if iffi . ■ I || §@ mm® 18 *5 . MODERN DOMESTIC COOKERY AND USEFUL RECEIPT BOOK. ADAPTED FOR FAMILIES. BY W. A. HENDERSON. BY D. HUGHSON, M. D. WITH SPECIFICATIONS OF APPROVED PATENT RECEIPTS, EXTRACTED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE PATENT OFFICE, LONDON, CONSISTING OF ALL THE MOST SERVICEABLE PREPARATIONS FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, FORMING A LIBRARY OF DOMESTIC KNOWLEDGE AND USEFUL ECONOMY BOSTON: ISAAC TOMPKINS. 9 CORNHILL. 1845 ADVERTISEMENT. As there is scarce an individual who is not aware of the comfort resulting from a regular and cleanly meal, it may appear to many labour lost, to write a preface to a work which is designed to teach us how to prepare such a repast. But, in the daily progress of life, we may often dis- cover an amiable and accomplished woman, who pos- sesses a general knowledge, with the exception of domestic cookery, which, I must be suffered to remark, is a subject of infinitely greater importance to her than superficial acquirements, whether we consider her as a daughter, wife, or mother. Indeed, she can never be properly the mistress of a family, unless she makes herself acquainted with its interior economy. Exclusive of the necessity of such knowledge, it is surprising, how much such a woman, possessed of it, may save in the yearly expenditure of her family, which, in the present times, is an object of material importance to all persons of moderate incomes, for whom this book is peculiarly adapted, combining eco- nomy and gentility in its receipts and directions. /'///(>/’('. I 'Boiled Chicken Scollop 'd Pi c/eons f /ctrricv C ///)>/•/' GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF A FAMILY. All persons should endeavour to discharge the duties of the sta- tion they may fill, so as to claim the respect of their compeers ; and afford a beneficial example to the younger branches of society : to such as are desirous of respect, this mode of conduct is a matter of necessity, the neglect of which no excuse can extenuate. The accomplishments proper for the female character, are not so seriously attended to as formerly, when all persons, whatever might be their rank, were studious to render themselves useful. Yet do- mestic occupations should never for one moment be neglected, as such neglect must produce misery, and may, perhaps, ultimately ter- minate in ruin. At no very distant period, ladies knew but little be- yond their own family concerns ; now, alas ! there are few things of which they know so little. Viewed either way, this is running into extremes, which should be carefully avoided, because elegant ac- quirements may, with some little care, be easily united with useful knowledge, and without which they become ridiculous. That this may be done, we have numerous examples, even in the most ele- vated ranks of society, in which the mistress of a family, possessed of every possible feminine accomplishment, may be frequently seen superintending her family arrangements, investigating her accounts, instructing her servants, and keeping within the bounds of her hus- band’s income ; by such means, reflecting credit on him, as well as herself. If such minute attention to domestic concerns reflects honour upon females of elevated rank, at the same time that it is useful to them, how much more therefore must it be beneficial to such as possess contracted incomes, and who can only support an elegant, nay even a neat appearance, by exerting the most rigid economy, and attentive- ly directing their efforts to the proper management of their domestic affairs. Females should be early taught to prefer the society of their homes, to engage themselves in domestic duties, and to avoid every species of idle vanity, to which thousands of them owe their ruin ; and, above ail things, to consider their parents as their best friends, who are in- terested only in their welfare ; then indeed we might hope to see all 6 DIRECTIONS FOR as it should be, and to have daily evidence of real comfort and hap- piness. Were females thus instructed, they would soon learn to discriminate between the solid enjoyments of domestic peace, and the fleeting phantoms of delusive pleasure. It is natural to imagine, that when a female marries, she does so from a principal of love. It must surely, therefore, be admitted, that her duties then become still more seriously important, because her station is more responsible than it previously was. She will then have to superintend the affairs of the man with whose destiny she has united her own ; the domestic part of which falls particularly within the sphere of her management, and the duties of which she ought actively to execute, and at the same time to support as neat and elegant an appearance as is consistent with prudent economy ; with- out which even princely fortunes must fail ; in which case, her hus- band will soon discover her merits, and place a proper value on the treasure he possesses. A person who desires to please, will seldom fail to do so. This conviction should of itself be sufficient to stimulate to the attempt, as domestic knowledge in a female is of more real importance than vain acquirements, not that accomplishments, when properly direct- ed, are incompatible with domestic duties ; on the contrary, they become intimately combined with them, because they add to the ra- tional enjoyments of that home which should ever be the centre of attraction to the husband, to her children, and others connected with it ; and this is what an ignorant, unsocial, and unaccomplished woman can i. ver render it. It is the abuse of things from which alone mischief can originate, not from the temperate use of them. The domestic arrangements of a family belonging entirely to the female, the table, of course, becomes ent, ’ed to no small share of her attention in respect to its expenditure, a^ oearance, and general supplies. Taste and judgment are highly requisite ii this department, be- cause the credit of keeping a good and respei table table depends not (as of old) on the vast quantity of articles wih which it is cover- ed, but the neatness, propriety, and cleanliness, in which the whole is served up, which alone can confer real credit on her who directs the preparation. Dinner parties are very expensive, and certainly fall very heavy on persons whose incomes are moderate ; such persons, therefore, should not support a custom productive of unpleasant consequences, by lending it the sanction of their example. But if it is found requi- site occasionally to give dinners, it should be done in a liberal and genteel manner, otherwise it is far bettei to decline it altogether. DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT. 7 Dinners are not so sumptuous now as they formerly were, which may be accounted for from the increased price of provisions ; in con- sequence of which, persons who possess a moderate property are compelled to be as economical as possible, in order to support that genteel appearance necessary for the promotion of comfort. Yet a certain degree of caution is requisite in providing even a family dinner, as a casual visiter may unexpectedly enter, whose company cannot be avoided, &nd every man feels his consequence hurt, should such a visiter chance to drop in to a dinner not suffi- ciently good or abundant ; a table should therefore be furnished according to the income and rank of its master ; thus I would not have a tradesman emulate the expenditure and appearance of a noble, nor a noble of royalty. A good plain dinner, of which there should be sufficient, with clean linen and decent attendance, will obviate every difficulty ; and the entrance of an unexpected visiter will occa- sion no additional trouble, and all uneasy sensations on account of the appearance of the dinner, will be banished from the breasts of the master and mistress, by which harmony and enjoyment will of course ensue. This mode of providing a table may be extended to every class of society, where each individual should have a table provided according to ,the fortune which must pay for it, and such an arrangement will meet with the respect and approbation of all serious persons. Carving also, though seldom attended to, merits attention ; for, without a due knowledge of it, the honours of a table cannot be per- formed with propriety, or without considerable pain. It also makes a great difference in the daily consumption of a family. I therefore recommend my readers to study this useful branch of domestic knowledge, which can be attained only by constant practice, as writ- ten instructions can merely point out the way which practice must render perfect, and without which no person can preside with honour at the head of a table. Where there are young persons in a family, it would greatly im- prove them, were they made to take the head of the table, under the superintendence of their parents, by whose salutary directions they would soon discharge the duty thus thrown upon them with equal ease and grace, and learn more in one month’s practical employment, than they would in twelve months’ observation. This would also prepare them to discharge their duties in a proper manner, when they become mistresses themselves. For my own part, lean imagine nothing more disagreeable than to behold a person at the head of a well-furnished table, presiding only to haggle and spoil the finest articles of provision, by which great waste is occasioned, and, wo 8 DIRECTIONS FOR may add, some disgust, because many delicate persons, when help- ed in a clumsy manner, absolutely loathe the provisions (however good) thus set before them. Every lady who fills the situation of a mistress of a family, will, l am confident, upon mature reflection, be convinced, that much de- pends on the vigilance of her conduct, as far as respects good ma- nagement and domestic economy ; the most trifling events should claim her notice, for the keen eye of a superior can alone restrain servants and dependants within proper bounds, and prevent that waste which would otherwise ensue. This is a line of conduct which the present price of every article of life renders still more im- perative. No female should ever harbour a moment’s doubt re- jecting her power to conduct and manage a family, even if previous- ly unused to it, as many of her senior friends will freely give her their advice, and a short practical experience will soon render her able to estimate the best mode of management, and also teach her how to keep her family expenditure agreeable to her income, and how to lay out her money to the greatest advantage. To execute this in a proper manner, a strict account of the yearly income set apart for domestic expenses, should be carefully taken ; and that it may not be ignorantly exceeded, a minute account of the daily expenditure should be invariably made out, by which a regular habit of prudent economy will be obtained : and should the expenses of one week then exceed their bounds, it must be made up by retrench- ing on those of the following weeks. For where persons depend for their support and comfort on the skill and active exertions of a father, much also depends on the mother, who, should she be a bad ma- nager, will soon undo all that her husband has done ; but should she understand her duties, prosperity will smile upon the family, and perhaps fortune may be ultimately secured. To prevent useless trouble in the household accounts, a Family Book-keeper should be purchased, when the sums laid out will only require to be noted down, as the various articles are printed, with a column for every day in the year, by which means the exact expen- diture is always ascertained for any period in a few minutes. Persons who possess the means, should always pay for every article in ready money, the benefit of which they will very soon ex- perience ; and tradesmen will be careful to supply such valuable customers with the best of their goods. They are also willing to sell their goods cheaper for money than on credit, consequently, by properly attending to this circumstance, a considerable saving may be made in the course of a year. I would also recommend my rea- ders never to change their trades-people without some serious cause DOMESTIC .MANAGEMENT. 9 of offence, as, after dealing some time with a tradesman, he consi- ders you a valuable customer, obeys your orders with punctual attention, and invariably serves you with the best goods he can procure, with the view of securing your future support, and a recom- mendation of his shop to your friends. On the contrary, those tradesmen who give long credit, are obli- ged to charge a proportional interest, without which they could not carry on their business ; and it is this circumstance which contributes in no small degree to keep up the high price of every necessary of life. You will therefore easily perceive that, by having long credit, you will lose money, respect, and comfort. A person of moderate income should make every purchase herself, and to do this well, she should make herself acquainted with the best articles, and the relative value of each, by which she will occasion- ally make her pound go as far as many less active and experienced persons would two. Although 1 do not intend by the above to advocate the cause of bargains, which generally in the end prove losses ; on the contrary I recommend whatever may be purchased to be of the best quality, which, you may rely on it, will go farthest. Stated rules cannot be fully given, as rank, fortune, and habit, must determine many points ; however, attentive inspection can be no disgrace even to the most elevated or wealthy. One great advantage resulting from this close attention is, that servants will soon discover that such a mistress must not be trifled with, and will consequently respect, fear, and serve her, better than they otherwise would do. Waste of every description should be cautiously avoided; nothing can be more criminal, when we reflect that there are thousands of our fellow-creatures suffering from want, while, by the bounty of Pro- vidence, we have the full enjoyment of every good thing. Waste- fulness, therefore, should never be tolerated in any of the necessaries of life. Every respectable family, by proper attention, may do much good to their poor neighbours, without injury to themselves, by properly preparing the offal of their houses, and distributing it to such as are in want ; this would be affording much actual relief at the expense of little more than trouble. Regularity should be punctually observed in all families, as by keeping good hours much time is gained. By breakfasting early the servants have a fair day before them ; and they should, when con- venient, be suffered to retire to rest at an early hour, by which means they will not be late on the following morning. This method will also render less servants necessary. I am sen- sible that many of my fair readers may imagine this to be of little consequence, but 1 can assure them that they will ultimately find. No. 1 . B 10 DIRECTIONS FOR, &c. that regular and early hours in a family is of serious importance to every branch of it, as far as relates to comfort, and it should be remembered that servants have feelings equally with ourselves. It is prudent and economical to have a sufficient quantity of house- hold articles and culinary utensils. The stock should invariably be well kept up, and to do this effectually, requires some consideration. The best, and indeed only regular method of doing this, is to keep a correct account of these, as well as different articles of household furniture, linen, plate, china, &c. &c. and the various articles should bi occasionally examined, and every article replaced as soon as broken. Much time will also be saved, if every article is kept in its proper place, clean ; and remember every thing should be mended the moment it is injured, and never applied to any other use than that for ivhicli it was originally designed, by which mode of management any thing will last much longer than it otherwise would do. What an active person may perform in the course of one year by a punctual attendance to regular hours, and a persevering industry, would, if calculated, astonish a common observer by its extent and utility. In respect to servants, a mistress should be extremely care- ful whom she hires, and be particular in procuring a good character from the persons with whom they have previously resided. It is also the solemn duty of a mistress, to be just in giving a character to such servants as leave her, because a servant’s whole dependance rests entirely on the possession of a good character ; destitute of which, inevitable ruin must follow. This is a duty, the breach of which nothing can extenuate ; for by giving an undeserved bad character to a good servant, through caprice, eternal infamy must be reflected on the person who does so. Faithful, honest servants should be treated with respect and kindness, and when an occasion offers, they should be duly rewarded, which will create emulation in others ; but never more kept than sufficient. Should you deal on credit, a book should be kept, in which every article, with its weight and price, should be inserted the instant it is received, which will prevent imposition, and also serve as a reference. In a well regulated family, every article should be kept in con- stant readiness, such as broken sugar, pounded spices, &c. by which much trouble will be prevented when such articles are wanted for immediate use. Servants should also be required to pay the same attention in waiting on the family, when alone, as they do when there is company : this will soon become a regular habit, and visiters will occasion but little additional trouble, while every thing will appear to go on smoothly. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S INSTRUCTOR; OR, UNIVERSAL FAMILY COOK CHAPTER I. SOUPS and BROTHS. A S a proper mode is the first and most judicious step that can be taken in the display of any subject, so we shall commence our work with a particular de- scription of the manner of making all kinds of Soups and Broths, those articles in the Art of Cookery being, at most entertainments, whether of a public or private nature, first brought upon the table. To acquire reputation, and give satisfaction to those for whom any kind of provision is dressed, the first grand consideration of the cook should be a particu- lar attachment to cleanliness, and this more immedi- ately in the proper care of all vessels wherein such provision is to be dressed. They must be kept pro- perly tinned, and, as soon as possible after being used, well cleaned, and placed, with their covers on, in some situation adapted for the purpose. Previous to their being again used, examine them very strictly, and be careful that they are totally free from any kind of grease, or any particles of sand, which will be too apt to secrete themselves in unobserved cavities of the vessels. To avoid this, rub the palm of your hand all round, with the ends of your fingers in the cavities, and if any sand is left, it will stick to the flesh, which will naturally draw it out. After this, wipe it all round with a clean cloth, and you may be pretty well satisfied it is thoroughly cleansed for use. The pains SOUPS. 12 you have taken in this first degree of care will be am- ply repaid by the articles you cook being, if properly managed according to the rules here laid down, brought to table in the highest state of perfection. As a necessary prelude to the making of soups and broths, we shall introduce a few general observations ; which we recommend as deserving the particular notice and attention of the cook. When you make any kinds of soups, more especi- ally portable, vermicelli, or brown gravy soup, or, indeed, any other that hath roots or herbs in it, always observe to lay the meat at the bottom of your pan, with a good lump of butter. Cut the herbs and roots small, lay them over the meat, cover it close, and set it over a slow fire : this will draw all the virtue out of the roots or herbs, turn it to a good gravy, and give the soup a different flavour from what it would have on putting the water in at first. As soon as you find the gravy is nearly dried up, then fill the saucepan with water, and when it begins to boil skim off the fat, and pursue the directions given for the soup intended to be made. In making peas soup observe, that if they are old, you must use soft water; but if green, hard or spring water, as it will greatly contribute to the preservation of their colour. One principal thing to be observed in making all kinds of soup is, that no one ingredient is more powerful in the taste than an- other, but that all are as nearly as possible equal, and that the soup be relished in proportion to the purpose for which it is designed. Vermicelli Soup. Take a knuckle of veal and a scrag of mutton, from each of which cut the flesh into small pieces about the size of walnuts, and mix them together, with five or six thin slices of lean ham. Put into the bottom of your pan about four ounces of butter, and then your meat; to which add three or four blades of mace, two or three carrots, two parsnips, two large onions, with a clove stuck on both sides of each, cut in four or five SOUPS. 13 heads of celery washed clean, a bunch of sweet herbs, eight or ten morels, and an anchovy. When your articles are thus prepared and mixed together in the pan, cover it very close, and set it over a slow fire, without any water, till the gravy is drawn out of the meat. When this is done, pour it out into a pot or large basin; then let the meat brown, (taking care that it does not burn,) and put into the saucepan four quarts of water. Let the whole boil gently till it is wasted to three pints, then strain it, and mix with it the first gravy drawn from the meat. Set it on the fire, and add two ounces of vermicelli, a nice head of celery cut small, chyan pepper and salt to your taste, and let the whole boil about six minutes. Lay a small French roll in the soup dish, pour the soup upon it, strew some of the vermicelli on the surface, and then serve it to table. Vermicelli Soup White. Wash your vermicelli in boiling water, and leave it to drain on a sieve that it may not lump : boil it with some good gravy soup ; and the moment before serving it up, put in a cullis a-la-reine, or the yolks of some eggs beat up with cream or milk. It must not boil after the eggs are in, or else it will curdle. Soup a-la-Reine. Take a knuckle of veal, and three or four pounds of lean beef, to which put in six quarts of water, with a little salt. When it boils take off the scum quite clean, then put in six large onions, two carrots, a head or two of celery, a parsnip, one leek, and a little thyme. Let the whole stew together till the meat is quite boiled down, then strain it through a hair sieve, and after it has stood about half an hour, skim it w ell, and clear it off gently from the settlings into a clean pan. Boil half a pint of cream, and pour it on the crumb of a small loaf till the whole is soaked in. Take half a pound of almonds, blanch and beat them as fine as possible, putting in now and then a little cream to pre- vent them from oiling. Then take the yolks of six 14 SOUPS. hard eggs, beat them with a loaf soaked in the cream, and mix the whole together. Put your broth in again into the saucepan, and when hot pour it to your al- monds. Strain it through a fine hair sieve, rubbing it with a spoon till all the virtue and flavour are extracted. Put the whole into the saucepan, adding a little more cream to make it white. Set it over the fire, keep stirring it till it boils, and skim off the froth as it rises. In the meantime soak the tops of two French rolls in melted butter in a stew-pan till they are crisp, but not brown ; then take them out of the butter, and lay them in a plate before the fire. After remaining there a short time put them at the bottom of the tureen, pouring to them a small quantity of the soup. When your soup has been thoroughly skimmed from froth, and is just ready to boil, then take it off, pour it into the tureen, and serve it hot to table. In making this soup, par- ticular care must be taken that no fat be on the surface of the broth at the time it is poured upon the almonds, otherwise the whole will be spoiled. Soup Cressy. Cut a pound of lean ham into small bits, and put at the bottom of a stew-pan, with a French roll cut in slices, and laid on the top. Take two dozen heads of celery cut small, six onions, two turnips, one carrot, six cloves, four blades of mace, and two bunches of water cresses. Put them all in a stew-pan, with a pint of good broth. Cover them close, and let them sweat gently for about twenty minutes, after which fill it up with veal broth, and stew it four hours. When this is done, strain it through a fine sieve or cloth, and put it again into the saucepan, seasoning it with salt and a little chyan pepper. As soon as it is simmered op, pour it into the tureen, putting in some French roll toasted hard. Transparent Soup. Cut off the meat from a leg of veal as clean as you can, after which break the bone in small pieces. Put the meat into a large jug, with the bones at top, and SOUPS. 15 add to it a bunch of sweet herbs, a quarter of an ounce of mace, half a pound of blanched almonds, and pour in four quarts of boiling water. Set it over a slow fire, close covered, and let it stand all night. The next day take it out of the jug, put it into a clean saucepan, and let it boil slowly till it is reduced to two quarts. During the time it boils be particularly careful to take off all the scum and fat. Strain it into a large bowl, and when you think the meat is perfectly settled at the bottom, so that no sediment can intermix with the soup, put it into a clean saucepan, and intermix it with three or four ounces of boiled rice, or two ounces of vermicelli, which you like best. When it has boiled about a quarter of an hour, pour it into the tureen, and serve it to table. Almond Soup. Take a quart of almonds, and beat them in a marble mortar, with the yolks of six hard eggs, till they be- come a fine paste. Mix them by degrees with two quarts of new milk, a quart of cream, and a quarter of a pound of double refined sugar, beat fine, and stir the whole well together. When it is properly mixed, set it over a slow fire, and keep it stirring quick till you find it of a good thickness : then take it off, pour it into your dish, and serve it up. The principal care to be observed in making this soup is to prevent its curdling, which can only be done by keeping it constantly stir- ring till it boils. Soup Sante, or Gravy Soup. Take a pound and a half of lean ham cut in slices, and put them in the bottom of the stew-pan, with about two ounces of butter under them. Over the ham, put three ounces of lean beef, and over the beef the same quantity of veal. Put in six onions cut in slices, two carrots, and two turnips sliced, two heads of celery, a bunch of sweet herbs, six cloves, and two blades of mace. Let there be a little water at the bottom, and when you have gently drawn it till it sticks, put in a gallon of boiling water. Let it stew SOUPS. 16 gently for two hours ; season with salt and chyan pep- per, and strain it clear off. Having ready a carrot cut in thin pieces about two inches in length, a turnip, two heads of leeks, two of celery, two of endive cut across, two cabbage lettuces uut in the same manner, with a little sorrel and chervil. Put these into a stew-pan, and sweat them over the fire for about fifteen minutes ; then put them into your soup. Set the whole over the fire, and let it boil gently about a quarter of ail hour ; then pour it into your tureen, with the crust of a French roll on the top, and send it to table. Soup and Bouille. Take about five pounds of brisket of beef, roll it up as tight as you can, and fasten it with a piece of tape. Put it into the stew-pan, wdth four pounds of the leg of mutton piece of beef, and about two gallons of w ater. When it boils, take off the scum quite clean, and put in one large onion, two or three carrots, two turnips, a leek, tw o heads of celery, six or seven cloves, and some whole pepper. Stew the whole very gently, close covered, for six or seven hours. About an hour be- fore dinner strain the soup quite clear from the meat. Have ready boiled carrots cut into small pieces with a carrot cutter, turnips cut in balls, spinach, a little chervil and sorrel, two heads of endive, and one or two of celery cut into pieces. Put these into a tureen, with a F rench roll dried after the crumb is taken out. Pour the soup to these boiling hot, and add a little salt and chyan pepper. Take the tape from the beef, or bouille, and place it in a dish by itself, with mashed turnips and sliced carrots, each in a separate small dish, and in this manner serve up the whole. Ox Cheek Soup. Break the bones of the cheek, and after having washed it thoroughly clean, put it into a large stew- pan, with about two ounces of butter at the bottom, and lay the fleshy side of the cheek downwards. Add to it about half a pound of lean ham, cut in slices. roups. 17 Put in four heads of celery cut small, three large onions, two carrots, one parsnip sliced, and tliree blades of mace. Set it over a moderate fire for about a quarter of an hour, when the virtues of the roots will be extracted ; after which put to it four quarts of water, and let it simmer gently till it is reduced to two. If you mean to use it as soup only, strain it clear off, and put in the white part of a head of celery cut in small pieces, with a little browning to make it a fine colour. Scald two ounces of vermicelli, and put into the soup, then let it boil for about ten minutes, and pour it into your tureen, with the crust of a French roll, and serve it up. If it is to be used as a stew, take up the cheek as whole as possible, and have ready a boiled turnip and carrot cut in square pieces, a slice of bread toasted, and cut in small dices, put in a little chyan pepper, strain the soup through a hair sieve upon the whole, and carry it to table. Macaroni Soup. Mix together three quarts of strong broth with one of gravy. Take half a pound of small pipe macaroni, and boil it in three quarts of water, with a little butter in it, till it is tender, after w T hich strain it through a sieve. Cut it in pieces of about two inches in length, and put it into your soup, and boil it up for about ten minutes. Send it to table in a tureen, with the crust of a French roll toasted. Calf’s Head Soup. Wash the head as clean as possible, which you will the more easily do by strewing a little salt on it to take out the slime. After it is thoroughly cleansed, put it into your stew-pan, with a proper quantity of water, and throw in a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with cloves, five or six blades of mace, and some pearl barley. When it has stewed till it is tender, put in some stewed celery. Season it with pepper, pour the soup into your dish, place the head in the middle, and serve it to table. !No. 1. C 13 SOUPS. Peas Soup in the Common Way. Put a quart of split peas into four quarts of water, with some beef bones, or a bttle lean bacon. Add one head of celery cut small, with three or four turnips. Let it boil gently till it is reduced to two quarts, and then work it through a fine sieve with a wooden spoon. Mix a little flour and water well together, and boil them in the soup. Add another head of celery, with chyan pepper and salt to your taste. Cut a slice of bread in dice, fry them a light brown, and put them into your dish; after which pour in the soup, and serve it up. White Peas Soup. Take four or five pounds of lean beef, and put it into six quarts of water with a little salt. When it boils skim it clean, and put in two carrots, three whole onions, a little thyme, and two heads of celery. When you have done this, put in three quarts of peas, and boil them with the meat till the latter is quite tender : then strain the soup through a hair sieve, at the same time rubbing the pulp of the peas so as to extract all their virtue. Split three coss lettuces into four quarters each, and cut them about four inches in length, with a little mint shredded small : then put half a pound of butter in a stew-pan that will hold your soup, and put the lettuce and mint into the butter, with a leek sliced very thin. Stew them a quarter of an hour, shaking them about often ; and after adding a little of the soup, stew them a quarter of an hour longer : then put in your soup, and as much thick cream as will make it white : keep stirring it till it boils, fry a French roll in butter a little crisp, put it in the bottom of the tureen, pour the soup over, and serve it up. Green Peas Soup. Cut a knuckle of veal into thin slices, with one pound of lean ham. Lay them at the bottom of a soup-pot with the veal uppermost. Then put in six onions cut in slices, with two or three turnips, two carrots, three heads of celery cut very small, a little SOUPS. 19 thyme, four cloves, and four blades of mace. Put a little water at the bottom, cover the pot close, and draw it gently, taking particular care the meat does not stick to the pot. When it is properly drawn, put in six quarts of boiling water, and let it stew gently four hours, skimming it well during the time. Take two quarts of peas, and stew them in some of the liquor till tender ; then strain them off and beat them fine, put the liquor in, and mix them up. Take a tammy, or fine cloth, and rub them through till you have rubbed all the pulp out, and then put your soup in a clean pot, with half a pint of spinach juice, and boil it up for about a quarter of an hour : season with salt and a little pepper. If you think your soup not thick enough, take the crumb of a French roll, and boil it in a little of the soup, beat it in a mortar, and mb it through your tammy, or cloth, then put it into your soup, and boil it up. Pour the soup into the tureen, with half apint of young peas and mint, stewed m fresh butter ; then serve it up. Onion Soup. Take eight or ten large Spanish onions, and boil them in milk and water till they become quite soft, changing your milk and water three times while the onions are boiling. When they are quite soft rub them through a hair sieve. Cut an old fowl into pieces, and boil it for gravy, with one blade of mace. Then strain it, and having poured the gravy on the pulp of the onions, boil it gently, with the crumb of a stale penny loaf grated into half a pint of cream, and season it to your taste with salt and ehyan pepper. When you serve it up, grate a crust of brown bread round the edge of the dish. It will contribute much to the deli- cacy of the flavour, if you add a little stewed spinach, or a few heads of asparagus. Milk Soup. Boil a pint of milk with a little salt, and if you please sugar; arrange some sliced bread in a dish, pour 20 SOUPS. over part of your milk to soak it, and keep it hot upo n your stove, taking care that it does not burn. When you are ready to serve your soup, beat up the yolks of five or six eggs, and add them to the rest of the milk. Stir it over the fire till it thickens, and then take it off for fear it should curdle. Milk Soup. Another Way. Take two quarts of new milk, and put into it two sticks of cinnamon, two bay leaves, a small quantity of basket salt, and a little sugar. While these are heating, blanch half a pound of sweet almonds, and beat them up to a paste in a marble mortar. Mix some milk with them by a little at a time, and while they are heating, grate some lemon-peel with the almonds, and a little of the juice ; after which strain it through a coarse sieve ; mix all together, and let it boil up. Cut some slices of French bread, and dry them before the fire ; soak them a little in the milk, lav them at the bottom of the tureen, pour in the soup, and serve it up. Milk Soup, with Onions. Take a dozen of onions, and set them over a stove till they are done without being coloured. Then boil some milk, add to it the onions, and season it with salt alone. Put some button onions to scald, then pass them in butter, and when tender add it to the soup, and serve it up. Rice Soup. Put a pound of rice and a little cinnamon into two quarts of water. Cover it close, and let it simmer very gently till the rice is quite tender. Take out the cinnamon, then sweeten it to your palate ; grate into it half a nutmeg, and let it stand till it is cold. Then beat up the yolks of three eggs, with half a pint of white wine ; mix them well together, and stir them into the rice. Set the whole over a slow fire, and keep stirring it all the time, lest it should curdle. When it is of a good thickness, and boils, take it up, and keep stirring it till you pour it into your dish. SOUPS. 21 Rice Soup , or Potage du Ris. Take a handful of rice, or more, according to the quantity of soup yon make; wash it well in warm wa- ter, rubbing it in your hands, and let it stand two hours and a half or three hours over a slow fire, with good beef and veal gravy : when it is done, season it to your palate, and serve it up. Scotch Barley Broth. Take a leg of beef cut into pieces, and boil it in -three gallons of water, with a sliced carrot and a crust of bread. Let it continue boiling till reduced to one half Then strain it off, and put it again into the pot, with half a pound of barley, four or five heads of celery ; cut small, a bunch of sweet herbs, a large onion, a little parsley chopped small, and a few marigolds. When this has been boiled an hour, put in a large fowl, and Jet it continue boiling till the broth is quite good. Sea- son it with salt to your taste, take out the onion and sweet herbs, and send it to table with the fowl in the middle. The fowl may be used or omitted, according to your own discretion, as the broth will be exceeding good without it. Instead of a leg of beef, some make this broth with a sheep’s head, which must be chopped all to pieces. Others use thick flank of beef, in which case six pounds must be boiled in six quarts of water. Put in the barley with the meat, and boil it very gently for an hour, keeping it clear from scum. Then put in the before -mentioned ingredients, with turnips and carrots clean scraped and pared, and cut into small pieces. Boil all together softly till you find the broth very good, and season it to your palate. Then take it up, pour the broth into your dish or tureen, put the beef in the middle, with carrots and turnips round the dish, and send it hot to table. This is a very comfortable repast, more particularly in cold and severe weather. Soup Lorraine. Ta ke a pound of almonds, blanch them, and beat them in a fine mortar, with a very little water to keep SOUPS. 22 them from oiling. Then take all the white part of a large roasted fowl, with the yolks of four poached eggs, and pound all together as fine as possible. Take three quarts of strong veal broth, let it be very white, and all the fat clean skimmed off. Pour it into a stew T -pan with the other ingredients, and mix them well together. Boil them gently over a slow fire, and mince the white part of another fowl very fine. Season it with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a little beaten mace. Put in a bit of butter about the size of an egg, with a spoonful or two of the soup strained, and set it over the fire to be quite hot. Cut two French rolls into thin slices, and set them before the fire to crisp. Then take one of the hollow loaves which are made for oysters, and fill it with the minced fowl : close the roll as neat as possible, and keep it hot. Strain the soup through a very fine sieve into a clean saucepan, and let it stew till it is of the thickness of cream. Put the crisped bread into the dish or tureen, pom* the soup over it, place the roll with the minced meat in the middle, and serve it up. Soup Maigre. Put half a pound of butter into a deep stew-pan, shake it about, and let it stand till it has done making a noise ; then throw in six middle-sized onions, peeled and cut small, and shake them about. Take a bunch of celery, clean washed and picked, cut it into pieces about half an inch in length; a large handful of spinach clean washed and picked, a good" lettuce (if it can be got) cut small, and a bundle of parsley chopped fine. Shake all these well together in the pan for a quarter of an hour, and then strew in a little flour : stir all together in the stew-pan, and put in two quarts of water. Throw in a handful of hard dry crust, with about a quarter of an ounce of ground pepper, and three blades of mace beat fine. Stir all together, and let it boil gently for about half an hour : then take it off, beat no the yolks of two eggs, and stir them in with one spoon- ful of vinegar. Pom' the whole into a soup dish, and send it to table. If the season of the year w ill admit, sours. 23 a pint of green peas boiled in the soup will be a mate- rial addition. Giblet Soujj. Take four pounds of gravy-beef, two pounds of a scrag of mutton, and two pounds of a scrag of veal. Put these into a saucepan with two gallons of water, and let them stew very gently till the broth begins to have a good taste. Then pour it out, let it stand till it is cold, and skim off all the fat. Take two pair of giblets well scalded and cleaned, put them into the broth, and let them simmer till they are very tender. Take out the giblets, and strain the soup through a cloth. Put a piece of butter rolled in flour into your stew-pan, and make it of a light brown. Have ready, chopped small, some parsley, chives, a little penny-royal, and a small quantity of sweet marjoram. Place the soup over a very slow fire ; put in the giblets, fried butter, herbs, a little Madeira wine, some salt, and chyan pepper. Let them simmer till the herbs are tender, and then send the soup to table with the giblets intermixed. Hodge Podge. Take a pound of beef, a pound of veal, and a pound of scrag of mutton. Cut the beef into small pieces, and put the whole into a saucepan, with two quarts of water. Take an ounce of barley, an onion, a small bundle of sweet herbs, three or four heads of celery washed clean and cut small, a little mace, two or three cloves, and some whole pepper, tied all in a piece of cloth ; and throw into the pot with the meat three turnips pared and cut in two, a large carrot scraped clean and cut in six pieces, and a small lettuce. Cover the pot close, and let it stew very gently for five or six hours ; then take out the spice, sweet herbs, and onion, pom* all into a soup dish, season it with salt, and send it to table. Cow Heel Soup. Take four pounds of lean mutton, three of beef, and two of veal ; cut them across, and put them into a SOUPS. 24 pot, with an old fowl, and four or five slices of lean ham. Let these stew without any liquor over a very slow fire, but be careful they do not burn to the pot. As soon as you find the meat begins to stick to the bottom, stir it about, and put in some good beef broth clear of all the fat : then put in some turnips, carrots, and celery cut small, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a bay leaf ; then add some more clear broth, and let it stew about an hour. While this is doing, take a cow heel, split it, and set it on to boil in some of the same broth. When it is very tender take it off, and set on a stew-pan with some crusts of bread, and some more broth, and let it soak eight or ten minutes. When the soup is stewed till it tastes rich, lay the crusts in a tureen, and the two halves of the cow heel upon them. Then pour in the soup, season it to your palate, and serve it to table. White Soup. Take a knuckle of veal, a large fowl, and a pound of lean bacon: put these into a saucepan with six quarts of water: add half a pound of rice, two anchovies, a few peppercorns, a bundle of sweet herbs, two or three onions, and three or four heads of celery cut in slices. Stew them all together, till the soup is as strong as you would have it, and then strain it through a hair sieve into a clean earthen pan. Let it stand all night, and the next day take off the scum very clean, and pour the liquor into a stew-pan. Put in half a pound of sweet almonds beat fine, boil it for about a quarter of an hour, and strain it through a lawn sieve. Then put in a pint of cream, with the yolk of an egg, stir all together, let it boil a few minutes, then pom- it into your tureen, and serve it up. Gravy Soup. Take a shin of beef, with the bone well chopped, and put it into your saucepan with six quarts of water, a pint of peas, and six onions. Set it over the fire, and let it boil gently till the juices of the meat are drawn out : then strain the liquor through a sieve, and SOUPS. 25 add to it a quart of strong beef broth. Season it to your taste with pepper and salt, and put in a little celery and beet leaves ; and when it has boiled till the vegetables are tender, pour it into a tureen, and take it to table. Spring Stup. T ake a pint of young peas, some chervil, sorrel, young green onions, spring carrots, and turnips, and stew them in some butter till tender ; when done, add what quantity of good brown gravy you wish ; season it with pepper, mace, and salt. Let the turnips and carrots be sliced, and be sure take olf all the fat that rises upon the soup. Hare Soup. Cut a large hare into pieces, and put it into an earthen mug, with three blades of mace, two large onions, a little salt, a red-herring, half a dozen large morels, a pint of red wine, and three quarts of water. Bake it three hours in a quick oven, and then strain the liquor into a stew-pan. Have ready boiled four ounces of French barley, and put in; just scald the liver, and rub it through a sieve with a wooden spoon ; put it into the soup, set it over the fire, but do not let it boil. Keep it stirring till it is on the brink of boil- ing, and then take it off. Put some crisped bread into your tureen, and pour the soup into it. This is a most delicious rich soup, and calculated for large enter- tainments. If any other kind of soup is provided, this should be placed at the bottom of the table. Partridge Soup. Take two large old partridges, skin them, and cut them into pieces, with three or four slices of ham, a little celery, and three large onions cut in slices. Fry them in butter till they are brown, but be sure you do not let them burn. Then put them into a stew-pan, with three quarts of boiling water, a few peppercorns, and a little salt. After it has stew ed gently for two hours, strain it through a sieve, put it again into your No. 2. D SOUPS. 26 stew-pan with some stewed celery and fried bread. When it is near boiling, pour it into your tureen, and serve it up hot. Cray Fish Soup. Boil an hundred fresh cray fish, as also a fine lob- ster, and pick the meat clean out of each. Pound the shells of both in a mortar till they are very fine, and boil them in four quarts of water with four pounds of mutton, a pint of green split peas nicely picked and washed, a large turnip, a carrot, an onion, mace, cloves, an anchovy, a little thyme, pepper, and salt. Stew them on a slow fire till all the goodness is out of the mutton and shells ; then strain it through a sieve, and put in the meat of your cray fish and lobster, but let them be cut into very small pieces, with the red coral of the lobster, if it has any. Boil it half an hour, and just before you serve it up, add a little butter melted thick and smooth : stir it round when you put it in, and let it simmer very gently about ten minutes. Fry a French roll nice and brown, lay it in the middle of the dish, pour the soup on it, and serve it up hot. Eel Soap. Take a pound of eels, which will make a pint of good soup, or any greater weight, in proportion to the quantity of soup you intend to make. To every pound of eels put a quart of water, a crust of bread, two or three blades of mace, a little whole pepper, an onion, and a bunch of sweet herbs. Cover them close, and let them boil till half the liquor is wasted : then strain it, and toast some bread; cut it small, lay the bread in your dish, and pour in the soup. This soup is very bal- samic, and particularlynutritious to weak constitutions. Oyster Soup. Take a pound of skate, four or five flounders, and two eels ; cut them into pieces, just cover them with water, and season with mace, an onion stuck with cloves, a head of celery, two parsley roots sliced, some SOUPS. 27 pepper and salt, and a bunch of sweet herbs. Cover them down close, and after they have simmered about an hour and a half, strain the liquor clear off, and put it into a clean saucepan. In the mean time take a quart of oysters, bearded, and beat them in a mortar with the yolks of six eggs boiled hard. Season it with pepper, salt, and grated nutmeg ; and when the liquor boils put all into it. Let the whole boil till it becomes of the thickness of cream, then take it off, pour it into your tureen, and serve it to table. Mutton Broth. Take a neck of mutton about six pounds, cut it in two, boil the scrag part in a gallon of water, skim it well, and then put in a small bundle of sweet herbs, an onion, and a good crust of bread. When the scrag has boiled about an hour, put in the other part of the mutton, and about a quarter of an hour before the meat is done, put in a turnip or two, some dried marigolds, a few chives, with parsley chopped small, and season it with salt. You may at first put in a quarter of a pound of barley or rice, which both thickens and con- tributes a grateful flavour. Some like it thicken ed with oatmeal, and some with bread ; and, instead of sweet herbs and onions, season it with mace : but this is a mere fancy, and determined by the different palates uf different people. If you boil turnips as sauce to the meat, let it be done by themselves, otherwise the fla- vour, by being too powerful, will injure the broth. Beef Broth. Take a leg of beef with the bone well cracked, wash it thoroughly t out before it loses its colour ; lay it round the fish, and serve them up with melted butter, parsley, and mustard. Oysters. The largest oysters you can get should be chosen for frying. When you have properly cleaned and rin- sed them, strew over them a little grated nutmeg, a blade of mace pounded, a spoonful of flour, and a lit- tle salt. Dip your oysters singly into this, and fry them in hog's lard till they are of a nice brown co- lour. Then take them out of the pan, pour them into your dish, and pour over them a little melted butter, with crumbs of bread mixed. 86 CHAPTER VII. STEWING. SECT. I. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Fillet of Veal. TAKE the fillet of a cow- calf, stuff it well under the udder, and at the bone end quite through to the shank. Put it into the oven, with a pint of water under it, till it is of a fine brown ; then put it into a stew-pan, with three pints of gravy. Stew it till it is tender, and then put a few morels, truffles, a tea- spoonful of lemon-pickle, a large one of browning, one of catsup, and a little chyan pepper. Thicken it with a lump of butter rolled in flour. Take out your veal and put it into your dish, then strain the gravy, pour it over, and lay round forcemeat balls. Garnish with sliced lemon and pickles. Breast of Veal. Put a breast of veal into the stew-pan, with a lit- tle broth, a glass of white wine, a bunch of sweet herbs, a few mushrooms, two or three onions, with some pep- per and salt. Stew it over a gentle fire till it is ten- der ; and when done strain and scum the sauce. Gar- nish with forcemeat balls. Knuckle of Veal. Lay at the bottom of your saucepan four wooden skewers cross ways, then put in the veal, with two or three blades of mace, a little whole pepper, a piece of thyme, a small onion, a crust of bread, and two quarts of water. Cover it down close, make it boil, and then only let it simmer for two hours. When enough, take it up, put it into your dish, and strain the liquor over it. Garnish with lemon. STEWING MEAT. 87 Neck of Veal. Lard it with large pieces of bacon rolled in pepper and shalots and spices. Put it into your stew-pan with about three pints of broth, two onions, a laurel leaf, and a little brandy. Let" it simmer gently till it is ten- der, then put it into your dish, take the scum clean oil' the liquor, and then pour it on the meat. Calf 's Head . After having properly cleaned the head, put it into cold water, and let it lie for an hour ; then carefully take out the brains, the tongue, the eyes, and the bones. Then take a pound of veal, and a pound of beef suet, a very little thyme, a good deal of lemon-peel minced, a nutmeg grated, and two anchovies ; chop all very fine, then grate two stale rolls, and mix the whole together with the yolks of four eggS : save enough of this to make about twenty balls. Take half a pint of fresh mushrooms, clean peeled and washed, the yolks of six eggs, beat fine, half a pint of oysters clean washed, or pickled cockles ; mix these all together, after first stew- ing your oysters. Put the forcemeat into the head and close it, tie it tight with packthread, and put it into a deep stew-pan, with two quarts of gravy and a blade or two of mace. Cover it close, and let it stew two hours. In the meantime, beat up the brains with some lemon-peel cut fine, a little parsley chopped, half a nut- meg grated, and the yolk of an egg. Have some drip- ping boiling, and fry half the brains in little cakes ; fry all the forcemeat balls, and keep them both hot by the fire. Take half an ounce of truffles and morels, then strain the gravy the head was stewed in, and put the truffles and morels to it, with a fe w mushrooms. Boil all together, then put in the rest of the brains, stew them together for a. minute or two, pour the whole over the head, and lay the cakes of fried brains and force- meat balls round it. Garnish with lemons. For a small family, the half of a head may be done equally fine, only properly proportioning the quantity of the 88 STEWING respective articles. — A lamb's head must be done in the very same manner. Calf's Liver. Lard the liver, and put it into a stew-pan, with some salt, whole pepper, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, and a blade of mace. Let it stew till tender, then take it up, and cover it to keep hot. Strain the liquor it was .stewed in, scum oif all the fat, thicken it with a piece of butter rolled in flour, and pour it over the liver. Rump of Beef Half roast your beef, then put it into a stew-pan, with two quarts of w ater, and one of red wine, two or three blades of mace, a shalot, one spoonful of lemon- pickle, two of w alnut catsup, and the same of brown- ing. Put in chyan pepper and salt to your taste. Cover it close, and let it stew 7 over a gentle fire for two hours ; then take up your beef, and lay it in a deep dish, scum off the fat, and strain the gravy ; put in an ounce of morels, and half a pint of mushrooms ; thicken your gravy, and pour it over the beef. Garnish with force- meat balls and horse-radish. Beef Steaks. Pepper and salt your steaks, and lay them in a stew-pan. Put in half a pint of w T ater, a blade or two of mace, an anchovy, a small bunch of herbs, a piece of butter rolled in flour, a glass of white wine, and an onion. Cover the w hole close, and let it stew till the steaks are tender ; then take them out, strew some flour over them, fry them in fresh butter till they are of a nice brown, and then pour off all the fat. Strain the sauce they w ere stew r ed in, pour it into the pan, and toss it up all together till the sauce is quite hot and thick. Then lay your steaks in the dish, pour the sauce over them, and garnish with horse-radish and pickles. Beef Gobbets. Take any piece of beef, except the leg, cut it into small pieces, and put them into a stew-pan. Cover MEAT. 89 them with water, and when they have stewed an hour, put in a little mace, cloves, and whole pepper, tied loosely in a muslin rag, with some celery cut small. Then add some salt, turnips and carrots pared and cut in slices, a little parsley, a bunch of sweet herbs, a large crust of bread, and an ounce either of barley or rice. Cover it close, and let it stew till it is tender. Then take out the herbs, spices, and bread, and have ready a French roll nicely toasted and cut into four parts. Put these into your dish, pour in the meat and sauce, and send it hot to table. Neat's Tongue. Put the tongue into your stew-pan with a sufficient quantity of water to cover it. When it has stewed about two hours, take it out, peel it, and put it in again, with a pint of strong gravy, half a pint of white wine, a bunch of sweet herbs, a little pepper and salt, some mace, cloves, and whole pepper, tied in a muslin rag ; add likewise a spoonful of capers chopped fine, some turnips and carrots sliced, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Let the whole stew together very gently for two hours ; then take out the spice and sweet herbs, put the tongue into your dish, strain the sauce, pour it over, and serve it up. To dress Ox Palates. Having cleansed and boiled your palates, take off the skin, and pick out all that part that is black, and cut them in bits : turn some onions a few times over the fire with a bit of butter, and when it is half done put it in the palates. Moisten your ragout with some good broth, and a little eullis ; season it to your taste, and add a bunch of sweet herbs : when it is well skim- med, and the sauce of a proper consistence, put in a little mustard, and serve it up. Ox Palates forced. Stew your palates whole with forcemeat rolled up ; when done, cut them in half : serve them up with a good sauce of truffles. No. 4. M 90 STEWING To marinade Ox Palates. Having boiled some palates in water till tender, cut them in pieces of what shape you please, and steep them two or three hours in some vinegar, with salt, pepper, a clove of garlic, a little flour and butter, a laurel leaf, and three cloves. The whole marinade must be made luke-warm, then take them out, dry, flour and fry them, and serve them up with fried parsley. SECT. II. STEWING POULTRY, &c. Turkey en Pain. Take a fine turkey, bone it, and put into the car- case a ragout composed of large livers, mushrooms, and streaked bacon, all cut in small dice, and mingled with salt, fine spices, and shred parsley and onions. Sew the turkey up, but take care to shape it nicely ; then put a thin slice of bacon upon the breast, and wrap it in a cloth. Stew it in a pot, but not too large a one, with good broth, a glass of white wine, and a bunch of sweet herbs ; when it is done, strain the liquor the turkey w as done in into a stew -pan, after having taken off the fat ; reduce it to a sauce, adding a spoonful of cullis ; then umvrap your turkey, take off the bacon, dry away the grease, and serve it up w 7 ith the sauce. Fowls. Pursue the same method, at first, in stewing fow ls as you do turkeys ; that is to say, put skew ers cross- ways at the bottom of your stew-pan. When you have laid in your fowl, put to it a quart of gravy, a bunch of celery clean w r aslied and cut very small, with two or three blades of mace. Let it stew' gently till the liquor is reduced to a quantity only sufficient for sauce ; then add a large piece of butter rolled in flour, 91 POULTRY fyc. two spoonsful of red wine, the same quantity of catsup, with pepper and salt to season it. Lay your fowl m the dish, pour the sauce over it, and send it to table. Chickens. Half boil them in as much water as will just cover them, then take them out, cut them up, and take out the breast bones. Put them into your stew-pan with the liquor, and add a blade of mace and a little salt. Cover the pan close, and set it over a slow fire. Let it stew till the chickens are enough, then put the whole into your dish, and serve it to table. Goose Giblets. Put them into scalding water, by which you will be enabled to make them properly clean. When this is done, cut the neck into four pieces, the pinions in two, and slice the gizzard. Put them into your stew-pan with two quarts of water, or, if you have it, mutton broth, with some sweet herbs, an anchovy, a few peppercorns, three or four cloves, a spoonful of catsup, and an onion. When the giblets are tender, put in a spoonful of good cream, thicken it with flour and butter, then pour the whole into a soup-dish, with sippets of bread at the bottom, and serve it up. Ducks. Take two ducks, properly picked and drawn, dust them with flour, and set them before the fire to brown. Then put them into a stew-pan, with a quart of wa- ter, a pint of red wine, a spoonful of walnut catsup, the same of browning, an anchovy, half a lemon, a clove of garlic, a bunch of sweet herbs, with chyan pepper and salt to your taste. Let them stew gently for half an hour, or till you find them tender ; then lay them on a dish, and keep them hot. Skim off the fat from the liquor in which they were stewed, strain it through a hair sieve, add to it a few morels and truf- fles, boil it quick till reduced to little more than half a pint, then pour it over your ducks, and serve them up. 92 STEWING Duck with green Peas. Put into yonr stew-pan a piece of fresh butter, and set it on the fire ; then put in your duck, and turn it in the pan two or three minutes : take out the fat, but let the duck remain. Put to it a pint of good gravy, a pint of peas, two lettuces cut small, a bunch of sweet- herbs, and a little pepper and salt. Cover them close, and let them stew for half an horn*, now and then sha- king the pan. When they are just done, grate in a little nutmeg, with a small quantity of beaten mace, and thicken it either with a piece of butter rolled in Hour, or the yolk of an egg beat up with two or three spoonsful of cream. Shake it all together for two or three minutes, then take out the sweet herbs, lay the duck in the dish, and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with boiled mint chopped very fine. Pigeons. Put into the bodies of your pigeons a seasoning made with pepper and salt, a few cloves and mace, some sweet herbs, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Tie up the necks and vents, and half roast them. Then put them into a stew-pan, with a quart of good gravy, a little white wine, a few peppercorns, three or four blades of mace, a bit of lemon, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a small onion. Stew them gently till they are enough ; then take the pigeons out, and strain the liquor through a sieve : scum it and thicken it in your stew-pan with a piece of butter rolled hi flour ; then put in the pigeons with some pickled mushrooms; stew it about five minutes; put the pigeons into a dish, and pour the sauce over them. Pheasants. Put into your stew-pan with the pheasant as much veal broth as will cover it, and let it stew till there is just enough liquor left for sauce. Then scum it, and put in artichoke bottoms parboiled, a little beaten mace, a glass of wine, and some pepper and salt. If it is not sufficiently substantial, thicken it with a piece POULTRY, fyc. So of butter rolled in flour, and squeeze in a little lemon- juice. Then take up the pheasant, pour the sauce over it, and put forcemeat balls into the dish. Partridges. Truss your partridges in the same manner as for roasting, stuff the craws, and lard them down each side of the breast ; then roll a lump of butter in pep- per, and salt, and beaten mace, and put into the bellies, Sew up the vents, and then put them into a stew-pan with a quart of good gravy, a spoonful of Madeira wine, the same of catsup, a tea-spoonful of lemon- pickle, half the quantity of mushroom powder, one an- chovy, half a lemon, and a sprig of sweet marjoram. Cover the pan close, and stew them half an hour • then take them out and thicken the gravy. Boil it a little, and pour it over the partridges, and lay round them artichoke bottoms boiled and cut in quarters, and the yolks of four hard eggs. Woodcocks must be stewed in the same manner. Cucumbers. Pare twelve middle sized cucumbers, slice them about the thickness of half a crown, and lay them in a coarse cloth to drain. When quite dry, flour them, and fry them in fresh butter till they are brown ; then take them out with an egg-slice, and lay them on a plate before the fire. Take a large cucumber, cut a long piece out of the side, and scoop out all the pulp. Have ready some onions nicely fried, fill the cucumber with these, and season with pepper and salt ; then put in the piece that was cut out, and tie it round with packthread. Flour it, and fry it till it is brown ; then take it out of the pan, and keep it hot. Let the pan remain on the fire, and while you are putting in a lit- tle flour with one hand, keep stirring it with the other. — When it is thick, put in two or three spoonsful of water, half a pint of white or red wine, and two spoons- ful of catsup. Stir them together, and add three blades of mace, four cloves, half a nutmeg grated, and a lit- 94 STEWING tie pepper and salt, all beat fine together. Stir it into the saucepan, and then throw in your cucumbers. Let them stew for two or three minutes, then lay the whole cucumber in the middle of your dish, having first un- tied it, the rest round it, and pour the sauce all over. Garnish the dish vvith fried onions. Peas and Lettuce. Put a quart of green peas, and two large lettuces washed clean, and cut small across, into a stew T -pan, with a quart of gravy, and stew them till they are ten- der. Putina piece of butter rolled in flour, and sea- son with pepper and salt. When of a proper thick- ness, dish them up, and send them to table. Instead of butter you may thicken them with the yolks of four eggs, and if you put two or three thin rashers of lean ham at the bottom of the stew-pan, it will give the whole a very fine flavour. SECT. III. STEWING FISH. Carp and Tench. Having scaled and gutted your fish, wash them thoroughly clean, dry them with a cloth. Then put them into a stew-pan, with a quart of water, the same quantity of red wine, a large spoonful of lemon-pickle, another of browning, a little mushroom-powder, chy- an pepper, a large onion stuck with cloves, and a stick of horse-radish. (If carp, add the blood, which you must be careful to save when you kill them.) Cover your pan close to keep in the steam ; and let them stew gently over a slow fire till your gravy is re- duced to just enough to cover them. Then take the fish out, and put them into the dish you intend for ta- ble. Set the gravy again on the fire, and thicken it with a large lump of butter rolled in flour : boil it a lit- tle, and then strain it over your fish. Garnish with FISH. 95 pickled mushrooms, scraped horse-radish, and the roes of the fish, some of them fried and cut into small pieces, and the rest boiled. Just before you send it up, squeeze into the sauce the juice of a lemon. Barbel. Take a large barbel, scale, gut, and wash it in vine- gar and salt, and afterwards in clear water. Then put it into a stew-pan, with a sufficiency of eel broth to cover it, and add some cloves, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a bit of cinnamon. Let them stew gently till the fish is done, then take it out, thicken the sauce with butter and flour, pour it over the fish, and serve it up. Small Barbel. The small barbel is stewed like a carp, and when large may be done on the gridiron, served up with a white sauce. Trout. Make a stuffing with grated bread, a piece of but- ter, chopped parsley, lemon-peel grated, pepper, salt, nutmeg, savory herbs, and the yolk of an egg, all well mixed together. Fill the belly of your fish with this, and then put it into a stew-pan with a quart of good boiled gravy, half a pint of Madeira wine, an onion, a little whole pepper, a few cloves, and a piece of lemon- peel. Stew it very gently over a slow fire, and when done, take out the fish, and add to the sauce a little flour mixed in some cream, a little catsup, and the juice of a lemon. Let it just boil up, then strain it over your fish, and serve it up. Pike. Make a browning with butter and flour, and put it into your stew-pan with a pint of red wine, a fag- got, four cloves, a dozen of small onions half boiled, with some pepper and salt. Cut your pike into pieces, put it in, and let it stew very gently. When done, take it out, and add to the sauce two anchovies and a spoonful of capers chopped fine. Boil it for a minute or two, and then pour it over the fish. Garnish with bread nicely fried, and cut three-corner ways. 96 STEWING J1 Fricandeau of Pike. Cut a pike into slices, according to its size ; after having scaled, gutted, and washed it, lard all the upper part with bacon cut small, and put it into a stew-pan with a glass of white wine, some good broth, a bunch of sweet herbs, and some fillet of veal cut into small dice : when it is stewed, and the sauce strained off, glaze it like other fricandeaus. It may also be frica- seed like chickens (as a side dish); or you may stew it, and serve it up with a white sauce. Cod. Cut some slices of cod, as for boiling, and season them with grated nutmeg, pepper, salt, and sweet herbs. Put them into a stew-pan with half a pint of white wine and a quarter of a pint of water. Cover them close, and let them simmer for five or six minutes. Then squeeze in the juice of a lemon, and add a few oysters with their liquor strained, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a blade or two of mace. Let them stew very gently, and frequently shake the pan to pre- vent its burning. When the fish is done, take out the onion and sweet herbs, lay the cod in a warm dish, and strain the sauce over it. Soles, Plaice, and Flounders. The same methods must be taken for stewing either of these kinds of fish. Half fry them in butter, then take them out of the pan, and put to the butter a quart of water, two anchovies, and an onion sliced. When they have boiled slowly for about a quarter of an hour, put your fish in again, and let them stew gently about twenty minutes ; then take out the fish, and thicken the sauce with butter and flour. Give the whole a gentle boil, then strain it through a hair-sieve over the fish, and serve them up with oyster, cockle, or shrimp sauce. Lampreys and Eels. Hav ing skinned, gutted, and thoroughly washed vour fish, season them with salt, pepper, a little lemon FISH. 9 ? peel shred fine, mace, cloves, and nutmeg. Put some thin slices of butter into your stew-pan, and having rolled your fish round, put them in, with half a pint of good gravy, a gill of white wine, a bunch of marjorum, winter savory, thyme, and an onion sliced. Let them stew over a gentle fire, and keep turning them till they are tender. Then take them out, and put an anchovy into the sauce. Thicken it with the yolk of an egg- beat very fine, or a piece of butter rolled in flour. When it boils, pour it over the fish, and serve them to table. Prawns, Shrimps, and Cray-Jish. Take about two quarts of either of these fish, and pick out the tails. Put the bodies into your stew-pan, with about a pint of w hite wine (or water with a spoon- ful of vinegar) and a blade of mace. Stew these a quarter of an hour, then stir them together, and strain them. Having done this, wash out your pan, and put into it the strained liquor and tails. Grate into it a small nutmeg, put in a little salt, a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, and shake it all together. Cut a thin slice of bread round a quartern loaf, toast it brown on both sides, cut it into six pieces, lay it close together in the bottom of your dish, pour your fish and sauce hot over it, and send it hot to table. If cray- fish, garnish the dish w ith some of their biggest claws laid thick round. Oysters. Strain the liquor of your oysters, and put it into your saucepan with a little beaten mace, and thicken it with flour and butter. Boil this three or four mi- nutes, then toast a slice of bread, cut it in three-cor- nered pieces, and lay them round the dish into which you intend to put the oysters. Then put into the pan a spoonful of cream with your oysters, shake them round, and let them stew till they are quite hot, but be careful they do not boil. Pour them into a deep plate or soup-dish, and serve them up. Most kinds of hell-fish may be stewed in the same manner. No. 5. N 98 HASHING Oysters scolloped. Wash them thoroughly clean in their own liquor, and then put them into your scollop shells ; strew over them a few crumbs of bread. Lay a slice of butter on the first you put in, then more oysters, and bread and butter successively till the shell is full. Put them into a Dutch oven to brown, and serve them up hot in the shells. Muscles. Wash them very clean in several waters, then put them into a ste w-pan, and cover them close. Let them stew till the shells open, and then pick out the fish clean, one by one. Look under the tongue to see if there be a crab, and if you find one, throw that muscle away. You will likewise find a little tough article under the tongue, which you must pick off. Having thus properly cleansed them, put them into a sauce- pan, and to a quart of muscles, put half a pint of the liquor strained through a sieve ; add a few blades of mace, a small piece of butter rolled in flour, and let them stew gently. Lay some toasted bread in the dish, and when the muscles are done, pour them on it, and serve them up. CHAPTER VIII. HASHING AND MINCING. SECT. I. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Calf’s Head. AS a whole calf's head is rather too large for the consumption of most families at one time, and as we mean to confine our receipts within such compass as may with equal convenience and pleasure suit all, so we shall here give directions for only hashing one -half, observing that should there be occasion for doing the whole, it is only doubling the ingredients here given for a part. MEAT. 99 Wash the head as clean as possible, and then boil it a quarter of an hour. When cold, cut the meat, as also the tongue, into thin broad slices, and put them into a stewing-pan, with a quart of good gravy. When it has stewed three quarters of an hour, put in an an- chovy, a little beaten mace, chyan pepper, two spoons- ful of lemon-pickle, the same quantity of walnut cat- sup, half an ounce of truffles and morels, a slice or tw r o of lemon, some sweet herbs, and a glass of white wine. Mix a quarter of a pound of butter with some flour, and put it in a few minutes before the meat is done. In the mean time put the brains into hot water, and beat them fine in a basin ; then add two eggs, a spoonful of flour, a bit of lemon-peel shred fine, and a little parsley, thyme, and sage chopped small. Beat them all well together, and strew in a little pepper and salt ; then drop them in little cakes into a pan with boiling lard ; fry them of a light brown, and lay them on a sieve to drain. Take your hash out of your pan with a fish slice, and lay it in your dish. Strain your gravy over it, and lay upon it a few mushrooms, force- meat balls, the yolks of two eggs boiled hard, and the brain cakes. Garnish with sliced lemon and pickles. If the company is so large that there should be a ne- cessity for dressing the w hole head, in order to make a pleasing variety, do the other half thus : When it is parboiled, hack it cross and cross with a knife, and grate some nutmeg all over it. Take the yolks of two eggs, a little salt and pepper, a few sweet-herbs, some crumbs of bread, and a little lemon-peel chopped very fine. Strew this over the head, and then put it into a deep dish before a good fire. Baste it with butter, and keep the dish turning till all parts are equally brown. Then take it up, and lay it on your hash. Blanch the half of the tongue, and lay it on a soup plate ; boil the brains with a little sage and parsley, chop them fine, and mix them with some melted but- ter/ and a spoonful of cream, make it quite hot, then pour it over the tongue, and serve it up w T ith the head. The mode of doing this half is usually termed grilling . 100 HASHING Veal Minced. First cut your veal into thin slices, and then into small bits. Put it into a saucepan with half a pint of gravy, a little pepper and salt, a slice of lemon, a good piece of butter rolled in flour, a tea-spoonful of lemon- pickle, and a large spoonful of cream. — Keep shaking t over the fire till it boils, hare sippets of bread ready in the dish, and then pour the whole over them. Gar- nish with sliced lemon. Mutton Hashed. Cut your meat into Imall pieces, as thin as possi- ble ; then boil the bones with an onion, a few sweet herbs, a blade of mace, a very little whole pepper, a little salt, and a piece of crust toasted very crisp. Let it boil till there is just enough for sauce ; then strain it, and put it into a saucepan, with a piece of butter rol- led in flour; then put in the meat, and when it is very hot it is enough. Season with pepper and salt. Have ready some thin bread toasted brown and cut three corner ways, lay them in the dish, and pour over the hash. Garnish with pickles and horse-radish. SECT. IT. HASHING POULTRY and GAME. Turkeys. Cut the flesh into pieces, and take off all the skin, otherwise it will give the gravy a greasy disagreeable taste. Put it into a stew-pan with a pint of gravy, a tea-spoonful of lemon-pickle, a slice of the end of a lemon, and a little beaten mace. Let it boil about six or seven minutes, and then put it into your dish. Thicken your gravy with flour and butter, mix the yolks of two eggs with a spoonful of thick cream, put it into your gravy, and shake it over the fire till it is quite hot, but do not let it boil ; then strain it, and pour it over your turkey. Lay sippets round, serve it up, and garnish with lemon and parsley. POULTRY, 4*C. 101 Or you may do it thus : Cut the remains of a roasted turkey into pieces, and put them into a stew-pan with a glass of white wine, chopped parsley, shalots, mushrooms, truffles, salt, and pepper, and about half a pint of broth. Let it boil half an hour, which will be sufficient to do it ; then add a pounded anchovy and a squeeze of lemon. Scum the fat clear from the sauce, then pour the whole into your dish over sippets made of toasted bread cut thin. Garnish with sliced lemon. Fowls. Cut up your fowl as for eating, then put it into a stew-pan with half a pint of gravy, a tea-spoonful of lemon-pickle, a little catsup and a slice of lemon. Thicken it with flour and butter ; and just before you dish it up, put in a spoonful of good cream. Lay sippets in the dish, and pour the hash over them. Chickens. Cut a cold chicken into pieces, and if you have no gravy, make a little with the long bones, onion, spice, &c. Flour the chicken, and put into the gravy, with white pepper, salt, nutmeg, and grated lemon. When it boils, stir in an egg, and mix it with a little cream. As soon as it is thoroughly hot, squeeze in a little lemon-juice, then put the whole into a dish, strew over it some crumbs of bread, brown them with a salamander, and then serve it up hot to table. Partridges or Woodcocks . Having cut it up in the usual manner as when first brought to the table, work the entrails very fine with the back of a spoon, put in a spoonful of red wine, the same of water, and half a spoonful of vinegar ; cut an onion in slices, and put it into rings ; roll a little butter in flour, put them all into your pan, and shake it over the fire till it boils ; then put in your bird, and when it is thoroughly hot, lay it in your disli, with sippets round it. Strain the sauce over the bird. 102 HASHING POULTRY, fyc. and lay the onions in rings. This will make a deli- cate dish for two people either for dinner or supper ; and where there is a large company is an ornamental addition to other articles provided. Wild Ducks. Cut up your duck in the usual manner, then put it into a pan, with a spoonful of good gravy, the same of red wine, and an onion sliced exceeding thin. When it has boiled two or three minutes, lay the duck in the dish, and pour the gravy over it. You may add a tea- spoonful of caper liquor, or a little browning. Hares. Cut your hare into small pieces, and if you have any of the pudding left, rub it small, and put to it a gill of red wine, the same quantity of water, half an anchovy chopped fine, an onion stuck with four cloves, and a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour. Put these all together into a saucepan, and set it over a slow fire, shaking it at times that the whole may be equally heated. When it is thoroughly hot (for you must not let any kind of hash boil, as it will harden the meat) take out the onion, lay sippets in and round the dish, pour in your hash, and serve it hot to table. Hare Jugged. After you have cut your hare into small pieces, lard them here and there with very thin slips of bacon ; season them with a little pepper and salt, and put them into an earthen jug, with a blade or two of mace, an onion stuck with cloves, and a bunch of sweet herbs. Cover the jug close, that the steam may be retained ; set it in a pot of boiling water, and about three hours will do it. Then turn it out of the jug into the dish, take out the onion and sweet herbs, and send it hot to table. With respect to the larding, it may be used or omitted, at your own discretion. Gar nish with sliced lemon. 103 FRICASEEING MEAT, §C. Venison. Cut your venison into very thin slices, and put it into a ste wing-pan, with a large glass of red wine, a spoonful of catsup, the same of browning, an onion stuck with cloves, and half an anchovy chopped fine. When it boils, put in your venison, and let it remain till it is thoroughly heated. Then pour the whole together into a soup dish, with sippets underneath. Garnish with red cabbage or current-jelly. CHAPTER IX. FRICA S SEEING. SECT. I. BUTCHER S MEAT, POULTRY, &c. JYeafs Tongue. HAVING boiled the tongue till it is tender, take it up, peel it, and cut it into slices. Put them into a frying-pan with a proper quantity of butter, and let them fry till they are brown. Then pour the butter clean out of the pan, and put in some good gravy, with a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, some pepper and salt, a blade or two of mace, and a gill of wine. When they have all simmered together about half an hour, take out the slices of tongue, strain the gravy, and put all again into the pan, with the yolks of two eggs beat fine, a little nutmeg grated, and a small piece of butter rolled in flour. Shake the whole well together, and when it has simmered for about five minutes, put the tongue into your dish, pour over the sauce, and serve it to table. Sweetbreads White. These must be likewise first scalded, and then cut into long slices ; when done, thicken some veal gravy with a piece of butter rolled in flour, a little cream, 104 FRIC ASEETNG some grated lemon-peel and nutmeg, white pepper, salt, and a little mushroom powder. When these have stewed together about ten minutes, put in the sweet- breads, shake the pan, and let them simmer ; then squeeze in a little lemon-juice, pour the whole into your dish, and serve it up. Calf's Feet a-la-Carmagot. Parboil them, then take out the long bones, split them, and put them into a stew-pan, with some veal gravy, and a glass of white wine. Add likewise the yolks of two or three eggs beat up with a little cream, grated nutmeg, salt, and a piece of butter. Stir it till it is of a good thickness ; and when the whole has gen- tly simmered for about ten minutes, put the feet into your dish, and pour the sauce over them. Garnish with sliced lemon. Tripe. Cut your tripe into pieces, about two inches square, and put them into your stew-pan, with as much white wine as will half cover them, a little white pepper, sliced ginger, a blade of mace, a bunch of sweet herbs, and an onion. When it has stewed a quarter of an hour, (which will be sufficient time to do it,) take out the herbs and onion, and put a little shred parsley, the juice of a lemon, half an anchovy cut small, a cup full of cream, and either the yolk of an egg, or a piece of butter. Season it to your taste ; and when you dish it up, garnish with lemon. Chickens. Skin your chickens, and then cut them into small pie- ces, after which wash them with warm water, and tho- roughly dry them with a cloth. Season them with salt and pepper, and put them into a stew-pan with a lit- tle water, a large piece of butter, a bunch of thyme, and sweet-marjorum, an onion stuck with cloves, a lit- tle lemon-pickle, a glass of wine, an anchovy, a little mace and nutmeg. When the chickens have stewed FISH. 105 till they are tender, take them up, and lay them in your dish. Thicken your gravy with butter rolled in flour, and then strain it. Beat up the yolks of three eggs, and mix them with a gill of rich cream ; put this into your gravy, and shake it over the fire till it is quite hot, but do not suffer it to boil. Pour this over your chick- ens, and serve them up. Garnish with sliced lemon. Rabbits White. T o fricasee rabbits white, you must cut them up as for eating, and then put them into a stew-pan, with a pint of veal gravy, a little beaten mace, a slice of le- mon, an anchovy, a tea-spoonful of lemon pickle, a lit- tle chyan pepper and salt. Let them stew over a gen- tle fire till they are enough, then take them out, and lay them in your dish. Thicken the gravy with butter and flour ; then strain it, and add the yolks of two eggs, mixed with a gill of thick cream, and a little gra- ted nutmeg. Stir these well together, and when it be- gins to simmer, pour it quite hot over your rabbits, and serve them to table. Rabbits Brown. Cut them into pieces as before directed, and fry them in butter of a light brown. Then put them in- to a stew-pan, with a pint of water, a slice of lemon, an anchovy, a large spoonful of browning, the same of catsup, a tea-spoonful of lemon-pickle, and a little chy- an pepper and salt. Stew them over a slow fire till they are enough, then thicken your gravy with butter and flour, and strain it. Dish up your rabbits, and pour the gravy over them. Garnish with sliced lemon. SECT. IT. FRICASEEING FISH, Ac. Cod Sounds. Having properly cleaned them, cut them into small pieces, boil them in milk and water, and then set them to drain. Then put them into a clean saucepan, No. 5. O 106 FRICASEEING. and season them with beaten mace, grated nutmeg, and a little pepper and salt. Add to them a cup full of cream, with a good piece of butter rolled in flour, and keep shaking the whole till it is thoroughly hot, and of a good thickness. Then pour all into your dish, and serve it up, with a sliced lemon for garnish. Soles. When you have skinned, gutted, and thoroughly washed them, cut off their heads, and dry the fish in a cloth. Then cut the flesh very carefully from the bones and fins on both sides ; cut it first long- ways, and then across, in such divisions that each fish may make eight pieces. Put the heads and bones into a stew- pan, with a pint of water, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, a little whole pepper, two or three blades of mace, a small piece of lemon-peel, a little salt, and a crust of bread. Cover it close, and let it boil till it is half wasted : then strain it through a fine sieve, and put it into a stew-pan with your fish. Add to them half a pint of white wine, a little parsley chopped fine, a few mushrooms cut small, a little grated nutmeg, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Set altogether over a slow fire, and keep shaking the pan till the fish are enough : then dish them up with the gravy, and serve them to table. Garnish with lemon. Eels. Skin three or four large eels, and notch them from end to end. Cut them into four or five pieces each, and lay them in some spring water for half an hour to crimp : then dry them in a cloth, and put them into your pan, with a piece of fresh butter, a green onion or two, and a little chopped parsley. Set the pan on the fire, and shake them about for a few minutes : then put in about a pint of white wine, and as much good broth with pepper, salt, and a blade of mace. Stew all together about half an hour : and then add the yolks of four or five eggs beat smooth, and a little grated nutmeg, and chopped parsley. Stir the whole well FISH 107 together, and let it simmer four or five minutes, then squeeze in the juice of a lemon, give the whole a good shake, pour it into your dish, and serve it up hot. Gar- nish with lemon. Tench are exceeding fine dressed in the same man- ner. Flounders. Take a sharp knife, and carefully raise the flesh on both sides from head to tail ; then take the bone clear out, and cut the flesh into pieces in the same manner as directed for soles, only let the pieces of each consist of six instead of eight. Dry your fish well, then sprin- kle them with salt, dredge them with flour, and fry them in a pan of hot beef dripping, so that the fish may be crisp. When so done, take them out of the pan, drain the fat from them, and set them before the fire to keep warm. Then clean the pan, and put into it some minced oysters, with their liquor clean strained, some white wine, a little gr ated nutmeg, and three an- chovies. Stew these together a few minutes, and then put in your fish, with about a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Shake them well together, and, when quite hot, dish up your fish with the sauce, and serve them to table. Garnish with yolks of eggs, boiled hard and minced, and sliced lemon. You may fricasee sal- mon, or any other firm fish, in the same manner. Skate or Thornback. These must be prepared for dressing in the same manner as directed for soles and flounders ; after which put them into your stew-pan. To one pound of the fish put a quarter of a pint of water, a little beaten mace, and grated nutmeg ; a small bunch of sweet herbs, and a little salt. Cover it close, and let it boil about a quarter of an hour. Then take out the sweet herbs, put in a quarter of a pint of good cream, a piece of l)utter, the size of a walnut, rolled in flour, and a glass of white wine. Keep shaking the pan all the time one way till your fricasee is thick and smooth ; then dish it up, and garnish with lemon. 108 FRICASEEING FISH, $C. Oysters . Put a little butter into your stew-pan, with a slice of ham, a faggot of parsley and sweet herbs, and an onion stuck with two cloves. Let them stew over a slow fire a few minutes, and then add a little flour, some good broth, and a piece of lemon-peel ; then put in your oysters, and let them simmer till they are tho- roughly hot. Thicken with the yolks of two eggs, a little cream, and a bit of good butter, take out the ham, faggot, onion, and lemon-peel, and add the squeeze of a lemon. Give the whole a shake in the pan, and when it simmers put it into your dish, and serve it up. Eggs. Boil your eggs hard, and take out some of the yolks whole ; then cut the rest in quarters, yolks and whites together. Set on some gravy with a little shred thyme and parsley in it, and let it boil about a minute. Then put in your eggs, with a little grated nutmeg, and shake them up with a piece of butter till it is of a proper thickness. Pour it into your dish, and serve it up. Eggs with Onions and Mushrooms. When you have boiled the eggs hard take out the yolks whole, and cut the whites in slips, with some onions and mushrooms. Fry the onions and mush- rooms, throw in the whites, and turn them about a lit- tle. If there is any fat, pour it off. Flour the onions, &c. and put to them a little good gravy. Boil this up, then put in the yolks, and add a little pepper and salt. Let the whole simmer for about a minute, and then dish it up. Mushrooms. If your mushrooms are very small (such as are usually termed buttons) you must only wipe them with a flannel ; but if large peel them, scrape the insides, and throw them into some salt and water. After ly- ing some time, take them out and boil them in water RAG00ING MEAT. 109 with some salt in it ; and when they are tender, put in a little shred parsley, an onion stuck with cloves, and a glass of wine. Shake them up with a good piece of butter rolled in flour, and put in three spoons- ful of thick cream, and a little nutmeg cut in pieces. When the whole has stood two or three minutes, take out the onion and nutmeg, then pour the mushrooms with their sauce into your dish, and serve them to table. Skirrits. Wash them thoroughly clean, and when you have boiled them till they are tender, skin the roots, and cut them into slices. Have ready a little cream, a piece of butter rolled in flour, the yolk of an egg beaten fine, a little grated nutmeg, two or three spoonsful of white wine, with a very little salt, and stir all together. Put your roots into the dish, and pour the sauce over them. Artichoke Bottoms. These may be fricaseed either dried or pickled. If dried, lay them in warm water for three or four hours, shifting the water two or three times. Having done this, put some cream into your saucepan, with a large piece of fresh butter, and stir them together one way till the butter is melted. Then put in the arti- chokes, and when they are hot dish them up. CHAPTER X. RAGOOS. SECT. I. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Breast of Veal. HALF roast it, then take out the bones, and put the meat into a stew-pan, with a quart of veal gravy, an ounce of morels, and the same quantity of truffles. RAG00ING 110 When the meat has stewed till it is tender, and just before you thicken the gravy, put in a few oysters, some pickled mushrooms, and pickled cucumbers, all cut in small square pieces, and the yolks of four eggs boiled hard. In the meantime, cut your sweetbread into pieces, and fry it of a light brown. When the veal is properly stewed, dish it up, and pour the gravy hot upon it. Lay your sweetbread, morels, truffles, and eggs round it, and garnish with pickled barberries. In placing this dish on the table, if the company is large, and the provisional entertainment designed to be set out in taste, if for supper, it must be placed at the bottom of the table, but if for dinner, either on the top or on one side. It may likewise be stewed tender, and served with a white sauce of young peas or button mushrooms. Neck of Veal. Cut your veal into steaks, and flatten them with a rolling-pin ; then season them with salt, pepper, cloves, and mace ; lard them with bacon strewed with lemon- peel and thyme, and dip them in the yolks of eggs. Having done this, make up a sheet of strong cap-paper at the four corners in the shape of a dripping-pan, but- ter it all over, as also the gridiron, and set over a char- coal fire, pat in your meat, and let it do leisurely, keep turning it often, and baste it well in order to keep in the gravy. When it is enough have ready half a pint of strong gravy, season it high, and put into it mushrooms and pickles, forcemeat balls dipped in the yolks of eggs, oysters stew T ed and fried, to lay round and at the top of your dish, and then serve it up. If for w hite ragoo, put in a gill of white wine, with the yolks of tw o eggs beat up with two or three spoonsful of cream ; but if a brown ragoo, put in red wine. Sweetbreads Brown. First scald your sweetbreads, and then cut them into slices. Beat up the yolk of an egg very fine, with a little flour, pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Dip your slices of sweetbread into this, and fry them of a nice light MEAT. Ill brown. Then thicken a little good gravy with some flour ; boil it well, and add catsup or mushroom pow- der, a little juice of a lemon, and chyan pepper. Put your sweetbreads into this ; and when they have stewed in it about five minutes, put the whole into your dish, and seve it up. Garnish with sliced lemon. Calf's Feet . After boiling the feet, take out the bones, cut the meat into slices, and brown them in a frying-pan ; then put them into some good beef gravy, with morels, truf- fles, pickled mushrooms, and the yolks of four eggs boiled hard, some salt, and a little butter rolled in flour. Let them stew together about five minutes, and then put all into your dish. Garnish with sliced lemon. Pig's Feet and Ears. First boil them till they are tender, then cut the ears into long narrow slices, and split the feet down the middle. Put into a stew-pan about half a pint of beef gravy, a tea-spoonful of lemon-pickle, a large one of catsup, the same of browning, and a little salt. Thicken these with apiece of butter rolled in flour, and let the feet and ears be yolked over with egg, then roll them in bread-crumbs and seasoning ; let the feet be nicely browned with a salamander, or fried ; then let them boil gently, and, when enough, lay the feet in the middle of the dish, and the ears round them. Then strain your gravy, pour it over them, and garnish with curled parsley. A Fore-quarter of House Lamb. Take off the knuckle- bone, and then with a sharp knife cut off the skin. Lard it well with bacon, and fry it of a nice light brown. Then put it into a stew- pan, and just cover it over with mutton gravy, a bunch of sweet herbs, some pepper, salt, beaten mace, and a little whole pepper. Cover it close, and let it stew half an hour. Then pour out the liquor, and take care to keep the lamb hot. Strain off the gravy, and have ready half a pint of oysters fried brown. Pour all the 112 RAGOOING fat from them, and put them into the gravy, with two spoonsful of red wine, a few mushrooms, and a bit of butter rolled in flour. Boil all together, with the juice of half a lemon. Lay the lamb in the dish, pour the sauce over it, and send it to table. Beef. Take any piece of beef that has got some fat to it, cut the meat clean from the bones, strew some flour over it, and fry it in a large stew-pan with butter till it is of a nice brown : then cover it in the pan with gravy made in the following manner : take about a pound of coarse beef, half a pound of veal cut small, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion, some whole black and white pepper, two or three blades of mace, four or five cloves, a piece of carrot, a slice of lean bacon steeped in vinegar, and a crust of bread toasted brown. Add to these a quart of wine, and let it boil till it is half wasted. In the meantime pour a quart of boiling wa- ter into the stew-pan, cover it close, and let it stew gently. As soon as the gravy is done, strain it, and pour it into the stew-pan with the beef. Then take an ounce of truffles and morels cut small, with some fresh or dried mushrooms, and two spoonsful of catsup. Cover it close, and let it stew till the sauce is thick and rich. Have ready some artichoke bottoms quartered, and a few pickled mushrooms. Boil the whole toge- ther, and when your meat is tender, and the sauce rich, lay the meat in a dish, pour the sauce over it, and serve it hot to table. Mutton. Cut some thin slices, the right way of the grain, off a fine leg of mutton, and pare off all the skin and fat. Then put a piece of butter into your stew-pan, and shake some flour over it ; add to these two or three slices of lemon, with half an onion cut very small, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a blade of mace. Put your meat with these into the pan, stir them together for five or six minutes, and then put in half a pint of gra- vy, with an anchovy minced small, and a piece of but- 113 POULTRY, fyc. ter rolled in flour. Stir the whole well together, and when it has stewed about ten minutes, dish it up, and serve it to table. Garnish with pickles and sliced lemon. SECT. II. RAGOOS o/POULTRY, VEGETABLES, $c. A Goose. Skin your goose, dip it into boiling water, and break the breast-bone, so that it may lay quite flat. Season it with pepper and salt, and a little mace beaten tc powder ; lard it, and then flour it all over. Having done this, take about a pound of beef suet, and put into your stew-pan, and when melted, boiling hot, put in the goose. As soon as you find the goose brown all over, put in a quart of beef gravy boiling hot, a bunch of sweet herbs and a blade of mace, a few cloves, some whole pepper, two or three small onions, and a bay- leaf, Cover the pan quite close, and let it stew gen- tly over a slow fire. If the goose is small, it will be done in an hour, but if large, an hour and a half. Make a ragoo for it in the following manner : Cut some tur- nips and carrots into small pieces, with three or four onions sliced, boil all enough, put them, with half a pint of rich beef gravy, into a saucepan, with some pepper, salt, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Let them stew about a quarter of an hour. When the goose is done, take it out of the stew-pan, drain the liquor it was stewed in well from it, put it into a dish, and pour the ragoo over it. Livers of Poultry. Take the liver of a turkey, and the livers of six fowls, and put them into cold water. When they have laid in it some time, take them out, and put the fowls’ livers into a saucepan, with a quarter of a pint of gravy, a spoonful of mushrooms either pickled or fresh, the No. 5. P RAGOOING 214 same quantity of catsup, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Season them to your taste with pepper and salt, and let them stew gently about ten minutes. In the meantime, broil the turkey's liver nicely, and lay it in the middle, with the stewed livers round it. P our the sauce over all, and garnish with lemon. Oysters. When the oysters are opened, save as much of the liquor as you can, and strain it through a sieve ; wash your oysters clean in warm water, and then make a batter as follows : Beat up the yolks of two eggs with half a nutmeg grated, cut a little lemon-peel small, a good deal of parsley, and add a spoonful of the juice of spinach, two spoonsful of cream or milk, and beat the whole up with flour till it is a thick batter. Having prepared this, put a piece of fresh butter into a stew- pan, and when it is thoroughly hot, dip your oysters one by one into the batter, then roll them in crumbs of bread grated fine, and fry them quick and brown, which done, take them out of the pan, and set them before the fire. Have ready a quart of chesnuts, shel- led and skinned, and fry them in the batter. When enough, take them up, pour the fat out of the pan, shake a little flour all over the pan, and rub a piece of butter all round with a spoon. Then put in the oys- ter-liquor, three or four blades of mace, the chesnuts, and half a pint of white wine. Let them boil, and have ready the yolks of two eggs beat up, with four spoonsful of cream. Stir all well together, and when it is thick and fine, lay the oysters in the dish, and pour the ragoo over them. Garnish with chesnuts and lemon. Muscles. Put your muscles into a saucepan, and let them stew till they are open. Then take them out of the shells, and save the liquor. Put into your stew-pan a bit of butter, a few mushrooms chopped, a little pars- ley and grated lemon-peel. Stir these together, and then put in some gravy, with pepper and salt ; thicken VEGETABLES. 115 it with a little flour, boil it up, put in the muscles with their liquor, and let them be hot ; then pour them into your dish, and serve them up. There are some mus- cles of a pernicious quality, to know which, when you stew them, put a half-crown into the saucepan, and if it is discoloured, the muscles are not wholesome. Mushrooms. Take some large mushrooms, peel them, and cut the inside. Then broil them on a gridiron, and when the outside is brown, put them into a stew-pan, with a sufficient quantity of water to cover them. When they have stewed ten minutes, put to them a spoonful of white wine, the same of browning, and a little vine- gar. Thicken it with butter and flour, give it a gentle boil, and serve it up with sippets round the dish. Artichoke Bottoms. Soak them in warm water for two or three hours, changing the water. Then put them into the stew- pan with some good gravy, mushroom catsup or pow- der, and a little chyan pepper and salt. When they boil, thicken with a little flour, put them into your dish, pour the sauco over them, and serve them up hot to table. Asparagus. Take an hundred of grass, scrape them clean, and put them into cold water ; then cut them as far as is good and green, and take two heads of endive, with a young lettuce, and an onion, and cut them all very small. Put a quarter of a pound of butter into your stew-pan, and when it is melted, put in the grass, with the other articles. Shake them about, and when they have stewed ten minutes, season them with a little pepper and salt, strew in a little flour, shake them about, and then pour in half a pint of gravy. Let them stew till the sauce is very good and thick, and then pour all into your dish. Garnish with a few of the small tops of the grass. 116 RAGOOING Cucumbers. Slice two cucumbers and two onions, and fry them together in a little butter. Then drain them in a sieve, and put them into a saucepan, with a gill of gravy, two spoonsful of white wine, and a blade of mace. When they have stewed five or six minutes, put in a piece of butter, about the size of a walnut, rolled in flour, a little salt and chyan pepper. Shake them well together till the whole is of a good thick- ness, then put them into your dish, and serve them up. Cucumbers May likewise be stewed with forcemeat. Cut your cucumbers into two or three pieces, according to the size, take all the inside out with a cutter, put in your forcemeat, then put some butter into your stew-pan along with the cucumbers : after they have stewed some time add some good gravy, a glass of white wine, and let them go on till tender ; then strain off the gra- vy, season and thicken it with cullis. Put it into the dish with the cucumbers ; the dish must be glazed. Cauliflowers . Take a large cauliflower, wash it thoroughly clean, and separate it into pieces, in the same manner you would do for pickling. Stew them in a nice brown cullis till they are tender. Season with pepper and salt, and put them into a dish with the sauce over them. Garnish with a few sprigs of the cauliflower nicely boiled. French Beans. Take a quarter of a peck of beans, string them clean, but do not split them. Cut them across in three parts, and lay them in salt and water. After remain- ing thus about a quarter of an hour, dry them well in a cloth, then put them into a pan, and when you have fried them of a nice brown colour, take them out, pour all the fat from the pan, and put into it a quarter of a pint of hot water. Stir it into the pan, by degrees. VEGETABLES. 117 and let it boil. Then take a quarter of a pound of fresh butter rolled in a little flour, two spoonsful of catsup, one of mushroom pickle, four of white wine, an onion stuck with six cloves, two or three blades ofbeaten mace, a little grated nutmeg, and a little pepper and salt. Stir it altogether for a few minutes, and then put in the beans. Shake the pan till the whole is well mixed together, then take out the onion, and pour all into your dish. Garnish with what most pleases your fan- cy ; but pickles may be preferred. This makes a very pretty side dish. Endive. Take three heads of fine white endive, wash them thoroughly clean, and then put them into salt and wa- ter for three hours. Cut off the green heads of a hun- dred of asparagus, chop the rest small as far as it runs tender, and throw it likewise into salt and water. Then take a bunch of celery, wash and scrape it clean, and cut it into pieces about three inches long. Put it into a saucepan with a pint of water, three or four blades of mace, and some white pepper tied in a cloth. When it has stewed till it is quite tender, put in the asparagus, shake the saucepan, and let it simmer till the grass is enough. Take the three heads of endive out of the water, drain them, and leave the largest whole. Pull the others asunder, leaf by leaf, and put them into the stew-pan, with a pint of white wine. Cover the pan close, and let it boil till the endive is just enough. Then put in a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, cover the pan again, and keep shaking it. When the endive is enough, take it up, and lay the whole head in the middle ; then with a spoon take out the celery and grass, and lay them round it, and the other parts of the endive over that. Pour the liquor out of the saucepan into the stew-pan, stir the whole together, and season it with salt. Have ready the yolks of two eggs, beat up with a quarter of a pint of cream, and a little grated nutmeg. Mix this with the sauce, keep stirring it one way till it is thick, then pour it over the ragoo, and serve it to table. 118 RAGOOING VEGETABLES. Cabbage Force JYIaigre. Take a fine white-heart cabbage, wash it clean, and boil it about five minutes. Then drain it, cut the stalk flat to stand in a dish, carefully open the leaves, and take out the inside, leaving the outside leaves whole. Cut what you take out very fine : then take the flesh of two or three flounders or plaice, and chop it with the cabbage, the yolks and whites of four eggs boiled hard, and a handful of picked parsley. Beat all together in a mortar ith a quarter of a pound of melted butter. Then mix it up with the yolk of an egg, and a few crumbs of bread. Fill the cabbage with this, and tie it together : put it into a deep stew- pan, with half a pint of water, a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in a little flour, the yolks of four eggs boil- ed hard, an onion stuck with six cloves, some whole pepper and mace tied in a piece of muslin, half an ounce of truffles and morels, a spoonful of catsup, and a few pickled mushrooms. Cover it close, and let it simmer an hour. When it is done, take out the onion and spice, lay the cabbage in your dish, untie it, pour over the sauce, and serve it to table. Asparagus forced in French Rolls. Cut a piece out of the crust of the tops of three French rolls, and take out all the crumb : but be care- ful that the crusts fit again in the places from whence they were taken. Fry the rolls brown in fresh but- ter : then take a pint of cream, the yolks of six eggs well beat fine, and a little salt and nutmeg. Stir them together over a slow fire till it begins to be thick. Have ready an hundred of small grass boiled, and save tops enough to stick the rolls with. Cut the rest of the tops small, put them into the cream, and fill the loaves with them. Before you fry the rolls, make holes thick in the top crusts to stick the grass in, which will make it look as if it was growing. This makes a very handsome side dish at a second course. Peas Franqois. Shell a quart of peas, cut a large Spanish onion GRAVIES. 119 small, and two cabbage or Silesia lettuces. Put them into a stew-pan, with half a pint of water, a little salt, pepper, mace, and nutmeg, all beaten. Cover them close, and let them stew a quarter of an hour. Then put in a quarter of a pound of fresh butter rolled in a little flour, a spoonful of catsup, and a piece of butter about the sixe of a nutmeg. Cover them close, and let it simmer a quarter of an hour, observing frequent- ly to shake the pan. Have ready four artichoke bottoms fried, and cut in two, and when you pour the peas with their sauce into a dish, lay them round it. If you choose to make a pleasing addition, do a cabbage in the manner directed in the article Cab- bage Force-maigre, and put in the middle of the dish. CHAPTER XI. GRAVIES, CULLISES, and other SAUCES. IN the preceding chapters we have, where a proper opportunity offered, directed the necessary sauces to be made for each respective article ; but as there are many others which are used for different purposes, and on various occasions, we shall place them in the present chapter, beginning with Gravies. To make beef gravy, take a piece of the chuck, or neck, and cut it into small pieces ; then strew some flour over it, mix it well with the meat, and put it into the saucepan, with as much water as will cover it, an onion, a little allspice, a little pepper, and some salt. Cover it close, and when it boils take off the scum, then throw in a hard crust of bread, or some raspings, and let it stew till the gravy is rich and good, then strain it off, and pour it into your sauce boat. J1 very rich Gravy. Take a piece of lean beef, a piece of veal, and a piece of mutton, and cut them into small bits : then 120 SAUCES. take a large saucepan with a cover, lay your beef at the bottom, then your mutton, then a very little piece of bacon, a slice or two of carrot, some mace, cloves, whole black and white pepper, a large onion cut in slices, a bundle of sweet herbs, and then lay on your veal. Cover it close, and set it over a slow fire for six or seven minutes, and shake the saucepan often. Then dust some flour into it, and pour in boiling water till the meat is something more than covered. Cover your saucepan close, and let it stew till it is rich and good. Then season it to your taste with salt, and strain it off. This gravy will be so good as to answer most purposes. Brown Gravy. Put a piece of butter, about the size of a hen’s egg, into a saucepan, and when it is melted shake in a little flour, and let it be brown. Then by degrees stir in the following ingredients : half a pint of water, and the same quantity of ale or small beer that is not bit- ter ; an onion and a piece of lemon-peel cut small, three cloves, a blade of mace, some wdiole pepper, a spoon- ful of mushroom pickle, the same quantity of catsup, and an anchovy. Let the whole boil together a quar- ter of an hour, then strain it, and it will be good for sauce for various dishes. Sauce Italian. Pu r a piece of fresh butter into your stew-pan, with some mushrooms, onions, parsley, and the half of a laurel leaf, all cut fine ; turn the whole over the fire some time, and shake in a little flour ; moisten it with a glass of white wine, as much good broth, adding salt, pepper, and a little mace beat fine. Let it boil half an hour ; then skim away the fat, and serve it up. You may give it a fine flavour while boiling, by putting in a bunch of sweet herbs, hut take them out before you serve the sauce. Sauce Piquante. Put a bit of butter with two sliced onions into a stew-pan, a carrot, a parsnip, a little thyme, laurel, SAUCES. 121 basil, two cloves, two shalots, a clove of garlic, and some parsley; turn the whole over the fire till' it be well coloured ; then shake in some flour, and moisten it with some broth and a spoonful of vinegar. Let it boil over a slow' fire, and skim and strain it through a sieve. Season it with salt and pepper, and serve it with any dish you wish to be heightened. Sauce Piquante, to serve cold. Cut some salad herbs very fine, with half a clove of garlic, and two shalots : mix the whole with mus- tard, sweet oil, a dash of vinegar, some salt and pepper. A Cullis for all sorts of Ragoos and rich Sauces. Take about two pounds of leg of veal, and two slices of lean ham, and put them into a stew-pan, with two or three cloves, a little nutmeg, a blade of mace, some parsley roots, tw T o carrots cut in pieces, some shalots, and two bay-leaves. Set them over a slow fire, cover them close, and let them do gently for half an hour, taking care they do not burn : then put in some beef broth, let it stew till it is as rich as re- quired, and then strain it off for use. A Family Cullis. Take a piece of butter rolled in flour, and stir it in your stew pan till your flour is of a fine yellow colour ; then put in some thin broth, a little gravy, a glass of white wine, a bundle of parsley, thyme, laurel and sweet-basil, two cloves, a little nutmeg or mace, a few mushrooms, and pepper and salt. Let it stew an hour over a slow fire, then skim all the fat clean off, and strain it through a lawn sieve. A White Cullis. Cut a piece of veal into thin bits, and put it into a stew-pan, with two or three slices of lean ham, and two onions, each cut into four pieces ; then put in some broth, and season with mushrooms, parsley., green onions, and cloves. Let it stew till the virtues No. 6. Q 122 SAUCES. of all are pretty well extracted, then take out all your meat and roots with a skimmer, put in a few crumbs of bread, and let it stew softly. Take the white part of a young fowl, and pound it in a mortar till it is very fine, put this into your cullis, but do not let it boil ; if it does not appear sufficiently white, you must add two dozen of blanched almonds. When it has stewed till it is of a good rich taste, strain it off. A Cullis for Fish. Broil a jack or pike till it is properly done, then take off’ the skin, and separate the flesh from the bones. Boil six eggs hard, and take out the yolks ; blanch a few almonds, beat them to a paste in a mortar, and then add the yolks of the eggs : mix these well with butter, then put in the fish, and pound ail together. Then take half a dozen of onions, and cut them into slices, two parsnips, and three carrots. Set on a stew-pan, put into it a piece of butter to brown, and when it boils put in the roots ; turn them till they are brown, and then pour in a little broth to moisten them. When it has boiled a few minutes, strain it into another sauce- pan ; then put in a whole leek, some parsley, sweet- basil, half a dozen cloves, some mushrooms and truffles, and a few crumbs of bread. When it has stewed gently a quarter of an hour, put in the fish, &c. from the mortar. Let the whole stew some time longer, but be careful it does not boil. When sufficiently done, strain it through a coarse sieve. This is a very pro- per sauce to thicken all made dishes. Ham Sauce. Cut some thin slices of the lean part of a dressed ham, and beat it with a rolling-pin to a mash. Put it into a saucepan, with a tea-cup full of gravy, and set it over a slow fire : but keep stirring it to prevent its sticking at the bottom. When it has been on some time, put in a bunch of sweet herbs, half a pint of beef gravy, and some pepper. Cover it close, let it stew over a gentle fire, and when it is quite done, strain it off. This is a very good sauce for any kind of veal. SAUCES. 