13 Papt Prefident y T HE Archhp of Canterbury Vice P re fidelity Hon. Mr. Baron Scythe, FRS. Trejfurcrs 9 Samuel Salt, Efq; Mr. Thomas Bromwich Mr. John Peirott Court of Afffiants. Mr. Roger Altham r Buildings , Temple. Th' Bijhob of St, Afaph Thomas A(h* on, D. D. Dr. Barron, De^n or Briftol Rev. John Butler, LLD. Mr. Edward Sookey John Ct vert, Efq 5 i'h? Bifhop of Carlifle Mr. Cadwailader Coker Mr, Stafford Crane Lord D<. la mere r Peter Denis, E fq; Mr. I/aic Dudley Mr. Edward Ferrand Mr. WilJjj m Cataker Therms G /borne, M. D. Mofes Griffi:h, M. D Hon. and Rev Archd. Harley Afalachy Hawtayne, Efqj George Hayter, E q; Thomas Kynafton, Efqj The Hifoop of London Air- Edward Loxham Rev. John Lloyd, D. D- U'f- Mr. Bar n Pei rot ‘•Sir George Poc eke, K.B Mr. James Price John Probyn, E q; [ 2 5 0 J The Xtfiof, 0/ Jal.Tbury Samuel-balter, D D. Ge rg-i Secl.-er, D. D. 1 honaas Stoned n et, Efqj Henry Swage, Rf' s - Mr. Fenner Swayne Mr. f.: feph Sclater Mr. Will, am Sharp H n.andRev.GeoTalbot, D.D. Mr. Francis Wells Edward Wcil.-n, Efq; Chiiflopher Wi,fo n ,' D D. The A-cbhifoop of York Rfjri/ter and Aeiimpiant , Mr ThonmWai) j M Surgeon, Mr Wm Hawkins. Apothecary, Mr.JohnDevayn e 8 Organ, Ji, Mr. John Jones * ™.*Z ,eWa ' rd °f the C >W‘t, William Folkes, Efq.FRS Wm Folkcs, Efq. cLJ/. | Pbyftciatis , [William Pitcairne, M. D. Anthony A/kew, M.D. FRS. Richard Tyfon, M D. Apothecary, MrThoRobinfon Surgeons, Mr Percivall Pott , RRS. Mr Stafford Crane Mr Robert Young Ajjiflant Surgeons Mr Wil iam Sharp Mr Richard Webb Mr. Edmund Pitt Clerk , Mr. Charles Browne Steward, Christopher Taylor Renter, Mr Pi ft Matron, Elizabeth Browning Porter, Hugh Beatd Cbrift’s Hospital. Founded by Edw. VI. 1552. Prefident , ;< ^IR Robert Lad broke, Knt. Treafurer, Daniel Webb, Efq; Phyfician, Dr.Nich, Robinfon, * Surgeon, Mr Dale Ingram Apothecary , Mr J ofeph Roberts Chief Clerk , Mr Jofeph Eyre Under Clerk and Receiver, Mr Thomas Smith Ajfiftant Clerk , Robert Court ll ardrebe-keep . Mr. Ch. Green Grammar -majler , Rev. Peter Whalley, M. A. Under Grammar -matter , Rev. James Penn, A. B. Majter 0 f the Mathematick;^ Mr. Daniel Harris Writing-mafitr , MrWm Allen Draivir.gMaJter , MrTho.BitT Mufick-Maficr , Mr fn Y’oung Steward, M r Jo h n Perry Mat r tin, Mrs Lois Gibuy t Hojpitai, Jounaea t>y Thom. Guy, Efc: in 1722. Prrfident, L Ewis Way, Efqj FRS. Treafurer, Thomas Lucas, Efqj Phyficians, (3) Dr Nich.Munckley, F R S Dr Henry Hinckley Dr Robert Thomlinfon Surgeons, ( 3 ) 'Mr John Beichier, FRS Mr Jofeph