Made with FRYS Cocoa & Chocolat* * W 'i tru A ’/ f i UJJi, o^c 1 ^ AEROPLANE VIEW / f ^403f.A( J OF THE NEW FRY FACTORY IN A GARDEN AT SOMERDALE BRISTOL, ENGLAND. The building on the left are in course of construction. A Few Choice Recipes Suitable for FRY’S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE • Choix de Recettes avec le CHOCOLAT FRY PREMIUM PLAIN ICING 1 cup icing sugar 2 tahtespoonfuls of Cream or Milk Ya teaspoonful Vanilla, 1 tablespoonful Butter. Mix cream, butter and sugar together. Melt the Chocolate i in one tablespoonful of boiling water and add to above. Aaa salt, flavouring, and thicken with icing sugar. I A squares A lb. size (or 3 squares K lb. size) of Fry’s Premium Chocolate. Pinch of salt. 8 cup sugar, cup water. HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE 2 squares A lb. size (or 4 squares Ya lb. size) of 2 Fry’s Premium Choeolate. Boil sugar and water for two minutes, add Chocolate (shredded) and mix well; boil again for one minute. ^ 1 CHOCOLATE PIE 6 Egg yolks, well beaten. 2 cups granulated sugar. 4 squares A lb. size (or 8 squares Y* lb. size) of Fry’s Premium Chocolate. 2 teaspoonfuls butter. 2 tablespoonfuls flour (slightly rounding measurements). 1 teaspoonful Cinnamon. 1 cup sweet milk. Ya teaspoonful salt. Dissolve the chocolate in milk by heating sufficiently to melt chocolate. Sift flour, sugar, salt and * 0 * e ™*! well mixed and add to first mixture. Add y ol ^.. a “^. but ^ mix well and cook all together in double boiler until thick. l alternately with milk and flavouring. \(T/% W Beat . e g& whites until stiff and dry. F° lcl In > turn into greased and floured W* ,a y er pans. Bake in moderate oven 35-40 W minutes. Spread cocoa cream filling # between layers and cover top with cocoa or a boiled frosting. Afternoon Tea Fingers 1 cup self-raising flour. % cup fruit sugar. cup Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Break- fast Cocoa. 1 egg. Method: Mix the egg with half a tea- cupful of milk, beat well, add to the dry AFTERNOON TEA ingredients and bake in a shallow oblrtng FINGERS t,n - Cut into finger shape when cold. Chocolate Macaroons CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE (SEE PAGE to) 1 cup hry’s Baking Chocolate or Break- fast Cocoa. Whites of 2 eggs. 1 Vl cups ground almonds. V 2 cup sifted sugar. Method: Whisk the whites of eggs stiffly. M ix the cocoa, sugar and almonds, and add the whites gradually to form a stiff paste, place in small heaps on wafer paper and bake in a moderate oven. Cocoa Rock Cake 2 cups flour. *4 cup butter. Yx cup lard. 3 4 cup fine sugar. H cup Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Break- fast Cocoa. 1 teaspoonful baking powder. 3 tablespoonsful milk. j 12 Method: Rub lard and butter into flour, add sugar, cocoa and baking powder, mix well, then add milk gradually. Place on baking tin in rough heaps with fork. Bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes. Chocolate and Nut Fruit Cakes 2 eggs. % cup of sugar. 1 Yi squares chocolate. Vi cup English walnuts (broken). V 2 cup candied cherries, cut in halves. 1 Yi teaspoons vanilla. 1 cup flour. Pinch of salt. 1 tablespoon of butter melted with the chocolate. Method :Melt the chocolate and add the butter. Beat the eggs, add sugar gradual- ly, then the flavouring, chocolate and butter. Sift flour and salt and add it to the butter mixture, reserving a little of it to sprinkle over the fruit and nuts, which should be added last. Drop in small spoonfuls on a buttered sheet and bake in a moderate oven. Date Filling for Chocolate Cake Take half package of dates; barely cover with water, add one cup sugar and stir well. Cook all ingredients together in a double boiler until thick enough to spread without running off the cake. Have cake cold and the filling hot. r «? CHOCOLATE AND NUT FRUIT CAKES j ] An Inexpensive Cake Icing 13 CHOCOLATE FUDGE ICING 1 tablespoon butter. 