TABLE OF DISTANCE OF PLACETS* QUEBEC TO TORONTO, fcc. Quebec to Montreal.JH Montreal to Lachine, by Canal. . Lacbine to Cascades, towed by Steamer, • • Cascades to CO.eau du Lac, tracked by Horses, Cdtean du Lac to Cornwall, towed by Steamer, Cornwall to Prescott, tracked b.v Horses, . , ■Prescott to Brockville, by Steamer. iBrockville to Kingston, by Stsamer jKingston to Cobourg, by Steam JCobourg to Port Hope, by Swnner Port Hop. to Toronto, (late York,) by Steamer. QUEBEC ENV IRONS. Quebec to Falls otMontmorenty iln Ditto ol Chamn tre » do'. Indian Village do. Fist (Albany, * (Whitehall, QTEBEC T O BYTOWN. M mtnal, . •. S i Ei9tache,. ^ j Aidrew a, . C latlum,. C ieniille. l’ttite Nation,. P r toun, . . .. K ngsou, ^through the Rideau Canal, . . EJSTEKN TOWNSHI P S. FROM QUEBEC. dswill, ton,. . < iftem, - Jrefiad, idswell is above, nnoxvillj, lerbrooki, instead, OUTI TO STAN STEAD, &c. Miles. Miles. _ 180 ! 21 201 24 225 3 228 12 240 30 270 33 303 135 438 Miles. Miles. ' _ 6 27 33 17 50 85 20 105 10 115 17 132 Miles. Miles. — 85 17 102 3 105 137 F R OM E W YORK ;. tc QUEBEC. Miles. Miles. 140 La. Prairie, \ . Miles. 18 60 209 Montreal, 9 by Lake Clatnplai,. 1 150 359 Quebec. • 180 Miles. 377 386 566 THE EMIGRANT’S GUIDE, OR CANADA AS IT IS. COMPRISING DETAILS RELATING TO THE DOMESTIC POLICY, COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE, OF ITIE UPPER AND LOWER PROVINCES, COMPRISING MATTER OF GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTEREST, ESPECIALLY INTENDED FOR THE USE OF SETTLERS AND EMIGRANTS. BY GEORGE HENRY. QUEBEC, PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM GRAY & Co. BUADB STREET, And sold by all Booksellers. PREFACE. Canada, whether considered in her political, commercial or agricultural relations, has attained an elevation that com¬ mands both respect and attention: her growing energies are fast ripening to a maturity, that aided by the fostering care of the Mother Country, will establish her importance in the Western Hemisphere, and enable her to command the attention of the world. The Geographical situation of Canada renders her at all times accessible to the ships of England whilst her resources for inland navigation arc unrivalled. The noble St. Law¬ rence, pursues a navigable course from the Gulf to Mont¬ real, a distance of nearly five hundred miles : Lake Ontario presents a surface equal to that of Ireland : Erie is of a similar extent, whilst Huron occupies a space as large as that allotted to the British Isles. These magnificent in¬ land seas form the natural barrier to the upper province, lending their waters to her inhabitants as the means of com - munication and commercial enterprize. QUEBEC, the remarkable fortress and boast of the British Crown, in America, rendered impregnable by Nature and Art, challenges the regard of the voyager up the St. Lawrance, nor does his nearer approach lessen the at¬ traction ; from whatever point the Fortifications are view¬ ed, from the plains of Abraham, from Beauport, from St. Rock, or from Point Levi, the highest admiration must be PREFACE. IV excited, by their beauty and grandeur. In the summer the prospect from the Citadel is beautiful in the extreme j let us suppose a height of from four to five hundred feet com- manding a view of the Noble Stream that waters its base, for an immense distance ; its bosom covered with vessels, some stretching their course to the ocean, others entering the port, the wharves crowded by individuals engaged in loading or unloading their respective cargoes ; whilst the hum of industry arising above them, and the cheerfu an well known chorus as each stick of timber find, rta tevd, adds new life to the scene: here may we behod hundred, of Emigrants already busied in their newly adopted County, in securing their little properties ; how readily may they reconized, by the astonished gaze at the -rroundmg ob. jects, and by the anxious inquiry how to proceed towards the place of their destination ; they contribute to the flu- sion of the picture, and render Quebec at this season of the year a city of the utmost interest and variety. y The timber trade of Quebec either as connected with the interior of the country by the employment of labourer* or as supplying cargoes for a thousand or twelve hundred vessels, is entitled to the most serious conB ^ er ®* tion of the Government at home : that one port should be able to freight upwards of a thousand ships, m bona fide British bottoms, by the means of British cap , what is of infinitely higher importance, through the aid o British subjects, is no less cheering than astonishing. In addition to the commercial advantages thus realized, how important is .he encouragement of such a trade with refer- ence to the hardy race it supports—the timber trade of Qu - bee, may be considered as a nursery for seamen, that val¬ uable class to whom the whole Empire of Britain is so much indebted both in prosecution of the duties of w ar, an* t a PREFACE. V arts of peace; it also assists in the support of another class of men, whose services are scarcely less essential, the Raftsmen or Shanteemen—but the advantages of the trade are prodigious in other points of view; hundreds and thous¬ ands of poor Emigrants who are of little value at home, are transported by means of these ships to a situation, where their exertions largely contribute to the national prosperity; an incredible number of families with scarcely a six pence in the world are nevertheless enabled to reach the western Continent by means of the timber ships, and are at once rescued from miseiy and poverty by the adaptation of their labour to the wants of the country. Ireland is relieved of some portion of her excessive population, who are too often goaded on by want to the commission of the most atrocious crimes, and Canada receives a useful and industrious race, who can be rendered faithful citizens by the simple remedy of employment; thus these ships, and the country at large, may be regarded almost as in the light of a safety valve to unhappy Ireland, in relieving her at least from a portion of the pressure, which every instant threatens an explosion. Should not these combined considerations, then, arrest the attention of the British Legislation, ere they pass an act (the non-protection act,) that would blight the prospects of thousands, throw a damp over the whole of these provinces, and nip in the very bud of their prosperity, the most inter¬ esting and rising Colonies attached to the Empire. If it be the intention of England to retain the Canadas as colonies, a lukewarm policy will scarcely effect her purpose; a neighboring power has already cast a jealous eye on this northern territory, and would gladly seize a favorable oppor¬ tunity for attaching it to her sway ; for with this possession America might bid defiance to Europe. Such an union can, however, never take place, so long as a liberal policy Vi PREFACE. is adopted towards the Canadians ; identified from motives of interest and from long association with the principles that govern the mother country, they are cheerfully devoted to her sovereignty, notwithstanding the anti-British feelings that have emanated from a certain class of the community of England, as much opposed to the national welfare gene¬ rally, as to the prosperity of the Canadas in particular.— The last war produced numerous examples of Colonial at¬ tachment to the ancient home; the battles of England were fought by Canadians, who displayed the utmost hero¬ ism, more especially in an action fought near Lake Cham¬ plain, under the late gallant Colonel de la Saleberry, which wc select as the best illustration of their bravery and pat¬ riotism : not that this was a single example, for the whole campaign teemed with proofs that the Canadians of the Upper Province were essentially British in character and feeling. A period has arrived when the necessity of protection to these colonics can no longer be denied; their claims are of paramount importance not only to themselves, but to Eng¬ land. If we regard the internal policy of other countries, what do vve behold ? On this continent, our indefatigable neighbours are striving in the race with their former parent; in manufactures of almost every fabric they are contend¬ ing, if not for the mastership, at least for an equality. Bir- minghams and Manchester have started into existence, and the success of their youthful efforts guarantees the future results ; already they compete not only in number, in proportion to the population of the country, but in qual¬ ity with the manufactures that boast a century’s endurance. In the town of Paterson, in the state of New-Jersey, thirty- six cotton manufactories arc in active operation, and the PREFACE. VII prosperity of this town is rivalled by that of several others in the different sections of the Union. In Russia also a successful experiment has been made to supply her population from domestic manufactures; the artisans of France and Germany excel in some fabrics, and are rapidly improving in others, and already are the Euro¬ pean markets preparing to exclude the produce of English labour;—these considerations are surely sufficient to awak¬ en attention to the rising condition of Canada, where an increased demand for home manufactures will be created in proportion to the increased settlement of the country; when other markets fail, the supply to these colonies will atone for the deficiency, and thus every advantage that can be now afforded them by England, will ultimately be repaid in a tenfold degree. The public works in Canada are on the point of accom¬ plishing their promised benefits the Rideau canal, in par¬ ticular, which, under the superintendance of the able and indefatigable Lieut. Colonel J. By, is on the eve of comple¬ tion, as the locks, which areadmirable specimens of masonry, are all finished, and steam-boats and other craft have al¬ ready commenced their passages between Kingston and Bytown. This magnificent undertaking, which may be designated as the great channel of Canadian prosperity, as one of the principal links in that vast chain of inland navi¬ gation extending from New-Orleans to Quebec, planned with so much ingenuity and executed with so much skill, is of no less importance in a commercial and political light, than as a means of opening and improving the country in its track. The design that reflects immortal credit upon its proposers, when completely realized, will indeed serve to contradict the assertion of an Honourable Member of the Commons House of Parliament during the last session, PREFACE. viii “that it would be better to forego the Ridoau canal alto- gether, and sacrifice the monies already expended on that work than to vote any further sums for the Completion of the undertaking.” The absurdity of this remark renders its contradiction needless, especially as it could only be made by one who was totally ignorant of the local bearings of the country. Bytown, so named after its distinguished founder, is situate at the mouth of the canal, and affords tolerable evidence of the usefulness of this truly national work ; but five years ago, its site was an absolute wilderness—now a bustling and lively towm occupies the soil so lately covered by the forest. Three thousand inhabitants, comprising English, Scotch, Irish, Canadians and Americans, have here found a home, an Episcopalian, a Roman Catholic, and a Methodist church, and a Scotch kirk, have been erected for their worship ; there arc numerous and excellent stores provided with all the varied produce and manufactures of the world, for the supply of their necessities, whilst the gen¬ eral appearance of the town, ornamented with several handsome stone houses, proclaims its rapid and almost daily improvement. In proceeding up the line of the canal, the change effected on the rugged face of nature is no less pleas¬ ing than surprising; the vast interior is opened to the in¬ dustry of man ; the landscape, dotted here and there with snug farms and comfortable dwellings, is relieved from its former monotony, and the addition of a good tavern to the scene, adds to the traveller’s and the neighbour’s enjoyment. For forty miles above By town this appearance is presented; the canal has indeed fertilized the country ! In its passage through the centre of the Rideau settlement the same won¬ drous improvement is visible ; houses, mills, stores, and buildings of every description, and bridges over the canal PREFACE. IX that has accomplished all these benefits, testify how much has already been done in the profitable settlement of the country. About five miles above the settlement of Rideau, and im¬ mediately on the line of the canal, is situated the village of Merricksville, which has sprung up with astonishing quick¬ ness into a place of considerable consequence ; two years ago the spot now covered with well-built dwellings, was a solitary wilderness ; a little market town is established in the forest land, and stores, mills, and taverns are seen on every side. Mechanics of all grades have flocked to the infant settlement, which is thus provided with every neces¬ sary establishment. The salutary effects accruing from the opening of the Rideau canal, are not however confined to the immediate vicinity of its course ; the communicating advantages are n.nd will be experienced through the surrounding country. Perth, for instance, a neighboring town and settlement of some standing and consequence, w ill reap immense benefit; it is intended .to render the river Tay, running a distance of eight miles from that place to the Rideau, a navigable stream by the subscription of the inhabitants of the town and its neighbourhood, under the immediate auspices of Mr. William Morris, of Perth, the highly respected mem¬ ber for the county of Lanark. Passing onw ards from Mer¬ ricksville on the line of the Rideau to Kingston, the same decided improvement is apparent as elsewhere,—in fact, throughout the whole length of country traversed by the canal, the results of intelligence and industry have succeed¬ ed to the wildness and desolation of the waste. ^ Should then the completion of this work, that in its pro¬ gress has been so productive of usefulness to the infant set¬ tlements on its margin, be abandoned, the prospects of A5 X PREFACE. thousands of emigrants will hr blasted, the hopes they have been led to form from previous prosperity, dclcated, and the efforts that have already accomplished so much in the im¬ provements of their condition, paralized. The encouragement of public works in Canada provides the emigrant with immediate employment, if circumstances prevent his early establishment, and indeed the knowledge of such undertakings induces numerous bands of labourers to seek the country with no other object in view than to en¬ gage in them. The importance of this class of emigrants to society will be admitted by all who recollect the scarcity and dearness of labour during the last summer, when in many of the townships above York,—Markham, Vaughan, King, Whitchurch, Georgina, and others, a dollar a day, and in some instances, six shillings currency, were paid in addition to the board of the laborer. The privilege granted to Canada by the Government, of the admission of her gram Into British ports, under a very low duty, has wrought asurprising change in the habits of the farmers • the land was formerly tilled merely for the sup¬ port of his family, for he had no market to relieve him from a surplus produce ; Sumac, the Raspberry, and other woods were permitted to grow in the place of corn, and the time of the farmer was occupied in shooting or fishing, from the imposibility of employing it to a useful purpose in agricul¬ tural pursuit. At the present time he obtains a fair and remunerating price for all the grain he can raise, and the farm is therefore in good order and continually improving in value ; he is enabled to pay excellent wages to a numer¬ ous band of laborers, to clothe his family in British fab¬ rics, and thus in the advancement of his own prosperity to reciprocate the advantages afforded to him by the mother country. PREFACE. XI During the last season there arrived at Quebec, about 49,000 emigrants, the majority of whom were laborers, who distributed themselves in the districts of the upper province ; still the effect, of this increase is imperceptible. In the northern settlements bordering on the Ottawa, in the Midland districts above and below Kingston, in the interior settled parts towards York, on Yonge Street, New¬ market, Lake Simcoe, Dundas Street, Dundas, Hamilton, Niagara, the London district, and all the large settlements on the shores of Lake Erie, the addition of numbers has scarcely been felt, and in fact had .three times the quantum of emigration occurred in this province, the supply would scarcely have been recognized on the face of the country. • It has been calculated that the number of emigrants to Quebec this season, will amount to 80,000, and certainly the last reports from England justify the assumption. The prejudice in favor of the United States is declining very fast in England, and every year will witness a larger arri¬ val into these provinces ; the tide of British emigration sets towards Canada, bearing the hardy sons of England Scotland and Ireland from countries too densely peopled to allow the display of their strength, to a soil sufficiently extensive for its perfect development, and abundantly fer¬ tile to reward their exertions. Of late years, a number of the middle classes of British society have settled in these provinces, in addition to the class of poor settlers. Voltaire in speaking of the com¬ ponent parts of the British community, observes, that they may be justly compared to their favourite beverage “ beer”; the top or the higher orders, is all froth, the bot¬ tom, or the poorer class all dregs, but the middle, excellent: this is an overcharged picture, but not altogether without its likeness, and from this excellent middle portion of soci- XU PREFACE. *ty, comprising so much virtuous principle, moral order, and superior intelligence, the Canadas have obtained, and will yet acquire in a larger proportion than heretofore, many families and individuals who contribute so much to the well-being and advancement of the country of their adoption. Montreal, the leading town of Canada, is foremost in the march of improvement; her new streets laid out with the utmost neatness and regularity, the excellent houses that adorn the suburbs, the convenient wharves, and to crown the whole, that splendid edifice, the new Catholic church in the centre of the city, which may be regarded with equal pride and admiration, as the noblest temple of North Amer- ica, arc all evidences that the spirit of the times has travel¬ led in this direction. But, this spirit is not only recognized in the town ; if we visit the neighbourhood, we witness an agricultural system in full operation, that must commend it to the notice of the British farmer; the farms are in a state of the highest cultivation, the regular plan of succes¬ sive tillage adopted in England, is here acted upon, and the results as may rationally be supposed are no less encour- aging. The establishment of agricultural societies in the vicinity of Montreal, has been productive of the ut¬ most service to the agricultural interest; the popular errors which were persevered in, simply because they had been transmitted from a past to a present generation, the pre¬ judices retained by ignorance, or the caprices dictated by tolly, have yielded to the spirit of modern discoveries; the farmers of the upper provinces and particularly those in the vicinity of Montreal, have adopted the provisions of an English system in the cultivation of the soil, and they need only nsk comparison with the agriculturists of Lower C anada, to prove their infinite superiority. It is a subject PREFACE. xiii of regret that the Canadians of the lower province are still characterized by their former apathy and indifference to improvements, notwithstanding the prosperous condition of their neighbours ; but the time will surely arrive when a common interest will inspire common exertions in every part of this territory, capable of producing equal benefits throughout its whole extent. In the different cities and towns, individuals are to be found in the exercise of their respective vocations, who would confer credit upon any European society : the professions are filled by men of character and learning ; the commercial interests are pro¬ moted by Merchants of intelligence and respectability ; the trading classes and the Mechanics lend their means and their industry to the general weal, so that the incrcas' ing population of this comparatively new country are in possession of nearly all the advantages enjoyed by the oldest community. A general confidence is experienced in the respective exertions of each other ; an indulgence is ex¬ tended to the efforts of the humblest individual; a recipro¬ cal interchange of commodities takes place from the manufactured article, to the animal or vegetable product; the effects of a Well regulated society are recognized in the arrangements which provide for the education of the young, the restraint of disorderly habits, so common in a new set¬ tlement, and an obedience to the law’s and the encourage¬ ment of industry :—such are the pleasing results attend¬ ant upon the prosperity of the Canadas. There arc few circumstances that have contributed so much to the condition we have described, as steam naviga¬ tion ; the facilities afforded by the lakc3 and rivers for per¬ sonal conveyance, and the transport of merchandize and the products of the soil have been eagerly accepted; the freight of goods by steam vessels to York, during the last season XIV PREFACE. amounted to between nine and ten thousand pounds, multi¬ tudes of emigrants have been conveyed to their place of destination, and the staples of the numerous Merchants and farmers in the interior have thus been readily transmitted to a market. The Banks likewise, especially those of Montreal and York, have in the mode in which they are conducted, prov¬ ed of incalculable usefulness. The discounts are not onlv liberal as commensurate with the security, but the returns of payment are so arranged as materially to increase the value of the accommodation : for instance ; a note of one hun¬ dred pounds is discounted at ninety days date; at the ex¬ piration of that time one fourth of the amount is only requir¬ ed in payment, renewing the note for the balance for an ad¬ ditional ninety days ; another twenty five pounds is then paid, with a similar renewal ; a third takes place for the remainder of the time, and the last payment is discharged at the end of another ninety days when the original advance is liquidated. All these renewals are of course granted at the common rate of interest, and without the expense of stamps, and by this means the time of a twelvemonth is allowed for the complete payment of the loan. There is one fact connected with the York Bank that strikingly illustrates the present healthy state of commerce in the upper province ; when it W'as first established, a charter was offered, limiting the subscribed capital to two hundred thousand pounds; this extensive limit was at the time properly declined by the Directors, on account of the infant state of the Colony, which rendered the profitable employment of so large a sum very precarious, and would therefore have returned but a small interest to the proprietors, at the same time depreciating the value of the stock in public estimation ; a charter was therefore accepted for a bank with one hundred thousand FREFACE. XT pounds capital. Thisoccurred but a fewyears ago; during the last session of the House of Assembly an application was made and complied with for the extension of the capital to the original proposed amount, as the Directors found that the increasing demands of the commercial and other inter¬ ests required an eniargment of their accustomed issues. In the following description of the Canadas, it is the in¬ tention of the author to convey such information to the em¬ igrant as will assist him in his progress ; the details are founded on practical experience, and may fairly be contrast¬ ed with many of the garbled and interested statements that have proved injurious to the settler. The individual who seeks the Canadas for a home, has much to learn ; a pre¬ vious knowledge of the current affairs of life will serve him but little in a new country, where the habits, the practical operations of handicraft, the applicability of science, the mode of trade, and the pursuits of agriculture are foreign to his former experience ; he is introduced upon a scene where he is opposed by strange and unforeseen exigencies which must be surmounted ere he can pursue his course; his steps are impeded by difficulties which must be removed before he can track the route leading to his future independence. An emigrant blessed with strength and hardihood, and be¬ ing moreover in the prime of life, will not consult his per¬ manent interest by embarking his fortunes in an old settle¬ ment ; a country untouched by the hand of man is before him, clothed in a native verdure, and portioned with a native fertility—let him strip the forest of her gigantic mantle, con¬ vert the wilderness into the fruitful plain, and force the treasures from the bosom of nature. The virgin soil will repay the exertions of man by an abundant increase, and the proud reflection will be enjoyed of having carved out from a mass of incongruous materials, the mean* of future XVI PREFACE. support and comfort. There will be inconveniences and privations, but let them be endured ; they cannot resist continued exertions, find man will in the end become the conqueror. The settler must rise with the lark in his daily career; he must be early in the field, for afternoon fanning will not serve his purpose, and this is true not only in the commencement of his undertaking, or as applied to his daily labor, but in reference to the culture of his land ; for it is an admitted fact, that in this country late crops sel¬ dom reward the agriculturist, while early field labor is al¬ most invariably crowned with success. The emigrant who possesses sufficient means for his sup¬ port for sometime after his arrival in the country should pause ere he determines the place of his settlement ; the few extra pounds expended in the survey of the different locations will purchase the most valuable information, and render him equal to the task of choosing for himself, instead of acting upon the interested counsel of others. In travers¬ ing the country, let him visit the various settlements al¬ ready established, regard the conveniences