OL AND. 1 t [HE POLISII Released American Committee fcl Eastern Division, -fl New York, Apr| To the Editor: ji The Polish Bulletin pres* motion about Poland from an ■ It is released only to rieivsB been given other general Jisfr;* BULLETIN r by the the Defense of Poland West 40th Street 22, 1921 - 32 fits reliable non-partisan inf or- tmerican point of view. papers, the contents not having vulion in the United States. The Polish-Russian Trealy, «« te« which JJjtfJJJgJf , h j sirr s -. —J shortly. fth, was signed by the representatives of Poland and Russia and Treaty on April 15th. The Soviet Government ratified on tcial agreement between Poland and Soviet Russia will be begun liminary Conditions of Peace of the 12th of Octo- her 1920 and in conformity with the supple¬ mentary protocol on the «he «ecut,on of the above Article, signed in Riga on of February, 1921. „ mm| . In establishing frontiers, the Mixedl Commi sion of Demarcation will be governed by the lowing principles: (a) In determining frontiers running along if not navigable^ •Ip&I stream nidclle line of the largest stream or not capable of river-traffic. (b) In ca%«s~where the frontier is not~ market? by strictly defined lines, and exact indications are lacking, local economic needs and ethno¬ graphic appertainance will be taken into consider¬ ation in establishing the demarcation lines on the territory. In cases where ethnographic appertain¬ ance is questioned, it will be determined, upon the proposition of the sub-Commission of Demarca¬ tion, by the investigation of the opinion of the population. The land of individual proprietors should be included in the economic units of the nearest villages. (c) In cases where the frontier is defined by means of the expression “leaving a given village on a given side,” this village should be left on the given side of the frontier, together with all the land that belonged to it at the time the terri¬ tory in question was taken over by Poland, avoid- the leaving of scattered plots of land. (d) In cases where the frontier is marked by a road, the road itself will belong to the side on which are found the two villages immediately connected by it. (e) In cases where the frontier is defined by the expression “leaving the railway station/’ the frontier will be marked on the spot, according to topographical conditions, from V /2 to 3 kilometers from the limit semaphore (or, if there is no semaphore, from the limit switch), taking into consideration the preservation of economic units adhering to the railway line. Each of the contracting parties undertakes the obligation to withdraw, not later than fourteen days after the signing of the present Treaty, its military forces and its administration from those localities which, in the present description of the frontier, have been recognized as belonging to the other side. In localities lying on the frontier line itself, in so far as in the present Treaty it has not been determined to which side they belong, the administrative and frontier authorities at present existing will remain until the frontier is marked on the spot, and the appertainance of these local¬ ities has been defined by the Mixed Commission of Demarcation; these authorities should then be re¬ moved to their own territory, observing the prin¬ ciples given in paragraph 9 of the Armistice Agreement of the 12th of October, 1920. The* question of arc territory of Poland is of the present Treaty, ft ART territor Russia and the Ukraij 1 pretensions to territories 1 frontier determined in Treaty. Poland on lv benefit of the Ukraine rights and pretension^ 1 to territories the east of this fronti* E contracting j4 :ties a fi ree that in ves connected with letermined in Article !LE III AL RIGHTS e renounce all rights and situated to the west of the Article II of the present part renounces, to the and White-Ruthenia, all situated to so Tal of the present frontie of the present Treai der dispute between —the question of the tories to the one or tl belongs exclusively to r ART!; FORMER mined in Article II uiiude territories un- Pol Ad and Lithuania j)pertaiiknce of these terri- other tt these two States Poland a\d Lithuania. CLE IV RUSSIA >ertainance of parts of the APPERTAIN>T° From the former aph territories of the Polh Republic to the former Russian Empire, no ofy for Poland in relation ligations or burdens result 1 to Russia, except those foreseen by the preseni t Treaty. In an equal measure, appertainance to the mutual obligations an Poland, White-Ruthenij those foreseen by the pj AR11 RESPECT OR Both contracting other complete respect a] stinence from any int interior affairs of the agitation, propaganda from the former common ormer Russian Empire no d burdens result between 1 and the Ukraine, except resent Treaty. I CLE V SOVEREIGNTY irties guarantee to each >f State sovereignty and ab- erference whatever in the other party, especially from and all kinds of interven¬ tion, or from supportinl g t fo e same> Both contracting pari not to create and 1101 having for aim armed^ tracting party, either tegrity or preparing or social structure by izations assuming the other party or of a p?i fore, the two contraq obligation not to allow tories of such organi sentations and other orj of soldiers, as well a tories and the transp(] of armed forces, arm: of war material destir ARl| OF (1) All persons wh eighteen years and vvlj the moment of the ies undertake the obligation t to support organizations combat with the other con- attacking its territorial in- the overthrow of its State violence—as well as organ- role of Government of the rt of its territory. Where- ting parties undertake the the presence on their terri- [zations, their official repre- gans, to forbid the recruiting [s the import to their terri rt through their territories ammunition and all kinds ed for these organizations TICLE VI [TION to have reached the age of ko are on Polish territory at I ratification of the present Treaty, who on the 1st of August, 1914, were citi¬ zens of the Russian Empire and are inscribed, or have the right to be inscribed in the registers of the stable population of the former Kingdom of Poland, or were inscribed in the town or rural communes, or in one of the social class organiza¬ tions on territories of the former Russian Empire forming part of Poland, have the right to known their desire on the subject of the optioi^ of Russian or Ukrainian citizenship. From for¬ mer citizens of the former Russian Empire of other categories, who at the moment of the ratification of the present Treaty are on Polish territory, such is noX^^^^ecU__ ^ ^ (2) Former citizens of the former Russian Em¬ pire who have reached the age of eighteen years, who at the moment of the ratification of the pres¬ ent Treaty are on the territories of Russia or the Ukraine, and are inscribed or have the right to be inscribed in the registers of the stable popula¬ tion of the former Kingdom of Poland, or were inscribed in town or rural communes, or in one of the social class organizations on territories of the former Russian Empire forming part of Po¬ land, will be considered as Polish citizens if, in the form of option foreseen in the present Article, they express such desire. Equally, persons who have reached the age of 18 years and are on the territory of Russia or of the Ukraine, will be considered as Polish citizens if, in the form of option foreseen in the present Article, they express such a desire and prove that they descend from participants in the struggle for the independence of Poland in the period from 1830 to 1865, or that they are the descendants of per¬ sons who, no further than three generations back, were permanently domiciled on the territory of the former Republic of Poland, and prove that they themselves by their activities, their use of the Polish language as their usual language, and in the bringing-up of their offspring, have plainly manifested attachment to Polish nationality. “ (3) The prescriptions concerning option apply also to persons responding to points 1 and 2 of the present Article, in so far as these persons are outside the Polish frontiers in Russia or the Ukraine, and are not citizens of the State in which they reside. (4) The choice of the husband extends to the wife