OSLER DB, SOytLlfS SPlffiffElt (IrweHted by Dil AI, Souvielle, of Paris^ and e^>aid£ Surgeon of the French Army), “WILL OTJU-L!” NASAL CATARRH, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS. BRONCHITIS. JLSTIIMJC, AKD LUHG DISEASE WHE« EOT TOO FAR ADVANCED. IF YOU ARE NOT AFFLICTED, THIS” An cm IT n M niD os tTicim m is. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA: 13 PHILLIPS SQUARE. OB, SOOVIELLE'S SfIROIICTEB Great Reformation in Medical Science. TEE, “ SPIROMETER,” Ttie Wonderful Invention of M. Souvielle, of Montreal, And Ex-Aiue Surgeon of the French Army, Which conveys medicinal properties direct to the seat of 'the disease, Has beeii proved in the leading hospitals of Europe to be indispensable for the cure ©f Catarrh, Catarrlial Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Lung Disease. We wish country practitioners who have *liot had sufficient practice to distinguish Slie different forms of lung disease to bring their Clients and try this instruraen^L-we will .give them free advice. Dr. Souvielle’s Spirometer and its preparations were invented after long and careful experiments in chemical analysis, and used in hun¬ dreds of cases to prove its effects. He has the sole right in France, England, the United States, and Canada. Last year over 1,000 letters of thanks were received from all parts of Europe, Canada, an 4 America for the wonderful^cure^ perfprmed by the Spirometer. Hundreds of the’leading ped^j^le of this country given as references. DE. SOUVIELLE’S SPIEOpTEE. BRANCH OFFICES IN FRANCE, ENGLAND. CANADA, Ahd the UNITED STATES. READ THE FOLLO ATING AND JUDoB FOR YOURSELF:- Should the medical profession of this country consider this tmptoptriox having issued this circular, he would most respect¬ fully remind them that he is here in the interest of suff«^ thous^ds of his fellow men, introducing for the first time in America his famous Spirometrical treatment for all chronic diseases of the air passages, which needs but to be tested to suj^rcede all other treatments for these terrible diseases. Advertising is a legitimate means vouchsafed to an enlighten¬ ed people to acquaint each other and the world with their avocations and wants. It is admitted by all intelligent people as necessary for the advancement of knowledge, civilization, religion and business. ^M. Souvielleis the sole proprietor of the Spirometer in a ranee, bngJand and America, and instruments must be nur- cha.sed direct from him or his agents. In order to facilitate his business, he has established a manu¬ factory of these instruments in New York. The enormous demand for the Spirometer which followed their introduction is France, warrants the belief that the same appreciation win follow their introduction in America. The scientific combination ot medicines use<.l in these instruments, to generate the vitalized essence or aroma which is inhaleunded and sold by druggists and quacks, as the sure and only cure for these diseases. The testimony of every unfortunate patient, their friends and eveiy conscientious medical man is, that such treatment is a failure ; instead of curing the disease, it adds another to the bur¬ den of the unfortunate sufferer, namely, derangement of the stomach and bowels, attended by indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea or constipation, constitutional and nervous debility and depres¬ sion. This ex|)erience in medical science has led to investigation, resulting in a new and totally different mode of treating these diseases. In the European hospitals the old method is being totally discarded. The Physicians in charge are lauding the success ot this treatment by antisepticjnhalation and absorption, care of the digestive organs, salt ;jvater bathing and general hygiene. In the mind.s of the public, and esfleoially of most medical men, there exists a prejudice against any medicine or system of treatment which is advertised. It is s^|»iped with the name of quackery, no matter how common i^pse,, how l>eneficial or scientific it may be. We claim to be i?gularly qualified medical men, and legally licensed to practice Medicine and Surgery. We advertise this new mode, because we believe it to be a boon to suffering mankind, and because in this way alone can the thousand rich and j3oor, suffering from these diseases, now looked upon as almost incurable, become acquainted with the treatment and its merits. We do not claim this to be an infallible treatment for every case. We do claim that we can cure 75 per cent, of all cases who w' I take our treatment and follow out our instructions ihoroii ,hly and faithfully. This, compared with the old treat¬ ment, .n which ten per cent, of cures were effected, deserves the invesf ;ation of the afflicted. Ours is no secret treatment, althot gh we do not publish our combination of medicines, we expls^dn explicitly the principles on which it is based. Ever)'^ radical man has his own favorite combination of medicines wh ch is not published or given to his professional brethren. 