This is a reproduction of a book from the McGill University Library collection. 
 Title: The Klondike 
 Publisher, year: [Dawson, Yukon : Dawson Daily and Weekly News, 1905] 
 The pages were digitized as they were. The original book may have contained pages with poor print. Marks, notations, and other marginalia present in the original 
 volume may also appear. For wider or heavier books, a slight curvature to the text on the inside of pages may be noticeable. 
 ISBN of reproduction: 978-1-926846-89-7 
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 McGill University Library 
 It is not every day that the Klondike is visited by so distinguished a body as the American Institute of Mining Engi- 
 heers. This little volume of illustrated information is a welcoming gift to our visitors by the Dawson Daily and Weekly 
 News. The marvelous and unique scenes illustrated and described herein can hardly be more surprising to the visitor than 
 the character of this work, done in the most northerly of cities within the British Empire. The illustrations and topography 
 will call vividly to mind that this isolated and strange sub-Arctic region is yet supplied with many of the most modern 
 acquirements of civilization, for this little work means electricity in common use; photography and photo-gravure; modern 
 Mergenthaler typesetting machinery and presses of equal merit. In short, this little work, made in Dawson, will by its pic- 
 tures illustrate how we live, and by its workmanship illustrate one way in which life in the North is made bearable — by 
 the aid of a modern journal daily reporting the doings of the world in as complete and modern a printing office as will be 
 found in the large cities of the world. 
 The importance of the occasion must be the warrant of the News for the preparation of this little booklet for presen- 
 tation as a souvenir to our distinguished visitors. A spirit of enterprise which will bring a sightseeing body of people so 
 far, over mountain and vale, river and sea, warrants a like enterprise on the part of the News. Such visitors are surely 
 entitled to the best, and only the News, of all Dawson offices, can issue a booklet of fitting breadth and workmanship. 
 A work of love, executed at the briefest notice, this souvenir, “The Klondike,” is our testimonial of the open wel- 
 come which is yours at every hand. It brings with it the News’ appreciation of your visit. It is intended to save you much 
 notation of important facts in memorandum books, and some selection of interesting and characteristic views. It is not 
 by any means complete or exhaustive, but such as it is, it is reliable, even if brief; readable, even if printed a few miles 
 south of the Arctic Circle. It is offered for your acceptance in the hope that it is of sufficient merit to warrant you all in 
 carrying it home as a souvenir of warm hearts, even if it be of a cold country. 
 Note. — The gold in the gold pan on the cover page is from Discovery claim, Bonanza, the claim on which the gold was 
 found that started the Klondike rush. Mr. J. Moore Elmer, manager of the property, kindly furnished the gold for this 
 Has Produced 
 $107,000,000 in Gold. 
 HON. W. W. B. McINNES, Commissioner of Yukon Territory Honorary President 
 MAJOR Z. T. WOOD, Assistant Commissioner R. N. W. M. Police Honorary President 
 J. B. TYRRELL, Esq., M. E., P. G. S. . . . President 
 J. MOORE ELMER, Esq., M. E Vice-President 
 GEORGE BLACK, Esq., M. Y. C Hon. Secretary 
 Members of the Yukon Council, 
 Citizens of Yukon. 
 Chairman, D. A. CAMERON, Esq.,- Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce. 
 Chairman, E. W. GRIFFIN, Esq., Manager North American Trading and Transportation Co. 
 Will Produce 
 $ 1 , 000 , 000 , 000 . 