Warner, FRS Mr Lewis Way Chaplain , Rev. Mr Rob. Poole Finch Clerk , Mr Nathaniel Neal djHtbceary, Mr Benjamin Stead Infntuted by Subscription , 72C Prrfident, 7 X HE EarJ oF Lincoln I'ice-Prejidentt, *H(j n. Edwin Sandy s ••Sir George Savi] e) Barr _ -S,r W.Beauchamp p r0 Q 0r Bt Richard Edwards, £„j. •'•George Ccoke, Efaj Charles Low n ds» Efo; Ehlha Bifcoe, £f a . '■Lord Warkworth Treasurer,] 0 f eph Baldwin, Efqj P by f dans. Dr. Michael Morris Dr James Da: gent Surgeons, Mr John Pyle Mr Abr. Wharley Humphreys Apctoecary , Mr.SamuelBuIIer Chaplain, Rcv.Tho.Champnea Secretary and Receiver, Mr. Willh m Watfon Matron, M rs Cjliowhill Gcoige's Hofpital, [ttfei tuted by Subscription 173J Prejident , H THE king P reft dents , Archbi/hop of Canterbury The Earl of Shafte/bury Treasurers, Lt G en . Jof.Hudfon John Ad. Fred. Helle, Efq; PhySicians, Dr Thomas Gsftorne, FR3. C 2 Dr Don. M wo Dr Richard Warren, F.R.S.' Dr Richard Jebb Surgeons i nOrdi nary , Caefar Hawkins, Efq; _ William BromfieJd, Efq; Thomas Gataker,Efq; Mr. Canning VI ft : ing Ap ot bee art ei , Thn.GrahamEfq Jn Allen, Efq D. Graham ,Efq The. Edg*:, Efq Mr. fsFrafer MrRobert G.oat Mr- j . T i uefdale Mr. Js. Barges Houle Apothecary ^ Mr. William Dampicr Mat* on, IfabeTJ Gill a plain, Rev Mr Chrke Clerk, Mr. Jofeph Hall He. Foundling Ihfprtal in Lamb's Conduit Fields . Incorporated m 1739. Patron , T he king. Prcfident , The Duke of Bedford Pice -P reft dents. Fail of Dartmouth Eat! Temple Lotd Vcre Lord Cadogan - Charles Child. Efc; >: Rich. Wiibr-hain Bo>t!e, Efq, *Jrealur t r , Taylai VVhire E‘;FXS Chaplain, Rev. M'. Waring becritarypi horn a : Coiling wood Solilcitor ^ MrFr ncis Phi mptree PtijJici a n i , D 1 Ch M ore ton , KR S Dr William Wnfon, F Ji S. burgeon, MrThorrasTomkrns Apothecary , Mr Rob M c Ci* Han Alatrcn, Elizabeth Leiceftcr Scboo'nujicr, Evin Lewis 'steward, John Smith Secretary' + Clerk 2 John Tucker ; >5 ] London l Io (pit a l infti'iitef 174-0 Incorporated b&c. 9 - *75^* Whitechapel Road, Prefident , y yrs Royal Highnefs the jTjj^ Duke of YORK. I'ice-P residents, LVIarqu s of Gianby John Donien, Efq; ; ' : Jofeph Mellifh, Rq; Treajurcr, Jame«HaughtniiLangflon,Efq ; dbaplain, Kev. Mr Audk) P by f. clans. Dr Thomas Dickfon Dr Tnomas DawRn Dr* Kuh-rdfon Surgeons, Vfr Richard Grindai, F R S VlrH nThomfori, MrC Neale . dpotbecary , Mr. Sa n. i * * » k -i r Secretary and Receiver , V ilium Trotfer reword, John Co'e Matrons J Mai t.mVlaryEckky Hiddbjex Hojpital for Sick atd Lame, and Lying-in married