and the children up to the age of 18 years, in so far as a different understanding does not take place between husband and wife on this subject. If husband and wife cannot agree, the wife has the right of independent choice of citizenship; in this case the choice of the wife extends to the children brought up by her. In case of the death of both parents the choice is adjourned until the child attains the age of 18 years, and from that date are reckoned all time periods determined in the present Article. For others incapable of legal action the choice is made by a legal representative. in the quantity and on the conditions indicated in Annex No. 4 to the present Treaty. (b) Broad gage railway rolling stock, as well as railway rolling stock of the general European gage, altered to broad gage in Russia and the Ukraine up to the day of the signing of the peace Treaty, remains in Russia and the Ukraine, in the quantity and on the conditions indicated in Annex No. 4 to the present Treaty. (c) Other property besides railway rolling stock will be in part returned to Poland in natura, and in part will remain in Russia and in the Ukraine, in the quantity and on the conditions indicated in Annex No. 4 to the present Treaty. The value of the railway property indicated under the letters a, b and c of the present Article, is determined by the parties at the sum of 29,000,000 (twenty-nine million) rubles in gold. 2 . Both contracting parties undertake the obliga¬ tion reciprocally to return to each other, on the general principles foreseen in Article 15 of the present Treaty, State river property (boats, mechanisms, technical apparatus, and landing facil¬ ities and other river transport property), also the property of road administration, in so far as the one^as well as the other property is at present, or will be, under the administration of government or social institutions of the State making the resti¬ tution. The bringing into force of the decisions of the present point and decision on all matters connected therewith, is placed in the hands of the Mixed Commission of Re-evacuation foreseen in Article 15 of the present Treaty. ARTICLE XV RE-EVACUATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. 1. Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obligation, >the demand of the Polish government, based the declaration of the proprietors, to re-evacu- ate to Poland, for the purjtose of its restitution to the proprietors, the property of self-governing bodies, institutions, physical and legal persons, voluntarily or forcibly evacuated from the terri¬ tory of the Republic of Pol and to .Rus sia and th. - Uk raine, after 1 * * 4 be returned, not necessa form of a proper equiv A complete, reciprocal arising from legal titles | property, should take pi a the day of the ratificatij] between the proprietors | erty and the Governmel This settlement will cl the subsidies, loans and evacuation, with the exq by securities, and, on thq tures connected with e^ materials, . semi-manufac taken by the State makid settlement will also be i| the partial or complete process of production, o| evacuation. The Governments of] guarantee payments basl settlement. This settlement must nn. roperty should be exe the prohibition or the will not be subject to The re-evacuation of cuted without regard to restriction of export, anc any taxes or payments. 7. For the purpose of bringing into force the deci¬ sions of the present Artie ?, a Mixed Commission will be formed, not later ratification of the presen ciple of equality, compose and the indispensable expi jian six weeks from the Treaty, on the prin- of five representatives ts of both parties, with headquarters in Moscow! The duty of this Com¬ mission will be especially the fixing of equiva¬ lents in cases foreseen in Points 3 and 4 of the present Article, the fixing settlement of accounts betv .Governments I4,~tha£ fmm l • • - T —T — ' —r i'of its proper execution, !«". oc,S,”>m. up “ ""I 0 ' d ~* « Both contracting parties undertake the obliga of legal and physical pers of the necessity ofj co-opel Government organs in the t.on to reciprocally re-evacuate, at the desire of | jec t to re-evacuation, the Government of the other party, based on the declaration of proprietors, the property of self- governing bodies, institutions, physical and legal persons, on the territory of the other party, volun- - - parlles , Ter! m5. ^ eV3CUated 3fter the lst 0f ° ct0 ' I tion to co-operate fully and] above mentioned Mixed G 3. The property denominated in Points 1 and 2 As proof of the accompli tion, not only evacuation of also all other documents a\ Both contracting parties | ment of its duties. Property belonging to phj f the principles of the :n proprietors and the le elucidatio the State apj? bns, as well as in case Ration with the proper learch for property sub- pshment of the evacua- rders are admitted, but nd proofs by witnesses, undertake the obliga- in every way with the Immission in the fulfill- rsical and legal persons m m - - * 1 upci i.y ueiungnig ro pn}* 0 ^"* “““ e present Article is subject to re-evacuation, of the other contracting paM^ is not subject to re- in so far as it is at present, or will prove to be, | evacuation. " under the administration of governmental or social institutions °f the State making the restitution. _ _ ___ w SIlar{ oh ''Z atlon proving that an object has general assembly of the U ere amage or has been lost, is incumbent on evacuation from Poland the State making the restitution. Russian, Ukrainian or W i j.i T the pr °P ert y denominated in Points are considered as Russian, nd 2 of the present Article represents a means Ruthenian. Those Stock Companies of the actions or shares ■in which the majority [presented at the last ]iareholders before the Russia belonged to liite-Ruthenian citizens, lUkrainian and White- °f production, and was formerly under the ad- ^ „ vov JH| “tT ° f f 0Ver " mental . or sociaI institutions I the* majority o7'ihe a™ destrn ) 3e ™ aklng the,restitution, but later was at the last general assemb] vond-^ °i ,° S - 3S a r ^- su it °f circumstances be- fore the evacuation from WPPton rol (vis major), the Government of the to Poland belonged to Pol te making the restitution is under the obliga- sidered as Polish, n o give a proper equivalent for these objects. The State appertainance ,h. „„ pr °P ert y -ndicated in Points 1 and 2 of of the parties is defined on p esent Article is in the possession of third Treaty, persons, physical or legal, it should be taken from them for the purpose of re-evacution. Property indicated in Those Companies (Stock! actions! present Article and in the possession of the pro¬ prietor, should also, at his demand, be evacuated. 4. Poland undertakes the claims of other States on Rd Points 1 and 2 of the | which may be made on acc| tion to Poland of property re-1 legal persons of these States! Ukraine both reserve to the| with respect to Poland, the 8 . All demands for the re-el should be made to the Mix! the period of one year from| cation of the present Treatj . ro P ert y subject to re-evacuation on the prin- P e of Points 1, 2 and 3 of the present Article m ay, with the agre ement of the parties interested, •The terms “evacuation” and “re-evacuation” sen emp ^°J ec * * n original document in the - °* “removal” and “restitution,” according I this period, no demand will 0 t e practice which arose during the war. • State making the restitution. | bf shareholders to one |he basis of the present responsibility for all hssia and the Ukraine, bunt of the re-evacua- |elonging to citizens or while Russia and the □selves, on this basis, tight of recovery. vacuation of property ^d Commission within I the day of the ratifi- ; after the lapse of be accepted by the The decision of the Mixed Commission is to begin within three months from the day of the reception of the demand. The re-evacuation of property is to be accom¬ plished within six months from the moment of the decision of the Mixed Commission. The lapse of the above period does not liberate the State making the restitution from the duty of the re-evacuation of property which was de¬ manded within the proper period. ARTICLE XVI CAPITAL AND FUNDS 1 . Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obligation to effect with Poland, a settlement of accounts aris¬ ing from funds and special capital bequeathed or donated to Polish legal and physical persons, which, by virtue of binding regulations, were in the State Treasury, or in credit institutions of the former Russian Empire, as deposits or accounts. 2 . Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obliga¬ tion to effect a settlement of accounts with Poland on the basis of the capital of Polish public insti¬ tutions, which, by virtue of binding regulations, were in the State Treasury, or in credit institu¬ tions, of the former Russian Empire, as deposits or accounts. 3. Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obliga¬ tion to effect with Poland, a settlement of accounts >yith reference to property and capital of Polish origin which came under the administration of the Russian Government and were either liquid¬ ated or confounded with Treasury funds and be¬ longed to social, cultural, religious and philan¬ thropic institutions and associations, as well as property and capital which were destined for the maintenance of churches and the clergy. 4. Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obliga¬ tion to effect with Poland, a settlement with refer¬ ence to special capital and funds, as well as with reference to general State capital destined for purposes of social work, which were under the pfcclh^atlTiunistrations and were COn- ected, according to their origin and destination, partly or completely, with territory or citizens of the Polish Republic. 5. The period for the fixing of the clearing bal¬ ances foreseen in Points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the pres¬ ent Article, is agreed upon by both contracting parties as the lst of January, 1916. 6 . In the measure of proceeding with the settle¬ ment of accounts, with reference to capital having connection with the accounts of the State treasury, a previous liquidation of these accounts should be effected; the sums assigned from the treasury for the support of capital will not be considered as a debt of capital towards the Treasury. Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obliga¬ tion, in effecting the settlement of accounts foreseen in Points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the present Article, to assign to Poland the appropriate property, capital, and balance in cash. 7. In effecting the settlement of accounts with reference to capital and funds which were in the Treasury as deposits, or in State or private credit institutions of the former Russian Empire, as in¬ vestments—Russia and the Ukraine undertake the and other) in which or shares represented / of shareholders be- issia and the Ukraine ish citizens, are con- obligation, taking under consideration, to the ad¬ vantage of Poland, the loss of part of the pur¬ chasing power of Russian paper money units in the period from the lst of October, 1915, to the day of the completion of the settlement of accounts. Nevertheless, in effecting the settlement of ac¬ counts with reference to special capital and funds which were under the control of separate adminis¬ trations and confounded with the treasury ac¬ counts of the former Russian Empire, changes in the value of monetary units are not taken into consideration. 8 . In effecting the final settlement of accounts with reference to special capital, funds and property, movable property will be returned to Poland in so far as it is under the administration of the gov¬ ernments of Russia and the Ukraine. In cases where property has been liquidated by them, it The Polish-Rilssian Treaty The collections and objects described under let¬ ters a and b in the present Point are subject to restitution without regard to the conditions under which they were removed or the prescriptions of the authorities of that period, and without regard to what legal or physical person they belonged originally or after removal. 2 . The obligation of restitution does not extend to: (a) Objects removed from territory situated to the east of the Polish frontier determined by the present Treaty, in so far as it is proved that these objects are the product of White-Rutheman or Ukrainian culture, and that they were brought to Poland not by voluntary transaction or by heritance; „ (b) To objects which were brought to Russian or Ukrainian territory from their lawful owner through voluntary transactions or inheritance, or which were brought to the territory of Russia or the Ukraine by their lawful owner. 3. If collections and objejcts of the category men¬ tioned under letters a and b in Point 1 of the present Article, brought from Russia or the Ukraine in this same period, are found in Poland, they are subject to restitution to Russia and the Ukraine on the principle mentioned in Points 1 and 2 of the present Article. 4. Russia and the Ukraine will restore to Poland the following objects taken from the territory of the Republic of Poland since the 1st of January, 1772, and connected with the territory o t e Republic of Poland: the archives, records, ma¬ terials pertaining to the archives, acts, documents, registers, maps, plans and drawings, as well as _ and cliches, sealing stamps and seals, etc., and institutions, self-governing, (CONT t I the collection as a whol in case of its close conne- the culture of Poland, sh with the agreement of b< Commission foreseen in Article, in exchange for scientific or artistic value, 8 , Both contracting partie to conclude special agr restitution, the redempti articles of the categorie b of the present these objects passed to tl party through voluntary tance, in so far as these acquisitions of the interesi e d party. UpID ) ■the said object, except Jtion with the history or luld remain in its place Ith parties of the Mixed Joint 15 of the present ■another object of equal of all State social a nd clerical. Those ***** d, h^v> ever, which, although nopconnected as a whole with the territory of tfre present Republic of Po land, but which cannot be divided, will be re¬ turned to Poland in their entirety. 5. Russia and the Ukraine assign the following objects dating from the period between the 1st of January, 1772, to the 9th of November, 1918 during Russian rule over territories which form part of the Republic of Poland; archives, records, materials pertaining to archives, acts, documents, registers, maps, plans and drawings of legislative institutions, central, provincial, and local organs of all Ministries, offices and administrations, as well as self-governing bodies, social and public institutions, in so far as the objects denominated above have connection with the territory of the , present Republic of Poland and are in reality on Russian or Ukrainian territory. Should the objects denominated in this Point, and which have connection with territories re¬ maining with Russia or the Ukraine, be found in Poland, Poland undertakes the obligation to assign them to Russia or to the Ukraine on these same principles. 6 . The decisions of Point 5 of the present Article do not extend to: (a) Archives, records, etc., having connection with the struggles of the former Czarist authori¬ ties with the revolutionary movements in Poland after the year 1876 up to the time of the conclusion of a special Agreement between both parties on their restitution to Poland: (b) Objects representing military secrets and having connection with the period after the year 1870. 