EREWITH, in presenting the features of Yukon that will most appeal to the distinguished 
 visitors whose coming makes occasion for this publication, it is in order to briefly 
 give something of the history of this, one of the richest sections under the British 
 flag. That a complete and comprehensive history of the Golden North could not be 
 given here is easily understood. The Yukon basin has been known for many years 
 to contain rich deposits of placer gold, but the first gold was obtained by prospectors 
 in 1878 from the bars on the Lewes and Stewart Rivers. In 1886 coarse gold was 
 found along the Fortymile River, at a point about sixty miles from the present City 
 of Dawson, and a camp was then established at the confluence of the Yukon and Fortymile 
 Rivers, that camp remaining to this day a prosperous one, and marking the northern boun- 
 dary town of His Majesty’s possessions along the mighty Yukon. The late Dr. Dawson 
 placed the gold output of the Fortymile country in those days at $150,000 annually. Gold 
 was first discovered in the now world-famous Klondike (which, bear in mind, is all in Yu- 
 kon, Canada,) in 1896. The discovery that started the memorable rush to this section was 
 that made by George Carmack on Discovery claim, Bonanza Creek, Yukon. The news of the dis- 
 covery stampeded the Fortymile country, and before the outside world learned of the discovery the 
 old timers in the North had a year at the diggings. In 1897 the rush from the outside commenced, 
 and its incidents are fully known to all. By the spring of 1898 Dawson had reached a population of 
 30,000 hardy goldseekers, most of whom came here over the White Pass or Chilkoot trails from 
 Skagway, enduring hardships they would have suffered in no other pilgrimage than one in search of 
 gold. But the gold was here in abundance, and each day saw the facilities of access to and egress from 
 Klondike is All 
 In Yukon Ty. 
Dawson made more easy and comfortable for the goldseeker until today the Mining Engineers who 
 are honoring our camp can appreciate the ultimate improvement, as found in their travels o’er rail 
 and on river in their pilgrimage to Yukon. And, here, instead of the crude camp of tents and shacks 
 that grew out of the early rush, our visitors find a well-built city, with all modern improvements, 
 its own water and lighting systems, perfect transportation facilities, telephones, telegraphs, churches 
 and everything that one could ask to make life in this remote region pleasant for the hardy races 
 that people it and quicken into life all its dormant values. 
 GOLD-BEARING GRAVEL. The country in every direction is highly mineralized and colors 
 can be raised in almost any grave] back in the valley of the Yukon and its tributaries. The chief de- 
 posits at present known are the Hillsides and Benches on Bonanza, Hunker, Dominion, Klondike. 
 Eldorado, Stewart, Pelly, McMillan, and their tributaries. The following is taken from the report 
 of Mr. R. G. McConnell of the Geological Survey Department of Canada, now in Dawson: 
 The white channel gravels have a total volume on Bonanza Creek and its tributaries of approxi- 
 mately 250,000,000 cubic yards, and on Hunker Creek and its tributaries of 200,000,000 cubic yards. 
 They are everywhere more or less auriferous, and sufficient work has already been done to prove 
 that a large proportion, at least, of the whole deposit would pay to hydraulic if water could be ob- 
 tained at reasonable rates. 
 The present price of water delivered on the hills is $7 per sluicehead per hour on Lovett gulch, and 
 $8 to $9 further up the valley, and even at those rates some work is possible. These gravels are 
 very favorably situated for hydraulicking, as they rest on comparatively narrow benches, cut into 
 the sides of the valley, at elevations of from 150 to 300 feet above the present valley bottom. 
 Yukon Territory is 
 In Canada. 
The Hand that 
 Rocks the Rocker 
 Gets the Gold. 
 ~ * 
HE GOLD MINING IN YUKON. The pioneer miners of the Klondike mined under 
 many and strong disadvantages, but be it said to Dame Fortune’s credit, their returns 
 were in many cases fully great enough to compensate. The wood fire maintained in the 
 shafts at night thawed the frozen ground for removal next morning, and the same system 
 of sluiceboxes and waterways now most in evidence here snatched from the long-hidden 
 gravels their concealed golden grains. All over Yukon the expensive but effective old- 
 time system of mining will be noticed by our visitors on their tour of the creeks, save 
 that the wood fire has been replaced with steam thawers, and it is therefore unnecessary 
 to dilate upon the old system. What is newest to us, and that which we look to to revolutionize this 
 camp and quicken its life-blood into something of the frenzied movement of the rush days, is the 
 newer and larger plants and mining systems of the larger companies, and it is with them that this 
 book will treat mostly. 
 Because of the cost of supplies landed in Dawson, the expense of mining is excessive. Vast de- 
 posits of gold-bearing gravel that would be considered an Eldorado of fabulous richness elsewhere 
 cannot be handled here to a profit except by the reduction of the cost of mining over what it has 
 been in the past. The individual miner has in many cases been compelled to release ground that 
 was reasonably rich but that with his limited facilities he could not make pay a profit, and from the 
 accumulation of such properties, and by purchasing the holdings of speculative concessionaires who 
 were the first terrible menace that confronted the camp, strong mining companies have attained min- 
 ing areas upon which they are spending fortunes on machinery preparatory to developing their 
 holdings, and it is of some of these greater plants that we would speak. 