or the ob¬ jections to their situation, and penetrate into the bush, to ascertain the capabilities of improvement there presented : he can learn little on the deck of a steam-boat, or by a continuance in the towns, beyond the common-place in¬ structions that are of trifling benefit. No ! he must dive beneath the surface into the recesses of the country, to wit¬ ness the enterprising and persevering exertions of others, to discover the gradual development of power in overcom¬ ing the mighty obstacles that oppose the emigrant, and to gain a knowledge of the means that have elevated Canada to her present prosperous condition. In a few years, the whole territory of the Canada, must exhibit the appearances now presented in some of the dis- PREFACE. XV1L tricts; the desert and the forest will have disappeared under emigrant labor, to give place to thriving and populous towns; trade and commerce, progressing in the ratio in which they have hitherto advanced, will have increased to an infinite extent; and a crowded and intelligent population will reap the fruits of former toil. The main channel of Canadian prosperity is unquestionably her water communication; hei inland seas, the vast lakes of the American Continent, and the river St. Lawrence have already been alluded to, but hardly in terms of sufficient praise; no country in the world can boast a similar extent of lake navigation, and in no country can be discovered a stream of greater beauty and usefulness; whether we regard the St. Lawrence, the grand boundary stream, as a natural defence in war, or as the great channel of Commerce in peace, it is equally entitled to our admiration; the advantages it affords in each respect can only be estimated by the consequences that arc every where apparent, in the increasing wealth of the country, and the happiness of its inhabitants; in the metamorphosis of a de¬ sert into a thriving and populous state. The exclusive right of British subjects to the navi¬ gation of this river, has an important reference both to the political power, and the trading privileges of the Provinces; to share this privilege would be to anticipate the eventual loss of the Canadas, for in the first place the carr) ing trade to the British shipping would be engrossed by others, and the facilities of smuggling be increased; and in the second the interests of two separate powers would so often clash in the prosecution of a mutual privilege, as to be productive of the utmost confusion, and finally terminate in the annihi¬ lation of Colonial prosperity. It is however almost impossi¬ ble to imagine the commital of such an act of folly, notwith¬ standing the plausible arguments of our Commercial oppo¬ nents, for although it were admitted at the present period that PREFACE. xvm the expanse of navigable waters in Canada affords ample range for the shipping of both countries, it may be reason¬ ably surmised that ere the lapse of many years, the British and native tonnage will be doubled or trebled in the Colonial trade, and that the St. Lawrence will become the Baltic of America through the exercise of the protected energies of these Provinces. The wealth of every country cansists in a surplus product beyond the necesities of consumption, whether through the agency of the husbandman or the manufacturer; Canada is already capable of raising an immense surplus, and is there¬ fore in the possession of immense wealth—with her present limited means of cultivation, her great staple, wheat, forms an article of profitable export, and there can be no doubt that if the country were brought to its proper bearing, and the surface adapted to its legitimate purpose throughout its ex¬ tent, a supply of grain could be raised capable of relieving the severest necessities of the mother country, and render¬ ing her independent of a foreign state for the food of her inhabitants. But, there are prospective as well as actual advantages ; in the article of hemp, an admirable opportu¬ nity is offered of rendering England dependent upon her colonies rather than a stranger ; the very best quality might readily be growm in Canada, as much to the advan¬ tage of the grower, as of importance to the merchant, in the improvement of the soil on the one hand, and the encourage¬ ment of trade on the other. These are sufficient examples, although others might be named, of the actual and possible resources of this territory; extent of surface, fertility of soil, goodness of climate, and an increase in population are the assistants to her prosperity, and the ability of the exporting such an amount of native produce as will pay for the import¬ ed articles, must ere many years, have witnessed the exer- PREFACE. XIX T v tions of the population, place her on the sauie level with the most favoured countries. The great misfortune of England is her excessive popula¬ tion, over a small tract of Country; the drawback upon Canada, is the want of a sufficient number of inhabitants— thus the interests of both countries are served by emigra¬ tion ; the former parts with that, which is a burden upon her soil, whilst the latter receives the only gift that can render her soil of advantage. Important as emigration is to Can¬ ada, it is yet of more consequence to the poor of Britain ; the frequent accounts of their abject* misery, of the wretch* ed poverty that too often drives them to the commission of crimes, arc sufficient inducements to the philanthropist to promote their removal from the scene of distress ; an op¬ portunity is afforded them, upon the cheapest terms that a benefit was ever proposed, of cxchangeing beggary for in¬ dependence, starvation for plenty, idleness and disease, for health and exertion : they effect a beneficial alteration in their own circumstances, and at the same time lend import¬ ant aid to the society in which they are received. It is not desirable that all emigrants should be in affluent circum¬ stances ; the duty required at their hands is varied in its kind, from the labours in the study, the office, and the lab¬ oratory, to those at the loom, in the field, and*in public works; there is occupation for all, employment in every description of trade and handicraft. The poorest individuals are ren¬ dered valuable assistants to the general community, and there are repeated instances of families who upon their ar¬ rival did not possess the means to purchase the next meal, having attained to a condition of decent competency. If such individuals had remained at home, how different their lot! doomed to suflcr poverty and want, to eke out a mis¬ erable existence by subsisting upon the charity of the be- x.\ PREFACE. nevolent, they would have lived as miserable dependents and oppressed society still further by entailing a needy off¬ spring upon its members; as emigrants, on the contrary ^ the opportunity for bodily and mental improvement is of¬ fered to them ; they have no excuse for refusing it, and in the majority of instances the force of example operates as a spur in its ready acceptance ; they work and their labour is rewarded, they earn more than is'required for their wants, they save money, purchase property, become lords of the soil, and hold a stake in the advancing prosperity of the country. As yet, the population of the Canadas is trifling in com¬ parison to its extent; notwithstanding the length of time they have been attached to the crown, and the number of emigrants who have arrived, vast tracts arc untenanted ; hitherto a large number of families who had left the English shores for the American continent, travelled through Can¬ ada to the United States, or embarked for ports in that coun_ try, in consequence of the encouragement they received to s ettle in N. York, Pcnsylvania Ohio &c., an encouragement which was was denied to them by their own government ; latterly the system has been happily changed, protection has been extended to the emigrants in the British provinces* and, as might have been expected, Canada receives by far the larger portion ; thousands of subjects are thus retained in their allegiance, British property is rendered more valua¬ ble by their assistance, and the national welfare is promoted by their instrumentality, at the same time that their own so¬ cial enjoyment is secured in all the relations and comfoits of existence. The settlement of some individuals in the Canadas, pos¬ sessing a considerable capital, is unquestionably an object of much interest and importance ; the value of the money PREFACE. XXI introduced into the country in directing labour, and in ac¬ complishing under one design great measures of improve¬ ment, is no less experienced than the benefit afforded to society at large, in the example displayed by their conduct and behavior; they in fact check the growth of rudeness and vulgarity^—they are the promoters of education, which bears as strongly upon the moral as the intellectual condi. tion of the population, and they keep up and regulate that social order in the community, and if we may so express it, that tone in Canadian society that adds to the convenience and the happiness of all. The subject of emigration is an important one, and it w ould be singular if it possessed not its opponents as well as its advocates; so often, indeed, have these met in argu¬ ment, that the topic may be said to have been sufficiently examined for the discovery of its merits and defects. W e have already alluded to the past and present condition of the Canadas, and urged the absolute necessity of a large population, if it be intended to relieve the mother country from the burthen of supporting them ; their soil is waiting for the labourer, their natural advantages are ready for ac¬ ceptance, the thick forest requires but the industry of man to convert it into the fertile field. What the United States have done, that can the Canadas perform, but only through the same means—an immense increase of population. There are no arguments that can weaken the importance of these facts as they apply to this,territory. As far as regards emigration from the British Isles, it has been asserted, that if all the means of employment were duly appropriated in those situations, there would no longer be any necessity for the settlement of their inhabitants in distant lands ;—this sounds well, but the theory alone exists ; if we could re¬ model society, or engraft 9ome r*ew elements into its com- B2 XX u PREFACE. CT position, a new order of circumstances might arise, and arrangements that suited with every class of society he ac¬ complished ; but, in the mean time, what remedy can be proposed for the relief of the abject and starving thousands, who convert once merry England into a scene of the deep¬ est distress,—who fill the prisons in Ireland, and groan un¬ der the miseries of poverty in Scotland ? They are unas¬ sisted by ingenious theories, and unaided by arguments of what ought to be done ;—the hungry are not fed, nor the naked clothed by such philanthropy. The evils endured are evident beyond contradiction ; and the only mode by which they can be lessened, is emigration , which gives to tens of thousands the means of support, and the comfort¬ able home denied them in the land of their birth. Let the authorities, then, in the various parishes of Britain, whose inhabitants are taxed almost beyond endurance for the sup¬ port of their poor, contribute in the formation of a fund, that in its application shall relieve their complaint j the remedy is in their own hands, and consists simply in pro¬ viding each applicant with the means of transport to Cana¬ da, and a small sum in his hands when he arrives at Quebec : thus will they get rid of incumbrances upon their own pro- perty, and at the same time afford the fairest means in pro¬ moting the happiness of their fellow-beings. The partial relief extended to paupers, who express an inclination to pro¬ ceed to the western continent is a most improvident applica tion of funds ; the trifling sum yielded is barely sufficient to pay their expenses to the nearest sea-port,—and thus they are thrown upon another port ion of society with the same wants as before. Give to the emigrant sufficient to pay his pas¬ sage, and support him for a short time after arrival in his new' country, and if he possess the moral or physical ability of improvement, lie must succeed in working out Ids own FREFACE. xxiii independence, and will probably gain all the comforts of existence. The present lot of these individuals whose parents settled in Canada, is an admirable illustration of these remarks; they are in the possession of excellent farms, of large and profitable tracts of land, they hold a most important stake in the prosperity of the country, and rank with the most useful members of the community; how were these advantages procured ? By the very exertions now required at the hands of the emigrants ; they were the same race of people as the present, distinguished by the same character, depressed by similar misfortunes at home, poor but hardy, destitute of means, or very nearly so, uporr their arrival, but determined to persevere in overcoming the first obstacles, and laying the foundation of future benefits; In reviewing, then, the previous considerations, it appears that there are three prevailing circumstances in favor of emigration to these colonics; firstly, the comparative short distance from Britain, as under the present improvement in navigation, the voyage is accomplished at the average rate of thirty days; secondly, the extreme healthiness of the climate, as proved by the condition of the population ; and thirdly, the facilities presented for immediate employment, by which the necessities of the settler are provided for. If it be said with respect to the healthiness of the climate, that the assumption is contradicted by the prevalence of swamps in some districts, the objection is easily resist¬ ed ;—granted that the sw’amp land is unwholesome, how r long, let it be asked, can this continue? Until the country is supplied in all its parts w'ith a population, who will drain these swamps, and render them the finest meadow land in the world. Canada is not singular in this respect; nearly every country in its infancy has been subjected to diseases arising from collections of stagnant air and water; but di- XXIV ‘PREFACE. rcctly the industry of man has cleared the forest, and drain¬ ed the swamp, the sources of those diseases have been dried up, and a pure atmosphere reigns in the'place of the miasm that heretofore prevailed. In those districts, where settle¬ ments have been formed, no complaints of this nature can be entertained, and in proportion as the country is redeemed from the waste by successive bands of emigrants, the swamps and the sickness they occasion will disappear, whilst fertile meadows and a healthy people will proclaim the change that has been effected in the face of nature. It only remains for England duly to appreciate the natur¬ al advantages of the Canadas, and to act towards them with a liberal and enlightened policy that shall not only improve their domestic welfare, and add to the happiness of thou¬ sands who seek them as a home, but that shall increase their rising national importance as connected with the mother country, and render them willing assistants in the exchange of commercial friendship, and powerful auxiliaries in circum¬ stances of difficulty, whenever they may occur. The germs of future greatness are sown, and will ripen and bear fruit in due season, provided a parent’s hand will protect their infancy. CANADA. In describing the condition of the Canadas at the present period, it is intended to confine the de¬ tails principally to the Upper Province, inasmuch as it is mostly settled hy natives from the British Isles, as it possesses a superior climate, is under the operation of English laws, and altogether pre¬ sents superior attractions to the settler than Lower Canada, which is essentially French in the prevail¬ ing manners and customs, in its mode of govern¬ ment, and moreover, is hut very partially settled by Europeans. The first land made in crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Canada, is Newfoundland, and presents a rugged and forbidding appearance from its high and craggy rocks; the scene is however soon changed upon entering into the Gulf of St. Law¬ rence, and in about two days’ sail, the river of that name is approached. The attention of the voyager is irresistibly attracted to this noble and gigantic stream; upon the northern shore the eye is not re¬ warded for its gaze, for a high and barren land stretches afar, untouched by the band of industry, B4* 2 CANADA AS IT IS. until within fifty miles of Quebec; the southern shore however atones for this dreariness in present¬ ing continued evidences of cultivation, and on this bank of the river are observed many neat houses and villas, all painted white. Within a few miles of Quebec are the falls of Montmorency, high¬ ly deserving of notice, and after passing them, the city soon rises in the view to claim the admir¬ ation of the passenger; its numerous handsome buildings, its extensive churches, with their tin covered roofs glittering in the sun, and their hand¬ somely painted turrets, the stretch of the bay, mar¬ gined with the abodes of a thriving population, render the appearance of the whole as imposing and brilliant as it is agreeable. The lower town of Quebec strongly resembles many of the seaports in Europe, in its prevailing activity, and the same race of bustling inhabitants are recognized. The city is chiefly inhabited by French Canadians, and in its general appearance may be compared to a French town : there are two or three very good markets, well supplied with excellent beef, mutton, veal, poultry, &c. together with the peculiar produce of the country, such as maple-sugar, fish, and a variety of home¬ spun wares, manufactured by the habitors. CANADA AS IT IS. 3 The shops are spacious and plentifully stock'd >vith goods, some of which will suprise the new¬ comer by their apparent cheapness ; for, instance, he may purchase brandy at seven shillings a gallon, rum at six, and whiskey at two and sixpence ; and the very cheapness of these articles has too often been the means of destruction to the settler. On the opposite bank of the St. Lawrence stands the picturesque village of Point Levi, in which are erected many comfortable villas, and the country around the city is well cultivated by some of the old country farmers, who display the knowledge of a superior system of agriculture. About ten miles from Quebec, is the interesting village of Indian Lorette, consisting of about one hundred houses, and principally inhabited by In¬ dians of the Huron tribe, with a slight mixture of Canadians. The four chiefs who visited England a few years ago, reside in this place, in very neat and clean wooden houses : they all possess some relics of their visit, hung up in the most conspicu¬ ous parts of their dwellings, and appear to set much value on an excellent engraved portrait of his late Majesty George the Fourth. John Vin¬ cent, the principal Chief, and who is also styled king of Lorette, has, in addition to the portraits, two medals, one gold, and the other silver, of con- P>5 4 CANADA AS IT IS. siderable value, which the king personally present¬ ed to him.* There are two extremely neat and clean Catholic churches in the village, one for the Indians’ and the other for the Canadians’ worship ; the former is handsomely decorated with an abun¬ dance of images, and the roof bespangled with gilded dots, and is regularly attended by a devout congregation. These Indians, and others of their tribe, receive annual presents from the British Government, as equivalents for their conceded territories. The passage from Quebec to Montreal is pleas¬ ant, particularly in fme weather ; the accommoda- * In a visit paid to this village by the author and a party of his friends, the utmost hospitality was exercised towards them; his Majesty was not at home upon their arrival, but the Queen, a good looking Squaw, did the honours and received them very cordially, presenting cakes, maple syrup &c., for their refreshment. Her Majesty with her daughters were busily employed in making fancy baskets for sale, and observed, that she was obliged to work, but that the Queen of England was both paid and kept. In a short time the King returned home, with a rush basket suspended from his neck, con- taing a hare and some wild fowl, the produce of his day’s sport: lie was a tall good looking man, about fifty years of age ; was very courteous to his visitors and appeared exceedingly kind and attentive to his wife and family, who evidently regarded him with much respect. CANADA AS IT IS. 5 tions are of the very best order, the rate of travel¬ ling expeditious, the viands extremely good, and the company generally respectable. The fare in the steam-hoat Cabins is six dollars ; in the steer¬ age one dollar. The country now wears a more pleasing aspect—neat villages, and some good farms appear, and the lands are generally in a tolerable state of cultivation. The scenery of the St. Lawrence is agreeably diversified by the appearance of the steam-boats, and other vessels passing to and fro : occasionally an immense raft of timber comes from the upland country, cover¬ ing at least an acre; and then the light canoe, gliding gaily over the surface. These canoes are a species of craft which (although frequently car¬ rying from three to four tons burden,) are composed of such slight materials (the bark of the birch tree,) that were they to strike against any hard substance, they would immediately become leaky, or batter in their sides : yet with these slight barks do the Indians and others frequently ride out the rough¬ est squalls in perfect safety. Were it not for these canoes, some of the rivers in the upland country could not be navigated, for the parties engaged on those occasions, have not only to carry their freight, but also their boats over the portages, and even for ten or twelve miles at CANADA AS IT IS. some places, to avoid the rapids and falls of the rivers. The Canadians of the Lower Province are nearly all Catholics, and pay implicit regard to the rights of their religion. Crosses are erected on the road side, from which are suspended various religious relics; and at their feet, morticed in the post, are portraits of our Saviour, enclosed in glass cases : in many places his figurb is extended on the cross and few Canadians pass these symbols of their religion, without paying them due reverence. Nearly all the lands in the Lower Province are parcelled out in seignorial manors, and held under the old French law ; the seignor or proprietor ex¬ acts from his tenants, by virtue of their tenures, certain annual fines; hence large tracts of land are bona fide the property of one lord ; and al¬ though the rents or fines exacted are not heavy, yet they are at variance with the spirit of a free country. A man occupying land under these tenures has no stimulus to improve his farm beyond the pre¬ sent day, knowing that he cannot hand down his property to his own family, and is even deprived of it himself if he fail in the obligations attached to it;—these considerations tend in a great measure to prevent the advancement of this part of the country. CANADA AS IT IS. 7 In travelling from Quebec to Montreal by land, you continue nearly the whole way on the banks of the river, which is pretty thickly settled by Canadians, not many Europeans being found amongst them. Montreal is a large, handsome, well-built town, very much improved within these ten years, par¬ ticularly in the suburbs, which are ornamented by many well-built villas, with gardens attached, in the highest state of culture, and yielding a profu¬ sion of fiuit and vegetables. Although the dis¬ tance of Montreal from Quebec is but one hundred and eighty miles, yet so much more forward is the climate of the former, that the vegetables and fruits are at least a month earlier than in the latter place; indeed, the markets of Quebec are regularly sup¬ plied from hence with the early summer produce. The orchards in the neighborhood of Montreal are very prolific, and amongst other fruits produce one beautiful apple, called the “ pomme-de-gris,” of delicious flavor, and vast quantities of which are barrelled, and sent to various parts of the pro¬ vince, and even to France, the country of their first growth, where they are considered as supe¬ rior to the original fruit. The Montreal markets are admirably supplied with meat, vegetables, &c., and at a low price ; s CANADA AS IT IS. for instance, beef and mutton, three pence per pound ; veal and ham by the quarter, equally low ; geese, two shillings and sixpence; turkeys, three to five shillings ; fowls, from nine to eighteen pence a couple. In winter, fish, (principally cod and oysters,) are brought hither from the seaport towns in the states, a distance of five or six hundred miles, in a frozen condition ; hundreds of pigs, likewise frozen, are transported to the Montreal market. At this season of the year, a general gaiety prevails; an endless throng of sleighs flock¬ ing to the town on business or pleasure, their horses caparisoned with jingling bells, and a busy population crowd the streets, intent upon the pur¬ suit of their several avocations. The hotels are the most comfortable places for the sojourn of the traveller, and the charges about a dollar a day, including alj expenses—no fees to servants being necessary. Most of the consignments of goods from Eng¬ land and other parts, to Montreal, are disposed of at public auction; and it is surprising to observe the low prices obtained for the different kinds of manufactured wares, although this may depend in some measure on the supply. Montreal is justly termed the key to Upper Canada, for here ends the navigation of sea board CANADA AS IT IS. 9 vessels ; consequently, those goods destined for the upper country, are warehoused in the town, and almost all consignments are made to the resident merchants; and although some few of the merchants residing in the upper country, are their own importers, they, for the most part, come to Montreal to make their purchases, which occa¬ sions a great interchange of communication with all parts of the upper province. There are five weekly papers published, each very creditably conducted ; the Canadian Courant is of long standing, and has a good circulation; the Montreal Gazette is also ably conducted ; the New Montreal Gazette and the Herald belong to one proprietor—the former, a literary publica¬ tion, generally comprising very interesting matter; the latter with a large advertising patronage, and usually containing much and important information, and the Montreal Herald, which has a more ex¬ tensive