7. Both contracting parties, agreeing that the sys¬ tematized, scientifically elaborated and complete moment of the ratification of the present Treaty, collection forming the basis of a collection of uni¬ versal cultural importance, should not be subject to destruction, decide the following: if the re¬ moval of any object whatever, subject, on the principle of Point 1 of the present Article, to restitution to Poland, may destroy the value of Russia and the Ukraine to restore to Poland the or voluntarily removed t from the territory of th Polish Republic, since the 1st of August (new public institutions, and physical persons: (a) Archives of every ments, registers, account uring instruments, plat stamps, maps, plans and and measurements of t tion of objects having a military secrets, which tutions; (b) Libraries, archiv with their inventories, graphic material; works lections of tific, artistic, or in gene declare their readiness iments concerning the )n or the exchange of denominated in Point article, in cases when ie territory of the other transaction or inheri- jbjects represent cultural undertake the obligation ollowing objects forcibly ) Russia or the Ukraine D tyle), 1914, that is, from the beginning of the worl 1 1-war to the 1st of Octo ber (new style), 1915, ai &d belonging to the State or its institutions, self-go i kerning bodies, social or writings and corresponde !lce , surveying and meas- general all legal and kind, records, acts, docu- and commercial books, and cliches, sealing- i drawings, with sketches same—with the excep- present the character of longed to military insti- and artistic collections, catalogues, and biblio- relics, and all col II ii lloiiill, SC1C cultural character; us cult of all con- bells and all objects of !r( fessions; f A (c) scientific and scl pol laboratories, cabinets and collections, scientifi l and school accessories, instruments and apparat ^ s , and also allauxiliary and experimental materi jl of the same character; (d) objects subject to . re-evacuation and men¬ tioned in the present I ; 0 int un der the letter may be returned, not ne< jjessarily in natura, but in the form of a proper eq juivalent, determined with the agreement of both p lrt ; es i n t h e Mixed Com¬ mission foreseen in Point p 15 0 f the present Article. Objects dating from be: ft0re 1870, or donated by boles, may be returned but in the form of a with the agreement of mentioned Mixed CommL Both contracting parti tion reciprocally to re-ev ciples, the collections Point 9 of the present tarily or forcibly on the after the 1st of October Objects denominated present Article, not fori State or of State institute of the Governments, basi the proprietors, be re-eve their restoration to the o^ t Objects denominated present Article are subj as they are de facto c administration of goveri tions of the State maki obligation of proving tha, or lost is incumbent on t tution. If the objects dei 10 of the present Artich third persons, physical taken from them for the Also, at the request < denominated in Points ! Article, in his possession 1( not necessarily in natura, proper equivalent, solely j*oth parties of the above ^sion. ijO. £s undertakes the obliga- (acuate, on the same prin- jnd objects mentioned in ijArticle, evacuated volun- erritory of the other party (new style), 1915. 1 . i Points 9 and 10 of the ning the property of the I ons, should, upon demand ed on the declarations of cuated for the purpose of ivners. 2 . i Points 9 and 10 of the ct to restitution in so far : prove to be under the mental or social institu- ng the restitution. The t an object was destroyed he State making the resti- lominated in Points 9 and are in the possession of r legal, they should be purpose of re-evacuation j>f the proprietor, objects ) and 10 of the present „ should be re-evacuated. 13. Costs in connection with the return and re- evacuation within the limits of its own territory to the frontiers of the State will be borne by the State making the restitution. Restitution and re- evacuation should be executed without regard to prohibitions or restrictions of export, and will not be subject to any taxes or payments. 14. Each of the contracting parties undertakes the obligation to surrender to the second party the cultural or artistic possessions donated or be¬ queathed up to the 7th of October (new style), 1917, by the citizens or institutions of the other party to its State, or its social, scientific, or artistic institutions, in so *far as these donations or be¬ quests were accomplished according to the obliga¬ tory statutes of the State in question. Both contracting parties reserve the right to conclude special agreements in the matter of the above mentioned donations and bequests made after the 7th of November (new style), 1917. 15. For the execution of the decisions of the present Article, there will be formed, not later than within 6 weeks from the moment of the ratification of the present Treaty, a special Mixed Commission, on the principles of equality, with headquarters in Moscow, composed of three representatives of each party and the indispensable experts. This Commission will direct its activities according to instructions forming Affix No. 3 to the present rreaty ’ ARTICLE XII STATE PROPERTY Both contracting parties recognize that Stat? property of every kind On the territory of the one or the other of the contracting States, or subject to re-evacuation to that State on the basis of the present Treaty, forms its indisputable/property. By State property is understood ev£ry kind of property, and property rights, of ti^e dtaie itself, as well as of State institutions; propA/' and prop¬ erty rights: of appanage, cabinets.^BijqceSj all kinds of property and property rights of the former Russian Empire and members of the for¬ mer imperial family and all kinds of property and property rights donated by former Russian Em¬ perors. Both contracting parties renounce, reciprocally, all claims arising from the division of State prop¬ erty, in so far as the present Treaty does not make a different decision. To the Polish government pass all rights and claims of the Russian treasury against all kinds of property within the frontiers of Poland, and all claims against physical and legal persons if these rights and claims are sub¬ ject to execution on Polish territory, and in this connection only to the amount not offset by the reciprocal claims of the debtors based on Point 2 of Article 17, to be settled in the clearing of ac¬ counts. The documents and acts confirming the right, indicated in this Article, are transferred by the Russian government, in so far as they are really in its possession, to the Polish government. In case of the impossibility of executing this within the term of one year* from the day of ratification of the present Treaty, these documents and acts will be recognized as lost. ARTICLE XIII /GOLD On the basis of the active participation of the territories of the Republic of Poland in the eco¬ nomic life of the former Russian Empire, recog¬ nized by the Agreement on the preliminary condi¬ tions of peace of the 12th of October, 1920, Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obligation to pay to Poland (30) thirty million gold rubles in coin or ingots, not later than within one year from the moment of the ratification of the present Treaty. ARTICLE XIV THE RE-EVACUATION OF STATE PROPERTY 1. The re-evacuation* of State railway property from Russia and the Ukraine to Poland will be executed according to the following principles: (a) Railway rolling stock of the general Euro¬ pean gage is to be returned to Poland in natura, The Polish-R (5) Declaration of the choice of citizenship should be made before a Consul or other official representative of the State for which the person in question declares himself, within the term of one year from the moment of the ratification of the present Treaty; for persons residing in Cau¬ casus and in Asiatic Russia this term is prolonged to 15 months. These declarations will be made within these same time periods before the proper offices of the State in which the person in ques¬ tion finds himself. Both contracting parties undertake the obliga¬ tion to, within one month from the date of the signing of the present Treaty, publish and make known, as well as to make known to each other reciprocally, the prescriptions indicating the authorities designated to receive declarations of the choice of citizenship. The two contracting par ties also undertake the obligation to make known to each other, within the term of three months by diplomatic procedure, lists of persons who have made declarations of choice of citizenship, with mention of the declarations recognized as valid and the declarations recognized as non-valid. (6) Persons making declaration of choice of citi zenship do not thereby acquire the nationality chosen. When a person who has made declaration of choice of citizenship responds to the conditions de tailed in points 1 and 2 of the present Article, the Consul or other official representative of the State in