'f ( I ) TO THE K I N G ’s Mod Excellent Majesty, THE MEMORIALof John Earl ofEcMONT, Mojl humbly peweih^ T hat the fald Earl defires from his Majefty a Grant of the whole Ifland of Saint yohn's in the Gulph of Saint Laurence, to hold the fame in Fee of the Crown for ever, as one intire County (which Ifland is fuppofed and eftimated to contain Two MUliom of Acres of Land, be the fame more or lefs), with all manner of Rights, Royalties, Privileges, F ranchifes, and Appurtenances whatfoever, with all Civil and Criminal Jurifdiaion, with all manner of Courts as in England, and with Power to appoint or commiffion from time to time all manner of Officers for the Exercife of the laid Jurifdiilion, and for orderir^g the Government thereof . But under thefe exprefs Refervations, to obviate alb poffible Abufe therein, viz. ^ ^ t/ - * The Civil Jurifaiaion, feparated hom the Military, and riillv veiled in the Lord of the County. EfJeaiiaUy con-rouled and re- ftrl.Ld'by force of the fubfequent f’rovifoes. ^'on^uaed with fuftlce, Lenitv, and Confidence of the Feople.-By Perfons who w:h have { permanent Ind common Intereft in the Protperity of thofe over whom they are to prefide, and a prrat Stake at home to p. edge for ihetr ?wd hiviour abrLd, either to the People or the Crown — ./ithout trie hxpcnc. ct Ont Shilling to the Publitk. ( 2 ) 1. That the Exercife of Junfdi(2ion abovementioiied (hall, in no Cafe whatever, vary in any refpedf from the known Rules of the Common and Statute Law of land ; which Common and Statute Law (hall obtain and be peifctSfly and intirely purfued in all Modes of Judicial Proceedings, and in all Criminal and Civil Caufes, with- out Exception, in like manner as in any County in Eng- land — T o the end that the King’s Subjects on the faid Ifiand fliail for ever be intitled to the Benefit of all the Rights and Privileges of Briti/h Subjects, as fully, to all Intents and Purpoles, as though the faid County of Saint yohns was a Member of the Ifland of Great Britain^ and a Part and Pait-el thereof. 2. * That all the Statute Laws of England or Great Bri- taluy antecedent to the Day of pa/fing the faid Grant (ex- cepting fuch as may clafti with the Tenure intended to be eftablilhed in the faid County hereafter defcribed, except- ing the Laws relating to the Game, and excepting Taxes, Cfr. impofed which might charge the Lands, the Produ6l or Property within the Land, and excepting fuch as are not of the Nature of general and publick Adis), (hall have their full Force and EfFedi in the faid Ifland ; as likewife all the future Statute Laws of Great Britain (in which the faid Ifland and County fliall be exprefly named), with the like Exceptions. 3. That in Criminal Cafes no capital Sentertee Ihall be put in Execution without the Aflcnt of the King, or of the King’s Governor of Nova Scotia for the Time being, except in the Cafe of Mutiny, when the Summons lhall have been ilTued to appear in Arms by lawful Authority, or when Arms have been traitoroufly taken up without Authority, or when emergent Neceffity of Publick Dan- ger Ihall require fpeedy Execution by the Martial Law. — That * Original Comp.ii5t to acknbwlcdge the King, Lords, and Commons of Cie^t Bi iiMn as the Legillature of the Ifland oi Sa:m 'j.hn't. The Subjects of this Ifland, therefore, to be confidcred and treated not ns 1 ro-incia* or Dependent, but as EK^tJhmen to all Intents and Durpofes \sli.te/ei, without ajiy Jcaloufy ci in\ia,ous Diliindlion. 8 . ( 3 J That in all extra-judicial Proceedings and in all Caufes of private Property exceeding the Value of Five hundred Pounds Sterling, Appeals (hall lie to the King in Council in England. 4. That no Officer or A^inifter, conlmiffioned or ap- pointed as aforefaid by the Earl (excepting Inch as are ufually appointed in Hundreds and Manors by the Com- mon Law) (hall be capable of adling without the King’s Approbation, fignified under his Sign Manual upon the Commiffion or Appointment of fuch Officer or Officer?', whofe Names fhall be firft inferted in fuch Appointment, or Commiffion 3 provided neverthelefs, that m the Cafe of Vacancies by Death, or otherwife, in the faid Ifland, and before fuch Vacancies can be known and fupplied by the faid Earl, with the King's Approbation under his faid Sign Manual, a temporary Appointment may- be made of fuch Officer or Officers hy the faid Earl, his Sheriff, or his Deputy. Such temporary Appoint- ment to remain in force no longer than until the faid Vacancies may be regularly fupplied by a new Commif- fion from the faid Earl, approved by the King’s Sign Manual as aforefaid.— Provided always, that in cafe, by any unforefeen Accident, Omiffion, or Neglect, the faid Officers, aU or any of them, (hould chance hereafter not to be appointed or commiffioned in due Time or Times by the faid Earl, or his Succeffors in the faid County, hi^ Majefly, his Heirs and Succeffors, or his or their Gover- nor oi l^va Scotia^ fhall or may, in all or every fuch Cafe, temporarily appoint fuch Officer or Officers refpeitively >' but to continue no longer than until the faid Earl, or his Succeffors, fhall proceed to appoint and commiffion fuch Officer or Officers refpedlively as aforefaid, which he and they fliall retain the Right to do for ever, and io totie^ quoties as the Cafe may happen. 5. That every Officer or Minifter of the faid County ffiall be liable to be removed^ in cafe of Malverfation (upon juft Complaint made thereof to the King in Coun- cil) by the faid King in Council ; and fo toties qmt e< as the Cafe may happen. — And fuch Officer or iMiiiifter Ihall B 2 be C 4 ) be liable to be further pnnijhed in the Court of the King’s Bench, or in the High Court of Parliament in Englandy according to the Degree and Nature of the Offence. 6, That with refpe£f to the Power of Arms, it fliall be regulated in the following Manner, in Conformity to the Antient and Common Law in England, and not other- wife, viz. 1. In cafe of Tumults, Riots and Infurredlions *, and great Breaches of the Peace, all Inhabitants in the faid County fhall come forth under the Leading of the faid Earl, or his Vifcount, or Sheriff, or of the Deputy of the faid Sheriff, and be bound to aid and affift him with the bell of their Ability for refilling and fupprefling fuch and the like Diforders. 