rJ^ ^Sl5 FRANCOIS RYBOT VS PIERRE JDUCALVET 15. DUCALVET, Pierre. Ccdlectiop. of legal documents relating to a lawsuit by F rancis_Rybot against Pierre DuCalvet, dated mostly at Montreal, 1783-1786. 12 p. folio, 1 p. 4to, generally good condition. Texts in English. (1000) Francis Rybot, a London merchant, was suing Sigismund Dubuit. Dubuit had consigned goods to DuCalvet to sell on his behalf. Although DuCalvet claimed to have paid Dubuit, Rybot was suing DuCalvet for payment, as the goods had originally belonged to Rybot. Collection comprises: 1 . Ms account of merchandise consigned by Dubuit to Pierre DuCalvet, signed by John Lees, Jr. , attorney for Rybot dated Quebec July 3, 1783. 3 p. narrow folio. 2. Ms defendants reply by Pierre DuCalvet, signed by James Walker, for the defendant, dated Montreal [ Nov. , 1783] Docket annotation reads: "Filed 6th Nov. , 1783. . ." 1 p. 4to. 3. Ms plaintiff's request to summon Pierre DuCalvet, signed by Arthur Davidson, dated Montreal Aug. 1 3, 1783, explaining to the court why DuCalvet owed money to Rybot. Counter- signed by John Southouse, Judge, granting that DuCalvet be summoned. 4 p. folio, tattered at one edge with small tears but no loss of text. 4. Ms plaintiff's account signed by Arthur Davidson, Rybot's attorney, for the amount still unpaid, dated Common Pleas Montreal, 21 Feb. , 1786. 5. Ms defendant's deposition, signed by James Walker, Du- Calvet's lawyer, dated District of Montreal, Nov. 4, 1786. 3 p. folio. Pierre DuCalvet, d. 1786, was a merchant and fur -trader at Quebec. In 1775, he espoused the cause of the Americans and was imprisoned by Haldimand for the remainder of the war. In 1783, he went to London, where he published his Appel 3. la Justice (1784). While returning to America in 1T86, he was lost at sea. Judging from the dates of the above documents, it might be that DuCalvet was returning in connection with this court case. 216 FUR-TRADER'S ACCOUNT MANUSCRIPT account between Joseph Harvard and M. Lauri- mie, dated Montreal le 31 aout 1773, not signed. 2 p. 4to, good condition. (200) Among the items listed on the account are: 3 chats & 45; 18 marten i 3; en pelteries 128.15; en pelteries 323.9; en pelteries 1 1 7, etc. - 41 - yA f <<€,**{ <&,<<&« ZAZ/A^l y-7- , ^ yy /yy t s /rV A ^ s£ < C ?* ? o r~6f c< Z Az> o zr /£/ ^ jf ‘ Z-otZAe ^Az Zo r £3t P 7 / fA/A r &A* £?y- 7 Z£ m^3 C zYzy<; .7 zY ^ZcV^% /fc /° X & Zt < Z>m A Zt 2S 7 AA os* Z**£ \ C 0 £<- S f ft S'*. 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