CHEAP REPOSITORY FOR Moral & Religious Publications. The Price of which is in general an Halfpenny or a Penny , and will j eld om ex ceed Two-pence. Two or three new ones will be publifned every Mtin tli , T - A HIS Inftitution was opened in March, 1795. Its object is to furniih the People at large with ufeful Reading, at fo low a price as to be within reach of the poorelt purchafer. Molt of the Tracts are made entertaining, with a view to fupplant the corrupt and vicious little books and ballads which have been hung out at windows in the moft alluring forms, or hawked through Town and Country, and have been found fo highly mifchievous to the Community, as to re- quire every attention to counteract them. The Sale of the Repohtory Tracts has been exceedingly great, about two millions having been printed within the year, befides great numbers in Ireland. The fuccefs of the Plan has been much extended, not only by the zeal of individuals, but alfo by the active co-operation of thofe very refpectable Societies which have been formed in various Towns for this purpofe. Thefe Societies have not only exerted their influence by circula- ting the Tra6ts in their own families, in their fchools, and among their dependants, but aifoby encouraging Bookfellers to fupply themfelves with them ; by infpecting Retailers and Hawkers ; giv- ing them a few in the fir ft inrtance, and directing them in the piirchafe ; alfo by recommending the Tracts to the occupier of a itall at a lair, and by fending them to hofpitals, workhoufes, and pri- fons. • The Tracts have alfo been liberallv diftri- bufed among foldiers and faiiors through the in- fluence of their Commanders. All that feems wanting, is a little further attention of individu- i als als to fupplant the vicious Tracts of the Haw- kers by fubltituting thefe, which is now doing with fuccefs in many inflances lince thefc are made fo cheap. The Conductors of the Cheap Repofitory have refolved to publifh the future Tracts on two dif- ferent forts of paper ; the one of a fuperior kind for Gentry, who wifb to have them bound up together in a better form then could hitherto be done *, the other of a kind very inferior, but fo much cheaper as to remove an objection made by Shopkeepers and Hawkers, that they do not yield a profit equal to that which they gain by their or- dinary books and ballads. The price of the infe- rior Edition of penny Tracts will be to Gentry : od. for the Quire containing 24 Tracts ; and the others proportionably cheap. The nfual further allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Haw- kers. . , Two different Editions of the Ballads will be alfo printed, one in the form of a little book for binding, the other in a very cheap manner in, fheets. The