2. In cafe of a<3ual War, Rebellion or Invafion f, or imminent Danger thereof fo declared by the King — fo fignified by Authority, and in Form by the King’s Go- vernor of Nova Suctia — or notorioufly known in the faid County — the King or the faid Governor jhall give Sum- mons to the faid Earl, his Sheriff’, or his Deputy for the Time being, who fhall be thereby impowered (or the Earl himfelf, his Sheriff, or his Deputy, if the want of Time and Exigency of the Cafe Ihould fo require) to call t:)gether the Number of Men which are to be furnifhed for Defence of the faid Ifland, by Tenure, as hereafter mentioned. — Upon which Summons fo received by the faid Earl from the King, the faid Earl may (with equal Authority) ilfue the like Summons to the Forty capital Tenants hereafter mentioned to appear in Arms, and well provided for War, at a certain Place of Rendezvous, and on a certain Day, with the full Number of Men which, by their refpedlive Tenures under the faid Earl, they fhall be bound to furnifh •, — and upon fuch Summons fo re- * The PolTe Comitatus, as in England, •f The whole Military Power, as well over the Militia as the Regular Troops (feparatcd from the Civil), confined to and veiled in the King, or h.s Governor of Nova Scotia, ( 5 ) received by the faid Forty capital Tenants, they the faid Forty capital Tenants (hall ifiue the like Summons (with equal Authority) to the Ten Lords of Manors holding under each of them, as hereafter mentioned, to attend them refpeflively, and to appear with uniform Arms of Mufquet-bore, and well provided, at the fame Place of Rendezvous, and on the fame certain Day ; — and upon fuch Summons fo received from their refpedive capital Ivord by each of the faid Lords of Manors — each of the faid Lords of Manors (hall ilfue the like Summons (with equal Authority) to attend him, and to appear in Arms, to the Tw^o Freeholders holding by Tenure under him, as hereafter mentioned. Provided 2i\vj2iys^ that neither the Earl, the Sheriff, or his Deputy, nor all or any of the faid Forty capital Tenants, nor all or any ot the faid Lords of Manors, fhall at any Time, or on any Occafion, or on any Pre- tence whatfoever (except for the Purpofes of training the Perfons holding by I'enure, which lhall and maybe lawfully done four Times in every Year, within each refpeilive Hundred), caufe to be alfembled or drawn together, by virtue of any Summon^, or otherwife, for the Purpofes of War as aforefaid, jointly or feverally, any of the Perfons holding of them refpedively, unlefs in the Manner and uoder the Circumftances before pre- feribed. Provided alfo, that, in the Cafes of regular and lawful Summons, none of the faid Perfons fo bound by Tenure fhall attend their refpeSlive Lords, otherwife than as their Conductors and Leaders to the general Rendezvous ; and that, then and there alTembled, they Jhall he mar~ fijalled and placed in juch Troops and Companies^ and under fuch Leaders and Commanders only^ as fmll hs appointed either hy exprefs Commiflon from the Kingy or by formal Order of the King's Governor in Nova Scotia, the Tingle Call e>:cepted, where the fudden Dan- ger and Exigency of the Cafe fhall render it impoffible to wait for fuch Appointment; in which Cafe, and no othuT^ the Eatl> his Vifeount, or his Sheriff, or his De- P 3 p^^y» ( 6 ) puty, w ith the Advice of the faid Forty Tenants, or the 'major Part of them then and there afiembled, may ap- point and authorize fuch Officer or Officers for the train- ing, commanding, and leading the faid Perfons fo called together by their Tenure, with full Power and Autho- rity as though the faid Officer or Officers were appointed and authorized for the fame Purpofe by the King himfelf. To which Force, fo provided by Tenure as aforefaid, all Inhabitants, from the Age of Sixteen to Sixty, lhall be obliged to join, being marfhalled, officered, and trained in different Troops or Companies, whenever the faid Earl, his Sheriff, or his Deputy, fhall be authorized by his Majefly’s Governor of Nova Scotia^ or by notorious and emergent Neceffity (when Time cannot be allowed for receiving fuch Authority), to iffue a Proclamation for a general Array, and a Commiffion for the general Exer- cile of Martial Law. * The faid Earl propofes to hold the faid County by the Tenure of finding 0}7e tholifand Two hundred Men for the Defence ot the faid County ; — which Tenure he in- tends to accomplifh, and to allure the Service to the Crown within Ten Years, to be computed from the Day that he fhall receive the faid County, furveyed and fet out by his Majefty’s Surveyor, in the Divifions hereafter mentioned, in the following Manner, viz. The faid County (fuppofed as aforefaid to conthin Two millions of Acres, be the fame more or lefs) fhall be furveyed and divided into Fifty Parts, of equal Extent, with the utmoft Juftice ; Regard being had to the moft equal Diflribution of the good and bad Land, of the Lands already cleared, and of the Benefit of the Coaff, htc Rivers, and the Harbours j which Divifions of the faid A^T enure (in Free and Common Socrage only) to en lure the eitet^ual and proper Diftnbution (f the Settieis — Bur divelKd of all the liic. dents ol Ivl. litaiy 'JVnutes, or 1 enures by Knights Service, which j?ere taken away, with every o^noiLiCUS Circumlhnce of Tenures, bv the oitiiute ot I ; Cur. cap. Z 4 . { 7 ) faid County (hall be for ever after called Hundreds, as in England^ (or Baronies, as in Ireland \) and fhall for ever remain of the fame Form and Extent, with a general Hundred Court, Court Leet, and Court Baron, and all Franchlfes and Jurifdi£lion appurtenant or incidental thereto refpeftively, according to the Common Law of England^ to be held for ever as Part and Parcel of the faid County, arid of the faid Earl as Lord Paramount, or capital Lord of the Fee : — Forty of which Hundreds ihall be granted out in Tenure by the faid Earl to Forty capi- tal Perfons, {viz. one to each) who fhall hold the fame in Fee as Lords of the faid Hundreds for ever, charged refpeclively with the Payment of Twenty Pounds Ster- ling (and no more) to the faid Earl, with Suit to the Courts of the faid County, and the furnifhing Ten Men (Part of the Number of One thoufand Two hun- dred allotted by Tenure) ; each of which Ten Alen fhall be bound to furnifh alfoTv;o, for the Completion of the faid whole Number, in the Manner hereatter exprefled. —The remaining Ten Hundreds to be referved in the faid Earl’s Demefne ; of which Demefne Lands the faid Earl fhall fet out, in the firft place, a Dirtridl of Fifteen thoufand Two hundred Acres ^ in the moft convenient Part, for the Capital Town and principal Place of Trade ia the faid County, in the following Manner, viz. I Firjl.