EPITAPH FOR 8)SkQ^8£Si€^8>, LATE PRIVATE SECRETARY TO SIR ROBERT PEEL Who so unfortunately met his Death by the hand of an Assassin, January 20, 1843. ^crossttc* |^_Bqiiirlng Stranger,— when you learn whose ashes here repose, Q — iinin’d, sure, will be your eyes with what blest Sympathy bestows. — hat consternation— what regret prevail’d throughout the land — 8 spread the news when Drummond fell by an assassin’s hand! |^_egard the deed as quite a stain on England’s fame did all; Q — eep curses, too, were heap’d on him who fired the fatal balU«« Q— eparted shade! such was his worth whilst a sojourner here, R-« gretted still he’s not alone by relatives so dear : y — uyielding probity his guide, he ne’er from duty swerved, lyi — aintained so, he long had won the heart of him he served !— — uch as his kindred must lament his most untimely end, 0 — h, ever may Religion’s balm its blessed healing lend! 1^ or doubt may they such spirits pure — this scene of strife once o*er«-» Q— epart to reign in realms above with Christ for evermore ! CHARLES CLARK. GREAT TOTHAM, ESSEX, March, 1843. AN