| PICTURES, | AMD ALPHABET OF VERSES, T for the jjj ! YOUNG PERSONS. * PRICE ONE PENNY. % PICTURES, AND ALPHABET OF VERSES, for the Amusement and Instruction OF YOUNG PERSONS. CHELMSFOED '. Printed and Sold by I. Marsden. Price One Penny. POEMS. Thrice happy is the married life As sages use to say, With mutual aid when man and Airree to draw one way. 3P0EM|, Of various flowers, the beauteous rose The sweetest smells and fairest blows, Yet even roses soon decay, Wither, and fade, and die away. POEMS. Hie butlerflv, i» gaudy dress, rhe worthless coxcomb does express, Who, not regarding whence he rose, Is proud of what ? r -oi' his fine cloaths. POEMS. The milkmaid to the pasture hies; The spotted cow her pail supplies With milk for tender childrens' food ; And thou sfiaft have some, if but «-ood The Rhyming Alphabet, OR TOM THUMB'S DELIGHT. AWas an Angler, And he caught a Fish ; Was a Brazier, And he made a Dish. a Cook, e fill'd it with Broth s a Driver, te sullen and slo#». CWas a Andh TPi Wa Jf J Qui Tf~jl Was an Eater, )\4 And gorg'd all Day long F 71 Was a Fiddler, And sung a good Song. GWas a bianf But h surly and stout ; Was a Huntsman,, And rov'd all about. Was an Innkeeper, Who sold us good Ale ; Was a Kino- That would often resale. Was a Liar, By all Men abhorr'd ; Was a Merchant, As rich as a Lord, Was a Noodle, And fond of die Bow Was an Oaf, Who follow'd the PIouo | lo \-5 T Was a Ploughman, That work'd all the Day ; W as a Queen, Who went to the Play. Ran a Race by himself, And was beat; Was a Slut, And spoil'd the roast Meat. 1 Was a Traitor, Am! deserved to swinjr: ~Y~ Vow'd him Vengeance, And told it the King - . Was a Warrior, Stout, active, & bold ; Was Xantippe, That arrant old Scold. "^7" Was a Youth, A pretty good Lad ; W r as a Zany, Altogether quite bad. (MarscUn, Printer, Chelmsford.)