c. FOR triFB OF *lt. (Srorge aualter, Of Great Totham. (AN ACROSTIC.) E— Qtomb’d beneath this verdant mound, L— ies her once loved by all around : I — n duty's course she walk'd until Z — eal scarce left duties to fulfil! A — Md though her husband, left behind, B — einoans a partner true and kind, E — ach of her ofispring weeping, too, T-o find how Death did them undo,— H—er well-spent life, of that the thought, A — ^llay all sorrow, sure, it ought : L~o»e what we may, much grief betrays L— ess trust in Him we still should praise I— A— 11 vice, oh 1 Reader, e'er eschew; K — eep still the “promised land” in view. E — nliv'ning thought! 'twill you ensure R— est e'er with Jesus and the pure! C.C. GREAT TOTHAM, February, 1843. /