 How Do You 
 Like Us, 
 Far’s You’ve Gone? 
 (By E. E. Andrews.) 
 The Pacific Coast Alining Company's plant and property are located at Nos. 6 and 7 below, Bo- 
 nanza Creek. The pumping plant consists of the following machinery: 
 Boilers — Two batteries of two each, water-tubed, tested at .225 pounds running pressure; total, 
 528 horsepower. Stack, 54 inches by 125 feet. (Cahall, built by Aukman, Taylor & Co., Mansfield, 
 Engines — One cross-compound high duty, fly wheel, coreless valve, 22x44 cylinders (36) stroke 
 (13) plungers, pumping engine. Direct connected jet condensing boiler feed attachment. Capacity, 
 3,000 U. S. gallons per minute at 37 revolutions to a head of 300 to 400 feet. Built by Snow Steam 
 Pump Works, Buffalo, N. Y. 
 Smaller machinery — One compound duplex double-acting independent jet condensing pumping 
 engine. Capacity, 1,500 gallons per minute. One Barnes drill press, one pipe cutting machine, 8, 
 inches and down ; one shaper, one emery stone, one Lodge & Shipley lathe (36-in. sweep and 10 ft. 
 centers); taper attachments; one 20 horsepower upright shop engine; one direct connected general 
 electric plant (150 lights), etc. 
 Points of interest about the plant — The large engine weighs 228,000 pounds, three of the pieces 
 weighing over 24,000 pounds each. It required 50 tons of cement for the foundation. There are 
 384 four-inch valves giving it a large area. Made special by the Snow Steam Pump W r orks for 
 this country and particular attention was paid to the fact that the water to be pumped carried a 
 large percentage of sediment. It cost over $120,000 for the plant and installation. The pumps 
 If You Cannot Rest 
 Well Nights, 
 Try Yukon’s Summers. 
The Slow But 
were started in the month of September, 1903, and have given complete satisfaction in every way. 
 Cost of pumping water, etc. — Labor, (one month) $2,200; fuel, $2,600; supplies, etc., $600. 
 Figuring 25 running days to the month makes an average of $216 per day. Number of gallons 
 pumped, 3,000, (miners’ inches, 270). Cost per day for one sluicehead of water (60 inches), $48. 
 Cost of hydraulicking, etc. — The efficiency of one miner’s inch of water from the middle of June 
 to first of September is eight cubic yards. This high duty per miner’s inch is due to the fact that 
 the gravel rests on an even bedrock high above the present creek level, thus giving plenty of grade 
 for hydraulicking purposes, and that the shape of the gravel being such that it washes readily. 
 Then the ground is well thawed at this time of the year, which makes a big difference in the daily 
 Cubic yards washed per day, 2,160; cost of pumping, per day, $216; cost of hydraulicking, gen- 
 eral expense, etc., $200; cost of handling one cubic yard, about 20 cents. 
 The company has over 1,50(5,000 cubic yards of gravel which will pay to work by hydraulicking. 
 We are working our deep gravel claims by tunnels, shafts and drifts. We are operating on the dif- 
 ferent faces on Cheechaco Hill with gravity water this spring and expect to start the pumps the lat- 
 ter part of June and run continuously until it freezes. 
 * * * 
 (By Edward Simpson, Manager.) 
 Twelve and one-half miles distant, accessible by stage in two hours from Dawson, the property 
 of the White Channel Gold Hill Hydraulics, Limited, is situated on Gold Hill, at the confluence of 
 Next Month You 
 Could Ride on Our 
 Choo-Choo Cars’. 
Eldorado and Bonanza Creeks. The ground lying in the famous ‘‘white channel/' has been 
 partly worked by the placer methods hitherto in vogue in the Klondike, of “wood fire’’ and “steam 
 thawing” and underground tunneling sometimes at a depth of more than ioo feet. On the 23rd of 
 April of this year, however, the preparatory work of installation of a gravity system having been 
 completed last autumn, actual hydraulic operations were commenced. 