IV omen, in Ivlary U Bone Fields , i nj tit uteri bySubjc rip - tion 1745 * Prejident , E ARL oi Northumber-afrd Vicc-Prejider.ts, E.Guwer Loro Grofvenor Lord Scarfdale : ’ ; 3ir W Beau champ Prc£< r,Bt. ■' : 5u Ken rick C ay ton, Bt.. Hen. Lt. Gen. Cornwallis Trcafurers , JoMachin, Efq; MrW.Wnght Plyficians, Dr Hugh Alexander Ke: lied ; Dr John Brisbane D. Bay In;} M..y,^ D ,. Th£N _ ^ * r £*ons Mlu MT Mr ^ a ' HfWard > I, J a - Moffatt, Mr fa Cl),!’ Built, ^pcbecary, Mr. Richard ReeJ Matron and Midwife Mrs £ll2 ^«th Britiridgc * Bankers, AiefT. Fuller and Cop c Hoare andCo. <- >utts, Di umnaond Bickweil, Hart and Co. 1 d * and ?‘ l jU»gton, * n Jhtuted in r 7 ^g # T -f* we king. F ref dent, j^lce of Marlborough Ko'& t ;fcfc r ' KI! - p?">"> If aac Akerman Efq; Dr Edward Archer -W«", ff 30 ** '* CcW Field, t'neurj and Receiver. Mr. R. Reynold;//',, - /*« : TL le T y in C ° ! << £«'h Fields ij Herb. Bath, in natural iy a l M°‘>on, Mis, .Smout J Jfytteeatj at ljlirgton, iT. Rob Bryc r, for Inoculation Mal ‘”> ^s. M.ry Norbury Banker j , 5 T J^ ph Hauke y and Co. C n and to Cou,,s and „ : D: ^ m mond and Co. “ackweiiantf Co. •vbtT • ^ Cf£r (M«», /^""’/Cranby ' ^/^ShaA/bury ^ f dr/ /n K ° Ch ‘ ord ^Arcr«,/,r N .Thoma , F RS. Madan ^ 5 "> William Bromficld I I honra, W,jlj ams ' [a» Gowlar.d R W r Bromfie,d * Ge *- Weft. K- Wooton. Tho. Rowell I ‘ fco «»s Griffith % Cr ‘ tar y> Mr. Stanford J/r6 «. Mrs. Murray Corporation for hek an d maimed Seamen in the Met chants Service, in. corporate 24 >*e, i 7 | °& ct ln th ‘ Royal Exchange Pre/ident , D Ohert Nettleton, Efq-, Council, Ed. Athawes, , i Iio.BennetiWm.Eowden Chambrelan Godfrey I J|!i Godfrey , Per.G od f iey E<| God/rev, JofephCalfrejr Dan Goatley, John Hallett Mat.Hamfon.Wm Loney p . Cucas, Lionel! Lyde Benjamin Mee, Hen. Norris D-Powell jun.An.Pringlc, William Reynolds [ 2 Jsmes Sperling JohnVanRixtel, FRS iT/yr.f Secretary and Rec. Daniel Campbell *tbe Bri; :jb Lying- m nojpitm for Married lVomen y in B rCKv nh IV - fir eel L 9Hg - Acre , indituted A r o%/, 174a, Prrfidsnt, D UKE uf Portland. V ice - P ref dents , RtHon. : re,Glyn v &Co St. Luke's Holpital for Lu- naticks, Moorfiefds, 1 7 5 1 . Prefdent* Arl of Cardigan. Vice Prcjidetits , :#: 5 />Wm.Beauch.Pro< 5 lori?