MAPS TO ACCOMPANY A STATEMENT PKOPEBTY, CONDITION AND EESODEOES RECIPROCITY MINING CO OiF 1 CUBIST EAST. J. BIEIST, LITHOGRAPHER, 24 Vesey Street, Nenv-York. 1864. McGILL UNIVER- S I T Y —■> LIBRARY Longitude Went from Greenwich "TpES] >t.Thornas" Chateau Bucher* F s of Montmorency '^p ;J St Vuflit v / j St. Michel,^ ieaunumt / ^ SHOWING, GOLD BEARING DISTRICTS Ol T KHFA'% St'Joseph St Aivmisline. IH.aciTrembles o St. Ansplme' . Nh 1 lolasj St. Aul ottuyl 4 ^ Anno tVx Sll’roix ®Lolb in iere St. Isidore SI lilies. fStPierr.^ Three RiverV Nlclu’iuui TUlo)L Nelson >£>Nicolet Somerset RpoiiehtoiV'v i ° /// vci'nC’fis Motjannell Jt tuiam '\1fer/agr /, Shexily Ireland (diester/ Wolfe Warwiofe r‘(f f/('/•'it- Drum (iurthl jtv oj6| Jy/meF liilTuhl Oil {U i ylmrst Pan V Wiekhniu .Richmond Duds well St HosmIip Whittoa Acton ley antic Victoria St.Hyacii lii'oni/rton •S/j/f/r.r / -■ r mksliii f hesll FroslvOle Lenoxville • mpton X! / ^Outlet limned if n i IJeorbeY HHWIHIK’! u^miUijU J. fieri, i.Uh .24 VcsryStJtY "iimiinuinirinunCT; GA YH UR ST ■T XIII m XU XL Am IA VII PLAA Showing 3200 Acres in the Township oT Marstow including the Hirer Victoria Tor 3 miles upwards from its montJv . The lots in red cur the property of' the Cojnpany. J.Bien, Lith. 2£Vesey-%.NY I Showing 2000Acres in the Township of Wape including the South Hast Branch of theRiver Etcherrun for 7miles. The lots in redshow the property of the Company. _ J.Rien, I ith . 2i VeseyStBT. JButn.LiOb.24rVese?StMY *n / i> i