^ One Lot of Four hundred Acres to be infepa- rably annexed to the Perfon of the Lord of the faid County for the Town-Refidence of the faid Earl, and his Succeflbrs for ever. Secondly.^ Fifty Lots of One hundred Acres each^ one of which fhall be for ever infeparably annexed to one of tine before mentioned Forty Hundreds, or Baronies for the Convenience of the firfl: Settlers, and for the 1 own Pvefidence of the refpedtive Owners of the faid Hundreds; which faid Lots fnail pay each a Burgage Rent for ever, or yearly Fee Farm of Forty Shillings Sterling and no more to the faid Earl, with Suit of Court to the General Court of the County, to the Courts of the Lord oF the B 4 Hundred, ( 8 ) Hundred, and to the Courts of the faid Town (making in the whole Five ihoujand Acres). Thirdly^ The faid Earl ftiall further fet out in the faid Diflricl Five hundred Lots of Ten Acres each^ one of which (hall be in like manner infeparably annexed foV ever to one of the Ten Manors by Tenure into which (as will be hereafter mentioned) each of the faid refpe£live Forty Hundreds or Baronies (hall be in part farther divided for the Convenience alfo of the firft Settlers and the Town- Refidence of the faid refpedtive Lords of Manors. — Each ot which faid Lots fhall pay for ever a yearly Fee Farm or Burgage Rent of Five Shillings Sterling and no more to the faid Earl, with Suit of Courts as before exprefled (making alfo in the w'hole Five thoufand Founhly^ The faid Earl fhall further fet out, in the fame Diltridl, One tJjoufand fmaller Lots of Four Acres cQch^ one of which fhall be for ever infeparably annexed to one of the Freeholds of each of the faid Ten Manors ^^^hcreafter mentioned) for the like Convenience of the hrfi: Settlers, and for the Town-Refidence of the refpec- tive Owmers of the faid Freeholds refpedlively. — Each of which faid Lots ftall pay for ever yearly a Fee Farm Burgage Rent of Two Shillings Sterling and no more to the faid Earl, wdth Suit of Court to the Courts of the County, of the Hundred, and of the Manor to which the faid Fieeholds fhall refpedivcly belong (making in the whole Four Thoufand Acres). Fifthly^ The faid Earl fliall further fet out, in the fame Dillrift, Tzl'o hundred Acres for Mwket-places^ Store^ heufeSy fuhUck Buildings^ and other publick Ufes, For which the Mayor, Bailiff, or Chief Magilfrate of the faid Townfliip (to be hereafter mentioned) fhall anfwer to the laid Earl a yearly Fee Farm Burgage Rent of two Shillings Sterling and no more. Sixthly^ The faid Earl fhall farther fet apart, in the faid Diftricf, Six hundred Acres inore os a Common^ where the Cattle of the New-comers may be grazed or fod- ( 9 ) foddered for a flaort Time rcfpe£llvely not exceeding three Months, at the Diferetion of the Magiftracy of the faid Townfhip (to be hereafter mentioned) ’till luch New- comers can be placed upon the Lands allotted to them refpedively, * For which Licence to common as aforefaid — Every Perfon fo commoning fhall pay One Penny Sterling /)rr Head per Month for each large Beaft, or One Penny Sterling per Month for Six Sheep or Hogs, as an Ac- knowledgment to the faid Earl ; all which faid Fee Farm Burgage Rents and Acknowledgments (ball be collccl:ed and paid by the faid Chief Magiftrate of the faid Town- fhip by half-yearly Payments in the Court of the faid Borough into the Hands of the Earl, his Sheriff of the faid County, or his Deputy for the Ufe Qf the faid Earl. — Which faid Townfhip (exclufive of the faid Four Hun- dred Acres fet apart for the Town-Refidence of the Earl as aforefaid) fo containing Fourteen thoufand Fight Hundred Acres, and fo laid out, fhall be intitled to a Charter, with a Magiftracy for maintaining Regularity and Order therein. — With Fairs to be held four l imes in every Year, and Markets twice in every VVeek, with all Things incidental by the Common Law thereto. The Remainder of the faid Demefne Lands of the faid County after the Tenure fo affured by the Grant of the faid Forty Flundreds (or i,6co,ooo Acres) to the faid Forty Lords thereof; and after the fetting apart the faid 15,200 Acres for the Capital Town of the faid County as aforefaid, fhall be referved in Demefne to the faid Earl for Eftablifhments intended by him to be made for himfelf and his Nine Children, his Friends and Depen- dants and others at the Pleafure of the faid Earl, and fubjeft to no other Burthen (except the building of a large and ftrong Block-houfe, or Houfe of Defence mounted * The Ufe of this Licence is to afford a Means for the better afeerta'n- ine the Qaaliry, Condition, and Numbers of thofe who fhai] prefent them- selves from Time to Time to fettle in the Ifl*nd. ( lo ) mounted with Ten Pieces of Cannon, carrying each a Ball of four Pounds, and maintaining the fame for ever, with a Circuit round the fame of three Miles every Way from the faid Block- houfe, to be annexed thereto for ever, and to be kept in hand or leafed on fhort Terms only, not exceeding 'I’wenty One Years, for the greater Security of the fame ; and for the better Support and Suftentation of the Family and Houfehold of the Farl, as the capital Seat of the Lord of the faid County for ever, and as a Place of general Retreat and Protec- tion for all thofe who (hall hold by Tenure and other Settlers of the faid Ifland, upon any Alarm of fudden Danger, and except the (^it-Rents and referved Rents (as hereafter exprefled) without Limitation of Time, Mode of Settlement, or other Reftraint whatfoever, the fame being deGgned as the Means for Encouragement, and as a b'und towards the full and compleat Population in Procefs of Time of the faid Lands, and for the BeneGt of the faid Earl and his Family, and their Heirs for ever. * Provided always that w’’henevcr the faid Demefne Lands either of the faid £arl, or of any of the Lords of Hun- dreds, or Lords of Manors hereafter mentioned, fhali be further granted out in the firft Inftance by them re- fpedlively, one Shilling Sterling per Hundred Acres, and fo in proportion fliall be charged thereon as a ^dt-Rent to the Crown, and the like Sum of One Shilling Sterling per Hundred Acres as a ^uit-Rent to the refpeSlive Lord, to be annexed to each refpediive Tenure for ever (over and above any other Payments or Fee Farm Rents by fpccial Agreements that may be farther referved by the No Quit-Rent paid for the Portion of Land, fperially fet apart, to form the Tcni'res j but dearly bought off by the cxpenfive Mode of Settlement, in the ffrrng and Jcfenfible Alanner here prefer bed. The Lifual Quti Rent paid to the full for all the reff, one half whereof only to the Crown (which neverthelefs will produce infinitely nnoie, fioni the far greater Propoition of good and bad Lands together, that muff necef- fanly be fettled under a State of lo much greater Security).