/ John JollifFe, Efq* James Sperling, Efq ; T reafurer y Win. Davy, Efq; Pbyfician* Dr. Tho. Brooke Surgeotiy Mr John James 6 Apothecaries , who admini - fier their Medicines gratis. Tlaac Mather, Will.Tyfon, Peter Ghod, J.BogleFrench John Collyer, Aug.Towfon Seen tarjy Mr T ho . Webfter Bankers , Meff. Fuller and Cope. MefT. Drummonds Yj E P'efideut, 1 r 'f‘^»t, ARL of Litchfield T^ HE Eirl of Hettford I r -(e-P rejidcfts |r jp ,ee Prefidtriti, Vi ; H ',‘ n ' “"fcTowftftead fcs*2? my 1 S - r ' Ceor 6 e Savile Wofrph Ha key, Knt . J? , Samnfl F, «d>er, Barts. ' A/ht! °n C.irzrn, ££,. * I- lJ-[“ rer » Roberc Dingley.Efc Af „ ^>«V, 9 > fc^ 1 ^ ra ' VVinft ' b "U B^jamin Day \W lcta »> Dr. Thn # Dawfon Chaplain, and Secretary I j, jmes » Ed. Py t- j J. tv : F ‘ Kelly Maxwell, M A f P ^ Car,e, > Fd wa,d Curtis P -^"r Dr. Richard >bb Vct J^ »«*> H.ftey ,, J |0*/4 m», Rer.Mt.IXbcy Wf.Abta, WijarlevHumDhr. . l»J War J ohn Lander *J r * famueJ Howard J ? I f* i2abeth Cutler lJ 3 SZ& £&T«r n, wt’f, incor P°™«i ,6 9j ® w -. G »«™ 0 fr?rr «: - «»v«’ t, J nSxsa&s: i?i 4 «% FrP&Vi • Eje^cd /y/> r // 7t u I * Rifled Sipnl j , . ^ 3 -■B.rrhol.mt. Bunon.Efq ih oth 'lW E ? /qf* j * u ‘ uu| tw nur Peter Du Cane, F/b- JL,bertMarfh,Ef> Edward Payne, Efq- f homa' PJumer, Efq- Pobert Salufburv, Efq’; leter Theobald,' Efq; 9 Ehfted ytyr// j, j_g ct^'l B t achcroft > JEfqj CharJ.s Boehm, £f q - Wilfiam Bcwden, Efo; WJJ.'am Ewer. Efq; 9 ’ At C _ P -1 rr.3i.am twer. Efq; 'oho R a 1 *"»• ’ PomJtnfon foh be rn ,ng,ey , Ef( U ^ John Fi flier, Efq; IChr.flopher Hake, jun. Ef u - Edmund Wilcox, Efq- ^ Secretary } R, jben ThoJ^w™' r 259 ] -a DIRECTORS of the Company. ■ Cu /‘ ne /l " undtr th f of 24 D.PnW, induct. ?/ ?Vz£ ai ??“ *” d De P ut >’ chair man, a// annually eletted tb; firft JVeek iTt Apr,] They have a Salary Vico/ _ i f e L.*^' nn * ea f b ' { ^' e Chairman and Deputy Chairnun 2ocl. * Tne Figures before each Name denote the Number of Years Tfri 1 25? w man h . as ^ een '? the Direftion, an l the Letters tee* each Name ths Committees they are upon. The Chair man and Deputy Chairman are upon ail Committees. a iy cou ™ s » b buying, c Correfpondence, h Houfe, Lawliuts, p Private Trade, g Prevent the Growth of rnvate Trade, s Shipping, t Treafury, ay Warehoufc. r> c Thomas Rous, Efq; Chairman. ;H.w n olllton ! Efqa V Wil,iamSne11 .^- /. w. 3 William Webber ,p.g. s. Robert James, Secretary ' fc • 4A. 4 Chri ft. Baron, c. p. g. s. 2 John Boyd, Efq; r. /. 3 Robert Burrow, a. 1 . iCh. Chambers, a. h.l.g . 2Ch. Cutts,£. c. s. t. ay. 1 George Cuming, a. p. s. iGeo.Dudley, b.c.p.s.t.njj. i Peter Du Cane, jun. b.l.p 3 Henry Hadley, k. 1 . g. 2 John Harrifon, a.b.I.s.Tc. 3 John Manfhip, b. c. ay. aFrederickPigou, b. c. ay. 2 John Purling, b.l.p. g. s . 