circulation than any. Montreal and its suburbs contain a population of about 50,000, com¬ posed of the inhabitants nearly all countries, although by far the greater partare Canadians. The roadsnear and around the city are excellent, for Mac-Adam- izing is now as common here as Day & Martin’s blacking ; indeed they go hand in hand, for in many parts of the province, where Mac Adams’ 10 CANADA AS IT IS. system has not been adopted, Day & Martin would be an intrusion and a mockery. Montreal is a busy, bustling town, the shops appear to be well attended with customers, the market filled with various commodities, and the streets thronged with people of all grades. The air in the vicinity of the city is considered more salubrious than in any other part of the Province, which is in consequence of almost all the Signory of Montreal (an Island of about fourteen miles by twenty five) being clear and in a state of cultiva¬ tion, thus allowing the admission of a thorough current of air to purify the atmosphere; and as a proof of its salubrity, people live to a good old age. Were the forests cleared in the other parts of the Province, and free currents of air admitted, they would be equally healthy, and those local dis¬ eases, fever and ague, hardly known. Many publications have appeared at different times, some containing the most exaggerated state¬ ments, which would tend to raise the expectation of the emigrant too highly, and others the grossest errors, and serving only to intimidate him. Should the settler arrive in Canada with agricultural views, let nothing, under any circumstances, or represent¬ ations, induce him to purchase lands at home ; he must see and judge for himself. In the first place, CANADA AS IT IS. 11 the land may not be good, the part of the country may not suit him, there may be no roads, no ways of communication, and many other difficulties only to be ascertained by personal observation. Canada, in a state of nature, is an universal forest, which is a fact not generally known, and the timber is of little value but for home purposes, and making ashes : it is almost an unerring rule, that the different kinds of timber denote the different qualities of the soil on which they grow; thus, on the best lands will be seen maple, oak, elm, and bass wood and this land will be found best for culti¬ vation ; swamps covered with white cedar, (which will make excellent and durable fences,) are con¬ verted into the finest meadows; and pine, (either white or red,) beech, birch, or poplar, denote the poorest soil, not altogether unfit for cultivation, but of the worst description. The system of farm¬ ing here is so different to that pursued in England, that the most inexperienced person, if he be only willing, will soon rival the most skilful agricultur¬ ist. Farming implements of every kind are of such different construction, and so easily procured, as to render their importation unnecessary. A person with adequate means would do well to bring a thorough good stud horse, something be- 12 CANADA AS IT IS. tween the cart and hack, a good young bull, some cows and rams, a mixture ot the South Down and Leicester breed. This would be both troublesome and expensive, yet if the imported stock be of good character, it is certain to pay well: it would be of no use to bring inferior cattle, as there are plenty here already, and improvement is only wanted. Furniture, such as bureaus, tables, chairs, or any other heavy kinds of goods, should be purchased here, whilst blankets, bedding, and all kinds of portable goods will prove a valuable investment. The first step to be taken on arriving, if the land be wild, is to erect a shantee, which is a rough dwelling, composed of logs of wood saddled one on the other at the ends, with a roof, some com¬ posed of shingles, some of scoops, that is, halves ot the logs of wood, hollowed out, some ot slabs, and lastly cvered by the bark of the ash-tree. The chinks are well stuffed with moss, in order to render it warm, the house partitioned off into rooms, and a very comfortable dwelling is erected with little trouble. Persons if they choose, might, even at first, build a frame or a stone house, as stone of the first quality for building is to be had almost every where ; but it is more prudent to erect the log hut ao above described, and for this reason—when you get a burn on your land, you arc very likely, from its run¬ ning, to burn down the dwelling, and should it be a shantee, the loss will be comparatively nothing.— After the erection, clearing the land must be atten¬ ded to, commencing to under-brush or cut down all the small trees, not more than six inches in di¬ ameter ; these should then be collected and piled in heaps. The chopping or cutting down the large trees succeeds, and these are again junked up into lengths of fourteen or fifteen feet each, the tops thrown on the brush heaps. If the land be chop¬ ped and underbrushed by contract, the general price is eight dollars an acre; to be chopped, un¬ der-brushed, logged-up, burnt, and fenced, sixteen dollars per acre ; the best time for underbrushing the land is in the early part of the fall, so that no¬ thing may impede the process of chopping during the winter, for in Canada the ground is covered with snow, generally about eighteen inches deep, from the month of December to the beginning of April: after having chopped the land, it is necessary to wait until the weather becomes dry and warm (which may be expected about the 10th of May,) before the brush-heaps are set on fire, when it will (if properly managed) run regularly through all the land that has been chopped, burning the dry leaves and all the dead vegetable matter accumu- C 14 CANADA AS IT IS. latcd on the surface of the soil, and thereby making a good manure. After the burn is completed, the land should be logged up, bv putting the junks of the large trees that have been already cut up, into heaps of about twenty together. This should be done by a yoke of oxen and four men. Oxen will be found of the utmost value to a new farmer, being more tractable and steady amongst the stumps and intricate places, than horses, which are apt to plunge and destroy their harness. After the wood is thus piled, it must be burned, and un¬ less either pot or pearl ashes be made, it should be strewn over the ground, as it is an excellent ma¬ nure. The choice of the crop depends a great deal on circumstances;—the time when the burn takes place, the nature of the soil, or probably the do¬ mestic wants. Should the soil be good, and the logs have happened to be burned about the middle of May—Spring wheat, peas, barley, or oats, may be sown, should either of those kinds of grain be desired ; grass seed and clover should be sown with them, as the new settler should always provide himself with pasture land, in order to graze his stock, and cut hay as soon as possible, par¬ ticularly should he think proper to keep one or more cows. If the soil be rather sandy, and it CANADA AS IT IS. 15 can be got in order by the 25th of May, Indian corn and pumpkins would be a good crop. The manner of planting the seed is very simple : drop into the ground four grains of the corn, removing the mould on cither side with a hoe, leaving the distance of a yard between each; and at every fourth, plant a pumpkin-seed, leaving a little hil¬ lock about two inches deep on each. Corn thrives infinitely better when planted with pumpkins, for they spread so much over the soil, that they pro¬ tect the roots of the corn from the rays of the sun, thereby securing to them a degree of moisture. Fumpkins here grow very large, and are, in the fall of the year, an excellent food for pigs; Indian corn is not only a good food for pigs, but it is at all times a marketable article; and is of great service in a family, afFording a light and agreeable meal,when made into a kind of thin pudding cal¬ led Sepaun ; it is made with little trouble, and eaten with milk or maple molasses. Indian meal is also an excellent substitute for wheat flour, and is made into cakes called johnny cakes ; when mixed with a portion of flour, it makes a bread, that for delicacy or lightness is not be surpassed. In the winter of 1829, the wheat crop having partially failed, many people substituted the johnny cakes for bread throughout the winter. C2 16 CANADA AS IT IS. Potatoes will do well in a sandy soil, and are more valuable than any other crop to the new farmer, as they will serve both himself and his cattle : the very finest potatoes are raised here, particularly when they grow in a new soil, not be¬ ing so good where the land has been a few years under cultivation. The returns of the crops that are to be expected, vary according to the soil and manner of its tillage, but the following is the gen¬ eral average. First, spring-wheat seldom gives more than twenty bushels to the acre, winter-wheat from thirty to fitly, barley, in good land about for¬ ty, oats thirty to forty, peas about twenty five ; Indian corn is the most prolific and gives a return of upwards of four hundred per cent, but being thinly planted it seldom returns more than from thirty to thirty five bushels to the acre : it thrives best in a dry season ; forming in its first growth a kind of funnel which retains the moisture of the dew (which is here very heavy) nearly the whole day: it vegetates rapidly, having been known to spring six inches in twenty four hours, and grows to the height of nine or ten feet, and when at its growth, and in bloom, it presents a very beautiful appearance. Mr. Cobbett has informed us, that ail the Indian corn he has grown in England, has been of the dwarf kind ; and it always will be so : CANADA AS IT IS. 17 for the climate is not congenial to its production. Potatoes, independently of their excellent quality* give a very large return, from two hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty bushels the acre. To emigrants of some property, the oldest set¬ tled parts of the country will generally be found the most desirable: the settlements on the St. Lawrence, near and above Brockville to Kingston, thence to York, and far above it, the roads will be iound excellent, and the society, for the most part, respectable. Good mechanics would find ample encouragement in most of the towns, and smiths and carpenters would do well in the country settle¬ ments. Professional men have generally the a- bility to judge for themselves in the choice of situa¬ tion, but it may be observed that there is a large field for the exercise of their respective talents. As regards the law, that in operation in the upper provinces is founded upon the rules of English practice, which however unequal in some respects, however capable of being converted into an engine of oppression in the hand of unprincipled practi¬ tioners, is yet superior to the code of the lower province, and in the hands of men ot honor and in¬ tegrity may work for the general good. In Upper Canada the transfer of property is duly protected, and its investment whether it be personal or real, C3 rxmim.i 81 CANADA AS IT IS. secured according to the wishes of the owner. In Lower Canada, on the contrary, under the opera¬ tion of the French law, a man may buy an estate, commence improvements, and occupy his soil in the expectation that he has secured a home for life, when at the expiration of three or four years, in comes a mortgagee, and wrests his property from him ; there is scarcely a possibility of guarding against this misfortune, as no law exists for the registry of conveyances or mortgages. Again, a wife on her death bed can, by virtue of the same, law, absolutely will and make over one half of the property to her children or even to strangers, to the total exclusion of her husband. These are evils that loudly call for redress. There is also room in the Upper Province for medical men, and particularly for those who can reconcile themselves to live in the country, and unite a little agricultural with medical practice. There is no lack of employment, although it too frequently happens that in the event of an accident, the patient has to be brought to the doctor, some twenty or thirty miles, instead of the doctor visit¬ ing the patient, and for a very simple reason : in addition to the medical charge, the practitioner re¬ quires (and properly so,) so much for his travelling expences, for without this regulation he could not CANADA AS IT IS. 19 possibly attend upon distant eases, in a country where travelling is so tedious and so frequently de¬ layed : it therefore happens, that as the poor man cannot pay for the journey of his doctor, in addition to his attendance, he must neccessarily seek his abode for treatment. The poor, but healthy emigrant, desirous of em¬ ployment can readily obtain it either in the neigh¬ bourhood of the public works, or in the dis¬ tant districts of the Province ; if he possess a small sum and be anxious to settle on land, his wishes may easily be gratified, when his own pru¬ dence and industry will afford him the present means of support, and the future prospect of inde¬ pendence ; let him refrain from the vice of intem¬ perance, take plenty of exercise in the open air, retire with the sun, and again rise with him, and he will experience the full enjoyment of health, and improve both his moral and bodily strength. The appetite created by exercise and labour, will be satisfied with simple aliment, and the excellent pork, that he can raise himself or purchase at a very cheap rate will suffice for his general diet. An absurd remark was made in one of the papers in the last fall, that the common food, fried pork and potatoes, was injurious to the health of the emigrants ; to this it mav be replied that the C4 20 CANADA AS IT IS. abuse of spirituous liquors causes two thirds of the sickness in these provinces, that the tood com¬ plained of is sufficiently good and nourishing, and that it has never been and can never be productive of any evil to the laboring classes of the community. As the means of the settler increase, his addition¬ al comforts are provided for; his fall cattle supply him not only with a variety of food, but with the materials for the manufacture of his soap and can¬ dles ; his wants are nearly all supplied by his farm, and he commences his independent existence through the continued exercise of his industry. There is always a great variety of lands both in a wild and cultivated state for sale by private indi¬ viduals, the description of which may be found in the different newspapers. The Canada Company may be regarded as the principal body, through whom lands are obtained ; their chief office is in York, but in almost every town they have established an agent, and books of reference are left in many respectable taverns for the information of the public. The company have had a large tract of land surveyed on the borders of Lake Huron ; it lies about one hundred and eighty miles north west of York, and though there arc many places even farther distant that are desirable for occupation, having excellent roads and CANADA AS IT IS. 21 a continuation of good settlements, yet the Huron tract is as yet much too far in the wilderness, and is but thinly peopled. The company have lands for sale in all the upper Provinces, but as ample opportunities offer themselves in the more settled parts, there is no necessity of going so far into the wilderness. Large portions of those extensive tracts of land granted by government to military officers and others for past services, remain in their original forest state, without cultivation of any kind, and with their townships less improved than any others in the Province. The reason of this may be traced to the impolicy of giving three or four lots to one man who is thus in all probability unable to improve his land in the same ratio as those around him ; there are unquestionably many characters who from former services, are fully en¬ titled to the reward they have received in such grants, but since it is the aim of this new coun¬ try to cement the interests of society by thickly and well settled townships, and thereby ensure the erection of churches, schools, and mills, as well as the formation of good roads, the claims should be equalized as much as possible, in order to ren¬ der the contribution of labour to the general service of equal value to each individual, in the advan¬ tages secured. It must be admitted, that the mili- O £-1 e C5 tary townships are the least improved of any in the province ; large blanks of uncultivated land are sometimes observed, and in their original forest clothing, while all around them is fertility. This disposition of the land leads to another inconveni¬ ence in preventing the church from being built in the centre of the township ; or where the greater part of the inhabitants are settled, mid as the roads in such situations 'are generally very bad, a large portion of the population are debarred the ability of attending divine service, as well from the dis¬ tance from the church, as from the difficulty of reaching it on account of the roads. 1 he price of wild land averages from one to four dollars an acre through the Province, but in the immediate vicinity of towns, from six to eight; the usual terms arc, that one fourth of the purchase money be paid down, and the remainder by equal yearly instalments. Should the emi¬ grant purchase his lands either of Government or the Company, the title is unquestionable, but when he deals with private individuals, he should employ at once, a respectable attorney, as there is a mode sometimes practised in order to dupe the unwary; the settler buys a block of ground, and pays the first instalment, the vendor then, instead of returning the deed, gives a bond promising to produce CANADA AS IT IS. 23 the deed at some future day, when probably the land is not absolutely his own property ; he disappears and the purchaser has no redress The deed for the land should always be executed on the first instalment being paid, and lodged in the hands of some respectable third party for the due protec- of all, for even where no chicanery is intended, the original possessor might die betore the deed is due, and it would be very difficult to find his heirs, executors, &c. A person, with ready cash might purchase a very good farm of two hundred acres, with from fifty to seventy acres under cultivation, well fenced, with a dwelling-house, barn &c., for about three hundred pounds, which is the most pru¬ dent beginning in a new country for those who have the means. The price of good Canadian horses is about £25 the pair, or span, as they are called : these are a kind of small cart horse, well adapted for this country. Cows fetch from four to six pounds; oxen from fifty to eighty-five dollars the pair or yoke: sheep from two to four dollars each : young pigs taken from the sow at a month, one dollar, two months old, seven shillings and six pence ; good store pigs from three to five dollars. A barrel of salt pork, containing two hundred pounds of meat, from twelve to twenty two dollars; 24 CANADA AS IT IS* a barrel of flour containing one hundred and ninety six pounds, from six to nine dollars. Wheat was sold in Montreal during the last season for six shillings, and six and nine pence a bushel ; at York five shillings and seven pence half penny (or as it is termed nine N. Y. shillings) has been the cur- rentprice throughout the season; above York, at Dun- das, Hamilton, and their neighbourhoods, the price has been five shillings. When a Canadian farmer can procure a dollar a bushel for his wheat, he has no right to complain. Oats at Montreal will bring at an average price, one shilling and six pence a bushel; at Kingston the same ; and at York from fifteen to eighteen pence ; peas about three shil¬ lings ; barley three shillings and four pence, and more of this grain is required than is at present grown in the upper province : potatoes generally average about one shilling and six pence a bushel. On the Ottawa river, where the timber trade is carried on, to its largest extent, oats and hay fetch a much better price than elsewhere, but in the oth¬ er products there is little or no difference. In the last winter the Ottawa oats realized two shillings and in the spring they commanded a ready sale at three shillings and six pence a bushel : hay while selling at Kingston, York, and some other places for ten dollars a ton, brought from twelve to fifteen on the Ottawa. 25 m CANADA AS IT IS. The general price of Indian corn over the Prov¬ inces, is from two and nine pence to three shil¬ lings and three pence a bushel. A good sized fat ox will bring from eight to ten pounds, and a young ox for work is of the same value from their constant employment as beasts of draught; indeed, an ox is not fattened for the butcher until it is growing old. Butter and cheese made in Canada find a ready and profitable sale. It is necessary to observe that the prices here named refer to the Halifax currency,as it is termed; there is a considerable difference in the value of Canadian and English money, amounting at the usual rate of exchange to about seventeen per cent. The English shilling passes for fourteen pence ; the dollar, worth in the British Isles about four shillings and two pence, is circulated as five shillings; the English sovereign is w’orth one pound, three shillings and four pence ; so that an emigrant bringing out one hundred sovereigns, is nominally worth one hundred and sixteen pounds, fourteen shillings and four pence. It is a subject of some importance to the traveller to be able to calculate his expences, particularly in this, his newly adopted country. If he ascend the St. Law¬ rence in the direction of York or Kingston, or any intermediate place, the fare may be secured on to 26 CANADA AS IT IS. Prescott, which in the cheapest manner of travel¬ ling will cost about three dollars a head. The steam navigation does not extend lower down than Prescott. When at this place, if the settler in¬ tend to proceed up the country, he may embark on board the steamer to Kingston, in the best cab¬ in for five dollars, in the steerage for one dollar ; to York for ten dollars in the cabin, in the steerage for two. There are no perquisites required either in packet and stage travelling or in the taverns, indeed a servant would regard the offer of a gratuity in the light of an insult. There are now three large steam boats running from Prescott to York, the Niagara, the Queenston and the Alciope ; a very large boat upon nearly double the scale of any of them is now building by the Messrs. Hamiltons of Prescott, which will be afloat this summer, and of course render the facilities in travelling, even greater than they are at present. If it be the object of the set¬ tler to locate himself on the Ottawa, at By-town, or in its neighbourhood, he may proceed from Lacbinc about ten miles from Montreal to Point Fortune, for three dollars, from thence to Hawks- bury by land for five shillings, and from Hawks- bury to By-town, a distance of sixty miles, for an¬ other three dollars. In this route, the pleasing ev¬ idence of agricultural improvement will be recog- CANADA AS IT IS. 27 nized between Montreal and Lachine, whilst well finished and regular built houses, neat and thriving farms, and an endless and fanciful variety of gar¬ dens greet the eye in every direction. Lachine is a long straggling village on the water side, with nothing particular to invite the attention of the voyager; from this place the journey may be con¬ tinued through lake St. Louis, and about fourteen miles above Lachine, the junction of the noble rivers, the St. Lawrence, and the Ottawa, may be observed running their course side by side through the lake, without an admixture of their waters. A dark reddish stream marks the track of the Ottawa, while that of the St. Lawrence is distinguished by its clear blue colour ; the separate courses of the rivers are thus continued, until the rapids of Caril¬ lon are gained, when the violence of tho current unites them in one impetuous flow. The military post of Coteau de lac where Government retains a small garrison, next receives the traveller, from whence sometimes by batteaux, (large boats) and sometimes by land, an easy passage is secured to Prescott. This is a comfortable little town, with many good houses and stores, and the country around is well cultivated. Prescott is rendered of some importance from its situation, as being th.e place where the regular navigation terminates, and rj 2S CANADA AS IT IS. the opposite town to Ogdensburg on the American side of the St. Lawrence, and which is a place of considerable size and importance. The commu¬ nication between the two places is almost hourly, by means of tow boats, which have to cross a channel about a mile in breadth. The traveller here, has a ready opportunity of visiting our enter¬ prising neighbours, but he may be reminded that no contraband trade can be carried on, as the au¬ thorities on each side are sufficiently attentive in the performance of their respective duties. In the summer time, the life and gaiety of Prescott are greatly increased by the numerous arrivals to and departures from the upper parts of the Province. It is desirable that individuals, as they are passing through the country ('unless they are bound to some particular spot) should look at the newspapers in the various places through which they pass, as farms and situations for location are frequently advertised, on the line of route, some of which may correspond with their means and inclinations. These inquiries may occasionally be productive of a little delay, but the time thus occupied, so far from being lost, will both lend useful information, and probably supply to the inquirer a comfortable home. CANADA AS IT IS. 20 As the St. Lawrence is still ascended, the scene¬ ry on the north bank is well deserving attention ; thus, the British side is agreeably diversified with good stone residences,, large orchards and gardens well stocked with fruit trees of every description, and many neat and even handsome little villages. This part of the country is chiefly remarkable for the large quantities of pot and pearlashes manufac¬ tured. An emigrant who purchases a lot of wild land, on which there is abundance of elm, ash, ma¬ ple, and bass-wood timber, may, if the piice of the articles be tolerably good in Montreal, (say from 30 to £35 a ton for pot, and from 33’ to £38 for pearl ashes) pay the expenses of clearing the land, provided he chooses to risk the first outlay. The expense of erecting a pot ashery is not heavy, and the process of manufacture is very simple. The whole outlay if but one kettle be employed, is from 30 to £35 ; if the kettles be used, it may amount to fifty pounds. Having the leeches erected (that is, large tubs with holes in the bottoms) its floor¬ ing is strewed with lime about eight inches thick, trod dowti hard ; the leech is then filled with ashes, and watered regularly until their strength is com¬ pletely extracted ; during the time the leeches are running, the ley already procured from them is kept boiling for about two days and a night, when 30 rj CANADA AS IT IS. it forms a consistency called “ black salts.’’ If pearl ash be the object, these salts are taken out of the kettle, and placed in an oven erected for the purpose, and there by a process of evaporation, formed into the desired material. Should the in¬ tention be merely to make a pot ash, the boiling is continued until all the ley is procured that from eighty to one hundred bushels of ashes will supp as the water evaporates, the mass assumes a riety of different colours, such as green, blue, yel¬ low, &c., and at length an extreme fire being kept up, it presents a consistent surface of the co¬ lour of melted lead, which is then drawn off or ladled out into iron pans to cool, forming in this last pro¬ cess, the substance denominated potash. Pot and pearl ashesare two of the principle staples of Cana¬ da, and are of essential importance, both as an ex¬ port and for domestic use, and so well is their value understood, as to induce the preservative of all the ashes produced by the fires of the family, which are readily disposed of to the potash manufacturers in the neighbourhood. About twelve miles above Prescott, stands the handsome town of Brockville, so named from the late distinguished General Sir Isaac Brock ; it has been built since the last American war, and now contains upwards of three thousand inhabitants. CANADA AS IT IS. 31 The river begins to widen at this place, or in other words, to put on the appearance of a lake; and about twenty miles above Brockville, Lake Onta¬ rio itself is perceived. The river sceneiy is now greatly enlivened by the steam-boats and tim¬ ber rafts, especially in the spring of the year ; on these rafts, little cabins made of the bark of trees '.erected, presenting the appearance at a dis- * e of many immense bee-hives, and by this con¬ veyance, merchandize, yokes of oxen, and the commodities permitted to be brought to Canada from the American side, are readily transported. Amongst the variety of American produce thus received into Canada, the most singular consists of whole cargoes of pigs, brought on the rafts, two or three hundred at a time. Live stock pay a very low duty, and hence our neighbours find these pigs a very profitable article of commerce. Lake Ontario now commences, and the first place in this route on its borders, is Kingston, a large and well built town, and the principal naval station on the Lake. Its appearance has been considered somewhat like that of Portsmouth, in England, and the resemblance is assisted by its white cliffs, and by some large ships that are here laid up in ordinary. The St. Lawrence, a line of battle-ship pierced for 130 guns, two frigates, some 32 CANADA AS IT IS. sloops, &c , attach a character to this safe and ex¬ cellent harbour. Kingston is altogether (if the expression be orthodox) a fresh-water sea-port town; is clean, large, and well built, and may already be ranked as a place of great importance. The markets are exceedingly well supplied from the cultivated lands in the neighbourhood ; and it is the residence of a great number of opulent and highly respectable inhabitants. It has ot late years been supposed by some individuals, that the seat of government would be removed from York to Kingston ; but the building a new house of assem¬ bly at York, together with other preparations, con¬ tradict the assumption that the legislatorial offices will be removed. As a commercial town, Kings¬ ton ranks the second in Upper Canada, although her prosperity received a serious blow, a few years since, from the effects of which she is but just re¬ covering. The consequences of free trade were bitterly experienced in Canada, and Kingston in particular suffered. A want of confidence pre¬ vailed, the colonial bank paper was depreciated, and at length the bank compelled to suspend its payments, and wind up its accounts. These cir¬ cumstances arc now happily contrasted by the pre¬ vailing prosperity; a second bank has been esta¬ blished in the tow n through the exertions of Chris- CANADA AS IT IS. 33 topher Hagerman, the representative lor Kingston, and Solicitor General of Upper Canada, who in¬ troduced and carried through the House of Assem¬ bly a bill for its incorporation. The establishment of banks in any part of the country ahvays is posi¬ tive and pleasing evidence of prosperity; and as they lend means to industry and enterprize in pro¬ secuting undertakings for public as well as indivi dual advantage, they must be considered as con tributing towards the real interests of the country at large. Kingston will probably become a place of much importance,-as well from its central situation in the province, as for being the principal naval station. In the neighbourhood, the population is greatly in¬ creasing, and thriving townships appear in quick succession on that land, which a few years ago pre¬ sented the desolation of the wilderness, and had scarcely been passed by the foot of man. The bear and the wolf held undisputed range, where the fertile meadow and the farm yard now exist: these marauders are still more plentiful than desir¬ able, but they recede in proportion to the advance % of settlers, and in a few years the country may be freed from them altogether. Should the route from Montreal do Upper Can¬ ada be preferred by way of Ottawa, and through 1)2 34 CANADA AS IT IS. the heart of the country from By-town to Kings¬ ton, the journey may be made either by land or water from Montreal to Point Fortune: in the journey by land, the traveller continues in lower Canada until he reaches Grenville, (40 miles) which is opposite to Point Fortune ; on the road are many Canadian villages, although in this part of the lower Province there are more British set¬ tlers than elsewhere, St. Anne’s is a pretty rural village on the banks’of the Ottawa, and it was here that the Irish bard, Thomas Moore, composed his “ Canadian Boat Song.” At Grenville, the Gov¬ ernment . are making a canal, twelve miles in length, in order to avoid the rapids of the Long Sault : for some time the work was not carried on with the energy and expedition which marked the progress of the Rideau canal, although it is now continued with greater rapidity, and when finished it will be of the utmost consequence to the navigation of the Ottawa. The voyage from Grenville to By-town is performed in a steam¬ boat in rather less than 12 hours, whereas four years ago it employed 30 hours ; at that time there w r as scarcely a settler between the two places, but now on both banks of the river there is an aston¬ ishing change ; although on the Lower Canada side of the Ottawa, w ith the exception of its imme- CANADA AS IT IS, 35 diate banks, the country is wholly in a state of na¬ ture. For many hundreds or even thousands of miles, this part of Canada has never been thorough¬ ly explored; a small party went in this direction about two years since, but they returned with no other information than that there were some lakes and beaver meadows, in that section of the Province; and as it doubtless contains much fertile land, it is to be lamented that it has not been properly explored. On the approach to By-town, the scene¬ ry which bursts most unexpectedly on the view’, is scarcely to be surpassed for it3 boldness and sub¬ limity : the first objects that strike the attention are the Rideau falls about two miles below the town ; these are two distinct falls, which rush over the precipice in the form of a curtain from a height of about fifty feet : the Union Bridge (so called from connecting the upper and lower Province by cross¬ ing the Ottawa, which is the boundary line between them) now opens to the view, and presents a piece of architecture that reflects the highest credit on those who accomplished such a gigantic under¬ taking ; the current of the river is here broken by tremendous rocks, on which rest the abutments of the bridge; the centre arch forms a span of two hundred and seventy feet, which may give some idea of the immense labour and difficulty re- 03 36 CANADA AS IT IS. quired in its accomplishment : it is let at a yearly rent of about .£200, each foot passenger paying a penny, horses two pence, and so on. Immediately above the bridge are the falls ex¬ tending across the Ottawa, called the “ Chandiere Falls,” these assume all imaginable forms, but it is in the winter, when the river is frozen over, that they present the most interesting appearance : the ice accumulates to the very edge of the falls, and in congealed masses down the ledges of the rocks, becoming transparently white from the intense freezing, and forming apertures through which the dark red waters of the Ottawa rush with an incon¬ ceivable fury, the foam casting up the frozen parti¬ cles, which, from the rays of the sun, assume every variety of hue. The Union Bridge leads from By¬ town to the village of Hull; which is now a very large and well settled township; it owes its first settlement to Mr. Philemon Wright, who came to this spot about thirty years ago, when not a tree was cut. Mr. Wright, justly called the father of the town¬ ship, is an American gentleman, who has given proofs of an enterprising and persevering mind ; he has lived to see his numerous followers arrive at a state of comparative affluence, and as the coun¬ try in which the township is situated is entitled, r CANADA AS IT IS. 37 from its increased population, to send a member to the house of Assembly, Mr. Wright has, very properly, been returned this last election as its representative, and since that period an additional member has been elected. The township of Hull is skirted by a ridge of mountains, being a continuation of that chain, which is seen for some distance at the back of Quebec ; they are sup¬ posed to extend for some thousands of miles, and are even believed to be a continuation of the An¬ des in South America. A part of the mountains near Hull have been explored and are found to contain, deeply embedded, great quantities of iron and lead ore, black lead and marble, and some minerals, and although it is probable that coals might be found, none have been yet discovered; the iron ore produces 75 per cent, or three fourths of iron. These mines have not hitherto been work¬ ed, from the want of persons competent to the un¬ dertaking, both as respects pecuniary means, and ability to engage in the task. But a field of enter- prize is doubtless open to the individual who would commence a search for the treasures con¬ tained in the bowels of the earth ; at present a vast mass of property lies dormant and utterly use¬ less, but let it be redeemed, and immediate oppor¬ tunity is offered of transporting it to a scene of use- 38 CANADA AS IT IS. fulness, as By-town is not more than 12 miles distant, and there are various other places that would participate in the advantage, and reward a spirited projector. By-town, independently of its close connection with the Rideau canal, will in all probability be¬ come a large and important place ; both from its central situation in a fertile and well settled coun¬ try, from its close connection with the lumber trade of the Ottawa, and from its importance as a place of strength and safety in the event of a war ; all combine to warrant the supposition that By¬ town may ere long become a place of considerable importance ; but the furtherance of its prosperity will be very much retarded if the means available be not at hand ; many men who have ability and energy for large undertakings and who have also a bona fide property though not available, cannot procure discounts ateither bank in the Province; the distance is too far, the parties are not known—thus rendering it impossible although a part of the coun¬ try is in a healthy state of commerce and growing prosperity, and there are objects of enterprize which, with the assistance of available capital would he productive of the best consequences to its immediate neighborhood, in the diffusion of wealth CANADA AS IT Is. 37 from its increased population, to send a member the house of Assembly, Mr. Wright has, very properly, been returned this last election as its membe b ,Ve ’ ^ * that period an additional Hu»t , CCn deCted - The towns hip of 1 skirted by a ridge of mountains, being a continuation of that chain, which is seen for some distance at the back of Quebec; they are sup¬ posed to extend for some thousands of miles, and are even believed to be a continuation of the An- tnV^ T!! AmeriCa * A Part ° f the moun tains near Hull have been explored and are found to contain deeply embedded, great quantities of iron and lead ore, black lead and marble, and some minerals, and although it is probable that coals might be found, none have been yet discovered; the iron ore produces 75 per cent, or three fourths of iron. Ihese mines have not hitherto been work¬ ed, from the want of persons competent to the un¬ dertaking, both as respects pecuniary means, and ability to engage in the task. But a field of enter- pnze is doubtless open to the individual who would commence a search for the treasures con- tamed in the bowels of the earth ; at present a vast mass of property lies dormant and utterly use¬ less, but let it be redeemed, and immediate o'ppor- .titmty is offered of transporting it to a scene of use- 38 CANADA AS IT IS. fulness, as By-town is not more than 12 miles distant, and there are various other places that would participate in the advantage, and reward a spirited projector. T>y-town, independently of its close connection with the Rideau canal, will in all probability be¬ come a large and important place ; both from its central situation in a fertile and well settled coun¬ try, from its close connection with the lumber trade of the Ottawa, and from its importance as a place of strength and safety in the event of a war; all combine to warrant the supposition that By¬ town may ere long become a place of considerable importance; but the furtherance of its prosperity will be very much retarded if the means available be not at hand ; many men who have ability and energy for large undertakings and who have also a bona fide property though not available, cannot, procure discounts at either bank in the Province; the distance is too far, the parties are not known—thus rendering it impossible although a part of the coun¬ try is in a healthy state of commerce and growing prosperity, and there are objects of enterpiize which, with the assistance of available capital would be productive of the best consequences to its immediate neighborhood, in the diffusion of wealth CANADA AS IT IS. 41 ownership. The partners reside together in a long white house on the Hull road, about two miles from the Union Bridge. The inhabitants of this part of the country are , well disposed towards one another, and readily contribute their assistance in cases of urgency; when a settler is unable to hire laborers, and yet wishes to erect a house, build up a barn, log up his land &c., he calls a bee, as it is termed, and which simply consists in summoning all his neighbors to his assistance; this plan of mutual aid also pre¬ vails amongst the females, who raise bees for sewing, knitting, making up bedding, or for any other domestic purpose ; thus through a general spirit of kindness, very considerable undertakings are accomplished, which would have been beyond the reach of individual effort. There is a trait in the character of this population, that deserves hon¬ orable mention ; that is, strict honesty, of which one pleasing instance may be offered : Captain S. a highly respectable gentleman, who had returned from the naval service, and is now a resident on the opposite side of the Ottawa, when he first con¬ templated a settlement in the country, visited the Upper Canada side of the river, then a complete wilderness; during the period of three or four months, he left his goods on the Hull side of the 42 CANADA AS IT IS. river to the amount of seven or eight hundred pounds, including many articles of a portable na¬ ture, in a mere shed with scarcely any fastening, and although this was by the river side, he found upon the removal of his property, that he had not lost the slightest article. There are new settlements forming in all the intermediate places on the Lower Canada side be¬ tween Hull and the Chats, about thirty miles dis¬ tant ; and which is becoming a place of consider¬ able importance. Here are the falls of the Chats, consisting of fifteen distinct falls,extending to a dis¬ tance of two miles across the Ottawa ; and between each fall there is a clump of pine trees ; these falls ,are extremely novel from their regularity; and here nature seems to have copied art, for al¬ most all the fifteen except the centre fall are near- - ly uniform ; the centre is precisely in the shape of a horse shoe, and it still adds to the interest of this scene that at a distance of about twenty feet from the bottom of the centre fall, the water in a circumference of perhaps twenty or thirty feet, bubbles or boils up to a height of ten or twelve feet above the surface of the river, and has the perfect appearance of a foaming cauldron. A gentleman, Mr. White, one of the principal contractors of the Rideau canal, has lately made a purchase of some CANADA AS IT IS. 43 property adjoining, and is about to carry on con¬ siderable improvements. He is now preparing to build a steam-boat, to run from the Chats to By¬ town, when in operation, which will give a new life to this part of the country. The Hudson Bay Company have their first boat established at the Chats, and the Company of late years having lost so many ships in the passage round by sea, intend, it is said, in future, to make the Ottawa their regular route to their principal forts and posts in Hudson’s Bay. Above the Chats are some new settlements, Clarenden and Mac Nab. This lat¬ ter settlement was established by a Scottish chief of that name* “ Baird Mac Nab” of Mac Nab, who has prevailed on a great many settlers to join him from Scotland, and the system he adopts in his little colony is somewhat similar to the old Scot¬ tish customs. The country above the Chats is not much set¬ tled ; indeed at the distance of thirty or forty miles the pine regions commence, where the red or Norw r ay timber trees are the sole possessors of the soil. These groves are supposed to extend for hundreds of miles, although the country in their direction has only been partially explored. In the fall of each year, a considerable number of persons 44 CANADA AS IT IS. visit this tract of country, remaining until the follow-* ing spring, to prepare the timber for market. Near the Chats is the township of Fitzroy but partially settled, and adjoining it is Ramsay a re¬ spectable and populous township ; nearer By-town are Goulburn and Huntley, both thickly settled, the latter containing some of the best lands in the Province. On the front of the Ottawa, are Tar- bolton and March, both thinly settled, although containing many respectable officers who have re¬ tired from public service. The whole of this part of the province being cold¬ er than the western portion, is perhaps not so well adapted to the pursuits of agriculture ; but it still presents many advantages to the settler, the chief of which may be considered the healthiness of its climate. The river Ottawa abounds with fish, supplying to the settlers on its margin a vast supply of de¬ licious and wholesome food ; in the summer sea¬ son pleasure can be joined with business in their capture as they come down the small streams in shoals ; w'hen dried and salted they make a good store food for the winter. The largest fish in the Ottawa is the Masquinonger, averaging from twen¬ ty to forty pounds weight, and resembling the pike in colour and in the shape of the head, but in- J CANADA AS IT IS. 45 finitely superior in flavor. The cat-fish, so call¬ ed from its near resemblance to that animal, may be considered the most valuable fish of the Ottawa ; they are sufficiently fat not to require any butter or pork in cooking, and arc regarded, with justice, as an excellent and nourishing food. In addition to these are the pike, the perch, sun-fish (a small flat fish having the appearance of a sun on the side) the bass, the white fish, succer mullet, eel, pickerel, &c. They are easily caught, and will take almost any bait that is given them, either a bit of pork, frog, or should nothing else offer, a piece of an old moccasin. The Ottawa also produces the sword fish, very formidable either in or out of the water ; it is de¬ structive to the other species of fish, and when caught will be found most troublesome to disen¬ gage from the hook, as it snaps in a most for¬ midable manner with its double row of sharp teeth. Not half a century ago, the banks of the Ottawa were peopled almost entirely by Indians of the dif¬ ferent hunting tribes, Micmacs, Shawnees, &c. ; they have now wholly retired from these parts, and are not to be found in any numbers within two or three hundred miles above the Chats, occasionally coming down to dispose of their furs. They have, 46 CANADA AS IT IS. for the most part no settled habitation, but live a roaming life, with all their little wealth, (consisting generally of a few blankets, a gun, some traps, iron pots, and a few other necessaries,) in their canoes. They are, when unmolested, a harmless, inoffen¬ sive race ; but in their wars amongst themselves, they practise the most barbarous cruelties. If once offended, they are implacable, and never for¬ give an injury. When the North West Company existed, one of the gentlemen connected with that Company, had by some means offended an Indian with whom they dealt in furs ; this gentleman had occasion to go to England immediately, and did not return for five years. When he did return, it was soon known to the Indian, who was seen one morning lurking about the fort with a loaded gun, Ilej was taken into the fort and asked his pur¬ pose ; he candidly owned that he waited the ap¬ pearance of such a gentleman, whom he meant to shoot. For his treachery he was hanged without ceremony. Their entire occupation, during the winter months, is hunting wild animals, such as the beav¬ er, martin, mink, otter, &c., for their furs. The beaver, the most valuable on account of its fur, is getting somewhat scarce. The Hudson Bay Com¬ pany have therefore adopted the plan of preventing CANADA AS IT IS. 47 J their hunting Indians from catching them in traps as formerly, lest they should kill the young as well as the old, and thus destroy the race. The beavers are the most sagacious of the ani¬ mal creation: they clear meadows, make dams, and excavate their little canals ; fell trees, build their houses ; and all with the utmost order and regularity. When they fell a tree, they gnaw it away on one side, so that it shall fall exactly in the position they wish : their water-dams are made in the shape of a horse-shoe, and arranged as regu¬ larly as though it were done by the hand of man. They live in communities of from twenty to thirty, and should one happen to bo lazy, they beat him unmercifully, and will not suffer him to remain among them. These discarded beavers are often met with by the hunters, and are always in a lean condition. They live principally on the inner part of the white birch, which they store up in large quantities in the summer for their winter food. These animals work early in the morning and in the evening. The manner of erecting their win¬ ter habitations is very curious ;—one of the large beavers will lie on its * back, whilst several of the others load it with mud; of which, by holding its legs in a particular position, it contrives to hold a largo quantity; and when fully laden, the other 48 CANADA AS IT IS. beavers take hold of its tail with their teeth, and draw it to the spot fixed on for their winter abode. This is several times repeated, the carrier coming regularly back with the rest. They build the house on piles at the curve of the dam, with a floor raised above the water to keep them dry : it is about six feet in diameter and quite round, with a hole at the bottom to enable them to make their escape in case of alarm. A regular roof is formed of twigs well cemented with mud. These animals possess amaz¬ ing strength in their tails, with which they collect the mud for their building, plaster the sides of the house, drive the piles to support the dam to a con¬ siderable depth in the ground, and use it wherever the force of a hammer is required ; they are very broad and long. The Indians of the Ottawa appear to have little or no idea of cultivation; some few grow a little Indian corn, but they mostly depend on chance for their subsistence. In the summer they make ca¬ noes, and bring their furs down the river; these bark canoes of the most exact shape, that will con¬ tain twenty men besides a ton e and a half of loading with the greatest safety, are simply made and the only tool they make use of is a pocket knife, not even a nail being required in their formation. CANADA AS IT IS. 49 They are passionately fond of spirits, and the worst results often occur from their intoxication; for when in this state the greatest impositions are frequently practised on them. Their mode of trading away their skins i3 singular ; should they have a hundred or more skins, they will only sell one at a time ; and when sober, they are very acute, and take good care to get their value ; hut when intoxicated, they part with them for little or nothing,—frequently a good beaver skin for a small glass of rum : and many a designing person, well aware of this propensity, encourage it in order to defraud them, and have made much money by these nefarious practises. Some of the squaws when young, are interesting, good looking girls, and were they not to distort their features in the manner they do, by slitting the gris¬ tle of their nose, &c., they really might be termed handsome. The cruelties these Indians practice on the prisoners whom they capture in their wars, are enormities of the most revolting nature, viz . scalping, taking out their eyes, cutting out their tongues, and in this state making them walk over the burning embers of large fires, uttering on those occasions the most horrid yells and groans. The Micmacs and Shawnees had been at war fo a long time. It is their practice in warfare for tb 50 CANADA AS It IS. Indians to go about in parties of from twenty (a thirty. On one of these occasions a band of the Shawnecs headed by a