FROM THE LIBRARY OK SIR WILLIAM OSLER , Bart OXFORD We have pleasure in offering you the following MEDICAL DIARY. A Manuscript Diary kept by Dr. Asplin, an * CD •H P P< p bo p ■H CO p o 03 p Pi p a o cr £ Pl* ,3 CO bfl p > o\ 0 ) S Q 1 P P K GO ri r>> P a p a? a o p tkD p *H 73 P 0 03 o o > CO CD 2 r~* O > rO * TJ P •H **H D r~* r Pi n co C o CD £ a? P p s • s ^ PH C P s5 P H O P q o i .-; sj !■ I ILiH *3 *H » P CD CG I 1 x$ -H 0? 1 t > * P P • h i-» 03 l> cO B ® r p T3 p o o a> P o 3 “H p a? f CD O Q> bO«H ® 0 O f-* o H P -H CD *-> Pi *5 r-J to p 03 >> o? P p P O >>-H P p X «? 03 p *h >> > CD *. *3 H 4* CD ttf) O P ® ■H 73 C> p p bD 03 73 73 3 p o Q) -H P c O CO CJD p > CD CP 0? a3 Hi £ P P-H tf •H bD#C O P to p .P Q bo,P o 2 rP £ - PXJ 73 P & CD P*H >>o o Sp *H p 4.' *H PPQ 03 r -4 bQ P W Ch» O a* 5 O' p 03 0? CD £ 73 P P a» o 4' o 0* p p o 73 CD P 03 Cfl £ • P p^l o? CD 0? <0 P C> P c 0 *H P O ,P spu )uy >qnno jnp uo * s H*d pauoft 4 d v puajirf (Bpjnjl I®n(j " h.W ki )5 9X #1 . rtni03 I j. I Pi . % $ J ^ * (yi-'C 1 2 1 1 ;]J V m&mr ✓ I8fj- ^l/ewobizoU> -fe Jo re/nvoen ^fow vines/ & * - $4*^ eh, a tAJjun*-’ •*? c/£ju iA'&uj ^easr i*t scsc^fi'^re) , s^rxoltir £ ck£ j£eae*~' /isf) Urr^ns *S&s£l tAo^yS **+*££ f£^ *^aXsrh/faJ £ ltx/6iV — /jUoP£ /X £aiMcc^u jf V£jt /V fobtxrrl /)<*£* S y £ n J &£*<£. £, Cmi,r+r>£ . £*-> £<*S & esn e+tsis*%>/ir' /i'rts c&xsr^// fin<*S ahs*.' J^tsT-tsicsrd t "*£■ , f V *>/a. n e *- e tC 7-Bs-n #/_ a rx •S44 /C'* / C-lsre-Cx r* s s rx *V e s~ *? quno |np ao pauori , ?od«ji / cl y •XBpjOll qujn(jT IIJ/IIW «d ’ I 9 J 150 yjljM 3 D 9# unjo 3 m o I 2 . Jamxmry . -f£zr ±1, | >^ l 1/ tx^ri ^ j(L ^eq/^fa£U/L*j £/l-4^> ^ /* V SyC^f- -Sfj-t-ts*Is /3L »£> fa >^£ 3 s ^dfcJoc^/ / •( fo* isfccLj/w ^&n-iv-eut ^f* twr) Aj^JlATs-r •^* j Sf 4 &Z^^/ idtct/y » « 7 v f ar /£-*^ ^6 sr^ ^»tV '^tLs a£t g^ M~ 3 w, _ J^cU> /-»-. *C ~dr S>4^^*X //? +na*r> ~ *S g £*>*suy ^V^r^r^JAv /c>o eox / -t/c . is clx? yJ&nAJ t4//^ yrf?w* u y rtAjtsr #•/ VV V^L// ry^ / /£uyf • ^ 7 ' cyj*' ^ *- * 1840} .i\ / r% c/do**-y£ iStnrvA. A^- fyjL&esr^ • — j£~ ^orx^ l/^ dj-+s* r — -<^Lc*V a. ‘ 4 j*j&Usu ~ ^Aj*. hcrirfb a{jtsrmis/ - erff c^Xj~^ &7~t &*' ^/tjL *t- 7 - caA. ^1 / /&S — jform** +4- y — fry^Zl 'btrry j£r*~ /X^) $?} tro~rxJL*'£'J~ ^* Ao t^o ■cry c/ ^r /* f*’ ^h/ 7 /a. et^etf '&^l- J/arr/*j / <5^*v ^OLL&Li • *-£aaj2^ o^ ^jjfcir ^ay^v/nc-c*^ *4- 'fy(Fbt/irytT^, d**dt. — y^l- Vtsrif J y , v> v/ / />* ?-*' (ctsrri A ^J^/tUjv^ 7 A' 7 M^ • AtA (b^t> t-i^^ ^ yy 7 £/ZZa /7 .»ants wp’|1 d xnstigat'l the lottofl d deitra?*! I > all sidfi*l y the lor. j I ,*rcr honw.l :eiv: n « ihi] rivil . o-| in wh’cH 1 Jipreciated jhia officii! of the nt >'»e*s hold linal ho- ii nu* d li¬ niment of ed Hy di« I $yr**- vr.-r- j ,( l h'i>g) ill / fch lie diilj IOD attf ki * cuisq SptA 3 !H * T 9 )uy »qi jno inp uo ; SIJFJ pauorf , ;od«ji 1 cl y 3 M ljOl !pu®jir| XBpjnil qui n d| [ijrjfW b yv~> v * '• ‘ . VvS v y/cra^^Ayn^ -oi Wy-y If {Vt-dls-Tv ~/by ^h_, ^c^^u^Ca/ 4 fUarits ~ £%x/rz>+*- o/orirr*. ^/¥ac*> ~/hc*s* ZLtyirtKjL} — Aiy/d & $jX4-xf / AV i£ 0 /c 2m ft dlLlO' aM ot*+ • —— ^JxowoU L J- 1 ^ #L Ja. id fdtueohoycvr - famin&r' 4 91 G\. 4_y .— ihwvt* ~7&4~^uA-t tf OctroitdLjfivr .ft • /cjJiO ^fc-V x/-. £fyc/71L*{ f oC<^rtu2^ l ^ty arlM- / f£*> ^cn/-— /tf fi/Ut-n-f/ c*j2) >^ ! '7-y^-y- *4~ fJ&Je OtMsV*f — -- — f #L*y s' f ^ xf* o-r^ < ^2i - x/ a^riC/ — fHerr^f ~4/i*, ^c CAsrrt^ Cy^ A 4-V t> CiArfC XaIv ASyC-ys^fc^, £ /fLc**y 4n ~*L kJ&tw tvo . d/art-eC y^rty/ . — * /— • 7 *J~ &jas i-^>p-> jLriL . dtveakabocr', $£ fjLOumt- ^ 7 a/ fy&usn* Q O / / . dh-el &.4 j p-i 4 , J£aj /2^mx- dtte&yi 1^'fcf/vt c-*j> dt^ &t£a*uS ~folfU/U£4f * ^ dj6oU^ di / * tf'7-6vbx'TlL> - 1? cxsy) esee&vrist, vr-iptst? — -c+f /^vl> 'Txj.pvtiZjf- a^np( '«es% held lilOcil Go* >»*>Us dig- rumeni of | d by die J frr**- v»or- » Kngl-sfcJ h he tiidj Ntii oo at|j . 3*1 > cuiaq spu )uy >qi jno inp uo ; supj pauoif j ;od V i 6 484 2 mUt La / C\rA.y^t^y iJkt Oy //L, 9hrrMz , 32) J ft +%jutsr2^‘~ fled*- ■ 3£&sn C-’f /^aa^x^tt^ ^ - _ f ^ — _ %y^t C td(d ^ _ jfirr jhf* ***> - & v. e *dbr>-rx, *fovcs?^ y h xTcvt^c/^t $Lu/hu — -&8 t *f /r*" &^'r*^u*n~ — i • 7k*jJ! • ,/ O^jL^rr /~> i^c /^ UvCotSlJL, ctrifas VlU. Ct^LJU /ts£*+d' *4 ChTt) fllnJ *->- O(/-0rU P f#«J ‘* ( J in fe, i* iurua?«t| But»»l >ants Wf»,| d initial the ! oii<}( 1 d d enroll all sidfi-1 J the lo.-jl i»?er hontt.l leiv’nR ih|| ,] C civil | o-| in wlvchl f>prec»ated his official ! of the ts t k'»e*» Md iiiioal Go* imus dii niment of I «fl by the j fK r **- wor* f <1 Png) »h J hfl c \\i Ti.i. ,jIOD dl}J Xq spiA p.pjg Say >qi ino tjnp uo SI J PJ pauori j iod«jJ J d y oqijdl Ipuajirl ‘.(Bpjnjl flnwd } nvjsut Hl * faiJED V ve umjo3 H/ iffBUj I 3jns i|jn uni] na i aJ-L. f tx- t^c- -* ^\ // I y ~i trxAuo^. ^e*JO v/ A^v, d^TKT) ^/- tit A-rv ^ oda-td- oja , >^d J!j-/* 4J- >>1 /^w- ^ 0 'brtn^ ^ iry a. c^)* oh-J Cs?~ty/ft\ - — _«5/L: JTt/ruf lasri* CAadtHty. J aS^A . ^ 9k. ^7 J/tevr^ 6)rOOO y teL*-p> tP&tArr^ ht ->-jr-T ^cdu^y ^^^* 4/,, ^ y'2-*/£i/K*' Vt^J ^ , ^^Lc/ J +/t ^«-* U^(Ur^ ify M.X, ^ru^tA/a*^ O-n »j v 7 fyejUJT J/dL-iA-j ( yw ^ ±rfJrcdto-i/yif ■ s^ZA-S *- +J&JC %[*, CfC tiusm^ty ^ Ma- Cofa/, Oj UC OL^rr //£v *skJ^~M £ /£dLst/*~r , dd ^ VW/^ £zn ~ /“"* /" ** —— 4 , ^i , ;/x~ uu j — rr^-sl, A *'*7 — ~%*/ */ ' folfnrf/tincd/L*-' ^ bL /**-y-j4- , dadty, ^ ^ //iL GfaJj C^ty ^ '*• **¥*’■ ^ ^ JU-j d<^rl, — ^ ~/~ / /r~ Jb~S ddo^; d ^rr-^l *dy. - XL* ^ ^ /jWtv, a-V *-«- SXj/*srA- ■ -~ dt/vt^f 1^//+^, JjUy £&, L t j/cxj esr xsry /^o^v " >61 //e£y ^ctxif^ni M/fcfiid But i|| ! iants wrr| d initial, the lots o( 1 destroy all side*: F T th« loi’^j ?<*r honti. *eiv ; nR ih# |e f'ivil [ O' in wlvch ^predated his official of the Tit >>ie*s hold . mnal Go- pmu* dit- ^ rument of f -d by the I ^rro w«»r- I •1 E»gl »h / kh he t; f J iwWiii Jiod aqj It, spu !! dJ ?) uy qi mo np uo sup d auoir , odojd j d v oqi^i pudjirl ’>CBpjnjf qajnrr 1 m;if« m ! 3 JJ 8 ® ^9X ^iJdZtJ-Tl-*/ JU> Oncscjfy a/o tJU -c/x~ ^ ^^ZfeZr-t~ /^lVo Asrr^LlA^f • - ffys/tiy . — <%Jfc O&s^Jry 1~~, -•**$£* 'fy r&Jt utsrt**vy -— a£ /0 puJ Jh-dt* cx r f*f aV Vm^k - CtJ tsroj jo O&rxJLy / /jL*y ^CJUt^UL. I Co- «7->^y ^^OUTZmJ . I / v - - *-/l6r6iedc *£, do. -- oij/iamy. *f- ^) Us.^ Ss6y ■ - ^43> ' / j * // ° } y ^ ' O'"/ odc+sT A< r »^. fM^L&ry -r*y aSff^tU'ry ^J- <~- ^ ^ - *u~rf£ ~~~ — ^ f h/' 1 ? ^f fi r , ~ o^-t-L is/e i ^ /. «-»-. «i—%- c*i«<>r £ $CiU- k£.TT*£ct^ 0~ruL' r ^ ' ' - ' jC *- &G~ JLr C%Jry/> j- * ■ fa» mJ Sj As'rjt: ^ y/ ^ y- ^Urv «/— ^ 2 /^ — ^/^) »/>4 /cr^uL. <~ tffa c /. C J/<,7,4, csry tdrif — {X**sr7Y ^ ' 7 ~‘ & ^~ ^*’ _ - ^ MfaTJJry^ ~ ~ a * > y /a- ^ / y /? />>^. jk ^ Q^r^f - ^ /C ' 7/* "'pr "O . — txsjry />ctet Cu • - W- 7 ^o-ry^*^Yf L * r|ft r in*;if 3t J 3 the !o»*o(I ||d deftrovl F all cidfijl J th« Innll j?f<*r hofm. I j ? e ‘ v: nR ih«l ! yivi| : o.| in wt^chl preciated I is official I ’f Oie r*t j »«?*•, htdd iioal Go mus dif. nmetu of | Jed hy d»« j firr»*~ [ d K«'g) q) jno i|np uo I SfJPJ h;auoff , ;od«ji j d y jpuajirl Xepjnil tliun(j| T !| r^w f * ■/cuj'Jy £f* L S eU/uL cX /X X% /tsu — A*JU*,~ filf CWUa^j/ cXlXi - ivUL Xr^ U /X) X— ^,^J /L~~ J J- & ov ?i ^-f ^ «wy^ . £. — /3 ( ^y‘^/^/Utrt^Ji Sc-rU- * t ~. & Sa-y /X? 6* cu*.*s .XX d~>. - i\X) ^ Jl* it, a^or~ b//*K/r*//*Xu> %s/f- u*l tctiL J *L ■ *//}> // * +*uf~ £ I* ltlfua!«l But «|| iants wr|l ^ initigqj.1 [the ioMofl i d enroll .- ^11 sidpi-1 j J th« In-’Jl |Ver home. I ;eiv; nf » the I Je rjvil . 0-1 in wIvcSI >preci«ited I his official of the ru ne*% hdd j ninal Go- >»‘»us die- umeni of | ,^'l bj tl,« j g?r«v- w. ( r- I '1 Ei>gJ »h i . ^h lie , l£ •“liiii >03 31JJ r%ii * ouiaq spu it?^g |5D V >qi jno jnpuo I ; sij^ pauori iodtui I d y ipuaurl fopjnjf ,qnin(j | ^)l)SUj hi * ;ap«n 6(li|® #3 i|jn ^jnB \ c^-, .-- /& 1 A»T) */«-^ a/ 7 7t/fcc ^ 4 'i jkorr^y jbrz, . _ ■di^e/c) X ^ /l/W - Czu^yzJ /. .— ^ A $ 7 vris — c~~~- ^ ^ <$ 7 ^" Cr / /c-^**^f-& '£(*z j£■ 7 ^" *»»*' • - S^ a ° n ) \ , / * / X OC^M. f sO^l ^> c fi>^ W Cr-rr*s % - /rr oO^JU. , dfd, ~£>0 d ^n^f-tsrj4r~ — /b^*-*. Zt4 Z /cZ J ^ ^fiy- - *~ v A 44*-"-^ <»/ tsZfo. I'Zd- c&/±S~y/- t/ <*,^■*£*£. 4 - £~ <*v «- t/-c*Zo ±v*S^rz’*~J- Jy /£. ( 7 b£e£■' ^ai^tout oU & CJ?aruti I ' , ij i J '^tyfurfeCL zc^for- ?! 7 {-*0 x£ ^eCLctyihfrj i / / dovf-obot*- d£c*. 3$0 ~l - &Uju e/ 7 Z/IjCJ kJ^* 4 S~ <&od?o-urt-y ' (?vr-m oc T 7 - / oO^ ^ Jrf2d6J^s. dfitayt* *Ja.crd (u^nJetJua _ ■S&A. ")«. J&irrejJ JT*S, ^-a/t£i eu^ ^{n-c,&suasi£f, be ^(fhu^ctmjt, }a, ^CbeJj^j . &ccc ") «<. . '«e»s hold IJutnai Go- , irou* di#- I K rumeni of |ed bj the h' rr - w.»r- [ '» Fogl sh J ±h he illii 'f-l.i* oo aqj ctiigq vpu )uy Wino jnp uo i S'^i pduorf i iod 'Crt^^ JhaJtuUs ^'//JLA -/.^V- - j S-Jy^ JV//- /fy-u/r eoux. fyllC c^ncrffrK ~} / ^,,. !ffiajft» •sfecjtxr — ) */ : «jh*<6>-^ etu 7 vcn. \y\ c^V. _ A y W 4 OlAlJ '(•i/Ua ' ''S0 ±)X) • 7 77. _ /&, a 'j(l Md UDrtl (i0- I di«~ trtirneni of | | ?d bj the j Kr**t? wo. . d Ki>g) jh 1 xh lie r liii [ w-iiiii w«ir UV/Ly tffauZVjfl* M 7 J /Z - V •+- J £ fat,- Jzft yrri-*^ — 07? Os£ (L> C7^f ^ *- A’-o&iZ +^/ <■*/ ^0-7^-xau ^f, ^ dry)-— //7»rr-r^*y jf/o ^ £ 4L CSUl £ %/do-d. -jfy ^O tfiovyiUis, yfa/yAj ■— C *eA&~<-*-f /V ^ >S<-r-Oe~rJ- - C ^ 63ox +Aci \>4?7 ,9re^?t-£ x f-\V -Z'ST-f /ho-m^n-f ol+d*' - <£j %/+*> ^ <<*<- /ULLi^r,^ rrv^- Otyrd- ifjfttV. * ' v ft' t*y «* * . S*^(A a, MM A A' tM^Ay *s~, ctoj^br /m /h&fczfc .— ^ ^ ^ j£>*/ ^4 - ft/' ^y mJ/ U ^~- — ^/ ft */***■•£■ — /~-*-v* ftftc^* A~ ^SL ^ A / 1 My) vfili. yi ^ JUL*/ MM ^ ft— - (ft'a/ft Cftm-rnsr^ *f ftft* '-ft'ayf 44w *" • Ar*-. /ft n **- u*~£ftft 'ft (Aftjy — / 4/ 1 VftM C — «/ AA Mft&0t- XJ. Aft c^yftt 4~*~ ^ A~My- - ^ ^ ^ AftM —' yMAy — M Jo~M J ~/L*My - Xo Aft ft sftft- — trAA~A-~f J 2. - «*~/ #->-» ~-*yf. yxSft^trrJ ft*-*-, Aft ALMftzriAi/- ft sy ~ A&~ ftftftjf£ — j~~fty ^ ^ Wftl? r ,.J in fe, ,: i- But, I j p ants «r'|l Jl^ xnstigat*H ^the ! oss otl ■ jd dpitrovl » ‘U sHp‘»-1 j J tils In-’JI ifror homt.l J! f *eiv : ng th| I jfje/ivil ; o.| r|in wh : ch j Appreciated i Jhis official ; i °f *he TU ! r!%>iesv It -ld rjtmoal Go- .,p» oufc dil- I hVument of | lied by die {fK rr< * w->r- J Ei’gl »h / lie if tj MOO aqj ft'j-i y.i cuiaq S’PU Day j>qi jno Ijnp uo S? jq j|.>9U0If I yOildA&i d V [)u9jjr| fi cx^^n yy-r/~r^) l- y^o«> ^ 4k_y 4 5& 'Xz^ u Jh/i- r*/'J^y*.- -$ xSartiAntAT- 20 . 2S «^*** • Ah/* - £2j6l- jkf *sy-u to-. • ■— /^irr» «_-«-^ > ^ /fLAJ^rf/9-t JO — «y^> O^T? ^ frl'nf CAJ *^L> (P/XSTtA £ of^~~ ^ f£e tLJLA^S ^/AjAf /*£esd*f jh- <*w j£. yf*I ^A^r^riC ~,W ^ 4 ><^L. _ :?r a /? £ % &isry a/i^hty b^^-j^J*Asry -t£s X* • A. «/«x-y // ^ i- : .*/_ ^ 2 ) jA'IU aLU / S-‘ 4 U V > 4*_ ^ »7rvw < w £ Y ^ ' LJOXU^ XV I. > ^1 m~y #*i ^^jSbhAsJ ✓ ./ If w ®»<*nJ fpl in f J 7 4 in'iia’Ml > But «J flints < 4 initial jthe !oito(| j Jd Hfftroy*! i f all sidf’»:l | : j 7 th« In ’i| I iffer honu.l *ft« iv: ”R b*| ii'Je oivil t o-l '■Jin wlvchl j ijbpreciated pis official ;' | of the ti( : »'!«•* hold Jiiinal Co- |p»»iM die*. | httiment of | 4>1 Bj the j **?«■«•* w .qj jno ;|jnp uo I SUPJ Ipauorf i odojJ j d y WPt iipu»jjr| KvpJM *]“"([ I }[i|;i»im Pll ’ rajJEOl iD5 ^ taw m i sms i(in ?unt r 0 .iua te t. u l r« A 7 / i8 y 23 . k Mil l 4 l i 4 >' m/a^u /^V VJ?w — TT T^uTstf _ ***-' ^ * ~ /^*~> fVtyr £htcdy (fybr-Ts *— /'+n*<7- Psi/ 1 ^ fir/ts/a ^ **T ^ ($*uJc A?y / ^ frif. - w ae^ Z^ 1 «** £ tL^. Mj/> JA^rrrrr^ ^ h' £A)£rd. (3 ma~*£*s M. Z*~J 4/ — /* /- . — ^ X*" ^ A. ’.vrtrm cbsrmy Tfhrzi/ o — lOA^k. ^f/xJecAt^^, ,*UUeJj^,T £ ^ ^^<->y ^ ‘V. £.o ZLv- - 7. /^-/r r Lp/e-7rr.<^7. % +7&j K> G*ST~C / f'*f j x FT ii } * ji [If I I ^£^//L*^ Jdtf *J&rV Asrifo — J) d/) £ /I /ocsrj- ^ */- <, ^vT— A 2, 7$ 4lAsTvUs ajt /£<- ts?^ C C-lXsT-t/tr^ /4>, ^«-*S tsrvfcu /&*A- jrCt+^f (tlAsTMJJ _ ^ d-TJ^rr/^ 'U /7^C4jC <*1&74-X.4f <££>• d/ * dr Vis Ar- — 3>- Jcortsu Ltnr~ !2$~. nf j/c-n+ did *sd .—. /dhd (*a'/cy c *yfjd c^c/d *-*. /h/^~ Zd dhJJydj - ~ / -^'* ;' •;- ddu -^- J Sts <-r nA'-ry? * ias f -— y2 ei^rxA ^t/ory ML*/L ML Q~. ^ "Z* — ^fA^ti y m c.y — C-+sr> rx ~f 'd*- /lv <3^-/ cdck.-rr'*^ d*s» dzw* filoLb jhtrrtJ. Lrr />rrn+. £ ^4l/c^Z^/ -- «X/£L *,' *■* J. 7 m to 4 d' /• 7* U (CLm'VH/b 2ST7 jL a*» ejU' , - fc L\ JltiUAJtlti, St ±Jul*;T J. /f «6_ 4iTtrf£, -- x/>7^> » C- C'T S Ssuu tsny ^66^{^r4-/ , ^c*^du% &Z*y s£"f - ^+-**'+Try S+^ A n a/i^Sj _^o <^V C*Sj*. 4^^/V *r* , A-t, Z^fli /axSS'Ci*-*^ ^f-y-»-» /. j* Md °StcAj^S^ tf&ucij'fczj /* Sth - ^ •' — ^ Scud. - - L/ < AsKlAJ t*S^ d>- isiy 2y - */ ^ ^aaS fc So-tS^ CL £fid~ S*-*-~v> txrt-o^L \ScTJL> £>*{' — ^2d, C yt^yf f ^f- <3- , Cry^tLr.^'ty S~ /*<£) - X<^ C*u>edldi'sc'r^ — dod&, /ft/* /tYtdyLA+s^i jf■>+- <- /? <*u4- *•*- . — %dcr l \.3r?-rf*u4^ ' / / p^tdi/L ^e- su^m cl£ u 4 A ^ 28 f 8iCj - ^ t-£/ir ~~ ^ *-fi(XfrLd - ^h/rrr^<^n t J-A^/r • — ^2^* ^ /f ^ ^ ^ Li V/O^L^ /titL*#*- L*~A £/~j- /rW r ^ A. a/- /^C. xJ^'ffi/, cb fy/a+Jt, ^rt/fa /hA?^ ^LL)cv >t^ v^ t /flrlfrfr — ^LL ^ L C6 M p - L't C ri'C^r'f "A* -/* ct/f- “Voyry &(<- i/Ay ' <£% £'7^tC.<> ^ ^ ^ / / ' // ***/- C \/>4*c, ZL_ aV <^y uTi» t7¥-srx-*-y /? ■ A^fp +A~ £>’ /A. if/£~ ~ aAfo /y ^tL vy «U/(^ £ f<- f^. —- {fr-LAsn'Cry A4 j*^Ja ^ i&«siJLsn. ‘Ti+du^ *!— fy* ^ drr^y / ^ \}asrvVC4/)r *1 M i uo> i (j o-id* *t~. U •ai % ’J<\ 27- ^ d&rr/^ o^T) ^ 4Ltr y^L. f tsrx^ry '^'LAArl*^^%£. C^ s&Sifc*Tt~(/ ^ .££*- & -tadL' *■ €sy[ JstAsmjdp r S^jUia- <>* *r?rTi^s &+*0/+T*sr c*~ 9<^c^ 1 £ /^ ^r jL^/ ^ tv r 4 ^ a^#*/-^ c/frt csttj y^! ^ - n f AL-^tf t^n/ ’ < *-> -^ w a **+*£yflc a<^v^ yArc*. /^uV ^ £►-• ^e.*r?-r <*2^. ^ lfe***~^ / W ®1<* p *d in f * i * in mat* But n lants i d instill the !o*c o{| d d enrol all , r the !no Jlf^r honu.l ;eiv ’”S ih#l e civil t:o.| I" W vrlvehl I ipreciated I his official ! of the ru I : i'ie«N Md . moal (jo- f ' T mus dig- i ument of | jed by rli« j w^rctr Wor- d Fngl s i"» at n ®u v ouiaq SPtA vwifajg m V ^»qi ino anp uo ■ 1 s,je a pauon i , >® J « jif / a y oqi^l ipuaiirl kBpjDlJ q ran (r [ . 'ijrptw JfW :ajJ«B lia«» ojjjs H !:'0 3o “ v -2^- yfc> _ «i ^tvvr^^l £ ^Cri^r' 7 £~> ” %/£ “' rt A/l ^ ^ ■AT*"' 28 - - y /L- 7 a.r*,£ 2 z *+-' s ~A/' +sf/- tf. /IScLvA; ^(f <^LsnV . — ^CL*-Z* <±'%4*s+r-lkj 4* J/i^j ty(.//un4J X&CL^ / a.^07-^ ^0-OtS/- ^ f Jz^ Jj/L^. ^ ^ *. 7f//Xsnt>i irf -J iUi) tJiexO o / / . > " ^/.- lib ■ M W. Jrr^. U7.S3./ £ ^ ^ r c-esr-*-f 'jiLx. < 7/qriJ *r CSoOyUJL^ £ t.c-+-t^-rt£ tf i^/it- . - "LM 2tL jtU, a/ jtf O CjcxnS , ^ //O .^ < ^ A ~ € ^ / ^ ^ wim< ^* r ^ t **~cM+r,$ ^t*C s//L 4^4^ c/Mu*) a J aisr-r-L*/*?-u aJ- adwL i / 3frtf t ■ - V * '^/Lc l^d&srxjt-V C*rrr-*-rir» ^ ^ ltr>TW ^ _ 4 f Z- dfruV - Ca-V/~ , ^/htsn jf TALTjfA £cfctky dsf- f- ^ ^yA' f/k * Ao&i/hJ'; 4 ^ ^ , ^jL* ^CVO - ^7 a wty /&^/tla^tAvri^/ .^x*. sJjh?\4^/ ALA-a^lJ^Ay ^-AL •*/dL>m~c P~&/? -vrtm ^AaaaV- ■ X (tv/ . a. ^U>c^d&r*f /£*. /olIiv erutsr {/~ n / rr*w) **V, s/rz«- Ay ?Uuj&*'n*rd • ^AAy -/ ^/*~'l, — ^ A/ errJ- tf - *f AeoJ- ^ ,jLJ JL «•** , aA <*.* *&nUiA T-Z 7 ^ 4 a &A*j *> " v Cp , < Ak Zl A- AA* ^ JLfAn%f Al-u’t-ts^ $>&**«- AA CSirr neo - ^ A S**/ -> Jyf- Atj K /t*r> '-*. )Aai*ZAoAj/-J i £vt vrUsi^A , tiSlAhJ '^cx.aj *-■ tfiffxirru /£*z> 'fL*~txsy * inruatal • But? 1 i&nts wp^I rf in!tig 5t J the foMoll d Henro»-l all sidei-1 r the In^jl »?<*r honu.l }« iv: "R »M e civil}. 0 .l ir» wIvcKl ^predated I his official 1 of the Til I !'» Md f uioal Com pmus die- , kumeni of H03 3t|j 3 , I.T, I ) “uisq » S1DU ' 1 i?||3.;g i »«|ljno , inp uo ISTJSj pauoii , . ioilwJ j d y aqijOl usiirl B[)JH|I . ran a! !ii;*f PV 1 ?3|JC0 i|JI|W MW S »3 nioD, I 32 JffroL 4a c^L +T~ A ^m~^)l -2^*/ ( obire) -JttT) ^txj+T^H ^*- Qscsry ~ / ■ - *y?~££> ^rrt^Cct-e^j/ CcLO^ck^/lt e^r. or irun ~J~ 3. 2 T) Act ~%r?udL Cfyar- r^uyih^ -* ^A^oL a^t 2*^ *-/ ** y*-r**sT - - ^O *Wt<) Cd fV d 8- - ot+*jL — ■ /V-rij^b (fiurr^ <-*-. C^Cl^ £ fy/TlAAJ <~Z~ d- ~ y/ity. - Wj* ^ * ^-f&srvv UtAL O- Jhcyrt^y /Very jbw ). ir//?. - U fhA'Jyb- *jf- i\M^) ^ — 'Afls>J- ^j£ "^6^. _*/*^n//^A* *M&n£j • fytzyy/l A. /^aMa^ ts/tAlL *r~ Ma. ftj- A^^JSu<e^ kAoO(^c ,/ ..yZ +J^ Jhrrn^-f Vtty^ , ^ -t/^y <^*d. _- C- dfJc^c^fA. >W *fcsr-ts *~rd ad- ^ t. ****.$, / ^» ^7 o^>+-~ j-^r ,r * r »-*' * - d?l/^ y ^ <, /^u^r«. /’X. „ P‘*d in f* « inmaV • But ml iants wrJ d initial-] the !o»* d dei-tro i all lid**, y the !n^-|J >?er home. !i* : nf» ih« mvil j o¬ in wh : eh [>preciated his offirinl of the Tit '»<*> hold lioal Co- nu* d li¬ niment of ed by the |Kr*e Wor¬ ld Koglih fch he did. |PJ *4 dL. i w /z __ Jt d /£~. ($&ta/ cZj 0 oyrt *> — /^t ^ «- ^VCi-*-s f (A/ *4* < ^ux' ^o^uW ^ 4l>~ JD S Z */ C4.) A ij 'r-t // AsS 0-» 7>i/*~eZ$6’S&f ~&Zo^~*/!L — Lc. e^.~J e-r, S/l t/TU U irf-} -&yb&4J rieAt Wy . $?7eT r-r-L^'r^f *->•-■* y *-> — (^odtZc<-L^j A t/ k^**A~ t~— ^ ’sd/trrt*' jf 1 * ^ ~ d _ /L^+* O - ^ut/fA dir 'A v^i ( £/mA w { 07^ ^ff y/fia^7j e^u-Az, \ /zrij^oi/o/Aoj v ^ OrruAuZ ^ ^ ^rjCr*^) 0^)/^/,^ -w, CL, V / CUlthth d - //Aad at &t/y */ ^Ai/l'it 9 ^h , ^ / „ / , 7 Y- y *■* y^T- A* ^ cy)*n- *-/* / jb c -»-/ Qaiaii- *Z ru ^ #//. —— i.d - t , #/ >*L v/^^/' - /^l/ l-tmJttJ!' 4 L*JLJ Lo^J Ln-S e+?n **<-+; A.^06 rV m-tf ^ »/o ^»/ // z^Ct ^ /H/ ^ e^c^ J ^L' y/^ry e < frt^UjU c ^ CLJ / <*A^ dt> t^x. ^< 071 ^^ ^>- ^avJLr' , *^L+^ L 0-^ fU. L&d^f&AJLCLeL L srrx+^/f *s£J . JL /^<*^**~ - /f ^ /jJftx/r- ^/o JdaJt t er d- L*~*f£ ^L ^ OSJU- A-i^ ejL^e^i ML ^YS- foj&i , rfo -J ■S- lL /4L (2hf/t^ JnMt - *So ~J *S0 ■£t+jf*~ jLsr* J j/ * ooi> **1 L. ^ cl. 1 J&-/J S /?&£ 0*x* ~Zfc>ryLSZJL> "— v ^C ^jLr» */* f yp* L JL Je'TTjkftd — JL-V*-’ +^e?uc* f a^, ) " //; /_ / Wftnv rr , ’‘*fj in f * inrua*(w| But «| iants n«s|l ^ initigjJ the !omo( ■d de^tro?«| , | » all side#: ^ th* lnoj ij|Fer bonu K jfei v ?ng th«| civil ; in wlvch 1 preci.ited is official of the m u?*s bidd inal Go • »u* di#» i umeni of ed by die ^ |‘rr- w.»r- j d Eng) *t| j .|!;„': e "' J 103 aqj 35 , sptl !I^ T 9 uy qi jno np uo •W pauori | ;od«id ] d y 1 oqijd puajirl :« F if mn S I nrfSUj % ' apto l^p|i® ij Sl|l~a ■ a O ^C^CcaA — /XlV^-» JZZt// £- j£e», —*X* o/< fe/u^pl «/-tv AV /- ^ CAjesrt-tsK & j: asru* f /» m c' fi -t • — ^^f*c£jL> * 1 *- • — a y r*~*sr+f 0 £ca^£s ^ lfi-d ( ^ C-CO/-*xJt- */- AO - aJ^ /]/feJ*t* — U- //• — iHnMc^ 4 *>/ /?o*~±srv — (cu/U^) aJ~ J^iA £* _f —«*/ dlir^ Q cZ-tA’' '— >4 ).-> £# C,Ar,, Ay^n-y fru. A C$9 -v^(c£ 4 tf // f ■ V S fat t&-> A- - - t-i. 6iu!<446| *Sb'S^l-A~ 4c A*-^r~r^~ j ^ d cd(/ ~ AL &* {Uj- Tf j£j~ kJo^oCo?^ ^tV &/aurUcJ . — ^ ^1 ff(x. ^ 4 j uuuj C^S 1 dcrij — $~/£. 'j^'rz £jL, <-4 jhxm-. $ '-o AS /jAt^r*^-*/ -- <>^c) ^ *^7^/ '«e*> Md j I u'uml Go- J )» »us di». V rtiment of | Jed By the J |>‘r»*c Wor - f •1 Engl ill | ^h lie ti-jj I0D 3t|J KL i cuisq |- » spu jtpjg )uy ►qi mo ijnp uo ; suq pauorf 1 wdttjd j d v j f>uaijr| Bpjfj)| nwfll :ijr|f« 38 . _ *¥e/im-tjr iL 3- - i ^/asrui aA- { i- — i-^ 7 * ,/3/i<7eJ-nKs b (idisrxj! \ — /7 ou*^ — /l+~e£jL 0kA crn. A. i/7cn-> */7 /Io-JUs o> ^ (%-i-tZx^r'h lb/ />-- M Is JL «Ly #U~> - / * 4 sjf&fyl-qrtof tbn#- t*rJ$L. iftl '^j&artU- fa7/7//J^ f j£?} M, 23^- ^ at* v— .. - ^ (TcjjlL-r* >^«-~ / A'iJU 7 ■ • Xi /- ~ £ __ /^ 7*J- ! t (U.-*f- ■—* ' /4v Z'Ct-y Z^._ ^jit) -/ asp's ^ y ^-VTry ( 7 > 7 cvrftt>. _ r *^ ,yLx~ sJ 4*0 t/c - Z^/ 7 C$**ju . — —— 'Uto+y rfisi^o 4*0 ^^- ^ ^ <4/^4- - ^^ u - el **• eoUajs*' — {/'J, 4 l * c _ y jfetrrce.^. " u ' / / r it £) ~ U* w /,2^x jdu fhyitJha-‘ - - ^/ajjjy — £ t^rTj — dfot^ j.Ufi GA/~J/- ffW h i £ o-rmO J^r* 9?l* J - k 3S earne/L u H .2 . f ,6 jSej/ A \L /u. iStL /Jj 4 /* _r ^orrv^rvf j^en **-» — 8u*srd *./ //- >* )^P(L1J€j r /*J /?»* bdarmsfcmS^ / tCc^fc^ C ^ cr J" /2 - fL >ru ^ 4 ‘ /tfiorvi ^y^ClJeAluJUX'L'J €f.a^T t 1 ^) /^ ^(ri^u~ fU~ *Zkl~<} — C±Ao-r*~£j£i- ■n^td^ - /hoi <»i Ay %jdfi-rj?-> . A ^ ^ ^ a^a^aj/a/lL/ - ^-/ ts»*Ar (j^YI/rrij^ ^l&nxsh' ^1 Q^1>^ of aU. , 9 * lorua’Ml r ButwJ ants wp« 4 1 ^ injtigjj.1 tHe !o»io(l ^ Henrof.1 all skUi'I r th« In•’i| I ! »?pr home I j^«i v 'nj» tfi«| Jje rivil | o.l ! in w!i‘ ; cS I ' ' fipreciated I his official j of the th »>« t»*> I* -Id I iiiinal Go- ; )t«us die- \ rnmeni of 1 : ed by ( !,« I *3 ^r**- wor^ J | l EogJ »S / ^h he tudi ioo aqj a H t L i ciiiaq > spu » °v H qi ino I np uo I ' ' S|JPJ j pauori r sodtuil " >d y oqilUj puaufl Vcpjnjf qranfl 1 iTijr/jtw 1 J «L I3IJ50 . a[in« do 9Je a 40 Ufj o kjZ^ST-L etc J) -- I /. | J^/ 1 '-^*i^/pc^< C Va^ Att <^Tf^ <*sz$£> ^ C&ozuJ/jcrnis, c^/edet d C&Acjl, . — / i>?fA^) ^ £**d(J«jiL tJusc*, Otsj /L /f /L. /U~, £ Ja*> /LK/ZerTS^Tfidisti.\f jf 'J'tfvrrC. D Zt«*~ / /o i < J^ r fa*'T' h i '/?a.7.rrr*< r*f ■ dCubt %tcr\J- *yy^y & C/LLs 4L r<4 rttsdirtd) /t^Cr^ . - C ^ „ *>/ / ^s ^yio CctcCUMV ^_dL» ^ '>™f cffctxS' - Jf/hoU, di &U* 7 t/J?f\ fM for/WJ.yit - J/Jttrfh du/h , — -^r/ t xlv ft&fdtA'iL -tr'n&c /• /!c^u^ C^t{ / d Phcfrffc ^ if 'd^y/~y~x^ «•»-* d^r-rc^dit^^ fh*. j/)i&Iju dtu Cdd ( Jkfi^n t^J fvcsr-ristj (sc , djedu^* n.dx^ SjL f J, /S — d*~ J*dU> cd d a TT-f-i /fo-Ct*c fiidc /* douy • — d fitry Xir+(Jtd~f ■ u i^tdi £ * ^ W- 21 — ” fcry *sdfr* ddp/cdri^jtjC Cjc£ijl. J f/lourk I — /fir*S*du) — y^[n~idur^^ // * t<~ eteuy ■—■ ^ •« / >* ^4- rK-,y "^7^r/cy) { ^}d/?Z //l d v>^L^r^c^V- ~ kzr ^^0 4*/dvu±d. \/ rrc+4* ^ ^^ r&tm&t f O-f T^ -/\ otmsyfe t ^c^tr%^. / Jr +J- * - /h/*** ~S&y4t i^) il dr< c<^a y -rt ej &£. - - zlS -/~'"yr ^ tzfct* ^/d77d\ J/j. t yl e ^ /t/ 1 - l/ d rfcnA, id. M dd, 4/sp **£/ /a c/«L4^ Z2. f*-n+~dr>~* V AAj£ ^ ?6^>. tsry /Jiua-tstf - - • /. .^ 7 S - / _y CcJd) dMjfyc~' «~- (hdAyf - A Jfcrfas , -/ ^ ^ dyM, d) ^~ *. &J~, X'V ^/^ dd*td<^h tsdj. — fad dvAsn*^ - ddd^ 4 dtyy - u ^ **- ' ' 'd'dfo* d — >1^7- l>t*ryr u **■ - /* $ dLd^Ah «Jt frd' vi-uw yfaJLA. /., dlOtJuidl «*»rit. /^i^- jCtsrd 1 JnMUyy cTd Al Aj a JL~ 4L dJ 7 ,M, r *V :i ^ . 'H eJ . *i- j£> «_ s^f , ^* A w e» p r»*J *‘ { in f* 4 inula*** ■ But?" iants ««,! n R ib«| *'civil > o-l in wh ; chl t>preci.ited I |his offinal 1 of the r*i '». hold f »iiinal Go >rnu* di#- , \ rnmeni of j /«“V § qi jno | np uo : * s ? J *d | ; pauon , ! Ud«iii id y jlpuajjfJ '.iepjni Iqmnff 1 PU * 19)15® ijjn ^ini ^4 € Cc*ry6* A^ fJica/rcC A_ -^1 % f'?i,*f££vfcrr-J f(-*■ 7 &L-cd>Ci £/}■ * ex^fasty $ ^^ Zxj<$$ — /^V< ^udfiyi*/ ,tS*j « <•- t«V*< Ay , ''SdiJtsO s»/- 9*4 / , - / aJ /&- — ~~ //£ ijisi. ^ /*-. njd^S A ,^?£~ ;, /AY^. A£> ^dA/lv ^ ^ 0~f/Trix/ta* Sv *- $j 0*$ f a , A L x$./r<^ f A, $z •^e/ $ c$ */$/*, — <*- -<^V/ f A /^xJL — A — A C/lcx*. *A *o^ r )'KH^ /Sy *Jrm*4 \$<-£s *xA$L C/ax/fc •nAffo-T+S ia6 <^ < s, i/(^( <4 . n /^ ’ — dZt^tS&ry* 4*X*d- *-M7 ^ 7'CA^ _ #7*T4^i*V ^ j i//^t *-4J^f , ^ (syri-ilto >f t $/*& £-- Jr-*- ^4/f^ 1 ftx/fy Ccsrt cCc. /cksrf^f y ^ J / e^Av 0-^74 c/ffusT ■ - f? <*A -aJD ^Cf/ S$a44rb» y ^ c ' •srt'f- ff * CJ ^ ^ V-cr*/' , odL-d. sC4 ^V Vastf+t+dlur x * m , / /1j /_/_•- > v' ✓ y r rrw S*n/f£ $/ Asr^y /^tn /tdifrw m; ■).- 0,S£L; ” an Ot^M^ — O ^ %/e J^y r «/« ^ ^ '^*4 fyt eysf* /*- fl-WtC *~%aj ^)4r fL++l*y '4ft/ 4fir~4. attt) */, $L- — of /tjr’OTi^ ~/t _ _ y. i^/^ u 4~ 4L _ JfLx 4 ^ V~. «-*««- 4t /**j* Aca.4>C^< /£ #.. / ^L; -* ^ C5^\ '* . c^f*4* / / - ^ ^f77v :C ^/U*y±**+* *4,U- f2t Cf4£*~ tL~~ /*> X ZA «/ <--M- & J- -»*/ ^/ # «->* ^C ^ 4 ^ I jl* lu’iia'^l pants nf"|l . |1 injtipj j the !o»« j(l . W destroy*! J all side* • M j |y the In^JI i ,f*<*r horm.l 1 ;eiv; n «» lh# l fip/ivil t o.l Mj in wlvchl !ppreci.»ted I fhis ofEci^i I £ of the th j |®>ie*> hold ] Auinal Go Jjprnu# die- I tfrument of j J bj die I fl'Kretf j I' 1 Png) ctiisq VpIA !!"9 u V qi po I np uo r SUFJ pauoft ; ;od«ji* >d V 3 MU ( ’| f)uajjrJ jpjM quintf' 1 1 ipuj % ' ajjMi I[J||D? 13 Uu^a I i]iflnjo3 'JTPpi X 1 ‘ fci 4l, ll u ill' until Itmt' II . •*r i ’* iif jtfi OLnrfC frZ- i fftJ CTAj//* .. —- ff-tc/£rr* v— u z * /r 4w &%+4- ~fi su*. z S*v. ^ ^ ~f *— \J^rrrL^~ *Z (? Z- — z^* cK.-r~ Asht /^jUK-tv /Lt r-*~t^^- [/- ft* . — /^" sA^Z/fek ^ Wt 4- • *.^ 2 f A. ?-) J$L. ^Yvm \ >£ JC-^A-if J */ /& /&~>-r>'» ww y W . y O C^CtT^LAA 2>* i^Lv 2 ). __ Qv ^ £ CrZV^ /»#/ *tf 0 -K/^ ^ . ,— c&JLy j u j.~ j j 2? / CO £ c(t sect Xj ^er i->* £e-S C CL&ricrfjefc t / - — 1 ^ c *«*S. — /^l/ ^ >^lv- ~ #-4. . — x v C / V’lfc - uM.' &r% ^ / //i^ tf«^/ ^c*>: fiL Qs'/fcxv/s. Z?J- /£ u * 4 srJ^L V cr> rr. fa-* err f/L.^, ^v 4 lA *?"* j *TL aqj lulaq spu J IH J 0 )uy >qi jno j |np uo I ! swi j pdUOJf j sodtiid i •d y ^qijaj jlpusurff vepjnjf Ijqmng | r TI IlffUj H * sail*® M^ bJiMe fca . 103 I 0 ■rz^r 22 KJ?7 r x-*-. — ^ r • — {fac?u} 4,1 /??/• fa /tfe-x-<-p^S- *— {fyoctjj t*h. sj~ AL fyffU Xn«S Xvi y t /oum fa 'fa ' / *“' / X fTtctf/,^ y *Zfafa. %** A)Jr)i- ^ foiuJu etZfa a £ , JU-& stfdc/fu (i f£y ~~~/ /#^«^ 4o e>1 fb ~*y \Sf/Cf\t'ff, s^r sm L C£l< 4 , — ^ „/, 4 /ii.i ^ 0 £Ay 4 * *T+ tv *~J A. 4. 4 {%f~>-n*4^/• - .. v^" "T-*? mJw*j L . ^ ^ bcureL. - <^r dn/ -cjA-t-r^ %d Crr~r -fc A dtVO-t^suA CA/ty ^Gsmt/y • 4fj 0\ ^ '. '"• *- ^ 2finn't ‘Ji 24*.y ^A Aaj oietj 1 4 .*// '/a. Z*> * <7 m-<^>-, ( t-Vtyy A^^L/ 4/rA^n vrnmv . . ,,. , • Z AtcC^d* /C**, ^ &<+. ^ ^ U /a xfidty t ' a/ S > . /4JA*/ »/vrJ- rfcnr A Aty4r* e 'u/f. ct^L*/ <} in f lt g i* inn But ^ iants i instill !oiio(l d Hf>ftrov«l »M sidf't-l the In.’^jl ^ivil j o¬ in wlvch I ! ;>preci.«ted ■ his officiol of the r«l | f » ( '0i> hcH j iiinal Co- | )« nu# di«- i rumeni of | j, ed by the ‘4-K*■•*'* wor- V E«>gi;a ^h he (hd R-hi iod aqj »U i oujaq > spu jay j>qi jno ijnp uo ; s?jpj pauorf , sodtud j •d v aqijOl puejirl 'Bpjnil ujnffl nrffiu m * ?9JJ S ® 9[JJ|W PJ*» l^H »p/ : sms ^#1 ^ * / CflsUy,/SyfL & '"ft" n ~J- S/ 3. -— /dxj+i/ctJ) suAfti, ^ f3**~ y'^ — c ^*«- ^ *- ^7 ,c//m,t^ jf S~J+-nn4- - 'Wry /C>^,mu, 6**^1 Vi,**" X * *// /^ ^^i/eZ S^/'T-i - -- ^ x , . ..M &*M&rn4 /&, fcrm tcdr*. - Cerr^lt, £^ v% ^ ^ / y l i4*J *, ^1 Jhcrujk /£), '<*omts 1 / Avn)d7t**' ^ J*-KUo dt-mLyf — y/^iry c zftffd/ ou$? U* c*J<^rZ ye*Z$K. 4 fa/c/ou cuvo^i At vasri-«-*- &%tnv*) or frau nA tc£~ ‘— '£rn^ tS- (j Z — ' u V7-y — « - Jtf; /a f>i. l/^14TW' - ^f/ * CL 4i s*/LhLU&/$ hi *^-> r ♦-»i^ ’ — *r>v/ r>\ i/ / %_/ t ^t'f^, fy/??* &7\ —- r|| ,J in«ijf,t.| the !oii j(l d destro*.! ► all iideis ly the lo-rj ;»?er honi*. keiv; n « ,h, e civil ; o. in wh : ch ipreciated his offin*l of the r»t >''»- »w | ■ > —y '••- - r *»• —- _- — L^J/Lj^ - y^'t/fafr^f^'y *"* J}]A ^&Til£&Vt £ ££*- i£frv£n>Aji- A— r-ry Jb d* 5^- 4 8 i (j * — )rf ( 9**y ^■- , Ch/ruttyntnL *d- "($£4h£/4rr*£*~ e^ rr ^ «-/ /$/. 4 . 4^: - sy dy-pLx.'.— «. £a ’.JZ°> is/tyr fltsuow/ms^ 4XXl£ 4 ‘ q<-Jtry if Cfcjttt&t- <* -.Jl Jto / J t y^y. ^ cij^ ^frouytci. . 4x, s oiy^ 4. 4 yftjXJtX 4i /4 dfavtpir rf- 4£ntr*v frr £*^v A- /Dts?\ o*Aty a7) /*6/) ^ ^~*/- a, t^am , ^ «; X-^yX} 4 " %h 0+d £/ *»*»- - /^2/X trf- 'tutfrid, A Vr$tAJuv jit^ $*y 4/t ^ C^/^3U.^f jC ^ 'Ly^cO ; totf.** ^vCl+AJy , /bb, //3utAJ / to C£*j*UU> tf ^ j' 7~ ft k A iy/ycurtf' - — a^v) cut,*, i /taA 4^ Jv** &W*. 6** iS3 ryf *T ~ /ft/*- 9rr/£ju , $L~ Ctya^/oLA^ ^ ^ f^rdm^y wMz 6dtcuL4^ PlyA - y~~. U y. - £> J&inr L*/r - ' - rUAtsT T7XC7X*' J *»V *nM ’ — 1 (e/f4sfcn^A/fc, t^c^A \4i~J- <*fyb - •y, - **^<4 o^rAy /h/ 1 ? v c4~ ' - 4/e^A*} '^ol0~+£' AA—~> rxt^f _ _» •y/{/ t <£iOr.t£4r^ l+cAi^*) +s/r*- /(Us/ca a nw *<%£, j+rf 4 ^7 j/jtcr7r>>~f At/Jr^ _ ^eu* r» i J ~‘* ( l in f e, 4 iuruat«| But «|| hants w*.-,| ’ inttig qt .l the !o»*o(l <3 Hkurot-l all Slflpl jl y tli« lo.vijl ♦ fpr honw.l bciv; n «» h«| we civil | o-i j *n wH ; ch | | ppreci.ited his official of the T»t »>»es-. Md I inioal (jo- I >mu* di#- rument of | e-1 by die Yt *e wor- J I F»gl < 4 b lie (J I-Imi I0D dt)) a HX j i Emaq > spu j(|a.:i) ■ ,u v >qi in 0 inp uo ; siJtj pauori , j sodnjif j !»d y oqijtfl f)u9ijr| >pjn)f qain^l i\)iW .ni ’ 13)15® i[J)|B J 05 & I oiiSn^r ol - JA* J sfa/y fi/e/n^A 2 t4»M) ^ $O-u/trAsWt* a^) '£*-4 /cv-t^ yW '>*%*>' — s^Us+m, • / £y *d^/r v/^ 0VUIXj>7-l4 kJ — J^Un ^2^ j£U U 0 & ¥“ r o&) Jt ll, -' A / n oCu ^y$a. "a/uf. — ^ ^»x«. ^r cC<-^+n^~ f *41 \^ &)A xJfjrvt/fe /dOlstd- +T*/~> /&±Ll Cyr*-ctA^f/^ r/+*' u ^° /£" t*ST/b ' ^At^m^r v- ^ /^/^AyH £r Ve^ t/£ frf 1 * y faA t A-* Af. Cy/t^eJlyA\ «— w^o 4**,*v 4- fc _ t ^crrrxjt . eV * y^Z/^ («,yf Ih^r-r**- ^A*4f v (rfAxsi-*/ <*- /*-»w~ ^ y^A/?-C4 — A Aorytd*-' 4A. VnA* 0>W ^ Slb-*dt^+-SL AuJ$>- Alf. ( 0&JL+, cJ'JA'j y< 9UU, /A- ^ o.l j_ f the ru I ;•»<»<*•> Md juioal Co- | jp* «u» di«- I ilrumeni of | Jed by tli« « K rr ^ wor¬ ld F!og»; Lb lie l-l ill.M (! >il Jiod ai|j Ht p cuiaq S131A tifejo^ .'I'i 0 Phaxf o fL / 4 ^ *»» ^jyi. jefAn-iL' '^ tr >^z/ ^ q/A/ny 7/ A^o*. — xftA, »uw»afn»/' Aoyi 4u£r*A^~ tLTl/A 4-iJ truk* /K k 4 ‘ IlMli )oj A*f <4 */ °^ * * AA>*~ jft/t/f ^ W/rtAst*/t*y U/fci/ A 4 L - #fr -'ztr- \ ^ //■Jtf'rfc C-06-*/. 6?i **S lb&-lh Orvfy. ^ ^ /Jot k/&*^v£ oS’J-r^h a/ if&t — u/or Jrtd// fa & ^rtrcij S- v/ouJ/juJ •/6 $UJU fytst-tA'rvniJ •- Sh/' C /€/ IT7*> £** &x*r cv ./cetCy x//^L *y •/ k/vv t n*J$ ‘“~> f +~A - S*** f&tU^ */•*■■ -- , RcaJ^'r^* /hf dj/AfrAtf dy _ // *>d%rAu»tJi t ^ »• ^77 ^?TtfT77 +?nr*-u/ \ —{/0^iT7U~ \aLf 9 i/cr fil* *f j/usd&-L^ . \y^r ■' ^ ' 4 ^ UUl f|| iants wf»,| d initial J *he !o»io{| ^11 sidei:l th« !n<’ij| ?cr honu.l r *ei v: n R ih# j e civil ; o-f in wlveh ! ;ipreciated his official j of the Tit ineg% held J uiioal Go- r >* *»u* di#- rument of Jed by di« I '«jfc'rctf w„r- j Kng) «(i j Lh he (/:|ittiu *a ' 13 JJ?® >flfl» a od »ie • suT '/out^s e 11 | |#|0 •ft J y / ' ' f ltct> h/!~ £/&-C4, ^jb+yC+A, ffl . t/~~ y a/ fl) - ^ C'lh-A X-V A^t»/ — rrirrr^^f' /cJ^**X — ^LtvI «rc^ /Lr~ ^ j6zA/£ti£ £ & ±Jf/y6itL *U da^e£ru> * ^1 ^ 'rr’rtf' ^) oi/hLJ^ ^ // / ^ ^co^Txt't*- - — <-/ a ^04sv^ ^ a/ti'i A^a-A-tV - J^Tztl ^ JL Cttft *****- -/ -v— !^V ^ A jtrz^) 4/f dtoJl^tOUK c ^ x f Cy y a^Sjc / C3** 4 'f*'t **-*’ *&- 2 /??*<4- fa* &I IA> . -^ ' 6*dt) ^ ,/p.v ^ CL~J {#rytJ*»ybj. ^ -Jen^A o^>^kT <1 ^A~ 0m*s *L (3#t+/oj^HAJ ~ >. c 4 Uze-i-^ Mr? •— * S jCt** ** ^/eui/rr-v&y y* )Arf . V A..: a J 4 * Uut Ik il h, f -* 1 f CX.y„ Ji ? 'tL,/rvdu /x^r, [y&r/atJhj 1 ?) sdrfv e^brfLUsr** 4- ~L sLK^ JL^£& 4Ju~ * y -Afcgjjs- tkaec £tt£jC P&XILA' /% u *J- /* £ rrr^l /fy' 1 /V*— /L */**. et+Ufy/fc- **$* /' \4r >^wt %,'Cr 6>. 3 >- *y/fcv>-f &> 8. rrrr-r..~f- - t^v^>»A-l ■ c . %*n*yt»> S % ^jh£s4-. Sot- Srf C/JkS 6- AlSirffa Sj ^1*: 4Ar*~y £ %^Ci3LU>dtf ^ u / 4 *d * J 6 /w. ^Ajj^C +***- «■ <*r*#i/ ^ ^ y/ajeo&ciu4*f «,/ c y / / 4 4 * t ZJ ->ir» «-m**sT+f •— 0*. <4srt-L*/ 0-mn*> *£ £~** . *■ fan- tV • y”>; Surf,/ ‘rfr'/tVixyAs *V v, ^y jrf. rf£^ _ _ - i>( J in U is inriutHjl t BuivJ ants *<»«■ M in»jijf3f.l j the !otio(| Id Henrossl % skIpi -I Jy till. In.’JI j?fr home. I fceiv*n£ h« I |e rivil | o-| lin wlvchl fipreci.ited his official of the ret i»»e»> ludd mioal Go- mus di«< ument of J **>i by die j Kr«*c wror- .1 Fogle ^h he (/Id l-hi« 3 l)> PJt ouiaq spu iuy >qi jno np uo' •MM pauorf , jodojil j cl y oqi jOl uajjrf upjnjl nwfll >| tJSUj J 9 IJJO io 3 ; i /do* fo - %/ /u/u^d) d d/\ fi/c/aujl ft-uJ-, "£/m £c^nri*tsry ^ ^ */Ay *7x d+£ t/of 4^t /vr i &r6c Jct~' jCr dn %A{^L^/t, *jL i/etfal/ti* (r<~ /tr7v+S • - a J*7 \fsrf 4 f+rrv *^* ASJ ^fri^Ls — '»r» rTr-rt-*-r*^ ♦ **y jCt-cXl f An) Co ot^ *I^»r»r,L±- /'/AW — &r& ^5cr '/ 6iAdfifefa ^S/f£ fcf/e/njd) £ 'Jart4 — ^amju^n )t~ Jy ‘fa 3fzdJa*^e. tL fk — rccr toeL*f/ * — £&&*».& &'■ 6**+*7 . _ _ ^A^Luy^t — firyn**. ^' 6*Ur / Tf* y / ■r- **v ■y& a*t frri o-rnd-f V /H So. $h*rr».T>4 tCuXt. — *J(A tfaS) - fa dblHbt jSZ, Z) <~t~J- < A#*'£y4t— faC.~ £fa* ~4~ & WC. 4- Zfa ->£*- — xC, /• o, _ //. , {? 6u,S^ //L l-XS/ts /eatTxy <*/rr~ ^ Sh» fro *fe,A ydr d ^ *d**cS<* ^ S/L dn / 0L eJu* r<. - ~Z , & JntjU /brA&S - V_ ^ ? £ ^4)*- <£; Asm A ,i-f * m^r' d *jl d<- cj*s tA~ i/uA fit.ltAsrmdjJ * A- a/ix^J f «_ ifiasrrl*f • sA>*£Z/ %yy^f ^ y^y / &akstu*4uA ksrfaf - — ^ ^ 14 Ut -6m£v i ^ $l> 2 / oW< a/* _ <*/ / /"' Vt. <6*» i -<-. > *,-»JL L * / ^ y y.'czC) fa/jfojr.L %£y. /fc, ei^AS 4-rCt4{ j /f *4 ft*#/ t^J(! {l h^ld Iminal Co- I Ipinu* die- Irnmeni of | fed by the I *;| Krr- w ,ir^ I >1 Eogl ,h 1 Uh lie (t\4 jpHti 00 9X\) SPJA !l"t) u V qi jno np uo s ! J!7 i pauori odoiJ J M v oqijOl [) uojip| A^pjnjl quin^T ti|/|f« H * aaU&o Jb[?|l» w & E ,uinj i fejnq _ Tl — t Za-rT' <£. /■?- — - — *sM'd&Pfr ^ Alf A/J. d~£A^ -d-//‘ - Alt jlnox*£U~ — ^-*"» e t, / x ^ / ^t^u/ ^ * 3 ' f J 4+/ltlfTT> / /^ M ^ ^£, ^ ^ - Cr y^>> A^t xift/^U ' w ' 4£ £?c~y - %y ^sx yZ. / —-^ - /£ A*-^frxi » 4*/^<>dr/y - by/l ^* 0t^ *v> arr-ru^ Z jjZrv ’tc^ Z Z~ do ? ^VT-fitv — 4scsr*f j~ i< '^ J ^ &>4zm cJv$~ $1' 4 S^k/cy) •—- fail/// Z. C^/ajI ~— Jfx^uy *~d- —— m.V ^ /J*d *t/c; /+.S *- '*-y *A ^ / **- £ ^aes/c sLAcf ^ $*/eJj£*.wv» ***-') ^ ^ ^ ^Ll —~Jky /*t€ala* f^T^y ^*^f” —" ^Wli "< ^A* r -' jl/?7>7J^ f‘t t>d *V «^f) ^ t/at'O c fr i* <~ r jbrLv c^7-c) jfc'tAJtAit^ $/- aS y,/7n^UA> * *- / Strife -/£ 1 ^ / — $ct / &<*- * ~ Z£> .^XVw a«t3 • ^ / # JioiL iS/y idt&rf- <3. /*T- far iJ/ste/. The* /r %z _ /i. - ■td'ir-2^. Az/co/d** */< /y C ^C^t*/fc !A*n^ l .•Li /irK. rjL J t Hi*.' IdUO/ ttU>^ Cu*lV M, ft O^r^Youy ^// 3 <-&*- ' C^lATt or *-*». >r»' foidU. *> — /V' {l/Jcrc^y/ e^/tu) &£) U ^ v ^Lh —*.£*■ o^i/f- —. atc*^ ^uixc^^cfc {./&* J^V JL ~ ^ £Ly - &"/ 1 /f/dm-f'Z / r~ •*/ * $%?> 7/ - &JL\ t y~M J A <7* t/asidc - - /i£ *&S^\ /?L».a rr^ 6 , nfer honit.l ;e i v ’n£ h*| e civil ; o.| in wlvchl fpreci.ited I his official I of the t*i l>'ies-» li.dd f|iiiinalGo> I J» wu# di#- , rumeni of 1 he &Ak ,ted bj d,e j J K rr " w»r- j <1 F»gl:«h l Lhf 1 v p- 103 dt|) fjt ) Euiaq spu !!^9 u V Ml mo np uo S.IJ^j ilpauori ; odftji J ^jtd y oMijtfl puajirl ABpjwT M®nj | lijrifBj ^bl/ttsjx/ • 4 & cjS *-?-*- ' ^ 41 ~fcn$C pity «— • -- ** Ut**£tP yC^J/y) uJUj f OlJ^ dpj/*JL <$, ^ S - a. fdbt^ c/f */ s^tP^nosu — ) *-/Ost^nAJ J a- ~»4 •*<-*£> Is.. +L4J?IJL^P P^^yJL> cdfr-POiJ (XA/7UL — A-a_ {?ar< tpb/ 4 cc£* l . Qt-. pfo*y d /£a f/p./fiLt^S OfttfJtt.A^. »*-ec£ f*4/. jjh&mtvy OJ^ry ,A 4m , _ £{,a//h /, rf^Ay ■ £ ^TcaUm l ¥*/ t ,' n 7/ 2°^/ ^ /fatrfiuAfl-. -J 7lhfr% Jo-t+y/l- ' t/iVt// ^ovr/c.,/ /mu/, - tm± ff /6zAefa 4^^ r dlfli r 4SJ y ^ ujt. fa- /V/Jnyl O dru/y*. ^ /fax jC/ *Xw.o ^fafa &>- £r ~ u -^4~J/ih-w _ ‘^es+v'l ^^fatrucy^ JJ i^ &c /}*?'& *f WrueC- - ^ (^ Jj^ (^ct d <7/.^-cc> s^*'-kS *-• ^ tatxr,4''*4 >' '' fy /hsfa^ryj - «£. r^ bow- . y'rfa e*t-U*+~£ rrT-<-*f fa£o^‘ / / _ <*£. — «-X> /A^y t{ij cd( ,^L S<+/{ * c.»y jfan^ ~ /^/' G^ +//- ts£/? ' it it (^erfd*T4j *<_f X^. Qj /? * /Vtfr fi 14^, Qn if.) eM. ~ "falfa<-^£ r^-v-nn** ^ V • *- *->7 <>^7 fT-Tvty^ £V£-ft^ jt/^ mrxxt e^c-V — /k'ifa' Lanis 1 ^ injtig^i the lonoj d HeUroj all sid/i!| y the In-’jl ► ?pr honie.r :eiv: ”R th«| e rjvil ; ■.o.l in wlvchl jipreci.ited I his official I of the Tit l'ie*s luld Ltiinai (io- j >t nu# di«~ ““iimeni of | «*'l hy die j U'fr- W.JT' j -1 Eng) s h I ,h he ^\ «d/ sLcr *^V» 4 ^ / • K / *~rru. 3- --— ^ /* 0*/dy *U- /O- — *{a-W -/rri^ J~ ^0$a-uJ^ry/mu tAsvfy hf ( s/dtTj/ds — *_ 'Cou /\ ?. — a^Y* xf o-Usv4-A*£o e^/ i~ 4Afz/fy- sj-+ C /* $l.Jr <'’*■*■ d^h/- t S^&sdZy ——-/ c+t-r^ ' / tsj '? * — " ) ^4^0 P^%jun Uyjfauui & ^ ML ' &i ■ ——* ^r>nji> /£?. - £ jC^rLs^ Au*j>- o-* fiy'd^/sn*^/ eSt-y . — r . )t2 $3 . oU lyJtart. 4 s/l/? ('WcJc^i^L y? , „ ✓ _ / G ^ #, -L (fc*> hi 4 - ^ i /d ?- u L ! i \ft- .K, ^41; (Jh :M «^rv isrJ- ~^ *svA t*» d~ '7 -la-J/Aa^ , -• A\ — ^ /<5 A) *~*-«-C/ 7^2V^.oT^w y;j£V wife - _ (XlaJ/MjJ ci-kJ- ■y'^ i'-y .— c <*A /yy (oA/ntfiS- ,P -*sftA <&n« ^ ,1 vi rZLL jCr* Af- t^Af /£* .. ^ iL^/ —* /Li- a ~^ all 8iflp’»:l Jy tin? Infill |‘?er honte. I ;eiv>n*» (he I e civil > o-| in wh : ch I ppreci.ited l his official I j the tit I S>lt*t|y Ik'H uinal Go- ■ u nus di#- 1 iimeni of I e;l by th« ft(r«c w-ir- I K'»gl qi ino inp uo suq ^pauori sod«jJ j ltd y 9MIJ0I f’puojirf jCBpjnil h ran (T 1 . UifJfBj 411 ' iailEO hw od 9Je uinp^ hj mu M* Mint 0 r f - I ■ I ! il I U 7o / <*• -? - xJtP <.l£u* *Jtrf) *m ML Ca// ML . ^ «. (Zerfrrf^/j /-— *i Mrf C&/t/o+yXf> — y/hrf X~6 s+rrf <^ a /*,< i. —*. / 3f a< ~ ,£ £L. >* ^5 cjz -^6 ^ ^7? «/ y(jL *X /lOnn ./ A/' iM* -// : A /* ^ - /%/* ° 9 ^ — d^Lesr-i+j^*/^ ^ L/ffyrrjfc 6-T-k.J ^frsi^ £&-> Csfrc&C ^tX^- 0 ^ 4 )' ed- /x^l/ y®**.*// - & tsflf - — -^ '* < v / i\ ^ ^ €- ^4/2>i/< Ji7y. ft ^T A2r^f e^/uA — &£/o /ft/ 1 (2//e2-— i ^ c <^* — -» $ 4-rrS/Lu . -^ /X<* ^ <£. /^C. • ^zn/A~. — 0-p-r^ c+sv/%[ ~1& L /'<£»dju* tvs- A~ (uAitk a/^ fr^' o' s ^ tw^frry- *1. - ^/C%< ~ tr ?&**-> - /A’owU M* tx <) _ a^-T) fat/ 1 vy^r/t fai4sr\*j • — 7 1 0 28 . u ^ ^ V Aw tASl/fr. /hfrjfct *-L* */ St* bjjdtt y* vis /s&<*- «A i 'o6t+ e9*/tf-LXA?T£-> - - (J^Xx+i^ £X -- itfr/tst r < £X ‘Lfty’KH j^ris- . v< ^ ^ Jt/A *r»*Tf w.,r- f 'M Ki>g| ih J kb he ( ij 100 dt|) a, spU !1«9 u V qi J no np uo SUPJ pauoff , sod«jJ j d y 01IIJOI [)uaHrl A^pjrjf cjiun(j| UVISM 'Ht 29)15© i 911JIW «3 a* y-t?t — <^rj£ /£y _ _ ,' ■ t~~ rrny Vtyrny • —■* ^ ‘^oV fan/fasnA y^AeA” olA- \^« ~ ^£ J*5~ Ah /? A?A frAts/++ '-s/*-*(. a. */£ji^£fa 1,/t /L— /- /?l -— ^7jlA~ A* d«>) C L - G -* . -or-> yv/o ^TL^ /^/lUcrtsjji *^S Aif* t&9*/ *asxJ$A it/&r x-A $}hnf^JL* — *Aha */ «jm/ £4rxsi>* * ^Xn/i^rtf dfa£r**s2~ /^1«ju ^ **}*Zjy . 1 —. Afif^ r*% . ^ A/ l^T i~~ «/ ( r/lji,, ^ ^ >0- ArrtA- A V" iWa ZJCksVLyt-L*- ■ at 69a ft *yJtpuuf &j 3o <(*+.//. ^ crr-rtu-^L * — /^. «<»v^L 6 *ttvr~ • — ^ 9 J$y A ~ ^ fa (Cc/^tt6't*-r^Ls- '— ~ +*6/~ +7-1*. of fyl/! atrrlCA/ a^D Ov-trC*' ^ £ ffzsrLd’ - 6lft*) *J~ A/ A6ryp< A jsl a~ pc. ^/Ly jfao\ / jft> H/tyrt/M* /fad+fa^cr ft/ /fat — ^ ^ far/faUivr t*4 ftr- fat/riq ftfm.*/ a ftur*-A. ' j^+y' /~Ks1 m^si/srxt +6*. «r*> +>6) A* ftxs^6r-i-xt •^V/ ^vn^/ i l £*■ ft \*66£t» <, A ’«-«*• 4 A-4,^ ^ . s/uA~~ d^4'«//a.)*r r tk 6 ^/rv vr A- */>m* -4 - ^X ^1 s/a~S f<^4 c*m~- br>T- /£• Citst-iy/ ft**sn*t*J / * Y / i inuia*M m v But «|| bants w«>r|l ■d instill the !o»*o(| d He.i troy-1 » J*U sidpi-1 J the !n-'JI ‘?cr honii.l *< v: nR ih#| « civil { o-l tin wlvehl (jpreciated I bis offing I of the ru I »'•<*>. ludd Jiiual Co- n ous dii- rument of | cd by tl»« I Kr**" war- | f Ki'gl ih / |b be r <1 i ’•> aqi St, SPJA !l w 9 V m ]no np uo SFJFJ pauorf j d«jJ i H v I’pueurl .^Bpjr))| A ' 0 ' 4 : III cJ^^L 4 U- /v £Li^Jtf^u«j ov ^>< / ’ Arrt-t/ s $r ^)+y- y - artsr*f *v &^?io C 4^ <■ ^ t *<_tA/r' fyL.-r* ^ ^s^fSy — *j- f ^%y nu(t &- ■mm ^2^4 •v*, , ‘Df £2 // .,-■ /*sr*£) <*/- . 4/^— Zfcd bfi C~ ^ X 1 (y,/,„y/ / A 7^1 /c$l^. ^ ^ . o ^ \ _ ? ery - y^i^-cW £/ £ /£<- /$£Lstsi**.%j <*£. '/asfey — .4? /^/? 9 0-™^ - >£ t4£e<* — ori^ dK J $(n±l)lj/H^ +^r) ^ ^ ftj'jf. / *f j?*r folfi C'a'/tsmJ*>- *L (sOm/it^U^. t /£ M^rUfk- ) . J. __ _ ^ j^visp*' ^ / * sS*^> C^K^-l ^y c^/4y /4 t*++ /j[^ ^A r/j /J \f- - ~~ /qi ino inp uo jp s M*d Vpauori , sodftjj / d y oqijOl ■puajirl ^Bpjnil quinffl piirffW I9JIE® ,9[1||W cd *>e 1 m ! 0 -L gv »w> Jim ti*? €, v -Va Hi — *■’ 77 dvni L3. / /l ^,^a- ^ ^ 7/ A? id Ar' 0,/y?C*p~t^4 JJ *//*7s 77) 4 *^, Y ^ Z») «J/ Jt~ Q/duUfUj/ fa ^tisZ44jtsr-jf 'm-l^aiS'A Jtts^ , A Ac^ovry t <-T *x kf^o •C^n a. dT^ 4^r7W t^C^W ^C^Ttis/lA./^ , Oc^oT^TaA /5U — / jCcs>7*~ «r<4-*d- CL mJL, {rrv /£* • But v tanu , d initial the lonr^l d Heurm - afi sidoijL y th« ln.'-JI ?T ' w-»r- Kogl ih J kh he qi ino inp uo SUPJ Ipauoif , sodoaJ l f d v oqijtf puaiirl vcpjni f quingj ; !i|i(»w N. ' ;aiito J 8|1|l» o/riAs** $4-** k/4*a*£: / /p <" \ / A. CC/ Asz-^£- VtC-i-crf ' zzx^r-rz-A as/ '>tl^ /urrLJLA ^JLA/ rm+syAi- 4^, st'Z-t ( /D O/rry- s^V-v+Sy fyoAu ZjrcnjCcrL# /. C-cruJi r* A- ZA »ni / /Z Uy X ttstsry' ^ xS 4cJ/^ */Ac4fcz* A o-%aS +AS ^ C 4/tsTy LutA*** Ji. Jfiasvy/^f 4 a 4L^A r / $M 4 ^7^) 4 ‘l*-~ *?rxy ./csri 4vx*eJtj/ >u j[ 7* £ Uj<*i $L -AjLS^ tt >4l A Ov*\/'Irvsry A tsr/tx^r^ i^r/* <** 3d -mi^L fi<-S //Ary £>*W ^ioiaj f t/ e &ri+/fltLM. / S' y f /i<-S MArry l- a.^S^A M. (/+ A ^*£.1 *£< Ainvrrfrr* , ^ _ _ __XX ^or od?. Ai/ 1 ^ SjxAsnjj ,y jt£j* A —' ^ ^ <£ <2£ /^1 <^f CtXs±*-> jh*. \ £ a A %Ji^f-/ <5^ c*X AA — yiWv^o -^OA4X e^wrX^n/^ /tAUrJ^ C osiaJ* £ £>0*jL £ajt/$C £l*J £ 7 * 4aAx~*A *~-tr* *^4' y/l+w «■* &-id> ^f/ *- jd*r / $LM' , fo*^ 4AJ 4~o£t/7l 97 o~t*7 ^ovr»mr|l ^ instigjf the loiiol, d HpHrot-1 1 all sidpijl y th« In^ijl '?<*r hon», I :eiv!n R ih # | e civil j in wh>ehl [ipreci.-ited I his official I of the tu I »>« hold luinal (10- >rnu* dig- rumeni of j Jfl by the ■prct; W) , r - f •i Kogl'sh / ^h lie ,i lj T.|,i. joa aqj > gupq spu !!^9 u V qj jno np uo s ! J ^d pauori j sodttii I Pv 0 M , i°| puoiirf 'X^pjnil c i tun d | > U)l)W Ml * 23)1*01 'cl M Ill r *S0 ^\aA y/ilu 4^ /f-yl- CA^r^y A f'tjA*' ^0( ^ T^iVftt^i/ frf' — ;^c-f f&rJy ^7iS -, /*> -*- /n€TyU^j A — A$cm£ uj A/*vh*d- •/ '^* y/'Cvr^ jp^^i^yL- Ajl tiftArt -jla<-^ L^S^, a '&. -> -, *A d^ a fjueAt - ~r .-61 fL^r^n"* ^AuiAaj mend AduAf — C jfyr/j 7 ) 2 ^^jZveMeatTyr -c^C <*d r ^ xj Wo ^ dhcfcuii ^ j$c ^ d 8 — / / ^ fajti/jjh'nvu //&XA. V-t. C. jC±rx)fa^ . fy/el - 9rt (Wt/rld t&h L X ° ^S JS^ ^L ^ ^ ^ y^L ^s'htfcxjcM l 9 «-*— pL. u$firjdfo-yh^ e ^£el ^ / -xffrftjf cJi/Xrrifl'S- i/ t* *<1 ->>7 O a • ^_- yy*- JbctsT* o/W n%xre%m ny c^ C‘*d in f e, * inmateil But, J iants wi>r|l latti^ \ the IohoI 1 d dettroy.1 » all sidp’ijl y the In.’-jjl *?<*r home. I ;eiv; n « ih« I e rivil > o-| I : in wlveh 1 • ^predated I his official I of (he (•( >'!<**% hold aiinal Go- I Jt ous dit- 1 rumeni of j e;J by the j •;n‘r«*^ war- i ;d El*gi «(| J h he (/id Mi is !oa aqj p& ) ouiaq spu ijaag jay >qj jno inp uo suq pauori sodoiJ j y aqijdl puajjrl .(B[)jn}| qrangj |t>l/|W« m ' 23|l«tt t HP 3 61 ,n i/unti •'0 IhiL* t Jh ^ , Jhl M & . * / »J i Z 1 mi Itrw n >h l 'liur* J* y*i ii fj &,I ./ fr^A 86 ~ - &<+i' f ^ Co ^. T 4*olasCjL+ 'A 4 ^ ^ ^ $}+itofyx^ /AT*cV * ; -*. ^ ^ X ff,| c ‘‘d in f e, is iamatMl But i " iants w*,l d instill the !o»«o{| d dettroy-l ► all sHf'i jl y the Iom^I I •F<*r home. I :eiv: nR ih«| * mvil - o- “ in wfveh 1 ipreci.ited [his official of the ret I I'M?#, hold uioal Go- I iinu* di«. timent of I ed by the : i Kr>*^ wor¬ ld Engl gj, / ifch her * f oaa V suiaq spu !l w 9 fiay quno np uo SfJ^ pauorf ; OllftjJ / d y 9 M«^| puajirl ^Bpjnif qaingT StilW (I 3 M«B t fljjW 3 ^e -i(in tone X a/ov/ cj %fa r - A^, -je v. — j/ r>i /- vy " t ■* w u -«a^zr&c-C'fo; ort^-- — ^Xy - tZfo J- ■^*-^<' < - **’ XX<- Ao-/ X t//cZ XJu. ^~' y . _, 42,^— Xr*^ > 4 *,*^ ,/y i--, - * 7 £ ^ ^ 2 -W- V „ j~*r i ^ astLu -$L «^,^A _ J> /*Vh y^L , /~t . £^) U /CJZ^X PP tf \-P/of<^~,PflPx r*~V-9cl >L 8 ; 07 - )^. _ y ^ ^ <*/ c y^VT-d {$fj} ■ (oOL»S tPr /. «r 4c (Z/tJn^y£ c ^ltu^L — t^T HPy&~r , V* -.. ^ ••/» L&rJoAw fy 1 ^

e»> bold Uiinal Go- j H nu* di«- . rumctu of | «d By the J rrr" war- I 'j Engl »h j J ^b lie c ‘ Wh,u Mjl n tent ' '0 l aA / e A o-t*. 4/^V , aC) ~MaZ, (j> - Xl T'UTitrT? *U- fyif. Lc- Jcto-i^j/AV , a ytv TXaL ///' O - AajL fi&zb A^UH, _ . / c_.' / l /2 * - x . j j 9 *jZo .4J i ~ '»***' ^ Lf .ns/Ut ^ ex, caCLcJ^ J%. -CUA^sf A/U*-*^ L Cy 0^* 2f*- fuCL^ £ 9etjfc-y <^k /%£- 2 4xsrrtat2rt4-4 <*A C/ztttiClAl / — A l fc / 3 . LC&rf/ctfs^ y j U>vl — ^t/ Am/ £ 2kr-Lf £ A - ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^T- UAsr-n-tsTif Q *r isrx/li^AL^c^S jLiMsZfyi . — ^ 7 '^ ^ . y« o• . / y . - -4 _WL ijhrn/ h 13 /nni S' h: ^ <~Yt YLl. T/AiYi-rv-ojl*- - huZ~ Yt^y «. VW. e^f*. u^Yi 6 firf&L/ sL 'b j /+r tfcdrn , n-rx*^s/~ 4?< aJ- c^, _ WM-L C/o-nd. «v /0em »m/ jib^rzus*- / hrr~ * ■ Il/Xcuv or^r <*Jjl Y*y . - / '/77 o ^O/^rr (4- ( <*^ tfcjf «*y^t^ ZjuolY 'jbneiur*- ^ X ^o 4 */ */ 9~9~Jy/ 'fo-jU r, Y As^) /o^j/y ^7« J^. /V iTT~ri\f sS. //. J A &*" L. 0^ \•'■f-%^ ci-0n*s-r* ^ Y^t^x; 14 dr ^jUbj. rh >^J - (%J-c/TY£Y ^ <-/ n/ri.+* tAiAMf floXwJ >tA7U!*r / /S »>7vt. A- -4* ^ %^fzr~rv ^c^*n) £$&***/++ f 4 yr'l ^ »n fe, is inruatN I - But vj isnts wp'j| ^ instill the ioiiojr <3 deHro?*| » all sideijl y the !n.’J ?er honit.l :eiv ; n*» h,| e rjvil t 0.1 in w!v C ^ I fipreciated I his official I of the tu | »'«*•> »u«ld intnal Go- Jiou* dit- tinacni of | ed by the * f-'r**- w- he (.<;<| i jod aqj ouisq S10JA ^ !f a.ig )uy >qj jno np uo suej pauorf od«jJ ] d v puajirl ^Bpjnif qtufJfj j fijrjjiH at,A m 33JJ«0 «3 M / J* 'fc/rtAi/uJ r-\ jj JW- ~t. yJfborvL , JjL. (fsrxj/tdrf 0rn^-*/ /c A^frw/ ^ ^ «. *££> 'C j^kf ALr ^ /- /a y - A ~~~ ^V /_ y^u^J. Aat y£~ - ^ r >«/ifr- - *T* / t^jliXr-tn, ~X*~ rffcy *•**- / ^ ^ '~'\ ^ yA^i/i- u/e* jerr* a^i fc/c9 A^jrt-t/ «^a-o«- :^> ^r&rfdj(/(rr>v m -*- « 9 u*-*f O 4i~ - £>(a^- nr,A~. /r A+*~ c^&l. C* CT^/ b/L*sr^ - JXr*L.\/ ^ • ✓ 7 V OlZlm. cl ifd, PA-** yCu csu^ ^ e l «* w rf>, £.&sm +■ /c O'fc+jbbut- sj(.-v »>>- ^ Zfa t-t- altrtm nt^-nJx*-' +q>, .A ../Ty ~* *-7 4 •*- /0 *■ - - A«/ ‘fi 0^rr-tJar ~L ^oeL, &S Jy/' Pe/TJ^ -/LZyZfi jjst*. «_ <“/ o-S^i <^4/ t ^77 fix' ^ i-^ ~^jO£a} 3 J2- —- fi£ ^©) a c+^rrv* f* - t-^^TTUL U //. - <-**y ^ ^_ n — -' Osnj9rfu,L. £x-4L*ry **MrrTVl, t A. fa-/&r^ Arr^u SL^ - /£" ^af +4- SS* * -£&,>>^* 01 * 1 4 »^§ O ^t> /