Tracts of the laft year may be had bound up in one volume, and many of the ballads which came out in fheets are now printed together in a penny book and bound up with them. The price of this ift. Volume is 3s. 6d. half bound and lettered. As the Tracts have been found ufeful and ac- ceptable in Boarding Schools,' thofe alfo as well as private Families on fending an Order may be fupplied with them every Month, in the fame 1 manner as with a Magazine. They will be fent periodically to Societies, Bookfellcrs, and Indi- viduals. To the Agents of the Societies it is the plan to fend Specimens of the Publications gratis every Month. Should any mifcake arife, inror- mation is requeued. Annual Subscriptions to the general < Fund 13 ; Fund having been voluntarily offered, the Con- ductors with pleafure inform the Friends to tht, Inititution that they mail not for iome time Hand in need of fuch alTiftance. In order to fupply a fund for incidental expell- ees, and for extending the circulation of the Tracts, the following Subfcnptions have beer* received. Henry Thornton, Efq. M. P. Treafurer. — "IX** 11,11 — SUBSCRIBERS. £, s» d. A 'TmBRE Society for carrying into JL Eftfedt his Majefty's Procla- mation againft Vice and Irnmo- . rality, by the Bifhop of London Right Hon. Lady Amherft 2 2 o Sir Jofeph Andrews, Bart. 1 1 o Mrs. Adder ley 1 1 o Mrs. H. Addington O 10 6 Mrs. Addington o io 6 R. Aldridge, Efq. o io 6 Mrs. Alcock 1 1 o Mrs. Allen 1 1 o Mrs. Amphlet 1 1 o Mr. William Anderdon 1 1 o Mr. John Anderdon 1 1 • o C. Anftey, Efq. Bath 1 1 o Rev. Mr. Antrobus 1 I o Mrs. Mary Arden, Stockport 1 1 o Mrs. At wood 1 1 o Mrs. Afhlom ' o IO 6 Mrs. Amcotts o IO o Richard Ackwrighf, Efq. 1 1 io io 6 SUBS CRIBE B Her Grace the Duchefs of Beaufort Duchefs Dowager Beaufort Vif count Bel grave Vifcountefs Balgonie Right Hon. Lady C. Bruce Lord Bifhop of Briftol Lord Bifliop of Bath and Wells Hon. B. Bouverie Mrs. E. Bouverie, Teflon Lady Smith Bur-gefs Lady Beaumont Hon. Mrs. Bofcawen Hon. Mrs. Barrington Lieut. Col. Burgoyne Mrs. M. Burgoyne Rev. Dean of Briftol Mr. and Mifs Bacon Rev. Mr. Baddeley T.Bailey, Efq. Rev. Dr. Baker Rev. S. Baker Sir Jofeph Banks Thomas Barker, Efq. Lynton Thomas Barnes, D. D. Mr. Barrett . — Barrow, Efq. Mrs. Barrow J. T. Batt, Efq. T B. Bayley Hope, Efq. Mrs. Beaufoy Capt. Bedford Mr. Beilby Mrs. Bellthink Mifs Bellthink Mifs Be nth am Mr. Berjew Thomas Bernard, Efq. Mr. Berry Mr, C. Bewick, Lawrence Lane 1 1 o 2 2 o 2 2 o 1 1 {J 1 1 o 1 I o 3 3 o 2 2 o IO f\ \J 1 1 O c O o 5 5 o i T o i 1 o i 1 o 5 5 o o *5 o i i i i o i i o i i o 2 2 o J 1 o 1 1 o ■* l 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o 3 3 o 2 2 o 2 2 o 1 1 o I 1 o IO o O IO 6 1 1 o IO 6 1 1 o o 10 6 I .1 SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs. Bi gge H. M. Bird, Efq. Mrs. Bird Mils Bird ■ Mifs Bird Mrs. Blatchford Rev. Mr. Blifsj Meridcn i Rev. Mr.. Bofquet Thomas Bowdler, Efq. J. Bowdler, Efq. Mrs. Bowdler •» * Rev, William Bedford Mr. W. Bayly, Frame Mifs B urges Mifs Bowdler J. Brad fli aw, Efq. Mr. Bramwell Rev. Samuel Brewer Mrs. Brewer, Leicejier Thomas Browne, Efq. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins Browne Jacob Bryant, Efq. Mr. Bud worth Mrs. Bann, Fromc Mrs. Bunney Mrs. Burgh Dr. Burnev Rev. Mr. Burgefs Mrs. Burrows J. Burr, Efq. Salford Mrs. Bum Mr. Butler Mrs. Butler Rev. J. Butt Mrs. and Mifs Byrom Lowbridge Bright, Efq. Mrs. Bertie Mr. William Birdfall, Northampton Mr. Alex. Brown Rev, F. Bedford 3 i 2 1 1 C o 1 " 1 2 2 1 IO lO 1 IO 1 ^1 1 I i ' i i i IO 1 i i i l l i i o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 3 3 o io 10 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 O 10 o io io 1 1 1 1 io 1 I 2 2 ° 5 o io 5 o IO 6 o o o 6 6 o 6 o o o 6 O o o o o o o o o 6 6 o 6 o b 6 6 6 o o 6 o O o 6 O i SUBSCRIBERS. Captain Buller 1 1 o Thomas Boddington, Efq. g o o "Mrs. Bradley l 1 o Richard Bright, Efq. 1 l o Mrs. Bulh o lo 6 Mils Biownes, Leeds ; 1 1 o C His Grace the Archbilhop of Canterbury Vil count Cremorne Vifcounteis Ccemorne Eari of Cork Countefs of Cork Airs. Chambers Countefs Coningham Right Hon. Lady G. Cavendiib Lady Campbell .Lord BiJhiOp-of Chefter T, Cadell, Efq. Rev. Mr. Cambridge Mils Canning Mr. Walter Capper Mr. Cardwell, Blackburn Mifs Carr Mrs. Carter Rev. Richard Cecil Rev. Mr. Chamberiayne Rev. Dr. Chapman Mrs. Chapone Rev. Mr. Clarke Mrs. Clarke Mrs. Clarke, Hanover Square Mrs. Clayfie'd Rev. Richard H. Clerk Rev. John Clowes Mrs. Coddrington Sir John Coghill Rev. Mr. Cooke Mrs. Colfton Rev. Mr. Comber Mr. John Cope (J c o 2 2 o 1 1 o 1 1 yj 1 1 e*\ 1 1 O io 6 v.» 1 t I 1 % o O h 5 o o to 6 i i o X l o 1 i o io 6 i 1 o i I o i 1 o i 1 o o 1 o 6 D 1 o 6 1 o 6 4 o 4 i i o i 1 o i 1 o 2 2 o 1 1 o O IO 6 1 1 o o 10 6 1 1 SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs. Coote Rev. T. Campiin Mr. Cowper Mr. Cowper Mrs. Henry Cooper Mrs. Cooke, (per Mrs. Pool:) Mrs. Corbett Mr. J. Cot'tle Mrs. Cox Mifs CreflWell C. by the hands of Mrs. Rennicot B. C. " Mr. Carrie Mrs. Carrie Mifs Mary Carrie Rev. J. A ? Cartis Rev. Mr. Cartis Mrs. Clarke Satton Admiral Colpoys Captain E. Cooke Mrs. Coker D Earl of Dartmouth Lord Bifhop of Durham Lady Duk infield Sir William Dolben, Bart. Mrs. Dally Mr. Dal ton, Cheap Jide Mr. H. Davis Mr. B. Dawfon Mrs. De Luc Mrs. Dennifon Mr. William Dickenfon Mrs. Dickenfon, Birch Hail Mrs. Dicey Thomas Dikes, Efq. Hull Mrs. Dimfdale William Douglafs, Pendleton Countefs of Dumfries Hon. Mifs Buttons * 4 1 X •1 o 1 ft X U ft T X X /"Jl 1 1 X I X O 1 1 U 1 X o | T X X U ' t) 1 X X o .4 .'