71 PLEASING INSTRUCTED NORTHAMPTON* J. Metcalf....l837. A B C D E F GHI JK L, M N O P Q R 8 T U V W X Y Z. ^■Mi A f Q 4 See how the little toiling Bee* Improves the harvest hours, While summer lasts, in all her cells, Her winter food she stores. 4 When you are sent to school Make it a constant rule, Never to stop and play, Or loiter on the way. 5 When I am absent from the school, I ought to think of every rule, And be as good as when I'm there, Although no people may be near. 6 When people drink, and cram, and stuff, And think they never have enough, They only want a trough and sty, To be for pigs fit company. Why should I say, His yet too soon To seek for heaven, or think of death ? A flower may fade before 'tis noon, And I this day may lose my breath. 8 Mama, see that pretty flower, And tell me how it grows 5 Who made the pretty jessamine, The pink, sweet-pea, and rose ? Tis God, my love, as yon have heard, And he is very good, For he takes care of you and me. And gives us daily food,