„ 4 %, __ jAh/*Ac w f/t&tf*'**'* • A jc/a* «f« ‘ *r-*+V 5 / // P<4-' 7 (rr rrx+~ c 4/csn+**S X0T / * # " **■**■ • «S ^£>T/t- J^r- / %/ct / tsn/ cns%i - AriJit'iT c^/ ^ /^L 6 ^) J2v /A*'**-', //-X £ At Au /fc^ t-A CAsit+v£ Aux+**r .... ^ ^1 A Ctu?kA (AeJtAAs Y— +~l A^hz*. A^/L-A , tfbf /}y<™£~ &/d**j A — aC* ^ l/ e/ fl'®'* WO 24 - e£u Ay 4JU ^LW *t/c*-yy 4 a* Or- ■ a 3 x ^»#T7t*ry / w . *K fauA^vlr -j£» J y/Lfohsyt^S • — ^/L\ */ 'T/C-r-^ urd- Ki) h*<£ J - *£ , ,,, , T . U-vfa. fai*. t *~>-yrx ^ N > — *44 ,_ /ft/ 1 ? - fty/ 1 / £*+mbf ^ l2t^ e/--v£lr^\ 'V~ /Z x - - *, , ^-A S* 1/ty ■«*-*-***• ^-^■' , */ AsA ^ l /? i( j/v ^ <£/ ^ '’■'. 0ts£-*£. — .. i? ? ~'«- «*,«-»/ ^ {yt? $%*«&, / ^ _ ^ //.^_ - ^ S)„ ■2*- -. /<^*<* (T^h. , 7 TU ~£ lS fyty C^fnru «_ #-►, /« $t>J~i4 f udt,^/)]/ / ' H I <*£* CX^i^L >^m- / . /V vfc^ - *V J& u, JL. »u. «tv ~7tsrt*/^>£ — ^ 2 ^ 7 -l*) JL* 0a/A d*. £.*?-njL> w /^«- Cfr +J@dc* ■ a cv'/Yt—- *-^ /%kAu* 9 --.JV 4/ - ?* &<■**.«->- — /<: /Q^t ^ }/1 ~~ c<*^t* ) ***. ^ (/* >i^s<4 •»/*-' u±. J ^ ^ ^/C^r Ai's Cn^ - f " ^ /4* u Ctr^/e-c4j &ia &t>* — /^ A /f C^m. t^v — /^~ *^rx$ ^ t£ „ fi? _ yjtl/xh *J fa y/yy^i-j ~ ***/ * — ^ #►*, ^ jr* A? /. a///^ #t ffxAiy — 9*^. 0^ A */a*rt At r*y rr,o~> y etstAu • * y*cL /& ^0.^7/ — Ph<^ Ct^o aS) /hJcAbl ■^ f— >-A // ,4^ cAfyC„s Z C«/r^ ^ ^-A't-n^. iy. ~J» S)Aa* yjCs ^ ^ f — •d<~. «„ £ t?r*^. ■ - y ty 2- --- » ___ ^ +Aln/e/rri4/re-' . A4J. /4l \Ji+/<+, ^ *%Lda^\ f — y£*£ j- •/ v3 ^o vf ^ /^<^t *—• Ortrty ' '— 6 ^ 1 -*^^ . — _ ttCrrrtj ~ V J!hA J*.-t^Lfm . — (\-/^-tC ^ JZ) %Z» *r ^fy . _ ' 0G3s~ ft^ ^ A;‘£^Z4 (P j.r*- ££- X ° (At^Aj ♦'*'» amry^rtj U, , ^£ion 4TX ^ — A r t #^£- at+J-. — ^ ^ Za^t~t^f .— <*,Z Sav-fisv f G^£r, ^~~£« 4 &tS< (ZnKV t y? Royal Stra&hc oi C Order next, ill ■Duke or viz. The L long laTv crape fat$||{ tJndre The On the sl| Xals an •bands, Uudie \lUDe t ■ i«g i r _ In pu. the Prin ofUisM f These 1/ upon the! 1 hte Hov'/I fourth s | iuto de« ■ jft is v J pr ao| Jn, tod IfcfomiTfl Hi* K j tbit the j wear ar c&sion c . Kent &nm Ml /^ v */<6y A'jj/ ■ ./A - U[ ZSiUlL -/ yjJ o^/ve ^ £ J£z W" J- 4^4 _ - fH fr - $_ ^Vffzr^ym; 3. falrv-rvisrif o£c . —. & rn^Cu/ ff** ufjflf ^ fky < <2- 'fu*&C*fr if•/&(-* (-tjfvrfassr, 3U S**- • orn iff ^Cttfnu t>* '^‘V ”® Af44 (f4 f tt . ^ ttrjfa a / - — &Ly/l f ^f^JL —' T\ --^ fhi'Cnf - fd- // 4/ffffy f*f Jf*fLt4 al ~ .y ^ ^ _^» > . /// (\i k fovfy — $Lr7S 7^ ftereA 'M* i 4820 ZAL J _ JhA Aet, •fdfc f*~ •^■jlfcZ, ^ALs tfjt \j- m Z /„,j/{. - J- \*fc ^ — f/^brriA. /*/ So 2 - — if/T £ \fjllfif Jktotori t - — 7 - ' ^ L'^rr*x+ny as««y ^4+**^ — ffie-A*., /y 'fflu*. Av &t*S» ^ (TDtsif+zb W W >zV (/- n* *->r ^ . -- • ™» r V Fro; rf q tfeslq • this hf$ ReyaS [Strathc ; grief ol C ] k. S Orde: • next, t L Duke or viz.‘ The L long la'w crape far] Undre The On the slj Vats am founds, a *Judu , Cite Dej ‘ iog tM •In pUi ; ■ the Pritj I of his M These 1/ Upon thfj i )»te Roy'#- fi'th s|| fourth ■ iuto de^ v f "If. is r> J r aoJw > iOn, lh;«|j Kfoi'int HisB/ that the -wear art casion c f /• , Kenti Ul 0 . • ^ z -?\ a- C. ^ ^/ 2 +-dx. JVw& Jyi X« rL ^ y/- yy & y/h^ , — a/ <$ i Q • C'rr-idrts * y£ . / / ^£f^ — la/t±U *-* f / ^T*^ dasf yy* ^TXJU . _ idiA 0^*6 ^ <*~ a. r?-, iJrrf/tsC) ifo <- 4 ° ~ ry J o-rr -t »rm*f !^y^rn2^ *J- £ dy it/. ^ JZ*. ItcduZ - ^ Mem /[ - jC f- fa £ 2 iT /: 1 &^%/pyt^rvy^> • ^ ''^y>-trv4. /a y~? - % y jy (^DfcnW /C*/6r*yJ~ a J bA fraJ^. _ ‘fit*. _ %/? f — ^ 2 ^/ \5%estrmh _ ^V^rrvm tw — — . A- k A y ' // isrJfZsr ^ e^ « _ -V^' w ^J&'yeru*- -**jf**->^ &A /2n db rrf y/ Jfilhrn */ Jcr ‘-rfj’ijt#- qm£i> 4 jbuw/vr 'j/* 7 J^~07 n *r£f 1 /as+iJ^** . — fa? ^Exsfc* ' £IU £~ £ ^ M- £<~ ■ ^y }&*-*- rfMsfo ?yi rfy /” L/v V^ d. //J. (/**& ^«A~ f &■ —■ juS^ /*d t/ r T^ ^ ^ ^ ~ yjh^ . — /^yCnty. _ CaJjLlI _ ItJviiX « /uX fit , >/zUo £ ^efooriuj- a/ dtorrrx^. • - - (%t^6y ix~~ $gj^,r yxetsn^J —' Cer^JS Oi 4- CLet^u/s folf^eAstsL^ ^ dZoehlGUO* & /finr/on^ (?6<<) <>?£ /V*&4n-r> chsrvvx^v _ /-r~ /T w ^ r>/&r0CS / JL (3i& ojA^rl '^t££/n _X, u y»/- . — ‘O 7 t *)l *— ^X. 5. , ^ yZ. - lit''* T^f X oJ&k ^ ejjzZi AS <£> C&Urrx’^ ’Shct/flUir - ~ JLaa. sStA^i- ^ji 58 70 A y 9U o‘— t4^ —— ^ /. ^S-5^- • —^— <^r* «/«/^ # r^/. - ^^ t^- i^yts /tc^< t/- /V >5u&v *•*• -**^/ ^ * /^r ? . - >V. (p^i _ 4^2r >^7, ^ /Z /*’ y /t-v£Zrni> «J- 3 . — ~^c ^ ^sJtfy %*' fctfey* y~£*. zt~ ^C~yy *j~ t_j A4 a <^~ y^fic i <_^ <^£ <^2L_ y^.y . "^U~ «/*~y K . - eJ- C*^cJcn*jy£v - *— < 'frt'*^' * - /2^** ^2<.c^c-xju<^ A &/&» >^**. fay drd^yA — «~v -^ y ^ — ^ ^ ( -^uM / fruAt~ <£» ' ^ Jfadu*t**p ~ *<^' v^L* - K Froth % Ye festfj j this Ilfs ' : Royal Straijbe grief of C 1 , Order , «ext, ill Duke viz. The long la'w crape fail Undie] The On the slj Xats am bunds, a Uodie Jpie Dej In°pu! ' the Priu J ■ of his M j f j. These! Upon th hte Hoy fourth iuto d kJlfrv Jr* K>- £6,a. Jhlfi J? ~ ^ r™ O'/ -/rroM&o . A /i ■ - rL> isty *~lju < i riA /C (JfrnJ f/iac/taft — ~J cStr?f£,'t^ c*~> _ j fc//Lo cl y° u /L dou?£ ; V. ddr. ~ Jty- /^, -»T -» //LM-K^ ifd/jL' *^ A ;jir mrt^ —- ^5 U, &/ - et'xUu, JjtZx.- r ' rt ' /#. u/h-i* U ‘'ii’tdUt*, m^So e^£e^\ . ^—' $ /4TT t^vr-K frmd-. — ffrtbr* £*.&S) - — /^j / 1 c^O^\ _ — '•'ZD L»»^A ^ r r /^o _ fo.jfeU- t/trjk - cZZc^V (\/rr^C ~cZtjb- P*-/™ A #L ^ a f*jr- / ^ kr de^ah- d,~JT\^ y< a&. A l/«y c#^f / C^J ^ /a. A 'Jyt'V ^ ^ (fyvr-ij — ‘m^y). /2Ujfc/ ^ nw»w A X JL tit. -«.v / ,/LJ~ , r 1 - ~ J- X »T. Royal Stratfac grief o! r. c h Order. Beit, tfl. Out«o?|' viz,y The L long law crape far! ' Undi The On the slj %als an hfends., cj j tJudte Cl.eDe, - W iug ! f ■ In pu. the Priij «of his M I Thesel/ 1 Upon theft '4 W Roy*/* fourth b I iuto de* ? Hmuday ( j I* Ba r an j I sion, t.l lpTifoi * Bis Tv/ tbit the j wear ar \ cisionc/ j KenU. ’ l.T-rt £ ^7* - — ~VT' —* $£*^cr~/ . ■ —■ ft r A-nct /L/ J c fc ?%Ay /y J. — ~~X &/Cl/ttU- ^ ^, /a /J'£4 s:J Aj. ■. ./ / . * '/C ;/.. -*f ^e»uj a. An%?" a/~ /2 . JlA^-t- . - ^z: ~>1 / "' ^ ^ QMy/.±/jL Z ^ *-- ^ Av - ^ ^ ^ , ^ 1 ) ^//*4 - ^ I 4 //•- Aho^4^.~ . _ o J* — v/ 7 y ■ / 5 -/ w '- ^ ^u~x, a t~~ s *'A- -tiilA sno Ccdlrldjtl f £ ^ { ^0/ +ft?LA.JisS " ~ ti^L. 'a/L 'iyj- C+*^cd*r*d d'y ^ /f •* — ^ /jdti*> jCn-r. (J>(ndy*T^ *> tL Jf- — oZkidd- . t this l,f,\ Reya! ptrathf Order next, tlj Duke of; viz. TheL tong la-w , crape fan! Undief The On the sj[| Vais and Lind*,, i Uudie 1 flie Dej: L .‘"s' , [ tk Priii t of hi* M These!/ f Upon thfj.i late Roy fourth b I into de-ri ■Hi ■ear a*> ^Jg», tht| [fcfabrtii 'j 1 HisK/ that tt wear ar t j casion c f , Kenla. f athuv. V^tcw //, (3&t~ri4v — 4 ^/ 6 . ti/m+Jt <^f*urt£*r at/ c 4sz #U -* y *7 — C a/tA-iJ. )/-Saui*j 444^ /^jp> 4 W, J^X J. fefty r^« __ 4x 4b» - A/* >J^ 4 M b/^e^^xu/ __ *xj>0 1>TL*V1 —- f y ^1* ^ $yy* friJ.' jLa. t^Lz)«, J/eMvr- - ^ , y^tuL 5-^- isAai-^ 2hcrndb* f tjfcjui^ t4 r+0-zw,) ba4rrxx4 . &-7-\*y c-»-« ^ <- 4a*/A “Hiy-y /' /. a. c 3u. u a/Jzsi- #^OV 4 /. irrivW — 'ffymt 4 -—4 *w/ 9rM^i A )o i, ^ *f 2 - *y/~, &u2.d%, ^ ruj- w by* J- bm^C — jkfyfcj/i. — /?y y4^y^ br**^4 • ^ *Z^4r- ^«v <^ f^^bty & J* *^y <4 ** %4/yby4. 4 b <4 Sunday J j \ His tbit the) wear ar cision c m Arm 1 ^ <4 /£) /otryt^y^ ^ - *^/(F7* csmdrrts 2*&. /O 2 yf. ft r^4 AC. ^ feta *S(ymjL, *J_ — 4e>ajj&\ -wy *£***• ^j/ tJ- ^ 4^4r*, 4jA *44/774 f< ' c^ttsri^L <*J~ *4 4L/ycs>x^\ ^ / Y‘ tP ^ •— o4*C 4^ Al/*y /fujfatjb ** J%Ar ^k J/* (T. £ t&r.iUcu /I/O «*'• J$oAtax*r ^ 4 / 1 / ^ . /t 4 'AoiO IE • « *nd- ybtmf e A} _ __ <(» -* X tl J. s< / x / •■ ^ J/- - Z <5y ° ' <^»ul •»/ {r/tVo-j/j — - V. ‘ a 1 4s isry -*/✓- /o*ir>d. _ ^ <*sa/AsJ JUn/^r ^ <-~+£jL*^ a/ r^U ^ ^ hcsx^\ t tisT*r^*r - * 2 aD *-7> \^i/c?i,'JCsrri o?-% - ^ / t x 3 £/v — 'Sfdrrt-t, • /*# /(^%4sni ^IsI/xsCl4^ ATs , - . - \ A . - / . > » ^ J Jjf'as/l&uj • -C>, %/ts*. . ■— . *miA' 4fc,,-h4 _ y^j, ^ J ^ >jfc- f' a ^ ^>y*t dd<^rt. ~ 4 ^. j. /?. _ / ttjQ^ r 2 i_ ^ £j. - nvr. _ t# /* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r/ j^t„ \ tg%- jy jjj, + ,4L ve- *^r: - '•*''*■»'&*. -jLz V6~U u &t, Z«>^J. A Ad'^f^L/ J_ C/taZAf^- -/cdLu. >J 4*JC ^ C / in> / i * ‘ ~ " ° 4 arjl /w ‘yrfyL'&a*Ji - t/K,f^ ^/dutf ^ fyZX _— 1-0 Or t&je^£4LC07^ ( C 4° QM^/cJ' Jffly.- &.Jf- y d. fyh-i**i C-&ST^ t4x*-+t ... x- • ^\ £ofy£ r 0& d, ftrt 4 f dh/iir c^l,. jfc jf* ' vVt*- ^ C-fc» c-ri-C?^ jfjc t&mJr<-. o. < ^. - ^/- ^1 ^ 1/0 2 f_ ^ // • y7a~^c- uAJ 7 «/ J#"- ^rJ*»!w»' - ^ ^ ^ l-l* T . 1 * j — *vA*) <^ 7 / ' 7 *’"/ •*■ dr&dt; &i*{' — *h r^rxJk^ '- D> /* — x/ fa /vv™ , ^/z/Z. LAJ crj^ A £r<^/-> , falf 4faJ/tsi ^ , U' ^ - X* C/Jryf JXi 4 ^ A 4 n^ttsnj <*L dj. Ghcic/. £ 0U4 JL, yfcie&h. ■ — •-//- 3 4-4* ^ yy slv. y?y- yAt/'S — -r^u ^ /y^yAjUuu /Vis C/Uu ^ y?i/ • T /ryry ^JrtsnpCsmA^ _ ^&/a t* . — '/tvfo a c^+^Cjl^; c^xrr^. //l/ 1 ? dfiyl —• ^ ^ e r»^f 0^ rL *' /£*, -/a^Z/a- 1 / 7-« X-T/ L^y-i ■/ /-V / V>d^c . -jS— __ ^//J *' ^ — >^ 7 _ 4^? . S?a&s t ^ /a >a .*;«_. £^na ; ^ A e '*i. -^x*. %.4b^/7n* £§~r. ^a/J:' . — hcji 'd'bt-t J£tsiA> . - y?jut22rn A 'X // y..^\ s.vy ._ ^-/, "4- 1 - ft* 7 %», . — - / t7j l*-77i %- / ^ - A, A) ""™~r ~~ °- 7 - *y . f A/ GfiteU c^ _ /^ A ^ «A y^vjc^c.. y '\V. - £) ^ ^ <&£. 7*-- Zu ‘ eyyyy^ /2~rUy,. — /&/» ^ sJL « ,<^fe u -X. ^A~ 4^^ -A* ^Oif/m-A. — «A^-i-> T ^ Ou 2 - <9 *7^ & 4 X/i^i f Xestq ■ this life Royal •Straihe I grief o W . eij I Order I neit, t!| Duke of) viz. The I long law crape farlij Xh&reW The o « J. _ A/ (VtAy/ t/A u C ,.M _ %y/{/ 1 •* ts/ti/i f * — A«/ <51^3 ^ClA /utT^t'Tx.o/' — Oy! 9 yjp*?' e It&rn <-'Jip a/ ^ $Lsuls ^ fittsf ’ (dnv^rrrr* CA^rrx^. c*~ /Ce^-w^y — ' S Jr J *■'/ * 2■ - Ve ry C^a^ii, f ^ ^ dlrfsfy 6 daw^tAi Aervl C ° °" L j^Jt J Ji£ (ArtUjUA,u *” C /L tj JfTr^nyyUJ-’ _ / jL^ JaJsyy J, Si. - £/ fc* Jj 5 £ o^JJ /hr*tk.. £ \J/a*n^&n~s Si ^ ^S isSlf^ $ eotStwlj ^~* 4AS7 \oA4-> <£L - - J /Jwl J. fa JZdLcoJ >/*£*- / c ^T fitZrr, Oi^t- **>^ JZJ- /C JlJ &v «/ T^d, i^^ija/yia} * 0- /2 'Zjlc4snuO jfoJi *-», /J, *9~l-4J £f — M^iTmjL. yZ-CLi^ zSizj ’r^? /oaV C-r-L'T>i.t */ ai/^J r/rv^t^ cm 4 ^ f Cl*/* sn 1 /£> ' /-> *-)TTK V" /SsV *4 ' 01 /* 4^4 c+xj ^ L jC &# -—^ ^ 'V^f’ if-■/•■{-' *^—~ •i ^ ^£l*S *y»w XAA-tj/M f ^A.(/T>t^ nu - —^ - 3 ser> (j V Crfry-, 7n/. t-*--rr 0^/ i 0& 3 -* ^c+-d tf* tf T^c./ J-pir-r, ^ /^cdt Crr*VV7 ^£<*u V ^ 4*1 £jtdjfinrr*-> ^ eti t^. • - * 4 ^ tiitn/tL *l'/v y^rm c*si(^A./l Otf dusr~r^, o~i/fLcijL, s/ **->*.*/ *Sc> o£v^ 1 iuto deA noday [ n * His R/ tbit the | Avearar \ casion c / Kent* J fifDMVt JU b. - ~-sj. ' c y^. JL,* * - ri - ^‘ btr 7 ~ J2~.- Ar ^ _M* 4 . ~ 4 . t *b- ^/ ■ * J - jrfcL ru.wy At,™ A • - teA**U. jjkdfc. C AAL ^ At 1 — ~- % • '— A6 /^t)ir*y. ~E.- — // ^£urd^^rtr*-/' l/p-rn *+} // 90 ~tsri.y c*'****-> — 9.^^- A /&? dfau/Zs*.' _ ts/o^- j/ fycff f ay yJ) dc? jACZ&AA* tnv/v/vruS ■ '~ fX ta /AA r iin f lA* Jy-cufcr- r ' x '. '■ *— a Y a£*a£ /ft*'-Atiymd. Pi ' “>1 i(> ItfArt. — E» - v */***,*. '% C Ayr-**'* fictAsri^) e^J- <~K\ / » & ■ - P 67 . L* ‘ ■ tu. / y /A , *. / i In' t A O- ^ r>7-r»^r> / — ♦> <* 7 c \ • . ' / ™crr*-yy - •»»* ~ ^ ~yA>~^ a/ At - &>-LA. 3 > • /# 7 “ ~ °> ^ y/ _ y ^*7/ e/ ~*"' ^ ^ 7 r ^ 7»yir^/. _ t/7/a/rr yr^yit/ 1 ^ ^ TsTm^y. ‘C/L..//,. J h.4^msi*srtf V ^>a4j «AA«- ^ 777 -U 6 / 1 ^//^. 7. kJo y-tJb‘ u/ (e/t/<„y/j — ^Xtsr^t o’ ^ y r J. JL^U^ r «^unu^u ^ I' />./ . / AJ _ ., / A / 7 - - • aj S . ~ j (h,/m,J -j 7 > 7 ^. AV.A* jL t alto eUr7\ «sJ7. *. s . _ £~fs * V J 66 C/L~,o^ - ^Tri-to'- £>4 1 / Jctky*^ S?Ol>Lvi~*+ . ’ “" * ^ Li w °X«/ - ^ ~+— X**, XT; * 4 ^ - ^ z _ r y tf^r ^ a/- >^1 >£/ ^ — s&jtUL* / £ tj^ u *» , • 3 - v ' ^ ,/7 < — £ // af/rvu^ s' /fcsfaxa.ruj^ar*- — JbA- / *JsA ts/l -tf 0 ^ fi£.tn±, ^ ^j / T 7 Tzf*i /c 0 (L/ 4 s c eh cccoi^f' L /^/•/ Q*T*r >1 f- ^iy ^n/, fift-i*. P*" /**£», Jv*s Isv^f. fL £ c y. 4 iS20 . J ^ ' Jj f » 1 yrrrn t -or // 4 «• '- rv' f.., »^4, . 1 22 JL ■ . _ ^ ^ ^ »X,yC^ $6o*-fA */«t-?-*i^ AasZi **}- /2 /r-* r> t.W ^vju A/I'tzjl, • "nCYnJL - t+Mjc < - iJA jf^ V *J?fo AzoJj (asli&sfo - ~T3f dV«ZUl <^, a£ a. 't V>i tn / fcT/ y^TTV/il/i ^ • —« / >1 —-- 2 J. v. V.x^rw') ^msr*/ __ dCvasrrr, S&JA .4 -£ /Z^/* V r,^, * ,„ &r> t./ /*^. J //ifiA. . —. C <*£l. U Of /ft.. ^ o/jUt f . *. / j cs - / A»w >«.i tS+cf/ff «./^t . ....... y / k dJ&l'.s/ , t/ J). *><- DC, ?6 . I'A /r/a+f . Arvv/ . — / 2t? A ^ lAavzoA. - irffcrroc/ 2 &C& Aa / l 2 U* / LtB Royal Stratfoc %rief ol C Order t»ext, ttt | Duke oij ‘ : : viz. The I long laiw crape fa rill; Undie The On the slj Vats and! '! •hind*, a J Uudlc fre Dei ing ( r In pu. ■ the Priii r of his M | These!/ • Upon ih; / hte Boy']I i fourth s, | iuto de/1 « Sunday f 1 Wear a ^■j), thfl pfomrl BisB tint the wear ar ; asioo c Kent* vmn / Ms . r \ a y->tyr?l/ ■ ty/eAn / - .4- S^t~9ct*9-v*S ft- A£/i,/t*iy > £ , . / f/'j is'/V'ZW'Tt C/A' I* A »t 14 - t'l't.'r* . - / b - i”* 4«TraL> fr&Tif C ffA - - ■/«'l*r//err C^/tA ^ A V <*£Jy >^/* Sah/i/ <*A /o/eAtrx^-S A*/ • - i £ 3 - .-, # tr>ef/ TV -77.. ^ ‘ -2-2- . _ C-*l/£u$ , ^tl3 fa/ y'^AsrisneJl. _ V. i A „**J < MA ^?«ry -—- a! *.-/±/Ls /LrJ. de//J,t. Lays • -~?Osn ‘f/^rr't nj- 3. — /^/£j '■ r CjtLc 4? • \ 4^9 r K™,«r , _ f l —Jc /jLrn, //?_ ^a/,/c<_ u ft (\JL* yLr,r,4*>^S — ^ / /' Ca/u^ &->~l L4S^- &j y/tAX^, *■ 4 J4. Cf,^ fa<>~fifz t - r r^_^ 'fityiSU*) * */<*.< ts4 ■— — '~^>-ry-i_ ^ _ •3* X '* i ■ - SL ~ «/• - <£1^. * gL*u.- u ^L>^L^J _ y{ •>,,., 42/uJs **& hAS v/tuax^ — '/la//ts L _ A*' Stez^ J xo£. ~~-v /^rzy - - wi i^/Uj . Xy/. */r. y? t^J. _ _ Order , next, t| Ouke ofj' mat. :—\ The L long la^v crape fari Undi el The (j On the s.V *ats ancf bands, a I iJudu Ks '■■» f « ^

Sci) t0Lt t*-Mn / l£ j fa?-&vh ~ A?0-4 ' oi T’f */ /nJ'.ist/t'rfo -/'-^ ^/ t J^/4 cJ/rrf VuraJuj l ^ - /m>> tAjnx*s* r~ - _- — ^ -, - - ^jCk^y Alf- jAafn-r^J^K & x~ * ffyA ^ U fa 'jfaoi l t-~ nn*} 'friend Aeucr • — 4 /£/[ f&/cVist^*As /e^vW «,c^S Coaii^ rrrxs- 4£vi* — *SLy Ofouy / m w» ^ fo 0*/.U J2 z 2 2 4 l 2 — ^ r ? et-^> 2S %J^t4^t/. — X ^ y <*£X 2C ^. J/ y^a~2Jfcil - .vW /s/vt'j^f . -4? *y n *2z ML y >rU^. ~ ^ “"*4 ^ ‘ // ' ,( <*^J "T^X- <^u. »>.w «P & /> t/*yi*^l/bj j. vZlrr* i / $otnr& ^jC.*^vrt2z —/ /%f /2e4oi C^x. - -^ C^« J /W oL y '-fc <7V. «/' ?/tfot- i (•/ *■* '^^w) *■ £*2zz~-> \2&v tj ^AT~ • ■■ ■—■ ■■ ^ ^ 4't-c^* t-»_/ rU^t24^ry 4n-r— $Lc4~t^- *-4A" 0/tSc-c~d *■"4- £ a-n+sduj- (? Z*^»-» » *4J 6r 4L Wftip rr J C'd in f * 1* in maxi |- ButVJ fiants w*,| |d instipqi«l 3 the !o,« a B |d deHrOf-L P all sirlei:l By th« ln<’dj Jppr honte.l peiv: n *» t(, f I I e rivil | o.| in wlvchl ^predated l i«his official K of the rst I finetis hold jfuinal Go- flpmu* di#~ wriiment of | 'fed by die o' r**- v». Suisq SplA ^!l^f) ^u V |>qi jno ]np uo I s ! J *d |p9U0f| , sod^iJ j ,d V i aqijtfl puaurl .^Bpjnjf quinj! *tl|/|fW N japEffl ba‘i» 03 & «a . 103 fiPU l^s gn f 1! ?0 ffcy dju a^Z) /Jin* adqu/ tj. ^£**r-**f € L to^ ^ /qz rf**4 <-f i^l i i • — I "SiA* t Mi' 9^. *S' 4-t - ^Xo <.i <*>7«m^fi^ <»♦» <*^7# sht-dh/ — hfe-eU dh S/o~*4^l. & $Lr^ hZ t'Jt&r^ d- /4z/^ \M/AArdSJfTfa^ <*»■* £ otSrxj^j ^jv~i$*j 'hr “S hvfec^l , hfff-tf f*P_- CaM* **j sa£&Z honmA- 'tou CLgo.) -l d/a.-vfa*~s — fa cJcylt* M aUn« - ~~4 P^Ad/ hoi^T*J^%-*r - — fttsTi oJii^ Ldd 2o faL^t, ,sy>~ y. — yL~ ~yb 2 , ~~ 22 - Vvna^tuJ ■ tySfc- fa c y~ *•— ^ ^ t-x-t/y dZd- ** Zh* -^ ^ harrd h f £*-r-J aOu jdtdj' d'/Zho^r* yAhth^^hcri^ A fh fto-rd cJa # ?L^ tjltm/ * ^c.4x^0y Jdv -c*£-i*4~ a# ^ wd- *M cUj — /^ _ c*y — d J/tAsdtljid £mj <*jMc d£-> ( /? dCu l->-, *1 **-r-rx*. ’ y t / 2 j~ a»o _ i^La £> 7 /' <2odeJcniy/ x 'f dlL tfasld ^ *2*- D ja Sjy 4*&x. /to c./ /hA** £ i/ctrixf s -3_ /kS ojtts^yf dy Mz ,f / 1 / a y cm /yy yvcssxy >t4>t/ ^tvr ^ tsm_^//eA, __ ^4/ o?tA /7f »■») ^ <7<'7>rt*r' —* a - <* #uA-*^ $T*,t.<- - *AJ 4srd *»T. A itdjji'r Ac# m*r ~Adt . -ia. v'^ 'Z-< — ?r->+^c r-*' ) ~3c£** ^ S~>*&£ *j$2y — £. / **' 0/asri [ / /’ L feci l ^v <*d in fei 14 intiia*M 1 But *t| iants d instill the !oiiofl d dwtrayf ail side*;] ythe! >fpr home I :eiv: nR ih«| e f'ivil ; o-| in w!i ; eKl [)preciated I his official I of the rit I »'«e»s hold inioal (#0- I «us di«- rumeni of | ed by die j ^r*^* v»-»r- I id Ri>gl di f ^h he (/ <1 J ins «m-i o aqi ) Suiaq > spu 3t|a.ig )uy >qi jno jnp uo I 3 s ? jq pauori odftiJ j |d y 3M >J«I puojjrl ^BpjnjJ qmn(j[| J/fuj/lfw * 1 apt® #> 3 3je s / • tfvrU .fu t J( r J’eotC "Ty-j onn <^n f / //c */■(''£■ \s — ' O 7 / 'ifffCj* o (L 2&~ d dtrnX ~ - JZ»c. ■rr’Tra.r'p — €+*/j f £?u*. d<- * rx. £/~- £* J- <* a. dt&Z a ' / t~ ^ * — ( *dtx- d ^ -*■*- JzlJ. — sa^~. >r^S^ t/£^> _ c £) /si/ 1 '* *-*«/ — ^ !h 4 ^ 5 dts^J (jC0^1 ^/tOsTC*. ✓ sS^rrtJu tyfy'ovaq — ^(fadl * >;^c^v . - JV^ - _ fartculuj ^ / £AA6jbfa o <->/cujCy CrtOsrvL/ U, ^L 6ya*j^ s^lvi^ &u// ^4* O ' / ^c* ca^Jt'A 4+rt/$L *^xf i*sr> &?* Z-*JU*yy^ ^t>-u<4^ t/ ^f-4-x^dh /£ cvJi <%r i8i() Jvrv£ & kM My. - 1 , ^ * '* 4 A uM / ux> vrv^ >& ^ L- -> )■ At/- s^tCfej — /z^f tsry yxm_^ f * 0 A* JZ - £^/~y s&a ^c i c ‘*d in f e, >s inruattLl But W|| 1«*ntS W«!T|I ti i Jns;ip 3t ,l the ioiiofl d He.itrovl > all sidet-1 J th« ln^JI ter honu.f *i v ’nf» ihfl e civil j o. 1 in wlvchl ppreci.ited I his official I of the til »'ie*> hdd I minal Go jrnu* dii- I ®*ument of I ed by the i’ri*- v».)iv I 1 Kogl «h / Lh he ihqi jno jnp uo 1 s ! j q pauott ; odttjJ / d v 9 M l ^| pu9)irf .VBpjnjI quiHdj 1 II JlfSUj m * J9p8D 8[1J|C9 ’ 05 #e 3 6 U O* *. '**> ■fkAi*. *1 '4 fldeJii 2 Y) jJ #L ^ ,c / jjj «V /^tw U7XJ oCviA-dimj /lC'*79 — %/or K-b. <3 mf o *-9-+ {/otJOll/IiJ ivCu Moj / IUj yl fifat, < '" jL .4 ^ me u 2 * SI d^x> 'Tji '. 2 - Ou/e/vUU'^L'tj ft/) ^ CaY^A^I Cut.U ^iL ^ t.e ev/l^ - /o 14 4 J/tu- Cffrtu ftia/r^ct o** £ OrxerrrzrT*^ Vi <*3o i/irfailtLJ ei /f crz'yrurxf 'Vtsry ’<*+/ — b'^Tvr/iU 3*Jt^) X ‘cJxjtC far* J* /£> feuxsrijLu — i2ds Cuvu cfy 0. ^2-f ^ OAJoJl^y /^Sf- *r *24 $+*/j *-eLuvyi. . UO 4u2$. ii sm — Y ^ ' 'Z*f , <*Ajo£ <^>K- u*. tyaszll i) £ ~ 4,^ W 9 trfinrrt /L . //\ *VC r-f-K* 4^. -36 '< v * ~ <• «■>. /^/• ' r «AP _ */*^ ^ /ot?U /i * /# Us>-t\J y FM^f /M «< /C^T ^ ' •'^'*- ~rL*/— fa /lifc, 'vfi fa ^ / ^ > -C. * &*£). _ £) .4 ^ Krt-nvfy A.nxjfa ,.^J{ faZ K’ <> /^,0.- ^ +S) J ^ > V ^ /Vf A, ^/^TZ t^£-faZ <^f “ *”*' fa<~~£fa - fa JL fa„& fa yO - H ' 2A - X . - /^ ' ' j— V a/ {J . Ja^iu-Ct d, /-^ J^U% t£iA ■ Jut 4l!i n faio? c*r y ^rl tJa-t ffy'rtJ - ^ w/ ^ ^ ‘ A-. / ££_ JGC ^-faLjl ^<^fay£z^, +, Jlfa &«,/'< yfa/Z) ^ Z±S f ^ ferfafcfc, fatfa, vL <„ i / {***.* infe, vs iuuia'M I «,*•• But «|l ffiants ^^r|B f 1‘i in»tipqf.l the !ou j{| Id d#*Hro?«T k all SI(1 p» -L i? lh« lo'ill IM* 7cr horn* I 'p iv: ”S ih«l je rivil ; o-l * in v'lvcS I ^predated I | his official I I of the r»t ihne,, ».old • uiioal (io- j ] i» *»u# di«~ , romem of | #cd by the I ^rt*- w.-r- f | !| 1 E>»gJ «h j , i^h he aliif !J® > iiii JOD Hi i otitsq SptA 3 i!^9 iiuy pqi jno inp uo s'^i jjpauoir sod«ii j »d y aqijf ’puspe ;X!Bpjni qainff n>i.w j*HU lajjsia bfjjiw 05 & 1 ajns ; Um Jwnt 7 *h-Ci.*spC C 0*77 } <3"X ftvcJ!JftS *4,n$C ht fths/y. , y^pi &,/. v ^ £-rc£/*^ ^ i ffirflri f zjtf* ^Vrt V Of-rk-* ~rv- i/ , ftU */c-th i&Trtt(4 ,— '• i>*t 1*~ /Jhs (fy/1U - JhJ2^ ( /jt T7~J\. Osfy •^} / r/wi ■— / ££4Lrf ^ a* ** t-«-V Jil^rr^ — Y • t 2 ^- 7 -^ , —- Mt^/y \/ • '/Srjrdju fr/iat s/n.4. £ %y «t-c sil'r-r-f b-l^no J Ca.lj.LtL Jl/O**. $h/yk O'*-*/ ^ ^ oy/t(XL — taXtt *L /Zl :a l / Zrrax£cJ\ 'i^r /fyrzrib y% yufi >$* aJco/rtftJit da+S hi/ /j/sftmaxiaC / 'ft I pft ~r —x n y - . ^ t/ aCfl^n’ n rvi a■**■•■ ftl ftc^~ h fa ft y^T-thi* - -"" y/jA^ v-r-r'ft /o*ft/h ft'ft’ < ~~%Jc . ft™ JayJ ft --I ftftL/ati ftto* yrl*, . - ^-Z. y 'ftftjft- ftutc^ (ft* <*srx-/ — Z, / Z' I /, 2 • ^ h%*4, fof /*?/' f t*JU+*C — yfac/sru) Arv l/Amm. — ^ A U>c-rrf£ /va/td / /ha*tjLA *1 Cf n */d ✓ (Ti i*~ // t i ^ ^ Vcsn4.v±f LV &Lfa g ^_ 6* y 4C* 7/h&c^> — <2/^ a^rytt i/cx^n^ <77 7-7*^ yf 7« +, 7 fy x &7?fT ^t>yLv7 . . - C£ bants w(>r»J d inatigjf.1 the !o»io(I d HeMroy-l > all s!'«e*N held uiioal Go* I i nus di§- rimient of j ed by the w. of. C/yyn U r teZ'\** A ^ 4&dr, *v" :-'n^2Z2- 'iWrowi. yW C&(&*-*/ ■- ’ V - , 'V • sOon *7T*- *A.'~Zr / J c 4 Ar 3 - -4 >•»-*/ .<®pji qtunr Wl I331JEO b(jJ» 03 9JB tv nl03 P- II o-**//- , A b^lsCrtsy £*77,Tl4*fa' dYl Y+~sf YiYotf £Zr^) @d'P-*tfca v . , O? yJvv£t4*sL) ^ $1 Mz .40 r» J'v-trffcj Yd^ f — ujlM jki^/L — < A^) L^YY-tY* do fy/TfdcUiU Yy ifitY&L d/tCA *4~ ( ' 2* — YYYY^^u/d t+f CA*sr-m.irfi v% *ouy /? S^teU J&C&A, -c/ ixYrrrx^dt zz. 't+Y*\Y 4 *^ c rrYuz^c/t^ AAj«^ / 'zC* ft-v/CjC. il*^£t n^ OCJri^ ^ot)% Ypt»*^ j YloL *Y %/ +*%*/- A-*->»» *^- ^ d^yt+-4f *£+. ^ <2&7f?~t*'rir>a. YY *£ a£*y%t ytf-rr> /ut^X ,s> i&us&v*' V, - Z -,, t4re?y^T» A #/ */ /WtA- ^cv?-li t YY) a4 1/ /^£r « ' t<4 KStLlf, YoO' t*i. ^wYx^ \f Yr — - r — Yfc* Yfcrx*.^ YfjLe^/'y/ l^z Jorrry? % <€tio 1 / c*. -r^.ff /'ftfW/^ . - 4j Wt^'l '*?■'& d£ Xu ^ */, CWy^^yt. _ V ^ V - y&rraxJi&j - t^ %0~r~ri^c,T-ij / f Jend*) ft CLjX o/i. } €. x/asj-rJ-. S&* cref jfiy _ jX fa+rT^oTy **> 'Jo/T'Lj — A XxFiXAl*~ £ J ftyr~X*/ , rft »y <’ / r*/ irv-wj** %3& Ateyf U 1 .c-l ^rre//- fe St Aix. a .„ ajrt/Cm^nA- n.X(i /^l Rut m| ants Wf”|| I‘* initial U the !omo{| »d destroy*! B> all sidfi-l j?y lll « i^JI »ppr honu. I |pi v: n£ ihe 1 » e civil « o-| in wlveh I j ppreci.«ted l j his official I | of the ret f hold ,imn*l (/O' j r t nus di#- , umeni of J 1 t » « i |ed by die j f ^rr - w ..r' / 6 1 K»gl ill / .h lie i/iif/ Nii* «o,.| jaoD aqj i 3 ^ ) suiaq spu !! aJ f) u V qi po np uo I SUFJ pauori , odoad j d y aqijtfl ^puaiirl X^pjojl qainffj nj i)suj m * |I9|JE® l(JI|03 3 9X K H'r io4 */±+>t.'UL> /uL^f <*XjrfL UcjC ^ / i-ld* \y d'jLt 't-to i~41> / leu. , e a ¥ ' lO>7 b ^ fo/^ /-*/ y — ^ Kf ajuo jLrj*Jo^ ^ ) fry* ^^>4*1$.- C 7< _ iji^i- <1 -rtstf ^ A * *^v3 £■ ilU^TlAi . - ‘TTvodLfcjLtJL /o J/u.' 3tyxcjt> l/flryjl/. 7 ,/ J^rzATtsrif flAAsrrdtA-- f Aa-d i-trv^A-dk' . <•■*- I^Y • v/^ /$< Ofsr-T-^Tjt*?^ ^/e-jt+^sTi-j/i — 4 <-* 4> esn, a £l /rd- — (Jt a4- /^ K//asrrt*£fcrn4 / JvLl) ^ ^ *Z2u£r^ ^ (.c/c/ru-y<*4 i jL^ -Z^ — / / / _, y jhri*> — ^ / i 7 eAYoLciu^i a^rt) As&c >-! 7^ A i 8 iy d/ULt •V I SL AL d J*4- ol' fe*u - *Jcj, ejfja io5~~ Wr. w < ~Lo ~A &-c*C *i&f- *a 6^-/1*.— *,^t ^ y<3ui tVtf. A.'-' ^OA/crz* o At**. £j). __ fterfcuT/tj C^ozXj ^^Uj/fu tl+ ^yac)(!cZiu a/ f ~ jl/s &Su\/i- 4/nrfSA} -Cc «,■ 9w^f ^cS -Af <--»» S^-*j> $(y,' 4 j esr~ jSt^noLf h o4rhus* ^Arr -- ^^fy, , v WT/ '^c+vo sjft'Ai, (&/c/ LSc^Stz Xa^jltl^> > <^yz $tSl.< ^ ^ 6^- '— ^L> $2A/ii /fy */ ^ o^» C. fiUrr-i ^ ^>x«' / X Ov. KJerridr/ju — %^/oy /^. ^ ^lo ^tT^X^cAx «o-» v/7Caj t/ju 11 V£*rfr — \s£r X~J / ixw/— / yfyA ^ to O/eys&Z jhr S3 '/u* /hrrSfii V/SlXs ti/ 1 , (f Xv ^ J w»»f*pri| in f * is inmat« ■ - But *J lants Wfr,l ^ injtipaf.! the ioiiofl d<*>tro»*l > aH sidp'ijl j th« ln<’jl '7<*r honw.l :eiv: n «» ih« J e civil ; • in wlvch 1 ppreciated I his official I of the r*t j 1'ie*-. l*->ld uiinai Go- Ji ous di«> I umetu of I ed by the J •,|l‘rcc v»or- 1 jJ-l Fngl / dd/TllJw 4-4 £ '^TlajJ^ £ todju d<^r /Vcdt^Gie^ _ adit, 7c rtrcA^i/i- ad- {&/- **£ >/ *-», ^'^/W 4».*rr -<1/ /£> <*£- ^Mat, — ‘Uorjaxfhl ll v«ry . _ r ^adtd 4 - d^4uy -bAry J4 l, _ _ r 7 7r~ if*. - if fye/rtaudttJ 4/dry — fu*M^ £~ tfLuc SfcyAd /^4u £** QPT *)//- /2 £ *f£/ my . — ff*_ £-cuu ct Ja/mcu.ccu , — yd vrJ* a. / Z/tfZfcZLK> Ji) ^ J&Tuf. — : ^ 4 ' JLU J«+2fa fi & %. ._ ■ iw / / . _. . y ♦ w^u, /£ /?. iM <.^-d ,, / , ' / / ✓^C/ 4 ^1 fi^aZn^ fi ? Jr /: J ~+ £' jj. Jy. cp-/Jr* r6c ny to~£> J '?->/£- (~)a-i/r%f **j<-A( . — ~2£ w ^ Jr |c^ in f * >as in ruatiH^I fk*-- But *|| liants wi>n| Id in*ti ?3l j d *He !oii 0 (l Jid d enroll l> aH sidei :1 |y th« !o*J| |i?<*r hofm.l l5civ ; n*» ih«l I e rjvil j 0 .l II in wlvchl Jppreciated | U his official I I of the rtt '•e*N held j Jin i o a 1 Go mu# di«» , iimeni of ed by the il‘pr«« wor^ {d Kogl ih Lb lie di" * 00 0l|l 4 suiaq > vpu ! ^!!^9 I )U V ,)quno inp uo f s !^d I'pauotf j sodoiJ j f d v ;pu0iirl ! X!Bpjnil q ran ffl U)VSW ™a haji 8 ® 3(JI|^ oD }>* .i|in jjnt «r m »o io8 / t/e/ * — doU^d 4- /?lft %^CLsrr**£(*->Tsf $cub 4/a^X^u ^~ Ot4 —• 4o Cs>4 d^^dlxj C-&&OLCLrt^f {/l-tsrTja^n^ *3 _ 4u*kJ4u/ 4* \dda//$y a{UsrT*-J l4 t4C44t £) ^4^4 — <4 T'zf 4,4 *~4r JC yL d f ^/ /dsrx+^/jb- ^LoauS . tsr4- 4~ \/i4rtJ -j/zmt*. /$ tSeLA^i ^rr Lo7i4<4oucf **4^4 %rfou4uj *Jo^d- So- — 4*jA. — Ji^t^ Co *l z4ni '(**\ *sjv^*-**4r ^ ^ I^OrVCyS* — / X3 hdttfLC —■ Cu4tid < l/rruJL 4ndlL sr~ — 'd~ ML^Ju ^ ^ s j, M j ^ u rv •*. v* v r -t.- __|_ r 0VT^I ^ftz/rr*f 0 * \4c4urt-h**f • -— - aJU+jl *444 fair Cil/Jouii S // ^4uA tfrxtr .fz*4 *>O y ^ /dddt &£ *L.7tg . - Aj/A «r-je. ■/- <& ST^ V ~ jC.fatv%J f*r ™ Cod' /erf'detf.j// dy«w 6 da-t '4-tu. <* ^ c^v* . \ 0 A-> i ■ Wftif f»>H l^d in fe, J|i$ imuataj fe- But "»| Thants »*»■ I d »niiig qt J the ! on of I d dej. troy^r > all side’i-L y th« In.’JI fer home I ;eiv: nR , hf | e civil j 0 .l Iveh I preciated I ij,his official I (of the rvt held f ftiiioal Go- j fipmu* die ■rumem of I H*d by the j | K r «*c w,>r- j !•'» FngM,/ xh he (fi,{ J Vmiii m)i-i jod aqj =»u sii iaq ' spu !l"0 u V qi jno np uo pauori , odtfjj J d y aqijtfl puflijef ^Bpjnif qaintfj hi nsuj fii * 19115® ,|1||B9 0 9X e 7 (-Xit-4sr- t foXA Ai • XA&tiT/ o /? 1?loa/rTt^j , *>i {ft'7 ?7 *>r~ 4-» JJL Wt4 - £+4- Ml M /^Jyj( IajtJM *m^- sAarA-A^l- +L Hj* 4 u><- iA«> fypjfiLi^ ■ C, L) >-Ll i~art, ,^^*/ — <*'•*» aXL a. stjoL>&-** s£jr**> ^TTV ^ *l/AcML «/ ^ry ® ^} ►, J A'vry dAs*^ Jrr*, ^ f%TT^f t df n/c/tiL *****& - — — •f'L- h~T*LuS X^«y ♦» ^ A- ^xZ /T*- ■ — *<»»^C«uOevi^tJ Jsd-I-Mxj /u e*\-v y ou» X\ A & • // 77 ^Jao. Ast !*^**\X* <7£cf — ^T.«-. sb/^ Jk LL JiaA ^x^A/yX- kA,• MrtoCy fsrr^Af A X- 7£. 777 J ~4^/7 ^ Z* /1 *//t\ j., } ^ ^ ,7«n^ / _ „,7i /Z/eml Sv *£,,*. . U. /Cl 7 :i VtJ - L*J yZ. y / S/ydi/far?, /r*. Q/jf Q/’yZr 4 >/ *. /y ^ / (AtrUsLv*^, U*. y */«X X 05 a+sruto [1 4») *j)- Tflf* ^^e/^r^yyd - esTLXM** ol*^ ^ourr*/ 1 ^1 aZut/J . 'Z Z£- ) r» $C-4 ■dy ^y$e//*> £/t*ju £rcooSt^ 0< rty/ X}. - / i V?s>C'C 3 ?e, jf I SSPs?/nru -e L*v 4 ^ <*£-> /&. «f^/t oV AixJtiL //*jj/ *6. ac tAj&^ti be Vs, *?' " Sit/TzJ - //X e>/ y^hf SWt/viy/i Cjl*s, !^/ a ^ f/ ; ^ ^ - 4 * /y ^ ^ errand fa*/. _ /-z^ ,*>w /^^Syict ~ ^ ^ ^ ^Vv v-,^/ y£/S> kJ+sv k 3 S?cSiv$Zj M w#is riJ C ‘* ( J in f «J 4 inmat«l But «|l iants ■ -«l the !o»io(| d d<>.‘trov«l i all sideijl J til# lo-’jl ?<*« honit.l :eiv: n ^ ih« I e civil ; o-| t in wlvch I ppreciated I his official I of (he Tit vie*% hold f iuioal Go- | t nu# d li¬ niment of ^ by (In | £!•**•: W wr- I <1 Eng) jfi 1 ^h he ihii d-l.i* jod aqj ) cuiaq ) spu | »!!»«> ; iuy |»qi ino inp uo SfJPJ pauorf od«ii J d y pudiirf XBpjnjf ^"ij TIJ ItSUf jS(1|l W Sod M ijin Djnt ' 9 " 19 la /a,. tJ/out / Jo i~)i i U3 4° uJvAt^Wrr ^,— * ^ * 6 ~ Ity^u, ^ «^“ r A> - Su ry, _ jtn^rSl j^yy ^y^— %i-^ tL Ah* *da/vry/— */*^ „ ^/oUtAj &nrfisTr>4v£z &s-t/$^ (/!) t^ii */ /y^LtAy-ori^ . - y^y/ 1 — CsUt^L <4 . lido S^_ &r*c*ty . <£L y&r+t- *ju — c ^ ^ ^fcKT^— CmZc^ 'f~S L lfr'z dfcstx* ( V y&arfb, , cc^C ‘V-i~trf4- *m rrrrffL . - &7-r> {fa 'Zs+jidl fo L Jb) C oAorvC fo-rr* mr^rx*j . -- ^ «- j£c4-A^ <^*t * ✓ Z/ 7 — ~j£jLXj fr X^\ - ^C/X-A/ /ZjkXst^ C-*s\s/jls (-n O - J/. &/Ci*rf j£v4*f^ £ +■ *»* cP.cT/K _ /} 4K^t~. e^msdts sr, ,rn yf ■ ~ ^ £>= C/L{f) &+-> $?c*A~ ^)as $*r'• Md minal Go- j ‘ | ii nUs dig- j rumeni of J cd by (!>« I x {f K r *“ T ' wor- | ,f Pi>g) ill / Vh he (j'dJ «W'»1 Siod ai|j i cuisq S1DU *\]***) luy ino inp uo supj jpauorf i sodd v oqijf I’puajir I^Bpan) 'Til ItfUf lajicia bfljiw ojiue fft/^ ffL dimj-f ffi v/y &TJLrx)a^ < Lff *>, L~ ^Thrz-S*- Aft- Li 6 LJ*u - JOj& 9*Auj iffG'JY^L jQj ^ 9~n^f i&fflAjOfyjr^^ . — ij/ty IrJt fo'Jy), fafML — yd^irrruL. J* c*x/l*A /ify ($i/jlju £/ocjl> /£f 4' — &C*. P*n JL *d&^ *AlLj -- 'L-- £ /Lyt&^ i Or~~V, ^ - »-//-■ «/ /4/ C — ^ - *L) JL tj^54 M ]L o? a/r ij V > !W tShfl-rn t JL ' jlAa. /Yrrv -Ouifty^, 4£a> ^t^hA*yrx^ry «/-» / 't' tr^tx-^C , - / /fccAsry+d. 0c/ju fsig t/aS 4 23 ■ . ii6~ fhiil r/ f tl - it 2> %. //ct i /t 22/ . 2/?,<^ y,. i'e t^t/n nt > / AyA/f&Atjju do fatfmf t */tx \ - _ ftw #/ nrxytsi A Z*-/7 uj* o< Ad £*Z, . _ i* (/Q/frzM. / ^ CoTiJctj; cJ Ca/axA j * (iL £fL^ &, s.y, y. . , 4l >“"»v4t<' ^ fact2 <6 l Ca/osJ. — ti' y *- /t -*' i r SL-4-1 'Jy <*M isnj ^rxy £»rU-y f //* 0m oC^t ( 4. * . 7 <\ 7 a. fl- 6 //? * fa ^ A 1 |c.*(J in f e, J 14 intua’M I fe- BlU ^l Jlnams «(•.,■ yM injtipq^l & the !o«io(l I'd d<*Hro?»l i> all sidf'i:l th<» !n<’ij I »?<*r home, I flp e * v ' n n ibtl #e rivil ; o< 1 • in wl^eh ] ffrpreciated I fflhis official I Ff of the Tit jhu«?*s held jiiiinal Go* | Iptnus die* 1 4-ument of j |ed by the J 4 ^rpt- w„r- I j-d Png) «h j ILh lie (ilii .j|w.i« JOD 3qj : a L«‘^ w cuiaq spu !l aJ f) u V qi jno np uo SUPJ pauorf , :«od«ji ] »d y aqijOl [)u«iir| XBpjnjI qiund] ii|/|f« * jpiinfl |3(1]|B? 5 3^ VO 11& £ <>J & 2. ^) ‘f-0 A* 4 t/ '^S&frc, .— - -~-^t^rt^ \J 4 aJ~ *u/~ 'Y&a&t oL. (dtndo^/yn,. _ fyevioL/c^V £, Jo. — / <£ 2$~- *. h>o2. I/it /" . y ' ' ^ ' / *"*J davtfJLr-. '<>*-&?■ - 32 / V // ? >v . y. Aj( fa CSJlyl A -fcl Jy ^ ^ C/fyaJL — / -Z a. d/usn a{ &f J^cuy t-^sj£ A. Ks&xsrrA. K^ArttAju , -4 C *j t-cy. y/ Z - 20: _ <.M fa fa _ <£, fa UsL Ay . __ ^*W' fa^tJoyfa _ *J fa.Y £o ^ y # X 4 04/V C_* / • • '•'--a y^ArTXj^ 0 -?? /7 tx-Asn 0i^po>c,<^n f cks-fa) Ac If ( VC js if. i / v 'i tsicu 57- -W^ e^eUj^V. . — $-' 1 % $ ot+- i/1ol4 $W«-cAiV ^G-lsri-h <0^-r , wJ&L ~ML *Ll ^ Jllu SyJylZl) t£ {tn^tzi r /dt)i. «.■£*. jtwjfylt Ajcorcdi oh*. On'., li /bj tAJlSUu oZt~- tfcZzh) ^rA/^ C'v, /utiyWvdL ~~ ^ */ , ou&-tf c^n hrrf\ <~< a-J M~^uyr . t/ (L+Jlh ah- fa- y^trvrytf e i*4- b UJ O^/ ^v> s^brtf. — 7~>&~tsO / /~j. Tr~ jf. __ (Tz~£u^ a^i V ~y on c yc *Ja.\ •Jarui <4je*o%L^ 1, his . — a/ ,h»nts WfV|l !** instill | the !o*i of I ®d denrof«l > all si (In: ■ hj th« lo^jl hftr home. I jfceiv : n c» lh ,[ jjl e civil . o- i t in wlvch 1 ilPPreciated l his official I ^ of (he T*t f htdd witinal Go- !lp , nu * < ^'*"' I iprumeni of | led by die j '•frrrc W«r- 4?d Png) t\\ jno inp uo flJVj pauoff fSodniJ ' >d y i *vm |»puajjr| t ^Bpjni qmn(j : ti) ifiui W ’ SCcjA Asr?) a. J?lA A*. *vr»') cAo ’crvcciiy • / >_y. - ■r" ^AATio e-tltcLu/r~ ^rtrr->-» Aty /)<&£(*-L4 S^ffiyaA fSA) 4 &j- rxAJ At Au 'tcuitx> £K ^OX*A^ . / ^zfo /ftA CaJoy/asruS ** (ALlet, /tx>r*4ti ) cJ^ACisrij *AcT s~f• l/^Ci^T7~X/ny f(TK f c*, fflt?ACju ffeyaA , && • — ^AAA'MJjv 4) \-$hrffe — .£-**%** ast- y ^ X^A '*s&i*7 & & Ax, \%0 el*, ayJ^Cii. _ - AA- <4J I ^»rv p H'TzXj An A&u. oO* y cyxtvrux Aa 6 j^Atj^tiy) to( ay/ J& a ^ «. ^4 a ■ 4 :/ 4 ; '^** j • — A^4_-w.- ./ Airier? Ay „ TIIU v-n*j-rimy . ■— Ojp2&rcr& 4L /a ^ d dX^/. - cAAA A A/r*.^ *jX stx ,.; &*rA/- aL*c „ a/r^u jLjl ■ ~” ^ AJAA. J~ 9arrXf. -eXnJ nj- £-*, 'Irtsry cj _ L 7 If M to dm. iL Al ion /JL, d ; w"' M ■ Hdiliil' r r x {null* G* 1 * -» #/7!^ I . * •uW / /£ y~ ^oJa afiCi ^/ao6/ ifyAy »-&-<-/ *»■ yC<-JL o(j^ 6/anri J _ _ aCo^d^ °Ar fa//? //&//*x**.dy. — x/^<^y^u o~ Jd . /• ^ y <*"?-> / t>7(f */<» — /I faidyfajf \Sa*L rttUiJS Ci fa/ yM»yls. - \2rtiLr 1,. 4^^ ^ / " /" , yy «,cj- y*y*~ *~m Ay My ArtUr, P A/. (iL/^yJ. _ ^ ^ 77 ) u A: / his official I of the th Md linat Go- | rous di«- , nment of j «d by th« j F ?«•"•■ wor- 1 f E»gl th f fib he ( /idJ ilOD 3t|J /'ll ) ouiaq spu u V qi jno np uo SfJPJ pauorf , odaii l d v aqjjOl p UdJJf I XBpjnjI cjujn(j! ujrjfW laps© H re W 1 »s i JS! it )7o / ' /7^ X cCa^u^ &/- */Aiy -’/i -f> '/ ^ ^ -? etc ^UA/yv . hrrr^y * c~ - Xi Aj (?. y J. /c %. ^ r ^J_ _ ^ . A/ _ .4/ A? X, /X . _ XCO fX ^ X (&**AeJ^?jL*/ <9 -*yyX -X A -J. / ? s,- p UtU/hj m. de^uCtou/y _ urf. it «/«, C#^h«f/j To erm , 'u**£ /-> 4 ^ QUU A, yy*\ yy/* bi ^ .S T*,^ * ■ °-*,-.£z*j 4 '/wS-/tyjb, P&4>/y 4 If .-l V //^ A-rOf/c^y^ J/a Orv/y ft+rM: / * CJ *5* -- */o //*4 j // */£&r? //m//ro r c4 — a4- $ . . (/ y^Ct*} t,ry, — yyA\ ‘r/T-aiCd. *A\ /// *-&/ */ d' £c> t/ r &/t*n( *1 AM*s/ny/L/ f //& A /ft/ /Oasi^Jn - /Li l £y/iy/j £/*n/ s/y*si^ /+- -7 ^ ft-6^w 4t '7i* *• y1. a_ - As/ n ^z^ 'ua/,,:\ *j^ tyertaAlt*! r> *.J a * - f o-r-, Z*//o t jA 4 £j O^Aa s/t/t £' : ill sif 1 rV • ■ **»J th« !n<’i|| honu.l tlP«i v: n«» ih«| f ivil > o-l •Air* wh*ch 1 •ipreci-ited I nhis offif-j-xi I f of the r*t | ‘•»'«e*> hold puinal Go- >t»u* di«- . )rtimeni of j ed bj the j ;C wor- f ]-d Kng) git j |h he dii R4um i OD dt|l _ M.L .) Suwq SPU '!!«*) u V qi jno np uo Is sijpj pauort , odttiJ J nd y oi { i jo i puajjrl A’BpJPJ f quing ] TlJ/ffW *% * aaijso O7 9J0 , ^jns ii|in jjnt V fn >o| _£-' ^ «/■ ^ JtOCW . tlLSlt. iCrLnW 7 *lsxsr-y ^t4jtz/r~r la*/ ^a*n_> — /A r ^ ~ ^yt r &. J/. _ jv (£ AuvA+A? **■> - A***^ derurK* 7/rrA (A^A 77a 7/L ^oJltt-Tj tftyM' f yTlr a. y&ufc (4ty <&L (rf* JfM/ / - A ft £ajt~ /**" _ - X {l/:J*dkrt tfit&Lt J ^ ^ Xr?2 0L^*r~i*riy ^vtl/ 44(0 ca, C fiaycU — 44 44 . *4/ #■ _ TArul **/f~xr*f . r/ rri*£- Asia SJvo ■^/ Q J^ F*' JJ^UTL* ^ . 4. Vor/aA-UA j _ *4w, , ^ ^ *4 4 41 ^t/e^M. ^ 4*^ , 44 4 ^j<»/ ^ v4'42&*c 4. / «ri 4?4< *_/ 4 Lvejth. -cJi t7 ^ V/J- < n ^- « 4 M*. 4 ^.. J^rnfaXd. / r ^ v ‘t^X.O<_JL Vm.. 42, +o^^JLu- 4 /# ikz * ik d ?4t oLu ^Jcu/yt . V A»-?) <• &~ ^cAttsCs . - C^c/f'J’oT^of^ A-+UZl*) aS^) yZx^) cl La$U~. > .r / r^x jf ; /w ciur **?*c — , ^ '£Z^ f— M^cJb/Abgtrr ; m /jm / ~ r y~ h ‘ J; / / T? /l w / ' r '/ ^*“ ^ ^ C^j^f cJi£ih Jr?Z3.- ‘l^ V 5! , oZ0. %.*■ t<- ■£ 2 i. " 7 rr^ ^(X&j • — 0 L 6. stc . J&rurfy Xm)»! x/L^ n ea*~s ca^^. £- &asri^ ■ - A>S {\/tA*t.y/£, cXmA . ~ S%£XAi *. *,?k jb-™ C*/rn+Z «j'njrf£ir~ Sr *Syr AL aJX) _ Jo \j(/ff£tf- aL CeJts*c^oiAsj t-L- \fy%kiu, 4^ / i2rmu Yl oXcrrJ^ Jt^r-+sjf£t^-f, xJcA/fcr- jbr™ * — Ju+~&&4^a ^ ^ 9t^a£ ^cAxas t /{_tj AA*'m*Ay' ».. *£~ 4C~U ^ £) 'XjyAasUy. _ ^ <^W zaj€^4 Va J)a^n^/ */ i. Jew olJ/J-J ^* fer W/^, • frr* M~ A,WU^ ^ 4 a- y'lAy^ta^r- ^r->) &&&rY _ ' kAZuXLt-v/L) A /L. A?eaaUyy C&sm ^h*** - */' J 3T &s*4«a6a. tr 1 I 9 M & hti 4 ti r- 4< I iSiJ oJcu/n. - jZ 'As. PsftJnyh urvfa Al^ yAh+J/t (/P-U-djj/. - AAy ^ A ^urucf 6 A <4 5^ ALAi. _ ZZ /A jA ^ ‘ ‘ ^br>rt-c-V CL> t'AZ Al/tJcxdtu, A( 1?( fZi /J* A *ri> ti Al^- A/J&lSg&w - tsAZ C-4A4A . 'A / Jtuto A 3 ■*~A 0 ,rjL^ ■ - A™ ~ AAA^Aykj, *-~t ^aitsiiZ} <+AiAA- AtA a-m ) - /ftAA&A&Aft A-V Aa&Ay Ari Zr- m,ACr * As/ZAyZ ~- vfaptet-. — Utrr~ Z , ^7 &A. //w\ A. a£/C&~> *r>-f /^»^ • — //" 4j2iT 2/. AAAjZr $^ r>-tei*L^^rr rr-r-i^, »Z _ ^X, ZZjc*Z 0 * fCCUJ/ — C?|is intuat^l jU- But «J jWiants w»>r»l jf'^ instipat.1 ! the !o«io{| |» aU sideijl ^y the In.’ijl »*?<*r hont«,l piv; nR lh# l fte rivil 1 o-| jt ir» wlvch I ppreciated 1 Ibis official l {of the r st | P'icun bold kitinal Go> prnus di«- (rumeni of ] by the |>*rr^^afajfa^r/J- onu^y . —. 1/^ /fa \j*fa/a>uj 6?eyd ofa\ Jfa 6£fafa jfar faftfafa- yfa* fa ~ t/axtj/w a^td y/au^ fafa ^faojoufa ^/CL ^^ /d ' ///■ A ZeSeJUt. Sb IPafat a 'O um^ ?***■ XV- ^ a^, y/ ^ Ct^-. - '-/’ ^ drUofC &On/A. 1 OM^-i/y 1 AfAstsTrnrr'e/asri) < A y£*. ^O-V f fiasls/i asrnvnj- */Sa^ r£r t^/yAAy . 97 M ^ &r>C***z**~ , Af JLS • 7 / / ' / ■^j^- J&f**** c/cn/ A/ >«/ S 2, j&ri' * ai J^JLs^ fodh a - 0$l/ri^ te&t7riJL *~-* JiaJ y/ 7J i _ >xrfcxs&ts** rSl^ Slfoms £ i/&r/ v <; . „„ j , c ,/< <1 H /£/ ' ATULr •sry CL K M, Ay CZ-uLayJ , *4 Aj ^y / t J£r //i^ f a,£/a /lt~ &z_~ I- Jf r*J ■c.*(j in f ^ /§i 4 i uniat ft! But «J ants wrrtl > d xns:igat>l the !omo(| i»d de.itro?.! *11 side»:l $y the In^JI lU^r honu.l (Jr e * v ' n R »h#| >le rjvil ; o .| *» in V'tvch I Appreciated I ^fjhis official I j» of the tit »nen> Md •timnal Go- Up* mi# di«- JHrumeni of | J(ed by the |-Kr«-r war- I •d Eogl'lfc/ ^h he i 1J "•In* [03 dt|) «l.L £uidq spu !f^-0 u V qj ino linp uo SUPJ p9U0ff j sodtud j >d V aqijol 'puajirl XBpjnjf quindl ; nj ijsw l’r»U Jiaiis® ;0(1J|W * 03 ^ / ^'Cc/^i-t^J! asi_+ ALyjfyoyj t ^>-4stscA ^ a.v ^ *y dh-TX/ U AU -&*/£*- l/<+XJ — *^A/^rj(y) l^i4^ tdfalL &*OLruf -- 6 l / 2rt0u&t«/ ^ - ^ />y -^ady tf/C^/Ly }£ douiy/^vt A* C oc/l+> /fasi*’ Ao d*-y ( Ca-A 7 — ffirvL^U Aid , ^ / — £uesn*sryr C o o-t-^ast^ d*-<~u£U«A _ C&*cy U 8. tdA- (A/Afoy/ ~Aed A, 'jV'rv^ ^ PaMy/ A &asrU— U. Aj^ ^.AtAfafr?. _ _/ ' lerti-. ~7o /2mJ*^fA*/nl faiortvr . -* ^ ^ /7 ^7 ^ ^ flr/ivu t rfjjvrft* y'S&tiuu ^C4ua At Mx. /h^n^i/or of ^ JAvicr/txr. — - / { a^lt-d ^ hf- o^fA^v ^T) ^ //tu^ALuy* - /Vz^ 'ytf/r?v/ dp. / /• W/ nx4 { ll Lisr/777^ \m^iuc y A, ^ ~t/L r>^7Tv»y t/Df' A- cA^ef fTTfiai** f ^cd/^'r*^ a-x/- ah*/ '7 ^^&F£sf /A J^*- 7**7 ->tu+j~c<*\/ 6*7^ dflffc/ / ^‘ / /h/rt^- * — fated 9n «/t£* hs/£^ Asr-ri jt/ i/co-a. , #7 'C +*/-<— AC **JC tL ^ dZde/ a fefcr* CH Ui-~ y COOtas^j ./ ; /7*t~a^sL a^/v- A.C.C o^*s^i/f~ /Tc-d (Ted e <*A >$**> 7fid(7zi/iL> (p/*/y • —- /l^c t>7» * ^j"- k/mjC 4&C4Ldt/t' - /5C"»->^ d*r**c.~& Jd, d\ ^sclvls pfxjhu foi/ 1 ^ • — ^dTfahy C/corT <*» is/aL^^r** &(// M+m, fh ^ y*n„ ^^//pUTlh/ Ccrx/(- /7l/*A //^'/Tc'n --— {^7 */'^4^< Ctsx/^A* •TatcCy Cy^rx^f P/t/dau+> And- ^ y«£7* r~m 7 £$&£ex#~rL^ ^77/a7^cd (* 7 .C3 . ftisris-rLAsr- — ^ ^ J/tp-Wtr* 7* (f s* / p7j7(d — JftA //ftP **/£*V (T/Ct, ah' (/l/}'*7ay . — c/7**^ / i7*f **xs / on**c-ra „ -— 4 ^*/ 7e^4t- 7 '7rrr*-t-. _ 77or7 7 / /hA^ fif/t,i'rx^£s. — *7/u7 (vtsrxAryf- - 77 y tll« In-’jl uij 7Cr home, I Keiv ; n j» (h 9 1 le rivil . o.l ■ in w!i : ch I »J|ipreciated l . hold 1 liui 0 a 1 Go« ijjlprnus die- Writ men l of J |cd by the *r vr«* ' Wor- I ;d Engl ill | th he diff P*tt oussq spu !!^ T 9 ay quno Unp uo suej pauori i odttidJ Nv I 9 M»i 0 | |*pu9i)rl ( ^Bpjn)| h w jtijrifw ml >id\W >[jr» 03 •is. p - ^urnjoD J 13jn« 0 / 13c C/asjtA, . u 9 -s f • & sJccc/yi' h /^ 4 . ^^^* A *j ,cr •dL>4^A *x^S £■ytym&r*'- uduu. u,A. jPrA^ ShA £?_ *»«V // <* «•/ / (&T 6^C^4JU^y^xJL y ^ »+~J -ckj*ju£^£xA A-Uisr 0~i-4r-*- xef/l-tuX* . -- / — /^ij sC^t A ^ C/ 4 /d^ ■ - *y y'vr^ S^ i ^ ■Jy 1 iSr\^l-lsr- — o ^a.*Ctr ^A'l// /j A _ >^L .s / ^ ' /a jy c ~y Po y^r%/. xs O f%ri^ ^ ****- du/J e ^£ s ' ^ *W uj ■v£l v»r. _ (Mi ' *-mi -Ufi. Uii ft \i tu ft; VH ul. Vt,- %)• iSiJ *JtUAL 131 •Vf C~. ^ 2 L-» ^/aj^y^OTM-i *-Aft fo) 0 -tC»smJ- ■ V * &-rr~ /t*sr-t **-<^*^ *- y/fte-sb*^ flcj ^lW A^fen/r>r>. f /$nnv*. ft— •*» ^ <o / ^*~ 4 ~‘ *^7 ■-* ^ (X^i^UsS — ST) */t 7 w- «r» /fffrrft-i7 ^J^uT^fteo' /ts^rues/ /Stsisry *7 ^rfeustleV ^ "-^ 3r "*■ /^L/2» ^ &uls(S q/Cx^snOA* f ^rT) „ Z*/ ^ ^ ^/Jdy . _. *-^6/*^ KJoue^^^Ost^ /2ushsrt^ difiL ~/cu»ty ets>^\ J £u*— 0£ms*f- Pt&^-Jasud- «— ~ a. o Q/st^ * a/ / 2 ^ — ^ S^/Uft ^ ^4Xsr*?^s£y jb>-yr»' nn-*-+^ f > \/— fy/ 1 . y^sT-Jigp^ ^/?i| “nanis fed f|b all sidetjl |fty th« In.’jl ^l~/t ^ 'osndif */ l ^OLA /trrf. Wiarf/^+d dit^m z?^ ^‘Jlj /$k* uda/erp' ■ / / /£/» f o ad dC~ 1 o/a $ 6tf-ff7i' / *SJ~I/ 01 O' - - ^ ^^£jj£rucdjL $k+ (fftzf*. r^d^LAs*, . £ X /; ■ ,,,, i / ^4^nV^>W' A^-Tc) y^/* dfj . W ~ C Ciidu^l ZLtlJ £ AS foot U- /0 - % 7 ; Jfc f 6 ■ "* ( •A ^ - Acts/- C O-jf. - <33. 7 ~t trt^J rrrt-tsr*f ^*nX* — lAf- (> C*zA) Ci /xj **/Jb J^r r~r- r ' A*^i +A* ov>. &/ A* lA^Tt'/ • / A**/ ^ Afassj Am* A %A- - ±Ar~ /?AAo At* ~ AZjA' A ctrrrrr* tAA^k ( Uj*JM- ) A^+l * fa? rf*^*dv~ j 'at frACrd/ +~ /£> AtZ ^rTMsr, A/ +4 AL> /v rf- , £ur>/ Ay %,£/0i ** tAAi'fc AjtA/t t*r+.«S , t ^ j}i. . i f At*// /* frJA c/ AZS^ , «S *^Vf-r/* *y**- ~v X. UT^ AA/x/fite*^ - (4&smS e/<^ •m-r -t4(sr*-f ^ «o-» 4-/>7 ^a- /Abcxj f ^v *SL*~ yx t/^ /A ,4^, msrri^f ~ in f e , T 1 * inrua?ijt| But *J hants ^ in«tig ql J ^ the ioiiofl |d destroy-! |> all sidci :1 &y the In<’-|| I ]*r<*r home. I _ « iv; "R ih«| ;®e rjvil > o-l ™t in wlveh I ppreciated I | his official I of the r«t >'ie*% held Uiioai Go- | pmus die- , (rument of cd by the tgree v»-»r- '||d Kl»gl til th he df ‘ lit iio^ aqi 3 U \ ouiaq SPU iu V pqi mo linp uo SFJPJ pauori sodoid ] >d y 9 M>^| 'puojjrl XBpjnil q^ffT ni rpm Si * jaiiEO bnji» 03 919 9JHS 0 t! t llttS! rf ’ 1 trS i j f 434 -hlyfa dtu£t yny4, f , ^ ^ /er**sL*J tsis-’ ^s&Csty £ &n, * . o irffrzr-rr* — o^ /1*/.' -£njL / ^ C-t> '^X *4- ' . ~ fct'mjo C^uZt 0- *\ otv ^ rfa-r*~* ty-r r * ~+s » -^4 C^i c p^ry ^^ck.yCt^r*^ ^ ^ os^rtA *1 4yS^~ — &zAS*srxrnf iftd s ; // ( ^. — a. /Zd!k ^<-»-» ^. — ^C rye^r^ — I'&r *t.:e. ^<^,1 9 * if/ston & 1<$- ir 3~JU -Z. r7vtwj^ A'/ ^ 62^ S^ 9 a^ -/r j%.V7f/x'rdrK, A~- ^ /^ 4 . y / ^ > ^,y£ vo~?-y-> t ^i/f«-/ <77 /^T., tf/tjy <■ ~ Si ’ /a'A ,/,. • A i:. *'!;' „v;..A'.:^ X'. . <2Qn ^j7^, fi-'-y* •* U sriU.Jt r i 'ck! X‘ ^" V “ _> ;£ L mj Jaon. X AotadTm • 'Very/' c \\lbA v ^7^ PX LV *0 \^fcOTT4j — ^ -X/ i^v/ ( yl c f~r> e-t-. — s?--i~c 7-7 ^v Mi/ c /j^L-€-L/fl / 7 &n*v^L*-C , \/tr 7 -r-i-<. //£/ uc^ry (~ *-»-i^ X 44/Aj^t/C ttsiJL i/c^ry a *^»-» ?> ctv %sAL/7777^ — x/ >^u i^c+r*<£ gj- /& - a-0 y#rcr 1 77} ^tV^l <*^/ t\-r* ./' ^ c /o-L+j av do xnr A * ol y ^ t+ l /P — 7 ^ r#'3 in fe, s iuuia'M ■ Bu l W|l iants we?|l M in ^ig3t'l i the !oi«o(| fed destroy*! ®> all sidet:1 ]|j th« lo^^J I ^B*7<*r home. pciv: nR ih» I I* civil 1 o-l it in wlvch Bipreciated |his official J of the ret >'!<;*% Md Mitoal Go- pi»u* die- (niment of d by (he >*r«*rr w-» r - » F:»g)*h h he dw* ni»i !0D dl|J PHA ) oil 130 > IUU i Q \\^b iuy j >qi jno ]np uo i SUPJ Jt pauoif - ! Sod«jJ / »d y 9T]IJ«| •puajirl XBpjnjI quingj Ill/JfW iW ’ 43|)S0 0p!i» 05 3Je J 1 OBI [ 3jn* kin lainij L J 0 y a# ( • y /hsrr, J*) cl/&IA, K_y Oi'-y-f-T^ AfaA 44 if4a^dj^/?wmj — (Ol£i4^C ufvff A***-' ^ //£m£cC 4 Urjff fh/} tf'fffAty j/a^ruAif r (//ufa if//Tfer~ _ k/Lu, tfa/T cO. f^Xs/~ui jfafa 4 aj fid/f/l /fe-y-rt- 1 faA .„ _ /bl/? Zfa/e./£rt<~faffa. —— ^ &/^Uk.4 £ fa ^f)pdex C4. iff ^ /^1 \fpbrW<^ ^ CPc/y jj. f vW< ~ ^fb ^ ^ ~x, yfi i fo, «,- ^/L^j^r ffa ff) ^ 7l Ttc* ^ £ e/f cluj — ' tA 7 v *4/rf*mSd**r *4 tW ^ A ' jy r '" Ai> Ctm** M&-M fL JJ, Ofy, ^ ^ w >^4 yyy ^ yy y sr Jy^/s^r. y //. Jhosrt/rruJj J \Je,iM-rJ, faLry jji Q Cfarrrfa,./ £ . ^.Z / ■~fa tZly/i CA Cr>J fatx in^i 4< K8. Jltrm Jr. *. #X - d J^CnA- P£u. £ ^ 6$1 / f- 'p/*^ / / * J t^tAS t) ^ -x. ^ Xrf Sysy ** /'ti,^/ w /£~ >dL - y * 2 j^, . - Jsbe/c. a.^% 4o . / ^* £!>tsn*ry -C^jfi. ^ ^ ^/S _ ^*sr -^7^ . - ^ \~ r * - __ &3Lu<* I8i_9 r^JuMtv £L 33. i U u <—• 4\G) f-A&il a.-r% A \S tXJ /d rt-XTty-rrx* . — — cxa rA~V A^ £/, fl - Alf \Acd/*f , ^ Pl/SrTfo,- i hf^x/JfUutr CL*s^. <£ <&✓. ^. V (i.^As I - G A^ru ^ /2 a/ xi, 3$vroS — ^ 7 ^ Qtsn^sy / "Mr- f ^ AAk AL AaAfcd - *W<5 / >^u d/+\~ a* Qs>^*^S I /^/, At. ^ A**/' a/4^~ »-»- _ z£> g-»» V A. t-^Cyj f tfcd- tjAt) tf-n/ /« yi/4uc -^rro • —-- A-- -2/ d&Uvrd ^^C^i/yuA day/ • - ^Acdh. t - x -/A/ 7 ^/a, X/ '^L&£/~ Mz^ £- ^£t-A4)itsry frmrrr's —' clti^L &di^ffT »x<) d^O*- y the !opu0jjr| j. XBpjnjf |j quing 1 LnirffW lump 4 mi *jns iijjn liwni f r m 1 jU MO^n^ , AJ ^ tAsldtA^ /£tsi^L <^ ^Jtusn A 25. fa /• o/*uy t-^*rri+y 'Vtsry jLrvc ~ vfa/a*,^ ^ f'l^U. / ^ •md 4^ ~~ **> L ukl dST* £ ^ J+ hi f JLA of* - Jv* £rr~^£t XauM */ %- _ $^ j* • AtnX*- tAc^r^Sr S^ouruf - ^ /•- X&srtsj S3* 4^. ^ Ort^ fad/ SjhluJ-. - Arm*,- — -2 4U*Hsh GetnC •- A*h/ci< y/,S. — . C 7 C -wtvc ~A/uts±* A XC*k. - Al/\* sy th«i !n«»J *?cr horn#. ceiv: n « ,h # ie rivil - 0 . t in wli'^h i|« l PP rec i«*te(l 41M his official * W of the r#t held h'^l C.r,. w U2 , , Xufa /_ 7^" -A ~~f, A- tiL. ^ 4 ^? - i8Mj- — o tC 2y *Jcuft, _ ; {/wo^lc^r — (? vTlAc-k *.£ __ «/- /*_ -#zr~A/r #rL Ji^ J v/ «ccv __ ^ ^ ♦”*»-- ^/a^U jLjfcr /^S < Hm^~- /tf ^ /- ^ ^Vf Z -tv*-*' a/ Z* Jvjtft, fyj, / L/ t t~ A~ $ua* ~~ '■■Joi'b /jij/tKj /I - — Ca^rM ^ - /^! e */ d ^/ — t/Z™) I M*sx^ -?>»/ to • — £%y a^«y ^ y^z/~ __ Jh^fauA ^y_ rf-UsnrtJ -^»W tf/Ld^t?- /t ^lA- _ or<) Jl«tJo.t^ — o-iJf- u (Jii% M&rt - ~* — Sr-V. '-?// I .! At.* ' JL X~i V~* 4 <* A 7 *r>) * - ^) " f4-t**L ' C*y/ y£ t oCy^^jy ^ "? UiJ Z 2S' oh- Zt'f't/yi b-'.JotSG /JZZ Mc^,. — (43 h ■ IU, BulJ ' “hams *<-,! << O- V «U Wi sAz/ 1 /A - Itrfftr kj r/r^ — *Ao AA ^/ /tf****- — * ^ Z}?/ 1 ^* C*. A A?/’ Ay& rj ,^/^ c Cx //^x«V AAA Ari/Z £: A AA* /(3 rv7T- acts oCl yjtn^Z- — // *_s4t^r 2ii>- s4 o0*4-r-n*sr " • / " / v; — Jo ■V' /^? £?£**-&; f -A-C-4pAt4- n-r-k^V A/ /i OLX^*~$ }/ »Zt / jt/Ar**'<'t-S - AAc^^AA^ fl?l/'. iZ /Z 44 JZ 4 - — <* «• e/e^f «f - An (2rsu (7/y/**^ • -Z / 2&Zfa AyfiJ Z'*J+-U- — — ^o/y/ ** & OT&TlJ-- - ^ /L /lZZ^y ~ Qf4^ *J fa 6' ^ ~A/ ;A~ /rS f. °Z4 /Z- *CiAr-~ & ^ - 6cUir'~ ~'~ r * ^ ML ^We ^ A"' '^* ^ 7 A — ffloytUt' - Zt-iri'^4 V* / */S'*ZZ‘**~ U ob* S ^ ^ ~ ^ ~~~ ^ c*™rZt& ^ m~ £Z~~y, • — - / -*A ^ Q-a*.r4)i '*'77 ■ Z—T^ //lA. 4 j r-A^laJ as^la aa rf7i aa^ s*«atV*a/ ■4*ry /Z Q/- y~y»' " — ' ^ x// - */Zc4s£> a^-> i *r» ** rr> 0 » #Xt- y «ar»/^0»»^ / A~ - "■ Jed by the 1 »/' ‘Tr - vvwr- , fc'l E»*uJ ilukh lie (/id i ^•Imk «fi„ Iiod aqj ki 9 outgq iid spu fl^ifaar) jj ou V ,aqi jno i]np uo s SUPJ pauoff |j so doji J M»d y 3 MU # | ]j>pU8JJ»| 1 XBpjnjf q® n o ' ■WUSIH a*fi * jajjMH od 9Je i -j pi|i n pjiu I 1 m t^o us~ T \ _ ft/. or / /ul^ s&Slft/tsr-. . r ' /A /O u/cft*_j/ ftrr // ft'?'* / ft&^OT -V^ - - / ,//qck£/6z+/. fty ^C- (yotsi~*£-Lsr^ *f /ft, ft /ft/rfaft/ttA / S aft) a* - ; >•> . ; r «r osU^/. — j ^/oC4J>*i /oft ^ ^/oc*f/- c^eftft) se~ftt>->^ /£/ {')/' . ft-C^y) ^ A/.$ftr^ ft ftft ftr/ '^MfM _^ 4UtSU+- £& y ftfty. /oL^-ryy*^ /ft/- z/cr/n 4 ft/fcr ,— ^ rfh//c <*/***£ ( CZ&n# / ft/ C^fft?2*f.— *-*/&. '— J^f - «*// /^> -«//* \^. — ft ft/ 1 ftft/ft&f — ft ftoft/^ eftft) ,jOZ>. i>s£s/jt-+( * ftrS*. is/ 4 \* fard in f el h* inruatetl But vj iants weril id initigaf.! the ioitofl >d H^trovl all sidri :1 S>y th« In ’i| I ||j«?nt hon«. I nSceiv; nR ih«T jlpe r ivil « o-l if t in wives ] ffl'Ppreci.Jted I .r his official I m of the ru ty»'ie»% hold ®iiiioai ho- | Ol fMlS di«- (||rtimeni of J jjted by the W'ttretr w.qi jno jnp uo !> S|J?J pauoff f SOdfiid I y 9 MU , >pu 3 jjr| I X«pjnil f qornd } |> !, IW 3l U Ijaima i.te(l)|W doD »ie Site u 6 y. Cc-fn-of. 4 / Z-'* — ^4^-c/tL*C/ Jfrjffiltej:— ~J( Ytf-Jkrffa. J. ~3^W^ 1 7e^_ -t-o >rri «j — /iA //eJtrt^/ aAfo e-xsm. ti/.y /—/. ^ *. _V*Z> ( /r*) oAn^ '*crj^, \_-rfy? K.J- /&A, •-^WTt/ 'trT'r-i onr^r-tru* £>6ij *\ ftLC 1\ <£ J y /£o4^+/t£^. /^£n^ — /^L, /d&sj * — /2j^U o^n d'o^ul, <*/* £ /ft / 1 fa t/Uyj, Z/t /-(J-r^ i-Olr-?^c4> . — Acf/e/v 4s*\ s *A- Z,' /-v.*^ <*/«' '/Tt e*-^0 • <►, t £ - <►>-» ^rr%*- j //(*j^y * >» * A^/ X /+-U1TL+J Vk/7s_ Z J X S*-tsti*+J // (/>*/ lv . VOrr/' de-u^e^ /aJ^&yy *JS’ &' — ^*7o d^r d. / t - (>y 7~*. dtr / ,/y y/. c/ Pidov ot^ -er/jef i // $&?/&*// -&C y/^-tr^ , 7~ ~//. M ^o» ou^ ■*^»l y~- Z Z'? . ^ ZucZ^r , r I J Hf, Ifl bo Oft JvlU. ' • J is*— / ri*~ x*- * '' ^ M **A- A/ 1 tf (Q*L* A Mi /VL~^~y ~ JL/-- v— tv^. / >f- ' ^>t>- ^ ^/c/fA0L4,2£y-*f K^/i.—*2 1sr**A -23- $£ccjl £2ia^-ijfc t 'i r ■— ls^< «.-*-<^/v »•'* - 4 . ' * V " * y Or / i/tuJyyJ- 'njLl e Qujv* >*-x. ^ y f 2 . — /? ^C^--*-»-« ^ # '’>-**/- <-^2y - ''/tjl m^Cs y ^ v -<-'rT~ &2" A pAc*4 t^v . t-fC/ ~z? * *--• y . / / • -- y %horr*^*y **Vf ^ {***/ .. . r _ y .-•-•■' • 1 ‘ {*S // a/^ <* V/ / txj asr~r^, - — *£) Orx-t-4 *y /%/ ' ~C \J arl/lfasi2\ ^$Xsndctjj- ~f*~ Jjd- di*j . — ^ - <*/ /iiA (£ !/ O ^ y y v*^ ^ ci^ua)cA*^r~) . , . //£l $*£.** -a. At $3tu'. AA -/L J» A t (sAaAL A^/vtvrn^*A */« A«A ~~~?fcc4 a* a vA^J-. ^ ^ *'-*—' AU^AAt-„ $Lla cU 'Armcm^ t, * ~A~ / dfaj* ^ ^4j&As^ 4i+^i/£i. / ^■yn //Uixfr. — ^Zi'o ^ £txjrf4L-»L td. ■— OTm-r. di Vit 4p-0UU+yh aur^y, / ^ ^fJL,c=tz dL/i n^jfAt . —£_ A* ^L~z, *^fr V- A* 'CtfUfjlt- - fl-^ dr x^ '^~ , ~ w ' j . _ dfc~ Wy°) & t/ M-^ 0^ fJ ' H * ?” 7/ O^ *nf«^ ^ A* */ *2$. - (fftnu fo. jfr->-i-A, ~Ar y! Cfiruol. ~/^l /Sony Ziny flcrmrv<^/-£ l ^_ cj. esters o/y Al+ 4 Ono *T C*^r~ .-^<^ 1 / 'AZ /?7 j o» «us dii- I ■rument of I fed by the r^ri-c^ I M Pi’gi ih / lie ti.ili "•hi* « -■ ioa aqj ®jtt & «u|aq 11 ^ SptA 9!f9.ii) ouy ->qj jno inp uo « SUPJ pauort sodtui *d y 9 M Jjd »puajjr Xapjnj quintf jjitplfw 3i a yl&0 9 |od 9Je |Sl|8ug «UB|0 Dj ?% 1 sz J. *S/o yrt*. *- ^sr>i^ Jcf lsr> tJJ $uc Jtf^c *jislus fa^ipTd tcnr-uM ^o-r^ *. 061 ^* t^v \/s£Uvr ~ ^ ^ c e&y/ fa_ /£y ^ J&yTjJLrK ^1 ufirffCctr, '^bP+^yti f i£ y/Lt^U — aV yf^0o£^ ' fafay fefco -K7 0k^rxy £aj -cV A, ' t// JLut ~J(. fa fWeVcysfa lA^/yi fa Q/1, (ht —y~~ '^ofafa- S& a, >_ < °^,y, fii/s h*T 4S3 yJi-Li/leJ- <£ /J •m**y ._ /£z/* ^ / - £,i& ^ — fa fa>S fafa ~ ^Z/Tts \ «i* inma*»i )i*- But, giants ». id instill ‘ the lots of| id rffttrov*! aH si(lei:l 5J til, log'll I i»?<*r horn*. I Jcciving t^l Se civil - 0 .| tin wl^chL appreciated I his official I of the th , held I jSiuinai Go- "loi nus di#- | Jnimciu of I r 5 \ 1 f ied by tl,« | U'>*r**- w .,r- f I H E,. g ul ;ih he of/ ! f' "• ~ itiOD at|j ilfim j» “uiaq k» nau |f a !l“0 i on V ’iaqi jno Sjnp uo |s su^ pauoii , $oJ«i d l )d y l aqi ) 0 1 >[>U 9 )lt| 1 .(epjn!l h qtunff ' 'l/lfa; 311 ■ J3jiwn l'fite|!i|W «So3»ie ;si|ito3 iionpa j i % / <« *-y/jp h 2 v>c<*j<. , £_ a£) */_ 2 J • — Qlr-AJ- ^ ^ z ^AjAvyA $u. (jPajt-titsnj/ f Cu-t/$* Jb Mortf _ T^w A 2/2^ ^ lcrtxJ • '— *A/Z & 2 hyA£*s* jfajjtfy %£ JC, eua/Ls , J 6 ry£ *d jCli jS, 0 £^r~> 'ijij. _ v^/ /Z* - ^/ ^t^ 1 ' ^*^*"*' / ^ 1 \ 3;> /burr** ^ t / / y ^ “-'• ~ y*~y^l '^°f i*j/«•& /bW&/~»~r **JL- +n _ /j jdiuu AlA^ AAm*s7**£*^ AAhA AA*^ Aa-mXJ j —- }/AA+n At oCtsrzS* A> A/? /j/AtAtrt^A — - < / £&J ^ */ A>r~My ^ JfajCusrn*) txjiAb x^a/ ~A\ P&9J 4snmS • '-- ^AjL /#AA&uAAiir* ~A£vz^ CoA- A/tA£*a> *f**U rKr^**AS 22) 2A* 22 rsrrxyf IasAA 'TrtA. - - JccxAl £ / 2 .—~ 2Ac Al/^ 2- A *2 * — v/£X-W-> Al/^ *AxXs9*x(jL+~* o jA- jh^ -n^/ (^y<4y/y tsffrl+s ff*. €/*£&<_ eAr^r >Ay off) *s/{ y{ m _ 0 t. ,«jLJ ' OkU^SZjL. V 6v V?- ^ ^ ^ h 'h/ <£^ -h*. yly!^a^ 4r h. e4hu^^ y y 4 l A / fioSth Aj/h*^u*jh _ ^CiD 'M £> «/ ^ tf 3 . - C \%A *” ^ «*! ^>0^4 y *yfi.~ - £' c ^ i'j^.- Bum " i Whams ww* >d instigjt-l Jtt" tHe !o»io(| {fid de>tro?,I 0 all side* *1 «>y thulooJI j|j*^r horn*. I yceiv; n « ihs I “le civil ; o-l ft in wIvcHi ppreci.ited [ his official „ of the Tit I W»''e»N hold juiioal Go- I >» nu> di*- Irument of ed by the ;»grf^ wor- I » Engrsfc/ h he d-d 4nt iod aqj pp> ifeSmaq L3 SpJA ouy r>qj jno dnp uo s sfjfj pduorf j sod«i(T j -,d ¥ aqijol nipiMJfl , jCepjnj" quind ; ,tl|I|f« P- 1 jfe{!J|W CD ^ ■si 11 — l/f y 9 »u. 6. Z /S . ou ”” ^0 <*-V j£+*o <_/ 0o/*dc . — / t/ C-*yS 2 $COl C$/ . - L^u) 'esdtudbsij — <*-$• •*•'•/ . - ^T frf-fffyy CArt/fiC. /rUj Z eZ- L/trujd 4% 1 /!• ^ tAjOkyU A / OKJO Cnr\ / //? dt &-r-rtu*^- ' (/i/ t- 7 i^»^f /& esr~*Y / ^ / >»i) taatfr- "7/ * a ° s tutirtn. V - /* r £L- /'fo'TTT-*-- t *-4 T 7 'a/o/nA^ i c (3 J \ // 7 . & L^f y ■ ' jCle^SLjljlsTtj f/LryauJlM ^~' — ^ / y ?. ih tiJ< 7L As _ kJxLV dt*-* * v lx/ ^ ^(^3? — ^,„ —— 'Vty $■. — —- A/ 1 ,, / / — *- 'Vt^ry p&o) a- ~ 4, nt! - \^/£ 4 /M 2 t 7 ^&Z* • ^(rr/oj^r fflOL oh> $cdfy \A^ 2 Z £U^ Co~tsj i (Lx//ju o 6 u — ^Zccl/ ? ^ *“ £*- rtnjf faarfl/L )/~ X +7UsCf/ CA^jtJut y the In.'JI j«pcr honw.f [CeivinR ih« Se civil j o. jt in wlveh ppreciated his official of the 7>t »e*v Md linai Go* irnus di#- Ini me in of led by die I >rr**t' w«»r- [ d Pi’g} |||| i Sxh he if A l lOD dtp *a q spu louy qi po inp uo is suvj j pauotf J sodoii J id y j>puojirJ . XBpjnjf cpung! > ,ii insuj m * ■ J3IJEO IJI|W 03 9 % ;sij8u3 timjoD I Cs+*. W 4 VU~yZ ^yZ ~ ZZ ^Zyhr \yZ^^A X\ J- ^ *» ^r Jctsrz^ ^ 0/^Zujt4s Ci ''\ / z Zy' - <*>^*) / ^ A 'Ctc-v/7 O-TKf CtV A: »/ XoJioCia^siJ — Zo Zl/VZZtZt £. y/ rt^n | */. / . /^l/^ ^^7 ^uasryriJo T* - (ootZ $Ztc^ Cy A; *- (K4SltT-V X cj. r. °> /./ _ z*'/ . Ai 4- ^/oiieAaeM^/ sStsT-Va^rd- <*t /o f 'tfVc/ tZrd* r>v4 yifnx4 &~r* «rrr»4^/ / Zf 1->/f- sT/J - //ZZk ^li-CLoCurt^ faj/T ' A-/b /AtA/tf—- +*jt^rvt ^ ph^ ^ 7/ieiifcu> — tty/ t*J 21 rvY' /?. jfh> — 4/- yuAisny *?-#»-***, ^ ^H=J^ ^«j*'jy (r ^) Cyfk^ *■— ooi fhh Off _ 0 iSAtT / 2 /' Av-ifatu-Z iS< /y -/'. ^ c*/tf -L4 ^ . —- a// tof Svlc C ir if®/ cj jCm u v tt /^ *d deMrof.1 0 all sidei: I >y th« !o”J| «For honje.I Sceivln** ih 9 l V r ivil ; o-| [tin wlvehl appreciated I • J his offiri?tL I ff of the r«t i^hness hold j^uiinal Go- I Joi niH dit- [rumcni of I ed by the J ^ret: w->r- 1 Kogl »h | |h he old .•lug f»fli.J mm&m J3. O. chy */m tsnfisys Mo^r* ^ sJoU*/ "X 1/miJ ^aJT^ , y ^ lr V L7/U-A -M% * V /> i /?/« ^ #y Ayi * ;^£. &L~y *ia*v jJc<^^ 4ovf t - /2uJ^) j£yj£, _ 2f ,-^e 22 fib JutXtU — tfrru^t^ — fyl/?* c~+d/fa t/ujtsnJ- £ jutU'not S?tb9i&ra2 d {?&,/ kJc/^ duJ/ujcu^ . / * st / /! Jjfr Jj -j> . ✓ *f<+26 /b*sm.' J?tA fy^uts <*i «X fytr-tj cj^d c*2 ^Jcctoia^?^ #6u tf/eusotyj &pa2c CAauu^Jt, e(' &n£h. . 41 M* infiia*(»,l Bui «J , iants w^|| jM insiigq^l “ L the lots o(| id de»trtftdf a all side* :■ >y the ln«nl| W<*r honie,| JceivlnR ih*| pe civil | o-| It in wh : ch Iflppreciated | his official .» of the Tit tyi 'ess hold ^uiinal Go- loi nos d is- 'Mrument of j«ed by die | gre-r Wor- $• 1 Kl’g} ill i j^h he i/iilj ^1 jWdiiK Iiod aqi ■iHi ) JJuiaq spu jjjouy pqi jno l]np uo I s S 1 J ^(J pauorf sodtuJ J Uv ; oi\\joi )(>pu 0 i)r| |. XBpJOlf | qojn ff ! v.iij nsuj m * J3JIS© 9 ( 1 j|D 3 Jo3 #3 j I ■:UB [03 / 1 M, Jin* \ 1 1 ,n ’’pjni i &4 if ad- e^ y. <9 / &?zxL. )^ */o^ fi* yy**j^r __ fi/orox/A . zoo^f d- fieri^y/lt fifi*. fifij €sr\XU-*~ C^J~- fi^CfsrU xujffi fi/fes/tny I- __ (o/mxX *ycroxfia 0 ~ t/ £t~G fil (^fol/lZjtf' . *~fi$ **$ y*My / yfir^+yj MaA it JfiL ^ , jAasid- a/ di /fiaslccm^ ffifitfZ - < 7 ^jl fifion 1 fifi/fiju fificry ts't-A. di C . fic^ i/hx, c- ^/e^rr a/- (/erfOtst/UJ ^ sjtfeoo WcJ Ah tA Ao [fifijLxj tL^^j fififi a^) r/u^ ri-xxx* ^£r-* »>t^n< try »- .^UrxT^f ~ Lu*/i- ^ a y/fityrjfil jf /jfi ^ 014 /- *, /ff { exA/neJ^a^ sL 4 ohjfiisvtjL^ . y)o*sy n* > ydc clJ4m^ tvidd. tJCO tph.&coY' 4 oJ&Mu ^TfOL^UTK - ^ oi- C/^urtJis — A/ aaj+^S 4htfa Crrt y CtJmt ^ 1 ^j^ z **'°*-' Ct/ 4 e 4 * o-/ /asi4cs^*^ ^Tt-r*-» ‘^fyt/TZd. jL£ /L ^<*w ^ y^vl ^fiptfott-ju flitt/T " //f^t^-*4) /msJ jf i^<4/LArmjti y « . y 4s* ^/UHxV^ 4l-t4rS f >£/ &si^<_ Q-t f fisL /)44 s4u Cs4\ -~ 4ei. -J ^J^ZJ.) *4 $hA 4r/ ■ *✓ 7 V< f - // 't' ory *&. - /^A ^7 0 ^ 2 2 ■ - ^l/ 1 ! ^C *£ &• ' 5 *- 4 j^) <*t-x /l*ZcLm 5 *y A^->n- /^. - ^ A/^-Jy^y ^j 4 *jLy fa cjC^Jj, — srffj 4 l <~J£ /Utfyft /r^tt y£ 2 )~ IV W *M«J >}■<*«* inf. v \® ls inruatM* j h- But *i| | fwhants wp/, 1 jjkd instiga^l jif tHe loiiofl Ijfid de^troi-j 1 1 P all side* :| mt>y the Ml , S|«rer hom«,| Ji ceivlnp ,h«l )J|ie civil j 0 .I jjtl t in wlvchl : fflippreciated I Jfl his official I ^ of the tu lMr' , . e *' ! nWnal Go- IJjornus di*- lMrameni of I | (led by the >*rr ; .