^>>>3 ^3Mi ^>-as m. iM*JS*$S® ; J*>2I Y- H| ? OLD DAME TROT AND HER COMICAL CAT £L L2- JK. ■2L D^ £23l2E*£ ■kT^I S j^y ■B*>> r^r IX. "%■ Y^ »m^ ODL m m»M 1 1 1 els >> JfH y> ^M J3E>- > Y > >.3> tSL, ^J^ffVSVYJ &"O^Jg3^i JCSKS §2fS »• - > ST if I N. i " '- '-Sfc« r ">*»- f» g53i i> v ?^$^»ai3l WJ>* 1»)>TK: ■ ■ w ^w w 3 OLD DAME TROT J>ame Trot and her Cat Sat down for a chat ; The Dame sat on this side, And Puss sat on that, „ AND HER CAT. 4 The Dame went lo marl < r To buy her a mouse : I When she came back Puss was sweeping the house. OLD DAME TROT I She went for some ale, Because she was dry; When she came back, Puss was making a pye, AND HER CAT. 6 V ' She went out to buy Miss Puss a new frock ; When she came back She was riding poor Shock, ^ttM ML ■ ■ OLD DAME TROT She went to buy apples, And sugar and spice ; W hen she came back, Puss was fiddling to mice. AND HER CAT. 8 She w^nt out to buy The Cat a new wig ; When she came back Puss was roasting a pig.