— The other haf annexed to the 'I'cnures, wi.hcut which they ccuid not be .effablilhed, ari perinantrutly iriaintaintd. f ( II ) faid refpedive Lord). The faid Quit- Rents to commcnca in like manner as aforefaid ten Years after the Date of fuch Grant, or Grants refpeilively. The whole County being thus caft into the general Form oi^Tenure and Demefne as aforefaid, a fimilar Dif- tiibution fhall prevail throughout in the farther Sub- divifions thereof as follows, viz, * Each of the faid Fifty Hundreds or Baronies (hall be further divided into Twenty Manors of 2,000 Acres each, which Manors fhall be intitled to a Court Baron accord- ing to the Common Law of England, — Ten of which fhall be granted by Tenure to Ten Lords of Manors, viz. One to each, who fiiall hold the faid Manors refpedively of the faid Lords of the faid Hundreds for Allurance of the Service referved to the Crown, paying only Forty Shillings Sterling per Annum for ever to the Lord of the faid re(pe 6 tive Hundred with Suit of Court to the Court of the faid Lord of the faid Hundred and his Courts Lcet as his fuperior Lord, and Suit of Court to the Courts of the Earl as Lord Paramount of the County. — And fur- nifhing one Man by his Tenure (making altogether Four Hundred) for Defence of the faid County, upon the legal and regular Summons received through the Channel of their refpedfivc Lord of the Hundred as before defciibed. — The other Ten Manors of each refpecSive Hundred after the Tenure fo aflured fhall be referved in Demefne to the faid Lord of the Hundred. — Of which Demefne Lands the Lord of each Hundred fhall (in like manner as the Earl on his part as above mentioned with refpedl tQ his Demefne) fet out in the firft Place Five Hundred Acres for the Scite of a Town in his refpedlive Hundred or Barony. Which Town fhall be divided into One Hun- dred Lots of Five Acres each,, to which any Perfon or Ferfons fhall have Liberty to refort, and take up one of * the * All the Lands of England (except a fmall Portion in antient Demefne, ) die actually now held immediately and mediately of the Crown, in the Form and Mode here fpccificd, with the fame Courts and Juril'didtion pled and excrcifcd therein, i 12 ) ^ic (aid Lots (until the whole fhall be occuplea) and .become intitled to the fame for ever upon erecting an Habitation thereon, paying a yearly Fee Farm Rent of Four Shillings Sterling per Annum and no more for the faid Lot to the refpefiive Lord of the faid Hundred or J3arony, to be for ever annexed to and infeparable from the l.otd of the faid Hundred — * With Suit of Court to the Court of Hundred, and the Courts Leet and Courts Baron of the faid Lord, and to the Courts of the Earl, as Lord Paramount of the faid County. Which faid Townj or Townfhip, fhall be intitled to Fairs Four Times in everv Year, and to a Market twice in every Week, with Courts, iAc. incidental by the Common Law thereto. — The Remainder of the faid Demefne of each refpedlive ' Flundred or Barony, after the Tenure fo aflured by the Grant of the faid Ten Manors to the faid Ten Lords of the faid Manors ; and after fetting apart the faid Five Hundred Acres for the Market Town of the faid Hundred in the manner aforefaid, fhall remain in Demefne (being computed at Nineteen Thoufand Five Hundred Acres) free to be planted, effabliflied, and improved without farther Burthen (except the building a Block-houfe or ftrong Houfe of Defence, mounted with Eight Pieces of Cannon, carrying each a Ball of four Pounds, with a Circuit round the fame of one Mile every Way from the faid Block-houfe, or Two Thoufand Acres to be annexed thereto for ever, and to be kept in hand, or leafed on fhort T§rms only not exceeding Twenty One Years for the greater Security of the fame, and for the Benefit and certain Support and Suftentation of the Fa- mily and Houfltold of the faid refpedlive Lord of each Hundred for ever, as the capital Seat of the Lord of the Thefe Court*; (wifely e/lahli/hed by Alfred, and others of our Saxen Princes, to maintain Order, and bring Juftice to every Alan's Door) are obvicuOy and capitally clfcntial for a fmall People, forming or formed into a leparate and remote Society, in the valf, impervious, and dangerous Forefls of Amtrica.^\nttr(t£\i:^ With Seas, Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Alarfhes, and Alountains; without Roads, without Inns or Accommodation j locked up tor half the Year by Snow and intenfe Froft— and where the Settler can fcarce dhaggle fiom his Habitation Five hundred Yards (even in Times of I’iacc) without R-i^ue of being intercepted, fcalped and murdered* C ) the Fiundrecl, and as a Place of Retreat and Protec- tion for the Settlers of the faid Hundred upon any Alarrn of fudden Danger ; and except the Quit-Rents as before mentioned,) without Limitation of Time, or Reftraint whatfoever, as to the Mode of Settlement fo left for Encouragement, and as a Fund towards the full and compleat Population of the faid Hundred, and for the Benefit and Advantage of the Lord of the Lid Hundred, his Family, and their Heirs for ever. That in like manner each of the faid Ten Lords of Manors^ holding refpedlively Two Thoufand Acres of each Lord of the faid Forty Hundreds in manner afore- faid, fhall be bound to eftablifh by Tenure Two Free- holders in each of the faid Manors, (himfeif not in- cluded) and fhall for that Purpofe fet out two Portions, ©r Freeholds, of Two Hundred Acres ^ one for each of the faid Freeholders, to be held of the faid refpedive Lord of the faid Manor by the Tenure of finding each one Man, (making in all Eight Hundred) to appear upon lawful Summons as aforefaid, and to attend the faid Lord of the refpedlive Manor for the Defence of the faid County, upon the legal and regular Summons before deferibed, paying Four Shillings Sterling per Annum-y and no more for ever, to the Lord of the faid Manor, ta which the fame fhall be annexed for ever with Suit of Court to the Court Baron of the faid Lord, and to the Courts of the Hundred and Courts Leet of the Lord of the faid Hundred, and to the Courts of the Earl as Lord Paramount of the faid County. The Remainder of the faid Two Thoufand Acres, or Manor, after the Tenure of the faid two Freeholders fo afiured, fhall be referved in Demefne to the Lord of the faid