- w.»r- [ 1 jpf Kogl »h 1 a^h he :OT| 0 D j 5A M i Dun 1 w 0 iU ^ atfrrx . — Vt *' 4 ^ c^L/icr+ 4 - ^ rxrf{, Jkf &/l!t&CrrJc/y *£\ /hyd 4 Lyl< 4 r | {^A-'Tl&sruJ *S 44- {^e4z*^ ~ ^ #04Lf4/j4{_ U- w. ~ uyt *4 iMjtf tsn**-*- ^"‘ x - £ ft^*>LC frlA' 2~' ^ yJuc&tA . — 2/tMadOj, . /•U »J™oly ,_ X* O/tAa^f/ d^) AJaA) n-, /At/- +4- //A - // u ®' w ~’ — {IAu) o^ Jk/A tffnvJju £ / —/ %L,- 4- '/?lA? jfr e/£r/fi**us/. - //i ZhA- -tfft/vvu*>Li **>Acvu J f***~^ ** |/ ^ v At/? ffi'r*-*- , ]Ar>~ ( ALr 4 7 / 3 o-uo/r^tA. o 4 )fc . -i£^ &**-■ — AL J _ / ■ I-/"-'* V c -4 * [l 2$ tit JuilfeA ; 1 £ - 28 . 'rr*tr*l' a ** ' e S*'Ti^c<-/asr //Ltu^ ohouML*f */y(*Tu<^) /i(x*j *. - o/e^f/y^ ef € **-ts£ trfhsr. /v a,y AAp/a-0?i*r** ft ir/v/ • — Aa %g) ,h / < JL|h he (iA ' I Sk*Iiik »m«i \J00 Kg. 3 »«!3q j r :5 SIDtA J »!!»") ouy t >qi jno inp uo $ StJt?J 1 pauow i i sod«jd r j .. J )d y i oqtjo (>pu9pr| IXtpjfM I qwnff } Mui ij3J|5ffl , j^Ui |M CD3Je :up|03 I , 9 A\ Hr i8U) a*- \^LoLAno(t1-S A ftlA /t/fcs/oi^-fyd-S' —— <*-/ 3 JZ ^JdcJc ffrti coz*. dr%J, v o y Cj£&_/Zrtyt4T' f A //\Az*srt.J 0\. C_o-A..A^- A '-S £l/T'L4 — CLy-A ^7 ry*^ Al y/Sl-urtr - — AlA ejfy<*W lAffli/i~ Ao At- xxstflAi PnAy a^ . - AbaA otua ~l^. ~ ^ VnA.y a //asjfcy fiCtAJ.- c~- A-~ Av irwy -— OfX^ A" CyJyS - "SfA^Jy^ *U ifc~- /hf'JfczUt - AXv ^ <%%%• * -*/»*(? ?U^4 c&JL As/fiy? l/ y But«J . l«*IHs M iiutigQt.1 tHc !om o{l id destroyJ P all sideijl by th« lo^-JI j«fcr honu.[ 5cei v *n*» iht pe civil ; o- jt in wIvcK jppreciited his official of the nt '•e*N held jiual Go- mus dii- jrument of led by t!t« I Kr«*t: wor- I d Kogf »f| f ^h he i l j IOD 9tjl ) cusgq SpJA ouy aqi jno inp uo Is Sfjpj 1 pauori i ' sod«id j id y i oqijtfl ipusjjrl XBpjnjf qujng! jaijcin (1J|W OD & sijSug umjoD J r% r 3uJ 1 _ .. y^. : j i p m if Tm fo/ts/ 0^-4 ^ - s/oa/CM' —- £ M/S - ^ /L > 4 ^ sb*//- *s£rirrn t/ ^C^rx<3^r A-~ ~^Zj ,TZ4sry • sJYfrT^r^ S- // • ^ cr^ ^txxj _ * £>££-/ -r~- <*. 4zfer J^ r> ~ 2S- -Mo M £yU CLU- >k KzfitsrideLy <->j^i^ It ** h}/^ci/r s^^Uaj fofJL) & Jr^/S SL. oL A i *Z7* fthfi - Jhfi ^Us/fcrry **>tsrit - ttZ - ^ a-Asfo-Tif /usr/$. ^J^X-Cc s?7 c/jt+- w/ ^ ,y /2/ OS, ^+--njf y^< /ft/ 7 ' <- " / ^tv U \yf+~'/'l. My Mf/ttciJ. ~7 Zi7 f-j/ ? /J- Mr% <^-/ — — — \/x. aCevi '*■><4- teyr^-a^ Jr -iCnA^ty n jUfJr - /hf fl/cJc^yJ ^/eC) — flyj eJL f&cslovy'C (7 %L //*-*^ / ' Ast, 1^^*/*^ • - 6*-> tflt4j Z//?l/SJo-*-*s ^-r-m !/ /£a 3f i/Ai/^ dttJj. . -^*v *> ^ I^try w. «_ e^K» ^^ /J+& iCut cc^^J n^/C. i t^n orty^ /e 4^ JfoT ^yC~ 9yr^i *-■ Wi' , ' — A/* ^Lei4^7« ff&r/tuJCf-,/. ■ ^ ^rn,s V- r ?~>r±y Steb IsM J J ^2 *-a*ry y th« In.’JI j«?cr home. I Jceiv: ns th^l le rjvil i It in wfvehl [ppreciated | his official of the tu I '•gJ pU9||f| Mspjtyf c]uin ff j ! .,I>J IJfW 3i a * J3JJ5QI jfefljjW ‘ fOD M I ?UW|03 j P* /. ^ Si - X? itr-fo /k/l f^Sl/crJ//-V «j£*Sl C «/-« *»>**// //J^'l^ , J?/^ ?/lAy// ~ y 3/frrzS »f r & 2 . —■- b*. ojfflfotf, Jr //t/^ ^/y ^rmAu' &f / S. ~J£r &o*stx aa-a. oL. actual • — ' yfL<^^ ~u^ _ _ j £. yU^ii-nf _ ,r-^4- /hA S) yX- X.~>. - Jh/is ffi^jt/c .. *>• />jAA «£ ^- / /C7. a? i A ^ /Ioza/** — fr/j* A/* A. 4 a/ //n (/<.'ufa kip'Mr x/jt, r* dti dCt*r*-*- &s? ifl£<- nu^- , a^r, Q^f. &.-J~ ^ yZoiu^y. c/c /l^£t ^Ma, (AC*~4 1, t *^lr/J , £V/J ^ J!h/l ^ /s St/*lSjsTJ AST £ &. (f*~ lit /4r. Uc^y AA~ nyX{ , /il tf n< ,J, a f^J L j/_ c/»*<^y ^ <>,*£ Q^uSrA 7^ .^Tj. «^¥- trnt ^ / rf. ina j_ f ^ AA//- - frisvfa J/-' for* a.r.tnz^r aJS AAA AU/^J-. — ^j ^ /4 A>io,'~rAtij / i> <*AL& J ~AL^ . _ j CaJ-l+J n-< i c/f.- '/ /£- * ^/j (/fc tsnxsny —. * ^-nAtjifA ^4^ c^, *** ^oA' Jr^Lr Jjfc J JiU^~ A 'r—f x^i y ^ 0/ e^y <*y n / * iS*4- ¥filAdi rx^t^j t CASO'AfasC Srux ^ '2^ ^2o tSfU.xdoL»^ / £ AS Xo asr~r+f - '— c77j ~/h? Cff/Un^yix — ffaf?/faj, ^ <^7-V V^lw.. -— «/ J fld<£ /°7 &jA C*J /n Thj /Jl j/Jrvd/tJ r o r>-*Zi tt4± srnZtl*) 77 - / , j£ 7 $»y £t/, «X~ fa: 'ttfa#, i 4 ~/*/£- X't^ Z/ /tfr _ ^ ^AjarztJTtC- , - C Sctsr-a^A* /UXAJ*. d {^ ?<» k/&U.*4/ -- £w „ O i 0 em 4.J 2#L .AJ. 4/ y //✓ d IOD dt|1 Hit Sutaq SplA [aqaag |ouy jaqi jno inp uo (* s,JI? d pauori sodoid i )d v CfwnuUi — U i, m owt- ^ CAurj 6CL/t . _ ^ ~fi£r dt/irry \% “■/ ^/ jft-ivtjvtsr ^ic-rL. ^!y $£4& Ji i j ^ - Cy ynt^U « jCt 'fiXr ^ *~ & /^U Jh/y 0~4 '4 M ^ r ~ / ^'SUxj ~ J - y^«- c^t, c.<*<^fcj a4rU *l *.,) SC C<^Jry 44tiy, «Ay **,*£& xJt/ft. /tM-S^i CamCni — /^1 +->-t*t^ f /C /4z ■^iT 7 ^e/mwa* . StCA. t^*- / ** '?>*£ »i^u^L */~7 Asn^/-> ±4 Mj. SC&n&/. j&r a. Sm. < ^/- CrA 4~vr’ , a- nS&rrn-etf' _ ^ « £„•*(- jSi-*/*46. fruyU* 6Lu SC, cu'^v Str jh*Ts*j cx^tl/ ^a^r-r^ er r‘ ^{ju/t^-rCy yS Mj l Clrruvcs^y. _ i/y*xsr+ / adf* \ ^ **■»■• S<*dr y bnySuruL ^ ^ * */Sz yr asnuc . 1 mS iiir' ^>» <) *?« (fo-tru* K / ^<~/- ^ cz-rv-^ -/~/^ L l /Ju JLfS ■&7XJJ isr%,r JZj^> ^) 4rr$J 77 jJl, ^-4 'KgZ/j «/ ■ou'Lsflx +ULJ ,''V*^C«rr±j yuZf tAoi*, 7 MJ ^ /• ' 4/olA*? c ^° /6jo-J M+1 *> f ~ t ' ^^ /ajf ^- ^tSZ J yj&7 / Z) s**c. U tA //tffZZL, \-*y 1/ 4 Jt tA-S ■ 0?rt/*.£ — , Z v_ ^ ■Cast i J- ’■■L, 1 77 \ ^ * \ y /? 6 csj J oO-4 t ZZ^-o-^/Z JL Cu O^llvy /£ -/ — / 4 ^‘ J • ‘t/aJliy — %/auc^ ^r'hrS t) drx ^ ^ZcAsi^urt* ZZ* 9 -CtJl) ZiZ /x. ZaZZ 'Ze+eZk. '^ZjOtZ ZZ*~ C4j ZZi^ Z 7 A ^ ZZ toalL ^// iPw '/ic cy* e n.y c *-<7 a *^> *s£.yv trt 77* ^Azjj cynj Z / ^ (7lt/lrrczcyf& _ A-/c-Zj) Jt. Zu> SfZvr%4<*'U. Z ZZ 4 JL AsA A / > A //^ ./ /_ _ W fr| (4 ff .| |c>'d i n f Ci 1,1 s inuia’«l But D|| 7 iants f !o»io(| ,id deMronl p -dl Side* :| by the In ’-,|| S«For bonii.l |ceivin R ih« I Tie civil ; o-| |t in wlvch I appreciated | his official of the t*i J»ne»N hidd |uiinai Go- ioif)u> di#- jniment of , j|ed by d,e ' ^*rr- w.»r- j :d Kngi »h / ^h lie thill *diii aoD aijj \\*'ll ) cuiaq SpIA p!1^9 | nu V iaqi jno tinp uo 8 suej pauorf sodojJ J )d y ft 9 M»^ ^puopfj , XspjfU quing rsujr^w 1*4 ’ juajiwi C/rU/is r /on v~*-> f* jd&ty — 3^/L J? Jfoi- ^W.- i c>~&d+- &J*./-4^f 6 rr I <^r-i-sCc^rz^ Z/L~ «// C'f~t «/4>y -M/'i^O «'/y 4 41 744/ 4u ^ ,x/. i 4^. /'^J- *A. 4 Zjcnut'T Z-ZZ 4 »»^ a-Z>*-t^ , ^A a4 &(aJ * \ - ^/ / / «->» ' <-» <^» <.- j-/W» /A v /?L> C+wr t. ^ J!&, /. /L^ ^ ^/ r-^, ^/ ~ ^ ^ ^ -^—4 x ^ * -» /Ay ^ A ^ * zz/-ri iL . — q- o vr- r'- • - ,7 -Hr * ^ £, ^ AlA Cf/l/rxy/s _ &A? ydu^i tc/oc^^ek^ yy — fy(/nf$uj^- J i, * Xj. ;? Sfc- "7^ yt<- 0&,n zx/otV’ Ot^ry *'«xr } fa£jUu 7 ^ V'\Vy ^ ^<^7*^-7/ z^v, x/—' tJi/M, *re~ w,>r- j •d Ei>gl sh j th be dttf *d»i» Iiod aqj mi ) outsq SPIA nay m ino inp uo .« s?^d k p9U0ff sodoid J 'Wd y 9 M IJ(J| >pu0j)r| ^Bpjnjl cjuing | *u If- 1 ? i ill 1 4^ U <->r 4&Z4/t^ q2a^I ■ ^bt-n^A. — X ifi jCiu-cortfb a \ P^~ 0 /-w V«^. ^ -»--> ^ k*' J-o'yy. A "*-‘ J ^*- <- p/ ^lC tA f x f r tc r/rrrr- /Z4/C<^nx*^u a- scft-4s?TL+- ^uyi u x&* ^.._ ... C^/* 4p*fc- ^ JSj . __ ^ /t?/^. _ ^ t /‘ (Vff-uai — a. C aVt wCd ^ ^ ^ A'* _ ~ 9 , Xit / ^ 7 jL _ $*%*. ^Cift'tj'b Jfrl/^ ^/^u/ l^C^. — {2^4. Jkf^ 2tU 2L*. frtA fosL*. €<^CJZ - - — -- /'I TZ y j iSia m /vesn/t / t ^C^y.A' */ $c/iyd C>i ^^la. ts-rns-y m^d- ^Izu -/a^M*.- o/ady surfed ^ fad ✓£_ ^(/T7 0 *v4 • — icri' ,$7/*? $7 t&rr- , ’/OA^Qt- ■ — &C-V ■ /tlf■ 7llfiJ?6vr ■ — JhSS T^xa^a-, M>t? J ffiLnJiZ&r.— 7* /*U^r~ - <>4 p 4 — fovtjf C ^/dzt<\ ZAJt . - /i^W 4 ^ {7/fc/rv<~ybs, c+/%* <-4 j *. V < 7 -r */ *- £,£/’' s&yzdr-' *^r /*— s 7L~ ^ J- ~S- / h 4/^d) f?lA* ~ Otu $0-t*j cdt, — 7ads — ^4* v4i j/ar TcjU. - \d/t**-* 7x*sW t &y £L*C--r* *■>» 4^CSt^T4y the lo ’-JI «?er honu.l |ceiv; n «* ih« | ie civil t 0- t in wh ; eh I ippreciated his official of the r*t Judd [Uiinai Go- it ou* di«- rument of ed by the I }' >*rr*-r wor- f ; 3 +-nnn^ - J+Urn/+ Jilt- ^'i/LtL — fjJi^ «- 00^0 L/ aJtrul ^/ 7 4+sttfJ . Cty/t* Atr^ik £jh jjL/~i& ^ -\J/CJJnU Jh/t t2 C ^2) 6LUi2^ — isL jJJ c £ <2/1^ o/- $z/ /l ^ Jfia-w c/tS. — -^U A/2 Jl fa*? sJol*^ y^t/c^cj^ 7 ^ (/Jc* • J JJ) dL (ZslAS!~T 0Tf<^y i4r/a?>j . -— ^/^XU Jiz/^ ^0-r^L . C-J . ott%^ Caj — aj- /$* % - S2. 'Ad- fe/<^r>T^-rw»r «. ^j4Lr~. — -t 0-7^ ti/Am A&^/ CsAa*t ^CC jjjts/f(*1i^<* Cflt^r/r^ f •*_/ xa<^J- dy ^ >&T Ai/ Pj/amtA , M* fife/ty/. - M7k~ 'dVdrftnj Q^/eoc Z> >/ O^y^j JrrZrf£^ ■ — /, (fcfc^x /y * ^&T^t*tsr 0 . •^ r< 3re^ JusrJ’ Jc<^/ e.+^i^ ~dr Ca /,‘. J ~ /&?Z4j) fityttf/ fe/ADeW. - Z^L *, 2 f ^Zkv ,- ^ a _ 7 . z c >i./ At A '5ar£ ^ AC •A" 1 ? *>-<~y CsAt*. / A I 1 ^/ri‘L i» c ‘'d in f el tj» ls inmat^l if*-- But nj 'ghants *p-,| | «d xnatig^t'l jfr the !o»t of| ifid de»troy»l {||p all sidp’ijl ftpy the !ni’\| | Bufer honi J|Ceiv; nR thj j|ie civil ; o- 1 fit in wh ; ch I appreciated hi his official 1 jjj of the m /hue*-, hold |Vujinal (,o- I Mpt ou* di#- 4yrument of I lied by the | V > ^rr- I )d F!ngj ill i ^h he dji A Sutaq ji) VpIA I ffl a !l«9 1 Inuv kuno v l]np uo I* s M p d pauorf sodoid [n V aqijo »puaiJf| , Xapjn) qtiififf , 11 ) rjfuj J 3 M«® •UajljlW ioD 9JB M, h/l 7 v / // / \ £ ^4 ^ou4~. , . tv/l/ oJa**/ 6^£z4 — y^/ 7 rfC STrt^ ^4ht-*sri ^c -^1 (^AaoLl fa ^'- fafafafr 1 *?» e~a£t-4udLt^ *4..^ ££r*^f£ t'44 ^ far^to /£Z- CCttu+J* omy j ^ * c<2z/ ^ ^ - J£Lv o^ ^ £,. :4 ^ ^ y/uJJ*^ / ^ &**4 ~//»^» JoM^ ^/sn4. &e4vr. _ 7 fac/ (fafA/ s£ 03&tvrlrzr7L, a4\ 'Ma ^ ^ J?/XfaAAvfc'^ «/ J7 ^X Jl fa. sx-rruy *8iq *■4 *ff\ £*. *.- frit_ <. ajx „/ -fat£y ff/astjtxd . - y /&* trf'JcxyfL/ _ J^Af e.A£tt a4 tj,. Jw —/ — yi^L^S A f*/tS*xyt ^ ^ _ Lj j ^ O': y ^4 jfi* »«fnJ l||)c.*(i in f eJ {ii>* iiifiiat^l i|;<- But «|l fyhants wpr»l ■ fid initial s»> the louofl Ipd de.itrovl /j o all skJpi : 1 |py th« ln’i|l ®am home. I ceivln® ih«| be civil ; o-l t in wlvch I I ppreciated bis official of the tU Ijjj>ne*s hold ^juiinal Go- jljornu# die- iMrnment of JJtcd by the w.> r . ( :«) F!ng) ih / |h he diit "•lui \ioo aqj 1 * 3 . 1 . i Suiaq S'ptA ouy ipqi jno linp uo Is suej pauoif _ sodttid | ' )d y oqijdl j Mpuajirl j.X!Bpjnjl !| q^ n (T 1 ,',!!) nSUj m ’ ;.9|ijiw i:|03 ^ P vbn ^ -UL * ^ (U 'k J21 't^yit^L U^fa-jfa U^ (j%. -- < 3 - & f{) , fare '' fah/urfb — UL.— (l&w _ %*/X; J . — ^5 »-/ A/ 7 Ls/t/nyllj _ fa/ 1 ^ifa j/atfa ^ .l. ^/£/ fal/ 1 -^ dltyeCfy t*-y ^£Li._ *L_ j y ^ ^ Va^/hy f/S. ^ fa^U/4^1^/ t^o>»y « *— £> i-v «/ 'fa' id/-4srj faeditf £ f/? ~ %N J - ^ • / <7 C/fau?y. _ fcfaj _ -3^ fa/r fa A^r' */0L4-O /h*- cAb fat/**' *~ 4 U <}$£ $Z ti/tfd , lirnt/y ^Ujl (& JY'ffOuJ&J 6~ __ '//<£' * t-cd+LAst-u yCr £. C-4^i£x4sri4y dT^t^L^) Vfjus/^ •'ty^- jf sjr &/■ {4/Jr.yjLj. __ zdtuj'.'y jX' A /£&£, ,*4 ^4 ( At-vj) -m*yd ^iw}*4 td^lsi*. jin- &r~ ■ U- £~~ ~L Ph/ 1 ? f/Cm^ _ ^ *4- lr fa/ 1 ? afinvU&J rfad/- - fyuj- ^viuu Alfi jhjA^ t^iShu/j ^M^vnur A^) S$z/? C- tJito. / // 7 / ^ t^tsijL njt^y ff*^L^id!y , 7? ya £ Aj/^ fi^Asrridy — /4^ $c/uy ^4u/J \ j/t^fe^+y /bccJre, a,*) ic/tn ■rf)~\ - 00^4^. fi/fdil '(Ivih 'Tdvn, ‘^y t— ■ of^t &~r, a4^> J- /L - frlcjJ^l. 9-nyJcJ^ ^ /L to -tr " " ~ J " J {/ <*l£l> 4 /hz±, t fyrfyru&** * - - ^C^\ 4 i^/c/tnyLi t+J-t O / 'l±£u,i-rv^\ 4 4 2 - //L /Z(/£ofc> @/4l> 4 \s U, * fa * c OTTSV ^A/afaArn^ <*3 dL - - 2 Q& Jh*r Aiji ^ ~£~ ^ j^a*dy - fat Azfal^ *sAa * a-Mf . l/t'ry Jon*- — Zofa evj- fatfa. fat/*- l^£* 1^4 /— t^, a. ( a/ /fl/ r ( fa fat, /U& */ &dj. <*• ^ dvtrn-ux, aU (far^f fa & rrr&tfa. — /'cfafao-vjfa e am*. <* jfSgKsff -^±- id J»- i 8 SB s® ^600 <(aj CXa^l. cl£/* /Z*-* *dx/$£ J£j^ 3&t&r . — Jjtr&Znf iLf ^ yfi*fru*,lL a/oc^s \^ r{ /i cp c^J . a^) dluc * esvesy fa/ 07l/*f <^> * J» htrti snc/trtZrsj. sfaZr Q/a-J- TS'raWwV' Cxrfaumtax. 'dfa. fa fi/t/nfa. Cfa (fa/U t/^sfaji fafa J 1-; ’ tCx <. S • - lAX / ■ftf/?. - 1 \ & 2 j d f 'd- 'Jl€. y iitfI'll* n. rd ^ f* 1 y £r\^/CnA^4 ' " *dp*Tv- - — / / 6\/r /> ^ fiStAwc&jU It C^m*J!tV‘ — ^ Jj hi/*'? 7< ^ lilt ts7r<*4- -- «-^ r - -?- — t/^f Ld o/crzxrf*. ^-hjtyrtA^. hr/h *• ^st/n i t r/isn*-* //r £> da/lAX^Ki •- Zjcsiij \ ._ ~XJff4ff.- /./# ' X vty /f- r U^M. i* *^y r/x~±~ c^faj^y tteTfy - — ^ '^Z*2J J>£)~y. — -- / . WC‘*« ru ^hoe*N hdd I Go* ,]\oi »»us dit- rument of ’l.pil ; (j led by the I / ' f rr- w.»r- ;-l Kngfsh 1 ^h lie (id UOD aqj i|iO SplA i ptpjg fouy ipqi Ano iinp uo j is stjej pauorf j f sodoij / )dy J aqijol jtpuaiirl t.XBpjnjf qujnd| 3j a " J 3)15® 19[JJI^ i-joD & ^tsslhg SuinjoD t\ \ nil m* bint] f fl I SR “01 c fa/*^ — *^> ~^Az AA^ ..« f\d/UW ^ ^ ^/^/L ~/t ^tt- a/ »T^ 'T^ft^tT (ftfUJ+^4-' ( a^) Jsi-rr^) 4*.rT/$£ 'eJta*^ 'lA/Kf^c/i^ ^14 &Xruf . ^ °A 4~~ a^ p i£) a**-A) cm/^/ Xld* CfftAjl iVcxJ^itJ fxJaLy/'t aV Jtsftj- Zo * Jc. _ * ^?/7xf7^ « /^/txJ • (/a/d(jL> a^i cP o Jyarv Jh/^ focr/yri~*.4y( - *4 // C*j? z^yr^c/ <1 /z- ^ e/aM. — 2 i) . . , .,/ ST, = t^C/?2 0 A*/ < 5 /a-*/ • — « J^l/^ Zy /« V^77*^ C^y-, I/- CPU*** 772a *• ^ CL 72 ) A/* PA^I ^ tSrpvLfc A wkft A a 2ZZ2t*mJ A- r^r-r^ O • / C<7 €sr»-n)/y ~zC C/^ ^ pJ/&n/ry. j Xspjnj I 3jns ai|jn te/oceA) -^*y^ r fit/ 1 cy^LfTr), y'^ ^r-LA-rjl A^itc^V xAj'eiijfisry yjir y c~ 3/^OtT^f ^Cajj^e U ^ yict/tor etj faryn^yrrf — Q&i*^ *£fo ^ ^ ck. J^ /C d ^ ^ - -jil/ J %*sz£y jh/ 1 ^ ( ^§^ cj^,. — ^a j:-*: £L^ .wS^ ^ ^ ^ }^Aeo^vA//^//i 1* * r^ /2ju tffa (fyt/rr*i ~~/f T^T ^^/f «y,«^4 ^ -w^ ^ 4, / vV. 46. fa^-^^oA^y t /'j ^ ^4n" X ' A/ajAr^A Acnry • - * ol. ^6-^. O' /y ofa)Af- — Jff £fafa if J' fartc** S~f- o'^JL +j/V'. .$• "*»<>! W c «*d in f e l I is imua?«j L - But J hants *r|l .1 initial |tf the !omo{| Ijfid HettroyJ ||fn all si (lei!! ftpy the ln-n|| H a?er honu.r HCeiv| nR t^l Rle rivil i o«| W tin wlvchl appreciated hi his official 1 10 of the r»t ft. »«e»s Md uiiotti Go- [fornus di«- rimient of i H ed by the ^ »-j;re:- w.,r' | >‘l Kngl s fi j h he tJ ill 103 aqj l«to 3 Suiaq "* si DU d!|^IX) iouy aqi jno ‘inp uo s SIJPJ pauotf'i : sodttid i y a H>J # | !j»puajie| ABpjnjf qujngl ,l\)J)SW 9l U ’ J 31150 (1]|W 05 9Jt ifis umjOD j rain m i u o y w x ~ k i A 4 a~ - W l'r*^&ZAIfrJi^tsX, &Ul//^J VrVA-, tv/ $ Ji • —— fycSvi^ fy 1 '/ ^MsT*£ */{owry J * -*— jf*-y-vxj . —-• Se/^- faJt ^ ~ fr£fa/£t Aa- 0/idd***-'h- — ^ ■* *. -//t'/j oSz/trr' - — c+SUS/ tv/ S/C+ j/ais &faiAs£**- A2A - A^f A/*, ~rfh,uc; - — CtJ-o^T faA~ fa y ^ r 9 / \ *a£ S~~ . — /^£> ^ Jk*' /S) A OZo^/Al-*, t/LstlK) - AZfa^ /is AaZ Afa> +Al*/ — <*W^ A */a4-/{ tfaso^Sy ^ AL p— /AAAa^^x^^ — . L*/£r^ *JZ&A£s* ^ /Ll^h Z/ctC~t^{ /&■ ; - *sfa/hf/LJu *j/, s6-Xy/ (UAA'msTn ^ ^ ~ Jhc*ri , c/cy/t y */~ / » S&tS- Sd deHroyJ 3 all sidet-f >y the lo(?J| U?er horue.| iceiv; n « l f 1f Tie oivil | o« ft in wfveh appreciated his official of the Tit '»e*s hold ntDctl Go* Ji nu# di«- rtiment of jied by ffie I V' ^reo wor* I iM Kogiih j ih he -> d- i6&/ia-g/+f **- *«£xsrt CA^f^rwrC / ^ ^ ^ c^.-n A Mt< /fycfiifcv **'*^^*-^ 21 ^ #■*%-✓- —— k^T ~ Prv^ &L~~ U J ^ ^ *S$02l^^ d/f /-u * */fi£vr' — «; -^“ ,a£. ^a^Cx/y &f fft/*^ dti/tiif <& dey/ f . l/- ^ -t^t/ ^U4/, ^ & '£/Hf A^ St S-/i~ £. id /™^ - j l „„/SD> _-* <4 0/< e£+y ft /l)aJc/lV //Ly e^» T* ^ ^ >£ ^4/V /^W- ^ fjjyl A ^i/^ i J }t^(x^ &/L ^dc */ A- ■ / »?d de^trovl i?o all side»jl >y th« ln-nll Safer honu.l ^ceivin*, ih # I file civil . o-| - . < y'a/rtd ?-*A c Ca4 ^ ^C^rfrty y.^— j^ew4^tx. - iZd[) gj,. a. *//(TrU c^ Clcb^ C S* JSU, u CL&l* & (^autrirvj *^> «4~ ^j.6 * u t£. ■Jj'trttS Z- n^L£y J, dL £ cr?-rij(sbj£*^ jfa-TL*, '• -' t£- (j *4- *^jj> %./>d A. y-^OVTxd ■4*-t>**r2JL' *4~ /^ — iry tjj j^ny thio-irn&j,^/- <**v*jJv6r - - ' Ly / ^ 3f y ' Jjrui. £S$y*rmj u/And £v cjZ- ^ti^t A t-Atf A A ^ A iJA 0 A oAtC 4/t v *J*v< /&< X*^d j /j^ zLdr A 4f&U ty y?/^\ ^ J ri m O^aJ- -«-/ •<*? //- ft'cr*/ ft* / * ^ j/*. /c nst v f Xduu «. «/* n-esn, . — %/ if <4 * *S4~y 07T±J - Of lol / ?ur( 4uaJU*S *f /2> * a ft*-// /of- vJ>-& o -?7 /o/tt^TO /ftc . - C7x jfo/ft (^/eJoiy/s _ i/ou: /v or^Orft — 4^\ j to Jeff &-J C / Ovx/tftx*/ /s*^, (3i&I/c/<> y toJL - - ^/u J C<> ■C'nf A H Ar-, t Ooc*-tf C o*->* i/ef/At/uS. 7 / /eJj'f&rTj&re^ W . _. £ ~rv<*oiJL> . t-ft/'rT-rror*? *Voiy // ftu O-l At eft c/f.c /4 yf i" at*-x. l/~ / / - " r ; > ’ : ‘ "y / Wfti A f# .l icH in fel Jjs inmatfltl lK- But i|| Ipiants wcr|l Id in.tij.,4 Ur the !omo{I ffid dfHro?»l jm all sidei’l |>y t!i« ln-JI |«fcr honi«. I J Ceiv: n *» ,f, # | f le rivil ; o- 1 | ®tin w!v chj ppreciated L his ofEci^l I of the r«t ' ^h'ie*s hold ^uiinal Go | oi «u* di«- *1 rumeni of | j|ed by the | "r^ri*^ v»,»r- :d F!i>gl *h J ^h Uc i u^ ,Z7) ' c c <2-tO Jhf^-< ~<^y^err?-0 X *^ u - >~Jk2>or' ~£~ */«_* cm-, *. L O^rwLfy /ry * ^ £csrxj VULjtdof - — */f — V ^remol '"d. Q< -t^y* ^ Oitrn-n^ry — ^4rx^y */ ^ &c/ Jo ^ Jr 4 t 6 jLrry* Jhrm^nf ~ &&£^, /u/ — ^ /. /£?. Ju O^ry-tJL . —» J&sn-A' f — j£a E^7 S W- Jore^y ^ fib*- - ^c7^) fay tJ(sL^<_^ . _ tfay* aJtun-tyf J /2 tr/c/ 1 df&rvJl dfafay _ fa^fajfcoTiJ Cfyfajir. t/jjfai Sfa/cJt . ^ wnv. _ •JSifey J fa cs$ytf7^ y f, ~ '*T-J*- »\ - - ^ . v * A ■ffat*. ~a ^ aa ~ ^ ^ ‘ 7 ^ ^ /. j cjtfffa, fafajj A J&fafa- * far?.* jy ._ z */ 7 'Sr*?/ «/( 2 Jrr'*i Ah- C i'XsUVt-L*' t JL tycM. * ocury > - ^7 Jj/afarey ~ J* ^/ faz^&y, fa '~fa A)- fatrfa <*4-7 fan^i lV - '''^IL. C j£asi'trrctso*i & —~ all sideijl •'by th« loej ]|»?er hon«. ficeivinR ih« qhe civil p 0 . {4t ir» wlvch appreciated ■■ his official il of the rn *h it?*-, held ffluiinal Go- , •ioiMH* dif- Slriitnent of ^|cd by the J w.»r- 1 Kng) ih j .^h he ill [iod aqj V;p") iouy jbqi jno Mnp uo is srjFj pauori : sod«jJ J y i I)°l ;>pu3jjel |X«pjin j q^ n ff! : wnsiu ™a ‘ t jaijso ! WVJM )|oo 9 J* Ms#** j ^ * um|03 / t 9 A if 4 h itnu l '0l ^ ^&T~z4 • 'a~ $rt/£oc^ t f a^/ M^n ^ C?0TL*f4_ a/ 9x$fcusr>a£x£lx/ **-> it a C^dristU- ^ /* ihf- itHdih aA-i^A^^ry k 1. J> f^> w '//u'^/L- — /^//22 isjbk*^u> c_A^tJ /tr Itfj xfon . — fair ^ a^c w> /JU~ /i 'JzttJt'/ff* %dt/^ df° /)x&*^tcd fth/ 1 ^ ^/r7tf-rrn^ ' — it +*X. *L~d' - ii/i■ O^u ^ VtlaA M* 1 ^ (ytxJ j/ fy/*^ /loy^rf(r /— /iL^^-f <*-y — /«cd /// £ u ; 4 cZ/i^ 4>~l4j 4- iV* . > k UiJ 3 4ju C)/L^ ft? JJ*- A. -^ fi/L^y jb' •r^^j^yOrx^A • ■ J ^- i (/$srJ£c*^ , ^ ^‘^°/ ^ ^ **£-. , X/ *11, ** ~~7' — 'Sf /^3T ' yy -7 — ' - / '# #>3 1/ (_f /4W O^V*^l . \./^^J &/ 1 ?./dt^• &i£~r - X ^ ** Vl*-0^ '*r Z, ^ /^L ^ -^ 4, ^ /«• ^ zky, f'X~ &£*, n* < t_f t , . /"' / * / j / «-Ji 4^-XdZZu£, tyL »/ ” (* r«v »Ci*(l in f e (is iunia^M 1 k. But a flhants w«;r|l pd instill 1 the !oiio(| »d d enroll a all si(lf»:l >y the In<’i|l »r<*r home, I ■ ceivinR ih«| jhe cjvil ; 0 . | j tin wh'ehj appreciated *f his official 1 of the m JhneiH held 4|}utinai Go- amus di#- llriiment of i ed by the I Kr«*^ wor*- [ 1 Ki'gl ,h J h lie (t it] •lim «I),*I 1103 dqi R*HA i cujsq sp|A |.ioip.*g loay ipqi mo tinp uo |;s supj pauoff sodoid J y Wl hpuaiirl i. XBpjnjI qiunfll jfjjm/iftH a vii * >i J3JJ50 ' i 'a[JJI w } joD ),| s #"3 j 'lump/ %\i »i|inl J(3jmf i 8 ‘ II I‘Ilf 0“O| IS n // /ms rtTt-r ii-Y 1 ^ tin/fc. /t^As/oTtf tO^/h &*/bj <*1 Cs^rx ^cl^sia/ ry^-^~y €i eCc£*-q ^ //Jfo exJttsl cl/ — ^u*. y 4jCrr-~^f/ v/ 8 2 . 1 ^) /y So l x«7t^ ^ - — — K$* 7* ^ y/e/^i^t^-rtfrr a J. / ^OtJUk. OTrii-. ^ 7 - I'k&'Z-- *?• *— //■L'J-c^y //if. ^&/2/ry 6 ~z£h *ljCCtslC. &sl / ffyri^ 4 ^ y 7 > <*ru< — /tS'A'.J^ u'&tjdL, <%- 5 L. (^CR^saZk — m ~ ~!&? 0 ^ 4 f-+ d* -n^ 4 ^tu /y /O’ ; fc /^L-tj «. ^l e^» -/ - <%-&** K^v , l^CL 4 s (>T? W«H> ff] c*'d in f el Jf is inuiat*! }£■ BuiwJ ■bants wi>r*l IM injtigi^l ijf the !o»*o(| |pd dej troy-1 jfp all sidei’l >y the ln«’J| 3}*r<*r honu.r K ceiv; n « ih«| ( le civil ; o-| | ! ^tin w!vchl ppreciated his official of the m I ^hnei-. held jBmioal Go- jWou* di«> j lUrtiment of | |*ed by the I "* pr«*c war- [ 1 Pi’g) »h j b he riiiij '‘hi* [IOD 31{1 |»3.t <7fcA-„y£ c^lZu) _ / l/a/jty■ _. /G/& /AC vtfmys -4«J4- it ft y 4cnrf j ^ // ftt/Ti0Us&tL*f — ftXjtuorr**) /* o&srm^r — K^*ut vi2) -Mz Q~J~f - &-•*&»&* <'«— it r /j- 1 £ Kji(rfU - - JtCiJujL /fcZr*. (/£ «<, rm*- *— vXt^, AarfcAr-ty lu . , *S 4 . //^/- At. t]/c4*/- 4U ^ / bvo£*tJ •*, *>*^4 _ O 'A j£ M J4^ AuoXuZi '/*.«( A/ouy^)> t^‘ ^. / ^ v 32 *- y ~ ^ JL ftr it ftsZzzic Mi 4 *S yd- / /&rmaji+v */i Jt duv>'A\ t’jZy/mi ■ — / £*>) / s Os») sSisy%4~ jrfr £y &**£%> 'as/j ,<-^ — ~ fadj£ry. YZa) Z/A"^,„,; tt s \dC Y z **Zr? <*»+'*■ ts/trC (2/c./c,^,/.ZA/^,»Zl^ " ^ ^ ' ' / ■ w ®u*ri% pc.nj i n f.J| Jy* intua:«| • Buin,| lants wf>'|l d instigjt'l jl tHc !omo(| S»d denronl p all sid«:l Scythe !o^| S afer honw. I 1 Ceivlng Ih # 1 I be civil • o-l I ^tin wlvchl ppreciated his official of (he tu i ^ b»ieg> ht-ld ^ iiiinai Go j o»nu> dig- ijrtimeni of | (| ccj by the | hfEree Wor- I 1 Kog) s h j ;h lie ( !J Ml IK ti 05 dqj l*VL i otiisq spu Mp.ix) Inuy jrH|j jno \)np uo is SFJFJ pauori sodoid j >d v aijijOl »[Hi 3 )jrl . XBpjnif qaindl fijiijr^w »VA il J 3 JJ 50 ’ ite(1JfD3 )|o3 9Je llsuT 31*15 ai(in CC t c-A-^t^ . '^^ iA *»-* ^ p—• JL- "yf* U ( lA/^y'f / * « ^J/t yferJfo. Al/l «- C«I^ u/n/A^ o' 7 k// /*T~ ^O) /^/ t ///ff/* ^ b^Alf x^eri'Ty's d %^) ■ *» &ty&/k <- $ui. '^YAt r-> r>~* A?A At! -*-C < — /2s2) J- %a* AA~ ~Z U-- T£ {/tt.^y^Txf O-tnr*** _ c >s^ J. t~> ^ 'l-L-£< r~7T*) S^Z/fTkf AJ^jihjL- A A+rtrit >c *A ' /^it »r ^ < ^>~» +~r~rx< rf —- /q /n • */ - ~2 w/ rm* *4- 2 - — ^as ~ /X X. 6*a /a f 7 — l/eVv — - /s * — At/^ A*//**** A. e^su/^e) -w /ty 4 ?^ . - (///' ^/^f c-+£t^ . — fihis/fat ftfa' l lA /+< <«/■ — * //faAf/n t^yC * r J /zZ/'en^fa ijA-rn^ -/ j/m / c /% 9fU^ i £'&s*£cJ S3 f/L_ SS/l *^ri/ _ jb-4/jL - ^**£*nm^ >4 f/ //j 6/L^ a/ * a ^^- / ~ V CMy£, e Asf^, A/ fa^/br. - 'A• fc£r fof A/. A <* At nn-M^ ^ — •AtJtiAcL /A s r - & f|d Ipuiinai Go jjjornu* di#« >jjrumen| of ] j»cd by the >>-rr-f w .»r- I ‘id Engid,] xh he did I J-I.i oz atji i*lt 9 «uiaq JO spu 11d !l^?) ouy ^qi wo ^np uo s SIJFJ pauoff sod«i(f J v >pu0)jel Xupjnj I qujngl JlJf/fW * i J3)|StB a$» V od dM p ^ c/ - +-r-r-d.-{ l V' / /7 V ~ 3). <£ afa^yr v~y fa~-- (fa^u '4 ^/. ^ 7 ,J il _ ' fafa^ fafe/facA*^ fa^.^fa ^jy^'r. ^ ‘2/farfal a .fa L fafay/H ~~x- fae^ty/jA^^jL . ‘ fatfal - wC ,j£f^ £*/*J+^y£. __ ' fa^nrnv- - *£fa afajft fa/a^Ata,. __ *J- /ftf. QUn^i .2 • $/ (9 3 • *-<^ Jt/ esr^/~ ^ A'^'' ^y-^fc-: — (f- - JY sfa)+S a** faC ^y/O^A Ao Y dt, ac£f *n-^j — - A ^r* i «jrx^y\> ^ ^ 1 / vwC <^3 ^ S^o<, «*»v/ 4^4 X&£r-. fraLfa J&s jLy^s. _ A .v^ *”? 0 ^ «4z. _/ ^ (l/c/ n /I;** j/ccu) «/ ^ '^i ^?) *ni+ry 22 . t y//o/L A?" OtJS £) 4/^jkft^) // dc/ - ^Oy'ac& - 2 p O M' ^L^/l L '*/put t/gj — / 0.&J-U /h*p% z~2 ’ <■ #■ 1 in f ft lis inruatfttl But V|l hants wftrtl 1.1 iniiipJ ’ the !o*i 0 (| pd dpjtronl • ail sidp'ijl py the !no-ij| i»»rer honii ^ceiv: n «» ih«| fie rjvi) r ft in wlvch I appreciated I I his official I J of the tit [ th/ieiN held ffljuiinai Go- j jkii «us dia- 4 Jrument of | jhed by the j ^■Jtree wor- [ id Engl ih J fch lie diif ll.i tio:> atji I»M.L a Suiaq , 0 SPJA M||^0 ouy «>qi jno Cjnp uo ;s sufj pauori SOtittid J 3 d y Ol\\)Oi I >pu0iir| XBpjnif qranj * imnsuj m * . jaj}«a Uajijltra 405 Vi &wn|03 j i ■ 9 V; 7 ivt-S r*d y *-, faf T $ 4 ' 6&X/A.4- cb m < 21 * C^r^tZ ^ ^rrj'WLi^j C*~ y CVl'H-L- Q-c %,nJ - '&*>.- £*~y * & y/^rr^J aAasi* Xaj *— &-> ^ * c st*y ^Lst-°tjus jbfoY<m —^y f&zju ^Jo*+rA f y *A« y . _ &J jAcr/i*,. < *~^tA) */ a- ,*L****41 /A //i ‘^ A$not/e y^'aym^y, Afi ya./Qtn*r ■ *AfAl {/ AA& 3 - t *»» AA~- - i/rt , ! * ■ 7 cy / / If "a*..— JPc.mI in f e l Ft in appreciated T his official U of the m ahne*-. field . ;f luinai Go- . y ornus di#« ijrnment of (led by tli ;I*K *■'*•■ w«>r tf!(l Rl>gJ * jLh he •^PdiiK t t il too aqj & r^D SP|A Kdiyajr) iouy aqi ]no Cinp uo ;« s ! J *d pauori sodoid j }d y aqijal >pu0ijr| || AepjD} I ]; qiung T ".iiiirjfw AJ3|]E0I ')3[1,U W |03 9M |s#3 ,1 «U«1|03 / I ,MJ | Tr 1B?U ^ £ Xa. V kfS - O £ **■ M XnX ^y • — Xrr^ //" 2 &- X X, /rusr eXx <±S^L^ /yy /r* > / 8 /J. ^n-r^ • - i/JdX£) (/'%^d « tye^vrw/ • — d*^x*L ^ fil/ 1 ^ i^aiAASKt X+st>S . — \Xot $bsrdl*~> r. _ d^J/- fi/cAiyji. 'On*) t J/t*vru /l/c/faf/ a, /tX faofcjLi, i X Ipt CcJkz A'W' £ °Xrz-j’ ^ fa X'fary. _ ^ $rvu*r>-r *3 • “ ^ --_. r^ ^ ~ ^7^ - 75^ ». *^T _ +Xtd*jfir 1* /?/? $+xs* f *foL*A> (^xIg£*** ^U*. c^. 6^, Oiu^J\<_, ~~ '**' J ^~ Odd**» -4~od* fhr*u- y*~~ tr *^/4 — "^L *r<<^j£U ifcx zfafa fa ' e ~efa J-fa S' ~N ' -fa- ^ J/L /. Jr {d^S* l/cy/r/^ (^Ltsrt^iruf ^*SSj . /Sl^ S^c-rrv a~-C4^ ^JL^Sf ^«— lS~^Sx *nmL, irfr j^jl. j& — y^ s&p *SSS^/SSrJt&~ a-r/ui tSt/* A /£,- &-*/ o-iaTastx^ tfao-tycf x/tjd SSfazS ■ fa 'faC- jS-fa Ctr»S jffyZtsrxj -jyfatfi C&v*- t <*-fajbf- 4x/x$C dfo-dSxy V^ fhdfaSL Q~&trr crtfafrc Cjfa rtimeni of led by the J ifKree wor- ’•I Pl’gl »h | th he ii’.iij I0D 9t|J °'i,l 3 3uidq 0 S1DU l,) !f ,3J f) ouy oqi jno Cinp uo < suej pauoif sodttji J y aqijol >pu9]ir| /XBpjnif quinff 1 j 11 1 f If w 3v’l t J3IISO •apjjw 03 3^ su8u AL ftd f A**” a/catyft/ Z~ itA Atoly /c4^f a-?cu^ c-* fttr tad- cftfi Old cy,Zd dzU/. «->-.»'*- /ft\ °~ Jnd^dr /* Ad/- - ~7/i jdru> /Lt *dh\ *.h it .* ,f-aCt'L*) n< **-» }f^frx3\ /i*a^ ^ /^, ffgvy-d-cyx. ^ _ Jhf ft)ofyn-*-* A a-' d ft)flnd Ut/‘/Ho-<•?*•*' id C yfft iftf • /furvr^^ £*/z^) — fcSc^S dtft plji+jffi . — f*/0-A filft ftcj /'/ t^n 7-u/i * J7 ftftftt, jft /icrrUAf ftftf *f/etd Aft fhc-rv/^xj^t/^ tJL jf# &ftdv y^rw tftfffof/ *r t r d-cZ/xytsT* uu zdfdftsvvo - _ ftft JtZft _ ft/ a,.7) d ? -nJj i J Zy c/A/&/.C0fohj t -W tv (X ll'lJ | ii a. Z>-tp} t.r-rAft&r-, ft°r 0 - Ca*f&. .Zff’Lt’i-df&u. A td t /iftro/i/a^fv / ^ •s/i* ts/ro/oltacml At daft Z Jid deft ftift ijfzik \d\Q J&t /l/rrdrc. ~ x ,/$- ^-<^7 *sn*±y) A A / >C^4*yC Gtru^ IT /L i-r^^ i^L / *yp < ^ A ~ 7 — fo Ot\ • — /S/ «At/u^t/lt\ «. '/?A &£\ £Oy^ /+ ^ — ^ &£u) £ S^l/atc^, . _ XQ */ -4/ Sl/Jr«| • lid intiigj^l » *^ e - O| *o(l Ijpd dejtronl Ip all sidei-1 jpj the locjl |^«?<*r honu.f ,| ceiv; n «» th f J | be civil » q. i'tin which l appreciated d his official &T of the tst * hneiiN Md fy'uimal Go- )W«u* di«- '||nimcnt of | led by the X»>*r«v.' wor- id Ei>g} «h jikh he dill L t^i/2 i — a **2 — A ' •/^72-^zV' A £ 6aJty Ah/^ ‘Anv »*r§7 fSoA** As*. tAAAj Ah/*yA~AfaAjA t/t CfreuA. — /I, y &Act ejU/At Al <■«*) AT) - JA^- Ay 'fia /PtA»-*A- _ X — -2 t '^ < * Al/t/njrA c^/A) ^ AA) A^A/2 vAaeA^nyuj riA^AkJt*y^ jC4 ^fu^ry 'Afc ^d.yu&AAs AfL^. Hfibih £ '* ^ — "A «,** / sAw. Aats/oi^i aj- /o 2/AA/A A AfUc &*r A 9 ' /«J< 4 y. - A ^ 4 jy 2 . y- «A (,/Ayji' tAFjtik aawA _ <4i *sAdA* o**d> — *AfAiA/y£i*r, — *7A?-Amy£**y, Ad? ^-- /s S Ai /cA ■ Aa-tyA™ . A '1/tT^s Au)' ■ /u -'• < ~ y 'u A M J/zA. %A/r' - - A Va/ ,,A jffl*#'A A«~'~y iA AfALyfc* A~ a/ < 9 . -- / 7 l •*, /ho A&Ztoy t*7 *4^ *V f iZt AL*A n-iyAl . ■& ■ — '7 - ~ a/ //■ O «. C^fcz* / X*J Ma, U C»fJ*y£/ S. Sfcr *j%rtvwy 4£z t£tsrwry’ -''' 3>- - i/c/rfocis&tj As>n . - 0Cf6t^c y>n) ~/**t*f y ^crury *— /2Zu*£ /^A foorr, ^ ^^0 Ksfa/* e. Ac rxr^^ y4 isftc/^ jt/oA/ o£l^ _ r|l I instill :he !o»«( I HeMroi all «ide»-| r th« !o o-| in wlvchl predated iis official l of the t*t | ^p»*ie»s luld l^uiioai Go- oi nus di#- |)rtiment of j e«l by the ^*r»*r: w-ir- I f Pogj »h J JSL^h he t‘* *hn ioo aqi d suisq 0 S13U ouy oqj {no [{np uo $ sut?j | >911011 sod«iJ J Ud y 9 M IJ0| P uojirl Bpjnjl qainff ’ f.JujfKW *\l * , J3JJ5D ilajljiw 103 ^ tt^ijKugf | Jiinnjoo j H \m jpijin l| 3 jnd las 1| l«n[ S»oJ 4 Big 225 ' r^u^/L. * Aoc/^m **.rx/p£ f^AvytS' 4~> ~ fi/Lut'.* jhA - A O^va. - t 9-, &C-> vr*^w-iy 'O*^ f^+\, a/* ^ <^jt> *' t y^y?eotcC-/ — {V^Ltsxjj _ A&*A (hflcLu/ Aiujllt isfa/Z /\A/^jf^£U^U (Z^>- fry•&-■ Z) *A . , X^t/ *^^*-t„. At »rrd*-yt^i- (/ *&~/k 'h&K — At/* l vftJ&Jt//. a t- At<.'<) — A*'? A2**~*^A*-£ CAA) <^r. — fi£/oiAr$ %J. AtoAy A SMtL — /?V^ /* ^4j, Ai<^f d+^lruL^^. /A&Ia. • 6 >^) j- ._ Z\~S ■Jir ajLy ‘^infe, J-** iuru&'«l It- But,! Mihants **»*■ §^ ins?ig at *| t* the !oi«o|| »d d^ttroT-l all side* -l >y the !d.m|| Urer honia.l [ceiv: n « lhf l he civil ; o.| : t in wfvcH ippreci.ited 1 his official of (he ru h»ie«N hold uiioal Go- otnus d li¬ niment of ed by die J '>*rrt; w,,r- | 1 Ei»gJ nfi j h he if" \00 9t|) r 8 « ,X 9 Suiaq [o s»iatA 9!|9.ig nay aqi jno inp uo s suej ? pauori | sodftiJ j 9<1 y aqijOl >puaiir| A XBpjnjl qai n ff } ini nsw 3 A.-r0hf *&■ &L. Jt/^TT/ A ft/ Pt7-ot *o+T s »<) du^f (P&o~*Ct?^ c*/P) — c <, _. £ * P^cJ+^tAy' - */ /ty ! ^ rdry sttru^r% 3- -/^. « A^*.*jfcAdCy ^CnA^ _ AfteC /f a S < *^> i ^ aw. „ f 4f-ot*p tdPi/ftMoy/ t-rcAX _ i f£^,- fa, jth^fafai/- fifa. ^ fa/ad U- &>*£y Wasrfar Y, ^ /&/ V /^*7 <=Ao^ Atwrts/i ^ Ittc y **• ^2Lc. aU AzyA — AuPAx j£ Aa? ^a/k*Y * ^ a c+snvx* P/vz-r^ • — ✓* Perip&-i^tY /?tA vtiond/u $7Curx ttJ^m • - 7f‘i^ ✓ c>UajC ° ^ V Canada. td?* A*Cl •xa l S ~ as* ? as> «{-<' «6/^ Jk^tjfavrfa^^ faS olt, «& fas £- -*c-/£cc\ »- | J^€l Jr»-i 1 /^->-»-» OX> «-V —. V'lt+jj <^t>- 4> tf'y+sr+M^uy — ^ fay <*u «->t^ A***' 3^ sy?,/*,, £^.l _ ^ ^ h^fcZa^yi - w./ ^1 tufcL^, c^-, /W~ Oie-n^n^^,- - I * , o ' ": / -,/ i\ /<$ n V ' r «_%o c . _ £U ^ V’DdC** f* ty^f (l/J/* fca L •- / / *»^T •^•'•o •— ^,0 V. -A <^£w. -»• ‘ &»r -^hva. _ >/ fr« c/cr&r?X*f 4*^i 'Mf.. __ «*d in u * inrua’M | But Hants * ■ui in r the !o«i o|l ad deMrovl E i all sideijl y the lnojl i«?<*r home, I ’Ceiv! n *» the] he civil i. ft .| : t in wlvch I ppreciated his official of the ret mess held minal Go- [Ornus d li¬ niment of (j»ed by the 1 ' t-'r** ' w-;r- I jpd ^’'gi *h j |h he ( ; ( |/ "*hm <*n<«/i tiOD at|j ), 0l ll a outaq 'h SplA p!l“0 •nuy j^qi po fcinp uo fl s s ! jp d pauori sodoid 7 w v a^ijol j >pu»iir| I'XapjoiF quing] ^ jtlJJIfW | J9JI5® Waftiiw 103 9Je n sito ,ai(l n |[3jnt > i | »pi i“0 Dili ^ : '• on SAtiWy / A fa’) fa ^fat C?i-c/< r7'«zV «-. ,& £?)<«, fPc-r^ 'y ■/— - *%*}■- ^ /4’ d/j^l *O.U o - 6 c£- - //. faztia-far fa/?&fatfa Jr*.r fafy.Jfa ) '(l^zr- . — Ifaitr fa/ fa^n^. ffai/Za.- fa* C-/*TTrr. JLJ Mi Jh 7 -* x/-~cta^y — fat**' /2j '/decu e* etz^/Al *' * t ^ > t >*^1 y ^ «• ^ ^ 0/ , Ar^ foytdL • - ' /otuU*. A^.—tfzzr; 'A^azc^Cm^ — AC. ? — 3 ts& findf-tl <^S _ /^f ft'£/*y‘f ^/u) f — if/* tf<*i Jb n fof /yr^^ovxi) Jj JjpJUy, f^,A - ?-ecfc<4 of. //tfe^Lj/il' — ye-tsrj insd- f r>r ' X »J h/* jfr&i, •*/~ Xf >df y^oin *Q frrfu *vjf£ fyh/ey/'AS ~M^ ^*^ . —. 'lZ> , '■. ^ >» AC~yi /C y **<&£, , ^ ^ U ™i>\o r#*J ic«*d in f Q ii« inmatetl But vj thants *i!r|l d ineiigq^l the lotiofl id HeMrof-l J»H sideijl >y the lor. j | safer home. ;ceiv: n « ih« I "ie civil t o- 1 t in wlvchl ippreciated his official 1 of the Tit "(!»S Md luiioal Go- ornih die- rtimeni of j |ed by die J Krcc vror- * Kogi *h i ]fxh he i ; |j iW.|,|g sfll-i ti03 aqi ja suiaq 0 SPJA it)t|aJA) inuy , aqi jno (inp uo [s suej pauort sod«tiJ J ^d y aqijOl >fUlO)lP| quing! r.inijffw a>a I J3IJ5D L?a|li|03 105 Sjsi)8d3 fiumpa I / i •Ui styf. «lJj &L> trrvoS. ■ <■ ft cant**' “• 9m/ V^/h^ jjj 'rrj ' ftf'e*sr?ryt//ir9-^ ^ & f C/i/ry* S7 * \ /~, #L l ' «* .25?. - - X /£~ ^# — fcdvtvj- aftj ty.r/TJj 4 Oerjr. - ^ . / J 7 / $oL4ny &-n*7 — *.■£ £ -dn.^1*dc/^j/. # _ n^'T' Ml/ (/Xsoz^x 1/ c^ (/ariV — /£y 'y*/. 'nd- £+**- CX/a:^i &0 //ft ^ KS ~f0 , y&Scrc*y / — t/<^/ r >^A/4' f/ct/S^jLs <*> £ fevrzj C~/Li/! j£rr>f y*s ^/fjeu/tj fi~u/ / /£* ^o^// *f /(^ / J Jlhxh a 5^) f - .. (_. ^ -A u* 7«7 * f yt* »r7it cJ^f/tcuu +\2 // c&. +Afca*c/e^y _- ///C^ Jk/ 1 ^ (? r <2fc&y.~ 7* ' Za£*^i y 1 ^//^ ^ , /a^ d*~2/- J^r i/C^/rrtv ^ (/?ess hold juiinal Go- \orn»* di#- I [rumctu of I icd by the vrr~ Wl)r - J 1 Ki>g) »h / ;h he dji ™*lllK iod aqj a HX 3 «utaq ) sptA «!!»») louy aqi po Kinp uo R* s ! jp d pauori j sodoid I y oqijOl ipu9jjrl XBpjnif qmHff) im ijsw m , jajjcn Uafljiw y.o5 i |u 0 iXi^tV _ tycjxjtj h/? — fl/lxJ *4- {4/es/rtjij ^4du 40 <4-. — S / £r<%?r Jby/j A£i *» Jb/*^ <*£yJ — As/c. # 5 ^ /fr^rxJL-* •'-^ A- 4/4 • '■* k/a* #L (& ■. a- OT-Jf& kf/ltTK 26 ~ UJ */ ( *~*1 Crj-~rx. - c^a£t2k as* is<^S- ' — Ajis* JhA'Sy~ J?U4 xJjtsV 7 /aS £ /a$^J /£aAJ<-> — 0^0 -fc j£4»S, 'i .. C 'b+mxsr*-^ Iststy . - /4/r 42. — i/44 1 hjfe 'd'uZ»44~r>~ ■ — ‘■'Zdu^ “4- 444/tJ^J^ . C, Mx-' .*» fo/ 1 ^ t**y{ - 4P o2a*Ias xJ)4c 4*s 2) <4- (■rfb/j4-fjC/- — fcjdfcr //2fi/$V<>rf)dt2^*J'- i J v*r*j 2X. y *>y 233 aUrU. <~t /it fc^r- JU 3**^ Syjrylj £ ^y .- %n&~~ Jk2 3** 'd'&Tr'-L' 4* t/Cinnm . — »/£ /^L £is tsn-Zrtf Jc* */ /hf- • fc . - / ^ . e ro OT-ot/- / SZ/^s^itJm, tycxy J^ C '* X ~ /i — - 28 t/~^ 14 4 trtpfA- iuu y the !ftcj| taper home, 'CeivjuR ih«| he civil > 0- t in wlvch I appreciated his official , of the th hue*-, hold uiinai Go- ornus di#- rumeni of | ted by the J £ree wor- f Ki»gi sh J h he ilitf MitK «i VM IOD dl|1 m I a Suiaq ~ SPU ouy i>qi jno inp uo K« s ? J ^d 1 pauoit SOti«fid J ^)d y j 9 M ! J 0 ! >pudiie| 1 jj’^Bfunj f qaing ' IIWJSW w I J3IISM i‘a(1il w 1 00 & j hi ^tuinjoa j t 9 4\ 1‘ ^ HOT Jins| W» n ,P- n! | 1“ 'f i ’J' 1 1 "Ol 'll l jut 2U £ Q. Qscsry atovtfy Ab Co oA- S ff& / Jc a (£/yvt£ O~vo a£ / fect-cjur^/hf' fcy*y<>Ty^ij , CL^jL*^ £'bcco ( A/C Jo 4 y ' / 4//us v J/esnsry ^JicT>i/^t^ ^ a y~v /// S». A^T iYyeU(J Cs/U&t> — tumvi,- ybu-n) -y/- '6 ^' // $ j ^C*nA>yooA * 1 ^£fcty vtsr*y j£n*-J •—/ hj) CtffUey/M • — + cv+/AJ*A JJi £ ^ ~s<£ c^£*- oti ££/hofr | _ */ /244y^. -*/£<& ftZtcfa Ar J3'L£'ft/hiasrn-4 Acm/‘ •—• A'^ll J 7?i0irr£? la a-aJ ioya/ft Ah ^ c 3> yViwerrzAtrc/ 4 . ActiAiAA' 'Very/ ay «,^£, S/2*. - 2C \JtASCa/tw: 23S ^fotor**) 4^4) U. AL 'r^yjfy. /- /£2i Jlf^sldir^S *fa$t &4j4L A . tfrru^ay • *— 7*^/ i'Ccy*. /o ^y^tuAoy ^A^y/. L /u 4iL ^ Wr.&tt. &J&C-. Z^yjk Ah^ fa *4 TKA^oyC - — — 4a/o ) *1 fa — 74o *t /l*A9tr» rz> *& At Aj/trrdt, 'k M* OrttsTtAA^ \£ /y^tioi jy°y^. — — - - 24/4ft /kSY/fcy/4\ /r» 2/j^a-r /s?0/r2Cf ■ / 'V ' if "« §c*‘d m f J his intuatJ ^hants wf>n| iM inttig)t< fr the !o» l0 (| pd He?troy*| |p all sidf'i: W the In’J parer hor |ceiv: nR ,f, f ne civil > o. kt in wlvch appreciated \ his official ,P of the tu B hoets hold luiioal (jo- lOI MUa dii« Jrtmieni of )ed by tl»« I '>t**v- v».»r- ( :<1 Kngl' 4h l l\\ he c ‘ od at|i a Suiaq p spu M!|aJQ »ouy . aqi ino (inp uo [S SfJPJ pauorf !Sod«iJ j 9(1 y aqijdj >[>U3Wl R’Xvpjm quinj | :,i uwsut * . japco ikapjiw |0D "jinn ■ JJF 15 , a i| m |P jnl r s >’ fl*N |«0; 2sb J. £ C, m t -jc & 'CVTyZ^c/f fr-r* /l CaJ «. /AJ4^j€^ fo~* AjL> jv* ( % s /tsi^ /me-fr/jhfL “ Ao &**/, A - ** £aJ *. -^-> /Ljji ■+/»,. L / */&mA. 4 rru ■f r 4 . /xnce^&vo j£v~yly i\ ^Yinj C r m / ^r^-> ^ — 6*-< /%•' V/SS C~tsh/'!* ifl*4s/X^mZ *~p> 'is /it* 4t* *70iry-» * *— ////ton yy t*w esv*rk - *-„<» /w ' s/>* >w-*f At/^X //A *»/a h /Ax c /ftsrrn^+^A-’ ^ ////- 2 X />4^ fl?7o /*j£ - ~ ///ifc hi*/i ^ /ftrAf/rut**:*- /- A^/oftf xya c/j% — ^/ /y/yb x *y// c '*' c X/CsT**^*f -— /Axy <*//)- /a. u/££j ^j.yv — (^_ / ^ ^ w /*Ju/tJlu> 'Outfit i 7 ■ tyffU&rrp^rtj vTT * jUiL. \ l —— JO w fay fha^*.s*i. . (J _ _ Ctty&vL> ■ f^diZZu ~d'Zr/tA^ r , t ^ y'fad. fa*> very -- (^Ic^eC ^ . >t/Zo t*60/ £rr-~^ly t $ I K TI/ • ftlA /Pa^tlt r /bin isr, ~/£n ^t^Tx^r^f - 3 - 8 O 'yfdl O-V. dfatdgi fa~- fhStfa, ±yt 1. Xf /Tafc^ c/Z$ - '^. 4/ /^/#^w _ ^ ^ 4^ ^ • - 7T ^1 ^W«4^ / t/~ fa/J. S/*r,/& . - .,/’_ ~ -O 41 jLfu^a^f %£<*> ‘J-Jalc,^ ^ /cr/ r **4" ^ *«« , ,^j ( «. 7 w©ie |H in f e. jiis inruatM V |4 Bui nil Jihants w«>ri| Jf the !ouo{| |pd dettro?*! l n all side*: I by the |ncj| Jg) |h J ^h he <;‘ * 03 91J1 3l lX cuisq !»P|A ouy ,H|j jno jnp uo S SfJPJ pauoff , isodttid j ad y ipuoiirl q ran ai ill) JpW 3% J3IJEW 05 *H? si)8u3 ? jinnjo3 / ”"'3 AO?U , , »ins .ail in | pint r r ff nq : u 0 H' 1 3U jbtibb - ^ gj. Ah/t-itt m Jft/A mJo^ryA- — Jft/- k/ ^*’»»v - t/~ - - /i^n.* (*a — 40 o^A oty dfa^fay tfa/t/tvry ^ <**y • ^ * V' ^ *-/fcn> t^yn/lrr 'ZtctL $< 1 fa//fafa ■ -^-— fak/*? t/fa*fai*v ilsAxo tJu\ ec/lfc- -- ^hjuf/. - <* ! Alt}**-*/— ffabb\ fa ■ - i/n$r - J/tnrp* ^*T*/A / ^A/. _ /Ac m J- ~AJ> W -/ % ~ - // //■u/i 'tntTTcrr*/ — >S&Aj — *r y c/fa*-4 faki*/ t^$(rfy / rv£'i<.y.^*f / yo^ — J\^ f 'Wy >/&<&/ C£*rl(ju// — /b oCisrt’ - (^OTv f - J&dtS-rr,*^ AlsA«&* ~ dtjud? (yffl * A A* ' &7-K4+7 ycrvtrntfr a? ^ «fc*j tsr mj£> 5£&r> d <^+*^du~Y dc Y£*%i£rr^' • t 7yi^^n^ 'itvry ^W/ * — ^ ^wVd^/' — V^»r^) /jtxA. arr/crt!t ^£. „fi~£f- /&<^ Jktwr — $*,„ xa>J/Z) ZCrvu^/Z ‘AC ^ . Z'3^ ^ / ^- ^ ’llj-fr,^ — SCAfc/ «^C- r Qv^ ^ yyy. ~ ^ ^ &/. y«u*£- W- ~£r|| 1M in»:ig 3t »| i* the !oiio(| destroy.! 'o all side*:! by th« In^jl jiwFcr honie.l |ceiv: ns ih«| l^he rivil ; o. J't ir» wlvehj Appreciated |j his official of the ru »'u?fs hold luiinal Co- lormi* di«- jrumeni of )ed by the I ' K rr: - Wor- J t|3»l Pngj\(| / Ikh he (iidl !0D 3l|J 3't.l 3 Sutaq Jo spu I3t|3jg inuy aqi jno *inp uo s SIJPJ pdUOTf isodwjJ | 3d V oqi J0i >[)u8jir| ^•XBpjnjI quingj InipfiM j jaiisM ibj|l|W 103 9Je |{si)8u3 rjuin|o o j i»A "M a ouii '»*m di|in |;|3in T J as if U 0J *\\i V m I m il'H ifH y Me f &e?1 d *J/&v *smdnrt-> J3 . c// -ctA/// a. jS/L d- ci^tr\ x/^ia-u/—. __ ///otk a*?x * u. Mud- 01 SviJuovrd^ *-♦?<) //&n/ry » vd/f t/ Ctcw~o{j I dvn* a ^ 4*n/// ‘ ‘ - rfC. a/t-m^) *Ja^o£j dufcj flh- JnruT-'— — l/ jL- Q+tk / / _ / x/xtto fa yjjhsi/fi %$&~t/ > t*Tr2#sro JerAw-UL. . - :-» JltXfc^ jT^ / M^/odjury * ] vJfrrt . — *4- fMA^^ruruor^ ^ ^dCi-rm. -» // y*fifcrjtftjf* — cMc-f ^aj*. .esrt/u^u K p>~ MAeJ- ^rne djfe Ciiufrth W dftrftJ* ^Jf&rrz*' , U Jfc^Onf fhft -*. eo«A/ y /£l. • J^iAsm 4+Xo ^ ^1^, ^ fh^UL u ($**** dJern/ * — (//u/kkrri^A J~ Ji/. /to evri — mfa J /%j!u, - An^i MMy jfyudsiirrv " '''-fyrnyrTjii M 3' ,< ’--&u^ M*drry . ——— &■, /faf ft/fjih/ <* * ilkieL ^ /^vCuw'l My y 3! 4 V *J$?idClA. . _ Sa/ti4_ U 'Jfctrfb+T* ~ <**V4Aj*£l . - .>/ J f <4o&r yftony >£ . rr&*/ • -*■•-) /hA Z »<"*- «- <^t ^/u/< Jh0trL^ ( £!c-C t \Jtx/rty ' s/+y *-> oimJ ruts+y rffn*. tZ Sty ■+t^trri q ^rirrm ^C o*jlm J^zA • ^ atZstfC/v/' *», y^L ^/*e* J ZZr-yrju^f . frix/f /ft/ 1 -'* (ashtsv/- c* 7^1 o. x,>. ^ ^A/a) *jv t- - r jx. Acd te . ZiypySr p (Z-fZr A/r ^t ZA^Zorrv^, _. '&^ if dude d*~V — Jo-taj asf-^1 horvun/ O J &7l /? Ot- <~ 7 ~> . -- ^ /' d ^y yem^s ('A. a if. - / v . /(kW ✓« !i * ( j in f fr his inrua^l But wt| Hants wril i|li^ initigq^l F the !o»*oj l!id deMroT-l ' a all side*:I dby tile ln Jrnmciu of ed by d,« I r^*rr- v»or- I : i id/?' iddtf/ S' ~ 7 ZA „ / 3 ? fiarU /sL 4 . /. L^jL. . '• ^ J%S<4, S£M*4fr OCAu^- // &*~» SlIL /$ %d&*> esrr*/sr** • — /ijS i\/*d***4/^ a J[. i/r ~/~ Sd dr r*/v«/ ?/•*-/, - 04 hlfS xA^r.^4 J- 2&d\ ~ ^ ffidf Ujyzfcr* $/+w b' ,6/y 4-^iy, • - ^ - /f rh i *tt*-*j t^^Cy A /Sf *:.- &/^ / C/+~d» < Zfadfet /hC <£*A &/u+d- *U//nAjL»jC> ... 'XA JhO &/*A**p£ ddk/l/Tr—f tZ /.. )*> fyv/i — Jd> /tT /sy SLut* / M*. (flu* >c- - CA 2a**(. . Gvtsrvvryfi — ^ 1\ - 20 ^ . ^uJt J& £L ^ . aCijt/^ itmpk — ^ ^ 5 ^ Q/U*j/b ^rJL \t- OXA+h- » 1% rat/ e-trvvK* 0 . 2 / 243 /hi Jb 1 (f/t/n.y£ C *//) _ untf/ X * - /Z^Lu) (t YcVrzyfh y h £ , * x^ry . b&riT*/* . it+JU** ^ ^ . ( j—^ n j/ 0).*— >$?>? 'Wi-**- 4 ^ ^ oT V A fc ^ bfr^ - ^ facly/n***^ — c / C hjt/u&tl ' /txrr,//^ j£ ^- 4 k~ )v ✓ • ., 1 « Of; _ ^ ~~r f OU zZh/i pfar fa* fit/^ /&**/' — /ft/ 1 '^ /Zt/dcsy. £ A -t/ 4^pr lliXXc^ £ ( C/tih (ffu*. lii/Zdivj l£ _ * hhv-. *4- 41, ty. vfa>V •^ / *■*» ^ ^^rt*ty< -™* X*/ z/t+JuJ c^br****'*^] /fftnL fa us£/*+y/bf Am*. ■/*-Afatfa / fa faJrf \? t /afau cm L faf Ou*. — fa~ -4 fyMl W07\ / /afajC^t *4 /C faodm /o*/fa 4!*W<^v /**dy . *^ 1 . zdfdfa TiUsUsfC^ f C’TTt a&i j — < ^ft/TUU^X ^Xt/t^f ^(a/o cdt —> y^* V d* rtltZ*/6^* >4 „ Svajiy . - —' . ~Arcjjp~! ej~ -, v ^ • - -$/ *6^. /4t ^4-r/. A '■ /IrrX^ 4e-4t eJff^n^L/. m y^LA- C&A»e»s hold 5 uiin a I Go- Wnu* dtp- ’ ‘nimeni of }ed by rfi« ' ^r**-: war- j ~‘ f Engl >h J ‘ fch he tf * 1-l.i [103 dt|J i ouisq ltt> spu !f**!l«9 louy aqi jno tfjnp uo f& SMtj pauort isodojul j ad y l 9tJ| J0| apuajjel ‘Atpm wn mi nw «# *J 31180 Jafljiw 109 *** M s 5f Jtnnjoa J ■*% A Otll »3jn$ 48 y frv esrrts/rr*-' 2X fafifa / . — ACrf-TT-4. — { fa - farffa fa^ (fafO^ r^rM P^tU, C i£% - dfa> ~ ffi-^/ilt> — Jjfy «® £ Safari *>, A )~f Pfafo ^JtSP ~4 /S _ /y... ffou* < a hOi PPtsn^ry £*//%*. JtfafaO) -6y+y~ ^AMs^ _ CSS-njL. ot- 1 A o~+-€s*~»* 4*u <^/y a2a. ^r ^r S£j c/- /£. (^-i*s)~vA xv) 0-4 (*-2n #3" Q ’ —• ft us inmate*. But «i| hants wfir* initios ; the !ouo(j itid destroy*! 'd all side*: by the IncJ ««rer home. !! i v inf» ih« civil ; 0 . n wlvch predated is official >f the tu « eg% held ioal Co¬ nus die- lmem of 1 by die I r«*e war- | Pi’g) ih / h he nrn^K-t ^C fa/} <~> isrv*r^ . — aAviJ&f ^/Air • - <>8U)) . - £' • 4 far*^ - c/ihtfa cdc/\ £*^f /ir-^ -far fat^fafa* fa%*^ — fa/fajfafc/ * _ faC^ is/{AAc4«-*-n^ < ^' J. fa, \j/farrvrr>*r■><& • /l /o^ 'A/jcT/fa _ fan *^wi - - ••*-» 2. - -J. - rm-&Xr7TV i / 3Vrr4 esrT-4*'/ •— V^i. -Sx / * Wftie r ,^ |ct*d in f g, is inruatttl But, J iants wf>n| d instigjt* the !ouo( ^ destroy*! all sidet'l iy the ln-rjl «?er honie.l ;ceiv; n c» i|, 9 | ' e civil ; o- t in vp(vch I ppreciated I ^ his official ) of the rst )h«ie«, held I uiioal Go- | lotnu* di#« irtimciu of | *ecl by the I t prrc wor- f J 3 .'* P»gl nil j llkh lie i: \ i j^-inK *n,Jr jllOD 3 cuiaq O SPU b«|3ji) jouy aqi jno ^np uo I s sf J *d pauoif isodttiJ | ad v t aqt jol apudjirl ,/i«pjnjl quing " injrifW *”4 'J 9)1501 iapjiw i^o3*9Je H s #3 ) I ^iionjoa J *\j | A0?U rj * <^c 'prrjo VLp/fy-. l-C*UjyK 261 °Di 1 7 : tfir? ^-JSi:^ ^Ju/i *—, (/£cj^ <^/^‘T?y - a^A fsf \Ycsip£ 4*s-J$- ® ■ ~X J^Uy . ^ 's L ^ i sCVrlJ . _ jp. / C7N. lAox^/'t^y fyjA- . tf A-^C- V *,/ fiZlAfi/ a^] x* -a > * — ^*°*• > ^ v *.y, ✓<*-*£ ^ — * $&*/ eZ^rvy& - jLy^j ^ iH >f t iced i *P« inrua*».| But i 1 jhants '«*!'|l V initijiiJj ; the !o**o(l pd denro*i^^ b afl iid»j ■ pj thu !n<’d ^»fer born*, reiving iht he civil i Jet in wlvch Appreciated | his official of the r«t vie*-. bold Uuiinal Go- •Won* di«- lrtiment of »cd by tl,« » pretf w.»r- jbpu0iie I Xcpjni qiiing jujrifw 3 ^l ’ •’J3IJEO yapjiw tioj aJe F’Ji i ii | k hi l I 7: 4 ii ( f : ,1 I I I ! 3SZ xz & frrzxf • ->, ~ A+m*' • *— «/**, ^‘ xAf^AcZ. ^ f u Jhrtuj ^XaumJl &U^S K«^tW *—* Sco^yJ^ A-*-/) /0^y£jL4sT-A^\ Ay A, (XotJLru, *} J~2.~ Xr>~^ ■ J7 -Z-- tX? m-4. K^xaA -_, w/UlfAj- Pnft^v --- - /* ^C> *~+s/A*s**> — 'A/tAs <5 . /hesft 9’*+*, . ^ CO tfi- Or> u-/^ tAtAf/ C r-L*J~- A&Z h ./ a — // XfonA ^ ny£-._ Jk'rri+yt U*tt^ *& //. 2S3 u//^ ^j/* h • x/o*-T *SCi*>^u~7 ffm*-x/, - /fas/f^9 »~ ji '^l-*^v l/PrOA^ £ / Ci*/,» <^> - *ka**S ,iy -tf- _ ^ — ^ -/ ^ ^ -^6 i fC‘*(i in f e , us inruata.1 (e. But wJ jhants wr’|| d »n*tip3t'| the !o»« o(| »d dentror-1 Id all sideijl by the loojl barer hom«,[ ;ceiv; n «» (h 9 1 lie civil « o-| rtin wlvchl ippreciated his official of the nt IHmcin hold tuiinal Go- aci nus di* \rument of I »ed by the ' rre- wor- I jpd Kngl »fl / th he (/“ LlOa 3t|l A®^L 9 cuisq •o spu 19I|9JJJ iiooy 9qi po ^np uo I s S . IJP J pauorf ;sodoaJ j ad y i aqi jtfl apuaprl ; XBpjnjI qwnj’ Hiirflof 3l U % J3|)EDa a[ji^ Ho) * j e u 0l eqf , jduJ / a /^r CA*f **+£kc*y ^ Ary fr-j+zy t/~£srr( ( yA J u, Jo tArvfy f%h^ou Afifc Sj/ 1 ^ fa&At i/uJ§ °J~ h/ 1 ^ ‘ aJ~ /£y 'jfyo^tf, ch $*au* ~ VCy W A 5*k/7~L*4' — ( ^ ^ ^ A. jb+r* A/^rv^A / £/&*i/i b /^frt-f fCu (fty . — fliyJij. dfitruj. — ^ rfy , /£j. — - ■ . \ * .., ^ ^ / _ /£. Jbo'r-rx-4'riy — /tALki^ &. ^._ » /Z_/ y Vyc^ — ~$Z h tsx. /+. /- /- — l cv&^S *^c£o ifd^uj 9v*.t*£i/ M-tAsTy/^ - — 4^ /kA'J.w^jj >D ./ ^ c ^£\ / ' ^ ^ ^ (VJ„yJLr &*/+ /Z /s^>. _ ^ dlo/tcucA, _ t^c- ^ ^ 6e£*m*jS y-tCJ-*///.\ ^ *4>«nl £ J <,£ d// dafc/ dLyu.ay. _ l£ivt> *Jc/ JiyJr*. J. //) . Se/td /£ J/d: <^ y,f>. d U**u */a*-*/ f>*d- — ^ r - ^ddtnyr^ e-a/^) _ f~t/di~ / c/ ^7 ad/f^u^.. V / / 'Vt m*-£y ■ — C'adX s£ d^dLy/ ^.rLd^Js^) ^,._ ^ ^ xl J* d/&rwfepy f^ads dUr rfiart&b. _ *£ W y^ ^ frr'S xJcut^xsCt'tss — *»/ /3>-^ - cv(t in f e , «js iuruatal !«■• ButnJ :hants wp.,| id instig^jj r the !ot« of| nd denronl 'd all sidei-l ky the IncJI ««F<*r bonu.l •CeivJng tht| he civil ; o-| $t in wlvch I appreciated j his official! ' of the T«t hne*-. held tuioai Go- )^or»u* di«> rtitnent of j eel by the < grr-r war- J ;ea[1jiw aoi & iit s !l S “3,1 jujnjoo J ri «0| %4*afc.~~r j£~- vj£^ ~~/ —j x~ ‘l&zbr '*£yfe> ■ - £ %* ^ a f- 4 ** r^r J^yury/i £y _ 4 ^) #/»y 41 / j/yk O+^r,-. */ £+m*^ • t fpc iA^^aUv, dC & +. /?L^£^ 4 f n^t ^,.. — /^V? i cftJLz^Xf A^) ‘l/y jzfe ItSfzjbXJh d*l r^7Tnrfesr?CLt/ a*usx C&rjt^f e y^ea^oXi —~ J>S *dcr/j jr &ia£^ Pv> 1 clL//+s . _ r&c* sV-*->^f CL* ~ „ / J ftLmjL ty y^x dc' t/t/i . - iZyc ^7 *xsn/£rrxjvr^' ^ JA ^ • - 0 & **->* atx^sru • — £ Jacrrj - ^T ,7 s£ (>Sacv^c^ Jx. /fjifey * — jhd+) *i oJjiesiA a-4ST*-, tx. ^ ^ {fafr/fiuJtiJ f/ ^ *£ &XAJ / /£ \<-/u) \ftArr «> ^ y. ^ ^ r|l !id instill £ the !oii 0 {| tnd dp.itroT%| D all siflp'*:l !| >y th« In^jl «?cr honit.l wiving iht| ie civil | t in wlvch 1 ppreciated I his official I of the r*t *»ie»% held uitoai Go- ornus d is— riiment of j ed by the | '•£r*t: w,»r- i :d Engl sh j th he i.' * 1-hi UOD 9 lp Affi* a Stiidq O SP|A aaija^r) lotiy aqi ino Xinp uo I s s ! J,? d J>9U0|| i isodtud J ad v apuajjrl ^Bpjnjl qmn(f' injrjfw »U \j 3 )i«n ) 9 | 1 j|W j’ioD ^ • WS di|m pint | as 1 | '] siq| fc*. 1WV7c_> s/tm . <*Jasrm,. — (^Z^iJ t/d~ # )/ cn+y e/fa ■ Q • - /7^7 , ni' ^ Cvf~ Jf 4 bf (ajv^vfi }//4l,/d^) /<^ _ z^/* />, A J &-*/>-> >Ca J£ 0£Af*isn4rts - — / ^ %cfot-Urn y '/iAs%. thuA^f- - ^ d p/* __ ^Ajar^r* ^Tonr fiL* 4Lt^\ 4^ H -_" '22. ff&ry toasr*r> t^> **~^ % ' ’ f / faU <-» (^Lca. f 0&-eC **//- •**£4 >4^2-0 — . ^p^La\ ft *r^ — 2L. ~ yJs-fr ~~y UJtf ft /fi^ t^eo™ /%Obidrn-J - < a^) dir Jd* CcJv^&A - <& ftp* vT rjjJyi* - a. C^u,. _ f ^ *iS3v ( &») hf Jk r CJU^X cJ /£*, *Xbr> \sd(f■ isji0^6^ *-+JZt4r*^ +*y X %unA GnorU- o^ 4~ < p fj y,y 4 y ; a&- - r.*j v- £*X* rx+t- — UX toUt^XrxJ X .^oyY^' GeX) J^r )Zty . rV /h<3> '■ •fts&o* 4 y%t7~t/) <*/ . <», ^ XlfL4six$j~ ovtc 4*J+*y *Xtr» A . <*" ‘ 7 ^ 4* a. - / O . — m 24 . Ary ^rrrJ^ ■ — ^ fi/t/ry/ t^/u) . i/Jfa.’ul t 4 a / - ^itJvlzrjV/Ti P --. 1/ ^w <^V ^ i/ttsn*. */ v ^Ar) g>7 r ~i*J y*~i. o^r, ^> t ^ Gusrv/- . V^JUA /kWtyJL*. ^'Lsi* <->< ^<4 *s/{y*r -A2.) j_ ^jgruAitZs. j? W&lft ic.'d inf e J ns inruatMl *f But,! ghauts Wf>r4« M *n«ig qt .| if the !oho{| ttid d«troy%| 'D all sid p« :1 hy the lo.’itfl Wer honi«.| 1 ceiv: nR th # | ie rjvij - o.l t in wfvch I ppreciated his official of the r»t | h<»es«. hold miottl Go- [oi nus dia» j irumciu of led by the '■?«•«*<: wor- I Cqj jno X]np uo i|« suej pauori isodtfjj J ad y i aqijOl apudijrl l XBpjnjf quindl inirjfw *\l * ‘•jaiJEia jpapjiB® doD 9 * i s H* r jtixn|0D J 9 A | , /C4^itf^v $pj//l)0L/y / ^U ah-+.0L n ^4 V?G-X*J "Dl a^a^r, — -dCnA. ir tL nn *r- ■ - - £&2i G^/*/■6fj-6i C&JtG <* JL 1 ^7iW- — <~- 4-J I / A. 1^. „ 6 7 T - 7 ^/ ^£*r**~t - *f^~ - — 7 9j^tc*-> t^ferm^. _^^#-)*- /rtj, // 4n*jf- «^T — -M"W. — / 7 '”7 j ^LY d- ( / ^24/n / f~ P' / c&b Jk. 'fe-ckxU fiL,. )& Jkf£f/>*^yS* — *^ j^c fa <7/ 'Am* 'k %//<, pC7/«b U- /Ut(*fo- — Pal ~~~ J. ~ Mr ®n* W^Mru/y* - r^X*^\ Cj> 7 ^ r 6^- 0T*j£»7 ** 'TcL^)*^ — (J 'j('c^\ *1 /rf Cd/4l «- / • h*~. u * — - y. V/ / ff/d . — J ***** . — *^71 no . — fjt/fei *^7 CL&in «$-' • *U 1/*^f */**-» "yt- » . ryy /tf>~ £*jesr\-ory a~ '^&-*/L> <*/- sfo/? . ^ . - ~J$L ^}i-. / - 2$ ffn*f • ' ■ 'ty&tf — ^ ^ fyc*. f tr>vfilj**ro~** — aj-. z^". JfAtfh** jA* y«i- A- Auti/Amrr ft 'f?A*(i* / - h<,l (fji- JL ffftx a aJ » /h^ if A sUst^ Jcft ^ /^/f' ^ 4nrxrfur> \ *ct *'**£/' ^ +y*~6U /err-jterrrT^o <*~r+ JV (X/ri4 • ^u. /Lc^)(^j r **A(f- tfo^n^cc^. yfmfv . fmn**- »J- // ■ - *rr-f> % ij.-Z ^ j 2a.n* t£ A- (TUJ *77 < <>■»* / l i*rr- wor- J :// 7 ^ pC< dy — A, not ‘V <- CZ/fSSfi, A, rid fao'lt'Tirf- dc/i^. ^Lt/c {/ . */£/ r*-*f yrxr /a/i~rt ■ & Jo 6 /a/jy . e /tta%\ ific/ udond ' /ao?iaS s/e-d/ i A-n l' /* A(x ■/ <*io~u) I fc/tAyl* j^rr-m-tst /T>i* > Xtr^er — J We £/A dirrt-eS' ^Lit ^t^^ 2} i. //Jd a s/d /il J tac^r o6l*dn/) /W^ at A Ca/c/is/ djL Jju. 9*yy4 CX 0~ZJ S^~ &S?7 /■ A-£l- r% 0 < a^u • (./d-fCt* «•>» 'X&'f if aii^ m.t a ( / f, ( dti dt * 3 ///u* d *//e/dvi . ^ *— x/a/t TkSo~*n x dcdn^ co sc aft#' vCt . ///idfa -ex/ Oc _ dA ’'Oly Tzcff/nj y l %dcrr^ - — a*/ d *<>*-+/ co d- L4 /itrrncT-if - -•- t y //{Z/Ar~l-C^ /ici ^f-urrrct inj ^ f/ **• ‘ $ar7if~ y/ df ('/at/tS c / Ac-or/anj /*/+ /2cya/ %/ce/f' ^u/tUtti ~h tinnv?u,^e«> ~ d~ Ofrnc/vnJ fy) ^ /cf/udny xd ^Otaee- Jcmbtt 3o ^ N . £T x utdf-^/ y*i y£\y ~-t6^/u 2 ^ te. ~a/-/ X • ^ *y/t - o *?/ vJ the In ^jl i*r<*r honu.l ;ceiv: n g ihtl ‘ie rivil ; o-l tin wfvrhl appreciated his official of the rit I hne*> hold uiinal Go- ornu* di«- I rumeni of | ied by die I '>*r«*»r wor- | d Engl »h j ;h he o : it oo aqj i®jll. a ctiiaq O WU louy aqi jno £jnp uo }$ SFJPJ pauort isodojJ J ad y l 3t|l JOJ apuajiel -XBpjnif quinj' tuinfw a*tt * ■jaiis® 9|1J|W •loO 9M k 5 #®. I itunjoa / 1 2^6 S820 iO', k fterrauJ&J. SL< \ A". ^~7/U. /tieaAfuA. *4 very a33) /✓»» u> id £Xj ory ix./J'At ckyt oc r 7 1 *> e 'f a /f&rvC ^trtT/fibU . - l/ vy ^ jl oAJ&'J, 7U cjuuj? yL*.**/-/. /_ oCWcrtw r //UJ wtcvytvj , o*.7 /* Jc ^jb*. cas ¥x/t*Ay e^ ^(Trrk’-m tdsr-vt/fu * 7^, \^a^rn^, dtitsu A d. -itftVi44*rau. a A di.)tZi// t . ,/ dr-a-y-1 tii>-iJ- /Au 44nf4e-tn. — ~T^4t, fr?.cre./*n(j trxyt^ /. fA*t> S43*. ^JostjLTi a^. mit*i% luld uiiofai Go- ornut die- irument of | led by the J f ^rctf wor- I id Engl ,h J lIi he dirf 00 0X\) a cuisq O sptA adt|dji) lotiy aqj jno Xinp uo I s s . fJP d pauofi isodttjJ J ad y i taqijoj >[) U3|]f I l XBpjn|l qiund' injrj $w 9l U •J3JJS® ’loo {‘"•i?"3 | J ji0n|oa J \% w. 0 ) ajr u o| J . b/t far/y/ri- * ‘ * * '"/Vi"'*' , '^7 ?i. t/%a» 4£z. £>--' Z-jl - - ^ ^ OsXAJ /^I?t»r4 t0> f e- S dbsZ*. xf'T) *-4 /\v-r-> £l- Sti*. x c ^ -^A -v ** j ' rrtLid• — e>-* (KAsru/’J. */} «fo ^ ^lV7~uf A £ &&<£ sltrJjt /d£*. #Ztn/rf- ^ ^f7<) jjCr */ 1.C4S*-* /t-tc-S^ */ &J , / / . , ^ 0 'y'cri A ^CtAv/- — ( G' £tsl44Mi} Xirul X A «rm \/-r^ ^ *f '*/ 77~ f H ^rr ^09^fa.£^.s A. ■^tsn &'/ 4 f h^~£ ^ cifctc* tst-x\ tC -m »nrrTTT^> ^ ^w~n^rr^ * ' 7"., t^.cxt+i ^O^yf^C^vTvt, /r ty&n.*/ ^*A-£ dt-C'Tr^ '1* ** ZrJ* /Cj flbil*xsL*. /. ffy*'/fyl£%2^ C^U4> L' / Z/7~J^^i-^.<^> — X*J*A £>n.^ €sn o-i^j£ ^lt ^4 x3 ^njm . ~ * Asrt^ Ah//^0~£- . - ^ _ y^T^nW //jf^ ^ (ZtvLti j7 — 77. (TL^i. **-* **7) £ f . . A^«y t-ru^ t,4 vAt^Cv Zz^rr-, fj/~ tU <- ) Ti^ dfoTts^. 0>d^ • -- . ^1^^ ^ ^A.'n*C %uithG C'^ 7g (^&tjL cdt> * <3 uXtfa^fX £ (/&ri^f. — fitjXy fX. fas/y, Xn) c/Xt+ij 6 ^. Xc/X/crr A X/zt3^ Oa-?-z.