ATTEMPTED SUPPRESSION OF TIPTREE FAIR AND RACES, HALF A CENTURY AGO. COPIES OF ADVERTISEMENTS. 'VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Lord of the Manor, ^ is determined to suppress, and put by, the FAIR, commonly called TIPTREE FAIR, in consequence there- of, the Fair Barn is to be sold, to be taken down ; like- wise all the utensils belonging to the fair, consisting of a large quantity of poles, &c. upwards of 400 long and short trussels, several thousand feet of board of different lengths ; the whole to be cleared off the premises by the 22d of July next. For further particulars apply to Mr. Jonathan Harwood, carpenter, near the premises C. BROOKE, Steward. LONDON, June 30, 1789. [ Chelmsford Chronicle , July 10, 1789. HHHE Public are hereby respectfully informed, that X TIPTREE FAIR, with its usual diversions, is now removed, with the concurrence of the Lord of the Manor, the Gentry, and other Inhabitants of GREAT TOT- HAM, to that part of the Common called TIPTKEE- HEATH NEW RACE GROUND, near the SHOUL- DER-of-MUTTON, where it will be held on MONDAY the 27th of this instant July. It is humbly requested that those publicans who mean to keep the Fair will meet on Monday the 20th instant, at the Shoulder-of-Mutton aforesaid, to fix on their seve- ral places of standing, &c. DINNER at Two o’Clock. (j^ Stall and Chap-people furnished with Materials for Stalls, &c. [ Chelmsford Chronicle , July 24, 1789. $ This is to give Notice , fPHAT on Monday, the 11th day of July, will he the day X for taking the Booths for TIPTREE OLD FAIR, which will be on the 25th and 26th of the same month; and it is particularly requested that all Persons who wish to promote the Fair, will attend the Ship, at Potter-row, on the 11th day of July, to take into consideration where the Fair is to he held. Dinner at Two o’Clock. \Chelmsford Chronicle , June 17, 1803. REPRINTED JULY, 1843.