son of their chief named Winncewce,attacked a camp of the Micmacs under their chief (Caunawana) ; the chief himself escap- ed, but the Shawnecs took some of his tribe and some squaws ; amongst them the only daughter of Caunawana the chief of the Micmacs. She was an interesting young creature about seventeen, and for a squaw, handsome. The Shawnees had to take their pi isoners some three or four days march to their camp, for the subordinate Indians arc not al¬ lowed to perform the office of scalping &c., till the prisoners are brought before their chief, who gene¬ rally performs this horrible rite himself. In marcli- ing them to the camp of Minnecwce, his son the young chief became violently attached to the daugh¬ ter of Caunawana, their female captive. And when they arrived at his father’s camp, the young chief most earnestly implored her rescue. Win- neewee became outrageous at the thoughts of his son forming on attachment to the daughter of his implacable enemy, and threatened the young chief with instant death if lie persisted. His passion was however too deeply roofed to allow even the wrath of his father to remove it,—and lie still con¬ tinued to implore his consent, so that at last he told CANADA AS IT IS. 51 his son, that if he would bring him seven heads of the Micmacs before the setting of seven suns, he would give him up the daughter of Caunawana. The young chief was not long in prevailing on a band of stout young Indians to join him in his un¬ dertaking, and within the given time, he brought to his father the required ransom, and obtained the object of his wishes. About two years afterwards, a strong party of the Micmacs surprised and carried a camp of the Shawnees taking several prisoners together with the son of Winneewee, badly wounded, and the young squaw his wife. The Micmacs took their prisoners to the camp of Caunawana to undergo the usual cruelties and death. The young squaw well knew the violence of her father, and that if she attempted to intercede either for herself or the young chief her husband, that a more horrible death awaited them both. They therefore made up their minds to their fate. The Micmacs have a peculiar custom of marking their children of both sexes when young, by slitting the gristle of their noses. When arrived at the camp of Caunawana, the young squaw was the first brought forth to undergo the horrible ordeal. Before the first operation is begun of peeling the scalp off tire head, a tight bandage is bound round their eyes. 52 CANADA AS IT IS. Caunawana, stepping forward to make the first dread¬ ful gash, stayed his knife for he saw it wasaMic- mac ; and on examining her more closely, he be¬ held in the person of his intended victim, his own and only daughter. The savage breast was not unsusceptible of kindred feeling. His daughter, now aware of his discovery, implored in the most supplicating manner that he would not stay the operation, unless in restoring her he also released her husband, the young chief. Caunawana over¬ joyed at again seeing his daughter, whom lie had long given up for dead, released her husband with all the other prisoners, which was the means of re¬ storing peace between these two warlike tribes. Wolves here, as well as elsewhere, are most de¬ structive animals. They roam in the forest, and when ' driven by hunger, sometimes come into the clear¬ ances and commit dreadful havoc amongst the cat¬ tle. They hunt in packs, frequently catch deer, and when they get one, every atom of the skin and flesh is devoured in a few hours. Their ravages amongst cattle may be avoided with care and pre¬ caution. There is a premium paid for their de¬ struction ; five dollars in the Upper and ten in the Lower Province, yet they are more numerous in Upper Canaria. This distinction of premium is bad policy, and well worth the attention of the CANADA AS IT IS. 53 House of Assembly, for it is by no means the least evil that a settler has to contend with. The object of the premium is of course to rid the country of those destructive animals, and the wording of the act made for this purpose is “ that if the parties take the heads and skins to a magis¬ trate and make oath, that he or they killed the wolf or wolves in the province, they shall, by pre¬ senting his certificate to the treasurer of the re¬ spective district, be paid the allowed premium.” It happened a short time ago, that a settler who resided in the Upper Province, (where, as was before observed, the premium is only five dollars each,) trapped a she wolf, which was at the time big with young. A neighbor, an American, having heard of the circumstance, went to the settler and purchased the live wolf. lie ted her well, and in a little time she brought forth a litter of eight young ones. He immediately got a cage made, and took the whole family of live wolves into the nearest part of the Lower Province, there killed them, and received the premium of ten dollars for each. The black bears are numerous here. In their native state they arc a very different looking animal than when in confinement. In the summer, when fat, they have rather a noble looking appearance ; in the winter they are never to be met with. They take to E3 54 CANADA AS IT IS. their dens, large holes in the rocks, or earth, and remain in them till the beginning of May. They lay up no stores whatever for their w inter supplies, but exist in a state of somnolence. When they re¬ turn to their dens they are fat and sleek, but when they first make their appearance in the spring, they are mere skeletons. In the summer they subsist on roots, wild fruits, Indian corn, and in fact every thing that comes in their way ; they sometimes do a great deal of mischief amongst the grain, not alone from the quantity they consume, but they roll about and beat down the standing grain, thus destroying it. They are frequently killed in commit- ing these depredations, but their smell is so keen that it requires caution to get near them. The general plan is to erect a stage about twelve feet high, so that their approach may be observed. They are frequently also caught in traps. The black is the only species of bear in Canada ; but towards the North Western Territory there are three other kinds, the white, the brown, and the yel¬ low. The white bear is one of the fiercest animals in existence. They never show mercy to any liv¬ ing creature, not even to their own species amongst the male kind, for whenever they meet, one if not both is sure to die, and hence their scarcity. The yellow bear is also very scarce; the coat of the ycK CANADA AS IT IS. 55 low bear is supposed to be the finest ban in the world. Canada produces three kinds of deer,—the red, which is the most common, the fallow, and the moose deer ; the last is a most extraordinary ani¬ mal, and not frequently met with it is of such an enormous height, that a horse of sixteen hands high could easily walk under its neck ; it seldom goes out of a walking pace, which is as fast as any othei animals trot, and its legs are so long, that it could with ease step over a five barred gate, but its neck is so short that it cannot graze, but subsists by browsing, chiefly on the moose wood (whence it derives its name) neither can it drink in a stand¬ ing posture, but is obliged to kneel for the water. The bark of the moose wood is so strong that the Indians use it for all sorts of purposes, it is an excellent substitute for rope and string, and is sometimes used by the settlers as traces for hoises. The red deer are very numerous, and when fat generally weigh about two hundred pounds ; from the month of August till Christmas they are good, and afford in the autumn excellent sport in hunting. When started by the dogs, they invariably fly to the nearest river or lake, where some of the [party are ready with a canoe, so that when it plunges in the water, they may paddle after and shoot it. It is 56 CANADA AS IT IS. surprising that these deer are so numerous consid¬ ering the quantity of wolves prowling about the forests. There is an abundance of wild fruit, such as raspberries, strawberries and plums on the northern side of Upper Canada, the two first grow very plentifully and arc excellent, the red raspbeny equals in size and flavour that produced in Eng¬ land, yet might it be termed the weed of this coun¬ try, the black raspberry makes an excellent pre¬ serve: there are also wild blackcurrants which arc very good, and gooseberries, but these are small and have no flavour: the currant is not a native of this country, but grows, when brought here to a large size. It is advisable for the emigrant to bring different kinds of fruit trees. The wild pigeons, from May to August, are generally very numerous, and are excellent eating- they are about the size of the blue rock pigeon, and the cock-bird is much the same colour. Wild fruit is their principal food, but some seasons when they are very numerous, they consume a areat deal of grain: they arrive in immense flocks* and are supposed to come some thousands of miles, crossing lakes two or three hundred miles wide : such is the instinct of these birds, that after •he fiist flock have remained about a month ' 11 y Cdvc ^ 01 ^ K ' u 'miseries, where they hatch CANADA AS IT IS. 57 their young, and are soon after succeeded by others in succession continuing thus throughout the sea¬ son, following precisely the same course, though at an immense distance through uncleared forests, and over trackless lakes. There are a great quantity of frogs in Canada ; they are the best bait for fish that can be had, particularly the green frog. The bull frog is an extraordinary little animal, on account of the great noise it makes, which very much resembles the bellowing of a bull. Many of the French Canadians eat this animal, which is found to be a wholesome and nutritious food, when people can banish their prejudices. The mosquitoes are the most annoying of all in¬ sects ; it is a small fly, very much resembling the gnat which is often met with in England ; the sting is very sharp, and occasions a blister particu¬ larly to new comers; they generally come here about the middle of May, after they have remained unmolested for about a month, comes their natural enemv the musquito hawk, an insect resembling the hornet in shape, they pursue the mosquito in¬ cessantly and devour it, so that after this hawk ap¬ pears, the mosquito is seldom very troublesome. It is common where they are very numerous, to see a large smudge made in the farm yards, around E5 58 CANADA VS IT IS. which the cattle, (which are also greatly tormented by them) will arrange themselves in order to rid themselves of these annoying flies ; and it is quite necessary, prior to retiring to rest, to make a smoke in doors, in order to eject them from the house. It is highly gratifying to pay a visit to an industri¬ ous new settler, after he has been two or three years on his land,—to partake of his humble, yet whole¬ some fare, particularly should he be blessed with a help-mate, of those neat and cleanly habits, which always impart an air of comfort even to the most humble dwelling. See him at his morning meal,— the clean white deal table, the plentiful supply of ham, the ample dish of potatoes, the hearth-baked bread, the pitcher of new milk, the maple sugar, with the addition of tea ; and with the exception of the tea, all the produce of his little new farm. Unfortunately this is not always the case; people of indolent, dirty habits, are comfortable under no circumstances, and in no country; but if a man be only industrious, even if he have no knowledge of agriculture whatever, he must succeed; and every necessary comfort is within his reach. In sailing down the river in the summer season, from the Chats to By-town, what numerous objects of interest present themselves,—to the rear are the beautiful falls at the Chats, its widely extended CANADA AS IT IS. 5£ bays studded with islands; on one side are the bold heights covered with forest trees with their splendid foliage : on the other, and in the distance is seen the cragged tree topped mountain rearing its head above the clouds; in front appears the stately flowing stream, the Ottawa, with ever and anon the lightly, gliding, gay canoe; and every now and then a small opening discovers a neat little dwelling, with its curling smoke just emerg¬ ing from between the trees. All must acknowledge the beauty and sublimity of the Alps, the stupendous grandeur of Niagara, but the diversified and interesting scenery of the Ottawa must not be denied. The upper town of By-town contains many neat houses in the cottage style ; there is one handsome stone building of large dimensions, with numerous out offices, the occupier of which deseives mention. He is a native of Ireland, and came a poor emigrant to Canada some eight or ten years ago s a year or two before the Rideau canal was made, he pur¬ chased a lot of land of one hundred acres for a very small sum of money, which is now the site of By-town, some of the government buildings, and a part of the canal. This person has already real¬ ized a handsome fortune ; but by selling out parts of his land in building lots for short terms, he will. 60 CANADA AS IT IS. in a few years, be in Ihc receipt of a considerable income arising from those rents. Upper By-town is at a very great elevation, overlooking an im¬ mense tract of land, and is perfectly distinct from the lower town, the canal passing between them, over which is now erected a neat stone bridge. By-town is now quite a lively, fashionable place ; here are to be seen the European fashions, silks vieing with muslins, the poke bonnet with the immense leghorn. Here are quadrille parties, and Scotch reel parties, and many other parties where mirth usually presides. There are now many re¬ spectable mechanics and tradesmen established here l . emigration has in some degree flowed to this part of the Province for these last few years, and it has the appearance of much bustle and ani¬ mation ; from the great number of men employed on the canal by government contractors, it re¬ quires pretty strict discipline to keep them all in order,—there is something like a mutiny every now and then breaking out amongst them ; and on the whole, Col. By has certainly no sinecure. The government pays three shillings a day to each man, on which 'they might live very well and save money, where provisions are to be bought so cheap as they are here ; most of them have their own little cabins to live in, with a plot of ground to CANADA AS IT IS. 61 each, enough to grow potatoes sufficient for their own consumption, which is a consideration of some importance to them. Such a mart has By¬ town already, that in the winter, when sleighing is good, the place is thronged by the country people, bringing their various produce to dispose of, and at this time of the year provisions are particularly cheap. Fresh pork at five or six dollars a hun¬ dred, beef at five dollars, mutton about three shil- ings a quarter, and poultry of all kinds very plenty and cheap. The living at taverns is high, con¬ sidering the cheap rate of provisions: a dollar a day is the usual charge. There are abundance of them opened, but so few are kept in any decent order, that a respectable person cannot reconcile himself to their accommodations. New houses are appearing in all directions about By-town, and the lands for some miles are gradu¬ ally taken up and settled on. It is a matter of no ordinary difficulty after a lot of land in the bush has been purchased, to find out where it is situated; for tho’ there are diagrams explaining the numbers and situation, with other particulars of the different lots, yet this lot might chance to be situated some eight or ten miles in the forest; and did there not hap¬ pen to be settled every here and there a person well acquainted with the lay of the country, new 62 CANADA AS IT IS. comers would never of themselves be able to find out their different portions. They are all survey¬ ed, and posts are put up at the corners of the dif¬ ferent lots, denoting their numbers ; but to an utter stranger, these landmarks are of but little use, par¬ ticularly in trackless forests. The woods, even to persons who have long been settled in this coun¬ try, are very treacherous, but not to. the native born American, who seems to have a kind of instinct in finding his way in the untrodden bush. ^ The success generally attending American set¬ tlers is in a great measure to be attributed to the manner in which they are brought up by their pa¬ rents, and their customs in this respect as regards both sexes, are not altogether unworthy our imita¬ tion: habits of practical industry are early instilled in the minds of the children, paying at the same time a proper attention to an useful education ; for it is evident that the schoolmaster has been, and is now abroad in the United States : their mariners, it is true, are not so polished,—there is not that outward show of civility that is recognized in most parts of Europe ; they have certainly their peculiar¬ ities, strange expressions, quaint remarks, but so have most other countries. In forming a criterion for the education of children, a due regard should be had to the habits of the country in which they CANADA AS IT IS. 63 are brought up ; in Europe such is the refined state of society, and the superabundance of persons in the lower ranks of life, that the industry of the higher or even the middle classes arc scarcely ever called into action ; these ideas are often import¬ ed here, and their influence frequently incapaci¬ tates individuals, whenleft to provide for themselves, from using the proper means to obtain the com¬ forts, or even the necessaries of life. There is a great difficulty in procuring servants here, independently of the expense of keeping them; in fact, labour, be it of either sex, is the riches of this country, and persons coming out from Europe if they expect to succeed, must reconcile themselvs to it. The only servants a family man should hire, arc men servants of all work, instead of women servants of all work. Some of the Canadians are extremely clever in turning their hands to almost any thing. There is a system adopted in various parts of Canada, particularly in the neighbourhood of Mont¬ real and other large towns, of letting farms out upon shares; gentlemen of opulence in the towns and other places very often let out their farms upon those terms, and it is a very good plan for a new comer to embrace these opportunities if he can ; it gives him an experience in the cqsfom of the country, and particularly if he have no property 64 CANADA AS IT IS. of his own, offers him the means of acquiring a lit¬ tle to commence with on his own account: the owner of the farm provides stock, farming utensils and seed to crop his land for the first year, there are no wages paid of course, the tenant does either by himself or with assistance, all the labor of the farm, in return for which he gets his half of the crop, half of the stock bred on the farm, (the ori¬ ginal stock being retained by the owner,) this sys¬ tem is frequently of mutual benefit; farms are let in this manner from one to three years and so on. It is astonishing with what rapidity a man’s stock might, with care and attention, accumulate in the course of a few years : as an instance, a man commenced with the following supply of stock ; two ewes and a ram, one cow, one mare, and one sow, he neither killed or sold any of his sheep, and at the expiration of five years he had fifty three sheep ; he had sold two horses and had three left, eight head of horn cattle, he had killed a good many pigs and had plenty remaining. A farmer’s life in Canada, admitting that he has his share of work, is not the most irksome in the world, and it leaves him plenty of time for recrea¬ tion. His most busy time commences usually about the twenty-fifth of April, when the snow'and ice are quite gone. lie first begins to plough his CANADA AS IT IS. 65 land, and then to sow oats, barley, peas, and spring wheat if he should have occasion. Indian corn is the next crop, and this should be in by the fifteenth of May; lastly, potatoes, which, after all, are the most important. They are usually planted in hil¬ locks, but often with great success in drills : in the neighbourhood of Montreal and other places, they are done with less expense in drills than hillocks ; they are put into the land quicker, in the first place, and the plough will save hand-hoeing; they are also much more expeditiously got out of the ground with the plough. After the farmer has put in all his crop, he should then look well to his fences; for it is of no use to crop the land unless it is well fenced also, it being the custom in most parts of the province to let the horned cattle range in the woods all the summer. This may not be a good plan, still it is one of expediency, for many a new settler, who has a cow, has probably no pasture for her for the first year or two. The farmer's crop being all in the land, and his fences well secured, lie may now rest a while from his labours; shoot pigeons, which are generally very plenty at this season of the year, fish, visit his friends, or amuse himself as best suits his inclination, till about the fifteenth or twentieth of July, then his hay is fit to cut. Hay should be mowed just as the flower is 66 CANADA AS IT IS. leaving it; while the sap is yet full, it is the most profitable both for home consumption and for sale. It should, if possible, be cut one day, and housed or stacked the next; for if no rain occur, it will never heat. The idea of the sap causing it to heat, is all a chimera. It is a mistaken notion to dry hay too much in the sun; it is generally made here with little expense. Hay season over, in Au¬ gust his wheat and other grain begin to ripen, to get in which, will take him till September. The next grain that he has to look to, is his Indian corn, but that takes only a short time; the husks are merely torn off, and the stalks left standing, unless they arc cut for fodder, for which they answer very well. In September the farmer ought to have his plough in his land, and before the latter end of this month, if possible, get in his fall wheat. Wheat sown in October generally does very well, and even in November ; in fact, it is sometimes sown when the frost and snow have clotted the earth, so as to be hardly broken with the harrow, and has yet been a good crop ; but this is neither so good nor safe a mode as preparing the ground in September. His harvest being done, and his winter crop sown, the farmer is not now greatly pressed for time ; still, he may generally find something to do to keep him out of idleness. In October his potatoes will be CANADA AS IT IS. 67 fit to take out of the ground, when they should be either well secured in his cellar, root-house, or in pits in the field. A root-house is a very necessary place to keep vegetables in for winter consumption. It is a long room or hole dug pretty deep in the earth, a double tier of logs round the sides, the va¬ cuity being well filled with earth, and also the roof well covered with a double layer of logs and earth, so as not to admit the least air or light. This pre¬ caution is necessary to keep out the frost, which is most penetrating. The extreme severity of the frost in Canada in the winter is almost incredible, for it frequently freezes the nose and ears. The usual method, when one person meets another in this predicament, is to take up some snow and rub the affeted part till is restored the circulation of the blood, for the frozen persons themselves feel no pain whatever. I have sat by the fire-side when, while the sap has been oozing out at the ends of the wood then burning in the fire, it has been in¬ stantly frozen hard. In taking tea, the cups, and saucers, tea-pot and all, frequently freeze to the table. However, with due precaution, potatoes and other roots and vegetables might be well se¬ cured through the winter. If the farmer have any new land to clear, October is a good time to begin to under-brush and chop ; he can also spare a day 68 CANADA AS IT IS. now and then for hunting* if his inclination be that way bent. In November he ought to look out for his winter’s stock of fire-wood, which is a matter of some importance in Canada. It is by far the most desirable plan every year to lay up a year’s stock of fire-wood before-hand, for green wood ta¬ ken to burn, moulders away, and does not give that heat which is derived from wood that has been laid by for some time; the ashes that a family will make through the season, is of some consequence; a shed should be erected, not too near the dwelling, in case of fire, but at a convenient distance, to keep the ashes thoroughly dry, and many dollars would accumulate in the course of a year. In Novem¬ ber, the snow usually commences, then the farmer has to look out for good winter quarters for his cattle, and also to see that his own dwelling is well tiled in, get all his vegetables out of the ground, and have a plenty of grain ground, for many of the mills are stopped during the winter months, from the severity of the frost. November is generally the slaughtering month ,* some sheep are killed, and are hung up to freeze for the winter supply, and pigs, beef, &c. December is frequently an open month, till Christmas, and the farmer might keep on with his under-brushing and chopping till after he has eaten his Christmas dinner. The * CANADA AS IT IS. 69 snow getting sufficiently deep, and the rivers freez¬ ing hard, sleighing generally begins. Now is the time to get the sleighs and harness in proper order, or this is the season for the settler who happens to have no good summer’s road to his residence, to take what produce he may have to spare to market. The houses at this season of the year are kept very warm and comfortable, by means of stoves, particularly the large double ones. Those stoves are fixed so that one will warm two rooms, and the pipes aie so arranged as to give considerable heat to the upper parts of the houses. In the lower province particularly, the houses in the winter are kept so hot, as to be almost suffocating, and fre¬ quently accidents occur from persons not being aware of the heat of their stoves. In January the ice begins to be of a proper thickness to bear a load with safety. The method adopted here, in order to ascertain if it be of a pro¬ per thickness to bear a horse with sleigh and load, is to take a good sharp axe and to strike it^into the ice with all your might at one single blow, and if you penetrate to the water, it is considered not safe enough to travel on^with a load, but if no water gushes out, it might then be trusted. It is extreme¬ ly pleasant to travel on the ice, the horses being well corked, will trot