{ X j/o^r Xjf £ Xlt™y*Uf X X CoXr 66&/ C)XcnJ^ tA'rzfa 0 *'*- c^ *■ a/ ^ • - — » X**^ £. — ^ t/L/ c^r *Xz/. Lf art-e^crt-tw t/corifa fa fdyi / / 1 ^ iji* inruaM *■• But w (| ihanis w^J in.tijHcl ! ' the ! o*i of | id destroy*! o all sideijl By the lo-rtf I 'aarcr honie.l *Cciv? nR ihtj he rjvil | o- ' st in w!vch appreciated J his official ,j of the ru rh<»e*s hold Auiinal Go- jomu* di«- liniment of V*c] by the I w^r- | :3 3V a ouisq 0 spu J3I|3JX) \ouy aqi jno X^np uo I s sf^d pauoif isod«iJ J 3(1 y i i aqi jo I opudprl l XBpjn)I qmngT I iw,m. **J 31)5® pafljiw doj 9Je h s f 'uum|0D J *% Aff?U ) 3jns| dipn q3jnn awf U °J etfl t3U if u y D ]i .-a! /Jfetjrr t^f /u^LAJ ct* -— Ajx/AuW aru/M, ? C ^jtai ■ -/ 63ny/l c/«^^ /\ / > /,J — jforyr*^ $&r'~- *£ // ^— — / ^ -— 6 fiO'7%'1. — &-**-*? ft Xy <& Me >-t4/f~ — C fty~> % Ot. *Jr. ^J (fyw-isS ede ^ii/aor^>r c*/- 8 ■ — ' ■ y / _ &* °\ o. -f /fczfcr <'jy-Ju*~™~' d&tMM/fc * — %/JAj — (a£*»l #K QxAuwl C&y-. /a / i/ A 'A /*^f: /*. ^ "AT. ~ -&«£/ ^ y^„*V ?f y»y ^ ^ v (/f/i8ii"‘ tffyfy (h*jy ^ *^bArry x/ / JL ‘ ^yr/ 1 k C y 02 ^ JT~\ Sn^s* - '?&*£& j A>tsn 4 jfofaau,.- Ay <£,.__ J: * * ^ z *f ^ ^ *AUy */u **A On Ca (a+S *,/ ^iA^tr//^ r , t . - A J) so /> 'A asr*4 *V e/ / e^y. ^ _ /Avoid y^z/ - A O Af' n *44yC-f 4m C«M7y AaVA^aJ^ A\ 4Ju~JkzzA*. _ Wftio 'icvH in f .J 'us iiifiiaMtl <• But, J thants wn^l Jd in*tig3t»| ,; the ! on of I pd de.‘tro?J o all side* :1 by th« !n<^jl r home. I ’Ceiv'ng \h« I lie rjvil » o- 1 5 tin wlvch appreciated J his official i of the r«t S ine^ b Ad uitoal Go- o» nu* di»- nimcnt of , V-d by the H’rrt: v?or- I & > p»gi *{, j di he did 1 Mi Ml IK Mod 9\\) al IX a cuiaq o S'ptA • . jaifajx) louy aqj jno Xjnp uo I* s'™i f)3U0ff isodftjd J ad y 1 9 H l i°| opuonrl ‘X^pjojI qiund' 'Wirjftif al fl '•jajjEifl lajljiw 8 03 9M jr /: * 1 ^LtsrrrM*-*\ • — t Jl ^*«) 4 .; — -/l/+orv o /* '//C^ e )mr*Tj 'P^~ /li l /// jUd* . <£) fasjQ-i % <&&- f , jfa?JcutntUtjS £■„ ( *VTL/. ' Y " / A iOfrirfy at- fy* ch/v&ofj t^-, . rr,/- W- itS W- W N. U ny^L _ L*,... //} s~ a n. & J a H /)a %Sr>ntTrit/lc ^ 2 A ■ — Ui */- 1 1 t. w£+ JA. kt/t/noty • ~~ -2<- - /3 njJ &d fr>i//lj Aa^~ /■Of./t- -- «/ £/. Axi. 4^3* fy&Uh - S? 0^/- - fya/jr* ^// (f/yoTUsUy: t — s2.-/jo /h r%y Cey/i/? x^(xrdt ■ — t*** ^ A^t^- o~irir -- ^Ac^ZtX aJm*. *4 CfUsfa S^Ali/ifa i-' ftrryty — 0£t£t Aa* fcoisTLAsruQ ’ ” C--T, X 'lr<*ru. Or. ’OTmc^ri e/ 4 ^ ffeit^ri^auxsi. Sc /# / t /^ ry’ faJL^O - "" 1\ -- /f sAtTTI? 07T7 &&L //% 'd *-/*!<> -Axsto- — fyjZSfh. Aa^^K. A x'/tS 1 - * <± Aoxsislc^ — A/: tACrtattsHcrb, c~. /2ot n±<.+ , t***? ^ /A* «nAt srrx* (rx-* /LxAs' 3)jCr Ai^„ •\ui nmiaiMi K- Buti|| 1( |5hants wfinl nti injjigqftl r the !oiio(| nd dejtrot J in all si(lp'»:l liy the InoJI earcr hom«, I <*Ceiv: n o jf,# j.he civil ; o-l j st in wh ; ch appreciated il his official ^ of the tit thue*% hold ihuiinal Go- fornu* di»- irument of hcd by the ,I» gre^ WOi je.l Kogfi kv ,e ' juo^ aqj L’&, 0 spu Jdl|dJX) V)uy t sqi jno Xjnp uo qs sfjpj pauort isodttid j /»d y i i aqi j^l opuaiiel 4 XBpjnjf qujn(j ’ jnjrjfw 9l U ’ •J3))Elfl papjiw Iod Vje ,qs(|Su3.1 'uum|03 / 1 * •*i< P*| -. tek Lu a . y *■'»» y^- */H^cZt, KSOisL*. J~*y - ''yXuts*v2L 7* JtfeXt&X ixX)^y^i^CXu. ^rt' A&tsn^CcrLf J?r*/j . -— ?^r-) +X fiX t/- i/ Xi/ 1 * Xf^&X^p/ , c £oC. C£X^ ($cls- aU &. C £*~/^ 4 err, \+&j Z^COLUyT' — c * X^_, CsryfXd C^Lftty nrtJt> - / ' * 6 foierfy/n -tzxyc J t/O^.TX <--i^ X<, s ryri rr-i^y - t2/^_^e*) *4 n^y /,' X y^U Z, c Si. — y Z-criXX Xt-h> •2 *-*, ✓wL™ ^ ^t-~x A <7-*,# /X 'ktpScey - «/&x*tA zy^vy \1\ v£t- — t^j£ U ( . »/<^7n_« X-rrxJu .— ^ KjUO^tf J n on J rK~x*f A:fa — *~r - / y / Jy 2^3 — CT* t4*sy s y i*//^ & /W y^Lr /£; faos* factum +*. a 2— -^wt/ ^ y^*/ ^ ^ )c. /£^i Md uiinal Co¬ ot nu* di«- irumcnt of J ed by the j >*rc- wor- i egi ,fi j Itkh he < $w*hi* <*i }uoD aqi $*» a Suiaq o spu jat|aajj V)ay i aqj jno Xjnp uo qs SIJPJ pauorf isodttid j x ad y laqijtfj apudiirl ‘^Bpjnn quing )ini mot nL ’ •J3IIEO P[1I|W io3 9Je .tp#s i I / ^ /WUU/l/ ja. ^(flu *<£,«. y^~ hscl/Ai ) GfauJl A J£ @Aui (ffryA# — ^, < A/(\. $£a, / /?)/\ rA, . _s z. X kfcrtru/t^iK-*->.* ^ Ov ^ thruvtn^q *tyt*. *opdk\ &l^u tcjtdC — ^!W A. (dAraii/. Ar - *-.) £ y?CU^ ■ (*£t ~^L ZtTOJt • - ^ tfhr'V-K. y tfy €o+-l^% <&z{ f a/ AcAca-i . /' $ ^frm/}n €^7j(fr«^4 2i <<$eaj£ yf-Jffzccj _xyj C3 ", / / u« iotuatet S t.. Bui « t Hants w*, d instigat* r the !ouo{ nd destroy. »n all sidp’i: Hy the ln<’j sayer honu, ’Ceivlng l f, # he civil ; o. ?t in vrlvch appreciated ] his official I of the T»t I I hness hold Qiioal Go- oi «us di*- irnmcnt of | /LtJ)rL+ f ftL */fftl£ J dtlOlt 4 -~- 2*.- tfJittO* 7 ) ? }V*J^ <■„ jjL P^y- — ^J- V*. /dsTlMiMl' 22 f r w _ , TTIJ^' i *^ T ~* ° **~m*s*s*-> — — ts'sP■ iya./ h^Ctu*. lb* £a 2 & t4* *G~ l'2**sUc> /bf- ft}*ety/n. t+y- 2x/~r^/y — ^ .C^ * ■ ^ , _z/y/, ^ / / . fcJu*. v2^/ a (2f k?TM C.J- -- ^ 22 ^Ttr//. — 2ht^s faaJ/i-L, f/ Pcn^nP ^ / ' U-P . / ' Uesry Z 7 /ix-nV>t*^-<, •> —■ c£c€*aj& ^ £/Gi 22 fh/ fhrdy^ .'flJUA/fj . V iS20 ■h/n/vc-tA, 23 ■ • f2j^ ct ,Cr>r. Gu<-< l /a>J-rrv •J- ttr’fasKy J!s — CGlu/t+i* j^. fGc^i^r A AkA Aft. — ^..r VATT-S " .V — U ■ YcJYA f/7sj^n~t^ - YtA* Cpt,^< yl „A i /Ltsmy, ) A+>) &nsnj- Yt//jutie,\. —. * / $t-W< ^trrtu A Yarvf _ Y^i A ^ A Y YdL> * / £> Ytfih. A j- Y rrt ' - - /aZuV +>, &--^ ~/ 0 /hA^ Al44t&T C-y, ^ rrryt*r^ * — ^~— o* — cwAA Yfrt4_L.*f 'Yf x/ot> r«^ A . _ Aesfy jY. 4/ Yfi yxniy. 0 */,*^^ ~~ Aaa*. fif/Ik. •0 tsyt JsAt - ■ fri 'roA^*- - Jv^*») a/ At iA7~e^ Y? JA /sY^y-' cYuAajA *f W'- ti-M *A£\ / rfxriyA, ^yAyY*'Yk — •Zftfuy (fa) .— Y/.f-r, rfA - / 4 *As 0 . ?t in wlvch appreciated his official of the tu hues-, h -Id uiinal Go> ornus di#- irumeni of led by the j ^■gree Wor- j C'l Kogl till j kkh he <' * }uo^ aqj {°'U‘ a Suiaq o spu jaijaag ynuy i aq* jno Xinp uo q$ sfjpj pauort isodoid J rad y naqijol apuaprl ♦Xcpjnif \ qrcmg' anjiyw ‘ 3 % * v ’jaiiEM pailiio? loo $* qsi|iloa umpj z*«Q? ^/nePi /(2st~-r-ri-A ( . C 5?U c ,l£) ^M. 'L. »&« U A <„ -it~ t tf frh. eA.« /Zt/t^rn^ / {> »/ <-»^7 ^ biots/XJLH. *&r U*Jb „ ^Irt /*. rrTn*-> — f?l/^fofddi As %U?^ A 7 ^ ^ S’ 1 AAmer^ — <'^*^ " ^ _ eA' -} <-*-> ^ ^eWitv^l ^ CK./ \S7irr&$ _ ■& p, , #7 7 + 7 ^ 4 C/oz<.oL ^ '7 jCtjj •/ %7cvr*' t (/%/a /Au j 7 s£& «l m *2) thtrx J /Z^V_ Jth A ny '4'ritK/' 7^ AA.i*A z~. ,4. c/f. jS: tyuJu. / A'c-nf-. , X^Y ^ 23*. 3T fo/ty ^ 7 i _ Z a Zlji Phf i/fasA ... 7>7'x /us imuatM I fk- But*J (chants ***1 >nd insiigat*! r the !omo{| nd desfcrov-l no all siflc’ijl by the ln.’JI ««fer home. I rceiv; nR th 9 | the rivil > o-| »st in wh : cS I .appreciated jj his official i of the r*t i h/iets hid aiioai Go- Ot nus dig- irument of fled by die J b ^r«*;- v»or- icd Fog) b h J ju^h lie (Jiff BBtai |uo:> am 1*2*1 .3 suiaq 10 spu .louy t oqj jno Xinp uo qs sijpj pauoif ISOlitfid j ad y i oqi )0i opudjitl ‘XBpjnjf qaing! v m '•J3115® »0(1||0® loD 9& k IH v s/. / • r /^ * LS . /, %j, y 4 ./ 7 ^ * /• -7 v^ - '<£- 4 ^4 * /C ^W -/y^ - ^1 ^ 'it. 7 ^) |/ <^7 ' J ‘ **" >* * bbH- iMM! seTe? - — I# w •'“saLr t/Z^y/ , ^ y£~~ • f4/ / j' t i ■■ - ^ h{ /^// N c ^ fhA /bs/y/ru*^ (c^j. * Jna.vlldt ^ ^ yJ^&trr' C* *— ^ /* t/ V** 1 : % 4 Jo z . - • r~y — / ^ u ^ ^ ^ “H.J ^\t«b t^nams iso 1 ^io. ,i 54 i*. PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION (POST FREE) SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1820. Price 10 Sou )ne Month. ..... 25 fr. liv Mnntns ..... . 46 .88 ditto out of FRANCE. JneYear.. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AT GALIGNANFS LIBRARY, 18, RUE VIVI^HNB, PARIS. vc irrrsRft or communications will be received unu$$ the postage is raid. BOW A. COLL1G1T, IN AN i A SPERWIT. SUBSCRIPTIONS Are also received by every Bookseller! and Directeur des Postes, throughout! France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, j etc- etc. Subscriptions to be paid in advance. Advertisements and Communications I for this Paper received at the Oftice | No. 18, Rue Vivienne, Paris. (§rmt LONDON, January 22. DEATH OF H. R. H. THE DUKE OF KENT. The bulletins which we last inserted left it tie reason to hope that his Royal Highness :ould recover, especially as the copious bleed- ngs which he had \uudergonc had produced 10 effect in mitigat)Dg\the severity oi the'dis- iase. The following is a copy of the dispatch yliich we received this morair * from 5 id- nouth:— Sidmouth, Jan. 23 , half-past one o’clock, p. m. It is with the .leepest regret we announce he death of his Royal Highness the Duke of lent, which event took place at ten o’clock his morning. We have only time to add the ollowing bulletin , and that Maj.-Gen. Moore s going off express, with the dispatches, for the hiuce Regent:— Sidmouth, Jan. 23 . We have great satisfaction in being able to nnoance, that notwilh tanding the most un- emiiling attention to his late R. H, the Duke f Kent, during the whole course ot his ill— ess, her Royal "Highness is as well as we auld possibly have expected, after so great a egree of anxiety and exertion. (Signed) “J. Wiesoh, m. d. “W. G. Maton, m. d” ^ We subjoin also the bulletins which were sued in the course of Friday , Bulletins ■— Received yesterday. “Sidmouth, Jan. ai, 1820—o nil lo- “Ico u”nir>^“ V monly occurs before death ensues. The situation of his amiable and afflicted Duchess will excite the sympathy of every heart. She was indefatigable in her attentions upon her departed Consort, and performed all the offices 4 iu* sick bed, with the most tender and affectionate anxiety. She did not even take off her clothes for five successive nights, and all medicines were adminstejred by her own hands. These mournful duties, though they could not snatch their object from the grave, must at least have smoothed th« passage to it ; and the recollection of them will be among the strongest consolations of her widowed heart, when the lenient hand of time shall have soothed the keener pangs of sorrow. His Royal Highness was the fourth son of his Majesty, ami was born on the 2d of Nov. 1767. He was consequently in the fifty-third year of his age. He was a Field Marshal in the British Army, and had held the situation since 1801, of Governor in Chief of Gibraltar. He was also Colonel of the Royal Scots Regiment of Foot. His Royal Highness had seen much mi¬ litary service, and served under Sir C. Grey, in the West Indies, in the early part of the re¬ volutionary war, during which time he was present at the reduction of St. Lucie. He was married, on the 29th of May, 1818, ^Coburg (and re- xiiirried at Kew Palace, on .. *he x 1 th July, san * ear), to her Serene High- cess Victrrm JAzii youngest daughter of the late reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg, widow of his late Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen, and sister of his Royal Highness the Prince of Saxe Coburg, the chosen hus¬ band of our much lamented Princess Charlotte. The only i>sue of this marriage was a daughter, named Alcxaodrina Victoria, who was born at Kensington Palace on the 24th of May, 1819. It wouLd be superfluous to expatiate upon the many private virtues of th«* illustrious de^ cMftUBVOi f|WTOf bWievoTenl Iftf - lLl whic h he exerted himself in the promoti 0n Q f ever y chantable object. They are fresfc, j n re . collection of the public, aud the regret which will be fell by all those numerous societies which enjoyed his protection and aid, may easily be imagined. Nor was his l\ oval Higli- less endeared to his family and frier ids-— The settlement at the Stock Exchange on Tuesday last produced a trial of strength be¬ tween both parties, and stratagems were f reely resortwith the view of deceiving cacn other concerning the real state of the market; among these were fictitious sales, and pur¬ chases to a large extent, the money having been lent in some instances for the purpose, in or¬ der to conceal the real operator. The specu¬ lators for a rise have hitherto been completely triumphant; the funds, slight reverses except¬ ed, having continued buoyant, and progressive¬ ly improving the whole week. The abundance of money, and the dificulty of employing it, which are, if possible, greater than ever, give great advantage to their transactions. Ex¬ chequer-bills, which have been lately at a dis¬ count of ios., are now at a premium of 4 s* This abundance was obvious, too, in the eighth payment on the last loan, which was paid oh Friday without producing the smallest impres¬ sion. Three defaulters have been declare^ at the Stock Exchange, on transactions during the last account, but they are persons of in¬ ferior consideration. The Committee have lately passed some new law on the subject of defaulters, which will tend greatly to increase the difficulty of re-admission, after an exposure of that nature. The highest price of the week in Consols for the account was on Saturday morning attbe opening of the market, w )*np the quotation was 68 7(8 ; but some unusua y heavy sales of stock for money, and for Wed nesday, which is the first open transfer day, taking place, a subsequent decline of ip per tent, occurred, and the transactions ot the day closed at 68 ip } and though not so low as on Wednesday, the market left off ex¬ tremely heavy. Part of this depression, how¬ ever, may be ascribed to no transfer being made on Saturday, which, as the abundance of money is not then in full operation » gene¬ rally se\ecu d h) thtspeculalors tor a fait, when] f * 1 make an impreastoa ouoheis The political consequences ot Ins death, look- in» to the probable succession of his daughter, who will of course cut off the descent to her „„cl„, we S h.ll ,.0. « MY Lord— It is with very great concern that 1 acquaint your Lordship sv.lh the death of his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, which melancholy event happened on the sod, at aid. mouth, after a lew days’illness, to the great grief of the Royal family. u 1 have to request your Lordship will give directions usual on such occasions, lor the lol¬ ling of the great bell of St. Paul’s Cathedral. (Signed) 46 SlDMOUTH. « To ihc Rigbl Hou. the Lord Mayor.,, W e have authority from the Lord Chamber¬ lain's Office to stale, that the Theatres will only be shut this evening and the nighi of the Royal funeral, in consequence of his Royal Highness dyii g so great a distance from town, and the length of time that will elapse before the funeral. The Mourning will commence on Thursday next, for one month, and two weeks for the charge, according to the regu¬ lations which were established some time ago, with a view to pteveot that injury to traJe which had been experienced from more pro¬ tracted Court Mournings. they seek to Englishman. funds Stock Exchange, One o Clock. The I pubiic^eenTsiilllo hold to their *° r | the probability of a Futidtng oi txcl equer Bills, for the Navy 5 per Cents, were this 010 ning done at ip per cent, lower tor the v Account than they were for money ; hardly think this will be the case, considering the present state of money, which continues a drug, as it evidently must be a great sacrifice to Fund at 5 percent, under the present cir- cumstauces.—Consols for Account were 69 7(8 on Saturday afternoon, some say buyers : but the marked received a check, owing to some heavy sales, which brought them down to 69 7^8 ; they closed at 69 tj2. This morning they opened ai 69 i[4, and have continued so during the early part of the day, with very lit¬ tle variations ; they are now about 69 i|8, ra¬ ther sellers, the market looking extremely heavy.— Star. * A late military promotion must give the most lively satisfaction to every Officer who has fought the battles of his Couutry, since from the boasted impartiality of the Commander in Chief, 110 refusal can be given to the fair and just claims of meritorious individuals, after it lias been seen in the London Gazette, that a young man who was but a Lieutenant a lew months ago, and who never saw a shot fired, except at pheasants and partridges, has been promoted to a majority without purchase! The circnmsunces of his being the sou of a Duke 2 Who influences the return °f se^ oiestoGo . | of Parliament, and s( ' cures t be a m° tive verntnent on all « l { offlce -other- for departing from 'he rules ^ (he R ( .pri>- wise the argument for a J*®, ,. as a mean* sentalion, require* ada ' l J. 0 p a(rona( , e so flagrant of nrevcMiting an abuse o . and so injurious to the S erv.ce .--CA»» ,, ^ tins Chronicle of to-day PP^ e re _ The Morning „ me re- have indulged itself m ana . J^ 0(ces}e r ;^io« of the at t to the Brevet rank ot Majoi m £jiior, would have been but 1 “^°“'^ juries even for his own sake, to have ma into the circumstances of th'sJpro“'° ' ,, fore he handed assertions w are J false and only calculated to cieate a (he ous add mischievous mipre^si F' lW minds of the public and of the army. SnXlSs^-erhavin^n a shot fired but at “ pheasants or partridge , , ed in many of under the Duke of this young Nobleman had serv the Peninsular battles under — - Wellington. That he held the situation of Aid-dc'-Camp to his Grace ; and as such , brought home the dispatches announcing one of (he splendid victories which have iais that great Commander to his well-deserved ul distinguished Pre-eminencev-Uj* Id have found, that all the Officers who have been bearers of such dispatches from ms Grace, have attained Brevet rank, whencethey became eligible lo tiiat promotion : and thai m acceding to the urgent recammendalion ol the Duke of Wellington, that the Marquis should now have the promotion, for which his lank at the lime 'did not give him a claim, nothing more has been done than to place that Officer on a footing with others, who have served about his Grace in ihe same capacity. Courier . One of the letters received this morning from Spain, and which we have seen, states, that 10,000 men were marching towards Ca¬ diz, but the Governor being made acquainted with their approach, had ordered the bridge to be blown up, to prevent llieir en I ranee, which was immediately carried into effect.— Courier r I iie Ring.— Mis Majesty, we lament, is said to be in an alarming s(a e. The following is ext racial from l he Windsor Express “ The Duke of York arrived on Saturday at Wind .or, and slept at the Castle. I, is ZlU the deepest regret that we state our appreheo- A murder has been committed in IVIonler- lony, county of Tyrone—another in the county of Derry, and a third at Castlereagh, county 0 fDown. Several robberies hive also occur¬ red, we do not care to anticipate the horror and disgust with which the reader cannot fail to peruse the particulars, which we subjoin. yYo insert also a sei of Resolutions passed at Parson*- lowm County, the Kail of Rosse in the Chair, by rrhicli il appears, that the condition of that part of lh* kingdom is tar from tranquil, Jn the wniies of Tipperary and Kilkenny, gangs seem to be organised, and a set of ruffians have attempted to rob tl>e mail-coach, in which they were foiled by the gal¬ lantry of the guard. \Yi no accounts this day from the West of Ire¬ land, llioirgh we had reasou to expect s«oae—wc are, there* foie, un tile to add any particulars to the. brief notice pub¬ lished vn Tuesday, relative to the atrocious mi l-day murder of Mr. B own*,* an event, resembling the catastrophe of the Ute Mr. Baker, of Tipperary, and which has thrown tlje waok couoiy of Guiwuy into iroUste*:nation. There are three wavs of regarding these melancholy oc¬ currence : the one a 1 a sort of political confederacy in cr ioje,spreading throughout ihe kingdom in every direc ll0 #t—tf*e other, as v mercly disconnected and solitary symp¬ toms of a stoic of society, overstocked with population, and ill-instructed in their relative duties—the third, as nieie robberies and murders, having no source deeper than the depravity of the individ aaL •ebucerued in their perpe nation. I; ■' i .? • . * peiiiJps .il will be futuid that each of the.*e causes is al woik. The rtrhbeiies oi amU th^at have prevailed within the tint t u<-« or iyur m»tkhs, particularly in the South ot belami ; the disttiibe 1 spirit wlticii has broken out in t ie centre ol tile krogdotu,* apd to counteract which Associa¬ tions have been entered iijto by the Gentry, show a pre¬ disposing tei/iency to a‘state which Cannot be. conteui- piated without dismay, With regard to the atrocities that have been committed in Lhe North and West, anu parti¬ cularly with respect to the of Mr. Browne, the laws, we hope, wilt bo fbuud sufficient to detect and to punish tbe perpetrators. But we caunot too lorcibly im¬ press on the Gentry m eveiy part of Ireland the necessity ol associating, aod the paramount necessity ol remaining on their estates. It may be an unpleasant duty—out u is a duty dial must be performed, if tiny would preserve their property. The Duke of Leinster furnishes a non e example of what a residcut landlord should be. 1 is Grace’s example were geuerally followed, we shout not have the melancholy task of putting the following state meuls and facts upon record : — KING’S COUNTY. . . At a Meeting of the Magistrates and principal inhab ants of P.usonstown and its vicinity, held in Dooley b ‘‘ " room, on Thursday, the 3olh day of D*q. 1819, the Lari of Rosse, io the Chair, the following Declaration aud Re¬ solutions were unanimously agreed to : - “ The Magistrates aud piincipal inhabitants here assem¬ bled observe, that it is with deep regret they le*ra l ° in difileram minces of inform^pn, that many of the 1 » class in this town and its vicinity, as well as *« the cooni y at large, have entered into a conspiracy against the a aud Constitution of their Country , and that in oruei 10 ac cotnphsh their designs on boJi, nave united themse ves y Gent, at the instigation cf Mrs. B. left Ahbert the foil*, inp morning, beinp previously pul under lhe protection 0 | military eseort.’’—(Connaught Journal.) „ We hope that prove -uh * sped to ihe Rev. Gent, alluded to, ve do not s« 1 • r_1:— u;* name. He is a Mr. 0 KorJt/ reason for concealing his name. and has in an especial manner• distinguished apainst the Ribbonmen ; so laudable has been h, s conduct that he was thanked by the Magistrates lately assembled at Moyloogh, for his activity- 1 llc Vole, we bc|,e Te ( moved by Mr. Bellew, of Monnl-Bellew, a CatbeltcGent, of great property ol the highest respectab.l.ty in the Con,. IV. Mr O’Rorke, we have heard, is now safely lodged in lhe Palace of his Grace the Archbishop of Tuam, S(J tliat his friends need entertain no apprehension as for hii safe ty • —(Courier.) , * The particulars of this murder were inserted Messehger a few da ys since. iQtfci LAW INTELLIGENCE. Serjeawts 1 -inn-Hall, Jan. 17. Thompson v. Dacey.— Motions for New Trials, This was an action of trover for wearing appare£ whereby the plaintiff sought to recover the value of.] quantity of clothes contained in two trunks. The £ fmdant is the keeper of a tavern or coffee-house calk tKe Globe-tavern ; there are no stables belonging \ 0 The plaintiff, a met client’s clerk, in company with at ther person, came to the defendant’s house, and timet there; after dinner, he said they should sleep there, ani ordered a double-bedded room. The plaintiff after told the defendant he expected two trunks, that he wi goiug to Scotland in a few months, and that He meant ti stay there till lie went. The defendant asked him for lit name, which he gave him, and informed him what h! was. The trunks came, and the plaintiff resided there | months, sleeping in the house, and taking his mealsther$ during which time a frieud of his cams and stayed sevei ral days; ami the plaintiff ordered the charges ofU friend s living to be put iuto his bill.—After the plaintj left, he tendered to the defendant more than sufficient j pay for his sleeping, but not enough to disch rge tj whole bill, and demanded his luggage, which the delenj ant refused to give tip. And the question on the trial wj whether the defendant had, in the character of inikeep^ a lien on the luggage for the amount of the bill. The Learned Judge who tried the cause was of that the defendant had a lien, and nonsuited the p giving him leave to move for a rnle to enter a nonJ And now Mr. Marryatt ajnd Mr. E. Lavves movedlodfl charge that rule. They contended, that there wasno| fereuce between the keeper of a tavern or coffeesbJ and an innkeeper; that they were both liable to tbesf burthens, each being obliged to take out an ale lied and each being subjeet to have soldiers quarter^ Uinta them. The landlord, they contended, would in thsj an ilbgal oatli ; have plundered bou&es for aims, and have •; 111 OF disposed. It is is agSTfr serioully 1 n than probable that the severe weather may have produced alar effects on a constitution which must h^ dually yielding 10 lhe* '* ^ ^ age.”—Yesterday, about thn mmg must he gra¬ tes- of u fee o'clock, a.i great press was sent off by an orderly dragoon from town to the Duke of York al Oatlands, to quire the Royal Duke’s aUendance in i^ondon ; however his Royal Highness: arrived soon af¬ ter, and attended the Prince Regent, at Carl- t o n—h ouse. — Courier Yesterday the Duke of Clarence visited the .Regen I. The Lord Chancellor had an audience of the Regent yesterday. Yesterday the Earl of Lonsdale visited the Regent at Carlton House. Last week, the Marquis of Buckingham sent 100 guineas to be distributed amongst the poor of Aylesbury, which afforded relief to many distressed families. The Right Hon. T. Grenv ; rand dinner yesterday to the Ambassador of Die Netherlands, Baron Wm. Fay el, Sir YViilia/n Scott, Bart, and a large parly, at his residence in Cleveland-square. projects inkw... r -* ^ ample ml imitation. . wjl0 from any into execution ; ia order V ^ ln fru.a infeciioo, trom being imluceu r 4 * 0 . 1 t'" Los*^. » nd ° tdeC lu K‘V>- coiifi./-- 11 * ,10in a.suraoec of socce.s c * to all « ho ce ot [" oiccuon ■•*'*“ ^ )ol ci „g the Jaws ex- STATE OF IRELAND. (From the Dublin Evening Post, Jan . 18.) It is with deep regret we have to lay hofure our readers a record of Outrages, rmqes, and murders, coniraitted in various parts of thn, con- .islmsotcavt, .^ loZer to U- «B- ployed in n tl ? fr J Uu<1 *°Gt soldn**> . . t j JC ]«#tier in ®> oil'll -“Gxnuy lc IZTlu Jrviug ptWltMy. tcqu«.to«l to sub ’ ^ “ sob " slum,. All ,‘uh|S' iuu '; l 6 " ,s a " to Ucpiurf;. •« t,cou.,uem| 0 , l ) U '‘ i l ‘ b y ,, om,.,(.6, uVlot -fc ,vc,y u.gla, ami .... P^uns admilto.V ,..,u Uu-u. ^swp* osumUr. oil s iamil.v,-iO ( i iravellers. liii me next dav. {From the Dublin Eoeiung Post, Jon. 20.) D) um-K-.ics Horn Gulwa, '"" l ' s > “ s "7 •ta.,.1 ... KU. last, to.„ iuto . C ^Totly,'oue oliun G.on- tia:> been liatide I to Mr. • fated HI j itsl> liitown iuld a Male ol Co|i»Uj* R.qfiisiuoo signed by J.oni Uonbiooke, '.VI i. J. uf me JVHoibers lor the Cm/nty, ««d several c ei - ile.uen ol Ui Is.ll), U«. t' C >uuty M' ill til St 4 especi.i I > luy ; e oi the Peace, fpV the poipo^e oi calling a b»g. ' paiagiopVis dated Galway, Monday, J.m. 17 • A lUtnour prevailed very generally in this (own yes¬ terday, dial laic 0.1 the pieeeiuig evening, three men, de- ccuuy aimed, knocked al tin half-door ol the Albeit, and handed lhe servant a teller f-ir Mr. Blakeoey, die p-urpoct oJ which Was * that d M i. B. continued lo harbour a cer¬ tain Rev. Gentleman in his louse, that lhe following night a body of men, in number exceeding ' 8 «ib, would cad ni die house, which they would leutolish, and allerwards iu- Rici a suumiary punishoieut m Mi. B.’ The Rev. Genl. obu led to, h is lately madt l] custody of their goods. He thought it was not} that the defendant should have stables; some i be for (be accommodation of f 00 t travellers. Learned Judges present. Justice Bayiey and Rest, delivered their opinions io the same effe L(Aj *30' *4~ ^ 2 ‘&i 'Ji 28 / Ctr?i&ru crxa-^f tn. -*- c N- K ^ C brryJjtj- ' j/‘- 'y J ^ fTn. o /O * — ^ ^ J> * 3 / y«.t. — C^/tJo-L^dif \Jjftrm ^i/STuCj. J/ ^ £ J‘j/Y„ tt c ’k 4£<4 fhtfjfc/d - V~- L frf t/.^U~v C ^ ^ ^ ' i jr tr. M /„ 7 4 - -J~ C»U} ~ %* ^ ? -’~7' — 8 z ^ ^J£ flU- J is 4 1 *• */ *• ^ *^«. .r ^ /SkX^+> u ftt-o ~ | H «|d uouiinal Co- rigorous die- usirumeni of ished by the df gre«.' wor- [ 2f»C'l Kl>gf» wli^h he (f,J ISUOD 9t^ P2.i tua cutsq JO SptA QJdipjX) ijinuy n at|j po •Xinp uo >qs siJt?j o pauotf msodttjJ j uad v in aqj } oi ptipuauel 4 XBpjnjf n qnin(j' 3 ll!l|/|fw f m * •J 3 P«B pa[1||B9 a ;doD ye qsyKiia . O J|flS v 3 (||t> qjjm: ,U 3 S V tyn ["0 T JBq< , 93 UiJ SD l -, ^ */~ tbcndiff i ifr * ffff s 51 " Pt-ltA'? fe/t/on^f£ & %/£Vrv*S —- {°&S^+. /JreU cSM *. 1 . 1 " n mm$. f m No. 1 54 - 7 • _ PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION (POST FREE) >ne Month.. fr. 5 o c. ’hree Monlks.i5 fr. ix Months. 4 6 tue Year.*.88 , ditto out of France. hree Months.26 ix Months. 48 'neYear. 9 2 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1820. = Price 10 Sous PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AT GALIGNANrS LIBRARY, i8v RUE VIVIENNE, PARIS. SO LETTERS OR COMM URIC AT IONS WILL BE RECEDBO UNLESS THE POSTAGE IS PAID. BONA COLMOIT, 1NANIA SPEPNIT. __ SUBSCRIPTIONS Are also received by every Booksellei I and Directeur des Posies , throughout j France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany [ etc. etc. Subscriptions to be paid in advance* Advertisements and Communications I for this Paper received at the Office | No. 18, Rue Vivienne, Paris. ran ct\ (Pankrup s and Promotions in our ncxi.j^ -"PARIS, FEBRUARY 5 , 1820. •TrosTyriwjue mihi nuilo discnmine agetur.- Virgil Afier mass, which the King heard in his parlments, his Majesty presided at a Council ( f Ministers; afier which a private Council as held to discuss the alterations to be made i( ,i the Law of Elections. —. To-morrow the Court will go into inourn- ig for the Electress of Hesse Cassel, which ill last during eight days. V&th a desire to meet the natural anxiety /litcL must be excited in our readers in respect ) the late melancholy and momentous event 1 Great Britain, we shall to-morrow publish Supplement to this day's Paper* From the variety of accounts which have >meto hand this day respecting the existing fairs of Spain, all tending to show that the tint of revolt appears rather to be gaining ground than to be overcome, we deem it pru- mt to wait for more unequivocal authority, id more clearly connected details, before we l " r fer them to the public. The Journal dc ariSy however, states, that Cadiz is likely to The Ball which was to have been given by r Royal Highness the Duchess of Berry the iy before yesterday, was put off on account * ’ the death of the venerable Monarch of Eug- nd. i' It was rumoured yesterday afternoon that adiz was taken by the Insurgents. To-morrow there will be a grand fencing •alch [assaut d'armes) and a Concert, in which ■ feu nii.,; .a 1 1 . 1 j * ‘ i .v n i wMMii - QjrcAl-jRritahi. LONDON, jANuynv 3 i. On Monday last, it was our melancholy du¬ ty to communicate the sad u (logs cf the Duke of Kent’s death.—To-day—one short week on¬ ly elapsed—we announce the parting struggle of his venerable and much afflicted Sire.—Fa- therand son—the Monarch whom we have lo¬ ved—and the Prince whom, as our Monarch, w r e might have hail equal cause to love hereaf¬ ter—both are gone / Death, indeed, has had a frightful harvest in our palaces. Scarcely 2 years have elapsed, and four'generations haYe descended to the tomb. The nation’s grief had hut begun to soften down intoresignation, after the untimely withering of our lamented Prin¬ cess and her first born, when our gracious Queen bowed before the inevitable destiny of man, and now, her husband and her offspring sleep with her. These are visitations that make men think and tremble. They force the most unreflecting, to Le>lovv, at least a transient thought upon what awaits themselves. The last hour must come to us all. When it shall come we cannot appoint: but how it shall find us, and what consequence it shall bring with it, are things within our contnoul. We cannot say that the deqth of our revered and venerable Sovereign has come upon us ^oddeolr. age^ hf& ryUvwtrw, and the common rumour of the last tivfeor three weeks, must have prepared the whole nation for the afflicting event. Yet, it seems to he the condi¬ tion of our nature, that nof preparation can wholly arm us against the shdrk which follows the dissolution of those we love. Their loss leaves the mind in a state of dreary descla- The entertainment w iU , that urile llanan rd de Bondi. flrtonce at one. . learn from Vienna in date 24th u. \ete thaw had taken place 1re, as almost entirely off the groum » mhe is still frozen, and 1 ie s !.!, up of the tee is much dreaded. I here peal news except tt'ar addressed by M- de j ia5 ent Austrian Ministers# w into certain Journa^ LaiUes an(l with the request of fTuirse of Luo- Spurzueim *ill ilcliver a Intellectnal ipn ,1* Moral 1'irflmps aml .lie will begio 00 Monday ncR r “"’ ^biacd every day, except Sun- tVie _p r i C c jo francs. SCH FUNDS, per cent. / . jj ao k Actions, l 4 3lf , 5oC ' Yet os O ' 0ne Month, Paper, 24L 80c. I EsC»x kG ^ { Mouths, Paper, o f. 4 TRES- , QCE . — Masked Ball. T H ia-rRE ^J^tuffe.-Edounrd eu Ecowe. rpufeRTRfc * E Ceslament. — La Betgue a On^ S ;^ent.a„,ai..--Le, Vcpres Si- cilien" c »- notREltic. v.iu„. T»U«* \*0DtUantatricl YiUane — ' pouuFen /—l-e Myst.fica i leU r«E^J E ' 0 ,/de R'peux Precepteurs.— 11 ' *.y. rU.« ' L ° ' V< jYv ii a" t *ire a Turn.. . - Les te9 ,T> *C*aQ u£ ke Cuirassier.— l Le % fiUniiishruents : self-delusid) can no tong flatter : the object of our affections lies dead be¬ fore us : aud alas! the dead jannot be re-ani¬ mated. A thousand lender ^collections of ihe oast rush upon our mcraoiy, only to aggravate 'orroW lor what cannot be restored, an.l lo inerea e regret for whal can dot be recalled. 1M This ke'are sure, will M tlie feeling of llie country under ils present loss. .Never did the Sovereign of any people, sink mto the grave, so loved, so honored, as the gracious Monarch whom we now deplore. Nor parly rage—nor fin’:tical an mosil) — aor disapproved ambiti •— nor bat- 0 i intdeue—110—nojt even disafloclion iuell, was ever 1 Jr d lo breathe a whisper that cobid §ully ihe blamelesii nnritv of h f life. Those who bated Kings were yot foiced pi confess, that HE was iocapahleof provoking hatred.— I he virtues of the man disarmed the enemies of die Mo- narcti : and for years past, none spoke of hun bm in the iflectiohnte aud emphatic phrase of “ our good old King. v t . s —and if his name shall go down LO posterity with any * itilhei to maik hia characln—let hiiD be called Leorcz t if Good, and our children’s children to the latest gene¬ ration, will learn from"that one w*id, why we So*ed hun. 1 he virtues he delighted in weft not those bv which th« vulear admirers of Kings are dtptivaied. lie did not seek, maddened by the lust of ambition, to vanquish ve dms, and write his glory iu theb o id and t ais ol deso- Uud naimus was not the name of the conqueror, in the composition of which mrfct always be found some portion of those grim qualities thui disfigure the tyra 'i. It w >s in the t-nileui mg intercourse pf private life that wcie to he traced the virtues which idorned his characiet.—- Pious—linipeiate—benevolent—imost«rittA oUS a kimi husband—au affectionate father—i gentle noisier—a stea¬ dy lVicod—uncorrupted by power—uiuLz#led by tne •plendour ot his station—he lived among t>s, ■ n he r ,, e ov ;r us, above half a century, the bright model el wual a King, a Christian, and « man should be. It wos in the bosom of his fariJlv, and in the discharge of all those sacred duties which mow out of the ie.a ons of son, husband, father, brother and friend, that the pn- m v#l virtnes of George III. w eit; 10 b • traced. 1 “« piicity of his manners, when lajh g 1 ,e SOni< neressary pomp and dignify of his station, formed a : Irik !ng and pleasing contrast. He was gracefully familiar wuh lho^e whose rauk permitted their approach to the Hoyal prison, and benevolently condescending toward* others who had »;o au jh privilege. A thou.-and amiable anecdotes are upon record, or floating upon the breach of popular tradition, which, as long as they are rernein- beieO, will pou tray ttie goodness of his heart. The pious wish he expresses (only a short time, we believe, before the alienation ol his mind) ** that he hoped to see the day when every child in Ins dominions would be able to read lire bible,” ought, of itseif, to carry down his name with reverence to the latest posterity. We baidiy wish to withdraw the veil which has so long shrouded his dady course of llie fiom the g;:ze of cui- osity. The circumstances, if disclosed, would ba read with a deep and melancholy interest. Imagination, in- 1 deed, may half supply the reality. We can conceive the aged Monarch, in the solitude of his mental affliction, in the double solitude o/ his visual daikness, wandering for- I lorn and helpless through the apartmeuis of ihat Palace I w here, in happier limes, he had passed so many hours of his blameless life. To have beoo permitted to view him under such circumstances, would have softened the most obdurate heart, while it must have inspired all kindlier natures with a profound sense of their common ioGimity. Tnc virtuous Monarch of a mighty Empire, so sorely j stricken by ihe haud of Provideuce, that had he been! vouchsafed the favour u^choose, he would have exchan¬ ged conditions with the meanest peasant in his realms, was a spectacle, whose sublime ana loucf ing moral ly j might employ the pen of a Bossuct or a Fletcher. We dare not approach the theme.—(Cornier.) Still, however we hover over this melancholy subject of his last moments, it must be a source of the deepest satisfaction to every Member of the Royal Family, as | well as to the people, that the Duke of Yoi k was with his [ Majesty at the awful moment of his dissolution. To his | Majesty however the moment was nol awful.—As uncon¬ scious of approaching dissolution as if he were staking only lo a gcude and quiet slumber, death had no terrors I for him. “ Oh, Death, where is thy sting—dh, Grave, j where is tby victory liis Majesty was not heard to « speA a word for two hours before his dissolution. The 1 last words l»e uttered, consisted, we understand, of a short question upon a subject in itself of no importance. He then hiy perfectly quiet and still—not a groan escaped him—and not the least indication of returning reason, L. not a ray of mental sanity broke through the last mo- H mewts ol his life.—His affectionate Son, the Duke of York, y remained by me bedside of bis dying P^reot till the la»t | breath, y t?l *’ ,he d i so, | ler and all In "? dyn . e a,,d stringent medicines, 'ceased Tf. Tl re ^ ct “> " had ceased. Within the last fortnight, however symptom* 61 ha , J - rel , Ur0ed wilh mo,e violent | and ln despite of the skill of the physicians, several of whom been i„ j, al . aU endance, it had hitherto continued 1 unalj aled. In the night of Friday last all the symptoms assumed a more alarming appea'r- l ap,; . e i and « a rly on Saturday morning Sir H. naltord came express to town, and had an | immediate audience of the Duke of York. | His royal highness's carriage was instantly or- I uered, and lie set forward with post horses for Windsor Castle. minutes past 8 o dork, he breathed his last without suffering ^ven a stri g >le. The decay, fcough rapid, M unaccompanied wilh any violent and suddelchanges; so that none of that physical excitement had occurred which sometimes, in ca*$ of mental derangement, restores to suffcress, in their last moments, a transient use of their understanding, and em¬ bitters the partingTliour with a consciousness of their late dreaJul situation. H.R. H. was in the room at thdlune of his Majesty’s death, and hung over his pillow with the most affec¬ tionate solicitude J There -was no returning visit of his reason, which could only have served to torture him with a sense of wfiat he had lost, as well as what he was abolt to lose. It is true that, from this insensibity, he could not have the melancholy satisfaction of witnessing, by his death-bed, the affetionate duty of the Duke of York , hut thoijhe was saved from the an¬ guish of missing theaged partner of his throne, his beloved grandchild, and that estimable prince w hose mautj virtues so uearly resembled iiis own. | v The rapid movements of official personages throughout Saturday and the preceding day strengthened the accounts of the alarming crisis which his Majesty’s indisposition had at¬ tained. Late on Friday evening, the Earl of Liverpool set off to Windsor, where he re¬ mained the whole of the night. All the mes¬ sengers of the House of Lords had been in hourly attendance upon Sir T. Tyrwhitt, the Usher of the Black Rod, during the last two days. The fires in the House of Lords were kept regularly lighted, as if the Peers were sitting; and Mr. Cooper, the Deputy Clerk of Parliament, through whom, we believe, the summonses for the immediate convocation of Parliament should issue on the demise of his Majesty, arrived in Palace-yard at 3 o’clock on Saturday, rather unexpectedly. Soon after his arrival, he communicated with Sir T. Tyr- whitt, and Mr. Quarme, the Deputy Usher of the Black Rod. The Archbishop of Canter¬ bury was at Lambeth Palace on Saturday, having specially arrived from the country. Our readersare ntot perhaps aware that Parlia¬ ment must, if po^ible, meet on the day after the demise of the Sovereign. If the melan¬ choly event occurred even during a dissolu¬ tion of Parliament, ibe former Members re- assume their functions, and assemble forthwith for the dispatch of business. The Lords in Wailing, who were Lord St, Helens- and L u i d i t rtpey,”i fnrnolice d to re¬ main longer at ileir post and to quit their charge for shorter periods than usual. IIis Majesty in the eafiy access of his second at¬ tack, rejected animal food. The most nou¬ rishing diet, in every form that could be de¬ vised to tempt his appetite, was prepared lor him, but seemed to fail in its purpose of sus¬ taining or recruiting exhausted nature. A few days before bis death h e became reduced almost in a cLplnimi. 1 b e General drrnv in v 111r*11 Iik Jt Cartwright with the mournful and important intelligence to the Prince Regent. His Royal Highness did not himself leave the Castle til! yesterday morning. The Duchess of docester proceeded to Bagshot about half an hour after the death of her Royal Parent : her sisters ,ir ,, remained behind. Doctors Baillie, Heberden,, and Willis, were yesterday at the Castle. In the course of yesterday the following Ga- zeltc Extraordinary was published :— ■Whitehall, Jan. 3 o, 1820. A letter and inclosure, of which the following are co¬ pies, have been this rooming received from his Rny a | Highness the Duke of York, by Lord Viscount Sid- mouth, one of his late Majesty's Principal Secretaries of ^ lalC Windsor Castle, Jan. 20, 1820. My Lord— It becomes my painful duty to acquaint your Lordship, that it has pleased Almighty God to take usto himself, the King, my Beloved Father, and Our Most Gracious and Excellent Sovereign. He expired at 35 mi¬ nutes past 8 o’clock, p. m. . . I enclose the Certificate of all the Physicians iu attend, ance at this melancholy period. My Lord, ever Yonr’s most sincerely, x (Signed) FREDERICK, •idmouth, etc. etc. etc. The Right Hon. Vise. Windsor Castle, Jan 29, ifjao, It has pleased the Almighty to release his Majesty from all further suffering. His Majesty expired, without paio, at 35 minutes past 8 o’clock this evening. (Signed) HF 1 NRY HALFORD, M. BAILUB, v W. HEBERDEN, R. WILLIS, DAVID DUNDAS. For his Royal Highness the Duke of York. At shrec o’clock yesterday morning, the following letter was received by the Lord Mayor: “ Whitehall, Jan. 3 o, 1810 t{ My Lord,—It is my painful duly to inform yoor jordship of the demise of his late Majesty King George 11 . T his nielancholv event look place, without the least | M Lords!) 111 . 1 . . apparent suffering, at Windsor Castle, at 3 i minutes part 8 yesterday afternoon, to the great giicf of his piesentMa- jesty, and of the Royal Family. “ I have to request that your Lordship will give direc¬ tions for the tolling of the Great Bell al St. Paul’s Cathe¬ dral.—I have the honour to be your Lordship’s most obe dient humble sereant, “SIDMOUTR.” “ To the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, etc.” St. Paul’s Bell commenced lolling at 12 o’clock, was preceded by the tolling of all the other Church Belli in Londou. ! Pursuant to orders from the Dean, the great bell of tlw Abbey began to toll at one o’clock, and continued to do w during the day, in consequence of the demise of bis late Majesty: the great bell of St. Margaret’s was also tolld nh during the whole of the afternoon. The event has excited the strongest sensation throuhi the metropolis. THE FIRST COURT OF HIS MAJESTY KFNG GEORGE THE FOURTH. Yesterday, Fou Uhl ruunru, festerday, at two o’clock his Majesty Ring George Hi nr th, held his fiist Couit since his accession to llj _. . ../* C . .. . .. ^ /.ill ftui hm-i 1 1 PC idtl 1 His Royal Highness appeared agitated as he j got into the coach; and there was but too I much reason to anticipate the distressing na | ture of Sir H. Halford’s communication. At , ten o clock on Saturday morning, the medical to a skeleton. I ne general decay 10 which his constitution w'as n°w subjected showed itself in the usual symp l ° ( ns It was evident that his blood was becoming t orp i n a prevent any iniurv from .he leodency ^ e^ ssive lri(hl LncV- lt was no., h° t j |# « *'»,,, | wo g j of decease ral d,, s bed en.irdv, though for s»vei lsl Ue at his e^ly h 0u| . ni orne»t ; »f his d . not risen At the were pr^. 1 ;, his HenU P f hesiiles th « ^ r /\ h IIi/hn('he Ij u L USU ^ x , al,en d<*mis, ution, 1 her ! attendants, and the lords in waiting, felt as— i sured that the last hour of the venerable suf- Iferer was approaching, and that the day must \terminate his mortal career.—As tin* evening |advanced,his Majesty became, gradua ly weaker 1 ^—U* and S"P l -’* k a ' ln i 1 ffdi a l 1 ^ | s.dd, ihe^Out p cease, att hed Gen. J'krone, a matter of State necessity (alt authorities Itail ing ceased on the demise of King Gcotge III), at Carltof House, now ins Majest>*s Palace. L The Court consisted of ait the male branchct of l\\ Council of the l ; <.'e King, and a nucneions assemb\^eM/>f die Nobility, Members of the two Houses of PaiWSof the Lord Mayor of London, the Court of Aldenneo, * l< His present Majesty having declared himself sued to his late Father, our late highly venerated bovej the Oaths of Allegiance, etc. were admioistercil bf count Cheiwynd, the Clcikof the Council, wboaitoT took the same himself, which were administered^ His Majesty afterwards commanded a Privy J be Holden, when all those present of his laid Council were resworn Pii v y Councillors to Majesty, King George die fourth, consisting j Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Y‘> J Sussex, Gloucester, and Prince Leopold, ih£ of Canterbury, Lord Eldon, the Duke j - Marquis of Hertford, the Marquis Wellesli Lauderdale, the Earl ot Chatham, the Ea^ Earl of Liverpool, the Earl Mulgrave^ mouth, Viscount Melville, the Duke am Marquis Camden, the Bisi.op of Londoi^ the House of Commons, Sir Wm. ScollJr form of Proclamation was iheif‘il, c F^lrh * Bi |tain, etc. 1 Brivy Coun- ctc. A claiming his present Majesty Ki Soveieign of the United Kingdom/ which was sworn by all the abo' c ‘Boi * honed fop ,h e i hc following were also spe/y o/'State for occasion by Lord Sidmouth, fdship £ j Je the Home Department, to win/ Council, when Piochuuation as agreed upon I/— they also added their signaiuitifforrf .l le a, The Ea.l of Beshorongh, ydicifcv^Genera/ # toi ney Genet al, oir John C / J astico of ( ’L . ; Sir Henry Holham, Mr. W r k Ue*, u of w^ c f* ter, Mr, Banks, Lord ElleiA-uoher, Sir('o minster, Chester, and CanW*p of CmiUI- .l Clck, .h. Earl of Ayleabf c Loid Mayor of London*/ 11 ** Sltuw _ J*r John Earner, Sir J. (/><>'!, C. Smith A, ?>cl.oley. Sir W. Domv.jLu, Sit J. »» Magnay, Cox; Thr 1 kl ^^iswai Bit: z*~*. ,vj“if;rw.S" % 10 W S present Ma- :*«%«. •'■'iss 8 "™tK sy^.".Srrri,;~^«.H i ~ r i vK,-m‘xiS*. & t ,»,. ; a.,«... .f v numerous upon the death of ... late Ma,e S ty.