. H • ^ X D l L> t> X 1 Q \j u x w o i X o i 1 Q JL X O 4 ■* ' o O io 6 1 1 r 5 5 o b o X X 1 1 X (J 1 JL X o X X 1 JL X o T t*\ 1 O r> O J X 1 1 D 1 1 o > X 1 u 1 ■i X I O 6 X T Jt o 5 5 O Q <3 3 O SUBSCRIBERS. Hon. John Dutton 1 1 O (;, Downing, Efq. Ovinton 1 1 o Rev. Andrew Downes, IV it ham Samuel. Denifon. ETq. Bedford Row i 1 o o l o 6 .Mrs. Dundas, Barton-Court o lO 6 E. D. *<<•,' ■ ., £frV~ , 1 1 Unknown, by the Rev. A. Downes 1 1 T 6 Captain I>ouieU: o io 6 Captain Sir A. Dou&las 1 i o Captain James Douglas o io 6 Captain Dacres . o 5 o A Friend, by Rev. Mr. Davis o io 6 s. E Lord Rifhcp of Exeter 1 o Countefs of Euiton o o Countefs of Elgin Lj 1 o Countefs of Ennifkilling Q o Q O o Lord Bifhop of Ely i Jk, o Dowager Lady Ely 2 2 o Hon. J. Elliot o 9 Hon. Mifs Eardly 1 o Mrs. Eekerfali T o Peter Edwards, Efq. o o Mrs. Edwards 9 2 o Rev. Mr. Empfon * 1 1 Rev. Mr. Ellin o IO 6 M. E. o IO 6 Captain H. Evans o r> 6 Rev. Mr. Edward;, Lynn t 1 O F Rev. John Fallowfield i 1 n Dr. Falconer l i n Mrs. Fanfhawe l i o Mifs Fanfhawe i o Mr. Henry Fielding, l i o Mrs. Fielding o IO 6 Mrs. Mary Finch o io 6 Mifs Fiiher, Caldccoat 1 i o SUBSCRIBE R s. iviiis nuier 5 c/i^jicou 1 1 O ivirs. lvi. ruOLc 10 /: O Ppir 1-Tpnrv Forffpr _Lv\~ v . JiXCi'iy j. ui uci X 1 O ivirs. roriixi, i^lllljlct \jtu71&c 1 1 O ivi l S , XOLilCl^liL J r O ivi IS. i 1 d 1 C. I 10 O i»i I b» J; riLI 1 1 O Tnn Ju ci u y i ciiu ^> 2 O Lady Forrefter T 1 O J. Forbes, Efq. Stanmore Hall 1 1 O G Aier ixovai liiiinncis mc uuciieis 01 Ijt lOL^ 1 LL i J 5 O T 10 O Mifs Gihbs XVI 1 i o VJ 1 U M -3 5 5 r\ \J iVlX, VjrllU^j JucilLUO/ljllifC, 1 1 O Ul • vjriiuy 1 1 O X v CV« V V . V_x lipLUj y LLtir j XI i 66 2 O D PU T Pifhrvrn Vnvhn// 3 3 O ivCV. JJl. \orldlle 1 1 O i\.e\ . ivii. vjiaiie 1 1 O ivit s, \jrav es j 1 O iVir. i^naries Planer 1 1 O ivir. iviicnaei vjoociaii 1 1 O ivirs. uuuc nougn 10 O Mifs H. Gorton 10 r O Nathaniel Gonlr! FTn i\i.I vrUUllullj CibLUl^ l-i LlLL ULrllfllrC -* 1 1 O 2 2 O iVil # iVJLlo* dlxu. iYiiii VTldllL 3 3 TVTr (^\"a\t xvx 1 , v_t l 1 o 1 X 1 X LI 1 1 o o X kJ v.* r\ \> 1 1 X vj /-* 1 n X \J LJ> 1 X 1 X CI o V/ X V/ -f 1 4 1 o -l X X o -J 1 1 o 1 1 o o lO 6 o lO 6 o 10 6 SUBSCRIBERS. J Lady Tervis 3 3 o Jlev. T. Tarratt 5 5 o Rev. Dr. Teffrevs I 1 o Mrs. Tenkins o io 6 Mrs. Toddrell 1 1 o Dr. Johnftone and Dr. T. Johnftone 1 1 o Mrs. Tohnftone at General Tohnftone's 1 1 Mr. Thomas Tones 1 1 o Rev. Dr. Towett 1 1 o Rev. Mr. H. Jowett o 10 6 James Ireland, Efq. 5 5 o Mrs. Ifted i i o Mrs. Jubb i i o Mr. and Mrs. Jolliffe i i o Mifs F. Jones o 5 o K Right Hon. Lord Kenyon 220 Mrs. Kinnafton 426 3ST. Kindrefly, Efq. O 10 6 Mrs. Kennicott 1 1 