 At a point some five miles distant, the waters of Bonanza Creek are diverted and conveyed 
 through 4.78 miles of ditch and 1.04 of flume, each capable of carrying 1,000 inches, along the right 
 limit of Bonanza Creek, crossing the numerous tributaries en route and being augmented by their 
 quota of water, until at a point just below the town of Grand Forks they are conveyed to the oppo- 
 site side of the creek and onto Gold Hill by means of an inverted siphon. Here they are directed 
 through six No. 2 monitors onto a face some T,ooo feet in extent. These monitors are arranged in 
 pairs which each feed a lateral to the main sluiceway. By working these pairs alternately, two- 
 thirds of the face is always exposed to the thawing influence of the sun’s rays, while one-third which 
 has already been thawed may be most easily moved by the action of the water. Adopting this sys- 
 tem, with the monitors under 146 feet direct pressure from the siphon, as nearly as can be estimat- 
 ed, the duty is four cubic yards to the miner’s inch. 
 * * * 
 (By Emil Weinheim, Manager.) 
 The Bonanza Creek Gold Mining Company, Ltd., is a Canadian corporation, with its main office 
 at 29 Broadway, New York City, and its mining property and mine office on Adams Hill, Yukon Ty. 
 Don’t Drink Up 
 All Our Watei — 
 Our Miners Need It. 
Property — Hydraulic mining locations. No. 2, 8 and 9 on Bonanza Creek, between Adams and 
 Boulder Creek. 
 Plant — Flume and ditch four miles in length from Stampede Gulch to head of Adams Creek, 
 and over the entire property, connecting with one large reservoir, built so far on Adams Hill. 
 From the reservoir an eleven-inch pipe line takes water to No. 1 works with two No. 1 moni- 
 tors, and a 12-inch pipe to No. 2 works with tw’O No. 2 monitors. 
 No. 1 works is fitted with 1,000 feet of sluice to debris bank. Size of sluice, 24x30 inches 
 with block riffles. 
 No. 2 works is fitted with a sluice 32x30 inches, also w r ooden block riffles. 
 No. 3 works is independent of the others as to water supply and debris bank, and has only a 
 single No. 1 monitor and a short sluice, 16x24 inches, with wooden riffles. 
 We find the wide sluice the best and will replace the wooden riffles with rock during this season. 
 Other reservoirs will be built for storage on the various hills on the property this summer. 
 A large impounding dam is commenced under direction of Mr. Moore of Massachusetts. 
 This dam should store sufficient water from freshets to carry the supply over the dry season. 
 Other operating plants will be constructed this season ready to operate next spring. 
 We are highly pleased with the results of the operations so frr and can only encourage hy- 
 draulicking in the Yukon Territory. 
 If You Tell Them Yukon’s 
 True Worth They 
 Won’t Believe You. 
-* r-cv 
 Adams Hill. 
YDRAULICKING IN YUKON. As the self-dumper followed the windlass in the camp’s 
 progress towards economical development, so have the water ditch, the reservoir and 
 the hydraulic nozzle followed the self-dumper. Where last year the hydraulic sys- 
 tem was here looked upon but as a cheechaco experiment, this year we find among 
 those who are hydraulicking the following well-known and important mining enter- 
 prises : The Anglo-Klondike Co., Fox Gulch; White Channel Gold Hill Hydraulics, 
 Gold Hill; Fuller-Norwood Co., Bonanza; the Brener Co., Eldorado; North American 
 Trading and Transportation Co., Miller Creek; Syndicat Lyonnais, Tenmile Creek; Breeze 
 Mining Co., Bullion Creek; Pacific Coast Mining Co., Last Chance; Treasure Hill Pump- 
 ing Plant, Last Chance; Llwell, Murray & Roselle, Temperance Hill, Hunker; August 
 Larsen, Temperance Hill, Hunker; Delhi Group, Hunker; Redmond Bros., Paradise Hill, 
 Hunker ; Bonanza Creek Gold Mining Co., Bonanza. In addition to these larger operators 
 are many other small operators throughout the country who use gravity water systems in 
 place Of the old pumping system and succeed better by the change. 