- mong them were Count Eleven, the Rus.t.n Amba - .dor; the Duke de San Carlo*, the Spanish Ambassadm, loont P-I.nella, the Portuguese Ambassador; Baron ha- -I d,e Ambassador from the Netherlands; Count Souza, ie Karl of Aylesbury, Sir Robert Wd.on Str W. Adams, ie Chevalier Ruspini, Via. Carletoo, Lady Westmeath, ,e Countess Palmella, Mr. Archer lloublon, the Com- ion Serjeant, tic, e\c. The Duke of Gloucester came to town yestetday morn- tg from hi. seat at Bagshot Park to be pteaent atthe mg’s Court, to take the oaths of allegiance and to be Voin m a Member of his Majesty* Mo»t Hon. Pi ivy •otincil. Yesterday Mr. Mash, of the Lord Chamberlain . Office, ft town fur Windsor, by command of bis Majesty, m ,e name of the Lord Chamberlain, to pay every due re- lectto the remains of the late belov ed Monarch, and to ake arrangements for the funeral. The King has cont- anded one of his Lords and Grooms to sit up with the >rpse of his late Majesty. The Earl Bathurst ami Vi*. Sidmouth were in town, om Putney and Richmond Park, by about seven o clook ^sterday morning, in consaquence ofhaving received no- cfi8 of the death of Die late Ring, and waited upon his resent Majesty, at hi* Palace in Pall-mall. A messenger was sent off early yesteiday mornin & , *>y is. Sidmouth, to Ireland, communicattng the melaneholy itelluence of the death of the late Kmg. Dispatches ere also sent off from the Foreign-office, to our Arnbas- idora at Foreign Courts, communicating also the melan- boN intelligence of the death of the late Ring. The Privy Council sat til’ near four o'clock in the atter- oon, when they gave order, for pvoelaimirfg his present laiesty, George the Fourth, R ng ot the United Rmg- oni; but as the day of his accession to tl-e Throne, was ie anniversary of the Martyrdom of Kuig a vies ffiich is observed by statute as a solemn fast in the ritual f the church service, it was not considered proper to take Proclamation on that day. * IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . HOUSE OF LORDS, Sunday, Jan. 3o. About a quarter past, four o'clock, the Lord Chancellor :ame down, af»er attending a Privy Csuncil, and prayers »eiug read, strangers were admitted. $flhe effect was altogether an impressive scene. Behind he Throne, and upon the steps Lading to it, were several of the Members of the Commons’ House. Among the ( Noblemen present, we noticed the Earl of Liverpool the ; \twk«6 «# AtVtr*! ami WtWtW E *vl l.orrt ^\Wough» lb e Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishop t*’!n ondon. The Lord Chancellor spent some time in tlCnieisatioo with the Noble Lords. to* 1 ’ After Some conversation with Mr. Cowper, the Senior • t | ie Jjord Chancellor put the motion for adjoui n- ^ »nt *»« the uSl,a * ^ orn h a °d without making any coni- 5 ,Jp t?heir' I^ordship’* then adjourned to-morrow, at three ^‘i:^ oC h. _ 1,1 - ** house of commons .. of the dealh of hi* M jesty, Ge 4 g« .pi conseq’ 14 |] oUse of Commons was expected to # !!on 10 . yesterday, t h e esU blished law of this country , thib day, tt S Jjie on the day immediately Mat Parliament ^^, c tT cd emi.e of the Crow,. uJ. rfil^.llowing that upon . b t | ie avenues to the House t D*‘lace. From 2 to 4 ^ by a nuro erons crowd of tf^Aere completely Wo d )( P f ' rm> observed in the an- , ihSpectators, all e a get , n f ihe recent Sovereign. At 4 '■'furcation of the ^f ; ,°',wd that no House would '*f %’clock the public were » 1 i ad be( , n atlendmg the ■""^mble. The^ Speaker,^ informe a that several Mem by a Prodamalion till »be i&h of November. The Speaker and such Members as wete in town met in what was then called ihe Count of Wardsj but the Duke of Rutland, the Lord Steward, being in the countiy, and not returning till Wednesday, and there being no depu¬ tation existing from his Grace to enable any other per¬ son to administer the oaths, the Speaker and Member* met on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and having wai< d till four o’clock each day departed. As the meeting of the two Rouse* of Parliament was ge¬ nerally fxpect.d, early tq the afternoon of yesterday, a va«t concourse of people were seen in the vicinity of West¬ minster Hall, hastening to witness the approach of the Members, and making the most eager enquiries ou the expected proceedings of the day. AU were penetrated with the deepest melaucholy—all proved by the appro¬ priate solemnity of their deportment, that it was univer¬ sally felt that in the late Sovereign, the father of his People had expired. PROCLAMATION OF I 1 IS MAJESTY GEORGE TV. The ceremony of proclaiming his present M jrsiy, George IV, will iak6 place this day at twelve o’clock — Orders to that effect were received yesterday at the Tie- raid’s Office. The ProcVamation will be made before Carlton House, where the Officers of Stale* Nobility, and Privy Counsellors will attend, with the Officers at Arms, all on foot. The Officers at Arms, being mounted on horseb ack, will then proceed to Charing cro s, vvlv re they will halt, and proclamation will be in de again. they will then proceed up the Strand, and the same ceremony will be repeated within Temple-bar. Proclamation will l be made again at the end of Wood-street, m Cheaps .tie; assembled, until the i 5 di of February n»x*, the day l_ f which the House ol Commons had adjourned before \ Christmas. ^ WINDSOR. The following is an extract of u letter, dated Windier || nine o’clock, last night :— “It is my painful and distiessmg duty to announce to la you the death of onr revered and beloved Sovereign, who J departed this life at 35 minutes past eight o’clock, yesler- day evening. I have delayed this communication until 4| the latest moment, in order that 1 might,send you the ; fullest and most accurate information relative to the la- ' mentable event that has taken place. „ u The strength of the King’s recollection rera ined j unimpaired almost to the I ist, but the aberration of his reason was never in any considerable degtee diminished. L In the earlier stages of his malady an experiment had been made to recal to his recollection and direct his attention to public attain; but it was soon hid aside, as it war found to create that irritation which is the leading symp- ^ tom of mental derangement. His Majesty’s recollection i of past events was extremely exact, and the occasional sketches of persons and character*,'' which formed gieat j part of his soliloquies, afforded the strongest proof of the activity of his mental powers, which were i„giy exemplified in a particular instance where the con¬ versation turned upon the merits ot the Earl ot .Sandwich, I whom his Majesty designated by the term of Jemmy Tyvitcher, a nick name with which the whole ol your readers will be well acquainted. Ill* Majesty’s end must create a most sensible feeling in the breast of every iniell.- Rl .»»t man. A few months ago the organs of las consti¬ tution seemed quite unimpaired, and it was rent a iked be made again at me enrince of Wales; We therefore, . b „ we j conip | all „, wtm i. sneweu ... .. the 0 Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, betn 0 bad U.eii power, announced a here ass.steu with those of his late Majesty s Frtvy Couu- K „ )R , S ( l,, s0 |ut.oo could not he vet; umbers of other prmeipal Gentlemen of tju. 1 lbin t j, aL be too k passed through h . . - ill. n d 1 ( . 1 I t 7P t I % 111 I I 1 1 . . ^ n flltl I r PIV P ci!, With numbers ot, oltter priuiup.. . litv with the Lord Mayor, Alderman, and Cituens ot Kao now hereby', with one voice and cot.sen'^ tongue and heart, publish and *T, T ie miAty Prince George, Prince of Wales, is now ’ 1 ? death of the late Sovereign, of happy n «J n0 ^ * , he our only lawful and Fourth, by the Grace ot God, King 01 v ’. and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and so forth, to wh we do acknowledge alt faith and constant w J all hearty and humble afiVctto..;, beseeching God, by whom Kings and Queens do, to bless the Royal Prince, George the Fourth, With long and happy . reign over us Vi ^ ^ ^ ^ Hoose, this Both day of January, i8ao. “ God save the King. (Courier ) were perceptible, and since time the medical gen- | attendant on him considered themselves hound to prepare the public mind by alluding to the iiifirniily of his age in the monthly bulletin. A slight bowel attack abou six weeks ago gave his medical attendants some alarm and although it lasted hut two days, dcbil.taled bt. Majesty. No actual bodily malady, however existed Iron, ihatume until the early part of last week, whet, the renew al of the bowel complaint, shewed that the bodily ft.ncl.ons • • --21 probability loal the _ very far Uistanr. Every thing that he”took pawed through him as he received it. "dl of the Co-cB, beinglong Gal, of tl.e House were m ^ jn a sbort address- proceeded to llat 1 .j’ ; vale capacity, informed .... not in his official but f ^ High S ,e Jem, that, owing W , , from tow „, it was not Ltd (Marquis Cholmon.Ml of a |( f gia 0 ce to the issible lor them to. take l* . c9cribe d by law; and , w Sovereign in the m»nae t P bero lo form a Ilonse. [at it was therefore tmpow:M f k won ,j conduce to was at the same ume*» ec1, present should ^ interest cf Weunderstood !!.r: e agreem ent was afterward s entered tnto. ^ Queen Anne died Parliament metfandAat an which day ‘j 01 * ^Tof d.e Statute, though they fording to the duect io0j an d we.e not to re then separated by o lhe demise of .e ntet till the 10 \° v ,f c " lu pp.o.ed on Saturday the lorge the Second^-PIP lhe next day h of Oct, f 0l . (1,0 purpose of taking he il lUatlime6ep It is a Singular fact in the History of England, thaMhe reigns of the three first Edwards should have I space of time considerably exceeding a century •• the reigns of tlie three first Georges should also hav e occi pied a similar period. ETward T .viceuded the Throne on the l6lh Nov. to ; a. Edward II.. . on the 7th July, td >:- Edward III ., on the 2tst‘Sept. i« 7 - This last Monarch died on tli* ^8'h of June, 1377. The three Edwards ruled England for 104 years, seve. it) oiillis and 12 day*. , a r George I was declared K»ng on the 19 ° s ’ ' ’ George 11 . Ift. A^X eign of the late Kmg terminated ot, Saturday As Uie 1 oi ^ |ime w hicli was occupied —’a— .. . Tl.e Vnvy Gounc.l_ass« ^ proc l B imed. Tl.e Queen ex- and caused lhe Kmg ei^hl o’clock in lhe morning, ami pired between seven a,,a j* G f ffie same day tlie Man- al six o’clock in lh * ^ orlimon s assembled, in order lo hers of lhe House o ^ ^ new Sovereign, before the lake ihe usual oaths Sneaker Sir Tho*. Hanmer, Lord Steward ; but , ver c ^not administered until the was abse«»/, the oaths vr Sneaker, to'whom a flying following Wednesday, W ‘ \ f t [ je demise of post had been dispatched, to mf Ql m■ him , Oueen’s ( 1, ( Crown, came lo London, two day* after tl^ Vueen * dea h.M lhin£ that he tooit passeu uin/ugi* j r i SO that nature had become entirely exhausted and refused her office. In this state it n not surprising that the de cry should he rapid; the reteutiv* powers only a short lime before hi* dissolution lost their co,,,n, *"f h " t ‘ ie natien, sunk without a struggle, and nothing like a Lid interval took place as has been etrottously *up- P °‘‘tt is highly houourabl. to the persons in immediate It is higmy I that during the long period attendance upon h, ,‘ vopel . disclosures conceru- of his affl.C.og malady, no >mp.op ing his domestic habits have^ been nia Cflecliouate bad the means " over «il .h* veneration f or r ^ e '° n ^ aad „„ unauthorised eye temptations of idI f ^ retireme „t. During our has invaded \be p y ^ \ * t ne cessary to draw lamented Queen s f i ^ J ^ j 0 were to be admitted a strict hue as morder to guard agatt.s. into the p.esence of he Jkmg. nn)unica t |o|)4 T | ie nlos t any unpleasant or imp 1 j ic |, prevented the whole afflicting was that wfi ^ of (b# p,,nce of the Royal I auidy, |>ut her Majesty 10 Regent, from .pprjia« a5 well asfrom the purest motive* of btale 17 ^ 7 * but when Parliament was further prorogued, by con .;i il.p .>Tih of the same montii. and eight o’clock ... the morning of Saint of S » .1 - a—s|c——‘Stt lowingWednesday,... consequence of the d ^ # Lord Steward, the Duke of Rutland, WHO uau b hunting party into ‘I** count.y. piorogation, As the Pari,ament was then m a state I P b( ,‘ Mem . i, xvas further prorogued by proelamat on^R Nqt _ _ bers were sworn, until the j8th ot , reigu of fhe day to which it had been prorogued u. the the former K.og. . tbat Parliament The opinion generally entertaine,S 1 > 5ba j, ha , e will be prorogued immediately after the 1 was conne cted, . prudence. Mt d increasing deafness of his “ The total bUndness medical and other at- Ma j sty gave great h-h.y f 7 '«- ir dtlllrs . Until vary | tendauts in the P^’^j to dress and undress lately it has been h,s lni | r ed,he had a part.c.lar hintself without anya- s „t.,.g him, and hence aversion to any ot n beard having giowiv so arises the circum* a “ , j ereaiest reluctance dial he I long. It was a wa vs w ^ ^ operations, ™d per.nttte 1 the hatr-dressei Y heard grow for sere- has frequently m consequence let I, e u „p| ( a- , al days, and son., tunes Weeks, ««»■• , g|j u ', lhc sant to him, and »u nieols were extremely tem- necessity of fflned aTone, and retfred to pi rate and simple. J physician* lu waiting bed at eight o'clock. Befoi . e his deaf- alway aueitd«l him^u >ed | linl , e lf at the harpsichord, and ness he ii^qucii v ihe music ot b s favourite sehJom placed auv seemed never 16 forget that Handel. 1 J a „d this w«s siwkingly obst i vable in he was si ^ds his aiiendant*, which exhibited the L.r.m'tu'rV'M^.nty and afl-bdtly which had always Characterised bis conduct to a I around htm. A Gw , ’ „ a2n ,t was deetri'-d advisable that he should use one of Mer Of. ehMrs, with which he was so pleased .ha, be has Since constantly been removed horn one room lo .the 0t ‘oThe"duty of Custos of the Royal Person was per¬ formed to the last by his Royal H.ghness .be Duke of York wih final affection, and s.r.c regard to odtci.a ^ HR H. was i« close on the Royal Person To the very moment of dissolution, and actually at die bedside of h.s" Royal Pareut when that afihclmg event “" k |b , e C prinees,es have been most unremitting in their attention, ami ....mediately came to condole with their Royal Brother for their distressing loss. The I rmcesses X .costa and Sophia still remain in the ne.gbbourhooJ of] Windsor, but the etiquette observable on these occasions l that none of the Royal shall sleep under the rool that canta ns the dorpse of a branch of that fa.ntly, pre- 1 \ them from remaining at lhe Castle. . “ The Duke of York tins morning left Windsor for town, to wait upon the Pi ince Regent, now George the Fourth. lhr»t l^C « It ia generally supposed ^and v^Um es^t ^ Household w ,11 bcin,me 'l^drtermi„»!mn no. to.esid* have frequency expressed •^“ r de ‘J''^ . . , od «d one at Windsor .IUr t> e demise of » J ^ Cl . nW „, of .hem has -heady «ded the prop G b h George which was left to her by lhe Queen. f> (Wind . IV. has hitherto to >» P - “sClhaTfrom .be u"’c«n- E scsKh- - The foJowingare thp Notices issued at the two Theatre*. ? a ^ VK7;T ~** AKt)F - y —* n consequence of the lamented de.ith of our lute Most Gracious King, there will be i no performance at this Theatre until after the funeral. V i ,? UR J~, LA!V 5 -~ Tn conse quencc of the deeply lamented I # . at i, of /,ls ^ost Gracious Majesty King Geng* III * th„ Theatre will re«, ain c/osed „„td 'further , 10l i <:e . ’ DEC L AH A TIOIV or HI* MAJESTY GEORpk <. F i. iH ? l OVRi 'H JN COUNCIL. ' KG£ bled here, in order that 1 ntav^^T^^alifiBI* e¥ sc^bss-*?-- press the state of mv feolin„ l lo ex “ Uncholy occasion, bul l have .T" m, '~ I of Un,.;.. .i nave the consolalio- °V k k°u ing ’ lhat ' l ie severe 'ca 6 ! C ° nSOlali0n which his Majesty has 6 m am,t ? with 7 "ir«™,hrn’v«“ f«. » of his subjects the impressions 1 ‘ ,lli,uls I many virtues, and hi s n i S C ! 5 a,ei ^ by his suaded, live for ever in V* ° Wl * r \ am P er *" hranee of the country. ^ ral eful reinem- I ) ( ‘.sIy’s^fndisposb[o',1 m ,o°” sP ^ 11 cnrc cf his Ma- H lhe P Crowu’o n hisTehalf , ^ ro ^ 1 first wish of mv heart mi ’ 11 was 'be -to his hands^he oo^rtwl 0 ^^'; T'"* t determine otherJtfJ^ *“**% God Wine otherwise, and I have uo, been iu- ■ . . W IS mv V '"r, *’ Tit.'-"-* of ' ■ Parliament'and^the'couutry'^rfrnJ 15 '^^ fr ° m confidence wS " ° ne Uls P ,re "> e with that “ The eJ,'rl ‘‘ y P re r ,U sta ' iu " demands. I satisfy all classes of m° ,Jle P asl W *G, I trust, I be my most m ; m y P e ®pl' - , that it will ever » iheir prosperilv an n t ’ uJvavour lo promote tjtain unimL ri y t .n d h ?PP' ness ’ a ‘" J lo m ain- ij of the kingdom" 6 ,g,0n ’ ‘ aVVS ’ a “‘ J ,iber " r PROCEEDINGS UN l HK HOUSE OF COMMONS this day. w anti a °By\hose cf .be King’s subjects with histoiy. or could d.-w cnmp-nn ^ ^ lhe , py Princes, our late Sovereign w . die security influence of his brave and up r, g J* j, ut it was the and prosperity even of this be h. • bu (o exemplar) beauty, f h. PT^JLt’of England, of all the bulk of Ihe nation. The people « “ * * of his classes, had a familiar knowledge for y ^ ndil |„ enrpi discharge of the fundi. ns of sovere. ? oty h . unosUnU tious munificence to the wretched, his aeal I n rel.g.on, hlS AIUd the very old. who M tt**A *° gle in the affairs, or to lead the feelings » s ?’ L„ beneath the sceptre of George IU- *be whole people of this country, with still fewe. exc p , Formed and educated since he began to govern. 1 name and image had identified themselves w.lh oUTeaihest remembrances, and made part of our happy ’ From tradition only hud we any knowledge o which preceded him. He was an heir-loom handed down to us from antiquity. He was the great, the ,v,n n most the sole remnant of our loved forefalheis—o i» hallowed generation of parents and instructors, who Had given ns life, and fostered our infancy, and sowe in our youthful minds the seeds of loyalty and p'ety—-o liut aod honour. To us, the offspring of his reign, therefore, the death of Our aged monarch is as if the paternal root had fallen in, and left our chambers desolate. I o other nations, the near and watchful observers of England, it will he as if some lowering rock, hoary with time and hardened by the tempest—some landmark immemorial, had sunk into the earth, aud changed the bearings of the w hole visib'e horizon. It may be right for us to add, that it is an erroneous supposition (hat all Crown prisoners and others are enti¬ tled to their enlargement as a matter of course. The well known disposition of his Majesty may induce him to make a wide and liberal exercise of bis Royal prerogative of mercy; but be will be guided by tbe advice of bis confidential servants in the selection of objects. Every commission held under the Crown must be re¬ vived, and the fees to the Lord Chancellor for appending the Great Seal will amount to a very large sum.— '—Courier. Hi- wore lm bine stub, .in,] carried .i■ ....... oll'ce-Hi. the Long Gallery two tables, one at each ?nd ol tbe apartment, co- ve.ed with green tlotli, were set out. Ihe Clerks of the “ ous< | Commons were in at- lendance, and lhe [Members who had begun to make iheir ap[>earance some time bewre now assembled in |he Long Gallery. The Lord Steward, having passed up the Long Gallery, looji his station at the centre of the table lurlhea from ihe entrance. The speaker then presented himself | 0 take the A-.l, 0 f Allegiapce Li® i z \— Oaths of Allegiance^ lo his Majesty King George lhe lourll^ The oalhs having been adminisiered, the Might Hon. Gent, left the Gallery and proceeded to the Speaker’s apart¬ ments. The oihdr Members present were then immediatsly sworn, Among them were noticed—Sir J. Sinclair^ Mi. Scarleit, Mr. ArbulhnoC and M*J. Brogden. At ten minutes afier twelve the lobby was ordered to be cleared. jV « Ai thirty-five minutes after twelve, the Speaker proceeded in the usual Jorm to the House. i Having sworn in a few of lhe Members, who first presented themselves, the Lord Steward retired. After enlering the House and taking the Chtir, tbe Speaker again took the Oaths of Allegiance, and called on the members pre¬ sent to do the same at his table. This was immediately done, and at one o’clock a suffi¬ cient number were sworn to make a House. Mr. Canning was among the first to lake his seat. Sir h. Wilson sat beside him for some time. The swearing was proceeding when this paper went to press, and nothing beyond taking the oaths was expected this day. The members were fast coming in, and a nume¬ rous attendance may be calculated upon. rive the King and many a loyal heart, by the *atufictio which beamed on the eonlenances ol all, appeared to beat in unison with the sentiments of that tuny national a n . them. The procession of the Heralds, etc. then n»m. menced ; it formed in the C®ar l "y ar “» passed aion»» the Crescent made in proceeding round by the Poitico t Jt cntcre .1 Pall-mall, through tl>* upper entrance. J he officers belonging to the City of Westminster, headed k v Mr. Lee, theHigk Constable, went first, clearing the stress of the carriages and other obstructions that could he easily removed, and that might impede the march of the prices*, sion. Then followed about 5 o of the Horse Gnanfi, preceded by their officers, pioneers, etc. Some of the officers belonging to the Corporation aud Companies of the City of London, a larg* party of tiurapeters, more Horse Guards, some City Officers, then a large bind of music, all being in their showy Court dresses, nest ap. peared. The Officers belonging to the City Corporation The Parliament will sit for some days, in order that \Members may take the oaths to the new King. It will then most probably adjourn over his late Majesty’s funeral.— Courier . F ,1 *ni£» DAY. XaC y twelve o’clock the Lord Steward [CEREMONY OF PROCLAIMING HIS MAJESTYJ GEORGE 1 Y. By ten o’clock the space fronting the Palace O Carlton house w^s by great nnm~ b rs of spectators ; and the windowsof the re- s dene s in Pall-malt and Walerloo-place were crowded, chiefly with elegantly dressed ladies. Small parties of the Horse Guards then ap¬ peared, and took their station before Carlton- h ouse, arid along Pall-mall to the Opera house. I he court-yard of Cat'll on Palace was occupied 1 * U ' ,r rr> l <1,,rf i b^n i. U . C Man y °.* ^obilily and G’ntry began lo take their stations round the sietM of thegrand entrance. >e view at this time wan grand and imposing in the ex- 1 ‘ n ?’ «pe-tally when die Q y e was directed over the eie- ft pbCe b « f «“ C “ ,llon House. The variegated colours; the fineness of the da>, u, e „ uo shininR lh i S np,iud In \? eC fi l r -. bnl ! ,an f y * ' ,,C * a t'fival of the Royal Lukes and the Nobility m l, ‘ e ^«ri a ges ; all contrjbmed greatly o nc-ease tbe general ell ct . Th J c , owd m p ali ^ a |i b y » PaS eVt?n 1^* IUui «e*e but all proceeded with (fie utmost tranquillity. * 1 Shortly before iwdve oV| 0rv |. u 11 .<1 by tbeii' Officers, •««*,' ,l,e «fcon.p»m- «ton ih.- st under lhe p Office.., ele. appe .r- U d Uairowby ; seven.! Me, ol J tb ?' ranc f- aud tbe Duke, of York, Cla^* v ‘ Pi, J l V a ,“ eDt follow * d j die Prince Leopold next., V‘ce and Glouce.ier, and ibis nation was mo't ell, c Hie arrangement on locking into the splendid Hail*r J* w “ s , lm l' r ° ved 1 w re large parties 6f the Offi” R -■ £ «*•« Halace, lor these bv t ie.e, anil supported by » etc, etc. Surrounded laeopnld, appeared bis M j,. t Brotbets and P, tnce Gloucester stood iuiroeped forward an«l t> J ai, o be Jr { [*, ' .h’S Aims, tlieu i e interesting g* ou P c ° iilc tc(l ar „ * nB ? e f 1,1 g he centre of ibis same individual *** pre.A' * ,l,d l he grand entrance. G , go HI. was, d the late Sovereign, i^Co Sir I H-.d f Was i IOn ^ug fic, n the same spot in' euxored Hie Ho raid’’ 1 1 gv. ma »>, and had just uncovered. Sir 1 - Heat* l‘i a ^ »o«e about him being tion, as given »n * nol . h V VffI J „ rca d the Proclam * the Pr nee of Wales mb. ^ u ^ paper, re.l hielily respeetaWe^totfi ^ “r . 'wo the ol „ le * e . C -. mt ’“" y s FouU. vre, « proelatuattott. in the sun, a.itteo -t»bl, sw„ l<( 6 -b. ;; t r* z - :z aod «ruck up .. God ppeared in their Court dresses also, which were addition, ally decorated with white favours. T he Heralds followed. Sir I. Heard and the senior offi. cers of the Heralds College forming the rear. A band and a few more of the Horse Guards, constituted die termi- nation of this procession. Its appearance was beautiful, and grand in the extreme, when it was proceeding in full march. The whole party as they passed along were warmly greeted with friendly huzzas, especially while they were traversing the front of the Palace of Carlton house ; and the approach of the procession towards Charing cron where the erowd on foot and in carriages was even greater than in Pall-mall—was announced by the plaudits railed by the assembled populace. The numbers at Charing, cross received considerable accessiou, by the arrival o( thousands from Pall-mall, who were desirous of beholding the ceremony of the Proclamation. The increased num¬ bers of tbe spectators, together with the vast asserablagt of carriages of various descriptions, occasioned some iu- terruption to the procession; but by the great activity 0 ( the officers, and tbe willingness of all parties to contribute to the ord#rly and impressive arrangement of the proces* sion, all obstructions were speedily removed. Sir Isaac Heard, the whole party having arrived and formed in the centre of Charing cross, end near the statue, theu repeated the ceremony of the Proclamation in like manner as he had juft performed it under the grand entrance of Ca« Uon Palace. The cavalcade then proceeded onward towards Temple- bar, preceded by an immense crowd. A troop of ihe Horse Guards arriving first, opened to the right and left, and having clearer! a passage to the gates, the Pursuivam at Arms advanced, amidst flouiishes ofdiuras ami tram- pets, followed by Sir 1 . Heard, when the Proclamation of his present gracious Majesty was again read aloud. The gates were then unlocked and opened, and on the other side the procession was met by the Lord Mayarand City Officers, preceded bv the band of the Fishmongers’ Corn- pauy, playing “ Goo save the King.” The carriage of Alderman Wood, and those of other gentlemen closed the procession, which went onwards lo Wood-street, Cbeapside, where the proclamation was again made. Ia pursuance of the custom usual on such occasions, the cavalcade llaeu went to the Royal Exchange where the King was proclaimed for the fourth and last time, after which the procession returned.—(Courier.) Courts of Law. —The proceedings of lhe Courts of Law are this day suspended, o» ac¬ count of the Proclamaiion of his present Ma* jesly taking place. As it is Appearance Bay, however, ore Judge sits in lhe Courl of King’s Bench to heat juslifications of bail. The Lord , Chancellor, and lhe Chief Justices > will at-B tend the silting of Parliament. LONDON, Februar y i. < The Jb'UNDS.—Scarcely any business hasten done this morning. Consols opened at G7 an( * \ have remained steady at that price during the morning. | This is the first day of the Bank paying in Bars', but the restrictive price is ^1. is. tod., consequently the demand at the Bank is not very great.— Star. The two Houses of Parliament met yester¬ day. In both Houses the only business done was tbe taking the Oaths of the Peers, lh< form being read by the C erk of the House. In the Ion gallery, tha Members of the House of Commons wei sworn by the Lord Steward, and afterwards the Membc repealed the Oaih of Allegiance in the House, in t presence of the Speaker. The Houses will, we stand, in a day or two, adjourn over lo the i5th and 17 of this month, respectively, when they will again asstm merely to pass the Mutiny Bill, and on the 20th a disso I lion is expected to take place.— Herald. It is generally supposed that lhe Hous j hold at Windsor will be immediately broken up, as Princesses have frequently expressed their determina not to reside at Windsor afier the demise of his JESTT : indeed one of them has already ceded l lie perty to the Crown, which was left to her by the Qv —Post. Every thing which his lale Majesty in Ins Sovereign chiracter, as King of Great Bi j descends, together with the crown of these reali ? the present King; but his Majesty, as is well t stood, made a Will, directing the descent and distribu real and personal property, several years bis Post The arrangements for Ihe funeral* c late Majesty, ami -of bis Royal Highness the I Kent, are still undetermined hot we unders is in conteniplaliou to unite Loth in one cerei] 1 lines. Orders have been sent to the Ac] commanding at Portsmouth, Plymouth, Chatfi all the out posts, as also lo the Admiral at ( all the ships to hoist their colours half-mast high remam s o until afier tbe funeral of bis l«te Ma Jimtlar directioos are sent to the several T inies. gar j SUPPL; 1 820 Zhtn-c&i. 4. & oft »,Af itiefr 10ft [to 01, S^-r \ 1 ** | JL, f*f i.^jhuAr- *2) J’a. o >7 v {/f {WtJo^+jLf A* £tf % • ccrruj 0 K, — 5 «S ' X 'Isvr^f e 9^ — ‘'/ferr-txAj A if $0-1*4 .1 .2 — A tKvA. Till A. ^ jf'"*' o - <0 ~~ Atoismd S$£juiy — 'AA ’sA^yn* c«^i) . — ^— l»?) fht-Ai. A* ^'a/jy 4 $ 7 fi&LXAJAsd ?/(-^lyy-'/i £/_ 42 <» y Abaj04tu.oi u« limia*., ■ >rk.. But H|| rchants ^^r|l ami in*tig,i,l or the loti ofl and d^troyJ on all side*: I 1 by th« lo.’JI nearer hon«.| receiving ih«l Che civil • 0.1 oetin wh chl ' appreciated I id his official 1 id of the r*t f Ugh nets ht-ld nominal (io- rigorous di«- , asirumeni of | ished by tl,« d»-^r**- wor- j Jnc.l Kngf wli^h he t, tt rTvdiifi 1 SU 0 D dt|) k* l ll cud cuiaq ao spu o jdiyajj^ i|louv n aqj jno •Xinp uo >qs sijpj o pauoit uisodoiJ ] ildd y \n oqijtfl popuaurl 4 XBpjnjf n quing' OllllJ/lfW “* m * *J 9 }] 0 ® pa[ji|U 9 id o 3 9 Je ■ I suinnpa 1 1 p8 U iVJA OBU JO ws a aijin > tpint IAJ9S \\ oq iiq U »0: pUBq< 1 aou lapajj 0 i« Xi ri 28 £ 'JL tezTtL *• /F~ y«^*-iv^ h- - M-r^*sr^ — t OsT-yi^ffT* — . ^"tu \ Ilf 15 /vk&tyls VCu.< tUn, S) u *Li/ 4& f& a* . A x/etrTft, rfc~i /crwc ^ 6 \ . ' ; ZI .r Y *, Jr/ V^.- -'/* LrcJycf ■ <'*"- ^ &-£ Mo s&sml/ n h Bibsraphlcal Sketch of the hate lamented. DURE OF RENT. Edward, Duke of Kent ami Stfathern, son of George HI., was born on the 2d Nov. 1767. A* 18 years of age he was sent to Ger¬ many by his Majesty’s command, and resided successively at Luneburg and Hanover until he had almost completed his 20th year. During this period bis 4k whole income consisted of ail allowance of ioooI . per annum, of which his Governor had the sole disposal, except of one guinea and a half per week allowed to his Royal Highness for pocket-money.” His R. II. then passed two years more at Geneva, without any further increase of income. He was an enthusiast lo the profession of a soldier, for which he vvas destined from early life.— Wilh the rank of Colonel, he commanded the yih Fuzileers, which formed part of the Gar¬ rison of Gibraltar under Gen. O’Hara, in 1790 and 1791, some lime before the breaking out of the revolutionary war with France* In that subordinate military station, his Royal High¬ ness soon hecame remarkable for the diligent discharge of his own duties, and for exacting a similar punctuality from every, man ; 11 i officer under him. His attention lo the appearance and discipline of his regitneht was altogether exemplary and unremitting. Bnt as he could I not inspire ail the military world with ah equal sense of the solid value of those dry, homely, and unin teresting duties which ought to em¬ ploy so large a portion of military life, or with an equal taste for those minutice of the service, of which, nevertheless, when considered in the t aggregate, the correct performance adds so much to. the precision and efficiency of a military machine, the Colonel of the 7th Fuzdeers was for some lime an unpopular ^Commander. Every military man is not ca¬ pable of discovering in the best-conceived order jjj or the wisest rule laid down for his observance by superior authority, the direct relation of the means to the end. It may not be thought, at 11 r;»t sight, of serious importance, that an of¬ ficer’s coat, or boot, or pantaloon, should be ofa specific < fashion, height, or colour; bullet us consider that the excellence of an army consists iu its susceptibility of col¬ lective and uniform impulses, and we must admit that uniformity in smaller things—in hourly occupations and , objects of attention—nay, in the iorm of hats or epau- •. lets, will contribute lo enforce upon common minds the mam principle of harmony in action. As harmony A .ought to be the cha« acteristic of every military move¬ ment, so the spring of it must be subordination. The Duke of Rent (for th? writer of this tribute to his me- v’mory was not unacquainted wilh his professional senti¬ ments) laboured to commuulcate these two great poweis the troops, for qualities he was responsible. He frequently issued orders on points which were of inferior moment, and enforced them rigorously, because he had issued ihciu. By this system, by Hoonscteniious^lfiU* ineutofhis own duties, a firm requisition of the like pro¬ priety from others, and in anxious interposition on behalf of e ery individual who had wrongs to be red) essed or claims to be recommended, he at length carried the dis¬ cipline of his regiment lo the highest pitch, and estab¬ lished for himseil the most respectable military reputation. But, in his progress towards tins end, he encountered much detraction, considerable obloquy, and some resis¬ tance. Complaints were made, which injured his cha¬ racter at home; and mutinies were prepared by the tioops, which threatened his authority, and more than once endangered his person. From Gibraltar his Royal Highness was removed to Canada iu 17QX > thence to ila- lif x, in Nova Scotia, and again to Canada, where, as Commander of the forces, he acquired no universal es¬ teem for the justice and integrity of his demeanor. D i- tLis service in Biilish America, he received orders to sail for the West Indies, and join in the attack on the French islands, under Sir C. Grey. On the sxpedilion the impetuous bravery of his Royal Hig nes« was manifested at St Lucie, with too little con¬ sideration for his own safety, and loo much disregard for the enemy’s position. The troops were repulsed ; but the Duke of*Kent’s high personal courage obtained him the applauses of the solders, and a llaUenng rehu e from the Cortmander-in-Cliicf. The next theatre of Ins pub¬ lic life vvas Gibraltar, the scene of his earliest military service. His Royal Highness was appointed Governor of that important garrison. ' A mass of abuses here waited his correcting hand. The establishment of wine-houses for the sale of liquors to the troops, had been ei»c ura.-ed from shameful motives in those who h. d the ni« ans of suppressing them, and to an extent si >1 more subversive of the health, dbcp'irw, and moral? of the garrison, than perilous to the safety of the place itself. The Ro al Duke, attentive only to the welfare of the communit y of which he vvas the brad, And scorning the vicious though vast emoluments which some of hts predecessors had de-ived from the sale of licenses for that illegal and nimous traffic, resolved to cleanse the A"g<*ati st khh , and to sw. epaway the abomination of many years. Tin- virtuo s attempt was made \ but it recoiled npon its author It «» true that 'he wine-honse lic*is«* were *11'- diawn * lhai the peaceable ioh khitAOt* of Gibraltar cmilrl carrv on then business, and walk the streets, and repose I w 1 -1 „ 1 i M .i x-llinys at l s> r isk of jmuill, outrage, or - " i that di ttgkcngfgs duapj jM - ( ? lorVr'^T 1 lUi e,eanI;nM * •»* 771 1 *“«ary *|jn»ah«o«m* we.- reduced j nf) jL and Ih* 1,6 emptied o their numerous iim la u,l nd the sexton disappointed of Lis daily work. But * 1 l .° orh ,? r consequences. The liquor-merchants forced 10 discontinue their enormous profits, and initial ihnt* Ti efieClmg ln VCT| g* eanc « for the iSl those indulgences which devoured their pay and destro^l ed their health. Insubordination broke out on all si dud amh •°^ nQ,ng SJV^nment was not suppoited by tin In J •mhoriiie, • and be wa. sacrificed by those nearer honiej 1 fie dlnstrious subject of this memoir, after receive*. x l 1 grateful and unanimous acknowledgments of the civil . 0 , pu la bon of Gibraltar, was recalled from a post in wlveH his efforts for ihc public good were neither appreciated d< r rtefended as they ought to hav** been; and his officii services wyre since confined to the command of the m n-g. of root, or Royals, winch hi* Rovai Highues- held with the rank of field Marshal, and with (he nominal Go¬ vernment of that fortress, from which his rigornus dis¬ charge of a solemn duty had berru mar e the instrument of his expnis.oo. I he laujj^ars of the Duke were distinguished by die exeicis^ju t- Tc t ,ts and virtues in the highest d^r*- w,. r - thy oFa beueficent Prmce and of an enlightened K,>gj; g |, There was no wani nor misery wldfh he d-ij, not endeavour to to the extreme hmiu rlrlhis so/-| banassed fortune. There v/»* no public charity to whi^l his time, (US pie*c-ice, his eloquence, were not will:nsiy I devoted, nor to the end* of which they did not powerfcillil conduce. I be truce* of his intercourse With lire inhahi- [ innfs of (his great metropolis on occa*ion ofa saluki? tendency to the morals and happiness of his poorer Id. low-crea tores, wdl never be e+hnv< r§ lion animat tl; his in 0 ,. illation varied and copious ; lib m« inorv exact and irtenJ live; his intellectual power qn:ck, strong, and masrulinrjJ be resembled the Ring in in,«ny of his tastes and prop rjj lies; be was an early riser, a close ecouomisi of his iirriosit\on, from co»ii| dence in the general strength of his constitution ; a master, a punctual and erroneous correspondent, a itraill friend, and an afiectiotlate brother, f A less mo traftil ta'.k than the enumeration of there tpa toes, by which we are to estimate the anionnt of wbstwjl have lost in die ileath 01 the illustrious Prince wprac- 1 tised theru^ now remains to b’* perforated. H. R H. n*r- j ried within these two years a Priucess of a noble »tod— i 1 woman fitted to make a good man happy ; and tocd'ieaia children lint linwnriliv (if d:#» Rrlticli r.iiwn VkSi. i. il.< 1 »j iH4*c a gouti man nappy ; anil tocdijcaie children not unworthy of die British Ciown. She ii ilia ] sister of Pi ince Leopold of Saxe Coburg, whom all Eng¬ land esteems for Ilia piivale vinties, and loves for:brca- lamity in which this natiou has been a sharer vui' 1 His widowed sisjter has in lie r hands the presuir p:i* of the British empire—the infant daught«r of the 1) Kent. Her husband's reputation is, as was hisji iu» in* pi iv,ne vutucs, a«u jove# I or .lie ca — lamity in which this natiou has been a sharer wiildiin. His widowed sisjter has in lie r hands the preauir pli’flone i.- i e. j - » jj,L of! -- **-• ..uuuumi. v i vjiuinuuu i9, mm v*n9 11,9 j){!'bO!iql dear to this illustrious and afflicted lady. He vr»i[ooffl and in debt ; nor were his debts ihe offspring of fii.rioc* J h^w^ver, s»y net on? wor;v mot- qwi h • subject; but leave ihe memory, and virtues, andb\<'\vd solicitudes of the Duke of Rent, to the just feeliu^of ll*< nation which admires and laments him. Particulars of ihe List illness of his late Royal t Highness the Duke of Kent. His Royal Highness, in a lung walk on Thuisday se’nnight, wilh Capta n Conr«j,ia , the beautiful environs of Sidmouih, had hi» boots soaked through wiitr the j w.^t. fir, Aitir return to Woolhr^>ok ^ ing himself wet in ihe feel, advise I his Boy al Highness to change his hoots and stockinrs; but this lie did not do till he dressed r ’‘ ner, being attracted by ihe smiles of his h\[ ai J Princess, with whom lie sat for a coo. ifj era |^f time in fond parental dalliance. Befoio nig/J however, he felt a sensation ofcohi and rs f ness, when Dr. Wilson prescribed for^i f>| I draught composed of calomel aod Dr. 1 powders. This his Royal Highness; ILjjJ usual confidence in his strength and d>S^ J medicine, did not take, saying that he ^ ^ j doubt but a night's rest would carry off*^ ] uneasy symptom. The event proved th tc . 1 trary. lo the morning the symptoms were increased; and though his Royal ness lost 120 ounces of blood ffouVl H and by cupping, he departed this hh**P 5 1 have .slated, at 10 o’clock on ^uniiay forJ His Royal Highness was sensible of hqT * proaching death, and met it with pious nation. He generously sa>d that he bl^ himself fur not yielding to the seasonable vice of Dr. Wilson in the first instanc| which fhe access of tin* lever might have® checked. Every attention that skill and affj lion could supply were rendered to | Prince Leopold, accompanied by Dr. Stn mar, arrived at Woolbrook Collage on Sat^l day, at 1 o clot k, and never left his royal ther to the last. Bnnk Slock aa* J l»cr Cent. Re I. 68 S|'j 3 per Cent. Con. 6* i|S 3 ip |>ci Cent, 3j8 4 per Cem. *6 7(8 5 p«v Ci*. 10a 7j8 PRICE OF STOCKS *7), Lot q Ann. 18 x-16 Omnium,- India Stodk. *07 i {4 imiia Bonds tl P” 1 r.xch. Bills * * P» f h Ac. • '•k |4 'from the London Gazette, Tues, Jan. a 5 . iiW~ Whitehall, Jan, 24. ^ t Wv Bwestcrdat morning, at ten o’cloc itn. __ ock, departed thil hfe, a/SidmouA, after a short illness, his Royal Highness Edward Duke of Kent and Strathern, his Majesty’s fourth son, to the great Brief of all the Royal Family. COURT AND GENERAL MOURNING. Lord Chamberlain’s Office, Jan. x 5 , 1810 Orders for the Court’s going into Mourning, 011 Suuday next, the 3 oth inst, for his late Royal Highness the Duke of Kent and Strathern, fourth son of his Majesty, viz. : ““ The Ladies to wear black bombaxmes, plain muslin or loug lawn, crape hoods, shanaoy shosc and gloves, aud crape fans. Undress—Dark Norwich crape. The Gentlemen to wear black cloth, without buttons on the sleeves or pockets, plain muslin or loug lawn cra¬ vats and weepers, shanaoy shoes and gloves, crape hat¬ bands, and black swords and buckles. I - Undress—Dark grey frocks. Herald's College, Jan, 25 . Che Deputy Earl Marshal’s Order for a General Mourn¬ ing for his;late Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. In pursuance of the commands of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf ofUis Majesty, * These are to give public notice, that it is expected that Upon the present melancholy occasiou, of the death of his Lie Royal Highness Edward Duke of Kent and Strathern, fourth son of his Majesty, all persons do put themselves into decent mourning, the said Mourning to begin on Sunday next, the Both instant. Henry Howard Molyneux-IIoward. EI Deputy Earl Marshal. Horse Guards , Jan. 2 5 . Itis not required that the Officers of the Army should V any other mourning on the present melancholy occu- Tthan a black cr ape round their left anus with their ifortris. By command of his Royal Highness the Comman¬ der in Chief. H. CALVERT, Adjutant-General. Admiralty Office , Jan, 2 5 . .loyal Highness the Frince Regent does not require le Officers of His Majesty’s Fleet or Marines should \y other mourning on the present melancholy oc- >f the death of his late Royal Highness the Duke of id Strathern, than a black crape round their W their uniforms. J.W. CROKER. a new efcnT*rsr organisation of the National Guard. This is au attachment of 3 i years, “ Et 1 ’on revient toujours A se» premier* amours.” # A few days ago, a female passing across la Place de la Bastille, picked up a white boi strongly nailed down ; upon opening and ex¬ amining its contents, the body of a new-boro female child was found, sewed up in while linen, and having a cross placed on its bosom. It was carried to La Morgue, and the police is occupied in trying to discover the guilty per¬ son or persons connected with this unnatural act. ^_____ Munich, Jan. 18.—The King of Bavaria has given permission to Lieut-General Baron de Zollern,and to Majors de Sundahi and de Zedanzigei lo wear the Cross of St. Louis, which has been bestowed upon them ]yy his most Christian Majesty. Mayence , Jan. 2s.—It has been agreed on that the Minister of the German Empire, who form tha Diet of Frankfort, shall ctftitinil* to meet in Conamiwce during the suspension of their general Sittings which will recommence on ihe 10th of April. I Stuitgard , Jan. 22. --The K : ng of Wurtem- berg has appointed Doctor Zalm Vice-President of the Second Chamber. The four Secretaries elected by the Chamber, arc Messrs. Schott, Fenerseiu, Sqbonleber and Haakh. 1 RTJPTS.—W. Briant, Kenniogton, wine and spi- :haot.—S. Cowell, Sutton at Hone, Kent, miller. lUjames, Greenhithe, Kent, baker.—W- Roscoe, Le, W. S. Roscoe, Liverpool, bankers, — J. P Draytos, Warwickshire, daaler.—N. GrihbeH Hellyer, East Stonehouse, Devonshire, builders, Colchester,Essex, grocer.—J. Rutherford, New i-Tyne, woollen-draper. Jrmicc. PARIS, JANUARY 3 i, 1820. X,. os Tyriusque mihi nullo disenmine agetur. c : peel */e~K»ng yesterday heard Mass in the oya 1 Chapel of ihe Tuiieries. Yesterday his Majesty gave a private au- }*oce to Marshal Sou ft as well as to the Spa - ish afid Neapolitan Ambassadors. rOniFriday last, the Duka de Crillon died • hi* hotel in the Place Louis XV. His fune - lJ stjfvice will fake place this day at the rc$t of the Assumption, Rue St. Honore • M wiH be buried in the family vault at his 0of Crillon, near Beauvais. This noble - was a member of the Constituent assem- e devote a considerable portion of our Jumns to the interesting extract from the »*glish Papers, on the affairs of Spain ; they *e copi° u8 > "Ut at the present moment are ntitled to take precedence of all other Matter. • r , The W eetlTl 8 tor ” ie Pncouragement of the institution f<* ^ benefit of the Deaf and Dumb tool place (as we announced) on Sa¬ turday, il vras n, 1 lmerous, y a,,d respectably attended f «f®‘ add,t, °nal proofs were given of the utility of this establishment. A oetitioo tvas presented to the Chambers, ar^nosiog < hat th , e f rlvat ® s and non-cptnmis- 1 i,^ ( j officer of the regime.,ts in garrison at ' pZ * 'hoo' d , °? l r c yy tLew side arms, when on duty- We Ai* °" 8 aff ° Seen an J P oi “‘ td on ^ility of this measure. out the .petition was presented f rom jyj CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES- Sitting of the 29 th inst. j The Sitting opened a little after one o’clock; Menu. Pasquier, Roy, Portal, Bgranle, Cuvier, and Capelle,were on the Ministerial BencUr The Minister of Fioaocepro¬ duced the Budget of Government Receipts, having re¬ ceived orders from his Majesty that this account should follow as soon as possible that of the necessary expendi¬ ture of the State. Hi* Excellency observed, that l It first duty of the State, Was to provide for the National Debt, and for the Sinking Fund, and afterwards, to dispose of the resources of the country, as uotonly to furnish for the present exigencies, but to prepart by economy for the alleviating ihe burthens of the people; these joint objects were secretly attended to, and inse¬ parably united. The Minister now went into a financial detail; he observed, that touching the direct contribu¬ tions, which could only vary (connected as they were with the extent of the population, and property attached thereto) according to the progressive encrease and grow¬ ing prosperity of botli: this had been felt in some mea¬ sure last year, and might be looked for continuously, until it came to that moderate point which might be hoped for and expected. The gross Accounts of Receipt and Eipenditure were classified under six beads. In the 1st, o v Droit ti re¬ ceptions, were comprised the Stamps and Journal!, « e " sisters. Bonds, Mortgages, Passports, Game Licences (Port d'Armes ), also the produce of the Lottery, etc. etc. Under Article the ad, ihe Contribution Foncien, the Contribution Persontllt , the tax on Doors aud Windows, and the duty on Patents are a detail i» given of different rules and modikcatioM, these are all under the head of Contnbut Directes. No. 3 , contaius an account of the F» destined for the Departmental Expenditure. •** »\ the,Salaries of iVe/ects, Low Pre/ecS, T fci.mi mm &UStmnr by the Departments; also the Sanctuary ami other » cal Establishments, Poor-houses, Barrack* for the rn* darmerie, the Repair of Roads, the Establishment of l ie Fouudling Hospital in the Proviucesand Departments, l e Siicns necessary for the encouragement of Agriculture and of Horticulture, such as Nurseiies and those attendant Of* Midwifery and Veterinary Schools. Art. IV.— 1 « confined to the funds destined for th public debt Patnortissement which are provided for lr the annuities or property sunk, by llta siamps belong ing to the lnrestut es of such funds, by the produce o the Domaines and Forests and the net produce of th' Customs : the overplus of which, after providing for th . me overplus of which, after providing for th interest of the National Debt, and the annuitants is to g to the general account of the exigencies of the State. Art. V .—Presents a kiud of resume fixing the receipt for 18ao conformable to a statement previously made a 7 * 9,7 1 the ■—.-"7 rr - .- previously made a I , 750 . from which is to be deducted 1 35 , 3 ; 5 , 7 5 ofrl rr?rofl* 3U,es ,’ for,he remln ring ,f,n con Gi-elier |( s | ave s useful to the Stai.. I, victs or S^ din lhe rolomVs. U> be l|"hc»i ar<) r S Fa y e " p submitted to the coR*i Je, *‘!!!L!i!! Vernmem a reject & t .. LO w wc.out.Lca / j j. j jo,- for the expences of collectors, managers, for the mg of warrants, recovery, and deficits. Art. \I.