Rev. J. Knight O 10 6 Mr. Thomas Kilner 010 6 Thomas Kynafton, Efq. Wit ham 1 1 o Lady Kingfborough 110 o L Lord Bifhop of London 5 5 Lord Bifhop of Lincoln 3 3 Lady Cath. Tylney Long 1 1 Mifs Lawrence 2 2 A Lady a t Mifs Langhams 1 1 O Francis Lawfon, Efq. o 10 6 A Lady 220 A Lady O 10 6 Mrs. Lee 0106 Mrs. Lee 1 1 G o o o o o SUBSCRIBERS Mr. J. Lees, Fairfield 1 1 o Mrs. Leeds o 10 6 Mrs. Legard, Beverley 10 6 Rev. Mr. Leeves o io 6 Rev. Mr. Leigh, AJhborne-Hall 1 1 o Mr. Leigh, Tzoemlow 1 1 o Mrs. Leigh 1 1 o Mrs. Lindfey EJfex-Houfe 1 1 o Mrs. Lifle 1 1 o Mr. Livefey o 10 6 J. Lewfley, Efq. 2 2 o Mrs. Lewis, Lantillo Mrs. Long, Rouden-Hill O IO 6 1 1 o Rev. Dr. Lovell 1 1 o Mr. William Low 1 1 o Robert Lowe, Efq. 10 6 Mr. James Lowe, Charlton I 1 o Mr. J. Lowe, Charlton 1 I o Mr. Lowfieid 1 1 o Mr. Sampfon Lloyd, Sen. 1 I o Mrs. Lloyd o IO 6 Mifs Lloyd o IO 6 Mr. Nicholas Lloyd 1 1 o Mr. Charles Llovd 1 1 o Mr. R. L. 1 1 o L. L. 2. o & Dr. Ludlow 5 5 o Countefs of Loudon 5 5 o A Lady o 10 6 Captain Lewen o IO 6 Lieutenant Lambert o 10 6 A Lady, by Mr. Cottle, name loll 1 1 o S.Long, Efq. M.P. 1 1 o Rev. T. Lear o 10 6 M Mifs Manners 1 1 o Right Hon. Lady R. Manners 1 1 o Right Hon. Lady A. Murray 1 1 Lady M. Murray I o Manchefter Sunday School Society o by the Treafurer 5 SUBSCRIBERS. Lady l t Maxwell 1 1 Sir Charles Middleton, Bart. ,5 o Lady Middleton i 1 Lady Mayorefs 5 5 o Rev. Mr. Madan i i o Mrs. -M^grath 10 6 Magens, Dorrien, Magens, and Co Finch- Lane j i X .1 Mrs. Maicolm • I 1 O Mrs. Malt by i 1 o Mifs Mai thy 1 1 o William Manning, Efq. M, P. 5 '.' o Mrs. Lc Merchant i 1 o Mr. Marin dow o 10 6 Rev. Dr. Marlow. Prefidcnt of St. r \ * ■1 X o Johns College. Oxon j Mr. A. Martin i 1 o Mrs. Marriott K) 6 Mifs Marriott o io 6 Mr. j. Marihall I 1 o Mrs. Marihall o IO 6 Kan. Mifs Marfham 1 1 o Rev. Mr. Mafon, AJlon> 1 I o Mr. W. Mafon i 1 o Mrs. Mat hew i i> o Rev. Mr. Maul o IO 6 Mr. R. Meadowcroft i 1 o Mr/ Arnold Mellow i 1 o •William "Melrnoth, Efq. o 1 o 6 Mrs. Merlot I 1 o Mrs. E. Merlot I 1 © Rev. Dr. Maxwell J 1 o ■ Methuen, Efq, CorfJiam 1 1 o. Thomas Mi lis, Efq, 2 o Mifs Monkhoufe O 10 6 R. Mori and.- Efq. 1 1 John Morlcy$ Efq. o o 'Mr. A. Moriey o 1 ^ o Mr. John kore 1 I o %%< Mate ' : tjB 3 3 SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs. B. More Mrs. More Mrs. S. More Mifs P. More General Mordaunt Mrs. T. Morril M. Montagu, Efq. M. P. Mrs. Montagu Mrs. M. Montaau Mr. M. Mrs. Morgan Lady Mountttuart Mrs. Matter, Cirenceftcr Abby Mifs Matters Mrs. Mufgrove, Barnflcy Park Mai ratt, Efq. Dcdham Mrs. Marwood Hon. J. Murray Mifs. Morgan N Rev. E. Nares Mr. Neale Lady Newdigate Mrs. T. Newman Mr. W. Nichols Mrs.Nooth Mrs. Nonhy Mr. Rowel He a ton Norris Chancellor Nut comb Mils Nulcombs