THE OP George Barnwell, THE LONDON APPRENTICE ; WHO, BY KEEPING COMPANY, AND FOLLOWING THE ADVICE OF A WOMAN OF THE TOWI, NAMED MILWOOD, WAS RBDUCED TO THE LOWEST PITCH OF INFAMY; DETAILING EVERY PARTICULAR OF HIS GUILTY CAREER, FROM THE ROBBING OF HIS MASTER TO THE DREADFUL MURDER OF HIS UNCLE ! With the history of MARIA, HIS SWEETHEART. Be warn'd, ye youths, fly from fell despair, Avoid lew'd women, false as they are fair ; By my example learn to shun my fate, How wretched 19 the man who's wise too late ! Ere innocence, and fame, and life, be lost. Here purchase wisdom cheaply at my cost I POINTED BY AND FOR HODGSON & CO. No. 10, NEWGATE STREET. Sixpence. /h/nm rl/ betrayed, by Millivood. j$arn**& pretexting ror /i.rcoutton. * " //, .'.,.s, n. .. ( '.'JO.. VewgttiB £78*4.