3 dessertspoons Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 1 cup white sugar. 1 cup hot water. Method: Mix the , cocoa, cornstarch and sugar, and add to the melted butter together with the hot water. Boil slowly until thick. Cool before using. This recipe with an additional half cup of sugar and one cup of hot water, makes a delicious pudding sauce. Chocolate Fudge Icing 1 cup brown sugar. 1 square Fry’s Premium Chocolate. 3 tablespoons cream. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Method: Melt the chocolate. Then add the other ingredients and boil for exactly 2Vi minutes (no longer). Take from fire and beat to right consistency for spreading. Fondant Icing 1 cup granulated sugar. Y± cup water. 1 Yi squares Fry’s Premium Chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Method: Cook sugar, chocolate and water until it shreds, pour on buttered platter to cool slightly, add vanilla and beat until thick. Butter Frosting 1 cup icing sugar. 1 tablespoon butter (Work together). Add two tablespoons milk and beat add one-half teaspoon vanilla. Hot Chocolate Sauce 34 cup sugar. 34 cup water. 4 squares Fry’s Premium Chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Method: Boil sugar and water together five minutes, add chocolate, cook until smooth. Add vanilla. Serve with pud- ding or ice cream. Chocolate Mould (Plain) 34 cup cornstarch. 34 cup sugar. 1 pint milk. 34 cup Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Break- fast Cocoa. A few drops vanilla essence. Method: Heat up pint of milk; mix dry ingredients with a little cold milk into smooth paste, stir quickly into the boiling milk, and cook for 10 minutes. Pour into a wet mould and let stand, preferably over night. If this is required’ in a great hurry, custard powder may be used instead of cornstarch HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE 15 Chocolate Milk Jelly CHOCOLATE MILK JELLY 1 pint milk. The rind of 1 lemon. Yi oz. gelatine. 14 cup Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Break- fast Cocoa. 14 cup lump sugar. Yi cup hot water. Method: Put the milk in a pan to boil, adding the lemon rind and sugar. Do not let it burn or boil over. Mix the cocoa smoothly, watching that it is free from lumps. Melt the gelatine in the hot water, and when dissolved, strain into the milk. Flavour with vanilla or cinna- mon and strain into a wet mould. Cocoa Mould Blanc Mange 3 dessertspoons ful cornstarch. \}4 dessertspoonsful Fry’s Baking Choco- late or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 pint milk (or milk and water). Pinch of Salt. Sugar and vanilla flavouring to taste. Method: Well mix cornstarch and cocoa together, then add sufficient milk (cold) slowly until quite smooth, thick and creamy. Bring remainder of milk with salt, sugar and vanilla added, to the boil and pour onto the mixture. Return to the saucepan and boil for ten minutes exactly (not less) stirring well all the time. Pour into a wet mould and when cold turn out and serve. COCOA MOULD BLANC MANGE If liked less stiff, extra milk can be used in mixing dry ingredients, and success with colour is ensured if cornstarch and cocoa are mixed with the cold milk separately and then together. L 10 Chocolate Trifle 8 small sponge cakes. Slices of pineapple. 1 pint custard. H cup sugar. 3 tablespoons Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 pint milk. Method: Split 8 sponge cakes, spread with thin slices of pineapple, place in a deep glass dish, soak in the pineapple juice, pour over custard, made with or- dinary custard powder, add sugar, Fry’s Cocoa and milk. Decorate with pineapple. Chocolate Custard 1 Custard powder. A cup sugar. 3 tablespoons Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 pint milk. Method: Take any good custard powder and mix the sugar and Fry's Cocoa with the quantity calculated for a pint of custard. Make in the usual liquid custard method. Chocolate Fancies A teacup of Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. % teacup of ground almonds. 