Rev. John Newton, Colemon Sired Rev. Thomas Newman, Link Bromley Captain Nugent Mrs. Nugent s ' Mifs Nalh Countefs of OJory Earl of Or ford Lady Oxaianto.wn O o 6 o io 6 o 3 O 6 1 1 o 1 X o o 10 6 1 1 o 5 5 o i i o i i o i i o 5 5 o i i o i i o i i o i i o i i o o 2 6 o io 6 1 1 o 1 t o 3 3 o o 1 6 1 i o o IO 6 i 1 o 1 1 o I 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o o 1 o 6 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 o 1 i o 5 5 o i i o SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs.Ord 1 i o William M. Ogle. Efq. l 1 O Mr. James Ofborne 1 1 o Rev. Mr. Ormerod, Kenfington 1 1 o Oldham Oldham, Efq. Holborn 220 Mifs Ofborne o 10 6 J. Owen, Efq. of Penrhos 110 P Right Hon. William Pitt g 3 o Right Hon. Lady A. Polworth 110 Morton Pitt, Efq. M. P. 220 Hon. P. Pufey 220 Edward Parry, Efq. 220 Rev. Mr. Jaques Packington o 10 6 Edward Palmer, Efq. 1 1 O William Partridge, Efq. o 10 6 S. Peach, Efq. Tockington 110 Mifs Pead 220 Mr. T. Pearfon 110 Mrs. Pechell o 10 6 Thomas Percival, M. D» 1 i o Mrs. C. Penrofe 1 1 o Mr. Henry Perkins 1 1 o Mr. Thomas Philips, Stdglcy o 10 6 Mr. Piercy, Birmingham o 10 6 Mrs. Pierpoint 110 Mrs. R. Plaifter 0106 Archdeacon J. Plymley, of Salop o 10 6 j. Plymley, Efq. Io 6 A Lady of Plymouth 1 1 O Mrs. Poole 1 i o Rev. James Pope 1 t o Rev. Richard Proffer 010 6 Mrs. Porteus 1 1 o C. Power, Efq. 010 6 Mr. Jofiah Pratt 1 l o Rev. Mr. Price 1 1 o Mr. Theodore Price t ± Q Mrs. Prideaux 1 1 o Mrs. Pritchard 110 SUBSCRIBERS. Three Friends to the Plan o 10 6 Rev. Thomas Percy, of Grays o lo 6 Rev. J. P. Parceby, Lincolnjldre i 1 o Hon. Thomas Pakenham l I o Rev. J. Parry 0106 Rev. Dr. Proby, Litchjidd 1 1 o Mr. Partridge 010 6 Edward Pearfe, Efq. 050 Q Mrs. Quinfey, Greenhill 1 1 o Mrs. Quick ! 1 Q o R Rev. Mr. Racket 1 10 Thomas Raikes, Efq. 5 5° William Raikes, Efq. 5 5° Mifs Ramfden o 10 6 Rev. Dr. Randolph 1 % Mrs. Raper 010 6 Mr. Wm. Reynolds j i Mr. Richard Reynolds 1 1 o Rev. Mr. Richardfon 010 6 Mr. Theophilus Richards o 10 6 Mr. Roberts, Hackney 1 i. o Mrs. Rogers, Berkley o 10 6 Dennis Roile, Efq. M. P. 2 2 Mrs. Rofe, Old Palace-Yard Rev. J. Ryiand 1 1 o R. R. 050 Mr. Rhodes, Balbro o 10 6 Mrs. Roberts, Wandfzuorth 010 6 Mrs. Reynolds, Walworth 010 6 S Countefs Dowager Spencer 500 Right Hon. Lady j. Stanley / 1 1 o Lord Bifliop of Salifbury % 1 Rev. R. Sandford i 1 o 6 SUBSCRIBERS Mr. Mat K oaiiuiis T L •J \J Mrs. Scale, 6^0 1 1 O Mr. ShaVp, liuvjay 2 2 o Mrs. Shaw 1 1 O Mifs Streatneld 1 1 O Mrs. Sherbrook, Oxton ju 2' O Mr. Simcox J. X Mr. George bimcox 1 1 r\ \J J. Simpion, Eiq. HartniU 1 1 O Mrs, Simpion. 