Manor. Of which Demefne One Hundred Acres fhall be fet apart tor a Village in the faid Manor in T wenty Lots of Five Acres, each ; to which, as before exprelTed, with refpedl to the Market Towns of the Hundreds, any Perfon or Perfons fhall have Liberty to refort, and to claim and poflels one of the faid Lots, upon confcnting to the like Conditions, like Suit of Courts, ^c. and paying yearly Two Shillings and Sixpence Sterling and no more for ever to the Lord 8 of ( 14 } of (he faid Manor. — The Remainder of the faid Demefn!? of fuch Manor, after the Tenure fo aflured by the Grant of the faid Four Hundred Acres to the faid two Free- holders; and after fetting apart the faid One Hundred Acres for the faid Village, as aforefaid, (hall remain irr Demefne (being computed at Fifteen Hundred Acres) in like manner free to be planted, fs’t. £s’f. tstc. (except the building a ftrong Houfe, and maintaining the fame for ever, w’ith a Circuit of Four Hundred Acres round the fame, to be annexed thereto for ever, and to be kept in hand, or leafed on fhort Terms not exceedinff Twenty One Years, for the greater Security of the &mc, and for the better and certain Support, and Suftentation of the Family, and Houfehold of the faid refpeftive Lord of the faid Manor for ever, as the capital Seat of the Lord of the Manor, and except the Quit-Rent as before mentioned) for the Benefit and Advantage of the faid- Lord of the Rdanor, his Family, and his Heirs for ever. In order to fecure the Crown of England, in the full Benefit intended by the faid Propofal — It fhall and' may be lawful at any Time, or Times hereafter, (after the Expiration of the faid firft ten Years) in the cafe of any FaiKire, or Omiffion, in anfwering the Service inci- dental to the refpedive Tenures inftituted in purfuance of the Plan above mentioned, for the faid Earl, his Heirs, or Succeflbrs, after Precept from the King in Council received by him for that Purpofe, to enter upon any of the faid Hundreds, Manors or Freehold Tenures therein where fuch Failure or Omifllon fhall have happened refpedfively ; and to take the fame into his Hands till full Satisfaction fhall have been made for fuch Offence. — And in the cafe where (after the Expiration of the faid firft ten Years as aforefaid) the faid Tenure fhall not have been eftablifhed according to the full Extent and Meaning of the faid Grant. — * It fliall and may be lawful * No Forfeiture can ever accrue to the Benefit of the Lord of the County. Nor to the Crown, fo as to alter the Conilitution or Eflabliihment of the County. ( ?5 ) law’ful for His Majefty, by Precept as aforefaid to the faiJ Earl, then to feize and confifcate, and to diredl the laid Earl to regrant fuch Hundred, Manor, or Tenure therein refpe£tivcly, within Six Months to fome other Perfon, who (hall thenceforward hold the fame Hundred, Manor, or Tenure, of the feid Earl of the faid County to all Intents and Purpofes, and under the like Conditions and Refervations ( but not otherwife ) as the fame was before held by the firft original Grantee thereof. And as it is not only necelTary thus to fecure the certain Eftabiilhment of the faid County upon the Tenure abovementioned, but of equal Importance that it fhould be ever after maintained without Variation of that Tenure — ^from which the Security ^ the Order, the Subordination, the Dependence upon the Crown, and other Benefits to Great Britain, will be moft eiTentially derived — And whereas the Remedy provided for this Purpofe by the antient Tenures, confilled (with many other Abufes grafted thereon) in a Condition of Perpe- tuity, and Non- Alienation to the Grantee ; which is re- pugnant to the Principles of the Law of England at thfs Day, and inconfiftent with Liberty and Com- merce : In order to obviate the Inconveniencies on one hand, and on the other, the faid Earl further defires, 1. That the fame Divifions, and Conditions of the Tenures eftabliflied in this County, purfuant to this Plan,- fhall be for ever attentively and inviolably ob- lerved. 2. Yet that no one farther Circumftance, incidental to the antient Tenures, may be ever fuper-added thereto *. 3 - Aa exprefs Exclufion of the Incidents of Military Tenure, or Tenure by Knights Service, vulgarly but irriproperly called by the Name of the Fcedal Teriur.*, which (divelled only or thofe Incidents^ remains the 3aiis ef the Conintution at this Day. ( i6 ) 3. And that iVery Tenure Jhall be JuhjeSl to Aliena- iion. 4. Yet with this Circumftance, that the Alienation ftall be in Grofs of each refpedlve Tenure. — That is to fay, 1. The Earl may fell his County^ with the Tenure, Block* houfe, Bloclc-houfe Lands, Quit-Rents, Referved Rents, and Town Burgage annexed, in the Whole, or in Grofs ; and that the Perfon who (hall buy the County lhall ftand in all refpeds poffelfed thereof as the Earl, or the original Grantee 2. Tlje Lord of each Hundred may fell his Hun- dred^ or Barony, with the Tenure, Block-houfe, Block- houfe Lands, (^lit-Rents, Referved Rents, and Town Burgage annexed, in the W^hole, or in Grols ; and the Perfon who fhall buy fuch Hundred fhall ftand in all refpe£ls poffelled thereof, as the original Lord or Grantee. 3. Tl^e Lord of each Manor, in each refpe£live Hun- dred, may fell his Manor, with the Tenure, Capital Houfe, Houfe-Lands, Quit- Rents, Referved Rents, and Town Burgage annexed, in the Whole, or in Grofs; and the Perfon who lhall buy fuch Manor lhall ftand in all refpecls pofleffcd alfo thereof, as the original Lord or Grantee. 4. The two Freehold Tenants of Two Hundred Acres each, in each Manor, may fell his refpe^ive Freehold Tenement, with the Tenure, and Town Burgage an- nexed i ^ A fmall Portion only of every Grant to be annexed to, and alienated v/ith the Tenure, that the Tenure may be maintained— —the reft alienable without that or any other Reftri^lien. The Authority and Power being thus territorial, and not hereditary and perfonal, by this Plan \ but lubje£l to complete Alienation. The Benefits from both the Principles of Ariftocracy and Democracy, conjoined, are pre- ferred and reconciled— the refpeclive Evils of both avoided, and the real Source of Contention between thefe twa Orders extinguifhed. ( 17 ) nexed ; and the Perfon who fliall buy the fame (hall like--* wife (land poflefled in like manner. 