—-Details die general dispositions. The abovd Projet to be pruned and distributed to the difTeven Committees of the Chamber. ’The President proposed to the Chamber to go into Cornmutee of W«y, a...I Mean, on t|„, d., v Mondav)l ,.nd on Wednesday t„ discus, Ihe second I J roict reld on Saturday, which was unanimously c-,r, ,e,J 4 1 her Of petitions were read a„d dbZed o 7 The jT" passed to tlic Ol der of the Dav i t . Tl,c *'" us Ex-General S^. » r ‘ ,1 * JJa Jb 0,1 the petllto/i of th for Bigamy. S f °* lJlC r ™»«QO of his sentenci On the Petition of Sieur Dclrun rejected— '“ S ™"" l ' cled with 'theN^beiu hand to ^iifthe^^rT 6 f °^ served . 'hat it wa gleet for past services - hr ° ,“ e Ma "'»e such ne wirlows of porieis rec rived nr ’ 13t il,evv l h at th' defenders of * i— J brave , -- wm,„ me gence. ountiy languished iu indi The Minister of the Marlnnn Order of the D y, becauseT 6 7 P ‘ rln,e " t vot,!^> £>*riy Au n, '~v ~~ ** 9/l^~^LAcU£,UJ *A) ty-i/l*-*. flr Atn.cZ»»«y^/ A// ^ — • ftvjj,/. /u^^ s sn*. A /o .1 - ftcifift} hf Oa^^CrtA^ a^-r^C C 7 / . . - Sftt-aO- ^J[A ny — ^ -^^7 / ^/*JL etc^L /«l £//<** ft/vy*. ~l *- - /- — '/ CT^ J 3 A Jctsrr -4 // / 6 // 7 /L /2 l~/ / / IfVoJ! leste this life Royal i Stralhe) grief of a Orders next, the Duke of viz. The L long law, crape fan TJodres The G On the sh Vats and blinds, ai Uudtei fiie Dep Mg ,*"M' ■ In pur the Vrinc of Lis M, These Upon the hte Roya fourth st into deer ' Stimhy i Kims. :< f 1 * lt is n t . I, f'jWear soy ■ Lon, ihai J I'Wifonns |UKh o fMm h I ; . 1 U RisRc tbit the ♦ 'weaarj C1SMH Ct Kenllrf «n*Sm 29 & 0 ' (fchk. /'/L. ^ /£ ~~ *- 4 &**■ - 7 L d 3 P 2 *^/ *jlibd « i <4 Viil Xy ^ 4 - 4 * Mt*S, { f/t/c-ofo ^ jd f- - /*■ <■ ^ ^ f'*£~ dz ydi*. *~4~1 /yX^^t^r-c- r A thd- JT Lfj£ --'' ' 9 I 10®* , c/ ^ f’ *Zc t«Yt^ 't 4 jCU 1 Mfl ff, -Mr A&X »** fciW ilftn r $8 to 6 "\ J AoetiaH C^cu< ^« /a ^ ydtU/Tix, ^ C2/cS 'G(-c-n.tAj tw ^' A, -\ ^ $7?/'/tjfh.tAAsy. — • 2. • y?e ^ f sTo. 1 55 g. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1.8, 182*. RICE or SUBSCRIPTION (POST FREE) oe Month. [tree Months . . . . x Months. . 46 neYcar. ditto out of FRANCE. hree Months . . xtb Mouths .... . □e Year. Price io Sous. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AT GALIGJUNl’S LIBRARY, 18 VtYIENNE, PARIS. NO LETTERS OR COMMUNICATIONS WILL be REC^VEO UNLESS PO&94&3 IS eaid. Bona colligit, inania Subunit. (Dual'Jtlri tain. LONDON, Feb. i/ t . W« have received this morning a series of udras Gazettes to the 8th of Oct. last, from Inch we have made extracts of the most im¬ plant articles of intelligence. We regret to find in them, information of e death of Col. Bannerinau, late Governor L p r ince of Wales Island^ which melancholy eut look place on the 8lh of August. His neral was celebrated with marks of appro¬ bate honour, and on the receipt of the news Madras, minute guns, corresponding with >5 a gp t (he was in his Gist year) were fired iinthe ramparts. The General Orders issued the Government of Prince of Wales’ i$- id, the day after his decease, speak of him term of unqualified eulogy and regret.— jwas one, it is observed, “ whose zeal and xiely to promote the public welfare wore lent and unceasing, and whose useful and nourable labours, marked alike by integrity d every manly virtue, were not confined to s sphere of this Presidency, but have been amplified,and often publicly appreciated,dur- r a period of upwards of forty three years, ssc*d in the service of the Hon. East India mpany, in various stations of difficulty, ho¬ ur, and responsibility.” The Hon. W. Ed. illips has succeeded to the Government of * Presidency. \ Madras Government Gazette Extraordinary, the 11 th Sept, proclaims that uis Highness nee Aozum Jah, eic. tqe eldest legitimate SUBSCRIPTIONS Are also received by every Bookseller and Direct&ur ties Posits , throughout France, Italy, Switzerland, Gerinauy, eic. eir. Subscriptions lo be paid in advance.* Advertisements and Communication for this Paper received at the Office No. 18, Rue Vivienne, Paris. i of the late Nabob Azeem til Dowlah Buha* 'W, has succeeded to his father in the rank l title of Naboh Soubahdar of the Carnatic, fhese Papers confirm the accounts which :e bceii received lately as to ~the disastrous dition of the Dutch, with respect to their rly restored colonies in the East. The last ch Mail, which arrived on Friday, con- »d an extract from the Batavian Courant , of I oist July, slat nj that M. Munlinghe, the [missioner at Palembang, had been forced tire from that place, wall the troops, to Island of Banca. he Penang Gazetre of the 17th July men- that the Dutch were driven from Pa¬ hang, with the loss of many men, not by ill ef who was set aside by the Nether- Govert menl, on the restoration of the |li possessions, but by the reinstated Sul- n whom implicit dependence had been |d. It may be renumbered that while Java mder our dominion, Palembang was ced* the Sultan to Great Britain, on the ex- condilion that he should be maintained throne, and supported in his dignity by British Government. By a distinct and ite article in the treaty of 1814, this is- ras also transferred to the King of the prlands, but on the conditions and sub- those compacts which had existed Le¬ the King of Great Britain andtheSul- |The first act, however, of the Dutch lissioners who were sent from Java aftar msfer of Palembang, was to depose the [, whom he had protected, and seat an- >n the throne. It is this other who has ?d the Dutch from his territories. The are said to have opened a battery of [piece* of cannon upon the Dutch sol- lwho three times stormed their strong [n vain, and with the loss of 117 officers, killed. Nor does it appear that they have been allowed to remain in quiet possession of the istlnnd of Banca , to which they retired, after this deftat. In the Supple¬ ment to the Madras Gazelle, oi Oct. 6, it is Stated that the news wascouSrmed of a revolt of the natives of Bauca against them. There is every reason, to conclude, therefore, that the dominion of the Dutch in these possessions will not be easily established. The following are further e if r acts : ^ “Madras, Oct. 9. u Advices have been receiveJ from Rangoon, by the Britannia , stating that the King of Ava died on the thh of last June* and was suc¬ ceeded on the same pay by htsgrandson. u MoCHa. — Accounts from this piace, broughi by the Hon. Company’s cruizer Au¬ rora, confirm the former ones, of the whole coast being under the control of Ali Pache. A rumour was prevalent at this place that the Russians had taken Constantinople. We can scarce credit this report, hut we are told that a universal panic had seized the Turks in the Bed Sea. Ali Pacha's ships were all dismantled and laid up at Judda* Ths commercial ac¬ counts from this place are satisfactory on the whole, tiiough eoffee continued high, yet Ind>au goods yielded large profits.” “ Bombay.— Accouma from Scind state Ruajcet Singh to have conquered Kashmeer. 11 Madras, Oct. 9. “ KctcH.— We are sorry to sftttt/vhat there has been a dteadful tiurricane, in the western part of this country. It lasted one day and two nights every tree has been lorn op by the tools, and every kind of cultivation laid waste, towns and villages haye been deluged and all per¬ fectly destroyed. But few people have lost their lives ;— cattle, however, of all descriptions,excepting buffaloes, have in many places been nearly extirpated \ the water generally in the open country was ruining foxir feet deep, and carts in the fields were carried avay many miles, bp the force ot the wind. The hurricane had not been felt at Bhooj on the 291b of last month, biv they had experien¬ ced eight days of high wind, rain, and such constant clouds, that the sun was a stranger n that capita! The rains, though not heavy, had yet beei constant, since the the 12 th of July ; not a seed of cottok Rad been sown up to the former date, .whilst the grain crols had rutted. j Sept. a 5 . “ A frigate of 46 guns, for his Matty’s service, was floated out of the Bombay Doek on tty- 5 ih instant : sheas named the SoriDg.ipatam, and is stalrd to be constructed on a theory calculated to combine die greatest stability with the least possible resistance to her sailing ■ ana is considered altogether to be one of the most formidable ships of war, of her class, known. ** Bomray, —On Thursday morning his Majesty’s sloop of war Curlew, Captain YValpole, f to va Busliir •, the ad September, and Muscat the 9th September, anchored in this harbour. By this vessel we understand, that letters have been rccctv.d from Captain Sadler, ot his Majesty’s 47th Regt., who was some months ^nce deputed by the Supreme Government to the camp ©f lbraheem Pacha, c-mmaiubng theTmkish troops, whidi had subdued the Wahabee power in Arabia, and occupied the tract country bordering on the Perafcin Guh.ii Captain Sadler landed at the port of Khatief, whicbV found in the pos- session of the Arab Shieklis, on the it ih July, and after very considerable difficulties arrival * ni Ahsa. under ihe - , n . . d, * c f , V ic » arrived *LH Ahsa, um escort of a Bedouin Sbickh, whose n r0te ctioo seemed of a very suspicion, n,tore. Captain sT*a, to proceed for¬ ward oa-ihc 22d Jnfy, io join tll e Delia’s camp, wlfich was said to be at distance of t en f r tvve Jve days march from Cl Ahsa. The Pacha seen^l ^iihdrawmg the whole of his forces from the *b£* & jL Persian Gulph, ether finding himself not poWul1.iau5i to retain his conquests or that their possession l s imt word. the ex¬ pense. I he whole of Dtryah, UtelJ ’populous city, had been razed to the ground. Tin* through which c.p, S. pas,.d i, Suuj to Be mbabi.od bv ihe wilrt esl race of Bedouin, 0 r ".uesis be‘ wecn ‘be different tribes were frequently n ' f eVCO in view of h.s ient, ...ended wi.liVu^S 1 "*' . * be hot weather in the p c ': u j, represented L'nTUT rauchkoown for had advanced by land ” ,der ablE boty 01 D rter.j Gn Salurdcv, ^ CQplT. Majesty I b, th . is-M- bury/the Lord Chanceller, the First Lord of tlie I reasuiy, the Lord President of the Coun- c ‘i, the Lord Privy Se«il, ihe Chancellor of ihe Exchequer, vhe three Secretaries of Stale, the fcirst Lord of the Admiralty, the Master- General of the Ordnance, ,be President of ! he Board ofCorilroul, the President of the Board of Trade, the Master of the Mint, Earl Mulgrave, the Lord Steward, and the Groom of the Stole. The King held a privy Council, when he pricked for the Sheriffs for England and Wales for the year ensuing. Mr. Buller attended as Clerk of the Council. His Majesty gave audiences to the Lord Chancellor, the Earl os Liverpool, Viscount Sidmouth, and Viscount Castlereagh. Lord Boston and Col. Whalley were theLord and G room in waiting. The Court broke up about four o’clock. A Privy Council was held on Saturday, at which his Majesty presided, for the purpose of determining the alteration in the Liturgy, which has been rendered necessary by the King’s death. The nature of the alteration will be seen by referring to the Gazette ot Saturday. It simply directs that in those parts of the Church service where u their Royal Highnesses George Prince of Wales, the Princess of PVales, and all the Boyal Family,” are pray¬ ed for, the words in Italics should henceforth be omitted.— Courier. FUNERAL OF HIS LATE ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF KENT. We have already announced, that the body of hi# j Royal Highness taid in slate for a short time at Wool- brook Cottage, Sidmouth, previous lo its lioai removal from a scene which, but a few days before, was distin¬ guished by all the smiting joys of domestic blit* and •oeia^j happiness. This kook place on kundaj sc imv fe t.l, * spacious room, which Was hung with black cloth, and lighted with thirty wax candles. The glare of day was altogether excluded. Thecoffin and urn were raised upon tressels, and covered with a iich velvet pad, turned up at each end to shew the spleudid materials of which they were composed. . , « At the head of the coffin was raised a superb plum«ody ' va « \ w«ve £ f F n ‘ P **** * *. 0 ( {}ie procession, a I V «-*•* t,,e 1 detachment «A the ,0 ^ a They wer« adva „ced to ibe carnage, attend J nd ,he weather rki.r. The t,,gilt was pitch dark, witnessed t-liif r ':?V r 1^ ; bill, cam? upon the arid,(listn.led the surround sutucss. On reaching be er,d 0 f the Long-walk in Pa s u eet, at nine o’clock, ¥jC procession of . .—.. was met by a large people, yiodi, when joined to those who A Gontlema* Usher. A Gentleman Usher. Windsor. The mghl was| P"^ 1, ivet ,, and . The uin was ihe vault, the Chapel, was lowered | u | ,j e " co ffin was T^-on then departed to thpir q “ Z™ twel. e o’clock on Saturday »ate removal n the evening, ‘ wimple,id tuihe’Lodge 4 =2^^K&Er5S fd at U*C great nan, irom y i R tn the drawing-room, a spacious apartment, hung black draperies, and light^^f^'^^pl’aced under * ver sconces on tlie v,alis. ihe l y P m n canopy, ornamented with escutcheons; and pve. the«olhn vvhieh’was covered with crimson velvet, was a pall, also adorned with them. On each side of the body fou, a. g« wax lights were horning, in massive silver c » n d esttcks. At the brad of the coffin sale iwo gentlemen of Ins late Boyd Highness’s household. Tlie spectator, Pa. *d round the eollin, «nd then retired. Ihe effect of tlie whole scene was most impressive. re. At seven o’clock in the evening, tie bells «l oU George’s chapel and the parish church began to toll. A detachment of the RojaI Horse Guards lined the streets from ihe gate of the Castle to the entrance ot the Long VValk, m open order, every fourth man bearing a flam¬ beau. At the same hour, ihe several departments ot the processien, as it was to move from Cumberland Lodgq, assembled on the la^ri in front of that edifice, where theywpre marshalled in proper order, under the direction of Mi. Thomas, of the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, Messrs. Bailey and Saunders, and their asi.slanls, to whose zeal and activity much praise is due. Every thing being in readiness, the procession proceeded in the following darkness which preceded it. The fretted ceiling o t e vaulted roof, wiiu all ^'numerous architectural elegancies, became distinctly viable. Groups/of persons continued to pace siowly up and down the ailes, until the ded jreor 'iunced its advance Cl u Ulch “ f Windsor an- ^«po„ its'.dent Jy Vt'lv'n LT""l M us arrangement was aiaterl .i l - 'iiikqfreLctiowards the B^v I 1 *!"' ^ ob “^* d »*» > tbis order ih» r». R°Jal i''- It was ac- pectators holh ^ U, n hoc of march by a number of Lernd f,on. .•..m’,.' bot •*?*! ^ack, wlm r»r», i » '~ ' v a ."" ,,ur5C “ifCK, Who were not imp aud fdf •* U *heir coriotily hy the gem ral winch ,IieeVCtti ? 6 - U '^ d the* dark nmp and cpr xcessi ^ e » gave additional grandeur to ills. V)id the red l ^ ie c «valcade, moving as it did ? eded " T r V S ,are of »0 many iorches. As itpro- ca-lv Dong-walk, a noble av enue of elms, , , rt ^ unlt.s in length,it formed a scene which to a ■viator at the end of Park-street r»r>OSil>P. .*.^. .1.- - ‘ e e,Ul ot Park-street must have been highly ftl ine| ely on account of the spectacle itself, but ,M 6 S and r, flections t« c lt At the south en Dean and Canons, * previously formed, order :— ‘ ]Nav Poo: Page Pages O-u.s u Apo hecaries ofhiriate Royal Ilighn*® 11 Mr m$m® Mr hole moved on in the toflowinj Rev. Jr»rgTits of WindsiH’. Rights of WiudoOr. ,‘f the Royal Family. [Ids late Royal Highness. Surgeons of his late ^ - * Royal Highness. Thump*. Sir W. Adams, icgarl- Mr. Pctligrew. \ 1C »r*> -l Dare.’ Chapla »»''> h , s , R()ya , Hi hn Rudge, Wetherall, Rev. J. G. Smith, larirsto b k7. . Secretaries to htg | a . e pY'^r , Captain Convoy .Jf ^ al ¥ n «S, iJuarri**f», iJi ll. „ C »P kcr - EgutWie* ^ his Urn Uoyal 1 r ' jor-General Mainv t ' H^ness, Crion< l r\.. l° l “Geneiai Moore, and Grooms ofliis l«e P,oy»| „ Fihsuivantc A* esss Be “>i u , ld g '-aihrow Esq. Somerset. E. Lodge, E-q, H»n# s er ^• Navler,, York. nova a;.h' e * k< ; 1 Es i- ch««.r. \a> , ai ghne-’ Comptroller A Gentleman Usher. { flf. k °VAl FJ. u i v 1* '-nestei llis Wsj e . , i i ,n ht;,.|aj 1 , of » ,> . Fo,A’ I; , ou »ehol d , \ A< ^'“>eman t Tjv r 1 J ,ce, Yn 1 Lsher. Choristers and C| t . lks f J - of W"?• (The# lr oiit l ,J;'"dsor. ,eor ge’s Chapel. x P-i 3 THE BODY, > covered wtth a blaek velvet Pall, adorned with ei&ht Escutcheons of his late Ro}al Highness’ Arms; ‘ under a canopy of black velvet. — ^ g, The procession marched slowly np the centre alih.L, eveiv pa it of it was imposing and well arranged. A|. and lav-clerks were ranged two and two an v IVt u ibil tori' eveiy pan 01 't ", - B 1 ' choristers and lay-clerks were ranged two and two acq v dinglv 10 their stature: the two hist appeared cM about ten years of age; these were followed by olheru a year or two older, and soon, till, by gradual ioccci« ^hc eve rested on two individuals much abovjtht^ pf oruinary nieu : after them followed otuerid.aIcwa ^ and they Sg*>n V«e followed by others slillynialler, « the series ended at prelty nearly the same degneot* . niliule from which it bad started. Ihey were drnnl M®™' e io „ labour of the bearers, which on former found almost insupportable, hfh, service from under the s stall. >( J em | The Duke of York, as <*■«'*?“'“?£ an J the Ihe corpse, his ‘!JPP°^ ,S o ea n ihen we’m dn<|,,lJ It^for^fe ffiv v ;i)ul die choir. During die perform wo njsn ” tbttn, I gins will. “Man d,.« ■ shorn of *P gradually lowered into . r,j ltf mortis f I chioery, and ai the ( j u <,t n a small r earllb, ashes to ashes, da *‘ u ’ n t j ie iitedbj consecrated ea,ill was dropp ^ $nme aiffir p ress j gr eat size of ihe coILn t ffli i, e ,„g £ - * mg It into the vault, t l f 05 j n g pj enough for its admission- . an the Jemo 6 ,i.uai was W „, e . lamented Prince were l ),c arrived at j * i J Sir Isaac Heard, who has nowau.^ ^ r Jand f age of go, in a clear . . /- j lo laNelhJ hh-u has P | c a -‘L A, d ‘t 7 meTiv..lj,Cl I transitory life, unto uis p ; f /t lw^ most mighty, and illustnoi . Knigl^ T Kent and Strathern, Earl ot P - , . V ri< „dlan. Noble O.dcr of‘^Garten Engl. ^ B ,,o most bonouiable Muitarv y Patrick i of the msst illustrious Order of Si fa tr \ his late most sected Majesty K ijjojSljIla J memory, and third broil,e. ofrihe mostm^ ■ and most excellent Mouaicli,G p I God of ihe United Kingdom ql preserve with healtu, long i t ^ J happiness. r » ceremony all eyf ■ 'Throughout th*, q[ y0 |J f upon iheirRoyaLHjghnes . W , KJSC t , Sussex, and Priuce L P r> v i iljnhnest impossible to describe. His R"» Sussex, so long the intimate companion ana Iweer i*r the same roof at Kfnsiuston Palace *ith hi* lamented oilier in vain rallied his firmness to support him under is trying affliction. Their congenial ‘feelings, the rec»- irociiV of their active and benevolent pursuits, ruched p 0 n his mind ; the sudden rupture of their earthly con exiou under circumstances so peculiarly calculated to waken die most poignant grief, called forth those sensa- 0 ns which but the good can feel, and bis Royal High- ess gave vent to his feelings in .unrestrained and over- helming anguish. The grief of P mce Leopold was ma itested in a calmer but not less expressive manner. His oval Highness appeared sunk in abstract con temp la- f>n He now .mourned for the husband of bis sister-- hen last in this chapel lie wept over the bier of bis wde, ie beloved and lamented daughter of England. Doubt - -s the pageant of the ceremony recalled in rapid sue- essiou all those reflections which awaken past sorrow, i give the solace of melancholy but unavailing vent io ,e best feelings of our nature. 1 be Dukes of York and lar.nce seemed erjually to feel the bitter separation to hich they were doomed from tlia object ol thfir iiater- d ali'eclion. This melancholy scene was doubtless ren¬ ted still more poignant by the. sad impression, that omnfol as was this spectablc, it was but the prelude of e mole formal, though equal I v la men ted burial of a pa¬ nt, who had endeared himself throughout a long reign, r the exercise of the most lasting virtues. Three days ill scatcc elapse, before these illustrious mourners w ill ive to staud on the same spot, to take.a last view of the mains of a beloved parent, sinking into b's tomb amid ■ e ■lfcctiouate attachment of a free people. Ihe associ- iou of these feelings could not fail to arouse the acute risibility of their Royal Highnesses, under a combination circumstances at once so melancholy and distressing. ; The Royal Mourners and their attendants immediately f Itlidrew from die Chapel to the Castle. The remains \ his late Royal Highness were then deposited in the place « igned them in the Cemetery. 1 j fhe town of Windsor presented throughout the d-y a !: -ne of extraordinaiy bustle. Every bouse of public tertainment thronged to excess. Carriages of all I' icriptious weie seen pouring in from every direction. ■« e Duke of York arrived on Friday night, and bis Koy- Brothers, and Prince Leopold reached the Cas'le on Ej.urd iy evening. They diued with ihe Princess Au- ■ .ta and the Duchess of Gloucester. At the lodge, the ■ rporary residence ol Mr. Marshy a dinner was piepared : the noblemen and gentlemen wlio formed part of tbs v ^cession within the Chcp«l. These individuals proceed- ititi othe Chapter, at eight o’c'ock, where they were placed reorder already ^escribed. The whole ceremony was o ' uifbt 16* close at ten o’clock, when the bustle of de¬ nture again threw the tow n into confusion. Most of Wf Members of the Royal Family returned to town, as illsK a great number of other individuals who had been Solvent, and thus, till a late hour yesterday morning, the presented a line of vehicles of various descriptions, tln«progress of which was greatly retarded from the ha¬ lf 1 ''' 1 ied state of the horses. - — ^Courier. Dill m,m FROM I HE COUNTRY PAPERS. ■ it “ Rnval Marine Barracks, Chatham, teb. to, i8m. t rt * The procession which vesierday proclaimed the Ac* ‘rjfdon of King George IV.‘at Chatham, proceeded to the IL:ick Yard, and returning thence, entered the Royal Ma- »Barracks, where they were received by Major General . botough, (Commandant of Marines) the whole of his "Pacers l( ,g e ther with the battalion and colours, the tout pio.!»cing a most loyal an.J lively eflecl. Tl.« ib Coo*ul>le advanced, aii.l mail aloud the Proc ama- iibplr^ s ■ at conc lu S ion of which the air resounded with ^ tinned and animated cheers of—‘ Long live King .. .. t \ The King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lori Chancellor, Lord Pre¬ sident, Lord Privy Seal, Duke of Wellington, Lord Steward, Marquess of Winchester] Earl Bathurst, Etrl of Liverpool, Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Castlercagh, Vis- connt Melville, Viscount Sidmoiilh, Lotd C. Beotinck, Mr. Wellesley Pole, Mr. Canning] Chancellor of the Ex¬ chequer, Mr. R.ilhurst, Mr. Robin on, Whereas in the Act of Uniformity, wh'-cb establishes the Liturgy of the Church of England, provision * s made for such alterations in the Prayers for the Royal Family as from time to time shall become necessary, and be directed by lawful authority ; bis Majesty was pleased ibis day, in Council, to declare bis Royal will and pleasure, that in the Prayer for the Royal Family in the Morning and Evening Service, the words “ Their Royal Highnesses George Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and,” be omitted ; That the same omission take place in that part of the Litany on General Supplication in* which the same words recur. That in the title to the Form oftrayer to be used on the d y of his Majesty’s Accession to the Crown, the woids “ Upon the twenty-fifth d^ypf October” be struck out, and the words Upon the twenty-ninfeih day of Ja¬ nuary” be inserted. That in the Prayer found in this service for the King and Royal Family, the words “ liieir Royal Highnesses George Piiiice of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and,’' be omitted. And bis Maiesty doth strictly charge and command; that no edition of the Common Pfcyer be from hence¬ forth printed, but with this amendment ; and that, in the mean time, till copies of such idition may be bad, all Parsons, Yicars, and Curates, whltnfc this realm, do (for preventing of mistakes), with the pen, correct and amend all such Prayers in their Church books, according to the aforegoing direction ;aod for the l etter notice hereof, that this Order be forthwith printed ami published, and sent to the several parishes; and that the Might Rev. the Bishops do lake care that obedience be pai| to the same accord* JAS. BULLER. Igerley-Park, Esq. ‘ tf denwick, Esq. stock, Esq. Killy, Esq ’ Brayton Housa Esq. irf** ^ r.Tf _ tfion nrAorcA llis fcatfalion'fo he fi\ into a »quare, which It c addressed in the following yOOLDiERS!—During the time I iiave served my King fV {country, now advancing towards four and forty years, " .• x proud am I to observe, that, in no one instance have * icn, nor has it ever come to my knowledge, that a want oyalty or gallantry was ever manifested by the Royal rines ' ’ , , i ■ . On the contrary, many have been the trying circum • luces in which they have been placed ; but, neither the ;m y, however foimidable bis front, nor the apostate m bis King, however artful or insidious his wiles, has been able to appal or divert them from their duty ;— . who have always been ready to exclaim, we live but our King and for our Country !—(Loud cheering.) True it is (continued the General) there was in our lamented Monarch that which was superlatively good, ling into our hearts and winning our best alKctions ; be was, indeed, a patriot King, the Father of his Peo- ] _ a nd, shall 1 nor add, wiih equal pride and truth, ported throughout hit long and glorious reign by the it of soldiers. Lei us ihen strive to maintain this proud racier Unimpaired, under our presful most gracious ereign, still running the race of loyally, and shewing, ill tunes, how determined we are to support King orge IV. and his Government. Does not experience Intel us to feel assured that lie will . uiulate the virtues Lis Sire, and, like him, prove the Father of his People? , preserve long ami give health King George the brthl (enthusiastically re-echoed by offices and men.) kre I, Soldiers, (said the General; a nc:> man, you laid commemorate this day in the way I could wish, 1 you must be content to receive from me a few bands \beer to drink long health, long life ■ ' . : "-s to ISovereign.’—(Loud shouts “ we will, am! serve him ' ,Cullj Lirr, (Ireland) Feb 8. his day the Gairison, consisting ot the pth Royal Ve¬ la Battalion, a detachment of the ad Guards, the ad Battalion of the Rifle Brigade, ^assembled on Parade, under the command of Lieut Goboiel l wi^g ,e former corps, and at one o’clock tired a Jen de ]o.o elebration of his Majesty’s Accession to t >o 1 which, the whole gave three hearty clieert y man bad a day’s pay given h.m to demk. ins health. -—- From the London Gazette ; Feb. t o. At the Court at Carlton House, the lath of February, i8ao, present, the King’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council. SHERIFFS APPOINTED BY 1IIS MAt$»TY IN COUNCIL, FOR THE YEAR l8|>. Bedfordshire —Sir 3. Burgoyne, of Sutton, Bart. Berrshiee —T. H. Altabon Earle, of Svvallowfield-place, Esq. IH|| Buckinghamshire —C. Shard, of Camb’ and Hunt’ —-T. Burges, ol Cheshire —J. France Frauce, of Cornwall —W. Rasbleigh, of M< Cumblrland— Wilfrid Lawson, Derbyshire — F. Mundy, of Maikiltra, Esq Dcyonshire —R. Hunt, of Sidbnrj|Esq. Dorsetshire— T. Billett, of WarikveJI, Esq. Essex— Sir T. Neave, of Dagnam Park, Bart. Gloucestlrshire —Sir E. B. Sandys, of Miserden Park, Bart. J Herefordshire —T. Perry, ofE Klialey Park, Esq. Hertfordshire —J. Earley Cook,j|>fNuni>bury, Esq* Kent —Sir T-Dyke, of Lulling*! Bart. Leicestershire —J. Clarke, of Lile Peatling, Esq. Lincolnshire— W.Thompson Cofcett, of Elsham, Esq* Monmouthshire —Sir R. Jones Aijard Kemys, ol Malpas, Knt. Norfolk —G. Samuel Kelt, of Bttok, Esq. NorthAM pTOwsHiRL—J. Cook, Co. of Southampton —J. Scotis, of Rotheifield Park, Esq. Suffolk—G eorge Thomas, of WoodbridgG Surrey—H utches Trower, of Unsie« s ' on ' E, , q V F.o Montgomery—J. Cu. klev WiSTnes. (ilanl, " ‘ E q ' DeNBIGH-J. Uoyd Sal,fbI!y ^ GRllVRy‘ li,n > E5,J - FLI»T-J.Ko, S l,, ofRhua , ) ^ Average Prices ' n.iarter of eightW m* cbesler Kus^fli, and offbE I pet Bo11 of i'^°w’"k A'-rJopo s, f,’ om the R^ fce.ved in •'>« W “ k ended die 5di F..K ,1 Rell ui)S , i —Bye, nd 46s. 7 d.'_O.imeal, iS? *}*%*■' »ankS u 3 Pfc f Cv , tbe Court at Carltou-house, tbe !9th d*y of Feb.'| f =4 per Co m . Red. ’Gc) Cow. 03 t Coni.. — — ' *i* - lOi IQC( 7 ] Ann. ,8 q 3 3 16 PARIS, FE BRUA RY .8, ,8 ao . Ties Tjriusque mihi nullo dismmine a 8 etur_ Virgil The Idle melancholy catastrophe, hasnalu- . tally excited a deep and universal feeline of hoi’ror and regret, uot unmixed with some- thing of apprehension and dread for the fu¬ ture. This may be accounted for in the com- mon organization of the human mind, which, at every period of life, is prone to magnify I danger.—However groundless such apprehen¬ sions may be, and we doubt not are at the pre- ‘ sent moment, they prove an excitation of feel- mg, highly honourable to the memory of the [ Illustrious arid lamented Prince. None ©f U s can say what 44 to-morrow will bring forth, but certainly, w*e have no hesitation in slating it as our opinion, whether the w retch Louvet had accomplices, or acted exclusively from his 1 own distorted mind, that France is in no dan* I ger of relapsing into such dreadful scenes and I chariges, as she has in modern time under-1 gone. Nay, more—from the acknowledged I wisdom and patriotic character of the head of her Government, she is entitled to expect that the evil, now, alas! past remedy, will call into full and active exertion, all the resources of her rank, talent, and public spirit, vPhich, un¬ der the presiding genius and guidance of her good King, will amalgamate and co-operate together with increased vigour and unshaken ■ loyalty, todefeal the wishes and desigus of the disaffected, who unfortunately are to be found in every nation, and to preserve this fine coun¬ try secure in the advantages which she has de¬ rived, and is daily deriving,-from the mild and paternal sway of her present enlightened Mo- | narch. It may be asked—Wbat could induce the assassin to commit such a crime, if he had no personal pique to avenge, or political and oarty purpose to serve?—Wa would answer, with abashed feeliug, that, unfortunately, the history of the human race is not without such dreadful precedents, of persons who, to all j appearance, without any assignable cause, or reasonable object, have committed deeds of I the deepest dye, which, to the end of time, will remain unelucidated. It is easier, much ea- | sier, to accaunt for his savage and unreJenling i hatred towards the illustrious family of the Hourbons. He was bred in a bad scheol—h\s vile heart festered at their many virtues*— he hated them for their piety—for their noble elevation of char aefer—lo« I Ac »' rily and andmorelhana I belated them because under their benignant l c. 4 l,,i'irv sway* France has a long per- I perty. hx ? one wo. (I lie u an, with- out God and without hope ,n the world. Yesterday after Mass the rece.ved his M Thefr S RoyaI Highnesses Monsieur, with the Duke and Duchess of Angoulenie, v ^ the 1 ), .chess of Berri at St. Eloud ; l. felt condolence, although they had but a r hours warning, they mustered not less i 5 oo strong : this is a clear, fine, and as r , TlfeulMa"'* blow, which he. lb. p—i» h»»m of ooc mod UmcoieJ Prince, has slabbed the hearts of all France.- On this mournful occasion, your Majesty s faithful National Guard anxiously presses round your Royal Person lo offer the homage of their love and fidelity, and to assure your Majesty of their readiness to repress faction, and to defend the safety and honour of your Dynasty and Throne. His Majesty thanked them in the most gra¬ cious manner, observing, that he had the most unqualified and unshaken confidence in their zeal, loyalty, and attachment. The Deputation next wailed on h s Royal Highness Monsieur, but could not see him ; the Marquis d’Autichamp, however, assured them, that his Royal Highness would appoint an early day lo receive the expressions of their regret. The Duchess of Berri, in the agony of her grief, caused tier beautiful long hair to he cut off,'observing, that she had now no longer a fondLord and husband to admire it. We have often had occasion to remark, with regret and di gust, the idle aberrations of such Gazetteers as the Censeur , the Renomme'e , and others, which too clearly proves a vindic¬ tive spirit, with haply (we beg the genllcinen’s pardon) nothing of personal interest also. It is the duty of every honest and independent Editor, if he disapproves, to atlack measures, not men< and not to deal round damnation 4< on each he deems his foe.” It is rumoured that ftl. Martainville is ar¬ rested. I he principal Theatres of the Metropolis wiM, it is said, he shut until the 25th. 1 he substance of M. Decaze’s letter to the Procureur-General, respecting the article in the Drapeau Blanc of the i 5 th, is nearly as fol¬ io vvs : M. he Procureu r -General.—Hitherto I dis- pised the outrages and libels directed against me, hut in the present case the interest of the Community at large makesit a matter of neccs- s^y not to leave unpunished the calumnises of &eur MarlainviUe contained in the inclosed /lumber of tbft Drapeau Blanc. Cowardly ac- ZZT Tf b , 3s ,b T arc more to l.A erjl of uatioiial affliction, than lain, *uch th:* fiHiU^VSgioos and revolu¬ tionary principle*- It was sai(J , hat hfi ^ , neither read n°r *r,te but the contrary has been proved, lianas read but too much all the inflamatory writings of the day, and had actu¬ ally taken notes p different disloyal and libel¬ lous Publications, Journals, and Pamphlets against the House of Bourbon, at least so the Quotidienne states. V\ hen a Clergymans poke to lmn of future punishment, he replied, “ Why do you talk to me of God ? I do not believe in him.” them such as (hey ardj and thereby dischai our duty to our readers. CHAMBER OF PEERS. Silting of the i^lh inst . At two o’clock the House met to take ;J its consideration the Project of the Law ri k tive to the Liberty of the Press, and as mod particularly connected with the Journals aid other periodical prints. The order of \\\z^ pi We insert the following sensible remarks of an intelligent Correspondent:_ “The dreadful misfoitune that has lately shocked this Country could not so easily have happened in England ; for though the English Monarch confide! in the affection of his peo¬ ple ; whenever the Royal Family go to the IhealFe or elsewhere, a Bow-street Officer invariably attends dressed like any other indi¬ vidual, but with an alertness and sagacity beyond all other men ; when any stranger lustres about, he nevertakes his eye off of him, and is always at his heels; and thus some maniacs have been prevented doing acts of mischief, which otherwise might have been perpetrated—our military too are resolute and vigilant ; a fellow who should push an Officer on duty aside, would have been in¬ stantly felled to the ground—they keep so close to the ro)*l person, that no unknown person can approach. Just before the Duke of Berri stepped into his carnage to go to the Opera, he gave oiders to pay an additional sum of i,ooo francs as a contribution to the poor of Paris: it may therefore be truly said of him— “ Blessed are they who sleep in the Lord, etc. 4< For their woiks follow them.” periodical pr required the discussion of the proposed lajjj an assembly of the whole House, but the House decided on its being previously refers to a Committee of Five Members, f or aifo rough examination. The Chamber adjourned sine die , and yi assemble again when the Committee is re ad to report progress. CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. Bulletin of the 1 6th Feb . Printed copies of the project of the I aWr ,< lative lo la liberie individuelle , with an exposes the motives, were distributed to the mercy by the minister of foreign relations. fyJ one was curious to know who the memJ are who will form the committee to J upon this important subject. A coramiim of finance met, but all the other business the house is suspended. The meeting of; secret committee on the suggestions ofM Manuel on the subject of Juries, and M 3 Constant’s plan on the forms of ministerii Budgets, are indelinitely postponed. IMPROMPTU. It is said that the Duchess of Berri remark¬ ed that a sepulchral fatality attended the num¬ ber i 3 :—since, the i 3 th of July, 1817, JtfTT* W ’" h its usual appropriate loyalty, (at a moment when when all 'L prLau »n mourning and in tear.'! d 1 * rance >s that* by a sudden • re 8 ret »* what?” flval, tine e“rcuU.Ln nf . l " 8 PUt lo lhe Gar- acs was prevented ” Wh” 1 of l Editors and doers ofthe ?*** " pU - v lha ‘ ‘he he allowed to da Je t Re . nomm ‘ should not off the mask ; tliey l*" de f, d ' /,row '»g to remember, tJ, a , y d do wel1 however. v sense.” I he monster Louvel aril! ness and hardened depSiE 7 e * ' he fir,n - •ous athiest, an unrelenti™ ° f an ,■ .- counts withdisgustine ;„,rVr 8uar a «*‘l re- h«n* of the >»-e mansac- }j° ns of t h« niurd>r S ous dly re A^ thelr3nS . ac ‘ yss itsss?. solution S t e ’ r observed I hat L heard the^footmen oTderlhe” 8 o clock, he had fn coach for eleven sign because « £* ™ on *"' given up his de- However, afier a lurn eep hlm U P to ° late” \\ Royal, a „d lakiL . ° r , WO 'he Palais house, l lc w ' \r ctl r 8 3 Goffcc- dreadful crime YVh k - a " d P e 'P«raUd the that '° him . of blood and cose-ed b | dVr °'" CCd lfU(;rs her Royal Hig!rt?s$ was delivered of a female infant, who survived but a short time ; on the i 3 th of September, 1818, she miscarried ; and ou the i 3 lh of February, 1820, her Husband was severed from her by the assassin’s blade. A Duel look place, the day before yester¬ day, between J\1 d’Ecqueviiliers and M. Me¬ diant, Chef de Lataiilun, and formerly aide- de-camp to M v^hai Masseaa. This olficer spoke most indecently and unbecomingly on the late disastrous event of the Assassination of the Duke of J&rri. They fought with pis¬ tols, and drew for first fire M. d’Ecque On reading the regrets of the Renommeti the Carnival being slopped !!! Insidious Scribbler ! wherefore not avow, With open viliainy, thy real mark?— Why, tike the wretch who struck the assassin blow, But more a coward, stablAt theu in ihe dark? J.W.L FRENCH FUNDS. 5 per cent. 7if. o c. | Bank Actions, *l 25 f. oc. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. One Month, Paper, o c. | Cash, of. o c. Three Months, Paper, 24f. 85 c. J Cash, 0 f. 0 c. ADVERTISEMENTS. vdJie^^ainejl adversary dead A Chapelle an\ nated night and of the unfortunj there this day. flfie spot (a Chapel ligilily illurni ) is preparing for the body T rjnee, who will be carried oiv 1 ^: s ia y in slale for nine davs vr which he’W 1 1 be interred in the Tomb of Ins ancestors|» St. Denis. The troops ^Posing the Parade, SII ,ce Hie death of tlr« Pulie 0 f Bprri SSsaSIJp.^2.™ ,iie from paying that attenhn P revenle d us ful state of Spain, ^vltic] t vve oil” t0 ^ ie Cvcnt ” have done ; the ojly additioni} 6sh ° U,d iiowever, which w have been 1 ln ‘Ormation, is what comes i^he f 0rni Q f ^ u to ° ,Uain Bayonne of the 8tUinsi ant y f , the 3oih ult.; theyfOn CUr • ,0 m Cad s from me 00111 uu.»*•“ v j; ’’R.u r i n c« 0! ; on is invested, but nt>U a ken , that* I Rat Cadiz are fearfully increafd, and ih,, 4 In surgrnts raga, the chief of i| e rebel f ur 4 nl °nio Gui- ed proclamations ^ *he inb a K °’^ as address- inviting th m to ^hern i n °f Cadiz, their Country, a,1 f l Q the Hi t "wraiion of dictating lo him no| l o rnis IVr4t , 1S 1o P °f Cadiz lo himnuj sren^A 1 ot of the people by llJ ! Ucing them^ 1 ^ ul * es ud n. ^ to >end un¬ der the yoke of r y aifd many similar touen^s ^ ^ ^r^M r J ss,on ; with counts are in c ootrad’ *hese ac- which have stated Cadjj ,ct ‘° n of those fallen and rather st ^ in glhen it? a beady stateinents than oir)lif vvi Se . . e Government ‘ >°^ver we glve A Gentlcm n, residing at Nanles, edurai in one of the liisl Seminaries of Fiance, and well acquai: with (he ancient Classics, being educed, by the loss of all property in the Revoiuhon, to resort lo his talents for thes port of his family, proposes to receive 6 Gentlemen as ! oard whom he will instruct grnmme.tical y in the Latin, Italian, French Languages.—The Gentleman understands fectlv. and speaks it suffix/iently to convey hmus\TuO^F\jr and Respectabiliiy of the Gentleman? or 10 tht Br Nancs. Dieppe, Important Notice.— For the g ,eatrr J venience of Travellers w ho have not in their money through thf. ir Hankers, Mr. Gaiig. 1 amp u “ ,SB “ ] ing Lis< of his Agents, who arc authorised to ro civ , 1 co n{^Subscriptions for his i’aper, or Money tor j Articles. , Bf.rne, MM. Bourgdorfer, Bookseller. Blois. Anchor Eloy, Book eJler. Bordeaux, Mme. Du/rey, rue Pilher de inteiie. Boulogne, Stubbs's Reading room. (surmer.) Grisct, Ain^, B toksell <« C. Petit, Ship-broker. Charles, Clerk at the Fosl-ofhce. Pi.illi, Bookseller. , « Mangetand Cherlmliei; BooksJleis Ledouble, Bookseller. 1 IvesjGravier, Bookscileij Masi, Bookseller. « Fischer, Bookseller. , Masvert, Bookseller. Chardon, Bookseller. Gamoin Frcres, Booksellers. Peyron, Cashier of the Post .office. Gicgler, Bookseller. Borel, Bookseller. _ . Gordolon, Proprietor of lb« Cafe de 1 , Avcrani.Threelor of the I osl-cmcc . Florence, Geneva, Genoa, Leghorn, Lausanne, MARSEILLE, Milan, Naples, Nice, Pisa, for the Aake of regular ©f I lx is ABSOLOTEIT " E S*f^Jf g ^‘ 1 , i 7 i* r i s ~jtg'Um"tliat lh <-‘ persons wnlt '‘" h ^ r a ccouDt. 10 a W of lie abovr-n V(J tolha/j.t'«r .0 ockn *-J mauToftbe a* Jt for IW mousy}» AlTPolt-mastersdnd pnudpaJ Booksellers of ey< « are ako autUor,SC!l t{ 1 Subscriptions tor the JVIessengER.^ -“GALHiNANi’S TRaVELLLR’S j OUIDE THROUGH HOLLAND AM> BELGIUM /a»i Li, k voi iSrao,— Price 7 fr. or 8 Ir. bounuj —C J hi 1 *-' _.iho ci.ip nfSnriPlV . V •“d • i, f full H. srnniioii of Amsterdam, Rott< rdam, Ai tw< rp. < le rf 1 1 •>»*~*y JJj- 1 c/*~+ - y Jf* ^ <6rrv. £. ^ 4 **- -% _ 4 / <■'<> ^'*-' _ ^Z *% X *//X*f '\mJlc etxj >&rrt /Uj*~u V~> +-f*ys — *4 /p/c^a-t 4-^ - Z/i^*4* /»/ ( 7 iA±&tiAs) ^ *syy*Jl 4 *S as 4 c^i^i-oCuy ^ )hc^x- ^ C$tij/h~ - <4 Uy^s A 4 . 6 v ^ jji i, £L */*>, V 7 a <*/ol , s: l* & A __ S/^ATTZ^Ca 6 “J uf ijs*’ df r "jn V-*1 &TTX*s*Vf %y ‘ hxL ■£ f/r-itt*. y4.v( r i/- C/t^ *f/Uci , c e-n.tfe-* J jflatcov/— JuuJ- / -- '^J/TTzte, c/fc v//a£u*, l $ 3 /* -J Cfyor-l< — dull pj f* *^[9* 7/ej /* * ^ a/ f \ p Jf, ^ ^ J^uAa- cJ* \-- y esmt ^ Atr ^ 22 )ne Year . . . . v. m DITTO OUT^OF FRANCE* ’hree Mouths . . ^ i\lh Monihs . . • • *■'* • * • • hie Year-- • 9* TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1820* Prior PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AT. GALIGNANI’S LIBRARY, 18 VIVIEpNE, PARIS. v%% no LETTERS OR 1 COMMUNICATIONS WILL be RECEIVED uklESS THE POSTAGE JS PAID. BONA GOLL1G1T, INANIA SPKIUviT* SUBSCRIPTIONS Are also received by eveiy Bookseller ] and Direcieur ties Pastes, throughout | France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, ‘ etc. etc. i Subscriptionsto be paid in advance. ] Adi ertisementh and Communications J for this Paper retcived at the Office- No. 18, Rue Vivienne, P,tris. leave a waitin LONDON, IS L * 7 - ‘ 8 * rKRFMONIAL OF THE IN TERMENT OF HIS LEREM LA'IE MAJESTY GEORGE III. At the dawn of morning, yesterday, every >ad leading to Windsor presented a scene ot urry and bustle, unprecedented we believe any former time since it became the rest- > nce «r burial-*place of Kuigs.^ Ihesucces- on of gentlemen’s carriages, ot post-chaises, os, and every species of vehicle, from the ,ach of the Peer to the most humble tax cart, as so rapid and ceaseless, that the eye strove vain to catch a glimpse of the persons they uftained. AH the streets, on each side, every able and coach-yard were filled with horses id carriages. The eagerness to witness the lomn spectacle was such, lhat all seemed to avel with the rapidity of messengers, pro¬ dding from one Court to another on the ost important business. The shops in Wmd- r were closed, business was suspended, and Memo decorum was the order of the day. .Throughout the whole of Luesday night, nlnpto the hour of admittance on Wednes- ,y morning, the same state was observed, ail * e persons in attendance being relieved every f0 hours. There was no cessation from la- ) ir durirg the night of Tuesday. 1 he work- en were lmsily employed making the neccs- ry preparations in the Royal Chapel, and ongthe covered way through which the pro- isjion was to move. A brigade of artillery as marched from Woolwich to Windsor on uesday, with twelve 9-pounders, twelve undred of the Foot Guards marched horn ondon on Monday to join the 5 «o pr^ously Wtcre.1 in ihc Castle, making 170.. of f ! A_ '^ rong d, of lira two re B .ura».s . o( . L,f .' U “» rd ‘ « arrived on Monday, from town, to j »*n the R^yaj kBM wfe ocrnpy rt.e cavalry l,arrack, a. HmuV According .0 military precedence at great 'Tcercrara ies, the external dunes were penoruied die on ward approaches to the Palace "ere occupied Foot, Guards ; while the household cavalry, Lile anli, considered mote particulaily attached to the JLi e, “ ^lonnied aud stationed in die interior } iiiey lin- 1 staircases, the anti-rooms, during the lying n * • . __ 1 a K tk/s fl disi be bail, Staircases, tuw»*»■■—» ,-- -- D - / , wheii they came in contact with ihe Gentlemen retv »ers $ oaten of the Guaul, and the tuoie immediate ntlanisVin the Monarch. The orders |or the household 3l ,s on Ciis occasion, agreeably to encmette, were re- y et [ tVoni tHe Kin-, by Kail Cadi cart, Colonel of the ist e Guard*. being Gold Stick at Court. Monday evening his Royal Highness the Duke of \ a. rived at W.dsor. By his direction some addi- nai lights were huug m the Royal Chapel, and 3 ejan- ,ns, more than usual, suspeuded liom the Celling over IkeVrigade of artillery was stationed in the long walk, Mt a mile from the gate in Paik-street. At sun-rise Vrd.av morning they commenced firing 5-miuute guas, ich continued throughout the day until sun set, when order w« changed: and a gnu was d.scharged every ute until the Royal Body was deposited in the vault. L flashes of these guns continued through the evening to Leo over the tops ot the houses for several seconds be their reports were heard, and contributed to the irnfnl erandenr of the spectacle. ra Royal Standard was hoisicd on the Round lower s:™ 1 ^ Ck - T-Ta%e tnd.rby die ^ r e e oOhe°J,ffin. rdhJ’hurran^^^ ■"d were replaced. The Stale Attendants of mmm passage for his Royal Highbess lo pass. A.'er waning for some minutes it was announced by Mr. Mash, lhat the Royal Duke would not then visi$ the Audience Chamber, and Captain Cipriani havingTtutipuneed that cl. w«s ready within, and the CrVtttkfiirfi PeiiipoerB having taken their several station* a* on the preceding day, U><* doo.s were ordered to be opened. The workmen Castle were among the first to gam a® Ah- le, wards,, notice was given by ibe Mayor of Wcpdsm, directing die carriages to proceed lluougU *« set down at Egert-m’s Gate, and return across the Given and .gam pass through the former. This .Orangemen, was dei-meil objec ionable. It was feared dial ihe ontert eate would not afford sufficient room (or causes going and coming lo pas. each other without great risk 01 seri¬ ous accident, and it was proposed again to revert to the first arrangement, (libF eniin B ibe platform and cover e V"rly* in the forenoon workmen were employed in fixing Strang post* across h : upper C< art yard on each side ot the wav, by which it was proposed that those who were to fall into ihe p.oce.sion were to pass to and from the outer gale, and Egetlou’s gate. Five were placeJ on each As the day advanc'd, the crowd that pressed for admis- sion at EgettouYGaie continued lo iuercase. Many, ap¬ plied at ihe sight of ihe formidable mass which opposed their progress, gave up all idea of g timg in, and at once retired. Of those v*ho p^rsevereti some tvere set* An **T•**" j«ued by the pressure of the crowd, and several were car¬ ried uot iu a state ol insensibility. . The gale being opened, the tide of people wove* through the upper Court-yard, not with the liuriie s \ of idle curiosity, but the solemn and steady pace o P 1 sons performing a melancholy duty. In a , ' 1 crowds increased to an alarming degree, and me l ‘ft r o, '; ein s ung verv wiue, me urtam- 1 rable. ^cr« . ms weie occasionally heard fr “® fiVenlf and children, aud at lentil it became necessary i * ^ for a shoit time, the further admittance of v,s,l *V c a j n t F-gerlon’s Gate, near the staircase which con«« ,cls . ^ George’s Half, there was a solid mass o» ^ e, ^C >uil- tendiug to a considerable distance inio tbr °PP er _.: one£ i yard. As they could advance from the last n s o w* gate only two by two, then progress of c ° lir8e ven a t Ttte crowd here, therefore, became greater dial 1 e ' j n Queeu Elizabeth’s &-»te, and alarm bejian a ^! e " a od every countenance, in consequence of the cl,eS -. screams of those suffering under exeessivrfpr<'Sh» irff ' ladies fainted, ami it was frightful to f^nr l ‘ ,e n{> at cs among the Police Odioers stationed bet we-'a die two , that no i»*»re shoni-l be a-lrniltcd. V"/ S s • br-*ught away in a Gentleman’s arms aM^aienllV h* e ‘ ^ and such was tire lei ror excited "lo con.biSiicnC 0 ° . l ^j |0 circumstances, that numbers, purlieufeuu*b’S> v caiue fioio a cr.nsitler ble dis'apcc to vL tii'’ of lying in State, departed without griitifsing then t - u “ osty Shortly after the public had been r00 'I'*’ ie Coldstream Guaitls were allowed to 8 , e their arch lying in state. They were inarche.l thrnog 1, * 'ft® j w ..y that was open lrt L Ue pu i>i,c ’ VV till I 11 M 1 .JO .1 > . .. 