1 I O Mr. Slade 1 1 o Mrs. Slade 1 * I o Mns Slade 1 ■4 1 r\ \J TT\ f> ill' f Dr. SmalloroKe 1 1 i \ D Kev. Mr. bimpion I I u Kev. Dr. Small 2 2 Samuel Smith, Efq. M. P. 5 5 o Robert Smith, Eiq. M. P. 5 5 O Kev. Mr. Stafford omith 5 5 t\ \J C. Smith, Sen. Eiq. i o S. Smith, Eiq. 2 2 o G. Smith, Eiq. 2 o o Mr. omitb, Jrtckham . O 10 1 o Mr. Smith O 1 o v^» Mrs. Smith I 1 o Mr. .1 imothy Smith 1 1 KJ Kev. Mr. Smith o 10 O Kev. Yor. bmytnies 1 1 O Kev. Edward Spencer o 10 u llaac Spooner, Eiq. 1 I o Mrs. Spooner I 1 O Mrs. Stag 1 1 O Mr. R. C. Stanes 1 1 O Rev. Mr. Stillingflcet 1 1 o xvev. oir J. otonnouie o o rv Mr. Stonhouie 1 1 o Kev. K. Dtorey, Lolchejler o IO o TV/TV ^frvvin u 1 O 6 Mrs. Stovin o 1 O 6 Lady Strickland, Boynton 10 6 SUBSCRIBERS. Dr. Sumner I i b Sir Chriftopher Sykes, Barr. 5 5 o Sundry fmall Sums amounting to 11 7 6 Right Hon. Lady Sherborne 220 Rev. Mr. Saltern, Briaport, from a 1 few Friends / Mr, Samuei Soutball o jo 6 Mr. Smythe, Duke-Street, Wefiminjier o 10 6 Mr. W. Simpfon, Difs o 10 6 Sir. J. Sdumarez 010 6 Mil's SqUingfleet 110 Ri^ht Hon» I adv Tracev o IO 6 Sir Hpntv Tiiifp i 1 o I .ad v Ti 1 1 f <=• i 1 o Ladv and Mifs Twifden i I o RnHWff Trmrnfnn Ffn "N'T 2 2 o Snmuri Thornton »Pfn M. P. Ci. 1 J 1 1-4 I A 11VM ilV.\ J /IJ, * ■ A I i '-^ . I'll * „ • Q O o O o Mrs. R Thdrtttori 2 2 o TTcNirv Thornton El a. M. P. O o Mrs. Tate, Grofvcnor Square Waiter Taylor. Efq. Southampton 1 1 o 6 6 o John Taylor, Efq. 1 i William Tennant, Efq. I i o Mrs. Theobalds 2 2 o Mr. Tighe 1 1 o Mrs. Tighe 1 1 o Mr. Timmins 1 1 Mr. Jofeph Tipping, Crumpfall I 1 o Rev. Thomas Twining o 10 6 Rev. ]. Toogood 1 1 o N. R. Toke, Efq. 1 1 o Mifs Tombs o IO 6 Mrs, M. Town fend o IO 6 Mr. Tremaine 1 1 o Mrs. Trigrcr 1 \ o William Tiirner, Efq. 1 1 SUBSCRIBERS. Mr. Turner, of Ncwca/lle l 1 Mrs. Twyfden l 1 Mrs. Tyndall l 1 Rev. Thomas Taylor, Dcdham o 10 Mrs. Taylor, Lincoln o 10 Mrs. j. Tomkins o 10 Wm. Vincent, Efcj. Mayor of New-"| \ bury^' ; ..^ v^..-^ . J 1 l* Admiral Vincent 2 2 Mrs. Unwin 1 1 Rev; Dr. Vvfe 1 1 Mr. James Viilers 1 1 William Viilers, Efq. 1 1 Rev. G„ Vincent o 10 Major V el ley 1 1 Mrs, Vereker 1 1 Mrs. Vanburo;ri I 1 Rev. John Venn 1 1 Mrs. Umwin, Croydon, Surry 1 1 Unknown o 5 William Van ghan, Efq. Mincing Lane 2 2 From the Rev. Dr. Valpy, being ~] the produce of the Reading School )*2o o Play for 1795 J w S. Whitbread, Efq. Sen. M. P. 20 o Countefs of Waldegrave 1 1 Lord Grey De Wilton 2 2 Right Hon. Lady C. Wentvvorth 1 1 Dowager Lady Whichcote 1 1 Lady Wake 1 1 Lord Bifhop of Worcefler 3 3 Fowler Walker, Eiq. 1 1 Mr. George Walker 1 1 Mrs. Walker 1 1 Mr. Walforcl 1 1 Mr. Walmfley, Alkrjion 1 1 Mr. William Ward l 1 Rev. G. Watts 1 1 SUBSCRIBE R S William Watfon, Efq. Dawlifli J. F. Weare, Efq. J Mr. W. Webb S. Wegg, Efq. Mrs. Wegg Mr. T. We^ Mils Wegg Mils S. Wegg Rev. Dr. Wheatly Mr. C. Wheeler, Printer Rev, Mr. Whitby