8 The Spirometer and this scientific combination of remedies which we now use is the result of years of experience ami ex¬ periments. Let the inventive mind of other medical men pro¬ duce iomeihint^ equally good or better. The treatment of Catarrh consists in a preparation to be inhaled by the Spirometer and another applied locally, wdth a douche to the mucus membrane lining the nasal passages, and an oleaginous preparation, a few drops of which are put in the nasal passages before going to bed. Constitutional treatment is given as the nature of the case demands. Some patients require nothing but good nourishment, baths and proper hygiene ; others in addition, tonics and preparations to purify the blood ; all of which we sen d when necessary. In Bronchitis, Asthma, and lung diseases inhalations suitable to each disease are used with the Spirometer, a pre¬ paration to be applied to the chest night and morning, w'hich is absorbed through the pores of the skin, a tar preparation which is taken infernally, and such other constitutional treatment as each case demands. 1 n these latter diseases-as well as in Catarrh we recommend inhalation by the nostrils. OUR REASONS FOR THIS MODE OF “INHALATION.” According to the Physiologists, in normal healthy respira¬ tion or breathing the current of air which pas-ses in and out of the lungs travels noti^ough the mouth but through the nose ’’ chiefly through the l^Rdbr nasal meatus. Our object should b?f to simulate nature as much as possible in introducing medicines into the system. By using our Spiromet(?r the patient simply inhales air, which is medicated or saturated with the medicines which we wish to use in the natural way, namely by the nose. This medicated air by exposure to the vascular mucus membrane of the narrow and winding nasal jms- sages is more efficiently warmed than it would be if it passed through the mouth. 'Phe medicines used act through the blood, and locally as well. The antiseptic clement of our inhalation acts locally on the ulcerated surface of the lung as welUf.s through the blood- We find from experience that in all diseases of the ai. passages not excepting Catarrh, though local in their comraencq^ ent they soon become constitutional, or at lea.st the constitution becomes affected, the proof of which is the debility, muscular and nervous, indigestion, &c., which ensue. Hence the cases varV according to the stage of the dis¬ ease, constitution of the patient, habits and surroundings. | For 9 the same reasons the time required for a cure of these chronic diseases varies It is not necessary to see the patient, as we can judge correctly from the symptoms. The Spirometer, Medicines, and full instructions will be ex¬ pressed to any address C.O.D. or on receipt of price by regis¬ tered letter or post office order. All letters must contain stamp for reply. During the past ten years thousands have been cured by the Spirometer. TESXIMOIVIAL^. Many persons in this city, Montreal, and all over the Domin¬ ion, have been cured of the above diseases. Below are a few of the many hundreds :— Mr. Chili., Montreal, catan*h and bronchitis. Mrs. Hknoit, Montreal, asthma and bronchitis. Mrs. Smith, London, wife of Medical Detective, cured of catarrh. Several of my family and friends have been cured of Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma by using the Spirometer. John P. Whelan, Manager of the Post and Tnu IFitnesSf Montreal. John Dunn, 8 Robert Street, Toront(?'bronchitis. J. D. Armstrong, i86 Vonge Street, Toronto, catarrh and catarrhal deafness. Thomas Telfer, 12 Melinda Street, Toronto, asthma. Mr. DeBoucherville, of the Indian Department, Ottawa —Na.sal Catarrh—says :—By the use of your Spirometer and medicines I have been completely cured.” George Agar, New Edinburgh, says :—** I have been treat¬ ed by over fifty leading physicians of the country without benefit, and am happy to .say that Dr. Souvielle’s Spirometer and medi¬ cines have completely cured me of bronchial catarrh and lung disease. I believe that every well-meaning man and woman will say as I do.” Ben. Brii.i.tnger, Concord, Ont., bronchitis and asthma. ThoS. Biddlecomb, 46 Clyde Street, Toronto, catanh and ulceratfid nose- 10 Geo. MacGUIRE, 4S2 Adelaide Street, west,—asthma—^ys : —I never had anything so satisfactory in my life, tHe'reblts of' Dr. Souvielle’s Spirometer and treatment for my daughter, who must have died but for it after having tried the best medical skill I could find. When I began on December 5th, 1881, she was a weak, emaciated sufferer, she is now fat, healthy and well.” ^ Geo. Willis, Exeter, Out., says—catarrh and bronchitis :— In Dec. 1881, I began the use