123 Essence of Ham. Take three or four pounds of lean ham, and cut it into pieces about an inch thick. Lay them in the bottom of a stew-pan, with slices of carrots, parsnips, and three or four onions cut thin. Let them stew till they stick to the pan, but do not let it burn. Then pour on some strong veal gravy by degrees, some fresh mushrooms cut in pieces, (but if not to be had, mush- room powder,) truffles and morels, cloves, basil, pars- ley, a crust of bread, and a leek. Cover it down close, and when it has simmered till it is of a good thickness and flavour, strain it off. If you have preserved the gravy from a dressed ham, you may use it with the before-mentioned ingredients, instead of the ham, which will make it equally good, but not quite so high flavoured. A Sauce for Lamb. Take a bit of butter, and mix it with shred pars- ley, shalots, and a little crumb of bread grated very fine. Put the whole into a stew-pan with a glass of good broth and as much white wine, and let it boil some little time. Season it with pepper and salt ; and when you use it squeeze a lemon into it. Sauce for any kind of Roast Meat. Take an anchovy, wash it clean, and put to it a glass of red wine, some gravy, a shalot cut small, and a little juice of a lemon. Stew these together, strain it off, and mix it with the gravy that runs from the meat. A White Sauce. Put some good meat broth into a stew-pan, with a good piece of crumb of bread, a bunch of parsley, sha- lots, thyme, laurel, basil, a clove, a little grated nut- meg, some whole mushrooms, a glass of white wine, salt, and pepper. Let the whole boil till half is con- sumed, then strain it through a sieve ; and when you are ready to use it, put in the yolks of three eggs, beat up with some cream, and thicken it over the fire, taking care that the eggs do not curdle. This sauce 124 SAUCES. may be used with all sorts of meat or fish that is done white. Sauce for most kinds of Fish. Take some mutton or veal gravy, and put to it a little of the liquor that drains from your fish. Put it into a saucepan, with an onion, an anchovy, a spoonful of catsup, and a glass of white wine. Thicken it with a lump of butter rolled in flour, and a spoonful of cream. If you have oysters, cockles, or shrimps, put them in after you take it off the fire, but it will be exceeding good without. If you have no cream, instead of white wine you must use red. Sauce Nonpareil. Take a turnip, carrot, and some mushrooms, cut them into a dish, and put them into a stew-pan with some butter. Let them go gently on till tender, then add some good gravy, a glass of white wine, some salt, mace, and pepper, with a few girkins and a dash of vinegar. Roll a little butter in flour to thicken your sauce. This sauce is very good for braised lamb. Sauce a-la-Menehout. Put a little cullis into a stew-pan, with a piece of imtter rolled in flour, salt and pepper, the yolks of two eggs, three or four shalots cut small, and thicken it over the fire. This sauce should be thick, and may be used with every dish that is done a-la- Saint Mene- hout. It is spread over the meat or fish, which is afterwards covered with grated bread, and browned with a hot salamander. Egg Sauce. Boil two eggs till they are hard : first chop the whites, then the yolks, but neither of them very fine, and put them together. Then put them into a quarter of a pound of good melted butter, and stir them well together. Bread Sauce. Cut a large piece of crumb from a stale loaf, and SAUCES. 125 put it into a saucepan, with half a pint of water, an onion, a blade of mace, and a few pepper-corns in a bit of cloth. Boil them a few minutes, then take out the onion and spice, mash the bread very smooth, and add to it a piece of butter and a little salt. Anchovy Sauce. Take an anchovy, and put into it half a pint of gravy, with a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in a little flour, and stir all together till it boils. You may add, at your discretion, a little lemon-juice, cat- sup, red wine or walnut liquor. Shrimp Sauce. Was h half a pint of shrimps very clean, and put them into a stew-pan, with a spoonful of anchovy li- quor, and half a pound of butter melted thick. Boil it up for five minutes, and squeeze in half a lemon. Toss t up, and pour it into your sauce-boat. Oyster Sauce. When the oysters are opened, preserve the liquor, and strain it through a fine sieve. Wash the oysters very clean, and take off the beards. Put them into a stew-pan, and pour the liquor over them. Then add a large spoonful of anchovy liquor, half a lemon, two blades of mace, and thicken it with butter rolled in flour. Put in half a pound of butter, and boil it up till the butter is melted. Then take out the mace and le- mon, and squeeze the lemon-juice into the sauce. Give it a boil, stirring it all the time, and put it into your sauce-boat. To melt Butter. Keep a plated or tin saucepan for the purpose only of melting butter. Put a little water at the bottom, and a dust of flour. Shake them together, and cut the butter in slices. As it melts shake it one way ; .et it boil up, and it will be smooth and thick. 126 SAUCES. Caper Sauce. Take some capers, chop half of them very fine, and put the rest in whole. Chop also some parsley, with a little grated bread, and some salt ; put them into butter melted very smooth, let them boil up, and then pour it into your sauce-boat. Shalot Sauce. Chop five or six shalots very fine, put them into a saucepan with a gill of gravy, a spoonful of vinegar, and some pepper and salt. Stew them for a minute, and then pour them into your dish or sauce-boat. Lemon Sauce for boiled Foivls. Take a lemon and pare off the rind, then cut it into slices, take the kernels out, and cut it into small square bits ; blanch the liver of the fowl, and chop it fine ; mix the lemon and liver together in a boat, pour on some hot melted butter, and stir it up. Gooseberry Sauce. Put some coddled gooseberries, a little juice of sor- rel, and a little ginger, into some melted butter. Fennel Sauce Boil a bunch of fennel and parsley, chop it very small, and stir it into some melted butter. Mint Sauce. Wash your mint perfectly clean from grit or dirt, then chop it very fine, and put to it vinegar and sugar. A relishing Sauce. o Put into a small stew-pan two slices of ham, a clove of garlic, a laurel leaf, and two sliced onions ; let them heat, and then add a little broth, two spoonsful of cul- lis, and a spoonful of tarragon vinegar. Stew them an hour over a slow fire, then strain it through a sieve, and pour it into your sauce-boat. To crisp Parsley. When you have picked and washed your parsley quite clean, put it into a Dutch oven, or on a sheet of SAUCES. 127 paper. Set at a moderate distance from the fire, and keep turning it till it is quite crisp. Lay little bits of butter on it, but not to make it greasy. This is a much better method than that of frying. Sauce for Wild Ducks , Teal, $c. Take a proper quantity of veal gravy, with some pepper and salt ; squeeze in the juice of two Seville oranges, and add a little red wine ; let the red wine boil some time in the gravy. Pontiff Sauce. Put two or three slices of lean veal, and the same of ham, into a stew-pan, with some sliced onions, car- rot, parsley, and a head of celery. When brown, add a little white wine, some good broth, a clove of garlic, four shalots, two cloves, a little coriander, and two slices of lemon-peel. Boil it over a slow fire till the juices are extracted from the meat, then skim it, and strain it through a sieve. Just before you use it, add a little cullis with some parsley chopped very fine. Aspic Sauce. Infuse chervil, tarragon, burnet, garden cress, and mint, into a little cullis for about half an hour ; then strain it, and add a spoonful of garlic- vinegar, with a little pepper and salt. Forcemeat Balls. Take half a pound of veal and half a pound of suet cut fine, and beat them in a marble mortar or wooden bowl, shred a few sweet herbs fine, a little mace dried, a small nutmeg grated, a little lemon-peel cut very fine, some pepper and salt, and the yolks of two eggs. Mix all these well together, then roll some of it in small round balls, and some in long pieces. Roll them in flour, and fry them of a nice brown. If they are for the use of white sauce, instead of frying, put a uttle water into a saucepan, and when it boils, put them in, and a few minutes will do them. J 28 MADE DISHES. Lemon Pickle. Take about a score of lemons, grate off the out rinds very thin, and cut them into quarters, but leave the bottoms whole. Rub on them equally half a pound of bay-salt, and spread them on a large pewter dish. Either put them in a cool oven, or let them dry gradu- ally by the fire, till the juice is all dried into the peels ; then put them into a well glazed pitcher, with an ounce of mace, and half an ounce of cloves beat fine, an ounce of nutmeg cut into thin slices, four ounces of garlic peeled, half a pint of mustard-seed bruised a little, and tied in a muslin bag. Pour upon them two quarts of boiling white wine vine- gar, close the pitcher well up, and let it stand five or six days by the fire. Shake it well up every day, then tie it close, and let it stand three months to take off the bitter. When you bottle it, put the pickle and emon into a hair sieve, press them well to get out the liquor, and let it stand till another day : then pour olf the fine, and bottle it. Let the other stand three or four days, and it will refine itself. Pour it off and bot- tle it, let it stand again, and bottle it till the whole is re- fined. It may be put into any white sauce and will not hurt tile colour. It is very good for fish sauce and made dishes. One tea-spoonful is enough for white, and two for brown sauce for a fowl. It is a most useful pic- kle, and gives a pleasant flavour. Always put it in be- fore you thicken the sauce, or put any cream in, lest the sharpness should make it curdle. CHAPTER XII. MADE D I S HE S. SECT. I. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Bombarded Veal. TAKE a fillet of veal, and having clean cut out the bone, make a forcemeat thus : take the crumb of a penny loaf, half a pound of fat bacon scraped, an an- MEAT. 129 chovy, two or three sprigs of sweet mar jorum, a little lemon-peel, thyme, and parsley. Chop these well to- gether, and season them to your taste with salt, chyan pepper, add a little grated nutmeg. Mix up all toge- ther with an egg and a little cream ; and with this forcemeat fill up the place from whence the bone was taken. Then make cuts all round the fillet at about an inch distance from each other. Fill one nich with forcemeat, a second with spinach that has been well boiled and squeezed, and a third with crumbs of bread, chopped oysters, and beef marrow, and thus fill up the holes round the fillet ; wrap the caul close round it, and put it into a deep pot, with a pint of water. Make n coarse paste to lay over it, in order to prevent the oven giving it a disagreeable taste. When it is taken out of the oven, skim off the fat, and put the gravy into a stew-pan, with a spoonful of mushroom catsup, another of lemon-pickle, five boiled artichoke bottoms cut into quarters, tw T o spoonsful of browning, and half an ounce of morels and truffles. Thicken it with butter rolled in flour, give it a gentle boil, put your veal into the dish, and pour your sauce over it. Fricandeau of Veal. Take the thick part of the leg of veal, shape it nicely oval, lard it well, and put it into boiling water. Let it boil up once, then take it out, and put into your stew-pan some slices of veal, roots, sw eet herbs, with salt, pepper, and mace. Put in half a pint of gravy, then put in your fricandeau, covering it with some pep- per and butter. Let it go gently on for three hours, then take it out and glaze it. You may serve it w 7 ith sorrel sauce, which is almost always used, or glazed onions, or endive sauce. If the larded fricandeau lies a few hours in water, it will be a great deal the whiter. Veal Olives. Cut some large collopsoff a fillet of veal, and hack them well with the back of a knife. Spread very thin- ly forcemeat over each, then roll them up, and either fJo. 6 . it MADE DISHES. 130 toast or bake them. Make a ragoo of oysters or sweet- breads cut in square bits, a few mushrooms and morels, and lay them in the dish with rolls of veal. Put nice brown gravy into the dish, and send them up hot, with forcemeat balls round them. Garnish with lemon. Grenadines of Veal. These are done the same as the fricandeau, ex- cepting that the veal is cut into slices. Three pieces make a dish ; and they are served with the same sauces. Veal Cutlets en Papilotes. Cut them thin, and put them in square pieces of white paper, with salt, pepper, parsley, shalots, mush- rooms, all shred fine, with butter ; twist the paper round the cutlets ; letting the end remain uncovered ; rub the outside of the paper with butter ; lay the cut- lets upon the gridiron over a slow fire, with a sheet of buttered paper under them. Serve them in the papers. Porcupine of a Breast of Veal. T are a fine large breast of veal, bone it, and rub it over with the yolks of two eggs. Spread it on a table, and lay over it a little bacon cut as thin as possible, a handful of parsley shred fine, the yolks of five hard boiled eggs chopped small, a little lemon-peel cut fine, the crumb of a penny loaf steeped in cream, and sea- son to your taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Roll the breast of veal close, and skewer it up. Then cut some fat bacon, the lean of ham that has been a little boiled, and pickled cucumbers, about two inches long. Lard the veal with this in rows, first ham, then bacon, and then cucumbers, till you have larded every part of it. Put it into a deep earthen pot, with a pint of water, cover it close, and set it in a slow* oven for two hours. Wh en it comes from the oven, skim off the fat, and strain the gravy through a sieve into a stew T -pan. Put into it a glass of w hite wine, a little lemon-pickle and caper liquor, and a spoonful of mushroom catsup. Thicken it with a little butter rolled in flour, lay your MEAT. 131 porcupine on the dish, and pour your sauce over it. Have ready a roll of forcemeat made thus : take the crumb of a penny loaf, half a pound of beef suet shred fine, the yolks of four eggs, and a few chopped oysters. Mix these well together, and season it to your taste with chyan pepper, salt, and nutmeg. Spread it on a veal caul, and having rolled it up close like a collared eel, bind it in a cloth, and boil it an hour. This done, cut it into four slices, lay one at each end and the others on the sides. Have ready your sweet-bread cut in slices and fried, and lay them round it with a few mushrooms. This makes a grand bottom dish at that time of the year w r hen game is not to be had. Fricandeau of Veal a-la-Bourgeois. Cut some lean veal into thin slices, lard them with streaked bacon, and season them with pepper, salt, beaten mace, cloves, nutmeg, and chopped parsley. Put in the bottom of your stew-pan some slices of fat bacon, lay the veal upon them, cover the pan, and set it over the fire for eight or ten minutes, just to be hot and no more. Then with a brisk fire, brown your veal on both sides, and shake some flour over it. Pour in a quart of good broth or gravy, cover it close, and let it stew gently till it is enough. Then take out the slices of bacon, skim all the fat off clean, and beat up the yolks of three eggs, with some of the gravy. Mix all together, and keep it stirring one way till it is smooth and thick. Then take it up, lay your meat in the dish, pour the sauce over it, and garnish with lemon. Calf's Head Surprise. When you have properly cleansed it for dressing, scrape a pound of fat bacon very fine, take the crumbs of two penny loaves, a small nutmeg grated, and sea- son it to your taste with salt, chyan pepper, and a lit- tle lemon-peel. Beat up the yolks of six eggs, and mix all together into a rich forcemeat. Put a little of it into the ears, and the rest into the head. Then put it into a deep pot, just wide enough to admit it, and 132 MADE DISHES. put to it two quarts of water, half a pint of white wine, a blade or two of mace, a bundle of sweet herbs, an anchovy, two spoonsful of walnut and mushroom catsup, the same quantity of lemon-pickle, and a little salt and chyan pepper. Lay a coarse paste over it to keep in the steam, and put it for two hours and a half into a very quick oven. When you take it out, lay your head in a soup-dish, skim off the fat from the gravy, and strain it through a hair sieve into a stew- pan. Thicken it with a lump of butter rolled in flour, and when it has boiled a few minutes, put in the yolks of six eggs well beaten, and mixed with half a pint of cream. Have ready boiled a few forcemeat balls, and half an ounce of truffles and morels, but do not stew them in the gravy. Pour the gravy over the head, and garnish with truffles and morels, forcemeat balls, barberries, and mushrooms. This makes an elegant top dish, and is not very expensive. A Calf's Pluck. Roast the heart stuffed with suet, sweet herbs, and a little parsley, all chopped small, a few crumbs of bread, some pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a little lemon - peel, all mixed up with the yolk of an egg. Boil the lights with part of the liver, and when they are enough chop them very small, and put them into a saucepan with a piece of butter rolled in flour, some pepper and salt, and a little juice of lemon. Fry the other part of the liver with some thin slices of bacon. Lay the mince at the bottom of the dish, the heart in the middle, and the fried liver and bacon round, with some crisped parsley. Serve them up with plain melted butter in a sauce-boat. Loin of Veal en Epigram. Roast a loin of veal properly for eating, then take it up, and carefully cut off the skin from the back part without breaking it. Cut out the lean part, but leave the ends whole, to contain the following mince- meat : mi^ce all the veal very fine with the kidney MEAT. 133 part, put it into a little gravy, enough to moisten it with the gravy that comes from the loin Put in a little pepper and salt, some lemon-peel shred fine, the yolks of three eggs, and a spoonful of catsup. Thicken it with a little butter rolled in flour. Give it a shake or two over the fire, put it into the loin, and pull the skin gently over it. If the skin should not quite cover it, give the part wanting a brown with a hot iron, or put it into an oven for about a quarter of an hour. Send it up hot, and garnish with lemon and barberries. Pillow of Veal. Half roast a neck or breast of veal, then cut it in- to six pieces, and season it with pepper, salt, and nut- meg. Take a pound of rice, and put it to a quart of broth, some mace, and a little salt. Stew it over a stove on a very slow fire till it is thick ; but butter the bottom of the pan you do it in. Beat up the yolks of six eggs, and stir them into it. Then take a little round deep dish, butter it, and lay some of the rice at the bottom. Then lay the veal in a round heap, and cover it over all with rice. Rub it over with the yolks of eggs, and bake it an hour and a half. Then open the top, and pour in a pint of good rich gravy. Send it hot to table, and garnish with a Seville orange cut in quarters. Shoulder of Veal a-la-Piedmontoise. Cut the skin of a shoulder of veal, so that it may hang at one end ; then lard the meat with bacon or ham, and season it with pepper, salt, mace, sweet herbs, parsley, and lemon-peel. Cover it again with the skin, stew it with gravy, and when it is tender take it up. Then take sorrel, some lettuce chopped small, and stew them in some butter with parsley, onions, and mushrooms. When the herbs are tender, put to them some of the liquor, some sweet-breads and bits of ham. Let all stew together a short time ; then lift up the skin, lay the stewed herbs over and under, cover it again with the skin, moisten it with melted 134 MADE DISHES. butter, strew over it crumbs of bread, and send it tc the oven to brown. Serve it up hot with some good gravy in the dish. Sweetbreads of Veal a-la-Dauphine. Take three of the largest sweetbreads you can get, and open them in such a manner that you can stuff in forcemeat. Make your forcemeat with a large fowl : skin it, and pick off all the flesh. Then take half a pound of fat and lean bacon, cut it very fine, and beat them in a mortar. Season it with an anchovy, some nutmeg, a little lemon-peel, a very little thyme, and some parsley. Mix these up with the yolks of two eggs, fill your sweetbreads with it, and fasten them together with fine wooden skewers. Put layers of bacon at the bottom of a stew-pan, and season them with pepper, salt, mace, cloves, sweet herbs, and a large onion sliced . Lay upon these thin slices of veal, and then your sweet- breads. Cover it close, let it stand eight or ten mi- nutes over a slow fire, and then pour in a quart of boiling water or broth, and let it stew gently for two hours. Then take out the sweetbreads, keep them hot, strain the gravy, skim all the fat off, and boil it up till it is reduced to about half a pint. Then put in the sweetbreads, and let them stew two or three mi- nutes in the gravy. Lay them in a dish, and pour the gravy over them. Garnish with lemon. Sweetbreads en Gordineere. Parboil three sweetbreads : then take a stew-pan, and put into it layers of bacon, or ham and veal ; over which lay the sweetbreads, with the upper sides down- wards. Put in a layer of veal and bacon over them, a pint of veal broth, and three or four blades of mace. Stew them gently three quarters of an hour ; then take out the sweetbreads, strain the gravy through a sieve, and skim off the fat. Make an amulet of yolks of eggs, in the following manner : beat up four yolks of eggs, put two on a plate, and set them over a stew- pan of boiling water, with another plate over it, and MEAT. 135 .t will be soon done. Put a little spinach juice into the other half, and serve it the same. Cut it out in sprigs of what form you please, put it over the sweetbreads in the dish, and keep them as hot as you can. Thick- en the gravy with butter rolled in flour and two yolks of eggs beat up in a gill of cream. Put it over the fire, and keep stirring it one way till it is thick and smooth. Pour it over the sweetbreads, and send it to table. Garnish with lemon and beet-root. Sweetbi'ecids a-la-daub. Take three of the largest and finest sweetbreads you can get, and put them for five minutes into a saucepan of boiling water. Then take them out, and when they are cold, lard them with small pieces of bacon. Put them into a stew-pan with some good veal gravy, a little lemon-juice, and a spoonful of browning. Stew them gently a quarter of an hour, and a little before they are ready thicken with flour and butter. Dish them up, and pour the gravy over them. Lay round them bunches of boiled celery, or oyster patties ; and garnish with barberries or parsley. Scotch Collops. Cut your collops off the thick part of a leg of veal, about the size and thickness of a crown piece, and put a piece of butter browned into your frying-pan, then lay in your collops, and fry them over a quick fire. Shake and turn them, and keep them on a fine froth. When they are of a nice light brown take them out, put them into a pot, and set them before the fire to keep warm. Then put cold butter again into your pan, and fry the collops as before. When they are done, and properly brown, your the liquor from them into a stew-pan, and add to it half a pint of gravy, half a lemon, an anchovy, half an ounce of morels, a large spoonful of browning, the same of catsup, two spoons- ful of lemon-pickle, and season it to your taste with salt and chyan pepper. Thicken it with butter and flour, let it boil five or six minutes, and then put in 136 MADE DISHES. your collops, and shake them over the fire, but be careful not to let them boil. When they have sim- mered a little, take them out, and lay them in the dish. Then strain your gravy, and pour it hot on them. Lay on them forcemeat balls, and little slices of bacon curled round a skewer and boiled. Throw a few mushrooms over them, and garnish with bar- berries and lemon. Beef Collops. Take a large rump stake, or any piece of beef that is tender, and cut it into pieces in the form of Scotch collops, but larger. Hack them a little with a knife, then flour them, and having melted a little butter in your stew-pan, put in your collops, and fry them quick for about two minutes. Then put in a pint of gravy, a bit of butter rolled in flour, and season it with pep- per and salt. Cut four pickled cucumbers into thin slices, a few capers, half a walnut, and a little onion shred fine. Put these into the pan, and having stew- ed the whole together about five minutes, put them all hot into your dish, and send them to table. Garnish with lemon. Beef a-la-daub. Take a rump of beef, and cut out the bone, or a part of the leg of mutton piece, or what is usually call- ed the mouse-buttock, and cut some fat bacon into slices as long as the beef is thick, and about a quarter of an inch square. Take four blades of mace, double that number of cloves, a little allspice, and half a nut- meg grated fine. Chop a good handful of parsley, and some sweet-herbs of all sorts very fine, and season with salt and pepper. Roll the bacon in these, and then take a large larding-pin, and with it thrust the bacon through the beef. Having done this, put it in- to a stew-pan, with a quantitv of brown gravy suf- ficient to cover it. Chop three blades of garlic very fine, and put in some fresh mushrooms, two large onions, and a carrot.. Stew it gently for six hours, then MEAT. 137 take it out, strain off the gravy, and skim off all the fat. Put your meat and gravy into the pan again, and add to it a gill of white wine ; and if you find it not suf- ficiently seasoned, add a little more pepper and salt. Stew it gently for half an hour more, and then add some artichoke bottoms, morels and truffles, some oysters, and a spoonful of vinegar. Then put the meat into a soup dish, and pour the sauce over it. Beef Tremblent. Take a brisket of beef, and tie up the fat end quite tight. Put it into a pot of water, and let it boil gently for six hours. Season the water with a little salt, a handful of allspice, two onions, two turnips, and a carrot. In the mean time, put a piece of butter into a stew-pan, and melt it, then put in two spoonsful of flour, and stir it till it is smooth. Put in a quart of gravy, a spoonful of catsup, the same of browning, a gill of white wine, and some turnips and carrots cut into small pieces. Stew them gently till the roots are tender, and season with pepper and salt. Skim the fat clean off, put the beef in the dish, and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with any kind of pickles. Beef Kidneys a-la-Bourgeoise. Cut them in thin slices, and set them over the fire, with a bit of butter, salt, pepper, parsley, onions, and a small clove of garlic ; the whole shred small : when done, take them off the fire, but do not let them lie long, as they will become tough. Add a few drops of vinegar and a little cullis. Beef kidneys may also be served a-la-braise, with sauce piquante. Beef a-la-mode. The most proper parts for this purpose are a small buttock, a leg of mutton piece, a clod or part of a large buttock. Being furnished with your meat, take two dozen of cloves, as much mace, and half an ounce nt allspice beat fine, chop a large handful of parsley, and all sorts of sweet herbs fine ; cut some fat bacon as !No. 6. S 138 MADE DISHES. long as the beef is thick, and about a quarter of an inch square, and put it into the spice, dec. and into the beef the same. Then put the beef into a pot, and cover it with water. Chop four large onions very fine, and six cloves of garlic, six bay leaves, and a hand- ful of champignons, or fresh mushrooms, put all into the pot, with a pint of porter or ale, and half a pint of red wine ; put in some pepper and salt, some chyan pepper, a spoonful of vinegar, strew three handfuls of bread raspings, sifted fine, all over ; cover the pot close, and stew it for six hours, or according to the size of the piece ; if a large piece, eight hours. Then take the beef out, put it into a deep dish, and keep it hot over some boiling water ; strain the gravy through a sieve, and pick out the champignons or mushrooms ; skim all the fat off clean, put it into your pot again, and give it a boil up ; if not seasoned enough, season it to your liking ; then put the gravy into your beef, and send it hot to table. If you like it best cold, cut it in slices with the gravy over it, which will be a strong jelly. Beef a-la-Royal. Take all the bones out of a brisket of beef, and make holes in it about an inch from each other. Fill one hole with fat bacon, a second with chopped pars- ley, and a third with chopped oysters. Season these stuffings with pepper, salt, and nutmeg. When the beef is completely stuffed, put it into a pan, pour upon it a pint of wine boiling hot, dredge it well with flour, and send it to the oven. Let it remain there three hours, and when it is taken out, skim off all the fat, put the meat into your dish, and strain the gravy over it. Garnish with pickles. Beef Olives. Cut some steaks from a rump of beef about half an inch thick, as square as you can, and about ten inches long ; then cut a piece of fat bacon as wide as the beef, and about three parts as long. Put part of the yolk of MEAT. 139 an egg on the bacon. Lay some good savory force- meat, on that some of the yolk of an egg on the force- meat, and then roll them up, and tie them round with a string in two places. Strew on some crumbs of bread, and over them some of the yolk of an egg. Then fry them brown in a large pan, with some beef dripping, and when they are done take them out, and lay them to drain. Melt some butter in a stew-pan, put in a spoonful of flour, and stir it well till it is smooth. — Then put in a pint of good gravy, with a gill of white wine, and then the olives, and let them stew an hour. Add some mushrooms, truffles, and morels, forcemeat balls, sweet-breads cut in small pieces, and some ox- palates. Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon, and season it with pepper and salt. Shake them up, and having carefully skimmed off the fat, lay your olives in the dish, and pour the gravy over them. Garnish with lemon and beet root. Bouille Beef. Put the thick end of a brisket of beef into a kettle and cover it with water. Let it boil fast for two hours, then stew it close by the fire side for six hours more, and fill up the kettle as the water decreases. Put in with the beef some turnips cut in little balls, some car- rots, and some celery. About an hour before the meat is done, take out as much broth as will fill your soup dish, and boil in it for an hour, turnips and carrots cut in little round or square pieces, with some celery, and season it to your taste with salt and pepper. Serve it up in two dishes, the beef in one dish, and the soup in another. You may put pieces of fried bread in your soup, and boil in a few knots of greens ; and when you would have your soup very rich add a pound or two of mutton chops to your broth when you take it from the beef, and let them stew in it for half an hour ; but remember to take out the mutton before you serve the soup up. Sirloin of Beef en Epigram. Ro ast a sirloin of beef and when it is done, take 140 MADE DISHES. it off the spit, carefully raise the skin, and draw it off. Then cut out the lean part of the beef, but observe not to touch either the ends or sides. Hash the meat in the following manner : cut it into pieces about the size of a crown piece, put half a pint of gravy into a stew-pan, an onion chopped line, two spoonsful of catsup, some pepper and salt, six small pickled cucum- bers cut in thin slices, and the gravy that comes from the beef, with a little butter rolled in flour. Put in the meat, and shake it up for five minutes. Then put it on the sirloins, draw the skin carefully over, and send it to table. Garnish with lemon and pickles. The Inside of a Sirloin of Beef forced. Lift up the fat of the inside, cut out the meat quite close to the bone, and chop it small. Take a pound of suet, and chop that small ; then put to them some crumbs of bread, a little lemon-peel, thyme, pep- per and salt, half a nutmeg grated, and two shalots chopped fine. Mix all together with a glass of red wine, and then put the meat into the place you took it from cover it with the skin and fat, skewer it down with fine skewers, and cover it with paper. The pa- per must not be taken ofl' till the meat is put on the dish, and your meat must be spitted before you take out the inside. Just before the meat is done, take a quarter of a pint of red wine, and two shalots shred small ; boil them, and pour it into the dish, with the gravy that comes from the meat. Send it hot to table, and garnish with lemon. The inside of a rump of beef forced must be done nearly in the same manner, only lift up the outside skin, take the middle of the meat, and proceed as be- fore directed. Put it into the same place, and skewer it down close. A Round of Beef forced. Rub your meat first with common salt, then a little bay-salt, some salt petre, and coarse sugar. Let it lay a full week in this pickle, turning it every day. On the day it is to be dressed, wash and dry it, lard it a MEAT. 141 little, and make holes, which fill with bread crumbs, marrow, or suet, parsley, grated lemon-peel, sweet herbs, pepper, salt, nutmeg, and the yolk of an egg, made into stuffing. Bake it with a little water and some small beer, whole pepper, and an onion. When it comes from the oven, skim the fat clean off, put the meat into your dish, and pour the liquor over it. In- stead of baking, you may boil it, but it must be done gradually over a slow fire. When cold, it makes a handsome side-board dish for a large company. Beef Steaks rolled. Take some beef steaks, and beat them with aclea ver till they are tender ; make some forcemeat with a pound of veal beat fine in a mortar, the flesh of a fowl, half a pound of cold ham, or gammon of bacon, fat and lean ; the kidney fat of a loin of veal, and a sweet- bread, all cut very fine ; some truffles and morels stewed, and then cut small two shalots, some parsley, and a little thyme, some lemon -peel, the yolks of four eggs, a nutmeg grated, and half a pint of cream. Mix all these together, and stir them over a slow fire for ten minutes. Put them upon the steaks, and roll them up ; then skewer them tight, put them into the frying-pan, and fry them of a nice brown. Then take them from the fat, and put them into a stew-pan, w 7 ith a pint of good drawn gravy, a spoonful of red wflne, two of catsup, a few pickled mushrooms, and let them stew for a quarter of an hour. Take up the steaks, cut them into two, and lay the cut side upper- most. Garnish with lemon. Beef Rump en Matelotte. Take your beef rump and cut it in pieces ; parboil them, and then boil them in some broth without any seasoning ; when about half done, stir in a little but- ter with a spoonful of flour over the fire till brown, and moisten it with the broth of your rumps ; then put your rumps in with a dozen of large parboiled onions, a glass of white wine, a bunch of parsley, a laurel 142 MADE DISHES. leaf, with a bunch of sweet herbs, and pepper and salt. Let them stew till the rump and onions are done ; then skim it well, and put an anchovy cut small and some capers cut into the sauce. Put the rump in the middle of the dish with the onions round it. A beef rump will take four hours doing. Beef Escarlot. The proper piece of beef for this purpose is the brisket, which you must manage as follows : take half a pound of coarse sugar, two ounces of bay salt, and a pound of common salt. Mix these well together, rub the beef with it, put it into an earthen pan, and turn it every day. It may lie in this pickle a fortnight, then boil it, and serve it up with savoys ; but it eats much better when cold, and cut into slices. Tongue and Udder forced. First parboil them, then blanch the tongue, and stick it with cloves ; then fill the udder with forcemeat made with veal. First wash the inside with the yolk of an egg, then put in the forcemeat, tie the ends close, and spit them, roast them, and baste them with butter. When they are done, put good gravy into the dish, sweet sauce into a cup, and serve them up. Tripe a-la- Kilkenny. Take a piece of double tripe, and cut it into square pieces ; peel and wash ten large onions, cut each into two, and put them on to boil in water till they are, tender. Then put in your tripe, and boil it ten mi- nutes. Pour off almost all the liquor, shake a little flour into it, and put in some butter, with a little salt and mustard. Shake all over the fire till the butter is melted, then put it into your dish, and send it to table as hot as possible. Garnish with lemon or bar- berries. This dish is greatly admired in Ireland. Harrico of Mutton. Cut the best end of a neck of mutton into chops, in single ribs, flatten them, and fry them of a light brown. MEAT. 143 Then put them into a large saucepan, with two quarts of water, and a large carrot cut in slices ; and when they have stewed a quarter of an hour, put in two turnips cut in square pieces, the white part of a head of celery, two cabbage lettuces fried, a few heads of asparagus, and season all with a little chyan pepper. Boil all together till tender, and put it into a tureen or soup-dish, without any thickening to the gravy. Shoulder of Mutton sui'prised. Half boil a shoulder of mutton, and then put it in- to a stew-pan with two quarts of veal gravy, four ounces of rice, a little beaten mace, and a tea spoonful of mushroom powder. Stew it an hour, or till the rice is enough, and then take up your mutton and keep it hot. Put to the rice half a pint of cream, and a piece of butter rolled in flour ; then shake it well, and boil it a few minutes. Lay your mutton on the dish, and pour your gravy over it. Garnish with pickles or bar- berries. To dress the Umbles of Deer. Take the kidney of a deer, with the fat of the heart ; season them with a little pepper, salt, and nut- meg. First fry, and then stew them in some good gravy till they are tender. Squeeze in a little lemon ; take the skirts, and stuff them with the forcemeat made with the fat of the venison, some fat of bacon, grated bread, pepper, mace, sage, and onion chopped very small. Mix it with the yolk of an egg. When the skirts are stuffed with this, tie them to the spit to roast ; but first strew over them some thyme and le- mon-peel. When they are done, lay the skirts in the middle of the dish, and then fricasee round it. Mutton Kehohhed. Cut a loin of mutton into four pieces, then take off the skin, rub them with the yolk of an egg, and strew over them a few crumbs of bread and a little parsley, shred fine. Spit and roast them, and keep basting them all the time with fresh butter, in order to make 144 MADE DISHES. the froth rise. When they are properly done, put a little brown gravy under them, and send them to table. Garnish with pickles. Leg of Mutton a-la-haut Gout. Take a line leg of mutton that has hung a fort- night, (if the weather will permit,) and stuff every part of it with some cloves of garlic, rub it with pepper and salt, and then roast it. When it is properly done, send it up with some good gravy and red wine in the dish. Leg of Mutton roasted with Oysters. Take a line leg of mutton that has hung two or three days, stuff every part of it with oysters, roast it, and when done, pour some good gravy into the dish, and garnish with horse-radish. If you prefer cockles you must proceed in the same manner. Shoulder of Mutton en Epigram. Roast a shoulder of mutton till it is nearly enough, then carefully take off the skin about the thickness of a crown-piece, and also the shank-bone at the end. Season both the skin and shank-bone with pepper, salt, a little lemon-peel cut small, and a few sweet herbs and crumbs of bread : lay this on the gridiron till it is of a line brown ; and, in the meantime, take the rest of the meat, and cut it like a hash in pieces, about the bigness of a shilling. Save the gravy, and put to it, with a few spoonsful of strong gravy, a little nutmeg, half an onion cut line, a small bundle of herbs, a little pepper and salt, some girkins cut very small, a few mushrooms, two or three truffles cut small, two spoonsful of wine, and a little flour dredged into it. Let all these stew together very slowly for live or six minutes, but be careful it does not boil. Take out the sweet herbs, lay the hash in the dish, and the broiled upon it. Garnish with pickles. Sheep's Rumps and Kidneys. Boil six sheep's rumps in veal gravy ; then lard your kidneys with bacon, and set them before the lire MEAT. 145 in a tin oven ; as soon as the rumps become tender, rub them over with the yolk of an egg, a little grated nutmeg, and some chyan pepper. Skim the fat from the gravy, and put the gravy in a stew-pan, with three ounces of boiled rice, a spoonful of good cream, and a little catsup and mushroom powder. Thicken it with flour and butter, and give it a gentle boil. Fry your rumps till they are of a light brown ; and when you dish them up, lay them round on the rice, so that the ends may meet in the middle ; lay a kidney be- tween every rump, and garnish with barberries and red cabbage. This makes a pretty side or corner dish. Mutton Rumps a-la-Braise. Boil six mutton rumps for fifteen minutes in water, then take them out, and cut them into’ two, and put them into a stew-pan, with half a pint of good gravy, a gill of white wine, an onion stuck w ith cloves, and a little salt and chyan pepper. Cover them close, and stew r them till they are tender. Take them and the onion out, and thicken the gravy with a little butter rolled in flour, a spoonful of browning, and the juice of half a lemon. Boil it up till it is smooth, but not too thick. Then put in your rumps, give them a shake or two, and dish them up hot. Garnish with horse- radish and beet-root. For variety, you may leave the rumps whole, and lard six kidneys on one side, and do them the same as the rumps, only not boil them, and put the rumps in the middle of the dish, and kidneys round them, with the sauce over all. Mutton Chops in Disguise. Rub the chops over with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a little parsley. Roll each in half a sheet of white paper, “well buttered within-side, and close the two ends. ’ Boil some hog’s lard, or beef dripping, in a stew-pan, and put the steaks into it. Fry them of a fine brown, then take them out, and let the fat tho- roughly drain from them. Lay them in your dish, and serve them up with good gravy in a sauce-boat. Gar- nish with horse-radish and fried parsley. Mo. 7. T MADE DISHES. 146 A Shoulder of Mutton called Hen and Chickens. Half roast a shoulder, then take it up, and cut off the blade at the first joint, and both the flaps, to make the blade round ; score the blade round in diamonds, throw a little pepper and salt over it, and set it in a tin oven to broil. Cut the flaps and meat off the shank in thin slices, and put the gravy that came out of the mutton into a stew-pan, with a little good gravy, two spoonsful of walnut catsup, one of browning, a little chyan pepper, and one or two shalots. When your meat is tender, thicken it with flour and butter, put it into the dish with the gravy, and lay the blade on the top. Garnish with green pickles. A Quarter of Lamb forced. Take a large leg of lamb, cut a long slit on the back side, and take out the meat ; but be careful you do not deface the other side. Then chop the meat small with marrow, half a pound of beef suet, some oysters, an anchovy washed, an onion, some sweet herbs, a little lemon-peel, and some beaten mace and nutmeg. Beat all these together in a mortar, stuff up the leg in the shape it was before, sew it up, and rub it all over with the yolks of eggs beaten ; spit it, flour it all over, lay it to the fire, and baste it with butter. An hour will roast it. In the meantime, cut the loin into steaks, season them with pepper, salt, and nutmeg, lemon-peel cut fine, and a few herbs. Fry them in fresh butter of a fine brown, then pour out all the butter, put in a quarter of a pint of white wine, shake it about, and then add half a pint ol strong gravy, wherein good spice has been boiled, a quarter of a pint of oysters and the liquor, some mushrooms, and a spoonful of the pickle, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and the yolk of an egg beat fine ; stir all these together till thick, then lay your leg of lamb in the dish, and the loin round it. Pour the sauce over them, and garnish with lemon. Lamb's Bits. Skin the stones, and split them ; then lay them on MEAT. 147 a dry cloth with the sweetbreads and the liver, and dredge them well with flour. Fry them in lard or butter till they are of a light brown, and then lay them in a sieve to drain. Fry a good quantity of parsley, lay your bits on the dish, the parsley in lumps over them, and pour round them melted butter. Lamb a-la-Bechamel. La Bechamel is nothing more than to reduce any thing to the consistence of cream, till it is thick enough to make a sauce. When it begins to thicken, put in the meat cut in slices, warm it without boiling, season it to your taste, and serve it up. All slices a-la- bechamel are done in the same manner. Lamb Chops en Casarole. Having cut a loin of lamb into chops, put yolks of eggs on both sides, and strew bread crumbs over them, with a few cloves and mace, pepper and salt mixed ; fry them of a nice light brown, and put them round in a dish, as close as you can ; leave a hole in the middle to put the following sauce in : all sorts of sweet herbs and parsley chopped fine, and stewed a little in some good thick gravy. Garnish with fried parsley. Barbacued, Pig. Prepare a pig, about ten weeks old, as for roast- ing. Make a forcemeat of two anchovies, six sage leaves, and the liver of the pig, all chopped very small ; then put them into a mortar with the crumb of half a penny loaf, four ounces of butter, half a tea-spoonful of chyan pepper, and half a pint of red wine. Beat them all together to a paste, put it into the pig’s belly, and sew it up. Lay your pig down at a good distance before a large brisk fire, singe it well, put into your dripping-pan three bottles of red wine, and baste it well with this all the time it is roasting. When it is half done, put under the pig two penny loaves, and if vou find your wine too much reduced, add more. When your pig is near enough, take the loaves and sauce out of your dripping-pan, and put to the sauce 148 MADE DISHES. one anchovy chopped small, a bundle of sweet herbs, and half a lemon. Boil it a few minutes, then draw your pig, put a small lemon or apple in the pig s mouth, and a leaf on each side. Strain your sauce, and pour it on boiling hot. Send it up whole to table, and garnish with barberries and sliced lemon. A Pig au Pere Duillet. Cut off the head, and divide the body into quarters, lard them with bacon, and season them well with salt, pepper, nutmeg, cloves, and mace. Put a layer of fit bacon at the bottom of a kettle, lay the head in the middle, and the quarters round it. Then put in a bay-leaf, an onion shred, a lemon, w 7 ith some carrots, parsley, and the liver, and cover it again with bacon. Put in a quart of broth, stew it for an hour, and then take it up. Put your pig into a stew-pan, pour in a bottle of white wine, cover it close, and let it stew very gently an hour. In the meantime, while it is stewing in the wine, take the first gravy it was stew- ed in, skim off the fat, and strain it. Then take a sweetbread cut into five or six slices, some truffles, morels, and mushrooms, and stew T all together till they are enough. Thicken it with the yolks of two eggs, or a piece of butter rolled in flour ; and when your pig is enough, take it out, and lay it in your dish. Put the wine it was stewed in to the sauce, then pour it all over the pig, and garnish with lemon. If it is to be served up cold, let it stand till it is so, then drain it well, and wipe it, that it may look white, and lay it in a dish, with the head in the middle, and the quarters round it. Throw some green parsley over all. Either of the quarters separately make a pretty dish. A Pig Matelote. Having taken out the entrails, and scalded your pig, cut off the head and pettitoes ; then cut the body into four quarters, and put them, with the head and toes, into cold water. Cover the bottom of a stew- pan with slices of bacon, and place the quarters over 149 MEAT, $C. them, with the pettitoes, and the head cut in two. Season the whole with pepper and salt, a bay-leaf, a little thyme, an onion, and add a bottle of white wine. Then lay on more slices of bacon, put over it a quart of water, and let it boil. Skin and gut two large eels, and cut them in pieces about five or six inches long. When your pig is half done, put in your eels; then boil a dozen of large craw-fish, cut off the claws, and take off the shells of the tails. When your pig and eels are enough, lay your pig in the dish, and your pettitoes round it ; but do not put in the head, as that will make a pretty cold dish. Then lay your eels and craw-fish over them, and take the liquor they were stewed in, skim off the fat, and add to it half a pint of strong gravy, thickened with a little piece of burnt batter. Pour this over it, and garnish with lemon and craw-fish. Fry the brains, and lay them round, and all over the dish. At grand entertainments this will do for a first course or remove. Sheep's Trotters en Gratten Boil them in water, and then put them into a stew- pan with a glass of white wine, half a pint of broth, as much cullis, a bunch of sweet herbs, with salt, whole pepper, and mace. Stew them by a slow fire tfu the sauce is reduced, then take out the herbs, and stave them upon a gratten. Sheep's trotters may be serv*4 with a ragoo of cucumbers. SECT. II. MADE DISHES of POULTRY. Ac. Tui'key a-la-daub. Bone your turkey, but let it be so carefully done, as not to spoil the look of it, and then stuff it with the following forcemeat : chop some oysters very fine, and mix them with some crumbs of bread, pepper, salt, shalots, and very little thyme, parsley, and but- 150 MADE DISHES. ter. Having filled your turkey with this, sew it up, tie it in a cloth, and boil it white, but be careful not to boil it too much. Serve it up with good oyster sauce. Or you may make a rich gravy of the bones, with a piece of veal, mutton, and bacon ; season with salt, pepper, shalots, and a little mace. Strain it off through a sieve ; and having before half-boiled your turkey, stew it in this gravy just half an hour. Hav- ing well skimmed the gravy, dish up your turkey in it, after you have thickened it with a few mushrooms stewed white, or stewed palates, forcemeat balls, sweetbreads, or fried oysters, and pieces of lemon. Dish it with the breast upwards. You may add a few morels and truffles to your sauce. Turkey in a hurry. Truss a turkey with the legs inward, and flatten it as much as you can : then put it into a stew-pan, with melted lard, chopped parsley, shalots, mush- rooms, and a little garlic ; give it a few turns on the fire, and add the juice of half a lemon to keep it white. Then put it into another stew-pan, with slices of veal, one slice of ham, and melted lard, and every thing as used before ; adding whole pepper and salt ; cover it over with slices of lard, and set it about half an hour over a slow fire . then add a glass of white wine and a little broth, and finish the brazing ; skim and sift the sauce, add a little cullis to make it rich, reduce it to a good consistence, put the turkey into your dish, and pour the sauce over it. Garnish with lemon. Fowls a-la-Braise. Truss your fowl as for boiling, with the legs in the body ; then lay over it a layer of fat bacon cut in thin slices, wrap it round in beet-leaves, then in a caul of veal, and put it into a large saucepan with three pints of water, a glass of Madeira wine, a bunch of sweet herbs, two or three blades of mace, and half a lemon ; stew it till it is quite tender, then take it up and skim off - the fat ; make your gravy pretty thick with flour and POULTRY. 151 butter, strain it through a hair sieve, and put to it a pint of oysters and a tea-cupful of thick cream ; keep shaking your pan over the fire, and when it has sim- mered a short time, serve up your fowl with the bacon, beet-leaves, and caul on, and pour your sauce hot upon it. Garnish with barberries and red beet-root. Fowls forced. Take a large fowl, pick it clean, draw it, cut it down the back, and take the skin off the whole ; cut the flesh from the bones, and chop it with half a pint of oysters, one ounce of beef marrow, and a lit- tle pepper and salt. Mix it up with cream ; then lay the meat on the bones, draw the skin over it, and sew up the back. Cut large thin slices of bacon, lay them on the breast of your fowl, and tie them on with pack- thread in diamonds. It will take an hour roasting by amoderate fire. Make a good brown gravy sauce, pour it into your dish, take the bacon off, lay in your fowl, and serve it up. Garnish with pickles, mushrooms, or oys- ters. It is proper for a side-dish at dinner, or top-dish for supper. Fowls marinaded. Raise the skin from the breast-bone of a large fowl with your finger ; then take a veal sweetbread and cut it small, a few oysters, a few mushrooms, an anchovy, some pepper, a little nutmeg, some lemon- peel, and a little thyme ; chop all together small, and mix it with the yolk of an egg, stuff it in between the skin and the flesh, but take great care you do not break the skin ; and then put what oysters you please in the body of the fowl. Paper the breast, and roast it. Make good gravy, and garnish with lemon. You may add a few mushrooms to the sauce. Chickens chir ingrate. Flatten the breast-bones of your chickens with a rolling-pin, but be careful you do not break the skin. Strew some flour over them, then fry them in butter MADE DISHES. 152 of a fine light brown, and drain all the fat out of the pan, but leave the chickens in. Lay a pound of gravy beef, with the same quantity of veal cut into thin slices, over your chickens, together with a little mace, two or three cloves, some whole pepper, an onion, a small bunch of sweet herbs, and a piece of carrot. Then pour in a quart of boiling water, cover it close, and let it stew a quarter of an hour. Then take out the chickens, and keep them hot : let the gravy boil till it is quite rich and good ; then strain it off, and put it into your pan again, with two spoonsful of red wine and a few mushrooms. Put in your chickens to heat, then take them up, lay them in your dish, and pour your sauce over them. Garnish with lemon, and a few slices of cold ham broiled. Chickens a-la-braise. Take a couple of fine chickens, lard them, and season them with pepper, salt, and mace ; then put a layer of veal in the bottom of a deep stew-pan, with a slice or two of bacon, an onion cut in pieces, a piece of carrot, and a layer of beef ; then put in the chick- ens with the breast downwards, and a bundle of sweet herbs ; after that a layer of beef, and put in a quart of broth or water, cover it close, and let it stew very gently for an hour. In the meantime get ready a ra- goo made thus : take two veal sweetbreads, cut them small, and put them into a saucepan, with a very little broth or water, a few cock's-combs, truffles, and morels cut small, with an ox-palate. Stew them all together, and when your chickens are done, take them up, and keep them hot ; then strain the liquor they were stew- ed in, skim off the fat, and pour it into your ragoo ; add a glass of red wine, a spoonful of catsup, and a few mushrooms ; then boil all together w ith a few artichoke bottoms cut in four, and asparagus tops. If your sauce is not thick enough, put in a piece of butter rol- led in flour : and when properly done, lay your chick- ens in the dish, and pour the ragoo over them. Gar nish with lemon. POULTRY. 