5. And for a further Security, that the faid Tenures may be rendered as far as poflible^ permanent, and pro- ductive always of the fame Temper in the People, and ©f a conftant Adherence to the iame Principles upon which the faid Eftablifhment is defigned to be founded ; and whereas the Force and Effect of that Order, which is intended therefrom, might not only be dijjolved and dejiroyed by the fub^dividing the faid individual Tenures refpeftively, from the Alienation of the fame in Parts and Parcels, and not in Grofs (the Remedy whereof is already above provided) ; but the fame may be equally perverted^ and in the End overthrown^ by engrojfmg the faid Forty capital Tenures, and other Tenures, into one^ or into few Hands, which might otherwife happen in a little Courfe of I'ime ; it is farther propofed, and defired^ that none of the faid ^ Forty capital Tenants (hall be per- mitted to attain, hold, or enjoy, directly or indirectly, more than one of the faid Forty Hundreds (fcx^held by Tenure of the faid Earl as aforefaid), with other the like Tenures of Manors, and Freeholds depending refpectively on the faid Hundreds, except as in the Alanncr hereafter exprejjed y that is to fay, that in the Cafe when by Gift, Devife, Purchafe, or otherwife, any fuch Lord of fuch Hundred (hall acquire or become feized, to his owm Ufe or Benefit, of one, two, three or more of inch of the faid Hundreds, or other Teiiures, as here delcribcJ, m jiddition to the like Hundred by him pojjejjed before upon the fame Tenure^ he may pofiefs and enjoy the fame conjointly during his own Life ; and it he Ihould die, leaving only one Cnild, that Child may likev^ife pollbfs and enjoy the fame during his Life ; and in like manner an only Child of that Child ; and fo on for ever, if the like Contingency flioulJ fucccfTively happen. But * Frovlfo, with refiJcct to the Forty capital Tenancies, the.t they Jiot fall into a tVvv Hands, or be too much enlarged. LoiUi Mdiiors (not enjoying H'^^dreda) are nut iCilrair^ed tbei'.by. ( i8 ) fo foot! as any Pofleflbr of the faiJ conjoined Hundreds and Tenures aforelaid, as here defcribed, fhall die, leaving more than one Child, or leaving no Child, all the faid Hundreds, fo before conjoined, fhall be theiiceforwards feparated in fuch manner, that no more than one of the faid Hundreds, and other Tenures aforefaid, as here de- fcribed, fliall continue to be poflelled conjointly any longer (unlefs the like Contingency fhould arife again) by anyone of the faid Children, or by any Heir or Suc- ceflbr thereto ; and all and every the remaining Hundred, or Hundreds, and other additional Tenures as aforefaid, as here defcribed (exceeding the Number of one of the faid Hundreds, which may be lawfully difpofed of, or bequeathed by Will refpcffively, to each of the faid Chil- dren, and one to the Widow of the faid former Pof- feffor) fhall be publickly and bom fide fold to the beft Bidder, within two Years after the Deceafe of fuch former Pofleflbr, and the Money arifing from the Sale thereof fliall be applied, as perfbnal Eftate, according to his or her laflWill andTeftament; or in cafe he or (he fhalk make no Will, fuch Sum or Sums of Money fliall go to fuch Perfon or Perfons as, by the Rules of the Common and Statute Law of England^ fhall be found intitled to the fame. — And any Attempt, directly or indirectly, to defeat the Force and EffeCt of this Provifion fliall be void, and punifhed as a Fraud j and upon Proof thereof, the faid capital Tenures (exceed- ing one refpeCtively, as aforefaid) fhall immediately pals in Fee to the Perfon or Perfons next of kin to the laft PofTeflbr, not already pofTefled of one of the faid Forty capital Tenures and Hundreds : But in cafe of no fuch Relation or Relations to be found, then the fame fhall go to the Earl, his Heirs, and Succeflbrs, as a Forfeiture, to be by him regranted to fome other Perfon, upon the fame Tenure, ^I'erms, and Conditions (and not otiierwife) as to the original Grantee. 6. But the Tenures being thus fufficiently main- tained upon the primitive Principles, and therefore af- feCiing conftantly the fame Operation, though changing never fo oftm into dift'erent Hands — all the Demefne Lands ( ^9 ) Lands of the County referved to the Earl, all the Demefne Lands referved to the Lords of the refpe^ffive fdundjeds, all the Demefne Lands of the Lords of the refpeclive Manors in thofe Hundreds held only at large in common Soccage, may be fubjedf to Alienation under the Quit-Rents, and other Rents referved in any Parts or Parcels, without any Reftriition whatfoever, only that they (hall remain as all Lands -in England^ at the Common Law, ftill holding ( however feparated, or transferred, into more or fewer Hands) as Part and Parcel of the faid County, and within the Precinifs or Manors of the Lords of the Hundreds, and Lords of the Manors refpeclively, where they originally lay. ^ The faid Earl hath already engaged a fufficient Number of Sea-Officers of the mo ft dijiinguijhcd Ranks and Service^ and others of his Friends, who are will- ing and able, in Co-operation with him, and without any farther Concurrence, to accomplifli the Settlement of the faid Ifland of Saint Johns^ according to the Plan propofed, which has been communicated and fully ex- plained to them. t Yet, in order to prevent the Difappointment oifuch Perfons^ Merchants^ Officers of the Army^ or others^ who are faid to have defired Grants in this Ifland, the faid Earl will confent to admit any or all of the C 2 faid * The Names of thefe were ffienfied in a Schedule to the Second and Third Memorial delivered to his Majefty hereafter annexed— many cf whom, being the principal Officers who efi'efted the Conquefts in Amince^ were intitled to Lands there, by his Majefty’s Orders in Council and Pro- clamation. Which Claim they prayed (in a joint Letter to the Board of Trade) might be fatisfied, by Permifiion to hold their Lands upon this Plan under the Earl, and in no oiher Manner. f All thefe were admitted by the Earl accordingly. Their Names are diflinguijhed aJfo in the Schedules to the Second and Third Memorials afore- faid. Thefe Gentlemen having received Encouragement from the Board of Trade toexpedt from them the fatJ:e ^anfity of Land in the befl: Spots of the llland, to be chofen where they thought Jity were fent to talk with the Earl y and having confidered this Plan, renounced Pretenfions unani- moully, and wrote to that Board fignifying the fame, and defiring to hold an equal Quantity of Land (fiicb (inly as might full to them by Lot) under the Earl. ( 40 ) fald Propolers to partake of the Benefit of this Plan and to grant to them refpedively either Hundreds^ Alanors^ or Freeholds^ according to their Abilities and Inclinatrons, upon