favour of which the choice is made, gives the decision thereon, and sends his attestation, to aether with the documents of the chooser, to the ^Ministry (People’s Commissariat) of Foreign Affairs. Within the term of one month from the day of sending the attestation, the Ministry (Peo pie’s Commissariat) of Foreign Affairs either com municates to the afore-mentioned representative its opposition to. the decision, in which case the mat ^^c^i^aecidec^D^dqilbmatic: procedure, or recog' nizes the decision of the representative, and sends him an attestation of the cessation of the former citizenship of the chooser, together with all the other documents of the chooser except residence permit. The non-reception within the term of one month of the notification of the Ministry (People’s Com missariat) of Foreign Affairs is considered as consent to the decision of the representative. In cases where the person choosing responds to all the conditions mentioned in points 1 and 2, the — State in favour of which the option is made has not the right to refuse citizenship to the person choosing, while the State in which the person in question is residing has not the right to refuse liberation from citizenship. The decision of the Consul or other official repre¬ sentative of the State in favour of which the choice is made, should fall within a term of two months at most from the moment of the reception of the declaration of choice; this term, for persons re¬ siding in the Caucasus and in Asiatic Russia, is prolonged to three months. The execution of option is free from stamp, passport and all other taxes, as well as taxes for publication. (7) Persons who have validly executed option will be able to depart without obstacle to the State in favour of which the choice was made. Both contracting parties, however, may demand that these persons should make use of their right to leave; in this case the departure should take place within six months from the day of notifi¬ cation. T. he choosers have the right to retain or legally liquidate their movable and immovable possessions; in case of departure they may take them with them in accordance with the rules determined in Affix No. 2 to the present Treaty. The taking out of the country of possessions will be free from all Cus¬ toms duties and taxes. Possessions exceeding the standard fixed for possessions to be taken out of the country may be taken away later when transport conditions have improved. (8) Up to the moment of validly executed op¬ tion, choosers are subject to all the laws obliga¬ tory in the State in which they are residing; after its execution they are considered as foreigners. (9) Should the persoi who has validly executed option be under accusa [ion or under trial for a penal offence, or be se be sent under guard, to pertaining to the case, which the choice was m^de if that State demands his extradition. (10) Persons who ha will be recognized in e that State in favour o made, and all rights a r e validly executed option ery respect as citizens of which their choice was id privileges without ex¬ ception granted to the c Itizens of that State, be it by the present Treaty will belong to the choo ers in the same measure as if they had been ah ment of the ratification (1) Russia and the l sons of Polish nationalit Ukraine and White-Rut the equality of national the free development c the exercise of religious land guarantees to perst Persons of Polish nat sia, the Ukraine and right, within the limits port their own schools, ture, and to this end internal legislation, beloi 1 ussian Treaty ping his sentence, he will ^ether with the documents to the State in favour of >r by future Agreements, ady citizens of the State in favour of which the} *-bave chosen, at the mo- )f the present Treaty. ARTI( LE VII NATION/ L RIGHTS kraine guarantee to per- who are in Russia, the enia, on the principle of ights, all rights securing culture, language, and rites. Reciprocally, Po¬ ls of Russian, Ukrainian and White-Ruthenian n i ionality who are in Po¬ land, all these rights. •nality who are in Rus- Vhite-Russia, have the f internal legislation, to cultivate their own langi Lge , to organize and sup- develop their own cul Torm Associations and Unions; these same rig ts, within the limits of to persons of Russian, Ukrainian and White-R ;henian nationality who are in Poland, (2) Both contracting ff^ties undertake the obli¬ gation to reciprocal^ either direct or indirr q*/\ tion and the life* of ithc the religious associations tory of the other party. (3) Churches and relq sia, the Ukraine and V belong persons of Polisl right, within the limits the independent organiz* of the Church. The above mentioned associations have the rif (3) Both contracting parties undertake the obli¬ gation to respect and suitably maintain the graves of prisoners of war who have died in captivity, and also the graves of soldiers, officers and other members of the Army who fell on the field of battle and are buried on their territory. Both contracting parties undertake the obliga¬ tion to allow in future the erection, after an under¬ standing with the local authorities, of monuments on the graves, as well as to permit the exhumation and transport of bodies to their native country, according to the reduced tariffs, taking into con¬ sideration the prescriptions of legislation of the country and the demands of public health. The above prescriptions apply also to all graves and bodies of hostages, civil prisoners, interned persons, exiles, refugees and immigrants. (4) Both contracting parties agree to supply to each other reciprocally, the documents concerning the decease of the persons above mentioned and to make known the number and the locality of the graves of persons dead and buried without the establishment of their identity. ARTICLE X AMNESTY (1) Each of the contracting parties guarantees to the citizens of the other party complete amnesty for political crimes and offences. By political crimes and offences is understood acts directed against the organization or the safety of the State, as well as acts committed to the advantage of the other party. (2) The amnesty extends also to acts pursued by administrative procedure or outside the Courts, as well as to infractions of prescriptions obliga¬ tory for war prisoners and interned persons, an^ in general citizens of the other party. Jwith (3) The application of amnesty " Points 1 and 2 of the present Article wwUgation not to institute new investigation! . affairs of the orgamza- J annu , ment of pursu i ts H read y instituted, and the Church, as well • as o ] non . execut i on 0 f sentences>*keady pronounced, which are on the tern-1 ^ The with holding of the execution of sen- . . . tences does not necessarily involve the setting at ous associations in Kus- I liberty; in the latter case, however, the persons hite-Ruthenia, to whic concemed should be imme diately surrendered to nationality, have e • ^ authorit i es 0 f their own State, together with f internal legislation, to , . , V c all the documents. of the inter | ^ however, a person should declare that he .. | does not wish to return to his country, or if the - churches and religious authoHties of his count ry should not agree to re¬ internal legislation, to th|ht, within the limits 0 l ive him> t hi s person may be again deprived of use and acquisition of . ,. liberty. 