153 Chickens in savoury Jelly. Take two chickens, and roast them. Boil some calf’s feet to a strong jelly ; then take out the feet, and skim off the fat ; beat up the whites of three eggs, and mix them with half a pint of white vinegar, and the juice of three lemons, a blade or two of mace, a few peppercorns, and a little salt. Put them to your jelly , and when it has boiled five or six minutes, strain it se- veral times through a jelly-bag till it is very clear. Then put a little in the bottom of a bowl large enough to hold your chickens, and when they are cold and the jelly set, lay them in with their breasts down. Then fill your bowl quite full with the rest of your jelly, which you must take care to keep from setting, so that when you pour it into your bowl it will not break. Let it stand all night ; and the next day put your ba- sin into warm water, pretty near the top. As soon as you find it loose in the basin, lay your dish over it, and turn it whole. Chickens and Tongues. Boil six small chickens very white ; then take six hogs’ tongues boiled and peeled, a cauliflower boiled whole in milk and water, and a good deal of spinach boiled green. Then lay your cauliflower in the mid- dle, the chickens close all round, and the tongues round them with the roots outwards, and the spinach in little heaps between the tongues. Garnish with small pieces of bacon toasted, and lay a piece on each of the tongues. This is a good dish for a large com- pany. Pullets a-la-Sainte Menehout. Having trussed the legs in the body, slit them down the back, spread them open on a table, take out the thigh bones, and beat them with a rolling pin. — Season them with pepper, salt, mace, nutmeg, and sweet herbs. Then take a pound and a half of veal, of meat is, that you roll it up well, and bind it as tight as possible, otherwise when it is cut it will break in pieces, and its beauty be entirely lost. Be careful that you boil it enough, but not too much, and let it be quite cold before you put it into the pickle. After it has lain all night in the pickle, take off the binding, put it into a dish, and when it is cut, the skin will look clear, and the meat have its proper solidity. Venison. Bone a side of venison, take away all the sinews, and cut it into square collars of what size you please. It will make two or three collars. Lard it with fat clear bacon, and cut your lard as big as the top of your finger, and three or four inches long. Season your venison with pepper, salt, cloves, and nutmeg. Roll up your collars, and tie them close with coarse tape ; then put them into deep pots wuth seasonings at the bottoms, some fresh butter, and three or four bay- leaves. Put the rest of the seasoning and butter on the top, and over that some beef-suet, finely shred and beaten. Then cover up your pots with coarse paste, and bake them four or five hours. After that take them out of the oven, and let them stand a little, take out your venison, and let it drain well from the gravy ; 292 COLLARING. add more butter to the fat, and set it over a gentle fire to clarify. Then take it off, let it stand a little, and skim it well. Make your pots clean, or have pots ready fit for each collar. Put a little seasoning and some of your clarified butter at the bottom ; then put in your venison, and fillup your pot with clarified butter, and be sure that your butter be an inch above the meat. When it is thoroughly cold, tie it down with double paper, and lay a tile on the top. They will keep six or eight months ; and you may, when you use a pot, put it for a minute into boiling water, and it will come out whole. Let it stand till it is cold, stick it round with bay-leaves, and a sprig at the top, and serve it up. Breast of Veal. Bone your veal, and beat it a little. Rub it over with the yolk of an egg, and strew' on it a little beaten mace, nutmeg, pepper and salt : a large handful of parsley chopped small, with a few sprigs of sweet mar- jorum, a little lemon-peel shred fine, an anchovy chop- ped small, and mixed with a few crumbs of bread. Roll it up very tight, bind it hard with a fillet, and wrap it in a clean cloth. Boil it two hours and a half in soft w ater, and when it is enough, hang it up by one end, and make a pickle for it, consisting of a pint of salt and water, with half a pint of vinegar. Before you send it to table, cut off a slice at each of the ends. Garnish with pickles and parsley. Breast of Mutton. Pare off the skin of a breast of mutton, and with a sharp knife nicely take out all the bones, but be care- ful you do not cut through the meat. Pick all the fat and meat off the bones, then grate some nutmeg all over the inside of the mutton, a very little beaten mace, a little pepper and salt, a few sweet herbs shred small, a few crumbs of bread, and the bits of fat picked off the bones. Roll it up tight, stick a skewer in to hold it together, but do it in such a manner that the collar may stand upright in the dish. Tie a packthread COLLARING. 293 across it to hold it together, spit it, then roll the caul of a breast of veal all round it, and roast it. When it has been about an hour at the fire, take off the caul, dredge it with flour, baste it well with fresh butter, and let it be of a fine brown. It will require on the whole, an hour and a quarter roasting. For sauce take some gravy beef, cut and hack it well, then flour it, and fry it a little brown. Pour into your stew -pan some boil- ing w T ater, stir it well together, and then fill your pan half full of water. Put in an onion, a bunch of sw 7 eet herbs, a little crust of bread toasted, two or three blades of mace, four cloves, some w 7 hole pepper, and the bones of the mutton. Cover it close, and let it stew 7 till it is quite rich and thick. Then strain it, boil it up with some truffles and morels, a few mush- rooms, a spoonful of catsup, and (if you have them) tw 7 o or three bottoms of artichokes. Put just enough salt to season the gravy, take the packthread off the mutton, and, set it upright in the dish. Cut the sweet- bread into four pieces, and boil it of a fine brow r n, and have ready a few forcemeat balls fried. Lay these round your dish, and pour in the sauce. Garnish with sliced lemon. Beef. Take a piece of thin flank of beef, and bone it; cut off the skin, and salt it w 7 ith two ounces of saltpetre, two ounces of sal prunella, the same quantity of bay- salt, half a pound of coarse sugar, and tw 7 o pounds of common salt. Beat the hard salts very fine, and mix all together. Turn it every day, and rub it w 7 ell with the brine for eight days ; then take it out, w 7 ash it, and wipe it dry. Take a quarter of an ounce of cloves, a quarter of an ounce of mace, twelve corns of allspice, and a nutmeg beat very fine, with a spoonful of beaten pepper, a large quantity of chopped parsley, and some sweet herbs shred fine. Sprinkle this mixture on the beef, and roll it up very tight ; put a coarse cloth round it, and tie it very tight with beggar's tape. Boil it in a copper of water, and if it is a large collar, it will take six hours boiling, but a small one will be done in 294 COLLARING. five. When it is done, take it out, and put it into a press ; but if you have not that convenience, put it be- tween two boards, with a weight on the uppermost, and let it remain in that state till it is thoroughly cold. Then take it out of the cloth, cut it into thin slices, lav them on a dish, and serve them to table. Garnish your dish with raw parsley. Calf's Head. Take a calf ’s head with the skin on, scald off the hair, take out all the bones carefully from the neck, and lav it some time in warm milk to make it look white. Boil the tongue, peel it, cut that and the palate into thin slices, and put them and the eyes into the middle of the head. Take some pepper, salt, cloves, and mace, and beat them fine ; and add to them some grated nutmeg, scalded parsley, thyme, savory, and sweet marjoram, cut very small. Beat up the yolks of three or four eggs, spread them over the head, and then strew on the seasoning. Roll it up very tight, tie it round with tape, and boil it gently for three hours in as much water as will cover it. When you take it out, season the pickle with salt, pepper, and spice, and add to it a pint of white wine vinegar. When it is cold put in the collar, and cut it in handsome slices when you send it to table. Pi# Bone your pig, and then rub it all over with pep- per and salt beaten fine, a few sage leaves, and sweet herbs chopped small. Roll it up tight, and bind it with a fillet. Fill your boiler with soft water, put in a bunch of sweet herbs, a few pepper-corns, a blade or two of mace, eight or ten cloves, a handful of salt, and a pint of vinegar. When it boils, put in your pig, and let it boil till it is tender. Then take it up, and when it is almost cold, bind it over again, put it into an earthen pot, and pour the liquor your pig was boiled in upon it. Be careful to cover it close down after you cut any for use. Eels. When you have thoroughly cleansed your eel, cut off the head, tail, and fins, and take out the bones. Lay it flat on the back, and then grate over it a small nutmeg, with two or three blades of mace beat fine, and a little pepper and salt, and strew on these a hand lul of parsley shred fine, with a few sage leaves chop- ped small. Roll it up tight in a cloth, and bind it tight. If it is of a middle size, boil it in salt and water three quarters of an hour, and hang it up all night to drain. Add to the pickle a pint of vinegar, a few pepper-corns, and a sprig of sweet marjoram ; boil it ten minutes, and let it stand till the next day. Then take off the cloth, and put your eels into the pickles. When you send them to table, lay them either whole in the plate, or cut them in slices. Garnish with green parsley. Lampreys may be done in the same manner. Mackarel. Gut your mackarel, and slit them down the belly; cut off their heads, take out the bones, and be careful not to cut them in holes. Then lay them flat upon their backs, season them with mace, nutmeg, pepper, and salt, and a handful of parsley shred fine ; strew it over them, roll them tight, and tie them well separate- ly in cloths. Boil them gently twenty minutes in vinegar, salt, and water, then take them out, put them into a pot, and pour the liquor on them, or the cloth will stick to the fish. Take the cloth off the fish the next day, put a little more vinegar to the pickle, and keep them for use. When you send them to table gar- nish with fennel and parsley, and put some of the liquor under them. Salmon . Take a side of salmon, cut off the tail, then wash the fleshy part well, and dry it with a cloth. Rub it over with the yolks of eggs, and make some forcemeat with what you cut oft’ at the tail encj. Take off the skin, and put to it some parboiled oysters, a tail or two of lohsters, the yolks of three or four eggs boiled hard, six POTTING. 296 anchovies, a handful of sweet herbs chopped small, a little salt, cloves, mace, nutmeg, pepper, and grated bread. Work all these well together, with yolks of eggs, lay it over the fleshy part, and strew on it a little pepper and salt. Then roll it up into a collar, and bind it with broad tape. Boil it in water, salt, and vinegar, but let the liquor boil before you put it in, and throw in a bunch of sweet herbs, with some sliced ginger and nutmeg. Let it boil gently near two hours, and then take it up. Put it into a pan, and when the pickle is cold, put it to your salmon, and let it lay in it till wanted. If you cover it with clarified butter, it will keep a considerable time. CHAPTER XXIII. P O T T I JY G. IN this mode of cookery, be sure to make it a rule, that whatever you do it is well covered with clarified butter before you send it to the oven, tie it close with strong paper, and let it be well baked. When it comes from the oven, pick out every bit of skin you can, and drain away the gravy, otherwise the article potted will be apt to turn sour. Beat your seasoning very fine, and strew it on gradually. Before you put it into your pot, press it well, and before you put on your clarified butter, let it be perfectly cold. SECT. I. MEAT and POULTRY. Venison. Rub your venison all over with red wine; season it with beaten mace, pepper and salt; put it into an t ' then dish, and ppur over it half a pint of red wine, and a pound of butter, and then send it to the oven, if it be a shoulder, put a coarse paste over it, and let POTTING. 297 it lay in the oven all night. When it comes out, pick the meat clean from the bones, and beat it in a marble mortar, with the fat from your gravy. If you find it not sufficiently seasoned, add more, with clarified but- ter, and keep beating it till it becomes like a fine paste. Then press it hard down into your pots, pour clarified butter over it, and keep it in a dry place. Hares. Case your hare, wash it thoroughly clean, then cut it up as you would do for eating ; put it into a pot, and season it with pepper, salt, and mace. Put on it a pound of butter, tie it down close, and bake it in a bread oven. When it comes out, pick the meat clean from the bones, and pound it very fine in a mortar, with the fat from your gravy. Then put it close down in your pots, and pour over it clarified butter. Marble Veal. Boil, skin, and cut a dried tongue as thin as possi- ble, and beat it well with near a pound of butter, and a little beaten mace, till it is like a paste. Have rea- dy some veal stewed, and beat in the same manner. Then put some veal into potting-pots, thin some tongue in lumps over the veal. Do not lay on your tongue in any form, but let it be in lumps, and it will then cut like marble. Fill your pot close up with veal, press it very hard down, and pour clarified butter over it. Remember to keep it in a dry place, and when you send it to table, cut it into slices. Garnish it with parsley. Tongues Take a fine neat's tongue, and rub it well over with an ounce of saltpetre and four ounces of brown su- gar, and let it lie two days. Then boil it till it is quite tender, and take off the skin and side bits. Cut the tongue in very thin slices, and beat it in a marble mor- tar with a pound of clarified butter, and season it to your taste with pepper, salt, and^ mace. Beat all as fine as possible, then press it close down in small pot- jhng-pots, and pour over them clarified butter. No, 13. 2 P 298 POTTING. Geese and Fowls. Boil a dried tongue till it is tender; then take a goose and a large fowl, and bone them. Take a quar- ter of an ounce of mace, the same quantity of olives, a large nutmeg, a quarter of an ounce of black pepper, and beat all well together, add to these a spoonful of salt, and rub the tongue and inside of the fowl well with them. Put the tongue into the fowl, then season the goose, and fill it with the fowl and tongue, and the goose will look as if it was whole. Lay it in a pan that will just hold it, melt fresh butter enough to cover it, send it to the oven, and bake it an hour and a half. Then take out the meat, drain the butter carefully from it, and lay it on a coarse cloth till it is cold. Then take off the hard fat from the gravy, and lay it before the fire to melt. Put your meat again into the pot, and pour your butter over it. If there is not enough, clarify more, and let the butter be an inch above the meat. It will keep a great while, cut fine, and look beautiful, and when you cut it let it be cross- ways. It makes a very pretty corner-dish for dinner, or side-dish for supper. Beef. Take half a pound of brown sugar, and an ounce of saltpetre, and rub it into twelve pounds of beef. Let it lie twenty-four hours; then wash it clean, and dry it well with a cloth. Season it to your taste with pepper, salt, and mace, and cut it into five or six pieces. Put it into an earthen pot, with a pound of butter in lumps upon it, set it in a hot oven, and let it stand three hours, then take it out, cut off the hard outsides, and beat it in a mortar. Add to it a little more pep- per, salt, and mace. Then oil a pound of butter in the gravy and fat that came from your beef, and put in as you find necessary; but beat the meat very fine. Then put it into your pot, press it close down, pour clarified butter over it, and keep it in a dry place. Another method of potting beef, and which will greatly imitate venison, is this : Take a buttock of beef, and cut the lean of it into pieces of about s POTTING. 299 pound weight each. To eight pounds of beef take four ounces of saltpetre, the same quantity of bay-salt, half a pound of white salt, and an ounce of sal pru- nella. Beat all the salt very fine, mix them well to- gether, and rub them into the beef. Then let it lie four days, turning it twice a day. After that put it into a pan, and cover it with pump water, and a little of its own brine. Send it to the oven, and bake it till it is tender ; then drain it from the gravy, and take out all the skin and sinews. Pound the meat well in a mortar, lay it in a broad dish, and mix on it an ounce of cloves and mace, three quarters of an ounce of pep- per, and a nutmeg, all beat very fine. Mix the whole well with the meat, and add a little clarified fresh butter to moisten it. Then press it down into pots very hard, set them at the mouth of the oven just to settle, and then cover them two inches thick with clarified butter. When quite cold, cover the pots over with white pa- per tied close, and set them in a dry place. It will keep good a considerable time. Pigeons. Pi ck and draw your pigeons, cut off the pinions, wash them clean, and put them in a sieve to drain. Then dry them with a cloth, and season them with pepper and salt. Roll a lump of butter in chopped parsley, and put it into the pigeons. Sew up the vents, then put them into a pot with butter over them, tie them down, and set them in a moderately heated oven. When they come out, put them into your pots, and pour clarified butter over them. Woodcocks. Take six woodcocks, pluck them, and draw out the train. Skewer their bills through their thighs, put their legs through each other, and their feet upon their breasts. Season them with three or four blades of mace, and a little pepper and salt. Then put them into a deep pot, with a pound of butter over them, and tie a strong paper over them. Bake them in a 300 FISH. moderate oven, and when they are enough, lay them on a dish to drain the gravy from them, then put them into potting-pots ; take all the clear butter from your gravy, and put it upon them. Fill up your pots with clarified butter. Keep them in a dry place for use. Snipes must be done in the same manner. SECT. II. FISH. Take a large eel, and when you have skinned, washed clean, and thoroughly dried it w 7 ith a cloth, cut it into pieces about four inches long. Season them with a little beaten mace and nutmeg, pepper, salt, and a little sal prunella beat fine. Lay them in a pan, and pour as much clarified butter over them as will cover them. Bake them half an hour in a quick oven ; but the size of your eels must be the general rule to determine what time they will take baking. T ake them out with a fork, and lay them on a coarse cloth to drain. When they are quite cold, season them again with the like seasoning, and lay them close in the pot. Then take off the butter they were baked in clear from the gravy of the fish, and set it in a dish before the fire. When it is melted, pour the butter over them, and put them by for use. You may bone your eels, if you choose ; but in that case you must put in no sal prunella. Salmon. Take a large piece of fresh salmon, scale it, and wipe it clean. Then season it with Jamaica pepper, black pepper, mace, and cloves, beat fine, and mixed with salt, and a little sal prunella : then pour clarified butter over it, and bake it well. When it is done, take it out carefully, and lay it on a cloth to drain. As soon as it is quite cold, season it again, lay it close in your pot, and cover it w ith clarified butter. Or you may pot it in this manner : Scale and clean a whole salmon, slit it dowm the back, dry it w ell, and cut it as near the shape of your FISH. 301 pot as you can. Then take two nutmegs, an ounce of mace and cloves beaten, half an ounce of white pepper, and an ounce of salt. Then take out all the bones, cut off the tail and the head below the fins. Season the scaly side first, and lay that at the bottom of the pot ; then rub the seasoning on the other side, cover it with a dish, and let it stand all night. It must be put double, and the scaly sides top and bottom. Put some butter at the bottom and top, and cover the pot with some stiff coarse paste. If it is a large fish, it will require three hours baking; but if a small one, two hours will be sufficient. When it comes out of the oven, let it stand half an hour, then uncover it, raise it up at one end that the gravy may run out, and put a trencher and w T eight on it effectually to an- swer this purpose. When the butter is cold take it out clear from the gravy, add more butter to it, and put it in a pan before the fire. When it is melted pour it over the salmon, and as soon as it is cold, pa- per it up, put it in a dry place, and it will keep a con- siderable time. Carp, tench, trout, and several other sorts of fish, may be potted in the same manner. Lobster. Boil a live lobster in salt and water, and stick a skewer in the vent to prevent the water getting in. As soon as it is cold, take out all the flesh, beat it fine in a mortar, and season it with beaten mace, grated nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Mix all together, melt a piece of butter the size of a walnut, and mix it with the lobster as you beat it. When it is beat to a paste, put it into your pot, and press it down as close and hard as you can. Then set some butter in a deep broad pan before the fire, and when it is all melted, take off the scum at the top, if any, and pour the clear butter over the fish as thick as a crown-piece. The whey and churn-milk will settle at the bottom of the pan ; but take care that none of that goes in, and always let your butter be very good, or you will spoil all. If vou choose it, you may put in the meat whole, with the 302 CURING. body mixed among it, laying them as close together as jrou can, and pouring the butter over them. CHAPTER XXIY. CURING VARIOUS KINDS OF MEATS, SOUSINGS, (SfC. Hams. CUT off a fine ham from a fat hind quarter of pork. Take two ounces of saltpetre, a pound of coarse sugar, a pound of common salt, and two ounces of sal pru- nella ; mix all together, and rub it w 7 ell. Let it lie a month in this pickle, turning and basting it every day; then hang it in a wood smoke in a dry place, so that no heat comes to it; and, if you intend to keep them long, hang them a month or two in a damp place, and it will make them cut fine and short. Never lay these hams in water till you boil them, and then boil them in a copper, if you have one, or the largest pot you have. Put them into the water cold, and let them be four or five hours before they boil. Skim the pot ’well, and often, till it boils. If it is a very large one, three hours will boil it ; if a small one, tw T o hours will do, provided it is a great while before the water boils. Take it up half an hour before dinner, pull off the skin, and throw raspings, finely sifted, all over. Hold a red-hot salamander over it, and when dinner is rea- dy, take a few 7 raspings in a sieve, and sift all over the dish, then lay in your ham, and with your finger make figures round the edge of your dish. Be sure to boil your ham in as much water as you can, and keep skim- ming it all the time it boils. The pickle you take your ham out of will do finely for tongues. Let them lay in it a fortnight, and then lay them in a place where there is wood smoke, to dry. When you broil any slices of ham or bacon, have some boiling water ready, let them lay a minute or two in it, and then put them on a gridiron. This is a very good method, as it takes out the violence of the salt, and makes them have a fine flavour. CURING. 303 Hams the Yorkshire Way . Mix well together half a peck of salt, three ounces of saltpetre, half an ounce of sal prunella, and five pounds of very coarse salt. Rub the hams well with this : put them into a large pan or pickling-tub, and lay the remainder on the top. Let them lie three days, and then hang them up. Put as much water to the pickle as will cover the hams, adding salt till it will bear an egg, and then boil and strain it. The next morning put in the hams, and press them down so that they may be covered. Let them lay a fortnight, then rub them well with bran, and dry them. The quan- tity of ingredients here directed, is for doing three middle-sized hams at once, so that if you do only one, you must proportion the quantity of each article. New England Hams. Get two fine hams, and in the mode of cure for this purpose, proceed as follows : take two ounces of sal prunella, beat it fine, rub it well in, and let them lie twenty-four hours. Then take half a pound of bay- salt, a quarter of a pound of common salt, and one ounce of saltpetre, all beat fine, and half a pound of the coarsest sugar. Rub all these well in, and let them lie two or three days. Then take some white com- mon salt, and make a pretty strong brine, with about two gallons of water and half a pound of brown sugar. Boil it well, and scum it when cold ; put in the hams, and turn them every two or three days in the pickle for three weeks. Then hang them up in a chimney, and smoke them well a day or two with horse litter. Afterwards let them hang about a week on the side of the kitchen chimney, and then take them down. Keep them dry in a large box, and cover them well with bran. They will keep good in this state for a year, though if wanted, may be used in a month. Bacon. Take off all the inside fat of a side of pork, and lay it on a long board or dresser, that the blood may run 304 CURING. from it. Rub it well on both sides with good salt, and let it lie a day. Then take a pint of bay-salt, a quar- ter of a pound of saltpetre, and beat them both fine; two pounds of coarse sugar, and a quarter of a peck of common salt. Lay your pork in something that will hold the pickle, and rub it well with the above ingre- dients. Lay the skinny side downwards, and baste it every day with a pickle for a fortnight. Then hang it in a wood-smoke, and afterwards in a dry but not hot place. Remember that all hams and bacons should hang clear from every thing, and not touch the wall. Take care to wipe olf the old salt before you put it into the pickle, and never keep bacon or hams in a hot kitchen, or in a room exposed to the rays of the sun, as all these matters will greatly contribute to make them rusty. Mutton Hams. Take a hind quarter of mutton, cut it like a ham, and rub it well with an ounce of saltpetre, a pound of coarse sugar, and a pound of common salt, mixed well together. Lay it in a deepish tray with the skin down- ward, and baste it with the pickle every day for a fort- night. Then roll it in sawdust, and hang it in a wood- smoke for a fortnight. Then boil it, and hang it up in a dry place. You may dress it whole, or cut slices off, and broil them, which will eat well, and have an ex- cellent flavour. Beef Hams. Cut the leg of a fat Scotch or Welch ox as nearly in the shape of a ham as you can. Take an ounce of bay-salt, an ounce of saltpetre, a pound of common salt, and a pound of coarse sugar, which will be a sufficient quantity for about fourteen or fifteen pounds of beef; and if a greater or less quantity of meat, mix your ingredients in proportion. Pound these ingredients, mix them well together, rub your meat with it, turn it every day, and at the same time baste it well with the pickle. Let it lie in this state for a month, then take it out, roll it in bran or sawdust, and hang it in a wood- smoke for a month. Then take it down, hang it in a C»iRiNG. 305 dry place, and keep it for use. You may dress it in whatever manner you please, and as occasion may re- quire. If you boil a piece of it, and let it be till it is cold, it will eat very good, and shives like Dutch beef; or it is exceeding fine cut into rashers and broiled, with poached eggs laid on the tops. Neat's Tongue. Scrape your tongue clean, dry it well with a cloth, and then salt it with common salt, and half an ounce of saltpetre well mixed together. Lay it in a deep pan, and turn it every day for a week or ten days. Then turn it again, and let it lay a week longer. Take it out of the pan, dry it with a cloth, strew flour on it, and hang it up in a moderate warm place to dry. Hung Beef. M are a strong brine with bay-salt, saltpetre, and pump-water; put a rib of beef into it, and let it lay for nine days. Then hang it up a chimney where wood or sawdust is burnt. When it is a little dry, wash the outside with bullock's blood two or three times, to make it look black ; and when it is dry enough boil it, and serve it up with such kind of vegetables as you think proper. Another method of preparing hung beef is this : take the navel-piece, and hang it up in your cellar as long as it will keep good, and till it begins to be a little sappy ; then take it down, cut it into three pieces, and wash it in sugar and water, one piece after another. Then take a pound of saltpetre, and two pounds of bay-salt, dried and pounded small. Mix with them two or three spoonsful of brown sugar, and rub your beef well with it in every place. Then strew a suf- ficient quantity of common salt all over it, and let the beef lie close till the salt is dissolved, which will be in six or seven days. Then turn it every other day for a fortnight, and after that hang it up in a warm but not hot place. It may hang a fortnight in the kitchen, and when you want it, boil it in bay-salt and pump- water till it is tender. It will keep when boiled, two No. 13. 2 Q 306 CURING. or three months, rubbing it with a greasy cloth, or putting it two or three minutes into boiling water to take off the mouldiness. Dutch Beef. Take a buttock of beef, cut off all the fat, and rub the lean all over with brown sugar. Let it lie two or three hours in a pan or tray, and turn it two or three times. Then salt it with saltpetre and common salt, and let it lay a fortnight, turning it every day. After the expiration of this time, roll it very straight in a coarse cloth, put it into a cheese-press for a day and a night, and then hang it to dry in a chimney. When you boil it put it into a cloth, and when cold, it will cut like Dutch beef. Hunting Beef. Take a pound of salt, two ounces of saltpetre, a quarter of a pound of brown sugar, one ounce of cori- anders, one ounce of cloves, half an ounce of mace, half an ounce of nutmeg, two ounces of allspice, a quar- ter of a pound of pepper, half an ounce of chyan pep- per, and two ounces of ginger ; let the whole be ground and well mixed. Take vour buttock of beef and rub t/ it well with the spices, and keep turning and rubbing it every day, one month : when your beef is to be done, take a deep pan, put in your beef with plenty of fat over and under, taking care that your beef does not touch the bottom of the pan. Cover your pan down close so that the steam does not come out, which may be prevented by putting a paste to the cover made of flour and water. Send it to the oven, and if moderate it will be done enough in five hours. It should not be taken out of your pan till quite cold ; be sure to have plenty of fat, as there must not be any water put in. Pickled Pork. Bone your pork, and then cut it into pieces of a size suitable to lay in the pan in which you intend to put it. Rub your pieces first with saltpetre, and then with two pounds of common salt, and two of bay-salt, SOUSING. 307 mixed together. Put a layer of common salt at the bourn ii of your pan or tub, cover every piece over with common sait, and lay them one upon another as even as you can, filling the hollow places on the sides with salt. As your salt melts on the top, strew on more, lay a coarse cloth over the vessel, a board over that, and a weight on the board to keep it down. Cover it close, strew on more salt as may be occasionally necessary, and it will keep good till the very last bit. Mock Brawn. T ake the head, and a piece of the belly-part of a young porker, and rub them well with saltpetre. Let them lay three days, and then wash them clean. Split the head and boil it, take out the bones, and cut it into pieces. Then take four cow-heels boiled tender, cut them in thin pieces, and lay them in the belly-piece of pork, with the head cut small. Then roll it up tight with sheet-tin, and boil it four or five hours. When it comes out, set it up on one end, put a trencher on it within the tin, press it down w T ith a large weight, and let it stand all night. Next morning take it out of the tin, and bind it with a fillet. Put it into cold salt and water, and it will be fit for use. If you change the salt and water every four days, it will keep for a long time. Turkey soused in Imitation of Sturgeon. Dress a fine large turkey, dry and bone it, then tie it up as you do a sturgeon, and put it into the pot, with a quart of white wine, a quart of water, the same quantity of good vinegar, and a large handful of salt; but remember that the wine, water, and vinegar, must boil before you put in the turkey, and that the pot must be well skimmed before it boils. When it is enough, take it out, and tie it tighter; but let the liquor boil a little longer. If you think the pickle wants more vinegar or salt, add them when it is cold, and pour it upon the turkey. If you keep it covered close from the air, and in a cool dry place, it 308 SOCSi flG. will be equally good for some months. Some admire it more than sturgeon, and it is generally eaten with oil, vinegar, and sugar, for sauce. To make fine Sausages. Take six pounds of young pork, free from skin, gristles, and fat. Cut it very small, and beat it in a mortar till it is very fine. Then shred six pounds of beef-suet very fine, and free from all skin. Take a good deal of sage, wash it very clean, pick off the leaves, and shred it fine. Spread your meat on a clean dresser or table, and then shake the sage all over it, to the quantity of about three large spoonsful. Shred the thin rind of a middling lemon very fine, and throw them over the meat, and also as many sweet herbs as, when shred fine, will fill a large spoon. Grate over it two nutmegs, and put to it two tea-spoonsful of pep- per, and a large spoonful of salt. Then throw over it the suet, and mix all well together. Put it down close in a pot, and when you use it, roll it up with as much egg as will make it roll smooth. Make them of the size of a sausage, and fry them in butter, or good drip- ping. Be careful the butter is hot before you put them in, and keep rolling them about while they are doing. When they are thoroughly hot, and of a fine light brown, take them out, put them into a dish, and serve them up. Veal mixed with pork, and done in this man- ner, eats exceeding fine. Oxford Sausages. Take a pound of young pork, fat and lean, with- out skin or gristle, a pound of lean veal, and a pound of beef-suet, chopped all fine together ; put in half a pound of grated bread, half the peel of a lemon shred fine, a nutmeg grated, six sage-leaves washed and chopped very fine, a tea-spoonful of pepper and two of salt, some thyme, savory, and marjoram, shred fine. Mix all well together, and put it close down in a pan till you use it. Roll it out the size of a common sau- sage, and fry them in fresh butter of a fine brown, or broil them over a clear fire, and send them to table as hot as possible. SO 9 CHAPTER XXY. METHODS OF KEEPING VEGETABLES, FRUITS, .n it, and pour upon them as much boiling water as will cover them. As soon as the heat will permit you to put your hand into the ves- sel, bruise them well till all the berries are broken. Then let them staud covered till the berries begin to rise towards the top, which they will do in three or lour days. Then draw off the clear into another ves- sel, and add to every ten quarts of this liquor one pound of sugar. Stir it well in, and let it stand to work a week or ten days in another vessel like the first. Then draw it off at the cork through a jelly-bag into a large vessel. Take four ounces of isinglass, and lay it to steep twelve hours in a pint of white wine. The next morning boil it upon a slow fire till it is all dis- solved. Then take a gallon of your blackberry juice, put in the dissolved isinglass, give them a boil together, and pour all into the vessel. Let it stand a few days to purge and settle, then draw it off, and keep it in a cool place. Turnip Wine. Take what quantity of turnips you think proper, pare and slice them, put them into a cider-press, and squeeze out all the juice. To every gallon of juice put three pounds of lump sugar, put both into a vessel just large enough to hold them, and add to every gallon of juice half a pint of brandy. Lay something over the bung for a week ; and when you are sure it has done working, bung it down close. Let it stand three months, then draw it off into another vessel, and when it is fine, put it into bottles. MADE WINES 321 Birch Wine. This wine must be made at that time of the yeat W'hen the liquor from the birch-trees can be best pro- cured. This is in the beginning of March, when the sap is rising, and before the leaves shoot out ; for when the sap is coming forward, and the leaves appear, the juice, by being long digested in the bark, grows thick and coloured, which before was thin and clear. The method of procuring the juice is, by boring holes in the body of the tree, and putting fossets, which are usual- ly made of the branches of elder, the pith being taken out. You may, without hurting the tree, if it is large, tap it in several places, four or five at a time, and by that means save, from a good many trees, several gal- lons every day. If you do not get enough in one day, the bottles in which it drops must be corked close, and rosined or waxed ; however, make use of it as soon as you can. Take the sap, and boil it as long as any scum will rise, skimming it all the time. To every gallon of liquor put four pounds of good sugar and the thin peel of a lemon. Then boil it half an hour, and keep skimming it well. Pour it into a clean tub, and when it is almost cold, set it to w T ork wfith yeast spread upon a toast. Let it stand five or six days, stirring it often. Then take a cask just large enough to hold all the liquor, fire a large match dipped in brimstone, and throw it into the cask, stop it close till the match is extinguished, then turn your wine, and lay the bung on lightly till you find it has done working. Stop it close, and, after three months, bottle it off. Rose Wine. Put into a well-glazed earthen vessel three gallons of rose-water drawn with a cold still. Put into it a sufficient quantity of rose-leaves, cover it close, and set it for an hour in a kettle or copper of hot water, to to take out the whole strength and flavour of the roses. When it is cold, press the rose-leaves hard into the liquor, and steep fresh ones on it, repeating it till the liquor has got the full strength of the roses. To every No. 14 . 2 S 322 MADE WINES. gallon of liquor put three pounds of loaf sugar, and stir it well that it may melt and disperse in every part. Then put it into a cask, or other convenient vessel, to ferment, and throw into it a piece of bread toasted hard and covered with yeast. Let it stand a month, when it will be ripe, and have all the fine flavour and scent of the roses. If you add some wine and spices, it will be a considerable improvement. By the same mode of infusion, wines may be made from any other flowers that have an odoriferous scent, and grateful flavour. Ginger Wine. Put seven pounds of Lisbon sugar into four gallons of spring water, boil them a quarter of an hour, and keep skimming it all the time. When the liquor is cold, squeeze in the juice of two lemons, and then boil the peels with two ounces of ginger, in three pints of water, for an hour. When it is cold, put it all toge- ther into a barrel, with two spoonsful of yeast, a quar- ter of an ounce of isinglass beat very thin, and two pounds of jar raisins. Then close it up, let it stand seven weeks, and then bottle it off. Balm Wine. Boil forty pounds cf sugar in nine gallons of water for two hours, skim it well, and put it into a tub to cool. Take two pounds and a half of the tops of balm, bruise them, and put them into a barrel with a little new yeast, and when the liquor is cold, pour it on the balm. Mix it well together, and let it stand twenty-four hours, stirring it frequently during the time. Then close it up, and let it stand six weeks, at the expira- tion of which rack it off, and put a lump of sugar into every bottle. Cork it well, and it will be better the second year than the first. Mead Wine. There are different kinds of this wine; but those generally made are two, namely, sack-mead and cow- slip-mead. Sack mead is made thus : to every gallon MADE WINES. 323 of water put four pounds of honey, and boil it three quarters of an hour, taking care properly to skim it To each gallon add half an ounce of hops, then boh it half an hour, and let it stand till the next day. Then put it into your cask ; and to thirteen gallons of the liquor add a quart of brandy or sack. Let it be tightly closed till the fermentation is over, and then stop it up very close. II you make as much as fills a large cask, you must not bottle it off till it has stood a year. To make cowslip-mead you must proceed thus: put thirty pounds of honey into fifteen gallons of water, and boil it till one gallon is wasted ; skim it, take it oft the fire, and have ready sixteen lemons cut in half. Take a gallon of the liquor, and put it to the lemons. Pour the rest of the liquor into a tub, with seven pecks of cowslips, and let them stand all night * then put in the liquor with the lemons, eight spoonsful of new yeast, and a handful of sweet-brier; stir all well together, and let it work three or four days. Then strain it, pour it into your cask, let it stand six months, and then bottle it off for use. Raspberry Brandy. Mix a pint of water with two quarts of brandy, and put them into a pitcher large enough to hold them, with four pints of raspberries. Put in half a pound of loaf-sugar, and let it remain for a week close covered. Then take a piece of flannel, with a piece of Holland over it, and let it run through by degrees. In about a week it will be perfectly fine, when you may rack it off ; but be careful the bottles are well corked. Orange Brandy. Put into three quarts of brandy the chips of eigh- teen Seville oranges, and let them steep a fortnight in a stone bottle close stopped. Boil two quarts of spring water, with a pound and a half of the finest sugar, near an hour very gently. Clarify the water and su gar with the white of an egg, then strain it through a jelly-bag, and boil it near half away. When it is cold, strain the brandy into the syrup. 324 CORDIAL WATERS. Lemon Brandy. Mix five quarts of water with one gallon of brandv: then take two dozen of lemons, two pounds of the best sugar, and three pints of milk. Pare the lemons very thin, and lay the peel to steep in the brandy twelve hours. Squeeze the lemons upon the sugar, then put the water to it, and mix all the ingredients together. Let it stand twenty-four hours, and then strain it. Black Chei'ry Brandy. Stone eight pounds of black cherries, and put on them a gallon of the best brandy. Bruise the stones in a mortar, and then put them into your brandv. Co- ver them up close, and let them stand a month or six weeks. Then pour it clear from the sediments, and bottle it. Morello cherries managed in this manner, make a fine rich cordial. CHAPTER XXVIII. CORDIAL WATERS. IN the process of making these articles, several things are necessary to be observed, in order to bring them to their proper state of perfection. If your still is an alembic, you must fill the top with cold water when you set it on, and close the bottom with a little stifF paste made of flour and water. If you use a hot still, when you put on the top, dip a cloth in white lead and oil, and lay it close over the ends, and a coarse cloth well soaked in water on the top ; and when it becomes dry from the heat of the fire, wet it and lay it on again. It will require but little fire, but what there is must be as clear as possible. All simple waters must stand two or three days before they are bottled off, that the fiery taste which they will naturally receive from the still may be fully extracted. Rose Water. Gather your roses when they are dry and full blown, pick off the leaves, and to every peck put a CORDIAL WATERS. 325 quart of water. Then put them into a cold still, and make a slow fire under it; for the more gradually it is distilled, the better it will be. Then bottle it, and in two or three days you may cork it up for use. Lavender Water. To every pound of lavender-neps put a quart of water. Put them into a cold still, and make a slow fire under it. Distil it off very slowly, and put it into a pot till you have distilled all your water. Then clean your still well out, put your lavender-water into it, and distil it off as slowly as before. Then put it into bottles, cork them quite close, and set them by for use. P eppermint Water. Gather your peppermint when it is full grown, and before it seeds. Cut it into short lengths, put it into your still, and cover it with water. Make a good fire under it, and when it is near boiling, and the still begins to drop, if you find your fire too hot, draw a little away, that the liquor may not boil over. The slower your still drops, the clearer and stronger will be the water; but at the same time you must not let it get too weak. The next morning bottle it off, and after it has stood two or three days, to take off the fiery taste of the still, cork it well, and it will preserve its strength a considerable time. Surfeit Water. Take scurvy-grass, brook-lime, water-cresses, Ro- man wormwood, rue, mint, balm, sage, and chives, of each one handful ; poppies, if fresh, half a peck ; but if they are dry, only half that quantity; cochineal and saffron, six-penny worth of each : aniseeds, carraway- seeds, coriander-seeds, and cardamum seeds, of each an ounce ; two ounces of scraped liquorice, a pound of split figs, the same quantity of raisins of the sun stoned, an ounce of juniper-berries bruised, an ounce of beaten nutmeg, an ounce of mace bruised, and the same of sweet fennel seeds also bruised ; a few ilowers 326 BREWING. of rosemary, marigold, and sage. Put all these into a large stone jar, and pour on them three gallons of French brandy. Cover it close, and let it stand near the fire for three weeks. Stir it three times a week, and at the expiration of that time strain it off. Bottle your liquor, and pour on the ingredients a quart more of French brandy. Let it stand a week, stirring it once a day; then distil it in a cold still, and you will have a fine white surfeit water. Bottle it close, and it will retain its virtues a considerable time. CHAPTER XXIX. THE ART OF BREWING. TO complete the Housekeeper's knowledge in all domestic concerns, it is essentially necessary she should be properly acquainted with the method of brewing malt-liquors, more especially should she he the princi- pal provider for a numerous family. This business will therefore form the subject of the present chapter, and the mode to be pursued throughout the whole pro- cess we shall endeavour to lay down in so clear, con- cise, and intelligent a manner, as may easily guide the unacquainted, and perhaps, in some degree, be mate- rially beneficial to those already informed. SECT. I. The Principles on which a Copper should be built for Brewing. There are several things that demand peculiar no- tice previous to the actual process of brewing malt liquors ; and those are with respect to the various im- plements necessary to effect and facilitate a proper execution of so important a business. The first thing that presents itself among these is the copper, the proper position of w hich, and manner of its being set, are matters that require very attentive BREWING. 327 consideration. The most beneficial mode to be adopt- ed is this : divide the heat of the fire by a stop ; and if the door and draught be in a direct line, the stop must be erected from the middle of each outline of the grat- ing, and parallel with the centre sides of the copper ; by which method the middle of the fire will be direct- ly under the bottom of the copper. The stop is com- posed of a thin wall in the centre of the right and left sides of the copper, which is to ascend half the height of it. On the top must be left a cavity, from four to six inches, for a draught for that half part of the fire which is next the door of the copper ; and then the building must close all round to the finishing at the top. By this method the heat will communicate from the out- ward part of the fire round the outward half of your copper, through the cavity, as well the farthest part of the flue, which also contracts a conjunction of the whole, and causes the flame to glide gently and equally round the bottom of the copper. The ad vantages derived from your copper being set in this manner are very great, nor is the saving of fuel the least object of consideration among them. It has a material pre-eminence over wheel-draughts; for with them, if there is not particular attendance given to the hops, by stirring them down, they are apt to stick to the sides, and scorch, which will deprive the liquor of having its sweet and proper flavour. By the before mentioned method the copper will last many years more than it will by the wheel- draught ; for that draws with so much violence, that should your liquor be beneath the communication of the fire, yOur copper will thereby be liable to injury ; whereas by the other method, you may boil half a copper full without fear of any bad consequence. SECT. II. On the proper Management of Vessels for Brewing , and the necessity of keeping them in due Order. On the preceding day that you intend to brew, 328 BREWING. make a strict examination into all your vessels, that they are thoroughly clean, and in a proper state for use. They should never be converted to any other purpose, except for the use of making wines; and, even in that case, after done with, should be properly cleansed, and kept in a place free from dirt. Let your cask be well cleaned with boiling water ; and if the bung-hole is large enough, scrub them well with a small birch - broom, or brush. If you find them bad, and a very musty scent comes from them, take out the heads, and let them be scrubbed clean with a hand brush, sand, and fullers’-earth. When you have done this, put on the head again, and scald it well, then throw in a piece of unslacked lime, and stop the bung close. When they have stood some time, rince them well with cold water, and they will be properly prepared for use. The greatest attention must likewise be paid to the Care of your coolers, which are implements of very ma- terial consequence ; for, if they are not properly kept in order, your liquor, from a secret and unaccountable cause, abstracts a nauseousness that will entirely de- stroy it. This often proceeds from wet having been infused in the wood, as it is sometimes apt to lodge in the crevices of old coolers, and even infect them to such a degree, that it will not depart, though many washings and scaldings are applied. One cause incidental to this evil is, suffering women to w ash in a brewhouse, which ought by no means to be permitted, where any other convenience can be had ; for nothing can be more hurtful than the remnants of dirty soap suds left in vessels calculated only for the purpose of brewing. When you prepare the coolers, be careful never to let the w r ater stand too long in them, as it will soak in, and soon turn putrid, when the stench will enter the wood, and render them almost incurable. To prevent such consequences, as well as to answer good purposes, it has been recommended, where fixed brewiiouses are intended, that all coolers should be leaded. It must be admitted, in the first place, that such are ex- ceeding cleanly; and, secondly, that it expedites the BREWING. 329 cooling part of your liquor worts, which is very neces sary to forward it for working, as well as afterwards for cooling the whole ; for evaporation causes consi- derably more waste than proper boiling. It is also indispensably necessary that your coolers be well scour- ed with cold water two or three times, cold water being more proper than hot to effect a perfect cleansing, especially if they are in a bad condition, from undis- covered filth that may be in the crevices. The appli- cation of warm water will drive the infection farther; so that if your liquor be let into the coolers, and any remain in the crevices, the heat will collect the foulness, and render the whole both disagreeable and unwhole- some. The mash-tub in particular must be kept perfectly clean ; nor must the grains be left in the tub any long- er than the day after brewing, lest it should sour the tub ; for if there is a sour scent in the brewhouse before your beer is tunned, it will be apt to infect your liquor and worts. From such inconveniences, the necessity of cleanliness in utensils for brewing is sufficiently obvious. SECT. III. Directions for the Management of the Mash-tub , Penstaff, 4*c. To render your mash-tub more perfect and lasting, you should have a circular piece of brass or copper, to inlay and line the whole where the penstaff enters, to let the wort run off into the underback. The penstaff should be also strongly ferrelled with the same metal, and both well and taperly finished, so that you can place it properly. By this method you have it run from the fineness of a thread to the fulness of an inch tube, &c. first dressing your musk-basket with straw, fern, or small bushy furze without stems, six or eight inches in from the bottom of your basket, and set quite per- pendicularly over the whole, with the penstaff through No. 14. 2 T 330 BREWING. the centre of the basket, and the middle of the furze or (ern, and fastened to the hole of the tub. To steady it properly, you must have a piece of iron let into a staple fastened to the tub, at the nearest part opposite the basket, and to reach nearly to it ; and from that piece another added on a jointed swivel, or any other contrivance, so as to be at liberty to let round the bas- ket like a dog s collar, and to enter into the staple form- ed in the same to pin it fast, and by adding a half cir- cular turn into the collar, in which you have room to drive in a wedge, which will keep it safe down to the bottom, where there can be no danger of its being dis- turbed by stirring the mash, which will otherwise sometimes be the case. When you let go, you w ill raise the penstaff to your own degree of running, and then fasten the staff, by the help of tw o wedges tight- ened between the staff and the basket. In process of time the copper w ork, like every thing else, w T ill become defective, and w hen this is the case, you may repair the imperfection by the following sim- ple method. Work the penstaff in the brass socket with emery and w ater, or oil, w hich will make it per- haps more perfect than when new. The like method is sometimes taken even with taps just purchased, in order to prevent their decaying so soon as they other- wise wuuld. A very material addition may be made to the con- venience of the underbacks, by having a piece of cop- per to line the hole in the bottom, w hich may be stop- ped with a cloth put singly round a large tap ; and when it is fastened dowm for the w ort to run, it w ill be necessary to put a large w eight on the tap, which w ill prevent its flying up by the heat. When the liquor is pumped clean out of the back, the cloth round the tap will enable you to take out the tap with ease ; and there should be a drain below’ the underback to carry off tlie w T ater, w hich will enable you to wash it perfect- ly clean with very little trouble. This drain should be made with a clear descent, so as no damp may re- main under the back. With the conveyance of water BREWING. 