the Tenures and Conditions herein before at large exprefled. The Power of making Bye-Laws for Regulations within the jaid County^ and the Fifery and Frade thereof for Treaties with the Indians, arid for af 'eJTmg and levying fuch Sum or Sums of Money for the pub-- lick Occaftons of the faid Ijland^ as their future Condi- tion and their common Benefit may hereafter demand ; and where the faid Powers fhall be lodged, and under what Reftriitions exercifed, is not confidered here. The fiiid Earl only humbly obferves thereon,, that fewer Occafions wfill call for the Exercife of thefe Powers, and the Cafes muft be the lefs important, becaufe the Statute as well as Common Law of England is pro- pofed to have Force therein, which is widely different from any Conftitution hitherto founded in America, But this may be a future Objedf, and will be caiily fixed, fhould this Propofal be accepted : — Nor is any Provifion made for any Church- Eliablijhment 1 his Omiffion may be fupplied alfo, in any Mode which may be found convenient. Neither is any Thing here fpecified in regard to fuch pUblick Fortif cations as his AJajcJly Jhall think fit hereafter to ereSt in the faid IfiancL bccaufe this cannot be well done ’till his Majefty’s Engineers fhall have marked out and furveyed fuch Place or Places as may be found moft proper to be referved to the Crown for that Purpofe, any 'Lhing herein contained notwith- Itanding. All which Powns and farther Provifions (fo far as they may be found requilitc), the faid Earl humbly hopes may be fupplied hereafter by the Grant of a diltindf and fubfequent Charter of Liberties', after ?na^ iure Eeliheration had thereon : •— Which Charter may 4 the ( 21 ) the better admit of Tome Delay*, as the Powers and Juridiidlion of the Karl’s Courts of the County, and the Courts Leet of the Hundreds, extended to the Cog- nizance of Caufes not exceeding the Value of Ten Pounds (inftead of borty Shillings); and the Courts Baron of the faid Hundreds and Manors refpeefively, exerted in their full Vigour, according to the Common and statute Law, with proper Officers appointed inci- dental thereto, and others, purfuant to this Propofal, •will in great meafure anfwer all Occafions of Admi- niftration and (jovernment for a confiderable l ime akcr the lirft Settlement of the faid County. \ A ^\J M M AKY of the UTole. Tenure for the Service (but in Common Soc- I Earl of the whole Countv. 40 Capital Lords of Forty Hun- dreds. 400 Lords of Manors. 800 Freeholders. For AfTurance of the 1 faid Tenures . . . j C 3 Acres. 800,000 For * N. B. The Powers of dividing, fubdividing, and ere<5\ing not only- Manors and Hundreds, hut even Counties, vv<;re not on\y ptJpcd, but ad- nj'tfed to be interted in Grants from the Crown, to the Subjecf, in the Reign ot Geo'ge the Firrt^, and in the late Reign oi Creotgc the Second, by the Lord Chancellor T'alboty and the late Lord Chancellor Hardzul.ke, This Propofal is but Part of a genera] Plan for the Settlement of all the conquered Countries of America^ luggefted foon alter the Concliifiv.ii of the late Peace — to the following Erf'ecl, •viz,. 1. Let the Conquered Conn ries be calf into Vrov'.nccs (nearly of the Size of Inlard) of Eighteen rri lion o* Acies each. 2 . Ltt each Prcnjlrce be actually furveyed at the Crown Exrfticp, be- ginning by Two or Three upon the Southern and Northern Frontiers (which might be done in One Year), proceeding afterwards gradually in- wards with the reft. Let a Diftrift be firft fet out in eafhich Rf-dfon th** Earl was d: fired to withdraw his Application for the lilc of Saint John's, and recommended to afit for that of Cape Breton* ( 27 ) gages and Demefne Lands, muft be all proportlonably reduced in Extent and Value, and muft neverthelel’s be ftill fubjedl to the fame Charges and Expence in the Settlement thereof, and therefore not an equal Objeft of Advantage to the Adventurers thereon ; and whereas the Means to fupply fuch Charges and Expence, and to accomplifti fuch Advantage, muft diminifti in pro- portion as the Quantity of Land for each Undertaker may be decreafed ; It is therefore farther propofed, that in either of the Cafes above mentioned, and that the faid Ifland fhould not amount to the faid Extent of Two Millions of Acres of Land as aforefaid, fuch Deficiency way be virtually fiupplied by a concurrent Grant ( to fuch Amount as may be thought convenient) of a DiJlri/1 of Land in the Ifland of Dominique, to be held jointly W’ith the fame County and upon the fame Tenure proportionally divided between the laid Earl of the faid County and the faid Forty Capital Tenants in , correfpondent Lots, one on which to be inleparably annexed by Tenure to each of the laid Hundreds of the Ifland of Saint John’s refpedively for ever, on condition of eftablifhing farther a Number of White Inhabitants at the Rate of One to every Hundred Acies, to be granted in the faid Ifland of Dominique. And it is humbly hoped that this additional Demand may fuggeft not only the Adeans to infure the Settle- ment bo'th of North- America and the Sugar Iflands at one and the fame Time in the moft expeditious Man- ner, but likewife a certain and effetStual Method to prevent all clandeftine Trade to the French Colonics (pradifed now as much by our own Sugar Planters*, and hereafter likely to be prabiifed more and with much greater Facility by them than by the North- Americans themfelves) without Violence, Complaint, or Expence to the Government of Great Britain. Becaufe from the Moment that fuch a Plan fhould be adopted ( fo ♦ Or Merchants in tbofe Paits. 