3 le possessions indispen- PerS0 ns who are under accusation or being religious rites and t e prosecuted> against whom preliminary proceedings and Church institutions. ^ being taken> or who are 0 n trial for common s they have the rig t to offences ^ and also those undergoing sentence for lurches and institutions offences> will> at the dem and of the State of rcise of religious rites. they are c j t i ze ns, be surrendered immedi- g to persons of Russian, , together with all the documents, thenian nationality m ^ The amnesty foreseen in the present Article extends to all the above mentioned acts committed l E VI11 up to the moment of the ratification of the present HE WAR ^ I- 8 reciprocally renounce execution of death sentences for the acts }>ts of the war, that 1S ’ above mentioned will be withheld from the carrying on of war be- moment of the signing of the present Article, idemnity for war losses, 1 ere inflicted on them or the movable and immov sable to the exercise of maintenance of the clergy On these same principle avail themselves of the indispensable to the exe These same rights beloj Ukrainian and White-] Poland. artic: COSTS OF Both contracting parti the restitution of the o State expenditure for the tween them, as well as namely, for losses that their citizens on the ter] by military activities an Polish-Russian-Ukrainian ARTIC] REPAT] (1) The Agreement oi between Poland on the oi the Ukraine on the other Article / of the Agree] conditions of peace of tl signed in Riga on the remains in power. (2) The mutual clear payment of the real costs oners of war should be months. The manner of tent of these costs will be Commission foreseen in Agreement on Repatriatioi itory of war operations |l dispositions during the ARTICLE XI MONUMENTS AND ARCHIVES 1 . Russia and the Ukraine will restore to Poland the following objects removed to Russia or to the concluded I Ukraine from the territory of the Polish Republic te hand, and Russia and since the 1st of January, 1772. ,and in the execution of (a) All war troph.es (for mstance, flags and .ent ’on the preliminary standards, all military signs guns, arms, regi- -12th of October, 1920 , mental regalia, etc.), as well as trophies taken » 4t h of February, 1921 , since 1792 from the Polish nation during its Strug- g le for independence against Czanst Russia. he ' of accounts and the Polish-Russian-Ukrainian war of .1918-1921 is not of maintenance of pris- subject to such restitution. , a de at periods of three W Libraries, collections of books, archsologi- calculation and the ex- cal collections, archives works of art, relics, as letermined by the Mixed well as all kinds of collections and objects of h,s- the above mentioned toric, national, artistic archaeological, scientific, or general cultural value. will be returned in the form of a proper equiva lent; this does not apply to Russian securities. 9. The above settlement will be effected by the Mixed Account-Settlement Commission foreseen in Article XVIII. ARTICLE XVII LEGAL CONDITION OF INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS 1 . Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obligation to effect the settlement of accounts with Poland with reference to Polish investments, deposits and securities of legal and physical persons, in Rus¬ sian and Ukrainian State credit institutions, na tionalized or liquidated, as well as in State insti¬ tutions and treasuries. In paying sums due on the basis of the present Point, Russia and the Ukraine assign to Polish legal and physical persons all the rights that were formerly assigned to Russian and Ukrainian legal and physical persons. With regard to physical persons, in effecting the above-mentioned settlements, Russia and the Ukraine will take under consideration, to their advantage, the loss of part of the purchasing power of Russian monetary units from the 1st of October, 1915, to the day of the completion of the settlement of accounts. 2 . The decision on matters concerning the regula¬ tion of conditions of private right between legal and physical persons of the two contracting States, and also the decision on matters concern¬ ing the regulation of claims of physical and legal persons on the Government and State institutions of the other party, and reciprocally, which are based on legal titles—in so far as these questions are not decided by the present Treaty—is placed in the hands of the Mixed Account-Settlement Commission foreseen in Article XVIII of the Peace Treaty. p*»ent Point concerns legal conditions |Hlich arose' up to the day of the signing of the ^eace Treaty. persons, in the domain of the estitution of prop¬ erty and compensation for losse of the revolution and civil war Ukraine. In the cases foreseen abov< Ukraine will recognize the bind ag power not only of original documents confirm ng the property rights of Polish physical and also those documents which wi Mixed Commission foreseen in XVIII of the present Treaty. during the period in Russia and the Russia and the egal persons, but be issued by the Articles XV and ARTICLE XX I FURTHER AGREE! 1ENTS Both contracting parties undertake the obligation to begin, not later than withi: i six weeks from the day of the ratification of tlte present Treaty, negotiations on the question Agreement, and an Agreement change of goods on the basis of barter) ; also to begin, as sooit tiations concerning the conclusi Post and Telegraph, Railway, S .nitary and Veter- Convention con- >f a Commercial Concerning the ex- :ompensation (i. e., as possible, nego- n of a Consular, r-SETTLEMENT COMMISSION 1 . For the purpose of effecting the settlement of accounts foreseen in Articles XIV, XV, XVI and £VII of the present Treaty, and the fixing of the •rinciples of these settlements in cases unforeseen y the present Treaty, and also for the purpose f fixing the amount, manner and time of pay- tents due in consequence of neglected accounts, dthin six weeks from the day of the ratification f the present Treaty, a Mixed Account-Settle tent Commission will be formed, composed of ive representatives of each party and the indis- lensable number of experts, with headquarters in Varsaw. 2 . As the date on which all settlements are to be iccounted for, the 1st of October (new style), 1915, s accepted in so far as the present Treaty does lot decide otherwise. 3. All settlements of accounts for material values will be effected in Russian gold rubles; in other cases, settlement will be made in conformity with :he principles foreseen in Articles XIV, XVI and XVII of the present Treaty. ARTICLE XIX RUSSIAN DEBTS Russian and the Ukraine liberate Poland from responsibility for debts and for all other kinds of obligation of the former Russian Empire, includ¬ ing obligations proceeding from the issue of paper money, treasury-bills, obligations, promissory notes, serial issues, Russian treasury bonds, and from guarantees accorded to all institutions and mterprises, as well as frofn the guarantee debts >f the same, etc. ARTICLE XX COMPENSATION Russia and the Ukraine undertake the obligation o accord to Poland, her citizens and legal persons, lUtomatically, and without any special agreement, n the basis of the principle of the most favoured ation, all the rights, privileges and concessions ccorded or to be accorded directly or indirectly y them to any other State, its citizens and legal inary Convention, as well as cerning the improvement of naligation conditions on the Dnieper-Vistula and till Dnieper-Dzwina waterways. ARTICLE XXl TRANSIT OF G(|)DS • 1 . Up to the time of the conclusiij of the Commer¬ cial Agreement and the Railwal Convention, both contracting parties undertake permit the transit of goods on ditions: The principles of the present the basis of the future Comme the parts concerning transit. 2 . Both contracting parties acc reciprocally, the free transit ofi ways and waterways open to t| The transport of transit g with the observance of the mined in each of the contracti r>n rflilwojrc nryri wofay wiy c.* sideration transport facilities interior traffic. 3. By free transit of goods, b< ties understand that goods trai sia or the Ukraine, or to Rusi through Poland, as well as fj Poland through Russia or the be subject to any transit duties ments arising from transit, wl pass straight through the tefrr contracting parties, or are uni stored for a time in warehouses' further transport, on condition 1 tions are carried out in ware supervision of the Customs a country through which the goo< 4. Poland reserves to herself lit 1 ation of the conditions of tra German and Austrian origin, in many and Austria through Pola the Ukraine. The transit of arms, military jects, is prohibited. The restriction does not extencj although military, are not intei purposes. For the transit of declaration that they will not be material will be demanded of th ernment. Restrictions are also permittc with goods to which, for the pro! lie health, and the prevention of epizooty and plant epidemics, m; ceptional prohibitive measures. 