along at great speed, and with F2 70 CANADA AS IT IS. perfect safety ; and where it happens to be a road well frequented, the tinkling of the bells, the speed of the horses, and the variety of the vehicles, give it an air of great gaiety. It is delightful to travel on the ice on a fine moon-light night; for although it freezes harder at night than in the day, yet from there being generally little or no wind, the cold is not nearly so much felt; the greatest danger is being caught in a snow-storm. It is a custom in the win¬ ter to make, or rather plant roads on the ice; it is done when the ice first takes, by collecting a quan- tity of green brush, the branches of the fir and ce¬ dar trees, making holes in the ice, and planting this brush in groves across the ice to any given place; it thus serves for a road all the winter. At differ¬ ent places, both on the St. Lawrence and on the Ottawa, you will see these roads continuing for miles, and are of the greatest utility. With the ex¬ ception of travelling about, the farmer has little to do now, besides feeding his stock. Nothing is to be seen but the tops of the fences ; and the build¬ ings, and sometimes fences and all, are totally buri¬ ed in the snow. Winter has now assumed her wonted stillness—all in the forest is silent as the tomb—not a bird—not a sound—not a creature, is now to be seen or heard—not even a leaf to rus¬ tle on the trees—it is now the midnight of nature’s slumbers. CANADA AS IT IS. 71 The farmers’ occupation in February, will be tound much the same as in the preceding month, attending his cattle, chopping fire-wood, and taking to market. Here it would be well to observe upon the prudence of the Farmers’ keeping altogether out of debt with the merchants or innkeepers. It is too often the case with the young farmer to ob¬ tain goods upon the faith of his forth-coming crop, i his is a system of thraldom that frequently keeps him in debt for years, for while he gets his sup¬ plies upon credit, there is not the same provi¬ dential management over his out goings. But when a man takes no credit, but pays for his goods as he gets them, he w ill feel the necessity of keep¬ ing within due bounds, besides the consideration that at the end of seven years he will be a consid¬ erable gainer. For where he buys for the ready cash, he will purchase considerably cheaper. March is reckoned the last month of sleighing, though the ice is generally good through the whole of this month ; towards the latter end of March some remote symtoins of spring begin to develope themselves. The severity of the winter now begins to relax a little. Passing through the Forests you will now and then hear a tree crack from the effects of the thaw, as if it were the report of a gun ; this is the F3 72 CANADA AS IT IS. time to begin making sugar from the maple tree, when the sap first begins to rise. The ice on the river now gives way, and the confined air finding vent thro’ the crevices of the thawing ice, explodes and produces a rumbling noise much resembling distant thunder. The cattle yet require their con¬ stant supply of fodder, for there is no green food for some little time yet, and when the snow leaves the grass it has at first a dead rusty hue, but when once vegetation begins to spring, the rapidity of change is beyond conception. Towards the mid¬ dle of April the change in the season becomes visi¬ ble, and the approach of spring is hailed with feel¬ ings of pleasure and delight. The plough and the harrow now begin to be thought of, and the farmer must make up his mind to labour and assiduity. The manufacture of the maple sugar is very similar to the process of making potash, the one being by evaporation of the water from the ley, —the other by the evaporation of the liquid from the essence of the maple sap. Proportiona¬ ble to the quantity of sugar intended to be made, a number of small troughs are prepared, each of which will collect sufficient sap in the season to make one pound of sugar. Those troughs are made simply by splitting a small tree and cutting it up into con¬ venient lengths *—thus supposing it is intended to CANADA AS IT IS. 73 make 200 pounds, of course so many troughs are provided ; having collected the sap, which is done by placing a trough under each maple tree in which a notch is cut, out of which the sap oozes; a small flat stick is first placed to convey the sap into the trough, and every morning that it continues running it is collected and reserved in a large cask. Having collected the sap, boiling commences, and continues until it is reduced to the consistency of sugar. There are two ways from By-town to Kingston ; the one by the line of the Rideau canal ; the other, which is now called the old road , by way of Rich¬ mond and Perth,—and through a line of tolerably well settled townships. Very soon after leaving By-town, on the Richmond road, evident charac¬ teristics of the establishment of a country recently called into existence by the hand of industry and perseverance, begin to make their appearance : the sturdy forest bends beneath the stroke of the vigorous axe,—the empire of solitude and silence yields up their dominion to life and animation,— and the hum of industry is heard. Such, doubtless, was the state of our parent country, in the remote ages of the world ; but to remain in the torpid state of nature could never be the intention of our Creator. He gives to his F4 74 CANADA AS IT IS. creatures a laud for their inheritance,—but to man he says, u by the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread and we are not to confine the interpreta¬ tion of this sentence to the literal tilling of the soil, but in its more general and extensive application. The means are given to man whereby he may con¬ vert the wilderness into a pleasant country,— whereby he may call into existence the hidden treasures of the earth,—render her the means of support to the present generation,—the reciprocal advantage to distant parts of the world. Man was not sent into the world to be a useless being,—to eat the fruits of the earth with the view only to gratify his sensual appetite, but to be of ser¬ vice to his fellow-creatures,—to render his assist¬ ance to the general welfare of society,—to consi¬ der the uants of the community as the wants of himself,—to hold out by precept and example the practical good of enlarged benevolence. Man neglecting to cherish and practice those ideas, too often relapses into a state of apathy and indifference,—his mind becomes corroded with selfish and contracted feelings,—he lives but to himself,—the mere being of existence. Richmond, distant from By-town about twenty miles, is rather a swampy, low country: the road to it is distinguished for having many of those rib- CANADA AS IT IS. 75 bod roads, called (not inaptly) corduroy bridges. Those bridges are sometimes a mile or two long. They are generally composed of logs of cedar laid parallel at the sides with the road, and other logs laid transversely, and resting their ends on the side logs. A few years ago this road, par¬ ticularly near Richmond, was in such a state as to be scarcely passable ; but within these three years it is very much improved, and still continues to be so ; and for the traveller there is excellent accom- modation. Tho lands in the neighbourhood of Richmond, are some of the richest in the Province ; but the situation being rather low and swampy, it is not considered so healthy as some other parts. The late Duke of Richmond unfortuuately lost his life within a few miles of this place, from the bite of a fox. He intended Richmond to have been a town of considerable importance ; here are now to be seen the outlines of extensive streets, which were all regularly laid ; numerous skeletons of targe buildings are still standing; here was to have been a Cheapside, there a Ludgate Hill. Fleet-street at another place, and the Old Bailey crossing at right angles, with a Snow Hill in the centre,—though now snotv hills are not wanting at this place in the winter. F5 76 CANADA AS IT IS. Richmond is at the present time a place of con¬ siderable business, and the main thoroughfare through the heart of this part of Upper Canada. It will also be benefited materially by the accom¬ plishment of the Rideau canal;—it will open a navigation to the Ottawa by means of the con¬ tinuation of the York river, (upon which Rich¬ mond is situated) with the Rideau : thus the good effects of this great public work are felt more or less in all the surrounding country. In going from Richmond to Perth, the traveller will pass through some rather thickly settled town¬ ships. The Rideau settlement, between Rich¬ mond and Perth, is one of the largest and best set¬ tlements within many miles; it owes its rise prin¬ cipally to the lumber trade on the Ottawa river. Before there were any settlements on or in the neighbourhood of the Ottawa, the supplies of fod¬ der—hay, oats, &c., (required for getting out lum¬ ber) used to be drawn nearly all from the Rideau settlement, which at that time was their principal market. The next township is Beckwith, which contains about two thousand inhabitants ; among whom are many respectable Scotch families. Instances are not wanting in the township of persons who came out to Canada, not many years ago, with very CANADA AS IT IS. 77 scanty means, if any at all—who are now very comfortably situated, having good large farms, plenty of cows, sheep, horses, pigs, &c. &c., and living in a state of great respectability. And it may be observed, that wherever our northern breth¬ ren form settlements, there are to be seen their usual characteristics of industry, perseverance, and orderly conduct; they seldom fail in giving their children useful educations, which are the surest means of making them good members of society. The only taxes known here at present, are the assess on property of one penny in the pound, which goes towards repairing the roads, and a half penny more to pay the sitting members of the House of Assembly. A man consequently having a farm of about fifty acres of cleared land, with stock, dwelling house, &c., pays on an average about a dollar and a half per year. On wild lands taken up, the assess is very trifling; but those who take up lands and neglect to improve them arc liable to pay the assess on them. An act was passed in the House of Assembly in the Upper Province, that where parties neglected to pay the assessment on wild or any other lands, for eight years in succession, the sheriff of each district should be authorized to sell, annually, all such lands in arrear, redeemable by the original owners V 7b CANADA AS IT IS. at any time within one year after the sale of such lands, by paying the purchaser the purchase money, for any improvement he might have made during the time of his possession, and twenty per cent, interest for his capital laid out. This act came into operation about a year ago, when the first sheriff’s sale for arrears of assess took place ; and in some remote parts these lands have been sold for a mere trifle—as little as three pence per acre. Thus two hundred acres of probably excellent land, (although in the wilderness,) for two pounds ten shillings currency. The next township to Beckwith is Elmsley, which is also in a flourishing condition, containing about 1500 inhabitants, congregated from all parts of the British Kingdom. This district is remark¬ able for the number of deer seen from the road, frequently in herds of twelve or sixteen, which is unusual, as they seldom herd more than two or three together. In some particular spots there are what are termed deer licks : these are salt springs, of which these animals are so fond, that they flock to them from all parts of the forests, and are there shot in great numbers from a scaffold erected near the springs. Perth is a well-built place ; the houses are pretty regularly laid out, many of them large and CANADA AS IT IS. 79 handsome ; the streets are also laid out uniformly. The court-houses and church are two spacious brick buildings ; they stand on a hill of considera¬ ble elevation. Here are mills, stores, and plenty of good mechanics to supply the wants of the com¬ munity. Perth being the district town, commands great attention from all parts of the district of Bathurst, —in fact, it is quite the by-word, within a distance of fifty miles, if a person do not settle an affair or an account, 44 1 will send you to Perth.” There are many professional gentlemen, retired officers, &c., settled in and about the town ; the society is respectable, and is remarkable for its sociability and gaiety. The taverns are superior to what might be expected from a comparatively small in¬ land town. Perth seems destined to become of considerable importance ; its situation is immediately in the heart of a flourishing, well-settled part of the coun¬ try, and it holds direct communication with two good inland rivers—the Mississippi and the Ri- deau ; though the latter will ere long be converted into a source of navigation far superior to any thing contemplated when Perth was first settled. There is not an inland town more likely to derive great¬ er advantage from the navigation of the Rideau 80 CANADA AS IT IS. canal, than Perth—with its gradual accession of settlers, the rapid opening of the country in its immediate neighborhood, and hence the improve¬ ment of the roads and means of communication. Independent of these considerations, so long as the judicial business of the district is transacted here, it must, in a great measure, be a place of pre-eminence. Such has been the increased set¬ tlement of the Bathurst district within the last ten years, that cases of some importance and magni¬ tude are frequently brought before the judicial authorities at the Perth assizes. The young country is governed by a code of laws granted by its parent state, the fundamental principles of which breathe more of the true spirit of liberty to the subject, than any government on earth. But the greatest of all blessings to a British subject, is that safeguard of inestimable value to the pro¬ tection of his person and property, and ever to be held one of her most sacred rights—namely, trial by jury. This is a right guarantied to every British subject,—a right that he watches over with as jealous an eye as the possession of his paternal estate. In fact, it is one of the principal compacts that binds king and people : it does unfortunately happen, that in some particular situations, persons aie called on to exercise the all-important duty of CANADA AS IT IS. 81 jurors, who from former habits of life, or want of education, are rendered incapable of forming with¬ in their own minds correct ideas of the merits of various cases submitted to their consideration. Is it not doubtful whether there are not a class of men, who from the above causes are too often led astray by the sophistry of counsel on one side, and from an undue bias in their own minds on the other. The causes are not to be wondered at, if we consider for a moment the sphere of life, in which some persons who are now freeholders of the soil of Upper Canada have been brought upl¬ and their inabilities to discharge those functions ; they themselves feel as acutely as any party ; they have been reared by parents who are generally in too poor a condition of life to give them the least education, and whose utmost stretch is to be ena¬ bled to supply their families with food and clothing; their children are literally brought up in ignorance and darkness ;—and is it, then, suprising that this class of persons, (here metamorphosed into the freeholders of the soil,) should be incapable of performing duties requiring the aid of education, and the influence cf admirable examples. There are, then, in this province some cases where per¬ sons are called on to exercise the important di-.ty of watching over the lives and liberties of their 82 CANADA AS IT IS. fellow subjects, who, from their want of education, are wholly incapable of duly discharging those du¬ ties ; however, it may be hoped, from the general encouragement given to education to the rising ge¬ neration in this province, that there will soon be no room for complaints on this score. A case was tried at Perth, not many years ago, of an assault that occurred somewhere in the dis¬ trict of Bathurst, committed on a-person to whom the offender was under considerable obligations. The person on whom the assault was committed, was a man of opulence, the other a poor man. It was an outrageous and most unwarrantable offence; but the stumbling-block in this case was—the plaintiff was rich, and the defendant poor; and though justice truly can never see, yet it is much to be feared, that she sometimes endeavours to draw aside the bandage. In this case, twelve free¬ holders were summoned and sworn on the jury ; the case being closed, and left by the highest au¬ thority in the hands of the jury for their verdict, a there was an evident difference of opinion amongst them. Foreman—“ Brother juryman, I think we we can soon come to a conclusion in this case— it appears to be clearly proved, that * * * very grossly assaulted * * Another juryman—“ I perfectly agree with you, Mr. Foreman ; it appears CANADA AS IT IS. 83 to me to be clearly made out;” but not another of these twelve men could or would come to the same conclusion. A juryman—“ By J-s, what busi¬ ness have we to bother our brains about all that them there gentlemen has been talking about ihese two hours ; all their larned sayings is no business of ours, and so it is’nt; sure, mus’nt we protect this poor man against the rich one l Suppose he did give the spalpeen a small taste ot the shillalah, sure it will lam him how to behave in future.” Foreman—“ But, brother juryman, we are on our oaths, and it is our sacred duty to do justice.” Juryman—“ No more of your insinuations ; if we was to send this poor man to prison, I should ne¬ ver forgive myself, and so I should’nt; and I say we have nothing to say against him.” All the rest sturdily concurring in this opinion, the verdict was given in favor of the aggressor —I believe very much to the surprise of most present—for certainly in this instance, this invaluable bulwark of our liber¬ ties was most shamefully abused. Perth, as centrally situated, ought to be consi¬ dered as the district town for the several townships within its immediate range, such as Drummond, Beckwith, and many more ; but it is extremely in convenient and expensive to the inhabitants on and near the Ottawa, a distance of more than fifty 84 CANADA AS IT IS. miles, that they should have to travel thus far at all times of the year, to transact any petty law pro¬ ceeding that calls for their personal attendance. By-Town ought certainly be made a separate dis- tiict town, for that part bordering on and near the Ottawa. It is much to be desired that the pre¬ sent sitting member should use his influence in en¬ deavouring to procure such a regulation; but in addition to the influence of the present member, the county of Carleton having by its now increased ratio of population, come up to the standard which gives a county the right of sending two members to the House of Assembly, by the next session, return two representatives to the Legislature of the Upper Province. The time of election is fixed for the early part of next winter. There are al¬ ready two gentlemen come forward as candidates for the honor. The one is a son of Colonel Burke, a gentleman well known in the country, and who was very active in the first settlement of this part of the province ; the other is Mr. Pinkey, a gen¬ tleman of independent property, now residing at March; it is therefore to be hoped, that with this accession of representative influence, the wants of every part of the county will not be forgotten. Perth is a town that seems to encourage within it¬ self the means of its own improvement. It appears CANADA AS IT IS. 85 to contain o good share of public spirit, without which, every place, however advantageous in situa¬ tion, soon sinks into insignificance. It supports a well circulated paper, called the “ Independent Examiner and Bathurst District Advertiser.” Leaving Perth, you again plunge into the wilder¬ ness, but the axe is now so busy in this part of the world, that a visible change is constantly taking place. You see many little new shanties spring¬ ing up in every direction, heaps of logs burning in one place, gangs of men and oxen logging in an¬ other, choppers busy in pursuing their laborious work, road makers engaged in rendering the mud¬ dy swamp passable, and probably here and there the newly arrived settler, together with his world’s all, with a large storage of broken and half-broken furniture, at first lost in amazement at the extraor¬ dinary change, from his former scenes in life. These are some of the characteristics of the first , settlement of a country, but as soon as the settler gets on his land, has his shantee erected, and made a little comfortable, a bit of land chopped, cleared, and under crop, his family all around him, and his wife reconciled, he soon gets familiar amongst his new neighbors, and with the roads in his immediate neighbourhood. He now begins himself to be thoroughly reconciled, and soon forgets most of 86 CANADA AS 11 IS* the little troubles and inconveniencies he has had to contend with. After leaving Perth about ten or fifteen miles, the country begins to be remarkably well settled. There are some very large and good settlements, and the country gradually improves at the nearer approach towards Kingston, which is easily ac¬ counted for. The St. Lawrence side of the Up¬ per Province has been partially settled for these forty or fifty years, and the tide of emigration has principally flown to this part of Upper Canada; for until these four or five years, the Ottawa was scarcely known, but to a few persons who dealt in furs, and to the officers of the Hudson’s Bay Com¬ pany. It is only within these twelve years that any settlement whatever was made on the Upper Cana¬ da side bordering on the Ottawa; these are the townships of Nepean, Goulborn, Jlantty, March, Parbolton, Fitzroy, and others ; the grand source of improvement has taken place within these five years in the cutting of the Rideau Canal, but on the other side, about Kingston, are now what is termed the Old Settlements of the country. There is yet a vast tract ot land which appears to have been unnoticed by those who have had the management in first surveying and regulating the gradual settlement of the Upper Province. It CANADA AS IT IS. 87 must strike any person who has ever been in the interior of the country, say fifty miles above the Chats, and taking a westerly direction, that it would have been highly desirable to have opened this part of the Upper Province, considering that the popu¬ lation has increased so rapidly. Here are immense tracts of fertile lands, some of them of the best quality laying dormant. It will be argued that the Canada Company are now, and have been for some time past, opening and forming new settlements in the Huron tract; granted they are—but are they not beginning where they ought to leave off? the Huron tract i3 an insulated part of the Upper Pro¬ vince—its very extremity. In settling a new country, those parts should be first opened where the means of communication are most convenient, and also the gradual opening of the country should be had in view', keeping the line of settlements as near together as the nature of the country will admit. If the part of the province alluded to were sur¬ veyed and opened by commencing a good road, having its extremity on one end on the shores of Lake Ontario, and the other on the Ottawa river, it would tend rapidly to the opening and settling the very heart of the Province of Upper Canada; here would be a communication between two navi- 02 88 CANADA AS IT IS. gable waters of the first magnitude. The inter¬ ests of the Canada Company are most intimately connected with the welfare and prosperity of the Province, and hence the necessity of their pursuing bold and straight forward measures in its settlement. It is useless to form a few small locations here and there in the remote districts, or to make partial roads ; they should open a large tract of country at once, and that in the most desirable and central part of the Province. Wherever there are good roads, there will the settlers flock; but to offer lands for sale where there can be no means of com¬ munication, is to accomplish a very small portion of the good which is at their command. It may be asked, is not the country opened now from one ex¬ tent to the other, by means of the Rideau Canal ? But this is by no means the heart of Upper Cana¬ da ; neither ought any public measure to stay the operations of the Canada Company in their systems of improvement. This immense work has been effected at the public expense, and the Canada Company are reaping the chief advantages by en¬ hancing the value and expediting the sale of their lands in its immediate neighbourhood. Notwith¬ standing the large accession of settlers this season, and those to be expected in future, yet the Pro¬ vince will not be settled as it ought, unless more CANADA AS It IS. 89 liberal plans are adopted ; the company themselves would reap tenfold advantages; for where they now dispose of one thousand acres of land, they might sell ten thousand. They are well aware that in a neighbouring country, lands are at all times to be had cheap, and there the means of communi¬ cation are not neglected. Yonge street and other places might be instanced, but Yonge street in par¬ ticular, and all the road to Penetanguishem. Some of the best settlements in the Province are on this road, and in its vicinity. The reason is obvious : it is not because the lands are the best; for a con¬ siderable distance they are very poor and sandy; but even here they are well settled. Persons would rather, and it is better for them to locate on ordinary lands, where there are good roads and means of communication, than on the very best soils, where those 'conveniencies are not to be found. In remote and isolated situations, land is scarcely worth accepting. The Canada Company is composed of a body of men (the shareholders in London and else¬ where,) who are utterly incapable of forming a just opinion of the nature and local wants of this coun¬ try. Their capital is invested, and ail they look to is a return of interest, without duly considering the nature of the underbaking in which their capital is 90 CANADA AS IT IS. engaged, or the means most proper to be adopted for the furtherance of its prosperity. They know that land is land any where, and they think that it is only to offer it for sale to get purchasers. Whe¬ ther the policy is a good