m 111! HHYMEB \f FCK ^: m nn r^^ ir\*;r|?^f nr^ {?^, mi jt^ vr 'li q His a!'' ' { i ! !g; NEW YORK: KIGGINS & KELLOGG, 88 JOHN STREET. ji iBt 1 li! ! J r db^ Jn a£s J^ •& r •» JkaJ l^^gP FOB / n^«\' IfflOll ir. a f a a i SI i 9 ■li'M'lQn'iMl NEW YORK! KIGGINS &, KELLOGG. €6 .roiiN stJ^Esti 2 THE ALPHABET IN VERSE. A, B, C, andD, Pray, playmates, agree. E, F, and G, Well, so it shall be. J, K, and L, In peace we will dwell. M, N, and O, To ])lay let us go. P, Q, R, and S, Love mav we possess. T, U, and V, 1 hope will agree. W, X, and Y, Will not quarrel or lie. Z, and short &, Go to school at command* 3 \ i^ Shoe the colt, Shoe the colt. Shoe the wild mare; Here a nail, There a nail. Yet she goes bare. i '' Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, My baker's man." '' So I do, master, As fast as I can." " Pat it and prick it, And mark it with T, And toss in the oven, For Tommy and me." 4 Doctor Fostkr Went to Glo'ster, In a shower of rain ; He stepped in a puddle Up to his middle, And wouldn't go there again. Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day, Little Arthur wants to play. 5 Who comes here ? A grenadier. "What do you want? A pot of beer. Where's your money ? I've forgot. Get you gone, You drunken sot! 6 Bah, bah, black sheep, \ Have you any wool? | Yes, marry, have I, j Three bags fall : \ One for my master, f And one for my dame, ^ But none for the little boy Who cries in the lane. \ LiTTLK Jack Horner, Sat in the corner, Eating a Christmas pie He put in his thumb, And, puUins: out a plumb, Said, *^What a smart boy am L' t4 ^<;c' To market — to market, To buy John a drum; Home again — home again, For market is done. Come, let ns to bed, Says Sleepy-head ; Tarry awhile, says Slow: Put on the pot, Says Greedy-gut, Let us suj) before we go. St-E the busy mill Of the busy miller ; He has a little girl, They call her pretty Lilla. Oh, dusty is his coat, And dusty is its collar; His mill runs late and early^ Earning him many a dollar* I Q "i Kj i i: KIGGINS & KELLOGG, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers^ 88 John Street, New York. Also Manufacturers of all descriptions of MEMORANDUM and PASS BOOKS, a large Stock of which is constantly kept on hami Their assortment oi SCHOOL AND inSCELLANEOUS BOOKS, and of Foreign and Domestic STAXIOiM ERY, is very cornpiote, to the inspection of which they would invite Country MERCHANTS before buying elsewhere. « I 'i jvs^ rublishp:d, REDFIELr/S TOY BOOKS, Foar Series of Twelve Books each, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTHATKD, Price, One, Two, Four, and Six Cent