1 egg. 1 teacup of icing sugar. A handful of glace cherries. M cup shelled walnuts. A few drops vanilla flavoring. Smooth the lumps out of the sugar and rub through a fine sieve. Chop walnuts very fine and add to them the cocoa and qlmonds then mix with sugar. CHOCOLATE CUSTARD 17 Pwr( CHOCOLATE TRIFLE (SEE PAGE 16) CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING Slightly whisk the white of egg, and add gradually to this the dry ingredients, and also a few drops of vanilla. Mix to a stiff paste, and then work until quite smooth. Now divide the mixture into the desired number of portions, and roll small balls in the palm of the hand. Press into each a glace cherry, and then brush over the sides with the yolk of egg to glace them. Place on top of brown- ing shelf in a cool oven for about a quarter of an hour to dry. Chocolate Bread Pudding 2 cups stale bread crumbs. 4 cups scalded milk. % cup sugar. V\ teaspoon ful salt. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoonful vanilla. 6 tablespoons ful Fry’s Baking Choco- late or Breakfast Cocoa. Method: Soak bread in milk 30 minutes. Mix sugar, cocoa, salt, add to the above mixture, then add vanilla. Beat eggs slightly, add and mix thoroughly. Turn into buttered baking dish and Sake one hour in moderate oven. Serve if desired with chocolate sauce. Chocolate Meringue Pudding 1 Pint milk. Vi teacup (bare measure) cornstarch. 4 eggs. Few drops vanilla. Y teacup sugar. % teacup Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. — 18 Place cornstarch in a basin and add sufficient milk to make into a smooth paste. Put the milk and cocoa into a saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Add half of the sugar, and stir in the cornstarch. Cook until the mixture thickens, and then simmer for ten minutes, place aside to cool for- a little, then add the yolks of eggs and one white, and a few drops of vanilla essence. Butter souffle tin and turn the mixture into it, and steam for about 40 minutes, or the pudding can be baked in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes. When the pudding is nearly cooked, beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, and mix with the remaining sugar. Turn the pudding out when done on to a hot dish, cover it with the meringue mixture, sprinkle sugar over it, then put back into the oven to set the meringue and color it. Serve at once. Chocolate Rice Pudding 1 dessertspoonful Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 pint milk. 34 cup rice. Sugar to taste. Pinch of Salt. To make a delicious chocolate rice pud- ding. Take one dessertspoonful of Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa and make drinking cocoa with this mixture in the ordinary way with one pint of milk. To this add 34 cup of rice, sugar to taste and a pinch of salt. Turn into a dish and cook gently for about one and one-half hours. (More milk to be added if preferred). For ordinary chocolate rice milk, boil up in saucepan instead of placing in pie dish. 19 Chocolate Filling 1 square Fry’s Premium chocolate. 1 egg yolk. 6 tablespoons sugar, cups boiling water. 2 tablespoons flour. Beat the egg and sugar together, add flour and grated chocolate, add boiling water, mix well then boil till it thickens. Chocolate Dish CHOCOLATE JAZZ PUDDING 3 tablespoonsful Fry’s Baking Choco- late or Breakfast Cocoa 3 eggs. \i pint cream. 3 tablespoonsful of fine sugar. 3 sheets white gelatine Beat chocolate and sugar together with the yolks of eggs. Dissolve the gel- atine sheets and add this with the beaten- up white of an egg. Stir the mixture until it begins to get stiff. The dish is put into a glass bowl in layers with whip- ped cream. Chocolate Jazz Pudding 4 tablespoons butter. l 4 cup sugar. ^3 cup flour. 