Mr. Wiahtwick Rev. J. C. Wilkfon Mifs Wiikinfon Mrs. Wilkins Mr?. Williams John Wilmot, Efq. M, P. Win, Wilberforce, Efq. M. P. Mrs, Wilberforce M. G. Wilfon Mrs. Wilfon, Lincolnjhire Eardly Wilmot, Efq. Hon. and Rev. A. Windfor H. C. Wife, Efq. Priory Mrs. D. Withers Rev. Mr. Woodcock Mrs. Carili Worfley Mrs. Wray Rev. B. W. Wrey Mr. Matihew Wright Rev. Richard Wynne Hon. Admiral Waldegrave Capt in Woolley George Wolff, Efq. America Square Lady Waldo, Clap ham Mrs. Wilbraham, Ddamere Lodge Rev. Bafil Wood Mrs. Ann Wordfworthj Done after Rev. Edward Wigley, Wercefter Dr. Walker 1 I o 5 5 o 1 i o i l o i i o o lo 6 o io 6 o io 6 2 o o o io 6 1 1 o 1 1 o o lo 6 o 2 o o IO 6 1 1 o 2 2 o 5 5 o i i o i i o i i o i i o i l o 2 2 o o IO 6 O IO 6 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o 2 2 o 1 1 o 1 & o O 5 o 1 i o o 10 6 1 i o 1 i o 1 i o I i o 1 1 o SUBSCR1B r. K 5. Mrs. Withen, Stroud o 10 6 Rev. Mr. Willes i I o Mr. J. Willes i 1 ° Mrs. Wood I i o Mifs P. Wife i i ° Mr. Wallace o io 6 Mr. Wake o io 6 Rev. Mr. Wake o io 6 Mr. W ard i i o Y Hon. Mrs. James Yorke l * Rev. Mr. Young * i e o LIST OF TRACTS ALREADY PUBLISHED. Three Halfpenny Tracls^ price to Gentry for ico 6s. 9d.— 50 3s. oA— 25 25.3d. Tom White, Part II. Shepherd of Salifbury, Part II. s Watts's Hymns Hints to all Ranks •Parable of the Vineyard Troubles of Life Thoughts on the New Year Hiftory of Mary Wood Penny Tracls, price to Gentry for ico as. 68* 50 £s.6'd.— 25 is.6d. Tom White, Part I. Two Shoemakers, Part I. . Ditto, Part II. k Shepherd of Salifbury, Part I. - J&ook of Martyrs Two Soldiers J-iiilory of the Plague Life of William Baker Lancashire Collier Giri Beggarly Boy Good Mother Daniel in the Den of Lions ^Noah's Flood .Harveft Home Two Wealthy Farmers, Part I. Ditto, Part II. , Hiftory of Sorrowful Sam The Touchftone Halfpenny Trails, price to Gentry for 100 2S. 3d. — 50 IS. 3d. — 2^ G/d. ^Carpenter Jiiftory of a True Book Market Woman Roguifh Miller Apprentices Indentures ..Gin Shop Old Man and Sticks Horfe Race -Shipwreck of the Centaur Jrlufbandry Moralized .Good Negroes ..Detections of Murders ^Advantages of Religion * Wild Robert r x a c I ^s: Patient Joe The Riot Plow-boy's Dream .The Happy Waterman Dame Andrews, a Ballad .Sorrows of Yamba Merry Chriftmas Robert and Richard Sinful Sally The Coarfe Penny Trails are fold k) Gentry 24 for 10 d. The Halfpenny ones — at 48 for gd. Sold bv J. Marshall, Printer to the CHEAP REPOSITORY, for Religious and Moral Trafts, No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aklermary Church- Yard; and Pv. White, Piccadilly, LON- DON : by S. Hazard, BATH; and by all Bookfellers, Newfmen, and Haw- kers, in Town and Country. g^f 3 Great Allowance to Shopkeepers & Hawkers*