one or not, of ever hav¬ ing delegated to any body of men the control over such a vast tract of territory, where the welfare and interests of so large a body of his Majesty’s sub¬ jects are so intimately connected, time best ivill tell. On the approach to Kingston, the country is much settled by natives from Ireland, and here the character of the Irishman may be seen to advan¬ tage ; he is generally hardy, patient, industrious, and not intimidated at trifles, and gets over his first difficulties very well; he is likewise a quiet peace¬ able neighbour and a good subject, when his pas¬ sions are not inflamed with liquor, or his feelings worked upon by the designing, and in this distant land, how much is it to be lamented, that the causes which produce most of the feuds and heart¬ burnings in their own country should be kept up and cherished here. If there be the shadow of a pretence for these most invidious party feelings at home, surely here they are altogether inexcusable and criminal. \\ hether it be on the one side or on the other, whether these fends and party ani¬ mosities have been cherished by the Irish Protest- CANADA AS IT IS. 91 ant or by the Irish Catholic, let them be banished altogether from this hitherto unpolluted soil. The country around Kingston is distinguished by an evident superiority of the state of agricul¬ ture, here they are large growers of that staple commodity of consumption and commerce, wheat, a grain that as long as England continues her present policy towards this Country cannot be too much encouraged, not only for exportation home will it be wanted ; but also for the supply of the northern river, for there they are only just now emerging from the wilderness; if they can raise an acre or two each kind of grain, it is as much as they can do for the first few years. Wheat is certainly the best grain grown in Upper Canada, for while both barley and oats somewhat degenerate, wheat at lest equals if not rather excels the English growth. Kingston is now fast recovering from the severe check given to her commercial prosperity a few years ago: she is now re-establishing herself upon a firm basis, and from her central situation cannot, as long as the Province continues to flourish, fail to be a town of considerable importance. The llideau canal has been of the utmost consequence to the town ; and she is likely to derive as much advantage from its navigation than any G4 or more 92 CANADA AS IT IS. other place in the Province ;—it will be the princi¬ pal depot at the head waters of the canal,—taking in and storing all the produce that will pass through —coming down from York, Niagara, and all places above, and through the Welland canal. There can be no question but Kingston will ultimately be one of the first towns in Upper Canada. It now ex¬ ceeds any other in population,—it commands a delightful view of Lake Ontario,—the steam-boats passing and repassing between Prescot and Nia¬ gara, all making the port of Kingston in their way, renders it in the summer a place of very consider¬ able importance and activity. The troops more or less permanently stationed here, likewise con¬ tribute to its gaiety . The site of Kingston is most judiciously chosen ; it is built on the curve of the Bay. On the opposite side stands the Garrison, commanding the entrance to the town ; it altogether presents a formidable front, and is a plan that would put to the test the strength of any enemy. The streets which are numerous are regularly laid out, butting on the Bay, and generally uniform and well built. Kingston and the surrounding country, like every other part of the Province, are now beginning to feel the beneficial effects of the judicious system oi policy under which the Canadas have for the last CANADA AS IT IS. 93 few years flourished. Prior to this period the agri¬ culture, and consequently the commerce of the country were in a drooping state,—the farmer received no price for his produce to stimulate him to exertion,—he could ill afford to purchase any thing beyond the bare necessaries of life, and hardlv those; the storekeeper’s s.tock hung heavy on his hands; hence the want of punctuality in fulfilling his engagements with the merchant, and the general want of r confidence through the whole commercial body. No place felt the effects from those causes more severely than Kingston. It might be said, why should this country look to England for support and protection to her agricul¬ ture and commerce?-for the very strongest grounds. She is a body politic as well as a colo¬ ny,—a part and parcel of the British Empire. She can pass no laws of herself, with regard to her foreign policy ; but as a colony, is of course under the guidance and direction of laws emanating from her parent state. Is Canada, when kept in this state of cruel de¬ pression, likely to be productive of those real and solid advantages to her parent state which her now prosperous condition would warrant us in antici¬ pating. A pampering and unsettled policy really G5 94 CANADA AS IT IS. operates in a cruel manner towards a young and rising country ;—for a few years she fancies her¬ self in established prosperity,—the man of laudable ambition and enterprize embarks his capital in un¬ dertakings of magnitude,—the agriculturist goes on with spirit and energy in improving and culti¬ vating the soil,—the commercial character specu¬ lates upon what he reasonably considers a firm basis,—the united prospects of every class flourish for perhaps three or four years, when a new regu¬ lation is issued that gives an immediate check to industry, ruins commerce, and locks up the very channels of enterprize to every class of persons. Canada wants a regular settled system of policy, that she may calculate with some degree of cer¬ tainty upon the returns she is likely to get for her various surplus produce. Without this she must ever remain in that feverish uncertain state too often observable in the general commerce of this country. Kingston has to boast of some establishments in its neighbourhood of the first consequence; these are the Marmora IronWorks carried to a conside¬ rable extent, and produce some wares, which for texture and quality will bear comparison with many imported articles of a similar fabric. There are CANADA AS IT IS. 95 the Gananouquc Mills, so celebrated for the supe¬ rior quality of flour they manufacture ; and many other establishments in the vicinity of this import¬ ant place place, equally deserving of notice. On proceeding from Kingston to York, you keep in view of Lake Ontario most of the way, and have to pass through many very pleasant villages, with good inns, ^fording excellent accommodations. Their customs resemble in a great measure the manners of their opposite neighbours: for instance, whether it be at breakfast, dinner, or supper, they rarely spread the table, without putting on an ample supply of preserves, such as peaches, plums, apples, &c. The first village of any consequence, after leav¬ ing Kingston, is Cobourg,—a place newly sprung up ; and a most delightful little village it is,—slop¬ ing down to the very water’s edge. The houses all nearly new, clean, and well-built, mostly sur¬ rounded with tastefully laid out gardens, with the neat church topping the hill. The whole village from the lake has a most enchanting appearance ; the inhabitants, too, are quite of the respectable order,—indeed, they pique themselves on keeping their society select. There are many very extensive farmers ia the neighbourhood, who cultivate very large tracts ot 96 CANADA AS IT IS. land. Some of these agriculturists will trans¬ port in the course of a season two thousand bushels of wheat, or upwards. The country is pretty well settled for forty miles back, and strll fast increasing. It must be acknowledged, that the manner of managing their farms is a model for many other parts of the Province ; they seem to adopt the right system of tillage, not merely scratch¬ ing over the land, and just dropping in the seed, (as is the custom in many parts of the Province,) but properly and effectively breaking up the soil with the plough, in a thorough husbandry-like manner. It is not the quantity sown to be con¬ sidered, but the principle thing is the state and tillage of the land. At least one-third of the land in this Province is lost, through a bad system of tillage. The best crop that a farmer can have, who is poor and has not the means to well dress his land, is Indian corn. This is a grain that might be just dropped in the earth, and as fast as rt grows, the hoe will perform the necessary tillage; it will succeed well in the same land for twenty years successively; and it generally finds a ready market. The seed that is necessary to plant a large breadth of Indian corn, is of no moment, consequently, should the crop fail, the loss is not felt. 1 here are other kinds of produce that might CANADA AS IT IS. 97 be raised with advantage, principally by hand labour. Hemp, for instance, is an article much wanted in this Province : still the growth of hemp is certainly attended with some expense, and per¬ haps not within the reach of every one. But there is another produce of great importance to every farmer who has any stock,—a crop which appears to be much, if not altogether overlooked in this country, which is cairots; they are amongst the best and most nutritious food for horses; one bushel of carrots will yield more nourishment than two bushels of oats or potatoes; and it is a re¬ markable fact, that horses will frequently leave oats to feed on carrots, after they have acquired a relish for them : generally other cattle as well as horses are fond of them, and thrive astonishingly well, when fed on them. They not only make them in good condition, but give them fine glossy coats. If farmers would turn their attention to raising this vegetable extensively, they would find an immense saving in grain, as well as a visible change in the thrift of their animals. As a matter of economy and profit, it is of vast importance. The quantity of carrots which may be raised from one acre of good land, is almost incredible: when the land is rich and mellow, an acre will yield from one to two thousand bushels ; the process is sim- 98 CANADA AS IT IS. pie, and the labour comparatively light;—select a rich piece of ground, tolerably dry, and as free from weeds as possible : plough it deep, make it mellow, and harrow it smooth ; then sow your ground with the usual quantity of flaxseed, and harrow it in ; after this sow about a quart of car¬ rot seed to the acre, and brush it lightly,—both seeds will come up together ; but the flax spring¬ ing up with considerable rapidity, will so shade the carrots, that they will not gain much size till the flax is pulled. The shade of the flax will also pre¬ vent the weeds from growing, so as to interfere with the carrots. After the flax is pulled, which w ill be in July, tho carrots will begin to flourish ; especially if the weeds have been kept in check by the shade ; for the pulling of the flax will so loosen the earth around them, and so expose them to the rays of the sun, ns to give them new vigour and strength ; at that time, also, the w'eeds will not grow rapidly, if at all. Thus may be raised two valuable crops, without impoverishing the land more than by a crop of corn or oats. It is not probable that the first attempt will yield so largely as has been suggested above, but if the proper pre¬ cautions be taken, and are tolerably successful, one acre will produce about one thousand bushels of carrots, w orth— CANADA AS IT IS. 99 1 shilling per bushel, £50 00 300 lbs. flax, worth 4d per lb. 5 00 6 bushels flaxseed, about 2 00 To what use can an acre of land be applied by which it will produce half the amount ? This may seem a large estimate, but it is, nevertheless true; and if any one wish to test the malter, let them try it next season. Horses will work on carrots as well as on oats, and keep in much better order. The above might probably be considered experimental farming ; but in farming as well as in other matters, experiments have brought to light many valuable discoveries ; in gardening in particular, and in all botanical researches, which to husbandry are near¬ ly akin, to what amazing perfection the system of gardening is brought at home ; and yet no further back than the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Holland furnished us with green peas , and even potatoes . But men generally do not relish the idea of going out of their regular track; they consider that to stoop to advice is beneath their notice, and hence they plod on in their own unprofitable way for the want of a more enlightened and productive system. All the steam-boats navigating Lake Ontario, both up and down, touch at Albany, which renders it a village of some importance. 100 CANADA AS IT IS. On leaving Cobourg, you pass on the high road leading to the capital of Upper Canada, the coun¬ try is in many places along the line of this road still a wilderness ; here and there are some good clearances, but they are not general till near Port Hope , which is sixty miles below York. This is another village similar to Cobourg, but not so large : it also butts on Lake Ontario, over which it has an extensive view. Port Hope contains at present about forty or fifty dwellings, and is now one of those pretty pleasant country villages so often to be met with. Leaving Port Hope you now soon arrive at what might be termed the Yorkshire of Upper Canada; for here are the towns of Darlington, Scarborough, Ilarrowgate, Whitby and Pickering, and a township called Scarborough ; and these places are settled very much by natives from York¬ shire. Many of the Upper Canada loyalists have settled on and about Scarborough. Doubtless the term is generally understood; they are persons from the United States, originally from British parents, who at the time of the American war, would not, from conscientious motives, take up arms against their original country and kindred. They withdrew from the States, and placed them¬ selves under the protection of the British govern- CANADA AS IT IS. 101 meat, who as a recompense for the sacrifices they had made, gave them grants of lands iu the Cana¬ das, and also to their children. When within about six miles of the town of York, it presents a very good and extensive view of it, stretching itself along the beach, on the north¬ west side of the harbour. In the distant view, and commanding the entrance to the harbour, is the garrison, which has a very formidable appear¬ ance. The suburbs are marked by all those characteristics observable in the vicinity of most large towns at home. Dotted here and there are neat pretty villas, built on a handsome construc¬ tion, having those compact little paddocks and shrubberies which so much adorn the country- house. The first structure that engages the attention, is the new, handsome, and substantial wooden bridge built over the river Don. In the entrance to the town as well as this, many other handsome and useful buildings which now ornament it, was com¬ pleted under the direction of the present excellent Governor Sir John Colborne. The next building of any consequence is the arge brick Catholic Church, a most substantial idilice. . A distinguishing feature in the town of fork is the numerous substantial brick dwelling- 102 CANADA AS IT IS* houses. The town is laid out with numerous streets butting on the lake shore, and crossing transversely the main street at right angles, called King-street; which runs in a straight line through the heart of the town, for a mile and a quarter in length. 'Here is a Newgate-street and a Cheap- side, a Poultry, and Snow Hill, .and many other names familiarly known in the British metropolis. Here is also another singular accumulation of names ; for on the whole side of one street,t he in¬ habitants which comprised only two names, (Arm¬ strong and Rideau.) There are a great number of stores in York, and some of them are really elegant, and well supplied with the choicest wares manufactured in Europe. They all appear to do a great deal of business. York is altogether a place of extensive trade with the western part of the Upper Province ; and the thickly settled townships surrounding it, is in fact the bay to this important part of Upper Canada. It is astonishing in the time of sleighing in the winter, when the roads are good, to see the num¬ ber of large sleighs, with wheat and various kinds of produce, coming into the town ; and it is alto¬ gether a very novel sight. Sometimes will be observed fifteen or twenty of those large box sleds, some drawn by two horses, others by four, all at CANADA AS IT IS. 103 full trot with their bells jingling, some driven by jolly looking Quakers, some by the singular sect called Tankards, who never shave their beards,— these growing nearly down to their middles, and with their little skimmer hats and long coats, have a most extraordinary appearance.—Then comes an Indian, with his well known dress, the universal blanket, driving in a load of frozen deer to mar¬ ket,—next a Yankee, with his load of frozen pigs, all as stiff as the shafts of his sleigh, himself dressed in his homespnn suit of brown,—all these charac¬ ters form a very striking contrast. The quantity of wheat deposited in York during the winter is very great; many of the principal storekeepers of the town purchasing very largely of this commodity. A large body of the farmers in Yonge-street, and in the townships in the vicinity of York, have adopted the plan of storing their own wheat; they have formed themselves into an association, and have built a very large storage at York, on the margin of the lake, where they store it in the win¬ ter, while the roads are good, and transport it down in the Spring,—thus securing to themselves the best prices. They have their secretary in York to see to the storage, and keep the account of de¬ posits, &c. II / 104 CANADA AS IT IS. The public market of York is uncommonly well supplied daily with fresh meat, poultry, vegetables, butter, cheese, &c. both in summer and winter. The present market house, which is extensive, appears scarcely large enough to accommodate the inhabi¬ tants of this fast increasing town. A contract has been made for the erection of a new market-house, and it is stated, that the estimated cost of the build¬ ing will be about six thousand live hundred pounds currency. The prices of meat generally in the York market is, for beef about three pence per pound ; mutton four pence ; veal the same ; a fat goose for two shillings , turkeys three and six¬ pence to five shillings ; fowls nine pence to one shilling and six pence ; butter eight to ten pence ; cheese five pence. York is also at some seasons of the year well supplied with fish taken in the lake. The salmon is excellent, and in great plenty. The lake salmon does not quite equal in flavour that taken in salt water. The colour is not so bright, but the fish are equally large, and very good eating. They are not caught in nets, but with the spear; the fisherman goes out at night in canoes or boats, keeping a light in the bow, which attracts the fish, when they are struck with the barbed spear, and easily secured. The lakes produce another very CANADA AS IT IS. 105 excellent fish, called white fish, generally of about three or four pounds weight; also the blue backed herring, much larger than the common herring, but of the°sarr.e species. It is somewhat like the fresh herring, but rather of a milkish flavour. In fact, the most of those fish in the lakes are migraters from the sea ; and there is no doubt, if the sea- fish could be introduced into the lakes, but they would breed and thrive in fresh water. A gentleman of Upper Canada has proposed to the House of Assembly to vote the sum of five hundred pounds, to be appropriated to the pur¬ chase of all kinds of live sea fish, lobsters, oysters, and all descriptions of shell as well as other sea- fish, to be deposited in the lakes, for the purpose of trying the experiment of raising an inland sup¬ ply. The various descriptions of herring (known to be natives of the sea)—flourish in these waters. There can be no reason why other natives of the same element should not also succeed, at least, it is not improbable. They now have a supply of fresh cod and oysters at ^ ork in the winter, but they are brought a distance of six or seven hun¬ dred miles, and of course the price is proportion¬ ate. York is fast becoming a place of considerable importance. The situation is central, between a 106 CANADA AS IT IS. great extent of inland navigation and a very large tract of well settled country. All the supplies, for above a hundred and fifty miles above it, are drawn from York. There are already many considerable establishments in its neighbourhood, such as paper makers, hatters, parchment makers, potteries, and many other branches; and the mechanics generally, in and about York, are the most ingenious and best in the Province, and are here very numerous. The grist-mills in the vicinity of York, too, de¬ serve notice ; they are upon a most ingenious and effective construction ; they are after the American model, and are certainly the most simple, effective, and expeditious in their operations. It is not the custom here for millers to measure in the wheat they purchase, but to weigh all at the rate of sixty pounds to the bushel. The mills receive the wheat at the weighing machine ; it then passes on in a trough worked by cogs, placed in rollers ; then by conductors,—(these are a kind of leather pouch, each holding about a pint)—it is taken up to the smut machine, then to the fanning mill; from thence down to the grinding stones ; up again by conductors to be bolted ; from thence it passes in¬ to the large receiving bin, and into the barrels.— Thus the wheat is taken in at the weighing ma- CANADA AS IT IS. 107 chine, passes through all these evolutions ; and from the time of its being weighed till it is fine flour, and in the barrel, no hand touches it :\it is all done by a simple piece of machinery. Flour and wheat are articles of considerable trade at York. Salt is another article of importance ; and nearly, if not quite all, the salt that passes through the hands of the merchants at York, is imported from Onondaga in the States, where it is made. The amount paid to the Americans, for this single article, in the course of a year, must be some thou¬ sands of pounds. There are the same facilities for manufacturing salt in some parts of the Upper Province, which they have in the inland part of the States—namely, salt springs : but who is to advance the necessary capital, in this Province, re¬ quired to carry on such works? We have no banks here to assist us. Thus thousands are annu¬ ally spent in the Province, both for this and many other necessaries. The inns and other places of accommodation are very numerous in York; and some of them are kept in the best order, and on a very large scale. There arc likewise many private boarding-houses, equal, if not superior, to any in the Province ; and the charges, considering the nature of those ac- H3 108 CANADA AS IT IS. commodations, very reasonable. Many of the taverns are kept by Americans. It is no uncommon thing in taverns in the States to find a Bible placed in each bed-room, for the use of visiters ; and some of these taverns will supply no liquors, on Sundays, to any persons but those really travelling; and a very excellent and proper regulation it certainly is. The arrival of the numerous emigrants at York, during the summer, is a source of great profit to the tavern-keepers. In fact, many of them loiter at these houses much too long for their own interest. The numerous groups of emigrants collected on the beach, immediately after the arri¬ val of a steam-boat, is a scene of no common in¬ terest, and exhibits a very singular taste in the ideas of economy. You will see, probably, a few old chairs not worth half a dollar each, which have been brought nearly or quite five thousand miles ; with old bedsteads, and other pieces of common furniture, that could have been disposed of at home for nearly as much as new would cost here ; for wood being so very abundant in Canada, these common articles of furniture are very cheap in most parts of the Province; very good common chairs, quite new, are to be bought for four or five shillings each, and sometimes less ; but the people CANADA AS IT IS. 109 at home imagine there are no persons here who can manufacture these kind of things. In this they are much mistaken ; for such is the accumu¬ lation of furniture for sale in the Upper Province, that the body of cabinet makers of York, during the last session of the Assembly, petitioned the House to pass an act prohibiting the importation of furniture from the United States; therefore, emigrants should not bring any lumbering heavy furniture with them to this country. The navigable part of the emigrant’s long jour- ney generally ends at York; and here are to be seen groups of men, women, and children, each betraying, in their countenances, marks of the un¬ settled state of their ideas in this, to them, strange country. Some are anxiously seeking their friends ; some are inquiring for the most eligible situations to settle in; others are endeavouring to procure present employment: and many are the dupes of unprincipled characters, who, for the sake of plun¬ dering these poor strangers, often lead them into situations the most inimical to their interest. The trades of York appear to be more distinctly classed than are to be observed in many other towns in Canada. There are drapers who appear to keep only those peculiar kind of goods in their immediate line, denominated dry goods. Here H4 110 CANADA AS IT IS. are grocery and spirit stores, selling nothing but heavy kinds of goods, spirits, and wines. Whis¬ key is an article to be had exceedingly cheap, as low as one shilling and six pence a gallon : cider, too, is very cheap—at about three pence per gal¬ lon, and very good. There are in York iron¬ mongers, silversmiths, druggists, stationers, &c., who respectively seem to confine themselves to the sale of their legitimate articles of trade. The suburbs of York are remarkable for the rich appearance of its numerous gardens, which exhibit the evident marks of a congenial climate. Apples, particularly, thrive in the greatest luxu¬ riance, Most kinds of fruit and vegetables seem to flourish here ; the red currant and the plum grow to a very great size; cabbages, celery, cauliflow¬ ers, and in fact all kinds of culinary vegetables, are raised here in the greatest abundance. They have here a pea called the six week pea, which is planted and comes to maturity in six weeks. Many fruits and vegetables are raised in Upper