3 f 28 far as it wentj it would become the moil important Objcdt and undoubted Inrereft both of the Norihein and Southern Plantations to co-operate in one com- mon View of excluding the French^ and confining the Commerce of both North and South reciprocally to themfelves ; and though not poffible (perhaps) to take place with rei'pedt to thofe Parts of North- Arnerica already fettled, would (if ejlahlijhcd only in a few new Counties fuch as this before deferitsed) create a power tul Intereft in that Part of the World, to Jetedl^ impede, and combat the clandeftine Practices of the rcit Nor will the Principle of felling the Lands in the Sugar Jflands (as faid to be intended) clafh with this Pro- pofal, but may be eafily accommodated to this Plan, and that Meafure in feme Degree affifted and accele- rated thereby, — For which Intent, firft (without waiting till Commiffioners may be fent, till the Bargains may be made, till the Reports may be compleated, ‘till thofe Reports may be returned, till the fame Reports may be confirmed at Home, till the confequential Grants may pafs, till Preparations may be made afterwaids by the Perfons whofe 7>rms fnall be accepted, and till the People to be placed upon the Lands can be fent over) it is humbly defired that fuch Portion of Land as atorc- faid in Dominique^ fo propofed to be annexed to the Tenures in the faid Ifland of Saint John's^ may be granted Immediately in the ame Patent, with Condition that the faid Lands fliall be refpedtively fubjeil to the Payment of any Sum or Sums which may become chargeable upon them proportionally according to the true Price which (hall be hereafter found to have been given upon Sale of Lands of the like Value and Quality contiguous thereto, as the fame may appear to be by the Report of the Commiffioners appointed for the Sale of the Lands of the faid Ifland, and their Declaration of fuch proportional Price tranfmitted upon Oath. — And fecondly, as nothing can more obvioufly retard the Cultivation of thofe Lands (which require immediate Settlement) than a large and fudden Diminution ot the Capital by means whereof fuch Settlement mull be madei efpecially in Undertakings of the moft hazardous, expen- ( 29 ) fxpenfive and precarious Nature, where many unforc-- feen Difficulties, Dilappointments and Delays muft ne- ceffiarily arife; and farther as any given Sum (fuppofe One Hundred Thoufand Pounds) received at once for the Purchafe of the faid Iflands, cannot be eftimatcd at more than Four Thoufand Pounds per Annum to the Publick (at Four per Cent, for ever). And whereas the Expenditure of the like Sum, if left in the Hands of the faid Adventurers, to be employed in Addition to their remaining Capital (how great foever it may be) might purchafe Three Thoufand Negroes clear, and plant at Icaft Ten 1 houfand Acres with Sugar, Indigo, Coffee, Cfr. in Seven Years Which Ten Thoufand Acres would ever after add a Produce to the Trade of England of at lead Two Hundred Thoufand Pounds per Aymum^ upon which Produce a Duty of Four and a half per Cent as at Barbadoes^ would raife (for the King s Civil Lift alone ) a yearly Sum double to the Intereft of the faid Hundred Thoufand Pounds, beftdes a far greater yearly Revenue to the Publick. — It is farther propofed, that the Value of the Purchafe of the faid Lands in Do^ tninique (fo to be charged propouionally as aforefaid) may be affefied as a ^it-Rent upon the faid Lands refpeSlively to be coyiverted into Annuities to a propor^ tiorial Amount.^ to be fold as Government Annuities at Market ; the Su?n arifing by fuch Sale thereof to be paid into the Exchequer^ redeemable by the Proprietors of the fame at Par^ upon Six Alonths Notice given in the Gazette, at the Injlauce of the jaid Proprietors — Which Mode of raifing the faid Purchale Money will be to all Intents and Purpoles oI the fame immediate Advantage to the Publick Revenue, but ot far lefs Inconvenience in general to the Purenafers of the faid Lands, extend the Undertakings, facilitate the Employment of fmall Capitals (otherwife in great meafure excluded) prevent an outrageous Monopoly by the IVejTlndia Planiers, or Great "^lerchants, and by increafing the Number of Buyers, greatly enhance the Price. Which is neverthelefs mojl humbly fulmited^ (Signed) E G M O N T. * * » Sea-Of- w licers ( 30 ) LIST of bis Majejly's Land and Sea Officers, Merchants, and others, defirous of partaking of the Grant of the Ifland of Saint JohnV, purfuant to the Propofal of the Earl of Egmont, and en- gaged to affifi his Lordfhip in fettling that Ifland. The Earl of Egmont and his 9 Children * * f Admiral Knowles Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, Member of Parliament Admiral Townfhend Adm. Sir Geo. Rodney, Memh^ of ParL Commodore Spry Captain Gambier Captain Cofby ^ Captain Pallifer ’ Captain Campbell f Captain Derby Captain Shouldham Captain Bentinck, Member of Parliament Captain Byron Lieut. Dugdale Lieut. Allen ^Lieut. Candler General Townfhend, Member of Parlia- ment^ 710 W Lord Vi fount Townjhend p General Monckton Colonel Carlton Captain Holland Captain Douglas Captain Jeremy Jones _ Lieutenant- Colonel Douglas Captain W. Douglas Captain Stair Douglas Captain George hlaxwell Major Goram Adajor Skene Captain RufTel General Oglethorpe Sir Geo. Colebrook, Memb. of Parliament Mr. Stuart Mr. Drummond Mr. Cathcart Mr. Richards of America Mer* Applied lince Memorial Merchajats * The three eldeft Sons of the Earl ferved in the late War in Germany^ at theConqueils of Mdrtinlqus, Uuuar.nub, &c. ( 31 ) Merchants fent by the Board of Trade to Lord Egmont (as having applied prior to his Lordfhip) and who defired to withdraw their Application by Letter to that Eoard^ dated 8th of Jan. 1764. and to be joined with the Earl. Merch^®. * f Hutchefon Mure, Efq; *3 John Mill, Efq; * J John Cathcart, Efq; * t George Spenfe, Efq; Twenty-one reduced Officers fent in like manner by the Board of Trade, and who requefted his Lordfhip to be admitted in his Plan, and Jignified the fame bj Letter to that Boards dated i8th of Jan. 1764. Officers from the Board of Trade "Colonel Charles Lee Major Allan Maclean Francis Maclean, Efq; Lieut. Lauchlin Maclean Lieut. Henry Maclean Captain Walter Paterfon Captain John Gordon Captain Peter Gordon Mr. Robert Stuart J Lieut. John Stewart Lieut. William Ridge Captain Thomas Ballett Lieut. Theodore Holtaine Lieut* William Allanby Lieut. Benjamin Dodd Lieut. Alexander Kennedy Lieut. Archibald Kennedy Captain Lauchlin Maclean Lieut. Robert Armftrong Lieut. James Campbell Applied fince Memorial * % 3jt "Henry Wauchope, Efq; Mem. of Pari. Mr. Drummond, Mem. of Parliament JamesFortrey, Efq; Byal Fen, Cambridge Hugh Finlay, Efq; Poftmafter at Quebec Rev. Mr. Perceval, of Burton ^ Rev. Mr. Kene Perceval Will. Perceval, Efq; Counfel at Law J: hn Perceval, Efq; Lieut, of Marines Richard Purcell, Efq; of Kanturk Tames Purcell, Efq; of Ditto .Philip Percevalj Elq; Temple-Houfe Philip ( 32 ) Applied lince Memorial { Philip Stephens, Efq, Member of Pari. Geo. Marlh, Efq; Com. of Viit. Office James Biddlecombe, Efq; Com. Somerf. Edm. Mafon, Efq; Commif. of Navy Befides feveral other Gentlemen which cannot be con- tained in this Lill for want of Room. N. B. Thqfe m rked thus ( * ) are the Forty prapofed by his Lordjhip to be adT?iitted to Forty Hundreds., and the reji he has promifed to comprehend in the Grant. The Memorial prefented in December 1763. > : . >> jf - '; - y. ■ € ■ • V> .li' ■