'it, l ... rl 0 toe ton% Gate, by tlie w\.y that was open tefiii® p uL),lC ’ theuco proceeded, with thedea»r l>ossi^ &ef*o$* a '*} A \ their ranks, through the suite ot apartuuSis apP rn one, for admi si >n >o the Chapel, lile Oigan Lof i, which i*c pahle of contain utHe.y four indrviuuais, wa-. appwip iaud rop'-rson-.o* the fiist distinction. The small er « tou> wfich we ye»- terdafaotieedon each side of the altar '• e o p snared for the reception of the Foreign; Ministers w ho in hi mend. The Stull* ou the right and left of the Chon were re¬ s' ved for the Pe rs an l G eat O ficcr> o State, to whom th v are considered lo belong. A seuuon was preached in the nuun ng at Windsor Churcli by the Rev Mr. Graham, l’he Mayor, and other Membeis of the Corporation, attended in iheir scar a gowi s, and the tribute rendered to thr vii tiv- of our de- par-ed Mouaich was listened to with the deepest att*>n lion, mingled with the most affectionate regrets. The great Castle bell, a«d those o( Eton aud Windsor^ to ling at the same liuie, produced on the mind a religious, and mournful impression. The pulpit and oigan were cover¬ ed with deep mourning. A Royal escutcheon appeared jn front of the pulpit. Aplatfum, tin same as that ra.s ed on ih occasion of the Queen’s fui«ial, was thiown up along the whole length of the nave of t’ e Royal Cha-* pel, and covered With black cloth. In the Choir a splen¬ did canopy was erected ovei the spot where the body wp# let dowji. It was simple and beautiful in construction. The covering consisted of tbe tichesi mazarine velvet. On the tbe top was placed a crown, aud on each eorner escut¬ cheons in splendid embroidery. At four o’clock the Duke of Wellington, accompanied by the Right Hon. W. Pole and Mr. Arbuthnot, arrived at the Ca tie Inn. They were soon afterwards followed by other distinguished personages, who were to take part in tbe approaehii g ceremony. I he busiie created by these numerous arrivals was very great. At six o’clock the gate of the Lower Conrt yard, lead¬ ing to the Gin pel, w as opened for the admission of such as were supplied with tickets of admission to view the procession. Guards were closely stationed along the street*, but pai ticnhrly in that part where the c> owd was expected to assemble lor the purpose of presenting the r ca d We never witnessed, upon any occasion, surh pressure, so much e.gerness to procce l, .ml .0 ranch dif ficnliy in tbe indulgenc. of lira Any thrag ha, occurred io the course ol lira dsy ,t Queen Elizabeth • Gate, or ,hc upper one, leading into the Mourning Cham- ber was eas<* and indulgence, compared to what occurud here The Ladies in particular underwent the most se¬ rious and distressing inconvenience. Admission b-ing obtained, a grand hut tl.sraal pros- nect presented itself in the Lower Casile-y.rd. I here was hardly light enough to perceive the assembled crowds who stood in close ami sih ni order, along ea-h side ol o covered war by which die procession was lo P**’- •ih C Z.B-> -or* drawn in V *r< f th- C itie covered way, ami the inside was lined, M ? gll" 8 aod left will. Foot Guards, every lourth manbear- " Y seve’u "o’ch)(k; 8 the vaiioiis person, who were to lake part in the procession assembled in St. Geo, 6 e S , H 3 where they were marahalled in the proper order by Sir r Navh r From seven till a quart, r before nine, j tv I Huhmss lira Unle of York, attended by b» Sup- m wAt it lliehead of the corpse. At nn e, the cot- I tin* was’removed through the doo.s of h. draw- down the gr* at subcase, to the vestibule, and 1 ^ponTe meLnica.,’ used at the Queen . fU TheCa P el was decorated in a .tyle of splendour U.J met, ape ioui OC( . 8sion . There wa. a raised] Z:; C LoU mm a waxdght, b.hiol these were stationed tU Eton Scholars, to the mift.ber of 5o > a , | e ts r all of whom were admitted by the special ordet hU Dreleot Ma,* Sty* In the North seats, elevated ®bovee«hoU.«r, were arranged for die ad omn.odai.ou | f Ihose petals who had .ece.ved tickets ot admis on , those iitTcts were inadmissible after seven o clock. Tie l lou . w , s also fitted up for the accommo3atiou of pe^- « ( .f distinction, it was calculated to hold (jl\ persons. TI,e Ch.' pel w« b...« with bla. k, as well as the Knights’ 5t dls- Toe Gothic linages only were left unCo- vere d The Altar also wa* hung with black, and near f it were erected temporary seats lor the Foreign Mints t , rs and other strangers of distin. lion who attend* d t e Drocession. Among the Ministers w- ohs* rved the Du^e de San Carlos, Count Lieven, Baron I msia ;«n, etc. The Communion Table wa*covei»d wi.b massive goi l plat*- x from the Cb^pel Royal, London, as well as from the Chapel Royal, at Windsor. | O* er the Royal Mousoleum wa* a Canopy of rich bine Velvet ; on the top was a Gold Crown upon a cushion; j upon the border was a Gothic scroll, with festoons be- | neath, upon each of which th* Royal Arms were em¬ blazoned. The Canopy is not, we understand, to be re¬ moved for some lime, and the Chapel is to remain in it* present state fot several days, in order lo gratify the cu¬ riosity of the public. impress'” 50,e “" l,7 ^*' r ° witnessed »> , ..%«K as W« b»'« ner . . to the "'veH.«n equalled "bunneis, «»•!i ™ - f •*-' '" ote “ S,OB ’ 0 f (he Castle, w ",P‘T'“er s WPr e admitted to to ' , Those who we , , numerous, btd » Tfc" THE IMPERIAL crown 5a G'nllein 'n or the Usiteb Kibodom, ■ Usher Daily - a "| - - ’ lW r Mr. \to hit Srugeoos « MajtKy. Surgeons to hi* late Majesty. I I --/‘t ereal'stMrease scendiuglh g ^ _ striking. re exceedingly —-' ' c \ im * Court-yard, who were the procession re*cm **5 full View ofthe procession. Dp ^ Qn lb , south aisle, the great gate of 6t. <*?**!.* J.J of Windsor and P"* ihe body was received bywt . * choirs of the Chapel t J?Z, attended by the Chapel, Roval St. dames’s, and SlG w g o tal .,, ed ,he Crown of hLanc Courser King at ** » r „ aa commenced, 1 Hauler.» r ^^ the Lotd» Thu am the resurrection “" d .,^ lb(! whole of the Royal Dukes, v solemn strain eoottnued t q( dislineuon, forming | -3 amjassrsiuta*-*--- entered in the following oeder^ Mack .UT« Kmght drum, and fife, of the Crumpets and J uard ,. , u *rSt? **^ *'■***' Pag „ of. Ml' l’ u , od Mr . Boil. ,. Apothecaries lo his Majesty. Apothecaries 10 his and Rector of Windsor. Gentlemen lhhers Quarterly Waiter, to ht. Ma.e.ty Vflgeso Honour to His Majesty. Groom, of the Prt.y Chamber tub..jd»|« J- ie, jeant NurgesMi* to his Majesty, physician, to his Majesty. Phvs c an* to his Ihte Majesty. Honsrliold Chaplain to his lata Majesty. Cl.r„s Closet to Ins Majesty. Equerries lo the Roy^l Family. Equerries to his Majesty. Clerk Marshal and First Epuerry, L.cul.-Gen. t. U. Hammond. Gentlemen Gibers of the Privy Chamber to his Majesty. Groom, of the Bed Chamber to bis Majesty. Master of the Robes In his Majesty, C. N. Thomas, Esq S'lbci or General, Attorney general, J. S. C<>plry. Sir R. Gifford. Barons of the Ex.chequer Mid Justice, of both benches TheLord Chief Ba.on, TheL. C.J of the Common Pk«, Sit R. Richat'ds. btr R.Dallas. _ . The Vice Chancellor, The Master of tie Rol.S, Sir J. Leach. ♦ Sir T. Tlumcr. Tile LordC. J. of theKing's Bench, Sir C. Abbott. All the Judges Were in the Piuce*»ion, with the exception of Mr, Baron Wood aud, Mr. 1 Baron Graham, ihe former was prevented from lending by ii id imposition and the latter, we urReraUud, by hit official engage- _ mental the Old Bailey. v 3 Comptroller of tins King’* Treasurer of the King • HouseholdvM. G Btretfotd Household, Lcl. C. Btnlincl. ' Privy Coimciilo s *C. Lo g, Sir J. JS choU, S. Bourne, J. Villiers, —Arhcttbnot, Sir A. Paget, W. Dui.dai, T, Wallace, R. Ryder, J . Beckett, the Speaker*, etc. His Majesty's Ministers.—The Lord Chancriioi* ; Lords Liverpool, Sidmouili, Harrowby, Bathurst, aud Castl*- reagh; B. Balhiust, N. Vansiitaft. Pursuit ant. Fldest sons of Barone. Eldest sons of Viscount*. „ *, x P m sniv ant. B.irons. waiter to Ht* • Majesty. h«rue On a Purple Velvet Cushion, by CLrenceux Kmg of Arms, T. Harri- •on, Esq, The Secretary The Lord Steward of hi* Majesty’s Household, the Marquees of ChoL mondeley. Supporter, ad Gentleman Usher Daily waiter to .his Majesty. II® X-U- y of the Lord Steward, Breut E^q- > A Gentle* 1 *** 1 Usher. Th* Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty’s House¬ hold, the Marquess of Hertford. The Master of His Majesty 1 * Household, General S. Hul&e. A Gentleman Usher. it THE BODY, Covered &rj with a fin* <% Y Holland rt Sheet ^ 2 aud a Purple o * Velvet 1 5 2 , , P,U - . . 1 C. tdorned with > ^ J Teh 5 * ^ 1 Escutcheons of 2 _ l the lmpeiiai | ^ Arms, carried pj p. £ 3 by fen Yeomen 5 2 t-S of the |S g v- Ouerd, n"dve ? and every eye was inimediauk fixed in anxious expectation towards the spot by wbi Earls. Eldest sons of Dukes Herald. Marquisst*. Herald. D kP*. T- T II «»»ld. Ti r l e ^ ol d Privy Seal. The Lord"v?- f , W ®“ 0, °rland. The E ii ]* f N Uf the Cou, ' c11 , T1 T r ‘ ^ er " tin . r,Ae ^ 0rd Chancellor, Th#» A i , 0rd Eldon. Dp‘m , “T °f Canterbury, Norrov Ki Suuon. I Lords u i h R- Bigland, Esq. [firoom ofth e Siol e h “ Ma l e,, >’* Bed i t( > his Majesiv Mister of the Horse j The Mai quia of“w. i H> his Majesty- 1 ‘ ! Cl,e,,er ' The Duke of Mintrose. RE BEARERS am, the B AMITE it 6. IXheCios. ofSh C ™?"’ ^ Lord *■ m, h> Lord Howard t.f Effingham, rp/* - „ Brunswick, by Lord H.l . ^ne Hanover, by Lord Bowden. Ireland, by l ord Roden. »cotU n( j, by Lord Alie ''‘aud Banner, by Lord,ester. THE ROYAL CRO YVN Garler Piincipal Gentleman Uiiher Kmg of Arms, Sir of the Blk. Rod, Isaac Heard. Sir T. Tyrwbiit. CHIEF MOURNER, His Royal HiggnexS the D. of York, in a long black cloak, hi* traiu borne by 1 Peers, assisted by theVice-Chamberlainofhi* Majesty’s Household. Sixteen Peers, Assistants to the Chief Mourner. PRINCES OF THE BLOOD ROYAL. Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Clarence, Sussex, and Gloucester, and Prince Leopold. The train of the Duke of Clarence wa* Lome by Sir J. B. Warren an L Admiral Pole •, that of the Duke of Sus¬ sex, by Sir G- Townsend Walker and Mr. Stephenson; his Royal Highness was also accompanied by bis Equer¬ ries, Gen. Hogg and — Magrath, Esq. Tlie train of the Duke of Gloucester was borne by ColonelsHiggius and Da H° n * . ^ r» i % t Prince Leopold’* train was borne by Baron Hardenbrock and Sir R. Gardiner. The Council ofhis Royal Highness the Duke of York, a* CustosPersonae of his late Majesty. Master of the Hi^i*«* Groom of the Stole Y ice-Chambcrlain hold tohislate'Ma- to hi* late Ma- of bis lau; Ma¬ jesty on the'Wind- jesty on the jesty on the •or Establishment, WindsorE'*i a b- Windsor Estab- Lieut.-Col. Ste- lishmenl,theEaiI lishmtnt. pbensou. of Wincbclsea. Lo. ds ot his late Majesty’s Bed Chamber, Amherst, Graves, Boston, Lake, Petersham, Mdburne, Fyfe, Delewarr, Headfort, and Courlown. Grooms vi his late Majesty’s Bed Chamber. Ill* late Maj. sty’s Trustees, Sir J. Simeon, Bart. Count Munster, Major-General HerberiTaylor. Equerrie* to bis late Majesty. Gentlemen Pensioners with their Axes reversed. of the Guard, with their Partizm* reversed^ Upon iFeTMW the Proccss.oh aLSi.Xreo.-ge s Cha- impossible to conceive a more striking, a more deeply ** impressive spectacle, than that winch now presented', self. AH that is distinguish.rd in rank or station, J^l*. ^ General*, Bishops, Privy Councillors, Peers, were K, ia silent march accompanying to the tomb the cor P« 4 u: amighiy Mouarcli, so lately the fountain of honours,^ Lu; now a mere memento of the fragility of all earthly gn*. C|j deur. In addition to the solemnity induced by thjik f neral reflection, every heart seemed to feel personajr, {dutr particular grief at the loas of a friend and father. 4 wh united force of these ideas produced togetbei «tich d*p jirf/c revereulial sorrow, that we are persuaded few pfr ^ ne of last night without^ t!'^‘ could have witnessed the scene) w # coming more reasoning aud serious, if not wiser and bi ter beings; it was a spectacle to teach even “ heedl* rambling impulse how to think” Among the diiM Ijmshed persons of Opposition who had c >me to pay tl^ homage to the m vnoly of their venerable Sovereignjjf the EiH’1 of r.aiwipr/til*, , the Duke of Bedford, Earl Grey, the Earl of Lauderdilej and it was gratifying to see that those who differed inp* lilical points, agreed in one thing—that all the resjtj ^ which individuals have it in their power to bestow shed Ihe be paid to bim who had so long adorned and beautifij the k'ugly office wiih 1 mild wisdom’ and undevi*^ K eu worth. As the procession slowly moved along, wen* 11 .b able to observe the several Dukes who had been appoij M to bear tho pall; and, unless our eyes deceived us,J saw the Dukes of Wellington, Bucdench, Newell «• |> r»_. .niKprlnnd and Atlinl. The CSIlOpy flj ® It ^ C ' : . - - ; mi i i x o *. w. m . —--- j r . pel, the Ku.gW Marshal> Men, the Trumpets and Drums, ^t°tLe^>Chapel, the Royal Body was re- ceiv d by the Bean and Prebendaries, attended hy the Dorset, Northumberland, and Athol. th« coffin was borne by Marquisses, among whomi , perceived the Marquism of Stafford, Buckingham,! * Cholmondeley. Almost immediately before the cofB^ yj. most imposing effect was produced by the array ofi lional banners, carried by different noblemen. J ^ As soon as the coffin appeared round the corner off J ti| aisle, the singers of the diff erent choirs, who were folio* by tlie Dean of Windsor, struck up the solemnlertitx ^ s. j know that my Redeemer liveth.” ThU beautiful I uirr them lasted till the corpse was carried into the chapel* Mnii placed on the tressels. Immediately after the coffin l tow lowed the Duke of York as chief mourner : his Roj JW* Highness had the appearance of deep and nnaffected s pi row. Next him went the Duke of Clarence, theDukf Sussex, the Duke of Gloucester, and Prince Leopo ^ The fine manly aspect of the latter, imbued asitiii® ^ seriousness and suffering made a great impreMiooonl ^ spectators. As soon as the procession was comply ^ ai'!anged in the chapel, the Dean of Windsor, wwtedt ^ this occasion by the Archbishop of Canterbury, col ^ menced the service. The Psalms were then chanted ^ the fullest ch 'ir we_cyeHjear d;, i; cipal voices of the Cbapel Royal, of St. James s, Choir, q >ear i n g tbe Crown of Hnnover, aud the pro- ng Ol Al j ; ' I,1.0 C'lwiir flip Rnvsl R/irlu in .munediatdy before Blanc Coursier cession move! a platform, aud the Ctowns and Cushions v as placed o**i Bighness ■ the Duke of York, the Chief Ilis ,l °' aS *eaied on a Chair at the Head of the Corpse, M °, U T r Su P r <, " ers *»*er ««le. an The C p‘»^ ** l ^ e ^ ood Hoyal were seated near the ^rlie^f^rd Cbambarlain ofhis Majesty’s Household took Jiisplace a* ifcf Fieei of the Corpse; and the Supporters L P»H the Canopy arranged themselves on each •‘Lie oft^^oyal Body. ** Procession began to move, tb« sound of i, uitrpex* ?sr ^£^ 1 r a ‘ * d^lfluce, announcing in slow and sohn.n Coi pse was in progress to the place of «*„*■/ othing could bt* more irupiessive and sti iku'6 produced as ihey moved along llie cover c ,e hands of the L fe (Guards, which blZ'T trom each °‘ he, > b< “g a «» P' March, in Saul. XL** * \ t0 ^ bpositin^r 7 " lU ° uuL \ This beautiful i * ,,d P a . t h« ■k’fai-t W j,k a * executed in such away as to reach overwhelming sacllie ^ ^ U| 11 W a I r® ,k . I it. _ _ V /. note «»* . Sg^, di< -; , heard a“^ c * he.glu eiieJ non, l, r u r ,ed the 'o P ,,_ v Mipporter, A t»e.»iieuj an Usher. a tear, and the sound of can- »»|| filled llie Interval of ever, " >e tflVcl. When ihe snect eded, anti thus the processiou , . E' cry thing T s .rC‘ w, “ ,th “**j p procured c L*mporary plaifo,-,, allowed vhw of the who^e Jwhi< h Th. E O^b.. C- k at ,he m^ i,,g < ‘ r incOtntP 0 ^ ,ldi ^,and Phoned ' Cu, S any other In ^ ll ’ 6 Wlt,IOUl - J. ^uer spectators. We light* ; and **v# n through die bars of the door] spectacle. Bui this tumult was stilled at on and sudden blast of a numpet. Associatio everywhere, but on this night of mcmo; an, tcok up nearly half an hour. And their order was pieced, that it wa* impossible to ascertain the majority individuals. The Ministers walked according to their k as Peers Or Privy Councillor. Lord Cak, riband, aud with an inimr*nse s lver star on the left ml 1 ssea J Had after hem the Duke of Gloucester and Prince iopold. The public atteut'on vn» tlioogiy directed upon is excellent young Prince, but be seemed occupied with sduyihathe was about to perform, and looked pale dtou hiful. As thq train entered tite choir, the Ai - :m # by Croft, “ I am the Kcsun ectioo and the Lif> gau, tttl was eouii »ued till all the stalls had been oc- pief', 1’he display was magnificent ; ihe powerful light itch threw all below into strong relief, reached bat b*gh ou r h to touch the pendent helmets and banuers ioto nr colou ring, and the roof was a vision of burnished 'ami and tissues among G-othic tracery. The vault w.*s II open, aud the Royal coffin lay below, with the crowns England and Hanover oh cushions of purple, and the token wand crossing it. At ti e Altar, four Royal bart¬ ers, covered with golden emhlera, were strewed upon : ground, as if tbeir office was done j the altar was piled th consecrated gold plate, aod the whole aspect of the iapel was the deepest and most magnificent display of dancholy grandeur. The procession commenced a little after nine, aud the Vice was net, conclndeu until half past eleven. . « Thus were co omitted to the grave, in all solemnityand dinar, with the high ceremonial of religion and of state, mortal remains of the Moat Sacred Majesty Georgs nit. But though his body is given to the dust, lus memory yi not decay, while there is veneration iu England lor ,g B yal virtue. His Majesty, placed in au inferior rank of ,would have been an honoured man ;—for integrity, taificence, and purity, he would have bceo the tirs». Ao¬ min of the Laud. The Providence that placed him ou proudest throne of the world, destined him to preside >r .q age in which all earthly Sovereignty was to be d, to be yet preserved ahd restored by the Throne of ^ ! gland, made strong by the affections of the people, and >se affeetions won by the virtues of the Sovereign. cAlc have already described the numbers that flocked E* to An to see the lying iu state, in vehicles of every ^jlpe and value, and the disappointment wiiirb so uniycr- ■ y prevailed among the new visitors at ihe utter priva- | . i of every accommodation, both of convenience and * »etite, to winch they were exposed by an almost general Jv’Iusion at Win Isor from the inns, lodgings, and every ce in which On ordinary occasions refreshments are to I^bad in abundance. All these places were previously eo!0 aged, aa( | that too at a prohibitory price to the gieal slK,» ss of ihe accumulated thiong, by the principal peisons lilt*, he different Public Departments, to whom were con- jjff.ved the supenntendance ol \he Royal Funeral. For own accommodation, aud that of their attendants, I ,(J#y hotel and tavern had been previously engaged, and ’ate lodging* were hired many days ago by families of r k io town, who had, from their connexions, access to ^ *be c«rer»ionies of the Casih . The small inns, public- i^es, etc. where usually accommodation may be often M fort ably had at a cheap rate, wc»e equally impervious fftl'P. e pressing crowd. Any sum of money was io vain itf^ed for the moat temporaly assis.ance : but the answers KitJlbfj prohibitory—the rooms were all lull, l'he military, Yt 1 Solice, and all those wbo were biought down to assist ffi e subordinate artangetueols of the procession, tilled 'iftffi'y corner which was covered in from the coldness of V^weathei. In vain were efforts made at Eton and fwAgb, at one side of Windsor, and Frogmore and fii<:heial the oilier, to endeavour to provide in those Otters that reception which was denied to them iu the $ J^cipaliowu : but dis .ppoiutment again met them in places and if we cou d ab.uptly turn from the grave ^ r \ ie ludicrous, the scenes presented to the eye at the ter of every street were peculiarly calculated, from the tified appearance of such numbers in the throng, to tea transient feeling of merriment at the heterogeneous ‘lure Which were to he found wandering, wuhofit any Irucnlar destination, iu every avenue leading to the lie. . - _ . . _ u George P\. u The King is persuaded 1 hat the House of Lords deeply participates in the grief and af- fliect’mn of his Majesty* for the loss ivhich his Majesty and the Nation have sustained by th. e lamented death of the King bis father. “ This melancholy event imposing upon his Majesty the necessity of summoning, within a limited period, a ,ncw Pa /1 lament, the King has taken into consideration Ihe present slate of public business, and is of opinion that it will be, in all respects, most conducive to ihe public interest and convenience 7 to call the new Par¬ liament without delay. “ The King, therefore* recommends to the House of Lords to concur;in sucli measures as may be found indispensably necessary to pro¬ vide for the exigencies of the public $e. Vice during the interval which must elapse be¬ tween ihe termination lof the present Session, and the opening of a new Parliament. “GR.” BRITI SH PARLIAM ENT. HOUSE OF LORDS, Feb. 17. ■This day, pursuant to adjournment, the fuse metf ami the LorJ Chancellor took his It on the Woolsack about a quarter past >ee o’clock. A number of Peers were then 3 rn, among whom were the Earl of Dc- \he Marquis of Bath, Earl Grosvcnor > - « -^3 Marquis of the Earls of Co- var f Marquis of Lansdown the Marquis of Lntly, the Duke of Beaufort the Ea. ^ Vfieauchamp, Darnley, A.lesbury, ,lrv, Thanet, Dartmouth, Verulam, Cainar and Derby, the Marquis ot Cornwalhs The Message was read first by the Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by the Clerk. The Earl of Liverpool then rose, and stated that it was his intention t*? propose that the parts to the Message which were different in their nature, should be separately considered. Of lhat pari which contained ihe. recommenda¬ tion of their Lordships he should propose the consideration to-morrow. In that place he was certain it would be their Lordships’ de¬ sire to keep the subjects distinct. With respect to the first part there could be no difference of opinion among iheir Lordshids, and he uld, therefore, move an Address of Con¬ dolence to his Majesty forthwith. Address of Condolence . j The Earl of Liverpool.—In risinglo propose that a loyal Address should he voted by iheir Lordships, to condole with his Majesty on the loss he and the Country had sustained, he knew he should rather be counteracting the due expression of those feelings which their Lordships, in common with all men, enter¬ tained, if he were to enter into any details of the grounds on which he expected them to concur in such a vote. This, he was sensible, Was unnecessary, as the character and virtues ot h>s late Majesiy were sirongly engraved on iheir minds and hearts. With regard to ihe terms of the Address, it was his most anxious wish so to propose it, that by sacrificing, if that was necessary, every opinion of his own, he might render it generally acceptable : but this he felt assured was an occasion on which no sentiinent of party feeling whatever could have any influence on their Lordships. They w»»uld all be earnestly desirous^of coiy with him, in the wish to pe /Tor ai ittisdasl towards a Monarch, who had reigned during 60 yeais so happily over the country, who hu< furnished so gieal an example to all ihose w 10 shall be his successors, and for whom a ‘‘ 11 subjects entertained the deepest resp eC t an< veneration. He also felt convinced l b at their Lordships, in accompanying their senii[ aents of condolence with expressions of th f,r fachment jo his Majesty’s person, uiust be disposed, from past experience, to look with confidence to the future. He felt convince that his Majesty’s first wish would always be ihe happiness and prospeiity of his people*-- He had, therefore, no doubt that tbeir Lord- ships W mid unite with onr* voice ™ *VP '' ov 7 ing those sen’.imerits in the Address, winch were, with respect to his Majestv* l L ie expression of the feeling which lie was conh- denl woill ever actuate his mind* H cou d not be necessary for him to enlarg e further on these topics. He should, lhtr t *f 0^e, con ~ elude by moving, “ That an humble Address bepr espnteJ l ° his Majesty, lo express our deen unt'agn- unnarall ded achifvejnGnUof hi»M fifty’s fleets and armies. “• That whilst w'e con' ^e with his Majesty on 'the 1 loss which the Naijon, in common with his Majesty, has sustained, yve beg leave to offer to him our most sincere 'congratula¬ tions upou his Accession to the ThroitiL. 44 To testify lo his Majesty, our loyai and afi'ertioiiate attachment 10 his sacred person and to assure him that the experience of the past, as w ell as our confidence in his character and virtues, can leave us no doubt that his ef¬ forts will be invariably direcled to promote the welfare of ihe covnlry, and the happiness of h>s subjects.’’ l'he Marquis of Lansdown w as convinced that there must be a most anxious desire in their Lordships, on tlie present occasion, to proceed in the manner w hich the .Noble Earl had pointed out. The deep sense which the Ho use entertained of the great virtues of his late Majesty, left no doubt of their concur¬ rence in the expressions of Condolence con¬ tained in the Address. It was his hope that that gol d understanding which it was most desirable should subsist between the Crows and the Parliament would alwayscontinue ; and therefore their Lordships might be expected to join in the confidence expressed by the Noble Earl. For his par’, he readily concurred in the Address, because it went no farther than the occasion required, and pledged the House to nothing, but that to which all must be pre¬ pared to agree. He assured the noble Earl, that he approved of the separate consideration of the parts of the Message iri Ihe way he pro- i*«— * eJ s< r ow at the death af the lateK in &’ * virtues had so justly endear^ 1m 11 10 a classes of Ins subjects. “To assure bis Majesty, t j, a t lb e rnan 7 blessings which wc have enwl u niler h,S rdTHilu'SomersV Auckland, Colvin, Rolle, Royal Father’s mild and ‘4 rds mil, , u. .L-n Q f Sa- can never be effaced from u Ur . In .Js ; a!,ii 1 1 feSelsey, and King; ihe Bjshog Lurvand Chichester, etc- Ihe Dukes Lrenceand Gloucester w. re also present. I Message from ihe King. I The Earl ofLiverpool presented the follow- Message from his Majesty: we most gratefully acknowledop the si§ nal a ^ vantages which the country £ j e riv‘ lJ (,ur " ing th»s long and eventful I from the ang- nieutat ion of all the great s 0 * o( <#*' na 7 tional prosperity, and from the *P lcnJlJ aIlJ posed/ It was fit that part which (whether Constitutional or not, he should not inquire,) certainly was unprecedented, should be kept distinct. In deference, however, to the occa¬ sion, he would have abstained from saying one word on that subject, had he not thought it right to express his concurrence in the course adopted by the Noble Earl. The Marquis of Buckingham was sensible, I that if all the nob’e Lords who-were anvious I to manifest their concurrence in the Address | should rise to express that disposition, it could P only be voted when all had delivered their I sentiments. If, however, he made any claim to their indulgence while he expressed senti ments in which all their Lordships participated,, he must confess that that claim was one of a , P |fish nature; for shose with whom he had the honuur to he connected, had been honoured i/L*i marks of royal favour by their late ^ He hoped, therefore, lamented » ^ XCIJS4 .j ;f | ie took this op-I ,| ia i e « if)g veo( to lire feelings of ■"■f*5n?^wa^mpresseo. It had ot-1 ten been said, that the favours co-ferred by Sovereigns were soon overlooked. This, how¬ ever, ha l not been the case in the present in stance. Withdrawn, as his late Majesty had been, bv Providence, from Ins subjects, their feelings of affection and gral.lude had followed him, and become stronger. He might have expired amid all ihe glones of tlie late war, rounded by the tears aud the blessings of bis people ; but though he haJ been long separa¬ ted from them by a mysterious vet , their at¬ tachment and loyalty remained undiminished, lhat great Sovereign had, if the expression n, ie ht be allowed, forestalled tli- of oosterity : but though he had l.eeu long ab- | lent from the world,such was the slate of pub¬ lic feeling, lhat it appeared as if Ins subjects | had only yesterday been deprived of his pater- . nalc-r *. He concurred in all the sentiments proposed to he addressed to his present Ma¬ jesty There was not a man in his dominions w ho did not look bick with feelings of grati-| tude to the illustrious example which had been set by the late lamented Monarch. I he Earl of Darnley, after expressing his I roncurrence in the Address, intimated his sur- I prise that no notice should have Leea takeu of J the decease of an illustrious Duke : he appro¬ ved of the separation of the subjects to which ! the Message referred. The Earl of Liverpool was glad the Noble I Lord had given him an opportunity of explain¬ ing, lhat when he gave notice of his intention to move the consideration of pari of lire Mes¬ sage to -morrow, lie omitted to state that* he | rwouldaUomove ^dresse^of Condolene • 1 th The*Address*was that { SJ£^Bb£txL h ?o majesty, it might not be co ■ would receive the address on he U .^> , wUh ! move that it be presented by U» || th.e while slaves.—OrUereu. notice for § The Earl ^^^'of r ondolence to his jf lo-morrow of an addles Highness 1 majesty, and ‘^^.^^ ufe dea.h of Ids 8 the Duchess of V ’h^V of Kent.-Ad- ^ Royal Highness the Duke ot ^en * HOUoh Oi CUiVUiv/lNS The Sneaker took the chair at half-pas 3 , * i^t when between seventy and eighty I "T, “Tr y^ ■ f- E3 qa mH J ran cc.^gj PARIS, FEBRUARY 22, 1820, Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agelur. ■VlPSH past. 1 w ould turn his back upon it, and only look forward to a new reign. That, he trusted, would e ^sucih as to Yestarday, after Mass, Vhicli the Ring heir) in his apartment, His Majesty gave audience to a great number of Generals, who were companied by the Minister of War. The Minister of the Marine yesterday tr& acted business with his Majesty. The day before yesterday their Roial Hi f i nesses the Duke and Duchess of Angoules passed most part of the day with the Duchfi of Berri. By a Royal Ordonnance, bearing date 20th inslani, the King ha6 promoted the Con de Gazes lo the rank and l i lie of a Duke, wi reversion to his heirs male, as is usual in sui cases. His Maf sly has also appointed hi Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s. By another Ordonnance, of the same dais his Majesty acc< pts of his resignation as Prir Minister and Minister of thelnterier, motivi on the state ofliis health’s unfitting him fori fatigue’s of office ; the honours conferred- him are slated by iNs Majesty to be in rein? lor his faithful services, and devoted attach ment to (he royal person, under arduous would the subject; siill less ihat lie should broach any topic calculated to prevent the unanimous expression of the sentiment which lie was per¬ suaded the Whole House entertained ( f re¬ verence and devotion to the illustrious in¬ dividual whose loss was the subject of their lamentation—(hear, hear, hear.)—^Whatever might be the opinions respecting il.e events of the late reign, and of (lie admmisira¬ tion of G; ve» nmetU under his present iVla- there cutUd, he was certain, be no difference as to this point, tMG under Ihe il¬ lusions House of Brunswick, this count ry had enjoyed a greater share of happiness and glory than had fallen lo the lot of auy olher nation on die face of the globe (Rear, hear). The House, he \va* sure, were anxious to testify dieir deep affliction at (be loss of a Monaich who, in the course of a long r# urn, and during peiiods ol great trial, had, by Ins nutd aud amiable qualities, secured the lo»e aud esieem of me Nation. In'deed, the veueraiioo in which our late beloved Monarch was I11 Id, and the general aUatb- raent to h»na by all ranks and classes, wcie visible at every period of Ji.s glorious reign, hut more par¬ ticularly on those melancholy occasions' *wl vn he was prevented from superintending in person the inieiests of his people. In the unum.dly long .period o( his reign, the country had grown up to rank, power, and commercial splendour, untqu died aniO 'g the nations of the earth. With these feelings as lo ihe character of ihe Lite reign, there wou!<* in*t, he was certain, be any differences as lo the Add ess of Con¬ dolence which he meant lo propose. With respect to the other topic of the Address which should have to move, lie w^s as firmly persuaded, that. In congratulating his Majesty on lu9 Accession to the Crown, the House could not hesitate to augur hap¬ pily of the future, from all that had already otcurc it * »li *Jh U - reflecl credu on the Sovereign, and be of advantage to Ls people. He again hoped .1 m.gbt be a long and try ing circumstances. lyLi^U JQnJ Ti.e'Ad.IrM, ,I,«- p«rt, i**j*>**U* mianin.on.Ty ‘ and it was. «n ufe motion of Cord Castlereagh, or¬ dered, that consideration of his Majesty s illness, ihe Address be rented by s»ch Members of the Ho U *e as were of U* Ms j. s .y’s most honourable Privy Council. llHE EAfE OCKE OF KENT. Lord Ca.tle ,< »8 b " 0 "' ,n " ve< !>, 9»*‘ an Adders, of Condolence b e presented to h.s Al.,« t y „„ ,l, e la.nen.ed and premature dead, ot Ins,ous brother, t| le j‘ . Hi ke: of K.eofc e The questi®* 1 was P U L and carried nh. n ’ . and ordered # ke presented i„ the same nr.ZerT'f/’ former. *uer as the Te Richelieu is appointed Secreij State, and President of the Council of ^ I* rs. On ilie in otk»u of Lord Castlerea/rk at the TlotiSf d«* 14 . , __ WIfI1 , was agreed to. the Doel,e,;-V Keiis, on <1,1 . ^°> al H'glmesi ltoyal Consort. ’ '“.oented dead, of J, er This UesolMtlnn w as orderered'i her Roy;d Ill^uess. Lord CastleJeagl, l(lfn moved his Majesty b< taK*> n f n t 0 to be communicated lba .t the Mcsv, which time lie^nnlt) stale IrMhe g to ^ n «iTow;i»t course which *as intended lo be lh , e nal<5re of . d m0 ‘ £ to '“'-lead than to Mr TierneW-fint sure j , ns generaliy.^ he, he nf.e,'ds n' **? Lo,d "> a y -form or tin,! ? * f Ar' "e. so, I .1,^1 ‘““'’T(iieasure servatiou uP^’J ^ pi>st ni n ° l a smg.c *,h- .. ... lo the King are pouj « uly from ail parts of ihe Country, expj 0t iff, ^1 the late meiancliolyj *»n u of loyally and attachment lo jesty s pe son and by nasiy. very where the army is indignanl c o an assassin, who has, . s far as Ul yV°^ yer J stained (he name of a TL Vit ' ^ no ,lian ^ ur a monster. Snn i ° T mgis thp ^ub.lnnceof th| m ZJ'M the * iarshals of France a few da >'« since:- a bo i \ e ’ l * ie ^ ars ^ )a ^ 5 °f Prance j a body to express lo your M.ih s,y our w7.ich“fc?" ?eqU ? Ce ° f the ^CVocci of a P nro ,US ! de l'n v «lI your A ll F ’ ‘ V >0 was orlc of il’s ,!cai H who^e heart is noi rent vore calamity, and ihe Iasi drop not ,b' ,he intend^ ^'■'•-alVea.' e 5 ‘“t^' T ,'f** nal '" * ‘>f of ind,s rr ^,;>v° Si b,u Lord . dks di pcusahlc. is ihe Muti 0v Rii ‘^r SU ‘^ s are l '*' "Ol a soldier in you ^ nI with anguish a Hilo is noi ready ><‘y»n Loy/,I Person an j D ctously i„ reenve Hip resDcnshl. , J.!- mosr devoted altac h “ respeciahle assura lineal. FJ1ENCH FUNDsTfib' 5 per cent. -ai. 7 „ c . , B.,„k 4e< One Three exchange ONVoNn;V ,ao, l Month, Paper, »5f or I r P”' r A Paris, de rimprimtrie Me i620 \ (I ill P ill i tsto A tli U to fltft Itdii ail# SOW (ill w* 0 # f 1 * %+ ii /r / / /W ^ ^ xjtyasrv /A ifl 4 C /far>a /c£/)vj- tvo-i S<. s/tonA /Z /2 — - v&6. ^ * ,/«^/ £?■' ZrfajA/- /■ ./ '• . A %> S«VT^ a. Zafa^ fa fob ( fat ■ /fa ** Jltfa, Ztfy ■ - - / . / 'fad (\e. c °/ * x ~ y %L faM. CLjfa*- fa fa fa Z *U -/ /-fo * ~ fi~d -tfa-/>**' — wO=rA - ^ *= faf /--* *- //aotc+J - Q.y$dt- fa o~ C (*4*f dU. d. *yfay f~ - ^ /t ~ / I'4»««v fa- fafasy.- C fafa * Mo fa. *;+4~~ A &»&&>- 'AL. f^f'^ ✓ / Teste 9 this life Reyal 1 i Stralhei ' grief of a Orders neit, the Duke of viz. The L long law, crape fan Undi es The G on the sit *als and bands, at Uodrei if fheDep Ik ■ In pui I the Princ I of his M. These f Upon the late Roy*, fourth sc iuto dec. Sunday i It is nc. Drear aoyl * 1 sion, tha.' pWjforms 1 im B -j mw- i Ri»Rf that the wewar,} cision of K.cnttm< UfDMWli la i. ^J 0 ^ ** sj /0 pfytfcjG'- C±£i) /0. fib /df&h -- fo/c/a-i4_y£s _ O' ^/CA y^f/ - h'^ruc^y _ J(A fa &hru y/k */ JLu — /Av't-v-tyr/, y^eCtAirK f6Lc / >iJL> -S" Mu. /?Gi 4,, Xf ~J£; Gji j Mz~ / aXjt. -p A /X~~MG iHrrx^ ef- ML //fyfA*, - - I <4/-, A”— 4 k ^ * 6 L,J^ \ st£j u -U, ' & jjG~ GfGS i/r tOXtftMT— G*tu- daji<. / / o /S Xr~ G). e ,A /* Xw ~ &£uj U /WcL Ho X~ ^'Uut & U14J.J *( _ ono/- lljliUu ,J - ftjLevvh/ *■ 4w&.. 4 zt,XuL L Cpi JUux •. i/&Ty ? ff/eC o —. — iir th/P L*»* ZD. £ yo /> ‘ — fab f/frm */t h 1 iVy t> J/ t 22 e i t/tt^rwTi*', V o-r* * }-ti < f ^iJic dxy (^C/FTl rti'fy-i ft> %/* &7zt>d. ~~$i 'tnrmyf m/o ^oZU^L netS'U, , jfy 'M. *fr*C- / J 'tfA. ^ 0~ / J*~ rf--‘ ft**) „ 9fui- /krji~U - JlL„j Ua,*^aS ■ ■»— Jt-t *■++> JL I *-»-’- /ftfbruV 4 y r4 ' GTiti - a ' _ . W / -' 25. Ks/o^" s^Zfdif/H — 4t) cl/Sci-aL c2t tijj* /farXJU JB** • — %*..jf~ ^yicA? jfi'rrrtt'jy ftvh* — 2u 77\ di+J ■ /4j t/lu-a. -r~r^i Cry-V */e**, - fc/>V^W yi~OLC^% — tyr*^ ftc*si4A t-+-lT7 . — ii - 24 (s/r+U *— ^sty/: (2/tJ^y/ coh^ t )/ sjU sty tyir H/atydy/. — 0*i-c4i} t^/ t/4*ty/>^-t^oS — ^fV«ri/* *7((k4 v Vcrrv, — (24/+S *_/ ^ 2 /- 42- — A-b* «y*^ y *-<44 — C d /.4 k. e. °y^7) u- fa fesle Ibis life Royal ! ^tratjbe grief of C< Orders Duke k «*»| te of I vi2.: The L long law crape fan tTndies The G On the sh %ats and b*nd», ai Uadrei I ' Che Dep M.. iugf. In pui I the Princ I of Llls M; These Upon ihe hte Roy? fourth sc iuto dec i • Sunday i 2j4- WeW A ^ fa ■ ~ ‘ r ~^ th' ' ~Mlx^ . _ A S#1 ^u // * ' /^L AA'-u-f 'V $ 9 1\ 'SttATTL^L • ^>, — ^r»/ A C-r'^xl skfi t/^^ty^/ — ^xAyrJ- ^ ^ ^ / «-r^< A y/A dii* s£stL~' ef fZjccwJ J^tirc^jUtc^y <^Cca yr\, — v>^ * e'T'Vfccc (L i, L yjL~ J v~J- ~ -A ^-Vi^ ^ — jftrrrm 4 *»» ^ - -- ? _ Of Trv «-> fihjiy. t* ^ (Ll O^tyy^ttA _ j^I 7/^<.^4Ooo- ^ /<*/ - */ A- ^ / 4 *t*.J <** &" Ot^ftXyA l X- JtUsii t J ^ &fa~, — ^fyc-rUi ^4^ d-vY ^ ^ ’(rr^ry^.. ,a., ^ - 6w/. ' 1 \87o 7e, tun to. c JL <*-/v a 6 v / * M ■ et/- «^»-» «. /0 .2^6 sJ^J 6 “ '^rnj/'fc Ma d ScA-fany/h {G/^rfuxsj-* nd^curf/lr^c - fa^irxdx V Cxl/Xa d +7^ rj/ciTtl^ mM, _ VXiztA JirSUt AAt-O^Cidm — CA^ru, - - -<*«/- ^/f(£ — ^ >: '* xr4 °' ** /ti/tt '*’***- ^ < \fs7otk/haj CUX*- //&sr«V . 4 Mxd^cZA- f— 1 u «~ v , ^ tj. _ /iZjCas ift.+^to^^-iy . 'Hrdt, fa .1 fa \/rfjt*t rnxUA&Cj 7 j A fadCKi (X J ~6r. $Zi4 fyld {ic&tsU- — ^PufM- • — ad 8 - — • t/t^f-edtS hlT- ^^Uf~ 4 * ^ 2 u>-» i!’ £ (j^claji/-* .J^J&'rtrv*s id *~Jtd7 {c^vcyr'i If ?Jlj^ —* id cl»*a~, & k*{yr^Ayt — dL// (advisvl. fi*Li *tr U C/j^li Xl| JT i ^ 4c Li^rf f^luU J| t^kcurf % . A- aadL d ' >, iJeAtjL&U & JcA i ^<2/2 •H 4 ^ £. e>< 4 «^ /_^r Cdv^j. &J(f. (X'dk& _ ^ / v Tit / c, - 0 jLdu^ t c^2j.- /ujd\ ifdrurl ^+si gL y m; ^ *J^Usr^bs?^ ad /0 • — ' ^ w |j r * ^ $/-c*f /o /'udu+T^ oirnd/j • -_ *^«4 if r *Jf’J ffT-if" -■ l^Vtsrx*-*xS^y_^s1j^d- fidt Cgi — %/ d/as* * - }/■ *.f -£~c A t>*/f mriA r-1 f .— f _ -CvmJl&J ^ p/^x «/ ^ Z^ 1 /hf ffij/'u+rmf y~ 4/c4f > tJ. ifay- 3 /**- /utA/> i/^-i-. 4. a^ .' •<•»* Cl'/nCT'/ — '/Cr- ^ /*£■ ' C 7 J> — ^ 4/V& £o*r\ e rtAiAiv/ / ff/njr >’ > t-V*> - ^TTr^XJ <^. J ^ ^ dsndS-i- , A^t-y, faCjCrtc rJ j ^ fiLt^Jtrxrn* * — Is/tuC *.-Jt/lbeC££i^ c-L. t CJ^ fiu. ^ ! ft/" O-f-^jL. ~/c CU asf\ £ct*j vX / Uc^ry 4/uifi~ ^ hdy Vand* G (gCtd/i. fv/d -N". — tsftru.*y . — *e?Cn/- Swr £ hv ith G) a^Jh it * tn/^ - dho Jit-^L j6«u» A+ti hit"/h t-t-d-ft daf^jisxs t \_,^it- t ^ ^i/v/w n^ ^ a^^Ld i ) Of ^ 4V •>— - ^ s4t. j t 2 ■ tlCst-ro *j ^ /^s{f(j e$f &-vU —- c/tf h^Jf/f-vt d>i / *~*^/ ti* _ /hvatkii ] a/. flftf S d- A/cftt/> oC. I 'hfaL^vjj^ ,JL fo'c/het^tjy*-^ f jh- tSlCteshuf utsfau. (Art-i i too-j f-Jf - c. O'-Vr. /Zo,rfj / / ^^>i/ $&r>C’ - _ /Z/*sry dtO&rJ- Jz ^yj- f JrtLsr^y .£, c/£tA^ j A hi tf M-l. Old '^drxjL ^<*4~ t) 2 __ t^dsn^aC, (^/rc&r-*L l Tc Zj. ZZftA/S / dji/lUA, JZi.iSt/l A '/‘TetuffH' — /^jL-i/ ^tn~csr-> e.*/£*l $C&7rf *»- S^ c ffifeej ^/t/. A&L 4 * * 9lr '^.. 4?c j/cu j*7^ jfcfc'J ^ ^ /£ /« . -— jf Teste this life Royal ! Strathe? jgi'ief of a Orders viz, The L tong law crape fan | Undies ; Theti On the sit i vats and ! Lunds, a) Uudre P*e Dep y iog f* / In pur I the Princ of his M; These \ Upon the j hte Hoy? * fourth sc I iuto dee j mttiday i It is nc v Wear any P n, tha [forms B BisRc H tbit the wear ary c&sionc? Keoifcn Momn ris e S -c ^****y * — ^ {Ash c cCt ^em ^'. y/a& . 'tomtit Z&a-Uf (3tl . , LL . / * ^ ^ Af. ^S*ruv* • — ' £/i~ ^Trj r~d' sT^^rf .-fytt'rz* ♦ <*- «/” , A-^» ^ !b+~/s+-A Asl c y/tsOr*^ x^,^ ^Cxx — 'C* ts>%d- #>-» &444s'£l$ tyfa/^yVex/tt v - nct- ^*v- . A e/Jteu» 2 / ^ a, Jry-i* ’ $* CLrU. / Z c/o^dy . — ftZii-c£t* kZfari/l y/y^c-tAufs a/ -v k An*./— /• Jy** n^TCn/ 4>tw/ SjC* b a' t^A-b- — t Zt*< ^ri ZZt-Ls) — 4- ZfZZn a-ajZv 't leste this hfe Royal ! St rathe? (jricf of CC Orders viz. The L tong law crape fan i tlodi P5 The G On the sl< > VaU and ; hands, ai Uodiei . C'Dep ' ■p In pur I the Print ft of hu M« These i Upon the late Roys f fourth sc I iuto dec 4 Sunday i It is Wear • Ijrsion, \ I I Utfifoi ill? * Bis Rc tbit the wear ar.} cision of KenUtn &rnuwi* 7 302 */ L* nr . /■ Cm —. C ^/£/ru-n^ ¥*■ ( 7 / CD iJlcunr X? - rUrt^r>) yy ‘Vca-cy ^n* — flufcfe ^C-~, . bfi, '- fra.'fm , ~fc ](t' rx-'yn.^r-^-f &)- % 2 ._ ^ 'JlArtb - ftijifa faf }** jXr" ^ /ft mft&y y i . p, /T^ hdo dfj/ryl- - <2/- ^7- J X/.A <4 v ^ £ " ^y //. - aWi£. U 2^ /x^K7 ^L-r* -X { Jh^h/iy / ^yc . _ ^ f/v^fcr ^h^/A^y^VK *4- «sXXr^ - 7X^ A C'^fcOlA- ^ fyJ/J. /• —• ^h?rx*. ify a. c cnxctn-x. — *//,->*- / ' <} 4-f• -7" (/-m j^mjy aA hyerr xr 'Oitrrr^-r^ 'Vwi - fCfefciL ^JtfrfourL ts/t^iH — 1i+x4*J^L i-rucry tfJtZf SyJejLA. \820 t/kothJ ■ ^ , jLU sffais ^rr a to c/c^f/ {<. vW -c-*-. kJfc J 03 £, Mr Ifettt Ji^ //ZLU ^tr to ^Z^rwr*^ - tf/ijtttl to- ¥ oOm*, ^ju. £ - -- *.4^ofc CAsrrx-is fa ,/ji fir fc ufifi Oftl+lU &2^S - ^ s-J(t faifai J. J£i> /r ^ 1 1 y?a~oC^ (Trt-^ rft $0 Ca. /<~ ito-M A/ v #~ 4 <~ , <£) ^ ^ {Juksrx-t T^f f?l P ■c* Attsry - - i crfrx^rtJt- fclo&Y ^ ^ ^ 3^Kf <^> olty Aid - tp^TjCtil /fyi//A V^iP - —1 P/ty. )/ccU^ or*. fiiT. Jf OQ ^ d. ^ (TLrh - «. ^ ijhS-Sy »A,k^ > 4 ^ 9hfd (kon+j <>4 Ifav+JL __ V " /6j* 4 ?mr A odo^d- /f , -i-i^ *d- hlf- ^r'ft/t-vL.y'b c^- Sj // *~^ C “■ ^cn-*f y*4< ^ ^4*J, - ° /y //, jh fil/ 1 * c^hiu**rt iajftjf '-' flydt ] U2(T o 3 3C6~ KM'k&u. l ■— ‘Vtrtf Cf £{. — tC/ZQ L M to a mV/K ^ ^*^64 (%l+*Ls i ^ C^a-zZ'— ^ A< ^Wo Z n- % 'Vu >UJ tsnA £ ' OU?~L ^v^r f v ' r » —^ ^ *• / ^ a./'flu// TY'dk *^rr-*f rr^ 4>*ry e Z . >esry e rlj . — <%>-v ^/2 / J tyxr ^f ■ ~ Jh t-r-r**-*y rvtsry fir*^ - >T. fiCfZs s^vr/- — *j£+ cr+iC*. '<+ /Ty ^*~ ^ ZemtCt/yfeTn . ^ Hituoi ^ foo / ty/**4y* <-* j7 / y > // / / ^ d+y . v to rf *^Y . ,- i % /*4 A ^n4. — to tor ^ *^ «/> *J&( * - --d*^rv^ /^brt */ ^d ^c $ror>A &cZZ*\ — ''d st- ^in-ry-j £tt* 1$ ij, ^ /^7*rfv^^>v«^»cy r4 Ar/c *- /ruj<,^ OtjLjZ- t/foS C3»rT, a ^-./xnA. ^Lw» — ^ u / ht/liA n | v^^^'S^f---- /£ ~~ /m2^, ^7^, , *J. 7 ^ Z ^ f-o ^ X! WO ^‘knnJ - 23 - jfzdrr^ 9nt^, _ '^y' *. o/. r i?.>. rf: * ^ d- ^~Al/ A" j, : . T M „ _ m£j c ■— %.£h-rr^ f* t_/j(/' S-^ewA + mJ *+Ac '^isrvrtu* — /bltMuvst -Uri4L- y/ovr^ floors * — Aifi fi/c/n*i/Ls JL L * (S$V^ , tt /a , yjj-L/ftA Ot-i .-c. (TzZ- va n * _ /I4l) tMi / ^ A*$>» /1 c*£a, /buA dawjyt*-* tAoA *AAos£ - "I7ff /^1 7 7 ^6 -AM/r ‘tZc £U(L-*/ At^LAj • - ‘ a JtZ u ” ' 7w ^ A _ 7.V k -— *Ct-ro v ^/7r* Mt- ***>*•»!- fiUuJi &4/«% \820 tiw - LL) £?a/rt*f‘ ~~ {'Jim* £ aujtvfidbi &i\ k y / A«y< . _ /C‘&j* /ltd*, jJ^ JusetkausiS ^ /.,, J £ji Cn , & ~>tuu4iS ‘•-■^ SirJiu. Si L~A^ ^ ~ A fib ~~t J ' “ u s- Jj ~u if~ fa -%f/ tdurwy - &*** frrf u «. i r<* 9 *' VT1 9 / / // ^ajLl * tjfcn&ry - - ^ f ^ J . x j'aJw in^ r- c ^'^O l < ^ — 0~vi4- 'Tfltl h]/ < tsi^£ — •f* >vi^ec PU^Jd. — * - /I W/ hrrrxA/ I/) 'ifuZAZX (Fh' As*%X -Atn dLAiCC^tc*. ^ %fy ejfen* Jforjtifa — U a^,U /U.X 4v*j«f vdn*^' oAfi^ Jt&ncd^ ^i*) Puc*i*/, c * AftZt (o71/U*s*tA — , /ifcL^^Atcro y odxevrrJo ^ ^ ^ dcvnA,y_ ° ^ / T - ^ xdcmd «3/ (^Qod. dr iday ^' Co e tidfLc* ■ C^vfln ^ ^ c/uaJ, Jh fad* le/tdT vifi, fajif &Z) • JZ rdL. * ** fr<*rctst a. / f+r- ‘ ’^yihr'/v . _ ^4/ \JtAXsp- Wi M • I' O * K^trn/i 4f- • <^L»»-*- - ^ . ^ «. 4 *^y/ • e- j rW/J X AVy/ A-V” £/, ^ iCr ^ 6 r „leL - ^*5} 4)0 4^ c2> - jTJ Z. J- Wfo. 4' .' / . ✓ — & * A <■1^/ — Pstfy frf .-^•'^ COXv >^| ^ c !4 I /<*&?) J... c“D u ty c„. ^■ury iU& ... - o"4„% i> _ / — . ZhiXA4/T~C^c P/ - '6~~* tv- - *M 404 .*/ X //4 / / , 6*46 cy / c— Ciii-4- ofodtMf - p'*'”*. C/ient - — *$?***. — idl-oCfaL ^eofaA &/ cJ- da£y /ffiPlc* - yhy a* v£ (brut cr*. k/aJ.t cr^OLf . H. ^A.i?£(~d o*. ^harL> - L* ^&.iJLc4 a*. 'fo'vfc**' <-do /!*<&- / A Ptu^jPcc ■_ cPf-'&t-A ^ ^ '{Pc^-CttuC lJ .PfaclcS cPth — /ot-r^M. (&.£*- 4L \st ^ faSjj*!^ /f/t l& t c-*l ld<-vrr^i irm U*/)4y — /l/uciff JviMj 7 : . ' /i-, , . £ c l rU. £L L / ^,'V^/74--C-« //!/ ; */' / '"< j tsrfa a 4 // fao-tiJen' — / fa % V / Z, /- sPv» ^ 4 / HN L$ir Pt o^-) ^ dP^na.) c**/b*) m fob '• __ / <,-/>«S>*i- ic/jcL.jl ~ / // ' U- ffai^n/tP^rtrn. ^fc. /odur*j eve* /oc±U, vA<; Zkrxfofc* Pfo/^ 'ty&Ptt/L — a/ * &tfcj/ / O/c/ci.tffa C+~nJ-> otunnw - itay ^ ~V\ -s tArm<-y ‘fo- frfa>fa<4 - iilfa &V- b£- _ /licit\ lid- fan-#- fa. fa^c a Id- Ccrrn^- i m .ir rod Iff Teste this life Royal Straiihe ■/; icf of' C( Orders »ext. th| Duke viz. The L J long law crape fan f Undre The G On the a!» *at» and Lands, af Uadie fi e Dep b * w 8 f In pui I the Prim ■f of Uls M. Hr These If upon the tale Rovi fourth st . into dec ij I • Sunday . 1 Kit is tk .wear ao| fiion, tha fejjSfoi ns fj 1 H«R< ( tbit the rev ar,2 ssioo of •wen cisioncf K.enlin 0~n Lo /}<**+* td~ d /y^l /LtiCnd irp <7Tn /Its* p / yJIWV»^e 4 */ «H c*, (h/m yd,i _ 4 v — /la~<-T~ A / • /iJlVdba \ W(T Xitrv l /4 7 J CT> L U -~ - ***~2 /aj aIL /r>n*< . —'— tf ^ ' —“ / / tf n-*- i '^/ // ^ y-r-1 4. y* ?4*K^ * ^/ ri ;^ _ ^6ari A* /JL* AJU^/ ifin!■ Jo t^rruttuS ov*^ juJ&y '- '&L* L/fky~ a«j*~ u < t^/ //^ 7 t JD JZ - ^ M C~~lf • - - *-& fite,™ / J i ‘/ > ,-c^~'°jt JZ- c /feoit+o «-»- v./«^ ftror^i Zo^trt ■ «0 4 *^ JLJJjfh orf $L r>x~ S GV y ^ ^6 «J^ C~+€l±mA/ru*U$ * y^ 4 •/ _/. ,„^t\ ^ rntx^oL A/L. tvydlsrtZl/ri ,n. y+r cf / / U/<^Csj U '2 telA , ^ / ( ^ erut+- - a/i /X) 7 t-de+^L *4 - Alc^,*^ (3r>,J*-i t o~ ^ 4 ^fcfc , 4 ‘^T fcLJb.*/* •'i * — &1.JL- /***«^/ A+ruC r 7 J //*. + * -\ + w@$w?w f Ot/tl CD &0 ^ /L. >yr-n7 - — ■— j $ Vo .'£*<.4- f lu*- o£T) Of 4* f?l fih/ty % t/^i^ ^ ft C> r— 1 — /2 *-&m£ - u *rr%x >y — ^Wt/- ^ fritx4.d* 7 v ^ (f&riA r tonJ £ */jL**> /2<^X ^ fiuJ** • — C*Ju4 ^ /h/y frh/+/*»“~t ,L^>^cy , J[ t ZtrW lxsn / S%70 */At>rv£ % - /J. *9 A 1 ry- ri ^ f XAr «* G A /fit/, fit- Jf e i/,, ✓,„• / fcdf»*' • - tsfiifil'l'-rtf e*~~* •/ ' 2 «'® ”— ^ ^ ^J^L^AJU j£uuXfi> ltfiv£* —/ ^ < "‘ fi / . / ^ j Sj ,J- O^f A Arry-f , A ^ ,xzA A 1 A /*" +»C ( j'*'~ t ' /6L y */- ^ ^ ^ CVr/y/, ~ #. £y.~ *S~=^P} A ^ o //- ^ _ JtS?M*fyt Za\ - M hdLj y^j- - A ~~ ^ ?Au/•*> PA 1 k&'fi - lU ’ U ^ ' ,J A & Yo-tu^ •+**' frw- < ~7£l(VT' trr ~ fiL i/ ^ , *'A.. < 5 ~N fr-!n.< « / "fr d/>y J 45T ‘Tr* ~~ e. aJj f i _ J+/&, \ foj; - c/J/*snr\ro*_^S t J At 7^y^y — t-A' (tfafnyj ~ JlfJ'jtaJjen Jfc*. J itfhH o — {m-A vJ‘ 7/ , /' r A Jj -■/ fit^Aun7\ —- *** W»*/ a ^ 'A-, Vji' qAa ^/ ij'lr ■fii Jl£ C'j't f ^r rt a —. //-<^a- / /? *^| / - ArrrAA - 3 U20 /p/| f j #^, m-J d J£j+ zf ft-rrv - - / (7lMy A, Si ftlctt/ulls t/'jLf+i J y/~ f/oA~ — {2 j&U^ ajt /h/*^ (/■^■ - « 'i^T. A*-*! «. jL *t~s tfatj , A~s ) a 4 $LJL Cy ^y~7f S3 * ^ y^*y< y/ 7/ / A , > ^ /kuj «l 33J At/ tAJL^ ^lc/- -^ZL- /J* *AC t *SA «'*' i &: 9*yc- — OL\ jZ, *1 &-*%j /Z j/^/' $hZ) . f/aAiy t/'1y — - 4 ^ ^ ~{/cAt( Ar»j- 4 6L C&n* * (%nJy*~J g\ s j^- ./ ^ •/ y/ leArrt/ — a tfh*4 . - +9-rty gftm/ ('ZfAsrJ- $du-£jL,f dl£j - ^4 /X . — • C^ee»A^6^^//j *~~ i ?mC. ft 'i/CtSZZX CiiA^t At*-*jL S% &?»