of the Spirometer and medicines given by Dr. M. Souvielle. I was weak, unable to leave the house without catching Cold, could not attend to business, and was failing every day, although I had been treated by the b^t doctors I could find, and by one, a specialist, for six months previous. I have gained ever since I began, can go out and at¬ tend to business without catching cold, weigh 15 pounds more than when I began. I believe this treatment will permanently and soundly cure me.” Hundreds of similar testimonials could be given. Toronto; 8th April, 1882. This is to certify that I have used Dr. M. Souvielle’s “ Spirom¬ eter ” for Bronchitis with the most decided benefit. It at once re¬ lieved and finally cured me, and I would most cheerfully recom¬ mend it to any one suffering from that complaint. C. W. McMullen, 381 Parliament St. RESPIRATORY DISEASES, NASAL CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT AND ASTHMA. From ihe Montreal Gazette, Nffi^eviber 8th, 18S0. There recently anrivdl in this city from Paris a Dr. Souvielle, bringing with him his invention, called the Spirometer, for the cure of such troublesome and hitherto well nigh incurable dis¬ eases as asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, and the like, either chronic or transient. The Doctor has fixed upon 13 Phillips Square as an office, where we paid him a visit on Saturday last. Intellec¬ tual, evidently well .skilled in anatomy and physiology, a linguist, capable of speaking five languages, and possessing, apparently, thorough knowledge of all the phases and details of the various respiratory diseases from practical observation. Dr. Souvielle proceeded to explain the modus operandi of his invention—the Spirometer. It is ingenious yet simpl •, and after hearing the Doctor’s explanations, the treatment—that of inhalation—seems very sensible. Certain medications are placed in the instrument, and are thence inhaled by the .sufferer. These inhalatiotjus are naturally carried direct to the organs affected by the disease, and, of course, prove in this manner by far the most effective. In Kurope this mode of treatment is now thoroughly recognized and practised, and w’e learn that since his arrival here Dr. Souvielle has treated most successfully several of our oWn citizens. Persons suffering with such diseases as head this article should not hesitate to visit the Doctor, who gladly explains his method free of any charge. He deserves success. COMMON SENSE IN MEDICINE. ^ Montreal Star, January i88i. Dr. M. Souvielle, the Parisian physician and inventor of the Spirometer for the scientific treatment of diseases of the lungs and air passages, who recently took up his residence among us, seems to be meeting with excellent success. Hundreds of pa¬ tients have given his system a trial, and, so far as we have learn¬ ed, with both satisfaction and benefit. Dr. 3 ouyielIe ftiakes a departure from the usual methods of treating diseases of the air passages. He contends that the proper mode of treating them is by inhalation and absorption, not by pouring drugs into the stomach, and thus upsetting and disarranging one part of the system in the hope of benefiting another. This argument cer¬ tainly has the advantage of being common sense, which is always the best kind of sense. The doctor certainly has the courage^ of his opinions and confidence in his system, for he gives a standing invitation to physicians hnd vsufferefs to visit'him and teat his in sti-uraents free oY chaige.- His office 'is at’ 13 Phillips Square Montreal. * ^ From tltt Berlin Medical Gazette. Dr. Souvielle, by his invention of the Spirometer, undoubted¬ ly Oiscov^sed the b^Ume^odigo: curing .c4(;outt;;fdi^se$ ,^of the air passages^ made more- teitrible *by failure *o^hysicians. Eveiy physician should have one. From the French MonUor, We have besi3oke for Dr. Souvielle a brilliant career in his surgical and medicaP profession, but his wonderful inventive genius in the construction of his Spirometer, burst upon the medical profession like a thunderbolt. Ilis invention is a timely one, and will give to medical science an impetus in the treat¬ ment of lung and throat diseases which will long be felt. From the 'St Peierslmrg Medical Journal. Having noticed frequent mention in our exchanges of Dr. Souviell^s Spirometer, and deeming it our duty as a medical journalist to investigate for our.selves, we visited the hall of the Art Association, and through the kindness of Dr. Souvielle gave it a thorough examination. The Doctor has undoubtedly struck the key note in his beautiful invention, and conferred upoa suffering humanity a boon of priceless value. IMIHI MEDICINES ABSOEBED THRoii^II XHS • PORES OF THE SKIN, THROUGf UpEr V X er Constitutional Treatment anil tlfgiene ^WILL CURE” * if It iif f HERETOFORE PRONOUNCED .99 i r* Cl 4 ^ io 5 ^^ /