1 teaspoonful Fry’s Baking Chocolate or Breakfast Cocoa. 1 egg. }/\ teaspoon baking powder. Little milk. Essence vanilla. 20 Method: Cream the butter and sugar together, add the egg, flavouring, flour and baking powder, and milk, and divide the mixture into three basins, colour one pink, add the chocolate to another. Put in alternate spoonfuls in a buttered mould; steam one hour. Turn out and serve with custard or fluff sauce. Chocolate Eclairs Vi pint milk. } \ lb. butter. Pinch of salt. Boil the mixture than add ]/ 2 lb. flour. Remove from the fire and mix in four eggs. Dress in a buttered pastry pan 4" long, size of a finger. Cook in a hot oven for 10 minutes. When cold, fill up with French cream and cover top with choco- late icing. Cocoa Sponge Cake Whip five eggs with ]4 cup sugar, then mix 1 cup flour, % cup Fry’s cocoa and 4 tablespoons melted butter. Cook in a very slow oven. ■ CHOCOLATE EC LA I RS 21 THE FOOD VALUE OF COCOA AND CHOCOLATE Cocoa is a concentrated food in addition to being a beverage. A pint of cocoa made with one-third milk, half an ounce of Cocoa and one ounce of sugar has a fuel value of 320 calories and is equivalent in energy giving power to a quarter of a pound of beef or four eggs. Cocoa increases the digestive power for other foods taken with it. this increase is particularly evident with milk. FUEL VALUE OF FOODSTUFFS Taken from Bulletin 28 of the United States Department of Agriculture (excepting Chocolate) Calories Calories Calories per lb. . per lb. per lb. Cabbage. . . . . . 121 Milk . . 314 Oatmeal. . . . . .1811 Cod Fish . . . . . 209 Eggs . . 594 Sugar . . .1815 Apples . . 214 Beef Steak . . . . 960 Cocoa . . .2258 Potatoes. . . . . . 302 Bread (aver- Eating age w'hite) . .1180 Chocolate . .2538 During the war, Chocolate was recognized as a most valuable concentrated food and was an important part of the soldier’s “comfort kit.” Capt. Scott, for his visit to the South Pole, took with him Fry’s Cocoa and Chocolate and spoke highly of its value as a sustaining food. Milk Chocolate has even greater food value than has plain chocolate. It is highly probable that Milk Chocolate is the most nutritious of all sweetmeats. It is not generally recognized that when we purchase one pound of high class Milk Chocolate, such as Fry’s “Hello Daddy,” we obtain three quarters of a pound of choco- late and two pounds of milk. “I ate a little chocolate from my supply, w f ell knowing the mira- culous sustaining powers of the simple little block” (from W. Isaacs by F. Marion Crawford). Page 3. — The House that Fry built. Page 5. — The History of Cocoa and Chocolate Page 7. — How to make a Cup of Perfect Cocoa To Make a Quart of Fry’s Breakfast Cocoa Fry’s Iced Breakfast Cocoa Page 8. — Fry’s Premium Chocolate — For a delicious Chocolate Drink Iced Chocolate — For two Cups Page 9. — Chocolate Cakes Cocoa Apple Sauce Cake Page 10. — Chocolate Swiss Roll Chocolate Layer Cake Page 1L — Afternoon Tea Fingers Chocolate Macaroons Cocoa Rock Cake Page 12. — Chocolate and Nut Fruit Cakes Date Filling for Chocolate Cake Page 13. — An Inexpensive Cake Icing Chocolate Fudge Icing Fondant Icing Page 14. — Butter Frosting Hot Chocolate Sauce Chocolate Mould (Plain) Page 15. — Chocolate Milk Jelly Cocoa Mould Blanc Mange Page 16. — Chocolate Trifle Chocolate Custard Chocolate Fancies Page 17. — Chocolate Bread Pudding* Chocolate Meringue Pudding Page 18. — Chocolate Rice Pudding Page 19. — Chocolate Filling Chocolate Dish Chocolate Jazz Pudding Page 20. — Chocolate Eclairs Cocoa Sponge Cake Page 21. — The Food Value ofiTO^a Fuel Value of Foodstuffs v and Chocolate * - TXTC} C 5 FW tin CANADIAN FACTORY OF THE HISTORIC HOUSE OF FRY AT MONTREAL The Building on the right is the Dining and Recreation Hall for Employees , built to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the House of Fry . c.