HAMLET OF BADDESLEY CLINTON, In the Parish of Polesworth, Warwickshire. (JFtom ffiotton JW». iuliug, VI, •art, 158, jp. 296.) NOW FIRST PRINTED. THIS seate and soyele from Saxon Bade, a man of honest fame, Who held it in the Saxons tyme, of Badesley tooke the name. When king Edward, the Confessor, did weare the Eng- lish crowne, The same was then possest by Wrox, a man of some re- nowne; And England being conquered, in lot it did alighte To Geffrey Wiete, of noble birth, an Andegavian knighte. A member Hamlet all this whyele of Hampton here at hand, With Hampton, so to Moulbroy went, as all the Wietes land. Nowe Moulbroy, lord of all, doth parte these twoe, and gives this one To Bisege, in that name it was awhyle, and then is gon To Clinton, as his heyre, who leaves it to a younger son; And in this lyne the name of Baddesley Clinton was be- gon. From them agayne, by wanting of theyr heyre, at first it came To Conisby, and after him to Fowkes, who weds the same. From Fowkes to Dudley, by a sale, and so toBurdetpast To Metley next, by Metleys Will, it came to Brome at last. Brome honours much the place, and after some descentes of Bromes, To Femes, for a daughters parte of theirs, in match it comes, Yn this last name it lasteth yet, and so long longer shall. As God shall please, who is the king, and lord, and gever of all. STotfiam: ^rmUIf at ffii^atles ©larfe’g ^^rtbate