 DITCHES AND FLUMES. The greatest drawback that the miners of Yukon experience is 
 the lack of the water necessary to separate the gold from the gold-bearing sands. Water is the vex- 
 ed question here, and each man is compelled to solve the problem for himself. The attempt to in- 
 stall a great public water system here was prevented by the avarice of the men who had the right 
 granted them bv parliament. They demanded and were in a fair way to receive too much for the 
 service when the cries and protests of the people were met with a royal commission to investigate 
 matters and things here — the Treadgold commission. Their finding approved the complaints against 
 Population is 
 Twenty Thousand. 

the concession and its rights and emoluments were curtailed to a point where the Treadgold company 
 abandoned its intention of supolying a water system and the camp had nothing of the kind to look 
 forward to. One result of the abandonment was to stimulate the big mining companies to build 
 water systems of their own, and in the short space of time that has elapsed since the Treadgold com j 
 pany quit, one hundred anl twenty-six and a half miles of water ditches and flumes have been corn 
 structed to bring water to the various properties, besides the smaller lines built by individual own j 
 ers and of which we have no record. Twenty-eight companies have constructed ditches or flumes 
 to convey water to their properties, and the average length of such ditch or flume is exactly four 
 and a half miles. They are divided as follows : 
 BONANZA CREEK. The Fuller-Norwood Co., 7 miles, with 2 inverted siphons; White Cham 
 nel Gold Hill Hydraulics, 6 miles, 1 inverted siphon. 
 ELDORADO CREEK. Otto Brener, 7 1-2 miles, 1 inverted siphon. 
 HUNKER CREEK. Redmond Bros., 7 miles; Elliott & Jensen, 3 miles; Larson, Temperance 
 Hill, 3 miles; Delhi Group, 4 miles; Anderson Concession, 1 1-2 miles; Ensel & Gandolfo, 3 miles; 
 George Burke, 2 miles ; Envoldson & Co., 2 1-2 miles. 
 LAST CHANCE CREEK. Younkins, et ah, 4 miles. 
 MILLER CREEK. Norah American Trading and Transportation Co., 17 1-2 miles. 
 MOOSEHIDE CREEK. Acklen & Co., 9 miles. 
 LOWER DOMINION. McLennan & Day, 2 1-2 miles; Morrison, et ah, 3 1-2 miles. 
 INDIAN RIVER. Croteau & McConnell, 3 1-2 miles. 
 BOULDER CREEK. Cook, Mizner, Day & Elliott. 3 1-2; Anglo-Klondike Mining Co., 4 miles. 
 Our Population 
 Is Greater Than 
 It Is! 
 Scene, 17 
 Gold Ri:n. 
QUARTZ AND CALDER CREEKS. Ole Tystead, 2 1-2 miles; McGillivray, McDonald, et al., 
 6 miles ; Rosenberg, et al., 4 miles. 
 ADAMS CREEK. Fassbender, 4 miles ; Pacific Coast Mining Co., 4 miles, 1 inverted siphon, 
 TENMILE CREEK. Syndicat Lyonnais du Klondike, 5 miles. 
 QUIGLEY CREEK. Parks, et al., 4 miles. 
 QUEEN GULCH. Knox & Hamilton, 5 miles, 1 inverted siphon. 
 PURE GOLD CREEK. Bogden, et al., 3 miles. 
 This amount is constantly being increased by the building of new waterways, anl many dams 
 are being built to catch and hold the water in the rainy season until it is needed later in the dry 
 Yukon Has 
 967 Miles of 
 Wagon Roads. 
TEAM SHOVELS AND DREDGES. The dredge and the steam shovel have entered upon 
 upon their labors in Yukon, and much is expected from them. This is the third sea- 
 son in which the dredge has been used to move dirt on Bonanza Creek, and that new 
 dredges have been purchased for the same creek speaks well of the dredge proposition 
 ^n mining in Yukon. No larger dredge is in use in the world, and but one other of the 
 same size is in use, than the one now being installed on Bear creek by the Canadian Klon- 
 I dike Mining Company, and other expensive dredges have been imported this year. The 
 companies who are working dredges in Yukon are: Ogilvie Dredge Co., whose dredge 
 after operating two seasons on Stewart is now at work on the Klondike near Ogilvie 
 bridge : the Lewes River Dredging Co., the first company to take a dredge up the moun- 
 tain and start it on a Bonanza Creek claim, and which dredge is now working on Discovery claim. 