5. Goods from other States in tr] territory of one of the contractBansit through the being imported to the territory oBng parties while will not be subject to other orBt the other party, than those which might be levi^B higher payments coming straight from their coun^Bd on such goods 6. Bry of origin. Freights, tariffs, and other transport of goods by transit, m^Bayments for the than those which are levied for^iy not be higher the transport of such goods in interior communication on the same line and in the same direction. As long as freights, tariffs and other payments are not levied for the interior transport of goods in Russia and the Ukraine, payments for the transport of goods by transit from Poland and to Poland through Russia and the Ukraine, may not be higher than the payments determined for the transport of goods by transit through the most favoured country. 7. A In view of the necessity of the proper equipment of frontier stations at connecting points of the railways of both of the contracting parties, will be assigned temporarily, for transit traffic from Russia and the Ukraine through Poland, and the reverse, from Poland through Russia and the Ukraine, delivery stations at the sections Barano- wicze-Minsk and Rowne-Szepetowka, namely, on the territory of White-Ruthenia and the Ukraine, for the reception of goods coming from the west the Minsk station (until a special station is pre¬ pared), and the station of Szepetowka (until the station of Krzywin is prepared), and on the ter¬ ritory of Poland for receiving goods coming from the east the stations Stolbec and Zdolbunowo. The manner and conditions of transit traffic will be determined in the Railway Convention which is to be concluded by both contracting parties imme¬ diately after the ratification of the present Treaty. The contracting parties will also take the proper steps for the speediest possible adaptation of other directions to transit traffic, providing the connect¬ ing points of the railways are determined by a special agreement. The delivering points from other States on the frontiers of both parties for transit traffic, will be all frontier stations which are, or will be, open for international communication. For the loading of transit goods.arriving or de¬ parting by water, will be opened a transfer depot in the town of Pinsk or on the Prypec siding, and at this point is to be constructed a railway line to the wharf for the purpose of placing the cars for loading. Bfc \ r<- wn. . . TERRITORIAL CLAUSE Russia and the Ukraine declare that all oolrga- tions undertaken by them towards Poland, as well as the rights they have acquired by the present Treaty, apply to all the territories situated to the east of the State frontier defined in Article 2 of the present Treaty, which territory formed part of the Russian Empire, and by the conclusion of the present Treaty are represented by Russia and the Ukraine. In particular, all the rights and obligations above denominated extend to White-Ruthenia, respectively to its citizens. ARTICLE XXIV' DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS Diplomatic relations between the contracting parties will be inaugurated immediately after the ratification of the present Treaty. ARTICLE XXVI* RATIFICATION The present Treaty is subject to ratification, and will come into force from the moment of the exchange of the documents of ratification, in so far as the Treaty or its annexes do not contain other dispositions. The exchange of the documents of ratification will take place in Minsk within the period of forty-five days from the day of the signing of the present Treaty. In every instance, in the present Treaty or in its annexes, where the moment of ratification of the Peace Treaty is mentioned as a period of time, the moment of the connection exchange of the documents of ratification is under- stood. IN FAITH WHEREOF the plenipotentiaries of both contracting parties have signed m. p. the piesent Treaty, and affixed thereto their seals. Done and signed in Riga, the eighteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty- one. le obligation to le following con- I tide should form lal Agreement in to each other, I ods on all rail- | sit. will take place |.^riptions deter- d- ,vtes for traffic ontracting par- rted from Rus- Dr the Ukraine Poland or to raine, will not any other pay¬ er these goods of one of the ;d on the way, nd reloaded for at these opera uses under the aorities of the are passing. rty in the regu- iit for goods of sorted from Ger- id to Russia and quipment and ob- to objects which, ded for military such objects, the used as military respective Gov- iction of the pub- the spreading of y be applied ex- ♦Note—I n all copies of the Treaty received in the United States to date there was no Article XXV. Either the last article should have been numbered XXV or an article was omitted in the copies. If it is later learned that an article is omitted from this text, corrections will be made. The Polish-Mussian Treaty INTRODUCTION Poland, on the one hand, and Russia and the Ukraine on the other hand, desirous of terminating as soon as possible the war between them, and with the aim of concluding a final, lasting and honourable peace founded on a mutual under¬ standing, on the basis of the Agreement signed in Riga on the 12th of October, 1920, concerning the preliminary conditions of peace, decided to open peace negotiations, and to this end designated as their plenipotentiaries: The Government of the Republic of Poland: Messrs. John Dombski, Stanislaw Kauzik, Edward Lechowicz, Henry Strasburger and Leon Wasil- ewski. The Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Repub¬ lic in its own name, and with the authorization of the Government of the White-Ruthenian Socialist Soviet Republic, and the Ukrainian Socialist So¬ viet Republic: Messrs. Adolf Joffe, Jacob Hanecki, Emanuel Quiring, Leonide Obolenski and Alex Szumski. The above named plenipotentiaries assembled in Riga, and after the exchange of their creden¬ tials, acknowledged as sufficient and drawn up in proper form, agreed to the following decisions: ARTICLE I TERMINATION OF THE STATE OF WAR Both contracting parties declare that the state of war between them is ended. ARTICLE II Both contracting parties, conforming to the principle of the right of nations to self-determina¬ tion, recognize the independence of the Ukraine and White-Ruthenia, and agree and decide that the eastern frontier of Poland, that is, the frontier between Poland on the one hand, and the Ukraine ar^U^ite-Ruthenia on the other hand, is con- .bv the line: * -— ^ the River Dzwina (Dwina)* from the further following _fe the River Wilja to the road running southwarfj^ f rom t j ie town of Dolhinow (Dolginow) ; Lithwa* l d t0 t h e village of Baturyna (Baturino), leavir| Hg on t he White-Ruthenian side the whole of the y foad an d the villages: Rahozin (Tokari), Polosy and Hluboc- and on the Polish side the Czarnorucze (Czarnoruczje), Ruszicy), Zaciemie (Zatiemje), t Baturyn (Baturino) ; Wn of Radoszkowicze (Rado- Ig on the White-Ruthenian side (Ragozin), Tokarj zany (Gluboczany. villages: Owsianik Zurawa, Ruszyca Borki, Czerwiaki i] further to the 1 szkowiczki), leavii the villages: Pap* (Papyszi), Sieliszcze, Pod- nn«r / P Arl WfAf H I . * \ _^1_ 'T'_•—! worany (Podwora owiczi), Doszki, \ riszcza) and Czyr Polish side the v Mordasy, Rubce Lawcowicze (Lav monty, Wielkie B town of Radoszko' further followii zowka) to the vil ing the latter on northwest, crossin station of RadosZ) White-Ruthenian further to the I on the White-Ru szyce (Wiekszicc l £ kowa, Wielka Be Kozielszczyzna, jd Szypowaly, Mac* (Staryj Rakow)pi Rakow; further to the White-Rutheniai a { Wislikaja ii), northern Trusowicze (Trus- Tyganowo, Dworzyszcze (Dwo- 4wicze (Czirewiczi), and on the 4lages: Lukawiec (Lunkowiec), Rubcy), northern and southern cowiczi), Budski (Bucki), Kli- Akszty (Bol. Bakszty) and the vicze (Radoszkowiczi) ; g the River Wiasowka (Wia- r ige of Lipienie (Lipieni), leav- ls, the Polish side, thence to the the railway and leaving the >wicze (Radoszkowiczi) on the V de; st of the town Rakow, leaving gnian side the villages: Wiek- Dolzenie (Dolzeni), Miet- zdynka (Bol. Borozdynka) and on the Polish side the villages: cze (Macewiczi), Stary Rakow ECuczkunow and the town of rn of Wolma, leaving on the le the villages: Wielkie Siolo l ftW ni - vl i' 1 