AN ACROSTIC Composed Extempore on Reading the Announcement of the Marriage — at Broadway — of James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. of Alfred Place , London , to the eldest Daughter of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart . of Middle Hill , Worcestershire . “hail, wedded love!” P— ROCEED, proceed, proud Hymen ! H — ow can we wonder why men H— ail more and more thy name now, A— nd so resound thy fame now ! I— nspired seem all around us, — L/— et belles or beaux but bound us, L— o ! how employed each tongue is — L — ouder thy praise still rung is !— L— est some dolt his voice raises, I — enquiring why these praises, I— n wedlock’s bands, know, bound so W— e’ve now a pair, who’re — crown’d so ! — P— lain ’tis that no connection E — ’er blended more affection ! — P — rosperity, Fate, send them ! L — ong from all ills defend them ! S — weetly from thy store still L — ife’s blessings on them pour still ! C. €♦ Great Totham Hall, Essex, August, 1842 . GRBAT TOTHAM t PRINTED AT CHARLES CLARK*S PRIVATE PRESS.