Canada which will not come to perfection at home, at least not in the open air. Melons are here planted openly in the gardens, or in the fields; indeed, they succeed best on a spot where a log heap has been burnt. Cucumbers also grow to an uncom¬ mon size when planted in the same spots. They CANADA AS IT IS. Ill are also much better than those grown in Europe. If some kinds of garden seeds are sown here in the fall of the year, they succeed well; and persons would profit much by adopting this system—of sowing onions, carrots, parsnips, and asparagus, and other kinds of the hardy plants, that frost will not injure. Seeds, by being sown in the fall of the year, acquire an early growth in the Spring, and get strong before the grub attacks them. About fifty miles above York, towards the West¬ ern District, and at Niagara, which is thirty-six miles across the lake, peaches grow in the greatest abundance, on trees planted in the gardens or or¬ chards, just the same as the apples. They are not so large as those raised on wall trees, nor have they the same rich appearance; they are green when ripe, but are very sweet and good,—are used in great quantities for preserving, and are also made into peach brandy. They are brought from Niagara to York in very large boat loads, and sold out of the boats at the wharf side, at sometimes a shilling, and even as low as six pence a bushel. The harbour of York presents a scene of great interest when the navigation of the lake is open. Her placid waters being the receptacle of a great variety of craft,—light fancy painted skiffs, some for pleasure, some for business, a numerous an- H5 % 112 CANADA AS IT IS. chorage of sloops freighted with a variety of pro¬ duce ; one handsome steamer, just departing; another of portentous dimensions, just now seen in the offing,—regarded with an anxious eye by the groups of characters walking to and fro on the long extended wharf. The whole scene presents to the view an interest not easily conceived. There have been for the last two or three years, three large steam-boats running constantly between Prescott and Niagara,—the splendid new steamer, the Great Britain, now makes the fourth. Nia¬ gara is merely the nominal place of destination. The steam-boats generally land four fifths of their cargoes and passengers at York. The Canada runs every morning to Niagara, and returns the same afternoon. There is also another at the head of the lake, taking passengers and loading for Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, and all parts of the west. The improvements in the town of York are making inconceivable progress. Both public and private buildings, of the most substantial kind, are being erected in all directions. They are mostly of brick, of which article there is now an immense quantity made near the town. Mechanics of all grades obtain ready employment. The supplies of lumber and other building materials are not more CANADA AS IT IS. 113 than commensurate with the demand. In fact, the prosperity and growth of the capital seems to keep pace with the general improvement of the Pro¬ vince. The large handsome brick buildings, now near¬ ly completed, immediately opposite the lake, re¬ flect the greatest credit on those engaged in their erection. These buildings are intended for the sittings of the Houses of Assembly, and the legis¬ lative body; and also for the occupation of some of the public offices. The government here ap¬ pears to be concentrating the public offices under the same roof,—a most desirable regulation ; for at present they are distributed all over town; and after a person has transacted business at one office, it takes him half a day to find out the next. The Government House, (the present residence ot Sir John Colborne,) is a large white painted build¬ ing, immediately in the rear of the building just alluded to. It altogether occupies about four acres of land, comprising a shrubbery, garden, &c. A sergeant’s guard is always in attendance, and due military etiquette is observed. The greatest ur¬ banity and attention is shown to all applicants on business, without distinction. Facing the Government House is the new Col¬ lege of Upper Canada, comprising a large extent CANADA AS IT IS. U 114 of buildings. The present number of scholars is about two hundred. There are three classical masters—two writing masters—a drawing and French master, with a few assistants. The estab¬ lishment of this college is of the most incalculable advantage to the residents in and near York, and of Upper Canada generally; for here they have the means of giving their sons a liberal education for a comparatively trifling expense, the whole of the college fees not amounting to more than eight or ten pounds a year. Near the college stands the hospital, a large commodious building, well adapted for the purpose for which it is intended. There are many elegant private residences in the vicinity of York, built in a style that would do credit to any place in Europe. The jail and court¬ house are built in a manner that renders them an ornament todhe body of the town. The House of Assembly is at present held at the court-house. It consists of about fifty members—attorneys, doc¬ tors, farmers, merchants, &c. The place where they now hold their sittings, is in an immense room about eighty feet in length by forty in breadth. There are three or four anti¬ rooms for the accommodation of committees, &c. The room of sitting is fitted up with every con- CANADA AS IT IS. 115 veniencc for the accommodation of the members. Each member has a desk, enclosing a secretaire for the deposite of his letters and papers. At the extremity of the room is an elevated throne under a canopy; above which are his Majesty’s coat of arms. The throne is occupied by the speaker, who sits in his robe of office and shovel hat. There are the mace bearer, sergeant-at-arms, usher o the black rod, &c., all in attendance. There is also an elevated enclosure for the accommodation of the gentlemen of the press. • The House usually sits from the beginning of January to the middle of March. At the opening of the session, the Governor goes in state to the House in a similar form to that observed by the King at home—being here his representative. The bank of York is a large handsome building, entered by a flight of stone steps ; having doors, and the fittings up in the inside, of mahogany. The business, which is now very considerable, seems to be conducted with great regularity and despatch. There are no lack of professional men in ior , having a considerable number of lawyers and doc¬ tors. The periodical publications appear to be very well supported in the town and its vicinity. There are five regular weekly papers, besides the Govern¬ ment Gazette—these are the Courier, the Colonial 116 CANADA AS IT IS. Advocate, Canadian Freeman, Observer, and the Christian Guardian. The price of papers in Canada is generally four dollars a year. There is great encouragement for mechanics in and about lork. The wages of smiths and car- penteis are seven shillings and six pence a day ; masons about the same. Most other trades are well paid. They certainly may live very much cheaper here than at home ; and if they are sober men, they have a chance of saving money. Shoe makers, hatters, and tailors, get the highest wages in York, for such is the gaiety of this thriving town, that their respective trades are well encou¬ raged. Here are advertising boot makers from “ Iioby’s,” tailors from “ Bond-street,” and milli¬ ners and dress makers from the “ West End in fact, here is a London in miniature. The place is yet too small to support a regular theatre ; although they have occasionally some travelling performers. The gaiety of York is developed in their private parties, which is greatly enhanced by the bcautv and vivacity of the fair sex. The religious sects are of many denominations, —the Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Gongregationalists, and Episcopalians ; and what¬ ever they might be in other parts of the Province, the latter are the most numerous in the capital- CANADA AS IT IS. 117 The site of York is admirably chosen, as far as regards its convenience for the navigation of Lake Ontario; possessing a safe, commodious, and capacious bay, securing to craft of every descrip¬ tion a safe anchorage. The lands, also, on the western side of the town, are high and dry, and admirably adapted for building, but there is a great drawback on the score of it3 unhealthiness of situa¬ tion on the eastern side of the town, which, it is much to be feared, is irremoveable. At the head of the bay, which comes to the east side of York, are some very extensive stagnant marshes; they extend for six or seven miles ; and are considered to be the principal agents in germinating the local diseases felt more or less in and about the town. In Reesorville are two good taverns, two or three smiths, carpenters, a saddler, tailors, shoe makers, a regular post-office, several stores, and a church is now being built. These little new villages, built up in the centre of the forest, have a most extraordinary appear¬ ance to any person who has been familiar with European towns. There, the immense space of surrounding country, all open to the view', is gene¬ rally seen: here is, as it were, a town fenced in by an interminable forest. 118 CANADA AS IT IS. A person travelling through the bush, feels much about the same sensation as he would, were he to be travelling through any part of the United King¬ dom, with a bandage over his eyes, and only hav¬ ing it released upon his coming to any town or village. He is not always lonesome on his way ; he sometimes may see a deer crossing his path; or the red or black squirrel playing in the trees ; and peradventure he might meet with a bear. Birds are seldom to be seen much in the heart of the forest, with the exception of the solitary woodpecker. The feathered tribe generally ap¬ pear to be of a social habit; in the clearances, and near the villages they appear to be most at home. The inhabitants in this neighbourhood derive a great advantage from the abundance of salmon in the river Ruish, a small stream commu¬ nicating with Lake Ontario. Each family in the Spring obtains enough to supply them for many months. Further on in this direction of the country, lie the thriving townships of Brock, Innisfil, and others. Lands about these townships are to be had cheap, and consequently a desirable place of settlement for the emigrant who has but small means ; and the roads, all through this part of the country to York, are good. CANADA AS IT IS. 119 On the Yonge-strect, about eighteen miles from York, are the very high lands, called the Oak Ridges; they extend for some miles, and arc nearly all sandy and poor. But from hence up¬ wards, the soil is of the most fertile description. On the top of these Ridges, is a lake of about a mile in circumference, and said to be twenty or thirty fathoms in depth. A few miles beyond them is the settlement of the curious sect called Tankards. They arc dissenting Quakers; they do not marry ; their dress is a long suit of home- spun brown cloth ; they do not share their beards, and altogether exhibit a most singular appearance. A few miles from hence is the town of New¬ market, a place of importance in this part of the country. Newmarket comprises about a hundred houses; it is situated in the heart of a rich pro¬ ductive country, and is a place of great business ot various descriptions. Here are two excellent giist- mills ; besides saw-mills, a hat and chair manu¬ factory, which arc very extensive ; and a cloth or carding mill. The texture of the cloth made at this mill is of a fair quality; and the farmers in the neighbourhood have only to dress and prepare their wool a little, when it is taken to the mill, and is returned a good serviceable cloth. Newmarket is quite a manufacturing town, upon 120 CANADA AS IT IS. a small scale. Here is a large lur establishment, where they carry on an extensive trade in furs with the Indians about Lake Huron, and further north¬ ward. Here may be occasionally seen a body of Indians ; they are very large, being on an average at least seven feet high ; and their limbs are in proportion. These are entirely devoid of clothing, and their arms are certainly as large as the fore leg of an ox. -They are part of a tribe of Indians, inhabiting the country about the Rocky Mountains, ten or fifteen hundred miles from hence. They were at war with a neighbouring tribe, who, not¬ withstanding their gigantic size, appear to have been more than a match for them, for the last party seen at York were a few, deputed by their iribe, to come down with the view of solicit¬ ing the assistance of the government against the hostile tribes. The government of course refused to interfere, and they were obliged to return to their own regions. They appear to be possessed of great strength and agility; they can run as fast as a middling horse can gallop. AH kinds of produce are raised in great plenty in the vicinity of Newmarket. They are remark¬ able here for the extremely fine quality of their honey; it is quite equal to the Narbonne honey, so celebrated in Europe. CANADA AS IT IS. 121 The next place, five miles beyond Newmarket, is one of the most interesting little villages in the whole Province. From the peculiarity of the sect, the Davidites , or Children of Peace , as they call themselves, who inhabit it, and to whom it belongs, it is generally called the Village of Hope. Some call it David’s Town, from the name of its founder, David Wilson, who is still living, and the head of this sect. The road from Newmarket to David’s Town lies in a zigzag direction, and the village opens abruptly to the view, which gives it a pecu¬ liarly striking effect. Its site is most picturesque, being situated on the declivity of a hill of conside¬ rable elevation. The village is composed of about forty or fifty remarkably neat, clean dwellings; but what gives the most imposing effect is, the handsome newly built temple, which is built near¬ ly on the summit of the hill, and is now nearly finished. It is intended for their public worship, and is built somewhat after the manner of Solo¬ mon’s Temple. It is of a pyramidical form : the extreme height is about eighty feet; length and breadth of base about seventy feet,—contracting in elevation. It is decorated at the top with a gilded ball; The whole i3 of wood work, and painted white. The fitting up of the interior does them much credit. There is a handsome pulpit; 122 CANADA AS IT ISV also an orchestra for the musicians, and their smg> ing virgins, and every accommodation that can be desired. The building and finishing of this tem¬ ple have been accomplished wholly by themselves. This sect lives in a little community, entirely to themselves. All matters of dispute arising be¬ tween them are referred to David ; he w r as their founder; he is now their director and lawgiver: all their produce passes through his hands. They are many of them farmers, cultivating the lands surrounding the village. David keeps the store : the general produce of the community is deposit¬ ed with him, and is conveyed to York, for sale, regularly twice a-week; and he accounts to the different members for the amount of produce sent to market. This David Wilson is a singular and original character : he is very anxious to ob¬ tain converts to his creed, for which purpose he goes about to the different villages, for twenty miles or more, to deliver his doctrines. He fre¬ quently preaches in York ; and wherever he goes, he draws large congregations,—not only to hear his preaching, which is purely original, but also his singing men, his musicians, and his virgins,— »ome of which always follow in his train. David, in person, is of the middle stature, about sixty years of age, a healthy looking man ; he CANADA. AS IT IS. 123 squints much, and has a flat heavy appearance. He, in common with the whole of the sect, wears a homespun blueish mixture : his walk is peculiar,— he appears to move as if he were pulling; his legs after him ; his speech has a strong nasal twang, —his dwelling is a large respectable house near the temple,—the virgins have a separate apart¬ ment,—they are all kept well employed ; some at spinning, others sewing, and different kinds of work. The principle of the Davidites appears to be, a mutual assistance to each other. They are not absolutely embodied in one and the same socie¬ ty, as is the case with Mr. Owen’s establishments : but though living in one community, and having their Jaws and regulations within themselves, yet, as to personal property, each individual is distinct. David obtained a large quantity of land, which he sells out to the different members of his sect. They all have separate farms, but each member turns in his surplus produce to David for advances, &c., made ; they severally contribute towards the general expenses of the establishment,—such as building their temple, or any other undertaking for their general accommodation. Any man who has a farm or other occupation may, if he choose, be¬ come a convert to this sect, and join in the com¬ munity,—submitting, of course, to their laws and 12 124 CANADA AS IT IS. regulations. This singular sect, though professing the doctrines of Christianity, appear to consider it as indispensable to unite with it as much as pos¬ sible the observance of some part of the ordinances contained in the Mosaic law. They profess to take the model of their institution from some parts of the book of Kings. David has an establishment of virgins, who keep up an annual feast, after the manner of the feast of Belshazzar, and some other religious ob¬ servances, in accordance with the ancient Mosaic institutions. On the occasion of their annual feast, they prepare the most sumptuous and expensive entertainment, which is open to all who choose to attend. There is music, dancing, and every demonstration of joy. The Davidites, although strictly enforcing the rigid principles of their doctrine, do not conform themselves in the out¬ ward man, at least, as far as regards their dress, to any particular plainness of habit. The virgins, when seen at a place of worship, are all dressed in white, and uniformly. They, together with all the women belonging to the sect, used to be drilled to the use of fire-arms, probably in case of extremity, to defend themselves ; on one occa¬ sion, however, one of their muskets burst, after which accident they declined the practice. Any CANADA AS IT IS. 125 of the unmarried men of the sect, who takes a fancy to either of the virgins, makes known his ideas to David, who communicates to her the proposal made; and if she should wish to enter into the holy state of matrimony, an appointment is made for a meeting of two hours’ duration ; (which is all that is allowed ;) and when a final decision, either favorable or otherwise, is made. The sect of Davidites have not been located here more than about fifteen or twenty years. They give ample proof of having rapidly increased in number and property, which clearly demonstrate that where a settlement is closely connected,— where they are concentrated as nearly as possible, —where there are every means of communication that can be desired,—and where, in fact, they study each others’ interests,—it is then that settlements will prosper. Each individual has his own immediate success at stake ; which is a wholesome stimulus to every man’s exertion ; although the whole body have a corresponding feeling for the success and pros¬ perity of each other ; for they are well aware, that although each distinct member depends on him¬ self, yet if the whole body be not prosperous, it must operate in some degree inimical to the inte¬ rest of all. 13 CANADA AS IT IS. no The country around Newmarket is much settled by Quakers ; particularly the township of Whit¬ church. They are a most industrious class of peo¬ ple : those to be met with in many parts, are of pe¬ culiarly reserved, shy, primitive kind of habits, un¬ sociable and apparently have little or no correspon¬ dence with the rest of mankind. But the Quakers, settled hereabouts, are of a very different cha¬ racter ; for though they have a peculiarity of man¬ ners, yet they are a cheerful, free, pleasant people and extremely hospitable. They are branches of the original sect settled in Pennsylvania, and many of them are wealthy, and appear to live in very com¬ fortable circumstances. Their houses are always open to strangers, and the best their house affords. The road leading towards Lake Simcoe, through the township of Georgina, is well settled. Here is rather a large settlement of half-pay officers, who appear to live very respectably. Lake Sim¬ coe is about twenty miles across, and is in the direct line with Penetanguishene. About seventy miles above Newmarket, Lake Simcoe is a beauti¬ ful picturesque spot, affording an abundance of fish, particularly salmon, which are taken here, both in winter and summer. Penetanguishene is a station of the government, where a strong garrison is regularly kept up. As* CANADA AS IT IS. 127 a point of defence, it is most judiciously chosen, and is capable of defending a large tract of coun¬ try. It is so defended by nature, that no enemy could ever surprise it. This post is at the extre¬ mity of the settled part of Upper Canada. The cli¬ mate here is much the same as in other parts of the Upper Province ; probably the winters are a little shorter: but they are in some seasons very severe, -—the thermometer frequently at twenty-five and thirty degrees below zero. This is a part of the globe where the Northern Lights, or the Aurora Borealis, are seen to great perfection. Sometimes they appear absolutely to blaze in the air. The country further northward is very imper¬ fectly, if at all known, except to the Indians; and they have a particular antipathy against giving any information whatever respecting the extreme in¬ land parts of the country : they are afraid, as they say, of White JVTan, lest they should destroy their hunting ground. The country between Lake Simcoe and Pcne- tanguishene is but partially settled. The situation is as yet too insulated for settlers ; the soil and climate are good ; and in the course of a few more years, there is no doubt but this will become a flourishing part of the province. 14 128 CANADA AS IT IS. The other main road out of York is called Dun- das-street, which leads round by Hamilton to Nia¬ gara, a distance by land of one hundred miles. Niagara and the immediate surrounding country is now styled the garden of the Upper Province. Certain it is, that in the neighborhood of Niagara, Queenstown, St. Catharines, &c., the climate is peculiarly mild, and vegetation flourishes in an astonishing degree. Dundas-street was originally intended to extend from Kingston to Talbot’s set¬ tlement, a distance of five hundred miles. Th e whole line of road is now laid out and traversed ; but the only part of it that is known as Dundas- street, is that between York and Dundas, a dis¬ tance of fifty miles. At the commencement of this road, out of York, during about seven miles, are the plains, or high lands ; the country has then a more interesting appearance, and is remarkably well settled. About ten miles from Y'ork is an excellent inn, kept by a Yorkshireman,—a man whose whole attention and interest seem to be devoted to the health and well-being of his horses. This person keeps a good house, and is the chief proprietor of the stages running between York and Hamilton, for it is now a regular stage thorough¬ fare from York round to Niagara, and the road is excellent all the way. The road from York to CANADA AS IT IS. 129 Hamilton is remarkable for the most picturesque scenery that is probably to be met with on any road of the same distance in the w orld : the deep glens give it a peculiar novelty. In some of these glens you have to descend a declivity of a mile or more, so perpendicular, that on the approach to it you appear to be going straight forward from the edge of one precipice to the other,—(for the valley is not a quarter of a mile wide at the bottom,)— when all at once the immense gulf beneath opens to the view ;—particularly at what is called the Sixteen Mile Creek. A few miles from this place, is the interesting Indian village, called Hurontario. It is composed of about forty houses, inhabited wholly by Indians. They have each a few acres of land attached to their dwellings, for the purpose of raising vegeta¬ bles, &c. They follow their usual occupations of hunting, fishing, &c., and are by far the most civilized body of Indians that are to be met with in the Canadas. They are a remnant of the tribe of the late celebrated Indian Chief Tecumseh ,—a Chief who distinguished himself in a very remark¬ able manner in the last American war in which he was slain. Tecumseh was the Napoleon among the Indians of the West. He fought and led on his bands most 15 130 CANADA AS IT IS. heroically, in concert with the British troops, against the American forces, and fell nobly, and was deeply lamented. His name was equally a terror to his enemies, as it was eulogized and venerated by his immediate followers. Our go¬ vernment, as a reward for the merits of this tribe, has been at the entire expense of building this village for their removal. It also makes them annual presents of blankets, provisions, &c. There is a school established in the village, which is most ably conducted by a Mr. Jones, a native of the tribe, but who has received a good educa¬ tion in England, and is a well-informed, gentle¬ manly young man. They have a chapel, and Mr. Jones is also their minister. At their devotions they appear to be most devout and attentive. They have deposited with them an English standard r which they fail not to hoist on any particular occa¬ sion,—-such as a visit from the governor, &c. The village of Hurontario is the picture of neatness and cleanliness; and it imparts a most pleasant feeling to see these poor savages now re¬ claimed from a life of barbarism and ignorance, living in comfort and prosperity, and under the dictates of a pure and rational religion. Dundas-street is so remarkably well settled,— there are so many good inns, excellent farm-houses CANADA AS IT IS. 131 surrounded by thriving young well-bearing orchards, the whole of the road interspersed with many hand¬ some villas, some very superior,—that it naturally suggests to the mind of the traveller, of his passing through a country on the other side of the Atlantic. About thirty miles above York was, some few years ago, the residence of Mr. Galt, the ex-su- perintendant of the Canada Company’s affairs here. It is a most delightful spot, having a very extensive view both over a large tract of inland country, an