i T-"I'™-"* Russian frontier with Latvia to the point where the former Government of Wilno touches the fron¬ tier of the former Government of Witebsk; further the frontier of the former Governments \ of Wilno and Witebsk to the road uniting the village of Drozdy with the town of Orzechowno (Oriechowno), leaving the road and the town of Orcechowno on the Polish side; further crossing the railway near the town of Orzechowno and turning to the southwest, it skirts the railway, leaving the station of Zahacie (Zagatje) on the Polish side, the village of Za¬ hacie on the White-Ruthenian side, and the vil¬ lage Stelmachowo on the Polish side (the village is not marked on the map) ; further along the eastern frontier of the former Government of Wilno to the point where the dis¬ tricts of Dzisna, Lepel, and Borysow meet; further along the frontier of the former Government of Wilno for a distance of about a verst to its turning westward near the settle¬ ment of Sosnowca (not marked on the map) ; further in a straight line to the source of the rivulet Czernica eastward from Hornow (Gor- nowa), then along the rivulet Czernica to Wielka Czernica (Bolshaya Czernica), leaving it on the side of White-Ruthenia; further to the southwest across the Lake Miad- ziol, thence to the village of Zarzeczyck (Zariec- zick), leaving the latter, together with the village of Chmielewszczyzna on the White-Ruthenian side, and the village of Starosiele and the village of Turowszczyzna on the Polish side; further to the southwest of the river Wilja to the point where it is joined from the ehst by the un¬ named rivulet to the west of the village of Dro- homicz (Drogomiczi), leaving to the White-Ru¬ thenian side the villages of Uhly (Ugry), Wol- barowicze (Wolbarowiczi), Borowe (Borowyje), Szunowka, Beztrock (Biestrock), Daleka (Dale- kaja), Klaczkowek (Klaczkowsk), Zazantow (Ziazantow), Maciejowce (Matwiejewcy), and on the Polish side the villages of Komask, Raszkowa, Osowa, Kusk, Wardomicze (Wardomiczki), Solone (Solonje) and Milcz (Milcza) ; and Szcepki, ajfag an the Polish side the villages: Duszkowo (DjJO)wa), Chimorydy, Jankowce (Jankowcy), an 4 whe town 0 f Wolma; further along re | road f rom t h e town of Wolma to the town of |o D iezewicz (Rubiezewiczi), leav- it enters the River Prypec (Priapiat) ; further in the direction of the village of Berezce (Bierszcy), leaving the villages: Lubowicze (Lu- bowiczi), Chilczyce (Chilczycy) and Bereszce on the White-Ruthenian side, and the villages of northern and southern Lutki on the Polish side; further along the road to the village of Bukcza, leaving the road and the village of Bukcza on the White-Ruthenian side, and the village of Korma on the Polish side; further in the direction of the railway Sarny- 01 ewsk, crossing it between the station Ostki and the station Snowidowicze (Snowidowiczi), leaving on the Ukrainian side the villages: Wojtkowicze (Wojtkowiczi), Sobiczyn, Michalowka (Michaj- lowka) and Dudki Snowidowickie, and on the Polish side the villages: Radziwilowickie (Radzi- wilowiczi), Raczkow, Bialowiska (Bielowizkaja), Bialowiz (Bielowiza) and Snowidowicze (Snow¬ idowiczi) ; further in the direction of Myszakowka, leav¬ ing on the Ukrainian side the villages: Majdan Holyszewski (Majdan Golyszewski), Zaderewie (Zadierewje), Marjampol, Zolny, Klonowa (Klon- owaja) and Rudnia Klonowska, and on the Polish side the villages: Derc (Diert), Okopy, Netrewy (Nietrewe), Woniacze, Perelysianka (Pierelysian- ka), Nowa Huta (Nowa Guta) and Myszakowka; further to the mouth of the River Korczyk, leav¬ ing the village of Mlynek on the Ukrainian side; further up the River Korczyk, leaving the town of Korzec (Koriec-N. Miasto) on the Polish side; further in the direction of the village Milatyn, leaving on the Ukrainian side the villages: Pod- dubce (Poddubcy), Kilikijow (Kilikijew), Oolzki, Narajowka (Narajewka), Ulaszanowk a _ (U)-3*- ^ janowka) and Marjanowka, and the villages: Boh- danowka (Bogdanowka), Czarnica (Czernica), Krylow, Hajkow (Hajkowo), Holha (Dolga), Prle'derland," Poreba Kuraska (Kurazskij porub) and Milatyn on the Polish side; ... s' of Ma- ing this road a*4 hitown on the Po Iish side; ♦When spelling differs in Russian, Russian spelling is given in parenthesis. further south I :d t0 t h e U n-named tavern at the crossing-po^ilf Q f t j le ra ilway Baranowicze- Minsk and the l1 |i 0ad Nowa Swierze-Minsk (ac¬ cording to the i r | rerst map above the letter “M” in the word N 0 ! oinowka, and according to the 25-verst map n*fht Kolosow), leaving the tavern on the Polish s?»4 while on the White-Ruthenian side remain the pillages: Papki, Zywica (Ziwica), Poloniewicze (P I i )n i e wiczi) and Osinowka (Osi- newka), and °1 j the Polish side the villages: Lichacze (Lichad| s ) and R 0Z anka; further from m j dd i e of the road between Nieswiez (Niesm-* z ) and Cimkowficze (Timko- wiczi) to the of Kukowicze (Kukowiczi), leaving the viHaB Ues: Swerynowo, Kutiec, Lunina (Luina), norther! j azw ina, Bieliki, Jazwin, Ry masze (RymasziMp and Kukowicze (all three) on the White-Ruthei!p an s [ de> and 0 n the Polish side the villages: Ku» sBuczne (Bucznoje), Dwianopol, Zurawy, Posieki,» t j uSzew ; cze (Juszewiczi), north¬ ern and southeriH ( Li SU ny, Sultanowszczyzna (Sul tanowszczina), aBj (d pi esz wicze (Pleszewiczi) ; further midwaM, between Kleck and Cimkowicze (between the vilB^ggg 0 f p UZO wo and Prochody), leaving on the hite-Ruthenian side the villages: Rajowka (RajutB^ a ^ Sawicze (Sawiczi), Zara- kowce (ZarakovB. y ) and p uz0 wo, and on the Polish side the v B.lages: Marusin, eastern Smolicze (Smoliczi), LecieJ zyn and p r ochody; iVarsaw-Moscow highroad, cross- of the village of western Fili- czi), leaving the village of Cie lite-Ruthenian side, and the vil (Jodczicy) on the Polish side; south of the river Morocz near ropol, leaving the villages: Stare rz e (Zadworje), Mokrany and White Ruthenian side, and the |wiec, Ostaszki, Lozowicza (Lozo Mokrany on the Polish side; he River Sorocz to the point e Minsk River Slucz; lie River Slucz to the point where further to the ing it to the powicze (Filipo 1 chowa on the lage of Jodczyze further to the the village of C Mokrany, Zadw< Choropol on villages: Ciecieri wiczi) and N further along where it enters further along further along the road from the village latyn to the town of Ostrog, leaving the villages: Moszczanowka, Krzywin (Kriwin) and Zolowje on the Ukrainian side, and the villages: Moszc- zanica (Moszanica), Bodowka, Wilbowno, the town of Ostrog and the road on the Polish side; further up the River Wilja to the village of Chodaki, which remains on the Polish side; further in the direction of the town of Bialozorka (Bielozorka), leaving on the Ukrainian side the villages: Wielka Borowica (B. Borowica), Ste- panowka (Stiepanowka), northern and southern Bajmaki, Liski, Siwki, Woloski, the town of Jampol, the villages: Didkowce (Diedkowcy), Wiazowiec and Krzywczyki (Kriwcziki), and on the Polish side the villages: Bolozowka (Bolozew- ka), Sadki, Obory, Szkrobotowka, Pankowce (Pan- kowcy), Grzybowa (Grybowa), Lysogorka, Mo- lodzkow (Molodkow), and the town of Bialo¬ zorka (Bielozorka) ; further to the River Zbrucz, leaving the road and the village of Szczesnowka (Szczasnowka) on the Polish side; further along the river Zbrucz to the point where it enters the River Dniestr. The above frontier is described according to a map published by Russia (with scale of ten versts to the English inch)*, affixed to the present treaty and marked thereon in. red. In case of divergences between the text and the map, the text will prevail (Affiix. No. 1—map). The artificial changing of the water-level of frontier rivers and lakes, causing a change in their course at parts forming a demarcation line, or the changing of the average water-level of waters on the territory of the other contracting party, is not allowed. At frontier parts of rivers,^ both contracting parties have the right to free navigation and river traffic. The exact determination and demarcation on the spot of the above State frontier and the plac¬ ing of frontier marks, belongs to the mixed Com¬ mission of Demarcation, appointed on the basis of Article I of the Agreement concerning the Pre- * Verst = 0.66 English mile.