331 running into your copper, you may be enabled to work that water in a double quantity, your underback being tilled, by the means of letting it in at your leisure, out of your copper, through a shoot to the mash-tub, and so to the underback. Thus you will have a reserve against the time you wish to fill your copper, which may be completed in a few minutes, by pumping while the under tap is running. Thus much for the princi- pal utensils in brewing, which we again recommend to be always kept in a perfect state of cleanliness. SECT. 1Y Of the proper Time of Brewing. The month of March is generally considered as one of the principal seasons for brewing malt liquor for long keeping ; and the reason is, because the air at that time of the year is, in general, temperate, and con- tributes to the good working or fermentation of the liquor, which principally promotes its preservation and good keeping. V ery cold, as well as very hot weather, prevents the free fermentation or working of liquors ; so that, if you brew in very cold weather, unless you use some means to warm the cellar while new drink is working, it will never clear itself in the manner you would wish, and the same misfortune will arise if, in very hot w r eather, the cellar is not put into a tempe- rate state ; the consequence of all which will be, that such drink will be muddy and sour, and, perhaps, in such a degree, as to be past recovery. Such accidents often happen, even in the proper season for brewing, and that owing to the badness of the cellar; for when they are dug in springy grounds, or are subject to damps in the winter, the liquor will chill, and become vapid or flat. When cellars are of this nature, it is advisable to make your brewings in March, rather than in Octo- ber ; for you may keep your cellars temperate in sum- mer, but cannot w T arm them in winter. Thus your beer brewed in March will ha ve due time to settle and 332 BREWING. adjust itself before the cold can do it any material in- jury. All cellars for keeping liquor should be fonned in such a manner, that no external air can get into them ; for the variation of the air abroad, were there free ad- mission of it into the cellars, would cause as many alter- ations in the liquors, and would thereby keep them in so unsettled a state, as to render them unfit for drink- ing. A constant temperate air digests and softens malt liquors ; so that they taste quite soft and smooth to the palate ; but in cellars which are unequal, by letting in heats and colds, the liquor will be apt to sustain very material injury. SECT. Y. On the Quality of Water proper for Brewing. It has evidently appeared from repeated experience, that the water best in quality for brewing is river- water, such as is soft, and has received those benefits which naturally arise from the air and sun ; for this easily penetrates into the grain, and extracts its virtues. On the contrary, hard waters astringe and bind the power of the malt, so that its virtue is not freely com- municated to the liquor. There are some who hold it as a maxim, that all water that will mix with soap is fit for brewing, which is the case with most river- water; and it has been frequently experienced, that when the same quantity of malt has been used to a barrel of river- water, as to a barrel of spring-water, the brewing from the former has excelled the other in strength above five degrees in twelve months keep. It is likewise to be observed, that the malt was not only the same in quantity for one barrel as for the other, but was the same in quality, having been all measured from the same heap. The hops were also (he same, both in quality and quantity, and the time of boiling equal in each. They were worked in the same manner, and tunned and kept in the same cellar. BREWING. 333 This is the most demonstrable and undeniable proof that the difference took place from the difference of the quality of the water. Various experiments have been tried by gentlemen in different counties to ascertain the truth of this very essential difference in malt liquors, arising from the quality of the water ; but after all, they have been left in a state of perplexity. One circumstance has greatly puzzled the ablest brewers, and that is, when several gentlemen in the same town have employed the same brewer, have had the same malt, the same hops, and the same water, and brewed in the same month, and broached their drink at the same time, yet one has had beer exceed- ing fine, strong, and well-tasted, while the others have had hardly any worth drinking. In order to ac- count for this very singular difference, three reasons may be advanced. First, it might arise from the dif- ference of the weather, which might happen at the several brewings in this month, and make an alteration in the working of the liquors. Secondly, the yeast, or barm, might be of different sorts, or in different states, wherewith these liquors were worked; and, thirdly, the cellars might not be equally adapted for the purpose. The goodness of such drink as is brew- ed for keeping, in a great measure depends on the proper form and temperature of the cellars in which it is placed. Beer made at Dorchester, which in general is greatly admired, is, for the most part, brewed with chalky- water, which is to be had in most parts of that county ; and as the soil is generally chalk, the cellars being dug in that dry soil, contribute to the good keeping of their drink, it being of a close texture, and of a drying quality, so as to dissipate damps ; for it has been found by experience that damp cellars are injurious to the keeping of liquor, as well as injurious to the casks. Water that is naturally of a hard quality may be, m pome degree, softened by exposing it to the air and 334 BREWING. sun, and putting into it some pieces of soft chalk to infuse ; or, when the water is set on to boil, in order to be poured on the malt, put into it a quantity of bran, which will take off some part of its sharpness, and make it better extract the virtues of the malt. SECT. VI. Of the Quality of the Malt and Hops most proper to he chosen for Brewing , with some necessary Observations on the j M anagement of each. There are two sorts of malt, the general distinc- tion between which is, that the one is high, and the other low dried. The former of these, when brewed, produces a liquor of a deep brown colour ; and the other, which is the low dried, will produce a liquor of a pale colour. The first is dried in such a manner as rather to be scorched than dried, and is much less wholesome than the pale malt. It has likewise been found by experience, that brown malt, although it may be well brewed, will sooner turn sharp than the pale ; from whence, among other reasons, the latter is entitled to pre-eminence. We have farther proofs of this distinction from various people, but particularly one : — A gentleman, who has made the Art of Brewing his study for many years, and who gives his opinion and knowledge in words to this purpose, says, brown malt makes the best drink when it is brewed with a course river w T ater, such as that of the Thames about London ; and that likewise being brewed with such water makes very good ale ; but that it will not keep above six months without turning stale, even though he allows fourteen bushels to the hogshead. He adds, that he has tried the high-dried malt to brew beer with for beeping and hopped it accordingly; and yet he could never brew it so as to drink soft and mellow like that brewed with pale malt. There is, he says, an acid quality in the high-dried malt, which occasions those who drink it to BREWING. 335 be greatly troubled with that disorder called the heart- burn. What we have here said with respect to malt, refers only to that made of barley ; for wheat-malt, pea-malt, or high coloured liquor, will keep some years, and drink soft and smooth, bat they are very subject to have the flavour of mum. Malt high dried should not be used in brewing till it has been ground ten days or a fortnight, as it will then yield much stronger drink than from the same quantity ground but a short time before it is used. On the contrary, pale malt, which has not received much of the fire, must not remain ground above a week before it is used. With respect to hops, the newest are by far the best. They will, indeed, remain very good for two years, but after that they begin to decay, and lose their fla- vour, unless great quantities are kept together, in which case they will keep good much longer than in small quantities. In order the better to preserve them, they should be kept in a very dry place, contrary to the practice of those who deal in them, who making self-interest their first consideration, keep them as damp as they can to increase their weight. It will happen, in the course of time, that hops will grow stale, decayed, and lose their natural bitterness ; but this defect may be removed, by unbagging them, and sprinkling them with aloes and water. From what has been said, it is evident that every one of the particulars mentioned should be judiciously chosen before you commence brewing, otherwise you will sustain a loss, which will be aggravated by your labours being in vain. It is likewise to be observed, that the yeast or barm w ith which you work your liquor, must be well considered, for otherwise, even by that alone, a good brewing may be totally destroyed. Be alw T ays particularly careful that you are provided with every necessary article previous to your com- mencing the business of brewing ; for if the wort waits for any thing that should be immediately at hand, it will be attended with very bad consequences. 336 BREWING. SECT. VII. The Process, or Practical Part of Brewing. Having, in the preceding sections, fully explained the necessary precautions to be taken previous to the commencement of this very important business, we shall now proceed to give a concise detail of every thing that is necessary to be observed and attended to in the regular process of it, from the malt being first malted, to the liquor being turned off for the cellar. Your utensils being all properly cleansed and scald- ed, your malt ground, your water in the copper boil- ing, and your penstaff well set, you must then proceed to mash, by putting a sufficient quantity of boiling wa- ter into your tub, in w hich it must stand until the greater part of the steam is gone off, or till you can see your own shadow in it. It will be then necessary that one person should pour the malt gently in, while another is carefully stirring it ; for it is equally essential that the same care should be observed when the mash is thin as when thick. This being effectually done, and having a sufficient reserve of malt to cover the mash, to prevent evaporation, you may cover your tub with sacks, &c. and leave your malt three hours to steep, which will be a proper time for the extraction of its virtues. Before you let the mash run, be careful to be pre- pared with a pail to catch the first flush, as that is generally thickish, and another pail to be applied while you return the first on the mash, and so on for two or three times, or, at least, till it runs fine. By this time, your copper should be boiling, and a convenient tub placed close to your mash-tub. Let into it through your spout half the quantity of boiling water you mean to use for draw ing off your best w ort ; after which you must instantly turn the tap to fill up again, which, with a proper attention to the fire, will boil in due time. During such time, you must slop the mash with this hot w r ater out of the convenient tub, in moderate quantities, every eight or ten minutes BREWING. 331 till the whole is consumed ; and then let off the re- maining quantity, which will be boiling hot, to the linishing process for strong beer. Having proceeded thus far, fill your copper, and let it boil as quick as possible for the second mash, whe- ther you intend it either for ale or small beer. Being thus far prepared, let off the remaining quantity of water into your tub, as you did for the strong beer ; but if you would have small beer besides, you must act accordingly, by boiling a proper quantity off in due time, and letting it into the tub as before. With respect to the quantity of malt, twenty-four bushels will make two hogsheads of as good strong beer as any person would wish to drink, as also two hogs- heads of very decent ale. The strong beer made from this quantity of malt should be kept two or three years before it is tapped, and the ale never less than one. If your mash is only for one hogshead, it should be two hours in running off; if for two hogsheads, two hours and a half; and for any greater quantity, three hours. Particular attention must be paid to the time of steeping your mashes. Strong beer must be allowed three hours; ale, one hour; and, if you draw small beer after, half an hour. By this mode of proceeding, your boilings will regularly take place of each other, which will greatly expedite the business. Be careful, in the course of mashing, that it is thoroughly stirred from the bottom, and especially round the muck-basket, for, being well shaken, it will prevent a stagnation of the whole body of the mash. This last process de- mands peculiar attention, for without it your beer will certainly be foxed, and, at best, will have a very dis- agreeable flavour. In the preparation for boiling, the greatest care must be taken to put the hops in with the first wort, or it will char in a few minutes. As soon as the copper is full enough, make a good fire under it; but be careful in filling it to leave room enough for boiling. Quick boiling is part of the business that requires very par No. 15. 2 U BREWING. 333 tieular attention. Great caution should likewise be observed when the liquor begins to swell in waves in the copper. If you have no attendant, be particular attentive to its motions; and being provided with an iron rod of a proper length, crooked at one end, and jagged at the other, then with the crook you are ena- bled to open the furnace, or copper-door, and with the other t nd push in the damper without stirring from your station ; but on the approach of the first swell you will have sufficient time to proportion your fire, as care should be taken that it is not too fierce. When the boil is properly got under, you may increase the fire so that it may boil briskly. In order to ascertain the proper time the liquor should boil, you may make use of the following ex- pedient : take a clean copper bowl dish, dip out some of the liquor, and when you discover a working, and the hops sinking, then conclude it to be sufficiently boiled. Long and slow boiling isnotonly pernicious, but it likewise wastes the liquor; for the slower it boils the lower it drops and singes to your copper; whereas, quick boiling has a contrary effect. Essence of malt is extracted by length of boiling, by which you can make it to the thickness of honey or treacle. In some parts of Yorkshire they value their liquor for its great strength, by its affecting the brain for two or three davs after intoxication. This is the effect of longr boiling; for in that county they boil liquor for three hours ; and what is still worse, when it sinks in the copper, from the waste in boiling, they every now and then add a little fresh wort, w 7 hich, w ithout doubt, must produce stagnation, and, consequently, impurities. When your liquor is properly boiled, be sure to tra- verse a small quantity of it over all the coolers, so as to get a proper quantity cold immediately to set to work; but if the airiness of vour brewhouse is not suf- •/ ficient to expedite a quantity soon, you must traverse a second quantity over the coolers, and then let it into shallow tubs. Put these into any passage w here there is a thorough draft of air, but where no rain or other BREWING. 339 wet can get to it. Then let off the quantity of two baring- tubs full from the first one, the second and third coolers, which may be soon got cold, to be ready for a speedy working, and then the remaining part that is in your copper may be quite let out into the first cooler. In the mean time mend the fire, and also attend to the hops, to make a clear passage through the strainer. Having proceeded thus far, as soon as the liquor is done running, return to your business of pumping; but be careful to remember, that, when you have got four or five pails full, you then return all the hops into the copper for the ale. By this time the small quantity of liquor traversed over your coolers being sufficiently cooled, you must proceed to set your liquor to work, the manner of doing which is as follows : Take four quarts of barm, and divide half of it into small vessels, such as clean bowls, basins, or mugs, add- ing thereto an equal quantity of wort, which should be almost cold. As soon as it ferments to the top of the vessel, put it into two pails, and when that works to the top, put one into a baring-tub, and the other into another. When you have half a baring-tub full toge- ther, you may put the like quantity to each of them, and then cover them over, until it comes to a fine white head. This may be perfectly completed in three hours, and then put those two quantities into the working guile. You may now add as much wort as you have got ready; for, if the weather is open, you cannot work it too cold. If you brew in cold frosty weather, keep the brew house warm : but never add hot wort to keep the liquor to a blood heat, that being a bad maxim; for hot wort put to cold, as well as cold to hot, is so intemperate in its nature, that it stagnates the proper operation of the barm. Be particularly careful that your barm be not from foxed beer, that is, beer heated by ill management in its working ; for in that case it is likely to carry with it the contagion. If your barm be flat, and you cannot procure that which is new, the method of recovering 340 BREWING. ‘ts working is, by putting to it a pint of warm sweet wort, of your first letting off, the heat to be about half the degree of milk-warm : then give the vessel that contains it a shake, and it will soon gather strength, and be fit for use. With respect to the quantity of hops necessary to be used, remember that half a pound of good hops is suffi- cient for a bushel of malt. The last, and most simple operation in the business of brewing is, that of tunning, the general methods of doing which are, either by having it carried into the cellar on men’s shoulders, or conveying it thither by means of leathern pipes commonly used for that purpose. Your casks being perfectly clean, sweet and dry, and placed on the stand ready to receive the liquor, first skim off the top barm, then proceed to fill your casks quite full, and immediately bung and peg them close. Bore a hole with a tap-borer near the summit of the stave at the same distance from the top, as the lower tap-hole is from the bottom, for working through that upper hole, which is a clean and more effectual method than working it over the cask; for, by the above me- thod, being so closely confined, it soon sets itself into a convulsive motion of working, and forces itself fine, provided you attend to the filling of your casks five or six times a day. This ought to be carefully attended to, for, by too long an omission, it begins to settle, and being afterwards disturbed, it raises a sharp fermen- tation, which produces an incessant w orking of a spu- rious froth that may continue for some weeks, and, after all, give your beer a disagreeable taste. One material caution necessary to be kept in remem- brance is this : that how ever careful you may be in at- tending to all the preceding particulars, yet if your casks are not kept in good order, still the brewing may be spoiled. New 7 casks are apt to give liquor a bad taste, if they are not w 7 ell scalded and seasoned several days successively before they are used ; and old casks, if they stand any time out of use, are aot. to grow 7 musty. BREWING. 341 Having thus gone through the practical part of brew- ing, and brought the liquor from the mash- tub to the cask, we shall now proceed to SECT. YIII. Containing the proper Management of Malt Liquors , with some necessary Observations on the Whole. In order to keep strong beer in a proper state of pre- servation, remember, that when once the vessel is broached, regard must be paid to the time in which it may be expended ; for, if there happens to be a quick draught for it, then it will last good to the very bottom ; but if there is likely to be but a slow draught, then do not draw off quite half before you bottle it, otherwise it will grow hat, dead, or sour. In proportion to the quantity of liquor which is en- closed in one cask, so will it be a shorter or longer time in ripening. A vessel, which contains two hogs- heads of beer, will require twice as much time to per- fect itself as one of a hogshead ; and it is found, by ex- perience, that no vessel should be used for strong beer (which is intended to be kept) less than a hogshead, as one of that quantity, if it is fit to draw in a year, will have body enough to support it for two, three, or four years, provided it has a sufficient strength of malt and hops, which is the case with Dorchester beer. With respect to the management of small beer, the first consideration should be to make it tolerably good in quality, which, in various instances, will be found truly economical ; for if it is not good, servants, for whom it is principally calculated, will be feeble m summer time, incapable of strong work, and subject to various disorders. Besides, when the beer is bad, a great deal will be thrown away ; whereas, on the contrary, good wholesome drink will be valued, and consequently taken care of. It is advisable therefore, where there is a good cellaring, to brew a stock of BREWING. small beer in March or October, or in both months, to be kept, if possible, in hogsheads. The beer brewed in March should not be tapped till October, nor that brewed in October till the March following; having this regard to the quantity, that a family, of the same number of working people, will drink at least one third more in summer than in winter. In order to fine beer, some people, who brew with high dried barley malt, put a bag, containing about three pints of wheat into every hogshead of liquor, which has had the desired effect, and made the beer drink soft and mellow. Others again, have put about three pints of wheat-malt into a hogshead, which has produced the like effect. But all malt liquors, however well they may be brewed, may be spoiled by bad cellaring; be subject to ferment in the cask, and consequently turn thick and sour. When this happens to be the case, the best way of bringing the liquor to itself is, to open the bung- hole of the cask for two or three days ; and if that does not stop the fermentation, then put in about two or three pounds of oyster shells, washed, dried well in an oven, and then beaten to a fine powder. After you have put it in stir it a little, and it will soon settle the liquor, make it fine, and take off the sharp taste. When you find this effected, draw it off into another vessel, and put a small bag of wheat, or wheat-malt into it, in proportion to the size of the vessel. It sometimes occurs, that such fermentations will happen in liquor from a change of weather, if it is in a bad cel- lar, and will, in a few months, fall fine of itself, and grow mellow. In some country places remote from principal towms, it is a practice to dip whisks into yeast, then beat it well, and hang up the whisks, w ith the yeast in them, to dry; and if there be no brewing till two months afterwards, the beating and stirring one of the w hisks in new wort will soon raise a w orking or fermentation. It is a rule, that all liquor should be w T orked well in BREWING. r> *, g *JbO the tun, before it is put into the vessel, otherwise it will not easily grow fine. Some follow the rule of beating down the yeast pretty often while it is in the tun, and keep it there working for two or three days, observing to put it into the vessel just when the yeast begins to fall. This liquor is in general very fine, whereas, on the contrary, that which is put into the vessel soon after it is brewed will be several months before it comes to a proper state of perfection. We have before taken notice of the season for brew ing malt liquors to keep. But it may not be improper further to observe, that if the cellars are subject to the heat of the sun, or warm summer air, it will be best to brew in October, that the liquor may have time to digest before the warm season comes on ; and if cel- lars are subject to damp, and to receive water, the best time will be to brew in March. Some experienced brewers always choose to brew with the pale malt in March, and the brown in October; supposing, that the pale malt, being made w T ith a less degree of fire than the other, wants the summer sun to ripen it; and so, on the contrary, the brown, having had a larger share of the fire to dry it, is more capable of defending itself against the cold of the winter season. All that remains further to be said relative to the management of malt liquors, we shall preserve in SECT. IX. Containing the proper Method of bottling Malt Liquors. As a necessary preparation for executing this busi- ness properly, great attention must be paid to your bottles, which must first be w ell cleaned and dried ; for wet bottles will make the liquor turn mouldy or mothery, as it is called ; and by wet bottles a great deal of good beer is frequently spoiled. Though the bottles may be clean and dry, yet, if the corks are not new and sound, the liquor will be still* liable to be damaged ; for, if the air can get into the bottles, the 344 EREWING. liquor will grow flat, and never rise. Many who have flattered themselves they knew how to be saving, by using old corks on this occasion, have spoiled as much liquor as stood them in four or five pounds, only for want of laying out three or four shillings. If bottles are corked as they should be, it will be difficult to draw the cork without a screw ; and to secure the drawing of the cork without breaking, the screw ought to go through the cork, and then the air must necessarily find a passage where the screw has passed. If a cork had once been in a bottle, though it has not been drawn with a screw, yet that cork will turn musty as soon as exposed to the air, and will communicate its ill flavour to the bottle in which it is next put, and spoil the liquor that way. In the choice of corks, take those that are soft and clear from specks. You may also observe, in the bottling of liquor, that the top and middle of the hogshead are the strongest, and will sooner rise in the bottles than the bottom. When you begin to bottle a vessel of any liquor, be sure not to leave it till all is completed, otherwise it will have different tastes. If you find a vessel of liquor begins to grow flat whilst it is in common draught, bottle it, and into every bottle put a piece of loaf sugar of about the size of a walnut, which will make it rise and come to itself : and, to forward its ripening, you may set some bottles in hay in a warm place ; but straw will not assist its ripening. If you shoidd have the opportunity of brewing a good stock of small beer in March and October, some of it may be bottled at the end of six months, putting into every bottle a lump of loaf sugar; which, in the summer, will make it a very pleasant and refreshing drink. Or if you happen to brew in summer, and are desirous of brisk small beer, as soon as it is done working, bottle it as before directed. Where your cellars happen not to be properly calcu- lated for the preservation of your beer, you may use the following expedient * Sink holes in the ground, put BREWING. 345 into them large oil-jars, and fill up the earth close about the sides. One of the jars will hold about two dozen bottles, and will keep the liquor in proper order; but care must be taken that the tops of the jars are kept close covered. In winter time, when the weather is frosty, shut up all the lights or windows of your cellars, and cover them close with horse-dung, which will keep your beer in a very proper and temperate state. We shall close this section and chapter with that information, which, if properly attended to, may be found, at times, of the highest convenience and utility. To Preserve Yeast. If you wish to preserve a large stock of yeast, which will keep and be of use for several months, either for brewing, or to make bread or cakes, you must follow these directions. When you have plenty of yeast, and are apprehensive of a future scarcity, take a quantity of it, stir and work it w ell with a whisk, until it be- comes liquid and thin. Then get a large wooden platter, cooler or tub, clean and dry, and with a soft brush lay a thin layer of yeast on the tub, and turn the mouth downwards, that no dust may fall upon it, but so that the air may get under to dry it. When that coat is very dry, then lay on another, and so on till you have a sufficient quantity, even two or three inches thick, always taking care that the yeast is very dry in the tub before you lay any more on, and this will keep good for several months. When you have occasion to use this yeast, cut a piece off, and lay it into warm water; then stir it together, and it wall be fit for use. If it is for brewing, take a large handful of birch tied together, dip it into the yeast, and hang it up to dry. In this manner you may do as many as you please ; but take care no dust comes to it. When your beer is fit to set to work, throw in one of these, and it will make it work as well as if you had made fresh yeast. No. 15. 2 X 346 CHAPTER XXX. DIRECTIONS FOR TRUSSING POULTRY, THERE are various reasons why the experienced and prudent housekeeper should be properly acquaint- ed with this necessary preparation to the Art of Cookery. In London every article is generally trussed by the poulterer of whom it is bought ; but it frequent- ly happeus that, either from inexperience or negligence of the servants, and want of knowledge in the cook, the article appears on the table with disgrace. Another very substantial reason for the cook having this know ledge is, that the families in which they serve are fre- quently in counties where there are no poulterers, and consequently they are under the necessity of killing and trussing their own poultry. To be prepared, therefore, for the execution of this business, we recom- mend a proper attention to the following general rules : be careful that all the stubs are perfectly taken out ; and when you draw any kind of poultry, you must be very particular to avoid breaking the gall, for should that happen, no means can be used to take away that bitterness, which will totally destroy the natural and proper taste of the article dressed. Great care should likewise be taken that you do not break the gut join- ing to the gizzard ; for, should this happen, the inside will be gritty, and the whole spoiled. These are to be attended to as general matters. We shall proceed to particulars, beginning with Turkeys. Having properly picked your turkey, break the leg bone close to the foot, and draw out the strings from the thigh, for which purpose you must hang it on a hook fastened against the wall. Cut off the neck close to the back ; but be careful to leave the crop skin suffi- ciently long to turn over the back. Then proceed to take out the crop, and loosen the liver and gut at the throat end with your middle linger. Then cut off the 'TRUSSING TRUSSING POULTRY. 347 vent, and takeout the gut. Pull out the gizzard with a crooked, sharp pointed iron, and the liver will soon follow; but be careful not to break the gall. Wipe the inside perfectly clean with a wet cloth ; having done which, cut the breast-bone through on each side close to the back, and draw the legs close to the crops. Then put a cloth on the breast, and beat the high bone down with a rolling-pin till it lies flat. If the turkey is to be trussed for boiling, cut the legs off; then put your middle finger into the inside, raise the skin of the legs, and put them under the apron of the turkey. Put a skewer into the joint of the wing and the middle joint of the leg, and run it through the body and the other leg and wing. The liver and gizzard must be put in the pinions; but be careful first to open the gizzard and take out the filth, and the gall of the liver. Then turn the small end of the pinion on the back, and tie a packthread over the ends of the legs to keep them in their places. If the turkey is to be roasted, leave the legs on, put a skewer in the joint of the wing, tuck the legs close up, and put the skewer through the middle of the legs and body. On the other side, put another skewer in at the small part of the leg. Put it close on the outside of the sidesman, and put the skewer through, and the same on the other side. Put the liver and gizzard between the pinions, and turn the point of the pinion on the back. Then put, close above the pinions, another skewer through the body of the turkey. If turkey-poults, they must be trussed as follow : take the neck from the head and body, but do not re- move the neck skin. They are drawn in the same manner as a turkey. Put a skewer through the joint of the pinion, tuck the legs close up, run the skewer through the middle of the leg, through the body, and so on the other side. Cut off the under part of the bill, twist the skin of the neck round, and put the head on the point of the skewer, w 7 ith the bill-end forwards. Another skewer must be put in the sidesman, and the legs placed between the sidesman and apron on each 31 3 TRUSSING side. Pass the skewer through all, and cut off the toe-nails. It is very common to lard them on the breast. The liver and gizzard may or may not be used, as you like. Fowls . When you have properly picked your fowls, cut oil the neck close to the back. Then take out the crop, and with your middle linger loosen the liver and other matters. Cut off the vent, draw it clean, and beat the breast-bone flat with a rolling-pin. If your fowl is to be boiled, cut off the nails of the feet, and tuck them down close to the legs. Put your finger into the inside, and raise the skin of the legs; then cut a hole in the top of the skin, and put the legs under. Put a skewer in the first joint of the pinion, bring the middle of the leg close to it, put the skewer through the middle of the leg, and through the body; and then do the same on the other side. Having opened the gizzard, take out the filth, and the gall out of the liver. Put the gizzard and the liver in the pinion, turn the points on the back, and tie a string over the tops of the legs to keep them in their proper place. If your fowl is to be roasted, put a skewer in the first joint of the pinion, and bring the middle of the leg close to it. Put the skewer through the middle of the leg, and through the body, and do the same on the other side. Put an- other skewer in the small of the leg, and through the sidesman ; do the same on the other side, and then put another through the skin of the feet. You must not forget to cut off the nails of the feet. Chickens. With respect to picking and drawing, they must be done in the same manner as fowls. If they are to be boiled, cut off the nails, give the sinews a nich on each side of the joint, put the feet in at the vent, and then peel the rump. Draw the skin tight over the legs, put a skevVer in the first joint of the pinion, and bring the middle of the leg close. Put the skewer through the middle of the legs, and through the body, and do POULTRY. SJ4U the same on the other side. Clean the gizzard, and take out the gall in the liver ; put them into the pinions, and turn the points on the back. If your chickens are to be roasted, cut off the feet, put a skewer in the first joint ot the pinions, and bring the middle of the leg close. Run the skewer through the middle of the leg, and through the body, and do the same on the other side. Put another skewer into the sidesman, put the legs between the apron and the sidesman, and run the skewe through. Having cleaned the liver and giz- zard, put them in the pinions, turn the points on the back, and pull the breast skin over the neck. Geese. Hav ing picked and stubbed your goose clean, cut the feet off at the joint, and the pinion off the first joint. Then cut off’ the neck almost close to the back ; but leave the skin of the neck long enough to turn over the back. Pull out the throat, and tie a knot at the end. With your middle finger loosen the liver and other matters at the breast end, and cut it open be- tween the vent and the rump. Having done this, draw out all the entrails, excepting the soul. Wipe it out clean with a wet cloth, and beat the breast bone flat with a rolling-pin. Put a skewer into the wing, and draw the legs close up. Put the skewer through the middle of the leg, and through the body, and the same on the other side. Put another skewer in the small of the leg, tuck it close down to the sidesman, run it through, and do the same on the other side. Cut off the end of the vent, and make a hole large enough for the passage of the rump, as by that means it will much better keep in the seasoning. Ducks are trussed in the same manner, except that the feet must be left on, and turned close to the legs. Pigeons. When you have picked them, and cut off the neck close to the back, then take out the crop, cut off the vent, and draw out the guts and gizzard, but leave 350 TRUSSING the liver, for a pigeon has no gall. If thev are to be roasted, cut off the toes, cut a slit in one of the legs, and put the other through it. Draw the leg tight to the pinion, put a skewer through the pinions, legs, and body, and aa ith the handle of the knife break the breast flat. Clean the gizzard, put it in one of the pinions, and turn the points on the back. If you intend to make a pie of them, you must cut the feet off at the joint, turn the legs, and stick them in the sides close to the pinions. If they are to be stewed or boiled, they must be done in the same manner. Wild Fowl. Hav ing picked them clean, cut off the neck close to the back, and Avith your middle finger loosen the liver and guts next the breast. Cut off the pinions at the first joint, then cut a slit between the vent and the rump, and draw them clean. Clean them properly with the long feathers on the AA'ing, cut off the nails, and turn the feet close to the legs. Put a skewer in the pinion, pull the legs close to the breast, and run the skewer through the legs, body, and the other pin- ion. First cut off the vent, and then put the rump through it. The directions here given are to be fol- lowed in trussing every kind of Avild fowl. Pheasants and Partridges. Hav ing picked them very clean, cut a slit at the back of the neck, take out the crop, and loosen the liver and gut next the breast with your fore-finger, then cut off the vent and draw 7 them. Cut off the pinion at the first joint, and w ipe out the inside with the pinion you have cut off. Beat the breast bone flat with a rolling-pin, put a skew T er in the pinion, and bring the middle of the legs close. Then run the skew r er through the legs, body, and the other pinion, twist the head, and put it on the end of the skewer, with the bill fronting the breast. Put another skewer into the sidesman, and put the legs close on each side the apron, and then run the skewer through all. If you would POULTRY. 351 wish to make the pheasant (if it is a cock) have a plea- sing appearance on the table, leave the beautiful fea- thers on the head, and cover them gently with paper to prevent their being injured by the heat of the fire You may likewise save the long feathers in the tail to stick in the rump when roasted. If they are for boil ing, put the legs in the same manner as in trussing a fowl. All kinds of moor game must be trussed in the same manner. Woodcocks and Snipes. As these birds are remarkably tender to pick, espe- cially if they should not happen to be quite fresh, the greatest care must be taken how you handle them ; for even the heat of the hand will sometimes take off the skin, which will totally destroy the beautiful appear- ance of the bird. Having picked them clean, cut the pinions of the first joint, and with the handle of a knife beat the breast-bone flat. Turn the legs close to the thighs, and tie them together at the joints. Put the thigh close to the pinions, put a skewer into the pin- ions, and run it through the thighs, body, and the other pinion. Skin the head, turn it, take out the eyes, and put the head on the point of the skewer, with the bill close to the breast. Remember, that these birds must never be drawn. Larks. When you have picked them properly, cut off their heads, and the pinions of the first joint. Beat the breast-bone flat, and turn the feet close to the legs, and put one into the other. Draw out the gizzard, and run a skewer through the middle of the bodies. Tie the skewer fast to the spit when you put them down to roast. Wheat ears, and other small birds, must be done in the same manner. Hares. Having cut off the four legs at the first joint, raise the skin of the back, and draw it over the hind legs. Leave the tail whole, draw the skin over the back, 352 TRUSSING POULTRY. and slip out the fore-legs. Cut the skin off the neck and head; but take care to leave the ears on, and mind to skin them. Take out the liver, lights, &c. and be sure to draw the gut out of the vent. Cut the sinews that lie under the hind-legs, bring them up to the fore-legs, put a skewer through the hind-leg, then through the fore-leg under the joint, run it through the bodv, and do the same on the other side. Put another skewer through the thick part of the hind-legs and body, put the head between the shoulders, and run a skewer through to keep it in its place. Put a skewer in each ear to make them stand erect, and tie a string round the middle of the body over the legs to keep them in their place. A young fawn must be trussed just in the same manner, except that the ears must be cut off. Rabbits must be cased much in Ihe same manner as hares, only observing to cut off the ears close to the head. Cut open the vent, and slit the legs about an inch up on each side of the rump. Make the hind-legs lie flat, and bring the ends to the fore-legs. Put a skewer into the hind-leg, then into the fore-leg, and through the body. Bring the head round, and put it on the skewer. If you want to roast two together, truss them at full length with six skewers run through them both, so that they may be properly fastened on the spit. 1 HE ART OF CARVING. NOTHING can be more disagreeable to a person who is placed t»( the head of a table, and whose business it is to pay the necessary honours to guests invited, than to be defective in not being properly able to carve the different articles provided. From the want of knowledge in this particular, it must naturally become no less painful to the person who undertakes the task, than uncomfortable to those who are waiting for the compliment of being served. Abilities and dexterity in this art are striking qualifications in the eyes of every company, and are material instruments of forming the necessary and polite graces of the table. The instructions here laid down by words, are materially enliven- ed by the representations of the respective articles described, so that the young and inexperienced may, by proper attention to the descrip- tion, and reference to the plates, soon make themselves proficients in this useful and polite art. We shall commence the subject with describing the method of carving A Roast Fowl. In the plate the fowl is placed in the centre, and is represented as ly ing on its side, with one of the legs, wings, and neck-bone, taken off. Whether the fowl is roasted or boiled, it must be cut up in the same manner. A roasted fowl is sent to table nearly in the same manner as a pheasant, excepting that the pheasant has the head tucked under one of the wings, whereas the fowl has the head cut off before it is dressed. In a boiled fowl (which is represented in the same olate) the legs are bent inwards, and tucked into the belly ; but, previous to its being sent to table, the skewers are withdrawn. The most convenient method of cutting up a fowl is to lay it on your plate, and, as you separate the joints, in the line a, b, d, put them into the dish. — — The legs, wings, and merry-thought being removed, the next thing is to cut off the neck-bones. This is done by putting in the knife at g, and passing it under the long broad part of the bone in the line g, b, then lifting it up, and breaking off the end of the shorter part of the bone, which cleaves to the breast-bone. All the parts being thus separated from the carcase, divide the breast from the back, by cut- tin ff through the tender ribs on each side, from the neck quite down to the vent or tail. Then lay the back upwards on your plate, fix your fork under the rump, and laying the edge of your knife in the hue b, c, c, and pressing it down, lift up the tail, or lower part of the 2 Y 354 CARVING. back, and it will readily divide with the help of your knife in the line b , e, c. In the next place, lay the lower part of the back upwards in your plate, with the rump from you, and cut off the side-bones, (or sidesmen, as they are generally called,) by forcing the knife through the rump-bone, in the line e,f, when your fowl will be completely cut up. Boiled Fowl. We have before observed, that a boiled fowl is cut up in the same manner as one roasted. In the representation of this the fowl is com- plete, whereas in that part of the other it is in part dissected. Those parts, which are generally considered as the most prime, are the wings, breast, and merry-thought, and next to these the neck-bones, and sidesmen. The legs of boiled fowls are more tender than those that are roasted ; but every part of a chicken is good and juicy. As the thigh bones of a chicken are very tender, and easily broken with the teeth, the gristles and marrow render them very delicate. In the boiled fowl the leg should be separated from the drum-stick, at the joint, which is easily done, if the knife is introduced into the hollow, and the thigh-bone turned back from the leg-bone. Partridge. The Partridge is here represented as just taken from the spit; but before it is served up, the skewers must be withdrawn. It is cut up in the same manner as a fowl. The wings must be taken off in the lines a , 6, and the merry-thought in the line c. d. The prime parts of a partridge are, the wings, breast, and merry- thought. The wing is considered as the best, and the tip of it reckoned the most delicate morsel of the whole. Pigeons. Here are the representations of two, the one with the back upper- most, and the other with the breast. — That with the back uppermost is marked No. 1. and that with the breast No. 2. Pigeons are some- times cut up in the same manner as chickens. But as the lower part, with the thigh, is in general most preferred, and as, from its small size, half a one is not too much for most appetites, they are seldom carved now, otherwise than by fixing the fork at the point a, entering the knife just before it, and dividing the pigeon into two, cutting away in the lines a, b , and a , c, No. 1, at the same time bring- ing the knife out at the back, in the direction a, b, and a, c, No. 2. A Pheasant. In the representation here given, the bird appears in a proper state for the spit, with the head tucked under one of the wings. When laid in the dish, the skewers drawn, and the bird carried to table, it must be carved as follows : fix your fork on that part of the breast where the two dots are marked, by which means you will have a full command of the bird, and can turn it as you think proper. Slice down the breast in the lines «, 6, and then proceed to take off the leg on one side, in the direction d, e, or in the circular dotted C ARVING. 355 line b , d. This done, cut off the wing on the same side, in the line c, d. When you have separated the leg and wing on one side, do the same on the other, and then cut off, or separate from the breast- bone, on each side of the breast, the parts you before sliced or cut down. Be very attentive in taking off the wing. Cut it in the notch a, for if you cut too near the neck, as at g, you will find your- self interrupted by the neck-bone, from whence the wing must be separated. Having done this, cut off the merry-thought in the line /, g, by passing the knife under it towards the neck. With respect to the remaining parts, they are to be cut up in the same manner as directed for a roast fowl. The parts most admired in a pheasant are, first, the breast, then the wings, and next the merry-thought. A Goose. Let the neck-end lie before you, and begin by cutting two or three long slices on each side the breast, in the lines a, b, quite to the bone. Cut these slices from the bone, then take off the leg, turning the goose up on one side, putting the fork through the small end of the leg bone, and pressing it close to the body, which, when the knife has entered at d, will easily raise the joint. Then pass the knife under the leg in the direction d, e. If the leg hangs to the carcase, at the point e, turn it back with the fork, and, if the goose is young, it will easily separate. Having removed the leg, proceed to take off the wing, by passing the fork through the small end of the pinion, pressing it close to the body, and entering the knife at the notch c, and passing it under the wing in the direction c, d. This is a very nice thing to hit, and can only be acquired by practice. When you have taken off the leg and wing on one side, do the same on the other. Then cut off the apron in the line/, c, g, having done which, take off the merry-thought in the line i, h. All the other parts are to be taken off in the same manner as directed for the fowl. A goose is seldom quite dissected, unless the company is very large, in which case the above method must be pursued. The parts of a goose most esteemed are, the slices from the breast; the fleshy part of the wing, which may be divided from the pinion ; the thigh-bone, (or drum-stick as it is called,) the pinion, and the side-bones. If sage and onions are put into the body of the goose, (which is by most approved of,) when you have cut off the limbs, draw it out with a spoon at the place from whence the apron is taken, and mix it with the gravy, which should first be poured boiling hot into the body of the goose. Some people are particularly fond of the rump, which, after being nicked with a knife, is peppered and salted, and then broiled till it is of a nice light brown ; and this is distin- guished by the epithet of a devil. The same is likewise done by the rump of a turkey- Haunch of Venison. First cut it across down the bone, in the line b , c, a , then turn the dish with the end d, towards you, put in the point of the knife at o, and cut it down as deep as you can in the direction c, d, so that the iwo strokes will then form the resemblance of the letter T, Having 356 CARVING. cut it thus, you may cut as many slices as are necessary, according to the number of the company, cutting them either on the right or left. As the fat lies deeper on the left between d and a, those who are fond of fat, (as is the case with most admirers of venison,) the best flavoured and fattest slices will be found on the left of the line e , d, supposing the end d turned towards you. In cutting the slices, re- member that they must not be either too thick or too thin. With each slice of lean add a proper proportion of fat, and put a sufficient quantity of gravy into each plate. Currant-jelly should always be on the table for those who choose it. Indeed this is generally used by most. A Fore-Quarter of Lamb. This joint is always roasted, and when it comes to table, before you can help any one, you must separate the shoulder from the breast and ribs, (or what is by some called the coast,) by passing the knife under, in the direction c, g, d, e. The shoulder, being then taken off, the juice of a lemon, or Seville orange, should be squeezed upon the part it was taken from, a little salt added, and the shoulder re- placed. The gristly part must then be separated from the ribs in the line f g , and then all the preparatory business to serving will be done. The ribs are generally most esteemed, and one, two, or more may be easily separated from the rest, in the line a, b : but to those who prefer the gristly part, a piece or two may be cut off in the lines h, i, &c. If you should have a fore-quarter of grass lamb that runs large, the shoulder, when cut off", must be put into another dish, and carved in the same manner as a shoulder of mutton. A Pig. A pig is seldom sent whole to table, but is usually cut up by the cook, who takes off the head, splits the body down the back, and garnishes the dish with the chops and ears. Before you help any one at table, first separate the shoulders from the carcase, and then the legs, according to the direction given by •he dotted line r, d, e. The most delicate part of a pig is that about the neck, which may be cut off in the line f g. The next best parts are the ribs, which may be divided in the line a, b, &c. and the others are pieces cut from the legs and shoulders. Indeed the bones of a pig are little else than gristle, so that it may be cut in any part with- out the least difficulty. It produces such a variety of delicate bits, that the fancies of most may be readily gratified. Shoulder of Mutton. This Is a very fine joint, and by many preferred to the leg, it being very full of gravy, if properly roasted, and producing many nice bits. The figure No. 1, represents it as laid in the dish with the back up- permost. When it is first cut, it should be in the hollow part of it in the direction a , b, and the knife should be passed deep to the bone. The gravy will then run fast into the dish, the part will immediately •pen, and many fine slices will be readily cut from it. The prime CARVING. 357 part of the fat lies on the outer edge, and is to be cut out in thin slices in the direction e, f. If many are at table, and the hollow part cut in the line a, 6, is eaten, some very good and delicate slices may be cut out on each side the ridge of the blade-bone, in the direction c, d. The line between these two dotted lines, is that in the direction of which the edge, or ridge of the blade-bone lies, and cannot be cut across. No. 2 represents the under-side, where there are two parts very full of gravy, and such as many prefer to the upper-side. One is a deep cut in the direction g , /t, accompanied with fat, and the other all lean, in a line from i to k. The parts above the shank are coarse and dry ; but yet some prefer this to the rich and more juicy parts. A Saddle of Mutton. This is by some called a chine of mutton, and consists of the two loins together, the back-bone running down the middle of the tail. When you carve it you must cut a long slice in either of the fleshy parts, on the side of the back-bone, in the direction a, b. There is seldom any great length of tail left on, but if it is sent up with the tail, many will be fond of it, and it may be easily divided into several pieces, by cutting between the joints of the tail, which are about an inch apart. A Cod’s Head. Fish in general requires very little carving, the fleshy parts being those principally esteemed. A cod’s head and shoulders, when in season, and properly boiled, is a very genteel and handsome dish. When cut, it should be done with a spoon fish-trowel, and the parts about the back-bone on the shoulders are the most firm and best. Take off a piece quite down to the bone, in the direction a, b, c, d putting in the spoon at a, c, and with each slice of fish give a piece of the round, which lies underneath the back-bone and lines it, the meat of which is thin, and a little darker coloured than the body of the fish itself, this may be got by passing a knife or spoon underneath, in the direction r/,/. About the head are many delicate parts, some fine kernels, and a great deal of the jelly kind. The jelly parts lie about the jaw bones, and the firm parts within the head. Some are fond of the palate, and others the tongue, which likewise may be got, by putting a spoon into the mouth, in the direction of the line c. A Piece of Boiled Salmon. The fattest and richest part of salmon is the belly ; it is therefore customary to give to those who like both, a thin slice of each ; the one cut out of the belly in the direction c, d, the other out of the back in the line a, b. Most people who are fond of salmon generally like the skin, so that the slices must be cut thin with the skin on. A Mac/carel. Slit the fish all along the back in the line a, e, b, and take off* the whole side, as far as the line b, c, not too near the head, as the meat 358 CARVING. above the gills is generally black, and ill flavoured. The roe of a male fish is soft, but that of the female is hard, and full of small eggs. A Calf’s Head. In carving this, begin by cutting the flesh quite along the cheek bone, in the direction c, b, from whence several handsome slices may be taken. In the fleshy part, at the end of the jaw-bone, lies part of the throat-sweet-bread, which may be cut into, in the line c, d, and which is esteemed the best part in the head. Many like the eye, which is to be cut from its socket a, by forcing the point of the knife down to the bottom of one edge of the socket, and cutting quite round, keeping the point of the knife slanting towards the middle, so as to separate the meat from the bone. The palate is also reckoned by some very delicate : it lies on the under side of the roof of the mouth ; is a wrinkled, white, thick skin, and may be easily separated from the bone bv a knife, by raising the head with your left hand. There is also some nice tender bits on the under side, covering the under jaw, and some delicately gristly fat to be pared off about the ear, g. In the upper-jaw is the large tooth behind, which, having se- veral cells, and being full of jelly, is called the sweet-tooth ; but its delicacy is more in the name than any thing else. When you serve any person with a slice of the head, you must inquire whether they choose to have any of the tongue and brains, which are generally served up in a separate dish. A slice from the thick part of the tongue, near the root, is the best. Leg of Mutton. A leg of wether Mutton, which is by far the best flavoured, may be readily known by the kernel, or little round lump of fat, just above the letters a, e. This joint, whether boiled or roasted, is carved in the same manner. The person who does this business should turn the joint towards him as it here lies, the shank to the left hand ; then holding it sieady with his fork, he should cut it deep on the fleshy part, in the hollow of the thigh, quite to the bone, in the direction o, b. Then will he cut it right through the kernel of fat called the pope’s ey , of which many are particularly fond. The most juicy parts of the leg are in the thick part of it, from the line a , b, upward, towards e ; but many prefer the drier part, about the shank or knuckle, which some call the venison part, from its eating so short ; but this is certainly the coarsest part of the joint. The fat lies chiefly on the ridges e, e, and is to be cut in the direction e, f. In order to cut out what is by some called the cramp-bone, and by others the gentleman’s bone, you must take hold of the shank-bone with your left hand, and cutting down to the thigh-bone at the point d, then passing the knife under the cramp-bone, in the direction d, c, it may easily be cut out. A Ham.. A ham is cut two ways, either across in the line b , c , or in the cir- cular line in the middle, taking out a small piece as at a, and cutting thin slices in a circular direction, thus enlarging it by degrees. This (•AiRvi^a CARVING. 