1 John Roberts, a. h. 1 . p. 2Giles Rooke, p. ay. 1 Henry Savage, a.b.c.s.t. 1 Richard Smith, a. b. ay. Ifaac Warren, Accomptant The* Dornngton,7rrii/iir^r He n 17 Playford, Clerk of the Committee of buying ’T-'&ez&\ng,ClCom.p r . trade C. T . Coggan ClCom flipping T. Shippey Uk Jiock office Vnyr Burges, Paymafier of Seamen's (Pages Capt. Robert OlivcryMafler Attendant of Shipping Charles Sayer, Efq; Council j Tho.Nuthall, Efq; Solicitor ‘She SOUTH-SEA Company. It, Bufaefi i, manag'd bj a Governor, Sub-Governor f 260 ] vjiinraui , ; UJ Philip Jack Ton, Efq; Thomas Lcill, Efq; • v Nicholas Linwo.td, Efq; Nathaniel Newnham, Efq- Nathaniel Paice, Efq; Richard Salwey, Efq; John Warde, Ffq; Snute Shrimp. Yeamans, Elq; .£/?{?“* Fcbru ' ,r y 1 , 1763 . ' WilJiam Burrell, Efy- Edward Darrell, Efq; 1 Benjamin Way, Efq; Cafkter, James Gofljng Def>. Cajh. peter Barrel Secretary, Claud. Orefpigry. Acconptant, R 0 h. Mom* ue Lb ‘f ClrFt oft’eSrtck an A A vu. btnuU.csAV. ForheTgnl ' UM Annaitiet, Samnei Bull 5 pet Ci nr. r 751 . Too. Pitt CoHnfeJ ■■•Richard Jackfon,Efq; ° f Mercha «u trading t* Africa Cooper* Court, Cornlull.) Far T.or.a.,„ - Samuel Smith, Eftjj For Liverpool, Edward Lewis, Efq; Thomas Gildarc, Efq- Th o „ F° r London. W illiam Bowden, Efq: Henry Douglas, Efq; Charles Pole, Elq; For BriRoi, ^Peregrine Curt, Efq; Jofeph Champion, Efq; Thom .s Snail wood, Efq; Sam. Poirier, Sec. Sc A. comp. John Welkett, AJiJlant See. The Comrnittee of the Hudson’s Bay Company (Othce m Fenchurcb Jreet.) 3 X 0 1 A Raker > G «v. I Richard Baker Efq- C3 Jthn Merry, Efq; Dep.Co I'*-- - -* Mr J >hn Anthony Merle Bibye Lake, Efq; Robert Mercy, £fq; Coopt. George Spurre’ll Samuel Wegg, Ef q; m ^‘Winter Lake, Bart.- Mr, Wm. Rednap, Secretary- DireSlen of the Million Bank. (Office, Nagg's Head Court, Gracecburcb-Jireet ) /-tHriftopher Burrow Efq- I WalferFletcher, Efq; V R ,c hard Baker, Efq; |: A Sir Richard Glyn^Bart James Burrow Efq; Rohe. t Hadfley/ E fq; Mr. Robert Cliff* / Bibye Lake, Efq; * Charles D.nglej Efq; / Richard Lateward, Ef i icrci-ureet. Ur. Thomas Manningham Mr. John Powell Mr. John Tatham Paul Vaillanr, Efq; Regift er, Mr John Pye. Offices of Insurance For Houfes and Goods’ Royal Exchange, Combi ll. "O A1 ph Knox, Efq; Gov. X\^ Ja. Henckell, Sub. Gov Bcefton Long, Efq; Def. Gov. Dire&ort . Mr. Anthony Andre *Mr. Jacob Blaquiere Richard Bofanquer, £f r Capt. Richard Crabb # Mr. Edward Fofhr Mr. Joirph D-baufre *Jim*s Frcmaux, John Johnfn, Efq; Mr. Pcndarvcs Kekewich Mr. Charles Lindegren Mr. John