^iSc<£ lerrrit 1 Jc^ SorfrsStrx^Sl — ^*/u*C „ H hryoy £Lt(’>^ , e*4 — ^ Arjfr.(/ ftfl t* >^ • iJl/^ e^? ('zrft/iT. A-r%*C %. dtJ'- + ^') ^o /o«^v . -—— rc rest': Rlhn hfe Mftcy?) • ur r 'r h v Pfrief of a Or*™' •eu, tU Oukc of* 1 »«•:— 4 ■ The L *»«f Uw crape f*u % The G Oo the *1 *«U «n£ iA f~ % — 2c X.* t*j****t emi^r^cV - ^ zjfyf*. Aemrnf Jl _ *4*?‘SUL ✓_u£\J3k.A'J ^ ^ i^W -^C ^ g' ^~ /rnv aZ,, ~~ A. >*£. ^ / ^, 9 , r j(i^^A - j£ ^ ,£re~^ ~ 4- ; Z _ ._ A- *« -<~^.. /--#•' - 4 j^AV G/J.jl^ * ^ Ul/t* dt'r£) «V. - «X*- /* ^ A X^f J- e - w “'"**' 4 ‘ ^ f «*/ e -- . ^t/ jCLr^S^Jj 4 / -^A/ 4,-T ^ ' *J» dm** s./?* * * 4 ~V f~ *• **i -j _ ^4— y/Z /- ' ' / 1820 dvri^ 320 2i /fry '^< 4 'Sl,i — S/i- * ¥£/>• /ir*c ^ 7 M <*-«- ^ ^/7 ^ ‘ — * Jitfsajb.. A ^ ^ tfemJ&j . y ' __ «►„ & ^ x/L^n Jjos* ~ rt : r ' 7 J ~ 1 ^:, kuft 4fcz J j 0~~ **#• * ^^ ^ ~* j*' S'"-r/£ ^ 4tUM - &-A - ^ 0 (U- rs:^. - '<^ ^ ^ ^ Z J 7 ?! st*-" ^4 //i- - *y f~~ * 1 ^- n OU-«. y t// Pd.^j-f , 77) fa~t ftytn*. <— «. - £~ « ' > ~ 4w ^ ^ ^ Z 1 CTrw / ■ '_ cyj7\ u far Cs/Ury T*- BisR< tbit the wear a tv cisioo of KenVtr //.*<+* .I**'/-, ^ GX 1 / / ;£ '$)Jfay (&^4 Wtru^ ^ r <"» ^ 7 ??/ Cl/t*. fad/jt/r • — / 2 ax/mJU^> a C*y u. /?' <-^4. — '~4ky A ,, a * — * s?*-ia 4 - <*./jm 7 tt/*> 4 tv A-^J • - Tlcs/^ +4 f £u o/c) 4 J ^ y r. - ^ i/w -/ * J ^ cAutJv. - $ C«/*^ *•*- /^ 7 jTrr-' * 7^ #N -/ /?- 7 Ttizvyct J>T . ^' rtA ~ ’ — Of'*-****. oil Ai•/* t/Ai/* *^e^dnj| $Ui>id~ fo* ) *' M./ // ^ ^ >£. 9 %«. ■ m f" / / * - Wo i/tfvri/. jf 32 sT /^^ 7 *- y ^»—» / ^ ^ ^ v SUJ~~ ~ . -Z'^ ^ A?*^ fi&**^ A f/nunS «Xu -o.* ^ j/faf- -foA/i/t* t si j ,^_ (^»-rl *r«^ faff /fa fifn. _ Jitj m+~ Z-*< -A J, u It 3b*' fa,JUu* 3tr Zo/Zv , *° faff fr^t, err*? — ft/a-f /£ i~Z< ^ Jn*,o*+r/t-- faf? ttfafffafo*’ *n~- ~f-. ^ ^ «/«^ faf?/o*fi^- f- folTf J*»U^ _ ZZ ?‘Hy/£i m „4 ZZ «tei J ^ Z— *»• S- ^ fa? ? r/yUi^ . * «u/s<£» ih //V 1 A l r ■f^i- R i. Si m. : The L long law crape fan Uodres The G On the si* *at» and I bunds, ai Uudie vv- rffclfa djJ) — r. ^ _ 4 ? (c 'XtrL+fyAi 9 At?*;** f * 4(ft/ A ^AuA 'hA+st C'LsJ /&V&-*/’ •*/ * C *7) . A CH t, ■—■ ^" v ,.4il ^ ct *, ^ iSJ*OL . 4 a AiftA e~c-c4.*'A t^, A ^ // yrto-Om t a/ £urU* kA /2. >/*+/** «<'-*»-v oivf- As/c&^t/, *’ /ert ^ ^ ^ iA^Uy — c2ft^+t O' / y ^ rTTC I*' - - /2 a ( %Jh>t4U+dL, <*//> *v J yiv^Utti , '”' 7 m<^J- - »3<7 6>\ /*// Jf. - 7 / enr*, f J** 7 ^*^ ^ r/L ,./ -/• /// - ^ 7 C’Cyclt €t fo (AL(&y }A?> L £ i 4tfa,y. ~ (k k (/kfa d JCct-^ity -~*y derz* yC _ Ad^ry. P- jLon e-4^ ir.v / /&,_ ^,;j 4 ^ ^ 4 ^ 1 . _ V . /• { < 7 * r /*-t ^-9 4 / ■ b / • /. fa, «- J hl-?u ue.rr?£L'rY P dtfZufa 18 ■ />i£orh, . v_/ / r -J'rrv*' ^ {'afeif yd >,ij, d^ yy _ ^ 6 A AtPd.fa dd Ad a ^ y 9rurm*ry£' a. A end- Cx _ /« /✓z^- o~n*-y s>+^<. y*>vcr' A* L^f /txAk - - rv , d'yeru*. rt ehct) £ JU.P/L j } A> ht-cr>j *i hi, y**.i<. '^rrru^ . _ clb^ a d/Myi* - /c yy** j. £mo '■>- f*L. /2rvAxsr*~ A £*44 ■^Z, i w crtjj- *$* J%r~t lj ‘f f - non \'fr W Undies The G On the si* vials and binds, ai Undid- B*e Dep iog f In pui the Print of his M. These Upon the Isle Roy? * I fourth sc i j into dev; aday p ig TK wear aoj lt>n, lha rrns f B ) RisR< tbit the wear ar; cision c f KenV*ri Hr > I tlH 330 ifi Oo /v *vy C 7 /. f /V — /i rm* ^ -2. - 7 / ,/ / I \ • ({ou t a J y/*44~U~ d^y-rn t letL , ^ ^ « er^jf A # £ A &sr?\f r- *>£*- — ^ ^>vy yiti^c-rA' ■jLl\ v&Juy^ ^ **ii4 fe-»Jc~~ —» n +f. { ^_ 4st*£ t —' 4^. 4 <*+s *- yt+U /J^ v ( l4r jA^U * y/d|| ^ 'frr tj j/'S-d , /te^^Si )L .. i?*.^ *■ ■'^e) s~>ra/2. ^r>i< ^ . __ ._ ^ ^ \ f ^\ e^Jt tA/ ' , * f ' ' 7 *-*\A.*J O »mV 4/fT>/ i^2cy. €. ^ %>*&*. ^ ^ ^ JA/cc^ *4 ^ 7 ^ ^ fy cAfjuc/t v ^ 7?«m^ . —- >/ o - - ^ v / ^ v *"• ^ ^ < ^ \dta.,<* S7/ C y„^/ ^,A c. 7ni> __ XjQu ‘S'*?‘~Y ~ C&rr^- L_ 4820 tskcbL 7‘ Ct/ht, M ^4 /^ jf Yo aj. /fe/[ 3&c tea,, J3f i* 7~*Ll- ■ . —. yt M^u) _ iJ’/e- /*-U4/Y V Orl/^L 'i/ ^ ic n / • ■ / o / ‘ /Xav A ^ ^a,nUrtj y <„ tAxf J> - # . C^Vrt^ 6<-*J- e. f^-1 . i/y" • — ddf?*- $.'^£c>J-f. Jt/Iy^-L c. Jr &/d*-x^ I■ A- . eU i y ^f/ 0 ' / *?^T0cdf4 (ffH*/ *- dos t is *-V./ ILi^ /Jh+Xf ^ iV / ^4 4 * SA ' ^ ^ /\ c_. //A , ✓«,»/ y£ /» A^ -*• v '*’vrd- ^ ••'•-* f r'd - /<* _ ,/£ %•- & 1'1 a JmrmAj b^uJuAv/bo- £■'*■ *"jA U /a ■' «■«* y^V a* '*&/ 4<— - ^ ^ V - w >/ dJ&4 ~ y c/lfarjUry •* 4- */&~ ^iy «y , »>*^ *• i//‘t*A„4, } * * -"foJ'k j£h A - a'y^ -S- Yvts>j~ **~ Y* Oa*v! /< fvJ Y‘<^> C?*+Y+^y>**' y ^ ^ i4 y£j _ .^r i/a~J ■- & Y Die Dep | y y, II tike Prim of Uis M; j These 1 j fou the Jate Roy, . fourth si i j iutO dec: |‘ fa nAi '48 (y^otu. 4 / 4 - 4 ^) ijt£.4> p/ay crrunj- ' /nr /fr/*S e jxt,' /Z // ^ ,1L / /***/ j/vw' — A /fc± /• yj(a*u/ fo '**' ^^y^/4-./ t AA .J ay A /'At, £/%+. JU rf- ^ /• '***// ** a/ *- { i OnJ*rl V*. c/art^ /ASvtlLr. 34 -r / // ^ /*-* j M&6. - //c*l ^ „ /A /£~ 4 ?Aj- ftttyi . — 'A 4v*^a, ids* U /l/trtih, J tU±~>~ ^/tAi T7 A ^ s/ty Asia. '""’ /€ / ft-4C£> ) *"—* /&/sA^y/ / AAm *Afau/i-t- / or.cde~ AA. 'tcAtn-n/um fa't iilA aJA - CL fo?p/* Wlc/ n^^t/c 4920 > fan* 'J fL tc ^ A cr* /ftP/ldjcA «n^l <». Aot-jiZifcrvi — Z^*_ * ^ ► ^ <£+y Js*'"' ^ A- - * APJotyA l/ftA- /r&xCi, fir (■ AzsftJ A *x +, ^ %k<*4 //&w« » fittr’til /*£/** £~X A 7 P^C*-/C*\ *d -iP.C-rz* £ 4A AusUrnl— Ctstfa m< ^ r fof f /7 ,/f#«/ t/y J ^ (j,/#*** /2*_/u*-nCi £ y^ctxs / - A- A/m+2i> A&A ^ Jctsec^LaxL ixJ / z^t\ *//L £ a 2f.\ «/ - y 7 ^, A/%lv£* (s* POua (A/emd - ~~~ AA* Ay paUxyxP-Ark ^ Ay 7A. — ^yk ( XJ . . —. if C*+£*P^ *A Aft/ 1 * f* f*» ' >£L A d , ** XnV ■ — i *l/{*~*( *■/rt4^ - Ctfek, /&J ~Jt )% T ///, ^ <^> ^t i i *T%-*f -— Lyyyc} jA Arufauy , Ct^wy —. Al/^ A^aAuV p t AC** PStA/of, <*^*-t*J - 2^ tjM****£ * Z/a k /Zsryf — /h/■ l J ^-' ^ - rm ///fjetfi , 9i y ^/^ t f~ jfr- h>et+^nTx+Jui^ *-*■» /CL "'t'rmutiuL — 9ft a-m, Pant — Z 0 *' *+i***> , Z 9 nXsr>«Ltsfy A tA.+sn 1 '/&* /hZft‘ of+*£? /7 — "7* Z Z&t*** <3/jb? rs> -j GL»l - ^5u> U c/j? i ^4 #W oftA^*/ (fc/y &7\,~ _ d t f — ot V/*y M *y ■<_/ - /j -frer*, 7, - 0K /' Ja-ns ^ j/^)-~ — •/ ^ «/>/«** u fa i lL i> i/Ul j M t dfcffft (\ /& itatf r y ^ & „ *^~J--T- t *rm fhy '£U* CA n >L - $*U, <■;/— ~#+nJ h / ' /^f. - — y^- V- •' / ^' >4 A. <820 fifiau JO. u. 0L~ _ C.Jt^L xrfo IfyjfA —- oU>*x\ cJ. t _ xC»» «/Y£ ? <* u qj. O H a / tm ' Aam*S Osh JJiAAyo — J/ti ) m Jh‘ frdfb,, -Ai A* »» 0->-» Jb*' t ' ; - ^ Cei^xl {/^/Ai/x^i C'i 4^- M cjj~ JL XtA _ /£a& ^ ^ (fet^y — '/iXX&if cd — al tty - / u#**?- ■ A A /w J^icU. «JJ - — ttl jL« : C™ ty _/£,,/ ‘J Jr A™, t/cAA U ~Lsy iL, - ~J - 4"~t * AjA^ A j j^:~u tyjAA- ^A A ty t tu 4/liXj £* ttrfaJi**' - ^ JAA - (A~ ~ t- r J%n*u*~ t£ty/£,, Afi ffa J a- ArrrcjJr tj «* ■?. In pur ■■ the Print If of Ills M. ® These 1 r Upon the I i fote Roy* [ fourth sc 1 * iuto de€ Sunday i ' wear any-* ; R«R< | tbit the i weayarv \ asioool f rit-ir 4 U» a*. % 0 d y ^ /£*. £'< • y c d&n txdfedl f fvjlvt** -- M*/ /^*-Y.- J-’- — A' LV / fTnasr*y / W Ma-/, duMtiAsiy **/trr* • - A" lutfcri doar£{ , ^/6 x/ birfL±/*A&n . — V^L? h r %rrf~k>> y/M eo^rrJL, - Ma^ cj L ~v. &a — Ma s&ndu _ A fu/cL,,*? L*. jJl/L. + . - tfy tLdZcil J(trrt> ■ Jy-6- 0& ftfLc/oott s °- tdidi, «.✓ <**w 3uMj »/ U^A, —~ frl/-L(tZv*d' / Cti - G/J~j?~£*» - ^ ^ /«L — — *±*0—1 4 JnU tfijiL Jmv'^ ^“~/ ' ” y^~* “ Okru/x c +JlS — J» ML h<**~y ^> A a '°S^ ck i/U . £4 ^ * <- V* t », C$t7l4 jt> <3t A.4-1-*/ ' “ .4- J esJu^J* L^y tJ,***-/• — t+jbjJ +h* w- f) tfjfy- *" ^ '&■ $.<££> - A ° / V ^ 4*^ /*> ^ - 4/un< I\ 20 ^ l nK> ~ ^hi/£i fas' fco/!tt d nt/ ■— i^£ «y*-j¥ t*j-ts*J- *r> J* 3&ru/ — Cc4* */ . ^ z ^ %JLl^ £ **'4^UUUui <£# WT -£z£ J? (d f3oA^i-div — xTaco < 3^L^3" h .Zu. ttUl~. - -**' ^ <€„. ^ / lYoud 3y ^ *.y£(3 / fy //, 'c3£ +^rx - fftflid Ur/rfa ? o3d/c, -ri c^ry , l C d&*r. - O fd+i^ ,r> ) ** J* t , *>£ ^ (TT-rUb -* //'t- o A A © ^ feast/uvyyi *A tflvc/'j**) - ^ & ^A^t^Lurrjt ~ — a i/an 1 A+ J • ^\Aeutf it) Jut. U fflad, /fa^JjLs.— &AU^~ JiJj ~/h*du - jf«i ~j ^ fi;; X ? (jcsrft — ^ 01 fZu*4*CUM* ^ e. lJUuj/fa u Wu~yL — 4&Z /eaJ^ 4 CtJ*--^ * &*■ An+^/Ai t. >r v*ti; — ^ n / A (//^' J^l ri.*- ,* . T4 ‘ AwrAk — ^,X */*<.„aUtJ - °rJ<‘r^) - xfhj- A ^AA ’JvA€ xtiAc<^^r> — CaMx), *£,. J- Pdtrfd* — ^ ^7 ^ firz+W^ %/+* M.<, 4/tSlA) ifcA&surry*/ :ho rod Teste- this life) Royal f Stralhe grief of C( Orders till Duke of 1 , viz.7 TheL long law crape fan Undies The G on the sl< and bands, ai . Uudie CI»e Dep * i«gf I -I" pui the Print * of his M. f These Upon the late Roy; fourth m into dec day i It is x}f v Wear ao^ Jin, tha mfiforms B t Wr; I sioi Bis R< tbit the m wear ar casion cf Ken\*r< i «fi> I ! *{■" i tr ran 4 1 f t«j|. : if oisri v \/r - ' v cv*m .— f/ | If) jjti '& (Ls/lCLO $, jjh ruJ+is <*-, ^ — Office, %. Itc/Uir*/ cfisdft Au <.7 al <*-*»-* ]d cS^d^ <-d- Z k^OUe^yyitCtr^ id ^Jffa ^ ^ ^xAA*! Md/lv-<£\ sd+J- / (/&rtoccmf ( ^ £*// hj. Ji fa^S,) /ftf-Cs/Jnu -i£^ - S~, Ms U r J*~i, Jj 7 fL^h ± £ ■ ./jq , (^T7^ert 9J — ' 4- L^Ot/ft*/ <, *, . — jdt( +1 l/esT?-* **0^" Aj- _ ^T) >sr.x _ ^ 8 / ^ tsrfcd 4 euvry 'd^ti/ndby af£n-** CArri>t om — £o*d~ djvrt /i,* <} e^y */ ^ j ^lw _ '*AjSsdl.-- &r Orr ^ -^' m 7 - ^^-jfr /« c&ri-r-. 1 /dlft _ ^ ^ 6hn™. -/&J7, _ ^ fa.. jir&yL»* CUk d?~7 <~j?. ^ . _ 341 mo tjlQU; t it -Jk'ufiEz. — ^ c ^ <. S $-tnr> ( ‘St^cs ^ ^ Ju?rS a V'yyy^A- &^ <7 >7 tSti *>r* \/- fc-cinf- fttfeetZiisS csh^/tC w e^&u>> eat — < $?o0L * ^ Cbn*/ — tf ^ , tv + 4 &OLLV\j — ^$Aarf-yr-i-msy~ — 'try ff/ ~ ^ „ r*~ vc/ujt4UA*AA~ f ^/7\ /*A /u-*L 4ju±+$%*+ 44 fi* usyt ejt-dix*m. ■ _ ' / ^trr** jJv-mA, 6 vrvu / 4 y>-> dtvt^tx.tot*/ —* $t?-r>r>^ tMriftt £) Sy — ~^X*/ C \Ji faS CleM 4~ (%c*«. hi+vMosrm , tJ * e* nsj ^y /o iw<^ /&■%*<* I'M /« f - SflVtAJ £v*. 1 ^, ^ *"*• — —t ^7 #-**/ ‘C' '**y o4 <3 t //at 2 0 trnrm'-ry _J ^ fr/d ~ /is/ ■ /?H/r4 t/aj/th* 4^-, ^ at'm •r'rt* dhed*044tS fink $/i^ «-v '^> /c-onj’■ — flC^vur fin/' 1 .J. £ r J. 3 V -4 ^ / nue-iS. _ A y jllTt/* , v<*/- j^Lsy*.<. *4- a*^rtS ^ ^dAc y/ffll* A*AhyvS * /rf ft/dr*yA y/ 'bi r Yfo/ v / faunnx, —. ^ h--/~ — Ar-r-*\s»- ^4- // * - — ^-*4^ vZ / — Jtf' y4» >4/^f ^-rr>~ ►*. r 6 if bo4 i*. c /4^4*>n* _ ptuir^ £-«c/tO fol/ € ^‘ */n±t*x*L**l*f — (?Ct*w 4t J/jl. jic/Vno !&£- fa*«4u-xA ^ de+ju (%dvnl&TT. n MIocMb* ^ ^ £J^ 2fa~ dL (ArJzA Cen /< i4h^*j 4> uUi. ,y~jy I^L (/in£*. . J^a>r4’ — ^ ^/' A /^ f *S* yui 4ki^kZttiU-' ^ « Lrn. 8 *J(CLl 31 (twit 4 ttaJur-u* Out Ifatolunf-tUy. U ■'-■g t /if. 'A/o.4 o^t dt+w cdtA { m »4tva. ) — s/hirio try _ yflesdei y^^jLy^f &TT- ~ die fhy4 t- _ 4u fyy ■^U • - A - /. uuJL & r U " * Gfyj- ti'-ts a«~ - ~ ~r - f &f»'+ *** ^ S820 Javkv 3 tLa<.4~4£y %/ Z/CtWrv^ drrxo *— scJ/if ' ii «/. /V ^I C^ft/o-L ^iciu5 ' —' •/*<- +y*^r* SjL LtsruCry K - /Ut,yJ~ u ifc Jo smjL eAia*ur Ay* y*.- J£ * **** ~‘ ^)++jt- 'my <^» ^ — J~ A A. ^i >4 A / * — q /y i (f~[Ti*J OL^0~^ / d~ ^£oT~T-£~\f Lydti-J A ^ ij&bdti* *»tv^ *//£*/. — / — — ot*.*^-t r%4f **-*f^'* ■CAJvrxf _ • - /£ C ^ cli-m±4 Cm&J a/>r*Jl ffc* (^JydLT~/rr ^ ^ ' /^7l/ ^(TVoU — fcmr>A (<*-<^±> 4/try *J}s /U*C*) Arm*. -■ - ’ / . _ 4 ($.Ly\ A i£j fnrJU L Am-tcrx — /ot£ • *y»J QLjL~.- £ AS / " w — &oml~, *~J A~> - -&*■ Ate-my-J e/^y — **/ jJuuUcuMr & f “~ X* '^-tJl'curf- — /£*«. '^'' 'frc^/l /«*-/&, /£, V^. - ^'4 /^ mA/Xi Ac 4>* - w, fh^ I)///, jj j. . — On JiVli J> 1/oxA-abs. — d'r-mnj f]y A thru/ — CajiueC 1?cL+*+rt/ / ‘/uj a ^ *^a'ru\^ ~iLu, f ,jCu^ i 'S&tl ?1&CZU*J 4 /- X7jfctZ> &C.'?ru A / — 1 /Z/&-) Jr> //A^tTr>A-ry ^ )/CO*. rtA- (■ 4 r u n/~ lAcVrj tz?^ ^ kJ(U£ 4UJL A* tmcjflu- a j - - t/Ly*. as+J-J A e (. %/7 03t) ■— fya£rJ/- *t i^lTU a/Su yL ^ }J . / / A. . . . // W4/t - A s?~,di> A (bl/ 1 ^ fKzTtifrtx, . / / rd<,T ~Si (PfrnA j/vr i/fa ts {ff'/jdd iZ *■- mnc/ i^*i /rti^ dCkd*) ?r n^rtd - - — “7* ^ 0 ft/ox yA*. ■^‘/nr J j4.^. ec^rt^S >ui*v Or, 3 JunyL* 0 i/j'stftrn a+v*/ f 4ji/vS & 4+Vu4w ^ *w*-c4,«^ * cfefeo X, J J^'onr-r-rt* - -; ^44wil\ /f \$& I'^yryO'-n^/ __ ii^) /o~c^j C-t y ^ry-n*. £f ^^^l) t y/- , OCt^- ^ww,y *~ fk+y* &** f* /? iS'/c/rr^L W*/Jcl$ **> <*- ^bftft(/ft rv<*fc/fk t4^tf oJ ^£^ayy ydt>o^\ JY C&/o(. — fatf**\/{dbi'&rii™t4 - ■{£~/%f>4,^ < i /wn^) >— fa'A* £*> fy- C' 0r/ c /ny£ tr^U^- / t}/ -xivt/atx, cJZZ^i^ ~ ^ Jo-l njU'fUraJ ef hf- ^M^bict-h ' ^ /At ^0VK JL L V/*-cVV */ 4<£) _ Pitfc*- e-fo »v «ij /&j/1 Ifffr/’?'S’}/J^l~ $*{/f c* //-C/ h **-\ ~~~/0 c£*2> a / 0**%m ic*. Jr* _ a-r 7 T.*f A dhsn-n^vr' *— fio 7 \ 'rrx*.- A *— tx, T~rvt/m 4 *» W ^ £ »/ A->V>-» ^y” A r-t\JL> ) AS^tll f d -^» ftlvru^fhit _ — I / y* hntfas??>,.„« #£u>- 0?*w tuvfo j/i^e*. t/c+/tS o-* kid f)W/(vLj y~ t, Vfi.hrU1 C'Jn* XAJt^Af m/ - — /l/lo 97~> ^t-u-^eL fya/Ur — &/u*( ^ r~ ^L^T ^ yf C VaUfC . d fixcn/d/i ^i/c*A^ — 4 k/ 3 h khjjl f* du fi *4 dt. j/llC — ^Cttw ■rf* dcj- yd <*}) /£. Jot-d-t,* ft ! *. f*sl\.,. 1 *- cf* «4i4 , /i: lOttetx, . ib-Ti v/l, dc /g /o dtur — 4^^ . />/* — (\/v/o-iA.y/ A-/ i dhn : 9hf. df dj-Uj u/tc cvr*-, - **, ^1 PfirtTwry • - xdtf- /(J< &i O-7-^t.y /- - d~lctusrn^\ d df'/tWrivtArf * d pCt^n dfyd/htf/ai A, <*>/- So-diisruM */”’ llxn,7\4^ &U ^JctauJO, »s — ^rd. -/- ^»TO4. liLj^ , */ ^ f-AmX ^U yl / / / ^ s> • «5 ^7#7TU?tl^ j^*'*^*' ^ tua ^~ rrx ’ • — *f ^6 -^rr^v J- ' l + *-r - 'M^ - *>T %:tt-r'Cj. jb frx^t- — w '^’ ^ ,^r 6 X»v« p’ifcjh &J/A& , t/,^Jy) j t: al M/ r ^$**o*sr$1- y/^6 V - 4~ j. J- — JU £ 4Ah (£(i/~/U* *(-1 ■ — 4 &Jby. f A - ^ i,. 7 *~* a. l< Pri+Jd'^7*+y, jfc /Jfoi/£t>r c*df*) /— c ^TtZ+T+A/fc. / l/cj dbttbrrv, _ ^7, t.fdc’ft. - fc, /cd~ c*^t4c£jeJ/l*- ^ fy'Tiy#** w XA.cs^ ta> eri-ttiJj <, JtiLc (L//^ »>- 9/>/ , y y>aft t/- t^> a-‘> < •>, /4 . , 'J'&ibi dMsfc - ^«- 7 - * 2*4 (rfsf'—~ / "*7 / ' • • • ■ : ' ' ,■' '' * • • . t ,** •:, m W Trort n. iW; ' W Teste f I -this life ‘ Royal f ^Slralhe Sgiief of Order: *ext, thi Duke of 1 , viz.■ TheL tong law crape fan Undies The G On the sl< 'Vat* and hand*, ai Undjte the Dep » In pui I the Print I of his M< These Upon ihe late Roy; fourth st i iutc dec {• • Sand;/ f If. is nc ( ( I,wear aoj || sion, iha Hpfifoi -■ HisR* ( tbit the casioocl f Kent! Urfw f 1 >| rit-#r I C*k; a*t 352 7N y ItLr*) 'ri4s*j~ 4 , i C %y~ AtA ✓ ^rtW. ^ m/J-^ CSniSir. cctrfS t ■ — ^ .aW Sf^dnj _ St ^ Jl//a*>l V t/Xfe- Qt+% — l SS <^j ^ a s.j L ^ Cr/JrccfLr „ V 4 5 /i ^ if- isA'jec' S> SSc ,a.nlc-,, 55 sljU&ilsT-b* — t/££+ '&' *■ JlpL~s 6U0L (^y 0Z — /& * f ft //. ^ A^ /V«. ^£/^) ^ ^v)T */(Vl/>O.A^A. n r t— ?r»<77 c ^/A«^ - J^Lc/Jl /fiA tbs'hc A y//vujA^J- ^UAir ^/a/y-^ ‘ K-Jfefhrn ■ *m--. &y 6~- - df {1/otstJ- £/a) — J*2L«v * ^ 4 /$-£) y/ 4’- ±/ 4, •v_ —.. ^ e4<4 4si- ^ ^ Z — ^ ^ * foiJifa** /' : ^ - * Ar "~ / /^f- $&Vl /^A t r'f*j 1 ^1/ (/oA* . flU^) cjL *0- 0*3 ^ f/tA jfKrr&i —- ^ 2 ■ , i c/ tJucn %i. ^*rrjV4*+y ‘>’iru y~ £* . _ /dx?i ^e ^ A- *t- *Jif- 8 (Jh^ Qnrirtjyfmtf — 0 r^ly !kf: ”L — . ^ hctijL, +ul~' Aj(Ll*L #». fasb/nj+yj ~ /"> */ - »~P- Or> C^ n£. ^(sriAc rtJj/ f j\+-yy-uu —. P/l> dd* t^pusry ' C * J h/ 1 ^jLtdy : _ dL *W~~ A L ■"- / ~ X - -- 2Z 1, /L ^ X Yk/ U fr/Jrxyfa —- fa/* C- - £ A iu^in/^ |f tty. >l(3^ «. fa* 4 ; '~A&fo faj ML 4L~ „ / *- — «/£w ^u. JhAd d^cocv C&am4~ **^*'^f • *-* +~*^<4- frl/~ 4 / «/^ C/e-xV. t ^~ai/x,rnZ*y '^LLr .— . f$uy~ *1 /iMMt fit. tnti *0 (_^/4 W ^ Cfyj. _*w A* Oft ■ YjmnU /y •*- — op* | id~0{/y+9* £ AS 6 d*€A^aC. (/Sorth A cmJZc +,/ fat **Vf 'Lfc: s£j h. tttttf *nf At^t, r^/* ^ LLL — L^e **~4 - / c / P'ZZt /htu*r i2*sLun folXxStt, >hf4 4820 sJu-Otb n 3fS >■ ?.'* ^^*^-rtsnn&y mfi- /*S4- — U*i/~ ft tfJ*C t , £tu*> ty,.. ,~J£ tfonu ~r*sdr£^ <-»>«/ iCtti ^ tJuA £ *//c£A^j ^6^4 W . fol/ lV o/ZJji^ iyy/) j^ ff^y — 4/++ jh ^/c^? J. xf&'jdtriJ’ ^rru; *4~ 3 'Z, >4o «_ (JJ *.jLk^ A»r-u*^%y St**. . O ^ •-ax- y^ %J^HA.^1 {/<‘>T<4, / bisX.j . /h. A (l y^n/' / *tAtrrt) (&<**[ tlcJ/ty , 2yj<^> "E. • — r $tA ^fpUO?l/h 't^ y^e/* “* ^ a/- ^^ 7 'JtiolA* e*rr>S f rt9rv ^y. _ *Acttu - 'U/IS'J- f A* A tfjLol d 2 /)e/c-iyh. * —— t/ct'k A- .Air-^t fihnAj/, C/ L ^U ftldf/Y 6 ^ OOTTML jud-t£ r*yr Ar>t*~ us**/ rr i / f ^ r Hd, tV«v _ -/■ J^/cucr/ CP $ Royal I Strathe; grief of viz. TheL t)»g law crape fan Undies The G On the s!( Vats and band*, ai Uodrei fl*e Dep » ? ..I,: ■ II the Prim f “&/ Upon the late Royi fourth s< iuto dec •SmuLy m ^ - , Ibis J^Wear aoy ■lion, thai : jfcfoi’fns HisR< ( tbit the -wearar casionc' j Kent* arm tat*" trituVi BAKt f */• A ~“' 4lM.rU 1./W a 4) 44. r, i J^JL aZ) rd ^f/a./ 4*... ^ /i a jt i Mt ■..... .4 /l ft - (ido .dd *JfrA /r. Jfttdtlv "/ - . . / 0 xfwt/n 26 U.,w— r. far'k. ^rrr, 4v <^4.»»r- . ^ ^ & iL ~^UC J Jc/auot }/<■ ir 1'**"' ^*'**'/ l * ^ (V^isrTtCrtrr i — •. ^ fc^ 4 a.t~iA f doi/u^^ *+*** ) /< jr**% ///. •-* a/ A j q//ffodu />U) — ~ /h)+A 4tr^ °j! n J v Z2 -yjL - ** y /. $ id Ur- u dL. ,J/okd, ^ frfjrlds dm- 9fc^ - -0 *4u*‘y ‘ _ isiu. im S ^U^dj - iZi^dUn* /, <*W~. ^ Mr,., M4**. '-*-4 . d 4‘ juii~ 4. ifteauA, ■ ^~/4 ytA M ferd~r, ^yr^TLdU ^ wLbin /d/ry dy/ 4 JL jhj^ .-Of - /' 1^**' ^ ^ _ 2^0 ~t ^ AdO rsnfi- r ^r rnjL. .—- , lmdd. — ^ /U ' 2\ as'h-vj- /S' - A/ y^< / • 4*4( H. Ji -- r^y/i-C //raV / J/evy /*/ — fat/'. Orfcsf+i-j/^ t. tUtj J — jlv-rv*. fi/Lt ^ fht Q*~r / fth X *Arffry) 0L* & P^Cl -jv‘4. - "JAy y /UrJrrr** ^ “ V ^ ^U) tcUtuAjr *A £**^V *» )/*^{'4 fftf- '4i S**L^ ^ /2ju/y — 4Qfitti JbV/ $Mr* - r/^„ *U <*rJH Jtotekw* — fru^i for jJL ~ S* M /yuAAy,!. __ fo-4 forty"*-/- Jj ^ ** *■ * < * w “ *”~ ^ *4~ ^ eU fltliun, /r ** S*$*+ ' M^/jt a HSlfy- OTrv-J fjf. j _- *^" ^ . y^» ^L^s£+Tr? < *^>«. ^ -%1. /V y ^ ?» y4-*s / Cct/7~9+*X (^X/fOt <*4~ 8 ■ rV*rr*f a y c/^6' r, o<. ^cu < *CtOLCC*. ~ f 9 (j ? • - -' II H»?IWiwi iflilij f Jt * ' - J*** A Jb ftot//(ivtrr*>— ^ M*- /Ovu. /L CLluh J_ M! (A^jL ~ *^“ ^ XA 'jtvuUA»r /^/- hjf *" ^ a ^ ^ 4 Azti^ZL J- 42 z - ^ j ^ ev ^. ^e/rv^t<^ . if- ^ ^ «_y^- fl,k/ *y^ /^*- $ <^r»-c ■> b*&r>u> a/,/ X*f/uuA , X^r * 7 ^ yy£—y ,yl^, / «*-^ y ^ (voojlr.) C, JL^'2~/<- K ^//lA 1 r / * Jl /iiwA- / T&W ^uAL/ury A J jCl I/l/Aju — - >^. %k££4tl&* GuLIm ^I t/i *> c *%a£fav/ . if- ly ^^r/r» %^y i/SaAvAj/ , *J- 41 6'JoA. J "7^ ^ - y tA ■}**- AC> /)*X'-l y /k^- jbtAl 4+- cAX/t* ■ — / ~X x/ujt^CUiAj /XltAll AXA* A>4£cL*^r~*t*~ A AAt^r, Aa — Cu cL*. IfrfrneAj . — h.<4 Jdi & ^//.^) n j fhd m — -r >-»-» ^C-^Bf. d-ujt- /Z/e ^/^ hc/f ~-— ^ **-&£*. i tV, /^ ^ 4/<7*^B hvJfy [l*~ — true, * 7 *7 £ * *-J ^ - «'«"y r^**" — / ydd fad!! cr // i/z./.t - ^L -— 3$ttc** c\/t .* d!fo- /-Jt. c /<+. f*vJA .- ^ 4a. * for* 4 <*" ^ " ,A *T^‘ / ^ /'Ifcih 4 / - ^ 4 - - ^7 ^ <*W~~ — S<-*,.J ; ~~r -£*- ^ 4Cy ^ _ tX ^ .tty sud^ ~ <£> »^_ ,kJk. ?»~c+Jpr y _ ?rot f icstcjf | this life < Royal 1 Stralhe grief of I c < v w Ord th -Duke ofS ' | viz. x TheL long la-w crape fan J* Undies The G on the sl( j 'ats and • j bands, ai ! Uudte ■* Che Dep t it *»g * ■“ In pui ‘ “ , A ft the Print of his M. These upon the late Roy. » fourth st iuto dec • Sunday rtt >5 n< [ wear aoy |lion, tiiaj norms' BUR. , tbit the wearar cisioo of K«u «0 t a d . —< pp. u tfa f. st/< fa. -rto ^ /U^y •>• ■Ajifc} fajt P ^ Jvlv«L - cf fa/s J-JUk. '/lV< /T) irfti ■ Iv./Af . fa'fa fa MU, • fe-vrtj . _ it i^&rxv *. _ wc fyty*- ip y / _ / *" K ' - ^ yi,/ j fiy 1 '* ^ ih^ Jfi/*- * deft'*-/- - jffaji *^, — f^v i* i-f-trt *-y~r-r»o f / Vy 1 *iy i &~+r*tnnrrtO , ^-/v /v&t*rr. Jt/ty * — ^ /Z.^)aP*uj \Z«y*£ i*- i- — ^x/ ^ ^ 4 H — iw/*. O erri^*- ^ e'Sbt rip dCi+i,n* a,v, 9 rrrw) /^2L jte V>7 X //* * - Pfry-r**- —• e itLt-S ihP V ji/J'lP- d'f'/l/ 7 ' 4 ^//a jf-t - /^f" ~ ^/?l/ t . / ’ jt/v-nyd* oi-ciiH-t/l /tc 7r’Uj» <*/ 1820 - $6/ <*r$C foi/* -tjL<,ue,, ^ ^ . >Cu tsyd .r >^^L» //2 /• v 4£:\ tJ~— jZi&T~n^ jir^r-^4. 4 i/ Elroys * j/Zk /a «.. pUrvrx^r cfaM $&*<&* ZZl< (2g n$£* m+>-+ Lj J Va^ %£*> ^a£at± fa- jsy ~ 4,t~* s*-r^+T *1A^ H%i+ * & &A & i ftx r-tCt^i - — fa Gc^r +fa L^^r?r^ fa£ AL/. ^ ^ ^ / (A>mS+> *7?) & ft 2 . — /tW '^'y ^ / j> - *3 \4uft fciu+r..*™ 4 4/° 2, *. & (^Mm/ao - —^ ^ - fe«V*** #r£t/<-c) t* tU- /jr*\ •£ $WtW , tloc'**** du Jc.e+*yc. ~ y — ^C/TTZ'* *- y»-^ 42 ^ &/•' V&4' — ^ /Zo^e^ *£~ (Jzn; HiiRi i tint the wearar; casioo of ^co^ar W i 1 fi ift v3 (i2 ai ff L J/fbt ofa f tfakof/ t? * — yt) fhlfi ft 7 ~ r *- — +f vu-rfi fly- A 6L?. fa. ! IjIzasT* 7 7 d- A' ^' n * A * 4 fr. /pfat f eff xf/ifcL^s — fly * A J/fU S ^ if hi ( ^jCf^u/ fob.' ^ *Z. IV . vy /e^V^/ S~*. oX. lo i fpt/Tr’if - — nz —- jl ryrr< rv? ftJ- c*+£ ~ * /^Lt /i l-i *t- S ) *i- filA fo A,rfa f*-c( -*lA-'rr*jl — C e*~> +i- Ifil- fo*rL-if 'AhjIa J 'J/fjifo o/rW« fc/t/^ f£±n aAi-rvt *Asrvh 1 A.'Tyi fa . tU. /. ;d~ kHi £^._‘ *i/ f/li Lcr<\ tfjffo fa' Jlfafav ti) A. (/ f ''l*. r r <-r» if• # _ J- / l ruy?il (ft fflfeiiV , Orv/.- < (1/eAt-yf — ^ i£f}A4»! l-Vt^rxirwy f* kJsrrx^AAj ^io^fy c A*/0 $4t/nM* | , f)i*Tr4 *— f “rx^fy J /ta«£y / > / jVfa\, / .\ no-1^o>^/ "t> 04- v&faf 4. r, jb mUtA -/ /vJ- -»*■- Vrfa- fflU^ JjC (yAre(*r,*Cr t J — JjL fa/-, fa fart Interfax '■ _ ‘<^6!i kc&tilfa. 'fa /. fa /_ fafa- fa*. / fij~y 0.J-4 sno % 3rt ». . '/• ' ~i (f/x /«< d.^ ^ o p di^vKjlrvS 14*1 <>>* 1 - /}/. -fcd AiL4i dc/Ct~ , ZZv-rr**. L-^orm*/ t (r~*-r i-^-rw^-^V ^ ft^y •*& d — *y J*,, ^ ^/* *fl’pZ /h M* d ^42-*/ ^>>'» ifd*^ yd /— / ZfcZz/& — Ce *d & %dkfi (\&j&rtr ft As l/f*f f Is*-, * k*//« jSid^rt +y ■ — 4L /hi . 1 \ — 8 **dlem*'r* f &(«£*> — *r->*> /c tjZc> • i. jlZtfy <-^£s*-+s**s. (ft&rrxf T — ZZUi^l ^ hf J ' t/cuor* . ar ! Uudre i Bie Dep l ' _ io 6* In pui the Prim of las M. These upon the hte Roy, fourth &i iuto dec • Sunday ft . 'j II ^II i.-: tk 1 wear [lion, iha bi'iii BbR- tbit the wearar cision oi KenUr aroJiri I u ti«c | 1 Gb-k: al, st cal O * / ' / 8 2 tdpfa ids & / ^-4 't't tscc/duhu.*d£jL & jfa farr*^ . - ~7tdf^ Uu —^ ^ ^ u^ru/ufa *L A d.tL 4vvy j’ Cm< JTTU^ ^WV pt^dd. AvirfL c*rx*~ folA "'//) (ftf/o-njj _ Cau/zS */- fay fa~ a s5*ft£ , fatJ/AouiT'SrT' \l • — sfr>n-A. £ aU rm-tnr # tmA^ -«L^ c Jtyei/m, / J a** j i», ^ . , ^uy 4/^ — — '2xrt^-*y si odiiA. C A^L dr /&£<**«. — /^w -- W 7 - / f . V. / —— // ~~Zr~ Vivrrvrn ^ x^C/ . e y/fa. if • C^f <* xy // , J) \ . ^f^Tyvv> J )/ e *1 ry, Ca^-Cf/*.* S Jte'X~ly - ^ ('^/ayr '^r>^ JO * *' /.V ^ ^ /rMfitdt ^ OL 'ZZr v 44>a*/A^) fa 1 **./*n-i 4»+v* +*d , btd. J ^ ^ jo-e-T*J- f^4s?-ut\ ^ A ahs k^}Oj nccs »-*- $ rfu/ hn^&to4 b/m *.- /• Sc&cjS i ^Pt^tuC < — &Tn<**/t4C #• - fa. ^ faa AAC^ / ^5v „ Aw 4 * ij*r>d*£' ^ d +y *^^rpC* /4>rw sCt/l/fl* /r-rxA. dern-t 4/ W- *7»r»vi «/ ^ ^ 4^L. 2L--/? Cl typAAry // s£*Asri o£t*- t^re^y^ ^ „ _ ^ ^ y ^Ahfr^x £ . a. *~> ] , #^ry»U et+* eufcrUf •^dv 6^)( - ^1> o^V /-L^/A^/a. (T^~ — ' W* - __ -*/# - &*nr^ f ^1 t fya,t$m<*sn4 « L A t. / rv^ j^JU-CJ^CX *■ 7T» *1 Jfc, 7 /~ ^7^‘ ^ j 4 *~« £ ^ ** At:.'-* ^ - *7 , / ^ *•' ^rF w tit _*<-"*■*■-** > ^ *""7 y yll -t~ *- ^ A- r yiA/v^*~L — - ^ ' 7 _ > m-*- ^ 4/vrnj^*Ajj /' Ph/ 1 ^ ^//oi/4. ^ aO a--UstQ c£ -— *^5 tA/f/r fftLu, , ft M ft^ ^ ^/ 7 ft . - ^L — /7 7 -> *-r» oft+j f* ftft do AJ \StS?yJ~ ^ /?ft ftf(sn/)£/>n0r**~ Ck**->£ ^It/A- fadfausL lasrrt*. ft' s****- d« y A 6ft//waft) *A (/fc^ ft• ^1 ft/{++yA£z* A J <'x^ --/ft CftJL ®/utft A ftftd tftouUsri*OsiZ ftcft r-»#-«~/ <^rrk^ > ~ €< /fair' *** / dbtq M/ / *■ '^-tr^LAsy $Lr^&V jj/rKnr* ^ ^j/ C(j t 3*/j~ . X/ * ^C'O'tc cwi/fc, '{tr^nvry nrviy t^n-c - ‘ J> — |X 7tf Art* i 'T>'nnrrt * rrs ///l ~J- * - « }b e /r <». » — . * K-htSAt JA^/fa**S M* 0tA/€slJ jviA. y* n * ^ jm/to hr'fr.M*, x/ j A** t^J*t /^fefc= ^ • 7 i Ju/t */"$ y Xm* e ^<_ crff ^**>»w — * Ot^j \fa aJf. \JfantJ h«jL it/a.*jo srie/te***f J Mi***^. him* m £ yy*x4i> hLt^ -- JtrJay^ J Mly. &■* '-by ~ (t^J/asty, saJl^ - ^ «***• - ^ rw ~/ &U* Ju»A«^ C y— * y- &'>'**■''"■ /* A'«~a j MU f V ^ ~~' * ^ * ™V ' <^/ . . A ^ % 6 *f X S? f/£)- Jhr, «. r "TN rj Am/a of USVT* i /■ /yfasnjbrn y$£m<\ Z2 &) ^.jz fi*y. & & -riyzh ^/>+- • *U^* 4 <^y 7 i*W 1/ rs r i feste I this life Royal f Stralhe grief of 1 * Order* »ext, tU Duke of] m. \ TheL )’fi long law j s crape fan Bodies The G On the sl( *als and bund*,, ai Budie fl.eDep 1a; | the Prim of Uts M. These i Upon the j hte Roy; { j fourth m iuto dec jSpiday fro > Hi»R tbit the wearar cjsion c Kent* AfttllV I C$eAJ*SLi \ • —- j/ etc/ < 3 u^ . —— ^ ddju/iod {f$. x/ts?if' - 9 * 744 ) )/ idtuj) (f- ' ^d-»r« ' ^ J. JfajS f fa\ dL /&*_/ f /du^f 4 Kl&l a m*0?» xSLm/J ^Cr ir^, + <^iui- dwry £ L ^'*^ KsfclL 4 / odtrufit. . _ _ Sfc— ^ {cr/c/trvjfa * V /2 fa. ¥i%/fa //jsferr,V Vcrfa > 4 £^£ J- /O 4 - -A'*'- — Oi~ />& -£) Of e^r-y ,*-o m. r>r> . _ ^ ^ ' i > - A* / . *'*•■ * 6 l cJciA.d*f f 't£+V er**S 4 s (r y^_«/ /zaou) fat . fx» - — * dUtfa^tS t/J/c ru ry ¥fazfo faftd* CWp't mj frtfo4^+x JLuj.- fa?fasfc; % s ^S!) fa'J/M ifc&i 1 SJUt * 6 .^ 1 ..—- Q„jy ^J!ki i&y £) jUrJ/L ftl/*. G £-* 'f/rrfiusix, if j/uf%\ faif- e+M^) ^ o~ $ 0 .+ 4 ? ^ u ^ if *A~M, -~ AL ^ A UAL-y f/AusAl A^Jt' „L fL Q~r~y ±- rJuJ, ®£L- 6~~ A*t™* w / ^ 4 ^ / y^- &*y —— Jt S -*2 A 7 L. ^ SJl~f- ✓ •/ Ai 3 k #L~ y*<~- _ y^*"~ '£*&■ /IS^Asr C~A • c>- ?{. C/^civ - AuU 4 & 41 ^— (fcf^f fki/t t*Ar^ *>- yAuAr.J~.-S 1 itsSh tJfU / J JiAA»S , • < ^^ (dtcfb* *&*.*.— nJAS '•- y— ^ ^ f/,jy , 4 ^ ^ ^ _ 22 r- vfjtyi folly) ^ fafa.*. t/wv ^_ — tfaufck faA $ « V */«^>v/ ^rr ^ (a/oi J- £ fol/'S */o~a fc/c, 4 , / (^aJ/oyfoio^ fa* Cd**dt+r cl /doAn^. *- /^4*^V fa^ — 2^/ *->-* Oj+tyj A flirts \£ *1 3 % /)6>-'*v+' f/c^> fatsis* faevrt. 4 c/". ^ J*^ £ c/m^*, ^ */li£ J fou^A L &-r* 1 t/f- /V 7 'Cuw )5 '?'>'/ * «*^ Sfcfaj ^ X ^/joJtlrx. _ * y-. _ _ Mo^^u 1 , C%fa yufa- *-J. fa (folcu fa farmA-rJ^ fa r^y fay^d. fa 2 - <: / -- is JufaiU * ^ 4 ) O /n fa^fa/fa* CrjJ _ y^/? {fafa^fa _ •*■?**’- CL^J. )//lw )£.jy-f Y c^y fa. fafo fa„, - Vd ^^.^arv — ftfafaZX ^ @csfa ftl/** fa/a& *sr £-4-*) ^ c^Jlt a<»r7 M yv/ vV^>x* -^/I^LI_ c/ - £**+£& falhfaL fafa^tr ^ ^ * 4 , - jV f > L fa / fofay^*£u+^> At* ._ /^v 1 / fafafc~ tAy .. _. ^ fifaur rccJ) y??rr-*-> <& £ 1 ^-.' 6 u /_ ityrl ^ .f- % _ 41 ^ V v>^. < 4 *J id -rr~^*j , /+s 6 h me ■JuAlfi- u. ip +JtilL ^ dtcUl* .— * J(A j£*fvr * b,*AL 82 - M /a ZJfa) ^UUu. &A JA^X-rr^ + ./* ^ ^ * A y/.U ~ tty n “ /rA*y Jo SeJy^T*' Clyi^ y^ -L Asrib Sr Mu>y«#i y pJu^. xJtULu fciPUj J/vrvry *» fit tt*~. A ^ ~#to„ — %ppp ^ ^ ^ ^/„ ^ ^ ^/ V y^~c, , Ay 66 - U^rj/^ 67 AejJUr, AL-/~ Ayfi / — &fjp ~~6* *ipd* +4 6l*- Jjeuy*s*$-1 •>* y^urAiy - A>*-~ t/- ety poy' **% '-— /)m.cA*ZZ A. ■ ■ {~y'j •/ as-. C&JU —y ~*> 4^ - y/ ^ /W< JStet.S~A- ^ ^ 7 Ta 4 rJA " JM ?■•*?*•"' / jL« o^f ■ — ^ ?*6 A&y 6 ~S p™y A ft.**? yfhcvo^r r '< ^ Jt/SJ/*^ AT-~ y~» ^ (* f ■ ■* - i / *-i y . ^ _ /$y 7 - ^ >v */* p-n jfovrt-d*~*j/\„ fyy. ch ftfC+jU/^ -— /?uj/) 6 $<*• t<^*/ rf* fa/ 1 - C^Td/oM'ld c y/ . V. + 4 - /S' '— y 1 ^*^ *?■»•» fr+~n/*-J /f- er^j^dd- ~7lC £ a/a£/6 a *>: ^ ? A^-di x ^ ^*w c~A S \y y .__ -+./m//tj. $4 •f ■*" "'«•*"/ ■_ U 0 2 - *Se.jf. &-n<**>. C^U - - /^A- tv ^4 f/ aS& /£< Sls t o/Myuj djjbt /L, ; 2 <~y _ 4 k. / ^ 5 - fr}<^> 6 ,dc ., *~*t . _ ICiifcl Hul U/U '/ J * ^L/ ^ "’ y'^4 .1 £L ^ <~$e <*.<) ■eue ^zt a^y Mn U" r><,y (/ « uOLJ^ 6 t e/f*£cn*^A. +A- zfr£x»+*f rrt4 ^jti.*/*. *j £+u£*<. J aJ ef&J™* t'-S Mly sUJtsi*- */*- »~£. y<* '/xAsK « 7 /» ^ fa ^ 6 >tTn,<. *■ 0 r****j 9 *^*\?~T %J/ ^ / kA* (?it ta^y M fajj _ X X. G„~~f X Mr. //X*a> 6Uf- Mu~y <2*2 2„X x _ yAThV/y^ jXX w *>."%* <*"~r • — c xr \ 'l /?. X — s/x .Y„ YX~ £*j «*- ^ v aJrt/^ j? Xf ^- - faVX« 6 <~ */,. t*. y^y Xm* ■ — , y^.- yXX • — /Xu. i. a X-nA A /$z«Vec XXs ~ a~JL ^ 4 i?U< i-Xek,. // / 4*7 , 'fyxA n ^f^-j / Oe.'ty >1 // ,/0 fro t le r festef this life Beyal f | Stratjbe |*ief of Oi i : 4 a SJ # The t long law crape fan f ( Undi e< f I The GJ I on the sli j|K 'lats and ! j hind*, ai ; Undie Pie Dep ing f fl In pui the Prim of his M. These i J Upon the 1 | late Roy; ’ / ij fourth s< i) iuto dec 1 Sunday ' m • I It is 1 J^Wear any Jjp, ihajl pn'iri 1 , 1V I BisR tbit the wearar casion c KenUr WBlV; I ft . 0 ■ — iJft */- J /&/ y/^, c a^s attS fa? ff /bi\ Jt/^C^M 'lierr-y ' 7 a • _ , •> -/7 7 .. :. ^ J) ^ 3j, <*$' S Z • — r,^/ ^ 1 / ^ £>itx4&. +d ^ C%£»l<. *t S2- ~~ $Jl'+ -^.fcT^ 4 __ ' ~ ^ ^ *V. - > A A/ ^ 4 /- &j\f. */ a? ■ ft jl h' ”/ &tsirn O'A^h, _ _ .../ / 7- / j _ O^.. ^ t^7rV* v7 / /V r *1 ui 1820 C >7 Tl Tv> , €->-\ ^ Zl±> — ttditl S A l it o/nmJ/ /^v^o — a Ai/ tJ fattM ^ t/L rrvJy At< t£» c^y 44 n U' ■ — < +h _ 9ZxaJ*^ . — Drf^t) to » -tirt^Z* srw-x_jL» i^An ryn/ ^ fsy - '7’c Jr */ eA/t-r M >f*y~ — l* 4 ^i ~. ^ . ♦_ /Z/fxV #»* /}it/??st*T-±SyS _ /ty** r* r~*x^ iZ, Sirzrft (?1*A fb - - t- t\/tt> ( ct ^ '£) {**~CrKJtsn-**i iZ^L<.is /X ittrx/TrtJ t' / *ArTtyi* "*~ £ fat- », e^ ^ aft. r/» ^ rtr •>?-• - z . / '■ y A J 7 . 'X-t, ^ • « / ^/t/ 'SrAr AO */i f«4K. ,, •% l . Jjtjt/lls £ 4 , f 4t- *-s\ j rT 2^ _^ R K Jty JL* £l’4L f sSt /l *U'•1^.1 *■ (, Uk fi.-w*S So / / / * items'- /• °y*'A f*r t~At*Zc^s irdfSU 't rru&rn. - 7 rjv 77>^ rr*-> - f A4/^- Jftt' 1 '*///X'rr^yi t ^ J / flhvn/fA-, Oim* hL. , ff'&Stt . /, 1/ ( *~-/-Aa*r\sr Ol -^l X Af^rn/L r* ■ „ CUr^^\ fcztr £I.(l^ /,J *JUJt r /j„, Jt, 0"m*+ry ( d- ^4«<- *^w»4) * *i/^rr^j*S m.*. <. C^Jbo / ' / '>-> ** /dept ' )/ e ^StS %/ /"/c •‘Ua &//UU SvO$. <**■ — tfWi/ei** /u>-vtl*. /-?£> 'Oiu^ ; , /7 v /'Ora /ft'y^**^ at*™*, - !/2 fi pix *£<>^ , V£***.+ . */ C/Jauji /ry+y* ft 'otOns. & ft/t/n.+ b ^ Ja&c^ty . -, <2 ti r Z»/t^/ f/ucrcj, jkjctisnf *1 /^*&ot-4,r, /£+* Cbu ✓ /%' : /'?a/£t^, VX U)L - -£o«-V c^6£f C&Jtc /+ / / • »' AhA/* yr /Kp, * V ' •yxy/n/^. f {tr> ^"7> - v^-*. [//jL SiJu(*rd '^ L — ^ -^ Ob+cCi Yin* \&20 ^ k*.._ i 4£ a^^y^u^ry -- '/%- Utemyf - «/£. «,^ ^/K A^ - ~*L~ y^ r^ >5^ t&O *Iz^ . _ ^C ^JU^tv «^*-V <-r» 0ct'yt4 — /hA yit^nv^ «/ y . /^r A^ ^ '»^ # ^ ,£4 /uALr^ y^r», Jfrvrf - - - — **- * -- A y^fev A+xL — /y/}V^ [A^J- x ^ $triJ X —- >* _ U CXJ~ {//tx^Ay *** > rrxx^r^ - /?/■ ~"7 fL,.^ — VV- 6 X,.y>/,. *kk _ w7 ^ W- - V i/rrn^y / f A //* ) <^»-f AK ~ /z* *y flc/urnh /y*m (Xvrif • -- 'ZSa X *+t /ft/ 1 '* \/e* /««/r-».. eAtXi rr~ x-t*j-^^ +**/. / ^ At^ jcA oTc-ffy Ac y/fjLd/t a *jy £ *> /ry/a s/tf*. eti^y A (tdArt+yd* /» t*~ fyau&TTT(//i, is/ff y 0_ /h+*r^4 tf a^xSAA (i a Xv 6 y^) . j>yy^ A/ ^4 A /JcrnAxA, S' y*r-tS ~— criz /TaZ/^ Ax /iZ.d/y. /> p /Av ts>-*^yQ * / * ^ W / 4_^* V* C^tSKI-lf 4~* '^*~* 14. ^ 4 . oSmAjXhv* X < / ?y X. k lest r. ; Jhi3 life ' Royal Stralhe grief ol C« Oftler- «e*L tl Ouke o' viz. The L hmg law crape fan Undie< The G On the s! vats and bunds, ai Uudre Che Dep i iogf * „ In pui At* Priii f of his M These i Upon the | late Rov * fourth s< | iutO der j Maj His B tint the ■wear a r cision c KtnV*. &m w I 390 o Jl rr-r-k,<.Tiy — / /T^/ / 4- ^ W! r; T r S ^ / £&■ ^ ~ . - dy J>, uft i~> t- fr * ' /£t x//* ?> /t'n S, A A *fy., ■cu t ?>-/ *: d* f/i fyl/eu. c.? X fa 4 '- <. Sr* <9-r-k*> /Itfcrh fa!fah v ■&'*■< v ~jJ ‘ +j . /Da - ctTn -^f — $(Jl *4 cT — C j/'uu« (Zi\ flf/tcvrniry J ■ ' -\ 1^/ _ ^mrrwl ±~/UXy A c/)uri/ my f* L-/f** /c^J / ^ /brd*^*Jrri x< —- | Z£ ou >Z*~/ tyfrruf Ai *&/£ , 'iy ^ hi^ 1 l t/fbindn. — f/?rn,j * asy-MJ-^y L^<^. Z £ /^i^aJL z/l^tx^yu' . ■■»■ ~Z ffzJ&LJ &*y+l , t&vi. a . *-rt.y £*./ (6y u - a so y jt-irr £j . — jfn. /^\ ,/, /- 7 :.^ /^ X ffituil A^r ^ dtXSfc ior^i st *7 A ?/0 | — - !■ 'tfioA*. fa/ 1 .' tfc**. y. p/ , _ / - - -*.iAd-/ £j *(*-<£ sTud- yi^ +A. s** •— pAtJfcv ht j£ Xj^jcjyA'Atr'bt.J f i(/^.4S*^yf ^/^^vk. _ jf'TTru*.. <|/ ^£A. t/~ £&i.-esi. 4 £* ^ ^ -AntV ^**~^ 4 -* /> ' $i+> *-hnh,*%. aU. S^fiy • — — (^ '£‘ *y 7 ^“'-><^r z^' vi^jhut ~ft*i. ^ f'/fc-yzL ._ ^ ‘*'7' /Z. “' ^ /< *' r &f-%*st~ si ^IAsIA. • - / ^ (2auJ- ^iCy ^oL. ^ ^I/m/ yW ^ /fr^™ / *^&-v 'A/ ^ ^/ha/ j//h J' */ty,L teen*- . •«.!.! ^ «/• *£r-- - C “^ -/fcl.. — / ^ S+kT V drvvt, 1o <&1&or9r»J~ we«s f a~^\ ^ ^ £ /£j Y *f { (V/ruA 6 f ^Cyr- _ <* 2 ^ yt ^J^h if <4J< a. — a fCrnyf ML ^ ^L- daJfen^ 4 ^ /. fj. . -_ Arjfc, /^rvi/ ^ 1*rj oL tfoTfS+r/^ f /»k /tZmLk Jc/ Iaj osr etj d&U-flj £ v?Cp«> ^C (/UtA. • / »r?v 4/ vt/Vy -C>-y£* m*. y*— 2^ - /O . J^tdeJii/j *J tyor£ fJf/ " ^ ?£ *un. /*+*+ *,, *#<*srJ- At (+^/- / fy/ r * $«s7it y* elust^y fit iiayr o^ &> stoc -»i /a y^pUh- *?€+* y> A-tfM.tsu >4 ^»» . .y '» 7 f&riu a-Ly . — ‘AiCfr*r ■^''A-«/ / fA >/ ^ * /^ s2j/a-l 2^~ ./C / *** AitfL; /$ ry-r*»-> , fc V*-* /h /X * * yWvt /yifrrta-h* y~— ^ M-fY^ 7^V^c-^ ^ ^ y aj /h eo-mvi, ^ th&rvLc^ Yc. (rfcm* ~ ^ this life Raya! Stratjbe h ig* icf of I :■ DU k€ Of viz. The L long law crape fan J Uodif'J 1 The G| On the si 1 j | vals and f Lund*, a* 1 Pie Dep llT _» I 4,: the Prim of his M These t / ^ upon the 4 W Roy fourth m iuto dec Suod;y i I "It 15 TV ,'t Mar aoCjfl r non, tha tjj I ftpfoi in j U Bis R ( tbit the j wear ar casion c Kent*. *nm« I Jgji •y M ^ i 2* r rw-r*-ts*-Lj +4- fit/* s _ (Xd*<. i^ . s/crr*^ ^ ^ /xl ** c -r ^ ^ <*■>»/ ^ / XLy/yL,. _ 4Cro ^ ^ *4- *Clf//aA// - X 4 /by / - 'Z/ttv ‘V< ££y*t+y£i Vvj *S(rm-~ p/erKtb , *. - fl< +Ltrrf —‘ V" Y . ' s 't Cr »-i | / ' / 7 ,», Asny *+y£+> /W tfiCtAu,)*/ — "y?^ +^) -* J-* Z, * n, O v o> ^ /.2f) 7’ ./ v — x — 7 - — -/ , Prin. " j f of his i These Upon the hte Roy j fourth s< | iuto de* It is m * wear ao> ( sion . i'naj fttfifo: n His R f , tbit the wear ar cisioD r Kentir &ntu V it t' X VIir jfejtti* 5L,'Je/r yjfcs ^LcJ^eU ^ ^4^; f 4 / > tSTT^LM.^. ^d. y/L_ ' £\ J^v/ *~->d £>*-*i+y 4 , W. y ^ ef *-^/cUo t-/ v/ C$&n/rrn^/ fiUaj£. c^< Cart a/ 4$ /l/^5t-*4- ***/ j c 'yaJJi y f* r { i vJeU.U.^ir* ^*7 ‘ “ 444 f/tf 44y4~ .■*( It f A».\ » dfUe, J yy f 7 A-€^>-^~'7y r > rfcCCyh*\~ fhe^C $L±ryrxSfy*. /V»Ult/v wCfyl •4 ^ ✓<-< 7. 4, ^4,44' 4". 4»v 47^44, ^ #£a$- ^ ^74.^ ^ Jl f'> (jftjiin ' /A- __/Id! 1 %zcr /a. _ di j iy^ _ Vjf Zlvtsnu* 0^ — /*JilS ry, tftmryv j/~ i>sy yy frf/S^rd — W, ^ 2 aj «&/'£ A/y,yy y y ^Tr» rrr^w^ \ 4j ts n 4 /. /^V tfn^rry ^ ^r -urdtJ^J ^L^h/fA/L; C&.Saa\ Cu «. — *- 14 .* i /!* J /* *y~ d/-££ d%-e^jt> ^7i A X, iJct-OO &/J. A *~m.X* . --- ) #•>, • —— (jCt^c ^i/frruy % - : /( tf- /f fr-Oty ‘— • y 1 ‘t/ /'Aaj yb-hnly^ .An#/ 7bf /&Xt/U*>niJ , ^ 0 OTTlt Tl^ , dcs (A<*'>i'6s #£' / -- ^ ^ U ^y^CCKT-1 / $ < .., *' / L* A £t-fa.C 'frir**, ^&x-tsri''(- flt/ziy 'f* Q6 'fe jtf0-r~r~i■<. Ctrl* rr,m,*y &4- (‘'/\jt/r* k ^ oyfttftfit, *$&r7T.** • —-^ v y *y ^ y l2y ffrutiirf-i. . " V - / A zi If* et, m~y f*G'rTx-'me/nv tnrcr fz t'T-t O^T^-^AJ / ^ V • / f cf ^ V -^>TK f >iz ^7^^/W/ f6 . q- x< t ^ ^ v ^ > - — yl6-&t^ V ^ fa/* faci/tui. f k u falser CLi&^o ^2) — r^X „, fa ''la+afju S ^ farft- SC Sj&; XL- dnjfaj a ifayj <** OyC , SC Z{. r^JL n ^rjflL -**“* oU x/reaxyc. - duffci£, ttcy C *-,, i— Yl. A J t fa/ 1 'tr*Uu^ - C £& Corf’, i^(v sdtjk,*. 4<_rik *j ytr ti (. c^Y [ ?t oU-J Sttjl — trrr I f ,,.A <^~ ^ Vz^ - j/ 1 */ j/u2iXZ\ 'tP* ~ ^ f^C^T /fa/i durj^ %!l**Ci ■° - v i*.' 0 «L. m/AL tv-. 'Z? Mt /< y 0, -jl 5 wm* r /*~f+- /aj onc \/~ hfya/ffLvrt]' «u ^ • 6 ro-r^r^uf ^ \2^ri^y tt (fln1 o ,— 2o Ajf. J~, * /W> ’ £ * — Phoney S& f 4 /i fr/S ^ °- £ Jw&ntrrv «/ j~- 4L - A* r- * ^ i/t^t 4 t*jd4e2i St fitorJ- C%/a£jzj — t&cfa y. J t +/£j t>~ rns±. ^^>t*ji_ , - r, w, y£ ^A^x£yL icn~ 2 <*-rrr'*y/^ '^J ’M!a \4cyy, . _ Ma, Arm- *Z- yt 4 • f fob ' itfocf OyiJni/y) C*i^« ,y ’ ifop+tt Ji / far a/j^/.- - id Xa> "\JfA. • - *- fol^(/ , fo/zA? /ZAi^tt, '9~foncu (d. y[j J»r> yJa^A - fo^Lty *j$£ fo?/^ */lo fo^La, ‘ ‘ ^ 1 ' A, ^ 1 / 2jlV< ^ a/ ft er/ofoAu^/ . - ^ ^ du>TAJ St+A. ^ • 0~ec*ts-r>j - —■— ' ntsi* A*.s ot-*.rx. sSfrm^ Cmj Lvraty aJ$- Arid ML A '-ni Z -a <✓ A M. Mi c/tuy aV xSm. — jZ* 0%JiM 2f- a ^ jL Or, JL y— r / . *• v/f-ivnj-. ~y y-frm*,.. — . ’hy-tri, /i faA/ /fa £+** n ' 4 '/ ^ ^ "ii y x ^rwcntt4 a /- A *23 V: $X,/o*/t4. . - _/^ $ 22 . 'V^y* *>»-» «/ O^c ^y ^^ . ^ ikn^ $ofa* ^ 2,-iL- fa^ou/ H- - /h ^y fa ^ e ~‘ c *£&■ »■. „. 2 ^. _ ^ ^ ,,,2) _ fa/fa^ r.*Uj 4 , <• %*svu y ofo ra e ^ fafc r-dl* +*» fa/^* // ^ ^CU-i^cte,^ $b±fa [_ _ -t^As <-/ ^ <^/^o ./«*. /£o «/$£, r/Zt$4j^r?v^ /& fa/t'fis* £*,, fa&rw^t. • - '/2*fc\ fa rfV*/^ £ <7>tzv^' y -V/^ct>i^if^ ^ffto /drr*' *su *4^) tdt ► /cfajtt* i ~Jt y J: faf- Yfa 1 ^ JLia r?> fa o J-blt 4- 2S J’huj . 3 3 5 * , cfoAjfx f fhFSTraA^ (c^ . C X j o~tn> /<*> My dcot^jtu < ft tfyfs **-■ ~ J& - J 4^ ff hJ y£ My ^j, ^4. «y 11/rrl. — i ~XA ft / CtJ*. J<,yy/iy,. f yCuvff fhf~- Vtn/yt . _ bM J- Wtir*. £ *6.y4^ _ j: lAy>*y /c - /ft (?->xjJZ&r~ ' , */rm~ ^C 2 _. A^J 0 . c^L^A, to /h’. /h<,nt/tt-4/ f^4y- (to-^jf- tt — z /&*> &r fourth s< | into de* ! i i l *" I i) BisB th« the j Witar \ cision - KenUt f Arrow; *3 Cjo tied- * — Jn±4M )/ /£ />, *f (■■%/* U^JU ^ vffl* t/l*. . -J /U£ZJ^) /- ~ C) Jk • fa ?^ — tj/owt / 4 ryn'rm-'.y — *frj** A, ky i\ , t , *s4u>n> vt-* fclL y- Isi-ry ^’ ri M e*c/t\ 6?v A jbsvy-rjTyfez) /— ^6oC. e*^L, ) /Lu h 0rr~+ Jy Am T4V f (tv«lib da sr>-i-Aj ts*» ^trmAy So 3^Cd. dctfery __ A f/ & 'uttL , _ y *»A Sd y/Ju 1 4 tt& Jrtjj'-r , L “ ' • ■ -"S. yy-r-r** tf'* ^' u ^kjerrutj ±'/ r )' 'UAsnf+nti C *Su)l r» (fouAd - « / si ks Hu yCutrrrxj^y^ - v j/t*jj • ' ^ / , / (yia-tC. a>^) fau// fay ^ 4 i ^ Ll tty col**. +J- f */* ^ ^ *>~t-o£jL c-*l ■ u/kfcydj £ %*J- ~ J. /o i. _ fyHl Shandy i'L — dan-r^ _ - rftnuf'- r „ ^ . ; *4 v. P i Q f , v/ hrrr-M*^ - /'d. * j4c// ^ mr, Sl/V. ^ t* drrrrn** // /£<^ fcML* / _ %/' 4^ ^v/ - X . _^ ^._ "2? TlV <^co u^L/' _ fl/t,* *,, « ^ t'L'Oi c^s-y-i *-m.y-4 (- A OsW * tU> ji fa 'iVcutu~r £ X. ^ . _ J> -• ^ /U/L>U P a *^ ) cs/e-Li. ^ — folAJ’ /' <^.4-rnx/^ ?td'flAAJ . ^^>m/ JU S) pSrft OfS* 3? e ^ ( i^)f _ ,4Aw~. <4^ v/ 7 a< tf- rrjV^A — d/ . fc'f^o.V - A>^) / 7 ^ rroi ■ H this lift' Royal f ' Strallbe Brief of Order weit, til Duke of 1 m. The L \ long law j crape fan UndiP‘1 The On the si %at» andl hind*, Uodre 4 f^eDej. [ , ing f In pui the Priii of Lis M These Upon the | , hte Roy U fourth b« II iuto dec Sunday R«R, tbit the 'wearar ] cision c j Kcn\at trmiwi ^0$ dasn*. *~fan-rtsnrfj ^/ltt-c-* * JhA* */ujL£snJ. — l^fab « Sr- fair' 1 '? fam -ru(* i^. fauA xf. fa-jp- — „ /4< ‘'it/fas, ~' k fa _ fa Jo JJ. d-wert. farffc. A CL. ^ / flhcLci^ Uuoj C4*,nJZoi. ■ ^cr,r^ . jf jefajfc Jo-' y^~ * ^ fa _ i *s fa. *■ A'ryfacfa-r-' ^h> 1 * . S~J ✓ y£r jiteu?V / &1~isfs£ - r /1a J ♦/ fh/*' Jolla, n*u^, ■' d>i jLs^s- - vit/. /vJoM a-*~~ ttffiShr fh r oC- ^ ^ ~ JL $■ v4«-m, . — /2^Ji «, yf»aU <»->t~ v_ fejs- -^3r. (Sr-KT* ^l(V_ nV T 6^. 2m lesttf this lift Royal ft Straifae grief o! W O' Order ill Duke of viz. x * The L tong ia’w crape fan] Undr The On the si \ Vais and Lunds, a«! Uudre tl.e De, > .•“«< In pus tbe Prin f of hut M II These | / Upon the| hte Roy > J j fourth * i ) into de/ l • -Saiid;* < I Ji K f.i j |t !' II' ||*rear a lliion.. lb.: ijiufifomi RisB tbittbe vettar cision c KenUi i . I I ■ nr J «ir 4oo fc , tf^L *-rr~fc?^£s y Ayb 4 ^ *^» «-h/ 9a/&vu ( *JL^4 t* “■ 4>c4 jSr^. 4~J 4 S t ■MyL* 44L jC, t .A vt/ " r v, I the Prin. of las M These i Upon the | hte Rov I fourth s« *1 iuto detc'l ■Hilda v is 5n *| (drear • , th-3.1 »rm;" RisR, tint the wear ar ] casioo c / t Ken\*. f. j ‘ i ■ M R PL i*- tV*sUy 4. ^ ffy^rv/rtj % % .£**•*' - $***£}' */- s~2 _ C-A^ ^ *ALLZm ~~~ «"*y — * lu »/ 4. J^Lt/, _ ^ Z; £ (fans ^ //. _ qs&o nyfdt^i /frdtc « ^ ^ 'dzfafr -^4 ^ ^ ^La._ ^ /^. «.ZV£/Z^, y^tv, *fj c^J. Z \/ c M / 7 V* - ( ^>w/— &y({y,y^ r y^ v t Ch* otc A* %Y (2nt*ry - dji * Zfc. ^ ^ Jaxulufu^ ■ — h" CJ e / r y.4 */„ c^JT) _ jg^_ ' ‘ ‘ * / —* v ~^ ^ ^ ^Sf Z/ V. *~y * tfo ^ V. // /VA^ ^^TTU. / <54^. 4r-^r> U. ✓ / / Jh.^ ^ «/ //. y u A-*JU._ {ik ait cL~t, „£x _ f ~ jjL._ a^; A r ^ A V Tests' f •his hf{ ! Royal long law r'jj crape fauttfi] Vndre \ The Gj On the *als andf* and*, an. Uudte I tl.e tk f | I the Prin of his M These ! Upon the | "u I^Rov | toui th j iuto dec t, »i*y < 404 t_ /(/* . y fit fj/c/oKj/l y'l*. -r, f/ fa^yi ‘ <2-rr^J*\ *1^1 V* A <*/ Sr/*. t/oiA _ j/ t w £ «tu y^\ cU*e */ ^ «■< *y a. fll* n Sa^>' - Vo*.y a^yx/^rv^vSy Ofawtrny r ji/fa uf aA * do’ • /4 : 4 A. /r^r^K. fay So ’ / ?> ^ fa‘ a/+*4r^ *^VK^ / JL Ui +™A- fas 1 ? fasdtAyr ? jfafa^l (St+rm, - yfaia^ vV>*/ £ fa/ 1 ? /^XrAvnt*. oj- -/^y>Jl ^ io jfat-ufal tk/t /tofe^ /uJ • \JeJl-h nI-/r<_ ft«ry ‘f^Su • - ' ^ ^ $7^ , fas. x/. tyro/*.- ott^j A fas. ^^/oiAiAni y GMyl,- *-S •4 0 ^, Jfa W L- *f ■ — <^>T^ flh/ 1 ^ fa S^/TtA<4jL • - ^ z^/4 '/hsLAs — '4^-rv-w ^ oh^-VTU4s^ . . •fycAs? i4 ^ t C£.~ - 0 ^*rtrv, <2\ SsJiAA f \ r fc ^ayj-u/ — C.+MA r*y ?h/ ) ‘ jZctvtixx 7 s J ?n-LA/f, *Ja>t*UML J 4 u*J,^ ■ — di - /£ /* fflunuf ■£ • _ /Z/t*.^ %Jw(iaUaUU ^ Ty-drj^/ & yCv/i^-t^ \Z Sz ^ ZtjA^ (Zasraitsn*/ir — ^ fyft ZZvf+'hs)r*S tZ 'zJ^ZZ^\ A* AtA jZ'j.y rf* ^JliX> Zm Z&4.- ^ A ^ **Zs i^jZZZtS ^^lA^Zt-y *f° (X'f St Zm^js. 'd- //Z+C&y sCo o>~S 7 £ 6 JhvciJtA, -7~l -6^^7T-1^7 tVc, 4/y Sv*i ttiAtfv * (X»*£z sZy^ *mZ/ZZrr^ t Z* Za/ *&fnr%s , ^ eZZ?v jL <*»*» Zi/t£ c e/uecAAsiJ t',' fa^/7 ft ,^f ■ ycn^ij ^ %/Vtll . __ .7» ^COCot/ AuUli/ - _ 4/y/^ aj~ ^Zrrze C^i-CA. V *• ^Orntrrf»‘ — Vrr-rx* / fty At/ 7 - £/&*UlC fty $. - 7 7 * ; /£ ^/ 7 / P>JtVr V Va~n+ V*. 7 xfM* . J __ ^)/1 1 9\ t fr-tcuv Jvt* ry ./* — 7/ fr 7(m iy^ c. ^ y ^ * J/e r, ' ft t y ^ (f tortf* n*-*-' S~ /tV 4 v / fe/wtr«y 7 y '>~Cri.t ty $* C~ At-/t. &->-< /< '*' • * — ;C^ /7. _ / \no ii ' u — /a - Cfr. ’. jer fiu/jt ^fj[ 4*J*0t* rr»vx . *+* /h.'A &■ Co^-yJ. aL ^- ^ ^ A <*+y • — dj'l je'^Ln* <*x ^ sy ■Co-l 4 /ft ^ xj rt f*-A.*S 7* 44uJ , 4y r, 4- fS*j JtZj gf f*£.njr t sb *? rt-utftisrt* • — ft c J. *J+y ffc/tsj ^~rff{//i A f/tJ+foi &2*/i — A^«f ft)rzz^X 7 L_ • V (fl-Urtt- &±/t*£uAj‘ *J ft~7 i£t i*. 4ft ^1%/tft^/ ^ ^/ ftft'Hu*, % Z ttf ft 4 ftorft^ iCbb/ Li xCJt _ r / - /f <*^ j n^j, ^ 1*5 7 / / ‘‘AMr.S. _ <7 ^ £ 7 -4* ^ //. & Jt jz/ aL %.S&iAAlp. b ,/ u »»% ^gtAASb rr~ ef kbLIh. __ .'^B r 7 o _^af. /r fa" %*fa - £^- , kJrryyA. fl r. < -»-. <. *^ 4 ^. . — r+~*~t o-^vc^ J^syx*- tU y ' ~~ c^fed, -4~*~ sLjb - fa Xfcz.o/^, _ •sGU-u PL. Cfa&. y r> < /2— ^ t OL X 7U ^ ** .f / A / CcrdJi wyi 4 /i » c<, /5>r «& v/.,^. _7 / v /C 4L«*.IV J<. •cV. — *y ^ ^ C n.f > ^ A y / y / ^ " - - A A vVc4 A C* iP‘A/. 1 / v'^„. _ •>rrc*/ ^ /li/si^ T 4 r d {t t V *^ 4 : /id u /?. »\ -— /X Ptf'tTTV^ / <^X) A*’ xAbb I , srlH Testfi '} this lift Royal Straihe grief of IT . c*' V m Order tiext. til Duke of VI Z. Zm TheL ; r , long lav? j'ji crape fantJ Undre I The Gj On the si i j i | vats andf;I hinds, aj! !; j Uudre \ Def ■■ fi L i»S< I I In PU; K In puj the Prin of Im M These I j Upon the | i ; hie Roy * ^l| fourth s< i iuio de* | Hnbdjy II . r- t Wear anr.J lion, \.hfiB pfifortii lj - His R ( tbit the , \ if wearar ■( j ctsion of J 5 T 0 Brill 4 /i. i & /hiJa fyl/ 1 ?’M f /h*^ — /h£ -*/ trrv ^ h . 0 . // w - t ^ L^naraS*-^ ^ / * v ^ yt ^ jjt.rrr^L.^ tX* ^ (2 t oL ** / rf}' ■ U (/Us+i* J» /^L ji'h- *f d * L'/pUtC r w r ■/ ~0C./u.j)* 't^rrtS & 0 cSo-*£l — a/axo Jhfi [A’ — /Uifo i'a/t/rxyls* — \Jyi A ^ ^ J 7 eSt - - / GJ CD ' i$ J a'/ CA triy *-*-• CaJ c-rv It*- filrry- .—. ^ {/tyj- y/l?->L+, ‘ - /TOVO ^ sjbril .— /{a-lJ/- ^ ^2 / lltcAc-l OC& *4- m ~Ae yiAts>-, - //'TW dt^cU ^ ^ fartitAcU, y j4j^h^nrrcf Cy fU+Jy fri4J • — t —. kA*f- . X *t CV'*nJ /t A ^ U^f U-lV^W t S' /_ -/« y^- y {Sue -- m /fXJLy <-+^Cl^»L /?i .... 7 | 4 ^ £, ytl’t+jl fcr "y*i>0 ^Ue.y& - T&nrf; 2f tr^oL&r^*\ w_ ^ JhC^ ■ //<, Oodrel The d On the s! i| vats and*' Lund*., ai I Undid * i ; IV . ‘"K ' if If In pur I the Prin of his M r I These W 4 Upon the) | j h(e Roy j t ' ki th J iuto det | i ( ri I; III . . f III r ’ Bfrf a Jlion, ta Ifonn BiiRi tint the j \ ■wear a: i j J casion c j / Kents* I J “"w* -M M isftriftfft <-< m /lc4ornS - *r Vf-&u.L cL _ ^ 0< 4>t*y (/ Jcfi. —— ‘ y/_ , e«j£) A~/ k/ 1 fa- Msfirtv Jt+J'- - */A*u>y ^ ry t A/ 1 - fyX4srtJ /h/‘ Z^. — * t^jfe'rrds 22 . t-Sf-m-A. //J tx * e< ^ A ~ SCslh J c ^-'^v *71 ^ L--*^4. ,4*Z ./_«. ■10 ■- & 'A*. /^Z. t $/>*Uxva. #*$£ jt^ y /o^xet- +nM /Zj4 /#. 0. fa&U (L • ■! < f**~ rri'ii ( i r 6 ~ ,r— I _ ' ^ , 4/4 / ^yo, <*/ r^W/t/fc >i S &, ^ W- - t d-vtjfy' y Am* ■ t ^La >*^l.n- U*'t.&fJc~e^ m -tr-fck- A. tfc s r, / fy't <*y • / /' */^*-iAJ4-'l>S 4 »■, ftlf~ /xsc,-k<-ry “ / - * - A/* _ /AAA\ js£& Atr/- 9hrrn*ty /* / / / V J& frt >rvc - y^Ti/ ^hff-y ft* /4 ^/W/i^ti4v^C ft^tyH/Tv/ oJL /?ftftA^*i/>i <.<**, * Bf Yesitf this liff' Royal Straihe jgricf of C | v j Order «eit, i\i Oukeo ! viz.:— Y TheL long law crape fa fit* Undrel The d On the shj J.U .ndflt i i Uodre j i ® ,e De .>- 1 f, M& 1 : > I Ae Prin i | 1 of iiis M l These 1/ ' Upon ih late F fourth : iuto de' , •Suud.v _pt it v t ■■fear iol lliion, v lnfoi EisK | tbit the | ■wearar casion c / Keni,«r ; ArttU V* ; I ^— £» <►,. >4*1 1 ' ' ■._ , 4 . / '•** u < 1 / /• ^ jW fti 'A* - X?!,; fc* c^tc^)l ddt^> ^ faASJhr+tu. ._ _ ^ tonrff: C^tsnAdr^, --S— Jtrfi/fahsrt-f O 5^-) <- <v«^ 4*rl$ i/rtn, /o j. rc/J' cz^.ji tZL^ _ k/jy^tk < >i- V jCvik^ i . "7^ ZeCi ~ rtx~ c Zr^ La * %*■*/ 4~Z Jt £ t^ry - . Ibis Sjfs : „ Royal Straihe ■} “grief of. 1 ,'' cm Ordej; >' next, Duke < viz. :— The L long law crape fan] Undie The On the si lats and! •hinds, ai l Uudie 4- ; *>'* De, t "*y If the Prin • of his M • These 1 / Upon the) ; lateRoy 1 fourth s« I iuto de* • khwiLj ( , ■rliis n BisR/ tbit the j wearar i cision c j 1 1 Kent tin cy 1820 P ( 4/8 dirfiMn «Xt / / 3 ' K. 'fcda&nouJ 4 v: . C y ^ / ■ V K /h^IucAJj ^ JSe/rrt 4-4 4 i " A*sr*rfu jS crrtM ^ j- 92 ■d* /S^ & £jk j trt'.- t-r.l ^lA-wy/il d- (&rvj ^ *y< Tl* jU£u&~ U- ^ • jJJ -' — 7 / • fyst^Ju jf t ' n ~ — fT^-^tjcS /Amt*, 2, a Ml- /e I] - J u J'jf&LM $i*cr - *£»■*£. ^ ^ */. ' 1 / ^ 7 <£0 y '^**-» t-~2i^\ -jfc *rftfcjL.r*o A/i.. -£fak~ X. £ -fr fae^>- Jf _ Z^/f ^ ^~u22^ - XX X^ ?4<.ln fl X -- ' >'^* iv t'z-*/ *rh- /2 2 C >~rv <- r>y -~ .&,* *~t A, • ,X -4 , X ^ ^ S™.Uy y^L*C~ _ ^yJzrA, , *» y^sl-o £ JtftA Vui . &>■><* f /i/w/ ***? ^ ^ .y t~J //t~>-*% A «_ u »Ot<^ j*/i> ' y (jft/% f C ^ X -X/ ll "^// /Jt ^*^7 tAtsi-A — /£- -yrr*+^\ Xip Yestcl K'* Stratfae grief o! ■■ O' ( long la^v crape fatiM tJndre The On the 3] 1 *al» and*' •Lfcnds. - Uudit * | P‘e Dej i»M ' f In pui tin Priii j of his M r These \j ' upon thej jj | Wc Roy^ri | fourth J iuto dec it ■ Suud. ; ! hn > i mf 0 i’i;l F H«R( tbit the, ' ■weirars , cision c { KcnUr AfituV 1 420 a& (2e/dt/V IAA>J . \ A^I ^ J Vtf •<■ 0 ^arfoAnt UkUas -- f/L £k&4, ^ 4 , ^ ^ -4 ^ f * ^ dJL J i, ^1/ ^ if- , -«/ W+J * Mz i/f /£» (vr-i'Aisr-L+.yfry' — / / / y ^ /Ju4 4X>a^S 6t*- fc*v j Jfaf S A*, VS Z^,J e 4 ' ^ sStsL -i~<^ 2tf nu. / k >>,>#4 Si-r*^o^*44i£ /u*L^ M^o c 4-^ i / *4 *ta.+ A< *./io>w —. i/ 4o *.v *J-f? r>< ,a/« I''’ \826 1/htJ So ^ rr (Kriy ^0^ 4^4 C^^Jy ■ - - y^ y us/*y*d ( 3 ^’ - * / £*^^ & d**ty J ® ' ,y fcA: fh^y* ' A sh^jL %Z &&rv>^v£ 2*7*^: fh* u. f). A- m 4 s*y lat (ScJt/rTi £J o 'fa-frynasn e^tj hern+y ^7?7 ~~ a ^*' ^~^'/ 2!m<. ^f'£s ^ < 5 ^ ' ^ Auc oL *5ty 4 - c4r^/J -4,' A^Ar^A jz />■ So /£<4-irx~^ ^ 4z 0 Z> / -Ao-C ^aL«/ ^ $£*. ( flOsrrJoA^is yC-*^j rtj, / At) A^~~ •?>i 4 . ovA*' A, _ __ / frt< V a 4** .*f/jffi r ~ ^ ^/c - -/d^^^ *4 /(J+iS/ O/^C/LC/lyf f -^Cc^, ) Sy jf fyt44ts„+4ix. /f ' / ■ __ *Wm it C^asmdt*. ^ oO^im^u ^ $t//rr^vr*/4y ( ^AJ t-1 -i- ''7*7 U <* r -r*v/Li. e.<*^r %•«- *f ft A a^ tf/a** erf //i / / A/ ft ‘ ' S / f/.. jPCi/^HL’ rf *f rfmnvr. Oi PU X dl, ~ <&. ^ it Jo-K-44 e/^, -/ #. ¥£Ut4.+Jr rfy t "‘'~- /'he J A <,< - 4 - AyJ yC~. ^ #*<•/ 4m*/ -f ft p*~&~ f^ 2 ^uJte^/ - y '^vronj cJL*~* / */- ^ vlxrf ftdift '^y * / cr-r 1 *fve**y A-m ,, ✓ t^t cU* ^~y^n.n^iA a»ma_ «/tAv oj~ ^ ^ ^ 4 i yZv/. vrfrn^ /y M Z ~— v /_ / /'Im s - ^ 'S/i^, a fi/i S 4 ^ 7 iTB. - « 4 ~» X> A.^./ ^ c Cu1a»^ nr- Z 3 - — xsn'u o^ shvru** /- Xr&M^aUyiC, f~»A liu-jt i Mas?. *. (4.L. y w . S820 I ' — y^Oeutfcc^ VpfX^T tJ^r^ t/tVi^f' — *>, jl— */^ f ^^4. /• (fizsri J * -- ^ . - t/^ C* *s*r^ 4 ,-,y n J* /h ' t l^Ar-*r^- — ,-£lfa ifc /2ovr£l\^ yL^^, _ w^ Af.r^ 9?t/ u <$edfc^ y AiA ^ c«~i^ / , \ ^ <^* — ^ 2 ^- ysi/ 1 '? PfriYr- *>lio jOrfflL (- t/'/dtf*-} -Z^-— 0/ x^ // ^T />» /k cJ- 0/*+^ S+SKkJf'/L-nJJ t/~rfr ^h>t,n4+jL ^ v_» •Y4U# w£ teVfoss yw ^ */'YZ _ ?**_ >W /tiA'tfU* MrU yU ^ ' ' /£. ^ C&e*t'vS ^ _ yL<^ fl/J& */Z^t-h*+S 7*z+ <*^9v /a <. dlA? hou/rsn*- C1&JL4* cui$t P&JS~ Jhty&r /Isbur* Asn) %. / 7vn^f - U /O. ry jLrui* . — /hA e. * --- f/ fitA-nt lAtd' f <♦» ^ f a 7 c *4 1 */ ^/ifi/btsrx^ ✓ ~ V ***l jh**> rri*,/- f}u/j c . -jL 0£,~& /W ^-, t?<./tx£w — (\7i\ r/OL*^ -/ ^ *6- - *4' 7/- - (2^J/ J ^/ufaTJ fa ^ ~ t Jk 44/ «u ✓ iSlo (ic/ldrt-’ li >4 * fid A £ (S 47 ; <*V ^ ^ A ^ (^t^lrx^C T-la ^ «/■ ^ ^ ^a^*/ -Jr xf* < a /£; ^ -4 - — T ^> 7 <9 . «y 7 »v^t >iuv■ ■*? A »ny /y^s^A, /O ^ __ p£ 't^tii/ii Ibi/j CtJAtf . ~ C+-* __ ^V f- /■/k+A _ ^ y^xv/ hd; fyrry'irri tSt-lsCA ( O^t d S&1 ■— fjh* *6*-csu<~ ~£> . a/C~ rr-n—n / ^^w*> « ^Asr* V^AA^tZ — y / / . ■ / ^>j£y - ^7 /%«6*Slh Avt .1 tf 7 ►*. ^/— . &l*JtA/t^ *CAJ ^ *?*■< // HUR ( tint the , \i j, wear ar \ casion c / j/ KenUr f , mnjw | ^ . _ 4 u ^L *" f n ' , y*,- €. c c / « . . ^ u ^ -u ^ '‘f**— j i£-/ //- - s-xt. M ® {/ yfe y # C ^*-‘ >£u^ fc/ *~%L. 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I .H< f In pui the Prin f J of Uis M These!] Upon late fourth iuto de* • Sun da y - m sa “It is v ; Jhr an, jjiiOn, th-: form Bis R that the wearar ewion c Kent a. * atmivv J 1870 <-> /a ^4 ca/x ^ - y A *s j jfc - Jtt ^ - a^J ^ % *: /*- tCzfcf $-y. 4 6 l£. £ A JiM. ^ /tuVi % _ Am $ - - ^ A • - ^Ty ^/ 4 " 1 ~ ^ 4 ^v. - ^ <'*'“y/~~ C f^L /- e^A-. ^ d***sa,t£, u. ft. ^ :;, - ^S) / £ A3i Z £4 ijf. - _ ^ 7 ^ ^ /£ jr^ Jajl ^/c/L^S ^fy ' ^ -. ■xx4_^, ^ 'Jjtuvr. fit tOrtu / > / ?t+JL t?/c 1 W ™' ,V “V t' ~i y ~- _ */ Zv .- ^ /.y+u, 4 x TU/uJ- t- ^ ^ /„_ _ aj 4ZS ** 7c %/■ £) /lx*, j/Cr . A A fa. ^ t/fytAl nS* - As*/Ak * faf*£ aAAx m A^oAl */AA r*j- tA'tV'i.Ajt »cvy **7 y£^. - ^ e/^L, —~ V^u *7 ^-C 0 — 22 & r*r^**f *F I,,-' •' If P Ui r tbe Prii, '$ 43 b- ? r ^ Z\, / c^/e« ^ — Si^fc AA 4 - /f