 Bonanza: A. D. Fields, who is placing a large dredge on No. 60 below Bonanza; the Canadian 
 Klondike Mining Co., which has two steam shovels working on Bear Creek, and F"rank Phiscator, 
 one of the early Klondike mining magnates, who is working two shovels on No. 2 Eldorado. 
 In addition to these several dredges are being shipped to Dawson for work on mining properties 
 in this section, among which are the following: Canadian Klondike Mining Co., a dredge that cost 
 $200,000 and has a capacity of 2,5°o yards of dirt daily, this dredge to replace their two steam shov- 
 els on Bear Creek ; the Williams Co., that will cost $100,000 and will work properties on the Klon- 
 dike, and the dredge of the Canadian Dredging and Mining Co., that will cost $75,000 and be 
 placed on 89 below, Bonanza Creek. Everything that is necessary here to handle the situation as 
 fast as it reveals itself will be forthcoming, for the values are in the ground. 
 If You Don’t 
 Believe It 
 Ask Us! 
•r k ' 
 field for the profitable investment of capital in mining gold by the dredge process? is a 
 query frequently propounded. As a result of six years’ experience operating a three-foot 
 Risdon dredge in the Klondike District, and by careful observation during that period, 
 of the auriferous deposits of the country and the climatic and other conditions peculiar to 
 it, I am convinced that the vast Yukon basin from the Rocky Mountains to the Bering 
 Sea contains immense areas in which this form of mining can be profitably carried on. 
 Within the limits of this brief article I will endeavor to give my reasons for such belief. 
 The modern gold dredge is a condensed assembly of powerful machinery capable of digging 
 the dirt, washing the gold from it and depositing the residue within a few yards of its former rest- 
 ing place, a process simple, yet complete, with an enormous capacity and requiring but a very small 
 amount of human labor. 
 In California, where gold dredging has reached its highest state of development, extremely low 
 grade dirt is being profitably worked, and this after paying almost fabulous prices for land which 
 but a few years ago was considered absolutely valueless for mining purposes. True, all the condi- 
 tions in California are exceptionally favorable for cheap operation. They can operate 365 days in 
 the year, while our season is but half that length (not taking into account that during half of that 
 time there is continuous daylight, a feature of no inconsiderable value.) Our advantage lies in the 
 high values in the ground, and it is these high values that especially commend the field for dredg- 
 ing operations. 
 The climatic conditions are not as unfavorable as might be supposed by those unacquainted with 
 It Never Rains in 
 Yukon — When We 
 Want It To. 
® % 
the region. The summer climate cannot be surpassed anywhere in the world for delightfulness. It 
 is a healthful climate, and where the most ordinary sanitary precautions are observed, zymotic dis- 
 eases are practically unknown. The winters are cold, but not severe, due to the dryness of the at- 
 mosphere and the absence of high winds. Blizzards are unknown. While actual dredging opera- 
 tions cannot be carried on during the winter, that season is ideal for the cutting and yarding of 
 wood. Men engaged in that occupation seldom find it necessary to lose a day on account of the 
 weather. The prospecting drill can also be worked to the best advantage during the winter. 
 Our placer gold is found mostly in bedrock and the ground is generally frozen. This combina- 
 tion of circumstances may seem to the uninitiated a fatal objection. It presents a difficulty, to be 
 sure, but not an insurmountable one, as the results I have been able to accomplish will amply testi- 
 fy. It adds to the cost, but the high values obtained justify the expense. 
 There are countless thousands of acres in the Yukon basin that are suitable for dredging and 
 that would pay handsome returns on the investment if judiciously made. The country is capable of 
 thorough investigation and it is the thorough and intelligent investigator that the country needs. 
 When the true conditions become generally known, by reason of such investigation, 1 believe I am 
 not too optimistic in predicting that the number of dredges in operation in the Yukon will be limited 
 for a number of years only by the capacity of the manufacturers to fill orders. 
 It must not be inferred that all placer ground in the Yukon is suitable for dredging. On the 
 contrary, much ground that can be profitably worked by other processes would prove a failure for 
 dredging purposes. 