Lockwood *Rich rd Maitland, F.fq; *Mr. Na haniel M-fon Sir Wil.iam Mayr.c, Bart. Mr. Benjamin Mce Mr. ChuA phei Puile *"*/>'. James Saunders Mr. John Serocold Mr. Richard Sheldon Mr. Arthur Stert James Tierney, Efq; Edward Vernon, Efq. Tbofe mark'd * •were not in the I* ft D-refiion, John Ekins, Treafunr John Bell, Secretary % James Savage, Ac comp! ant i/n Fire Office ( Ccm - bill) for Houfes and Goods fioin Fire. Direflort. Peter Godfrey, Ef^ Chairman Lilly Smith Aynlcombe, EJo\ Mr. Thomas Barw’ck Mr. Colverly Bewicke 'Villiam Braund, Efj^ Toby Chauncy, Efq; John Drummond, Efq; [ V ‘ Brice Fiber, Ffc Mr. John Fitficr Mr. FowJis Mr. Thomas Gardiner Jofeph Godfrey, b.Jy. William Hamilton, Efq, John Hairifun, FT#, ^Nicholas Linsro. d, Efq- John Mafon, Efqj Frederick Pigou, Efq; Hem y Plant, Efc Charles Pole, lifq - Charles Raymond, Efq; Robert Scetr, Efq; *7 r » Charles Stuart •‘•Samuel Toucher, F/q^ Mr. Thomas Watts Secret. Th omas Warn, Efq; London Assuk anci, (UuJjui Lam) f 0 r Houles a nr Goods. J Ohn Hyde, Efq; CW. Mr. John Lewis Lou bier SuA~ Gyverrtjr, Simnrl Turner, RTy; an a M Urkaii .Deputy Governor Vireffan. Mr. Alex. Aubcrt George Aufrere, Efq; John barker, Efq; Mr. Vincent BTcoe Mr. Jacob Lucie Blackman Mr. George Chandler Mr. George Clifford Mr, Mark Cramer Thomas Dineley, Efq. M r. John F ee Mr» Thomas Godfrey Mr. Sdvanus Gruve Godhard Hagen, Efq; * John Henniker, Efq; Herbert Hvd% Efq; Mr Thomas Lane ^EdLsw.s,Hagn Thomas, Efq; 'iccoirptanty Crommelin Pigoo Secret ary , Vacant. Hand - in. hand Fjrk. Office, a*ainrt .S>/W. core’s Church. IafureV fures Houfes only. Oire&oneleRetfNoir 10, T762, Mr Jof.FJrphl, MrB^rth Payn- Th.S :ortHWiJl OU gliby,Er.rsj Nath. Bentley, McZaeCarh-toa MrTJio. Harris, H. Neale, Efq; D'efttd AW. io, 176 q, Rd. Brooke, Efq; J >11. B’fttaM, B-nj. Ccwiey, Hen. Hurt, Efq; Mr. Geo. Evans, Rich Jeffreys Mr. John Hinde. Lomax Ryder E/effed Nov. 7 , 1764 . Mr. WiCinn Adan s Mr. George Edwards Mr. William james William Mount, Efq; Mr. James Pixoti Alkn Evans. Efo; Richard Laeewar^, Efq; Samuel Lf igbtonhourfc, Efq; Clerk, John Mann Onion Fire Office, Maiden- Lane, CbeapJiJe y tor Goods only, on much the fhme Terms as rhe Hand - in - hand O&e does Houfes only. Dir e ft or s* E/efttd Sept. 21, 1762. Mr Frederick Gib/un Mr Joh-ph Han.ijtm Charies Lowth, Efq; Th Lucas T Efq? MrL-avcrT egg Sir Nathaniel Nafh, Knt. VV r m Pearce, Efq j Mrjp. Toweis OH 5 owi Ldarr Idw. ranc fr. 1 [ 263 ] Ele&ed Sept. 27, 1763. Mr. David Barclay, iun« Edward D-venhill, Elqj