359 last method is, to preserve the gravy and keep it moist, which is thua prevented from running out. Piece of Sirloin of Beef As a whole sirloin is too large for families in general, so we have here only represented a part, either of which must be carved in the same manner. It is drawn as standing up in the dish, in order to show the inside, or upper part ; but when sent to table, it is always laid down, so that the part described by the letter c, lies close on the dish. The part c, d , then lies uppermost, and the line a, b, under- neath. The meat on the upper side of the ribs is firmer, and of a closer texture, than the fleshy part underneath, which is by far the most tender, and of course preferred by many. To those who like the upper side, the outside slice should be first cut off, quite down to the bone, in the direction c, d. Some people, however, instead of beginning to carve at either end, cut it in the middle of the most fleshy part. For those who prefer the inside, several slices may be cut in the direction of the line a , b, pressing the knife down to the bone. But wherever the slices are cut they must be of a moderate substance, neither too thick nor too thin. Edge-bone of Beef. The outside of this joint is generally injured in its flavour from the water in which it is boiled ; a thick slice must therefore be cut off, the whole length of the joint, beginning at u , and cutting it all the way even and through the whole surface, from a to b. The soft fat, which resembles marrow, lies on the back below the letter «/, and the firm fat must be cut in thin horizontal slices at the points c ; but as some people like the soft, and some the firm fat, it is neces- sary to ask the company which they prefer. The upper part, as it is generally placed in the dish, is the handsomest, fullest of gravy, most tender, and enriched with fat ; but there are some who prefer a slice from the under-side, though it is lean and dry. The skewer that keeps the meat properly together when boiling is here shown at a. This should be drawn out before it is served up ; or, if it is ne- cessary to leave the skewer in, it should be a silver one. Brisket of Beef. This is a part always boiled, and must be cut in the direction a, b , quite down to the bone, after having cut off the outside, or first slice, which must be cut pretty thick. The fat cut with this slice is a firm, gristly fat, but a softer fat is found underneath for those who pre- fer it. Breast of Veal. A breast of veal must be cut across quite through, dividing the gristles from the rib-bones : this is called cutting the brisket from the ribs. The brisket may be cut into pieces as wanted ; for some pre- fer this part to the ribs. There requires no great direction how to separate the ribs, since nothing more is required than to put the knife in at the top between any two, and continue downwards till 360 CARVING. they are separated. Remember to give a piece of the sweetbread to every one you help, as that is reckoned particularly delicate. Fillet of Veal. This part of the calf is the same as that called the buttock in the ox. Many people think the outside slice of a fillet of veal a delicacy, because it is most savoury ; but as some think otherwise, the ques- tion should be asked before any one is helped. If no one chooses the first slice, lay it in the dish, and the second cut will be exceeding white and delicate ; but take care to cut it even and close to the bone. A fillet of veal is always stuffed under the skirt or flap, with a pudding, or forcemeat. This you must cut deep into, in a line with the surface of the fillet, and take out a thin slice. This, and a thin slice of fat cut from the skirt, must be given to each person at table. Sparerib of Pork. This is carved by cutting out slices in the thick part at the bottom of the bones. When the fleshy part is all cut away, the bones, which are esteemed very sweet picking, may be easily separated. Few people admire the gravy of pork, it being too strong for most stomachs. Rabbits. To unlace a rabbit, the back must be turned downward, and the apron divided from the belly. This done, slip your knife between the kidneys, loosening the flesh on each side. Then turn the belly, cut the back crossways between the wings, and draw your knife down both sides of the back-bone, dividing the sides and legs from the back. Observe not to pull the leg too violently from the bone, when you open the side ; but with great exactness lay open the sides from scut to shoulder, and then put the legs together. Woodcocks. To thigh a woodcock, you must raise the legs and wings in the same manner as you do a fowl, only open the head for the brains. In like manner you thigh curlews, plovers, or snipes, using no other sauce than salt. Mallards or Ducks. To unbrace a mallard or duck, first raise the pinions and legs, but do not cut them off. Then raise the merry-thought from the breast, and lace it down both sides with your knife. Buttock of Beef. This part is always boiled, and requires little directions as to the carving of it. A thick slice should be first taken off - all round it. When you come to the juicy and prime part of it, you must be careful to cut it even, that it may have a graceful figure, should it be brought to table cold the next day. THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT-BOOK. German method of Clarifying and Preserving Fresh Putter. A valuable article, the original communication of an ingenious traveller, who resided many years in Germany. “ The peculiar ad- vantage of clarified butter,” says this gentleman, “ though but little known in England, is unequalled for most culinary purposes, for fry- ing, and for general use in long sea-voyages, where no fresh butter is to be had. Indeed this purified butter is equal to the best virgin oils of Florence, Aix, or Lucca, for frying in perfection. At Vienna, and in many other parts of Germany, it is sold in all the shops. The best is purified at the dairies, during the cheapest season, and sent to market in barrels and tubs ; it is then clarified. Set a large clean tinned copper vessel on a trivet, over a charcoal fire ; and put in the new butter, before it has taken any ill taste, but not in large portions at a time. With the quantity of about fifty pounds, add a large onion peeled and cut crossway. The whole must be closely watched, and kept skimming the moment it begins to boil ; and the fire then slackened, that it may only simmer for five minutes ; after which, if it cannot be suddenly removed, the fire to be immediately extinguish- ed. The onion then taken out, the butter to be left standing till every impurity sinks to the bottom ; as all that has not risen to the skimmer never fails doing. Large tin canisters, stone jars, or wooden ves- sels made air-tight, holding about fifty pounds each, should receive the liquid butter, and be kept closely covered up for use. This but- ter should be constantly taken out as it is wanted, with a wooden spoon ; neither the hand, nor any metal, ever suffered to touch it.” Queen Elizabeth’s Cordial Electuary. Boil a pint of the best honey ; and, having carefully taken off all the scum, put into the clarified liquid a bundle of hyssop which has been well bruised, previously to tying it up, and let them boil to- gether till the honey tastes strongly of the hyssop. Then strain out the honey very hard ; and, putting into it a quarter of an ounce eacn of powdered liquorice root and aniseed, half that quantity of pulverized elecampane and angelica roots, and one pennyweight each of finely beaten pepper and ginger, let the whole boil together a short time, being well stirred all the while. After which, pour it into a gallipot, or a small jar, and continue stirring till it is quite cold. Keep it co- vered up for use ; and, whenever troubled with straitness at the sto- mach, or shortness of breath, take some of the electuary on a brui- sed stick of liquorice, which will speedily afford relief. This is said to have been Queen Elizabeth’s favourite remedy for all oppres- sion at the stomach and shortness of breath, with which complaints her majesty had been much afflicted; she lived till seventy-throe years of age. 4 THE NEW FAMILY Genuine Friar's Balsam. Put four ounces of sarsaparilla cut in short pieces, two ounces of China root sliced thin, and an ounce of Virginian snake-weed cut small, with one quart of spirits of wine, in a two quart bottle. Set it in the sun, or any equal degree of heat, shaking it two or three times a day, till the spirit be tinctured of a fine golden yellow. Then clear off the infusion into another bottle ; and, putting in eight ounces of gum guaicum, set it in the sun, or other similar heat ; shaking it very often, till all the gum be dissolved, except the dregs, which will generally be about ten or twelve days. It must now be a second time cleared from the dregs ; and, having received an ounce of Peruvian balsam, be well shaken, and again placed in the sun for two days ; after which, an ounce of balm of Gilead being added, it is to be once more shaken together, and finally set in the sun for fourteen days, when it will become quite fit for use, and keep many years. There were, formerly, scarcely any complaints, either external or internal, for which this admirable balsam was not considered as an effectual remedy. It has, in truth, many virtues, when properly made ; but, as a mere vulnerary, for common flesh wounds, the simpler and cheaper balsams, sold under the names of Friar’s Balsam, Turling- ton’s balsam, and the Traumatic Balsam of the London Dispensatory, are usually efficacious. Neither of these, however, nor any of the other compound balsams, or restorative drops, formed on the basis of this true Friar’s balsam, are so well adapted for internal use ; and some of them, as commonly manufactured for sale, are quite unfit for any such purpose. The dose of genuine F riar’s balsam, for consumptions, or any inward ulcer, &c. is about half a table spoon- ful, on a lump of sugar, or in any liquid vehicle, once or twice a day, according to the urgency of the case, using moderate exercise while in the habit of taking it. In any soreness of the stomach, and for some coughs, twenty or thirty drops occasionally taken, often give complete relief; and, in almost every weakness or debility, they may be advantageously resorted to, as well as by persons afflicted with scorbutic complaints, and other taints or impurities of the blood. Excellent Lozenges for the Heart-burn. Take calcined oyster shells, as found on the sea-coast, where they are so blanched by time as to appear, both within and without, of the whiteness of mother of pearl ; dry them well by the fire, and then beat and sift them as fine as possible. In half a pound of this pow- der mix half a pound of loaf sugar well beaten and sifted : and wet it with a spoonful or two of milk and water, so as to form a very stiff paste. Then mould the whole into neat lozenges, of any form or size, and bake them very dry in so slack an oven as not to dis- co'our them ; this will be effected after everything else is drawn. These lozenges so effectually destroy that acidity in the stomach which causes the heart-burn, as not only to prevent the disagreeable sensation it occasions, but greatly to promote digestion. Their pow- er in neutralizing acids may be easily tried, by dissolving one of them in a glass of the sharpest vinegar. RECEIPT-BOOK. £ Decoction of the Beards of Leeks, for the Stone and Gravel. Cut off a large handful of the beards of leeks ; and put them in a pot or pipkin with two quarts of water, covered closely up, and to be kept simmering till the liquor is reduced to a quart ; then to be poured off, and drank every morning, noon, and evening, about the third part of a pint each time. Half the quantity, or less, may be sufficient for children, according to their respective ages, and the vio- lence of the disease. The most desperate condition of this painful disorder has frequently been cured by this seemingly-simple remedy in little more than a month. It is best to keep making it fresh every two or three days, which indeed is the case with most vegetable de- coctions. Instant Relief for a Pain and Lax State of the Bowels. Take twelve drops of laudanum in half a gill of spirituous cin- namon-water ; or, if that cannot be immediately had, in the best brandy. This will seldom fail to give instant relief ; but, should it so fail in the first instance, it may be repeated in about an hour. The true Daffy's Elixir. The popular medicine sold under this name is differently made by different venders. The following, however, is considered as the ge- nuine receipt for making it. — Take five ounces of aniseeds, three ounces of fennel-seeds, four ounces of parsley-seeds, six ounces of Spanish liquorice, five ounces of senna, one ounce of rhubarb, three ounces of elecampane-root, seven ounces of jalap, twenty-one drachms of saffron, six ounces of manna, two pounds of raisins, a quarter of an ounce of cochineal, and two gallons of brandy. Stone the raisins, slice the roots, and bruise the jalap. Then mix the whole to- gether ; and, after letting them stand close covered for fifteen days, strain out the elixir. So favourite a remedy has Daffy’s elixir been for all colicky pains, during the last hundred years, that many fa- milies have been enriched by its preparation and sale ; a few of whom there is reason to believe, have used not half the ingredients above enumerated. The cheap stuff, commonly sold as Daffy’s elixir, is little more than an infusion of aniseeds, liquorice, and jalap, in the coarsest and most fiery malt spirit, lowered with common water. Infallible Remedy for the Ague. Mix a quarter of an ounce each of finely powdered Peruvian bark, grains of paradise, and long pepper, in a quarter of a pound of trea- cle ; of which mixture, take a third part immediately as the cold fit commences, washing it down with half a quartern of the best French brandy. As the cold fit goes off, and the fever approaches, take a third part, with the like quantity of brandy ; and, on the following morning, fasting, swallow the remainder, and the same quantity of brandy as before. This excellent electuary, which is said never to Fail, perfectly cured an afflicted person, after being most grievously tormented for the greater part of four years, having almost every fit accompanied by delirium, during which period innumerable other 6 THE NEW FAMILY remedies had been tried in vain. The person from whom it was obtained, declared that he had cured many hundred persons, and ne- ver met with but a single instance where the three doses did not im- mediately effect a cure, and even then a second three completely prevailed. To children under nine years of age, only half the above quantities must be given. Bayley’s Patent Cakes for Liquid Blacking. This blacking has been the scource of an ample fortune to the patentee, the celebrated Mr. Bayley, of Cockspur-street, Charing- cross, whose exclusive right has lately expired. It is made, accord- ing to the specification in the patent office, with one part of the gummous juice which issues from the shrub called goat’s thorn, du- ring the months of June, July, and August ; four parts of river- water ; two parts of neat’s-foot, or some other softening and lubri- cating oil ; two parts of a deep blue colour, prepared from iron and copper ; and four parts of brown sugar candy. The water is then evaporated till the composition becomes of a proper consistence, when it is formed into cakes of such a size as to produce, when dissolved in hot water, a pint of liquid blacking. An Incomparable Fumigation , or Fapour, for a Sore Throat. Take a pint of vinegar, and an ounce of myrrh ; boil them well together about half an hour, and then pour the liquid into a basin. Place over the basin the large part of a funnel which fits it ; and, the small end being taken into the mouth of the patient, the fume will be inhaled, and descend to the throat. It must be used as hot as it can possibly be borne ; and should be renewed every quar- ter of an hour, till a cure is effected. This excellent remedy will seldom or never fail, if resolutely persisted in, only for a day or two, and sometimes a very few hours, in the most dangerous state of either an inflammatory or putrid sore throat, or even a quinsy. Dr. Fullar’s Fapour for a Quinsy. Take powdered pepper, one ounce ; milk, a quart ; and boil them to a pint and a half. Put the whole into a glass bottle with a small neck, and let the vapour be received as hot as can be endured with open mouth. “ This euporiston,” says that learned physican, “ more powerfully than any gargle whatsoever, attenuates, melts down, and draws forth, tough phlegm ; which, bv obstructing the glands and spongy flesh, and hindering the free passage of blood and humours through them, occasions the inflammation and tumour ; and, therefore, it more effectually takes off this perilous distemper than any of them.” This, it is to be remarked, is only recommend- ed for a quinsy. It affords good professional authority, however, for the preferable use of such vaporous inhalements over common gargles and other medicines, in dangerous complaints of the throat, lungs, &c. RECEIPT-BOOK. 7 Fine Red Ink. Boil four ounces of best raspings of Brazil-wood, and one ounce each of crystals of tartar and powdered alum in a quart of the clearest river-water, till half the fluid be evaporated. While it is yet sufficiently warm, dissolve in it an ounce each of double-refined sugar, and the whitest gum arabic. This fine ink is said to preserve its lively red hue much longer than any other known preparation for the same purpose. The common red ink, which is certainly far cheaper, and will do very well for most occasions, is made by infusing four ounces of Brazil-wood raspings with two drachms of powdered alum, in a pint each of vinegar and rain-water, for two or three days, and afterward boiling them over a moderate fire till a third part of the fluid has evaporated. It is then to stand two or three days ; and, being filtered through blotting-paper, to be pre- served in closely-corked bottles for use. Method of Cleansing and Polishing Rusty Steel. After well oiling the rusty parts of the steel, let it remain two or three days in that state, then wipe it dry with clean rags, and po- lish with emery or pumice-stone, on hard wood. Frequently, how- ever, a little unslacked lime, finely powdered, will be sufficient, after the oil is cleaned off. Where a very high degree of polish is re- quisite, it will be fnost effectually obtained by using a paste com- posed of finely levigated blood-stone and spirits of wine. Bright bars, however, are admirably cleaned in a few minutes, by using a small portion of fine corn emery, and afterward finishing with flour of emery or rotten-stone ; all of which may be had at any ironmonger’s. This last very simple method will, perhaps, render any other superfluous. A fine Balsamic Elixir for confirmed Coughs and Consumptions. Take a pint of the finest old rum, two ounces of balsam of Tolu, an ounce and a half of Strasburg turpentine, an ounce of powdered extract of Catechu, formerly called Japan earth, and half an ounce each of gum guaiacum and balsam of copavia. Mix them well together in the bottle ; and keep it near the fire, closely corked, for ten days, frequently well shaking it du- ring thai time. Afterwards let it stand two days to settle, and pour off the clear for use. Half a pint of rum may then be poured over the dregs ; and, being treated for twelve days in the same manner as the first, will produce more elixir, and equally good. The dose may be from fifty to a hundred, or even two hundred drops, accord- ing to the urgency of the case, taken twice or thrice a day in a wine glass of water. Admiral Gascoigne’s Tincture of Rhubarb. Take half an ounce each of powdered rhubarb, myrrh, cochineal, and hierapicra, and put them in a bottle with one quart of the best double-distilled aniseed water. When it has stood four days, it is fit for immediate use ; and may be taken, a small wine- glass at a time, for any pains in the stomach or bowels. In the 8 THE NEW FAMILY valuable collection whence this is extracted, is the following me- morandum — “ There is not a better receipt in the world !” German Cure for a Consumption. Take a pound of pure honey, and let it boil gently in a stewpan ; then, having washed, scraped clean, and finely grated with a sharp grater, two large sticks of fresh horse-radish, stir into the honey a3 much as you possibly can. It must remain in a boiling state about five minutes, but stirred so as not to burn ; after which, put it into small earthen pots, or ajar, and keep it covered up for use. Two or three table spoonsful a day, or more, according to the strength of the patient, and some time persisted in, is said to perform wonders, even where there is a confirmed phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption of the lungs. It is also serviceable in all coughs where the lungs are greatly affected. Easy and effectual Cure for Wens. Put a quantity of salt and water into a saucepan, and boil it four or five minutes ; with which, while tolerably hot, bathe the entire surface of the wen, however large ; and continue so to do, even after it is cold. Every time, before applying it, stir up the salt de- posited at the bottom of the basin, and incorporate it again with the water. In this manner the wen must be rubbed well over, at least ten or twelve times every twenty-four hours ; and, frequently in less than a fortnight, a small discharge takes place, without any pain, which a gentle pressure soon assists to empty the whole con- tents. In particular instances, it is necessary to continue the appli- cation several weeks, or even months : but it is said always finally to prevail, where resolutely persisted in, and that without occasioning pain or inconvenience of any kind, there being not the smallest pre- vious notice of the discharge. A person who had, for many years, been an object of attraction in the streets of London, from having a most enormous wen hanging on his neck and breast, being sudden- ly seen, with astonishment, completely divested of it, was asked how he had lost it, without the appearance of any scar or other dis- figurement; when he declared, that he had been happily relieved of his incumbrance, in a very few months, by simply rubbing it with the old rusty fat and brine of bacon. This undoubted fact may serve as a hint, should the still simpler preparation of salt and water ever seem likely to prove insufficiently powerful. Genuine Lozenges for the Piles, as used in the West Indies, and other warm climates. Take four ounces of fine powdered loaf sugar, two ounces of flour of sulphur, and a sufficient quantity of mucilage of gum tacamahaca dissolved in red rose water to form the whole into a paste for lozen- ges. Having made it up in lozenges of the desired form, dry them before the fire, or in an oven after every thing has been drawn. Take, of these lozenges, about the weight of a drachm daily. This is a most valuable medicine for that disagreeable and dreadful complaint; RECEIPT-BOOK. 9 which prevails much, and is a peculiarly grievous and even danger- ous disease in the West India Islands, as well as in most other hot climates. It is, however, generally found completely efficacious, even in those regions. Easy Method of cleaning Paper Hangings. Cut into eight half-quarters a quartern loaf two days old ; it must neither be newer nor staler. With one of these pieces, after having blown off all the dust from the paper to be cleaned by means of a good pair of bellows, begin at the top of the room, holding the crust in the hand, and wiping lightly downward with the crumb, about half a yard at each stroke, till the upper part of the hangings is complete- ly cleaned all round. Then go again round, with the like sweeping stroke downward, always commencing each successive course a lit- tle higher than the upper stroke had extended, till the bottom be finished. This operation, if carefully performed, will frequently make very old paper look almost equal to new. Great caution must be used not by any means to rub the paper hard, nor to attempt clean- ing it the cross or horizontal way. The dirty part of the bread, too, must be each time cut away, and the pieces renewed as soon as at all necessary. Sir John Hill’s Specific for the Scurvy. Sir John’s own description of this excellent remedy will convey its virtues. “ There is in the hands of one person only a medicine of very great efficacy in the cure of the scurvy, leprosy, and other desperate cutaneous disorders. Its effect is certain ; but it is kept at so exorbitant a price, that only persons of fortune can have the advantage of it. “ A gentleman of great worth and goodness applied some months since to the person who possesses it, in favour of two daughters of a country clergyman. He did not desire it should be given, but re- quested it at any moderate price. He was refused. A bottle of the medicine was afterward procured, and put into my hands to exa- mine. It appeared to me, on many trials, to be an infusion of the root of the common great water-dock, and nothing else. I have made an infusion of that root, which perfectly agrees with it in taste, smell, and colour, and, what is more important, in virtues. “ This is no modern invention ; the plant was long since known and celebrated : it is the famous Bntanuita antiquorum vera of au- thors, concerning which such wonders are recorded in the cure of scurvies ; but, like many other English plants, it has long been neg- lected. “ I beg you to make this public for the service of those whom the common remedies have failed to cure, and whose fortunes do not afford their going to the person hitherto possessed of the secret for redress. The method of infusion and decoction both will answer better than that by infusion alone, and what I have directed to several wbo have found great benefit from it, is made thus . u Weigh half a pound of the fresh root of great water-dock, cut it into thin slices, put it in a stone jar, and pour upon it a gallon of 10 THE NEW FAMILY boiling water, cover it up, and let it stand twenty-four hours : then put the whole into a saucepan, and boil it about eight minutes. After this let it stand to be quite cold, then strain it off without squeezing. Drink a half pint basin of this twice a-day, avoid high seasoned food, and use moderate exercise. “ The great good I have seen from this makes me desirous that all may know of it who want it. “ I am, Sir, your humble servant, “John Hill.” Russian Method of preserving Green Peas for Winter. Put into a kettle of boiling hot water any quantity of fresh-shelled green peas : and, after letting them just boil up, pour them into a colander. When the liquor has drained away, empty them into a large thick cloth, cover them over with another, make them quite dry, set them once or twice in a cool oven, to harden a little ; after which put the peas into paper bags, and hang them up in the kitchen for use. To prepare them, when wanted, they are first well soaked for an hour or more ; and then boiled in cold water, with a few sprigs of mint, and a little butter. Green peas are sometimes kept in Eng- land, by scalding and drying alone, without putting them in an oven ; they are afterward bottled like gooseberries or damsons covered by clarified suet, closed up with cork and resin, and either buried in the earth or kept in a cool cellar ; being boiled, when wanted, till quite tender, with mint, butter, and sugar. This last article, at least, is certainly an improvement on the Russian method. A dish of green peas, thus prepared, has sometimes agreeably surprised friends at a Christmas dinner. Admirable Wash for the Hair, said to Thicken its Growth better than Bear's Grease. Take two ounces each of rosemary, maidenhair, southernwood, myrtle berries, and hazel bark ; and burn them to ashes on a clean hearth, or in an oven : with these ashes make a strong ley, with which wash the hair at the roots every day, and keep it cut short. This lixivium, or wash, it is said, will destroy the worm at the root ; and prove far more effectual than bear’s grease or pomatum, which rather feed than destroy that unsuspected enemy to the hair. Excellent Remedy for Swelled Legs and a Relaxed Stomach. Take six ounces of the common bitter infusion, consisting of gen- tian root and outer rind of Seville orange, with or without coriander seeds ; one ounce of tincture of senna ; and a drachm of compound spirits of lavender. Mix them together, and take four spoonsful every other night on going to bed. To prevent swelled legs from breaking, make a decoction of marshmallow leaves, rue, camomile, and southernwood, boiled in a quart of ale or stale beer ; and foment them with flannels wrung out of the liquor, as hot as can be borne without scalding, three or four times a day. After bathing, anoint them with a little ointment of marshmallows ; and should they even be broke, only cover the holes with dry lint, while bathing or foment- RECEIPT-BOOK. 11 mg the legs, and afterwards dress them with the ointment, and take a little cooling physic. Fine Raspberry Vinegar. This excellent article in domestic management is both grateful to the palate, and a very effectual remedy for complaints in the chest. It is made, at very little expense, in the following manner : Pour three pints of the best white-wine vinegar over a po md and a half of fine red raspberries, in a stone jar or china bowl, for neither gla- zed earthenware nor any metal must be used : the next day, strain the liquor over a like quantity of fresh raspberries ; and the day following do the same. Then drain the liquid as much as possible without pressing the fruit ; and pass it through a cotton bag previously wetted with plain vinegar, merely for preventing waste, into a stone jar, with a pound of loaf sugar in large lumps to every pint of the vinegar. As soon as the sugar is melted, stir the liquor, and put the jar into a saucepan of water, to simmer for some time ; skim it carefully ; and, when cold, bottle it for use. A large spoonful, in a small tumbler of water, with a very little sugar, makes a most plea- sant and refreshing beverage, either for invalids or persons in health. Genuine Turlington's Balsam. This is a very good vulnerary balsam for common uses ; and may be safely taken internally, where the genuine friar’s balsam is not at hand. The receipt for making the true Turlington’s balsam, or drops, is as follows : Take an ounce of the Peruvian balsam ; two ounces of the best liquid storax ; three ounces of gum Benjamin, impregnated with almonds ; and half an ounce each of the best aloes, myrrh, frankincense, angelica roots, and the flowers of St. John’s wort. Beat all these ingredients in a mortar, and put them into a large glass bottle ; adding a pint and a quarter of the best spirits of wine. Let the bottle stand by the kitchen fire, or in the chimney corner, two days and nights ; then decant it off, in small bottles well corked and sealed, to be kept ready for use. The same quantity of spirits of wine poured on the ingredients, well shaken up, and pla- ced near the fire, or in some other warm situation, about six or eight days and nights, will serve for slight occasions, on being bottled in a similar manner. Cephalic Snuff. Take half an ounce each of sage, rosemary, lilies of the valley, and the tops of sweet marjorum, with a drachm each of asarabacca root, lavender flowers, and nutmeg. Reduce the whole composition to a fine powder ; and take it like common snuff, as often as may be necessary for the relief of the head, &c. There are many more pow- erful cephalic snuffs, for particular medicinal purposes, but few so generally useful, agreeable, and innocent, to be used at pleasure. Cheap and excellent Composition for preserving Weather- Boarding, Paling , and all other Works liable to be injured by the Weather. Lime, it is well kown, however well burnt, will soon become *Wcked by exposure in the open air, or even if confined in a situa- 12 THE NEW FAMILY tion not remarkably dry, so as to crumble of itself into powder. This is called air-slacked lime, in contradistinction to that which is slacked in the usual way by being mixed with water. For the purpose of making the present useful composition to preserve all sorts of wood work exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather, take three parts of this air-slacked lime, two of wood ashes, and one of fine sand ; pass them through a fine sieve, and add as much linseed oil to the composition as will bring it to a proper consistence for working with a painter’s brush. As particular care must be taken to mix it perfectly, it should be ground on a stone slab with a proper muller, in the same manner as painters grind their white lead, &c. but, where these conveniences are not at hand, the ingredients may be mixed in a large pan, and well beaten up with a wooden spatula. Two coats of this composition being necessary, the first may be rather thin ; but the second should be as thick as it can conveniently be worked. This most excellent composition for preserving wood when exposed to the injuries of the weather, is highly preferable to the customary method of laying on tar and ochre. It is, indeed, every way better calculated for the purpose, being totally impenetrable by water ; and, so far from being liable to injury by the action of the weather or heat of the sun, that the latter, though such a powerful enemy to tar and ochred palings, &c. even hardens, and conse- quently increases the durability of, the present proposed composition, which forms an article of public utility not only much cheaper than paint, but prodigiously more lasting. Art of making Brill au's incomparable Liquid, for changing the Colour of the Hair, fyc. This is said to be the best liquid in the world for making the hair curl, as well as for changing that which is disagreeably sandy to a very pleasing colour. The method of preparing it is as follows : Take two ounces of scrapings of lead, an ounce of hartshorn shav- ings, a quarter of an ounce of litharge of gold, and a drachm of camphor ; put them into a pint of soft water, and let them boil for half an hour. When cold and fine, pour the liquid off, and add to it a drachm each of the sugar of lead and rosemary flowers. Boil these up together ; pour off the liquid ; and, when fine, it is fit for im- mediate use. Dutch Method of extracting beautiful Colours from Floivers , Leaves, Boots, &,-c. Take the flowers, leaves, or roots, whatever quantity wished, and bruise them nearly to a pulp ; then, putting it into a glazed earthen vessel, pour filtered water sufficient to cover it, adding a table spoon- ful of a strong solution of pure pot-ash to every pint of water. After boiling, in a proper ves-el, the whole over a moderate fire till the li- quor has obviously imbibed as much of the colour as can possible be obtained from the pulp, decant the fluid part through a cloth or blotting paper, and gradually drop into it a solution of alum, which precipitates the colouring matter to the bottom. Having secured the RECEIPT-BOOK. 13 powder, continue to wash it in several fresh waters, and, at length, filtering it again through blotting-paper, dry the remaining powder ; from which prepare the finest pigments, for water colours, by tritu- ration on marble, with clarified gum-water, and then form them into cakes, cones, &c. for sale. A fine violet colour is in this manner prepared by the Dutch from that flower ; the most delicately rosa- ceous red, from the small French rose and other beautiful red roses ; and a most brilliant azure, from the blossoms of the corn blue-bottle. Excellent Remedy for the Dropsy. Take sixteen large nutmegs, eleven spoonsful of broom ashes dried and burnt in an oven, an ounce and a half of bruised mustard- seed, and a handful of scraped horse-radish ; put the whole into a gallon of strong mountain wine, and let it stand three or four days. A gill, or half a pint, according to the urgency of the disease and strength of the patient, is to be drank every morning fasting, taking nothing else for an hour or two after. Another powerful Remedy for the Dropsy. Take a sufficient quantity of pelitory of the wall, put it in pump water, and let it simmer over the fire till reduced to half its quantity, then add honey to make it into a good syrup, of which take two-thirds to one-third of a glass of Geneva, two or three times in a day till re- lieved. This actually cured the Editor’s mother, after her legs had burst and discharged water several times ; and the cure was so ef- fectual, that she never had that sad disorder afterwards. Of the fining of Malt Liquors. It is most desirable to have beer fine of itself, which it seldom fails to do in due time, if rightly brewed and worked ; but as disap- pointments sometimes happen, it will be necessary to know what to do in such cases. Ivory shavings boiled in the wort, or hartshorn shavings put into the cask just before it is bunged down, will do much towards fining and keeping the liquor from growing stale. Isinglass is the most common thing made use of in fining all sorts of liquors ; first beat it well with a hammer or mallet, and lay it in a pail, and then draw off about two gallons of the liquor, to be fined upon it, and let it soak two or three days ; and when it is soft enough to mix with the liquor, take a whisk, and stir it about till it is all of a ferment, and white froth ; and frequently add the whites and shells of about a dozen eggs, which beat in with it, and put all together into the cask : then with a clean mopstick, or some such thing, stir the whole together ; and then lay a cloth or piece of paper over the bung hole, till the ferment is over, and then bung it up close : in a few days it will fall fine. But if it is wanted to fine only a small quantity, take half an ounce of unslarked lime, and put it into a pint of water, and stir it well to- o-ether, and let it stand for two or three hours, or till the lime settle to the bottom ; then pour the water off clear, and throw away the sedi- ment ; then take half an ounce of insinglass cut small, and boil it in 14 THE NEW FAMILY the lime water till it dissolves ; then let it cool, and pour it into the vessel, &c. To make Elderberry Beer , or Ebulum. Take a hogshead of the first and strong wort, and boil in the same one bushel of picked elderberries, full ripe ; strain off, and when cold, work the liquor in the. hogshead, and not in any open tun or tub ; and, after it has lain in the cask about a year, bottle it ; and it will be a most rich drink, which they call Ebulum ; and has often been pre- ferred to port wine, for its pleasant taste and healthful quality. JNl . B. There is no occasion for the use of sugar in this operation ; because the wort has strength and sweetness enough in itself to an- swer that end ; but there should be an infusion of hops added to the liquor, by way of preservation and relish. Some likewise hang a small bag of bruised spices in the vessel. White ebulum may be made with pale malt and white elderberries. Easy method of Drying and Preserving Currants in Bunches. Beat well up the whites of eggs, or a little gum arabic dissolved in water ; and, after dipping in the bunches, and letting them get a little dry, roll them in finely powdered loaf sugar. Lay them on a sieve in a stove to dry ; and keep turning them, and adding sugar till they become perfectly dried. Not only red, white, and black currants, but even grapes in bunches, may be thus dried and pre- served. They should be carefully kept dry, in boxes neatly lined with paper. Dr. Stoughton’s celebrated Stomachic Elixir . Pare off the thin yellow rinds of six large Seville oranges, and put them in a quart bottle, with an ounce of gentian root scraped and sliced, and half a drachm of cochineal. Pour over these ingre- dients a pint of the best brandy ; shake the bottle well, several times, during that and the following day ; let it stand two days more to set- tle, and clear it off into bottles for use. Take one or two tea-spoons- ful morning and afternoon in a glass of wine, or even in a cup of tea. This is an elegant but simple preparation, little differing from the compound tincture of gentian either of the London or Edinburgh Dispensatories ; the former adding half an ounce of canella alba, (white cinnamon,) and the latter only substituting for the cochineal of Stoughton, half an ounce of husked and bruised seeds of the lesser cardamom. In deciding on their respective merits, it should seem, that Stoughton’s elixir has the advantage in simplicity, and, perhaps, altogether as a general and elegant stomachic. Indeed, for some particular intentions, both the London and Edinburgh com- positions may have their respective claims to preference : in a cold stomach, the cardamom might be useful ; and, in a laxative ha- bit, the canella alba. As a family medicine, however, to be at all times safely resorted to, there is no need to hesitate recommending Dr. Stoughton’s elixir. Cure for a Pimpled Face. Take an ounce each of liver of sulphur, roche-alum, and common salt ; and two drachms each of sugar-candy and spermaceti. Pound RECEIPT-BOOK. 15 and sift these articles ; then put the whole into a quart bottle, and add half a pint of brandy, three ounces of white lily water, and the same quantity of pure spring water. Shake it well together, and keep it for use. With this liquid, the face is to be freely and frequently bathed ; remembering always first to shake the bottle, and, on going to bed, lay all over the face linen which has been dipped in it. In ten or twelve days at farthest, it is said a perfect cure will be effected of this very unpleasant complaint, as nothing in this composition can possibly prove prejudicial. Curious method of separating Gold or Silver from Lace , with- out burning it. Cut in pieces the gold or silver lace intended to be divested of any thing but the pure metal ; tie it up tightly in linen, and boil it in soap ley, till the size appear considerably diminished : then take the cloth out of the liquid ; and, after repeatedly rinsing it, in cold water, beat it well with a mallet, to extract all the alkaline particles. On opening the linen, to the great astonishment of those who have never before witnessed the process, the metallic part will be found pure and undiminished, in all its natural brightness, without a single thread. Permanent Bed Ink for marking Linen. This useful preparation, which was contrived by the late learned and ingenious Dr. Smellie of Edinburgh, who was originally a printer in that city, may be used either with types, a hair pencil, or even with a pen : take half an ounce of vermilion, and a drachm of salt of steel ; let them be finely levigated with linseed oil, to the thick- ness or limpidity required for the occasion. This has not only a very good appearance ; but will, it is said, be found perfectly to re- sist the effects of acids, as well as of all alkaline leys. It may be made of other colours, by substituting the proper articles instead of vermilion. Portable Balls for taking out Spots from Clothes. Spots of grease, &c. are in general easily removed from woollen cloth of all descriptions by means of portable balls prepared in the following manner : Take fuller’s earth, dried so as to crumble into powder, and moisten it well with lemon juice ; then add a small quantity of pure pulverised pearl-ashes, and work up the whole into a thick paste. Roll this paste into small balls, let them completely dry in the heat of the sun, and they are then fit for immediate use. The manner of using them is, by moistening w ith water the spots on the cloth, rubbing the ball over them, and leaving it to dry in the sun ; when, on washing the spots with common water, and often with brushing alone, the spots instantly disappear. Art of preparing a newly-discovered Permanent Green Pigment, 1 both for Oil and Water Colours. A green colour, at once beautiful and durable, discovered by the ingenious M. Kinnman, member of the Swedish Academy. The pro- cess by whir** it is product ‘ h us dcscri!^ • Dissolve, in aqua 16 THI. NEH K \ V, I IjY fortis, a small quantity of zinc ; and, in aqua-regia, some strongly calcined cobalt, : each solution to be made in a different vessel, and to remain till the respective liquids be completely saturated. When they are both ready, mix one part of the former with two parts of the latter; and, having prepared a hot and clarified solution of pot- ash, pour in a quantity exactly equal to the whole of both the other solutions, for the purpose of precipitating the mixture. After it has subsided, the fluid part should be decanted, and the sediment evapo- rated to dryness over the fire, till it assumes a green colour. It is necessary, however, that it should be repeatedly washed with filtered water, before it can be used ; but, this being effected, it becomes fit for both oil and water colours, as it is sufficiently fixed to withstand all the effects of the air and the sun ; which the inventor fully ascer- tained, by an experience of more than ten years. By means of this preparation, also the ingenious inventor adds, that painters may rea- dily combine their yellow and ultramarine, so as to form a most beautiful and permanent green. Stewed Oysters in French Rolls. Take any quantity of oysters, and wash them in their own liquor. Then, straining it, put it in again with them, and add a little salt, ground pepper, beaten mace, and grated nutmeg. Let them stew a little together, and thicken them up with a great deal of butter. In the mean time, cut the tops off' a few French rolls, and take out sufficient crumb to admit some of the oysters, which must be filled in boiling hot, and set over a stove, or chafing-dish of coals, till they are quite hot through ; filling them up with more liquor, or some hot gravy, as the former soaks in. Y\ hen they are sufficiently moistened, serve them up in the manner of puddings. Ur. Anderson’s admirable Improvement on the common Mode of salting Butter. This ingenious gentleman, in his celebrated Recreations, first published the following directions for an improved mode of preserv- ing salt butter ; which he had experienced as not only more effec- tually to preserve it from any taint of rancidity than the general old method of using common salt only, but also to make it look better, and taste sweeter, richer, and more marrowy, than if it had been cured with common salt alone. Take of the best common salt, two parts ; of saltpetre, one part ; and of sugar, one part ; beating them up together, so that they may be completely blended. To every pound of the butter add an ounce of this composition, mix it well in the mass, and close it up for use. Butter thus prepared will keep good for three years, and cannot be distinguished from what has been re- cently salted. It may be necessary to remark, indeed, that butter cu- red in the above excellent manner, does not taste well till it has stood at least two or three weeks. Dr. Anderson is of opinion that such butter would keep during the longest voyages, if it could be so stow- ed as not to melt by heat of climate, and thus occasion the salts to soparate. RECEIPT-BOOK.. 17 Method of expeditiously Fattening Chickens. Among the many silly prejudices which exist in England against the more general use of rice, is that of remarking its total unfitness for feeding fowls. This may be true enough, if it be given them in so hard a state as to pass without dissolution ; but, perhaps, there is scarcely any thing which will sooner fatten the most delicate chickens than this very article, when it is properly prepared : Take, for that purpose, a quantity of rice, and grind or pound it into a fine flour ; mix sufficient for present use with milk and a little coarse sugar ; stir the whole well over the fire, till it makes a thick paste ; and feed the chickens, in the day-time only, by putting as much of it as they can eat, but no more, into the troughs, belonging to their coops. It must be eaten while warm ; and, if they have also beer to drink, they will soon grow very fat. A mixture of oatmeal and treacle, combined till it crumbles, is said to form a food for chickens, of which they are so fond, and with which they thrive so rapidly, that at the end of two months they become as large as the generality of full-grown fowls fed in the common way. Lord Orford’s curious method of Feeding Carp in Ponds. Make a gallon of barley meal, three pounds of chalk, and a suf- ficient quantity of fine clay, into a very stiff paste ; put it into a net, and place it so as to hang about a foot from the bottom of the water. When the carp have sucked away all but the clay, supply them with more made up in the same manner ; and, in three weeks or a month, they will be found exceedingly fat. Dr. Fuller's Chemical Snuff for the Head-Ache , Palsy , and Droivsy Distempers. Medicinal snuffs, or errhines, are chiefly to be used in the morn- ing ; but, if needful, at any other time also. “ They draw,” Dr. Fuller observes, “ out of the head and noste, abundance of water, mucus, and viscid phlegm, and are pertinently prescribed against such illnesses of the head as are caused by tough clammy matter, and have been of long continuance and contumacious ; such as gravative head-ache, palsy, and drowsy distempers.” He particu- larly recommends, for these purposes, a snuff made in the follow- ing manner : Take half a scruple of turbith mineral, half a drachm of powdered liquorice, a scruple of nutmeg, and two drops of oil of rosemary ; make them all into a fine powder, and snuff up into the nose a very small quantity. This is so wonderfully powerful, that it brings off thin lympha as if it raised a salivation through the nose, so plentifully and streamingly, that no person could have imagined who had never seen its effects. He advises, therefore, that it should not be often repeated, without snuffing up after it a little warm milk or oil, to prevent any soreness by fretting the membrane of the nostrils. Speedy Remedy for a Bruised Eye. Boil a handful of hyssop leaves in a little water, till they are quite tender ; th«tt o»t them up in linen, apply it hot to the eye, tie 18 THE NEW FAMILY it on tightly at bed-time, and the eye will next day be well. This receipt is taken from a large and valuable collection that formerly belonged to the family of the Karl of Shaftesbury ; and it is therein asserted, that “ a man, who had his thigh terribly bruised by the kick of a horse, was cured in a few hours, only by a poultice of the leaves of hyssop, cut or minced very small, and beaten up with unsaited butter. Culpepper in his herbal asserts the same respecting the virtues of hyssop. Stomach Plaster for a Cough. Take bees’ wax, Burgundy pitch, and rosin, each an ounce ; melt them together in a clean pipkin, and then stir in three quarters of an ounce of common turpentine, and half an ounce of oil of mace. Spread it on a piece of sheep’s leather, grate some nutmeg over the whole plaster, and apply it quite warm to the region of the stomach. Oil of Brown Paper , for Burns. Take a piece of the thickest coarse brown paper, and dip it in the best salad oil ; then set the paper on the fire, and carefully preserve all the oil that drops for use. This is said to be an admirable remedy for all sorts of burns. Oil of writing paper, collected in a similar man- ner, is often recommended for the tooth-ache. Liquid for removing Spots of Grease, Pitch , or Oil, from Woollen Cloth. In a pint of spring water dissolve an ounce of pure pearl-ash ; adding, to the solution, a lemon cut in small slices. This being pro- perly mixed, and kept in a warm state for two days, the whole must be strained, and the clear liquid kept in a bottle for use. A little of this liquid being poured on the stained part, is said instantaneously to remove all spots of grease, pitch, or oil; and the moment they disap- pear, the cloth is to be washed in clear water. Method of taking out Ink Spots from Woollen , Linen, and Silk. To take spots of ink out of woollen, they must first be rubbed with a composition, consisting of the white of an egg, and a few drops of oil of vitriol, properly incorporated : next, immediately washed with pure water ; and, lastly, have the parts smoothed, in the direction of the nap, with a piece of flannel or white woollen cloth. From linen, ink spots maybe removed, by immediately dropping plentifully on them, while wet with the ink, the tallow from a lighted candle, and letting it remain on a few days before washing the linen : this is also said to take the stains of red-port out of linen. Ink spots on silk require to be well rubbed with the ashes of wormwood and strong distilled vinegar, and to be afterwards cleansed with soap- water. When ink is once dried on linen, the spot is to be taken out by rubbing it well with a piece of lemon, and then using a hot iro» till the ink totally disappears. If a lemon be ~ In half, the linen where spotted pressed down over it li 11 the jui. r |*enctratcs through, RECEIPT-BOOK. 19 and the hot iron then placed on the linen, the spot will immediately give way, and soon entirely vanish. Ink Stains taken out of Mahogany. Put a few drops of spirit of sea-salt, or oil of vitriol, in a tea- spoonful of water, and touch the stain or spot with a feather ; ana, on the ink disappearing, rub it over with a rag wetted in cold water, or there will be a white mark not easily effaced. Red Mixture for giving a fine Colour to Mahogany Furniture. Stains of ink being first removed by the method above described, wash the tables or other mahogany furniture with vinegar, and then rub them all over with a red mixture made in the following manner : Put into a pint of cold-drawn linseed oil four pennyworth of alkanet root, and two pennyworth of rose-pink ; stir them well together in any earthen vessel, and let them remain all night, when the mixture, being again well stirred, will be immediately fit for use. When it has been left an hour on the furniture, it may be rubbed off till bright with linen cloths ; and will soon have a beautiful colour, as well as a glossy appearance. Mr. Jayne's Patent Method of preserving Eggs. Various have been the expedients by which good housewives have endeavoured to preserve eggs. They have, in turns, been kept in salt, in flour, and in bran ; they have been scalded in hot water, and deposited at the bottom of a cold running stream ; they have been steeped in vinegar, and they have been bathed with oil. None of these expedients, however, seem to be universally approved, though each has had its respective advocates, and been warmly re- commended to attention. In the year 1791, a patent was obtained by Mr. William Jayne, for his newly-invented composition calculated to preserve eggs. The specification of Mr. Jayne, whose patent expired of course in the year 1805, directs that, for preparing his composition, a Winchester bushel of quick or unslacked lime, two pounds of common salt, and half a pound of cream of tartar, should be incorporated with such a quantity of common water as may re- duce the mixture to a state of consistence in which an egg will float with its top above the surface. In this liquid the eggs are to be constantly kept for use ; and the patentee asserts, that they will thus certainly be preserved perfectly sound for at least two years. Chinese Mode of rendering all Sorts of Cloth , and even Mus- lin, W ater-Proof. By the following very simple process for making cloth water-proof, it is asserted that the Chinese render not only all the strongest cloths but even the most open muslins, impenetrable to the heaviest showers of rain ; nor yet, as it is said, will this composition fill up the in- terstices of the finest lawn, or in the slightest degree injure the most brilliant colours. The composition to which these valuable qualities are imputed, is merely a solution of half an ounce of white 20 THE NEW FAMILY wax in a pint of spirits of turpentine- In a sufficient quantity of the mixture, made with these materials, immerse the articles intended to be rendered water-proof, and then hang them in the open air till they become perfectly dry. This is all the process necessary for accomplishing so desirable a purpose ; against which, however, may be objected, perhaps, the expense, and unpleasant scent, of the turpentine spirits : the latter objection may be remedied by using equal parts of spirits of wine and oil of wormwood, a mixture of which is said to dissipate the smell of turpentine ; but the former, it is not to be denied, must necessarily be, at the same time, in some degree, augmented. It has lately been attempted, in England, to render the use of water-proof cloth, general. beautiful newly-discovered Golden Yellow Dye , for Silks, Cotton , fyc. This fine, lively, and durable yellow dye, has recently been dis- covered by M. Lasteyrie, who thus describes the process by which it is obtained from the shaggy spunk, or boletus hirsutus of Linnaeus ; a species of mushroom, or fungus, growing chiefly on apple or wal- nut trees. This vegetable substance is replete with colouring mat- ter, which must be expressed by pounding in a mortar ; after which the liquid thus acquired is to be boiled about a quarter of an hour. Six pints of water may be well tinged for dying, by a single ounce of the expressed fluid. This being strained, the silk, cotton, &c. intended to be dyed, must be immersed and boiled in it for about fifteen or twenty minutes ; when fine silk, in particular, if it be after- wards passed through s dt soap water, will appear of a bright golden yellow hue, equal in lustre to that of the silk hitherto imported from China, at a great expense, for imitating gold embroidery. In short, every sort of stuff retains a fine yellow colour ; but it is, of course, less bright on linen and cotton. Nor is the use of this vegetable substance confined to dying ; since it has been ascertained that the yellow extract which it yields is applicable to the purposes of painting, both in oil arid in water colours. Curious Method of Breeding an innumerable Quantity of the beautiful Gold and Silver Fish. The curious process by which this is to be easily effected, may be in general applied, on a larger scale, to the breeding, in equal profusion, most of our esculent fresh-water fish. It is, simply, as follows : Get a large deep cistern or vat, of any dimensions, but one of about four feet diameter, and nearly the same height or depth, will very well answer the purpose; then take a quantity of birch, or small faggot wood, which has been previously soaked some time in a stream, spring, or pond, so as to have lost all power of discolour- ing or giving any farther taste to fresh water, and lay this wood all along the bottom, to the thickness of about a foot, in some parts at least, having large stones on the top to keep it from rising or motion. Being thus certain that neither the vat nor the birch can spoil the RECEIPT-BOOK. 21 water, nearly fill it with the best soft water from a river or pond, such as there can be no doubt that fish will be able to live in. The vat, it is to be observed, must be placed in the open air, but not in a too cold or exposed situation ; and the breeding is to commence in the spring, when the fish are full, and just ready to spawn. Choose, as breeders, four hard-roed or females, and only one soft-roed milcher or male. Put the five, with all possible care not to hurt them, into the vat ; feeding them occasionally, by throwing in a few crumbs of bread, or some other trifling food, but in no other way disturbing them. When they appear quite thin, or shotten as it is termed, they must be quietly taken out with a small net, so as by no means to disturb the spawn, and entirely kept away ; as they would, if allowed to remain, (such is the nature of these and most other fish,) soon devour the greatest part of the spawn and small fry, suffering little or none ever to reach maturity. The vat must not be disturbed during the whole summer ; only, as the water decreases, a little fresh must from time to time be as gently as possible poured in, to supply the deficiency. In the course of the summer, the vivified roes will be hatched, and the water perceived swarming with a minute fry ; fully sufficient to stock a large piece of water, if not. devoured by other fish, or the several birds which make fish their prey. By this method, myriads of those beautiful fish may be easily bred ; and, consequently, be- come very common. At present, it is true, though originally intro- duced from the East Indies, of which, as well as of China, the gold fish, or cyprinus auratus of Linnaeus, is a native, it is still chiefly kept in glass globular vessels for ornament. It has, however, within these few vears, been sufficiently ascertained, that these fishes thrive and propagate in ponds, or other reservoirs of water ; where trey are said to acquire a much larger growth, and come to greater perfection, than in the oriental countries. Surup of Red Cabbage , as prepared in France. Cut and wash a large red cabbage, put it into a pot covered with water, and let it simmer three or four hours over a moderate fire, till there only remains about a pint of liquor; then strain it through a sieve, pressing the cabbage forcibly to get all the juice ; let the liquor stand some hours to settle, and pour off the clear. Put a pound of Narbonne honey into a saucepan, over a stove, with a glass of water ; and keep skimming it all the time it is boiling, till it be completely clarified. Then put in the cabbage juice, and make the whole boil to the consistence of a syrup ; which is always to be known, by ta- king a little of it on one finger, and finding that, on its being rubbed against the next, it forms a thread which does not instantly break. This syrup is regarded in France as a most excellent fortifier of the breast. It is undoubtedly a good pectoral syrup, very pleasant, not at all expensive, and easily made. A decoction of red cabbage, even in England, by some eminent physicians, has been frequently recommended for softening acrimonious humours in disorders of the breast, and also in hoarseness. 