 In order to succeed with a dredge in the Yukon the first desideratum is careful selection of the 
 It Always Rains in 
 Yukon When 
 We Don’t Need It. 
ground as to its suitability for the purpose; then, given a dredge properly constructed to meet the 
 conditions under which it is to be operated, and, intelligently managed, and the Yukon presents an 
 almost limitless field for the profitable investment of capital in mining gold by the dredge process. 
 Mr. J. Moore Elmer is manager of the Lewes River Mining and Dredging Co., and engineer in 
 charge of the Canadian Klondike Mining Co., Limited. The former company has been operating a 
 three foot Risdon dredge in the Klondike District for the past six years. Its operations on Bonan- 
 za Creek have been highly successful. The latter company is installing a seven foot Marion dredge 
 on what is known as the “Boyle Concession” in the Klondike River valley. This dredge is expect- 
 ed to be in operation about September ist of this year. Mr. Elmer is the pioneer dredger of the 
 district and writes with a full knowledge of his subject. 
 * * * 
 (By A. Tarut, Manager.) 
 The property known as the Tenmile Concession is owned by the Syndicat Lyonnais du Klon- 
 dike. It is situated on Tenmile Creek, a tributary of the Sixtymile River, and is sixty-two miles 
 from Dawson. The property is five miles long and one mile wide. 
 Tenmile Creek was first prospected by the Fortymile miners in 1894-5. They reported that the 
 creek was spotted, but that they made wages while prospecting despite the fact that their methods 
 were of the most primitive kind. It was abandoned in the rush to Dawson in 1896 when the news 
 of the discoveries here depopulated the lower river country for the time being. 
 Don’t Try 
 To Sit Up 
 All Night. 
 7 's' 
 * •• 
In 1901 the Syndicat Lyonnais acquired the property as a concession. They crosscut it from rim 
 to rim and twenty feet deep in three places, and it showed gold but so irregularly, and the quality 
 of the gravels was such that, together with the existing conditions of the creek it did not warrant 
 a continuation of operations. 
 In 1904, under the directions of Mr. Beaudette, government mining engineer, a search was made 
 on the hillsides on the left limit of the creek, which, he alleged, contained gold. In the month of June 
 of the same year these gravels were found to contain gold in sufficient quantity for further investi- 
 gation. A tunnel was driven 175 feet in the hillside and proved to contain pay all the way. Pans 
 were taken from this tunnel giving very good results. Some pieces of gold as high as 30 cents were 
 washed in a pan. The whole tunnel was sluiced up and an average of the pay taken to the cubic 
 yard. It was then decided to install a large hydraulic plant and operate on a large scale. 
 These gravels are situated at an elevation of 170 feet above the level of the creek and their 
 thickness at the deepest place will reach 75 feet. They are composed of small quartz pebbles to- 
 gether with some very fine material composed of calcite and silica very easily disintegrated and de- 
 void of large boulders. The extent of these gravels is at present unknown, but they have been ob- 
 served at different places on the same side of the creek for a distance of three miles and it is pro- 
 posed to make further prospecting. 
 In the winter of 1904-5 the company installed a sawmill at the mouth of the creek to saw all 
 the lumber necessary for the construction of the conduits of water. Two hundred and sixty thou- 
 sand feet of lumber were sawed and delivered on the hillsides along the creek for the construction 
 of the flume. This flume will be four and one-half miles long with a capacity of 750 miners’ inches. 
 Come Again 
The water will be delivered 180 feet above the point where the operations will take place, thus afford- 
 ing a good pressure. From this point the water is conducted to the mine by a pipe 18 inches in 
 diameter to which are connected four monitors of two and one-half and three-inch nozzle. 
 The area of dumping ground is practically unlimited, as there is the whole creek to dump in, 
 and the end of the sluice boxes to the bottom Gf the creek is 90 feet along a steep hillside. 
 The sluices are provided with block riffles and are 500 feet long, with a grade of eight per cent. 
 As the company has just completed the installation of this plant and is about to start hydraulick- 
 ing, nG cleanup has been made as yet, and no data can be given as to the quality of the gravel to the 
 cubic yard and as to the cost of operation and the duty of a miner’s inch. 
 God be With 
 You Till 
 We Meet Again. 
Goe^mwj Vh*r».~ 
 .y Nfvvs T-