Mr. Cornelius Denne Mr. John Dunn Thomas Edwards, Efqj Mr. S mon Fofter Thoma3 Page, Efq; Mr. Samuel Stinron Elf Sled Sept. 25, 1764* Mr. Nathaniel Barber William Bowden t Efqj Francis Gregg, Efqj Mr. John Hicrne John Little, Efqj John Rivington, Efq; Thomas Rogers, Efqj Mr. Robert Streatfield Clerk, William Staples Sljfijlant Clerk , T ho . Fa irdoth Westminster Fire Office * fur injuring Hwfes 9 Bedford- ftreety Ccrvent -garden. Directors. Elected October 1763 . Jacob Gofiett, Efqj Mr Thomas Bond Mr William Scott Mr Samuel Leech Mr George Shakefpear Mr John Mayhew Mr Jofeph Mahocn Mr John J dinfon Mr William Lloyd EeEledOSl. 18, 1764* Richard Ripley, Efqj Mr. Thomas Huddle Mr. John Armitage Mr. James Bdlis Mr. Chriftopher Blanchard Mr. John Horne Mr. James Gooftree Mr. Charles Churchman Mr. fames Filewood William Ogle, Secretary 9 AhrahamMombray, AJJift 9 ~he Society for equitable Affurances on Lives ana SurvivorJJnpy in Nicholas-lane, Lombard-ftreet. PRESIDENT, >: Sir Richard Glynn, Bart. _ c John Silvefter, M. D. Vice-Presidents, J D( ^ Robert wilfonn. DIRECTORS. -OHN Bedford, Efq ; Mr. William Bonham rowin Knight, MB.FRS. dam Martin, Efq ; dw. Rowe Mores, Efq\ ancis Pigott, Efq; r. Francis Say Mr. Jofeph Sclater Rev. Wm. Sclater, A. M. John Silvefter, M. D. Mr. John Staples Roger Staples, Efq j Mr. Jofiah Wallis Mr. DeJ>. Robert Wilfonn. Actuary, Mr. I 1 c r 264 ] jass^™- William Fitzherbert, Efq • Principal Secretary , Peter Templeman, M. D. /l J s J h Secretary, Geo Box. Rrgijfer, Edward Giant TuckweJl Geor g e Box. Mejenger, James Waller v , . t, Prudent, Lord Romney Vice-Pr e/idents, Duke cj Richmond tarl of Litchfield Pari Harcourt P&rloJ Northumberland Xpf Geor ? e Savile, Bart. Charles Whitworth, Efq-. Edward Hooper, Efq -, F li S iitiKKHNU FISHER’ Incorporated nOa ., 7{0 -o,.:. , , V i° RD ° R WELL, P ref dent, 5 l, Were not in the Iaft Council, Thomas Fofter, £V& ; ‘Gilbert Geddes, Sir William Hart, & VVI COlomon Afidey, Efq; . Abraham Atkins, Efq- -STWalterBlackett, Et. , ' William Beckfiord, E/bt Stephen Beckingham,£/o; •Thomas Bladen, Efq: ^ •Samuel Blackwell, E/h. ‘Jacob Bofanquet, Efq- Charles Cavendilli *%njamin Colburne, Efq-, Thomas Collet, Efq-, JH Welters Cornwall, Efq. Andrew Drummond,#?; John Edwards, Efq-, Mr. John JefTer '"John Jolliffe, Efq-, •■Sir Benjamin Rawling, Kt Earl of Shaftefbury William Sloane, Efq-, William Sotheby, Efq ; Pif count T ownlhend John Tucker, Efq-, *Hon. John Vaughan, William Watfon, Efq-, *Sir Bourchier Wrey , Bart. FINIS.