22 THE NEW FAMILY Boluses for the Rheumatism and Contractions of the Joints Bruise four cloves of garlic with two drachms of gum ammoniar and make them into six boluses with spring water. Take one every morning and evening, drinking plentifully of sassafras tea, at least twice a day, while using this medicine. '1 his is said to be a most effectual remedy for the rheumatism, and equally good in contractions of the joints. Pill for an Aching Hollow Tooth. Take half a grain each of opium and yellow sub-sulphate of quick- silver, formerly called turpeth mineral ; make them into a pill, and place it in the hollow of the tooth some hours before bed-time, with a small piece of wax over the top, when it is said never to fail effect- ing a complete cure. It was originally communicated, with many other medical receipts, by a learned physician at York. Tea for the Gout. Take the leaves of carduus benedictus, or the holy thistle, with a sufficient proportion of angelica leaves to make it palatable, but not much of either at a time, and drink half a pint of this infusion made like common tea, rather weak, constantly every morning for twelve months. This is said to have alone relieved several persons who were almost crippled with the gout. r l he leaves of the blessed thistle, in strong decoction, are generally agreed to be beneficial where there is a loss of appetite, or the stomach has been impaired by irregularU ties ; and, whether an infusion be made in cold or warm water, it occasions, if drank freely, a copious perspiration, and greatly pro-p motes the secretions. The dried leaf, which may be used for making the tea recommended, loses much of that forbidding flavour always possessed by the fresh plant ; and which occasions it to be some-? times employed in strong decoctions, either as an emetic, or as the auxiliary of an emetic. Infallible Powder for Shortness of Breath. This excellent remedy for shortness of breath is particularly ref- commended to young ladies. The powder is thus directed to be made : Take an ounce each of carraway seeds and anniseeds, half an ounce of liquorice, a large nutmeg, an ounce of prepared steel and two ounces of double-refined sugar ; reduce the whole into l very fine powder, and take as much as will lie on a shilling every morning fasting, and the same quantity at five in the afternoon. It will be requisite to use exercise while taking this medicine, which generally very soon effects a cure. Where any invincible prejudice against the use of steel exists in the mind, the medicine may be tried without it ; it will even then frequently afford relief. Excellent Wash for Numbed or Trembling Hands- These disagreeable complaints are said to be soon remedied by the very simple expedient of frequently washing the hands so affect- ed in a strong decoction of wormwood and mustard seed; to be Btrained. and used when cold. RECEIPT-BOOK. 23 Mustard Whey, for a Palsy and JVervous Disorders. Turn half a pint of boiling milk, by putting in a table-spoonful of made mustard. Strain the whey from the curd, through a. sieve, and drink it in bed. This will give a generous and glowing warmth, the whey thus conveying the mustard into the constitution. Dr. Stephen Hales says, that he knew a woman, who had a great degree of numb- ness all over her, remarkably relieved with two doses only, and men- tions several instances where it has done good in nervous cases, and in palsy, greatly abating the malady and prolonging life. Ingenious French Vegetative Liquid for making Bulbous Hoots flower beautifully in ornamental Glasses, without Earth , du- ring the ff inter Season. Dissolve, gradually, in a glazed earthen or glass vessel, three ounces of saltpetre, one ounce of common salt, and half an ounce of salt of tartar, with a pint of rain water. When the solution is completed, add half an ounce of loaf sugar; filter the whole through a bag or blotting paper, and keep it bottled for use. Into each flower- glass, filled with rain or river water, are to be put eight or ten drops of this liquid. The glasses must be kept constantly full, and the water renewed every tenth or twelfth day at farthest ; to which must always be added the requisite number of drops of the vegetative li- quor. To ensure complete success, however, the glasses ought to stand on a mantle or chimney-piece where a fire is regularly kept in cold weather. The fibres of the roots must of course always im- bibe the liquid ; and, with proper management, a fine succession of flowers may be kept up during the most rigorous seasons ; such as crocuses of different colours, tulips, hyacinths, snow-drops, & c. Art of Extracting the finest Carmine Powder from Clippings of Scarlet Cloth. That incomparable crimson colour, called carmine, which so beautifully participates in the most delicate tints of scarlet and of purple, is so very expensive, that miniature painters are often induced to substitute for carmine a composition of lake ; by the following pro- cess, however, it is credibly asserted, that a better carmine may with certainty be manufactured than much of what is imported from F ranee. Take five or six gallons of the purest water, and dissolve in it a sufficient quantity of pot-ash to make a strong ley. After having filtered the solution, put it in a brass pot, and boil in it a pound of the clean shreds or clippings of the finest scarlet broad cloth dyed in grain till they have entirely lost their colour ; then squeeze the shreds, and pass all the ley through a flannel bag. Dissolve two pounds of alum in a proper quantity of water, and add this solution to the ley ; stir them well together, and the whole will become rather thick. It is then to be repassed through the flannel bag, and the liquor will run out clear ; but, if it be at all tinged, it is again to be boiled, with the addition of a small quantity of dissolved alum, and passed through 24 THE NEW FA JULY the bag a third time, when all the carmine will be left behind F resh water is then to be poured repeatedly into the bag, till all the alum is washed away : after which the colour must be dried, so as to prevent any dust from settling on it; and, being previously reduced to an impalpable powder, on glass or marble, it will be immediately fit for use. Substitute for Ver digrease, in producing a fine Black Dye without Injury to Cloth , fyc. As verdigrease, though generally combined with logwood for dying black, is extremely apt to corrode the texture of the cloth, &c. the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, in the Adelphi. rewarded Mr. Cleg for his discovery of a substitute in dying that colour. For this purpose, equal parts of pot-ash, or any other strong alkaline salt, and vitriol of copper, are to be separately dissolved, and the two solutions gradually mixed. If the vitriol be sufficiently saturated, the water on the surface will become transparent on adding a few drops of the alkaline solution ; but, if not, it will produce a blue colour, so that no pot-ash should be added till a complete saturation be effected. These proportions of vitriol and alkaline salt will be equivalent to a similar quantity of verdigrease ; and, on being combined with decoctions of logwood, in the same manner as verdigrease, will impart a fine black dve, which is by no means prejudicial to the texture of cloth, hats, or other articles, so often rotted by pernicious black dyes. Artificial Musk. The mode of making artificial musk, which is often used in Ger- many for that expensive odorous drug, is simply as follows : Add, to one drachm of oil of amber, by small portions at a time, four times the quantity of nitrous acid, commonly called aqua-fortis ; carefully stirring them together with a glass rod all the time, and continuing so to do till the whole be converted into a yellow resin, possessing the smell of musk in great perfection. It must, of course, be kept closely stopped up, like real musk ; and may sometimes supply the place of that high-priced article, not forgetting the nature of its chief ingredient. Wonderful but easy and effectual Method of rendering all Sorts of Paper Fire-Proof This astonishing effect is produced by a most simple process. It is only necessary, whether the paper be plain, written, or printed on, or even marbled, stained, on painted for hangings, to immerse it in a strong solution of alum-water, and then thoroughly dry it, when it will immediately become fire proof. This experiment is readily ascertained, by holding a slip of paper thus prepared over a candle. Some paper, however, will require to imbibe more of the solution than it may receive by a single immersion ; in which case, the operation of dipping and drying must be repeated till such paper bo* RECEIFT-BOOK. 25 comes fully saturated, when, it is positively asserted, neither the co- lour nor quality of the paper will be in the smallest degree affected ; but that, on the contrary, both will be even improved. Bellamy's Patent Methods of making Leather of all Sorts Water-Proof The patentee and inventor of these methods, Mr. John Bellamy, makes use of two compositions ; which, according to his specifica- tion in the Patent Office, registered 1794, are as follow : A gallon each of nut and poppy oils are to be mixed with three gallons of linseed oil ; or, one gallon of either nut or poppy oil may be added to three of that expressed from linseed ; or, two gallons of linseed oil may be combined with a pint of nut oil and the like quantity of poppy oil. These ingredients, either in the above proportions, or such others as may be required by the nature of the oils, being mix- ed in an iron pot, are to be placed over a gentle fire ; and to each gallon of oil must be added a pound of white copperas, sugar of lead, colcothar, or any other drying substance. When the whole has re- mained six or seven hours over such a degree of heat as it will bear without rising, till it become sufficiently dry, it is to be taken off, and suffered to cool : this first compound is then fit for use. The second compound, for the same purpose of rendering all kinds of leather water-proof, is thus directed to be made : Take a pound of gum resin, half a pound of pitch, and a quarter of a pound each of tar and turpentine ; well mix these ingredients with one gallon of the oils prepared according to the first method, by gently heating the entire mass, and then increasing the fire till the whole be thoroughly incorporated. When the oils prepared according to the first method, or the gums according to the second, are sufficiently cool, either is to be rubbed into the leather with a brush dipped in the respective composition ; and the thoroughly-impregnated leather being stretched on an even board, the superfluous matter is to be removed from its surface. Sole leather, and other thick substances, are to be first gently warmed : and, after being fully saturated with the composition, and properly dried in a warm place, they are ready for use. Genuine Receipt for making the Invaluable Cordial Liquor called Vespetro , recommended by the king of France’s Physi- cians at Montpellier. This truly excellent and agreeable cordial, which comes thus sanctioned to the world, is recommended for all complaints in the stomach, indigestion, sickness, colic, obstructions, stitches of the side, spasms in the breast, diseases of the kidneys, strangury, gra- vel, oppression of the spleen, loathing, vertigo, rheumatism, short- ness of breath, &c. The following are the genuine instructions for making it : Take a thick glass or stone bottle which will hold consider- ably more than two English quarts, and put in it two Paris pints, being equal to about two English quarts, of the best brandy; adding the following seeds, first grossly pounded in a mortar ; two drachms ^f angelica seeds, one ounce of coriander seeds, and a large pinch 26 THE NEW FAMJL.Y of pugil each of fennel seeds and anniseeds. Then squeeze in the juice of two fresh lemons, putting in also their rinds ; add a pound of loaf sugar ; and, well shaking the bottle from time to time, let the whole infuse five days. After this, to render the liquor clearer, pass it through a cotton bag, or filtering paper, and bottle it up, carefully and closely corked. To be taken, a small cordial glass at a time, more or less frequently, according to circumstances. A table- spoonful taken four or five successive mornings, is said to kill the worms in children ; and, on rubbing with that small quantity the nose and temples fasting, it is a preservative of the person so using it against the ill effects of damp or unwholesome air. In short, this liquor will abundantly satisfy all who may have occasion to use it ; and a gentleman having been long afflicted with an hepatic flux, which gave him continual torment, the use of this liquor carried it off, and completely cured him. Incomparable Method of Salting Meat , as adopted by the late Empress of Russia. The following method of salting rrieat is asserted to have been used by the great empress Catharine, in her household establishment, with the utmost success : Boil together, over a gentle fire, six pounds of common salt, two pounds of powdered loaf sugar, three ounces of saltpetre, and three gallons offspring water. Carefully skim it while boiling ; and, when quite cold, pour it over the meat, every part of which must be covered with the brine. In this pickle, it is said, the meat will not only keep for many months, but the hardest and toughest beef will thus be rendered as mellow and tender as the flesh of a young fowl ; while either beef, pork, or even mutton, will have a fine flavour imparted by it. In warm weather, however, the blood must be expressed from the meat, and the whole well rubbed over with fine salt, before it is immersed in the liquor. Young pork should not be left longer than three or four days in this pickle, as it will then be quite sufficiently softened : but hams, intended for drying, tnay remain a fortnight before they are hung up ; when they should be rubbed with pollard, and closely covered with paper bags, to prevent their being fly-blown. Though this pickle is, at first, somewhat more expensive than common brine, (as it may be again used, on being boiled with additional water and the other ingredients,) it is far from being, on the whole, importantly more dear ; whilst it seems to promise advantages which most people would be happy to purchase at a much higher price. Electuary for the Rheumatism, by Dr. Brookes. Take conserve of orange peel, two ounces ; cinnabar of antimony levigated, half an ounce ; gum guiacum in powder, one ounce ; YV in ter’s bark in powder, three drachms ; syrup of orange peel sufficient to make an electuary. The dose three drachms, morning und evening. RECEIPT-HOOK 27 Art of making the best Black Ink Powder. Infuse a quarter of a pound of finely powdered nut galls in three pints of rain or river water ; exposing it, occasionally well stirred, to a moderate degree of warmth for a few days, till the colouring matter seems fully extracted : then filter the solution into a vessel slightly covered, and place it in the open air for several weeks : when, on removing the mouldy skin from the top, which has gradually been formed, it must be carefully collected, have hot water poured over it, undergo another filtration, and then be evaporated to dryness. Thus will be produced a gray crystalline salt, called the acid salt of galls, and which is the essential basis of black ink. On triturating a single drachm of this salt with an equal quantity of vitriol of iron, and about a pennyweight of the driest gum arabic, a composition will be obtained which affords an excellent black ink, merely on being dissolved in warm water. Genuine Syrup for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, fyc This excellent remedy for such frequently very alarming symp- toms, cannot be made too public. “ He must,” says the learned and liberal Dr. Fuller, “ be a mere stranger in physic, who is not ac- quainted with this most noble syrup, and how mightily it succours those who cough up blood.” It is thus made : Take six ounces of comfrey roots, and twelve handsful of plantain leaves : cut and beat them well ; strain out the juice ; and, with an equal weight of sugar, boil it up to a syrup. Vast advantages of Baking instead of Boiling Beet-Root. The beet-root too forcibly intrudes itself on the improved sagacity of mankind to be entirely neglected, as a source of cheap and salu- brious food. The late Dr. Lettsom, some few years since, took uncommon pains to recommend a variety of one species of this genus, the German mangel-wurzel, or famine-root, under the ap- pellation of the root of scarcity, or large white beet-root, as an ar- ticle worthy of being universally cultivated. The time, however, seems not yet arrived for the full value of even the more attractive red species to be generally known and duly appreciated ; so that his philanthropic design may be said to have hitherto failed. In speak- ing of the beet-root generally, the red beet-root, therefore, is to be considered as alone designated ; and we are about to offer a few hints for bringing its modest and humble merits into a little more deserved estimation. The rich saccharine juice of the beet-root is, in a great degree, lost, and the root itself rendered, at once, less nutritious by the adventitious watery weakness which it is made to imbibe, as well as by parting with the native gelatinous syrup, of which it is thus forcibly deprived. It is, therefore, most strongly recommended to adopt the mode of baking beet-roots, instead of boiling them, for general use ; when they will, unquestionably, be found to afford a very delicious and most wholesome food. This is not offered as an untried novelty : beet-roots are universally baked 28 THE NEW FA. WILY all over the continent of Europe ; and, in Italy particularly, they are carried about, warm from the oven, twice a day, like hot loaves, &c. in London. They are there purchased by all ranks of people, and afford to many thousands, with bread and a little salt only, a very satisfactory meal. Remedy for Wind in the Veins. This state of the veins, though always visible on the slightest in- spection, often escapes any notice, though it leads to many disorders. The following remedy may be taken with advantage whenever they appear in a suspicious state : Take equal quantities of powdered liquorice, carraway seeds, and sugar candy : to which add a third part of rhubarb, and the like quantity of cream of tartar, both finely pulverized. Of this mixture, take a tea-spoonful three or four times a day ; either by itself, or in a glass of wine. It should be continued about a week ; and, being gently laxative, it cools the blood, eases pains, and relieves and prevents many disorders. Best Method of making Sage Cheese. Take the tops of young red sage ; and, having pressed the juice from them by beating in a mortar, do the same with the leaves of spin- age, and then mix the two juices together. After putting the rennet to the milk, pour in some of this juice, regulating the quantify by the degree of colour and taste it is intended to give the cheese. As the curd appears, break it gently, and in an equal manner; then, emptying it into a cheese vat, let it be a little pressed, in order to make it eat mellow. Having stood for about seven hours, salt and turn it daily for four or five weeks, when it will be fit for the table. The spinage, besides improving the flavour and correcting the bitterness of the sage, will give it a much more pleasing colour than can be ob- tained from sage alone. Syrup of Ginger. An agreeable and moderately aromatic syrup, impregnated with the flavour and medicinal virtues of ginger, is thus prepared : Ma- cerate an ounce and a half of beaten ginger in a quart of boiling water, closely covered up, for twenty-four hours : then, straining off the infusion, make it into a syrup, by adding at least two parts of fine loaf sugar, dissolved and boiled up in a hot water bath. W onderful Power of the Turkish Glue, or Armenian Cement , with the Art of making it. The jewellers in Turkey, who are mostly Armenians, according to Mr. Eton, formerly a consul, and author of the Survey of the Turkish Empire, have a singular method of ornamenting watch- cases, &c. with diamonds and other precious stones, by simply glu- ing or cementing them. The stone is set in silver or gold, and the other part of the metal made flat to correspond with the part to which it is to be fixed ; it is then warmed gently, and has the glue applied, which is so very strong, that the parts cemented never separate. This RECEIPT-BOOK. 29 glue, which will strongly unite bits of glass, and even polished steel, and may of course be applied to a vast variety of useful purposes, is thus made : Dissolve five or six bits of gum mastich, each the size of a large pea, in as much spirits of wine as will suffice to ren- der it liquid : and, in another vessel, dissolve as much isinglass, pre- viously a little swelled or softened in water, though none of the water must be used, in French brandy or good rum, as will make a two-ounce phial of very strong glue : adding two small bits of gum galbanum, or ammoniacum, which must be rubbed or ground till they are dissolved. Then mix the whole with a sufficient heat. Keep the glue in a phial stopped close, and, when it is to be used, set the bottle in hot or boiling water. Mr. Eton observes, that some persons have, in England, prepared and sold this composition under the name of Armenian Cement ; but it is much too thin, and the quantity of mastich in it too small : it must, this gentleman adds, be like strong carpenters’ glue. This certainly is one of the most valuable known cements in the world. Nor is it at all improbable, that a plan, said to have been invented in France or Germany, for making up clothes, &c. by uniting cloth without sewing, in some at- tempt founded on the use of this very cement ; with what ultimate success, we must leave time to develope. In the mean while, there can be no sort of doubt, that much may be effected by ingenious applications of so powerful an agent. Valuable Secret in preparing Foil for Diamonds, and other precious Stones, as used by the Armenian Jewellers. The method of preparing the rich foils in which the Armenian jewellers set precious stones, particularly diamonds, to much advan- tage, and which, under roses or half-brilliants, is most remarkably beautiful, and not subject to tarnish, is generally kept as a great se- cret ; and such foils, Mr. Eton assures us, sells at Constantinople for from half to three-quarters of a dollar each. The mode of pre- paring them is extremely simple. An agate is cut, and highly po- lished, of the shape desired ; a cavity of about its own size is next formed in a block of lead, and over this cavity is placed a bit of tin, the thickness of strong brown paper, scraped very bright. The agate is then placed on the tin, over the cavity, and struck with a mallet ; when the beautiful polish which the tin instantly receives, is scarcely to be imagined by those who have never seen it. Easy method of Dying Cotton with Madder, as practised at Smyrna. Cotton, at Smyrna, Mr. Eton tells us, is dyed with madder in the following manner : The cotton is boiled in common olive oil, and then in mild alkali ; being thus cleaned, it will take the mad- der dye : and this is the fine colour so greatly admired in Smyrna cotton-yarn. “ I have heard,” adds this gentleman, “ that the sum of five thousand pounds was given in England for this secret !” It is, doubtless, a secret in preparing cottons, and perhaps other articles, for the reception of a particular dye, very well worth knowing 30 THE NEW FAMILY The Duchess of Marlborough' 1 s admirable Water for Thicken- ing the Hair , and to prevent its falling off. This most excellent water for the hair is produced in the follow- ing manner : Distil, as cool and slowly as possible, two pounds of honey, a handful of rosemary, and twelve handsful of the curlings or tendrils of grape-vines, infused in a gallon of new milk, from which about two quarts of the water will be obtained. Celebrated French Worm Medicine for Dogs. This medicine has the reputation of effectually killing and ex- pelling the worms with which dogs are often so grievously tor- mented, and which, probably, may be one grand cause of their running mad. It is thus made : Take, for one dose, which generally proves sufficient, two drachms each of juice of wormwood, aloes, and staves-acre, the two last powdered as small as possible; with one drachm each of pounded burnt hartshorn and sulphur. Mix the whole together in nut oil, to the quantity of about half a glass, which must be given to the dog for a dose. If at all necessary, another dose may be given a day or two after. Superior Use of the celebrated German Tinder , and great Im- portance of its being universally adopted. On the continent of Europe, every traveller, sportsman, &c. car- ries constantly this tinder about him, which is conveniently portable, and resembles a piece of soft and very thick tanned leather, of elas- tic substance, and a sort of velvet surface on the upper part. It is, in fact, a large fungus, commonly called punk, which grows at the roots of old trees, where it spreads to a considerable size. This substance is dressed, hammered, and otherwise manufactured for the purpose, into this appearance, and, being dried, forms the true German tinder at all times ready for use, and far less liable to be- come damp than English tinder. The manner of using it is by tearing off a small bit, which will serve several times, and holding it at the edge of the flint, which is smote by the steel, instead of the steel by the flint. In this the Germans are so expert, and can so well rely on their tinder, that they will engage to light it at a single stroke, and, indeed, seldom fail to do so. The tinder being thus kindled, may be placed in a pipe of tobacco, or extinguished in- stantlv between the finger and thumb, after lighting a match for this or any other purpose. It is always kept in a pouch or box, with a flint, steel, and short German matches ; and few persons are much from home without carrying them constantly in their pockets. If the German tinder were to be manufactured in England, many poor persons might be employed in collecting the punk, which is now suffered to rot without utility ; and, could it be brought entirely to prevent the destruction of rags for tinder, a quantity far exceeding what may be generally imagined, it might prove the means of greatly assisting the manufacture of paper. RECEIPT-BOOK. 31 To make a Powder , by which you may write with water. Bruise to powder a handful of galls, half an ounce of vitriol, an ounce of gum arabic and gum sandrick. Mingle them finely sifted together, then rub your paper with a little of it laid upon cotton wool ; and, having smoothed it, take water, and write upon the pa- per ; then suffering it to dry, it will be black. Turkish Method of Filtering Water by Ascension. The process is this : They make two wells, from five to ten feet, or any other depth, at a small distance from each other, with a com- munication between the two at their bottoms. The separation is of clay well beaten, or other substances impenetrable by water. Both wells are then filled with sand and gravel. The opening of the well into which the water to be filtered runs, is made somewhat higher than that into which it is to ascend ; nor does the sand of this latter approach the brim, where there i3 either sufficient room left for all the filtered water, or it is drawn off by a spout run into a vessel placed for that purpose. The greater the difference is between the height of the two wells, the faster the water filters ; but the less it is, the better it operates, provided a sufficient quantity of water be sup- plied by it for the intended purpose. This, Mr. Eton observes, may be practised in a cask, tub, jar, or other vessel, and would be use- ful on board of ships : the water being conveyed to the bottom by a pipe, and the lower end having in it a sponge, or the pipe might be filled with coarse sand. It is evident, that all such particles as, by their gravity, are carried down in filtration by descent, will not rise with the water in filtration by ascension. From this account, it should seem, that the principle of filtration by ascent, considered as a new discovery by some ingenious Europeans, has been long known to the Turks. Mr. Peacock's Patent Machine for Purifying and Filtering the foulest water. The utility of filtering machines, in the different processes of brewing, distillery, and dying, as well as that of making bread, and all other domestic arts, is sufficiently obvious. The filtering ma- chine of Mr. Peacock has been contrived and composed with a com- bination of skill and simplicity which is seldom witnessed. The turbid fluid is poured into a vessel, with layers of sifted gravel or small pebbles, in different gradations of size, at the botton, and con- nected somewhat like the Turkish filtering wells, with a similar vessel, with like strata or layers, in progressive degrees of fineness, through which the water, however foul, on it3 entrance into the first vessel, now rises clear and pure in this. Had Mr. Peacock, who is one of the first architects in the world, been a poor or a mercenary man, this invention might have obtained him a large fortune : but, beir.o' neither one nor the other, though this gentleman secured his rio-ht by patent, and he was only solicitous of its being adopted from philanthropic motives, and has probably lost more money 32 THE NEW FAMILY than he has gained by the invention. When its use becomes duly appreciated, some future manufacturer of Mr. Peacock’s filtering machines may probably reap the advantage. A specimen of his machine is deposited in Guildhall, London, and, though capable of yielding a constant and pure stream of three hundred gallons in twenty-four hours, it does not occupy more room than a common large drip or filtering stone, with all its accompanying apparatus : that nothing may be wanting to its perfection, it is easily cleansed, though seldom necessary, in the short space of a single minute. Nothing, therefore, is easier than for brewers, distillers, dyers, &c. who are so inclined, to have all their water filtered by means of Mr. Peacock’s invention, which is capable of being extended to any magnitude, at an expense which cannot be the smallest object to the generality of persons concerned in those respective manufac- tories. This invention, could it be brought into general use, might be considered as a blessing to the nation. At sea, if the strata may be so fixed as not to be too much disturbed or deranged by the ship’s motion, which seems very possible, the use of such a machine must be so great, that no vessel ought to sail without one. A little char- coal, from its antiseptic quality, might perhaps be introduced with advantage among the strata of gravel. The want of filtered water gives rise to more nephritic complaints than is imagined. Management of Coffee in France. Those who wish to have excellent coffee, in France, roast it every day as it is used : they even say, that it should be roasted, ground, infused, and drunk, in the space of two hours ; and assert that, if these processes be longer in succeeding each other, the coffee loses much of that volatile spirit which constitutes all its agreeable flavour The quantity commonly used is an ounce to five cups of spring wa- ter, to produce four of good and clear coffee. In the mean time, it is usual to throw their coffee grounds into a vessel, boil them half an hour, and leave them to settle : this infusion so well serves for a third part of the coffee in powder, that in a coffee-pot of fourteen cups of pure spring water, which should have three ounces to be good, two ounces with this infusion will be of equal strength and good- ness. The operation of boiling the grounds is performed, in large coffee-houses, five or six times every day. This is the common way of making coffee throughout France, where it is generally drank with sugar and cream ; while, at different coffee-houses, and in par- ticular families, vanilla, isinglass, and other ingredients, are also in- troduced, as they have lately been in England. The French, beside breakfasting often on coffee, usually drink two cups about half an hour after ^linne^to hasten digestion, or abate the fumes of wine and liqueurs wh &fc. Boil, slowly, for three hours, a pound of blue vitriol, and half a pound of the best whiting, in about three quarts of water : stir it frequently while boiling, and also on taking it off the fire. When it has stood till quite cold, pour off the blue liquor ; then mix the cake of colour with good size, and use it with a plasterer’s brush in the same manner as white-wash, either for walls or ceilings. Composition for cleaning Marble Hearths , Chimney Pieces , Alabaster , <^-c. Mix finely pulverized pumice stone with verjuice, somewhat more than sufficient to cover it ; and, after it has stood an hour or more, dip a sponge in the composition, rub it well over the marble or ala- baster which requires cleaning, wash it off with warm water, and dry it with clean linen or cotton cloths. Art of Manufacturing the fine Red and Yellow Morocco heather , as practised inCrim Tartary. The celebrated Tour of Mrs. Guthrie, in Taurida, or the Crimea, commonly called Crim Tartary, which was made by that lady in 1795 and 1796, furnishes the particulars of this interesting article. In the city of Karasubazar, Mrs. Guthrie informs us, there is an ancient manufactory of Morocco leather, where great quantity are prepared with the skins of the numerous flocks of Tauric goats. The process is thus described : After steeping the raw hides in cold water for twenty-four hours, to free them from the blood and other impurities, 42 THE NEW FAMILY the fleshy parts are scraped off with proper instruments ; when thev are macerated for ten days in cold lime water, to loosen the hair, which is likewise scraped off as clean as possible. Being then soak- ed in cold common water for fifteen days, they are trod or worked under foot in a succession of fresh waters ; till, at length, an admix- ture of dog’s dung being added, they receive a second scraping, and are drained of their humidity. They next proceed to what they de- nominate feeding the skins, by steeping them four days in a cold in- fusion of wheat bran ; and then in a decoction of twenty-eight pounds of honey to five pails of water, cooled to the temperature of milk from the cow. After remaining thus steeped the same period, they are put into a vessel with holes at the bottom, and pressed till all the liquid has escaped. Lastly, they are steeped, for another four days in a slight solution of salt and water, one pound only to five pails, when the leather is quite ready for the reception of the dye. A strong decoction of Artemisa annua, or southernwood, in the pro- portion of four pounds to ten pails of water, seems to be the basis of all the different colours which they give to the Morocco in the Taurida, Astracan, and the other cities formerly belonging to the Turkish empire, where the secret has till now remained. When a red colour is required, one pound of powdered cochineal is gradually stirred into ten pails of the fine yellow decoction of Artemisa, with five or six drachms of alum spread on the leather, in a proper ves sel. They are next worked underfoot, in an infusion of oak leaves in warm water, till they become supple and soft ; when they are finished, by being rinsed in cold water, rubbed over with olive oil, and calendered with wooden rollers. Yellow Morocco leather is dyed with a stonger decoction of Artemisa, twenty pounds to fifteen pails of water ; nothing being added, but two pounds of powdered alum, which is gradually introduced, by half a table spoonful at a time. Each skin is tw'ice stained, previously to the final operations of oil- ing and calendering. It is also necessary to remark, that the skins are prepared in a somewhat different mode for the yellow Morocco leather, than for the red. Neither honey nor salt is used ; but, in- stead of the decoction of honey, immediately after the skins are taken out of the wheat bran infusion, they are steeped two days in an infusion of oak leaves : after which, they are next rinsed in cold water, and thus made ready for staining yellow. Mrs. Guthrie can- didly acknowledges, that the above is all the certain information which she has been able to obtain on this curious subject ; as she could by no means depend on the vague reports which she had heard relative to the colouring matter added for staining the green and blue kinds. It may, however, be presumed, that the light, which this lady has thrown on the process of d\ ing Morocco leather in ge- neral, will sufficiently guide our manufacturers to a judicious search after those particular but inferior objects, which yet remain undis- covered. Turkish, Rouge ; or, Secret of the Seraglio for making an admirable Carmine. Infuse, for three or four days, in a bottle of the finest white wine RECEIPT-BOOK. 43 vinegar, half a pound of Fernambourg Brasil wood, of a golden red colour, well pounded in a mortar. Boil them together half an hour strain them through linen, and place the liquid again over the tiffs. In the mean time, having dissolved a quarter of a pound of alum in a pint of white wine vinegar, mix the two liquids, and stir them we? together with a spatula. The scum which now arises, on being carefully taken off and gradually dried, will prove a most beautiful delicate, and perfectly inoffensive, rouge or carmine. Purified Syrup of Molasses. In many parts of the continent of Europe, a method has lor some years been successfully practised, on a large scale, of divesling mo- lasses, vulgarly called treacle, of its peculiar mawkish and unplea- sant taste, so as to render it, for many purposes, little less useful and pleasant than sugar. Indeed, unless it be for cordials mixed with spices, or in domestic dishes where milk is an ingredient, it may very generally be substituted for sugar. The process for thus pre- paring it is sufficiently simple, and by no means expensive : Boil twelve pounds of molasses, with three pounds of coarsely-pounded charcoal, in six quarts of water, over a slow fire. After the mixture has been stirred together, and simmered for at least half an hour, decant it into a deep vessel ; and, when the charcoal has subsided, pour off the liquid, and again place it over the fire, that the super- fluous water may evaporate, and restore the syrup to about its ori- ginal consistence. Thus refined, it will produce twelve pounds of a mild and good syrup, proper for use in many articles of food, &c. Art of preparing a fine Red Lake from Dutch Madder. The use of madder, in dying a fine red colour, and also as a first tint for several other shades, has long rendered it famous among dyers ; and, by the following process, it will afford a permanent lake of a fine red, applicable to every purpose of painting : Dissolve two ounces of the purest alum in three quarls of distilled water previously boiled in a clean glazed vessel, and again set over the fire. With- draw the solution as soon as it begins to simmer, and add to it two ounces of the best Dutch madder ; then, boiling it up once or twice, remove it from the fire, and filter it through clean white paper. Let the liquor thus filtered stand all night to subside ; and, next day, pour the clear fluid into the glazed vessel, heat it over the fire, and gradually add a strained solution of salt of tartar, till the madder be wholly precipitated. The mixture must now be again filtered, and .'oiling distilled water be poured on the red pow-der till the fluid no onger obtains a saline taste. Nothing more is now necessary, but /] r y the lake, which will be of a deep red colour. If two parts of madder be used to one of alum, the shade will be still deeper; and, if one part of the latter article be added to four parts of the former, a beautiful rose colour will be produced. Clarified Goose Grease. Goose grease is a valuable but neglected article in most families; and, when properly clarified, forms a most delicate basis for many 44 THE NEW FAMILY culinary purposes. This is easily effected by the following simple process : On drawing a goose, separate all the internal fat, and put it by in a basin. When the goose is roasted, carefully preserve the dripping separated from the gravy, & c. which is most eiiectuallv done on its getting quite cold. The sooner this is put in a saucepan, with the raw fat, accompanied by a small onion having three cloves stuck into it, the better. Being gently simmered, press it with a wooden spoon till the whole be melted ; then, having well scummed it, pass it through a sieve, into ajar capable of containing whatever quantity is likely to be thus added during the season. A moderate use of this article will render many dishes inconceivably savoury, particularly rice, thick soups, force-meats, &c. It should be served out with a wooden spoon ; and, if kept in a cool place, properly co- vered, will continue sweet and good the year round. Composition for Restoring scorched Linen. The following composition will be found completely to restore linen which has been scorched in ironing, or by hanging too near tne fire, &c. accidents that too frequently occur ; and, hitherto, without any effectual remedy : Boil to a good consistency, in half a pint or vinegar, two ounces of fullers’ earth, an ounce of hen’s dung, naif an ounce of cake soap, and the juice of two onions. Spread tms composition over the whole of the damaged part ; and. if the scorc.n- ing were not quite through, and the threads actually consumed, alter suffering it to dry on, and letting it receive a subsequent good w ash- ing or two, the place will appear full as white and perfect as any other part of the linen. Easy French Method to prevent Bacon from becoming Busty. When the bacon has been salted about a fortnight, put it in a box the size of the flitches or pieces to be preserved, on a good bedding of hay : and wrap each piece round entirely with hav, placing also a layer between every two flitches or pieces. The box must, of course, be closed, to keep out rats, &c. In this state, it will continue as good as at first, and without the possibility of getting rusty, for much lon- ger than a year, as has frequently been experienced. It must, how- ever, be kept in a place free from damp. Best Saxon Blue. Mix an ounce of the best powdered indigo w ith four ounces of oil of vitriol, in a glass body, and digest it for an hour w ith the heat of boiling water, frequently shaking the mixture. Then add three quarters of a pint of water ; stir the w hole w ell together ; and, when cold, filter it. This produces a very reh deep blue colour ; if wanted paler, more water must be added. The heat of boiling water, w hich is sufficient for this operation, can never spoil the colour. By pre- viously digesting the indigo in a large quantity of spirit of wine, dry- ing it, and then using it as above, a still finer blue may be produced ; but this is not often judged necessary, except for very fine paintings. RECEIPT-BOOK. 45 The Reverend Mr. Cartwright's Account of the Wonderful Efficacy of Yeast in the Cure of Putrid Diseases. The following account of the Reverend Mr. Cartwright’s first discovery, and subsequent experience, of the good effects of ad- ministering yeast in putrid sore throats, fevers, &c. cannot be too generally made known : — “ Several years ago,” says this gentleman, for we shall transcribe verbatim his own highly interesting narrative, “ I went to reside at Brampton, a very populous village near Ches- terfield. I had not been there many months before a putrid fever broke out among us ; and, finding by far the greater number of my new parishioners much too poor to afford themselves medical assistance, I undertook, by the help of such books on the subject of medicine as were in my possession, to prescribe for them. I early attended a boy about fourteen years of age, who was attacked by this fever ; he had not been ill many days, before the symptoms were unequivocally putrid. I then administered bark, wine, and such other remedies as my books directed. My exertions, however, were of no avail : his disorder grew every day more untractable and malignant, so that I was in hourly expectation of his dissolution. Being under the abso- lute necessity of taking a journey, before 1 set off I went to see him, as 1 thought for the last time ; and I prepared his parents for the event of his death, which I considered as inevitable ; reconciling them, in the best manner I was able, to a loss which I knew they would feel severely. While I was in -conversation on this distressing subject with his mother, I observed, in a corner of the room, a small tub of wort working. The sight brought to my recollection an ex- periment I had somewhere met. with, of a piece of putrid meat being made sweet by suspending it over a tub of wort in the act of fermentation. The idea instantly flashed into my mind, that the veast might correct the putrid nature of this disease : and I instantly gave him two large spoonsful, telling the mother, if she found her son better, to repeat this dose every three hours. I then set out on my journey. On my return, after a few days, I anxiously inquired about the boy, and was informed he had recovered. I could not re- press my curiosity. Though I was greatly fatigued with my journey, and night was come on, I went directly to where he lived ; which was three miles off', in a wild part of the moors. The boy hims*8t opened the door ; looked surprisingly well ; and told me, that Ire felt better from the instant he took the yeast. After I left Brampton, I lived in Leicestershire ; and, my parishioners being there few and opulent, I dropped entirely my medical character, and would not even prescribe for any of my own family. One of ray domestics falling ill, accordingly the apothecary was sent for. The servant’s complaint was a violent fever ; which, in its progress, became putrid. Having great reliance, and deservedly, on the apothecary’s penetra- tion and judgment, the man was left solely to his management. His disorder, however, kept daily gaining ground : till, at length, the apothecary considered him in very great danger. At last, finding every effort to be of service to him baffled, he told me, he consi- dered it as a lost case ; for, in his opinion, the man could not survive 46 THE NEW FAMILY four and twenty hours. On the apothecary thus giving him up, I determined to try the effects of yeast, and gave him two large tea- spoonsful. In fifteen minutes from taking it, his pulse, though still feeble, began to get composed and full ; and, in thirty-two minutes from taking the yeast, he was able to get up from his bed, and walk in his room. At the expiration of the second hour, I gave him a basin of sago, with a good deal of lemon w ine, and ginger in it, and he ate it with appetite. In another hour, I repeated the yeast ; an hour afterward, I gave him the bark ; and, the next hour, he had food. He had, next, another dose of yeast ; and then went to bed, being nine o’clock. I went to him next morning, at six o’clock ; when he told me he had had a good night, and was recovered. I, how- ever, repeated his medicine, and he was able to go about his busi- ness as usual. A year after this, as I was riding past a detached farm-' ouse at the outskirts of the village, I observed the farmer’s daughter standing at the door apparently in great affliction. On in- quiring into the cause of her distress, she told me her father was dying. I dismounted, and went into the house to see him. I found him in the last stage of a putrid fever ; his tongue was black ; his pulse was scarcely perceptible ; and he lay stretched out, like a corpse, in a state of drowsy insensibility. I immediately procured some yeast ; w hich I diluted with water, and poured down his throat. I then left him, with little hope of his recovery. I returned to him in about two hours ; and found him sensible, and able to converse. I then gave him a dose of bark. He afterward took, at a proper interval, some refreshment. I continued with him till he repeated the yeast ; and then left him, with directions how to proceed. I called on him the next morning at nine o’clock, and found him apparently well, walking in his garden. He was an old man, upwards of seventy. I have, since, administered the yeast to above fifty persons labour- ing under putrid fevers ; and, w hat is singular, I have not lost one patient.” Dr. Thornton, whose opportunities have been great, as superintending physician of the General Dispensary, including the poor of nine parishes in London, has made frequent trials of yeast. In St. Giles’s, particularly, among the numerous poor of that crowd- ed district, he administers, in putrid diseases, after cleansing the first passages, nothing else but two table spoonsful of yeast in some porter, every two hours- and, in about fifty successive cases, not a single patient died under this treatment. The following cases are selected, from this physician’s successful practice, as peculiarly in- teresting. As Dr. Thornton was accidentally passing the shop of Mr. Burford, in Tottenham Court Road, he heard the shrieks of a mo- ther, agonized at seeing her child apparently expire. These alarming screams renewed the struggles of the child ; and the nurse was, at this moment, threatening to take away the child, that it might die in peace. The doctor immediately got dow n some tartar emetic, which quickly acted on the stomach ; and, that operation ended, gave a dose of rhubarb, to clear also the intestines. He then ordered the child yeast and water every two hours, with wine and bark; and, in three days, the dying child was up and well. The infection had spread to two RECEIPT-BOOK. 47 other persons in the same house. With this, and another child, the putrid fever was attended by swelled glands, which had suppurated, and threatened mortification : with a robust servant girl, it took the form of a putrid sore throat. This girl also had an emetic, and after- ward rhubarb, followed by yeast and water every two hours. The first effect of the yeast was that of rendering the pulse fuller, and diminishing it fifteen beats a minute : the blackness of her tongue soon began to assume a clean and a red appearance ; and, without either bark or wine, she was speedily restored to health. In Husband- street, a very confined situation near Berwick-street, a malignant fever prevailed ; which, within a fortnight, had swept away six per- sons from three houses only, when Ur. Thornton was called in, to the assistance of a mother, who lay in the same bed with her two children. She was delirious ; and violently rejected both food and medicine, with which she was, consequently, obliged to be drenched. After an emetic and cathartic had been got down each, herself and children were all put on the same plan : that is, each was made to swallow, every three hours, two-thirds of a glass of fresh porter, with two table spoonsful of yeast, and the juice of half a lemon. 1 he food given at intervals was the white of eggs, beat up with some su- gar and water ; the doctor judging that, as the white of eggs, even under the heat of a hen’s body during incubation, does not corrupt, but actually serves as milk to the embryo in the shell, this was of all things least liable to putrefy. Strawberries, being in season, were also ordered ; and, with this management alone, she and her little family all rapidly recovered. More testimonies might easily be add- ed, and from several other respectable practitioners ; but farther proofs seem unnecessary to establish the prodigious efficacy of yeast, in one of the most fatal class of maladies with which human nature is peculiarly subject to be afflicted. Where, indeed, is the family, which has not suffered by the dreadful ravages of some putrid disease, which, under Providence, a knowledge of this simple but potent remedy, and for which we are indebted to the Reverend Mr. Cart- wright, might happily have prevented ! Admirable Cement , or Mortar, as made on the Cotswold Hills. On the Cotswold Hills, in Gloucestershire, where lime is dear, and sand not to be had, an excellent mortar is prepared at a moderate price. Invention is seldom more successful than when it is prompted by necessity. The scrapings of the public roads over these hills, being levigated lime-stone, more or less impregnated with the dung and urine of the animals travelling on them, are found to be a most admirable basis for cement. The scrapings are often used for ordi- nary walls ; and the general proportion, for even the best buildings, is not more than one part lime to three of scrapings. This mortar, of less than ten years standing, has been observed to possess a stone-like tenacity, much firmer than the common stone of the country : and, consequently, much harder than the stones from which either the basis or the lime was made. The method of preparing this powerful .mortar, or cement, is simply by collecting the road scrapings, slack* 4S THE NEW F V MILY ing the lime, and mixing them very thoroughly together : carefully picking out, as the mass is worked over, the stones or other foulnesses which may have been collected. For stone-work, this is quite suffi- cient ; for brick- work, it might be necessary to pass the materials through a screen or sieve, previously to their being united, and made, up into mortar. Similar scrapings may be collected, wherever lime stone is used as a material in making or repairing roads : this admi- rable mortar can, therefore, readily be prepared, in ail such places, with very little trouble or expense. Ancient British Liquor , called Bragget. This once famous old British liquor is still made by a few respec- table families, chieflv in Wales : from one of which we have been favoured with an admirable method of preparing it. The original Welsh name is bragod ; from which has been formed that of bragget, or braggot. for it is found both wavs in the few old dictionaries and other books where it occurs, and simply defined as a drink consist- ing of honev and spices. Were this correct, it could only be con- sidered as the Welsh appellation of mead or metheglin : but, accord- ing to our information, bragget implies a combination of malt liquor with honey and spices, the best method of preparing which is as fol- lows : Take after the rate of a gallon of water to a pound of honev, and stir it till the honey be melted. Then, adding half a handful each of rosemary tops, bay-leaves, sweet briar, angelica, balm, thyme, or other sweet herbs, with half an ounce of sliced ginger, and a little nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, and a few cloves, boil them gently together for nearly half an hour : scumming it well, till it looks tolerably clear. In the mean time, having prepared three gallons of the first runnings of strong ale. or sweet wort, mix the two liquids quire hot, with all the herbs and spices : and. stirring them together for some time over a fire, but without suffering them to boil, strain off the liquor, and set it to cool. When it becomes onlv the warmth of new milk, ferment it with good ale veast : and. after it has properlv worked, tun it up, and hang a bag of bruised spices in the barrel, where it is to remain all the time of drawing. It is generallv drank from the cask : but may be bottled, like other liquors, anv time after it has entirely ceased to hiss in the barrel. A weaker sort of brae- get is sometimes prepared with the third runnings of the ale, a smal- ler proportion of honev. and the strained spices, &c. with a few fresh herbs ; the second runnings, in that case, being made the family ale. These arrangements, however, and other obvious deviations, are made according to the taste or inclination of the respective parties. fVonderful effect of Potato Liquid , in Cleaning Silk, IVool- len, and Cotton Furniture or Apparel , $-c. without Injury to the Texture or Colour. For the communication of this valuable discovery to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts. Manufactures, and Commerce, in the Adelphi. February 4, ISOo. Mrs. Morris obtained a premium of fifteen guineas from that truly honourable institution ; in whosa RECEIPT-BOOK. 49 transactions of that year it is thus regularly described : Take raw potatoes, in the state they are taken out of the earth. Wash them well : then rub them on a grater, over a vessel of clean water, to t fine pulp ; pass the liquid matter, through a coarse sieve, into anothei tub of clear water ; let the mixture stand, till the fine white par tides of the potatoes are precipitated ; then pour the mucilaginous liquor from the fecula, and preserve this liquor for use. The article to be cleaned should be laid, on a linen cloth, on a table : and, having provided a clean sponge, dip the sponge in the potato liquor, and apply the sponge thus wet. on the article to be cleaned; and rub it well on with repeated portions of the potato liquor, till the dirt is perfectly separated. Then wash the article in clean water several times, to remove the loose dirt. It may, afterward, be smoothed o dried. Two middle sized potatoes will be sufficient for a pint of water. The white fecula, which separates in making the mucilagi- nous liquor, will answer the purpose of tapioca : it will make a use- ful and nourishing food with soup or milk, or serve to make starch and hair powder. The coarse pulp, which does not pass the sieve, is of great use in cleaning worsted curtains, tapestry, carpets, or other coarse goods. The mucilaginous liquor of the potatoes will clean all sorts of silk, cotton, or woollen goods, without damaging the texture of thh article or spoiling the colour. It is also useful in cleaning oil paintings, or furniture that is soiled. Dirty painted wainscots may be cleaned by wetting a sponge in the liquor, then dipping it in a little fine clean sand, and afterward rubbing the wains- cot therewith. Various experiments were made by Mrs. Morris, in the presence of a committee, at the society’s house ; and the whole process, on fine and coarse goods of different fabrics, was perform- ed to their entire satisfaction. This simple but very valuable dis- covery may certainly be applied to many other useful purposes, as well as those which are here particularly enumerated. New method of Clearing Feathers from their Animal OH. The process for effecting this useful purpose, is thus described in the Transactions of the Adelphi Society, who rewarded Mrs. Rich- ardson with a premium of twenty guineas for making the discovery : Take for every gallon of clear water, a pound of quick lime. Mix them well together; and, when the undissolved lime is precipitated in fine powder, pour off (he clear lime-water for use, at the time it is wanted. Put the feathers to be cleaned in another tub, and add to them a sufficient quantity of the clear lime-water to cover the fea- thers about three inches when well immersed and stirred therein. The feathers, when thoroughly moistened, will sink down ; and should re- main in the lime-water three or four days : after which, the foul liquor should be separated from the feathers, by laying them on a sieve. The feathers should be afterward well washed in clean water, and dried on nets, the meshes being about the same firmness as those of cab- bage nets. The feathers must, from time to time, be shaken on the nets ; and, as they dry, they will fall through the meshes, and are to be collected for use. The admission of air wjll be serviceable in the 50 THE NEW FAMILY drying, and the whole process may be completed in about three weeks. The feathers, after being thus prepared, will want nothing more than beating for use, either as beds, bolsters, pillows, or cushions. So effectual is this method, and so preferable to the old and common way of stoving or baking, that an eminent dealer having sent to the society some bags of foreign feathers, which retained their unplea- sant smell after having been stoved the usual period of three days, Mrs. Richardson rendered them perfectly sweet and clean. This is a very important discovery ; more particularly as the feathers, by not being hardened with heat, certainly require less beating. Mr. Sebastian Grandi's Restoration or Discovery of the old Venetian Art of preparing Grounds for Painting on Pan- nels, Copper , or Canvas, &/•: This ingenious gentleman, having long had the honour of being employed by the most eminent professors of the fine arts in Italy and England, and assisted and improved the processes of preparing canvases and the pannels, seems to have discovered, as far as ex- perience can prove, the manner of preparing either canvas, copper, or pannel, in the old Venetian stile ; an art which has been long lost, and to which it is well known that Titian, Paul Veronese, Bassani, and other Venetian masters, owed much of the peculiar harmony, brightness, and durability, of their beautiful productions. Mr. Grandi, having communicated, for the public benefit, his entire process of thus preparing pannels, canvas, &c. for artists ; and also made other valuable communications with regard to the preparation of oils, colours, crayons, &c. for painting and drawing ; was rewarded by the Honourable Society in the Adelphi for the encouragement of Arts, &c. with their elegant and honourary silver medal, as well as a pecuniary premium of twenty guineas. These, therefore, in per- fect concert with the design of that liberal and truly patriotic institu- tion, we shall contribute all in our power to make more generally known. Mr. Grandi’s method of preparing pannels and canvases for painters is thus described : Break, grossly, the bones of sheep’s trotters, and boil them in water till they are cleared from their grease , then putting them into a crucible, calcine them, and afterward grind them to powder. Dry some wheaten flour in a pan, over a slow fire ; then make it into a thin paste, adding an equal quantity of the pul- verized bone ashes, and grind the whole mass well together. This mixture forms the ground for the pannel. When the pannel has been well pumiced, some of the mixture or ground is to be well rubbed on a pumice stone, that it may be incorporated with the pannel : another coat of the composition is next applied, with a brush on the pannel, where it is suffered to dry, the surface being afterward rubbed over with sand paper. A thin coat of the composition is then ap- plied with a brush ; and, if a coloured ground be required, a coat or two more must be added, so as to complete the absorbent ground. W r hen a pannel thus prepared is wanted to be painted on, it must be rubbed over with a coat of raw linseed or poppy oil, as drying oil would destroy the absorbent quality of the ground ; and the painter’s RECEIPT-BOOK. 51 colours should also be mixed up with the purified oil for painting hereatter mentioned. Canvas grounds are prepared by giving them a thin coat ot the composition, and afterward drying and pumicing them ; then giving them a second coat, and, lastly, a coat of colour- ing matter along with the composition. The grounds thus prepared do not crack : they may be painted in a very short time after being laid ; and, from their absorbent quality, allow the business to be pro- ceeded in with greater facility and better effect than with those pre- pared in the usual mode. These valuable qualities have been suf- ficiently ascertained, and are liberally avowed, by Sir William Beechy and other Royal Academicians, whose names are added to Mr. Grandi’s last communication. Method of Purify ing the Oil for mixing up Colours. Make some of the bone-ashes into paste with a little water, so as to form a mass or ball. Put this ball into the fire, and make it red hot ; then immerse it, for an hour, in a quantity of raw linseed oil sufficient to cover it. When cold, pour the oil into bottles ; add to it a little of the bone ashes ; let it stand to settle ; and, in a single day, it will be clear, and fit for use. Preparation of White , Brown, Yellow, Red, Gray, and Blue Black Colours, which never Change, and may be used either in Oil or Water. White is made by calcining the bones of sheep’s trotters in a clear open fire, till they become a perfect white, which will never change. Brown is made from bones in a similar manner, only cal- cining from them in a crucible instead of an open fire. Yellow, or masticot, by burning a piece of soft brick of a yellowish colour in the fire ; giinding a quarter of a pound of flake white with every pound of brick : calcining them, as well as grinding them, together ; and, afterward, washing the mixture to separate the sand, and letting the finer pait gradually dry for use. Red, equal in beauty to Indian red, by calcining some of the pyrites usually found in coal pits. Gray, by calcining together blue slate and bone ashes powdered, grinding them together, washing the texture, and gradually drying it. Blue Black, by burning vine stalks within a close crucible and in a slow fire, till they become a perfect charcoal, which must be well ground for use. Superior Crayons, of Permanent Colours , to be applied either in Water or Oil. These crayons, produced also by Mr. Grandi, are of a quality superior to any heretofore in use ; they are fixed, so as to prevent their rubbing off the paper when used, and may be applied in water or oil. This process of preparing the crayons is thus described : — They are made of bone-ash powder mixed with spermaceti, adding the co- louring matters. The proper proportion is, three ounces of sperma- ceti to a pound of the powder ; the spermaceti to be first dissolved in a pint of boiling water ; then the white bone-ashes added ; and tho 52 THE NEW FAMILY whole to be well ground together, with as much of the respective colouring matter as may be necessary for the shade of colour want- ed. They are then to be rolled up in the proper form, and gradual- ly dried on a board. Preparation of White and Coloured Chalks. If white chalk be required to work soft, add a quarter of a pound of \. luting to a pound of the bone-ash powder; otherwise, the bone-ashes will answer alone. Coloured chalks are prepared by grinding the respective colouring matters with bone-ashes. These several communications, relative to the preparation of grounds, oil, colours, era' ons, and chalks, for painters, were most respectably certified to the Society in the Adelphi, by Sir William Beechy, and the following other Royal Academicians, &c. Benjamin West, John Opie, Martin Archer Sliee, James Northcote, i homas Lawrence, Joseph Farrington, Richard Cosway. P. J. De Loutherbourg, Rich- ard M. Paye, and Isaac Pocock, Esquires ; who all confirm the good qualities of the paunels prepared by Mr. Grandi, and generally recommend his colours as useful and permanent. The materials are certainly exiremely cheap, as well as easy to be procured, and none of the processes for preparation are at all difficult. Syrup of Damask Roses. The Edinburgh Dispensatory describes syrup of damask roses as an agreeable and mild purgative for children, in doses of from half to a whole table spoonful. It likewise mentions, that this syrup proves gently laxative to adults; and, with that intention, may be of service to costive habits. The method of preparing it, according to the London practice, is as follows : — Take seven ounces of the dried petals of the damask rose, six pounds of double-refined sugar, and four pints of boiling distilled water. Macerate the roses in the wa- ter for twelve hours, and then stiain. Evaporate the strained liquor to two pints and a half ; and add the sugar, that it may be made a syrup. In the Edinburgh practice, it is prepared thus: — Take one pound of the fresh petals of the damask rose, four pounds of boiling water, and three pounds of double-refined sugar. Macerate the roses in the water for twelve hours; then, to the strained infusion, add the sugar, and boil them to a syrup in the usual manner, as di- rected for syrup of clove gillyflowers, &c. Syrup of Red Roses. This, in the Edinburgh Dispensatory, is properly distinguished from the syrup of damask roses ; being considered as mildly astrin- gent, instead of gently laxative. It seems, however, principally valued on account of its beautiful red colour. The manner of pre- paring it is almost the same as the London method of making the syrup of damask roses, called simply syrup of roses: — Take seven ounces of the dried petals of red roses, six pounds of double-refined sugar, and five pounds of boiling water. Macerate the roses in the water for twelve hours ; then boil a little, and strain the liquor : add RECEIPT-BOOK. -o it the sugar, and boil again for a little, so as to form a syrup. There is, it must be confessed, a marked distinction between the London and Edinburgh methods of preparing syrup of roses, much in favour ot the latter’s superior discrimination : particularly, as the damask rose, besides diliering essentially in its medicinal effect, has its odour almost destroyed by drying ; while the red rose leaves or petals, on the contrary, are well known to gain increased fragrance when carefully dried. Excellent Spruce Beer. The salubrity of spruce beer is universally acknowledged ; and, notwithstanding its invincible terebinthine flavour, forms so refreshing and lively a summer drink, that it begins to be greatly used, it is, in fact, a powerful anfiscorbut c : end, as it by no means offends the weakest stomach, whatever may be its effect on the palate, it is highly entitled to our attention. In situations where the green shoots and tops, &c. are easily obtained, it may be brewed immediately from them, instead of from the extract; which, however, is by no means to be commonly effected in England, where these trees are not remarkably numerous, and are always private property. The regular method of brewing spruce beer, as it is at present in the best manner prepared, and so highly admired for its excessive brisk- ness, is as follows : — Pour eight gallons of cold water into a barrel : a. id then, boiling eight gallons more, put that in also ; to this, add twelve pounds of molasses, with about half a pound of the essence of spruce ; and, on its getting a little cooler, half a pint of good ale yeast. The whole being well stirred, or rolled in the barrel, must be left with the bung out for two or three days ; after which, the liquor may be immediately bottled, well corked up, and packed in saw-dust or sand, when it will be ripe and ht for drink in a fortnight. Jf spruce beer be made immediately from the branches or cones, they are required to be boiled for two hours ; after which, the liquor is to be strained into a barrel, the molasses and yeast are to be added to the extract, and to be in all respects treated after the same man- ner. Spruce beer is best bottled in stone ; and, from its volatile nature, the whole should be immediately drank when the bottle is once opened. Blackman's celebrated Oil Colour Cakes for Jlrtists. The following is the process, as described in the transactions of the Society of Arts : — Take four ounces of the clearest gum mas- rich, and a pint of spirits of turpentine ; mix (hem together in a bottle, stirring them frequently till the mastieh be dissolved. Where haste is required, some heat may be applied, but the solution is bet- ter when made cold. Let the colours be the best which can be procured ; taking care that, by washing, &c. they are brought to the greatest possible degree of fineness. When the colours are dry, grind them on a hard close stone, for which purpose porphyry is best, in spirits of turpentine, adding a small quantity of the mastieh varnish. Let the colours so ground become again dry ; then pre- 54 THE NEW FAMILY pare, in the following manner, the composition for forming them into cakes : procure some of the purest and whitest spermaceti ; melt it, in a clean earthen vessel, over a gentle fire ; and, when fluid, add- ing one third its weight of pure poppy oil, stir the whole well to- gether. These things being in readiness, place over a frame or support the stone on which the colours were ground, with a charcoal fire to warm it beneath. This done, grind the colour fine with a muller, on the warm stone ; after which, adding a sufficient quantity of the mixture of poppy oil and spermaceti, work the whole to- gether with a muller to the proper consistence. Lastlv, taking a piece of the fit size for the cake intended to be made, roll it into a ball, put it into a mould and press it, when the process will be com- plete. These cakes, on being wanted for use, must be rubbed down in poppy or other oil, or in a mixture of spirits of turpentine and oil, as may best suit the convenience or intention of the artist. A curious and useful Glue. Take an ounce of isinglass, beat it to shreds, and put it into a pint of brandy ; when gradually dissolved, which it soon is with a gentle heat, strain the solution through a piece of fine muslin, and the glue will be obtained, which is to be kept in a glass closely stop ped. On being dissolved, in a moderate heat, it is thin, transparent, and almost limpid. When used in the manner of common glue, it joins together the parts of wood stronger than the wood itself is united : so that the pieces thus joined will break in any other part sooner than where they are glued together. It is also remarkable, that, if saw-dust, or powdered wood, be made into a ball with this glue, the ball will prove solid and elastic ; so that it may be turned and used as a bowl, without breaking. As the glue thus made with brandy will keep long w ithout corrupting, it is by no means an im- proper form to preserve isinglass ready dissolved, for fining wines and other purposes. Another use of this curious glue is, that of its serving excellently for taking off impressions of medals or coins : thus, if a little of it, when melted, be poured thinly on a new guinea, &c. so as to cover the whole surface of the piece, and suffered so to remain a day or two, till it become thoroughly dry, it will appear hard and transparent, like a piece of Muscovy glass, with the impression of the guinea in intaglio, as it is denominated, on one side, and in relievo on the other. This glue dries into a very strong, tough, and transparent substance ; not easily damaged by any thing but equeous moisture, w'hich would soon dissolve it. This last reason renders it unfit for any use where it would be much exposed to wet or damp air. Common glue, dissolved with linseed oil, is admirably calcu- lated to stand the weather ; a secret little known by those who would be most benefited by its adoption. .Xorfolk Milk Punch. Steep the thin parings of seven lemons, and as many Seville oranges, in a pint of brandy, for three days. Then squeeze all the juice of these oranges and lemons into the brandy ; and add three RECEIPT-BOOK. .)■) pints of rum, three pints more of brandy, and six pints of water. Grate a nutmeg into two quarts of milk ; and, having made it boil- ing hot, pour it into the above ingredients, carefully keeping the whole well stirred till completely mixed ; then add two pounds of fine loaf sugar, which must also be well stirred. Let the punch thus made stand twelve hours, then strain it through a flannel bag till it appear perfectly bright. It may, probably, require to be three or four times strained, according to the fineness or coarseness of the sugar, and other circumstances. When quite clear, this charming liquor is immediately fit to drink ; or will keep, if bottled, any length of time, and in all climates. Art of making the Curious Sympathetic Ink. This curious ink has been long known in the world ; but the man- ner of preparing it, and means of procuring the materials, as describ- ed in various chemical books, rendered the task too discouraging to be often attempted. By the following easy method, however, it is readily accomplishable : — Take an ounce and a half of zaffre, which may be obtained at any colour-shop, and put it into a glass vessel with a narrow and long neck, pouring over it an ounce measure of strong nitrous acid, diluted with five times the quantity of water. Keep it in a warm situation, but not too hot, for about ten or twelve hours, and then decant the clearest part of the liquor. Having so done, pour nearly as much more diluted nitrous acid on the remain- der : which is to continue in the same situation, and for as long a time as before, and then be decanted and mixed with what was obtained by the first operation. This being done, dissolve in it two ounces of common salt, and the sympathetic ink is completely made. The property of this ink is, that the writing made with it, on common pa- per, is legible only while the paper is hot and dry ; so that, by ex- posing >t, alternately, to the ambient air, and to the heat of a fire or burning sun, whatever is written may be caused to appear and dis- appear at pleasure. The universal knowledge of this secret rather diminishes than increases the security of guilt in using it for any im- proper purpose; since detection is certain, from the moment suspicion takes place, by simply holding every letter or other doubtful paper to the fire, or in the vparm rays of the sun. Soft Sealing Wax, for Impressing Seals of Office , fyc. This sealing wax, which is seldom used for any other purpose than that of receiving the impressions of seals of office to charters, patents, proceedings in chancery, &c. is prepared, when to be used white, or rather uncoloured, by mixing half a pound of bees’ wax, an ounce and a half of turpentine, and half an ounce of sweet oil ; and carefully boiling them together, tnl the compound becomes of a fit consistency for moulding into roils, cakes, or balls, for use. If colour be wanted, it is readily obtained by stirring into the melted mass about half an ounce of a proper pigment, as in making the red or other coloured hard sealing wax. 56 THE NEW FAMILY Capital Sugar Vinegar. This useful article of domestic economy might easily be made in the poorest families : — To every quart of spring water put a quarter of a pound of the coarsest sugar ; boil them together, and keep skim- ming the liquor as long as any scum rises. After pouring it into a tub or other vessel, let it stand till cool enough to work; and then place in it a toast spread with yeast, of a size proportioned to the quantity made. Let it ferment a day or two ; then beat the yeast into it, put it into a cag or barrel with a piece of tile or slate over the bung-hole, and place it in a situation where it mav best leceive the heat of the sun. Make it in March, or the beginning of April, and it will be (it for use in July or August. If not sour enough, which can seldom happen when properly managed, let it stand a month longer before it be bottled off. It may be kept in stone or glass bot- tles. During the time of making, it must never be disturbed, after the first week or ten days ; and though, in very fine weather, the bung-hole would be best left open all day, as it might be fatal to leave it open a single night, or exposed to any sudden rain, the great- est caution wiil in that case be necessary. Previously to its being bottled, it may be drawn off into a fresh cask; and, if it fill a large barrel, a handful of shred isinglass may be thrown in, or less in pro- portion to the quantity : this, after it has stood a few days, will ren- der the vinegar fine, when it may be drawn off, or bottled, for use. This sugar vinegar, though very strong, may be used in pickling for sea-store or exportation, without being at all lowered ; but for pick- les to be eaten in Kngland it will bear mixi ig with at least an equal quantity of cold spring water. There are few pickles for which this vinegar need ever be boiled. V\ ithout boiling, it w ill keep w ainuts very finely, even for the East or West Indies ; but then, as remarked in general of pickles for foreign use, it must be unrnixed with water. If much vinegar be made, so as to require expensive casks, the out- sides should always be painted, for the sake of preservng them from the influence of the weather, during so many months of exposure to sun and rain. Excellent Embrocation for the Hooping-Cough. All the dreadful consequences of the chin or hooping cough, and its commonly tedious duration, may be obviated and shortened by the following admirable remedy : — Mix well together half an ounce each of spirit, of hartshorn and oil of amber ; with which plen- tifully anoint the palms of the hands, the pit of the stomach, the soles of the feet, the arm-pits, and the hack bone, every morning and even- ing for a month, suffering no water to come near the parts thus an- ointed, though the fingers and backs of the hands may be wiped with a damp cloth. It should be rubbed in near the fire, and care naturally used to prevent afterwards taking cold. It is best to make only the above quantity at a time ; because, by frequently opening the bottle, much of the virtue will be lost. It should, by rights, be kept in a glass-stopper bottle. Indeed, the hartshorn is always thus kept by RECEIPT-BOOK. 57 the faculty ; and where it forms so large a part of the mixture, the necessity of preventing its effluvia from escaping is equally great. These precautions taken, and the other directions followed, its use will seldom fail to be attended with the most complete success; frequently in a much shorter time than it is judged prudent to ad- vise its being continued, as it can never possibly do the smallest injury even to the tenderest infants. Speedy Cure for a Sprain. Take a large spoonful of honey, the same quantity of salt, and the white of an egg : beat the whole up together incessantly for two hours; then let it stand an hour, and anoint the place sprained with the oil which will be produced, keeping the part well rolled with a good bandage. This is said generally to have enabled per- sons with sprained ankles, frequently more tediously cured than even a broken limb, and often leaving a perpetual weakness in the joint, to walk in twenty-four hours, entirely free from pain. Singular and simple manner of preserving Apples from the effects of frost in North America. Apples being produced almost abundantly in North America, and forming an article of chief necessity in almost every family, the greatest care is constantly taken to protect them from frost at the earliest commencement of the winter season ; it being well known, that apples, if left unprotected, are inevitably destroyed by the first frost which occurs. This desirable object, during their long and severe winters, is said to be completely effected, by only throwing over them a thin linen cloth before the approach of frost, when the fruit is never injured, how severe soever the winter may happen to prove. Yet apples are there usually kept in a small apartment, immediately beneath the roof of the house, which is par- ticularly appropriated to that purpose, and where there is never any fire. This is a fact so well known, that the Americans are astonish- ed it should appear at all wonderful : and they have some reason to be so, when it is considered that, throughout Germany, the same method of preserving fruit is universally practised ; from whence probably it made its way to North America. It appears that linen cloth only is used for this purpose; woollen cloth, in particular, having been experienced to prove ineffectual. There seems abun- dant reason to believe, that even potatoes might be protected from frost by some such simple expedient. This, also, like the preced- ing article, to which the principle seems so very analogous, merits high consideration ; and for the same important reason, its capa- bility of conducing to the universal benefit of mankind, and the nu- merous animals under our protection. Cure for Chilblains. If, before any inflammation take place, the feet or hands affected are well washed morning and evening with hot water, or even with cold water on going to bed, it will generally stop their progress j 58 THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT-BOOK. especially if warm socks or gloves he constantly worn : but, when they are actually inflamed, dip a four times folded rag into a mix- ture composed of four ounces of spirits of wine and camphor, and one ounce of \ enice treacle ; v\ inch must be tied ever\ night on the chilblains till they quite disappear. Wiih these precautions, thev will seldom or never be found to ulcerate; or, as it is commonly called, to break : when tins happens, dissolve an ounce of common turpentine nt the yolk of an egg, and mix it up into a balsam, with halt an ounce of lamp black, or even soot, and a drachm of oil or spirits of turpentine. Spread this balsam on a plegit of lint large enough entirely to cover the ulcer, tie it on with warm cloths over the part affected ; and renew the dressings every morning and evening, wind) will sptehily effect a cure. Soft leather socks, if worn before the first approach of winter, in October at farthest, and never suffered to get wet or hard, "ill generally preserve from chil- blains even those who are most subject to be troubled with them. Delicate Cream Cheese. Take to every quart of new milk a gill of cream, make the mix- ture slightly warm, and put into it as little rennet as may be neces- sary just to turn it. The curd being come, to use the language of the dairy, lay a cloth on the vat or mould, which may be the bot- tom of a sieve, but should be the exact size of the intended cheese ; then, cutting out the curd with a skimming dish, fill up the mould, turn the cloth over it, and leave it to drain. As the curd drams and settles, keep filling in more with a gentle pressure, till all the whey is out, and there is sufficient sub.-L.nce for the cheese. It mu>t be then turned into a dry cloth, and pressed with a mod rate weight, not exceeding two pounds. At night, it is to be turned into a clean cloth ; and, the next morning, very slightly sprinkled with fine salt : alter which, if sufficiently dry, it may be laid on a bed of fresh nettle, strawberry, or ash leaves; coveied over with more; and, being shifted and turned twice a day, having the leaves occa- sionally renewed, will, in less than a fortnight, be sufficiently ripen- ed for eating. If expedition he desirable, the maturity of the cheese may be considerably hastened bv keepin-y it in a warm place, be- tween two pewter dishes, and giving it a fresh bed and covering of leaves every day. IXS5EX TO THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT-BOOK. Page Herman method of Clarify- ing and Preserving Fresh Butter 3 Queen Elizabeth's Cordial Electuary ib. Genuine Friar’s Balsam 4 Page Lozenges for the Heart-burn 4 Decoction for the Stone and Gravel 5 Instant relief for a pain of the Bowels ib. The true Daffy’s Elixir ib. INDEX. 59 Infallible remedy for the Ague Bayley’s Patent Cakes for Liquid Blacking Incomparable Fumigation, or Vapour for a Sore Throat To make Fine Red Ink Method of Polishing Rusty Steel A tine Balsamic Elixir for Coughs and Consumptions Admiral Gascoigne’s Tinc- ture of Rheubarb German Cure for a Consump- tion Easy and effectual Cure for Wens Genuine Lozenges for the Piles Easy method of cleaning Pa- per Hangings Sir John Hill’s Specific for the Scurvy Russian method to preserve Green Peas for Wintei Vdmirable wash for the Hair Fine Raspberry Vinegar Genuine Turlington’s Balsam Cephalic Snuff An excellent and cheap Com- oosition for Weather Board- ing, Ac. Incomparable Liquid for chang- Page| Salting 5 Permanent Red Ink for mark- | ing Linen 6 Portable Balls for taking Out Spots from Clothes ib. Art of preparing a newly-dis- 7 covered Permanent Green Pigment both for Oil and ib. Water Colours Stewed Oysters in French ib. Rolls Dr. Anderson’s admirable ib. improvement of Butter 8! Method of Fattening Chick- ens ib. Lord Orford’s curious me- thod of feeding Carp in ib. Ponds Dr. Fuller’s Chemical Snuff 9 for the Head Ache, Palsy, and Drowsy Distempers ib. Speedy remedy for a Bruis- ed Eye ] 0 Stomach Plaster for a Cough ib. j Oil of Brown Paper for Burns ] 1 1 Liquid for removing Spots of ib. Grease, Pitch, or Oil from ib. J Cloth To take out Ink Spots from Woollen, Linen, and Silk ib. 1 Ink Stains taken out of Ma- hogany F urniture Page ing the Colour of the Hair Dutch method of extracting beautiful Colours from Flowers Excellent remedy for the Dropsy Another powerful remedy for the Dropsy Of the fining of Malt Liquors To make Elderberry Beer An easy method of Drying Currants in Bunches Dr. Stoughton’s celebrated Stomachic Elixir Cure for a Pimpled Face Curious method of separating Gold or Silver from Lace X2lRed Mixture forgiving a fine j Colour to Mahogany Fur- j niture ib. I Mr. Javne’s Patent method j of preserving Eggs ]3jChinese mode of rendering j Cloth, and even Muslin, ib. | Waterproof ib. 1 Beautiful newly-discovered 1 4 j Golden Yellow Dye | Curious method of Breeding ib.! Gold and Silver Fish Syrup of Red Cabbage, as ib. ib. 15 prepared in France Boluses for the Rheumatism and Contractions of the Joints 15 ib. ib. 16 ib. 17 ib. ib. ib. IS ib. ib. ib. 19 ib. ib. ib. 20 ib. 21 22 60 INDEX. Page Pill for an Aching Hollow Tooth 22 Tea for the Gout ib. Infallible Powder for Short- ness of Breath ib. Excellent Wash for Numbed or Trembling Hands ib. Mustard Whey for a Palsy and Nervous Disorders 23 Ingenious French Liquid for making Bulbous Roots flower beautifully in the Winter Season ib. Art of Extracting the finest Carmine Powder from Clippings of Scarlet Cloth ib. Substitute for Verdigris in producing a fine Black Dye without injury to Cloth 24 Artificial Musk ib. Wonderful, but easy and ef- fectual method of render- ing all sorts of Paper Fire- proof ib. Bellamy’s Patent methods of making Leather of all Sorts Waterproof 25 Genuine Receipt for making the Invaluable Cordial Li- quor called Vespetro, re- commended by the king of France’s Physicians ib. Incomparable method of Salting Meat, as adopted by the late Empress of Russia 26 Electuary for the Rheumatism ib. Art of making the best Black Ink Powder 27 Genuine Syrup for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, &c. ib. Vast advantages of Baking instead of Boiling Beet- Root ib. Remedy for Wind inthe Veins 28 Best method of making Sage Cheese ib. ■Syrup of Ginger ib. Page Wonderful Power of the Turkish Glue, with the Art of making it ib. Valuable Secret in preparing Foil for Diamonds 29 [Easy method of Dying Cot- ton with Madder ib. Admirable Water for Thick- ening the Hair, and to pre- vent its falling off 30 Celebrated French Worm Medicine for Dogs ib. Use of the celebrated Ger- man Tinder, and its great Importance ib. To make a Powder, by which you may write with water 31 Turkish method of Filtering Water by Ascension. ib. Patent Machine for Purifying the foulest water ib. Management of Coffee in F ranee 32 An invaluable Mixture, for effectually destroying Bugs ib. Grand Ptisan, or Diet Drink of Health and Longevity, by a celebrated French Physician 33 Curious and simple manner of keeping Apricots, Peaches, Plums, &c. fresh all the Year 34 Genuine Windsor Soap ib. Art of Dying or Staining Leather Gloves, to resem- ble the beautiful York Tan, Limerick Dye, &c. 35 Art of making Phosphoric Tapers or Matches ib. Easy method of making Phos- phoric Bottles ib. Specifications of Lord Wil- liam Murray’s Patent for extracting Starch from Horse Chesnuts 36 Patent Potato Composition to be used instead of Yeast ib. Britannic Elastic Gum 37 INDEX. 61 Page West India Bitters, or Anti- Bilious Drops 37 Oxymel of Garlic for Asth- matic complaints, Rheu- matism, Ac. ib. Method of making Grape Wines, fully equal to Cham- paign and old Hock Art of Extracting Spots of Grease, fallow, Oil, &c. from Valuable Books, Prints, and Papers of all sorts, without injury to the Printing or Writing Blaikie’s Patent Substitute for Gum, in thickening Co- lours for Calico Printers, &c. French method of making Garlic V inegar Fine Tarragon A inegar Vinegar of Roses Excellent Pdue Colour for Ceilings, &c. Composition for cleaning Marble Hearths, Chimney Pieces, Alabaster, &c. Turkish Rouge ; or admir- able Carmine Page Woollen, and Cotton Fur- niture or Apparel, &e. without injury to the Tex- ture or Colour 48 Method of clearing Feathers from their Animal Oil 49 ! Sebastian Grandi’s Restora- 88 tion or Discovery of the old V enetian Art of prepar- ing Grounds for Painting on Pannels, Copper, or Canvas, &c. 50 Method of Purifying the Oil 39 for mixing up Colours 51 Preparation of White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Gray, and Blue Black Colours, which 40 never change, and may be used either in Oil or ib. Water ib. ib. I Superior Crayons of perma- 41 nent Colours, to be applied either in Water or Oil ib. ib. Preparation of White and Co- loured Chalks 52 Syrup of Damask Roses ib. ib. Syrup of Red Roses ib. Excellent Spruce Beer 53 42 Blackman’s celebrated Oil Purified Syrup of Molasses 43 Colour Cakes for Artists Art of Preparing a fine Red A curious and useful G’lue Lake from Dutch Madder ib. Norfolk Milk Punch Clarified Goose Grease ib. Art of making the Curious Composition for Restoring I Sympathetic Ink Scorched Linen 44|Soft Sealing Wax, for Im- Easy method to prevent Ba- j pressing Seals of Office, con from becoming Rusty ib. J Ac. Best Saxon Blue ib. (Capital Sugar Vinegar Wonderful efficacy of Yeast Excellent Embrocation for in the cure of Putrid Dis- the Hooping-Cough eases 45 Speedy Cure for a Sprain Admirable Cement, or Mor- (Singular and simple manner t ar 47 j of preserving Apples from Ancient British Liquor, call- j the effects of frost in ed Bragget 48 j North America Wonderful effect of Potato (Cure for Chilblains Liquid, in cleaning Silk, iDelicate Cream Cheese ib. 54 ib. 55 ib. 56 jb. 57 ib. ib. 58 INDEX TO DOMESTIC COOKERY. CHAPTER I. SOUPS and BROTHS. Soup Vermicelli Do. white A-la-Reine Cressy Transparent Almond Sante, or Oivy and Bouille Ox Cheek Macaroni Calf’s Head Peas White Peas Green Peas Onion Milk Milk, with Onions Rice Rice, or Potage du Ris Scotch Barley Broth Lorraine Maigre Giblet Hodge Podge Cow Heel W'ite Gravy Spring Hare Partridge Cray Fish Eel Oyster Mutton Broth Beef Broth Beef Drink No. 25. Beef Broth to keep 28 Veal Broth ib. Chicken Broth ib. Spring Broth 29 Plum Porridge to keep ib. Mock Turtle Soup ib. Portable Soup 30 CHAPTER II. Section 1. BOILING MEAT. To dress a Calf’s Head 33 Grass Lamb ib. A Ham ib. Do. another way ib. Ham a-la-Braise 34 Tongues ib. Neat’s Tongue ib. Leg of Mutton ib. Lamb’s Head 35 Do. another way ib. Leg of Lamb 36 A Haunch, or Neck of Ve- nison ib. Pickled Pork ib. Pig’s Pettitoes 37 Section 2. BOILING POULTRY. Turkeys 37 Chickens 38 Fowls 39 Rabbits and Ducks ib. Pigeons 40 Geese ib. Partridges ib. Pheasants 41 Snipes or Woodcocks ib. Page 12 13 ib 14 ib. 15 ib. 16 ib. 17 ib. 18 ib. ib. 19 ib. 20 ib. 21 ib. ib. 22 23 ib. ib. 24 ib. 25 ib. ib. 26 ib. ib. 27 ib. 28 a ii INDEX .Section 3. BOILIS C FISH. U Turbot Do. another way T urbot en Maigre Salmon Do. whole for a large company Cod’s Head Whole Cod Salt Cod Cod Sounds Soles Trout Pike Carp Mullets Mackarel Mackarel a-la-Bourgeoise Herrings Flounders, Plaice, Perch, and Dabs Eels Sturgeon Turtle Court Bouillon CHAPTER III. St uOij-.e rouse ib. 43 i I j uc ks Page 60 ib. jffecns Larks I Rabbits j i> Section 3. ib. . ROASTING GAME 44i Pheasants and Partridges 45; Woodcocks or Snipes flares V enison Section 4. ROASTING FISH. To roast Sturgeon Roasted en Gras Lobsters ib. ib. 46 ib. 47 ib. ib. 48 ib. ib. 49 j ib. ib. CHAPTER IV. Section 1. BAKING. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Rump of Beef a-la-Braise 'Calf’s Head jPigs |A Bullock’s or Calf’s Heart ib. 62 63 ib. 64 64 ib. ib. bo- ib. 65 ib Section 1. ROASTING IN GENERAL. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Beef 53 Mutton and Lamb ib. Haunch of Mutton dressed like Venison 54 A Fore-quarter of Lamb ib. Tongues and Udders ib. Veal ib. Pork 55 Sucking Pigs 56 Calf’s Head 57 Ham, or Gammon of Bacon 58 Section 2. ROASTING POULTRY. Turkeys 58 Fowls 59 Chickens ib. A een Geese 60 Section 2. BAKING FISH. Cod’s Head 67 Salmon ib. Carp 68 Eels and Lampreys ib. Herrings 69 Turbot ib. Pike, with forcemeat 70 Mackarel ib. CHAPTER V. BROILING. Section 1. Beef Steaks 71 Mutton Steaks 72 Pork Chops ib. Ox Palates ib. Chickens 73 Pigeons ib. INDEX. in Section 2. BROILING FISH. i f Page resh Salmon 74 Aried Salmon ib. Cod ib. Crimped do. 75 Cod Sounds ib. Trout ib. Mackarel 76 a-la-Maitre d’ Hotel ib. Haddocks and Whitings ib. Eels 77 pitch-cocked ib. Herrings ib. CHAPTER YI. Section 1. CHAPTER VII. Section 1. STEWING. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Page Fillet of Yeal 86 Breast of Yeal ib. Knuckle of Yeal ib. Neck of Yeal 87 Calf’s Head ib. Liver 88 Rump of Beef ib. Beef Steaks ib. Goblets ib. Neat’s Tongue 89 To dress Ox Palates ib. Ox Palates forced ib. To Marinade Ox Palates 90 FRYING. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Yenison Yeal Cutlets Neck or Loin of Lamb Sweetbreads Calf’s Brains Beef Steaks Ox Tongues Ox Feet, or Cow-Heel Tripe Sausages Chickens Artichoke Bottoms Celery Potatoes Section 2. frying fish. Turbot Carp Tench Soles Smelts Eels Lampreys Mullets Herrings Oysters Section 2. STEWING POULTRY. 78 ib. 79 ib. ib. 80 ib. ib. ib. 81 1 ib. ib. ib. 82 82 83 ib. 84 ib. ib. 85 ib. ib. ib. Turkey en Pain 90 Fowls ib. Chickens 91 Goose Giblets ib. Ducks ib. with Green Peas 92 Pigeons ib. Pheasants ib. Partridges 93 Cucumbers ib. Peas and Lettuce 94 Section 3. STEWING FISH. Carp and Tench Barbel Small Barbel Trout Pike A F ricandeau of Pike Cod Soles, Plaice, and Flounders Lampreys and Eels Prawns, Shrimps, and Cray- Fish Oysters Scolloped I Muscles 94 95 ib. ib. ib. 96 ib. ib. ib. 97 ib. iv INDEX. CHAPTER VIII. Section 1. HASHING AND MINCING. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Page Calf’s Head 98 Veal Minced 100 Mutton Hashed ib. Section 2. HASHING POULTRY AND GAME. Turkeys 100 another way 101 Fowls ib. Chickens ib. Partridges or Woodcocks ib. Wild Ducks 102 Hares ib. Hare Jugged ib. Venison 103 CHAPTER IX. Section 1. FRICASSEEING. BUTCHER’S MEAT, POUL- TRY, & c. Neat’s Tongue 103 Sweetbreads White ib. Calf’s Feet a-la-Carmagot 104 Tripe ib. Chickens ib. Rabbits White 105 Brown ib. Section 2. FRICASSEEING FISH , $c. Cod Sounds 105 Soles 106 Eels ib. Flounders 107' Skate or Thornback ib. Oysters 108 Eggs ib. Eggs with Onions and Mush- rooms ib. Mushrooms ib. Skirrits 109 Artichoke Bottoms ib. CHAPTER X. Section 1. R A G O OS. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Page Breast of Veal 109 Neck of Veal 110 Sweetbreads Brown ib. Calf’s Feet 111 Pig’s Feet and Ears ib. Fore-quarter of House Lamb ib. Beef 112 Mutton ib. Section 2. RAGOOS OF POULTRY VE- GETABLES , Sfc. A Goose 113 Livers of Poultry ib. Oysters 114 Muscles ib. Mushrooms 115 Artichoke Bottoms ib. Asparagus ib. Cucumbers 116 another way ib. Cauliflowers ib. French Beans ib. Endive or Succory 117 Cabbage Force-Maigre 118 Asparagus forced in French Rolls ib. Peas Frangois ib. CHAPTER XI. GRAVIES, CULLISES, AND OTHER SAUCES. Gravies 119 A very rich Gravy ib. Brown Gravy 120 Sauce Italian ib. Piquante ib. A Cullis for all sorts of Ragoos and rich Sauces 121 A Family Cullis ib. A Wb** do. ib. INDEX. A Cullis for Fish 122 Ham Sauce ib. Essence of Ham 123 Sauce for Lamb ib. Sauce for any kind of Roast Meat ib. A White Sauce ib. Sauce for most kinds of Fish 124 Nonpareil ib. Sauce a-la-Menehou ib. Egg Sauce ib. Bread Sauce ib. Anchovy Sauce 125 Shrimp Sauce ib. Oyster Sauce ib. To melt Butter ib. Caper Sauce 126 Shalot Sauce ib. Lemon Sauce for boiled Fowls ib. Gooseberry Sauce ib. Fennel Sauce ib. Mint Sauce ib. A relishing Sauce ib. To crisp Parsley ib. Sauce for Wild Ducks, Teal, &c. 127 Pontiff Sauce ib. Aspic Sauce ib. Forcemeat Balls ib. Lemon Pickle 128 CHAPTER XII. MADE DISHES. Section 1. BUTCHER’S MEAT. Bombarded Yeal 128 Fricandeau of Yeal 129 Veal Olives ib. Grenadines of Veal 130 Yeal Cutlets en Papilotes ib. Porcupine of a Breast of Yeal ib. Fricandeau ofVeal a-la-Bour- geois 131 Calf’s Head Surprise ib. Calf’s Pluck 132 Loin of Veal en Epigram ib. Pillow of Yeal 133 Shoulder of Veal a-la-Pied- montoise ib. t Pago Sweetbreads of Veal a-la- Dauphine 134 Sweetbreads en Gordineere ib. Sweetbreads a-la-daub 135 Scotch Collops ib. Beef Collops 136 Beef a-la-daub ib. Beef Tremblent 137 Beef Kidneys a-la-Bourgeois ib. Beef a-la-mode ib. Beef a-la-Royal 138 Beef Olives ib. Bouille Beef 139 Sirloin of Beef en Epigram ib. The inside of a Sirloin of Beef forced 140 A Round of Beef forced ib. Beef Steaks rolled 141 Beef Rump en Matelotte ib. Beef Escarlot 142 Tongue and Udder forced ib. Tripe a-la-Kilkenny ib. Harrico of Mutton ib. Shoulder of Mutton surprised 143 To dress Umbles of Deer ib. Mutton Kebobbed ib. Leg of Mutton a-la-haut Gout 144 Leg of Mutton roasted with Oysters ib. Shoulder of Mutton en Epigram ib Sheep’s Rumps and Kidneys ib. Mutton Rumps a-la-Braise 145 Mutton Chops in Disguise ib. A Shoulder of Mutton called Hen and Chickens 146 A Quarter of Lamb forced ib. Lamb’s Bits ib. Lamb a-la-Bechamel 147 Lamb Chops en Casarole ib. Barbae ued Pig ib. A Pig au Pere Duillet 148 A Pig Matelotte 148 Sheep’s Trotters en Gratten 149 Section 2. MADE DISHES OF POUL- TRY ; $c. Turkey a-la-daub 149 in a hurry 130 INDEX. Page- Page Fowls a-la-Braise 150(Broccoli 167 forced 151 Cauliflowers 168 marinaded ib. Green Peas ib. Chickens Chiringrate ib.l Windsor Beans 169 a-la-Braise 152; j Kidney do. ib. in savoury J elly 153 Spinach ib. and Tongues ih. J Cabbages ib. Pullets a-la-Sainte Menehout ib. {Turnips 170 Ducks a-la-Braise 1 54 J Carrots ib. a-la-Mode ib. | Parsnips ib. a-la-Francoise 1551 Potatoes ib. A Goose a-la-Mode ib. Scolloped 171 marinaded 156, Hops ib. Pigeons Compote ib- { French Pupton of Pigeons 157| CHAPTER XIV. Pigeons a- la-Braise ib. j au Poise ib. | Section 1. < Fricandeau of Pigeons Pigeons a-la-Daub a-la-Soussel in a Hole Jugged Pigeons Partridges a-la-Braise Pheasants a-la-Braise Snipes or Woodcocks, in Sur- tout Snipes, with Purslain Leaves Larks a-la-Francoise Florendine Hares Rabbits Jugged Hare Rabbits Surprised Rabbits en Casserole Macaroni Amulets of Asparagus Oyster Loaves Mushroom Loaves Eggs in Surtout and Broccoli Spinach and Eggs To make Ramekins CHAPTER XIII. 158 j BOILED PUDDINGS. I Bread Pudding ^ I Batter do. V ’j Custard do. ’•Quaking do. iSago do. 1 *! Marrow do. . (Biscuit do. | Almond do. A * Tansy do. 162 1 J .i , : another way Herb do. A Spinach do. j, * Cream do. . A Hunting do. .Ai Steak do. !n Calf’s Foot do. A b ‘i Prune do. 16b Plum do. ! b ’ Hasty do. ‘ Oatmeal do. ! b - Suet do. ’ *! Teal Suet do. . jCabbage do. 1 jA Spoonful do. White Puddings in Skins Apple do. A t* i: Apple Dumplings VEGETABLES AND ROOTS. Suet do. Asparagus 167 Raspberry do. A rtichokes ib. Yeast do. INDEX. vii Norfolk Dumplings Page 180 Hard do. 181 Potato Pudding ib. Black do. ib. Section 2. BAKED PUDDINGS. Vermicelli Pudding 182 Sweetmeat do. ib. Orange do. ib. Lemon do. 183 Almond do. ib. Rice do. 184 Millet do. ib. Oat do. ib. Transparent do. 185 French Barley do. ib. Lady Sunderland’s do. ib. Citron do. 186 Chesnut do. ib. Quince do. ib. Cowslip do. 187 Cheese-curd do. ib. Apple do. ib. New-Market do. ib. A Grateful do. 188 Carrot do. ib. Yorkshire do. ib. CHAPTER XY. Section 2. PIES made of POULTRY 8 fC . Page A Plain Goose Pie 195 Duck do. ib. Pigeon do. 196 Chicken do. ib. another way ib. Partridge do. 197 Hare do. ib. Rabbit do. ib. another way 198 Fine Patties ib. To make any sort of Timbale 199 Section 3. FRUIT PIES. Apple Pie 199 Tart 200 Cherry Pie ib. Mince Pies 201 Another Method of making Mince Pies ib. To make Mincemeat 202 Orange and Lemon Tarts ib. Tart de Moi ib. Artichoke Pie 203 Vermicelli do. ib. Section 4. FISH PIES. Section 1. PIES. MEAT PIES. -Beef Steak Pie 190 Mutton do. ib. A Mutton Pie a-la-Perigord 191 Yeal do. ib. A Rich Veal do. ib. Lamb or Veal do. in high taste ib. Venison Pasty 192 Olive Pie ib. Calf’s Head do. 193 Feet do. ib. Sweetbread do. 194 jChesmre Pork do. ib. Devonshire Squab do ib. Eel Pie 203 Turbot do. 204 Sole do. ib. Flounder do. ib. Carp do. 205 Tench do. ib. Trout do. ib. Salmon do. 206 Herring do. ib. Lobster do. ib. CHAPTER XVI. PANCAKES and FRITTERS. Pancakes 207 Cream Pancakes ib. Rice do. ib. INDEX, viii Page 1 i Pago PintC-coioured Pancakes 208 Fine Cheesecakes 219 Clary do. ib. Bread Cheesecakes 220 Plain Fritters ib. Rice Cheesecakes ib. Apple Flitters 209 Almond Cheesecakes ib. Water Fritters ib. Do. another way ib. White Flitters ib. Lemon Cheesecakes 221 Hasty Fritters ib. Citron Cheesecakes ib. Fritters Royal Tansy Fritters 210 ib. Section 2. Rice do. ib. CUSTARDS Chicken do. j Plain Custards 221 Bilboquet do. Orange do. ! D * i Do. another way 1 ' Baked Custards 222 ib. Strawberry do. Rice Custards ib. Do. another way * Almond Custards ib. Raspberry Fritters Lemon Custards ib Currant do. German do. ' Orange Custards 2* 1 o 223 Almond Fraze ib. CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XVII. CAKES, BISCUITS, $c. Section 1. A Common Cake 224 TARTS AND PUFFS. A rich Seed Cake ib. Raspberry Tart 214 A Pound Cake plain ib. Green Almond Tart ib. ! Cream Cakes ib. Angelica Tarts 215 Wedding or Christening Cake 225 Rhubarb Tarts ib. Rice Cakes ib. Spinach Tarts ib. Gingerbread Cakes ib. Petit Patties 216 Bath Cakes or Buns 226 Orange Tarts ib. Shrewsbury Cakes ib. Chocolate Tarts ib. Portugal Cakes ib. Saffron Cakes ib. Section 2. Prussian Cakes 227 RUFFS, Sfc. Queen Cakes ib. Sugar Puffs 217 Almond Cakes ib. Lemon Puffs ib. Little Plum Cakes 228 Almond Puffs ib. Ratifia Cakes ib. Chocolate Puffs ib. Apricot Cakes ib. Curd Puffs 218 Orange Cakes 229 Wafers ib. Lemon Cakes ib. Currant Cakes ib. CHAPTER XVIII. Whigs 230 Cl i Common Biscuits ib. Section 1. iSponge Biscuits ib. CHEESECAKES AND CUS- i Spanish Biscuits ib. TARDS. ! Drop Biscuits 231 Cheesecakes 218jLemon Biscuits ib. Common Cheesecakes 219lMacaroons ib. INDEX. tx Page 1 Page Green Caps 231 1 Various Fruit, Custard Ices, Black Caps 232 ! &C. 241 Snow Balls ib. Raspberry Jam 242 Strawberry do. ib. Apricot do. ib. CHAPTER XX. Gooseberry do. ib. Black Currant do. 243 Section 1. Iceings for Cakes or various THE ART OF CONFEC- Articles in Confectionary ib. TIONARY. Do. another way ib. The Method of preparing Su - Section 3. gars and Colours 233 Smooth or Candy Sugar ib. JELLIES and SYLLABUBS . Bloom Sugar ib. Calf’s Feet Jelly 243 Feathered do. ib. Hartshorn do. 244 Crackled do. ib. Orange do. 245 Carmel do. ib. Blanc Mange ib. Red Colour do. 235 1 Jaunmange 246 Blue do. ib. I Black Currant Jelly ib. Yellow do. ib. (Riband do. 247 Green do ib. Savoury do. ib. Devices in Sugar ib. 1 Common Syllabubs 24S Sugar of Roses in various fi- ! Whipt, do. ib. gures 236 Solid do. ib. Lemon do. ii. Section 2. Everlasting do. 249 CREAMS AND JAMS ' • 1 A Hedgehog ib. Flummery 250 Orange Cream 236 French do. ib. Lemon do. ib. Green Melon in Flurhmery 251 Hartshorn do. 237 Solomon’s Temple in do. ib. Burnt do. ib, another way ib. Section 4. Blanched do. ib. Cream a-la-Franchipane 23S PRESERVING FRUIT, 8fc. Whipt Cream ib. Apricots 252 Spanish do. ib. Peaches ib. Steeple do. ib. Quinces 253 Barley do. 239 Barberries ib. Pistachio do. ib. Pine Apples 254 Tea do. ib. Grapes ib. Coffee do. ib. Morello Cherries 255 Chocolate do. 240 j Green Codlins ib. another way ib. Golden Pippins ib. Pompadour do. ib. 1 Green-Gage Plums 256 Ratifia do. ib. 1 Oranges ib. Raspberry do. 241 : Raspberries 257 Ice do. ib. i Strawberries ib. No. 25. b X INDEX. Currants in Bunches Page] 258! Gooseberries 259 Do. in imitation of Hops ib. Damsons 260 Walnuts 261 Cucumbers 262 Section 5. DRYING AND CANDYING. Dried Apricots 263 Peaches ib. Candied Angelica 264 Green- Gage Plums dried ib. Dried Cherries ib. Damsons 265 Candied Cassia ib. Lemon and Orange Peels Candied ib. Candied Ginger ib. Horehound 266 Almond Cake, or Gateau Noga ib. Candied Rhubarb Cakes ib. Compote of Crude Orange 267 of Apples ib. of Pears ib. of Quinces ib. Orange Chips ib. Marmalade 268 Apricot do. ib. Quince do. ib. Transparent do. 269 Burnt Almonds ib. Raspberry Paste ib. Currant do. 270 Gooseberry do. ib. Section 6. ORNAMENTS IN CONFEC- TIONARY. ARTIFICIAL FRUIT, A Dish of Snow 271 Moonshine ib. Floating Island 272 Desert Island 273 Chinese Temple ib. CHAPTER XXI PICKLING. Page Mangoes 274 Girkins 275 Cucumbers 276 in Slices ib. To keep Cucumbers 277 Walnuts ib. Red Cabbage 2S0 Onions ib. Kidney, or French Beans 281 Barberries ib. Beet Roots 282 Radish Pods ib. Cauliflowers ib. Artichokes 283 Nasturtiums ib. Mushrooms ib. Mushroom Catsup 284 Powder ib. Walnut Catsup ib. Indian Pickle 285 Asparagus ib. Parsley Pickled Green 286 Peaches ib. Golden Pippins 287 Grapes ib. Red Currants 288 Caveach or Pickled Mackarel ib. Smelts 289 Oysters ib. Anchovies 290 Ox Palates ib. CHAPTER XXH. COLLARING. VENISON, Breast of Veal 292 Breast of Mutton ib. Beef 293 Calf’s Head 294 Pig ib. Eels 295 Mackarel ib. Salmon ib INDEX. xi CHAPTER XXIII. Section 1. Orange Posset POTTING MEAT and POra-l^wncTaffle Page j-^hite Wine Whey TRY. Yenison Hares Marble Yeal Tongues Geese and Fowls Beef Pigeons Woodcocks 296 i Water Gruel 297 j Barley Gruel ib. : Orgeat Paste lb. 298 ib. 299 Pago 312 ib. ib. 313 ib. ib. ib. CHAPTER XXYII. MADE WINES, Sfc. Section 2. FISH . Salmon Lobster 301 CHAPTER XX1Y CURING of various Kinds of MEATS, #c. Ilams Do. various Bacon Mutton Hams Beef do. Neat’s Tongue Hung Beef Hunting do. Pickled Pork Mock Brawn Turkey Soused To make fine Sausages Oxford Sausages 302 303 ib. 304 ib. 305 ib. 306 ib. 307 ib. 308 ib. CHAPTER XXY. To keep Green Peas till Christmas 309 To keep Gooseberries ib. To keep Mushrooms 310 To bottle Damsons ib. CHAPTER XXYI. POSSETS anrJ GRUELS. Sack Possets 311 Wine Posset 312 .Vie Posset ib. Raisin Wine 314 An excellent Wine ib. Currant Wine 315 Gooseberry Wine ib. Mulberry Wine 316 Raspberry Wine ib. Damson Wine ib. Orange Wine 317 Lemon Wine ib. Grape Wine 318 Cherry Wine ib. Elder Wine 319 Apricot Wine ib. Quince Wine ib. Blackberry Wine 320 Turnip Wine ib. Birch Wine 321 Rose Wine ib. Ginger Wine 322 Balm Wine ib. Mead Wine ib. Raspberry Brandy 323 Orange Brandy ib. Lemon Brandy 324 Black Cherry Brandy ib. CHAPTER XXYIII. CORDIAL WATERS. Rose Water Lavender Water Peppermint Water Surfeit Water 324 325 ib. ib. CHAPTER XXIX. Section 1. THE ART OF BREWING. On the Copper, &c. 326 INDEX. Section 2. Page Vessels for Brewing 327 Section 3. The Mash-tub, Penstaff, &c. 329 Section 9. Of Bottling Ma.t Liquors To Preserve Yeast Page 343 345 Section 4. Of the proper time of Brew- ing Section 5. Water proper for Brewing Section 6. The Quality of the Malt and Hops Section 7. The process of Brewing Section 8. The proper Management of Malt Lioi^H 331 332 334 336 341 CHAPTER XXX. DIRE C TIONS for TR US SING POULTRY, 8fc. Turkeys 346 Fowls 348 Chickens ib. Geese 349 Pigeons ib. Wild Fowl 350 Pheasants and Partridges ib. Woodcocks and Snipes 351 Larks ib. Hares ib. Rabbits 352 3 /-O /Z* 1 x’- . - 7 ^ 4 ^ -— brL^j ch ^tfu^-T7->\+b> /} /'V^t'W'-- i~ A O i -i*--.. J £v~\T Si *C rCr S*~ ('?**,. 4~ — t~C^- ^\j <7t -